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United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Finland's assessed contribution YK:n teollisen kehityksen järjestö (UNIDO) Suomen jäsenmaksu UNIDO is a UN specialized agency that promotes inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing countries. Thre operations of UNIDO are concentrated on five priority areas: creating shared prosperity advancing economic competitiveness safegua
rding the environment strengthening knowledge and institutions and so-called cross-cutting services e.g. circular economy and gender equality and the empowerment of women. UNIDO contributes especially to the achievement of SDG 9 and 8 as well as supports s
trongly that of SDG 1 2 5 7 12 13 and 17.Finland has been a member of UNIDO since its establishment in 1966. Support to UNIDO is 100% ODA eligible. As part of the membership obligations Finland pays a regular assessed contribution to the general budget as
a membership fee that amounts to EUR 491532 in 2022. UNIDO on YK:n erityisjärjestö jonka tehtävänä on inklusiivisen ja kestävän teollisen kehityksen edistäminen kehitysmaissa. UNIDOn toiminta keskittyy viiteen prioriteettialueeseen: yhteinen vauraus taloudellinen kilpailukyky ympäristö tieto ja ins
tituutiot sekä ns. läpileikkaavat palvelut esimerkiksi kiertotalous sekä tasa-arvo ja naisten taloudellinen voimaantuminen. UNIDO edistää erityisesti SDG-tavoitteiden 9 ja 8 toteutumista ja tukee vahvasti myös tavoitteiden 1 2 5 7 12 13 ja 17 toteutu
mista.Suomi on ollut UNIDOn jäsen sen perustamisesta v. 1966 lähtien. UNIDOlle suunnattu rahoitus on 100-prosenttisesti ODA-kelpoista. Jäsenyys velvoittaa maksamaan vuosittaisen sääntömääräisen jäsenmaksun joka vuonna 2022 on EUR 491.532. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Assistance d urgence la production alimentaire des menages affectes par les inondations et l insecurite alimentaire dans la province du Lac Proteger et renforcer les moyens d?existence agricoles et pastoraux des menages vulnerables aux impacts de la secheresse en prevention la securite alimentaire dans la bande sahelienne au Tchad. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Förderung einer nachhaltigen kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft in San Carlos Sija, San Francisco El Alto und Santa María Chiquimula Sustainable agriculture for small farmer groups, San Carlos Sija, San Francisco El Alto and Santa María Chiquimula Förderung einer nachhaltigen kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft in San Carlos Sija, San Francisco El Alto und Santa María Chiquimula Sustainable agriculture for small farmer groups, San Carlos Sija, San Francisco El Alto and Santa María Chiquimula Förderung einer nachhaltigen kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft in San Carlos Sija, San Francisco El Alto und Santa María Chiquimula Sustainable agriculture for small farmer groups, San Carlos Sija, San Francisco El Alto and Santa María Chiquimula | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
F.a: Qaqiliya Agricultural Livelihood project According to Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute MAS study that examines the impact of closures and the Israeli Separation Barrier on agriculture production of the two districts, Tulkarm and Qalqiliya are of the most affected governorates of the B
arrier due to their proximity to it and the size of their agriculture land. Farmers with part or all of their land in the Seam Zone areas of the Barrier have been harshly affected. The overall profitability and output have been declining for these farmers,
and in many cases, the loss of agriculture based earnings results in a total loss of income for the family and decreases their connection to their threatened land. Further, farmers in the area complain of wild boars which destroy their crops, making farmi
ng less attractive.This project will support the resilience of the community and enable them to increase their income through marketing high value crops. Overall objective: To contribute to alleviated poverty in oPt. Outcome: Livelihoods of 80 women led an
d poor households are improved through agriculture income generating activities. Expected results:• 80 women led and poor households are provided with a source of income- Providing 80 women headed and poor households with necessary agriculture inputs for
cultivation of land- Providing technical support- Capacity training in good farming practices and basic feasibility/accounting skills- Linking women to their local cooperative for marketing their products• 2 cooperatives/CBOs have the capacity to suppor
t women to market their products to the local market- Capacity training for cooperative- Providing production input for processing products- Linking cooperative to additional marketing companiesRight-holders/ beneficiaries:- Women led households and poor h
ouseholds- Cooperative/CBO (improved capacity to implement processing and marketing activities for the women beneficiaries)Duty-bearers: Ministry of Agriculture Qalqiliya BranchImplementing partner:The Economic, Social and Development Center (ESDC) | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
DeSIRA Tchad Projet ACCEPT ''Adapter l'acc¿s aux ressources agro-pastorals dans un context de mobilit¿ et de changement climatique par l'¿l¿vage pastoral du Tchad'' OS: Adapter laccès aux ressources agro-pastorales dans un contexte de mobilité et de changement climatique pour les pasteurs et agro-pasteurs du Tchad.les résultats sont:R1-Les connaissances sur les pratiques dadaptation des systèmes pastoraux et agro-pastoraux au CC sont actualisées et partagées ;R2-Des innovations pour un meilleur accès aux ressources agro-pastorales et une adaptation sont Co-conçues, testées, évaluées et diffusées ;R3-De nnouveaux outils daide à la decision | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Research Networking Highlight Notice for International Development 2017 - Changing Farming Lives in South India, Past and Present Network focusing on the potential of arts and humanities approaches for enhancing small farmer resilience to food security and climate challenges. Beneficiaries: small scale farmers, and local South Indian NGOs. SDGs: 2, 5,13 The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Promoting transformative and climate resilient agriculture (CRA) in Nepal-Preparation FP for GCF The overall objective of the project is to promote transformative and climate-resilient agricultural practices | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Kapazitätsbildung südasiatischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen zu urbaner Resilienz und urbaner Klimapolitik Capacity building of Southern Asian non-profit organizations to further climate resilience of the urban poor and the urban climate change policy Kapazitätsbildung südasiatischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen zu urbaner Resilienz und urbaner Klimapolitik Capacity building of Southern Asian non-profit organizations to further climate resilience of the urban poor and the urban climate change policy Kapazitätsbildung südasiatischer Nichtregierungsorganisationen zu urbaner Resilienz und urbaner Klimapolitik Capacity building of Southern Asian non-profit organizations to further climate resilience of the urban poor and the urban climate change policy | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Förderung der Resilienz gegen Ernährungskrisen und Stärkung lokaler Mechanismen der gewaltfreien Konfliktbearbeitung in Zentralmali Promoting resilience to food crises and strengthening local mechanisms for non-violent conflict management in central Mali Förderung der Resilienz gegen Ernährungskrisen und Stärkung lokaler Mechanismen der gewaltfreien Konfliktbearbeitung in Zentralmali Promoting resilience to food crises and strengthening local mechanisms for non-violent conflict management in central Mali Die Resilienz der Zielgruppe gegenüber Ernährungskrisen ist gestärkt und die Zielgemeinden sind in der Lage die gewalttätige Eskalation von Konflikten zu verhindern. The resilience of the target group to food crises is strengthened and the target communities are able to prevent violent escalation of conflicts. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Involvement of civil society organizations in environmental monitoring and improvement of environmental governance at local level 1) At least 6 ''environmental monitoring clubs''/public environmental councils are set up/supported in by regions;2) 3 or more CSOs engage in the development and delivery of environmental training in at least 70 Green Schools across the country;3) At least 15 Green Schools co-operate with local environmental monitoring bodies;4) CSOs are engaged into regular policy consultations with governmental bodies responsible for environment, and act as reliable partners in policy implementation. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Förderung Solarer Wasserpumpen Promotion of Solar Water Pumps Die Verbreitung von dezentralen Erneuerbaren-Energie-Systemen, insbesondere solaren Wasserpumpen, zur produktiven Nutzung ist beschleunigt. The distribution of decentral-ised renewable energy sys-tems, in particular solar water pumps, for productive use is accelerated. Die Verbreitung von dezentralen Erneuerbaren-Energie-Systemen, insbesondere solaren Wasserpumpen, zur produktiven Nutzung ist beschleunigt. The distribution of decentral-ised renewable energy sys-tems, in particular solar water pumps, for productive use is accelerated. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Building a better future with cleaner bricks Clay brick production in South Africa produces large emissions of greenhouse gases due to the use of old, energy-inefficient clamp firing systems. To solve this problem SDC is supporting the South-South technology transfer of the Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln. This energy-efficient technology considerably reduces coal consumption and cuts CO2 emissions by half. The first pilot plant was inaugurated in September 2011 in Jeffrey’s Bay, Eastern Cape. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
A Step Closer: Supporting development in the Karnali Zone A Step Closer: Supporting development in the Karnali Zone, Nepal | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Fiji-Aotearoa NZ Country Flexible Finance Country Flexible Finance (CFF) is a part of the Climate Finance Portfolio which delivers on New Zealand’s NZ$1.3 billion climate finance commitment, 2022-2025. CFF is designed to be a funding mechanism that is partner led and uses partner systems to allocate, manage and report on climate finance. It seeks to support Pacific countries to lead their own responses to climate change by providing flexible and predictable finance. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Greening the humanitarian response in Uganda: Sustainable and affordable energy solutions for refugees. Access of host and refugee communities to clean, sustainable, renewable energy for cooking, lighting, powering and productive
uses is improved through a market-based approach. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Carbon Markets Capacity Building To assess what capacity currently exists and what will be needed in developing countries in order for them to participate in; a reformed CDM; sectoral crediting mechanisms; and sectoral trading mechanisms | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Global Climate Change Alliance: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Uganda The overall objective is to contribute to the sustainable improvement of livelihoods and food security of rural population in Uganda | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Unterstützung der marokkanischen Energiepolitik PAPEM III Support of the Moroccan Energy Policy Die Kapazitäten und Rahmenbedingungen zur Planung, Regulierung und Anwendung Erneuerbarer Energien (RE) im Rahmen der marokkanischen Energie- und Klimapolitik sind verbessert Capacities and framework conditions to plan, regulate and apply renewable energies in the framework of the Moroccan energy and climate policies are y are improved Die Kapazitäten und Rahmenbedingungen zur Planung, Regulierung und Anwendung Erneuerbarer Energien (RE) im Rahmen der marokkanischen Energie- und Klimapolitik sind verbessert Capacities and framework conditions to plan, regulate and apply renewable energies in the framework of the Moroccan energy and climate policies are y are improved | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
