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L'arôme de sable et le doux bruit des vagues se brisant sur le rivage étaient ce que Caelyn a réveillé aussi. Il tendit les bras et laissa sortir un grand bâilleur, pensant qu'il se réveillait d'une belle sieste de vacances. Souvent, il écoutait des bruits apaisants quand il dormait, mais il ne se souvenait pas du programme offrant des odeurs authentiques. Se frottant les yeux, Caelyn squatte et remarque quelque chose assis entrecroisé devant lui. Qu'est-ce que...? Où suis-je? Caelyn ne se souvenait pas en fait de parler les mots, mais a entendu une réponse d'une voix féminine douce. "Vous êtes dans le monde numérique. Il semble que nous ayons été appelés ensemble dans un grand temps de besoin. » La voix est venue de la chose assise à pattes croisées. Caelyn a fait un pas en arrière seulement en réalisant que son dos était à un grand plan d'eau. Il a remarqué que son bâton de kendo était... de l'acier? Caelyn n'a pas attendu pour le découvrir. Il tira son épée, et le pointa vers la créature. "En arrière! Je sais m'en servir et je ne veux pas te faire de mal!" La dernière chose à laquelle Caelyn pouvait s'attendre s'est produite ensuite : Un rire. Cette créature se moquait de lui! Comme un acte de rébellion Caelyn a frappé l'épée dans l'air et a fait un bruit coupant. "Toujours pense que c'est drôle!" Sa réponse était trois étoiles de lancer à peine pouces de ses orteils. La créature l'a rencontré avec une nouvelle intensité. Ils se regardèrent pendant cinq minutes avant que les deux ne éclatent en rire. "Je suppose que c'était plutôt nul, hein?" Caelyn rougit. "Non, pas boiteux, votre forme est impressionnante. Je suis Falcomon." Le ninja aviaire s'est prosterné. "Coucou, Hi Falco. Mon nom est Caelyn." Il a rendu la courtoisie comme il l'a fait si souvent dans le dojo à la maison. "Ne pas être impoli, mais qu'est-ce que le monde numérique et qu'est-ce que vous êtes?" "Je te remplirai pendant que nous rejoindrons les autres." Falco a aventuré son aile pour révéler d'autres humains et créatures marchant l'un vers l'autre. Caelyn s'est précipitée pour la rattraper. Il allait aimer cet oiseau.
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Falcomon finissait juste par expliquer ce qu'était un digimon à Caelyn quand l'enregistrement est arrivé. Après avoir fini, Caelyn s'est assis en arrière et a pesé les options. Soudain, un gamin découragé s'est mis à hurler à propos d'un monstre. Ne connaissant pas bien cette zone, et étant simplement tombé dans un nouvel environnement avait Caelyn embrayant la poignée sur son katana. Le trop cool pour l'école était un bon moyen de se faire tuer. Il a vu le gamin plus âgé tourner les yeux, et ça a fait dire quelque chose à Caelyn. "Eh bien, selon la façon dont le monstre est peut-être mieux que nous contournons l'autre chemin. L'enregistrement mentionnait un désert ou des bois. Nous n'avons pas d'approvisionnement suffisant pour survivre à une entreprise désertique, donc mon vote est de passer par la forêt. Il peut être sombre, mais il nous offrira de la nourriture et un abri possible, où comme dans le désert, nous serons ouverts et exposés. Au moins peut-être que nous pouvons rester dans les arbres la nuit pour éviter un certain danger." Falcomon semblait clin d'œil à la logique. « Oui, je pense qu'il sera préférable de faire preuve de prudence jusqu'à ce que nous soyons sûrs des capacités de chacun. Le message disait que le danger était présent dans les deux sens. La question est de savoir ce qui est le plus avantageux? Vous avez notre réponse. Cependant, nous nous en tenirons au groupe, quelle que soit la décision prise. Il sera certain d'être plus sûr si nous restons ensemble. » Caelyn aimait cet oiseau, elle était sage. Ils semblaient uni-esprit, et cela parlait des volumes. -- Oui, peu importe ce que nous décidons, vous avez notre soutien.
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
Gavin était de son côté avec ses membres jetés sur le côté avec son avant-bras sous sa tête le rendant un tout petit peu confortable. Gavin s'est bourdonné dans son sommeil, parlant des phrases à moitié audio. Il s'est réveillé mais a gardé les yeux fermés, ne voulant pas faire face au monde pendant encore cinq minutes, il a pensé à quel point terrible d'endroit de sommeil il a choisi avant de napper, il était sableux et le sable allait dans son- "Vous allez bien là Boyo?" Une voix a parlé, la voix a sonné comme un jeune homme ou un adolescent plus âgé. Gavin ne voulait pas encore être réveillé, "Donne-moi cinq minutes de plus..." Gavin murmura même pas encore en ouvrant les yeux. "Oh ma chère, ce n'est pas vraiment le moment de faire une sieste, tu devrais te lever maintenant." La voix parlait avec une méfiance évidente en elle. Gavin soupira, "Fin-" Gavin s'interrompit alors qu'il se leva à mi-chemin et ouvrit le sien pour la première fois et s'inattendit à lui était un chien blanc bizarre avec des oreilles roses. Il s'attendait à ce qu'un jeune homme lui pousse son avis indésirable mais pour l'instant il va gâcher ce mignon chiot. "Oh mon Dieu, tu es si mignon! Tellement moelleux et doux! T'es trop mignon! Pouvez-vous dire bonjour?" Gavin bâillonné et caresse le chien, il aime les chiens, tous les animaux mais les chiens ont un faible point dans son cœur. Le chien avait un regard bizarre sur son visage. Tellement expressif. J'ai pensé à Gavin. "Hé boyo." La voix d'avant parlait de la bouche du chien. L'expression de Gavin a gelé, il a gelé à la fois la mentalité et physiquement. Après quelques instants que le chien a incliné la tête et a l'air inquiet, Gavin a parlé après une toux rapide et maladroite. "Pardonne-moi, je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'un petit comme toi parle," Gavin a expliqué sa voix craquer à quelques endroits. "Ce n'est pas un problème Boyo, je suis labramon! Qui êtes-vous?" Il a dit qu'il brillait sa queue, si heureux qu'il puisse se faire un ami. "Je suis Gavin Rutherford." Gavin a répondu, avec un petit sourire, il aime parler aux animaux mais n'a jamais eu de réponse avant. "Gavin Rutherfordmon? C'est un long nom?" Il a répété le nom de Gavin essayant de le assembler même en mettant ses pattes sous son menton d'une manière curieux. Gavin rougi un peu, Labramon était si mignon, il ne l'a même pas corrigé. "Oh, on dirait que tu n'es pas le seul Gavin Rutherfordmon ici!" Labramon a parlé avec joie. Gavin s'est incliné la tête après avoir agité son blush. "Huh?" Gavin a finalement regardé autour de voir un groupe d'adolescents et d'enfants avec d'autres partenaires comme Gavin mais tous différents. " Oh, je suppose que je devrais faire quoi pour... Qu'est-ce que ça?" Gavin s'interrompit à nouveau, car il sentait qu'un dispositif violet et noir était enchevêtré dans son écharpe : « Qu'est-ce que c'est? » Gavin a parlé. Le chien a gazé, ce que Gavin ne pouvait pas dire si authentique ou faux, mais il devine authentique. "Tu es le DigiDestiné!" Pup l'a dit haut et fort. "Vous et les autres devez être humains!" Pup a parlé à haute voix et a failli flipper. "Le D, qu'est-ce qu'un wada?" Gavin a remarqué qu'il était confus. Pup a attrapé Gavin par le bras avec sa patte griffée, et pratiquement traîner le pauvre enfant à travers le sable et l'herbe au groupe. Normalement Gavin résisterait mais maintenant qu'il pense à ce qu'il n'est ni où il est ni ce qu'est Labramon. Donc il pourrait aussi bien laisser le mignon chien qui parle l'emmener.
Digidestined Name: Gavin Rutherford Age: 18 Gender: Male Crest: Sloth Nationality: Spanish Amercian History: The youngest child of two, Gavin was alway bossed around by everybody. His parents wanted him to be a genius who shamed all their friends kids. An older sister who bossed him around to do everything for her since she was the older sibling and much more lazy then Gavin ever would be. He had a busy childhood with his parents and sister. Which only gotten worse with the start of schooling which he went into early due to having good grades for early grade school and skipped a few years of early schooling, Leaving him the odd kid in classes with most students older than him. He was teased by students but adored by teachers for his studious and quiet personality. The bullying was never severe or damaging as some would say it is. He found it annoying and made him avoid people older than him and if he can't do that then he makes people like him even if he has to lie to make them think he more exciting and likeable than he is. He was well-liked by the time he went to high school that he was almost never bullied or how people stopped commenting on his young age compared to his classmates. It was during his high school years that his current personality started surfacing, he started to be rebellious to his family in his own quiet way. Slowly he became more and more open about his rebelliousness until he is what he is today. He started writing short stories and poems instead of school work since he didn't want to do it and he started complex lies on why this was more important than his school work or chores. He finished high school a year early and will start university soon. But for now he is completely indifferent to life and doing his own thing how he wants to. Personality: Rebellious, snarky and calm. Some would call him lazy since all he does is read and write short stories even if he has lots of school work or chores to do. He is adamant to do what he wants to do, he is rebellious even if his tone and words don't match his actions. He is somewhat manipulative of others it's not in a malicious manner simply he convinces others to do things for him even if it would be easier for him to do. He's also a compulsive liar, often making large lies for small things. He works hard to be lazy. Optional: Skills: 1. Knows sign languages 2. Can play the piano and violin 3. Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Equipment: 1. A small but warm quilt 2. A messenger bag full of books and a notebook to write down poems and story ideas. Trivia: 1. Gavin's Theme is 'Into the Unknown' From Over the Garden Wall 2. Gavin's ambidextrous 3. Contortionist 4. Double jointed 5. Loves Yoga 6. He loves reading (Especially trashy romance series) Relationships: Annaliese: Would find her annoying, (if she treats Gavin like her classmates). If not he will like her okay if she carries her weight and maybe a bit of his own. Derek: Gavin's would be annoyed with him at the start because of his Jokester personality but will try to use his attention seeking as a chance to force his work onto Derek. Labramon: Gavin Adores Pup, since he has a love of animals and he always like an extra pair of hands doing his job, willingly without manipulating him. Syakomon: Gavin would find Syakomon both cute and off-putting since he doesn't like sea-life, but he still finds Syakomon cute which would be confusing to Gavin. Tinkermon: Gavin's would not be sure how to feel about Tinkermon. He will let Annaliese deal with her. Ellen: Gavin finds her annoying but willing to put up with her if she okay with helping him, also she reads maybe she can read Gavins story and see if there is any mistakes with them. Lopmon: Gavin finds him adorable but finds him cutely annoying. Digimon Species: Labramon Nickname: Pup Apparent gender: Male Personality: Loyal and patience. Always think of others instead of himself. But he can be naive and thoughtless at times. Cares deeply for Gavin. Attacks: Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark. Cure Liqueur: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. Digivolution line: Fresh: Paomon In-training: Xiaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Dark ultimate: Matadormon Slide ultimate: Cerberumon Jinrou Mode Mega: Anubismon Dark mega: AncientSphinxmon Slide mega: WIP Optional Trivia: 1. Loves Bacon! Relationships: Gavin: He cares deeply for his master and would do anything to keep him happy. Does Gavin's choirs for him and joins him with his yoga even if he's terrible at it. Annaliese: Labramon respect her on the ground of her being a digdestined but he will find her scary. Tinkermon: Labramon would find Tinkermon fun to be around, and would like her jokes. Derek: Labramon would like him, but he would wish he was braver. Syakomon: Labramon will be patience with Syakomon. Ellen: Labramon likes Ellen since she's the nicest of the digidestined (So far) Lopmon: Labramon finds Lopmon amusing, but admirable in a way.
Date impériale : 2857.11.01 Lieu :???, Clomia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avant que l'un de vous ne puisse poursuivre vos conversations, un autre buzzer, similaire au son que vous avez entendu plus tôt, s'en va. La porte en face de vos cellules s'ouvre, permettant à trois personnalités militaires vêtues d'une étrange armure noire et jaune d'entrer rapidement. Ils portent des fusils à l'air dangereux et prennent position autour de la pièce tout comme une nouvelle figure, portant un costume blanc intelligent entre dedans. Ce nouvel homme est assez grand et a l'air d'un officier pour lui. Il a des cheveux noirs serrés, plusieurs petites cicatrices sur sa joue droite, et a une chèvre finement taillée. Sur son épaule droite est un symbole de triskelion noir et jaune. Sur le côté gauche de sa poitrine se trouve une seule rangée de six étoiles, sous laquelle son nom est marqué "O. Scenay". Scenay avance avec confiance dans la pièce, recevant un salut rapide de chacun des gardes. Il marche jusqu'à la table au centre de la pièce et prend une seconde pour regarder sur chacun d'entre vous qui sont à l'extérieur des cellules. Il semble confus une seconde avant de voir le mouvement de la cellule d'Ahras. Il appelle d'une voix profonde et affreuse. "Sortez, mon enfant. Je préférerais vraiment ne pas avoir à envoyer un des gardes après vous." N'attendant pas de réponse, Scenay retourne son attention au groupe principal. "Je m'appelle le Major Orin Scenay, le Planétaire Marshall sur Clomia." Il laisse ce s'enfoncer une seconde avant de continuer, "Vous avez beaucoup été amenés dans des gousses de cryo il y a une semaine avec seulement un sac de vêtements. Pas d'identification, pas de jetons, rien. Nous avons même fait un scan ADN et n'avons obtenu aucune correspondance, juste une poignée de drapeaux rouges pour chacun de vous, ce qui signifie que quelqu'un retient votre identité." Encore une fois, il s'arrête pour vous laisser absorber cette information. "Maintenant, officiellement je suis supposé vous envoyer avec la prochaine navette à une station impériale, mais je pense que vous pourriez être utile pour moi, et puisque je suis un gars gentil, je vais vous donner le choix: Soit être expédié et probablement exécuté ou emprisonné, ou m'aider avec un problème rapide. Si vous avez de la chance, j'oublierai peut-être que vous n'étiez jamais là." Scenay fait un pas en arrière et vous regarde tous de près, en attendant une réponse.
Selon les mots de Tinkermon, Ellen s'est forcée à se détendre légèrement, a pensé qu'il a fallu un peu d'effort. Elle pensait qu'elle devrait croire Tinkermon. Après tout, la petite fée était une résidente de cet endroit, donc elle en savait probablement plus que Ellen elle-même. Toujours... "Mais..." Ellen a dit tranquillement. "Pourquoi ferait-il quelque chose comme ça?" Elle regarda dans la direction de Derek, puis à Lopmon, qui était revenue de son côté. « En effet, je ne vois ni ne sens rien », a-t-il dit, une froncement plus profonde que d'habitude sur son visage. -- Eh bien, à part les poissons, je doute que ce soit le monstre dont parle le garçon. Il regarda ensuite Ellen une fois de plus avec le même regard attendu sur son visage. Cette fois, cependant, Ellen a remarqué. -- Quoi? Elle a dit. "Pourquoi me regardes-tu?" Elle a mis sa main sur sa bouche. "Est-ce que j'ai quelque chose sur le visage?" Lopmon clignait et secouait légèrement la tête. "Non," a-t-il dit. "Alors... qu'est-ce que c'est que ce regard?" Ellen a demandé, le regardant de façon suspecte. Lopmon a encore froncé. Comme son partenaire, il a maintenant apporté ses propres pattes à son visage. « Je ne pense pas que mon visage soit différent de ce qu'il est normalement », a-t-il dit. "Riiiight..." Ellen dit, s'éloignant légèrement du lapin avant de regarder à Tinkermon. "Erm... Je devine que vous, errez... "Digimon", vous connaissez, n'est-ce pas?"
Name: Ellen Hawkes Age: 16 Gender: Female Crest: Gluttony Nationality: English Appearance: Ellen is very short, 5'4" to be exact. She's also incredibly plump; with broad, square shoulders, fat thighs, quite a large and somewhat sagging chest for someone her age, and a rounded and child-like face. She's mostly pale as she doesn't get much sunlight, though her cheeks and nose are a contrastingly bright red as if she has a constant cold. Her blonde hair is just over shoulder length and is often tied up into two twin plaits, adding to Ellen's child-like look. She also wears a pair of thick-framed black glasses. Her eyes are greyish blue. Ellen tends to wear dark and dulled colours, and like wears long dresses, usually of a dark blue. She always wears black leggings underneath as she feels too self-conscius about her legs to have them bare or wear tights, plus it's warmer. She also have an oversized green hoodie, second-hand from her mother, which she always wears over the top. When she's outside by herself, she'll most likely have the hood up. She also likes wearing boots as opposed to regular shoes. History: Ellen was diagnosed with Aspergers at a very early age and, ever since, her parents have been somewhat protective of her, and also tend to spoil her immensely. It didn't help that Ellen's primary school didn't really have much of a special needs program and, even after her diagnosis, Ellen was constantly picked on by the teachers because she either didn't understand certain things (and was too shy to ask for them to be explained) and because Ellen would often daydream in the middle of class. Ellen also had no friends at her primary and was often picked on by a group of boys, who often made fun of her. It got so bad, Ellen started missing days off school. It got a little better towards the end of Ellen's Primary, thanks to talking with the teachers, but Ellen still got picked on occasionally and she had no friends to talk to or back her up. Things were much better for Ellen in secondary school, as they actually HAD a special needs department at the school that were able to give her the support she needed, and she even made a small group of friends... but by that point, the damage to her self-esteem was done. She remained very nervous and introverted, and could be incredibly dependent on her friends. This dependence actually caused one of her friends, a girl named Darcy who Ellen had considered her best friend, to drift away from her as she found their relationship 'suffocating'. This happened when Ellen was thirteen and caused to have nervous breakdown, in which she had to take many days off school. During this time, she was taken to therapy, where she diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and put on anti-depressants to help her cope. They did help, but they tried to send Ellen back to school, all of Ellen's friends were avoiding her, and a group of bullies had started picking on Ellen, saying she was 'schizo', among with other insults. Ellen's parents quickly pulled her out of school. They tried to send her to another school, but this didn't last long and Ellen has since been home-schooled. She's happier and more comfortable now, but has become incredibly lonely as well, seeking the company of children around her own age. Personality: Ellen is a somewhat shy girl, but still relatively easy to get along with if one can put up with her somewhat clingy tendencies. Having very few friends and often viewed as an outcast by her peers at school, Ellen has a tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her the slightest amount of kindness, immediately viewing that person as a friend. She's a people pleaser, often doing everything she can to make sure that everybody likes her. If someone criticises her or dislikes something about her, she'll always view it as her fault and will do all she can to improve herself. In fact, Ellen tends to think many things are her fault, and has quite the guilt complex, apologising for every little thing she has done wrong. This is due to the fact that Ellen suffers from anxiety and depression, both of which she's currently taking medication for, and when she's not wallowing in self-pity, she's getting incredibly worried and upset over tiny things. She's often worried, worrying about events in the future and constantly looking for a way out. In the end, however, she usually ends up ignoring her problems, hoping they'll go away on their own. In short, she's a huge coward, and when faced with a particularly difficult (or boring) task, she'll often retreat into her own little world, daydreaming and hiding in books and TV shows. The only things that make Ellen somewhat happy and content are her family, the various TV shows, movies, anime and video games she likes to read, watch or play, and, of course, food. Ellen eats all the time if there's food around and her parents constantly have to buy snack food for her. When there isn't snack food, she'll even scrounge up bits of bread or cheese. Eating or drinking gives her this slight positive boost in her mood, and she often makes it through the long tedious school days by thinking "at least we're having for supper tonight". Her dependence on food can actually be pretty concerning, as she gets hungry easily and if she gets hungry, she'll get more emotional than normal, sometimes even grumpy and unfriendly. It's something her parents have tried to address multiple times as, along with medication, Ellen also goes to counselling, and her parents have often asked Ellen's counsellor to address this issue. At the moment, though, they have made little progress. Skills: - Cooking: as someone who loves food, Ellen has learnt to cook and she's fairly good at it. - Memory: Ellen has a good memory for detail. She can remember and even quote from the various books and comic books she's read. She can remember important details from the plot of her favourite TV series, anime and movies that she's sure will be important later. However, this memory only seems to extend to things she has an interest in. In the case of her school work, using classical history as an example, she can remember the names of all the Greek Gods, their Roman counterparts, various myths surrounding them and how this hero is related to that deity ect. But ask her about the architecture of a Roman city or the findings in Pompeii? She won't be able to tell you much. Equipment: Often carries her anti-depressants around with her, as well as a mobile phone to contact her Mum, Dad and her therapist, and a glasses case. Trivia: - Ellen's voice actor would be Sarah Williams (e.g. the English voice of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) - Ellen has Aspergers, which is the root of her social awkwardness and causes her to lose focus from time to time, often going into a daydream. - Due to the fact that most of those who have picked on her in the past have been males, Ellen is very nervous around boys and finds it difficult to understand them. - While she loves pretty much most food, she can't stand any form of pork, be it bacon or sausages. She far prefers beef, lamb, chicken or duck. Relationships: Impressions of other characters: - Lopmon: Thinks he's adorable and constantly makes fun of his overly-serious attitude. She's not entirely sure about what to think about them being partners for life, and while she does like him, she isn't sure what to make of him. - Annelise: Will probably want to be her friend the moment she sees her, regardless of how Annelise treats her in return. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's incredibly cute, but might be a little nervous around her. - Derek: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy. - Syakomon: Might find him a little frightening at first, though in the end might consider him cute. - Gavin: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy, though she may try to reach out to him because he likes reading so much. - Labramon: Ellen has had some bad experiences with dogs in the past and will most likely be afraid of him. Family: - Sarah Hawkes (mum): Ellen loves her dearly and considers her pretty much the ultimate role-model. Sarah also loves her daughter, but is always constantly concerned for her and this has taken a slight toll on her health. - Bryan Hawkes (dad): Ellen loves him too, though can get nervous around him from time to time due to his temper. Bryan loves his daughter, but sometimes get frustrated with her for not trying harder to get along with others. This might be because he sees a lot of himself in her. - Janene Grace (maternal grandmother): Ellen loves her but is irritated with how she's always asking about school. Likes going over to her house because she doesn't cook and often orders takeout. Janene, for one, loves her granddaughter and doesn't seem to notice when Ellen gets frustrated with her. - Nina Hawkes (paternal grandmother): Ellen and Nina like each other but, as Ellen hadn't spent much time with Nina, they're kind of distant, and Nina often thinks Ellen might be a little lazy and needs to contribute more. Digimon Species: Lopmon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Male Personality: In contrast to his partner, Lopmon is a very proud and opinionated little creature, though he's not much of a talker either. He has this silent confidence that is almost aggressive in its intensity and may even have been considered threatening... except for the fact that he's a little pink bunny rabbit, in which case his arrogant and overly serious nature tends to come off as comedic and perhaps even pompous more than anything else. Still, he seems to care deeply about his partner and, upon the very moment he meets her, is completely loyal to her, though not blind to her weaknesses. He can sense her fear and fragility and tries to make up for it by trying to turn himself into her knight in shining armour. And, as he progresses through his digivolutions, he's likely to become more and more chivalrous, though also more aggressive and overprotective. Time will tell how this pans out for him and Ellen. Attacks: Petit Twister - Causes a small-sized tornado by making both his ears like propellers. Blazing Ice - Fires a burst of cold air, capable of slightly freezing an enemy Lop Punch - Slaps enemy with ears. Digivolution line: Fresh: Conomon In-training: Kokomon Rookie: Lopmon Champion: Turuiemon Ultimate: Antylamon (Data) Dark ultimate: Antylamon (Virus) Mega: Cherubimon (Virtue) Dark mega: Cherubimon (Vice) Trivia: - His voice actor would be Freddy Highmore (e.g. the voice of Pantalaimon from The Golden Compass) Relationships: - Ellen: Completely devoted to protecting her, though he's not sure why he feels this way. He only knows that it's something he's meant to feel. - Annelise: Will probably be wary of her if Ellen is getting friendly with her. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's childish and ignore most of the time. - Derek: Will probably discourage Ellen from having anything to do with him. - Syakomon: Will most likely ignore him as well. - Gavin: Will be wary of him, though less so than the other two. - Labramon: Will do his best to make sure Ellen doesn't have to get too close to him.
Connaissez-vous tous les autres humains, Ellen Hawkes? Tinkermon a demandé sur la tête d'Annaliese. "Puis-je le croire que tu connais mon petit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. En fait, je ne connais pas encore ton nom, "Punchy". Alors qu'un léger snarl tombait sur son visage, Annaliese répondit avec begruging : "Annaliese." -- Oui, c'est ça. Tinkermon s'est d'une façon ou d'une autre amusée à presque mettre sa tête en danger à nouveau. "Donc, je peux supposer que vous connaissez ma petite Anna? Je suis sûr que vous ne le faites pas. C'est la même chose pour nous. Je peux au moins vous dire que votre partenaire est Lopmon. Mais comme je ne le connais pas personnellement, c'est juste un autre Lopmon pour moi." Tinkermon est restée silencieuse un moment pour reprendre son souffle, "OH, et vous pouvez m'appeler Tinkermon. C'est agréable d'être appelé par son nom et pas 'vous' au moins une fois."
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
Akira et Patamon se tenaient debout et écoutaient un peu les autres avant de marcher vers les deux filles avec le lapin et les partenaires de fées. "Je suppose que le gars de la boîte magique dit que nous allons voyager ensemble pendant un moment." Il a dit sourire. "C'est comme ça que je suis Akira et c'est Patamon." Il a dit de taper la petite créature orange sur sa tête pendant qu'elle reposait sur la sienne. Au bout d'un moment, il regarda le garçon avec des lunettes et secoua la tête. "Certaines personnes cherchent de l'attention." Il a dit qu'il se blottit les épaules avant de retourner aux autres. "Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de t'entendre dire quelque chose sur Ultimate et Mega niveaux, qu'est-ce que c'est?" Il a demandé si Patamon avait vraiment besoin de lui. "Le processus est assez difficile à expliquer Akira." Patamon a dit de dessus sa tête. "Oh oui, essayez-moi." Akira a répondu.
Digidestined Name: Caelyn Tanzer Age: 17 years Gender: Male Crest: Greed Nationality: English History: Caelyn has been an only child his whole life. Not ever knowing what it was like to share any of his possessions. His parents are wealthy real estate tycoons who did not have time to spend with Caelyn during his childhood. Their answer to the dilemma was to hire a nanny to raise him, and drown him in material possessions. Caelyn's parents knew that they were wrong in being consumed with work, but they made it right by buying him anything he wanted. Caelyn went through 7 dogs in six months because it did not suit him. Caelyn's has been in boarding school since the age of 5. Anytime he ever needed anything he just threw money at it until it was achieved, or went away. Until one day when he started being bullied. Caelyn had never felt such utter humiliation as he did when he was pantsed. From that day on when he was 9 until now he has focused on martial arts. His parents hiring him a teacher of course. They spared no expense and flew in a Kendo master from Japan. Caelyn had always been one to quit things that were hard. But he knew he had to make that bully pay. He enjoyed being the feared student at the school. He always had to have his way and this would go that way as well. When he was 14 Caelyn heard word that the bully was about to move away, so he chose his moment and challenged him. Caelyn threw a kendo at the boys foot and moved in to strike. The bully was quickly dispatched and after many kids cheered and gathered around Caelyn to thank him. "I didn't do this for you! Why are you thanking me!?" This theme seemed to recur in Caelyn's life frequently and went unnoticed to him. It always seemed like he was a good kid, with narrow-minded intentions. The enemy of Caelyn was often the enemy of others. When an obstacle was placed in front of Caelyn that kept him from what he wanted, Caelyn removed it. This theme seemed to curb some of Caelyn's roguish tendencies. He did like the attention and praise he got from being people's champion. Even if only for the attention, it seemed to work well in the eyes of others. He gained companions and friends as he started high school. It helped him realize what was lacking in his life. •Education: In High School (honors) •Work Spoiled Brat Personality: Caelyn is spoiled, but does not mind working for what he wants. Caelyn as a selfishly misguided savior complex. He helps others for the praise and devotion the falls onto him. Optional: Skills: Kendo. Excellent Swimmer. Bacon-lover. Equipment: backpack/ Caelyn's lucky coin. •Weapons Kendo Stick (hope to upgrade to real steel :)) Trivia: Dante Basco does the voice of Caelyn (prince Zuko Avatar. American Dragon Jake Long) Relationships: Caelyn is and will always be out for himself. He is passive when it comes to his parents, although nothing has strained that bond..yet Other Characters TBD Digimon Falcomon Species: Speed Bird Species Nickname: Falco Apparent gender: Female Personality: Falina speaks more with her actions. She is very diligent and promptly wants to achieve her goals. Upon meeting, Caelyn immediately bonds, because he has an extension for his means. Falina just wants to appease Caelyn. She likes the motivation he inspires in her by always scheming. Caelyn always has some grand design and Falina wants nothing more than to be the reason it is achieved. Attacks: Scratch Smash: Scratches with its wing claws. Ninja Blade: Rapidly throws throwing stars. Firecracker Smokescreen: Drops exploding bamboo cylinders. Wind Blade: Flaps wings to produce a wind that can cut like a blade. Shadow Screen: Use digital ninjiutsu to confuse the enemy. Falco Rush: Tramps on the opponent's head while in the air. Digivolution line: •Fresh: •In-training: •Rookie: •Champion: •Ultimate: •Dark ultimate: Crowmon (Data) •Mega: •Dark mega: Ravemon (Data) Relationships: TBD Still haven't finished the relationships yet just wanted to get it up here! Will finish tomorrow.
Gavin et Pup ont finalement rencontré le reste du groupe, il a entendu la plupart du message en marchant. Alors que la paire était plus proche du groupe Labramon a été confus et regardé Gavin attendu, en espérant des réponses de l'adolescent. Qu'il n'avait pas. Gavin a juste incliné sa tête au groupe actuel, tous les adolescents ou tween dans le cas de la fille avec Tinkerbell volant autour d'elle. Ils ont tous ce que l'enregistrement a appelé un Digimon, qui a expliqué pourquoi Labramon se termine avec mon, il court pour Digimon. Quand l'une des adolescentes s'est présentée comme une fille aux gros seins, elle a dit qu'elle s'appelait Ellen Hawkes avant d'être interrompue par un jeune homme aux lunettes criant au sujet d'un monstre. Labramon est allé à une position agressive avec sa fourrure debout sur la fin pour paraître effrayant. Gavin avait l'air indifférent, il n'a rien entendu de grand, le pauvre adolescent a dû être effrayé par son ombre. "À quoi ressemblait-il?" Gavin a demandé, "doit être assez grand pour vous faire peur." Il a dit dans une voix monotone. Gavin soupira et roula les yeux sur la réaction de Lopmon et de Labramon pour croire que quelqu'un ment. "Je me demande qui est juste CG si je devais parier, la personne qui nous a amenés ici, quel crétin si c'est le cas," Gavin a dit d'un ton venimeux, une idée est venue à lui et il a sorti son carnet de notes de son sac et a écrit quelques idées pour une histoire ultérieure, "Mais c'est intéressant, mais il semble que nous avons besoin de marcher beaucoup, blegh." Gavin a fait un soupir exagéré. Puis il bâilla: «Nous devrions y aller bientôt, cette sieste était trop courte.»
Digidestined Name: Gavin Rutherford Age: 18 Gender: Male Crest: Sloth Nationality: Spanish Amercian History: The youngest child of two, Gavin was alway bossed around by everybody. His parents wanted him to be a genius who shamed all their friends kids. An older sister who bossed him around to do everything for her since she was the older sibling and much more lazy then Gavin ever would be. He had a busy childhood with his parents and sister. Which only gotten worse with the start of schooling which he went into early due to having good grades for early grade school and skipped a few years of early schooling, Leaving him the odd kid in classes with most students older than him. He was teased by students but adored by teachers for his studious and quiet personality. The bullying was never severe or damaging as some would say it is. He found it annoying and made him avoid people older than him and if he can't do that then he makes people like him even if he has to lie to make them think he more exciting and likeable than he is. He was well-liked by the time he went to high school that he was almost never bullied or how people stopped commenting on his young age compared to his classmates. It was during his high school years that his current personality started surfacing, he started to be rebellious to his family in his own quiet way. Slowly he became more and more open about his rebelliousness until he is what he is today. He started writing short stories and poems instead of school work since he didn't want to do it and he started complex lies on why this was more important than his school work or chores. He finished high school a year early and will start university soon. But for now he is completely indifferent to life and doing his own thing how he wants to. Personality: Rebellious, snarky and calm. Some would call him lazy since all he does is read and write short stories even if he has lots of school work or chores to do. He is adamant to do what he wants to do, he is rebellious even if his tone and words don't match his actions. He is somewhat manipulative of others it's not in a malicious manner simply he convinces others to do things for him even if it would be easier for him to do. He's also a compulsive liar, often making large lies for small things. He works hard to be lazy. Optional: Skills: 1. Knows sign languages 2. Can play the piano and violin 3. Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Equipment: 1. A small but warm quilt 2. A messenger bag full of books and a notebook to write down poems and story ideas. Trivia: 1. Gavin's Theme is 'Into the Unknown' From Over the Garden Wall 2. Gavin's ambidextrous 3. Contortionist 4. Double jointed 5. Loves Yoga 6. He loves reading (Especially trashy romance series) Relationships: Annaliese: Would find her annoying, (if she treats Gavin like her classmates). If not he will like her okay if she carries her weight and maybe a bit of his own. Derek: Gavin's would be annoyed with him at the start because of his Jokester personality but will try to use his attention seeking as a chance to force his work onto Derek. Labramon: Gavin Adores Pup, since he has a love of animals and he always like an extra pair of hands doing his job, willingly without manipulating him. Syakomon: Gavin would find Syakomon both cute and off-putting since he doesn't like sea-life, but he still finds Syakomon cute which would be confusing to Gavin. Tinkermon: Gavin's would not be sure how to feel about Tinkermon. He will let Annaliese deal with her. Ellen: Gavin finds her annoying but willing to put up with her if she okay with helping him, also she reads maybe she can read Gavins story and see if there is any mistakes with them. Lopmon: Gavin finds him adorable but finds him cutely annoying. Digimon Species: Labramon Nickname: Pup Apparent gender: Male Personality: Loyal and patience. Always think of others instead of himself. But he can be naive and thoughtless at times. Cares deeply for Gavin. Attacks: Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark. Cure Liqueur: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. Digivolution line: Fresh: Paomon In-training: Xiaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Dark ultimate: Matadormon Slide ultimate: Cerberumon Jinrou Mode Mega: Anubismon Dark mega: AncientSphinxmon Slide mega: WIP Optional Trivia: 1. Loves Bacon! Relationships: Gavin: He cares deeply for his master and would do anything to keep him happy. Does Gavin's choirs for him and joins him with his yoga even if he's terrible at it. Annaliese: Labramon respect her on the ground of her being a digdestined but he will find her scary. Tinkermon: Labramon would find Tinkermon fun to be around, and would like her jokes. Derek: Labramon would like him, but he would wish he was braver. Syakomon: Labramon will be patience with Syakomon. Ellen: Labramon likes Ellen since she's the nicest of the digidestined (So far) Lopmon: Labramon finds Lopmon amusing, but admirable in a way.
