Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective in reducing bullying and violence.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies are inneffective at keeping guns and drugs out of schools entirely therefore should not be adopted
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
Zero-tolerance policies are overly harsh and their punishments are often not in proportion to the offense committed.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies are the best deterrent to misbehaviour, making it plain that the rules must be obeyed and there are no grey areas or misunderstandings.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies are the only effective system to keep schools safe from the threats of drugs and school shootings
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies are too far-reaching and punish too harshly minor infractions.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies are too harsh for students who are still in their formative years and can change their behavior.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies are too restrictive for children
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
zero-tolerance policies are unreasonable and antithetical to the learning process.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
Zero-tolerance policies can be unreasonable. A student in possession of aspirin or ibuprofen may be expelled for drug possession.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies disproportionately hurt low-income and minority students.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
Zero-tolerance policies do not increase discipline at schools.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective in reducing bullying and violence.
Zero-tolerance policies do not take into account the individual and leads to children who could have been helped failing in life.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies do not work for children
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
zero-tolerance policies do not work in schools.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies ensures pupils know exactly where they are in terms of rules and regulations leaving no room for ambiguity, thus ensuring better behaviour.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies deter students from bullying and other violent behavior.
zero-tolerance policies force the same rules to be applied to all students, reducing discrimination
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies have been shown to be disproportionately applied to minority students.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies help keep kids safe.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
zero-tolerance policies help keep people safe
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
Zero-tolerance policies in school are necessary to ensure a safe environment for students.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies in schools allow for a safer, bully-free environment.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies in schools are too harsh. we have to remember that these are children who are still developing and need this education to succeed in life.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies in schools are too strict and unnecessary
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies in schools are unfair because they take no account of the circumstances of often minor infractions and have little or no effect in making schools safer
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies in schools may result in rash punishments for a misunderstanding.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies keep schools safer by immediately removing the problem
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
Zero-tolerance policies lack common sense and often punish innocent students.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies lack common sense because it does not allow second chances, one mistake and you out. it puts too much pressure on the students.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
Zero-tolerance policies leave no room for explaining mitigating circumstances, which is both unfair to the individual being punished and also sends a negative message to the school community as a whole.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
Zero-tolerance policies leave no room for schools to explore the circumstances behind the bad behavior, which is damaging to the child's emotional state and often leads to the recurrence of the bad behavior.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
Zero-tolerance policies may seem unfair to the individual but bad and risky behavior at schools spreads faster than wildfire. Sometimes we must make an example of an individual for the greater good.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
Zero-tolerance policies prepare students for the real world.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policies provide a safe space
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
zero-tolerance policies provide almost no room for nuance and therefore lead to many unfair punishments.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
Zero-tolerance policies send all the wrong the messages to our children; it tells them that people should not be compassionate, that circumstances never matter, and that forgiveness and second chances should never be granted.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
zero-tolerance policies should be avoided at all costs as they can man that children are unfairly expelled from school
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies teach students how to follow the rules and guidelines of the school, so the students will be more discipline and that create a better studying environment.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policies unfairly target students of color and perpetuate stereotypes.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policy could contribute to a further rise of school shootings as expelling students for single offences may push them over the edge and want to retaliate
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policy doesn't allow students to express their individuality.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policy in schools allows teachers to feel safer and host less disruptive classrooms for the benefit of students that are follow the rules.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
zero-tolerance policy in schools drives problem students even deeper into a hopeless situation and removes opportunity for reform and redirection onto a path of productivity.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policy in schools should be enforced in schools to ensure a safe learning environment for all.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
zero-tolerance policy in schools teaches students responsibility and respect and should be adopted
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
zero-tolerance policy in schools will mean that pupils may mean that pupils are unfairly expelled or accused of wrong doing.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
zero-tolerance policy is a bad rule. too much harsh and too much difficult jeopardizing students ability to learn in a peaceful environment
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policy is too harsh not letting a way for even a minor fault. students are terrorized and are no more comfortable for studying
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policy leads to conformance to all the school laws. a necessary tool for students discipline
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance policy should be adopted to teach children disciplined and to help prepare them for a life where rules apply.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
