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[ "A powerful warlock, Nicholas, shows up claiming that he made a pact with the sisters' mother in which he spared her life in exchange for the girls' powers. Fleeing him, the three sisters go back in time to the 1970s when their mother was still alive and they try to prevent the pact. They manage to get Patty to break the pact and return to the future where he is no longer immune to their respective abilities and vanquish him with a very strong spell left for such a purpose by their late grandmother." ]
[ "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Prue and Phoebe are looking through photo albums.]", "Phoebe: There aren't any pictures of me growing up.", "Prue: That seems impossible. I mean you weren't exactly camera shy.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well neither were you and Piper, or you and Grams, or you and Dad. Oh look, there's another one of you and Piper.", "Prue: Okay, there's a picture of you and Grams.", "Phoebe: Oh, wasn't I cute.", "Prue: Here's one of you and Mum.", "Phoebe: Wow, I don't even remember that. What was I, about two? (Prue nods) She died on us a year later.", "Prue: Phoebe.", "(Piper enters the room.)", "Piper: Okay, alright, I need a pen and paper. (She tries to open a drawer but it's stuck.) Quick, we don't have a lot of time. (Phoebe hits it twice and kicks it and the drawer opens.) I always wondered how you got into my candy drawer.", "Phoebe: Yeah, too bad all the candy's gone.", "Piper: I thought it would be easy for us to just write him a note.", "Prue: Who him?", "Piper: You know, what's his name. (The doorbell rings) Grandma's little friend comes every year, same day, same time. Says you know, the flowers are from a secret admirer when it's obvious he's the admirer. (She opens the door) Hi, come on in. (The clock chimes in the background) How are you?", "Man: Flowers for Miss Penny Halliwell. (He goes to hand them to Piper but he drops them and Piper freezes him and the flowers.) Every year. What a klutz. At least this year I can freeze him so I can spare myself the clean up.", "Phoebe: Why did you want to write him a note?", "Piper: To tell him Grams is dead.", "Prue: Oh, you're gonna break his heart.", "(Piper gets the vase of flowers that's frozen in the air. The man unfreezes.)", "Man: Five chimes.", "Piper: Excuse me?", "Man: I only heard five chimes. It's noon. That means you froze me. Which means you have your powers at last.", "Piper: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about Mister but thanks for the flowers, okay, bye.", "Nicholas: Call me Nicholas. Your mother did. (He puts on a ring and he becomes younger.) I had to appear to age over the years otherwise you would of become suspicious.", "Prue: What?", "Nicholas: You see, twenty-four years ago today, your mother and I made a pact to spare her life, she gave up your future powers to me. She blessed this ring. Which gave me immunity from your powers. (Piper tries to freeze him.) Immunities so that I could kill you and take the powers on for my own. To become invincible.", "Prue: Our mother would never give away our powers.", "Nicholas: She didn't have much of a choice. Your blood is boiling. Soon your lungs will sear. (He points the ring at them and they double over in agony.) Your organs will over heat and death will come.", "(Phoebe kicks him in the leg and he falls over. They run upstairs to the Book of Shadows.)", "Prue: Why would mum make a deal like that?", "Piper: More importantly, what are we gonna do?", "Phoebe: Wait, I think I found a spell. To unbind a bond.", "Nicholas: (from downstairs) You can't run from me.", "Prue: Okay, we have no choice.", "Piper: Okay, Phoebe, hurry.", "Phoebe: Okay. \"The bond which was not to be done, Give us the power to see it undone, And turn back time to whence it was begun.\" (Twinkling lights encircled them, they disappear for a few seconds and reappear in the same spot.) Did it work?", "Prue: Nothing happened.", "(A phone rings from downstairs. Phoebe opens the attic door.)", "Phoebe: Who's phone is that?", "Piper: Not ours.", "Someone downstairs: Halliwell residence.", "Piper: You go.", "Phoebe: Nah-uh, you go.", "Piper: Nah-uh, she goes. (They push Prue out the door.)", "[Cut to the stairs. Prue sees her grandma talking on the phone.)", "Grams: I beg your pardon. Well, Donna, I'm hurt just hurt that you would suspect my little angels of such a thing.", "Prue: (to herself) Grams?", "(Little Prue and Piper run past Grams.)", "Grams: Prue. Uh, just a moment Donna. Prue, Piper, girls, don't run in the house. Yes, yes.", "(Prue goes back in the attic.)", "Piper: What did you see?", "Phoebe: The warlock?", "Prue: No. Us.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: They are still in the attic. Phoebe is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: How do we know we're back in time? What if we just brought the past to us accidentally. We've done it before.", "Prue: Piper, look around. What do you see?", "Piper: A messy attic like always.", "Prue: No. Not just like always. We have a black light, a type writer, eight track tapes and a pet rock. I mean we got rid of this stuff years ago, remember?", "Piper: And you saw us? As kids?", "Prue: Yeah.", "Piper: This can't be happening. I'm getting a migraine.", "Phoebe: Better not, I don't think Advil's been invented yet. And apparently neither has the spell. It's not in here anywhere.", "Piper: But we just cast it, that's how we got back ... here.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, wherever here is , it's before the spell was written.", "Prue: So, there's nothing in here about how to get back to our own time?", "Phoebe: Nothing. Uh, let me be the first to say we're screwed.", "Prue: No, okay, at least we're alive, I mean if we stayed in our own time Nick would of killed us. We barely got away as it was ... is... will be... you know I've never been good at tenses.", "Piper: Well, Grams is right downstairs, maybe we should just tell her who we are.", "Phoebe: And say what? Hi, we're the ghosts of grandchildren future. Come on, even Grams is going to have a little trouble with that.", "Piper: Plus, she has that heart condition.", "Prue: Okay, fine, so we need another plan, but first we need to get out of the house.", "[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe sneaking downstairs. Grams is talking on the phone.]", "Grams: You're talking to fast, Patty, sweetheart, slow down.", "Piper: Patty?", "Prue: Mum.", "Grams: What premonition? That's impossible, you don't have premonitions.", "Phoebe: But I thought you said mum's power was to freeze time.", "Prue: It is... was... you know what I mean.", "Grams: Maybe you should go see a doctor.", "(Piper picks up the other phone.)", "Patty: I don't need to go to the doctor, mum.", "Prue: Piper!", "Patty: I need you to listen to what I'm saying.", "(Phoebe and Prue listen in on the conversation too.)", "Piper: She's talking to mum.", "Patty: I can't explain it either mum. It just happened. I felt a twinge in my stomach and then bam! I saw it.", "Grams: Saw what?", "Patty: Three women. Warlocks. And one of them was taking Prue.", "Phoebe: Do you really think that's mum's voice?", "Piper: Yes.", "Grams: Are you still nauseous? Why don't, why don't you come home from Buddies.", "Patty: I can't. And it was not a daydream.", "Piper: Three warlocks? She can't be talking about us can she?", "(Grams hangs up the phone.)", "Prue: Okay, let's get out of here.", "(They walk down the stairs.)", "Grams: (from another room) Prudence! Piper!", "(They see two kids run through a room. Little Prue moves a couch across the doorway.)", "Little Piper: No fair, using magic.", "Piper: Whoa!", "Prue: Wait, we had powers back then?", "Phoebe: Oh, this is freaky.", "(They walk into the room where little Prue and Piper are standing.)", "Prue: Hey", "Little Prue: Hi. (She points to Prue's freckle that's on her face.)", "Prue: You got one too. Come here. (Prue gives her a big hug. Grams walks in the room.)", "Grams: How many times have I told you girls... (She sees Prue, Piper and Phoebe.)", "Prue: Um, Grams, we can explain.", "Grams: Warlocks be gone! (Prue, Piper and Phoebe fly out of the house.)", "[Cut to outside. They run down their street.]", "Prue: Grams definitely had her power down.", "Piper: She is one scary witch. I don't remember having powers at that age do you?", "Prue: No, I thought we got them for the first time last year.", "Piper: Apparently not. We must of lost them before we could remember having them.", "Prue: Yeah, how weird was that seeing us as kids, how bizarre. (Phoebe picks up a newspaper.)", "Phoebe: Mum was barely pregnant with me. Here, March 24, 1975. That's the day that mum made the pact with Nicholas.", "Prue: So maybe that's why the spell sent us back here, to stop the pact.", "Piper: Which means it could be the only way for us to get back to our own time. We've got to go see mum and warn her about Nicholas.", "Prue: Yeah, but we have to do a better job of convincing mum then we did Grams. This time we have to use our powers.", "Piper: The problem is she's on the lookout for three warlocks now.", "Prue: Well, then maybe only two of us should approach her just in case.", "Phoebe: Well, since I don't have any powers to show mum I think it should be you two. I'll just stand outside and watch for Nicholas.", "Piper: That doesn't seem fair to you Phoebe, not being able to see mum.", "Phoebe: I know, it's not, but I got over that a long time ago. I don't need to see her now. Really, it's okay. We better get going before we miss her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Buddies. Prue and Piper enter.]", "Prue: Whoa, scary. Buddies has not changed a bit. Wouldn't... didn't...?", "Piper: Give it up, I know what you mean. I don't see mum anywhere do you?", "Prue: No.", "Piper: Prue. (They see Patty walking out of the kitchen.)", "Prue: Mum.", "Piper: She's so beautiful.", "Prue: Yeah, she is.", "Piper: I don't remember her working here.", "Prue: Yeah, with dad gone she had to pay the bills somehow. I remember she used to come home late at night and she'd kiss me and she always smelt like burgers.", "Piper: You're lucky, you have a lot more memories than I do.", "Prue: At least you have some. Poor Phoebe, she doesn't have any. Here she comes.", "Piper: What do we do if she recognizes us?", "Prue: Um, you freeze the place and when she sees that we don't freeze either than she'll believe us when we tell her who we are.", "Piper: Okay, how do I look?", "Prue: Great.", "Patty: Ready to order? (They just stare at her.) Take your time, I'll come back.", "Piper: No, wait. We're ready aren't we Prue.", "Prue: Ah, Prunes. Um, Prunes. She wants to know if you have any prunes.", "Patty: Prunes, sure. Yeah, I think so. I just started here, I'll go check.", "Prue: No! She can order something else.", "Patty: Have we met before? You look familiar.", "Prue: Yeah, so do you.", "(Piper tries to freeze everyone several times but her power won't work.)", "Prue: (whispering to Piper) What's the matter?", "Piper: It's not working. You try.", "(Prue tries to move her glass.)", "Prue: Okay, how is that possible?", "Woman: Patty, phone.", "Patty: Oh, okay, thanks. I'll uh, be back.", "Piper: Wait! We know you're pregnant.", "Patty: What?", "Piper: This is going to sound really weird but we're actually your...", "Prue: Cousins. From outta town.", "Piper: Right, cousins. And we need to tell you something about the baby that you're carrying.", "Patty: Not that this is any of your business but I can't get pregnant anymore. Medically impossible. Excuse me. (She leaves.)", "Piper: I panicked. I thought, you know, close family would know she was pregnant.", "Prue: Yeah, well, not only does she not know that she's pregnant, she doesn't even think she can get pregnant.", "Piper: Yeah, well, we got bigger problems. We have no powers which means we have no way of stopping Nicholas.", "Prue: Yeah, how do we not have powers? I mean little Prue and little Piper, they have powers.", "Piper: I don't know. Maybe only one set of us can have powers at the same time in the same time.", "Prue: Thank you, Mr. Spock.", "[Cut to Patty and Grams talking on the phone.]", "Patty: I was working mother, that's why I couldn't take your call.", "Grams: That premonition that you said you had. Did you see what the warlocks looked like?", "Patty: No, I didn't see their faces. Why?", "Grams: I'll tell you why. Because I saw them, all three of them. Here, and one of them had a hold of Prue.", "Patty: Little girls okay?", "Grams: For now, thanks to me.", "Patty: I'm coming right home.", "(Patty leaves out the door and bumps into Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Oh, oh.", "Patty: I'm so sorry.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, it's totally my fault.", "(They bend down to pick up her stuff. Phoebe realizes it's her mother.)", "Patty: I'm such a klutz sometime.", "Phoebe: Really? So am I.", "Patty: Yeah?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Crackers?", "Patty: Upset stomach.", "Phoebe: (Sees a cigarette packet) Uh, you know you shouldn't be smoking these now. It's bad for your upset stomach.", "Patty: You're very sweet. Thanks. I gotta go.", "Phoebe: So soon?", "Patty: Excuse me?", "Officer: Is everything alright?", "Patty: Yeah, thanks officer.", "Phoebe: Oh my God, Nicholas.", "Patty: I'm late. Thanks again. (She leaves.)", "Phoebe: Excuse me. How do you get to Berkley?", "Nicholas: Get outta my way.", "(Phoebe kicks him and throws his keys on the road. She runs into Buddies.)", "Prue: Phoebe, what are you doing?", "Phoebe: Nicholas is here.", "Piper: What? Where?", "Phoebe: Run!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Prue, Piper and Phoebe are walking down their street.]", "Piper: Is Nicholas wearing his ring?", "Phoebe: I don't know. I don't think so.", "Piper: It's a good thing you were there Pheebs, that's probably when Nicholas was gonna make his moves on mum.", "Phoebe: I know I don't think so otherwise we'd be I our own time by now.", "Prue: Hey, are you alright?", "Phoebe: Yeah, uh, just seeing mum for the first time and talking to her, I just didn't expect to feel so...", "Prue: Feel what, good?", "Phoebe: No, overwhelmed.", "Piper: Well, mum's car is here, at least we know where she is.", "Prue: Yeah, but the question is, how do we get to her? Grams must of told her about us by now. She probably thinks we're the warlocks.", "Piper: Our only option is to wait for Nicholas to show. But what are we going to do without our powers?", "Phoebe: Well, technically you still have your powers. If you count little Prue and little Piper. We need our powers and they have them. Come on.", "[Cut to them coming in the back door.]", "Phoebe: Coast is clear.", "Piper: What if Grams catches us?", "Prue: She'll kill us before Nicholas has a chance.", "Phoebe: She won't catch us. Observe.", "(She opens the heating duct and they can hear Grams and Patty talking.)", "Patty: You said yourself the girls are safe with you. Besides, I want to go.", "Grams: You are making a big mistake Patty, Victor is not coming back.", "Prue: How did you ...?", "Phoebe: Heating duct to upstairs. I used to listen to you guys for hours. Especially when you used to sneak Andy up to your bedroom in high school.", "Prue: Oohh... Okay, you stay here and keep tabs on them, we're gonna try and find the little girls.", "[Cut to other room.]", "Little Prue: That's my doll.", "Little Piper: You gave it to me.", "Little Prue: No I didn't. You stole it.", "Prue: That's true. You did steal it.", "Piper: I did not.", "Prue: Yes you did.", "(Little Prue uses her powers to take the doll off little Piper.)", "Piper: Hey, that's not fair.", "Little Prue: You came back.", "Prue: Yes, we did and we're gonna keep it a secret right?", "Little Prue: Okay.", "Prue: Okay.", "Little Prue: (to Prue) You're pretty.", "Prue: So are you.", "Piper: Oh, give me a break.", "Little Piper: Grams said you're bad people.", "Piper: No, no, no. We're good people. We're uh, just like you.", "Prue: Yeah, we're family.", "[Cut to Phoebe.]", "Patty: He sent me a note. He asked me to stop by his hotel after my shift.", "Phoebe: Dad?", "Grams: You know it was doomed from the start. You never even took his last name.", "Patty: You wouldn't let me.", "Grams: Well, that's beside the point. Why can't you just wear your uniform to see him?", "Patty: Because I don't want him to know I'm a waitress. Look, it can't hurt to talk right?", "Grams: Well, let him go I say. If husbands were supposed to stay married, God would of made them live longer.", "Patty: Mother!", "Phoebe: (laughs) Grams.", "[Cut back to Prue and Piper.]", "Little Prue: We're not suppose to go places with strangers.", "Prue: Yes, but we're not strangers, Prue. You're safe with us and I know that you know in your heart that you can trust us.", "Little Piper: If you're really family prove it.", "Piper: Prove it? How the hell are we suppose...", "Prue: Piper!", "Little Piper: Piper. Your name's Piper too?", "Piper: Uh, yeah, and not only do we have the same name... (she hits and kicks the draw and it opens) but we also have the same secrets.", "Prue: Okay, follow me.", "(Little Andy runs in.)", "Little Andy: Freeze!", "Little Piper: Okay, Andy.", "Piper: No, wait!", "(Little Piper freezes Andy, Prue and Piper.)", "Little Prue: I'm telling mum. You're not suppose to freeze people.", "Little Piper: But he said to.", "Phoebe: Prue, Piper, mum's coming down ... (she notices that they're frozen) Oh, boy.", "(Patty and Grams are coming down the stairs.)", "Grams: Fine, if you must go, go. I can't stop you but I also can't promise I won't teach the a new spell.", "Patty: Can't you bake cookies with them like all the other grandmother's?", "Grams: The recipes they learn from me don't come from Betty Crocker, dear.", "Patty: Bye girls, love you.", "(Everyone unfreezes.)", "Little Andy: (to Phoebe) Whoa, where'd you come from?", "Prue: Yeah, that's a good question.", "Phoebe: Don't ask. Okay, we gotta go fast. Mum just left and Grams is ...", "Grams: Prudence. Piper.", "Phoebe: ... coming.", "Prue: Go, go, go, go.", "Piper: Shh, shh, shh. (They run towards the door.)", "Little Andy: I wanna go too.", "Phoebe: No, Andy, you have to stay here.", "Little Andy: No!", "Piper: Okay, we got it, we got it.", "Phoebe: Oh, Andy is so cute.", "Piper: (to little Piper) Alright, ready? Freeze him. (They close the door. Little Piper freezes Andy. They open the door again.) Okay, cool. Come on. Let's go, let's go.", "Prue: Okay, maybe that's why Andy is so suspicious of us.", "Piper: Okay, Grams keeps the keys in the same spot. Yes, good.", "(Grams enters the room where Andy is.)", "Grams: Oh, Andy. Did Piper freeze you again? Oh, you poor dear. You won't remember a thing. (He unfreezes) Do you know where the girls went?", "Little Andy: I think the strange ladies took them.", "[Scene: Park.]", "Prue: Okay, girls. If we see a bad guy what do we do?", "Little Prue: She's gonna cry.", "Little Piper: Am not. I'm gonna freeze him.", "Little Prue: And then I'm gonna move him.", "Prue: Okay, then we'll take care of him and then we will all...", "Little Prue and Piper: Run like the wind!", "Prue: Exactly. Alright, so let's give it a try. Ready?", "(Prue throws a ball up in the air. Little Piper freezes it and little Prue moves it.)", "Little Prue: Can we do it again?", "Prue: Yes, yes. Okay, go try it.", "Phoebe: Those girls have major juice. They have control, they can aim.", "Prue: Yeah, well, they've had their powers a lot longer than we have. I mean did. I think.", "Phoebe: What do you think happened to our powers when we were kids?", "Prue: Well, we lost a lot growing up. Somehow we must of lost them too. (Piper comes up to them.)", "Piper: I finally found a pay phone. Mum is at work until five and Nicholas is on duty until six.", "Prue: Good, at least we know where he is. The girls are ready.", "Phoebe: Well, I'm not.", "Prue: Why not?", "Phoebe: Mum died before I could grab onto enough to keep her alive in my head. And now she's here alive, pregnant with me. If we stop Nicholas we have to go back to our own time. And there's no mum.", "Piper: We don't have much of a choice Phoebe.", "(A cop car pulls up.)", "Cop: Ladies. Is this your car?", "[Scene: Patty is walking to Victor's room. She knocks on the door.]", "Victor: Come in.", "Patty: Victor?", "(Someone grabs her.)", "Patty: Get off me.", "(It's Nicholas. He handcuffs her hands together.)", "Nicholas: I won't let you freeze me, Patty.", "Patty: You.", "Nicholas: Call me Nicholas.", "Patty: Where's Victor?", "Nicholas: Not here. Bait for the hook.", "(Patty hits him in the stomach.)", "Nicholas: Your blood is boiling, and then death will come.", "Patty: What do you want?", "Nicholas: What does any warlock want? I want your power Patty. At least I wanted it first. Till I realised you were the mother of the charmed ones.", "Patty: No, no. You're mistaken. I only have two children.", "Nicholas: Oh, but they'll be a third child. Where did that premonition of yours come from Patty? If not from the unborn child inside you. I tapped your phone. And I heard you and your old witch talking about it.", "Patty: I saw three warlocks. Women.", "Nicholas: I saw them too, at the diner. I got to you first.", "(He gets his ring out of a drawer.)", "Patty: I beg you. Don't hurt them.", "Nicholas: There is another option Patty.", "[Scene: Jail.]", "Piper: I can't believe we got arrested for kidnapping ourselves.", "Prue: Yeah, well, it should make for a pretty interesting defence.", "Piper: Do you think this is funny? Prue, we're not just stuck in jail, we're stuck in the past.", "Prue: Yes, I know Piper, I've been following.", "Prue: Uh, bright side?", "Piper: Uhh, I dare go.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe we could get to know mum better. Or, in my case finally. I mean, if we really are stuck here, we may as well take advantage of it. And maybe we can keep her from dying young this time.", "Officer: Five minutes, ma'am.", "(Patty comes up to them.)", "Patty: How'd you know I was pregnant? Who are you people?", "Phoebe: Your daughters.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside jail.]", "Patty: Okay, I bailed you out. You just better not be warlocks.", "Prue: Well, we wouldn't of need you to bail us out if we were.", "Patty: I've seen some magic in my life, but this is a miracle.", "Phoebe: More than you know mum.", "Piper: Where are the little ones?", "Patty: Home with Grams. I called her before I came here. That's how I knew you were arrested.", "Prue: Did you tell her about us?", "Patty: No. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know who you were myself? You're all so beautiful. More than I ever would of imagined. Phoebe. Phoebe. Talk about miracles. I must of named you after my favourite aunt. But, if you don't like the name I can always change it.", "Phoebe: No. I love it.", "Prue: Ah, mum. We cast a spell to come back in time to help you. Stop you.", "Patty: To stop me from what?", "Prue: From making a pact with a warlock named Nicholas.", "Patty: Then you're too late.", "Piper: What?", "Patty: I thought I was going to see Victor, your father. But it turned out to be a trap.", "Prue: Nicholas.", "Patty: He tried to kill me. Phoebe too. I had to give him immunity to your powers in exchange for your lives. I'd rather love you as mortal daughters, than mourn you as dead witches.", "Piper: But he's gonna kill us anyway to get our powers.", "Patty: Not until Phoebe's born. And all your powers are complete. I bought us some time in hope that Grams could help us. Oh, she's going to be so thrilled when she sees you. The charmed ones. (They hug.)", "[Scene: Halliwell manor.]", "Grams: Where was I born?", "Patty: Mum.", "Grams: I'm still not convinced that they're not warlocks.", "Patty: We have a pact to undo. We should be looking for a spell.", "Prue: Boston. In a hotel room breach.", "Grams: What was my husbands name?", "Prue: Which husband?", "(Piper and Phoebe laugh.)", "Grams: Who's Melinda Warren?", "Phoebe: The beginning of our family line. She gave us our powers. Our destiny.", "Grams: What's the secret ingredient in my blueberry cobbler?", "Piper: Honey and a splash of rum.", "Grams: What's IBM selling at in your time?", "Patty: Mum!", "Grams: What?", "Patty: It's not the time for personal gain.", "Grams: If they could just nod their heads. Okay, forget it. Well, look at you. All three of you. Oh, Patty, I always knew you'd deliver the charmed ones. Once removed of course. Prue. (She nods.) Piper. (She waves.) And ...", "Phoebe: Phoebe!", "Grams: Oh, another 'P'. What a surprise.", "Patty: About the pact?", "Grams: We must keep the girls safe until we can reverse it. I'll have to bind their powers.", "Piper: Uh, bind our powers?", "Grams: Strip them from the young ones. So Nicholas can't get a hold of them. It doesn't have to be done straight away. As soon as Phoebe's born. I'll cast a spell and suspend, uh, your powers.", "Prue: Um, but that's exactly what you did... or do... will do... you know what I mean.", "Piper: Well, that explains why we don't remember having our powers when we were younger.", "Grams: What do you mean? Well, how old were you when you got your powers back?", "Piper: We just got them.", "Grams: What? I unbound your powers without having unbroken the pact? Why would I do that? I mean unless I died which of course automatically ... unbind your powers. I guess I'm not going to make it to the next millennium, huh?", "Phoebe: Uh, speaking of that, mum ...", "Grams: No. We mustn't know anymore about the future. You came back for one reason, to break the pact. You mustn't tamper with anything else. It's much too risky. Heaven knows what damage you've already done by coming back here.", "Prue: We haven't done anything, we missed our chance to stop the pact.", "Grams: And there's a reason for that. Destiny always gets its own way. It's not as easy to change the past as you think. If you do it incorrectly, everything will change. The evil you vanquished, the good that you've done, none of it may've ever happened.", "Piper: Well, we have to change this, we can't go back and let him kill us.", "Patty: The only way to vanquish him in your time would be for me to unless the ring and take away its immunity. It's in a drawer in his hotel room.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, let's go to Nicholas' hotel room and steal back the ring. Hopefully it'll be there.", "Patty: No, it's too dangerous, you don't have powers. I'll go.", "Prue: If something happened to you, future history could be forever. Just like Grams said. We have to go.", "Grams: Well, I'm glad you finally learned to listen to me. You better hurry. In the meantime, I'll write a new spell, so we can get you back to your own time.", "Piper: Wait, you can do that?", "Grams: We're witches, dear, we can do anything.", "Phoebe: I wish that were true.", "Prue: Okay, we need to go.", "Patty: Be careful.", "[Scene: Hotel. Phoebe is picking the lock.]", "Prue: Why am I not surprised that you know how to do this?", "Phoebe: Let's just hope Nicholas isn't inside.", "Prue: The concierge says he's not and Piper's outside watching for him. (Phoebe opens the door and turns on the light.)", "Phoebe: Mum says it's in a drawer.", "Prue: Found it. Okay, we gotta get it back to mum.", "[Scene: Attic.]", "Prue: We have the ring, here it is.", "Piper: Okay, now what?", "Grams: Go back to where you belong.", "Patty: Then I will unbless the ring and get it back to the hotel before Nicholas finds it missing.", "Grams: Now remember, there is no time to lose. You will return at the exact moment you left, which means Nicholas will be there too.", "(You see Phoebe writing a letter. It says, \"Mom, Be careful on February 28, 1978, or a warlock will drown you.\")", "Piper: Hopefully without immunity to our powers.", "Prue: We'll be ready. Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm coming.", "Prue: I love you, mum. (Phoebe puts her letter in the Book of Shadows.)", "Piper: I'm never gonna learn to like lima beans Grams, but thanks for everything else. (They hug.)", "Grams: (to Phoebe) You're going to be a handful aren't you?", "Phoebe: You'll learn to love me. (She goes and hugs Patty) I'm gonna miss you.", "Grams: A time for everything, And to everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space. (Nothing happens.)", "Patty: Let me help.", "(They both repeat the spell. Twinkling lights encircle them and they disappear.)", "Grams: You did well, Patty. Oh, they're fabulous.", "Patty: Just hope they're safe.", "(The girls reappear.)", "Prue: Oops.", "Grams: What happened?", "Piper: We didn't go anywhere. We were just standing here and the next thing we knew ...", "Phoebe: We were just standing here.", "Patty: I told you to use proper buds.", "Grams: It's a perfectly good spell, I mean it moved them through time.", "Patty: Yeah, ten seconds.", "Grams: I'm telling you, it's not the spell. It must be the power behind the spell, there's not enough power.", "Piper: Maybe we need the power of three.", "Phoebe: The only problem is it doesn't exist yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Grams is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Grams: Nothing.", "Phoebe: Maybe this is our destiny.", "Grams: Not for the charmed ones.", "Piper: We don't exist yet.", "Patty: Yes, yes you do.", "Prue: No, not with powers.", "Patty: Yes, little Prue and Piper have their powers and Phoebe gave me a premonition so she must have hers. If we can teach the girls the chant, maybe the three of us can get you back to your time.", "Prue: The power of three, it's worth a try.", "Nicholas: (from downstairs) Where are you witches? Where's my ring?", "Patty: Nicholas.", "Grams: You and Piper get the girls, we'll fend him off. (Everyone goes out of the attic except Phoebe who gets the letter out of the Book of Shadows.) Come on, Phoebe.", "[Cut to the stairs. Nick starts walking up the stairs but Grams uses her powers on him and he flies through the air.]", "Prue: Oh, Grandma don't get too close, his power.", "Grams: I know, I know.", "Phoebe: We can't risk you being hurt, go upstairs and help mum start the spell.", "Prue: Phoebe and I will take care of him. Come on.", "(Phoebe goes and kicks Nick in the head.)", "[Cut to attic.]", "Patty: (to the little girls) We're gonna play a little game okay. Now give me your hands.", "Piper: Okay, hurry.", "Patty: Now, repeat after me. A time for everything, And to everything its place ...", "Little Prue & Piper: A time for everything, And to everything its place ...", "Patty: Returned what has been moved, Through time and space.", "Little Prue & Piper: Return what has been moved, Through time and space.", "(Prue and Phoebe enter the attic.)", "Prue: Alright, we don't have much time.", "Piper: What about his ring?", "Grams: Don't worry about the ring now. Let's just get you back.", "Prue: Well, but it is unblessed right?", "Grams: Yes, but there wasn't time to test it.", "(Phoebe gets a camera and takes a picture of Patty, little Prue and little Piper.)", "Prue: Then how will we know it works?", "Grams: You won't. Not until you get back. The time will pick up right where you left off. He won't remember. Goodbye girls. (They all hug.)", "Patty, Little Prue and Piper: A time for everything, And everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space.", "(Twinkling lights encircle them and they disappear and reappear in their own time.)", "Prue: It worked, we're back.", "(Nicholas is running up the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Hurry.", "(They flip through the Book of Shadows to find a spell. Nicholas barges through the door.)", "Nicholas: Time is up. (Prue uses her powers and Nick flies through the air.)", "Prue: Fine. The rings unblessed.", "(Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: Phoebe, find anything?", "Phoebe: How about the 'Nicholas must die' spell.", "Piper: That wasn't there before.", "Prue: Well, maybe it's just Grams' way of saying, you know, welcome back... or, or front.", "Phoebe: Pouch included at no extra charge. (Prue gets a mortar and pestle.) Uh, \"lavender, mimosa, holy thistle...\"", "(Piper pours powder from the pouch into the mortar. It goes up in a puff of smoke.)", "Piper: Oh dear!", "Phoebe: \"Cleanse this evil from our midst, scatter its cells throughout time, let this Nick no more exist.\"", "(Nick spins around very fast and turns into dust.)", "Prue: Wow. I'm really glad I never got on Grams' bad side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Prue and Phoebe are looking at photos. Piper brings in the vase of flowers.]", "Phoebe: I can't stop thinking about mum. I lost her and then I found her again.", "Prue: I'm just glad you finally have memories of her.", "(Phoebe points to the flowers.)", "Piper: What? I'm supposed to throw out perfectly good flowers 'cause they came from a creep? If that was the rule then we'd never have flowers in this house.", "Prue: Well, they didn't just come from a creep, they came from a warlock who tried to kill us.", "Phoebe: Still, if it weren't for him, I probably never would of gotten to know mum.", "Piper: We all wanted to save mum, Pheebs, but both mum and Grams said we can't change destiny.", "Phoebe: But, um, I still wrote her a note anyway.", "Prue: You did?", "Phoebe: Yes, I wrote her a note telling her to stay away from water on the day that she died. And then I put it in the Book of Shadows.", "Piper: I can't believe you did that.", "Phoebe: You don't understand. Every time I've made a wish, I wished for time with mum. And I believed in my heart that someday, somehow, that wish would come true and when it finally did, I didn't wanna let her go. You know, but then I realized that I had to let her go, so I took the not out and put it in my pocket.", "Prue: Maturity sucks doesn't it.", "Piper: So faith has its rewards. (She shows them the picture that Phoebe took in the attic.) It's a pretty good one of us, but once again, not a great one of you Pheebs.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? That is the best picture of me I've ever taken." ]
That Seventies Episode
[ "When Prue tries to stop a kidnapping in the park during a birthday party, a reporter sees her using her strong telekinetic abilities to psionically separate David from the demon. Phoebe and Piper attempt to learn more about the demons who stole the child, who turn out to be Grimlocks, demons which sense people's auras and steal children's eyesight. At the same time, they must try to stop the reporter from exposing Prue and themselves. The sisters are not exposed, but Andy does find out about their powers. The sisters vanquish the demons and a former victim of theirs who survived convinces the children they rescued not to tell the truth. This episode is alternately titled \"Blindsided\" as reference to the children whose vision is stolen" ]
[ "[Scene: The park. There is a little boy's birthday party there.]", "Phoebe: So what are you so afraid of?", "Piper: I'm not afraid. I'm not. I'm just not sure.", "Prue: Not sure of what?", "Phoebe: Josh. He wants to have the talk with Piper.", "Prue: What talk?", "Phoebe: Three dates, no s*x. There could only be one talk he's talking about. Safe s*x, prior partners, standard dating protocol.", "Piper: And s*x equals relationship.", "Prue: And you're not sure whether you want to be a couple?", "Piper: Well, it's not that I don't like him.", "Phoebe: Then what's wrong with being a couple?", "Piper: Well, I thought Leo and I were a couple and then we coupled and he took off.", "Prue: Yeah, well, men seem to have a different definition of coupling than women do.", "Phoebe: I do not think that's why Leo left.", "(Dee walks up to the girls.)", "Dee: Hey Prue.", "Prue: Hey Dee, how are you?", "Piper: (to David) Hey, how's the party going?", "David: Great. We're playing squish the squash and nobody's been able to catch me. (Prue's phone rings.) Is the cake ready?", "Piper: Uh, yeah, give us about five minutes.", "David: Awesome. (He runs off.) Hey guys, five minutes until the cake.", "Dee: Thanks for doing all this Piper. I never would of been able to afford it.", "Piper: Hey, what are friends for? Besides it's worth it just to see the look on David's face.", "Phoebe: He's a great kid.", "Dee: Yeah, I know.", "Prue: So much for my Saturday off. That was Claire. Something at the auction needs to appraised, so I gotta go. I'm so sorry.", "Dee/Piper/Phoebe: Bye.", "[Cut to the kids playing with a ball. One kid accidentally throws the ball in the bush.]", "David: I'll get it. (He runs in the bush and throws the ball back. He hears a cat meowing in the trees. He goes to look and a grimlock jumps out of the bush and grabs him.) Help! Let go of me!", "(Prue is walking along the path and sees what's happening. She runs towards David.)", "Prue: David, no! (She puts her hands up and the grimlock and David fly around the air. A man just happens to see her. Prue looks at her hands and they fall to the ground. The grimlock grabs David and runs further into the bush.)", "David: Help! Help! Let go of me! Help me!", "(Prue runs after them. The grimlock stands in a spot and a hole in the ground appears. He jumps in and the hole closes.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: The park. The police are there. Dee is crying.]", "Phoebe: What did you tell them?", "Prue: That I saw a butcher with whirling eyes take David.", "Phoebe: And what did he say?", "Prue: What did you think he said? He thought I was nuts.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, it turns out David's not the first one to be taken. An inspector told me that another boy disappeared yesterday in the exact same spot.", "Prue: A demon who steals kids. Does it get any worse?", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, apparently it also happened twenty years ago. Same park, two kids.", "Prue: Did they ever find the kids?", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "Prue: You know, I could of saved him.", "Phoebe: Prue, don't go there.", "Prue: No, I was just so surprised and I looked down at my hand and ...", "Phoebe: It was the first time you channelled your power through your hand. Give yourself a break. Your power's growing.", "Prue: Yeah, I just hope no one saw me.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, look on the bright side, you won't have to squint anemone. You were starting to get those little lines. (Piper comes up to them.) So, how's Dee doing?", "Piper: Not good. It's very frustrating not being able to tell her who we are and how we can help.", "Prue: Yeah, well, the sooner we get to the Book of Shadows the sooner we can get David back home.", "Phoebe: An albino demon with whirling eyes sounds like a whole chapter to me.", "(Prue's phone rings.)", "Prue: I forgot about the appraisal.", "Piper: Uh, it's okay, just go. Phoebe and I will look in the book and we'll call you if we find anything.", "Prue: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Don't ya just hate cell phones? Always out of range.", "(She hangs up the phone.)", "Prue: Call me.", "[Scene: Underground in the storm drains.]", "David: Help! Help me! Let go of me! (One of the grimlocks have a hold of David. The other grimlock holds his hand in front of David's face. A blue light shines in his eyes. It looks as if they're taking his eyesight.) I can't see. Why can't I see? Mum! Mum?", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Piper's looking through the Book of Shadows and Phoebe's on the computer.]", "Piper: Nothing. (She closes the book and starts getting food out of the cupboards.)", "Phoebe: Did you look under whirling eyes?", "Piper: About an hour ago. I found demons with no eyes, demons with four eyes, eyes that grow legs, but no whirling eyes. What about you?", "Phoebe: I found some newspaper clippings about the kidnapping twenty years ago. Ah, both were taken in the same place as David. And one of them were never seen again.", "Piper: Oh, great.", "Phoebe: But the other one was found. It's right here. His name was, uh, Brent Miller. Look, honey, I know you're upset but that's not going to help you.", "Piper: It's not for me, it's for Dee, I'm taking her a care package. Keep reading.", "Phoebe: Brent Miller was discovered two days after he was taken, roaming the streets. He was fine accept he'd gone blind.", "Piper: Blind?", "Phoebe: Yeah, he claimed that some storm drain monsters stole his eyesight and of course the authority's believed he just caught a parasite.", "Piper: We can't tell Dee that her son might be blinded.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe if I can find this Brent Miller guy on the web he might know something that can help us.", "Piper: I hope you're right.", "Phoebe: Piper, we're gonna find David.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. A reporter enters.]", "Reporter: Prue Halliwell?", "Prue: Yes.", "Reporter: Hi. Eric Lohman. Bay Weekly alternative press. Have you heard of us?", "Prue: Sorry.", "Eric: Oh, well, you will. Listen, I was hoping might be able to help me with a story I'm working on.", "Prue: On the auction business?", "Eric: No, actually on magic.", "Prue: Magic? Why would you come to me?", "Eric: I don't know. Maybe because I saw you levitate two people in the park with just a wave of your hand. I take that as a no comment. So what are you anyway? Some kind of David Copperfield, Lance Burton, freak of nature? (He laughs.)", "Prue: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Eric: Look, Prue, friends call you Prue, right?", "Prue: I would like for you to leave.", "Eric: Well, tough, get over it. I had my police sources check you out. It's interesting how you name keeps popping up in all these unsolved murder cases.", "Prue: What does that have to do with anything?", "Eric: Maybe nothing. But if I wrote an article on it, it might look like something. Does your boss subscribe to my paper?", "Prue: Don't threaten me.", "Eric: What are you gonna do? Make me fly into the wall? (He laughs) Come on. (He knocks a glass bowl on the floor.) How clumsy of me. I bet that took a lot of self control, huh? Not using your powers.", "Prue: You're a credit to your profession.", "Eric: You know that kid saw what I saw too. (She picks up the phone.) Cops get him, his all the co-operating evidence I need.", "Prue: Security?", "(Eric hangs up the phone.)", "Eric: Prue, be smart. Work with me. I'm gonna break this story one way or another. I can either make you sound like Wonder Woman or the devil incarnate. Okay? Think about it. (He leaves.)", "[Scene: Brent Miller's place.]", "Housekeeper: Mr Miller will be in shortly.", "Phoebe: Wow, what a great view. You can smell the ocean.", "(Brent enters the room with a seeing eye dog.)", "Brent: And hear the traffic.", "Phoebe: Uh, Brent Miller?", "Brent: That's what they tell me.", "Phoebe: Hi. I'm Phoebe Halliwell.", "Brent: Phoebe, allow me to introduce you to Hamlet.", "Phoebe: He's beautiful. So is this place.", "Brent: Yeah, well, didn't think a blind guy could live is well, huh?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, that's not what I meant at all.", "Brent: I know you didn't. I design software for the visually impaired. Life has been good to me. So, how can I, how can I help you Phoebe?", "Pheobe: Actually, I wanted to talk to you about when you were kidnapped as a child.", "Brent: I'm sorry, I'm not uh, I'm not very comfortable talking about that.", "Phoebe: I understand, but I read a lot about it.", "Brent: I said I'm not interested in talking about it.", "Phoebe: Okay, but this just isn't for me ...", "Brent: I said no!", "(His dog barks and the housekeeper comes in.)", "Housekeeper: Is everything alright, Mr. Miller?", "Brent: Yes, Lucy please just uh, show this lady to the front door.", "Phoebe: No, you know what? I'm not leaving. It's happening again. In the last twenty-four hours two little boys were kidnapped in the same park you were. Maybe by the same monsters you were.", "Brent: It's alright Lucy. (she takes the dog in another room.) You believe my story about the monsters?", "Phoebe: Yes, I do.", "Brent: Why? When everyone else's laughed at me.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe it's because I've seen my share of monster's and I haven't told anybody about them because I didn't want them to laugh at me. Mr. Miller, I know you wouldn't want what happened to you to happen to these two little boys. Please.", "Brent: There were two of them. They were terrifying creatures really. They dragged me into a storm drain to a junction of some kind. They held me down, I remember blue sparks hitting my face. My eyes felt like they were on fire and uh, that was the last thing I ever saw.", "Phoebe: Why do you think they took your eyesight?", "Brent: I don't know. But I remember them saying something like auras.", "[Scene: People are coming out of a building. You see two grimlocks in the drain watching the people. They pick a guy and start choking him by using their powers.]", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Piper is sitting on the stairs searching through the Book of Shadows. Phoebe sits down next to her.]", "Piper: Auras, auras. I know I saw something in here. Here it is, auras. Grimlocks.", "Phoebe: (reads from the book) Underground demons who roam city to city killing powerful forces of good by seeing the unique auras that surround them.", "Piper: Which they're able to do by stealing the sight of innocent children.", "Phoebe: So, there like hit men for the dark side.", "Piper: The stolen eyesight will only last twenty-four hours but only if the children are alive. Which means we have less than fourteen hours. To destroy a grimlock gather a chisandra root ...", "Prue: (from downstairs) Piper! Phoebe! (They go downstairs.)", "Phoebe: Uh oh, I know that look.", "Piper: What's wrong?", "Prue: A reporter saw me use my powers in the park and he's threatening to write an article about it.", "Phoebe: What? Does he have any proof?", "Prue: Just what he saw.", "Phoebe: So it's your word against his.", "Prue: Yeah, the difference is, his word is delivered to a half a million homes each week.", "Piper: Well, everything happens for a reason, maybe it's time we let the world know about us.", "Prue: Piper, being outted would only make our lives worse.", "Piper: We don't know that. At least I could tell Dee what we're doing and at least give her some hope.", "Phoebe: No, Prue's right. If we're exposed we're gonna have every crazy hounding us day and night.", "Prue: Not to mention the media circus on our front lawn. Remember E.T?", "Piper: Well, we can't worry about that now, we have to find those boys. I'm gonna go see Josh and see if he has a map or something of the storm drain system.", "Prue: Storm drains?", "Phoebe: It's where these demons live.", "Prue: Well, there's got to be at least hundreds of miles of storm drains in the city.", "Phoebe: Well, I'll go talk to Brent again and see whether he can remember where the Grimlocks took him.", "Prue: Brent?", "Piper: Prue, the Book of Shadows said the only way to kill a Grimlock is to blind it with a potion made from chisandra root. Can you find some?", "Prue: Yeah, I'll try. As long as that reporter isn't following me.", "Phoebe: Okay, be back soon. (They open the door.) Hey, what if Josh wants to have the talk?", "Piper: I'll tell him I have a headache.", "[Scene: Police station. Andy walks up to Morris with two cappuccino's.]", "Andy: Anything on the night sheet?", "Morris: Medical examiner. (Andy gives him his cappuccino) Thanks. Sent this over. It's Jerry Cartwright. Donated millions to the city anti-drug program.", "Andy: And he's saying that he was murdered?", "Morris: Unless we tell him otherwise. It's listed in the CLD as a strangulation. The problem is the man dies in a crowd of people and nobody saw anyone lay a hand on him.", "(Eric enters the room.)", "Eric: Inspector Trudeau.", "Andy: Ohh ...", "Eric: Eric Lohman. Bay Weekly.", "Morris: He's all yours. (He leaves.)", "Andy: I know who you are. What do you want?", "Eric: Um, a cup of coffee would be great. (Andy gives him a look.) Okay. What do you say I pick your brain about Prue Halliwell. Name ring a bell? It should. Her name keeps popping up in a lot of your murder cases. A lot of the unsolved ones.", "Andy: Is that a fact?", "Eric: I've got my sources. Cops love to talk. Especially if you pay them enough.", "Andy: Get the hell outta here.", "Eric: So, I assume you know all about Prue's unusual powers, right?", "Andy: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Eric: Yeah, right, that's what she said too. Did you two rehearse your stories or what? I saw her in action in the park, Trudeau. She waved her hands and magically suspended that David Hasher kid and his kidnapper in mid air. It was, it was very cool. I just wish I had my camera. Care to comment?", "Andy: No.", "Eric: Okay, I'll just change my story to a police cover up instead.", "Andy: I'm not covering up anything.", "Eric: Really? Great. Then I guess you got nothing to worry about. Just remember, I gave you a chance to work with me. (He leaves.)", "Morris: What was that about?", "Andy: Nothing. You're gonna have to handle the emmy case on your own.", "Morris: Why? Where you going?", "Andy: I'm assigning myself to kidnappings.", "[Scene: Josh's place.]", "Josh: Why exactly do you need this?", "Piper: Ah, ah, a client at Quake is uh, thinking of throwing an underground rave and we might cater it.", "Josh: A party in a storm drain?", "Piper: Yeah, he uh, runs a roder ruder type company, it's kind of a theme thing.", "Josh: Yeah, well, sounds dank. Like anyway, as long as you're here. Can we talk?", "Piper: Uh, maybe later. I have to go.", "Josh: No, Piper. It can not wait.", "Piper: Somebody's a little anxious, huh?", "Josh: This is important, it could affect the rest of my life.", "Piper: Well, not if we take precautions.", "Josh: What?", "Piper: I'm not saying I'm ready for that, in fact I'm not ready for that. But when I am ready for that, I'm just saying I will be taking precautions.", "Josh: Piper, what are you talking about?", "Piper: Uh, having s*x. You're not talking about that are you? (He shakes his head.) What are you talking about?", "Josh: My leaving.", "Piper: Leaving?", "Josh: Yeah, I got offered a job down in Beverly Hills. I mean it's not exactly my dream but it's a good opportunity. Look, my point is if I thought that we had a future.", "Piper: Josh, this is all happening a little too fast.", "Josh: Yeah, I know, I know, and I'm sorry but like it or not you're in this vote. Now if you don't want me to go, I won't.", "(Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: Okay, we need to talk about this, if I ask you to stay then we're a couple and I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a couple, but if I tell you to leave and we could of been a good couple then, then I'll never know. I need more time. (She gets her phone out and starts dialing. Josh unfreezes and his phone rings.)", "Josh: Uh, hold that thought. (He picks up the phone.) Yeah, hello.", "(Piper grabs the maps and runs out the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Brent's place. Phoebe is there.]", "Brent: I remember their faces. It's like a nightmare that never ends. They took me into this big area and there were a lot of pipes. I'm sorry, that's really all I remember.", "Phoebe: That's okay, Brent.", "Brent: You're disappointed.", "Phoebe: No, no, not at all.", "Brent: Someone that can see your face might believe you but your voice tells a different story.", "Phoebe: Gave me away, huh?", "Brent: You have a beautiful smile, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: How can you tell?", "Brent: I hear it in your voice, I can see it in my mind. (Phoebe touches Brent's arm and she has a premonition of a little boy in the storm drain.) What's the matter? Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I'm fine. Um, Brent, when they took you were you wearing a sweat shirt with jeans and black high tops?", "Brent: Yeah, I think I was. How did you ...?", "Phoebe: And when you escaped were you running through water?", "Brent: Yes, I remember that, in a tunnel.", "Phoebe: Okay, Brent, I need you to think really hard. Do you remember anything, anything at all about that location? Did you hear anything or feel anything?", "Brent: All I remember is this, uh, sound of this enormous generator and maybe some cable cars.", "Phoebe: Cable cars?", "Brent: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Hey, do you have a map? Oh, oh! I'm so, that was so stupid.", "Brent: No, I actually do have a map of that area. It's over here. What are we looking for exactly?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Cable car turn around maybe. That generator that you heard could of been a power plant. (He gets a book and starts flipping through the pages.)", "Brent: Right. See, on this map, okay, there are two turn arounds on this page and uh, right, here it is. There's a power plant right there on Verik.", "Phoebe: How can you tell?", "Brent: Well, give me your hand. Okay, feel these three horizontal bumps followed by the two vertical. On this map that's the symbol for a power plant.", "Phoebe: I better go.", "Brent: Phoebe, how'd you know what I was wearing and where I was running? Are you some kind of psychic?", "Phoebe: Like, only different.", "Brent: Right. That's how you've seen all these other monsters that you mentioned isn't it? Phoebe, you're a good person. That probably means you have a strong aura. Be careful with those monsters.", "Phoebe: Don't worry, I will.", "[Scene: Underground in the storm drains.]", "David: Don't worry Billy. My mum's got a friend that has super natural powers. She'll get us outta here.", "Grimlock: Shut up!", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's talking on the phone.]", "Prue: Did you hear on the radio about that philanthropist that got mysteriously strangled?", "[Cut to Piper in her car.]", "Piper: It's gotta be the grimlocks. That's how they kill. We're running outta time, we've got less than three hours. Did you get the chisandra root?", "Prue: No, but I'm leaving now to pick it. Um, look, did Phoebe get anything out of Brent Miller that might help us?", "Piper: Um, I'm not sure.", "Andy: (Who's now standing at the doorway) Who's Brent Miller?", "Piper: Prue?", "Prue: I gotta go. (She hands up the phone.) Andy, hi, what are you doing here?", "Andy: Working out the kidnapping's. Thought we should talk.", "Prue: Well, I've already told the police everything I know about that.", "Andy: Not according to Eric Lohman you didn't. He stopped by the station. We had an interesting chat.", "Prue: Yeah, well, he's a reporter trying to make a name for himself. Can't believe anything he says.", "Andy: Normally I don't. This time I do. We've been down this road too many times, Prue. I know you're hiding something. I have my suspicions about what it is. But I've come to accept the fact that you can't ell me or you don't wanna tell me. Either way, it's not just me anymore. Lohman's on you, at least he thinks he is and he's not gonna let go. Prue, if you don't level with me now I can't help you control this.", "Prue: Andy, I'm just never sure if it's better for you to know or not to know.", "Andy: I remember the time when we could tell each other everything. There's nothing Lohman won't do to get this story. Watch your back. (He leaves towards the door.)", "Prue: Andy. Thanks.", "[Scene: Phoebe is at an opening to the storm drains.]", "Phoebe: Bingo.", "(She runs off.)", "[Scene: Piper pulls up outside their house. She runs up the stairs and Prue gets out of her car.]", "Piper: Did you get it?", "Prue: Yep, I got it.", "Piper: What's wrong?", "Prue: Andy stopped by my office after Lohman stopped by his. I think he told Andy about my powers.", "Piper: Uh oh. What did you do?", "Prue: Same as I always do, I danced around the truth. It just doesn't feel right anymore.", "(Piper sees a pram roll down next door's driveway right in front of a truck. She freezes it just in time.)", "Piper: Oh my God!", "(They run down to the road.)", "Prue: Where is the mother?", "(They look inside the pram. It's empty.)", "Piper: Oh, thank God.", "Prue: Wait a second, since when did the Johnson's get a baby? That damn reporter. (They see Eric with a camera hiding behind a wall and bushes.) Look.", "Piper: Okay, uh, confused.", "Prue: Alright, that's Lohman. This is a setup. We need to get back to where we were before everything unfreezes. Go! (They run back in front of their house.) Okay, don't forget to put your hands up. (Everything unfreezes.) Don't look, just go inside. (They do so. Eric rewinds his camera and plays it several times.)", "Eric: Purse on right shoulder. Then on left shoulder. Purse on right shoulder. Purse on left shoulder. She has another power. Gotcha! Gotcha.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Phoebe runs up the stairs outside and goes into their house. You see the reporter sitting outside in his car. Cut to inside.]", "Piper: Is he still out there?", "Prue: Unfortunately.", "Phoebe: Hey, you guys, I think I found the entrance to the storm drain. What's going on?", "Prue: Didn't you see that guy parked out front in his car?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Prue: Yeah, well, that's the reporter I told you about. He's staking us out.", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: He tricked us into using our powers and nearly caught us.", "Prue: But fortunately we figured out what he was doing before he could get any proof.", "Phoebe: Oh, thank God.", "Piper: The only problem is how are we gonna be out looking for David when he's camped outside. We have less than two hours.", "(The doorbell rings. Prue answers the door.)", "Eric: Hey, how's it going? Mind if I use your bathroom? (She tries to shut the door.) Hey, don't bother using your magical powers on me. I already hid the video tape.", "Prue: What video tape?", "Eric: Yeah, you know, best I could guess is somehow one of you stopped time. Or rewound it. I don't know. What I do know is I got the whole thing on tape.", "Prue: You're bluffing.", "Eric: Am I? How do explain your sisters purse magically jumping to her right shoulder to her left shoulder instantaneously. You screwed up. And I got the proof. Okay, now here's the deal. I already got my story ready to print. But all I really want now from you is a tell all exclusive. I'll write the book, we can share in movie rights, foreign sales, distribution ... (Prue pushes him outside and closes the door.) Okay, I'll just wait outside until you're ready to talk.", "Phoebe: What are we gonna do?", "Prue: Alright, look, I will stay here and finish the potions, you guys go try and find the boys. To buy us some time, keep on freezing those grimlocks, okay, until I get there.", "Piper: What about Lohman?", "Prue: Don't worry about him, I'll stop him from following you. (She goes outside.) Lohman. I've been thinking about what you said. Maybe we can work something out.", "Eric: Yeah? Why don't I believe you?", "(You see Phoebe and Piper sneaking towards the car.)", "Prue: Oh, I don't know, maybe it's your reporter instincts. (You hear and see Phoebe and Piper drive off.) Oops, busted.", "Eric: Nice try. (He runs towards his car and Prue uses her powers and a garden tool gets shoved in his car tyre which flattens it.) Whoa! You did that didn't you. I know you did that.", "Prue: Really? Prove it.", "[Scene: In the storm drains. Piper steps in a puddle.]", "Piper: Eww, I'm not wearing the right shoes for this. Okay, talk about all roads leading to hell.", "(Phoebe gets out her map.)", "Phoebe: Ah, light, light. (Piper turns on a torch.) Brent said he remembered a big area with pipes. Oh, wait, here's a pipe junction. That way. (They keep walking.) So, I guess this isn't a good time to ask how it went with Josh and the talk?", "Piper: You're right, it's not.", "[Scene: Brent's place.]", "Brent: Inspector Trudeau.", "Andy: Yes, Mr. Miller.", "Brent: My housekeeper said you wanted to talk to me. Is it about the kidnappings?", "Andy: Maybe. Has a Prue Halliwell come to talk to you by any chance?", "Brent: No. But I have spoken to a Phoebe Halliwell.", "Andy: Really?", "Brent: I think I know where she went if that'll help you.", "[Scene: In the storm drains.]", "Piper: I never knew anything could smell so bad.", "Phoebe: Now there's a good sign. (She sees a sign.)", "Piper: Meaning?", "Phoebe: I saw it in a vision that I had of Brent.", "(They see a rat.)", "Phoebe/Piper: Eww, eww!", "(Piper falls into a big hole in the ground and is knocked unconscious.)", "Phoebe: Piper! Piper! Piper! Are you okay? Oh my God. Oh God. (She covers the hole with a piece of board.) Piper, I'll get help.", "[Scene: Prue is in the kitchen making the potion.]", "Prue: I feel like I should be cackling. (The phone rings.) Hello.", "Phoebe: Prue. Uh, Piper's hurt and I can't get to her.", "Prue: Uh, okay, where are you?", "Phoebe: At the end of Verik street. Hurry okay, and don't forget the potion.", "Prue: I'm on my way.", "(She grabs the potion and goes outside. The reporter has done something to the engine of the car.)", "Eric: Didn't want you to leave me behind like your sisters did.", "Prue: Fix it now.", "Eric: Or what? You're gonna hurt me? Go ahead, just let me get you in focus.", "Prue: Look, I don't have time for this, alright. Piper is hurt and two boys' lives are at stake.", "Eric: Do you know where they are?", "Prue: Yes. Alright, you win.", "Eric: What's my prize?", "Prue: I'm a witch with magical powers.", "Eric: A witch? Witch? (He laughs) Great, great. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the storm drains. Phoebe is waiting for Prue. Prue's car pulls up and they get out of the car.]", "Phoebe: What is he doing here?", "Eric: Making my career.", "Prue: I didn't have a choice. Where's Piper?", "Phoebe: She's in here, this way, come on.", "Prue: You just stay here alright, it's too dangerous.", "Eric: No, no, no. I'm coming with ya.", "Prue: No! Look, there is too many lives at stake here including my sisters. I will not have you risking them.", "Eric: Okay, I'll just wait out here.", "(The girls go in and Eric follows.)", "[Cut to inside the storm drains. A grimlock is walking around near Piper.]", "Piper: (from the hole) Phoebe, is that you? (The grimlock hears her and moves the piece of board.) Phoebe?", "(He starts choking her with his powers. Phoebe and Prue come running in.)", "Phoebe: Prue! (Prue uses her powers to hit him with a bit of pipe. He runs away.) Nice.", "[Cut to outside. Andy pulls up in his car and goes inside.]", "Eric: This is Eric Lohman reporting live. I'm in a storm drain underground following three sisters, all of them witches. As they look for children who may have been abducted. My strange ...", "(A grimlock appears and strangles Eric.)", "[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. Prue is using her powers to lift Piper out of the hole.]", "Piper: Ow, ow, ow!", "Prue: We'll get you outta here.", "Piper: No, no.", "Prue: Look, Piper, just up to the street. Okay, Phoebe and I will come right back with the boys.", "Phoebe: Come on, lean on me, honey.", "(They start walking back to the street.)", "[Cut to Andy. He is looking around the drains. He sees Eric lying on the ground. A grimlock walks up behind them. He sees it and shoots it but it doesn't do anything. The grimlock grabs Andy and Prue gets there just in time.]", "Prue: Andy! (She uses her powers and the grimlock flies through the air.) You okay?", "Andy: Yeah, thanks. So what Lohman saw you do was true?", "(Phoebe and Piper appear.)", "Phoebe: Andy, what are you doing here?", "Andy: Confirming my suspicions.", "Prue: He knows. A grimlock tried to kill him.", "Andy: What the hell's a grimlock?", "Prue: It's a demon.", "Andy: A demon.", "Prue: Yeah, um, look, Andy, I need you to get Piper upon the street, okay?", "Piper: No, Prue, I want to stay, I need to help.", "Prue: No, you are far too weak to use your powers.", "Andy: Her too?", "Prue: Look, Andy, will you please just get her out of here.", "Andy: Prue, I'm not leaving the two of you alone.", "Prue: Do I have to use my power on you?", "Andy: I'll meet you up on the street.", "(Andy helps Piper to the street.)", "Prue: (to Piper) You'll be okay. (Prue sees the video tape for the camera next to Eric on the ground. She picks it up and puts it in her pocket.) Okay, we should be coming up on a feeder drain right about now.", "(A grimlock stands in front of them and they scream. Phoebe opens one of the jars of potion and throws it on the grimlock. It melts away.)", "Prue: Great, just what we need. More toxic waste in our sewers. That went well.", "Phoebe: Yeah. (They keep walking.) David!", "(They split off into different directions.)", "David: Please help me.", "Phoebe: David. Oh God. Prue! I found them. (The other grimlock sees Prue and starts choking her. She drops the bottle of potion.) Prue!", "(Phoebe hits the grimlock over the head with a piece of pipe. He then starts choking Phoebe. Prue uses her powers to splash the potion onto the grimlock. He melts away.)", "Prue: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: Yeah, where's David.", "Phoebe: Over there.", "David: I can see. I can see you. I knew you had magic powers.", "Prue: Come on, get your friend and let's get out of here, okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Police station.]", "Morris: Exactly how did you know the kids were down there again?", "Andy: Anonymous tip.", "Morris: And what about the kidnappers?", "Andy: Kidnappers? There weren't any kidnappers. Kids followed a kitten into the storm drain. Got lost.", "Morris: Really? How do you explain finding Lohman down there with a broken neck?", "Andy: Must of slipped when he went down there after them. Anything for a story. That's too bad.", "Morris: Yeah, real shame. You don't really expect me to believe all this do you?", "Andy: For now.", "Phoebe: Have they said anything?", "Prue: No, they just got back from the hospital but who knows what they'll say once the police start questioning them.", "Phoebe: So much for our secret. (to Piper) Hey, you okay?", "Piper: Yeah, I was just thinking when I was in the storm drain I was kinda out of it and I kept thinking about Leo. That's weird.", "Phoebe: Maybe you miss him.", "Piper: Maybe.", "Prue: What are you gonna do about Josh?", "Piper: I'm gonna call him and tell him I think he should take the job in Beverly Hills.", "Phoebe: But sweetie, you can't hold out for Leo, I mean, who knows of he's ever gonna come back.", "Piper: I know. He may not. But if I'm thinking about Leo, than I'm definitely not thinking about Josh.", "Phoebe: That's too bad, he had really nice glutes. There's Brent. Hey Brent! Ah, over here. Hi.", "Brent: Hi.", "Phoebe: Where's your dog?", "Brent: (He takes off his sunglasses.) He's retired.", "Phoebe: You can see? But how did that ...?", "Brent: I don't know, I mean you tell me. I mean someone must of slayed those monsters. Do you know anything about it? (Phoebe pretends to zip her mouth closed.) That's alright. If anyone knows the danger of telling amazing stories, I sure do. I was right, you do have a beautiful smile. Are those the boys?", "Pheobe: Yeah.", "Brent: Maybe I should have a little talk with them.", "Phoebe: That would be so great. Thank you.", "Brent: No. Thank you.", "(Andy walks up to Prue.)", "Prue: So, now you know.", "Andy: Yeah. It's still sinking in.", "Prue: Where do we go from here?", "Andy: That's a good question.", "(Lots of reporters come up to Andy with cameras wanting to ask him questions.)" ]
Blind Sided
[ "As Piper prepares to go on a business trip to Hawaii, she worries about how Prue and Phoebe will handle any magical crisis that might come up while she's gone. Meanwhile, Phoebe goes on a sight-seeing trip to Alcatraz, where she comes across a spirit. It takes possession of a security guard, in order to make his way across the water and seek revenge on the people who were behind his conviction. As a result, Phoebe and Prue have to find a way to banish the spirit before it's too late." ]
[ "[Scene: Halliwell house. Phoebe is sitting on the furniture meditating trying to call a premonition. Prue and Piper are running around looking for stuff.]", "Piper: Prue, have you seen my purse?", "Prue: In the kitchen. Have you seen my keys?", "Piper: They're by the T.V. I can't find my plane ticket. Did I give it to you?", "Prue: Maybe you packed it.", "Piper: I didn't just pack it, I just saw it.", "(Phoebe holds Piper's plane ticket and tries to have a premonition. It works.)", "Phoebe: I can't believe it.", "Prue: Found it. (She snatches Piper's plane ticket off Phoebe.)", "Piper: Thank God. Didn't you hear me looking for this? What are you doing on the furniture?", "Phoebe: No, you don't understand. I've been practicing how to call a premonition and I did it. I saw a future event. Oh, and that's the good news, the bad news is I saw you missing your flight.", "Piper: Oh, great. If I don't get to Honolulu for the convention, my boss will fire me.", "Prue: Well, we can't let that happen especially since my job is hanging by a thread as it is.", "Phoebe: Since when?", "Prue: Oh, since all the demon hunting time off I've been taking lately.", "Piper: I am so behind. I didn't go shopping, or pay the bills, or call the cable guy, or cancel my hair appointment.", "Phoebe: Don't worry, sweetie, I'll do it.", "Piper: You sure?", "Prue: Yeah, I mean, you've got time right? Okay, so listen, we have stopped Phoebe's premonitions from coming true before, hopefully we can do it again. Let's go.", "Piper: Okay, but wait, whoa, whoa! I just realised the two of you haven't really ever been alone together.", "Phoebe: Piper, we're big girls now. I don't think we need you as a buffer anymore.", "Piper: Alright, what about demon stuff, what if something happens and you need the power of three.", "Prue: Well, then the power of two will just have to do.", "Phoebe: Good one.", "Prue: Alright, let's go. Um, hey Phoebe, will you pick up my dry cleaning on the way back from the market please.", "Piper: And talk to the gardeners about the weeds.", "Prue: Oh, and light bulbs, we need light bulbs.", "Phoebe: Sure, I'll just add it to my list.", "Piper: Great, thanks, bye.", "Prue: Go, go, go.", "(They leave.)", "Phoebe: I'm not even married and already I'm a house wife. (The phone rings.) Hello. Hey, Mary-Anne. Oh, geez, I completely forgot about Alcatraz. I can't go, I have a million errands to run. You know, I, I'll be right over.", "(She scrunches up the list and throws it away.)", "[Scene: Alcatraz.]", "Soul collector: You don't seriously plan on spending the rest of eternity around here do you?", "Jackson: I'll find a way off this rock on my own, don't worry.", "Soul collector: Who are you kidding, Jackson? You've been stuck here ever since they executed you. Thirty-six years trapped between life and death.", "Jackson: Big deal. I've learned how to do things in that time. Break the physical plane. Prepare for my revenge.", "Soul collector: Revenge. How mortal.", "Jackson: Go to hell.", "Soul collector: That's what I do. Only never alone. I ferry souls there. Everyone I can get my little hands on so to speak.", "Jackson: Yeah, well, you're not going to get your little hands on this one lady so just forget it.", "Soul collector: Don't worry Jackson, I don't want your soul. I want a witch's. They're prize catches. Trophies.", "Jackson: So what's that got to do with me?", "Soul collector: If you let me get you off the island, get your revenge, witches will try to stop you. And the only way to do that is to become vulnerable to me. Then I'll have them right where I want them. Speaking of witches ...", "(A group of people including Phoebe are coming.)", "Tour Guide: Twenty-eight inmates died here, nine by attempting to escape, four by execution. Legend has it, that one of them still haunts this prison to this very day. The ghost of Alcatraz. Believed to reside in this very cell.", "Man: The ghost ... oh, geez. (He laughs.)", "Tour Guide: Let's see if his in shall we? (He opens the cell and goes inside and closes the door.) Now if you listen closely, you can actually hear the ghost cries. Shh. There. Here him?", "Jackson: What an idiot.", "Ghost: Look at him as you get off jail free card. (She does something and the tour guide drops dead.)", "Mary-Anne: Oh my God.", "Pheobe: Mary-Anne call 911, quick! What did you do? Who are you?", "Jackson: You can see me?", "Soul collector: Forget her now. There's your ride off the island. Hop in.", "Phoebe: Oh, no. No!", "(Jackson goes in the tour guide.)", "Soul collector: Hope you enjoy the tour. See ya.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Bucklands.]", "Claire: In all honesty, Prue, if it weren't for you, I'm not sure the auction house would of been able to stay above bankruptcy.", "Prue: Thank you.", "Claire: No, don't thank me yet. I've tolerated your unexplained absences and the endless family emergencies but no more. Buyers interested in purchasing Bucklands will be visiting in the next two days and it's important that we make a big impression. It's important that you make a big impression if you expect to keep your job. Do I make myself clear?", "Prue: Perfectly.", "(Monique opens the door.)", "Monique: I'm sorry, Prue, but your sister's on the phone.", "Prue: Ah, I'll call her back.", "Monique: She says it's an emergency.", "(Prue gets the phone.)", "Phoebe: Hey, have you ever heard of the ghost of Alcatraz?", "Prue: Are you kidding? This is why you pulled me out of a meeting?", "Phoebe: No, Prue, you don't understand. I think the ghost really exists.", "Prue: Did you see it?", "Phoebe: Ah, of course not, I mean how could I? I wasn't at Alcatraz. I had way too much work around here to do.", "Prue: So, then what makes you think there was a ghost?", "Phoebe: Uh, my friend saw it. Mary-Anne. You know Mary-Anne. Actually, she thinks she saw two ghosts or the other one may be something else. She's not really sure.", "Prue: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What? Witches aren't the only people that can see ghosts. Normal people can too. Anyway, I did some research and found out that some evil spirits need a dead body to transport them across water.", "(Claire impatiently stands at the doorway.)", "Prue: Okay, look, I am really sorry that the furnace exploded but you are just gonna have to handle it on your own. Okay?", "Phoebe: Okay, Prue, if this ghost is on the mainland ...", "Prue: (Quietly and quickly) Don't forget to buy tampons at the market. (She hangs up.)", "Phoebe: Hello?", "Prue: (to Claire) Just, uh, ... (she makes an exploding noise) Singed eyebrows.", "[Scene: Police station.]", "Morris: Did you take some of the old case files home by any chance, Andy?", "Andy: No, why?", "Morris: We're missing a couple. Hope the captain's already been in them. You wanna talk about it?", "Andy: Talk about what?", "Morris: About why you've been walking around here like a zombie lately. Like, ever since you ran into Prue again. Come on, what's up?", "Andy: I wish I could tell you, I really do. I just have to work things out on my own first.", "Inspector Blakely: Okay, you guys are the experts on the freaky cases, figure this one out. A victim was stabbed thirteen times in the chest. Circular pattern. CSI combed the scene and other than the knife, found no evidence. Check this out.", "(She shows the a photo of the knife.)", "Andy: Solid thumbprint.", "Inspector Blakely: Yeah, but we didn't get it from dusting. We got it from florascoping.", "Morris: Ultra violet fingerprint. Never heard of that.", "Inspector Blakely: We ran the print. This is where it gets freaky. It matches up to Jackson Ward, the serial killer that was executed in Alcatraz thirty-six years ago.", "Andy: Are you sure about this?", "Inspector Blakely: Checked it twice.", "Morris: Dead guy's print on a murder weapon. It's gotta be a mistake.", "Andy: Can I borrow this?", "Inspector Blakely: Whoa, where you going?", "[Scene: Halliwell house.]", "Prue: Phoebe, I'm home. (She sees all the dirty dishes still in the sink and looks in the fridge. It's empty.) Phoebe, you didn't go to the market yet?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, I sort of got side tracked with this ghost research. Besides, there isn't enough money in the house hold account.", "Prue: Well, you should of told me and I would of got some transferred in. What about the dry cleaning?", "Phoebe: I will do it tomorrow, I swear.", "Prue: I wanted to wear that suit to work tomorrow.", "Phoebe: Look, I know that I promised but this just seemed more important. We're not gonna get into a fight already are we? I mean, I wouldn't want to prove Piper right.", "(The doorbell rings. Prue answers it.)", "Prue: Andy, hi.", "Andy: Hi.", "Prue: I was wondering whether I'd see you again. I thought you might be mad at me.", "Andy: No, I just needed some space. It's one thing suspect what your secret was, it's another thing to actually see it with my own eyes.", "Prue: So does that mean that you're okay with it?", "Andy: Actually, I'm here on a case, a kind of case where frankly before, I probably would've been looking for a more logical explanation.", "Prue: Well, come on in. (They go inside.) What's the case?", "Andy: The son of a former D.A. was brutally murdered. The only quote on quote evidence points to the last man executed on Alcatraz before it was closed down.", "Phoebe: Jackson Ward.", "Andy: How did you know that?", "Prue: Yeah, how did you know that?", "Phoebe: I told you, I was trying to figure out who the ghost of Alcatraz was, remember? Jackson Ward was at the top of the list.", "Andy: Ghost?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Hey, what's that? (She points to the picture of the knife.)", "Andy: Ultra violet finger print. Although technically there's no such thing.", "Phoebe: Could be the ghosts ectoplasm. It's outside the visual spectrum. Book of Shadows.", "Andy: Ectoplasm.", "Phoebe: Yeah. It's the ghosts skin. Hey, do you have a picture of this Ward guy? (He shows her the picture.) Yep, that's him. Exactly how Mary-Anne described him to be. Amazing.", "Prue: (a little suspicious) Very.", "Phoebe: And what about this former D.A. son. Did Ward know him?", "Andy: Ward knew his father. He's the prosecutor that convicted him.", "Phoebe: Coincidence? I think not. It's got to be the ghost that got off Alcatraz.", "Prue: You know, speaking of coincidence's. Don't you think it's an awfully big one that your friend saw this ghost?", "Phoebe: Prue, if we've learned anything by now, it's that there aren't any coincidences, right?", "Prue: Right. (Andy's staring out the window.) Andy, are you alright?", "Andy: I don't know. Just getting used to the idea of demons and witches. I don't know if I'm ready for ghosts too.", "Phoebe: You ain't seen nothing yet.", "Prue: Pheebs.", "Andy: But if you're right, if it is the ghost of Jackson Ward that is the killer, how do I stop him from killing again?", "[Scene: Court house. Judge Renault's office. Jackson walks through the door. He turns off the light and Judge Renault turns on his desk lamp.]", "Jackson: Judge Renault. Long time, no see. You could of shown me some mercy giving me life in prison. You wanted me put to death. (Jackson picks up the name plate.)", "Judge: What's going on? Who's there? (Jackson pulls his tie so it chokes him.)", "Jackson: Do you have any idea how long it takes, how much you suffer, what a cruel life of immoral damage?", "(He gets a letter opener and stabs the judge. The woman ghost appears.)", "Soul collector: I helped you get your revenge. Now it's your turn to help me get a witch.", "Jackson: Are you kidding lady? I'm just getting started.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Judge Renault's office. All the police are there.]", "Morris: Thirteen stabs in a circular pattern just like the other victim.", "Andy: Matches Jackson's M.O. too.", "Morris: Must be a complicated killer.", "Andy: I wouldn't know, the M.O. was never released to the public. Can I see that? (the letter opener)", "CSI detective: I've already dusted for prints and nothing.", "Andy: Did you florascope it?", "CSI detective: What? (Andy gets a florascoper, holds it above the letter opener and the ultra violet finger print shows up.) What the hell is that?", "Andy: Don't ask. (to Morris) Ten bucks says it matches Ward's.", "Morris: Don't go jumping off the deep end on me okay. Jackson Ward is dead. Been like that a long way now.", "Andy: Well, someone's going around killing people or the descendants people that put him away.", "Morris: Where you going?", "Andy: Look, have someone put together a list of potential victims or anyone that had to do with his conviction.", "Morris: Andy, wait!", "[Scene: Bucklands. The clients are there waiting. They look at their watches.]", "Claire: I'm sure Prue will be here shortly. She has a lot of family emergencies.", "(Prue enters the room.)", "Prue: Oh, Claire, I am so sorry.", "Claire: Prue, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Yakihama, head of requisitions, Mr Yakihama this is Prue Halliwell, one of our top specialists.", "Prue: Hi. Nice to meet you sir.", "Mr Yakihama: Nice to meet you too. I trust that everything is alright with your family.", "(Monique enters with Andy behind her.)", "Monique: Excuse me, Prue.", "Prue: Not now, Monique.", "Claire: May I help you?", "Andy: Yeah, I need to see Miss Halliwell. Police business.", "Prue: Excuse me. (They walk outside the room.) Are you trying to get me fired?", "Andy: I think Jackson Ward is killing again, Prue.", "Prue: Great. Just great. You wait here a second. I'll take care of everything. (She walks back in the room.) Hi.", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Phoebe's in the attic looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Prue: (from downstairs) Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm in the attic.", "(Prue enters with Andy behind her.)", "Andy: I always wondered what was up here.", "Phoebe: Prue, the Book of Shad-a-ba-bows. (She tries to hide it.)", "Prue: No, no, no. It's okay, I already told him about it. Look, Jackson Ward has killed again, we have to figure out a way to stop them. Have you found anything?", "Phoebe: Not really, I mean, there is so many references in here. There's ghosts, poltergeists, evil spirits, phantasms. We are not dealing with a typical demon.", "Prue: Yeah, well, there has to be something in here about vanquishing an evil spirit.", "Phoebe: Well, actually there is one spell but I don't think we're gonna want to use it.", "Prue: Why not? I mean, if it needs the power of three we an always call Piper, right?", "Phoebe: No, that's not the problem. The problem is an evil spirit can't be vanquished on the physical plane. Only the astral plane . His plane.", "Prue: Okay, so then how do we say the spell?", "Phoebe: Our spirits would have to say it. Meaning one of us would have to die for it to work.", "Prue: Keep looking.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Andy: I always believed there was a world behind or beyond this one, you can sort of believe in demons. But I would never in my wildest dreams, I would of never imagined that this existed.", "Prue: Yeah, neither did we. But we've come to believe that there's a reason why that world opened up to us. Which means there's probably a good reason why it opened up to you.", "Phoebe: Welcome, to our little shop of horrors.", "(The Book of Shadows starts flipping pages.)", "Andy: Are you doing that?", "Prue: No, it just sometimes does it on its own. (It opens up to the truth spell. Andy looks at it.)", "Andy: The truth spell?", "Phoebe: That's weird that it would opened up to that page with Andy standing right here.", "Prue: There has to be a mistake. (She turns the pages.)", "Phoebe: Or maybe there's a reason, Prue. (She turns the pages back to the truth spell.)", "[They are now going down the stairs.]", "Andy: You did what last year?", "Prue: Look, I just wanted to see how you would react to finding out I was a witch.", "Andy: So you cast a truth spell on me. Why didn't you just ask?", "Prue: Oh, because I was afraid you'd freak out on me. Which is exactly what you did by the way you just don't remember.", "Andy: Wait a minute. My reaction to you being a witch isn't the reason why we stopped seeing each other is it?", "Prue: You're the one who wanted to stop seeing me first.", "Andy: Because you wouldn't tell me what your secret was.", "Prue: Yeah, which turned out to be a good thing considering how you reacted.", "Andy: Freaked out.", "Prue: Exactly. Kinda like what you're doing right now.", "Andy: You haven't answered my question. Did that have anything to do with why we stopped seeing each other?", "Prue: Sorta. Okay, yeah it did.", "Andy: And just out of curiosity. How much time did you give me to react anyway?", "Prue: A minute ... or two.", "Andy: A minute?!", "Prue: Or two, it, it was a twenty-four hour spell alright, I was against the clock.", "Andy: And that's what you based your entire decision about us on? Prue, I've had a week to react to you this time. Is still don't know how I feel. You should of given me more time, I think I deserve that, I think we deserve that.", "(Phoebe comes down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Hey, you guys, since we don't know how to vanquish the ghost we have to stop him from killing his next ... am I interrupting something?", "Andy: No, we're done. What do you mean stop him killing his next victim? How do we do that?", "Phoebe: I have a power too, you know.", "[Scene: Police station.]", "Andy: Excuse me. Inspector Andrew Trudeau. I need the murder weapon for case R13658.", "Officer: Sign that. I'll got get it.", "(He gets it.)", "Andy: Thanks. (He leaves. The officer calls someone on the phone.)", "Officer: Yeah, you told me to call if Trudeau showed. Yeah, he just left.", "[Cut to office.]", "Andy: Get the list of potential victims yet?", "Morris: Still working on it. It's a lot of names. Especially when you add in the descendants. Where you been?", "Andy: You don't wanna know.", "Morris: Really? Try me.", "Andy: Maybe later okay. I'll take what you got so far, I'll check back later.", "Morris: We're partners, Andy. That means we work together.", "Andy: I know. This is an exception.", "(He leaves.)", "Inspector Rodriguez: Inspector Morris. Inspector Rodriguez and Anderson, internal affairs. We need to talk to you about your partner.", "[Cut to the car. Andy gets in.]", "Andy: Okay, I got it. That's what Ward used to kill the judge. (He hands Phoebe the letter opener.) How exactly is this goind to work again?", "Phoebe: Well, I've been practicing calling my power and if the psychic energy is strong enough on this. I should be able to see a future event.", "Prue: Hopefully Jackson Ward's next victim.", "Phoebe: Hopefully. It doesn't always work. (She holds the letter opener and has a premonition.) Oh my God.", "Prue: Are you alright?", "Phoebe: I uh, I didn't just see it Prue, I felt it, her pain, her terror.", "Andy: Anyone of these look familiar? (He hands her some pictures. She looks through them and picks one out.) Iris Beiderman. The fourth person on the jury that convicted him.", "[Scene: Iris Beiderman's place. Jackson is just about to stab her when Andy kicks open the door. Phoebe kicks the knife out of Jackson's hand.]", "Jackson: You again.", "Prue: You again? What you two have met?", "Andy: Where is he? Is he still here?", "Prue: Yeah, he's right there. Point him out Prue.", "Jackson: You can't keep saving her forever.", "Andy: Prue, what's going on?", "Jackson: Or the others. Or yourselves.", "Andy: Prue. (Jackson leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell house.]", "Prue: I can not believe you lied to me and I can not believe I had to hear about it from a ghost.", "Phoebe: I already apologised for that okay.", "Prue: I just don't understand why you couldn't tell me the truth, especially about something as stupid as going to Alcatraz.", "Phoebe: I didn't tell you the truth because I knew you'd go ballistic and I thought I'd save myself the drama.", "Prue: Why would I go ballistic over that?", "Phoebe: Come on, Prue, give me a break. Just admit it. Why are you really mad at me?", "Prue: Because you lied to me.", "Phoebe: No. You're really mad at me because as far as your concerned I was slacking off yesterday. Which is pretty much what I do everyday, right?", "Prue: Where is this coming from?", "Phoebe: It's coming from the fact that I know you're really pissed because I didn't do the grocery shopping or pick up your dry cleaning, or whatever else that you put on that stupid list.", "Prue: I am sorry that I asked you to do things around the house because I have to work.", "Phoebe: See? Time it ladies and gentlemen it took a whole sixty seconds before the 'W' word reared its ugly head.", "Prue: What are you talking about?", "Phoebe: I'm talking about how you and Piper just automatically assume that I'll take care of the house because I don't have a real job.", "Prue: Now that's not true.", "Phoebe: Oh no? Prue, when was the last time you went grocery shopping, or vacuumed the house, or waited for the cable guy to show up, which by the way if I were paid by the hour I'd be a millionaire by now.", "Prue: I can not believe how you're turning this around.", "Phoebe: I can not believe you're pretending that you don't have a problem.", "Prue: I don't.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, you know what? You just proved my point ... my other point which is I get absolutely no credit for all that I do around here. It's just assumed that I'll do it. Like that crack that you made to Piper yesterday morning. \"Don't worry Piper, Phoebe'll do it she's got time.\"", "Prue: You do.", "Phoebe: Yes, and that's exactly my point my main point. You are mad at me because I don't work.", "Prue: Okay, maybe you're right.", "Phoebe: And that's why I lied. (The phone rings.) Hello.", "Piper: Hey, Phoebe, how's it going?", "Phoebe: Hey, Piper, how's Hawaii?", "Piper: I don't know, I haven't stopped working since I got off the plane.", "Phoebe: Sure, rub it in.", "Piper: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Nothing. Hey, can I call you back? I'm sort of in the middle of something right now.", "Piper: Sure, I just wanted to make sure you guys were alright. Do you miss me?", "Phoebe: More than you know, sweetie.", "Piper: Good. I love you.", "Phoebe: I love you too.", "Piper: Bye.", "Phoebe: Bye. (She hangs up.)", "Prue: Why didn't you tell her about Jackson Ward?", "Phoebe: Why worry her? The power of three can't vanquish him. It's up to us.", "Prue: Look, Phoebe, obviously we have some issues to deal with and they're not gonna be resolved over night. So, in the mean time we need to figure out a way to stop Jackson Ward before he hurts anymore innocent people, okay?", "Phoebe: I agree.", "Prue: So, did we actually just reach a compromise? (Phoebe rolls her eyes.)", "[Scene: Police station.]", "Andy: We're gonna put you up in a hotel for a while Mrs. Beiderman on a police protection. At least until we catch who was trying to hurt you.", "Mrs. Beiderman: I'm not crazy am I? You saw it too didn't you?", "Andy: Yeah, I did. Let's just keep it our little secret for now, okay?", "Morris: Who was that?", "Andy: Someone who got attacked.", "Morris: Attacked? By who? Why? (He sees the sheet of paper with Iris Beiderman's information on it.) Iris Beiderman. Jury four person who helped convict Ward. Now how about that.", "Andy: Look, Morris.", "Morris: Don't 'look Morris' me man. You go flying out of here with that file and you just happened to come back with somebody in that file that just happened to be attacked. Tell me what's going on.", "Andy: I told you I can't. I'm sorry.", "Morris: Well, fine, whatever, it's your funeral.", "Andy: What's that suppose to mean?", "Morris: He told me not to say anything to you.", "Andy: Who did?", "Morris: Internal Affairs. They got you in their crosshairs. Interviewed me for over two hours. Wouldn't tell me what it's about. Asked a lot of questions about you. Watch your back, bro.", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Phoebe and Prue are looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: It's the same story. One of us would have to literally die on order to vanquish the evil spirit. Any volunteers?", "Prue: Actually maybe. But before that we need to figure out a way to find Ward first. I mean, we can't count on you saying it's his next victim even though Andy left us the letter opener to try.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. I think that there's something in here about luring evil spirits. A potion. (She finds the page.) To lure an evil spirit. Mix equal parts of mercury and acid with the blood of one of the spirit's victims, pour it over his grave. Okay, that's disgusting.", "Prue: Yeah, alright, we can get the blood from the letter opener but how are we gonna find Ward's grave?", "Phoebe: You know what? I read on the web, his ashes were interred at his family mausoleum in Palo Alto.", "Prue: Right, just might work.", "Phoebe: Yeah, if it does work, he'll be coming after us.", "[Scene: Cemetery.]", "Prue: Oh, I hate cemetery's at night.", "Phoebe: I hate cemetery's at day. (They hear a noise.) What was that?", "Prue: Ah, probably a zombie or vampire.", "Phoebe: Great, where's Buffy when you need her?", "Prue: Okay, perfect, there it is, Jackson Ward. Do you have the picture? (Prue looks at the picture and Phoebe's written on it.) Hey, Jackson, let's party?", "Phoebe: Okay, well, I couldn't think of anything else to write. Can we just do this and hurry?", "Prue: Okay. (Prue throws the potion on and the plaque starts to melt.) Okay, okay, alright, let's go.", "[Cut to Jackson. He's in pain. He looks at his chest and it looks as if his skin is melting. The soul collector appears.]", "Jackson: What's happening?", "Soul collector: Witchcraft. Sucks doesn't it? You should've helped me get to them before when I asked.", "Jackson: How do I get to them now?", "Soul collector: Visit your grave.", "[Scene: Police station. Andy is at his desk. He's getting Prue's file and puts it in his bag. He goes outside and rings their house. The answering machine is on.]", "Andy: Prue, it's Andy. I gotta give you something and you gotta get it outta there. I'll explain when I get there. (The two I.A. guys show up.)", "Inspector Rodriguez: Inspector Trudeau. Internal Affairs. Let's talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Internal Affairs and Andy are in the office.]", "Inspector Rodriguez: Series of women murdered with an occult knife, prime suspect missing. Series of victims with curious holes burned in their foreheads, prime suspect missing. Victims found in a locked room with every bone in their body broken. Victims literally scared to death. The list goes on and on. You know what they all have in common?", "Andy: We've been through this already.", "Inspector Rodriguez: They're all unsolved cases, Trudeau. They're all yours and Morris'.", "Andy: We've solved plenty of other cases.", "Inspector Anderson: But you haven't solved these.", "Inspector Rodriguez: So the question is why? What are you hiding?", "Andy: I'm not hiding anything. (They show him a picture of him getting the letter opener.) You guys spy on your wives too.", "Inspector Rodriguez: Why'd you check the murder weapon out, Inspector?", "Andy: I was following a hunch.", "Inspector Rodriguez: Really? Or were you following a ghost? Word's out Trudeau. You specialise in the ... what did Inspector Blakely call it?", "Inspector Anderson: The freaky cases.", "Inspector Rodriguez: The freaky cases. You're a good cop. I've seen your jacket. Up until last year you were headed for captain. Now you got all these weird unsolved cases. What happened to you, man? What changed? Are covering for someone, is that it? Morris maybe?", "Andy: Don't hang this on Morris.", "Inspector Rodriguez: Then who do we hang it on?", "Andy: Look, I told you my story, you don't believe me you take my hard wear right now and you charge me. Otherwise, drop dead. (He storms out the room.)", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Prue's making a potion.]", "Phoebe: Maybe it didn't work, maybe he's not coming.", "Prue: Well, at least if he is coming, we are definitely ready for him.", "Phoebe: What exactly is that?", "Prue: One killer cocktail. Literally. Little bit of oleander, St Jensen weed, bloodwort, among with other things. Stops the heart immediately.", "Phoebe: Okay, now you're scaring me. Where did you learn to do that?", "Prue: Book of Shadows.", "Phoebe: Where? Under Dr. Kavorkian?", "Prue: Whoever takes it can be revived by C.P.R. The only catch is it has to be done within four minutes to avoid brain damage.", "Phoebe: Okay, Prue, that's a pretty big catch.", "Prue: Yeah, well, it's the only way to say the spell. It's the only chance we have of setting Ward where he belongs.", "Phoebe: But who does it? How do we decide that?", "Prue: I'll do it.", "Phoebe: No. (She gets a coin.) Call it heads or tails and no fair using your power.", "Prue: Tails. (The coin lands on tails.) I win.", "Phoebe: You mean you lose.", "Prue: Oh, well, only if you don't revive me.", "Phoebe: No pressure.", "Prue: Phoebe, I have total confidence in you.", "Phoebe: I'm scared Prue. I mean, I'm really scared. I think we've gone too far this time.", "Prue: We're doing what we have to do.", "Phoebe: I wish Piper were here. The swing vote, the voice of reason.", "Prue: Phoebe, I never realised how much I probably do take you for granted and not just for what you do around the house either.", "Phoebe: You're just saying that 'cause you're about to die.", "Prue: No, you were right about last night, I was upset because I thought you were slacking off but the truth is you weren't. You were trying to find out who the ghost was and thank God you did.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I totally over reacted. I mean, I'm the one that's upset with myself for not working for a living.", "Prue: You do work.", "Phoebe: I know Prue, I work around the house, but I want a job, a real job.", "Prue: And you will find one. When you're ready.", "Phoebe: I can't remember the last time we talked liked this. (They hug. The phone rings.)", "Claire: Prue, it's Claire, you're late, you're fired. (Jackson walks through the wall and smashes something. He throws it.)", "Prue: Phoebe, duck!", "Phoebe: Okay, Prue, I got him, you just hurry.", "(Prue drinks the cocktail while Phoebe fights Jackson. Jackson hits Phoebe over the head and is knocked unconscious. Prue collapses to the floor.)", "Jackson: You're making this too easy, lady. (He gets a metal cake server. Prue's spirit floats out of her body.) What the hell's going on?", "Prue: Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit, take his soul, banish this evil.", "Jackson: No!", "[Cut to the door.]", "Andy: Prue, you home? (He sees Phoebe lying on the floor.)", "Prue: Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit, take his soul, banish this evil.", "(Jackson starts fading away.)", "Jackson: No! No!", "(Andy goes in the kitchen.)", "Andy: Prue! (He starts giving her C.P.R.)", "Prue: Andy, don't. Not yet.", "Jackson: It's even better, I get to kill a cop too.", "Prue: Andy, behind you. (Andy looks behind him and grabs the cake server.) Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit, take his soul, banish this evil. (Jackson yells and disappears. The soul collector appears.) Who are you?", "Soul collector: I was hoping to take you or your sister. But it looks like you soul is safe. For now. (She disappears. Andy is still doing C.P.R. Prue's spirit enters back in her body. She wakes up.)", "Andy: Slow breaths.", "Prue: Am I alive?", "Andy: Yeah, you are. Thank God. (Phoebe wakes up.)", "Phoebe: What happened? Is the ghost toast?", "[Scene: Bucklands.]", "Claire: I'm sorry, Prue, but I've made up my mind.", "Prue: Claire, you can not fire me. I love this job, I need this job.", "Claire: I told you I wouldn't tolerate anymore unexplained absences.", "(Andy barges in.)", "Andy: Excuse me Miss Price, I'm sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to stop by and say thank you.", "Claire: Thank you, Inspector?", "Andy: For letting me borrow Miss Halliwell. See, an Asian gang went smuggling exotic jewellery and antiques. She helped us set up a sting plus the operation.", "Claire: Really? Prue never mentioned any of this before.", "Andy: Well, she couldn't compromise her cover. You welcome to call my superior Inspector Morris and file for a reimbursement claim if you like.", "Claire: No, that won't be necessary.", "Andy: (to Prue) As soon as you're done here we need to talk.", "Prue: I think I'm more than done here. (They walk towards the door.)", "Claire: Oh, ah, Prue. Don't forget our lunch with the investor's. Wouldn't want you to be late.", "Prue: I won't be. Thanks. (They go into Prue's office.) I can not believe you did that.", "Andy: It's the least I can do. After all, you did help us bust someone. Sure, he was already dead, but still.", "Prue: Well, thank you.", "Andy: You're welcome. Listen, Prue, I've done some thinking about the truth spell and well, I'm still trying to work my feelings out but I've kinda come to the conclusion that no matter whether I had a minute, a month, or a year to think about it, it wouldn't change the truth. It may sound boring but I know someday I want a normal life to come home to. With a white picket fence, a two car garage, a screaming kid, but no demons. Maybe it's because of all the evil I deal with everyday on the job.", "Prue: You don't have to explain, I understand. Believe me I wouldn't want to come home to it either if I could avoid it but I can't. You can. (They hug.)", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Phoebe and Prue are bringing the groceries in the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: So did you burn Andy's file like he suggested?", "Prue: Yeah, you should of seen it. It turns out he knew a lot more about us then he's letting on.", "Phoebe: Still doesn't explain how he could hear a ghost.", "Prue: What do you mean?", "Phoebe: Well, when you were a spirit you said you yelled out to him and that's what made him turn around in time. How could he hear you?", "Prue: I don't know.", "(Piper enters the room.)", "Piper: Hi.", "Phoebe: Piper, yay, I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow.", "Piper: I took an earlier flight. I had this terrible feeling you guys were um ...", "Prue: What?", "Piper: Oh, I don't know, at each other's throats maybe.", "Prue: Us?", "Phoebe: Are you kidding?", "Piper: So nothing happened while I was gone?", "Phoebe: No, just the same old boring stuff. Hey, you need a hand?", "Prue: Uh, yeah, that would be great, thanks Pheebs. (They start putting the groceries away.)" ]
The Power of Two
[ "A gravely hurt Leo appears at the manor, asking the Halliwell sisters to protect an innocent woman returning to San Francisco under his guidance. Daisy (Lisa Robin Kelly) is being stalked by a Darklighter who hunts and kills present and future Whitelighters with poisoned arrows. The Darklighter Alec (Michael Trucco) fell in love with her. Leo reveals that the Darklighter's poison is very deadly, and Piper finds an ability-switching spell in the Book of Shadows so she can use Leo's innate healing power on him. Unfortunately, this has the side-effect of switching everyone's respective abilities and they all have to try to learn to properly use them. While Prue and Phoebe manage to control each other's powers, Piper is unable to heal Leo and he dies. Afterwards, she admits her love for him and discovers that it is the trigger for his mystical ability and succeeds in healing him fully. She then tracks down Daisy, and Prue vanquishes Alec by utilizing his own magical ability against him." ]
[ "[Scene: A woman is walking really fast to a car and keeps looking over her shoulder. A car horn beeps and she drops her groceries. She picks the stuff up but cuts herself.]", "Daisy: Ow, damn it!", "Leo: It's alright, Daisy.", "Daisy: Oh, Leo, thank God it's you. I have been so scared.", "Leo: Look, you just have to stay strong a little longer and then you'll be safe.", "Daisy: He's out there, Leo. He's going to find me. I've seen what he can do, his powers. (Leo holds her hand and heals it.) How did you do that? Who are you people?", "Leo: You just have to trust me, Daisy.", "Daisy: Why me, Leo? I still don't understand.", "Leo: You have a very special future ahead of you. That's why I wanted you to come to San Francisco. I have powerful friends who can help you.", "Daisy: What if Alec finds me first?", "Leo: He won't be able to. I made you invisible to him.", "(Alec appears.)", "Alec: Hello, Leo. I've been looking all over for you. Figured you could only be here for one reason. Where are you Daisy? I know you're close by.", "Leo: (to Daisy) Don't worry, Daisy. He can't see you. Don't say a word, just leave quickly.", "Alec: Don't listen to him sweetie, don't do it.", "(She runs off.)", "Leo: She's already gone.", "Alec: I love her, Leo. Much like you love your little witch. What's her name? Piper?", "Leo: Dark lighters aren't capable of love, Alec.", "Alec: This one is. I love Daisy and you are keeping me from her. It's only a couple of days ago all I had to do was think about her and bang! I'd be there with her. Then suddenly she vanishes from my radar. Cloaked by a white lighter. By you.", "Leo: Then if you know I cloaked her, then you also know that you won't find her as long as I live.", "Alec: Yes, well, I have a solution for that.", "(He gets out his crossbow and shoots Leo.)", "[Scene: Halliwell house.]", "Phoebe: I can not believe you're wearing you bikini on the plane.", "Prue: Time saver. We have all of forty-eight hours in Cabo. The minute we land I'm on the beach getting all golden-brown.", "Phoebe: I know, but you're making me look frumpy, it's like the sign of the apocalypse.", "Prue: I practically had to beg the guy in accounting to lend us his condo. There are no warlocks in sight, Andy finally found out our big secret, I'm going to get crazy.", "Phoebe: It's about time. How long have I been after you to find some new male blood? Preferably tan and buff.", "Prue: And limited verbal skills.", "Phoebe: And ...", "Phoebe/Prue: No strings attached.", "Phoebe: Stella, we are getting our grove back. (They high five but miss.) Okay, so, speaking of which, where is Piper?", "Prue: I think Piper's gonna be in a grove free kina mood for a while.", "Phoebe: She's not seriously ...", "Prue: Taking a vacation from men, yep. Afraid of falling in love again I think.", "Phoebe: So, while we're partying all weekend, what is she gonna be doing?", "Prue: I don't know. The last time I checked she was in the attic looking for a suitcase she put her books in.", "Phoebe: Books, what kind of books?", "Prue: Kind they make into Kevin Costner movies.", "Phoebe: Oh, we've got to stop the insanity.", "Prue: Maybe we should let her be, I mean we're not the ones who fell in love with a warlock, a ghost, a geographically undesirable handyman, and a very dorky grad student.", "Phoebe: Maybe she's done a slump. (Prue looks at her.) Alright, it happens to Piper a lot, but celibacy is not the answer.", "Prue: A couple of dates not picking up the cheque, that's a slump, this is more of a sucking void.", "(They here a thump and a little scream coming from the attic.)", "Piper: (from the attic) Prue! Prue, Phoebe!", "(They go up into the attic and see Leo lying on the floor in pain with the arrow stuck in his shoulder.)", "Prue: Leo?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Prue is getting bandages and stuff out of the bathroom. Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Piper are carrying Leo to a chair.]", "Piper: Be careful.", "Phoebe: I am being careful.", "Piper: I can't believe you knew and the fact that our handyman, the man I was dating was supernatural just happened to slip your mind?", "Phoebe: There was no slipping, okay, I told you but you didn't want to believe me.", "Leo: Piper, I wanted to.", "Piper: But you didn't.", "Phoebe: Okay, we gotta, we gotta get your legs up.", "Leo: Don't worry about me. There's someone, ahh ...!", "Phoebe: We have to get the arrow out.", "Leo: No, don't touch it, it's tipped with poison.", "Phoebe: How are we suppose to get it out if we can't touch it?", "(Prue enters the attic.)", "Prue: You came to the right girl. You ready? (Prue uses her powers to push the arrow out.) Okay, I brought everything that I could find, I just didn't know what to use on a ... what is he again?", "Piper: A White Lighter.", "Phoebe: Yeah, they're sorta like, you know how Peter Pan has Tinkerbell? They're sorta like that minus the tutu and the wings. He guides witches.", "Leo: Future White Lighters. That's why I came to you.", "Piper: (to Phoebe) You should of told me.", "Leo: I should of told you. (Piper gets a bandage and pushes down on his wound.) Ahh!", "Piper: Oh, did that hurt? Good.", "Leo: There's a woman, Daisy. You have to protect her from the Dark Lighter.", "Prue: The Dark Lighter. Is that what shot you?", "Leo: Yeah, they seduce innocent women. Their goal is to create evil through reproduction.", "Phoebe: Great. Generation 666.", "Leo: He broke the rules, he fell in love with one of his victims, a human. And she loved him back.", "Piper: Until she found out who he really was, right?", "Leo: Piper, you have every right to be mad at me.", "Piper: Thanks for the permission. I'll get some more gauze.", "Leo: Please, you have to find Daisy before he does otherwise she won't be able to do the good that she's destined to. She won't be able to become a white lighter.", "Prue: Okay, where is she?", "Leo: I don't know. The last time I saw her she was at a mini-mart and the castrol headed for a rental car. If he finds her first he'll never let her go ever.", "Phoebe: Any tips on how to vanquish a Dark Lighter in case we run into him?", "Leo: Just don't let him touch you. His power is in his hands and when he chooses you he has the touch of death.", "Prue: And we have the power of three. Alright, call the airline, cancel our tickets, I'll call Andy see if he can help me locate her, and Piper should ...", "Phoebe: I'll talk to her, somebody's gotta stay with Leo.", "[Scene: Police station.]", "Morris: You enjoying this as much as I am?", "Andy: What's that?", "Morris: The silent treatment and the cold shoulder.", "Andy: I know, it's been a week since Internal Affairs has made a move. What are they waiting for?", "Morris: I'm not talking about I.A., I'm talking about you and me.", "Andy: I got no problems.", "Morris: That makes one of us. I.A. is on our ass and I still don't know why but I'm pretty sure you do. You feel like sharing?", "(The phone rings.)", "Andy: Homicide, Trudeau.", "Prue: Hey, Franklin. How are things in Forensics?", "Prue: You can't talk.", "Andy: No actually. Why don't you have it checked out by the F.B.I. lab?", "Prue: Andy, I really need your help, it's important. Quake?", "Andy: Okay, I'll be there.", "Morris: Franklin's wife had a baby girl yesterday. Took a week off. Did he call you from the maternity ward? You don't wanna tell me what's going on, fine. Just don't lie to me partner.", "[Scene: Quake. Prue and Andy are sitting at a table.]", "Prue: Andy, what's going on?", "Andy: Internal Affairs are looking into all my unsolved cases. All the cases that involve the supernatural.", "Prue: All the ones that involve me. Do you think that they followed you here?", "Andy: I wouldn't put it past them.", "Prue: Andy, if we ... if I, put you in this situation.", "Andy: I put me here, Prue.", "Prue: Yeah, but you had help. Can they force you to tell them?", "Andy: About you? I won't. But we have to be careful about being seen together. It has to look like we're still friends.", "Prue: Andy, we are still friends. We always will be.", "Andy: Are you sure I'm not just someone that's keeping your secret, Prue.", "Prue: You know me better than that. I'm glad I told you, I am.", "Andy: So am I. Now when you need me all you have to do is ask.", "Prue: Well, I'm asking. I need to find someone, she's in danger and we have to get to her before he does.", "Andy: He? You know what, I don't need to know. Specifics always get me in trouble. Where was the last time she was seen?", "Prue: Headed for a rental car outside a mini-mart.", "Andy: Well, we can get the security camera from the mini-mart and surrounding businesses. See if we can get the car's license plates and see if it leads us to where she's staying.", "Prue: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Attic.]", "Phoebe: Leo, I brought you some food in case you're ... you do eat right?", "Leo: Yes, Phoebe, I eat. How's Piper?", "Phoebe: Oh, you know, she's dealing. I mean, it's not everyday that you find out that the guy you're seeing isn't human. Although, in Piper's case.", "Leo: I wish she didn't have to find out about me like this. Being with her broke the rules but not being with her breaks my heart.", "Phoebe: You know, Leo, it's not like we rushed to tell you we were witches. I think Piper understands about those little secrets that we have to keep.", "Leo: Any word on Daisy?", "Phoebe: Yes and no. Prue called. Andy thinks he found out where Daisy's staying. They're on their way now. (She pulls off his bandage.) Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.", "Leo: It's okay, I know it's bad.", "Phoebe: I guess I need to work on my poke-a-face a little bit, huh. You know Leo, didn't you tell me that White Lighters have the ability to heal? Why can't you just ...", "Leo: No, my powers are for others, I can't use it on myself.", "(He coughs.)", "Phoebe: Ah, you know, we just gotta get you better. Then you and Piper will have lots of time to talk about stuff when you're well.", "Leo: Phoebe, I'm not going to get better.", "Phoebe: That's ridiculous, Leo, of course you will, we're just gonna have to find something in the Book of Shadows.", "Leo: No, the Dark Lighter's poison can't be reversed. It's about to kill White Lighters. That's what it's doing, it's working it's way through my system. It's just a matter of time.", "Phoebe: How much time?", "Leo: Not much. I'm gonna die and there's nothing you can do about it. My powers ebbing. With it, my ability to cloak Daisy.", "Phoebe: We're gonna save you both, Leo.", "[Cut to downstairs. Piper is looking through the Book of Shadows. Phoebe comes downstairs.]", "Piper: I have looked everywhere in this damn book for something, anything to help Leo and I can't. What's that face? What's the matter?", "Phoebe: Leo's in pretty bad shape, Piper. And he's getting worse.", "Piper: I know, that's why I need to find an ointment or a cure or something.", "Phoebe: You need to listen. This is really hard to say but you really need to hear it. I think that you need to learn the possibility, maybe we're not suppose to save Leo. Maybe he's not our innocent. Maybe we're only meant to save Daisy.", "Piper: We have to save him whether we're meant to or not.", "[Scene: Hotel. Daisy's room. She sees some flowers. Alec appears.]", "Alec: I got you your favourite. I thought you'd be happy to see me. I miss this. Us.", "Daisy: There is no us, Alec. Please stop.", "Alec: You're the one Daisy. You're mine. Indian summer, do you remember that Daisy? When it got so hot in the city you could barely breathe. And we sat in the fire escape drinking turns, running ice cubes down each others necks.", "Daisy: Stop!", "Alec: That's when you first said you loved me. \"Forever, Alec. I love you forever.\" (She throws the vase of flowers at him but missed.) Now, is that anyway to treat the man who loves you?", "Daisy: You're not a man. You're not even human.", "Alec: Don't make me regret telling you who I really am. Don't you get it Daisy? I love you and now no one can stop us from being together. Think about it. I found you. What do you think that means? Yeah, that's right, I've clipped Leo's wings and soon he'll be gone so I can find you whenever I want.", "(The manager knocks on the door.)", "Manager: Hello, Manager, is everything okay in there?", "Alec: I win.", "Daisy: No, you only win if I come willingly and I never will.", "Alec: Then I'll never go away.", "Manager: Hey, I'm coming in.", "Daisy: No, don't! (The manager goes in the room and Alec grabs him.)", "Alec: Nobody can keep us apart now, Daisy.", "Daisy: Please, stop!", "(Alec's touch of death kills the manager. She climbs out the window. Prue and Andy come running in.", "Alec: You can't run from me.", "Prue: Daisy?!", "(Prue uses her powers on Alec and flies across the room. Alec turns into some sort of dust and flies out the window.)", "Andy: What the hell was that?", "Prue: Welcome to my world.", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Phoebe enters the attic.]", "Phoebe: Hey, Prue's home, she just ... (Piper is reading a spell out of the Book of Shadows) I hear rhyming, what are you doing?", "Piper: Everything I can. Look, we know Leo can't heal himself but maybe with his powers I can.", "Phoebe: What are you talking about?", "Piper: It's a power switching spell. If Leo and I exchange powers then I'll have the healing touch and maybe I can fix him.", "(Prue comes in.)", "Prue: Hey, what's going on?", "Phoebe: Ah, you know, the usual, made some coffee, read the newspaper, walked in on Piper switching powers with Leo. You know.", "Piper: I have to save him, Prue.", "Prue: Okay, is it safe?", "Piper: To tell you the truth I don't really care. He's slipping away and if either one of you have a better idea then I'm all ears, if not then I'm casting the spell and I would like to do it with the support of my sisters.", "Prue: Cast away.", "Piper: What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine, let our powers cross the line, I offer up this gift to share, switch our powers through the air.", "Phoebe: Did it work?", "Piper: I don't know. (Kit runs in and Piper tries to freeze him.) I can't freeze.", "Prue: This is a good sign. The spell must of worked. That means Phoebe and ... (She touches Phoebe and has a premonition.) Oh, I think I just had one of Phoebe's premonition thingies.", "Phoebe: Really? What did you see?", "Prue: (She points to a lamp.) That shattering. (Kit jumps on the table where the lamp is.)", "Phoebe: Kit, no! (Phoebe puts her hand up and she makes the lamp fly against the wall and smash.) Did I just do that?", "Prue: Uh huh, and I saw it. So, okay, you're moving things, I'm having premonitions and Piper can't freeze which means ...", "Piper: Am I gonna get yelled at?", "Prue: It switched all of our powers?", "Phoebe: It's a supernatural freaky Friday. (The phone rings.) Oh, you know what? I'm going to get that and I'm sure you guys will have all this worked out by the time I get back.", "Piper: Okay, I can do this. Now, heal. Come on, heal. Why aren't these working?", "Prue: Okay, okay, okay. Piper, relax. Remember when we first got our own powers, it took us a while to learn how to trigger them.", "Piper: Well, I'm doing what I always do.", "Prue: Yes, but maybe you have to find his trigger not yours.", "(Phoebe comes back in the attic.)", "Phoebe: Hey, that was Andy. A new charge came up on Daisy's credit card report. She bought a bus ticket twenty minutes ago. She's running again.", "Prue: If she leaves town we'll never be able to find her. Let's go.", "Phoebe: Wait, we have to switch our powers back.", "Piper: Not until I heal Leo.", "Phoebe: Piper, we have to get Daisy.", "Piper: And I have to heal him, I'm not losing him again.", "Prue: Okay, you know what, you stay here. We have to find Daisy before the Dark Lighter does. We'll just have to do it using each other's powers. Come on.", "[Scene: Police station.]", "Andy: You wanted to see me?", "Inspector Anderson: Sit down.", "Inspector Rodriguez: You make a habit out of showing up at the scene before the crime is reported, Inspector.", "Andy: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Inspector Anderson: Motel capree, no one called the manager's murder in, Trudeau. Not until you did.", "Andy: I got a tip.", "Inspector Rodriguez: You're lying. Witnesses placed you at the scene with a woman. 5\"3' or 4', brunette, attractive. Ring any bells?", "Andy: Last time I checked I didn't have to reveal my informers to you, Rodriguez.", "Inspector Rodriguez: Maybe not in a court of law but the last time I checked we weren't in one. This is an I.A. investigation, you don't have the same rights. You have no idea how much I can hurt you.", "Inspector Anderson: Just tell us who you're covering for, Inspector.", "(Andy stands up and puts his gun and badge on the table.)", "Andy: Screw you. (He walks out the room.)", "[Scene: Bus depot.]", "Daisy: Excuse me. Where can I find bus 24?", "(The guy turns around and it's Alec.)", "Alec: I told you I'd always be there for you, Daisy.", "(She walks off quickly and bumps into a man.)", "Daisy: I'm sorry. (The man turns around and it's Alec again.)", "Alec: It's quite alright. I'm in no hurry. You care to join me?", "[Cut to Phoebe and Prue entering the depot. Prue keeps poking Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: Okay, are you trying to piss me off?", "Prue: That's exactly what I'm trying to do only it's not working.", "Phoebe: How do you know?", "Prue: Because I don't see anything flying across the room. Look, you're gonna need to know how to use my power in case the Dark Lighter shows up, remember. When I first got my power it was anger that triggered it, so I need to push your buttons.", "Phoebe: Okay, it's not that easy to break me.", "Prue: What was it in high school that the guys started calling you after they caught you making out with someone under the bleachers.", "Phoebe: It's not gonna work.", "Prue: What was that? Oh yeah, Freebie! (The magazines on a rack spin around and fall off.) Well, class over.", "Phoebe: You know that was just a rumour, right? Okay, now it's your turn. We need a premonition, where's Daisy?", "Prue: Oh, do I have to? The last time I got all woozy and, and ...", "(She touches a chair and nothing happens.)", "Phoebe: Okay, you know, you guys take for granted that I'm your innocent yellow pages. Okay, this takes work.", "Prue: It is useless, okay, I'm never going to get ... (she has a premonition) Do your ears ring when you do that?", "(She nods.)", "Phoebe: What did you see?", "Prue: I can't be sure 'cause it went by so fast but if I was playing odds I would say it was Daisy.", "Phoebe: Where is she?", "Prue: Bathroom.", "[Cut to bathroom.]", "Daisy: (to herself) I'm gonna be okay, I can handle this.", "Alec appears.)", "Alec: You can't run from me, Daisy.", "Daisy: Why won't you leave me alone?", "Alec: Because we can be happy together. We were once, remember? All you have to do is come with me willingly.", "Daisy: And what? Watch while you kill more innocent people?", "Alec: He made me do that. That man would still be alive if he had just come with me. That's all I ask and the killing'll stop. We can have eternity together. (Daisy knees him in the stomach. Prue and Phoebe enter the bathroom.)", "Prue: I believe this is the ladies room.", "Alec: And this is a private conversation. (His crossbow appears.)", "Prue: Oh, oh, Phoebe. (Phoebe puts her hand up and all the soap squirts out of the soap dispensers and the water comes out of the taps. Alec laughs.) Okay, now would be a very good time to get angry.", "Alec: I've never used this on a witch before.", "Prue: Oh, grandma's car, fender dented, you got blamed for it, I did it. (Alec flies into a cubicle.)", "Phoebe: I got grounded for that, Prue.", "(Prue picks up the crossbow.)", "Prue: I've never used this on a Dark Lighter before.", "(She shoots the arrow at him but he turns into dust and floats away.)", "Daisy: Oh God, is he ...?", "Phoebe: Daisy, Leo sent us, we have to take you to him. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Piper is still trying to heal Leo.]", "Piper: Oh God, please work. Come on. Work.", "Leo: When I die ...", "Piper: You're not going to die.", "Leo: And when it happens this where I wanna be. I love you.", "[Cut to downstairs. Prue, Phoebe, and Daisy enter the house. There are flowers sitting on a table.]", "Daisy: Oh God, he found me again.", "Phoebe: How do you know?", "Daisy: That's what he does, he sends me flowers so I know he's watching.", "(Phoebe reads the note.)", "Phoebe: No, honey, these are for Prue.", "Prue: They're from Andy, he needs to see me right away.", "Phoebe: Something wrong with his phone?", "Prue: It's a long story but I can't leave you guys.", "Phoebe: No, Prue, we'll go up and check on Leo and remember I'm the one with the active power now. Go.", "Prue: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Yes, absolutely, we'll be fine. Let's go check on Leo.", "[Cut to the attic. Piper is sitting on the floor.]", "Phoebe: Piper, we found Daisy ...", "Piper: I tried. He's gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Daisy and Phoebe are running down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: I don't think this is the best time for you to be alone.", "Daisy: Without Leo it's just a matter of time before Alec finds me again. I have to get away.", "Phoebe: No. My sister's and I can take care of Alec.", "Daisy: I don't want you to try. Too many people are dead now because of me and now Leo.", "Phoebe: Honey, that's not your fault.", "Daisy: I doesn't matter. When Alec finds me again he's not gonna let you get in the way either. It's better off that I leave. Trust me. I have to go.", "Piper: Don't you dare. Leo gave up his life to bring you here. If you leave, Alec will find you for sure. And Leo's death will mean nothing. You're not going anywhere.", "[Scene: A park. Andy is sitting on a seat swing. Prue walks up to him and sits down.]", "Prue: So I take it we're not here for the same reason we used in high school.", "Andy: Unfortunately, no.", "Prue: Makes me kinda wish for the good old days.", "Andy: We tried that already. Prue, I did everything that I could to keep Internal Affairs from finding out about you. There's not much more I can do after today.", "Prue: Why? What happened?", "Andy: I wouldn't tell them what they wanted to know. I turned in my shield. Automatic suspension. I gotta hand it to Rodriguez he's a pit bull. But when he connects you to all those unsolved cases he can put the heat on you to get to me. Unless you're careful. He's gonna figure out that it's you and your sister's that he really wants.", "Prue: Wait, you just got suspended and you're telling me to watch my back?", "Andy: Until I.A.'s off my case, it's better if we're not even seen together. You don't want them to connect the dots believe me.", "Prue: I can't believe you're worried about me when you're about to lose everything that you've worked for.", "Andy: Well, everyone of those unsolved cases that Rodriguez is tracking down, there's an innocent life that you and your sister's helped to save. What you're doing is the reason I became a cop. I guess that's how I do it.", "Prue: I'm sorry.", "Andy: No, don't be. Everything happens for a reason. Remember, you taught me that.", "(Prue kisses him on the cheek.)", "Prue: Thanks.", "(She gets up and starts to walk away.)", "Andy: Take care, Prue.", "[Scene: Attic. Piper is watching Leo from the doorway. Phoebe walks up to Piper.]", "Phoebe: I thought you might like to talk.", "Piper: He could of stayed with us, he could of fought harder.", "Phoebe: He was in pain, he had to let go.", "Piper: He didn't have to, our magic's never failed before. I cast the spell, I took his power, all he had to do was show me how to do it and he never did.", "Phoebe: How can you be mad at him?", "Piper: Because it should of worked. Prue's having premonitions, and you figured out how to use her power, why couldn't I find a trigger? Why couldn't he just help me, give me his power?", "Phoebe: He wanted to live, he didn't want to leave you. It's hard to lose someone you love.", "[Scene: Later on. Piper's in the attic with Leo.]", "Piper: I love you, Leo. (She's crying and a tear drop lands on her hand and her hand started glowing.) I found it. Leo, I love you. (She holds her glowing hand over Leo and she heals him.) Can you hear me? I love you, Leo, please hear me. (Leo wakes up.)", "Leo: Piper. (They hug.)", "Piper: Oh, thank God. I tried so hard and I couldn't make it work before. Why didn't you tell me?", "Leo: That love was the trigger? You had to find that out on your own. Why couldn't you tell me?", "Piper: I don't know. I was afraid, I was afraid if I admitted how I really felt it would hurt more if I lost you. I'm so sorry, I should of said it before.", "Leo: It's better late then never.", "[Cut to the stairs. Piper is helping Leo down them.]", "Phoebe: Leo. Oh my God, how did you ...?", "Piper: There's no time to explain.", "Leo: You've been out of the cloak too long. Alec can find her.", "Piper: Where's Prue? We need to get her back here and we need to find a spell to vanquish the Dark Lighter.", "Leo: A power of three spell.", "Phoebe: Okay, I think she has her cell phone on. (Alec appears. Phoebe tries to use Prue's power.) No! (The light bulbs smash above him. He grabs Piper.)", "Alec: Alright, no more tricks, ladies.", "Leo: Let her go, Alec.", "Alec: I don't think so. I have what you love, you've got what I love. Care to trade? (Phoebe puts her hand up.) Don't do that. (His hand starts glowing.) I will kill her if I have too. You still think I'm incapable of love, Leo? You wanna see far I'm willing to go?", "Daisy: Alec, no!", "Piper: Daisy, stay back.", "Alec: You shut up!", "(Prue opens the door and Alec pushes Piper into Phoebe and grabs Daisy.)", "Leo: No!", "Prue: Phoebe, stop him!", "(Alec disappears with Daisy.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Piper is using Leo's power to try and find Daisy.]", "Piper: I can't do it.", "Leo: Yes you can. You have everyone of my powers including the power to find Daisy.", "Prue: Leo, wouldn't it be faster for you guys just to switch you powers back?", "Leo: No, I'm still too weak. It's up to Piper. Trust me, Piper. Okay, look deep inside yourself, peace, place where you find love.", "Piper: Right, I can hear her.", "Leo: Listen to her, let her tell you where she is.", "Piper: She's screaming, she's afraid, he's pushing her past some trees.", "Leo: Can you recognize the place, can you tell where they're at?", "Piper: Hero's Grove, Golden Gate park.", "Prue: Let's go.", "Piper: What about Leo?", "Leo: I'm fine. Save Daisy.", "Prue: Piper, we really need the power of three to do this.", "Phoebe: Actually, I don't think we do. I think there's a better way. Piper, you stay with Leo. Prue, you drive, I'll talk.", "[Scene: Golden Gate Park.]", "Daisy: Why are taking me here?", "Alec: You could of been my mate, Daisy, my equal.", "Daisy: I don't understand.", "Alec: And now you've made this place your death bed. It's your won fault you won't live.", "Daisy: Please don't kill me. If you ever loved me.", "Alec: If I ever loved you what? You think I could just get over you? Move on, find somebody else? You're the only woman I've ever loved, Daisy and now I'm the last man you'll ever leave.", "(His hand glows red hot. Prue and Phoebe run over to them.)", "Prue: Let her go!", "Alec: She's mine.", "Phoebe: Son of a ... (She uses Prue's powers and he flies through the air.) Do it Prue, now!", "Prue: What's mine is yours, what yours is mine, let our powers cross the line.", "Alec: You really should of stayed out of this.", "Prue: I offer up this gift to share, switch our powers through the air.", "(Alec's hand stops glowing and Prue's hand starts glowing.)", "Alec: What? Where's my power?", "Prue: It's hate. Hate is his trigger.", "Phoebe: Then hate him.", "Prue: No problem. Bring him to me, Phoebe. (Prue puts her glowing hand on his chest and burns him to death.) What's mine is yours, what yours is mine, let our powers cross the line.", "Daisy: His gone. You did it.", "Phoebe: You okay?", "Prue: I can't believe how much hate that took. I never wanna feel like that again.", "Daisy: You just gave me my life back.", "Phoebe: Now, when we get home, you're gonna give me my power back, right?", "[Scene: Attic. Leo and Piper are laying on the couch together.]", "Piper: I almost wish I didn't give you your powers back. Then you wouldn't be able to leave.", "Leo: Me too.", "Piper: So if Daisy's a White Lighter to be, doesn't that mean you used to be ...", "Leo: Human? Yes it does. I was actually born right here in San Francisco. I had lived here all the way up till I went after the war.", "Piper: You mean like Vietnam?", "Leo: No. World War II. I had left med school and enlisted as a medic. I wanted to help save people not shoot them. The last thing I remember I was bandaging a soldiers head wound and I felt a sharp pain and the next thing I know I was floating surrounded by White Lighters. They offered me immortality and the chance to help special people like you. I never once doubted that I didn't make the right choice. Till I met you. Ever since all I can think is how I'd give it up and have a mortal life again to have a family, grow old with you.", "Piper: Is that possible?", "Leo: Yea, I can become human again, Piper, if you want me to.", "Piper: Are you kidding? I want that more than anything I don't want to lose you again.", "Leo: But ...", "Piper: But then you wouldn't be able to help other witches or other future White Lighters would you? You couldn't save the next Daisy.", "(There's silence.)", "Leo: I better go. (They kiss.) I love you.", "(He disappears.)", "Piper: I love you too.", "[Scene: Construction site. Andy is meeting Morris there. The two I.A. guys are there in their car trying to hear what they're saying.]", "Morris: How ya doing?", "Andy: Been better. How about you?", "Morris: Those I.A.'s son of a bitch made me work more.", "Andy: Yeah. So you wearing one?", "Morris: What do you think?", "Andy: You in any kind of trouble?", "Morris: Less than you.", "Andy: I just want you to know I'm doing it for a good cause.", "Morris: Andy, I'm your partner. More importantly I'm your friend. I wanna believe you're on our side. It would really help me if I knew why you were doing this. I'm not asking you for I.A. I'm asking you for me. I think you owe me one.", "Inspector Rodriguez: I told you they would didn't I?", "Inspector Anderson: Doesn't do us any good if we can't hear them over the noise. I sure wish I could read lips.", "Morris: Who you covering for?", "Andy: It's Prue. And all I can tell you is she's connected to all our unsolved cases.", "Morris: Prue huh? I was so hoping you weren't gonna say that.", "Inspector Anderson: I can't hear a thing.", "Inspector Rodriguez: He's covering up for Prue Halliwell.", "Inspector Anderson: What? How the hell did you know ... Oh my God.", "(Inspector Rodriguez's eyes turn red and made the earphones that Anderson was wearing make a deafening sound.)", "[Scene: Halliwell house. Piper is in the attic. She finds Leo's dog tags and puts them around her neck.]", "Piper: Leo.", "[Cut to downstairs.]", "Phoebe: Is it just me or can you draw a chalk outline around this place?", "Prue: Well, I don't know what you could possibly mean, Phoebe, I mean the weekend's almost over, we never made it to Cabo, I'm never gonna see Andy again, and Piper just lost the love of her life.", "Phoebe: The glass is way more than half way full here, Prue, Piper saved the love of her life, Alec is long gone and Daisy's on her way back to her family. And we even managed to straighten out our powers thank God.", "(She gets two pineapples out of the fridge.)", "Prue: Thank God? I thought that you always wanted an active power.", "Phoebe: Maybe, but I never thought I'd actually miss my premonitions. Your power was like wearing a dress that was too tight. Not that would ever happen.", "Prue: Remember when I said you had no vision.", "Phoebe: Which time?", "Prue: Well, you would never hear it again. It takes a lot of strength to see what you see.", "Phoebe: I'll drink to that. We can't go to Cabo, we might as well bring Cabo to us.", "Prue: I don't know, Pheebs, we still have some serious problems.", "(She plays some reggae music on the CD player.)", "Phoebe: Problems are for Monday mornings. What do you say?", "Prue: It's gonna be hell of a Monday morning but until then ...", "(They toast their drinks.)" ]