Ellen s'est légèrement repliée à l'approche d'Akira, ce qui l'a légèrement soupçonné. "Il semble que..." elle murmura avant de retourner à Annaliese et Tinkermon. Ce n'est que maintenant que la réalisation qu'elle allait voyager avec des inconnus a commencé à couler dedans et elle s'est soudainement sentie vraiment nerveuse, mordant légèrement sa lèvre inférieure. Lopmon a remarqué la nervosité de son partenaire. "Ne t'inquiète pas, Ellen," dit-il. "Je vous protégerai des dangers que nous rencontrons." Il semblait qu'il avait confondu les craintes d'Ellen pour celle du nouveau monde étrange dans lequel elle était, plutôt que les gens avec qui elle travaillerait. Ellen l'a regardé. "Err, merci," dit-elle de façon incertaine, bien qu'elle n'ait aucune idée de comment ce petit lapin, qui vient juste de monter à son genou, pouvait la protéger de n'importe quoi.
Name: Ellen Hawkes Age: 16 Gender: Female Crest: Gluttony Nationality: English Appearance: Ellen is very short, 5'4" to be exact. She's also incredibly plump; with broad, square shoulders, fat thighs, quite a large and somewhat sagging chest for someone her age, and a rounded and child-like face. She's mostly pale as she doesn't get much sunlight, though her cheeks and nose are a contrastingly bright red as if she has a constant cold. Her blonde hair is just over shoulder length and is often tied up into two twin plaits, adding to Ellen's child-like look. She also wears a pair of thick-framed black glasses. Her eyes are greyish blue. Ellen tends to wear dark and dulled colours, and like wears long dresses, usually of a dark blue. She always wears black leggings underneath as she feels too self-conscius about her legs to have them bare or wear tights, plus it's warmer. She also have an oversized green hoodie, second-hand from her mother, which she always wears over the top. When she's outside by herself, she'll most likely have the hood up. She also likes wearing boots as opposed to regular shoes. History: Ellen was diagnosed with Aspergers at a very early age and, ever since, her parents have been somewhat protective of her, and also tend to spoil her immensely. It didn't help that Ellen's primary school didn't really have much of a special needs program and, even after her diagnosis, Ellen was constantly picked on by the teachers because she either didn't understand certain things (and was too shy to ask for them to be explained) and because Ellen would often daydream in the middle of class. Ellen also had no friends at her primary and was often picked on by a group of boys, who often made fun of her. It got so bad, Ellen started missing days off school. It got a little better towards the end of Ellen's Primary, thanks to talking with the teachers, but Ellen still got picked on occasionally and she had no friends to talk to or back her up. Things were much better for Ellen in secondary school, as they actually HAD a special needs department at the school that were able to give her the support she needed, and she even made a small group of friends... but by that point, the damage to her self-esteem was done. She remained very nervous and introverted, and could be incredibly dependent on her friends. This dependence actually caused one of her friends, a girl named Darcy who Ellen had considered her best friend, to drift away from her as she found their relationship 'suffocating'. This happened when Ellen was thirteen and caused to have nervous breakdown, in which she had to take many days off school. During this time, she was taken to therapy, where she diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and put on anti-depressants to help her cope. They did help, but they tried to send Ellen back to school, all of Ellen's friends were avoiding her, and a group of bullies had started picking on Ellen, saying she was 'schizo', among with other insults. Ellen's parents quickly pulled her out of school. They tried to send her to another school, but this didn't last long and Ellen has since been home-schooled. She's happier and more comfortable now, but has become incredibly lonely as well, seeking the company of children around her own age. Personality: Ellen is a somewhat shy girl, but still relatively easy to get along with if one can put up with her somewhat clingy tendencies. Having very few friends and often viewed as an outcast by her peers at school, Ellen has a tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her the slightest amount of kindness, immediately viewing that person as a friend. She's a people pleaser, often doing everything she can to make sure that everybody likes her. If someone criticises her or dislikes something about her, she'll always view it as her fault and will do all she can to improve herself. In fact, Ellen tends to think many things are her fault, and has quite the guilt complex, apologising for every little thing she has done wrong. This is due to the fact that Ellen suffers from anxiety and depression, both of which she's currently taking medication for, and when she's not wallowing in self-pity, she's getting incredibly worried and upset over tiny things. She's often worried, worrying about events in the future and constantly looking for a way out. In the end, however, she usually ends up ignoring her problems, hoping they'll go away on their own. In short, she's a huge coward, and when faced with a particularly difficult (or boring) task, she'll often retreat into her own little world, daydreaming and hiding in books and TV shows. The only things that make Ellen somewhat happy and content are her family, the various TV shows, movies, anime and video games she likes to read, watch or play, and, of course, food. Ellen eats all the time if there's food around and her parents constantly have to buy snack food for her. When there isn't snack food, she'll even scrounge up bits of bread or cheese. Eating or drinking gives her this slight positive boost in her mood, and she often makes it through the long tedious school days by thinking "at least we're having for supper tonight". Her dependence on food can actually be pretty concerning, as she gets hungry easily and if she gets hungry, she'll get more emotional than normal, sometimes even grumpy and unfriendly. It's something her parents have tried to address multiple times as, along with medication, Ellen also goes to counselling, and her parents have often asked Ellen's counsellor to address this issue. At the moment, though, they have made little progress. Skills: - Cooking: as someone who loves food, Ellen has learnt to cook and she's fairly good at it. - Memory: Ellen has a good memory for detail. She can remember and even quote from the various books and comic books she's read. She can remember important details from the plot of her favourite TV series, anime and movies that she's sure will be important later. However, this memory only seems to extend to things she has an interest in. In the case of her school work, using classical history as an example, she can remember the names of all the Greek Gods, their Roman counterparts, various myths surrounding them and how this hero is related to that deity ect. But ask her about the architecture of a Roman city or the findings in Pompeii? She won't be able to tell you much. Equipment: Often carries her anti-depressants around with her, as well as a mobile phone to contact her Mum, Dad and her therapist, and a glasses case. Trivia: - Ellen's voice actor would be Sarah Williams (e.g. the English voice of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) - Ellen has Aspergers, which is the root of her social awkwardness and causes her to lose focus from time to time, often going into a daydream. - Due to the fact that most of those who have picked on her in the past have been males, Ellen is very nervous around boys and finds it difficult to understand them. - While she loves pretty much most food, she can't stand any form of pork, be it bacon or sausages. She far prefers beef, lamb, chicken or duck. Relationships: Impressions of other characters: - Lopmon: Thinks he's adorable and constantly makes fun of his overly-serious attitude. She's not entirely sure about what to think about them being partners for life, and while she does like him, she isn't sure what to make of him. - Annelise: Will probably want to be her friend the moment she sees her, regardless of how Annelise treats her in return. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's incredibly cute, but might be a little nervous around her. - Derek: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy. - Syakomon: Might find him a little frightening at first, though in the end might consider him cute. - Gavin: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy, though she may try to reach out to him because he likes reading so much. - Labramon: Ellen has had some bad experiences with dogs in the past and will most likely be afraid of him. Family: - Sarah Hawkes (mum): Ellen loves her dearly and considers her pretty much the ultimate role-model. Sarah also loves her daughter, but is always constantly concerned for her and this has taken a slight toll on her health. - Bryan Hawkes (dad): Ellen loves him too, though can get nervous around him from time to time due to his temper. Bryan loves his daughter, but sometimes get frustrated with her for not trying harder to get along with others. This might be because he sees a lot of himself in her. - Janene Grace (maternal grandmother): Ellen loves her but is irritated with how she's always asking about school. Likes going over to her house because she doesn't cook and often orders takeout. Janene, for one, loves her granddaughter and doesn't seem to notice when Ellen gets frustrated with her. - Nina Hawkes (paternal grandmother): Ellen and Nina like each other but, as Ellen hadn't spent much time with Nina, they're kind of distant, and Nina often thinks Ellen might be a little lazy and needs to contribute more. Digimon Species: Lopmon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Male Personality: In contrast to his partner, Lopmon is a very proud and opinionated little creature, though he's not much of a talker either. He has this silent confidence that is almost aggressive in its intensity and may even have been considered threatening... except for the fact that he's a little pink bunny rabbit, in which case his arrogant and overly serious nature tends to come off as comedic and perhaps even pompous more than anything else. Still, he seems to care deeply about his partner and, upon the very moment he meets her, is completely loyal to her, though not blind to her weaknesses. He can sense her fear and fragility and tries to make up for it by trying to turn himself into her knight in shining armour. And, as he progresses through his digivolutions, he's likely to become more and more chivalrous, though also more aggressive and overprotective. Time will tell how this pans out for him and Ellen. Attacks: Petit Twister - Causes a small-sized tornado by making both his ears like propellers. Blazing Ice - Fires a burst of cold air, capable of slightly freezing an enemy Lop Punch - Slaps enemy with ears. Digivolution line: Fresh: Conomon In-training: Kokomon Rookie: Lopmon Champion: Turuiemon Ultimate: Antylamon (Data) Dark ultimate: Antylamon (Virus) Mega: Cherubimon (Virtue) Dark mega: Cherubimon (Vice) Trivia: - His voice actor would be Freddy Highmore (e.g. the voice of Pantalaimon from The Golden Compass) Relationships: - Ellen: Completely devoted to protecting her, though he's not sure why he feels this way. He only knows that it's something he's meant to feel. - Annelise: Will probably be wary of her if Ellen is getting friendly with her. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's childish and ignore most of the time. - Derek: Will probably discourage Ellen from having anything to do with him. - Syakomon: Will most likely ignore him as well. - Gavin: Will be wary of him, though less so than the other two. - Labramon: Will do his best to make sure Ellen doesn't have to get too close to him.
Quand Derek est finalement arrivé à côté des autres, il a vu là plus d'humains qu'il ne croyait à l'origine et un garçon blond dans une chemise noire lui a demandé à quoi ressemblait le monstre. Pendant qu'il respirait, il a essayé de trouver une description. "Je l'ai vu dans l'océan et alors que c'était loin il ressemblait soit à un serpent géant ou un dragon sans ailes" Bien sûr, il a décrit un monstre de mer classique qu'il n'avait aucune idée en fait dans ce monde, mais comme il était censé être des partenaires avec une palourde, il ne semblait pas trop allé chercher à son avis. Syakomon n'a pas cru ce que son partenaire a dit mais a décidé de donner au garçon le bénéfice du doute pour l'instant. "Cela ressemble à un Seadramon ou au moins à un Digimon de cette ligne. Bien que ce soit étrange, j'ai toujours entendu dire que cette plage était un endroit sûr pour les Rookies." Bien sûr plus tard, après s'être assuré que tout le monde était en sécurité, il prévoyait de remplir Derek sur le message qui venait de la boîte de dépôt.
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Oui, la forêt a l'air mieux, je ne suis pas habillée pour le désert. Gavin a dit nonchalantement tout en poussant considérablement son écharpe derrière lui. Il roula les yeux à nouveau à l'idée de coller dans un groupe, il n'a jamais aimé être forcé dans un groupe et son humeur actuelle est dans le vide. "Bien, mais si je fais une sieste, ne me réveille pas à moins qu'un monstre n'attaque ou qu'il n'y ait d'autres urgences." Gain dit dans un ton ennuyé, Labramon regarda Gavin avec des expressions confuses. "Pretty petit pour un océan, j'ose l'appeler un lac." Gavin a dit d'un ton condescendant. Labramon a de nouveau regardé Gavin, il était si différent des humains par rapport à lui il y a quelques instants. "Alors, ton petit débutant?" Gavin a finalement reconnu Labramon qu'il avait failli sauter dans sa peau de la question. "Y-yeah!" Labramon a pompé son bras sur sa poitrine pour montrer sa fierté. "Y a-t-il une hiérarchie avec vous?" Gavin a demandé, Labramon avait l'air confus, "Un quoi?" Labramon a incliné sa tête, Gavin a soupiré, "Y a-t-il Digimon au-dessus de vous depuis votre débutant." Gavin a dit d'un ton ennuyé. Labramon a relativisé ce qu'il voulait dire. " Oh, c'est ce que tu voulais dire! Oui, il y a digimon au-dessus de nous." Labramon a dit avec un sourire sur son visage être en mesure d'être utile. -- Et... comment s'appelle-t-on? Gavin a demandé après quelques instants de silence. "J'ai oublié comment ils s'appellent!" Labramon a dit gaiement avec un grand sourire. Gavin soupirait profondément.
Digidestined Name: Gavin Rutherford Age: 18 Gender: Male Crest: Sloth Nationality: Spanish Amercian History: The youngest child of two, Gavin was alway bossed around by everybody. His parents wanted him to be a genius who shamed all their friends kids. An older sister who bossed him around to do everything for her since she was the older sibling and much more lazy then Gavin ever would be. He had a busy childhood with his parents and sister. Which only gotten worse with the start of schooling which he went into early due to having good grades for early grade school and skipped a few years of early schooling, Leaving him the odd kid in classes with most students older than him. He was teased by students but adored by teachers for his studious and quiet personality. The bullying was never severe or damaging as some would say it is. He found it annoying and made him avoid people older than him and if he can't do that then he makes people like him even if he has to lie to make them think he more exciting and likeable than he is. He was well-liked by the time he went to high school that he was almost never bullied or how people stopped commenting on his young age compared to his classmates. It was during his high school years that his current personality started surfacing, he started to be rebellious to his family in his own quiet way. Slowly he became more and more open about his rebelliousness until he is what he is today. He started writing short stories and poems instead of school work since he didn't want to do it and he started complex lies on why this was more important than his school work or chores. He finished high school a year early and will start university soon. But for now he is completely indifferent to life and doing his own thing how he wants to. Personality: Rebellious, snarky and calm. Some would call him lazy since all he does is read and write short stories even if he has lots of school work or chores to do. He is adamant to do what he wants to do, he is rebellious even if his tone and words don't match his actions. He is somewhat manipulative of others it's not in a malicious manner simply he convinces others to do things for him even if it would be easier for him to do. He's also a compulsive liar, often making large lies for small things. He works hard to be lazy. Optional: Skills: 1. Knows sign languages 2. Can play the piano and violin 3. Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Equipment: 1. A small but warm quilt 2. A messenger bag full of books and a notebook to write down poems and story ideas. Trivia: 1. Gavin's Theme is 'Into the Unknown' From Over the Garden Wall 2. Gavin's ambidextrous 3. Contortionist 4. Double jointed 5. Loves Yoga 6. He loves reading (Especially trashy romance series) Relationships: Annaliese: Would find her annoying, (if she treats Gavin like her classmates). If not he will like her okay if she carries her weight and maybe a bit of his own. Derek: Gavin's would be annoyed with him at the start because of his Jokester personality but will try to use his attention seeking as a chance to force his work onto Derek. Labramon: Gavin Adores Pup, since he has a love of animals and he always like an extra pair of hands doing his job, willingly without manipulating him. Syakomon: Gavin would find Syakomon both cute and off-putting since he doesn't like sea-life, but he still finds Syakomon cute which would be confusing to Gavin. Tinkermon: Gavin's would not be sure how to feel about Tinkermon. He will let Annaliese deal with her. Ellen: Gavin finds her annoying but willing to put up with her if she okay with helping him, also she reads maybe she can read Gavins story and see if there is any mistakes with them. Lopmon: Gavin finds him adorable but finds him cutely annoying. Digimon Species: Labramon Nickname: Pup Apparent gender: Male Personality: Loyal and patience. Always think of others instead of himself. But he can be naive and thoughtless at times. Cares deeply for Gavin. Attacks: Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark. Cure Liqueur: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. Digivolution line: Fresh: Paomon In-training: Xiaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Dark ultimate: Matadormon Slide ultimate: Cerberumon Jinrou Mode Mega: Anubismon Dark mega: AncientSphinxmon Slide mega: WIP Optional Trivia: 1. Loves Bacon! Relationships: Gavin: He cares deeply for his master and would do anything to keep him happy. Does Gavin's choirs for him and joins him with his yoga even if he's terrible at it. Annaliese: Labramon respect her on the ground of her being a digdestined but he will find her scary. Tinkermon: Labramon would find Tinkermon fun to be around, and would like her jokes. Derek: Labramon would like him, but he would wish he was braver. Syakomon: Labramon will be patience with Syakomon. Ellen: Labramon likes Ellen since she's the nicest of the digidestined (So far) Lopmon: Labramon finds Lopmon amusing, but admirable in a way.
Alors que Derek n'était pas heureux que l'attention ne soit pas restée sur lui pendant très longtemps, mais il savait mieux alors de pousser. Syakomon a pris le temps d'expliquer ce que la boîte a dit sur Digivices et les chemins qu'ils pouvaient prendre. Alors que le garçon préférerait honnêtement être le seul héros, il n'avait pas non plus l'intention de voyager cet endroit inconnu et dangereux sur le sien. "Mon vote va déserter. s'il y a plus de monstres, nous avons une meilleure chance de les voir sans tous les arbres." Après tout le monstre Siakomon ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de se demander si son partenaire allait tout simplement à l'encontre du groupe."Oui et ils nous verront aussi beaucoup plus facilement. Cela plus tous les autres dangers du désert signifie que je suis dans le groupe forestier."
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
On dirait qu'ils vont vers le sud. "En effet. Bien, nous ne voudrions pas qu'ils nous gênent." "Da. Allons-y. Tu veux dériver, et je veux rentrer. Aucune d'entre elles ne sera réalisée en se tenant debout. » « Nous devrions être là plus vite, le désert a un temps pire, mais le terrain est beaucoup plus facile à traverser. » "D'où je viens, il fait très froid, et il y a aussi un désert dans la nuit. Nous allons alors nous déplacer et camper quelque part avec une ombre pendant la journée et nous allons aller bien." Finissant leur observation du groupe sur la plage, le septième duo se retourna sur leurs talons et marcha vers le nord pour aller de l'autre côté du lac, dans l'intention de battre le reste à la prochaine boîte de message. Ils étaient tous les deux morts à être les meilleurs à ce qu'ils ont fait, et ils ne laisseront personne se tenir dans la voie de leur but - leur fierté ne le permettrait pas.
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Bien, il est donc décidé. Nous pouvons tous faire des présentations formelles à mesure que nous partons, je suppose. Et ne vous inquiétez pas, nous chercherons de la nourriture au fur et à mesure. Je suis sûr qu'on peut fouiller quelque chose dans la forêt. Caelyn a ajouté avec un grognement de son estomac. "On dirait que vous n'êtes pas le seul à avoir un peu faim!" Falcomon a fait un bruit qu'il n'avait pas entendu avant en accord avec l'évaluation de Caelyn. "En tout cas, il ne fait que s'approcher de la nuit. Je pense qu'il faut trouver des réponses plus tôt que tard." Caelyn rassembla le peu qu'il avait, et s'inclina vers Falco. -- Allons-nous? -- Nous le ferons! Le monstre numérique a répondu avec une quantité glissée d'enthousiasme. "Falco, un peu de oui?" Caelyn s'est retournée pour ne pas le voir sourire. Il savait que si elle pouvait, elle rougirait à la bourde.
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Date impériale : 2857.11.01 Lieu: Furnuss, Clomia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Après avoir entendu chacun de vous, le major laisse sa bouche se transformer en un léger sourire. S'adressant à vous tout ce qu'il dit, il prendra tout cela comme un accord de toutes sortes. J'aurais vraiment détesté si tu avais dit non. Si vous me suivez à la salle de conférence, toutes vos questions seront répondues. Après cela, il donne un léger clin d'œil aux gardes qui commencent à vous faire sortir de la pièce et dans le couloir. Avec Scenay et un garde devant, et les deux autres gardes derrière, vous êtes en train de descendre un long couloir tordant et sombre loin des cellules. Le voyage se fait en silence, mais parfois brisé par l'un des gardes grogne d'un ordre ou donne une pelle, surtout à Buck vous remarquez, quand quelqu'un se déplace lentement. Tandis que vous marchez, vous remarquez que vous semblez se déplacer lentement vers l'élévation. Il semble que vous ayez pu être en dessous du sol. Après plusieurs minutes, vous arrivez tous enfin dans une grande salle de conférence vide. Cette chambre est beaucoup plus belle que les chambres et les couloirs dans lesquels vous étiez auparavant. Les murs sont un beau bois et les planchers, tout en paraissant toujours en pierre, sont lisses et recouverts d'un joli tapis. Au centre de la pièce se trouve une grande table circulaire avec plusieurs chaises en bois finement façonnées autour. Devant chaque siège se trouve un seul bracelet en métal, similaire à une montre intelligente. Une fois que tout le monde est entré dans la pièce, Scenay prend sa place devant vous et les gardes prennent position le long des murs derrière vous. S'il vous plaît, asseyez-vous. Devant vous, vous trouverez une bande CIM. S'il vous plaît, mettez-le, et oui vous devez le porter.Scenay vous donne à tous un moment pour mettre les groupes avant de continuer, Avant de demander, les groupes doivent s'assurer que vous gardez votre fin de la négociation. Ils ont un GPS, nous permettant de vous suivre, et ils agissent comme communicateurs entre nous et l'un et l'autre. Vous avez aussi probablement senti un petit connard quand vous l'avez mis. C'est parce qu'il fournit aussi des lectures sur les éléments vitaux. Alors que vous vous installez dans vos sièges et ajustez les groupes CIM, Scenay commence à jouer avec le holo-keyboard de son groupe CIM personnel. Après avoir tapé quelques boutons, une carte holographique avec trois points, sur plus grand que l'autre, apparaît sur la table devant vous. Le major dit alors qu'il appuie sur un dernier bouton pour réduire les lumières. Ce que vous voyez devant vous est une carte de la partie installée de Clomia. Le point plus grand représente Furnuss, le centre administratif de Clomia et où nous sommes maintenant. Le point au sud-est est Rodnok, une petite ville minière. J'ai besoin que vous voyagez à Rodnok et que vous traitiez avec un agitateur local du nom de Diego Elvira. Il est un criminel avec une petite suite et a harcelé les biens de l'Empire ici sur Clomia. Tuez-le, faites-le entrer, honnêtement, je m'en fiche. Débarrassez-vous de lui.Scenay appuie sur un bouton et les lumières reviennent et la carte disparaît. Je veux que vous vous réjouissiez de ne pas le faire parce que je suis à court de personnel et je ne peux pas laisser un avant-poste impérial sous-piloté. En prime, si tu échoues et que tu te fais tuer, j'ai un problème de moins à régler. Maintenant, je vais vous donner un moment pour parler des choses et vous habituer aux groupes CIM, les yeux de Scenay sur Ahras pendant un moment, pendant que je vais chercher à l'enfant une écharpe des réquisitions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC Gains Tous : bande CIM Galactipedia activé
Alors qu'Ellen Hawkes descendait les escaliers jusqu'à la cuisine, elle était surprise de trouver sa mère debout au-dessus du poêle, ainsi que l'agréable arôme qui en émanait. "Bonjour," Mme Hawkes a appelé par-dessus son épaule alors qu'Ellen se tenait stupide dans la porte. "Nous n'avons plus de toasts et de céréales, alors j'ai pensé que nous aurions des crêpes pour le petit déjeuner aujourd'hui." "Oh!" Ellen s'écria, son expression de confusion se transformant en un sourire, et elle s'assit à la plus grande chaise, confortable à côté de la table de cuisine. "Que veux-tu sur ton premier pancake?" sa mère a demandé après quelques minutes. "Err, chocolat s'il vous plaît!" Ellen a dit, presque immédiatement. Peu de temps avant que sa mère mette une assiette devant elle, avec un crêpe roulé dans un enveloppement. En lâchant les lèvres, Ellen a ramassé son couteau et sa fourchette et a commencé à couper le pancake en morceaux avant d'en fourrer un dans sa bouche, en dribuant de la sauce au chocolat tout en bas de son menton et sur le devant de son pyjama rose. Sa mère, voyant cet acte presque grotesque de manger, attendit qu'Ellen ait avalé avant de venir et d'essuyer furieusement le visage de sa fille. -- Honnêtement, Ellen, dit Mme Hawkes avec un soupir. "Tu es un petit con." Quand sa mère a fini de nettoyer son visage, Ellen a muglé un "Désolé, maman", avant de pousser immédiatement un autre morceau de crêpe dans sa bouche. À la fin de son premier crêpe, le père d'Ellen, M. Hawkes, descendit bientôt, vêtu de son costume de travail. -- Bonjour, dit-il, d'un ton à la fois las mais joyeux, et s'assit face à Ellen. "Mornin', papa," Ellen a dit comme sa mère a placé un autre crêpe devant elle, cette fois étouffé dans une flaque dorée de sirop d'érable. Ellen a bien mangé celui-ci, puis un troisième, et était sur le point de commencer sa quatrième et finale quand sa mère lui a dit qu'elle allait juste conduire M. Hawkes au travail, ainsi que faire quelques courses. « Je devrais être partie pendant environ une heure », a ordonné lentement Mme Hawkes à Ellen, qui était à moitié en train d'écouter, à moitié se défouler de la nourriture dans sa gorge. "Quand je reviendrai, je m'attends à ce que tu travailles." Cette dernière condamnation a causé un léger gémissement à Ellen, que Mme Hawkes a répliqué avec un sourire et un "Si vous en avez assez fait à mon retour, je vous donnerai une glace." Avec ça, elle est sortie de la cuisine. Lentement, le père d'Ellen est passé à Ellen et a planté un petit baiser sur sa tête. "Bonne journée, poppet," a-t-il dit. -- Toi aussi, papa, répondit Ellen, bien que son discours fût légèrement étouffé par la grande bouche de la nourriture qui tournait encore dans son gob ouvert. Bientôt, Ellen a entendu la porte d'entrée se fermer et a fini de manger avant de s'endormir à l'envers dans sa chaise avec un soupir. Soudain, avec son ventre maintenant rempli de nourriture, tout ce qu'elle voulait faire était retourner au lit, cependant, se souvenant des paroles de sa mère, elle s'est poussée de façon instable jusqu'à ses pieds et s'est dirigée vers l'escalier pour se changer. Depuis qu'elle a commencé à être scolarisée à la maison, Ellen avait toujours accepté de se changer en vêtements appropriés au début de la journée, tout comme elle l'aurait fait si elle avait été à l'école. Sa mère avait soutenu qu'Ellen était moins susceptible de travailler si elle était habillée dans son pyjama, car elle serait encore dans un état d'esprit confortable et épuisé. Pendant qu'Ellen passait l'étude, cependant, elle a remarqué une lumière lumineuse qui en émanait, et s'est arrêtée, regardant devant la porte. Elle était noire, en dehors de la lumière blanche de l'eerie émise par l'ordinateur, qui en ce moment avait un écran entièrement blanc. Frowning, Ellen est entrée lentement dans la pièce et a clignoté l'interrupteur de lumière, bien que la pièce soit restée sombre. C'est alors qu'elle a pris conscience d'un son, comme un faible bruit blanc. Elle a cherché la source avant qu'un cas soudain de tête de lumière ne la surprenne. Elle s'est sentie faible, et a trébuché sur la forme sombre de la chaise d'ordinateur, s'écroulant dans elle maladroitement pour qu'elle ne tombe pas à plat sur son visage. La lumière de l'ordinateur, ainsi que le bruit blanc comme statique s'est intensifié comme Ellen a soudainement été engloutie dans la lumière blanche vive. Quand Ellen est arrivée, apparemment allongée sur le sol, elle a pris conscience d'un poids sur sa poitrine, et d'un souffle chaud sur son visage. Lentement, elle a ouvert les yeux. Une autre paire d'yeux, arrondis et bruns, la fixa d'un joli visage en fourrure. Ellen a crié fort et piercing alors qu'elle poussait l'étrange... quoi qu'il-était hors d'elle, la poussant au sol avant de s'asseoir brusquement. Son cri est rapidement mort dans un silence choqué alors qu'elle regardait son environnement à blanc. Ce n'était pas sa maison. Elle était dehors, sur une sorte de plage, bien qu'aucune n'ait été reconnue! Elle regarda ensuite à côté de ses jambes, où la créature était tombée. C'était en train de trébucher jusqu'à ses pieds, et il se tourna pour la regarder avec un léger éblouissement. Il était brun et rose de couleur, et ressemblait vaguement à un lapin, avec de longues oreilles qui semblaient plus longues que tout le corps. Sur sa tête, il y avait trois petites cornes. "C'était pour quoi?" il a demandé, en mettant ses petites pattes roses sur ses hanches. C'est la voix d'un enfant, d'un jeune garçon. Il, ou lui, a fait un pas vers Ellen, ce qui l'a amené à donner un peu de grincement alors qu'elle tirait ses genoux jusqu'à sa poitrine et se cognait les bras autour d'eux. -- Quoi? le lapin a dit, sonnant irritable. C'est alors, alors qu'Ellen enterra son menton dans ses genoux, qu'elle remarqua qu'elle ne portait plus son pyjama, mais plutôt dans des vêtements plus appropriés à l'extérieur, pas trop différents des vêtements qu'elle portait normalement quand elle sortit. Ses cheveux avaient même été attachés en deux tresses jumelles. Elle a ensuite fait un rire nerveux comme une réalisation sur elle. "Je rêve!" Elle s'est excusée à haute voix. La petite créature semblable à un lapin la regardait à blanc. -- Quoi? C'est ce qu'il a dit. Ellen riait encore. "Ce n'est qu'un rêve! Rien de tout ça n'est réel!" Elle a pointé un gros doigt sur le lapin. "Tu n'es pas réel!" Elle a fait un geste frénétique à son entourage. "Ce n'est pas réel!" La fronce du petit lapin, qui semblait être son expression par défaut, s'est creusée dans une croûte. "Ce n'est pas un rêve!" Il s'est exclamé. "C'est vraiment réel!" "Hah!" Ellen s'est exclamé, sa voix semblait s'élever plus elle parlait. Elle a croisé les bras au-dessus de sa poitrine. "Prouvez-le!" Puis le lapin lui a mordu le bras. "Ow!" Ellen a crié, tirant la peau dentée loin de la créature. "Ça fait mal!" -- Maintenant, êtes-vous convaincu? le lapin a dit, un peu émoussé. Ellen l'a frottée armée. "T'étais obligé de faire ça?" Elle a dit. -- Oui, oui, je l'ai fait. Avec un soupir, Ellen s'est mise aux pieds, en brossant le sable de sa robe, de ses capuches et de ses leggings. Elle regardait autour d'elle, notant certaines personnes à proximité. "Err, hey!" Elle a crié, commençant vers eux, seulement pour son pied, heureusement protégé par de longues bottes, a frappé quelque chose de dur et elle a trébuché dessus, tombant la face d'abord sur le sol et presque avalant une bouche de sable. Le petit lapin clignait sur elle avant de s'aventurer aux pieds. "Ça va?" lui a - t - il demandé. Ellen a levé la tête et craché du sable et de la saleté hors de sa bouche. "Non! Non, je ne vais pas bien fleurir!" Elle pouvait sentir des larmes se déchirer dans les coins de ses yeux et a donné un sniff fort pendant qu'elle badigeonnait les verres de ses lunettes. "Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait en fleur?" Le lapin a regardé vers ses pieds et a remarqué quelque chose enterré dans le sable, quelque chose de métallique. Il l'a ramassée et l'a tenue devant la fille. « C'était dans le sable », a-t-il dit. Une fois qu'Ellen s'était un peu calmée, elle a étudié l'appareil dans les mains des créatures, ce qui rappelait vaguement l'un de ces vieux Tamagotchis qu'elle possédait, bien qu'un peu plus grand et plus chunker. En couleur, il était rose et blanc. Doucement, Ellen l'a ramassée et examinée, ajustant légèrement ses lunettes. -- Qu'est-ce que c'est? "Je ne sais pas", a admis le lapin. "Mais j'ai l'impression que c'est important comment." Il s'est arrêté un moment avant de tenir sa patte. -- Au fait, je m'appelle Lopmon. Ellen fronça alors qu'elle regardait légèrement loin de l'écran avant de tenir son doigt rose dehors, l'envelopper autour de la patte de Lopmon et la secouer vers elle. "Je suis, erre, Ellen," elle a grondé. -- Heureux de vous rencontrer, Errellen, dit Lopmon, avant que son bras ne tombe sur son côté. "Erm, non, c'est juste Ellen." "D'accord, Justellen." Ellen a soupiré fort. "Ellen. Mon nom est Ellen." Lopmon a froncé. "C'est toi qui décides!" Il a dit, en mettant ses mains sur ses hanches. Ellen s'est poussée jusqu'à ce qu'elle se tienne debout encore et encore une fois a brossé le sable de ses vêtements et de son visage. Elle regarda ensuite les autres personnes qu'elle voyait au loin. "Allez", dit-elle à Lopmon. "Allons voir ce qui se passe." Elle s'est ensuite rendue jusqu'au reste du groupe, mais cette fois-ci elle a fait plus attention à regarder où elle allait.
