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A Genre-Aware Attention Model to Improve the Likability Prediction of Books
The existing literature provides evidence that limit order book data can be used to predict short-term price movements in stock markets. This paper proposes a new neural network architecture for predicting return jump arrivals in equity markets with high-frequency limit order book data. This new architecture, based on Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory with Attention, is introduced to apply time series representation learning with memory and to focus the prediction attention on the most important features to improve performance. The data set consists of order book data on five liquid U.S. stocks. The use of the attention mechanism makes it possible to analyze the importance of the inclusion limit order book data and other input variables. By using this mechanism, we provide evidence that the use of limit order book data was found to improve the performance of the proposed model in jump prediction, either clearly or marginally, depending on the underlying stock. This suggests that path-dependence in limit order book markets is a stock specific feature. Moreover, we find that the proposed approach with an attention mechanism outperforms the multi-layer perceptron network as well as the convolutional neural network and Long Short-Term memory model.
Thread Popularity Prediction and Tracking with a Permutation-invariant Model
We introduce an online popularity prediction and tracking task as a benchmark task for reinforcement learning with a combinatorial, natural language action space. A specified number of discussion threads predicted to be popular are recommended, chosen from a fixed window of recent comments to track. Novel deep reinforcement learning architectures are studied for effective modeling of the value function associated with actions comprised of interdependent sub-actions. The proposed model, which represents dependence between sub-actions through a bi-directional LSTM, gives the best performance across different experimental configurations and domains, and it also generalizes well with varying numbers of recommendation requests.
IARM: Inter-Aspect Relation Modeling with Memory Networks in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Machine learning approaches in sentiment analysis principally rely on the abundance of resources. To limit this dependence, we propose a novel method called Siamese Network Architecture for Sentiment Analysis (SNASA) to learn representations of resource-poor languages by jointly training them with resource-rich languages using a siamese network. SNASA model consists of twin Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks (Bi-LSTM RNN) with shared parameters joined by a contrastive loss function, based on a similarity metric. The model learns the sentence representations of resource-poor and resource-rich language in a common sentiment space by using a similarity metric based on their individual sentiments. The model, hence, projects sentences with similar sentiment closer to each other and the sentences with different sentiment farther from each other. Experiments on large-scale datasets of resource-rich languages - English and Spanish and resource-poor languages - Hindi and Telugu reveal that SNASA outperforms the state-of-the-art sentiment analysis approaches based on distributional semantics, semantic rules, lexicon lists and deep neural network representations without sh
Limbic: Author-Based Sentiment Aspect Modeling Regularized with Word Embeddings and Discourse Relations
Word embeddings have been widely used in sentiment classification because of their efficacy for semantic representations of words. Given reviews from different domains, some existing methods for word embeddings exploit sentiment information, but they cannot produce domain-sensitive embeddings. On the other hand, some other existing methods can generate domain-sensitive word embeddings, but they cannot distinguish words with similar contexts but opposite sentiment polarity. We propose a new method for learning domain-sensitive and sentiment-aware embeddings that simultaneously capture the information of sentiment semantics and domain sensitivity of individual words. Our method can automatically determine and produce domain-common embeddings and domain-specific embeddings. The differentiation of domain-common and domain-specific words enables the advantage of data augmentation of common semantics from multiple domains and capture the varied semantics of specific words from different domains at the same time. Experimental results show that our model provides an effective way to learn domain-sensitive and sentiment-aware word embeddings which benefit sentiment classification at both sentence level and lexicon term level.
An Interpretable Neural Network with Topical Information for Relevant Emotion Ranking
An image is a very effective tool for conveying emotions. Many researchers have investigated in computing the image emotions by using various features extracted from images. In this paper, we focus on two high level features, the object and the background, and assume that the semantic information of images is a good cue for predicting emotion. An object is one of the most important elements that define an image, and we find out through experiments that there is a high correlation between the object and the emotion in images. Even with the same object, there may be slight difference in emotion due to different backgrounds, and we use the semantic information of the background to improve the prediction performance. By combining the different levels of features, we build an emotion based feed forward deep neural network which produces the emotion values of a given image. The output emotion values in our framework are continuous values in the 2-dimensional space (Valence and Arousal), which are more effective than using a few number of emotion categories in describing emotions. Experiments confirm the effectiveness of our network in predicting the emotion of images.
Multi-grained Attention Network for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification
Deep learning approaches for sentiment classification do not fully exploit sentiment linguistic knowledge. In this paper, we propose a Multi-sentiment-resource Enhanced Attention Network (MEAN) to alleviate the problem by integrating three kinds of sentiment linguistic knowledge (e.g., sentiment lexicon, negation words, intensity words) into the deep neural network via attention mechanisms. By using various types of sentiment resources, MEAN utilizes sentiment-relevant information from different representation subspaces, which makes it more effective to capture the overall semantics of the sentiment, negation and intensity words for sentiment prediction. The experimental results demonstrate that MEAN has robust superiority over strong competitors.
Attentive Gated Lexicon Reader with Contrastive Contextual Co-Attention for Sentiment Classification
The rise of social media such as blogs and social networks has fueled interest in sentiment analysis. With the proliferation of reviews, ratings, recommendations and other forms of online expression, online opinion has turned into a kind of virtual currency for businesses looking to market their products, identify new opportunities and manage their reputations, therefore many are now looking to the field of sentiment analysis. In this paper, we present a feature-based sentence level approach for Arabic sentiment analysis. Our approach is using Arabic idioms/saying phrases lexicon as a key importance for improving the detection of the sentiment polarity in Arabic sentences as well as a number of novels and rich set of linguistically motivated features contextual Intensifiers, contextual Shifter and negation handling), syntactic features for conflicting phrases which enhance the sentiment classification accuracy. Furthermore, we introduce an automatic expandable wide coverage polarity lexicon of Arabic sentiment words. The lexicon is built with gold-standard sentiment words as a seed which is manually collected and annotated and it expands and detects the sentiment orientation automatically of new sentiment words using synset aggregation technique and free online Arabic lexicons and thesauruses. Our data focus on modern standard Arabic (MSA) and Egyptian dialectal Arabic tweets and microblogs (hotel reservation, product reviews, etc.). The experimental results using our resources and techniques with SVM classifier indicate high performance levels, with accuracies of over 95%.
Contextual Inter-modal Attention for Multi-modal Sentiment Analysis
The use of user/product information in sentiment analysis is important, especially for cold-start users/products, whose number of reviews are very limited. However, current models do not deal with the cold-start problem which is typical in review websites. In this paper, we present Hybrid Contextualized Sentiment Classifier (HCSC), which contains two modules: (1) a fast word encoder that returns word vectors embedded with short and long range dependency features; and (2) Cold-Start Aware Attention (CSAA), an attention mechanism that considers the existence of cold-start problem when attentively pooling the encoded word vectors. HCSC introduces shared vectors that are constructed from similar users/products, and are used when the original distinct vectors do not have sufficient information (i.e. cold-start). This is decided by a frequency-guided selective gate vector. Our experiments show that in terms of RMSE, HCSC performs significantly better when compared with on famous datasets, despite having less complexity, and thus can be trained much faster. More importantly, our model performs significantly better than previous models when the training data is sparse and has cold-start problems.
Adaptive Semi-supervised Learning for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification
Most of existing work learn sentiment-specific word representation for improving Twitter sentiment classification, which encoded both n-gram and distant supervised tweet sentiment information in learning process. They assume all words within a tweet have the same sentiment polarity as the whole tweet, which ignores the word its own sentiment polarity. To address this problem, we propose to learn sentiment-specific word embedding by exploiting both lexicon resource and distant supervised information. We develop a multi-level sentiment-enriched word embedding learning method, which uses parallel asymmetric neural network to model n-gram, word level sentiment and tweet level sentiment in learning process. Experiments on standard benchmarks show our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
ExtRA: Extracting Prominent Review Aspects from Customer Feedback
Text is the main method of communicating information in the digital age. Messages, blogs, news articles, reviews, and opinionated information abound on the Internet. People commonly purchase products online and post their opinions about purchased items. This feedback is displayed publicly to assist others with their purchasing decisions, creating the need for a mechanism with which to extract and summarize useful information for enhancing the decision-making process. Our contribution is to improve the accuracy of extraction by combining different techniques from three major areas, named Data Mining, Natural Language Processing techniques and Ontologies. The proposed framework sequentially mines products aspects and users opinions, groups representative aspects by similarity, and generates an output summary. This paper focuses on the task of extracting product aspects and users opinions by extracting all possible aspects and opinions from reviews using natural language, ontology, and frequent (tag) sets. The proposed framework, when compared with an existing baseline model, yielded promising results.
Cross-Lingual Cross-Platform Rumor Verification Pivoting on Multimedia Content
With the increasing popularity of smart devices, rumors with multimedia content become more and more common on social networks. The multimedia information usually makes rumors look more convincing. Therefore, finding an automatic approach to verify rumors with multimedia content is a pressing task. Previous rumor verification research only utilizes multimedia as input features. We propose not to use the multimedia content but to find external information in other news platforms pivoting on it. We introduce a new features set, cross-lingual cross-platform features that leverage the semantic similarity between the rumors and the external information. When implemented, machine learning methods utilizing such features achieved the state-of-the-art rumor verification results.
Extractive Adversarial Networks: High-Recall Explanations for Identifying Personal Attacks in Social Media Posts
We introduce an adversarial method for producing high-recall explanations of neural text classifier decisions. Building on an existing architecture for extractive explanations via hard attention, we add an adversarial layer which scans the residual of the attention for remaining predictive signal. Motivated by the important domain of detecting personal attacks in social media comments, we additionally demonstrate the importance of manually setting a semantically appropriate `default' behavior for the model by explicitly manipulating its bias term. We develop a validation set of human-annotated personal attacks to evaluate the impact of these changes.