Love Hurts
[ "Prue and Piper use their powers to stop a man from repeatedly allowing his dog to defecate on their entry walk, even though this counts as magic for personal gain. When Phoebe has a vision of herself being burnt to death, the sisters travel ten years into the future to February 26, 2009 to learn what happened and why. In the future, Prue finds herself as a blond with a ruthless business reputation, Phoebe is in prison facing an imminent execution appointment, and Piper discovers that Leo is her ex-husband, and they have a daughter named Melinda. The girls discover that Phoebe used her powers to kill a murderer, causing a local D.A. named Nathaniel Pratt to begin modern day witch trials as a platform for political office. Prue and Piper want to save Phoebe at any cost, but Leo feels that using their powers to save Phoebe will be a tipping point causing rhetoric to become legislation outlawing magic." ]
[ "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Kitchen. Piper brings in the groceries. She's holding her shoe. Prue and Phoebe smell something.]", "Phoebe: What did you buy?", "Piper: Doody.", "Prue: We weren't out of that.", "Piper: No, I stepped in it again. That man has turned our front walk into a puppy mine field.", "Phoebe: I can not believe that guy still let's his dog do his business right in front of our house.", "Prue: Yeah, well, we've left notes.", "Piper: And gotten no where.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I've had it. The next time I catch him in the act, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.", "(A dog barks.)", "Piper: That couldn't be.", "Phoebe: Oh, I hope it is.", "(They run to the window.)", "Piper: That's them. That's the guy and his dog. I can't believe it.", "Prue: That is so rude. He's just gonna walk away.", "Phoebe: Then don't let him. Use your magic. Well, if you can't teach the dog new tricks, how about the owner. Just think the money we'd save on carpet cleaning alone.", "Prue: Phoebe, we can't use our magic just to teach him or anybody else a lesson.", "Phoebe: Why not? It's for the greater good, I mean, I mean, that's our job, right? Think of it as community service. We'd be doing our whole block a favour. Come on. (She opens a window.) Okay, Piper.", "Piper: I hope he's not out of my range. (She freezes the guy.)", "Phoebe: Prue ... (Prue flicks the poo on his shoe.) Nice shot. (He unfreezes.) An eye for an eye, a shoe for a shoe. (The guy sees the poo on his shoe and tries to wipe it off. He looks around.)", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: Ooh! (They duck.)", "Prue: Did he see you?", "Phoebe: So what if he did? What's he gonna do? Cry witch? (The guy walks off.) Well, we've done our good deed for the day. I think I deserve fifteen minutes of channel surfing.", "Piper: Who wants coffee?", "Prue: I'll grind.", "(Prue and Piper go to the kitchen. Phoebe sits on the couch and turns on the TV. A news report about Cal Greene shows up. Phoebe has a premonition. She makes a noise and Prue and Piper come in.)", "Prue: Phoebe, are you okay?", "Piper: Take a deep breath, honey, it's alright.", "Phoebe: No, it's not. I saw my future. I was being executed. Burnt alive.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Continued from before.]", "Piper: Why would a report about a baseball player trigger a premonition like that?", "Phoebe: I don't know. All I know is I could feel it, I could feel the fire.", "Piper: And we were just standing there? That can't be right.", "Phoebe: That's what I saw.", "Prue: There's no way that we would let that happen, not in the past, present or future.", "Phoebe: What did I do? Or what is it that I'm going to do?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: That's Leo. I'll get that. (She opens the door.) Hey, stranger.", "Leo: Is that what I am now?", "Piper: Playing hooky?", "Leo: No, they're making me work tonight so I've got the afternoon off. (They hug.)", "Piper: The old 'I gotta save the world' excuse again?", "Leo: Like you've never had to use it.", "Piper: Ahh...", "Leo: You're about to use it.", "Piper: Well, there's just something I have to do. Maybe you could ... (The whitelighters make a noise to call Leo.)", "Leo: Now?", "Piper: Uh ... Leo?", "Leo: It's okay, uh, you go. There's actually something I have to take care of.", "Piper: Well, we really need to talk about things, you know, where we stand.", "Leo: Yeah, we do. Rain check?", "Piper: That's what we do best. (They kiss. Leo orbs out in the middle of the kiss.) I hate when he does that.", "[Cut to the attic. Leo appears. He starts flipping through the pages in the Book of Shadows. He hears Piper, Prue and Phoebe coming up the stairs.]", "Prue: So, what did he want?", "(Leo disappears. The pages on the book keep turning.)", "Piper: He cancelled our date. He's working again.", "Phoebe: You didn't ask him what to do?", "Piper: He had to fly ... literally. The pages were doing that flipping thing on their own again.", "(They look at what the page says.)", "Prue: It's a spell to take us to the future.", "Piper: Two actually. One to send us, one to bring us home. But apparently we only get one shot. Once we use it they disappear.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, you guys. We almost died going back to the past. This is not something that you just do.", "Prue: We're talking about your life, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: And I'm talking about yours, Prue. I'm just saying I think we should think this over a little bit.", "Prue: Look, you had that premonition today for a reason. It must mean that we're supposed to do something about it. And going to the future might be the only way to find out what you did to put you on that pyre.", "Phoebe: How do you know it's something that I did? I mean, it might be a demon or a warlock that puts me there.", "Prue: Do you really want to wait to find out? Okay, pack your bags, we go, try to figure out what happened and hopefully come back with enough information to stop it. We're gonna need a date, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: February 12, 2009. That's two weeks before the date I saw in my premonition.", "Prue: Alright, that should give us more than enough time to figure out what put you there.", "Piper: I wonder how I look?", "Phoebe: Piper, you look great but this is hardly the time ...", "Piper: Not now. In the future. When we went back to the seventies we saw ourselves as kids and now we'll be seeing ourselves walk around ten years older. All that vanquishing. Think of the wear and tear.", "Prue: Okay. (She lights a match and burns the paper.) \"Hear these words, hear the rhyme.\"", "Piper: \"We send to you this burning sign.\"", "Phoebe: \"Then our future selves will find.\"", "Prue: \"In another place and time.\"", "(They disappear. Piper wakes up on the couch in the manor. A little girl runs in.)", "Girl: Mummy, mummy, mummy.", "Piper: Uh, I think you have the wrong house. Certainly the wrong mummy.", "Girl: Stop fooling. (She hugs Piper. A car honks.) Car pool. (She runs off. Piper looks in the mirror.)", "Piper: Ooh. (She sees a wedding ring on her finger.) Ooh! (A report about Phoebe shows up on the TV.) Phoebe. Where's the volume? (She looks around for a remote. The sound gets louder by itself.)", "Reporter: More news on the execution of Phoebe Halliwell coming up in just a moment. Now back to your regular scheduled programming MTV's real world eighteen on the moon.", "Girl: Mum, I'm gonna be late.", "Piper: Okay, uh, TV shut up. Mute. Something.", "(She walks to the door.)", "Neighbour: Morning, Piper. You alright?", "Piper: I guess.", "Neighbour: Yeah, with your sister, it's rough, I know. So, don't worry about your little one. I'll get her to school like you asked but uh, are you sure you want me to take her to your ex's?", "Piper: Ex? As in husband? As in mine? Yes, if that is what I told you, then yes.", "Neighbour: So, you and him are getting along better now?", "Piper: Maybe. Prue? Prue?", "Neighbour: Okay, let's hit the road.", "(The girl whispers to Piper.)", "Girl: Don't worry, mummy. I promise I'll do what you ask. I won't use my magic again ever.", "(Piper goes outside and watches them drive off. A limo pulls up. Prue and her assistants get out of the limo. They fuss over her by brushing and touching her.)", "Prue: Hey, hey. Okay, enough! People stop touching me. Stay, stay, stay.", "Piper: Prue, what's going on?", "Prue: I don't know, but I could really get used to this. Check me out. I don't just work at Bucklands, I own it. And three more. Paris, Tokyo and London.", "Piper: And you're blonde.", "Prue: Yeah, strange.", "Piper: Wait, you had time to go to work already?", "Prue: Well, actually, I woke up there but it was amazing. I had all these assistants and this huge office and I have a chauffeur and he's so totally hot. How'd you do? (Piper laughs.) Is that a good thing or ...?", "(They walk inside.)", "Piper: Well, if you ignore my apparently failed marriage and the fact that I still live in the manor.", "Prue: You are married?", "Piper: Was. My daughter is on her way ...", "Prue: Wait. Stop right there. You have a daughter?", "Piper: Yeah, and, and, and she's beautiful.", "(Piper shows her a photo.)", "Prue: Of course she is. What's her name?", "Piper: Oh God. I don't know. But she has powers. But for some reason I told her not to use them. Why would I do that?", "Prue: Speaking of why ... Why are we in our future bodies? I mean, I thought we were supposed to come here and see them.", "Piper: Well, apparently going to the past isn't the same as going to the future. I just wish that since we are in our future bodies that we could have some memory of what's happened in the last ten years, like how I got a daughter.", "Prue: Okay, wait a second, if I'm in my future body and you are in your future body then that means that Phoebe ...", "Piper: TV ... louder, louder.", "(The volume on the TV gets louder.)", "Reporter: ... execution is less than eight hours away until the burning of Phoebe Halliwell. The witch accused of murdering Cal Greene six months ago.", "Piper: Eight hours? We were supposed to be here two weeks before.", "Prue: Shh ...", "Reporter: Let's go there now live where Sierra Stone is standing by. Sierra ...", "Sierra: San Francisco district attorney, Nathaniel Pratt, who's discovery of the witch last August, has made an early favour for the governor's seat, just came out to make a statement. Let's listen in.", "Nathaniel: This is a reflection of our citizens resolved to fair it out, the hidden evil. To turn fear into fight, and to band together as one. To cleanse our city of its greatest threat. Tonight, Phoebe Halliwell will burn for her crime. In which she does, let that be a warning to other witches out there. You're next.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Attic.]", "Prue: Oh, surprise. Here we go, up the stairs, into the attic, grabbing the Book of Shadows, please tell me we're not gonna be doing this in ten years.", "(The book's not there.)", "Piper: Apparently not.", "Prue: What?", "Piper: The book is gone.", "Prue: It's got to be here, we need it to find the return spell.", "Piper: Prue ...", "Prue: Piper, just help me look for it.", "Piper: Okay, relax, we'll find it.", "Prue: You don't know that. I mean, what if it's lost, what if we can't find it? Then we're stuck in our future bodies with no way of getting out of them and no way of saving Phoebe. (She flicks her arm and her power destroys the attic.)", "Piper: Ooh! Been working out?", "Prue: I guess that's a little sample of what ten years does to our powers.", "Piper: And to our attic. (Piper sees a key underneath a turned over table.) A key. (She picks it up.)", "Prue: It's the key to my wall safe at Bucklands.", "Piper: Do you think that means it's there? We've never taken the book out of the house before.", "Prue: Yeah, we haven't but maybe our future selves have. The question is why?", "Piper: We don't even know what we're like in this time, Prue, let alone what we think. But if the book is at Bucklands, maybe it'll give us some answers.", "Prue: Alright, then we'll go there first, then to Phoebe to see if she's alright. (They walk towards the door.) Sorry about the mess.", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "[Scene: Hobart State Penitentiary. Phoebe's in a prison cell.]", "Phoebe: Hello? Hello? Could somebody please answer me. I really need to talk to someone. Okay, how about a snack? Maybe some crackers, peanuts, something? (A guy slides a tray full of slop in the room.) A tray full of goo? Hey, wait a minute. (She touches the glass and gives her a shock.) Don't I even get a phone call?", "Some guy: (From other room.) Shut up, witch!", "[Scene: Outside Bucklands.]", "Piper: I can't believe you get a limo and a driver and I've still got my same old car.", "Prue: You have a husband.", "Piper: Had a husband. I'm getting divorced remember. And how do you know you don't have a guy in this time? I mean, after all, I have a kid and an ex, you could have several.", "Prue: Ex's?", "Piper: No, kids. I mean, we're in the future but with no memory of the past ten years. I don't even know who my ex-husband ...", "(A guy holding a cup of coffee bumps into someone and Piper freezes him before it spills. They look around and notice everything is frozen.)", "Prue: Okay, apparently my power isn't the only one that's grown. You just froze ...", "Piper: Everything. What a difference a decade makes.", "(Leo shows up.)", "Leo: What the hell are you doing?", "Piper: Leo, I'm so glad you're here. I have so many ... (She goes to hug him but he backs away.) Uh ... what's wrong?", "Leo: You know, I knew you'd do something stupid like this. You used you magic in public. What's the matter with you? Are you insane?", "Piper: Uh, Leo ...", "Prue: Remember he thinks we know what's going on.", "Leo: You wanna end up like your sister? Huh? We had an agreement. No using magic for Melinda's sake.", "Piper: Melinda?", "Leo: Our daughter. What's wrong with you?", "Piper: Our daughter?", "Prue: Wait a second, you're Piper's ex?", "(A woman walks around the corner and sees everything frozen.)", "Woman: Witch!", "Prue: Okay, what's going on here?", "Piper: Prue ...", "(They see posters saying \"Rid the evil. Turn in witches\".)", "Woman: Over there! Witch!", "(Everyone unfreezes.)", "Leo: Alright, hurry, we gotta get outta here before they see you.", "Piper: They?", "Leo: The witch hunters.", "[Scene: Penitentiary. Phoebe hears a door open.]", "Phoebe: Prue? Piper?", "Nathaniel: They haven't come to visit you before. Why would they come now? They're gonna be as happy to get rid of you than I am.", "Phoebe: Who are you?", "Nathaniel: I'm sorry. It's been so long since our last visit. Executions are a bitch to plan. Logistics, alerting the media, gathering the kindling.", "Phoebe: Uh, you know, I've had a lot of time to do some thinking about why I'm here.", "Nathaniel: No amount of thinking will affect the outcome. Just as well been served for the crime.", "Phoebe: Wasn't really a big crime was it?", "Nathaniel: You are truly evil. What bigger crime is there than taking a man's life?", "Phoebe: I killed someone?", "Nathaniel: Phoebe, what is this? An attempt to stay your execution? Plead insanity? It won't work. You have five hours to live. Tick tock.", "Phoebe: What? Five hours? But that's not possible.", "Nathaniel: Well, I'm happy to see the seriousness of this crime has finally hit you. See, you represent everything I appoar. You're a threat. A danger to everything that is good and pure in our world.", "Phoebe: You're talking out of fear. Just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it evil.", "Nathaniel: No, it's you who doesn't understand. You killed a man using your power and now you're gonna die because of it. I only wish I could burn all of your kind with you. But don't worry, in time I will. This is only the beginning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Underground. A lot of people are living there.]", "Prue: Leo, listen to me. The two of us, the Prue and Piper that you see before you are from the past. From ten years ago.", "Piper: So, we have no idea what is going on.", "Leo: Don't even lie to me. Right, Phoebe is set to die today and I only hope that this madness dies with her. Right, these people are in danger because of the witch trials she started.", "Prue: How? How did she start them?", "Leo: You know, I don't know what you hope to accomplish by pretending not to know ... (Piper kisses him passionately.) You haven't kissed me like that since ...", "Piper: Since this morning. 1999, remember? We were supposed to meet, you had to leave, I went up to the attic and this is where I came, the future. If you don't believe me, at least believe what you feel, trust that.", "Leo: I remember that was the day they sent me up to the attic to open the Book of Shadows, the future spell.", "Prue: Wait, that was you? We just assumed it was Grams.", "Leo: No, it was me. They didn't tell me why. What, you don't know what's happened the last ten years? (Prue shakes her head.) These people, they're here underground because they've been accused of practicing witchcraft.", "Prue: They're witches?", "Leo: Some of them. Most of them have been falsely accused. They're safe here for now.", "Prue: What did Phoebe do?", "Leo: Six months ago she killed a man. Cal Greene.", "Piper: The baseball player?", "Prue: This is crazy. I mean, Phoebe would never hurt anyone.", "Leo: She hurt him because he murdered someone. Someone Phoebe cared about very much. A dear friend who he brutalized. But a technicality set him free. Phoebe was furious, outraged. And that's when she crossed the line from protecting the innocent to punishing the guilty. She used her power to kill Greene, got caught, and her magic exposed by Nathaniel Pratt.", "Piper: And this is the result modern day witch trials with Pratt at the helm?", "Prue: And Phoebe at the stake. I don't buy it. Her power can't kill.", "Leo: Well, it can now. It's been ten years. All your powers have grown.", "Piper: We have to get to Phoebe and explain.", "Leo: You can't. Alright, as it stands, you and Prue are safe. Pratt checked you out and he doesn't suspect you're witches. To get to Phoebe you'd have to use your powers and then they'll catch you then kill you.", "Piper: Leo, she's our sister. We're not gonna let her die.", "Leo: Wait, I'll go.", "Prue: Leo, this is our sister. We have to.", "Leo: No. I'm still your guide. I can orb in and keep you out of danger.", "Piper: Fine. Then we'll go back to Buckland's and get the book and get the spell to get us home.", "Prue: We'll meet you at the manor.", "Piper: Leo, um, we got married? (Leo smiles.)", "Prue: Piper, later. We'll have plenty of time later.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue and Phoebe walk out of the elevator and all these people crowd around them.]", "Woman: Miss Halliwell, can you sign the P.O ...", "(Everyone starts talking at once.)", "Prue's assistant: Give the woman some air. She will meet with all of you after lunch. Thankyou. (They go into Prue's office.) Okay, good news first. The requisition paper work was approved and ... (Piper enters her office.) Yes?", "Piper: I'm with her.", "(Prue's assistant looks at Prue confused.)", "Prue: It's Piper. My sister.", "Assistant: Oh, right, sorry. Almost forgot you had another one, I mean other than ...", "Piper: That's okay, I forgot your name too.", "Anne: Anne. Miss Halliwell's personal assistant.", "Prue: Anne, right, my personal assistant. By the way Anne, um, do you know if my husband called by any chance?", "(Anne laughs.)", "Anne: Husband, good one. Very funny. Like you have the time. Okay, I just need to get your final okay on the acquisition. Your sister was amazing. I mean, at first the board was a little resistant, what with the lay off it would entail, but Prue pushed it through.", "Prue: I did?", "Anne: I thought to hell with the little people part was particularly persuasive.", "Prue: Okay, Anne, sweetie, I really need some private time with my sister, so if you can just ...", "Anne: Oh, no problem, just buzz me.", "(Anne leaves.)", "Prue: Look at me. Alright, I am booked with work, I'm about to lay off countless people with a flick of my pen, no man to speak of.", "Piper: Maybe you're just picky.", "Prue: What's happened to me? Okay, well, I could dwell on the nightmare that my life has become, but we have work to do. At least some things around here haven't changed. (She opens the wall safe and gets out the Book of Shadows.)", "Piper: Okay, it should be after the demon with the tusk and before the spell to discourage a lover. (They look for it in the book but it's not there.) Where is it? It was here in 1999.", "Prue: Yeah, and now it's gone. So, if the spell can only been used once, that must mean that our future selves have already used it. Which means ...", "Piper: We have no way of getting home.", "[Scene: Penitentiary. Leo orbs in.]", "Phoebe: Leo, oh, thank God. Look, I know what they think I did and if you just ...", "Leo: Shh ... they'll hear you.", "Phoebe: Where's the rest of the cavalry?", "Leo: They're not coming.", "Piper: So, what, you'll grab me and we'll just orb and we'll meet them back at the ...", "Leo: Phoebe ... I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: For what? Did something happen to my sisters?", "Leo: Nobody's gonna rescue you.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: If that is some kind of whitelighter humour, let me be the first to tell you, you are not a very funny race of people.", "Leo: I wish you remembered what you'd done. It'd make this so much easier. Your future self used witchcraft for vengeance, Phoebe. Pratt is using that as a plan for him.", "Phoebe: Why does everyone think I killed someone? I wouldn't. I mean, I couldn't. What did I do? Premonition the man to death? My power is passive.", "Leo: Not in the future. It's grown. As have you. Which means unfortunately you have to suffer to consequences.", "Phoebe: I don't believe it.", "Leo: Then believe what you see. (He hands her a newspaper clipping. Phoebe has a premonition. In it she held her hands either side of Cal Greene's head without touching and electricity-like power came out of her hands and killed him.)", "Phoebe: Oh my God. What have I done? (Leo orbs out.) Help me!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell manor.]", "Piper: You wanna tell me how screwed we are?", "Prue: Pretty screwed.", "Piper: Thanks. I wonder what's taking Leo so long?", "Prue: (Looking through the B.O.S.) Some of the pages are marked. The top corners are turned down and all of them are new spells.", "Piper: Such as?", "Prue: Like, here's a spell to create a door, one to induce slumber, a glamour to change ones appearance. Some of them have these baggies attached.", "Piper: This must be potions of some kind.", "Prue: But what about these? Okay, one to create money, to bend someone's will, to erase a memory, a binding spell.", "Piper: Binding? What are all these marked for?", "Prue: This must of been our future selves plan to break Phoebe out. But something is bothering me. Clearly some of these spells are for personal gain.", "Piper: Which would break the most basic of wiccan rules. We wouldn't do that.", "Prue: We wouldn't. But maybe in ten years our future selves would.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Piper: Perfect timing. We found the book but we can't ... Where's Phoebe?", "Prue: Where is she?", "Leo: She's in prison where she belongs.", "Prue: Leo, you were supposed to bring her back here.", "Leo: No, I said I'd go to her. And I did. To explain to her why she has to pay for her crime.", "Piper: You're our guide, you're supposed to protect us and you're just gonna let her die.", "Prue: You're signing her death warrant.", "Leo: I'm to protect the greater good. If Phoebe lives, if you use your magic to save her, then the persecutions will continue. And our daughter will grow into a world where her powers punishable by death. Do you want that?", "Piper: Of course not.", "Leo: Well, then it has to end with Phoebe. She has to die.", "Prue: Like hell.", "(Piper freezes Leo.)", "Piper: Relax. We've seen what your new powers can do when you're angry.", "Prue: He's gonna stay frozen right?", "Piper: If he knows what's good for him, he'll stay frozen.", "Prue: Alright, let's get the spell.", "[Scene: Penitentiary.]", "Nathaniel: (on TV) Now, some people say this is a victory for me. But I say here's a victory for us all. For today the blight on everything that is good in our world, will be extinguished. Tonight, the witch will burn!", "[Scene: Leo's house. Piper and Prue are in the car.]", "Prue: Piper, if you're gonna do this, you'd better hurry. Leo can unfreeze and be home any second. Besides, Phoebe has less than an hour.", "(She gets out of the car. She looks through a window and sees Melinda playing. Piper is holding a bind spell. Leo appears.)", "Leo: You can't do it can you?", "Piper: No. Our grandmother did it to us for protection.", "Leo: You don't have to bind her powers, Piper. We agreed that I'd take care of her and I will, I promise.", "Piper: I know you will. So we were together. Does that mean you clipped your wings for me?", "Leo: No. You wouldn't let me. We tried to make it work with her powers, and it didn't, and all this happened.", "Piper: Were we happy? Just for a little while were we happy?", "Leo: Very.", "Piper: Are you gonna try and stop us?", "Leo: I can't do that.", "Piper: I hope you understand why I have to do what I'm doing.", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: What are we gonna do?", "Leo: What we always do.", "Piper: Talk about it later. (Piper gets back in the car. Prue looks upset.) What is it? What's wrong?", "Prue: I have no one to say goodbye to. My life, they didn't even know who you were at the office., my own sister. If we die tonight, my tombstone will read \"Here lies Prue, she worked hard\".", "Piper: We're not gonna die. We're gonna find a way back to the present and we'll create a new future.", "Prue: What if we can't. What if we can never get home. According to Phoebe's premonition we fail.", "Piper: Our future selves fail. We still got a shot.", "Prue: You're right, you're right. Let's go get Phoebe.", "[Scene: Outside the penitentiary next to a big wall.]", "Prue: So far so good.", "Piper: Normal people usually break out of prison.", "Prue: Nothing about this is normal.", "Piper: To create a door, okay.", "Prue: No place like here.", "Piper: Okay. (She draws an imaginary door on the wall with her finger.)", "Prue: Kinda small for us dontcha think? When you find your path is blocked, all you have to do is knock. (Piper knocks. The door opens and they walk inside.)", "[Cut to Phoebe. Two guards put handcuffs on her.]", "[Cut back to Prue and Piper.]", "Guard: Freeze!", "Piper: Good idea. (She freezes him.)", "Prue: Alright, um, the cell should be up those stairs, come on. She'll be guarded, are you ready for this?", "Piper: Do we have a choice?", "(Phoebe's cell is empty.)", "Prue: We're too late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Penitentiary. In a room where Phoebe is tied to a pole and below her feet are holes where the fire comes out.]", "Nathaniel: I love the smell of burnt witch in the morning.", "Phoebe: At least I'm paying for my crime. There'll come a day where you have to pay for yours too.", "Nathaniel: Remorseless to the end, huh. (To the people watching.) Let today be a lesson to all those who would seek to defy human nature with their way of life. Let today serve notice that black magic will not be tolerated in our society and let today be remembered as the day we burned the witch.", "(Prue and Piper enter the room.)", "Prue: Piper, freeze them.", "Phoebe: Prue, Piper.", "Piper: We're getting you outta here.", "(Prue unties her.)", "Phoebe: No, wait. You can't Prue, I'm serious.", "Prue: What are you talking about?", "Phoebe: You guys have to leave. I deserve to be here. Or my future self does.", "Piper: You killed a killer. Don't be ridiculous.", "Prue: Look, this is Pratt's personal crusade. This isn't about us, this is about him. Where ever we go, he will follow us. He will hunt us. He will hunt our families. If anybody should be punished, it should be him.", "(Prue gets ready to use her power.)", "Phoebe: Prue, what are you doing?", "Prue: Saving the future good witches and our future.", "Phoebe: Prue, wait! Don't become a murderer too. It has to end with me.", "Piper: Phoebe, he was evil, he deserved what you ...", "Phoebe: (She starts to cry.) Wrong things done for the right reasons still the wrong thing. Our job is to protect the innocent, not punish the guilty. And I crossed that line, I know that. And now you guys have to know that too.", "(They all start crying.)", "Prue: We are not leaving here without you.", "Phoebe: Prue, we were sent here for a reason. Maybe not to stop this like we thought. But maybe to understand why this has to happen. Why you have to let this happen. I don't want to die. But I don't want you to die because of me. (They hug.) I love you.", "(She stands back next to the pole. Everyone unfreezes. They turn on the flames and Phoebe burns to death.)", "[Phoebe and Prue end up back in the manor.]", "Piper: Prue ...", "Prue: What are we doing here?", "Piper: Phoebe? You don't think she was ... we saw ...", "Prue: I know. Oh, please God, don't let it be true. Phoebe! (Phoebe walks in the room. They hug.) We thought that we lost you.", "Phoebe: You did. I was burned. And I could, I could fell the flames on my skin. And then I was here. I don't know what happened.", "Prue: It's okay, you're safe now, you're home.", "Piper: You're home, but when? (She turns on the TV. The report about Cal Greene comes on.)", "Phoebe: Wait, that's the baseball player. That's what triggered my premonition. We're right back where we started. The day we cast a spell.", "Piper: Why?", "Prue: Maybe because it worked. We were sent into the future to find out what Phoebe did. We came back to stop it from happening.", "Piper: But we didn't cast a spell to come back. We didn't even have one.", "Phoebe: Maybe they sent us back.", "Piper: But who? And why today? If we were sent back to keep the future from happening, shouldn't we be sent back to the day Phoebe killed Cal Greene instead?", "(They hear a dog bark. They go to the window.)", "Prue: Not again. (The guy's dog squats on their path.)", "Piper: This guy still hasn't learnt his lesson.", "Phoebe: Apparently neither have we. I think this is why we were sent back here to this moment and time. This is where it all started. The first time we used our magic for revenge.", "Piper: But it's just a little thing, it's harmless.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but once you break the small rules, it's only a matter of time before the big ones are next.", "Prue: A very smart girl once told me that we were supposed to protect the innocent not punish the guilty.", "Phoebe: I haven't told you yet.", "Piper: Maybe you won't have to. (Prue sees the face of the guy.)", "Prue: Pratt.", "(Pratt walks away.)", "Piper: Do you think we should follow?", "Phoebe: No. Our little act of revenge might of been what sent Pratt on his path to seek us all.", "Prue: Which might of let him to start the future witch trials.", "Phoebe: Hopefully now he won't.", "Piper: I still think we should keep an eye on him just in case.", "Prue: Absolutely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue picks up the phone.]", "Phoebe: Hey, what's up?", "Prue: Not work. There is no way I am going to the office tonight. I'm going out with you guys. We all have a lot of changes to make if we want to avoid ending up where we just came from.", "Piper: I had a future that wasn't all bad. You were like Miss Fortune five hundred and I had a beautiful little girl.", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: Details later.", "Prue: You know, we can still make the good things happen, Piper. We just have to make the right choices.", "Piper: So maybe Leo and I will end up together.", "Phoebe: Wait, you and Leo?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: Speak of the angel. I'll get that. (She answers the door.) Hey, stranger. (She grabs him and gives him a passionate kiss.)", "Leo: I would of settled for a nice hello.", "Piper: Didn't anyone tell you not to settle?", "Leo: That's a good lesson.", "Piper: I've been learning a lot of them lately.", "Leo: So I've heard. Look, honestly, I didn't know you were gonna get sent to the future. I don't even know what happened when you got there. All I was told was apparently you had something to learn.", "Piper: So, that's why you're here.", "Leo: No. That's why you're here. You were given a glimpse of your future to learn a valuable lesson. And I'm glad you learned it too because I know they wouldn't of brought you back if you didn't. Speaking of which, they're making me work tonight, so I can't really ...", "Piper: This is always gonna be a problem for us isn't it?", "Leo: I'm willing to work on it.", "Piper: Good. Because I'll never forget you said that.", "(They kiss passionately.)" ]
Morality Bites
[ "Worried about cash flow in the struggling new P3 club, Phoebe and Prue conspire to take on a zero interest loan behind Piper's back, trusting that she will be able to make the club successful. Leo gets the manager of Dishwalla , Carlton, to bring the band to the club, fully aware that the manager has made a pact with the demon Masselin , who grants him fame and fortune in exchange for innocent souls. Detective Darryl Morris does not know this, but suspects that Carlton is involved in a string of mysterious disappearances of young women from Dishwalla's past concerts. On the night of the concert, Phoebe acts as bait for Masselin, and the sisters manage to feed him a potion which kills him, releasing all his victims." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Prue and Phoebe are sitting at a table.]", "Phoebe: This place couldn't be more dead if I was embalmed.", "Prue: Yeah, I think that we're gonna have to take that offer.", "Phoebe: What's this guy's name again?", "Prue: Chris Barker.", "Phoebe: And he's not a loan shark or anything, is he?", "Prue: No. He's a collector, an investor. And it's a no-interest loan that we can pay back any time. Trust me, he's not gonna miss the money.", "Phoebe: Mmm. Must be nice. When do we tell Piper?", "Prue: Not until the club is in the black.", "(Piper comes up to them.)", "Piper: So, you guys, you do like the name of the club, right? P3. Little nod to the Power of Three, to us, partners.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's very clever. Uh, Piper, it's a little, uh, quiet in here. Don't you think?", "Piper: It'll pick up once word of mouth kicks in.", "Phoebe: And when will that be, exactly?", "Piper: Well, you can't predict these things exactly. It's not like starting a restaurant. Besides the bank's not gonna call the loan. It's not like we're gonna lose the house.", "(She leaves.)", "Phoebe: Who said anything about losing house? We're not gonna lose the house, are we?", "Prue: No, because we're gonna take that offer and trust Piper to this place with people.", "Phoebe: What people? Where is everybody?", "[Scene: Another club. Dishwalla is playing there. You see Leo walking around.]", "[Cut to a room out the back.]", "Girl: So, you, like, produce their records or what?", "Jeff: No, no, nothing that creative. I'm their new manager. I take care of things, whatever needs to be done, I do.", "Girl: Man, I can't believe this. This is like the most unbelievable thing that has ever happened to me.", "Jeff: Ah, the night's young.", "Girl: I can't believe you picked me.", "Jeff: Well, you seemed like a good ... soul. Plus, you said the magic words. You said you'd do anything, remember?", "Girl: Yes, yes. I do.", "Jeff: All right, just wait inside. The band should be down any minute.", "Girl: Thank you, thank you so much.", "Jeff: Don't thank me yet.", "(She walks in some room.)", "Girl: Hello? Is somebody there? Hello?", "(Masselin appears and she screams. The manager walks in.)", "Jeff: Okay, that's it. No more. I can't keep doing this. It's got to stop.", "Masselin: We have a pact, you get what you want and I get what I want.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: KJCH-FM.]", "DJ: Good morning, San Francisco. This is Ralph Garmend and that was Dishwalla's hit counting Blue Car's. Dishwalla and their manager, Jeff Carlton, are my in studio guests this morning talking about club dates and we'll let you know when you can see them.", "Jeff: Excuse me. (Leo shows up.) Jerk. (to Leo) You know where the bathroom is?", "Leo: Yeah, it's, uh, right over ... (Leo pushes him up against the wall.)", "Jeff: Hey what is this?", "Leo: An intervention.", "(He blows magic dust all over Jeff.)", "[Scene: P3. Piper's looking at the expenditures ... pretty bad ... more than -$20,000)", "Piper: This is bad.", "(Jenny walks in.)", "Jenny: You should keep that door locked, you know? Anyone could just walk in.", "Piper: Jenny? What are you doing here?", "Jenny: Am I breaking the law, right now? Being underage and all?", "Piper: No, we're not open. Actually, I don't know. Uh, what's your point, Jenny?", "Jenny: If you were open for business and I was here, would you have me arrested? Because I think friendship counts for something. Even though we're not really friends yet, but at least we're neighbors and neighbors do favors for each other, right?", "Piper: What kind of favors?", "Jenny: I need a ticket to the show", "Piper: What show?", "Jenny: It's all over the radio. I have to see them. If I don't, I'll die", "Piper: Not a clue what you're talking about", "(Jeff walks in.)", "Jeff: She's talking about passion. Piper Halliwell?", "Piper: Yeah. Can I help you with something?", "Jeff: Jeff Carlton. And I have to tell you when I heard about P-cubed, it was if the fate had smiles upon me.", "Piper: P three.", "Jeff: Whatever. I manage Dishwalla.", "Piper: Dishwalla? The Dishwalla?", "Jeff: I've been looking for the right place, something small, new intimate. The boys want the reacquaint themselves with the personal side of performing. They want to connect again. And I think your little hole in the wall here, is just what the doctor ordered.", "Piper: Dishwalla wants to play my little hole in the wall?", "Jeff: I want them to. Don't you?", "Piper: Uh... yeah.", "Jeff: Let's cross some T's and dot some I's.", "(He hands her the contract, I think.)", "Jenny: Uh, Mr. Carlton, sir? Do you think it will be possible for me to meet the band? I'd do almost anything.", "Jeff: Be careful what you wish for, sweet heart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue's on the phone with Barker.)", "Barker: Prue, don't fell awkward.", "Prue: Well, it's a big deal.", "Barker: I know. Starting a business with that bank loan breathing down your neck can make things kind of scary.", "Prue: Yeah. On top of your loan.", "Barker: Hey, Listen. I have no doubt I'll be seeing my money again after your sister gets her club off the ground.", "Prue: And the terms are still the same?", "Barker: Absolutely. No interest.", "Prue: Uh, no, we'll, we'll pay you interest.", "Barker: Ok, fine. A quarter percent whatever. Now, speaking of getting off the ground, the plane trip to Paris is still open for discussion, isn't it?", "Prue: Mr. Barker ...", "Barker: I mean, come on ... hasn't that rain check burned a hole in your pocket by now?", "Prue: Look, I really appreciate your offer ...", "Barker: It's not an offer, Prue, it's a dinner request", "Prue: In Paris?", "Barker: You know what they call French bread in France?", "Prue: Bread.", "Barker: Exactly. Dinner in Paris is where it all begins.", "Prue: Okay, you know, why don't we just start with your loan, followed with us paying you back as soon as possible?", "Barker: Oh, you're a hard bargainer.", "Prue: So are you.", "Barker: Oh, I haven't even begun to fight.", "Prue: Uh huh.", "Barker: Paris?", "Prue: Stop it.", "Barker: Never. I'll see you at the club, with the money.", "Prue: Okay, bye", "(She hangs up the phone.)", "Prue: (to Phoebe) Well, it's all set. Mr. Barker's gonna meet us at the club, hand over the cheque and that'll be that.", "Phoebe: We're doing the right thing, aren't we?", "Prue: Well, we're helping out our sister. That's always the right thing, right?", "(Piper walks in the kitchen.)", "Piper: (excited) Guess what I did? Guess what I did? All by myself?", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: You ready?", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: Get this... Dish...walla... my club... playing there... tonight.", "Prue: What?", "Piper: I networked. Sent out feelers, sent off press releases and wouldn't you know it. Dishwalla decided to put P3 on their schedule. How's about that? P3 has officially been validated as the place to be. We're on the map (then, she hugs her sisters) I couldn't have done it without you, you patient (she kisses Prue) most generous (kisses Phoebe) sisters in the whole wide world. (Doorbells rings.) I'll get it. (She answers the door.) Leo... this day just keeping getting better. Hi.", "Leo: Hi, uh, Piper, we have to talk.", "Piper: Yeah...okay, uh... are you free tonight? Better be, ‘cause you're my date. We have backstage passes, all access, baby, to see Dishwalla at P3. I made it happen.", "Leo: Uh, no, actually, I made it happen.", "Piper: What?", "(Prue and Phoebe walk in.)", "Leo: Yeah, look, I want to tell you sooner, but I didn't have time. I had to move fast. There's a demon involved.", "Piper: A demon?", "Leo: Yeah, he'll be at your club, tonight.", "Piper: But, no, their manager, Jeff Carlton, came to me and-and booked them himself.", "Leo: I know. I cast a spell on him", "Piper: You what?", "Leo: I sort of cribbed it from one of the other witches I look after. I suggested to Carlton that he get Dishwalla into your club", "Prue: Why didn't you just come to us?", "Piper: Because he knows I would have been pissed off. What are you doing?", "Leo: My job.", "Piper: Your job? What are we, like, Leo's witches now? We're supposed to kill a demon during sold-out concert? Are you nuts?", "Phoebe: Piper...", "Piper: No, Leo. Anywhere else but not there... not my place.", "(He just looks at her.)", "Leo: The band's manager made a bargain with Masselin.", "Prue: That's the demon?", "Leo: Yeah. In exchange for human sacrifice, Masselin will make Carlton rich and powerful by attracting successful bands to him.", "Phoebe: Are you telling me that Dishwalla is hooked up with a demon?", "Leo: No, they don't know anything about the demon.", "Prue: So, these innocent ... what happens to them?", "Leo: They're devoured by Masselin. Consumed for their souls.", "Phoebe: Eww!", "Leo: The more souls Masselin collects, more successful Carlton becomes. You can't destroy the demon without first freeing those trapped within him.", "Piper: All this freeing and destroying, is this in between sets or during the encore?", "Leo: Look, I know you're upset.", "Piper: I skated past upset just after you came in the door. Right now, I'm at furious.", "Leo: We have to talk.", "Piper: You bet your white-lighter ass, we do.", "Leo: Later. I have to go. (He orbs out.)", "Phoebe: See, now this is exactly why you should never date a co-worker. It was a joke. Oh, honey, I'm sorry.", "Piper: How could he do this?", "Phoebe: Well, it sounds like he didn't have a choice and quiet frankly, I don't think we do either.", "Prue: Well, I have to get to the office and call this investor. (to Phoebe) Barker... gotta talk to Barker.", "[Scene: Outside some club. People are putting the band's instruments in a truck. Inspector Morris is there talking to Jeff.]", "Darryl: It's Tina Hitchens. She's been missing since last night when she came to this club.", "Jeff: (to some guy) Yo... the address is on the front seat. P3!", "Darryl: You're playing P3? Piper Halliwell's place?", "Jeff: Yeah, so I don't have a lot of time.", "Darryl: Oh, you've got time for this.", "(He shows Jeff a picture of Tina.)", "Jeff: I answered your question.", "Darryl: I didn't ask one.", "Jeff: You asked me if I saw Tina whoever.", "Darryl: I don't believe I did. Did you?", "Jeff: What?", "Darryl: See her?", "Jeff: I didn't see anybody, inspector.", "Darryl: Look again.", "Jeff: Listen.. you have any idea how many girls like that show up to something like this? Hundreds of them. Thousands. And they all look the same. Short skirt, tight tops. Like sexy little peas in a pod.", "Darryl: So what difference does it make if one of them disappears?!", "Jeff: I didn't say that.", "Darryl: You didn't have to.", "Jeff: Why aren't you out hassling her boyfriend?", "Darryl: Did that already. Now, I'm hassling you.", "Jeff: I haven't seen her. What's with the Gestapo routine?", "Darryl: It tends to follow the acting like a suspect routine.", "Jeff: Am I under arrest?", "Darryl: Not yet. Melanie Jenkins?", "(He shows Jeff a picture of Melanie.)", "Jeff: No.", "Darryl: Brittany Tyler?", "(Shows him a picture.)", "Jeff: None of them. Never saw them", "Darryl: They all disappeared from clubs all around the country. Clubs that your band played in. That doesn't concern you?", "Jeff: Not in the slightest. If we're done here, see ya around.", "(Jeff leaves.)", "Darryl: Count on it", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. They've found Masselin in the Book Of Shadows.]", "Piper: There's Leo's problem.", "Phoebe: It's our problem.", "Piper: You want to know what the real problem is?", "Phoebe: Oh, do tell.", "Piper: Never mind.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Piper: So, how do we vanquish this creep?", "Phoebe: Let's find out. Shall we?", "Piper: And what was with that attitude?", "Phoebe: What attitude?", "Piper: Leo... it was like he was angry that I was angry. I have right to be angry, don't I? I don't want talk about it?", "Phoebe: Then don't.", "Piper: Whoa.", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: Look at Masselin's victims.", "Phoebe: Yeah... (reading the book of shadows) \"Trapped within the demon. The unfortunates one kept alive, their souls tortured for the pleasure he gets from their suffering\" (to Piper) We got to get them out of there.", "Piper: With what? Demonic Ipecac?", "Phoebe: Actually, yeah. That seems to be the idea (reading again) \"The demons seeks willing, trusting souls, delivered by the one who sealed the pact\"", "Piper: The manager.", "Phoebe: So we have to get close to Carlton.", "Piper: Well, I'm already close. And as far as we know, I'm a willing, trusting soul... a sucker. Someone who falls for a quick line from a pretty face.", "Phoebe: Will you please stop that?", "Piper: You're right. Fine. Leo is the least of my worries.", "Phoebe: Right. We'll worry about that tomorrow.", "Piper: I don't think I can wait that long.", "Phoebe: You're gonna have to. Because tonight we have some major demon-ass-kicking to do.", "[Scene: Some club. In a room. Masselin appears.]", "JEFF: Cops are asking me questions. And you know what? They're not gonna catch you, no, sir. They're gonna catch me. All right, okay! I'm out. I'm done with it. No more souls. The pact, the agreement is now officially null and void.", "(Masselin sets Jeff on fire. Jeff starts screaming in pain. Masselin stops the fire.)", "MASSELIN: You will honor your agreement, Mr. Carlton. You'll bring me more souls.", "JEFF: Okay, okay.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Chris Barker is there.]", "BARKER: So, what you're telling me is that you no longer need a white-knight to rescue you and your sisters from debt.", "Prue: No!", "BARKER: But we have a deal.", "Prue: Well, what we had was an agreement to make a deal and I no longer agree.", "BARKER: I see. This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain band choosing to play at P3 tonight, would it? Word travels fast.", "Prue: Yeah, well, Piper pulled us out of the fire.", "BARKER: Yes, in a doing so, revealed to me quite a diamond in the rough.", "Prue: Meaning what?", "BARKER: Well, meaning, I understand you're showing me the door, but I think I rather like this party. I think your sister's little venture is on its way to great success. Which is why I've already gone to your bank and made an offer to pick up your loan.", "Prue: You didn't?", "BARKER: Did!", "Prue: Ok, Mr. Barker... we have a relationship...", "BARKER: Yes and you've brought so many valuable items into my field of view. I just have this feeling that you sister's club is gonna be the best one yet. Could you put me on the guest list for tonight? Me plus one. I'd like to see what I'm buying.", "Prue: Ok, I am asking, nicely, for your own sake, not to go through with this.", "BARKER: Is that a threat, Ms. Halliwell? Be careful. You could be jeopardizing a very profitable relationship. 2 passes. I'd like a booth, too, close to the stage.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Phoebe are making a potion.]", "Piper: How is this gonna work?", "Phoebe: We're just slip Masselin a little extra-strength antacid. And if the Book of Shadows is right, the should disappear like a demonic gas bubble, freeing his victims, leaving them safe and sound", "Piper: Phoebe, we can't even give our cat a vitamin. How are we gonna get this down a demon's throat?", "Phoebe: In this?", "(She holds up a balloon.)", "Piper: What is that?", "Phoebe: It's a balloon.", "Piper: Okay, where is it?", "Phoebe: Where is what?", "Piper: The spoonful of sugar big enough to hide that thing?", "Phoebe: You're looking at her", "Piper: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Well, the only way to get to Masselin, is through Carlton, right? So all I'll have to do is get close to Carlton, pretend I'm some choice tidbit. Then we get Masselin to swallow this.", "Piper: Right before he swallows you, Phoebe. No, it's too dangerous.", "Phoebe: Well, unless you have a better idea, it's our only choice. You and Prue will back me up. I'll be fine.", "Piper: I hate him.", "(Piper puts something in the blender.)", "Phoebe: Of course you hate him. He's a demon. Wait, we are talking about the demon, right?", "Piper: He didn't even have the decency to ask me first. He at least could have discussed it with me.", "Phoebe: Oh, Leo!", "Piper: I mean, can you believe him? He acted as if we've never has a relationship before. Like it was just business. (She turns on the blender without putting the lid on. Food flies everywhere.) Oh! Oh!", "Phoebe: Got to put the lid on, honey!", "Piper: And I saw the future too, you know. Leo and I get married. A marriage in the future imply some sort of relationship in the present ... the question is: where's the relationship", "Phoebe: Somewhere between confusing and complicated? Just talk to him, honey? It'll be okay.", "Piper: I'd rather just freeze him and kick him in the ... (doorbell rings) That better not be him.", "Phoebe: In the shins?", "Piper: Not exactly.", "(Piper answers the door.)", "DAN: Piper?", "Piper: Dan, hi.", "DAN: Can I talk to you for a second?", "Piper: Sure! What's up?", "DAN: Jenny... Did you tell her she could go see Dishwalla tonight?", "Piper: No, no! She can't go!", "DAN: She said you said it was all right.", "Piper: Well, I didn't exactly tell her it wasn't. But the things were happening kind of fast.", "DAN: Well, she's in her room right now, picking out her clothes.", "Piper: Oh God! Okay... I'll go talk to her.", "(As she opens the door, she sees Leo.)", "Leo: Hi.", "Piper: Hello!", "Leo: Listen, I was hoping that we could uh... talk", "Piper: Sure... Leo this is...", "Leo: Dan Gordon!", "Piper: Wait. You know him?", "Leo: What? Are you kidding? He used to play second base for the Mariners. Ha had an all-star season going till he blew out his knee sliding into home. I still think you were safe.", "DAN: So do I.", "Leo: I'm Leo.", "DAN: Nice meeting you.", "Piper: No, it's not. You follow baseball?", "Leo: Yeah!", "Piper: You have time for baseball, but you don't have time to tell me about you-know-what, before you-know-who shows up you-know-where?", "DAN: Uh, Listen. If you two need to talk or something, I can...", "Piper: No, no no. We don't need to talk. Leo stops by occasionally to fix things. Phoebe can show him around. (Phoebe shows up.) Ahem! Let's go talk to Jenny.", "DAN: It was nice meeting you.", "Leo: Yeah, you too.", "(Dan and Piper leave.)", "Phoebe: She's just a little upset.", "Leo: Yeah... I don't blame her.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue walks past Darryl.]", "Darryl: Right... and this is where you say \"Darryl\", I say \"Prue\"and then you say something like \"what are you doing here?\"", "Prue: What are you talking about?", "Darryl: Andy didn't have time to teach me all the steps to this dance but I'm a quick study.", "Prue: I have to go.", "Darryl: To P3? As usual, I barely know what's going on. And I don't like it.", "Prue: Look, I will explain everything to you later.", "Darryl: But you never do. I know it's all about keeping me safe and I respect that. What do you know about Jeff Carlton?", "Prue: I can't.", "Darryl: This is about my job. Andy is gone but I'm not Andy. I'm not saying that you have to tell me about everything. But whenever you and your sisters get involved, the whole playing field gets little crazy", "Prue: Yeah. And a lot more dangerous.", "Darryl: I'm a cop. Stop protecting me, Prue.", "Prue: You have absolutely no idea.", "Darryl: I'm an imaginative guy. I have plenty of ideas. I even had you three working for the CIA for while. what matters is you and I work out some kind of relationship. We're gonna need to communicate or I'm gonna become a very unsociable.", "Prue: Okay.", "Darryl: The missing girls... and Jeff Carlton.", "Prue: We're working on it.", "Darryl: I figured.", "Prue: Look, Darryl, just trust us, okay? We're got this one for right now.", "Darryl: Sure.", "Prue: I have to go.", "(She leaves.)", "Darryl: Be careful", "[Scene: Dan's place. Jenny's room. Jenny's picking out her clothes.]", "Piper: Jenny, the state can shut me down.", "Jenny: How are they gonna find out? Are you gonna tell 'em? ‘cause I'm not gonna tell 'em. Do you like the read or denim?", "DAN: Jenny ...", "Jenny: Yeah! Sure. Let's hear from uncle Dan. Who never in his life faked an I.D. or snuck into a bar. Who never did anything wrong. Ever.", "DAN: We're talking about you.", "Jenny: No, we're talking about Piper and she said I could go see the show.", "Piper: I never said that... Jenny, I'm sorry, but I can't let you in the club.", "DAN: Your man and dad, they put me in charge.", "Jenny: Right.. everybody's in charge... but not me. Not ever. Why is that?", "(Jenny starts to cry and leaves.)", "DAN: I'm sorry. She's just feeling, you know, a little...", "Piper: Betrayed... it's okay. I know the feeling.", "[Scene: P3.]", "Phoebe: You didn't leave any passes for that investor guy, did you?", "Prue: No way. The bouncer has his order. Chris Barker is not allowed. The last we need is for Piper to find out she's gonna lose her club.", "Phoebe: If the bank accepts his offer...", "Prue: One hellish complication at a time. Okay, do you have the poison pill?", "Phoebe: Armed and dangerous.", "Prue: Good! ‘cause here comes demon boy.", "Phoebe: Mmm.", "Prue: Positions.", "Piper: Mr. Carlton", "JEFF: Nice crowd. Is the band here?", "Piper: Yep. They came in the back way. They're right over there. Everything's ready.", "JEFF: Better be. I don't want any problems.", "(He walks away.)", "Piper: That's too bad.", "Leo: Talking to yourself again?", "Piper: What are you doing here?", "Leo: I'm watching over things. It's what I do, remember?", "Piper: I remember when it didn't use to be a job.", "Leo: Look! This isn't easy for me either, Piper, you know.", "Piper; Leo, I really can't talk about this right now... Excuse me.", "(She walks away from him.)", "[Cut to Prue and Phoebe.]", "Prue: Okay, Pheebs. Go get him.", "Phoebe: Keep an eye on me.", "Prue: You're kind of hard to miss in that outfit.", "(They smile and she goes to talk to Jeff.)", "Phoebe: Excuse me? Aren't you Jeff Carlton?", "JEFF: Yes.", "Phoebe: Yeah! I recognized you from that MTV top 10 video things last month.", "JEFF: Somebody actually saw that?", "Phoebe: It was really good.", "JEFF: Taped that almost 2 months ago.", "Phoebe: I didn't even know there was such a thing as a music manager. Let alone what they did until you came on the scene. I mean, who knew? I'm now taking a class in music management at the learning Annex. You're my inspiration.", "JEFF: Really?", "Phoebe: Cross my heart. Hey, do you have any pointers? I would do...just about anything to get the inside the scoop.", "JEFF: Anything, huh? Wanna meet the band?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "JEFF: This way.", "(Prue and Piper are watching over her.)", "Prue: Where is he taking her?", "Piper: In the back.", "Prue: All right, let's go.", "[Cut to a room in the back. Jeff locks the door.]", "Phoebe: What's the rush?", "JEFF: No time to waste.", "(He pushes her into a room.)", "[Cut to Prue and Piper. Piper tries to open the door.]", "Piper: Oops.", "(Prue uses her power to open the door. Then they see Jeff Carlton and Piper freezes him.)", "[Cut inside the room. Masselin appears but he sees the poison and disappears again. Prue and Piper come in.]", "Piper: Are you all right?", "Prue: Did you get him?", "Phoebe: No.", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: I think we need a bigger balloon", "Prue: Ok. We're gonna have to regroup. Come on, let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3.]", "Phoebe: He's huge, and ugly and I really think we need a bigger balloon.", "Piper: Maybe we just came in too soon.", "Phoebe: Maybe he saw the poison.", "Piper: Well, in any case, the spook's spooked.", "Phoebe: And took the trapped souls with him. The ones that we have to save.", "Prue: Look, we don't know for sure if the demon is gone, is he is still here, then he's gonna feed again and Carlton's the one to feed him. Do you still have the poison pill?", "Phoebe: Yes, but I don't think it's gonna be enough.", "Prue: Phoebe, stop. All right, uh, we need to cover the exits, look for Carlton, if we see him grab anybody, Piper, you freeze the room and we'll get into positions.", "Piper: I wish we could just stuff his head in a toilet and make him cough up the demon.", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, still upset with Leo?", "Piper: I'm talking about Carlton.", "Phoebe: I can't keep up.", "[Cut back to the room.]", "MASSELIN: You brought witches to destroy me.", "JEFF: What are you talking about? No, I didn't. I swear.", "MASSELIN: To whom do you swear?", "JEFF: To you. Just you. I didn't know about witches.", "MASSELIN: Your most recent selection, she holds the key to my destruction. Take it from her.", "JEFF: But why? They know about you, they know about me.", "MASSELIN: Take it from her and bring the witches for me.", "JEFF: All right, all right. But how am I gonna get 'em back here? I mean, they're gonna be a little suspicious.", "MASSELIN: Tempt them with an innocent soul.", "[Cut outside P3. Jenny's sneaking into P3.]", "Jenny: Excuse me, I'm sorry... Pardon me... Excuse me.", "[Cut inside P3.]", "Bouncer: (to Barker) I'm sorry but if you don't have a ticket and your name isn't in the guest list, I can't let you in.", "Barker: Try looking under \"G\" for \"Grant\"", "(He gives him a $50 note. Jenny finally sneaks into P3.)", "Bouncer: Oh, here you are, Mr. Grant.", "BARKER: Thank you so much.", "(The bouncer let's him in. Dishwalla starts playing. Leo appears behind Piper.]", "Piper: I wish you'd quit doing that.", "Leo: What's happening?", "Piper: We're on it, Leo. We're just waiting for Carlton to do his thing.", "Leo: Look, you think I like this?", "Piper: Leo...", "Leo: Do you think I like to not being with you?", "Piper: Ok, can we cut the crap? I know what you have to do. I always have. The question is: What do you want? What do you wanna do? With me? With us? Do you ever think about that?", "Leo: All the time.", "Piper: You ever want to discuss it with me?", "Leo: Yes. It's just the timing always seems.", "(Piper sees Darryl)", "Piper: Seems to suck. Okay, hold that thought. Don't let go. Just hold it. (She goes where Prue is.) Morris is here?", "Prue: What? (Prue sees Mr. Barker.) Whoa! Oh, boy!", "Piper: What are you looking at? He's over there.", "Prue: Huh, yeah, okay.", "(Prue grabs Piper and run.)", "[Cut to Jeff. He sees Phoebe.]", "Jeff: (to security) See that honey by the stage in the silver thing. She's got something in her purse.", "SECURITY: Something illegal?", "JEFF: Extremely. Get it out of here", "Security: You got it.", "(The security goes where Phoebe is and grabs her purse)", "Phoebe: Hey, what are you doing?", "SECURITY: Weapons check.", "Phoebe: There's nothing in this.", "(He finds the balloon. The both grab it and the balloon pops.)", "SECURITY: Oh! What the hell is that?", "(The poison is all over Phoebe's wrap or something that she's wearing.)", "Phoebe: That is a $75 dry-cleaning bill.", "[Cut to Jenny. Jeff walks up to her.]", "Jeff: Hey there, Jenny. Hello, I remember you. You're friend of Piper Halliwell's, right?", "Jenny: And Phoebe and Prue. We're like sisters.", "Jeff: Listen. Would you like to meet the band?", "Jenny: Are you serious? Man, I'd do anything to meet them.", "Jeff: Follow me.", "(Phoebe sees Jeff with Jenny.)", "[Cut to Prue and Piper. Barker comes up to them.]", "Barker: Hello, Prue.", "Prue: Hi, Mr. Barker.", "Piper: Where's Phoebe?", "Barker: Let me guess. Piper Halliwell, right?", "Piper: Yeah! Who are you? Who's he?", "Barker: The name's Chris Barker and I'm gonna taking over everything from here on out.", "Piper: Wait! What?", "(Morris shows up)", "Darryl: Piper, we've gotta talk.", "Piper: Not now.", "Barker: I'd be willing to discuss you staying on. However, in a dimished capacity, of course.", "(Phoebe comes up to them.)", "Phoebe: Jenny's here with Carlton.", "Prue: What?", "Piper: Jenny's here?", "Phoebe: And I lost the potion.", "Darryl: Piper, it's important.", "Barker: Yeah, wait in line, pal.", "(Morris shows Barker his badge.)", "Darryl: Hey, why don't you step to the back.", "Piper: Okay, everybody hold it.", "(She freezes everybody.)", "Phoebe: Look. (They look at Jenny and Jeff.)", "Prue: Oh my God.", "Piper: Oh my God.", "Phoebe: Oh my ... God.", "(They run to follow Jeff and Jenny and the place unfreezes.)", "Phoebe: Freeze them again.", "Piper: They're through the door.", "[Cut to the room. Jeff pushes Jenny into the room.]", "Jenny: Hello?", "(Masselin appears and she screams.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The run to the room.]", "Piper: Move it! Move it!", "Prue: Wait. Hold it. Stop.", "Piper: Jenny's in there.", "Prue: Yeah, but we can't kill Masselin without the potion.", "Piper: Well, we can't just stand here. She's gonna die.", "(Jeff opens the door and Prue uses her power against him and makes him fly.)", "Prue: (to Jeff) Help us.", "Jeff: He'll kill me. He'll burn the flesh off my bones for eternity.", "Piper: Listen up, skid mark. You tell us how to save Jenny and get Elvis out of the building, or spending an eternity in hell is gonna be the least of your worries.", "Jeff: There's nothing you can do.", "Piper: We can break the pact and free you from Masselin.", "Jeff: Believe me, if I could help you, I would. But if you go in there, he's gonna swallow you whole and you'll still be alive.", "Piper: That's not a bad idea.", "Prue: What?", "Piper: Where's the demon?", "Jeff: Through that door.", "Piper: I got a plan. We get eaten.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, we get what?", "Piper: And once we're inside, Prue, you use your power to blow him up.", "Prue: From the inside?", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "Phoebe: Who's to say that we won't lose our powers once we get in there. Maybe that's exactly what he wants.", "Prue: Yeah, well, we don't really have a choice, Phoebe. The poison pill is gone.", "Phoebe: Is it? (She shows her wrap with the poison.) Back up.", "Piper: Phoebe, what are you...", "(She kicks the door open. Masselin appears.)", "MASSELIN: It's time to join your friends, witches.", "(Prue, with her powers, make the wrap with the poison flies against Masselin. Mr. Barker comes in.)", "BARKER: What is going on back here?", "(Masselin blows up and green stuff splats all over Barker. We see all victims on the floor.)", "Piper: Jenny! We gotta get her home.", "(Morris comes in.)", "Darryl: Prue, what's going on here? Someone wanna clue me in?", "Prue: You're arresting a kidnapper.", "Phoebe: And rescuing his victims. Good job.", "Prue: Trust me. That's all what you wanna know.", "Darryl: I guess that's all I need to know.", "(He arrests Carlton.)", "Prue: Mr. Barker... here's what you need to know. This place is ours. The ups, the downs, the good and especially the bad. It's all ours. Now if you ever bother us again, you won't have to ask if I'm threatening you. Are we clear?", "Barker: Yeah!", "Prue: Good.", "[Cut to outside. Dishwalla is playing.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor.]", "Prue: (to Piper) Paying bills?", "Piper: Every last one. For this month, at least.", "Phoebe: Thanks to Leo. (Piper gives Phoebe her \"evil look\".) Well, technically if it wasn't for him, you would've never landed Dishwalla.", "Piper: I suppose. And technically if we hadn't vanquished a demon, you client, Chris Barker, wouldn't have abandoned his hostile takeover. The bank called... and told me Mr. Barker didn't have the stomach for gruesome stage theatrics. He's withdrawing his offer.", "Prue: I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: He was just supposed to help. We didn't expect a double cross.", "Piper: It's okay. I mean, I understand why you didn't want to hurt my feelings but you could have told me the truth.", "Prue: (with a puppy face and cute voice) I said I was sorry.", "Phoebe: We're sorry.", "Piper: It's just dawning on me that personal relationships and business don't mix well at all. (Doorbell rings.) I got it.", "Prue: (to Phoebe) Why are you trying to blame it all on me?", "(Piper answers the door.)", "Leo: Hi.", "Piper: Hi.", "Leo: Uh, thanks. For everything.", "Piper: Just doing my job. Do you wanna come in, sit down?", "Leo: I'd love to...", "Piper: But you can't. We got Jenny home safe. Dan doesn't know she was at the club. But are you sure she won't remember anything?", "Leo: I took care of it with a little Hocus-Pocus.", "Piper: So you erase memories now?", "Leo: No, I make pain go away. When I can... sometimes, I can't, no matter how hard I try.", "Piper: And Masselin's others victims?", "Leo: They'll be fine. No memories of Masselin or Carlton.", "Piper: Good.", "Leo: Piper, did you mean what you said?", "Piper: When?", "Leo: Couple of months ago, when I almost died and you saved my life. I left and you said... that you loved me.", "Piper: I thought you were gone.", "Leo: Well, sometimes I linger... Did you mean it?", "Piper: Yeah, I meant it... You... you linger?", "Leo: What about now?", "Piper: I still mean it.", "Leo: But...", "Piper: But we can't keep doing this. I can't keep doing this. I feel like all I do is wait around for you to show up and then when you do, it's just not... quite right.", "Leo: Well, I'm just... I'm doing what I thought you wanted me to do, Piper. You're the one who didn't want me to clip my wings.", "Piper: And you shouldn't. Not for me. But that doesn't make it any easier for us.", "Leo: What are we gonna do?", "Piper: I don't know, Leo.", "(He hears that White-Lighter thing)", "Piper: Go. It's ok. I understand.", "(He kisses her.)", "Leo: I'll see you.", "(He orbs out.)", "[Cut to outside manor. Piper sees Dan. He smiles her and she smiles him back.]" ]
The Devil's Music
[ "After fearing that the guys they're dating are warlocks, Piper and Prue decide to cast a mind reading spell to find out the truth. They then have to use their new power to help out a young man who translated ancient tablets that can foretell the future and ultimately became a target of a pair of brain-zapping warlocks called the Collectors." ]
[ "[Scene: A museum. A tour guide is there talking to a bunch of people.]", "Tour Guide: Legends hold it buried somewhere near a rocky desert, is a fable book, penned by ancient mystics, known as the Akashic Records. Believed to be a written account of all significant events throughout time. Powerful stuff. If someone were to get their hands on that, they could win the lottery or at least get tender. To know the future brings, obviously, ultimate power. Which is why everyone from Hera to Hitler has been looking for the records. But to find them, to find them, one needs a map. This tablet found in the Ivory Colls last year, is believed to be the very map. Although the engravings are of a lost language so far and undecipherable, even for scholars like myself but we're close. Whoever can decipher them first will know the exact latitude and longitude of the Akashic Records.", "(You see a guy standing in front of it, writing something down on a notepad.)", "Guy: Oh my God, that's it.", "Tour Guide: Uh, excuse me?", "Guy: Uh, no, no. Excuse me.", "(He leaves.)", "Tour Guide: If you follow me this way, I'll show you the next exhibit which is quite interesting.", "[Scene: Bay Ridge Convalescent Hospital. The guy that was at the museum is there talking to his father.]", "Guy: I cracked it, dad. The rest of the map. It was a transposition sequence just like you said and it's all in here. (He points to his head.) The location of the Akashic Records. Now, they're gonna come after me, just like they came after you, and I'm gonna be ready for them, dad.", "(Phoebe enters holding a vase of flowers.)", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Guy: Hey.", "(She puts the flowers on a table.)", "Phoebe: How's he doing today?", "Guy: The same. Thanks for always keeping his room so cheerful, Phoebe. I really appreciate it.", "Phoebe: Oh, don't mention it. I mean, for all we know he knows they're here too, right? Isn't that why you keep talking to him?", "(A doctor enters.)", "Doctor: Eric, can I speak to you alone please?", "Phoebe: Oh, uh, yeah. (She goes outside.)", "Eric: I'm not moving him, Dr. Stone.", "Dr. Stone: Eric, it's been six weeks. This faculty is not designed for long term maintenance.", "Eric: Maintenance? This is my father we're talking about and he's gonna get better and he's gonna stay here.", "[Cut to the hallway. Eric bumps into Phoebe.]", "Eric: Sorry. (Phoebe has a premonition.)", "Phoebe: Eric, wait.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's bedroom. She's putting clothes in a bag. Prue runs in.]", "Prue: Ooh, ooh, ooh! I think Jack's a warlock.", "Piper: Who?", "Prue: Jack, uh, Jack Sheridan. The internet auction guy I met remember. I went to go get coffee, he was standing in front of me and then I went straight to the news stand and 'wham!' he was right there reading a magazine.", "Piper: So he went from one place to another in a blink of an eye. So, you think he blinked?", "Prue: Well, yeah, that's what warlocks do, right? Where's Phoebe?", "Piper: She's volunteering at the convalescent hospital.", "Prue: Great. Wait, you have to know if there's a warlock test.", "Piper: How would I know?", "Prue: I mean, well, you are a warlock magnet.", "Piper: Am I never gonna live Jeremy down? You know, you had that Rex and Hannah thing at work.", "Prue: Okay, fine. You get them in your love life, I've got them at the water cooler. What's up with the suitcase?", "Piper: A little overnighter. Dan's friend is getting married in Tahowan. Dan invited me to come along.", "Prue: In the same hotel, in the same bed type of thing?", "Piper: That is yet to be decided.", "Prue: Oh, so then this is just ... Tennis?", "(She gets lingerie out of Piper's bag.)", "Piper: Give it. (Prue gives it back.) Thank you.", "Prue: I mean, you did test him though, right? You know, he's not a warlock?", "Piper: He's not a warlock. No cats have hissed at him, he has not blinked, he has not tried to kill me or my sisters and steal our powers as which you know is a key indicator.", "Prue: I need the Book Of Shadows.", "(She grabs Piper's lingerie and runs out of her room giggling.)", "Piper: Aahh. (The doorbell rings.) Oh, I'll get it.", "[Cut to downstairs. Piper opens the door.]", "Piper: Hello, you.", "Dan: Hi, um, I was wondering if maybe we could get an early start. You know, miss traffic, get there quicker so we have enough time to ...", "Piper: Relax?", "Dan: Relax is a good word. (They laugh.) Any chance you could be ready in an hour?", "Piper: Yes, every chance.", "(Kit growls and hisses at Dan.)", "Dan: I wonder what her problem is?", "Piper: I gotta go now. Bye. (She closes the door and walks over to the bottom of the stairs.) Prue, did you find that warlock test yet?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue and Phoebe are sitting on the couch looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Prue: Nineteen warlock specific death spells and not one test.", "Piper: What if it's a conspiracy? Jack and Dan working together, sweet talking and the whole time they're figuring out how to kill us.", "Prue: Okay, now you're being paranoid.", "Piper: Well, how can we not, with warlocks and demons coming out of the woodwork all the time, it's a wonder we trust anybody.", "Prue: We don't. (They find a spell.) Here it is.", "Piper: To hear secret thoughts?", "Prue: Yeah, we can hear Jack and Dan's thoughts just long enough to confirm and deny our suspicions.", "Piper: No personal gain.", "Prue: Purely for protection. (Prue lights two candles.) Okay.", "Prue/Piper: \"As flame lights shadow as truth ends fear, open locked thoughts to my minds willing ear, may the smoke from this candle into everywhere creep, bring inner most voices to my mind in speech.\"", "Piper: (thinking) Hey, she's wearing my lipstick.", "Prue: What, I can't borrow your lipstick?", "Piper: I didn't say that, Prue, I thought it.", "Prue: (thinking) Whatever, just learn to share.", "Piper: I heard that. This could be dangerous.", "(Phoebe enters.)", "Phoebe: (thinking) Stay calm, calm down. Book of Shadows, needles and warlocks, and Eric's in trouble, find out who, find out what.", "Piper: The hospital hottie?", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: Uh, how's Eric? Did you see him today?", "Phoebe: Why's the Book of Shadows down here, girls?", "Prue: Jack blinked.", "Piper: And Kit hissed at Dan.", "Prue: Right, and we think that they may be warlocks, so we were looking for a test so we could test them.", "Phoebe: Hello, paranoid.", "Piper: We are not.", "Prue: Able to find a spell in the Book of Shadows.", "Phoebe: Well, just prick him. Warlocks don't bleed, so if there's no blood you've got your answer.", "Piper: (thinking) Who knew?", "Prue: (thinking) Phoebe did. The spell, don't tell her.", "Piper: Shouldn't we reverse it?", "Prue: Not until we really", "Phoebe: Are you two okay?", "Piper: So how's Eric? Has he asked you out yet?", "Phoebe: No, but he's in trouble. I had a premonition today. A demon or warlock maybe, with a needle thingy on his finger and he was sticking it into Eric's head. So, I came home to see what we were up against. You guys go deal with Jack and Dan, and I'll go look on the Internet. I'll tell you if I find anything.", "Prue: (thinking) Great, we're surrounded by warlocks.", "Piper: (thinking) Yeah, next time get your own damn lip stick.", "Prue: I heard that.", "Piper: I love you.", "Prue: (thinking) Bite me.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Jack enters wearing a bright shirt.]", "Jack: Prue!", "Prue: Jack, you actually wear that to work?", "Jack: (thinking) Ohh, feisty, feisty. (Out loud.) Well, when work puts me in front of an online server, handling 5 million online awesome hits a day, yeah I do. What's the emergency?", "Prue: Fersuang.", "Jack: (thinking) My what?", "Prue: Fersuang Publications, the German conglomerate. You handled their C.E.O. Bronze ----- Collection for the internet auction, right?", "Jack: (thinking) Be careful, she suspects. (out loud) Yeah, of course.", "Prue: Well, I need some bronzes checked out. Who did your validation?", "Jack: Validation?", "Prue: You do have people's collections validated don't you?", "Jack: (thinking) Mostly I put people in graves or incinerate them. (out loud) Oh, yeah. It was Walt Potarg at Berkley School and design. He was the best. (thinking) If she finds out that I'm lying, she's gonna die. (out loud) Well, you know what? I'm a little late, gotta go. Good to see you again. (He leaves.)", "Prue: Your dying first.", "[Scene: Manor. The doorbell rings. Piper answers it.]", "Dan: You ready?", "Piper: Um, can you come in?", "(He comes in and Piper closes the door.)", "Dan: Where's your suitcase?", "Piper: Upstairs.", "Dan: I see. (thinking) Uh-oh, cold feet, she's backing out. It's okay, don't push it, don't push it.", "Piper: Look, don't move. (She freezes him.) Okay, um, this is gonna hurt me a lot more than it gonna hurt you. (She pricks his arm with a needle. Phoebe runs down the stairs)", "Phoebe: Piper, we have to get to Eric. What's the matter?", "Piper: He didn't bleed, he's not bleeding, there's no blood, there's nothing.", "Phoebe: Yeah, of course he's not bleeding, he's frozen.", "Piper: Yeah, right. Okay go back upstairs.", "(Phoebe runs back up the stairs.)", "Piper: Okay. (Dan unfreezes and he bleeds.)", "Dan: Ow! What the hell was that?", "Piper: You're bleeding. (She touches his hand.)", "Dan: Just a little bit. (thinking) Love her touch. If she doesn't wanna go, it's okay, don't force it.", "Piper: Dan, I really want to go.", "Dan: But", "(Phoebe comes down the stairs.)", "Piper: He's bleeding.", "Phoebe: He's lucky. Hi, listen Dan, I have to borrow Piper for just a little while but I'll have her back soon, okay. (Phoebe stares at his butt.) (thinking) Nice butt.", "Piper: Hey! Hey, you hang in there and I'll be back in time.", "Dan: Yeah, I hope so. (Piper opens the door and Kit growls.) Oh, that's what's scaring Kit. You got hornets. That's probably what stung me too.", "Piper: Yeah, um, probably. Okay, gotta go, don't leave without me. (Dan leaves.)", "Phoebe: Okay, gotta go, gotta go.", "(They put on their coats.)", "Piper: Uh huh, uh huh.", "[Scene: Eric's apartment building. Phoebe and Piper are walking down the hallway.]", "Phoebe: They're called Collectors. They're a warlock (Someone walks past them.) They are a warlock breed that drains knowledge out of peoples brains with that weird finger I saw.", "Piper: The book didn't say how to vanquish them?", "Phoebe: No, it just said their hunger for knowledge is your all.", "Piper: Okay, whatever that means. Are you sure this is where he lives?", "Phoebe: The hospital record said 5D.Here it is.", "[Cut to inside Eric's room. Two Collectors are there and are holding Eric down on a table. One Collector's finger turns into a needle. Piper and Phoebe walk in and Piper freezes them.]", "Piper: Okey-dokey.", "Phoebe: Oh my God, that is Dr. Stone. Eric's dad's doctor.", "Piper: Alright, let's get him outta here. We'll figure out what they want later. Are you ready? Do your little thingy.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(They unfreeze and Phoebe starts doing karate on them. Eric gets a gun out of a drawer.)", "Eric: Get back.", "(Eric shoots them.)", "Phoebe: Oh my God. (They stand back up.) Okay, let's go, let's go. (They run outside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen.]", "Eric: They're the one's who put my father in the hospital. They took his mind.", "Piper: Who do you think they are?", "Eric: (thinking) NCA, CIA, who knows? (out loud) Somebody in bullet proof vests. The question is- who are you?", "Phoebe: Friends.", "Eric: (thinking) Yeah, right. They're after the Akashic Records too.", "Piper: What are the Akashic Records?", "Eric: I knew it.", "Phoebe: Wait, what did you just say.", "Piper: The Akashic Records, what are they?", "Eric: You tell me.", "Phoebe: I'll tell you. They're a book of ancient prophecies. The future of the world down to the smallest detail hidden away and lost for centuries. But it's just a legend. How did you", "Eric: You're well informed.", "Phoebe: I read a lot. Piper, how did you know that?", "Piper: I'll tell you later. So, they want those records and they want Eric because he knows how to find them, right?", "Eric: Who are you people?", "Piper: What if it's not a legend? Say they're real. What happens if the bad guys get these records", "Phoebe: And they use the future against us? No more us. The bad guys win.", "Eric: I gotta get my father outta there.", "Phoebe: No, wait, Eric.", "Eric: He's stuck in the hospital and Dr. Stone's in on it.", "Phoebe: Eric, it is not about your father anymore. It's about you. Especially if they think you know how to find the Akashic Records.", "Eric: Try and stop me. (Phoebe grabs his arm and she flips him and he lands on his back on the floor. She sits on top of him.) How?", "(Prue enters.)", "Prue: Entertaining guests I see.", "Phoebe: Hi! (Eric tries to get up.) Piper, could you help me out a little?", "(Piper freezes Eric.)", "Prue: Who's the cute boy?", "Phoebe: He's Eric, from the hospital. Two warlocks called Collectors wants what's in his brain. The location of the Akashic Records. (Phoebe gets off Eric.)", "Piper: (thinking) The lost text that predicts all future events. Collectors get it, the world's a goner.", "Phoebe: It's a", "Prue: It's a lost text that predicts all future events. The collectors get it, the worlds a goner. I know.", "Phoebe: Okay, does someone wanna tell me what's going on here?", "Piper: (thinking) Have to tell her now.", "Prue: Okay, um, Phoebe. See Piper and I didn't really know about the whole pricking thing to expose a warlock. So, we sort of cast a little hearing thoughts spell, just to find things out.", "Phoebe: Oh, a hearing thoughts spell.", "Piper: (thinking) Dan's clean by the way.", "Prue: (thinking) Glad to hear it. Jack's not.", "Phoebe: Wait, are you guys thinking something about me right now?", "Prue: No. Does Eric know witches and warlocks?", "Piper: No, he thinks it's a government conspiracy. How do you know Jack's a warlock?", "Prue: I heard his thoughts and they are bad, really bad. You know graves, dead people, burnt bodies.", "Phoebe: Did you prick him?", "Prue: No, that's why I need Piper. Freeze him, prick him and then vanquish him if necessary.", "(Piper sees a dagger on the table.)", "Piper: Where'd you get that?", "Prue: Oh, remember the troubled priest with the warlock brothers? Well, they left this behind and I've sort of hung on to it just in case we needed it for future warlock use.", "Phoebe: Wow, it's been a while but it seems like they're everywhere. Okay, you two go to it, I'll stay here.", "Piper: What if the collector's show up?", "Phoebe: Well, just get back before they do. Don't lose that dagger.", "(Phoebe sits back on Eric.)", "Prue: (thinking) We have to go kill a warlock while she gets to sit on some guys", "Phoebe: Hey, hey, hey.", "Prue: You heard that?", "Phoebe: Like I need a hearing thoughts spell to know what you're thinking. (Piper unfreezes Eric.) Now, are you gonna behave?", "Eric: Do I have a choice?", "[Scene: Outside the museum. Dr Stone is there. The other Collector walks up to him.]", "Dr. Stone: Did you find Eric.", "Collector: No.", "Dr. Stone: Not good. He's been protected by a time freezing witch.", "Collector: And Bruce Lee's little sister.", "Dr. Stone: The Akashic Records are within our reach.", "Collector: It's going to be very difficult to drain his brain if they know what we're after.", "Dr. Stone: Not to worry. We'll get in his mind. To his heart.", "Collector: Oh, very nice.", "(Dr. Stone blinks and he disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Jack stands at the doorway.]", "Jack: Ah, there she is. Hard at work. Look, I'm glad you called. Can I come in?", "Prue: Sure.", "Jack: (thinking) Stay focused, get it over with.", "(Piper enters.)", "Prue: (thinking) Freeze him.", "(Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: The dagger, his hand. Just cut him, poke him.", "(Prue gets the dagger and cuts him.)", "Prue: He's not bleeding.", "Piper: He's frozen.", "Prue: Ugh, yeah, okay, okay, okay. Wait a minute. (She hides the dagger.) Okay.", "(The door opens and hits Piper.)", "Piper: Oh!", "(Another Jack enters.)", "Jack #2: Hey! Any survivors?", "(Jack #2 walks next to Jack #1. Piper freezes him.)", "Prue: Okay, there's two of them.", "Piper: Twin warlocks?", "Prue: Or, maybe they're just twins. Okay you unfreeze them, if that prick doesn't bleed, then that one's dead too.", "Piper: Alright.", "Prue: Right, let them go.", "(Piper unfreezes them.)", "Jack #1: Ow!", "Jack #2: What's the matter? She bite you?", "Jack #1: Your shouldn't be here.", "Jack #2: Come on man. I couldn't let you take all the blame.", "Piper: He's bleeding.", "Prue: Alright, this is my sister, Piper, which one of you jerks is Jack?", "Jack #1: Uh, I'm the jerk. This is my twin brother, Jeff.", "Jeff: Nice to meet you. Look, sorry for the little tap dance earlier.", "Prue: So, what exactly was it that you guys were trying to prove?", "Jack: It's just a little something we used to do growing Up.", "Jeff: Yeah, so, you know when one of us would take an interest in someone", "Jack: Don't get the wrong idea.", "Piper: So, you'd send the other one to check out the merchandise, sort of kick the tyres?", "Jeff: Crude but accurate.", "Prue: (thinking) Still doesn't explain why he wanted to kill me.", "Piper: So, uh, Jeff, what is it that you do for a living?", "Jack: Oh, great, this should be a conversation stopper.", "Jeff: I own a mortuary. Actually, a whole chain of them.", "Piper: (to Prue) Mortuaries.", "Prue: (to Piper) Put them in graves, set them on fire.", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "Prue: You know, you two should be ashamed of yourselves. (She walks up to Jack and slaps him across the face.) That's for thinking you could get away with it. (Jeff laughs. Prue slaps him too.) And that's for thinking you wouldn't get slapped. Piper. (They leave.)", "Jeff: I approve.", "[Scene: Manor. Eric is sitting at a table. Phoebe brings out some tea and pours it in two cups.]", "Eric: How did you know to be there to help me.", "Phoebe: Uh, it's a long story.", "Eric: Shorten it.", "Phoebe: I have this gift. I sort of know when things are gonna happen. If there's gonna be trouble.", "Eric: How?", "Phoebe: Just something I was born with.", "Eric: So, you don't work for some government agency?", "Phoebe: No, I'm just a girl. Now, let me ask you a question. This thing that you did, translating this ancient code or whatever. Why did you do it?", "Eric: I did it for my father.", "Phoebe: To finish his work?", "Eric: People hurt him and I wanted to find out who and I want to get even.", "Phoebe: Even out the risk of them hurting you?", "Eric: He's my dad. I love him and if I can't have him back, I want justice.", "Phoebe: I envy you.", "Eric: You're not close to your folks?", "Phoebe: My mum is dead.", "Eric: I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: And my dad is gone.", "Eric: You don't know where he is?", "Phoebe: I'm not really that interested.", "Eric: I don't understand that.", "Phoebe: You don't know my dad.", "Eric: Do you?", "Phoebe: No, I never got the chance to unfortunately. Okay, I'm a sucker for family. Follow me.", "(They walk out the room.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Prue and Piper enter.]", "Piper: (Calling out to Phoebe) Jack's not a warlock.", "Prue: He's a jerk.", "(Phoebe and Eric enter the foyer.)", "Phoebe: We're going to the hospital. We've got to get Eric's dad out of there and keep him someplace safe. Come on.", "[Scene: Hospital. Prue, Piper and Phoebe enter it. The place is deserted. The phone rings at the reception desk.]", "Piper: Where is everybody? Did you bring that dagger?", "Prue: Yep.", "(Eric walks up to the desk and sees the receptionist lying on the floor. Eric runs down the hallway.)", "Phoebe: Eric, wait.", "[Cut to Eric's dad's room.]", "Eric: Dad, we gotta get you outta here.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe enter.)", "Phoebe: Eric", "Eric: I'm getting him outta here, Phoebe. (Dr. Stone and the collector blink in the room. Prue uses her power and they fly up against the wall. The two collectors disappear.) What's going on?", "Prue: Later.", "Phoebe: Get him. We gotta get outta here.", "Eric: Where'd they go.", "Dr. Stone: Looking for that? (He holds up the dagger. He disappears.)", "Prue: He's got the dagger.", "[Cut back in the room. Prue walks outside and gets a wheelchair Dr. Stone appears behind Piper, grabs her hair and puts the dagger near her neck. The other Collector appears behind Eric and grabs him.]", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(Prue comes back in the room.)", "Dr. Stone: Move and she dies.", "(Phoebe grabs a vase of flowers and hits Dr. Stone over the head. He lets go of Piper and falls to the ground. Prue uses her powers and releases Eric from the Collectors grip. Dr. Stone blinks and appears next to Eric's dad. Prue gets ready to throw the dagger at them and they hold onto Eric's dad and blinks out of the room.)", "Eric: Dad?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the Hospital. Eric's running down the stairs. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are chasing him.]", "Phoebe: Eric! Eric, we still want to help you. Nothing has changed. (Eric stops running.)", "Eric: No, everything has changed. Some kind of monster's just took my dad.", "Phoebe: They're called warlocks.", "Eric: Warlocks? What does that make the three of you?", "Phoebe: Witches.", "Eric: Forgive me, but what you're saying is insane.", "Prue: Eric, you believe in the Akashic Records and all the power they represent, right?", "Eric: Yeah, I guess.", "Piper: Well, most people think that's a myth.", "Prue: But you now know that it isn't, so isn't it possible that other things like witches and warlocks actually do exist?", "Eric: Maybe, but why would warlocks want my dad?", "Prue: They're probably gonna offer you a trade. Your dad for what's in your head.", "Piper: And they can appear anytime, any place, which is why we need to get you back to the manor and you'll be safer than anywhere else.", "Phoebe: Okay, look, Eric. I am the same girl you met at the hospital a few weeks ago. The only thing that's changed is now you know our secret.", "Eric: It's one hell of a secret.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I trust you with it. So please, trust me in return. Look, if we're gonna save your father, we have to keep you safe until we figure out what we're gonna do.", "Eric: You do that. I have another idea.", "(He walks off.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm gonna go get him, you two get home.", "(She runs off.)", "Prue: Do we have to protect him?", "Piper: He is pissing me off.", "[Cut to the museum. Eric is getting a fire extinguisher.]", "Phoebe: Eric, what are you doing?", "Eric: You'll see.", "(They start walking through the museum.)", "Phoebe: We shouldn't be out in the open like this. It's not safe.", "Eric: Then go. I have something I have to do.", "Phoebe: What? What do you have to do? Get busted, Eric. (They walk up to the map stone.) Wow, that's the map stone isn't it?", "Eric: You know, my father thought it would be so wonderful translating it. A gift of knowledge, to usher the world into the new millennium.", "(He gets ready to break the glass. Phoebe stops him.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?", "Eric: If the Akashic Records are everything you say they are, they're not a gift. I mean, the Warlocks shouldn't have that knowledge and neither should the rest of us. With all the knowledge revealed, we could have no free will.", "Phoebe: And no world as we know it.", "Eric: Maybe no world at all. (Eric smashes the glass cabinet with the fire extinguisher. The alarm goes off. Eric gets the map stone out and throws it on the ground. It smashes. Everyone stands there shocked.) Now no one else will ever be able to translate the map. The only place of longitude as this is in my head. (They run off.)", "A Guy: I'll get security.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue and Piper are walking up the stairs.]", "Piper: Poor Eric.", "Prue: He'll be okay, we'll figure this out.", "Piper: Yeah, in the meantime warlocks have his father, I can't imagine how helpless he must feel.", "Prue: I can.", "(They walk in the attic.)", "Piper: Prue, a warlock didn't take our father.", "Prue: No, he left on his own.", "Piper: Do you miss him?", "Prue: I didn't say that.", "Piper: Do you think about him?", "Prue: Why? (Prue starts looking through the Book of Shadows.)", "Piper: Because I'm wondering if I'm the only one who does.", "Prue: No, you're not.", "Piper: So you miss him.", "Prue: I miss who he should've been and I miss who he never was but I don't miss him.", "Piper: I do.", "Prue: Right, can we get to work.", "Piper: Okay, let's save someone else's father instead.", "Prue: The only way to protect Eric is to take the information out of his brain forever. The spell is right here.", "Piper: Ah, but if we do that, Eric won't have anything to offer the warlock and they'll be furious and they'll kill his dad.", "Prue: Eric is innocent. Our priority is him.", "Piper: Yeah, but they're both innocents.", "Prue: Piper, I hope it doesn't come to this but we may have to make a choice.", "Piper: Why? I mean, there's gotta be another way with all the hocus pocus we have.", "Prue: Still may not be enough. I mean, we're talking about the future, everyone's future.", "Piper: So we have to sacrifice Eric's dad?", "Prue: For the greater food.", "Piper: Man, you can dress it up anyway you want, it still stinks.", "Prue: You know what? It sucks.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: Oh, that's Dan. I gotta deal with him. You gotta figure out what we're gonna say to Phoebe.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper opens the door.]", "Dan: You ready to go? (thinking) Oh man, she's not coming.", "Piper: Dan, look, I wanna go, I really do, I'm just not quite ready yet!", "(Phoebe enters the foyer.)", "Phoebe: Piper, any word from the (She sees Dan.) pizza guy? Hi Dan, we ordered pizza, would you like to stay for pizza?", "Dan: (thinking) No, I wanna go with her. But what's the point?", "Piper: Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking", "Phoebe: (thinking) Piper!", "Piper: But I can be ready on time.", "Dan: Okay, well, I have to leave in an hour or I'm gonna be late for the wedding rehearsals so the car's gonna leave the driveway at six. Hope to see you then.", "Piper: Okay. (She closed the door.)", "Dan: (thinking) Someday, someway, somehow, I'm gonna make it through that damn door.", "[Cut back to inside.]", "Eric: Have the warlocks made contact yet?", "Piper: Uh, no. Not yet. (Prue enters the foyer.) Where have you guys been?", "Phoebe: Well, Eric destroyed the map stone so we're covered there. Did you guys find anything in the book?", "Piper: (thinking) You tell her. I've broken enough hearts this afternoon.", "Prue: We'll both tell her.", "Piper: Uh, why don't you check your messages at home. Maybe they've tried to contact you there.", "Eric: Okay.", "(He goes in the other room.)", "Phoebe: What's going on?", "Piper: Can we talk?", "[Cut to the living room. Eric's checking his messages.]", "Operator: You have no new messages.", "[Cut to the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: Wait, you're willing to let Eric's father die?", "Piper: We can't risk losing Eric and allow the warlocks to gain future knowledge.", "Phoebe: But not at the expense of his father. We have to save him.", "Prue: Phoebe, we have to save everyone's dad. We have to protect the whole world from these warlocks and we can't do it if they have the records.", "Phoebe: So, what am I supposed to tell Eric? That we might have to sacrifice his father? I can't do that, I promised him that we would save him.", "(She starts to leave.)", "Piper: Phoebe", "Phoebe: (thinking) You don't even care. (She turns around.) I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I don't know why I even thought it.", "Prue: Do you want us to tell him?", "Phoebe: No, it's something I have to do.", "[Cut to the living room. Eric's phone rings. He answers it.]", "Eric: Hello?", "Dr. Stone: Eric, I assume you know who this is?", "Eric: Where's my father?", "Dr. Stone: Oh, so you do know. Good.", "[Cut to the collectors. Eric's dad is in a wheelchair.]", "Dr. Stone: Say hello to Eric, Ben.", "(He puts the phone up to Ben's ear.)", "Ben: Son?", "Eric: Dad?", "Ben: I feel so odd.", "Eric: Dad.", "(The collector puts his needle finger in Ben's head.)", "Dr. Stone: Oh, he's gone, Eric. But I can bring him back and give him to you. All I want in exchange is what's in ;your head.", "Eric: Where can I find you?", "Dr. Stone: The Oak Grove, the west end of Golden Gate Park. Half an hour. Alone. Without the witches.", "(Phoebe comes in.)", "Phoebe: Eric? (Eric hangs up.) Any messages?", "Eric: Uh, no, not yet.", "Phoebe: Eric", "Eric: Listen, before you say another word, I just want to say thank you for everything that you've done for my father. For everything you'd tried to do. Are you sure you're not an angel?", "Phoebe: No, I'm no angel. I could probably introduce you to one though.", "Eric: It's a shame your father is not a part of your life. He would be so proud of you.", "Phoebe: Uh, Eric, I-I need to talk to you about you and your dad.", "Eric: Okay. Maybe we should have another cup of tea first.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll go get it.", "Eric: Thanks.", "(She goes in the kitchen. Eric starts walking towards the door. Prue and Piper come in.)", "Piper: Eric, where are you going?", "Eric: Uh, I'm just gonna go out and get some air. (thinking) The Oak Grove, Golden Gate Park.", "Prue: Phoebe!", "(Eric leaves. Phoebe comes in.)", "Phoebe: Where is he going?", "Piper: He was thinking Golden Gate Park.", "Phoebe: Oh my God, the warlocks must of contacted him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Golden Gate park. Prue, Piper and Phoebe get out of the car.]", "Prue: Alright, there are oak trees everywhere.", "Phoebe: (thinking) What if we're too late?", "Piper: Phoebe, stop thinking that.", "Phoebe: Will you get out of my head please.", "Prue: Alright, the Book Of Shadows said that their hunger is their all, so there must be a way to use the knowledge that they require against them.", "Piper: Or use their greed to trap them.", "Prue: Yeah, well, if all else fails, then we'll freeze them and move them long along for Eric to get away.", "Phoebe: And save his father. Right? Look, it just seems to me that we should do everything we possibly can to reunite Eric with his father. I mean, imagine a dad who actually wants to be with his father.", "Prue: Pheebs, we'll do our best.", "Phoebe: Okay, then we should split up. The first one that sees him hollers.", "(They all walk of in different directions.)", "[Cut to Prue. She's walking along and then a peacock makes a noise and runs past her. It scares her, she screams and puts her fists up. She calms herself down and continues walking.]", "[Cut to Eric. He sees the collectors with his dad.]", "Eric: Dad!", "Dr. Stone: That's close enough, Eric. I can restore him or I can kill him, Eric. That choice is mine.", "Eric: Restore him or you don't get what you want. That choice is mine.", "Dr. Stone: No, no, no. You can't bargain, Eric. We're in control here.", "Eric: Let's check again. (He lifts up his shirt and there's a gun in his pants.) Who's got the upper hand?", "Collector: Haven't you been paying attention? That gun won't do anything to us.", "Eric: No, but it'll blow my head off and if I do that, you won't get the second half of the map. Restore him. (He holds the gun up to his head.) Now! (The Collector puts his needle finger in Eric's dad's head and restores him.) Dad?", "Ben: Son? Eric, what are you doing?", "Eric: Dad. (Eric starts walking towards him. Dr. Stone disappears and reappears behind Eric. He grabs Eric and sticks the needle finger in Eric's head.)", "Dr. Stone: Goodbye now, Eric. Like I said, we're in control.", "(Phoebe sees them, runs up to Dr. Stone and kicks him. He falls to the ground. The other Collector walks up behind Phoebe and sticks his needle finger in her head. Prue finds them, uses her power and the Collector goes flying and hits the ground. Prue runs over to Phoebe.)", "Prue: Phoebe. (Piper finds them. Dr. Stone disappears and the Collector stands up.)", "Piper: Prue, watch out.", "Collector: That's right, witches, come and get me. (thinking) Don't blink. Keep them focused on me. Let him surprise them from behind.", "Prue: (thinking) Don't freeze him.", "Piper: (thinking) Why not?", "Prue: (thinking) Didn't you hear his thoughts? He's playing decoy. Let him think that it's working. (Dr. Stone appears behind Prue. Piper freezes them. Prue moves them closer together with their fingers near their heads. Piper unfreezes them and the Collectors' fingers go inside each other's heads. They disappear.)", "Prue: You know, they really shouldn't of given us the finger.", "Piper: You read my mind.", "(Phoebe wakes up. Prue and Piper walk over to her.)", "Phoebe: Prue. Piper.", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I think so. What are we doing in the park? (Eric and his dad start waking up.) Who are those people?", "Prue: You don't recognise Eric?", "Phoebe: No. Why? Should I? Should I?", "Piper: What's the last thing you remember?", "Phoebe: The Halloween party.", "(They help her up.)", "Piper: That was three weeks ago.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Prue: (to Eric) Are you alright?", "(She helps him up.)", "Eric: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little confused. What am I doing here?", "Piper: You don't recognize her?", "Eric: No (to Phoebe) I think I've seen you at the hospital.", "Phoebe: Who's the cute guy?", "Piper: Shh", "(Prue helps his dad up.)", "Eric: Dad?", "Ben: Eric.", "Eric: Oh my God, you're better.", "Ben: What's going on? What's happening?", "Eric: I don't know.", "Phoebe: Did we do something good?", "Prue: You did something incredible.", "(Eric and his dad hug.)", "[Scene: Manor. Prue and Piper are running down the stairs. Piper's carrying a bag.]", "Prue: Okay, what am I thinking?", "Piper: That Dan's gonna leave without me.", "Prue: Nope. Good, the spell's reversed.", "Piper: What a relief. (They walk in the foyer.) I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that man and especially woman, aren't meant to hear each others thoughts. (She puts on her coat.)", "Prue: Definitely. Too much knowledge whether it comes from the Akashic Records or other peoples heads is just dangerous stuff.", "Piper: So, what were you thinking?", "Prue: I was thinking what a shame it was that Phoebe finally met a nice guy and she's not even gonna remember it.", "(The door opens and Phoebe walks in carrying a bunch of flowers.)", "Phoebe: Hi!", "Prue: Hi. Ah, they're gorgeous.", "Phoebe: They're for you. The florist left them on the porch but there's no card.", "Prue: They're huge.", "Piper: They're expensive.", "(A phone rings.)", "Prue: And they're ringing. (She finds a phone in the flowers.) Hello? (She walks into the living room.)", "Piper: Dan! He's leaving without me.", "Phoebe: Well, don't just stand there. Freeze him.", "Piper: Oh, right. (Piper freezes him.) I gotta go. (She leaves.)", "Phoebe: That's such a nifty little power.", "(She walks into the living room. Prue's there trying to answer the phone. Phoebe sits on the same couch as Prue.) Oh, honey. (She takes the phone and flips it open. Prue laughs.)", "Prue: Hello?", "(Phoebe puts her ear up against the phone as well to try and listen.)", "Jack: At last. I've been calling you every twenty minutes for the last hour. Do you like the flowers?", "Prue: Jack, what do you want?", "Jack: You know, you are a very suspicious woman.", "Prue: No, I just like to think of it as careful.", "Jack: Oh, come on, Prue. Are you saying you've been totally honest with me?", "(Phoebe starts making noises into the phone.)", "Prue: Jack, I can't hear you. The phones breaking up.", "Jack: I just, I wanted to apologize. Can I take you to dinner?", "(Phoebe shakes her head.)", "Prue: I don't think so.", "Jack: Come on, let me buy you a drink.", "(Phoebe shakes her head.)", "Prue: I don't think so.", "Jack: Well, can I at least get my phone back?", "(Prue and Phoebe look at each other.)", "Prue: I don't think so. (Prue hangs up. They start laughing.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, I like it.", "(Phoebe takes the phone and starts dialing a number.)", "Prue: What are you doing?", "Phoebe: I'm calling Tokyo. Konnichi wa.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. A room. Phoebe's there putting magazines and flowers on a table. Eric enters.]", "Eric: Excuse me. I'm looking for a doctor Swinsley. I need him to sigh some insurance papers. I was told he would be in here.", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, he actually just took Mrs. Bruhn to the sun room. You could probably catch him there.", "Eric: Great. Thanks. You're Phoebe, right? I'm Eric Bragg. I think I saw you the other day at the park.", "Phoebe: Right, right, how's your father?", "Eric: Oh, he's better thanks. He's almost back to his old self. I remember, you were really sweet to him when he was in here. Not many people would of bothered. You must be an angel.", "Phoebe: No, I'm no angel. But I could probably introduce you to one if you like.", "(They smile.)", "Eric: You know, I just realized I have no idea where the sun room is.", "Phoebe: Uh, it's kind of complicated, maybe I should draw you a map.", "(They look at each other as though the word map, rings a bell.)" ]
They're Everywhere
[ "When the water demon that killed the Charmed Ones mother 20 years ago returns and starts killing again, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe must face him at the same camp where Patty was drowned to death. While there, they meet Sam, their mother's former white-lighter and learn some shocking secrets about their mother, one of which mirrors Piper's relationship with Leo. Prue goes to some drastic lengths to vanquish the water demon." ]