Name: Ellen Hawkes Age: 16 Gender: Female Crest: Gluttony Nationality: English Appearance: Ellen is very short, 5'4" to be exact. She's also incredibly plump; with broad, square shoulders, fat thighs, quite a large and somewhat sagging chest for someone her age, and a rounded and child-like face. She's mostly pale as she doesn't get much sunlight, though her cheeks and nose are a contrastingly bright red as if she has a constant cold. Her blonde hair is just over shoulder length and is often tied up into two twin plaits, adding to Ellen's child-like look. She also wears a pair of thick-framed black glasses. Her eyes are greyish blue. Ellen tends to wear dark and dulled colours, and like wears long dresses, usually of a dark blue. She always wears black leggings underneath as she feels too self-conscius about her legs to have them bare or wear tights, plus it's warmer. She also have an oversized green hoodie, second-hand from her mother, which she always wears over the top. When she's outside by herself, she'll most likely have the hood up. She also likes wearing boots as opposed to regular shoes. History: Ellen was diagnosed with Aspergers at a very early age and, ever since, her parents have been somewhat protective of her, and also tend to spoil her immensely. It didn't help that Ellen's primary school didn't really have much of a special needs program and, even after her diagnosis, Ellen was constantly picked on by the teachers because she either didn't understand certain things (and was too shy to ask for them to be explained) and because Ellen would often daydream in the middle of class. Ellen also had no friends at her primary and was often picked on by a group of boys, who often made fun of her. It got so bad, Ellen started missing days off school. It got a little better towards the end of Ellen's Primary, thanks to talking with the teachers, but Ellen still got picked on occasionally and she had no friends to talk to or back her up. Things were much better for Ellen in secondary school, as they actually HAD a special needs department at the school that were able to give her the support she needed, and she even made a small group of friends... but by that point, the damage to her self-esteem was done. She remained very nervous and introverted, and could be incredibly dependent on her friends. This dependence actually caused one of her friends, a girl named Darcy who Ellen had considered her best friend, to drift away from her as she found their relationship 'suffocating'. This happened when Ellen was thirteen and caused to have nervous breakdown, in which she had to take many days off school. During this time, she was taken to therapy, where she diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and put on anti-depressants to help her cope. They did help, but they tried to send Ellen back to school, all of Ellen's friends were avoiding her, and a group of bullies had started picking on Ellen, saying she was 'schizo', among with other insults. Ellen's parents quickly pulled her out of school. They tried to send her to another school, but this didn't last long and Ellen has since been home-schooled. She's happier and more comfortable now, but has become incredibly lonely as well, seeking the company of children around her own age. Personality: Ellen is a somewhat shy girl, but still relatively easy to get along with if one can put up with her somewhat clingy tendencies. Having very few friends and often viewed as an outcast by her peers at school, Ellen has a tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her the slightest amount of kindness, immediately viewing that person as a friend. She's a people pleaser, often doing everything she can to make sure that everybody likes her. If someone criticises her or dislikes something about her, she'll always view it as her fault and will do all she can to improve herself. In fact, Ellen tends to think many things are her fault, and has quite the guilt complex, apologising for every little thing she has done wrong. This is due to the fact that Ellen suffers from anxiety and depression, both of which she's currently taking medication for, and when she's not wallowing in self-pity, she's getting incredibly worried and upset over tiny things. She's often worried, worrying about events in the future and constantly looking for a way out. In the end, however, she usually ends up ignoring her problems, hoping they'll go away on their own. In short, she's a huge coward, and when faced with a particularly difficult (or boring) task, she'll often retreat into her own little world, daydreaming and hiding in books and TV shows. The only things that make Ellen somewhat happy and content are her family, the various TV shows, movies, anime and video games she likes to read, watch or play, and, of course, food. Ellen eats all the time if there's food around and her parents constantly have to buy snack food for her. When there isn't snack food, she'll even scrounge up bits of bread or cheese. Eating or drinking gives her this slight positive boost in her mood, and she often makes it through the long tedious school days by thinking "at least we're having for supper tonight". Her dependence on food can actually be pretty concerning, as she gets hungry easily and if she gets hungry, she'll get more emotional than normal, sometimes even grumpy and unfriendly. It's something her parents have tried to address multiple times as, along with medication, Ellen also goes to counselling, and her parents have often asked Ellen's counsellor to address this issue. At the moment, though, they have made little progress. Skills: - Cooking: as someone who loves food, Ellen has learnt to cook and she's fairly good at it. - Memory: Ellen has a good memory for detail. She can remember and even quote from the various books and comic books she's read. She can remember important details from the plot of her favourite TV series, anime and movies that she's sure will be important later. However, this memory only seems to extend to things she has an interest in. In the case of her school work, using classical history as an example, she can remember the names of all the Greek Gods, their Roman counterparts, various myths surrounding them and how this hero is related to that deity ect. But ask her about the architecture of a Roman city or the findings in Pompeii? She won't be able to tell you much. Equipment: Often carries her anti-depressants around with her, as well as a mobile phone to contact her Mum, Dad and her therapist, and a glasses case. Trivia: - Ellen's voice actor would be Sarah Williams (e.g. the English voice of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) - Ellen has Aspergers, which is the root of her social awkwardness and causes her to lose focus from time to time, often going into a daydream. - Due to the fact that most of those who have picked on her in the past have been males, Ellen is very nervous around boys and finds it difficult to understand them. - While she loves pretty much most food, she can't stand any form of pork, be it bacon or sausages. She far prefers beef, lamb, chicken or duck. Relationships: Impressions of other characters: - Lopmon: Thinks he's adorable and constantly makes fun of his overly-serious attitude. She's not entirely sure about what to think about them being partners for life, and while she does like him, she isn't sure what to make of him. - Annelise: Will probably want to be her friend the moment she sees her, regardless of how Annelise treats her in return. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's incredibly cute, but might be a little nervous around her. - Derek: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy. - Syakomon: Might find him a little frightening at first, though in the end might consider him cute. - Gavin: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy, though she may try to reach out to him because he likes reading so much. - Labramon: Ellen has had some bad experiences with dogs in the past and will most likely be afraid of him. Family: - Sarah Hawkes (mum): Ellen loves her dearly and considers her pretty much the ultimate role-model. Sarah also loves her daughter, but is always constantly concerned for her and this has taken a slight toll on her health. - Bryan Hawkes (dad): Ellen loves him too, though can get nervous around him from time to time due to his temper. Bryan loves his daughter, but sometimes get frustrated with her for not trying harder to get along with others. This might be because he sees a lot of himself in her. - Janene Grace (maternal grandmother): Ellen loves her but is irritated with how she's always asking about school. Likes going over to her house because she doesn't cook and often orders takeout. Janene, for one, loves her granddaughter and doesn't seem to notice when Ellen gets frustrated with her. - Nina Hawkes (paternal grandmother): Ellen and Nina like each other but, as Ellen hadn't spent much time with Nina, they're kind of distant, and Nina often thinks Ellen might be a little lazy and needs to contribute more. Digimon Species: Lopmon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Male Personality: In contrast to his partner, Lopmon is a very proud and opinionated little creature, though he's not much of a talker either. He has this silent confidence that is almost aggressive in its intensity and may even have been considered threatening... except for the fact that he's a little pink bunny rabbit, in which case his arrogant and overly serious nature tends to come off as comedic and perhaps even pompous more than anything else. Still, he seems to care deeply about his partner and, upon the very moment he meets her, is completely loyal to her, though not blind to her weaknesses. He can sense her fear and fragility and tries to make up for it by trying to turn himself into her knight in shining armour. And, as he progresses through his digivolutions, he's likely to become more and more chivalrous, though also more aggressive and overprotective. Time will tell how this pans out for him and Ellen. Attacks: Petit Twister - Causes a small-sized tornado by making both his ears like propellers. Blazing Ice - Fires a burst of cold air, capable of slightly freezing an enemy Lop Punch - Slaps enemy with ears. Digivolution line: Fresh: Conomon In-training: Kokomon Rookie: Lopmon Champion: Turuiemon Ultimate: Antylamon (Data) Dark ultimate: Antylamon (Virus) Mega: Cherubimon (Virtue) Dark mega: Cherubimon (Vice) Trivia: - His voice actor would be Freddy Highmore (e.g. the voice of Pantalaimon from The Golden Compass) Relationships: - Ellen: Completely devoted to protecting her, though he's not sure why he feels this way. He only knows that it's something he's meant to feel. - Annelise: Will probably be wary of her if Ellen is getting friendly with her. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's childish and ignore most of the time. - Derek: Will probably discourage Ellen from having anything to do with him. - Syakomon: Will most likely ignore him as well. - Gavin: Will be wary of him, though less so than the other two. - Labramon: Will do his best to make sure Ellen doesn't have to get too close to him.
Même si c'était la dernière personne qu'il s'attendait à répondre, Caelyn était content de la réponse. Il a vu l'autre groupe se réunir et a décidé de passer à eux et de voir ce qu'ils pensaient être le mieux. "Alors, qu'est-ce que vous en pensez? Un désert brûlant... ou une forêt ombrée et ombrée?" Même s'il a fait un choix facile dans son esprit pour le groupe, Caelyn accepterait toute réponse qu'ils donneraient. "Aussi, bonjour. Mon nom est Caelyn." Il rougit en réalisant ses mauvaises manières. Il est rapidement retourné au sujet pour cacher son embarras. "Si c'est un digimon ultime, il nous essuie? Je ne suis pas prêt pour ça. Pourquoi ne faisons-nous pas un choix et ne bougeons-nous pas avant de devoir découvrir si la bête est fausse ou non? » Caelyn a mis ses mains dans ses poches de pantalon comme une tique nerveuse, et il a senti quelque chose d'étrange. "Huh, quand ai-je eu ça?" C'était un dispositif blanc et sarcophage qui ressemblait presque à une montre d'arrêt? Non ce n'était pas ça, ça devait être les éléments dont parlait l'enregistrement. Comme pour le tirer de la pensée Falco a répondu: "Je l'ai glissé dans leur quand nous marchions. Je l'avais trouvé à côté de vous quand nous nous sommes rencontrés pour la première fois." Caelyn a été impressionné qu'il n'ait même pas remarqué! "Tu es sournois!" Caelyn a dit avec un sourire. Heureusement que c'était pour moi, Caelyn pensait à lui-même. Parce que si je l'avais trouvé, je l'aurais gardé de toute façon. Falco s'est prosterné devant la moitié de l'attaque. Il pouvait dire qu'il y avait un ton sous-jacent, mais seulement parce qu'elle avait trompé Caelyn. Caelyn secoua la tête et retourna au groupe. -- Alors, avons-nous décidé?
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
Ellen regarda Annaliese alors qu'elle exprimait son opinion sur l'endroit où ils devraient aller. Ellen n'aimait pas vraiment l'une ou l'autre option, honnêtement, mais s'il n'y avait pas de troisième choix, elle savait où elle voulait aller. "Je, erre, pense que la forêt serait mieux", dit-elle, sa voix timide et quelque peu tremblante. "Si on traversait le désert, on mourrait probablement de faim et de déshydratation." -- Entre autres choses, ajouta Lopmon. Ellen a maladroitement déplacé son poids d'un pied à l'autre. « Si nous traversons la forêt, il sera frais, il y aura des endroits pour nous abriter, et nous sommes plus susceptibles de trouver de la nourriture. Comme... des champignons, des fruits et tout ça." Comme elle parlait, Ellen aurait soudain souhaité qu'elle n'ait pas pensé à la nourriture parce qu'elle se sentait maintenant un peu affamée. Il y a moins d'une heure, elle était rentrée chez elle dans sa maison chaleureuse, ses parents assis autour de la table et tout le monde se festinant joyeusement sur des crêpes. Maintenant qu'elle était seule dans un endroit étrange avec un groupe d'étrangers, elle souhaitait maintenant vivement qu'elle ait quelque chose à consommer, qu'il s'agisse d'un repas complet ou simplement d'un biscuit. Elle avait besoin d'une sorte de nourriture.
Name: Ellen Hawkes Age: 16 Gender: Female Crest: Gluttony Nationality: English Appearance: Ellen is very short, 5'4" to be exact. She's also incredibly plump; with broad, square shoulders, fat thighs, quite a large and somewhat sagging chest for someone her age, and a rounded and child-like face. She's mostly pale as she doesn't get much sunlight, though her cheeks and nose are a contrastingly bright red as if she has a constant cold. Her blonde hair is just over shoulder length and is often tied up into two twin plaits, adding to Ellen's child-like look. She also wears a pair of thick-framed black glasses. Her eyes are greyish blue. Ellen tends to wear dark and dulled colours, and like wears long dresses, usually of a dark blue. She always wears black leggings underneath as she feels too self-conscius about her legs to have them bare or wear tights, plus it's warmer. She also have an oversized green hoodie, second-hand from her mother, which she always wears over the top. When she's outside by herself, she'll most likely have the hood up. She also likes wearing boots as opposed to regular shoes. History: Ellen was diagnosed with Aspergers at a very early age and, ever since, her parents have been somewhat protective of her, and also tend to spoil her immensely. It didn't help that Ellen's primary school didn't really have much of a special needs program and, even after her diagnosis, Ellen was constantly picked on by the teachers because she either didn't understand certain things (and was too shy to ask for them to be explained) and because Ellen would often daydream in the middle of class. Ellen also had no friends at her primary and was often picked on by a group of boys, who often made fun of her. It got so bad, Ellen started missing days off school. It got a little better towards the end of Ellen's Primary, thanks to talking with the teachers, but Ellen still got picked on occasionally and she had no friends to talk to or back her up. Things were much better for Ellen in secondary school, as they actually HAD a special needs department at the school that were able to give her the support she needed, and she even made a small group of friends... but by that point, the damage to her self-esteem was done. She remained very nervous and introverted, and could be incredibly dependent on her friends. This dependence actually caused one of her friends, a girl named Darcy who Ellen had considered her best friend, to drift away from her as she found their relationship 'suffocating'. This happened when Ellen was thirteen and caused to have nervous breakdown, in which she had to take many days off school. During this time, she was taken to therapy, where she diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and put on anti-depressants to help her cope. They did help, but they tried to send Ellen back to school, all of Ellen's friends were avoiding her, and a group of bullies had started picking on Ellen, saying she was 'schizo', among with other insults. Ellen's parents quickly pulled her out of school. They tried to send her to another school, but this didn't last long and Ellen has since been home-schooled. She's happier and more comfortable now, but has become incredibly lonely as well, seeking the company of children around her own age. Personality: Ellen is a somewhat shy girl, but still relatively easy to get along with if one can put up with her somewhat clingy tendencies. Having very few friends and often viewed as an outcast by her peers at school, Ellen has a tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her the slightest amount of kindness, immediately viewing that person as a friend. She's a people pleaser, often doing everything she can to make sure that everybody likes her. If someone criticises her or dislikes something about her, she'll always view it as her fault and will do all she can to improve herself. In fact, Ellen tends to think many things are her fault, and has quite the guilt complex, apologising for every little thing she has done wrong. This is due to the fact that Ellen suffers from anxiety and depression, both of which she's currently taking medication for, and when she's not wallowing in self-pity, she's getting incredibly worried and upset over tiny things. She's often worried, worrying about events in the future and constantly looking for a way out. In the end, however, she usually ends up ignoring her problems, hoping they'll go away on their own. In short, she's a huge coward, and when faced with a particularly difficult (or boring) task, she'll often retreat into her own little world, daydreaming and hiding in books and TV shows. The only things that make Ellen somewhat happy and content are her family, the various TV shows, movies, anime and video games she likes to read, watch or play, and, of course, food. Ellen eats all the time if there's food around and her parents constantly have to buy snack food for her. When there isn't snack food, she'll even scrounge up bits of bread or cheese. Eating or drinking gives her this slight positive boost in her mood, and she often makes it through the long tedious school days by thinking "at least we're having for supper tonight". Her dependence on food can actually be pretty concerning, as she gets hungry easily and if she gets hungry, she'll get more emotional than normal, sometimes even grumpy and unfriendly. It's something her parents have tried to address multiple times as, along with medication, Ellen also goes to counselling, and her parents have often asked Ellen's counsellor to address this issue. At the moment, though, they have made little progress. Skills: - Cooking: as someone who loves food, Ellen has learnt to cook and she's fairly good at it. - Memory: Ellen has a good memory for detail. She can remember and even quote from the various books and comic books she's read. She can remember important details from the plot of her favourite TV series, anime and movies that she's sure will be important later. However, this memory only seems to extend to things she has an interest in. In the case of her school work, using classical history as an example, she can remember the names of all the Greek Gods, their Roman counterparts, various myths surrounding them and how this hero is related to that deity ect. But ask her about the architecture of a Roman city or the findings in Pompeii? She won't be able to tell you much. Equipment: Often carries her anti-depressants around with her, as well as a mobile phone to contact her Mum, Dad and her therapist, and a glasses case. Trivia: - Ellen's voice actor would be Sarah Williams (e.g. the English voice of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) - Ellen has Aspergers, which is the root of her social awkwardness and causes her to lose focus from time to time, often going into a daydream. - Due to the fact that most of those who have picked on her in the past have been males, Ellen is very nervous around boys and finds it difficult to understand them. - While she loves pretty much most food, she can't stand any form of pork, be it bacon or sausages. She far prefers beef, lamb, chicken or duck. Relationships: Impressions of other characters: - Lopmon: Thinks he's adorable and constantly makes fun of his overly-serious attitude. She's not entirely sure about what to think about them being partners for life, and while she does like him, she isn't sure what to make of him. - Annelise: Will probably want to be her friend the moment she sees her, regardless of how Annelise treats her in return. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's incredibly cute, but might be a little nervous around her. - Derek: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy. - Syakomon: Might find him a little frightening at first, though in the end might consider him cute. - Gavin: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy, though she may try to reach out to him because he likes reading so much. - Labramon: Ellen has had some bad experiences with dogs in the past and will most likely be afraid of him. Family: - Sarah Hawkes (mum): Ellen loves her dearly and considers her pretty much the ultimate role-model. Sarah also loves her daughter, but is always constantly concerned for her and this has taken a slight toll on her health. - Bryan Hawkes (dad): Ellen loves him too, though can get nervous around him from time to time due to his temper. Bryan loves his daughter, but sometimes get frustrated with her for not trying harder to get along with others. This might be because he sees a lot of himself in her. - Janene Grace (maternal grandmother): Ellen loves her but is irritated with how she's always asking about school. Likes going over to her house because she doesn't cook and often orders takeout. Janene, for one, loves her granddaughter and doesn't seem to notice when Ellen gets frustrated with her. - Nina Hawkes (paternal grandmother): Ellen and Nina like each other but, as Ellen hadn't spent much time with Nina, they're kind of distant, and Nina often thinks Ellen might be a little lazy and needs to contribute more. Digimon Species: Lopmon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Male Personality: In contrast to his partner, Lopmon is a very proud and opinionated little creature, though he's not much of a talker either. He has this silent confidence that is almost aggressive in its intensity and may even have been considered threatening... except for the fact that he's a little pink bunny rabbit, in which case his arrogant and overly serious nature tends to come off as comedic and perhaps even pompous more than anything else. Still, he seems to care deeply about his partner and, upon the very moment he meets her, is completely loyal to her, though not blind to her weaknesses. He can sense her fear and fragility and tries to make up for it by trying to turn himself into her knight in shining armour. And, as he progresses through his digivolutions, he's likely to become more and more chivalrous, though also more aggressive and overprotective. Time will tell how this pans out for him and Ellen. Attacks: Petit Twister - Causes a small-sized tornado by making both his ears like propellers. Blazing Ice - Fires a burst of cold air, capable of slightly freezing an enemy Lop Punch - Slaps enemy with ears. Digivolution line: Fresh: Conomon In-training: Kokomon Rookie: Lopmon Champion: Turuiemon Ultimate: Antylamon (Data) Dark ultimate: Antylamon (Virus) Mega: Cherubimon (Virtue) Dark mega: Cherubimon (Vice) Trivia: - His voice actor would be Freddy Highmore (e.g. the voice of Pantalaimon from The Golden Compass) Relationships: - Ellen: Completely devoted to protecting her, though he's not sure why he feels this way. He only knows that it's something he's meant to feel. - Annelise: Will probably be wary of her if Ellen is getting friendly with her. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's childish and ignore most of the time. - Derek: Will probably discourage Ellen from having anything to do with him. - Syakomon: Will most likely ignore him as well. - Gavin: Will be wary of him, though less so than the other two. - Labramon: Will do his best to make sure Ellen doesn't have to get too close to him.
Alors que Derek n'était pas heureux que sa suggestion ait été ignorée, il savait que la forêt était bien sûr la meilleure façon d'aller, alors il a accompagné les autres sans se plaindre. Pour le reste de la journée, il ne tenta plus d'être le centre de l'attention, sachant que s'il le jugeait trop souvent indigne de confiance par les autres que toutes choses considérées pouvaient être dangereuses. Après que le groupe eut fait son appel, mais avant que Derek ne puisse s'endormir sur le sol froid, ils furent soudainement attaqués. L'immatérialité a commencé à grimper sur l'arbre le plus proche, espérant que ces étranges créatures de champignons ignoreraient ou ne seraient pas en mesure de le suivre. Syakomon a entre-temps essayé de raisonner avec leurs agresseurs. "Nous ne voulons pas nous battre, nous ne sommes que des voyageurs."
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Voyant que leurs agresseurs n'avaient clairement aucune intention d'arrêter leur attaque, Syakomon a décidé d'aider Tinkermon à sortir. Visant le Mushroomon qui a attaqué la dernière fois, il a craché plusieurs perles noires."Black perle shot." Derek voyant comment le Digimon a bien géré les choses s'est calmé un peu et puisqu'il ne voulait pas être vu comme un lâche total remonté dans l'arbre."Avant que quelqu'un le dise, je sais que je ne suis pas la personne la plus courageuse, d'accord?" Il espérait qu'en le pointant lui - même, il empêchait les autres de se moquer de lui.
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Akira regarda dans l'admiration que les créatures des champignons attaquèrent. Il avait été à la traîne et avait été témoin de beaucoup de combats. "Devinez que vous feriez mieux de les aider." Akira a dit de regarder Patamon. "Oui, je suppose que c'est ton droit." Le digimon a répondu en s'avançant aussi vite qu'il le pouvait. Boom Bubble! Patamon cria alors qu'il inhalait et lâchait une explosion d'air condensé frappant l'un des champignons carrés sur la tête.
Digidestined Name: Caelyn Tanzer Age: 17 years Gender: Male Crest: Greed Nationality: English History: Caelyn has been an only child his whole life. Not ever knowing what it was like to share any of his possessions. His parents are wealthy real estate tycoons who did not have time to spend with Caelyn during his childhood. Their answer to the dilemma was to hire a nanny to raise him, and drown him in material possessions. Caelyn's parents knew that they were wrong in being consumed with work, but they made it right by buying him anything he wanted. Caelyn went through 7 dogs in six months because it did not suit him. Caelyn's has been in boarding school since the age of 5. Anytime he ever needed anything he just threw money at it until it was achieved, or went away. Until one day when he started being bullied. Caelyn had never felt such utter humiliation as he did when he was pantsed. From that day on when he was 9 until now he has focused on martial arts. His parents hiring him a teacher of course. They spared no expense and flew in a Kendo master from Japan. Caelyn had always been one to quit things that were hard. But he knew he had to make that bully pay. He enjoyed being the feared student at the school. He always had to have his way and this would go that way as well. When he was 14 Caelyn heard word that the bully was about to move away, so he chose his moment and challenged him. Caelyn threw a kendo at the boys foot and moved in to strike. The bully was quickly dispatched and after many kids cheered and gathered around Caelyn to thank him. "I didn't do this for you! Why are you thanking me!?" This theme seemed to recur in Caelyn's life frequently and went unnoticed to him. It always seemed like he was a good kid, with narrow-minded intentions. The enemy of Caelyn was often the enemy of others. When an obstacle was placed in front of Caelyn that kept him from what he wanted, Caelyn removed it. This theme seemed to curb some of Caelyn's roguish tendencies. He did like the attention and praise he got from being people's champion. Even if only for the attention, it seemed to work well in the eyes of others. He gained companions and friends as he started high school. It helped him realize what was lacking in his life. •Education: In High School (honors) •Work Spoiled Brat Personality: Caelyn is spoiled, but does not mind working for what he wants. Caelyn as a selfishly misguided savior complex. He helps others for the praise and devotion the falls onto him. Optional: Skills: Kendo. Excellent Swimmer. Bacon-lover. Equipment: backpack/ Caelyn's lucky coin. •Weapons Kendo Stick (hope to upgrade to real steel :)) Trivia: Dante Basco does the voice of Caelyn (prince Zuko Avatar. American Dragon Jake Long) Relationships: Caelyn is and will always be out for himself. He is passive when it comes to his parents, although nothing has strained that bond..yet Other Characters TBD Digimon Falcomon Species: Speed Bird Species Nickname: Falco Apparent gender: Female Personality: Falina speaks more with her actions. She is very diligent and promptly wants to achieve her goals. Upon meeting, Caelyn immediately bonds, because he has an extension for his means. Falina just wants to appease Caelyn. She likes the motivation he inspires in her by always scheming. Caelyn always has some grand design and Falina wants nothing more than to be the reason it is achieved. Attacks: Scratch Smash: Scratches with its wing claws. Ninja Blade: Rapidly throws throwing stars. Firecracker Smokescreen: Drops exploding bamboo cylinders. Wind Blade: Flaps wings to produce a wind that can cut like a blade. Shadow Screen: Use digital ninjiutsu to confuse the enemy. Falco Rush: Tramps on the opponent's head while in the air. Digivolution line: •Fresh: •In-training: •Rookie: •Champion: •Ultimate: •Dark ultimate: Crowmon (Data) •Mega: •Dark mega: Ravemon (Data) Relationships: TBD Still haven't finished the relationships yet just wanted to get it up here! Will finish tomorrow.
Falcomon prenait déjà une approche de combat varié, ne voulant pas se rapprocher de ces monstres particuliers. "Regardez leurs attaques variées, compris! Merci, bricoleur." Caelyn a hurlé en reconnaissance à la créature utile. "Falco, peut-être leur montrer quelques-unes de vos attaques, mais être évasive." Falcomon a hurlé comme s'il avait déjà prévu de rester loin. La paire avait l'impression que c'était déjà effrayant. Caelyn espère pouvoir confier cette créature autant qu'il l'a fait. Il tira son épée et regarda la paire de digimon hostile la plus proche. Falcomon a crié une attaque et libéré une sorte d'écran de fumée. Il semblait confondre les ennemis. Caelyn sentit une main l'attraper et il flippa en pensant qu'il avait été attrapé, il se rendit compte que c'était Falcomon pointer dans les arbres, alors ils montèrent rapidement avant que la fumée s'éteigne. Falcomon tenait une plume sur son bec et bientôt des cylindres de bambou tombaient comme des bombes sur la paire. Ils semblaient ignorer la source de l'attaque pour l'instant, mais cela changerait bientôt ils craignaient.
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Gavin a suivi le groupe à travers les bois avec Labramon près de son côté, le chien a regardé partout où Gavin ne pouvait pas être ennuyé de regarder vers. Il lisait et marchait jusqu'à ce que le soleil devienne trop bas pour lire. À un moment, il a sorti sa courtepointe et a enveloppé son corps dedans, il ne pouvait pas se soucier si quelqu'un voulait partager il n'était que assez grand pour lui et peut-être pub s'il reste proche. Il se méfiait des autres enfants et des ados, les quelques fois où il l'a parlé soupirs, grognements et muteurs. En réalité, il était trop indifférent à l'idée d'être ici. C'était mieux que sa vie à la maison, il n'a plus à travailler sur des choses ennuyeuses sans raison, il a maintenant une raison de se diriger vers les bois, c'est la raison pour laquelle il n'était pas d'accord avec, mais c'est une raison. Mieux que les dix-huit années précédentes. Au moment où le groupe a cessé de marcher et le digimon a commencé le feu Gavin posé sur une parcelle d'herbe et s'est rapidement endormi. Un ronflement mou pouvait être entendu de sa silhouette endormie. Labramon a paniqué un moment inquiet que Gavin est tombé ou s'est évanoui, mais a été soulagé de l'entendre ronfler disant au chiot qu'il dormait normalement si flippement rapide. Avant que Labramon puisse se détendre et s'allonger à côté de Gavin, un groupe de Mushroomon sortit de la brousse derrière le feu et entoura le groupe, Labramon était dans une position offensive près de Gavin, qui dormait encore bien que tout cela. Il regarda Darek et Siakomon qui essayaient d'éviter un combat, mais les Mouschooons attaquent déjà, Labramon a utilisé son Retriever-bark pour essayer d'envoyer le champignon loin du groupe. Gavin dormait encore.
Digidestined Name: Gavin Rutherford Age: 18 Gender: Male Crest: Sloth Nationality: Spanish Amercian History: The youngest child of two, Gavin was alway bossed around by everybody. His parents wanted him to be a genius who shamed all their friends kids. An older sister who bossed him around to do everything for her since she was the older sibling and much more lazy then Gavin ever would be. He had a busy childhood with his parents and sister. Which only gotten worse with the start of schooling which he went into early due to having good grades for early grade school and skipped a few years of early schooling, Leaving him the odd kid in classes with most students older than him. He was teased by students but adored by teachers for his studious and quiet personality. The bullying was never severe or damaging as some would say it is. He found it annoying and made him avoid people older than him and if he can't do that then he makes people like him even if he has to lie to make them think he more exciting and likeable than he is. He was well-liked by the time he went to high school that he was almost never bullied or how people stopped commenting on his young age compared to his classmates. It was during his high school years that his current personality started surfacing, he started to be rebellious to his family in his own quiet way. Slowly he became more and more open about his rebelliousness until he is what he is today. He started writing short stories and poems instead of school work since he didn't want to do it and he started complex lies on why this was more important than his school work or chores. He finished high school a year early and will start university soon. But for now he is completely indifferent to life and doing his own thing how he wants to. Personality: Rebellious, snarky and calm. Some would call him lazy since all he does is read and write short stories even if he has lots of school work or chores to do. He is adamant to do what he wants to do, he is rebellious even if his tone and words don't match his actions. He is somewhat manipulative of others it's not in a malicious manner simply he convinces others to do things for him even if it would be easier for him to do. He's also a compulsive liar, often making large lies for small things. He works hard to be lazy. Optional: Skills: 1. Knows sign languages 2. Can play the piano and violin 3. Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Equipment: 1. A small but warm quilt 2. A messenger bag full of books and a notebook to write down poems and story ideas. Trivia: 1. Gavin's Theme is 'Into the Unknown' From Over the Garden Wall 2. Gavin's ambidextrous 3. Contortionist 4. Double jointed 5. Loves Yoga 6. He loves reading (Especially trashy romance series) Relationships: Annaliese: Would find her annoying, (if she treats Gavin like her classmates). If not he will like her okay if she carries her weight and maybe a bit of his own. Derek: Gavin's would be annoyed with him at the start because of his Jokester personality but will try to use his attention seeking as a chance to force his work onto Derek. Labramon: Gavin Adores Pup, since he has a love of animals and he always like an extra pair of hands doing his job, willingly without manipulating him. Syakomon: Gavin would find Syakomon both cute and off-putting since he doesn't like sea-life, but he still finds Syakomon cute which would be confusing to Gavin. Tinkermon: Gavin's would not be sure how to feel about Tinkermon. He will let Annaliese deal with her. Ellen: Gavin finds her annoying but willing to put up with her if she okay with helping him, also she reads maybe she can read Gavins story and see if there is any mistakes with them. Lopmon: Gavin finds him adorable but finds him cutely annoying. Digimon Species: Labramon Nickname: Pup Apparent gender: Male Personality: Loyal and patience. Always think of others instead of himself. But he can be naive and thoughtless at times. Cares deeply for Gavin. Attacks: Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark. Cure Liqueur: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. Digivolution line: Fresh: Paomon In-training: Xiaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Dark ultimate: Matadormon Slide ultimate: Cerberumon Jinrou Mode Mega: Anubismon Dark mega: AncientSphinxmon Slide mega: WIP Optional Trivia: 1. Loves Bacon! Relationships: Gavin: He cares deeply for his master and would do anything to keep him happy. Does Gavin's choirs for him and joins him with his yoga even if he's terrible at it. Annaliese: Labramon respect her on the ground of her being a digdestined but he will find her scary. Tinkermon: Labramon would find Tinkermon fun to be around, and would like her jokes. Derek: Labramon would like him, but he would wish he was braver. Syakomon: Labramon will be patience with Syakomon. Ellen: Labramon likes Ellen since she's the nicest of the digidestined (So far) Lopmon: Labramon finds Lopmon amusing, but admirable in a way.
Caelyn et Falcomon ont utilisé la fumée pour mieux arpenter la zone de combat. Ce qu'ils ont vu, c'était trois champignons qui ont fait des ravages sur Tinkermon. "Falcomon, tu peux t'en remettre pour une attaque aérienne?" Caelyn a dit doucement à son nouveau compagnon. Elle a hurlé et sautait à travers les branches en un éclair. Caelyn savait qu'il allait se haïr pour cet acte de bravoure, mais il avait besoin de ces gens pour ses propres gains. "Hé, vilaines têtes de champignons! Par ici!" Caelyn déchaîna son épée et prit une position défensive. Il devait faire confiance à ses nouveaux compagnons. Peut-être que cette distraction donnerait aux autres membres une chance de former une sorte de plan. Il semblait que cette rencontre testerait la douceur de ce groupe, et Caelyn était absolument sûr de ne pas échouer. Le digimon est arrivé, et Falcomon n'était toujours nulle part où être vu. Oui, il semblait que Caelyn se haïrait pour sa stupidité après tout. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit.