Automatic Detection of Vague Words and Sentences in Privacy Policies
Website privacy policies represent the single most important source of information for users to gauge how their personal data are collected, used and shared by companies. However, privacy policies are often vague and people struggle to understand the content. Their opaqueness poses a significant challenge to both users and policy regulators. In this paper, we seek to identify vague content in privacy policies. We construct the first corpus of human-annotated vague words and sentences and present empirical studies on automatic vagueness detection. In particular, we investigate context-aware and context-agnostic models for predicting vague words, and explore auxiliary-classifier generative adversarial networks for characterizing sentence vagueness. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed approaches. Finally, we provide suggestions for resolving vagueness and improving the usability of privacy policies.
Multi-view Models for Political Ideology Detection of News Articles
A news article's title, content and link structure often reveal its political ideology. However, most existing works on automatic political ideology detection only leverage textual cues. Drawing inspiration from recent advances in neural inference, we propose a novel attention based multi-view model to leverage cues from all of the above views to identify the ideology evinced by a news article. Our model draws on advances in representation learning in natural language processing and network science to capture cues from both textual content and the network structure of news articles. We empirically evaluate our model against a battery of baselines and show that our model outperforms state of the art by 10 percentage points F1 score.
Predicting Factuality of Reporting and Bias of News Media Sources
We present a study on predicting the factuality of reporting and bias of news media. While previous work has focused on studying the veracity of claims or documents, here we are interested in characterizing entire news media. These are under-studied but arguably important research problems, both in their own right and as a prior for fact-checking systems. We experiment with a large list of news websites and with a rich set of features derived from (i) a sample of articles from the target news medium, (ii) its Wikipedia page, (iii) its Twitter account, (iv) the structure of its URL, and (v) information about the Web traffic it attracts. The experimental results show sizable performance gains over the baselines, and confirm the importance of each feature type.
Legal Judgment Prediction via Topological Learning
Automatic judgment prediction aims to predict the judicial results based on case materials. It has been studied for several decades mainly by lawyers and judges, considered as a novel and prospective application of artificial intelligence techniques in the legal field. Most existing methods follow the text classification framework, which fails to model the complex interactions among complementary case materials. To address this issue, we formalize the task as Legal Reading Comprehension according to the legal scenario. Following the working protocol of human judges, LRC predicts the final judgment results based on three types of information, including fact description, plaintiffs' pleas, and law articles. Moreover, we propose a novel LRC model, AutoJudge, which captures the complex semantic interactions among facts, pleas, and laws. In experiments, we construct a real-world civil case dataset for LRC. Experimental results on this dataset demonstrate that our model achieves significant improvement over state-of-the-art models. We will publish all source codes and datasets of this work on \urlgithub.com for further research.
Hierarchical CVAE for Fine-Grained Hate Speech Classification
Existing work on automated hate speech detection typically focuses on binary classification or on differentiating among a small set of categories. In this paper, we propose a novel method on a fine-grained hate speech classification task, which focuses on differentiating among 40 hate groups of 13 different hate group categories. We first explore the Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) as a discriminative model and then extend it to a hierarchical architecture to utilize the additional hate category information for more accurate prediction. Experimentally, we show that incorporating the hate category information for training can significantly improve the classification performance and our proposed model outperforms commonly-used discriminative models.
Residualized Factor Adaptation for Community Social Media Prediction Tasks
Predictive models over social media language have shown promise in capturing community outcomes, but approaches thus far largely neglect the socio-demographic context (e.g. age, education rates, race) of the community from which the language originates. For example, it may be inaccurate to assume people in Mobile, Alabama, where the population is relatively older, will use words the same way as those from San Francisco, where the median age is younger with a higher rate of college education. In this paper, we present residualized factor adaptation, a novel approach to community prediction tasks which both (a) effectively integrates community attributes, as well as (b) adapts linguistic features to community attributes (factors). We use eleven demographic and socioeconomic attributes, and evaluate our approach over five different community-level predictive tasks, spanning health (heart disease mortality, percent fair/poor health), psychology (life satisfaction), and economics (percent housing price increase, foreclosure rate). Our evaluation shows that residualized factor adaptation significantly improves 4 out of 5 community-level outcome predictions over prior state-of-the-art for incorporating socio-demographic contexts.
Framing and Agenda-setting in Russian News: a Computational Analysis of Intricate Political Strategies
Amidst growing concern over media manipulation, NLP attention has focused on overt strategies like censorship and "fake news'". Here, we draw on two concepts from the political science literature to explore subtler strategies for government media manipulation: agenda-setting (selecting what topics to cover) and framing (deciding how topics are covered). We analyze 13 years (100K articles) of the Russian newspaper Izvestia and identify a strategy of distraction: articles mention the U.S. more frequently in the month directly following an economic downturn in Russia. We introduce embedding-based methods for cross-lingually projecting English frames to Russian, and discover that these articles emphasize U.S. moral failings and threats to the U.S. Our work offers new ways to identify subtle media manipulation strategies at the intersection of agenda-setting and framing.
Identifying the sentiment styles of YouTube’s vloggers
Vlogs provide a rich public source of data in a novel setting. This paper examined the continuous sentiment styles employed in 27,333 vlogs using a dynamic intra-textual approach to sentiment analysis. Using unsupervised clustering, we identified seven distinct continuous sentiment trajectories characterized by fluctuations of sentiment throughout a vlog's narrative time. We provide a taxonomy of these seven continuous sentiment styles and found that vlogs whose sentiment builds up towards a positive ending are the most prevalent in our sample. Gender was associated with preferences for different continuous sentiment trajectories. This paper discusses the findings with respect to previous work and concludes with an outlook towards possible uses of the corpus, method and findings of this paper for related areas of research.
Native Language Identification with User Generated Content
In this era of digitization, knowing the user's sociolect aspects have become essential features to build the user specific recommendation systems. These sociolect aspects could be found by mining the user's language sharing in the form of text in social media and reviews. This paper describes about the experiment that was performed in PAN Author Profiling 2017 shared task. The objective of the task is to find the sociolect aspects of the users from their tweets. The sociolect aspects considered in this experiment are user's gender and native language information. Here user's tweets written in a different language from their native language are represented as Document - Term Matrix with document frequency as the constraint. Further classification is done using the Support Vector Machine by taking gender and native language as target classes. This experiment attains the average accuracy of 73.42% in gender prediction and 76.26% in the native language identification task.
Beyond Error Propagation in Neural Machine Translation: Characteristics of Language Also Matter
Neural machine translation usually adopts autoregressive models and suffers from exposure bias as well as the consequent error propagation problem. Many previous works have discussed the relationship between error propagation and the \emph{accuracy drop} (i.e., the left part of the translated sentence is often better than its right part in left-to-right decoding models) problem. In this paper, we conduct a series of analyses to deeply understand this problem and get several interesting findings. (1) The role of error propagation on accuracy drop is overstated in the literature, although it indeed contributes to the accuracy drop problem. (2) Characteristics of a language play a more important role in causing the accuracy drop: the left part of the translation result in a right-branching language (e.g., English) is more likely to be more accurate than its right part, while the right part is more accurate for a left-branching language (e.g., Japanese). Our discoveries are confirmed on different model structures including Transformer and RNN, and in other sequence generation tasks such as text summarization.
A Study of Reinforcement Learning for Neural Machine Translation
Recent studies have shown that reinforcement learning (RL) is an effective approach for improving the performance of neural machine translation (NMT) system. However, due to its instability, successfully RL training is challenging, especially in real-world systems where deep models and large datasets are leveraged. In this paper, taking several large-scale translation tasks as testbeds, we conduct a systematic study on how to train better NMT models using reinforcement learning. We provide a comprehensive comparison of several important factors (e.g., baseline reward, reward shaping) in RL training. Furthermore, to fill in the gap that it remains unclear whether RL is still beneficial when monolingual data is used, we propose a new method to leverage RL to further boost the performance of NMT systems trained with source/target monolingual data. By integrating all our findings, we obtain competitive results on WMT14 English- German, WMT17 English-Chinese, and WMT17 Chinese-English translation tasks, especially setting a state-of-the-art performance on WMT17 Chinese-English translation task.
Meta-Learning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation
There is no free lunch, no single learning algorithm that will outperform other algorithms on all data. In practice different approaches are tried and the best algorithm selected. An alternative solution is to build new algorithms on demand by creating a framework that accommodates many algorithms. The best combination of parameters and procedures is searched here in the space of all possible models belonging to the framework of Similarity-Based Methods (SBMs). Such meta-learning approach gives a chance to find the best method in all cases. Issues related to the meta-learning and first tests of this approach are presented.
Unsupervised Statistical Machine Translation
Recent work achieved remarkable results in training neural machine translation (NMT) systems in a fully unsupervised way, with new and dedicated architectures that rely on monolingual corpora only. In this work, we propose to define unsupervised NMT (UNMT) as NMT trained with the supervision of synthetic bilingual data. Our approach straightforwardly enables the use of state-of-the-art architectures proposed for supervised NMT by replacing human-made bilingual data with synthetic bilingual data for training. We propose to initialize the training of UNMT with synthetic bilingual data generated by unsupervised statistical machine translation (USMT). The UNMT system is then incrementally improved using back-translation. Our preliminary experiments show that our approach achieves a new state-of-the-art for unsupervised machine translation on the WMT16 German--English news translation task, for both translation directions.
A Visual Attention Grounding Neural Model for Multimodal Machine Translation
We introduce a novel multimodal machine translation model that utilizes parallel visual and textual information. Our model jointly optimizes the learning of a shared visual-language embedding and a translator. The model leverages a visual attention grounding mechanism that links the visual semantics with the corresponding textual semantics. Our approach achieves competitive state-of-the-art results on the Multi30K and the Ambiguous COCO datasets. We also collected a new multilingual multimodal product description dataset to simulate a real-world international online shopping scenario. On this dataset, our visual attention grounding model outperforms other methods by a large margin.