[ "[Scene: Camp Skylark. Prue is standing there looking out at the lake. She starts remembering about her mother's death.]", "[In the flashback: It's at Camp Skylark. You hear sirens. There's police cars and an ambulance there. You see Patty lying on the dock in a body bag with three people kneeled down next to her.", "Medic: Third drowning this year.", "Policeman: Anyone see it happen?", "Some guy: Is that her little girl? Get her away from here. We don't want her to see her mum like this.", "(You see little Prue standing on the dock.)", "Little Prue: Mummy!", "(A guy runs up to her.)", "Guy: Are you Prue? Your Grams said we'd find you. Why don't you come back inside with me, okay?", "(They guy picks her up and carries her off the dock.)", "Little Prue: Mummy! Mummy!]", "[The flashback finishes. Tears are running down Prue's face. Her phone rings and she answers it.]", "Prue: Hello?", "Piper: Prue, are you still on the road?", "Prue: Oh, yeah, traffic's insane.", "Piper: Some guy called from Bucklands. I thought you'd be back from the estate sale already. I was just calling to see if you and my car were okay.", "Prue: Yeah, we're fine.", "(The phone beeps.)", "Piper: Oh, that's um, that's probably Dan.", "Prue: You know, he does live like twenty feet away. You guys could get walkie talkies, two cans, a string.", "Piper: Point taken, mum.", "Prue: Um, alright, go talk to your boy, I'll see you later.", "(Prue hangs up. She starts walking towards the dock. She stands on the edge of it. She sees a guy in a canoe and the water starts bubbling next to it. He falls out and Prue runs along the edge of the water. The guy tries to get out of the water but can't. Another guy runs up to Prue.)", "Man: No, it's too late. It's already taken him.", "Prue: Just call 911.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's on the phone talking to Dan. She runs down the stairs into the kitchen. Phoebe's there reading the paper. Piper sits down at the table and pours cereal into a bowl.]", "Piper: Pouring.", "[Cut to Dan. He's eating Froot Loops.]", "Dan: Uh, chewing.", "[Cut back to Piper.]", "Piper: I can't believe you eat that stuff.", "Phoebe: You guys are killing me with cuteness over here.", "Piper: (to Phoebe) Don't you have somewhere to be, somewhere very far away. (Phoebe moves closer.)", "Dan: What do you say tomorrow, when Jenny's at school, we have breakfast for real?", "Piper: I'll take what I can get.", "Phoebe: Nausea. (Prue walks in.) Prue, what are you doing home? You told Piper that you were heading into the office.", "Prue: Yeah, things changed.", "Piper: Uh, Dan, I have to call you back, okay.", "Dan: Okay.", "(She hangs up.)", "Prue: Okay, I saw something or someone drown and it was anything but natural.", "Piper: On the freeway?", "Prue: No, up at the lake.", "Phoebe: Oh, wait a minute. The lake as in the lake, where mum was killed?", "Piper: You said you were stuck in traffic.", "Prue: Yeah, I was after the lake. I just go there sometimes to think.", "Phoebe: You never told us that.", "(They walk past the dining room and up the stairs.)", "Prue: Because I didn't want to make a big deal about it. Anyway, this isn't about mum, alright. I saw someone get pulled under, I tried to help him but this man stopped me and said \"Its already taken him.\"", "Piper: Do you think he knows what happened?", "Prue: Could. (They walk in Prue's room.) Which means I need to get to Bucklands to drop stuff off and get back to that lake.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, Prue, aren't you kind of missing the point? How can you think that what ever you saw didn't have something to do with how mum died?", "Prue: Look, we need to stop worrying about the past and start dealing with the present. They're re-opening camp.", "Phoebe: I thought they closed it the summer that mum", "Prue: Exactly. And no one has been allowed in the lake since and if there's something in it, killing, then the last thing we need is a lake full of kids.", "Phoebe: Well, how do we find the guy that stopped you?", "Piper: What about the woman who used to run the camp? Mrs. Johnson. If she's still up there, she'll probably know who he is.", "Prue: She's still there, same cabin.", "Phoebe: I guess you go up there to think a lot.", "Prue: I'll meet you guys up at the lake. I should be there in an hour. (She leaves.)", "Phoebe: Do you really think the things she saw has nothing to do with how mum died?", "Piper: Nope. You?", "Phoebe: Not a chance.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue walks in her office and Jack's sitting at her desk.]", "Prue: What are you doing here?", "Jack: Pondering the possibilities.", "Prue: Of?", "Jack: Redecoration. Where's your flair in this place? Panache? The Prue?", "Prue: What? Well, I don't think that's any of your business, Jack. Now, if you don't mind, I have a lot of work to do, so perhaps you could go annoy somebody down the hall.", "Jack: Actually already did. Signed the dotted line, they sent me to my office.", "Prue: Your office?", "Jack: Well, it's only temporarily of course until mine is ready.", "Prue: Wait, you think that you're working here?", "Jack: Well, you said we couldn't date and work together so since you won't date me, one out of the two will have to do.", "(She notices him wearing tight red shorts.)", "Prue: And you consider that proper work attire?", "Jack: Hey, if you can get away with wearing that, I can certainly get away with wearing this. And no wonder no one gets any work done around here, you look wooow!", "Prue: Flattery will get you nowhere.", "Jack: Well, got me this job.", "Prue: Okay, look, I have to go take care of some personal things, so until I get back let's just employ a hands off policy, meaning don't touch anything.", "Jack: Tell you what. Take your time, I'll sit back here and make myself comfy. (He leans back in the chair and falls backwards on the floor.)", "Prue: Really nice form, but the dismount could use a little work.", "Jack: Meant to do that.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: The lake. Mrs. Johnson's place. Phoebe's looking at a photo and Mrs. Johnson brings in some cookies.]", "Mrs. Johnson: Well, I'm finding it hard to believe enough times gone by for you to of grown up so much. Here. (She hands Piper the plate of cookies.)", "Phoebe: Aww, look at little Prue. Nice pigtails Piper. (She laughs.)", "Piper: Not fair.", "Phoebe: No, what's not fair is that I never got to go to camp with you guys.", "(She grabs the plate off Piper and starts eating a cookie.)", "Piper: Um, we heard you were thinking of opening up the camp again.", "Mrs. Johnson: Oh, was. I thought it was over and then today another drowning. I can't ask the campers to go swimming in the lake when", "Piper: Um, we were wondering if you might help us with something. Prue was up here the other day and she mentioned a man, um, older, a bit off.", "Phoebe: I think the word that she used was crazy.", "Piper: We were wondering if you might know who he is.", "Mrs. Johnson: Oh, Sam. Only one it could be. The man's not wired together properly. He showed up when the drownings started. He just stayed here, no friends, no life of his own. You know, with someone like that, you have to wonder what he's capable of. (Piper and Phoebe look at each other.", "[Cut to outside. Prue pulls up in Piper's car. She gets out and stares out at the lake. Piper, Phoebe and Mrs. Johnson walk up to her.]", "Piper: Mrs. J., you remember my sister, Prue.", "Mrs. Johnson: Oh, Prue, of course I do. It's good to see you. (They hug.) Wow! You're looking more and more like your mother everyday.", "Prue: Um, actually it's Piper who resembles her the most.", "(There's an awkward silence.)", "Phoebe: People see a little of her in each of us, I think.", "Mrs. Johnson: Of course. Will you come see me again? The old broad gets lonely up here. I love to see my campers.", "Piper: Sure.", "Mrs. Johnson: Bye.", "Piper: Bye.", "Phoebe: Bye. Thank you.", "Prue: Bye.", "(She goes back up to her house.)", "Piper She's not opening the camp, Prue.", "Prue: Really, so that means it's just between us and whatever's hiding in that lake. Any word on that crazy guy?", "Phoebe: His name is Sam and he lives right (Prue's phone rings. She answers it.)", "Prue: Hello, this is Prue.", "Jack: Hey, how's my favourite auctionette?", "Prue: Fine, how's my favourite auction-ass?", "Jack: Ooh, nice one. Hey, listen, I just wanted to let you know that since you're not here, I'm gonna take your twelve o'clock lunch with Mr. Fugimotto.", "Prue: Ah, no, no, no. Wait, Mr. Fugimotto is very particular.", "Jack: Prue, would your relax. I will take great care of your client okay. Later. (He hangs up.)", "Prue: I just can not figure out what this guy's deal is.", "Piper: That's funny, we were just gonna ask you the same thing.", "Prue: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Every time someone compares you to mum you flinch. It's a compliment, not a curse.", "Prue: Is it? Because every single day, I feel like I'm becoming more and more like her and everyday it terrifies me.", "Piper: Prue.", "Prue: I mean, don't you guys see it? Look at what happened to her and then look what's happening to me. No successful relationship with guys, being responsible for a family, now because of being this charmed thing, the very real possibility of dying young, it's like history is repeating itself.", "Piper: Prue, that's all just...", "Prue: Coincidence? I thought that we had figured out that nothing is a coincidence in our lives. Like me being here when that thing attacked, it's like I was meant to be here.", "Piper: Well, you're not exactly meant to be here when you're here every week.", "Prue: Alright, look, I just wanna find this Sam guy, see what he knows about the demon, vanquish it and get on with our lives.", "[Scene: Later on at the entrance to the camp. Mrs. Johnson is taking down a \"Welcome Campers\" sign. She hears a boat hitting the dock. She walks on the dock, and over to the boat. She notices it's not tied up and kneels down to tie it up. The water starts bubbling and a man jumps out of the water, grabs Mrs. Johnson and he jumps back in the water.]", "[Cut to Sam's place. Prue, Piper and Phoebe enter.]", "Phoebe: Sam? Be vewy, vewy quiet. We're hunting demons.", "Piper: I guess he's not home.", "(Prue looks through some sheets of paper and finds a picture of their mother.)", "Prue: Oh my.", "Piper: What? What is it?", "Prue: What is he doing with a picture of her?", "Piper: Who is this guy?", "Phoebe: Or what?", "(Prue finds some newspapers.)", "Prue: Okay, he has articles on every single drowning at the lake.", "(Piper finds a certificate.)", "Piper: \"New York teacher of the year, Sam Wylder.\" In 1872?", "Phoebe: Okay, so this guy is either 127 years old or", "Piper: A demon.", "Prue: Named Sam? A demon named Sam? I mean, can't it be his grandfather's certificate? After all, he did save me.", "(Piper opens a drawer and finds some letters.)", "Piper: What are these? I found... (Leo orbs in and scares Piper.) Whoa! Leo, hi, what are you doing here?", "Leo: Come on, we gotta get outta here. Sam could be back at any minute.", "Prue: Wait, you know Sam?", "Leo: Come on, we gotta", "Prue: We are not going anywhere until you tell us what you know. Who is Sam?", "Leo: Sam was your mum's Whitelighter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The lake.]", "Piper: Sam was mum's whitelighter?", "Leo: Emphasis on was. When your mum died, Sam clipped his wings. He's mortal now, but once, yeah he was a whitelighter. He looked after your mother.", "Phoebe: Then he lost our mum.", "Leo: To the same demon you're fighting now.", "Piper: And you knew? This whole time he's been living up here while", "Leo: I couldn't tell you. And what would it change? It would only distract you, maybe even gotten you killed. I mean, you guys were gonna have to face this thing sooner or later. And I'm here to make sure you do it with a clear head. Emotions will get the best of you if you let them.", "Piper: Well, can you really blame us?", "Phoebe: Leo, he let our mother die.", "Prue: Leo's right, this isn't about mum and it's not about Sam for that matter. It's about a demon who's waiting until tomorrow for brunch to be served.", "Piper: Mrs. J's not opening the camp.", "Prue: That doesn't end it, it just stalls it.", "Leo: You guys are behind and need to catch up. Book of Shadows, get a working knowledge of this demon before you face him.", "Phoebe: Hmmm, said like an unfeeling professional. This is personal for us, Leo.", "Piper: Leo doesn't do personal anymore, he just does his job.", "Leo: Now that I've done it, I guess there's no reason for me to hang around.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Okay, he's gone. Now you can explain.", "Prue: Explain what?", "Phoebe: Why you're acting like all of this doesn't phase you, Prue. We are talking about how our mother was killed.", "(They hear Mrs. Johnson screaming for help.)", "Piper: Is that Mrs. Johnson?", "(Piper and Phoebe run on to the dock. Prue stands on the edge.)", "Phoebe: Your hand, give me your hand! Prue, what are you doing? We need you. (Prue starts thinking about the day her mother died and when she's in the bodybag.)", "Sam: Get off the dock! It's her! It's taken her over!", "(Mrs. Johnson goes under the water.)", "Phoebe: Oh my God", "Sam: Get off the dock now! (Water squirts up in the air and they run off the dock.) Why didn't you listen to me? I told you to stay away from the lake. It only kills in the water. Why didn't you listen to me? Nobody ever listens.", "Prue: We know who you are.", "Sam: You shouldn't listen to people in town, they'll just tell you I'm crazy but I'm not.", "Piper: We know you worked with our mother.", "Phoebe: And lost her.", "Sam: I knew you'd come. I knew it. And then when I saw you (Prue) it's in your eyes, your mother.", "Phoebe: You have no right talking about her. You lost that right when you lost her. Why are we dealing with him?", "Piper: Because we need to know what he knows. Sam, you have to tell us about the demon.", "Sam: No, no, you can't fight this thing. It's under water but it has a it-it thinks. You never know where it's gonna be, who it's gonna be. Sometimes it takes over its victim's bodies to lure you to the water. Sometimes it doesn't. Leave now, please! Forget you ever came here. Forget you ever knew.", "Prue: How can we do that? I mean, it's out there killing. We can't just walk away.", "Sam: You really wanna know what I know? I know you're not strong enough or well versed enough in your powers to take this thing on. (to Piper) I know that you have the same power as your mother. The power to freeze. And you know what happened when she tried to use it. (to Prue) And I know you'll let your emotions get in the way, you'll lose focus and you'll lose your life. That's what I know.", "Prue: Well, you obviously don't know us that well because we're not leaving.", "Sam: Strong, willful, just like Patty.", "Prue: I'm nothing like my mother.", "Sam: But you're here. Just like she was.", "Prue: But we'll beat it. Now, you have one choice. You can either get on board or get the hell out of the way.", "Sam: The power of three. Okay, okay. If you're gonna do this then you're gonna need me to help you.", "Phoebe: Alright, enough of this. How do we kill it?", "Sam: You don't. (He blows magical dust at them.) Now, you're gonna go home and you're gonna go directly to bed. Then when you wake up tomorrow you will not remember coming to the lake, or discovering the demon, or meeting me. I can't let it happen again.", "[Scene: Manor. It's morning. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk out of their rooms.]", "Prue: I fell asleep, woke up, and suddenly it's Thursday.", "Phoebe: I don't feel so good.", "(Piper's scratching her arms.)", "Prue: Oh! What's that?", "Piper: I don't know. I itch everywhere.", "Phoebe: It looks like the time Prue got poison ivy.", "Piper: But Prue got poison ivy at camp and", "(The doorbell rings.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Piper answers the door. Dan's standing there holding a tray with bowls of cereal on it. Piper looks confused.]", "Dan: You don't look hungry, you look confused, and you're contagious.", "Piper: Dan, what are you ?", "Dan: Breakfast. Me, you, here, remember?", "Piper: Uh, everything's a little hazy this morning.", "Dan: Well, is there anything I can do?", "(Leo orbs in behind the door.)", "Piper: You can hold that thought. (She freezes him and closes the door.)", "Leo: What are you doing here?", "Piper: What are you doing here? I live here. What, are you checking up on me and Dan? I thought we talked about this.", "Leo: It has nothing to do with him. Why aren't you up at the lake?", "(Prue and Phoebe walk in the foyer.)", "Phoebe: What lake?", "Leo: Look, nobody has shut down the camp, so the kids are on their way there now. (Prue, Piper and Phoebe look confused.) He did it didn't he?", "Prue: Did what?", "Phoebe: Who did what? Who is he?", "Leo: Sam, used a power, sort of like a supernatural mickey. He must of gotten it from...", "Prue: Mum.", "Leo: Good, it's fading. Now, concentrate. It's sort of like remembering a dream. Okay, the lake, the kids, the demon, Sam.", "Piper: Sam? Why would he do this to us?", "Leo: To keep history from repeating itself.", "Piper: Oh, just a sec, you guys scoot. Go, go, go. (Prue and Phoebe walk in the living room. Piper opens the door. Dan unfreezes.) Dan, I know we were supposed to do this this morning, but I'm really not feeling up to it.", "Dan: Well, I'll cook while you scratch.", "Piper: I can't, there's just some stuff, family stuff going on.", "Dan: Say no more. I completely understand.", "Piper: I'd kiss you but", "Dan: But you're contagious. Tomorrow. I'm just glad you can tell me things.", "Piper: Well, I feel like I can tell you anything. (Dan leaves. Piper closes the door.) Except that there's a demon.", "Leo: And that you're a witch. (Piper looks at him.) Sorry, that was", "Piper: The truth.", "(Prue and Phoebe come back in.)", "Phoebe: We should go get dressed.", "Prue: The only place you will be going, contagious girl, is back to bed.", "Piper: But", "Prue: But nothing. You just look in the Book of Shadows for this things Achilles heel.", "Piper: But what if there isn't one?", "Phoebe: Then we're screwed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The lake. Prue and Phoebe pull up in the car. They get out.]", "Phoebe: How are we doing in the plan part?", "Prue: I think that I just got one.", "Phoebe: I love when you take charge.", "Prue: Okay, you know that powder that Sam used on us? Maybe we should use it on the kids. Make them temporarily forget that they want to go in the water.", "Phoebe: And that'll keep them safe until we find out how to dehydrate this b*st*rd.", "Prue: Perfect.", "Phoebe: Oh! (They see the kids playing near the water.) Pre-pubescent demon food.", "Prue: Okay, go keep them out of the water. Tell them anything. I'll deal with Sam.", "(Phoebe runs over to them.)", "[Cut to Sam's place. Prue enters. Sam's sharpening an axe.]", "Sam: I knew I should've given you a stronger dose.", "Prue: Not only did you put my sisters and me in danger but you risked innocents lives. How could you?", "Sam: I did what I had to do to protect you and your sisters.", "Prue: Not that. This. All these years. How could you just sit here and watch them die? People that you were meant to protect.", "Sam: Well, in case you didn't get the memo, I'm not one of the good guys anymore.", "Prue: Part of you is. Part of you always will be.", "Sam: I've done nothing but make your life difficult. What makes you so sure?", "Prue: Because you saved me. You still have Whitelighter instincts Sam. You may have clipped your wings but this still gets you, it matters.", "Sam: What matters most was taken from me twenty years ago.", "Prue: Then we have something in common.", "Sam: You think I choose to stay here, to watch? That, that I'd get my kicks this way? I've been waiting for you.", "Prue: Why?", "Sam: I knew you'd come, and I had to be here to stop you. To, to save you.", "Prue: Because you couldn't save mum. Sam, I need the powder and then I'm gonna need for you to tell me how mum was gonna vanquish this thing. If you're gonna defeat your demon, Sam, then you're gonna have to help us defeat the one out there. We need your help.", "(Sam opens a drawer and gets out the powder.)", "Sam: I'll try to face mine. The question is can you face yours?", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Leo's got his hands above the Book of Shadows and the pages are flipping by themselves. He gives up and Piper enters carrying a washing basket.]", "Leo: I can't find anything.", "Piper: Well, then you don't have to stay with me. Looks of sympathy are not part of your job description.", "Leo: No.", "Piper: Um, why didn't your healing touch work? I mean, what, you can save a life but you can't cure poison ivy?", "Leo: It's not really up to me. I can only heal when they allow me to, when I'm meant to.", "Piper: Well, why weren't you meant to help me? Why wouldn't I be meant to help my sisters?", "Leo: There's always a reason. Maybe you're meant to be here.", "(Piper searches through the washing and finds some letters.)", "Piper: Dear Sam? Leo.", "Leo: What is it?", "Piper: Letters that my mum wrote to Sam. I must've forgotten about them because of the powder. \"Dear Sam, Where are you? It's been two weeks since you were last here and I wonder are you alright. Do they have you off guiding someone? And I wonder when they will send you back to San Francisco. To me.", "Leo: Is this a", "Piper: A love letter?", "[Scene: The lake. Phoebe and the kids are in some room.]", "Phoebe: Okay, how about Red Rover?", "Kids: Boo!", "Phoebe: Alright, alright, how about Thumbs Up, Seven Up?", "Kids: Boo!", "Phoebe: Ooh, ooh! Lanyards.", "Kid #1: This sucks. We wanna go swimming", "Kids: Yeah!", "(Prue enters.)", "Prue: Oh, shh, shh.", "(They stop cheering.)", "Phoebe: Oh, you know, I could've done that. Did you get the powder?", "Prue: Oh, I got rather more. (Sam enters.)", "Phoebe: Your didn't have to bring him.", "Prue: Yes I did.", "(Prue's phone rings.)", "Phoebe: Okay, you go deal with that, I'll take care of this.", "Prue: Okay. (She walks outside and answers it.) Piper.", "Jack: Piper? I hardly know her.", "Prue: Jack, I'm sort of in the middle of something.", "Jack: Yada, yada, yada. Look, I'm gonna conference Mr. Fugimotto about the carousel horse okay. Hold on.", "Prue: Uh, no, no, no, wait.", "Mr. Fugimotto: Hello?", "Prue: Mr. Fugimotto, hi.", "Mr. Fugimotto: Miss Halliwell, have you seen it?", "Prue: I'm looking at the object right now.", "Mr. Fujimotto: How is it?", "Prue: Um, well, yeah, you can tell by the jewel choker that it's an original carousel horse from the 1939 World Fair in New York City and", "Jack: Oh, and Mr. Fugimotto, there's another thing you should probably know about the piece. (He starts talking in Japanese. Then Mr. Fujimotto talks in Japanese.) Okay, good. I'll have the paperwork sent over today. Alright, bye.", "Prue: So, who are you crediting as the sales agent, Jack?", "Jack: Prue, do you not trust me?", "(Prue hangs up.)", "[Cut to inside. Phoebe blows the powder on to the kids.]", "Phoebe: Okay, now remember kids, on your way to bed, water bad, land good, water bad, land good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper and Leo are sitting in the cane chairs. They're reading the letters.]", "Piper: \"Sam, yes you were clear. My eyes were open to the difficulties, the risks, but my answer is the same as it was when you were still here with me. No one understands me the way you do, no one can.\"", "Leo: \"What I wouldn't do for what other people consider ordinary. A conversation that gets finished, a night spent uninterrupted. A night with you.\"", "Piper: It's like I could've written these.", "Leo: I wish you had.", "Piper: What would it have changed? Looks like this one is about our water demon. \"You can't be with me up at the lake. This demon is too strong and I can't risk losing you, not for myself or the others you protect. They must as always come first. You know I'd never face this demon if I didn't think I'd be home in time for dinner to see my girls, to see you.\" She never came home. When did this happen? Where was dad?", "Leo: Your sisters need to know about Sam, your mum, Piper.", "Piper: And if this demon is as strong as she thought, then they're going to need me but how do we get there in time to Can you? I mean, is that breaking the rules?", "Leo: What rules haven't we already broken? I'll have to hold you.", "(Leo holds Piper and they orb out.)", "[Cut to the lake.]", "Prue: It's time Sam. We need to know. How was mum gonna vanquish it?", "Sam: I don't know. I failed, I lost her, isn't that enough?", "(Leo and Piper appear.)", "Piper: Whoa, that felt really alright, oh, laying down now. (She sits down on a chair.)", "Prue: What are you doing here?", "Piper: He loved her.", "Prue: What? Who loved who? What is she talking about?", "Leo: Sam. Found the letters, Sam.", "Sam: Patty and I", "Piper: Fell in love.", "Leo: In the letters she told you to stay away. Not to go to the lake.", "Sam: But I did. I wouldn't have for anyone else. But I should've followed the rules, not fallen in love. I never would've been there. I never would've distracted her and she never would've died.", "Phoebe: You loved her and you blame yourself.", "Sam: Do you blame me? Everyday I wake up and for just a second, just a second I think maybe it didn't happen. Yes I blame myself.", "Prue: We have to see past our emotions to deal with this, Sam. So do you.", "Sam: Even so, it doesn't change the fact that I didn't see it happen. I tried to warn her and she froze me.", "Leo: Why?", "Piper: Because she was trying to protect him.", "Sam: Protecting was supposed to be my job. I couldn't help her, I don't know how I can help you, I didn't see what happened.", "Prue: I know somebody who can see anything.", "Phoebe: Oh, no. Wait a minute. You tiptoe around the subject of mum, you deny looking like her, you can't even go to the end of that dock because you're afraid to walk in her footsteps and now you want me to relive her last moments? How is that fair?", "Prue: It's not. None of this is. Mum's death, Sam's guilt. But I'm asking you to help me end it.", "(Phoebe walks over and holds Sam's hands. She has a premonition. In the premonition: Patty's on the dock. She grabs a power cable. Sam comes running towards her.)", "Sam: Patty, look out!", "(Patty freezes him. The water demon raises up and a whole heap of water falls on top of her. The premonition ends and Phoebe starts coughing.)", "Piper: Did you see her?", "Phoebe: It entered her and it drowned her from the inside.", "Prue: Phoebe, in your vision, what was mum doing?", "Phoebe: She was using something on the dock. Some... a wire?", "Leo: Power cable?", "Piper: Makes sense. Electricity is the only thing that separates water particles.", "Phoebe: So, what do we do differently?", "Prue: Maybe nothing. Sam, would mum's plan have worked if she had finished it?", "Sam: Absolutely.", "Piper: But you said her power, my power, doesn't work against this demon.", "Phoebe: So that's it. We use mum's plan with one difference. The witch at the end of the dock is not gonna be the one with the power to freeze.", "Prue: It's gonna be me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The lake.]", "Piper: Are you ready?", "Prue: Yeah.", "Sam: You don't have to do this.", "Prue: Yes, I do.", "Phoebe: Just focus on the demon, not what this is about.", "Prue: Right.", "Sam: Forgot how good this feels.", "(She starts walking to the dock.)", "Leo: Really? How's it feel to be mortal?", "Sam: Why would you want to know? (Prue's standing on the start of the dock. Sam walks up to her.) Let's go face our demons. (They walk onto the dock. Prue picks up the power cables.)", "Prue: Okay, you in the water. I know that you've been waiting for this. For me. Well, here I am, so come and get me. You took what matters most to me and as long as I live, you will never kill again.", "(The water starts bubbling.)", "Piper: Prue, behind you!", "(Phoebe and Piper start running towards the dock.)", "Leo: Piper, wait! (Piper freezes Leo.)", "(The water demon rises out from under the water.)", "Sam: No! Not her! Take me! (It then sweeps over Sam like a wave and enters his body.) Stay back!", "(Sam picks up the power cables.) Now! (The power turns on and Sam gets electrocuted. He falls to the ground.)", "Prue: No, Sam.", "(Phoebe and Piper run up to them. Leo unfreezes.)", "Sam: It's gone, it's gone.", "Phoebe: Leo, do something.", "(Leo tries to heal Sam.)", "Prue: What? Why isn't anything happening?", "Piper: Because it's not meant to.", "Sam: It's okay, it's time to go.", "Prue: No.", "Sam: I did what I've been waiting to do, I kept it from happening. History won't repeat itself.", "Phoebe: But you're going.", "Sam: I'm gonna see Patty again. (to Leo) Don't lose her. (Patty's spirit appears.) Patty? Patty?", "Prue: Say hi for me, for us.", "(Sam's spirit appears next to Patty. They disappear.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue enters her office. Jack's there.]", "Prue: Um, I have something to say, okay. I have worked at Bucklands for a year and a half and in that time I have survived take overs, near bankruptcy, and superiors from hell who have tried to kill me. So, whatever it is that you're planning to do or already done, nothing and I mean nothing will surprise me.", "Jack: I just need you to sign this. It's the confirmation sheet on the Fugimotto sale.", "(He shows her a sheet of paper.)", "Prue: You listed me as the sales agent.", "Jack: It was your deal wasn't it?", "Prue: You covered for me, I'm surprised. So, um, what do you say as a thank you, I take you to dinner?", "Jack: But wouldn't that be breaking one of Prue Halliwell's rules of etiquette?", "Prue: I've decided that even though mixing business with pleasure can have its very nasty consequences, it can also bear some fruitful rewards.", "Jack: Um, so, what's it gonna be? Nasty or fruitful?", "Prue: Well, that depends on how you do at dinner.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe's sticking Patty's letters in a photo album. Piper's sitting on the couch putting stuff on her poison ivy.]", "Phoebe: At least fighting this demon came with a consolation prize. I mean, it didn't bring mum back but these brought her closer.", "Piper: It's a good idea, Pheebs. Making a journal out of mum's letters.", "Phoebe: Yeah, not as good as the real thing though.", "Piper: Nothing is. (Leo orbs in near the kitchen. Piper sees him but Phoebe doesn't. He gestures with his head for her to go over there.) Um, tea. You want some tea? I'm gonna go get some.", "Phoebe: Sure.", "(Piper goes in the kitchen.)", "Leo: I don't want to interrupt.", "Piper: I think I can steep and talk at the same time. Do you want any?", "Leo: It's just this, this whole situation you know, Sam, your mum, those letters. He loved her. Like I love you.", "Piper: Leo, we've been through this before, we both know how we feel, but there are things, people involved now.", "Leo: Can you tell Dan the truth, Piper?", "Piper: That's between him and me. You and I have a job to do and I thought that we agreed to try and put that first.", "Leo: So did Sam and your mum. Look at the outcome.", "Piper: You're leaving aren't you? For good this time.", "Leo: I don't know. But I do know we have to stop working together because I can't stop loving you. Which means I can't do my job.", "Piper: And I can't do mine. I don't know how to say goodbye.", "Leo: Don't.", "(He orbs out. Someone knocks on the back door. Piper opens it. Dan's standing there holding a tray with bowls of cereal on it.)", "Piper: Dan, what are you doing at the back door?", "Dan: Well, when I knock on the front door I never seem to make it through the thresh hold. Hungry? Are you okay?", "Piper: I am just , I'm fine.", "Dan: Are you sure? I mean, you can tell me.", "Piper: I know, I'm just not very hungry.", "Dan: Come on, give it a try.", "(He eats a Froot Loop.)", "Piper: Okay, I'll give it a try." ]
P3 H2O
[ "When an assassin called Ms. Hellfire sent to kill the Halliwell's and all other witches on Friday the 13th is killed, Prue assumes her identity to find out who hired her. Prue soon finds this harder than usual since her boss gives her an ultimatum that she and Jack sell $100,000 worth of goods otherwise they'll be fired. After she is able to continue her investigation, Prue and her sisters have their paths crossed with the demon Barbas. Darryl learns that the sisters are witches." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Constance M. Burge & Sheryl J. Anderson", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Solarium. Prue's on the phone. Phoebe's sitting at the table eating her breakfast.]", "Prue: Alright, I can meet with the Curson Foundation at noon but then well have move my 1:00 lunch regarding the Low estate. That will affect slide presentation and my 4:30 meeting with the new printers. Have you confirmed Mrs. Swansen yet?", "Phoebe: The last Tai Kwan class is at seven.", "Prue: Okay. I can meet the printers at their office, walk to the Royal Hotel afterwards for my 5:30 with Mrs. Swansen. (to Phoebe) Just have enough time to make it to kick boxing class. (to Moni) Plane doesn't arrive till six?", "(Prue's cell/mobile phone rings.)", "Phoebe: So much for timo. Oh, that's your phone, I will get it for you.", "Prue: Thanks, it's probably Jack.", "Phoebe: You don't have time for Jack, literally. (She answers it.) Prue Halliwell's phone. (to Prue) It's Mr. Cauldwell's office.", "Prue: The new V.P. Monique, why is Mr. Cauldwell calling me at home? What? Emergency staff meeting. When this morning?", "Phoebe: 9:30. Be there or be fired.", "Prue: I'm on my way.", "Phoebe: Bye. (They hang up.) I am very tired and now I need a nap.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I need another me. I don't even have time to have fun anymore.", "(Piper enters carrying a bag.)", "Phoebe: Oh, look who it is.", "Piper: Morning.", "Phoebe: Hi. Do you recognize that person?", "Prue: I don't know, she looks vaguely familiar. Kind of like a sister we used to have. What was her name? Pi P", "Phoebe: Pi Pippy?", "Prue: Pipper?", "Phoebe: Whatever happened to her?", "Prue: I don't know. She fell in lust with the next door neighbour, started spending all her time there.", "Piper: That's because she could, for the first time in months, her life was nice and calm and normal. I don't even care that it's Friday", "Phoebe: Shh! Don't even say it.", "Piper: The 13th. See, I said it and nothing happened.", "(Suddenly someone starts shooting through the windows of the house. They scream and run past the dining room, into the living room. Prue and Phoebe dive behind the couch and Piper stays on the other side of the room.)", "Phoebe: I told you not to say it!", "Piper: Oh, so this is my fault?", "Prue: Run!", "Piper: No!", "Phoebe: Get your butt over here right", "(She runs past the table and freezes the bullets and glass that's coming towards her. She hides behind the couch. The person stops shooting and they peek over the top of the couch and the person starts shooting again. They duck behind the couch.)", "Prue: Oh, like I need this today. (The person stops shooting.)", "Phoebe: Since when do demons use bullets?", "Piper: Maybe it's not a demon.", "Prue: Who else would want to kill us?", "Phoebe: Well, you know, you were a little sharp to the mailman yesterday, we all know how testy they can be.", "(They hear the door knob on the front door rattling.)", "Piper: Freeze.", "Phoebe: Kick.", "Prue: Send flying.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(They wait for the door to open but then a woman comes out of the dining room. She shoots, Prue uses her power, the bullets stop in front of them and then flies back to the woman and kills her. Prue, Piper and Phoebe run over to her. The woman is bleeding.)", "Prue: Oh, my God, she's not a demon.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. They are looking at all the things that were in the woman's purse.]", "Phoebe: Multiple aliases.", "Piper: Foreign currency and throwing stars.", "(Prue winds up the lipstick and a blade pops up.)", "Prue: Not exactly Avon calling.", "(Piper finds a key to an apartment.)", "Piper: \"Sutro Heights Apartments.\" That's a lit scary. She didn't live too far from here.", "Phoebe: What's even scarier is that we've never been attacked by a mortal before.", "Prue: Yeah, I've never killed a mortal before either.", "Phoebe: Prue, you had no choice.", "Prue: Still doesn't make it any easier.", "Piper: Does it make it easier if the mortal was a hit woman?", "(Piper's looking at the woman's planner.)", "Prue: A list of names. So?", "Piper: Yeah, look closer. We're on it. Or at least one of us is. \"P. Halliwell\" and other that a \"M. Steadwell\" we're the only other name not crossed off.", "Prue: A hit woman. Someone obviously hired her. (Prue flips through the planner.) Someone who knew we have powers. I mean, look.", "Piper: Prue – Telekinesis, Piper – Power to freeze, Phoebe – Negligible.", "Phoebe: What? Negligible?", "Piper: Well, that explains why she drove us to the front door and surprised us from behind.", "Prue: So, why would a demon hire a mortal to kill us. It doesn't make sense.", "Piper: I just wish we knew about that part of the equation before we called", "(Darryl knocks on the door and walks in.)", "Prue: Darryl, hi, thanks for coming.", "Darryl: To tell you the truth, I'm not sure if I actually want to be here. Depends on whether or not you tell me the truth this time.", "Phoebe: Someone tried to kill us.", "Darryl: Did you see who it was?", "Prue: She's in there.", "Darryl: She?", "(Darryl walks over to her.)", "Piper: We were just sorta standing here talking when suddenly she started shooting up the place.", "Phoebe: A hit woman we think.", "Prue: She obviously wanted us dead, we were on her list.", "Darryl: And that's why you're standing here alive and she's in here riddled with bullets.", "Prue: It was self defense. You can check her gun if you don't believe us. The only finger prints you're gonna find on it are hers.", "Darryl: Begs the same question. How come she's got the bullets in her body if you didn't fire the gun?", "Phoebe: Do you really wanna know, Darryl?", "Darryl: Tell me.", "Phoebe: We're witches. We have powers.", "Piper: And we think that there's a how do I put this? A demon behind this.", "Prue: The only way for us to find out who it is, is if you can keep all of this quiet for as long as possible.", "Darryl: Let me see the book.", "(Piper hands him the planner.)", "Phoebe: There are nine names that are crossed out. Besides us there is only one name that's not crossed out.", "Darryl: \"Plastique, 10 a.m.\" Plastique explosives. For all we know she's probably got some place already rigged to blow.", "Prue: Maybe it's some place M. Steadwell is supposed to be at ten.", "(Phoebe looks at Piper's watch.)", "Phoebe: Okay, it's after nine already.", "Darryl: I'll check the ------, see if I can get an address.", "Phoebe: I‘m gonna go with you.", "Piper: Prue and I can go to her apartment and see if we can find anything there.", "Prue: After we make a quick stop at Bucklands.", "Piper: Are you kidding?", "Prue: Can't lose my job.", "Phoebe: What do we do with the", "Darryl: I can call in a favour and put the body on ice but it's not gonna buy you much time. One day max.", "[Scene: Bucklands. In an office. There's a staff meeting there.]", "V.P.: As the new regional V.P. of Bucklands auction houses, I'll be implementing a new course of action for the new millennium. (Prue sneaks in and sits down.) The problem is I don't know any of you well enough to know who's worth keeping and who's not.", "Jack: (whispering to Prue) You're late, partner.", "Prue: (whispering) We are not partners.", "Jack: Do you wanna bet?", "V.P.: Dark hair. Yeah, the one who tried to sneak in late. What's your name?", "Prue: My name? Uh, Prue, Prue-Prue Halliwell.", "V.P.: Yeah, right, okay, you'll be partnered with Sheridan there. Every employee in this room and their partner, has until tomorrow night to scour through the obits. Do whatever you have to do to raise $100,000 of auction material. (Prue raises her hand.) Yes.", "Prue: By tomorrow?", "V.P.: If you want to keep your job. Welcome to the new Bucklands. (He leaves.)", "Jack: Whoa. I guess we better clear the decks, huh? You know, Prue, we might even have to work over dinner.", "(Piper's standing outside impatiently.)", "Prue: Dinner, no.", "Jack: Come on, we're in this together aren't we?", "Prue: Yeah, but", "(Suddenly Prue astral projects outside where Piper's standing.)", "Piper: Prue?", "(The Prue inside the office is just sitting still with her eyes closed.)", "Jack: Prue? (Prue astral projects back into her body.) Prue, have you even heard a word I've said?", "Prue: No, I'm feeling a little weird. I'll be, uh ooh. (She gets up and walks over to Piper.)", "Piper: What the hell just happened?", "Prue: I don't know. I think it was some sort of astral projection.", "Piper: How did you do it?", "Prue: I don't know. I just had this desperate need for there to be two of me and all of a sudden there was.", "Piper: Do you think this is part of your powers growing?", "Prue: Maybe. I mean, if I can move things with my mind, why not my body.", "Piper: Well, let's just get out of here before it happens again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: In Darryl's car. Phoebe and Darryl are on their way to M. Steadwell's place. The sirens are on and Darryl's driving really fast.]", "Phoebe: Hey, you know, you can ask me anything you want about being a witch.", "Darryl: No thanks.", "Phoebe: It's actually really cool. We have this book. It's called the Book of Shadows.", "Darryl: Too much information, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: No, but it's", "Darryl: Nothing I want to know about. I'm serious. I don't want anything.", "Phoebe: Come on, you don't even know if we can fly or anything like that?", "Darryl: I don't even wanna know if you own a damn broom, a skillet, a cauldron, a dust buster, I don't give a damn.", "(He speeds around a corner.)", "Phoebe: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!", "Darryl: Phoebe, I stare down death everyday, but I'm trained to handle it and that's in this world. I don't know if I want to be dragged into another one.", "Phoebe: You know, I think it's too late, Darryl. But we won't let anything happen to you, I promise. Are you sure this is the right address?", "Darryl: Better hope so. It's the only M. Steadwell registered. Damn, it's almost 10:00.", "[Cut to M. Steadwell's shop. She puts the key in the lock. You can see a bomb attached to the door in the inside.]", "[Cut back to the car.]", "Phoebe: Oh, is that her?", "(They pull up outside the shop. Darryl gets out. M. Steadwell turns the door handle.)", "Darryl: No! Don't! No!", "(Darryl runs over to her and pushes her away from the door. The door opens and the place blows up.)", "Phoebe: Darryl?! Oh my God, is everyone okay?", "Darryl: Yeah. You okay, Miss Steadwell?", "Miss. Steadwell: It worked. I can't believe it. I cast a protection spell and it actually worked. My first spell. (She starts laughing.)", "Darryl: Don't tell me she's a witch too.", "[Scene: The hit woman's apartment. Prue and Piper walk in.]", "Prue: Look at this place. ------ pictures, silk woven rugs, I could get used to living here in a hurry.", "Piper: Yeah, you just have to know who to kill. I'm gonna check the kitchen.", "Prue: Alright, I got the bedroom. (She walks in the bedroom.) Wow! (She sees fur coats and leather clothes in the wardrobe.) Oh! Oh! Oh my! Oh, nice. Ooh.", "[Cut to Piper. She looks in the fridge and the cupboards. They're both empty.]", "[Cut back to Prue. She opens a cupboard and sees wigs and jewellery.]", "[Cut back to Piper. She looks at the mail and \"current resident\" is written on it.]", "[Cut back to Prue. She's now wearing a leather dress and coat. She looks in the mirror and starts twirling. Piper enters.]", "Piper: She must not have lived here long, all the mail is marked resident. Were you twirling?", "Prue: No but opportunity knocked and I did it... answered. Check out this wardrobe.", "Piper: Um, Prue, honey, focus.", "Prue: I can't. It's not just the clothes. Wigs, make-up kits, prosthetic enhancements.", "Piper: I wonder if anyone really knew what she looked like?", "Prue: I doubt it.", "Piper: If it weren't for the roses, we wouldn't even know what to call her.", "Prue: What roses?", "Piper: They're in the living room addressed to Ms. Hellfire.", "Prue: Really?", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "(Prue walks in the living room and reads the card on the roses.)", "Prue: \"Until we meet at last, Bane.\"", "(Three guys enter the apartment holding guns.)", "DJ: Don't move. Don't even flinch or you're dead. That's it, now slowly turn around. Watch her hands, she can kill within a second. Ms. Hellfire, I assume.", "Prue: You Bane?", "DJ: I'm his right hand man, DJ. Bane is very unhappy with you. He'd like to see you now.", "(Piper freezes them.)", "Piper: Okay, sorry to disappoint you boys. Let's go, get outta here, come on.", "Prue: Um, you know, they think I'm Hellfire.", "Piper: So", "Prue: So maybe I should go with them. I mean, maybe the best way to find out who hired her is to pretend to be her.", "Piper: Okay, that's very funny, let's go.", "Prue: Piper, I'm serious. I mean, you said yourself, nobody knows what she looks like, certainly not this Bane guy.", "Piper: Prue, somebody might know what she looks like.", "Prue: Yeah, but I can protect myself. I mean, I have something that they don't have. Something guns can't compete with.", "Piper: Today may not be the best day to boast about your powers.", "Prue: Okay, look, if this hit woman was hired by a demon, then it's only a matter of time that he finds out that P. Halliwell is still alive and send someone else. So we have to do something. I mean, if you've got any other ideas then I'm certainly game.", "Piper: I know, and unfortunately I don't.", "Prue: Okay, so unfreeze them.", "Piper: Is it just me or are you a little too eager to play this role.", "Prue: It's not a bad role to play.", "Piper: True. If you wanna get yourself", "Prue: I'll be fine.", "(Piper goes in the other room and unfreezes them.)", "DJ: Are you gonna make this easy or not?", "Prue: Put that thing away before you hurt yourself.", "(Prue and the guys leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bane's place. Bane and a guy is there.]", "Guy: I swear to God, Bane. I tried to get the money for you but I messed up, I messed up. I was scared, I didn't know how you were gonna react.", "Bane: You lied to me.", "Guy: I didn't know, I didn't know.", "Bane: You made a mistake and you're sorry for it, right?", "(Bane sees Prue walk in.)", "Guy: Yeah.", "Bane: Well, lesson learned alright. Just never lie to me again. Understood?", "Guy: Thank you.", "(Bane walks up to Prue.)", "Bane: Wow, you are more beautiful than I imagined.", "Prue: So we finally meet.", "Bane: Did you like the roses?", "Prue: I would have preferred orchids.", "Bane: Beautiful and honest. Let's take a walk. (to DJ) You know what to bring. (Prue and Bane walk up the stairs.) What do I call you?", "Prue: What you always call me.", "Bane: Ms. Hellfire seems so cold in person. Unless your emails to me has been a tease.", "Prue: I think you know me better than that.", "(They sit down.)", "Bane: Do I? You didn't confirm the Halliwell's this morning.", "Prue: Uh, I didn't have a clean shot.", "Bane: That's disappointing. What about the last one on the list?", "Prue: Steadwell? It was a blast.", "Bane: Like your style. Always have. The problem is you still got the Halliwell's but you've only got until midnight to take them out.", "Prue: Um, don't worry about the Halliwells, I know their every move.", "Bane: I'm getting a lot of pressure, you know.", "Prue: From who?", "Bane: You know.", "Prue: Of course.", "(DJ pours champagne in two glasses. Prue's phone rings.)", "DJ: Aren't you gonna answer that?", "Prue: Yeah. (She answers it.) Hello?", "Jack: Hey, what happened to you this morning, you completely disappeared.", "Prue: I'm with a client.", "Jack: Well, they'd better be a rich client. Time is money.", "Bane: Champagne? (Bane hands Prue a glass.)", "Jack: Champagne at this hour? Where are you?", "Prue: Me?", "Bane: To us. (They clink their glasses.)", "Jack: Hey, Prue, you know me, I'm all for having a good time but we're under serious pressure here.", "Prue: Yeah, I know", "(Prue astral projects to her office.)", "Jack: Are you there?", "Prue: Oh God.", "Jack: Prue?", "(She astral projects back in her body.)", "Bane: Are you alright? What happened?", "Jack: Prue, what the hell's going on?", "Prue: I'll call you back. (She hangs up.) Sorry.", "Bane: Maybe you better hold off on this one. At least until the job is completed.", "Prue: Guess I better be going.", "Bane: You're not going anywhere. Not without my driving ya.", "(Prue starts walking down the stairs.)", "Bane: (to DJ) Tell him, I'm on it.", "DJ: Hey, man, why me? I don't even know the guy.", "Bane: You will. Just go to my office, he'll show. Okay.", "[Cut to Bane's office. DJ walks in. Barbas appears.]", "Barbas: Looking for me?", "DJ: Where the hell did you come from?", "Barbas: You really don't wanna know. Trust me. Why aren't the witches dead?", "DJ: Witches?", "Barbas: Answer me.", "DJ: How'd you know they weren't dead?", "Barbas: One develops a sixth sense about such things when you've been in purgatory for as long as I have. I made a deal. It gives me a twenty-four hour window to break free but you people, you gotta kill those witches if I'm gonna be successful.", "DJ: Who are you?", "Barbas: A demon. A demon who has the power to turn the innermost fear of a mortal into reality and there's nothing you can do about it. Want to see? (He passes his hand in front of DJ's face.) Your greatest fear is that your boss is being doubled crossed and when he finds out he's gonna kill you for not protecting him. (A pretend Bane appears and starts shooting at DJ. DJ starts yelling. Bane then disappears.) Pretty cool, huh?", "[Scene: Manor. Dan's looking at the broken window. Piper's there holding the phone.]", "Dan: I can have my crew install some temporary windows some time by tonight.", "Piper: Great, thanks.", "Dan: You waiting for a call?", "Piper: Yeah, I'm just a little worried about Prue.", "Dan: I wouldn't blame you after what happened. What makes you think it was a drive by?", "Piper: Um, I don't know. A wild guess, I guess.", "Dan: I want you to move in with me.", "Piper: Huh?", "Dan: At least until the permanent windows are installed. If it's your sisters you're worried about, they can move in too. Since Jenny moved back with her folks there's just plenty of room.", "Piper: Uh, I don't know if that's such a great idea. Some of us don't wear pajamas.", "Dan: I'm serious. Because if things worked out, maybe you could stay permanently. If you wanted to.", "(Phoebe and Miss Steadwell enter the house.)", "Phoebe: Piper?", "Piper: In here. (to Dan) I don't know what to say.", "Dan: Say you'll think about it.", "Marcy: Oh, is he a war-- (Piper freezes her and Dan.)", "Piper: Who's she?", "Phoebe: Would you believe M. Steadwell. How's Dan?", "Piper: Just asked me to move in. Where's Morris?", "Phoebe: Uh, he's at the morgue putting the hit woman's body under Marcy's name. Where's Prue?", "Piper: Way overdue. She's assuming the identity of the hit woman.", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: Yeah, and guess what. She's got a new power, she can astral project now.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding me?", "Piper: Nope.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding me?", "Piper: Nope.", "Phoebe: I hate her.", "Piper: I know. Alright, I'm gonna send Dan home, you keep Marcy in the house until this is all over.", "Phoebe: Yeah, alright, then we'll talk.", "Piper: Yeah.", "[Scene: The hit woman's apartment. Prue and Bane walk inside.]", "Prue: Well, thanks for the (She sees orchids all around the room.) ride.", "Bane: You said you preferred orchids.", "Prue: I'm impressed.", "Bane: I'm glad. Now close your eyes. Trust me. (Prue closes them. He gets a jewellery case out of his pocket.) Alright, open them. (She does so.) And open this when I leave okay? Now remember, three Halliwell's by midnight. On second thought, make it by ten. It gives me more time to take care of them myself in case you fail.", "(He kisses Prue then leaves. She opens up the case and an expensive diamond necklace is in it.)", "[Scene: Coroner's office. A coroner is there. DJ and Barbas walk in.]", "Coroner: Wait a minute, you can't come in here. (DJ pushes him on to a table.) What do you want?", "Barbas: Why, your greatest fear of course. Which (He passes his hand in front of the coroner's face.) is being autopsied yourself.", "(An implement turns on and flies up in the air ready to attack the coroner. The coroner yells. DJ and Barbas open up a cold room and pull out a body. They unzip the body bag and the hit woman's in it.)", "Barbos: Doesn't look much like an explosion victim to me. (DJ shakes his head.) I think your fears of a double crosser are justified.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Marcy is looking in the cupboard.]", "Marcy: Oh my stars!", "(Phoebe and Piper walk in.)", "Piper: What is it? What's wrong?", "Marcy: You can't keep wolfsbane and holy thistle on the same shelf. Their harmonics are in complete opposition. I mean I don't want to second guess a sister witch but this is all wrong. I don't see how you can cast a spell that's worth a darn.", "Piper: Now wait just a minute, Missy.", "(A car door slams from outside. Phoebe looks out the window.)", "Phoebe: Oh my God. Prue's home I think.", "Piper: That's Prue alright.", "(They walk out of the kitchen. Prue comes in.)", "Phoebe: Wow.", "Piper: Gee, Prue, it looks like being a hired killer agrees with you.", "Prue: I don't want to risk anyone seeing me out of uniform.", "Piper: We've been worried sick about you.", "Prue: I'm sorry, I just didn't want to jeopardise my cover.", "Piper: And nice porsche. A gift from Bane?", "Prue: No, Bane prefers never mind. Look, I need to get back before they get suspicious. Tell me what you know.", "Phoebe: We know M. Steadwell is safe.", "Piper: Can't say the same for the kitchen.", "Prue: And idea why she was on the list?", "Phoebe: Could be because she's a witch. I mean, not a magical witch but a witch practitioner, none the less.", "Piper: A hyperactive witch practitioner.", "Prue: I wonder if all the names were witches? How many were on the list?", "Piper: Eleven. Except 'P. Halliwell' was only down once, so if you count us individually, thirteen.", "Prue: Thirteen dead witches by midnight on Friday the thirteenth. Ring any bells?", "Piper: Barbas.", "Prue: Gotta be.", "Phoebe: It can't be. I mean, we eighty-sixed him already.", "Prue: He must have found some kind of loop hole. I gotta get back to Bane, try and flush Barbas out.", "Piper: Prue, you can't go back there.", "Prue: Piper, it's almost eight. I have got to get to Barbas fast otherwise Bane's gonna want to see three bodies - our bodies.", "Phoebe: Have fun.", "Prue: Phoebe, I'm working.", "Piper: More like you're working it. Come on, Prue. I've taken a walk on the dark side. I know all the signs.", "Prue: Okay, so it's a little different.", "Phoebe: And dangerous.", "Prue: I can handle it.", "Piper: Prue, Barbas can paralyze you and use your greatest fear against you. You don't want to face that alone.", "Prue: How? I've already conquered my fear of drowning. What else can he do?", "Phoebe: Maybe tap into some other fear. You can't defeat him alone, Prue.", "Prue: I know that. But for now I'll be okay. I'll call you guys and check in in an hour.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: A night club. Prue walks in wearing leather pants, a small leather top and a long fur coat. Bane sees her. He walks up to her.]", "Bane: You look like you're ready to celebrate. Are the Halliwell's dead?", "(Prue takes off her coat.)", "Prue: The night's young. We have a little bit of business to discuss.", "Bane: What, all work and no play?", "Prue: Oh we'll play. Right after I get my money.", "Bane: Oh you'll get paid after their dead.", "Prue: You know, the boss has a nasty habit of disappearing in the middle of night. I'd hate for my money to disappear with it. Can I trust you? And Barbas?", "Bane: I'm disappointed you doubted even one of us.", "Prue: I wanna talk to him.", "Bane: Well, like you said, the night is young. (They walk over to where everyone is dancing. They start dancing really close together and they smile at each other. They start kissing. DJ walks up to them and taps Bane on the shoulder. They stop kissing.) DJ, what's your problem?", "DJ: I need to talk to you.", "Bane: Better be life and death. Excuse me. (He kisses the top of Prue's hand and walks over to the bar.)", "Prue: I'll just amuse myself. (to some guy) Hi.", "Guy: Hey.", "(They start dancing.)", "[Cut to Bane and DJ.]", "Bane: Make it fast.", "DJ: I just came from the morgue.", "Bane: Looking for a date?", "DJ: No, checking on yours. She's a fraud.", "Bane: What are you talking about?", "DJ: Marcy Steadwell isn't in the morgue and I think they real Hellfire is.", "Bane: I don't believe it.", "DJ: Barbas believes it.", "[Scene: Manor. Marcy is running through the house waving a smoking cigar-shaped object. Piper's on the phone.]", "Phoebe: Marcy, please.", "Marcy: (singing) Save your sisters moon with your protective beans.", "Piper: Oh, please stop.", "Marcy: (singing) Give all who dwell within this spell, sweet days and sweet dreams.", "Piper: Okay, that's all folks.", "(She freezes Marcy.)", "Phoebe: Who knew perky could be so annoying?", "Piper: How long do you think we can keep her like this?", "Phoebe: Your power, your call. Hey, did you reach Prue?", "Piper: No, she's still not answering her cell. She really should've checked in by now.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, maybe that's her.", "Piper: Ringing the bell?", "Phoebe: Well, maybe she lost her keys. Right, Marcy?", "(Piper opens her the door. Dan's standing there holding a piece of board.)", "Piper: Dan.", "Dan: Hey, Piper.", "(Dan walks inside.)", "Piper: Uh, Dan, wait.", "Dan: I wanted to bring this over than leave it with my crew. I'm having trouble finding enough fly wood. (Phoebe walks in the foyer.) Hey, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Hey, Dan. Piper, don't forget about the ... (She mumbles something.)", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "Dan: Is this not a good time?", "Piper: Never. I mean, always. Why don't you come in? Here, let me help you.", "Dan: No, I got it. (Piper helps Dan carry the board in another room.) Piper, I got it. Piper!", "(Phoebe goes back in the room where a frozen Marcy is standing. She has a blanket on her. Phoebe takes off the blanket and waits for her to unfreeze.)", "Marcy: (singing) Put those who dwell underneath this room.", "Phoebe: Okay, you know, Marcy, there's lots of rooms that need protecting upstairs.", "Marcy: Wait a minute, where did Piper go?", "Phoebe: Oh, she just cast a little spell of her own.", "Marcy: Ohh!", "Phoebe: Yes, lots of rooms upstairs, honey. Quietly, quietly.", "[Cut to the living room.]", "Dan: So, how you doing?", "Piper: Fine. It wasn't that heavy.", "Dan: No, I'm talking about everything.", "Piper: Oh, I'm fine with that too. I'm just actually a little stressed. But everything's gonna be okay.", "Dan: So have you thought anymore about my offer? (Piper doesn't know what to say.) Hey, you know what? I don't wanna push you.", "Piper: I know. It's just everytime I think I have something figured out, things tend to shift.", "Dan: What things? Hey, you just let me know when you're ready.", "(They kiss.)", "[Scene: The hit woman's apartment. Prue and Bane walk in.]", "Prue: You know, it's not midnight yet, we still have time. Lots of time.", "Bane: Do you think you could fool me? Get away with it? You killed the woman I loved.", "Prue: What are you talking about?", "Bane: You killed Hellfire.", "Prue: I am Hellfire.", "Bane: Liar!", "(He pushes her. Barbas appears.)", "Barbas: So very nice to see you again, Miss Halliwell.", "(He passes his hand in front of Prue's face.)", "Bane: Halliwell? From the list?", "Barbas: Well, well, well. Can't say that I'm surprised. You greatest fear is that someone will kill your sisters.", "Prue: No.", "Barbas: Oh, yes. the demons are after them. Even as we speak. They have assumed your sisters identities in order to kill them. But you must kill the imposters first by midnight.", "Prue: Kill the imposters.", "Barbas: Yes.", "Bane: Then I get to deal with her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. The doorbell rings. Phoebe answers it.]", "Phoebe: Hey, Darryl.", "Darryl: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Come on in. Thanks for coming so fast. We need you to baby-sit.", "Darryl: Is this one breathing?", "Phoebe: Yes, this one is breathing.", "Darryl: Good. Where you headed?", "Phoebe: To find Prue. She's impersonating the hit woman.", "Darryl: What?", "Phoebe: It's a long story and you wouldn't like it but she was supposed to check in by now.", "Darryl: I'm going with you.", "Phoebe: No, no, you can't. I appreciate but you can't come with us.", "Darryl: You don't have to hide anything from me anymore.", "Phoebe: I know that, Darryl, but believe me you don't wanna be anywhere near us right now. We would never forgive ourselves if anything happened to you.", "Darryl: What, wind up like Andy?", "Phoebe: We won't let that happen.", "(Piper and Marcy come down the stairs.)", "Marcy: Which cleanses the aura of the house and makes it strong.", "(She quirts potion stuff in the air.)", "Piper: Give me strength. Hi, Darryl.", "Darryl: Piper. You're gonna have to come with me, Miss Steadwell.", "Piper: Okay, thanks for everything, Marcy. Bye, bye.", "Marcy: Oh, is this about the explosion at my shop?", "Darryl: Yes. Until we close the case, you'll be safer with me.", "Marcy: Oh, I think you have that backwards, Inspector. The protection spell I cast has been doing such a bang up job for these girls, just think what it could do for you.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, we thank you for that protection spell. Thank you so much and now we have to go now.", "Marcy: Come Inspector, my work here is done.", "(She squirts the potion in the air.)", "Darryl: Why don't we leave this here.", "(He gives Phoebe the potion. They leave.)", "[Scene: The hit woman's apartment. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Phoebe: Are you sure that was the porsche parked out front?", "Piper: Positive. Prue's here somewhere.", "Phoebe: Let's just hope she's alone. (Prue walks in the room.) Prue.", "Piper: We've been so worried.", "(Prue uses her power and Piper falls to the ground.)", "Phoebe: Prue? (Prue then uses her power on Phoebe and she falls on the ground. Phoebe crawls over to Piper.) You right?", "Piper: No, I'm not. (They stand up and walk quickly outside in the hallway.) What is going on?", "Phoebe: I think you need to freeze her fast.", "Piper: Good witches don't freeze remember.", "Phoebe: She doesn't look so good now.", "(Prue walks in the hallway.)", "Prue: I won't let you kill my sisters.", "(There's a plate on a stand in the hallway. Prue uses her power and it flies towards Phoebe and Piper. They duck and it smashes against the wall.)", "Piper: She's flipped out.", "Phoebe: The patio. Fast. Come on. (They run onto the patio and hide behind lattice.) Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.", "(She's about to sneeze.)", "Piper: Don't, don't, don't, don't.", "(Phoebe sneezes. Prue sees them.)", "Phoebe: She doesn't know we're her sisters.", "Piper: Okay, we gotta make her choose. We've gotta try and convince astral Prue. Make her wanna be in two places at once. You ready?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Go, go.", "(They run in two different directions. Prue stands there. She doesn't know which way to go.)", "Phoebe: Hi!", "Piper: Come on, Prue. Come get me.", "Phoebe: Uh, no, it's me you want. Over here.", "Piper: No, Prudence. Come on, me.", "Phoebe: No, me.", "(Prue astral projects.)", "Piper: Phoebe. Phoebe, we need to hurry before she becomes one again. Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Prue, Barbas has brainwashed you.", "Prue: You're going to hurt my sisters.", "Piper: Prue, we're your sisters. Listen to me. You gave me the chicken pox.", "Phoebe: Remember, I taught you how to French kiss.", "Piper: You broke your ankle when you were seven. Come on, Prue. We went to Duran Duran together. You stretched out my leg warmers.", "Phoebe: And then you gave them to me.", "Prue: How do you know all this?", "Phoebe: Because we're your sisters, Prue.", "Prue: Sisters.", "(She hugs Phoebe and astral projects back in her body.)", "Phoebe: Prue, are you with us?", "Prue: I want Barbas.", "Piper: All we have to do is lay low until midnight and then he'll disappear and go back to wherever the hell it is he came from.", "Prue: No, he's back early. He knows what rules apply or don't. I don't wanna take any chances. Let's go show him what his greatest fear is.", "[Cut to the apartment. The clock reads 11:57.]", "Barbas: If she's not back in one minute, then I'm gonna spend my last two minutes killing you.", "Bane: Hey, I didn't come to you. You came to me remember.", "Barbas: If you hadn't been blinded by your passion, then I would be minutes away from freedom right now. (Prue walks in.) Are they dead?", "Prue: They're right where they belong.", "(Phoebe and Piper walk in.)", "Barbas: Kill them.", "(Bane gets out his gun and Piper freezes them.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, I'm beginning to see your attraction to the dark side.", "Prue: It wasn't just his dark side I was attracted to. Do you think you can just unfreeze him?", "Piper: I don't know, I've never tried.", "(Phoebe takes the gun out of Bane's hand. Piper unfreezes Bane.)", "Phoebe: Looking for this?", "Bane: What's going on?", "Prue: Witchcraft at its best.", "(Prue uses her power and Bane flies across the room. Barbas unfreezes. The clock chimes.)", "Barbas: No! No! Nooo!", "(Barbas spins in a circle and disappears.)", "Phoebe: I never get tired of kicking his butt.", "(Prue walks over to Bane.)", "Prue: Just a little something to think about in jail.", "Bane: It won't be the only thing I think about, I promise.", "Prue: Is that a threat?", "Bane: No. It's a compliment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe and Piper are cleaning the windows.]", "Phoebe: Dan did a really good job with these windows. He is obviously very good with his hands.", "Piper: Hey, hands off those hands.", "Phoebe: So, did you decide whether or not you're gonna move in with him?", "Piper: I have to admit it's very tempting.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, you gotta do what you gotta do. And you deserve to be happy. And don't worry about us, we'll be fine. Especially if I get your room.", "Piper: Yes, you could have my room. That is if I was moving out.", "Phoebe: Oh, you're not gonna move out? Oh, that is so good because you need to be with your sisters just a little while longer.", "Piper: I adore Dan but it's just way too soon for me to move in with him. There's just a few things I need to figure out first. Are you happy now?", "Phoebe: I'm delirious. Thank you.", "(Prue comes in. She's talking on the phone.)", "Prue: Well, just tell Marcy that she can sell the ring and use the money to rebuild the bookstore. It's a thank you for protecting us. No Darryl, the ring is not hot. I'll talk to you later. (She hangs up.)", "Phoebe: So, what else did Hellfire get from Bane?", "Prue: Diamond necklaces, bracelets, mahogany, a Salvador dolly.", "Piper: You can't really keep all that stuff can you?", "Prue: No. (Piper shakes her head.) No. It wouldn't really be right but maybe I can figure out a way to use it for some good and save my job. And if not, I can always astral project and job hunt twice as fast.", "Phoebe: Sure, just rub it in. I would love to be in two places at once.", "Prue: As long as one of those places is fun, I'll be happy. I think I may have learned a few things from Ms. Hellfire. (The doorbell rings.) You know, change my routine, shake things up a little bit. (Phoebe and Piper laugh. Prue goes and answers the door.) Jack.", "Jack: You know, Prue, it is bad enough that you don't answer your phone, come into the office or otherwise appear to be doing your job but now you're gonna take me down with you. What do you got to say for yourself?", "Prue: $275,000.", "Jack: Excuse me?", "Prue: The market value of the anonymous estate donation I've been out acquiring. The one request is that all proceeds go to Stop the Violence foundation. Not bad for a days worth of work now is it?", "Jack: No, it certainly isn't. And you know, I never doubted you for a moment, partner.", "Prue: Liar. Let's go celebrate, partner.", "Jack: Okay." ]
Ms. Hellfire
[ "When Phoebe has a powerful vision involving a ghost looking to exact revenge on an apparently abandoned baby, she talks Darryl into letting her take the baby back to the manor in order to protect him. Prue and Piper assist by tracking down the matriarch of the baby's family to discover the reason why the ghost is trying to harm the baby before he meets the same fate as the other male members of the family. While this is going on, Jack tries to convince Prue to go on a business trip with him, and Piper and Dan get a taste in what life would be like while watching over the baby." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Solarium. Piper's putting baby things in a basket. Prue comes in.]", "Prue: Piper, have you seen slides anywhere?", "Piper: By the TV.", "Prue: Thank God. I thought that I lost them. Jack would've killed me.", "(She gets the slides off the TV.)", "Piper: Jack?", "Prue: The boss is sending two employees with the best presentation to New York for a conference, all expenses paid and Jack and I are hoping he picks us.", "Piper: Are you gonna sleep with him?", "Prue: Piper, it is just a business trip, that is all. Who's the present for?", "Piper: Lisa Kreegers baby shower.", "Prue: I forgot.", "Piper: I know. So did Phoebe. But I'm making it from all of us.", "Prue: What's all in here?", "Piper: Stuff, and I just knitted her a little baby blanket, that's all.", "Prue: You knit? I didn't know that you knit.", "Piper: Yeah, and I even had some extra yarn left over and I made her a little bear to match. Kinda cute, huh?", "(Piper holds up a cute little blue bear.)", "Prue: Oh, hi, ooh, he's adorable. (She takes the bear off Piper.) I guess this is really good practice for you, huh?", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Prue: You, Dan, little Dan.", "Piper: Whoa, slow down. Dan is the one that has our relationship on the fast track, not me. But don't get me wrong, he's great, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to move in with him or anything else of that nature.", "Prue: (Sarcastically) You know, I just hate guys who aren't afraid to commit, they are so atypical.", "Piper: It's not funny, Prue, it's a problem.", "Prue: Piper, I don't really see what the problem is. I mean, you and Dan are great together and you think that you love him, right?", "Piper: I think so, it's just every time I feel I'm ready to commit to him, I flash back to our little trip to the future and seeing me with Leo and", "Prue: Piper, Dan is here now in the present. That's all that matters.", "Piper: I know, I know. But I'm not ready for a baby shower either.", "[Scene: Police station. A policeman brings in a baby. Phoebe is there talking to Morris.]", "Phoebe: Come on, Morris, open your mind. This could so work.", "Morris: Look, Phoebe, it's not that I don't appreciate your offer, it's just my stock in this precinct is not exactly blue chip. The last thing I need is for word to get out that I'm using psychic to solve my cases.", "Phoebe: So no one needs to know. You just give me the evidence, I touch it and if I get a flash then we're in business. (She picks up a butter knife and pretends to have a premonition.) Oh my God. I see blood, flesh. You had the sausage for breakfast didn't you?", "Morris: I hate sausage.", "Phoebe: Little joke.", "Morris: (to the other cops who are watching) Alright, people, moving along.", "(Phoebe sees the baby. It's crying and three policemen are jiggling things above it.)", "Phoebe: Who would bring a baby to a police station?", "Morris: It was abandoned. Now, look, Phoebe", "Phoebe: Abandoned? That's awful.", "Morris: That's what they call a crime. Now, Phoebe", "Phoebe: You know, they're really scaring him waving that rattle in this face like that. (She walks over to them.) Excuse me, officers.", "(She takes the rattle off an officer and sits down in front of the baby.)", "Morris: Thanks, we got it from here. (They walk away.)", "Phoebe: It's okay, sweetie. It's okay. (The baby stops crying. She notices \"Matthew\" embroidered on the blanket.) There you go, you're okay. (to Morris) See, I told you I could help you. All babies need is love. (She takes him out of his capsule and holds him.) Oh, yeah. Big boy, huh? (Phoebe has a premonition of someone taking Matthew and then a ghost appears and zaps the guy.)", "Morris: Phoebe, are you okay?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Piper and the baby are there. Piper's holding Matthew.]", "Phoebe: So I can't figure out if the premonition was the future or the past. If it was the past, it would make sense that they would abandon him to try to save him.", "Piper: Uh, you know, I'm not really good with these things.", "Phoebe: They're called babies. Just do the rocking walk. He loves the rocking walk.", "Piper: Are you sure it was a ghost?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I think I know ghosts by now. I just can't figure out why a mean ghost would want to hurt that cute little baby.", "Piper: And how did you talk Darryl into letting you take him home?", "Phoebe: I just told him about the premonition. The only problem is, he said we have twenty-four hours before Social Services start asking questions.", "Piper: So what are we supposed to do with him now? Raise him in the ways of witchcraft? Teach him how to fight ghosts? (Matthew starts crying.) Okay, maybe you should take him. (She gives Matthew to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: That's a good baby. A very good little baby. Okay.", "(She puts Matthew in his baby capsule.)", "Piper: Wow, you really are a natural at this.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I can't wait to have a baby of my own some day.", "Piper: I'm beginning to think Dan fell in love with the wrong sister. (Phoebe looks at her.) Nothing. Never mind. (Piper picks up the bear she made and waves it in front of him.) Hi, sweetie, do you like bears? (Matthew throws up on the bear.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, he doesn't like things being waved in his face.", "Piper: Obviously.", "(Piper gets a towel and starts wiping Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Well, let's do him.", "(The front door opens and Prue walks in.)", "Prue: This better be good because my New York trip is at stake.", "Phoebe/Piper: Shh!", "(Prue notices Matthew.)", "Prue: We have a baby?", "Piper: Phoebe picked it up at the police station.", "Prue: Okay, I-I-I thought that you were going to ask about a job, not a kid.", "Phoebe: I was and I was trying and then this abandoned baby came in.", "Prue: Abandoned?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Prue: In an Eddie Bauer car seat and a blanket lined in silk?", "Piper: You guys, I think he's finally falling asleep.", "Prue: Okay, I don't get it. If the parents could afford such expensive stuff, then how come they couldn't keep the kid?", "Phoebe: I don't think that's why he was abandoned.", "Piper: Oh no. (Matthew starts making noises.) He's like a car alarm. Any sudden vibration just sets him off and there's nothing you can do to stop it.", "Phoebe: She's got baby issues.", "Prue: Mmm, I know.", "Piper: Look, Phoebe had a vision of ghost chasing the baby.", "Phoebe: And a man carrying the baby. Probably his father. Darryl said I could drop by at lunch and he could get a sketch artist to help me ID him.", "Prue: Good, because the only way to find out why the ghost is after the baby by finding out who he belongs to.", "Phoebe: I gotta go.", "Piper: What?", "Prue: Yeah, I gotta get back to work. Just keep me posted.", "(Prue and Phoebe grab their coats and bags.)", "Piper: Whoa, whoa, wait. You can't leave me here alone with him.", "Phoebe: Piper, you're gonna be fine. Don't be afraid.", "Prue: Yeah, just think of it as a test run.", "Piper: I don't need a test run. I remember when Phoebe was a baby and it was hard on mum and endless and with you dropping her all the time.", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: Oh, moving on, what's the point?", "Piper: The point is we need things like diapers and bottles and formulas and a million other things.", "Prue: I'll go shopping.", "Phoebe: And I'm gonna go see Morris. You're gonna be fine okay. Just do the rocking walk. Okay? You're gonna be fine.", "(Prue and Phoebe leave.)", "[Scene: In a baby store. Prue has a trolley full of baby stuff. She pushes it down a diaper aisle.]", "Prue: Right. (She can't reach them as they're on the top shelf. She looks around to make sure no one is around. She uses her power and two packets of diapers fly off the shelf and she catches them. You see Jack and a kid riding a scooter around the store. Jack sees Prue.)", "Jack: Prue.", "Prue: Jack. Hey, what are you doing here?", "Jack: Getting my ass kicked by a five year old. Hey, you little rugrat, best two out of three. Come on.", "Prue: So, um, how'd you find me?", "Jack: Your assistant told me. But what she didn't tell me is what the hell are you doing here?", "Prue: Oh, just a little bit of a family emergency.", "Jack: And you needed diapers?", "Prue: Yeah, they're for my cousin. My baby cousin. Matthew. Just staying with us for a day or so.", "Jack: And you'd by coming back to work when?", "Prue: Right after I drop this stuff off and believe me, there'll be no more interruptions after today.", "Jack: Good. For a second there I thought maybe you'd changed your mind about going to New York.", "Prue: Okay, wait a second. Who has been working late for the past three nights to get our presentation done?", "Jack: Yeah, well, that's before I thought we had a chance to win. So when you disappeared, I figured maybe you had second thoughts.", "Prue: No, I want to go to New York. And believe me, I would much rather be at work right now then trying to figure out whether to get aloe lined or-or-or velcro tabbed or elastic leg cuff thingy diapers. You wouldn't happen to know anything about diapers would?", "Jack: Me? Noo. That would involve knowing something about babies which I know absolutely zero about. But what I do know something about is the Big Apple. Specifically romantic restaurants, hip clubs, secret getaways. Presentation's today at three. Plane leaves tomorrow at nine. I gotta kid to catch.", "(He gets back on the scooter and rides away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's sitting on a stool watching Dan with the baby.]", "Dan: This is called the jiggle. It gives the babies a nice warm moving around in the womb feeling.", "Piper: You are absolutely amazing. I tried everything and nothing worked.", "Dan: Well, it helps to come from a big family. Once you've mastered the jiggle, you'll be able to do the wave. You wanna give it a try?", "Piper: No, let's not mess with a good thing.", "(Piper watches Dan doing the sway on Matthew.)", "Dan: You're staring.", "Piper: I like seeing you this way.", "(Prue comes in the back door carrying bags.)", "Prue: You have no idea how expensive having a baby is. So I'll tell you. $312.46 to be exact.", "Piper: No way.", "Dan: Well, your timing's perfect. Cousin Matthew needs to change.", "Prue: Okay. (Prue gets a blanket out of one of the bags and lays it out on the table.) Alright, there we go. (Dan puts Matthew on the blanket and Prue starts taking his diaper off.) Oh!", "Piper: Ohh, that is ripe!", "Prue: What does this kid live on? Wheat grass?", "Dan: I can change him.", "Piper: No, no. We got it.", "Prue: Alright, I got hyper-allergenic wipes, diaper rash cream and super absorbent diapers.", "Piper: What are we supposed to do with the...", "Prue: Just toss it.", "Piper: Alright.", "Dan: Hey, don't forget to clean up under his (Matthew pees. It squirts up and Piper freezes it just in time before it hits them. Dan freezes too.)", "Prue: Okay, so maybe only one of us should change him.", "Piper: Be my guest.", "Prue: On the count of three. Ready? One, two, three. (Piper unfreezes it and Prue uses her power to move it and it misses them.)", "Dan: Boys will be boys.", "(They continue changing Matthew. Prue tries to put the diaper on but it's too small.)", "Prue: Oh, it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit.", "Dan: Probably the wrong size.", "Prue: How was I supposed to know what size to get?", "(Dan grabs a tea towel.)", "Dan: Look, I got it.", "Prue: Oh, how nice.", "Dan: There we go. (He turns the towel into a diaper.) How's that?", "Piper: Wow, you're like MacGyver with estrogen.", "Dan: Thanks... I think. Actually, cloth diapers are more environmentally friendly but harder to use. There, such a good boy.", "Prue: (to Piper) Yes he is.", "Piper: Alright.", "Dan: If you want, I can pick up the right size on the way home.", "Piper: Thanks, that'd be great.", "Dan: Not a problem.", "(Dan hands Matthew to Prue.)", "Prue: Oh, hi.", "Dan: (to Piper) See you tonight. (He leaves.)", "Prue: You know what is so weird?", "(She hands Matthew to Piper.)", "Piper: What?", "Prue: Is that, um...", "Piper: Why are you giving him to me?", "Prue: 'Cos I gotta go.", "(She runs out the room.)", "Piper: That's twice, I'm counting.", "[Scene: Police station. Phoebe, Morris and a sketch artist are there. Phoebe's telling the sketch artist what the guy in her premonition looked like.]", "Phoebe: I think his brows should be a little more arched and his hair a little lighter. (The sketch artist lightens his hair and arches his brows on the computer.) Yeah, that's better. Um, and his nose is bigger, wider.", "Sketch Artist: So we looking for a murder suspect?", "Morris: Just do me a favour, Hernandez. No questions.", "Sketch Artist: I still need to know what to do with him when I'm done with the sketch. I mean, what? Do I put it on the wire, put out on APD or ship it to the psychic hotline?", "Phoebe: Oh, wait, that's it, that's him.", "Morris: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Positive.", "Morris: Print us up a copy, run it through the data base, try to get us a name. (He looks at Morris.) Just do it.", "[Cut to Prue in her office. She's receiving the fax of the man. She's on the phone with Phoebe, who's still at the station.]", "Prue: Gilbert Van Lewen.", "Phoebe: You know him?", "Prue: Well, I know the name. His family has a huge art collection, part of which they wanted to sell when his father mysteriously died last summer. Wait, I just read somewhere that his brother died a couple of days ago too.", "Phoebe: So it sounds like the ghost isn't just after baby Matthew. Hey, you wanna meet me and Morris down at the Van Lewen estate? Have a little chat with Gilbert? (Prue sees Jack and a delivery guy outside her office.) It would help to have an active power there just in case the ghost shows up.", "Prue: Sure. Who wants to go to New York anyway?", "Phoebe: Bye.", "(They hang up. Jack comes in holding some take-away.)", "Jack: Lunch is served.", "[Scene: The Van Lewen's house.]", "Gilbert: Alexandra, for God's sake, keep your voice down please.", "Alexandra: Where's Matthew, Gilbert? What did you with him?", "Gilbert: You have got to believe me. I did this for this for his own good.", "Alexandra: You can't just abandon our baby. You can't just do that.", "Gilbert: I had to. He would of gotten to him tomorrow at the christening, I know it. That's when he strikes. At the moment of greatest joy.", "Alexandra: Okay, Gilbert, listen to me. I know that you've been under a lot of strain because of what happened to your brother, but this whole ghost thing has got to stop. Don't you understand, it's crazy. There's no such as a...", "Gilbert: It's him.", "(Martha comes in.)", "Martha: Gilbert, you've got to get out of here now.", "(The ghost appears.)", "Ghost: Too late, Martha. He's next.", "Martha: No, not again. I have suffered enough. Please, spare my last son.", "Ghost: If he brings the baby back, perhaps.", "Gilbert: Never.", "(The ghost zaps Gilbert and he falls over the banister.)", "Ghost: You're stuck here, Martha. I won't let you leave. Until you have watched me kill every last male in your family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the Van Lewen's house. There's police and paramedics there. Prue pulls up in her car and walks over to Phoebe and Morris.]", "Prue: Hey, what's going on?", "Morris: Apparently Gilbert Van Lewen fell over the banister. I think the medical examiner is going to list the cause of death as accidental.", "Phoebe: Sure have been a lot of accidents around here lately.", "Morris: Yeah, well, welcome to homicide.", "Prue: Poor Matthew.", "Morris: We don't know for sure that Gilbert was his father.", "Phoebe: Well, we have to find out for sure.", "Morris: Whoa, hold it. Number one - this isn't my crime scene, number two - you ain't cops, remember?", "Phoebe: Darryl, we can not just walk away from this.", "Prue: We have to find out whether this is Matthew's home or not.", "(They walk inside. There's a cop standing at the doorway.)", "Morris: They're with me.", "Cop: Let me guess. Your psychic friends?", "Morris: Let me guess. You wanna be a metre man? Who called it in?", "Cop: The victims mother. Martha Van Lewen. She's around the corner.", "Morris: (to Prue and Phoebe) I'll do all the talkin to Mrs. Van Lewen. Are we clear?", "Prue: Perfectly.", "(Morris walks up to Martha.)", "Morris: Mrs. Van Lewen, I'm Inspector Morris. I'm terribly sorry for your loss.", "Martha: Thank you.", "Morris: I just have a couple of questions for you and your daughter in law.", "Martha: Well, Alexandra's off resting. She's in a great deal of pain.", "Morris: Of course. She's with her baby then?", "Martha: No, my grandson's staying at his aunts. I'm sorry, Inspector. I really don't feel like talking.", "(Phoebe and Prue walk upstairs.)", "Morris: I understand and again, my sincerest condolences.", "[Cut to upstairs. Prue and Phoebe walk into a baby's room. Phoebe sees a pillow with \"Matthew\" embroided on it.]", "Phoebe: Yep, no question about it.", "Prue: They must love him dearly. I can't imagine how painful it must of been to let him go.", "Phoebe: We probably shouldn't mention where the baby is in case Casper's still around.", "Alexandra: What are you doing in here?", "Phoebe: Hi, uh, sorry. Alexandra?", "Alexandra: Who are you?", "Phoebe: I'm Phoebe and this is my sister Prue and we're...", "Prue: Uh, grief councilors with the police department.", "Alexandra: I don't need any counseling. I just need to be alone.", "Prue: We understand.", "Phoebe: More than you know. We can help you, Alexandra.", "Alexandra: Oh yeah? Can you bring back my husband?", "Prue: No, but maybe someone else.", "Alexandra: Please leave. Just go.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and Prue are sitting at the table. Prue's working on her presentation and Phoebe's looking for stuff on the computer. Piper walks in holding Matthew who is crying.]", "Piper: Okay, isn't it anybody else's turn? I'm dying here.", "Phoebe: Just a bit longer. I had no idea there was so much information about the Van Lewen's on the internet.", "Prue: Yeah, and Jack's postponed the presentation which means I've got until morning to salvage it.", "Piper: I don't understand why you just didn't come out and tell them we had Matthew.", "Prue: Because we couldn't risk the ghost following us home and finding him.", "Phoebe: Alright, we have to figure out how to vanquish the ghost.", "Prue: Yeah, in less than twelve hours before Darryl comes and takes him away.", "Phoebe: The thing about ghosts is they always haunt for a specific reason and it's always personal. So I know the Van Lewen's know this ghost and I'm going to find him.", "Piper: No. I'm going to find him. Okay, times up. He's all yours.", "(Piper gives Phoebe Matthew. Phoebe stands up and Piper sits down.)", "Phoebe: I know. It's okay, baby, it's okay. (Matthew continues to cry.) Why isn't he stopping, he's not stopping. Why isn't he stopping?", "Piper: Maybe it's a hungry cry.", "Phoebe: We just fed him.", "Prue: Maybe it's a sleepy cry.", "Piper: If it is a sleepy cry, then why doesn't he just fall asleep?", "Phoebe: Maybe it's a burpy cry. (Phoebe pats Matthew on his back and he throws up all over Prue's presentation.)", "Piper: Something tells me it's going to be a very long night.", "[Time lapse. Manor. Living room. It's now 2:00 in the morning. Piper's reading a book, Prue's holding Matthew and Phoebe's on the computer.]", "Prue: I thought that babies slept a lot.", "Phoebe: Yeah, obviously one of those lies they'll tell you so you wanna get pregnant.", "Piper: So much for being the natural.", "Phoebe: Hey, everyone has their limits. Anything in Dr. Spock?", "Piper: Nothing that we haven't already tried. How's the search going?", "Phoebe: Not so good. The Van Lewen's are seriously loaded. There could be hundreds of dead people that could be holding a grudge against them.", "Prue: Why don't you just focus on the time of Martha's husband's death. I mean, that was the first", "(Matthew starts whimpering.)", "Phoebe: What did you do?", "Prue: I didn't do anything.", "Piper: Well, do something.", "(Prue lays him down on his blanket and tips all her stuff out of her purse. She then uses her power and all the stuff floats above him.)", "Piper: Doesn't that fall under the personal gain category?", "Prue: Oh, who cares. We're desperate and it's working. He likes it, that is so sweet. (He passes wind and dirties his diaper.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, not again.", "[Time lapse. Prue's holding up Matthew near the kitchen sink in his baby bath and she's using her power to hold up the shower spray and the water is rinsing him. She finishes rinsing him and wraps him up in a blanket. Piper's sitting at the table looking for information on the computer.]", "Piper: Here, this might be something. The Van Lewen's chauffeur, Elias Lundy, disappeared suddenly before Martha's husband died.", "Prue: Disappeared doesn't mean dead. Maybe it just means he took off. (Prue puts Matthew in the baby capsule.)", "Piper: Well, if he did, he took off without anything he owned including his saving account and his car.", "Prue: Well, it's definitely something we should ask Martha Van Lewen about.", "Piper: Yeah, if she'll talk to us.", "Prue: Well, if she ever wants to get her grandson back safe, she will.", "(Phoebe enters carrying the Book of Shadows.)", "`Phoebe: Okay, forget Dr. Spock, this is the only book we need.", "Piper: The Book of Shadows? I don't think so.", "Phoebe: Well, mum wrote spells in it, right? And with three girls there has to be something in here about, you know, how to do (She finds a page in the Book.) Oh, here it is. \"Sometimes a baby just has to cry\".", "Prue: Thanks Mum.", "Phoebe: I don't understand why this is so hard. We're women, this should be in our DNA.", "(Matthew starts crying. Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: I can't keep doing this all night.", "[Time lapse. It's morning. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are asleep at the table. Dan is there holding Matthew. Piper wakes up and stares at Dan.]", "Dan: What?", "Piper: Just wondering if you're too good to be true.", "Dan: Maybe some day you'll find out through personal experience. (Piper stands up.) I have to go to work. (He hands Matthew to her.)", "Piper: Thanks for that.", "Dan: It was my pleasure. He really is beautiful. Just like his cousin. (He kisses Piper.) Bye. (He leaves. Piper puts Matthew in his baby capsule. Prue and Phoebe wake up.)", "Prue: What time is it? (She looks at the clock.) Quarter to eight, I'm late. (Prue leaves the room.)", "Phoebe: I've gotta go to Martha Van Lewen. Piper, will you come with me?", "Piper: Yeah, right behind you.", "(They leave the room but then remember Matthew. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk back into the kitchen.)", "Prue: I think we forgot something.", "Phoebe: What are we gonna do with him?", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Jack enters.]", "Jack: Hey. You ready to wow Cauldwell?", "Prue: Well, uh, actually", "(You hear a baby and then see Matthew beside Prue.)", "Jack: Do you get that through office supplies?", "Prue: Okay, I had to bring him. There was nowhere else to put him and I really think that we should talk to Cauldwell about a daycare centre. I mean, I'm not the only one with a child around here.", "Jack: Prue, unless you have a really big surprise for me, you don't have a kid.", "Prue: I know that. But I'm going to one day. (Matthew starts whimpering.) Oh, it's okay. (She puts her pinky finger near his mouth and he sucks on it.) He only likes this finger and it took me all night to figure that out. You should see me at diapering. I'm really good at it.", "Jack: Okay, you know, this mothering instinct is really something but me, I've got my own inner child and right now he's thinking about New York.", "Prue: Right, um, Jack, I didn't really finish the presentation.", "Jack: You know, I figured you were probably still in your family crisis, especially after your tenth non answered call. So I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of finishing the presentation myself. Anything to get you to New York.", "(Prue runs around her desk over to Jack and she jumps in his arms.)", "Prue: You are the best.", "(They kiss. Mr. Cauldwell walks up to the doorway.)", "Mr. Cauldwell: He certainly is. And since I need my best and brightest in New York, I'm taking you out of the running, Halliwell.", "Jack: Uh, Mr. Cauldwell, you know, I finished the presentation based on her file. She had a family emergency.", "Mr. Cauldwell: She has a lot of those doesn't she. You'll show your presentation to the client at noon, Sheridan.", "[Scene: The Van Lewen's house. Phoebe and Piper knock on the door. Martha answers it.]", "Martha: Yes?", "Phoebe: We need to talk to you.", "Martha: Are you with the police?", "Phoebe: No, not really.", "Piper: But we are here to help.", "Martha: I don't understand.", "Phoebe: Does the name Alias Lundy mean anything to you?", "Alexandra: Martha, the funeral home called and they wanted to know if... (She sees Phoebe and Piper.) What are you doing here?", "Phoebe: I'm here because I really need to talk to you and I think you know what about.", "Martha: Who are you people? What do you want?", "(Phoebe shows them a piece of cloth that has \"Matthew\" embroided on it.)", "Alexandra: Please tell me he's okay.", "Piper: Please come with us some place safe where we can talk about this.", "(They hear the ghost coming.)", "Martha: Oh no.", "(The piece of cloth floats through the air. The ghost appears and he catches the cloth.)", "Ghost: Where is the child?", "Alexandra: No, please, don't tell him.", "(The ghost goes to zap them but Piper freezes the lightening stuff that comes out of his hand. The ghost doesn't freeze but Martha and Alexandra does.)", "Piper: He didn't freeze. Why didn't he freeze?", "Ghost: What are you? Witches?", "Piper: I've frozen ghosts before haven't I?", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper, now is not the time. Just unfreeze them so we can get them out of here. (Piper unfreezes them.) Duck!", "(They all duck and the lightening stuff fly above them.)", "Piper: Let's go.", "(They run through the ghost towards the door. The ghost turns around and zaps Martha. Phoebe, Piper and Alexandra run outside. The ghost tries to go outside but the house won't let him.)", "Ghost: Bring me the child or she's dead.", "(The door slams shut.)", "Martha: Looks like I'm not the only one stuck here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Phoebe and Alexandra are sitting at the bar. Piper's standing behind the bar pouring coffee in their cups.]", "Piper: You know, you'd be a lot more comfortable at our place with your baby.", "Alexandra: It's too much of a risk. As much as I am dying to see him and to hold him, I just can't.", "Phoebe: I don't think the ghost can follow you or us. I mean, he couldn't chase us out of the house. I don't think he can leave the house.", "Alexandra: But you're not positive. You don't know that for sure do you? I've seen what he can do. I've watched him kill my husband. I won't watch him kill my son.", "Piper: It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay.", "Phoebe: Now, what did your husband tell you about Elias Lundy?", "Alexandra: He was their chauffeur but he was obsessed with Martha. Even carved his and Martha's initials on the largest oak. I've seen it. But one day, apparently his obsession got out of hand and Lundy attacked Martha. My father in law lured him out to that same tree and shot him in the back. Buried him on the grounds and covered it up.", "Phoebe: That would explain why he suddenly disappeared.", "Alexandra: A week later my father in law mysteriously died.", "Piper: At the house too.", "Alexandra: And then Gilberts brother, his uncle and then... They all just looked like accidents, you know, bad luck. Martha knew but she just couldn't convince anybody.", "Phoebe: I don't understand why you stayed in that house. Why didn't Gilbert get you outta there?", "Alexandra: Until Gilbert's brother died, he didn't believe the story either. Martha tried to sell the house once but I guess Lundy wouldn't let her. He wants her to suffer for what her husband did to him. But he's not gonna quit until he gets Matthew too.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, we won't quit until we get him. Now, do you have any idea where on the grounds Lundy's body was buried?", "Alexandra: Supposedly by that tree. Underneath the initials.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Outside and elevator. Prue's holding Matthew and trying to push the button. Jack runs up to her.]", "Jack: Whoa, Prue. Don't touch that dial. I just came back from Cauldwell's office and I told him I couldn't of finished the presentation without the work you did and I couldn't do the job to his level without my beautiful partner. (He holds up two plane tickets.) Plane leaves in two hours. Sorry, squirt, only got two.", "Prue: Kids under two fly free.", "Jack: Afraid you were gonna say that. You know what? Whatever, I'm game.", "Prue: Jack, that's sweet. Thank you so much for sticking up for me but I can't. I gotta get home. Sorry.", "Jack: Yeah, me too. (The elevator opens and Prue walks in.) Hey, you two make a nice couple.", "Prue: Thanks.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe's making a potion. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Prue's on her way home. Whoa! That stuff could melt your nostrils.", "Phoebe: Yeah, like all the diaper changing didn't melt them already. Okay, the mandrate root. (She puts some in a saucepan.) You know, I could of swarn that I'd be good at this whole baby thing. I mean, I love kids, I'm giving, I'm a good person.", "Piper: Phoebe, I don't think Matthew was rejecting you personally. At least no more than the rest of us.", "Phoebe: Then why do I feel like sucj a failure? Everytime I get close to the little guy, he either opens his mouth or his bowels. Call me kooky but that feels like rejection to me.", "Piper: It takes a lot of time to figure out how to take care of babies properly. It's a lot of work.", "Phoebe: A lot more than I thought actually.", "Piper: We should be grateful we have a little time off.", "Phoebe: Absolutely. (Silence.) I miss him.", "Piper: It is a little quiet around here. Okay, let's just focus.", "Phoebe: Okay, do you wanna get the shovels?", "Piper: Uh, shovels? I thought we were vanquishing Lundy with the potion. What do we need shovels for?", "Phoebe: Because the only way it works if you spread it over his bones which happen to be buried.", "Piper: We have to dig him up?", "Phoebe: I'm afraid so.", "Piper: Is that it? Or is there some other disgusting detail you're just waiting to spring on me?", "Phoebe: No. The only other way to vanquish him is to destroy the object of the curse. Which is Martha and we're supposed to save Martha. So get the shovels.", "(Prue enters with Matthew.)", "Piper: Hi Matthew, how's the little man?", "(Phoebe and Piper start fussing over him and talk baby talk.)", "Prue: Okay, I'm home too. Okay, guys are we ready?", "Phoebe: Yes, we're ready. Um, I really think someone should stay here with Matthew.", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: I'll stay.", "Prue: Looks like we all fell for the same guy.", "(The doorbell rings. Phoebe answers it. Prue and Phoebe follow her into the foyer.)", "Morris: Time's up, ladies. Social services called. They wanna know where the baby is.", "Phoebe: Tell them he's with us.", "Morris: Three witches and a baby. I don't think that's gonna fly.", "Piper: But you can't take him now. I mean, we're this close to vanquishing...", "Morris: I don't wanna hear another ghost story. In the real world that baby was abandoned which means if I don't account for him, I could lose my shield.", "Prue: Not if you can offer a plausable explanation, right? I mean, what if he was kidnapped and then abandoned. You would be a hero.You would be the one reuniting him with his mum. Look, just hold off for a few hours, okay. If we're not back then do what you have to do. (She hands Matthew to Morris.) And take this. He really likes it. (She hands him a pacifier.)", "Phoebe: And don't wave things in his dace because he does not like that.", "Piper: But he does like the jiggle. Do you know the jiggle?", "Morris: Of course I know the jiggle, I'm a father.", "Prue: And if he starts to cry, just hold him really close because it comforts him. Okay, bye. (She kisses Matthew.)", "Phoebe: Uh, Prue, you're not gonna wear that are you? Didn't think so. We'll meet you in the car, alright?", "[Scene: The Van Lewen's house. The ghost appears.]", "Ghost: You can't keep hiding from me, Martha. I'll always find you.", "(He tries to zap her and she ducks.)", "Martha: You can punish me all you like, Elias, it doesn't matter. I don't know where Matthew is and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. (He zaps near her again.)", "[Cut to outside. Prue, Piper and Phoebe pull up in the car. They get out with the shovels and potion.]", "Prue: Did she say where the oak tree was?", "Phoebe: I assume around back.", "Piper: Okay, you two go dig him up and I'll protect Martha for as long as I can.", "Prue: Alright.", "[Cut to the backyard. Prue and Phoebe are searching for the tree. Phoebe finds it.]", "Phoebe: Prue, over here. (They then look at the ground.) This has gotta be it. Okay, hold this. (She hands Prue a torch/flashlight. She starts digging.)", "Prue: Uh, Pheebs, I think I have a much quicker way of doing that.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, you do don't you. Okay.", "Prue: You ready?", "Phoebe: Uh huh. (Prue uses her power and the dirt and Elias' skeleton lifts up out of the ground.) Hello, Elias.", "[Cut back in the house. The ghost is zapping Martha.]", "Ghost: There are many things worst than death, Martha. You taught me that. (He stops zapping her.) I can keep doing this forever. (He starts zapping her again. Piper enters the room and freezes it.)", "Piper: I don't think so.", "Ghost: Bring me the child and I'll spare you.", "Piper: Actually I think it's a little late for that.", "[Cut back to Prue and Phoebe. Prue's hitting Elias' bones with the shovel.]", "[Cut back inside. The ghost yells in pain.]", "Ghost: My bones. My grave! (He disappears.)", "[Cut back to outside. Prue takes the off the lid of the bottle of potion.]", "Prue: Alright, here goes.", "(The ghost appears near a window and he zaps near Prue and Phoebe. They scream and fall to the ground. Elias' bones go back into the ground.)", "Ghost: Can't vanquish me without my bones can you?", "Phoebe: Oops, busted.", "Prue: Run!", "(They get up and run away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Van Lewen's house. Prue and Phoebe run through the front door.]", "Prue: Piper, where are you?", "Piper: Upstairs.", "(They run upstairs.)", "Prue: Have you seen Lundy?", "Piper: What do you mean? Didn't you vanquish him?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, and it doesn't look like we'll ever be able to. He's hidden his bones some place that we'll never be able to find them.", "Martha: Then you have to get out of here now.", "Piper: No, we're not going anywhere.", "Martha: You haven't got a choice if there's no other way to stop him.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe look at each other.)", "Piper: It's not an option.", "Prue: Agreed.", "Martha: What? What is it? I think I have a right to know.", "Phoebe: It's just that there is one other way to vanquish a ghost. And that is to destroy the object of its wrath.", "Martha: Meaning me? Are you saying that if I die he dies too?", "Piper: No. Our job is to protect the innocent and that would be you.", "Martha: No, it isn't. It wasn't my husband who shot Elias in the back. It was me, I did it. He wanted me for himself. He said he was going to kill my husband.", "(The ghost appears.)", "Ghost: Yet I did didn't I. How could you, Martha? I loved you.", "Martha: I didn't love you.", "Ghost: They can't protect you forever.", "Martha: You're absolutely right. But I can protect Matthew.", "(Martha runs out of the room and falls over the banister.)", "Prue: Martha, no!", "Ghost: No! (Martha's spirit floats out of her body up to where Elias is.) Martha, what have you done?", "Martha: Killed us both. Go to hell, Elias. (A hole opens up in the floor and flames come out of it. Elias starts burning and he disappears in the hole. The hole closes up.)", "Piper: Uh, what do we do?", "Martha: Don't do anything. This is where I belong. This is where I belong. This is the only way to save my grandchild. Thank you for protecting him. (She disappears.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. The song \"I Love You\" by Martina McBride is playing while you watch Prue, Piper and Phoebe washing Matthew in his baby bath. Then you see them drying him and dressing him.]", "[Scene: Police station. Alexandra and Morris are waiting for Prue, Piper and Phoebe to arrive.]", "Morris: There they are.", "(They walk in. Phoebe's holding Matthew. Alexandra walks over to them and takes Matthew off Phoebe.)", "Piper: Here, we wanted you to have this but we couldn't get all the throw up off of it.", "(She hands her a blanket and the bear she knitted.)", "Alexandra: Oh, that's okay. You're all so sweet. How can I thank you?", "Phoebe: Just let us baby sit every once in a while.", "Prue: Take good care of him.", "(They kiss Matthew goodbye and leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are at the bar.]", "Phoebe: So how many kids do you think I'm going to have one day?", "Prue: I'd say five.", "Piper: More. At least six.", "Phoebe: Ow. What makes you say that?", "Piper: Oh, please Pheebs, you were born to be a mum.", "Prue: No doubt about it.", "Phoebe: Yeah, you think? I miss that little guy already. Although being a surrogate mum for the last twenty-four hours has taught me I have a long way to go before I'm ready for it full time. I gotta get my life together first.", "Prue: Yeah, find a guy maybe?", "Phoebe: That might help, huh? Unlike Piper's guy who is like Mr. Mum.", "Prue: Yeah, Dan was really great with Matthew wasn't he?", "Phoebe: More like a godsend.", "Piper: Yeah, I think that's what scares me. He's like, flawless. He's great at everything. He's great looking, fun, he's great with babies.", "Prue: But...", "Piper: But I don't know. He's just a little too perfect. I feel a little imperfect around him.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe that's why you were uncomfortable with Matthew. Maybe because of Dan you were resisting your own maternal instincts.", "Prue: Where did that come from?", "Phoebe: Cosmo, where else? Look over there, there's Jack.", "Prue: Jack?", "Phoebe: Yeah, Jack.", "Piper: Jack who?", "(Piper and Phoebe make noises at Prue. Prue walks over to Jack.)", "Prue: Why aren't you in New York?", "Jack: I didn't wanna go without my partner. I don't want you to think this gesture of mine is in any way of a sign of you involving maturity, in case having your cousin Matthew around given you any ideas.", "Prue: No, the only idea I have is that one day, maybe sooner, maybe later, I'm gonna make a great mum. And you know, hopefully I'll find the right guy.", "Jack: Well, I think you should know that being as I'm still a kid myself, I don't think I'd be doing anyone any favours by pretending to be the right guy.", "Prue: Well, I didn't say I was looking for the right guy tonight. You'll do. Let's dance.", "(They walk on the dance floor and start dancing.)" ]
Reckless Abandon
[ "After Piper contracts a rare fever from an illegal fruit, she slips into a coma at the hospital. Desperate to help her, Prue and Phoebe cast a spell to transfer the disease from Piper and into a doll. However, that doesn't work when the doll comes to life and starts stabbing people and as a result, the sisters have to transfer the disease back to Piper. As a result, Leo arrives and defies his orders to not interfere and ultimately saves Piper. At the Auction House, Prue decides to quit after Jack and their boss try to pass off a painting as a real Monet." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Piper's at the bar cutting up some yellow spiky fruit. She coughs and gets a glass of water and takes a sip. Phoebe comes up to the bar.]", "Piper: Oh, I am so glad to see you.", "Phoebe: Is that because I can work tonight or is it because I am now \"Phoebe Halliwell, college student.\"", "Piper: Okay, neat, thin slices please. Wait, you enrolled? (Phoebe nods.) Phoebe, this is huge.", "Phoebe: Hugest thing I've done since I came back home. I mean, aside from vanquishing demons and saving the world from evil of course. Okay, so I signed up for two general courses. (Phoebe gets a piece of paper out of her bag and hands it to Piper.)", "Piper: And seven electives. Seven, Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Alright, so I'm a little confused. I could use some advice. What do you think I should take? (Piper coughs.) Honey, are you okay?", "Piper: Yeah, its just a little cough.", "Phoebe: I bet Prue made you have soup at lunch today after she heard that little cough.", "Piper: I had to cancel actually. Last night's paper work took a bit longer than expected.", "Phoebe: So I guess you missed your massage today also.", "Piper: A reporter from the San Francisco called and had a ton of questions about the club.", "Phoebe: Piper, you have got to take care of yourself. You've been feeling funky since yesterday.", "Piper: It's probably just a bug.", "Phoebe: Even more reason for you not to push it.", "Piper: I'm fine, besides it's all paying off, the club is finally doing well, we're making money, now would you slice. (Phoebe picks up the knife and a piece of fruit.)", "Phoebe: What kind of fruit is this anyway?", "Piper: Kewano. It's from South America. It's great for Mai Tai's. Just got them in yesterday actually. The bartender has a connection at the docks.", "Phoebe: Wait, you smuggled it in?", "Piper: Oh, it's fruit, Phoebe, not drugs.", "Phoebe: Look, just because we're witches, does not mean you're invincible. Okay, you need to start taking care of yourself.", "Piper: Thank you, Doctor.", "Phoebe: Hey, \"Doctor Phoebe Halliwell\". I like it.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's looking at a painting. Jack's standing behind her.]", "Prue: It's late. Let's just get this done. Well, it certainly appears to be a Monet. Has the same style that he enjoyed in Paris after the Exposition de Verselle. The same delicate powdery interpretation combined with great vigour and expressiveness.", "Jack: Great vigour? Randy little painter was he?", "Prue: The brush strokes around this smoke stack are somewhat unusual for Monet. They seem almost individual although beautifully rendered.", "Jack: Yeah, no complaints about my view either.", "Prue: Okay, you know what? Is everything with you sexual?", "Jack: No Okay, you've never thought about me?", "Prue: Jack, come on, we don't have very much time to authenticate this painting", "Jack: And I was good wasn't I? Come on, Prue, I'm not pushing this. I just, I know where you stand, I just wanna know where I stand with you.", "(Mr. Cauldwell enters.)", "Mr. Cauldwell: How are you two doing?", "Prue: Oh, uh, we're fine. Exactly where we should be at the moment.", "Mr. Cauldwell: As long as it's authenticated by the auction. I've got eight buyers on the block interested in that piece.", "Prue: You don't have to worry about us, Mr. Cauldwell.", "Mr. Cauldwell: Good.", "(He leaves.)", "Jack: Do I have to worry about us?", "[Scene: P3. Piper's walking through the crowd. Phoebe comes up to her.]", "Phoebe: Piper, you need to go home.", "Piper: Phoebe, I'm fine, I'm just Phoebe you're right.", "(Piper faints.)", "Phoebe: Oh my God. Call 911.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Hospital. Piper's lying in a bed hooked up to some machines. Prue's standing there. Piper wakes up.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Piper: Prue?", "Prue: You're awake.", "Piper: What happened?", "Prue: You don't remember?", "Piper: I remember being in the club and talking to Phoebe and then I gotta admit, it's a little fuzzy.", "Prue: You collapsed and we called an ambulance.", "Piper: Oh, that must have been great for business. So what's wrong with me?", "Prue: Um, they don't really know. We're just sort of waiting for blood test results.", "Piper: I'm sure it's nothing too exciting. It's probably something trendy like mono or Epstein Barr.", "Prue: Yeah, well, whatever it is you're gonna take the time to get better.", "Piper: You sound like Phoebe. Where is she anyway?", "[Cut to outside. Phoebe walks up to the receptionists desk. The nurse has her back facing Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: Uh, hi. Nurse person. (The nurse turns around.) Can you tell me where Dr. Wallis is. He said that my sister's test results should be in by eight and it's twenty past eight now.", "Nurse: What's your sister's name?", "Phoebe: Piper. Piper Halliwell. Thank you. Piper Halliwell.", "Nurse: Piper Halliwell has been transferred to Dr. Williams care. If you have a seat in the waiting area, I'll page him.", "Phoebe: What happened to Dr. Wallis?", "Nurse: I'm sure that Dr. Williamson will be able to answer all of your questions. Please, have a seat in the waiting room.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Phoebe sits down. A boy in a wheelchair comes up to her.)", "Boy: Are you sick too?", "Phoebe: No, I'm not sick.", "Boy: Then why do you look so sad?", "Phoebe: My sister's here and they don't know what's wrong with her.", "Boy: The doctor's don't know what's wrong with me either. Maybe your sister and I have the same thing.", "Phoebe: What is your name?", "Boy: Nathan.", "Phoebe: Well, hello, Nathan. I'm Phoebe. And who is that?", "(She points to a Ninja doll sitting on his lap.)", "Boy: Ninja doll. I found him in the children's ward.", "Phoebe: You know, I don't think that's a ninja doll. If I know my ninja dolls, I think that one's really a magical wi zard.", "Nathan: Really? How can you tell?", "Phoebe: Well, let me see him. (She takes the ninja off of him.) I've seen what his type can do. He's got powers. He can move things and freeze things and can kick box too. And the really cool thing about him is he can do all this to the demon to the bad guys inside your body without anyone even knowing about it.", "Nathan: Really? He can freeze the bad guys and move them?", "Phoebe: And kick box them too. Don't forget that. Right out of your body. All you have to do is when you feel bad, you close your eyes and just picture him fighting them for you. Do you think you can do that?", "Nathan: Yeah.", "(Dr. Williamson and some other Doctors walk up to Phoebe.)", "Dr. Williamson: Phoebe Halliwell? (Phoebe stands up.)", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Dr. Williamson: I'm Dr. Williamson.", "Phoebe: Hi. (to Nathan) Bye, it was nice to meet you.", "Nathan: See ya.", "Phoebe: And who are they?", "Dr. Williamson: Medical interns. They'll be viewing my work with your sister.", "Phoebe: Because", "Dr. Williamson: Because they're studying the same field that I did. I'm an infectious disease specialist.", "(Dr. Williamson and the other doctors walk into the room where Piper is.)", "Phoebe: Specialist? Wait.", "Dr. Williamson: Miss Halliwell, I'm Dr. Williamson.", "Phoebe: Um, he's a specialist.", "Piper: Where's Dr. Wallis?", "Dr. Williamson: I'll be keeping him posted. How are you feeling?", "Piper: Okay. A little hot.", "(Dr. Williamson‘s pager beeps.)", "Dr. Williamson: Have you been out of the country recently? Africa, South America, Caribbean?", "Piper: I wish. No. I haven't been out of the city.", "Dr. Williamson: Well apparently you've attracted a blood disease rarely seen in the United States, Arroyo fever.", "Prue: How is that possible?", "Dr. Williamson: Well, Arroyo fever's transmitted through a bite of sand fly which dies right after the bite. Have you had anything imported brought into your home recently.", "Piper: No.", "Phoebe: But you have in the club. What was the name of that weird fruit?", "Piper: Kewano.", "Dr. Williamson: That's a possible carrier. Sometimes the fly's been known to live long enough in the crate to make the trip but rarely survives the quarantine period.", "Piper: I think I have a bite on my shoulder.", "(She shows him the bite.)", "Dr. Williamson: When did you get this?", "Piper: Just after I opened the fruit.", "Dr. Williamson: (to a doctor) Tell the nurse I need ten cc's of penildron.", "Doctor: Right away.", "Dr. Williamson: It's a high grade antibiotic which will be most effective when it administered through an I.V. Should bring your fever down. (His pager beeps again.) I gotta run some more tests. I'll be back shortly.", "Phoebe: Excuse me, she's gonna be okay, right? I mean, it's not life threatening.", "Dr. Williamson: Well, I'll know better after I run more tests. Excuse me.", "(He leaves. Phoebe sits on the bed. Prue and Phoebe stare at her smiling.)", "Piper: I'll be okay.", "Prue: Yeah, I mean he didn't seem too worried. Just prescribed antibiotics.", "Piper: The tests are just to confirm his diagnosis I'm sure.", "Prue: Yeah, don't you agree, Phoebe?", "Phoebe: I think we should call Leo.", "Piper: Why?", "Phoebe: Why not? He can heal you.", "Piper: No. He's out of our lives. He's not even our white lighter anymore. Besides with Dan in my life.", "Phoebe: But if Leo knew you were sick.", "Piper: No, and that's final. No demon or warlock did this to me. Just let the doctors do their magic.", "Phoebe: I just wanted you to get well soon.", "(Phoebe rests her head on Piper's stomach.)", "Piper: I know and I will. Now you get outta here. Prue, go to Bucklands, Phoebe, go to wherever it is you got to and someone please call Dan so he doesn't worry.", "Prue: Okay. Bye. Love you.", "(They leave.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue walks in. Jack's there.]", "Prue: Hey. Have you had a chance to look at the thread density results on the Monet?", "Jack: Yeah, and you were right. There are some unexplained thread markings in the area around the station, as the signature.", "Prue: Have you told Cauldwell yet?", "Jack: Not yet. I was hoping to talk you into going home first. Prue, you're exhausted.", "Prue: Yeah, I know, but I prefer to stay here, you know, keep busy. How long can tests take anyway?", "Jack: Piper is gonna be fine.", "Prue: I know, it's just that after everything I've seen in my life and believe me I've seen a lot of weird stuff. It takes a lot to scare me. But this time I'm really scared. (Jack hugs Prue.)", "Jack: You know, I'm not really good at this, saying the right thing stuff. You know what? Why don't you go back to the hospital and I'll stay here and handle everything. Okay?", "(Prue's cell phone rings. She answers it.)", "Prue: Hello?", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe and Dan walk into the living room.]", "Dan: Is she gonna be okay?", "Phoebe: You know, that's what's so frustrating. They won't tell us anything. Damn doctors.", "Dan: Can I see her? Where is she?", "Phoebe: San Francisco Memorial.", "(Dan hugs Phoebe.)", "Dan: Nothing's gonna happen to her okay? Piper's strong and healthy and she's a fighter.", "Phoebe: You've noticed too have you? (The phone rings. Phoebe answers it.) Hello?", "Prue: Yeah, Pheebs, the hospital just called. They need for us to get down there right away.", "Phoebe: Why? What happened?", "[Cut to the hospital. Phoebe and Dan run down the corridor to Piper's room. Prue's standing at the doorway.]", "Phoebe: Prue, what's going on?", "Prue: I don't know. All they said was that her condition has worsened.", "Phoebe: What is that supposed to mean?", "Dan: We're not gonna leave the door until we find out.", "Prue: Dr. Williamson.", "Dr. Williamson: Unfortunately your sister's immune system isn't as strong as we thought it would be and antibiotics are having no effect on the disease.", "Phoebe: So what do we what do you do now?", "Dr. Williamson: Well there's nothing more we can do.", "Prue: What do you mean by that? What are you saying?", "Dr. Williamson: Well, either Piper pulls out of the coma on her own or I'm afraid your sister's not going to survive.", "(Phoebe starts crying.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "{Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue and Phoebe walk over to the Book of Shadows.]", "Prue: Okay, we can't let Piper die.", "Phoebe: No, we can't but Prue, this isn't a demon or a warlock that we're up against.", "Prue: Alright, there are spells in here to vanquish demons, then there's gotta be a spell in here to vanquish a lousy bug.", "Phoebe: Okay, but even if there is a spell, how do we get past the personal gain issue, the consequences?", "Prue: What consequences? The power of three remains unbroken, innocents are saved. I don't really see a down side to that, do you?", "Phoebe: Prue, if good witches could really vanquish diseases, do you think there'd be one sick person in the world?", "Prue: We have to save Piper.", "Phoebe: I agree. All I am saying is before we resort to the Book of Shadows, maybe we should call Leo.", "Prue: No. She told us not to.", "Phoebe: So, let her be pissed at us, at least she'll be alive.", "Prue: We don't even know how to contact him. He's always just sorta been around.", "(Prue and Phoebe start calling him.)", "Prue/Phoebe: Leo? Leo?", "(Leo orbs in and startles Prue and Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, it worked.", "Prue: Alright, Leo, look Piper is very", "Leo: Very sick, I know. That's why I could hear you calling. I've been near by watching.", "Phoebe: Wait, you've been watching her this whole time and you haven't healed her?", "Leo: I can't. They know about Piper too and they won't let me interfere. I'm not even supposed to be here right now.", "Prue: Leo, you can't just let Piper die.", "Leo: Don't you think I would do something about it if I could.", "Phoebe: But you love her.", "Leo: I know. But I'm not her Whitelighter any more. And besides, even if I could help her my powers probably wouldn't even work because she wasn't fighting evil. (You hear the Whitelighters calling him.) I have to go, they know I'm here. I'm sorry. Tell Piper I love her. (He orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Screw the consequences.", "(They start searching through the Book of Shadows.)", "[Cut to the hospital. Prue and Phoebe are walking down the corridor.]", "Phoebe: Do you really think the awakening spell's gonna work?", "Prue: Better. Alright, Look, I'll get Piper's blood. Are you sure that you can get a poppet?", "Phoebe: Positive. I'll meet you in her room.", "Prue: Alright.", "[Cut to Piper's room. A nurse is drawing blood from Piper's arm. Dan's there. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: How is she?", "(The nurse puts a small container full of Piper's blood on a tray. Prue uses her power and it floats over to her and she puts it in her pocket.)", "Dan: No change. It just looks like she's sleeping but I can't wake her up.", "Prue: She'll wake up, I promise.", "[Cut to Nathan's room. He's playing with the Ninja doll. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, Nathan. Remember me?", "Nathan: Phoebe, I was hoping you'd come back.", "Phoebe: Really? Why?", "Nathan: You were right. The wizard did it. I feel great. Just like I used to.", "Phoebe: The power of positive thinking.", "Nathan: The power of magic. The doctors are letting me go home in a couple of days.", "Phoebe: Oh, that's great, Nathan. I'm so happy for you. You know, I was wondering if you would let me borrow the wizard for a while. My sister could use a little magic right about now.", "Nathan: She can keep him. I don't need him anymore.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "[Cut to Piper's room. Phoebe enters.]", "Phoebe: Hey. (She notices Dan there.) I was gonna bring back some sodas but the machine down the hall was busted and I didn't know where to find another one.", "Dan: I'll find it.", "Phoebe: Really? You don't mind?", "Dan: No, it's no trouble. I'll be back in a minute. (He leaves.)", "Phoebe: I got him. Let's do this. (Phoebe puts the ninja on Piper's stomach. Prue puts a drop of Piper's blood on the ninja. They touch the ninja and Piper and start saying the spell.)", "Prue/Phoebe: \"Troubled blood with sleeps unease, remove the cause of this disease.\"", "(Dr. Williamson opens the door.)", "Phoebe: Prue!", "(Prue uses her power and shuts the door. She keeps her hand held out to keep the door closed.)", "Dr. Williamson: Hey! (He tries to open the door.)", "Prue/Phoebe: \"Sleep eternal never more, and shift this source of illness borne, to this poppet whom none shall mourn.\"", "Phoebe: Prue, it's not working.", "(Suddenly, Piper springs up into a sitting position. Phoebe hugs her.)", "Dr. Williamson: Come on, open the door! (The door opens.) Who's blocking the damn door?", "Prue: What's up, Doc?", "Dr. Williamson: (He sees Piper awake.) When did this happen? Miss Halliwell, are you feeling alright?", "(You see Phoebe put the ninja in the bin. The camera zooms into the bin and you see the ninja's eyes open.)", "[Cut to outside the room. Dan and two other nurses go into the room.]", "Dan: Piper!", "(She sees the cans of soda.)", "Piper: Are those for me?", "(He hugs her.)", "Dan: You're okay.", "Piper: Yes I am okay.", "Dr. Williamson: This doesn't make any sense. Fever's gone, vitals are normal. I've never seen anything like it. The infection's gone too.", "Piper: So can I go home now?", "Dr. Williamson: (to the nurses) Draw some blood. I wanna run comparatives.", "Nurse: Yes, Doctor.", "Piper: Um, then can I go home? Because no offence, but I hate hospitals.", "(Prue, Phoebe and Dan laugh. They climb on the bed and lay all over Piper.)", "Piper: Get off me.", "[Cut to inside the bin. The ninja sits up. A nurse walks over and puts something in the bin. The ninja pushes his sword through the plastic and it pokes the nurse on the leg.)", "Nurse: Ow!", "(She walks away. The ninja then cuts through the plastic and jumps out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. There's no one in there except Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Dan and a bartender. They have music on.]", "Piper: Turn it up. (Prue turns the music up. Piper walks over to the bartender.) Alright, you can go home. I'll clean up.", "(He leaves. Phoebe runs over to Dan who's sitting down.)", "Phoebe: Dance with me, Dan.", "Dan: It's almost two in the morning.", "(She pulls him out of the chair.)", "Phoebe: So what. Come on, you're young.", "Dan: Stop the music, stop that music.", "(Phoebe goes over to Prue. Dan puts his arms around Piper.)", "Piper: Somebody need a nap?", "Dan: You know what? That's not fair. You've been asleep for almost twenty-four hours .", "Piper: And I know you've been up for almost twenty-four hours by my side. I can't tell you how much that means to me, being there for me. Hangin' tough.", "Dan: It wasn't that tough.", "(They kiss.)", "Piper: Now go home. I'll see you tomorrow. (He leaves. Piper walks over to Prue and Phoebe who are playing patty-cake with their hands.) Okay, spill.", "(They stop clapping.)", "Phoebe: What are you talking about?", "Piper: You guys cast a spell didn't you?", "Prue: (innocently) Who, us?", "Piper: Yeah, you. Not that I'm not grateful to be cured because I am, but what about that little personal gain problem?", "Phoebe: Okay, but don't you think we would have seen any consequences by now? It's been hours.", "Prue: Yeah, maybe saving a protector of the innocent isn't really personal gain.", "Piper: Maybe. Like I said, I'm not complaining. I'm just glad you didn't call Leo. Strange though with all the demons we've faced, this bug, this thing was the scariest of them all.", "Prue: Yeah, you don't have to convince us.", "Piper: I love you guys.", "Phoebe: We love you too.", "(They hug.)", "Prue: Hey, just don't ever scare us like that again.", "Piper: Don't worry.", "Prue: Ooh, ooh! Oh, God, I almost forgot. I have to get that Monet authenticated by tomorrow.", "Phoebe: At this hour?", "Prue: Why not? I'm wide awake.", "(Prue leaves.)", "Piper: I guess I should clean up.", "(Piper starts cleaning up. Phoebe stands there dancing and then she notices Piper is moving very quickly. She gets faster and faster.)", "Phoebe: Uh, Piper. Piper!", "(She stops in front of Phoebe.)", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: I think I found a consequence.", "[Scene: Hospital. The nurse that was poked by the ninja is lying on the bed breathing heavily. Another nurse rings someone up on the phone.]", "Nurse: Get me Dr. Williamson.", "[Cut to Dr. Williamson. His phone rings.]", "Dr. Williamson: Yeah? Okay, put them both on penildron though I doubt it'll do them any good. Call me if there's any changes.", "(He hangs up. A guy walks up to him.)", "Guy: And what can Centre from Disease Control do for you this fine middle of the night, Dr. Williamson?", "Dr. Williamson: I've really got something for you this time, Seiger. I wouldn't have called you if I didn't.", "Dr. Seiger: You know, it's not very ethical to try and get the government to validate your findings just so you can get published.", "Dr. Williamson: This'll get me more than published. I've got an outbreak of Arroyo fever in this hospital.", "Dr. Seiger: That's impossible. Arroyo fever isn't contagious.", "Dr. Williamson: It is now. I've got three patients with the disease in isolation.", "Dr. Seiger: How'd they get it?", "Dr. Williamson: I don't know. But however they did has something to do with the first person who came down with it. Piper Halliwell.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's looking at the painting. Jack walks in.]", "Jack: Morning.", "Prue: Hi.", "Jack: So how's Piper doing?", "Prue: Fully recovered.", "Jack: What? That's great.", "Prue: Yeah, I just came in early to confirm a few suspicions.", "Jack: Whoa, wait, back up. Piper's okay?", "Prue: Yes, she's home, she's healthy, everything's back to normal. Jack, we've got to talk seriously.", "Jack: Okay, shoot.", "Prue: We can't keep on fooling ourselves. This thing isn't real. I know that it looks perfect from the outside and it makes sense to just ignore the truth and pretend that there's nothing wrong but I can't do that.", "Jack: Look, Prue, come on, I know we've had our difficulties and maybe our relationship isn't everything you hoped for", "Prue: Jack, I'm talking about the painting. It's not real. I mean, yeah, it's from his school but Monet didn't paint it. One of his students did.", "Jack: Are you sure?", "Prue: Positive.", "Jack: So what.", "Prue: So what?", "Jack: Prue, if someone wants to believe in something that may not be altogether true but it's true enough for them, then what's the harm in letting it be?", "Prue: Jack?", "Jack: Prue, the world is made up of almost perfect. It's nothing but near misses and necessary compromises. In this case, I think we got a little bit of both. That's okay, I know how you feel. I'm just asking you not to look so close. Nothing bears up under that kind of scrutiny.", "Prue: Are you talking about the Monet?", "Jack: Yeah, that too. Just trust me. Go with it. Everything's gonna be fine.", "[Scene: P3. Disease Control people pull up in their trucks and go inside. Dr. Seiger walks up to Phoebe and Piper.]", "Dr. Seiger: Piper Halliwell?", "Piper: Whoa, what's going on?", "Dr. Seiger: I'm Dr. Seiger from the Centre from Disease Control. We have a court order to take you and your sister into custody and to quarantine your club until further notice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. There are lots of reporters and cameras there asking Dr. Williamson questions.]", "Dr. Williamson: No, I would not classify this as an epidemic at this stage. Although that's for Dr. Seiger from the C.D.C. to determine, not me. All I can tell you is an outbreak has occurred in the hospital and we've contained it.", "Reporter: Dr. Williamson, how do you know it's contained? How can you be sure?", "Dr. Williamson: Because we've identified the initial carrier.", "Reporter #2: Who is it? What's his name? Is it a patient?", "Dr. Williamson: We've identified the initial carrier and we brought her and anyone she may have affected down in the isolation ward.", "[Cut to Dan's house. He's watching the news.]", "Reporter #2: Is it true they closed down the night club called P3 because of the outbreak?", "Dr. Williamson: That is a question that can be answered by Dr. Seiger.", "Dr. Seiger: Yes, I can confirm that an establishment by the name of P3 has been quarantined. But only as a precautionary method.", "(Dan grabs his keys and coat and leaves.)", "[Cut back to the hospital. Phoebe and Piper are locked in a room in the isolation ward. Phoebe's knocking on the door.]", "Phoebe: Hello? Remember us?", "(A nurse talks into an intercom outside the room.)", "Nurse: I'm sorry, we can't hear you. What is it you want?", "Phoebe: We wanna get the hell outta here. That's what we want.", "Nurse: Dr. Williamson will be right in to discuss the situation.", "Piper: Discuss what? I feel fine.", "Nurse: Dr. Williamson will be right in. (She leaves.)", "Phoebe: This is ridiculous. Why won't they tell us anything?", "Piper: They're lucky they're in the other room, I'd freeze their butts.", "(A doctor opens the door and Prue walks in.)", "Phoebe: Oh, Prue, thank God.", "Piper: You're obviously not here to get us out.", "Prue: When I got home, someone from the C.D.C. was waiting for me and they took like a quart of blood.", "Phoebe: Ditto.", "Piper: Well, they might as well have taken all of mine, they've shut down the club, they'll ruin it. I'll lose everything.", "Phoebe: No, you won't. Once this whole thing gets straightened out.", "Prue: I have a feeling it's not gonna be that easy. Look, I overheard some doctors talking. There's others here that are infected with the disease.", "Phoebe: But I thought that it wasn't contagious.", "Prue: Yeah, so did I. (She sees the intercom.) So, can they hear us?", "Piper: No.", "Prue: Did either of you sleep by any chance?", "Phoebe: Sleep? Piper was bouncing off the walls last night.", "Piper: It's gotta be a consequence of the awakening spell you guys cast.", "Prue: I have a bad feeling that's not the only consequence.", "[Cut to Nathan's room. He's asleep. The ninja walks in.]", "[Cut back to Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. Dr. Williamson walks in.]", "Dr. Williamson: Sorry to keep you waiting.", "Phoebe: What, no mask?", "Dr. Williamson: No, I don't need it. None of us do. However the disease is being spread, it's not airborne. I just ruled that out.", "Piper: Great, then we're free to go.", "Dr. Williamson: Afraid not.", "Phoebe: You can't keep us here.", "Dr. Williamson: Actually, I can, by law. Not just because your sister circumvented it by opening the uninspected fruit, but because she‘s carrying a rare disease that has every possibility of spreading to epidemic proportions.", "Prue: I thought that you said it wasn't contagious.", "Dr. Williamson: Arroyo fever isn't supposed to be contagious.", "Phoebe: Well, then maybe you misdiagnosed it.", "Dr. Williamson: I didn't and aside from the fact that I had no idea how this disease is being spread there's another little mystery that's concerning me. Your recovery makes no clinical sense. Your blood has no antibodies which means your immune system has never fought it off. By all medical standards, you should be dead by now, Miss Halliwell.", "Piper: What's the matter, Doctor? You don't believe in miracles?", "Dr. Williamson: Not the kind that don't leave traces, no. I've got six people infected and there's nothing I can do to save them unless I figure out how it is you survived. I‘m gonna run a series of tests on all three of your blood work. Even DNA sampling. Maybe it's a genetic marker, I don't know. But I'm gonna find out and you're not leaving until I do.", "(He leaves.)", "Phoebe: Well, his bedside manners sure could us a little work.", "Piper: Six people? How's that possible?", "Prue: When we did the spell, we must have awakened everything in the room including the disease.", "Phoebe: So, do you think there's anything different about our blood because we're witches?", "Prue: I don't know but our first priority is to figure out how to help save these people.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but even if we can find a spell to save them, how do we prevent it from spreading to other people.", "Piper: You have to reverse the spell.", "Phoebe: No, Piper, we can't reverse the spell because", "Prue: You could go back into a coma, you could die.", "Piper: I'm not gonna die. Just reverse the spell and call Leo so he can heal me.", "Phoebe: Leo? I thought you didn't want us to call Leo.", "Piper: Well, yeah, that's when I thought I was sick, not dying.", "Prue: Piper, um, we already talked to Leo, he's not allowed to help.", "Phoebe: They won't let him.", "Piper: Oh. Great. Well thanks for doing something I specifically asked you not to do.", "Phoebe: Piper, you just said", "Prue: Phoebe, give it a rest. Um, look, Piper, we don't know the reversal spell anyway.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and they won't let us outta here to get it.", "Piper: Prue can get it.", "Prue: No, I can't. Okay, I can not just astral project on command. I can't control it like that.", "Piper: You can learn to control it just like you learned to control your other power. Just concentrate.", "Prue: Piper, I can't and I won't.", "Piper: Prue, you have to try. We can't let anybody else die.", "(Prue shuts her eyes and tries to astral project. She appears in the attic. A nurse looks in the room and sees Prue standing still with her eyes closed.)", "Nurse: (through the intercom) What's wrong with her?", "Phoebe: Nothing. She's fine.", "[Cut to the attic. Prue finds the spell and tries to remember it. She astral projects back into her body.]", "Prue: Whoa.", "Piper: Did you see it?", "Prue: Yeah, Piper, I don't", "Piper: Prue, we've already discussed this. For some reason there's no magical out for me but there is for the others. Please.", "Prue: \"What was awakened from it's sleep, was once again slumbered deep.\"", "(Prue and Phoebe touch Piper.)", "Prue/Phoebe: \"What was awakened from it's sleep, was once again slumbered deep.\"", "(They repeat it.)", "[Cut to Nathan's room. The ninja is on the bed. He raises his arms while holding his sword, ready to stab Nathan. Then the ninja turns back into a doll and falls on the floor.]", "[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. Piper collapses on the floor.]", "Phoebe: Prue, Prue, get help.", "(Prue bangs on the door.)", "Prue: Help!", "(Dr. Williamson and some other doctors run in.)", "Dr. Williamson: Help me get her on the bed. (They pick her up and put her on the bed.) You girls wanna tell me what the hell is going on? Get her on the monitor. Miss Halliwell, Miss Halliwell, can you hear me? Assist in respiration. Starting CPR.", "(Phoebe and Prue start crying.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. Dan runs up to reception.]", "Dan: Piper Halliwell, what room is she in? What room is she in, damn it. I'm family.", "[Cut to Piper. Dan enters the room.]", "Dr. Williamson: (He gives the nurse instructions and she races off.) She's not responding to CPR. Come on, Miss Halliwell.", "(Piper's spirit rises out of her body. You see a bright light. She appears in a place that's bright and golden. Someone is walking towards her. It's Leo.)", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: Hurry, take my hands. We don't have much time.", "Piper: Am I dead?", "Leo: No, not yet. Not if you take my hands.", "Piper: I don't understand.", "Leo: It's the only way, I can heal you. The only chance I have of them not finding out. Hurry.", "[Cut back to the room.]", "Dr. Williamson: Give me the paddles.", "Nurse: Charging.", "(He gets the paddles and applies them to her body.)", "Dr. Wiliamson: Clear.", "Nurse: No response. I'm not getting anything.", "Dr. Williamson: Again.", "Nurse: Charging,", "Dr. Williamson: Clear.", "[Cut back to Leo and Piper.]", "Leo: I don't wanna lose you.", "(He holds his hands above her hands.)", "[Cut back to the room. Piper's dead.]", "Nurse: Time of death, 9:40am.", "[Cut back to Piper and Leo. Leo heals her. Cut back to the room. She floats back in her body.]", "Prue: Wait, I think she's responding. There's a heartbeat.", "(Piper starts coughing.)", "Dr. Williamson: Piper? What the hell? This is incredible.", "Piper: Leo.", "(Dan hears her. Phoebe and Prue goes over to her and kiss and hug her.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Nurse: B.P. 105 over 60. Pulse is strong.", "Nurse #2: I don't understand. What happened?", "Dr. Williamson: I don't know but I'm gonna find out.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue's putting all her stuff in a box. Jack walks in.]", "Jack: Hey, I just heard. Are you out of your mind?", "Prue: I don't know, maybe.", "Jack: Come on, Prue. You can't be serious. You can't just quit.", "Prue: I already did. I turned in my resignation and Cauldwell accepted it.", "Jack: Why? Just because he doesn't agree with you about selling the Monet?", "Prue: It's not authentic, Jack.", "Jack: You know what? Buyer's think it is and they've been thinking that way for over a hundred years.", "Prue: So it's worth whatever people is willing to pay for it, right?", "Jack: Yeah, right.", "Prue: No, it's wrong. Or at least in my book it is and that's", "the way it used to be here before the take over. Before everyone cared more about the sell than what they're selling.", "Jack: Including me, right?", "Prue: Jack. It's not about the painting or Bucklands new philosophy. I've been thinking about this for a while. A lot has happened to me in the past year and a half. I've seen, I've seen things I never imagined existed and it's changed me. It's made me wanna make changes.", "Jack: So what are you gonna do?", "Prue: I don't know. Just take some time. Figure it out. Look, I had a little wake up call and I realize that life is too short to be wasting my time doing something I really don't wanna be doing.", "Jack: Or being with someone you don't really wanna be with.", "Prue: Jack, you have been great. You've opened me up to so many things, made me feel wanted again.", "Jack: But...", "Prue: But I need to be alone for a while, no strings.", "(She kisses him. grabs her box and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper gives a box of fruit to a guy.]", "Piper: These haven't been inspected yet. Put them in the back. We're returning them to the supplier.", "(She walks up to Prue and Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Looks like someone learnt their lesson.", "Piper: Yeah, the hard way unfortunately.", "Prue: Still, the clubs doing okay. Doesn't look like quarantine ruined business too much.", "Piper: Thanks to no cover charge and free drinks. Have you guys seen Dan around?", "Prue, Phoebe: No, why?", "Piper: No reason I guess. I thought he might stop by.", "Phoebe: Uh, you know, Piper, Dan heard you call Leo's name when you were coming around at the hospital.", "Piper: He did? That wasn't me thinking about Leo, that was just...", "Phoebe: Him saving you, I know.", "Prue: Still, how are you gonna explain that to Dan?", "Phoebe: Well, at least you're alive to try. That's what's important.", "Prue: Yeah, I mean, just because we're witches, doesn't mean we're above the laws of nature.", "Phoebe: Or the Wiccan ones.", "Piper: I know, you don't have to tell me twice. I'm not taking anything for granted anymore.", "Prue: Ditto.", "Phoebe: Yeah, Prue, welcome to the ranks of the unemployed. I'm proud of you. I think what you did was very brave.", "Prue: Thank you. (Leo walks in.) Ooh, Piper. (She points to Leo.) Leo.", "Phoebe: Tell him thanks for us too.", "(Piper walks over to him.)", "Piper: Hey.", "Leo: Hey. How are you feeling?", "Piper: Okay. A little tired. Which is actually a good thing. Leo, thank you for everything you...", "Leo: Couldn't let you die, Piper.", "Piper: I'm very glad you couldn't. Did you get in trouble?", "Leo: Yeah, actually, a lot. They found out what I did. They clipped my wings.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: It's not permanent. It's more like a suspension... I hope.", "Piper: Leo, I-I-I don't know what to say.", "Leo: You don't have to say anything. You didn't do anything, I did. I guess in the back I always hoped someday, somehow you and I would get a second chance.", "Piper: I'm with Dan now.", "Leo: I know. But I also know now that I'm a mortal, I'm gonna fight for you. May the best man win." ]