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
Ellen a fait de son mieux pour suivre le reste du groupe, même si elle n'était pas une marcheuse rapide particulière et, parfois, elle allait dans un petit sprint pour rattraper. Pendant ce temps, Lopmon avait de nouveau décidé de surprendre Ellen en montrant qu'il pouvait utiliser ses oreilles trop longues, qui au début semblaient le garder derrière lui, pour réellement voler, ou au moins glisser de courtes distances. Lors de cette découverte, Ellen s'était un peu gigotée, car il avait l'air un peu ridicule, mais ce moment n'a pas duré tant que le groupe a vite été attaqué par... Des champignons. Vivre, marcher, parler de champignons. Au moment où ces créatures ont commencé à jeter des champignons, qui d'une certaine façon étaient effectivement utiles comme armes, Lopmon est tombé de l'air sur le sol, et est entré dans une position de combat. "Ne t'inquiète pas, ELlen!" Il lui a rappelé. "Je m'en occupe!" Ellen, cependant, était trop occupée à fuir et à se cacher derrière un arbre pour écouter. "Je suis désolé!" Elle a crié sur les monstres étranges. "Je promets de ne plus jamais manger de champignons!" Lopmon la regarda et lui donna un soupir fort avant de retourner au Champignon. "Blazing Ice!" il cria, et tira une explosion d'air froid sur le Champignon de sa bouche, essayant d'essayer de congeler au moins l'un d'entre eux.
Name: Ellen Hawkes Age: 16 Gender: Female Crest: Gluttony Nationality: English Appearance: Ellen is very short, 5'4" to be exact. She's also incredibly plump; with broad, square shoulders, fat thighs, quite a large and somewhat sagging chest for someone her age, and a rounded and child-like face. She's mostly pale as she doesn't get much sunlight, though her cheeks and nose are a contrastingly bright red as if she has a constant cold. Her blonde hair is just over shoulder length and is often tied up into two twin plaits, adding to Ellen's child-like look. She also wears a pair of thick-framed black glasses. Her eyes are greyish blue. Ellen tends to wear dark and dulled colours, and like wears long dresses, usually of a dark blue. She always wears black leggings underneath as she feels too self-conscius about her legs to have them bare or wear tights, plus it's warmer. She also have an oversized green hoodie, second-hand from her mother, which she always wears over the top. When she's outside by herself, she'll most likely have the hood up. She also likes wearing boots as opposed to regular shoes. History: Ellen was diagnosed with Aspergers at a very early age and, ever since, her parents have been somewhat protective of her, and also tend to spoil her immensely. It didn't help that Ellen's primary school didn't really have much of a special needs program and, even after her diagnosis, Ellen was constantly picked on by the teachers because she either didn't understand certain things (and was too shy to ask for them to be explained) and because Ellen would often daydream in the middle of class. Ellen also had no friends at her primary and was often picked on by a group of boys, who often made fun of her. It got so bad, Ellen started missing days off school. It got a little better towards the end of Ellen's Primary, thanks to talking with the teachers, but Ellen still got picked on occasionally and she had no friends to talk to or back her up. Things were much better for Ellen in secondary school, as they actually HAD a special needs department at the school that were able to give her the support she needed, and she even made a small group of friends... but by that point, the damage to her self-esteem was done. She remained very nervous and introverted, and could be incredibly dependent on her friends. This dependence actually caused one of her friends, a girl named Darcy who Ellen had considered her best friend, to drift away from her as she found their relationship 'suffocating'. This happened when Ellen was thirteen and caused to have nervous breakdown, in which she had to take many days off school. During this time, she was taken to therapy, where she diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and put on anti-depressants to help her cope. They did help, but they tried to send Ellen back to school, all of Ellen's friends were avoiding her, and a group of bullies had started picking on Ellen, saying she was 'schizo', among with other insults. Ellen's parents quickly pulled her out of school. They tried to send her to another school, but this didn't last long and Ellen has since been home-schooled. She's happier and more comfortable now, but has become incredibly lonely as well, seeking the company of children around her own age. Personality: Ellen is a somewhat shy girl, but still relatively easy to get along with if one can put up with her somewhat clingy tendencies. Having very few friends and often viewed as an outcast by her peers at school, Ellen has a tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her the slightest amount of kindness, immediately viewing that person as a friend. She's a people pleaser, often doing everything she can to make sure that everybody likes her. If someone criticises her or dislikes something about her, she'll always view it as her fault and will do all she can to improve herself. In fact, Ellen tends to think many things are her fault, and has quite the guilt complex, apologising for every little thing she has done wrong. This is due to the fact that Ellen suffers from anxiety and depression, both of which she's currently taking medication for, and when she's not wallowing in self-pity, she's getting incredibly worried and upset over tiny things. She's often worried, worrying about events in the future and constantly looking for a way out. In the end, however, she usually ends up ignoring her problems, hoping they'll go away on their own. In short, she's a huge coward, and when faced with a particularly difficult (or boring) task, she'll often retreat into her own little world, daydreaming and hiding in books and TV shows. The only things that make Ellen somewhat happy and content are her family, the various TV shows, movies, anime and video games she likes to read, watch or play, and, of course, food. Ellen eats all the time if there's food around and her parents constantly have to buy snack food for her. When there isn't snack food, she'll even scrounge up bits of bread or cheese. Eating or drinking gives her this slight positive boost in her mood, and she often makes it through the long tedious school days by thinking "at least we're having for supper tonight". Her dependence on food can actually be pretty concerning, as she gets hungry easily and if she gets hungry, she'll get more emotional than normal, sometimes even grumpy and unfriendly. It's something her parents have tried to address multiple times as, along with medication, Ellen also goes to counselling, and her parents have often asked Ellen's counsellor to address this issue. At the moment, though, they have made little progress. Skills: - Cooking: as someone who loves food, Ellen has learnt to cook and she's fairly good at it. - Memory: Ellen has a good memory for detail. She can remember and even quote from the various books and comic books she's read. She can remember important details from the plot of her favourite TV series, anime and movies that she's sure will be important later. However, this memory only seems to extend to things she has an interest in. In the case of her school work, using classical history as an example, she can remember the names of all the Greek Gods, their Roman counterparts, various myths surrounding them and how this hero is related to that deity ect. But ask her about the architecture of a Roman city or the findings in Pompeii? She won't be able to tell you much. Equipment: Often carries her anti-depressants around with her, as well as a mobile phone to contact her Mum, Dad and her therapist, and a glasses case. Trivia: - Ellen's voice actor would be Sarah Williams (e.g. the English voice of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) - Ellen has Aspergers, which is the root of her social awkwardness and causes her to lose focus from time to time, often going into a daydream. - Due to the fact that most of those who have picked on her in the past have been males, Ellen is very nervous around boys and finds it difficult to understand them. - While she loves pretty much most food, she can't stand any form of pork, be it bacon or sausages. She far prefers beef, lamb, chicken or duck. Relationships: Impressions of other characters: - Lopmon: Thinks he's adorable and constantly makes fun of his overly-serious attitude. She's not entirely sure about what to think about them being partners for life, and while she does like him, she isn't sure what to make of him. - Annelise: Will probably want to be her friend the moment she sees her, regardless of how Annelise treats her in return. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's incredibly cute, but might be a little nervous around her. - Derek: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy. - Syakomon: Might find him a little frightening at first, though in the end might consider him cute. - Gavin: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy, though she may try to reach out to him because he likes reading so much. - Labramon: Ellen has had some bad experiences with dogs in the past and will most likely be afraid of him. Family: - Sarah Hawkes (mum): Ellen loves her dearly and considers her pretty much the ultimate role-model. Sarah also loves her daughter, but is always constantly concerned for her and this has taken a slight toll on her health. - Bryan Hawkes (dad): Ellen loves him too, though can get nervous around him from time to time due to his temper. Bryan loves his daughter, but sometimes get frustrated with her for not trying harder to get along with others. This might be because he sees a lot of himself in her. - Janene Grace (maternal grandmother): Ellen loves her but is irritated with how she's always asking about school. Likes going over to her house because she doesn't cook and often orders takeout. Janene, for one, loves her granddaughter and doesn't seem to notice when Ellen gets frustrated with her. - Nina Hawkes (paternal grandmother): Ellen and Nina like each other but, as Ellen hadn't spent much time with Nina, they're kind of distant, and Nina often thinks Ellen might be a little lazy and needs to contribute more. Digimon Species: Lopmon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Male Personality: In contrast to his partner, Lopmon is a very proud and opinionated little creature, though he's not much of a talker either. He has this silent confidence that is almost aggressive in its intensity and may even have been considered threatening... except for the fact that he's a little pink bunny rabbit, in which case his arrogant and overly serious nature tends to come off as comedic and perhaps even pompous more than anything else. Still, he seems to care deeply about his partner and, upon the very moment he meets her, is completely loyal to her, though not blind to her weaknesses. He can sense her fear and fragility and tries to make up for it by trying to turn himself into her knight in shining armour. And, as he progresses through his digivolutions, he's likely to become more and more chivalrous, though also more aggressive and overprotective. Time will tell how this pans out for him and Ellen. Attacks: Petit Twister - Causes a small-sized tornado by making both his ears like propellers. Blazing Ice - Fires a burst of cold air, capable of slightly freezing an enemy Lop Punch - Slaps enemy with ears. Digivolution line: Fresh: Conomon In-training: Kokomon Rookie: Lopmon Champion: Turuiemon Ultimate: Antylamon (Data) Dark ultimate: Antylamon (Virus) Mega: Cherubimon (Virtue) Dark mega: Cherubimon (Vice) Trivia: - His voice actor would be Freddy Highmore (e.g. the voice of Pantalaimon from The Golden Compass) Relationships: - Ellen: Completely devoted to protecting her, though he's not sure why he feels this way. He only knows that it's something he's meant to feel. - Annelise: Will probably be wary of her if Ellen is getting friendly with her. - Tinkermon: Will probably think she's childish and ignore most of the time. - Derek: Will probably discourage Ellen from having anything to do with him. - Syakomon: Will most likely ignore him as well. - Gavin: Will be wary of him, though less so than the other two. - Labramon: Will do his best to make sure Ellen doesn't have to get too close to him.
Le jour, c'était une sacrée promenade. En fait, Annaliese était un peu jalouse du fait que Tinkermon devait juste voler ou se reposer sur la tête de quelqu'un. Elle commençait même à penser qu'il y avait une forme de fée qui commençait à s'enfoncer dans ses cheveux. Le Fairy Digimon n'était pas trop lourd, donc elle ne s'en souciait pas trop. Pendant le voyage, elle a demandé à Tinkermon de lui expliquer soigneusement tout le système de classement Digimon. Quelle était la différence entre un Rookie et un Champion? Ou une Ultime!? OU même une Mega!!?? Elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que digimon puisse changer. "Donc Digimon peut changer les formulaires s'ils ont assez de données?" Annaliese a demandé à son partenaire curieusement. "C'est vrai. Nous tous ici? Nous n'avons pas eu assez pour faire beaucoup mais être notre mignon petit soi-même." Tinkermon a répondu avec le petit sourire le plus mignon que la fée puisse trouver. "Même si j'ai entendu parler de Digimon qui a gagné beaucoup de puissance trop rapidement et qui devient fou. Certains d'entre eux sont complètement en colère, et d'autres ne peuvent pas se retenir. D'une façon ou d'une autre, c'est Dang... Quelque chose de petit exprimé comme Annaliese est venu à un état conscient. -- Quoi?! Anna s'est exclamé assise, alors qu'elle entendait le bruit du métal frapper. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Quelque chose qui n'est pas complètement métallique. Puis une explosion. Tinkermon n'était pas loin devant elle avec une sorte de lance comme objet. Si les pointes de ses chaussures n'intimidaient pas assez, c'était le cas. "Tinkermon?" Le petit pixie digimon était prêt à la bataille à partir de son apparence. "Moins les questions plus ne pas se faire exploser, d'accord? Je sais que tu as probablement besoin de dormir, mais ça peut attendre." Ses yeux étaient sur quelque chose, en train de planifier quelque chose peut-être. Annaliese a suivi les yeux du pixie jusqu'à l'endroit où elle a vu. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Un champignon? Avec un visage, des bras et des jambes? -- Qu'est-ce que c'est? Anna a dit assez fort pour s'entendre à peine. Tinkermon a dû au moins comprendre qu'elle serait confuse. "Mushroomon. Pas vraiment amical. En général, ils sont mal trempés. Aucune surprise qu'ils nous attaquent hors de nulle part." Quelque chose lui est venu du coin de l'œil et la petite fée a balancé sa lance avec toute sa puissance, retournant la bombe entrante et frappant près du sol le Champignon se tenait. "Faites attention à ce qu'ils jettent, d'accord? C'est un peu dangereux."
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
En même temps Derek expliquait sa lâcheté, le Mushroomon frappé par les perles de Siakomon est allé à la contre-attaque. L'usine Digimon a lancé une de ses bombes et a frappé le corps de Digimon. Plutôt que de se battre contre Syakomon une fois de plus a essayé de raisonner avec les agresseurs."Écoutez que nous sommes plus nombreux que vous, mais si vous abandonnez, nous n'aurons pas vous supprimer." Le Mushroomon a apparemment pris cet avertissement comme une menace car il a lancé un barrage de champignons explosant à Siakomon. "Fungus Cruncher." Derek a entre-temps décidé de calmer la grosse fille paniquée, à la fois parce qu'il savait comment elle se sentait et parce qu'il voulait la mettre de son côté. "Regarde, je sais que tu as peur et tu n'es pas le seul, mais il semble que les Digimon ont des choses sous contrôle."
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Gavin leva lentement, confus par tout le bruit soudain, il se frotta les yeux et bâilla. Il dormait tellement bien aussi. Il repoussa la couverture et se leva et s'étendit. Il a enfin ouvert les yeux et a regardé autour de lui ennuyé d'être réveillé. Mais il a levé un sourcil une fois qu'il a vu marcher des champignons jetant de plus petits champignons autour. "Qu'est-ce que j'ai manqué?" Gavin demanda nonchalamment tout en s'inclinant la tête. Labramon s'est levé et a semblé soulagé que Gavin soit debout maintenant. "Tu es réveillée!" Labramon a crié. Mais il s'est concentré sur le combat et a fait une deuxième attaque sur les monstres des champignons, "Retriever-bark!" Il a lâché une écorce sonique. Gavin était confus, il cherchait simplement les autres, qui étaient tous occupés à faire leur propre chose. Gavin était encore très ennuyé d'être réveillé, alors il a ramassé une pierre et jeté à l'un des champignons. "Hé!" Gavin hurla sur le champignon le plus proche, "Tu m'as réveillée!" Gavin a crié qu'il avait l'air vraiment en colère. « Je tolérerai beaucoup mais me réveillerai quand je dormirai, c'est un péché qui ne peut pas être pardonné », murmura Gavin, vous pouvez sentir le poison dans ses mots, Gavin a attrapé le bâton le plus proche, il aidera à chasser ces choses pour qu'il puisse retourner dormir.
Digidestined Name: Gavin Rutherford Age: 18 Gender: Male Crest: Sloth Nationality: Spanish Amercian History: The youngest child of two, Gavin was alway bossed around by everybody. His parents wanted him to be a genius who shamed all their friends kids. An older sister who bossed him around to do everything for her since she was the older sibling and much more lazy then Gavin ever would be. He had a busy childhood with his parents and sister. Which only gotten worse with the start of schooling which he went into early due to having good grades for early grade school and skipped a few years of early schooling, Leaving him the odd kid in classes with most students older than him. He was teased by students but adored by teachers for his studious and quiet personality. The bullying was never severe or damaging as some would say it is. He found it annoying and made him avoid people older than him and if he can't do that then he makes people like him even if he has to lie to make them think he more exciting and likeable than he is. He was well-liked by the time he went to high school that he was almost never bullied or how people stopped commenting on his young age compared to his classmates. It was during his high school years that his current personality started surfacing, he started to be rebellious to his family in his own quiet way. Slowly he became more and more open about his rebelliousness until he is what he is today. He started writing short stories and poems instead of school work since he didn't want to do it and he started complex lies on why this was more important than his school work or chores. He finished high school a year early and will start university soon. But for now he is completely indifferent to life and doing his own thing how he wants to. Personality: Rebellious, snarky and calm. Some would call him lazy since all he does is read and write short stories even if he has lots of school work or chores to do. He is adamant to do what he wants to do, he is rebellious even if his tone and words don't match his actions. He is somewhat manipulative of others it's not in a malicious manner simply he convinces others to do things for him even if it would be easier for him to do. He's also a compulsive liar, often making large lies for small things. He works hard to be lazy. Optional: Skills: 1. Knows sign languages 2. Can play the piano and violin 3. Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Equipment: 1. A small but warm quilt 2. A messenger bag full of books and a notebook to write down poems and story ideas. Trivia: 1. Gavin's Theme is 'Into the Unknown' From Over the Garden Wall 2. Gavin's ambidextrous 3. Contortionist 4. Double jointed 5. Loves Yoga 6. He loves reading (Especially trashy romance series) Relationships: Annaliese: Would find her annoying, (if she treats Gavin like her classmates). If not he will like her okay if she carries her weight and maybe a bit of his own. Derek: Gavin's would be annoyed with him at the start because of his Jokester personality but will try to use his attention seeking as a chance to force his work onto Derek. Labramon: Gavin Adores Pup, since he has a love of animals and he always like an extra pair of hands doing his job, willingly without manipulating him. Syakomon: Gavin would find Syakomon both cute and off-putting since he doesn't like sea-life, but he still finds Syakomon cute which would be confusing to Gavin. Tinkermon: Gavin's would not be sure how to feel about Tinkermon. He will let Annaliese deal with her. Ellen: Gavin finds her annoying but willing to put up with her if she okay with helping him, also she reads maybe she can read Gavins story and see if there is any mistakes with them. Lopmon: Gavin finds him adorable but finds him cutely annoying. Digimon Species: Labramon Nickname: Pup Apparent gender: Male Personality: Loyal and patience. Always think of others instead of himself. But he can be naive and thoughtless at times. Cares deeply for Gavin. Attacks: Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark. Cure Liqueur: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. Digivolution line: Fresh: Paomon In-training: Xiaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Dark ultimate: Matadormon Slide ultimate: Cerberumon Jinrou Mode Mega: Anubismon Dark mega: AncientSphinxmon Slide mega: WIP Optional Trivia: 1. Loves Bacon! Relationships: Gavin: He cares deeply for his master and would do anything to keep him happy. Does Gavin's choirs for him and joins him with his yoga even if he's terrible at it. Annaliese: Labramon respect her on the ground of her being a digdestined but he will find her scary. Tinkermon: Labramon would find Tinkermon fun to be around, and would like her jokes. Derek: Labramon would like him, but he would wish he was braver. Syakomon: Labramon will be patience with Syakomon. Ellen: Labramon likes Ellen since she's the nicest of the digidestined (So far) Lopmon: Labramon finds Lopmon amusing, but admirable in a way.
Tinkermon avait fait son retour à Anna par le temps que le Bakemon avait obtenu qu'il est effrayant de saisir Gavin. Elle était sur le point d'aider quand le chien-comme digimon s'est précipité dehors. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Juste, pas tout à fait ce que c'était avant. "Mon Dieu, ce type vient de digiver!" Elle l'a dit avec enthousiasme. C'était le premier jour et quelqu'un a déjà digivolté! C'était une sacrée surprise. "Digivolté?" Annaliese demanda alors qu'elle regardait Dobermon percer le Bakemon avec un faisceau noir. "Les changements avec la digivolution sont-ils si radicaux?" Elle a demandé alors qu'elle continuait à surveiller. "Pendent sur le digimon, bien que certains plus que d'autres. Celui-là n'est même pas aussi radical." Tinkermon a répondu. "Je ne sais pas ce qui va m'arriver. "Peur?" "Je n'ai pas si peur. Je m'inquiétais de ne plus pouvoir vous discipliner comme j'en avais besoin. » Annaliese a fortement rétorqué. Rien que la petite fée ne s'attendait déjà à ce qu'elle rit légèrement.
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
À sa grande surprise, l'un des humains a osé l'attaquer. Pire, le gamin avait une épée. Une épée qui a réussi à couper l'un de ses petits bras, ce qui fait que les données commencent à se désintégrer lentement. Le Bakemon hurlait terriblement et une épée spectrale apparaissait dans son bras restant. Mais avant qu'il puisse couper la tête de Caelyn, l'attaque de Falcomon l'a jetée et le Bakemon a manqué. Avant qu'il ne prenne une autre balançoire, la bulle de la flèche de Patamon s'est envolée. Il a manqué, mais l'impact sur le sol a jeté un nuage de poussière, aveuglant temporairement le fantôme.
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Gavin soupira de soulagement alors que les agresseurs étaient refoulés avant qu'il ne s'en mêle, il put enfin se détendre. Gavin flippé alors qu'il entendait un fort crié venait de l'ombre, un fantôme comme une feuille apparut avec une mare dentée massive grondait comment il mangera leurs peurs, Gavin était le plus proche du fantôme. Il a été enlevé et ne savait pas quoi faire. Labramon avait l'air inquiet et a commencé à courir à Gavin paralysé, "Gavin! Dodge!" Gavin a réagi à son nom en criant, il a flippé, il n'a pas aimé les gens en criant son nom mais cela lui a donné la chance d'esquiver au dernier moment. Il s'est envolé du chemin de la main couverte, il a à peine esquivé et Labramon s'est attaqué à Bakemon, qui l'a un peu étranglé en arrière pour donner à Gavin de la salle de respiration. Gavin a couru "Il... a failli me frapper..." Gavin s'est rendu compte qu'il aurait pu être blessé. Labramon grondait fort, Labramon était en colère que Bakemon a essayé de blesser Gavin il doit protéger Gavin. Il doit faire n'importe quoi pour le protéger. Le digivice de Gavin brille, Gavin l'attrape de sa poche, "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans le monde?" Gavin s'est brouillé. Labramon illuminé et son corps changer radicalement, la lueur fini Gavin pouvait voir que le chien blanc et rose transformé en une forme de Doberman, Gavin regardé dans la confusion, "Labramon?" Le chien regarda Gavin, puis au Bakemon, le Doberman courut rapidement devant Gavin, "Appelez-moi le dobermon." Pup a finalement répondu à Gavin. Gavin était embrouillé en essayant de rassembler ce qui s'est passé. Dobermon ouvre ses mâchoires massives, "Schwartz Strahl!" Dobermon cria alors qu'une poutre noire était tirée de sa bouche vers le Bakemon. On dirait que la poutre a percé son corps en tôle.
Digidestined Name: Gavin Rutherford Age: 18 Gender: Male Crest: Sloth Nationality: Spanish Amercian History: The youngest child of two, Gavin was alway bossed around by everybody. His parents wanted him to be a genius who shamed all their friends kids. An older sister who bossed him around to do everything for her since she was the older sibling and much more lazy then Gavin ever would be. He had a busy childhood with his parents and sister. Which only gotten worse with the start of schooling which he went into early due to having good grades for early grade school and skipped a few years of early schooling, Leaving him the odd kid in classes with most students older than him. He was teased by students but adored by teachers for his studious and quiet personality. The bullying was never severe or damaging as some would say it is. He found it annoying and made him avoid people older than him and if he can't do that then he makes people like him even if he has to lie to make them think he more exciting and likeable than he is. He was well-liked by the time he went to high school that he was almost never bullied or how people stopped commenting on his young age compared to his classmates. It was during his high school years that his current personality started surfacing, he started to be rebellious to his family in his own quiet way. Slowly he became more and more open about his rebelliousness until he is what he is today. He started writing short stories and poems instead of school work since he didn't want to do it and he started complex lies on why this was more important than his school work or chores. He finished high school a year early and will start university soon. But for now he is completely indifferent to life and doing his own thing how he wants to. Personality: Rebellious, snarky and calm. Some would call him lazy since all he does is read and write short stories even if he has lots of school work or chores to do. He is adamant to do what he wants to do, he is rebellious even if his tone and words don't match his actions. He is somewhat manipulative of others it's not in a malicious manner simply he convinces others to do things for him even if it would be easier for him to do. He's also a compulsive liar, often making large lies for small things. He works hard to be lazy. Optional: Skills: 1. Knows sign languages 2. Can play the piano and violin 3. Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Equipment: 1. A small but warm quilt 2. A messenger bag full of books and a notebook to write down poems and story ideas. Trivia: 1. Gavin's Theme is 'Into the Unknown' From Over the Garden Wall 2. Gavin's ambidextrous 3. Contortionist 4. Double jointed 5. Loves Yoga 6. He loves reading (Especially trashy romance series) Relationships: Annaliese: Would find her annoying, (if she treats Gavin like her classmates). If not he will like her okay if she carries her weight and maybe a bit of his own. Derek: Gavin's would be annoyed with him at the start because of his Jokester personality but will try to use his attention seeking as a chance to force his work onto Derek. Labramon: Gavin Adores Pup, since he has a love of animals and he always like an extra pair of hands doing his job, willingly without manipulating him. Syakomon: Gavin would find Syakomon both cute and off-putting since he doesn't like sea-life, but he still finds Syakomon cute which would be confusing to Gavin. Tinkermon: Gavin's would not be sure how to feel about Tinkermon. He will let Annaliese deal with her. Ellen: Gavin finds her annoying but willing to put up with her if she okay with helping him, also she reads maybe she can read Gavins story and see if there is any mistakes with them. Lopmon: Gavin finds him adorable but finds him cutely annoying. Digimon Species: Labramon Nickname: Pup Apparent gender: Male Personality: Loyal and patience. Always think of others instead of himself. But he can be naive and thoughtless at times. Cares deeply for Gavin. Attacks: Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark. Cure Liqueur: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. Digivolution line: Fresh: Paomon In-training: Xiaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Dark ultimate: Matadormon Slide ultimate: Cerberumon Jinrou Mode Mega: Anubismon Dark mega: AncientSphinxmon Slide mega: WIP Optional Trivia: 1. Loves Bacon! Relationships: Gavin: He cares deeply for his master and would do anything to keep him happy. Does Gavin's choirs for him and joins him with his yoga even if he's terrible at it. Annaliese: Labramon respect her on the ground of her being a digdestined but he will find her scary. Tinkermon: Labramon would find Tinkermon fun to be around, and would like her jokes. Derek: Labramon would like him, but he would wish he was braver. Syakomon: Labramon will be patience with Syakomon. Ellen: Labramon likes Ellen since she's the nicest of the digidestined (So far) Lopmon: Labramon finds Lopmon amusing, but admirable in a way.
Le Bakemon fut momentanément stupéfait par la digivolution de LAbramon. Il semblait que ces humains étaient capables de exactement ce que son Seigneur a dit. Mais peu importe. Un niveau de champion dans sa nouvelle forme ne pouvait pas correspondre! En voyant l'attaque de Dobermon, le Bakemon a ouvert son fangy maw et l'attaque a disparu dans ses entrailles sombres, comme si elle était avalée par un trou noir. "Tasty. Encore!" Il a crié: "Mauvais charme!" Il a rugissé, et a balancé l'un de ses appendices contre Dobermon. "Bientôt, tu seras à moi, muet!" il riait creux comme un mirage d'horloge apparaissait au-dessus du digimon de chien. À moins que le Bakemon ne soit vaincu, alors dans cinq attaques, le sceau magique exploserait avec assez de force pour enlever tous ses adversaires.
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Siakomon n'était pas trop content de la façon dont le combat s'était développé sûr que les deux côtés avaient un niveau Champion Digimon, et ils avaient l'avantage sur les nombres.Mais bien que Bakemon ne pouvait probablement pas gagner, il pourrait encore être en mesure de supprimer un ou deux des Rookie Digimon ou pire certains des humains. Heureusement, il semblait qu'il n'était pas le seul à réaliser qui la plus grande menace était comme Falcomon et même Caelyn a attaqué le Ghost Digimon tandis que Patamon a réussi à l'aveugler. En utilisant le fait que le momentaire de Bakemon n'a pas pu voir trop, le Crustacean Digimon a décidé d'essayer de le frapper avec son attaque de pression d'eau.
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Il y a un moment... C'était une journée étrange toute la journée. Toute la calamité a commencé le matin, quand son vol d'entraînement a été annulé. Les techniciens ont rapporté que son Mi-24 souffrait d'un incendie électrique, apparemment de nulle part. Au lieu de cela, on lui a dit d'aller en classe, mais sa carte-clé a été effacée de ses codes d'accès. Lorsque le micro-ondes l'a écourtée à droite devant son commandant, il l'a envoyée à la caserne et l'a proclamée maudite. Elle ne savait pas si c'était dans la plaisanterie. Tout ce qu'elle savait, c'est qu'après avoir ouvert un certain e-mail, même son smartphone est mort, la laissant bizarrement effrayée et frustrée. Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Décider de faire une sieste avant de se rendre dans une salle de gym où elle pourrait (espéré) nuire à n'importe quelle électronique, Nonna a menti sur sa couchette et dormi comme une bûche dans une minute. Le rêve qu'elle avait pourtant n'était rien de ce qu'elle avait jamais eu. L'endroit ressemblait à une petite ville. C'était étrangement réel, même si la fille s'est bien rendue compte que ça devait être un rêve. Les pièces d'échecs vivantes tout autour d'elle étaient un don mort, bien que ce qui sur le monde pourrait lui faire rêver cette étrange terre vers le haut, elle a été laissé deviner. Ce n'est pas un rêve.Une voix féminine disait derrière elle, mais quand la fille se retournait, elle ne voyait pas celle qui lui parlait. Vous voulez être fort, être le meilleur, n'est-ce pas vrai?La voix a continué depuis l'une des ruelles. Il semblait que personne d'autre n'entendait, et quand elle a essayé d'attraper l'un des morceaux blancs qui passait, sa main est passée directement à travers. Curieuse, elle a suivi la voix. Tout comme moi. Ils me disent que c'est impossible. Mais ce n'est pas un mot dans mon dictionnaire. J'ai juste besoin de quelqu'un pour m'aider à trouver la force. Quelqu'un comme... toi!... Enfin Nonna a vu celui qui lui parlait. Parmi la mer de pièces blanches se tenait ce qu'elle devinait être un pion noir. "Qui et qu'est-ce que tu es?" Nonna a demandé, toujours pas vendu sur le truc pas-un-dream. la réponse qu'elle a reçue était beaucoup moins que satisfaisante. Vous arriverez bientôt, je le sens. Il m'attire aussi vers l'endroit. Quand vous arriverez, trouvez-moi au lac Électron, je vous expliquerai tout! » La voix disait, sonnant comme si elle venait de plus en plus loin que le monde tout autour d'elle. Et puis, le rêve a disparu comme si quelqu'un avait tiré les disjoncteurs dessus, et le jeune Airman est tombé dans un profond sommeil. Quand elle s'est réveillée, Nonna s'est retrouvée sur les rives d'un lac, avec une épée étrange attachée à son côté et un pion noir regardant vers le bas sur elle. Je suppose que vous n'êtes pas un rêve - ou peu importe ce que c'était - en ce moment. La pièce noire secoua la tête. Je suis Pawnchessmon Un monstre numérique. Digimon pour court. J'aime bien votre style! » Son compagnon s'est présenté, tout en pointant sa lance sur le côté de Nonna. Affirmant et essayant comment le nom a roulé sa langue, la fille a répondu en nature. Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova. Mais Nonna le fera. Et oooooooh! Qu'est-ce que c'est? » Elle a dit en voyant l'épée à sa ceinture et l'a tirée pour examiner l'arme. Elle a remarqué qu'il y avait des boutons sur la poignée et un écran intégré dans le garde. Je pense que le digimon a dit, que c'est un digivice. C'est ce qui nous relie tous les deux. Ce n'est qu'avec ça que vous pouvez m'aider à digivolve. - Après cela, elle a dû expliquer ce qu'était la digivolve, ainsi que les niveaux qu'un digimon pouvait atteindre. Cela en retour a engendré beaucoup d'explications sur le monde numérique. Laisse-moi comprendre. Tu veux que je t'aide... à digivolve... et si je comprends bien, tu dois tirer des données de moi? Je n'ai pas compris, mais je ne pense pas que j'en ai besoin. Mais il va me manquer. Donc je vais vous aider, mais en retour, je veux que vous m'aidiez à rentrer à la maison quand ma partie est finie. Une poignée de main a secoué leur accord avant qu'ils n'entendent le reste du groupe et le message de la boîte, avant de décider rapidement qu'ils n'avaient pas besoin d'eux. Ils étaient parfaitement bien seuls, et l'enfer se figerait plus tôt avant d'accepter l'aide de n'importe qui.
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Alors que l'attaque du débutant rebondissait inoffensifment du digimon blanc, Dobermon eut un coup de chance. Frappant l'endroit où l'un des membres de Bakemon avait disparu après que Caelyn l'ait coupé, l'attaque avait facilement percé le corps du fantôme digimon et laissé à travers l'autre côté. Avec un cri de refroidissement osseux, le Bakemon est tombé au sol et s'est désintégré dans des données fragmentées. Avec cela, le mirage au-dessus de mon chien s'est dissipé et le champignon restant a fui la scène, disparaissant dans la forêt épaisse. Et aussi soudainement que l'attaque a commencé, il y avait maintenant le silence. Mais qui savait ce qu'il y avait d'autre dans la forêt?
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Caelyn n'était pas quelqu'un pour se précipiter à l'aide, mais il semblait que cette attaque allait être dévastatrice. Falcomon a fait le travail rapide du Mushroomon qu'elle combattait. Impressionnant. Caelyn pensait à lui-même. En entendant Bakemon crier : « Bientôt, tu seras mon museau!", sortit Caelyn de sa transe et retourna à la bataille à portée de main. L'esprit de Caelyn a essayé de formuler et une stratégie qui peut fonctionner. "Falcomon, tu as mon dos?" Caelyn n'a pas attendu que le digimon réponde, il a vu que quand Gavin était en danger, son digimon s'est mis en marche. Il espérait avoir résolu cette énigme correctement, car sinon, elle ne finirait sûrement pas bien. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais?" Les oiseaux criaient derrière lui. Ici rien ne va. Caelyn tira son épée et s'enfonça dans la chair des bêtes? Il n'avait pas réalisé que ce mon en particulier était un fantôme! Qu'est-ce que je fais? C'était complètement hors de la zone de confort de Caelyn de faire quelque chose d'abnégation. Non, pas désintéressés, si cette attaque atterrit, nous serons tous grillés. Nous avons besoin l'un de l'autre. La vigueur renouvelée trouvée à Caelyn a mené sa prochaine slash. Il a marqué un sacré coup. Assez pour attirer l'attention de la grande créature. Les yeux rouges brillants de Bakemon regardèrent Caelyn et il sentit une mort imminente. Il a senti une attaque sur le point de s'ennuyer sur lui, quand il a regardé son appareil numérique qu'il avait ramassé, il a remarqué que ce n'était pas éclatant. Ce plan n'a pas marché. Tout à coup, Falcomon s'est fait accuser. Avant que Caelyn ne puisse prendre le spectacle, il l'entendit crier : Ninja Blade! L'oiseau s'est jeté sur le digimon fantôme. J'espère que c'est suffisant, ou au moins que ça nous donne du temps. Caelyn ne pouvait retenir son souffle qu'après la pensée. Puis une pensée a frappé Caelyn. "Falcomon, permet de viser nos attaques aux horloges, et de voir si elles peuvent être détruites! Je ne sais pas si ça va marcher, mais c'est tout ce que j'ai en ce moment! » "Vent Blade! a crié Falcomon et la lame d'air a zoomé droit pour l'horloge autour du digimon canine. Caelyn et Falcomon ont tous deux regardé en prévision pour voir le résultat.