Sentiment Classification towards Question-Answering with Hierarchical Matching Network
Sentiment analysis is the Natural Language Processing (NLP) task dealing with the detection and classification of sentiments in texts. While some tasks deal with identifying the presence of sentiment in the text (Subjectivity analysis), other tasks aim at determining the polarity of the text categorizing them as positive, negative and neutral. Whenever there is a presence of sentiment in the text, it has a source (people, group of people or any entity) and the sentiment is directed towards some entity, object, event or person. Sentiment analysis tasks aim to determine the subject, the target and the polarity or valence of the sentiment. In our work, we try to automatically extract sentiment (positive or negative) from Facebook posts using a machine learning approach.While some works have been done in code-mixed social media data and in sentiment analysis separately, our work is the first attempt (as of now) which aims at performing sentiment analysis of code-mixed social media text. We have used extensive pre-processing to remove noise from raw text. Multilayer Perceptron model has been used to determine the polarity of the sentiment. We have also developed the corpus for this task by manually labeling Facebook posts with their associated sentiments.
Cross-topic Argument Mining from Heterogeneous Sources
Argument mining is a core technology for automating argument search in large document collections. Despite its usefulness for this task, most current approaches to argument mining are designed for use only with specific text types and fall short when applied to heterogeneous texts. In this paper, we propose a new sentential annotation scheme that is reliably applicable by crowd workers to arbitrary Web texts. We source annotations for over 25,000 instances covering eight controversial topics. The results of cross-topic experiments show that our attention-based neural network generalizes best to unseen topics and outperforms vanilla BiLSTM models by 6% in accuracy and 11% in F-score.
Summarizing Opinions: Aspect Extraction Meets Sentiment Prediction and They Are Both Weakly Supervised
We present a neural framework for opinion summarization from online product reviews which is knowledge-lean and only requires light supervision (e.g., in the form of product domain labels and user-provided ratings). Our method combines two weakly supervised components to identify salient opinions and form extractive summaries from multiple reviews: an aspect extractor trained under a multi-task objective, and a sentiment predictor based on multiple instance learning. We introduce an opinion summarization dataset that includes a training set of product reviews from six diverse domains and human-annotated development and test sets with gold standard aspect annotations, salience labels, and opinion summaries. Automatic evaluation shows significant improvements over baselines, and a large-scale study indicates that our opinion summaries are preferred by human judges according to multiple criteria.
CARER: Contextualized Affect Representations for Emotion Recognition
Automatic emotion recognition has become a trending research topic in the past decade. While works based on facial expressions or speech abound, recognizing affect from body gestures remains a less explored topic. We present a new comprehensive survey hoping to boost research in the field. We first introduce emotional body gestures as a component of what is commonly known as "body language" and comment general aspects as gender differences and culture dependence. We then define a complete framework for automatic emotional body gesture recognition. We introduce person detection and comment static and dynamic body pose estimation methods both in RGB and 3D. We then comment the recent literature related to representation learning and emotion recognition from images of emotionally expressive gestures. We also discuss multi-modal approaches that combine speech or face with body gestures for improved emotion recognition. While pre-processing methodologies (e.g. human detection and pose estimation) are nowadays mature technologies fully developed for robust large scale analysis, we show that for emotion recognition the quantity of labelled data is scarce, there is no agreement on clearly defined output spaces and the representations are shallow and largely based on naive geometrical representations.
Noise Contrastive Estimation and Negative Sampling for Conditional Models: Consistency and Statistical Efficiency
Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) is a powerful parameter estimation method for log-linear models, which avoids calculation of the partition function or its derivatives at each training step, a computationally demanding step in many cases. It is closely related to negative sampling methods, now widely used in NLP. This paper considers NCE-based estimation of conditional models. Conditional models are frequently encountered in practice; however there has not been a rigorous theoretical analysis of NCE in this setting, and we will argue there are subtle but important questions when generalizing NCE to the conditional case. In particular, we analyze two variants of NCE for conditional models: one based on a classification objective, the other based on a ranking objective. We show that the ranking-based variant of NCE gives consistent parameter estimates under weaker assumptions than the classification-based method; we analyze the statistical efficiency of the ranking-based and classification-based variants of NCE; finally we describe experiments on synthetic data and language modeling showing the effectiveness and trade-offs of both methods.
CaLcs: Continuously Approximating Longest Common Subsequence for Sequence Level Optimization
Capturing the interdependencies between real valued time series can be achieved by finding common similar patterns. The abstraction of time series makes the process of finding similarities closer to the way as humans do. Therefore, the abstraction by means of a symbolic levels and finding the common patterns attracts researchers. One particular algorithm, Longest Common Subsequence, has been used successfully as a similarity measure between two sequences including real valued time series. In this paper, we propose Fuzzy Longest Common Subsequence matching for time series.
Pathologies of Neural Models Make Interpretations Difficult
One way to interpret neural model predictions is to highlight the most important input features---for example, a heatmap visualization over the words in an input sentence. In existing interpretation methods for NLP, a word's importance is determined by either input perturbation---measuring the decrease in model confidence when that word is removed---or by the gradient with respect to that word. To understand the limitations of these methods, we use input reduction, which iteratively removes the least important word from the input. This exposes pathological behaviors of neural models: the remaining words appear nonsensical to humans and are not the ones determined as important by interpretation methods. As we confirm with human experiments, the reduced examples lack information to support the prediction of any label, but models still make the same predictions with high confidence. To explain these counterintuitive results, we draw connections to adversarial examples and confidence calibration: pathological behaviors reveal difficulties in interpreting neural models trained with maximum likelihood. To mitigate their deficiencies, we fine-tune the models by encouraging high entropy outputs on reduced examples. Fine-tuned models become more interpretable under input reduction without accuracy loss on regular examples.
Phrase-level Self-Attention Networks for Universal Sentence Encoding
We propose a selective encoding model to extend the sequence-to-sequence framework for abstractive sentence summarization. It consists of a sentence encoder, a selective gate network, and an attention equipped decoder. The sentence encoder and decoder are built with recurrent neural networks. The selective gate network constructs a second level sentence representation by controlling the information flow from encoder to decoder. The second level representation is tailored for sentence summarization task, which leads to better performance. We evaluate our model on the English Gigaword, DUC 2004 and MSR abstractive sentence summarization datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed selective encoding model outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline models.
BanditSum: Extractive Summarization as a Contextual Bandit
In this work, we propose a novel method for training neural networks to perform single-document extractive summarization without heuristically-generated extractive labels. We call our approach BanditSum as it treats extractive summarization as a contextual bandit (CB) problem, where the model receives a document to summarize (the context), and chooses a sequence of sentences to include in the summary (the action). A policy gradient reinforcement learning algorithm is used to train the model to select sequences of sentences that maximize ROUGE score. We perform a series of experiments demonstrating that BanditSum is able to achieve ROUGE scores that are better than or comparable to the state-of-the-art for extractive summarization, and converges using significantly fewer update steps than competing approaches. In addition, we show empirically that BanditSum performs significantly better than competing approaches when good summary sentences appear late in the source document.
A Word-Complexity Lexicon and A Neural Readability Ranking Model for Lexical Simplification
Current lexical simplification approaches rely heavily on heuristics and corpus level features that do not always align with human judgment. We create a human-rated word-complexity lexicon of 15,000 English words and propose a novel neural readability ranking model with a Gaussian-based feature vectorization layer that utilizes these human ratings to measure the complexity of any given word or phrase. Our model performs better than the state-of-the-art systems for different lexical simplification tasks and evaluation datasets. Additionally, we also produce SimplePPDB++, a lexical resource of over 10 million simplifying paraphrase rules, by applying our model to the Paraphrase Database (PPDB).
Learning Latent Semantic Annotations for Grounding Natural Language to Structured Data
We present a new approach to learning semantic parsers from multiple datasets, even when the target semantic formalisms are drastically different, and the underlying corpora do not overlap. We handle such "disjoint" data by treating annotations for unobserved formalisms as latent structured variables. Building on state-of-the-art baselines, we show improvements both in frame-semantic parsing and semantic dependency parsing by modeling them jointly.
Syntactic Scaffolds for Semantic Structures
We introduce the syntactic scaffold, an approach to incorporating syntactic information into semantic tasks. Syntactic scaffolds avoid expensive syntactic processing at runtime, only making use of a treebank during training, through a multitask objective. We improve over strong baselines on PropBank semantics, frame semantics, and coreference resolution, achieving competitive performance on all three tasks.
Hierarchical Quantized Representations for Script Generation
Scripts define knowledge about how everyday scenarios (such as going to a restaurant) are expected to unfold. One of the challenges to learning scripts is the hierarchical nature of the knowledge. For example, a suspect arrested might plead innocent or guilty, and a very different track of events is then expected to happen. To capture this type of information, we propose an autoencoder model with a latent space defined by a hierarchy of categorical variables. We utilize a recently proposed vector quantization based approach, which allows continuous embeddings to be associated with each latent variable value. This permits the decoder to softly decide what portions of the latent hierarchy to condition on by attending over the value embeddings for a given setting. Our model effectively encodes and generates scripts, outperforming a recent language modeling-based method on several standard tasks, and allowing the autoencoder model to achieve substantially lower perplexity scores compared to the previous language modeling-based method.