[ "When Phoebe unknowingly helps some college friends turn a trio of animals into guys on Valentine's Day for dates, everyone is in for a surprise when the guys retain several killer animalistic qualities and start attacking innocent people. After the girls and their dates descend on P3, Phoebe accidentally turns everyone at the club into animals, in an attempt to turn the guys back into their animal forms. As Prue tries to adjust to her free time now that she's unemployed, Piper and Dan have a hard time trying to have a romantic date now that Leo is working at the club." ]
[ "[Scene: College. Phoebe's in class.]", "Professor: The lions observed in the Ingoro goro crater of Tanzania, mated on average once an hour for a week straight. Before I lose half the room to that thought, answer me this. Where does it begin? And the purpose of all animals is that the proliferation of the species, right? (Phoebe sees a guy staring at her. She smiles.) But it isn't as easy as your nest or mine. It starts with a series of mating rituals. First, the animal must get the attention of the object it desires. (Phoebe looks at the guy again and she brushes her hair back.) Next, there must be a sign that the interest is mutual. (Three of Phoebe's friends are sitting behind her. One of them shows another something in a book. They giggle. Phoebe turns around.)", "Phoebe: What's up with my study group having fun without me?", "Andrea: Sorry, Phoebe, you looked busy.", "Professor: Use your time in section tomorrow, tail line your group's thesis, be specific. Better yet, just spell check. See you next week.", "(Everyone starts packing up. Phoebe turns around and looks at the cover of the book that Andrea is holding.)", "Phoebe: Is that a book of love spells?", "Andrea: Yeah, found it in the valentine display over at the campus bookstore.", "(She hands it to Phoebe.)", "Tessa: It's stupid.", "Brooke: Is not.", "Andrea: We just figured, you know, since we're dateless this year, maybe it'll give us some laughs.", "(Phoebe laughs to herself while reading the book.)", "Brooke: What?", "Phoebe: Oh, nothing. It's just they've got it backwards. You'd never say it in that order. First you say what's lacking and then what's needed. Here, try this. \"From strike of twelve count twenty-four, that's how long the spell is for, if to abate my lonely heart, enchant these gifts I thee impart.\" See? (They stare at her shocked.) Um, I'm doing a paper on the growing popularity of witchcraft. Hey, if you guys want something fun to do tomorrow night, you should check out my sister's club.", "(She hands them a flier.)", "Tessa, Brooke: Cool.", "Phoebe: No dates required.", "Andrea: Okay.", "Tessa: We'll be there.", "Phoebe: See you at the section tomorrow. (Phoebe stands up. Ethan, the guy that was staring at her, walks over to her.) Hey, there's a party tomorrow night. (She gets a flier out of her bag.) You should come.", "Ethan: Why?", "Phoebe: Because I'll be there.", "[Scene: College. The dorm. Andrea, Tessa and Brooke are about to do the love spell. A pig, a rabbit and a snake are on the floor.]", "Tessa: Okay, I'm freaked. Can we turn some lights on?", "Brooke: No, we can't. Can we?", "Andrea: It'll spoil the mood. Come on, it says to join hands.", "(They join hands.)", "Tessa: We're not gonna hurt them are we? Because I promised Ben that I would get his pig back to him tomorrow.", "Brooke: It's a joke spell, Tessa. This is just supposed to be fun. I mean, you can choose any animal to turn into a man and you chose a pig.", "Tessa: Well, it's frankly known that pigs are the most intelligent species, that's why.", "Brooke: Well, then we all know why Andrea chose the rabbit.", "Andrea: Just keep your fingers clear. He scratches.", "Brooke: Kinky. Exactly why I brought a snake.", "Andrea: Okay, let's do this. Say it with me.", "Andrea, Tessa, Brooke: \"From strike of twelve count twenty-four, that's how long the spell is for, turn these gifts into a mate, and then my lonely heart abate.\"", "(Nothing happens.)", "Tessa: Okay, that was fun. Can I go now?", "Andrea: Wait, didn't Phoebe say some of the words were wrong?", "Brooke: Why don't you call her?", "Andrea: I don't have to. The power of technology.", "(She gets her tape recorder and plays it.)", "Phoebe's voice: No dates required. (Andrea rewinds the tape.) From strike of twelve count twenty-four, that's how long the spell is for, if to abate my lonely heart, enchant these gifts I thee impart.", "(A bright light and smoke fill the room. Then the animals turn into three naked men.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's there. Prue comes in looking like she just woke up.]", "Piper: What's wrong with this picture?", "Prue: Okay, is that rhetorical or do I actually have to open my eyes to look at something?", "Piper: Well, it's a weekday and Phoebe Halliwell is already at campus, while Prue Halliwell, master of the morning meetings, sultan of scheduling and queen of...", "Prue: Cut it.", "Piper: How's it feel to be footloose and office free?", "Prue: Amazing. You know what I'm gonna do today?", "Piper: What?", "Prue: Absolutely nothing.", "Piper: Really? Really, Prue? Nothing entails physically doing nothing, thinking about nothing and worrying about nothing, as suppose to your sister here who's so in the middle of something.", "Prue: Okay, sweetie, what is wrong?", "Piper: Well, for starters there is tomorrow. (Prue doesn't know what she's talking about.) Valentines Day.", "Prue: Wow, I completely forgot. See? I'm doing nothing already.", "Piper: And Dan wants me to have a V-day dinner with him.", "Prue: Oh, that's good.", "Piper: Yeah, except for the fact that there's...", "Prue: Leo. I mean, he is mortal now, doesn't that change things? Piper, you're my sister and I'm with you whatever and whoever you choose.", "[Scene: College. The dorm.]", "Pig guy: I need to eat.", "(The rabbit guy comes out of Andrea's room.)", "Rabbit guy: Another satisfied customer.", "Tessa: (to the pig) You've already eaten everything in our fridge. Brooke will be back with food any minute. Just wait, okay?", "Rabbit guy: Whoa, what are we supposed to do until then?", "Snake guy: Fine question. What should we do? You two are acting like nothing's changed. Like you're still trapped in the confines of your cages. Behaving like animals.", "Tessa: That's what you are.", "Snake guy: Not anymore, thanks to you. You've been given a gift. It's time to take it out for a test drive. What it looks like from up here.", "Tessa: You can't. I mean, you have to stay here. (They walks towards the door.) Wait.", "(They walk outside in the hallway and they are still naked.)", "Girl: (pleased with what she sees) Ohh!", "(They walk down the hallway. Ethan walks around the corner holding a basket full of his clothes. He stops in front of them.)", "Snake: Is there a problem?", "Ethan: Uh, yeah, try covering up, dude.", "(They look down and notice they're naked.)", "Snake: Remedy the situation.", "(The rabbit pushes Ethan against the wall and takes his basket.)", "Ethan: Hey! Hey, man.", "(The rabbit pushes him and scratches him and he falls to the floor.)", "[Scene: P3. Piper carries a huge heart made out of flowers over to the bar. She notices a small bunch of flowers lying on the bar.]", "Piper: Who are these for?", "(Leo pops up from behind the bar.)", "Leo: They're for you. I know they're not much.", "Piper: They're beautiful. Um, but Leo...", "Leo: But it's, you know, the best I could do. You know, no I.D., no transportation, no money. I just wanted you to have something to mark the day.", "Piper: Thank you. I have something for you too. Although not nearly as romantic but still a good thing. (She holds up some money.) Your first pay cheque, or cash rather. I thought it would be easier.", "(She hands it to him.)", "Leo: So did I. Anyway, thanks. Looks like after everything, I'm still working for the Charmed Ones.", "Piper: Is all this... you doing okay with it?", "Leo: Yeah, I gotta make it up as I go. Piper, if me being here is awkward for you...", "Piper: No, um, what's there to be awkward about?", "Leo: These go in the back, right?", "(He picks up a tray of glasses and takes them to the store room.)", "Piper: Mmm hmm. (Dan comes down the stairs carrying a big bunch of flowers. He walks over to Piper.) What are those? I thought that we were gonna wait until tonight.", "(He puts them on the bar covering up Leo's flowers.)", "Dan: You're right. (He picks them back up.) I should take them back.", "Piper: Don't you dare. Give them to me. (He gives them to her.) They're beautiful. Thank you. (They hug. Dan sees Leo walk out of the store room.)", "Dan: Uh, Piper.", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "Dan: Is there something you wanted to tell me?", "Piper: Not that I know of.", "Dan: You sure?", "(Leo walks up to them.)", "Leo: Dan.", "Dan: Leo. (Leo walks between them and picks up the huge heart made of flowers. He walks away with it.) You never mentioned he was here.", "Piper: Leo's here. You're right. I meant to and then things got busy, so, um, I didn't and I'm sorry. He's just helping out.", "Dan: With what exactly?", "Piper: Um, you know, handy man, busboy, bar back, security type stuff. He needed a place to and it's really not a big deal, Dan.", "Dan: That's just the point, it is. When you were sick, you called out his name, not mine and I was right there with you. When he's around, you're, I don't know, different. We're different. How do you want me to handler that?", "Piper: And to tell you truth, if the situation were reversed, I don't know how I would feel. But I do know how I feel right now.", "Dan: How do you feel?", "Piper: Like for the first time in a very long time I'm actually looking forward to a valentines day dinner and you're the the reason.", "(He hugs her and Leo watches them from the other side of the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue's sitting on the couch. She's on the phone.]", "Prue: Uh, is Brianna there? Of course she's at work. Um, yeah, hi, this is Prue calling. No, you can actually just erase that number. She can reach me at home. Home, I'll be home. Okay, bye. (She hangs up. She sees a vase of flowers on the dresser. She tries to centre it using her power but it keeps sliding over too far. She sits there looking bored. The phone rings and she answers it.) Prue Hall... hello?", "Phoebe: Hello, yourself. How is the life of leisure going?", "Prue: It's great. I don't know why you ever gave it up.", "Phoebe: Yeah, because that house is only big enough for one home bound Halliwell. Hey, I'm just on my way to class but I wanted to know if Brooke or Andrea or Tessa called.", "Prue: No, no one called. Nobody. Zip. Nada. Zilch.", "[Cut to Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: That is so weird. They never showed up for our section today.", "(Pig guy sees a barbeque with sausages on it and a sign with a pig holding a hot dog. He grabs the guy cooking the sausages.)", "Pig guy: How could you do this to them? (He throws the guy on the ground and picks up the sausages.) Run, run my brothers! Run free! (He throws them up in the air.)", "Prue: Um, so hey, Phoebe, I was wondering if maybe we could meet for lunch and if you're pressed for time, then I can just come to campus.", "Phoebe: Actually I was gonna pick up a sandwich on the way to class.", "Prue: Okay, so what about after class? We could go to the gym. (Phoebe sees the rabbit guy hurting a girl.) Pheebs?", "Phoebe: I gotta go, Prue. (She hangs up.)", "Girl: You're hurting me. Stop! Get off!", "(Phoebe walks over to them and taps the rabbit guy on the shoulder.", "Phoebe: Hey, is there a problem? (Phoebe has a premonition of the rabbit guy biting someone. The premonition ends and the rabbit guy turns around and Phoebe trips him. He runs off.) Are you okay?", "Girl: Yeah.", "(Phoebe runs after the rabbit guy. She sees him jump over a wall with one leap.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Prue walks in. Piper's wrapping Dan's present.]", "Prue: Oh, we so have to cancel your Martha Stewart subscription.", "(She sits down.)", "Piper: When I start making flower boxes out of milk cartons, then you can shoot me.", "Prue: So, um, do you need help with anything?", "Piper: What happened to doing nothing?", "Prue: I'm finished.", "Piper: You can't finish doing nothing.", "Prue: So then how do you know when you're done?", "Piper: Put your finger on this. (Prue puts her finger on a ribbon.) It's for Dan.", "Prue: What did you get him?", "Piper: A book on San Francisco architecture. I know, I know, it's a little too impersonal for valentines day but...", "Prue: No, no. Show's that you know him. It's perfect for him. Uh, what did you get Leo?", "Piper: Leo? But should I? Tonight?", "Prue: Yeah.", "(Phoebe enters.)", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Prue: Hey.", "Phoebe: Okay, guess what I saw on Pheeb TV.", "Piper: No, not a premonition. It's valentines day. Can't there be some kind of supernatural day off?", "Prue: What did you see?", "Phoebe: There was a guy on campus harassing this girl, so I tried to stop him and wham! it was really weird. Like a guy biting a girl.", "Piper: Biting? Or kissing? It is that time of year, it could've been kissing.", "Phoebe: Hmm, maybe, it could of been I guess.", "Piper: Most people kiss on valentines day, except of course for witches. No, witches don't get to kiss on valentines day because something always comes up.", "Prue: Okay, so maybe it was just some drunk frat guy and his chick of the moment.", "Phoebe: Yeah, maybe. It just, it wasn't very clear. And then I followed him and I think he jumped over this wall.", "Prue: He jumped over a wall?", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, there was a ladder pretty close.", "Piper: Phoebe, come on. Doesn't anybody care that I have dinner plans tonight with Dan?", "(Piper holds up the book.)", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, is that what he got you? I mean, it's nice and all just a little impersonal. (Piper groans, crosses her arms on the table and buries her head in them.) What'd you get for Leo? What'd you get Leo?", "[Scene: College. The dorm corridor.]", "Tessa: But we missed section.", "Andrea: It's valentines day. I wanna find my date.", "Tessa: Are you sure? I mean, this isn't natural. You said it was just a joke and now they are human beings.", "Andrea: Pretty cool, huh?", "Tessa: No, no it's not. I think we should turn them back.", "Brooke: Just chill. We'll just until midnight and they'll turn back on their own.", "Andrea: Yeah.", "(They walk in their room. The rabbit, pig and snake guy are there. The snake's holding the spell book.)", "Snake guy: What does this mean?", "Andrea: It's a spell. That's what made you human.", "Rabbit guy: Yes, but for how long?", "(You see his fingers are starting to turn back into rabbit claws.)", "Snake Guy: He asked you a question.", "Brooke: Twenty-four hours. Actually now it's more like twelve.", "Snake Guy: Well, fix it. We've decided we would like to stay this way.", "Rabbit Guy: Yeah, we're having fun.", "Andrea: Yeah, sure looks like it. Am I wrong here but aren't you supposed to be mine?", "Snake Guy: Aren't you having fun, Andrea? You know, you can have much more fun if we had more time.", "Brooke: I might know how.", "Tessa: No.", "Brooke: Okay, we can't but I might know someone who might. Phoebe. She'll be at the party tonight.", "Andrea: Wait, I have the class roster. I know where she lives.", "Snake Guy: Show us the way.", "Pig Guy: Uh, we're gonna eat though, right?", "Tessa: Guys, I really don't think we should", "Snake Guy: Why don't you go on ahead. We'll catch up. (Brooke and Andrea leave.) Now why do you have to be such a little trouble maker?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Book store. Phoebe and Piper are picking out a card for Leo.]", "Piper: Thanks for keeping me company.", "Phoebe: Better here than at the club with Prue. Her boredom has turned her into the demon of declaration.", "Piper: Why don't they make a card that says \"You used to be my Whitelighter and now your wings are clipped and now you're sleeping in my club.\"", "Phoebe: Or how about \"you snooze, you lose and now I'm getting naked with the neighbour.\" (Piper hits her on the arm.) Ow, hey. (Phoebe picks up a card.) How about this one? (She reads it.) Oh, yeah, yeah, very sweet. Ta assussa sasa.", "Piper: And what is that supposed to say?", "Phoebe: That says something in Portuguese but at least you won't have to worry about him taking it the wrong way.", "Piper: Thank you. (Phoebe notices the spell book in the shop.) \"To the special person who lights up my day. I'll treasure you always.\"", "Phoebe: Ohh, of course.", "Piper: And then I'll spit up on myself.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, the girls in school are reading this. (She picks up the spell book.) The ones in my class. We are so in right now.", "Piper: We are not in. Love is and this stuff gives people hope that they can find it.", "Phoebe: Yeah, the problem is people think they can get into magic without dealing with the consequences.", "Piper: But this stuff, none of it's like in the Book of Shadows. For one thing, it doesn't really work. I mean, normal people can't make this work. (Phoebe remembers something.) Right? Pheebs?", "Phoebe: Not without a little help. Um, I have to go call Prue. I think I need her help with something.", "(Phoebe runs off.)", "Piper: Something to do? She'll be thrilled. (Piper picks up another card.) Okey dokey. (All it says on it is \"For you always.\") Now that's a card. (She puts it back and picks up another one.) This'll do.", "(She leaves. You see Leo standing in the next aisle. He's holding the \"For you always\" card.)", "[Scene: P3. Piper walks down the stairs.]", "Piper: Hello? Worker bees? Anyone? (She notices petals on the floor leading to somewhere. She follows them into the alcove. She opens the curtains and sees wine and glasses on the table. Dan's there holding a tulip.)", "Dan: I'm sure this'll ruin the dinner that I'm gonna buy you tonight but", "Piper: You are so sweet. (She looks at the bottle of wine.) Piper red label?", "Dan: Well, with a name like that, I figured it would be the best. I mean, this is our first holiday. The holiday invented by Hallmark. But it's just the same. (Piper's still holding the card for Leo and she hides it behind her back so Dan doesn't see.)", "Dan: Is that for me?", "Piper: Uh", "(He takes the card and reads it.)", "Dan: \"To a dear friend on Valentines Day.\" Piper, it's nice to know that you're deeply in like with me. It isn't for me, it's for Leo, isn't it?", "Piper: What do you want me to say?", "Dan: How about no.", "Piper: Dan, you read it. Read it again. It says to a friend. And I'm sorry but I'm not interested in ending that particular friendship.", "Dan: I'm not sure that's all he sees it as.", "Piper: I come with a past. We all do. It's a package. One I would like to share with you but you can't pick and choose. You get all of me.", "Dan: Do I?", "Piper: Okay, um, I've gotta work, so why don't I just see you tonight.", "Dan: Fine.", "(He walks away.)", "Piper: Fine. Oh, I just love Valentines Day.", "[Scene: Manor. The rabbit guy smashes the glass on the front door and puts his hand in to open the door.]", "Brooke: You can't do this.", "Andrea: This is going too far.", "(They walk inside.)", "Snake Guy: Rules like cages, were meant to be broken.", "Brooke: Okay, since leaving campus, you guys have beaten a pedestrian to a pulp and played chicken with a car. Are you on something?", "Andrea: Or just your average crazy? Look, Tessa seemed fine but if she's really not feeling well like you said, we should go home. Or at least call her.", "Snake Guy: We need Phoebe.", "(The pig guy pulls some skin off the back of the snake guys neck and there's snake skin underneath.)", "Andrea: Oh, my God.", "Pig Guy: What's happening?", "Rabbit Guy: We're changing back.", "Brooke: The spell said this would happen. Look, Phoebe's not here and there's nothing we can do to change things. It's not like we made up the rules.", "Andrea: God, Tessa was right. We shouldn't have done this.", "(The snake grabs Andrea. She screams and he bites her on the neck. She falls to the floor.)", "Snake Guy: She talked too much.", "(The rabbit guy grabs Brooke.)", "Brooke: Don't touch me.", "Pig guy: Guys stop! This isn't fun anymore.", "Rabbit guy: Yes it is.", "Snake guy: Next time you want a dangerous man, you might wanna make sure he's not poisonous.", "(She screams and he bites her on the neck. She falls on the floor.)", "Pig guy: Why'd you do that?", "Snake guy: Paper. Give me the paper.", "(The rabbit gets Phoebe's flier out of his pocket and gives it to him.)", "Pig guy: Are they...?", "Snake guy: They will be.", "Rabbit guy: Don't we need both of them and Phoebe for the spell? That's how it worked before.", "Snake guy: Four hours until we turn back. Four hours until they die from the poison. I think that information might motivate this Phoebe to help us. (His snake tongue sticks out.) Her scent, it's everywhere. She's not here right now.", "Pig guy: Let's go home, okay guys. I've had enough. We're not meant to be like this. (He starts crying. They walk up to him.) What? Come on, guys, what? No. Not me.", "(They both squeeze him really hard and he starts squealing like a pig. He falls to the floor.)", "Snake guy: I didn't think he'd ever shut up.", "[Scene: College. The dorms. Phoebe and Prue are walking down the hallway.]", "Prue: Since when do mortals cast spells that actually work?", "Phoebe: Look, I know that book is probably a total cheese fest, but what if? The spell called for living objects, my premonition and that guy who could leap tall buildings in a single bounce. Something is wrong, I know it.", "(A guy walks past them wearing only a towel.)", "Prue: Oh, hire education. Maybe, I need to come back to college to study something.", "(They walk up to Tessa, Brooke, and Andrea's room. Ethan's there.)", "Phoebe: Oh, Ethan.", "Ethan: Hey.", "Phoebe: What happened, honey?", "(She notices the cut on his forehead.)", "Ethan: Oh, it's nothing. Just some drunk frat guy.", "Prue: Yeah, seems to be a lot of that going around.", "Phoebe: Uh, this is my sister Prue.", "Ethan: Hey.", "Prue: Hey.", "Ethan: Well, I just knocked buy nobody was in. I thought I'd give them some hell for missing section today but, I mean, Andrea and Brooke would totally bail out but it doesn't really seem like Tessa, you know. Then again, it is valentines day, maybe they had something better to do.", "(Phoebe stares dreamily at Ethan.)", "Phoebe: Do you?", "Prue: Okay, gotta go, busy, busy. Nice meeting you, Ethan.", "(They shake hands.)", "Ethan: Nice to meet you and I'll see you tonight.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Ethan walks past them and Phoebe goes to follow but Prue stops her.)", "Prue: I'm sorry, okay.", "Phoebe: Oh, you're right. Love needs a backseat to duty.", "Prue: What's that about love in a backseat? (She uses her power and unlocks the door. They walk in.) Because mum, dad, your birth. That's how you were. God, this place is a mess. I mean, boys are bad but this is a pig sty.", "Phoebe: I don't think they did this.", "Prue: Hey, is this the spell book?", "(The book's on the floor.)", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "(They hear noises in the closet.)", "Prue: What was that?", "Phoebe: It's in the closet.", "(They walk over and open the closet. Tessa is in there locked in a cage.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Phoebe and Tessa are there.]", "Phoebe: Look Tessa, I know what you've been through has been really hard but the only way that we can help you is if you tell us what happened.", "Tessa: There's no way that you'd understand.", "Prue: You won't find two more understanding people in this particular instincts.", "Tessa: It just sounds crazy and you'll think that I'm...", "Phoebe: Very brave for facing whatever it is.", "Tessa: You remember that spell that we showed you in class? Well, it worked. Not liked it helped us meet guys, it helped us make guys out of animals.", "Phoebe: And you did this from the spell in that book?", "Tessa: Yeah, and we even played back the tape that we were recording in class so we could here your corrections for the spell. (Phoebe and Prue look at each other.) But before we had a chance to chant the new version, there they were.", "Prue: Alright, so what is it you think these men want with you?", "Tessa: I don't know. Maybe it's our fault because we tried to make them into something they're not.", "Phoebe: No, you can't blame yourself for the action of other people. We're gonna fix this. First we have to fix you. I'll be right back. (She walks in the kitchen and looks in a cupboard.) If I were hydrogen peroxide, where would I be? (She hears a noise in a closet.)", "[Cut back to Prue and Tessa. Prue notices the broken glass on the door.]", "Prue: Phoebe!", "[Cut back to Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: Prue, where do we keep the hydrogen peroxide?", "(Phoebe opens a closet and the pig guy falls out on top of her. Prue and Tessa run in the kitchen. Phoebe pushes the pig off her.)", "Tessa: Oh my gosh. He was one of them, except he didn't look like that.", "Prue: The spell must be wearing off.", "Phoebe: They're starting to look and act more like animals.", "Prue: Alright, look, they have killed one of their own, there's no telling what they're gonna do or what they already have done to your friends.", "Phoebe: Do you know what they want?", "Tessa: You.", "Phoebe: What?", "Tessa: They're having fun and they wanna stay this way and Andrea told them that you'd be able to help them.", "Phoebe: Where are they now?", "Tessa: There. (She gets the flier off the fridge.) That's where I think they'll be.", "[Scene: Side of the road. The snake guy and rabbit guy are there with a broken down car. A car drives past and they wave him to stop.]", "Man: You guys need some help?", "Snake guy: You could say that. I think we're outta gas.", "Man: What can I do for you?", "(The snake guy's eyes turn into snake eyes.)", "Snake guy: You could not scream.", "(The rabbit guy jumps on the bonnet of the car. Then the snake guy jumps on the roof, runs across it, leans over the edge and strangles the guy. Rabbit guy opens the boot of the other car and Andrea and Brooke are in there.)", "Rabbit guy: Okay, ladies, papa's gotta brand new set of wheels.", "[Scene: P3. Piper's talking on her cell phone.]", "Piper: Prue, the place is full of snakes. How am I suppose to pick out the right one? Did I mention I have dinner plans with Dan? Okay, you're five minutes away? Okay, as fast as you can would be good.", "(She hangs up.)", "Leo: Everything okay?", "Piper: Of course not. Prue and Phoebe have found a problem. Two of them actually and they're bringing their dates here.", "Leo: On the night when you have a date of your own, huh?", "Piper: Just ear mark anyone looking for Phoebe.", "(Ethan walks up to Piper and Leo.)", "Ethan: Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to know if Phoebe Halliwell is anywhere around here, would you?", "Piper: She should be here any minute and if you'd sit down over there and don't move you'd have a perfect view.", "(Ethan goes over and sits at the bar.)", "Leo: You think he's...", "Piper: Could be.", "Leo: Let me help.", "Piper: No, Leo, thank you, but now that you've lost your wings, I'm... I don't want you to get hurt.", "(Leo sees Dan walk down the stairs and he walks away. Dan comes up to Piper.)", "Dan: Hey. Will you be my valentine?", "Piper: I hope so. Especially after...", "Dan: Today. Well, tonight's tonight. So let's get started.", "Piper: Um, about that.", "Dan: You're kidding. Just tell me you're kidding.", "Piper: What?", "Dan: Wait, let me guess, It's something with your sisters, or maybe you'll be vague and just say something important's come up, or my favourite of all time - it's a matter of life and death.", "Piper; Actually, what I was going to say, if you would let me, is that I'm running a little late and could you please wait for me at the bar.", "(She walks away. The rabbit and snake guy enter the club. They walk around looking for Phoebe. Prue, Phoebe and Tessa enter the club. Phoebe's holding a pen and paper.)", "Leo: Hi guys.", "Prue: Hey.", "Leo: Piper's stressing in the alcove.", "Prue: Tessa, Leo, Leo, Tessa. Can you watch her for us for a little while please?", "Leo: Yeah, sure.", "Prue: Phoebe, how's the spell coming?", "Phoebe: It'd be coming a lot better if I could get my hands on a pinch of the salt of life.", "Leo: We got the salt of margaritas.", "Phoebe: I will take it.", "(Prue and Phoebe go in the alcove.)", "Tessa: So, who are you?", "Leo: I'm, uh, just a friend.", "[Cut to the alcove.]", "Prue: Hey, how's my stressed out sister and her something?", "Piper: Well, we've moved past something and straight into everything. The view sucks, I don't recommend it. How goes the battle plan?", "Prue: Well, we didn't find anything in the Book Of Shadows.", "Phoebe: Which makes sense because the animen or whatever were created by careless magic, not supernatural evil.", "Piper: So where does that leave us?", "Prue: In the hands of our spellbinding sister who's writing a little hocus pocus to turn these men back into animals before they get completely out of control.", "Phoebe: Easier said than done. I do not work well under pressure.", "Prue: Any sign of him?", "Piper: Well, I've been watching that one who came in looking for Phoebe but he doesn't seem so creepy.", "(They look at Ethan.)", "Prue: Yeah, the only magic Phoebe wants to work on him is personal. That's her date.", "Piper: Oh. Why do we seem to have a habit of gathering our men at the scene of the supernatural smack down?", "Phoebe: It's part of our charm.", "(Morris arrives.)", "Morris: Hey, ladies.", "Piper: Hey, Darryl. Please tell me you're here for a nice romantic evening with your wife.", "Darryl: No, that'd be what I'm late for.", "Piper: Join the club.", "Morris: I'm here as a friend. It's not my case -------. string of violent crimes in the campus, to your neighbourhood, all the way here to the parking lot. Stolen blue and grey --------- were driving - parked outside. A couple of units are on their way, so...", "Prue: Thanks for the heads up.", "Piper: I'll warn security.", "(Leo comes in and hands the salt to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Oh, thanks Leo.", "Leo: Uh, Tessa says Andrea and Brooke aren't here.", "Tessa: But they are.", "(They see snake guy and rabbit guy coming towards them.)", "Snake guy: Phoebe, so nice to smell you.", "Phoebe: He just spotted me.", "(The snake peels some skin off his face and snake skin is underneath.)", "Prue: Okay, how are we doing on that spell?", "Phoebe: You know, you keep throwing this 'we' word around and I don't see you doing anything.", "(Morris gets out his gun.)", "Morris: Wait.", "Prue: Darryl, no! (Morris goes up to the snake and rabbit. Prue astral projects in front of him.) Darryl, wait.", "Phoebe: Okay, I got it.", "Snake guy: (to Prue) Make us human. By the time we find your friends, they'll be dead.", "Phoebe: Okay. \"Something wicked in our midst, in human form these spirits dwell...\"", "Prue: Phoebe, no!", "(Prue astral projects back in her body.)", "Phoebe: \"Make them animals sayth the spell.\"", "Prue: Phoebe, they hid the girls. Okay, we need to keep them human until we find out where they are.", "(Phoebe looks out of the alcove and sees everyone in the club has turned into animals.)", "Phoebe: Ohh!", "Prue: Okay, what's going on?", "Phoebe: Uh, the good news is the spell worked.", "Prue: And the bad news?", "Phoebe: The spell worked on everyone.", "(Prue and Piper look out of the alcove.)", "Piper: I don't have a permit for this kind of party.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Prue and Piper are putting the rabbit and snake in boxes.]", "Piper: (singing) Old McPiper had a farm... (They hear a cow moo.) Was that a moo? Phoebe, fix this.", "Phoebe: Rome was not built in a day, Piper.", "Piper: Yeah, but my club was ruined in a blink of an eye.", "Prue: At least we don't have to try and figure out what species our innocence are.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but if Tessa's right and they're not here, then what?", "Prue: Well, right before you cast the spell, the snake said something about if we don't make them human, then the girls will die.", "Piper: Okay, so how much time do we have?", "Phoebe: Tessa said the spell lasts for twenty-four hours and they cast it at midnight, so...", "Piper: That's in thirty-five minutes.", "Prue: Didn't Morris say something about the man's stolen car parked somewhere outside?", "Piper: Yeah, followed by the police who are on their way here right now.", "Phoebe: Okay, you know, I made this mess, let me clean it up. You guys have to find Brooke and Andrea because if my premonition was right...", "Piper: As they always are.", "Phoebe: And they probably were both bitten by that snake, which means that if they don't get medical attention they could die.", "Prue: Alright, we'll go try find something in the car, a hint that will lead us to them.", "Piper: Okay, Phoebe, you try and turn this room back and we will try to find the girls and...", "(A monkey kisses Phoebe on the cheek.)", "Phoebe: Um, uh...", "Piper: Go kiss someone else.", "Prue: Let's take these guys with us, make sure they don't turn human.", "(They pick up the boxes.)", "Piper: Are you sure we've got the right ones?", "Prue: Well, yeah, it was the only rabbit and snake next to each other.", "Phoebe: And the only two that put up a fight. (Prue and Piper start walking towards the door.) Whoa, they're fleeing. Piper, how about a little supernatural choral? (Piper freezes all the animals.) Thank you. (Prue and Piper leave.) Okay, I would like you all to know that I'm vegetarian, okay. I have never eaten any of you.", "[Cut to outside. Prue and Phoebe are carrying the boxes out to the car park.]", "Prue: Why do I have to carry the poisonous snake?", "Piper: Because you're the oldest.", "Prue: So?", "Piper: So you've lived a full life.", "Prue: Wait, you think that's the car over there?", "Piper: What, you want me to ask him?", "(She shakes the box.)", "Prue: You know what? You're a smart ass. Come on, we don't have much time.", "(They walk over to the car and puts the boxes on the ground.)", "[Cut back to Phoebe. The animals unfreeze. A dog starts eating Phoebe's herbs.]", "Phoebe: No! Bad dog. Icksnay on icklingay. Alright, you know what? Nobody bothers the witch, okay. If we all remain calm, I will have everything under control and back to normal, alright?", "[Cut back to Prue and Piper. They'd just finished looking in the car.]", "Piper: Nothing. Now what?", "Prue: Trunk. (Prue uses her power and opens the trunk. They see Brooke and Andrea there.) Oh my God.", "(Piper feels their pulse.)", "Piper: They have a pulse. It's still there but it's faint and we need to get them to the hospital now.", "Prue: Alright.", "[Cut back to Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: \"Undo the magic acted here, reverse the spell so all is clear.\"", "(All the animals turn back into humans.)", "[Cut back to outside. The rabbit and snake turn back into humans as well. The snake grabs Piper. The rabbit goes over to Prue.]", "Prue: Piss off, Thumper! (She uses her power and he crashes into wooden boxes. The snake tries to bite Piper.) Oh, oh!", "Piper: What's happening?", "Prue: Phoebe reversed the spell. It must of worked on all the animals. Piper, hold on.", "(Prue uses her power and Piper and the snake fly through the air and hit the wall. The rabbit jumps on and she kicks him off. Piper grabs a long piece of wood and hits him between the legs.)", "Piper: How's it feel to be a man now? (She punches him in the face and knocks him out. The rabbit gets ready to scratch Prue and Piper freezes him.) What do you say we wake up Dr. Poison here and move him... move, uh, Thumper there right into his fangs.", "Prue: I've got a better idea. Come on.", "[Time lapse. A policeman is putting snake guy and the rabbit guy in the car.]", "Rabbit guy: At least we're human for good now.", "Snake guy: Shut up.", "(The car drives off. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are standing there.)", "Prue: So it looks like they got what they wanted. They get to be treated like humans.", "Phoebe: And caged like them too.", "(Morris comes up to them.)", "Morris: You three sure are re-writing my book on public service.", "Piper: So the girls are gonna be okay?", "Morris: Yeah. They're on their way to the hospital. I think you found them just in time. How did... I'm not even gonna ask.", "Prue: Remember when our biggest concern on valentines day was who to spent it with?", "Piper: Still is.", "Prue: Yeah, maybe for you. I was dateless tonight.", "Phoebe: Speaking of dates - don't I have one in there?", "[Cut to inside. Phoebe is dancing with Ethan and Prue and Piper are sitting at the bar.]", "Prue: You know, I never knew how exhausting not having a job could be.", "Piper: Table four needs to be bust.", "Prue: Okay, I'm serious. No, it's like having a job just sort of made this whole charmed thing less stressful. It gave me something else to worry about.", "Piper: So the Prue of old wins out after all.", "Prue: I like being busy.", "Piper: And why mess with a good thing?", "Prue: Yeah, I just need to find something that I love getting busy at.", "Piper: Speaking of getting busy, check out our little sister.", "(They watch Phoebe dancing with Ethan.)", "Prue: Oh, my. Just hope she doesn't do eighties dancing. I'm ready to go home. Bye.", "(She leaves.)", "[Cut to Phoebe and Ethan.]", "Ethan: Phoebe, there's something...", "Phoebe: Oh, no, in my teeth? (You see a feather in her hair. He takes it out.) Oh! That's, uh, that's-that's-that's really strange.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Dan and Piper are sitting at the bar.]", "Dan: You're not a beck and call kind of girl, I get that.", "Piper: I have a job that takes time, a family that takes time and making you and me work is gonna take time. I need to know that you're willing to deal with it with me.", "Dan: You know I am. As long as you realize who I am. Sometimes I get jealous. I wonder where you are, who you're with and that's me. You can't make me something I'm not. Work with me, yes but change me. (He shakes his head.)", "Piper: Relationships are hard work.", "Dan: Especially on an empty stomach. Do you think we can talk about this over dinner?", "Piper: Magic words. (They start walking towards the stairs.) Oh, I forgot my purse. I'll meet you outside.", "(She walks in the alcove and picks up her purse. A card is sticking out of it. She starts reading it.)", "Leo's voice: Piper, when we first met you thought I was just a handyman. Well, I'm just a handyman again. The sane guy you fell in love with. The same guy who fell in love with you. For who you are, not who I think you are. Remember that and know that I'm, not giving up.", "(Piper and Leo look at each other from across the room. They start walking towards each other. They meet up and start kissing. Then you see her standing there in the alcove. It was only a daydream. She looks over at Leo, they smile and she walks outside.)" ]
Animal Pragmatism
[ "When an evil presence from Phoebe's past life starts to threaten her with a violent death in the present, she decides to cast a spell to go back to the 1920's and stop him. While there, Phoebe discovers that the Charmed Ones past lives went down the dark path, and as a result, puts her present life on the line in order to change the past and vanquish Anton. Meanwhile, Piper discovers that her present life is similar to her past one, in terms of who to choose in her love life. Prue discovers a new passion." ]
[ "[Scene: Halliwell Manor. A party is happening. We see Piper serving drinks. Prue shows a couple to the door. Loud music is playing.]", "Woman #1: Great party.", "Prue: Drive carefully.", "Man #1: Good night.", "(Piper puts the tray on the table in the hall. Prue comes to her.)", "Prue: Great party. Maybe we should do this more often.", "(Piper's attention is directed towards Dan and Leo, who are drinking beer and talking in the living room.)", "Piper: Yeah. Maybe next time we can trim the guest list by one.", "Prue: Piper. I had to invite Leo. He was at the club when I went to go pick up the supplies. He knew that we were throwing a party.", "Piper: Well didn't you think maybe he'd feel a little awkward being here because of Dan?", "Prue: It doesn't look like he feels too awkward to me. Look, Piper, he's been mortal for what? A couple of weeks now? I mean, I felt bad for him. He doesn't know anybody and it's not like there's a fallen-white-lighters-support group to join or anything.", "Piper: Prue, I'm not upset with you. I'm just I'm I'm, upset with the whole situation.", "Prue: Well, Leo's just going to have to accept the fact that you're with Dan now. You are still with Dan, right?", "Piper: Yes. Of course.", "(We see Leo and Dan laughing.)", "Piper: What do you think they're talking about?", "Prue: You", "Piper: Great.", "(Phoebe comes out of her room by the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Hey you guys. (Prue and Piper look at her.) Give me a break. It's after midnight. I have midterms tomorrow.", "Piper: Sorry. Pheebes. We didn't realize we were being so loud.", "Prue: Why don't you take a study break? Clear your head. Come on down.", "Phoebe: I can't. I have too many phobias. (Prue and Piper give her the \"what\" look) To learn about for my psych exam. I had no idea there were so many. \"Claustrophobia. Arachnophobia.\" (Reading from the cards in her hand) Um. \"Kleptophobia, Phallusphobia.\"", "Prue: \"Relax-a-phobia\".", "Phoebe: Cute.", "Prue: Just trying to help.", "Phoebe: You can help by keeping it down. Did I mention it's after midnight?", "Piper: Twice.", "Prue: Party's breaking up anyway.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "(Phoebe kisses her hands, throws them at her sisters, and then goes into her room. Piper and Prue look back at Leo and Dan, who are laughing)", "Piper: What the hell are they talking about?", "[Cut to Leo and Dan.]", "Leo: My favorite ball player? Joe DiMaggio. Hands down.", "Dan: DiMaggio. No. I meant when you were growing up.", "Leo: DiMaggio was my grandfather's favorite. That's why he's mine too.", "Dan: You know Leo, this is just an observation, but uh, you don't like to talk about your past that much. Do you?", "Leo: It's just not all that interesting, really.", "Dan: Not that interesting? I mean, being in the army sounds pretty interesting. How, I mean, how long have you been out?", "(Piper enters.)", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: Hi guys. Having fun? Not talking about me too much I hope.", "Dan: No. No. Not at all.", "Piper: No?", "Dan: Actually. Leo was about to fill me in on his army experience.", "Piper: The army? (Leo smiles) Huh. Whoops. Look at the time. Gotta call it a night. Party's over.", "[Scene: Phoebe's room. Phoebe has some papers, books, and laptop is scattered on her bed. Phoebe is writing something.]", "Piper: (from downstairs) Good night everybody.", "Phoebe: Finally.", "(Phoebe takes her Chinese style clips out of her hair.)", "[Cut to outside of manor. Prue, Piper, Leo, and Dan are showing the rest of the quests' out ]", "[Cut back to Phoebe's room. She's studying until she hears music. It sounds like the party is still going on. (Later it's the sounds from the party in 1924.) She goes to the stairs and begins walking downstairs.]", "Phoebe: OK. I asked you guys once to keep it down.", "(She looks and sees no one around. As she walks downstairs, she still hears the party noises. She goes into the dinning room. Something pushes her against the wall. She is forced to have her hands up against the wall. Something pulls her shirt off, then slips her bra strap off. Something then pulls her skirt up. She falls to the ground. A lamp off the table and breaks.)", "[Cut to outside. Piper, Prue, Leo, and Dan look towards the sound.]", "Piper: Phoebe?", "(They go inside and see Phoebe on the ground.)", "Prue: Phoebe? (They go to her. Prue and Piper kneel down by her) Hey. Are you all right?", "(Phoebe sits up and pulls her bra strap up and puts her shirt back on)", "Phoebe: Uh yeah. I think so.", "Piper: What happened?", "Phoebe: I don't know, but I'd sure like to find out.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Living room. Prue and Phoebe are sitting on the couch. Phoebe is laying on Prue. Leo and Dan are standing behind the table behind the couch. Piper brings Phoebe a glass of water. She then sits on the coffee table.]", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "Dan: You sure you're all right?", "Phoebe: I'm fine really.", "Dan: You're lucky. Falling down like that, you really could have hurt yourself.", "Prue: Maybe we should call it a night, huh? Let her get some rest.", "Piper: Oh. OK. (She looks at Dan) I'll walk you out.", "Dan: OK. (Piper begins to show Dan out. Leo begins to walk around. Dan stops in the doorway with Piper and looks at Leo) Hey, uh, Leo. (Leo stops) You coming?", "Phoebe: Uh no. He has to stay here and", "Prue: Um, take glasses back to P3.", "Dan: Now? At this hour?", "Piper: I'm a tough boss. Ready?", "(They begin to leave.)", "Leo: Nice chatting with you.", "(Piper and Dan stop.)", "Dan: Yeah. You too.", "(Piper and Dan go by the door and kiss. Leo sees this. Dan leaves. Piper comes back into the living room.)", "Leo: Well, I thought he'd never leave.", "Piper: What the hell were you two chatting about all night.", "Prue: Piper do you mind? (Piper sits on the coffee table.) Phoebe, so what really happened?", "Phoebe: Uh OK. I heard what I thought were party noises, so I came downstairs to check and to yell at you guys and I was attacked by something invisible.", "Prue: So what? Like a ghost?", "Phoebe: Uh, I didn't sense another being. It was more uh I don't know, like a, like a daydream, I guess.", "Piper: A daydream? Since when do daydreams attack people?", "Phoebe: It wasn't really an attack, it was more of... a seduction.", "Leo: Interesting daydream.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Prue: So I guess the question is what was it?", "(Phoebe looks at Leo.)", "Phoebe: Have you ever run across anything like this? I mean, as a white lighter?", "Leo: Not really.", "Piper: Which means we have no idea if it's going to strike again or not.", "[Scene: Next morning. Phoebe's school. Prue is walking Phoebe to her class]", "Phoebe: This is so embarrassing. I haven't needed my big sister to walk me to school since the first grade.", "Prue: Yeah, well, get used to it. Until we figure out what happened, we're your bodyguards.", "Phoebe: How do you know that you don't need the bodyguard? How do you know that he won't come after you next?", "Prue: Because from your description. It sounded very, uh, intimate. It makes me think that yours is the only body it's interested in. Hey, you know, are you sure you're up for taking this exam?", "Phoebe: I can't let stuff like this keep me from living my life otherwise I'd never leave the house, you know?", "Prue: True.", "Phoebe: Oh! (Phoebe stops by her class in the doorway and looks at Prue.) You're not going to sit beside me while I take this test.", "Prue: I'm not?", "Phoebe: No! You are not! You're going to wait patiently out here until I'm done, please?", "Prue: All right, but if anything weird happens, yell.", "Phoebe: OK.", "(Phoebe goes into class. Prue looks behind her and sees a photograph display she goes to it)", "[Cut to P3. Piper is sitting at the counter looking through some papers and Leo is behind the counter opening a new box of glasses and putting them away.]", "Leo: How's Phoebe?", "Piper: Fine so far. She should be taking her midterms as we speak.", "Leo: So no more attacks after I left?", "Piper: Prue and I took turns watching her all night. Nothing happened.", "Leo: Really? That's uh that's good.", "Piper: Wait a minute. I know that tone. What's up? What do you know?", "Leo: Nothing, just", "Piper: Just what? Come on Leo. If this has anything to do with what happened", "Leo: It may not. I don't know. It's just look, I was up all night trying to recall a similar situation another white lighter had with one of his charges. It had something to do with uh a past life coming back to haunt her present one.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: Look, it's obviously very rare. It doesn't happen to most people. But if I remember right, in this particular case, her past life was trying to warn her present one.", "Piper: Warn her? About what?", "Leo: I don't know. And that's what's so frustrating. Cause I don't have any way of finding out either.", "Piper: You miss being a white-lighter, don't you?", "Leo: Yeah. Times like this I do, when I know I can help. And also when I think that I'm never going to be with you.", "(Leo and Piper look at each other. Dan enters the club.)", "Dan: Hope I'm not interrupting anything.", "Piper: Dan. Hi. No. Don't be silly. We were just", "Leo: Finished.", "(Dan goes to Piper and kisses her. He looks at Leo. Leo begins to leave.)", "Piper: What are you doing here? I thought you, uh, had a job to bid?", "(Dan sits on the stool next to Piper)", "Dan: Well, I was on my way back to the office. You know, crunch some numbers. (Piper looks at Leo and so does Dan. We see Leo go in the storage room and close the door. Dan and Piper look back at each other.) If I ask you a question, promise me you won't get mad at me?", "Piper: Depends on the question.", "Dan: How well do you really know Leo? About where he's from I mean?", "Piper: Why do you ask?", "Dan: Believe me. This is not a jealousy thing. I just want to make sure you know who's working for you. That's all. Just call me overprotective.", "(They giggle a little.)", "Piper: That's very sweet Dan, but um, trust me. You don't have to worry about Leo at all. He's an angel.", "[Scene: Phoebe's classroom. Phoebe is taking the exam until something chokes her. She drops her papers and is thrown out of her chair. One girl screams. Prue hears it.]", "Prue: Phoebe. (She goes into the class. There is a crowd around Phoebe, who is still choking.) Excuse me. (She kneels down by Phoebe.) Phoebe. Phoebe. (Phoebe stops choking and sits up.) Are you OK?", "[Scene: Halliwell Manor. Piper and Prue are sitting on the couch. Leo is sitting in the armchair. Phoebe is standing behind the couch. Piper is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: What am I looking for?", "Leo: Anything to do with past lives. Potions, spells, incantations. If I'm right, there should be something in the Book of Shadows about it.", "Prue: You really think this has something to do with Phoebe's past life?", "Leo: Well that's how our souls involve, how we grow as invidious. From one lifetime to the next.", "Phoebe: OK. Then why is my past life trying to kill me?", "Leo: I don't think it is. I I think it's trying to warn you. Give you a chance to do something about it. Maybe it's because you get premonitions.", "Prue: Wait. Do something about what?", "Leo: About w w whatever happened before that's endangering her now.", "Phoebe: Where's Shirley McLaine when you need her?", "(Piper finds a spell)", "Piper: Don't need her. We've got this. Leo's right. There's a spell that will take you to that past life.", "(Phoebe goes and sits between Prue and Piper while Prue says this.)", "Prue: Wait. We're not doing this.", "(Piper slides Phoebe the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: Looks like you don't have to. It's written in first person. I can do it alone.", "Prue: Phoebe (She flips through some pages looking for a return spell) There's absolutely no spell to bring you back.", "(She flips back to the spell.)", "Leo: Which means she can probably come back whenever she wants to.", "Prue: Probably? That's not good enough. What if she can't? She could be trapped in her past life where something awful may have happened to her.", "Phoebe: But if I don't go back, the same awful thing could happen to me in this life.", "Prue: Fine. Then we're going with you.", "Piper: We can't. Not according to the way the spell is written. Only Phoebe can.", "Phoebe: I've just started to turn my life around. I really don't want my past life to ruin it for me now. (She pauses for a minute and sighs.) Remove the chains of time and space and make my spirit sore. Let these mortal arms embrace the life that haunts before.", "(Phoebe falls asleep in Piper's lap. We see through the eyes of someone riding in an old car in the 1920s. It honks and stops. Someone in a tuxedo opens the door and we see the Halliwell Manor and people leaving. The person is walking up the stairs.)", "Woman #2: Thanks for the love potion. Worked wonders.", "(The person goes up the stairs where a man is standing.)", "Man #2: Welcome back.", "(He opens the door. There is a party going on. The 1924 music is playing. Some people smile at the person. Some look hateful. We see that the person is Past Phoebe.)", "[Cut to the present]", "Piper: You think she's all right?", "Leo: She looks all right so far.", "[Cut to 1924]", "(Past Phoebe is walking into the living room. We see Past Dan playing the piano. He sees her and she looks mad at him. He looks away. She goes by the stairs by the bar. A woman approaches her.)", "Woman #3: Well, I was wondering where you went off to.", "(Past Phoebe holds up a bag.)", "Past Phoebe: I had to get some herbs. I can't very well make my potions without them. Would you like me to curse anyone for you?", "(Woman #3 looks at a guy who looks at her.)", "Woman #3: Maybe later.", "(They both give an impish giggle. The woman goes. Past Piper goes to the bar.)", "Past Piper: Hurry up with that giggle water Jake. We have thirsty people waiting.", "(The bartender nods. Past Phoebe looks at her disguised. She goes to the bar.)", "Past Phoebe: What's a matter dear cousin? You're not afraid of me are you?", "Past Piper: Should I be?", "Past Phoebe: (to Jake) My usual and bring it to my booth. (To Past Piper) Would you tell your husband to play something different? (She looks at Past Dan) I'm board with this old song.", "(Past Piper goes to Past Dan)", "Past Piper: Don't worry about her, baby. Just keep playing.", "Past Dan: Anything for you.", "(She looks mad Past Phoebe. Past Phoebe looks mad at her and goes into the parlor. Past Piper grabs a make-up case with no make-up in it off the piano and leaves. We see Past Prue take a picture of an old couple with an old camera and smiles after. Past Phoebe walks to her. Past Prue looks mad at her.)", "Past Phoebe: Hello cousin.", "Past Prue: We have to talk soon.", "Past Phoebe: We're done talking.", "(She begins to walk away. Past Piper goes to Past Prue.)", "Past Prue: Did you find the spell?", "(Past Piper holds up the make-up case and opens it without taking her eyes off Past Phoebe. Past Prue takes out a piece of paper. Past Phoebe looks back at them. They look mad at her. She begins leaving again. We see a little girl sitting by a crystal ball and a woman sitting across from her.)", "Little girl: \" Say these words. Heed the \"", "(Past Phoebe walks to her.)", "Past Phoebe: Christina Larson. What in the devil are you doing? (to woman) And you get out of here. (the woman leave) I told you to watch my things. That's all. (She takes a proscenia doll and throws it on the ground, breaking it's head.)", "Christina: My dolly!", "(She goes to pick it up and begins to cry.)", "Past Phoebe: Spells and charms are not toys Christina. Do you understand me?", "(She leaves. Christina hugs her doll and cries. Phoebe goes to a doorway. A man comes up behind her. He grabs her stomach. He pushes her outside and pushes her against the wall, suspending her hands against the wall.)", "Man #3: I've been looking all over for you.", "(They kiss sexually. He slips off a strap from her dress. He then begin to slip up her dress, then stop.)", "Past Phoebe: Why must you tease me Anton?", "Anton: Come with me. (He goes to the back of the house. We see a guy take a package inside through the back door. When then see Anton and Past Phoebe come. They stop by the back door.) Drink this.", "Past Phoebe: What is it?", "Anton: A potion to triple your power. In case your cousins' are ready for us. It's the only way for us to succeed. You do want that, don't you? (She hesitates for a minute and then smiles.) That's my girl. (She drinks the potion.) Go ahead. Test it. (She looks around to make sure no one's watching. She then shoots a fireball through her fingers and sets a box of wine on fire.)", "[Cut to present]", "(Phoebe wakes up and sits up with a jolt.)", "Piper: OK. OK.", "Phoebe: Where am I?", "Prue: Your home, honey. Your home. Your OK. What happened?", "Phoebe: I was bad very, very bad", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Attic. Phoebe enters looking for the family tree. Piper, Prue, and Leo follow her.)", "Phoebe: Family tree. I know I saw one somewhere.", "Piper: Uh, I still don't understand.", "Phoebe: We were all related. Cousins. And we lived here at the manor back in the twenties.", "(She begins looking for the family tree)", "Piper: Together? Here? (She looks at Prue) So much for evaluation.", "Prue: Wait. So you saw us in our past lives? I mean, did we look the same?", "(Phoebe looks up from the trunk)", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah. You did, actually. Kind of.", "(She opens the trunk, kneels down, and begins to look through it)", "Leo: Well, they probably looked the same to you because your soul recognized their souls. I mean, we all tend to travel in the same circle of family, friends, even enemies throughout our various lives. And that's why our souls recognize each other. So we can keep finding each other. That's what soul mates mean.", "Phoebe: It was really weird being back like that because it wasn't like I had any control over my actions. It was more like I was a visitor. Watching. Feeling.", "Piper: Feeling bad?", "Phoebe: Feeling very, very bad. (Prue and Piper give her a look) OK. I admit it. I liked it. It felt good to be respected and powerful. (She looks at Leo) Hey! Speaking of powers. (She stands up) How come I didn't get to keep that kick ass power I had back then?", "Leo: Well, if you screw up your regrets. Your past self must have abused the power. That's why it was taken away from you.", "Phoebe: That's too bad because it was hot. (She looks at Prue and Piper) Literally.", "Prue: Yeah. Apparently that wasn't the only thing that was really hot.", "Phoebe: Ooh. Yeah. Anton was hot too. Ooh. (She kisses her hands) And he was such a good kisser. (She puts her hands down and looks through the desk behind her) And so good with his hands.", "Piper: Hands that very well may have killed you.", "Phoebe: Maybe. But, you know, it could have also been Past Dan.", "Piper: Dan? As in my Dan?", "Phoebe: Uh-huh.", "Piper: You saw him too?", "Phoebe: He was your husband. Sorry Leo.", "Leo: That's OK. I'm hoping Piper learns from her past mistakes.", "(Piper looks at Leo.)", "Piper: Huh.", "(Prue looks at Piper and smiles.)", "Prue: Huh.", "(Piper nudges Prue.)", "Phoebe: Prue, this was the camera that you used in your past life.", "Prue: Wait. I (Prue goes over to Phoebe to see the camera while saying this) I was a photographer?", "Phoebe: Yeah, and apparently a really good one because people were lining up to get their portraits taken.", "Prue: Really? (Phoebe begins looking through a drawer.) So um, any idea what kind of power I had?", "(Phoebe stops for a minute.)", "Phoebe: Uh, I don't know, but whatever it was, it must've been pretty powerful because Anton had to triple mine. (She pulls up a rolled up family tree.) I found it. The family tree.", "(They all go to a box and Phoebe unrolls the family tree while they all kneel down. Leo puts his hand on the top to make sure it doesn't roll up on its own.)", "Piper: Well there we are at the bottom.", "(We see Piper and Phoebe's names and birth dates.)", "Prue: Right. There's mom and Grams.", "(We see Prue's finger slide by her parents' and grandparents' names and birth dates.)", "Phoebe: OK. This must be us again. 3 cousins.", "(She slides her fingers across the names P. Bowen [Prue], P. Bexter [Piper] and P. Russell [Phoebe])", "Prue: Yeah, well, which one's which?", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. What's the date today?", "Piper: Uh, February 17th.", "(Phoebe sighs.)", "Phoebe: I think that this one is me. (She points to P. Russell) She died February 17th, 1924. The same age I am also.", "Prue: Certainly explains why the warnings are happening today.", "(Phoebe looks at Leo.)", "Phoebe: So, it doesn't mean that I'm going to die today too, right?", "(Leo's face says \" I don't know\".)", "Prue: We have to figure out what happened fast.", "Phoebe: Wait. Wh what was that little girl's name? Christina Christina Christina Larson. Christina Larson. Maybe she can remember what happened.", "Prue: Can you say long shot?", "Phoebe: Well, it's the only shot I got, Prue. I will call Darryl and maybe the police can track her down. I just hope she's forgotten what I did to her doll.", "[Scene: Retirement home. Phoebe, Piper, Prue, and Leo are there talking to Christina, who's in a wheelchair. We see Christina pointing at Phoebe while saying this.]", "Christina: My dolly! You broke my dolly!", "Phoebe: No. No. That wasn't me. It was just someone that looked like me. Sort of. It's it's hard to explain.", "Leo: But she recognizes your soul. That's a good sign.", "Prue: Just let her know that you're the good Phoebe, not the bad one.", "Phoebe: Uh (She goes by Christina.) You don't have to be afraid of me anymore. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise.", "Piper: Ms. Larson, we need your help.", "(Phoebe kneels down.)", "Phoebe: Do you remember when you were a little girl back in 1924? You used to go to a speakeasy that was run by three cousins. Do you remember that?", "(Christina nodded happily.)", "Christina: Daddy was the bartender. He used to pick me up after school and take me there. (She giggles a little.) I liked the piano. (She sings this next line.) If you were the only girl in the world, and I", "(Phoebe touches her hand.)", "Phoebe: The girl that looked like me, do you remember her?", "(Christina takes her hand away.)", "Christina: She was an evil witch. (She looks at Leo, Prue, and Piper.) I used to hide upstairs by the landing. (She looks at Phoebe.) I saw everything.", "Piper: Did you see anything bad happen to the evil witch?", "Christina: Oh. It was scary. Fire and screaming. (She turns to Phoebe.) And then you were murdered.", "Phoebe: Do you remember who murdered me?", "Prue: Was it a man named Anton?", "Christina: It was such a pretty necklace. Just ripped it off of the bad witch and then strangled her.", "Leo: Who strangled the evil witch?", "(Christina cries.)", "Christina: That was my favorite dolly.", "Phoebe: I'm so sorry. (They walk outside. Phoebe looks at the elders and then at Piper, Prue, and Leo, who are following her.) Well, bright side, at least I don't have to worry about ending up in a place like this in my golden years.", "Prue: Hey, at least we have time to figure out what happened.", "Phoebe: Not much time. By midnight, I'll be dead again.", "Piper: By midnight? How do you know that?", "Phoebe: Midnight, a full moon, what's the difference? It's always one or the other, right? I know I won't make it to February 18th unless", "Leo: You go back to the past again and find some answers.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue is sitting on the couch. Leo and Piper are standing behind the couch. Leo is pacing. We see Phoebe bring the Book of Shadows as she sits on the couch. She begins to open the book to the future spell.]", "Leo: Whatever you do, make sure you get back before your past life gets killed. Otherwise we may not be able to wake you up.", "Phoebe: Don't worry. Dying is one experience I don't plan on reliving.", "Prue: Are you sure that you want to do this?", "Phoebe: No but here it goes. Remove the chains of time and space and make my spirit sore. Let these mortal arms embrace the life that haunts before.", "(She falls asleep. Prue lays her head down on the pillow.)", "[Back to just after Past Phoebe threw her fire ball. We see the boxes blow up.]", "Anton: Feels good to be bad, doesn't it?", "Past Phoebe: Sometimes.", "(She turns around.)", "Anton: Second thoughts.", "Past Phoebe: They're my cousins, Anton.", "Anton: They're good witches, my love, which is why I gave you this amulet to wear. (He points to the necklace.) It protects you from their witch craft so they can never harm you. (She looks like she's think about not doing it.) Hey, killing them is the only way for me to get their powers, and once I have them together we will be unstoppable. (They kiss passionately.) First thing's first. Are you ready? (She nods.) Good. Now remember, wait until after I lure your cousin away from her piano man before you make your move.", "Past Phoebe: How you gonna do that?", "Anton: Easy, by posing as her former lover (He waves his hand over his dace and changes into past Leo) and fighting through your power. Shall we?", "Past Phoebe: Let's.", "(They go inside. A man is singing \"If you were the only girl in the world and I were the only boy\". Past Piper is watching Past Dan playing the piano. She spots Anton as Past Leo. He smiles. She looks at Past Dan to make sure he isn't watching. She goes to Anton.)", "Past Piper: What are you doing here?", "(He draws her to the corner)", "Anton: Just missing you baby.", "(He starts grabbing her sexually.)", "Past Piper: Stop it. We can't do this anymore. What is the matter with you? This isn't like you.", "Anton: You're right. It's not.", "(He waves his hand in front of his face and turns back into Anton. She tries to scream, but Anton covers her mouth. He signals to Past Phoebe. She goes to Past Prue, who is getting a couple ready. She begins to go back to the camera and then sees Past Phoebe. She stops.)", "Past Phoebe: Do you wanna talk now? Upstairs?", "(Cut to Past Piper. She gets free from Anton's grip, but falls to the floor. Everyone focuses their attention on her. Past Phoebe throws a fireball at Past Prue. Past Prue blocks it by blowing at it. Icy breathe, literally, comes out of her mouth and destroys it. People get up and start to run. In the process, Past Phoebe and Past Prue get knocked down. Past Piper is being chocked by Anton. Past Dan gets a rake and hits Anton in the back. Past Prue gets up. Anton turns around and hits Past Dan, who is flown to the fire place and knocked out. He turns to Past Piper. She tries to freeze him, but he fights through it and begins to choke her again.)", "Anton: Oh, I'm gonna like having that power.", "(Christina runs upstairs and hides at the landing. Everyone flees from the house Past Dan, Past Phoebe, who is standing, Past Piper, Past Prue, and Christina Past Prue tries to use her power on Past Phoebe. It goes into her necklace.)", "Past Phoebe: How does it feel to be powerless against me?", "(Past Prue pulls a trigger on her camera and a little fire comes out, blinding Past Phoebe for a moment. We see Past Prue kick Past Phoebe down. Past Phoebe tries to get up, but Past Prue holds her hands back. Cut to Past Piper, who is almost near death. She kicks him in the balls. He lets her go and she stands up. She pushes a grandfather clock on Anton. Cut to Past Prue and Past Phoebe. Past Piper enters the room. She grabs a rope off a curtain. She goes behind Past Phoebe and begins to strangling her. Past Prue takes her amulet off and throws it. Christina witnesses this.)", "Past Piper: We know Anton's a warlock.", "(Past Prue takes a slip of paper off her leg.)", "Past Prue: And that he's fallen in love with you", "Past Piper: And turned you evil.", "Past Prue: We can't have you guys join forces. Not in this life. Not in any life.", "Past Piper: God forgive us.", "(Past Prue holds the paper where Past Piper and her can see it.)", "Past Prue: Evil witch in my sight.", "Past Prue/Past Piper: Vanquish thyself. Vanquish thy might. In this and every future life.", "[Cut to present. Phoebe walks up with a gasp. She looks at Prue and Piper and backs away. Prue gets up and follows her.]", "Prue: Phoebe what?", "Phoebe: You! You were the ones that we're trying to kill me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Upstairs. Phoebe is going to her room. Piper, Prue, and Leo are following her.]", "Piper: Don't be ridiculous. You know we'd never hurt you.", "Phoebe: No? Tell that to past Phoebe. You cursed her.", "(Prue goes to grab Phoebe's arm)", "Prue: Phoebe. Come on.", "(Phoebe draws her hand back)", "Leo: Hey! You know they didn't try to kill you Phoebe. You know that it was their past selves.", "Phoebe: I know, and it was my past self that tried to kill them first.", "(Phoebe goes to her room)", "Piper: Huh? (Phoebe slams her bedroom door close. Piper, Prue, and Leo follow her. Piper opens the door. Phoebe is sitting on her bed looking out the window.) Phoebe, whatever happened, you can't blame yourself. It wasn't really you.", "Phoebe: But that's the thing. It was me, or at least a part of me that I can relate to. (She looks over her shoulder at Prue and Piper.) And I don't mean hurting you guys. I can't even imagine that, but being in my past life, that powerful, evil feeling, it was it was seductive. (She looks back at the window.) And that's what scares me. I mean, what if that's who I really am.", "(Prue goes and sits by Phoebe.)", "Prue: But that's not who you are Phoebe. Not in this life. I mean, you-you've evolved. You've grown. You're good now.", "Phoebe: I was good then too. Before I before she turned. Before she fell in love with Anton. (She looks over at Piper.) Who, surprise, was a warlock. (She looks at Prue.) Oh. And that's not the only surprise. Anton could glamour into looking like anyone he wanted to. (She looks at Piper.) That's how he lured Past Piper. He glamoured into her former lover.", "Piper: Her former lover? Who was that?", "Leo: It was me.", "(Piper turns around.)", "Piper: Wh", "Leo: Or, rather, past me.", "(Piper looks at Leo.)", "Piper: Him?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Hey, how did you know that?", "Prue: Yeah. How did you know that?", "(Piper looks at Leo.)", "Leo: When you become a white lighter, they let you see your past lives for perspective.", "(Phoebe looks at Prue.)", "Phoebe: No wonder he knows so much stuff about this.", "Piper: Hold it. Wait a minute. You knew that we were lovers before and you didn't tell me?", "Leo: No. I just", "Piper: You just what? I'm getting a migraine.", "Leo: Look Piper, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want it to influence you in the present. I wanted you to decide whether or not you wanted me in this life.", "Piper: I need an aspirin.", "Phoebe: OK. (She stands up.) Can we get back to my problem. Since, at best, I only have till midnight to live?", "Piper: Right. Sorry. (She turns to Leo.) We will talk later.", "Prue: I I I understand how Past Phoebe was killed, but not why killing her is going to kill you.", "Phoebe: Because of the curse. The cousins didn't want to risk Past Phoebe and Anton getting back together in any lifetime. Anton was is immortal. And I guess that they thought he and Phoebe were soul mates.", "Piper: So he's still alive? Running around out there somewhere?", "(Phoebe shrugs.)", "Leo: You know, the more immediate question is how do we protect Phoebe from her past life?", "Phoebe: The amulet could protect me.", "Prue: What amulet?", "Phoebe: The one that Anton gave Phoebe. I wonder if Christina knows where it is.", "Piper: 76 years later? I don't think so.", "Prue: We probably have a better chance of looking in the Book of Shadows under Anton and, uh, seeing where he got the amulet in the first place.", "(Prue goes to Piper.)", "Phoebe: Yeah. Good. You guys go check that out and I'm going to run downstairs and grab something to eat. I'm starving.", "Piper: OK. We'll meet you downstairs.", "(Prue and Piper leave. Piper looks angrily at Leo.)", "Phoebe: Leo. Wait. (He looks at her.) I want you to come with me to the retirement home.", "Leo: What about your sisters'?", "Phoebe: (She shakes her head.) I don't want them there. If I don't find the amulet, I'm going to die, Leo. And I don't want them to see that. (She grabs her bag and leaves with Leo.)", "[Cut to attic. Piper and Prue go to the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: If Anton is still around and truly in love with Phoebe, he's going to be looking for her.", "(Prue opens the Book of Shadows and begins looking for it.)", "Prue: Yeah. I know, but right now that is the least of our problems. We need to find something, anything to save Phoebe.", "(The front door slams.)", "Piper: Where's Leo?", "[Scene: Retirement center. Christina is sitting in a wheelchair looking out the window. Phoebe comes through the door with Leo behind her.]", "Phoebe: Christina? Hi. It's Phoebe. I'm sorry to bother you again, but I need your help with something. It's really important. (She kneels down.) I need you to try to remember back to the day that the bad witch died, and the pretty necklace was torn off her neck. Do you remember that day?", "(Christina doesn't response.)", "Leo: Christina. I I know this is difficult, but please try. Phoebe's life depends on it.", "Phoebe: Do you remember what happened to the necklace Christina?", "(Christina looks at Phoebe.)", "Christina: I was up on the landing watching the whole scary thing.", "Phoebe: And the necklace?", "Christina: It It it just slid across the floor into the foyer.", "(Phoebe sighs and gets up. She begins to leave.)", "Leo: Oh. Damn it. Now we're never going to find it this way.", "(Phoebe stops and turns around.)", "Phoebe: Maybe, or maybe not. Leo, do you think that I can write a spell that can not only send me back to the past but give me complete control over my actions as well?", "Leo: I don't know. Why?", "Phoebe: Because if I can, I could go back to the past and find the amulet and hide it someplace safe so I know where to find it when I come back to the present.", "Leo: The only way for you to do that would be to switch life forces with Past Phoebe. (She gives him the \"what\" look.) In other words you would be in 1924 and evil Phoebe would be right here in your body.", "Phoebe: But just long enough for me to find the amulet and then switch back.", "Leo: Yeah, but if something goes wrong, we risk unleashing a powerful evil witch in the present and losing you in the past.", "Phoebe: But if we don't do anything Leo, we're going to lose me anyway. I have to find the amulet. It's my only hope.", "(She looks around for a pad and a pen then and finds them on the night table. She goes there and begins to write a spell.)", "Leo: You do realize you won't look any different to them? They'll still think you're evil Phoebe and try to kill you.", "Phoebe: Leo. Don't worry so much. (She touches his chin.) You're mortal now. You'll get wrinkles. (They smile. Phoebe lies down on the bed, looks at the paper, then closes her eyes.) In this time and in this place, take the spirit I displace. Bring it fourth while I go back, to inhabit a soul so black. (Her face flashes purple.)", "[Scene: 1924. Take off from Past Prue and Past Piper trying to kill Past Phoebe.]", "Past Phoebe: I'll kill you.", "(Her face flashes purple.)", "Phoebe: No, uh, wait. It's I'm not. Grrr.", "(She kicks Past Prue.)", "Past Prue: Aaah!", "(Phoebe flips over Past Piper. Phoebe then turns over and gets up.)", "Past Piper: Where'd she learn that?", "Past Prue: I don't know.", "(Phoebe goes to a bar and looks over the counter.)", "Phoebe: OK. The amulet. Where is the amulet?", "(She sees Past Prue and Past Piper get up and runs upstairs.)", "Past Prue: Why is she running from us? Why isn't she just using her power?", "Past Piper: She's probably trying to lure us into another trap.", "[Cut to Retirement Center. Just after Phoebe cast the spell.]", "Leo: Phoebe are you all right? (He leans closer to her and whispers the next line.) Are you there?", "(Christina gets up and goes to her jewelry box while saying this.)", "Christina: Here there everywhere.", "(She takes the amulet out of her jewelry box.)", "Leo: What?", "(He goes to her. She waves her hand in front of her face and changes into Anton, who his him. He crashes into the bathroom door and knocks him out. The real Christina is in the bathroom gagged and tied to a wheelchair. Anton goes to Phoebe, who is Past Phoebe, while saying this, he sings.)", "Anton: If you were the only girl in the world, and I were the only boy. (He puts the amulet on her and then kisses her.) Wake up my sweet.", "(She does and looks around and sees she's someplace new.)", "Past Phoebe: Anton? What's going on?", "(He helps her stand up while saying this.)", "Anton: It's OK.", "(She stands up.)", "Past Phoebe: Where am I?", "Anton: You've been reincarnated reborn to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: 1924 Manor. Past Piper and Past Prue are coming towards the stairs and Phoebe is on the lading.]", "Phoebe: Uh, I'm not who you think I am. I'm a different me. A me from another lifetime where we've involved into sisters'. Good sisters'. H-happy sisters'.", "Past Piper: (to Past Prue) Must have cut off too much blood to her brain.", "Past Prue: Must have.", "Phoebe: Screw this. (She sits against the wall.) In this time and in this place, take the spirit I displace. Bring me forth while she goes back to her soul so black. (It doesn't work and she stands up.) Uh-oh.", "(Past Prue tries to use her power against Phoebe, but misses and her icy breath hits the wall.)", "[Scene: Retirement Center. Prue and Piper are there. Prue brings Christina a glass of water. Leo is by the door rubbing his chin.]", "Prue: Here you go. Try taking a little sip.", "(Prue helps Christina, who's in bed, take a sip of water.)", "Christina: Oh, thank you my dear.", "(Piper enters and stands by Leo.)", "Piper: The nurse will be right in. Is she OK?", "Leo: Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks for asking.", "Piper: You're not getting any sympathy out of me. You should never have let Phoebe cast that spell.", "Prue: Ms. Larson, can I get you anything else?", "Christina: Some JELL-O would be nice.", "Prue: Some JELL-O. Uh, OK. I'll see what I can do. Would you excuse me for a second? (She goes to Piper and Leo.) I don't think she has any idea what happened.", "Piper: Well, that makes two of us. Do we really believe that Anton knew all along that Phoebe was going to come here looking for Christina?", "Leo: Well Christina is the only living link. It was his only hope.", "Prue: Who cares how he knew? We need to get our Phoebe back and fast. The problem is she's the only one that can say the spell.", "Piper: And also with evil Phoebe wearing the amulet, she's protected from it.", "Prue: We've got to get the amulet off of her.", "Leo: Yeah, but only long enough for our Phoebe to switch lives. She has to be wearing the amulet in the present to protect her from the past live curse.", "Prue: OK. So bottom line, get evil Phoebe, get the amulet. Any questions? OK. Good. Let's hurry.", "(She begins to leave.)", "Leo: Hurry where?", "(Prue stops and turns around.)", "Prue: Back to the manor. If Anton and evil Phoebe reunited then I have a feeling they're going to want to pick up right where we left off—trying to kill us.", "[Scene: 1924. Past Prue and Past Piper are upstairs looking for Phoebe. She sneaks to the stairs. She walks downstairs, looking behind her to see if her \"cousins\" are following her.]", "Phoebe: In this time and in this place", "(She backs into Anton.)", "Anton: Oh, there you are. (He kisses her. Her against her will.) You are too good to be true.", "Phoebe: Thanks for reminding me. Hyah!", "(She kicks him and he files to the pool table. It breaks from under him. Past Prue and Past Piper come up behind her.)", "Past Prue: Got her.", "(Past Prue clamps Phoebe's hands together and Past Piper begins to strangle her.)", "[Scene: 2000 manor. Piper, Prue, and Leo are looking for Anton and Past Phoebe.]", "Piper: Maybe they're not here.", "Prue: Oh. They're here. Somewhere.", "(We see Past Phoebe in the living room. She's sitting in the chair and holding Anton's hand.)", "Anton: Didn't I tell you they'd come?", "(Prue, Piper, and Leo look at them.)", "Past Phoebe: Hello cousins'. Or is it sisters' now?", "(Prue tries to use her power against Past Phoebe, but the amulet protects her and Anton.)", "Leo: The amulet's protecting both of them.", "(Past Phoebe and Anton walk towards them.)", "Past Phoebe: It's your turn to die this time.", "(She throws a fireball at them. Piper gasps and freeze it. Prue and Leo duck behind the couch. Prue pulls Piper down.)", "Prue: All right. We have to figure out a way to get that amulet off of her.", "Piper: Yeah. Great. Any idea how? (The fireball unfreezes.) Uh! (It hits the wall.) Uhh!", "[Cut to 1924. From before.]", "Phoebe: In this time and in this place", "[Cut to 200. Past Phoebe and Anton are walking towards the couch. Anton lets go of Past Phoebe's hand. Piper walks up to Past Phoebe]", "Piper: Hey. How's it going?", "(Leo pops out from behind a couch behind them)", "Leo: Behind ya!", "(Prue pops up behind the couch. Past Phoebe shots a fireball at her. Prue uses her power to make the fireball go to Anton. Anton and Past Phoebe look at each other sadly. Anton screams and turns into dust. Piper comes and bats Past Phoebe over the head. Past Phoebe falls to the ground)", "Piper: Sorry Pheebes.", "Leo: Get the amulet.", "(They do.)", "[Cut to 1924. Phoebe is near death.]", "Phoebe: While she goes back to her soul so black. (Her face flashes purple and then she collapses.)", "[Cut to 2000. Phoebe's face flashes purple. She sits up with a gasp.]", "Phoebe: (Whispering.) Piper Prue.", "Piper: OK. It's her. Put it back on fast.", "(Prue puts the amulet on Phoebe. It glows and Phoebe caught her breath. It stops glowing and Phoebe is OK.)", "Prue: It's OK.", "Piper: You're safe.", "Phoebe: Thank you guys for saving my life. All of them.", "[Scene: Manor. It's morning. Piper is showing Leo to the door.]", "Leo: So I, uh, hope you're not still upset with me. You know, for not telling you about our past lives together.", "Piper: I'm not letting you off the hook for that just yet. I'm still not quite sure what it even means.", "Leo: Well, I'd like to think it means, uh, we're destined to be together. (The doorbell rings) Saved by the bell. (He opens the door and sees Dan) Or not.", "Dan: Leo, what are you doing here?", "Piper: Leo was just leaving. Bye.", "Leo: OK. I'll see you at work. (to Dan.) Dan.", "(Leo leaves. Dan closes the door.)", "Dan: You know, I'm just going to come right out and say this. Even if you get mad at me, but I know in my gut that something's not right with him. He worries me. I mean, just for you.", "Piper: Uh, are you talking about Leo?", "Dan: If Leo is his real name. You know, I had my brother-in-law who works for the state department check out his army records. But the only Leo Wyatt they came up with died almost 60 years ago in World War II.", "Piper: Well, there must be some kind of mistake.", "Dan: Piper. There is no record of him anywhere. Nothing. It's almost as if he didn't have any past at all. I'm sorry. It's just just do me favor and watch your back when you're around him OK. At least until I figure out who he really is.", "(Piper nods.)", "Piper: OK.", "Dan: Well, gotta go. (He kisses her on the check.) Bye.", "(He leaves.)", "[Cut to Phoebe's room. Phoebe is sitting on her bed with the Book of Shadows. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Hey, you all right?", "Phoebe: Yeah. I think so. I'm just writing a little warning in the book about Anton.", "Prue: Why? You don't think that we actually vanquished him?", "Phoebe: I don't want to take any chances. I just hope my future me is somewhere near this book if he ever strikes again,", "Prue: Something tells me that we're always going to be near it. Always have been. Always wll be.", "Phoebe: Yeah. You're probably right. Of course the warning won't do much good if the future me turns out to be bad.", "(Prue sits on the bed while saying this.)", "Prue: It's not just you, you know. I mean, we all have a little bad in us. It's just that when you turn bad things tend to catch on fire.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: And this is supposed to be making me feel better?", "Prue: What I mean is that it's just as natural to be bad as it is to be good. That's how we know what good is. That's how we're able to make the choice to be good. Remember, Anton wouldn't have needed evil Past Phoebe if you hadn't evolved into good Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Still, it's okay to be bad every once in a while isn't it?", "(Prue nods.)", "Prue: Oh yeah. A lot.", "(They laugh.)" ]
Pardon My Past
[ "When a past love of Prue named Bane Jessup is attacked in prison by an evil demon called Litvack, Bane breaks out of prison and ultimately kidnaps Prue in an attempt to keep the demon from killing him. After Piper and Phoebe catch the couple in a compromising position, Prue convinces her sisters to trust Bane long enough to vanquish the demon. Phoebe decides to help Piper out by casting a spell to help her choose between Leo and Dan, but causes Piper to become more undecided. Prue makes a career decision." ]
[ "[Scene: The scene opens up with a key entering a lock. A deputy sheriff is unlocking the gate to the jailhouse. The gate swings open, and Deputy Sheriff #1 enters. Deputy Sheriff #2 removes the key from the keyhole, and follows.]", "[Cut to a shot of a long jailhouse corridor. Deputy Sheriff #1, who is taller than Deputy Sheriff #2, has broader shoulders, with curly brown hair and Deputy Sheriff #2, who has dark brown hair, with a mustache, go-tee, and arched and drawn-together eyebrows walk side by side. They stop at a cell.]", "Deputy Sheriff #2: All right Jessup, let's go.", "(The camera pans down to a shot of Bane Jessup sitting on the jail floor, shirtless, and wearing orange prison attire.)", "Bane: (suspicious) Where?", "(He gets up from off the floor.)", "Deputy Sheriff #2: Downtown. Evidence shows you've got a hearing.", "Bane: My hearing? — It's not suppose to be until next week.", "Deputy Sheriff #2: It got moved up.", "(We see a shot of Bane in his cell, looking confused. Deputy Sheriff #2 yells to the other deputies in the corridor.)", "Deputy Sherif f#2: Open up Bane Jessup!", "(Voices are heard in the background.)", "Deputy Sheriff #3: (in the background) Opening Jessup.", "(The cell door slides open, and Bane steps closer to the entrance.)", "Bane: I've never seen you guys before.", "Deputy Sheriff #1: Well, look! It's your hearing. If you don't want to go, fine.", "(Deputy Sheriff #1 reaches behind his belt and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. He puts them in Bane's face.)", "[Cut to Bane being led out of the prison by Deputy Sheriff #1 and Deputy Sheriff #2. He is handcuffed, and wearing an orange prison t-shirt. Next to him, an inmate with long brown hair tied into a ponytail is being led in by a tall, African American Deputy Sheriff, and Deputy Sheriff #4.]", "African American Deputy Sheriff: Garbage in, garbage out, huh?!", "(The Black Deputy Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff #4 enter the prison while Deputy Sheriff #1, Deputy Sheriff #2, and Bane continue walking.)", "Bane: Litvack sent you, didn't he?", "(Bane looks at Deputy Sheriff#1 and elbows him in the chest. Deputy Sheriff#1 falls back towards a big van. Deputy Sheriff#2 pulls an object out of his back pocket, and shines a blue laser light at Bane. Bane steps out of the way, and instead, Deputy Sheriff#1 is hit. Deputy Sheriff#1 is hit in the heart with the blue laser, and quickly disappears in a small sphere of fire. Bane steps into Deputy Sheriff#2, and kicks him with his right foot, square in the chest. Deputy Sheriff#2 grunts, and doubles over, dropping the laser onto the ground. It rolls underneath a van.)", "[Cut to Bane. He hits Deputy Sheriff#2's head with handcuffs still around his wrist, leaving an ugly gash on his right cheek. He backs into a car, and charges at Bane again. Bane grabs him by the arms, and throws him onto the ground. Bane moves onto him, and grabs him by the shirt. Deputy Sheriff#2 grabs Bane by the collar with his left hand, and gets up. Bane is still grabbing his shirt, but lets go in terror when the Deputy gets up. Deputy Sheriff#2 is standing up while holding Bane by the collar on his shirt. His feet are about six inches off the ground. With his left hand, the deputy heaves Bane into the air. Bane goes flying, and hits a sheriff van with the passenger door open. He slides down the side, and when he looks up, the gash on Deputy Sheriff #2's face heals magically. Deputy Sheriff #2 turns away, to retrieve his weapon, and during that split second, Bane hops into the van, and starts to drive away. Deputy Sheriff #2 quickly turns around and runs after the van. He reaches for the door handle, and manages to pull himself halfway up the van. The van continues moving, and he falls, closing the door of the van at the same time. The van drives towards a gate and Deputy Sheriff #5, who is right in front of the gate. He yells.]", "Deputy Sheriff #5: Stop!", "(He motions for Bane to halt. When it is clear that the van will not stop, the deputy dives to safety. The van bursts through the prison gates, while Deputy Sheriff #2 runs back to the van where he lost his weapon. He gets down on the ground and reaches for it, but is unable to grasp it. Meanwhile, Deputy Sheriff #6 enters the scene through the doors. He gives a brief scan of the situation, and sees Deputy Sheriff #2 on the ground.)", "Deputy Sheriff #6: Hey. What's going on here?!", "(Deputy Sheriff #2 turns around to look at him, gets up, and runs off. The camera focuses on the weapon underneath the van.)", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Kitchen. Piper dressed in a black and white tank top with purple sweats, walks in with the morning newspaper in her right hand. Behind her, Phoebe dressed in a yellow and black tank top with a white headband walks in with her hands on her hips.]", "Piper: Leo's mortal now and everything, but—for how long, I mean how, how do I know he won't want his (walks towards the cabinet to the left of the sink and reaches to get a glass cup) wings back someday? (Phoebe opens the refrigerator to get a bottle of orange juice.) And then there's Dan, who is still great—and normal, (walks to the breakfast table where Phoebe is pouring a glass of orange juice) which is good— considering I'm not.", "(Phoebe looks at her watch.)", "Phoebe: 28 minutes, 33 seconds.", "(Piper looks at her.)", "Piper: Really? We ran that long?", "Phoebe: No. I've been timing how long you've been comparing Leo and Dan.", "Piper: I haven't been *comparing*—I've just been...talking.", "Phoebe: Nonstop.", "(Phoebe puts the bottle of orange juice back into the refrigerator.)", "Piper: Well, so, you're my sister. I have a problem. The least you could be is more understanding.", "Phoebe: Piper, I am understanding. You're in love with two guys, who both love you. (Piper rolls her eyes) I get it. Totally! But what I don't get, is why you won't let me help you.", "Piper: Help me? (Phoebe drinks some orange juice) What are you going to do? Take one of them off my hands? (Phoebe pretends to consider the offer, and smiles.) That's not an option.", "Phoebe: Look, you're stuck. You don't want to string them along, but you can't make a choice. You need help... assistance...a sign", "Piper: a *sign*", "Phoebe: ...a spell. One that will point the magical arrow in the direction of your true love, and end the great debate once and for all.", "(Piper smirks, and sighs.)", "Piper: Like that doesn't have ‘personal gain' tattooed across its forehead.", "Phoebe: Not necessarily. I've been working on my spells. I think I can write one for you that's consequence free. It's all in the wording.", "(Piper sighs.)", "Piper: No! I can't.", "(She walks away. Phoebe turns her head.)", "Phoebe: Why not?!", "Piper: Because... I can't expect magic to solve my personal problems.", "Phoebe: But that's the beauty, you don't have to, I'll do it for you.", "[Cut to Prue in another room, holding a small camera. She is wearing jeans and a fuzzy pink sweater.]", "Prue: Hey, when did my camera equipment get here?", "(Piper and Phoebe both walk to Prue.)", "Piper: Oh, about an hour ago. I didn't want to wake you. Is everything there?", "Prue: Yeah, it looks like it.", "Phoebe: Jeez! Prue! (picks up a box, and put it back down) Think you bought enough stuff?", "Prue: Yeah, I know it's a lot. But so much of photography has gone digital now, that if I want to seriously pursue it, I have to have the right equipment.", "(She picks up a larger Nikon camera.)", "Phoebe: Whe...You're thinking of becoming a professional photographer?", "Prue: Yeah — Why? You don't think that I should?", "Phoebe: No, no I mean, I think it's great if that's what you want to do, it's just...", "Prue: It's just what?", "Phoebe: Well, I-uh... isn't photography just a really dicey profession money wise? (Piper pinches her.) Ow, ow!", "Phoebe: You know, all I'm saying is that how many women professional photographers do you know?", "Prue: I know, and that's a totally fair question, one that I've been wrestling with a lot lately, like (sigh) — ever since I quit my job.", "Piper: Prue, you dreamt of winning the Pulitzer in photography back in college! You never wanted to work in a museum, or at the auction house. That's something you did for us, so we could keep the house. So now, it is your turn to follow your dreams.", "(Prue smiles.)", "Phoebe: Hey! Maybe finding out you were a photographer in your last life is some kind of sign. Speaking of signs... (eyes Piper)", "(Phoebe walks off to write Piper a spell.)", "Piper: No... Wait! No...", "(She runs after Phoebe. Prue looks at the Nikon, and walks to the mirror, camera in hand. She takes a photo of herself, holding a camera in the mirror. She holds the camera down by her waist, and smiles briefly.)", "Prue: Portrait of a dreamer.", "[Cut to Piper waiting outside the bathroom.]", "Piper: Phoebe, you're not in there writing a spell for me, are you?", "[Cut to the inside of the bathroom, where Phoebe is indeed writing a spell for Piper.]", "Phoebe: Uhhh—No... I'm in the bathroom. Who writes spells in the bathroom? I'll be right out. (Phoebe sprinkles the leaves of a dead rose over the paper on which she wrote the spell.) \"I beseech all powers above, send a sign to free my sisters heart, one that will lead her to her love.\"", "(A charm is heard in the background.)", "[Cut to Prue. She is still in front of the mirror. She is looking at the camera by her waist, when Bane's reflection is seen in the mirror.]", "Bane: Hello Prue.", "(She looks up at him in surprise. The sound of broken glass is heard.)", "Prue: Huh...Ba...", "(Bane presses a cloth to her nose and mouth. She passes out temporarily.)", "Bane: Shhhhh.", "Opening Credits", "Lyrics: Don't wanna be scared / Don't wanna be weak / Don't wanna be last to speak no / I'm gonna be brave / I'm gonna be strong / I'm ready to take it all on / Making it up as I go along / Making it up as I go along", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Phoebe's holding Prue's Nikon in both hands, with her eyes closed, trying to get a premonition. Piper is standing near the table. Phoebe opens her eyes.]", "Piper: Well?", "Phoebe: Nothing.", "(She puts her left hand on her hip, holding the Nikon in her right.)", "Piper: Okay. We have to keep trying until you do get a premonition. We have to figure out what happened to Prue.", "Phoebe: Piper, that crack that I made about her becoming a photographer—I don't want that to be the last thing I ever say to her.", "Piper: Phoebe, you're overreacting. That is my department. All you have to do is relax and concentrate. (The doorbell rings.) Here. Try the rag again.", "(Piper walks to the front door, and opens it. She opens the door to reveal Detective Morris. He walks in, and she closes the door behind him.)", "Detective Morris: I've got bad news, I've got worse news. Which do you want first?", "Piper: Phoebe... (to Detective Morris) Uh... does this have anything to do with Prue?", "Detective Morris: Unless she helped Bane Jessup escape from county jail—no.", "(Phoebe walks into the room. She sits on the edge of the couch, and folds her arms across her chest.)", "Piper: Bane Jessup. Why does that name sound familiar?", "Phoebe: Because he is the guy our favorite demon hired to 86 us, remember?", "Piper: The one we thought Prue liked?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Piper: (to Detective Morris) When did he escape?", "Detective Morris: This morning. We've already launched a full-scale manhunt. (Piper and Phoebe look at each other with concerned expressions on their faces.) What is it? What's wrong?", "Piper: Prue is missing—We think she may have been kidnapped.", "Phoebe: And I found this by the back door.", "(She hands him the rag. He sniffs it.)", "Detective Morris: Chloroform.", "Piper: We would have called you, but we didn't know who, or—what had taken her.", "Detective Morris: It'd be a pretty big coincidence if it wasn't Bane—especially since you guys are responsible for putting him in jail.", "Piper: Yeah, but why just take Prue? Why not all of us?", "Phoebe: Well maybe he's trying to lure us. Maybe another demon hired him to trap us.", "Detective Morris: Which might explain this. (He pulls a bag out of his inner coat pocket, and hands it to piper.) I found it when we swept the prison lock this morning. It's actually the reason why I came over. I wanted to see if it—looked familiar to you.", "[Cut to Piper holding the object in her hands. It is a small silver object, with a light on one side. It has carvings on it and is intricately designed.]", "Phoebe: Well, it's definitely demonic.", "Piper: Do you mind if we keep this so we can figure out what demon we're dealing with?", "Detective Morris: I can't exactly turn that in to...evidence inventory. (Piper and Phoebe both shake their heads.) Look, I gotta go — Let me know if you find out anything. I think that your chances of finding out Bane are bigger than ours now.", "Piper: Uh, yeah, and could you maybe keep this quiet, because the bigger this thing gets, the more danger she's...", "Detective Morris: I know. Look, I'll keep it as quiet as I can for as long as I can.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "(Detective Morris opens the front door, and is about to leave, when the deliveryman walks up to the door.)", "Deliveryman: Hi there. Gotta sign. It's for Piper, Piper Halliwell.", "(Detective Morris leaves.)", "Piper: Hmm...", "Phoebe: Hmm... Can I see that? (She takes the package, and examines it. While Piper is signing.) Leonardo's Boutique...Bodega Bay, California.", "Piper: Yeah, uh Dan and I were there—ordered some earrings. (to the deliveryman) Thank you.", "(She closes the door. She snatches the package from Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Mmm.", "Piper: The deliveryman said he got a sign.", "Phoebe: Mmm.", "(Phoebe looks around, and backs up, embarrassed to have been caught red-handed. Piper advances forward.)", "Piper: Leonardo's Boutique and Bodega Bay. Leo, short for Leonardo, Bodega Bay, where Dan is from.", "(Phoebe scratches the side of her head, and looks at the floor.)", "Piper: (hunches over to look Phoebe in the eye) Don't egg blond. You cast that spell, didn't you.", "Phoebe: Yes I did!", "Piper: When I specifically asked you not to. (lightly taps the package against Phoebe's forehead) and at a time like this.", "Phoebe: I was just trying to help Piper, and it was before Prue disappeared.", "(She takes the demon object and waves it in Phoebe's face.)", "Piper: You. This. Book of Shadows. Go! (Phoebe takes the object in hand, and instantly gets a premonition—Prue sitting in a chair with her feet and hands tied. Bane is behind her, blindfolding and gagging her.) What did you see?", "Phoebe: Prue, bound and gagged, and with Bane.", "[Bane's dream house in Mariner's Bluff. The camera focuses in on a sign that says: G.C. Construction. Mariner's Bluff. Lot-827.]", "[Cut to Bane, dressed in a dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. He walks into a barren and half-painted room. He walks behind Prue, who is bound and gagged to a chair, and unties her gag, but hesitates before removing it.]", "Bane: Don't scream.", "(She signs in relief.)", "Prue: Why not?", "(He walks to the right of her.)", "Bane: (sighs) Cuz if you do, we won't be able to talk. Besides, it won't help. The nearest neighbor is about six miles away.", "Prue: Then why not take off the blind fold. What are you afraid of?", "Bane: Are you kidding? I've seen you use your powers before—On me! (He considers the thought for a moment.) All right, if you try anything, the blindfold goes back on.", "(He walks behind her and takes the blindfold off. She breathes hard in relief.)", "Prue: What do you want?", "(He walks to the front of her.)", "Bane: (puts his hands in his pockets) Your help, to save my life.", "Prue: Yeah, well most people ask for it, they don't kidnap for it.", "Bane: I'm not most people. Neither are you.", "Prue: What makes you think that I'll help you?", "Bane: I don't. (shrugs) But without you and your sisters, I don't stand a chance against this particular demon.", "Prue: Yeah, well, from where I'm sitting, that's a good thing.", "Bane: He tried to have me killed today Prue. I got lucky and barely escaped. And he's gonna keep trying.", "Prue: Why would he bother? You're a mortal.", "Bane: I'm a mortal that knows about demons. (crosses his arms in front of his chest) He doesn't like that. Litvack—that's what they call him.", "(She takes a cursory glance of the place.)", "Prue: Where are we? (Bane looks up through the window.) Is this yours?", "Bane: Was going to be—before you came along, and cut me off from my dreams. (gives an accusing smile)", "Prue: Because you tried to kill me.", "Bane: Now, that was before I got to know you. (smiles)", "Prue: You don't strike me as a dreamer.", "Bane: There's a lot about me you don't know.", "Prue: Few things that you need to learn about me too. (The camera focuses in on her eyes, and her power sends him flying into the back wall. The wall paint comes off, and he slides to the floor.) Like how I will never put my sisters in danger. (He gets up and walks around Prue.) So you can forget about any of us helping you.", "(He puts the blindfold back on.)", "Bane: (putting both hands on her shoulders) Sooner or later, you're gonna have to trust me Prue.", "(He walks away.)", "[Cut to the cemetery. An undertaker is raking the leaves.]", "[Cut to inside a mausoleum. The demon Litvack is standing in front of a large rotating triangular sphere of fire. His hands surround the sphere, but don't touch it. His eyes are closed. Nearby, his servant sits on a stone as Deputy Sheriff #2 walks in.]", "Servant: About freakin' time! What took you so long?!", "Deputy Sheriff#2: We uh had a little problem.", "Servant: Problem? What problem?! Where's your partner? (goes to look out the door) Do not tell me that you screwed this up. Do not tell me that Bane Jessup is still alive. (sighs) How is that even possible? He's a lousy mortal. How hard can it be?", "Deputy Sheriff#2: He's smart. He wasn't surprised we were coming for him.", "Servant: Well of course not, you idiot! That's why we wanted him off-ed. Because he knows about us.", "(Litvack opens his eyes, and the sphere of fire disappears.)", "Servant: Oh jeez! Think, think, think. What are we going to tell Litvack?", "(Litvack walks towards his two demon servants.)", "Litvack: He's gonna tell me how you plan to rectify, this little problem, is how I believe he phrased it.", "Servant: (to Deputy Sheriff #2) On your knees!", "(He kicks him in the gut. Deputy Sheriff #2 grunts. Litvack puts his hand on his head, and he reads his mind.)", "(Flash to Deputy Sheriff #2 missing Bane with the blue beam and accidentally zapping Deputy Sheriff #1. Bane knocks the weapon out of his hand, which rolls underneath a van. The van breaks the gate, and Deputy Sheriff #2 has to leave before he can retrieve it. Litvack removes his hand, and Deputy Sheriff #2 groans.)", "Litvack: I saw what you saw. (Deputy Sheriff #2 looks up at him) How he used you to kill the other. How he got away, how you lost the weapon...", "Servant: Wait, wait, wait. What?! You lost the weapon?", "Deputy Sheriff #2: The guards were—I had to run.", "Servant: To find a mortal?", "Litvack: All you need to do is follow his dreams. That's where they always escape to. You understand me?", "Servant: He'll find Jessup. I swear.", "Litvack: No. (Litvack puts his hand above Deputy Sheriff #2's head, and fire appears beneath him. Deputy Sheriff#2 screams as the fire consumes him, and he disappears in a puff of fire.) (smiling) You will, and then you'll find the weapon. No loose ends.", "(Litvack walks away.)", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Piper hands Leo, who is dressed in a blue sweater, the silver object.]", "Piper: We couldn't find it in the Book of Shadows anywhere.", "(He looks it over, turning it around and around in his hands.)", "Leo: It's a weapon.", "(Phoebe, who has a red sweater on, walks towards Piper.)", "Phoebe: Are you kidding me, it's a weapon?", "Leo: One that can only be activated by a demon. From what I remember, it's handed out by a specific upper level demon to those who work for him.", "Phoebe: What do you mean upper level?", "Leo: There's a hierarchy of demons. They try to work their way up by destroying good, promoting evil. Whoever issued this particular weapon is very important.", "Piper: You mean dangerous... Any idea who?", "Leo: No.", "(Leo hands the weapon to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: All right, well this weapon may be the only way to find Prue, I'm back to the book.", "(Phoebe walks up the stairs to the attic.)", "Piper: (to Phoebe) I'll be right there. (to Leo) Thanks for coming over so quickly Leo, and your offer to take care of the club.", "Leo: Is there anything else you need?", "Piper: I don't know, I can't do anything but think about Prue right now.", "Leo: Remember, you know the most important thing. Phoebe's premonition proves that Prue is still alive.", "Piper: I know, but for how long, I mean, what if we can't get to her. What if she's hurt?", "(Piper sighs. Piper and Leo embrace.)", "Leo: I wish I could do more—Because I can't help, I remember all the times that I could.", "(He leaves through the front door. When the door closes, she leans against it, frustrated about the current situation. On the other side of the door, Leo reaches out, as if he knew she was there. He leaves his hand out for a brief moment, and walks away.)", "[Cut to Bane and Prue. Bane sighs in frustration. He sits down on a wooden crate.]", "Bane: I don't think you understand. As long as you're here with me, your life is on the line too you know.", "Prue: I can take care of myself.", "Bane: Not against Litvack. You have a fighting chance with your sisters, but as long as you're alone, you're as powerless as I am. Even if you can't trust me, you can trust that.", "Prue: I told you, I'm not getting my sisters involved.", "Bane: All right fine. Your sisters came looking for you once before, they'll come looking again.", "(He walks to the window, and looks at the view.)", "Prue: Not if I can help it.", "(Prue lowers her head onto her chest, and closes her eyes. She astral projects herself to Piper and Phoebe.)", "[Cut to the attic. Piper and Phoebe are researching the weapon and demon.]", "Phoebe: (reading from the Book of Shadows) A weapon issued by level two demons?", "(She flips the page, and the camera zooms in on a close-up of the page. On the page, there are sketches of the demons, including small captions of each one.)", "Piper: But it doesn't say which demon.", "(The camera pans down to a demon looking much like a vampire, when suddenly, The Book of Shadows flips pages. It stops at a page titled ‘Mariners'. It is a spell, and includes colorful drawings.)", "Phoebe: I love it when it does that. Mariners? (points at the page) Well, they're not demons, they're sea fairies.", "Piper: (looks at Phoebe and closes the book) That's because it has nothing to do with Prue, Phoebe. It's a sign. (Phoebe looks down in embarrassment, and starts to fiddle with the silver demon weapon in her hands) Dan was a baseball player, for the Seattle Mariners!", "Phoebe: (still looking down and fiddling) No one feels worse than I do right now.", "Piper: Mm hmmm.", "(Magical lights sprinkle in the air, and suddenly, Prue appears in the attic.)", "Phoebe: Prue! You're okay! Thank God.", "Prue: Yeah, but uh Bane Jessup—he kidnapped me.", "Piper: We know! Where are you?", "Prue: You can't find me.