Digidestined Name: Caelyn Tanzer Age: 17 years Gender: Male Crest: Greed Nationality: English History: Caelyn has been an only child his whole life. Not ever knowing what it was like to share any of his possessions. His parents are wealthy real estate tycoons who did not have time to spend with Caelyn during his childhood. Their answer to the dilemma was to hire a nanny to raise him, and drown him in material possessions. Caelyn's parents knew that they were wrong in being consumed with work, but they made it right by buying him anything he wanted. Caelyn went through 7 dogs in six months because it did not suit him. Caelyn's has been in boarding school since the age of 5. Anytime he ever needed anything he just threw money at it until it was achieved, or went away. Until one day when he started being bullied. Caelyn had never felt such utter humiliation as he did when he was pantsed. From that day on when he was 9 until now he has focused on martial arts. His parents hiring him a teacher of course. They spared no expense and flew in a Kendo master from Japan. Caelyn had always been one to quit things that were hard. But he knew he had to make that bully pay. He enjoyed being the feared student at the school. He always had to have his way and this would go that way as well. When he was 14 Caelyn heard word that the bully was about to move away, so he chose his moment and challenged him. Caelyn threw a kendo at the boys foot and moved in to strike. The bully was quickly dispatched and after many kids cheered and gathered around Caelyn to thank him. "I didn't do this for you! Why are you thanking me!?" This theme seemed to recur in Caelyn's life frequently and went unnoticed to him. It always seemed like he was a good kid, with narrow-minded intentions. The enemy of Caelyn was often the enemy of others. When an obstacle was placed in front of Caelyn that kept him from what he wanted, Caelyn removed it. This theme seemed to curb some of Caelyn's roguish tendencies. He did like the attention and praise he got from being people's champion. Even if only for the attention, it seemed to work well in the eyes of others. He gained companions and friends as he started high school. It helped him realize what was lacking in his life. •Education: In High School (honors) •Work Spoiled Brat Personality: Caelyn is spoiled, but does not mind working for what he wants. Caelyn as a selfishly misguided savior complex. He helps others for the praise and devotion the falls onto him. Optional: Skills: Kendo. Excellent Swimmer. Bacon-lover. Equipment: backpack/ Caelyn's lucky coin. •Weapons Kendo Stick (hope to upgrade to real steel :)) Trivia: Dante Basco does the voice of Caelyn (prince Zuko Avatar. American Dragon Jake Long) Relationships: Caelyn is and will always be out for himself. He is passive when it comes to his parents, although nothing has strained that bond..yet Other Characters TBD Digimon Falcomon Species: Speed Bird Species Nickname: Falco Apparent gender: Female Personality: Falina speaks more with her actions. She is very diligent and promptly wants to achieve her goals. Upon meeting, Caelyn immediately bonds, because he has an extension for his means. Falina just wants to appease Caelyn. She likes the motivation he inspires in her by always scheming. Caelyn always has some grand design and Falina wants nothing more than to be the reason it is achieved. Attacks: Scratch Smash: Scratches with its wing claws. Ninja Blade: Rapidly throws throwing stars. Firecracker Smokescreen: Drops exploding bamboo cylinders. Wind Blade: Flaps wings to produce a wind that can cut like a blade. Shadow Screen: Use digital ninjiutsu to confuse the enemy. Falco Rush: Tramps on the opponent's head while in the air. Digivolution line: •Fresh: •In-training: •Rookie: •Champion: •Ultimate: •Dark ultimate: Crowmon (Data) •Mega: •Dark mega: Ravemon (Data) Relationships: TBD Still haven't finished the relationships yet just wanted to get it up here! Will finish tomorrow.
Gavin a regardé Dobermon attaquer le fantôme avec un faisceau noir et le fantôme vient de manger l'attaque, Dobermon maudit sous son souffle tandis que le fantôme l'attaque avec ses griffes, comme la griffe relie une horloge est apparue au-dessus du Digimon. "Dobermon, qu'est-ce qu'il a fait maintenant?" Gavin s'est inquiété de la sécurité du Digimon. Dobermon est resté silencieux, il ne voulait pas s'inquiéter Gavin, mais il savait ce qui arriverait s'il n'était pas assez rapide. « Ne vous inquiétez pas Gavin, je ne laisserai pas cela nous blesser », a dit Dobermon d'une voix beaucoup plus profonde que sa première forme. Gavin a été repris par la nouvelle voix. Mais les bruits d'attaque et d'explosion ont fait remarquer à Gavin que le reste du groupe attaquait le fantôme Digimon. Dobermon a vu sa chance d'aider et de charger au Bakemon et comme il s'approchait autant qu'il pouvait obtenir, il a laissé sortir un deuxième faisceau d'énergie sombre juste à son visage entre les yeux. Gavin était toujours choqué de bouger, il était là à regarder le groupe faire tout ce qu'ils peuvent faire. Un sourire s'est cramponné sur son visage. Il n'avait pas besoin de se battre.
Digidestined Name: Gavin Rutherford Age: 18 Gender: Male Crest: Sloth Nationality: Spanish Amercian History: The youngest child of two, Gavin was alway bossed around by everybody. His parents wanted him to be a genius who shamed all their friends kids. An older sister who bossed him around to do everything for her since she was the older sibling and much more lazy then Gavin ever would be. He had a busy childhood with his parents and sister. Which only gotten worse with the start of schooling which he went into early due to having good grades for early grade school and skipped a few years of early schooling, Leaving him the odd kid in classes with most students older than him. He was teased by students but adored by teachers for his studious and quiet personality. The bullying was never severe or damaging as some would say it is. He found it annoying and made him avoid people older than him and if he can't do that then he makes people like him even if he has to lie to make them think he more exciting and likeable than he is. He was well-liked by the time he went to high school that he was almost never bullied or how people stopped commenting on his young age compared to his classmates. It was during his high school years that his current personality started surfacing, he started to be rebellious to his family in his own quiet way. Slowly he became more and more open about his rebelliousness until he is what he is today. He started writing short stories and poems instead of school work since he didn't want to do it and he started complex lies on why this was more important than his school work or chores. He finished high school a year early and will start university soon. But for now he is completely indifferent to life and doing his own thing how he wants to. Personality: Rebellious, snarky and calm. Some would call him lazy since all he does is read and write short stories even if he has lots of school work or chores to do. He is adamant to do what he wants to do, he is rebellious even if his tone and words don't match his actions. He is somewhat manipulative of others it's not in a malicious manner simply he convinces others to do things for him even if it would be easier for him to do. He's also a compulsive liar, often making large lies for small things. He works hard to be lazy. Optional: Skills: 1. Knows sign languages 2. Can play the piano and violin 3. Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Equipment: 1. A small but warm quilt 2. A messenger bag full of books and a notebook to write down poems and story ideas. Trivia: 1. Gavin's Theme is 'Into the Unknown' From Over the Garden Wall 2. Gavin's ambidextrous 3. Contortionist 4. Double jointed 5. Loves Yoga 6. He loves reading (Especially trashy romance series) Relationships: Annaliese: Would find her annoying, (if she treats Gavin like her classmates). If not he will like her okay if she carries her weight and maybe a bit of his own. Derek: Gavin's would be annoyed with him at the start because of his Jokester personality but will try to use his attention seeking as a chance to force his work onto Derek. Labramon: Gavin Adores Pup, since he has a love of animals and he always like an extra pair of hands doing his job, willingly without manipulating him. Syakomon: Gavin would find Syakomon both cute and off-putting since he doesn't like sea-life, but he still finds Syakomon cute which would be confusing to Gavin. Tinkermon: Gavin's would not be sure how to feel about Tinkermon. He will let Annaliese deal with her. Ellen: Gavin finds her annoying but willing to put up with her if she okay with helping him, also she reads maybe she can read Gavins story and see if there is any mistakes with them. Lopmon: Gavin finds him adorable but finds him cutely annoying. Digimon Species: Labramon Nickname: Pup Apparent gender: Male Personality: Loyal and patience. Always think of others instead of himself. But he can be naive and thoughtless at times. Cares deeply for Gavin. Attacks: Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark. Cure Liqueur: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. Digivolution line: Fresh: Paomon In-training: Xiaomon Rookie: Labramon Champion: Dobermon Ultimate: Cerberumon Dark ultimate: Matadormon Slide ultimate: Cerberumon Jinrou Mode Mega: Anubismon Dark mega: AncientSphinxmon Slide mega: WIP Optional Trivia: 1. Loves Bacon! Relationships: Gavin: He cares deeply for his master and would do anything to keep him happy. Does Gavin's choirs for him and joins him with his yoga even if he's terrible at it. Annaliese: Labramon respect her on the ground of her being a digdestined but he will find her scary. Tinkermon: Labramon would find Tinkermon fun to be around, and would like her jokes. Derek: Labramon would like him, but he would wish he was braver. Syakomon: Labramon will be patience with Syakomon. Ellen: Labramon likes Ellen since she's the nicest of the digidestined (So far) Lopmon: Labramon finds Lopmon amusing, but admirable in a way.
Alors que le groupe marchait dans la forêt, Derek a été surpris que le Syakomon sans jambe les suive."Ce truc de perle que tu as lancé dans ce champignon était plutôt cool. Ça vous dérange si je vous appelle Pearl? C'est plus facile à prononcer que Siakomon." Il s'est assuré de ne pas mentionner que Pearl était un nom de filles. "Oh, ça ne me dérange pas du tout, mais en échange je vais essayer de trouver un surnom pour vous." Le nouveau nommé Pearl a passé les prochaines heures à essayer de venir avec un bon surnom, mais pas insultant pour son partenaire. Il était tellement perdu dans le chapeau de pensée qu'il a à peine remarqué le passage de la terre à la route des briques, voyant une maison de bonbons a ramené son esprit au monde Digi. Quand Derek a vu la maison des bonbons, il n'a pas pu s'empêcher de penser à l'histoire de Hansel et Gretel. "Combien veux-tu parier qu'il appartient à une sorcière?" Il a répondu au commentaire d'Annaliese.
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Aussi vite qu'ils arrivèrent, les champignons furent repoussés. Un malheureux a été frappé par l'attaque de gel de Lopmon et maintenu sur place comme une coïncidence avait quelques-unes des autres attaques dirigées directement sur elle. Incapable de résister à la pression, le digimon s'est effondré en bits de données. Celui qui attaquait le tinkermon a été mis de côté par quelque chose qui explosait alors que le reste s'occupait de Caelyn. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agissait maintenant d'un contre tout le monde, et le groupe semblait travailler en équipe, même si par coïncidence complète. Détesté par l'échec de ses voyous, le Bakemon qui a observé le groupe soudainement se faire écraser par de multiples attaques a décidé de se déplacer en lui-même. Un shriek fort, froid osseux coupé à travers la forêt, et peu de temps après il est de forme blanche, le tout avec la mâchoire dentée et les yeux noirs, perlés apparu dans les arbres. "Hommesse, je me fâche sur ton faeaaaaaar!" Il a annoncé que ce sont des intentions. En effet, ce repas était assez rare pour lui. En ramassant l'humain le plus proche qui s'est avéré être Gavin, il a soulevé le bras couvert de feuille et l'a lancé l'attaque: -Zombie griffe! Pendant ce temps dans le désert... Le soleil s'est couché et la chaleur de mer a été remplacée par le froid glacial. Pour les Russes cependant, c'était une température native. "Comment peux-tu supporter ça?" Pawnchessmon a demandé, jogging autour pour se réchauffer. Nonna jsut sourit: "La ville d'où je viens s'appelle Mourmansk. C'est une ville portuaire qui est si loin au nord que les températures moyennes au-dessus de 0°C seulement 5 mois en un an." Nonna a dit, continuer dans son rythme régulier. Le fait qu'elle soit apparue dans le monde numérique dans son costume d'hiver a certainement aidé. "J'ai l'air d'un endroit où personne ne devrait volontairement choisir de vivre!" Le digimon s'est excusé alors qu'elle suivait son partenaire. Nonna était silencieuse pendant un moment. "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" Le digimon a demandé. Soupirant, elle a regardé sa montre. Cela a été encore, ce qui lui a donné au moins une idée, mais la pensée était toujours désagréable. « J'espère que le délai ici est différent de chez moi, ou que ma vie est aussi bonne que finie. Je serais à l'écart pendant tout ce temps ici. Si c'est le cas, celui qui m'a envoyé ici va mourir si je les mets la main dessus." la femme grondait de frustration. Comme si sur le signal, les sables en face d'eux ont commencé à tourner. Une seconde plus tard, un Digmon éclate, les faisant sauter une distance respectable en arrière. "Aimez-vous?" "Grâce à l'or!" "Néant!" Chacun d'eux a sauté d'un côté de la perceuse d'impact. Nonna a perdu la vue de Pawnchessmon, mais ça l'inquiétait peu. Il y avait un moyen de la laisser sortir sa frustration juste en face d'elle. Elle s'est levée et a dépoussiéré sa veste, elle a tiré son épée - digivice - n'importe quoi. "Avancez! Mettez-vous à son premier rang! » Elle a crié, espérant que le Chessmon connaîtrait la terminologie des échecs. Puis elle a pris une position de combat et a chargé le grand mon d'attirer son attention. Cette partie du plan a été un succès. Ce qui était un peu pire, c'était la fissure qui s'ouvrait dans le sol et se dirigeait dans sa direction générale. la fille a sauté de côté, évitant à peine de se faire avaler par le sol. Le digmon était sur le point d'exécuter une autre attaque, cependant... "Promotion! "La lance de pions!" La lance de Pawnchessmon est apparue de l'autre côté de la tête de Digmon avant d'exploser avec un éclat doré, l'effacant. Nonna l'a vu se dissoudre en bouts de grain qui se dirigeaient rapidement dans la direction de Pawnchessmon. Son partenaire s'est brièvement ébranlé avant de tomber à genoux, complètement épuisé. "Bon travail, pour un débutant." Non, pas de clin d'œil. Le pawnchessmon a hurlé en réponse. "Vous n'êtes pas un mauvais roi non plus.Tous peuvent faire un bon plan, mais peu de gens entreraient dans la bataille." Grinant avec satisfaction, Nonna a aidé le digimon jusqu'à ses pieds et ils ont continué sur leur chemin.
Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova Age: 19 Gender: Female Crest: Pride Nationality: Russian Appearance: Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing. History: Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to. As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing. Personality: Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you. Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride. In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger. Skills: Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon. Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans. Equipment: Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword. Trivia: Voice actor: Marina Devyatova Theme: Youtube She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders. Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy. She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian. Relationships: Gavin: "Lazy git. Is he made of rubber or something? Good grief people shouldn't bend that way! It makes my stomach do loops." Labramon: "A-friggin-dorable!" Annaliese: "Feisty little Kraut with a facade of an obedient girl. I like that, the acting has to be useful and she won't take crap from anybody." Tinkermon: "Looks cute but I think I know what the spikes on the front of the boots are for. Mental note: eep her away from Pawnchessmon." Derek: "A little bit annoying at times but one of the few that can play me in the cards." Syakomon: "A pacifist. One day it will get the him eaten, especially if a French guy shows up, God forbid." Ellen: "She looks like she could use boot camp, but all in all OK even if a bit immature." Lopmon: "git thinks a lot of himself but lacks the height to back it up. Pawnchessmon would beat him in a staring contest 9/10 times." Caelyn: "At the risk of sounding like being born in the last era... Filthy capitalist! and he thinks he knows swordsmanship with that silly Japanese jumping on one's toes?" Falcomon: "Well therE's somebody with a slave mindset if i ever seen one. If Pawnchessmon ever starts weaseling into my good graces like that, I'm leaving her in the woods. But hell would sooner freeze over." Akira: "A git from the east. Seems full of himself. Assume 'Talk shit, get hit.' policy." Patamon: "Look at the little thing, believing it could ever be stronger than Pawnchessmon! That's cute!" Digimon Species: Pawnchessmon (Black) Apparent gender: Female Appearance: See the wiki link Personality: Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time. She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary. Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board. In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her. Attacks: Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear. Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up. Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike. Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed. En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them. Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega. Digivolution line: Fresh: Metalkoromon In-training: Kapurimon Rookie: Pawnchessmon (Black) Champion: Knightchessmon (Black) Dark Champion: Mekanorimon Ultimate: Rookchessmon (Black) Dark ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Queenchessmon (Biomerge) Where the regular version has pink trim Nonna’s has blood red color. Instead of the heart motives, this variant has the digital hazard symbol. Rather than a cricket stick, this one carries a lance. Dark mega: Chaosdramon (Biomerge) Trivia: Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep. She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon. Relationships: Gavin: "Springy." Labramon: "Friendly." Annaliese: "Tiny." Tinkermon: "Pretty." Derek: "Four-eyed." Syakomon: "Yummy." Ellen: "Chubby." Lopmon: "Who?" Caelyn: "Unimportant." Falcomon: "Fluffy." Akira: "Bad." Patamon: "Disproportional."
Sauge était livide. Ses yeux se rétrécissaient en croisant les bras. 
Je ne le ferai tout simplement pas, Jasper. Tu sais ce que je ressens pour les pantalons de cargaison! Jasper, son garde du corps/agent soupira, prenant place à côté d'elle sur le canapé très décoré. 
Je sais, ma chère, mais rappelez-vous ce que vos fans vont penser. C'est un tout nouveau design, et vous avez une si bonne relation avec le magasin---Vous voulez dire mon magasin PARENTS?-- Elle a fait glisser ses lèvres et a laissé sortir un soupir exaspéré. J'ai besoin d'air, Yanno? Donnez-moi cinq personnes. » En descendant sa longueur de genou, sa robe rouge frénétique, elle s'est levée et s'est enfuie du plateau, passant par la pharmacie qui a été bloquée des plébéiens qui l'adoraient. Elle sourit et agita la foule, chantant un baiser et faisant des clins d'œil à ses disciples. Elle sentit son ego se lever comme d'habitude, remplissant le vide. 
Elle était sur le point de quitter la sortie d'urgence pour prendre l'air quand soudain elle a vu quelqu'un frapper à travers les masses. Les yeux de Sage s'élargissaient quand elle voyait la grande fille d'airain poussant son peuple sur le côté. Elle a marché devant elle, bloquant son chemin. Oh, c'est tellement agréable d'avoir un de mes fans passer par les barrières! Je vais vous donner une photo spéciale, s'il vous plaît venez avec moi!~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sage a tiré cette mystérieuse et odieuse grande fille dans l'alcôve du couloir et a commencé sa tempête.
Je ne sais pas qui vous pensez être, mais vous devez partir. C'est interdit pour ma séance photo. Jasper l'a rattrapée dans l'alcôve, sachant très bien quel genre de ruckus elle allait commencer. Déjà furieuse, elle a forcé un sourire avant que son tuteur ne lui dise quoi que ce soit. - Oh, Jasper! S'il vous plaît, prenez soin de mon fan numéro un qui est passé par la foule juste pour moi! Je partais juste. Pas sans lui avoir tordu le visage en une balle à l'intrus. Elle est sortie de la sortie de secours, en oubliant ses ennuis. Comment osent-ils lui demander de porter un pantalon pour cette séance photo? Elle ne se souciait pas de ce qu'ils voulaient d'elle. Elle pourrait probablement les convaincre de la laisser porter ses robes... comme elle l'a toujours fait. Elle descendit les escaliers et claqua la porte arrière du très grand magasin. Enfin Sage pourrait prendre une respiration. Elle respira lentement, regardant le soleil éclatant. Je suis la plus belle personne au monde. Je suis payé pour prendre ma photo! Ahh, pense à combien mes fans vont m'aimer après ce photoshoot... Son esprit a continué à inonder de telles pensées jusqu'à ce qu'elle sente quelqu'un tomber sur elle. Elle s'est évanouie, arrachée à ses pensées narcissiques.

 Remplie de rage, elle se retourna pour affronter un jeune homme très sale. Dégoûtée, elle a agité les mains contre lui, um, m'excuse? Puis-je vous aider?
Name: Sage Orr Age: 20 Biography: Raised by the owners of the Goldenrod Department Store, Sage has grown up neglected. Her parents were always too busy taking trips, having business meetings, and creating new merchandise for the store to pay her any mind. She got her start modeling for the Department Store itself (her parents forced her at first) before her career took off, and now she models around the regions, but has to come back to Goldenrod regularly for photoshoots. Personality: Sage enjoys her lonely life of luxury. Since she hit 18, she has been able to travel the regions as a professional model. She enjoys the attention of her fans, and loves being recognized in public. She also loves battling with trainers, because it gives her opportunities to be photographed. Having loads of money from her career, she easily gets whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. Her agents/bodyguards, Jasper and Madison, find her new jobs while also making sure she is safe, as she is a celebrity. She does find them overbearing, and gets frustrated with their hovering. Her patience is thin, and she expects life to come to her easily. If not, she will lose it until her needs are met. Appearance: A whopping 5”4’, and very thin. She has long, thick, white-blonde hair that goes down to almost her thighs. Grey eyes. She looks like a little doll, and is very fashionable. Sage does not go out in public without her hair done, make-up applied and accessories worn. She loves frilly dresses and refuses to leave the house (or hotel) without wearing one. Pokemon: Tsareena Lurantis Maractus
Oui, nous sommes des humains et bien que je ne puisse pas parler au nom de tout le monde, je n'ai pas l'intention de manger votre maison Derek a répondu être de plus en plus rappelé à Hansel et Gretel. Sans penser à la réaction possible de Witchmon, il a sorti son Digivice de sa poche pour lui montrer que les autres auraient sans doute fait la même chose s'il ne les avait pas battus au coup de poing. "En fait, nous sommes tous les six digidestinés." Syakomon en attendant était un peu plus inquiet ce que le niveau champion Digimon pourrait faire à cause de cette information. "Nous ne sommes pas ici pour nous battre ou quoi que ce soit, en fait, nous sommes juste à la recherche d'un moyen de sortir des bois. Pouvez-vous aider avec cela?"
Name: Derek Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Crest: Envy Nationality: American History: As the middle child of a family of five Derek felt his parents paid more attention to his two siblings. Eventually he got envious of his older brother and younger sister, despite knowing it wasn't their fault.Because of this he started causing problems just to get them to "notice" him, mostly small stuff like lying or stealing candy. In school this meant playing hooky not studying, or acting like the class clown, so that his parent would get called in ,or had to talk to him in an attempt to get him to stop. He refrained from bullying though, not only because he was affraid that is intended target might fight back, but also because bullies generally got punished worse. When he was fifteen he created a youtube account where he posted generally bad movies in the style of more popular uploaders hoping that some of their fans would like it. This failed and he became known as a rip-of causing him to abandon his account and find some other way to get attention over the internet. Personality: He can't stand it when others are the center of attention, this can lead to him doing and or saying stupid things. Other than he rarely takes anything seriously so he tends to clown around and ignore others. Derek can be a bit of a coward at times, but he won't abandon people as long as he feels he can help them. ... Equipment: A pack of playing cards. ... Trivia: His favorite food is bacon ... Relationships: None yet ... Digimon Everyone starts as a rookie. Species: Syakomon Nickname: Pearl Apparent gender: Male Personality: Syakomon hates to fight and instead prefers to run or hide, however he is no coward and will fight when necessary. As he evolves he will become less hesitant, but he will never rush into combat. Attacks: Black Pearl Shot : Spits out a cloud of black pearls. Water Pressure : Drills an enemy with a twisting blast of water. Digivolution line: In-training:
Jake Prescott a marché à l'extérieur d'un immeuble d'appartements à moitié détruit. Il avait embarqué la plupart du temps, rendant l'entrée difficile à atteindre. Il a déplacé la ferraille devant le trou dans le mur pour couvrir le trou. Il avait tout son équipement et marchait vers les rues avec des squelettes de voitures et de bâtiments. Il a pris une profonde respiration, le tenant un peu avant de le faire souffler lentement. Il s'assit au-dessus d'un taxi rouillé et regarda une structure de stationnement qui s'écroulait. Un grand cercle avec les lettres B.A. l'intérieur a été vaporisé sur un mur. Super... l'armée du sang est proche... Jake pensait à lui-même. Il est descendu du taxi et a marché vers un petit immeuble, en montant pour obtenir un bon point de vue de cette zone du centre-ville. Jake n'a pas vérifié si quelqu'un était à proximité, le laissant ouvert.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Avant qu'Annaliese ait eu une chance de répondre, la grande porte s'ouvrit et sortit ce qui ressemblait à une femme utilisant un balai pour soutenir sa marche avec une robe très serrée. Un petit chat comme la créature était assis autour de ses épaules et ressemblait à la petite boucle qui se tenait sur son chapeau. Ses mains semblaient un peu trop grandes pour être réalistes. Elle semblait humaine, mais pas en même temps. "Eh bien, tu n'es pas trop loin." Tinkermon a déclaré. "Celui-là, c'est Witchmon." Witchmon a vu ce qu'elle cherchait, qui que ce soit qui faisait du bruit à l'extérieur de sa maison. Montant son balai, elle s'élança vers le groupe et les regarda tous assez rapidement. "Qui êtes-vous tous? Pas vraiment Digimon. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Eh bien, pas tous au moins. Je suppose que certains d'entre vous sont des humains?" Elle n'avait pas l'air particulièrement hostile, en fait elle avait un grand sourire sur son visage bien que cela ressemble un peu à son visage est tout naturellement comme ça. "Je n'ai pas eu le plaisir de parler avec les humains avant. Qu'est-ce qui vous amène à ma humble demeure? J'espère ne pas le manger. J'ai beaucoup essayé et je le regrette."
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
Le groupe d'adolescents et de tween (comme certains l'appelleraient) gardé à leur voyage à travers les bois. C'était un voyage assez taxant. Il n'y avait pas grand besoin de négocier avec le terrain ou quoi que ce soit et il semblait juste qu'il a fallu beaucoup de temps pour aller n'importe où. Il n'a pas semblé que le paysage a commencé à changer du tout non plus. Bien que, si on avait vu un peu de la jungle, n'avaient-ils pas vu tout? Cependant, quelque part sur le chemin, un chemin est apparu. Non, pas une coupe à travers le chemin où un géant digimon avait traversé le feuillage pour arriver. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Quelque part. C'est pas vrai. C'était un sentier pavé de briques. Ça avait l'air un peu bizarre. Pour la brique au moins, bien qu'un pas rapide sur elle prouverait qu'il était tout aussi robuste que ce qu'il serait probablement supposé et le groupe a continué sur la route asphaltée bien que la zone boisée. Le chemin était étrangement paisible. Après leur rencontre avec le Bakemon il y a un jour ou deux, ils avaient croisé quelques digimon aléatoires en courant autour. Certains hostiles et rapidement forcés à fuir et d'autres à leur montrer la bonne voie. Mais il n'y avait plus rien. Le bruit du vent brossant les feuilles doucement, mais pas le digimon. Plus loin sur la route, quelque chose d'étrange se tenait là. "Une maison de bonbons?" Annaliese demanda alors qu'elle regardait l'immeuble. Son visage a montré de l'excitation. Il y a vraiment une maison de bonbons!
Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line: Fresh: YukimiBotamon In-training:Puttimon Rookie:Tinkermon Champion: Darcmon Ultimate:Angewomon Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon Slide ultimate: Mega: Ophanimon Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode Side Mega:
Quinn a serré l'œil sur l'homme et a tenu son arme sur lui pendant quelques secondes. Il a fini par relâcher son souffle et a abaissé l'arme. Il croyait qu'il n'était pas de l'armée du sang, mais il n'était pas convaincu qu'il n'était pas dangereux. Tout homme qui portait un fusil d'assaut devait être capable de violence. La chauve-souris piquée était une autre chose. "Bon assez," Quinn murmura, "Blood armée là-dedans. Vous voyez?" Il a pointé vers la structure de stationnement, où le symbole rouge avait été laissé à tous pour voir. L'Armée du sang avait rarement besoin d'utiliser la fureur, ils étaient des prédateurs à travers et à travers et le plus souvent que la vue de ce symbole était suffisante pour empêcher qui que ce soit.
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Jake a été surpris, mais il est resté calme. Son cœur courait alors qu'il savait que sa couverture était soufflée. La voix était inconnue et Jake ne savait pas qui d'autre vivait ici à côté de lui. Jake leva lentement les mains pour se rendre et prit une profonde respiration. "Non. Je ne suis qu'un vagabond." Jake a répondu. Il espérait qu'il ne le volerait pas. Ou pire encore... finissez sa vie. Jake se tourna lentement pour voir l'homme derrière la voix, curieux de voir à quoi ressemblait cet homme. Il était sûrement là pour une surprise. En se retournant, Jake a failli sauter sous le choc à la vue du visage de l'homme. Il a tenu l'envie, principalement parce qu'une arme a été pointée sur lui. "Écoute, mec. Je suis amicale. Pas besoin de tirer. Baissez l'arme et on peut partir tous les deux, pas de problème. Ça a l'air bien?" Il a demandé, espérant qu'il serait libéré. Il ne pouvait pas mentir, il voulait juste l'effacer maintenant puisqu'il a réalisé qu'il n'avait qu'un seul bon œil. Il bougea doucement un pied, prêt à flécher si l'homme était belligérant.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Jake a laissé un soupir de soulagement en voyant cet homme baisser son arme. Il regarda la structure de stationnement et s'inclina. Jake n'en savait pas trop sur l'armée du sang, mais il a vu ce qu'ils étaient capables de faire. Il haussa et pointa vers la structure. "Je sais qu'ils ont de bonnes provisions là-dedans. Je les ai vus apporter des tonnes de munitions, de nourriture, de médicaments. Tout. Prendre le contrôle de cet endroit serait aussi mieux pour le grand public. » Jake a dit, souriant un peu. Son sourire s'est alors évanoui. "Mais nous aurions besoin d'une putain d'armée pour prendre en charge quelque chose comme ça..." Il a dit. Jake a regardé en arrière l'homme cicatrice et a tenu une main pour lui de secouer. "Le nom est Jake." Il a dit calmement, ne pas laisser cette rencontre lui arriver. Alors qu'on lui tendait la main, il entendit le bruissement dans la distance, mais il la rejeta.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Chris est sorti de la voiture ruinée dans laquelle il s'était réfugié. Il s'est renseigné sur lui-même et a découvert que tous ses biens étaient encore présents. En arrivant de la voiture, il a hissé son sac sur ses épaules et a réinstallé son gilet tactique, les divers magazines se sont accrochés métalliquement l'un contre l'autre alors qu'il se levait. Il a repris la marche, il a traversé le paysage urbain ruiné pendant des jours. Il a vérifié le guide touristique qu'il avait récupéré d'un magasin en bordure de la ville. Il est légèrement noirci pages étaient complètement illisibles dans certains endroits, mais il y avait assez pour Chris pour naviguer avec. Alors qu'il se dirigeait vers une rue, il entendait des voix élevées. Il est tombé dans un fusil en croûte. La majorité des gens qu'il rencontrait étaient des civils, la plupart étaient armés, mais ils n'étaient pas entraînés, ils n'avaient aucune expérience de combat à parler. Chris a regardé la portée de son fusil, il a vu deux figures, apparemment en disputant. Un geste vers un bâtiment de stationnement. Chris a gardé le fusil entraîné sur eux, il a décidé de regarder et de voir ce qu'ils faisaient avant qu'il ne fasse quelque chose d'irréfléchi.
Name: Chris Field Age: 27 Gender: Male Bio: Chris was a medical student before the war, he spent his time in a mixture of study, volunteer work and sports (rock-climbing, hiking, jogging and shooting). When the war began he enlisted with the US medical core and spent several years as a combat medic attached to a platoon of special forces troopers. He was close with nearly all of them by the time the bombs hit. At first they hadn't really been sure of him but after he stitched them all back together a few times they just saw him as another one of the guys. It was on a routine deployment that the bombs hit. Chris' platoon was flying into Washington when their chinook was hit by the blast wave of one of the RP2W's, the bird was swatted out of the air. The next thing Chris remembers is waking up in the wreckage of the Chinook. Miraculously he was still in one piece, he soon wished he wasn't however. He checked the rest of the men, his friends but they'd all died in the crash. He sat in the wreckage for what seemed like hours before pulling himself together gathering up everything of use and setting out into the ruins of D.C. in the hope of finding what might be left of the Federal government. Personality: Chris is above all an altruistic soul, he tries to help those in need where possible and is a deeply principled individual. This means he can be rather stubborn at times, but whilst this can be rather irksome he's as loyal a man as you'd ever care to meet. Weapon 1: M16A4 Weapon 2: M11 Clothing: Chris still wears his military gear. He wears urban camo fatigues and body armour complete with helmet, boots, gloves, tactical vest and goggles. He also carries a gas mask. Items: 5 MRE's 6 spare M16A4 magazines 6 spare M11 magazines Combat Knife Torch Portable Radio Field dressing kit and general medical supplies Canteen
Jake a hurlé et a glissé dans l'immeuble. Il s'est crampé à la bibliothèque, faisant du bruit en frappant le métal dans une tentative d'attirer l'homme. Il a regardé Quinn puis est revenu dehors alors qu'il attendait que l'homme suive. "S'il ne vient pas dans ce coin dans dix minutes, tu veux aller le chercher?" Jake a demandé. En tant qu'officier de police, une partie de Jake voulait raisonner avec l'homme à l'extérieur. Il savait que tout le monde était tué pour survivre, mais peut-être qu'il se défendait.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
S'il n'est pas dans ce coin dans dix minutes, nous avons évité une balle, Quinn a dit franchement. Il avait appris la dure façon de ne pas aller à la recherche d'un combat. Rien de bon n'est venu d'appâter qui que ce soit. Pas quand il ne restait plus rien à faire entre un homme et un meurtre. "Pas sur le point de passer entre Blood Army et un renégat. Tu as l'air assez décent. S'il se montre et essaie quelque chose, je te soutiendrai. Mais j'y vais."