FRESAN - Fortalecimento da Resiliência e da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em Angola Project to be implemented with 11th EDF to ''Strengthening Resilience and Food and Nutrition Security in Angola'. The project will be implemented in three provinces in the south of Angola: Cunene, Huila and Namibe. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Programm Klimaschutz durch Walderhalt (CLiPAD) Climate protection through avoided deforestation (REDD in Laos ) Zentrale Bedingungen für leistungsbezogene Zahlungen aus dem Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund der Welt Bank sind erfüllt. The REDD (Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) implementation concepts are implemented through stakeholders on national and subnational level. Zentrale Bedingungen für leistungsbezogene Zahlungen aus dem Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund der Welt Bank sind erfüllt. The REDD (Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) implementation concepts are implemented through stakeholders on national and subnational level. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Programm Energieeffizienz Program Energy Efficiency Aufgrund des anhaltenden Bevölkerungswachstums wird für Ägypten eine steigende Energienachfrage prognostiziert. Trotz der Erweiterung von Erzeugungskapazitäten ist die Energieversorgung daher langfristig eine Herausforderung. Bei Ägyptens derzeitigem Energiemix ist der Energieverbrauch außerdem mit hohen Treibhausgasemissionen verbunden.Eine Ursache für den hohen Energieverbrauch ist die geringe Energieeffizienz. Trotz großer Potenziale sind Investitionen in Energieeffizienz jedoch bisher weitgehend ausgeblieben. Zu den Hindernissen gehören subventionierte Strompreise, mangelnde institutionelle Zuständigkeiten, mangelnde Durchsetzung von Energieeffizienz-Standards, geringe Erfahrung mit Energieeffizienz-Projekten und ein geringes Bewusstsein über den Nutzen und die Funktionalität von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen bei den Verbrauchern. Das vorliegende FZ-Modul sieht die Durchführung von Energieeffizienz-Maßnahmen auf der Nachfrageseite in Ägypten im Bereich öffentlicher Gebäude (Universitäten) vor. Dies umfasst Planung, Beschaffung, Installation und Betrieb von technischen Komponenten mit Energiesparpotenzial und die Förderung des Themas Energieeffizienz im öffentlichen Sektor. Das FZ-Modul wird über ein Haushaltsmitteldarlehen i.H.v. 21 Mio. EUR finanziert. Darlehensnehmer ist die Arabische Republik Ägypten, vertreten durch die ägyptische Zentralbank (Central Bank of Egypt, CBE). Projektträger ist der Universitäten-Dachverband Supreme Council of Universities (SCU).Entwicklungspolitisches Ziel der Maßnahme ist es, den (den investiven Maßnahmen zuzuordnenden) Energieverbrauch nachhaltig zu senken, bei gleichzeitiger Erzielung monetärer Einspareffekte. Darüber hinaus trägt das Vorhaben zur Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen bei. Das Vorhaben soll außerdem durch die Umsetzung von exemplarischen Leuchtturm-Projekten (z.B. energetische Sanierung von Universitätsgebäuden mit Modellcharakter) im Bereich nachfrageseitiger Energieeffizienz eine Signalwirkung ausstrahlen und damit die Umsetzung weiterer Energieeffizienz-Projekte anstoßen. Unmittelbare Zielgruppe (Begünstigte) sind die teilnehmenden Universitäten. Indirekt profitiert auch die Gesamtheit der Stromverbraucher in Ägypten (Beitrag zur Versorgungssicherheit).Das Vorhaben leistet außerdem einen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der ägyptischen Energiestrategie bis 2035. Die Energiestrategie ist ein wichtiger Eckpfeiler zur nationalen Umsetzung der SDGs (SDG 7, SDG 13) sowie der ägyptischen NDCs (Abbau der Energiesubventionen, Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien, Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz). The universities operate the energy-efficient technical components sustainably and reduce their energy consumption (attributable to the investment measures). Die Universitäten betreiben die energieeffizienten technischen Komponenten nachhaltig und reduzieren ihren (den investiven Maßnahmen zuzuordnenden) Energieverbrauch. The universities operate the energy-efficient technical components sustainably and reduce their energy consumption (attributable to the investment measures). | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
SKL Förbereda program klimatresilienta städer (SymbioCity) SKL Inception Phase Climate Resilient Cities (SymbioCity) Sida will support the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) to prepare a proposal for the implementation of the SymbioCity programme in Bolivia. The aim is to develop innovative approaches for increased climate resilience and sustainability in urban planning. The intervention is expected to focus on capacity building at municipal level including participation of civil society and private sector. Sida bidrar till Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL) framtagande av ett programförslag för att genomföra ett SymbioCity program i Bolivia. Syftet är att utveckla innovativa modeller och för att integrera uthållighetsperspektiv och klimatresiliens i urban samhällsplanering. Tonvikt läggs på att stärka kapacitet på kommunal nivå och med aktivt deltagande av civilsamhällesaktörer och privata sektorn. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
UNEP Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) 2017 UNEP Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) 2017 Reducera utsläpp av kortlivade klimatgaser Reduce short-lived climate pollutants | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Improving Quality of Care for Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care in the Northwest Region in Cambodia Enhance sustainability by expanding the performance of the previous project and ensure a healthy life for women and children in northwestern Cambodia | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Nachhaltige Ernährungs- und Existenzsicherung von Kleinbauerfamilien - Fortführung Revitalizing sustainable rural livelihoods project- Continuation Nachhaltige Ernährungs- und Existenzsicherung von Kleinbauerfamilien - Fortführung Revitalizing sustainable rural livelihoods project- Continuation Nachhaltige Ernährungs- und Existenzsicherung von Kleinbauerfamilien - Fortführung Revitalizing sustainable rural livelihoods project- Continuation | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
GCCA+ multi-country programme on sustainable cooling solutions & their contribution to the SDGs The project objective is to initiate a sector wide transition towards the use of climate friendly and energy efficient cooling technologies powered by, whenever possible, renewable energy sources. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Support to the Secretariat of WECAFC for an effective Implementation of Priority Actions Launching of selected regional IYAFA2022 events;
Establishing and promoting an award winning/excellence platform for identified champions (policy makers, small-scale fisheries and aquaculture actors, academia/researchers, civil society actors) and good practices that advance and maximize the resources management and development and the contribution of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals;
Supporting the participation of selected champions to a global event or an exchange visit to highlight the importance and contributions of SSF and SSA to sustainable livelihoods and food and nutrition security, at events in other regions or regional/international multi-stakeholder fora;
Support continued development and dissemination of a guidance document on the establishment/strengthening of resilient fisherfolk organizations. Key elements to be considered would be centred on sustainable financing and involvement of women and youth in leadership; building/strengthening sustainable small-scale fisheries value chains; using information communication technologies (ICT) tools in governance, marketing, etc.; and improving fisherfolk organizations? participation in fisheries governance and management, including providing catch, effort and other fisheries related data, advocacy for social protection and inclusion of the SSF/A guidelines | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Evaluation: Formative Evaluation of the Climate Change Delivery Team This activity will undertake an independent formative evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the Programme Delivery Team (PDT) model.
The PDT is an integral part of the overall Climate Change Programme (CCP) ‘intervention’ and therefore determining its effectiveness in enabling achievement of CCP aspirations is critical. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
EU for Serbia: Support to civil protection and disaster resilience strengthening in the Republic of Serbia Contract related to: EU for Serbia: Support to civil protection and disaster resilience strengthening in the Republic of Serbia - Annual Action Programme for the Republic of Serbia for the year 2019 - objective 1. The update of the Result 1 is necessary. The update reflects the current situation in the sector, whereby a part of the result is no longer feasible (the rehabilitation of the Central building for Sector for Emergency Management). The remainder of the Result 1 is not altered (the improvement of fire protection and rescue units and emergency situation-related national health care system). | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
H.E.CO. for people: Heating, Energy & Cooling for People H.E.CO. for people: Heating, Energy & Cooling for People The initiative aims to bring electricity and related services for domestic and agricultural use in rural areas with difficulties or lack of energy supply from the Tunisian national distribution networks. The goal is the creation in Tunisia of a territorial company for the promotion and sale of HECO-CUBE mini-generators. L'iniziativa mira a portare elettricità e servizi connnessi per uso domestico e agricolo presso le realtà rurali con difficoltà o assenza di approvvigionamento energetico dalle reti di distribuzione nazionale tunisina. L'obiettivo è la creazione in Tunisia di un'impresa territoriale per la promozione e la vendita di mini-generatori HECO-CUBE. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Integrated Rural Development focussing on natural resource management and social enclution Förderung von nachhaltigen Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel und an den sozialen Wandel im Munizip Curva Integrated Rural Development focussing on natural resource management and social enclution Förderung von nachhaltigen Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel und an den sozialen Wandel im Munizip Curva Integrated Rural Development focussing on natural resource management and social enclution Förderung von nachhaltigen Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel und an den sozialen Wandel im Munizip Curva | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Developing capacities in agricultural innovation systems: scaling up the Tropical Agriculture Platform Framework The proposed project supports the implementation of the second TAP Action Plan, in the context of developing capacities for climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in selected low and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The project will strengthen the capacity of the African continental and sub-regional organizations for agricultural research and advisory services to support agricultural innovation in their respective constituencies.