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Piper: Huh?!", "Prue: It's a trap, so just stay away. Don't look for me.", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Prue?", "Piper: Wait, wait.", "Phoebe: Wait, wait. Hello?!", "(Prue is gone.)", "[Cut back to Prue and Bane. She gasps as she returns. Bane turns around, and unties her blindfold. He seems genuinely concerned.]", "Bane: You all right? I thought you passed out or something.", "(He sits beside her.)", "Prue: Feeling guilty? That's a good sign. It means you have a conscience.", "(Bane gets up to untie Prue's hands and feet.)", "Prue: What are you doing?", "Bane: I'm letting you go.", "Prue: Just like that?", "Bane: I never wanted to hurt you Prue, I only wanted your help. But you can't help me if you don't trust me. And you're in danger as long as you're here. (He helps her to her feet.) There's a market a mile down the road. You'll never see me again. I promise.", "(Suddenly, Litvack's servant appears at the doorway. He aims the weapon at Bane and Prue, but Bane ducks, and grabs Prue, pulling her down with him. They land on a pile of broken furniture. Litvack's servant aims the weapon again, but Prue sees it coming, and holds out her hand, to send the beam back his way. It hits the wall, and Litvack's servant looks away for a moment. Then, she sends him flying out the window. Glass flies everywhere, as he lands on his hands and knees. He scrambles away, not sure of what had just happened. Bane starts to pant, causing Prue to look at him. She sees that while protecting her, he fell onto a knife. He has an ugly gash on his left waist.)", "Bane: Told you I never wanted to hurt you.", "Prue: And you just saved my life.", "Bane: You think you can trust me now?", "[Scene: Halliwell Manor.]", "Detective Morris: Tell me you're kidding.", "(Piper and Detective Morris walk into the living room.)", "Piper: It's all over the news.", "(Piper sits down, as Phoebe turns the television on.)", "Phoebe: We called as soon as we saw the first broadcast. Look.", "Reporter: I'm reporting live from the county jail, where an inmate escaped earlier this morning.", "Detective Morris: Unbelievable.", "Reporter: A massive manhunt has be launched to find the escapee. A man by the name of Bane Jessup, who was awaiting trial for racketeering, money laundering, and embezzlement.", "Detective Morris: So much for keeping things quiet. This is a nightmare.", "Piper: Welcome to our world.", "Phoebe: You want some aspirin?", "Detective Morris: What I want is Prue safe, Bane put in jail, and nobody hurt by any... (He sees the weapon on the table. He walks forward.) Do you know what that is yet?", "Phoebe: We're still looking. We do know that Bane definitely kidnapped Prue.", "Detective Morris: What, has he made contact with you?", "Phoebe: No, but she has.", "Piper: It's a long story, but she's okay.", "Phoebe: She said not to come looking for. She said it was a trap.", "Detective Morris: Did she say what kind? (He reaches inside a brown sac and pulls out a thick file of paper. He places on their table.) Maybe this will help. The DA's file on Bane. That's all the information they pulled together for his trials. It's everything I copied before I got your phone call.", "(The phone rings. Phoebe picks it up.)", "Phoebe: Hello? Really! (speaking to Piper) It's someone calling for a Leonora Watkins. (She leans into Piper.) Leo-nora (Piper motions for the phone) Watkins. Isn't that weird.", "(Phoebe hands Piper the telephone.)", "Piper: (into the phone) You have the wrong number.", "Detective Morris: Anyway, we believe that Bane has a holdup somewhere. Maybe there's something in there that can tell you where.", "Piper: So what the hell is he doing? Oh God I hope he's not hurting her.", "[Cut to Bane and Prue. Bane is sitting on a piece of furniture with his shirt open, while Prue is kneeling on the floor, tending his wounds. Bane groans as Prue tries to clean the gash.]", "Bane: (in pain) P-P-Prue.", "(He groans and winces.)", "Prue: If I'm going to clean the wound, then I have to stop the bleeding—I'm sorry.", "Bane: Do you even know what you're doin'?", "Prue: No. Not really, but right now I'm the only choice that you've got. So, just try and hold still.", "Bane: That's easy for you to say. You don't have a set of fingernails clawing into your body.", "Prue: Yeah, well I'm almost done. (hands him a white rag) Put this in your mouth or something.", "Bane: Forget about me. Go home. Before Litvack's man comes back.", "Prue: I told you—he's gone. Probably ran right back to Litvack.", "Bane: So now he knows about you too. All the more reason to leave.", "Prue: Well, as much as I would like to, I can't. (She looks up at him.) Not until I know that you're okay. Besides, it's probably better just to stay put, you know, I mean now that we've been —sighted, they'll expect for us to take off. Speaking of things that need to be taken off (hands him the towel)'re um, pants. (stands up and takes two steps back)", "Bane: Excuse me?!", "Prue: Well, I need to get to the, um, wound.", "(She looks at him, completely embarrassed by the situation.)", "Bane: Forget it!", "Prue: (laughs) Okay, you know what? It's just going to get infected. So you can either take off your pants on your own, or I can always do it by force.", "(Bane stands up and grumbles. Prue smiles in triumph.)", "[Cut to Piper and Phoebe. Phoebe walks in and places The Book of Shadows onto the table. Piper sits in a white chair, and she is looking through Bane's records.]", "Phoebe: I am getting nowhere and everywhere. How about you? Any luck?", "Piper: Well, I'll give Bane this. He works hard—tax evasion, racketeering, pick a crime, any crime.", "Phoebe: I feel like we're looking right at the answer, we're just not seeing it.", "Piper: He's got good taste too. There's a whole money laundering indictment here based on a real estate development. Exclusive custom homes—they're (looks at the front page) really gorgeous. Check out the brochure.", "(She hands Phoebe the brochure. Phoebe takes it, and opens up the first page.)", "Phoebe: Mariner's Bluff. Oh! I'm sure the sea fairies will be very happy here.", "Piper: What did you say? (Phoebe looks at her) Phoebe, what exactly did your spell say?", "Phoebe: I beseech all powers above, send a sign to free my sisters heart, one that will lead her to her love. What?!", "Piper: Because the Book of Shadows specifically opened to the Mariners section. What if the signs we're getting have nothing to do with Dan and Leo, and everything to do with Prue? Where is Mariner's Bluff?", "(Phoebe opens up the brochure, and looks at a map. She points to Bodega Bay.)", "Phoebe: Bodega Bay.", "Piper: Leonardo's Boutique of Bodega Bay.", "Phoebe: Piper, I think you're right.", "Piper: Okay, so what were the clues? Mariners, Bodega Bay, Lenora Watkins?", "Phoebe: Watkins Road Exit.", "Piper: So we've almost found her. All we need is an address.", "Phoebe: What's this? (flips through various papers and brochures) Let's see.", "(She opens up a map of the lots in Mariner's Bluff.)", "Piper: Are the lots numbered?", "(Phoebe sits down on the chair adjacent to Piper and accidentally hits the power button on the television remote control.)", "Sports Broadcaster: In an exhibition game last night, the Mariners lost to the Angels, 8 to 7. In other news, Sami Sosa...", "Phoebe: Okay—now we're back to Dan and Leo. Mariners, Angels.", "Piper: No Phoebe, 8 to 7. Lot 827?", "(Phoebe looks at the map of the different lots.)", "Phoebe: Yes, there is an 827 at the top of the hill.", "Piper: I'll drive, you navigate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cut to Prue and Bane.]", "Bane: Prue, why are you still here?", "Prue: Because umm, I believe you.", "Bane: Well thank you. It's been a long time since someone believed in me.", "Prue: Maybe that's because you stopped believing in yourself.", "Bane: You known, I haven't always been like this. Wrong side of the law, always looking over my shoulder, I had dreams once. Big dreams.", "Prue: It's not too late to change now.", "Bane: Nah, it's too late for me, but not for you. So, you should definitely go, so you can still have your dreams.", "Prue: (smiles) Easier said than done.", "Bane: What do you mean?", "Prue: I don't know. I've just been thinking lately, that maybe dreams are just—that. Dreams.", "Bane: I don't believe that. (They look at each other and Bane moves in closer to kiss Prue. Prue puts her left hand around his neck.) Oww.", "(They both laugh.)", "Prue: I'm sorry. (laughs)", "Bane: I'm not.", "(They both smile at each other and continue on kissing.)", "[Cut to Litvack's mausoleum. His servant is kneeling on the ground before him. His hand is on his servant's head, and reads his mind.]", "(Flash to his servant aiming the beam, Bane and Prue avoiding it, and him getting thrown out the window by Prue.)", "Litvack: Interesting. (paces)", "Servant: I know, I screwed up. A Bolivian right?", "Litvack: This is different. You weren't just up against a mortal. From what I saw, you were also up against a witch.", "Servant: (shakes his head) No excuse. Hundreds of witches out there, I should be able to handle one by myself.", "Litvack: This was different. Powerful, very powerful. Take me to this mortal's dream house.", "Servant: What? They gotta be long gone by now.", "Litvack: But their essence remains. I'll need to tap into it if I expect to reach their minds.", "Servant: Reach their minds? (stands up) To what end?", "Litvack: Theirs. The source likes it when I feed them witches. That's how I got to where I am.", "[The scene opens up with clothes scattered all over the floor. The camera pans up a bed, we see Bane sleeping, covered from his chest down by a blanket. He stirs, and looks around him.]", "Bane: Prue? (He looks up and sees Prue standing in front of the window, gazing at the view. She is wearing a white tank top and his black boxers. He gets up, holding his blanket.) Prue? (He walks over to her.) (softly) Prue?", "Prue: The view is amazing.", "Bane: It's not as good as mine. (She smiles, but keeps her vision on the view before her.) I thought maybe you left.", "(He draws the blanket around his shoulders.)", "Prue: No, I just couldn't really find all of my clothes. (Bane laughs, and Prue does likewise.) I'll help you—with Litvack. You just have to promise me that you'll turn yourself back in when it's all over. (Bane looks down at his feet) Bane—", "Bane: You know, I was thinking maybe this—us doesn't have to end. Maybe we can go somewhere where we can be together. Get away from all this—What do you say?", "Prue: I would say that you're beginning to strike me as a dreamer. (Bane moves in closer to kiss Prue. They kiss, and just as Prue is about to wrap her arm around Bane, he suddenly freezes. Prue looks at him, and takes a step back.) Bane—", "(Piper and Phoebe walk down some stairs, and find Prue and Bane.)", "Piper: Oh... my... God!", "(They both look at the situation in shock.)", "Prue: Uh... (looks at them in disbelief and in embarrassment) what are you guys doing here?", "Phoebe: We're rescuing you—from the tall dark, and naked man.", "Prue: I told you to stay away.", "(She puts her hands on her hips.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, now I know why. He is yummy. (clears her throat)", "Piper: I don't believe this! We've been frantic, worried sick about you thinking you've been kidnapped...", "Prue: Yeah, I was...", "Piper: (points to the side of the bed) Panties.", "Prue: Oh, oh! (She rushes to the bedside and picks them up.) Huh, thanks. Look, uh, you guys have really got this all uh—(looks at her underwear in her hand) wrong. (hides it behind her back)", "Piper: Yeah, we know. It's a *trap*. (frowns)", "Phoebe: A tall, dark, and naked trap.", "Prue: All right, how did you two find me anyway? (walks away to pick up the rest of her clothing)", "Piper: We'll explain that later. We really need to be going now because there's a demon behind this.", "Prue: Yeah, Litvack—wait, how did you know?", "Phoebe: We have the weapon he used to break Bane out of jail.", "Prue: No, no, no, h-he, he, he tried to kill Bane in jail, not break him out.", "Piper: Or so Bane says.", "Prue: Well, I believe him, because one of the guys came here and tried to kill me.", "Piper: All the more reason we should be going now.", "Prue: Fine, then just unfreeze him.", "Piper: What?! You want us to bring him along?", "Prue: Well, yeah, I mean, I told him that I would help him. And I can't leave him here when everything I have to do is clearly at the manor.", "(Piper sighs, and although not agreeing with Prue, she unfreezes Bane. Bane unfreezes, and straightens up when Prue is not there. He pulls the blanket further over his shoulders as he turns around to see Piper and Phoebe looking at him.)", "Bane: Well, Hello.", "Phoebe: Hello.", "Piper: Nice to see you again.", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm.", "Piper: Would you put some clothes on.", "(Bane goes to put on his clothes. Phoebe continues to look at him. Piper clears her throat and turns Phoebe around, while covering her eyes.)", "[Cut to the Halliwell Manor. Bane, Prue, Phoebe, and Piper walk into the room. Bane has on his shirt, and the front is stained with dried blood from his wound.]", "Bane: Listen, do you guys have any peroxide and stuff? I think I should clean this up.", "Prue: Uh, yeah. Upstairs bathroom, medicine cabinet.", "Bane: Thanks.", "(He looks up at the stairs, and proceeds. Prue starts to walk to another room. Piper and Phoebe follow closely behind her.)", "Piper: First I'd like to tell you how relieved I am you're okay.", "Phoebe: Me too.", "Piper: And second, I'd like to tell you that you have completely lost your mind.", "Phoebe: Completely lost your mind!", "Prue: Okay, we have a demon to vanquish. (sits down)", "Piper: You really want to help him?", "Prue: Piper, past aside, I know an innocent when I see one. And, I trust him.", "Phoebe: Prue", "Prue: Phoebe, I'm going to help him.", "Piper: Think about this—how well do you really know him?", "Prue: Regardless, Litvack has to be vanquished, whether Bane is on our side or not.", "Phoebe: It would be nice to know that ahead of time. Minimize the surprises.", "Prue: You really want to minimize them? Help me find Litvack in The Book of Shadows.", "(Prue begins to flip through the book.)", "[Cut to Mariner's Bluff, lot 827. Litvack and his servant are inside Bane's dream house. Litvack has his eyes closed.]", "[Cut to Bane in the bathroom. He opens the cabinet, and takes the bottle of peroxide out. He closes the cabinet door, when he sees Litvack's reflection in the mirror.]", "Litvack: Hello Bane. (Bane turns around in surprise. He looks around the room, but no one else is in it.) It's a telepathic image. I'm only in your mind.", "Bane: How did you find me?", "Litvack: The essence—this dream house of yours reeks of it. It's a beautiful place. Too bad you won't live long enough to enjoy it.", "Bane: You don't scare me.", "Litvack: Sure I do. I scare everybody. For good reason.", "[Cut to Litvack at the dream house. We see him standing still with his eyes closed.]", "Litvack: By the way, (cut back to Bane in the bathroom) your essence isn't the only one I sense here. You bedded a witch. And not just any witch, one of the Charmed ones. My offer is simple. Your life in exchange for theirs.", "Bane: Screw you Litvack.", "Litvack: (laughs) You can't hide from me. I can keep sending demons after you for an eternity, till one of them finally gets you. (Bane punches Litvack's image and breaks the glass.) You know everything, better than you wish you did. I'm evil, just like you are. And you can't change that no matter what you do, or who you sleep with. It's who you are. Bring me the witches, and then bring me back my weapon. And I'll give you all your dreams.", "[Cut to Prue walking to the bathroom. She knocks on the bathroom door.]", "Prue: Bane, are you in there?", "Bane: Yeah, yeah, I'll be right out. (buttons up his shirt)", "Prue: Hi! (laughs) I thought that you had skipped out on me or something.", "Bane: No I was uh washing up.", "(He closes the door and walks away. Prue stares after him. Then, after a moment of hesitation, she follows him downstairs.)", "[Cut to Litvack and his servant at Bane's dream house.]", "Servant: (walks up to Litvack) So, is he going to do it or not?", "Litvack: (holds up his hand to silence his servant) Shhhhhh", "Phoebe: I found Litvack in the book. (Bane and Prue both walk in from the staircase, hand in hand) But there's nothing in here about how to vanquish him. Maybe that means there isn't a way.", "Piper: Where there's a demon, there's a way. (Prue and Bane sit down.) (turning to Bane) Our jewelry better be where it's suppose to be.", "Prue: We need to focus on Litvack.", "Piper: Do we? I mean aside from the fact there's nothing in the book to help us maybe we should just let bad enough alone.", "Phoebe: What are you talking about?", "Piper: I'm talking about our lives, Phoebe, as in saving them. This demon has powers we don't know about. Why go up against him unprepared, what's the rush? He doesn't know about us or anything", "Bane: Sure he does. (Everyone turns to look at him.) I mean the demon he sent after us saw Prue's power right? You know he told Litvack.", "Prue: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that he knows about all three of us.", "Bane: Look, all I'm saying is he knows enough. I mean, *you* don't go after him, he comes after you.", "Phoebe: How can you be sure?", "Bane: Because I know him that's why. Better than I wish I did.", "Phoebe: Mmmm.", "Piper: Okay, still doesn't help us vanquish him.", "Phoebe: I just wish we knew what his other powers were.", "Prue: You don't know what they are?", "Bane: No idea. (Moment of silence. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe look at each other. Bane senses that they don't believe him.) Still have that weapon right?", "Piper: What?!", "Bane: Might be your only hope.", "Piper: I thought only another demon could activate it.", "Bane: I got one to activate before, maybe I can do it again.", "Prue: Yeah, he's right. That's how he took out the demon guard.", "Phoebe: So he says", "Bane: What! You think I'm lyin'", "Phoebe: What do you think?", "Bane: I think I don't (stands up) like your implications lady! I'm in this mess because Litvack tried to off me, remember? If you don't trust me, that's fine! I really don't care. But trust this! I've had it with all this supernatural crap, and I'll do anything I have to get out from underneath it.", "Phoebe: That's what worries me.", "Prue: Okay, you know what? I trust him. And please, I'm just asking you guys to trust me. If we're going to get Litvack, then we're gonna have to work together—with Bane. Otherwise, we're all gonna be dead.", "Piper: Okay Phoebe, let's go get that weapon come on.", "(Piper grabs Phoebe's red sweater as she pulls her along. They walk off.)", "Bane: I don't really know what to say.", "Prue: You don't have to say anything. I'll be right back.", "(She gives him a kiss on cheek. She walks off. Litvack suddenly appears in a mirror. Bane looks around to make sure none of the sisters are there.)", "Bane: (to Litvack) We're on our way.", "[Scene: Cemetery.]", "Prue: He lives in a cemetery? How cliché.", "[Cut to all four of them walking side by side.]", "Phoebe: Well, at least it's not a warehouse again", "Piper: Ah do we really think this is a good idea? We don't really have a plan.", "Prue: Um yeah! Sure we do. Bane goes in, we follow, you freeze Litvack, you get the weapon in his hand, turn it on him, I mean it's pretty simple.", "Piper: Still", "Bane: Maybe you should give me that weapon.", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't think so!", "Bane: Listen, the guy wants me dead remember? The only way for me to stay alive long enough for our plan to work is to show him good faith.", "Phoebe: Double crossing us shows some pretty good faith too don'tcha think?", "Prue: (sighs in exasperation) Pheebz, we've been through this.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, it doesn't change my mind Prue", "Piper: All right, give it to him, we're either doing this or not.", "(Piper hands Bane the weapon. He takes it.)", "Bane: Thank you. (He walks up to a tomb with the engravings: Bowen (William) 1889-1979. He flips down the ‘9' in 1889, and it turns into a ‘6'. He flips down the first ‘9' in 1979, turning it into a ‘6', and lastly flips down the last ‘9' in 1979, turning it into another ‘6'. He opens the door to Litvack's lair.) You guys wait at the base of the step for my signal. (He walks to Prue.) Trust me.", "(He turns away, and enters Litvack's lair.)", "Phoebe: I hope we're not making a huge mistake.", "(Prue looks at her, and then turns to follow Bane. Phoebe and Piper follow close behind.)", "[Cut to Litvack sitting on a chair, flipping through a very old, and thick book. The room is very dark, and the entrance is lit by a few torches placed in holes in the wall. His servant paces in front of him, fiddling with the weapon. Bane enters Litvack's room. Litvack's servant looks up.]", "Bane: Hello Litvack.", "Litvack: Well, well. (closes the book he is flipping through) I was wondering when you were gonna show.", "(Litvack puts a lock on the book he had just been reading. Bane looks back at the entrance, and then at the weapon in his hands. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe sneak past them in the background. They hide behind a wall.)", "Bane: Before you kill me", "(Litvack's servant starts to shine the blue beam at Bane. Litvack looks at him.)", "Litvack: It's all right.", "Bane: I wanted to give you something. Hopin' that --you'd spare me.", "Litvack: Hmm... I'm afraid it's gonna take much more than this.", "(He laughs.)", "Bane: Now!", "(Piper sticks her hand out, and she freezes the whole room. She peeks behind the wall.)", "Prue: That was easy!", "(They all come out from hiding.)", "Phoebe: A little too easy.", "Piper: Let's just get this over with.", "(She walks cautiously towards Litvack, and is about to take the weapon from his hand, when he moves his hand away. She gasps, and he smiles. She quickly retreats to where Prue and Phoebe are. All three of them take a couple of steps back.)", "Piper: Wh... he didn't freeze—he wh... he didn't freeze.", "(Litvack chuckles.)", "Litvack: I'm immune to the parlor tricks of witches. What's the matter? Bane didn't tell you about that power?", "Prue: He said he didn't know.", "Litvack: (stands up) He knew. He just didn't tell ya. He showed his true colors. His true evil colors.", "(He reaches his left hand out to his side, and a rotating triangular sphere of fire appears.)", "Phoebe: Prue, I just want you to know I am really pissed at you.", "Prue: No, no, no wait. Something isn't right.", "Litvack: This is going to please the source.", "Prue: Piper, unfreeze Bane!", "Piper: Huh?", "Prue: Hurry.", "Piper: Wha... What?", "(Piper unfreezes Bane. He looks back at them, and at Litvack's servant, whose weapon is ready to be aimed. He goes behind him, takes the weapon in hand, and aims at Litvack. Prue sees him and smiles.)", "Prue: Tell the source that we said ‘hi'!", "(Litvack turns around, only to find a beam of bluish purple light flash towards him. He is hit in the chest, and his own weapon sets off, hitting his servant.)", "Litvack: Traitor! (screams)", "(Bane lets go of the weapon, and hits the back wall. Litvack and his servant exchange a few beams before they both disappear in a puff of fire. Prue runs to help Bane up.)", "Prue: Are you okay?", "Bane: Yeah.", "Piper: What just happened here?", "Prue: Bane just saved our lives is what happened.", "Phoebe: Wait, are you saying that this all part of the plan? To make it look like you were double-crossing us?", "Bane: I had to. If I had told you about his power, you would have come up with a different plan of attack. Litvack would have known it. He's telepathic, remember? So, he had to believe I double-crossed you. So you had to believe.", "Piper: How did you Prue would figure it out in time?", "Bane: We uh trust each other.", "(They smile at each other.)", "Piper: Hmmm.", "Phoebe: Hmmm.", "(Prue looks back at them with a triumphant smile.)", "Prue: Hmmm.", "[Cut to the Halliwell Manor. Prue and Bane are sitting on a white sofa.]", "Prue: Strange, isn't it? Being back where we started?", "Bane: Stranger to me is that I'm still here. (laughs)", "Prue: It was really good of you to call Morris.", "Bane: I have to go back—it's the right thing to do. As much as I prefer not to. Listen, I don't know how much time I have so uh I really want to apologize.", "Prue: Don't. I'm not sorry at all.", "(Bane moves to kiss Prue.)", "Bane: So we're in an awkward part, you know?", "Prue: Tell me about it.", "Bane: Well, next time, I'll call first huh? (smiles)", "Prue: Thank you for saving my life.", "Bane: Thank you for changing mine.", "(Prue moves onto Bane's lap, and gives him a hug.)", "[Cut to P3. Beth Hart's ‘Just A Little Hole' from ‘Screamin For My Supper' is playing in the background.]", "Lyrics: Just a little heartache / Just a little hole / Just an itchy finger / And nobody knows / Just a little heartache / Somethin' for the soul / Fingers on the trigger / And nobody knows / What she knows", "[Cut to a shot of Leo serving some customers.]", "[Cut to Phoebe and Piper sitting on a sofa.]", "Phoebe: So who do you think is the source? That Litvack was talking about.", "Piper: I don't want to know. And boy did we read Bane wrong.", "Phoebe: Not surprising. We read *all* the signs wrong.", "Phoebe: Hey!", "Prue: Hey!", "Piper: How'd it go?", "(Prue sits down.)", "Prue: Um, well, the cops came and took him away a little while ago. So, everything's back as it should be.", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: I'm fine. He thanked me for changing his life.", "Phoebe: Wow! You must have been a really good uh— (raises her eyebrows)", "Piper: Influence on him.", "Prue: (smiles) I'm sure the influence was mutual. So, umm how did you guys find me anyway?", "Phoebe: Umm I uh cast a little spell to help Piper find her love. It was suppose to help her decide between Dan and Leo, but it led us to you. Naked—I might add.", "Piper: I want you to know I tried to stop her.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and you probably would have too. If you weren't busy getting kidnapped.", "Prue: Yeah. Umm So, what was the outcome, Dan or Leo?", "Piper: I never needed a sign to tell me where my heart lies.", "(She looks at Leo, and smiles. He looks back at her and smiles also. Piper looks back at Phoebe and Prue.)", "Lyrics: If I only loved you better / I'd see you smile again / But what's done is done / Just a little heartache / Just a little hole / Just an itchy finger / And nobody knows / Just a little heartache." ]
Give me a Sign
[ "When Prue gets her first photography assignment, photographing the \"unluckiest woman in San Francisco,\" she unintentionally gets on the bad side of a darklighter when she casts a spell on Maggie Murphy - a future whitelighter. Looking to take his revenge out on Prue by sending her terrifying messages telepathically, Piper and Phoebe are racing against time to save Prue before she takes her own life. Leo then makes a huge sacrifice to stop the darklighter's plan and ultimately gets his wings back." ]
[ "[Scene: Photographic Studio. A photographer is looking through Prue's portfolio.]", "Mr. Corso: Everything is shot in digital now, you know.", "Prue: Yeah, I'm equipped.", "Mr. Corso: Nice stuff. Oh, I like this one. What lens did you use?", "Prue: 24f8", "Mr. Corso: What shutter speed?", "Prue: 125.", "(A photographer shows Mr. Corso a photo.)", "Mr. Corso: Okay, lose the kicker, let the shuttle play there. (to Prue) Hmm, impressive.", "Prue: So does that mean I got the job?", "Mr. Corso: Based on your portfolio, yes. Based on your resume, no. Took a detour shutter bugging did you?", "Prue: Mr. Corso, I've changed careers, I'm not hiding that. But with all due respect, if you like my work that should be enough. I mean, you're hiring me, not my resume.", "Mr. Corso: You wanna shot? Get me a better one of Maggie Murphy. She's gonna be featured in our St. Paddy's day issue. (He hands her a picture of Maggie.) Something about being the unluckiest woman in San Francisco. And she's Irish. Down the hall where they do the writing, they call that irony. Address is on the back. Up until three months ago, she was like a saint. Helping the homeless, volunteering, charity. Then like overnight everything started going bad for her. Real bad. I want what you have in here, Prue. Artistic, soulful, point. I wanna see the inner Maggie in your photograph and I wanna see it by five o'clock today or don't bother coming back.", "Prue: Thank you.", "(She walks away.)", "[Scene: Rooftop of a building. Maggie is there. She walks over to the edge. The Darklighter appears.]", "Maggie: What am I doing? This isn't me.", "Darklighter: Yes it is. It's all my fault. The car accident, the fire, my brother's death. I hurt the ones I love.", "Maggie: I hurt the ones I love.", "Darklighter: I have to stop it.", "Maggie: Has to stop. I don't deserve to live.", "Darklighter: This is who I really am. Cursed.", "Maggie: I'm cursed.", "(People start gathering around on the ground looking up at Maggie. The Darklighter disappears. Prue turns up in her car. She gets out and notices Maggie on the roof.)", "Prue: Maggie? Maggie, no. (Prue astral projects on to the roof.) Maggie. (Maggie turns around.) Just wait, don't.", "Maggie: Where did you come from? How do you know me?", "Prue: It doesn't matter, just step away from the ledge and take my hand.", "Maggie: Stay away from me.", "Prue: Maggie, Please, I can help you.", "Maggie: Nobody can help me.", "Prue: Maggie, this isn't the answer.", "Maggie: All I wanted to do was help people. Now all I do is hurt them.", "(Maggie loses her balance and falls off the ledge. Prue grabs her arm before she can fall any further.)", "Prue: Maggie.", "Maggie: Let me go, please.", "Prue: I can't hold on much longer. (You see Maggie's arm slipping. She slips and falls. Prue astral projects back into her body.) No! (Prue uses her power and moves Maggie so she lands on the canopy and she rolls off onto the ground. Everyone crowds around her. She sees Prue.)", "Maggie: Wait, wait.", "(The Darklighter is there.)", "Darklighter: Well, of all the luck.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's there writing a letter. Phoebe comes in the back door.]", "Phoebe: Hey, I thought you had inventory at the club.", "Piper: I do.", "Phoebe: So then what are you doing here?", "Piper: Trying to figure out what to tell Dan.", "Phoebe: About what, honey?", "Piper: Leo.", "Phoebe: Oh, that. You're not actually writing him a dear John letter are you?", "Piper: No, of course not. He deserves more than that. A lot more but it's just hard. I don't wanna hurt him. Dan's a great guy and he's been really good to me and we've never really had any huge problems.", "Phoebe: No, I mean the only huge problem is that you really love Leo and he loves you and he gave up his mortality for you.", "Piper: I know. Which is obviously good for us but I don't know, lately he's just seems a bit restless.", "Phoebe: You're thinking too much again. Stop trying to predict the future, alright. That's my job. Just follow your heart, honey. Good things'll happen.", "Piper: What would I do without you?", "Phoebe: Oh, suffer endlessly, no doubt.", "Piper: Thank you. Alright, I'm going to the club. (She grabs her purse and coat.) Love you.", "Phoebe: Love you too. (Piper leaves out the back door.)", "[Scene: Police station. Morris is taking Maggie into a room. She stops at the doorway.]", "Morris: Miss Murphy?", "Maggie: I-I can't go in there.", "Morris: You don't really have a choice.", "Maggie: Am I being arrested?", "Morris: No, but there's some paper work we have to get started.", "Maggie: Are there guns in there?", "Morris: It's a police station.", "Maggie: They might go off. I mean, things like that happen around me and I don't want anybody to get hurt.", "Morris: I'm more concerned about you hurting yourself. Come on, nothing's gonna happen.", "(They walk into the room.)", "Maggie: You don't understand.", "Morris: Trust me.", "Maggie: You can't help me. Nobody can.", "(They sit down.)", "Morris: We're gonna find somebody who can. First you have to answer a few questions about what happened this morning.", "Maggie: I don't know what happened. It was like a bad dream, only it wasn't. Voices in my head. Everything spinning.", "Morris: Is there somebody you want to call? Family, friends.", "Maggie: No, no, no. Keep them away from me, they're safer there. I shouldn't even be here. I shouldn't be alive and if it hadn't have been for that angel.", "Morris: Excuse me?", "Maggie: She just appeared out of thin air when I was on the rooftop. She reached out her hand and then when I was falling it was like something slowed me down, like she guided me on that awning.", "Morris: The angel?", "Maggie: Yes, she saved me.", "Morris: Help me out here. What exactly did this woman look like?", "[Scene: Manor. Prue comes in the front door. Phoebe walks into the foyer.]", "Phoebe: So, how'd it go?", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: The interview. Did you get the job?", "Prue: Yeah, I did.", "Phoebe: Prue, are you okay?", "Prue: The woman that I am supposed to photograph, when I got to her apartment she was on the roof ready to jump.", "Phoebe: Oh my God, she didn't", "Prue: Yeah, actually she did. Luckily I was able to break her fall with my powers but just barely.", "Phoebe: So lucky you got there in time.", "Prue: I keep on thinking that even if I had've been a minute later it would've been too late.", "Phoebe: But you weren't. You were supposed to be there in time. You were supposed to save that girls life, I believe that.", "(The phone rings. Prue answers it.)", "Prue: Hello?", "Morris: Hi, Prue. You weren't by any chance outside 413 North Fergus Ave this morning were you?", "Prue: Uh, why?", "Morris: We got a Maggie Murphy here. She claims she was saved by some angel this morning. An angel that by her description bears no resemblance to Della Reese.", "Prue: But does resemble me.", "Morris: Yeah, bingo. Of course everyone around here thinks she's nuts.", "(Phoebe holds up a roll of film.)", "Phoebe: Hey, what's on this roll?", "Prue: Uh, just some old photographs. Um, Darryl, is Maggie alright?", "[Cut to the police station.]", "Morris: That's not for me to say. We have to send her over to psyche -------.", "(Maggie knocks over a coat stand, it lands on a bench and plastic cups fall on the floor.)", "Maggie: I am so sorry.", "Morris: Poor woman. It's like she's snake bit or something. Listen, Prue, you better stay clear of here so she doesn't ID you. I'll keep you posted, okay? Bye.", "[Cut back to the manor. Prue hangs up. She gets her bag.]", "Phoebe: Where are you going?", "Prue: I'm gonna go see Maggie. Something tells me that I may have stopped her but I certainly didn't save her.", "Phoebe: Well, I'll come with you. Maybe something from my psyche class could be of use.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper is standing up at the bar and Leo's sitting on the floor staring at her legs.]", "Piper: That can't be right. How many swizzle sticks?", "Leo: Who's counting? (Piper looks down at him.) Uh, I don't know, a lot. You think you might of over ordered?", "Piper: No, um, they over shipped. (Leo hands her a box of swizzle sticks and the bottom falls out and they land on the floor.) Ohh.", "Leo: It's my fault.", "(Piper kneels down and starts picking them up. Leo looks at her.)", "Piper: What?", "Leo: (laughs) Nothing. (silence) Piper, are you mad at me?", "Piper: No, don't be ridiculous. Why would I be mad at you?", "Leo: I don't know, that's why I'm asking. What is it?", "Piper: It's just, um, Dan.", "Leo: Oh. Never mind, sorry I asked.", "(Leo stands up.)", "Piper: Um, he's-he's going to be... (Piper stands up.) he's going to be very upset when he finds out... (pause) you're the one that I really love.", "Leo: Yeah?", "Piper: Yeah. (They kiss.) Mmm, no wait, um, we can't do this.", "Leo: You just said...", "Piper: I-I-I know, but I really need to talk to Dan first. So count. Count.", "[Scene: Police station. The Darklighter walks in. He sees Maggie. He then magically changes into police officer clothes and stays near a corner of the room. Morris walks up to Maggie holding a cup of coffee.]", "Morris: I brought you some coffee.", "Maggie: Thanks.", "Morris: (to a police woman sitting next to Maggie) I'll take it from here thanks.", "Policewoman: Okay.", "(She walks away. Morris sits down next to Maggie.)", "Maggie: I saw her, you know. The angel, she saved me.", "Morris: I believe you, really I do.", "(She goes to take the cup of coffee out of his hand but knocks it and spills it on him. He jumps out of the chair.)", "Maggie: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.", "Morris: I'm okay. I'm just gonna go wipe this off.", "Maggie: Maybe you should just stay away from me. People get hurt.", "(Morris walks into another room. Prue and Phoebe enter. Prue sees Maggie.)", "Prue: Alright, that's her.", "Phoebe: Any idea what you're gonna say to her about the whole angel thing?", "Prue: I'm not really worried about that, I'm more worried about her. I've been thinking. Maybe I could write a spell.", "Phoebe: A spell for what?", "Prue: Help put a little good luck in her life.", "Phoebe: That's really sweet but you can't keep using your powers to save her.", "Prue: I know, but maybe it'll help her turn things around, make her see that life's worth living.", "(A police officer walks past Maggie and she accidentally trips him. He knocks over the water cooler and water goes into all the cords and plugs.)", "Police officer: Thanks a lot.", "Prue: Okay, you see? Alright, I'm gonna need your help. How do I do this?", "Phoebe: You don't need my help. It's your connection. It just has to come from the heart.", "Prue: Alright, here goes. \"From this moment on your pain is erased, your bad luck as well, enjoy your good luck Maggie, you're free from this hell.\"", "(Stardust comes out of Prue's hand and floats over to Maggie.)", "Phoebe: Whoa.", "(The Darklighter sees this. Morris walks in and slips on the water. Maggie stops him from falling.)", "Morris: Thanks.", "Maggie: Did I just do that? I mean, help you?", "Phoebe: Looks like her luck's changing already.", "Morris: Yeah, have a seat. You okay?", "Maggie: Yeah.", "Prue: Let's get outta here.", "(They walk towards the door.)", "Darklighter: (to himself) Not so fast.", "(Magic dust comes out of his hand and hits Prue. Prue stops.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: Yeah, just a chill.", "(They walks outside to Prue's car.)", "Phoebe: I gotta tell you, for your first spell you packed quite a punch.", "Prue: You told me to speak from the heart, I did.", "Phoebe: Still, it took me a few times before my spell actually worked.", "Prue: Really?", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm.", "Prue: Well, it must be my lucky day. (Prue backs out of the parking space. A police car runs straight into the back of them. Phoebe hits her head on the dash board and gets knocked out.) Phoebe? Phoebe?", "(You see the Darklighter near by.)", "Darklighter: Your turn to be cursed, witch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Leo are at the bar.]", "Leo: Piper, I'm going crazy here.", "Piper: We're almost done.", "Leo: That's not what I mean. Look, you can't come in here and tell me what you just told me and act like nothing's changed. I mean, everything's changed.", "Piper: I know, believe me, I know. But Dan is out of town and until he comes back...", "Leo: When, when's he coming back?", "Piper: Next Thursday.", "Leo: A week? Can you call him or something? It's just, you know, I-I've been waiting for this, for us, for so long. I don't wanna wait any longer.", "Prue: (from outside) Piper, are you there?", "Piper: Prue? (Prue and Phoebe walk in. Prue has her arm around Phoebe.) What-what happened?", "Prue: Oh, we got into a car accident. I wasn't looking.", "Leo: You guys okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, we're fine.", "Prue: Phoebe's got a concussion.", "Phoebe: A mild one.", "Prue: Still, the doctor said that, you know, you should...", "Piper: The doctor? You went to the hospital? Phoebe, you...", "Phoebe: I'm fine, really. I just have a little headache.", "Leo: Oh, we got some aspirin around here somewhere.", "Prue: Phoebe, I am so sorry.", "Phoebe: Prue, it's okay, it was an accident, it wasn't your fault.", "Prue: Yeah, but you know, I should've been looking. I mean, I-I-I always look first. At least I didn't put you in the hospital this time.", "Phoebe: (to Piper) You lipstick's smeared.", "Piper: It is?", "(Leo holds up the aspirin and when Prue takes it off him, she knocks a box of swizzle sticks on the floor.)", "Leo: Uh, don't worry about it. I got it.", "Prue: Okay, I'm such a klutz. I can't seem to do anything right all of a sudden. Do you think that that spell backfired on me?", "Phoebe: Not possible, no personal gain.", "Piper: What spell?", "(Prue's phone rings. She answers it.)", "Prue: Hello? Yeah, Mr. Corso, there was a problem with the, uh, photograph.", "(She walks away.)", "Phoebe: She got this gig photographing this girl named Maggie Murphy.", "Leo: The unlucky Maggie Murphy? (Piper looks at him.) I saw a piece on her on TV.", "Phoebe: She's not unlucky anymore. Prue cast a spell to turn her luck around after she saved her from jumping off a roof.", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Yeah, pretty scary, huh?", "Piper: That's more than scary.", "Phoebe: It got to Prue too, big time.", "(Prue walks back over to them.)", "Prue: Alright, Mr. Corso said that if I don't get that photograph of Maggie, I can kiss my career goodbye. Like that's what I wanna do right now.", "Phoebe: Well, it's a good excuse to go check up on her.", "Prue: Yeah, I'm just gonna stop by the house", "(She moves backwards and knocks over a table of glasses. Piper freezes them before they all hit the ground.)", "Piper: It's okay.", "Phoebe: I'll drive. Because you didn't get collision on the rental.", "Prue: Here, do you want the keys?", "Phoebe: Yes. (Prue gives her the keys.) Thank you.", "(They leave.)", "Piper: Uh ugh. (She unfreezes the glasses, they fall on the floor and smash. Leo looks at the broken glass on the floor.) What? I'll clean it up.", "Leo: No, it's not that, I was just thinking about Maggie Murphy.", "Piper: What about her?", "Leo: It's just that she was doing all these good things in her life and then all of a sudden her own life goes to hell.", "Piper: So, what", "Leo: I don't know. What if, you know, all these accidents in her life weren't actually accidents. I mean, what if something was trying to make her jump.", "Piper: Something like", "Leo: Like a Darklighter maybe.", "[Scene: Mental Home. Maggie is with a woman. She's helping her down the corridor.]", "Maggie: It's okay Mrs. Idleman. Let's just get you out in the sunlight and let you see what's going on in the world. That's it, you're doing fine.", "[Cut to Prue and Phoebe. They're in the mental home talking to the Darklighter who is dressed as a doctor.]", "Darklighter: Maggie has made a remarkable turn around. Severely depressed this morning, now suddenly, she's smiling, laughing, helping others. However, I'm afraid her recovery is only temporary.", "Prue: Why do you say that?", "Darklighter: Once you've been on that ledge, Miss Halliwell you can never forget it. That deep dark place never goes away. It haunts you, beckons you back.", "Phoebe: That's not true.", "Darklighter: Oh, are you a psychiatrist?", "Phoebe: No, but I still don't think that that's true. Lots of people recover from depression.", "Darklighter: Not people in Maggie's rather unique situation. She still feels responsible for all the tragedies in her family's life. That pain doesn't just magically go away.", "Prue: Um, may we see her?", "Darklighter: Of course.", "(They walk down the corridor, magic dust comes out of the Darklighter's hand and hits Prue's camera bag. The Darklighter disappears. Prue and Phoebe walk up to Maggie.)", "Maggie: I hoped you'd come so I could thank you and ask you. I have so many questions.", "Prue: Maggie, I-I-I think you may have the wrong idea about me.", "Maggie: You saved my life.", "Prue: Yeah, but there was so much going on this morning. I mean, it was really confusing, there were so many people.", "Maggie: That doesn't change what you did. Who are you?", "Prue: My name is Prue. This is my sister, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Hi, Maggie.", "Maggie: Two angels.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, I'm just a student.", "Prue: Maggie, how are you feeling? Better I hope.", "Maggie: Honestly, I feel great. I couldn't be happier.", "Phoebe: Even though you're here?", "Maggie: I'm alive and more importantly I feel alive again. I'm able to give, I'm able to help people. I haven't been able to do that for a while.", "Phoebe: That's really sweet.", "(Maggie notices Prue's camera bag.)", "Maggie: Are you a photographer?", "Prue: Yeah, sort of.", "Phoebe: Yes, she is. She's working for Four One Five magazine.", "Maggie: Oh, yeah. They're doing an article on me. Is that why you were at my place this morning, to take my picture?", "Prue: Yeah, but believe me, that was the last thing on my mind.", "Maggie: No, no, no, it's fine. Maybe the article will help others. Help them realize not to give up either. Where do you want me?", "Prue: Oh, uh, I guess here is fine. (She gets a chair and Maggie sits on it.)", "Maggie: I just can't get over how everything's changed suddenly. I mean, I know I'm stuck here for a while but I feel like a thousand pound weight's been lifted off me. (Prue gets her camera and starts taking pictures.) I feel like my own self again.", "Phoebe: Um, Maggie, I'm taking a psychology class in school and I was wondering if I could ask you a question.", "Maggie: Sure, anything.", "Phoebe: I was wondering why you how you", "Maggie: How did I get on the ledge?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Maggie: I really don't know. All I know is I just wanted it all to stop.", "Phoebe: Wanted what to stop?", "Maggie: The voice in my head that kept telling me that I was hurting people not helping them. That I was causing pain and trouble wherever I went. That it was all my fault. It was like I was cursed.", "Phoebe: Maybe you were cursed.", "Maggie: I'm sorry, what was .", "Phoebe: Prue.", "Prue: Um, I have to go get these to the magazine right away.", "Phoebe: Did you just hear what she said?", "Prue: Yeah, look, uh, can you take a cab and take that home for me", "Phoebe: Why don't I drive you?", "Prue: No, it's fine. Bye Maggie.", "Maggie: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Leo and Piper are there looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: There's a whole section in here on Darklighters somewhere.", "Leo: Someone should really index this thing.", "Piper: Are you sure about this?", "Leo: Piper, I've been a Whitelighter for over 50 years.", "Piper: Okay.", "Leo: Prue's in trouble. (The phone rings.) Maybe that's her. (Piper answers it.)", "Piper: Hello? Prue?", "Dan: No, it's me, Dan.", "Piper: Dan, hi.", "Dan: You miss me?", "(Leo motions to Piper if she wants him to leave the room.)", "Piper: (to Leo) No.", "Dan: Really?", "Piper: Uh, I was talking to the cat. Are you in New York?", "Dan: Yeah, I'm in my hotel room. So what are you doing?", "Piper: Uh, just reading. How was your flight?", "Dan: It was fine. Hey, listen, maybe it's my imagination but I sensed a little something going on. Or not going on at all, if that makes any sense.", "Piper: Um, everything's fine.", "Dan: So that feeling that you had something important to tell me but didn't wanna ruin my trip, that's just all in my head? (Piper gets distracted by Leo.) Piper?", "Piper: Huh? Um, I'm sorry, I'm just a little distracted here. Um, can we talk when you get home?", "Dan: Right. Um, hey, listen, you know what? You don't have to worry about picking me up at the airport. I'll, um, I'll just catch a cab back to my place and maybe we can go out to dinner.", "Piper: Great.", "Dan: Okay, I'll see you soon.", "Piper: Okay, bye.", "Dan: Bye.", "(Piper hangs up.)", "Piper: I'm sorry. It's just, it's difficult. I am going to break up with him but I can't do it when he's 3000 miles away. I have to be fair to him.", "Leo: I understand that, totally. I really do. I'm glad that you're the kind of person that would give him that kind of respect.", "Piper: Thank you.", "Leo: Now, here's what I'm really worried about. (He shows her a page in the book.) Read this.", "(The page says: Darklighter - Forces good souls into suicide through telepathic suggestion. Very dangerous.)", "Piper: You gotta be kidding.", "[Scene: Photographic studio. Mr. Corso is looking at Prue's pictures of Maggie. They are all blurry.)", "Prue: I-I don't understand. I checked it in my camera myself, it was fine.", "Mr. Corso: What am I supposed to print with the article. What am I supposed to do, huh?", "Prue: I'm sorry.", "Mr. Corso: You're sorry? I gave you a chance. I believed in you and this is what I get? You're a fraud.", "Prue: Wait a second, look", "Mr. Corso: No, you look. Lady, you're fired. No, you're worse than fired. I will make sure nobody hires you again. Now go on, get out, go screw up somebody else's life.", "(Prue goes outside into the hallway. She stops.)", "Prue: Alright, I can handle this. Everything's gonna be fine.", "(The Darklighter appears.)", "Darklighter: No, it's not. He's right, I'm a fraud. I only hurt people. It's all my fault. I'm responsible.", "(Prue keeps walking.)", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe comes through the front. Piper and Leo come down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: Phoebe, where's Prue?", "Phoebe: Uh, probable at the magazine. Why?", "Leo: There may be a Darklighter after her. We need to find her fast.", "Phoebe: What?", "Leo: Yeah, when you got in that car wreck, was it right after Prue cast that spell on Maggie?", "Phoebe: Yeah, why?", "(Piper picks up the phone and dials a number.)", "Leo: The Darklighter must have seen her cast it.", "Piper: Why isn't this going through?", "Phoebe: Maggie thought that she was cursed.", "Leo: She probably was until Prue turned her luck around. See, there's a certain type of Darklighter that drives future Whitelighters to commit suicide.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Leo: Well, the only way to keep a Whitelighter from becoming one is to have them take their own life. To lose their souls forever.", "Piper: They curse them . They bring their victims self doubt, bad luck, the kind that hurts other people.", "Leo: And then reinforce that by praying on their thoughts, make them think that they are responsible for all the pain when they're actually not.", "Phoebe: Well, that's not suicide, that's murder.", "Leo: Not technically. They never actually push their victims, they just always compel them to jump.", "Phoebe: So Prue didn't save Maggie from herself, Prue saved Maggie from him.", "Piper: What is wrong with her phone?", "Leo: And that's why the Darklighter's after Prue. If he destroys Prue, he destroys the good luck spell and leaves Maggie unprotected.", "Phoebe: Well, he's not gonna get to Prue. I don't care what he tries.", "(Phoebe puts Prue's camera bag in a cupboard.)", "Piper: Phoebe, he knows her thoughts, he can make her think anything he wants her to think.", "Phoebe: Piper, this is Prue that we're talking about, okay. She is so... (A roll of film falls out of the cupboard. Phoebe bends down and picks it up.) She wouldn't even think of... (she has a premonition of Prue when she was younger, on the bridge crying.)", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: You guys are right. We have to get to Prue.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's trying to call Prue.]", "Phoebe: The cellular subscriber is two in the calling area. Damn it.", "Piper: Try calling the magazine.", "Phoebe: I already did, they said she left a half an hour ago.", "Piper: Okay, then keep trying her cell. Are you sure your vision was of the past and not the future?", "Phoebe: Positive.", "Piper: Could you tell how old she was?", "Phoebe: Around twenty. It was the same time that we had that other accident.", "Leo: What happened?", "Phoebe: Oh, Prue was driving and she ran a red light. We didn't even hear the other car honk.", "Piper: Phoebe was the only one hurt. She was in the hospital for over a week. It scared the hell out of us.", "Phoebe: Prue never forgave herself.", "Piper: It was a really rough time for her. For all of us actually.", "Leo: Why?", "Piper: Well, Phoebe and I were teenagers and Grams was extremely over protective.", "Phoebe: But she was hardest on Prue. She kind of made Prue take care of us. She didn't let Prue go away to school. She wanted to go back east to be a photo journalist.", "Piper: But Grams knew that we were gonna become witches and she wasn't gonna let anything jeopardize that.", "Phoebe: Still, you know what? I don't care what was happening, Prue would never even consider...", "Piper: I know, but you saw her.", "Phoebe: Okay, what I saw was Prue taking picture and she was very sad but that doesn't mean she was actually gonna jump.", "Leo: Yeah, but the Darklighter will make her think that she was going to. He'll mess with her head and try and take her back to that same dark place. And he'll say whatever he has to and make her do something she would never otherwise do.", "Piper: Okay, so if we can't find Prue, how do we find the Darklighter?", "Leo: You can't without a Whitelighter. We sense each other.", "(The phone rings. Phoebe answers it.)", "Phoebe: Prue?", "Prue: Hey, Pheebs.", "Piper: Is it her?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Where are you?", "Prue: I don't really know but I can't start my car and-and this stage just really sucks.", "Phoebe: None of what's happening today has anything to do...", "(The phone starts crackling.)", "Prue: Hello?", "Phoebe: Prue, can you hear me?", "Prue: Um, look I-I lost my job and can you guys please come and get me?", "Leo: You have to tell her about the Darklighter.", "Phoebe: I'm trying.", "[Cut to Prue. You see the Darklighter standing behind the car.]", "Prue: Phoebe, I can't hear you.", "(Magic dust comes out of the Darklighter's hand, hits the phone and the phone goes dead.)", "Phoebe: Hello? Damn it. I lost her.", "(Prue gets out of the car and walks down the road. The Darklighter follows her.)", "[Cut back to the manor.]", "Piper: Okay, what do we do? We have to find her.", "Phoebe: Where do we start?", "Piper: We start at the magazine. Back track from the magazine. That's where she was last.", "Phoebe: She could be anywhere.", "Leo: How about the Book Of Shadows? You could try scrying.", "Phoebe: I don't think we have the time for that.", "Piper: Well, maybe we need a little luck. A little good luck.", "Phoebe: Maggie?", "Piper: We need a map.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll check the car. (Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Leo: I'm going with you.", "Piper: No, no, no. Somebody has to stay here in case she comes back or...", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: If we find her, the Darklighter will be too. And if he recognizes you...", "Leo: Piper, I hate this. Alright, I hate not being able to look after you guys.", "Piper: I know, I'm sorry.", "[Scene: Prue's walking down the street. The Darklighter is following her.]", "Darklighter: What's happening to me, what's the matter with me? I gotta keep moving, keep walking. I've been this dark place before, I remember. No one can help me. I'm all alone. Keep walking, yes, keep walking.", "Prue: Okay, Prue, keep it together. This isn't me. I'm a good person, I do good things. (A skateboarder is skateboarding down the pathway. Magic dust comes out of the Darklighter's hand and hits the skateboarder. The skateboarder loses control, Prue sees he's about to hit a woman and a baby and she uses her power and he rolls on the road straight in front of a car.) Oh God.", "Darklighter: I almost got him killed. Just like I almost got Phoebe killed. Run. Run!", "(Prue runs off.)", "[Cut to the mental home. Maggie's playing Gin with a woman. Piper and Phoebe walk in the room.]", "Phoebe: Maggie, hi. Remember me?", "Maggie: Of course.", "Phoebe: We need your help finding Prue.", "Maggie: Prue?", "Phoebe: Your angel.", "Piper: She's in trouble. Big trouble.", "(They take her outside the room.)", "Phoebe: The kind of trouble you can relate to.", "Maggie: What can I do?", "(Phoebe unfolds a map and holds it up.)", "Phoebe: We need you to point anywhere on this map.", "Piper: We need a little of your luck.", "Maggie: But I don't understand how...", "Phoebe: Please, it'll help, trust me.", "(Maggie closes her eyes and points to the map._", "Maggie: Here.", "(Piper and Phoebe look at the spot on the map.)", "Piper: It's close by.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "(They walk away.)", "[Cut to the manor. Leo's walking around. He sits on the stairs looking frustrated.]", "[Cut to Prue. She's looking up at the bridge.]", "Darklighter: It's okay, no need to be afraid. I know what needs to be done. It's the best thing. The best thing for everyone. It's something I should've done a long time ago. Jump.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: On the bridge. Prue walks over to the side.]", "Darklighter: That's it. It's the only way. It's the only way to save the one's I love. I should've done it before. Eight years ago.", "Prue: I didn't want to.", "Darklighter: But if I had, loved ones would still be alive today. Like Andy. I'm responsible for Andy.", "(Prue starts crying.)", "Prue: Andy.", "Darklighter: It's all my fault. Jump. Jump.", "[Cut to the attic. Leo's searching through the Book Of Shadows.]", "Leo: There's gotta be something in here. Damn it! I can't just sit back and do nothing. Think, think! (He looks up.) Give me my powers back. I want my powers back. I want my powers back, I want them back now! I can't keep being mortal if this is the cost. I don't wanna lose Piper. Not at the expense of losing one of her sisters. This is my calling. You have to let me help. You have to give me my wings back.", "(Leo's hand starts glowing.)", "[Cut to Phoebe and Piper. They get out of the car.]", "Piper: Are you sure this is right?", "Phoebe: This is where Maggie pointed to.", "Piper: But she's not here.", "Phoebe: She's gotta be here somewhere.", "(They look up at the bridge.)", "Piper: Oh my God, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Prue! (Piper starts running up the hill.) Wait, wait, we'll drive there.", "Piper: No, there's no time. Come on. (They run up the hill.) Prue!", "Phoebe: Get away from the railing. Prue! Prue, this isn't you. The Darklighter is making you do this.", "Darklighter: I'm all alone.", "Prue: Alone.", "Piper: He tried to kill Maggie and he's trying to kill you.", "Phoebe: He put a spell on you just like he did with Maggie.", "Darklighter: There is no Darklighter. It's only me.", "Prue: Just me.", "Darklighter: I have to do this.", "Piper, Phoebe: Prue.", "Phoebe: You're stronger than he is.", "Darklighter: Jump damn it. Hurry up. End it before I hurt them again.", "Piper: Prue, you have to believe us.", "Phoebe: He's there, turn around, Prue.", "(Prue turns around.)", "Prue: It's true.", "Darklighter: How did you...", "Prue: You b*st*rd. How dare you hurt people this way. (She uses her power and he hits the railing.)", "Darklighter: It's a gift. You'll jump for me sooner or later. I haven't lost anyone yet.", "Prue: You lost two today.", "Darklighter: But remember, you can't stop me.", "(Leo appears and tackles the Darklighter.)", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: You alright?", "Prue: Yeah, I think so.", "(Phoebe and Piper run over to Prue and hug her.)", "Leo: I gotta go.", "(Leo orbs out with the Darklighter.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are looking at an old picture of the bridge that Prue took.]", "Prue: Well, the bridge hasn't changed much has it?", "Piper: But you sure have.", "Prue: Well, we all have, for the better.", "Piper: Prue, Phoebe and I were wondering...", "Prue: What? Why I was on this bridge eight years ago. Why I took this picture?", "Piper: Well, yeah.", "Prue: I don't know. I guess I was just in a really bad place then. Anyway, I was out scouting for a shot and I found myself on the bridge and I just wanted to take the picture of it to remind myself of that particular moment and how I was feeling.", "Piper: But you weren't gonna...", "Prue: No. No, I would never ever do that.", "Phoebe: But why didn't you develop it?", "Prue: I guess I just wasn't ready to relive that pain. But now I am. Especially since a demon tried to take advantage of it. But that was then... (she puts the photo in the fireplace and it burns ) and this... (she opens a magazine up to the article on Maggie.) this is now.", "Piper: What's this?", "Prue: Hi, it's me, I'm a professional photographer. Look.", "(She points to her name under the photo.)", "Phoebe: Yay.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: I'll get it.", "Phoebe: Wait, what is it's Dan? What if he's back from his trip early?", "Piper: Well, then I have to tell him the truth. Just because Leo has his wings back, doesn't change anything.", "(Piper goes to answer the door. Phoebe looks at Prue's photo.)", "Phoebe: Awesome.", "Prue: I know.", "Phoebe: I'm so proud of you.", "Prue: Thank you.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper opens the door.]", "Piper: Leo, you rang the bell?", "Leo: Yeah, I wasn't sure how you'd feel about me orbing in.", "(Leo walks inside.)", "Piper: I'd feel okay.", "Leo: Look, I just wanted to let you know that this wasn't their idea. It was mine and it's-it's not something I wanted to do, it's just...", "Piper: Leo, I meant what I said and I thought about this a lot. Whitelighter or not, we can find a way to make this work. Somehow, someway.", "Leo: I'm gonna hold you to that.", "Piper: You do that.", "(They hug.)" ]
Murphy's Luck
[ "An old friend of Grams comes to see the Halliwell sisters with a dilemma on her hands: she and two other friends apparently summon by accident a demon named Cryto. However, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe soon discover that Gail betrayed them with a promise from the demon of eternal health, beauty and youth. As they plot to get their powers back, Piper announces that she doesn't want them back, fearing that she's missing out on a normal life, but luckily, Prue and Phoebe get her to change her mind. Piper breaks up with Dan." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Robert Masello", "Story by: Javier Grillo-Marxuach", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Gail's house. Gail, Amanda and Helen are chanting a spell. They are standing in a circle holding hands.]", "Gail, Amanda, Helen: \"We call on the demon Cryto, reach back throughout the ages, humbled by his power, we invite him into our circle.\"", "(Gail coughs.)", "Helen: Are you alright?", "Gail: Just keep chanting.", "Amanda: We've been chanting for fifteen minutes.", "Gail: It's a séance, Amanda, not AT&T. He'll come, he has to. Come on.", "Gail, Amanda, Helen: \"We call on the demon Cryto, reach back throughout the ages, humbled by his power, we invite him into our circle.\"", "(Smoke rises in the middle of them and forms a face.)", "Cryto: Who dare summon me?", "Gail: Three, who are humbled by your presence, Cryto.", "Cryto: What do you want?", "Gail: That which only you can give. Youth, beauty, health.", "Cryto: What can you give me?", "Gail: We can make you whole again, we can bring you back.", "Cryto: But I want more. I want powers. Great powers. Don't ever summon me again.", "(He starts to disappear.)", "Gail: We can get you great powers. The powers to move things with your mind, to stop time, to see into the future.", "Cryto: Do so and you'll get your youth.", "(He disappears.)", "Helen: Ah.", "Gail: I had to do something, we were losing him.", "Helen: You lost him already, Gail. Why would you promise him something we can't get. What if it makes him angry?", "Gail: I can get the powers, Helen. I have to. I'm not ready to die. I'll be back. Just be sure you have the quilt finished by tomorrow night.", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Phoebe's sitting on her bed. She squints her eyes while trying to read a book. She puts on a pair of glasses and looks in the mirror.]", "Phoebe: Ugh.", "(Someone knocks on the door. She hides the glasses under a pillow. Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Prue: Have you, um, made an appointment to see the optometrist yet?", "Phoebe: Prue, I keep telling you I do not need glasses.", "Prue: Oh, well, then... (she turns the book around the right way) this might help.", "Phoebe: Unrelated.", "Prue: Mmm hmm. Look, I really need you help. Piper's throwing our her boots. The tan ones.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper's putting her boots in a paper bag. Prue and Phoebe walk in.]", "Phoebe: Piper, what are you doing? Those are your favourite boots.", "Piper: I know. Demon blood from one of our vanquishing and I can't get it out and I can't exactly explain it to the shoe repair guy now can I? It's the third damn pair this month.", "Phoebe: What's the matter, honey?", "Piper: Nothing. I've gotta get to the club. Dan's waiting for me.", "Prue: Are you really gonna break up with him?", "Piper: Well, I have to. I mean, I love him but I love Leo more. Not that I'm any closer to figuring out how that's gonna work either. Sometimes being a witch sucks.", "(She leaves out the back door.)", "Phoebe: Wicca PMS?", "Prue: I have a feeling it's a lot more than that. (The doorbell rings. They walk into the foyer and opens the door.) Aunt Gail.", "Gail: My beautiful girls.", "(They hug.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe finds a photo in a closet and takes it in the living room.]", "Phoebe: I knew we had an old picture of you and Grams somewhere.", "Gail: Oh my God, look how young we were. I remember when this was taken. Right outside our sorority house. We'd just met.", "Phoebe: A couple of hotties.", "Gail: That was then. This is now.", "Prue: Hey, now looks pretty good.", "Gail: Believe me, the golden years are anything but. Mostly it's regret. I miss your Grams. I still can't believe she is gone. You just never know when it's your time, do you? Anyway, you both sound like you are doing very well. You and Piper and your careers and (to Phoebe) you back at school. Good for you.", "Prue: Yeah, we're doing alright.", "Gail: What about men? Anyone special in your lives?", "Phoebe: Nope.", "Prue: Well, I mean, Piper's got someone, sort of.", "Phoebe: I think we're just picky. We don't wanna go through all the husbands that Grams went through.", "Gail: Don't be too picky. You don't wanna end up like an old spinster like me.", "(She coughs.)", "Prue: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Here, have some of this.", "(Phoebe hands her a drink and she takes a sip.)", "Gail: Oh, thank you. Damn allergies.", "Prue: So what brings you to San Francisco?", "Gail: Well, my dears, you do. Do you remember the Bridge clubs your Grams hosted here every other Saturday?", "Prue: Mmm hmm.", "Gail: Did you actually see any of us play any cards?", "Phoebe: No. Grams always sent us outside to play.", "Gail: That's because it wasn't a Bridge club. It was her coven. Your Grams was the most skillful witch any of us ever knew.", "Phoebe: Witch?", "Gail: I still practice craft myself every now and then. I don't have any real powers, mostly I just play around with it.", "Prue: Wow. You and Grams, witches, who knew?", "Gail: You don't have to pretend with me. Your Grams told me everything. Including what you'd become when she died. The Charmed Ones.", "[Scene: P3. Piper's at the bar. Dan walks in.]", "Dan: Hey.", "Piper: Hi. You're um, you're late.", "Dan: Sorry, a little jet lag.", "(He leans over the bar and kisses Piper on the cheek. He then puts a small box on the bar.)", "Piper: Uhh...", "Dan: I was walking by a store window on Fifth Avenue and I couldn't resist.", "Piper: Oh, no. (Piper freezes him. She opens the box.) Please don't be a ring. (In it is a pair of earrings.) Okay. (She closes the box and unfreezes him.)", "Dan: I hope you like them.", "(She opens the box.)", "Piper: They're beautiful. Thank you.", "Dan: You're welcome. If you don't like them...", "Piper: It's not that Dan, it's...", "Dan: Did you think it was a ring?", "Piper: No, of course not. Don't be silly. Um, it's just that... (the phone rings)", "Dan: Don't you need to answer that?", "Piper: No, um, the machine will pick it up. Dan we have to talk.", "Prue's voice: Piper, it's me, pick up.", "Dan: Talk about what?", "Piper: Well, to be honest...", "Prue's voice: Aunt Gail's in town and guess what? She knows we're, you know what's.", "(Piper picks up the phone.)", "Piper: Whoa, I'm not alone here, remember.", "Prue: I thought that that would get your attention.", "Piper: Prue, this is a really bad time.", "Prue: Well, I'm sorry but it's important.", "Piper: Wait, how does Aunt Gail know that we're... you know what? Never mind, you can tell me later. I have to go, Dan is here.", "Prue: Look, Aunt Gail needs our help. She's in trouble.", "Piper: What do you mean? What kind of trouble?", "Prue: The kind of trouble you can't talk about with Dan right there, demon trouble.", "Piper: Of course, why not. Alright, I'll just put my life on hold one more time and I'll be right there.", "(Piper hangs up.)", "Dan: More trouble at home?", "Piper: When isn't there.", "Dan: Well, you wanna talk about it on the way to your car?", "Piper: Um, no, I don't. Uh, how about dinner tonight? Actually, let's make it tomorrow night just to be safe. I don't wanna have to cancel on you.", "Dan: It's a date.", "(He kisses her on the cheek and she leaves. He notices she left the earrings behind.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Solarium. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Gail are there.]", "Prue: Have you contacted the police yet?", "Gail: And tell them what? That I think there's a demon running loose in our streets? They'd think I was crazy.", "Piper: Try getting your boots cleaned.", "Gail: Huh?", "Phoebe: Don't ask.", "Prue: Still, you said that corpses have been found dug up and skinned. I mean, what'd the police think about that?", "Gail: I don't know.", "Phoebe: Maybe it's just some sicko grave robber.", "Gail: Well, it's, uh, it's-it's more than that. I may be wrong but I think I remember seeing in your Book Of Shadows that...", "Prue: Oh. Wait, you know about that too?", "Gail: And when your Grams was showing it to me, I think that I remember seeing something about a skinned demon or something, who made people young again.", "Piper: Young again? Why, what's so bad about that?", "Phoebe: There's gotta be a catch. There's always a catch. Are you sure the book said it was skinned?", "Gail: I think so, but maybe we better go look.", "[Scene: Gail's place. Helen and Amanda are sewing pieces of skin together.]", "Helen: You ready?", "Amanda: All set.", "(They put the skin on a dummy.)", "Helen: Do you think Gail will really be able to get their powers?", "Amanda: Well, she better and soon, the skin quilt is almost done.", "[Cut back to the manor. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Gail are in the attic looking in the Book Of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: Here's something. Cryto, the demon of vanity.", "Gail: Cryto, that sounds vaguely familiar. What does it say?", "(Phoebe squints while reading the Book.)", "Phoebe: Um, in the 16th century, Cryto traveled from dukedom to dukedom, praying on people's vanity, bestowing youth and and beauty in exchange for their souls.", "Prue: Youth for souls? Why would anybody make that trade?", "Gail: Believe me, I know a lot of people who'd consider it. Age, disease. Uh, that's why I'm so worried. I know so many potential victims in Santa Costa. Friends.", "(Phoebe squints again.)", "Piper: Are you squinting?", "Phoebe: No. (She continues reading.) Cryto was found out and skinned alive by a group of witches who believed it would keep his spirit from ever being resurrected again. You were right.", "Prue: Yeah, but those witches obviously weren't right, otherwise there wouldn't be a vanquishing spell in the book.", "Piper: So someone is skinning people to give him a new skin?", "Prue: Well, giving their bodies somebody's spirit makes sense.", "Phoebe: Well, at least it's an easy vanquishing spell. I mean, if Cryto really does exist, it shouldn't be a problem getting rid of him.", "Gail: Goodness, you must be very powerful witches.", "Piper: Ah, rub it in.", "Gail: Uh, how soon can you come to Santa Costa?", "Piper: Prue, Phoebe, can I talk to you for a sec? Out here.", "Gail: Take your time.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk out of the room. Gail starts flipping through the Book.)", "[Cut to outside.]", "Phoebe: Piper, Gail is like family. You love her, we all do.", "Prue: She was like a second Grams to us.", "Phoebe: Yeah, only a nice one. One that never said no.", "Piper: I know that, but something about her story, it's just, it's not right. I mean, bodies are being dug up all over town and she's the only one who's noticing?", "Phoebe: I admit, it's funky but what are we supposed to do? Tell her that we're not gonna help her?", "Piper: No, of course not. It's just, it's never ending. I mean, we have no lives. I don't even have time to break up with Dan properly.", "[Cut to the attic. Gail finds a spell in the book to separate a witch from her powers. She then rips the page out and puts it in her purse.]", "[Cut back outside.]", "Prue: Look, honey, Santa Costa's right over the bridge. Alright, we'll leave early, go check things out, be back by tomorrow night. (Gail comes down the stairs.) Hi. So, we'll be there at 9:00 tomorrow morning, okay?", "(She nods.)", "Phoebe: Would you like to stay here? We have plenty of room.", "Gail: Oh, no, thank you. I have to get home. Cats to feed, you know. Thank you. You'll never know how much this means to me.", "[Scene: Gail's house. Gail, Amanda and Helen are doing the séance. They are in a circle, holding hands with the skin covered dummy in the middle.]", "Gail, Amanda, Helen: \"We call on the demon Cryto, reach back throughout the ages, humbled by his power, we invite him into our circle.\"", "(Smoke surrounds the dummy and it turns into Cryto.)", "Cryto: Well done, ladies.", "Amanda: Now, make us young.", "Cryto: First the powers you promised.", "Gail: They'll-they'll be here. Soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Gas station. Prue, Piper and Phoebe drive in. They get out of the car. Phoebe's holding a map.]", "Piper: Nice work, Pheebs, only a couple of hours late.", "Prue: Yeah, next time I'll navigate.", "Phoebe: It's this map. It's messed up. There is no connector road at highway twenty-eight.", "Prue: No? What is that?", "(Prue points to it on the map.)", "Phoebe: That little squiggle?", "Prue: Yeah.", "Phoebe: I didn't see that. And don't tell me I need glasses, okay, because anybody could've missed that.", "Prue: Phoebe, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing glasses. I mean, I wear them.", "Phoebe: I know, but you're older. (Piper laughs.) Well you are.", "Prue: Right, well, you know, I really hope that demon of vanity is after you because your soul would be toast.", "Phoebe: I'm just gonna ignore that comment and go ask for directions.", "Prue: Okay.", "(Phoebe walks away. Piper notices two elderly people walk past them holding hands.)", "Piper: Cute, huh? Still holding hands.", "Prue: That could be you and Leo in like fifty years.", "Piper: Me maybe but not Leo. Whitelighters don't age, remember? Of course they're not supposed to date witches either so maybe I don't have to worry about that.", "Prue: Piper.", "Piper: I know, I'm sorry, I've been a drag lately but I've just been confused and frustrated. I mean, nothing's changed really since Leo and I met except that I'm two years older and still have no idea what we're doing. Sometimes I worry we're all gonna end up like Aunt Gail.", "[Cut to Phoebe. Tow elderly men are giving Phoebe directions and she's writing them down.]", "Elderly man #1: Then you take Hotsmen to the lights, you turn right past the fire station to Sycamore.", "Elderly man #2: Yeah-yeah, then straight up the hill and there's a big Victorian on the left. Well, you can't miss it, it's not far.", "Phoebe: Okay, straight up the hill, great, thanks.", "Prue: (who's now in the car) Pheebs, come on.", "Phoebe: Okay, okay.", "(Phoebe puts the pen and paper in her bag and her glasses fall out.)", "Elderly man #1: Oh, excuse me, honey. Are these your glasses?", "Phoebe: Uh... (She sees Prue and Piper staring at her.) no, no, those aren't mine. (She walks to the car.) We are all set. All words, no squigglies. (She gets in.)", "[Scene: Gail's house. Kitchen. Gail's making a potion.]", "[Cut to outside. Prue, Piper and Phoebe arrive.]", "[Cut back to the kitchen. Helen comes in.]", "Helen: They're here.", "Amanda: Finally.", "Helen: How long after the drink the potion before we can call their powers to Cryto?", "Gail: It doesn't say. IT shouldn't be long.", "(She pours the potion in a pitcher of iced-tea.)", "[Scene: Later on in the living room. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting on the couch.]", "Amanda: More tea, girls?", "Phoebe: No, thanks. (Amanda pours the tea anyway.) I'd love some, thank you.", "Amanda: How about you?", "(Piper shakes her head.)", "Gail: It's better to humour her, Piper. She won't take no for an answer.", "Piper: Well, then, by all means, fill her up.", "Prue: So, Aunt Gail, who else knows about Cryto than us?", "(Amanda goes to pour more tea in Prue's cup but Prue quickly covers it with her hand.)", "Gail: Well, I hope you won't be too upset, I had to tell Amanda and Helen. Actually, they were the first to tell me about the dug up corpses.", "Prue: Really?", "Helen: Don't worry. We won't tell a soul about you being witches and all. Our little secret.", "Prue: That's good to know.", "(Piper pulls a face and looks in her cup.)", "Amanda: Is something the matter?", "Piper: Uh, it's just... what kind of tea is this? It's... different.", "Gail: It's a special blend. Uh, listen, maybe you had better get going to start to look for whoever might be trying to summon Cryto.", "Amanda: Gail...", "Gail: Two of the corpses were found in that old furniture warehouse at route ten, weren't they Helen?", "Helen: Yes, I think so.", "Phoebe: That's not really a lot to go on.", "Gail: Well, you have to start somewhere. Uh, you just go out route ten and then turn up Willow and it will be right there.", "(They start leaving towards the door.)", "Prue: Okay, so, um, I guess we'll be back later.", "Gail: Yeah, we'll, we'll be here.", "(They leave.)", "Helen: Cryto said they weren't supposed to leave.", "Gail: I know but they were getting suspicious.", "Amanda: Are you sure you're not trying to protect them?", "Gail: Of course I'm trying to protect them. I feel bad enough about stealing their powers but they're family and no demon is going to hurt them. Come on. We just have to keep calling for their powers until the potion takes effect.", "[Cut to the warehouse. Prue, Piper and Phoebe arrive. They get out of the car.]", "Prue: Do you guys see anything?", "Piper: Are you sure this is the right place?", "Phoebe: Don't look at me, I didn't navigate this time.", "Prue: Are either of you's thinking what I am thinking?", "Phoebe: Wild goose chase?", "Piper: Why would Aunt Gail send us out here for no reason?", "Prue: I don't know but she seemed in an awful hurry to get us outta th... Whoa.", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Prue: No, I'm kind of feeling light headed all of a sudden.", "Phoebe: I'm not feeling so hot myself.", "[Cut back to Gail's house. They are chanting the spell. They are standing in a circle with Cryto in the middle.]", "Gail, Helen, Amanda: \"Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here.\"", "Cryto: It's not working.", "Gail: It will.", "Gail, Helen, Amanda: \"Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here.\"", "[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. You see their powers rise out of their bodies and float over to the house.]", "[Cut back to the house. They repeat the spell and the powers float into Cryto. He looks at his hands. He sees a vase and uses Prue's power to make it fly across the room and hit the wall.]", "Gail: Time for you to hold up your end of the bargain.", "(Cryto passes his hand in front of Gail's face and she turns young again.)", "Helen: Oh my God, Gail. It worked.", "(Gail touches her face and smiles.)", "Amanda: Now us. It's our turn.", "Cryto: Yes it is.", "(He passes his hand across her face and she turns into dust, leaving a pile of clothes on the floor.)", "Gail: What are you doing?", "(He does the same to Helen.)", "Cryto: You see, I can take youth away as quickly as I can grant it.", "Gail: But why?", "Cryto: It takes three witches to summon me and three to banish me. You do the math. I wanted more powers to protect myself. Now, I want you to introduce me to other willing souls who want to be young again, unless you want to end up like your friends. Beauty has its price.", "[Cut to outside. Prue, Piper and Phoebe pull up in the car. They get out and go inside.]", "Prue: Aunt Gail?", "Piper: Anybody home?", "Phoebe: I don't understand what the hell is going on.", "Piper: I told you something wasn't right.", "Prue: Yeah, well, what's not right is I have the feeling it's Gail and her friends who summoned this demon.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but if that were true, then why would Aunt Gail want us to come to Santa Costa?", "(They walk in the kitchen.)", "Prue: It stinks.", "Piper: This is what I'm saying.", "Prue: I think it's coming from here.", "(They walk down into the basement.)", "Piper: What is that smell?", "(They see the clothes on the floor.)", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, what are those?", "Prue: Oh, I would say by the looks of things, that's Amanda and that would be Helen.", "Piper: Oh God.", "Phoebe: I hope that didn't happen from drinking the tea.", "Prue: Yeah, that must of happened when they tried to summon Cryto. Although, I don't see Aunt Gail here. That's a good sign I hope.", "(A rat runs past them. Piper gets a fright and when she tries to freeze it, nothing happens.)", "Phoebe: What's the matter?", "Piper: I don't know but I can't freeze that rat thing.", "Prue: What?", "Piper: You try move it.", "(Prue tries to move it but it doesn't work.)", "Prue: Okay, what the hell is going on with our powers?", "Phoebe: Maybe we oughta ask Aunt Gail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Gail's place. Piper's looking at a photo and Prue's looking at pieces of paper. Phoebe walks in holding a hemlock root.]", "Phoebe: Well, they were definitely making a potion. Hemlock root.", "Piper: No wonder the tea tasted funny. How did we let her do this to us?", "Prue: Because we trusted her.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, she just got crossed off my Christmas list.", "Piper: Aunt Gail was grams' best friend. She used to bake us cookies.", "Phoebe: And now she's spiking our tea.", "Piper: But why? Just to be young again? I mean, she had to know she'd be giving up her soul in exchange.", "Prue: Maybe it wasn't just for youth. Maybe it was for health. These are all doctor bills. Recent ones. Radiation treatment, chemo therapy. I don't think she has very long to live.", "Phoebe: That still doesn't excuse what she did. What she did to us. I mean, you can't use magic to save yourself.", "Prue: No, not without consequences and there's no bigger one than giving up your soul.", "Phoebe: I just don't understand. Why steal our powers?", "Prue: Cryto must of wanted more out of the bargain. Aunt Gail was desperate enough to give it to him.", "Piper: We shouldn't of left her alone in the attic.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, we have the potion, if we can find the spell then we should be able to transfer our powers back.", "Piper: Are you kidding? We won't be able to get near him.", "Phoebe: Well, he has our powers but that doesn't necessarily mean he knows how to use them. Besides, do you have a better idea?", "Piper: Go home and call it a day?", "Prue: Funny. Come on.", "[Scene: Gas station. The two elderly men that were giving Phoebe directions, are now young and they jump in their car and drive off. Cryto and young Gail are there.]", "Cryto: See? You're not the only one, Gail. Everyone wants to be young and attractive.", "Gail: The difference is I knew what I was giving up. They don't.", "Cryto: Oh, they will. One day. Their last. (Another elderly man walks past.) Do you know that one? Introduce me.", "Gail: No.", "Cryto: Tired of being young again already?", "[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. They're in the car and they stop at a stop sign. The elderly men, that are now young, pull up beside them.]", "Man #1: Hiya, toots.", "(They drive off.)", "Phoebe: Wait a minute.", "Piper: Tell me those aren't the same guys you asked for directions.", "Prue: Uh, okay, Cryto's close. Let's drive.", "[Cut back to the gas station. Cryto's talking to the other elderly man.]", "Cryto: The only catch is that you have to keep it a secret. You can't ever tell a soul. I'm sure you understand why.", "Elderly Man #3: What, is this some kind of joke?", "Cryto: If you think it is, then why are you still here? Because some part of you is hoping beyond hope that I just might be telling you the truth. That I can restore your youth. Just like I did for Gail Altman.", "Elderly Man #3: Gail?", "Gail: Yes, Frank, it's really me.", "(Frank nods his head. Cryto turns Frank young. Frank starts to walk away. Phoebe's glasses are sitting on the counter.)", "Cryto: You forgot your...", "(He picks up the glasses and he has a premonition of Prue, Piper and Phoebe vanquishing him.)", "Gail: What?", "Cryto: Three witches. You said you took care of them.", "Gail: What are you talking about?", "Cryto: You lied to me.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe pull up in the car. Gail sees them and runs outside.)", "Gail: Prue, run, hurry!", "(They get out of the car.)", "Prue: Aunt Gail?", "(Cryto makes a crow bar fly towards them, they duck and it hits the window of Piper's car.)", "Piper: So much for him not knowing how to use our powers.)", "(Cryto pushes Gail on the ground.)", "Phoebe: I've got one power he doesn't have.", "(Cryto makes Phoebe fly through the air.)", "Piper: Phoebe.", "(Prue pulls Piper behind a petrol bowser.)", "Prue: No, no, okay, wait. It's just way too dangerous.", "Cryto: Nobody's sending me back in.", "Piper: But we can't just sit here.", "Prue: No, we have to think. Alright, what do we know about our powers that he doesn't?", "(Gail runs behind a car where Phoebe is.)", "Gail: Oh, thank God.", "Phoebe: Stay away from me.", "(Phoebe looks above the car over at Prue and Piper, she puts her hands up and nods.)", "Prue: Alright, Phoebe's thinking what we're thinking.", "Piper: Great, what are we thinking?", "Cryto: You can't hide from me.", "Gail: (to Phoebe) I didn't want to die. It was wrong. Here, you'll need this.", "(She gives Phoebe the spell.)", "Phoebe: The spell.", "Prue: (to Piper) Just follow my lead. You ready?", "Piper: Uh huh.", "(They come out from behind the petrol bowser.)", "Prue: Alright, we give up.", "Piper: Excuse me?", "(Phoebe sneaks up behind Cryto.)", "Prue: No, no, no, Phoebe, wait, he'll freeze us.", "(Cryto turns around and freezes Phoebe. You can see she hasn't froze.)", "Cryto: That's a marvellous power.", "(He turns back around and Phoebe kicks him.)", "Phoebe: Good witches don't freeze.", "(They run away. Gail tries to too but Cryto sends her flying through the glass.)", "Cryto: I'll kill you.", "Gail: No!", "[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. They run behind a different building.]", "Phoebe: Okay, what do we do about Gail?", "Prue: Well, without our powers there's nothing much that we can do.", "Phoebe: Okay, so we have to get back our powers and then find Cryto before he finds us.", "Prue: Agreed. Alright, let's go.", "(Prue and Phoebe start to leave but Piper just stands there.)", "Phoebe: Piper, come on.", "(Piper shakes her head.)", "Prue: Piper, what's the matter?", "Piper: I've had it.", "Phoebe: What do you mean you've had it? Had it with what?", "Piper: With being a witch.", "[Cut back to the gas station. Cryto walks over to Gail.]", "Cryto: You betrayed me.", "Gail: At least they got away so they can destroy you.", "Cryto: No they won't. I know where they're going, remember? I saw it.", "(Cryto makes Gail turn into dust.)", "[Cut to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. They are walking towards Gail's house.]", "Phoebe: We can't just leave your car.", "Piper: We'll call a cab.", "Phoebe: That'll cost a hundred bucks.", "Piper: I'm not going back to town. I'm through with demon hunting.", "Prue: Piper, come on.", "Piper: There's really nothing more to say.", "Phoebe: Well, if it's getting back our powers that you're worried about, I can do that, I have a spell that can do that.", "Piper: I don't want my powers back.", "Phoebe: You don't mean that.", "Piper: Don't I? I think it may be my solution to all of my problems.", "Prue: Piper, wait a second. I know exactly what you're going through. Remember when Andy died? I didn't want to be a witch anymore either.", "Piper: That's different.", "Prue: How?", "Piper: Because not wanting to be a witch isn't a symptom of something else like it is for you, Prue. For me it's the problem. It's the cause, it's the problem of everything. I just, I want a life that hasn't got a lot of death in it. I don't think that's too much to ask.", "Phoebe: You can't do this.", "Piper: Phoebe, we're all gonna do it sooner or later. I'm just doing it first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Gail's house. Piper's dialing a number on the phone. Phoebe hangs it up.]", "Piper: What are you doing?", "Phoebe: Piper, you can't do this. It effects all of us.", "Piper: Phoebe, I love you, you are one of my two most favourite sisters but I don't wanna give up having a life.", "Phoebe: I'm not asking you to.", "Piper: Yes you are. Just by asking me to be a witch.", "Phoebe: Piper, you were born a witch. It's not a choice, it's a fact.", "Piper: Says who? Up until two years ago I didn't know I was born a witch. Neither did you guys and we were perfectly happy then with perfectly normal lives. I miss that, don't you?", "Phoebe: No.", "Prue: Yeah, well, sometimes. But look, I've accepted the fact that I can't just turn back the clock and pretend that it never happened and neither can you.", "Piper: I don't wanna end up like Aunt Gail, old and alone and wishing I was young again so I can do all the things I missed out on.", "(Prue hugs Piper.)", "Prue: We won't let that happen to you.", "(Phoebe joins the hug.)", "Phoebe: Just help us get our powers back. Please? We can't do it without you.", "Prue: We won't do it without you.", "(They go down to the basement.)", "Piper: How do we know Cryto will even come here?", "Prue: If he's gonna look for us, he's gonna start here.", "(Piper puts the iced-tea on the table.)", "Phoebe: Well, we can try summoning like Gail and her friends did.", "Prue: I think that only works with spirits, Pheebs.", "Piper: I still don't understand how we're gonna get him to drink this without having any powers.", "Prue: We have to get him to use one of the powers he doesn't know how to use yet.", "Piper: Astral projection?", "Prue: Exactly. If we can distract him long enough to be in two places at the same time...", "Phoebe: We might be able to trick him into thinking that I'm still looking for the potion.", "Piper: Alright, I'm only doing this for you guys and if I get killed, I'm gonna haunt the both of you forever.", "Prue: Yeah, yeah. Got the spell?", "Phoebe: Yes. I got it.", "(She hands it to Prue.)", "Cryto: (from outside) Anybody home? I know you're here and I know where you are.", "(Cryto walks in and Phoebe kicks him and he falls down the stairs. Prue and Piper push shelves on top of him.)", "Prue: Phoebe, the potion.", "(Phoebe goes out of the basement.)", "Cryto: No!", "(He crawls out from under the shelves and makes Prue and Piper fly across the room and they land on the ground hard.)", "Piper: Ow.", "Prue: Ohh.", "[Cut to Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: I got it! (to herself) Come on, come on.", "[Cut back to the basement.]", "Prue: Pheebs, get the potion.", "Phoebe: Start chanting the spell.", "Piper: We need the potion first.", "Cryto: It won't work.", "Phoebe: Just start, I've got a plan.", "Prue, Piper: \"Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us...\"", "(Cryto astral projects into the other room and his body falls to the ground.)", "Prue: Get the potion.", "[Cut to the other room. Cryto appears.]", "Phoebe: Pretty nifty power, huh? (She hits him in the throat and kicks him) (to Prue and Piper) Do it!", "[Cut to the basement. Prue opens Cryto's mouth and Piper gets ready to pour in the potion.]", "Prue: Give him all of it.", "(Piper pours the potion in his mouth.)", "[Cut back to Phoebe. Cryto astral projects back in his body.]", "Phoebe: He's coming back.", "[Cut back to the basement. Phoebe comes down the stairs.]", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: \"Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here.\"", "(Their powers float out of Cryto back into them.)", "Piper: Wanna see what does freeze?", "(She freezes him.)", "Prue: Pheebs.", "Phoebe: \"What witches done and them undone, return this spirit and back within, and separate him from his skin.\" (Cryto unfreezes and he gets separated from his skin and he explodes.) Ouch. That look liked it hurt.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I hope so for Aunt Gail's sake.", "Piper: And Helen and Amanda's.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper opens a box and brand new boots are in there.]", "Piper: Very nice.", "Prue: Well, we thought you might appreciate a pair without demon blood.", "Piper: I do, very much. Thank you.", "Prue: So Piper, uh, Phoebe and I were kind of wondering...", "Phoebe: Because we want you to be happy.", "Prue: Very happy.", "Phoebe: But we were wondering if we should be budgeting for more shoes or not.", "Piper: Well, I wish I could tell you getting my powers back made me appreciate what I lost...", "Phoebe: But...", "Piper: But I feel like I'm back we're I started. I mean, I understand what you guys are saying and everything but I can't change the way I feel.", "Phoebe: So you really are quitting?", "Piper: I want to for all the reasons we already talked about but, um, I'm only gonna do that if and when you guys want to also.", "Phoebe: Well, I'm always gonna wanna be a witch. That's for sure.", "Prue: She's young.", "Phoebe: Oh, give me a break.", "Piper: Alright, I gotta go.", "Phoebe: Good luck. (Piper leaves.) Oh, poor Dan. So do you think we should worry?", "Prue: No, he'll be alright.", "Phoebe: I mean, about Piper quitting.", "Prue: Oh, maybe. (Phoebe shows Prue her glasses.) You little liar. You did go see the optometrist.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, let's just say I'm not as concerned with my vanity anymore.", "(She puts on her glasses.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Dan are sitting on the couch in the corner of the room.]", "Dan: You hungry?", "Piper: Um, no, unless you are.", "Dan: No, I'm fine. What?", "Piper: I was thinking that it just seemed like yesterday you moved in next door and we... you know.", "Dan: Piper, you don't have to do this.", "Piper: Do what?", "Dan: Go through this big explanation. I think I know what you wanted to talk to me about. You're breaking up with me aren't you? Is it because of Leo? I'm sorry. It's really none of my business.", "Piper: Dan, I will always love you, this doesn't change that. You've been really good to me and treated me incredibly well but I need to try and make this work with Leo and it may not, I don't know. We've never really given it a shot and I want to, I have to. I'm so sorry.", "Dan: You don't have to be. You're just being honest with me. We're still gonna be neighbours though, right?", "Piper: We better be more than that.", "(Dan kisses her on the forehead.)", "Dan: Well, I guess I better go.", "(Dan grabs his coat and walks away.)" ]
How to Make a Quilt Out Of Americans
[ "Prue, Piper, and Phoebe battle the Demon of Illusion after he brings to life one of Phoebe's favorite movie characters. Realizing what he can do, the demon sends an axe murder after the sisters in an attempt to kill them. What happens as a result is that the sisters and the demon get drawn into a horror movie where a battle of good and evil ensues before they're able to vanquish the demon." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue's kneeling on the floor holding her camera and taking photos of Piper, who's looking out the window.]", "Prue: Hmm, so I think I'll call this \"woman not pretending to look out the window.\"", "Piper: How about \"girl about the pour hot tea on sisters head.\" Let me see. (Prue shows her the photo.) Either I'm that transparent or you're that good.", "Prue: Well, I don't think I'll comment since you do have hot liquid over my head.", "Piper: I'm sorry, I just, I was watching Dan come home alone and I think a more appropriate title for that photo would be \" witch with a severe case of the guilt's.\" And he was a nice guy who did nothing wrong and...", "Prue: Piper, you had to end the relationship, alright. Your heart wasn't in it and it was the only way not to break his.", "Piper: I know, I just feel like Dan got the short end of the stick.", "Prue: There are so many ways that I can go with that but I think I'll just...", "Piper: Thank you.", "Prue: Besides, you shouldn't be worried about your past when your future is in town tonight for dinner and a movie.", "Piper: I know, I know, I know. My first real date with Leo as a normal couple. And normal couples usually shower before their dates, so I'll see you later.", "Prue: Okay.", "(Piper walks out of the living room and Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hi doody.", "Piper: Hi doody.", "Prue: Hey. (Phoebe sits down on the couch. She has a smile on her face.) Someone's in a good mood. What's his name?", "Phoebe: Billy.", "Prue: Phoebe, you didn't?", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: You went to go see \"Kill It Before It Dies\" at the revival house didn't you?", "Phoebe: No, why would you think that I... (Prue raises her eyebrows.) Okay, I did. But you know what? It was research.", "Prue: Okay, what kind of class sends you to the movies?", "Phoebe: No, not for school, for me. I mean, if I', supposed to figure out what I want from a guy, I might as well start with the first guy I fell for, don't you think? Billy is the ideal man.", "Prue: He's a character in a movie. One that I might add you weren't even supposed to watch.", "Phoebe: When I was twelve. I think after a year and a half of battling monsters I can handle a scary movie. Did I mention that Billy is the perfect man?", "Prue: Once or twice.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: I will get that. (Phoebe gets up and answers the door. The camera stays focused on Prue.) Can I help you?", "Prue: Pheebs, who is it?", "(Suddenly Phoebe goes flying through the foyer.)", "Phoebe: Aaahhh!", "(The demon of Illusion walks in the foyer.)", "Demon: Get up you miserable witch.", "Prue: Hey, if you don't have anything nice to say.", "(Prue uses her powers and the demon crashes into the grandfather clock.)", "Demon: And then there were two.", "(He runs outside.)", "Phoebe: Ow, ow.", "(Prue helps her up.)", "Prue: You okay?", "Phoebe: Oh, sure.", "Prue: Come on, come on, come on.", "(They run outside. Piper comes down the stairs.)", "Piper: Alright, who took my l...", "(She notices the mess on the floor.)", "[Cut to the movie theatre. Prue and Phoebe walk in. The movie \"Kill It Before It Dies\" is playing. The seats are empty except for one guy who's sitting in an aisle seat eating popcorn.]", "Prue: I ca not believe they made us pay.", "Guy: Shh.", "Phoebe: Sorry.", "Prue: He's gotta be hiding in here somewhere.", "Guy: Excuse me, but do you think you might keep it down. This is my favourite part.", "Phoebe: Ooh, mine too. This is when Billy comes on and then th...", "Prue: Pheebs, we need a spell.", "Phoebe: Okay, but we know nothing about this guy. I can't just whip one up.", "(They see him near the front row.)", "Prue: Oh, he's making a break for it.", "Phoebe: Um, \"evil that has traveled near, I call on you to disappear, elementals hear my call, remove this creature from these walls.\"", "(The demon disappears in a puff of smoke.)", "Guy: That was the most coolest thing I have ever seen.", "Phoebe: It's all part of the show, sir. (to Prue) I can not believe that that just worked. It seemed too easy.", "Prue: Wow, we are getting way too tough for these guys. (They start walking out of the cinema and Phoebe keeps watching the movie.) No, no.", "(They leave. The demon appears on the screen. He laughs evilly.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are cleaning up the mess.]", "Phoebe: How am I supposed to know what his deal is? He likes moonlit walks, thinks holding hands is under rated, and enjoys in his spare time killing witches.", "Piper: It was a question for the room, Pheebs. When a demon makes a house call, my curiosity gets peaked.", "Prue: Yeah, well, the house is a mess again. I mean, how come we can't fight the demon of cleanliness or the demon of housekeeping, or even that really big bald guy, Mr. Clean? I would so totally take him on.", "Piper: But I don't get is the order of things. Don't we usually start some place dark and dreary and then end up at the manor for the big old vanquish?", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. He followed me home. I knew I recognised him from somewhere. He was at the movies and then he followed me home.", "Prue: Well, he had a reason to attack us, so he would of found us sooner or later.", "Piper: But the question is why? I mean, we usually don't vanquish someone without knowing who, what, where, when...", "Prue: Well, what about the how? How did you know how to vanquish him?", "Phoebe: Well, remember the spell that we used for the bunyip? Well, I just combined that with the one for the demon with the horn coming out of his...", "Piper: Forehead?", "Phoebe: Yep.", "Piper: Nice work. I wish they all went this smoothly. Oh my God, I'm late, I'm so late, I have to get ready. (She gives Prue a broom.) Hold this, here take this. I'll help when I come back but Leo...", "Prue, Phoebe: Go.", "[Scene: Restaurant. Leo's sitting at a table looking bored. Piper walks up to the table.]", "Piper: How's the date so far?", "Leo: It just got better.", "Piper: You can do your homework, pick the right restaurant, the perfect wine waiting and chilled but it helps if you show up. I'm sorry.", "Leo: It's alright, you're here now. (Piper looks down.) What?", "Piper: Nothing. It's just this guy, warlock or demon or something burst into the house and somehow Phoebe managed to vanquish him but we still don't know who he was. Something just feels off. I'm sorry, no work talk, we promised.", "Leo: It's alright, you're the one who wanted to keep tonight magic free. I'm okay with it.", "Piper: Wanna start over?", "Leo: Okay.", "(They lean over the table and kiss.)", "Waiter: Pardon me.", "Leo: Oh, I hope you don't mind, I got the munchies.", "Piper: No, not at all. (The waiter places something on the table.) Thank you. (The waiter walks away.) Uh, there's no salt. Could you ask that table for theirs?", "Leo: Sure, um, excuse me, may we borrow your salt?", "(The guy turns around and it's Dan.)", "Dan: Leo. Piper.", "Piper: Hi Dan... and Dan's date.", "Dan: Amelia, this is Leo and Piper.", "Piper: Amelia as in someone I just work with Amelia?", "Dan: Um, here's your salt.", "Piper: Thanks.", "Leo: Well, at least he's not pining away.", "(An accordion player is playing the accordion fairly close to them. Piper gets fed up and freezes the whole restaurant.)", "Piper: Is this some kind of test? (She unfreezes Leo.) Okay, so I'd like everything to be normal but there's only so much a girl can take. Here's to our first real date. (They are just about to clink their glasses and the Whitelighters call Leo.) What are you doing? They need you? Okay, well, I guess it would be the same thing if I was dating a doctor, right? I just wanted tonight to be perfect.", "Leo: Well, it was. I was with you.", "(Leo starts to orb out.)", "Piper: Wait a minute.", "(He stops orbing.)", "Leo: What's wrong?", "Piper: If we can't have a normal date, can we at least have a normal exit? Enough with the disappearing guy stuff.", "Leo: Okay.", "Piper: Okay. (She unfreezes the restaurant. Leo stands up and kisses Piper. He walks away. Dan turns around and looks at Piper.) Check!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: 415 magazine. Prue and Mr. Corso are walking down the corridor. Mr. Corso is talking on his cell phone.]", "Mr. Corso: Talk to anyone who was in the movie theatre at the time. Well, find out what happened before the fight broke out. No, but I got a location which is where you should of been fifteen minutes ago.", "Prue: Are you talking about the revival house on Larkon?", "Mr. Corso: Not unless you know something I don't. Do you?", "Prue: Well, maybe not about this.", "Mr. Corso: Okay, you're gonna be working with one of our staff writers. Finley's running late to the interview so you're gonna have to shoot him...", "Prue: Finley? Finley, as in in Finley Beck? (They walk in a room.) Finley Beck?", "Mr. Corso: You know him. And here I thought you were just a beginner.", "Prue: Okay, he is the whole reason why this beginner got started. He is amazing. Have you met him?", "Mr. Corso: Not in person. I just know him through his press.", "Prue: Alright, well, (she grabs his book off the table) I mean, the pro's in this is mediocre at best. They didn't even cover his-his period in Germany. Not only is he a gifted photographer but he just seems so, so giving and warm.", "Mr. Corso: A fan?", "(The door opens and Finley is there yelling at someone.)", "Finley: And you can tell him I said so. (He walks in.) Can we get started? I'm on a schedule.", "Prue: Hi, I'm, um, Mr. Beck, I'm-I'm Prue Halliwell.", "Finley: So when's this photographer blessing us with his presence?", "Prue: That would be me.", "Finley: You're twelve.", "Prue: Oh, I'm good.", "Finley: I'll decide that. Oh, please tell me you're not planning on shooting me in digital. Oh, no, no, no, not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Digital is for amateurs. Careful dear, your true colours are showing. Why don't you do something useful and get me some tea.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's there. Phoebe walks in the back door.]", "Piper: Hey, honey, how was school?", "Phoebe: Will someone please tell me what is up with guys?", "Piper: You don't really expect me to have an answer for that do you?", "Phoebe: Okay, so I have lunch with this guy from lab, right? He is totally melotonan boy.", "Piper: That bad?", "Phoebe: I'm keeping his number in case I have trouble sleeping.", "Piper: That bad.", "Phoebe: So I'm sitting there trying desperately not to fall asleep and all I kept thinking about was yesterday.", "Piper: I know, we still have no idea who he was or how you vanquished him.", "Phoebe: No, not that. Billy. The guy from the movie and I know that this is reality but why can't a guy like that exist in my reality? (Leo orbs in.) Here I am talking about the shortage of perfect men and in orbs yours.", "Piper: I found one of the good guys.", "(Piper and Leo kiss.)", "Leo: Unfortunately, I'm here to talk about the bad guys.", "Piper: No shortage of those.", "Leo: Yeah, they sent for me last night so I could warn you.", "Piper: Okay, fill in a blank. It's the demon of...?", "Leo: Illusion. Apparently he uses magic somehow to create violence in society. They told me he's here to make San Francisco his trade. He's got a scar below his eye.", "Phoebe: And a goatee? Not a problem, we vanquished him last night.", "Leo: Are you sure? 'Cause they wouldn't of sent me.", "Piper: Unless the demon isn't gone.", "Phoebe: Okay, you call Prue, I'll go to the Book Of Shadows. We gotta get back to that revival house.", "[Scene: In the movie theatre. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in. Piper freezes the audience.]", "Piper: Alright, now what?", "Phoebe: Well, when we last saw the demon, we vanquished him at 9:06...", "(The demon appears on the screen.)", "Prue: And now his in act three.", "Demon: Actually I was just leaving. I should've known the disappearing demon routine wouldn't of fooled you for long.", "Prue: Yeah, all you really did was piss us off.", "(She tries to use her power on him but it doesn't work.)", "Demon: Silly wiccan. Tricks are for kids.", "Prue: Piper.", "(Piper tries to freeze him.)", "Demon: This is the world of Illusion and you girls are reality. You powers, unlike mine, can not cross between the two.", "(Billy comes on the screen.)", "Billy: Sally Mae? Sally Mae, where are you? It's getting dark an... (He notices the demon.) I thought you said you weren't gonna cause anymore-", "Demon: Shut up!", "Phoebe: Hey! (Billy looks at Phoebe.) Oh my God, I think he's looking at me.", "Billy: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Prue: Okay, I hate to put a dampener on your little love connection here, sis, but we need to kick some ass.", "Demon: Oh, is that what you're gonna do? How cute. How clever of you. (Phoebe smiles and winks at Billy.) Any idea on how you intend to do that? Or are you just gonna flirt me to death like your little tardy sister.", "Billy: Watch your language in front of the ladies. Consider that a warning.", "Demon: I'm sorry, was it the word 'sister' that bothered you? How about bitch. Does that go down easier?", "(Billy jumps on the demon and they both come out of the screen and they roll around on the floor.)", "Phoebe: Prue, stop him.", "(Prue uses her power and the demon is thrown through the air. Billy stands up and he's still in black and white.)", "Demon: You're off the screen. How did you...? Thanks for the inspiration, sport.", "(He runs outside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Billy are there. Prue puts the Book Of Shadows on a table.]", "Piper: So what does he want?", "Prue: Well, it doesn't matter, right? Let's just get rid of him.", "Billy: I don't mean to interrupt but is there a point in this scene where someone explains this part to me?", "Piper: Phoebe, you brought this fictitious character back for a play date, you tell him.", "Phoebe: You're right, we should of left him at the movie theatre, he would've really blended in there. Um, Billy, this isn't a movie. Uh, this is reality as in we're all real and you... I haven't quite figured that part out yet.", "Billy: But you...", "Leo: They're the good guys.", "Prue: Right, okay, um, we know that the demon can go from the real world to the world of Illusion and now he can bring a buddy along for the ride. The question is what does he want?", "Piper: Leo, they told you that his goal was to create violence in society.", "Leo: Yeah, but they left out the how part.", "Billy: He goes into movies. That's where he does it.", "Prue: Does what?", "Billy: First he... Where's the music?", "Phoebe: Music? What music?", "Billy: This is around the second act, right? When everything's about to be explained. Where's the music we're supposed to talk over, to build suspense and hide the exposition? Don't you just hate exposition?", "Phoebe: Don't even get me started.", "Prue: Alright, you said that he does something in the movie. Like, what, to the story?", "Billy: No, to the audience. When they leave they're different, angry.", "Piper: So that's his shtick? He casts a spell in the movies?", "Leo: Must be how this demon spreads his particular brand of violence.", "Phoebe: Wait, that's why he looked so familiar. He wasn't at the movie, he was in the movie.", "Piper: So if he can use Billy's movie, then he can use other movies.", "Leo: If he's gonna spread violence, he's gonna pray on people that are already open to it.", "Prue: Alright, so he'll be in horror movies. I'll grab a paper, head out to the theatres that are playing those.", "Piper: Okay, Leo and I will go with you.", "Phoebe: I'll call Morris, give him a heads up.", "Prue: Uh, Phoebe, maybe you should do something with Billy. You know, add a little techni-colour to him.", "[Cut to the foyer. Leo, Piper and Prue are walking down the stairs. Prue's cell phone rings. She answers it.]", "Prue: Hello?", "Finley: Miss Halliwell.", "Prue: Mr. Beck. (They walk towards the door.) Uh, how did you...", "Finley: I realized I have photo approval.", "(Piper puts on her coat.)", "Prue: Yes, I'm totally aware that you have photo approval.", "Finley: I want to see you.", "Prue: Now?", "Finley: Yes.", "Prue: Well, no, see actually I'm not at home right now. (Piper helps Prue puts her coat on.) So maybe we can meet at the magazine later.", "Finley: That won't work for me.", "Prue: Later's not good for you?", "Finley: No.", "Prue: Well, when would be good for you?", "Finley: (from outside) Now. (They all stand still.) Little late don't you think? I can see you moving. (Prue hangs up and opens the door.) Dark room would be where?", "(He walks in.)", "Piper: So that's Finley?", "Prue: My hero. Well, I guess the plans has sort of changed.", "Piper: Alright, we'll call you later.", "(Piper and Leo leave.)", "Finley: (from another room) Don't mind me. I'm just wandering through your house.", "[Scene: Movie theatre. \"Axe Husband\" is playing. The axe murderer finishes murdering someone and the demon comes on the screen.]", "Demon: How would you like to do that for real? I can get you out of here. Take you to a place where the movie never ends. (The audience start talking and wonders what's going on.) Simmer down. (Dust comes out of his hand and floats over the audience.) I'll get back to you in a moment. (to the axe murderer) So, interested? (He nods.) Uh, as with most things, there is one catch. I get to pick three victims. They're choice little morsels and I think you'll find them quite powerless against your charms. Feel free to kill anyone you like on the way. Just get me those girls. (The axe murderer walks out of the screen.) Now, ladies and gentlemen. Let's make your PG lives rated R. Who needs violence when you can make it yourself.", "(The audience start fighting and yelling at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe's putting make-up on Billy. He's all colour now except for a little spot on his forehead.]", "Phoebe: Sally Mae gets her hair caught in the car door right when the monster's about to get her. I love that part. Oh, I'm sorry. Not only have you seen it, you've lived it.", "Billy: It's alright. I love to here what you think.", "Phoebe: Okay, now you have to be careful not to say that because every girl will know you're not for real. (Billy smiles at her.) You make me feel like a kid again. I mean, I-I must of seen you... well, the movie a thousand times.", "Billy: I'm glad you liked it.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and even that ridiculous dialogue and that predictable story, you just... you made your character seem really real, you know.", "Billy: Phoebe, I am those lines. That's how I was written. I don't exist outside that movie.", "Phoebe: Until now.", "Billy: I never minded. I always knew what scenes to show or form or what to say. But then he comes into the movie and I'm getting to write my own lines. Be more like you. I think you're swell, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Thank you, Billy.", "Billy: But I don't know how this happened or how I'm supposed to be. Everything I've ever known, understood, touched, it's all been scripted. I had no choice but here you have options. Where to go, what to say, what to do.", "Phoebe: Well, you're in my world now. What do you want to do?", "(Billy takes off Phoebe's glasses and they kiss passionately. When they end the kiss, Phoebe notices his lips have turned back to black and white.) I almost forgot. (She starts putting the make-up back on his lips. The phone rings and Phoebe answers it.) Hello?", "Morris: Hi Phoebe. Thanks for the heads up on the movie theatre thing.", "Phoebe: What happened?", "Morris: Mission multiplex. One dead, four injured, six in custody. Can you believe that?", "Phoebe: You know what? At this point I think I would believe anything. Okay, thank you for calling but keep your eyes open. I think this day's gonna get worse before it gets better, okay? Alright.", "Morris: Bye.", "Phoebe: Bye. (She hangs up and then dials a number.) Piper, we found our demon.", "[Cut to downstairs in the dark room. Prue and Finley are developing the photos.]", "Prue: Um, you know, maybe you'd like to take those home. Relax, ponder, choose which one you'd like.", "Finley: Maybe you'd like to be quiet while I see if I can save these things.", "Phoebe: (from upstairs) Prue, is it okay to come down?", "Prue: Not really a good time.", "Phoebe: Okay, well I really need to demon-strate something for you.", "Prue: Okay, what is it?", "(Phoebe pokes her head around the curtain.)", "Phoebe: Uh, once you finish your thing and I finish my thing, then we really need to go meet Piper and Leo to fix the thing that we saw at the...", "Prue: Thing.", "Phoebe: Exact... I love you. I'll be back upstairs.", "Prue: Okay. (Phoebe leaves. Prue notices Finley looking at her.) Sisters.", "Finley: Here. Print this one again. You need to flag a gradual fade on the wall behind the me and burn in the key under my chin. Would you like me to hold your hand this time? (Prue turns on the light. She puts a photo under a magnifying glass.) I figured out what's wrong with your photos, Miss Halliwell. Absolutely no depth.", "Prue: Really? Now would that be the technique or the subject?", "Finley: Excuse me?", "Prue: I wish I could. Your work meant more to me then you will ever know and because of that, I have carried around this illusion of what it would mean to me to meet you and to learn from you and how that would make me appreciate your work even more, but now it is so hard for me to even look at your pictures because I think of the man who took them. And it is devastating to me to realise that the brilliance of your eye is completely destroyed by the ignorance of your mouth.", "(The photo under the magnifying glass catches on fire.)", "Finley: See that's the thing about art, Miss Halliwell. If you leave your subject under the light too long, it burns.", "(Finley leaves and starts to walk up the stairs. Prue grabs her camera.)", "Prue: Mr. Beck. (He turns his head and she takes a photo.) Thank you.", "Finley: You're welcome.", "[Scene: Movie theatre. The movie with Bloody Mary in it is playing. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Piper: It wasn't much of a date last night. You wanna find a couple of seats in the back and make out before demon hunting? (The demon appears on the screen and dust comes out of his hands and floats onto the audience.) Okay, well, I'm okay, you're okay. Magic perk.", "Demon: Didn't you hear the management? Please refrain from talking. Oh, well, I guess I'll have to kill you. Better yet. Mary, oh Bloody Mary. (Mary walks on the screen.) There's one of the girls that's been getting in my way. Don't stab her all in one place.", "(Bloody Mary come out of the screen and heads for Piper and Leo. Piper tries freezing her.)", "Piper: Okay, uh, that didn't work but my legs still do. Okay let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Billy are making out.]", "[Cut to the dark room. Prue's putting things away.]", "Prue: I'll be right there, Pheebs. (The axe murderer chops down the curtain and then aims for Prue. She screams and ducks. She tries to use her power on him and starts to run up the stairs. He trips her and he raises his axe. Prue stands back up and he chops the stair. Prue kicks him in the face and runs out of the basement.) Phoebe! (She runs up the stairs.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Billy are still making out. Prue runs in.]", "Phoebe: Hello, privacy.", "Prue: Hello, axe murderer. (Prue uses her power and moves a table in front of the door. The axe murderer chops his way through the door. Phoebe and Prue stand behind Billy. Then they run towards the back of the room and Prue moves a dresser in front of them with her power. The axe murderer continues to chop things with his axe. He rips off a dress that was hanging on a stand with his axe.) Oh, that was an antique, you assho- (Billy covers her mouth.)", "Phoebe: He's very sensitive about the language.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper runs in and locks the door.]", "Piper: (She wanders through the house while saying this.) (Panicking) Okay, dead woman with a knife on her way. Leo stayed behind to calm down the Where is everybody?", "(She hears screams from upstairs and runs up the stairs.)", "[Cut back to the attic. The axe murderer is still chopping through things. Prue grabs a chair and holds it up but the axe murderer chops it. Then all of sudden he stops and falls to the floor. You see a piece of wood sticking in his back and Piper standing there.]", "Phoebe: Pretty sneaky, sis.", "(Prue goes over to Piper.)", "Prue: Phoebe, does this guy look familiar to you?", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, kinda.", "Piper: When Leo and I tracked down the demon, he sent some white pasty hag literally off the screen to kill us. I think he called her Bloody Mary.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, this Paul Bunyin with a labotomy, he's from \"Axe Husband\", I saw that last week.", "Prue: We so have to monitor your viewing habits.", "(The axe murderer moves and they all scream and run down the stairs.)", "Piper: We can't kill them, they're not real, they're fiction.", "Prue: We can't kill something that doesn't exist.", "(Bloody Mary appears from around the corner and they all scream. Billy grabs her and she stabs him.)", "Phoebe: Billy!", "Billy: I have something in common with the bad guys. Run!", "(Bloody Mary pulls the knife out. Everyone runs in different directions.)", "[Cut to the bathroom. Piper runs in and shuts the door. She looks around for a place to hide. She gets in the shower and pulls the shower curtain across.]", "Piper: I am being stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower.", "(She hears the door open and she stands still. Then she hears footsteps getting closer and closer to the shower. She crouches down and you see a shadow through the shower curtain and an arm reaches up and pulls the shower curtain across. Piper screams. It's Prue and she screams too. They calm down and Piper gets out of the shower.)", "Prue: Okay, okay, oh, oh, at least they're not in the bathroom with us, that's-that's kinda good.", "(The door opens and Bloody Mary walks in.)", "Bloody Mary: Pretty little girls.", "(They scream again and run out the other door. They run around the corner and run into Phoebe and Billy. They all scream. They calm down.)", "Phoebe: I think I figured out how to kill these guys. (You see the axe murderer's shadow coming around the corner. He walks around the corner and Billy pounces on him.) Billy!", "Billy: He can't hurt me. You run. I'll see if I can hold this one off.", "(They run back upstairs into the attic.)", "Phoebe: Okay, okay, so Billy said that the only thing he knows is what's written for him in those movies, so maybe this is the only way the psycho's know how to die is how they were killed on screen.", "Piper: Well, how am I supposed to know that? I'm a romantic-comedy girl. Why go to the horror movies when they come to us?", "Prue: Alright, that leaves you, Pheebs.", "(Bloody Mary enters the attic.)", "Bloody Mary: Miss me?", "Phoebe: Okay, that's Bloody Mary and she was, uh, thrown out of a window. And that axe guy, he was, uh, he was, he was electrocuted. So go tell Billy and...", "Prue: And see it ---- will stick his finger in a socket, sure.", "(Prue walks around Bloody Mary and leaves the attic. Bloody Mary walks towards Phoebe and Piper.)", "Piper: Okay, get her, get her.", "Phoebe: We have got to do something about that complexion.", "(Phoebe grabs her and flips her over her head. Phoebe then holds onto a beam above her and kicks Bloody Mary and she crashes through the window. Piper and Phoebe look outside and she disappears.)", "Piper: One down and one to go.", "(Suddenly, Prue comes flying through the doorway and lands on the ground.)", "Phoebe: Prue.", "Prue: He wasn't real receptive to the plan.", "(She stands up.)", "Piper: Does anybody else get tired of cleaning up after these guys? (The axe murderer walks in. Piper sees a bucket of water and pulls it close to her. Prue then sees a heater on. Billy comes in.)", "Billy: It's okay, (he rolls up his sleeves) the man is here to save the day. (He holds his fists up.)", "Prue: Billy, it's the 21st century, it's the woman's job to save the day.", "(Prue uses her power and the heater flies up over to the axe murderer catches it. Phoebe throws the bucket of water on him and electrocutes him. He disappears.)", "Piper: It's over.", "Phoebe: Don't ever say that. Every time someone says that in the movies, something always...", "(The doorbell rings.)", "[Cut to downstairs. They all cautiously walk through the foyer up to the door. Piper slowly reaches out to grab the door knob.]", "Morris: It's Darryl.", "(They all jump. Piper opens the door.)", "Piper: Hi. (Prue, Phoebe and Billy go in the living room.) Serious face. It's okay, we're too tired for pleasantries. Just tell us.", "(Morris and Piper walk in the living room. Everyone sits down except for Morris. He looks at Billy confused.)", "Phoebe: He's okay.", "Morris: It wasn't just an outbreak at one theatre. I've got stuff going down on multiple locations. And on top of that, I got a series of murders like straight out of the movies. I think we're looking at a copycat.", "Phoebe: Only there's more than one cat.", "Prue: How much do you want?", "Morris: Only what I need.", "Prue: It's not someone imitating what happens on the screen. It's someone from the screen doing what comes naturally.", "Phoebe: Killing without scripts. So we, um... so let's just say we rewrote them.", "Morris: So is it over?", "Piper: Not even close. We don't know how many more are out there and we have no way of stopping the demon from tampering with the audiences, so...", "Morris: You used the 'd' word again.", "Piper: Sorry.", "(Morris' pager beeps.)", "Morris: I gotta get back to the station. Call me.", "Phoebe: Thanks Darryl.", "(He leaves.)", "Piper: We have to find this guy before it gets any worse.", "Prue: Yeah, only we don't know where he is.", "Billy: I know where he's gonna be tonight.", "Phoebe: Don't ya just love it when he does that?", "Billy: The demon didn't just show up at my movie today. He's been there before. Every time we leave for a new city, he goes there too.", "Piper: You mean he's traveling in print?", "Phoebe: And tonight's the last night in this city. That's where he's gonna be.", "Prue: Right, so the midnight show will be his final performance. We can't kill him in our world so we'll have to do it in his.", "Piper: You mean, go into the movie? Can we even right a spell for that?", "Phoebe: I could probably whip up a potion or something.", "Piper: Well, how about two. One to make sure we can get in and one to make sure we can get out.", "Prue: Phoebe's pharmaceuticals.", "Phoebe: (to Billy) That means I'm gonna have to leave you there.", "Billy: So, you'll always know where to find me.", "Prue: So let's go to the movies.", "[Scene: Movie theatre. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Billy walk in. Sally Mae's on the screen. The same guy as before is asleep in the front row.]", "Sally Mae: Billy, you're back. Just in time. Well, this is the part where we're supposed to be... You brought company. Oh, Billy, how could you? We were going steady. And you... you pinned me.", "Billy: That's because the writers told me to, Sally Mae. I mean, you're a nice girl and all but... (he looks at Phoebe) Anyway, these people, they're here to help us.", "Piper: Phoebe, do you have the potion?", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm.", "(She hands them little jars of green potion.)", "Prue: Oh, couldn't you at least of made it look like it tasted good?", "(Billy and Phoebe take the lids off the jars and clink them together. They drink it and throw the jars behind them. Billy walks in the movie and holds out his hand for Phoebe. Phoebe walks in the movie and looks at herself. She laughs.)", "Phoebe: Check me out. I'm retro.", "(Piper drinks her potion.)", "Piper: Ugh, it tastes like an ass... (Billy gives her a look.) phalt.", "(Piper goes in the movie. The demon walks on the screen.)", "Demon: And now for the final climax.", "(The guy in the seat wakes up and pushes Prue on the floor. He goes to jump on her but she kicks him in the stomach.)", "Piper: He's under a spell.", "Prue: Piper, behind you. (Piper turns around and punches the demon in the face.) Deep down I know that you're an innocent so I can't really kill you but I can... (Prue uses her power and throws him across the room.) Sleep tight, film boy.", "Demon: You're outta your league. In fact, you're outta your world. Didn't anybody ever tell you what happens once the movie ends if you're still in it? No? Well, I'd love to explain it to you but we're out of time.", "Piper: Prue?", "Prue: Piper, Phoebe, get out of there quick.", "(Phoebe and Piper run towards the screen but smack straight into it.)", "Piper: Oh!", "Phoebe: Ouch.", "(The movie starts getting dark.)", "Piper: Prue, why is it getting dark? Prue, what's going on?", "(\"The End\" shows up on the screen.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Movie theatre. Continued from before.]", "Prue: Where are you? What can I do? (Prue astral projects in the projector room. The projectionist is asleep in his chair. She walks over to the projector.) Where the hell is reverse?", "(She pushes a button on the wall and the movie rewinds.)", "Phoebe: Prue?", "(Prue astral projects back in her body.)", "Prue: Are you guys okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Yeah.", "Prue: Get outta there quick.", "(Phoebe and Piper drink the other potion and walk out of the screen. They hug Prue.)", "Demon: That's right. Run away you little witches. These are the mighty Charmed Ones. Ooh, why don't we run in fear.", "Piper: Prue, I don't know what else we can do.", "Demon: And you're supposed to be the perky one. You should really try not to be so negative. How does it feel to finally know someone you can't defeat?", "Prue: I don't know, you tell me. (Prue uses her power and turns to picture head monitor off.) You know, if you leave a subject under the light for too long it burns.", "(The film starts melting.)", "Demon: No!", "(The film melts.)", "[Scene: Later on in the projector room.]", "Projectionist: Thanks for waking me up to warn me about the film burning. I could've lost my job.", "Piper: (to Prue) I guess you learnt something from Finley after all.", "Prue: Yeah, I guess he did come in handy. You can love the work but not the man.", "Piper: What if you love them both?", "[Cut to Phoebe. She's talking to Billy. Billy's in the screen.]", "Phoebe: I guess it's only fair. I got my first glimpse of romance from watching you on the big screen. Other girls deserve that same view. Thank you for restoring my faith in the male species.", "Billy: Now all you have to do is hold our for one that's three dimensional. (Billy holds his hand up against the screen. Phoebe does the same. They start walking away and then look back at each other. They walk away.]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper and Leo are cuddled up on the couch.]", "Piper: You've gotta be kidding, the date was a disaster.", "Leo: I had a great time. I especially liked the look on your face when the accordion player broke out in that song.", "(Piper hits him playfully.)", "Piper: Are you making fun of me?", "Leo: No.", "Piper: Yes. (They kiss.) It was our first date, I wanted it to be, I wanted us to be...", "Leo: A normal couple?", "Piper: Yes.", "Leo: Well, you're a witch and I'm a Whitelighter. You know, busy, being called away are probably the only normal things in our lives.", "Piper: Hmm.", "(They kiss.)", "[Cut to the doorway. The door is open slightly and Dan walks in.]", "Dan: Hello, door's open.", "[Cut back to the living room. Leo and Piper stop kissing. Dan walks in the foyer.]", "Dan: Is anybody, uh...", "(He sees Leo and Piper.)", "Piper: I, uh... (Dan walks back outside.) No, Dan, wait. (Piper walks in the foyer. She notices he's holding a small box of stuff.) What's this?", "Dan: This is yours. Some of the things you left over at my house.", "Piper: Oh.", "Dan: I kept them around because part of me was hoping that maybe... maybe that you'd come back. After last night I realised that I have to move on too.", "Piper: Um, thanks.", "(Prue comes barging through the door.)", "Prue: Hey. (She sees Dan.) Dan, hi, um, are you...", "Dan: Just leaving. I, uh...", "Piper: Yeah. (Dan leaves.) Does it never get any easier? Okay, talk to me of something else. What happened at the magazine?", "Prue: Oh, I had another run in with Finley. (They walk in the living room. Prue sees Leo.) Hey, you. (They sit down. Phoebe comes in.) Anyway, it all worked out.", "(Phoebe sits on the same chair as Prue.)", "Phoebe: Did you get to tell off the demon of crankiness again?", "Prue: No, once was enough but my editor did love this shot that I chose of him. (She shows them the photo she took when he was on the stairs.) Said that it captured the real man. Speaking of, I will never see another horror movie again but I ran across this and thought...", "(She gives Phoebe the video of \"Kill It Before It Dies\".)", "Phoebe: Prue, oh, Prue. I love it, I love it. I'm gonna go watch it right now.", "(She runs out of the living room and up the stairs.)", "Piper: Should we worry?", "Prue: I-I think she's just saying goodbye.", "[Cut to Phoebe's room. She's lying on her bed watching the movie. She's miming the words they're saying in the movie.]" ]