Semantic Role Labeling for Learner Chinese: the Importance of Syntactic Parsing and L2-L1 Parallel Data
This paper studies semantic parsing for interlanguage (L2), taking semantic role labeling (SRL) as a case task and learner Chinese as a case language. We first manually annotate the semantic roles for a set of learner texts to derive a gold standard for automatic SRL. Based on the new data, we then evaluate three off-the-shelf SRL systems, i.e., the PCFGLA-parser-based, neural-parser-based and neural-syntax-agnostic systems, to gauge how successful SRL for learner Chinese can be. We find two non-obvious facts: 1) the L1-sentence-trained systems performs rather badly on the L2 data; 2) the performance drop from the L1 data to the L2 data of the two parser-based systems is much smaller, indicating the importance of syntactic parsing in SRL for interlanguages. Finally, the paper introduces a new agreement-based model to explore the semantic coherency information in the large-scale L2-L1 parallel data. We then show such information is very effective to enhance SRL for learner texts. Our model achieves an F-score of 72.06, which is a 2.02 point improvement over the best baseline.
A Teacher-Student Framework for Maintainable Dialog Manager
In this paper, we present a probabilistic framework for goal-driven spoken dialog systems. A new dynamic stochastic state (DS-state) is then defined to characterize the goal set of a dialog state at different stages of the dialog process. Furthermore, an entropy minimization dialog management(EMDM) strategy is also proposed to combine with the DS-states to facilitate a robust and efficient solution in reaching a user's goals. A Song-On-Demand task, with a total of 38117 songs and 12 attributes corresponding to each song, is used to test the performance of the proposed approach. In an ideal simulation, assuming no errors, the EMDM strategy is the most efficient goal-seeking method among all tested approaches, returning the correct song within 3.3 dialog turns on average. Furthermore, in a practical scenario, with top five candidates to handle the unavoidable automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU) errors, the results show that only 61.7\% of the dialog goals can be successfully obtained in 6.23 dialog turns on average when random questions are asked by the system, whereas if the proposed DS-states are updated with the top 5 candidates from the SLU output using the proposed EMDM strategy executed at every DS-state, then a 86.7\% dialog success rate can be accomplished effectively within 5.17 dialog turns on average. We also demonstrate that entropy-based DM strategies are more efficient than non-entropy based DM. Moreover, using the goal set distributions in EMDM, the results are better than those without them, such as in sate-of-the-art database summary DM.
Discriminative Deep Dyna-Q: Robust Planning for Dialogue Policy Learning
This paper presents a Discriminative Deep Dyna-Q (D3Q) approach to improving the effectiveness and robustness of Deep Dyna-Q (DDQ), a recently proposed framework that extends the Dyna-Q algorithm to integrate planning for task-completion dialogue policy learning. To obviate DDQ's high dependency on the quality of simulated experiences, we incorporate an RNN-based discriminator in D3Q to differentiate simulated experience from real user experience in order to control the quality of training data. Experiments show that D3Q significantly outperforms DDQ by controlling the quality of simulated experience used for planning. The effectiveness and robustness of D3Q is further demonstrated in a domain extension setting, where the agent's capability of adapting to a changing environment is tested.
A Self-Attentive Model with Gate Mechanism for Spoken Language Understanding
Multimedia or spoken content presents more attractive information than plain text content, but the former is more difficult to display on a screen and be selected by a user. As a result, accessing large collections of the former is much more difficult and time-consuming than the latter for humans. It's therefore highly attractive to develop machines which can automatically understand spoken content and summarize the key information for humans to browse over. In this endeavor, a new task of machine comprehension of spoken content was proposed recently. The initial goal was defined as the listening comprehension test of TOEFL, a challenging academic English examination for English learners whose native languages are not English. An Attention-based Multi-hop Recurrent Neural Network (AMRNN) architecture was also proposed for this task, which considered only the sequential relationship within the speech utterances. In this paper, we propose a new Hierarchical Attention Model (HAM), which constructs multi-hopped attention mechanism over tree-structured rather than sequential representations for the utterances. Improved comprehension performance robust with respect to ASR errors were obtained.
Learning End-to-End Goal-Oriented Dialog with Multiple Answers
In a dialog, there can be multiple valid next utterances at any point. The present end-to-end neural methods for dialog do not take this into account. They learn with the assumption that at any time there is only one correct next utterance. In this work, we focus on this problem in the goal-oriented dialog setting where there are different paths to reach a goal. We propose a new method, that uses a combination of supervised learning and reinforcement learning approaches to address this issue. We also propose a new and more effective testbed, permuted-bAbI dialog tasks, by introducing multiple valid next utterances to the original-bAbI dialog tasks, which allows evaluation of goal-oriented dialog systems in a more realistic setting. We show that there is a significant drop in performance of existing end-to-end neural methods from 81.5% per-dialog accuracy on original-bAbI dialog tasks to 30.3% on permuted-bAbI dialog tasks. We also show that our proposed method improves the performance and achieves 47.3% per-dialog accuracy on permuted-bAbI dialog tasks.
AirDialogue: An Environment for Goal-Oriented Dialogue Research
Despite widespread interests in reinforcement-learning for task-oriented dialogue systems, several obstacles can frustrate research and development progress. First, reinforcement learners typically require interaction with the environment, so conventional dialogue corpora cannot be used directly. Second, each task presents specific challenges, requiring separate corpus of task-specific annotated data. Third, collecting and annotating human-machine or human-human conversations for task-oriented dialogues requires extensive domain knowledge. Because building an appropriate dataset can be both financially costly and time-consuming, one popular approach is to build a user simulator based upon a corpus of example dialogues. Then, one can train reinforcement learning agents in an online fashion as they interact with the simulator. Dialogue agents trained on these simulators can serve as an effective starting point. Once agents master the simulator, they may be deployed in a real environment to interact with humans, and continue to be trained online. To ease empirical algorithmic comparisons in dialogues, this paper introduces a new, publicly available simulation framework, where our simulator, designed for the movie-booking domain, leverages both rules and collected data. The simulator supports two tasks: movie ticket booking and movie seeking. Finally, we demonstrate several agents and detail the procedure to add and test your own agent in the proposed framework.
QuaSE: Sequence Editing under Quantifiable Guidance
We propose the task of Quantifiable Sequence Editing (QuaSE): editing an input sequence to generate an output sequence that satisfies a given numerical outcome value measuring a certain property of the sequence, with the requirement of keeping the main content of the input sequence. For example, an input sequence could be a word sequence, such as review sentence and advertisement text. For a review sentence, the outcome could be the review rating; for an advertisement, the outcome could be the click-through rate. The major challenge in performing QuaSE is how to perceive the outcome-related wordings, and only edit them to change the outcome. In this paper, the proposed framework contains two latent factors, namely, outcome factor and content factor, disentangled from the input sentence to allow convenient editing to change the outcome and keep the content. Our framework explores the pseudo-parallel sentences by modeling their content similarity and outcome differences to enable a better disentanglement of the latent factors, which allows generating an output to better satisfy the desired outcome and keep the content. The dual reconstruction structure further enhances the capability of generating expected output by exploiting the couplings of latent factors of pseudo-parallel sentences. For evaluation, we prepared a dataset of Yelp review sentences with the ratings as outcome. Extensive experimental results are reported and discussed to elaborate the peculiarities of our framework.
Paraphrase Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Automatic generation of paraphrases from a given sentence is an important yet challenging task in natural language processing (NLP), and plays a key role in a number of applications such as question answering, search, and dialogue. In this paper, we present a deep reinforcement learning approach to paraphrase generation. Specifically, we propose a new framework for the task, which consists of a \textit{generator} and an \textit{evaluator}, both of which are learned from data. The generator, built as a sequence-to-sequence learning model, can produce paraphrases given a sentence. The evaluator, constructed as a deep matching model, can judge whether two sentences are paraphrases of each other. The generator is first trained by deep learning and then further fine-tuned by reinforcement learning in which the reward is given by the evaluator. For the learning of the evaluator, we propose two methods based on supervised learning and inverse reinforcement learning respectively, depending on the type of available training data. Empirical study shows that the learned evaluator can guide the generator to produce more accurate paraphrases. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed models (the generators) outperform the state-of-the-art methods in paraphrase generation in both automatic evaluation and human evaluation.
Operation-guided Neural Networks for High Fidelity Data-To-Text Generation
Recent neural models for data-to-text generation are mostly based on data-driven end-to-end training over encoder-decoder networks. Even though the generated texts are mostly fluent and informative, they often generate descriptions that are not consistent with the input structured data. This is a critical issue especially in domains that require inference or calculations over raw data. In this paper, we attempt to improve the fidelity of neural data-to-text generation by utilizing pre-executed symbolic operations. We propose a framework called Operation-guided Attention-based sequence-to-sequence network (OpAtt), with a specifically designed gating mechanism as well as a quantization module for operation results to utilize information from pre-executed operations. Experiments on two sports datasets show our proposed method clearly improves the fidelity of the generated texts to the input structured data.
Generating Classical Chinese Poems via Conditional Variational Autoencoder and Adversarial Training
Computer poetry generation is our first step towards computer writing. Writing must have a theme. The current approaches of using sequence-to-sequence models with attention often produce non-thematic poems. We present a novel conditional variational autoencoder with a hybrid decoder adding the deconvolutional neural networks to the general recurrent neural networks to fully learn topic information via latent variables. This approach significantly improves the relevance of the generated poems by representing each line of the poem not only in a context-sensitive manner but also in a holistic way that is highly related to the given keyword and the learned topic. A proposed augmented word2vec model further improves the rhythm and symmetry. Tests show that the generated poems by our approach are mostly satisfying with regulated rules and consistent themes, and 73.42% of them receive an Overall score no less than 3 (the highest score is 5).