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
C'était comme si tout avait mal aujourd'hui. Ses pieds avaient depuis longtemps cessé de développer des cloques, mais ils semblaient souffrir de fatigue deux fois plus pour compenser. Le tissu cicatriciel au-dessus de son oeil gauche démangeait comme un fou, et la sueur se développait incomfortablement sur la chair tendre et brûlée de sa joue et du front. Il garda une main drapée paresseusement sur le cul de son revolver, étêtée sur sa hanche. Ça lui a fait se sentir un peu mieux. Il marchait toujours sur le côté gauche de la route, donc si quelque chose essayait de traverser de la droite, il ne serait pas aveugle à cela. Il était venu pour prendre la prudence nécessaire en passant les ruelles, toujours en ralentissant pour tourner sa tête un sondage. Un des avantages d'être à moitié aveugle. Quinn avait suivi les signes avec prudence. Il savait ce qu'il fallait chercher, et il n'y avait aucun doute dans son esprit que l'Armée du sang était à proximité. Aussi chaud que son mépris pour eux a brûlé, il savait que c'était la folie de les engager. Du moins pas avant qu'il sache combien il y en ait. Un coup de raclure, comme si quelqu'un marchait sur l'acier rouillé, l'a bousillé de sa concentration. Il maudit silencieusement alors qu'il s'enfuyait derrière des débris pour se couvrir. Une figure, à environ trois cents mètres de la route a sauté du toit d'une voiture, a fait son chemin vers un petit bâtiment. Il n'avait pas l'air de l'armée du sang, mais il y avait des chances qu'ils soient morts s'ils étaient pris. Quinn a fait sa propre montée, et a soigneusement commencé à traverser les toits pour combler l'écart entre lui et la figure mystérieuse. Il a eu la goutte sur lui, il a pu mettre une balle dans son crâne tout de suite et puis fuir. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Je ne suis plus comme ça! Il a crié en interne. Il avait fait tout ce qu'il pouvait pour se débarrasser de sa violence, mais une fois que vous avez franchi la ligne, il n'y avait pas de retour en arrière. Il a pris un souffle lent et stable et a tenu son revolver vers le haut avec les deux mains. D'une voix calme, mais ferme, il a dit, "Simple question. Êtes-vous de l'armée du sang?" Il attendait la réponse avec un doigt de déclenchement tremblant.
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Jake s'est tapé les lèvres pendant que Quinn ignorait la poignée de main. Jake a mis sa main inébranlable et a hurlé. "Je vois." Il a dit. Jake a vu la lueur du soleil aussi, tombant immédiatement après Quinn. Jake n'avait jamais eu une telle rencontre. Bien sûr qu'il avait été dans quelques fusillades en tant que flic, mais il n'y avait pas de police ici. Personne pour te soutenir. C'était un seul homme pour lui-même. "Approuvé." Jake a dit, ramper sur le sol loin du bord de l'immeuble. Il a pointé du côté opposé de l'immeuble. "Je ne suis pas sûr si vous avez déjà été autour de ces parties, mais là-bas vous mènera à une bibliothèque. C'est vide. Pour l'instant." Jake l'a informé. Il ne savait pas pourquoi on lui a donné cette information. Ce n'est pas comme si cet homme s'en souciait. C'était l'officier de police à l'intérieur de lui qui a probablement frappé dedans.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Quinn a jeté un coup d'œil sur la main de l'homme quelques fois. "Quinn", il murmura sans prendre la main de Jake. "L'armée sanglante est trop dangereuse. Même s'il n'y en a que quelques-uns... ça vaut beaucoup plus. Suicide pour y aller." Alors qu'il parlait, il entendait un bruit de bruissement et il se tendait, cherchant la source mais ne voyait rien. Du moins, pas avant qu'il ait vu la lueur du soleil venir de la rue. Il est tombé, "Street. Homme avec fusil. Pointé sur nous." Quinn pourrait passer des jours sans rencontrer personne, mais aujourd'hui il avait vraiment marché dans la merde. Une quantité non confirmée de Blood Army et deux renégades non confirmées. Il pensait que son meilleur pari serait de les remettre en liberté et de les laisser à leur sort, mais cela irait totalement à l'encontre de ce qu'il avait prévu de faire avec le reste de sa misérable vie. "Mieux vaut passer à autre chose. Trop de risques ici."
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Probablement pas de l'Armée du Sang. D'habitude, ne bougez pas tout seul. Quinn a rappelé comment si une armée de sang s'est séparée du groupe principal, ils sont au moins allés l'un avec l'autre. Un spotter, pour ainsi dire. Une autre personne pour surveiller leurs arrières. "Laissez-le à la bibliothèque. Les choses tournent mal... on peut le tuer... et ensuite, courir." Quinn a commencé à suivre Jake vers le bas, il le suivrait au moins à la bibliothèque. Son plan était de reprendre son voyage dès que possible, bien qu'il ait été consterné qu'il perde sa chance d'enlever les soldats de l'Armée du sang. Pourtant, c'était trop dangereux. Même s'il réussissait à les descendre, un ou deux d'entre eux auraient assez d'un coup de feu dans ce qu'il n'y arriverait probablement pas. Il s'était promis qu'il ne vivrait plus jamais avec eux, et que l'enfer signifiait qu'il ne mourrait jamais parmi eux. Une fois au sol, Quinn a commencé à suivre Jake, laissant des indications évidentes à l'endroit où ils allaient à l'homme mystérieux avec le fusil. Bien qu'il se déplaçât très soigneusement, se mettant toujours en position d'échapper à l'embuscade ou d'en installer une.
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Jake a hurlé, étant d'accord avec sa déclaration. Jake n'était pas un homme violent, mais avec ce nouveau style de vie, il ne pouvait prendre aucun risque. Il se demandait même si Quinn allait le tuer ou le voler. "Approuvé." Il a dit, se détendre un peu. Il écoutait comme l'homme parlait. Jake s'est rendu compte qu'il serait à nouveau seul. Jake a regardé dehors, ne voyant personne d'autre à proximité. Le quartier devant la bibliothèque était à l'arrière du bâtiment. Il avait une voiture en ruine dans la rue devant elle et un baril d'acier avec les restes d'un incendie à l'intérieur. Jake sortait de la bibliothèque, scrutant la zone de toute menace potentielle. Après quelques minutes, il est revenu à l'intérieur.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Kate a regardé depuis un toit, deux survivants ont exécuté un groupe de mercenaires de l'Armée du sang et ont soigné une femme blessée. Elle a baissé son masque et a rapidement installé son sniper pour couvrir la paire comme ils avaient tendance à elle. Elle savait que l'armée du sang enverrait plus pour vérifier la commotion et elle devait être prête à appuyer sur la détente dès qu'ils arriveraient pour garder les gens en vie.
Name: Kate James Age: 29 Gender: Female Bio: Kate was a British born Sniper serving in the Army Rangers when the Incident happened. Her platoon had been recalled only a few years prior. When they were recalled they had been put on the Mexican border to stop any invasions by the Mexicans or south Americans their biggest current threat. She was on the front lines when the South American Combined Forces invaded the US through Mexico and launched an marine attacks from Cuba. She was posted on the Texas border with Mexico, so she saw the main brunt of the attack seeing many of her fellow troops killed brutally and without mercy. Two years after their initial deployment they managed to push the SACF out of Texas and continued to push them back past the border. However the SACF had intentionally allowed them to push them back this far and anticipated the next move of the Ranger platoon. This counter attack pushed the Rangers all the way back to texas, the Rangers lost nearly half their fighting force in this offensive. There was one final attack of the offensive that saw some of the bloodiest battles ever to take place on American Soil. During this time the Rangers looked to be Defeated, until the 3rd marine raider battalion was removed from Florida to come and rescue the Rangers. During this period, Kate and a three other Rangers were captured and taken to a SACF FOB in Mexico. They were interrogated to gain information of the four that went in only two were retrieved by the Marines. Kate saw her CO, knelt infront of her and Executed. The other soldier was hung from a meat hook. Both Kate and the Other soldier were both scarred from this encounter but the need for soldiers outweighed these facts. Kate no longer cared about the missions, all she cared about was preventing more accounts of that type of interrogation. She was placed on one the less active borders. She served with the second marine raider battalion on the Canadian border, seeing very little action after that. Then the bombs dropped. She spent the first few days looking for ammo and food. she had her standard issue canteen that she refilled before leaving the border for the inner cities. 2 months later. Kate had earned quite a name for her self. she had become somewhat of a vigilante for the Survivors of the wasteland. Often killing Blood Army Soldiers stopping them from killing ordinary civilians or other survivors. She had earned the name Archangel. that was the most common name she heard when she stepped into bars that people had somehow managed to start running again. She often heard names such as Blood Demon or The Lone Ranger but She preferred Archangel. Personality: Very quick to help Survivors. Hates Blood Army. tries not to let people down Gear:.308 Sniper Rifle. .44 Revolver Pistol Bayonet. $400 5 tins of spam Water Canteen this is the image for when she goes about her normal business of surviving. when she becomes Archangel she simply wears a black ski mask with a red phoenix painted over the eyes. Role:Kate is a Vigilante. She steals from and Kills members of the blood army and gives the weapons, cash and food she steals from them to the ordinary survivors.
Jake a hurlé. "Il est parti." Il a dit. Jake a vu une table et s'y est promené, assis son sac à dos dessus avant de regarder autour de la bibliothèque. Il regarda les étagères, trouvant des livres qui étaient encore intacts. Il ne s'intéressait pas à eux, mais cela aiderait à passer le temps. Ou peut-être qu'il pourrait les utiliser comme combustible et les brûler dans un feu. Jake s'est moqué de l'idée d'avoir à brûler des livres. Jake s'est tourné vers Quinn, en écoutant sa suggestion. Bien qu'il soit d'accord, il ne voulait pas. Il serait à nouveau solitaire. Mais ce serait avant tout son bien. "Oui... ce serait intelligent." Il a dit, fermer son sac à dos après avoir mis un couple lire des livres dignes dedans. Jake a regardé autour de lui, essayant de trouver des objets récupérables alors qu'il attendait le prochain mouvement de Quinn. Il est resté alerte au cas où Quinn aurait essayé de l'attaquer. Il ne le connaissait pas si bien.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
En regardant vers le bas où les trois survivants étaient maintenant situés Kate a commencé à chercher des entrées pour l'armée du sang. Un couple est apparu d'un bâtiment près de l'extrémité de la route. Kate a tiré le premier coup de la journée, la balle volant dans les airs pendant quelques instants avant d'entrer dans le cou du soldat de l'Armée du sang. Elle a fait signe aux trois survivants qui les ont avertis de courir. Elle s'est cognée le fusil et a tiré à nouveau en frappant le soldat derrière lui dans l'épaule.
Name: Kate James Age: 29 Gender: Female Bio: Kate was a British born Sniper serving in the Army Rangers when the Incident happened. Her platoon had been recalled only a few years prior. When they were recalled they had been put on the Mexican border to stop any invasions by the Mexicans or south Americans their biggest current threat. She was on the front lines when the South American Combined Forces invaded the US through Mexico and launched an marine attacks from Cuba. She was posted on the Texas border with Mexico, so she saw the main brunt of the attack seeing many of her fellow troops killed brutally and without mercy. Two years after their initial deployment they managed to push the SACF out of Texas and continued to push them back past the border. However the SACF had intentionally allowed them to push them back this far and anticipated the next move of the Ranger platoon. This counter attack pushed the Rangers all the way back to texas, the Rangers lost nearly half their fighting force in this offensive. There was one final attack of the offensive that saw some of the bloodiest battles ever to take place on American Soil. During this time the Rangers looked to be Defeated, until the 3rd marine raider battalion was removed from Florida to come and rescue the Rangers. During this period, Kate and a three other Rangers were captured and taken to a SACF FOB in Mexico. They were interrogated to gain information of the four that went in only two were retrieved by the Marines. Kate saw her CO, knelt infront of her and Executed. The other soldier was hung from a meat hook. Both Kate and the Other soldier were both scarred from this encounter but the need for soldiers outweighed these facts. Kate no longer cared about the missions, all she cared about was preventing more accounts of that type of interrogation. She was placed on one the less active borders. She served with the second marine raider battalion on the Canadian border, seeing very little action after that. Then the bombs dropped. She spent the first few days looking for ammo and food. she had her standard issue canteen that she refilled before leaving the border for the inner cities. 2 months later. Kate had earned quite a name for her self. she had become somewhat of a vigilante for the Survivors of the wasteland. Often killing Blood Army Soldiers stopping them from killing ordinary civilians or other survivors. She had earned the name Archangel. that was the most common name she heard when she stepped into bars that people had somehow managed to start running again. She often heard names such as Blood Demon or The Lone Ranger but She preferred Archangel. Personality: Very quick to help Survivors. Hates Blood Army. tries not to let people down Gear:.308 Sniper Rifle. .44 Revolver Pistol Bayonet. $400 5 tins of spam Water Canteen this is the image for when she goes about her normal business of surviving. when she becomes Archangel she simply wears a black ski mask with a red phoenix painted over the eyes. Role:Kate is a Vigilante. She steals from and Kills members of the blood army and gives the weapons, cash and food she steals from them to the ordinary survivors.
Quinn a pris le temps de s'asseoir et de reposer ses pieds fatigués pendant un petit moment. Ses bottes ont été faites pour durer, mais ils avaient été autour d'un long laps de temps. Ils ne supportaient pas trop bien après tout le temps et marchaient qu'ils avaient traversé. Il a enlevé sa couverture oculaire de fortune pour laisser respirer la chair cicatrice. Il n'aimait pas que le patch soit trop humide par la sueur. L'infection n'était pas quelque chose que la plupart des gens ont survécu ces jours-ci, pas avec la rareté des antibiotiques. Après quelques minutes Jake est revenu. Quinn réappliqua hâtivement ses bandages, et regarda Jake. "Aucun signe de notre ami?" il a demandé, connaissant déjà la réponse. Ce n'était pas forcément le meilleur signe. S'il faisait partie de l'armée du sang, il pourrait retourner leur dire qu'il avait vu des gens. Ils n'étaient généralement pas du genre à laisser glisser. Les gens pourraient s'accrocher à quelque chose de précieux. Quant à Quinn, les outils qu'il portait avec lui étaient relativement exempts de rouille. S'il décidait de les mettre en gage, il se trouverait dans un peu d'argent. Ce n'est pas ce qu'il a jamais fait. "Peut-être devrions-nous aller de nos différentes façons. Plus difficile à suivre alors."
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Jake a entendu les coups de feu, en alerte immédiate. Il a pris son arme et a jeté son sac à dos. Il a regardé la femme. Il s'est vite rendu compte des membres de l'Armée du sang. Il ne savait pas s'il devait les enlever ou s'occuper de la femme. Alors qu'il allait essayer de tirer sur les membres de l'Armée du sang, il a vu Quinn les enlever. Il a regardé comme il les a rapidement exécutés. Sans hésitation non plus. Il est ensuite allé voir la dame, essayant de la calmer et de voir où elle a été frappée. Jake a regardé Quinn, hurlant de l'ordre de piller ces gars. Jake était à la fois impressionné et un peu nerveux. Si Quinn pouvait faire cela à trois membres avec facilité, il pourrait le lui faire. Il a regardé les cadavres et les a fouillés, trouvant surtout des balles et un peu d'argent. Il a trouvé un mot, les lettres en désordre et le papier teinté de sang. "Hé, Quinn!" Il a appelé, essayant d'attirer son attention. "J'ai quelque chose que tu devrais voir!" Il a ajouté, se tournant vers lui tenant la note.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Réagir rapidement, Jake a doublé vers la voiture. Il a ouvert la porte et a placé la femme sur le siège arrière. "Laissez tomber." Jake a commandé, espérant qu'elle comprendrait pourquoi. Jake a ensuite sauté dans le siège du conducteur, essayant de brancher la voiture. Sa nervosité le poussait à trembler, incapable de faire démarrer la voiture. Il s'est dit en entendant des coups de feu de leur tireur. Il espérait qu'elle les sortirait tous et qu'il n'y aurait pas d'armée du sang. ( pas de soucis)
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
(Désolée pour mes réponses différées. La course de rat m'a fait descendre)) Quinn a flippé autour pour essayer de trouver la trace des coups de feu. Ses yeux sont fixés sur un tireur d'élite qui les surveille. Une sorte d'ange gardien militarisé. "Mettez-la dans la voiture," a appelé Quinn, bien que sa voix n'ait pas supporté la tension du stress. C'était impitoyablement calme pour une situation comme celle-ci. Il avait été l'Armée du Sang une fois, il savait de quoi ils étaient capables. Il savait aussi comment ils opéraient. "Vous allez devoir conduire, ne pouvez pas très bien faire avec cela," Quinn a dit pointant sur son visage cicatrice, indiquant le globe oculaire manquant.
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Jake est passé à Quinn. "Tu crois que ça a de l'importance?" Il a demandé, ne sachant pas si Blood Army écrivait toujours des notes. Il a regardé la femme et son instinct de police. Il a pris une chemise dans son sac et l'a déchirée en longues lambeaux de tissu. Il a enveloppé quelques bandes autour de sa jambe, ralentissant le flux sanguin pour qu'elle ne saigne pas. "Je ne te laisserai pas ici." Il a dit. Il savait qu'il se mettait en danger. Cette fille pourrait le tuer. Mais il a décidé de lui donner une chance. Jake a entendu un autre coup sonner, se draguer les yeux pour trouver le problème. Il s'est levé après un moment, voyant une figure bouger pour qu'ils fuyent. Il regarda dans la direction opposée. "Shit..." Il a dit, sachant que l'Armée du Sang allait avoir plus de troupes à venir. Il a ramassé la fille, son poids n'est pas trop pour lui. Il a attrapé son sac. "Quinn, sortons d'ici." Il a dit de prendre son fusil avant de s'éloigner de la zone. Il a entendu un autre coup de feu, voyant des membres de l'Armée du sang au loin. "Shit... merde de merde..." Il a dit, son estomac tombant à l'idée d'être traqué.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Tout se passait si vite, l'un de ses sauveteurs se déplaçant et baguant la blessure alors qu'il l'a rassurée qu'il n'allait pas la quitter. Elle l'a regardé comme il se concentrait sur sa jambe, elle a eu l'impression qu'il voulait dire ce qu'il a dit de ne pas vouloir la quitter même lorsqu'il lui a tiré un bref coup d'œil appréhensif. Alors qu'un autre coup de feu retentissait, le bruit faisant écho dans la rue, l'une des figures de l'Armée du sang qui venait d'apparaître s'est écrasée au sol. Charlotte tenta de se tenir debout, mais encore une fois elle ne put mettre de pression sur la jambe, bien que heureusement l'homme qui s'était recousu la jambe perdit peu de temps à la soulever dans ses bras alors qu'ils commencèrent à bouger. Au début, elle reculait au contact et un puissant instinct de lutte et de lutte contre lui l'a vaincue mais avec un grand effort elle l'a écartée comme avec un regard derrière eux, elle pouvait voir plusieurs figures lourdement blindées faisant leur chemin jusqu'à la rue s'élançant de la couverture à la couverture. Elle espérait que qui que soient ses sauveurs, ils avaient une sorte de plan ou à tout le moins avaient quelque part où courir, la perspective d'être poursuivis par l'Armée du Sang n'était pas du tout agréable. Son esprit brûlant avec des questions mais elle tenait sa langue tandis que son cœur battait dans sa poitrine et lui embrayait les bras serrés tandis que Jake la transportait vers le véhicule d'idolâtrie encore avec la note embrayée dans sa main.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
Un autre tir a sonné du haut de l'immeuble alors que Kate a tiré une troisième fois pour se faire tuer, alors que le soldat de l'Armée du sang tomba à genoux en lui griffant le cou. Les autres soldats savaient mieux que de continuer à se nourrir jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient inévitablement massacrés. Ils ont eu l'idée géniale de monter sur les toits et d'attaquer Kate. Elle a demandé aux trois survivants de commencer à conduire.Elle a placé son fusil de sniper sur son dos alors qu'elle s'était emparée d'une fermeture éclair coulissante tout le long du trajet avant d'atterrir sur le toit de la voiture avec un thoud. "Fucking Drive trou du cul." Elle a crié alors qu'elle sortait un petit clic de son jean. Elle l'a cliqué deux fois et 4 explosions ont éclaté à l'intérieur du bâtiment qu'elle était juste sur, le nivelant et tuant tout le monde à l'intérieur. Elle savait qu'elle avait tué les civils à l'intérieur, mais pour les gens qui finiraient par trouver le bâtiment, ils trouveraient aussi des corps de l'armée du sang dans les décombres, ce qui ferait croire qu'ils l'avaient fait.
Name: Kate James Age: 29 Gender: Female Bio: Kate was a British born Sniper serving in the Army Rangers when the Incident happened. Her platoon had been recalled only a few years prior. When they were recalled they had been put on the Mexican border to stop any invasions by the Mexicans or south Americans their biggest current threat. She was on the front lines when the South American Combined Forces invaded the US through Mexico and launched an marine attacks from Cuba. She was posted on the Texas border with Mexico, so she saw the main brunt of the attack seeing many of her fellow troops killed brutally and without mercy. Two years after their initial deployment they managed to push the SACF out of Texas and continued to push them back past the border. However the SACF had intentionally allowed them to push them back this far and anticipated the next move of the Ranger platoon. This counter attack pushed the Rangers all the way back to texas, the Rangers lost nearly half their fighting force in this offensive. There was one final attack of the offensive that saw some of the bloodiest battles ever to take place on American Soil. During this time the Rangers looked to be Defeated, until the 3rd marine raider battalion was removed from Florida to come and rescue the Rangers. During this period, Kate and a three other Rangers were captured and taken to a SACF FOB in Mexico. They were interrogated to gain information of the four that went in only two were retrieved by the Marines. Kate saw her CO, knelt infront of her and Executed. The other soldier was hung from a meat hook. Both Kate and the Other soldier were both scarred from this encounter but the need for soldiers outweighed these facts. Kate no longer cared about the missions, all she cared about was preventing more accounts of that type of interrogation. She was placed on one the less active borders. She served with the second marine raider battalion on the Canadian border, seeing very little action after that. Then the bombs dropped. She spent the first few days looking for ammo and food. she had her standard issue canteen that she refilled before leaving the border for the inner cities. 2 months later. Kate had earned quite a name for her self. she had become somewhat of a vigilante for the Survivors of the wasteland. Often killing Blood Army Soldiers stopping them from killing ordinary civilians or other survivors. She had earned the name Archangel. that was the most common name she heard when she stepped into bars that people had somehow managed to start running again. She often heard names such as Blood Demon or The Lone Ranger but She preferred Archangel. Personality: Very quick to help Survivors. Hates Blood Army. tries not to let people down Gear:.308 Sniper Rifle. .44 Revolver Pistol Bayonet. $400 5 tins of spam Water Canteen this is the image for when she goes about her normal business of surviving. when she becomes Archangel she simply wears a black ski mask with a red phoenix painted over the eyes. Role:Kate is a Vigilante. She steals from and Kills members of the blood army and gives the weapons, cash and food she steals from them to the ordinary survivors.
Quinn était sur le point de faire la suggestion à Jake qu'ils se rencontrent à la prochaine colonie, mais a été rapidement coupé par les bruits de coups de feu. Il a regardé l'entrée de la bibliothèque. Il pouvait voir une femme, accouchée derrière une caravane devant l'immeuble. Elle saignait, et mal. -- Ce ne sera pas si facile, soupira Quinn. Il bougea rapidement, en sortant à l'approche de trois hommes de l'armée du sang. Il pouvait voir cette vieille lueur familière dans leurs yeux. La soif de sang, ils voulaient dévorer la misère des gens ordinaires. Les sadiques ont dû être abattus. Quinn était un flou de mouvement mortel. Il a tiré son revolver et avec deux coups bien placés a soufflé le cerveau de deux des soldats. Alors que le troisième bourdonnait pour son arme (son esprit ayant été sur son autre arme), Quinn ferma la distance entre eux et, avec un mouvement pratiqué, tira sa machette et coupa la gorge du soldat. Il ne s'est pas réjoui longtemps dans sa victoire, parce qu'il savait que l'autre groupe serait attiré par le son. "Jake... la voiture," dit-il mécaniquement, comme s'il venait de devenir quelqu'un d'autre, presque l'homme qu'il avait été quand il avait suivi l'armée du sang, "Prenez tout ce que ces salauds ont et jetez-le dans le dos." Quinn est venue à l'endroit où la femme s'était couverte et lui avait tendu la main. Il était conscient de la façon dont il devait avoir l'air, cicatrice et inébranlable. Sa main calleuse a fait signe pour la sienne comme il lui a dit, "Ce n'est pas sûr ici. Un autre groupe pas loin de la route. Ils viendront nous chercher."
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
L'armée du sang s'est produite, Quinn a dit sèchement, "Journée régulière à la plage pour eux." Bien sûr, Quinn avait aussi été secoué par la rencontre, mais il se sentait moins dans la peur et plus de rage. L'Armée du sang était une plaie qui s'était levée des cendres de l'armée réelle et qui était devenue la proie des désirs les plus bas de l'humanité. Ils étaient dehors pour la conquête sans esprit, et rien de plus. Quinn s'est agenouillé pour parler à Charlotte. "Comment te sens-tu? Cette blessure aura besoin d'être regardée. Pensez-vous que vous pouvez tenir jusqu'à ce qu'on arrive à un endroit sûr?"
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Charlotte a hésité comme tout à coup deux autres coups de feu sonnaient en succession rapide, mais cette fois-ci ils sonnaient nettement différent et venaient de l'autre direction et elle avait l'impression que quelqu'un venait de tuer les hommes qui, jusqu'à il y a quelques instants, avaient chaud sur ses talons. Elle se demandait si elle devait atteindre son sommet d'où elle se cachait et risquer de jeter un coup d'œil sur qui que ce soit. Le bruit d'une voix masculine s'est déplacé vers son "Jake... la voiture" et elle a essayé de déterminer si elle devait essayer de courir ou non. "Prenez tout ce que ces salauds ont et jetez-le dans le dos." Quelques instants plus tard, la figure de l'homme qui avait parlé est entrée dans sa vue, bloquant brièvement la lumière du soleil qui commençait lentement à couler dans le ciel. Immédiatement, son regard a été attiré du côté gauche de son visage, une étrange bande de matériau couvrant ce qui ressemblait à une brûlure hideuse et une blessure sauvage aux yeux. Elle s'est brièvement tenue, résistant à l'envie initiale de le poignarder avec le couteau serré dans sa main alors même qu'il tenait sa main pour l'aider. "Ce n'est pas sûr ici. Un autre groupe pas loin de la route. Ils viendront nous chercher" a-t-il dit en la regardant. Son esprit courut et dans la fraction de seconde qu'elle rencontra son point de vue un vaste éventail de pensées courut à travers sa tête, considérant ce qu'elle devait faire. Chaque fois qu'elle avait imaginé une situation comme celle-ci, elle avait imaginé se battre ou courir, mais la seule chose qui a attiré son attention en ce moment était ce qu'il avait dit à propos de ne pas être en sécurité ici. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi, mais malgré l'apparence un peu froide de l'homme, il semblait différent des psychopathes qu'elle avait rencontrés si loin. Rendant hésitantement sa lame à son fourreau, elle prit gentiment sa main et le laissa l'aider, presque surprenante elle-même comme elle l'a fait. Alors qu'elle sortait d'où elle était cachée, elle s'apercevait soudain à quel point la blessure qui saignait sur sa jambe lui faisait mal, et elle étouffait un cri en y mettant son poids. En regardant l'autre homme qu'elle regardait, il traversait les piquets des hommes qui essayaient de la tuer. Il a appelé le premier homme et a retenu un mot. Jake et Quinn, ils semblaient ne pas se connaître, mais déjà elle repensait son désir de s'en éloigner le plus rapidement possible, même si cela avait été possible. "Merci" elle murmurait, sa voix venant à travers légèrement tendu. Elle s'est soudainement rendu compte qu'elle avait à peine parlé un mot au cours des derniers mois et s'est rendue compte à quel point elle avait manqué le contact humain.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
Jake a écouté la petite explication de Quinn sur ce qui s'est passé. Il était content que Charlotte l'ait demandé, et finalement qu'il lui enlevât cette envie. Il s'est un peu moqué de sa déclaration "Blood Army" Il regarda autour de la région, voyant qu'ils étaient hors de la ville et dans les banlieues. Ils étaient sur une route étroite avec de l'herbe d'un côté et des maisons à la fois détruites et quelque peu debout de l'autre. Jake s'est arrêté après un moment, ne sachant pas quoi faire ou où aller. "Je crois que ce serait bien de se calmer un peu." Il a dit, regardant droit devant la route, ne regardant rien d'autre.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
C'est pas vrai. S'installer ne fera que vous faire tuer. Tu dois continuer à courir. C'est le seul moyen d'échapper à l'armée du sang. Si tu pars maintenant, tu pourrais aller assez loin pour qu'ils ne soient pas assez dérangés pour te poursuivre Elle a commencé à s'éloigner de la voiture et du groupe. "Tout ce que vous choisissez de faire. Bonne chance. Je dois partir, mais sachez que l'Archange vous protégera toujours ». Et avec ces dernières remarques, elle s'est enfuie en courant vers la ville.
Name: Kate James Age: 29 Gender: Female Bio: Kate was a British born Sniper serving in the Army Rangers when the Incident happened. Her platoon had been recalled only a few years prior. When they were recalled they had been put on the Mexican border to stop any invasions by the Mexicans or south Americans their biggest current threat. She was on the front lines when the South American Combined Forces invaded the US through Mexico and launched an marine attacks from Cuba. She was posted on the Texas border with Mexico, so she saw the main brunt of the attack seeing many of her fellow troops killed brutally and without mercy. Two years after their initial deployment they managed to push the SACF out of Texas and continued to push them back past the border. However the SACF had intentionally allowed them to push them back this far and anticipated the next move of the Ranger platoon. This counter attack pushed the Rangers all the way back to texas, the Rangers lost nearly half their fighting force in this offensive. There was one final attack of the offensive that saw some of the bloodiest battles ever to take place on American Soil. During this time the Rangers looked to be Defeated, until the 3rd marine raider battalion was removed from Florida to come and rescue the Rangers. During this period, Kate and a three other Rangers were captured and taken to a SACF FOB in Mexico. They were interrogated to gain information of the four that went in only two were retrieved by the Marines. Kate saw her CO, knelt infront of her and Executed. The other soldier was hung from a meat hook. Both Kate and the Other soldier were both scarred from this encounter but the need for soldiers outweighed these facts. Kate no longer cared about the missions, all she cared about was preventing more accounts of that type of interrogation. She was placed on one the less active borders. She served with the second marine raider battalion on the Canadian border, seeing very little action after that. Then the bombs dropped. She spent the first few days looking for ammo and food. she had her standard issue canteen that she refilled before leaving the border for the inner cities. 2 months later. Kate had earned quite a name for her self. she had become somewhat of a vigilante for the Survivors of the wasteland. Often killing Blood Army Soldiers stopping them from killing ordinary civilians or other survivors. She had earned the name Archangel. that was the most common name she heard when she stepped into bars that people had somehow managed to start running again. She often heard names such as Blood Demon or The Lone Ranger but She preferred Archangel. Personality: Very quick to help Survivors. Hates Blood Army. tries not to let people down Gear:.308 Sniper Rifle. .44 Revolver Pistol Bayonet. $400 5 tins of spam Water Canteen this is the image for when she goes about her normal business of surviving. when she becomes Archangel she simply wears a black ski mask with a red phoenix painted over the eyes. Role:Kate is a Vigilante. She steals from and Kills members of the blood army and gives the weapons, cash and food she steals from them to the ordinary survivors.