It will also support research and education systems to enable effective use of new and existing information, knowledge, technologies and solutions that facilitate innovation. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Für Mensch und Natur - Aufbau eines UNESCO-Biosphärenreservates am Tanasee in Äthiopien For People and Nature – Establishment of a UNESCO biosphere reserve at Lake Tana in Ethiopia Für Mensch und Natur - Aufbau eines UNESCO-Biosphärenreservates am Tanasee in Äthiopien For People and Nature – Establishment of a UNESCO biosphere reserve at Lake Tana in Ethiopia Für Mensch und Natur - Aufbau eines UNESCO-Biosphärenreservates am Tanasee in Äthiopien For People and Nature – Establishment of a UNESCO biosphere reserve at Lake Tana in Ethiopia | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Projet d'appui ¿ la gouvernance climatique, ¿ la production agricole adapt¿e au changement climatique et ¿ l'autonomisation des femmes et jeunes dans la province du Lac - SOSSIT Contract related to: Projet d'appui ¿ la gouvernance climatique, ¿ la production agricole adapt¿e au changement climatique et ¿ l'autonomisation des femmes et jeunes dans la province du Lac - SOSSIT - Renforcement de la Gouvernance et de la résilience climatiques au Tchad | Principal climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU Environmantal Acquis (Air Quality, Waste Management) <p>The objectives of the project are: i) to reinforce EU-Ukraine environmental cooperation by addressing the Association Agreement priorities and to support the UA authorities at central level in implementation of obligations in the area of air quality and waste management; ii) to enable Ukrainian public authorities at central level and civil society actors to implement of the EU environmental requirements through assistance in the transposition and implementation of Annex XXX to the Chapter 6</p> | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Multisektorale Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Haushalte in konfliktbetroffenen Regionen Nordost-Nigerias und Nord-Kameruns Multisectoral resilience strengthening of vulnerable households in conflict-affected regions of Northeast Nigeria and North Cameroon Multisektorale Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Haushalte in konfliktbetroffenen Regionen Nordost-Nigerias und Nord-Kameruns Multisectoral resilience strengthening of vulnerable households in conflict-affected regions of Northeast Nigeria and North Cameroon Die Resilienz von 35 Dörfern in den Zielregionen gegenüber Ernährungskrisen sowie ihr sozialer Zusammenhalt ist gestärkt. The resilience of 35 villages in the target regions to food crises and their social cohesion has been strengthened. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
EBRD Trust Fund Energy Efficiency in Moldova (FEEF-Mo) - Small scale District heating (E5P) EBRD Trust Fund för Energieffektivisering i Moldavien (FEEF-Mo) The purposes of the programme are to address specific barriers and constrains related to financing energy efficiency in Moldova in the residential sector and increase the use of renewables in the corporate sector. Component 2 regards support identification of small scale district heating projects Syftet med programmet är att ta bort vissa hinder och begränsningar för att möjliggöra finansiering av energieffektivitet i Moldavien i bostadssektorn samt öka användningen av förnybara energikällor inom företagssektorn. Tilläggsbeslut, sept 2012, avser insvesteringsförberedande analsys för småskaliga fjärrvärmeprojekt. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Bolivia Country Programme - part I: Promotion of Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth Contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth within the agricultural and productive sectors, reducing poverty and inequality in Bolivia based on the policies and strategic framework of the Government of Bolivia. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
FIRST-Food Security Impact, Resilience Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST): Support to partner countries to improve food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA) policy frameworks Food Security Impact, Resilience Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST): Support to partner countries to improve food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA) policy frameworks | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Energieeffizienz durch umweltgerechtes Kohlequalitätsmanagement Energy Efficiency by Ecological Coal Quality Management Förderung von Energieeffizienz und Klimaschutz Energy Efficiency by Ecological Coal Quality Management Förderung von Energieeffizienz und Klimaschutz Energy Efficiency by Ecological Coal Quality Management | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Supporting the organic vegetable cultivation activities of the women of the Balemaya So group for sustainable food resilience Unterstützung der biologischen Gemüseanbauaktivitäten der Frauen der Gruppierung Balemaya So für eine nachhaltige Ernährungsresilienz Contribution to improving the living conditions of the target groups by strengthening their food and economic resilience.
The planned measures are:
Vegetable cultivation with water systems.
Training women in vegetable production techniques and their preservation. Training in accounting. Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der Zielgruppen durch Stärkung ihrer Ernährungs- und Wirtschaftsresilienz.
Die geplanten Maßnahmen sind:
Gemüseanbau mit Wasseranlagen.
Schulung von Frauen in der Gemüseproduktionstechnik und deren Konservierung. Schulung in der Buchhaltung. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
UNDP Syrien, Beschäftigungsförderung durch Rehabilitierung von Basisinfrastruktur und einkommensschaffende Maßnahmen UNDP Syria, Rehabilitation of Infrastructure and income generation Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Lebensbedingungen der lokalen Bevölkerung und Binnenflüchtlinge in aufnehmenden Gemeinden Syriens durch kurzfristige Beschäftigungsförderung und mittelfristig einkommenswahrende oder -schaffende Maßnahmen zu leisten. Dies soll dazu beitragen, die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse der Begünstigten und ihrer Familien durch kurzfristige Beschäftigung zu befriedigen sowie die mittelfristigen Einkommensperspektiven durch Investitionen in Ausrüstung, Maschinen, Produktionsmittel und Kapazitätsbildung zu verbessern. Dadurch wird ein Beitrag zur Stabilisierung des wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Umfeldes der Begünstigten geleistet. Dies geschieht entlang der Leitlinien soziale Kohäsion, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und feministische Entwicklung, Schutz von Minderheiten, Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaanpassung. Zielgruppe des Vorhabens sind die lokale Bevölkerung und Binnenflüchtlinge in aufnehmenden Gemeinden Syriens. Im Sinne einer feministischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit wird besonders darauf geachtet, Frauen als change agents in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Mit den Maßnahmen sollen rund 3.455 Kurzzeit-Jobs geschaffen sowie weitere 1.055 mittelfristige Jobs. Die wesentlichen Maßnahmen umfassen (unter Komponente A) die Durchführung von Cash-for-Work Maßnahmen z. B. bei der Beseitigung von Abfall und Trümmern und der Rehabilitierung von Infrastruktur, und (unter Komponente B) die Unterstützung von Kleinbauern/Landwirtinnen, Zuschüsse für Kleinst, Klein- und mittlere Unternehmen insb. im Umwelt-/ Klimasektor, Trainings- und Beratungsmaßnahmen sowie Unterstützung für Menschen mit Behinderungen. Das Vorhaben wird durch den Partner UNDP umgesetzt und hat eine Laufzeit von 36 Monaten, beginnend im Dezember 2023. The aim of the project is to contribute to improving the socio-economic living conditions of the local population and internally displaced persons in host communities in Syria through short-term employment promotion and medium-term income-preserving or income-generating measures. This should help to meet the basic needs of the beneficiaries and their families through short-term employment and improve medium-term income prospects through investments in equipment, machinery, means of production and capacity building. This contributes to stabilizing the economic and social environment of the beneficiaries. This is done along the lines of social cohesion, gender equality and feminist development, protection of minorities, sustainability and climate adaptation. The target group of the project is the local population and internally displaced persons in host communities in Syria. In the spirit of feminist development cooperation, particular attention is paid to focusing on women as change agents. The measures are intended to create around 3,455 short-term jobs and a further 1,055 medium-term jobs. The main measures include (under component A) the implementation of cash-for-work measures, e.g. in the removal of waste and debris and the rehabilitation of infrastructure, and (under component B) support for smallholder farmers, grants for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly in the environmental/climate sector, training and advisory measures and support for people with disabilities. The project is being implemented by the partner UNDP and will run for 36 months, starting in December 2023. Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Lebensbedingungen für Binnenflüchtlinge und die lokale Bevölkerung durch Beschäftigungsförderung und einkommensschaffende Maßnahmen. Improvement of economic and social living conditions for internally displaced persons and the local population through employment promotion and income-generating measures. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Living Heritage Conference Living Heritage Conference Intensification of the local awareness of the rich architectural and urban heritage (currently underdeveloped). Reflection of the approach of "sustainable, climate-adapted, environmentally friendly, community-based construction". Intensivierung des vor Ort noch unterentwickelten Bewusstseins des reichen architektonischen, urbanen Erbes. Beleuchtung des Ansatz "nachhaltiges, klimaangepasstes, umweltfreundliches, gemeinschaftsbasiertes Bauen". | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Food security and increasing resilience of local population and refugees in eastern Chad Ernährungssicherung und Erhöhung der Resilienz von Flüchtlingen und ansässiger Bevölkerung in Ouaddai, Ost-Tschad The resilience of refugees and the local population regarding food security in the supported communities in the region Ouaddai has increased. Die Resilienz der Flüchtlinge und der lokalen Bevölkerung gegenüber Ernährungsunsicherheit in den vom Vorhaben unterstützten Gemeinden der Region Ouaddai ist erhöht. The resilience of refugees and the local population regarding food security in the supported communities in the region Ouaddai has increased. Die Resilienz der Flüchtlinge und der lokalen Bevölkerung gegenüber Ernährungsunsicherheit in den vom Vorhaben unterstützten Gemeinden der Region Ouaddai ist erhöht. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