Chick Flick
[ "After a classmate of Phoebe is murdered by a demon to stop her thesis proving demons exists from being published, Phoebe and her sisters set out to vanquish the demon called Libris so a past victim can move on to the next plane of existence. However, the ghost is unable to move on until she helps Prue solve the murder of another young woman. Piper's preparation at the club for a performance of the Goo Goo Dolls is cut short when Dan arrives with some surprising news about Leo." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Brad Kern", "Story by: Peter Chomsky", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper is lighting candles. There is a bottle of wine in an ice bucket on the coffee table. Music is playing.]", "Prue: (from the other room) Piper? (She walks in and notices all the candles.) Oh. Expecting company?", "Piper: You think? Prue, what are you doing here? I'm supposed to have the house to myself tonight.", "Prue: Oh, God, I-I-I thought that that was tomorrow night.", "Piper: No, no, no. I put it on the kitchen calendar way in advance, that's why Phoebe's at the library studying and you're supposed to be out on an assignment.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I was all day and I was just downstairs in the basement developing these shots that I took and actually was hoping to get your opinion on them. I guess now wouldn't really be a good time would it? (Piper shakes her head.) Although, Leo's not really here yet.", "Piper: Alright, make it fast.", "(Prue shows her the photos.)", "Prue: Alright, so, so, the magazine asked me to capture faces in the city. So I went to the haight and I took these shots but look at this man.", "(She points to him.)", "Piper: Yeah, so?", "Prue: So he is in every single one of my pictures. I-I-I mean, I didn't really focus on him, I didn't even notice him until I got home but there he is in all of them just hanging out.", "Piper: Well, maybe he's homeless.", "Prue: But handing out fliers? I don't think so. And look at his face. He looks so sad and determined. (Leo orbs in.) Oh.", "Piper: Okay, bye, bye.", "Prue: Oh, oh. Alright, so, uh, I'm gonna go now and I'll be downstairs and work all night long an I'll be really quiet and you won't have to worry about me.", "Piper: Okay.", "(Prue hugs her and whispers in her ear.)", "Prue: So, no s*x without safe s*x.", "Piper: Thanks. (Prue starts to leave.) Oh, by the way, on the kitchen counter there's a birthday card for dad if you want to sign it.", "Prue: Um, I don't. 'Night Leo.", "Leo: Goodnight.", "(Prue leaves.)", "Piper: That's weird. I wonder why she doesn't want to sign d...", "Leo: Hi. (He walks over and kisses Piper.) You wanna sit down?", "Piper: Oh, why don't we go upstairs, since she's downstairs.", "Leo: Okay, I know a faster way.", "Piper: You do?", "(They orb out.)", "[Scene: Library. Phoebe's sitting at a desk highlighting pages in a book. She looks around, reaches in her bag and pulls out some potato chips. She eats them and a girl sitting a desk beside her hears her crunching. She looks over at Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm sorry.", "Charlene: I won't tell if you won't.", "(She shows Phoebe a packet of chips.)", "Phoebe: Hey, hi, I'm Phoebe.", "Charlene: I'm Charlene. Actually we've met. We even carpooled. Metaphysics 301, remember?", "Phoebe: Oh, that's right and your dad is the professor of that class, right?", "Charlene: Yeah, dirty rat, he gave me a C. We don't get along in anything. Even metaphysics. But I'm, hoping that'll change when I finish my thesis, get published, he'll finally have to take me seriously. I'll quit before I start telling you about my mother.", "Phoebe: No, it's okay. I've been studying here for so long it's nice to have someone to talk to. So what's your thesis about?", "Charlene: It's about the existence of demons in our world.", "Phoebe: Demons?", "Charlene: Yeah, I've been researching for five years to prove that they're not just myths like my dad thinks, that they actually really do exist. I've got proof right here.", "Phoebe: It's very interesting.", "Charlene: But you believe in them too don't you? I mean, you seem to in class. Certainly know a lot about them.", "Phoebe: Uh, it's really late, um, and I really gotta go. Okay. (She packs up her books.) It was really nice talking to you, Charlene. Take care okay.", "Charlene: Okay, see you around.", "Phoebe: Bye.", "Charlene: Bye, bye. (Phoebe leaves. Charlene stands up and walks over to the book shelves. She walks down the aisle and picks the 'Encyclopedia of Demons' off the shelf. A face of a demon is there.) Sorry, you scared me.", "(She starts to walk away.)", "Demon: Wait.", "(He grabs her and she gets sucked in the bookshelf.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Prue walks in the bathroom. Someone's in the shower. She walks over to the sink and wipes the fog off the mirror.]", "Prue: Hey, Piper, will you do me a favour and feed the cat? I want to get down to the haight. (She gets her toothbrush and toothpaste.) You know, I wanna see if that guy is still on that bus bench. You know, I just couldn't stop thinking about him all night. I mean, there's no guarantee that he'll actually be there but if he is I wanna get a better shot. (She starts brushing her teeth and then Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Prue, wh-what are you doing in here?", "Leo: Piper, can you hand me a towel? (Leo pulls across the shower curtain and sees Prue.) Prue!", "(Prue's eyes widen.)", "Prue: Leo. (Piper throws him a towel.) Nice orbs.", "Piper: Bye. (Prue continues to look at Leo.) Bye.", "(Prue walks backwards into the door.)", "Prue: Ow.", "Piper: Let me help you, let me help you. (Piper opens the door and Prue walks outside.) Alright, go on, sicko.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe is asleep at the table with her head resting on her books and highlighter still in hand. Her mouth is open and glasses are on crooked. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Piper: Phoebe.", "(She blows in Phoebe's ear and Phoebe jumps. She looks at the clock.)", "Phoebe: (panicking) It's 8:00, it's 8:00, I'm late for my finals.", "Piper: Phoebe, whoa, relax, it's Thursday. Your finals are tomorrow.", "Phoebe: It's Thursday?", "Piper: Yes.", "Phoebe: Today is Thursday. You sure? (Piper nods.) Okay, that's really good news.", "Piper: Please tell me you didn't do another all-nighter.", "Phoebe: I can't.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What? Piper, what am I supposed to do? Hi, Leo.", "Leo: Hey.", "Phoebe: If I don't ace this final, I'm gonna flunk outta school because of all the demon hunting interruptions.", "Piper: Still Phoebe, you have to take care of yourself. You have to get some rest.", "Phoebe: After. Piper, I did not go back to college to fail at it, okay. So what do I have to do? Okay, I'm gonna go change and then I'm gonna go to the library. Now, if any demon or warlock attacks, please just fend them off till Saturday. (to Leo) I have a question for you. Is it possible for someone to find proof that demons really do exist?", "Leo: Mmm, I don't know, maybe. But even if anybody did, nobody would ever know about it anyway.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Leo: Well, evil doesn't want anybody to know. It has a system for covering its tracks, protecting its identity. That's why demons disappear when you guys vanquish them.", "Piper: Why do you ask?", "Phoebe: Just curious. Okay, adios.", "(Phoebe starts to leave.)", "Piper: Wait, wait, Phoebe. Um, don't you wanna sign dad's birthday card?", "Phoebe: Why? He never sends me one.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: She's right, he doesn't to any of us. So why do I keep trying? Am I just a sucker for punishment?", "Leo: No. You keep trying because you never give up hope. (He puts his arms around her.) That's one of the things I love about you. You never give up on us.", "Piper: Were you close to you dad?", "Leo: Uhh, well, that was long time ago. A different life time. I prefer to focus on the present.", "Piper: So do I, which means I have to go, I have a dentist appointment. How long can you stay?", "Leo: Uh, until they call.", "Piper: Well, if they don't call before lunch, why don't you meet me at the club. I'll buy.", "Leo: Well, you'll have to. Whitelighter pay sucks.", "(They kiss and Piper leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Street. The man in Prue's photos is sitting on the bus bench. Prue walks up to him.]", "Prue: Hi, uh, my name's Prue Halliwell.", "(They shake hands.)", "Cleavant: Cleavant Wilson.", "(Prue gets her business card out of her pocket and hands it to him.)", "Prue: I'm a photographer with 415 magazine and I'd just like to know if it's okay if I take your picture.", "Cleavant: Why?", "Prue: We're doing a feature called faces in the city and I would love to include yours.", "Cleavant: Not interested. Although I would appreciate it if you would include this one.", "(He hands her a flier.)", "Prue: Tyra L. Wilson?", "Cleavant: My daughter. She was murdered six and a half months ago right here waiting for a bus. I'm looking for a witness.", "Prue: That's why you were here all day yesterday.", "Cleavant: That's why I', here every day. I have been since the police quit on us. I'm not leaving until I find somebody who saw what happened.", "Prue: How can you be sure that you will?", "Cleavant: I will. I have to be sure. So you gonna print that or not?", "Prue: Actually it's not really up to me.", "(A bus pulls up in front of the bench. Cliff stands up and starts handing the fliers to people getting off the bus.)", "Cleavant: I'm looking for a witness, just looking for a witness. (He sits back down.) What?", "Prue: You two must've been very close.", "Cleavant: She was my daughter. It doesn't get any closer.", "Prue: You know, I have a, um, a friend, a really good friend who's an Inspector, you know, maybe I can call him, see if they have any ideas who did it.", "Cleavant: I know who did it. The punk who owns that pawn shop across the street, Gibbs. He killed my little girl.", "Prue: Why?", "Cleavant: Wrong place, wrong time. Everybody knows he did it. The problem is he's got everyone too afraid to talk.", "[Scene: P3. Dan and Leo are punching each other up. Piper comes down the stairs.]", "Piper: Hey! Hey! Hey! (Dan pushes Leo up against the wall. Dan gets ready to punch Leo in the face but Piper freezes them before he can.) Alright, you first. (She unfreezes Leo. Leo moves out of the way.) What the hell is going on here?", "Leo: Don't ask me, he just came in here punching.", "Piper: Dan did? Well, what did you do to him?", "Leo: What did I do? Nothing.", "Piper: Oh, come on, Leo, he had to have a reason.", "Leo: Like losing you isn't an enough reason.", "Piper: Alright, back to your position. Go on.", "Leo: Are you kidding me? He's about to clock me.", "Piper: I'm sorry, I can't help you with that. Let's go, let's go.", "(Leo stands back where he was. Piper unfreezes Dan, Leo moves his head and Dan hits the wall instead.)", "Dan: Ow! (He holds his hand in pain.) Piper, where'd you come from?", "Piper: I'll be the one asking the questions. What the hell is going on?", "Dan: I don't know, why don't you ask him.", "Piper: I did, I mean, I will. I'm asking you first.", "Dan: You know, what? I just gotta go.", "(He leaves.)", "Piper: Dan, wait. (The Whitelighters call Leo.) Oh, no you don't. They can wait.", "Leo: I'm sorry, I have to go.", "Piper: Leo! (He orbs out.)", "[Scene: Outside the college. Phoebe ties up her bike. She starts walking and notices the police near by. She goes over to them. There's a crowd of people around.]", "Phoebe: Excuse me. (She sees Morris kneeled down next to a covered body.) Darryl! (Morris walks over to her.)", "Morris: Don't tell me. Demons right? Or is it warlocks this time?", "Phoebe: What are you talking about, Darryl?", "Morris: You're not here because of this?", "Phoebe: No, Darryl. Contrary to popular belief, not every crime in this city is demonically related or Halliwell related for that matter. I was on my way to the library. What happened?", "Morris: A college student. She was decapitated and her body was dumped here.", "Phoebe: A college student? Any idea who?", "Morris: Charlene Hughes.", "Phoebe: Charlene.", "Morris: You know her?", "Phoebe: I saw her last night in the library.", "[Scene: Late on in the library. Phoebe puts her bag on a desk and gets her books out.]", "Charlene: Hey, Phoebe. (Phoebe's eyes widen.) Do you have an aspirin? I have a splitting headache.", "Phoebe: Charlene. Uh, you're supposed to be, uh...", "Charlene: Supposed to be what?", "(A person walks straight through her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper's cleaning up broken glass and talking on the phone.]", "Piper: Okay, just tell Dan that I called again, okay. No believe me, he knows what it's about. Thank you. (Piper hangs up. Phoebe comes down the stairs.) They're both ducking me.", "Phoebe: Who both? What happened in here?", "Piper: Dan and Leo. I found them in here beating the crap out of each other and neither of them will tell me why.", "Phoebe: Whoa. Well, I hate to top that but I am dealing with a ghost who doesn't know she's a ghost. She thinks she's still alive.", "Piper: Huh?", "Phoebe: Charlene. She's a student that I know... or knew. The police found her body behind the library. About twenty feet away from her head.", "Piper: Eww.", "Phoebe: So I went back to the library and I saw her ghost. You know, I tried to tell her but I-I just couldn't.", "Piper: You're right, yours tops mine.", "Phoebe: I just don't get it. How could someone not know that they're dead?", "Piper: Uh, well, it takes them a while to accept, to get over the shock.", "Phoebe: Why today of all days? I have got to study. Hey, I know, maybe you could help me out with this one and then I can take the next two ghosts, k?", "Piper: Nice try, Pheebs, but you know how this works. That ghost came to you for a reason and more than likely it's to get justice for her murder so she can move on.", "Phoebe: The other thing, I think a demon actually killed her.", "Piper: Oh, and you were gonna pawn this off on me.", "Phoebe: Well, no, I was gonna tell you about the demon part sooner or later. Remember what Leo said about evil covering up its tracks? I think that's what happened to Charlene. She was convinced that she found proof that demons really do exist.", "Piper: Well, then you have to tell her that she's dead.", "Phoebe: I know, that's the problem. How do you tell someone that their life is over?", "[Scene: Police station. Prue walks up to Morris.]", "Prue: Darryl.", "Morris: Oh, see, I knew I was right the first time. You guys don't give me nearly as much credit.", "Prue: Credit?", "Morris: First Phoebe, now you. I've learned by now if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.", "Prue: Alright, Darryl. What are you talking about?", "Morris: Demons. You're here to tell me what got Charlene, right?", "Prue: Okay, number one - I have no idea who Charlene is, number two - I'm here to talk about Cleavant Wilson's daughter, Tyra.", "Morris: Tyra? She wasn't killed by demons.", "Prue: No, but you guys have an idea of who killed her, right?", "Morris: We've got a pretty good idea.", "Prue: Just a pretty good idea?", "Morris: Alright, a very good idea. Why are you so interested?", "Prue: Honestly, I'm not really sure. I just, I'm drawn to him for some reason and usually that means to help.", "Morris: Unless you can magically turn up a witness, I doubt there's anything you can do. You can't, right? Magically?", "Prue: No, if I could do that, Darryl, Cleavant wouldn't be out there giving up his life trying to find one.", "Morris: You really wanna help? Convince him to give up trying, help him to move on. No one is ever going to testify against Gibbs. We've been down that road.", "Prue: He is never gonna give up trying, Darryl. Alright, his daughter was his entire life and why are you guys so okay with giving up?", "Morris: Look, Gibbs owns that street, okay. Tyra was probably gunned down because she saw something he didn't want her to see. And short of us finding a witness or him walking up on the street and confessing, there's nothing we can do.", "Prue: Maybe there's something I can do.", "[Scene: Outside P3. Piper is hanging up a poster on the window. Dan pulls up in his car and gets out. He's carrying some files and he walks over to Piper.]", "Dan: I got your messages, all eight of them.", "Piper: So you wanna tell me what the fight was about?", "Dan: Actually, I was hoping Leo would but I gather he hasn't.", "Piper: He's, uh, unreachable apparently.", "Dan: You know, this is very awkward for me. I don't want to come across as the jealous ex but that's not what this is about. That's why I went to Leo first. See, I started it. I came at him very hard with this and...", "Piper: What?", "Dan: Do you remember my brother in-law who works for the state department, when I asked him about Leo? Well, he found something that wasn't right with Leo's army records.", "Piper: Dan...", "Dan: I know, I asked him not to go in any deeper than this, okay but he did and he sent me this anyway. Something very unusual. (He hands her the files.) Leo isn't who he says he is. What you do with it is all up to you. You know I'm still here for you. I'm still your friend.", "[Time lapse. Piper and Prue are on their cell phones.]", "Prue: What? Leo's married?", "Piper: Yeah, there's a picture of her in his army file, being presented his purple heart after he died. She's pretty. Her name is Lillian. Prue, why didn't he tell me about her? Why would he hide that from me?", "Prue: I don't know, sweetie, you have to ask him.", "Piper: Well, I'd love to but he's conveniently out of the calling area at the moment. Leave it to me to fall in love with an angel who happens to be married. Prue, maybe he didn't tell me about her because he's still in love with her.", "Prue: No, come on. How do you know she's even still alive?", "Piper: Well, I sorta did a little internet search. I was thinking maybe I should go have a chat with her.", "Prue: No, Piper, I don't think that that's a very good idea but, um, speaking of chats, I need to go talk to this pawn shop guy before he closes, okay. So we'll talk later?", "Piper: Yeah, okay.", "[Cut to the pawn shop. Prue walks in.]", "Gibbs: We're closed.", "Prue: Well, it's only a quarter...", "Gibbs: I said we're closed. Get the hell outta here.", "Prue: You know, you don't scare me.", "Gibbs: Well, then you're stupid, lady. And stupid people don't last long in this neighbourhood. Ask around.", "Prue: Are you threatening me?", "Gibbs: What are you? A reporter? Do you work for the D.A.'s office? What? I've seen you over there talking to that dead kids old man. I know what you want.", "Prue: Is that right?", "Gibbs: Yeah, and you ain't getting it. Nobody's gonna mouth on me. Nobody. You're just wasting your time. And you're trespassing.", "Prue: You know, it must be something living off other people's pain. I hope it doesn't come back to haunt you.", "(She uses her power and an accordion hits Gibbs. She walks outside and sees Cleavant handing out fliers. He sees her and he sits down on the bench.)", "[Scene: Library. Phoebe walks over to a desk with books on it. Charlene appears.]", "Charlene: Phoebe. (Phoebe gets a fright.) Sorry. Didn't mean to spook ya.", "Phoebe: So to speak. Uh, Charlene, how are you feeling? Do you feel any different?", "Charlene: Oh, my headache. Oh, I guess, yeah, I mean, I just feel kinda weird in general.", "Phoebe: I think that's to be expected. (The librarian looks at Phoebe strangely as she can't see Charlene.) Oh, I-I think she's mad at us. Why don't we go over here so we can talk and not disturb anybody.", "(They walk over near the shelves.)", "Charlene: Is something wrong, Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Um, yes, Charlene, actually there is something wrong. I-I think the reason that you've been feeling so weird lately is because you're, you're a ghost.", "Charlene: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know that this sounds crazy and it's probably really hard for you to accept but think about it, Charlene. When was the last time you ate something, or were hungry for that matter, or slept? I mean, are you tired right now, Charlene? Are you even tired?", "Charlene: What are you saying?", "Phoebe: I am saying that I think a demon killed you last night. That's what I am trying to say. The only reason I can see you is because I'm a witch and I'm supposed to help you.", "Charlene: I think you're the one who needs help. Not me.", "Phoebe: Look, you don't believe me, try picking something up. Now, you know as well as I do that neophyte ghosts can not channel their anger into moving material objects. Try picking up a book. See for yourself.", "(Charlene walks closer to the book shelf and raises her arm. She hesitates. She puts her arm back down.)", "Charlene: This is ridiculous. I am not dead. I have a full life ahead of me and I will finish my thesis and I will be published.", "(She storms off.)", "Phoebe: Charlene. Charlene, wait. (Phoebe looks at Charlene's notes on the desk. She turns the page and has a premonition of a demon attacking her with a sickle. The premonition ends and Phoebe gasps for air.)", "Librarian: Shh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe's on the chair reading the Book Of Shadows.]", "Prue: (from the other room) Anybody here?", "Phoebe: In here. (Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Hey. Oh, good, I was looking for that. Wait, what are you doing with the book?", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm looking for the demon that's gonna kill me. I just love getting those premonitions.", "Prue: Oh, okay, what premonition? When?", "Phoebe: About an hour ago. Right after I was trying to tell Charlene that she's dead.", "Prue: I'm lost.", "(Prue sits down.)", "Phoebe: Oh, sorry, (laughs) wrong sister. Okay, clef notes version. She is a student who found proof that demons really do exist and this demon right here, Libris, chopped off her head and dumped her body behind the library because of it.", "(Prue reads the page.)", "Prue: There are a whole bunch of Libris demons out there. \"Wherever humans have the potential to find unequivocal proof of the existence of demons.\"", "Phoebe: Yeah, talk about your conspiracy theories.", "Prue: Well, I mean, you just have to stop doing whatever it is you're doing, Pheebs.", "Phoebe: I can't. Charlene's spirit can't move on unless I get justice for her murder.", "Prue: So, what, by getting murdered yourself?", "Phoebe: Well, hopefully not. On the bright side I won't have to suffer through flunking out of college. So how was your day?", "Prue: Not as bad as yours but it's gonna get a hell of a lot better as soon as I find the truth spell.", "Phoebe: What do you need that for?", "Prue: Well, to catch a murderer who thinks he can get away with it.", "Phoebe: So you're gonna use the truth spell to make him confess?", "Prue: Exactly.", "Phoebe: Not exactly. Prue, you can't do that. We can't use our powers to punish the guilty. We learnt that lesson the hard way, remember?", "Prue: Yeah, but it's not the same thing, Pheebs. I mean, I'm helping a father with his grieving. I'm helping him to move on. It's more like protecting the innocent.", "Phoebe: No, it's not, honey.", "Prue: Phoebe, I see this man on the bus bench every single day and he's just waiting there hoping. Why was I drawn to him if I can't help him nail his daughter's killer?", "Phoebe: Why were you drawn to him?", "Prue: The look on his face, the pain.", "Phoebe: The pain of a father's loss?", "Prue: Maybe. I mean, I can't help thinking about dad and wondering if it hurts him as much not having his daughter's in his life.", "Phoebe: I think it does.", "Prue: Yeah, I wish I thought so too but you know, I keep bumping up against this whole theory that if it hurt him so much, where is he?", "(Charlene walks through the wall.)", "Charlene: Phoebe.", "(Prue and Phoebe get a fright.)", "Phoebe: Charlene. That's Charlene.", "Charlene: You were right about me. I went home, I saw the folks crying, then I knew it was true. I've never seen my dad cry before. Not over me anyway. Then I got pissed. The demon did this to me. I wanna prove he doesn't exist anymore.", "Prue: (to Phoebe) Your friend obviously.", "Phoebe: Yeah, the dead one.", "[Scene: Lillian's apartment. She gets a medal out of a small wooden box and shows Piper.]", "Lillian: Leo's purple heart. He was a special man. He always went out of his way to try and help somebody, even before he shipped out. He was studying to be a doctor, you know.", "Piper: Yes, I know.", "Lillian: He would of been a great one too. You know, he had the most marvelous touch. It was gentle, sensitive.", "Piper: Healing.", "Lillian: Yes, exactly. A healing touch. That was Leo and they said that he was doctoring a wounded soldier when it happened. I'll never forget when they came to give me that news.", "Piper: It sounds like you still love him.", "Lillian: I'll always love Leo, in a certain way, for so many things. Including helping me to move on.", "Piper: Move on? How'd he do that?", "Lillian: Well, one night not long after he died, Leo came to me in a dream and he was bathed in the most brilliant white light that you could ever imagine. He said I was not to worry about him. That he was in a good place. He also said that I was to let him go, that there was another love out there for me to find.", "Piper: Another love?", "Lillian: Yes. Another doctor as it turned out. A wonderful man. He gave me two wonderful children, grandchildren, even a great grandchild. Leo was right.", "Piper: Well, I think I've taken up enough of your time.", "Lillian: But you haven't found what you came for yet.", "Piper: Actually, I think I have. It's very nice to meet you, Lillian.", "Lillian: You too, Piper.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Phoebe and Charlene are there.]", "Charlene: So I was walking down the aisle and I heard strange voices, whispers. It sounded like Latin. And then I went to pull out a book and... I don't know. It all went dark until I was back in the library again with that terrible headache.", "Phoebe: And you didn't get a chance to see the demon?", "Charlene: Don't remember.", "Prue: Alright, well, if it was Libris, he must of grabbed her in the aisle and taken her somewhere else to, you know... (She motions with her hand to show that her head was cut off. Charlene's eyes widen.) Sorry.", "Charlene: That's okay. I'm over the shock.", "Phoebe: The question is how did he grab her? And this vanquishing spell isn't gonna do us much good is we can't catch him first.", "Prue: Well, we're gonna have to do it in the library if we're gonna keep that premonition of yours from coming true.", "Phoebe: Maybe I can retrace Charlene's steps and that'll bring him our into the open.", "Prue: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: And then just before he grabs me, you and Piper can use your powers to stop him and then we can vanquish him, easy as that.", "Prue: No, that is way too risky.", "Phoebe: How is it risky with two witches and a ghost to back me up? Prue, help me get my demon and I promise I'll do everything I can to help you get yours.", "(The door opens and Piper walks in.)", "Piper: I'm home.", "(Prue, Phoebe and Charlene walk into the foyer.)", "Prue: Come on.", "Piper: Where are we going?", "Phoebe: We'll explain on the way there. Let's go, let's go.", "Piper: Who's that?", "Phoebe: That's my dead friend.", "[Scene: Library. Charlene's showing Phoebe her notes and Prue and Piper are sitting at another desk.]", "Charlene: The last thing I wrote was under demonic acts. There.", "Phoebe: You know, this is pretty accurate. You were really onto something here.", "Charlene: Obviously.", "Phoebe: Sorry. Okay, what was next.", "Charlene: I went to find the encyclopedia. (Phoebe and Charlene walk over to the aisle and Prue and Piper follow.) There's the book.", "Phoebe: I don't hear any voices. Okay, here goes.", "(Phoebe raises her hand and pulls the book off the shelf. Nothing happens.)", "Charlene: Maybe demons can see ghosts.", "(The demon appears and pulls Phoebe into a portal-like thing and she disappears in the bookshelf. Charlene jumps in after her. The portal closes.)", "Prue: Where is she, where did she go?", "[Cut to the basement. Phoebe, Charlene and the demon come out of the portal. A sickle appears in the demon's hand. He gets ready to swing the sickle at Phoebe.]", "Charlene: No!", "(The demon turns around but can't see Charlene. The demon gets ready to swing the sickle again but Charlene grabs it.)", "[Cut back to Prue and Piper. They hear noises through the vent.]", "Prue: They're in the basement?", "Piper: Uh, worth a try.", "(Prue astral projects in the basement.)", "[Cut to the basement. Prue appears.]", "Prue: \"Demon hide your evil face, (Libris swings his sickle and it gets stuck on an electricity wire.) Libris die and leave no trace.\"", "(Libris pulls the wire and gets electrocuted. He disappears and his sickle drops on the floor. Prue astral projects back in her body.)", "Charlene: That was close.", "Phoebe: Yeah, thank God you were a quick study.", "Charlene: At least justice was served. So guess that means I'm moving on. Bye Phoebe. Thank you for this. Thank you for helping me.", "Phoebe: You're welcome.", "(Charlene closes her eyes. She waits and nothing happens. She opens her eyes and they look at each other confused.)", "Charlene: Why am I not moving on?", "Phoebe: I have no idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Phoebe: I thought you said all we have to do is get justice for Charlene's murder.", "Piper: I said maybe that is all you had to do.", "Phoebe: You did not say maybe.", "Piper: Yes I did.", "Phoebe: I did not hear the word maybe.", "Prue: Shh, shh. (Charlene floats in the kitchen.) You guys aren't helping.", "Charlene: Are you sure that vanquishing spell really worked? I mean, maybe Libris isn't really gone.", "Prue: You know, you're really getting good at that.", "(Charlene floats to the ground._", "Charlene: I'm just frustrated, that's all.", "Phoebe: I told you she was a quick study.", "Piper: Well, maybe Charlene's right. Maybe you didn't really vanquish him like the demon of Illusion.", "Phoebe: No, no, he is definitely gone. I mean, the spell was specifically written for Libris.", "Prue: Yeah, and he wouldn't of left his sickle behind if he were still alive.", "Piper: But the question still remains. If justice was served, then what is she still doing here?", "Charlene: Damn it! (She pushes plates off the table and they crash on the floor.) Sorry.", "(The flier about Tyra Wilson falls on the floor.)", "Prue: Wait a minute. (Prue picks up the flier.) That's it.", "Piper: What? What is it?", "Prue: Maybe she has to get justice for somebody else.", "[Scene: Pawn shop. Gibbs opens the door and walks in. He pulls up the blind and flips over the open sign. He pulls out fliers about Tyra out of the mail slot and throws it in the bin. Charlene walks through the door. She locks the door.]", "Gibbs: Who's there?", "(She flips over the open sign. Gibbs gets his gun.)", "Charlene: Gibbs.", "(She picks up a guitar and strums some strings. He shoots at the guitar and she drops it. She then types 'Tyra' over and over on the typewriter.)", "Gibbs: Tyra. (She knocks his gun out of his hand and then pulls the blinds up and down.) What the hell's going on?", "Charlene: You know what's going on.", "Gibbs: Who are you?", "Charlene: Who do you think I am? (She pushes him on the floor.) How does it feel to be pushed around? (She takes the flier out of the bin.) Murderer. (She scrunches it up and puts it in his mouth.) I'm the woman you murdered.", "Gibbs: Leave me alone!", "(He gets up and runs through the door. Glass flies everywhere.)", "Charlene: Admit it. Admit you killed me or I will haunt every minute of every day of the rest of your miserable life.", "Gibbs: Okay, okay. Okay, I did it. I killed you.", "Charlene: Say it, say my name, damn it.", "(Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Morris, Cleavant and two other policeman walk up to them.)", "Gibbs: Tyra Wilson. Tyra Wilson. I killed Trya Wilson. I admit it.", "Cleavant: I've been waiting a long time to hear you say that, Gibbs.", "Prue: (to Morris) Did you get that?", "Morris: I got every word.", "(Morris grabs Gibbs.)", "Gibbs: What the hell is this?", "Phoebe: Justice.", "Piper: What's the matter, Gibbs? You look like you've seen a ghost.", "Cleavant: (to Gibbs) I hope you rot in hell.", "(The police take him away.)", "Morris: How's this connected to Charlene again?", "Prue: It's a cosmic thing, Darryl. Don't worry about it.", "(Morris walks away. Cleavant picks up a scrunched up flier of Tyra.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay, Mr. Wilson?", "Cleavant: Yeah, I guess. It's an empty feeling though, you know. This doesn't bring her back, it doesn't take away the hurt.", "Prue: No, but at least you can move on with your life. Tyra would've wanted that.", "Cleavant: I wish I could tell her how much I love her just one more time.", "Piper: I think she'll get the message.", "Cleavant: Thank you for however you made this happen. (Prue hugs Cleavant.) Thank you.", "(He walks away.)", "Charlene: Well, even though I could never seem to please my own father, at least I could please someone else's.", "Prue: I know what you mean.", "Charlene: I think it's time.", "(Charlene disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. The Goo Goo Dolls are playing. Phoebe walks up to Prue and Piper.]", "Phoebe: Hey. Ask me how I did on my finals.", "Prue: How did you do on your finals?", "Phoebe: Oh, thanks for asking. I aced it. They just posted the grades.", "Prue: Yay, good for you.", "Phoebe: Thanks, although I did get some perspective in the test. After what happened to Charlene, I just didn't seem important anymore. Um, speaking of perspective, (She holds up their dad's birthday card.) I signed dad's card.", "Piper: Really?", "Phoebe: Yes. Just in case he thinks of us too.", "(Piper holds out the card for Prue.)", "Prue: No, I definitely don't need to sign that. I mean, I realise that dad is never gonna be the father that Cleavant is and I just need to accept that and stop thinking that magically somehow he'll change.", "(Leo walks down the stairs.)", "Piper: Excuse me. (She goes over to Leo.) How'd you get in? I thought Whitelighter pay sucked.", "Leo: I, uh, sorta didn't tell the bouncer I don't work here anymore.", "Piper: Hmm, imagine that. Like you sorta didn't tell me you were married.", "Leo: Uh, look, Piper, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get upset. It was literally a different life for me, one that has nothing to do with this one, with us.", "Piper: I know that and I'm not mad. But you can't not tell me stuff because you think it might hurt. If we're gonna have a normal relationship, at least as normal as possible, then you need to be honest with me.", "Leo: You're right. Sorry. Forgive me?", "Piper: I'll think about it.", "(They smile.)", "Leo: So, uh, how much do you think Dan really knows?", "Piper: I don't know. We'll worry about it later.", "(They join Prue and Phoebe and watch the Goo Goo Dolls play.)" ]
Ex Libris
[ "The doctor who treated Piper when she was sick with Oroya fever is trying to figure out how she was able to make complete recovery. As a result, accidentally gains their magical powers from their blood during a test he was conducting. Following this, he starts to use his newfound abilities in an attempt to save his dying sister. However, it doesn't take long for the doctor to go mad from having the sisters' magical powers and they have to find a way to remove them while not bringing any harm to the doctor. Meanwhile, Prue's latest assignment brings some unwanted attention from the paparazzi." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Constance M. Burge and David Simkims", "Story by: Constance M. Burge", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's there reading some mail. Phoebe walks in still in her pyjamas.]", "Phoebe: Morning.", "Piper: Hey, Pheebs.", "Phoebe: Uh, did you get the postcard from Dan?", "Piper: Yeah, it sounds like he's having a great time.", "Phoebe: What's the matter? Is something wrong?", "(Phoebe looks in the cupboard.)", "Piper: I got another letter from Dr. Williamson.", "Phoebe: Williamson? Isn't he the specialist that treated you for Arroyo fever?", "Piper: That would be him.", "(Phoebe opens the pantry.)", "Phoebe: Oh that was months ago. What does he want?", "Piper: He wants me to come in for blood work so he can make sure I'm cured.", "Phoebe: An angel brought you back to life. Trust me, you're cured.", "Piper: I know, but I can't exactly tell him that.", "Phoebe: So just throw the letter away.", "Piper: I have been. He keeps sending more.", "(Phoebe looks in the bin.)", "Phoebe: Here's my Granola. (She pulls out an empty box of Granola.) What's it doing in the trash? I just bought this two days ago. Who eats this besides me?", "Piper: Leo, but I'll replace it, I promise.", "(Phoebe throws the box back in the bin.)", "Phoebe: Um, Piper, um, I don't want you to think I mind because I don't but if Leo's gonna be living here then I think we should probably set some ground rules, you know.", "Piper: Leo doesn't live here.", "Phoebe: He eats breakfast here.", "Piper: Uh huh.", "Phoebe: A lot.", "Piper: Maybe he just likes cereal. You really think he's here that much?", "Phoebe: He's like the big brother I never wanted. (Piper gives her a look.) I mean, had.", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Morning. Pheebs, um, Evan Stone, ever hear of him?", "Phoebe: Hello. Red Death. I've only seen that movie like five times.", "Prue: Yes, I know, I'm doing a photo shoot with him today.", "Phoebe: How much do I hate you right now? Unless of course the tabloid rumours are true. In which case I really hate you. He is supposed to be...", "Prue: Shh! I do not want to know anything about him. I just wanna take his picture and leave. And I need to go get ready.", "Piper: Uh, Prue, you don't think Leo lives here do you?", "Prue: I mean, yeah, of course he does but, I mean, it's fine as long as you're happy, that's all I really care about, not that I was unhappy when I saw Leo all naked in the shower and just all wet.", "Piper: Okay, so you guys just need to make up some ground rules, you know, what's acceptable and not acceptable and... (Phoebe and Prue leave the room.) I'm serious.", "(She picks up the letter from Dr. Williamson and puts it in the bin.)", "[Scene: Hospital. Dr. Williamson's in a lab talking on the phone. There are three monkeys in cages which are named 'Prue', 'Piper' and 'Phoebe'.]", "Dr. Williamson: Of course I got your memo, you can't be serious. Have you read my report? Ninety days ago, Piper Halliwell was admitted here with Arroyo fever. Within twenty-four hours she was completely free of the virus even though she failed to respond to any of the treatments.", "Dr. Jeffries: Dr. Williamson, I may be new to San Francisco Memorial but I am very aware of the project.", "Dr. Williamson: And you're also aware of the fact that her recovery makes no clinical sense.", "Dr. Jeffries: True. But your subsequent test failed to reveal anything out of the ordinary.", "Dr. Williamson: Look, I just need more time. I've only injected the primate samples of the Halliwell's blood this morning.", "Dr. Jeffries: Piper Halliwell is fine. I want you to forget about her and concentrate on people who are sick.", "Dr. Williamson: I am. Somewhere in this blood could be the key to unlocking the universal antibody.", "Dr. Jeffries: And if I agreed with you we wouldn't be having this conversation.", "Dr. Williamson: You will not terminate this project.", "Dr. Jeffries: I believe I already have.", "(Dr. Williamson hangs up.)", "Dr. Williamson: I'm not giving up. (He uses an eye dropper to put Prue, Piper and Phoebe's blood in a small jar. He then puts it in a syringe and places it on the table. He picks up a key and unlocks a cage.) Alright, group, let's see how this affects you.", "(One of the monkeys, with Prue's power, makes the syringe fly and the blood gets injected in Dr. Williamson's neck. He quickly pulls it out the monkeys start jumping up and down in their cages.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Hospital. Laboratory. Dr. Williamson is putting a band aid on his neck. The monkeys are still chattering and rattling the cages.]", "Dr. Williamson: I said be quiet!", "(As he says that, he turns around and points his finger. Bottles of blood fly up and smash against the wall. He looks his hand. Dr. Jeffries walks in.)", "Dr. Jeffries: I have some time between appointments-", "Dr. Williamson: Wait. (He puts his hand up and freezes him.) Dr. Jeffries?", "(He walks over to the other side of Dr. Jeffries and unfreezes him.)", "Dr. Jeffries: So I thought we might discuss... How did you get over there? (He notices the blood on the wall.) What happened in here?", "Dr. Williamson: I had an accident.", "Dr. Jeffries: Are you okay?", "Dr. Williamson: I'm fine.", "Dr. Jeffries: What happened to you neck?", "Dr. Williamson: Nothing. Listen I need to get a hold of the Halliwell's immediately.", "Dr. Jeffries: I told you that project's been terminated. Maybe you should take some time off. You've been under a lot of pressure and I understand your sister's been sick.", "Dr. Williamson: And I (he grabs Dr. Jeffries coat with two hands) told you I need to get a hold of the Halliwell's immediately.", "(He lets go of his coat.)", "Dr. Jeffries: I want you cleared out of this lab by the end of the day.", "(Dr Jeffries leaves. One of the monkeys uses Prue's power and makes a banana float over to it.)", "[Scene: At a studio. Prue pulls up in her car. She gets out holding her camera bag and walks inside. A make-up artist is applying make-up to Evan Stone's face. Prue walks up to him.]", "Prue: Evan Stone?", "Evan: Yes.", "Prue: Hi, uh, we have a date. I'm Prue Halliwell, 415 magazine.", "(They shake hands.)", "Lucy: Bring security, I think I found another tabloid photographer.", "Prue: Me? Uh, no, no, no. I am not with a tabloid. (She tips out her purse.) I am with 415. (She finds her pass and shows it to her.) I have an appointment.", "Lucy: Sorry. We've just had photographers sneaking in here all week. That's why I'm here. I'm Lucy. Evan's publicist.", "Prue: Hi.", "Lucy: And this is a temporary ID. This could be a problem.", "Prue: Yeah, well, that's because I'm a new employee at the magazine. I mean, you can call Gil Corso, I'm sure he'll be happy to confirm it.", "Evan: I'll keep an eye on her while you do that. Okay?", "(Lucy walks away.)", "Prue: So what happens if Mr. Corso's in a meeting? What, you send me flying with nagi kick?", "Evan: I -----. You know aikido.", "Prue: Yeah, well, it comes in, uh, handy with my line of work.", "Evan: Photography business must be rougher than I thought.", "Prue: Only when publicists don't trust temporary ID's.", "Evan: Lucy's a really cool person. Newly promoted. Just struggling to control her new power, that's all.", "Prue: I can certainly relate to that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Phoebe's kneeling down with her head in the closet throwing clothes out on the floor. Leo orbs in and kneels down really close to Phoebe.]", "Leo: (thinking it's Piper) Ever done it on a cloud?", "Phoebe: I don't know, does a feather bed count?", "(Leo quickly stands up.)", "Leo: Uh, Phoebe. I thought you were Piper.", "Phoebe: Well, it is her room.", "Leo: I-I am so sorry.", "Phoebe: No, no worries. I mean it could happen to anyone. Especially someone that doesn't have to knock to come in.", "Leo: You're so right. This will never happen again, you have my word.", "Phoebe: Okay, and you have my word that I won't tell Piper.", "Leo: Good idea. I'm, uh, just leaving now.", "Phoebe: Uh, she's in the kitchen.", "Leo: Thanks.", "Phoebe: Uh huh. (Leo walks out of the room. Phoebe gets a pen and paper out of her pocket and starts writing.) Item number two - orbing in unannounced.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper's on the phone.]", "Piper: You're calling me at home?", "Dr. Williamson: Yes, Miss Halliwell. I would like you to meet me in my lab as soon as possible.", "Piper: I'm not going anywhere.", "Dr. Williamson: Look, you don't understand, this is very important.", "Piper: Goodbye, Doctor.", "Dr. Williamson: Look, I need your- (Piper hangs up.)", "[Cut to the lab. Dr. Williamson uses Prue's power and the computer smashes against the wall.]", "[Cut back to the kitchen. Leo walks in.]", "Leo: Piper?", "Piper: Leo, hi.", "Leo: Everything okay?", "Piper: I don't know, that was Dr. Williamson. He's been sending me letters, trying to get me back to the hospital for follow up tests and I'm not going. What are you doing here? Please don't tell me there's a demon running around.", "Leo: No, I just figured since it was your day off, maybe you could spend it with me.", "Piper: Oh, did you now.", "(They hug.)", "Leo: Yes, I did. Are you sure you're alright?", "Pier: Yeah, I mean, it's not like he's ever gonna figure out that you were the one who saved me so I'm not gonna worry about it because there is nothing to worry about.", "[Scene: Hospital. Lab. The phone rings. Dr. Williamson answers it.]", "Dr. Williamson: Miss Halliwell?", "Nurse: No, this is Nurse Jordan, your sister's nurse. I was wondering if you could...", "Dr. Williamson: Is she okay?", "Nurse: You need to get to your sister's room as soon as possible.", "Dr. Williamson: I'll be right there.", "[Scene: Studio. Prue's taking pictures of Evan.]", "Prue: Uh, can you just lift your chin a little bit because there's a shadow. (He does so.) Thanks. (All of a sudden a monkey appears behind Evan.) What a cute monkey.", "Evan: Monkey?", "Prue: Yeah, he's right behind you.", "(The monkey astral projects back in its body. Evan turns around.)", "Evan: What are you talking about?", "Prue: Okay, thanks.", "Evan: You're leaving?", "Prue: Uh, yeah, I'm finished.", "Evan: We just got started.", "Prue: Right, and, uh, I got a great shot, it was perfect.", "(She walks outside. Evan follows her.)", "Evan: Miss Halliwell. (She stops and turns around.) Your car keys.", "(He holds them up.)", "Prue: Oh.", "(She goes to take them but he drops them. They both bend down. He picks them up, holds her hand and places them in her hand. A photographer is sitting in a car near by taking photos of them. They stand up and Evan leans close to Prue.)", "Evan: You can take my picture anytime, Miss Halliwell.", "Prue: Thank you.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe's there. Prue walks in from the back door.]", "Prue: Hey, you are never going to believe what happened today.", "Phoebe: Yes I will. I saw Notting Hill.", "Prue: What are you talking about?", "(She points to card in a bunch of flowers that is on the table. Prue picks up the card.)", "Phoebe: They're from Evan. I hope you're happy, you're stealing away my dream man. \"Prue, what really happened? Evan.\" Something happened?", "Prue: Yes, but not with Evan Stone. Is Piper here?", "Phoebe: Yeah, she's in the living room with Leo, again.", "Prue: (calling out) Piper. Leo.", "Phoebe: So are you gonna tell me why he sent you flowers?", "Prue: You know, I just have no idea.", "Phoebe: And they say the youngest is the most naive.", "(Prue leans over to smell the flowers but Phoebe stops her. Piper and Leo walk in.)", "Piper: Prue, you're back early.", "Prue: Yes, I am, that's because a monkey astral projected to me on the set today.", "Phoebe: A monkey?", "Piper: Astral projected?", "Prue: Yeah, and, and it waved at me, okay, like it knew me or something. I think it wanted my help.", "Phoebe: I think you're working way too hard.", "Prue: You know, Phoebe, I saw it. Okay, and-and-and it had like an ID bracelet from a hospital on its arm.", "Piper: Prue, honey, I don't think monkeys can astral project. (to Leo) Can they?", "Leo: Not without powers. And it would have to have your power too, you know, to find you, magic to magic.", "Prue: My power? How can it have my power? I have my powers. Alright, wait, so, so, you're saying that a monkey is sharing my powers?", "Phoebe: Is that even possible?", "Leo: After all you've seen and done over the last two years, you tell me what's impossible.", "Piper: You said something about a hospital wristband?", "Prue: Yeah, it had a rose on it.", "(Piper gets the letter from Dr. Williamson out of the bin.)", "Piper: Did it look anything like this?", "(She shows her the rose on the letter.)", "Prue: Yeah. Exactly like this. Wait, is this the same Dr. Williamson?", "Piper: Yeah, he's been sending me requests for weeks and he called this morning and said he wanted to see me.", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: Wait, you didn't tell me he called you.", "Piper: Well, there was nothing to say. I hung up on him. Do you think he found out about our powers?", "Prue: B.O.S.", "Phoebe: B.O.S.? Oh, Book Of Shadows.", "(Phoebe and Prue leave the kitchen. The Whitelighters call Leo.)", "Leo: They say it's important.", "Piper: Okay, um, come back soon.", "Leo: Okay.", "(They kiss and Leo orbs out.)", "[Scene: Hospital. In a room. Dr. Williamson's sister is lying in bed. Her husband and Dr. Williamson is there.]", "Larry: My wife is dying. She's 33rd on the waiting list, Curtis. She's not gonna live long enough to get a kidney.", "Dr. Williamson: There's nothing I can do, Larry. I'm sorry.", "Larry: No, no, let me tell you what's sorry, okay. I come here every day and for every minute that I'm with her, some, some scumbag criminal is freed. At least on a technicality. Curtis, listen to me. She is your sister, isn't there anything you can do?", "(Larry starts to leave.)", "Dr. Williamson: Larry, wait. (He touches Larry's shoulder and has a premonition.) Oh my God. (to the nurse) Get the crash team, get a gurney in here, this man's gonna have a heart attack. (the nurse looks at him) I said the crash team.", "Nurse: Yes, sir.", "(She runs outside.)", "Larry: If anyone looks like they're gonna collapse it's you...", "(Larry grabs his chest in pain. Doctors come running in.)", "Doctor #1: Come on, let's go. Let's get in here. Get his leg. (They pull him up on the bed.) Okay, give me two cc's of adrenalin right now.", "Nurse: (to Dr Williamson) How did you know?", "Dr. Williamson: (ignoring her) He's gone into full arrest.", "Doctor #2: Check his airway. Bag him. What's his pulse?", "Nurse: Ninety over sixty, doctor.", "Doctor #2: Let's start compressions.", "(Dr. Williamson leans over and whispers in Larry's ear.)", "Dr. Williamson: Listen, I'll ----- too, I promise. (He goes in the secretary's office.) I need a list of all the criminals who were admitted and released from the hospital jail ward.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in the lab. They see the mess.]", "Phoebe: Wow, what a mess.", "(They see the monkeys.)", "Piper: Well, too bad we can't ask them where Williamson is.", "Prue: That's the same monkey.", "Phoebe: It looks like it knows you.", "(They monkeys chatter at them.)", "Prue: Okay, it looks like they know all of us. Come on.", "(They walk over to the cages.)", "Piper: He named them after us.", "Phoebe: That's really scary.", "PrueL Alright, we need to, uh, take a look around and make sure there's nothing else here that could expose us.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe that's why the monkey projected to you, Prue. Maybe she was trying to warn you.", "(They look through all the files on the table.)", "Piper: All of these files say Halliwell.", "Prue: Yeah, well, look at all these tests that he took. Okay, not just on blood that he took from you but blood that he took from Phoebe and me.", "Piper: He has spent months trying to figure out how I survived the Arroyo fever.", "Prue: This grant request says that he is looking for a universal antibody.", "(Phoebe takes their blood out of a fridge.)", "Phoebe: Maybe he thought it was in your blood.", "(The monkey uses Prue's power and a banana floats through the air. The other monkey freezes it.)", "Prue: Piper. Phoebe. Okay, so, um, I think it's safe to say that Dr. Williamson probably knows about us.", "Phoebe: Do you think he's been injecting out blood into those monkeys?", "Prue: I don't know but we need to get them outta here before somebody walks in, sees something flying and everybody finds out about us.", "(They unlock the cages and Phoebe picks up a monkey. She has a premonition of Dr. Williamson with their powers.)", "Phoebe: Okay, not only does Williamson know about our powers, but he's got one of them, telekinesis.", "Piper: Wait a minute, you remember what he was like when I was sick. He had the CDC here, the media. If we don't stop him, the monkeys aren't going to be the only one's in cages.", "[Scene: A drug dealer's apartment. The dealer is on the phone.]", "Drug Dealer: You know what? Let me tell you something/ I don't touch the stuff alright. I do...", "(All of a sudden the door flies off its hinges and Dr. Williamson is standing there. The dealer jumps up and drops the phone.)", "Dr. Williamson: You Benny Ritter?", "Benny: What are you doing? That's my door, man. (He grabs his gun and Dr. Williamson makes him fly across the room. Dr. Williamson walks over to him.) What the hell is this?", "Dr. Williamson: House calling.", "(Dr. Williamson kneels beside him and gets out a syringe.)", "Benny: No, don't.", "(He injects the needle in Benny's arm and Benny instantly falls asleep. Dr. Williamson rolls him over on his stomach and lifts up his shirt. He's holding a scalpel in his hand.)", "[Cut back to the hospital. In the corridor. You see Piper's hand appear from around the corner and she freezes a doctor pushing someone in a wheelchair. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk around the corner pulling a laundry hamper. The monkeys are inside it. They approach the next corner and look around it to check if the coast is clear.]", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper, now.", "(Prue notices her and Evan on the TV.)", "Prue: Wait.", "(She uses her power to turn up the volume.)", "Reporter: Who is this mystery woman in Evan Stone's life? Why did he send her flowers? Tune in tonight and fins out.", "Phoebe: I thought you said nothing happened.", "Prue: Yeah, he was just returning my car keys.", "Piper: Hi, hello, bigger problem.", "Nurse #2: It was more than a miracle. It was as if he was clairvoyant. He said his brother in-law was going to have a heart attack and ten seconds later he collapsed.", "Nurse #3: And he could tell that just by looking at him?", "Nurse #2: No, he touched him first.", "Phoebe: I'd say premonitions for 500, Alex.", "(Piper walks over to them.)", "Piper: Excuse me. I'm a patient of Dr. Williamson. Do you know where I might find him?", "Nurse #2: He was heading towards the records room.", "Piper: Okay, thank you.", "(She walks back over to Prue and Phoebe.)", "Prue: So he's using our powers in public.", "Phoebe: At least he's not hurting anyone.", "Prue: Yet.", "(They walk in the records room. Piper freezes the secretary.)", "Phoebe: Dr. Williamson's long gone.", "(Prue and Phoebe start to leave.)", "Piper: Wait, wait, wait. He came in here for a reason. (They walk over to the computer.) It's a list of names and addresses of people who were admitted in the jail ward in the hospital. Benny Ritter is highlighted. (She prints out the page.) Access by Dr. C. Williamson.", "[Cut to Dr. Williamson's sister's room. Dr. Williamson is there.]", "Dr. Williamson: I've taken care of everything. You are going to be okay. A lot of people are going to be okay. (He picks up a small cooler off the side table and takes it out to reception.) Get my sister prepped and ready for a kidney transplant. Tissue typing and cross matching are confirmed. Unrelated living donor but an exact match. No questions, do it now.", "(She does so.)", "[Scene: Outside Benny Ritter's place. Paramedics are taking Benny to the ambulance on a stretcher. Police are there. Prue, Piper and Phoebe arrive. Morris sees them and walks over to them.]", "Morris: Should I be afraid to ask what you guys are doing in this part of town?", "Piper: We're not sure. What happened?", "Morris: Some low life named Benny Ritter had a kidney removed, not that he could tell us that, he was found sedated.", "Phoebe: Who is he?", "Morris: A drug dealer. Busted last week out on a technicality.", "Piper: Any idea who did it?", "Morris: Med-techs said whoever gutted him, stitched him up, left a note, something about internal sutures secure, morphine for the pain.", "Prue: He left a note?", "Morris: Yeah, we'll definitely be looking for somebody with medical training.", "Piper: You can't.", "Morris: I had a feeling you were gonna say something like that. Wanna tell me why?", "Prue: Only that it's supernatural.", "Morris: I can't really tell them that.", "Phoebe: It's the best we can do for now, Darryl. You're the one that said you didn't wanna know what we were into.", "Morris: But I suppose you want me to keep you posted.", "Prue: Yes, but more importantly just be careful.", "(Morris walks away.)", "Phoebe: So much for not hurting anybody.", "Prue: Well, we have to find him before the cops do. Piper?", "Piper: I keep thinking if I'd answered one of his letters...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue's on the phone. The monkeys are there.]", "Prue: Mr. Corso, you know that I am not Evan Stone's girlfriend. Are you laughing at me?", "(Phoebe runs in and grabs a monkey.)", "Phoebe: Can somebody please help me?", "(Piper comes in holding the Book Of Shadows.)", "Piper: Okay, there is nothing in here about mortals or animals having powers, let alone how to get the powers out of them.", "Phoebe: We'll find something, Piper.", "(Piper picks up a monkey.)", "Piper: Okay, um, when? Because Dr. Williamson has already stole somebody's kidney and what's gonna be next?", "Prue: (in the phone) I'll explain everything just not now. Okay, bye.", "(She hangs up.)", "Phoebe: Except for the magic monkey part, right?", "Prue: No, I thought I'd leave that part out.", "(They hear voices and see camera flashes from outside.)", "Piper: What's that?", "Phoebe: Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's photographers. (She looks out the window.) They're everywhere on the lawn.", "Prue: Okay, close-close the curtain.", "(Phoebe pulls down all the blinds. The doorbell rings several times.)", "Phoebe: There are more coming. (to the monkey) I'll be right there. More are coming.", "Prue: Do you think they saw anything?", "Piper: Yeah, like stolen monkeys.", "Phoebe: Who knows but at least they didn't see any magic. (She picks up a monkey. Leo orbs in.) Never mind.", "(A monkey jumps in Leo's arms.)", "Leo: Sorry.", "Phoebe: Uh huh.", "Leo: I'll ask later. Right now I've got some bad news about Dr. Williamson.", "(Leo hears the reporters outside.)", "Piper: That's the press, they're after Prue.", "(They all walk in the kitchen. Piper hands Prue a monkey.)", "Prue: Thanks.", "Piper: So what's the bad news?", "Leo: Well, simply put, Dr. Williamson is cosmically screwed. He's got your powers in his mortal body. It took generations to prepare you for that, you can handle it, he can't.", "(Piper takes the monkey off of Leo.)", "Piper: So what's going to happen to him?", "Leo: He'll go mad.", "Prue: Just from our powers?", "Leo: Yes.", "Phoebe: Wait, are you saying that out powers are in our blood and he injected himself with it?", "Leo: That blood, yeah. See, the spell that you cast to cure Piper changed everything and now it's changing Dr. Williamson. See, your magic is meant for doing good but in the wrong person, somebody not ready for it, that need to do good things...", "Piper: Could go bad?", "Leo: Real bad. Piper, it's nobody's fault. Dr. Williamson chose his own path. This is not the consequence of anybody's actions except his own. Still, you have to find a way to stop him before things get worse.", "Piper: If they haven't already.", "(Piper hands the monkey back to Leo.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm gonna make a potion to separate powers from witches.", "Piper: They're monkeys.", "Phoebe: With witches blood. I don't know what else to do. Maybe if it works on them it will work on Williamson.", "Prue: Alright, I-I gotta figure out a way to get rid of these reporters otherwise we can't do anything and figure out a way to go talk to Evan.", "Piper: I'm gonna go call Morris. He needs to know what he's up against.", "Leo: If only to keep yourself from being exposed as witches.", "Piper: Yeah, that too.", "Prue: Alright, Piper, uh, I'm gonna need your help.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper opens the door. The reporters run towards them an start taking photos. Piper freezes them and Prue walks outside.]", "Prue: Thank you.", "(Leo walks up to Piper.)", "Leo: You okay?", "Piper: Well, considering our powers have combined to drive a man crazy and put who knows how many other people in danger, (she unfreezes the reporters) I'm terrific.", "[Scene: Studio. Evan is on set with two other guys practicing a scene.]", "Director: And cut! Terrific guys, print that.", "(Evan walks over to Prue who's waiting near by.)", "Prue: Hi. (He puts his fists up and playfully pretends to fight her.) Okay, I might hurt you. Evan, my front yard is filled with photographers. Okay, they are watching my every move.", "Evan: Oh, come on, it'll blow over. You're a normal red blooded American girl with nothing to hide, right?", "Prue: Right, but, uh, I can't really do my job with flash bulbs going off in my face every single second.", "Evan: You can't fight back. That's like struggling in quicksand. Don't play. Look, whatever energy they're throwing at you just pass right on by. Because eventually that energy comes back around leads to someone else.", "Prue: Yeah, uh, okay, I-I-I really appreciate the whole wax on wax off approach but couldn't your people just issue some kind of statement?", "Evan: What, are you kidding me? You're working the bad boy image.", "Prue: Evan, please.", "Evan: You got a cell phone?", "Prue: Course I do. (She hands it to him.) Who are you calling?", "Evan: Celebrity peep shows. They use tipsters to tell them what's going on, who's doing who. I'm the tipster. (He dials a number.) Copnec Julius. Shh. (in a weird voice) Hello, this is Julius. Evan Stone and his new girlfriend are at the baby sound stage. They're going off to dinner. Hurry down there if you want to catch them. (He hangs up and gives the phone back to Prue.) I say you've got about fifteen minutes to get out of here.", "Prue: You know you're going to get trampled.", "Evan: I'll handle it. I'll just tell them I dumped you. I'm a bad boy, remember.", "Prue: Sure you are. Thanks for the flowers.", "Evan: You deserve them. Along with that quiet normal life you seem to want so badly.", "Prue: Thanks.", "(She leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Some guys apartment. Dr. Williamson is there cutting out his kidney.]", "Dr. Williamson: You've been a very bad man, Mr. Mackinera. Selling guns to children. How very heartless of you.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's looking out the window. Phoebe's making a potion.]", "Piper: Prue must of done something to light a fire under those idiots, they're leaving.", "Phoebe: Good.", "(Phoebe pours some potion in a baby bottle.)", "Piper: Which one is that?", "Phoebe: Number eight. I combined two separation of power spells with a human from animal extraction spell.", "Piper: Okay, I have no idea what you just said.", "Phoebe: I'm getting the us out of them. And if it works, then hopefully we'll find Dr. Williamson.", "Leo: Well, first things first.", "Phoebe: Right.", "(Leo puts a bottle up to one of the monkeys and it drinks from it. Phoebe picks up a banana.)", "Piper: Okay, Prue monkey, look. (The monkey sees the banana and it uses Prue's power and the banana starts floating towards it. Stardust rises out of the monkey and the banana drops to the ground.) What was that?", "Leo: Delayed reaction.", "Piper: Phoebe, I think you did it.", "Phoebe: I did do it.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: Okay, here.", "(Phoebe takes the monkey off of Piper. Piper answers the door.)", "Morris: Tell me again I'm not hunting down some demonic son of a bitch.", "Piper: No, I told you when I called. He's a human being.", "Morris: With supernatural talent for butchery. In the past four hours, this Dr. Williamson has dropped off two more coolers at hospitals and he's not bothering to stitch up his victims anymore.", "Piper: He's killing people?", "Morris: Yes. Tell me where to find him.", "Piper: I don't know.", "Morris: We staked out all the hospitals but somehow he's getting in, dropping off his gifts and getting out without anybody seeing him. He's using your powers isn't he?", "Piper: Yes, but we found a way to stop him.", "Morris: Not if I stop him first.", "Piper: Darryl, don't kill him.", "Morris: Have you been listening to me? He may not give me a choice. The two people he killed, Frank McNamara and Arlen Jackson, they're criminals. But nobody deserves to die like that.", "Piper: If you try to stop him he will kill you. (Morris leaves.) McNamara. (She gets the jail ward list out of a coat pocket.) Phoebe, Leo. (Leo and Phoebe walk in.) We have to call Prue. I know where Williamson is.", "[Scene: Sally Dopler's place. She's fixing up computer parts.]", "Sally: Bobby, been busy while I was gone. You got a buyer for these? 'Cause I've got somebody in county that might be able to move them for ya. Bobby!", "(Dr. Williamson walks in holding a cooler.)", "Dr. Williamson: Was that his name?", "(Dr. Williamson puts down the cooler and gets ready to use Prue's power. Suddenly, he flies across the room and Prue, Piper and Phoene run in.)", "Prue: (to Sally) Get out of here now.", "(She grabs some computer parts and runs outside.)", "Piper: Dr. Williamson...", "Dr. Williamson: Piper.", "Piper: Listen to me, you're sick. You're doing terrible things.", "Dr. Williamson: I'm saving lives.", "Piper: No, you're hurting people.", "(She walks towards Dr. Williamson.)", "Prue: Piper, be careful.", "Piper: We have medicine for you. We think it might help.", "Dr. Williamson: You know, I really have you to thank for all this. I couldn't do it without you.", "Piper: Don't say that. Here, take this, it will make you better.", "(She holds the potion out for him and he makes her fly across the room.)", "Prue: Piper.", "(He does the same to Prue. Phoebe kneels down beside Piper. He walks over near Phoebe. Phoebe stands up.)", "Phoebe: We wanna help you.", "Dr. Williamson: I don't want your help. I'm doing great things, I'm saving lives. And I got a lot of work to do.", "Phoebe: Okay, uh, well, this is for the monkeys. (She punches him in the face.) And this is for my sisters. (She goes to kick him but he makes her fly across the room. She gets knocked unconscious. He steps on the potion and breaks the jar.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe and Piper are there. A map is on the table and Phoebe is holding a crystal above it. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Any luck?", "Phoebe: No, and I can't figure out another way to find him. All I have to do is locate him through his powers.", "Prue: Yeah, but his powers are our powers.", "Phoebe: Right, exactly, so the crystal keeps circling our street. And I keep finding us.", "Piper: Okay, keep trying.", "Prue: Guys, we need to talk about what we're gonna do.", "Piper: What do you mean? I thought we already had a plan, I mean, we have the elixir.", "Phoebe: No, not anymore, he trashed it.", "Piper: So we'll make more.", "Phoebe: With what? I have nothing else to use and the only shop that carries what I need closed four hours ago. And even if I made more elixir, Piper, we'd never get it into him. He's much stronger than we are.", "Piper: Guys, he was my doctor. He tried to save my life, remember.", "Prue: He could of killed us, Piper.", "Piper: But he didn't.", "Prue: No, but he might be out there right now trying to kill someone else. Look, we need to face the fact that he's one innocent that we might not be able to save.", "Piper: But he needs help.", "Prue: I know that, honey.", "Piper: Okay, then, so what are you suggesting? (Prue and Phoebe look at each other.) You guys wanna vanquish him? You can't be serious, he's, he's not a demon, he's a human being.", "Prue: Not anymore.", "Piper: But, okay, we can't use our powers to punish anyway you know that.", "Prue: Piper, we're not punishing, alright, we're saving lives. All you have to do is freeze him.", "Piper: And then what? You're gonna move him in the path of an oncoming bus, drop a building on him, kill him? (Leo walks in.) Leo, tell me you found something, anything.", "Leo: Sorry. I don't think there's anyway out of this one.", "Piper: I don't believe this.", "(The crystal points to a different place on the map.)", "Phoebe: I found him.", "[Scene: An abandoned building. Homeless people are sleeping there. Dr. Williamson is there. Prue, Piper and Phoebe arrive.]", "Piper: Dr. Williamson, we can help you but you have to stop hurting people.", "Dr. Williamson: If you say so. (He goes to throw the scalpel but Prue uses her power and it flies out of his hand. All the homeless people run outside.) You should of stayed away.", "(He uses Prue's power and a circular saw blade flies straight towards them. Piper freezes it.)", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper, freeze him, him, him.", "(She freezes him but he fights through it.)", "Piper: It's not working.", "Prue: Whatever you do, do not unfreeze that thing.", "(Dr. Williamson makes another one fly towards them and Prue uses her power to stop it and it continues to spin in one spot. They both use their powers to try and push it back towards each other.)", "Dr. Williamson: You know, I'm getting pretty good at this.", "Prue: Okay, he's really, really strong.", "Piper: I don't know how much longer I can hold this.", "Phoebe: Piper, you do not let that go, okay, you do not let that go!", "Piper: Okay, yelling does not help.", "Prue: Piper, when I tell you to, just let go.", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: But...", "Prue: We're done playing around. Hit the deck now.", "(Prue makes the blade fly in a different direction. They all duck and the other blade unfreezes. The blade rebounds off the wall and flies straight towards Dr. Williamson and hitts him in the chest. Dr. Williamson pulls the blade out and collapses on the floor.)", "Piper: No! (She runs over to him.) Oh, God. Please don't die. (She starts to cry.) Come on. Look at me, come on, come on. Please don't die.", "Phoebe: Piper, honey.", "Piper: I'm sorry.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe's putting their files in the fireplace.]", "Phoebe: Bye, bye, files.", "Prue: Well, at least everything's back to normal... (she looks over at the monkeys who are sitting on the couch eating stuff out of a bowl.) for us.", "Phoebe: At least we're safe.", "Prue: Yeah, what about them?", "Phoebe: Oh, they'll be safe tomorrow when I drop them off at the wild life conservatory. Hey, watch this. You guys, what do you think of evil?", "(One monkey covers its eyes, the other puts his fingers in its ears and the other covers its mouth. Prue and Phoebe laugh.)", "Prue: You're gonna miss them aren't you?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "(Piper walks in holding her files.)", "Prue: Hey, we've been wondering where you've been.", "Phoebe: Oh, you know what? I have something for you.", "(She gets a piece of paper out of her pocket and hands it to Piper.)", "Piper: What is this?", "Phoebe: Uh, ground rules for me.", "(Piper reads the note.)", "Piper: \"I want a man who hates my brand of cereal so there'll always be some for me. A man who's love will catch me by surprise.\" What is this?", "Phoebe: It's a wish list. I hope I find someone as great as Leo. You deserve the best and I think you found it.", "Piper: So you guys don't mind of he's hanging around a lot?", "Prue: We just want you to be happy, honey. (Piper walks over to the fireplace and puts her files in.) Piper.", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Piper: His name was Curtis.", "Phoebe: Who's name was Curtis?", "Piper: Dr. Williamson. I read it in his medical bio. His first name was Curtis. He never married because he was working all the time. Saving lives was more important to him than having a life of his own. Now his life is over and I can't help but feel responsible for that.", "Phoebe: We tried to save him.", "Piper: But we didn't.", "Prue: Because we couldn't.", "Piper: I couldn't.", "(She leaves the room.)", "Phoebe: Should we, uh...?", "Prue: No, not this time.", "[Cut to Piper's room. She walks in and closes the door. She sits on her bed and starts crying. Leo orbs in and sits down next to her. He puts his arm around her and pulls her close to him.]" ]
Astral Monkey
[ "Tiring of always losing to the Charmed Ones, the Infernal Council decide to send a Genie to destroy them by granting them each a wish. As a result, the sisters soon discover that their wishes come with consequences that could be deadly. It is only after the Genie agrees to undo the wishes do things return to normal that Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are able to vanquish the dragon warlock. To thank the Genie, the sisters agree to grant him a final wish. Piper goes with Leo to meet the Elders." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Brad Kern, Zack Estrin and Chris Levinson", "Story by: Brad Kern", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Council. It is dark and foggy. There are five hooded men standing in a circle and a dragon warlock standing in the middle. There is a genie bottle on the ground next to him.]", "Council #1: Council will remind you of the heavy losses emanating from this San Francisco. From what we have learned all of the witches there have been turned.", "Dragon Warlock: I descend from a long line of Dragon Warlocks. When my father died, he left me two things. The power of flight and the passion and hatred of those who killed him – witches. And I will not rest until I put all witches to rest.", "Council #2: The council is intrigued. However, all who have used force of these witches before have failed.", "Council #3: There is another way.", "(The man clicks his fingers and smoke blows out of the bottle. A male genie appears.)", "Dragon Warlock: A genie? You can't be serious.", "Council #3: Tell them what you told me.", "Genie: Well, actually that was kind of a just between you and me kind of thing.", "Council #3: Tell it!", "Genie: Right. Well, personally I think that the best way to destroy witches is not to treat them like witches at all. You treat them like humans. Most of your evil doers, naughty types, think it's best to deprive humans of what they desire. No. You wanna get them, you give them exactly what they desire. You grant them their wishes, it'll lead to their undoing.", "Council #2: We don't know that. He's a genie.", "Council #3: If council agrees how do we proceed?", "Genie: Just make sure that the bottle cross paths with the witches and let el Genie grande, take it from there.", "Dragon Warlock: With all due respect, Genie's only work for themselves. If he grants them three wishes, he goes free. How do you know that he won't betray you?", "Councillor#1: Remember, getting your freedom does not make you free from us.", "Councillor # 2: As long as you are a Genie we can find you anytime, anywhere.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe, Piper and Leo are there. Phoebe is groaning while Piper is bandaging up her ankle.]", "Phoebe: Check my to do list. It says bank, dry cleaners, pedicure. No where on the list does it say kick box a beast. Just walking along, minding my own business and ‘wham!' it was like a random attack, a demonic drive-by.", "Piper: Nothing in our lives is random anymore.", "Phoebe: You know, we keep saying that but what does it really mean? Is there some kind of cosmic order to all this? Are we on some kind of list? And if so, how many points are we worth?", "Leo: Phoebe", "Phoebe: What? We've had a great year, we've wiped out a tonne of nasties. I just wanna know if we've tripped some supernatural alarm or anything. Owie! And are we ever gonna learn what it really means?", "Leo: Well, not to sound all whitelightery but everything happens in its own time. You can't rush what's to be.", "Piper: Okay, how about what already is. Dan is back in town.", "Leo: So?", "Piper: So what am I gonna tell him? The last time I saw him he handed me proof that you were killed in 1942. He's gonna expect a reaction from me.", "Phoebe: How about \"Hey Dan, you're right, I am a necrophiliac.\"", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Ow! Why does everyone always Phoebe me?", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Hey.", "Piper: Where are you off to?", "Prue: Lunch date with Dick.", "Phoebe: Dull Dick? Prue, you are too hot to have to duty date.", "Prue: Yeah, well, all demon hunting and no play has made me a lot less picky. I gotta figure out a way to put some more balance in my life.", "Piper: Yeah, but you don't need Dick. (Prue, Phoebe and Leo smile.) What I mean is you should be excited to see the guy you're dating. You look like you're off to the inquisition.", "Prue: It's not that bad.", "Piper: Okay, I have to go open the club. Are you gonna be alright, Pheebs? (Piper stands up.)", "Phoebe: Yes. (Leo helps Phoebe up.) Thanks Leo. I'm gonna take a walk and try to loosen up my ankle. (They walk into the foyer and open the door. There is a box sitting on the doorstep. Prue picks it up.) What is that?", "Prue: I don't know. (Prue opens the lid.)", "Piper: Somebody got a secret admirer?", "(Piper takes a bottle out of the box.)", "Phoebe: Eww, it's so dusty. Who would send us something so dusty?", "(Phoebe rubs the bottle, the lid flies off and the genie appears.)", "Genie: Your wish is my command.", "(They stand there in awe.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Everyone's there including the Genie.]", "Phoebe: I don't get it. You've been stuck in that bottle for 200 years, someone finally sends you to us and you have no idea who licked the stamp? I kinda find that hard to believe.", "Prue: What, and a genie man standing in our living room wearing that offering to each grant a wish isn't?", "Genie: Well, I don't get it. You win the lotto and you're asking for explanations?", "Piper: Actually, we'd just like to know who to send the thank you note to.", "Genie: All I know is that you rubbed and now I serve. Oh, look at that. Mmm. Snacks. (He walks over to the table and picks up a peanut.) What I wouldn't give to taste food just once. Smell it even.", "Leo: I don't trust him. Genie's are tricksters by nature. They can and will do anything just to be freed.", "Genie: What are you the butler? Come on, everybody's got wishes. I mean, most people spend their entire lives with their wishes never coming true. Here's your chance.", "Phoebe: No way is this legit.", "Genie: Oh, you don't think so? Well, I'll tell you what is. I stay until I grant three wishes. One from each of you, those are the rules. No wishes, permanent house guest. And I snore, I make house calls I can't even pay for, you think I'm gonna be putting the CD's back in the right case? No. Alright, talk amongst5 yourselves, I'll be over here, alright. I have a hunch that I'm going to be here for a while. It's a nice house.", "(He walks into another room.)", "Prue: He's enjoying this.", "Piper: Alright, Leo, what else do you know about Genies?", "Leo: Well, the good thing is they're not evil by nature, they can't harm you unless you wish for something.", "(The genie is in the other room throwing a vase up in the air.)", "Prue: Well, I mean, what is so dangerous about a wish?", "Leo: Well, with genie's there's always a catch, an unseen consequence. For example, say a man wishes for a car, the next day his dad'll die and he'll inherit a car.", "Piper: So as long as we don't wish...", "Leo: You're free and clear.", "Prue: Clear enough to make a lunch date?", "Phoebe: If what Leo says goes, you two go on ahead. Leave the genie with the cripple, I'm not really in a wishing mood.", "(Prue kisses her on the cheek.)", "Prue: Thank you gimp.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: You sure?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'll look through the Book and see if we can UPS him back to wherever he came from.", "Piper: Alright.", "(Leo and Piper leave the room. The genie comes back in.)", "Genie: So, uh, what's it gonna be, master?", "[Scene: Cafe Le Blue. Prue is there with Dick. They are looking at menus.]", "Prue: So, um, have you been here before?", "Dick: Oh, it's close to the office. I don't like to take long lunches.", "Prue: What's good?", "Dick: Caesar's fine, pasta's fine, fish is fine, steak is...", "Prue: Fine.", "Dick: Yeah, actually, how'd you know?", "Prue: Wild guess. (mumbles behind the menu) What have I gotten myself into?", "(The genie appears really tiny and stands on the top of Dick's menu.)", "Genie: Hey, Dick.", "(The genie jumps in Dick's mouth and goes down his throat. Dick then starts acting like the genie. Dick dips his fingers in the butter.)", "Dick: Don't you just love butter? Oh, creamy goodness, to your health.", "(He licks off the butter.)", "Prue: Ah, Dick, are you...", "Dick: Sick and tired of trying to pass myself off of being half way worthy of dating you. You betcha. Look, you and I both know I'm dull as mud. I can't help it. I know who I am. I know I'm not the guy you're looking for.", "Prue: I...", "Dick: The question is what are you looking for? I mean come on, how did we make it to date three and you really know I'm not the guy.", "Prue: I don't know, you know, I mean, at this point I feel like dating's kind of a job, you know. I mean, you get none but you feel like it's your duty to stay out there. I just want to feel excited by love again. I wish it was like it the first time.", "Dick: Your wish is my command.", "(He clicks his fingers and you hear a chime.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe's flipping through the Book Of Shadows. Genie appears.]", "Genie: Hi. How about great fortune? You want that?", "Phoebe: After taxes, not worth it.", "Genie: No? Land, power, beauty?", "Phoebe: Nope.", "Genie: Okay, who am I kidding?", "Phoebe: Why are you not in this book?", "Genie: Because the only way to get rid of me is to make three wishes. Come on, large or small. I do all kinds. Only no world peace, I can't do that.", "Phoebe: The fine print of wishing. Your job has its limitations.", "Genie: Yeah, well, so does yours.", "(He looks at her foot.)", "Phoebe: Occupational hazard.", "Genie: Mmm hmm. Doesn't have to be. You could wish to be as powerful as you want.", "(She thinks about it for a second.)", "Phoebe: Nope, nope, I-I am not interested in that.", "Genie: Oh, not interested, not interested in absolute power. You're a rocket scientist.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Leo are sitting at a table.]", "Piper: I mean, poor Dan. It would be so much easier if I could be honest with him but other than saying 'Leo is a whitelighter' what am I gonna tell him?", "Leo: What more does he need to know?", "Piper: Well, maybe it's about what I need to know. I mean, you've been watching me my whole life and I don't even know where you spend yours.", "Leo: If there's anything you wanna know...", "Piper: It's not exactly about knowing, it's more about experiencing and experiencing it with you. I mean, I have no idea where you go when you orb out. Do you have a house? Friends? A CD player?", "(Leo smiles.)", "Leo: It's not really like that.", "(Dan walks in.)", "Piper: Dan.", "Dan: You have got to be kidding me.", "(He starts to leave.)", "Piper: Uh, uh, wait. (She stands up and walks over to him.) I think it's time we talked.", "Dan: I don't think there's anything to talk about, Piper. (The genie appears near by.) It's your life.", "Piper: Uh, Leo, can you give us a second please?", "Leo: Yeah, yeah.", "(Leo walks away.)", "Dan: What do you expect from me? I really like to know because at this point I really don't know what to expect from you. I mean, how can you be with this guy after everything I found out about him. He's a fraud.", "Piper: Dan, I know who Leo is. I always have.", "Dan: What?", "Piper: It's not that I don't appreciate everything you...", "Dan: Wait, I've spent all this time worrying about you, worrying about who he is and you've known all along?", "Piper: Well, uh, it's very complicated.", "Dan: Complicated. Complicated.", "(He leaves. Leo comes back.)", "Piper: He's right, he deserves to know but what am I gonna tell him, what am I gonna do? I wish there was somehow he could just move on with his life.", "Genie: Your wish is my command.", "(He clicks his fingers and disappears.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe's sitting in a chair reading a book. The genie appears right next to Phoebe and scares her.]", "Phoebe: Do not do that.", "Genie: Is that a wish?", "Phoebe: No, it is not a wish.", "Genie: So, figure out how to get rid of me yet?", "Phoebe: Yeah, all I have to do is get you back in the bottle. I have no idea how to do that but I will figure it out.", "Genie: Well, wish and it will be so. Otherwise your only shot is if I volunteered to leave willingly and, uh, news flash, (he sits on the footstool where Phoebe's foot is resting and he hits her ankle) that's not gonna happen.", "Phoebe: Oww!", "Genie: I'm sorry. Look, could you stop trying to banish me just long enough for me to try a little something on you. It's-it's-it's wish free.", "(The genie starts massaging her foot.)", "Phoebe: Ow, ow, ow. Wow, ooh, oh. How'd you learn how to do that?", "Genie: Little something a Sultan taught me.", "Phoebe: Um, just out of curiosity, what would you wish for yourself? I mean, you must of heard them all, right? So what would be your wish?", "Genie: That's easy. I wish for the little things, you know. Things people take for granted. I mean, the feeling of a sun tan, taste of ice cream, preferably chocolate. s*x. That looks like that could be a little bit of fun. To be human. Yeah, that's what I'd wish for. So what did you do to yourself here?", "Phoebe: I was demon dueling. One of my kicks was a little off centre.", "Genie: So, uh, did you finish them off with your scary witchy power?", "Phoebe: No, that, that is my power.", "Genie: That's it?", "Phoebe: That and premonitions.", "Genie: You're a witch with no real powers? I mean, no, you know, premonitions, those are, those are great but...", "Phoebe: I know, I know. I mean, I would love an active power but what can you do?", "(The genie stands up.)", "Genie: You just done it. (Phoebe throws down the book, stands up and covers her mouth.) And I know exactly where to get one.", "Phoebe: Was that a...?", "Genie: A wish? Yeah, yeah it was. (He clicks his fingers and a choker disappears from around his neck.) And that's three and I'm free.", "Phoebe: Three? That wasn't even one.", "Genie: That's three. I'm gone.", "(He starts leaving.)", "Phoebe: Okay, if you're free then where's my power? (He leaves.) Hello? Ge...", "[Cut to outside. Piper and Leo pull up in the car. Next door, Dan is talking to a real estate guy. He has a for sale sign on his lawn. Piper and Leo get out of the car.]", "Piper: Um, I'll be right back.", "(She walks next door.)", "Dan: Well, thank you very much for your time. I appreciate it.", "(They shake hands and the real estate guy leaves.)", "Piper: What's going on?", "Dan: I, uh, I got a job offer in Portland. I just thought I'd take it.", "Piper: Just like that?", "Dan: I just think it's time that I move on with my life, don't you? Look, I, uh, I really gotta go.", "Piper: Right. (Dan goes inside. Piper walks back over to Leo.) Something's not right.", "Leo: Well, it's probably for the best.", "Piper: No, something he said when I asked...", "(You hear Prue's car screeching down the street. Prue slams on the brakes and stops in front of the house. Prue gets out. She has a fringe and is wearing braces.)", "Prue: Hey. (She runs up the stairs.) Piper, check it out. So the valet guy said that this cool ride is mine. Can you believe it? Ooh, who's the cute boy?", "Piper: Prue?", "Prue: Hey, are you okay? I mean, don't take this the wrong way but you're looking kinda... old.", "Piper: And and you're back in braces.", "(Piper and Leo look at each other.)", "Phoebe: (from upstairs) Help! Is anyone home? Prue? Piper?", "[Cut to the attic. Piper, Leo and Prue walk in.]", "Leo: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: I'm up here. (Phoebe is floating up in the air.) I can't get down. I don't know how I got up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Leo's floating in the air and helping Phoebe down.]", "Leo: I've got you.", "Phoebe: Thank you, Leo.", "Leo: No problem.", "(They land on the ground.)", "Prue: That is so totally cool. So do I get that power when I get old too?", "Piper: Alright, let's get something straight. We are not old, we are just older than you are right now for some reason.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. Exactly how old are you?", "Prue: Seventeen.", "Piper: Seventeen? Prue was a nightmare at that age. Why would she wish for that?", "Leo: She probably didn't. She probably only wished for something she could only get by being seventeen. Which explains why she has no memory of being older.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but how is that even possible? I mean, it's so... (She starts floating again and Leo holds her arms.)", "Leo: Alright, you know what? How about you just keep your arms down until you learn how to work the controls.", "Phoebe: Got it. Good idea.", "Piper: (to Prue) Are you sure you don't remember anything about witches? Genies? Dick?", "Prue: No, but it sounds totally bitchin'. This is such a cool book. What is it?", "(She starts flipping the pages.)", "Piper: I'll tell you when you're older. Let go of it. Stop it. Stop it.", "Leo: You guys have another problem. At seventeen, Prue didn't have her powers yet which makes you guys more vulnerable.", "Phoebe: Yeah, especially if whoever sent the genie is a demon or something.", "(You hear the front door fly open from downstairs.)", "Dragon Warlock: Where's my power? I want it back.", "Phoebe: Who is that?", "Piper: A demon or something. (to Prue) You stay here.", "Phoebe: You stay.", "(Leo, Piper and Phoebe walk half way down the stairs.)", "Leo: Remember what I told you about wishes and strings attached? That genie gave you a power but he must of stolen it from him.", "Piper: So are we thinking demon or warlock?", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "(Prue comes down the stairs.)", "Prue: Oh my God, who's the hottie?", "Piper: Oh my God, get her out of here now. Go. (Leo takes her back upstairs. The dragon warlock breathes fire at them and Piper freezes it and him.) Okay.", "Phoebe: Okay, okay, alright.", "(Phoebe hops down the stairs with Piper's help.)", "Piper: Easy.", "Phoebe: Okay, now what?", "Piper: Well, we can't vanquish him if we don't know what he is.", "Phoebe: So why don't I just fly him outta here and dump him somewhere.", "Piper: I don't know, can you do that?", "Phoebe: I have no idea but I can try to do that. I mean, I've always wanted an active power, right?", "Piper: Uh huh.", "Phoebe: So let's see what it can do.", "Piper: Alright.", "Phoebe: Alright.", "(Phoebe raises her arms and she starts flying. She grabs the dragon warlock, he unfreezes and she flies outside.)", "Piper: Phoebe?", "(Phoebe flies above a park and drops him.)", "[Cut to the attic. Piper's there looking in the book. Leo walks in.]", "Leo: Your new little sister's in the bedroom checking out the clothes.", "Piper: Nice to see some things never change. Uh, I think I found our fire breather.", "(Phoebe flies past the window.)", "Phoebe: Uh, guys?", "Leo: (reading from the book) Dragon Warlock... (Piper looks behind her but is not sure where the noise is coming from.) Most feared witch killer there is. He can fly, breathe fire, (Phoebe flies past another window. Piper looks outside again but sees nothing.) has supernatural strength. You're gonna need the power of three to vanquish him.", "Piper: Which we don't have right now. (She starts walking towards the window.) If I ever find that genie again, I'm gonna wish him into oblivion. (Phoebe flies past the window again yelling.) Did you hear that?", "Leo: Hear what?", "(Suddenly, Phoebe flies straight towards the window and crashes through it. She slides across the floor. Her hair is all messed up.)", "Piper: Oh my God, are you alright?", "Phoebe: Uh huh.", "(Piper helps her up.)", "Piper: Alright.", "Phoebe: I'm great.", "Piper: Okay, alright, oh, oh, alright.", "Phoebe: Flying's awesome, it's the landing part that's a bitch.", "Piper: Yeah. Alright, Leo, how do we fix this?", "Phoebe: Oh, I know how to fix it. According to the book we've gotta get the genie back into the bottle. It's the only way to undo the wishes and make everything back to normal.", "Leo: Yeah, but first we gotta find him and we don't even known where to start.", "Phoebe: Well, he's really got a thing for food. Maybe he went back to that cafe where he found Prue.", "Leo: It's worth a try.", "[Scene: Cafe. The genie is there sitting at a table and shoving food in his mouth. Leo and Piper are near by. Piper freezes him and the restaurant and they walk over to him.]", "Piper: This guy's not a genie, he's a pig. (She unfreezes him.) Hi. Wanna know what I'm wishing for now?", "Genie: Look, uh, you're probably a little bit upset, huh?", "Piper: No, I've moved past upset and straight to pissed off. You tricked us and now there's a warlock that's trying to turn us into witch kebabs.", "Genie: Warlock? What warlock?", "Leo: A dragon warlock. The one you stole the flying power from. You remember him?", "Genie: Wow, he came already? Wait a second. How did he know where to look for it?", "Piper: I don't know, you tell us.", "Genie: Well, I didn't tell him. Look, they probably just tracked it somehow, that's all, I don't know. We're not partners. I got this gig on my own.", "Leo: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Gig? So somebody did send you. Who was it?", "Genie: Well, you see that's it, that's part of the genie client privilege thing. I couldn't possibly tell. Yeah, plus that and they'll kill me.", "Piper: They're gonna have to wait in line. Alright, let's go. (He picks up some food.) Put that down.", "Genie: Alright, just one more.", "Piper: Let's go. No. Put that down.", "Genie: You know, you are a real kill joy.", "Piper: You know what? You're going right back in that bottle, buddy. (The genie disappears.) What happened? Where did he go? I thought you said free genie's don't have powers.", "Leo: They don't. It's somebody who does must of wanted him badly.", "[Scene: At the Council. The Council, the dragon warlock and the genie are there.]", "Council #3: It has come to our attention that you have violated our pact. You accuser will speak.", "Dragon Warlock: He used the Halliwells' wishes not to destroy them but to free himself from his bottle.", "Council #1: What do you say to this charge?", "Genie: It was all part of the master plan, alright. And those witches would be dead right now if puff over here hadn't screwed everything up.", "Dragon Warlock: Screwed everything up? (He grabs the genie's clothes.) You stole a power from me.", "Genie: Borrowed, okay, the term is borrowed. And I knew (the dragon warlock lets go of his shirt) that it would, that it would piss you off so bad that you would be that that mush more motivated to get out there and kill you some witches, right?", "Council #2: But you plan failed. The dragon's attack was thwarted.", "Genie: Look, you don't go after the witches with powers, you go after the one without.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. Prue's there sitting on the bed. She's wearing a black low-cut blouse and a mini silver skirt. She opens up her purse and pulls out some money. She gets all excited, grabs her bag and coat and climbs out the window.]", "[Cut to downstairs. The phone's ringing. Phoebe answers it.]", "Phoebe: Hello?", "Morris: When I first got the call, I naturally dismissed as a crank. But I realised it was Deputy Marrow on the other end.", "Phoebe: Okay, Darryl, can you speed this up because I'm kinda busy right now.", "Morris: What, flying? (There's silence.) Now, see I've learned to interpret those pauses as admission.", "Phoebe: What did he see?", "Morris: Actually it was his wife. She swore she saw a brown hair, young woman fly over the house earlier... without a plane.", "Phoebe: How about a broomstick?", "Morris: Phoebe, this isn't funny. Just the fact that a call like that got brought up to me gives you some idea of the pressure that I'm under here.", "Piper: (from other room) Phoebe?", "Phoebe: In here. (to Morris) Okay, Darryl, I'm really sorry okay, it won't happen again but I gotta go, bye, bye, bye. (Piper and Leo walk in.) You didn't find the genie?", "Piper: We did but then we lost him. Where's Prue?", "Phoebe: Upstairs, reminding me what a pain she was at seventeen.", "Piper: Now you know why she was lucky to make it to eighteen.", "Leo: Why? What do you mean?", "Phoebe: Well, you remember it better than I do.", "Piper: It was Prue's rebellious stage. She thought everything bad was good, especially the guy she thought she was in love with.", "Phoebe: Until he attacked her.", "Leo: What?", "Piper: And Grams went crazy when she found out. Come to think of it, that guy disappeared not too long after that. You don't suppose Grams... (the doorbell rings) I'll get it. You go watch Prue. (Phoebe goes upstairs. Piper opens the door and a really old man is standing there.) Can I help you?", "Man: Piper, why the hell is this happening to me?", "(Phoebe comes back downstairs.)", "Phoebe: Prue snuck out of her window, we have to go find her.", "Piper: Phoebe, that's Dan.", "[Scene: Prue's driving along in her car. She has the radio on. She checks herself out in the mirror and then sees the dragon warlock standing in the middle of the road. She slams on the breaks. He walks up to the car.]", "Dragon Warlock: How about a lift?", "(She smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. Piper's trying to call Prue. Phoebe's touching things trying to get a premonition.]", "Piper: She's not answering.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe she doesn't know how. Were there even cell phones ten years ago?", "Piper: She knows what a ringing phone sounds like doesn't she?", "Phoebe: Maybe I should fly around and see if I can spot her car.", "Piper: You'll never be able to find it. You have a hard enough time controlling your power in the day time let alone at night.", "Phoebe: Why can't I get a premonition when I want to? If I had one wish right now, that's what it would be.", "Piper: At least your wish isn't hurting anyone. Look what mine did.", "Phoebe: That's not your fault.", "Piper: How can it not be? Dan is aging because I wished for him to move on with his life. He would be fine if it wasn't for me. It's not fair, he doesn't deserve this. It's bad enough the wishes are biting us in the ass but not him. This shouldn't be happening to him.", "Phoebe: We have to find the genie. It's the only way to save Dan... and Prue.", "[Scene: Golden Gate Park. Prue is parked there. Prue and the dragon warlock are sitting in the car. Music is playing softly on the radio.]", "Prue: So, um, what you, you don't have a name?", "Dragon Warlock: I go by a lot of names. Depends where I am.", "Prue: So why are my sisters scared of you? Why did you come to our house tonight?", "Dragon Warlock: Because they have something that I want. Something's that mine. Are you scared of me?", "(Prue laughs.)", "Prue: No. (They kiss. The phone rings and Prue picks it up of the dashboard.) God, it's ringing again. How do you turn it off? (The dragon warlock presses a button. They continue kissing and he gets a bit rough.) Easy. Okay, hey, hey, hey. Easy.", "(He grabs her around the neck and his eyes glow red.)", "Dragon Warlock: (In a demonic voice) Are you scared of me now? (She screams and opens the car door. She runs away. The dragon warlock gets out of the car and the genie walks up to him.) Won't be too long before she calls her sisters to come rescue her. It's the perfect trap.", "Genie: You didn't hurt her did ya? Because I thought I heard screams.", "Dragon Warlock: You've spent too much time with humans already. Developing a conscience. (He grabs the genie around the neck.) If you want your freedom, you do exactly as I say. You understand?", "Genie: Absolutely.", "Dragon Warlock: Hmm mmm.", "(He lets go of the genie and walks off.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Dan's on the couch. Piper and Leo walk in. Leo sits on the end of the couch and kneels on the floor.]", "Piper: Dan, I'm so sorry.", "Dan: I don't understand.", "Piper: This is going to be hard for me to explain and even harder for you to believe. We're witches. Prue, Phoebe and myself. And not your everyday kind of witches. We have supernatural powers that we use to fight off... (she pauses and looks at Leo) demons and warlocks. You know all the family emergencies that I used to have? Um, I never told you before because I didn't want you to be hurt because of it. I didn't want something like this to happen to you.", "Leo: And I'm the same Leo Wyatt that died in 1942. I'm a Whitelighter, a guardian angel for witches.", "Dan: Yeah, right.", "(Leo stands up and orbs out and then back in. Piper touches Dan's hand but he pulls it away.)", "[Cut to Prue's room. Phoebe's there. She picks up Prue's purse off the bed and has a premonition of the genie's bottle falling under the chair.]", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe comes down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Piper! (Piper and Leo walk out of the living room.) I just had a premonition. I have no idea what it means...", "(The phone rings. Piper answers it.)", "Piper: Hello?", "[Cut to Prue. She's hiding in the bushes, talking on her cell phone. She's breathing heavily and crying.]", "Prue: Piper, thank God, you have to help me.", "[Cut back to the manor.]", "Piper: Prue?", "Phoebe: Where is she?", "[Cut back to Prue.]", "Prue: Piper, he's trying to kill me... dragon... he's trying to kill me and I don't think he's human.", "Piper: Okay, calm down. Uh, where is he now?", "Prue: I don't know. I think he's, he's following me. You have to come quick.", "Piper: Okay, Prue, where are you?", "Prue: Golden Gate Park.", "Piper: Okay, listen to me. Go to the lake where dad used to take us fishing, remember? And hide under the bridge until we get there, okay.", "Prue: I think he's coming.", "[Cut back to the manor.]", "Piper: Prue? Prue?", "(The phone goes dead.)", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: The dragon's after her.", "(Piper and Phoebe grab their coats.)", "Leo: It's a trap, you know it's a trap.", "Phoebe: It doesn't matter, Leo, we have to go anyway.", "Leo: Alright, well, at least go with a plan. Try using your new power, fly over head, spot him before he spots you.", "Piper: Alright. (She kisses Leo in the cheek.) Uh, stay with Dan. We'll be back.", "Leo: You better be.", "Piper: We gotta hurry, it's gonna be light soon.", "(They leave.)", "[Scene: Golden Gate Park. It's daylight. Phoebe and Piper pull up in the car. They get out.]", "Piper: Okay, you think you can control the power this time?", "Phoebe: I'll have to, I have no choice. Alright, I'll spot the dragon, you freeze him.", "Piper: Then we find Prue and get the hell outta here. Alright, go, fly.", "(Phoebe raises her arms and she flies up into the air. Prue comes running towards Piper.)", "Prue: Piper! Piper! Piper!", "Piper: Prue!", "(Piper starts running towards her.)", "Prue: Piper!", "Piper: No, Prue, shh. Go back! Go, go! (The genie runs out from behind a tree and grabs Piper. The dragon warlock also runs out from behind a tree and grabs Prue.) What are you doing? Let go of me.", "Genie: I'm sorry.", "Piper: Let her go! Let go of her damn it!", "(The dragon warlock pulls out a knife.)", "Prue: Piper.", "Piper: No.", "(The dragon warlock sees Phoebe flying.)", "Dragon Warlock: Come on. Keep coming. Come and save your little sister.", "Phoebe: No.", "Piper: No, no, no, no. (The dragon warlock plunges the knife into Prue's back.) Nooo!", "(Phoebe flies towards the ground.)", "Phoebe: Prue!", "(She lands flat on her stomach on the ground.)", "Dragon Warlock: Time to get my power back.", "(He throws Prue on the ground and heads over to Phoebe.)", "Piper: Let go. (The genie lets go of her, she freezes the dragon warlock and runs over to Prue.) Prue!", "(Phoebe gets up and runs towards Prue. Piper kneels down next to Prue.)", "Phoebe: (crying and panicking) Oh my God, oh my God, what do we do, what do we do?", "Piper: Leo can heal her. I know he can. We just need to get her home. Go get the car, Phoebe, go get the car.", "Phoebe: Oh my God.", "(Phoebe runs off.)", "Genie: Oh my God, what have I done?", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe and Piper are carrying Prue through the back door into the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: Leo! Leo!", "(Leo comes in. Phoebe and Piper lay Prue on the floor.)", "Leo: What happened?", "Piper: Never mind, just heal her. Quickly, come on. (Leo kneels down beside Prue and holds his hands above Prue. His hands glow but doesn't heal Prue.) What's the matter? Why isn't it working?", "Phoebe: Leo.", "Leo: I can't heal the dead.", "(Phoebe and Piper cry harder.)", "Piper: Yes you can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Conservatory. Piper and Phoebe are sitting on the chair crying and holding each other. Leo and the genie walk in. Piper and Phoebe stand up.]", "Phoebe: What the hell is he doing here?", "Leo: Wait, wait, just hear him out, he may have an idea.", "Genie: Listen, I'm so sorry. All I ever wanted was my freedom, that's it, that's all that I was thinking about. I'm just a genie...", "Piper: Get to the point!", "Leo: He's willing to give up his freedom. Go back in the bottle and return everything to the way it was.", "Phoebe: Even Prue?", "Genie: It should. I mean, technically teenage Prue is the one who got killed, not adult Prue.", "Piper: How do we know this isn't just another trick?", "Leo: Well, if it gets Prue back you'll have the power of three to vanquish the dragon. What have you got to lose?", "(Piper and Phoebe look at each other and then Phoebe takes the lid off the genie's bottle.)", "Phoebe: After you.", "(The genie claps his hands once and rubs them together. He disappears into the bottle.)", "Piper: Try to fly.", "(Phoebe lifts her arms and nothing happens. Phoebe runs in the kitchen and Leo and Piper run in the living room.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Prue changes back to an adult.]", "[Cut to the living room. Dan changes back also.]", "Piper: Prue.", "(Leo and Piper head towards the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe has Prue's head resting on her lap. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Piper: It worked. Dan's...", "Phoebe: No it didn't.", "Dan: All it did was turn her back into her adult self, it didn't save her.", "Piper: Wait, the genie's back in the bottle, so if we can get him out, then we have three more wishes, right?", "Phoebe: All we need is one.", "[Cut to the conservatory. Piper comes running in heading towards the bottle. The dragon warlock crashes through the window and pushes Piper on the floor. The bottle gets knocked under a chair like in Phoebe's premonition. Phoebe and Leo come in. Dan comes in from the other room.]", "Dan: Piper?", "Phoebe: Dan get down!", "(The dragon warlock turns around and blows fire at Dan. Dan dives on the floor. Phoebe kicks the dragon warlock in the stomach and he blows fire at her. Leo pulls her out of the way and they crouch around the corner.)", "Leo: You see where the bottle went?", "Piper: No, I have no idea. Wait, yeah, in my premonition. You distract him.", "Leo: Right.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Dragon Warlock: Too bad you don't have my power anymore.", "(Leo orbs in behind the dragon warlock.)", "Leo: Hey, dragon breath, over here.", "(The dragon warlock turns around. Phoebe runs over to the chair and gets the bottle. The dragon warlock blows fire at Leo and he dives out of the way. Phoebe rubs the bottle and the genie appears.)", "Phoebe: I wish Prue were alive. (The genie clicks his fingers.) Piper, go check on Prue.", "(Piper goes in kitchen.)", "Dragon Warlock: Where the hell did you come from?", "Genie: Oh, no, no, that's where you came from.", "(Piper and Prue walk in.)", "Piper, Prue: \"The power of three will set us free, the power of three will set us free.\"", "(They repeat it two more times. The genie starts flying and heads for the window. He explodes.)", "[Scene: Outside Dan's house. Piper walks up the stairs and rings the doorbell. Dan answers the door.]", "Piper: Hi.", "Dan: Piper, I really don't feel like talking right now.", "(He starts to close the door.)", "Piper: Wait, wait, wait. We're gonna have to talk sometime.", "Dan: No, we don't. I don't know how you expect me to react to your secret but I don't... I'm really sorry you told me. I wish you never did, I wish I never saw what I saw. I never imagined things like that even existed.", "Piper: Dan...", "Dan: Please, just go away. I don't wanna know anymore and I don't wanna know anymore about you.", "(Dan closes the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Phoebe, Leo and the genie are there.]", "Genie: They call themselves the council and they're scary dudes. Very high up on the evil food chain. It's only gonna be a matter of time before they send somebody looking for you.", "Prue: Just means we're doing something right if we got their attention.", "Phoebe: Plus it means that there's some method to this wiccan madness, some greater purpose. It's nice to finally know.", "Leo: Be careful what you wish for.", "Phoebe: Oh, I am a reformed wish-a-holic, believe me. I'm in no hurry to get any new powers.", "Prue: Yeah, besides, the power that you already have is the one that saved the day anyway.", "Phoebe: I know and I love it. I just have to work on controlling it better.", "Prue: Yeah, and I'm gonna concentrate on finding Mr. Right, not settling for Dick.", "(Prue and Phoebe smile.)", "Genie: Well, speaking of wishes, you still got two left, you know.", "Prue: Yes, we know and we already know what one of them is if you're up to it that is. We want to make you mortal. Keep you off of the councils radar once and for all.", "Leo: True freedom. And not just from the bottle although mortality is the consequence.", "Phoebe: And feelings too. Even the painful ones.", "Genie: That's okay. I think I'm ready, I'm feeling very sensitive these days. (Piper walks in.) Let me ask you something. Why would you do that for me? I mean especially after I helped kill you.", "Prue: Yeah, well, you also helped bring me back. And besides, once you're human, we don't have to worry about you tricking us again.", "Piper: But there's one wish you have to grant first. One that I need. I want Dan to have peace of mind, to forget about all the horrible things that have happened in the last couple of days. About who we all really are. I wish that Dan could truly move on with his life without consequences.", "Genie: Your wish is my command.", "(He clicks his fingers and the choker around his neck disappears. Piper walks outside and sees Dan in his front yard picking up the paper. He looks over at Piper and she waves. He waves back and goes inside. The genie comes outside.)", "Piper: No tricks, right?", "Genie: No tricks. I promise. I've got no powers.", "(The genie leaves. Piper walks back inside and Leo, Phoebe and Prue are standing in the foyer.)", "Prue: Well, that was an interesting couple of days.", "Phoebe: Interesting couple of years.", "(The Whitelighters call Leo.)", "Leo: They're calling me, I've gotta go.", "Piper: Not so fast. If we're ever gonna make this work I think I deserve to know a little bit more about you, don't you think?", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Piper: I mean, I'm going with you, Leo. I'd like to meet 'them'.", "Leo: Are you sure?", "Piper: Positive. (Piper puts her arms around him.) Take me to your leader.", "Phoebe: Uh, Piper? Wh-wh-whatta?", "Piper: Don't worry, I'll be back.", "(They orb out.)", "Phoebe: Worried? I'm not worried, I mean of course they'll be back, right?", "Prue: Of course, I mean why would we worry?", "(Prue and Phoebe look at each other, obviously worried. Phoebe walks away. Prue looks at the door, raises her hand and uses her power to close it.)" ]
