zoos help keep some species alive that would otherwise be extinct
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help keep some species of animals alive. hunters have almost eradicated some species. zoos are set up to protect animals and increase the population
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help protect animals that are in danger
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help protect endangered animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help to ensure that certain species do not become extinct and are able to study other animals to help protect them.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help to protect endangered animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help us preserve endangered species.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos help with ensuring species of animals do not go extinct and promotes animal welfare and research. they are an important organization to help with the welfare of animals, research and study.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos helping animals and people who working there do hard work to keep animal happy, healthy and free.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos hold animals in cages when they should be free
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos hold animals in small places when they would be better off roaming free
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoo's house animals in small enclosures and exploit them for profit.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos humiliate more sentient animals like elephants, dolphins and monkeys
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keep animals far from their natural habitats and even if they are provided everything they require it still isn't where they are supposed to be living
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keep animals from running free. too often they are kept in cages.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keep animals from their native habitat and exploit them for people's enjoyment. the well-being of the animals is reduced and it is better to protect wild habitats of animals than create artificial ones
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keep animals in captivity and use them merely for show.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keep animals in enclosures that are too small and this harms them
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos keep animals in unnatural environments for human entertainment which is morally wrong and should be banned.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keep animals trapped in sometimes dirty and inhumane conditions. they deserve to roam free in the wild
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keep wild animals locked up in areas smaller than they are used to in the wild and it is not natural for them.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keeping animals in cages while all animals should be free and to live in nature.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos keeping wild animals in cages are outdated and outrageous in the twenty first century, we do not need them anymore
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos lead to an increase in animal cruelty
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos maintain animals in unnatural, cramped conditions - they are exploited for the benefit of a paying public, with little concern about their happiness of welfare.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos make it possible to protect endangered animals from extinction
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos mean that some animals are saved from extinction
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos must be abolished as it is not a natural environment and is a form of cruelty and oppression for the animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos offer an easy and cheap way for people to see and learn about animals from all over the world.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos offer people a chance to admire the wonder of animal life/ it can help save endangered species that will die out if not protected.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos offer sanctuary to many creatures as well as proper medical care and births of animals that would not be able to survive in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos often house injured animals that would be unable to survive in the wild
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos only have animals for exhibition do not make any kind of charity with animals and do not give them any kind of love
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos ought to be abolished because they are essentially prisons for these wild animals who often become aggressive
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos place animals in cages in a fake environment. animals cannot even find a mate themselves. animals should roam free not locked up.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos play a crucial role in protecting endangered species
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos play an important part in the conservation of many species and encourage children to be more interested in both animals and the ecology of the world.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos prevent animals from returning to their natural habitats, forcing them into confinement and disregarding their instincts of living in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos promote animal welfare awareness. children who go to zoos are more likely to want to help conservation and protection of these animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos protect endangered species and are leaders in the fight to conserve natural resources
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos protect many of the near extinct animals and should be kept open.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos protect species and provide learning
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos provide a platform for people to understand the natural and animal world.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide a safe haven for animals that may not make it in nature
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide a safe place for animals who are unable to live outdoors
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide a unique experience for children that they wouldn't otherwise have.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide an educational opportunity for all ages.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide an excellent learning opportunity for children.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide an excellent learning opportunity for many children.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide an excellent way for people to learn about animals from all over.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide an important preservation role - they are the last sanctuary for certain species that would have died out in the natural world, and the loss of these animals would be a tragedy.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide an opportunity to save many species of animals that are becoming extinct and zoos should not be abolished to save the animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos provide care to animals that could not survive in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide essential work in keeping engandered species from going extinct.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos provide food and medical care for animals that would not survive in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos provide inhumane and cruel prisons for wold animals they should be scrapped for humane reasons.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos provide rehabilitation services for wounded animals
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide safe environments for children to learn about animals without having to worry about their safety from wild animals
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos provide the only places for some endangered species to survive that they are essential and we should not abolish them we need to support them and their breeding programs.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoo's provide the world a service by education and protecting endangered species.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos provide valuable scientific research and are often the only practical way to sustain vulnerable animal populations, they must be preserved.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos put animals in cages and take away their freedom which in inhumane
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos say they help repopulate dying populations of animals, but it's rare that any of the animals they've bred are ever released to the wild. instead they are kept at zoos for profit.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos serve to educate people about animals, and take care of animals that otherwise could not survive in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos serve to imprison animals and show them off for entertainment.
We should abolish zoos
zoos are an outdated and cruel form of entertainment that enslaves captured animals and leaves them in climates they are often not suited to.
zoos serve to protect and nurture animals that were injured or otherwise cannot survive on their own in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos should be abolished because it is cruel and inhumane to cage animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be abolished because it is cruel to cage animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be abolished because it is cruel to keep animals in captivity for entertainment purposes
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be abolished because the lives of the animals come secondary to the lives of people
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos should be abolished because they keep animals in unnatural habitats.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos should be abolished because they restrict the natural behaviour of the animals and all too often the conditions are poor.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be abolished for the animals to live free
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be abolished its unnatural to keep animals caged up and restricted they should be left in their natural habitats
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be abolished so that animals can thrive in a setting that allows them to roam free
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be abolished. animals have the right to not be locked in cages for daily human viewing pleasure
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should be banned as the animals are kept in tight and confined spaces.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should not be abolished as they are working to prevent species extinction and the reintroduction of animals into their natural environments
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should not be abolished as they provide the opportunity for revival of some animal species that are becoming extinct and provide a safe environment for their survival.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should not be abolished because they do important conservation work with endangered species
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos should not be abolished. the animals are given their natural habitat and it is a great learning resource for the people.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos shouldn't be abolished because they provide educational resources
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos show animals in an unnatural environment and despite enrichment in enclosures cannot provide natural surroundings which is detrimental to the well being of the animals.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos take animals from their natural enviorments.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos take animals from their natural habitat.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos take animals from their natural habitats and imprison them in unfamiliar and cruel surroundings.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos take animals from their natural habitats for profit
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos take animals out of their regular environment for the pleasure of human beings. it is unethical and it should be banned.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos torture animals by keeping them in unnatural cages.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos trap animals in artificial environments.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos trap animals into a meaningless life only to amuse human onlookers
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos treat animals badly they should be closed immediately
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos unfairly imprison animals and cause them harm
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos work as educational centers and are not the cause of the extinction of animals, rather they help that this does not happen, that's why we should not abolish zoos
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos work to help breed endangered species
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.