Paragraph-level Neural Question Generation with Maxout Pointer and Gated Self-attention Networks
We present a probabilistic variant of the recently introduced maxout unit. The success of deep neural networks utilizing maxout can partly be attributed to favorable performance under dropout, when compared to rectified linear units. It however also depends on the fact that each maxout unit performs a pooling operation over a group of linear transformations and is thus partially invariant to changes in its input. Starting from this observation we ask the question: Can the desirable properties of maxout units be preserved while improving their invariance properties ? We argue that our probabilistic maxout (probout) units successfully achieve this balance. We quantitatively verify this claim and report classification performance matching or exceeding the current state of the art on three challenging image classification benchmarks (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN).
Spider: A Large-Scale Human-Labeled Dataset for Complex and Cross-Domain Semantic Parsing and Text-to-SQL Task
Task oriented dialog systems typically first parse user utterances to semantic frames comprised of intents and slots. Previous work on task oriented intent and slot-filling work has been restricted to one intent per query and one slot label per token, and thus cannot model complex compositional requests. Alternative semantic parsing systems have represented queries as logical forms, but these are challenging to annotate and parse. We propose a hierarchical annotation scheme for semantic parsing that allows the representation of compositional queries, and can be efficiently and accurately parsed by standard constituency parsing models. We release a dataset of 44k annotated queries (fb.me/semanticparsingdialog), and show that parsing models outperform sequence-to-sequence approaches on this dataset.
Unsupervised Natural Language Generation with Denoising Autoencoders
Generating text from structured data is important for various tasks such as question answering and dialog systems. We show that in at least one domain, without any supervision and only based on unlabeled text, we are able to build a Natural Language Generation (NLG) system with higher performance than supervised approaches. In our approach, we interpret the structured data as a corrupt representation of the desired output and use a denoising auto-encoder to reconstruct the sentence. We show how to introduce noise into training examples that do not contain structured data, and that the resulting denoising auto-encoder generalizes to generate correct sentences when given structured data.
Answer-focused and Position-aware Neural Question Generation
Neural question generation (NQG) is the task of generating a question from a given passage with deep neural networks. Previous NQG models suffer from a problem that a significant proportion of the generated questions include words in the question target, resulting in the generation of unintended questions. In this paper, we propose answer-separated seq2seq, which better utilizes the information from both the passage and the target answer. By replacing the target answer in the original passage with a special token, our model learns to identify which interrogative word should be used. We also propose a new module termed keyword-net, which helps the model better capture the key information in the target answer and generate an appropriate question. Experimental results demonstrate that our answer separation method significantly reduces the number of improper questions which include answers. Consequently, our model significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art NQG models.
Diversity-Promoting GAN: A Cross-Entropy Based Generative Adversarial Network for Diversified Text Generation
Existing text generation methods tend to produce repeated and "boring" expressions. To tackle this problem, we propose a new text generation model, called Diversity-Promoting Generative Adversarial Network (DP-GAN). The proposed model assigns low reward for repeatedly generated text and high reward for "novel" and fluent text, encouraging the generator to produce diverse and informative text. Moreover, we propose a novel language-model based discriminator, which can better distinguish novel text from repeated text without the saturation problem compared with existing classifier-based discriminators. The experimental results on review generation and dialogue generation tasks demonstrate that our model can generate substantially more diverse and informative text than existing baselines. The code is available at https://github.com/lancopku/DPGAN
Towards a Better Metric for Evaluating Question Generation Systems
There has always been criticism for using $n$-gram based similarity metrics, such as BLEU, NIST, etc, for evaluating the performance of NLG systems. However, these metrics continue to remain popular and are recently being used for evaluating the performance of systems which automatically generate questions from documents, knowledge graphs, images, etc. Given the rising interest in such automatic question generation (AQG) systems, it is important to objectively examine whether these metrics are suitable for this task. In particular, it is important to verify whether such metrics used for evaluating AQG systems focus on answerability of the generated question by preferring questions which contain all relevant information such as question type (Wh-types), entities, relations, etc. In this work, we show that current automatic evaluation metrics based on $n$-gram similarity do not always correlate well with human judgments about answerability of a question. To alleviate this problem and as a first step towards better evaluation metrics for AQG, we introduce a scoring function to capture answerability and show that when this scoring function is integrated with existing metrics, they correlate significantly better with human judgments. The scripts and data developed as a part of this work are made publicly available at https://github.com/PrekshaNema25/Answerability-Metric
Stylistic Chinese Poetry Generation via Unsupervised Style Disentanglement
Research has shown that sequence-to-sequence neural models, particularly those with the attention mechanism, can successfully generate classical Chinese poems. However, neural models are not capable of generating poems that match specific styles, such as the impulsive style of Li Bai, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. This work proposes a memory-augmented neural model to enable the generation of style-specific poetry. The key idea is a memory structure that stores how poems with a desired style were generated by humans, and uses similar fragments to adjust the generation. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm generates poems with flexible styles, including styles of a particular era and an individual poet.
Generating More Interesting Responses in Neural Conversation Models with Distributional Constraints
Neural conversation models tend to generate safe, generic responses for most inputs. This is due to the limitations of likelihood-based decoding objectives in generation tasks with diverse outputs, such as conversation. To address this challenge, we propose a simple yet effective approach for incorporating side information in the form of distributional constraints over the generated responses. We propose two constraints that help generate more content rich responses that are based on a model of syntax and topics (Griffiths et al., 2005) and semantic similarity (Arora et al., 2016). We evaluate our approach against a variety of competitive baselines, using both automatic metrics and human judgments, showing that our proposed approach generates responses that are much less generic without sacrificing plausibility. A working demo of our code can be found at https://github.com/abaheti95/DC-NeuralConversation.
Better Conversations by Modeling, Filtering, and Optimizing for Coherence and Diversity
We present three enhancements to existing encoder-decoder models for open-domain conversational agents, aimed at effectively modeling coherence and promoting output diversity: (1) We introduce a measure of coherence as the GloVe embedding similarity between the dialogue context and the generated response, (2) we filter our training corpora based on the measure of coherence to obtain topically coherent and lexically diverse context-response pairs, (3) we then train a response generator using a conditional variational autoencoder model that incorporates the measure of coherence as a latent variable and uses a context gate to guarantee topical consistency with the context and promote lexical diversity. Experiments on the OpenSubtitles corpus show a substantial improvement over competitive neural models in terms of BLEU score as well as metrics of coherence and diversity.
Incorporating Background Knowledge into Video Description Generation
This paper presents a video summarization technique for an Internet video to provide a quick way to overview its content. This is a challenging problem because finding important or informative parts of the original video requires to understand its content. Furthermore the content of Internet videos is very diverse, ranging from home videos to documentaries, which makes video summarization much more tough as prior knowledge is almost not available. To tackle this problem, we propose to use deep video features that can encode various levels of content semantics, including objects, actions, and scenes, improving the efficiency of standard video summarization techniques. For this, we design a deep neural network that maps videos as well as descriptions to a common semantic space and jointly trained it with associated pairs of videos and descriptions. To generate a video summary, we extract the deep features from each segment of the original video and apply a clustering-based summarization technique to them. We evaluate our video summaries using the SumMe dataset as well as baseline approaches. The results demonstrated the advantages of incorporating our deep semantic features in a video summarization technique.
Multimodal Differential Network for Visual Question Generation
Generating natural questions from an image is a semantic task that requires using visual and language modality to learn multimodal representations. Images can have multiple visual and language contexts that are relevant for generating questions namely places, captions, and tags. In this paper, we propose the use of exemplars for obtaining the relevant context. We obtain this by using a Multimodal Differential Network to produce natural and engaging questions. The generated questions show a remarkable similarity to the natural questions as validated by a human study. Further, we observe that the proposed approach substantially improves over state-of-the-art benchmarks on the quantitative metrics (BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE, and CIDEr).
Entity-aware Image Caption Generation
We study how to generate captions that are not only accurate in describing an image but also discriminative across different images. The problem is both fundamental and interesting, as most machine-generated captions, despite phenomenal research progresses in the past several years, are expressed in a very monotonic and featureless format. While such captions are normally accurate, they often lack important characteristics in human languages - distinctiveness for each caption and diversity for different images. To address this problem, we propose a novel conditional generative adversarial network for generating diverse captions across images. Instead of estimating the quality of a caption solely on one image, the proposed comparative adversarial learning framework better assesses the quality of captions by comparing a set of captions within the image-caption joint space. By contrasting with human-written captions and image-mismatched captions, the caption generator effectively exploits the inherent characteristics of human languages, and generates more discriminative captions. We show that our proposed network is capable of producing accurate and diverse captions across images.
Learning to Describe Differences Between Pairs of Similar Images
We propose a novel non-rigid image registration algorithm that is built upon fully convolutional networks (FCNs) to optimize and learn spatial transformations between pairs of images to be registered. Different from most existing deep learning based image registration methods that learn spatial transformations from training data with known corresponding spatial transformations, our method directly estimates spatial transformations between pairs of images by maximizing an image-wise similarity metric between fixed and deformed moving images, similar to conventional image registration algorithms. At the same time, our method also learns FCNs for encoding the spatial transformations at the same spatial resolution of images to be registered, rather than learning coarse-grained spatial transformation information. The image registration is implemented in a multi-resolution image registration framework to jointly optimize and learn spatial transformations and FCNs at different resolutions with deep self-supervision through typical feedforward and backpropagation computation. Since our method simultaneously optimizes and learns spatial transformations for the image registration, our method can be directly used to register a pair of images, and the registration of a set of images is also a training procedure for FCNs so that the trained FCNs can be directly adopted to register new images by feedforward computation of the learned FCNs without any optimization. The proposed method has been evaluated for registering 3D structural brain magnetic resonance (MR) images and obtained better performance than state-of-the-art image registration algorithms.
