zoos are cruel and inhumane places for animals as they are not the animals' natural habitats and conditions can be grim
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are cruel as animals are often mistreated and they are in cages that are much too small for their needs.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos are cruel because they take animals away from their natural habitats.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are cruel to animals kept in confinement
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos are cruel to animals, because often if a human does something stupid the animal will get shot or killed.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos are cruel to the animals kept in cages and should be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are cruel to the animals taking them out of their natural environment
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are dangerous and not allowing animals to live in their natural environment.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are educational and a lot of animals are looked after better and survive longer than they would in the wild
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are educational and help us all learn about nature in a safe environment
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are entertaining and educational for people of all ages
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are entrapping animals that are meant to live in the world
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are essential to the conservation of many endangered species through breeding programs and teaching people how to live side by side with wild species.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are good source of information for the public to learn about animals up close
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are great educational tools, and it is also a safe place to take care of endangered species.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are great organizations to be able to explore the world we cannot see and protect certain species of animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are great since they can help conserve endangered animals
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are helping in many ways the animals that are going extinct and that will not make it in the wild so they should not be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are helping people see animals without going to the wild
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are helping to protect animals from illegal poachers
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are helping to save endangered species who wouldn't have survived in the wild
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are holding animals in captivity that should be free and making a profit.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoo's are horrid places that keep animals in tiny cages and then charges the public high prices to see them.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
Zoos are important places where endangered animals can be protected and bred to increase their numbers.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoo's are important to educate the public and to breed endangered animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are inherantly abusive to animals so should be banned
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are inherently cruel to the animals, keeping them confined in unnatural conditions for the benefit of entertaining human visitors - they are miserable, and more prone to disease.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are inhumane and force animals into a life outside of their natural habitat. we should not encourage the exploitation of these animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are inhumane and keep animals in small areas
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are inhumane for all animals and should be abolished
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are inhumane structures built to house animals away from their natural environment. zoos should be abolished and animals returned to their natural homes where they can be free.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are just a place for animals to be locked up and stared at by people.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are just a spectacle of cruelty to captive animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are just prisons for animals so people can stare and take pictures.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are leaders in the fight for the protection of endangered species
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are not natural environments for wild animals
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
Zoos are not natural habitats and all animals there are distressed.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are nothing more than prisons for animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are notorious for animal abuse.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
Zoos are places that protect and breed animals that would otherwise become extinct.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are places where they physically abuse animals and it is our duty to protect them
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are prisons for animals, they should be in their natural habitat not enclosed between bars
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are proving to be dangerous to the public after a few people got killed by the animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos are recruitment centers for animals that remain in captivity for entertainment for people
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are responsible for preserving hundreds of species that would otherwise be extinct.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are stressful to the animals who have been taken away from their natural habitats and forced to limit their natural instincts.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are the only places many people will be able to get close and observe exotic animals - anything that serves to enhance humans' empathy and understanding of animals is worthy of support.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are the only way we can preserve endangered species.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are there to educate people while also helping animals. They have a valid use and should be allowed to maintain their work.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are too often a place of mistreatment and death for wild animals. We should abolish them and move onto other conservation efforts.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are too small and do not provide animals with the space and habitat that they are born to.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are unnatural for animals and does not allow then to live as evolution has developed them to do so and should be abolished
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are unnatural places for wild animals to live and causes many of them to live long, sad lives in cages.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are useful as it allows people to attend the zoos to find out more information on the animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are useless prisons for poor animals that should be kept in their own natural environment, therefore we should close them
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are vital for research into how to keep a species alive and therefore shouldn’t be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are vital for research into species and preventing their extinction and should therefore not be banned.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are wonderful for a community. they allow education and conservation. abolishing them would leave thousands of animals at risk.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are working to breed endangered species
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos aren't all properly regulated and some animals are kept in appalling conditions they should be left in their natural environment
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos bring a lot of money in which can be spent on animal research and stop their extinction.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos bring animal education to the common people who would never see them anywhere else.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos cage animals for human enjoyment and this isn’t morally right. therefore zoos should be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos can aid conservation by raising awareness of animals that are facing extinction and raising funds to support them in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos can give a chance for endangered animals or animals who are injured or outcast a place to grow up and be raised like in an animal sanctuary.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos can help combat the extinction of different species
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos can help people, especially those with little money, to discover the beauty of wildlife and learn how to protect endangered species
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos can not provide the amount of space that animals have in the wild
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos can offer sanctuary to endangered species and help raise funds to protect such species in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos confine animals to small spaces keeping them from running free.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos constrict wild animals to enclosures not suitable for them purely for enjoyment
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos create an unnatural environment for the animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos currently fulfil an important role maintaining populations of endangered animals and this is supported by opening the zoo to the public for viewing so we should retain zoos.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos do a lot of conservation work and have successfully bred animals which were on the verge of extinction.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos do a poor job of providing animals with enough space to roam
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos do important conservation work and research into endangered species
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos do more harm than good to the animals that are held in captivity largely for entertainment purposes
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos do not allow animals to wander and explore as they would in the wild. animals should have the right to live as they were intended to.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos do not give animals the freedom to live their lives as nature intended. they should be free too explore their surroundings.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos do not provide enough space for animals too explore the environment and so the animals cannot lead a natural life.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos do so much for the conservation of animals and species that are at risk of being extinct and they should not be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos do very important work for conservation. their breeding programmes have stopped some species from becoming extinct.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos don't really serve to benefit the animals; they use the animals merely to show them off.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos enable people to study the behaviour of animals, see them at close quarters as sentient beings, and this all indirectly improves attitudes towards animal welfare in all walks of life.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos exploit animals for entertainment
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos force animals into an existence outside of their natural habitat for our viewing pleasure. it is not right to subject them to such an environment.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos harm animals by keeping them in confined spaces.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos harm animals by keeping them in tiny confined spaces.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos have breeding programs which has brought many animals back from the brink of extinction.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos have come a long way and the animals in the zoo are treated very good and are given expert medical care
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos have helped some animals from become extinct
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos have helped species come back from the brink of extinction.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos have long provided people who would not otherwise experience wild animals, a chance to appreciate them close up which not only is aesthetically pleasing but educational too.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos have no place in a free society.animals should be allowed to roam in their natural habitat.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos have professional caretakers to take care of the animals and provide an educational opportunity for children to understand nature.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help conservation efforts and prevent extinction of animals in the wild. many zoos have a complex breeding network in place to specifically add to wild populations of animals outside of zoos.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help conserve and rehabilitate endangered animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help keep animals safe from poachers in the wild
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help keep endangered animals viable and have brought certain species back from near extinction.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.