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(OOC: Je change les couleurs de certains enfants parce qu'ils sont en conflit avec les PC). Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana s'agenouille en plus de la baignoire, ses mains trouvent leur chemin d'une manière douce, massant et pétillant le cuir chevelu d'un des deux enfants qui se reposaient à l'intérieur de la baignoire remplie. En face d'elle, l'autre fille sait que Mii l'imitait, comme si c'était une version passée d'elle-même. Hana, bien sûr, avait jeté tous les vêtements avant d'entrer dans le bain, et a ordonné à tous les autres de le faire. Il y avait des sons rythmiques provenant des deux sons, qui devenaient lentement de plus en plus détendues, comme quelques chatons à moitié endormis. "Umu..." "Umu..." "D'accord, Gin-chan, Kin-chan, on a fini de se frotter. Maintenant ce sera notre tour, Mii-chan." Hana elle-même a annoncé, après avoir été dit les noms des deux enfants par Mii. Elle-même semblait être un peu passive, mais avec un peu de courage, Hana avait réussi à la convaincre d'être son assistante dans cette tâche."Besoin d'un peu d'aide?" Mii a regardé Hana. Ou plus concrètement, au corps nu de Hana pendant une seconde. Son regard se rétrécissait un peu. C'était de la jalousie? Elle a jeté son regard loin et puis Hana a compris pourquoi. Elle l'avait entendue aussi. "Ils sont encore là." Elle a bougé, se référant aux faibles sons de lutte qui venaient d'une des pièces voisines. "Ahhh... Ne t'inquiète pas. Je ne pense pas qu'ils puissent causer beaucoup de mal. Ils ont quand même besoin d'être grondés. Oh, c'est ça! Je sais. Et si c'était les servantes de Hana-chan et Mii-chan pendant une semaine? Complètement habillée de bonne!" Hana a ajouté alors qu'elle commençait à rincer doucement l'eau des jumeaux, aidant chacun à sortir de la baignoire et à se sécher. L'aînée a ajouté avec un clin d'œil de complicité envers la plus jeune, qui a finalement fait un petit soupçon de rire dans le coin de sa bouche. "Bon alors, vous sentez tout beaucoup mieux maintenant! Beau et propre!" Elle applaudit, pattant les deux têtes de jumeaux doucement, avant de se tourner vers son toilettage. Elle a soigneusement décroché ses propres cheveux et a commencé à tremper sa peau. "Pourquoi? Pourquoi fais-tu ça?" Mii s'est soudainement évanouie, trouvant courage de demander après le tourbillon des développements de sa vie."Quelle est votre intention?" Son regard est devenu perçant tout d'un coup, son manque de confiance finit par s'effacer. Hana a juste souri, alors qu'elle leur tapotait le ghoul plus jeune dans la tête. "Nous devrions chercher les leurs. Et il n'y a pas si longtemps, c'était moi qui posais la même question à un vieil homme. Je rends juste ce qui m'a été donné. D'ailleurs, si nous ne nous soucions pas les uns des autres... Je ne pense pas que les humains le feront." Hana a réfléchi "Le monde est après tout, un endroit cruel. Et vous ne devriez pas être jeté sur elle sans l'occasion de grandir." Elle lâcha Mii, alors qu'elle reprit son propre bain. Et ils ont trouvé que les jumeaux étaient absents de leur place. "DAMN!" Le médecin ghoul a sauté tout d'un coup dehors, trouvant la porte du bain ajar. Les rires des deux jumeaux pouvaient être entendus, alors qu'ils couraient dans leur combinaison de naissance. "Je vais gagner la course!" -- Non, je le ferai! Mais ils ne pouvaient pas calculer que Hananator était sur leurs talons, sa figure nue aussi à vitesse de croisière, attraper avec les deux peu après. "Non. Hana-chan gagne. Et vous, les enfants, allez directement au bain." Bien sûr, la seule façon de rendre la situation plus embarrassante était si quelqu'un avait vu toute l'exposition. Et en jugeant comment Hana regardait à la fois Takumi et Rin, elle avait été vue. Hana a choisi de ne pas tenir compte de sa situation nue, au lieu d'essayer une tentative boiteuse d'un jab vers Takumi."Wow, Takkun, tu essaies déjà de faire du mal à Rinrin? Une telle casanova!" Elle a ensuite regardé son propre écran nu, un enfant fermement saisi dans chaque bras. -- Aussi, vous n'avez rien vu. Elle a ajouté, avant de retourner à la salle de bains, et de les faire attendre que Mii et elle-même finissent. Ça n'a pas pris grand-chose, heureusement. Trouver des vêtements pour le lot était un peu plus difficile, mais Hana a finalement réussi à prêter à Mii quelques-uns de ses vieux vêtements adolescents et robes d'hôpital étaient un choix approprié pour les jumeaux. L'odeur d'un cadavre frais a envahi la pièce. De l'ascenseur, une personne âgée en costume de concierge a poussé avec attention un seul chariot avec un sac de corps de taille adulte. Le ghoul mâle était plutôt brut, et un peu d'un fond d'ardoise, avec des cheveux blancs chauves et des yeux noirs perlés. Il avait néanmoins l'air en forme pour son âge et il avait un noyau musculaire solide et épais dans sa taille. "Lo' Boss. J'ai entendu dire que vous aviez des invités. J'en ai une. Le spectacle de Yakuza. Frais. Il ne manquera à personne. Pauvre garçon." La figure a dit avec honnêteté, avant de renverser son chapeau et de mouiller, a décidé de revenir en bas. "Um, merci, CB." Hana a dit en réponse, avant de zipper le sac ouvert."J'ai toujours voulu dire ça..." Elle a inhalé profondément..." Elle a fait signe.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Rin Quand Rin a parlé de sa vie à Takumi en quelques phrases, il a commencé à rire. Rin savait que c'était plutôt pathétique mais en riant? Elle ne se souvenait pas qu'il était aussi impoli. Rin est revenue à son habituel moi boueux et a regardé loin de Takumi, ne pas parler à nouveau. Elle a commencé à se sentir mal à l'aise à propos de toute cette conversation avec Takumi. Il a eu ses derniers rires et avait l'air assez maladroit après ses rires. Elle ne savait pas s'il le voulait ou simplement se sentait heureux pour elle mais une fois qu'il a mentionné le vieil homme étant fier d'elle, elle ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sentir un léger frisson sur son corps. Ce n'était pas un mauvais sentiment, plutôt un sentiment de malaise qu'elle n'avait pas ressenti depuis longtemps. Elle a fait un petit sourire à Takumi lui montrant qu'elle était d'accord avec lui et était heureuse d'entendre une telle chose de sa part. Takumi a raconté l'histoire de ses 8 dernières années. Ça avait l'air beaucoup plus différent que le sien et beaucoup plus intéressant. Ça aurait pu l'être depuis que sa vie n'a pas été aussi active ou spéciale de quelque façon que ce soit. Donc d'autres personnes leurs histoires ont surtout sonné plus intéressant. "Non, ça ne me dérange pas que tu parles de ta vie... Je n'ai pas encore vu Itsunii, mais Hana et Asoka m'ont dit qu'il était occupé à se faire des ennemis...?" Rin a toussé un peu à ses derniers mots et a donné une petite punaise avant de poursuivre son activité de regarder vers l'avenir. Sa vie paisible semblait cependant terminée alors que la porte de la salle de bain s'ouvrait largement avec deux petites filles qui couraient à l'extérieur. Rin a immédiatement sauté dans l'action en roulant sur Takumi pour bloquer la vue des deux filles nues. Avec un visage droit, elle a serré la tête de Takumi aussi serrée qu'elle le pouvait et a regardé vers le bas pour voir s'il pouvait voir quelque chose. Elle a tourné sa vue vers les filles nues pour voir ce qu'elles étaient aussi et n'a pas l'air bâclée dans le moins. Hana pensait que Takumi avait fait un pas sur Rin mais ils n'avaient parlé que jusqu'à maintenant alors elle était dans la droite cette fois. Rin ne tomberait pas dans l'amour si facilement. Cependant, la situation dans laquelle ils étaient en ce moment n'a pas aidé à l'impression de Hana sur les deux d'entre eux. Alors qu'ils retournaient dans la salle de bain, Rin retomba sur son siège et regarda le mur en dehors d'elle sans rien dire. Kazuya a dû taquiner Takeshi à propos d'être rouge et a pensé que c'était la faute de Rin et Takumi. Rin n'a même pas fléchi sur ses paroles et est resté l'émo comme elle était en ce moment. Un moment plus tard, quand tout le monde était de nouveau habillé Hana a appelé après un court bruit de la cloche vers tout le monde pour venir manger. Ça a rendu Rin un peu heureux de voir Hana faire quelque chose comme ça pour les enfants. Elle avait l'air assez préparée pour elle même si Rin n'a pas vu Hana avoir beaucoup de contact avec quelqu'un en dehors du groupe. Une viande n'était pas si spéciale pour n'importe quel ghoul à avoir, mais un corps entier? Cela a suscité des soupçons.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Takeshi et Kazuya Takeshi et Kazuya avaient, après quelques autres disputes brouillées et des coups échangés, s'étaient installés dans une sorte d'impasse calme alors qu'ils s'apprêtaient tous deux à se nettoyer. À l'insistance de Kazuya, prend le bonjour a été le premier à prendre une douche des deux, comme le garçon plus âgé a déclaré qu'il en avait besoin beaucoup plus qu'il ne l'a fait. Après avoir donné à son frère le geste approprié pour un tel commentaire, Takeshi a procédé à la douche, se demandant un moment ce qu'il utiliserait comme vêtements depuis n'a pas mis sur ses vieux vêtements nier le but de la douche en premier lieu. Eh, qui s'en soucie. Je serai plus propre que je ne l'ai été pendant un certain temps Alors que Takeshi commença à laver son corps, l'eau coulant noir comme frotté de la saleté des rues de son cadre, ses pensées tournés vers sa situation actuelle, se demandant, bien et vraiment, si le groupe était vraiment en sécurité ici avec ces étrangers. Si Toru-nii avait été ici, Takeshi était sûr qu'il aurait été capable de gérer toute la situation beaucoup mieux qu'ils n'avaient, avec lui et Kazuya attaquant les goules sans réfléchir, et menant à eux tous étant capturés, car il n'y avait pas d'autre guerre pour voir ce qui leur est arrivé. Si ce n'était pas pour ces foutues colombes. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Takeshi affronta contorsionné dans une grimace alors qu'il songeait à l'attaque, les costumes blancs qui se démarquaient contre la noirceur du chevalier alors qu'ils portaient sur une seule silhouette qui affrontait contre eux, face à une certaine mort ou capture afin de leur donner le temps de s'échapper. Avec un coup rapide de la tête, il s'est recentré sur la situation actuelle, car il n'y avait pas de raison de s'y installer en ce moment. C'était à lui et à Kazuya de veiller à ce que les autres restent en sécurité avant tout, donc même si cet endroit et ces gens là où un bon répit des luttes de la vie de rue, s'il pensait que cela mettrait en danger la sécurité de sa famille, même cet ass Kazuya, alors il les sortirait tous de là si c'était la dernière chose qu'il faisait. Il n'allait plus perdre sa famille dans ce monde, dont il était certain. Il a fini au bout d'un moment, s'essuyant avec une serviette à l'entrée de Kazuya, le garçon aux cheveux argentés grondant rapidement de la façon dont Takeshi avait pris toute l'eau chaude pour lui-même, et habillé dans les vêtements qu'il portait avant alors qu'il partait vers la zone principale. Malheureusement pour lui, c'était juste un moment où les deux jumeaux avaient décidé d'avoir leur petite race, et alors que la vue des deux goules nues lui donnait une légère pause comme il se demandait ce qu'il devait faire dans ce cas, l'entrée de Hana l'arrêtent mort dans ses traces, son visage s'épanouit instantanément dans un rouge cramoisi comme il voyait la femme au naturel. Il était prompt à se retourner, et il est resté comme tel jusqu'à ce que Hana soit retournée dans la chambre. Il a ensuite pris un siège loin de Rin et Takumi, sa tête baissée et toujours plutôt à la chasse d'eau alors qu'il a essayé de concentrer son esprit sur littéralement n'importe quoi, sauf ce qu'il vient de voir. Kazuya est sorti un peu plus tard, se frottant la tête avec une serviette, quand il a remarqué son frère et son visage extrêmement rouge. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Takeshi, tu les attrapes faire quelque chose de coquin ou quoi, parce que ton visage ressemble à une putain de tomate en ce moment." Kazuya a fait un geste vers Rin et Takumi alors qu'il prenait un jab sur son frère affligé. -- Quoi, nononon, je n'ai rien vu. Je te jure, non, je te le promets, et même si c'était le cas, c'était un accident, oui, un accident. Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire, je veux dire, si j'ai vu quelque chose, je le fais exprès et... C'est ce que j'ai dit. ." Avant que Takeshi ne puisse continuer, Kazuya lui jeta une serviette sur le visage, murmurant 'Ouais, ouais, je t'entends', après avoir perdu l'intérêt de se moquer de lui alors qu'il commençait à se battre. Il est ensuite allé à l'endroit où Hana et les autres étaient, impatient d'obtenir un peu de graisse. Takeshi a rapidement pris la serviette de, donnant un léger reflet vers Kazuya, se promenant pour rejoindre les autres pour le repas tout en faisant un effort pour regarder partout mais à Hana, essayant et ne pas enlever son esprit de la voir dans le buff. N fait, plus il a essayé de l'oublier, plus il est devenu dans son esprit, et le rougeur son visage semblait obtenir, comme il attendait que la femme leur donne la permission de manger. Alors qu'il s'en foutait d'habitude et se contentait de creuser, il n'était pas très impatient d'interagir avec la ghoul gaie à ce moment-là.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Rin La réaction de Rin n'a pas été assez rapide pour bloquer la vue de Takumi juste à temps. Rin donna un court soupir intérieur alors qu'Asoka s'élançait dans la pièce, clairement fou de la douceur de Takumi vers Rin. Asoka semblait plutôt bizarre par la vue qu'elle avait obtenue de la femme nue. Rin n'a pas pu empêcher ça d'arriver, mais elle ne voulait pas que sa sœur les voie comme ça. Elle avait l'habitude de voir des parties de corps nues dans la journée de toute façon. Asoka semblait prompte à partir de nouveau sans vouloir rien en faire. Tout le monde retourna à ses activités et Rin s'assit à nouveau. Ses réflexes n'étaient toujours pas assez rapides, même pas assez rapides pour empêcher quelque chose d'aussi simple que cela. Ça pourrait lui coûter la vie un jour. Rin a jeté un coup d'œil à Takumi en sachant qu'elle l'avait peut-être surpris avec ce qu'elle vient de faire. Takumi semblait très bien quand elle l'avait vu s'asseoir en dehors d'elle. Il n'avait pas l'air embarrassé d'une manière ou d'une autre et il a agi comme s'il ne s'était rien passé. Il était probablement habitué ou il n'a rien pensé quand ses frères et sœurs l'ont fait. C'était la première fois que Rin harcelait vraiment le garçon pour être honnête. Elle n'avait pas l'impression que c'était spécial, elle aimait seulement le sentiment chaud qui lui est venu vraiment mais rien de plus. Un câlin n'était vraiment rien de spécial maintenant qu'elle y pensait. C'était plutôt bizarre que ce soit un signe de bonne amitié. Non seulement Rin ne voulait rien du cadavre qui était dans la pièce maintenant, Takumi et Asoka ne le voulaient pas non plus. Les enfants mangeaient probablement la chose juste parce qu'ils en avaient besoin et n'avaient aucune idée d'où elle venait, mais ne s'en fichaient pas. Les corps étaient des cadavres. Rin n'a pas forcé les enfants à ne pas manger ou quoi que ce soit, c'était la nourriture dans son ensemble. C'est assez dur de venir par n'importe quelle façon tu le regardes. Rin s'est levée pour la première fois qu'elle était entrée dans l'appartement, ce qui montrait clairement qu'elle était prête à quelque chose. Rin regarda en arrière à Takumi qui était encore sur le terrain. "Je rentre chez moi... soit tu peux rester ici, soit venir avec moi pour dormir... Ça ne m'ennuie pas d'une façon ou d'une autre... n'y pense pas bizarrement... » Sa voix crépitante et froide sonnait doucement à travers la pièce, mais d'autres l'ont peut-être entendu de toute façon. Rin a continué à marcher vers la sortie après le cadavre. Elle se tourna une fois de plus pour s'adresser à Hana, puis partit avec ou sans Takumi pour la suivre. "Je passerai demain de nouveau... Appelez-moi si vous avez besoin de moi..."
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Takumi Minamoto - Nature sensible 3e quartier, clinique Sakura, 4e étage « Bon d'entendre que je ne suis pas encore un fardeau pour toi, alors, » Takumi a soufflé sa poitrine avec une fierté exagérée. "Ou peut-être que cela signifie juste que mon histoire de vie n'est pas si ennuyeux, heh", a-t-il ajouté rhétoriquement, en retournant à son énergie plus modérée. Cette atmosphère insouciante qui l'entourait ne dura pas trop longtemps, et elle se dissipa rapidement à la mention de l'endroit où se trouvait Itsuki et de ses activités actuelles. -- Quoi? il a demandé, bien que la façon dont il a dit qu'il a indiqué que ce n'était pas vraiment une question. "Alors, il se bat à nouveau..." Il se griffe les dents dans un sourire forcé. Il semblait qu'il s'adressait à peine à Rin, "...l'homme, ce gars..." Et c'est à ce moment-là que les deux enfants nus traversèrent son champ de vision, interrompant le moment de désespoir de Takumi. Il a ouvert la bouche pour commenter la situation inhabituelle, avant de la fermer lentement dans une ligne dure. Devrais-je... faire quelque chose à ce sujet? il se demandait avec sourcil sillonné. Avant qu'il ne puisse agir sur l'une quelconque de ses impulsions parentales, Rin l'a mis sur le sol et a enveloppé son corps autour de son visage. Dans l'ensemble, une position plutôt compromettante? Quoi qu'il en soit, il semblait que ses frères et sœurs étaient beaucoup plus attachés dans leur ensemble qu'il ne s'en souvenait; c'était quoi, la deuxième fois ce soir, son corps avait fait l'objet de câlins de femmes? Sur le côté lumineux, au moins il faisait chaud... ou peut-être que c'était juste son visage, mais en ce qui concerne les émotions, il était vraiment plus embarrassé que embarrassé. Il a ensuite entendu une troisième série de pas mouillés venant d'une personne plus grande traversant rapidement la distance. Il entendit les pas s'arrêter, il entendit l'eau couler, et il entendit Hana faire une remarque sur ses apparences de femmes. Takumi voulait défendre sa position, mais il savait qu'ouvrir sa bouche lui donnerait une bouche pleine de vêtements et/ou de chair de Rin. Ses yeux étaient couverts, de sorte qu'il ne savait pas vraiment ce qui touchait à ce point, ni ne voulait tester sa chance à cet égard. Il y avait une question qu'il mourait d'avoir répondu, cependant: «Qu'est-ce que l'enfer est une «casanova»? Il y a eu une courte pause avant d'entendre Hana émettre un ordre d'oublier ce qu'ils avaient vu. Vu qu'il ne pouvait pas faire grand-chose, c'était une tâche assez facile pour Takumi. Certes, il pouvait deviner avec une précision raisonnable ce qu'il n'avait pas vu, mais il suivait les instructions de Hana. Et connaissant Takumi, c'était la voie à suivre. Il a essayé de déplacer sa tête sur le côté pour dégager assez d'espace pour qu'il réponde. «Affirmatif, madame», vint sa réponse étouffée, suivie d'un pouce serré, juste au cas où sa réponse ne serait pas correctement transmise. Rin était toujours accroché à son visage comme une certaine forme de vie extraterrestre d'un film d'horreur populaire, et ce n'est qu'après avoir entendu les trois jeux de pieds arrêter leur plodage dans la salle de bains, Rin s'est détaché de sa tête. Takumi a fixé ses cheveux nouvellement mêlés et aplati les rides sur sa chemise. Tout en le faisant, il regarda et vit le jeune homme aux cheveux blancs d'avant, comme s'il était sur le point de mourir d'embarras. L'aîné a ronflé et souri; quel enfant malheureux, marchant sur ce genre de chose. Peu de temps après, l'autre garçon - celui aux cheveux argentés qui s'était battu plus tôt - est apparu et a également fait une équipe sur lui et Rin faisant des choses maladroites. Takumi regarda Rin, puis vers les enfants. Il n'était pas sûr à quel point il se sentait à l'aise à propos de cette insinuation, alors il a décidé de se concentrer sur le fait de regarder Takeshi s'élancer de moutons, au lieu d'essayer de nier cette revendication et d'aggraver la situation. Soudain, l'odeur du cadavre rencontra son nez, suivi de l'appel de clarion de la figure mère de facto émise de l'ascenseur. Il s'est souvenu de la dernière fois qu'il avait mangé - il y a quelques jours - mais l'a jugé comme une nourriture adéquate pour le moment. Cela dit, il n'était pas tout à fait à l'aise de ne pas savoir d'où venait ce cadavre. Un homme mort d'où qu'il aille, mais ce meurtre semblait frais et il ne pouvait pas confirmer s'il a été tué pour la nourriture ou pour d'autres raisons. Les trous de balles l'ont fait penser qu'il n'était pas lié à la chasse, compte tenu de la faible disponibilité des armes au Japon et de la rareté d'un ghoul à canon, mais on ne sait jamais... "Je vais m'asseoir sur celui-ci," Takumi tenait son poignet, "J'ai... mangé assez récemment, et les enfants doivent avoir faim si... Oui."
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Asoka "Mercure" Asoka n'avait pas pris la peine d'éteindre les lumières. Non, elle était trop confortable sur le lit de l'hôtel d'amour pour faire quoi que ce soit à ce sujet. Finalement, elle plongeait dans un de ces micro-naps; elle s'endormait seulement pour se réveiller assez brutalement après une minute environ. Bien que rafraîchissante, elle ne s'est sûrement pas sentie mieux à l'heure actuelle. Le petit ghoul était clairement fatigué, beaucoup plus qu'elle ne l'a fait apparaître à leur arrivée. C'est peut-être à cause de ses longues heures à l'université et du désordre dans lequel elle s'était mise pour gagner sa vie. Elle a fait face à tout cela assez bien, allant jusqu'à avoir une vie sociale normale aussi bien. Mais ça l'a beaucoup taxée. Ce qui l'a réveillée ne serait pas lié au stress. Oh non, le cirque qui se passait à l'extérieur de sa chambre assignée était le problème majeur. Alors que la jeune fille ombragée était en effet habituée à l'abondance de l'activité dans le quartier le plus peuplé de Tokyo, les voitures rugissant la nuit, les tramways s'envolant à travers les rails près de son appartement, ses voisins faisant des fêtes depuis qu'elle vivait dans un loft étudiant après tout. Mais un tas d'enfants jumelés à des gens qui bavardent dans le couloir n'étaient qu'un méchant combo. Surtout ce dernier, même s'il n'était pas fort, il était odieux pour elle de l'entendre et de comprendre ce qu'ils disaient. En tant que tel, c'était très distrayant. Un oreiller sur ses oreilles ferait peu de bien pour ses sens supérieurs l'a défiée dans cette situation terrible. Asoka se leva de son sommeil et s'approcha d'un tiroir près de son lit. Comme elle le pensait, une serviette serait propre et prête à l'utiliser. En s'écriant pour garder au moins un petit sens de la dignité, elle se rendait enfin à la porte en criant : "D'accord, vous deux geeeetttt aaaaaaa roooooooommmmmmmmm!" Le psychopathe lançait la porte comme elle a fini, s'adressant évidemment à Rin et Takumi. Clairement, elle préfère les entendre baiser plutôt que de parler de choses aussi banales. Eh bien, les aventures de Takumi pourraient être intéressantes mais il a rendu ça ennuyeux. Mais elle ne pouvait jamais se préparer à ce qu'elle allait voir. Tout d'abord, deux petites filles toutes nues tout en étant grondées par un plus grand ghoul nu. Cela ne s'est pas terminé là, cependant, comme Rin semblait empiler le visage de Takumi dans ses seins. Du point de vue d'Asoka et du point de vue tordu, ce serait le récit. Voir Hana nue était chaud, les jumeaux nus seraient peut-être un peu attachants et Rin aller dur sur Takumi pourrait être qualifié comme sexy, mais tous ces ensemble semblaient tellement effrayants. Presque absurde. Surréaliste. Ses yeux étaient ouverts avant qu'elle ne cligne rapidement la tête en tremblant. Au début, elle était sans voix, mais ensuite elle prenait une profonde respiration alors qu'elle reprenait son sang-froid. "Je... Je ne veux pas savoir. J'ai été éclairé, plus de déni. Je ne peux pas échapper à mon destin. Je suis... un aimant dégénéré." Elle a annoncé avant de retourner dans sa chambre et de claquer la porte fermée avec son pied. Il n'y aurait plus de lumière venant de sa chambre, et le silence total régnerait. Nourriture ou pas de nourriture, il était temps de dormir et de se remettre d'elle-même. Elle pourrait appeler ça un jour. Est-ce que je me parlais tout seul? Oh merde, c'est contagieux...
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana n'a jamais lâché si légèrement qu'elle a nettoyé son assiette, ramassant soigneusement les plats sales et ne les jetant pas si bien dans une pile de lavage à côté du bassin. Sa tête s'inclina si légèrement, qu'elle sourit en entendant le commentaire de Kazuya. Elle a donné un regard de complicité à Mii, puis aux jumeaux. "Plus la raison de lui apprendre à le faire. Elle doit savoir quand s'en prendre à des gamins vilains qui... Disons que les salles d'épaves cèdent à la gentillesse d'un aîné... non, Ka-kun?" Elle a ajouté pliant ses bras dans une pose autoritative, son intonation chute significativement dans la tentative plus évidente de gronder les deux. Son sourire s'est rapidement transformé en un faux sourire maléfique. "Comment les punir, les filles?" Hana a applaudi, regardant Mii, Ginmaru et Kinmaru. "L'enfer des chatouilles!" -- Non, non, fais-leur manger des loogies! "Je... pense... qu'ils devraient peut-être dormir dans la pièce détruite?" "Tu as entendu ta sœur... J'espère que vous apprendrez la leçon de ne pas vous écraser à la clinique. Ou la prochaine fois, Hana-chan vous soumettra à l'enfer des chatouilles et vous fera manger des loogies!" Hana a ajouté qu'elle se branlait le doigt. Pendant ce temps, en bas, un Yoko très paniqué n'a pas pu prononcer n'importe quel genre de mots, avant de gazer sauvagement et hacher. "Docteur Shen!" Évidemment, elle n'avait pas reconnu le prénom de Hana, ou peut-être qu'elle prétend n'avoir rien entendu. Après tout, l'homme qui s'appelait Itsuki attirait beaucoup d'attention sur lui-même. "Oh, qu'avons-nous ici? Un mendiant qui a sauté dans un compacteur à ordures? Hmm...?" Le médecin chauve d'âge moyen étendit ses bras dans une moquerie de geste accueillant et serviable. "Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous êtes venu au bon endroit..." Le docteur a dit, ses mains traçant pour l'épaule d'Itsuki, quand une troisième voix a été entendue. "Je pense qu'on devrait laisser ça à Kurosawa, tu sais qu'elle aime prendre des indigents sous son aile." La voix enroulée et enroulée de CB, aussi connue sous le nom de carrelet, venait de derrière un placard. L'homme brut, légèrement affûté, est arrivé sur les lieux, portant un seau et une balançoire. "Oh oui... Après tout, elle a besoin de nettoyer ses propres mess de temps en temps. Compris, mess? Ah, oui? Ouais, pas besoin d'humour à cette heure tardive. Ah bien... J'ai plus de patients. CB, vous le prenez à partir d'ici, oui?" Le médecin humain a ajouté, prenant un virage serré, avant que le ghoul aîné n'attrape le jeune et le conduit à l'ascenseur, en utilisant sa clé pour lui permettre d'accéder au quatrième étage. "Les enfants de nos jours. Pas de tact ni d'esprit. La prochaine fois, utilise la sortie d'incendie, crétin. Ce n'est pas le 24e service, tu sais. Et maintenant je vais devoir travailler plus dur pour effacer la piste que tu as laissée." Le vieil homme murmura un dernier murmure, avant de fermer la porte et d'envoyer Itsuki vers le haut. Hana s'est tendue si légèrement, l'odeur de Ghoul frappant soudainement ses nostris, et du sang de Ghoul. Sans réfléchir, elle s'est interposée entre les cinq enfants, le cadavre et les deux soi-disant oiseaux d'amour, son regard regardant dans la figure qui tomberait à travers l'ascenseur. "Ikki! Tu es blessé!" Elle s'est cassée dans un petit sprint vers son frère, évidemment préoccupé par son état. Elle a serré le ghoul mâle autant qu'elle le pouvait, ses yeux balayant les blessures. Les blessures de Kagune, et plus d'une source. Elle s'est arrêtée. "Je suis désolé, les enfants. Hana-chan a un petit travail à faire avant qu'on puisse tous aller se coucher. Ok, tout d'abord, Itsuki, mange un peu. Ça va activer ta régénération et m'aider à stabiliser toutes ces blessures." C'est alors que Hana, experte dans la recherche du cadavre des yakuzas morts, a produit les bijoux virils de la pauvre victime avec de l'appareil avant de le montrer dans la main d'Itsuki. Tout à fait exprès. Qui a dit qu'Asoka pourrait être le seul connard?
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana a soigneusement regardé la situation. L'un des enfants était rouge comme une betterave. Peut-être à cause de l'épave de la chambre?. Le cadavre qu'elle avait apporté était là, exposé pour que tout le monde le voie. Mais Takumi et Rin manifestaient toutes sortes de réticences à l'égard de la prise. Les corps ne poussent pas sur les arbres, tu sais. Elle soupira, malheureusement, en voyant qu'après 8 ans, le rattrapage qu'elle espérait ne se produirait jamais. Asoka était fatiguée et dormait. Mais c'était pour le mieux. Elle n'avait montré que ses mauvais traits en tant qu'adulte. Elle les avait même appelés dégénérés. Où était le vieux Asoka? Celui qui s'est attaché au vieil homme si adorablement? Tout a changé. Takumi, le garçon maladroit et sans indice devenu Ghoul était maintenant un homme adulte. Physiquement méconnaissable, mais Hana était heureux que l'esprit de Takumi semblait quelque peu...familiaire à ce qu'il était. Il n'avait pas fait un flip complet. Mais il était encore... quelque peu réticent à certains égards. Rin semblait le prendre, et comme un chat qui voulait des câlins, s'était collé sur lui comme de la colle. C'était bien... sauf que ce n'était pas le cas. L'état de Takumi. Hana voulait vraiment l'étudier. Combien pourrait-on brouiller la frontière entre l'humain et le ghoul, exactement? Tu taquines petit... Hana a pensé pour le moment le plus court, comme Rin a surpris tout le monde en disant à Takumi d'aplatir ses câlins avec elle dans son appartement. Le culot de certaines personnes! Et elle ne parlait même pas à Hana. Ni demander la tasse de café. Elle offrait sa meilleure hospitalité, damné! "Tu connais Rin, je suis réticent à te voir partir. Je veux dire, ce service est peut-être mon quartier, mais pour quelqu'un comme vous, il y a beaucoup de choses à surveiller. Comme les gangs de ghouls russes et chinois, au-dessus de la GCC. » Elle a laissé cette phrase avec l'espoir qu'elle resterait la nuit et sauverait la nuit, mais c'était faible. "Soyez prudents, d'accord?" Les jumeaux semblaient s'accrocher à la mention, regardant Hana quizziquement... la peur était patente sur leurs yeux. Mii a montré un schowl très différent. L'indignation. Probablement se sentir trahi. C'était vraiment difficile de plaire à tout le monde... "Ne vous inquiétez pas, mes chéris. Hana-chan est plus qu'assez pour vous protéger. Maintenant, mangeons, d'accord? Takkun... c'est dommage que tu n'en veuilles pas. Pourtant, vous pourriez apprendre au lieu de l'artisanat de Hana-chan! » Elle s'adressa à l'autre adulte, avant de se tourner vers l'expression épique qu'avait Mii. -- Quoi? "Ukaku. Je suis la même que toi. Alors regardez attentivement, d'accord?" Hana s'est brouillée, avant de flipper son kakugan, signalant l'activation de son kagune... sauf que ce n'était pas le cas, au lieu de cela, elle a coupé son omoplate, alors que ses yeux tournaient à la normale après une fraction de seconde, produisant l'un des shards qui étaient généralement envoyés à grande vitesse vers des cibles. "Ils sont plus tranchants que les couteaux. C'est ce qu'il faut faire." C'est alors que le spectacle s'est déroulé. La vitesse surnaturelle de Hana a été révélée, car le corps a soudainement été rempli de coupures, plus vite que l'œil ne pouvait le voir. Guidée par la main d'un médecin averti, avec la vitesse de foudre d'un ghoul. avant longtemps, la cavité abdominale du corps a été révélée. Et aucune tache de sang n'avait été déversée à l'extérieur du sac. Les jumeaux étaient positivement agapés. "C'était tellement cool!" "Malheur, 23 ans. Cause de la mort, hématomes massifs produits par des coups de feu dans l'intestin grêle et la rate. Heureusement, tous les autres organes majeurs ont été épargnés. » Elle s'est arrêtée. "Je devrais vraiment remercier ce carrion de Beetle. Il sait vraiment comment trouver ces cadavres yakuza wantbe qui ont essayé de vivre dur et sont morts rapidement." Elle fermait les mains : « Itadakimasu! » Avec un mouvement tout aussi rapide, elle a mis de côté cinq plaques. D'abord, le foie, il a été divisé en deux parties, l'une pour Kazuya et l'autre pour Takeshi. Mii a eu la série complète de reins. Quant aux jumeaux, ils tenaient impatiemment leurs assiettes, avant que Hana, utilisant son ardeur kagune, ne coupe le crâne de l'homme ouvert, grimpant le cerveau et le divisant par moitié. "Mangez, mangez! Les innards sont les plus nutritifs, mais ils sont d'abord gaspillés. On peut toujours manger l'autre viande plus tard! » Hana chidée, en creusant au fond de la cavité, déchirant le cœur du cadavre et le plaçant joyeusement sur une autre assiette. Son assiette. "Les avantages de l'ukaku. Ils se combinent vraiment bien avec la médecine de Hana-chan." Elle s'est finalement aventurée à dire, en regardant Mii. "Je pourrais vous apprendre."
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Rin Takumi a refusé à Rin son offre de rester à son appartement à la place. Rin a donné un seul clin d'œil au chef de la compréhension de sa situation. Il a essayé de convaincre Rin de rester ici aussi en disant que ce n'était pas un si mauvais endroit. Rin a dévié ses yeux vers la droite sans tourner la tête mais n'a plus dit. Elle s'en alla plus loin et parla un peu à Hana avant de vouloir s'en aller toute seule. Hana avait l'air un peu énervée contre elle. Elle ne savait pas que Hana pouvait être comme ça aussi au lieu de toujours doux et harcelant. Ce n'était qu'un léger soupçon d'émotion, mais c'était définitivement là-dedans. Avec un visage droit, elle fixa Hana. Rin n'a pas vu beaucoup de problème en passant devant quelques gouilles. Son propre service est peut-être plus dangereux qu'ici, mais elle ne pouvait pas le dire. Un bref flashback a rappelé à Rin quelques instants qu'elle était toujours sans défense contre beaucoup d'autres personnes et goules. Elle était dans quelques cas d'abus sexuel mais a soudainement cessé d'y penser avant de pouvoir s'espacer complètement. Rin savait que Hana allait s'inquiéter pour elle si elle sortait seule. Elle s'est sentie un peu chaude en sachant que quelqu'un pensait encore à sa sécurité. C'était il y a longtemps qu'un sentiment comme ça s'est produit pour être honnête. Rin a fait un petit clin d'œil à Hana pour avoir suivi ses conseils et être restée pour la nuit. Elle ne voulait pas être trop repérée par la GCC ou ils apprendraient à bien la connaître. Les hanches et les omoplates de Rin ont commencé à se sentir chaudes et enveloppées de lumière. Le sang, elle pouvait le sentir. Il y avait un ghoul qui se dirigeait vers eux, mais qui pouvait le faire. En voyant Hana, elle savait qui c'était. C'était son nii-san Itsuki. Il avait l'air en mauvais état. Des éraflures et tout ce qu'il aime sur son corps. Rin était un peu inquiet de le voir comme ça, mais n'a pas montré et de sympathie. Au lieu de cela, elle s'assit dans le coin et regarda le drame se dérouler. Itsuki a salué Rin sans rien dire mais elle n'a pas répondu et a juste donné un simple éblouissement sur lui. Elle ne pouvait pas encore vraiment lui faire confiance. Il avait tellement changé au fil des ans qu'elle ne l'a presque pas reconnu. Après cela, la plupart d'entre eux se sont endormis. Sauf pour Rin qui regardait la porte d'entrée aussi longtemps qu'elle le pouvait. Elle n'avait pas confiance en ça. Être avec tant de goules au même endroit leur donnerait sûrement une pénalité. Finalement, elle s'est aussi endormie. Une petite fille aux cheveux foncés était allongée sur le sol sur son côté avec son visage face à la pièce. Elle n'avait sorti aucun de ses vêtements, mais avec beaucoup d'effort, ses sous-vêtements pouvaient être vus sous sa jupe. Ses bras courts étaient couchés près de sa poitrine, l'une de ses mains se balançait comme un poing faible, l'un de ses pouces se collant dans la bouche. Elle était paisible et ressemblait à la chose la plus mignonne de tous les temps. Elle s'était endormie en regardant la porte, mais n'avait pas l'intention de prendre une des chambres de toute façon.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Le lendemain?!?Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Asoka "Mercure" Quelle nuit affreuse. Pas le sommeil, non, tout le désordre qui s'est produit avant qu'elle n'arrive enfin à atteindre le monde joyeux des rêves. Si elle devait être tout à fait honnête, voir ses parents passés pourrait être considéré comme un petit plus, mais les relations interpersonnelles étaient toujours si volatiles avec Asoka qu'il comptait à peine. Un sommeil sans rêve, peut-être, mais un sommeil très apaisant comme elle s'est réveillée avec un visage frais quand l'alarme de son téléphone a sonné pour indiquer qu'il était temps de se réveiller. Ce serait au milieu de la matinée, à l'esprit d'une journée d'école, mais il semblait que le petit tyran n'avait pas cela en tête en ce moment. Ses maniérismes lents et calmes n'émettaient aucun sentiment d'urgence ou d'anxiété. Asoka prenait une belle douche chaude avant de se rendre dans le salon de cet hôtel de fortune, habillé avec sa chemise et son jean d'hier soir. Les restes du sang qui a été versé ici, le sang de ghoul non moins, a donné Itsuki vers le haut. Elle pouvait dire qu'il était de retour, pas qu'elle s'attendait à ce qu'il soit mort ou quoi que ce soit. Mais ce serait dommage qu'elle n'ait pas pu voir le coup tiré par Hana sur l'homme. Si Asoka était là pendant cet événement, ou si quelqu'un l'informe, 'Dick fooder Itsuki' suivrait le pauvre garçon pendant au moins un mois, ou un an. Non, n'enflammons personne ici, ça le suivrait pour toujours. Bonjour, tout le monde. Il n'y aurait pas d'enthousiasme dans son salut, sa voix donnant l'impression que ce n'était qu'une courtoisie de routine plutôt qu'elle souhaitant à ses "amis" un bon matin. Le ghoul féminin s'est fait à la maison et s'est servi du café chaud de la machine que chaque ghoul avait probablement dans leur maison à l'heure actuelle. Une tasse remplie de cappuccino, pas son préféré mais quoi qu'il en soit, elle avait besoin de quelque chose pour commencer sa journée. Bien qu'étrangement assez, elle ne semblait pas désirer une forme quelconque de nourriture. N'ayant pas mangé depuis hier soir, cela pourrait justifier une certaine inquiétude de la part des gens plus naseux qui apprécieraient un petit déjeuner. Ou Brunch. "Issei Sagawa a finalement arrêté... HAH! Je savais que c'était un putain d'attention qui brandissait Ghoul! Quelqu'un va m'acheter une nouvelle caméra aujourd'hui. L'allégation soudaine et aléatoire d'Asoka ne serait qu'une lecture de la manchette du quotidien d'aujourd'hui. C'était un journal, et étant le millénial typique, elle s'est ennuyée avec les nouvelles sur Internet, donc le journal physique ne voulait pas dire Jack pour elle. Le cannibale fou a finalement été arrêté malgré les failles légales et a été prouvé pour être effectivement un ghoul. Une gloire aussi. Peut-être que les Français n'étaient pas habitués aux goules, ou peut-être que cette fille hollandaise était plus importante que les goules de merde mangées au quotidien. Elle vérifiait souvent son téléphone, en gardant un œil sur l'heure des événements. Elle a eu un cours plus tard aujourd'hui, mais pour l'instant elle se sentait un peu trop paresseuse pour bouger ou faire quelque chose de productif. Bien que cela n'aiderait pas son image en tant que chargeuse gratuite. Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo Nos bons amis, la GCC À un endroit bien trop familier pour nos jeunes héros, les colombes avaient posé leur nid venimeux sur les restes de ce qui était autrefois une belle demeure qui abritait beaucoup d'enfants innocents. Quelques heures seulement après que les orphelins eurent quitté le bâtiment Hayasori, la GCC avait réussi à trouver l'endroit et à le déclarer comme une « scène de crime » officielle. Aucun crime n'a été commis, de toute évidence, car aucun corps ni aucune trace de bien n'a pu être trouvé. Et pourtant, l'accès au périmètre a été scellé par un couple d'agents de l'usine s'est assuré de faire respecter la barrière pendant qu'un enquêteur effectuait son travail. "Alors, pourquoi sommes-nous coincés avec un devoir reniflant quand un pot chaud a été détecté dans la ville de Ghoul?" "Si je le sais, mais ils ont déplacé plus d'une classe spéciale sur cette affaire. Sachant cela, je vais mettre ma queue entre mes jambes et joyeusement la chatte dehors par ici." "Wow, les années n'ont pas été gentilles avec toi, Tendo. Au moins soixante-dix corps trouvés... Certains sont humains, mais la plupart sont des goules. Ils ne connaissent pas les détails, mais n'êtes-vous pas au moins un peu curieux?" "Non." Les deux officiers étaient vêtus de l'uniforme blindé typique, ressemblant beaucoup à des gardiens de la paix locaux. L'un était assez jeune avec des cheveux longs et blonds (le plus probablement faux) tandis que l'autre qui était le moins enthousiaste des deux regards moyen-âge avec des cheveux courts, bruns et un bouc. Ils n'étaient cependant pas les seuls dans la région, car ils n'ont servi que de renfort pour la classe spéciale associée menant cette enquête à l'intérieur de la maison. En réalité, ce cas serait mieux adapté aux niveaux inférieurs, mais certains conflits à l'intérieur de l'établissement ont fini avec l'enquêteur en question coincé avec le fond des cas de baril comme celui-ci. Entrez dans Shinji Hariyama Trusdale, enfant d'un western marié à un natif japonais. Un jeune chercheur au milieu de la vingtaine qui a fait preuve d'une grande efficacité plusieurs fois dans le passé. Pour finir dans un tel travail sans fin doit être le résultat d'un lourd déshonneur, une erreur qui ne pouvait pas être facilement oubliée. Néanmoins, il l'a pris sans ego et l'a accepté pleinement. Il conduisait son travail comme d'habitude, en prêtant attention aux plus beaux détails. Par les livres mais aussi une nouvelle paire d'yeux pour les classes spéciales plus anciennes, il serait toujours en avance sur place avec ses rapports prêts pour l'arrivée de ses partenaires. En parlant de cela, il rencontrerait son nouveau collègue sur ce cas précis. "Oi Tendo, il te dit quelque chose?" "Bien sûr, l'un de leurs captifs a donné cet endroit très vite. J'aurais dû être un gamin, parce que si j'étais à leur place, j'y traireais mon temps aussi vite que possible. Une fois que vous avez renversé les haricots, eh bien, vous savez à quel point ils sont rentables dans ces endroits." "Les enfants, hein? Bon sang, tu te rends compte à quel point tu dois être bâillon pendant la journée d'orientation pour finir ici, oui? » "Non."
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Takumi Minamoto - Entrez: Itsuki 3e quartier, clinique Sakura, 4e étage Takumi fut soudainement frappé de silence en entendant de si dures paroles d'Asoka. Dégénéré, hein...? la pensée jeune brune, visage frappé d'une expression plutôt sombre. Il se frotta l'œil de la main gauche. "Quoi... Je crois que j'ai déjà le cœur brisé. Je pourrais en fait pleurer!" il plaisantait, essuyant un moyen une déchirure inexistante et clignotant un sourire pour indiquer aux autres qu'il feignait juste sa détresse. Il retourna rapidement au silence et resta ainsi un peu de temps alors qu'il regardait l'écart entre la porte de la septième pièce et le sol décoré sans goût. Aussi vrai que la suggestion aurait pu l'être, cela ne voulait pas dire que c'était sans douleur. "...C'est un état d'esprit vraiment gênant, heh..." il a discrètement remarqué, en parlant plus pour interrompre son silence prolongé que pour faire un vrai commentaire à n'importe qui d'autre. Il exhala et retourna rapidement au centre suivant de l'attention de tout le monde : Rin s'en alla et le pauvre homme se transforma en ghoul grub. La première chose qu'il aurait à faire, c'était de s'occuper de Rin. Après tout, elle s'était adressée à lui, et ce serait plutôt impoli de ne pas répondre en temps opportun. "Mmm.... Peut-être la prochaine fois," Takumi a répondu aussi non committally qu'il le pouvait, "J'ai toutes mes affaires mises en place ici et c'est la nuit et le temps n'est pas si bon et c'est le troisième pupille et... Um..." Depuis qu'il était plus jeune, il avait eu du mal à dire "non" aux gens qu'il connaissait bien, et cette situation n'était guère différente. Bien qu'en y pensant, ce n'était pas exactement demander une poussée sur les balançoires ou sa part du pot à biscuits. Quoi qu'il en soit, son style de réponse aux questions négatives était toujours aussi équivoque et hésitant que toujours. Il a frotté l'arrière de sa tête, ayant maintenant décidé d'arrêter de faire des excuses de papier-mince. Après qu'il se soit suicidé, Hana s'est emparé d'une inquiétude au sujet des individus insouciants qui couraient de l'amok. Pour quelqu'un d'aussi légal que Takumi, l'idée était un peu inquiétante. "Quel est le problème de rester ici de toute façon? C'est probablement beaucoup plus sûr." il a demandé en même temps une note mentale d'avoir peut-être à traiter personnellement la question. Enfin, le ton de la conversation s'est tourné vers quelque chose de plus orienté vers l'enfant, ou du moins vers l'enfant servant un cadavre avec finesse. Il ne comprenait pas la nécessité de la théâtralité; ils étaient des goules, alors qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec le fait de manger la chose et d'en être fait? Et bien que Hana lui ait demandé de regarder, il doutait qu'il pouvait apprendre beaucoup de la façon dont Hana préparait les coupes de choix. Après tout, s'il y avait quelque chose que Takumi savait, c'était comment couper un corps. Mais il a décidé de regarder de toute façon. Ce n'est pas comme s'il avait quelque chose de mieux à faire, et son nee-chan pourrait se sentir mal autrement. Il a vu le petit couteau que sa sœur aînée a éjecté de son kagune. Une utilisation peu orthodoxe des projectiles ukaku, mais il savait qu'il ne devrait vraiment pas parler vu à quel point sa propre utilisation kagune était bâtarde. Bien sûr, un tel affichage n'était que l'introduction à la performance à venir. Elle était rapide, comme les goules ukaku ont tendance à l'être, et très précise dans son travail. Malheureusement, il y avait une graine particulièrement agaçante dans le fond de son esprit voulait qu'il lui dise qu'elle faisait mal. Trop inefficace. Trop de coupures gaspillées et peu profondes. Trop de souci pour la propreté, a pensé Takumi, mesure respire le seul son de sa personne. Il y avait une pause mentale alors que les enfants réagissaient avec plaisir. Ce n'est pas réel. Juste un spectacle, il s'est rappelé qu'il s'était griffé à un pouce sur le coude. "Nee-chan est très intelligente, n'est-ce pas?" Il a commenté sans réfléchir. Il ne pouvait pas analyser une autopsie avec une telle précision, mais il connaissait quelques façons de... Mais ce n'est pas le genre de chose à laquelle vous pensez dans ce genre de compagnie. Bien sûr, maintenant ils servaient de la nourriture, et ce n'était pas quelque chose que Takumi était tout à l'aise de regarder. En tant que tel, Takumi a tourné son attention vers n'importe quoi d'autre. "...?" Il a entendu l'ascenseur monter avant qu'il ne dîne à l'arrivée. Puis il y avait l'odeur, comme des fleurs dans le jardin. "Cellules RC, sang, Ghoul," il tourna son attention vers la porte. Il a pris le dos, s'est arrêté et a détendu son bras. "Attendez, je connais celui-ci," pensa-t-il, facile de regarder au-dessus du sommet de l'avant-garde plus courte. Il n'a pas été tout à fait surpris de voir Itsuki ici depuis que Rin lui avait dit qu'il était encore en train de traîner, donc sa réaction était un peu moins merveilleuse qu'avec les filles. De même, il considérait la condition de son frère avec indifférence; il était, après tout, supposé être un homme de beaucoup d'ennemis. Takumi a regardé ses blessures : les petites plaies de ponction pimentant son corps suggéraient des attaques rapides perçantes. Compte tenu de la nature de son kagune, Takumi était enclin à assumer un agresseur ukaku. Malgré toute la perte de sang, il savait qu'il n'avait pas besoin de s'inquiéter car il y avait un corps prêt à... Takumi a fait un étrange bruit étouffé quelque part entre l'horreur et le rire alors qu'il reculait en arrière, les yeux tombant sur le "présent" que Hana avait préparé pour lui. Il a fermé les yeux avec Itsuki, et a communiqué le message non parlé de: 'Bonne chance.'