Object Hallucination in Image Captioning
Despite continuously improving performance, contemporary image captioning models are prone to "hallucinating" objects that are not actually in a scene. One problem is that standard metrics only measure similarity to ground truth captions and may not fully capture image relevance. In this work, we propose a new image relevance metric to evaluate current models with veridical visual labels and assess their rate of object hallucination. We analyze how captioning model architectures and learning objectives contribute to object hallucination, explore when hallucination is likely due to image misclassification or language priors, and assess how well current sentence metrics capture object hallucination. We investigate these questions on the standard image caption- ing benchmark, MSCOCO, using a diverse set of models. Our analysis yields several interesting findings, including that models which score best on standard sentence metrics do not always have lower hallucination and that models which hallucinate more tend to make errors driven by language priors.
Abstractive Text-Image Summarization Using Multi-Modal Attentional Hierarchical RNN
We address the problem of end-to-end visual storytelling. Given a photo album, our model first selects the most representative (summary) photos, and then composes a natural language story for the album. For this task, we make use of the Visual Storytelling dataset and a model composed of three hierarchically-attentive Recurrent Neural Nets (RNNs) to: encode the album photos, select representative (summary) photos, and compose the story. Automatic and human evaluations show our model achieves better performance on selection, generation, and retrieval than baselines.
Keyphrase Generation with Correlation Constraints
In this paper, we study automatic keyphrase generation. Although conventional approaches to this task show promising results, they neglect correlation among keyphrases, resulting in duplication and coverage issues. To solve these problems, we propose a new sequence-to-sequence architecture for keyphrase generation named CorrRNN, which captures correlation among multiple keyphrases in two ways. First, we employ a coverage vector to indicate whether the word in the source document has been summarized by previous phrases to improve the coverage for keyphrases. Second, preceding phrases are taken into account to eliminate duplicate phrases and improve result coherence. Experiment results show that our model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art method on benchmark datasets in terms of both accuracy and diversity.
Closed-Book Training to Improve Summarization Encoder Memory
A good neural sequence-to-sequence summarization model should have a strong encoder that can distill and memorize the important information from long input texts so that the decoder can generate salient summaries based on the encoder's memory. In this paper, we aim to improve the memorization capabilities of the encoder of a pointer-generator model by adding an additional 'closed-book' decoder without attention and pointer mechanisms. Such a decoder forces the encoder to be more selective in the information encoded in its memory state because the decoder can't rely on the extra information provided by the attention and possibly copy modules, and hence improves the entire model. On the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, our 2-decoder model outperforms the baseline significantly in terms of ROUGE and METEOR metrics, for both cross-entropy and reinforced setups (and on human evaluation). Moreover, our model also achieves higher scores in a test-only DUC-2002 generalizability setup. We further present a memory ability test, two saliency metrics, as well as several sanity-check ablations (based on fixed-encoder, gradient-flow cut, and model capacity) to prove that the encoder of our 2-decoder model does in fact learn stronger memory representations than the baseline encoder.
Improving Neural Abstractive Document Summarization with Structural Regularization
Recent work on abstractive summarization has made progress with neural encoder-decoder architectures. However, such models are often challenged due to their lack of explicit semantic modeling of the source document and its summary. In this paper, we extend previous work on abstractive summarization using Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) with a neural language generation stage which we guide using the source document. We demonstrate that this guidance improves summarization results by 7.4 and 10.5 points in ROUGE-2 using gold standard AMR parses and parses obtained from an off-the-shelf parser respectively. We also find that the summarization performance using the latter is 2 ROUGE-2 points higher than that of a well-established neural encoder-decoder approach trained on a larger dataset. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/sheffieldnlp/AMR2Text-summ}
Iterative Document Representation Learning Towards Summarization with Polishing
In this paper, we introduce Iterative Text Summarization (ITS), an iteration-based model for supervised extractive text summarization, inspired by the observation that it is often necessary for a human to read an article multiple times in order to fully understand and summarize its contents. Current summarization approaches read through a document only once to generate a document representation, result- ing in a sub-optimal representation. To ad- dress this issue we introduce a model which iteratively polishes the document representation on many passes through the document. As part of our model, we also introduce a selective reading mechanism that decides more accurately the extent to which each sentence in the model should be updated. Experimental results on the CNN/DailyMail and DUC2002 datasets demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art extractive systems when evaluated by machines and by humans.
Bottom-Up Abstractive Summarization
Till now, neural abstractive summarization methods have achieved great success for single document summarization (SDS). However, due to the lack of large scale multi-document summaries, such methods can be hardly applied to multi-document summarization (MDS). In this paper, we investigate neural abstractive methods for MDS by adapting a state-of-the-art neural abstractive summarization model for SDS. We propose an approach to extend the neural abstractive model trained on large scale SDS data to the MDS task. Our approach only makes use of a small number of multi-document summaries for fine tuning. Experimental results on two benchmark DUC datasets demonstrate that our approach can outperform a variety of baseline neural models.
Controlling Length in Abstractive Summarization Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Neural network-based approaches have become widespread for abstractive text summarization. Though previously proposed models for abstractive text summarization addressed the problem of repetition of the same contents in the summary, they did not explicitly consider its information structure. One of the reasons these previous models failed to account for information structure in the generated summary is that standard datasets include summaries of variable lengths, resulting in problems in analyzing information flow, specifically, the manner in which the first sentence is related to the following sentences. Therefore, we use a dataset containing summaries with only three bullet points, and propose a neural network-based abstractive summarization model that considers the information structures of the generated summaries. Our experimental results show that the information structure of a summary can be controlled, thus improving the performance of the overall summarization.
APRIL: Interactively Learning to Summarise by Combining Active Preference Learning and Reinforcement Learning
We propose a method to perform automatic document summarisation without using reference summaries. Instead, our method interactively learns from users' preferences. The merit of preference-based interactive summarisation is that preferences are easier for users to provide than reference summaries. Existing preference-based interactive learning methods suffer from high sample complexity, i.e. they need to interact with the oracle for many rounds in order to converge. In this work, we propose a new objective function, which enables us to leverage active learning, preference learning and reinforcement learning techniques in order to reduce the sample complexity. Both simulation and real-user experiments suggest that our method significantly advances the state of the art. Our source code is freely available at https://github.com/UKPLab/emnlp2018-april.
Adapting the Neural Encoder-Decoder Framework from Single to Multi-Document Summarization
The increasing amount of online content motivated the development of multi-document summarization methods. In this work, we explore straightforward approaches to extend single-document summarization methods to multi-document summarization. The proposed methods are based on the hierarchical combination of single-document summaries, and achieves state of the art results.
Semi-Supervised Learning for Neural Keyphrase Generation
We study the problem of generating keyphrases that summarize the key points for a given document. While sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models have achieved remarkable performance on this task (Meng et al., 2017), model training often relies on large amounts of labeled data, which is only applicable to resource-rich domains. In this paper, we propose semi-supervised keyphrase generation methods by leveraging both labeled data and large-scale unlabeled samples for learning. Two strategies are proposed. First, unlabeled documents are first tagged with synthetic keyphrases obtained from unsupervised keyphrase extraction methods or a selflearning algorithm, and then combined with labeled samples for training. Furthermore, we investigate a multi-task learning framework to jointly learn to generate keyphrases as well as the titles of the articles. Experimental results show that our semi-supervised learning-based methods outperform a state-of-the-art model trained with labeled data only.
MSMO: Multimodal Summarization with Multimodal Output
In this paper, we introduce How2, a multimodal collection of instructional videos with English subtitles and crowdsourced Portuguese translations. We also present integrated sequence-to-sequence baselines for machine translation, automatic speech recognition, spoken language translation, and multimodal summarization. By making available data and code for several multimodal natural language tasks, we hope to stimulate more research on these and similar challenges, to obtain a deeper understanding of multimodality in language processing.
Frustratingly Easy Model Ensemble for Abstractive Summarization
Unlike human learning, machine learning often fails to handle changes between training (source) and test (target) input distributions. Such domain shifts, common in practical scenarios, severely damage the performance of conventional machine learning methods. Supervised domain adaptation methods have been proposed for the case when the target data have labels, including some that perform very well despite being "frustratingly easy" to implement. However, in practice, the target domain is often unlabeled, requiring unsupervised adaptation. We propose a simple, effective, and efficient method for unsupervised domain adaptation called CORrelation ALignment (CORAL). CORAL minimizes domain shift by aligning the second-order statistics of source and target distributions, without requiring any target labels. Even though it is extraordinarily simple--it can be implemented in four lines of Matlab code--CORAL performs remarkably well in extensive evaluations on standard benchmark datasets.
Automatic Pyramid Evaluation Exploiting EDU-based Extractive Reference Summaries
To analyze the limitations and the future directions of the extractive summarization paradigm, this paper proposes an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation to obtain extractive oracle summaries in terms of ROUGE-N. We also propose an algorithm that enumerates all of the oracle summaries for a set of reference summaries to exploit F-measures that evaluate which system summaries contain how many sentences that are extracted as an oracle summary. Our experimental results obtained from Document Understanding Conference (DUC) corpora demonstrated the following: (1) room still exists to improve the performance of extractive summarization; (2) the F-measures derived from the enumerated oracle summaries have significantly stronger correlations with human judgment than those derived from single oracle summaries.
Learning to Encode Text as Human-Readable Summaries using Generative Adversarial Networks
Auto-encoders compress input data into a latent-space representation and reconstruct the original data from the representation. This latent representation is not easily interpreted by humans. In this paper, we propose training an auto-encoder that encodes input text into human-readable sentences, and unpaired abstractive summarization is thereby achieved. The auto-encoder is composed of a generator and a reconstructor. The generator encodes the input text into a shorter word sequence, and the reconstructor recovers the generator input from the generator output. To make the generator output human-readable, a discriminator restricts the output of the generator to resemble human-written sentences. By taking the generator output as the summary of the input text, abstractive summarization is achieved without document-summary pairs as training data. Promising results are shown on both English and Chinese corpora.