Be Careful What You Witch For
[ "While Piper and Leo are away for a month seeing The Elders, Prue and Phoebe must face a series of demons known as Guardians, who help mortal murderers go free in exchange for the souls of their victims. After saving Darryl from a Guardian, Prue and Phoebe must testify in court, where it is later revealed that the judge and all the other people in the court room are demons. Phoebe falls in love with the District Attorney Cole Turner ( Julian McMahon ), however she does not know he is a demon sent by The Triad to kill the Charmed Ones. Meanwhile, Piper and Leo return and reveal that The Elders want them to end their relationship or else the sisters will get a new Whitelighter . However, Leo decides to propose to Piper in secret." ]
[ "[Scene: Attic. Prue is sitting on the floor looking through the Book of Shadows. The camera looks at a dolls, and a teddy bear. The cuckoo clock cuckoo's. Prue gasps. It's 2 in the morning. She looks back at the book. The door behind Prue slams open and it's Phoebe. Prue uses her power to send Phoebe (not knowing it's her) flying on an old bed.]", "Phoebe: Ahhh. (The old bed tumbles over.) Oh.", "Prue: Oh. Oh god. (She goes to help Phoebe stand up.) Phoebe, I didn't realize you were home. Are you OK?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Prue: I'm sorry. Are you alright?", "Phoebe: I'm fine. (Phoebe stands up.) Uh, feeling a little jumpy are we?", "Prue: Well, yeah. Especially now that we know the evil triad is behind all those attacks.", "Phoebe: Um, yeah. I don't need a recap, but what I do need... is some heat. Is it freezing in here? Did you forget to pay the gas bill?", "Prue: I thought that you were supposed to pay the gas bill.", "Phoebe: No, Prue. I was going to take care of the club and you were going to take care of the house. Remember? When school started back up for me?", "Prue: Oh, right. Uh, I'll call the gas company first thing. I will be so glad when Piper gets back.", "Phoebe: What if she doesn't? (A phone rings.)", "Prue: Uh, that's my fax. (She goes to get it.) Doesn't what? (Phoebe puts her purse on.)", "Phoebe: Wh-what if she doesn't come back? (Prue picks up the Book of Shadows.) I mean, what if when her and Leo orbed out, it was for good?", "Prue: Phoebe, that is ridiculous. (Prue leaves. Phoebe follows.)", "Phoebe: No Prue. It's not ridiculous. Think about it. We have not heard from her in a month. And that's not like her.", "Prue: All right. Look, Piper is not going to just ditch us, okay? We're her sisters and neither is Leo. He's our white-lighter too.", "(They get to the second floor.)", "Phoebe: Then why hasn't she contacted us? I mean, she has to know that we're worried about her. She also has to know that she's left us one sister short in the power of three. (They walk downstairs.) So, while she is up romping around the clouds with Leo, we've got our wiccan butts flapping around in the wind here. I mean, we are very lucky, Prue, that we have not been attacked yet.", "(Prue stops at the end of the stairs.)", "Prue: No. It has absolutely nothing to do with luck. The triad is up to something. We just don't know what it is yet.", "Phoebe: That's exactly my point. Piper knows this. So where the hell is she?", "Prue: Well, that's why I've been studying the book.", "Phoebe: Prue, studying the book is not going to do it. We're screwed without Piper and you know this. Why aren't you worried?", "Prue: I am worried. Alright? I am scared that you're right, that we're never going to see her again, and not because she doesn't want to come back, but because they won't let her. Because she broke one too many rules. (The phone rings.)", "Phoebe: Who's calling us at 2 in the morning? (Prue goes to answer it as Phoebe follows.)", "Prue: Probably Darryl. (She answers it.) Hello?", "Darryl: Did you get the fax I sent?", "Prue: Yeah. I was just about to check it. (She heads for the conservatory with Phoebe following her.) Hold on.", "Phoebe: What's going on?", "Prue: Darryl's tracking a murder suspect who he thinks is in league with a demon.", "Phoebe: Based on what?", "Prue: Based on the fact that the killer carves a demonic symbol into its victim's forehead. (She gives Phoebe a piece of paper with a photograph of a victim.) An inverted triangle. That and the fact that he magically seems to be invading arrest. (Prue begins looking through the book.)", "Phoebe: Looks like a rune to me.", "Prue: Yeah. I saw it in here somewhere. (Into the phone) Darryl, is he still at the pier street rave?", "[Cut to Darryl. He's in a club with people dancing. He's talking on a cell phone. Loud soft music is playing (not love songs). Darryl is looking at a man (Later known as Emilio.)]", "Darryl: Yeah, but I think he's on the move. I don't think he spotted me yet. He's heading out the back.", "[Cut to Manor. Prue turns a page and sees the same symbol on the forehead of the demon drawn in the book. They're Guardians. Prue points to him.]", "Prue: There.", "Phoebe: (Reading from the book.) “An opening by which demons known as the guardians steal an innocent soul.”", "(Prue looks at her.)", "Prue: (Into the phone.) Stay away from him Darryl.", "[Cut to Darryl.]", "Darryl: And let him kills somebody else? (Emilio goes outside.) I don't think so.", "Prue: No. Listen to me.", "[Cut to Manor.]", "Prue: These guardians protect they're mortal killers in exchange for their victim's souls.", "[Cut to Darryl. He leaves the building.]", "Prue: You cannot stop him.", "Darryl: Listen Prue. I can take care of myself. I gotta call you back. I'm not sure where this guy is.", "(Emilio swings down from the top of a pole and knocks Darryl out.)", "[Cut to Manor.]", "Prue: Darryl?", "[Cut to Darryl. Emilio picks up the phone.]", "Prue: Darryl? (He hangs it up.)", "[Cut to Manor. Prue hangs up and walks in the kitchen with Phoebe following.]", "Prue: Alright. We're only uh, 3 minutes away.", "Phoebe: What do we do once we get there?", "Prue: How about save Darryl's life? (Prue goes to get her purse.)", "Phoebe: No. I mean about the guardian. We don't even know how to vanquish it.", "Prue: Well, the book says you kill it just like you would a vampire, with a stake. (Prue leaves.)", "Phoebe: Oh. Okay. (To the ceiling.) Piper, where are you? (She follows Prue.)", "[Cut to Darryl. Emilio is kneeling by him. We hear soft chanting. He's about to strike him. A girl in her early 20s walks by and sees this. She gasps. Emilio sees her and she runs away. He follows her. She bangs on the door. He tries to stake on her, but she ducks and runs the other way. She tries to climb up, but he pulls her down.]", "Woman: Please don't hurt me. (She screams and he kills her. He lies her on the floor.)", "[Scene: Inside the building. Prue, wearing a coat, and Phoebe are walking through the crowd.]", "[Cut to outside. Emilio carves the triangle into the woman's forehead as soft chanting is heard. The triangle glows. The guardian is a spirit and rises from Emilio. A dark blue light goes into him. The guardian goes back into Emilio. He walks to Darryl.]", "[Cut to Prue and Phoebe. They walk outside and see the woman dead. They then turn around to see Emilio trying to do the same thing to Darryl.]", "Phoebe: Darryl. Prue! (Prue uses her power to send Emilio flying on top of a dumpster. They run to check Darryl. The guardian arises from Emilio.) He's alive.", "Prue: Uh, I think I've found the guardian. (Phoebe and Prue stand up.)", "Phoebe: Okay. Get rid of it.", "Prue: Uh, oh.", "(Prue uses her power to send a stick into the guardian, but it goes right through him.)", "Phoebe: Wait. Didn't the book say they were just like vampires?", "Prue: I might have mis-read that part.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry? (The guardian picks up the knife.) Okay. The rune. Aim for the rune. (Prue uses her power to send a stick flying into the guardian's triangle on his forehead. He gets electrocuted and disappears.) Okay, if Piper ever comes back, I am going to kill her.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: From before. The police put the woman in a body bag. Phoebe and Prue are with Darryl, who's awake and being checked by a medical.]", "Phoebe: Poor girl.", "Medical: Do you feel dizzy at all? Nauseous?", "Darryl: No.", "Medical: Trouble focusing? Headache?", "Darryl: I'm telling you I'm fine. Only thing wounded is my pride.", "Prue: Is he fine?", "Medical: Yeah. Thanks to you guys.", "Prue: What do you mean thanks to us?", "Medical: Well, you fought off the attacker didn't you? (Emilio walks towards the police car, staring at Prue and Phoebe with an evil grin on his face.) Isn't that what happened?", "Prue: Uh, yeah, you know, it wasn't really that big of a deal.", "Medical: Well, you saved his life. I think that's a pretty big deal. You're a lucky man, Inspector. Take care.", "Darryl: Thanks.", "(The medical grabs his bag and walks away.)", "Phoebe: Okay, can we go now?", "Darryl: No. You have to get witness statements.", "Prue: Uh, Darryl...", "Darryl: Prue, you're witnesses to a crime. In this case the only witnesses.", "Phoebe: No, Darryl, we can't be witnesses. We used our powers to stop the killer, what are we supposed to say?", "Prue: And he saw us use them too.", "Darryl: Nobody's gonna believe anything that sleaze ball has to say. All you have to do is get your story straight.", "Phoebe: You mean get our lies straight.", "Darryl: Phoebe, listen to me, without your testimony, Emilio walks.", "(Prue looks over at Emilio and he is still grinning at them.)", "Prue: What is he smiling at anyway? It's not like he has his guardian demon to protect him anymore.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and unfortunately our guardian angel is no where to be found. (She looks up.) We sure could use some cosmic help right now. What are we supposed to do? We've never been in this situation before.", "Darryl: You better decide fast. Here comes the ADA.", "(A really cute ADA approaches them.)", "Cole: Ladies. My name is Cole Turner and I'm the Assistant District Attorney assigned to this case. I was wondering if either of you saw what happened here.", "(Phoebe raises her hand.)", "Phoebe: I did!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Court Room. Prue and Phoebe are sitting on one the benches. Cole is standing in front of them.]", "Cole: I think we're in good shape except for the, what'd you call the murder weapon? A-a athamee?", "Phoebe: Athame. It's a ceremonial knife used by (Prue looks at her.) Um, lots of different crazy people.", "Cole: And are you sure you didn't see who took it?", "Phoebe: No, we were there to check up on Darryl and...", "Prue: Probably just some lunatic from the rave. Will it hurt the case?", "Cole: The P.D. will try to focus on it but this is just an arraignment, unless there's something I don't know about, we should have more than enough for the judge to hold him over for trial. Don't worry, I'm good at what I do.", "(The judge enters the room.)", "Bailiff: All rise. Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge William Hamilton now presiding. Please be seated.", "Phoebe: (to Prue) I'm nervous.", "Prue: Oh, you know. Witches and trials. It's that whole Salem thing.", "Phoebe: No. I mean about lying. It just doesn't feel right, Prue.", "Prue: Would it feel more right to just let him go?", "Court Clerk: Case number B684400. The state of California versus Emilio Smith. One count of murder in the first degree, one count attempted murder.", "(Cole stands up.)", "Cole: Assistant District Attorney Cole Turner for the state.", "(The P.D. stands up.)", "Alan: Public Defender Alan Sloan for the defense.", "Judge: How does the defendant plead?", "Alan: Not guilty, your Honor.", "Judge: So noted. Mr. Turner, I have read your brief, do you have anything to add?", "Cole: No, your Honor. The state stands by the arrest report and the eye witness testimonies.", "Judge: Mr. Sloan?", "Alan: Well, uh, it seems to me, your honor, you can't very well hold for a murder trial without a murder weapon.", "Cole: The State has already stipulated that the alleged murder weapon is still outstanding. We have two eyewitnesses who--", "Alan: Saw what, exactly? My client bent over the Inspector? That's how they justify the attack? How do they know he didn't just happen to cross the scene, and was trying to revive the inspector.", "Phoebe: Oh, please!", "(The judge bangs his mallet.)", "Judge: Order!", "(Cole looks at Phoebe and she mouths 'sorry'.)", "Alan: And why, if they were able to so easily able to subdue him, don't they know exactly what happened to the alleged weapon? I mean, what? Did it just poof! magically disappear?", "Cole: Objection!", "Phoebe: Oh God, he knows.", "Prue: Easy.", "Cole: Your honor, the witnesses aren't on trial here.", "Alan: Why? Isn't perjury legal?", "Cole: Objection, your honor!", "Judge: Mr. Turner, unless you have something else or can produce the alleged murder weapon, I'm inclined to agree with Mr. Sloan.", "Cole: You're what?", "Judge: Do you or don't you have any additional evidence?", "Cole: You mean asside the fact that he's the prime suspect in three other murders but no less then five people saw him leave the rave just before the attacks and that everything other than the missing murder weapon makes this in any other courtroom a slam dunk?", "Judge: The charges are dropped, the defendant is released.", "(He bangs his mallet.)", "Cole: I don't believe this.", "Bailiff: Next case.", "(Emilio and Alan stand up. Emilio grins at Prue and Phoebe as they walk past them.)", "Cole: Yeah, you keep smiling, punk. (Cole grabs his jacket.) I'm not giving up until I see you fry.", "Darryl: Come on, Turner, this isn't gonna solve anything.", "Alan: (to Emilio) Let's go. Let's go.", "(They leave the room.)", "Phoebe: (to Cole) I'm so sorry, I wish that there was more that we could do.", "Cole: If there's something you're not telling me, anything, if your afraid of him we can protect you. I can re-file.", "Prue: Um, we have to go. Sorry.", "(They walk away.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue and Phoebe are there. Prue's looking in the Book Of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: We shouldn't have lied.", "Prue: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: We shouldn't have. We should've told the truth. We should've done whatever we had to do to keep that jerk from walking.", "Prue: Like what? Say what really happened to that knife? Tell the court that we're witches?", "Phoebe: Why not, Prue? Isn't it more important to keep a killer off the streets then to protect our secret?", "Prue: Phoebe, the Judge would've thought that we were nuts and you know it.", "Phoebe: Not if you proved it to them and showed them your power.", "Prue: No, that wouldn't have put Emilio away, that would've put us away, and then we would never have the chance of catching him again.", "Phoebe: And would that be before or after he kills somebody else? I'm sorry, you know I'm just really frustrated about all this. What about that public defender? I mean, if Emilio really did tell that P.D. about us, then why didn't he spill the magic beans?", "Prue: Same reason as us, credibility. What I'm curious about is, is he mortal or is he demon?", "Phoebe: All I know is Cole is an angel. He was awesome in that court room yesterday.", "Prue: See something you like, sis?", "Phoebe: Maybe, or maybe it's just nice to run into someone that's not a college boy. More years, less hormones.", "Prue: Yeah, not a bad butt either.", "(Piper and Leo orb in.)", "Piper: We've been through this, Leo. I don't care if they are. It's not right and it's not fair.", "Leo: I know that, but it's their rules.", "Piper: Screw their rules. They're wrong.", "Prue: Piper", "Piper: Just a second. Leo, you better do something about this because this is not acceptable.", "Leo: Piper, come on.", "Piper: Oh. (She freezes him.) I'm gonna go to the club. Do not tell him.", "(She leaves.)", "Prue: Hi, welcome home!", "Phoebe: Okay, what was that all about? I didn't even get to bitch at her.", "Prue: Yeah, neither did I.", "(Leo unfreezes.)", "Leo: We have to talk about it.", "Prue: Leo, she left.", "Phoebe: Yeah, so now I get to bitch at you. Listen, the next time you take my sister some place, please, call and let us know that you got their safely, okay. I don't care if it's up there--", "Prue: Okay, oh, shh. Leo, uh, can you do me a favour and just go find out everything you can on guardians. They are demons. Okay, thank you, bye.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Excuse me, but I have issues.", "Prue: Yes, I know, so do I, but Leo looked pretty beaten up already.", "Phoebe: Yeah, you're right, which is why I'm now gonna go kick Piper's ass.", "(She grabs the car keys and heads towards the door.)", "Prue: Oh, oh!", "(Prue closes the front door using her powers.)", "Phoebe: Okay, we have had this conversation. You are not allowed to use your active power on me until I have an active power to use on you, remember?", "Prue: I know, and I'm sorry, alright. But if anybody's gonna talk to Piper it should be me, okay. Cool our heads and all. Besides, shouldn't you be at class?", "(Prue takes the keys off of Phoebe and leaves.)", "[Scene: P3. Prue is walking down the stairs.]", "Prue: Piper?", "(Piper walks in holding a notebook.)", "Piper: This is really weird. My supplies are, like, gone. There's no booze, there's no mineral water and we're even out of pretzels. Plus the books are all messed up. How did this happen in one lousy day?", "Prue: One day? You're kidding, right? Piper, you have been gone for one month.", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Prue: Here. (She picks up a newspaper off of the bench.) Check the date. (She does so.)", "Piper: October? It's October? How is this possible? I guess time moves a little bit differently up there.", "Prue: Yeah, well, it doesn't keep your head from being bitten off down here.", "Piper: Are you talking about demons?", "Prue: Oh, no, something so much worse than demons. Sisters. Especially Phoebe. We thought that you had abandoned us.", "Piper: That's ridiculous. I would never abandon you guys. If I had known I was gone this long I would've called or orbed or somehow let you know I was okay.", "Prue: Okay, why didn't Leo?", "Piper: Leo was battling demons of his own. Wait a minute, what's today? There's a band. The-the-the Barenaked Ladies are playing here tomorrow. Didn't anybody bother to call them?", "Prue: I-I don't really think that Phoebe knew. (Piper picks up the phone but Prue puts it back on its cradle.) Hey, you know what? Piper, can we just talk about what happened up there first?", "Piper: Sure, uh, unfortunately the longer I'm back, the fuzzier it all seems to get. I think they do that on purpose, they're very big on mystery.", "Prue: Okay, do you remember anything?", "Piper: Just feelings mostly. Good ones. Peaceful and whole and then it all went to crap when they said Leo and I had to stop seeing each other or else.", "Prue: Or else what?", "Piper: Or else they'd reassign him and we'd never see each other again. Just because it didn't work out with mum and her Whitelighter, I don't understand why I'm being punished.", "Prue: I'm sure that you guys will figure out a way around this. Come here. (They hug.) Leo would never let you go without a fight, you know that.", "Piper: But what if he doesn't have a choice?", "[Scene: College grounds. Phoebe's walking along the path. Cole sneaks up behind her and taps her on the shoulder. Phoebe spins around a does a high kick.]", "Phoebe: Hi-yah! (Cole grabs her leg before it hits him.) Cole!", "Cole: Hi, how's it going?", "Phoebe: (embarrassed) Oh, (laughs) wow, is this embarrassing. Uh, I-I-I'm...", "Cole: It's okay, I'm okay. Nice calf.", "Phoebe: Oh, thanks. Can I have it back?", "Cole: Sure. Sure.", "(He lets go of her leg.)", "Phoebe: Okay. (She laughs.) Uh, how did you find me?", "Cole: Told you I was good at what I do. Although you probably wouldn't think so after my performance in court.", "Phoebe: No, I thought you were amazing. It's just you were up against a, uh, an unfair Judge.", "Cole: Free Willy, he's got that reputation. Still, I know I didn't put on my best case, that's why I'm here to see if you can help me do a better job.", "Phoebe: How?", "Cole: I don't know, you tell me. Look, Phoebe, I may not be the greatest prosecutor but I've got good instincts, I can sense things about people, things they might not even want me to know.", "Phoebe: And what do you sense about me?", "Cole: That you're struggling with the truth. That you're a good person who wants to do the right thing here but for whatever reason you can't. How am I doing so far?", "Phoebe: Hung jury, mistrial.", "Cole: If you think of anything, (he sticks his card in between the pages of a book she's holding) please call me. Home number's on the back. Bye.", "(He turns and walks away. Phoebe checks out his butt. She pulls his card out of the book and has a premonition. In the premonition, Emilio has carved an inverted triangle on Cole's forehead.)", "Phoebe: Oh no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Phoebe is running down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: (to herself) I have got to get a cell phone. Prue, I had a premonition of Emilio carving that rune into Cole's forehead.", "Prue: Did you see where it happens?", "Phoebe: No, just some parking lot somewhere.", "Piper: Who's Cole? Wh-what did you do to your hair?", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, do I know you?", "Prue: Okay, Phoebe, now is not the time. Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Yeah, positive. Although, now that I think about it, it does seem weird because we vanquished the guardian.", "Prue: Yeah, well, maybe he got another one.", "(Piper opens her mouth ready to speak.)", "Phoebe: What's a guardian you ask? Well, if you'd been around at all then you'd probably know, huh?", "Prue: Alright, we'll fill you in on the phone and Leo's checking on them so you should get together with him and find out everything.", "Phoebe: And no orbing.", "(Prue and Phoebe leave the club.)", "[Scene: Courthouse. Emilio walks into the judge's chambers.]", "Emilio: I need another guardian.", "Judge: What you need is to be more careful. I won't protect you again.", "Emilio: I won't get caught again. I can take care of the witches, judge.", "Judge: No, you can't, your mortal. But you can take care of the prosecutor. (A dagger magically appears in the judge's hand.) I don't want him to find out about you or me, understand?", "[Scene: Police station. Cole is there talking to Darryl.]", "Darryl: I wish I could help you, Turner, but I told you everything I can.", "Cole: Call me Cole. After all, we're on the same side, aren't we?", "Darryl: As often as cops and D.A's are, I guess.", "Cole: Look Inspector, I'm just trying to do my job, okay. I let a murderer go free today and that doesn't sit well with me.", "Darryl: Me neither.", "Cole: Then help me do something about it. Help me find out what it is that I'm missing here.", "Darryl: What your missing is a suspect, and if you let me do my job, then maybe I can help you find him, again. Now if you'll excuse me.", "Cole: Why'd you call the Halliwell's last night?", "Darryl: What?", "Cole: While you were on stake out at 2:17am according to the phone company.", "Darryl: You checked up on me?", "Cole: Standard procedure, Inspector.", "Darryl: Gee, and here I thought we were on the same side. I called because the sisters own a club. I thought they'd be interested in checking out the rave.", "Cole: That was very nice of you.", "Darryl: I'm a nice guy.", "Cole: Yeah. (Cole's phone rings.) Turner.", "Secretary: It's Phoebe Halliwell.", "Cole: Oh, speak of the devil.", "Secretary: Can I take a message?", "Cole: No, please, put her through. Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Cole, I've been trying to reach you.", "Cole: Sorry, I was in a meeting with Inspector Morris actually. Wanna say hello?", "[Cut to Prue and Phoebe in the car.]", "Phoebe: Uh, no. (to Prue) He's at the police station.", "Prue: 10-15 minutes at least.", "Phoebe: Listen, Cole, I need to talk to you, it's really, really important.", "(The phone begins to break up.)", "Cole: Say again, I didn't catch that.", "Phoebe: Cole? Uh, just-just stay where you are and I'll meet you there, okay?", "Cole: We've got a bad line. Look, I'm running late for court, I'll call you from my car.", "Phoebe: Cole? (She hangs up.) Damn it.", "[Cut to the car park at the police station. Cole is walking towards his car. Emilio is hiding behind a pole, holding the dagger. He runs to another pole. Cole hears his footsteps and looks behind. Emilio hides behind a pole in front of him. Cole continues walking. As he walks past the pole, Emilio jumps out and stabs him in the back with the dagger. Cole falls to the ground. Prue and Phoebe arrive in the car and drives straight towards Emilio. He jumps out of the way. Prue and Phoebe get of out the car. Phoebe runs over to Emilio and he tries to stab her. She jumps up to dodge the attack and flies straight up into the air.]", "Phoebe: Whoaaa! (She levitates in the air. Phoebe is in shock. Prue uses her power and Emilio lands on a car. Phoebe falls back onto the ground.) An active power. (The guardian rises out of Emilio.) Not that active. Prue!", "Prue: Hey, catch.", "(Prue uses her power ad the dagger flies straight into the Guardian's rune. The Guardian explodes in a ball of flame. Phoebe runs over to Cole.)", "Phoebe: Cole, cole.", "(Cole wakes up.)", "Cole: Phoebe? What are you doing here? What happened?", "Phoebe: I think I'm gonna plead the fifth on that one.", "(They smile.)", "[Scene: Manor. Piper is walking down the hallway. She hears Leo talking to himself in the bathroom. She stands next to the door and listens.]", "Leo: I look at you and I think how lucky I am. I mean, I can't stop looking at you. You're my dream come true. You're my raison Dettra.", "[Cut to the bathroom. Leo is looking in the mirror.]", "Leo: Every time I see you, I love you even more. You're so beautiful. You're so special. I can't imagine my life without you. (Piper walks in.) Piper!", "Piper: Leo, who are you talking to?", "Leo: Me? Uh, nobody, just myself, you know.", "Piper: Yourself? You were telling yourself how much you love you?", "Leo: No, of course not. Uh, I mean, it's, it's not like that at all. Um, let's go downstairs and I'll explain.", "Piper: Actually, no, we don't have time. Uh, did you find out anything about the guardians?", "Leo: Uh, no, I forgot.", "Piper: You forgot? Leo, what's the matter? Why are you acting so weird?", "Leo: Can we go downstairs please?", "Piper: No, why?", "Leo: Okay, fine, um, here's good. Um, I've been thinking a lot actually about our situation.", "Piper: Leo...", "Leo: No, no, just let me finish. Um, I think I've come up with a solution, a way for us to be together no matter what they say. (Leo gets down on one knee and Piper's eyes widen. He takes Piper's hand.) Will you marry me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Continued from before. Piper is running down the stairs and Leo is following.]", "Piper: This is so not happening.", "Leo: Listen to me, Piper, I told you, I thought this whole thing through.", "Piper: Uh huh. Is that why you asked me to marry you in a toilet?", "Leo: I tried to get you downstairs.", "Piper: Well, I'm downstairs now and I still don't believe you're serious.", "Leo: I am serious, Piper, dead serious.", "Piper: Right. Dead is exactly what we're gonna be if they ever find out.", "(Piper walks in the living room. Leo follows.)", "Leo: Piper, would you... would you stop running away from me for just one minute and let me explain. (She stops and faces him.) If we got married... (she sighs) look, will you just hear me out please? If we got married, it would be a holy union, something I don't even think my bosses could break apart.", "Piper: I don't understand.", "Leo: It's really hard to explain. I-I don't really understand how it all works myself, but I know that there are different levels up there, a hierarchy. What I'm trying to say is that I think a holy union goes above their heads. It'd be like running an end run to my bosses bosses.", "Piper: And end run?", "Leo: Yeah. The only catch is that we would have to get married in secret because I think they only way they could hurt us if they found out before, so we just have to keep it quiet.", "Piper: Elope?", "Leo: Right.", "Piper: So that they don't find out.", "Leo: Exactly. (Pause) You hate the idea.", "Piper: Well, it's not exactly Cinderella is it? Leo, look, how do we know they don't know already? How do we know they're not listening right now?", "Leo: They're not, believe me, they don't do that.", "Piper: So then why does it have to be a secret?", "Leo: Because if they ever did find out...", "Piper: Leo, this isn't supposed to be this way. Marriage shouldn't be a solution to a problem or a band aid, it's supposed to be about love and about two people who love each other so much they want to spend the rest of their lives together.", "Leo: That's what I want.", "Piper: But that's not where this is coming from. It's a fix-it, I guess, but it's not about us or love or whether or not we're even ready to be married.", "Leo: I came up with this whole idea because we love each other. It's all about our love. You know, we're meant to be together, Piper, you know that. You went to the future and you saw that we were married in it. That means that somehow they didn't stop us, somehow we found a way to be together and I think this is the way.", "Piper: I don't know. Leo, I love you and I never wanna be without you, but getting married in secret. It doesn't feel like a holy union to me. I'm sorry.", "(Prue and Phoebe come home.)", "Prue: Piper, Leo? (They walk in the living room.) Oh, hey, Leo, good. Uh, did you find out anything about the guardian?", "Leo: Not yet.", "Phoebe: Not yet? What do you mean not yet? (Piper leaves the room.) Piper.", "Leo: I'll go see what I can find out.", "(He orbs out.)", "[Scene: Police station. In a room. Emilio and Darryl are there. Cole walks in.]", "Cole: You get anything out of him?", "Darryl: Nope, he's not talking.", "Cole: Yeah? It seems to be an epidemic.", "(Cole begins to walk over to Emilio but Darryl stops him.)", "Darryl: Don't do anything stupid, Turner. You don't want to compromise the case.", "Cole: What case? He's already gotten away with murder. You really think they're gonna nail him for hitting me over the head? (He walks over and sits on the end of the table.) How's it going? I'm gonna make you a deal, Emilio. One that, if you're smart you'll jump at. Obviously whoever's protecting you isn't gonna keep doing it for much longer. Especially since you keep screwing up and getting caught. So, you might wanna pay attention. I want you to give a message to your friend. Tell him I know he sent you after me and because of that I'm gonna personally bring him down.", "Emilio: You don't scare me.", "Cole: No? (He shakes his head. Cole bangs Emilio's head on the table and grabs his throat.) You have no idea who you're dealing with.", "Darryl: What are you doing? Let him go.", "(Darryl splits them up.)", "Cole: See you in court.", "(He leaves.)", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Piper is laying on the bed. Prue and Phoebe enter.]", "Prue: Hey.", "(They lay all over Piper.)", "Phoebe: Do you want to be alone?", "Piper: No. But it looks like I'm gonna be. Leo asked me to marry him.", "Prue: That's great!", "Piper: Yeah, except that I can't do it.", "Phoebe: Oh, what do you mean you can't do it, Piper? You love him.", "Piper: Of course I do, with all my heart but why's it got to be so complicated? Why can't I just be a normal person in love with a normal guy?", "Prue: Does Leo think that getting married is the only way around them?", "Piper: Yeah, but he's not even sure it's gonna work.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but it might work. Piper, you and Leo are destined to be together. You guys have the kind of love that girls dream about. I know I dream about it, how about you?", "Prue: All the time.", "Phoebe: And it understand the risks but if you don't go for it, isn't it an even bigger risk?", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Prue: That was fast.", "Phoebe: A little too fast.", "Leo: Sorry, but they were very interested when I told them about the guardians. Apparently guardians help mortal criminals spread evil.", "Prue: Yeah, we already know that. Skip ahead.", "Leo: Well, they think that you've stumbled across some evil conspiracy in that court room. One where an upper level demon somehow assigns guardians to the criminals who are set free.", "Phoebe: That makes sense. It explains why Emilio has two.", "Prue: Yeah, the question is, who's the demon?", "Piper: Didn't you say the public defender seems suspicious?", "Prue: Yeah, but he's not exactly in his best position to be setting criminals free.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but Free Willy is.", "Piper: Who?", "Phoebe: The judge. That would explain why he's got the highest release rate of anyone on the bench.", "Leo: Still, you can't very well go vanquishing the judge without knowing for sure he's demonic.", "Phoebe: Well, we better come up with a plan because Emilio gets arraigned in night court in, oh, an hour.", "Prue: I've got an idea.", "[Scene: Courthouse. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo are walking down the corridor.]", "Piper: Can't we just come up with a spell or something?", "Prue: No, a spell could backfire on us.", "Piper: So could this.", "Prue: No, the worst that could happen is that it just doesn't work, but we have to flush the demon out somehow.", "Phoebe: And since you can selectively freeze things, why not just the innocents?", "Piper: Oh, maybe because I've never done it before.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I've never levitated before.", "Piper: You never what?", "Prue: Look, Piper, just focus all of your energy on freezing the innocents, okay?", "Piper: Okay. (to Phoebe) So why did you do that to your hair?", "Phoebe: Because I wanted to change my luck.", "Piper: Oh.", "Phoebe: Scoot.", "[Cut to inside the court room. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo walk in.]", "Alan: How many times is the prosecutor gonna keep harassing my client, you honor? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, this has turned into nothing but a witch hunt.", "Cole: If I may please court, have a minute to confer with the witnesses?", "(Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo sit down next to Darryl.)", "Judge: It's late, Mr. Turner. Either you have a case or you don't.", "Cole: Very well. Uh, why would the defendant attack me if he was innocent of the prior charges?", "Alan: There's no proof he's the one responsible for the attack.", "Prue: (whispers) Now, Piper.", "Cole: Then what was he doing in the police parking lot? And why did myself and two eye witnesses...", "Alan: You mean, the same two eye witnesses that were here before?", "Phoebe: Piper...", "Piper: Alright.", "Alan: And what were they doing there? (Piper tries to freeze the room but nothing happens.) I mean, how is it that they just magically be at every crime scene?", "Prue: Try it again.", "Piper: I am trying.", "Cole: Objection, your hon--", "(Piper freezes the room and only Cole, Leo and Darryl freeze.)", "Phoebe: It worked.", "Judge: Overruled.", "Prue: It's the judge.", "Alan: You honor, I move for this case to be dismissed.", "Phoebe: And the P.D.", "(They look around and Emilio and the security guards haven't freezed.)", "Piper: It's everybody.", "Prue: Oh!", "Judge: Kill them.", "Prue: Oh!", "Phoebe: What do we do?", "Prue: Oh! Oh! We run.", "(They run into another room. The judge turns into a demon.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Continued from before. Prue, Piper and Phoebe run into a room and lock the door.]", "Phoebe: Okay, does anybody have any brilliant ideas?", "Prue: Ah, can't you just freeze them?", "Piper: No, once they're immune to it they stay that way. That's why it's called immunity.", "Phoebe: Great. (Everyone outside tries to bang down the door.) Okay, this was all your idea, you know.", "Prue: Okay, well, so sue me.", "[Cut to outside.]", "Judge: Stand back.", "(Everyone moves out of the way. A fireball flies out of the judge's hand and hits the door.)", "[Cut back to the room.]", "Prue: Ah, any mass vanquishing spells?", "Phoebe: You're the one that's been studying the book.", "Prue: Why are you picking on me?", "Phoebe: Because I'm scared and we're outnumbered.", "Piper: Okay, but we can't stay in this room for the rest of our lives.", "(The judge throws another fireball.)", "Prue: Oh! (Everyone outside continues to bang on the door.) Alright, the best defense is a good offense. Are you ready?", "Piper: No.", "Prue: Yeah, you're ready.", "Piper: No, no.", "Prue: On three. One, two, (to Phoebe) don't hold my hand. One, two, three.", "(Prue uses her power and the door flies open knocking everyone behind it out of the way. Alan points a gun at Prue and she uses her power on him. A security guard grabs her from behind. Phoebe does some of her karate moves on some woman. Emilio heads straight for Piper holding a knife and she continually tries to freeze him. She picks up a baton off of the floor and blocks his attack. Prue breaks away from the guards grip and kicks one in the stomach. The judge throws a fireball straight at Prue and her power reflects it. They continue fighting everyone until they are all unconscious.)", "Prue: Okay, nicely done.", "Phoebe: You too.", "Piper: Wait a minute, if they're demons where are they're powers?", "Judge: Come to me.", "(The guardians rise out of the people and follow the judge into the chambers.)", "Prue: Guardians. They're not demons, they're just protected by them. Come on.", "(They run towards the chambers. Cole moves. He wasn't frozen. He disappears.)", "[Cut to the judge's chambers. The judge is there. Cole appears.]", "Judge: What the hell?", "Cole: Thanks, I'll take it from here.", "(Cole flicks his hand and the judge is engulfed in flames. Cole disappear and reappears back outside. He gets back into his frozen position. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk into the chambers. The judge burns and disappears.)", "Piper: Okay, how did that happen?", "Prue: Good question, but we're not alone.", "Phoebe: We better get back before Cole unfreezes.", "(They walk back outside.)", "Piper: How are we gonna explain all this to him?", "Phoebe: Uhh... (Phoebe picks up a baton and stands behind Cole.) I am so sorry. (She hits him over the head and he falls down. Piper unfreezes Leo and Darryl.) Oh, Cole, Cole. (He sits up.) Are you okay?", "Cole: Uh, yeah, I think so. (He rubs his head.) What happened?", "Phoebe: Aren't you getting tired of asking me that? (He stares at her.) Um, well, Emilio went nuts and he tried to escape and then all the court room people tried to help him...", "Prue: Yeah, thank God for Darryl.", "Piper: Yep, saved the day.", "Cole: (confused) What?", "Phoebe: Something good happened. Can't you just accept that?", "Cole: It's not in my nature.", "[Scene: P3. The Barenaked Ladies are playing. Piper's at the bar serving drinks. Prue and Phoebe walk up.]", "Phoebe: You've been gone for two days and you get the Barenaked Ladies? How?", "Piper: Oh, actually, I just made a couple of phone calls.", "Phoebe: And I can't even get Barry Manilow on the phone. I'm sorry I screwed up your club.", "Piper: Oh, Phoebe, don't. I owe you guys and apology and thanks for covering my butt.", "Phoebe: Ah, not a problem. I didn't even really notice that you were gone actually.", "Prue: Liar.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I've been doing a lot of that lately. Unfortunately, especially to Cole. But hopefully I won't have to lie to him anymore.", "Prue: Yeah, well, something tells me he's not going anywhere anytime soon.", "Phoebe: No complaints here.", "Piper: Uh, one over here. Hottie that he is, he is an Assistant D.A., which makes him somewhat a threat to us.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but at least he's one of the good guys.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Prue: Speaking of the good guys...", "Phoebe: Uh, so have you had a change of heart?", "Piper: Actually, no. (She walks over to Leo.) Hi.", "Leo: Hi. Piper, maybe it was a mistake...", "Piper: Wait, Leo, me first. I've been thinking a lot about our situation and you asking me and I didn't want to just dismiss it without thinking it through. Um, last night in the court room, I was actually scared. For a minute there I thought I wasn't gonna make it, that that was it, and that's where I realised that I don't wanna die without ever having being married to you. The answer is yes, Leo, I would love to marry you.", "Leo: Yeah?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Leo: Yeah?", "(They laugh.)", "Piper: Yeah.", "(They hug. They kiss and the scene fades out.)" ]
The Honeymoon's Over
[ "After discovering that Piper and Leo will have less than 24 hours to get married before the Elders forbid it, they ask for Prue and Phoebe's help in planning and executing the ceremony. However, their plans get put on hold when the Charmed Ones have to help a couple break a jealous sorcerer's curse that keeps them apart. Later, Piper and Leo get some unexpected help in the form of Grams. Meanwhile, Cole continues his quest to get close to the Charmed Ones through a relationship with Phoebe." ]
[ "[Scene: Hairdressing salon. Piper is sitting in a chair. She looks over and sees other women reading bridal magazines. She rolls her eyes. She picks up a bridal magazine off of a table and looks at it. She puts it back face down on the table. She stands up and heads for the door. She changes her mind, picks up the bridal magazine and walks outside. She walks into an elevator and two women follow. They happily show each other their engagement rings and Piper pulls a face.]", "[Cut to outside the manor. Piper pulls up in her car. She gets out and a just married couple drive past in a convertible. She slams her car door shut.]", "[Cut to inside the manor. Phoebe is standing next to the table making 3D glasses. Prue is watching.]", "Prue: She's gonna choose you.", "Phoebe: Is not.", "Prue: You get to hang out with her a lot more.", "Phoebe: You've known her longer. I mean, there was that whole bonding time before I was even born.", "Prue: Okay, she was one and I was three. (Phoebe puts on the 3D glasses.) What did we bond over? Diapers and drooling? What are those?", "Phoebe: They're glasses so we can watch the eclipse.", "Prue: They're very cool.", "Phoebe: I made you a pair too.", "Prue: Yay, thank you.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Phoebe: Oh, good, you're home.", "Prue: Hey, so, um, we were sorta hoping that you could settle something for us.", "Piper: Sure, anything to get my mind off weddings. (Prue and Phoebe look at each other.) What?", "Prue: Nothing.", "Piper: No, come on. What?", "Prue: Okay, uh, well, we were kind of wondering who you were going to have as your maid of honor.", "Piper: Oh, well, let me think about it. I'm not allowed to invite anybody or have a cake or a band or flowers, so what makes you think I'll be able to have a maid of honor?", "Phoebe: It's not that bad.", "(They walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.)", "Piper: It's not like I'm some girly-girl and wants like a fairytale wedding, but I just thought there would be some things that would be givens.", "Phoebe: Like fighting with the caterer and agonizing over who makes the final cut on the guest list?", "Piper: Even those. I just, just wanna be able to celebrate a little.", "Prue: Alright, maybe you're not getting your dream wedding but you are getting your dream guy.", "(Piper sighs. Leo orbs in.)", "Phoebe: Leo!", "Leo: Shh!", "Phoebe: (whispering) Leo.", "Leo: I hate to bearer of bad news.", "Piper: Could you possibly be the bearer of a big hunk?", "Leo: No after what I just found out. (He sits on the coffee table in front of Piper.) They want an answer, Piper, about us. Either there isn't any us or you guys get a new Lighter. We have till tomorrow night to decide.", "Piper: Tomorrow night? That's insane.", "Leo: Look, there is door number three. We can try and pull this off tomorrow night, if we do it's binding. They can't even break that apart.", "Piper: Yeah, but if they find out they can break us apart into a thousand little pieces.", "Phoebe: Excuse me?", "Piper: I believe the term he used was unspeakable wrath, the lengths of which you can't even imagine.", "Leo: Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, we would be taking a huge risk and until they get an answer they are going to be listening very closely, so any talk of 'it' any use of the W word...", "Prue: I hate to be the detail police but how are we gonna hide it from them when we're on their supernatural redial? They're always gonna be tuning in. Phoebe, did you find anything in the Book Of Shadows about how to hide this?", "Phoebe: No, nothing. I'm sorry, I'm still on the unspeakable wrath part. I mean, is that just the bride and groom or does it also include bridesmaids?", "Prue: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: What? I mean, there must be some real reason that this merging is so forbidden, their hardcore against it.", "Prue: Yeah, well, rules are meant to be broken.", "Phoebe: Bodies weren't.", "Piper: And neither are hearts. Leo, are you sure there's a way we can do this without getting caught?", "Leo: If there is we'll find it. Just be extra careful. Speak in code and especially avoid using words like, you know.", "Piper: Hmm.", "Leo: Dum, dum, da-dum.", "Piper: Mmm hmm. Alright, you should go. (They stand up and stand close to each other.) The less time you spend here is probably better. (They move in to kiss but stop.) And we probably shouldn't do that either.", "Leo: Soon.", "Piper: Yeah.", "(Leo orbs out. Prue gets up and hugs Piper.)", "Prue: Why are they so hell vent on seeing each one of us so very very alone. (Kit growls from outside.) Kit?", "[Cut to the porch. An owl is there and Kit has her claw up ready to attack it. Phoebe opens the door.]", "Piper: Kit, leave that alone.", "Phoebe: Bad kitty!", "(The owl suddenly turns into a naked man.)", "Prue: Good kitty.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Everyone is there including the guy (Chris). He has wrapped a towel around his waste.]", "Chris: Are you afraid of me?", "Prue: No, are you planning on sprouting horns, growing fangs and eating us?", "Guy: If you work for him he'll do worse than that.", "Prue: Which him are you referring to?", "Piper: Okay, hi, not that I don't enjoy the verbal ping pong here but we do have that other thing we need to figure out kind of quickly, so let's cut to the chase. Are we helping or fighting?", "Chris: What you saw happen to me didn't scare you?", "Phoebe: If I had a dollar for every time an owl turned into a hot guy on our porch, I'd be rrr-- (Piper covers Phoebe's mouth.)", "Piper: We've seen worse.", "Prue: If you're not here to kill us, apparently we're supposed to help you.", "Chris: The only help you can give me is to allow me to leave.", "(You see a wolf lurking outside.)", "Prue: I think it's pretty obvious, don't you, that uh, pretty familiar with the world of magic. We're sort of on the same team here.", "Chris: But the last thing I need in my life right now is more magic.", "Piper: I don't think you understand.", "Chris: No, you're right, I don't understand, because I stopped understanding when he cursed me and took my life away from me. The only thing I do understand is lost. The only think I want is revenge.", "Phoebe: Who did this to you? Was it a magician, a sorcerer?", "Chris: It was my boss.", "Prue: Just give us some time, I'm sure we can figure out--", "Chris: I've lost enough time already when your cat dragged me here. Look, I only have twelve hours and at sunrise tomorrow I am airborne again. I won't, no, I can't last another day repeating the same cycle. Tonight, this thing ends. His life and I hope the curse that goes along with it.", "Prue: Just give us 30 seconds, please.", "Chris: Starts now.", "Piper: Okay, uh, there are some of my boyfriend's clothes over there. Why don't you dress while we huddle.", "(He walks over to the pile of clothes.)", "Phoebe: Well, he definitely has that whole tortured innocent thing going on.", "Piper: Yeah, but we're kind of busy and he doesn't seem to want our help.", "Prue: Been there, saved that, it wouldn't be the first time. Alright, you get ready just incase he decides to bolt. Alright, here's what we're gonna... (The guy has snuck out.)", "Piper: Oh, well, he's gone. That's too bad.", "Phoebe: Uh, Piper, we can't just ignore this. He was brought to us for a reason.", "Piper: Yes, but we have to find a way to hide the rudabaga before they catch on.", "Prue: The rudabaga?", "Piper: It's a code word for the thing we're not supposed to talk about. (Hums the wedding song.)", "Prue: Oh, the rudabaga.", "Piper: Yes, so let's do the dividing conquer thing, okay? (Kit is playing with the owl feather.) Great.", "Prue: I'll look in the Book Of Shadows and try to scry what this owl feather is. (She picks up the feather.) You guys see what you can come up with for Piper's rudabaga.", "(Piper walks in the foyer.)", "Phoebe: Uh, maybe I should stay here and help you.", "Prue: Phoebe, Piper needs your help just as much as the innocent does, maybe more.", "Phoebe: I'm fully aware that we're supposed to protect the innocent, these are the rules that we live by now. I'm just not so sure we should be helping Piper break them.", "[Scene: Bookstore. Piper and Phoebe are standing in line holding some books.]", "Phoebe: I don't get it. If our ancient compilation of spells, witchcrafts and rituals can't help us, what makes you think Martha Stewart can?", "Piper: You know what I don't get? Is why you're giving me such a hard time about this. Weren't you the same girl that was pushing me to say yes? If you didn't think I should have a rudabaga then you should've said so maybe, like a long time ago.", "(Cole walks up to them.)", "Cole: Ding-ding, back to your corners.", "Phoebe: Hi!", "Cole: Phoebe... and...", "Phoebe: Uh...", "Piper: Piper.", "Phoebe: Piper.", "Cole: Right.", "Phoebe: Assistant District Attorney, we have to stop meeting like this.", "Cole: You better be careful or a guy might think he's been followed.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Piper: You better be careful or a girl might think her sister's getting a really cheesy pick up line.", "Phoebe: Um, so what brings you all the way across town?", "Cole: I needed some source material on a forensics psychology case.", "Phoebe: Well, I can see you're making a lot of progress.", "(He looks at his empty hands.)", "Cole: Yeah. (They laugh. Piper's not impressed. A bookstore employee hands him some books.)", "Bookstore Employee: He's the info on forensics psychology you requested.", "Cole: Thanks.", "Phoebe: Oh, embarrassed pretty one.", "(They walk up to the counter and put their books down. Cole sees Piper's book \"How To Keep Your Marriage\".)", "Cole: So who's the lucky guy or more importantly, who's the lucky sister?", "(The bookstore employee puts the books in two bags.)", "Piper: Me... me, me. Mimi, our cousin. (Cole wiggles his fingers and Piper's books swap over with his.) Our cousin Mimi.", "Phoebe: Good old cousin Mimi.", "Piper: Lover.", "Cole: Well, I should probably get going. I've sort of got plans to accidentally bump into another eye witness over at the Gas and Sips.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Cute.", "Cole: I get cuter.", "Piper: Can we go now?", "(Piper grabs the bag with Cole's books in it and Phoebe follows. Cole pulls out Piper's books and looks at the covers. They are called \"How To Keep You Marriage\" and \"The Secret Of Eloping\".)", "[Scene: The sorcerer's office. He and his assistant walk into a room.]", "Assistant: I made another killing today. When you told the traders to buy fifty-four and a quarter, they were a little sketchy. Thirty minutes later everybody's rich and they're worshipping you like a God.", "Boss: Magic does take a bit of the risk out of playing the market. Unfortunately none of my risks have paid out like they're supposed to.", "Assistant: You've heard it too?", "Boss: He's screech reeks of despair, he's in the air circling, he longs for her like I do.", "Assistant: Give it time.", "Boss: I sought the magic so I wouldn't have to. It's been two months, the curse should've broken them by now. All this means nothing if I can't have what I want. I want her. Dismissed.", "(The assistant disappears in a puff of smoke. Chris appears behind the boss and holds a knife up against his chest.)", "Chris: I am going to cut out your heart like you cut out mine.", "Boss: Christopher, I'm impressed. In our time apart you've gone and discovered courage.", "Chris: Wouldn't you like to borrow some?", "Boss: No, thanks, I'm trying to cut down. I have to say I'm a bit surprised to see you've managed to come so close. Note to self, chat with security..", "Chris: A birds eye view gives a man a different perspective, different strategies.", "Boss: Uh, yes, the curse. So tell me, does absence make the heart grow fonder? (Chris jabs the knife in his chest.) Aaahhh! Do you really think that killing me will ease your pain? All that will do is ensure that the curse lasts forever.", "(Boss flicks his hand and a man appears holding a crossbow.)", "Man: You rang?", "Boss: What's it gonna be, Chris? You've got the wrong plan. The only way your curse ends it she gives herself to me but, ah, is he telling the truth? I'll let you know a little secret, I never bluff and he rarely misses. (The man shoots the crossbow and Chris jumps out of the way. He runs away.) Find him and kill him and if you don't by sunrise, kill every owl you see.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue's looking through the Book Of Shadows. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Prue: Hey, I hope you guys had better luck than I did.", "(Piper walks over to the BOS and starts flipping the pages.)", "Piper: Not really. I ended up with the wrong books and, uh, well, Phoebe almost got lucky right there in the store.", "Phoebe: Ha ha. So you didn't find anything?", "Prue: Yeah, it's just the pieces don't really seem to fit, you know, I mean, I-I can understand cursing someone to be an animal but why for only half of the day?", "Phoebe: And we don't know where he went, right?", "Prue: No, I tried scrying with the owl feather but it must not work while he's human.", "Piper: I found something.", "Prue: On the curse?", "Piper: Um, no, about the, um, rudabaga. It's a ritual that's like a rudabaga but it's called a, um... (she writes down \"Handfasting\" on a small blackboard.)", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, hand...", "Prue/Piper: Shh shh shh.", "Piper: The reason we write the bad words is so that we don't say the bad words. Wait a minute, I thought you said you looked in the book and couldn't find anything to help me.", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, well, it said that we needed a high priestess and since we don't have one of those I just sort of figured why even mention it. Besides, I couldn't find anything in there about how to hide it from them and thinks that's the really most important part so that we don't have to feel the, um... (she writes \"unspeakable wrath\" on the blackboard and shows it to them.)", "Piper: I think you can say those words.", "Phoebe: Uh, I was hoping writing them down would help us remember them. Um, I'm just worried that if you go through with it, it's going to be too dangerous and that maybe, um, this is really hard for me to say, but maybe you're being a little selfish.", "Piper: Selfish?", "Phoebe: Yeah, because what if your rudabaga keeps us from doing our job, keeps us from saving innocent people? What happens then?", "Piper: Uh, yeah, but what about me? I mean, maybe you're right, maybe I'm being selfish but what's wrong with that? I mean, when do we get to do something for ourselves? Haven't you ever wondered that, or wanted that?", "Phoebe: Yeah, absolutely, but not at the expense of hurting other people or each other.", "Piper: Is that what you're afraid of? Getting hurt?", "Phoebe: No, Piper, I'm afraid that you're not afraid of getting hurt.", "Piper: I've been through more pain in the past two years that you can imagine and this is the only way to stop that. Now, I'd like to do the right thing but I also want to be with him.", "(Piper closes the Book Of Shadows and the owl feather falls on the floor. Phoebe picks it up and has a premonition of Chris being attacked by a wolf.)", "Prue: What is it?", "Phoebe: Our innocent and I think he was being attacked by a coyote or a wolf.", "[Scene: Forest. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there looking for Chris.]", "Phoebe: Alright, wait a minute, I think that this looks like the place... sorta.", "Piper: That's funny, I remember it looking like the right place sorta three hours ago.", "Phoebe: Okay, look, if you wanted a supernatural low jack, you came to the wrong witch. Oh, wait, look, that is where Christopher was standing in my premonition.", "(A wolf is lurking in the bushes.)", "Piper: Shh, shh, what was that?", "(They see Chris.)", "Prue: There he is.", "Phoebe: Hey!", "(The wolf runs out and barks at the girls.)", "Chris: No!", "(The wolf runs over to Chris.)", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper, you have to freeze him.", "Prue: Wait.", "Chris: (to the wolf) We don't have much time, my love, someone's coming.", "Prue: He's not attacking.", "(They run into an old house and face each other. Prue, Piper and Phoebe watch from outside. As the sun rises the wolf turns into a naked woman and Chris turns into an owl.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Continued from before. The woman (Brooke), now dressed, runs out of the house. Prue, Piper and Phoebe follow.]", "Prue: Wait. Christopher want us to talk to you.", "Phoebe: He does?", "Prue: I'm vamping. It's the only was to get her to stop. Look, we met him last night, right before he went after the sorcerer. We tried to stop him but without your help he'll do it again and we both know what will happen if he does.", "Brooke: He'll die. How do I know that you're not working for him?", "Prue: You don't. You guys can't do it alone so you're just gonna have to trust us.", "Brooke: Trust is earned.", "Phoebe: Okay, I hate to break up the whole getting to know you portion of the program but what did Christopher mean when he said someone was coming?", "Brooke: If Christopher went after him, then he must've sent someone after us.", "Piper: Why?", "Brooke: Because he fell in love with me. This, this curse is my punishment for not returning that love.", "Piper: So woman by day and wolf by night?", "(The owl flies past them.)", "Brooke: He's warning me, we have to go.", "Piper: Huh? Oh, alright.", "(They start running. The sorcerer's assistant appears with a crossbow and shoots arrows at them.)", "Assistant: Where is he?", "Prue: That's the least of your problems.", "(Prue uses her power and he goes flying. He runs away.)", "Phoebe: Have we earned your trust yet? Come on.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Brooke walk inside.]", "Piper: I swear to God I've seen this in a movie somewhere.", "Prue: Uh, Pheebs?", "Phoebe: Upstairs, Book Of Shadows, curse search, way ahead of ya.", "Prue: (to Brooke) Uh, okay, you and I are gonna go to the kitchen.", "Brooke: I'm fine, really, let me help.", "Prue: Look, you are tired and hungry, please, just let me help.", "(They walk in the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: (to Piper) Wanna take a wiccan time out and do the crossword puzzle? (Piper gives her a look.) Piper, uh, about what I said before, I didn't mean...", "Piper: Yes, you did. You never say anything you don't mean.", "Phoebe: You keep saying that it isn't like what you'd have imagined and I do understand your side of it, I mean, I have never seen anyone look at you the way Leo does and that is beautiful and you deserve that but I still, I, um, I can't say that it's right. And I wish that I were wrong and it's important that you know that.", "Piper: The problem is you're not. There's truth to it to what you said, I can't deny that. So unless both you and Prue approve it I won't go through with it..", "(Piper walks in the kitchen and Phoebe goes upstairs.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Brooke is reading a note left on the fridge.]", "Brooke: We used to leave each other notes. When this, when this first happened I'd find them at sunrise and I'd know, I'd remember all the reasons why I loved him. And then...", "Prue: The letters stopped.", "Brooke: There's a limit, you know, to how much any person can take. (She looks out the window.) You keep wondering... (The owl lands on the back of a chair outside.) You keep asking yourself...", "Piper: Shouldn't love conquer all?", "Prue: You know this isn't fair. I mean, it's hard enough to find somebody that you can spend the rest of your life with but when you constantly have magic medalling, I am so sick of it. I mean, I've been through it, you're going through it and now Brooke? What love can't conquer we will.", "Piper: For everybody but ourselves.", "Prue: Honey, the day's not over yet.", "Piper: We're gonna need your help if you want this to end happily ever after. I know I could use a happy ending.", "[Scene: Sorcerer's office. The sorcerer and his assistant are there. The assistant is holding a blood soaked bag.]", "Sorcerer: You come bearing gifts?", "Assistant: I come bearing victory.", "Sorcerer: That's an awfully small bag for such an awfully large prey. If you'd killed the right bird we'd be looking at a dead human bleeding on my floor right now. You're foolish. Or deceitful. Either way, you failed.", "Assistant: He had help.", "Sorcerer: By whom? A pigeon perhaps? Maybe a penguin to the rescue.", "Assistant: Witches, and now they're with her.", "Sorcerer: Their choice in competence is not relevant. The fact that he still lives is. I wanted blood on my hands. I don't have his so I guess I'll have to take yours. (The assistant is engulfed in flames and turns into a pile of ash on the floor. The sorcerer talks into the speaker phone.) Clean up aisle two. (Another assistant appears.) Congratulations, you've just been promoted.", "[Scene: Manor. In the backyard. Prue, Piper and Brooke are there. Brooke walks over to the owl.]", "Brooke: I took a job. It was an established firm with the reputation for promoting within. (She picks up the owl.) My boss was this odd man. I've worked for nightmares before but nothing like this. He made moves, I made things clear, he made me this.", "Piper: To keep you away from Christopher?", "Brooke: He said if he couldn't have me, no one would. Until there was a night within a day or until I give in. I never thought... magic was for kids parties, it wasn't real. I didn't know.", "Piper: We're still kind of getting used to it ourselves.", "Brooke: But this, this is my fault.", "Prue: No, you said yes to a job, not to a man.", "Brooke: But Christopher is being punished because of me. I did this to him.", "Prue: That's not what he said. He doesn't blame you for anything and he said...", "Piper: How strong you are.", "Brooke: He said that?", "(Piper nods.)", "Prue: He said that it's your strength that he first fell in love with. And he just needs to know that you're not gonna give that up.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe is looking through the Book Of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: Anything, anything. I curse you, you curse me, get together and do a little cursing. (The pages star flipping by themselves.) Whoa! (The pages stop on the \"Handfasting\" spell.) Okay, alright, you know, I specifically asked for a...", "Grams' Voice: You asked for an answer. There it is.", "Phoebe: I know that voice.", "(Grams' spirit appears.)", "Grams: Well, I should hope so. Yours came through loud and clear so, here I am.", "Phoebe: Grams. (She walks over to her.) Oh, I would hug you but...", "Grams: I know. It's just good to be here.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and not that I'm not thrilled by that fact but I'm a little fuzzy on the why.", "Grams: You need guidance, some advice on a certain sister situation. Am I getting warm?", "Phoebe: Red hot. But wait a minute, if you know, that means that they know, and if they know then we are f--", "Grams: Fine. Anyway, I'm beyond them now. Secrets safe with me. But what about you, Phoebe? Do you want to tell me about that nagging concern you have in your gut?", "Phoebe: That's no fair you have after life advantage.", "Grams: I also know you, Phoebe. Talk to me.", "Phoebe: Okay. (She sits down on a chair.) Um, I wanna be able to support Piper in this. I want to look at her and I wanna say go for it but what if her and Leo get rudabaga-ed and they find out and then something horrible happens to them. I mean, look what happened to mum and her... special friend. And I hate to go skipping down selfish road but what if by association...", "Grams: You and Prue get hurt.", "Phoebe: Yeah. I wanna be supportive to her, Grams, I really do but everything in my heart is telling me that it's wrong.", "Grams: All valid points but logic and reason go out the window when love gets involved.", "Phoebe: Yes, I know that but...", "Grams: The Charmed Ones are destined for greatness. But that fact doesn't keep a girl warm on a cold winters night.", "Phoebe: So add a blanket. Grams, I can't believe you're saying this.", "Grams: I'm saying what I know. I remember the loneliness all too well.", "Phoebe: You were married four times.", "Grams: Well, that's because I never found true love but maybe Piper has and when the time comes within to make it official, they'll feel it, they'll know.", "Prue: (from downstairs) Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Coming. (Grams disappears.) Thank you.", "[Cut to downstairs. Assistant #2 is chasing them around the house with a crossbow. Piper gets stuck against the wall with two arrows stuck on her sleeves. Phoebe walks downstairs and he shoots an arrow near her. Phoebe gasps. Prue uses her power and he crashes into a cupboard.]", "Piper: Pheebs, a little help here please. (Prue and Phoebe pull out the arrows.) Okay, he could've killed me.", "Phoebe: Us.", "Prue: The question is why didn't he?", "Assistant #2: Because I don't want you. I want the bird, where is he hiding?", "(Brooke walks into the room and the assistant points the crossbow at her. The owl flies in front of her and he shoots getting the owl.)", "Brooke: No!", "(Prue uses her power and an arrow flies into the assistant. He disappears in a puff of smoke. Prue, Piper and Phoebe run over to the Brooke. Brooke is crying. She picks up the owl.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Everyone's there sitting on the couch. Brooke is holding the owl.]", "Prue: He'll be alright.", "Brooke: I know that's the right thing for you to say but you don't know that. Now all I can do is watch him die.", "Prue: No, we can do a lot more than that.", "Piper: You know I can't, not now, not while they're watching.", "Prue: Piper, this has absolutely nothing to do with us and everything to do with an innocent. (Piper closes her eyes and Leo orbs in.) Leo, we, uh...", "Leo: I know, they told me about the bad guys. The vanquishing talk caught their ears not the other thing.", "Prue: Leo's a healer.", "(Leo walks over to Brooke and the owl.)", "Leo: I can't heal animals.", "Phoebe: Well, we can't take him to the vet.", "Piper: He's not exactly an animal.", "(Leo tries to heal the owl.)", "Prue: He is until sunset.", "Phoebe: So you're saying we have to wait?", "Leo: I'm sorry.", "(The doorbell rings. Phoebe answers it.)", "Cole: 1329 Prescott St. (He holds out the bag of books. Phoebe looks confused.) On the receipt. In the bag. (He looks for it.) It was there. That sounded much better in my head.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: They gave you our books and you thought you'd drop them by.", "Cole: That wasn't so hard when you said it. I actually need the ones I bought, so if you don't mind I...", "Phoebe: Of course you do, okay. (Phoebe goes to get the books. Cole starts to follow but she stops him.) Oh, actually, uh, you know, my sister sort of got into it today so the place is a disaster, it's like a bomb went off. So if you don't mind just waiting here that would be great. (She closes the door, gets the books and opens the door back up.) Hi! (She hands the to him.) So, you going back to the office?", "Cole: Justice must be served, right?", "Phoebe: Tell me about it.", "(Leo walks into the foyer.)", "Leo: Phoebe, everything okay? I was starting to get worried. Hey.", "Phoebe: Um, Cole, Leo. Leo, Cole.", "Leo: Nice to meet you.", "(They shake hands and some of Leo's Whitelighter dust rubs off onto Cole's hand.)", "Cole: Pleasure.", "Leo: Sorry to, uh...", "Cole: No, no, I was just leaving. I really need to take care of some business. (Leo and Phoebe go back inside. Cole walks down the stairs. He puts his suitcase down and gets a handkerchief out of this jacket pocket. He wipes his hand.) Whitelighters always were messy. (to his shadow) Report this. (His shadow floats down the stairs and goes down a drain.)", "[Cut back to the living room.]", "Piper: Did you ever think, did you ever consider that maybe it wasn't meant to be? (Phoebe and Leo walk in.) Things happen for a reason, right? Maybe it's not worth the risk to be together.", "Brooke: If you don't take the risk for love, then what do you take it for?", "(Phoebe clears her throat. Leo walks outside.)", "Piper: Leo, wait.", "(She goes after him.)", "[Cut to outside. Leo is walking down the stairs. Piper follows.]", "Piper: Leo, wait, you can't do that. You can not come into the end a conversation and assume everything.", "Leo: Alright, let's pretend that I don't know anything. Then explain it to me.", "Piper: I wasn't questioning you, I was questioning our decision.", "Leo: Then ask me your questions.", "Piper: Don't you think I would like to?", "Leo: Honestly, I don't know what you're thinking.", "Piper: Well, what I'm thinking is maybe Phoebe is right. Maybe we're being selfish, our decision affects other people, other people that I happen to love.", "Leo: I love them too, Piper.", "Piper: I know, I know that. Look, you are the last person I wanna be fighting with right now.", "Leo: Then let's stop.", "Piper: Leo, if we get... if you and... Okay, let me try that again. Brooke and Christopher love each other very much but in the end that didn't matter.", "Leo: We haven't reached the end yet. Have a little faith. Don't you think this scares me too? Don't you think that I have my doubts?", "Piper: Do you?", "Leo: Of course I do. What I'm trying to say is I know what Christopher must feel. You know, always worried about the timing, about how he has to live his life, knowing what his true feelings are but unable to share those with the one person that he has them for.", "Piper: She knows but it doesn't fix everything.", "Phoebe: (off camera) You've gotta give it a chance. (Phoebe is standing on the lawn holding a small blackboard.) Logic and reason go out the window when love gets involved.", "(She holds up the blackboard and \"You have my blessing\" is written on it.)", "Piper: Wait a minute, I thought you said that...", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I got a long distance call with some really good advice.", "Piper: But we still haven't figured out how to pull it off.", "Phoebe: When the time's right, you'll know.", "[Cut back to the living room. Brooke is there still holding the owl.]", "Brooke: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I can't let you die. Please forgive me, please forgive me.", "(She puts him on the couch.)", "[Cut back outside. Phoebe is looking up at the sky.]", "Piper: That's quite a turnaround for you, sis. Who's your new confidant?", "Phoebe: Huh?", "Leo: I think she means your advice giver.", "phoebe: Uh, it was just... oh my God.", "(She blocks her face with the blackboard.)", "Piper: Nice try, Pheebs, but the distraction technique stopped working in third grade.", "Phoebe: No, it's not a technique, it's an eclipse. Look at it. (They do so.) No, wait, don't look at it. Trust me. I totally forgot that the eclipse was t... day. A night within a day.", "Piper: I'm sorry, please repeat.", "Phoebe: The curse, the eclipse. Until a night within a day. Isn't that what Brooke said? That's what gonna break the curse. (She runs inside.) Prue, it's happening.", "[Cut to the living room. The owl s has turned back into a Chris. Everyone walks in.]", "Prue: Leo, it just happened. Please help him.", "Phoebe: This proves the theory. It's the eclipse.", "(Chris tries to sit up.)", "Leo: Whoa, whoa, you're not going anywhere.", "Chris: Brooke.", "Prue: Just rest, okay, we'll tell her.", "Chris: You can't, she's gone.", "Phoebe: What do you mean she's gone? She was in the kitchen when I left.", "Prue: She's gone to him hasn't she? Alright, we'll handle it while Leo works on you.", "(Leo walks over to Chris. He pulls out the arrow and heals him.)", "Chirs: Thank you.", "Piper: I don't understand. Why would Brooke go to him?", "Chris: She didn't trust that you would be able to save me but she knows that she can.", "Phoebe: How?", "Chris: The curse. If at anytime she agrees to be with him, seals the pledge with a kiss...", "Piper: She'll be forever bound.", "Phoebe: But the eclipse changes that.", "Prue: Yeah, but she doesn't know that.", "[Scene: Sorcerer's office. The sorcerer and three men are there.]", "Sorcerer: He's off the radar then he's more then failed, which leaves a space open for one of you to fill and you do that by killing the owl.", "(Brooke walks in.)", "Brooke: I was hoping you would take me instead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Continued from before. Brooke and the sorcerer are now facing each other.]", "Brooke: Aren't you going to kiss me?", "Sorcerer: Brooke, I may be cheap but I'm not easy. No, wait, yes I am. You're only doing this to save him aren't you? That's okay, it's quite obvious. You know what? I don't care. You'll grow to love me.", "Brooke: I have your insurance that Chris will not be harmed again?", "Sorcerer: You have my love. Isn't that enough?", "[Cut to outside. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Chris walk in the building. Piper freezes everyone. They start walking up the corridor.]", "Phoebe: T minus and counting.", "Piper: Then we get to break into attica.", "Phoebe: Well, we do have other choices. We can climb the roof or see if there's a convenient and unguarded side entrance or we could use the wonder twin powers.", "(Piper stops.)", "Piper: Ugh. I don't feel so...", "Prue: What is it?", "Piper: I don't know, I don't have a good feeling about this. Wait a minute, I take that back. I do have a good feeling about it, about something. I feel all warm and fuzzy.", "Prue: Is it your stomach?", "Piper: No, it's here. (She pats her chest.)", "Phoebe: When the time is right you'll know. Oh my God, the time is right.", "Prue: The time for what?", "Phoebe: The, uh, the wed... the rudabaga. It's gotta be the eclipse. If we can't look up, that must mean that they can't look down.", "(Prue gets all excited.)", "Prue: Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooh, this is it, this is it. Okay, all we have to do is get home and...", "Phoebe: And do the ritual and let Leo know and call the florist and we gotta d-d... (Piper stops her.) What's, what?", "Piper: We've gotta get to Brooke.", "Phoebe: Right, we've gotta get to Brooke and then we gotta get home.", "Piper: No, we only got time for one. So we either save Brooke...", "Chris: Piper, go home. Of all people I understand this, alright, and so would Brooke. I can handle this on my own.", "Piper: No. Alright, we'll go in the front.", "[Cut back to the sorcerer's office. He and Brooke are leaning in ready to kiss. The door flies open.]", "Sorcerer: Oh, look, it's the girl scouts. Set your thin mints down on the table and leave before you get yourselves hurt.", "Prue: Let her go.", "Sorcerer: I have no fear of witches.", "Prue: Maybe not but how do you feel about true love?", "(Brooke sees Chris and they smile.)", "Sorcerer: That's not possible. (Chris and Brooke walk over to each other.) If I can't have her, no one will.", "(A crossbow appears in the sorcerer's hand.)", "Piper: Whoa. (She freezes them.)", "Phoebe: Anyone got a vanquish in their pocket?", "Prue: Oh, let's not get rid of him just yet. I want him to watch this for a little bit. (She uses her power and the crossbow flies out of his hand.) Okay, go ahead.", "(Piper unfreezes them and Chris and Brooke kiss. The sorcerer starts to burn and disappears. Chris and Brooke hug.)", "Brooke: I don't know what to say.", "Chris: How can we thank you?", "Prue: You already have.", "Phoebe: Oh, Piper, I think I have a solution to the whole maid of honor thing.", "Prue: Oh, me too.", "Piper: Is that our distinct lack of a high priestess?", "Phoebe: Would you please just let me worry about that.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Grams and Leo are standing there. Leo is dressed in a suit.]", "Grams: Girls, your high priestess is waiting, unfortunately the eclipse is not. Now let's move it. (She uses her power and wedding music plays in the CD player.) That would be your queue, maids of honor.", "(Prue and Phoebe, who are all dressed up, walk down the stairs. The stand at the bottom of the stairs. Piper walks down wearing a light blue dress and holding a bouquet. Leo smiles. She stops at the bottom of the stairs.)", "Prue: You look beautiful. I know it's not exactly how you wanted it.", "Piper: But it's exactly what I wanted. (She looks over at Leo and they smile. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk into the living room. Piper stands in front of Leo. They smile again. All of a sudden Leo starts jerking. He yells, is surrounded by light and orbs out.) Grams, how can this happen? What did we do? (She starts to panic.)", "Grams: Listen to me, darling, it's going to be okay. We will fix this.", "(Piper starts crying.)", "Piper: We, we have to. (Prue and Phoebe hold her arms.) This, this is all my fault. (She kneels on the floor and so do Prue and Phoebe.) He didn't deserve to be... I don't, I don't think I can do this.", "(She cries harder and Prue and Phoebe comfort her.)", "[Scene: A dark place. Three hooded men are standing in a circle with Cole in the middle.]", "Hooded Man #1: You do good work.", "Hooded Man #2: To get close to the Halliwell's with no suspicion... splendid.", "Hooded Man #3: And we were pleased that you informed us of the witch's nuptials.", "Cole: The pleasure was mine.", "Hooded Man #2: And the pleasure was theirs when the information was shared.", "Hooded Man #1: You get useful knowledge of the Charmed Ones, now you must gain their trust. Others have failed.", "Cole: Others weren't me.", "Hooded Man #3: So, what is next?", "Cole: The wedding was child's play, a perk if you will. I'm focusing my attentions on Phoebe, she's my way in. You sent me up to find out how to destroy them, I'd say we're well on our way." ]
Magic Hour
[ "After having a bad dream about Leo, Piper realizes that The Powers That Be have ordered Leo to stay away from her forever. As a result, she goes on a strike from helping Prue and Phoebe save innocents. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Prue try to save a young girl named Kate after trolls start attacking her because she's keeping a fairy safe that they want to harm. Cole continues his quest to get inside the Manor and gain access to the Book of Shadows." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. The club is full of people. Piper is at the bar. Leo walks up to her. She smiles.]", "Piper: I knew you'd come back.", "Leo: Piper...", "Piper: Phoebe was worried, Prue was a wreck, but I knew you'd find a way.", "Leo: We need to talk.", "Piper: Leo, you haven't kissed me in over a week. Don't you think maybe that takes priority?", "(She walks around the bar and kisses Leo.)", "Leo: I came to say goodbye.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: They told us to break up. They caught us trying to get married.", "Piper: So we won't get married, we'll wait.", "Leo: (his voice echoing) It's too late, we broke the rules and now they won't let us see each other again.", "Piper: Wait a minute, they won't what?", "Leo: I don't care what they do to me but I couldn't bare anything happening to you. I shouldn't even be here right now.", "(He starts backing away.)", "Piper: Wait a minute, Leo, I can't here you. What are you saying?", "Leo: You have to forget about me.", "Piper: No. (Leo mouths \"I love you\" to her. He orbs out and everyone dancing stops and looks at Piper.) Leo. Leo!", "(Prue runs over to Piper and shakes her.)", "Prue: Piper. Piper, wake up. Piper.", "[Cut to Piper's bedroom. Prue's there trying to wake Piper up. Piper sits up.)", "Piper: Leo's not coming back.", "Prue: Honey, it was just a bad dream.", "(Piper starts crying.)", "Piper: No, it wasn't, it was real. I don't understand why they are doing this to us? It's like destroying lives is how they amuse themselves.", "Prue: Piper, watch what you say.", "Piper: Why? What are they gonna do to me? They couldn't hurt me more then they already have.", "(They hug.)", "[Cut to Phoebe in Prue's car. She has the stereo up loud. Her phone rings and she answers it.]", "Phoebe: Don't you just love cell phones?", "Prue: Hey, uh, it's me.", "Phoebe: It's amazing how much stress you can project with so few words, Prue. I will have your precious car home momentarily.", "Prue: Phoebe, I am not calling about the car, I'm calling about Piper. Look, um, she had this dream about Leo and maybe I'm overreacting but I've never seen her like this. It-it's like she's completely given up.", "Phoebe: What kind of dream about Leoooo! (She slams on the brakes to avoid a little girl standing on the road.) I'm fine, car's fine. I'll see you later. Bye. (She hangs up, gets out of the car and runs over to the girl. She is clutching onto a small box.) Hi, are you okay?", "Girl: You can't have it, leave me alone, I won't give it to you, leave me alone!", "(Phoebe looks to see what she is yelling at but sees nothing. The girl runs away and Phoebe runs after her. The girl trips over. She hears voices and something invisible scratches her arm. She screams. Phoebe kneels down next to her and holds her.)", "Phoebe: It's okay, it's okay. You're safe.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and the girl (Kate) are there. Kate's sitting at the table still holding the box. Phoebe places a cup hot chocolate and a plate of cookies on the table.]", "Phoebe: Okay, you just have to be very careful because it's hot, so blow on it, okay?", "(Prue and Piper stand at the doorway.)", "Prue: Hey, did you find out anything more from her?", "Phoebe: Name rank and serial number.", "Piper: Uh, her parents are on their way, they live up the street. (to Kate) They were very worried about you.", "Phoebe: I gotta go to the car and get her jacket. (She walks over to the key hook.) Uh, keys?", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: You know, silver shiny things that go jingle jingle.", "Prue: I don't have them.", "Phoebe: That's so weird. I put them up here.", "Kate: The fairies probably hid them.", "Phoebe: What was that?", "Kate: Sorry, I'm not supposed to talk about fairies.", "Phoebe: Um, you know what? In this house you can talk about anything you want. Sometimes we talk about weird things too.", "Kate: Well, that's what fairies do. Hide your keys and things. They're tricky like that.", "Phoebe: Um, is that what's in that box? Is it a fairy? Is that who you're protecting?", "(The doorbell rings. Prue goes to answer it.)", "Piper: That's probably your mum and your dad.", "Kate: He's not my dad. He's just my mum's new husband.", "[Cut to the foyer. Prue opens the door.]", "Kate's Mum: Hi, we're Kate's parents.", "Kate's Step dad: Is she alright?", "Prue: Yeah, she's fine. I mean, she scraped her arm a little bit but mostly she's just scared.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Kate walk in the foyer.)", "Kate's Step Dad: Kate.", "Kate: Get out of the doorway.", "Kate's Mum: Kate...", "Kate: It stays in the tween, get out of the in between.", "Phoebe: What's an in between?", "Kate: It's where the trolls are.", "Kate's Mum: Honey, we've had this conversation before. You're a big girl and it's time to stop believing in things like that. She's had some problems since her father and I divorced. Regressed sort of back to the imaginary friend stage.", "Kate's Step Dad: Look, uh, we should go, it's late. Thank you again for everything.", "Kate: They'll get us.", "Kate's Step Dad: I won't let them. It's okay.", "(He picks up Kate and she sees a troll hanging onto the door frame.)", "Kate: Look, there it is.", "(Kate's step dad carries her outside.)", "Kate's Mum: Thank you.", "Prue: Your welcome.", "(She leaves.)", "[Time lapse. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are in the kitchen. Piper's making some coffee.]", "Piper: Come on, Phoebe, trolls and fairies? You don't believe that stuff.", "Phoebe: Sure, why not?", "Piper: Well, maybe it's time we tell her about Santa.", "Phoebe: All I know is something was definitely after her.", "Piper: But you didn't see anything?", "Phoebe: No, but how else did she get hurt?", "Piper: How about she fell down and scratched herself.", "Phoebe: No, Piper, they weren't scratches, they were claw marks.", "Piper: If they were, you would've seen what had clawed her. Why are you being so stubborn about this?", "Phoebe: Because I'm a Scorpio. What's your excuse?", "Prue: Okay, so it's kind of late and, um, we're all a bit tired so how about we finish up tomorrow?", "Phoebe: Now look what you did. You went and turned Prue into the middle child.", "Piper: Okay, Phoebe, even if fairies and trolls do exist, you heard what her mum said, the problems started when her father left. That's psychology not magic.", "Phoebe: I know. But you know what? I'm gonna check the Book Of Shadows just incase. 'Cause I don't wanna be out stubborned by a Gemini.", "[Scene: Kate's house. Kate's room. Kate's mum kisses her goodnight. She goes to turn off the light but Kate stops her.]", "Kate: No, don't! The tweens, they come out of the shadows.", "Kate's Mum: Honey, just go to sleep, okay.", "(She turns off the light and closes the door. Kate sits on her bed still holding onto the box.)", "Kate: Please, go away. (She hears noises.) Leave us alone.", "(Things move around in her bedroom. The door opens and she screams.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe's sitting on the floor reading a book. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Hey.", "(Phoebe picks up some drawings.)", "Phoebe: Check this out. (Prue looks at the drawings. They are drawings of fairies and trolls.) We each drew one.", "Prue: Lily.", "Phoebe: Do you remember her? She was our little imaginary friend we had when we were kids.", "Prue: I have not thought about Lily in years.", "Phoebe: That's because you grew up and you stopped seeing her. Okay... (She reads from the book.) Fairies, elves and trolls are mystical creatures that live in a realm parallel to ours but separated by a thin vell.", "(Prue looks at the cover of the book.)", "Prue: \"The Enchanted Realm\"?", "Phoebe: A thin vell which lives only in tween places. Tween places, Prue. That's like a realm in between two things. Like doorways and windows, um, shadows.", "Prue: Shadows?", "Phoebe: In between light and dark. And it's exactly what Kate said. Trolls live in the in between.", "Prue: Right, but when you found Kate she wasn't in an in between.", "Phoebe: Actually, she was in the biggest in between of all. Midnight. In the hour between night and day, the world itself becomes a tween.", "Prue: Okay, so why isn't there anything in the Book Of Shadows?", "Phoebe: Because the Book Of Shadows was written by adults. And I'm assuming that scary dude in your picture is a troll.", "Prue: So then why is he trying to hurt Kate?", "Phoebe: I don't know, we have to ask Kate. And we will fill Piper in on the way.", "(The phone rings.)", "Prue: You know, maybe we should do this one on our own. You know, I mean, Piper's kind of out of it.", "Phoebe: Even more reason to drag her along. Take her mind off of Leo.", "Piper: (from downstairs) Phoebe, phone. (Phoebe runs downstairs holding onto the drawings.) It's your little lawyer boyfriend.", "(Phoebe hands her the drawings and Piper hands her the phone.)", "Phoebe: So there. And he is not my boyfriend.", "Piper: Weird.", "(Piper walks away.)", "Phoebe: (into the phone) Hello?", "Cole: Who's not your boyfriend?", "Phoebe: Um... the mailman. Uh, yeah, sometimes Piper likes to tease me because I like to get the mail a lot. So, how are you?", "Cole: Well, it's a beautiful morning and I got a beautiful woman on the phone, so things could be worse. God, I sound like Billy Appleby.", "Phoebe: What?", "Cole: Nothing.", "Phoebe: No, wait, what did you just say?", "[Cut to Cole in his office. He has some information about Phoebe written on a sheet of paper.]", "Cole: Billy Appleby's just this guy from this old movie I watched too much when I was a kid.", "(He points to a highlighted sentence on the sheet of paper.)", "Phoebe/Cole: \"Kill It Before It Dies\".", "Cole: You've seen it?", "Phoebe: Once or twice.", "Cole: Really? Too bad it's not playing, I'd take you to see it.", "[Cut back to Phoebe. She mouths \"I love you\" to the phone.]", "Cole: Of course we could always have dinner instead.", "Phoebe: Are you asking me out, Councilor?", "[Cut back to Cole.]", "Cole: Guilty. (He turns the page to show a map of the manor and where the Book Of Shadows is.) How about tonight? I could stop by your place.", "[Cut back to Phoebe. Prue comes down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Uh, really, uh, well... (Piper puts on her coat. Prue motions Phoebe to hurry.) Um, actually tonight's not good because Piper's going through something but I will call you and maybe we can meet at the club. (Prue snatches the phone off of Phoebe.) Sorry, bye. (Piper grabs her keys and Prue and Phoebe stand in front of her.) Did you not look at those drawings?", "Piper: They're cute, yes.", "Phoebe: Cute? Cute? We all had the same invisible fairy friend, Piper. That is proof that fairies exist.", "(Piper tries to walk around them but they don't let her.)", "Piper: Or it proves that one of us had a really fertile imagination and the other two were really big copycats.", "Prue: Okay, Piper, honey, just listen to me, okay. Um, we think that Kate is in trouble, our kind of trouble.", "Piper: Okay, well, I don't. And after what they did to Leo, I'm not really all that motivated to go dig up demons.", "Phoebe: Trolls.", "Piper: Whatever. Look, you guys can do whatever you want but I've had it and I'm done.", "Prue: What does that mean?", "Piper: It means that the \"powers that be\" haven't done anything but ruin my life so therefore I'm not gonna do anything for them anymore, okay. I'm going now, excuse me, I'm going now.", "(She pushes past them and leaves.)", "Phoebe: I think she's on strike.", "[Scene: Kate's house. Kate's room. She is drawing pictures of the trolls. There is a knock on the door and her step dad walks in.]", "Kate's Step Dad: Kate, someone's here to see you.", "(Prue and Phoebe walk in. Prue's holding the drawings.)", "Prue: Hey, so, um, we brought you your jacket. We had to use the spare key to get into the car though. I guess the fairies hid them after all.", "Kate: Told you.", "Phoebe: What are you drawing? That looks like a very scary cave.", "Prue: You know, that looks a lot like mine.", "(She shows her the drawing.)", "Kate: That's a fairy and a troll. My mum says I'm making them up but I'm not.", "Prue: Well, we believe you. Okay, we just need you to tell us everything you know so that we can help.", "Kate: I don't know that much. Thistle's kind of hard to understand. Fairies don't talk the same way people do.", "Phoebe: Thistle?", "Kate: I saved her. See, the fairies are the bosses of the enchanted kingdom but the trolls thought they were the bosses, so they kidnapped Thistle from the king and queen of the fairies.", "Phoebe: So Thistle is a princess?", "Kate: Mmm hmm. But the trolls are gonna kill her unless her parents hand over the kingdom.", "Phoebe: It's a miniature kudatar.", "Kate: But I found her tied up in the cave and I saved her.", "Prue: That was very brave of you.", "Kate: But now the trolls hate me because I won't give her back. Most of the times I can stay out of the in betweens but at midnight...", "Phoebe: There's no place to hide. Yeah, I know.", "Prue: Can we see her?", "Kate: No, only children can see fairies.", "Phoebe: Well, I don't know if this is gonna help but Prue and I are very in touch with our inner children.", "Prue: Can we at least try?", "Kate: We'll have to go into an in between. Watch out for trolls.", "Prue: Okay.", "(Kate unlocks the box with a key hanging around her neck. She sits the box on the window sill, looks around and then opens the lid of the box. They don't see her and Prue shakes her head. Kate shuts the lid.)", "Kate: I can't help if you can't see her. (She holds the box close to her ear and listens.) Thistle says that if you really believe in fairies, there's something that'll make you innocent again so you can see them. (Kate opens the lid, grabs a handful of fairy dust and throws it on Prue and Phoebe. Phoebe bursts out laughing.) I think it worked.", "Prue: (in a childish voice) I wanna see the fairy.", "(Kate opens the lid again and a little pink fairy flies out of the box. They stare at it with their eyes wide and mouths open.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. The place is nearly empty. People are leaving. Prue and Phoebe, acting like children, are on stage singing songs. Piper walks down the stairs and is shocked by what she sees.]", "Piper: Oh my God.", "Prue/Phoebe: (singing) \"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it pat your knee. (They pat their knee) If you're happy and you know it pat your knee.\"", "Phoebe: (to the people watching) You guys have got to do it.", "(Prue and Phoebe continue singing. Piper walks up to Abby.)", "Piper: What the hell is going on?", "Abby: You think this is bad? You should've been here for Frere Jacque. They've been acting like kids since they got here. I didn't serve them, I swear.", "Piper: Alright, put on some music, any music and kill that microphone.", "(Piper walks over to Prue and Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: Hi. Lost your minds?", "Prue: Piper, we have been waiting and waiting and waiting...", "Phoebe: Yeah, and you know what we did? We saw a fairy and she was very cute and she was sparkly and she was really, really pretty.", "(Piper freezes everyone.)", "Piper: Okay, what ass-backward spell did you guys cast?", "Prue: We-we-we didn't cast a spell.", "Phoebe: No, it is true, we did not use a spell but we did use fairy dust.", "Piper: Fairy dust?", "Phoebe: Yep.", "Piper: Okay, great, so you can go home now and reverse it, Tinkerbell.", "Phoebe: No, no, no. No, I am not a fairy. She thought I was a... We have to show her. Okay.", "(Phoebe pulls a small pouch out of her pocket and they get a pinch of fairy dust out of it.)", "Prue: Ready? Okay, go.", "Phoebe: One, two, three.", "(They throw the fairy dust in Piper's face and she sneezes.)", "Piper: What the hell did you do that for?", "Phoebe: Dat did not work.", "Piper: No. Work, that's a very good idea. I'm gonna get back to work now.", "(She unfreezes everyone and walks away. Prue and Phoebe follow her.)", "Phoebe: Oh, you know what? You are being a big, big, big, extra, extra, extra, double big jerk right now. (A strand of hair is on Prue's face and she tries to grab it with her tongue.) Because now I have the key, (she shows her the key hanging around her neck) so Thistle is safe and we have to be back with Kate at midnight so when the trolls attack...", "Piper: No. You guys are going home and you're not driving either 'cause someone will think you're drunk or something. So go outside and wait there and I will call a cab.", "Prue: Oh...", "Piper: Shh shh, no.", "(Phoebe plays with the zipper on her jacket. Prue starts whining.)", "Prue: Why are you being so meeeaan?", "Piper: Because I don't want you to... (Phoebe hugs her.) Stop it. (Phoebe kisses her on the cheek.) You're trying to trick me into ending my strike. (Prue hugs her as well.) And it's not gonna work. You guys go home. Scoot. Go home. Scoot. And you go home and you reverse this ridiculous behaviour.", "(They let go of her and walk towards the door. They turn around and stick their tongues out at Piper. They walk through the doorway and Phoebe dodges a troll. They jump on the ground.)", "Prue: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Trolls. They must know that we have to key now.", "Prue: Okay, they're very scary but they're gonna come after us instead of Kate at midnight so alls we have to do is go home and wait for them.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "[Cut back inside P3. Piper finds Leo's Valentines Day card from the episode \"Animal Pragmatism\" under the cash register. She looks at it and then puts it back under the register.]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue and Phoebe are running through the house.]", "Phoebe: Geez, Louise, there are too many doorways in this house.", "Prue: Okay, we have to call Kate on the walkie-talkies, okay? (They start up the stairs but stop when the doorbell rings.) Oh, do you think the trolls know about doorbells?", "Phoebe: I don't know. (They cautiously walk up to the door. Phoebe opens it and Cole's there bent over at the waist.) Cooooole!", "(He stands up.)", "Cole: Hey, you're home.", "Phoebe: Yes.", "(Phoebe leans forward near the doorway.)", "Prue: Ooh, ooh, tween!", "Phoebe: Um, excuse me, but you were not supposed to meet me here, you were supposed to meet me at the club, 'member?", "Cole: Was that the plan?", "Phoebe: Yes, that was the plan.", "Cole: Sorry, long day.", "Prue: 'Kay, bye, close the door behind you.", "Phoebe: Bye.", "Prue: Bye.", "(They run off.)", "Cole: Um... (They stop and back into each other.) It's a long drive home. Do you think I could use your rest room?", "Phoebe: Number 1 or number 2?", "(Prue laughs.)", "Prue: He has to go tootie.", "Cole: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Okay, you can come in but you have to do it very fast whatever it is.", "[Time lapse. Cole walks in the bathroom. He locks the door. He disappears and reappears in the attic. He sees the Book Of Shadows.]", "[Cut back to Phoebe and Prue. They are standing in the hallway. Prue is holding a walkie-talkie.]", "Prue: Kate, Kate, come in, it's Pwue.", "[Cut to Kate's. She is standing in her room clutching onto the box looking very frightened. She can hear the trolls.]", "Phoebe: Kate, are you there?", "Kate: Prue, where are you?", "Prue: We're at home. The dust didn't work on Piper.", "Kate: Then she doesn't believe. What are we gonna do? I'm scared, there's shadows everywhere and it's almost midnight.", "Phoebe: Okay, listen, Kate, okay, you don't have to worry, that's what we called to tell you because the trolls know that we have the key now, so they're not after you anymore, they're after us.", "Kate: No, they're here too, I can hear them.", "Prue: As long as we have the key, Thistle is safe. So, just stay there, and-and-and turn on all the lights [Cut back to Prue and Phoebe] and it'll disappear the shadows.", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah.", "[Cut back to the attic. Cole reaches for the Book Of Shadows but it flies off its stand and onto the floor. Cole turns into a demon. (Soon known as Belthazor.) He reaches for the book again and it moves along the floor. He groans.]", "[Cut back to Prue and Phoebe. They hear the groan.]", "Phoebe: Trolls.", "Prue: Let's go get 'em.", "[Cut to the attic. Prue and Phoebe barge in.]", "Prue/Phoebe: Hiiiyahh!", "(Phoebe turns on the light and they see the demon. He disappears.)", "Phoebe: Pwue, that was a very, very big troll.", "Prue: That wasn't a troll, that was a demon.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, where does that fit into this story?", "Prue: He was after the Book Of Shadows.", "Phoebe: Alright, well, you know we can't really worry about him now 'cause we have to get to Kate.", "(Phoebe stands in the doorway and a troll's there.)", "Prue: Oh, Phoebe! (The troll jumps down Phoebe's shirt.) Phoebe!", "(Prue tackles Phoebe. The troll jumps out of Phoebe's shirt. Prue and Phoebe fall down the stairs and land on the second floor.)", "Phoebe: (now an adult) Prue, they got the key.", "(Cole walks out of the bathroom.)", "Cole: Phoebe... Are you two okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Phoebe and Cole are walking down the stairs.]", "Prue: You know what? Can you just go? I'm really sorry to rush you out but we have something very important to be taken care of.", "(They head towards the door.)", "Cole: But you sure you're okay? I mean, that sounded like a pretty nasty fall.", "Phoebe: Yeah, Cole, we're fine really.", "Cole: You two seem different.", "Phoebe: Different?", "Cole: I mean, I thought you were, I don't know, drunk or something before but now you seem...", "Prue: Sober. Stairs can be sobering.", "Phoebe: Right. Okay, um, I'm really sorry about plans there, Cole, I really am.", "(She opens the door.)", "Cole: No worries. I'll keep trying.", "(He leaves and Phoebe closes the door.)", "Phoebe: Stairs can be sobering?", "Prue: Okay, what was I supposed to say? That some unknown demon came in to try and steal our magic book and then little trolls came and pushed us down the stairs?", "Phoebe: Right, okay, but why are we thinking like grown ups all of a sudden?", "Prue: I don't know, it must've been from the trauma of the attack. Which is probably a really good thing because I don't really think our inner children would've had much luck protecting Kate.", "Phoebe: And now that the trolls have the key we really need to go protect Kate. (Phoebe opens the door and Prue heads upstairs.) Uh, hello, Prue?", "(She shuts the door and follows Prue.)", "[Cut to the attic. Prue and Phoebe walk in.]", "Phoebe: Okay, I don't understand why we just don't get to Kate.", "Prue: Because with the dust warn off we won't be able to see the trolls.", "(Prue walks over to the Book Of Shadows and flips through the pages.)", "Phoebe: Okay, well, I already looked in the Book Of Shadows and there's nothing in there about trolls.", "Prue: I know, I'm thinking of piecing together a make shift spell like here. (She finds a spell in the book.) Um, to see what can't be seen. If we combine that one with the one to cultivate innocence and the power of three spell it just might work.", "Phoebe: That's why you're the oldest sister, you are always thinking.", "Prue: Thank you. Alright, uh, I'll work on the spell, why don't you go call Piper.", "Phoebe: Okay. Um, what's the point of that? Isn't she still on the picket line?", "Prue: Yeah, but we can't fight the trolls without her, I mean, they're just too fast, we need her to freeze them. You know, maybe we wanted her to be with us before but now we actually need her.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(She heads towards the door.)", "Prue: Uh, hey, watch out for doorways and stuff because now that the trolls know that we're helping Kate, they'll do everything they can to stop all three of us.", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm.", "(Phoebe runs through the doorway quickly.)", "[Scene: P3. Piper places some wine glasses on a tray and walks towards the bar. The trolls trip Piper who drops the tray. She bends down and picks up the glass. Piper cuts her finger on the glass.]", "Piper: Ow!", "(Abby walks up to Piper holding the phone.)", "Abby: Hey, Piper, your sister's... (she sees the mess) on the phone.", "Piper: Perfect. (She takes the phone. Abby helps clean up the mess.) It's okay, I'll get it, I'll get it, it's alright. (Piper walks up to the bar and wraps a napkin around her finger.) (in the phone) You need a diaper change?", "Phoebe: Very funny. Look, we need you to come home right away by midnight or else...", "Piper: The tooth fairy's gonna come and harass us all for not flossing?", "Phoebe: Alright, I know you don't believe in fairy's and I'm not asking you to...", "Piper: Then what are you asking?", "Phoebe: We were trying to distract you before, we were trying to take your mind off of Leo, okay. And it was wrong and I'm sorry for that but it's not about that anymore, Piper. We are up against something that we can not fight without you.", "Piper: Trolls.", "Phoebe: Believe it or don't but they are sneaky and mean and they are trying to hurt a seven year old girl. (Piper looks around the club.) Hello?", "Piper: Any chance they may have been here?", "Phoebe: Yeah, one attacked me there earlier. Why?", "Piper: Nothing.", "Phoebe: Alright, look, they know that we're witches and they will do anything to stop us from helping Kate.", "Piper: Alright, I'm on my way.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, don't forget to stay out of the... (Piper hangs up.) [Cut to Phoebe] Tween places.", "[Cut back to Piper. She grabs her purse and looks for her keys.]", "Piper: Abby, have you seen my keys?", "Abby: Aren't they on the hook?", "Piper: No, if they were on the hook I wouldn't be asking.", "(Piper swings around and knocks over some bottles.)", "Abby: I got it, I got it.", "Piper: Oh, damn it. (She continues looking for the keys.) Spare key, spare key. Register. (She opens the cash register and the trolls close it on her fingers.) Son of a...", "Abby: Oh, are you okay?", "Piper: Uh, could you just do me a favour and close up for me?", "Abby: Oh, yeah, sure.", "Piper: Thank you.", "[Cut to outside. The trolls push Piper out the door. She walks towards her car and the trolls trip her. She falls on the ground and all her stuff falls out of her purse.]", "Piper: You better run while you can, you little rodents. (She stands up and looks up at the sky.) I bet you guys think this is real funny don't ya? Haven't you taken enough from me? You have to send trolls to kick me while I'm down. (She picks up her stuff and puts them back in her purse.) I had a nice normal life once and you took that from me. You took my boyfriend, you took my life, the least you could do is leave me... (a couple walk past) my freakin' car keys. I am a good person, I am a good witch and damn it I would've made a great wife. And how dare you take that from me. I deserve... no, you know what? I demand that you send him back to me. You hear me? Right now. I am going to stand in this very spot until you send Leo back to me.", "(Nothing happens.)", "[Scene: Manor. 11:54pm. Prue and Phoebe are waiting for Piper.]", "Prue: She said that she was coming, right?", "Phoebe: What'd you think I just made that part up?", "Prue: No, but it's almost 12:00 and we still have to go over to Kate's.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe we should do it with out her. Do the best we can.", "Prue: No, I used the power of three spell, it won't work without her.", "Phoebe: We can rewrite it.", "Prue: In six minutes.", "Phoebe: Do you have a better idea?", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Sorry I'm late.", "Phoebe: Hey, are you okay?", "Piper: I thought this wasn't about me.", "Prue: Well, it just... you don't really seem like you're very open.", "Piper: I'm as open as I'm gonna get in the next five minutes so let's just do the damn spell.", "(They read from a piece of paper.)", "Prue/Piper/Phoebe: \"In this tween time this darkest hour, we call upon the sacred power. Three together stand alone, command the unseen to be shown. In innocence we search the skies, enchanted are our new found eyes.\"", "Phoebe: You've really gotta lay off the rhyming, Prue.", "Prue: Alright, well, let's just go ring the doorbell, Piper, you freeze Kate's parents so that we can get past them, okay?", "Piper: Fine, whatever.", "(She walks off.)", "Prue: Fine, whatever.", "[Scene: Kate's house. Kate's room. She is standing in the middle of the room clutching onto the box and holding the walkie-talkie.]", "Kate: (into the walkie-talkie) Prue? Hello? Phoebe? Please answer me. Hello? (The clock hits 12:00 and the trolls appear. They fly around Kate. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in. The trolls fly around them, pushes them outside into the hallway and shuts the door. They knock the box out of Kate's hands.) Thistle! (The box falls under the bed.) Phoebe, they're taking Thistle.", "[Cut to the hallway.]", "Phoebe: Okay, why can't we see them?", "Prue: Obviously the spell didn't work.", "(Prue uses her power and opens the door. The trolls drag Kate under the bed.)", "Kate: Help me!", "(The trolls knock down a shelf of toys.)", "[Cut to under the bed. The troll throws dust on Kate and she turns into a fairy. They take her away. Prue, Piper and Phoebe look under the bed.]", "Phoebe: Where'd she go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Kate's house. Continued from before.]", "Prue: There's nothing here.", "Piper: Well, she's gotta be here somewhere, she couldn't have just disappeared.", "Phoebe: Unless the trolls turned her into a fairy.", "Prue: A fairy? Why would they do that?", "Phoebe: I have no idea. Maybe to punish her for taking Thistle. (She picks up the box.) But we have to find Kate. Okay, come on, give me a premonition.", "Prue: I don't understand. I mean, why couldn't we see the trolls? We've had spells backfire on us before but never the power of three.", "Piper: It didn't backfire. The spell didn't work because of me.", "Prue: Piper...", "Piper: No, it's-it's true. This is all my fault. I just, I wanted to save Kate and never meant to hurt her, I never meant for this...", "Prue: Don't blame yourself, okay? You have every right to be angry.", "Piper: But not at the expense of a little girl. I just don't understand how I'm supposed to believe in anything anymore. I just want him back, Prue.", "Prue: I know. But right now we have to get Kate back, okay, and we're gonna need your help to do that.", "Phoebe: Damn it, damn it, damn it. I don't understand. What good is this power if I can't use it when I need it?", "Prue: Phoebe, you have to focus.", "Phoebe: Prue, I am focusing, believe me.", "Prue: You're too upset, so take a deep breath...", "Piper: Guys...", "Phoebe: I can't levitate when I want to, I can't premonition when I want to...", "Piper: Guys!", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: I think the spell is working. (She points to a fairy flying near the window.) Do you see it?", "Phoebe: What's it doing?", "Prue: I think it wants us to follow it.", "[Time lapse. Outside in a garden. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are following the fairy. They approach a cave and it flies away.]", "Prue: I think he got scared away.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I can see why. This looks like the cave from Kate's drawing.", "Piper: The first troll I see is in really big trouble. Let's go.", "(They walk into the cave and hide behind a rock. Kate and Thistle are locked in a cage.)", "Phoebe: Troll central.", "(The troll's place a branch underneath the cage. One troll is banging two rocks together trying to make a fire.)", "Piper: What are they doing?", "Prue: It looks like they're trying to start a fire, although I don't really think that it's for roasting marshmallows.", "Phoebe: Kate and Thistle.", "(The trolls get the fire started.)", "Prue: Alright, Piper, do you think that you can freeze them from here?", "Piper: I can try.", "(Some trolls attack them and they walk further into the cave.)", "Prue: Piper, freeze them.", "Piper: They're too fast.", "(One heads straight for Piper and she freezes it. Prue moves it into the fire and it burns.)", "Prue: One down.", "Phoebe: Okay... (Phoebe jumps up and levitates.) Prue, a little help here.", "(Prue uses her power and Phoebe flies over to the cage. She unhooks it and lands back on the ground.)", "Prue: Piper, run.", "Piper: Run? Run where?", "Prue: Just run, Piper, run!", "(Prue drags Piper towards the fire.)", "Piper: Are you out of your mind?", "Prue: Freeze the flames! (Piper freezes the fire and they jump through it. The trolls head towards them.) Unfreeze, now. (Piper unfreezes the fire and burns all of the trolls.) Now that is just the way I like my trolls, medium-well.", "(Phoebe laughs. She lets Kate and Thistle of the cage.)", "Phoebe: Here you guys go. It's okay, there you go. (They start to fly away.) Um, hey, hey, hey, you guys, wait up.", "(They stop.)", "Prue: Thistle, don't you know how to turn Kate back into a person?", "(Kate looks at Thistle and shakes her head.)", "Phoebe: Kate, you know, you can't stay a fairy because if you do, your mum will be very sad.", "Piper: Um, you know what? I think I kinda know how you're feeling. When someone you love goes away it doesn't make any sense and it feels like the whole world is out to get you. But you know what? Your mum and dad didn't split up to hurt you. Things just happen. Things that you may never understand. But you just have to believe that it's for the best. Even if it doesn't always seem that way. You remember how sad you were when your daddy left? (She nods.) Well, that's how sad everybody's gonna be if you don't come home.", "(Kate looks at Thistle and nods. Thistle turns her back into a human. Phoebe goes over and hugs Kate.)", "Prue: (to Piper) Nicely done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk through the front door. They look very sore and tied.]", "Phoebe: Ow.", "Piper: Yep.", "Prue: Ice?", "Phoebe: Bed. (Just as Prue closes the door the doorbell rings. Prue opens the door back up and there are flowers on the porch.) Who delivers at this hour?", "(Prue bends down and picks up her keys.)", "Prue: Hmm, I think this is somebody's way of saying thank you. Here. (She hands them the flowers.)", "Piper: Well, you're welcome.", "(They carry them inside.)", "Phoebe: Oh, they're so pretty.", "(Piper puts on a wreath of flowers on her head. Prue and Phoebe look at her.)", "Prue: Piper, um, we...", "(She takes it back off.)", "Phoebe: We, um, we just...", "Piper: I know, it's okay. I'm actually beginning to understand why they don't want witches and Whitelighters to be together. (They walk into the living room and sit down.) Marriage is, um, hard enough, you know. But marriage to a Whitelighter... He's gotta orb out at all times of the night and sometimes he's gone for weeks at a time. But honestly if I'm gonna have a meltdown every time I have no idea where he is, the none of us are gonna be able to do our jobs. (Tears fill her eyes.) And if we had lost that little girl tonight...", "Phoebe: But we didn't.", "Piper: But we could've. And I don't think I could live with that. If that means that I have to give up Leo, then I guess that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. (She walks out of the room. Leo orbs in on the stairs. Piper gets a fright.) Am I dreaming?", "Leo: No.", "(They hug.)", "Piper: I had a dream that you weren't coming back. That wasn't a dream either, was it?", "Leo: No, it wasn't. They had forbidden me from ever seeing you again. (Phoebe and Prue walk in.) But now, I don't know what you said or did but they said you showed great courage and great faith, enough to make them reconsider.", "Phoebe: Does that mean you guys can get married now?", "Prue: Ugh...", "Phoebe: What? I wanna know.", "Leo: Not yet. It means they're giving us a chance to prove we can make it work.", "Phoebe: What do you mean? Like probation?", "(Piper gives Phoebe a look.)", "Leo: If we can show them that our relationship won't get in the way of our work...", "Piper: Then we can stay together?", "Leo: But if anything goes wrong, we're distracted by each other...", "Piper: We won't be.", "(Piper and Leo go upstairs.)", "Phoebe: Are you worried?", "Prue: When are you going to learn? I am always worried. I'm relieved that he's back though, not only for Piper but...", "Phoebe: I know. Unknown, unattractive demon on the loose.", "Prue: Yeah, let's not tell them until tomorrow. I think that the least that they deserve is one night worry free romance don't you?", "Phoebe: Mmm, romance, uhh.", "[Time lapse. Phoebe is calling Cole's office.]", "Cole: Turner.", "Phoebe: Uh, hi, Cole, what are you doing in the office at two in the morning?", "Cole: What are you doing calling the office at two in the morning?", "Phoebe: Um, I-I was just gonna leave you a message. Save you the trouble of having to talk to me.", "Cole: Why would I ever not want to talk to you?", "Phoebe: I don't know, you know, just incase you thought I was a drunk or a lunatic or a drunk lunatic.", "Cole: I think I'm gonna go with mystery. One I'm looking forward to figuring out.", "Phoebe: Okay, um, I'm going to go then and, uh, be mysterious.", "Cole: I'll call you.", "Phoebe: I will answer.", "(She hangs up and falls back onto the couch.)", "[Cut to Cole's office.]", "Cole: Yes! (to his shadow) Tell them I'm getting closer.", "(His shadows disappears into and air vent.)" ]
Once Upon A time