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Itsuki, Takeshi et Kazuya Le jour précédent Itsuki regarda de la partie du corps offerte à Hana, la regardant dans les yeux, avant de la prendre et de la jeter directement sur le visage de Kazuya, qui avait l'air d'être sur le point d'éclater dans un coup de rire. Au lieu de cela, il a lâché un cri aigu et légèrement girman alors que l'appendice l'a frappé plein au visage, qui a rapidement été suivi d'un crash alors qu'il tombait dans sa tentative d'éviter la viande volante, se déplaçant trop rapidement en arrière et fracasser dans le corps, en envoyant les morts Yakuza pour qu'il tombe sur lui, ainsi que le couvrir dans tout le sang qui avait été pris par le sac. Comme cela s'est passé, Takeshi, s'est simplement occupé de ses propres affaires, maintenant heureux qu'il ait décidé de ne pas antagoniser l'homme effrayant d'avant en riant de son malheur. Il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de trembler un peu, cependant, comme Itsuki marchait sur, bien que l'activation de son Kakugan était un signe sûr qu'il était prêt à combattre le vieux ghoul si nécessaire. Mais Itsuki n'a fait qu'arracher une bonne quantité de viande et s'y mettre, en mangeant à un rythme lent alors que son regard tomba sur chacun des enfants, avant qu'il installe la charrette à droite et qu'il remette le cadavre dessus, se rendant lui-même l'éclat d'une Kazuya énervée et couverte de sang, qui fut rapidement ignorée. « En considérant que je devais vraiment manger ceux pendant mon temps dans le 24, où la nourriture pourrait être particulièrement rare, je suis désolé de dire que je dois décliner. En outre, si quelqu'un ici parle de cela à Asoka, je vous tuerai avant qu'elle n'ait la chance de m'ennuyer à mort." Alors que ça ressemblait à une blague, avec la livraison sèche d'Itsuki, c'était assez difficile à dire. Tandis qu'il continuait à se défoncer, il remarqua enfin les deux parfums familiers qui étaient présents dans la pièce, tournant la tête pour voir Takumi et Rin. Il leur donna un clin d'œil, sa bouche pleine de nourriture pour parler, avant de se retourner pour parler à Hana. "Pas besoin de m'embêter trop, ça ira assez vite et tu gaspillerais de bons pansements. J'ai connu bien pire que ces pinpricks au cours des deux dernières années et en plus, les goules n'ont pas de cicatrices." En prenant encore quelques morsures, il pouvait déjà sentir ses blessures se refermer au fur et à mesure que sa régénération commençait. "Maintenant, si vous voulez bien m'excuser, pendant que j'aimerais savoir où vous avez trouvé Rin et Takumi après tout ce temps, je suis fatigué et je vais réclamer une chambre. Bonne nuit." Et avec cela, Itsuki ouvrit une pièce aléatoire non réclamée et entra à l'intérieur alors qu'il terminait le dernier de son repas. Ferme la porte derrière lui quand il est entré. Il s'est ensuite déshabillé, les allongeant sur une table voisine avant de s'endormir nu sur le lit. Alors qu'il ressentait la douceur des draps, il prit une seconde pour s'émerveiller simplement du sentiment de douceur qui l'enveloppait. Cela faisait des années qu'il n'avait pas dormi sur un vrai lit, et c'était absolument divin. En roulant dans les draps, il forma une forme de cocaon, avec seulement le fond de ses pieds et le haut de sa tête étant vraiment visible comme il se laissait tomber dans l'étreinte fraîche du sommeil. Pendant ce temps, Takeshi offrait de nettoyer le sang qui s'était versé avant qu'il ne dormât, ne voulant pas simplement se lasser et ne rien faire pendant que lui et sa famille obtenaient gratuitement de la nourriture, un abri et des soins. Kazuya, énervé d'avoir à prendre une autre douche, se contentait de cliquer sur sa langue à son plus jeune frère pour être un tel tryhard, avant de nettoyer et de se coucher dans sa chambre commune et Kazuya, sans se soucier si elle était légèrement gâchée. Takeshi finirait par suivre, dormant à côté de son frère hors de l'habitude, car ils avaient tendance à se blottir ensemble pour rester au chaud dans le froid de la nuit. Le jour suivant Itsuki s'est réveillé lentement, n'ayant pas été utilisé pour avoir un sommeil réellement profond depuis un certain temps. En tant que tel, il était plutôt groggy quand eh se réveilla et semblait ainsi oublier où il était un moment. En tant que tel, quand il s'est levé, il a oublié qu'il n'était pas habillé de ses vêtements et a plutôt juste marché jusqu'à la porte drapé dans les draps de l'autre jour. Il voyait Asoka faire du café, un autre luxe qu'il avait été séparé depuis si longtemps, et il marchait là où elle était, se prendre une tasse pendant qu'il soulevait un sourcil à son éclatement. "C'est qui, ce Issei?" Il a demandé, un peu curieux alors qu'il regardait par-dessus son épaule pour lire l'article de journal qu'elle regardait apparemment. Takeshi et Kazuya dormaient encore.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Rin Le dernier du groupe s'était lentement levé de son sommeil. Ses yeux étaient souillés alors qu'elle essayait de se pousser du sol. Elle regardait attentivement autour d'elle et regardait un peu confus là où elle s'était endormie. C'était juste avant Takumi sa porte près du hall vers la sortie de l'appartement. Elle ne se souvenait pas de ce qu'elle faisait, mais elle pensait qu'elle regardait le couloir. Ses vêtements étaient tous étouffés et puaient un peu de les avoir portés depuis au moins 2 jours maintenant. Tout comme ses cheveux qui étaient étouffés comme quelqu'un l'a cambriolée comme un fou. La coupure dite du matin s'est affichée sur sa tête. Rin se leva de sa place et erra tranquillement vers la cuisine avec son corps à moitié suspendu à cause du sommeil. Rin s'est relâché vers le café et s'est fait une tasse de café noir. Elle s'est poussée vers le coin de la cuisine et s'est assise comme elle l'avait fait auparavant, au sol. Rin regardait devant elle alors qu'elle sirotait légèrement le café de temps en temps. Chaque fois qu'elle sirotait un peu, elle essayait de supprimer le visage de dégoût qu'elle faisait à cause de l'amertume. Elle n'aimait toujours pas le café. Rin frotta doucement l'œil et donna une large mâchoire. Ses yeux tombaient sur Itsuki qui était enveloppé dans des draps. Elle se demande pourquoi. Il était si froid? Ce n'était pas présupposable que ce soit le cas. Il faisait chaud chez Hana, au goût de Rin, alors elle doutait que c'était tout. Peut-être qu'elle découvrirait pourquoi il était habillé comme ça. Elle a déplacé la tête un peu vers le sol sur son côté en essayant de regarder sous les draps s'il avait quelque chose à cacher peut-être.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Étreinte paresseuse, Hana se déplaçait soigneusement, essayant d'obtenir une récapitulation mentale de ce qui avait trascendé hier avant d'aller dormir. Itsuki avait réagi d'une mauvaise façon, effrayé les enfants un peu plus, puis s'est étouffé sur un cadavre, le remplissant de tout son lard et gaspillant quelques parties comestibles dans un désordre insalubre. Puis, il est entré dans une pièce comme s'il avait possédé un endroit et n'a pas laissé une option pour même être interrogé. Il avait jeté la partie du corps sur l'un des enfants. Vraiment maintenant. Eh bien, c'était encore assez comestible, alors elle l'a mis dans un tupperware comme un régal pour sa réceptionniste. Elle aimait vraiment cette partie du corps, cette Yoko. Vraiment, ce sale gosse à la bouche de Take-kun était encore plus poli que lui. Et ça disait quelque chose. Son offre de nettoyer le sang avait été plutôt mignon, donc Hana a gracieusement accepté l'aide du petit avec un soupir. Elle était trop fatiguée pour tout nettoyer, donc elle a simplement laissé le corps de yakuza dans un état gérable, avant de le transporter au congélateur du sous-sol dans un voyage silencieux et furtif. Elle a ensuite remis quelques pièces de plus, pour Mii et les jumeaux, en pensant que les petits ne se sépareraient pas l'un de l'autre. Rin pour la plupart... se tenait à l'entrée. Ah bien, elle pensait qu'étant donné sa nature, elle finirait par prendre une clé toute seule. Elle a réfléchi à inviter Takumi à son lit, mais a décidé qu'il pourrait être trop tôt pour cela. Et le fait que Rin fasse des mouvements sur lui pouvait être considéré comme de la jalousie. "Voulez-vous partager la chambre avec Hana-chan, Takkun?". Elle a fini par se taquiner. Eh bien, la victoire va à l'audace. Et d'ailleurs, il gagnait plus de points que Itsuki à ce stade. En vertu de la fermeture et de jouer avec le flux. Et puis il est venu la partie difficile, comme Hana n'est évidemment pas allé au lit en même temps que les autres. Au lieu de cela, elle a passé quelques heures à taper des e-mails et à trouver un calendrier pour que la clinique fonctionne temporellement sans elle. "Familiaire est importante" comme elle l'a excusé. Organisation. Horaires. Nourriture. Des vêtements. L'école. Ces cinq petits abrutis avaient besoin de tout ça, et il serait négligent d'elle si elle ne planifiait pas tous les contingences. D'une manière ou d'une autre, les arrangements de courte durée ont été faits sans problème, bien que cela aurait fait que Shen smug en tant que baise, CB concerné, et Yoko un peu plus nerveux que d'habitude, plus quelques autorités du 3ème quartier ghoul lèvent des sourcils, mais c'était acceptable."Haha, tu l'as fait, Hana. Toi. C'est du rock." Elle s'est dit, avant que ses sens de ghoul n'attrapent quelques coups faibles. Elle doutait que c'était Itsuki disant désolé d'être un crétin. Probablement un des enfants qui a des problèmes. Eh bien, elle a dû jouer à la poule mère maintenant, n'est-ce pas? Et ils étaient là. Les jumelles de jolies filles qui ont même fait fondre ce brash d'Asoka. La regarder avec des yeux de chiot perdus, se déplacer et s'emparer les vêtements de l'autre, leurs regards sur le sol. "Nous ne pouvions pas dormir" a dit l'un d'eux. C'est alors qu'elle a remarqué que Mii traînait les deux, aussi embrasés. Hana a montré un sourire fatigué, et a tapoté leur tête, avant de lever les draps sur son lit, et de leur permettre de noyer là, avec le médecin fatigué au milieu. Et c'est ainsi qu'elle a passé le reste de la nuit, avec trois autres présences sur ses côtés. Ils n'ont pas beaucoup bougé, seulement pour s'accrocher encore plus loin vers elle. Apparemment, sa respiration et sa chaleur corporelle semblaient fonctionner comme un médicament étonnant pour les enfants, et après un peu de sanglots étouffés, ils se reposaient paisiblement. Elle n'a pas pu s'empêcher d'être compatissante. Elle se souvenait encore de ces premières nuits à dormir seule, quand elle était prise sous les soins du vieil homme. Elle s'arrache du dogpile, toujours dans une sorte de pyjama ridicule à la banane, qui en quelque sorte ne pouvait pas cacher toutes ses courbes, elle donne un petit baiser sur le front des jumeaux et Mii, qui se déplace, dorment encore, avant de faire des pas définitifs vers la machine à café, des cercles noirs dans les yeux. Elle a repéré à la fois Asoka et Itsuki, vêtues et enveloppées, respectivement. Il y a eu quelques commentaires aléatoires sur un certain ghoul Issei. Probablement quelqu'un qui se croyait intouchable, pour ainsi dire. "Hana-chan pense que c'est un gars qui vit avec du temps emprunté." Elle a riposté, avant de faire une double prise à la machine."...A-chan, c'est le truc bon marché pour les visites normales. Laisse-moi corriger l'erreur... » Hana a dit, tirant un sac avec un texto gâché sur une bombe à saveur super colombienne. Il contenait du café sous pression, mais avec la façon dont le sac était pétillant, il aurait pu être en or. Se fixant un café vraiment aromatique, elle a ensuite regardé Itsuki. Et puis Asoka."Au fait, Ikki a dit à Hana-chan de ne pas mentionner qu'il a mangé beaucoup de bites de ghoul dans la 24ème salle." Hana elle-même s'est brouillée avec un sourire franc."Il a refusé celui que Hana-chan a offert hier. Et puis il a menacé Hana-chan... Waaa, Ikki, tu es méchante!
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Asoka "Mercure" Le premier à sortir de leur grotte ne serait autre que Itsuki. Celui avec la présence la plus menaçante, vraiment, parce qu'exprimer un mépris impitoyable pour la vie des enfants, maladroit à cela, a certainement fait monter haut dans l'échelle de sac à merde. Mais néanmoins, il serait aussi le premier à avoir son respect. Eh bien, pas aussi égal, non, il correspondrait au profil de l'homme de main qu'elle allaiterait pour de meilleurs accords commerciaux entre territoires. Elle respecterait son absence de toute tentative de paraître 'normale', parce qu'ils ne l'étaient pas, l'un autour de l'autre. Bien qu'elle soit encore ignorante du jeu de Hana, il était clair que son comportement était soit fou, soit une sorte de mécanisme de défense. En tant que tel, un faible. Les deux autres, elle en savait peu. L'un est silencieux, un peu flippant, peut-être qu'elle serait comme la super terrifiante ghoul archétype qu'ils montreraient dans la propagande de la peur future. L'autre vient littéralement d'entrer et a eu des seins sur son visage quelques instants plus tard. La formulation d'un avis à ce sujet serait beaucoup trop taxante. "Sagawa? Un idiot qui est allé en France, a tué une Néerlandaise, l'a mangée, abusé des lois au Japon pour éviter la condamnation, a écrit une bande dessinée attardée sur son meurtre, a pensé qu'il était intouchable. Je parie avec mon ami, Ellie, qu'il était un ghoul. Je n'ai fait que 1000 yens!" Clairement excitée, elle n'a pas remarqué le café très étrange que Hana suggérait au petit dictateur. C'était quoi cette marque? Pourquoi nommeraient-ils un tel dompté comme un café comme ça? Ça sentait l'escroquerie, mais sa tasse était déjà remplie. Sans doute ingrate, elle n'était pas assez mal pour dire à Hana de le faire car c'était un repas gratuit. Elle regardait juste la tasse, complètement désintéressée de consommer ce truc. Quelque chose d'autre allègerait l'humeur, cependant, et ce serait la blague très grossière de Hana. Bien qu'au début, les sourcils d'Asoka se sont sillonnés, ne sachant pas quoi penser de ce qu'elle a dit. Mais se rendant compte qu'elle était en fait TRÈS SÉRIEUX, un grand sourire se formait sur ses traits tandis que son index remontait avant de se balancer dans la direction d'Itsuki. Un énorme 'OHHHHHHHH' a suivi. Itsuki a été condamné à ce stade. Il n'y a aucun moyen qu'il s'échappe de celui-ci, Asoka ferait de son devoir que cela le hanterait pour le reste de sa vie. "Ooooohhhhh Itsukiwi est un petit garçon curieux, n'est-ce pas?! Mmmmmmmmmmm, Itsu-pee-pee est dans la maison! Dites-moi, vous êtes curieux de manger vos propres cornes pour libérer la tension? Parce que j'ai connu quelques humains qui feraient beaucoup pour pouvoir sucer leur propre bite. C'est pas vrai! Vous êtes la preuve vivante que certaines personnes peuvent réaliser leurs rêves! Sois fier, Fellatuski!" Alors qu'elle continuait à détruire à peu près la patience d'Itsuki, l'émergence du deuxième mâle du gang inciterait Asoka à lever un sourcil. Alors que toute la joie qu'elle a reçue des nouvelles d'aujourd'hui et infligeant de la misère à son frère insoupçonné, ce gars est juste apparu. Tous heureux et joyeux lors d'une journée de semaine. Par son apparence et son odeur, il est revenu d'une promenade, ou peut-être d'une course. Wow, pourquoi les gars que je suis censé être en relation pour avoir l'air si douchy? Asoka n'était pas du tout une personne du matin. Au contraire, elle était allergique au matin et à toute la nuit. En la voyant en face, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de réagir négativement. Mais ce ne serait que le début. Le jeune homme aurait l'audace de s'engager dans la conversation impliquant les enfants qu'Asoka avait complètement zonés. À cela, elle répondrait avec justice. "Va briser l'humeur. Bon sang, allez-vous nous demander de faire un tas de push ups comme un rituel du matin? Bien que cela pourrait aider Itsuki à construire des biceps ~ Garçons à la salle de gym certainement comme cela, n'est-ce pas?~ Mais sérieusement, les enfants sont VOTRE problème, pas cette fille qui se trouve avoir Macro-économie cet après-midi." Et avec cela, elle a immédiatement établi son manque total de soins pour ces enfants. Ou la situation dans laquelle elle se trouvait.
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Itsuki vs Miyako: Deuxième partie La carrière de Miyako s'est révélée un peu plus résistante à ses attaques que prévu et avait même réussi à basculer les balances alors que son Kagune s'enroulait autour de son Ukaku puis autour de sa tête. Poussée et pressée dans l'emprise de l'homme, Miyako a été claquée contre un support en acier, où elle pouvait jurer qu'elle avait senti une vertèbre ou deux sauter de la place avec une fissure, puis jetée sans impunité, loin de la zone. Finalement atterrir et glisser à travers le plancher de béton avant de s'arrêter de force alors qu'elle défonçait contre un petit tas de parties corporelles. Battered, Miyako a couché sur son côté pendant un moment, regardant son adversaire alors qu'il brisait les pointes cristallines qui l'empalaient partout. Elle était endolorie, son dos étant l'épicentre de son problème comme quelque chose qui ne se sentait pas à la place. Pourtant, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir giddy comme ce côté d'elle semblait ramper de l'arrière de son esprit. Elle n'avait pas été aussi compromise depuis Rome et depuis, aucun combat n'a jamais risqué des blessures comme ça. Le Petit Monstre se tourna et s'assit alors que sa gâchis finit par s'évanouir tranquillement, puis se mit à rire maniaque alors qu'elle ôtait son masque et le jetait de côté. Miyako a ri quelques secondes de plus avant de se composer assez pour dire avec enthousiasme l'évidence : « Tu es plus fort que les autres! » Elle a mordu sa lèvre en admirant l'homme avant elle. "Mmm... Je t'aime bien." Miyako n'a pas attendu un moment plus longtemps alors que sa santé mentale semblait s'évanouir et se levait, remuant légèrement en se forçant à bouger malgré son dos. Cependant, cela ne l'a guère dissuadée de continuer. Une fois sur ses pieds, elle tendit le dos alors qu'elle s'enfonçait vers l'avant et toucha une main, sentant l'endroit douloureux. C'était probablement plus sûr de l'annuler à ce stade, mais elle n'était pas justifiée en ce moment. Même pas assez près pour fuir. Après avoir examiné les dégâts, Miyako s'est immédiatement mis en action sans qu'aucun avertissement ne tire brusquement une autre volée de durs pour empaler l'homme. Une fois l'action terminée, elle continua à tourner un cercle autour de l'homme, se rapprochant lentement du centre de son cercle, l'homme lui-même, se tournant occasionnellement pour tirer une autre volley alors qu'elle étudiait la réaction de l'homme. Oui, c'est sûr, il s'agit de fou ici. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Itsuki a pensé que son adversaire commençait à tomber dans le rire foudroyé, laissant un léger soupir d'ennui. Moi aussi, j'ai horreur d'avoir affaire à des fous. Ce n'est pas mon jour. Itsuki n'a pas répondu quand la femme a complimenté, juste en attendant l'inévitable barrage, ses tentacules Rinkaku agitant doucement autour de lui en préparation. Heureusement pour lui, son rire avait permis à ses jambes de guérir, ce qui signifiait qu'il serait plus agile que si elle avait attaqué plus tôt. Quand elle s'est levée sur le sol, il a pris son clin d'œil et a choisi ce moment pour charger en avant, voulant mettre fin à cette femme pendant qu'elle était distrait. Cependant, elle a répondu à son tiret avec barrage de cristaux RC, qu'il s'est déplacé sur le côté pour esquiver, attraper quelques-uns avec ses vrilles et maudire alors que sa cible a commencé à l'entourer, lançant des barrages sur lui quand il a essayé de fermer de temps en temps. Finalement, il s'arrêta, la regardant tourner un peu, avant de faire soudainement une autre charge. Cette fois, cependant, trois de ses Rinkaku kagune s'entremêlaient, formant une plus grande vrille qu'il utiliserait avec les trois autres pour former une sorte de barrière devant lui-même, les vrilles attrapent une majorité des projectiles se dirigeant vers son chemin alors qu'il fermait et, lorsqu'il était assez proche, s'arrachaient avec sa grande vrille rapide. Cette attaque a été particulièrement plus lente que les autres, mais elle a été suivie d'une poussée des trois autres avec l'intention de l'attraper d'elle esquivé. Le plus grand Kagune se divisait également en trois, et claquait sur le sol, soit pour écraser sa prière capturée, soit pour faire monter un grand nuage de poussière avec la force du coup, le cachant du point de vue de son adversaire. Après sa brève escarmouche d'un succès minime, son adversaire décida d'inculper avec trois de ses vrilles fusionnant pour former un bouclier avant de devenir une grande arme maladroite. Le Petit Monstre saute à l'envers de la portée plus limitée de l'attaque afin de l'éviter. Cette attaque a été particulièrement lente par rapport à ses précédentes attaques et alors que la plupart auraient annulé l'attaque comme étant tout naturellement de cette façon, l'expérience de Miyako l'a mise en garde contre une possible farce puisque l'homme derrière le bouclier de Kagune était partiellement dissimulé. Bien sûr, trois tentacules s'éparpillèrent dans un étalement décalé forçant Miyako à rouler rapidement de la balle de ses pieds et à tomber sur le côté alors qu'elle essuyait l'attaque. Elle a fini par tourner à quatre-vingt-dix degrés est tombée à l'envers au sol, partiellement hors de la conception, mais principalement en raison de l'appel rapproché. Cependant, elle n'y habita pas longtemps et se rétablit rapidement en utilisant son élan pour se transporter dans une escroquerie à reculons. Elle ne le savait pas, mais cette manœuvre a aidé à empêcher un coup assez dur de la balançoire guillotine des trois tentacules de l'homme comme l'impact du coup a dispersé la poussière partout. Parfait... Miyako s'est pensé comme un sourire qui s'est cramponné sur le visage. La poussière était une couverture parfaite pour un ghoul plus rapide et elle en profiterait. Elle s'est jetée aux pieds et a chargé la tête dans le nuage de poussière, tirant volley des cellules RC pour couvrir son approche vers l'homme. Une fois qu'elle l'a trouvé, elle tentait un coup de pied acrobatique dirigé droit sur la joue de l'homme avant de le suivre avec un espoir d'une seconde, plus mortellement blessé volley de shards. Allez, tu sais que tu veux m'achever.Itsuki a pensé, griffonnant ses dents comme le premier barrage de claqué dans son Rinkaku étendu, les vrilles se sont enroulées autour de lui dans une barrière contre l'assaut des projectiles qui lui ont été envoyés. Parce qu'il n'a pas pu dire d'où ils viennent, il a opté pour une couverture partielle dans toutes les directions, ce qui signifie que quelques cristaux parviennent à passer, mais il a pu survivre à l'assaut avec seulement quelques blessures mineures. Après l'arrêt du premier barrage, il a attendu patiemment, sachant que son ennemi se précipiterait tôt ou tard. Elle était trop sanguinaire pour rester en arrière et le pimenter à distance, ce qui était déjà clair des restes de ceux qu'il avait vus entrer ici et ce qu'il a remarqué à son sujet pendant le combat. J'ai juste besoin d'avoir une autre prise d'elle à nouveau. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il n'avait pas à attendre longtemps, cependant, alors qu'il entendait son approche à travers le nuage de poussière, sachant exactement qu'elle venait et n'ayant besoin que de se préparer pour profiter de la première ouverture qu'il voyait. Alors qu'elle volait en vue, il s'enfuyait avec Rinkaku, pour un clam vers le bas à nouveau avec deux vrilles, suivi par les quatre autres poussant pour l'empaler pendant qu'elle était posée sur le sol. Il était fatigué de jouer et voulait mettre fin à ça maintenant, afin qu'il puisse commencer à chercher une nouvelle demeure. Cela devenait de plus en plus indésirable à chaque seconde de passage. Miyako était à peine en mesure d'éviter l'attaque, bien qu'il ait été forcé de reculer, envoyant un barrage de shards qui a pimenté Itsuki, qui a été un peu pris au dépourvu. Il était à peine capable de couvrir toutes les zones vitales avec un bras et l'un de ses Kagune avant de se faire frapper, beaucoup de shards se creusant profondément en lui et causant plus qu'un peu de douleur. Soufflant de douleur, Itsuki était sur le point d'entrer de nouveau en charge, sauf lorsqu'il entendit une autre série de pas entrer dans le bâtiment. En se retournant, il a vu deux colombes entrer prudemment dans la scène, une femme et un homme. Mais plus important encore, l'homme éloignait actuellement ce qu'il ne pouvait que deviner, c'était un talkie-walkie lorsqu'il entra dans l'immeuble. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Itsuki maudit, tournant instantanément son attention du plongeon à ces deux intrus, ou plus au point, pour les invalider. Avec son Rinkaku étendu, il chargeait vers eux, les obligeant à dessiner leur quinque en préparation, seulement pour les frapper tous dans le sol, en utilisant le pouvoir et le levier pour l'envoyer voler au-dessus des deux et jeter une fenêtre à proximité. Il débarquait avec une malédiction maudite, la douleur s'épanouit dans tout son corps à partir des shards toujours logés à l'intérieur lui faisant se sentir assez ennuyé. Normalement, deux colombes ne poseraient probablement pas de problème, mais le fait qu'on éloigne quelque chose était un signe révélateur qu'ils avaient appelé des renforts, et c'était quelque chose qu'il n'était certainement pas prêt à traiter en ce moment. Donc, avec cela à l'esprit, la seule option qui avait du sens était de fuir, et il savait que le ghoul qu'il avait combattu (crazy une salope comme elle était) ferait probablement la même chose. Se levant un peu lentement, il se tourna seulement pour esquiver à peine un coup d'un des quinques, laissant sortir une malédiction alors qu'il enveloppait son Rinkaku autour de lui, forçant son corps à bouger même s'il résistait aux mouvements. Se lançant dans les rues, il a ensuite cherché toutes les ruelles et tous les raccourcis qu'il avait sondés dans cette salle pour cette occasion, et bien que cela ait pris un certain temps, il a finalement réussi à les perdre en les plongeant dans une grille d'égout. Une fois qu'il était sûr qu'ils ne reviendraient pas, il s'est rapidement mis à descendre le chemin des égouts, en se souvenant de ce que Hana avait dit à propos de posséder une clinique dans le troisième service. Il avait entendu parler d'une rumeur similaire au cours de sa période du 24, ainsi qu'au cours des deux dernières semaines, donc il avait déjà une bonne idée de l'endroit où il se trouvait. Alors qu'il s'y rendait, il prit les durs qui étaient encore laissés dans son corps, laissant sortir plus de grognements et de sifflements de douleur comme il l'a fait. Finalement, il les a tous sortis et se sentait beaucoup moins bien qu'avant. laissant sortir une autre malédiction, il continua de se rendre au troisième pupitre, en sortant des égouts comme il l'a fait, en utilisant exclusivement les ruelles et les ruelles, et en faisant de son mieux pour ne pas laisser de traces de sang comme il l'a fait, avec seulement un succès modéré. Enfin, il s'est rendu à la clinique, s'est barbouillé de façon plutôt impitoyable, son masque a été enlevé et ses dents ont souffert. Il pouvait sentir beaucoup d'humains autour, ce qui lui a donné une pause comme il pensait qu'il serait venu au mauvais endroit, mais puis il a senti un ghoul au comptoir, une jeune femme rose poilue qui semblait un peu terrifiée par l'apparition soudaine de cet individu sanglant. Maintenant, il pourrait se tromper et cela pourrait être juste une femme ghoul qui avait trouvé le meilleur endroit pour travailler jamais, mais il avait un sentiment dans son intestin, en plus du trou dedans, que c'était le bon endroit. Montant au comptoir, il s'appuya contre le bord, prenant un moment pour se stabiliser avant de lui vomir. "Si ça ne vous dérange pas d'avoir Hana pour moi, ce serait génial. J'ai besoin de faire une demande égoïste. Si elle demande qui c'est, dis-lui Itsuki. Et s'il vous plaît, faites vite, je préfère ne pas saigner partout dans cet étage et tout." Takeshi et Kazuya Kazuya et Takeshi ont creusé dans les repas offerts, Kazuya plus que Takeshi, qui était encore un peu rouge dans le visage, bien que manger a aidé à le calmer un peu. C'était beaucoup mieux que ce qu'ils avaient mangé à la maison compte tenu de la fraîcheur de la maison, et aucun des deux n'a prêté beaucoup d'attention à la façon dont le repas avait été acquis. Ils étaient contents d'avoir quelque chose comme ça sans avoir à s'inquiéter de la GCC ou d'un autre Ghoul qui éclatait sur les lieux. Alors que Takeshi se concentrait juste sur le repas, Kazuya faisait attention à Hana et Mii, sentant la nécessité de mettre ses propres deux cents quand il a entendu parler de Hana suggérant qu'elle enseigne à son jeune frère comment utiliser sa Kagune. "Je ne le ferais pas, Hana-san, sinon vous trouverez à la fois moi et Takeshi sculptés plus souvent que si vous lui appreniez cela."
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Takumi Minamoto - Maison du Soleil levant 3e quartier, clinique Sakura, 4e étage Le temps s'est ralenti lorsque l'appendice flasque s'est envolé dans l'air comme un aigle majestueux. Avec l'agape de la bouche, Takumi a regardé son arc et a commencé sa descente rapide dans le visage d'un pauvre, traumatisé - et bien, plus traumatisé qu'il l'était auparavant, au moins - jeune, percutant son front avec un coup fort et humide. L'espace d'entrée exigu de l'hôtel-tourné-clinique-tourné-hôtel-de nouveau rapidement est devenu rempli par le bruit cacophonique d'enfant criant et le sang et les débris corporels volant partout. Takumi a branché ses oreilles sensibles et a simplement regardé avec un intérêt légèrement divertissant alors qu'il attendait que tout le bruit s'écroule enfin. Bien sûr, il serait aussi pris dans le feu croisé compte tenu de sa proximité, mais un peu de sang n'a jamais tué personne. En plus, s'il ne voulait pas tacher les draps, il pourrait simplement se changer en ses vieux vêtements. Et s'il y avait quelque chose qui pourrait tuer quelqu'un, c'était Itsuki. Bien sûr, il n'était pas le gars le plus sunni avant, mais ces huit dernières années ont fait peu pour la bonne humeur d'Itsuki. Honnêtement, Takumi ne serait même pas si surpris si le gamin aux cheveux blancs se branlait, avec la démarche bestiale et la consommation sauvage du corps humain. À ce moment-là, la commotion semblait être morte, alors la demi-ghoul lâcha les bras et lâcha les oreilles. Ce qui a eu de la chance, parce que cela signifiait qu'il a pu entendre le bijou sur le sacrifice d'actualité que la vie dans le 24ème Ward a mandaté. Takumi porta un sac à lèvres et regarda sur le côté, un peu embarrassé pour ainsi dire. C'est un mauvais coup de fil, Itsu-nii. Il y a quelques souvenirs qui sont mieux gardés à soi-même, 'il pensait, regarder le papier peint comme si c'était une sorte d'art moderne. « Promets-moi que je ne le ferai pas », a hurlé Takumi, sérieusement réticent à soumettre son frère aîné à une telle humiliation. Il donna une petite vague à Itsuki alors qu'il se retira dans une pièce vacante comme une créature de la nuit. Il s'est tenu en place pendant quelques instants et a traité le flux surprenant d'événements qui s'était produit jusqu'à présent. Puis il a boxé ces pensées et les a rangés dans les profondeurs de son esprit avant d'aider le gamin aux cheveux blancs et Hana à nettoyer. Après tout, il n'y avait pas de bien dans les mains oisives, et avoir le «travail des enfants» pour lui était juste quelque chose qu'il ne pouvait pas respecter. Le sang était un peu difficile à sortir de ce genre de sol, donc c'était un peu une lutte de montée à cet égard. Un peu de la façon d'entrer, le gamin est parti pour aller dormir. C'est alors qu'il nettoyait le tapis avec diligence que Hana lui a posé une certaine question. Il était sûr qu'elle le taquinait, mais il n'était pas tout à fait bon de lire dans ce genre de choses. C'était une bonne chose qu'il n'ait pas été directement face à elle, alors. " les miennes....Um...Merci pour l'offre." Takumi s'enfila les lèvres et se mit à frotter plus vigoureusement. Ça allait être un endroit propre au moment où il a fini, bon sang. Cela dit, est-ce une surprise qu'il n'ait pas réussi à finir? Matin suivant Maintenant, dire que Takumi Minamoto était une personne du matin serait un euphémisme. Depuis qu'il était enfant, il s'était réveillé lumineux et tôt avec un dévouement rapide et une quantité d'énergie insalubre; aujourd'hui n'était pas différent. Bien sûr, il n'a pas fait le tour de réveiller tout le monde comme une sorte de trou du cul; il est juste sorti pour une belle petite promenade. Son retour fut annoncé par le bruit de l'ascenseur qui se leva et s'ouvrit. "Oh, vous êtes réveillé maintenant," a-t-il commenté avant de passer à un ton plus chipper, "Espérons que tout le monde ait une bonne matinée si fa~a~ar..." Le lancer du dernier mot a changé alors qu'il marchait lentement sur Rin, faisant de son mieux pour ne pas la déranger. Il a glissé de ses chaussures battues et les a placées sur le côté avant de s'approcher de la salle à manger où les autres adultes s'étaient rassemblés. Au lieu du café sentant absolument délicieux, Takumi a opté pour une simple tasse d'eau. Pourquoi n'a-t-il bu de café qu'à des occasions spéciales était un mystère? Peut-être qu'il y avait une sorte de défaut dans l'expérience qui l'a ghoulifié, ou peut-être qu'il était juste un masochiste. Qui le savait? Qui s'en souciait? Exactement. Il a pris un siège en face d'Asoka et Itsuki. Fidèle à sa promesse, il n'avait pas du tout remarqué sur la bite de manger du fiasco même quand il est venu dans la conversation; tout ce qu'il a fait c'était boire. "... alors, euh, avec cette bombe tombée..." Takumi a commencé, "...qu'est-ce qu'on fait avec les enfants?"
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa La vue de Hana suivait rythmiquement chacune de leurs réponses, prenant de petites gorgées réfléchies de son café pendant qu'il était. Le regard meurtrier d'Itsuki la rendait si tendue, non pas à cause du regard, mais plutôt parce qu'elle se préoccupait d'être consciente de ses réponses exagérées à la fin. Ses lèvres se sont enroulées dans un sourire en voyant le visage endormi de Rin froisser pour le café. Sérieusement, Rin, comment peux-tu agir si mignon malgré être complètement antisocial. "Rinrin... Bonjour. Vous voudrez peut-être prendre une douche. J'ai aussi de vieux vêtements de moi qui pourraient vous convenir si vous le souhaitez. » Elle coulait, ses yeux puis reposait sur les trois autres goules. "Hana-chan est une poule mère, alors détendez-vous, elle a cette partie couverte." Elle a répondu en réponse à la question de Takumi, et à la question négative d'Itsuki et d'Asoka."Ce n'est pas comme si Hana-chan avait foi en vous deux en premier lieu. Je suis sûr que les modèles d'inflation sont plus intéressants." Elle a fini, un soupçon de poison dans sa voix, avant de lui serrer la bouche de sa main."C'est tellement de vitriol le matin. Peut-être parce que Hana-chan a un peu mal dormi. Hana-chan s'excuse." Elle dit, se dirigeant vers Itsuki, ses bras enveloppant ses épaules du dos, son pyjama banane contre la couverture, et ses lèvres plus près de son oreille. "Hana-chan vous a tous manqués, bakas." Elle a dit, dans un murmure qui rendrait Rin fier."Mais tu ne peux pas t'attendre à ce que Hana ne soit pas en colère contre les gens qui menacent ses accusations à sa clinique." Elle a ajouté, son doigt traçant pour le nez d'Itsuki avant de le piquer doucement."Stupéfiant" Elle respirait légèrement, ses yeux flippaient vers le lot."J'ai l'intention d'étudier les enfants, comme le vieux l'a fait. Cette clinique pourrait utiliser des héritiers et d'autres employés de ghoul. J'espère qu'ils ne s'y opposent pas trop." Elle a dit d'un ton plus sérieux, en pesant ses options."Tout d'abord, il faut s'occuper d'une affaire désagréable. J'ai besoin de secouer les colombes pour obtenir de l'information sur ce Tooru que les enfants ont mentionné." Elle a dit, mordant sa lèvre, enfin habiller Itsuki une fois de plus. "J'ai des vêtements, mais tu ne vas nulle part comme ça, Ikki." Elle a dit que ses yeux regardaient les siens. "Vous avez été frappé par au moins deux kagunes hier, dont l'un, je pense, était un quinque, plutôt, par la nature antinaturelle droite de la coupe." Son adhérence s'est renforcée tout d'un coup. "En plus, vous êtes dans un état mental très pauvre. À tout moment, tu vas tout casser et tout casser. Vous avez besoin de repos, de conseils, et de parler avec les gens. Et j'aurais besoin de pointeurs sur ce que je trouverai dans la cinquième salle." Elle s'est arrêtée, elle oubliait quelque chose? "Sur les vêtements, eh bien, ils sont Ward Leader Tsurugi ceux, mais je suis sûr qu'il ne le dérangerait pas si je l'explique joliment s'il vous plaît. Mais ne faites pas de cela une habitude."
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Itsuki Si les regards pouvaient tuer, alors la tête de Hana aurait explosé dans un milliard de petits morceaux à la minute où elle a ouvert sa bouche dans son ton agaçant et ludique qui alerterait Itsuki de ce qu'elle allait faire avant même qu'elle n'ait tout sorti. Il s'agissait cependant d'un reflet de courte durée, suivi peu de temps après d'un soupir comme Itsuki se contentait de compter à partir de trois, pointant vers Asoka alors qu'elle comprenait enfin que Hana était en fait sérieux, ses soupirs ne s'approfondissaient que lorsqu'elle continuait à parler, son œil secouant toujours si légèrement qu'il faisait de son mieux pour fermer toutes les réponses qu'il voulait faire. Il n'y avait tout simplement aucun intérêt à jouer son jeu, car il savait qu'il n'était pas assez spirituel pour battre cet Asoka en jeu de mots et simplement creuser son trou plus profond et devoir traiter avec tous ses surnoms ennuyeux à un rythme plus fréquent. Au lieu de cela, il retourna son attention vers Hana, son regard se rétrécissant un peu, bien que cette fois-ci de manière plus ennuyée que l'une des colères réelles. "Pas assez, apparemment. Tu ne pouvais pas t'en empêcher, n'est-ce pas? » Il a demandé avec un peu de cœur, pas vraiment besoin de réponse. Tant qu'ils se moquaient de ses souvenirs traumatisants et douloureux de désespoir, il n'était pas vraiment d'humeur à les humourr en se fâcheant par leurs idiots. Il est passé à la cafetière, y a collé une chose aléatoire et l'a attendu pour la brasser, en regardant Takumi comme il leur a demandé au sujet des enfants. Avant de pouvoir y répondre, Asoka l'a battu, et, bien qu'il détestât l'admettre, elle partageait avec lui un état d'esprit similaire. "Tout ce que vous décidez de faire avec eux, ça n'a rien à voir avec moi. Seulement offert de les prendre en dehors du vieil homme, mais comme Hana semble avoir des choses bien en main, alors je vais me laver les mains d'eux. En plus, je suis sûr que vous avez remarqué que je ne suis plus une personne de gens." Itsuki s'est cassé les doigts en parlant, un peu d'habitude qu'il avait depuis qu'il était jeune chaque fois qu'il se sentait mal à l'aise. L'impression que ses doigts sautaient semblait toujours lui faire perdre l'esprit de ce qui l'ennuyait. "En partant de là, je vais sortir dans un moment. Il faut aller voir un. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ami à moi que je n'ai pas vu depuis un certain temps." L'expression d'Isuki devint illisible en parlant de cet 'ami', mais il semblait peu probable qu'il dise quelque chose de plus sur le sujet, atteignant mis de son emballage à la merde sa tasse de café maintenant brassé et prenant une petite gorgée avant qu'il tourne de nouveau son attention à Hana. "Hana, est-ce que tu as des beaux vêtements que tu n'utilises pas? L'endroit où je vais va probablement aller va aller, mais il vaut mieux que je n'y aille pas habillé dans mes chiffons de sang." Pendant qu'il parlait, il serait trop occupé à parler aux autres trop remarquer la tentative de Rin pour regarder sous ses couvertures, et bien qu'il les tenait raisonnablement proches ensemble, elle pourrait dire qu'il était probablement nu, ou seulement porter des sous-vêtements en raison du fait que ses jambes étaient complètement nues.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Rin Rin regarda de plus en plus Hana pendant un moment. Rin n'avait pas l'air d'être une personne du matin et n'avait pas l'air intéressée par son conseil à Hana. Après Hana a mentionné la possibilité d'obtenir de vieux vêtements de la vue de son Rin lentement errant vers le bas. Elle a regardé un moment sur le rack de Hana et a regardé le visage de Hana à nouveau en voyant si elle était vraiment sérieuse à ce sujet. À partir de quel âge Hana avait des vêtements pour Rin, il a fait son méditer. Avec un air un peu ennuyé, elle se laissa aller à son coin tout en murmurant à moitié. "Je n'aime pas les bains." Comme un requin RinRin s'approcha silencieusement de sa proie. Elle était allongée à moitié à travers le sol alors que sa ligne de vue ne s'élargissait que dans le monde de la couverture. Elle pouvait dire qu'Ikki n'était pas du genre à se raser par ses jambes poilues. Elle était à peu près couchée avec la tête contre la couverture maintenant, mais devait encore s'aventurer plus profondément. C'était vraiment magnifique de voir la vraie nature sous la couverture. Rin leva un peu la couverture avec deux doigts, mais dès qu'elle eut un coup d'œil sur son cul nu, elle laissa la couverture se brosser délicatement la couverture sur son visage quand elle tomba à nouveau en place. Elle s'éloigna la tête et s'assit debout les jambes croisées. Son visage était un peu rouge alors qu'elle regardait le sol. Apparemment, Ikki allait sortir bientôt pour rencontrer des amis. Il était si décontracté à ce sujet, c'était presque comme s'il ne se souciait même pas qu'il ait été blessé si gravement hier. Rin l'a vu avec déception. Il pensait trop à lui-même. Elle a évité sa vue vers un mur voisin et on lui a rappelé pourquoi elle n'aimait pas faire des trucs avec Ikki, trop poussiéreux. Elle se sentait quand même un peu responsable d'aider son stupide frère. Takumi a offert son aide tout comme Rin ferait de même. Elle a fait un clin d'œil tranquille et s'est pointée sur elle-même. "Je peux aider aussi..."
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Takumi Minamoto - Appel à l'action 3e quartier, clinique Sakura, 4e étage "Pfft. Comme les push-ups du matin vont aider," Takumi a agité cette suggestion avec un geste de sa main, "Non... Le seul rituel du matin qui se passe ici est celui que j'utilise pour absorber l'énergie et la bonne humeur de tout le monde le matin!" Il s'est assuré d'incliner sa tête sur le côté comme une jolie fille d'anime, et d'énoncer ses mots avec la plus grande luminosité. Il prit une gorgée de sa boisson avant de la poser pour écouter attentivement le reste de ses réponses à son enquête. Une fois que la plupart des parties concernées s'étaient exprimées, le jeune homme s'est mis à balayer le reste de l'eau dans sa coupe, apparemment en méditant les réponses de ses frères et sœurs à sa question si ce regard sur son visage était quelque chose à passer. Au moins Hana pouvait voir qu'il avait pris ce "relax" à cœur; jusqu'à présent sa réaction était aussi bénigne qu'on pouvait s'y attendre. 'Sur le bon côté, personne ne peut dire que je n'ai pas essayé,' la demi-ghoul a rapidement descendu le dernier morceau de liquide dans sa tasse avant de se tenir debout pour obtenir une recharge. Il a supposé que ce n'était que naturel pour la plupart des réponses d'être dans le négatif; Tout le monde semblait avoir la vie civile à revenir, donc ce n'est pas comme s'ils pouvaient soudainement assumer une grande responsabilité comme celle-ci sans un bouleversement majeur dans leur vie quotidienne. "Yikes," pensa-t-il, une réalisation venant à lui pour la dernière fois, "Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait toutes ces années?" Si le vieil homme était vivant, il serait probablement un peu énervé. Mais c'était approprié, d'une certaine façon; il avait toujours eu un penchant pour avoir réussi à décevoir les gens quand ça comptait le plus, ha. Il s'est servi d'une chanson jaunâtre qu'il avait entendue à la radio alors qu'il remplissait sa tasse en arrière. En retournant à ses compatriotes, il s'est exprimé. "Bon, je suppose que vous devez faire ce que vous devez faire," sa voix portant juste assez maladroit airness et sincérité véritable pour faire paraître, eh bien, vraiment maladroit, "N'est pas comme je peux vous blâmer pour cela." Certes, il ne s'était pas engagé à contribuer à l'éducation de ces enfants non plus, donc c'était autant une déclaration de compréhension mutuelle qu'une absolution de toute culpabilité. Ce n'est pas pour dire que ça n'avait pas traversé son esprit mais, comme la plupart des choses, Takumi ne traverserait ce pont que s'il le devait. Alors qu'il n'aimait pas comment Hana prenait toutes les responsabilités, il savait qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de choses qu'il pouvait faire pour aider. Heureusement, il semblait qu'elle avait tout couvert à un degré satisfaisant, de sorte qu'il pouvait mettre cette décision dans les recoins de son esprit. Avec cela à l'esprit - ou plutôt, pas à l'esprit - il est retourné à son siège juste à temps pour inscrire le premier point à l'ordre du jour de Hana. « Je ne serais pas surpris s'il était mort », a commenté l'ex-CCG, prenant un problème sans inquiétude. D'après ce qu'il a pu déduire, ce Tooru était l'un des enfants, ce qui n'a vraiment pas aidé ses chances dans l'esprit de Takumi. Les enfants ne sont pas connus pour posséder des informations de grande valeur ou de puissant kagune à la ferme pour les mallettes. Le meilleur scénario était que ce gamin savait bluffer, ou que les agents ayant des droits de propriété se sentent mal à l'aise avec la situation et essaient actuellement de la retarder. "Je vais aider comment je peux, mais je ne fais de mal à aucun enquêteur," il était très catégorique à ce sujet; bien que peut-être pas pour la raison qu'il pensait lui-même. Il s'est un peu réveillé quand Itsuki a parlé de rendre visite à un de ses amis. "C'est une sorte de dame qui appelle?" Takumi a demandé innocemment, posant sa boisson et regardant à Itsuki avec surprise de grands yeux. Itsuki lui-même a dit qu'il n'avait pas été une personne de gens, donc cet ami était évidemment quelqu'un qui avait démoli ses murs. Et jumelé à cette esthétique "tall, dank et mystérieux" qu'il avait l'air d'aimer tellement... Oui, c'était évidemment la bonne conclusion. Takumi était maintenant investi dans cette situation, mais la question de savoir s'il s'agissait d'une bonne ou d'une mauvaise chose était débattue. "Oh, j'ai des vêtements de rechange à portée de main", a-t-il dit. Considérant que Itsuki n'avait que deux centimètres de plus qu'il ne l'était, ce qui lui convenait devrait, en théorie, s'adapter à l'autre. "Je ne suis pas sûr que le noir soit ta couleur."