<![CDATA[Ausbau und Konsolidierung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft bei Bauernfamilien in Coupe à l'Inde, Gény Paillé und Cruautte]]> <![CDATA[Enlargement of sustainable agriculture initiations among small holder farmers in Coupe à l'Inde, Gény Paillé und Cruautte]]> Ausbau und Konsolidierung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft bei Bauernfamilien in Coupe à l'Inde, Gény Paillé und Cruautte Enlargement of sustainable agriculture initiations among small holder farmers in Coupe à l'Inde, Gény Paillé und Cruautte Ausbau und Konsolidierung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft bei Bauernfamilien in Coupe à l'Inde, Gény Paillé und Cruautte Enlargement of sustainable agriculture initiations among small holder farmers in Coupe à l'Inde, Gény Paillé und Cruautte | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Consultancy to Support African Participation At INT Conference on Climate, Sustainability and SUS Development in Semi Arid Regions The consultancy will support African participation at ICID +18, organising and facilitating preparatory work in Africa and the attendance of selected African participants at the main ICID+18 conference. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Energieeffizienz in der netzgebundenen Energieversorgung (BM) Energy Efficiency in grid-based Power Supply (BM) Das Vorhaben soll - auch bei steigender Nachfrage - zu einer ausreichenden, zuverlässigen und effizienten Energieversorgung in Bangladesch beitragen. Dadurch soll ein nachhaltiges Wachstum unterstützt, eine Verbesserung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen in Bangladesch ermöglicht, sowie zur Klima- und Umweltverträglichkeit des Energiesektors beigetragen werden.Die vorgesehenen Einzelmaßnahmen beinhalten nach aktuellem Planungsstand den Neubau inkl. Netzanbindung von bis zu elf Umspannstationen auf 230/132 kV bzw. 132/33 kV Ebene, Umbau und Aufrüstung von weiteren Umspannstationen, sowie Bau und Aufrüstung von insgesamt 200 km Übertragungsleitungen (230 kV und 132 kV) im gesamten Land. Träger des Vorhabens ist der staatliche Netzbetreiber Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB), der außerhalb von Dhaka für Management und Betrieb des bangladeschischen Stromübertragungsnetzes zuständig ist. Mit PGCB wurden in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrere FZ-Vorhaben erfolgreich durchgeführt. The project shall,even with increasing demand, contribute to a sufficient, reliable and efficient energy supply in Bangladesh. As a reslut sustainable growth shall be aided, improvements in the living and working conditions shall be enabled and the climate as well as the environmental compatibilityof the energy sector shall be improved.The designated individual measures include new construction and grid connection of up to eleven substations (230/132 kV and 132/33 kV), conversion and upgrade of additional substations as well as construction and upgrade of 200 km of transmission lines (230 kV and 132 kV) in the entire country. Responsible agency of the project is the public grid operator Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB), which is responsible for management and operation of the Bangladeshi transmission system outside of Dhaka. Several FZ-projects have been implemented successfully with PGCB in the past. Begleitend zur Hauptmaßnahme soll im Rahmen der vorliegenden Begleitmaßnahme der Träger PGCB in ausgewählten Bereichen institutionell gestärkt werden. The project shall,even with increasing demand, contribute to a sufficient, reliable and efficient energy supply in Bangladesh. As a reslut sustainable growth shall be aided, improvements in the living and working conditions shall be enabled and the climate as well as the environmental compatibilityof the energy sector shall be improved.The designated individual measures include new construction and grid connection of up to eleven substations (230/132 kV and 132/33 kV), conversion and upgrade of additional substations as well as construction and upgrade of 200 km of transmission lines (230 kV and 132 kV) in the entire country. Responsible agency of the project is the public grid operator Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB), which is responsible for management and operation of the Bangladeshi transmission system outside of Dhaka. Several FZ-projects have been implemented successfully with PGCB in the past. | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Unterstützung von Familien in ländlichen Gemeinden bei ihrer Anpassung an klimatische Veränderungen in Mosambik Helping families in rural communities adapt to climate change in Mozambique Unterstützung von Familien in ländlichen Gemeinden bei ihrer Anpassung an klimatische Veränderungen in Mosambik Helping families in rural communities adapt to climate change in Mozambique Auswirkungen des Klimawandandels, Ressourcenexplorationen plus eine schwache lokale Teilhabe, bedrohen die Resilienz von Gemeinden in der Provinz Inhambane. Ziel ist daher u.a. eine Stärkung der Ernährungssicherheit und Diversifizierung des Einkommens. Es werden nachhaltige Agrartechniken gelehrt, Wasserinfrastrukturen finanziert und Vermarktungsstrategien gefördert. Zielgruppe sind ländliche Gemeinden in zwei Distrikten. Impacts of climate change, resource exploration plus weak local participation, threaten the resilience of communities in Inhambane province. Therefore, one of the goals is to strengthen food security and diversify income. Sustainable agricultural techniques are taught, water infrastructure is financed and marketing strategies are promoted. The target group is rural communities in two districts. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Programa Nacional ONU-REDD Argentina El programa ONU-REDD apoyar Argentina en sus esfuerzos para mover pasos hacia la mejora y/o el establecimiento de los cuatro pilares de REDD+ bajo la CMNUCC | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Africa chapter of Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) Expansion of Programme to accelerate global transitions towards sustainable energy to Africa. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Green Livelihoods Alliance 2 Int/Reg/Th Our work at the regional and international level seeks to contribute to the long-term objectives of all three
pathways in the Theory of Change:
A. IPLCs sustainably govern increased areas of forest;
B. Governments and agro-commodity, extractives, energy and infrastructure sectors no longer drive
deforestation and address citizens’ concerns to protect forests and human rights;
C. Citizens enjoy human and women’s rights and safely participate in social movements.
Key strategies that we will use towards these outcomes are collaborative lobby and advocacy with IPLCs
towards international (e.g. UNFCCC, CBD, OECD, UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC), UN special
mechanisms) and regional policy making bodies (e.g European Union, ASEAN, African Union (AU), ACHPR, IACHR, PARLASUR) as well as the Dutch government, finance, agro-commodity, extractives and
energy sectors and international private sector oriented forums (e.g. GIIN, UNPRI); strengthening social movements and networks of solidarity; public awareness campaigns; and joint capacity strengthening, knowledge exchange and cross-learning, monitoring and research. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Trinkwasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung II Rehabilitation of drinkable and waste water systems II Im Rahmen des EZ-Programms Verbesserung dezentraler öffentlicher Dienstleistungen in der Republik Moldau wird die Bereitstellung von kommunaler und sozialer Infrastruktur gefördert. Ziel des FZ-Moduls ist die Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung sowie der Abwasserentsorgung der Bevölkerung in Cahul hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit, Zugang und Versorgungs- /Entsorgungssicherheit. Um einen nachhaltigen Betrieb sicherzustellen, werden die technischen und wirtschaftlichen Kapazitäten des kommunalen Versorgungsunternehmens Apa Canal Cahul (ACC) durch eine Begleitmaßnahme gestärkt. Die Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der Bevölkerung, sowie zum Umweltschutz und Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen zu leisten. Die Zielgruppe umfasst alle bereits an das Wasserversorgungssystem angeschlossenen Bewohner von Cahul (ca. 32.000 Personen). Das Vorhaben steht in engem Zusammenhang mit der Initiative Sanitärversorgung (2016 68 904) und soll parallel dazu durchgeführt werden. The programme Improvement of decentralized public services in the Republic of Moldova supports the provision of local and social infrastructure.Aim of the FC-module is the improvement of water supply and wastewater disposal of Cahul's population in terms of sustainability, access and supply/ disposal safety. To ensure a sustainable operation, the technical and economical capacities of the municipal utility Apa Canal Cahul (ACC) will be underpinned by a supporting measure. The measure's aim is to contribute to the improvement of the populations living conditions as well as security of environment and natural resources.The target group includes the population of Cahul which is already affiliated to the water supply system (approx. 32,000 people). The project is closely connected to the initiative sanitary provision (BMZ 2016 68 904) and will be realized in parallel. Ziel des FZ-Moduls ist die Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung sowie der Abwasserentsorgung der Bevölkerung in Cahul hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit, Zugang und Versorgungs- / Entsorgungssicherheit The programme Improvement of decentralized public services in the Republic of Moldova supports the provision of local and social infrastructure.Aim of the FC-module is the improvement of water supply and wastewater disposal of Cahul's population in terms of sustainability, access and supply/ disposal safety. To ensure a sustainable operation, the technical and economical capacities of the municipal utility Apa Canal Cahul (ACC) will be underpinned by a supporting measure. The measure's aim is to contribute to the improvement of the populations living conditions as well as security of environment and natural resources.The target group includes the population of Cahul which is already affiliated to the water supply system (approx. 32,000 people). The project is closely connected to the initiative sanitary provision (BMZ 2016 68 904) and will be realized in parallel. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Building Resilience for Agri-food systems and Better Nutrition in the context of the global pandemic The overall objective of the action is to reduce malnutrition and build resilience of agri-food systems to global pandemics, including COVID-19. The Specific objectives (SO) are:SO1: To increase level of knowledge and adoption of good nutrition practices. SO2: To enhance resilience of Food systems & improve access to safe and nutritious food amidst and post the global pandemic.Expected Results (ER1)For SO1:ER1: National multidimensional campaign on healthy diets and good nutrition practices, based on locally available food conductedFor SO2:ER2: Innovative solutions for imparting resilience to global pandemics at Agri marketplaces and street food vendor stalls deployedER3: Market linkages improved | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Ag Ohm1013: Merlin Periodic Review Ca 049 This activity (Ag Ohm1013: Merlin Periodic Review Ca 049) is a component of Cyclone Nargis - emergency response reported by FCDO and a budget of £400,000.This project benefits MYANMAR.And works in the following sector(s): Relief co-ordination and support services, Material relief assistance and services. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Genome Editing in Tef for Uplifting Productivity (GET-UP) To deliver improved Tef varieties into the hands of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Coastal Risk Information Service (C-RISE) C-RISe has delivered, in a partnership between
the UK, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius and
South Africa, access to information on sea level rise,
storm surge, wind speed, wave heights and current
velocities derived from satellite data and validated
with local in-situ measurements. The goal was to
enable local stakeholders to use this information to
reduce the social and economic impact of coastal
inundation and increasingly variable weather
patterns. The three main objectives of the C-Rise
project were to:
• Deliver a Coastal Risk Information Service,
providing satellite-derived information about
coastal vulnerability to environmental threats
such as sea level rise and extreme wind and
wave events.