Joint Multitask Learning for Community Question Answering Using Task-Specific Embeddings
We address jointly two important tasks for Question Answering in community forums: given a new question, (i) find related existing questions, and (ii) find relevant answers to this new question. We further use an auxiliary task to complement the previous two, i.e., (iii) find good answers with respect to the thread question in a question-comment thread. We use deep neural networks (DNNs) to learn meaningful task-specific embeddings, which we then incorporate into a conditional random field (CRF) model for the multitask setting, performing joint learning over a complex graph structure. While DNNs alone achieve competitive results when trained to produce the embeddings, the CRF, which makes use of the embeddings and the dependencies between the tasks, improves the results significantly and consistently across a variety of evaluation metrics, thus showing the complementarity of DNNs and structured learning.
What Makes Reading Comprehension Questions Easier?
A challenge in creating a dataset for machine reading comprehension (MRC) is to collect questions that require a sophisticated understanding of language to answer beyond using superficial cues. In this work, we investigate what makes questions easier across recent 12 MRC datasets with three question styles (answer extraction, description, and multiple choice). We propose to employ simple heuristics to split each dataset into easy and hard subsets and examine the performance of two baseline models for each of the subsets. We then manually annotate questions sampled from each subset with both validity and requisite reasoning skills to investigate which skills explain the difference between easy and hard questions. From this study, we observed that (i) the baseline performances for the hard subsets remarkably degrade compared to those of entire datasets, (ii) hard questions require knowledge inference and multiple-sentence reasoning in comparison with easy questions, and (iii) multiple-choice questions tend to require a broader range of reasoning skills than answer extraction and description questions. These results suggest that one might overestimate recent advances in MRC.
Commonsense for Generative Multi-Hop Question Answering Tasks
The Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC) is a test of machine intelligence, designed to be an improvement on the Turing test. A Winograd Schema consists of a sentence and a corresponding question. To successfully answer these questions, one requires the use of commonsense knowledge and reasoning. This work focuses on extracting common sense knowledge which can be used to generate answers for the Winograd schema challenge. Common sense knowledge is extracted based on events (or actions) and their participants; called Event-Based Conditional Commonsense (ECC). I propose an approach using Narrative Event Chains [Chambers et al., 2008] to extract ECC knowledge. These are stored in templates, to be later used for answering the WSC questions. This approach works well with respect to a subset of WSC tasks.
Open Domain Question Answering Using Early Fusion of Knowledge Bases and Text
Open Domain Question Answering (QA) is evolving from complex pipelined systems to end-to-end deep neural networks. Specialized neural models have been developed for extracting answers from either text alone or Knowledge Bases (KBs) alone. In this paper we look at a more practical setting, namely QA over the combination of a KB and entity-linked text, which is appropriate when an incomplete KB is available with a large text corpus. Building on recent advances in graph representation learning we propose a novel model, GRAFT-Net, for extracting answers from a question-specific subgraph containing text and KB entities and relations. We construct a suite of benchmark tasks for this problem, varying the difficulty of questions, the amount of training data, and KB completeness. We show that GRAFT-Net is competitive with the state-of-the-art when tested using either KBs or text alone, and vastly outperforms existing methods in the combined setting. Source code is available at https://github.com/OceanskySun/GraftNet .
A Nil-Aware Answer Extraction Framework for Question Answering
In this paper, we present a novel approach to machine reading comprehension for the MS-MARCO dataset. Unlike the SQuAD dataset that aims to answer a question with exact text spans in a passage, the MS-MARCO dataset defines the task as answering a question from multiple passages and the words in the answer are not necessary in the passages. We therefore develop an extraction-then-synthesis framework to synthesize answers from extraction results. Specifically, the answer extraction model is first employed to predict the most important sub-spans from the passage as evidence, and the answer synthesis model takes the evidence as additional features along with the question and passage to further elaborate the final answers. We build the answer extraction model with state-of-the-art neural networks for single passage reading comprehension, and propose an additional task of passage ranking to help answer extraction in multiple passages. The answer synthesis model is based on the sequence-to-sequence neural networks with extracted evidences as features. Experiments show that our extraction-then-synthesis method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Exploiting Deep Representations for Neural Machine Translation
Advanced neural machine translation (NMT) models generally implement encoder and decoder as multiple layers, which allows systems to model complex functions and capture complicated linguistic structures. However, only the top layers of encoder and decoder are leveraged in the subsequent process, which misses the opportunity to exploit the useful information embedded in other layers. In this work, we propose to simultaneously expose all of these signals with layer aggregation and multi-layer attention mechanisms. In addition, we introduce an auxiliary regularization term to encourage different layers to capture diverse information. Experimental results on widely-used WMT14 English-German and WMT17 Chinese-English translation data demonstrate the effectiveness and universality of the proposed approach.
Why Self-Attention? A Targeted Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Architectures
Recently, non-recurrent architectures (convolutional, self-attentional) have outperformed RNNs in neural machine translation. CNNs and self-attentional networks can connect distant words via shorter network paths than RNNs, and it has been speculated that this improves their ability to model long-range dependencies. However, this theoretical argument has not been tested empirically, nor have alternative explanations for their strong performance been explored in-depth. We hypothesize that the strong performance of CNNs and self-attentional networks could also be due to their ability to extract semantic features from the source text, and we evaluate RNNs, CNNs and self-attention networks on two tasks: subject-verb agreement (where capturing long-range dependencies is required) and word sense disambiguation (where semantic feature extraction is required). Our experimental results show that: 1) self-attentional networks and CNNs do not outperform RNNs in modeling subject-verb agreement over long distances; 2) self-attentional networks perform distinctly better than RNNs and CNNs on word sense disambiguation.
Simplifying Neural Machine Translation with Addition-Subtraction Twin-Gated Recurrent Networks
In this paper, we propose an additionsubtraction twin-gated recurrent network (ATR) to simplify neural machine translation. The recurrent units of ATR are heavily simplified to have the smallest number of weight matrices among units of all existing gated RNNs. With the simple addition and subtraction operation, we introduce a twin-gated mechanism to build input and forget gates which are highly correlated. Despite this simplification, the essential non-linearities and capability of modeling long-distance dependencies are preserved. Additionally, the proposed ATR is more transparent than LSTM/GRU due to the simplification. Forward self-attention can be easily established in ATR, which makes the proposed network interpretable. Experiments on WMT14 translation tasks demonstrate that ATR-based neural machine translation can yield competitive performance on English- German and English-French language pairs in terms of both translation quality and speed. Further experiments on NIST Chinese-English translation, natural language inference and Chinese word segmentation verify the generality and applicability of ATR on different natural language processing tasks.
Speeding Up Neural Machine Translation Decoding by Cube Pruning
Although neural machine translation has achieved promising results, it suffers from slow translation speed. The direct consequence is that a trade-off has to be made between translation quality and speed, thus its performance can not come into full play. We apply cube pruning, a popular technique to speed up dynamic programming, into neural machine translation to speed up the translation. To construct the equivalence class, similar target hidden states are combined, leading to less RNN expansion operations on the target side and less \$\mathrm{softmax}\$ operations over the large target vocabulary. The experiments show that, at the same or even better translation quality, our method can translate faster compared with naive beam search by \$3.3\times\$ on GPUs and \$3.5\times\$ on CPUs.
Revisiting Character-Based Neural Machine Translation with Capacity and Compression
Translating characters instead of words or word-fragments has the potential to simplify the processing pipeline for neural machine translation (NMT), and improve results by eliminating hyper-parameters and manual feature engineering. However, it results in longer sequences in which each symbol contains less information, creating both modeling and computational challenges. In this paper, we show that the modeling problem can be solved by standard sequence-to-sequence architectures of sufficient depth, and that deep models operating at the character level outperform identical models operating over word fragments. This result implies that alternative architectures for handling character input are better viewed as methods for reducing computation time than as improved ways of modeling longer sequences. From this perspective, we evaluate several techniques for character-level NMT, verify that they do not match the performance of our deep character baseline model, and evaluate the performance versus computation time tradeoffs they offer. Within this framework, we also perform the first evaluation for NMT of conditional computation over time, in which the model learns which timesteps can be skipped, rather than having them be dictated by a fixed schedule specified before training begins.
A Skeleton-Based Model for Promoting Coherence Among Sentences in Narrative Story Generation
Narrative story generation is a challenging problem because it demands the generated sentences with tight semantic connections, which has not been well studied by most existing generative models. To address this problem, we propose a skeleton-based model to promote the coherence of generated stories. Different from traditional models that generate a complete sentence at a stroke, the proposed model first generates the most critical phrases, called skeleton, and then expands the skeleton to a complete and fluent sentence. The skeleton is not manually defined, but learned by a reinforcement learning method. Compared to the state-of-the-art models, our skeleton-based model can generate significantly more coherent text according to human evaluation and automatic evaluation. The G-score is improved by 20.1% in the human evaluation. The code is available at https://github.com/lancopku/Skeleton-Based-Generation-Model
NEXUS Network: Connecting the Preceding and the Following in Dialogue Generation
Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) models have become overwhelmingly popular in building end-to-end trainable dialogue systems. Though highly efficient in learning the backbone of human-computer communications, they suffer from the problem of strongly favoring short generic responses. In this paper, we argue that a good response should smoothly connect both the preceding dialogue history and the following conversations. We strengthen this connection through mutual information maximization. To sidestep the non-differentiability of discrete natural language tokens, we introduce an auxiliary continuous code space and map such code space to a learnable prior distribution for generation purpose. Experiments on two dialogue datasets validate the effectiveness of our model, where the generated responses are closely related to the dialogue context and lead to more interactive conversations.