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Takumi Minamoto - Pas ce genre de matin 3e quartier, clinique Sakura, 4e étage "KHHF-" Takumi a retenu l'envie soudaine de cracher prendre, et avalé l'eau et l'air pris dans sa bouche. "Attendez... Quoi." il a piqué, comme si sa surprise avait besoin d'un établissement supplémentaire. Son cœur sérieux s'attendait à une jolie, shoujo-esque blushu-blushu baiser-kiss-fall-in-love genre de chose, pas quelque chose dour aussi tôt matin visites graves. Bon sang, et Asoka a dit que c'était lui qui tuait l'ambiance ce matin? Malheureusement, c'est comme ça que ça se passe, au moins il pouvait rouler avec les coups de poing. "Casse-toi. Désolé pour ça, mec », a déclaré Takumi, bien que plus pour la courtoisie commune que d'exprimer en fait tout regret légitime de la perte. Ce n'était pas comme s'il connaissait le mort du tout, et il s'éloignait généralement de sentiments comme ça. Mauvais pour le moral - cas et point. "Je vais... juste prendre cette chemise..." Il s'est tenu de son siège, a fait un petit geste 'Je serai de retour' de sa main, et s'est dirigé vers'sa' chambre pour ramasser la chemise noire promise. Son retour rapide dans l'espace de vie central a été annoncé par la chemise susmentionnée volant à l'arrière de la tête d'Itsuki. Cela coïncidait à peu près avec les dernières déclarations d'Itsuki, suppliant d'être autorisé à cette seule chance de pleurer sa perte. Takumi s'est frotté l'avant-bras et s'est débarrassé de la gorge. "Je pense que vous devriez laisser partir le pauvre gars", a-t-il accepté, essayant d'améliorer la base argumentative d'Itsuki. Aussi bien que l'idée de visiter un cimetière - et de suggérer que quelqu'un d'autre le fait - a soutenu avec sa vision du monde, regarder son frère ragoût dans la lamentation éternelle n'était pas bon non plus. «... la santé mentale est importante », a-t-il ajouté, étant donné que Hana avait déjà soulevé cette question. Il était clair qu'il n'était pas entièrement vendu sur l'idée d'envoyer Itsuki, et il faisait probablement cela par pitié. "Je suis sûr qu'il peut se cacher de la GCC pendant une heure ou deux." Il a balayé sa coupe de la table et lui a donné quelques swiss contemplatifs. "Peuvent toujours utiliser le système de copains pour garder la sécurité, comme dit Nii-san." Il a pris une gorgée. "Umm... ouais. Je crois." Takumi a rasé son cou et l'a griffé sur le côté, en sortant les crans avec des pops audibles. "On devrait d'abord avoir des infos sur ce gamin, que Nii-san parte ou non," a-t-il dit à l'horloge, "Le temps est un gâchis"
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana fixa Itsuki, puis Rin, puis Takumi, puis Itsuki à nouveau. Elle soupira, s'inclinant la tête sur le côté. Elle a laissé un sourire douloureux, honçant dans l'acceptation. "Hana-chan comprend, Ikki... sois... en sécurité, d'accord." Son regard a rencontré le sol alors qu'elle se baguait, l'air déjecté, essayant de faire face au fait que Itsuki était têtu comme une mule. Et comme si sur le signal, son regard s'enfonçait une fois de plus. Et elle souriait. Mais ce n'était pas l'habituel sourire joyeux et bubble de Hana. Celui-ci était plein de cynisme et de cruauté. Comme si sur le signal, sa voix habituelle vers le haut a baissé une octave tout d'un coup."Vous aimeriez entendre ça de moi, non? Après tout, Hana est une inquiète, une idiote, et quoi qu'elle dise, elle ne comprend pas le besoin d'Itsuki, le grand Kakuja ghoul qui pleure encore parce que des goules l'ont tuée pute. » Elle est tombée, regardant attentivement la Kakuja. « Les besoins des nombreux, Itsuki, les besoins des nombreux. Il s'avère que vous connaissez des informations précieuses... parce qu'un Ghoul capable de vous envoyer à MA clinique dans cette salle, pourrait bouleverser le statu quo soigneusement établi? Tu sais ce que c'est? Bien sûr que non. Tu n'as construit que ta force, et tu t'es soucié de ton kagune brillant." Elle a lâché. "Mais je vais l'épeler pour que vous puissiez comprendre. Dis-moi qui était ton agresseur, et ensuite tu pourras tomber mort sur la tombe de ton amant. C'est ma condition et mes honoraires, non négociables. Et ne pense même pas à dîner et à se défouler." Elle a dit, ses yeux montrent maintenant les deux Kakugan.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Miyako Réveillez - vous de Slumber - 3e Ward Le dur bang de déchets frais jetés dans une poubelle en métal avec l'odeur pourrie de la prise d'hier a réveillé un monstre sommeillant de son snooze accidentel. Idéalement dans une surveillance, la personne qui espionnait ne s'endormirait jamais de peur que quelque chose d'important ne se produise à l'endroit où elle se trouvait. Par exemple, laisser ce Rinkaku Ghoul s'échapper inaperçu ou pire, être découvert après que ce certain côté de vous a volontairement exposé votre identité. Mais il n'était pas utile maintenant, comme ce qui a été fait a été fait. Goggily, Miyako s'est frottée les yeux dans une tentative de se réveiller et de se concentrer, se levant même jusqu'à ses pieds et secouant de la tête aux pieds pour éviter l'épuisement d'hier soir. La nuit dernière... c'était à peine comme Miyako, le vrai Miyako, l'avait espéré. Il s'avère que tuer un groupe de ghouls de rang inférieur, non informés pour attirer un rang supérieur, informé ghoul n'était pas la meilleure stratégie quand vous avez une lutte interne pour le contrôle avec un démon intérieur. Bien qu'elle n'ait pas le contrôle, elle pouvait se souvenir de toute la nuit. Le combat, l'arrivée de la GCC, le vol du Rinkaku et la très longue nuit de Miyako ont dû suivre ce ghoul. Les blessures dégoulinantes de Rinkaku ont finalement été la piste qu'elle a ramassée. Malheureusement, elle n'a pas réussi à trouver sa place de surveillance, une ruelle juste en bas de la rue de la clinique, jusqu'après que le soleil a commencé à regarder au-dessus de l'horizon. Ce n'était pas sa première expérience si tard, en fait, elle y était plutôt conditionnée, mais malgré ses pouvoirs surnaturels, elle est encore mortelle. Tout en rappelant la nuit dernière comme si c'était une stupeur ivre, Miyako est tombée de sa cachette et a fait son chemin à la « bouche » de l'allée et s'est penchée faiblement contre un bâtiment pendant qu'elle gardait ses yeux collés à la porte d'entrée de cette clinique. C'était à ce moment-là la question de "Est-ce que tout cela en valait vraiment la peine?" Il est apparu dans la tête de Miyako, mais la question a été rapidement dissipée. En vérité, elle ne savait pas si ça valait le coup, mais elle était sur une affaire de détective et c'était une piste. Sa seule piste à ce stade. Jusqu'à ce point, Miyako avait eu un moment difficile à craquer dans le Tokyo Underground car elle était une assez nouvelle à ce Tokyo changé. Bien sûr, elle n'a pas été dissuadée par ça. Elle savait ce qu'il fallait faire et son expérience de l'Italie était primordiale pour son travail maintenant. Mais d'abord, Rinkaku a dû être trouvé. Hier soir, Rinkaku a fait l'erreur de répondre à la convocation de Miyako et par conséquent, elle pensait qu'il saurait quelque chose. Cependant, Rinkaku n'est peut-être même plus aussi important qu'il y avait clairement une certaine importance pour cette clinique. Miyako aurait pu suivre la piste d'odeur de Rinkaku à l'intérieur avec tout le sang qu'il a perdu la nuit dernière, mais elle n'a pas osé. Son dos a encore du mal à se battre et elle était épuisée à ce moment-là. Quoi qu'il en soit, cette clinique semblait assez ordinaire, de sorte qu'elle rendait d'autant plus étrange qu'un ghoul très fort errait en cherchant de l'aide. Ses blessures ont dû être clairement identifiées comme étant causées par une kagune, alors pourquoi risquer l'exposition pour cette clinique particulière? De toute évidence, quelque chose était à l'intérieur, mais quant à quoi, Miyako ne savait pas. Un voyage à l'intérieur pourrait fournir des informations utiles Miyako mais il avait un attelage. Rinkaku était susceptible d'identifier et de compromettre Miyako s'il était encore à l'intérieur, ce qui signifiait que c'était d'autant plus important qu'elle savait s'il était parti ou non. Ainsi, la surveillance continue.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Itsuki "Ouais, ouais." Itsuki n'a pas été fascinée par le commentaire de Hana sur lui et le manque de désir d'Asoka de s'occuper des enfants, bien que son murmure suivant ait fait un léger regard, bien qu'il ait choisi de ne rien dire, bien qu'il ait eu l'air un peu ennuyé de l'avoir piquée dans le nez, il l'a ridée un peu avant de réajuster un peu ses couvertures. Alors que Hana allait sur le dessus donner un spiel sur ses plans pour les enfants, il a en quelque sorte espacé, manque d'intérêt pour ce qu'elle avait prévu, seulement pour avoir ses yeux verrouillés sur les siennes alors qu'elle a exprimé son désir de le garder là pour mettre plus de traitements sur lui, quelque chose qu'il a trouvé inutile et gênant. Il était sur le point de donner à Hana un morceau de son esprit sur le sujet quand Takumi a choisi de commenter le désir d'Essuki de rencontrer quelqu'un, frapper involontairement un taureau, mais pas dans sa façon de penser. Le ghoul aux cheveux foncés s'est immédiatement gelé une seconde, ses yeux semblent s'estomper alors qu'il se souvient de son amant, ses dents grincent ensemble avant de laisser sortir un soupir, sentant la dépression habituelle tomber sur lui qui est toujours venu quand il a pensé à cette époque. Il regarda de Takumi à Hana à Rin, qui semblait être rouge au visage pour une raison quelconque, avant qu'il ne décide de parler. "Merci pour les vêtements Takumi, et le noir ira bien. Parfait, même, étant donné que je visite un cimetière." Itsuki a parlé d'un ton bas, la dépression ne se révèle pas vraiment comme il a essayé d'agir nonchalant à ce sujet, bien qu'il ait réussi ou pas, il n'était pas trop sûr. Il se tourna vers Rin, lui donnant un léger sourire, vide et manquant d'émotion réelle, en réponse à sa demande. "Je suis désolé, je doute qu'il y ait beaucoup d'aide à cet égard. Si tu le voulais vraiment, tu pourrais venir avec. Il pourrait y avoir quelqu'un qui me surveille, pour que Hana ne se mette pas en forme juste parce que j'ai quelques égratignures. » Itsuki a frappé sur sa poitrine pour montrer qu'il était très bien, et il s'est essuyé en ne faisant pas de clin d'oeil alors que la douleur le frappait. Il n'a pas été blessé assez mal qu'il ne pouvait pas se battre si besoin, mais il ne serait pas en mesure de se battre à son mieux, moins il rouvre les blessures. Pourtant, il serait damné s'il allait rester ici une seconde. Il l'avait repoussé assez longtemps, et il savait qu'il perdrait probablement ses nerfs s'il ne faisait pas ça maintenant. "C'est assez bien pour toi, Hana? Je sais que tu as mon meilleur intérêt à cœur, mais ça. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est quelque chose que je dois faire, okay?" La voix d'Essuki s'empara un peu de sa gorge alors qu'il prenait un autre souffle, un souvenir qui lui éclatait dans l'esprit à l'époque qui l'amenait presque à pleurer, mais il continua, refusant de se laisser s'effondrer ici. "Je te laisserai faire un check-up quand je reviendrai, d'accord?"
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Itsuki Itsuki regarda Hana avec une sorte de calme restreint, ne réagissant pas ouvertement à ce qu'elle a dit. La seule façon de vous dire qu'il était énervé était que son Kakugan était pleinement actif, les orbes blancs s'affrontant avec le pourpre de Hana alors qu'ils commencèrent leur affrontement de volontés. Après quelques instants, il a pris la chemise offerte par Takumi sans aucun mot, prenant place pour la mettre tout en conservant sa dignité. Une fois qu'il était sur, il a trouvé que c'était un peu du côté court, mais pas trop qu'il était insupportable, juste un peu mal à l'aise. Il retourna alors son regard à Hana, pas vraiment semblant intimidé par son ultimatum. "Vous avez raison à propos d'une chose. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. J'en ai rien à foutre de ton statu quo. Ça n'a rien à voir avec moi, parce que je n'étais là que pour avoir un endroit hors de la pluie pour dormir. Je ne sais pas ce que c'est que cette folle qui m'a attaqué à l'entrepôt, mais je sais que la seule raison pour laquelle elle respire encore c'est parce que les colombes sont venues, et alors que j'aurais pu m'occuper d'elles facilement, les colombes mortes amènent plus de leur troupeau. La seule raison pour laquelle je te dis ça, c'est que je respecte l'opération que tu as ici. Essaie de te battre avec moi, et tu verras ce qu'un Kajuka peut faire personnellement. Je pourrais maintenant gagner, mais je suis certain que je vais en faire assez pour amener la GCC à votre porte. » Tandis qu'il parlait, son Rinkaku commença à s'éclipser de dessous la couverture, les écailles déchiquetées paraissant se taper l'un contre l'autre en avertissement. Avec sa Kagune toujours dehors, il se levait et se dirigeait vers la chambre où il était resté la nuit. Si Hana ou les autres essayaient de faire quoi que ce soit, il frapperait avec miséricorde ou compassion, mais s'ils le laissaient passer, alors il passerait sans incident dans sa chambre. Après quelques instants, il est sorti avec le même pantalon de la nuit dernière, la nouvelle chemise, et son manteau. Il avait toujours l'air louche, mais à ce moment-là, il s'en foutait. "Profitez de votre journée, amusez-vous avec les enfants, et passez une bonne putain de vie. Espérons que vous ne finirez pas dans l'estomac ou la mallette de quelqu'un." Et avec ça, Itsuki quitterait l'immeuble, ne se sentant plus comme s'il avait besoin de rester.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa L'apparence de Hana était visiblement tendue, alors que ses poings s'accrochaient. Pour l'œil observant, le déplacement pouvait être vu sous son pyjama banane, un signe sûr de son kagune sur le point d'être activé en réponse à la lourde menace main. Ses yeux dardaient aux commentaires d'Asoka, qui a trouvé tout cela amusant. Une chose qu'elle était d'accord avec Hana, c'est que les tentacules d'Itsuki étaient grossières comme des parties du corps masculin. Et puis d'un coup, elle a inhalé une fois. Son kakugan a disparu en un seul clin d'œil, ainsi que le déplacement, mais l'expression en colère était là. "C'est ce que tu penses vraiment. Tout ce qu'il y a, c'est de se battre dans le monde. Même pour prouver le fait que votre chemin est le seul bon chemin, et que vous n'avez jamais tort. Ça n'a d'importance que tes envies de base. Et pour cela, vous défiez votre kagune, dirigez des menaces contre vos beau-frères et demi-frères, et tentez d'amener la ruine dans un endroit qui est une balise pour les humains et les goules dans cette salle plutôt hostile. Sans parler du fait que vous savez que nous avons des enfants là-bas." Elle s'arrêta, ses bras plantèrent fermement sur ses hanches."Vous savez comment ces gens s'appellent? La corbeille. Tu n'es qu'une sale brute qui veut se sentir spéciale, qui veut un robinet dans l'épaule et te justifier que tu l'as fait pour la bonne chose, pour la bonne façon. Parce que tu as tué beaucoup de gens, et tu ne peux pas supporter d'être un meurtrier de wantom. Toi. Faites. Moi. Malade. " La femelle a fini, pas avant de se friser et de se resserrer une dernière fois, préparant son attaque. Et de nulle part, ça s'est passé, une gorgée de crache sur son visage. "Il y a la ration pour vos voyages, espèce d'ordures de Kakuja. Tu sais où est la porte." Hana a déclaré, avant de composer son semblant une fois de plus, les gens joyeux et bizarres visage étaient familiers avec.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Rin Rin a évité ses yeux quand Asoka a commencé à parler de merde sur Itsuki. Elle ne se souciait pas vraiment de ce qu'elle a dit de lui et ne voulait pas s'en mêler non plus. Quand Rin a refusé l'offre de bain Asoka semblait la prendre. Elle a fait des commentaires ridicules d'amoureux seulement qu'elle pouvait faire. Rin a piqué sous son écharpe et a laissé sortir une voix douce et non-phasée. "Baka Aho ka" Elle a évité les yeux une fois de plus. Itsuki répondit à l'offre de son aide. Il n'a pas l'air d'aimer qu'elle se joigne à son petit voyage chez ses amis au cimetière. Rin a déplacé ses yeux vers un regard plus éclatant pointé sur lui. Pourquoi ne pouvait-elle pas lui faire confiance? C'était un sentiment bizarre. Elle le voulait, mais elle savait qu'il n'allait pas s'en sortir tout seul. "Jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive..." Hana a finalement accepté de laisser partir Itsuki. Il y avait quelque chose. Elle pouvait sentir. C'était près d'eux. Hana l'a remarqué aussi. Rin a soigneusement reniflé l'air. Pas de famille. Mais Hana la connaissait. Elle a regardé Hana alors qu'elle s'est clairement effondrée. C'était fini avec ses affaires qu'elle en avait l'air. Elle avait déjà vu Hana comme ça, mais rarement. Peut-être seulement une ou deux fois. Hana était quelqu'un de bien. Les membres supplémentaires que Hana avait étaient complètement répartis dans la pièce. Elle était en colère contre Itsuki. Itsuki aussi, il ne l'a pas prise à Hana. Ils allaient se battre? Rin n'était pas sûr. La personnalité d'Isuki a pris un changement quand Hana avait mentionné le ghoul de l'extérieur. Il semblait encore plutôt recueilli et calme à propos de la situation. Il a menacé de leur faire du mal en retirant son kagune aussi. Rin n'était pas en phase. Quand Itsuki s'est habillé et tout d'un coup il a décidé de partir. Hana a eu ses dernières paroles douloureuses avec lui et décide de le faire partir à la place. Elle ne voulait plus d'ordures chez elle. Rin s'est demandé si ce serait la bonne chose à faire. Mais elle se sentait un peu triste pour Itsuki.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Asoka "Mercure" Certaines personnes sont devenues salées, d'autres sont restées joyeuses, c'était trop banal pour le petit ol' Asoka qui voulait simplement que les têtes fument et les matins soient un peu plus... Action emballée. Sans la GCC bien sûr. Ce n'étaient que des généralistes. Bien qu'elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir de plus en plus malade par la positivité rayonnante de Takumi. Hana était une chose, avec ses tentatives pour diminuer son éclat autant que possible, mais c'était trop. Sleepy Rin se tenait au milieu, laissant la colère Itsuki pour contrebalancer les deux autres. Le grand seigneur Asoka, déesse de l'asokaïsme, devrait rétablir l'équilibre en étant un enfer d'un antagoniste dans cette petite clique. L'accent a été mis sur les activités de l'aîné, les raisons pour lesquelles il a été blessé et ce qu'il devait faire maintenant. C'était un ghoul qui s'inquiétait d'une telle chose aurait l'air d'être un peu redondant pour Asoka. Entrer dans cette conversation semble aussi séduisant que regarder Rin essayer de formuler une phrase plus de dix mots. En tant que telle, Asoka allait simplement regarder son attention sur le journal mis sur la table, à côté de sa tasse de café. Elle cédait la page après la page alors que les révélations venaient d'être dans l'échange qu'elle surveillait avec très peu d'intérêt investi. "Une petite amie? Je pensais qu'on avait établi qu'il n'avait mangé que de la bite..." Elle a ajouté que ses yeux restèrent levés sur les différents titres du papier du budget. Aucun signe de snicking cependant, peut-être qu'elle pensait qu'un peu de sérieux ajouterait plus à l'humour. Elle ne voulait pas que ça finisse par être un cheval mort, n'est-ce pas? Non pas qu'elle s'en soucie, tant que ça tourmente Itsuki. "... Mais tu préfères peut-être la bite de Ghoul? Je veux dire... Il se régénère ainsi... Wow, nous pouvons être sur quelque chose, Itsukiwi! Peut-être qu'on pourra le breveter une fois que le porno de Ghoul deviendra une vraie chose~" Ses yeux ont finalement été ramenés à Itsuki, le ton enroulé et condescendant en arrière et la merde mangeant le sourire plus grand que jamais. A exactement le bon moment aussi, comme la mention du cimetière a fait toute l'histoire claire. Ça changerait l'esprit d'Asoka? Non, pas vraiment. La mentalité de Ghoul était forte en elle, et en tant que telle elle n'aurait que peu ou pas de considération pour la perte d'êtres chers, surtout si elle n'impliquait pas des mangeurs d'hommes si brillants et violents. Mais alors... C'est arrivé. Elle s'est cassée, pas Asoka, mais la soi-disant fratrie folle d'elle. Hana montrait un développement intéressant ici, quelque chose qui ferait que notre petit tyran abandonne sa lecture afin de donner toute son attention aux deux en conflit. Les yeux brillent alors qu'elle clignote, agréablement surprise par ce tour des événements. En bâillonnant sa lèvre inférieure, elle était d'autant plus excitée de voir Itsuki réagir en conséquence. Ils allaient se battre? Le docteur va-t-il continuer à affirmer sa domination? L'angoisse partirait-elle après avoir essayé de tuer tout ce qu'il considérait comme de la famille? Elle avait faim d'une conclusion euphorique. "Mmm fuuuuuuuuuck!~ Quand est-ce que t'es devenu si chaud, Hana-Banana?~ Vise Rin, laisse-moi dans ce bain si tu promets de garder cette sale gueule de merde! <3" Ascendant de son siège, elle s'approcha du champ de bataille chaud qu'ils avaient dressé. S'élançant brutalement sur la toujours dormante Kagune Itsuki s'était montrée à des fins d'intimidation. Kakuja ou pas, il ne faisait pas exactement la chose la plus intelligente ici. On avait un avantage à la maison, on avait des capacités inconnues et on pouvait arracher au moins une partie de son kakuhou de sa position, sans parler d'écraser des parties de son Kagune de l'aller. Et seulement avec ses mains et ses pieds. "Casse-toi. Je suis excité maintenant. Soit tu le laisses partir, soit je déchire son tentacule de bite. Je me débarrasse des distractions." Les yeux étaient paresseux alors qu'elle disait un fait aussi flagrant sur sa libido, les lèvres pliées par la suite. Son regard resta cependant sur Hana, ou plutôt son clivage toujours si agréable. La petite langue du monstre pouvait être vue nettoyer ses lèvres minces alors que son désir grandissait sans cesse. Une seule chose pourrait transformer un monger de puissance comme elle à ce point, et ce serait une immense démonstration d'autorité dans les circonstances les plus inattendues.
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Rin Rin est parti après Itsuki sans un mot. Elle avait l'air aussi calme que jamais, un peu fatiguée même si depuis qu'elle était debout pendant la plus grande partie de la nuit et ne se serait pas réveillée si tôt les jours normaux non plus. Elle avait besoin d'un peu plus de caféine, mais elle doutait que Itsuki s'arrête pour quelque chose comme ça. Rin a gardé sa queue pour l'instant avec rien de vraiment intéressant qui se passe. Il lui a donné un coup d'œil, mais elle a continué à regarder vers l'avant en regardant assez immobile par elle. C'est seulement parce que Itsuki avait l'air blessée et non seulement physique qu'elle avait décidé de rester près de lui. À l'époque, il avait l'habitude d'être plus joyeux et tel alors qu'il avait l'air maintenant. Il avait l'air d'une épave émotionnelle si elle devait le dire elle-même. Y avait-il un moyen de le faire se sentir comme l'ancien lui-même qu'il était? Rin aimerait absolument essayer si elle savait comment. Rin a enterré son menton dans son écharpe alors qu'elle continuait à suivre Itsuki sans un mot.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Takumi Minamoto - Arrête! Vous déchirez cette famille à part!!Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage En un seul instant, l'atmosphère de la pièce est devenue électrique. Le kakugan de deux beligérants s'est évanoui, et le kagune s'est défourné, se menaçant l'un l'autre et les autres. Il s'agissait certainement d'une situation instable. Takumi tenait ses mains en dessous de la table, les ramenant dans des poings tremblants et blancs. Il n'a rien fait de plus que de regarder Itsuki traverser la pièce comme un chien fou et Hana a distribué son venimeux invective. La civilité a été jetée par la fenêtre à mesure que les menaces étaient relâchées contre les passants, et plus d'insultes ont été dites que les réponses appropriées. Pour être juste cependant, le changement soudain et en colère de Hana était compréhensible, étant donné le caractère peu coopératif du mâle aîné, qui s'occupait à son tour de ses propres problèmes émotionnels. Mais malgré ses rationalisations, le dédain de Takumi pour tout était facilement apparent sur son visage, autant qu'il a essayé de maintenir une ligne dure avec sa bouche. Son instinct lui criait de faire quelque chose à ce sujet, d'abattre ce concours anarchique de mesure de la bite, mais il ne pouvait pas rassembler la volonté de bouger - pas par peur, mais par ambivalence. Autant qu'il voulait perdre sa merde et crier avec colère sur la façon dont ce farcis conflit du milieu du matin déchirait leur famille dans une tentative désespérée de créer un semblant d'harmonie, il comprenait que les dégâts avaient été faits. Il n'y a pas eu de changement dans le passé, et les questions sous-jacentes ici étaient au-delà de sa compréhension et de sa capacité à traiter. Ainsi, au lieu d'ajouter du feu aux flammes, Takumi a respiré un long soupir lourd et s'est redressé dans sa chaise. Il était beaucoup trop tôt pour qu'il s'occupe de ce genre de mélodrame, alors il a fait de son mieux pour l'accorder. Il a balayé le journal qu'Asoka avait laissé derrière lui et a commencé à lire les articles alors que les deux - maintenant trois - continuaient leur petite bagarre. S'il y avait quelque chose à dire sur son habitude de lecture antisociale passée, c'est qu'il lui restait une compétence particulièrement utile pour ne pas se libérer du monde extérieur. Il était maintenant dans son petit royaume de tueurs en série de cannibales hollandais, d'amour de célébrités affreuses, et de conneries politiques qui nécessitaient plus de contexte à comprendre qu'il ne s'en souciait, même s'il allait encore lire ça comme s'il savait ce qui se passait. Qu'est-ce que je fais? Même moi, je sais que c'est des conneries. Takumi a jeté le journal en face de lui. C'était comme un bruit constant dans le fond de son esprit, l'exhortant à faire sa part contre son meilleur jugement. Si seulement pour apaiser sa propre conscience, il dirait quelque chose. Il a formé ses yeux sur la famille et a reposé ses coudes sur la table. "Penser, huit ans passent et nous sommes déjà si près de nous déchirer les uns les autres. Merde, le vieil homme est probablement en train de rouler dans sa tombe en ce moment », a-t-il commenté, en jouant à moitié comme un commentaire offhand. "Bien que je suppose que cela signifie que nous sommes vraiment une famille si je connais mes spectacles," a-t-il plaisanté - une tentative évidente d'apporter un peu plus de lévité à la situation. Il avait du mal à réprimer l'expression d'une équivoque. "...nous... sommes de la famille, n'est-ce pas?" il a demandé, hésitation dans son ton, "Ne semble pas vraiment comme ça en ce moment." Il ne pensait pas que tout ce qu'il pourrait dire améliorerait la situation, alors il a décidé d'y renoncer. "...Eh bien, si jamais vous avez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez juste me trouver," Takumi a dit, donnant une petite vague d'adieu, "Restez en sécurité, nii-san."
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Asoka "Mercure" Blah blah blah... C'est tout ce qu'elle a entendu, vraiment. Toutes ces querelles, bien qu'elles aient montré des vraies couleurs tout autour, devenaient vraiment fatigantes pour notre ami contrôlant. Elle était excitée, ce changement de paradigme et d'exposition de qui Hana a vraiment été rendue envie de dominer sa personne, pour écraser cette assurance qu'elle a montré tout en livrant les plaisirs les plus intenses. Qu'est-ce qu'Asoka a foutu en l'air, et pourtant elle semblait être la tête de gang la plus élevée. Itsuki se renflouait, Takumi semblait un peu déchirée entre les deux côtés et Rin venait d'y aller. Comme tout cela a été polarisé, la compétition, ça ferait un monger de puissance comme Asoka se noier dans l'euphorie. Avec Itsuki parti et Rin après, seuls les petits enfants serviraient de barrières entre Asoka et son besoin de « libérer » ses désirs en bouteille. Eh bien, pas tellement embouteillé; on pourrait dire qu'elle était une personne très ope, très expressive. À sa façon perverse. Bien que l'un des enfants s'adresserait à elle en particulier. Super, les enfants pendant que maman et papa allaient baiser, le plus grand des interrupteurs de la série qu'elle s'est livrée à au lieu d'étudier. Ses yeux se déplaçaient d'un côté à l'autre, essayant de trouver quelque chose, n'importe quoi pour les sortir de son chemin. Peut-être que répondre à sa question aiderait? Elle voulait juste qu'ils sortent! "Hana-Banana est en train d'avoir une petite panne ~ Ne vous inquiétez pas, tante-Asoka va réparer ça! J'aime juste les trucs dans le frigo, hein? Et la télé! Get la télécommande!" Son regard malveillant et séduisant traversait à la fois celui de Takumi et celui de Hana, ses intentions devenant plus claires au fur et à mesure qu'elle allait. Peut-être auraient-ils l'idée qu'elle était simplement provocatrice, une petite merde essayant d'ajouter sa petite personne dans le conflit. Mais la vérité était qu'elle voulait vraiment coucher avec eux, ici et maintenant. Était-ce inhabituel? En quelque sorte, mais en tant qu'étudiante universitaire avec la libido d'un lièvre, il n'est pas surprenant qu'elle l'ait traité comme quelque chose d'aussi facilement accessible que des bonbons dans un distributeur automatique. "Si vous êtes dans ce genre de merde, nous sommes, mon grand frère ~ <3" Sa réponse tordue à son enquête, qu'ils soient de la famille ou non, était si typique d'elle. Bien que ce qui est arrivé ensuite surprendrait probablement même ceux qui étaient complètement habitués à elle. Levant ses deux mains juste au-dessus de sa tête avec des doigts enroulés, il les plongeait rapidement dans le bord du pantalon de Takumi et de Hana. Plus en détail, elle serrerait essentiellement sa paume et ses doigts sur l'ouverture de leur pantalon, la plupart de ses doigts plongeant en fait INSIDE alors que son pouce restait verrouillé sur le bouton ou la ceinture qu'ils maintenaient sur leur jambe. Avec cette initiative rapide et au-delà socialement acceptable, elle tirerait sur leur vêtement comme si elle devait les traîner à travers les couloirs une fois de plus et vers la pièce qu'elle s'était approprie. Tout ce qu'elle avait besoin était UN à suivre, la résistance d'un autre ne serait rencontrée qu'avec plus de force tant qu'ils ne se libéreraient pas totalement de sa prise. Une fois dans la pièce, cependant, il n'y aurait pas d'évasion! Quant aux enfants? C'est vrai! Toute interférence et un coup de pied dans le ventre de la part du ghoul le plus physiquement brutal du groupe serait leur récompense. "Revenir dans trente, plus ou moins"
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Itsuki Hana et Asoka ont été ignorés pour la plupart pendant que Itsuki marchait devant eux, prenant un moment pour regarder Hana alors qu'il essuyait la crache qu'elle avait lancée sur son visage avec sa manche. Il semblait qu'il était sur le point de lui répondre, mais il gardait le silence, ne voulant pas aggraver les choses plus qu'il ne l'avait déjà fait. Il se préparait à juste laisser le groupe à leur propre entreprise, quand Takumi a soudainement parlé, paraissant plutôt secoué par la rupture entre lui et Hana, Il s'est arrêté une seconde, contemplant la question de son frère, l'offre, et les adieux, avant qu'il ne décide de répondre. "Je ferai de mon mieux, Takumi, mais ne retenez pas votre souffle en me revoyant. C'est probablement mieux pour ta santé si ça n'arrive pas. Amusez-vous bien." Itsuki, son visage étant revenu à un masque sans émotion, envoya un petit clin d'œil vers son frère à moitié ghoul, avant de sortir de la porte et de monter les planchers. Après quelques minutes, il était sorti de la clinique, prenant une profonde respiration alors qu'il commençait lentement à s'éloigner du bâtiment. Bien qu'il ne l'ait pas montré, les paroles de Hana avaient coupé assez profondément, complétant davantage ses propres doutes et augmentant la haine qu'il avait ressentie en lui-même. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez moi? J'avais enfin retrouvé ma vieille famille et la première chose que je fais, c'est de me faire virer. Hana a franchi la ligne, mais j'aurais dû. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est juste. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. La pensée s'est terminée par un soupir interne et externe, ses mains se fronçant en poings alors qu'il regarde vers le bas, se demandant pourquoi il ne l'a pas finie déjà. Qu'est-ce qu'il devait vraiment vivre maintenant? Son fiancé était mort, sa vengeance avait été plus qu'atténuée, et ses frères et sœurs pouvaient aussi bien être étrangers pour tout ce qu'il pouvait leur rapporter, sans parler du peu de contrôle qu'il avait sur ses propres démons. Hana a raison, je ne suis rien d'autre que des ordures qui ne peuvent pas gérer la vie que j'ai choisie. J'aurais dû rester dans la 24ème salle jusqu'à ce que je me retrouve mort. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Pourquoi est-ce que je suis partie? Qu'est-ce que j'espérais pouvoir faire en revenant ici? Je ne suis même pas assez fort pour essayer de vivre une vie normale. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Alors encore une fois pourquoi je continue d'essayer? Quel est l'intérêt de ma vie. À ce moment-là, Itsuki serait à quelques blocs de son clinc quand il tourna la tête autour, regardant la petite muet qui avait décidé de le suivre, ses yeux froids et sans émotion, ne montrant rien de l'agitation intérieure qu'il ressentait. En ce qui concerne Rin avec un regard silencieux, il s'est retourné sans un mot de plainte de remerciement, laissant à la jeune fille le soin de décider si sa présence continue était la bienvenue ou non. Takeshi Les sons de voix élevés dans la colère, l'inconfort (et la luxure dans le cas d'un Tiny Tyrant) attiraient l'attention d'un demi-sommeil Takeshi, qui s'éloignait de son frère encore endormi, qui murmurait quelque chose dans son sommeil pendant qu'il se fronçait, apparemment ayant un cauchemar d'une sorte. Soupirant légèrement à ce sujet, Takeshi soupira alors qu'il s'approchait pour frotter la tête de son frère, le calmant immédiatement alors que son corps était lentement incurvé et que sa respiration devenait plus uniforme. Takeshi se demandait toujours ce qui était arrivé à ses jeunes frères et sœurs avant qu'il n'ait rencontré le groupe pour continuer à lui faire des cauchemars presque tous les soirs. Il avait été comme ça aussi longtemps qu'il avait été dans leur petite famille, et d'habitude il est tombé à leur frère aîné disparu ou Mii pour le réconforter quand il est arrivé comme ça, mais depuis neiher où options en ce moment, il avait rempli la position de l'actuel attrapeur de rêve de Kazuya. Une fois que cela a été fait, le ghoul aux cheveux argentés est sorti de la pièce dans la zone principale, frottant le sommeil de ses yeux. En regardant tout autour de lui en ce moment, il était conscient de deux choses: Quelque chose semblait déranger Hana. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Le Tiny Tyrant lui donnait un regard qui le rendait très mal à l'aise. Assez pour qu'il prenne en fait une route très rond-point autour du bord de la pièce pour éviter d'avoir à aller n'importe où près d'elle pour le moment. "Pourquoi tout ça criait-il? Et qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec elle, parce qu'elle me fait flipper en ce moment avec ce regard sur son visage." Takeshi à moitié bourdonné, toujours un peu fatigué après s'être réveillé, gesticulant à Asoka en jonction avec sa déclaration finale avec un regard prudent sur son visage, comme si le ghoul minuscule pouvait sauter soit lui ou Hana à tout moment.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa L'haleine de Hana est redevenue régulière, alors qu'elle lâchait de son indignation, tout comme on lâchait d'un tissu usé. Ses yeux se rétrécissaient légèrement en voyant comment la plus jeune de son groupe de frères et sœurs avait décidé de mordre dans le charme du "mauvais gars" que Itsuki voulait si désespérément cultiver. Tu es stupide, Rin. Itsuki s'intéresse juste à Itsuki. "Takkun, nous sommes de la famille. Si vous pensez que les obligations que nous partageons peuvent être si facilement brisées, vous vous trompez cruellement. » Hana ajouta d'une voix grave alors qu'elle plié les bras, regardant les deux aller.« Je lui permettrai de revenir une fois qu'il aura réfléchi à ce qu'il a fait et qu'il demandera pardon. Mais il pourrait ne jamais le faire." Hana soupirait, et c'était alors que l'un des enfants surgissait. Take-kun, l'impoli, knowitall qui ressemblait de plus en plus à Itsuki. -- Eh bien, le ghoul qui a essayé de vous attaquer, c'est non... non! C'est à ce moment-là que le mouvement audacieux d'Asoka l'a prise un peu à l'écart, se laissant aller à l'allégresse, alors que la femelle malicieuse faisait son chemin en... parties délicates. Le fluster initial de Hana (et le cri) a commencé à se transformer en un grave froncement. Alors que le ghoul médical n'était pas au-dessus d'une bonne nature tussle, ses pensées rationnelles dictaient sa libido. Et l'affichage actuel d'Asoka était une mauvaise idée phénoménale. "Ce n'est vraiment pas le moment, Asoka" a dit Hana, soupirant lassivement et faisant un effort phénoménal pour bloquer tous les signaux chatoyants venant de dessous. Ce n'était pas la première fois, après tout, qu'elle devait freiner sa faim tout en étudiant la médecine et en présentant tous ces cadavres savoureux. La soi-disant «torture» du ghoul de Mercure était légère par comparaison. Heureusement, les choses n'ont pas dévolu plus loin, car une nouvelle présence a rendu toutes les revendications de tout cela sans objet. Une cliente, une femme, un ghoul. Que d'une manière ou d'une autre elle avait trouvé son chemin au quatrième étage sans être remarquée. C'était plutôt étrange, mais Hana n'a montré aucune sorte de suspicion, alors qu'elle s'inclinait la tête, et a gracieusement sorti la main d'Asoka de son pyjama. "Maintenant, maintenant, Hana-chan semble avoir du travail il semble? Take-kun, tu peux aller dans ta chambre? Le médecin doit travailler." Ce nouveau venu portait des vêtements vraiment baggy, et comme Takumi l'a remarqué, un masque. Tout seul, c'était odieux, mais assez normal pour un ghoul. Ce qui n'a pas été ajouté, c'est que si elle avait vraiment besoin de l'aide d'un médecin, elle serait allée vers le premier ghoul qu'elle a rencontré à la clinique, la réceptionniste. Ce qui aurait alors prévenu Hana. Au lieu de cela, cette personne avait trouvé comment atteindre le quatrième étage par elle-même. Sans compter qu'elle a... brouillé son discours? Peut-être du slobber? C'était difficile à dire à cause du masque. En outre, il n'y avait aucun signe visible que la femme Ghoul ait même été blessée. "Je suppose que Hana-chan pourrait vous aider, mais au moins enlever le masque. Hana-chan ne traite pas les étrangers." Elle a dit, sagement décider d'omettre tout ce qui pourrait être plus que simple suspicion polie de personnes masquées.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Asoka "Mercure" Asoka squatte la pauvre tentative de comédie de Takumi. Sérieusement? Elle lui offrait des rapports sexuels gratuits, peut-être même à trois, et il risquait une catastrophe complète? En effet, l'absolue dégénère. Avant l'émergence de leur nouveau numéro, Asoka aurait déjà retiré sa main du pantalon de Takumi, le balayant rapidement dans un poing avant de le frapper contre son abdomen. C'était dur? Relativement parlant, non, mais nous parlions d'un Ghoul avec des compétences avancées de la main à la main. Il se sentirait bien. Son expression s'est fondue en une toute ennuyeuse. Elle a été désactivée par la résistance claire des deux, malgré la précédente démonstration d'impulsions douteuses de Hana. Asoka voulait les dominer, mais ce ne serait pas amusant si elle devait aussi les violer; trop tôt! Non pas qu'elle ait jamais eu besoin de mettre quelqu'un au lit avec force, à l'exclusion de l'intoxication. Sa frustration serait cependant mise en pause alors que le 'ding' venant de l'ascenseur ayant atteint son plancher de destination semblait attirer l'attention de tout le monde, y compris celle du tyran. Et ce qui est sorti ferait que le petit voyou se mette sur ses gardes immédiatement. Miyako ressemblait exactement à ces petites merdes de rue qu'elle recrute pour le muscle temporaire. Temporaire en raison du fait que leur espérance de vie était absurdement courte, en particulier lorsqu'ils étaient chargés d'effectuer certaines opérations commerciales. Non, contrairement aux deux autres qui semblaient accueillir Miyako à bras ouverts, pour une raison quelconque, Asoka a simplement rétréci les yeux et est restée tranquille une seconde. Alors que son odeur gloussante a déclenché un ennui dans l'esprit le plus court, les mauvaises odeurs de quelqu'un qui ne s'était pas douché pendant un moment l'ont rapidement submergée avant autre chose. "Vraiment, les gars? Tu as laissé entrer cette merde, mais refuse de me laisser entrer?" En roulant les yeux, elle s'approcha du ghoul masqué. Asoka n'avait aucune idée de ses relations avec Itsuki, et pour autant qu'elle le sache, elle n'avait guère de rapport avec ce qui allait arriver. Elle n'allait pas laisser ce cul de ghoul s'installer pendant qu'elle habitait à la clinique, et heck, elle pouvait même utiliser les enfants comme excuse pour garder ces étrangers. Bien que n'intimidant pas avec sa taille, son langage corporel et son regard gelé seraient suffisants pour montrer une grande différence de pouvoir entre Asoka et ses frères et sœurs. Elle était la dominante, ou du moins avait les traits d'une. Et si quelque chose ne lui plaisait pas, Asoka serait celle qui jugerait quand elle le jugerait. Aucune crainte n'est sortie d'elle; il semblait qu'elle était habituée à des goules sans abri qui suppliaient pour de l'aide. Il a l'air dégoûté a rendu d'autant plus clair qu'elle n'avait aucun intérêt à aider Miyako dans le moindre. "C'est quoi ton problème? Tu viens ici pendant la journée avec un putain de masque gay? Qu'est-ce que tu veux? Dope? Nourriture? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Pourquoi tu viendrais dans ce quartier de merde? Enlève ces ordures." Avec ce dernier ordre, elle serait prompte à prendre une initiative violente. Sa main tendrait la main pour enlever le masque du visage de Miyako, car seulement un mètre les séparait. La jeune fille remarquerait à quel point Asoka était rapide dans une telle gamme, à quel point son mouvement serait bien coordonné et précis. Combattre serait la pire alternative dans ce cas, mais entre la fierté et le besoin de contrôle d'Asoka, et la position exposée actuelle de Miyako, cela pourrait mal tourner à bien des égards.
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Rin Avec Itsuki cueillir des fleurs à proximité patched Rin a pu s'acheter du café. Satisfaite à sa façon, elle continua à suivre Itsuki avec le grand café entre les deux mains. Elle semblait encore fatiguée malgré tout le café, elle doute qu'elle puisse réagir comme elle le ferait normalement dans cet état. Des pinces de cheveux qui se tenaient debout rebondissaient joyeusement à chaque pas qu'elle prenait. Le soleil du matin était juste à propos de réchauffer son visage au-dessus d'un bâtiment. C'était agréable, mais elle ne se plaignait pas du reste. Peut-être qu'elle devrait lui dire que les gens ont planté ces fleurs pour des raisons et l'un d'eux ne les cueillait pas. Elle était fatiguée de le gronder pour qu'elle ne s'en soucie pas non plus. Après une longue promenade, ils ont fini dans un cimetière qui devait être attendu. Itsuki s'arrêta près d'une des tombes et Rin se dirigea vers plus près. Elle se tenait près de lui, environ 6 pieds de sorte qu'il avait encore un peu d'espace. La pierre tombale était unique. Il l'a probablement fait juste pour elle. Ça a dû coûter des tonnes d'argent. Rin a siroté son café légèrement après avoir l'air plutôt défavorisé par la scène. Itsuki faisait une sorte de discours à l'égard de la fille morte. C'était sympa de voir ce côté de Itsuki. Après cet incident chez Hana, il a montré un tout autre côté de lui. Peut-être qu'elle devrait avoir une photo pour lui rappeler plus tard à quel point il peut être gentil. Après quelques phrases, il s'arrêta et pleura. Il tremblait comme un fou alors ça a dû avoir beaucoup d'impact sur lui quand cette personne était morte. Son fiancé? Rin l'a regardé se rafraîchir un peu. Elle se rapprocha de lui et se tint en dehors de lui, se frottant doucement le dos tout en lui souriant doucement. Pour autant qu'elle soit passionnée. Ça a peut-être encore l'air d'un demi-sourire mais elle a essayé. Elle a attendu que le garçon émotionnel finisse et attende ce qu'il allait faire ensuite.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Takumi Minamoto - Action Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage En entendant la réponse d'Essuki, le jeune mi-chemin ferma les yeux et inhala. -- Je comprends, dit-il. Pour quelqu'un qui avait été si tendu à ce sujet plus tôt, la relaxation soudaine de Takumi était plutôt inattendue. Il se leva, bâilla et étira les bras, et tira quelques fissures de ses articulations comme il l'a fait. Silencieusement, il regarda Rin et Itsuki partir du sol. Et avec la fermeture des portes, il était de retour à son habitude, moins morose et plus négligent. "...Je me demande si je vais récupérer ma chemise," Takumi s'est amusé une fois qu'il a entendu l'ascenseur touché le rez-de-chaussée. Lentement, sa bouche s'est transformée en une grimace d'amusement. "Bon merde. Ça veut dire que tout ce que j'ai c'est celui-là." Il a ri, avant de tourner la tête à la porte d'une des chambres des enfants. Il avait entendu le bruit des draps rouillés, et s'était rendu compte que l'un des enfants avait été réveillé par toute la commotion. Peu de temps après, le garçon aux cheveux blancs - Taki-ou-Taka-ou-quelque chose-ou-autre - est apparu, remettant immédiatement en question l'état actuel des affaires dans le quartier résidentiel de la clinique avec son ton mumble-y, demi-éveil. Il a ouvert la bouche pour répondre à la question, avant d'être coupé par quelqu'un plutôt inattendu. Bien sûr, son espoir pour l'apparition d'un Asoka serviable, moins dans votre visage a rapidement fini par être pour rien-avec sa réponse plutôt inutile et son regard étrange et affamé dirigé sur ses deux frères et sœurs anciens restants. «Comprendre les gens est difficile», a dit Takumi avant d'opter pour corriger l'explication erronée d'Asoka du mieux qu'il pouvait. "Han- Le médecin de la banane et..." Maintenant, Takumi ne s'attendait pas à ce que ce gamin connaisse le nom de quelqu'un, donc il s'est arrêté pour penser à une désignation appropriée pour Itsuki, "...le mec triste et louche avait un combat sur leurs différences de priorité, ce qui a fini par le gars le frappant sur son propre avec la fille écharpe." Il s'est dit que c'était une explication suffisante sans plonger dans des détails qui n'étaient pas appropriés pour un étranger comme Takeshi. "Quant à elle..." Il a regardé vers Asoka, a évalué son état désespéré et tout ce qu'elle avait dit jusqu'à ce point, et tout a cliqué. Ses yeux s'élargissaient, indiquant qu'il était finalement arrivé à la conclusion que ce qu'il avait précédemment considéré comme une blague n'était vraiment pas cela. "...Err... Je ne m'inquiéterais pas pour elle. Elle le prend à sa façon », ne voulait-il pas avoir ce genre de conversation en ce moment. Ou plus jamais, d'ailleurs. "Restez loin et ne la dérangez pas et les choses seront pêcheuses." Il l'espérait, du moins. Pense aux enfants et à tout ça. C'est alors qu'une sorte de sifflement mortel résonna dans tout l'hôtel comme un quatuor des doigts d'Asoka entra soudain dans les limites de son jean. Takumi a plié son corps d'un angle maladroit, faisant de son mieux pour garder les doigts loin, mais ne pouvant se libérer de sa prise dans son ensemble. C'était une situation dangereuse. Pourtant, il l'a pris étonnamment bien malgré ce premier cri d'animal mourant, surtout par rapport à la façon dont il avait réagi au toucher intime antérieur. "Venez maintenant Asoka, qu'est-il arrivé à "s'il vous plaît"? En outre, je ne pense pas que ce genre de chose soit approprié compte tenu de la situation », a crié Takumi d'un ton bas et calme, regardant Hana avec l'espoir qu'elle parlerait d'une sorte de sens dans cette situation. À ce moment-là, Takumi entendit le bruit familier des poulies et des câbles qui bougeaient; l'ascenseur se déplaçait. Une graine florissante d'espoir a commencé à grandir dans la poitrine de Takumi. Est-ce que Itsuki revenait s'excuser? Pour rendre sa chemise? Pour faire la même chose qu'avant? Il avait l'air attendu à la porte alors qu'il était tiré par le petit tyran. Son sourcil s'est sillonné alors qu'il sentait quelqu'un ou quelque chose qu'il ne connaissait pas. Pas un enquêteur. L'un des enfants, dehors sur une promenade du matin?' Il pensait, se concentrant sur le son des enfants qui dorment et décidant que ce n'était pas ça non plus. "Isuki n'a pas fermé la porte en sortant, hein." Une fois que la porte avait glissé ouverte pour révéler la forme minuscule d'une fille ghoul courte et louche, il était enclin à penser qu'aucune de ces hypothèses n'était correcte. La personne disparue était censée être un type s'il se rappelait bien, mais c'était... une femme? La voix demandant de l'aide sonnait femme. Il devint rapidement conscient des mains en bas de Hana et de son pantalon, et se trouva un peu rougir. Pas une bonne première impression, probablement. "Dépend de ce qu'il veut, mais je suis sûr que nous pouvons aider," Takumi a répondu, "Comme vous pouvez le voir, nous sommes des gens assez pratiques." Il y a eu une courte pause où il a fait un geste aux deux filles avant de commencer à rire de sa terrible tentative d'humour; il ne serait même pas en colère si quelqu'un le frappait à ce moment-là. "Mais sérieusement, avec quoi avez-vous besoin d'aide? Je ne sais pas pour ces deux-là, mais je suis prêt à essayer." Bien sûr, pour ceux qui le connaissaient, ce n'était pas vraiment un tour surprenant d'événements. Toujours l'étudiant d'honneur diligent qu'il était, il serait beaucoup trop contre sa sensibilité personnelle de ne pas offrir son aide. Il a pointé sur son visage et a braqué son doigt autour, "Et si ça ne vous dérange pas, pouvez-vous enlever tout le chapeau et masque se lever? Je n'aime pas quand les gens voient le mien et que je ne vois pas le leur."