• Apply and evaluate the C-RISe service through a
set of Use Cases, applying the C-RISe products
to end use applications meeting local priorities.
• Build local capacity to use satellite data to
provide scientific decision support for strategy
development, governance and management
of coastal areas to increase resilience to coastal
These objectives were fully met, indeed exceeded, in
some areas, as follows:
• The C-RISe information service provided
access to 5 satellite derived data sets: Historical
satellite altimeter data providing time series of
sea level, significant wave height and surface
radar backscatter (2002-2018), Satellite derived
climatology of wind velocity (2007-2018),
Satellite derived climatology of significant wave
height (1991-2018), Satellite derived climatology
of surface currents (2002-2017), Web page
delivering near real time marine conditions
• C-RISe partners have developed 27 Use Cases,
of which 23 have been completed and 4 are still
in progress. Only 4 Use Cases were originally
• C-RISe has provided training to over 70 staff
members of project partners in two training
courses. C-RISe will deliver, through an international partnership with Mozambique, Madagascar and South Africa; access to satellite-derived data on sea level, wind speed and wave heights. The goal is to enable stakeholders to use this information to improve socio-economic resilience to coastal hazards associated with sea level changes such as inundation, floods, storm damage, wetland loss, habitat change, coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
REDD+ through Participatory Forest Management in Ethiopia phase2 The project will take place in Oromia, Gambella and SNNPPR. Main activities will be upscaling of pilot, demonstration, capacity building and policy and advocacy. The beneficiaries (communities and local government staffs) will be trained on the basic concepts of sustainable forest use and management, participatory forest management, forest area demarcation, institution formation, forest land certification, participatory MRV application, REDD+ and climate change adaptation and mitigaton.i | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation (GP-SAEP) Programme mondial pour les petits producteurs agroécologiques et la transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires (GP-SAEP) Based on discussions held in 2022 between the European Commission (EC) the Belgian Development Cooperation and IFAD, IFAD has developed this Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation (GP-SAEP). The GP-SAEP programme aims at addressing key barriers for scaling up agroecology and the transition to sustainable food systems for small-scale producers (farmers and agri-food Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)) in Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean (LAC). The GP-SAEP seeks synergies with different investments from Belgium, the EC, IFAD, governments in Africa and LAC, and other investment partners (including other EU member states), to expand its impacts by supporting the adoption of agroecological strategies in the overall portfolio in partner countries. GP-SAEP will also generate key learning for the development community by strengthening the performance of agroecology investment programs for small-scale producers, measuring results and generating evidence. The European Union (EU) the Belgian Development Cooperation and IFAD are with this program embarking on a joint effort with other partners to support the scaling up of agroecology as an effective pathway to achieve sustainable food systems benefitting rural small-scale producers and to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 1 (no poverty), SDG 2 (zero hunger) and SDG 13 (climate action) as well as SDG12 (responsible consumption and production) and SDG15 (life on land). The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to the transition to sustainable agri-food systems for the benefit of the rural poor. The development objective is to enable rural small-scale producers to strengthen their practice of agroecology through better access to knowledge, support services, improved technologies and market outlets thereby improving their resilience to climatic, environmental and socio-economic shocks and stressors as well as food and nutrition security and incomes. 1) Improving access to agroecological bio-solutions, including seeds, bio-inputs (organic fertilisers and bio-pesticides) and mechanical equipment adapted to small-scale agroecology farming practices;
2) Strengthening value addition and markets for agroecological produce harnessing sustainable food system benefits;
3) Increasing access to knowledge and empowering small-scale producers in agroecological transition through Rural Advisory Services (RAS) and farmer-to-farmer joint learning;
4) Expanding the Economic and Financial Analysis of investments (EFA+) taking into account avoided negative externalities and broader medium to long term food system sustainability benefits, knowledge management and sharing. The beneficiaries will be small-scale agroecology farmers, producers’ organisations and agri-food MSME , with particular attention to the inclusion of Indigenous peoples, women, youth and vulnerable groups. It is estimated that 20,000 rural households will directly participate in and benefit from the programme and the parallel financed investment projects it will be linked to. | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
4000000171-6002304 Energietransitie faciliteit 4000000171-6002304 Doel van deze faciliteit is het bieden van bilaterale ondersteuning aan ontwikkelingslanden ten aanzien van hun transitie naar een volledig duurzame energievoorziening. Hiermee draagt de faciliteit bij aan het tegengaan van klimaatverandering en het bevorderen van stabiliteit in de ring rondom Europa, met name aan de zuidflank. De faciliteit zal specifieke Nederlandse duurzame energie/energie efficiency oplossingen, beleidsinzichten en expertise een centrale plaats geven in de energiesamenwerking met een beperkt aantal landen (3 a 5) in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika (MENA) (ring van instabiliteit rondom Europa) en mogelijk twee landen in Oost-Afrika waar reeds een energie relatie mee opgebouwd is (Tanzania en Mozambique). In de faciliteit zal prioriteit worden gegeven aan die landen die Nederland vragen om ondersteuning bij hun energietransitie en waar energiesamenwerking onderdeel is van een bredere bilaterale relatie. Het betreft een opdracht voor EUR 1 miljoen per jaar via het raamconvenant met RVO met een looptijd van 4 jaar (2017-2021) | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
MF2-07 Increased collaboration to achieve universal safe drinking water for all communities by 2030 Engineers Without Borders activity will support the Department of Water Resources in its goal to bring water for all by 2030 by: assisting it to increase new recruits’ skills, including using a training tracking tool; a school outreach component including to develop engineering career modules and teachers able to run the modules especially targeting girls; and establishing a Vanuatu Engineers Association offering professional development modules and a network promoting industry internships. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
2017 Sudanese Crisis Response Programme in Chad The programme intervenes in three main areas being: WASH, food security including nutrition and livelihood, income generating activity and capacity development, supporting a total number of 23,409 people. The programme seeks to in combat food insecurity through an increase in food production, agriculture and livestock farming, the construction of cereal banks, and promotion of the cultivation of cereals, vegetables and plants of high nutritional value. The programme will also support self-reliance via supporting infrastructure, including wells for vegetable production and grain mills for transformation of products. As well as a support in the acquisition of energy-saving stoves to reduce firewood consumption and thus the negative impact on vegetation. This also reduces the risk of attack and abuse of women when they fetch firewood. In order to enhance a peaceful co-existence with the host population in an area with scares resources the programme also provides access to safe water and improved sanitation in surrounding villages. Finally, the programme continues to focus on organisational development of the partner to improve coordination, implementation and results. 4% of the budget is earmarked for partner's administration costs. To contribute to the reduction of vulnerabilities and to strengthening the self-reliance of the Sudanese refugees in Kounougou, Milé, Amnabak, Touloun and Iridimi refugee camps in eastern Chad and the host population in 12 surrounding villages | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Let's Green the Planet: creation of a regional production center for the expansion of Treedom forest projects in Tanzania Let's Green the Planet: creazione di un polo produttivo regionale per l'espansione dei progetti forestali Treedom in Tanzania Treedom is a web platform that offers a planting service, giving small farmers indirect social and economic benefits. The business model plans to directly finance farmers' cooperatives to carry out tree planting and maintenance services in Tanzania Treedom è una piattaforma web che offre un servizio di piantumazione, offrendo ai piccoli agricoltori vantaggi sociali ed economici indiretti. Il business model prevede di finanziare direttamente cooperative di contadini per effettuare il servizio di piantumazione e manutenzione degli alberi in Tanzania | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Clean Energy Finance Investment Mobilisation Programme with OECD Increased private sector activity in development and financing of “bankable” clean energy investments in Viet Nam, India, Indonesia, Colombia, Argentina, building on public-private engagement and targeted measures facilitated by the Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation Programme. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Support for sea buckthorn cultivation and processing in Samjiyon County, DPR Korea Support to improve nutritional security and mitigate the impacts of climate change through sea buckthorn cultivation and processing | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Management and protection of groundwater resources Management und Schutz von Grundwasserressourcen The module Management and Protection of Groundwater Resources aims to strengthen the competence of partner institutions through hydrogeological works in the intervention areas in order to contribute to the improvement of source protection and drinking water supply. The intervention advises MEEATU on the consideration of groundwater resources and groundwater protection concerns, in the design of sector strategies, water management plans and regulatory frameworks. It supports the responsible institutions in the preparation of the necessary technical information. Here, the measure aims in particular at the integration and qualification of the technical authority IGEBU (Institut Géographique du Burundi) in resource management. Das Modul „Management und Schutz von Grundwasserressourcen“ hat das Ziel, durch hydrogeologische Arbeiten in den Interventionsgebieten die Kompetenz der Partnerinstitutionen zu stärken, um zu einer Verbesserung des Quellenschutzes und der Trinkwasserversorgung beizutragen. Die Maßnahme berät das MEEATU zur Berücksichtigung von Grundwasserressourcen und Belangen des Grundwasserschutzes, bei der Gestaltung von Sektorstrategien, Wassermanagementplänen und Regelwerken. Sie unterstützt die verantwortlichen Institutionen bei der Erstellung der erforderlichen Fachinformationen. Hierbei zielt die Maßnahme insbesondere auf die Einbindung und Qualifizierung der Fachbehörde IGEBU (Institut Géographique du Burundi) in das Ressourcenmanagement ab. The competence of the partner institutions is strengthened by hydrogeological works in the intervention areas, which contributes to the improvement of source protection and drinking water supply Die Kenntnis der Wasserressourcen (Oberflächen- und Grundwasser) führt zu einem verbesserten Schutz von Quellen und einer nachhaltigen Wasserversorgung im Rahmen eines Integrierten Wasserressourcenmanagement. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation, SFM and carbon sink enhancement into Mongolia`s productive forest landscapes (PPG) To contribute to Mongolia sustainable and participatory forest management | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Stärkung der Katastrophenresilienz von Institutionen und Gemeinden in Haiti unter Einbeziehung der vulnerablen Bevölkerungsgruppen Building the resilience to disasters of institutions and communities in Haiti with full participation of vulnerable groups Stärkung der Katastrophenresilienz von Institutionen und Gemeinden in Haiti unter Einbeziehung der vulnerablen Bevölkerungsgruppen Building the resilience to disasters of institutions and communities in Haiti with full participation of vulnerable groups Stärkung der Katastrophenresilienz von Institutionen und Gemeinden in Haiti unter Einbeziehung der vulnerablen Bevölkerungsgruppen Building the resilience to disasters of institutions and communities in Haiti with full participation of vulnerable groups | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Enhancing capacities and preparedness of Montenegro's judiciary for EU Integration Contract related to: Enhancing capacities and preparedness of Montenegro's judiciary for EU Integration - The EU Integration Facility shall provide flexible support to the national authorities aimed at addressing specific needs identified in the course of the implementation of IPA III (and IPA II to a lesser extent), but it may also be used in ad-hoc circumstances where EU assistance is required and/or suggested or in case of a crisis.In addition, the Action aims at providing flexible support to the Chief Negotiator / NIPAC Office and line ministries in addressing specific needs identified in the course of implementation of EU assistance ¿ IPA III, supporting accession negotiation process, and reinforcing the institutional capacities for managing the accession process and EU funds.The two main outcomes of the action are:Strengthening capacity of Montenegrin institutions to efficient and functional programming, management and implementation of pre-accession assistanceThe process of EU accession, sector reforms and policy dialogue is improved and communicated appropriately | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Institutionalisierung partizipativer Gemeinwesensentwicklung und Schutz der Kinderrechte,Fortführung Creating Safe and Protective Environment for the Children of Murcia and Hinigaran, Negros Occidental, continuation Institutionalisierung partizipativer Gemeinwesensentwicklung und Schutz der Kinderrechte,Fortführung Creating Safe and Protective Environment for the Children of Murcia and Hinigaran, Negros Occidental, continuation Das Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zur Sicherung der Kinderrechte und zur Reduktion von Kindesmisshandlung in den ländlichen Kommunen von Negros Occidental, indem funktionierende Meldemechanismen zwischen Staat und Zivilgesellschaft etabliert und kontinuierlich gestärkt werden. The project contributes to the strengthening of child rights and the end of violence against children and women by establishing functioning refferal mechanisms between the state and civil society and by further constantly strengthening those. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Stärkung der Prozesse zur Ernährungssicherheit, Kommerzialisierung und Umwelterziehung im Vikariat San Juan Bautista, Depto. de Cuscatlán, El Salvador Strengthening processes of food security, marketing and environmental education in San Juan Bautista Vicariate Stärkung der Prozesse zur Ernährungssicherheit, Kommerzialisierung und Umwelterziehung im Vikariat San Juan Bautista, Depto. de Cuscatlán, El Salvador Strengthening processes of food security, marketing and environmental education in San Juan Bautista Vicariate Stärkung der Prozesse zur Ernährungssicherheit, Kommerzialisierung und Umwelterziehung im Vikariat San Juan Bautista, Depto. de Cuscatlán, El Salvador Strengthening processes of food security, marketing and environmental education in San Juan Bautista Vicariate | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Technical assistance on waste management and circular economy in Uruguay Contract related to: Technical assistance on waste management and circular economy in Uruguay - Regional Cooperation Facility for LAC to support regional needs, ¿no MIP¿ countries as well as EU projection and the EU-LAC Foundation. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Support of the Niger River Basin Organisation ABN Unterstützung der Niger-Flussgebietsorganisation ABN The steering of sustainable management and development of the transboundary water resources of the Niger River Basin by the ABN on the basis of common principles and strategies is improved. Die Niger-Flussgebietsorganisation ABN nimmt ihre Steuerungsfunktion im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der grenzüberschreitenden Wasserressourcen des Nigerbeckens wahr. The steering of sustainable management and development of the transboundary water resources of the Niger River Basin by the ABN on the basis of common principles and strategies is improved. Die Niger-Flussgebietsorganisation ABN nimmt ihre Steuerungsfunktion im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der grenzüberschreitenden Wasserressourcen des Nigerbeckens wahr. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Law enforcement and fight against forest and wildlife crime This action will support law enforcement and the fight against forest and wildlife crime, which fuel insecurity and conflicts, particularly in Africa; | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Technical support for institutional and capacity enhancement on gender-sensitive fisheries management and conservation To improve knowledge and information on fisheries and fisheries-dependent communities for effective and targeted interventions contributing to gender equity and reduced child labour in the capture fisheries sector in Cambodia | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Sustainable transformation in the energy sector – A dialogue between EgyptERA and the Netherlands Egypt is updating its energy strategy to increase the supply of electricity generated by renewable sources to 42% by 2035, to reduce the CO2-emissions. The Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptERA) works on this energy transition, taking into account new drivers and technologies. Therefore, ETF (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) arranged online exchange sessions on: Hydrogen: set up of incentives and regulations and Electricity sector framework for distribution companies.To exchange experiences from the Netherlands, explore collaboration between the Netherlands and Egypt and contribute to the H2 strategy of Egypt, further dialogue will take place. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Kammer- und Verbandspartnerschaft zwischen Naturland e.V. und Vietnam Organic Agricultural Association (VOAA) Partnership Project between Naturland e.V. and Vietnam Organic Agricultural Association (VOAA) Kammer- und Verbandspartnerschaft zwischen Naturland e.V. und Vietnam Organic Agricultural Association (VOAA) Partnership Project between Naturland e.V. and Vietnam Organic Agricultural Association (VOAA) Die Vietnam Organic Agricultural Association (VOAA) ist als starke Organisation anerkannt, die ihre Mitglieder unterstützt und das Geschäftsumfeld für den Bio-Sektor verbessert. The Vietnam Organic Agricultural Association (VOAA) is recognized as a strong organization, that supports its members and the business environment improved for the organic sector. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Konsolidierung und Verbreitung der Erfahrungen im Bereich der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in den Munizipien von Puerto Acosta und Carabuco Training and capacity building in sustainable small scale agriculture, Puerto Acosta and Carabuco Dt. Konsolidierung und Verbreitung der Erfahrungen im Bereich der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in den Munizipien von Puerto Acosta und Carabuco Training and capacity building in sustainable small scale agriculture, Puerto Acosta and Carabuco Dt. Konsolidierung und Verbreitung der Erfahrungen im Bereich der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in den Munizipien von Puerto Acosta und Carabuco Training and capacity building in sustainable small scale agriculture, Puerto Acosta and Carabuco Dt. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Förderung des grenzüberschreitenden Managements natürlicher Ressourcen im Himalaja (Nepal) Promotion of cross boundary management of natural resources in the Himalayas Die soziale Situation der Bevölkerung wie auch der Zustand der Ökosysteme in der Lailash Sacred Landscape Conservation Initiative sowie zwei weiteren grenzüberschreitenden Landschaftsregionen (Trans-boundary Landscapes) sind verbessert. The social situation of the population as well as the state of the ecosystems in the Kailash Sacred Landscape Conservation Initiative and two other trans-boundary landscapes are improved. Die soziale Situation der Bevölkerung wie auch der Zustand der Ökosysteme in der Lailash Sacred Landscape Conservation Initiative sowie zwei weiteren grenzüberschreitenden Landschaftsregionen (Trans-boundary Landscapes) sind verbessert. The social situation of the population as well as the state of the ecosystems in the Kailash Sacred Landscape Conservation Initiative and two other trans-boundary landscapes are improved. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Mwenga Hydro Rural Network Extension into the Kihansi Basin Objective: To contribute to the long-term, sustainableimprovement of living-standards of the population in theKihansi basin, through the provision of renewable energy.Specific 1: To expand the existing Mwenga Hydro RuralNetwork into the neighbouring Kihansi Basin, in order tosupply 17 villages with clean, renewable electricity.Specific 2: De-risk TANESCO (non payment) exposure ofMHL | Principal climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Cooperation agreement with European Centre for Development Policy Management 2022-2023 The European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) is an independent ‘think and do tank’ working on international cooperation and development policy in Europe and Africa. The main areas of work include: EU foreign and development policy; Migration & mobility; Digital governance & economy; AU-EU relations; Peace, security and resilience; Inclusive governance & accountability; Economic recovery & transformation; Climate action and green transition; Sustainable food systems and African economic integration.