A Neural Local Coherence Model for Text Quality Assessment
Recent applications of neural language models have led to an increased interest in the automatic generation of natural language. However impressive, the evaluation of neurally generated text has so far remained rather informal and anecdotal. Here, we present an attempt at the systematic assessment of one aspect of the quality of neurally generated text. We focus on a specific aspect of neural language generation: its ability to reproduce authorial writing styles. Using established models for authorship attribution, we empirically assess the stylistic qualities of neurally generated text. In comparison to conventional language models, neural models generate fuzzier text that is relatively harder to attribute correctly. Nevertheless, our results also suggest that neurally generated text offers more valuable perspectives for the augmentation of training data.
Deep Attentive Sentence Ordering Network
In this thesis, we explore the use of deep neural networks for generation of natural language. Specifically, we implement two sequence-to-sequence neural variational models - variational autoencoders (VAE) and variational encoder-decoders (VED). VAEs for text generation are difficult to train due to issues associated with the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence term of the loss function vanishing to zero. We successfully train VAEs by implementing optimization heuristics such as KL weight annealing and word dropout. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of this continuous latent space through experiments such as random sampling, linear interpolation and sampling from the neighborhood of the input. We argue that if VAEs are not designed appropriately, it may lead to bypassing connections which results in the latent space being ignored during training. We show experimentally with the example of decoder hidden state initialization that such bypassing connections degrade the VAE into a deterministic model, thereby reducing the diversity of generated sentences. We discover that the traditional attention mechanism used in sequence-to-sequence VED models serves as a bypassing connection, thereby deteriorating the model's latent space. In order to circumvent this issue, we propose the variational attention mechanism where the attention context vector is modeled as a random variable that can be sampled from a distribution. We show empirically using automatic evaluation metrics, namely entropy and distinct measures, that our variational attention model generates more diverse output sentences than the deterministic attention model. A qualitative analysis with human evaluation study proves that our model simultaneously produces sentences that are of high quality and equally fluent as the ones generated by the deterministic attention counterpart.
Making "fetch" happen: The influence of social and linguistic context on nonstandard word growth and decline
In an online community, new words come and go: today's "haha" may be replaced by tomorrow's "lol." Changes in online writing are usually studied as a social process, with innovations diffusing through a network of individuals in a speech community. But unlike other types of innovation, language change is shaped and constrained by the system in which it takes part. To investigate the links between social and structural factors in language change, we undertake a large-scale analysis of nonstandard word growth in the online community Reddit. We find that dissemination across many linguistic contexts is a sign of growth: words that appear in more linguistic contexts grow faster and survive longer. We also find that social dissemination likely plays a less important role in explaining word growth and decline than previously hypothesized.
Analyzing Correlated Evolution of Multiple Features Using Latent Representations
Latent representation learned from multi-layered neural networks via hierarchical feature abstraction enables recent success of deep learning. Under the deep learning framework, generalization performance highly depends on the learned latent representation which is obtained from an appropriate training scenario with a task-specific objective on a designed network model. In this work, we propose a novel latent space modeling method to learn better latent representation. We designed a neural network model based on the assumption that good base representation can be attained by maximizing the total correlation between the input, latent, and output variables. From the base model, we introduce a semantic noise modeling method which enables class-conditional perturbation on latent space to enhance the representational power of learned latent feature. During training, latent vector representation can be stochastically perturbed by a modeled class-conditional additive noise while maintaining its original semantic feature. It implicitly brings the effect of semantic augmentation on the latent space. The proposed model can be easily learned by back-propagation with common gradient-based optimization algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed method helps to achieve performance benefits against various previous approaches. We also provide the empirical analyses for the proposed class-conditional perturbation process including t-SNE visualization.
Capturing Regional Variation with Distributed Place Representations and Geographic Retrofitting
The retrofitting techniques, which inject external resources into word representations, have compensated the weakness of distributed representations in semantic and relational knowledge between words. Implicitly retrofitting word vectors by expansional technique showed that the method outperforms retrofitting in word similarity task with generalization. In this paper, we propose deep extrofitting: in-depth stacking of extrofitting. We first stack extrofitting for word vector generalization. Next, we combine extrofitting with retrofitting, finding new vector space on specialization that prevents retrofitting from converging in a few iterations. When experimenting with GloVe, we show that our methods outperform the previous methods on most of word similarity task while requiring only synonyms as external resources. We also report further analysis on the effect of word vector specialization and word vector generalization in text classification task.
Characterizing Interactions and Relationships between People
Human social interaction is often intermittent. Two acquainted persons can have extended periods without social interaction punctuated by periods of repeated interaction. In this case, the repeated interaction can be characterized by a seed initiative by either of the persons and a number of follow-up interactions. The tendency to initiate social interaction plays an important role in the formation of social networks and is in general not symmetric between persons. In this paper, we study the dynamics of initiative by analysing and modeling a detailed call and text message network sampled from a group of 700 individuals. We show that in an average relationship between two individuals, one part is almost twice as likely to initiate communication compared to the other part. The asymmetry has social consequences and ultimately might lead to the discontinuation of a relationship. We explain the observed asymmetry by a positive feedback mechanism where individuals already taking initiative are more likely to take initiative in the future. In general, people with many initiatives receive attention from a broader spectrum of friends than people with few initiatives. Lastly, we compare the likelihood of taking initiative with the basic personality traits of the five factor model.
Why Swear? Analyzing and Inferring the Intentions of Vulgar Expressions
The recent surge in women reporting sexual assault and harassment (e.g., #metoo campaign) has highlighted a longstanding societal crisis. This injustice is partly due to a culture of discrediting women who report such crimes and also, rape myths (e.g., 'women lie about rape'). Social web can facilitate the further proliferation of deceptive beliefs and culture of rape myths through intentional messaging by malicious actors. This multidisciplinary study investigates Twitter posts related to sexual assaults and rape myths for characterizing the types of malicious intent, which leads to the beliefs on discrediting women and rape myths. Specifically, we first propose a novel malicious intent typology for social media using the guidance of social construction theory from policy literature that includes Accusational, Validational, or Sensational intent categories. We then present and evaluate a malicious intent classification model for a Twitter post using semantic features of the intent senses learned with the help of convolutional neural networks. Lastly, we analyze a Twitter dataset of four months using the intent classification model to study narrative contexts in which malicious intents are expressed and discuss their implications for gender violence policy design.
Is it Time to Swish? Comparing Deep Learning Activation Functions Across NLP tasks
Nonlinearity is crucial to the performance of a deep (neural) network (DN). To date there has been little progress understanding the menagerie of available nonlinearities, but recently progress has been made on understanding the r\^ole played by piecewise affine and convex nonlinearities like the ReLU and absolute value activation functions and max-pooling. In particular, DN layers constructed from these operations can be interpreted as {\em max-affine spline operators} (MASOs) that have an elegant link to vector quantization (VQ) and $K$-means. While this is good theoretical progress, the entire MASO approach is predicated on the requirement that the nonlinearities be piecewise affine and convex, which precludes important activation functions like the sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent, and softmax. {\em This paper extends the MASO framework to these and an infinitely large class of new nonlinearities by linking deterministic MASOs with probabilistic Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs).} We show that, under a GMM, piecewise affine, convex nonlinearities like ReLU, absolute value, and max-pooling can be interpreted as solutions to certain natural "hard" VQ inference problems, while sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent, and softmax can be interpreted as solutions to corresponding "soft" VQ inference problems. We further extend the framework by hybridizing the hard and soft VQ optimizations to create a $\beta$-VQ inference that interpolates between hard, soft, and linear VQ inference. A prime example of a $\beta$-VQ DN nonlinearity is the {\em swish} nonlinearity, which offers state-of-the-art performance in a range of computer vision tasks but was developed ad hoc by experimentation. Finally, we validate with experiments an important assertion of our theory, namely that DN performance can be significantly improved by enforcing orthogonality in its linear filters.
Hard Non-Monotonic Attention for Character-Level Transduction
Character-level string-to-string transduction is an important component of various NLP tasks. The goal is to map an input string to an output string, where the strings may be of different lengths and have characters taken from different alphabets. Recent approaches have used sequence-to-sequence models with an attention mechanism to learn which parts of the input string the model should focus on during the generation of the output string. Both soft attention and hard monotonic attention have been used, but hard non-monotonic attention has only been used in other sequence modeling tasks such as image captioning and has required a stochastic approximation to compute the gradient. In this work, we introduce an exact, polynomial-time algorithm for marginalizing over the exponential number of non-monotonic alignments between two strings, showing that hard attention models can be viewed as neural reparameterizations of the classical IBM Model 1. We compare soft and hard non-monotonic attention experimentally and find that the exact algorithm significantly improves performance over the stochastic approximation and outperforms soft attention.
Speed Reading: Learning to Read ForBackward via Shuttle
We investigate theoretically the dynamics of a spatially symmetric shuttle-system subjected to an ac gate voltage. We demonstrate that in such a system parametric excitation gives rise to mechanical vibrations when the frequency of the ac signal is close to the eigenfrequency of the mechanical subsystem. These mechanical oscillations result in a dc shuttle current in a certain direction due to spontaneous symmetry breaking. The direction of the current is defined by the phase shift between the ac gate voltage and the parametrically excited mechanical oscillations. Dependance of the shuttle current on the dc gate voltage is also analyzed.
Modeling Localness for Self-Attention Networks
Graph theory provides a primary tool for analyzing and designing computer communication networks. In the past few decades, Graph theory has been used to study various types of networks, including the Internet, wide Area Networks, Local Area Networks, and networking protocols such as border Gateway Protocol, Open shortest Path Protocol, and Networking Networks. In this paper, we present some key graph theory concepts used to represent different types of networks. Then we describe how networks are modeled to investigate problems related to network protocols. Finally, we present some of the tools used to generate graph for representing practical networks.