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Itsuki Les deux marchent en silence pour le reste du petit voyage, passant rapidement devant quelques jardins où Itsuki a pris le temps de cueillir quelques fleurs dans les jardins des gens, une majorité d'entre eux étant des roses blanches qu'il avait eu la chance de trouver. À la fin de la promenade, les deux se retrouveraient dans la section relativement nouvelle d'un cimetière, marchant sur une rangée de pierres tombales à l'aspect immaculé jusqu'à ce qu'ils en viennent à une qui était un peu différente des autres. En brisant l'uniformité des autres pierres, celle-ci a été façonnée légèrement différemment, avec des fleurs de pierre gravées tout le long de ses côtés. Le long de ces décorations, étaient plusieurs empreintes de main de différentes tailles, chacune d'une couleur différente. En le voyant, Itsuki ne put s'empêcher de vomir si légèrement qu'il regarda vers le bas, rempli d'un mélange d'amusement et de chagrin. Posant les fleurs qu'il a recueillies à côté de la tombe, Itsuki n'a pas eu de mots au début, ses yeux vitrifiés comme il se souvenait de lointains souvenirs de temps plus heureux. Atteindre, il a frappé silencieusement le nom gravé leur, un soupir silencieux échappant à son souffle alors qu'il regardait sur les mots. Voici Hiyori Tachibana, une fille aimante, un ami honnête, et un chercheur brillant Que son esprit trouve la paix, et qu'on se souvienne de son service "Hiyori. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je suis désolé de ne pas avoir assisté à votre service. Je suis sûr que ton père maudit mon nom cinq fois plus maintenant, aussi bien qu'il aurait dû. J'étais juste. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. si perdu sans toi." Le ton semi-brillant de Itsuki s'est viteompé, sa tête tombant alors qu'il sentait que les larmes commencent à s'enfoncer dans le visage. "Tu as été la meilleure chose de ma vie, et quand je t'ai perdu. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je ne pouvais pas gérer ça, je ne peux toujours pas. Je pensais que trouver les hommes qui t'ont tué m'aiderait à en arriver là, mais tout ce qu'il a fait c'était me faire fixer sur mes fautes, sur ma faiblesse. Ça m'a conduit au bord de la folie, et je ne pense toujours pas que je me suis tiré en arrière. Et maintenant. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Maintenant, je ne sais plus quoi faire de ma vie. Je suis désolé d'avoir toujours pensé à toi après toutes ces années, mais. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. S'il vous plaît, encore une fois. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Aide-moi." Itsuki resterait dans cette pose pendant un certain temps, ses épaules tremblant toujours si légèrement qu'il s'est juste permis de pleurer, ayant retenu ces émotions pendant beaucoup trop longtemps. Takeshi Takeshi n'avait actuellement aucune idée de ce qui se passait en ce moment, et a décidé après un moment encore à moitié somnolent pensé que c'était probablement mieux de cette façon. Il se préparait à laisser tous les 'adultes' à leurs affaires quand il entendit une voix inconnue de derrière lui. Il regarda lentement vers elle, son visage formant un froncement, alors qu'il lui donnait un reflet très malvenu. Cet éblouissement n'a fait que s'intensifier car les autres ne semblaient pas connaître le ghoul en question, et alors qu'Asoka l'a fait bouger sur le ghoul, Takeshi n'a fait que quelques pas en arrière, en regardant attentivement au cas où quelque chose se serait passé. Cependant, il entendit des remous venant des chambres, car il semblait que le shrill shriek de Takumi tôt, parmi les commotions accompagnées, avait réveillé le reste de sa famille. Le premier à sortir était Kazuya, qui avait l'air aussi grincheux et mal trempé que d'habitude le matin, mais on pouvait dire qu'il était prêt à se battre ou à fuir sa position générale. Il regarda Takeshi, qui secoua légèrement la tête en réponse, en mouvementant pour qu'il retourne à l'intérieur. Kazuya se mit à éblouir son frère, mais se retira néanmoins, ayant remarqué le nouveau venu et prenant un regard tout aussi suspect sur son visage. Un léger soupir de soulagement, Takeshi retourna son attention à la confrontation, reculant toujours si légèrement, prêt à se diriger vers l'endroit où les Twins et Mii étaient les choses en laideur.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana s'y tenait pendant les moments les plus brefs, en s'interrogeant sur le manque de retenue qui avait éclaté de la part de sa sœur cadette. Takumi, bien sûr, avait plus de choses à craindre, comme le fait que personne n'avait prêté attention à sa plaisanterie. Au moins l'enfant semblait comprendre la tension et ses désirs, et sagement décidé à sortir du chemin. Est-ce que toutes les goules sont des putes d'attention? Elle a pensé en interne comme elle a vu comment Asoka a guéri le nouveau venu dans sa clinique. Une princesse si gâtée. La réaction a été, à s'attendre, assez explosive, avec la personne inconnue, en voyant son approche énergique, a décidé de libérer un second Kagune dans sa clinique. Elle semblait certainement plus qu'elle ne rencontrait l'œil, et maintenant avec le masque enlevé, et l'Ukaku kagune révélé, elle se sentit plus que jamais à l'écart. Un ghoul instable, presque sauvage. dont l'haleine sentait la chair de ghoul. Crazy Ukaku Bitch Hana s'est souvenu des paroles que leur frère aîné a proférées. C'était logique, d'une certaine façon. L'évitement de son minion réceptionniste, les blessures, le manque de maîtrise de soi... Elle voulait vraiment rester imprudente, mais elle avait erré d'essayer d'être prudente en excès. Et ainsi, Hana a joué. Elle se lança légèrement, les bras et les jambes tremblant un peu en prenant avec soin plusieurs pas en arrière, protégeant instinctivement la tête et le cou sous ses coudes et mettant ses mains dans ses épaules, en évitant tout contact avec le ghoul d'Ukaku tout en s'éloignant. " casse pas la clinique de Hana, s'il te plaît... baisse-toi." Elle a dit, sa voix craque (ou semble) dans une expression paniquée. Bien sûr, si la position qu'elle avait assumée était celle de la peur, du désespoir et du blindage, elle contenait aussi une signification cachée. Ses yeux fermés déguisaient également la faible activation de son Kakugan, ainsi que la façon dont ses épaules procédaient à l'étude de plusieurs poignards qui lui glissent dans les mains, tout en trébuchant sur un placard voisin. Si c'est elle qui a attaqué Itsuki, elle prendra l'appât. "...P... S'il vous plaît avec du sucre sur le dessus? On... ne sait rien, de toute façon, ha...ha" Elle a piqué, feignant une forme de verbosité.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Miyako Rencontre et salut - 3ème Ward - Hana's Clinic Il y avait un moment de soulagement pour Miyako quand le mâle avait finalement répondu, offrant quelque chose comme un accueil chaleureux, que Mi appréciait. Elle sourit sous son masque mais pas à cause de la blague du mâle, malheureusement, mais parce que la perspective de trouver ses informations et de sortir semblait beaucoup plus facile. Le pyjama-porteur, Hana-chan, était le suivant pour répondre et a offert une réponse plus neutre, ce qui était juste compte tenu des circonstances. Fait intéressant, Hana s'est traitée de médecin et à la mention de cela, Mi a senti le pouls vertèbre douloureux dans un sonar de douleur précédemment réprimée, lui rappelant qu'elle était encore endommagée par la querelle d'hier soir. La promesse de cette situation était à la recherche de Mi et elle s'est laissée se détendre juste assez pour le troisième, Pig-Tails, pour valser et harceler et maudire à Mi. En toute honnêteté, Mi n'aimait pas celui-ci, qui s'était même surpris car elle n'était généralement pas une à se soucier de tout cela. Peut-être que c'était la nuit agitée ou peut-être que son autre côté était vraiment en train de s'évanouir. Quoi qu'il en soit, Pig-Tails, n'a pas du tout aidé la situation, testant la patience déjà las de Mi. Mais Mi l'a mis à l'épreuve... jusqu'à ce que Pig-Tails atteigne le masque de Mi... Les événements qui se sont produits à ce moment-là semblaient se produire si rapidement. Pig-Tails "attaque d'essoufflement" avait pris Mi complètement hors de garde car elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que l'autre se déplace aussi rapidement. Instinctivement, elle a essayé de se faire prendre conscience, mais sa conscience des événements s'estompa rapidement après cela. Alors que Mi essayait de se détourner et de prendre du recul, Asoka avait réussi à saisir ce qu'elle voulait, le masque de Mi. Au moment où cela s'est passé, Mi a perdu le contrôle alors que son autre moitié s'occupait de la situation. Ses yeux étincellent vers un état de Kakugan et son Ukaku germe de son dos, s'aventurant comme un oiseau de proie. Ses « ailes » d'Ukaku semblaient un peu braquées par rapport à d'habitude, mais ce n'était que temporaire de la bataille d'hier soir, car elles étaient endommagées. Au milieu de tout cela, la main de Mi avait balayé et saisi le poignet d'Asoka de son bras tendu. Puis, elle s'est arrêtée... Mi est revenue au moment où son autre moitié s'était trop engagée. Mi était gelée alors qu'elle regardait Pig-Tails, paraissant sans émotion, mais cachait vraiment son inquiétude et son angoisse de la réalisation qui venait de se produire. Ce qui s'était passé, c'était qu'elle avait perdu le contrôle et qu'il y avait beaucoup d'excuses à lui reprocher. Alors maintenant, elle était là, pour essayer de ramasser les morceaux pendant que son estomac battait en interne comme un ensemble de tambours entiers, complètement avec la musique imaginaire qui remplit ses oreilles. Oh! C'est pas vrai! Comment cela serait si bien de se livrer à ces petits doigts osseux qui ont été soudés avec l'intérieur d'un autre Ghoul... La bouche de Mi était déjà légèrement agate mais elle ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de courir sa langue sur ses lèvres alors qu'elle regardait attentivement l'Asoka. Mi a clin d'oeil et a pris une grosse avale alors qu'elle sortait de son illusion, mais elle ne pouvait pas bouger. Elle voulait s'éloigner lentement, mais avec le poignet d'Asoka encore saisi, elle ne voulait pas...
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Takumi Minamoto - Xenia Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage "Ah, vous êtes brutaux," soupira Takumi, frottant son estomac légèrement piquant alors qu'il mesurait les réactions de tout le monde dans la pièce à sa comédie magistrale. Il n'y avait même pas un seul sourire supprimé dans la foule - pas même de la prépubèse aux cheveux blancs! C'est tout à fait décourageant. C'était aussi le timing parfait! Les mains, à portée de main. Ça ne va pas beaucoup mieux que ça!' Néanmoins, la demi-ghoul a décidé de maintenir le calme devant le nouveau venu. Dis ce que tu veux sur sa capacité à cacher ses émotions, mais sa capacité à au moins sembler une sorte de professionnel était assez habile. Certes, projeter un tel air et en maintenir un était deux choses très différentes; cas en point, son image « professionnelle cool mec » a été immédiatement brisée par littéralement tout ce qu'Asoka a fait et a dit en cette seconde période. "...Erm... te laisser entrer? D'après ma compréhension de la biologie du lycée, cela devrait être l'inverse, n'est-ce pas? » Takumi s'inclina la tête alors qu'il intéressa son enquête malhonnêtement innocente, sa voix chancelante alors que son sens de la peur augmentait à chaque pas qu'Asoka prit vers le nouveau venu. Il pouvait comprendre pourquoi elle le faisait - tout le nouveau venu était vraiment, vraiment bizarre - mais une telle démonstration d'agression n'était pas un moyen d'accueillir un invité. Il était confiant qu'il pouvait faire face à tout problème qui pourrait survenir comme conséquence, mais il préférerait éviter ce genre d'offense à ses sensibilités en premier lieu. Bien sûr, il n'a pas vraiment compté sur le meilleur de quoi que ce soit, de sorte que sa réaction à ce qui s'est passé ensuite était surmisable comme « déçu mais pas inattendu ». Takumi lui a soufflé les joues et s'est exhalé en décidant qu'il avait vu trop de kagune en un jour. En se basant sur l'apparition de l'ukaku qui poussait dans son dos, elle cherchait à se remettre d'un conflit antérieur et... Les cellules RC sur le tapis. Les ailes du nouveau venu semblaient s'égoutter de liquide de temps en temps, rendant l'enfer pour qui ferait le ménage. Et si la nuit dernière était un indicateur, ce serait probablement lui-même et l'un des enfants. En tout cas, Takumi était sûr que Hana pourrait reconnaître le problème ici - les ailes coupées qui est, pas le tapis (même si c'était un problème en soi) - mais il a décidé de donner ses deux cents sur la question. "Pas droit, pas du fromage suisse," a-t-il dit, donnant à sa sœur aînée un petit coup de pouce pour l'attention, "Je vais aller de l'avant et dire que ce n'est probablement pas quinque." Quant au visage sous le masque, ce n'était pas vraiment quelqu'un qu'il connaissait - bien que le stoïcisme sorte de lui rappeler Rin. Sa bouche agape et ce drool de séchage était un peu bouleversant; donc étant l'hôte bon et raisonnable qu'il était, Takumi a pensé qu'ils devraient remédier à cela. "Au fait, il reste encore des restes du mort d'hier soir?" il a demandé à Hana, son implication étant assez évidente. Il a tourné son attention vers les filles... ... et a commencé à marcher vers l'avant. Plus il regarda la scène, plus l'anathème devint pour lui; il allait faire quelque chose à ce sujet. "Oi, Asoka. Reculez. L'hospitalité est sacrée, vous savez," Takumi gronde d'armes croisées, ayant à ce point fait son chemin vers l'endroit où le problème avait éclaté. Honnêtement, et c'était elle qui l'appelait dégénéré? Peut-être ses actions pourraient être considérées comme une réaction excessive, mais il était un voyageur; le mutualisme entre hôte et invité était très important pour lui. "Et toi, nouveau venu. Je m'excuse pour ses actions imprudentes, mais j'aimerais que vous l'envoyiez », a-t-il dit à ses ailes : « Personne ne vous fera de mal, tant que vous vous conduisez correctement. » Il a ensuite jeté le regard de son agent d'exécution sur Asoka, "N'est-ce pas?" Son comportement a suggéré que ce n'était pas une question. Bien sûr, maintenant que Takumi était tout près, l'odeur distincte de l'être humain serait balancé dans le nez des deux belligérants dans 3... 2....
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Asoka "Mercure" Le masque était éteint et le visage de Miyako exposé. Avec l'état pitoyable dans lequel elle était et le besoin écrasant d'Asoka de se mettre plus haut que son voisin, des remarques condescendantes seraient inévitables. Tu ressembles même à un de ces putains de drogués. Dope, c'est huh..." Elle était prête à cracher sur le visage de la femme, mais bien sûr, la victime de cette scène particulière réagirait comme n'importe quel ghoul le ferait. L'émergence de la Kagune hors du bleu a eu le contrôle de l'un des gangs sur sa garde. Un Ukaku, les morceaux rapides de porcelaine qu'elle pourrait briser en une seule balançoire si elle pouvait vraiment les saisir. Il serait facile de briser ce nouvel agresseur et d'en finir avec les problèmes de la journée, peut-être même pour remplacer ses autres envies. Mais quelque chose forcerait Asoka dans un état où le désir d'affirmer sa domination absolue s'estomperait. Miyako aurait en fait attrapé le poignet court. Un acte de défi qui ne provoquerait qu'un reflet silencieux d'Asoka, un acte qui ne traduisait rien de plus qu'une rage à peine mise en bouteille. Elle n'exhalait que de son nez, ses narines dilatant avec chaque nuage de vapeur d'eau de mer qu'Asoka a libéré. À ce moment-là, elle avait débranché ses frères et sœurs; elle voulait arracher le Kakuhou de la poitrine de cette femme et en finir avec ce ghoul qui semblait trop familier à personne typique qu'elle engagerait dans la rue pour des travaux dégradants que seuls les désespérés accepteraient. Sa main libre serait tirée légèrement en arrière, les doigts raides et en crochets, prêts à poignarder directement dans la femme adverse et à la terminer en une seule prise. Cependant, la présence de Takumi de plus en plus proche mettrait son état actuel incontrôlé en suspens. Ses paroles ne signifiait rien, elles traversaient son oreille gauche et s'aventuraient à travers sa droite une la seconde après. Mais le fait qu'il s'approcherait arrêterait son projet mortel à venir. Tout ce qu'il aurait reçu serait un regard meurtrier, un regard rapide, car elle ne voulait pas laisser le monstre hors de sa ligne de vue, surtout en tant qu'Ukaku. Rien ne serait dit tant que Hana ne l'ajouterait pas plus lâchement deux cents dans le mélange. Qu'est-ce que cette femme était bizarre, d'agir dur pour un frère instable mais absolument soumis à un étranger sans valeur? Elle serait vraiment une expérience unique au lit, c'est sûr, bien que si ce serait une bonne ou mauvaise, ça justifierait certainement un essai. "... Je m'en fous." Avec son hercule, elle agite simplement sa main pour l'extraire avec force de la prise du ghoul d'Ukaku. Compte tenu de leurs types de RC, ce n'était pas un cerveau qu'elle pouvait sans effort dominer Miyako sans l'aide d'une forme Kakuja. Elle a fait ce petit fait très clair. Avec sa main libre, elle jetterait le masque sur la tête de Miayko, le morceau volant dans le couloir pour qu'elle le récupère. Pendant ce temps, Asoka allait faire demi-tour avant de retourner à la cuisine. "Vous avez cinq minutes." Elle s'exprima avec une cuillerée, dégoûtante dans son ton. Ces mots concernaient toutes les personnes concernées. Ce qu'elle ferait au-delà de dix minutes serait tout à fait la question stupide de se poser après ce qu'elle a montré. L'intention de tuer était là, et le mépris total pour la vie de Miyako était un fait indéniable qu'ils devraient considérer s'ils voulaient réellement aider le ghoul perdu.
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Rin Son réconfort semblait avoir aidé un peu au moins, elle était heureuse qu'elle puisse aider quelqu'un en ce moment. Avec un léger sourire et des rougissements sur son visage, elle regarda Itsukiwi. Il avait l'air d'être dans une sorte de détresse. Rin a regardé autour de lui comme il l'a fait et a reniflé l'air pour savoir s'il y avait quelque chose de dangereux à proximité. Elle pouvait sentir quelque chose, c'était sûr. Itsukiwi a fait la stupide suggestion de ramener Rin à la sécurité de la clinique. Rin a un peu baissé la tête et avait l'air un peu en colère contre Itsuki. "Je ne suis pas là pour moi-même, tu sais... fais ce que tu dois faire." Il s'énerverait probablement à cause du twat persistant, mais elle ne s'en souciait pas. Elle voulait le protéger du mal autant qu'elle le pouvait. Elle savait dès le début qu'il serait dans le même genre d'ennuis qu'hier. Elle était prête pour quelque chose comme ça, même si ça lui coûterait quelque chose.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Itsuki Itsuki n'a rien dit comme Rin a essayé de le réconforter un peu, mais comme il s'est levé de la tombe, essuyant son visage propre des larmes, il lui a donné un léger clin d'œil d'appréciation. Puis les deux partiraient, bien que vers où, Itsuki n'avait aucune idée réelle. Il ne retournait pas à la clinique de Hana, et il pouvait rester ici très longtemps non plus, surtout avec nulle part où vraiment bunker vers le bas. Il devrait probablement quitter le service bientôt, de peur qu'il ne risque d'être découvert par un enquêteur. La pensée lui donna une pause en regardant autour de lui, ayant senti quelque chose au fur et à mesure que le vent changeait. Ses yeux se rétrécissaient alors qu'il tournait son regard dans la direction d'où venait l'odeur, voyant une veste blanche familière le fait descendre les pierres tombales. Il n'a pas fait de mouvements soudains ou menaçants, tout simplement les observer avant de continuer sur son chemin. Une fois sortis de la tombe, cependant, Itsuki reprendra la parole, après avoir retrouvé son sang-froid après sa plus ancienne panne. "Rin, c'est probablement mieux si je te ramène à la clinique, mais je ne t'emmène qu'à l'entrée. Je ne retournerai pas là-bas, pas maintenant, peut-être jamais. Je doute que ça finisse mieux cette fois-ci, sans parler du fait que je ne peux pas dire que je suis complètement au courant non plus. Je veux quand même m'assurer que tu y arrives en toute sécurité, alors allons-y, kay?" Takeshi Dès que le kagune de l'autre Ghoul est sorti, de même que celui de Takeshi comme il a soudainement pris une position basse, voyant à l'intrus avec son Kakugan actif. Il resterait comme ça alors que les choses commençaient à se calmer lentement, ne faisant pas confiance à ce nouveau venu. Il ne pouvait pas tout à fait dire ce que c'était à propos d'elle qui l'a fait se sentir tellement à l'écart, un sentiment d'intestin qui a réverbéré à travers lui à partir de son cœur même. Il regarda du tyran, qui s'éloignait, à Takumi, qui essayait encore de calmer la situation, à Hana, qui semblait agir très humblement et bizarrement pour une raison quelconque. Sa Kagune toujours dehors, mais tenant un peu moins à l'aise, il continua de rentrer dans la pièce, regardant en arrière pour voir Kazuya, qui lui a parlé afin de faire passer un message sans alerter aucun des adultes. Quelque chose dans le sens de 'Qu'est-ce qui se passe?' En réponse, Takeshi a filmé sa Kagune deux fois, l'un des codes qu'ils avaient créés pour communiquer sans alerter les autres. Cela signifiait que la situation était calme, mais que l'on devait se tromper du côté de la prudence. Voir cette Kazuya est retourné à l'intérieur de la pièce, avec Takeshi étant rapide à suivre, en gardant les yeux sur la femme au cas où elle décidait d'essayer quelque chose, son kagune, en avançant alors que son corps était à mi-chemin dans la pièce pour enrouler autour d'une lampe voisine.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Rin Ils sont toujours retournés à la clinique même après que Rin lui ait dit qu'il n'avait pas besoin de faire attention à elle et de faire ses propres choses. Elle était en quelque sorte sa gardienne au moment où elle le pensait elle-même. En marchant après lui, ils sont tous les deux devenus calmes, ce qui les rend tout à fait embarrassants pour les deux. Itsuki rompit le silence avec une question normale. Rin s'est retourné sur lui pendant que leurs pieds scotchaient le long de la chaussée. "Pretty normal, le sommeil au travail et rien de plus... "Vous?"
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Miyako Rencontre et salut - 3ème Ward - Hana's Clinic Il y avait un sentiment fugace à l'intérieur de Miyako alors qu'elle regardait les autres réagir à la tension soudaine. L'homme était certainement le plus intéressant du groupe. Sa nature douce et diplomatique était très différente de ce que Miyako était venu attendre des autres et le peu d'elle qui restait l'a trouvé très... attachant, mais il y avait quelque chose d'autre à son sujet. Cette odeur était indéniable maintenant que son musc concentré a atteint les narines de Mi. Un-yeux. Uniquement délicieux et cette pensée n'a pas vraiment aidé la lutte de Mi et certainement les cris paniqués du pyjama-ghoul. Tout était pour être parfait pour son autre côté amoureux du carnage, et elle était en train de perdre, bien que sa vision se rétrécissait alors qu'elle se sentait distanciante de la réalité. Il arrivait et Miyako avait perdu... ...mais tout d'un coup, rien. Miyako est revenue en pleine conscience alors qu'elle regardait le ghoul à queue de cochon avant de s'en tirer avec rien de plus qu'une malédiction. C'était comme si de l'eau froide avait été jetée sur Mi et a mis sa libido en rage pour se détacher et mutiler. Mi était complètement déconcertée alors qu'elle regardait Pig-tails s'approcher d'une autre pièce et pendant un moment, il semblait que les choses passeraient sans incident. Dans un monde parfait, Mi se détachait, obtenait ses informations et devenait de grands amis avec tout le monde ici, y compris les queues de cochon. Mais ce n'était pas comme ça que ça marchait. En fait, ce n'était pas la première fois que Mi éprouvait un soulagement soudain seulement pour être trompé quelques instants plus tard par une rechute non poussée. C'était si l'autre camp de Mi avait aussi aimé torturer son hôte avec des moments de fausse sécurité avant de voler violemment à nouveau le contrôle. Miyako ferma les yeux et respira profondément. Dans la fosse de son estomac, elle savait que c'était un autre exemple de faux espoir et qu'il était inutile de croire qu'elle pouvait garder le contrôle maintenant. Elle a encore ouvert les yeux et s'est tournée vers One-Eye. Elle savait ce qu'elle voulait de l'autre côté et sentait un peu de pitié pour l'homme apparemment gentil. Son expression correspondait probablement à cela pendant un moment comme le regard des deux autres. Mi voulait dire quelque chose, mais comment vous excusez-vous à quelqu'un que vous savez que vous allez manger... Une fois de plus, Miyako a fermé les yeux et son visage s'est serré comme si elle craignait d'être frappée à tout moment. Mi se sentait comme si elle flottait loin de tout. Elle n'a pas réalisé que son autre camp avait repris le contrôle une fois de plus et a soudainement sauté vers Takumi. Il pourrait être la victime de sa propre défaite se rapprochant de la vitesse de Mi lui a été permis de se refermer rapidement. Les mains de Mi ont tiré et ont essayé d'attraper les bras de l'homme, mais elle ne s'est pas arrêtée là. Sa bouche salivante cherchait la chair la plus proche de One-Eyed qu'elle pouvait voir et se trouva en train de chercher la joue de l'homme pour mordre et arracher un morceau de son visage s'il, pyjama, ou les autres se révélaient trop lents pour arrêter Mi.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Miyako Impulse - 3ème Ward Le temps passait alors que Miyako continuait sa veillée tranquille en bas de la rue de la clinique. À en juger par le faible niveau d'activité, l'endroit semblait assez banal comme ce que Miyako supposait être des humains réguliers se blottir à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des portes de temps en temps. Mais rien n'était garanti à ce point de vue et après avoir soigneusement examiné les variables, Miyako a décidé d'approcher. Depuis hier soir, elle a trouvé le temps de se changer avant de s'endormir dans cette ruelle. Un grand sweat gris enveloppait complètement son petit haut du corps, les manches s'étirant au-dessus de ses mains et le bas s'étirant à peine au-dessus de son short pour faire croire que le sweat-shirt était la seule chose qu'elle portait. Ses cheveux gris distincts étaient paresseusement masqués par un capuchon de balle et un masque chirurgical nouvellement acquis cachait son visage un peu. Tout l'histoire l'a rendue plus jeune qu'elle ne l'était surtout en raison de sa taille, mais dans l'ensemble, c'était un déguisement assez faible. Toutes choses considérées, cependant, les mendiants ne pouvaient pas être choisis car Miyako a acquis tout cela par divers moyens froncés. Miyako a fini par se jeter dans une petite boutique de l'autre côté de la rue et en utilisant la vitrine, elle a mis sur l'acte d'analyser la marchandise. Dans ce cas, elle tenait deux parapluies dans sa main et tenait les deux comme si elle essayait de décider quelle couleur lui convenait le mieux. La grise, évidemment, mais au moins elle a rendu tout l'acte quelque peu convaincant. Assez de temps passerait que Mi devrait essayer de parcourir d'autres éléments, mais peu de temps après la fin de son débat de parapluie interne, elle a vu le mouvement de l'autre côté de la rue. Un homme sortait de la clinique et alors qu'il n'apparaissait pas différent des autres physiquement, il n'avait pas l'air content comme les autres. Non, ce n'était pas une triste, mauvaise nouvelle du docteur, mais c'était une qui semblait être pleine de rage. La colère n'était certainement pas une chose commune à ressentir après une visite de clinique. Au fur et à mesure que l'homme s'élançait, Miyako le regardait attentivement en marchant, l'étudiant soigneusement pour tout ce qui était reconnaissable. En toute honnêteté, Mi n'avait pas grand chose à faire, mais elle s'est souvenue que l'homme d'hier soir était un peu plus grand que le Japonais moyen. Il y avait aussi un faible indice des vraies blessures de l'homme qu'il essayait de cacher. Il semblait presque en bonne santé, mais il y avait une légère perturbation chaque fois qu'il faisait un pas. Alors que Mi continuait à peser ses preuves, elle a remarqué une petite (très petite) fille à la poursuite. Ont-ils récemment eu un différend verbal? Si oui, cela a découragé une grande partie de la preuve de Mi que c'était le Rinkaku. Curieuse sur les deux, Mi sortit et les suivit un peu jusqu'à ce que le sujet de Mi se tourne vers la petite femelle derrière lui. Mi a attendu qu'un cri ou quelque chose indique quoi que ce soit concernant ce qui s'est passé à la clinique, mais rien n'est venu. L'homme était silencieux et soudain, Mi s'est senti un rappel très étrange de la nuit dernière. C'est lui... l'autre moitié de Mi a failli avoir faim, provoquant l'eau de la bouche de Mi. Le Rinkaku de la dernière fois avait aussi été sans voix. C'était de mauvaises preuves mais tout considéré, Mi se sentait un peu mieux à propos de son prochain mouvement... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La clinique a l'air très moderne et juste puant de la clique clinique classique. Beaucoup d'humains étaient à la fois le personnel et la visite de l'endroit rendant l'endroit très convaincant, mais pas assez. L'air avait une teinte de Ghoul dedans et comme Mi continuait à l'intérieur, elle pouvait déjà sentir la réceptionniste, qui sentait le fait d'être un Ghoul. Elle était préoccupée par certains des visiteurs humains, mais Mi n'avait pas besoin de la déranger, elle savait qu'elle était au bon endroit. Miyako, dans son apparence actuelle, avait l'air d'être une enfant perdue, mais étonnamment, personne ne lui a donné de chagrin à ce sujet, alors qu'elle tournait brièvement autour du premier étage avant de glisser dans l'escalier jusqu'au deuxième étage. Encore une fois, Mi a brièvement balayé, mais n'a pas eu l'impression qu'il n'y avait aucune gouille présente en dehors de l'évanouissement encore faible de la puanteur de Ghoul. En continuant, elle a fait la même chose et a trouvé un étage de l'hôtel. Pour la plupart, Mi a fait de son mieux pour ne pas confronter les gens et rester hors de vue. Il était préférable d'éviter toute attention dans ce cas. Mais encore une fois, Mi n'a trouvé aucune présence d'activité de Ghoul, mais seulement noté que la puanteur de Ghoul se sentait légèrement plus forte au fur et à mesure qu'elle montait. Quatrième étage. Mi pouvait le sentir. Sentez-les. Des goules. L'air était si piquant maintenant, Mi pouvait sentir son estomac frémir et grogner en excitation comme si son autre moitié avait commencé à chanter en elle. À la suite de l'odeur, elle a finalement trébuché sur une scène que vous n'avez pas vraiment pu décrire bien. Un Ghoul aux queues de porc avait les mains dans le pantalon de deux autres Ghouls. Il y avait un autre Ghoul, mais il était largement éclipsé par toute l'épreuve de la main. "Excuse-moi..." Mi appela doucement les autres de son coin. Son autre moitié la dévorait figurément en regardant les autres Ghouls. Sa bouche a arrosé et elle pouvait juste goûter leur chair. Mi aurait essuyé sa bouche mais elle portait toujours le masque et se sentait slobber dessus. "... J'espérais que quelqu'un puisse m'aider..." continua-t-elle, sa voix légèrement étouffée par le masque. Elle s'appuyait vraiment sur l'innocente chose et a essayé de sonner aussi loin que possible d'une menace. C'était un peu trop tôt pour entrer dans une craie en ce moment, malgré l'autre moitié qui le voulait désespérément.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Itsuki Itsuki n'a pas répondu, se contentant de rouler les yeux dans l'exaspération alors qu'il se dirigeait vers la clinique, épargnant un autre coup d'œil rapide dans la direction de l'individu vêtu de blanc qu'il a vu au loin alors que Rin ne regardait pas pour être sûr qu'ils ne suivaient pas les deux. Alors qu'il était confiant qu'il pouvait faire face à une seule colombe assez facilement, il y avait toujours le problème qu'il n'apporterait et plus de bâtards enduits blancs sur eux plus rapidement que vous ne pouviez cligner des yeux, surtout dans cette salle. Heureusement, la colombe n'a pas semblé leur donner l'esprit, et donc il a pu se détendre un peu, mais pas trop. En retournant regarder Rin, les deux retourneraient à la clinique en silence, comme Itsuki ne pouvait pas vraiment penser à quoi que ce soit à dire. Les mots n'ont jamais été sa spécialité, même lorsqu'il était plus jeune, il montrait habituellement ce qu'il ressentait par ce qu'il faisait plutôt que par ce qu'il disait. Bien qu'il ne se soucie pas nécessairement du calme, il a pensé, d'après le commentaire de la fille, qu'elle n'était pas heureuse avec lui, et bien qu'il ne puisse pas penser pourquoi elle serait en colère contre lui en ce moment (elle n'était pas cette ennuyée sur la marche ici, donc ce ne pouvait pas être à cause du combat. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est possible?), il ne voulait pas que les deux quittent cette marche en mauvais termes. "Alors. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Comment allez-vous?" Des moments comme celui-ci me font presque souhaiter que je sois de retour dans le 24ème. Au moins là-bas, je n'avais pas à m'inquiéter de ce genre de merde, juste si je suis sur le point de me faire sauter quand je tournerai le prochain coin.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Asoka "Mercure" Avec cet avertissement, elle apprécierait un siège à la cuisine avec une nouvelle portion de tout le café que Hana avait en réserve pour ses invités. A ce stade, Asoka avait tout mis en zone et attribuant le devoir de baby-sitting aux plus « justes » et « diplomatiques » du gang. L'inévitable ruckus qu'ils produiraient la laisserait absolument intacte à un point où elle lirait simplement des articles comme si elle était dans un endroit paisible dans un parc tranquille. Compte tenu de sa vie étudiante et de son orientation vers les entreprises plus ombragées, il n'était pas rare qu'elle rencontre régulièrement de telles commotions. C'était une question d'état d'esprit à ce stade. Comment perdre cette graisse de cuisse en cinq étapes faciles? Pffffff, je me demande comment les goules d'Amérique se sentent avec toute cette graisse dégoûtante qui remplit au moins... la moitié de la population. Elle s'est moquée comme la vraie folie commençait juste une pièce loin. Les kagunes étaient relâchés, les gens étaient décapités et les médecins perdaient leur merde. La page suivante a été tournée, et seuls les rires échappaient aux lèvres d'Asoka avec la gorgée occasionnelle de sa tasse de café. Elle ne bluffait vraiment pas en disant qu'elle resterait loin de tout ça pendant la période qu'elle avait donnée à ses compagnons. Bien qu'il semblait que le Mercury n'avait pas eu tort avec son approche dès le début. Peut-être qu'un jour ils apprendraient tous les merveilles de l'asokaïsme et se convertiraient à la seule et unique religion. Quelques shards errants d'Ukaku décollaient à travers la sortie du couloir qui conduisait à la cuisine, faisant tomber une horloge suspendue et s'écraser. Ils ont incité Asoka à ne regarder que la décoration détruite. Eyes squinting, le court ghoul a noté qu'ils étaient assez puissants pour un barrage d'Ukaku occasionnel, surtout compte tenu de l'état complètement oblitéré de la machine brisée. J'espère que le nouveau ghoul n'était pas fort, sinon il y aurait des culs à botter. Alors Hana a appelé, confirmant ce que le Bikaku avait entendu tout ce temps. Le tyran sourit avant de tourner une page. Elle n'a pas encore répondu, elle a laissé une petite pause se produire au cas où un carnage plus intéressant serait capturé par son audition aiguë. "Huh? "Tais-toi." Serait la réponse donnée à Hana, une complètement indifférente à toute la situation. Bientôt, ils apprendront... Juste quatre autres choses à faire...
Name: Asoka Age: 19 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 155 cm - 47 kg Sexuality: Bisexual CCG Rating: S~ Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation. CCG Title: -Mercury -The Umbrella -The Troll Mask: Usual Mask When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG Kagune: A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam. The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things. In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them. She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask. RC Type: Bikaku Special Quirk: Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this. Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli". She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it. Personality: A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder. Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all. It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as. While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles. She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny. Backstory: Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man. This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage. Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food. The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot. She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it. When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye? On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up. I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah. Other: Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics Has a cat named Poo Big fan of XCOM Theme:
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa En fin de compte, la bête a triomphé sur la raison. Hana a regardé que le nouveau Ghoul a finalement décidé de casser et d'attaquer Takumi. C'était peut-être lié parce que Takumi sentait toujours délicieux, humainement, et Hana elle-même aurait été tentée de mâcher son visage succulent par moments, si elle ne connaissait pas la vérité et était un tad feral comme cette femme qui attaquait. Tous les masques étaient tombés, et les prétentions de bonne volonté et de politesse s'étaient effondrées et s'étaient écrasées. Les goules, en fin de compte, étaient des bêtes pitoyables, toujours enclines à se battre pour répondre à leur faim. Impossible de réaliser leur potentiel. Takumi était une âme douce, une âme qui avait été forcée de marcher sur le chemin des goules bien qu'étant humaine. Asoka avait momentanément arrêté son désir de contrôler pour donner cette chance. Seulement pour échouer. Hana's Wrath a été brevetée, alors qu'elle s'est lancée dans l'action, les six couteaux Kagune qu'elle avait produit plus tôt ont été jetés avec précision chirurgicale à la cible. Elle n'avait choisi que deux points faibles, ayant dû éviter de cibler l'arrière du cou en raison de la façon dont sa cible se déplaçait. Malgré cela, le dos tourné vers elle, elle ne remarquera jamais à quelle vitesse trois shards s'insèrent dans la base de chaque aile, avec l'intention d'essayer d'endommager les Kakuhous produisant chacune des pièces de la Kagune. Mais c'était loin de l'action de Hana. Non, ce n'était que l'ouverture de l'attaque, alors que le Kakugan de Hana explosait à la vie, son Kagune éclatant violemment. Avec la vitesse d'un Ukaku, elle a aussi soufflé et soufflé, ses ailes ressemblant à des abeilles un flou étincelant fermant la distance entre elle, et le duo en difficulté. Bits et sangles du torse pyjama dispersé partout, ayant la conséquence malheureuse de la nudité partielle, mais pour Hana, la nudité n'était qu'un problème humain. La peau de Ghoul était pare-balles, après tout. Les yeux rouges jumelles portaient un trou dans le crâne de sa cible, une salive prononcée pleine de dégoût, et tuant l'intention patente en elle. Je ferais mieux de retenir un peu mon attaque la plus puissante, de peur que je ne détruise la clinique ou Takumi, bien que je doive démissionner aux dommages collatéraux. Rien de moins que.3 ne fera pas de mal à ce monstre Son esprit a couru à travers les calculs comme elle exhalait fortement... ... Libérer un bon trente pour cent de ses cellules Kagune RC dans une seule attaque en évitant même les limites fixées par les goules sauvages et le bon sens habituel. L'explosion suivante de la flechette a poivré le corps de Miyako, une partie de Takumi et une partie de la clinique. Il ne fait jamais mal d'utiliser un double robinet fort pour être sûr. Si son adversaire était un ghoul Ukaku normal, elle serait déjà un hamburger. Mais, hélas, c'était un kakuja qui avait envoyé Itsuki. "Le nerf de certaines personnes! A-chan! Les négociations se sont effondrées! » Hana a hurlé. D'autres se seraient levés et se seraient engloutis, mais pas Hana. Son schowl avait maintenant un sentiment d'épouvante... C'était similaire à ceux des colombes. Ne vous levez pas, s'il vous plaît. S'il te plaît, reste à terre, espèce de monstre.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Takumi Minamoto - À la fin Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage Takumi se sentait vraiment bien en ce moment, ce qui signifiait évidemment que quelque chose allait mal tourner. Cependant, une telle possibilité, bien que reconnue, a été placée aussi loin que possible de son train de pensée actuel. Après tout, il était rare que ses tentatives de diplomatie semblaient effectivement avoir fonctionné; bien qu'il déteste l'admettre, c'est parce que la diplomatie était rarement la première chose à son esprit. Quoi qu'il en soit, Asoka n'était pas en train de piéger les flammes et avait même permis une courte période de grâce, Hana n'était pas devenue comment elle était avec Itsuki, le nouveau venu jouait bien... Si ce n'était pas le milieu de Tokyo, il s'attendrait à ce que les oiseaux chient et que des créatures de la forêt s'évanouissent. Mais ce n'était pas un film pour enfants, et il y avait des points importants à passer avant qu'ils ne puissent sauter les formalités et être tous copains. "Merci Asoka," Takumi a appelé avec gratitude avant de retourner à la fille. -- Oui, donc, commença Takumi, griffant l'arrière de sa tête avant de baisser les bras sur ses côtés dans une démonstration de non-agression, je suppose que la première chose est... » Il souleva un sourcil au regard étrange de la fille. L'immense sentiment de désespoir était quelque chose qu'il avait été sur au moins une extrémité d'avant. "Tout va bien là-dedans?" Il demanda alors que l'expression de la jeune fille se transformait en quelque chose de plus ressemblant à un partenaire épargnant, s'inclinant avant la première grève. Est-ce qu'elle pensait qu'il y aurait une bagarre qui éclaterait? "Ne t'inquiète pas, je ne suis pas... Oh!" Puis elle l'a frappé avec la célérité associée aux ukaku ghouls. Bien qu'il ait pensé qu'il aurait dû être surpris, il était beaucoup plus excité par le changement soudain de comportement de la fille. Il avait besoin de souffler un peu de vapeur compte tenu des événements récents; autant que cette attaque soudaine l'a bouleversé, il accepterait volontiers l'occasion d'aller avec le flux tel qu'il est venu Pendant un moment il y a eu un sourire vicieux et joyeux qui lui a fait éclater le visage, qui a rapidement été remplacé par une expression concentrée alors qu'il a mis son plan en action, et comme clignotant un interrupteur, il a éteint son cerveau et laissé son corps faire le travail. Tout d'abord, un pas vers l'intérieur pour perturber sa trajectoire. Dans le même temps, il saisirait ses bras à son tour; sa tentative de fournir un levier pour elle-même n'avait rien fait pour l'empêcher de s'accrocher à ses avant-bras. C'était une action étrange pour le moins, mais l'intention derrière elle est rapidement devenue claire. "Vraiment désolé," le ghoul à un yeux roulait, ton qui semblait assez embarrassé par lui-même. Qu'il s'agisse de Hana et des enfants pour être un terrible modèle et juge de caractère, ou de son partenaire de combat pour ce qui devait arriver ensuite, a été laissé en l'air. Le connaissant, c'était probablement les deux. Mais si elle venait après lui en pensant que son inquiétude le rendait le maillon faible, elle était là pour une surprise. "Hur!" Avec aucune hésitation, Takumi la tira et claqua la tête en avant avec toute la force de sa force épouvantable et toute la robustesse de sa ténacité à tête de taureau. Bien qu'il fût assez confiant que son cul de tête passerait par, il a poursuivi en tirant parti de sa plus grande construction pour tenter de la forcer et de la coincer.