Jake n'arrêtait pas de jouer avec la voiture, des balles volant devant lui. "Casse-toi. Merde. Merde." Il a répété, la phrase disait chaque fois qu'une balle atterrissait près de lui. Il a bougé la tête en essayant de ne pas ressembler à un canard assis. Une balle a frappé le phare, le plastique de la couverture s'envolant. Il gémissait alors qu'il voyait l'armée du sang s'envoler sur le sol. Son cœur courait alors qu'il espérait qu'une balle n'aurait pas son nom dessus. Il a ensuite vu que leur "ange gardien" avait zippé hors de l'immeuble. "Qu'est-ce que le fu-" Il a été interrompu comme une balle a volé à travers le pare-brise, sortant de la fenêtre de derrière. "Oh merde!" Il a crié dans une légère peur de mourir. Il a entendu plus de coups de feu combinés avec le bruit de la balle serrée dans son esprit. Tout semblait être au ralenti. Il a regardé par la fenêtre pour voir le sniper tomber sur le toit de la voiture. Il est sorti de son mouvement lent en entendant le bruit fort sur le toit ainsi que l'explosion. Jake regarda autour de lui, voyant Charlotte trouver les clés et le bâtiment s'effondrer. Sans savoir comment réagir, il a rapidement bloqué les clés dans l'allumage et a démarré la voiture avec facilité. Il sourit et mit les pétales sur le métal, les pneus s'écoulant alors qu'il commença à conduire rapidement hors de la zone. Jake a regardé le volant. "Quoi. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? C'est arrivé?" Il demanda lentement, regardant la route en ralentissant à une vitesse plus sûre. Il a été absolument choqué par les événements qui ont eu lieu. Il n'avait jamais vécu quelque chose de fou de ce calibre. Il a pris une profonde respiration car son rythme cardiaque était à travers le toit ainsi que sa respiration. Il s'est lentement senti hyperventilé, la pensée de mourir combinée avec se faire tirer dessus et avoir un bâtiment exploser beaucoup trop pour son esprit à gérer.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Charlotte s'est effondrée sur le siège arrière de la voiture, nécessitant peu d'exhortation alors que son sauveteur lui avait dit de s'allonger, des balles qui tournaient parfois au-dessus ou pingaient dans la métallurgie du camion pendant que l'Armée du sang continuait de progresser vers eux. Soulevant légèrement la tête, elle regarda d'où elle était cachée et vit plusieurs de leurs agresseurs s'écraser au sol alors qu'un tir lointain retentissait. Après le regard des deux autres, elle a repéré la forme lointaine et la lueur d'un tireur d'élite qui les recouvrait d'un toit, chaque coup de feu qu'ils tiraient a trouvé sa marque avec précision, alors qu'un autre homme s'est accroché au sol avec un trou béant dans son cou. Quelques instants plus tard, les ennemis attaquants avaient changé leur route, se dirigeant maintenant vers le bâtiment qui contenait le tireur d'élite. Son coeur battit dans sa poitrine Charlotte regarda le tireur d'élite sauter du toit et glisser un fil zippé qui se dirigeait directement vers eux. Sa bouche agape légèrement dans l'admiration Charlotte a réalisé que leur sauveur était une femme, en mouvement pour qu'ils conduisent comme elle blessait vers eux. En retournant son attention à ses compagnons, elle regarda l'homme qui regardait avec froideur garder la garde, apparemment non perturbée par le chaos qui les entoure. L'autre gars semblait cependant essayer de brancher le camion, mais elle pouvait voir que ses mains tremblaient et qu'il murmurait pour lui-même comme il l'a fait. Prenant quelques instants, Charlotte hésita brièvement à la situation qui se déroulait alors que la femme sniper se coulait sur son toit. "Fucking Drive trou du cul, elle a crié, et c'est à ce moment-là que Charlotte a choisi d'agir. Assis, elle s'est penchée vers l'avant du siège arrière et a renversé la visière du soleil au-dessus du côté conducteur et elle a souri légèrement que les clés du camion s'est glissé et a atterri dans ses mains avec un bruit de clinking satisfaisant. Elle a jeté les clés dans la main de Jake au moment où il y avait une explosion étonnamment forte de l'immeuble qui jusqu'à il y a quelques instants leur ami sniper avait été stationné sur. Elle regarda en arrière et regarda la dévastation alors que d'énormes morceaux de béton et de débris tombaient et qu'un gros nuage de poussière commençait à se répandre.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
La mâchoire de Quinn est tendue. Il n'aimait pas se souvenir de cette nuit, mais c'était inévitable. Le rappel a été apposé en permanence sur son visage, et c'est très dur à cacher. C'était une question si chargée, avec une réponse potentiellement chargée à donner. Il ne pouvait jamais dire à ces gens qu'il faisait partie de l'armée du sang, qu'il avait commis d'innombrables atrocités et actes sadiques. Des choses qui tacheraient son âme pour toujours. Il a regardé un moment, ajustant nerveusement ses bandages de fortune. Peu importe comment il portait ce putain de truc qu'il montrait encore un peu de ce tissu cicatriciel. Après ce qui semblait être un long moment, mais n'était en réalité que quelques secondes, Quinn retourna à Charlotte. « L'armée de sang s'est produite, jour normal à la plage pour eux », a-t-il étouffé un rire fougueux pour apaiser la tension et, espérons-le, apporter une légèreté nécessaire à la situation. "Géré d'en prendre quelques-uns avec moi. Peut encore garder un oeil sur eux en enfer."
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Jake a vu l'Archange s'enfuir. Il s'est moqué de lui, trouvant son gimmick assez stupide, mais l'idée d'avoir un tireur d'élite en train de regarder de ton côté est toujours bonne. Jake a éteint la voiture, ne voulant pas gaspiller le peu d'essence qu'elle avait laissé. Il savait qu'ils ne devaient pas s'asseoir, mais Jake avait besoin de réévaluer la situation. Il est sorti de la voiture et a regardé autour, essayant de trouver une zone de sécurité et potentiellement un endroit pour dormir. Le jour venait à sa fin, le ciel était orange vif et rouge pendant que le soleil se couchait. Jake a respiré profondément, essayant de rester sain d'esprit.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
L'armée du sang s'est produite Quinn a commenté sèchement, "Journée régulière à la plage pour eux." Ses paroles pendaient dans l'air pour Charlotte, son esprit cherchant une explication à la raison pour laquelle tant de gens s'uniraient juste pour exploiter et blesser les autres. Son esprit retourna à la nuit où elle avait été attaquée et elle se rappela que les hommes avaient mentionné quelque chose au sujet de l'armée du sang, bien qu'à l'époque elle n'y avait pas beaucoup prêté attention. La question de Quinn l'a arrachée de ses pensées et ses yeux se sont concentrés sur les siennes. Elle a hésité pendant quelques instants car elle ne pouvait pas aider mais examiner son visage, ou plutôt le manque de visage couvert par une sorte de masque de fortune comme il a demandé si elle allait bien. Elle a bourdonné, sa voix craque légèrement de désuétude alors qu'elle ignorait la douleur profonde qui rayonnait encore à travers elle. Elle a répété, une demi-question, la moitié se demandant si un tel endroit existait encore. Elle n'a pas répondu plus loin que cela, son esprit commençant à errer à nouveau aux événements qui se produisaient. Elle ne s'est pas rendu compte à quel point elle agissait bizarrement, regardant au loin, sautant à de légers sons et regardant souvent derrière eux comme si elle s'attendait à voir des signes de poursuite malgré le fait que les hommes qui les poursuivaient étaient maintenant tous sûrement morts. Charlotte se sentait mal à l'aise d'être dans la voiture avec ces étrangers et si ce n'était pas pour le fait qu'ils lui avaient sauvé la vie, elle aurait déjà essayé de fuir (malgré le fait qu'ils se déplaçaient maintenant à une certaine vitesse). Soudain, hors du bleu, elle se retourna vers Quinn et demanda : « Que s'est-il passé? » se référant à son visage et à son œil manquant, une combinaison mêlée de curiosité et de suspicion la poussant à demander alors que ses doigts continuaient de reposer instinctivement sur la poignée de son couteau.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
En entendant des voix, l'attention d'Alyssa a été captée immédiatement. Elle s'est levée, a tiré son capot sur la tête, bloquant une partie de son visage. Elle a pris son sac arrière et l'a jetée sur son épaule alors qu'elle était plus près du bord de l'arrière de la maison. C'était la banlieue. L'Armée du sang n'allait généralement pas en banlieue, mais elle savait qu'il y avait une possibilité et que c'était quelque chose qu'elle devait savoir. Elle se branlait alors qu'elle essayait de voir qui c'était, ou qui ils étaient les meilleurs qu'ils pouvaient écouter la conversation. Sa main tremblait légèrement comme elle l'a fait, elle a essayé de l'arrêter du mieux qu'elle pouvait, mais c'était inutile. Elle n'a rien vu d'autre qu'une voiture entre les deux bâtiments. Elle devait se rapprocher. Elle savait que c'était risqué. Elle le savait. Mais elle a dû prendre le risque. Elle est restée contre le mur et s'est approchée pendant qu'elle se dérobée, se cachant altimément derrière une poubelle alors qu'elle écoutait de plus près et tentait d'avoir un meilleur aperçu des visages.
Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Age: 21 Gender: female Bio: When the war began, Alyssa managed to run away as her home town was attacked. She was out, walking with a few of her friends when it happened. It was a shock to all of them, even though the war was only a couple of miles away. They never thought it would go where they live, but it did. It was an average day after school, they were on there way to there favorite coffee shop, when bang! A bomb as dropped on the city. Luckily they were far away from the blast to not be dead. Instead they were thrown on the ground by the impact of it. Slammed on the ground was a blur for a few minutes, till they figured out what was going on. They stood up and ran towards the woods as they did trying to ignore there injuries e best they could. The group of kids ran for about 30 minutes before they stopped. They examined there injury's and such as not saying a word, well what could they say. They knew what they left behind and what was no longer there. The words couldn't find there mouth, and the tears couldn't find there eyes. They stayed together and lasted a bit of time. This all came to end when they were found. At the moment they were staying in a deserted house. They were practictly living there, trying to recover, and trying to stay alive. It was a great place, until the blood army came. They broke down the door and shot at everyone in there. It sent the friends in a panic and they all ran for there lives. Alyssa made it out the window, being in her room. She attempted to run, but was caught by one of the members of the blood army. Instead of killing her, like they did to all of her friends., they took her in a slave. She was forced to work for them and such as such. This lasted till there was a rebil attack on the group. All the members of the gang atacked and wile they were preoccupied, aly and a few of the others managed to run away. They made it out safely, but went there separate ways. Ever since then she has been a survivor that stayed on her own. Personality: Ever since she was born Aly has been many things depending on which side of her you met. Somethings were always the same though, such as her sarcastic joking side. This never went away, no matter what she did. The other side of her was her trouble maker side. This could show by her cheering some one on to do something, starting a minor fight, though it never went further than words, or even maybe talking back to one of the adults. It was never anything she was scared of in this matter. She only had one goal, to fit in and keep her friends close. Sure she had a few enemies but this didn't effect her much. She was more of one of those people who didn't care about anyone but her friends opinions. Even though Aly is very sociable, she only talks to people in her bubble. This means she isn't completely outgoing to new people, or one to give people an actual chance. When she is around her friends and people she likes she has a nice, fun side. She can be considered a bit crazy and talkitive, since she is almost never quiet. She is also considered a major partier. She isn't very logical also and doesn't think most times, she just acts. Also never get on Alys bad side. She holds grudges for a while, whether or not they are worth it. Along with this she doesn't forgive easily. When angered she also could become somewhat violent, and also can easily be angered. She can hold back somewhat but its not enough to stop her from swinging a punch, but she could never get angry enough to kill someone. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1 (optional): A silver Baby Desert Eagle Air Pistol- Silver- Co2 BB Gun .177 Caliber -Weapon 2 (optional): She has a pink pocket knife that she keeps in her pocket all of the time. It is about 5 inches long and is also very simple. It has a silver blade. -Clothing:She wears a ripped pair of pants, a simple shirt and a sweatshirt over it usually. Nothing that is exactly that much. -Items: She has some water and food, though it is limited. She also has a backpack. She has a roll of bandages, peroxide, painkillers, a flashlight, spare change of cloths, and also duct tape.((yus! Xd cuz yea)) Role: She is a survivor who tends to travel around and gain supply's. She is scared to stay in one positition.
Jake a entendu une voix douce derrière lui. Il a sauté un peu, il s'en est surpris. Il a dirigé son fusil sur la jeune fille, la baissant après avoir vu qu'elle n'était pas armée. Il a vu le mince gonflement de quelque chose d'étranger dans sa manche, croyant que c'était une arme possible. Il a gardé sa garde au cas où elle attaquerait. -- Puis-je vous aider, madame? Il a demandé, un ton d'officier de police présent. Il a regardé autour, s'assurant que ce n'était pas une embuscade non plus. Il ne savait pas si l'armée du sang utiliserait les gens comme appât, mais il ne prendrait aucun risque.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Poursuivre ou pas, voyager la nuit est trop dangereux. Pire que l'armée du sang rôde la nuit. Des éclairs soudains de mémoire lui sont venus comme des obus d'artillerie. Courir, saigner, douleur et peur. En fin de compte, la seule raison pour laquelle il s'est enfui était que même l'armée du sang craignait les monstres mutants qui gouvernaient la nuit. Quinn sortit de la voiture et s'étira. Le sentiment d'un sol solide sous ses pieds lui a donné un petit sentiment de confiance. "Nous perdons de la lumière. Plus vite nous évacuons une maison, mieux c'est." Ce serait une chose difficile, avec un blessé et le handicap de Quinn, quelque chose pourrait très facilement obtenir la chute sur eux. D'une part, il ne voulait pas envoyer quelqu'un seul, et d'autre part, il ne voulait pas laisser Charlotte seule.
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Alyssa a regardé le groupe. Elle pouvait dire qu'ils n'étaient pas l'armée du sang par là ton à leur égard et la façon dont le groupe a parlé. Elle pouvait aussi dire que le groupe n'était pas dangereux, du moins elle pensait pouvoir le dire. La seule question était de savoir si elle voulait vraiment rejoindre un groupe. Penser à itnshe a décidé qu'elle l'avait fait. Elle pouvait toujours changer d'avis. Elle s'est assurée que son couteau était dans sa manche, par sa main au cas où quelque chose allait mal et s'est levée en regardant le groupe."Hey." Elle a dit qu'elle ne voyait pas de visages. Elle gardait toujours son sweat à capuche. Elle ne voulait pas qu'ils pensent que c'était juste une fille stupide.
Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Age: 21 Gender: female Bio: When the war began, Alyssa managed to run away as her home town was attacked. She was out, walking with a few of her friends when it happened. It was a shock to all of them, even though the war was only a couple of miles away. They never thought it would go where they live, but it did. It was an average day after school, they were on there way to there favorite coffee shop, when bang! A bomb as dropped on the city. Luckily they were far away from the blast to not be dead. Instead they were thrown on the ground by the impact of it. Slammed on the ground was a blur for a few minutes, till they figured out what was going on. They stood up and ran towards the woods as they did trying to ignore there injuries e best they could. The group of kids ran for about 30 minutes before they stopped. They examined there injury's and such as not saying a word, well what could they say. They knew what they left behind and what was no longer there. The words couldn't find there mouth, and the tears couldn't find there eyes. They stayed together and lasted a bit of time. This all came to end when they were found. At the moment they were staying in a deserted house. They were practictly living there, trying to recover, and trying to stay alive. It was a great place, until the blood army came. They broke down the door and shot at everyone in there. It sent the friends in a panic and they all ran for there lives. Alyssa made it out the window, being in her room. She attempted to run, but was caught by one of the members of the blood army. Instead of killing her, like they did to all of her friends., they took her in a slave. She was forced to work for them and such as such. This lasted till there was a rebil attack on the group. All the members of the gang atacked and wile they were preoccupied, aly and a few of the others managed to run away. They made it out safely, but went there separate ways. Ever since then she has been a survivor that stayed on her own. Personality: Ever since she was born Aly has been many things depending on which side of her you met. Somethings were always the same though, such as her sarcastic joking side. This never went away, no matter what she did. The other side of her was her trouble maker side. This could show by her cheering some one on to do something, starting a minor fight, though it never went further than words, or even maybe talking back to one of the adults. It was never anything she was scared of in this matter. She only had one goal, to fit in and keep her friends close. Sure she had a few enemies but this didn't effect her much. She was more of one of those people who didn't care about anyone but her friends opinions. Even though Aly is very sociable, she only talks to people in her bubble. This means she isn't completely outgoing to new people, or one to give people an actual chance. When she is around her friends and people she likes she has a nice, fun side. She can be considered a bit crazy and talkitive, since she is almost never quiet. She is also considered a major partier. She isn't very logical also and doesn't think most times, she just acts. Also never get on Alys bad side. She holds grudges for a while, whether or not they are worth it. Along with this she doesn't forgive easily. When angered she also could become somewhat violent, and also can easily be angered. She can hold back somewhat but its not enough to stop her from swinging a punch, but she could never get angry enough to kill someone. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1 (optional): A silver Baby Desert Eagle Air Pistol- Silver- Co2 BB Gun .177 Caliber -Weapon 2 (optional): She has a pink pocket knife that she keeps in her pocket all of the time. It is about 5 inches long and is also very simple. It has a silver blade. -Clothing:She wears a ripped pair of pants, a simple shirt and a sweatshirt over it usually. Nothing that is exactly that much. -Items: She has some water and food, though it is limited. She also has a backpack. She has a roll of bandages, peroxide, painkillers, a flashlight, spare change of cloths, and also duct tape.((yus! Xd cuz yea)) Role: She is a survivor who tends to travel around and gain supply's. She is scared to stay in one positition.
Jake a regardé Charlotte, l'écoutant parler. "Désolé pour vos pertes." Jake a dit tranquillement, son cœur blessant comme il devait faire "perdre" pluriel. Il a pris une profonde respiration avant de sortir peu après Quinn. Il est d'accord avec Charlotte et l'Archange. Ce ne serait pas intelligent de s'asseoir. Eh bien, pas sans protection. Jake savait qu'ils auraient besoin d'un endroit sûr avant qu'il fasse nuit. Il a écouté la déclaration de Quinn. "Allons-y alors." Il a dit, en poussant Charlotte à suivre avec un petit mouvement de tête dans la direction où il est entré. Il a pointé vers une maison assez bien conservée, seulement quelques trous dans le toit. Il semblait vide, aucun signe visible de vie autour d'elle. Il a remarqué que les fenêtres étaient un peu cassées, et qu'il savait que quelqu'un pouvait se faufiler pendant qu'ils dormaient.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Les mouvements de Quinn ressemblaient presque à ceux de Jake. Il s'est cassé autour, son revolver dans sa main et a pointé à ce nouveau venu surprenant dans un flou de mouvement. Quinn a remarqué que Jake abaissait son fusil, et après un moment tendu, il a fait de même. Le canon de son revolver était maintenant pointé au sol aux pieds de la jeune fille, prêt à remonter dans un battement de cœur. Alors que Jake s'adressait à elle, Quinn regardait autour de lui, scrutant leur environnement immédiat dans sa ligne de vue, mais ne pouvait rien placer hors de l'ordinaire. C'était le problème des zones urbaines, suburbaines ou autres. Trop d'immeubles sombres pour que les tueurs se cachent.
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Jake avait un regard confus sur son visage. Un règlement? Pas vraiment. Il ne connaissait même pas tout le monde. Il savait que Quinn ne resterait probablement pas longtemps. Il ne savait presque rien de Charlotte. Elle a peut-être l'intention de le tuer dans son sommeil. Il lui a cependant donné le bénéfice du doute, ayant une certaine foi en elle. Il s'est ensuite concentré sur cette fille au hasard. "C'est une possibilité pour l'avenir." Il a dit, regarder autour pour s'assurer que personne n'allait attaquer.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Alyssa a laissé le couteau tomber plus profondément dans sa main en les voyant pointer l'arme sur elle. Elle a vu qu'ils l'avaient posé et son adhérence s'est légèrement atténuée. En regardant l'homme qui lui a posé la question, elle a lâché un peu. "Ce n'est que si tu veux." Elle a dit. Elle était légèrement nerveuse d'être autour d'eux. Elle soupira en secouant la tête en soupirant. Elle devrait savoir qu'ils se méfieraient d'elle. "Je ne fais pas partie de l'armée du sang." Elle s'est débarrassée, bien qu'elle savait qu'ils ne allaient pas la croire. " J'ai entendu dire que vous commenciez un groupe d'établissements?"
Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Age: 21 Gender: female Bio: When the war began, Alyssa managed to run away as her home town was attacked. She was out, walking with a few of her friends when it happened. It was a shock to all of them, even though the war was only a couple of miles away. They never thought it would go where they live, but it did. It was an average day after school, they were on there way to there favorite coffee shop, when bang! A bomb as dropped on the city. Luckily they were far away from the blast to not be dead. Instead they were thrown on the ground by the impact of it. Slammed on the ground was a blur for a few minutes, till they figured out what was going on. They stood up and ran towards the woods as they did trying to ignore there injuries e best they could. The group of kids ran for about 30 minutes before they stopped. They examined there injury's and such as not saying a word, well what could they say. They knew what they left behind and what was no longer there. The words couldn't find there mouth, and the tears couldn't find there eyes. They stayed together and lasted a bit of time. This all came to end when they were found. At the moment they were staying in a deserted house. They were practictly living there, trying to recover, and trying to stay alive. It was a great place, until the blood army came. They broke down the door and shot at everyone in there. It sent the friends in a panic and they all ran for there lives. Alyssa made it out the window, being in her room. She attempted to run, but was caught by one of the members of the blood army. Instead of killing her, like they did to all of her friends., they took her in a slave. She was forced to work for them and such as such. This lasted till there was a rebil attack on the group. All the members of the gang atacked and wile they were preoccupied, aly and a few of the others managed to run away. They made it out safely, but went there separate ways. Ever since then she has been a survivor that stayed on her own. Personality: Ever since she was born Aly has been many things depending on which side of her you met. Somethings were always the same though, such as her sarcastic joking side. This never went away, no matter what she did. The other side of her was her trouble maker side. This could show by her cheering some one on to do something, starting a minor fight, though it never went further than words, or even maybe talking back to one of the adults. It was never anything she was scared of in this matter. She only had one goal, to fit in and keep her friends close. Sure she had a few enemies but this didn't effect her much. She was more of one of those people who didn't care about anyone but her friends opinions. Even though Aly is very sociable, she only talks to people in her bubble. This means she isn't completely outgoing to new people, or one to give people an actual chance. When she is around her friends and people she likes she has a nice, fun side. She can be considered a bit crazy and talkitive, since she is almost never quiet. She is also considered a major partier. She isn't very logical also and doesn't think most times, she just acts. Also never get on Alys bad side. She holds grudges for a while, whether or not they are worth it. Along with this she doesn't forgive easily. When angered she also could become somewhat violent, and also can easily be angered. She can hold back somewhat but its not enough to stop her from swinging a punch, but she could never get angry enough to kill someone. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1 (optional): A silver Baby Desert Eagle Air Pistol- Silver- Co2 BB Gun .177 Caliber -Weapon 2 (optional): She has a pink pocket knife that she keeps in her pocket all of the time. It is about 5 inches long and is also very simple. It has a silver blade. -Clothing:She wears a ripped pair of pants, a simple shirt and a sweatshirt over it usually. Nothing that is exactly that much. -Items: She has some water and food, though it is limited. She also has a backpack. She has a roll of bandages, peroxide, painkillers, a flashlight, spare change of cloths, and also duct tape.((yus! Xd cuz yea)) Role: She is a survivor who tends to travel around and gain supply's. She is scared to stay in one positition.
Alyssa a hurlé à moitié en soupirant. Elle ne savait pas quoi dire d'autre. Elle doit les entendre un peu mal. Elle s'est ébranlée la tête. "Oh, d'accord alors." Elle a dit qu'elle avait mordu sa lèvre. Elle secoua la tête en soupirant, en plaçant les mains dans sa poche. Elle s'y tenait un peu maladroitement un moment avant de se serrer la tête. "N'importe quoi."
Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Age: 21 Gender: female Bio: When the war began, Alyssa managed to run away as her home town was attacked. She was out, walking with a few of her friends when it happened. It was a shock to all of them, even though the war was only a couple of miles away. They never thought it would go where they live, but it did. It was an average day after school, they were on there way to there favorite coffee shop, when bang! A bomb as dropped on the city. Luckily they were far away from the blast to not be dead. Instead they were thrown on the ground by the impact of it. Slammed on the ground was a blur for a few minutes, till they figured out what was going on. They stood up and ran towards the woods as they did trying to ignore there injuries e best they could. The group of kids ran for about 30 minutes before they stopped. They examined there injury's and such as not saying a word, well what could they say. They knew what they left behind and what was no longer there. The words couldn't find there mouth, and the tears couldn't find there eyes. They stayed together and lasted a bit of time. This all came to end when they were found. At the moment they were staying in a deserted house. They were practictly living there, trying to recover, and trying to stay alive. It was a great place, until the blood army came. They broke down the door and shot at everyone in there. It sent the friends in a panic and they all ran for there lives. Alyssa made it out the window, being in her room. She attempted to run, but was caught by one of the members of the blood army. Instead of killing her, like they did to all of her friends., they took her in a slave. She was forced to work for them and such as such. This lasted till there was a rebil attack on the group. All the members of the gang atacked and wile they were preoccupied, aly and a few of the others managed to run away. They made it out safely, but went there separate ways. Ever since then she has been a survivor that stayed on her own. Personality: Ever since she was born Aly has been many things depending on which side of her you met. Somethings were always the same though, such as her sarcastic joking side. This never went away, no matter what she did. The other side of her was her trouble maker side. This could show by her cheering some one on to do something, starting a minor fight, though it never went further than words, or even maybe talking back to one of the adults. It was never anything she was scared of in this matter. She only had one goal, to fit in and keep her friends close. Sure she had a few enemies but this didn't effect her much. She was more of one of those people who didn't care about anyone but her friends opinions. Even though Aly is very sociable, she only talks to people in her bubble. This means she isn't completely outgoing to new people, or one to give people an actual chance. When she is around her friends and people she likes she has a nice, fun side. She can be considered a bit crazy and talkitive, since she is almost never quiet. She is also considered a major partier. She isn't very logical also and doesn't think most times, she just acts. Also never get on Alys bad side. She holds grudges for a while, whether or not they are worth it. Along with this she doesn't forgive easily. When angered she also could become somewhat violent, and also can easily be angered. She can hold back somewhat but its not enough to stop her from swinging a punch, but she could never get angry enough to kill someone. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1 (optional): A silver Baby Desert Eagle Air Pistol- Silver- Co2 BB Gun .177 Caliber -Weapon 2 (optional): She has a pink pocket knife that she keeps in her pocket all of the time. It is about 5 inches long and is also very simple. It has a silver blade. -Clothing:She wears a ripped pair of pants, a simple shirt and a sweatshirt over it usually. Nothing that is exactly that much. -Items: She has some water and food, though it is limited. She also has a backpack. She has a roll of bandages, peroxide, painkillers, a flashlight, spare change of cloths, and also duct tape.((yus! Xd cuz yea)) Role: She is a survivor who tends to travel around and gain supply's. She is scared to stay in one positition.
Jake se sentait mal qu'elle parte. "Attendez." Il a dit, regarder Charlotte et Quinn avant de regarder la fille. "Où vas-tu?" Il demanda, curieux d'où elle venait. Cette zone a été désertée pour la plupart et il n'y avait pas beaucoup de maisons. Il y avait beaucoup d'usines et d'arènes industrielles autour d'elles. Jake n'était même pas sûr qu'elle avait une place ici.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Charlotte grimaça alors que la figure d'un étranger s'éloignait de l'obscurité et s'annonçait, instinctivement elle voulait courir mais résistait à l'envie. Jake et Quinn étaient entre elle et le nouveau venu et elle commençait lentement à se sentir un peu plus confiante envers eux, après tout ils l'avaient sauvée et étaient maintenant à la recherche d'un endroit pour s'arrêter et arranger sa jambe. Jake s'est adressé à l'étranger et Charlotte a attendu nerveusement toute réponse. Elle était fatiguée et la douleur a encore frappé à travers elle, elle espérait que ce n'était pas le début de quelque chose et qu'ils pourraient s'arrêter pour la nuit, après avoir échappé à l'Armée du Sang et l'avoir fait jusqu'ici. Elle a gardé le silence vers le dos du groupe se sentant un peu inutile alors que Quinn surveillait leur environnement avec un œil entraîné.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
Le rire de Quinn entraîna un sourire à Charlotte malgré elle-même, la lourdeur et l'atmosphère tendue s'abattant légèrement car il devenait évident qu'ils avaient tous maintenant un ennemi commun. Elle a regardé dans la banquette arrière de Quinn à Jake comme Jake a suggéré qu'ils devraient penser à s'installer. Avant qu'elle ne puisse penser à sa réponse, l'Archange leur a dit comment c'était. Il était clair qu'elle n'était pas assez sensée et clairement dangereuse, mais le bon genre de danger. Alors qu'elle sprintait vers la ville, Charlotte regardait son départ, souhaitant peut-être rester dans les environs plus longtemps – après tout, une femme qui pouvait non seulement se protéger mais aussi étendre cette protection aux autres était quelque chose qui intéressait beaucoup Charlotte. "Elle a raison..." a dit Charlotte de manière incertaine, à la recherche des bons mots. La dernière fois que j'ai arrêté quelque part... mes amis étaient tous, bien ils ne sont plus vivants. Elle a fini après avoir cherché les bons mots à utiliser, son regard au loin alors qu'elle repoussait les souvenirs qui ne cessaient de venir à elle. Elle a griffé les dents et s'est serré le poing, les sentiments familiers de colère s'élevaient plus elle pensait à l'Armée du sang et à ce qu'ils avaient fait, ce qu'ils faisaient encore. Peu importe s'ils s'installaient définitivement ou non, ils auraient besoin d'un endroit pour rester pendant que le soleil commençait à se coucher rapidement, mais plus elle y pensait, plus Charlotte pensait que quelqu'un avait besoin de se battre contre l'armée du sang, quelqu'un devait leur faire souffrir et s'assurer qu'ils ne pouvaient blesser personne d'autre. Perdue dans ses pensées, elle courut ses doigts à travers ses cheveux, une habitude qu'elle avait depuis longtemps oubliée.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
Le côté policier de Jake a repris le contrôle. "Madame, si vous avez besoin d'aide, laissez-moi vous aider. Je viens en paix." Il a dit, son arme a baissé. Il n'a pas oublié qu'elle pouvait le piéger, mais il n'a pas vu de mal qu'elle pouvait causer. Il a regardé Quinn, sachant qu'il n'aimerait pas la décision d'essayer d'aider.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Alyssa se retourna à moitié vers lui. Elle a été surprise qu'il ait demandé, mais elle a débattu si elle voulait lui dire ou non où elle allait. Elle pourrait lui faire confiance? L'idée que s'il voulait sa mort, il aurait essayé d'entrer dans sa tête comme elle y pensait. Elle soupira en le regardant. "Dans une maison, je suppose, comme." Elle a déclaré qu'il était simple de ne pas mettre l'accent sur elle. Elle a lâché comme elle l'a dit. "Je vais trouver, ne t'en fais pas." Elle ne voulait pas être une grande inquiétude pour eux, et bien elle ne voulait pas être une préoccupation du tout. "Je vais bien."
Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Age: 21 Gender: female Bio: When the war began, Alyssa managed to run away as her home town was attacked. She was out, walking with a few of her friends when it happened. It was a shock to all of them, even though the war was only a couple of miles away. They never thought it would go where they live, but it did. It was an average day after school, they were on there way to there favorite coffee shop, when bang! A bomb as dropped on the city. Luckily they were far away from the blast to not be dead. Instead they were thrown on the ground by the impact of it. Slammed on the ground was a blur for a few minutes, till they figured out what was going on. They stood up and ran towards the woods as they did trying to ignore there injuries e best they could. The group of kids ran for about 30 minutes before they stopped. They examined there injury's and such as not saying a word, well what could they say. They knew what they left behind and what was no longer there. The words couldn't find there mouth, and the tears couldn't find there eyes. They stayed together and lasted a bit of time. This all came to end when they were found. At the moment they were staying in a deserted house. They were practictly living there, trying to recover, and trying to stay alive. It was a great place, until the blood army came. They broke down the door and shot at everyone in there. It sent the friends in a panic and they all ran for there lives. Alyssa made it out the window, being in her room. She attempted to run, but was caught by one of the members of the blood army. Instead of killing her, like they did to all of her friends., they took her in a slave. She was forced to work for them and such as such. This lasted till there was a rebil attack on the group. All the members of the gang atacked and wile they were preoccupied, aly and a few of the others managed to run away. They made it out safely, but went there separate ways. Ever since then she has been a survivor that stayed on her own. Personality: Ever since she was born Aly has been many things depending on which side of her you met. Somethings were always the same though, such as her sarcastic joking side. This never went away, no matter what she did. The other side of her was her trouble maker side. This could show by her cheering some one on to do something, starting a minor fight, though it never went further than words, or even maybe talking back to one of the adults. It was never anything she was scared of in this matter. She only had one goal, to fit in and keep her friends close. Sure she had a few enemies but this didn't effect her much. She was more of one of those people who didn't care about anyone but her friends opinions. Even though Aly is very sociable, she only talks to people in her bubble. This means she isn't completely outgoing to new people, or one to give people an actual chance. When she is around her friends and people she likes she has a nice, fun side. She can be considered a bit crazy and talkitive, since she is almost never quiet. She is also considered a major partier. She isn't very logical also and doesn't think most times, she just acts. Also never get on Alys bad side. She holds grudges for a while, whether or not they are worth it. Along with this she doesn't forgive easily. When angered she also could become somewhat violent, and also can easily be angered. She can hold back somewhat but its not enough to stop her from swinging a punch, but she could never get angry enough to kill someone. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1 (optional): A silver Baby Desert Eagle Air Pistol- Silver- Co2 BB Gun .177 Caliber -Weapon 2 (optional): She has a pink pocket knife that she keeps in her pocket all of the time. It is about 5 inches long and is also very simple. It has a silver blade. -Clothing:She wears a ripped pair of pants, a simple shirt and a sweatshirt over it usually. Nothing that is exactly that much. -Items: She has some water and food, though it is limited. She also has a backpack. She has a roll of bandages, peroxide, painkillers, a flashlight, spare change of cloths, and also duct tape.((yus! Xd cuz yea)) Role: She is a survivor who tends to travel around and gain supply's. She is scared to stay in one positition.