The grant will support the main objective of ECDPM, which is to link policy and practice in European development and international cooperation and produce high quality and independent research with the ultimate aim of ensuring inclusive and sustainable development and increasing aid effectiveness. Many European states are already institutional partners and Denmark wishes to continue its institutional support, which was provided in the period 2015-2021 with a fully satisfactory result. The Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Luxemburg, Austria and Estonia are the other institutional partners among European states. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Verbesserung der Stromübertragung in der Westzone Bangladeschs Improvement of Power Transmission Programme in the Western Zone Das Vorhaben soll zu einer auch bei steigender Nachfrage zuverlässigen und effizienten Energieversorgung der Bevölkerung in den bisher unzureichend versorgten Regionen im Westteil von Bangladesch beitragen. Dadurch soll ein Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in der Westregion Bangladeschs sowie zur Klima- und Umweltverträglichkeit des Energiesektors geleistet werden.Die in das Vorhaben einzubeziehenden Einzelmaßnahmen beinhalten nach aktuellem Planungsstand den Bau von fünf Umspannstationen auf 230/132-kV bzw. 132/33-kV Ebene sowie von drei Übertragungsleitungen (230-kV und 132-kV) in der Westzone. Träger des Vorhabens ist der staatliche Energieversorger Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB), der für Management und Betrieb des bangladeschischen Stromübertragungsnetzes zuständig ist.Zur Zielgruppe des Vorhabens gehören die durch das öffentliche Stromnetz versorgten Verbraucher in der Westzone Bangladeschs. Dazu gehören Unternehmen, private Haushalte und öffentliche Einrichtungen. Improvement of Power Transmission Programme in the Western Zone EZ-Programmziel ist es, (1) die industrielle und gewerbliche Wertschöpfung im Projektgebiet zu steigern, (2) die Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Bevölkerung im Projektgebiet zu verbessern, und (3) die Klima- und Umweltverträglichkeit des bangladeschischen Energiesektors zu steigern. Das Vorhaben soll durch Investitionen in das Stromübertragungsnetz zu einer zuverlässigen und effizienten Energieversorgung der bisher unzureichend versorgten Regionen im Westteil Bangladeschs beitragen (Modulziel). Improvement of Power Transmission Programme in the Western Zone | No climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Konsolidierung des nationalen Schutzgebietssystems - Life Web Consolidación del sistema nacional de áreas protegidas (Life Web) Im Rahmen des Vorhabens soll die Managementeffizienz ausgewählter mariner und Küstenschutzgebiete im karibischen Einzugsgebiet von Honduras verbessert werden. Für ein Portfolio von insgesamt 17 ausgewählten Schutzgebieten in der Karibik,entlang der Kontinentalküste von der Grenze mit Guatemala bis zum Río Aguán sowie auf den Karibikinseln des Landes sollen über einen Zeitraum von sechs Jahren Finanzmittel zur Umsetzung der Managementpläne zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Zahlungen erfolgen rückwirkend auf der Basis von verifizierten Ergebnissen, welche Fortschritte bei der Managementeffizienz des Portfolios nachweisen. Das Vorhaben wird vom Instituto de Conservación Forestal, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre - ICF - als Empfänger und Projektträger in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Lokalregierungen und NRO durchgeführt, die vielfach Verantwortung im Rahmen von Vereinbarungen zum Ko-Management der Gebiete haben. Die Gesamtkosten belaufen sich auf 11 Mio. EUR, wovon Honduras 1 Mio. EUR als Eigenbeitrag zur Verfügung stellt. Consolidación del sistema nacional de áreas protegidas (Life Web) Die Managementeffektivität der im Rahmen des Projekts geförderten marinen und Küstenschutzgebiete ist verbessert. Consolidación del sistema nacional de áreas protegidas (Life Web) | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
SMHI, två seminarier ang CORDEX SMHI, workshops Cordex-Africa Workshops assessing climate change effects over Africa through the development of regional communities. Workshops assessing cliamt change effects over Africa through the development of regional communities of practice within cordex-Africa. Workshops assessing climate change effects over Africa through the development of regional communities. Workshops assessing cliamt change effects over Africa through the development of regional communities of practice within cordex-Africa. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Promotion of sustainable fisheries und aquaculture Förderung einer nachhaltigen Fischerei und Aquakultur Organizations in partner countries, international organizations and private sector organizations apply methods and instruments for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development. Partner- und Durchführungsorganisationen der deutschen und internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, sowie die Privatwirtschaft setzen verstärkt ausgewählte Methoden und Instrumente nachhaltiger Fischerei und Aquakultur ein. Organizations in partner countries, international organizations and private sector organizations apply methods and instruments for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development. Partner- und Durchführungsorganisationen der deutschen und internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, sowie die Privatwirtschaft setzen verstärkt ausgewählte Methoden und Instrumente nachhaltiger Fischerei und Aquakultur ein. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Energy with reduced environmental impact - ERIA Energia a ridotto impatto ambientale - ERIA Producing renewable energy through the transformation of the existing diesel generators that will use renewable fuels with low environmental impact, economic and sustainable. Produrre energia rinnovabile mediante la trasformazione degli attuali generatori a gasolio che utilizzeranno carburanti rinnovabili a basso impatto ambientale, economici e sostenibili. | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
PRO-Resilience Action 2016 Following the application of the PRO-ACT methodology in January 2016 a total of 80 million people would be in phase 3 or 4 (crises or emergency) of the Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) in relation to their food and nutrition situation. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Ergebnisbasiertes Programm zur Sicherstellung des nachhaltigen Betriebs im Wassersektor COVID 19 - Results-based programme for sustainable operations in the water sector Dieses Vorhaben zielt darauf ab, die negativen Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf den jordanischen Wassersektor zu reduzieren. Die Corona-Pandemie führte dazu, dass die Wasserversorgungsunternehmen in Jordanien niedrigere Einnahmen und steigende Kosten, bei gleichzeitig höherer Nachfrage verzeichneten. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens soll der Betrieb kritischer Wasser- und Abwasserinfrastruktur kurzfristig sichergestellt werden. Hierfür wird an den folgenden akuten Herausforderungen des jordanischen Wassersektors angesetzt: einen adäquaten Betrieb der Kläranlagen aufrechtzuerhalten, sowie eine Reduzierung der stark angestiegenen Außenstände der Wasserversorgungsunternehmen. Das Hauptziel des Vorhabens ist der ordnungsgemäße Betrieb und die Wartung der Wasserinfrastruktur und somit eine effiziente Bewirtschaftung der knappen Grundwasserressourcen in Jordanien. Nebenziele des Vorhabens sind es, zur Erhöhung der Transparenz der staatlichen Wasserversorgungsunternehmen beizutragen, sowie die Anpassungskapazität des Projektträgers und der Wasserversorgungsunternehmen an den Klimawandel zu erhöhen. Im zusammenhängenden Vorhaben Results-based Financing im Wassersektor sollen die Wasserversorgungsunternehmen dabei unterstützt werden, kleine Investitions- und Wartungsmaßnahmen zur mittel- und langfristigen Erhöhung der Betriebssicherheit zu tätigen. COVID 19 - Results-based programme for sustainable operations in the water sector Sicherstellung des nachhaltigen Betriebs im Wassersektor COVID 19 - Results-based programme for sustainable operations in the water sector | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Chapman on Climate and Health Conference Support to provide LMIC scientists with support to attend the AGU Chapman Conference on Climate and Health. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Technical Assistance to the Fonplata Regional Framework Loan <p>The Bank Loan to Fonplata will be complemented by Technical Assistance to Fonplata in order to enhance the capacity of Fonplata and the Final Beneficiaries, by supporting climate risk and vulnerability assessments (CRVA) and training. This will enable Fonplata and Final Beneficiaries to include the climate resilience component in their Sub-Projects in the River Plate Basin and to identify more projects in the future with these characteristics.</p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Netzanschluss Wasserkraftwerk Lai Chau 500 kV Son La - Lai Chau transmission line and expansion of 500 kV Son La substation Da Vorhaben umfasst die Finanzierung des Netzanschlusses des Wasserkraftwerks (WKW) Lai Chau am Schwarzen Fluss (Song Da) im nördlichen Vietnam. Hierfür wird eine etwa 160 km lange 500 kV-Hochspannungs-Übertragungsleitung von Lai Chau nach Son La gebaut und die Schaltanlage in Son La entsprechend erweitert. So wird das im Bau befindliche WKW Lai Chau (1.200 MW) an das vietnamesische Verbundnetz angeschlossen, um Lastzentren vorwiegend im Norden und Zentrum des Landes zu versorgen. Der Bau des Wasserkraftwerks Lai Chau ist nicht Gegenstand der FZ-Finanzierung, wird jedoch insb. in Bezug auf Umwelt- und Sozialaspekte als assoziiertes Projekt betrachtet.Träger des Vorhabens ist der staatseigene vietnamesische Stromversorger EVN bzw. EVNs Übertragungsnetz-Tochter National Power Transmission Company (NPT). Auf Basis der unterzeichneten Liefer- und Leistungsverträge veranschlagen wir die Gesamtkosten des Leitungsbaus inkl. Erweiterung der Schaltanlage mit umgerechnet etwa 115 Mio. EUR. Diese werden durch einen Entwicklungskredit, einen Förderkredit und Eigenbeitrag des Partners finanziert. Zusätzlich veranschlagen wir Mittel für eine laufende Begleitmaßnahme zur Sicherstellung der Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeit von Bau und Betrieb des WKW Lai Chau. 500 kV Son La - Lai Chau transmission line and expansion of 500 kV Son La substation FZ-Modulziel: Beitrag zur Sicherung einer möglichst umweltverträglichen, zuverlässigen und kostengünstigen Deckung der fortgesetzt zunehmenden Stromnachfrage Vietnams leisten. 500 kV Son La - Lai Chau transmission line and expansion of 500 kV Son La substation | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Strengthening the Legislative-Executive-Stakeholder dialogue on Mexico's climate change and energy goals This project worked towards contributing to Mexico's achievement of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) goal of reducing 22% GHG emissions by 2030 by building capacity in Parliament to create and/or strengthen legislation and governance in the areas of Waste, Mobility, Sustainable Forest Management and Energy, mainstreaming green finance across these sectors at the federal level.