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Itsuki "C'est quelque chose dans lequel je préfère ne pas entrer, alors disons simplement que les choses auraient pu être meilleures et la laisser à cela. Itsuki était conscient que cela semblait plus dur alors qu'il le voulait, mais il ne voulait pas charger Rin d'histoires de la façon dont sa vie était passée à la merde après qu'ils aient tous perdu contact entre eux. Non seulement cela, mais il ne pensait pas qu'il pourrait le faire sans avoir une autre panne, quelque chose qu'il n'était pas très impatient de faire. Tandis que les deux marchaient, il a essayé de penser à quelque chose d'autre à demander ou à dire à ses plus jeunes frères et sœurs. "Tu vas toujours à l'école, comme Asoka, ou tu travailles et tu survivs comme Hana." En parlant de ses autres frères et sœurs, il ne pouvait pas aider le sentiment d'incompétence qui l'a emporté. Il n'avait rien fait de remarquable de sa vie, même pas du tout, alors que tout le monde semblait faire quelque chose de leur vie après avoir perdu le vieillard. Même si tout cela n'est peut-être pas conforme aux souhaits du vieil homme, ils vivaient au moins comme des êtres humains civilisés. Itsuki, cependant, ne faisait que survivre, se battant pour chaque jour comme un loup solitaire, sachant que sa fin pouvait venir à tout moment. Il n'était même pas sûr de pouvoir vivre autrement après son passage dans ce qui était probablement l'approximation la plus proche de l'enfer qu'il pouvait imaginer. Chaque jour avait été une lutte, le sommeil reposé était un rêve pâle, et il avait laissé son humanité se frotter et mourir au nom de la vengeance creuse. Tout ce que je peux faire, semble-t-il, c'est tuer, me sentir désolé, et penser à de meilleurs jours. Peu importe à quel point j'ai essayé de me changer, ça a toujours été une partie de moi-même dont je ne peux pas me séparer. * Soupir * Vraiment une vision du monde plutôt absorbée. Takeshi Takeshi a été, faute d'un meilleur mot, plutôt surpris par l'issue de l'affrontement actuel. Pas ce qui s'est passé, car il n'avait pas fait confiance au ghoul suspect dès qu'elle est sortie de nulle part. Non, ce qui l'a surpris c'est à quel point la situation semblait rapide et vicieuse, avec le gentil gars d'avant brusquement se mettre la tête dans celle de l'autre ghoul pendant que Hana éclatait en action. Il était derrière elle, donc il a été épargné du torrent de rasoirs tranchants. Ça ne l'a pas moins terrifié par l'affichage du pouvoir. Je suis vraiment content de ne pas m'être approché de ça, sinon je serais mort. Je ne pourrai pas éviter ça. Le bruit du ruckus a mis en avant le reste de sa famille, Kazuya paraissant prêt à se charger, mais Takeshi a fait un mouvement rapide pour que tout le monde reste dans leurs chambres. Kazuya ne lui a pas prêté attention, en sortant de sa chambre avec sa Kagune au prêt, tandis que Mii et les jumeaux viennent de regarder de leurs cachettes des taches, regardant la destruction avec inquiétude sur leurs visages. Ignorant son frère, Takeshi garda sa Kagune hors de là, bien que dans une position plus défensive puis l'autre, ne risquant même pas la pensée d'entrer au milieu du prochain choc. Cela ne finirait qu'avec lui se faire tuer ou se mettre en travers du chemin, peut-être les deux, maintenant qu'il a pris le temps d'y penser. "Kazuya, ne fais rien de stupide! On n'a aucune chance si on s'implique là-dedans. Takeshi chuchotait, obtenant un éblouissement ennuyé de Kazuya comme son frère a déclaré l'évidence. Pas de merde, mais il n'y a pas moyen que je reste dans la chambre et attende que la merde tombe. De plus, vous êtes presque sans espoir quand il s'agit de vous battre, alors vous laisser seul comme un tampon entre nous et cette salope folle ne va pas faire grand-chose, n'est-ce pas?" Il va sans dire que la déclaration de Kazuya a suscité une grande colère de la part de Takeshi, mais il a à peine réussi à se garder en échec en raison de la situation désastreuse à laquelle il est confronté. Alors qu'il était assez sûr que trois goules seraient capables de tenir les choses assez bien, il savait aussi qu'un ghoul d'angle était beaucoup, beaucoup plus dangereux, et donc ils ont dû filer doucement de peur qu'elle ne cogne soudainement avec quelque chose qu'ils ne s'attendent pas.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Elle s'est levée, et elle était en train de se transformer. Même après tous ces dégâts, elle allait toujours riposter. Le schowl de Hana s'est intensifié alors qu'elle a vu comment son attaque soudaine n'avait pas réussi à enlever l'autre ghoul, l'énerver dans le processus. Curieusement, elle n'a pas perdu de temps à mettre de la distance alors que l'autre goul allait se transformer et avait un couple d'une doublure dans son spiel.Comment peut-elle même parler après cela!!? Elle pensait. Pire encore, il n'y aurait pas de renforts. Cette garce égocentrique d'Asoka était encore dans la cuisine, en train d'être smug. Le schowl de Hana a été brièvement remplacé par un choc lorsque le piège Kagune a éclaté autour d'elle. Alors qu'elle était assez loin pour éviter le pire, il semblait que la folle avait doublement takkun après son attaque brutale initiale avait infligé un mauvais cas de feu amical. Il semblait que Hana était loin de la seule difficulté dans ce combat, elle pensait tout en évitant le feu ukaku flechette avec des coupures mineures. Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait? Hana a crié mentalement, comme dans une crise de panique après qu'elle ait fait le tour des enfants. Les seuls dont l'innocence ne pouvait être remise en question, et de préférence ceux qui devaient être épargnés. Les jeunes oisillons de la race des ghouls. Dans le sens déformé du devoir et de l'échelle de moral de Hana, c'était la seule chose qu'elle valorisait au-dessus de sa propre vie et intelligence. C'était probablement son plan depuis le début, mais Hana n'avait pas d'autre choix que de sauter dans le piège de la salope. Éparpillant ses bras et Kagune, elle prit tous les durs qui visaient les enfants, et s'envoya s'éterniser et se blesser. "Venez dans vos chambres!" Elle a exhorté les jeunes à l'oeil large, alors qu'elle piratait le sang. Salope avait même réussi à perforer un poumon avec si peu de shards. Et c'était sûrement un ouvreur. Hana a ressenti une sensation d'effroi. Pieds plats contre son adversaire, en vitesse, et sur le point de la mêler à la viande. La pire condition possible. Elle a préparé sa Kagune, ou tout ce qui n'avait pas été touché par la tempête de la flechette, et a cristallisé tout en même temps. Avec un mouvement rapide, elle entreclôt ses ailes d'abeilles au-dessus de sa tête et des épaules, protégeant l'arrière de son cou. "Je ne joue pas." Hana a finalement répondu à son adversaire, alors qu'elle lançait la tête en premier vers l'Ukaku sauvage dans une position très basse, ses ailes comme bouclier. Le Kagune devait être sacrifié. Ses jambes pourraient être sacrifiées. Ses bras pourraient être déchirés. Elle n'en avait pas besoin pour ce genre d'attaque. Une attaque primitive, brutale, mais incroyablement pragmatique. Alors que Kagune était un moyen privilégié d'attaque, il n'y avait qu'une autre chose qu'un ghoul avait qui pouvait percer la chair et la peau du ghoul. Ses dents. Et Hana ne perdrait pas de temps à s'ennuyer dans le Navel découvert de l'Ukaku. Elle connaissait l'anatomie avec les yeux bandés. Elle savait où viser. Et comme ça, Hana, le médecin du ghoul, a menacé de déchirer le Kakuja's LIVER avec sa TEETH nue.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Takumi Minamoto - Arrêt Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage Une forte exhalation correspondait à l'échafaudage de la lance de Takumis qui s'affrontait avec le pectoral de Miyakos kakuja. Le bref choc entre lui-même et la cible a rapidement révélé qu'il ne pouvait pas simplement compter sur la compatibilité pour compenser la grande différence de « ghoulishness » avec son adversaire. Peut-être s'il était mieux nourri et moins blessé, mais ce n'était pas là des problèmes qu'il avait la liberté d'aborder en ce moment. Quelques centimètres plus précis et peut-être que j'aurais pu faire plus qu'un coup éblouissant, a-t-il noté, utilisant très intentionnellement son élan en avant restant pour passer au-delà du ghoul kakuja. Bien que cela ait laissé son dos assez exposé, il est vite devenu clair pourquoi il l'avait fait: s'il était resté, il aurait été pris dans la lutte sauvage entre Hana, ses dents, et les organes de kakuja. En d'autres termes, la manœuvre de flanquage improvisée avait été exécutée avec succès, mais pas tout à fait comme il l'avait prévu. Avec une lance-twirl inutilement dramatique, Takumi rasé l'élan excédentaire, a assuré sa lance n'a pas fini enterré dans Hana, beau papier peint, et retourné autour rapidement et élégamment. Sans perdre de temps, il reliait sa fausse quinque à sa kagune, la modifiant alors qu'il évaluait la situation. L'adversaire était blindé, rapide, et avait la capacité de libérer des pièges de kagune - ayant peut-être quelque chose à voir avec ses étranges sécrétions? - mais aussi blessé, et surtout immobilisé. Par conséquent, la vitesse n'était plus un facteur. Compte tenu du potentiel de feu amical, cela signifiait que ce qui était nécessaire ici était une frappe précise qui pouvait ignorer l'armure. Et ainsi, la tête de la lance devint la tête d'un warhammer. La force concussive était quelque chose contre lequel même le plus dur de l'armure ne serait pas capable de se défendre. Le poids caractéristique de koukaku kagune assurerait une distribution d'énergie cinétique maximale. La forme de son masque assurerait une grande zone cible, ou un point focal pour focaliser cette énergie dans le nez. L'immobilisation la forcerait à choisir entre essayer de jeter Hana et attraper son attaque avec ses ailes, ce qui supporterait les dégâts à la place. Et il pourrait toujours attaquer à nouveau. Alors que les deux filles luttaient pour la domination, elles auraient pu remarquer que l'ombre de Takumi les englobait lentement. S'il vous plaît essayez de la retenir un peu plus longtemps, nee-san,....Takumi a demandé poliment, levant le marteau koukaku vers le ciel et en alignés le tir sur sa tête. Kakuja-chan doit prendre un bref repos. Puis il a lâché le marteau. Le nauséum de l'ad.
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Miyako Douleurs à l'estomac - 3e quartier - Clinique de Hana Le petit monstre se tapait alors qu'elle profitait pleinement des petits oisillons et forçait la femelle Ukaku à s'exposer à l'attaque de Mi. L'excitation de sa vengeance vient juste de commencer juste à la distraire assez pour oublier le garçon se demander qui s'était aussi lancé dans l'action derrière elle. Le pied de l'homme giflé contre le sol était le premier indice de Mi. Alors qu'elle commençait à se retourner, elle vit l'homme se charger dans ses périphéries. Cependant, malgré l'avance de l'homme avec sa pleine charge, Mi, en raison de la disparité de sa vitesse avec Takumi, était pleinement capable de tourner et de sauter. C'était un proche, c'est sûr, car Takumis kagune broyait contre le devant de l'armure de la poitrine de Mikumis, broyant les particules de son armure avec une étincelle. La force de l'action a eu l'effet involontaire de tourner Mi à peu près assez pour voir Hana se charger, dents barrées... Ce n'était pas la première fois que Mi avait quelqu'un comme ça. Les dents de Hana's ont trouvé la marque initiale et l'ont mordue directement dans l'estomac de Mi's, mais elle s'est maintenue pendant que les deux ont commencé à tomber au sol. Malgré tout ce qu'il y avait de plus fort à propos de M. Kakuja que de l'autre, devenant surpris au milieu du saut et d'être un peu léger, il n'y avait toujours rien qu'elle puisse faire pour empêcher Hana de sortir son élan de sous ses pieds afin qu'elle tombe à l'envers avec Hana portant vers le bas sur elle. Mi a atterri avec un toud avec Hana atterrissant sur elle. Sa tête encore enterrée dans l'estomac de Mis dans une morsure serrée, mais maintenant qu'ils avaient cessé de bouger, Hana a commencé à utiliser violemment ses dents pour déchirer Mis chair non protégée. Mi a crié de la surprise parce que peu importe à quel point vous étiez dément, être mangé était toujours une sorte de chose choquante. Miyako n'a pas perdu de temps à se débarrasser de son assaillant et a rapidement atteint et attrapé Hana par les racines de ses cheveux. Elle tira fort sur la tête de l'autre, essayant d'arracher Hana de son estomac, puis pour renforcer sa défense, Mi colla son pouce sur son autre main et tenta violemment de l'enfoncer directement dans l'œil de Hana en utilisant son armure désossée autour de son pouce comme arme. Indépendamment de frapper l'œil ou non, l'impact dur de l'os cristallin pointu causerait probablement de mauvais dommages au visage et assez pour Mi pour continuer à tirer le raveneux Hana de son estomac et la jeter de côté par les racines de ses cheveux.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Rin Itsuki a pris un autre ton quand Rin a demandé ce qu'il faisait aussi. Il ne voulait pas parler de ce qui s'était passé entre les temps où ils se sont rencontrés. Rin écarta son regard du sien et tourna la tête légèrement loin de lui de façon blessée, mais n'avait pas l'air de tout ce qui l'ennuyait. Il y avait un petit silence après qu'il ait fini sa ligne, mais il ne voulait pas laisser l'ambiance à cela et a continué leur petite conversation pendant qu'ils gardaient le même rythme vers la clinique. "Je travaille. Ce n'est rien d'autre que je peux en vivre. » Rin a tourné son regard sur le trottoir devant eux et a montré un petit sourire. Elle était au moins un peu heureuse de sa situation. Jamais de retour à ce moment horrible d'avant, c'est ce pour quoi elle s'efforçait. Rin s'est à nouveau calmée, elle n'était pas très bavarde.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Miyako Letter Loose - 3ème Ward - Hana's Clinic Miyako a été un peu pris par surprise alors que le plus ami Ghoul dans la pièce a rapidement retourné son sort et est allé à l'offensive. La masse dure du front de l'homme ne se sentait certainement pas bien, mais il a en quelque sorte sorti Mi de son état de transe pendant un moment. Malheureusement, ce n'était qu'à l'étude complète de la tournure des événements qui se produisaient avant elle. Elle n'avait aucune hésitation à se battre et à tuer, même si les parties étaient innocentes, mais tout cela semblait une contrainte inutile sur son corps déjà épuisé. C'était frustrant de penser qu'elle était impuissante à empêcher ces pulsions malveillantes car cela ne faisait que rendre les choses plus difficiles. Bien sûr, ce n'était pas la seule chose que Mi a eu à vivre pleinement.. comme si son autre côté avait su ce qui allait arriver, Mi a ressenti une série de douleurs aiguës dans son dos alors que six couteaux ont été poignardés à la base de ses ailes. Mi a laissé sortir un yelp douloureux, sonnant principalement en état de choc, mais aussi blessé. En ce moment, elle ne pouvait pas comprendre ce qui venait de se passer alors que Takumi et elle arrêtaient leur lutte pendant un moment. Toute la séquence n'aurait pas pu être chorégraphiée mieux alors que Mi tourna la tête pour voir que le Ghoul qui portait du pyjama était sorti de ses lamentations et jaillissait. Tenu en place, Mi voulait se déplacer pour éviter une attaque entrante et se retourna pour affronter l'homme juste au moment où Hana avait laissé sortir son éclat d'obus. Mi, bien sûr, a pris le pire de l'explosion, se sentant shards de cellules RC déchiquetant son dos et Ukaku, pulvérisant une fine brume de ses propres cellules RC sur et autour de Takumi. Qui, en parlant de cela, avait également probablement pris quelques dommages comme Mi a été libérée de sorte qu'elle est tombée en avant presque tomber à plat sur son estomac, mais s'attraper juste avant avec ses mains juste avant son visage touché. Les dégâts, visibles à travers sa chemise maintenant déchiquetée, étaient considérables, car son dos avait été déchiré alors que ses nombreuses blessures commençaient à saigner. On pouvait entendre une culotte laborieuse si les autres présents se pressaient les oreilles pour écouter, sinon, sa poitrine et son dos pompés de chaque souffle. Comme Mi réfléchissait tranquillement, elle pouvait sentir le sang s'assembler et tremper sa chemise ou tomber au sol sous elle. Sa tête a encore souffert de ce râlement antérieur qu'il a reçu, mais ce n'était rien comparé à la douleur aiguë et fougueuse que ces poignards et durs faisaient chaque fois que Mi prenait une respiration dedans et dehors. Les choses avaient l'air désespérées et quand les choses avaient l'air comme ça, Mi n'avait plus qu'une option... Il n'y avait jamais vraiment un moment où Mi avait dû lâcher et garder au moins un certain contrôle était toujours préféré, mais parfois la situation appelait Mi à juste... lâcher prise. Sans regret, Mi s'attendait à ce que son destin soit encore en l'air. Avec une profonde respiration, elle sentit sa conscience revenir dans sa tête alors que quelque chose d'autre commençait à prendre le dessus. Sa Kakuja, complètement libérée. Les respirations rythmiques tranquilles de Mi n'ont pas été interrompues par le bruit de ce qui semblait être un os croquant. Il ne faudrait probablement pas que les autres présents remarquent, mais une sorte d'os cristallin poussait sur les bras et les jambes de Mi. Après le début du processus, un léger rire a commencé à venir de Mi avant qu'il ne soit assez fort pour que tout le monde puisse entendre. "...heuh. Vous jouez très dur.", Mi a dit entre deux rires alors qu'elle se levait jusqu'à ses genoux présentant la transformation presque complète à Takumi. Son visage était maintenant couvert de quelque chose qui ressemblait au crâne d'un cerf alors que les cornes continuaient de croître du haut de la tête. Ses bras étaient enfermés dans ce cristal osseux ainsi que ses pieds, formant une sorte de talons maintenant. Son corps était encore en train de former une sorte de cage thoracique autour de lui. Ce n'était pas visible, mais Mi souriait, apparemment ravi de tout. Elle leva le bras et pointa vers Takumi, faisant une forme d'arme avec ses doigts. "Bang.", a-t-elle dit brusquement se cassant la main vers le haut, et sans avertissement, le liquide RC gooey que Miyako avait été sécrété tout ce temps subitement et violemment tous les pics cristallins germés sur des longueurs, des diamètres, et même la direction de la croissance comme chaque pic cristallin a cherché aléatoirement à empaler un Ghoul invétéré. Takumi était susceptible d'en obtenir le pire car Mi avait versé beaucoup de cellules dans sa direction quand Hana l'a fait sauter de derrière. Mi, bien sûr, a été épargnée car elle a toujours été prudente de ne pas déclencher les pièges autour d'elle. Ce n'était pas tout ce que Mi avait prévu non plus. Avec son tour soudain probablement surprenant tout, elle a rapidement sauté à ses pieds et chargé Takumi d'une plus grande vitesse et temps de réaction avant. Cette fois-ci, quand elle l'a chargé, elle l'a sautée et a filé, filant sa jambe en cherchant à lui claquer le pied maintenant talibé dans le côté de la tête de l'homme. Dans un mouvement fluide, cependant, elle continuerait à tourner et à faire face à Hana avant de tirer un barrage de ses propres shards vers Hana avant, encore une fois, en utilisant son élan pour tourner autour et regarder violemment claquer son poing talonné dans la tête de Takumi pour plus de labyrinthe et le blesser. Les enfants du coin n'étaient pas passés inaperçus et après que Mi eut fini avec Takumi, elle se tourna vers eux. Intéressée à mesurer leur force, elle tirait un barrage de ses cristaux pour'souvent' les faire monter pour son approche. Mais Mi avait un plan plus sournois à l'esprit car elle visait à attirer Hana dans le plus proche de tirer un point volley blanc des cellules RC.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Takeshi "Qu'est-ce qui se passe?" Takeshi chuchotait sous son souffle dans la crainte terrible que le ghoul fou non seulement s'est levé après avoir pris un montant fou de punition des deux goules adultes, mais puis elle a commencé à transformer, les sons d'os craquer dans et hors de la place comme une armure pourpre a commencé à orner son cadre mince. Takeshi a été gelé dans la peur par la simple vue de ce qu'il avait appris à connaître en tant que Kajuka, et comme il bwgan pour montrer que c'est le pouvoir en claquant sur Takumi, Takeshi pensait que c'était la fin pour lui. Cette pensée ne semblait que devenir tout à fait réelle alors que la monstruosité tournait son regard vers lui, les sockets vides du crâne de cerf paraissant creuser un trou dans son âme. Alors qu'elle se lançait vers l'avant, elle envoyait un barrage de shards d'Ukaku en barillant les deux à des vitesses plus rapides qu'ils ne pourraient jamais espérer esquiver. Takeshi ne pouvait pas bouger un muscle, gelé comme un cerf dans les phares, tandis que Kazuya turbed et commence à tirer son frère vers lui, en prévoyant de le piéger avec son propre corps. Cependant, les deux ont été surpris quand Hana semblait apparaître hors de nulle part devant eux, prenant tout le barrage sur elle-même alors qu'elle criait sur eux pour courir dans la pièce, beaucoup trop de sang volant de sa bouche pendant qu'elle parlait. Kazuya simpkly hoche la tête, traînant derrière lui le Takeshi éclaboussé dans la chambre avec Mii et les jumeaux, qui étaient actuellement blottis par le lit, terrifiés. Ce n'est que lorsque la porte s'est refermée que Takeshi est revenue à la raison, se tournant soudainement pour saisir la poignée de la porte, seulement pour se faire lancer un poing dans le visage par Kazuya, son visage passant rapidement de l'incrédulité choquée à la colère alors qu'il tirait son jeune frère par son col, criant dans son visage alors qu'il semblait prêt à le frapper à nouveau. "Qu'est-ce que tu penses? Qu'elle a sauvé nos vies en nous donnant ce coup, et que tu es déjà en train d'essayer de le faire perdre encore!!Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? C'est pour ça que je ne peux pas rester ici et rester ici!!! Tu as vu ce qui lui est arrivé là-bas? Elle pouvait mourir, Kazuya, et si je n'y vais pas..." "Alors rien ne changera, si ce n'est que tu jettes ta vie et que tu lui fasses un sacrifice beaucoup plus gaspillé." La réponse de Takeshi a été coupée par le ton bas et froid de son frère, les deux se regardant dans les yeux avec une intensité féroce. "Tu l'as dit toi-même, Takeshi, on ne peut rien faire à personne de l'autre côté de cette porte. Je sais que tu veux aller l'aider, bon sang, je veux me précipiter là-bas et donner à cette salope un morceau de mon esprit. Mais je ne peux pas, et toi non plus. On est faibles, Takeshi, et tout ce qu'on peut faire c'est attendre. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et l'espoir. Kazuya simp y a lâché son Takeshi quand il a fini de parler, fermant les yeux avant de trouver une place sur le mur pour s'asseoir contre. Pendant tout ce temps, tous les enfants pouvaient voir combien il, le plus vieux d'entre eux, tremblait comme une feuille. En regardant ses propres mains cousues, Takeshi pouvait voir son corps faire beaucoup la même chose, peu importe combien il a essayé de le faire autrement. Comme les mots de Kazuya ont coulé dans, Tne roux garçon ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de pleurer, honte à sa propre faiblesse. Et alors qu'il s'est détérioré dans un gâchis sanglant et craintif, il a attendu que la porte le supplie de l'ouvrir. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et espérait que Hana serait celle qui le ferait. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ou Takumi, en enfer, même le petit Tyrant serait préférable à ce qui les attendait si c'était ça. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ce truc.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Nauseuseuse. C'est humide. C'est émouvant. Dégueulasse. C'est chiant. C'est dur. C'est insalubre. Hana a creusé à l'intérieur du ventre des autres goules en lui résistant à l'envie de vomir, son goût et son odeur s'envolant car ils donnaient des signes évidents d'inconfort. Complètement grossier et dégoûtant, c'était comme ça que la viande de ghoul était. Et pourtant, à chaque morsure, la prise sur son adversaire s'est évanouie. Elle s'approchait de plus en plus. Son dernier effort de fossé a doublé d'intensité alors qu'elle s'était rendue compte qu'elle avait écrasé son adversaire, et aucun autre dommage n'avait été pris. Un tour des événements, alors qu'une hâte l'exhortait à continuer. Festin sur les tombés. Elle se sentait dégoûtante et sale. Quelque chose semblait être mort à l'intérieur. C'est comme ça que Kakuja est née? Par amour-propre et désespoir? Et puis, un remorqueur a annoncé que son adversaire ne l'avait pas fait. En effet, parce que sa morsure était féroce, c'était tout le travail de déchirer les muscles protégeant la cavité viscérale. La force surchargée, furieuse de son adversaire, non, proie menaçait de déchirer son cuir chevelu alors qu'elle la tirait en dehors de son objectif... Et elle a avalé. Pour tout l'amour du monde. Elle a avalé cette viande dégoûtante par surprise, la sentant ramper dans une spirale lente mais nausée vers son estomac. Cela lui a donné des sens, juste à temps pour remarquer une griffe qui a ravagé son côté gauche du visage, évitant la perte d'un œil par une petite marge. Les mots de Takumi étaient comme un écho, car le kakuja allait clairement contre-attaquer. Hana était fatiguée. Elle était dégoûtée. Son feu s'éteignait. Elle savait... qu'elle ne pouvait pas gagner comme elle est. Elle allait mourir, malgré l'acte de cannibalisme qui rajeunissait quelque peu ses blessures. "Donc... désolé." Elle a réussi à prononcer comme elle était en train d'être séparée. Elle, en tant que goule, ne pouvait pas battre un tel ennemi. C'était alors qu'elle l'ouvrit, alors qu'elle regardait la blessure béante de l'autre ghoul. Elle avait deux mains. Elle avait des outils. Elle avait des connaissances. Crimson a explosé devant Miyako, alors que le cuir chevelu de Hana a été déchiré, proprement, avec une coupe. La main de Hana a porté un échafaudage sanglant comme un shard, sa tête exposée saignant abondamment maintenant. Encore un peu. Elle pourrait le faire. La main armée plongea dans la section médiane de Miyako. Son autre main s'est verrouillée sur la blessure ouverte. "Vivre! PANCRES! VEIN PORTAL! C'est bon! S'il vous plaît! Les enfants! AORTA!" Elle a crié au-dessus de ses poumons, avec toute sa rage, sa douleur et son dépit. Elle a coupé et coupé. Elle n'avait aucune considération pour la finesse. Tout ce qui comptait, c'était de mettre autant de coupures et de détruire autant d'organes internes que possible avant qu'elle ne s'épuise. La poignarde kagune s'est cassée, sa main nue s'est mise à entrer. "Et HEART!" Elle a ajouté, hystériquement. Mais elle n'a jamais pu terminer sa cible correctement, alors qu'elle s'est évanouie, son corps est devenu boiteux comme une marionnette après l'effort.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Itsuki "Ouhhhh. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. "Se faire des amis?" Itsuki a demandé, notant avec réticence que cette conversation allait plutôt mal. À la recherche de quelque chose pour attirer son attention sur leur marche, il a remarqué un certain nombre d'enfants qui marchent de l'autre côté de la rue. Ils étaient jeunes, et semblaient être sur le chemin de l'école avec les uniformes. Alors qu'il les regardait marcher, il repensa aux jours où le vieil homme était encore en vie. Pourraient-ils jamais avoir ces jours-là, il s'est demandé, jamais s'entendre comme avant? Takumi semblait être d'accord, bien qu'il ait aussi lutté un peu. Hana avait changé un peu, et pendant qu'il l'en voulait encore, après un moment pour se calmer, il a compris pourquoi elle était partie après lui comme ça. Il était un peu difficile, cherchant la pitié de soi et étant moins utile à l'époque. C'est le cas, il ne pensait pas qu'elle était entièrement justifiée non plus. Elle le pressait pour des informations sur un ghoul qu'il venait de rencontrer comme si ça allait être un problème. Elle était juste folle au hasard, c'était une dime-a-dozen dans le monde des enfers de ghoul, alors pourquoi être si branchée à ce sujet. Penser à ce fou Ukaku Bitch a ramené son esprit au fait qu'il était sans abri pour la nuit. Ce n'était pas un énorme problème, mais ce serait agaçant si le temps tournait mal. Il a envisagé de demander à Rin s'il pouvait rester un peu avec elle, mais a rejeté la pensée, ne voulant pas lui imposer. En plus, il doutait qu'il ferait pour un bon invité de la maison soit si la nuit précédente était quelque chose à passer. En sortant de ses pensées, il a griffé à l'une des blessures sous sa chemise, qui ont été fait guérir pour la plupart maintenant. "Rin, tu t'es disputé depuis la mort du vieil homme?
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Rin Rin tourna la tête pour regarder loin de Itsuki, son expression plus dure qu'auparavant. Elle n'a jamais été très douée pour socialiser avec les autres. Elle doutait que quelqu'un voudrait la voir deux fois après les choses qu'elle a faites et a dit aux autres. Les choses se sont glissées de la bouche sans se rendre compte à quel point ça pouvait arriver. Rin a décalé la tête vers le devant d'elle. "Pas vraiment... Je ne sais pas être honnête. Quand est-ce que quelqu'un est ton ami?" Rin tourna la tête plus loin vers Itsuki pour le regarder avec une expression un peu curieuse sur le visage de la tête. Si c'était pour décrire à partir de son expression monotone tout le temps qui est. Rin son nez s'est coupé un moment. Elle était sûre qu'elle sentait quelque chose, elle a dû être tout le monde à la clinique depuis qu'ils se rapprochaient. Itsuki lui a demandé si elle avait été dans des combats, elle n'était pas sûre de combien il avait été. Un combat si souvent était régulier pour elle donc il était difficile de suivre le nombre de fois qu'il avait été. Si elle devait peut-être aller chez un médecin, il était plus facile de garder la trace, mais c'était hors de question comme ghoul. "Je ne sais pas vraiment, quelques-uns. Une fois par mois, je crois. Il arrive juste que je suppose." Un petit silence tomba avant que Rin renifle encore quelques fois. Elle pouvait dire que tout le monde était encore là mais aussi l'odeur forte du sang et une autre présence autre qu'il y avait avant. Ça pourrait vouloir dire affaires. Le sang n'a jamais été bon autre que pour la nourriture. "Tu sens quelque chose aussi?" Rin a dit à Itsuki d'un ton monotone de palourde. Elle avait l'air un peu plus sérieuse à ce sujet qu'elle l'avait fait avant.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Takumi Miyamoto - Surgissement Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage Takumi a les yeux fermés sur son adversaire, en veillant à ce que même le moindre de ses mouvements ne puisse échapper à son regard vigilant. Naturellement, le fait qu'elle ait subitement été envoyée par le sixuple jeu de lames logé dans son dos ne lui a pas échappé non plus. Pourtant, la douleur étonnamment - presque malheureusement - de sa réaction l'a captivé pendant quelques secondes. Un regard a traversé son visage, ne regardant pas trop dissemblable à la confusion peinte par l'expression de son ennemi, avant d'être effacé par un tremblement mental de la tête. À l'intérieur, il s'est ridiculisé parce qu'il n'a pas saisi l'occasion et qu'il est devenu si terriblement doux de nos jours. Il était trop conscient de l'impact que de simples moments pouvaient avoir sur la marée de la bataille. Il regarda rapidement le lance-couteau lui-même. Le regard sur le visage de Hana et les sons préparatoires de son kagune ont donné à Takumi un enclin sur ce qui allait arriver ensuite. Il lâcha rapidement la fille, et traversa ses bras maintenant libres de façon protectrice sur ses parties du corps exposées - le visage et le haut du torse - alors qu'il creusait un talon dans le tapis - tout pour se préparer à l'attaque à venir. C'est quoi, ça? Il s'attendait à quelque chose de grand, mais peut-être pas aussi explosif que ça. Bien sûr, il était plus grand que la cible, et l'inexactitude était une conséquence inévitable de l'initiation d'une telle infraction à haut rendement, de sorte qu'il ne pouvait pas blâmer Hana pour les flechettes coupant dans ses bras, et laissant des incisions peu profondes le long du contour de son corps. Heureusement, son adversaire a pris le coup pour lui. Takumi a laissé sortir un long, comme l'expiration du sifflement avant de se redresser, prêt pour un autre tour. À ce moment-là, c'était comme s'il avait exhalé la douleur plutôt que l'haleine. Et avec des éclaboussures de cramoisi sur son visage et des bras dégoulinant de sanguine, il ressemblait de plus en plus à un monstre implacable. L'ironie n'a pas été perdue sur lui. «Damn," la demi-ghoul pensa, tirant des éclats de ses bras pendant le cessez-le-feu non parlé entre lui et la fille. Il a porté une expression d'inconfort visible - pas de la douleur, mais de la conscience croissante de son propre estomac grincant. Il a pris un autre souffle pour se centrer. Cette pause ne lui faisait pas beaucoup de bien; tous ces sentiments et ces pensées le laissaient tomber. À l'heure actuelle, les seules choses dont il avait besoin pour s'occuper étaient son adversaire et le peuple qu'il devait défendre. Tout le reste pourrait venir plus tard. Mais d'abord, il avait quelque chose à faire. "Hey, Ukaku Girl," Takumi a appelé le ghoul blessé, "It" est bien si vous voulez l'appeler démissionne. Je ne suis pas particulièrement d'humeur pour le meurtre ce soir. » C'était assez vrai, même s'ils avaient, sur la base d'une évaluation rationnelle, clairement déjà allé au-delà du point de non-retour. Il n'y avait même pas d'encre sur ce que les termes d'une telle reddition étaient; à tous les autres il semblerait qu'il parlait hors de son cul - ou peut-être qu'il était juste assez naïf pour ne pas rendre compte de qui que ce soit d'autre d'idées moins scrupuleuses. Mais le paragraphe 2 de l'article 13 de la loi sur les contre-mesures de Ghoul précisait qu'un enquêteur ne devait pas causer plus de tort qu'il ne le fallait à un ghoul, et même s'il n'exerçait aucune fonction officielle de la GCC, ne lui offrirait pas aurait laissé un mauvais goût dans la bouche du jeune homme. Le bruit d'os qui en résultait se creusant en place, et les premiers aperçus de l'exosquelette cristalline pourpre étaient la réponse silencieuse dont il avait besoin, mais n'était pas nécessairement à la recherche. "Kakuja? Ça me convient très bien, il pensait cocu. Plus un ennemi est gloussé, plus il est apte à les combattre. Du moins en théorie. Et je pensais que le Tengu serait le seul oiseau de proie ici. Alors que Miyako était occupée à montrer sa nouvelle forme, la demi-ghoul a commencé à évaluer son kakuja pour ses faiblesses. S'il pouvait poser une bonne frappe sur ses éléments vitaux avant que la cage thoracique ne s'étende complètement, il serait doré. Avec l'armure en place, elle serait plus rapide et plus dure qu'avant. Il doit ajuster son timing pour compenser le manque de vitesse. Subtillement, il a fait un petit pas en avant et... Bang. -a été rapidement assailli par la douleur d'un millier d'aiguilles. Merde, piège kagune, il maudit, hurlant et regardant vers le bas son corps perforé. ...à l'arrière de sa tête, il entendait sa voix le gronder, lui disant qu'il faisait mal. Heureusement, la nature de leur positionnement lors de l'attaque de Hana a assuré que la cellule RC s'est propagée loin de ses éléments vitaux et de son cerveau. Au lieu de cela, le plus gros des aiguilles cristallines creusées dans ses obliques, ses avant-bras postérieurs et ses cuisses. Peut-être pas aussi paralysant directement que l'avait espéré son adversaire, mais suffisant pour perturber sa mobilité. C'était une honte; il aurait vraiment préféré la liberté de mouvement en ce moment. "Grrh..." Takumi jeta son torse sur le côté de façon inélégante, provoquant des pics d'un côté pour creuser plus profondément et des pics de l'autre pour être court. Mais même si elle ne lui avait pas frappé la tête, elle l'avait encore amené par terre. Il apporta une main à son côté, où autrefois des pointes circulaires étaient maintenant déchirées des rabats de chair, se régénérant lentement. Avec chaque pause et chaque respiration, il a saisi un poing de pics et les a cassés dans des talons, permettant un mouvement plus libre. Il avait encore les pics en lui, mais il pouvait faire face à la douleur plus facilement qu'un handicap de mobilité. Cette décision fut certainement utile lorsqu'il sortit du chemin du talon pour lui écraser le visage. Il a attrapé le ghoul kakuja tournant son attention vers les enfants, et pour la première fois dans ce combat, il a commencé à craindre. Dans une fraction d'une seconde, il rejoue la bataille dans son esprit, et ce faisant, il commence à se rendre compte comment il a été réduit si bas par un adversaire si diminué: il a grandi complaisant. Même s'il était d'un état supérieur, il avait sous-estimé la force d'un rat coincé. Et maintenant les enfants paieraient. Bien qu'il ait pu être trop tard, il a refusé d'autoriser d'autres, et encore moins les enfants, à souffrir à sa place. Takumi adoucit son expression, et dans ces secondes tumultueuses, se trouva à se tourner vers une familiarité réconfortante. Il n'a pas fait attention à se mettre aux pieds. Son œil gauche s'assombrissait et un son métallique slithering émanait de ses épaules. «La cible est ~S-rate de Crazy Ukaku Bitch. ‘ Avec son attention portée sur les enfants, son dos relativement désarmé lui a été mis à nu. Il s'est lancé dans le sprint le plus rapide qu'il ait pu rassembler dans son état. Le tentacule de métal devint une perche dans ses mains, et sa bouche prononça deux paroles qui refroidiraient le sang de n'importe quel ghoul: Début de l'extermination. De derrière la charge elle-ghoul est venu Takumi, visant à prélever un puissant koukaku slash sur son dos exposé avant qu'elle puisse atteindre les enfants, suivie d'une poussée rapide au cœur. Non, c'était mal. Il hésiterait - mais de quel type de faiblesse, il ne pouvait pas dire - et la trajectoire de sa poussée serait modifiée pour frapper vers le poumon droit à la place.
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Rin Ce n'était pas vraiment une bonne réponse pour ainsi dire, mais entendre quelque chose comme ça d'elle lui a fait un peu plus sûr qu'il n'a pas fait tout trop d'amis non plus. Rin a déplacé sa tête sur le côté et a fait une petite poupe. Ce n'était pas satisfaisant du tout. Sans un mot, Itsuki s'est déplacé plus vite vers la clinique. Rin ne pouvait presque pas suivre ses jambes plus petites, mais n'arrivait encore qu'un peu plus tard à l'avant de la clinique. L'odeur intense avait déjà montré clairement qu'il y avait beaucoup de sang au dernier étage qui était encore frais. Il n'y avait pas de temps à perdre en attendant une stupide carte postale ou l'ascenseur. Les escaliers seraient aussi probablement verrouillés. Au lieu de cela, Rin est allé dans l'allée au côté de la clinique. Son dos et son bas du dos ont commencé à briller un violet clair avant que les vêtements versé et le kagune violet foncé éclatent de son corps. Le bikaku s'est enroulé autour de sa jambe alors qu'elle montait au point de saut. Elle a regardé et squatté. Son bikaku la lança facilement jusqu'au dernier étage de l'immeuble. Soit elle est passée par une fenêtre qui était encore ouverte, soit elle l'a cassée pour entrer dans le salon. Une fois là-bas, elle a pris position. Son bikaku toujours autour de sa jambe tandis que son rinkaku flottait dans l'air derrière elle. Ses yeux se sont aiguisés à la vue. Qu'avait fait cette femme à Hana... Rin a légèrement marché jusqu'à l'autre pour voir Itsuki arriver aussi à la porte d'entrée. La femme attaquante était battue sur le terrain avec tout le monde tenant leur kagune sur elle. Elle a fait un petit soupir et a passé les autres. Sa rinkaku en défense de sa famille et son bikaku se déplaçaient en l'air devant elle. Le long speary kagune pointait sur Itsuki devant elle. Il avait l'air d'être effrayant avec les siens. "Laisse-la t'expliquer." Elle murmurait tranquillement, personne n'est encore mort, donc c'était bien à son avis de laisser la femme rester en vie aussi.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Itsuki "C'est juste. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ça arrive, j'imagine." Itsuki s'est ébranlée à sa question, tout à fait incertaine à ce sujet lui-même. Il n'avait jamais vraiment eu d'amis lui-même, pour être honnête, ayant tendance à garder pour lui-même plus souvent alors pas. Au fur et à mesure que Rin poursuivit ses combats, Itsuki se trouva distrait par une odeur familière. Il ne pouvait pas le placer au début, mais plus il s'y concentrait, plus il se sentait froid. Sans pensée consciente, il a commencé à marcher plus vite, ses yeux dilatant alors que l'odeur devenait de plus en plus forte. Il n'a même pas entendu la deuxième question de Rin, ne s'arrêtant pas alors qu'il traversait les portes, au grand déplaisir de ceux qui travaillaient à la clinique. Itsuki a fait une abeille de l'homme d'avant, s'emparant de son épaule et le détournant de son patient et vers l'ascenseur. L'homme, bien sûr, a essayé de lutter mais Itsuki l'a coupé avec une mise à jour aussi concise que possible, en gardant suffisamment à l'esprit où il devait lui chuchoter l'information. "Je sens du sang à l'étage. Beaucoup. L'implication était claire, et l'homme était prompt à se laisser traîner dans l'ascenseur, en insérant la clé pour qu'elle aille jusqu'à l'étage nécessaire.Il a attendu juste assez longtemps pour que Rin entre si elle le suivait, puis a donné à l'homme un clin d'œil solennel alors qu'il a appuyé sur le bouton pour le 4ème étage. Alors que les portes se fermaient et qu'on les emmenait à l'étage choisi, tout ce qu'on pouvait entendre, c'était le coup rapide de son pied, la panique qu'il ressentait lentement, mais sûrement, glissant bien que les fissures dans son sang-froid. C'est ma faute. Tout est de ma faute. Je n'aurais jamais dû venir ici. Soufflant dans une tentative de se calmer, Itsuki commença à grignoter sur un de ses doigts, la force qu'il exerça étant suffisante pour tirer du sang. S'il leur est arrivé quelque chose, cette folle ne vivra pas pour regretter ce qu'elle a fait. Le ding de l'ascenseur arrivant à sa destination l'a secoué de ses pensées, mais avant même que les portes s'ouvrent, il savait tout ce qu'il avait besoin de savoir. L'odeur du sang était épaisse, et comme les portes s'ouvraient pour révéler la scène sanglante devant lui, c'était tout ce qui était nécessaire pour le fouetter dans une fureur furieuse. En sortant dans la petite zone, son Kakugan blanc a failli briller de l'intensité de son éblouissement alors que son Kagune sortait de son dos, tous les six fouettant comme un nid de vipères en colère. Dès qu'il était assez proche, ils convergeaient sur la forme abattue de Mi, les appendices griffés s'enfoncent profondément dans sa chair quand elle est tirée vers le haut dans l'air. En quelques instants, elle serait enveloppée par le Rinkaku d'Essuki, les écailles déchiquetées se déchirant douloureusement dans n'importe quelle peau exposée et la blessure ouverte dans son côté, ainsi qu'une grande force s'exerçant sur l'écrasement de son petit cadre. En la braquant contre le mur, ses yeux brûlants de rage blanche, Itsuki enveloppait silencieusement ses doigts autour de sa gorge, lâchant de toute la force qu'il pouvait rassembler. Entre son Rinkaku et ses mains, il ne pensait pas que cela prendrait du temps, surtout dans son état actuel. Comment osez-vous faire ça? La pensée lui a traversé la tête. Comment osez-vous venir ici et blesser ma famille!Je vais vous tuer. Je vais te tuer, je vais te déchirer en morceaux, je vais peindre ces couloirs en rouge avec ton sang pour ce que tu as fait. Alors que Itsuki se serre de plus en plus, un petit sourire commence à partir, un regard de faim brillant dans ses yeux blancs morts. Le pouls dans ses veines courait, son souffle s'accélérait, des synapses tiraient dans son cerveau. Quelque part, au fond de son esprit, il savait que ce n'était pas juste, qu'il ne tuait pas cette fille pour ce qu'elle a fait à sa famille. Non, il voulait se venger, putain, putain de vengeance. Et plus que ça. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il a raté ce sentiment. Peu importe combien il s'est nié ça, au fond, il l'a manqué. Le sentiment de pouvoir, de contrôle, de domination totale qui ne pouvait être obtenu que lorsque vous aviez une autre vie dans vos mains. Il avait découvert cette puissance profondément dans ces égouts dank, et elle a grandi avec son désir de vengeance, le poussant de plus en plus profondément dans l'obscurité de son propre cœur. Il n'était pas comme avant, quand ses parents sont morts, quand le vieil homme est mort, quand Hiyori est mort. Il avait alors été faible, mais cette force qu'il avait cultivée, cette puissance qu'il avait soignée et perfectionnée. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ça l'a rendu fort. La vie de cette fille était maintenant la sienne, et alors qu'elle luttait pitoyablement contre lui, il savourait chaque dernier moment, chaque petit souffle avant la fin.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana s'est quelque peu déplacée, son corps boiteux encore une fois secouant la vie. Lentement mais sûrement, ses sens et la douleur qui les accompagnait étaient une fois de plus dans son esprit. Combien de temps s'est-elle évanouie? Elle ne savait pas. Un coup qui lui a cogné le visage. Une gifle? Oui, elle était giflée, et criait dessus. Ses yeux essayaient d'ouvrir, mais les paupières ressemblaient à du plomb. Elle ne pouvait ni bouger ni ouvrir les yeux. Il y avait d'autres cris, des coups de pieds. Quelqu'un a mis quelque chose d'épais et de viande dans sa bouche. Savoureuse chair humaine, qui était froide. Elle a reconnu la partie avec une légère horreur, car elle l'avait nourrie avec force à travers sa gorge. Les souvenirs d'un événement passé ont refait surface. Elle avait été si faible qu'une adolescente, après avoir quitté la maison du vieil homme. Et ils étaient trois. Mais il n'était pas utile de se souvenir du passé, en plus de ces trois a déjà été traité il y a longtemps. Aussi vexant que la situation l'était, la viande était plus salée que les morceaux de chair de ghoul qu'elle avait mangés plus tôt. La couleur est revenue à son visage, alors que la fumée commençait à indiquer sa régénération. Ses yeux s'ouvrirent, décidèrent, le kakugan toujours actif. Elle s'est levée, les mains de quelqu'un l'aidant à faire sa démarche. Elle a rétréci les yeux en trouvant à qui appartenait la main, et l'a giflée sans cérémonie. "Hmph. Qu'est-ce que tu racontes, Itsuki? C'est ma clinique. Je ne peux pas me reposer avec ce bazar qui continue. Mes blessures ont l'air pires qu'elles ne le sont." La femme aînée a répondu alors qu'elle jetait les restes de sa drogue miracle dans le visage de Itsuki. Sa vue tomba sur Takumi, qu'elle reconnut comme l'artifice de son réveil soudain. "Mon, Takkun, tu étais vraiment désespérée d'agir, forçant cette chose dans la bouche de Hana..." Elle a dit, un soupçon de sarcasme dans sa voix alors qu'elle ramassait le cuir chevelu jeté, et après l'avoir examiné et le nettoyer un peu, comiquement pressé contre le crâne, comme si c'était un chapeau, le réattachant facilement. Hana a alors commencé à avancer vers le corps boiteux et mâché de son adversaire, alors qu'elle touchait son visage. "Je pense que je vais devoir réparer mon visage plus tard." Elle a ajouté, atteignant son épaulette, son kakugan sans lien de regard face à la femme kakuja angoissée. "Tu mérites de mourir, tu sais. J'ai fait en sorte que vos blessures soient une condamnation à mort." Elle a ajouté, voyant à la fois à Rin et à Takumi. "Cependant, puisque vous vous repentez en fait, cela semble plus un cas d'être mentalement malade, et mes chers Takkun et RinRin veulent que vous viviez, je vous sauverai. Juste une fois." Elle ajouta alors qu'elle tirait un nouveau kagune de son épaule. Cependant, celui-ci n'avait pas la forme d'un poignard, au lieu d'être plutôt mince et long. Une aiguille. Yanking avec force, elle a cassé un de ses brins de cheveux alors qu'elle s'agenouillait, filant l'aiguille de kagune avec ses cheveux. "La colère peut dans le temps se transformer en joie; la vexation peut être remplacée par du contenu. Mais un royaume qui a été détruit une fois ne peut plus jamais redevenir un royaume; et les morts ne peuvent jamais être ramenés à la vie. » Elle a dit à haute voix, alors qu'elle a creusé sa main dans l'abdomen ouvert de l'autre ghoul. En coupant les hémorragies. Il lui pique sa propre boucherie sur la chair de l'autre ghoul, avec sa vitesse d'Ukaku. " Sun Tzu, je crois que c'était... » a ajouté Hana, alors qu'elle regardait le reste de la réunion des goules. "Takkun, troisième tiroir sur mon bureau. Prends la clé de l'ascenseur. Tourner dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre dans l'ascenseur et appuyer sur le bouton caché dans le dessous du panneau. Vous serez emmené dans un sous-sol. Cherchez un congélateur clavier et tapez dans 5-4-2-1. Prenez cinq flacons de la solution GBP, et deux formules RCS. C'est toi qui me fais le plus confiance. Maintenant, vas-y, je ne peux acheter que des minutes avec ça." Elle a dit d'une voix forte, alors qu'elle continuait d'appliquer la pression et les coutures pour éviter l'hémorragie fatale de l'autre ghoul. "Rin, pourriez-vous être en attente ici et vous laver les mains? J'ai peut-être besoin d'une paire supplémentaire de petites mains. Regardez aussi les enfants." Elle a ajouté qu'elle gardait une montre sur les signaux de la vie de Miyako. "Itsuki, et Asoka. N'essayez rien de drôle. Ce n'est pas le moment de se tromper. » Elle a finalement ajouté, en soupirant. J'espère vraiment que tu mérites d'être éparpillée et que tu survivras, parce que ton cadavre ne suffira pas à couvrir les dégâts. Hana a ajouté mentalement.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Takumi Minamoto - Pause Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage La bête avait finalement été vaincue. Il avait senti son bras et son armure se briser avec une croûte écœurante sous le poids de son attaque. Il avait ressenti la faiblesse défiante de sa dernière attaque, dont les rafales se déchiraient dans son abdomen comme des abeilles piqueuses, mais étaient autrement incapables de le faire tomber. Maintenant, le coup final était à lui. Mais il ne pouvait pas le prendre. Takumi avait le marteau levé sur sa tête, prêt à sortir le ghoul de sa misère. Si ses instructeurs du Jardin étaient ici, ils appelleraient cela un exemple de manuel de pourquoi la GCC a dit à leurs enquêteurs de ne pas parler avec des goules. La sympathie était une arme puissante contre les non-initiés. C'est eux qui ont forcé la fille à adopter une position plus conflictuelle, n'est-ce pas? C'était leur faute, n'est-ce pas? Le marteau de Takumis est tombé, mais lentement et au sol. Incontournable, incassable et inarrêtable - c'est comme ça que Takumi devait se sentir au lendemain, n'est-ce pas? C'était une bagarre. Non seulement cela, c'était un combat qu'il avait émergé victorieux (du moins d'un certain point de vue). Il aurait dû se sentir bien, même bien. L'ébullition du sang et le choc des bras étaient censés être la seule constante dans laquelle il pouvait se consoler, peu importe la mauvaise ou la confusion du reste de sa vie. C'était l'idéal. Malheureusement, la réalité est beaucoup plus inachevée que cela. Après tout, la suite de la bataille est quand vous commencez à compter vos pertes, quand vous léchez vos blessures, et quand vous regardez bien les conséquences et les merveilles. S'il était dans un meilleur état d'esprit, peut-être qu'il aurait pensé que c'était drôle - ou dégoûtant - qu'il savait seulement que la situation était hors parce qu'il n'y avait pas de catharsis ni de frisson de rencontrer un tel adversaire merveilleux à trouver là. Pas le visage éviscéré de son frère, pas la fille avec le bras suspendu et les yeux de plaidoirie, mais le fait qu'il n'avait pas laissé satisfait du résultat. La seule chose qu'il lui restait, c'était l'orage. Takumi clignait, regardait à blanc verrouillé sur la fille kakuja en pleurs et la sœur avec le visage déchiqueté. Il a dit doucement. Il était complètement à la perte de ce qu'il fallait faire, même avec le mince et toujours craquant placage de sérénité. Pour tout ce qu'il y a de poétique sur la justice et le sacrifice, il n'a jamais vraiment sauvé une vie, du moins pas de cette façon. Lentement, sa respiration a commencé à s'intensifier. "Calme-toi, calme-toi..." Il pensait qu'il se tapait de sa stupeur, "Je suis mieux que ça. J'ai besoin de réfléchir! Le temps était essentiel. Takumi n'était pas médecin, mais même il le savait beaucoup. Mais Takumi n'était pas médecin, donc il n'en savait pas assez pour faire quelque chose de bien. Mais il savait une chose importante. Il a regardé son bras gauche. Un demi-ghoul était effectivement un humain dans la composition, ou alors on lui avait dit. Si c'était vrai... peut-il faire quelque chose à ce sujet? Presque inconsciemment, son kagune s'est détaché de son omoplate et se connecte à son marteau, transformant la forme en un court et méchant bord. Justice et sacrifice, n'est-ce pas? Si Aso, alors ça l'a frappé. Asoka. Cuisine. Je mange de la viande de Dick Itsuki. Des restes humains. Les restes. Régénération. L'engrenage de son coup de maître tournait. « Nee-san va désapprouver cela, » Takumi s'est rapidement tourné vers la cuisine, sa dernière source d'espoir en ce moment inquiétant, « Mais c'est beaucoup moins inutilement masochiste de ma part. » D'après son apparence, les choses commençaient enfin à aller à son chemin! (...Trier de.) Mais la question était : la fille ukaku pouvait-elle attendre? Il regarda son visage dérangé, et retourna dans son bras. C'est une assurance. Il soupira, fit un visage, et coupa un morceau de chair de sa main gauche. J'ai compris. J'ai des choses à faire, a-t-il expliqué, sa voix vacillante et son sourire nerveux faisant de leur mieux pour apporter de la lévité à cette situation sinistre, juste. Essaie juste d'arrêter de penser à mourir. Ou juste. Essayez de ne pas mourir en général, s'il vous plaît? Il a appelé, se précipitant dans la cuisine aussi vite que son corps blessé pouvait le porter. "Rien ne va mal," Takumi a expliqué calmement à Asoka alors qu'il saignait une piste vers le congélateur, "Vos frères et sœurs aînés ont tout sous contrôle." Il a ouvert le congélateur et a retiré le récipient avec la partie conservée d'hier soir. Il a fermé le container et l'a mis sous son bras - celui avec la main galbée - avant de se tourner vers Asoka, pas besoin de s'inquiéter pour nous.Il a donné un pouce particulièrement pathétique, puis il est revenu tout de suite à la fraye, laissant des traces sanglantes dans son sillage. S'élançant sur un bassin de sang, Takumi dérape sur ses genoux devant le corps de Hana. Son corps tremblait, mais sa main droite était ferme et raisonnée, car elle ouvrit doucement le contenant et leva l'appendice. Puis, assez inélégamment, il l'a forcée dans la bouche de Hana et dans sa gorge pour démarrer sa régénération. Maintenant, il a dû la réveiller. D'abord venu une gifle avec toute sa force - probablement pas un bon appel donné son état, mais il était désespéré - puis le cri: -WAKE UP!- Il était presque si absorbé que ses oreilles vives n'ont pas attrapé l'ouverture de l'ascenseur. La tête de Takumi s'est hurlée à la porte, où il n'y avait autre chose que Itsuki lui-même. Même avec son incapacité auto-perçue à vraiment comprendre ces gens, il savait ce que signifient ces yeux. Il les avait déjà vus, aux yeux de l'enquêteur et de Ghoul. Une rage débridée, alimentée par un désir de vengeance contre la jeune fille. Il était impuissant et il ne restait qu'à regarder les événements se dérouler. Puis une autre présence. Il regarda Rin, les yeux contenant une combinaison de désespoir, d'espoir et de confusion. Takumi a crié - il ne voulait pas, mais il n'y avait pas beaucoup de place pour le contrôle en ce moment - à Itsuki, essayant de passer à l'esprit de jeune homme. Sauf qu'il ne pouvait pas expliquer, pas vraiment. Mais il ferait de son mieux, parce que la fille certainement. Elle est venue ici pour obtenir de l'aide! » a-t-il dit, voix enroulée et crue, « Nous l'avons provoquée. C'est notre faute! AAAAAAAH!!!! AAAAAAAAAH!!!!Ça n'allait pas marcher, même il pouvait voir ça. Il n'était pas assez intelligent ou charismatique pour cela. Il a scanné la pièce pour quelqu'un ou quelque chose, n'importe qui ou quelque chose, pour que Itsuki lâche. C'est Itsuki. Il pourrait utiliser Itsuki. Appel à son intérêt. Qu'est-ce qu'il savait de son frère... "Je l'ai amenée ici!" Takumi rampait en avant, cherchant pathétiquement les deux, "Elle est... Elle est comme votre fille, mais pour moi. Laisse tomber. S'il te plaît."