La vue était en fait assez spectaculaire, ce qui était autrefois une métropole chargée maintenant rien de plus qu'une jungle de bâtiments délabrés et les fantômes du passé. De nombreux bâtiments tournaient haut, métal exposé illuminant dans le soleil du soir et la preuve des bombes qui ont tué tout le monde encore assez clair. Perché au-dessus de ce qui avait été autrefois le siège d'une compagnie de journaux la figure mince d'une femme était à peine perceptible, ses pieds s'accroupissant hors du bord alors qu'elle s'asseyait raclant les derniers morsels d'une boîte de thon, s'arrêtant à l'occasion pour examiner ses environs comme elle considérait la beauté étrange du paysage avant elle. À l'occasion, elle jeta l'étain vide sur le bord du bâtiment, le regardant sombrer au sol avant de tirer une cantine écaillée de son sac et prit plusieurs rameaux d'eau profonds. Elle a essuyé la bouche avec le dos de sa main et elle s'est assise un moment avant de tirer son capot pour révéler la longueur de l'épaule cheveux blonds sales qui était légèrement enchevêtré. Ses traits étaient petits et petits, bien que ses yeux émeraudes profonds avaient ce qu'on pouvait appeler une lueur férale en eux pendant qu'ils dardaient autour de son environnement. Sa peau était entachée de traces de saleté et il était clair qu'elle avait traversé beaucoup de choses. Son expression actuelle était un peu vide, son esprit courait avec d'innombrables pensées sur ce qu'elle devait faire ensuite, où elle devait aller. Au bout de quelques minutes, le silence relatif de la soirée fut soudainement brisé, les bruits inébranlables d'un tir à l'arme lointaine touchant ses oreilles alors que plusieurs groupes d'oiseaux tirèrent dans l'air stupéfiés par le bruit. Dans une seconde, elle s'était levée et une fois de plus ses cheveux étaient cachés derrière son capot et elle retournait vers la porte qui mène à l'immeuble qu'elle avait passé les dernières heures à chercher - un peu sans succès. Son esprit se fixait maintenant à se déplacer et à trouver un endroit moins exposé, un endroit sûr, un endroit où elle pouvait dormir sans craindre d'être découverte. Elle avait quelques petits «dens» jonchés autour de la ville, mais aucun n'était particulièrement proche et ses pieds et ses jambes avaient déjà souffert de toute la marche qu'elle avait fait. Charlotte s'est déplacée silencieusement dans l'immeuble et a fait son chemin vers la rue, arrêtant et écoutant toutes les quelques minutes alors qu'elle se dirigeait dans la direction opposée aux coups de feu qu'elle avait entendus. Son cœur battait légèrement et elle se déplaçait plus vite qu'elle ne l'aurait normalement fait, elle avait un sentiment de malaise et ne pouvait pas tout à fait à la place pourquoi. De temps en temps, elle s'est effondrée dans une petite course et elle a esquivé autour de l'épave de ce qui avait été un camion de pompiers, maintenant un squelette gris émaillé qui avait un peu traversé ce qui avait été une énorme route à quatre voies. Bientôt sa panique s'est apaisée et elle a marché pendant ce qui devait être environ une demi-heure avant que ses oreilles piquées et un son assez inconnu a atteint ses oreilles. Elle s'arrêta et se tenait à l'écoute aussi intensément qu'elle le pouvait pour essayer de placer ce qu'elle entendait, le son grandissait très lentement plus fort à l'extrême. Soudain, il a surgi sur elle, c'était le bruit de grondement profond d'un moteur, le bruit de quelqu'un conduisant quelque chose qui se rapprochait de plus en plus. En entrant dans une course Charlotte a réalisé qu'elle marchait le long de ce qui avait été l'interétat principal dans le centre de la ville, et cela signifiait qu'il était très probable que qui que ce soit allait venir ce chemin même. Malheureusement, il n'y avait pas de moyen facile de sortir de la route, pas à moins qu'elle voulait déposer plusieurs histoires sur la route en dessous d'elle et briser ses deux jambes. Alors qu'elle courait son esprit, frénétiquement, elle tentait d'atteindre la route de sortie qui descendait dans n'importe quel quartier où elle était passée, elle pouvait à peu près le voir d'où elle se trouvait et elle s'approchait de plus en plus. À mesure qu'elle s'approchait, le bruit d'un véhicule s'approchait et elle se poussait à aller plus vite, son cœur battit alors qu'elle soufflait de grands souffles d'air. Tout comme elle a atteint la route latérale, elle a juré que la vue indiscutable des phares se dirigeait vers elle. En tournant, elle sprinta la route de sortie aussi vite qu'elle le pouvait, bien qu'à présent, l'adrénaline s'enflamma en poussant sur elle. Après un bref instant, elle a évité un regard derrière elle et son cœur a sauté un battement alors qu'elle voyait un camion secouer et se diriger directement vers elle, le son de la musique forte maintenant mêlé avec le moteur de rotation qu'elle courait à nouveau aussi vite qu'elle le pouvait. Même si seulement une poignée de secondes passaient, cela faisait des heures qu'elle courait et qu'elle se poussait, des cris mêlés arrivaient à ses oreilles alors qu'elle regardait de nouveau derrière elle. Le véhicule venait définitivement pour elle et elle vit brièvement que la hotte avait été peinte avec un grand 'BA' et un crâne, un pick-up qui avait plusieurs occupants, chacun d'eux se moquant avec empressement et pointant vers elle comme l'un des hommes à l'arrière a dirigé un fusil vers elle et a pressé quelques coups. Elle courait alors que les coups de feu la manquaient de près, des éclats de débris qui tiraient en l'air alors qu'elle sautait sur un tas de poubelles jetées que plusieurs instants plus tard le camion fouillait alors qu'il courait après elle. Elle brouillait le bord d'un bus renversé et courait le long de sa longueur jusqu'à ce que d'autres balles ricochaient devant elle. Elle a eu l'impression distincte que l'homme qui tirait sur elle a choisi de ne pas la frapper plutôt que de simplement manquer et elle a essayé de se déplacer encore plus vite alors qu'elle sautait de l'extrémité du bus en train de s'enfoncer un peu plus dans la route qu'elle ne l'avait prévu et de trébucher dans le bord bâclé d'un taxi rouillé comme elle l'a fait. Elle jura fort alors que le métal se coupait la cuisse et qu'elle lui tirait la douleur à la jambe, elle jura de nouveau et se poussa dessus, le camion s'obscurcit brièvement de vue alors qu'il tournait autour de l'épave du bus pour l'atteindre. Elle a essayé de continuer à sprinter, mais ne pouvait pas supprimer un cri aussi agonie a fleuri comme elle a mis son poids sur sa jambe, elle se sentait également épais sang chaud s'écoulant en poussant sur peu importe, ses seules pensées étant d'échapper ou de se cacher d'une manière ou d'une autre. Ses yeux ont tourné autour et sont tombés sur le seul morceau de couverture qui était n'importe où près d'elle, ce qui avait été une remorque de hamburger grill s'étirant devant une grande bibliothèque. Elle ne perdit pas de temps à se jeter dans la caravane et se brouillait le long du sol alors qu'elle s'emparait de la jambe d'une main et tirait son couteau de chasse avec l'autre. Le bruit de pneus scrutants a atteint ses oreilles alors que le camion avec les voyous de l'Armée du sang s'était manifestement arrêté maintenant qu'elle avait soudainement disparu de la vue, quelques instants plus tard le son des voix et des pas s'avançant vers elle alors qu'elle essayait de supprimer sa respiration lourde et de rester aussi silencieuse que possible. Son esprit courait alors qu'elle essayait de penser à ce qu'elle pouvait faire, ce n'était qu'une question de moments avant qu'ils ne la trouvent sûrement. La seule chose qu'elle savait, c'est qu'elle ne serait pas prise par eux et qu'elle s'est serrée au couteau en écoutant attentivement, se préparant à frapper le moment où l'un d'eux apparaîtrait dans la porte. Chaque seconde se sentait comme une éternité alors qu'elle retenait son souffle.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
Quinn ne pouvait pas le placer, mais quelque chose à propos de la fille lui semblait mal familier. Il a mis ses nerfs sur le bord en essayant de le sortir, mais il n'a pas tout à fait pu mettre son doigt dessus. S'il y avait une chose qu'il pouvait dire, elle n'était pas de l'armée du sang. Ils avaient un certain rapport avec ceux qui les ont donnés, et elle ne s'est pas portée de la même façon. Ce détail l'a aidé à se détendre et il s'est redressé, laissant son arme revenir à son étui à la hanche. « Nous cherchons une maison, » a interjeté Quinn levant les mains de façon non menaçante, « Si vous en avez une, nous ferons volontiers un commerce pour un logement de nuit. J'ai des outils, je peux réparer quelque chose si vous avez besoin."
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Quinn a regardé Jake, en vérifiant sa réaction. Il semblait être à la tête et le bon type à faire confiance à ce genre de situation. La lumière s'estompait rapidement et Quinn voulait être à l'intérieur dès que possible. Quinn a senti une perle de sueur qui fait que c'est beaucoup plus bas dans sa joue sous ses bandages de fortune. Charlotte apprécierait sans doute quelque part de descendre de cette jambe cassée. Il squatte la fille une seconde, essayant encore de choisir ce visage et où il l'avait déjà vu. Ça le rendait anxieux, sans savoir. Après un moment qui semblait être une heure, Quinn se retourna. "Allons, allons à l'intérieur," dit-il à Charlotte alors qu'il lui tendait un bras, "Gotta regarde cette blessure."
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Elle a mordu sa lèvre comme elle l'a lâché. Elle a hurlé comme elle l'a déclaré : « J'ai actuellement tout ce dont j'ai besoin maintenant. » Elle a dit. Elle s'est ébranlée la tête vers le commentaire de la maison. "Il y en a un tas. Choisis-en un au hasard." Elle a dit. Elle n'a pas pensé que c'était un processus difficile, ni très compliqué. "Assurez-vous juste de son abandon." Elle a ajouté sur la course. Elle a vu ses yeux briller Quinn. Sa voix, ça semblait familier, très familier. "Seulement si c'était de la lumière dehors!" Elle pensait à elle-même. Elle ne voyait pas grand-chose. Elle voulait le comprendre, comme elle l'a dit. "Mais celui-là devrait aller bien." Elle a dit. Elle avait quelques questions qu'elle voulait poser à Quinn.
Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Age: 21 Gender: female Bio: When the war began, Alyssa managed to run away as her home town was attacked. She was out, walking with a few of her friends when it happened. It was a shock to all of them, even though the war was only a couple of miles away. They never thought it would go where they live, but it did. It was an average day after school, they were on there way to there favorite coffee shop, when bang! A bomb as dropped on the city. Luckily they were far away from the blast to not be dead. Instead they were thrown on the ground by the impact of it. Slammed on the ground was a blur for a few minutes, till they figured out what was going on. They stood up and ran towards the woods as they did trying to ignore there injuries e best they could. The group of kids ran for about 30 minutes before they stopped. They examined there injury's and such as not saying a word, well what could they say. They knew what they left behind and what was no longer there. The words couldn't find there mouth, and the tears couldn't find there eyes. They stayed together and lasted a bit of time. This all came to end when they were found. At the moment they were staying in a deserted house. They were practictly living there, trying to recover, and trying to stay alive. It was a great place, until the blood army came. They broke down the door and shot at everyone in there. It sent the friends in a panic and they all ran for there lives. Alyssa made it out the window, being in her room. She attempted to run, but was caught by one of the members of the blood army. Instead of killing her, like they did to all of her friends., they took her in a slave. She was forced to work for them and such as such. This lasted till there was a rebil attack on the group. All the members of the gang atacked and wile they were preoccupied, aly and a few of the others managed to run away. They made it out safely, but went there separate ways. Ever since then she has been a survivor that stayed on her own. Personality: Ever since she was born Aly has been many things depending on which side of her you met. Somethings were always the same though, such as her sarcastic joking side. This never went away, no matter what she did. The other side of her was her trouble maker side. This could show by her cheering some one on to do something, starting a minor fight, though it never went further than words, or even maybe talking back to one of the adults. It was never anything she was scared of in this matter. She only had one goal, to fit in and keep her friends close. Sure she had a few enemies but this didn't effect her much. She was more of one of those people who didn't care about anyone but her friends opinions. Even though Aly is very sociable, she only talks to people in her bubble. This means she isn't completely outgoing to new people, or one to give people an actual chance. When she is around her friends and people she likes she has a nice, fun side. She can be considered a bit crazy and talkitive, since she is almost never quiet. She is also considered a major partier. She isn't very logical also and doesn't think most times, she just acts. Also never get on Alys bad side. She holds grudges for a while, whether or not they are worth it. Along with this she doesn't forgive easily. When angered she also could become somewhat violent, and also can easily be angered. She can hold back somewhat but its not enough to stop her from swinging a punch, but she could never get angry enough to kill someone. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1 (optional): A silver Baby Desert Eagle Air Pistol- Silver- Co2 BB Gun .177 Caliber -Weapon 2 (optional): She has a pink pocket knife that she keeps in her pocket all of the time. It is about 5 inches long and is also very simple. It has a silver blade. -Clothing:She wears a ripped pair of pants, a simple shirt and a sweatshirt over it usually. Nothing that is exactly that much. -Items: She has some water and food, though it is limited. She also has a backpack. She has a roll of bandages, peroxide, painkillers, a flashlight, spare change of cloths, and also duct tape.((yus! Xd cuz yea)) Role: She is a survivor who tends to travel around and gain supply's. She is scared to stay in one positition.
Jake n'a pas pu s'empêcher de laisser un souffle de soulagement. Il était content que cette fille n'ait pas essayé de les tuer. Pour l'instant. Il a rangé son arme et l'a balancé autour de son dos. Il cherchait une bonne maison, à quelques centaines de mètres de là. Il a dit à tout le monde que c'était là qu'il pensait être le mieux. Il est retourné dans la voiture, il a commencé à aller à un endroit plus sûr. Mais quelque chose lui a attiré l'œil au loin. Quatre figures dans un groupe. Ils étaient tous synchronisés avec leurs mouvements et semblaient avoir un bon équipement assorti. "Les gars... je pense qu'il y a une armée du sang là-haut..." Il a dit, pointant vers les figures qui marchent maintenant vers eux. Ils n'avaient pas encore repéré Jake et tout le monde, mais ils le feraient sûrement s'ils ne bougeaient pas maintenant.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Jake a regardé Quinn et a pris une boîte de gaz lacrymogène dans son sac. "Je gardais ça pour quand j'en avais besoin." Il a dit. La boîte a été dentelée et éraflée, des lettres bleues manquantes et la peinture blanche éraflée. Il a remis la boîte à Quinn et a enlevé son fusil de son dos. "J'ai deux projets. Nous flanquons tous les deux des côtés opposés, ou nous nous servons de vous ou de moi comme distraction. » Il a suggéré de vérifier les munitions dans son fusil. Les soldats marchaient un peu lentement, ils pensaient qu'il n'y avait rien ici. Ils paraissaient ennuyés et désintéressés, certains rigolos entendus par le groupe. Ils racontaient des blagues plutôt que de patrouiller. L'un des soldats a tiré un tour sur un oiseau, manquant le coup de feu. Jake était plus alerte, mettant son arme en place au cas où il serait tiré dessus. Quand il a vu le soldat de l'Armée du sang se trouver dans l'autre sens, Jake a laissé un souffle de soulagement.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.
Dès que l'arme de Quinn a été rendue à la sécurité de son étui, elle était à nouveau dans sa main. Ses doigts blanchissaient autour de la poignée et sa mâchoire resserrait. Dans un mouvement rapide, il tira le poncho brut de ses épaules et le jeta au sol. Il a aussi pris le temps de pousser deux balles dans les chambres vides de son revolver. Il ne lui restait plus que quinze rounds, mais ces quatre nouveaux connards fourniraient sans doute quelque chose. "Je vais tous les tuer", a dit Quinn froidement, venimeusement. Une équipe de quatre hommes a suggéré une reconnaissance. À moins qu'ils n'aient changé la façon dont ils ont fait les choses, l'armée du sang les enverrait pour un balayage de deux ou trois jours. S'ils avaient de la chance, ils seraient encore un jour de retour. Ce qui veut dire qu'on ne les manquerait pas pour le temps qu'il faudrait pour que Quinn et les autres se reposent la nuit et sortent de là le lendemain matin. Quinn regarda de nouveau Jake, "Comment veux-tu faire ça?"
Name: Quinn Harris Age: 37 Gender: Male Bio: Before the complete obliteration of order, society and life as everyone knew it, Quinn was just a contractor going from site to site, just making enough money to make each mortgage repayment and keep his wife and kids fed. Suffice it to say, he no longer needed to worry about his mortgage, and his family would never eat again. After at least a year of aimless wandering, Quinn's humanity had shed to the point where he became a recruit for the Blood Army. In the years to come, he found himself a perpetrator of atrocity and hatred that left the scars on his body looking pale in comparison to the ones on his soul. Time came when his fragile mind could no longer be held together by acts of violence and in a fit of tormented rage, he attempted to desert the Blood Army. It was a long night of heated pursuit, but eventually Quinn managed to scrap his way tooth and nail away from them. Not without them leaving a permanent mark on him. A combination of a hunting knife, a vicious dog and a grenade had left him short one eye, an arm torn open and a hideous burn to the left side of his face (though in a morbid twist of fate, the burn he sustained aided the cauterization of his gaping eye wound). In the following days stumbling through the wastes in a septic daze, he eventually collapsed along the path of a traveling caravan. The goodly folk cared for him and nurtured him as much as they could. He traveled with them for a time, before deciding that they were better off without the danger he would bring them. Personality: Quinn is a man who says little, yet never minces his words. He's a very cold, closed-off man. The type of guy who has lost everything twice over, so tries to gain as little as possible. Clinging to his oldest habits, Quinn is not at all above a bit of honest labour to pay his way. A life of hard work left him with a good physique and has managed to keep him from feeling his age too much. He has been trying to atone for all the terrible things he did as a member of the Blood Army, and will often help those in need almost unconditionally. Gear: -Weapon 1 (optional): A simple colt revolver, chambered with .44 rounds. -Weapon 2 (optional): A machete, equally useful for utility and combat. -Clothing: All of Quinn's clothing is quite tattered and bears evidence of numerous repairs. A pair of heavy combat boots, sturdy jeans, a simple tee and a very crude yet heavy duty poncho, a strip of which has been cut off to fashion a face wrapping which covers his missing eye and the burn he sustained to that side of his face. -Items: A set of basic tools (screwdrivers, wrench, hammer etc.), a pair of spare bootlaces, 17 rounds of .44 ammunition (including what's already chambered), a water skin, simple flashlight and a rucksack. Role: Quinn is a drifter, who doesn't like to remain tethered to any place for too long. He makes his way from settlement to settlement, offering his skills and services as a contractor to whoever may need repairs or handy work done. Sometimes, an assassination may be requested. Quinn tends to turn these offers down...most of the time.
Dès que l'Archange a vu l'équipe de reconnaissance de l'Armée du sang, les vues de son fusil ont changé de la tête d'Alyssa et sur le genou du chef de l'équipe Recon. Ils doivent être prêts à abattre les autres dès que je tire. Elle s'est dit à elle-même. Elle a lentement pressé la gâchette. Le coup de feu a été tiré et le soldat de l'armée du sang est tombé au sol en lui griffant le genou. Il était clair que le type allait mourir, la balle s'est déchirée par l'artère principale s'il n'était pas mort du coup de feu, il mourrait d'une perte de sang en quelques minutes.
Name: Kate James Age: 29 Gender: Female Bio: Kate was a British born Sniper serving in the Army Rangers when the Incident happened. Her platoon had been recalled only a few years prior. When they were recalled they had been put on the Mexican border to stop any invasions by the Mexicans or south Americans their biggest current threat. She was on the front lines when the South American Combined Forces invaded the US through Mexico and launched an marine attacks from Cuba. She was posted on the Texas border with Mexico, so she saw the main brunt of the attack seeing many of her fellow troops killed brutally and without mercy. Two years after their initial deployment they managed to push the SACF out of Texas and continued to push them back past the border. However the SACF had intentionally allowed them to push them back this far and anticipated the next move of the Ranger platoon. This counter attack pushed the Rangers all the way back to texas, the Rangers lost nearly half their fighting force in this offensive. There was one final attack of the offensive that saw some of the bloodiest battles ever to take place on American Soil. During this time the Rangers looked to be Defeated, until the 3rd marine raider battalion was removed from Florida to come and rescue the Rangers. During this period, Kate and a three other Rangers were captured and taken to a SACF FOB in Mexico. They were interrogated to gain information of the four that went in only two were retrieved by the Marines. Kate saw her CO, knelt infront of her and Executed. The other soldier was hung from a meat hook. Both Kate and the Other soldier were both scarred from this encounter but the need for soldiers outweighed these facts. Kate no longer cared about the missions, all she cared about was preventing more accounts of that type of interrogation. She was placed on one the less active borders. She served with the second marine raider battalion on the Canadian border, seeing very little action after that. Then the bombs dropped. She spent the first few days looking for ammo and food. she had her standard issue canteen that she refilled before leaving the border for the inner cities. 2 months later. Kate had earned quite a name for her self. she had become somewhat of a vigilante for the Survivors of the wasteland. Often killing Blood Army Soldiers stopping them from killing ordinary civilians or other survivors. She had earned the name Archangel. that was the most common name she heard when she stepped into bars that people had somehow managed to start running again. She often heard names such as Blood Demon or The Lone Ranger but She preferred Archangel. Personality: Very quick to help Survivors. Hates Blood Army. tries not to let people down Gear:.308 Sniper Rifle. .44 Revolver Pistol Bayonet. $400 5 tins of spam Water Canteen this is the image for when she goes about her normal business of surviving. when she becomes Archangel she simply wears a black ski mask with a red phoenix painted over the eyes. Role:Kate is a Vigilante. She steals from and Kills members of the blood army and gives the weapons, cash and food she steals from them to the ordinary survivors.
Charlotte accepta le bras de Quinn pour le soutien alors qu'elle continuait d'avoir l'œil nerveux Alyssa, bien que les autres semblaient penser qu'elle était un peu légère qu'elle ne pouvait pas aider mais remarquent qu'elle regardait Quinn un peu drôle. La fatigue l'empêchait de prendre beaucoup plus de temps en considérant pourquoi cela pourrait être, elle était impatiente de s'installer et de se reposer pour la nuit, ses douleurs à la jambe et le bâillet étouffé occasionnellement l'échappant. Tout comme Quinn était sur le point de la mener dans la maison, Jake avait sélectionné son avertissement, Charlottes humeur une fois de plus couler comme il a dit les mots ‘Blood armée. Sa fatigue s'est évanouie et elle s'est cognée pour en faire autant qu'elle le pouvait. Ces gars-là n'abandonnent-ils jamais? Alyssa lui tendit une couverture pour se cacher et Charlotte regarda nerveusement d'elle à Quinn et Jake. Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire? Elle n'aimait pas l'idée de se cacher, la pensée de rester cachée alors que ses compagnons se battaient pour leur vie ne s'asseyait pas facilement avec elle.
Name: Charlotte Green Age: 23 Gender: Female Bio: Charlotte was overseas on a college trip when the bombs fell and wiped out a large portion of the human race, having travelled from her family home in what was once known as the United Kingdom. Fortunate to be away from any real population centre she survived with a small group of her classmates and a professor holed up in the somewhat remote cabin that their trip had rented throughout the martial law period (What little communication they had with the authorities soon stopped). They remained for some several months surviving as best they could on what little supplies they had, trying to get as much information as possible about the outside world and the fate of their native country. Inevitably the small group had to leave their relative safety and return to what was once civilization before they starved to death. It did not go well. Hardly prepared for the devastation and death that greeted them as they made their way slowly into the city they saw the remains of countless killed by both the bombs and several more killed more recently. Somewhat naively the group went looking for help, but instead stumbled across one of the many savage gangs that had crept up filling the power vacuum left by the now gone authorities. Before they could even introduce themselves Charlotte’s professor was greeted with a hail of bullets, killing both him and another student instantly. Fleeing for their lives Charlotte was separated from all but one of her male classmates and friend, the pair of them running until they could run no more, taking refuge in a now thoroughly dilapidated building. They spent several days hiding and attempting to survive, but it was soon disrupted when in the middle of the night they were stumbled upon by a trio of cruel scavengers. Unable to escape it soon became clear that the interlopers had rather unsavoury desires, having stumbled upon a young and relatively undamaged woman with little to no protection one thing sprang into their minds. Charlotte struggled against them frantically and somewhat hysterically, aided briefly by her friend (until one of the men buried his hunting knife in his gut and kicked him to the ground). Biting, kicking and screaming Charlotte somehow managed to grab onto a loose piece of concreate and swing it with all of her strength into one of the men’s heads as he tried to unfasten his pants, giving her the briefest moment to scramble away and run. In her panicked state she fled into what was once a kitchen, sadly with no other exits – the remaining two men now stood between her and her survival. Fortunately for Charlotte the kitchen was still littered with cooking implements and so as they both charged at her she managed to clumsily grab a large knife, as the first man tried to grab her and force her to the ground she fought with everything she had. A screaming blur of adrenaline and several scuffles later Charlotte found herself curled up on the ground sobbing, covered in the blood of her would be killers. Her body ached from the numerous bruises and small cuts she had sustained and her mind was a mess, but she was otherwise not seriously hurt. Making her way back she was just in time to watch her last friend bleed to death as she frantically tried to stop the flow. At the very least the now dead men had enough supplies on them to keep her alive and moving. The next few months surviving presented a huge learning curb to the young woman, she slowly and cautiously began to move from place to place, scavenging and surviving as she went. After the first three men she had killed she took few chances and generally came to avoid all other people she came across, though it was not always possible and as a result she has now killed seven attackers in ‘self-defence’ (though truth be told she wonders if she couldn’t have avoided the last few…) Now hardened to the outside world, Charlotte is vastly different from the carefree happy girl that once came to this country. Personality: What remains of Charlotte’s personality is vastly different from what it once was, now severely guarded and cautious when it comes to meeting outsiders, seeing them now as only threats to be avoided or opportunities to be exploited. She has somewhat lost faith that there are any decent people left alive out there and so is becoming as harsh and uncaring as the outside world. Currently Charlotte is a something of a tipping point in terms of her personality, poised to plunge off the deep end and become the very thing that has caused her so much suffering and pain to begin with. Though retreating into her own shell it may not be too late for her to come back into the light before she turns her back on the world permanently. Gear: - Hunting Knife: The same knife that ended the life of her friend, Charlotte took it and has developed a somewhat macabre liking to it. - Clothing: Charlotte wears the clothing she came with, though now somewhat ragged and patched up. Her jeans were once a clear light blue colour, but are now smeared with countless stains so they appear a much darker shade, the knees have ripped out and been patched several times. Similarly a light green vest remains hidden under a grubby dark gray hoody that has been fixed several times and has now got several additional pockets and even a bandolier fixed into it. A green afghan hangs around her neck and she often uses to cover her face, which when combined with her hood at least hides her face when appropriate. Her once flawless shoes are now worn through and similar covered in such grime it would be impossible to distinguish what colour they once were. -Items: Basic first aid kit (mostly used) Heavy flashlight (no battery) Canteen Box of cereal bars (12), Skittles, Tin of Tuna, Tin of tomato soup, Jerky. Carton of cigarettes (3) Lighter & Fluid (1/2 empty) $14,012 (found on a corpse) Flare gun & 2 red flares. Role: Charlotte hasn't found a role as such, though some very well may start to describe her as a wanderer or even rogue, perhaps some going even as far as bandit - though to be fair at this point that would be an exaggeration.
Alyssa a hurlé. Elle a entendu le moteur commencer et se tourner vers elle. D'une certaine façon, cela faisait un moment qu'elle n'avait pas entendu qu'on en avait commencé un, et d'une certaine façon cela a soulevé de mauvais souvenirs. Elle s'est ébranlée la tête en essayant de ne pas y penser en ce moment. « Le passé n'avait pas d'importance » se disait-elle, bien que Quinn l'avait sur les bords de ses pieds. Quelque chose à propos de lui a sonné une cloche. Elle n'avait toujours pas été en mesure d'obtenir une pleine portée de son visage. Elle pourrait lui faire confiance? Elle se demandait. Elle a fait un pas vers la voiture, sur le point d'entrer, quand elle l'a entendu crier le commentaire sur l'armée du sang. En regardant vers le haut, elle a aperçu les quatre hommes qui couraient au-dessus. Il n'y avait aucun doute qu'ils étaient de l'armée du sang. Il était impossible de nier. Elle a rapidement jeté un coup d'œil autour d'elle. Il n'y avait pas grand-chose sur place, mais elle pouvait voir plein de cachettes. Deux maisons se tenaient au-dessus d'une grande. Entre les deux bâtiments, il y avait un petit passage. Il faisait nuit, et elle n'avait aucune idée où ça mène. Il y avait beaucoup d'endroits à cacher, car tout ce qu'elle était nouvelle, ils étaient déjà piégés. Elle a jeté une couverture sur la tête de Charlotte. " Restez à terre." Elle lui a dit. Elle pouvait dire qu'elle était blessée et qu'elle ne pourrait pas courir. "Le reste d'entre vous doit courir." Elle a dit clairement. "Ils ne vérifieront pas la voiture à l'intérieur."
Name: Alyssa Samara Chase Age: 21 Gender: female Bio: When the war began, Alyssa managed to run away as her home town was attacked. She was out, walking with a few of her friends when it happened. It was a shock to all of them, even though the war was only a couple of miles away. They never thought it would go where they live, but it did. It was an average day after school, they were on there way to there favorite coffee shop, when bang! A bomb as dropped on the city. Luckily they were far away from the blast to not be dead. Instead they were thrown on the ground by the impact of it. Slammed on the ground was a blur for a few minutes, till they figured out what was going on. They stood up and ran towards the woods as they did trying to ignore there injuries e best they could. The group of kids ran for about 30 minutes before they stopped. They examined there injury's and such as not saying a word, well what could they say. They knew what they left behind and what was no longer there. The words couldn't find there mouth, and the tears couldn't find there eyes. They stayed together and lasted a bit of time. This all came to end when they were found. At the moment they were staying in a deserted house. They were practictly living there, trying to recover, and trying to stay alive. It was a great place, until the blood army came. They broke down the door and shot at everyone in there. It sent the friends in a panic and they all ran for there lives. Alyssa made it out the window, being in her room. She attempted to run, but was caught by one of the members of the blood army. Instead of killing her, like they did to all of her friends., they took her in a slave. She was forced to work for them and such as such. This lasted till there was a rebil attack on the group. All the members of the gang atacked and wile they were preoccupied, aly and a few of the others managed to run away. They made it out safely, but went there separate ways. Ever since then she has been a survivor that stayed on her own. Personality: Ever since she was born Aly has been many things depending on which side of her you met. Somethings were always the same though, such as her sarcastic joking side. This never went away, no matter what she did. The other side of her was her trouble maker side. This could show by her cheering some one on to do something, starting a minor fight, though it never went further than words, or even maybe talking back to one of the adults. It was never anything she was scared of in this matter. She only had one goal, to fit in and keep her friends close. Sure she had a few enemies but this didn't effect her much. She was more of one of those people who didn't care about anyone but her friends opinions. Even though Aly is very sociable, she only talks to people in her bubble. This means she isn't completely outgoing to new people, or one to give people an actual chance. When she is around her friends and people she likes she has a nice, fun side. She can be considered a bit crazy and talkitive, since she is almost never quiet. She is also considered a major partier. She isn't very logical also and doesn't think most times, she just acts. Also never get on Alys bad side. She holds grudges for a while, whether or not they are worth it. Along with this she doesn't forgive easily. When angered she also could become somewhat violent, and also can easily be angered. She can hold back somewhat but its not enough to stop her from swinging a punch, but she could never get angry enough to kill someone. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1 (optional): A silver Baby Desert Eagle Air Pistol- Silver- Co2 BB Gun .177 Caliber -Weapon 2 (optional): She has a pink pocket knife that she keeps in her pocket all of the time. It is about 5 inches long and is also very simple. It has a silver blade. -Clothing:She wears a ripped pair of pants, a simple shirt and a sweatshirt over it usually. Nothing that is exactly that much. -Items: She has some water and food, though it is limited. She also has a backpack. She has a roll of bandages, peroxide, painkillers, a flashlight, spare change of cloths, and also duct tape.((yus! Xd cuz yea)) Role: She is a survivor who tends to travel around and gain supply's. She is scared to stay in one positition.
La patrouille d'alerte maintenant a regardé autour de lui avec leurs armes tirées. Ils ont cherché la source du coup de feu. Le soldat qui a été tué a rampé dans l'agonie, essayant d'obtenir de l'aide de ses potes. Au lieu de cela, l'un des soldats non blessés a terminé le travail, tirant un tour dans la tête de son propre membre. Jake s'est un peu effondré, sachant que l'armée du sang était impitoyable. Il s'est ensuite tourné vers la fille, en honorant la déclaration de Quinn sur l'armée du sang. Il a ensuite suivi l'exemple de Quinn puisqu'ils n'étaient maintenant qu'à quelques mètres des trois soldats de l'Armée du sang restants. Après que Quinn ait tiré, il a entendu sa cible tomber sans vie au sol. Jake a vu les deux derniers virages, presque vider tout son magazine en eux. Le sang volait partout comme des balles arrachées à travers leur corps. Jake s'est essuyé le visage en voyant le sang des hommes qu'il a tués. Il a laissé un soupir de soulagement et a regardé Quinn.
Name: Jake Prescott Age: 24 Gender: Male Bio: Jake was a police officer before all of this. He was just an officer, but he was pretty good at his job. As the war came to the US, his unit was shut down after martial law was in effect. He then moved to Berkeley, California in an attempt to be safe. This would fail as the bombs fell. California was the second most guarded state beside New York. Washington D.C. was completely, if not already, isolated. The bombs took him by surprise. Jake was home when the bombs hit, and he rushed to the evacuation site. He was too late. The bomb hit in Los Angeles, the same area that the evacuation. Jake was only a few miles away, the shock wave of the blast reaching him. His car was tossed and he blacked out from the impact. Jake would wake up hours later to see everything destroyed. Jake now wanders around in search of survival and a new life in this barren and fallen world. Personality: Jake is vocal and will voice his opinion. He can collaborate with ease and can compromise if he sees an opinion worth listening too. When it comes to disagreements, he is rather polite. He makes sure everyone is heard and can get a bit irritated when someone cuts him off when he's talking. When it comes to serious situations, Jake is a fast thinker. He can improvise and devise plans almost instantly. He is able to work quickly and efficiently, never stopping when he knows he'll lose. Jake fights to the end no matter what and will never quit. Being a police officer, he has a protective side of him. If he feels someone is being mistreated, he will step in and deal with the conflict. He is unable to just let criminal acts go unnoticed. However, in this new society and way of life, he has no problem stealing to survive, although he does feel guilty if he thinks about it too much. Gear: What you travel with. I'd like it to be set up like this: -Weapon 1: Jake carries an M4A1 Carbine Rifle as his main weapon. He relies on this for quick kills. Being a police officer, his knowledge about this rifle is definitely a plus. -Weapon 2: Jake's secondary weapon is a baseball bat modified with industrial nails. This is used for messier, slower, but quieter kills as well as when he's put of ammo for his first weapon. -Clothing: Jake wears simple clothing, a blue dress shirt with black jeans. He wears black and white Converse brand shoes along with a black and white New York Yankees hat. -Items: Police flashlight 3 M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO round magazines Water canteen Gas mask Hiking backpack Flint and steel Role: Jake is a wasteland survivor. He travels around to collect food, supplies, and other essentials to stay alive. He does sometimes look for fellow survivors that don't try to kill him, but that's rare.