Zero-tolerance policy works- Think of schools three decades ago, when the policy was prevalent. As a result children were obedient and disciplined, as opposed to students' behaviour today, using moderd soft approaches in schools.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
zero-tolerance reinforces behavioural patterns and does not address underlying problems that lead to the situation
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance results in an overly disciplinarian approach, and is unable to distinguish between all the subtle gradations of rule-breaking.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zero-tolerance weeds out those that can cause future harm
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
Zer-tolerance policies can be unjust towards someone who is wrongly accused of breaking the rules.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
zoo animals are unnaturally confined
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoo provide unnatural living conditions to animals that cause harm to their species.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos allow animals to live in safety and to have a constant food source
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow for continued protections of many species as well as providing the means for births of animals that would not have occurred in the wild due to loss of habitation and poachers.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow people to experience animals they otherwise may not know about and sparks an interest in conservation efforts
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow people to experience in person animals they may never otherwise be able to, and with proper care and respect for the animals are perfectly safe for them.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow people to learn about animals, which results in increased conservation efforts
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow people to see animals that most people would never see in something close to their actual habitat.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow people to see many animals in their natural habitat that most people would never see.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow society to come into contact with animals they normally wouldn't which generates a compassion for them. this compassion will create less harm to these animals.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow us to come into contact with animals we wouldn't see any other way.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow us to see animals we normally wouldn't and develop compassion for them. then we will be less likely to harm them in nature.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow us to see animals we wouldn’t be able to see otherwise
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow us to study animals and learn how to better protect them and their species.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos allow us to view beautiful animals we'd likely otherwise never see and keeps them safe from many of the dangers of living out in the wild. zoos are great for everyone.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos also provide a safe haven from killing and hunting animals and is a learning facility
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos are a business built on imperialism and animal cruelty and should be closed down and the animals returned to their natural habitats
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are a critical learning tool for children to care for other intelligent life and the planet
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are a cruel and unfeeling way to keep animals, merely for the enjoyment of humans. therefore, all zoos should be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are a fantastic way to allow people to see animals that they normally never would. they also allow the animals to live in a safe environment. if anything we should have more zoos.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are a form of prison for animals who should be living their lives freely in their own habitat
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are a good way to keep animal numbers up
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos are a great and cheap way for children to learn about animals from all over the world.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
Zoos are a great way for people to learn about animals
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are a great way for us to learn about animals that we typically wouldn't get to see up close and therefore connect with endangered species causes and charities more effectively.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are a great way teach people about animals and how important they are
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are a way of protecting endangered species and can return them back to the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are a way of protecting endangered species from extinction and allowing scientific research to combat diseases and reintroduce the animals back into the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are an educational and conservation tool that lets people understand the situation of the planet
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are an educational and entertaining tool and the animals are well fed and cared for.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are an excellent source for studies and observing animals that are otherwise difficult to track down.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are an excellent way to provide entertainment and togetherness for families. they provide activities that no other venue can provide. they should not be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are an important tool to protect and rehabilitate animals that could otherwise not survive in the wild.
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are an outdated and cruel form of entertainment that enslaves captured animals and leaves them in climates they are often not suited to.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are an outdated concept and purely for the entertainment of public under the guise of animal conservation.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
Zoos are an unnatural habitat for animals and cause a lot of stress. This means animals will develop illnesses and die earlier than they should.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos are an unnatural stressful environment for animals. no animal should have to live in a cage or enclosure just for the entertainment of people, it is cruel and unnecessary.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are animal jails. more effort should be put into habitat conservation and protecting against poaching instead of caging up animals
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are bad for wild animals that need to live free
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are centers of recreation and learning of fauna in urban environments
We should abolish zoos
zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct.
zoos are confined spaces for animals that require a larger area
We should abolish zoos
zoos are an outdated and cruel form of entertainment that enslaves captured animals and leaves them in climates they are often not suited to.
zoos are cruel an inhumane to the animals for our entertainment. they don't thrive in zoos like they would in their natural enviornment and this leads to an earlier death.
We should abolish zoos
zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
zoos are cruel and contain wild animals in such tiny spaces when they need to run free so zoos should be abolished.
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
zoos are cruel and do nott allow animals to live in the way they have evolved to do in the wild, causing problems and illnesses for them
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.