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Miyako The Brink - 3ème Ward - Hana's Clinic Mi pleura tranquillement sans autre protestation alors qu'elle regardait l'homme lever son marteau. Le sang a continué à jaillir de son abdomen ouvert, se faufilant autour de la forme cassée de Mi. Son Ukaku coule comme un feu qui s'éteint. Elle a fermé les yeux, cachant son kakugan. C'était ça. Sa Kakuja l'avait finalement mise dans une position qui allait lui coûter la vie, comme elle l'avait toujours pensé. Le seul réconfort de Mi était qu'elle avait une mort rapide et sans douleur. Elle ne pouvait pas continuer à supporter l'idée de son échec à David et avec sa mort ici, elle se sentait responsable de sa mort. Elle devait être là pour l'Américain plus âgé, mais hélas, il semblait que le combat avait décidé de prendre un autre tour... Miyako s'y trouvait en attendant toute indication de sa mort imminente, mais rien n'est venu. Elle était tellement à l'écoute de tout ce qui l'entourait au moment où ses yeux s'ouvraient quand elle entendait le souffle tranquille d'hésitation de la bouche de son bourreau. Elle se concentra sur lui et son marteau alors qu'il le retirait lentement. Est-ce qu'il l'épargnait? Ça n'avait pas de sens selon le sens de la morale tordue de Mi. Elle avait fait du mal. Elle a donc pensé qu'elle était peut-être laissée mourir lentement de ses blessures. Torture jusqu'à son dernier souffle par son rappel constant de l'échec. Mais encore une fois, elle a été surprise par un acte de charité sans précédent qui finirait par lui sauver la vie pour le moment. Miyako a regardé l'homme se flatter lui-même et déposer son morceau de chair dans la bouche d'agate de Mi. Sans hésiter, elle a avalé le morceau entier, goûtant le goût décadent de la moitié de la chair humaine. Le sentiment s'est précipité dans Mi alors que la fumée sortait de sa blessure ouverte et autour du dos des diverses blessures qu'elle avait reçues plus tôt, ce qui indique une brusque accélération de la guérison. L'homme a promis un retour après avoir donné un ordre psuedo avec lequel Mi s'est rapidement identifié. Mi regarda l'homme jusqu'à ce qu'il disparaisse dans l'autre pièce et fut laissé seul avec ses pensées. Ses pensées circulaient rapidement autour de l'idée de ce type. Il... l'a sauvée. Il allait la sauver, à un coût pour lui-même, et la partie la plus étrange était que ce n'était apparemment aucune raison. Alors que ses pensées continuaient à réfléchir à la raison pour laquelle son sauveur revenait, au fond de son inconscient, elle commença à se connecter à sa notion familière de servitude. Tout était subtil mais Mi décrivait lentement son rôle sous le commandement de son sauveur. Juste. Essaie juste d'arrêter de penser à mourir. Ou juste. Essayez de ne pas mourir en général, s'il vous plaît? Elle n'allait pas mourir. La pensée de la mortalité, en fait, n'avait pas traversé son esprit depuis que l'ordre a été donné. Son corps guéri passivement où il pouvait également prévenir cela, bien que cela était probablement dû simplement à des instincts de survie naturelle. L'homme est revenu avec un paquet caché sous ses bras, Mi n'a pas vraiment pu l'identifier alors qu'il allait apparemment soigner son allié. Il semblait que Mi était la suivante et malgré combien c'était difficile, elle devait tenir bon, mais si les choses restaient, elle garderait sa vie et aurait cet homme à remercier. Mais ce que Mi n'aurait pas pu prévoir, c'est que toute la raison pour laquelle elle a trouvé cet endroit était due à ce Rinkaku Ghoul. Il n'avait même pas traversé son esprit qu'il reviendrait mais dès qu'elle entendit la porte de l'ascenseur s'ouvrir, elle avait l'impression terrible qu'elle savait qui c'était avant même de regarder. Elle s'est penchée la tête en arrière et a confirmé son sens de la peur en voyant un flirt de Rinkaku converger sur elle. Mi s'élançait tranquillement alors qu'elle était prise et claqué dans le mur, écailles creusant dans sa chair et écrasant ce qui restait de son armure. Son masque est tombé de l'impact du mur et l'agonie a montré son visage nu, taché autour des lèvres avec son propre sang, était clairement visible pour tous. Mi a gâché comme une main tournait autour de sa gorge tandis que les sons de son armure craquelant échouaient dans la pièce. Elle a pendu leur boiteux pendant un moment, réalisant qu'elle était susceptible de mourir à nouveau. Cependant, la pensée a été brève et interrompue par ses ordres actuels. Juste. Essaie juste d'arrêter de penser à mourir. Ou juste. Essayez de ne pas mourir en général, s'il vous plaît? Elle n'allait pas mourir. Elle n'allait pas simplement l'accepter non plus, ce qui a été un grand changement compte tenu des moments avant qu'elle n'ait accepté sa mort. Une de ses jambes était assez libre jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait commencé à frapper, mais sans fruits, à l'une des vrilles pendant qu'elle essayait de glisser son bon bras d'un tentacule enroulé. Son bras gratté à travers les écailles, se coupant lui-même sa longueur jusqu'à ce qu'il soit finalement retiré. Elle a commencé à frapper le côté d'Itsu mais elle était très faible en ce moment et l'homme ne l'avait probablement même pas senti dans sa rage aveuglante. Ses oreilles se tenaient à l'écoute de tout le reste, mais elle pouvait sentir ses sens s'effacer, s'estomper et s'estomper alors que la poursuite de l'abus qu'elle recevait la rapprochait de la porte de la mort. Une soudaine fissure dans sa poitrine l'a alarmé que la pression des tentacules de Rinkaku venait de lui casser la côte et avec son intérieur déjà délicat, elle a griffé et craché un autre jet de sang dans un cri muet d'angoisse. Elle pouvait à peine distinguer les paroles de son sauveur, mais en entendait assez pour comprendre ce qu'il avait dit. Elle était... comme cette fille... Le sens était cryptique, mais d'une certaine façon, les joues de Mi réchauffent l'ouïe que, surtout parce que la pression autour de son corps a été considérablement soulagée. Elle a soufflé un souffle frais, toussant peu de temps après avec chaque effort de ses poumons provoquant une crachat de sang à sortir. Libéré, elle s'est effondrée par terre. Elle était dans un mauvais état en ce moment, car elle ne sentait plus rien. Son corps se sentait lourd et fatigué et tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était se reposer. Elle n'avait même pas réalisé que la femelle Ukaku s'était réveillée et s'était mise à braquer dans son abdomen. Sa tête bourdonnait un peu pendant qu'elle fermait les yeux, s'évanouissant brièvement avant de se branler soudainement de nouveau en état de choc. Quoi qu'il se passe, Mi avait à peine été capable de reconnaître qu'être en train de passer ici pourrait bien être qu'elle passe pour de bon et qu'elle avait encore un ordre à suivre.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana a griffé ses dents, tandis que son sang mélangé avec la sueur a chuté de son sourcil dans son œil. Elle garda son calme, s'adoucissant elle-même comme elle continuait sans relâche à essayer de saisir l'intérieur de l'autre goul, essayant de défaire le ravage qu'elle avait elle-même causé. Sarcastiquement, elle a admis qu'elle était probablement aussi bonne, comme si elle n'était pas meilleure, à tuer des goules que d'essayer de les sauver. Le temps semblait interminable, car les secondes continuaient de tourner, sans aucun signe de Takkun. Et puis, un panier brut a été présenté sous ses yeux. "Oui, c'est vrai. Merci Takkun." Elle répondit, sans épargner beaucoup plus qu'un regard. Cependant, sa voix s'est abaissée à tout sauf un murmure. "Vous savez à quoi sert le RCS. Si le Kakuja fait quelque chose de drôle, l'un ou l'autre... » Elle a ajouté, en retirant les cinq flacons de GBP de la prise de Takkun, ses mains se retiraient finalement de la cavité de Miyako. Elle regardait Takkun, Miyako, puis Itsuki et les autres qui regardaient. "Regarde ça." Elle a dit en ouvrant une des bouteilles, en ingérant le composé avec cupidité. Presque immédiatement, la fumée s'est évanouie de ses blessures, sa régénération s'accélère comme si elle venait de manger, un sourire triomphant dans son visage alors que ses blessures se fermaient et elle a retrouvé l'endurance perdue, debout fièrement, avant d'offrir une fiole à Takkun. "Potion de la bataille de Ghoul." Elle ajouta qu'elle ouvrit une autre fiole et la versa dans les plaies et la gorge de Miyako. " Une culture que j'ai faite à partir de tissus humains riches en cellules RC. C'est encore un travail très expérimental, car je n'ai pas encore trouvé le bon préservant qui peut s'installer avec un estomac de ghoul... mais sinon il est ingéré ou versé ». Hana a ajouté, souriant. "Les effets sont immédiats." Hana a ajouté, alors qu'elle regardait la scène. "La science et la médecine sont merveilleuses, ne pensez-vous pas?" La femme ghoul sourit alors qu'elle préparait sa réponse à la fille de Kakuja.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Takumi Minamoto - Le deuxième costume sexy d'Halloween Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage Quelques secondes après sa dernière déclaration, le monde a été laissé dans un repos tendu. Les yeux à moitié ghouls - maintenant à la fois une nuance très humaine de vert - sont restés fixés à la vue de son frère aîné et le vaincu mais toujours défiant kakuja. Itsuki... Takumi ne savait pas quoi penser d'Issuki, de sa rage imprudente et du calme soudain qui lui était arrivé. Il était vrai que des temps désespérés appelaient des mesures désespérées, mais il se sentait encore comme un gaspillage absolu de la vie humaine pour avoir utilisé ce morceau de munitions contre son frère aîné non haï. C'était un geste impulsif, probablement l'un de ses plus impulsifs à ce jour, mais c'était son seul coup. Les doigts de sa main ont creusé dans le tapis ensanglanté. Si Takumi pouvait se mettre dans des chaussures Itsuki, il savait qu'il ne se sentirait pas si chaud en ce moment. Les échecs passés, les manques de jugement, la faiblesse personnelle... personne ne voulait se souvenir de ceux-là. Surtout pas quelqu'un comme Itsuki, qui n'a pas semblé être en mesure de laisser aller trop facilement. Mais à l'agréable surprise de Takumi, Itsuki a laissé partir la fille. Tomber en avant sur le tapis ensanglanté, l'homme a respiré un soupir de soulagement, seulement maintenant conscient du fait qu'il avait été laissé sans souffle par l'anticipation. Il a forcé les rires douloureux et heureux, se éteignant seulement sur le son de son nom dans Itsukis voix irrité. C'est l'heure de payer, Takumi a pensé tristement. Il allait vraiment l'avoir maintenant, il était sûr. Il a gagné; d'une certaine façon, la possibilité d'être blessé était beaucoup plus douloureuse que toutes les plaies de crevaison. Lentement, il se tourna pour regarder son frère, la culpabilité s'écria sur son visage comme le jour. Je comprends, onii-san,,, Takumi a baissé sa tête,,, ça n'arrivera pas encore., Pourtant, il avait le sentiment qu'il ne serait pas en mesure de tenir cette promesse. Alors que Itsuki se déplaçait pour parler à Rin, Takumi plaça sa bonne main à plat sur le sol à côté de lui, et se poussa jusqu'à ses pieds. La chaleur de la bataille s'en alla, et ne fut remplacée que par la douleur des flochettes et des pointes, il semblait. Il regarda sa main mutilée et la laissa pendre contre son côté. Je ne pense pas que c'est très nécessaire, il a rétorqué en entendant exactement ce que Itsuki avait ordonné, elle a dit plus tôt qu'elle ne voulait pas nous combattre. Je pense qu'elle était juste folle parce que c'est un truc de kakuja. Peut-être qu'il aurait pu le dire un peu plus élégamment, mais il voulait dire exactement ce qu'il voulait dire. Ce n'est que maintenant que Takumi est arrivé à la réalisation, mais il a donné à Itsuki le bénéfice du doute pour beaucoup trop longtemps. Il ne pouvait pas le laisser rester sur son chemin actuel. Même après toute la charité qu'on lui avait montrée, le kakuja avait montré un mépris blasé pour tout le monde et tout sauf ses propres caprices. Et autant que Takumi ne voulait pas le croire, il était sûr que c'était une sorte d'aventure égoïste. Une façon de justifier les résultats de ses actions à lui-même, et de rectifier les conséquences de ses actions. - C'est quoi, ça? La bouche de Takumi est devenue une ligne dure, et pendant un moment, il a respiré un peu plus rassasié qu'avant. Il s'est tourné vers Itsuki et Hana, dont ce dernier avait heureusement interrompu son train de pensée en faisant une déclaration subtilement sarcastique sur le fait de pousser des organes génitaux dans sa gorge. Il s'est excusé de ses moutons, en frottant involontairement du sang dans l'arrière de ses cheveux avec ses extrémités blessées, Guess I ne fait pas de grands appels sous pression, hein? La bataille était terminée, donc il était préférable de revenir à la balançoire des choses rapidement; inutile de gaspiller le temps. Mais ça a marché pour le mieux, n'est-ce pas? En quelque sorte. Cependant, Takumi a été repris par l'éblouissement en colère. Autant qu'il voulait dire quelque chose comme "Vous n'avez pas vu ce que j'ai vu!", il s'est abstenu. La dame kakuja pourrait s'expliquer plus tard, et ce n'était pas comme si Hana n'était pas coopérative en ce moment. Alors qu'il regardait le médecin faire son travail, il l'entendit citer un passage familier. L'Art de la guerre chapitre 12, il a rappelé avant de confirmer la question rhétorique de Hana de Hana avec un simple : "Mhm."Tout semblait aller bien jusqu'ici, de sorte que Takumi a pris place sur le sol - obtenir du sang sur son cul dans le processus- et a décidé de le prendre facilement dans l'intervalle. Il s'est mis à l'attention en entendant son nom d'un ton étonnamment impératif. Il a tourné l'oreille à Hana, qui émettait des commandes à un rythme rapide. "Affirmatif," il a hurlé et, avant que Hana ne puisse même terminer sa dernière phrase, était prêt à exécuter ses ordres comme un bon soldat. Mais il y avait quelque chose qui le dérangeait. Il a serré son bon poing autour de l'objet métallique et s'est dirigé vers l'ascenseur. Dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre, il a poussé la clé dans le trou et a tourné vers la gauche. Ses doigts ont parcouru le dessous du panneau de contrôle, avant de rencontrer une bosse. Le bouton "Secret". Immédiatement l'ascenseur a commencé à descendre. Il a commencé à nommer hors de la liste des choses à récupérer. Cinq flacons de GBP, et deux doses de... Il n'y avait pas moyen que cela signifiait ce qu'il pensait qu'il avait fait. Pas du tout! Ce truc était généralement trop cher pour même les hôpitaux, et la seule autre façon était... Avant de pouvoir hypothéquer, l'ascenseur s'est dingé et s'est ouvert à une pièce froide remplie seulement avec le bourdonnement des machines et des rangées d'armoires esque-boîtes. C'est comme une morgue, a-t-il remarqué lors de sa recherche du congélateur avec le clavier. Ici vous êtes... Il a commencé à frapper dans les chiffres. 5-4-2-1-enter-mécanique-rotation-clic-ouvert. "Bingo," il sourit, s'empare des flacons bien étiquetés et les met dans le simple petit panier qu'il avait fait avec son kagune. « Maintenant pour le RCS... » Bien sûr, il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour qu'il le trouve ; cette boîte de seringues était incontestable. La voix de Takumi était une combinaison d'horreur et de stupéfaction, comment t'es-tu mis la main sur ces bébés? L'ascenseur est arrivé le quatrième avec un autre ding, et sortit l'infirmière désignée pour aujourd'hui, tenant un panier cadeau pour le pauvre patient. Malheureusement, il n'y avait pas de cartes de bien-être, de fleurs, de fruits, ou quoi que ce soit qui fuyait. Juste deux objets pointus et des bouteilles d'étrange fluide. Takumi l'a posé doucement à côté de Hana, l'air plutôt maladroit comme il l'a fait. Doit-il prétendre qu'il ne savait pas ce qu'étaient ces seringues? La boîte était étiquetée, mais... C'est l'heure. C'est le truc, ouais?"Il a demandé comme une confirmation finale avant de tourner son attention sur la forme vacillante de Miyako. "Je suis de retour," a-t-il plaisanté avant de faire quelques pas en arrière pour donner la salle Hana et Rin au travail.
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Itsuki Itsuki n'a rien dit en réponse au commentaire de Takumi, mais n'a pas pu aider le soupir de la réaction de Hana à sa tentative d'aide. Se penchant contre un mur voisin pour regarder les événements de la procédure, tout ce qu'il pouvait penser c'était à quel point c'était une grosse erreur. C'est une course d'idiot. Même si la fille elle-même n'est pas une tueuse, il est clair qu'une partie d'elle l'est et qu'elle ne peut pas la contrôler. Les pensées d'Isuki furent quelque peu interrompues par le retour de Takumi de tout ce que Hana lui avait envoyé faire, les odeurs provenant de la boîte se sentant étranges et étranges dans son nez. En rinçant son nez, Itsuki a concentré son attention sur la forme de la fille Kakuja, bien qu'il n'ait pas manqué le petit ordre de Hana à Takumi. Tout ce qu'il a fait c'est lui faire rouler les yeux, même s'il ne pouvait pas vraiment les blâmer. Entre presque tuer les enfants et presque tuer Mi, il était clair qu'il avait des problèmes contrôlant son instinct de tueur aussi bien. Cela étant dit, ces deux cas ont été causés par des déclencheurs clairs et j'ai pu revenir d'eux, tandis que cette fille semble s'en aller et rester loin. D'un point de vue purement objectif, elle est clairement la plus grande menace, et j'ai peu de doute dans mon esprit que Hana est tout à fait consciente de ce fait. Donc ça laisse juste la question de ce qu'elle prévoit exactement pour la salope folle. En mettant ces pensées sur le rétrobrûleur pour l'instant, Itsuki regarda avec seulement un vague intérêt que Hana fit une grande démonstration de sa petite concoction. Alors qu'une démonstration très impressionnante, tout Itsuki pourrait penser à combien de goules tueraient pour mettre la main sur une telle chose, en particulier les gangs du 24ème. Si jamais elle est allée en public avec ce truc, ce serait comme peindre une énorme cible sur cette clinique. "Vous êtes un scientifique fou, n'est-ce pas? Son nom ressemble trop à quelque chose d'un RPG, mais hé, avec des résultats comme ça, je suppose que la plupart ne s'en soucieraient pas vraiment." Itsuki a dit avec un shrug, ses yeux se rétrécissant alors que la fille revenait à la conscience. Il ne savait pas tout à fait ce qu'il attendait du ghoul d'Ukaku, mais la dernière chose absolue était qu'elle commence à s'effondrer si soudainement. Une partie méfiante de lui voulait croire que c'était une ruse pour baisser leur garde, mais il était assez bon juge de caractère pour voir que ce n'était que trop réel. Bien qu'il n'ait rien dit, Itsuki s'est détourné de la fille qui sanglotait, griffant à l'arrière de sa tête alors qu'il se dirigeait vers une fenêtre voisine. "Si tu n'as pas besoin de moi pour autre chose, je vais partir maintenant. La folle ne va probablement pas craquer bientôt étant donné comment elle crève comme ça, et à moins que quelque chose ait changé dans la dernière demi-heure, je ne suis pas vraiment le bienvenu ici, suis-je?"
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Miyako The Brink - 3ème Ward - Hana's Clinic Les images s'évanouiraient lorsque les paupières de Miyako s'affaiblissaient avant d'être repoussées avec une bouffée subite d'un autre souffle, un rappel que Mi était, étonnamment, encore en vie. De petites choses la gardaient en marche, la gardaient éveillée, tandis que Mi se concentrait sur le pyjama tapi au fond de Mi, mais contrairement à ce qui s'était passé auparavant, les mouvements avaient une grâce et une délicatesse. Bien qu'étant donné l'état actuel de Mi, elle n'était pas vraiment sûre si Pajama aidait ou finissait ce qu'elle avait commencé comme Mi n'avait pas vraiment beaucoup de sentiments ailleurs dans son corps pour le moment. C'était juste son esprit, dériver le long d'une mer turbulente étant lentement lavé de tout le monde et de tout le reste. L'homme, Takumi, semble avoir disparu au moment suivant Mi a pris conscience assez pour scanner tout le monde rassemblé. De nouveaux visages sont apparus, semble-t-il. Ils étaient plus jeunes, en fait, Mi semblait tirer des souvenirs de leurs visages terrifiés pour chevaucher les visas actuels dans son état d'illusion. Un rappel, peut-être, qu'elle, à un moment, allait les tuer mais pas plus. La réalisation a frappé Mi à ce moment-là et pour une brève seconde, elle semblait soulagé, presque heureuse. Sa Kakuja avait échoué. Personne d'autre qu'elle était couchée sur le sol, morte ou mourante, sauf Mi elle-même. Un échec remarquable que Mi n'avait jamais imaginé et elle était heureuse. Une autre vague de désorientation a balayé Mi avant qu'elle ne revienne et a remarqué que Takumi était revenue. Takumi, elle s'est souvenue qu'elle avait entendu le Rinkaku mentionner le nom plus tôt, d'une manière ou d'une autre. Mi le regardait, ses paroles, mais un murmure inaudible aux oreilles de Mi, alors qu'il passait quelque chose à Pajamas. Mi n'a même pas senti les mains de Pajama partir comme l'autre Ukaku a fait quelque chose avec le nouvel équipement. C'était flou, mais la fumée se distinguait. C'était la guérison du pyjama? C'était Mi après? Elle devait l'être. C'était le truc que Takumi avait acquis, ce qui voulait dire que Pajama aidait, non? L'esprit de Mi dérive un peu, ne voyant pas au début que le label "Ghoul Battle Potion" était versé sur toutes ses blessures, encourageant sa physiologie de Ghoul à guérir rapidement. Ce n'est que lorsque ce liquide miraculeux a été versé dans sa bouche qu'elle a subitement ressenti une poussée de vie. Les yeux de Mi flattaient alors qu'elle prenait un gros souffle frais, comme s'il était surpris d'un sommeil profond. Son esprit bouffait de stimulus et ses yeux s'évanouissaient rapidement avec une nouvelle vigueur qui prenait tout en lui. Des respirations profondes, paniquées, pulsées par sa bouche stupéfaite. Elle était censée être morte, mais elle était là, vivante et guérissante. C'était une expérience très surréaliste. Cependant Mi s'est calmée comme une vague de douleur de ses blessures a travaillé là-bas de retour dans la sensation dans le système nerveux. Mi s'est étouffé sur un tas de douleur alors que son corps était serré. Elle a à peine remarqué que Pajama lui parlait maintenant, mais elle a gardé l'œil ouvert, regardant les autres autour d'elle. "Vous m'avez sauvé...", Miyako a murmuré, sonnant un peu incrédule. Elle tremblait légèrement, non pas par peur, mais juste par le simple choc et l'agonie encore présents dans son corps bien que ses blessures se cicatrisaient rapidement de l'intérieur. Des larmes sur la paupière du bas. "Je ne sais pas...", Mi a commencé mais a été interrompue par un sob, mais elle s'est adoucie juste assez pour plaider. "Je ne voulais pas...!", mais encore une fois elle a été arrêtée à court de ses sobs tranquilles. Cette fois, elle n'a pas continué alors qu'elle levait son bon bras pour essayer d'essuyer ses yeux. C'est à ce moment-là qu'elle a réalisé que certaines de ses armures de Kakuja se couvraient encore, même si certaines de ses armures s'étaient effondrées (son autre bras) ou avaient été enlevées (son masque), de sorte qu'elle venait de se couvrir les yeux de sa main blindée.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Takumi Minamoto - Répondre Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage Takumi a sauté un peu quand la seconde seringue inutilisée a été pressée dans ses mains, comme si c'était un allergène mortel - ce que c'était, d'une certaine manière. Il était bien informé de la fonction des suppresseurs intraveineux ( des des balles...); bien que la seule fois où il avait été sur le point de recevoir d'eux était pendant les contrôles fréquents les manteaux dans le jardin soumis à lui. En conséquence, l'application avait été enracinée dans le corps comme dans l'esprit. Dans cette voix de médecin, les lieux d'insertion applicables ont été récités mentalement et méthodiquement appariés à des endroits sur les deux corps de kakujas: oui, passage nasal, doublure orale, langue, gorge, tractus reproductif, canal anal. Il s'est arrêté, puis a omis les deux derniers. Comment ça s'est passé? N'Hurt pas les autres d'une manière que vous-même trouveriez blessant? Avoir une aiguille lui fourre le cul ou pire n'était pas l'idée de Takumi d'un moment amusant; c'était un gars du nez, personnellement. Rejetant cette digression de la pensée, il planifia un plan d'action le mieux adapté pour neutraliser la menace de l'un ou l'autre des deux. Quand il a fini, il a tourné la seringue entre son pouce et son index, tout comme il s'est tourné vers Hana, à visage frais et offrant un verre de sa potion étrange. "Erm, ouais. C'est définitivement génial. De bien des façons, il a répondu maladroitement, son cœur s'adressant à ses semblables humains. Il a reçu la bouteille dans une étrange prise à deux mains - sa main manglée servant de base, et la main tenant la seringue servant de renfort afin de ne pas laisser tomber la chose. Il regarda dans son liquide agité, ne sachant pas s'il devrait ou ne devrait pas le boire malgré son état blessé. Comme les Yakuzas de la veille, il avait fait un point pour s'assurer qu'il mangeait seulement ceux qui le méritaient comme une sorte d'esprit fait vengeur-par-proxy. Ce n'est que lorsque Hana a souligné qu'elle n'avait pas trouvé un moyen de les préserver qu'il a résolu d'essayer de consommer cette concoction. Une prise tremblante et à deux mains lui a apporté la bière à la bouche - c'était presque comme s'il avait été le plus gravement blessé. Et puis il a bu. En général, lorsqu'il mangeait un cadavre ou la chair d'un humain charitable, Takumi devait répondre à l'envie de se bâillonner si profondément en lui à son époque avec la GCC. Malgré les problèmes de compatibilité, il se sentait plus à la maison en mangeant régulièrement; de plus, la délicieuse indulgence cannibale ne faisait qu'aggraver le sentiment. Il gémit, avale le dernier morceau, et regarde son facteur de guérison s'affirmer rapidement. Il se tourna vers Itsuki, décidant de répondre à sa question rhétorique au mieux de ses capacités, alors que Hana s'occupait de son patient. Takumi a lâché. Ce n'est pas vraiment mon appel à faire, a-t-il admis, montrant l'étendue de ses capacités à répondre à la question en une seule phrase, je pense que tout le monde, en particulier la famille, mérite une seconde chance. Mais d'après mon expérience, ceux qui ne viennent pas facilement ; toutes les actions exigent une réparation karmique. » Il étendit sa main régénérant rapidement en fermant et en étendant ses doigts. Regarde-moi. Je dois sonner comme un moine du temple, il a ri, Eh bien je suis assez évidemment un grand softie, et pas celui que tu as mal fait, donc comment ce rééquilibrage karmique va aller est tout à une-san! Il semble que l'idée qu'il n'était pas une possibilité n'avait même pas eu lieu au brunet jolly. Quoi qu'il en soit, je suppose qu'on devrait aller au fond de tout ça, huh?=Takumi s'est tourné vers la fille kakuja aux yeux déchirants, gesturant sauvagement avec sa main,==Tu es tout bon maintenant, non? Tout est intact? Regen fonctionne bien? Est-ce que je peux vous poser quelques questions? ─ Il parlait patiemment; il y avait quelque chose dans sa voix qui suggérait à un répondant du 911 de parler à une victime désemparée. Vous avez mentionné tout à l'heure que vous n'étiez pas venu ici pour cela.Il a fait un geste dans la pièce détruite, alors qu'est-ce que vous pensiez avoir trouvé ici? Et pour la sécurité de tout le monde, à quel point pouvez-vous garder votre kakuja à portée de main? Des choses qu'on devrait éviter, ce genre de choses? Nous avons des enfants ici, après tout.
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Rin Itsuki s'est contenté de dire à Rin qu'il ne la tuait pas, mais il lui a semblé d'accord en disant à Rin de garder un œil sur le nouveau ghoul de la clinique. Rin a fermé les yeux sur Itsuki qui n'avait pas l'air d'être brouillée par lui. Rin son bikaku s'est détourné d'Itsuki en même temps. Au lieu de cela, Rin a vu de façon nette à Miyako avec son bikaku fixé sur Miyako aussi. Tout le monde commençait à se faire réparer à nouveau par Hana ses potions. Elle était vraiment devenue quelque chose de grand après toutes ces années de dur labeur. Rin était au moins contente qu'elle n'ait pas besoin d'elle-même. Avec tout s'installer à nouveau Rin est devenue un peu plus laxiste elle-même et a plié son Rinkaku autour de son corps à nouveau. Avec un regard un peu brumeux, elle se rapprocha de Takumi et posa son menton sur son épaule. "Takumi-chan... Rin fatigué zzz" Rin se faufila tranquillement vers le mur le plus proche et se jeta contre elle lentement en descendant vers ses fesses. Elle s'assit sur son Rinkaku avec ses jambes écartées mais essentielles recouvertes de sa jupe accrochant lâchement à côté de ses jambes blanches. Ses paupières, paresseusement tombées, elle regarda hazily tout le monde avec Miyako au centre à peu près ne pas dormir. Hana a commencé sa rumeur sur le monde corrompu contre Miyako. Tout ce qu'elle a dit était vrai, mais c'était difficile de combattre quelque chose comme ça. Quand Hana a parlé de Rin un moment, elle a doucement déplacé sa main vers sa gorge et l'a caricaturée doucement en pensant à ce moment-là. Rin est resté tranquille, laissant Hana parler. Avec tout redevenir paisible la puanteur Rin a donné de son corps non lavé a rempli les nez tendres des goules une fois de plus, délicieux.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Itsuki Itsuki n'a pas tenu compte du début des cris de Takumi ou de la sollicitude de Rin. Sa colère, sa faim, étaient trop puissantes pour se soumettre comme ça, et d'ailleurs, ce misérable ne méritait pas la miséricorde. Elle était venue ici et a attaqué sa famille. Elle était venue après lui, cherchant ce qu'elle voulait de lui, et avait blessé les seules personnes qu'il avait laissées. Aucun d'eux ne pourrait dire que ça l'empêcherait de mettre fin à ce fou... "Elle est... Elle est comme votre fille, mais pour moi. Laisse tomber. S'il te plaît." Dès que cela a été dit, une vague épaisse de tension a roulé dans toute la pièce alors que le dos d'Itsuki est devenu droit. Son hrip autour de la fille s'est considérablement relâché, bien qu'il n'ait pas osé la laisser partir. Maintenant, il n'a pas cru Takumi même une seconde, compte tenu de la situation, mais non seulement a fait ce qu'il a dit frapper un accord dans l'âme d'Itsuki, mais ainsi faire comme il a dit. Pour quelque raison que ce soit, le désespoir de sauver cette fille était réel pour lui. Pour quelque raison que ce soit, il se souciait d'elle. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ou peut-être, contrairement à Itsuki, il conserva encore un peu d'innocence. En regardant la fille, il a trouvé qu'elle n'était plus la femme qu'il tenait à sa cruelle main. Au lieu de cela, Hiyori se couche devant lui, le regardant, son visage brisé et défiguré, ses yeux remplis de peur. Alors que Itsuki s'éloignait de la personne qu'il tenait, au moment où il leur fallait frapper le sol, un souvenir s'évanouissait devant ses yeux d'ivoire. Il était mourant. Il l'a senti dans tout son corps, le lent drain de la vie de la volonté qui signalait la venue de la fin. Au-dessus de lui se tenait son ennemi, sa vendetta pour avoir passé 4 ans. Il pensait qu'il était prêt. Il pensait que sa vengeance était proche. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais cet homme n'était pas comme son frère. Il était un Kakuja, et il n'avait réalisé que les nombreux mondes de différence que ce titre faisait quand il était trop tard. Il avait fait un vaillant effort, et avait même réussi à faire quelques dégâts à son ennemi, malgré les chances. Mais à la fin, il n'avait jamais eu une chance, et Itsuki savait que l'homme le savait. Se tenant au-dessus de son corps vaincu, l'homme le regarda avec amusement danser derrière ces sphères Crimson-noir. Je dois admettre que Lover Boy, tu as fait du bien pour une mauviette qui n'est là que depuis 3 ans. Tu as pu tuer Tatsu et, si tu avais attendu un peu plus longtemps, tu aurais même pu me tuer. Mais t'es devenu cinglé. J'ai compris que parce que tu as pris Tatsu, tu pourrais m'emmener tout de suite. Le rire écœurant de l'homme échoua à travers la citerne où les deux avaient lutté, les eaux précipitées du déluge de Tokyo coulant à travers les canaux, portant avec eux la puanteur fétide de la décomposition et de la saleté. Et puis il s'arrêta soudainement, alors que l'homme se penchait vraiment près de Itsuki, ses yeux brillaient d'une lueur folle. Tu veux savoir pourquoi on a pris ta petite salope? Parce que je pense que tu voudrais savoir avant de mourir, juste pourquoi on l'a prise comme la petite salope qu'elle était. Itsuki ne pouvait qu'éblouir l'homme, sa rage devenant si puissante que son corps commença à trembler et à trembler alors qu'il essayait de bouger, voulant arracher la gorge du bâtard avec ses dents. Mais avant qu'il puisse aller loin, une botte narde à son visage le ramènerait à terre, l'homme au-dessus de lui révérant int il pouvoir qu'il tenait sur le plus jeune avant lui. On peut être divisés en trois catégories. Vous avez ceux qui aiment jouer à faire semblant ci-dessus, agir comme s'ils étaient humains, aller à l'école, et essayer de vivre une vie normale. Alors vous avez les goules comme moi, qui se rendent compte que nous ne sommes pas humains, et que nous n'avons pas à jouer selon leurs règles. Nous prenons ce que nous voulons, tuons qui nous voulons, et respectons la force et la brutalité par-dessus tout, parce que c'est ce qui gagne ici. Et enfin, le pied de l'homme a piétiné le visage de Itsuki plus profondément dans le sol en béton teinté, comme pour souligner le point. On a des goules comme toi, qui font semblant de faire semblant. Tu as fait semblant d'aimer cette fille, tu as fait semblant d'aimer passer du temps avec elle, tu as fait semblant d'avoir été heureux avec ce genre de vie, mais c'était parce que tu ne connaissais pas la vérité. Tu ne savais pas ce que tu voulais jusqu'à ce que la fausse vie dans laquelle tu vivais ait été prise de toi et que tout ce qui restait soit la réalité froide. Je te regarde, Lover Boy, depuis plus longtemps que tu ne pourrais le savoir, et j'ai vu comment tu te bats, comment tu tues. Tu n'es pas une machine, tuant parce que tu dois, déchirer des corps comme. Vous ne mangez pas ces goules, un gribouillis zélé sur votre visage comme vous le faites, parce qu'ils sont la seule source de nourriture autour.Le sourire de l'homme a grandi avec chaque mot qu'il a parlé, la folie dans elle semble se diviser le visage grand ouvert alors qu'il a continué son monologue, parlant vers le bas à Itsuki comme s'il était un enfant ignorant. Tu fais ces choses parce que, pour la première fois de ta vie, tu as été capable d'être toi-même. Pour la première fois, vous êtes libre des contraintes qui vous liaient avant. Tu m'as peut-être traité de brute et de sauvage, mais tu n'es pas différent. Tu devrais me remercier, Lover Boy. J'ai fait en sorte qu'elle ne soit pas morte vierge, puisque tu n'avais évidemment pas les couilles pour frapper ce cul. Ou attendiez-vous le mariage? Rire une fois de plus rempli la citerne, ce n'était qu'un éclat violent et violent de folie, un rire profond qui ne parlait que de la joie la plus profonde d'accepter les ténèbres dans son cœur. Et il n'a pas été seul pendant très longtemps, comme Itsuki a commencé à rire aussi bien. Tandis que le rire berçait son corps, des boulons de douleur se précipitaient alors que son Sac Kagune commençait soudainement à s'agglutiner d'activité, tandis que son esprit conscient commençait à reculer dans les profondeurs de son subconscient, Itsuki regardait l'homme devant lui. Mais il ne voyait pas cet homme. Il ne s'est vu qu'en se moquant de lui comme d'un seigneur diabolique, répétant encore et encore un seul mot entre les rires étouffés. Gratuit. Le corps de Mi est tombé sans cérémonie sur le sol comme Itsuki l'a vu avec pas moins de rage qu'avant. Cependant, après quelques respirations profondes, il réussit à se détourner. La bête à l'intérieur de lui laisse la colère être connue, se battant autour de la cage de son esprit, le faisant secouer incontrôlablement, mais il l'a nié. Ce n'était pas un monstre. Il n'était pas cet enfoiré d'homme, et il ne deviendrait jamais cet homme non plus. Il ne le ferait pas. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il ne pouvait pas. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je ne peux pas. ". C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Takumi," Sa voix était silencieuse et n'avait aucune émotion à part une légère irritation, du moins à la surface. Si quelqu'un savait écouter, il pouvait entendre la tension et la douleur qui s'y trouvait."Votre stupide stratagème a travaillé cette fois, mais vous ne l'invoquerez jamais de toute façon, jamais plus. Comprenez. Ce n'était pas une question. Quand Takumi a répondu, il a regardé Rin. "Si vous la voyez faire un geste qui semble même menaçant, alors tuez-la. Ou si tu as encore besoin d'une explication, alors rends-la incapable. Je me fiche de ce qu'aucun d'entre vous dit, elle est enragée, une menace, et à mon avis, devrait être éliminée. » Donc le pot dit à la bouilloire. Itsuki est finalement passée là où Hana était, soit l'aidant si elle était encore sur le sol, ou tout simplement la regardant si elle était sur son propre pied. "Allons, on va te trouver un endroit où tu pourrais te reposer pendant que nous autres grignotons de la nourriture pour toi. Et avant que vous le disiez, je m'excuse d'avoir été difficile plus tôt. J'aurais dû t'écouter et te dire ce que je savais sans me plaindre. Tout cela est de ma faute, et j'en assume l'entière responsabilité. En d'autres termes, je le suis. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je suis vraiment désolé, aussi peu que cela puisse vouloir dire pour vous en ce moment." Après avoir aidé Hana de quelque façon qu'il puisse, il a tourné son attention vers Asoka, qui il a remarqué était plutôt immaculé. Un faible éblouissement s'est posé sur son front au début, avant qu'il ne sorte un soupir bas. Honnêtement, il ne pouvait pas dire qu'il était surpris. Elle avait changé beaucoup de forme la petite fille qu'elle avait été avant, peut-être même plus qu'il n'avait, et ce Asoka n'était pas le type qui pouvait être donné des conférences ou blessé avec culpabilité. Si elle n'a pas aidé, c'est parce qu'elle s'en fichait, et si elle s'en fichait, alors Itsuki n'avait rien à dire au petit Tyrant. Rien qui ne pouvait attendre, de toute façon. Takeshi et Kazuya Les enfants attendirent silencieusement alors que les bruits de la bataille s'éteignaient, et au début ils étaient trop effrayés pour regarder par la porte aussi voir si c'était fini. La première tentative fut Kazuya, bien que Takeshi suivit peu de temps après. En ouvrant la porte juste une fissure, ils ont tout vu de la Scary Kajuka suppliant à l'assaut soudain d'Itsuki, ainsi que son tout aussi soudain sur le visage en termes d'émotion et d'action. Alors que Kazuya semblait tout simplement heureux qu'il y ait eu un profond soupir de soulagement et qu'il le tape sur le dos, Takeshi ne pouvait s'empêcher de sentir l'image des blessures de Hana brûler dans son esprit. Elle avait été si gentille avec eux, les avait nourris, et bien qu'il ne lui ait pas fait confiance, elle avait même été impolie avec elle, elle les avait protégés. Personne en dehors de leur famille ne l'avait jamais fait, et cela leur a laissé une grande impression, surtout sur Takeshi. Alors pourquoi est-ce que la personne qui l'a presque tuée a été laissée à la vie à cause de ce qu'il ne pouvait voir que comme des larmes de crocodile. Elle était un monstre, sa transformation avait été suffisante pour le prouver à Takeshi, et ses actions par la suite n'avaient fait que renforcer cette impression. Alors pourquoi? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Pourquoi a-t-on éparpillé ça? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ce truc. Takeshi avait beaucoup trop peur pour tenter d'attaquer la bête elle-même, d'autant plus que ce Takki était de son côté. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais il ne lui pardonnerait jamais. Jamais. "Les gars, je pense que c'est bon de sortir maintenant." Kazuya chuchotait à Mi et aux jumeaux, en leur demandant de monter. "Mais n'oubliez pas que nous devons encore être prudents. Les adultes semblent avoir les choses manipulées pour le moment, mais nous avons vu à quelle vitesse cette fille peut agir. Reste derrière moi et Takeshi, et reste sur tes orteils." "Ce n'est pas une fille." Kazuya se tourna vers son frère cadet, les yeux s'éveillèrent un peu en se demandant de quoi son frère parlait. "A moins que tu n'aies vu quelque chose que je n'ai pas repris dans ce combat, je suis presque sûr que c'est une fille." Takeshi n'a pas répondu à sa plaisanterie, pas même à un seul éblouissement. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Eh bien, pas dirigé vers Kazuya du moins. Non, tout le potentiel éblouissant de son jeune frère était en train d'être redirigé vers la fille abattue en ce moment, et Kazuya était un peu inquiet à ce sujet. Alors que Kazuya ne comprenait pas pourquoi ils la laissaient vivre non plus - elle est clairement de la variété instable de ghoul - il n'était pas vraiment en colère contre elle pour avoir fait ce qu'elle a fait. Le monde ghoul était chien-manger-chien, c'est comme ça que les choses se sont passées et il n'y avait pas de raison de s'énerver contre quelqu'un pour suivre la façon dont les choses étaient. Alors que les deux menaient les autres hors de la pièce et vers les adultes - faisant un grand couchet autour où Mi était actuellement couché, Takeshi effectivement activer sa préparation Kagunein pour ce qui pourrait arriver - Kazuya regard tourné vers son jeune frère de temps en temps. Je vais devoir le surveiller maintenant, n'est-ce pas? Il va faire quelque chose de stupide si je ne le fais pas. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Pourquoi ne peux-tu pas gérer ce truc avec Tora? Je ne suis pas douée pour parler sens dans cette tête d'arnaque.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Miyako Résolution - 3e quartier - Hana's Clinic L'accent de la conversation s'éloignant légèrement de Mi en ce moment, elle en profite pour essuyer ses joues et tenter de se remettre mentalement. D'après son expérience, bien que limitée pour ce scénario particulier, ses paroles suivantes ont été cruciales pour la survie. Bien qu'il puisse être difficile de convaincre les autres d'épargner Mi et de la laisser partir, parfois tout ce dont elle avait besoin, c'était de rester assez longtemps pour s'échapper. Le seul cas où il en est résulté était celui-ci, car Mi a été bloqué grièvement blessé par cet agent du Vatican. Survivre cette nuit-là avait changé Mi après ça. C'est le moment où elle s'est convaincue de consacrer ses habitudes alimentaires à être une Kakuja pleine et depuis, elle le regrettait. Elle n'avait presque aucun contrôle à certains moments et le seul comptoir qu'elle avait était juste d'éviter certaines situations, ce qui était presque impossible à faire en tant que Ghoul. À l'heure actuelle, les ravisseurs de Mi ne savaient rien d'elle, et ils allaient demander, donc Mi devait être prête à s'expliquer. Pour tout expliquer. L'onde sauvage de Takumi l'a arrachée de ses pensées et elle s'est concentrée sur lui. C'était déconcertant d'entendre ses questions calmes et patientes, même s'il y a quelques minutes, elles étaient à la gorge des autres. Non seulement cela, il a demandé si elle allait bien d'abord, à laquelle Mi a hurlé montrant un peu d'appréhension au sujet de toutes ses questions initiales. Il était rare pour elle de rencontrer quelqu'un avec une gentillesse sincère, mais Takumi était assez convaincante en ce moment. Il l'a épargnée, nourrie et sauvée. Pourtant, Mi était sur le point de faire confiance à un étranger juste après une première réunion, surtout après celle qu'ils venaient d'avoir. Cependant, il y avait certainement un petit quelque chose en Mi qui la mettait un peu à l'aise, bordant le bonheur même, qu'il lui parlait. Miyako s'est gentiment repositionnée, alors elle était assise debout contre le mur. La fumée continuait d'échapper à ses blessures, mais le volume avait diminué sensiblement. Son bras droit était encore cassé, peut-être quelque chose qui devrait être réglé plus tard, mais elle pouvait encore bouger ses doigts en les tournant autour dans la piscine de son propre sang. Un côté entier de son corps était encore collant avec du sang humide, mais elle n'a pas remarqué, ni pris soin pour le moment. Au lieu de cela, ses yeux sont tombés pour regarder ses doigts tourbillonner alors qu'elle essayait de penser à la façon de répondre à Takumi. Qu'est-ce qu'elle voulait ici? L'information, mais à quoi ça ressemblerait si elle essayait d'expliquer qu'elle venait de perdre le contrôle quand elle voulait juste poser une question? Pas bien. "Je viens de rentrer d'outre-mer. Je ne voulais pas d'ennuis, mais j'avais juste faim et ma Kakuja n'aime pas ça." En partie vrai. Mi était arrivée il y a seulement deux jours et elle n'a pas vraiment mangé un humain depuis son arrivée mais elle a pris quelques bouchées de ces Ghouls de la nuit dernière, mais il était vrai que la faim l'a encouragé Kakuja. "Je voulais juste trouver de l'aide alors j'ai suivi un Ghoul ici." Ses yeux se levèrent pour rencontrer Itsuki. Maintenant qu'elle ne meurt plus, elle pourrait se concentrer à nouveau. Son parfum, son Rinkaku. C'était certainement le Ghoul, son Kakuja s'est battu hier soir. "Je ne voulais pas me faufiler, alors je suis entré pendant la journée. Je ne savais pas que les humains couraient aussi et sortaient d'ici..." Ce ne serait probablement pas bon d'expliquer que juste l'odeur des humains pourrait déclencher sa Kakuja. "Mais je n'ai fait de mal à aucun d'eux là-bas! Je suis venu ici pour trouver d'autres Ghouls d'abord!", Mi a rapidement ajouté de comprendre que c'était important d'établir qu'elle était capable de contrôler. Si Mi devait être honnête, elle était surprise que sa Kakuja n'ait pas juste claqué et mangé tous ces gens. Une clinique pourrait être le pire endroit pour elle d'être comme l'odeur des humains et leurs blessures était juste mûre. Cependant, l'odeur n'a pas beaucoup pénétré ici. En fait, la seule raison pour laquelle elle a craqué était... Ses yeux lèvent Itsuki et vont à Takumi. Ce n'était pas un Ghoul plein. Ses yeux et l'odeur de l'homme sur lui... Mi se sentait coupable qu'elle l'engueulait et pour les pensées précédentes de manger sa chair probablement délicieuse... "Des choses à éviter? Combattre. Ma Kakuja aime ça. Sinon, tant que je suis nourri. Ça va aller." Un mensonge. Il y avait beaucoup de déclencheurs pour sa Kakuja, mais elle ne pouvait pas l'admettre. Attendez. Qu'est - ce que cette question signifiait et qu'est - ce que sa réponse impliquait? Est-ce qu'elle allait être gardée ici? Elle voulait vraiment rester ici? À en juger par la rapidité avec laquelle il fallait répondre, c'était comme ça, n'est-ce pas? "Je suis désolé... pour tout, y compris les enfants." Mi regarda les plus jeunes, évidemment les enfants l'impliquaient. Pour être honnête, elle, personnellement, ne se souciait pas tant d'eux, mais elle se sentait devoir aux autres, en particulier Takumi, de s'en soucier assez. Ses yeux scannaient chaque personne présente. Qu'est-ce qui allait venir ensuite, se demandait-elle. "Mon nom est Miyako. J'espère que je peux être pardonné. » Cette dernière sorte de sonne de nulle part, mais c'était vraiment une tentative de se vendre d'une certaine manière. C'était comme tout l'adage où si tu nommes quelque chose, tu hésites plus à le tuer. Bien que Mi avait douté qu'elle n'allait pas tuer, il y avait encore un risque qu'elle soit soumise à des choses plus désagréables, auquel cas, elle espérait l'éviter.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Rin Quand Rin avait placé son menton contre son épaule pendant un moment, Takumi avait posé sa main sur sa tête et pour une raison quelconque semblait un peu dégoûté. Rin a incliné la tête dans la confusion et a semblé un peu satisfait avec la pat à la tête en même temps. Il lui disait joyeusement de faire une belle sieste et s'était arrêté de parler pendant un bref moment seulement pour la faire regarder dans le dégoût à son égard. Elle a dû prendre un bain? Ça n'arrivera jamais. Rin s'éloigna de Takumi alors qu'elle lui donnait une expression ennuyeuse. Ce type voulait aussi la mettre fin, apparemment. Rin s'assit contre le mur qui semblait assez endormi. Son Rinkaku pointait toujours vers Miyako, assis légèrement à côté du mur devrait suffire à dormir. Elle n'avait pas à fermer les yeux, se reposer pouvait probablement combler le manque de sommeil qu'elle avait. Un oreiller soudain contre sa tête lui fit perdre la somnolence pendant une seconde alors qu'elle laissait sortir un doux yelp brisé. Sa tête se dirigea vers Itsuki qui avait jeté l'oreiller et la couverture vers elle. Elle lui a donné un court reflet avant de retourner la tête en direction de Miyako. Elle laissa tomber l'oreiller en plus d'elle et se couvrit un peu de couverture alors qu'elle se déplaçait dans une position un peu plus allongée contre le mur. Elle regardait sans cesse la nouvelle fille avec les yeux à mi-ouverts comme des minutes de passage sans que rien ne se passe.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Hana contemplait attentivement la variété des expressions dans le ghoul féminin qui venait d'être épargné. Elle a également pris note de son état de semi-nudité, mais ce n'était pas un problème important en ce moment. Des mots ont été échangés, et Takumi semblait trop impatient d'aider, et de parler de pardon. La voix de Itsuki, cependant, avait gagné son attention indifféremment pour une fraction de seconde, et elle fermait les mains dans un geste de reconnaissance. "Hana-chan s'excuse pour ce nom boiteux. Hana-chan laissera Itsuki choisir un nom d'invention lorsqu'il parviendra à inventer quelque chose qui peut sauver des centaines de vies de Ghoul." Elle a dit, un curling dans ses lèvres battues et gercées, savourant l'invective bien plus qu'elle ne le devrait. Elle est restée dans cette position pendant un certain temps, avant de se composer pour la partie suivante. "À propos de la partie restante, ça dépend. Est-ce que tu t'es vraiment rafraîchi?" Hana a laissé la question s'attarder, sans attendre une réponse. Son prochain arrêt était les enfants, étonnamment. La femelle la plus âgée sourit une fois de plus, cette fois-ci doucement. "Je suis désolé, les enfants. Ce fut un moment difficile et vous n'avez pas besoin de regarder ça. Hana-chan doit être sérieuse une dernière fois. Ce ne sera pas long. Les promesses de Hana-chan." Elle a cooûlé, une fois de plus elle a pris position devant l'autre ghoul femelle. Et son regard était de pure glace, ses expressions s'étaient rincées dans un visage livide assez frappant. Elle s'est griffée le menton, une fois de plus, avant de regarder Takkun, puis Itsuki, et enfin Rin. "Je m'en occupe. Je vais essayer d'apparaître un meilleur ghoul que moi et avec n'importe quelle chance, je m'échapperai. C'est ce que tu penses, n'est-ce pas?" Hana répondit, sa voix était grossière et presque comme un murmure."Vous insultez mon intelligence. Pardon? Toi. Oui. C'est odieux. Un monstre. Vous avez élevé votre kagune contre vos proches innombrables fois. Tu as consumé tes parents innombrables fois. Vous avez blessé mes frères et sœurs. Tu as essayé de tuer des enfants. Et pour quoi faire? Tu es à peine fonctionnel maintenant. Tu ne sais pas qu'on mange, qu'on s'accouple ou qu'on tue. Ou tout d'un coup." Hana a serré les poings, tout en perçant Miyako de son regard. "Tu as mis en danger cette clinique, par laquelle je guéris mes compagnons après une connaissance médicale durement acquise que j'ai volée aux humains. Et maintenant, la GCC brûlera probablement l'endroit, à cause de vos actions. Pour tout cela, vous méritez mon inimitié, en fait." Hana a fini son spiel dur avec son kakugan flambant à la vie. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle couvre les yeux de ses mains, elle revient à la normale. "Mais j'ai déjà le pire ennemi auquel je puisse penser. Je n'ai pas besoin de m'endurcir avec des rancunes et des spats. Parce que le poids de ce monde malade et foudroyé est plus qu'assez." Hana a dit, d'un ton fatigué. "J'ai vu mes parents bien-aimés brûler à mort lentement. Le seul amour d'Isuki a été brutalement tué par nos parents, car elle était humaine. Rinrin ne parlera plus jamais normalement. Et ces enfants sont orphelins, et leur aîné... a été pris par des agents. Et Takkun, qui était humain autrefois, est maintenant chassé par ses parents. » Elle s'arrêta, avant d'étirer une main vers Miyako, un doigt pointu et odieux. "Je vais donc me venger de ce monde de la manière la plus insultante et la plus humiliante possible. Où qu'il y ait des torts, je ferai des droits. Je vais guérir, au lieu de tuer. Et vous Miyako, qui êtes l'un des meilleurs exemples de ce monde corrompu, quelqu'un qui a été criblé de dissociation et de trouble de stress post-traumatique fracturant votre esprit, sera ma pièce maîtresse. C'est ma fierté en tant que Ghoul et en tant que médecin."