For the subnational level, the project supported the update of Mexico City´s Law on Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development (LMACCDS). | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Event on Investing in Green Energy Transition: Partnership Opportunities for Bangladesh and Europe <p>Team Europe Initiative green Energy Transition - TEI GET - is planning a high-level national event, to bring together partners in the green energy sector in Bangladesh on one platform. The goal is to discuss not only the impediments towards green investments and increased renewable energy generation in Bangladesh, but also evaluate potential solutions to address those as well as explore options for collaborating towards a greener Bangladesh during and after graduation from LDC. The overall objective of this contract is to plan, organize, manage and execute the TEI GET high-level national event.</p> | Significant climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Haiti Cholera Prevention and Response This activity (Haiti Cholera Prevention and Response) is a component of Haiti Cholera Prevention and Response reported by FCDO and a budget of £2,972,125.This project benefits HAITI.And works in the following sector(s): Infectious disease control. | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Adaptation to Climate Change in Yemen: Addressing Biodiversity through Integrated Land Wat.. (GEF) (PPG) to be provided | Significant climate adaptation objective | Significant climate mitigation objective |
Global Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCC) Network (GMN) project phase II In line with the external dimension of the EU Green Deal, the EU Energy & Climate Diplomacy and the Initial IMO GHG Strategy and building on the achievements of the GMN project Phase I (2016-2021), the GMN Phase II project aims to support developing countries in Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific (with particular focus on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)) in meeting the IMO Energy Efficiency and Initial IMO GHG Strategy targets. The proposed Action contributes to the NDICI-Global Europe `Global Challenges¿ MIP Priority area 2: Planet, directly addressing climate change mitigation through GHG emission reduction in international maritime shipping, as well as the green transition. The project expands technical support, capacity development programmes and geographic outreach to improve maritime energy efficiency in participating regions. Through Regional Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs) in Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific region, target countries are set to achieve substantial reduction in GHG emissions from selected ports and shipping activities across the regions. The project connects international technical expertise with local networks and know-how to foster regional public-private partnerships and knowledge sharing. | No climate adaptation objective | Principal climate mitigation objective |
Next generation flood hazard mapping for the African continent at hyper-resolution Research grant – improving understanding of the occurrence, location and intensity of flooding in Africa, with unprecedented detail by building on an existing global flood model to develop regional to community scale flood hazard maps. Benefitting disaster risk management organisations in Africa. SDGs: 11, 13. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges. | Significant climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Förderung der Landrechtssicherung und der nachhaltigen Landnutzung von Mbyá-Guaraní-Gemeinschaften in Caazapá Land secure and sustainable agriculture for indigenous communities with emphasis on civic participation and self reliance, Mbyá-Guaraní-Communities Förderung der Landrechtssicherung und der nachhaltigen Landnutzung von Mbyá-Guaraní-Gemeinschaften in Caazapá Land secure and sustainable agriculture for indigenous communities with emphasis on civic participation and self reliance, Mbyá-Guaraní-Communities Förderung der Landrechtssicherung und der nachhaltigen Landnutzung von Mbyá-Guaraní-Gemeinschaften in Caazapá Land secure and sustainable agriculture for indigenous communities with emphasis on civic participation and self reliance, Mbyá-Guaraní-Communities | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
EU Contribution to the Adaptation Fund The Action aims at enhancing climate adaptation and resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa in line with the developed countries¿ collective goal of providing USD 100 billion per year in climate finance to developing countries until 2025.The Action will enhance climate adaptation and resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa with EUR 80 million from the SSA Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP). This will be complemented by additional EUR 20 million from the Global Challenges MIP which will contribute to pursue the same objective in Small Islands Developing States (SIDS).The Adaptation Fund is a major international instrument under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The EU contribution will assist the most vulnerable developing country Parties to the Paris Agreement in meeting the costs of climate-resilient measures through the implementation of projects and programmes addressing adaptation needs in a number of sectors, including agriculture; disaster risk reduction; food security; forestry; rural development; urban development; and water management. The Adaptation Fund is a Financial Intermediary Fund to which the World Bank serves as interim trustee. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
MNG Phase out sem MNG Avslutande sem Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. Final phase-out seminar in Mongolia. Focus on deliver results and creating a platform for new contacts between Sweden and Mongolia | No climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
FAO Global 2022-2025 - FAO Global 2022-2025 miljö FAO Global 2022-2025 Stöd till FAO FVC och ITPGRFA
FVC är FAO:s huvudsakliga mekanism för samlad flexibel finansiering för att uppnå det strategiska ramverket. Fonden har ett programmatiskt förhållningssätt och stödjer arbetet inom FAO på global, regional och lokal nivå. Det används i praktiken både som ett medel för att finansiera helheten av delprogram såväl som för att fylla på befintlig finansiering för projekt och program för att säkerställa risktagande, hållbarhet och förutsägbarhet samt möjligheten att agera snabbt. FVC går in i en ny femårsfas i år där fonden anpassar sin struktur till de "fyra bättre" som förklaras i det strategiska ramverket för FAO 2022-2031, "bättre produktion, bättre nutrition, bättre miljö och bättre liv ".
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) är ett internationellt instrument som bönder och växtförädlare förlitar sig på för att få tillgång till det genetiska råmaterialet som behövs för att utveckla nya grödor, inklusive de som är motståndskraftiga mot klimatförändringar. Fördragets mål fokuserar på bevarande och hållbar användning av alla växtgenetiska resurser för livsmedel och jordbruk och en rättvis fördelning av fördelarna med användningen av dem. Sida will support the FVC and ITPGRFA at FAO
The FVC is FAO's main mechanism for pooled flexible funding to the achievement of the Strategic Framework and the Medium Term Plan. The fund has a programmatic approach and support work across FAO at global, regional and local level. It is in practice used both as a vehicle to fund the totality of sub programmes as well as to "top-up" existing funding for projects and programmes to ensure timely support, sustainability and predictability as well as the possibility to act rapidly. The FVC enters into a new five year phase this year where it aligns to the strategic framework of FAO 2022-2031. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) is an international instrument that farmers and plant breeders rely on to access the raw genetic material needed to develop new crop varieties, including those resilient to climate change. The Treaty’s objectives focus on the conservation and sustainable use of all plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their use. Insatsens stöd till FAOs multigivarfacilitet FVC (Flexible Voluntary Contribution) stödjer genomförandet av FAOs övergripande mål som är;
1. utrotning av hunger, livsmedelsotrygghet och undernäring, successivt säkerställa en värld där människor alltid ha tillräckligt med säker och näringsrik mat som möter deras kostbehov och matpreferenser för ett aktivt och hälsosamt liv.
2. eliminering av fattigdom och drivande framåt av ekonomiska och sociala framsteg för alla, med ökad livsmedelsproduktion, förbättrad landsbygdsutveckling och hållbar försörjning; och
3. hållbar förvaltning och användning av naturresurser, inklusive mark, vatten, luft, klimat och genetiska resurser till nytta för nuvarande och framtida generationer. | Principal climate adaptation objective | No climate mitigation objective |
Subsets and Splits