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Miyako Touches terminées - 3ème Ward - Hana's Clinic Il y avait quelque chose à dire sur la ténacité de ce pyjama qui portait un monstre. Pour avoir subi de telles blessures à ce moment, scalp elle-même, et toujours aller n'était rien à court de remarquable mais ce était un détail qui a complètement manqué par Mi à ce moment-là que Hana a plongé sa main vers le bas dans la blessure ouverte Mi. Mi lança un cri douloureux alors qu'elle sentit la boucherie insouciante à l'intérieur de son abdomen qui se coupait lentement vers des régions plus vitales. Il était honnêtement préférable que Mi, elle-même, ait pris le siège arrière à ce point de son autre côté car la quantité d'adrénaline et de psychose bestiale avait empêché Mi de passer. Mi éclaboussait le sang de sa bouche, alors que Hana's dague trouvait des organes sensibles. Se sentant menacé, Mi s'est servie de ses mains libres pour saisir Hana par son bicep, des talons s'enfoncent alors qu'elle essayait de tenir le bras de Hana en place pour l'empêcher de s'enfoncer plus loin. Bien qu'affaibli, Mi était encore capable de tenir Hana à portée de main, peut-être même d'enlever son bras de son estomac aussi bien. Cependant, il y en avait un autre à contester avec comme son ombre imminente a finalement été remarqué par le Mi en difficulté, mais un moment trop tard... Le marteau Koukaku de Takumi était en mi-swing au moment où Mi avait réalisé ce qu'il faisait. À ce stade, ses options étaient un peu limitées avec le coude du bras Hana, profondément dans l'abdomen Mi, donc elle a laissé l'instinct prendre le relais. La résistance de Hana s'était ralentie, et elle s'était même arrêtée maintenant, alors que le boucher portant le pyjama s'était évanoui. Mi gardait encore une main autour de Hana, mais se sentait assez en sécurité pour utiliser l'autre pour se retirer et protéger son visage. Peut-être y avait-il de meilleurs plans pour y faire face, mais le seul Mi avait confiance en la rapidité. Son bras pourrait être mieux placé pour protéger sa tête que son Ukaku, ce qui aurait pris beaucoup plus de temps pour se balancer et durcir avant que le marteau ne descende. Mi n'avait probablement pas le temps. Elle a donc positionné son avant-bras pour protéger son visage et a fermé les yeux en espérant le meilleur. La pleine force du marteau de Takumis est descendue sur l'avant-bras blindé de Mikumis. Elle brisa son armure alors qu'elle continua sa balançoire vers le bas jusqu'au bras de Mis, qui, piégé entre le marteau et le front blindé de Mis, se brisa dans un crunch nauséabond alors que son ulna était écrasée sous la tête du marteau, inaugurant un grognement douloureux de Mi. Malgré les dommages, la tête de Mi.S. a été protégée car la force restante du marteau n'a réussi qu'à fissurer légèrement la plaque de tête osseuse autour de la prise de l'œil. Mais elle a survécu et n'était plus trop contente. Mikaku s'est endurcie et elle s'est tournée juste assez pour tirer un point blanc volley à Takumi comme elle a délicatement tiré le bras Hana. Une fois libre, elle repoussa l'inconscient Hana et tenta rapidement d'escroquer et mit une distance entre elle et Takumi en plus de retourner à ses pieds. Cependant, elle a seulement réussi à se retourner sur sa main et ses genoux sains avant qu'elle ne vomisse à peu près du sang de sa bouche alors que les restes mouvants de ses organes se rattachaient à l'intérieur. Le sang avait également commencé à couler de mi-section comme les artères coupées ont fui ses fluides. Avec tous les dégâts qu'elle a subis, elle s'est effondrée sur son estomac avant de réussir à se rouler vers son dos. Son bras sain a atteint autour et a essayé de couvrir sa section médiane. Un œil vif pouvait voir une faible fumée sortir de son estomac alors que son anatomie Ghoul permettait la guérison des plaies à un rythme rapide mais à ce stade Mi était trop épuisé. Elle pouvait le sentir et devait donner la priorité à la régénération de ses tissus internes endommagés afin de survivre aux quelques minutes suivantes. Mais c'était ça. Même M. Kakuja a pu voir à quel point la situation était sombre. Même si Takumi avait subi de graves blessures à la suite de cette brève explosion de feu de fletchette, les enfants ou cet autre ghoul naggy pourraient facilement finir Mi off. Elle était à peu près dépensée. Ainsi, l'autre côté a eu recours à une tactique qui priorisait la survie, du moins cela, c'est comment un étranger pourrait la voir. Pour Mi, c'était juste un autre truc cruel qu'il aimait jouer sur le pauvre Mi. Miyako, le vrai Miyako, s'était brusquement précipitée dans la concentration alors que sa Kakuja lui abandonnait le contrôle. Presque immédiatement, Mi sentit l'agonie de son intérieur et pleura alors qu'elle s'appuyait douloureusement juste assez pour assister à son sang (probablement quelques Hana, aussi) trempé dans les restes de ses vêtements et baigné autour d'elle en ce moment. Mi est retombée sur son dos alors que son esprit a rapidement essayé de rattraper tout, en essayant de ne pas paniquer car l'augmentation du taux de respiration lui faisait souffrir à chaque fois qu'elle entrait et sortait. Mi était si stressée, qu'elle n'avait même pas remarqué que son bras était cassé alors qu'elle le déplaçait au-dessus de sa section médiane, sa partie inférieure de ce bras accrochant boiteux alors qu'il flottait sur son abdomen. C'était ça, pensait Miyako à elle-même. Elle allait probablement mourir ici et en dépit de toute la nature très contrôlée et calme, c'était la seule chose qui l'a brisée. Je me rends compte qu'elle allait mourir. La poitrine se dressa alors qu'elle bégayait pendant que ses yeux commençaient à arroser. Elle s'écria alors qu'elle commença à pleurer tranquillement alors qu'elle se tournait pour trouver Takumi, en se souvenant de sa bonne nature antérieure. Je ne veux pas... mais je n'ai pas pu m'en empêcher. J'ai juste envie de mourir... Mi a supplié, essayant de se remettre d'un autre désastre dans lequel Kakuja l'avait mise.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Itsuki « Eh bien, si c'est votre intention, maintenant le nom est à la fois cheesy et trompeur, puisque 'Potion de Bataille' amène à croire qu'il est censé être utilisé pour, eh bien, batailles. Vous savez, les choses que les gens font qui mettent fin à la vie." Itsuki a répondu avec un petit sourire, prenant la joie de se mettre sous la peau de ses frères et sœurs juste un peu plus qu'il devrait probablement. Ce sourire s'est transformé en une fronce ennuyée comme Hana a demandé s'il était 'cool' ou pas, comme s'il se trompait d'une manière ou d'une autre parce qu'il voulait la mort de la salope folle après ce qu'il est revenu pour témoigner."Si je suis cool, j'aimerais que tu remarques que la salope a encore sa tête, n'est-ce pas? Je suppose que même des génies comme vous sont toujours capables de poser des questions stupides." Itsuki a tourné son attention vers la salope d'Ukaku qui avait commencé tout ce bordel. Il n'a rien dit au début, voulant entendre tout ce qu'elle avait à dire, mais il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant qu'il ne voie à travers la tentative de la fille de museler la vérité et de mentir son chemin hors de cette situation. Cependant, avant qu'il puisse l'appeler pour ses conneries, Hana a crié avec un discours sur la façon dont garder la fille était une mauvaise idée, mais elle allait le faire de toute façon parce que son ego scientifique/médical massif voulait avoir la réalisation de «Kakuja Reformer» sous sa ceinture. Elle a peut-être essayé de le faire tourner comme une sorte de geste noble, mais Itsuki était presque certaine que ses véritables intentions n'étaient pas aussi bénignes. Elle voulait cette fille pour quelque chose, quoique ce soit, Itsuki était sûre qu'elle n'avait aucun moyen de le découvrir. Et vraiment, il ne se souciait pas trop de ce qui est arrivé à la Bitch d'Ukaku, seulement de ce qu'elle pouvait faire à Takumi, Rin, Hana, et aux enfants si elle allait à nouveau berker. Garder ses pensées pour lui-même, Itsuki n'a ressenti le besoin de mentionner qu'une chose, en dirigeant un éblouissement vers Hana comme parlé. "Je me fiche de quel genre de Psychologique bs que vous essayez d'utiliser pour convaincre cette fille de rester avec vous, mais la prochaine fois, n'allez pas parler aux gens de mes affaires quand vous le faites. Ce que j'ai perdu ne l'intéresse ni à elle ni à personne d'autre. » En s'éloignant de Hana, Itsuki a focalisé son regard directement sur la salope en question, son éblouissement durcissant alors que son Kakugan blanc venait à la vie. "Et toi, Ukaku Bitch, si tu fais quelque chose à quelqu'un ici, je te tuerai. Décroche de là où on s'est arrêté la nuit dernière. Alors assurez-vous que la moitié de Kakuja écoute attentivement ce que je dis et comprenne clairement ce qui va se passer. Mes frères et sœurs, pour quelque raison que ce soit, choisissent de vous épargner, mais je ne serai pas si généreux. Donnez-moi une raison singulière de mettre fin à votre vie, et je la terminerai tout de suite. » Avec son morceau dit, il s'est éloigné des deux vers la chambre qu'il avait restée dans la nuit précédente, s'arrêtant juste devant la porte pour voir si Hana allait dire quelque chose avant qu'il décide s'il entrerait ou non. Cependant, en entendant Riun se plaindre d'être fatiguée, il ouvrit de toute façon la porte, s'emparant d'un oreiller et d'une couverture pour sortir et se jeter sur la forme de son plus jeune frère. "Tu n'as pratiquement rien fait aujourd'hui, mais tu es déjà fatigué, hein? Tu es sûr que tu n'es pas un Ukaku, Rin?"
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Takumi Minamoto - C'est bien. Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage Quelque chose ne va pas ici. Avec son attention attirée sur les kakuja blessés avant lui, Takumi avait pris note de la particularité croissante de son comportement. Il y a quelques instants, cette femme avait essayé de le tuer, sa famille, et un tas d'enfants ghouls. Pour la voir agir comme une jeune écolière... Pour le moins, l'expression de Takumi's ne pouvait se transformer qu'en une ambivalence bafouée. C'était bien qu'elle prenne ce bien, mais en même temps il y avait certainement quelque chose de mal à son comportement qui était quelque part dans la périphérie de son esprit, ne voulant pas sortir à sa demande. Puis il a cliqué au son de Miyakos gloussant, et la vue de tout ce qui a suivi. Maintenant, Takumi ne se considérait pas beaucoup comme un expert des interactions sociales - le plus qu'il pouvait vraiment faire dans un vide était le mensonge discernable - mais il avait vécu ce genre de comportement avant et, contrairement à ce qu'il croyait être, il n'a pas apporté une grande quantité de confort. Tout ce qu'il a apporté était ‘si's, ‘pourquoi's, ‘comment's et d'autres choses qu'il préfère ne pas penser en ce moment. Et tout cela s'ajoutait au sentiment de naufrage qu'il avait fait une grande erreur quelque part en laissant les choses arriver à ce point. Oui, malgré le comportement assez fort, Takumi criait à l'intérieur, et traversait des jacks de saut mental pour relier tous les points qu'il pouvait attraper. Il était, à tous égards, absolument paralysé par toutes ces émotions, projections, rétrojections et comment tout cela n'avait pas de sens pour son cerveau d'oiseau. Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait pour qu'elle l'aime si soudainement? Sauver sa vie? Cerebrally, il savait que Miyako ne pouvait pas être appelé une personne mentalement stable, mais était-elle vraiment assez folle pour penser qu'elle était enthousiasmée avec lui, ou était-elle vraiment? Pourquoi comprendre les gens doit être si dur? Oh putain, qu'est-ce que je suis censé faire?Hah Takumi a paniqué intérieurement, faisant un point de ne rien montrer sur son visage. Il s'est souvenu de la dernière fois qu'une fille l'aimait et il est allé avec : tout le monde lui a dit qu'il venait de dire non et que tu ne sortirais pas avec quelqu'un juste pour les faire arrêter de te déranger. En bref: pas un bon moment pour personne, et donc pas quelque chose qu'il était prêt à répéter de peur de rendre tout le monde triste ou fou à nouveau. Mais il savait aussi qu'il ne pouvait pas simplement la rejeter ici et là, qui était le cœur de cette situation difficile: comment pourrait-il résoudre ce problème sans blesser personne? «Cette ligne sur l'ignorance étant béatitude continue de se rendre pertinent, je vois, il a pensé, en détournant ses pensées loin de la question à venir. Soudain, il a pris une respiration et s'est tenu de son croûte, jouant avec ses doigts alors qu'il prétendait être occupé à regarder quelqu'un (dans ce cas, Itsuki). Après tout : en cas de doute, ignorez tous vos problèmes jusqu'à ce qu'ils deviennent des problèmes. Il a griffé l'arrière de sa tête. C'est pas comme ça que ça s'est passé. Mais ça n'avait pas d'importance, tout comme toute cette délibération n'avait pas d'importance. Tout ce qu'il finirait par décider pourrait venir plus tard. Oui, il était satisfait de ce résultat. Bien sûr, une déclaration différente de la femme a déchiré Takumi de ses ruminations. Miyako cherchait quelqu'un, il semblait, et heureusement cette ligne de pensée signifiait qu'elle ne pensait plus à lui. Les coins de la bouche de Takumis ont tourné vers le bas. Ce n'était pas une mauvaise pensée ; ce n'était pas bon de prendre du réconfort dans la souffrance d'autres personnes. Pourtant, le sentiment de Miyako a résonné avec Takumi, mais peut-être pas positivement. Tournant ses yeux à leur limite afin de regarder la femme dans sa périphérie, il répondit simplement : « Je l'obtiens. » A ce moment-là, Takumi s'est rendu compte qu'il était un peu maladroit face à Itsuki, donc il a déplacé son corps vers le groupe en général, avec son dos vers Miyako, et a posé la question ouverte avec un shrug nonchalant: -Qu'est-ce maintenant?
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Miyako Premier écrasement - 3e quartier - Clinique de Hana Il y avait une chance juste que Miyako ait sonné assez convaincant, mais tout espoir qu'elle avait était rapidement écrasé à l'éblouissement du médecin. C'est Hana-chan. À plus d'un titre, elle était l'architecte de l'autre côté de Mi.S. perdant le combat. Une surprise bouleverse toutes les choses considérées comme Mi était assez confiante qu'elle avait tout le monde ici battu avec de l'athlétisme brut, mais cette analyse n'est ni ici ni là en ce moment. La chose la plus importante sur laquelle se concentrer était les râles folles du médecin fou avant elle. Mi savait qu'elle l'avait entendue, et malgré une peau plus épaisse, qu'on appelait encore un monstre blessé. Elle savait que ses actions de Kakuja's étaient erronées, mais c'était quelque chose qu'elle ne savait pas gérer correctement. Une malédiction qui s'était abattue sur elle mais qui devait être prise pour la préservation. David était assez bon pour aider Mi à travers certains de ses patchs plus rugueux, mais avec son absence combinée avec Mi=s intense ferveur pour le trouver, elle n'a pas été très bonne pour le garder loin. Donc c'était sa faute si elle l'a laissé aller jusqu'ici? Sans doute mais Mi ne l'a pas vu comme ça. Quant au reste de la ruse, Miyako a essayé honnêtement de suivre les points de discussion de Hana, mais en raison d'un manque d'éducation plus fine, la plupart de cela a été perdu sur elle. Elle ne pouvait que regarder à blanc, bouche agate, comme Hana râpé. Il y avait des fois Mi s'était sentie sur le bord et elle s'était légèrement tendue, se préparant à faire une pause pour elle (autant qu'elle le pouvait dans cet état). Heureusement, la menace perçue n'a jamais été suffisante et, en fait, l'extrémité arrière du rand sonnait presque positive possiblement. D'accord, Mi a répondu humblement ne sachant pas comment répondre autrement. Une autre chose qui en est ressortie était le nom de certains de ces observateurs actuels. En parlant de ça... Takumi avait encore surpris Miyako. Il a affirmé qu'il la croyait malgré ses alliés, a déclaré la méfiance et hors de tout le monde, il était le seul à répondre, en nature, en se présentant lui-même. Un acte qui a vraiment humanisé Mi, dont elle avait besoin en ce moment et un qu'elle a remarqué. De toutes les personnes présentes, Takumi commençait vraiment à consommer des pensées de Mi. Un sourire timide et soulagé courbé sur le visage de Mis alors qu'elle regardait l'homme dans un engouement calme et inconscient. L'autre ghoul femelle, Rin, arrivé avec Itsuki, était presque passé inaperçu par Miyako à ce moment-là. Elle était calme, waifish girl et apparut sous de nombreux aspects à miroir Mi. Ils s'entendraient probablement si ce n'était pour le fait que l'interaction simple avec Takumi avait suscité en Mi des émotions qu'elle n'avait pas ressenties depuis longtemps. Des pensées passives de Mi trouvant un moyen de faire reposer son menton sur les épaules de cet homme avaient commencé à s'allumer dans l'arrière de son esprit. La plupart des pensées impliquaient l'enlèvement forcé de Rin dans divers moyens, parfois violents. Son sourire s'est évanoui alors que le regard brillant de Mis s'attardait pendant un moment sur Rin avant que son attention ne revienne à la conversation ailleurs. Itsuki venait de terminer la fin de ce qui semblait être une menace pour Hana avant que son regard ne tombe sur Mi. Une autre menace. D'une certaine façon, Miyako se sentait désolé pour lui pour une raison quelconque. C'est probablement à cause de la révélation qu'il avait aussi une moitié Kakuja. Pour une raison quelconque, il a été conduit sur ce chemin et alors que Mi-S l'autre côté a toujours eu une faim, elle a estimé Itsuki-S était plus furieuse en bouteille. Il est préférable d'éviter toute incitation pour l'instant, Miyako se contentant de s'incliner en réponse. Son accent a été ramené aux deux qu'elle a combattus, Takumi et Hana. Si Takumi ne s'était pas vendu à Mi auparavant, il l'était certainement maintenant. Le cœur de Miyako s'enflamma alors qu'il parlait d'elle, d'une manière non moins positive. Il était même debout pour elle. Mi n'avait pas les mots pour décrire l'allégresse qu'elle ressentait. C'était un sentiment étranger bien que et en interne, son esprit était en train de fil de foin de tout cela. En mordant sa lèvre inférieure, elle se pencha légèrement vers Takumi. Elle voulait juste toucher et se brosser le bras, sentir sa poitrine. Remerciez-le pour ce qu'il faisait. Elle a failli se moquer de l'homme qui bafouait la rhétorique en pensant que c'était une blague mignonne. Enamourée, elle était presque perdue par tout le reste, mais elle apprit que Takumi lui avait posé une question. Oh, c'est pas vrai! Takumi s'est bourdonné et s'est corrigé. C'était stupide de trouver drôle, mais jusqu'à ce point, tout s'était effondré. Miyako ne pouvait pas s'aider elle-même mais elle gloussait à la récupération de Takumi. Elle a répondu avec joie avec une façon informelle de dire ‘pas de problème'. Cependant, c'est après qu'elle a dit que Mi a commencé à penser aux mots et à interpréter le sens un peu différemment. Ses joues ont commencé à brûler rouge vif alors qu'elle avait l'air horrifiée d'appeler l'homme bien, même si elle le voulait bien aussi. Je veux dire... Je n'ai jamais fini son étourdissement alors qu'elle se retirait, la pressant contre le mur se sentant piégée. Qu'est-ce qui lui arrivait? C'est vrai. C'est ça. Je suis désolé. I. Mi a avalé dur comme elle a essayé de récupérer. Elle a pris une profonde respiration et s'est débrouillée, je voulais juste trouver de l'aide pour trouver quelqu'un qui m'intéresse. J'ai vécu loin du Japon pendant des années et je ne m'en souviens plus beaucoup. Le début de la joie était parti alors qu'elle devenait plus sullen se souvenant de David. Je veux juste le trouver parce que je pense qu'il a des ennuis et j'ai promis que je ne laisserais rien arriver.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Miyako - La clinique de Hana. Miyako avait déjà le sentiment d'être vulnérable, mais ce que vous attendiez quand vous étiez entouré par des gens que vous avez failli tuer, et votre chemise était maintenant un chiffon déchiqueté. Miyako n'avait même pas remarqué à quel point elle était nue en ce moment, heureusement son short sportif et son soutien-gorge étaient toujours allumés, même si ce dernier avait subi des dommages notables. Cependant, malgré la réalité de sa situation devant elle, une partie de son attention se sentait comme si on l'enlevait. Elle avait l'impression d'avoir dépassé les négociations pour sa vie en bégayant une vulnérabilité supplémentaire involontaire, conséquence involontaire de son écrasement de fille sur son sauveur. Bien que cela semblait avoir glissé sans être remarqué et pour les moments les plus brefs, Mi avait pensé qu'elle s'était enfuie avec une telle remarque hors de caractère, laissant sa sans garde pour le commentaire de Hana. L'attention de Miyako a frappé Hana, l'alarme présente dans son expression à l'avant-garde de son commentaire. Les joues de Miyako éclataient de sang chaud alors qu'elle se tournait vers le visage actuellement impassible de Takumi. Elle a donné un vrai « cerf dans le regard de phare », croyant que si même si personne n'avait remarqué l'affection de Miyako pour Takkun, ils l'ont sûrement fait maintenant. Bien que leurs opinions aient peu d'importance par rapport à l'homme qu'elle regardait actuellement. Même si Mi ne l'aurait jamais vécu, c'était exactement comme la grande révélation d'écrasement de lycée. Vous ne voulez pas qu'il sorte, mais votre ami dit de toute façon votre amour, ce qui est ce que vous vouliez secrètement de toute façon comme votre amour ne vous a jamais remarqué jusqu'à maintenant. Donc vous vous sentez complètement mortifié et trahi que vous avez été exposé et même si vous voulez rétracter cela, vous aspirez secrètement à voir la réaction de votre béguin, en espérant qu'ils réciproquent vos sentiments... Mi était coincée dans ce limbe où vous attendiez que votre béguin réagisse, voulant que son secret ne soit jamais exposé, mais souhaitant aussi qu'un signe de Takkun lui rende son affection. Le retour que Mi voulait n'est jamais arrivé. La seule chose qui a été donnée à Mi était une statique, 'J'ai compris'. Il y avait un petit sentiment de soulagement, alors que l'esprit de Mi devenait trompeur que Takkun était ignorant à l'évidence, mais une partie encore plus grande de Mi s'était sentie rejeté presque. C'était comme si Mi avait anticipé une réalité où Takkun se jetait sur elle dans une étreinte serrée, confessant son affection dans son oreille, idéalement avec un léger pic sur sa joue s'ajoutant. Au lieu du fantasme de Mi, elle a simplement eu une reconnaissance qu'il a compris? La réponse l'avait laissée tourner en essayant de trouver un sens. Une réponse avec des termes clairs de "Oui" ou de "Non" aurait rendu la réaction de Mi plus simple, mais cela? Mi ne savait pas quoi penser même si un esprit plus sain identifierait les signes clairs du manque d'intérêt de Takkun. Pour Mi, cette réponse l'amène sur une voie interne qui consiste à essayer de déchiffrer le message, en éliminant progressivement toute la rumeur d'Itsuki sur elle. Son regard ne s'est pas évanoui alors qu'elle continuait à regarder Takkun chercher un signe, elle avait disparu. Elle finit par s'installer sur plus d'illusions, s'accrochant au fait qu'il continuait à sympathiser, lui tendre la main d'une manière pas si évidente. Ce n'était pas fini. Personne n'aurait autant de contact pour Mi si elle n'était pas un atout et à ses yeux, Takkun ne la traitait pas comme un atout mais comme quelque chose de vivant. " GCC est là." Comme s'il s'agissait d'un mot de code de l'agent dormant, Mi s'est soudainement retirée de sa fixation sur Takkun et s'est ramenée à la réalité. Il semblait qu'elle était encore épargnée, mais ce qui était peut-être plus choquant, c'est que l'esprit de Mi est retombé dans son état de servitude. Après tout, elle a passé la majeure partie de sa vie sous les ordres d'un autre et avec l'aura autoritaire de Hana devenant de nouveau évidente, Mi a trouvé une partie de son conflit interne antérieur s'est écrasée face à cette situation. Miyako s'est mise aux pieds, en faisant un clin d'œil en se penchant vers l'avant, indiquant qu'il y avait encore des dommages internes qui étaient présents ou peut-être encore en se rétablissant. Elle était encore vulnérable et pas à cent pour cent, ce serait évident, mais pour servir elle a souvent dû se pousser d'une telle manière. "Que veux-tu que je fasse?" Miyako a demandé, trouvant son ton sans émotion se concentrant de nouveau sur sa responsabilité envers sa nouvelle autorité, regardant entre Itsuki et Takumi bien qu'elle ait trouvé la vue de Takumi pour rapporter rapidement ses pensées de ses sentiments compliqués pour lui. Pour tenter de se débarrasser de cette pensée, elle a fini par fixer ses yeux sur Itsuki, essayant d'empêcher Takumi de ses pensées. Les choses étaient trop critiques pour qu'elle hésite maintenant.
Name: Miyako Age: 22 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 157 cm & 49 kg CCG Rating: SS~ CCG Title: The Namanari Harpy (Kakuja) Mask: Mask of Nightmare Kagune: Miyako's Kagune is a pair of wings with quite a large wingspan in comparison to the girl's actual size. Both wing seems to have a dark red spine, or band, on top of the wing while the rest of the wing fades from the red from a more dark purple at the bottom of the wing. While deployed, the wings appear to occasionally drip with excess RC cells in a thick viscosity very similar to blood, but many compare it to tears. The "tears" of Miyako's wings aren't just for show as the RC cells will remain for awhile. At Miyako's internal command, the cells can crystallize into long thin spines to form lethal traps. Using this ability creatively, Miyako can purposely spray a mist of her RC cells and then have the cells crystallize suddenly in the air. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: She has a Kakuja and in her full-Kakuja state, a jagged crystalline-bone structure forms around her arms and joins together around the top of her torso. A few things are added to Miyako's arsenal in this state. Starting with the hands, two crystal-bone spikes gently curve out from her knuckles with a third spike jutting out from her wrist. The spikes form a sort of talon and the spikes curve around the girl's hands to allow her freedom to still move it. Continuing up her arm slightly, the crystal structure starts from the girl's wrist and at a small angle slowly increases its length away from Miyako's body up until her elbow. Overall the triangular structure is comparable to something like a harpy's wing, hence the name. Finally, the crystals continue up the girl's arms, over the shoulders, and finally both arms' crystal structures are connected around the neck and breast. A full mask is formed covering Miyako's face which looks as if a deer skull. Personality: Miyako takes many forms so it is difficult to understand what type of person she actually is. On first impression and many after that, she appears quiet with the sense of being shy. While she may seem cute, further inspection will reveal she is rather cold and uncaring to others, not really caring for another's well being without being ordered to. She is very quick to harbor disdain if she feels slighted but depending on the circumstance may or may not be willing to act aggressively towards the one who has slighted her. Internally, Miyako struggles daily with feelings of loneliness and a strange feeling of she compares to hunger. That strange feeling might be the desire for friendship, appreciation, love or really anything but so far has little to base it on so far. Though these feelings are repressed and hidden only showing the emotionless vessel due to her understanding that strength is key and revealing weakness isn't a good thing. In combat, she is vastly changed even without entering a Kakuja-state. Her calm and emotionless state is replaced by a rather blood-lusted ravenous beast, who gets a sick satisfaction from it all. It appears as if she thoroughly enjoys fighting and maybe she does actually enjoy it, after all it is the only thing she has known. However, a small part of her is scared of herself and this quiet internal battle rages every time she fights. Fearful of herself, for others, and the ever-lurking creature that is her Kakuja. --- Ever since becoming a full Kakuja, however, she has lost a sense of control that she had previously. The quiet and innocent Miyako now struggles to maintain control as her more sinister side muscles the weaker aside. Miyako's sinister side isn't just a mindless bloodlust but rather, she tends to fall into a cold, uncaring and selfish deposition that only really shows its more sadistic traits in combat. Backstory: For most of her life, Miyako had taken after her parents quite a bit as she grew up. Quickly adopting a feisty temperament to go along with her rather wild and irrational nature. Her parents were very feral and aggressive with both humans and ghouls alike. They weren't completely lost in their bloodlust but any astute observer, they could tell that it was slowly consuming them as they were obsessing about. It was surprising that her parents weren't willing to eat their own daughter but it seemed only human flesh was their desired palette. Maybe at one time her parents were not so consumed in their obsession about eating, seeing as they did have and raise a child. However, Miyako can't remember a time when her parents weren't particularly savage to most. When Miyako was just about a teenager, her parents sort of "abandoned" her for some reason. They didn't leave her, in fact, Miyako was free to follow them around but they just seemed to stop caring. They no longer helped her with food or really anything else. It was almost as if their daughter vanished and they were fine with that. Of course it wasn't just that. They began bickering with each other and suddenly they weren't even willing to share fresh kills with each other, often willing to fight over a corpse. So when Miyako would try, they'd snap at her, even wounding her, if she tried to encroach on their kill. With her parents no longer really responding to her, she just kind of wandered with them. She ended up having to study them in order to figure out how to attract and kill for food. For awhile, things remained at that. Just three feral-like people wandering around and eating, like animals, and like animals food was becoming quite their only motivation in life. But perhaps the spark that finally convinced Miyako to leave her parents was one day her father attacked her over her own kill, severely wounding his daughter to get at the food. Nice guy. Thankfully, Miyako hadn't lost her mind completely before she finally found social outlets outside of family. When she realized there was more to the world than just eating, she left her parents and her their feeding frenzy behind. But now Miyako was faced another type of dysfunction. It turned out her new found 'friends' were a very active and aggressive gang. They saw Mi as a potential member due to increased aggression and strength due to her upbringing and although young, she was already quite formidable. Her time with the ghoul gang was short and only lasted about two years but within that time Miyako fought with plenty of other ghouls. Her savagery was quite known in Japan and even though she was rather illusive with the CCG, the named the bird-masked girl after a crow for it's ironic flavor. At around the end of her run with the ghoul gang, she had eaten enough of other ghouls to start the process of her Kakuja. However after her first experience with it was short lived after a group of ghoul peddlers managed to subdue and capture Miyako. Of course the girl was far to feral and dangerous to most potential buyers and thus her captors began the long process of torture and training to quell her rebellious nature. Eventually, they succeed while managing to keep her rather savage fighting potential. They price was high for a half-Kakuja but someone eventually paid the right price... Miyako would then be shipped off to Rome. There she would be a field agent for her buyer for years before the man mysteriously disappeared, leaving Miyako on her own, again. The events of circulating her time in Rome left Miyako to grow a lot and she is a far cry from when she started, especially now since she is a full on Kakuja instead of a half. Anyway, Miyako was left alone and would seek out Tokyo to be her new base of operations as there were many questions to answer and people to find, namely her buyer David Sinclair. Other:
Takumi Minamoto - Kokoro Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage D'accord alors, d'accord, il a hurlé, regardant en arrière à Hana et puis de retour à Miyako. Plus calme, il a dit: "Je suis Takumi et, pour ce qu'il vaut, je ne pense pas que vous mentez complètement. Pour l'instant, il n'y avait rien que Takumi puisse faire mais cela - donner des mots d'encouragement et une introduction. Mais même s'il a dit qu'il la croyait, il y avait une erreur omniprésente sur Miyako, différente de celle qui entoure Itsuki. Un tambour battant sur le bord de la perception, plutôt qu'une marée haute qui devient une tempête. Néanmoins, il était enclin à la croire; elle ne semblait pas lui mentir. Du moins pas à son visage. Mais le Jardin n'était pas censé interroger des témoins ou recueillir des preuves; ils étaient censés évaluer l'information, et nettoyer le désordre. Et par son évaluation, rien qu'elle ait dit ne contredit nécessairement ce qu'il avait vu jusqu'à présent ; Ergo, il lui ferait confiance pour l'instant. Non pas qu'il comptait particulièrement; toute la responsabilité de déterminer ce qui devait arriver tombait sur l'épaule de Hana, indépendamment de ce qu'il, personnellement, pensait. C'était sa maison, donc c'était juste qu'elle ait le droit de faire l'appel pour tout ce qui s'est passé. Mais même si ce n'était pas la GCC à aucun égard, Takumi se sentait vaguement mécontent, comme un enquêteur qui venait de voir ses droits de propriété expurgés par un supérieur. C'est quoi, ça? De nulle part, Rin avait décidé de reposer sa tête sur l'épaule de Takumis, qui a détourné son attention et était très mignon, mais désagréable d'une manière très spécifique. Il s'est ridiculisé le nez à sa puanteur, si près de lui. Pourtant, il l'a gentiment tapée sur la tête, et s'est penché contre elle en nature. C'est vrai. Bonjour Rin. Oui, c'est bon. Vas-y et fais une sieste maintenant, parce que tu... - Takumi a dit, avant de murmurer conspiratoirement dans un ton ferme et joyeusement sévère. Je vais prendre une douche plus tard, même si je dois vous y jeter moi-même! Il l'a encore tapée sur la tête, et l'a laissée se reposer à l'arrière de la pièce. Un répit momentané qu'il était sûr qu'elle méritait. Si elle n'avait rien fait plus tôt, alors pour ce qui devait arriver plus tard. Parce que c'était presque aussi puant que Itsuki, avec aucune des excuses acceptables qu'il avait. Ce n'est pas que Itsuki serait mieux si Takumi avait le pouvoir de le faire. Malheur, d'être un frère plus jeune plus conscient de soi (pas de cette façon) que l'aîné...! Peut-être qu'il pourrait demander à Hana de l'aider à l'appeler un problème de sécurité. Bien que cela implique Itsuki a été autorisé à rester, mais il avait été... acceptable. Trop vite pour tuer, trop d'une menace, mais le cœur de Takumi est allé au gars. S'il était dans la même situation - voir sa famille tout en sang par un ancien ennemi - il serait probablement de la même façon. Il a clignoté quelques fois, et a regardé le papier peint. Peut-être cette famille, a-t-il pensé, avant de secouer même le concept le plus étrange de cette pensée de sa tête. Il y avait d'autres choses qu'il devait penser; ce n'était pas une priorité absolue. C'était l'une de ses priorités les plus profondes à l'époque. Il s'est tourné vers la scène, où Hana a finalement donné son jugement sur la question la plus pressante à venir. Première phrase dans, et Takumi a pensé que ça pourrait être pire. Mais ça aurait aussi pu aller beaucoup mieux. C'était inquiétant, rejetant les paroles de la jeune fille comme des mensonges purs, mais il attendait, voyait et espérait le meilleur avant tout. Le problème ici était qu'il ne pouvait rien trouver empiriquement faux sur ce que Hana avait dit. En fait, Miyako a fait toutes ces choses. Mais elle n'était pas dans le bon esprit? Non, l'esprit était différent, subjectif et inconnaissable. Elle aurait pu mentir, mais... cette introspection ne l'amenait nulle part. Continuez à regarder. Et puis il a entendu quelque chose qui a fait son sang couler froid, son attelage de respiration, et une mort soudaine calme imprègne son être. Mais ce n'était pas le fait qu'elle avait mentionné le fait que ses propres parents le chassaient. Non, il s'en était remis si vite - même s'il n'avait pas aidé le problème. Ce qui l'a eu, c'était la diction, le choix du mot, le délire fou. Et à ce moment-là, Takumi savait qu'il devait parler. Il a dit avec une surprenante amertume, allant même jusqu'à omettre l'honneur, je pense que vous avez besoin de vous calmer. Vous êtes un peu lourd sur les absolus là-bas. Si elle a quelque chose comme Itsuki, je suis sûr qu'elle est plus capable qu'elle ne le semble.Il a regardé par-dessus son épaule à Rin, Itsuki, et finalement Hana, qui lui semblait même plus fou que quand elle avait attaqué Miyako. Une pensée dans le dos de sa tête réalisé la comparant à Itsuki n'était probablement pas la meilleure décision, mais il a écarté cela. Outre les gens qui déshumanisent les autres et parlent de chefs-d'œuvre, de fierté et de redressement d'un monde corrompu avec la science sont généralement les mêmes que... "Eugh. Désolé, désolé. Juste... ouais. C'est juste de la rhétorique. Désolé. Ne t'inquiète pas pour moi. Je suis bien. Il ne voulait pas penser que Hana était quelque chose comme ça. Elle pouvait voir le chemin où ses intentions la menaient, non? « Ne vous méprenez pas, je suis d'accord qu'on devrait l'aider avec son problème de kakuja », a-t-il flouté, puis a porté les lèvres, l'intention de rester silencieux jusqu'à ce qu'il ne puisse plus se taire. Ce qui n'était qu'une seconde ou deux. Mais je suis toujours inquiète. À propos de toi. Vous pourriez sortir de la fin profonde si vous commencez à voir les goules et les gens comme des outils, et c'est juste la vengeance en général n'est pas une super bonne motivation dans la mesure où les raisons d'aider les autres vont,, il a averti, nerveusement brasser ses mains ensemble. Soudain, il leva les mains, essayant de dépasser tout ça avec un souffle dans ses poumons. C'est bon. Ignorez. Je laisse tomber le problème maintenant. Je laisse tomber le problème. Votre maison. Hôtel. Clinique. Vos règles. Il s'arrêta, réalisant le plus grand sens derrière sa déclaration, tout comme il essaya de la jeter de son esprit. Attendez une seconde... Ça veut dire qu'on la garde dans le coin? Est-ce que ça veut dire que nous l'aidons aussi avec son problème? Quel est votre problème? » Il a réalisé les connotations derrière cette déclaration, et a commencé immédiatement à faire marche arrière. Ce que je veux dire, c'est : quel est le problème par lequel vous avez essayé d'aller ici pour trouver de l'aide? Parce que c'est important, oui?"
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234
Itsuki Itsuki n'a pu s'empêcher de tourner les yeux sur l'acte stupide de Hana, la trouvant de mauvais goût étant donné qu'elle venait de désemboiter le Kakuja pas une demi-heure avant. Même pour un ghoul, il pensait que le fait d'agir de cette manière serait considéré comme plus dérangeant que tout autre chose, bien que cela puisse être ce que sa sœur essayait de faire. Passant son attention à ce qu'a dit Kakuja, il n'a été que quelque peu surpris par le fait qu'elle fixait Takumi avec une expression si animée, mais pleine d'espoir. Pendant un moment, il sentait un peu le lien avec le kakuja, mais secoua rapidement la tête de la notion, ce qui lui rappelait la scène grièsque dans laquelle il avait marché. Elle est un danger et une menace. Rien de plus, rien de moins. Ses pensées (et la légère poussée de colère qui avait soufflé avec eux) furent suspendues alors que Hana s'éloignait soudainement de nouveau, le ton bâclé frappé de sa voix alors qu'elle donnait la pire nouvelle que n'importe quel goul pouvait entendre. Les colombes étaient là. Un million de pensées inondèrent l'esprit d'Itsuki alors qu'il tentait de penser à des sorties possibles et des voies d'évasion, mais il était difficile à faire en raison de sa méconnaissance de la région. Il n'a presque pas remarqué quand Hana a marché vers lui, mais son attention immédiatement quand elle met quelque chose dans sa main. En regardant vers le bas, Itsuki semblait presque figé alors qu'il écoutait les instructions de Hana, ses yeux flétrissant entre la télécommande et sa sœur alors qu'elle se déplaçait pour barricader la porte. Grindant ses dents ensemble, Itsuki a fait un seul pas en avant, ne semblant même pas entendre la question de Miyako alors qu'il a commencé à parler à Hana un dur murmure, ayant assez de présence de l'esprit pour ne pas crier même s'il le voulait vraiment. "Hana, laisse-moi prendre la chaleur. Je ne connais pas cette zone du tout, pas de maisons sûres, ni de routes qui ne seraient pas surveillées par les colombes. Et plus important que ça. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je ne peux pas te laisser mourir. Je ne te laisserai pas mourir. Prenez le détonateur et sortez d'ici. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. S'il vous plaît." Malgré ses tentatives de le faire régner, l'émotion se répandit sur le visage d'Itsuki et dans son visage alors qu'il suppliait tous Hana de le laisser prendre sa place. Dans son esprit, il ne voyait que les visages de ceux qu'il n'avait pas sauvés. Ses parents, le vieil homme. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est Hiyori. Il ne pouvait pas rester là et laisser mourir quelqu'un d'autre. Il devait faire ça. Il devait le faire. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ou il ne pensait pas pouvoir gérer la culpabilité qui suivrait.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa D'un point de vue stoïque, Hana se tenait debout, ses yeux regardaient la réaction de tous les autres à propos de sa déclaration. Son sourcil s'est sillonné sur les déclarations d'Itsuki. Il essayait encore de jeter son poids, bien qu'il ait été dépassé par le rythme des événements. Sans parler de l'éruption et de l'insulte. La patience de Hana avait assez diminué pour envisager de dire à Takumi d'utiliser un suppresseur RC sur Itsuki, mais il y avait les enfants à considérer. Il ne fait aucun doute que certaines postures et certains mots n'étaient rien de moins que effrayants. Takumi s'inquiétait même vraiment qu'elle ait commencé une descente d'une façon pour devenir un scientifique amoral foudroyé, ce qui, compte tenu de ses antécédents, il était extrêmement sensible du tout. Sa maladresse semblait gagner la journée, et il s'est engagé dans des antiques ludiques avec Rin, qui ignorait gentiment l'éléphant métaphorique dans la pièce. Tu fais ça exprès, Rin? Hana semblait réfléchir alors qu'elle regardait son propre statut nu et pitoyable. "Daman. J'ai vraiment aimé ces pyjamas." Elle murmura dans un grognement reconnaissable, avant de soupirer et de décider qu'il était temps de conclure les choses. Ses yeux s'éloignaient de Takkun et de la nouvelle connaissance, que Kakuja appelait Miyako. Quelque chose de vraiment intéressant se passait déjà. La femme la plus âgée sourit malicieusement alors qu'elle apportait sa main dans une fausse surprise. "Pas moyen, Miyakon! Il n'y a que tant de choses que tu peux être sans honte. Tu rentres dans la clinique de Hana-chan et tu veux les bébés de Takkun? C'est un peu honteux là-bas, fille! » Hana les a vus tous les deux, a décidé d'aller pour une certaine lévité pour élever l'esprit des gens vers le haut. Au fond, elle a montré un peu d'inquiétude sur le fait que Miyako soit un peu aussi agressive envers son amour avance que vers sa proie, mais puis encore une fois, elle a donné la suppression RC à Takumi. Il serait bien. Hana ferma alors les mains, et ajouta une nouvelle inflexion dans sa voix alors qu'elle s'adressait à tout le monde. "Et si tout le monde aide Hana-chan à nettoyer?" Elle a ajouté, mais avant d'élaborer plus loin, un téléphone qui avait miraculeusement survécu à l'assaut du combat de ghoul, sonna. Le médecin l'a attrapé, murmurant quelque chose à propos de son timing pourri ou d'un de ses collègues docteurs ayant son arrière du bas comme devant le dessus. Le visage de Hana est visiblement blanchi pendant une seconde, toute la couleur sortant du sien. Elle avait montré très peu, si des traces de peur et d'inquiétude authentiques auparavant, de sorte que c'était d'autant plus spectaculaire quand son sourire ludique et auto-assuré habituel s'est effondré. Mais, seulement une brève seconde, avant de retrouver son composture. Sa réponse dans le téléphone était curt, presque monotone comme. "Faites comme prévu, alors, et évacuer. Elle a ajouté. Et puis, dans un ajustement non caractéristique de véritable rage de ghoul, brisé dit téléphone avec le poing, sa tête accrochant boiteux comme des brins de cheveux lâches obscurcit ses factions. Sa voix a d'abord tremblé, n'est pas sûre. Peut-être à cause de la rage ou de la peur. Personne ne savait. "Je suis désolé, les enfants. Je t'ai promis de t'emmener chez moi, mais... la GCC est là. Elle a ajouté, avant de regarder les bébés. "Tu devras aller ailleurs. Takkun, Rinrin, Ikki, et... oui, même Miyakon devrait veiller à votre sécurité pour le moment. Je dois m'occuper de mes invités." Le ghoul le plus âgé ajoutait, s'estompant vers l'avant pour récupérer certains équipements avant de laisser le choc que d'autres auraient pu user. "C'était de ma faute, j'aurais dû sécuriser ce... deux kakujas dans une clinique qui l'a dupée, bien sûr qui a dû attirer l'attention. Eh bien, ce qui est fait est fait, Hana... l'heure de payer le piper." Hana s'est dit comme elle a produit plusieurs masques génériques de ghoul qui ont ensuite jeté vers les autres. "Utilisez-les pour les porter pendant que vous traversez leur barricade après avoir traversé les escaliers du feu. Ils sont après un ghoul de grade B, donc ça ne devrait pas être trop dur." Hana a ajouté, comme elle a fermement ajusté son masque d'abeille. Cependant, la partie la plus intéressante était les appareils qu'elle avait saisis sur ses mains. Dans l'un, c'était une sorte de télécommande. Elle douta une seconde, avant de la remettre à Itsuki. " Prenez cette télécommande, conduisez les autres à la sécurité, puis faites sauter cet endroit haut en ciel. Il y a beaucoup de choses que la GCC ne doit pas savoir sur cet endroit, compris. Quitter cet endroit pour piller la GCC n'est pas une option. » Son autre main contenait un dossier, ainsi qu'un gadget rectangulaire. Une arme. Elle a offert le dossier à Takumi. "Les résultats de mes recherches ne doivent pas tomber entre de mauvaises mains." Son regard devint un peu désirable, alors qu'elle regardait ses frères et sœurs et les enfants une dernière fois. Elle s'est cognée l'arme et l'a pesée dans ses mains. Pas même une heure depuis le dernier combat et elle en a eu une autre. Ukaku n'était pas vraiment faite pour cela, mais elle avait peu de choix en la matière, elle courait alors qu'elle claquait la porte d'entrée durement, en piégant un officier de la GCC pour tenter d'entrer et de la barricader. "Allez!" Elle a insisté.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Itsuki Comme l'éblouissement de Miyako vers Rin n'est pas passé inaperçu par Itsuki, et il a dû vraiment se forcer à respirer avant qu'il finisse par arracher la tête de la salope de son corps. Pourquoi suis-je le seul qui semble bien comprendre à quel point cette fille est une putain de menace, et que prendre une chance sur elle est au-delà de l'idiot. Si ce n'était pas pour Takumi, alors elle serait morte et tout le monde ici serait en sécurité. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Aussi sûr que les goules puissent l'être. En laissant un soupir profond, Itsuki continua à observer silencieusement, voyant clairement non seulement l'engouement de la fille avec Takumi, mais aussi que Takumi l'avait remarqué aussi. Robotique comme le garçon tendait à être parfois, son silence soudain et la façon dont il regardait maladroitement dans la direction d'Itsuki mais pas à Itsuki lui-même a suffi à l'avertir du fait que son jeune frère a été perdu dans une pensée intense tout d'un coup. Compte tenu de tout ce qui s'est passé, il ne pouvait que penser que le Takumi était également conscient de l'écrasement apparent de l'Ukaku fou sur lui et était, comme Takumi est un à faire, paniquer en interne tout en faisant un sacré bon travail à ne pas le montrer. Un autre soupir s'est échappé des lèvres d'Itsuki avant alors qu'il se penchait contre un mur voisin, envisageant de quitter cet hôtel et d'en finir avec tout ça. Hana ne voulait pas de lui ici, cela était évident, Asoka ne pouvait pas s'en foutre, Rin était difficile à lire, et Takumi était susceptible de rester avec Hana quoi qu'il arrive (ce n'est pas qu'il voulait que Takumi le suive s'il finit par partir). Ce serait tellement plus facile de sauter par la fenêtre et de les laisser et les enfants pour se débrouiller, essuyer ses mains de tout, et trouver un bon endroit pour dormir pour la nuit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais qu'est-ce qu'il aurait à attendre? Une vie de grognement pitoyable jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre sa fin aux mains d'un enquêteur ou d'un autre ghoul. Une vie qui parlait plus de survie que toute autre chose. Une vie qui finirait par le voir vers son pire cauchemar, qui le verrait se tourner vers la bête qu'il essayait actuellement de contenir. C'est ma famille. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ils sont la seule chose qu'il me reste, et je serai damné si je laisse quelqu'un, ou quoi que ce soit, leur faire du mal pendant que je peux faire quelque chose à ce sujet. En repensant à la scène où il était venu, du sang partout, Hana en train de saigner sur le sol avec le dessus de sa putain de tête manquante, ses dents serrées serrées l'un contre l'autre, formant une grimace plutôt désagréable sur son visage avant qu'il ne soit capable de renaître dans ses émotions et de retrouver sa compasure plus apathique. Il a fait de son mieux pour oublier comment son esprit avait remplacé le moi adulte actuel de Hana par la forme de la fille avec laquelle il avait grandi, comme il l'avait fait avec Takumi, Rin et Asoka en les voyant. Ces souvenirs avaient été ce à quoi il s'était attaché pour la santé, parfois, quand il était tombé plus bas qu'il ne l'avait jamais pensé possible. Même s'ils le maudissaient, crachaient sur lui, et le haïssaient de tout son être, il ne pouvait jamais l'amener à les abandonner, à les blesser, même à les haïr, parce qu'ils étaient tout à lui et sans eux autour. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il pourrait aussi bien se rendre au QG de la GCC et se rendre. Je sais vraiment me remonter le moral. Un petit voyou échappa à la pensée alors qu'il décida de répondre à la question de Takumi, le regardant mort dans les yeux. "Simple. Tu vas trouver à cette salope un endroit où dormir et je trouve une chaise confortable pour me reposer pendant que je la surveille. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. à moins que tu ne veuilles partager une chambre avec elle. Mais je doute que ce soit la voie la plus sage, car vous laisser seuls ensemble est plutôt dangereux pour une multitude de raisons. Ce n'est pas le moins du monde que je pense être prêt à devenir oncle pour l'instant, sans parler du fait que je ne suis qu'une merde avec les enfants." Itsuki a donné à Takumi un petit sourire pour lui faire savoir qu'il plaisantait, avant de se tourner une fois de plus vers Miyako. "Je ne vais pas vous menacer à nouveau, parce qu'à ce stade, ce serait redondant. Je veux juste vous dire que je tiens beaucoup à tout le monde dans cette pièce. Ils sont tout pour moi, et je préfère mourir alors voir n'importe lequel d'entre eux blessé. Souvenez-vous que la prochaine fois, vous sentirez votre autre moitié être en colère. Si je peux contrôler mes démons, vous pouvez contrôler les vôtres. Peu importe à quel point tu es malade dans la tête, on n'est pas humains. Nous n'avons pas besoin d'une arme ou d'un couteau pour être extrêmement dangereux l'un pour l'autre quand nous perdons le contrôle de nous-mêmes.
Name: Itsuki Age: 24 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs Sexuality: Straight CCG Rating: SS- CCG Title: The Hunter Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. RC Type: Rinkaku Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. Other: Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix
Tigressa sourit, mais une fronce était évidente sur son visage. Elle s'est tournée vers le petit stock de nourriture humaine, pour voir combien ils pourraient épargner pour aujourd'hui. Il n'y avait pas grand-chose, clairement ceux qui pouvaient se nourrir devaient sortir. Elle s'est retournée vers Luc. " Vous allez devoir vous nourrir aujourd'hui, nous n'avons pas assez pour tout le monde. Est-ce que ça te va?" Tigressa a dit, a l'air apologétique. "Je te donnerai ma part, mais... je n'en ai pas."
Près de l'avant de leur camp de fortune, Luc s'est étendu, dans un sommeil catatonique. Bien qu'étant en avance pour sa propre horloge biologique, la présence d'un grognement féminin profond l'a réveillé pour s'asseoir. C'était un autre des prisonniers échappés; une fille exotique qu'il avait connu pour appeler Tigresa. Elle conversait avec les trois plus petits prisonniers, et ils semblaient être les seuls éveillés jusqu'à présent, à peine surprenants avec le soleil encore jeune dans le ciel. Luc se leva et secoua le détritus de son «mane» chaotique laissant ses peurs lâches se faufiler sans vie et regardé comme de la boue caked et des feuilles sèches en cascade sur le sol. Se contentant de son niveau de propreté, il se trompa vers l'avant parmi les autres et donna un faible grognement pour les saluer. Après s'être accroupi avec un large sourire stupide pour les trois enfants du groupe, il regarda vers le haut vers Tigressa avec curiosité; «Nous avons pris le petit déjeuner?» De ses deux mains, il a fait un geste pour savoir s'ils devaient rester ou aller chercher du fourrage.
Name: Luc ID number: 218 Age: 18 Gender: Male What kind of animal?: Musk Ox Animal powers: Large reservoir of tensile strength and stamina. This strength is amplified when he is transformed, and he has all the other natural abilities of a super-powered Ox. Appearance: Tall, shaggy and broad, Luc has dark skin and long matted dreads that fall stiffly at his back. His thick neck supports a rather unappealing face, with a stiff square chin and unkempt goatee. His large, strong arms look strange when compared to his lithe legs, and his silhouette immediately appears top-heavy. Personality: Despite having a intimidating and large form Luc is essentially harmless, and has a good natured albeit dim approach to life. Despite numerous painful experiments and having his body pushed to its physical limits, he is happy to work for others and carry their weight, acting extremely protectively of anyone he considers under his protection. Slow to anger, once pushed beyond the limit his rage knows no bounds and he lashes out blindly, relying on either time or the influence of others to be soothed. Phobias: Dark water, pitch black, blindness
Tigressa le tigre se déplaçait silencieusement à travers les arbres, se dirigeant vers la grotte où elle et les autres survivants avaient trouvé refuge. Elle savait qu'ils pouvaient ne pas durer beaucoup plus longtemps, la nourriture était rare, et même ceux qui pouvaient chasser et manger dans leurs formes animales avaient des estomacs humains. Tigressa savait par expérience qu'elle avait vomi plus de quelques fois après s'être transformée en humaine. Elle réfléchit à l'avenir du petit groupe en se rapprochant de l'entrée de la grotte. Ils auraient besoin d'aller dans les villes humaines normales pour trouver des approvisionnements, et même cela se révélerait difficile, parce que seulement quelques-uns d'entre eux n'avaient pas de caractéristiques animales évidentes. Elle était l'une d'entre elles, et elle était déjà prête à dire aux autres son plan d'obtenir un emploi dans une des villes humaines pour gagner de l'argent. Tigressa aimait les autres, surtout les plus petits, et elle ne voulait pas les regarder mourir de faim. Alors qu'elle était sur le point de frapper la petite clairière autour de leur cachette, elle s'est déplacée dans sa forme humaine. S'arrêtant momentanément pour s'assurer qu'elle n'ait pas vomi les quelques animaux qu'elle avait réussi à attraper, elle est entrée dans la grotte pour voir les trois jeunes enfants commencer à se réveiller. "Bonjour les gars," Tigressa sourit, marchant plus près des cheveux de tosle Flutters. "Vous dormez bien? J'espère que vous n'étiez pas debout tard hier soir. Je me suis endormi assez tôt, donc j'espère que vous n'étiez pas trop loin derrière moi."
"On peut aller chercher du fourrage maintenant, si tu veux. Les autres ne seront pas éveillés pendant un moment, et peut-être qu'ils pourront avoir la nourriture ordinaire si nous trouvons assez à manger. » Tigressa sourit aux autres. Elle était assez sûre que le petit groupe serait en mesure d'obtenir assez de nourriture pour eux-mêmes, et les autres devraient être bien. C'était surtout les personnes âgées qui dormaient encore, donc elles étaient plus que capables de s'occuper d'elles-mêmes.
Le jour est apparu clair et frais comme le soleil du matin a filtré dans l'entrée de la grotte couverte de mousse. La lumière brillait sur les formes de sommeil d'une douzaine d'enfants, d'adolescents et de jeunes adultes. Il brillait aussi sur les tentatives pitoyables de décoration, les grappes de baies et les rochers brillants de rivière empilés avec la mousse toujours présente dans les coins et éparpillés sur les étagères rocheuses. Dans l'une de ces niches, il y avait un petit colibri. Il battait ses ailes alors qu'il se réveillait et s'éloignait de sa perche pour atterrir sur le sol. L'oiseau s'est hissé dans un coin isolé, réapparaissant une minute plus tard sous une forme très différente. La lumière du soleil tomba sur une petite fille d'environ neuf ans, sa peau pâle contrebalancée par le riche roux-brun de ses cheveux et le gris-noir foncé de ce qui était son uniforme. Les fentes coupées à l'arrière du tee-shirt étaient un jeu d'ailes, un rousset sur le fond et un bleu-vert irisé sur le dessus. La fille sourit un peu provisoirement, la façon dont elle commençait chaque jour, car si elle pouvait trouver une raison de sourire, elle n'aurait pas peur. Etant l'une des premières éveillée comme elle l'a toujours été, elle est allée réveiller les autres petits.Échec d'abord par le nid de mousse de Squeaky, elle a bousillé la jeune fille. Quand la fille n'a pas répondu, Flutter s'est agenouillée à côté d'elle et l'a doucement secouée. "Squeaky, réveille-toi." La petite fille clignotait les yeux ouverts et, fidèle à son nom, elle coulait dans la peur, s'asseyant le boulon debout. Mais elle s'est détendue en voyant que c'était juste Flutter. C'est bon, Squeaky. Allez, c'est demain matin. Laissez passer Ferris et allez chercher le petit déjeuner pour tout le monde." Squeaky soupirait. Elle chuchotait. C'était aussi fort qu'elle ne l'a jamais dit, en murmurant peu. Elle se leva, brossant les morceaux de feuilles et de mousse, et les deux filles allèrent réveiller Ferris. "Ferris, il est temps de se réveiller. " Flutter a dit, soigneusement agenouillé à côté du garçon. "Nous allons aller chercher le petit déjeuner." Elle a dit, tendre soigneusement vers l'extérieur pour secouer son épaule. Elle ne faisait toujours pas confiance au garçon pour la connaître assez bien pour ne pas la griffer pour l'avoir réveillé. Et il était à moitié furet. Ces choses avaient des dents pointues et des griffes.
Name: Ferris ID Number: 922 Age: 7 Gender: Male What kind of animal: Black-Footed Ferret - Mustela nigripes Animal powers: Enhanced acceleration and deceleration rates when moving around, able to see quite well in the dark and able to climb surfaces and trees very well. Appearance: Ferris is short even for his age and has wild black hair and a tanned complexion completely unblemished except for a small scar on his right cheek. He has a lithe build and wild deep blue eyes that reminded an observer of ocean waters being battered under a harsh storm. Personality: Ferris is a naturally scared young boy, and he has a deep distrust in people in general and tends to avoid anything unknown or new to the best of his ability out of his deep fear. He is however very curious, and often wonders about many things he never got the opportunity to learn about it due to being a lab rat... or ferret, or whatever. When he does talk it's most likely him asking about something he has seen or felt. Overall it would appear that he has both a great sense of fear and wonder in the world he is in. Phobias: Ferris has a fear of rain just out of confusion as he spent his whole life before that inside in the facility and he gets startled easily by any loud noises.
Flutter leva les yeux vers le ciel. "Flutter. Tu oublies toujours que je m'appelle Flutter." Elle a dit. -- Et je ne suis pas petit; je suis une centaine de nombres devant vous, et je suis comme un demi-pouce plus grand! Puis elle s'est rendue compte que son évaluation était probablement injuste et qu'elle s'était ébranlée la tête. "Désolé. Mais j'ai l'impression que nous devrions aller chercher de la nourriture pour que les adultes n'aient pas à rapporter des choses pour nous comme ils le font habituellement. » Son estomac s'est bourdonné et elle a rougi. "De plus, j'ai vraiment faim et je ne veux pas attendre les adultes." Elle s'est tournée vers Tigresa. "J'étais dehors comme une ampoule dès que Squeaky est allé au lit." Ils devaient souvent avoir des arguments au sujet de Squeaky ne va pas dormir, parce qu'elle était partie-hamster, et donc elle voulait être éveillée la nuit. "J'ai été tenté de la frapper pour la faire s'évanouir." Squeaky a froncé. "Je ne peux pas aider qui je suis!" Elle l'a dit doucement. Flutter s'est froissé les cheveux. "Tu es bon, Squeaky." Elle a souri à la fille et elle a souri en arrière. Les deux étaient devenues comme des sœurs au cours de la dernière année. L'estomac de Flutter a encore grondé et elle a rougi. "D'accord, peut-on aller trouver quelque chose à manger maintenant?"
Name: Luc ID number: 218 Age: 18 Gender: Male What kind of animal?: Musk Ox Animal powers: Large reservoir of tensile strength and stamina. This strength is amplified when he is transformed, and he has all the other natural abilities of a super-powered Ox. Appearance: Tall, shaggy and broad, Luc has dark skin and long matted dreads that fall stiffly at his back. His thick neck supports a rather unappealing face, with a stiff square chin and unkempt goatee. His large, strong arms look strange when compared to his lithe legs, and his silhouette immediately appears top-heavy. Personality: Despite having a intimidating and large form Luc is essentially harmless, and has a good natured albeit dim approach to life. Despite numerous painful experiments and having his body pushed to its physical limits, he is happy to work for others and carry their weight, acting extremely protectively of anyone he considers under his protection. Slow to anger, once pushed beyond the limit his rage knows no bounds and he lashes out blindly, relying on either time or the influence of others to be soothed. Phobias: Dark water, pitch black, blindness
Ferris a donné un petit soupir à tout le monde parlant ensemble, c'était bien comment ils pouvaient faire ça. Une chance d'explorer! Peut-être que je grimperai des arbres s'il y a des fruits... puis encore Flutter peut voler... comment fonctionnent les ailes? Est-ce que c'est comme grimper à l'air? Si oui, ce serait amusant parce que l'escalade est amusante et vous pourriez aller n'importe où... "Je viendrai aider le fourrage," Ferris a dit à haute voix, se demandant toujours comment les ailes fonctionnent. Il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas voler avec ses bras, alors qu'est-ce qu'il y a de si spécial dans les ailes qui les font voler? Est-ce que les plumes sont faites de quelque chose de spécial qui les fait voler? Ferris a renoncé pour le moment, décidant d'aller à son option de sauvegarde chaque fois qu'il ne pouvait pas trouver quelque chose qu'il était curieux de - demander. "Comment les ailes fonctionnent-elles Flutter?" Ferris a dit, délibérément ne pas mentionner d'oublier son nom. Ferris s'est souvenu des scientifiques que c'était toujours une mauvaise idée de rappeler aux gens une fois qu'ils ont été frustrés, si vous continuez à parler, ils oublieraient s'il avait de la chance. Ferris frémit à cette pensée, se rappelant quand les scientifiques se fâchent et parfois prennent tellement de sang qu'il serait rendu inconscient pendant un certain temps.
Name: Ferris ID Number: 922 Age: 7 Gender: Male What kind of animal: Black-Footed Ferret - Mustela nigripes Animal powers: Enhanced acceleration and deceleration rates when moving around, able to see quite well in the dark and able to climb surfaces and trees very well. Appearance: Ferris is short even for his age and has wild black hair and a tanned complexion completely unblemished except for a small scar on his right cheek. He has a lithe build and wild deep blue eyes that reminded an observer of ocean waters being battered under a harsh storm. Personality: Ferris is a naturally scared young boy, and he has a deep distrust in people in general and tends to avoid anything unknown or new to the best of his ability out of his deep fear. He is however very curious, and often wonders about many things he never got the opportunity to learn about it due to being a lab rat... or ferret, or whatever. When he does talk it's most likely him asking about something he has seen or felt. Overall it would appear that he has both a great sense of fear and wonder in the world he is in. Phobias: Ferris has a fear of rain just out of confusion as he spent his whole life before that inside in the facility and he gets startled easily by any loud noises.
Rin Quelque temps s'était écoulé après la commotion avec Mi et tout. Rin avait un peu baissé sa garde pour que sa rinkaku soit revenue dans sa peau en croyant que la fille ne leur ferait pas de mal si soudainement. Il avait laissé un trou à l'intérieur de sa chemise à l'arrière, mais son manteau couvrait heureusement une partie de son dos nu. Rin ne s'est toutefois pas inquiétée et aurait même continué si sa chemise avait disparu dans un autre royaume. Rin avait jeté le drap et l'oreiller en plus de s'asseoir à nouveau dans sa position habituelle alors qu'elle prenait une légère gorgée de sa tasse de café qui restait encore dans le pot. Il la garderait éveillée un peu mieux, allongée sur le sol aussi confortable que possible ne le ferait pas. Takumi qui était proche d'elle depuis un moment maintenant après que la commotion avait fi ally est mort. Il s'est abaissé à Rin sa hauteur semblant vouloir quelque chose d'elle. Rin ne s'est même pas approché de lui se rapprochant de son oreille, assis tranquillement là tout en regardant sans esprit à l'avant de la pièce alors qu'elle prenait une légère gorgée de sa tasse. Takumi lui a dit que Miyako pourrait avoir besoin de vêtements aussi s'ils avaient eu fo horssids puisque la nudité avait une amende sur elle. Rin a fait un doux clin d'œil alors qu'elle se redressait patiemment. L'importante différence de taille entre elle et le garçon était à nouveau évidente. Rin a lentement déboutonné son manteau et l'a retiré de son torse. Son enfant fragile comme forme a été montré devant le groupe pour la première fois en quelques années. Sbe n'avait évidemment pas beaucoup grandi. Rin portait un t-shirt à la peau gris foncé et serré dans sa jupe. Elle a poussé le manteau Miyako à sa façon et a déboutonné sa jupe courte après l'avoir laissé tomber au sol quand il est tombé de ses hanches. Son t-shirt était à peu près assez long pour couvrir ses glorieuses sous-vêtements. Shr a poussé la jupe Miyako à sa façon aussi avec une expression vide. Rin ne s'est pas senti mal à l'aise ou embarrassé dans le plus léger sauf pour une chose. Son écharpe était encore enveloppée au cou et il ne semblait pas qu'elle allait l'enlever avant de défaire le prochain article. Rin a commencé à tirer sur sa chemise pour la prendre sur sa tête et la donner à Miyako aussi si personne ne l'arrêtait. Au moins, elle était encore un peu habillée maintenant. Ou au moins permis dans la rue. Une panique soudaine a éclaté de Hana, apparemment la GCC avait déjà trouvé leur emplacement. C'était trop rapide pour le goût. Takkun lui a demandé de prendre soin des jumeaux et elle l'a fait. Mais avant elle est allée à Hana après avoir entendu un peu de leur conversation et lui a donné un gros câlin. Elle aurait été un peu collante et puante, mais ça voulait dire douce. Rin doucement serré vers la cuisine et saisi un rouleau de ruban adhésif de l'un des placards. Elle s'est doucement serrée plus loin dans la pièce en gesticulant pour que les jumeaux la suivent, elle est allée à l'une des fenêtres et l'a ouvert en regardant vers le bas s'il n'y avait pas de gens autour. Elle a activé son kagune et a tenu les jumeaux étroitement. Elle s'est ensuite remise à plonger par la fenêtre avec les jumeaux hors course en criant et Rin a juste regardé mort devant. Elle a utilisé son kagune pour atterrir en toute sécurité et a emmené les jumeaux à l'intérieur d'un supermarché voisin les plaçant tous les deux sur les toilettes leur disant de ne pas bouger et a jeté un regard méchant sur le propriétaire du magasin avant de retourner à l'immeuble. Les jumeaux resteraient mis par Rin sa technique qu'elle a apprise pendant des années.
Rin Makoto "The quieter you become the more you can hear" Age: 17 Gender: Female Height & Weight: 42kg/92lbs 150cm/4’9ft Sexuality: Bi-sexual CCG Rating: A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all. CCG Title: Stalker Mask: RC Type: Rinkaku Bikaku Kagune: Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color. She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth. Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust. Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling. Special Quirk: Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh. Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards. During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed. Personality: Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely. She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened. Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash. Backstory: Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further. The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house. A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone. Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time. Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least.
Luc était d'accord avec les deux jeunes garçons, et malgré sa propre force, il savait qu'il ne serait pas capable de protéger tout le monde par lui-même des dangers possibles dans le monde. "Certains devraient attendre avec les dormants." Avec moins de corps à surveiller, il pourrait s'assurer de protéger efficacement chaque enfant.
Name: Luc ID number: 218 Age: 18 Gender: Male What kind of animal?: Musk Ox Animal powers: Large reservoir of tensile strength and stamina. This strength is amplified when he is transformed, and he has all the other natural abilities of a super-powered Ox. Appearance: Tall, shaggy and broad, Luc has dark skin and long matted dreads that fall stiffly at his back. His thick neck supports a rather unappealing face, with a stiff square chin and unkempt goatee. His large, strong arms look strange when compared to his lithe legs, and his silhouette immediately appears top-heavy. Personality: Despite having a intimidating and large form Luc is essentially harmless, and has a good natured albeit dim approach to life. Despite numerous painful experiments and having his body pushed to its physical limits, he is happy to work for others and carry their weight, acting extremely protectively of anyone he considers under his protection. Slow to anger, once pushed beyond the limit his rage knows no bounds and he lashes out blindly, relying on either time or the influence of others to be soothed. Phobias: Dark water, pitch black, blindness
Flutter a incliné sa tête sur le garçon légèrement plus petit. "Je n'en ai aucune idée. Ils attrapent le vent et en tiennent une poche? Je crois. Je ne sais pas." Elle a lâché, ses ailes s'affaissent. "Quelque chose à voir avec la pression de l'air." Squeaky chuchotait. "Il est plus haut en dessous et en bas sur le dessus et soulève la personne, ou l'oiseau." "Comment avez-vous entendu ça, Squeaks?" Squeaky a vu la fille plus grande. "Qu'en pensez-vous?" Elle a commencé à trembler légèrement, sa réponse à la peur. "Oh, c'est vrai, tu as vécu dans la poche du docteur Thomas pendant un mois. Littéralement." Flutter est allé aux cheveux de Squeaky. Squeaky, fidèle à son nom, secoua la tête, essayant de bannir les souvenirs de ce qu'elle avait vu et entendu. "Je ne veux pas y penser!" Elle s'est cognée. Flutter, réalisant qu'elle déclenchait une panne, s'est serré Squeaky. "Mon Dieu, je suis désolé, Squeaky." "C'est bon. Pouvons-nous juste aller manger quelque chose maintenant?" -- Bien sûr, je vais aller en avion chercher des baies; vous pouvez rester au sol et essayer de trouver des noix et des graines? -- D'accord!
Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo Hana Kurosawa Les bras de Hana s'emparèrent de l'effort, alors qu'elle griffait les dents de toutes ses forces, dans l'intention de ne pas bouder un pouce. Elle a regardé les réactions de ses frères et sœurs et de ses camarades dans les bras. Ils semblaient rapidement rassembler leurs sens... pour la plupart. Même si elle était stressée, elle sourit faiblement à Takumi, Rin, les enfants et le nouveau venu. "Oui, tout le monde sera en sécurité." Elle a dit qu'en se couchant les dents, elle savait qu'elle ne pouvait pas garantir la sécurité de tout le monde. C'était soit sa sécurité, soit celle qu'elle abritait... et le code non écrit de fraternité parmi les mêmes espèces dicta que cette dernière avait pris la préférence. Et il y avait Itsuki, la suppliant de changer de place, comme si une sorte de torture auto-infligée et lui-même de devenir le bouc d'échappement résoudrait n'importe quoi. Non, ça ne ferait rien. Elle n'a jamais pu vendre sa famille pour gagner du temps. Et en plus. "Tu es stupide? Si je bouge un pouce, ils entreront! Vous n'êtes pas en situation de argumenter, maintenant g-" Le bec de Hana a été coupé court comme un Koukaku Quinque, sous la forme d'une épée géante coupée à travers la porte et le côté gauche de Hana de sa poitrine avec une telle force l'arme cloué le corps maintenant inconscient du médecin ghoul contre un mur, saignant abondamment. "Pe-ew, on dirait que je te dois de l'argent. Cette corvée d'une poubelle de deuxième classe de classe B était vraiment à la hauteur de quelque chose, classe spéciale associée." Un des inspecteurs est intervenu. Cocky, confiant, regardant même un tel cadre de goules. Une dépêche spéciale. Et il n'était pas seul. "Nous avons tout ce qu'il faut. Je parie que deux d'entre eux sont les Kakuja que nous voulons." "Eh bien, euh. Dure chance alors. Oh, nous pouvons probablement obtenir quelques Quinques cool hors de ceux-ci!" L'une de ces compagnes a applaudi de façon nonchalante. Aussi une classe spéciale. Il semblait qu'il s'agissait d'une grande fête, formée par plusieurs agents du quartier, complètement surdimensionnée pour la chasse à un ghoul aussi apparemment inoffensif que Hana, mais parfaitement raisonnable pour deux kakujas. Je suis désolé, j'ai mal calculé. Hana pensait, alors que la force la quittait rapidement, que sa vision devenait plus floue et plus floue. J'aurais dû penser que s'ils suivaient Miyako et Itsuki, ils auraient un pouvoir proportionnel. Elle s'est amèrement calomniée car elle ne pouvait être qu'un témoin silencieux de la lutte qui allait se dérouler.
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D. Age: 24 Gender:Female Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business. Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway) CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even). CCG Title: Honeybee Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession. However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily. RC Type: Ukaku Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades. It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune. Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence. However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls. Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans. Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help. But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient. However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily). But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza. Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls. It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while. But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues... Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.
Ferris a levé un sourcil aux explications pour voler. Pression d'air, qu'est-ce que c'est? Je suppose que c'est comme si l'air était... plus dur? Alors parce que l'air est plus doux sur le dessus que vous passez par elle, donc c'est un peu comme l'escalade. Sa tête a été blessée par toute l'épreuve d'essayer de comprendre comment les oiseaux pouvaient voler. Eh bien, et Flutter, mais elle est assez proche d'un oiseau aussi. "Je vais attraper des animaux, si tu veux? Je sais que vous ne mangez pas vraiment autant de viande, mais... certains d'entre eux le font." Les oreilles de Ferris s'y sont mises. Lui-même mangeait aussi de la viande et, en outre, la chasse était plus amusante que l'obtention de fruits d'arbres pour l'autre. "Je viendrai aussi", murmura-t-il. « Je ne suis peut-être pas aussi bon chasseur qu'un grand chat, mais je suis un bon grimpeur et terrier, je peux rendre les lapins faciles quand ils s'éloignent et la seule chose plus grande que les lapins que j'ai vu beaucoup sont des cerfs, et la viande de lapin est plus délicieux », a-t-il ajouté avec un petit sourire. "Ou peut-être que tu pourrais attendre que Leo et Lilia se réveillent. La sécurité en nombres, vous savez?" Ferris sauta à la voix et se tourna vers le propriétaire. Tibble, le serpent. La mort... Non, ça a l'air idiot. Ferris ne pouvait pas se souvenir, sa mémoire quand il est venu aux noms était à peu près aussi efficace que la capacité d'un rocher à philosopher. C'est horrible. Bref, Tibble... ou c'était Ribble? Il semblait rejeter toute opinion populaire pour une raison quelconque, ce qui n'avait pas de sens pour Ferris. Si beaucoup d'esprits ensemble faisaient un plan, ça n'aurait pas de sens que ce qu'un esprit peut faire? Nibble léchait ses lèvres, une lueur dans ses yeux toujours amusés qui a dérangé Ferris jusqu'à aucune fin. "Si je devais mettre mon argent sur l'un d'entre nous survivant, ce serait Leo, il est plus fort que nous à part Luc, et il a en fait quelque chose dans sa tête avant des idées fantaisistes d'inquiéter tout le monde en disparaissant dans la forêt à la fissure de l'aube", a-t-il crié, gardant de ne pas mordre sa lèvre et gaspillant accidentellement tout poison sur lui-même qui ne fonctionne pas. "Donc attendez qu'il se réveille et qu'il prenne sa décision.
Name: Ferris ID Number: 922 Age: 7 Gender: Male What kind of animal: Black-Footed Ferret - Mustela nigripes Animal powers: Enhanced acceleration and deceleration rates when moving around, able to see quite well in the dark and able to climb surfaces and trees very well. Appearance: Ferris is short even for his age and has wild black hair and a tanned complexion completely unblemished except for a small scar on his right cheek. He has a lithe build and wild deep blue eyes that reminded an observer of ocean waters being battered under a harsh storm. Personality: Ferris is a naturally scared young boy, and he has a deep distrust in people in general and tends to avoid anything unknown or new to the best of his ability out of his deep fear. He is however very curious, and often wonders about many things he never got the opportunity to learn about it due to being a lab rat... or ferret, or whatever. When he does talk it's most likely him asking about something he has seen or felt. Overall it would appear that he has both a great sense of fear and wonder in the world he is in. Phobias: Ferris has a fear of rain just out of confusion as he spent his whole life before that inside in the facility and he gets startled easily by any loud noises.
La la la la. Je chante une chanson. La la la la. C'était la chanson. Cassie sautait dans les rues en chantant ça encore et encore. "C'est joli, cet endroit." Puis elle s'est arrêtée. "Où est tout le monde. Je n'ai pas vu d'autre sang que le mien depuis longtemps." Elle crie alors aussi fort qu'elle le peut, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont sont Où es-tu? Je veux jouer ce jeu. Venez me voir! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH HHHHH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH H HH HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Puis le téléphone dans son knapsack a bourdonné, "Ohhh?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION! Programme ennemi détecté. Programme de périmètre de Strife Engagé. - C'est quoi, ça? Nouvelle mission reçue! Vaincre le programme ennemi (THUG) Succès : votre survie continue Défaut: Suppression ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "C'est vrai. Sortez où que vous soyez. Je veux jouer avec toi." Un autre rire maniaque vient mais pas d'elle. Elle se branle la tête en direction d'un voyou qui se dirige vers elle. "Salut, mon grand. Tu veux jouer avec une fille innocente comme moi. Ce sera amusant." Le voyou a grogné comme une réponse et a couru à Cassie soulevant sa pipe en métal au-dessus de lui-même. Avant qu'il puisse le faire descendre Cassie se lança sur le côté du voyou et injecta ses Piercers bleu vif dans le côté du voyou frappant autant d'endroits vitaux que possible et étourdissant sévèrement le Thug. Cassie a sauté en arrière alors que le Thug a essayé de l'écraser. "Awww. Tu n'aimes pas mon style d'acupuncture. Tu n'es pas aussi drôle que je le pensais." Le Thug a grognonné à Cassie et a recommencé à courir sur elle, "YOU BORE ME!" En utilisant sa vitesse, elle s'est jetée au Thug et s'est jetée autour de lui et l'a remonté pour finir sur sa tête où elle a commencé à poignarder à plusieurs reprises le voyou droit dans la tête jusqu'à ce qu'il tombe et disparaisse sous elle. "Quoi! Pas de sang! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Elle a regardé vers le bas et ne s'est même pas rendu compte que l'utilisation de ses capacités comme elle l'avait fait pour être sévèrement dirigée vers la lumière. "Je ne me sens pas si bien." C'était la dernière chose qu'elle a dite avant de s'évanouir.
Takumi Minamoto - Rencontre avec la famille, Tous G Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage Je vais prétendre que je n'ai pas entendu ça.....Takumi protestait faiblement, sa voix sortait un peu plus qu'un murmure nerveux. Il a porté sa paume au visage, la moitié en exaspération, la moitié pour cacher l'extrême rougeur qui l'avait surmonté à la suite de la tournure soudaine du sujet. Des vagues d'embarras intenses, de première main comme d'occasion, se répandirent à travers son être même. Dans ses huit années, il avait oublié combien d'une poignée de cette famille pouvait être, et à ce moment-là, il avait décidé qu'il ne ferait pas cette erreur à nouveau. Jamais. Au moins Miyako ne pouvait pas le voir comme ça. Quelqu'un d'impressionnable comme elle a peut-être eu une mauvaise idée. Il se composa rapidement, heureusement, et tourna son attention vers la fille kakuja. Puis immédiatement loin de la fille kakuja. Ses yeux étaient fermement verrouillés sur une tache de sang sur le mur. Hana et Itsuki ont juste dû aller rendre les choses bizarres, n'est-ce pas? Pas juste un peu bizarre, mais vraiment bizarre. Comment allait-il jouer ça maintenant? Il n'avait aucune déniabilité plausible, et il ne voulait pas blesser les sentiments de la pauvre fille - il avait déjà fracassé sa tête quelques fois! Mais encore une fois... En pensant aux choses trop, je ne lui ai jamais fait de bien. Il allait avec le courant comme d'habitude, les conséquences seraient damnées. D'ailleurs, ce n'est pas comme si les conséquences avaient beaucoup d'importance pour lui à long terme de toute façon. Comme d'habitude, une fois satisfait de sa résolution de procrastiner sur cette décision, Takumi a rapidement commencé le processus de passer au-delà de sa détresse en se fermant sur le premier changement de sujet qu'il pouvait atteindre : « Oui! » le brunet a percé, « Je suis d'accord. On devrait nettoyer avant que tout commence à tacher... errer, tacher plus. Et ça sent bon. Et de voir. Je vais commencer immédiatement. Takumi prit un souffle, sourit largement, et marcha vers l'avant, jusqu'à ce qu'il se rende compte qu'il n'avait aucune idée où Hana mettait les produits de nettoyage. C'est pas vrai. On dirait qu'il a dû attendre qu'elle sorte du téléphone s'il voulait continuer à ne pas penser à... cette chose à laquelle il n'était pas censé penser. Et par là, il voulait dire la chose à propos de la brè... Arrête d'y penser, Takumi. Mais comment la logistique derrière l'homme et la femme... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Et à ce moment-là, il a fait une réalisation surprenante. Il s'était rendu compte qu'il l'avait voulu après que quelqu'un d'autre en eut eu connaissance. Il regarda par-dessus son épaule à Itsuki, puis Hana. Il secoua la tête et s'embrasa à Rin. Il chuchota, hurlant la tête vers Miyako pour dégager ses pronoms : "Psst. Tu devrais prendre... ses vêtements. Tu sais de quoi je parle? Public n... pas de vêtements? Une amende allant jusqu'à 300 000 yens? C'est bon? Ça aurait pu aller mieux. Eh bien, j'espérais que personne ne l'avait entendu, même avec sa livraison... difficile. Trop occupé à s'inquiéter, quelque chose que Hana avait dit est entré dans une oreille et est sorti de l'autre. « Oh cool, la GCC est ici, » pensa Takumi, s'enfoncer sur son siège. C'est bien. Ils s'assureront que tous les gens sont sa-. ... la GCC était là. Takumi s'est cassé les pieds en un instant, mort silencieux, et s'est regroupé avec Hana. Ils étaient coincés ici, il n'y avait aucun doute à ce sujet. Expliquer toutes les blessures et les fluides corporels éparpillés dans la pièce n'était pas non plus une option viable. Ses yeux sillonnaient tout le monde en vue, et son front sillonnait. Autant qu'il s'inquiétait du bien-être des goules, il s'inquiétait des enquêteurs qui répondaient à cet appel. Les pauvres allaient être déchiquetés, et leurs familles... Vous l'avez entendue : nous devons tous partir, d'accord avec Takumi. Alors que Hana a passé à travers ses fournitures d'évacuation, la demi-ghoul a émis un jeu rapide de directives: "Rin, vous avez les jumeaux. Itsuki, les garçons... Il a ponctué ses commandes avec une gestuelle de main appropriée. Il a joué l'arrière-garde, et il s'est arrêté. "Miyako, tu as le plus vieux." Takumi a donné le masque générique qui lui a été fourni. Désolé que tu sois le patron ici. J'espère que ça ne vous dérange pas que... vous allez mener tout le monde dehors, d'accord Hana? - Il a demandé, en regardant sa main de quelque chose à Itsuki, et puis recevoir quelque chose lui-même : un dossier de recherches de Hana, qui lui a été confié pour garder. Ce n'était pas le moment de l'examiner, mais plus que cela, il avait le sentiment qu'il n'aimerait pas ce qu'il voyait. Plus important encore... Je comprends, Takumi a hurlé solennellement. C'était une situation non-gagnante: tuer les enquêteurs, plus viendrait, plus de gens seraient blessés sans raison valable; essayer de s'échapper tout en même temps, et ils pourraient tous être vus; ou sacrifier quelqu'un pour les distraire. C'était beaucoup comme SOP pour les enquêtes qui ont mal tourné: sacrifier le chef d'équipe, laisser tout le monde sortir. Bien que, il semblait que Itsuki ne comprenait toujours pas. Anxieusement, Takumi a tourné l'aiguille dans ses mains. Il ne prendrait qu'un seul jab sur le visage, ou l'anus, ou la bouche. Toutes les cibles faciles pour les affectivement dérangés. "Ne vaut pas la peine," Takumi a décidé, empochant la chose, "Nous perdons trop de force de cette façon. Pourtant, il pouvait voir les officiers de la GCC commencer à faire un peu d'avance, et qui sait quand ils s'attendraient à sortir la quinque et juste couper la porte vers le bas... "Itsuki, arrête d'être stupide!" Takumi s'est emparé du bras et s'est serré avec force, "Vous perdez tout le temps à tout le monde!" Tu es... C'est pas vrai. Il se sentait en train de faire quelque chose comme ça ; ce serait la deuxième fois qu'il manipulait émotionnellement son frère aujourd'hui. Pas une bonne façon de commencer une réunion. Mais ça a marché la dernière fois, donc il semblait qu'il était temps de parler plus vite : "...Est-ce que tu penses vraiment qu'elle n'aurait pas un tour dans sa manche pour quelque chose comme ça? Elle est plus intelligente que nous tous, elle connaît cet endroit comme le dos de sa main! J'ai vu son sous-sol, il y a une sortie là-bas. Elle peut frapper les égouts quand on est sortis, comment penses-tu que ses amis ghoul sortent? Compris? Allez-y!"
Name: Minamoto, Takumi Age: 22 Gender: Male Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise CCG Rating: B~ CCG Title:Tengu Vigilante Ghoul Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get". And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility. RC Type: Koukaku Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan. Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point. Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that. As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts. Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul. Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him. After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people. Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee. While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget. At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?" Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was. For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction. But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence. So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers. He returned to Tokyo a few days ago. Other:Character Theme Color code is #E34234