[ "On Halloween, a local coven leader from the 1600s named Eva ( Clare Carey ), summons the sisters back in time to save a witch named Charlotte (Sadie Stratton) and her soon-to-be born child from an evil witch named Ruth Cobb ( Judy Geeson ), who wants to raise the child evil. It is later revealed that the child in the womb is the sisters' ancestor Melinda Warren and Cole travels back in time to capture her at birth. Meanwhile, back in the present time, Leo and Darryl try to fight off two Grimlocks who were vanquished by the Charmed Ones once before, but were brought back by the power of Halloween." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Phoebe is there checking her makeup in a compact mirror. Prue walks in holding a bowl of candy. She places it on the foyer table. Piper and Leo walk down the stairs. They are all dressed up in costumes for Halloween. Phoebe is Elvira, the mistress of the dark, wearing a black dress and a black wig. Prue is wearing a black dress and a long black wig with butterflies pinned to it. And Piper is dressed a Glenda, the good witch from the Wizard of Oz, wearing a blonde wig and a pink fluffy dress. Leo is dressed in his old World War II army uniform.]", "Piper: Alright, people, let's go. I was supposed to be at the club a half an hour ago.", "Prue: (to Piper) Hey, are you a good witch or a bad witch?", "Piper: I'm going to be a very good witch from now on.", "Prue: And you picked a role model that wears lots and lots of pink?", "Piper: Yes.", "Leo: Glenda helped innocents didn't she?", "Piper: Yes.", "Phoebe: You had the answer all along? That's not help, that's mind games.", "Piper: I'm not gonna let you spoil my new attitude, I'm gonna celebrate witches holiday with enthusiasm.", "Phoebe: The only problem is you never really know what you're celebrating when you celebrate Halloween.", "Piper: Details. Where's Darryl?", "Prue: He is in the kitchen on the phone.", "(Piper and Leo head for the kitchen but stop when Phoebe starts talking.)", "Phoebe: (holding up a cardboard cutout) Hooked nosed hags riding broomsticks. That's what we're celebrating. Personally I am offended by the representation of witches and popular culture.", "Piper: Right, which is why you're dressed as the mistress of the dark.", "Phoebe: This costume happens to be a protest statement.", "Prue: I am so impressed that you can make a protest statement and show cleavage all at the same time.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "Prue: Amazing.", "Piper: Let's go.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Darryl is there talking on the phone. He is wearing his police academy uniform. Everyone walks in.]", "Piper: Alright, Inspector, put down the phone and nobody gets hurt.", "Darryl: (into the phone) Yeah, sweetie, I gotta go. Give your folks my love, okay? I miss you guys.", "(He hangs up.)", "Piper: Nice costume.", "(Piper scoops some popcorn into a bowl.)", "Darryl: Yeah, it's from my rookie days. Still fits.", "Leo: Yeah, mine too.", "(Darryl look at Leo.)", "Darryl: You're not from World War II. (silence) Who are you?", "Prue: Uh, I will explain on the way. (She eats some popcorn.) So in the meantime we can just stick together since we are both dateless.", "Piper: He's not dateless, he's married, you're dateless 'cause you're picky.", "Prue: No, I'm not settling, alright, the perfect guy is out there, a real man, and I will find him, trust me.", "Piper: Mmm hmm. And they're gonna love the popcorn and caramel in your teeth too. (Prue picks her teeth with her fingernail.) Alright, Darryl, let's go, somebody get something.", "(They all grab plates of food.)", "Phoebe: Um, we can't leave yet we have to wait for Cole.", "Darryl: Cole Turner? The ADA? You're dating him?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, I just sort of invited him to go along with us. It wasn't set in stone or anything so something must've come up.", "[Scene: In the streets. Children are trick or treating. Two grimlocks walk past a kid. He runs after them.]", "Kid: Hey, hey, cool costumes, dudes.", "(The grimlock holds out his hand and a blue swirling light surrounds the kid's eyes. Cole appears.)", "Cole: What the hell are you doing?", "Grimlock #1: Belthazor?", "Cole: Ah-ah-ah-ah. I use the name Cole here. Let him go.", "(He does so and the kid runs off.)", "Grimlock #1: We don't need him, not to get the Charmed Ones.", "Cole: My next question, didn't they already get you two years ago?", "Grimlock #2: Yeah, but it's Halloween. When the veil between worlds thin. When the demons that know how can return to seek their revenge.", "Cole: I know. Which is why I have a different plan for the witches. One that doesn't include you. One that's been approved by the triad.", "Grimlock #1: We don't answer to anyone anymore. We're dead.", "Cole: There's dead... and there's dead. Fine, I'll just move up my timetable.", "(He disappears.)", "Grimlock #1: I've always hated that demon.", "Grimlock #2: Nice costume though.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk into the foyer.]", "Prue: Ooh-ooh, I wanna picture of all of us first but I have to get my broomstick.", "Phoebe: Cliché!", "(Prue goes into the other room. The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: Come on, guys, hurry up.", "(Phoebe answers the door. The grimlocks are standing there.)", "Grimlock #1: Trick or treat?", "Phoebe: Oh my god, that is so weird. They look just like the grim-- whoa!", "(Phoebe and Piper run but stop when the grimlocks start to strangle them.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. The Whitelighters call Leo.]", "Leo: Uh-oh.", "Darryl: Uh-oh, what?", "Leo: Piper? (He and Darryl run into the foyer.) Prue? Phoebe?", "(Prue runs in.)", "Prue: Oh!", "(Prue uses her power and the grimlocks fly into the living room.)", "Phoebe: Didn't we vanquish them already?", "Leo: I don't know, but that's not what I wanted to warn you about.", "Prue: What do you mean? (A vortex opens behind them.)", "Leo: That's what I wanted to warn you about.", "Prue: Oh.", "(The grimlocks come back into the foyer.)", "Phoebe: Oh, look out.", "(Piper freezes them.)", "Piper: Leo, what the hell is...", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe get sucked into the vortex. It closes and their wigs fall to the ground.)", "Leo: Wait! They don't know what's happening.", "Darryl: This isn't good, right?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: 1670. The vortex opens in a field and Prue, Piper and Phoebe appear. They are standing near a witch's altar.]", "Prue: Is everybody okay?", "Phoebe: Too soon to tell.", "Piper: Did the grimlocks do this?", "Prue: Uh, unless we're dead and this is the here after, I don't think so.", "Phoebe: Eternally Elvira, yecch.", "Prue: Alright, uh, so this sorta looks like an altar.", "Piper: A witch's altar. What's going on?", "(About 10-15 witch hunters on horses and foot run towards them.)", "Man #1: There they are!", "Man #2: Kill the witches!", "Phoebe: Oh, you had to ask.", "Piper: Not good, not good, not good. (They run into the bushes.) Flee! We're not in Kansas anymore.", "Man #3: Come on!", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe hide behind a bush and watch the witch hunters search around for them.)", "Piper: Don't tell me we've time traveled again. I hate time traveling.", "Phoebe: You do? I was burnt at the stake last time, remember?", "Prue: Alright, let's try and make sure that doesn't happen again. From what they're wearing it looks to be, what, 16-1700's?", "Phoebe: Where the life expectancy of the average witch is, what, fifteen minutes?", "(Someone rustles a bush behind them. They gasp and turn around to see a witch hunter standing there.)", "Man #4: Find anything, Micah?", "(He stares at Prue. Piper gets ready to freeze him but Prue grabs her wrist.)", "Micah: No, nothing here. Ride on.", "Man #4: Ride on, men.", "(He puts his index finger to his lips.)", "Micah: Shh...", "(He runs off.)", "Piper: Hi. Why didn't you let me freeze him?", "Prue: I don't know, there was just something...", "(Once the witch hunters have gone, they walk out of the bushes.)", "Piper: You know what? I don't care why we're here or how we got here, I just wanna get home. I've got a life to live and decorations to hang, so where's the damn vortex?", "Prue: I don't know where the...", "(Someone puts bags over their heads. They scream.)", "[Scene: 2000. Manor. The grimlocks are still frozen. Darryl is looking at them. Leo is looking around where the vortex appeared.]", "Darryl: First demons I've ever seen. Actually, except for that blonde with the funky snake tongue thingy. What are they?", "Leo: I don't know.", "Darryl: Then how do you know they didn't make the girls disappear?", "Leo: Because this is different. This is a time portal that my bosses sent them through, which is closed now, damn it.", "Darryl: Who are you?", "Leo: I'm their... never mind, it's too complicated. I gotta get you out of here before they unfreeze.", "Darryl: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it. I'm not going anywhere.", "Leo: Look, I don't have time to argue. I've gotta figure out a way to get rid of these demons before the girls return, otherwise they're gonna be sitting ducks.", "Darryl: Are you sure they're coming back?", "Leo: They better be. They've gotta do it before Halloween ends too, which means...", "Darryl: Which means you're gonna need my help.", "Leo: You don't know what you're up against here.", "Darryl: The problem is neither do you, which means you're gonna need a cop around to help you figure it out. They're like sisters to me, Leo.", "Leo: Alright. Phoebe said that she thought they had vanquished these demons before, so the first thing we have to do is... (The grimlocks unfreeze.) Run. (Darryl and Leo run up the stairs. Darryl stops and shoots them with his gun. Green goo oozes out of them and they fall on the ground.) Come on, let's go.", "Grimlock #1: At least we can't die.", "Grimlock #2: They can.", "Grimlock #1: We have to figure out where the witches went.", "Grimlock #2: We know where they went. Cole got them. But if he fails, they'll be back and they'll be in our way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: 1670. In a cave. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and some women are there. The women pull the bags off their heads. A woman (Eva) curtseys in front of them.]", "Eva: Blessed be. (The girls look confused.) Our powers have been answered. We need your help.", "Prue: Excuse me?", "Eva: Forgive me for the manner in which you were brought here, but we had to make sure you were who we has sent for. This doorway would've told us if you were evil.", "(She points to any opening in the cave.)", "Piper: Huh, where can we get one of those?", "Prue: Alright, wait, uh, who do you think we are?", "Eva: The most powerful witches of all time, of course.", "Phoebe: Okay, lucky guess.", "Prue: And you are?", "Eva: I am Eva. A midwife, a witch, a free citizen of the colony of Virginia. These good women are my coven. (to the women) Come. Now we don't have much time. (The women hand Prue, Piper and Phoebe a dress each.) No one can suspect that you've come to us from the future. Witches must not have to hide in your time. What year are you from?", "Piper: Uh, 2000.", "Phoebe: What year is it now?", "Eva: 1670.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Prue: Uh, alright, so why do you need our help?", "Eva: To save a magical baby who's prophesied to be born tonight.", "Piper: Save it from who?", "Eva: A dark practitioner. She kidnapped the baby's mother in hopes of raising the child evil. If that happens, good magic will never flourish in the new world. You must rescue Charlotte so that you can bring her here and we can deliver her baby with our own protective circle.", "Piper: Wait a minute, you have the power to bring us through time but you don't have the power to set her free yourself?", "Eva: Well, we cast spells to prepare your way of course, but we know it was the power of All Hallows Eve that brought you here. Not us.", "Prue: All Hallows Eve?", "Eva: A witch's most sacred day. The day when the source of all magic can be tapped into. How can you not know about All Hallows Eve?", "Phoebe: It isn't what it used to be.", "Piper: Wait a minute, uh, you can tap into that power to send us home, right?", "Eva: W-we assumed you could.", "Piper: They assumed you could.", "Prue: Um, okay, well, uh, Piper, I have an idea. So what time is it?", "(She looks at her watch.)", "Piper: It's 2:15.", "(Eva looks at her watch.)", "Eva: Oh, you've made a big clock so small. You must possess great magic.", "Piper: Just a good credit card.", "Prue: Okay, um, excuse us for a minute. Talk. (They walk away.) Alright, I think that I have this figured out. I think that “they” sent us here and that's what Leo was trying to tell us.", "Piper: Oh, leave it to them to zap first and give instructions never.", "Prue: Alright, but if I'm right, the only way that they are going to let us go home is if we bring that baby back here by midnight. Alright, uh, Eva, do you have a plan?", "Eva: Yes. (She holds up a small bottle.) This vial holds a potion which will put the men who guard the house to sleep. (She hands it to Piper.) Then you'll use your powers to bring the mother back here.", "Piper: Ha, easy for her to say.", "(Piper gives the potion to Prue.)", "[Scene: At a village. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Eva walk out of the bush. They are wearing dresses and a cape.]", "Eva: We must be careful.", "Phoebe: It looks like they're having a party.", "Eva: It's the kidnapper, Ruth Cobb. She's doing it, pretending to mock All Hallow's Eve but I know better. She's really doing it to tap into the powers of dark magic.", "(They see witch hunters near by.)", "Piper: Looks like our welcoming committee.", "Phoebe: Witch hunters.", "Eva: Hunters of good witches maybe. If they work for Ruth, they're after us.", "(Prue sees Micah nearby.)", "Prue: Not all of them.", "(Phoebe looks at Prue.)", "Phoebe: Hmm.", "(They walk closer to the village.)", "Eva: Beware the talismans. (She points to the talismans hanging on the tree.) They've barred our way each time we try to rescue Charlotte.", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, those don't really pack much of a punch where we come from.", "(They walk forward.)", "Eva: No, you don't realize", "(A bright light shines out of the talisman and they fly backwards. A bell rings and the village people start yelling and running around.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, what the hell was that?", "(Eva helps them up.)", "Piper: Talismans?", "Prue: No way talisman's have that much power.", "Eva: They never have before. Ruth's using the magic of All Hallow's Eve. (Guards gallop towards them on their horses.) Guards!", "Prue: Alright, I've got him. I've got him. (She uses her power but nothing happens.) Uh", "Phoebe: What just happened? What's the matter?", "Prue: I don't know. (She tries again.) Piper?", "(Piper tries to freeze them but it doesn't work. The guard shoots at them and they scream. Piper continues to try and freeze them but it still doesn't work.)", "Eva: Use your powers.", "Prue: We don't have any.", "Eva: What?", "Phoebe: Run!", "(A guard shoots at them again and hits Eva in the arm. She yells in pain. They run into the bushes.)", "[Cut to inside Ruth's house. Ruth is looking out the window watching. She walks over to Charlotte who's in bed and is in pain.]", "Ruth: It appears that your witch friend has brought others to try and rescue you again. Unfortunately, she's been wounded. (Charlotte groans in pain.) Oh, easy now, Charlotte. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your baby now, would we?", "Charlotte: I won't let you have my baby.", "Ruth: Oh, you won't have a choice. Especially since somebody very special has recently arrived to ensure it.", "(She walks into another room. There is a man standing in a dark corner.)", "Man: How much longer, Ruth?", "Ruth: Soon. By nightfall perhaps. You imbued the talismans with great power. Care to share your secrets? Who are you? Where'd you come from? Pray tell.", "(The man walks into the light. It's Cole but with shoulder-length hair.)", "Cole: I come from the future to change it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: A cave. Eva is holding a cloth against her would.]", "Prue: Eva, we're sorry, we didn't know that our powers", "Eva: Just leave us. Just go back to wherever it is you came from. We asked for the most powerful witches of all time and instead, we get powerless frauds.", "Phoebe: Um, okay, I know you're a little disappointed but frauds is a little harsh don't you think?", "Piper: We do have powers, we just, or at least, we had them. We just can't access them right now.", "Prue: Maybe that's because technically we don't really exist yet, so neither do our powers.", "Eva: Protecting this baby is my destiny. How can we come this far just to fail?", "Phoebe: We're asking ourselves the same thing.", "(A woman walks over to Eva and hands her a folded piece of paper.)", "Woman: Bite down.", "(Eva puts the paper between her teeth. Another woman gets a poker out of the fire. Piper stops her.)", "Piper: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?", "Woman: Cauterizing her wound.", "Piper: No, no, no, no, no. We may not have powers but we do have basics. Just get some hot water and some soap and some clean cloths. (Eva nods.) Hurry.", "(The women walk away.)", "Prue: Eva, don't give up on us yet, alright, I know that we can help.", "Phoebe: Yeah. We have been through tougher jams than this before.", "Piper: We have?", "Phoebe: Haven't we?", "Prue: We were born witches. That makes us innately magical. Maybe you can just teach us how to tap into it.", "Eva: There's not enough time.", "Phoebe: We're quick studies.", "[Scene: 2000. Manor. Leo is looking through the Book Of Shadows. Darryl is walking around holding his gun.]", "Leo: I keep telling you that thing's not gonna work on them.", "Darryl: Maybe not, but it makes them think twice about it. Otherwise they would've blasted in on us by now. That, plus it's the only thing we got.", "Leo: Well, maybe not. I think I found out who they are. (reading from the book) Grimlocks - Underground demons who are sensitive to light and steal children's sight so they can see the aura that surrounds good people and strangle them with it.", "Darryl: That snake tongued blonde's looking better and better.", "Leo: At least there's a vanquishing potion here.", "(Darryl walks near the door and the Grimlocks start strangling him through the key hole.)", "[Cut inside the attic. Darryl drops his gun and starts to cough.]", "Leo: Darryl.", "(The Grimlocks barge in. Leo orbs out and orbs back in beside Darryl. He grabs Darryl and they orb out.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Leo and Darryl orb in. Darryl continues coughing.]", "Leo: Told you you didn't know what you're up against.", "Darryl: Who are you?", "Leo: Come on, we've got a potion to cook up.", "[Scene: 1670. Ruth's house. Ruth is laying out tarot cards in front of her. Charlotte groans in pain.]", "Ruth: Her contractions are coming closer together. (Cole soaks a cloth is a bowl of water.) It won't be long now.", "(Cole walks over to Charlotte with the wet cloth and reaches out to her.)", "Charlotte: Don't touch me.", "Cole: There's no need for you to be anymore uncomfortable then you have to be.", "Charlotte: Really? Then let me go. I beg you.", "Cole: Even if I could, it wouldn't help. Another would be sent to take you right back. (Ruth gasps.) What? What do you see?", "(He walks back over to her.)", "Ruth: A force of great good, from your time. Here, for the baby as well.", "Cole: Three of them. I'm not surprised my traveling here undoubtedly alerted the other side.", "Ruth: But this new force...", "Cole: If, it's who I think it is, I can handle them. You just make sure she stays here through midnight.", "[Scene: Cave. Eva hands Prue, Piper and Phoebe some small dolls made out of wheat.]", "Eva: Here.", "Piper: Dolls? We tap into our powers with dolls?", "Eva: It's not just a doll. It's a totem. Reminds us of the wisdom and the power of women.", "Phoebe: Okay, but what does is have to do with...", "Eva: The witch's journey is a walk of wisdom collected over the years, Phoebe. (She cuts an apple in half.) Wisdom gives us power. Power frightens the fearful and the ignorant.", "Prue: Well, that would certainly explain why in out time witches are made to look silly on Halloween.", "Eva: And this magic, this knowledge is forgotten?", "Phoebe: We could get it back if you teach us.", "Eva: Here. (She picks up a witch's hat.) The conical hat is a spiritual point. (She places it on Phoebe's head.) It helps us to channel our magic. Keeps us centered, focused. The apple holds a pentacle in its heart. (She holds up half an apple.) Add a laurel leaf, you will block the path of evil.", "(She places a leaf over the centre of the apple.)", "Prue: A simple laurel leaf?", "Eva: Simple, but powerful. Remember, there is magic all around you, especially on this night.", "Piper: Uh, what's with the masks?", "Eva: Demons walk freely on All Hallows Eve, so a mask allows you to hide your identity. (She hands a mask to Piper.) Walk amongst them.", "Phoebe: (to a woman holding a broom) Can I see that? (The woman hands her the broom.) Okay, now don't tell me we ride around on this thing.", "Eva: Anything's possible. Here. The broom's traditional purpose is to sweep evil from your path. Sweep east to west. (Phoebe sweeps east to west.) Same path as the sun travels. Like anything else in magic, it's how you do it, with knowledge and reverence.", "Phoebe: Wow, do I feel silly. (She giggles. She gets a shock from the broom.) Ah!", "Piper: What happened?", "Phoebe: Nothing. Must have been just a spark.", "Eva: No, you felt the power. Alright, Sally will go with you to Ruth's house. She'll give you the last few things you'll need. I wish I could go with you.", "Prue: We'll do great. You've armed us well.", "Eva: Remember, connect with the power of this day.", "[Scene: Village. Cole is at the party. Ruth walks up to him.]", "Ruth: Will you know what they look like?", "Cole: What are you doing here? I told you to stay at the house.", "Ruth: The house is guarded by men and magic. Charlotte's not going anywhere.", "Cole: I've seen the future, Ruth. Your ignorance is your destiny.", "(He puts on a mask.)", "[Cut to Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Sally. They are walking to the village. Sally is giving them some witch tools.]", "Sally: Charlotte should be in the first bedroom at the top of the stairs. Be careful, Ruth's guards are everywhere. If they see you with these tools, they'll know you as witches.", "Prue: Don't worry, we won't fail this time.", "Sally: I know you won't. Which of you will be standing guard for the others?", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Sally: If need be, this will turn away evil spirits. (She hands Phoebe a small pumpkin with a star carved out of it.) Perhaps even a demon you think Ruth's summoned.", "Phoebe: Um, you're kidding, right? (Sally stares at her.) Okay, you're not kidding.", "(She puts the pumpkin in her cape pocket.)", "Sally: Blessed be. Good luck.", "(She walks away.)", "Prue: Alright. (They put on their masks.) Trick or treat.", "Piper: Oh boy.", "(They walk into the village. Phoebe heads in a different direction from Prue and Piper.)", "Man: Care to know your future, milady?", "Phoebe: Oh, no thanks, I'm pretty familiar with it already.", "Man: Are you certain? I can show you the first initial of your true love's name.", "Phoebe: Really? You can do that?", "Man: With a simple peel of the apple.", "Cole: Prove it.", "(Cole walks up to them.)", "Phoebe: And why would you be interested, sir?", "Cole: And why wouldn't you be?", "(Silence.)", "Phoebe: Okay, how do I do it?", "Man: First, (he peels an apple) you must fill your heart, only thoughts of love. Then close your eyes and blow on the peel. (She does so.) Drop the peel into the water and watch.", "(He drops the peel into a bucket of water.)", "Phoebe: And how is it that apple knows this big secret?", "Cole: It's simple, milady. Apples are the fruit of knowledge.", "(The apple forms a C shape.)", "Man: It is C. The name of your true love begins with a C.", "Phoebe: Cole.", "(Cole looks at her. Someone walks past Phoebe and bumps her. She drops the pumpkin. Ruth, who is standing near by, sees it. She points at Phoebe.)", "Ruth: Witch!", "Cole: No.", "(Micah runs over to Phoebe and searches her pockets.)", "Piper: Uh-oh.", "Prue: Phoebe.", "(They run over to her.)", "Ruth: Those two as well.", "(Witch hunters grab Prue and Piper.)", "Ruth: (to Cole) There's your three. (Village people yell \"hang the witches\".) Hang them! Hang them all!", "Micah: My pleasure.", "(Micah stares at Prue. Cole watches them get taken away.)", "[Scene: Field. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting on three horses under a tree with a noose around their neck. The witch hunters are there watching.]", "Piper: Tell me this isn't happening.", "(Micah rides up next to Prue. Cole is near by on his horse.)", "Micah: Hang witch. Hyah! (The horses run out from underneath them and they are hung.) Onward.", "(The witch hunters quickly ride away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Continued from before. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are still hanging there. Micah rides back, looks around and cuts the rope with his knife. They fall to the ground and groan in pain.]", "Micah: My apologies. (He cuts the ropes around their hands.) A trick I learned from the French. Run the noose line to the waist.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, it's a really good thing the other guards didn't see you do that.", "(They stand up.)", "Piper: Wait a minute, I don't understand. How did you know you could trust him?", "Prue: By the look in his eyes.", "Piper: Oh.", "Phoebe: Uh huh.", "Prue: So that would be (she removes his mask) the second time that you've saved our necks.", "Micah: And what beautiful necks they are. (He kisses her hand.) I'm Micah.", "Prue: I'm charmed.", "Phoebe: Alright, I hate to bust up the balcony scene, Romeo, but why do you keep saving us and why are you running with the witch hunters?", "Micah: So I can undo their work whenever possible. I've seen what dark magic can do. If you're fighting that, I'm on your side. And I should get back before anyone gets suspicious.", "(Prue kisses him on the cheek.)", "Prue: Thank you.", "Micah: Another time.", "(He rides off.)", "Prue: Who was that masked man?", "Phoebe: Okay, you finally found a real man. Too bad he lives in Colonial Virginia, Prue.", "Piper: We need to get out of here. Pay attention.", "Phoebe: Okay, any idea how we're going to save the baby?", "Piper: Well, they think we're dead now. They certainly aren't expecting us.", "Prue: I mean, besides you guys, we're witches and it's All Hallows Eve, so...", "Piper: Alright, glow elsewhere.", "Prue: Alright.", "[Scene: 2000. Manor. Kitchen. Leo's making the vanquishing potion. He takes the wooden spoon out of the saucepan and smells it.]", "Leo: We need more thyme.", "(Darryl looks at his watch.)", "Darryl: Can't help you there, buddy, it's almost nightfall.", "Leo: No, I'm talking about an herb. It's for the potion. It's, uh, over there.", "(Darryl picks up a plate.)", "Darryl: Thyme, right?", "Leo: Yeah.", "(He hands it to Leo.)", "Darryl: You think they know what we're doing in here?", "Leo: Probably. It explains why they haven't burst in on us yet.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Darryl: Trick or treaters.", "Leo: Or a trap.", "Darryl: Didn't you say those things steal kids sight?", "(He nods. Darryl starts to leave.)", "Leo: No, I should go, I can orb.", "Darryl: Which might be exactly what they're waiting for. Stay here, finish that potion. No matter what happens, you make sure you bring the girls home safe. Whoever you are.", "(He walks out of the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the porch. There are three trick or treaters there. Darryl opens the door.]", "Trick or Treaters: Trick or treat.", "Darryl: Spread the word. (He gives them a bowl of candy.) We're out of candy.", "(He shuts the door.)", "[Cut to inside. Darryl peeks into the living room and looks around. He turns around and a Grimlock is standing there. It punches him and he falls to the floor. Grimlock #2 steals his sight. He feels around the floor and finds the button for Prue's camera. He pushes it and the flash goes off. He runs out of the room.]", "[Scene: 1670. Outside the village. Piper and Phoebe are near the bush. Prue walks up to them.]", "Prue: I don't see Ruth or the guards. What time is it?", "(Piper gets her watch out of her pocket.)", "Piper: It's-it's 6:00. And we're running our of time and magic.", "Prue: Well, it doesn't change what we have to do.", "Phoebe: How are we gonna get past the talismans?", "Prue: Do you remember what Eva said?", "Phoebe: The powerless frauds part?", "Prue: No, the magic is all around us part. Well, it's time we learned how to access that. (Prue picks up a broom and hands it to Phoebe.) Just sweep away evil.", "Phoebe: What? No funny hat?", "(Piper picks the flowers off a lavender bush.)", "Piper: Lavender. Didn't she say that was a protection herb?", "(Prue picks some wheat and starts making a doll.)", "Prue: And the wisdom of the women before us will guide us again.", "Piper: Okay, get sweeping.", "Phoebe: Ugh...", "(They walk near a house.)", "Phoebe: Okay, which way is east?", "Piper: Uh, that way.", "(She points to east. Phoebe sweeps east to west and the broom lets off some sparks. The broomstick glows.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, did you see that?", "Prue: Yeah, keep going.", "(She continues to sweep and the talismans glow and falls off the trees.)", "Phoebe: It's working.", "Prue: Alright, good. (Near by, some witch hunters grab Micah.) Micah.", "(She starts to walk.)", "Phoebe: Prue, you can't.", "Prue: They found him out.", "Phoebe: We have to get to Charlotte. What would he want you to do?", "(Prue and Piper go inside the house. They walk over to Charlotte.)", "Piper: Hi.", "Charlotte: Who are you?", "Prue: Eva sent us. Charlotte, we're here to take you back.", "Charlotte: You're lying. I-I don't believe...", "(She yells in pain.)", "Prue: Oh, okay, okay, uh, uh, how does Lamaze breathing go?", "Piper: Uh...", "(Piper breathes like they do in Lamaze class.)", "Prue: Oh, that's it.", "(Prue does it too. Charlotte yells in pain.)", "Piper: Okay, okay, okay, um, try this. We can do this.", "(Piper presses a spot on Charlotte's back with her fingers.)", "Charlotte: How are you making the pain go away?", "Piper: Uh, uh, good magic. Just keep breathing.", "Prue: Good magic?", "Piper: Acupressure.", "Prue: Oh, good idea. Alright, uh, we need to get you out of here. Come on, honey, it's okay. (They help Charlotte sit up and she yells in pain. Her water breaks. Prue and Piper jump back.) Oh, oh, her water just broke.", "Piper: I see that.", "[Cut to outside. Micah falls on the ground. Cole is standing there holding a dagger. He has just stabbed Micah with it. Ruth runs over to him.]", "Ruth: Quickly, check the house.", "Cole: No, I know these witches. (He drops the dagger on the ground.) They've already got Charlotte. Follow me, I know we're they're going.", "[Cut to the witch's altar. Prue and Piper have a hold of Charlotte's arms, helping her walk.]", "Phoebe: The altar.", "Piper: Okay, just a little while longer, we're almost there.", "Charlotte: I can't.", "Prue: Yes, you...", "Charlotte: I'm sorry.", "Prue: You can do this.", "Charlotte: No!", "Prue: Charlotte.", "Charlotte: The baby's coming now!", "(She kneels on the ground.)", "Prue: Oh god.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Altar. It's dark. Charlotte's laying on the ground with a blanket over her.]", "Piper: Um, it's almost 11:00. Do you think they gave up on us?", "Phoebe: Uh... (She sees the fire from the witch hunter's torches in the distance.) No, I don't think so.", "Prue: Alright, what do we have?", "Piper: We've got big problems, a little time and a little magic.", "Prue: Alright, didn't Eva say something about, uh, Charlotte giving birth in a protective circle?", "Phoebe: Can we make one of those?", "Piper: I don't know, we've got lavender and uh...", "Phoebe: Isn't rosemary supposed to be good for protection?", "Prue: Right, and apples and laurel leaves block the path of evil.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Prue: Put it all together, it may just work.", "(Charlotte screams in pain.)", "Piper: Who's gonna deliver the baby?", "Phoebe: Personally, I think you should considering we know that you're gonna have one in the future.", "Prue: I second that.", "Piper: Wait a minute.", "Prue: Go. Bye.", "Piper: I always get the messy jobs.", "(Piper walks over to Charlotte.)", "Prue: Alright, if ever there was a time that we were going to connect it needs to be now. So, Phoebe, form a circle, I'll work on the apples.", "(Phoebe throws things around them in a large circle.)", "Piper: (to Charlotte) Okay, you're gonna have to try and be kinda quiet. Okay, I know, I'm sorry, okay, um, don't worry everything's under control. (She lifts up the blanket.) Oh my god, I see it, I see it.", "(Phoebe runs over to them.)", "Phoebe: Really?", "Prue: Phoebe, the circle.", "Phoebe: The circle.", "(She gets back to the circle.)", "Piper: Okay, um, just, just try not to push. Okay, uh, this baby is coming!", "Prue: Yeah, well, so are they.", "Piper: Okay, we can do this. Yes, we can do this.", "Phoebe: We have to do this.", "(Phoebe goes back over to Prue.)", "Prue: Alright, here. (She hands Phoebe an apple.) Knowledge and reverence. (They face each other.)", "Prue/Phoebe: Knowledge and reverence, knowledge and reverence, knowledge and reverence, knowledge and reverence.", "[Cut to Cole and Ruth on their horses. Cole stops riding.]", "Ruth: What are you doing?", "Cole: Seeing what they've learned.", "[Cut back to the girls. The witch hunters get closer.]", "Phoebe: Here they come.", "Piper: Prue.", "Prue: Alright, put it all together, it's gonna work.", "(They throw the apples in different directions. A protective circle forms around them. One witch hunter hits it like he's hit a wall.)", "[Cut to Cole and Ruth.]", "Cole: They've connected. It's over.", "Ruth: No, not yet.", "[Cut back to the girls}", "Phoebe: How cool is that? It actually worked. (The witch hunters fire their guns at them.) Or not!", "Piper: It doesn't stop bullets.", "Prue: We are running out of ammo.", "Phoebe: Prue, it's not like an apple's gonna stop them anyway.", "(The witch hunters continue shooting.)", "Piper: It's a girl!", "(Piper wraps the baby in a blanket.)", "Prue: Piper, get Charlotte and the baby outta her.", "Piper: Huh?", "Phoebe: Okay, I think I have an idea of what might really scare them. (She puts on a witches hat and grabs a broom.)", "Piper: What are you gonna do?", "Phoebe: I'm going to embrace the cliché. (She sweeps east to west and then sits on the broom. The broom rises up into the air.)", "Piper: There's something you don't see everyday.", "(Phoebe flies over the witch hunters and cackles. They quickly run off. Phoebe giggles.)", "[Cut to Cole and Ruth.]", "Cole: You've gotta give them credit. They're awfully good. (He gets off his horse.) It's alright. Time's on my side. (A portal opens in the ground and he jumps in it. It closes.)", "[Cut back to the girls. Prue and Piper watch Phoebe fly over the moon.]", "[Scene: Cave. Eva is holding the baby. She walks over to Charlotte and hands her back to her.]", "Eva: (to Prue, Piper and Phoebe) Blessed be.", "Prue: Isn't the future beautiful?", "Eva: It is, thanks to you. You found the power.", "Phoebe: You showed us where to look.", "Prue: Yeah, I guess we know when all that flying hag stuff started. You only have yourself to blame, right Pheebs?", "Phoebe: I know it and I love it. Now if I can just figure out how to take it back with me. Hey, what are \"they\" waiting for? Why haven't they sent us home yet?", "Prue: Maybe we haven't learned everything that we're supposed to yet.", "(Piper looks at her watch.)", "Piper: Well, it's almost midnight, so if we're gonna learn anything more we'd better hurry.", "Charlotte: I promise my daughter will know of you. Of the three powerful witches who came to bring her into this world. And we'll always be grateful, won't we Melinda?", "Piper: Melinda?", "Charlotte: Yes, Melinda. Melinda Warren.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Charlotte: What is it?", "Phoebe: I uh... I think we're related.", "(The vortex opens and the girls get sucked into it.)", "[Scene: 2000. Manor. The vortex opens. The Grimlocks are waiting there.]", "Grimlock #1: I told you they'd come.", "(Leo orbs in behind them.)", "Leo: Hey.", "(He splashes the potion on Grimlock #1 and he disappears. Grimlock #2 starts strangling him. He drops the potion. Prue, Piper and Phoebe come out of the vortex.)", "Prue: Hey, haven't I vanquished you somewhere before?", "(She uses her power and flicks the puddle onto the Grimlock. He disappears. Piper runs over to Leo.)", "Leo: Are you guys alright?", "(Piper helps him up.)", "Piper: Are we alright? Are you alright?", "Leo: It's been a long day.", "Phoebe: Yeah, tell us about it.", "(Darryl stumbles down the stairs.)", "Prue: Darryl?", "Darryl: Prue?", "Leo: I got it. (He walks over to Darryl.) Open your eyes. (He does so. Leo restores his sight.) Happy Halloween.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Snake River Conspiracy are playing there. Prue, Piper and Leo are standing at the bar. Phoebe, holding a pumpkin, walks past a guy holding a broom.]", "Phoebe: Use that broom with reverence. (She walks up to them.) Hey, Halloween is now officially my favourite holiday.", "(She puts the pumpkin on the bar.)", "Piper: Who knew?", "Phoebe: We didn't, but we should have. So much knowledge, so much power that we lost. But we'll get it back.", "Prue: Okay, well, one crash course at a time.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's too bad Darryl didn't feel up to celebrating with us.", "Leo: He saw a lot today. I think he needs some time to sort it all out.", "Prue: Yeah, well, so do we. I mean, it's bad enough that the triad wants us dead, but to send someone back to wipe out our whole line. Do your bosses have any clue who it is?", "Leo: None that they're sharing.", "Piper: I think it was that guy who was hitting on Phoebe at the party.", "Phoebe: Hang on, not every guy I meet wants to kill me. Maybe he just liked me.", "Leo: Well, you saved Melinda. That's all that matters.", "Piper: And I helped to deliver our great, great, great, great, whatever, great grandmother.", "Phoebe: Too bad we couldn't save her from moving from Virginia to Salem. That would've been nice.", "Prue: Yeah, well, you can't change history for better or worse.", "(A guy that looks like Micah walks up to Prue.)", "Guy: Excuse me. Hi.", "Prue: Micah?", "Guy: Mitch, actually. Forgive my directness but I've been watching you from across the room. Have we met?", "Prue: You know, that's funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing. Um...", "(She looks at Phoebe and she and Mitch walk away. Phoebe laughs. Cole walks down the stairs dressed as an angel.)", "Phoebe: Oh... my turn. (She walks over to him.) Hey.", "Cole: Hey.", "Phoebe: I was beginning to think I got stood up.", "Cole: Yeah, sorry, work, you know. I guess I just lost track of time.", "Phoebe: That's okay. I got kind of hung up myself. (silence) So you're an angel?", "Cole: Oh, uh, this? (Phoebe laughs.) No, not really.", "(Phoebe moves closer to him.)", "Phoebe: That's okay. Neither am I." ]
All Halliwell's Eve
[ "After the manor gets burglarized, Piper and Phoebe become concerned that Prue is becoming obsessed with learning everything about the Evil Triad sending demons to destroy them. When Darryl comes to investigate the break-in, he tries to convince Prue that it was the work of human thieves, but she's certain that the suspect is supernatural. Upon meeting with the Triad, Cole is upset that his bosses are sending another demon to try and destroy the Charmed Ones, despite his assurance he'll destroy them on his own. Meanwhile, Piper is certain that Leo's bosses are behind another ruined attempt of having a normal, romantic date." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Phoebe is at the bar. She looks at her watch.]", "Phoebe: Abbey, maybe you should get Sean another drink.", "(She looks over at a guy sitting at the other end of the bar.)", "Abbey: Okay, but that's over the club limit.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's okay. We'll get him a cab home.", "(Piper approaches the bar.)", "Piper: Prue still hasn't called?", "Phoebe: Nope. Look at that poor guy.", "Piper: You think she stood him up?", "Phoebe: Not deliberately. I just think that since we've been back from pilgrim times, she's been on a demon vender.", "Piper: You think? You mean, because that's all she ever talks about?", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, how do we explain this to him?", "Piper: Abby, better make that a double. I'm gonna coat for him.", "(She picks up the phone.)", "Phoebe: Well, speaking of a big chill, is Leo keeping you warm?", "Piper: Nope.", "Phoebe: Honey, are you still afraid that they're watching you?", "(Phoebe giggles.)", "Piper: What am I supposed to think? The last two times they orbed him out was right in the middle of it.", "Phoebe: So what does he say?", "Piper: He swears they're not watching but he's a guy, he'll say anything. The point is I think they're watching and when I think, I can't, I can't, I can't concentrate.", "Phoebe: Hmm, well, at least you have the option to concentrate. (Piper dials a number on the phone.) If Cole and I continue this flirting tango thing, I'm gonna have to start concentrating on myself.", "Prue: (in the phone) Hello?", "Piper: Prue, hey, where are you?", "Prue: Hey, I'm on my way home from work. Hey, you will never guess what I found on the internet. Remember Micah?", "Piper: The 17th century hottie? Wow, it's hard to forget.", "Phoebe: Okay, enough about the past, tell her about the present.", "Prue: Well, I traced his ancestors and found an entire history of the village that we visited. I figured it might give us a clue to the identity of the demon that the triad sent to kill us.", "Piper: Prue, honey, aren't you forgetting something?", "Prue: No, my photo shoot's not until tomorrow.", "Piper: No, I mean something else. Like, uh, your date.", "Prue: Oh, oh, Sean, oh. Alright, uh, just give him a drink.", "Piper: If we give him anymore we're gonna have to send him to an A.A. meeting.", "Prue: How long's he been there?", "Piper: I'd say about an hour and 327 peanuts.", "Prue: Alright, so what do I do?", "Piper: Well, remorse is good and attendance is better.", "Prue: Piper, I'm half way across town, besides, I've gotta go home and-and look up all this demon stuff.", "Piper: Well, can't it wait?", "Prue: What, and you think the triad will? Right, we have to get them before they get to us. Just tell him that I got hung up at work and that I'll make it up to him.", "Piper: Alrighty then.", "(She hangs up.)", "Phoebe: Is she okay?", "Piper: Mmm hmm, I guess. (Piper walks over to Sean.) Uh, Sean? Hi, there's been a slight glitch. Uh, sometimes my sister gets hung up and work and she sorta has a one track mind.", "Sean: It's not a problem, I understand. Tell her just to give me a call.", "(He leaves.)", "Piper: Not a problem. (to Phoebe) He took that well.", "Phoebe: Well, he's had three drinks.", "Piper: So when does one track spell over into total obsession?", "Phoebe: When you start forgetting about guys like Sean.", "[Scene: Manor. Porch. Prue is there. She notices the front door is open. She walks inside. All the mirrors are broken. She steps on some broken glass. She walks into the living room. Someone attacks her from behind and they roll over the couch. Prue uses her power and the attacker crashes through the window.]", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue is sitting on the couch and Piper is sweeping up the glass. Phoebe comes in carrying an ice pack.]", "Phoebe: Here, sweetie. (She hands Prue the ice pack and she places it on her shoulder.) Are you feeling any better?", "Prue: Yeah, I think I was more stunned then hurt. You know, it just happened so fast.", "Piper: It's eerie knowing somebody went through every room in the house smashing mirrors. Touching who knows what.", "Phoebe: Fondling who knows what.", "Piper: It's just so creepy. At least nothing seems to be missing.", "Prue: How do you know it wasn't a demon?", "Phoebe: Mmm, demons don't usually fondle.", "Piper: And besides, the only demon that we know who used mirrors was Kali and we vanquished her sorry ass.", "Prue: Yeah, by smashing her reflection in the mirror. (Darryl comes down the stairs.) I mean, I know she's supposed to be dead but so were the Grimlocks.", "Darryl: Please don't remind me about them.", "Piper: Did you find anything?", "Darryl: Just a bunch of fingerprints that don't match your samples. I'm gonna run it through the computer to see if any names pop up.", "Prue: They won't. I mean, hello, guys. Book of Shadows, 101 mirrors. The portals through which evil enters.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but there are finger prints. Demons don't even usually have fingers.", "Darryl: Well, on the human side of things, I need you guys to put together a grudge list of any enemies you have past or present.", "(Prue hands him a piece of paper.)", "Prue: Already done.", "Darryl: (reading from the list) Abraxas, Barbas, Yama... What did you do? Date the united nations?", "Prue: It's the demons, warlocks and various evil forces that we've faced in the last two years.", "Darryl: That's not exactly what I meant.", "Prue: Okay, um, I'm gonna go get the Book of Shadows and see if I can find anything about mirrors.", "(Prue goes upstairs.)", "Phoebe: Prue's been a little fixated lately.", "Piper: Do you think it was a human bad guy?", "Darryl: In another house, yeah. Around here, you never know.", "Prue: (from upstairs) Piper? Phoebe?", "[Cut to the attic. Prue's there. Piper, Phoebe and Darryl walk in.]", "Piper: What, what is it?", "Prue: That door was unlocked.", "Darryl: So?", "Prue: So ever since a demon tried to steal the Book of Shadows a couple of weeks ago I've been locking it.", "Darryl: You lock this door but you don't lock the front door?", "Piper: I lock the front door.", "Phoebe: Me too. Mostly.", "Prue: I don't. Why bother?", "Darryl: Because you're three young women. In fact, your whole attitude about security baffles me. You have no alarm system, no dead bolts, no dog.", "Prue: Darryl, we're three witches. I think we can handle it.", "Darryl: (about the door) It wasn't jammed.", "Phoebe: So what, you're thinking we're dealing with a lock picking demon, Prue?", "Piper: It doesn't look like anything's missing from up here either.", "Phoebe: i just think it's ludicrous to rule out that a human could've done this.", "Prue: Yes, well, I think it's ludicrous to think that the triad has gotten nothing to do with it.", "Piper: Um, Darryl, why don't you go check on those fingerprints. We need to have a little conference here.", "Darryl: Okay. 'Night.", "Phoebe: 'Night.", "(Darryl leaves.)", "Prue: Leo?", "Piper: Uh, Prue? Maybe a little perspective here for a second.", "Prue: Leo!", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: What? What is it? What is the problem?", "Prue: I need to know everything that you know about the triad.", "Leo: You what?", "(Piper giggles and grins at Leo.)", "Piper: Hi.", "Leo: Hi.", "Prue: Okay, well, this really can't wait. You know, the triad sent somebody back in time and nearly wiped out our entire line. And I am willing to bet that it's the same demon that we found up here a couple of weeks ago. (She picks up the Book of Shadows.) Now, if you guys don't wanna take that seriously that's your business. Me, I'm on a mission.", "(Prue leaves.)", "Leo: Oh.", "Phoebe: We really need to get her laid, huh?", "(Piper and Leo grin at each other.)", "Leo: Hi.", "(Piper giggles. Leo and Piper stand close together.)", "Phoebe: I think I'm gonna go see what Prue's up to.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: So...", "[Scene: Triad. Three triad members are standing in a circle. Cole appears.]", "Triad #1: We've grown patient, Belthazor. We did not expect it to take this long.", "Cole: You had two years by their time without success. I've had a month.", "Triad #2: A month with two years worth of information. Information collected by the blood of demons before you.", "Cole: The young one, Phoebe, is almost within my grasp.", "Triad #3: That's not why we summoned you. We're assigning another.", "Cole: You're replacing me? We had a bargain. I get the Charmed Ones for you, you give me back--", "Triad #2: That bargain is in your best interests, not ours.", "Triad #1: Don't look at it as replacement, Belthazor. Look at it as assistance.", "Triad #2: However, if either of you should be caught, the same maxims supply, we can't risk either of you leading the Charmed Ones to us.", "Cole: May I know who you're sending?", "Triad #1: Troxa has already started.", "[Scene: Manor. Porch. Troxa is there. He turns invisible, opens the door and walks inside.]", "[Cut to Piper's room. Leo and Piper stumble in. They are kissing.]", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: Piper?", "Piper: We can't.", "Leo: Yes we can.", "(He continues to kiss her. Piper stops him.)", "Piper: No, I can't. I feel like I'm being watched.", "Leo: Piper, you have to get past this.", "Piper: Yeah... (They continue kissing and lay down on the bed. Someone opens the door slightly.) Okay, um, how about you tell them to look the other way?", "Leo: They're not looking. How many times do we have to have this conversation?", "Piper: Well, how do you know? How can you be sure?", "Leo: Because I told you, that's not what they do.", "Piper: Okay, then how do you explain the last two times, count two.", "Leo: That's shear coincidence. I'm telling you. Look, come on, Piper, we need to get past this.", "Piper: Yeah, and I need to feel like it's just you and me and not the whole universe watching. (The door closes.) I'm sorry.", "Leo: It's okay. I guess I better go find Prue some answers.", "Piper: Yeah. (They kiss and Leo orbs out in the middle.) Oohh!", "[Cut to the attic. Prue is asleep in a chair. Invisible Troxa walks over to Prue. He picks up a pillow and holds it above her face. Prue wakes up and uses her power. He flies across the room. She stands up and looks around.]", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe is answering the door.]", "Phoebe: Cole, what are you doing here?", "Cole: Are you alright? I just heard.", "Phoebe: Heard what?", "(Prue and Piper come down the stairs.)", "Cole: Uh, about what happened, the break in. You guys okay?", "Phoebe: You came all the way over her for me? I mean, for w-we? For us?", "Cole: Did you get a look of who it was?", "Prue: No.", "Cole: I'm gonna make a call. Get a patrol car to watch the place.", "Prue: That's alright, actually. I think that we can handle it.", "Cole: No you can't. I mean, you have no idea what kind of evil you're dealing with here.", "Piper: Yes, well, we were actually just discussing that, weren't we, Prue?", "(The door opens and Cole sees it. It quickly closes.)", "Phoebe: Um, do you want anything, Cole? Do you want some coffee or something?", "Prue: Actually, Phoebe, that's not really a good idea. We have something very important that we have to discuss.", "Cole: That's alright. I-I really should get going anyway. It's late, I, um... Call me anytime.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I-I-I will. Thanks. (He leaves.) Okay, this better be good.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I was up in the attic and when I woke up there was a pillow hovering above my face about to smother me.", "Piper: A pillow?", "Phoebe: Hovering? (Prue nods.) Well, that must be the infamous pillow smothering demon.", "Piper: Maybe is was just a nightmare.", "Prue: It wasn't a nightmare and it certainly wasn't a joke. There's a demon after me or us, I know it.", "(Prue goes upstairs.)", "Phoebe: Okay.", "[Cut to the porch. Cole is there.]", "Cole: Come out, come out wherever you are.", "(Invisible Troxa grabs Cole around the neck and pushes him against the wall. Troxa turns visible.)", "Troxa: What do you think the triad will say when I tell them you saved the witches?", "Cole: That I didn't want you to get them first.", "(Troxa lets go of his neck.)", "Troxa: You had your chances, Belthazor. Don't screw up mine again. I strike tomorrow night, you better not be there.", "Cole: You don't scare me, Troxa. You never did.", "Troxa: And you don't know how to defeat me, Belthazor, you never could. After all, (he turns invisible) you can't fight what you can't see.", "(Troxa pins him against the wall again. He lets go and Cole coughs. He hears someone coming and disappears. Phoebe opens the front door and looks around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and Piper are there. Piper's drinking some coffee.]", "Phoebe: Can you hand me that? Actually, no, just pour it down my throat.", "Piper: You didn't sleep either?", "Phoebe: Not a wink. Thank god for make-up. (Piper pours her some coffee.) Hey, maybe we should get an alarm system.", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Hey, Pheebs, did you borrow Grams' necklace again?", "Phoebe: No.", "Prue: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm positive. Why?", "Piper: What about my good luck blouse? Have you guys seen it?", "Phoebe: The fuchsia paisley one? (Phoebe shakes her head.)", "Piper: Is anything else missing?", "Prue: Not that I know of.", "Phoebe: Prue, this is important. Maybe the guy who broke into the house took them.", "Prue: Yeah, or maybe it was a demon who took them for some weird ritualistic ceremony?", "Piper: Ohh...", "Phoebe: Now would that be the, um, pillow smothering or the lock picking demon?", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: They called me ----- something else, Piper. I swear, it's total coincidence.", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "Leo: As far as the triad's concerned, they don't know much, they don't even know what it really is.", "Prue: Wow, six thousand years of conflict and that's it? These guys are serious underachievers.", "Leo: What they do know through, is that the triad is at the highest level of the other side.", "Phoebe: Okay, that's a biggy.", "Piper: Yeah, well, that's why we need to get to them before they get to us.", "(Prue hands Piper and Phoebe a bag.)", "Piper: What is this?", "Prue: A way to always be prepared.", "Phoebe: These are very big contraceptives, Prue.", "Prue: They are sneakers, alright. You know, we're always wearing inappropriate footwear when demons attack. Now we will be prepared. Keep them with you at all times.", "Phoebe: I am gonna be so fast in these.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Everyone walks in and Piper opens the door.]", "Darryl: Hi.", "Piper: Hi.", "Darryl: We're making progress. (He walks inside.) The same set of fingerprints were found on all the broken mirrors.", "Leo: Whose are they?", "Darryl: Unfortunately FBI computer came up with a blank. Which just means the perp had no criminal record.", "Piper: So what does that mean? That it's some weird crazy person?", "Darryl: I can't say, I don't have enough to go on. I mean, we've got broken mirrors and nothing's missing.", "Phoebe: Actually there is stuff missing. Our grandmother's necklace and Prue's favourite shirt.", "Darryl: It's funny it's the only thing he took. You know, there is another possibility. Could be a stalker.", "Leo: A stalker?", "Piper: Who would want to stalk us?", "Darryl: Could be anybody. I need you to get a human grudge list together. Old classmates, people you work with or for, old boyfriends...", "Phoebe: Hey, what about Sean?", "Prue: A guy I stood up once? I don't think so.", "Darryl: The smallest things can set these guys off.", "Prue: Alright, well, if it's a stalker, it's a demonic stalker.", "Darryl: In any case, I'm gonna check out this Sean guy. I need that grudge list ASAP. Stalkers will do anything to obtain the object of their desire. You could be in real danger.", "Prue: Thanks.", "Darryl: Bye.", "(He leaves.)", "Phoebe: You need to listen to him, Prue.", "Prue: Why? No one listens to me. Here. (She hands Piper her shoes.) I gotta go. If the demon doesn't kill me, my editor will.", "[Scene: Outside Cole's office. An invisible Troxa walks out of the elevator and down the hall. He walks into Cole's office. Cole is there standing by the window. Troxa walks over and picks up a letter opener. Cole turns around holding a fire extinguisher and sprays Troxa. Troxa turns visible.]", "Cole: I did some research, Troxa. (He hits Troxa over the head with the fire extinguisher and he falls over Cole's desk.) I found your Achilles heal. Cold is very revealing for you. Although, worse because since you can't feel, you don't even know when it's cold.", "Troxa: First them, then you.", "(Troxa leaves.)", "[Scene: Studio. Prue is there with a snake hunter. She is going to take photos of him. He has an Australian accent. (Transcriber's note: This accent is totally fake. We do not talk like that at all. This accent was so bad that it was hard to transcribe. This guy made us look and sound like total idiots. Sorry, I just had to clear that up.)]", "Prue: Just do what you normally do on your TV show. Okay, just pretend that I'm the audience.", "Snake Hunter: Okay, right, jillaroo. Now, the Australian Black Snake won't just run out of the bush and strike at ya for no good reason. They strike as a defense mechanism. That's the only way they can protect themselves. Now, you may wonder how we enticed this little beaut out of the wild to join us today. Over here, the only humane way to catch a snake, (He walks over to a cage. Someone is standing behind the bushes taking photos of Prue.) is to use a snake trap. You lure them in with a ripping snake snack. Like a tiny Mickey mouse or a froggie.", "Prue: Uh, what did you say the cage was for again?", "Man: Trapping snakes. Or any other varmints you might want to get rid of.", "Prue: Really?", "Snake Hunter: Yeah. Go on, beaut. (He puts the snake back in the cage.) There you go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Phoebe walks up to the bar.]", "Phoebe: Abbey, Abbey, hi.", "Abbey: Hi.", "Phoebe: Have you seen Cole?", "Abbey: Who?", "Phoebe: Tall, dark, good looking, district attorney? (Abbey shakes her head.) Okay, no good. How about an easy one - where's Piper?", "Abbey: Oh, she's in the back, in the office.", "Phoebe: Okay, thanks.", "[Cut to the office. Piper and Leo are there making out. Leo has his shirt off. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Whoaaaaa! I should've knocked, I'm sorry.", "(Phoebe walks back out and closes the door.)", "Piper: It's okay. (Phoebe pokes her head back in the room.) I can't do it anyway.", "Phoebe: I am so sorry to hear that", "Leo: I guess I better go.", "Piper: Yeah. (Leo orbs out.) I'm so tired of living under this scrutiny.", "(Piper walks out of the room. They head towards the bar.)", "Phoebe: Well, I told you I didn't see anything.", "Piper: Not you, them. I thought doing it somewhere else might take the pressure off.", "Phoebe: Mmm, I'm bummed for you, Piper, I really am. But I gotta tell you, Leo is looking fine.", "Piper: I thought you didn't see anything.", "Phoebe: Well, nothing good. (Phoebe takes some pieces of paper out of her purse.) Okay, here is my stalker list. It's mostly guys that I knew in New York.", "Piper: Wow, you were busy in New York.", "Phoebe: Yeah, um, so now that we have mine and yours, all we need is... (Prue walks up to them. She is all dressed up.) Wow, you look different.", "Piper: Relaxed.", "Phoebe: What happened?", "Prue: I'm not just as worried about demons as much anymore. Have you guys seen Sean around?", "Piper: No, I haven't, but how do you know he's not your stalker?", "Prue: Oh, don't be ridiculous.", "Phoebe: What happened to \"there's a demon on my ass\" Prue?", "Prue: Well, um, I set a trap.", "Piper: A trap?", "Prue: Mmm hmm. We are going to catch this demon and instead of vanquishing him like we normally do, we're gonna make him talk about the triad.", "Phoebe: So is this like a bear trap with big claws?", "Prue: I cast a spell over a series of cydarite crystals, (she holds up a crystal) sort of creating a power grid with the Book Of Shadows as bait.", "Piper: And how does that work?", "Prue: Well, the minute the demon steps into the grid, this glows and he's zapped.", "Piper: So whatever it is, is electrocuted.", "Prue: Yeah, well, whatever demon.", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm, and what about human? Or feline? You're gonna fry Kit.", "Prue: Well, Kit can't get in 'cause I locked the attic door.", "Piper: So, Prue, you've booby trapped our house.", "Prue: Mmm hmm.", "Phoebe: And again, what if it's human?", "Prue: It's not. (She sees Sean.) Oh, alright, if you guys will excuse me, I have a life to try and go give.", "(Prue walks away.)", "Piper: This is not good.", "Phoebe: No, if she keeps this up we're gonna have to do a demon intervention.", "[Cut to Sean. Prue walks up to him.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Sean: Hey.", "Prue: Thanks for coming. (Abbey walks past.) Um, oh, Abbey, whatever Sean wants to drink, can you just...", "Sean: No thanks. I've had more then my share of free drinks.", "Prue: Alright, well, I guess I deserve that. Um, look, Sean, there is so much going on in my life that I can't really explain but if you're interested I'd like to make it up to you.", "Sean: I'm definitely interested but I just ask that you be honest with me, okay. One thing I can't handle is games. It drives me crazy.", "Prue: Psycho freaky crazy?", "Sean: What?", "Prue: Never mind.", "[Scene: Manor. Cole opens the front door.]", "Cole: Phoebe? Anybody home?", "(He walks in and closes the door. He turns up the air conditioning. He walks into the living room, picks up a lamp and drops it on the floor. He opens all the windows and then disappears.)", "[Cut to the attic. Cole appears. He opens the attic door and the windows. He picks up Prue's notepad and looks at it. He sees the Book Of Shadows and walks over to it. He steps into the trap and gets zapped. He falls to the floor.]", "[Cut to P3. The crystal glows.]", "Sean: What the hell is that?", "Prue: Oh, oh, it worked.", "Sean: What worked?", "(Prue runs over to Piper and Phoebe.)", "Prue: Alright, it worked, it worked, we caught our demon, so let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Prue: Alright, we don't really know what kind of demon this is, so we have to go in attacking. Piper, you freeze him and I will tie him up.", "Piper: Speaking of freezing... it's freezing in here.", "Phoebe: That's because every window in the house is open. What kind of demon would do that?", "Prue: Oh, who cares. Has everybody got their sneakers on?", "(They run upstairs.)", "Pier: Yeah, yeah.", "Prue: Alright.", "[Cut to the attic. They run in. Prue turns on the light. They see Cole lying there.]", "Piper: Cole?", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: Wait, it could be dangerous.", "Phoebe: For god sakes, Prue, he looks really hurt.", "Prue: Phoebe, it's a trap for demons. You do the math. (Phoebe kneels down beside Cole and rests his head on her knees.) What are you doing here?", "Cole: I came by to see how you're doing.", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: So how did you get in and what are you doing up here?", "Cole: Front door was unlocked and when I saw the windows were open...", "Phoebe: You thought that someone broke into the house again. (Cole stands up.) Third degree over now?", "Cole: What happened? What's that?", "Piper: Uhh...", "Prue: It's a trap.", "Cole: A what?", "[Time lapse. Everyone is coming down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Cole, I am so sorry. Please forgive us.", "Cole: I'll take that under advisement.", "Phoebe: Prue just panicked, she wasn't thinking straight.", "Prue: The hell I wasn't.", "Cole: Do you know that your trap is the equivalent of having a loaded shot gun with a trip wire behind your front door? That's illegal. I'm an ADA, an officer of the court. I could have you arrested.", "Piper: Somebody turned on the air conditioning. Why would they do that?", "Cole: I'm outta here.", "(He walks outside and Phoebe follows.)", "Phoebe: Cole, Cole. I am so sorry. It's just we've been under so much pressure lately.", "Cole: I'm just glad it wasn't you who did this to me.", "(He leaves. Phoebe picks up a parcel that is sitting on the porch and takes it inside.)", "Phoebe: How could you? How far are you gonna let this obsession go, Prue?", "Prue: Phoebe, listen...", "Phoebe: No, I'm not gonna listen, Prue. You didn't nearly catch a demon, you nearly killed a district attorney. My district attorney.", "Prue: How do you know we didn't catch a demon? I mean, think about it, Phoebe. He is always around when something is going on. I mean, look at tonight.", "Phoebe: You're right, he's a plant. Trying to get close to me so he can kill us. Now is everyone a demon, Prue? You are crazy right now.", "Piper: Prue? You have a lovely package from Sean. It looks like flowers. Pretty nice for a guy you've blown off twice.", "(Prue opens the package. The flowers are covered in worms.)", "Prue: Oh!", "Piper: Oh, that's disgusting. Look out, look out.", "(Piper takes it outside.)", "Phoebe: There's your demon, Prue. I'm going to call Morris.", "(She leaves.)", "Prue: Piper, that doesn't really make any sense. I mean, I can not believe I hurt that guy that badly.", "Piper: Darryl said it only takes a small thing to set them off. Maybe Phoebe's right, maybe you're just not seeing the reality.", "Prue: Piper, my instincts are almost always right, I have to trust them.", "Piper: You have to trust them. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't but, Prue, there are other evils in the world and some of them are even human.", "[Cut to outside. Cole's there leaning against his car. Troxa walks up to him.]", "Troxa: I warned you, Belthazor.", "Cole: Hold it, Troxa. Cool your jets. I came to apologise.", "Troxa: Apologise? For what?", "Cole: Pissing you off for one thing. I don't wanna be always looking over my shoulder for the rest of eternity. You want the Charmed Ones, they're all yours.", "Troxa: I don't trust you.", "Cole: Fine, don't. Just don't blame your failure on me or the triad. (Troxa starts to walk off and turns invisible.) Oh, by the way, the key to getting them is in the Book of Shadows. It's up in the attic.", "[Cut back inside. Phoebe and Piper are in the living room. Phoebe is slamming shut all the windows.]", "Piper: Be careful.", "Phoebe: Oh, you know what? I don't care, I'm just so mad at Prue. I mean, it's one thing to be obsessed, you know, but it's another thing to hurt innocent people.", "Piper: Okay, but she is trying to look out for us, but there is a triad demon on the loose.", "Phoebe: I understand that, Piper, but it is not Cole.", "(Leo orbs in holding a large Hershey's Kiss.)", "Piper: Oh, honey, that's sweet but not tonight. We all have headaches.", "Leo: Okay.", "Phoebe: But feel free to help us close some windows.", "[Cut to the foyer. Invisible Troxa opens the door and walks up the stairs.]", "[Cut to the attic. Prue's there closing the windows. Troxa walks in. Prue steps on some glass and then sees Troxa's reflection in the mirror. She uses her power and he flies into the wall. He turns fully visible and pounces on Prue. She pushes him into the trap and he gets zapped. She pulls one of the crystal out of the grid and stops zapping him.", "Prue: I want you to tell me everything that you know about the triad. Who they are, what their plans are. Answer me.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Leo walk in.)", "Troxa: You'll get nothing from me, witch. (She puts the crystal back in the grid and zaps him. She pulls it away.) I am Troxa. I'm not the only agent the triad has sent after you. There is another. His name is Belthazor.", "(Troxa is engulfed in flames and he disappears in a hole in the floor.)", "Prue: Alright, what the hell happened?", "Leo: The triad.", "Phoebe: Wait, so they know where we live now?", "Piper: No, they know where he is, or was. All that matters is he's gone.", "Phoebe: You were right, Prue. I owe you a big apology.", "Piper: I'm sorry I doubted you but I was worried...", "Prue: It's alright. Let's just, uh, let's look him up.", "(They go over to the Book Of Shadows and flip through the pages.)", "Piper: Troxa, an invisible demon. His weakness is that his ectoplasmic biochemistry is sensitive to cold, may become partially visible.", "Prue: Wait a second, so if someone hadn't turned on the a/c, opened up all the windows and made it freezing in here, I never would've seen him. Leo?", "Leo: I don't know anything about it at all.", "Phoebe: Does that mean we have another guardian angel?", "Leo: Well, I hope so. From what I've heard about Belthazor, we're gonna need all the help we can get.", "Piper: What do you mean?", "Leo: Well, he's infamous. He's a demonic soldier of fortune. He's one of the most evil vile creatures there is.", "(They flip the pages and find Belthazor.)", "Phoebe: Wait, that's the demon we say try to take the Book Of Shadows a couple of weeks ago.", "Piper: So Troxa's right. There's somebody else out there to get us.", "Prue: Well, at least now we know who he is.", "Piper: But we're safe for now. So I'm gonna take this rare opportunity to get a good night sleep.", "Leo: I'll go see what I can find out about Belthazor. (Piper walks over to him.) And enjoy your candy.", "Piper: Thank you.", "(They kiss.)", "Leo: Sure.", "(She leaves the room and Leo orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Are you gonna be able to get some rest now?", "Prue: No, I am way too wired ad also my photo assignment is due tomorrow.", "(Phoebe picks up Prue's notebook and sees Cole's name written on it.)", "Phoebe: Cole?", "Prue: Right, uh, well, I had to fill in something.", "Phoebe: Do you think maybe tomorrow you could call Cole and apologise to him?", "Prue: Yeah.", "[Time lapse. Prue is in the basement developing her photos. The photos turn out to be pictures of herself. Somebody appears behind her and pushes her head in the photo water.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Piper: I've gotta meet Marvelous 3 this afternoon, so I need to get some stuff ready. Can I drop you off? Hello? Anybody home?", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, I-I was just thinking there are still so many loose ends. I mean, the broken mirrors, the a/c, the open windows, the dead flowers, the stuff that's missing.", "Piper: Are you obsessing now? It's over, we were wrong.", "Phoebe: I know, but those aren't demonic things, they're things that a stalker might do. Like what Morris said.", "Piper: Well, you told him about Sean, he'll figure it out.", "Phoebe: Yeah, Sean. Um, where's our copy of the grudge list that we made for Morris?", "Piper: I left it at the club. Why?", "Phoebe: I just wanna look it over again.", "Piper: Okay, well, let's go. Is Prue still sleeping?", "Phoebe: Her bed is made and her car is not here.", "Piper: Well, maybe she took her pictures to 415.", "Phoebe: It's really early. I mean, is 415 even open yet? I'm gonna call her.", "(Phoebe dials Prue's number.)", "[Cut to the basement. Prue is tied up in a chair. Abbey is there. Prue's phone rings and Abbey answers it.]", "Phoebe: It's me, I'm just checking in. Where are you?", "Abbey: I'm in my car.", "(The phone starts breaking up.)", "Phoebe: Hello? Prue, I can barely hear you.", "Abbey: Yeah, I'm fine, I'll see you later, honey, bye.", "(She hangs up.)", "[Cut back to the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: She sounds fine.", "Piper: Okay.", "Phoebe: Okay, let's go.", "[Cut back to the basement. Abbey hears them leave.]", "Abbey: Bye bye. It's just you and me now, Prue. Your sisters are gone.", "(Prue's eyes are red and her vision is blurred.)", "Prue: What do you want?", "(Abbey takes off her shirt.)", "Abbey: Oh, Prue, isn't it obvious what I want, huh? (She puts on one of Prue's shirt.) I wanna be you. What, no way to come back? No confident \"I'm the queen of the world\" retort?", "Prue: Abbey?", "Abbey: No, you're wrong, Abbey's gone forever. She's a loser and you're a winner. And now I'm gonna be a winner too. As soon as I take care of you. (She puts on a black wig.) Did you like the dead roses I sent you? Huh? Do you even know I was the one who broke into your house. I have to be you. Oh, I love wearing your clothes, your things. Makes me wanna be you even more. Beautiful, successful, loved by men.", "Prue: I have just as much trouble with men as anyone.", "Abbey: What, you mean Sean? Oh, please. He's not good enough for us. Uh-uh, no, no, I can do better. (She picks up a gun.) Without you around. Now I just have one last question. Last night when I was here, (Prue unties her hands with her power) when I was running away from you, how the hell did you throw me through that door, huh?", "Prue: Like this.", "(Prue uses her power and Abbey flies across the room. She uses her power again and pushes furniture on top of her. Prue stumbles up the stairs.)", "[Scene: P3. The phone is ringing. Phoebe and Piper run in. Piper answers it.]", "Piper: P3.", "Darryl: Piper, hey, hey, where's Prue? I can't reach her anywhere. At the manor, on her cell.", "Piper: That's weird, we just talked to her on her cell. Why? What's going on?", "Darryl: I've got a match up with the finger prints I got at your house.", "Piper: Sean?", "Darryl: No, no, no, no, not Sean. Abbey, your bartender. The one off of your list.", "Piper: What? Abbey? Why would Abbey wanna hurt Prue?", "Phoebe: Abbey's hurt Prue?", "Piper: Hold on.", "(Phoebe and Piper go into the locker room and opens Abbey's locker. Piper pulls out some photos and a book.)", "Phoebe: Okay, and that's the kind of perfume Prue wears and the cosmetics that she uses.", "(Piper flips through the photos. They are all pictures of Prue.)", "Piper: (reading from the notebook) October 27th, 8:01. Prue leaves the house, gets into car. I love the way she walks so confident, in control.", "Phoebe: Enters dry cleaners, smiling, the sun catches her hair. So beautiful.", "Piper: Pages and pictures... (Phoebe touches a photo and has a premonition of Abbey shooting Prue.) What?", "Phoebe: Abbey, killing Prue at the manor.", "[Cut back to the manor. Prue is hiding in a closet. Abbey walks in the dining room holding her gun. She walks into the foyer and near the closet Prue is hiding in. Prue astral projects behind her.]", "Prue: Hey, over here. (Abbey screams and shoots five times at astral Prue. Astral Prue disappears and reappears somewhere else.) Hey, freak, I'm over here now.", "(Abbey shoots at astral Prue another four times. Prue astral projects back into her body. Prue runs out of the closet and tackles Abbey. Prue tries to escape but Abbey pushes her against a wall. Prue hits her and pushes her on the floor. Prue finds her way into the kitchen and Abbey follows. She points her gun and Prue and shoots. The bullet freezes in mid-air. Phoebe and Piper walk in. Piper grabs the bullet out of the air.)", "Phoebe: Okay, we're here.", "Piper: Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be great as soon as I fire her.", "(Prue uses her power and Abbey flies into a cupboard.)", "Phoebe: Nice. Feel better now?", "Prue: Yeah, I'm getting there.", "Piper: Alright, shake it off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Marvelous 3 are playing. Prue and Phoebe are at the bar. The new bartender serves them a drink.]", "Prue: Thanks. Um, Rachel. Can I ask you a question?", "Rachel: Yeah.", "Prue: Are you happy?", "Rachel: Extremely.", "Prue: Boyfriend? Any career goals?", "Rachel: Engaged. I'm only doing this until I get my masters in education. I'm gonna be a teacher.", "Prue: Oh, that's just so excellent. (Prue gives her a tip.) Thank you.", "Rachel: Thanks.", "(She walks away.)", "Prue: You know, you can never be too careful with demons or mortals.", "Phoebe: So rumour has it Leo is installing an alarm system in the house.", "Prue: Yeah, I know, and we're gonna have to lock the doors and do all that responsible stuff women should do in the big city.", "Phoebe: I agree. And we're gonna have to watch out for Belthazor.", "Prue: Yes, I agree. (Prue sees Cole walk down the stairs.) But first I think you should watch out for him.", "(Phoebe turns around and sees Cole.)", "Phoebe: You don't like him do you?", "Prue: No, I don't... really know him. Do you?", "Phoebe: No, um, not as well as I'd like to. Actually, you know, I think I'm gonna go see what I can do about that.", "Prue: Be careful. (Phoebe walks over to Cole. Prue sees Sean across the room and goes over to him.) Hey.", "Sean: Why do I get the feeling that you're a high maintenance kind of gal?", "Prue: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I am. Dance?", "(Sean accepts and they walk on the dance floor.)", "[Cut to Phoebe and Cole.]", "Phoebe: So, still friends?", "Cole: I hope we're more than that.", "Phoebe: Do you? Prove it.", "(Cole pulls her closer and they kiss.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's room. A hot and sweaty Piper and Leo are laying in bed.]", "Leo: Wow. You are amazing when you concentrate.", "Piper: And stopped worrying about them. (Piper looks up.) I hope you enjoyed the show.", "(They giggle and cuddle up to each other.)" ]
Sight Unseen
[ "Unwittingly following the signs laid out by Cole, Prue comes into contact with a seemingly innocent shut-in, Vinceres, who refuses to leave his apartment that is about to be demolished. The man is faced with unendurable pain caused by his ability of feeling all of the emotions of the city. After learning the man is an Empath, she casts a spell to relieve him of his power, but it is transferred to her. Prue is later told he is a demon given this power to serve as a curse, causing him the inability to prey on witches or innocents. She nearly goes insane from bearing this gift that she was not meant to have. But Prue eventually overcomes it, intensifying the pain Vinceres felt by finally astral-projecting into his body and destroying him." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue is there. She is trying to move a fork using her power but it's not moving. Phoebe comes in.]", "Phoebe: Look at me. I am a fashion blunder. A mademoiselle don't. Oh my god, you lost your powers?", "Prue: Can't lose what you never had.", "(Prue astral projects out of the room.)", "Phoebe: I hate when she plays astral games. Marco.", "Prue: (from the attic) Polo.", "[Cut to the attic. Prue is sitting in a chair reading a book on telekinesis. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: What were you doing down there?", "Prue: Practicing. Trying to use telekinesis in astral mode.", "Phoebe: Hmm, witch exercises. Since when?", "Prue: Since I studied up on Belthazor. The triad couldn't have sent us a worst demon.", "Phoebe: Or one with worse skin. I would hate to find myself alone with this guy.", "Prue: Yeah, well, you wouldn't last long. None of us would. That's why I'm trying to teach my astral self how to fight.", "(Phoebe flops down into a chair.)", "Phoebe: I have a date wit Cole.", "Prue: You say that like it's a bad thing.", "Phoebe: It's a lunch date.", "Prue: So?", "Phoebe: So, it's not a good sign. Lunch is a cheap imitation of dinner. That's why it has it's own special menu. And, you know, we kissed last week. We should be onto dinner and candle light by now.", "Prue: Well, may-- ohh!", "(She holds her hand against her jaw.)", "Phoebe: I can't believe you haven't taken care of that tooth.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I have a dentist appointment in an hour.", "Phoebe: Good. I hate to see you so miserable.", "Prue: Me too.", "[Scene: Prue is driving in her car. She approaches road construction.]", "Construction Worker: Stop right there please. (Prue stops her car. Cole appears near by.) Come ahead. (A bus drives past Prue's car. A \"save the innocent\" sign is painted on the side of it. An arrow lights up pointing left. Cole flicks his hand it points to right.) That way.", "(The construction worker points and Prue drives on to the right. Cole disappears.)", "[Time lapse. Prue is in her car calling Phoebe from her cell phone.]", "Phoebe: Hello?", "Prue: Hey, did you cast any give me a sign spells lately?", "Phoebe: No, why?", "Prue: I don't know, it just seems like somebody's dropping signs right in front of me... literally.", "Phoebe: Prue, you need to ignore the signs and get yourself into a dentist.", "Prue: Yeah, I know.", "(Prue approaches a construction worker holding a stop sign.)", "Phoebe: Uh, hello, Prue?", "Prue: Uh, I'll call you back.", "(She hangs up. She notices \"Final Stop\" painted on a building.)", "[Time lapse. Prue walks up to a construction worker.]", "Prue: Excuse me.", "Construction Worker #2: You're with social services, right?", "Prue: No, why?", "Construction Worker #2: The guy won't come out of his loft up there and we're supposed to start demolition today.", "Prue: Someone still lives here?", "Construction Worker #2: Well, if you can call it that. Poor guy says he hasn't stepped outside in four years.", "(He walks away. Prue goes inside the building. She walks up some stairs and approaches a door. She knocks on it.)", "Prue: Hello?", "(She opens the door but there is a door chain on it.)", "Guy's voice: Close the door. G-go away.", "Prue: I just wanna talk.", "Guy's voice: Please, go away.", "(Prue closes the door and uses her power to remove the chain. She opens the door. She sees a guy crouched down across the room. He sees her and runs to the other side of the room.)", "Guy: No! Don't, don't, don't come any closer.", "Prue: Are you hurt?", "Guy: My head, it's exploding. The pain, you're letting it in.", "Prue: What pain?", "Guy: Everyone's pain, from the city, the streets. I feel it, I feel all of it.", "Prue: I won't hurt you.", "Guy: You are hurting me. Your pity. It's like razors inside.", "Prue: Please... (She walks closer and he grabs his jaw.) I can...", "Guy: Ohh, your tooth. I feel your tooth. All your pain. I can't stand it. Why didn't you just go when I asked?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Leo and Piper are there.]", "Leo: I-I just can't believe you introduced me as a friend.", "Piper: Okay, social malfunction. I hadn't seen the woman in years. I'm sorry.", "Leo: I lost my wings for you, I've hurled my body in the path of oncoming demons, you wanted heaven, I took you there literally. I'm more than a friend.", "Piper: I know, but if I had introduced you as my fiancé, she would've asked how we met, when are we getting married, where the hell my ring is. Questions that I can't answer now can I?", "Leo: I suppose that's how I became a doctor too.", "Piper: Leo, that's what you were. Look, what am I supposed to tell people? That's I'm engaged to a Whitelighter? Sometimes being magical kind of takes the magic right out of things.", "Leo: I'm sorry you feel that way.", "Piper: Oh, come on. Don't you sometimes? Every now and then I just wanna feel what it's like to live in the real world.", "(Prue and Cole walk in the living room.)", "Prue: Hey.", "Piper: What are you two doing together?", "Prue: Uh, Cole pulled up behind me.", "Cole: Good timing.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hey, look, my lunch date.", "Cole: Sorry I'm late but I got held up on the case. You look amazing.", "Phoebe: It's all part of my master plan.", "Prue: Uh, Phoebe, I wanted to talk to you about the signs... uh, the assignment that we were talking about on the phone.", "Phoebe: Where did it lead?", "Prue: To this incredibly tragic guy who's scared to leave his own home, which might be okay if it weren't about to be torn down.", "Cole: Was there a social worker there?", "Prue: No, but I was told that a deputy was going over there this afternoon to evict him and he has no place to go.", "Cole: Let me, um, make a call, see what I can do.", "Piper: Kitchen.", "Cole: Thank you.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Cole walks in and picks up the phone. He dials a number. His shadow moves away from him.]", "Cole: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you going? (His shadow puts his hands on his hips.) We agreed no more triad reports, not until my plan succeeds. I can't be associated with anymore failed attempts. (Phoebe walks in.) Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Hey. (She walks past the shadow.) I just need some aspirin. Prue has a toothache. (She gets the aspirin out of the cupboard.) Water. (She gets a bottle of water out of the fridge. She walks over to Cole.) You okay?", "(She kisses him.)", "Cole: Yeah, yeah, I just got disconnected. (Phoebe leaves the room.) Prue followed my signs. The plan will work. If it doesn't, then you can rat me out to the triad.", "(His shadow bows his head and walks back in place.)", "[Cut back to the living room.]", "Leo: Based on everything you said, Prue, it sounds like your shut-in's a future empath.", "Piper: An empath? And me without my dictionary.", "Leo: They're mortals who can actually feel what other people feel. It's a rare gift. When they die they often return to earth as empaths. Where they blend into society as councilors, elders, teachers. They use their sensitivity to guide mortals, ease their pain, even heal them.", "Prue: No, I don't think this guy would look at it as a gift. He's one big wrong nerve ending. You should've seen how he reacted to my toothache.", "Leo: Well, it could be he's rejecting his gift. Fighting the emotions he feels instead of embracing them.", "Piper: Well, he sure sounds like an innocent to me.", "Leo: It'd be a shame to lose a future empath and all the good it'll do.", "Prue: I couldn't care less about his after life then his current one. I know what it's like to receive a power that you just do not understand.", "Phoebe: What I don't understand is who sent the signs that you followed.", "Leo: It's hard to say. Could be them, could be...", "Piper: Cole.", "(Cole walks in.)", "Cole: I got a guy at housing authority who will relocate your shut-in, if he leaves voluntarily. (He writes a number on a card and hands it to Prue.) Here's my card. Have him page me.", "Prue: Thanks. Alright.", "Piper: Uh, Prue, do you want us to go with you?", "Prue: No, this guy can barely deal with one person let alone three, but thank you.", "(Prue leaves.)", "Cole: Okay then, ready for lunch?", "Phoebe: Mmm.", "Leo: Lunch would be great. Would you mind if we join you? I mean, it'd be great. Two couples, on the town, in the real world. What could be greater?", "Cole: (to Phoebe) It's up to you.", "Phoebe: Why not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Crest Hills Psychiatric Hospital. An elderly man is sitting in a chair reading the newspaper. Father Thomas is standing next to him looking out the window. He glances over the man's shoulder and sees an article on the newspaper.]", "Father Thomas: No. (He runs over to the nurse.) I have to get out.", "Nurse: It's okay, Father Thomas, relax.", "Father Thomas: No, you don't understand, they're tearing it down, I have to get there.", "Nurse: Hold on now.", "(A male nurse grabs Father Thomas.)", "Father Thomas: No, please, let me go. I have to get to the building. I must protect the innocent.", "Nurse: A little help here.", "[Scene: At the building. Prue is there. A deputy won't let her back in.]", "Deputy: I'm sorry, ma'am. I know he's scared but I personally handed him a final eviction notice two weeks ago.", "Prue: Officer, please. Cole Turner, assistant district attorney, he knows the case and he wants to help but only if I can keep this guy out of jail.", "Deputy: You've got three minutes.", "Prue: Thank you.", "(She walks inside.)", "[Cut to inside. Prue uses her power and removes the door chain. She walks in.]", "Prue: Hello? (The guy is sitting on a mattress on the floor.) Hey. It's me again, Prue. Took a pain reliever for my tooth. The deputy downstairs told me that your name's Vince. What's your last name?", "Vince: Misery.", "Prue: Well, in that case would you like some company?", "Vince: That's not funny.", "Prue: Yeah, neither is your situation. Vince, you know that deputy's here to arrest you for civil disobedience.", "Vince: I'll die. If they put me in jail.", "Prue: I believe you. That's why I came back, to find you a new home. But you have to leave here with me now.", "Vince: I can't, I can't go outside.", "Prue: Vince, I know what it's like. I know what it's like to have a gift that you can't control, that you never asked for. And living with that is hard, really hard.", "Vince: Tell me what's hard. You avoided your pain and I feel it.", "Prue: Right, then let's talk about the blessings, three words that come with having that gift. I mean, you can't even begin to...", "Vince: Words, just empty words. You don't feel them in your heart, I know. You feel fear, panic, 'cause something's coming for you, something you're afraid you can't stop. Are these the blessings you want me to be thankful for?", "Prue: I'm sorry.", "Vince: Yes, you are. You are sorry. And confused and afraid and it's drowning me alive.", "(The deputy bangs on the door.)", "Deputy: Deputy, time's up, open the door.", "Vince: Can't you see this is not a gift. This is a curse, I am cursed. To feel everything all the time from everyone. I can't go outside that door. Not now, not ever.", "Deputy: I'm coming in. (Prue holds the door closed with her power.) Hey!", "Vince: How'd you do that?", "Prue: I was sent here to help you and that's what I'm gonna do. \"Free the empath release his gift, (he holds her hand) let his pain be cast adrift.\"", "(She stops using her power and the door opens.)", "Deputy: What's the matter with you people?", "Prue: Sorry deputy, that door stuck on me too. He's ready now.", "Vince: But how?", "Prue: We'll talk later. Um, this is the DA. (She hands him the card.) Page him. He'll find a place for you to go.", "Vince: Thank you, You don't know what you just did for me.", "(Prue leaves.)", "Deputy: Let's get you out of this dump. (Vince walks over to the deputy.) What's the matter with you?", "Vince: Just wondering what you're feeling right now.", "Deptuy: Yeah, why's that?", "(Vince grabs him around the neck and the deputy's face starts to burn.)", "Vince: Because I can't feel a thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Restaurant. Piper, Leo, Phoebe and Cole are sitting at a table. They have finished lunch. No one is talking.]", "Phoebe: So how about those Niners?", "Cole: What?", "Phoebe: The Niners. The Forty Niners. The football team? You don't follow football? (Cole takes a mouthful of his drink.) He isn't human. (Cole chokes on his drink.) You okay?", "Cole: Cheque!", "(Piper and Phoebe look at each other.)", "Phoebe: Um, we're gonna be right back.", "(They walk away.)", "Piper: Phoebe, I know you're upset Leo crashed you're lunch date but...", "Phoebe: No, it's not that. Cole is pulling away from me again, I can see it.", "Piper: Premonition?", "Phoebe: Intuition.", "Piper: Oh...", "[Cut back to the guys.]", "Leo: Look, Cole, before the girls get back, I need to tell you something.", "Cole: Do I have spinach in my teeth?", "Leo: Huh? Oh, no, no, it has to do with Phoebe. Um, I just feel very protective of her, we all do. You know, she's a sweet... she's been through a lot, a lot of loss.", "Cole: I sensed that.", "Leo: Well, she's into you, I can tell. Whatever your intentions are I just want you to be straight with her, okay. I don't wanna see her get hurt.", "Cole: Heaven forbid.", "(Phoebe and Piper come back over to the table.)", "Phoebe: What did we miss?", "Cole: Leo was just giving me investment advice.", "Piper: He was?", "Cole: Yeah.", "Piper: Really?", "(The waitress hands Cole the cheque.)", "Cole: Oh. (to Leo) Why don't we split this?", "(Leo reaches into his pocket.)", "Piper: Oh, honey, did you forget your wallet again?", "Leo: I guess so.", "Piper: I got it.", "(Piper gets out her credit card and hands it to the waitress. Cole's pager beeps. He looks at it.)", "Cole: I have to take this. Forgive me.", "(He leaves the table.)", "[Cut to Vince's building. Cole appears.]", "Vince: Belthazor.", "Cole: I got your page.", "Vince: I owe you for sending me the witch. It went down just like you said. Thanks.", "Cole: You made physical contact during the spell.", "Vince: I could feel the empathic cancer passed out of me and right into her. How did you know that would happen?", "Cole: That's how you got it isn't it? How long does she have?", "Vince: She's mortal. She won't be able to fight it like a demon can. I give her a day until the weight of human emotion crushes her. You'll enjoy watching it.", "Cole: I'll be out of town. I don't need to see the other two suffer the loss of their sister.", "Vince: Compassion. From you, Belthazor? I think maybe you've been undercover a little too long.", "Cole: Not your concern.", "Vince: True. My only concern is the empath who cursed me, Father Thomas. And I know just where to track him down.", "(Cole grabs Vince and pushes him against the wall.)", "Cole: No, I can't risk the witches finding you and reversing their magic.", "Vince: You've forget who I was before I was an empath, Belthazor. I'm immune to their powers.", "Cole: Maybe, but you're not immune to mine.", "Vince: Understood.", "[Scene: Dentist surgery. Prue is there talking to the receptionist. There is a couple standing behind her cuddling and making googly eyes at each other.]", "Prue: Look, I am really sorry that I missed my appointment this morning, okay, but-but I-I couldn't get out of work. Is there any way that Dr. Timmons can fit me in?", "Receptionist: We are pretty booked up.", "Prue: Alright, but my tooth kills. I really need to--", "(The guy pinches the girls butt and Prue feels it. She gasps and turns around.)", "Receptionist: Are you okay, Miss Halliwell?", "Prue: Yeah, uh, that was my tooth. I'm having a really, really bad day because it hurts a lot.", "Receptionist: Let me see if I can do anything.", "Prue: Thanks. I mean, I really appreciate it. (Prue starts to laugh.) I'm so sorry, I don't... My tooth has been hurting for a long... (she bursts out laughing.) Why aren't you guys laughing?", "(Another receptionist opens the door to a room and a woman is in there laughing her head off.)", "Dentist: That's just the nitrisoxide, Mrs. Freeman.", "Prue: Nitrisoxide, laughing gas? Uhh.", "Receptionist: The best I could do is fit you in at 4:15.", "Prue: No, no, no, no, that's okay. I have to go.", "(She walks past the guy and pinches his butt. The girl pushes him.)", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Phoebe and Cole are there. Phoebe opens the door but then closes it.]", "Phoebe: Uh, you know what? Is there something wrong?", "Cole: No.", "Phoebe: It's just you haven't said anything since we left the restaurant.", "Cole: A lot on my mind, I guess.", "Phoebe: Work?", "Cole: Yeah, sort of. I don't know how to say this.", "Phoebe: Uh-oh. Don't ever start a sentence like that with a girl. You don't wanna see me anymore do you? Right, I'll never accept a lunch date.", "Cole: It's got nothing to do with you. I mean, you know how I feel about you.", "Phoebe: I don't understand. I think that I deserve to know.", "Cole: I promise you'll understand soon. Maybe more then you'll want to.", "(He opens the door. Prue walks up the stairs. Cole walks past her and she stops.)", "Prue: Ohh...", "(Prue closes the door.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: Whoa, I haven't felt anything like that since Andy was alive.", "Phoebe: Anything like what?", "Prue: Spinning into infinity. You know, that head long spiral that steals your breath and stops your heart.", "Phoebe: Prue, what the hell are you talking about?", "Prue: Falling in love.", "Phoebe: Falling in love? Prue, I just got dumped, okay, I'm trying to experience a break up here. Who's falling in love?", "Prue: Cole.", "Phoebe: Okay, you're so off track.", "Prue: Oh! Oh! Wait, I felt that too. Your heart just jumped and I felt it. You're falling in love too.", "(Prue grins. Phoebe and Prue walk into the kitchen where Leo and Piper are.)", "Phoebe: We've got a problem. Prue cast a spell to remove Vince's pain.", "Piper: Who's Vince?", "Phoebe: The shut-in. But I think, and call it a hunch, that it backfired and made Prue an empath.", "Leo: What kind of hunch?", "(Phoebe pinches Piper and Prue feels it too.)", "Prue/Piper: Ow!", "(Piper pinches Phoebe.)", "Prue/Phoebe: Ooh!", "Piper: Uh-oh.", "Prue: Oh, okay, I don't really know how it happened. Alright, all I was trying to do was help an innocent. What is that I'm feeling? (to Leo) You. You're feeling fear. Spill it.", "Leo: I-I'm afraid that you're in danger. You weren't meant to receive this gift, you can't handle it.", "Prue: No, okay, you're looking at it all wrong. Okay, I was guided to Vince, remember? Maybe I was meant to have this gift.", "Piper: But Prue, you're not an empath, you're just a witch.", "Prue: Right, A witch who's power comes from her emotions. Alright, look. I-I-I was looking for a power boost to fight Belthazor, maybe this is it. Will you guys please stop being so negative?", "Phoebe: We didn't say anything.", "Prue: Yeah, but I can feel all of your--", "(The TV in the kitchen blows up. Piper screams.)", "Leo: What was that?", "Prue: I think I did it. It's just all your doubts are screaming in my head. I-I've gotta get control of this.", "Phoebe: In the Book Of Shadows, maybe there's something about empaths.", "(Phoebe starts to leave.)", "Prue: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: To help you.", "Prue: Yeah, but you're dying to see Cole.", "Phoebe: Stop that. I did not say that.", "Prue: Phoebe, go to him. Alright, tell him what's in your heart. I think you'll find him receptive.", "Phoebe: Prue, I can't, I need to stay here with you. Do you really think he'll be receptive?", "Prue: Yes. Now go get your man. He wants you.", "(Phoebe hugs her and leaves. Prue, Piper and Leo walk out of the kitchen.)", "Leo: We'll help you out.", "Prue: No, no, no, I'll get the book alone. You guys' couple issues are really starting to hurt my head.", "Piper: Wait, we have couple issues?", "Prue: (points to Leo) Resentment, (points to Piper) denial. Be nice.", "(She goes upstairs.)", "Piper: Uh, Leo, what is it exactly that you resent?", "Leo: Well, I tried to step out in the real world today like you wanted.", "Piper: Yes, and I appreciated your subtle yet effective lunch invitation.", "Leo: I-I was humiliated.", "Piper: When?", "Leo: When? When the bill came. You know, Piper, in my time men opened doors for women when they walked in and they stood up when they left and they always, always paid for meals.", "Piper: I just assumed that you were okay with it.", "Leo: I'm not.", "Piper: Well, then you should've said something.", "(They walk in the living room.)", "Leo: Piper, you want me in the real world but I'm not of this world.", "Piper: I know, and I'm, I see your point. I'm sorry I didn't understand. (They sit on the couch.) I know this must be very difficult for you.", "Leo: It is.", "Piper: Leo, you have to understand I am very proud to be with you. And so proud that I need to share you with the rest of the world, my world. And you know, the other stuff we'll figure out.", "(They kiss.)", "Prue: (from upstairs) Not now, I have a headache.", "(They stop and look at each other.)", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole's there packing a suitcase. There's a knock on the door. He answers it.]", "Cole: Phoebe, what are you doing here?", "Phoebe: I, um, I came to tell you something. Actually... (She kisses him passionately.) I was always better at show then tell.", "(They continue kissing. He picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. They lean against the door.)", "Cole: You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.", "Phoebe: Neither do you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. The next morning. Cole and Phoebe are in bed. Phoebe is asleep. Cole touches her hair and she wakes up.]", "Cole: Morning.", "Phoebe: Good morning.", "Cole: How you feeling about last night?", "Phoebe: Um, last night was magical. You?", "Cole: What do you think?", "(Cole tickles Phoebe and they laugh.)", "Phoebe: Right here, right now, this place, it's perfect. I wish the whole world were just right in this room.", "Cole: Then we won't have to worry about what happened next.", "(Phoebe sees his suitcase.)", "Phoebe: Are you going someplace?", "Cole: Maybe. I'm not sure yet.", "Phoebe: You know, if you're hiding anything from me, you don't have to hide anything from me.", "Cole: What makes you think I'm hiding something?", "Phoebe: Hmm, for the same reason I know how you really feel about me. If you're in some kind of trouble...", "Cole: I can handle it.", "Phoebe: I can help you.", "Cole: No, you can't. (They kiss.) I have to go.", "(He sits up.)", "Phoebe: Am I gonna see you again?", "Cole: One way or another.", "[Scene: A church. Vince is there. He pushes a woman against the wall.]", "Vince: Where did Father Thomas go?", "Woman: Crest Hills. It's a psychiatric hospital.", "Vince: If I were capable of feelings I might enjoy the irony of that. What happened to the good Father? Pray tell.", "Woman: Nervous breakdown. Three years ago. Something about losing his gift to help others.", "Vince: Well, he might wanna worry about who's gonna help him and kill you.", "(He grabs her around the neck and her face burns.)", "[Scene: Manor. Prue is crouched down in the basement holding her head. She can feel everyone's pain. Piper and Leo come down the stairs.]", "Piper: Prue? What's the matter? What are you doing in the basement?", "(Prue stands up. She has tears in her eyes.)", "Prue: I'm just trying to escape the emotions, they're-they're-they're everywhere. I can't get away.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Prue: It's not just you and Piper, I-I-I'm picking up things from other peoples houses. They're, this people and they're in my head and they're in my heart and it just hurts. (Piper moves towards her and Prue backs into a corner.) No, just stay away, Piper, no contact.", "Piper: Okay.", "(Prue sits in the corner and cries.)", "Prue: God, it is just so hard to concentrate, to even talk, I just want it to go away. I feel like it's gonna--", "(The light breaks and the roof of the basement cracks.)", "Piper: What was that?", "Leo: Empathic ability. The more she feels, the more powerful she becomes.", "Piper: Alright, this is a gift, we are returning it. It was not meant for you. Come on, we're gonna find this Vince guy. Come on. (They help her up.) I know, I know, you're gonna be okay.", "[Scene: The building. Police are there. Piper and Leo wait outside for Phoebe. A cab pulls up and Phoebe gets out.]", "Piper: Phoebe, where were you when we called?", "Phoebe: Cole's.", "Piper: You could've changed. All night?", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm.", "Piper: Did you...?", "Phoebe: Uh-huh.", "Piper: Was he...?", "Phoebe: Uh-huh!", "Leo: Okay, can we talk about this later?", "Phoebe: Yeah, where's Prue?", "Piper: Waiting in the car.", "(The paramedics push a stretcher with a body on it past them.)", "Phoebe: Oh, this does not look good.", "[Time lapse. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are walking up the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Cole said that Vince never called.", "Piper: I'm starting to smell a demon.", "Leo: If you're right, it would explain why the empathic gift didn't kill him.", "Piper: I think we should stop calling this a gift.", "Phoebe: Okay, so how did the demon, formally known as Vince, become empathic anyway?", "Leo: Well, I'm guessing he got the power from a true empath. It would act like a curse on the demon, make him feel the pain that he inflicts.", "(They walk in the room and Phoebe has a premonition of Vince killing people.)", "Piper: Phoebe? Okay, come on.", "(They walk back outside.)", "Phoebe: Okay, we're definitely right about the demon theory.", "Piper: That was a premonition? But you didn't touch anything.", "Leo: This room must be dripping with psychic remnants.", "Piper: Well, what did you see?", "Phoebe: Uh, murders and lots of them. Like a big demon killing spree.", "Piper: Just random?", "Phoebe: No, more like a mission.", "Leo: Could be he's looking for revenge on the empath who cursed him.", "Piper: Well, if we're gonna help Prue, then we gotta get there first. What was the last murder you saw?", "Phoebe: A man at a mental hospital. Crest Hills. But I don't know if it happened already.", "Piper: Well, there's only one way to find out.", "[Scene: Crest Hills Psychiatric Hospital. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there.]", "Nurse: And who are you here to visit today?", "Phoebe: Um, we came to visit our father.", "Nurse: What's his name?", "Phoebe: Dad?", "Nurse: This is a psychiatric facility. We can't very well let every--", "Piper: Okay.", "(Piper freezes her.)", "Leo: (to Prue) This place is a mine field for you, you should wait here.", "Prue: No, if Vince comes in I need to be there to reverse the spell.", "(They walk into a room where all the patients are.)", "Phoebe: That looks like the guy from my premonition. (Leo sits Prue down on a chair. Phoebe and Piper go over to Father Thomas.) Hi, excuse me, um, I know this is probably gonna sound crazy but are you an empath?", "Father Thomas: You people don't have to humour me, you know. I know you don't believe me.", "Piper: No, uh, we're not doctors, we're patients, we're, we're witches. And we're looking for the empath who cursed a demon.", "Father Thomas: I was working as a priest, helping people when it came after me.", "Piper: You mean Vince?", "Father Thomas: Is that what it calls itself? Vinceres is a demonic assassin. Timeless, unstoppable.", "Piper: But you stopped him. How?", "Father Thomas: When the demon took my throat to kill me, I laid my hands on him as if to heal him.", "Phoebe: And you gave him your power.", "Father Thomas: Yes, I didn't know if I could but I did. I cursed Vinceres and myself.", "Piper: How did you curse yourself?", "Father Thomas: I'm staring at eternity on earth with no gift and no reason to be.", "Piper: Well, I can't help you with the eternity part but I can give you a reason to be now.", "Father Thomas: Yeah, I know, I know, I read the paper. We have to get to that building and safely relocate the demon.", "Phoebe: Uh, it's funny you should mention that because when Prue met Vinceres she thought that he was a shut-in and...", "Father Thomas: You didn't cast a spell?", "Piper: She did but...", "Father Thomas: I gave up everything to prevent that beast from killing again. If it's free you can't stop it. (Prue feels his anger and furniture starts to move.) Nobody can.", "(The whole room starts shaking and the patients run around.)", "Patient #1: I can't take it!", "Patient #2: In the walls! Can't you hear it?", "(Prue grabs her head in pain.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Basement. Prue's crouched down in the corner shaking. Leo's sitting on the stairs watching her.]", "[Cut to the conservatory. Piper, Phoebe and Father Thomas are there. They have found Vinceres in the Book Of Shadows.]", "Piper: Here he is, Vinceres. Pretty much lives up to his gloss. Unstoppable hit man, just keeps going until he gets his target.", "Phoebe: Great. The energizer demon. So what do we do?", "Father Thomas: Nothing. There's nothing you can do. It will find us and when it does we're all dead.", "Piper: Well, you're just a ray of sunshine now aren't you? (Leo walks in.) Hey, anything?", "Leo: No, she won't say a word.", "Piper: We've gotta snap Prue outta this or else she won't be able to reverse the spell when the demon attacks.", "Father Thomas: You can't reverse the spell. Vinceres is immune to witches magic.", "Phoebe: Hold on, Prue's spell worked.", "Father Thomas: That's because the demon allowed it to work. To its own advantage. You'll find your spells useless now.", "Phoebe: Maybe we actually don't need to reverse the spell.", "Leo: What are you thinking?", "Phoebe: Well, Prue's getting hit by emotions, all emotions and he powers are tied to these emotions. So maybe if she can figure out a way to channel them, then she'd be pretty unstoppable herself don't you think?", "Leo: Is that possible?", "Father Thomas: From what I've seen your sister is too far gone. She won't live to see the night.", "Piper: Alright, that's it!", "Leo: Piper...", "Piper: No. I am sorry, but this man has experienced the entire rainbow of human emotions and the best he has to give us her is self pity? I don't think so. Look, you used this power to stop this demon. Now my sister has your power. Deal with it and then help us.", "[Cut to the attic. Prue is still crouched down in the corner. Father Thomas and Leo walk down the stairs.]", "Prue: Go away!", "Father Thomas: I know how you feel. Your instinct is to pull away. Don't. Try to find an inner calm.", "Prue: I can't. The pain.", "Father Thomas: You're carrying a cross you were never meant to bear. I'm sorry.", "Prue: Your sorrow, I can't, I can't take it. Please...", "Father Thomas: You've been fighting what you feel, that's natural and it's wrong. To find your strength as an empath, you must embrace your emotion. Focus on me, the feelings are ripping you apart because you're fighting them like the demon did. A demon can't handle human emotions, you can.", "[Cut to the foyer. The door flies open and Vinceres walks in.]", "Vinceres: Anybody home?", "Phoebe: Piper, now! (Piper freezes him but he fights through it.) Okay, I guess this is the unstoppable part.", "Vinceres: Where's Father Thomas?", "Piper: Plan B, plan B!", "(Piper picks up a vase and smashes it over his head. He pushes her across the room. Phoebe kicks him in the head. He knocks over a table. Phoebe kicks him a few more times and he grabs her and throws her across the room.)", "Phoebe: Okay, uh, do we have a plan C?", "Piper: Uh, whoa. (She tries to freeze him again.) Leo, hurry!", "[Cut back to the basement.]", "Father Thomas: Prue, take my hand. (She does so.) My power to ease you in suffering lay in my hands. That's how I cursed the demon. You must channel the empathic gift into your power.", "Prue: I can't. I can't control my power.", "Father Thomas: Prue, you can do it. You have a once in a life time opportunity to feel the world's emotions. All it means to be human. The good and the bad. Don't be afraid.", "[Cut back upstairs. Vinceres has Phoebe by the throat.]", "Vinceres: Just tell me where the empath is and I won't kill you.", "(Prue, Leo and Father Thomas walk in.]", "Prue: You want him? Come and get him.", "(She uses her power and he flies against the wall.)", "Vinceres: How'd you do that?", "Prue: If you want the empath, you're gonna have to go through me. (to Piper and Phoebe) Stay back. This is my fight.", "(Prue jumps up and kicks him. She blocks his punches. She holds onto the stair railing, walks on the wall and jumps over the railing, kicking Vince in the face.)", "Vince: You can't hurt me, witch. I can handle your powers. (He grabs her around the neck and lifts her off the ground. She forces his hand away from her neck and flips over him. She blocks his punches and pushes him on the floor.) I can handle your powers.", "Prue: What about pain? Human pain? (She astral projects and astral Prue jumps into him. He starts yelling and then explodes. Prue looks at astral Prue and astral Prue smiles.) The voices are gone.", "(Piper and Phoebe go over to her.)", "Phoebe: So you're not an empath anymore.", "Prue: (to Father Thomas) I'm sorry. I was hoping that we could return your gift.", "Father Thomas: But you did. It appears I have the ability to understand what people are feeling even without a magic assist.", "Phoebe: You kicked ass.", "Prue: I did didn't I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Idol is playing. Prue and Phoebe walk up to the bar. Piper's there.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Piper: Hey.", "Prue: You know, I can not wait for this Anovacane to wear off. (She sticks out her tongue.) Can you unfreeze my tongue?", "Piper: You're lucky that dentist even saw you.", "Phoebe: Okay, there's one thing I don't get. How did you vanquish Vinceres?", "Prue: Well, it was something that Father Thomas said to me. Vinceres was trying to fight off the feelings of an empath because demons can not handle human emotion.", "Phoebe: And so you astral projected into his body.", "Prue: Yes, carrying the emotional baggage of half of the city. I forced him to feel and he couldn't take it.", "(Leo comes up to them.)", "Leo: Hey.", "Prue: Hey.", "Leo: I just left Father Thomas. Got the connections of the -----. They're gonna let him return to his church.", "Piper: Thank you. You're an angel.", "Leo: Well, not technically.", "Prue: Eww.", "Phoebe: So I guess the only other question is who sent the signs that lead Prue to the demon?", "Prue: Well, probably the triad. Or Belthazor, which means we have to be careful the next time we get a sign.", "Piper: Yeah, but Prue, you got quite a power boost there. Are you gonna miss it?", "Prue: Yeah, but I did get to stop an unstoppable demon. Got a little taste of what my future powers are gonna be like. I'm on the right path. Ooh, speaking of paths... what's up with you and your Cole dependencies? Where do you guys stand?", "Phoebe: Ohh, I have no idea. I think I'm gonna go find out right now. Yeah.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole opens his door and Phoebe is standing there.]", "Cole: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi. I half expected not to find you here.", "Cole: Yeah? Well, an associate of mine didn't do what he was told so I've still got work to do here.", "Phoebe: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?", "Cole: Both.", "(They hug.)" ]
Primose Empath
[ "Cole's latest plan to take down the Charmed Ones involve having an anger demon cast a spell on the sisters that causes petty anger to render them powerless if other demons cross their path. However, his growing love for Phoebe causes Cole to be an obstacle in seeing his plan through, especially after the Triad finds out. Leo urges the sisters to make up in order to get the power of three back to fight Beltazor." ]
[ "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Phoebe and Cole are laying in bed. They are kissing. Phoebe stops.]", "Cole: What? No, tell me.", "Phoebe: I don't know. It just seems like whenever I get close to you, you pull away from me. Why do you do that? What are you so afraid of telling me?", "Cole: Phoebe, don't.", "(He rolls over.)", "Phoebe: I wanna know I deserve to know.", "Cole: Phoebe, you don't know what you're asking for.", "(He sits up with his back facing her.)", "Phoebe: Whatever it is you can't keep pretending that it's not coming between us. You can't keep hiding from the truth.", "(Cole turns into Belthazor and attacks Phoebe. Cole wakes up. One of the triad members is in his apartment.)", "Triad #1: That wasn't so hard now was it?", "Cole: What are you doing here?", "Triad #1: Reminding you of your inner nature, Belthazor. One that would be in your best interest to reconnect with... soon.", "Cole: I won't let you down.", "Triad #1: You already have. You were out to destroy the witches, instead, you bedded one of them.", "Cole: That was a mistake. I...", "(The triad member waves his hand in front of Cole and a dagger appears in his hand.)", "Triad #1: Find demonic help if you have to, Belthazor, but you better find a way to kill the witches or we'll kill you.", "(He disappears.)", "[Scene: P3. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting in the alcove. Phoebe is looking around for Cole.]", "Prue: Alright, look, we know that Belthazor is not going to stop until he kills is. Phoebe? Phoebe! (Phoebe looks at her.) Hi. I hate to interrupt your whole staring off into space aimlessly thing that you've got going on right now but in case you forgot, evil triad agent.", "Phoebe: Like you would even let me forget, Prue.", "Prue: Well, if he's as powerful of a demon as Leo says he is, he is probably gonna be immune to our powers. That's why we need to practice our counter tacks and the next time he shows up we can get some demon flesh.", "Piper: White meat or dark meat?", "Prue: I don't like the idea of demon flay either but it might help us with the vanquishing potion. Hello? Pheebs?", "Phoebe: Cole is forty-five minutes late. You would think he would be on time after he sleeps with a girl, you know.", "Piper: Can we fast forward? Because I got Fastball coming in in a couple of days and I need to get some stuff done.", "Phoebe: Cole!", "(She stands up. Cole is walk towards them.)", "Cole: (to himself) I'm sorry but we have to stop seeing each other, okay. Why? Because, because I have to kill you that's why. Smooth.", "Prue: Alright, we are practicing the, uh...", "(Cole approaches them.)", "Cole: Sorry I'm late.", "Phoebe: It's okay.", "Prue: The earthquake drill tomorrow at 3:00.", "Piper: I'm sorry madam president but I have a doctors appointment.", "Prue: Piper, you never know when an earthquake is going to strike.", "Piper: I guess not. I guess I will reschedule then.", "Cole: Phoebe, we, uh, need to talk.", "Prue: Uh, Phoebe, earthquake drill tomorrow at 3:00.", "Phoebe: Okay, but if you need me there by 3:00 you have to lend me your car because I have class right after it.", "Prue: That's fine, just try not to leave my gas tank on empty this time.", "Phoebe: I left your gas tank empty once, okay, get over it, let it go.", "Prue: Twice.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, what-what were you saying?", "Cole: Actually, if we could, uh...", "Prue: Oh, and Pheebs, I need the car back by 5:00 because I have a photo shoot at P3 tomorrow.", "Piper: P3? Did you forget to inform the owner of P3?", "Prue: I'm sorry but my location fell out at the last moment and I couldn't find you and I thought that you would say yes.", "Piper: Of course you did and did you forget about our home owners meeting that's at our house tomorrow afternoon?", "Prue: I totally spaced. Uh, Pheebs, will you cover for me?", "Phoebe: No way. At the last one it took them two and a half hours to decide where to put the garden gnomes.", "Prue: Um, alright, do you want the car or not?", "Phoebe: Hate you.", "Prue: No you don't you love me.", "Piper: I'd love to get back to work. Okay, you two kids behave.", "(Prue and Piper walk away.)", "Phoebe: Uh, I'm sorry about that. Sister stuff. You know, there's a fine line between love and hate. So what did you wanna talk about?", "Cole: Um, actually, I have to go.", "Phoebe: Wh-- wait, what?", "Cole: I'm sorry, Phoebe, it's just this big case I've been working on and I think I just had an epiphany on how to win it. (He kisses her.) Forgive me.", "Phoebe: Ugh.", "[Cut to outside. Cole walks out.]", "Cole: (to his shadow) Tell the triad I've figured out how to destroy the Charmed Ones.", "(His shadow floats down into a drain.)", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. The next morning. Prue is on the phone and Piper is sitting at the table.]", "Prue: No, I'm planning on getting to P3 early to confirm the stylist. Alright, I'll see you there. Bye. (She hangs up.) Hey, where's Phoebe?", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: I'm here. Do you guys know if Cole called?", "Piper: Not since the last time you asked.", "Phoebe: Okay, I need some sisterly advice. Is he doing the whole blow her off after s*x thing and I'm just not reading the signs?", "Piper: Probably not since the signs Prue read as an empath prove that he loves you.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, supernatural guarantees aside, I am getting the feeling that he is avoiding me. I have no idea where we stand.", "Prue: Well, maybe it's got something to do with whatever he's hiding from me.", "(Belthazor barges through the door.)", "Phoebe: Demon!", "(Phoebe levitates in the air and kicks him. He falls against the table. Belthazor throws out an electric spark.)", "Prue: Piper, watch out. (Piper freezes it. Prue astral projects onto the table behind Belthazor.) Uh, excuse me. (She kicks him in the head. Prue flips off the table.) Piper, now.", "(Piper picks up a knife and slices his neck. Belthazor changes into Leo.)", "Leo: Ouch, you got skin.", "(Prue astral projects back in her body.)", "Phoebe: Hey, Leo, do you think you can make yourself look like Brad Pitt?", "Prue: Alright you guys, that was, um, good. Although, Phoebe, I think you need more force on your kick and Piper, a little less hesitating on the slicing and dicing, okay. Should we try it again?", "Piper: No, I'd like to have a boyfriend left when this is over.", "Phoebe: Okay, where are your keys, Prue?", "Prue: Hey, don't forget to pick up food for the home owners meeting.", "Phoebe: Okay, how am I possibly gonna pick up food when I have to get your car back right away?", "Prue: Well, I can't do it, I have to prep for my shoot.", "(Prue and Phoebe look at Piper.)", "Piper: Don't look at me. (Silence) I guess I'll reschedule my doctors appointment again.", "Phoebe: You're cute.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole and a demon called Andras is there. Cole places a knife in his altar.]", "Cole: Have you ever destroyed siblings? Sisters?", "Andras: Sisters? I put nations against each other, I start wars, riots.", "Cole: I've reviewed your resume, Andras. Rather unfocused actually. My needs are very particular.", "Andras: I can infect anybody. Anybody who's angry.", "Cole: That's your way in? Through anger?", "Andras: I see it in my victims. It envelops them. Then I turn that anger into rage. Rage that continues until they commit an act of violence.", "Cole: Think you could work your magic on the Charmed Ones?", "Andras: You said sisters, not witches.", "Cole: Ah, but they are sisters, first and for most and that I believe is their Achilles heal. Break that bond and we break the very foundation of their powers. Without their powers they're defenseless.", "Andras: Which sister shall we start with?", "Cole: The most vulnerable. The youngest.", "[Scene: Campus. Phoebe walks out of the building talking on her phone.]", "Phoebe: Class went late and then I had to go to the library to get a book for psyc class so I'm running a little late but I will be there. (She walks towards Prue's car.) Yeah, very funny, I was born late. Ha ha. I promise I will be there, okay. I'll be home sss... (She sees Cole standing next to the car.) Gotta go, bye. (She hangs up.) Uh, what are you doing here?", "Cole: I got a break in my case, decided to take the afternoon off.", "Phoebe: Oh, that must've been quite an epiphany you had last night.", "Cole: Yeah, it was. I came to apologise, Phoebe, for walking out on you so abruptly. That was rude.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it was rude.", "Cole: I'd love to make it up to you. I made early dinner reservations at Brazils.", "Phoebe: No, I-I have to get Prue's car back.", "Cole: I was hoping we could talk.", "Phoebe: About what?", "Cole: About the other night. You and me, where we stand.", "Phoebe: Um, I would like to, I actually would really like to, but I promised Prue that I'd do her home owners meeting tonight, so...", "Cole: That's alright, I understand. It was worth a try. (He kisses her and starts to walk away.)", "Phoebe: Cole, uh... (He stops and turns back around.) I could probably get Piper to handle the meeting.", "Cole: Yeah? You sure she won't be angry?", "Phoebe: Oh, she's gonna be furious but she'll just surprise it and take it out on me later. Um, you pick me up in an hour?", "Cole: I'll be there.", "(Phoebe gets in the car. Cole flicks his hand and the gas starts leaking out. She beeps the horn and drives off.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. The home owners meeting is being held there. The neighbours are arguing.]", "[Cut to the kitchen. Leo enters as Piper starts to carry the tray of food out.]", "Leo: Oh, watch the- uh-", "(Piper trips over Prue's tripod, which had been under the table, its legs projecting out. Leo catches her and manages to save the tray of food.)", "Piper: (as she falls) Oh! Ohhh... Prue! Welcome to Prue's World Of Cluttered Photography. I can't believe I got roped into this.", "(He hands her back the tray as they head back to the table.)", "Leo: How did you get roped into heading the refreshment committee?", "Piper: They didn't have time.", "Leo: And you do?", "Piper: Well, my doctor's appointment doesn't count as high priority.", "Leo: Well, couldn't you make something simpler, you know, chips and dip?", "Piper: Leo, I was a chef. I can't make chips and dip.", "Leo: Maybe you need to tell your sisters how you feel. Better yet, next time just say no.", "Piper: Okay, Leo, you obviously do not have sisters. One minute you're arguing about something and then suddenly you're arguing about who stole who's Malibu Barbie in 1979.", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Hey, is Phoebe home yet?", "Piper: No, and where-where's all the mineral water?", "Prue: Uh, there's some down in the basement.", "Leo: I'll get it.", "(Leo goes in the basement. Piper carries a plate of food into the living room.)", "Neighbour #1: It's our property, it's our money and we are building a fence.", "Piper: Goat cheese pizza and onion tartlets for the vegetarians...", "Neighbour #2: We want our privacy because we've had enough of your snooping.", "Neighbour #3: Snooping?", "Piper: And the-the chicken satay has peanuts in case anybody's allergic. (Phoebe sneaks in.) Phoebe, nice of you to show.", "Phoebe: Uh, Piper? (She walks over to Phoebe.) I need a huge favour. Can I talk to you upstairs?", "Piper: Oh, no you don't. (The neighbours start arguing. Phoebe starts to go upstairs.) Phoebe. (She freezes the neighbours.) Phoebe, this is not fair.", "Phoebe: I know it's not but the last thing I expected was for Cole to ask me out, okay. So could you please cover for me?", "Piper: I-I already rescheduled my doctors appointment twice.", "Phoebe: Well, Leo was a doctor before he died.", "Piper: That's really not the point.", "Phoebe: I know, and I would never ask but this is important. He wants to have the talk. You know, are we a couple, are we a one-nighter, are we friends, are we friends that had a one-nighter?", "Piper: Okay, I get it.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Ever planning on unfreezing the neighbours?", "Phoebe: Piper, just this once. You know how much I want this relationship to work.", "Piper: Well, I guess I don't have much of a choice. (Phoebe hugs her and runs upstairs.) You are so helping me run this meeting.", "(The Whitelighters call Leo.)", "Leo: They're calling.", "Piper: Uh, no, no, no. (Leo orbs out.) Leo. (He drops the bottle he was holding and Piper catches it.) Chicken!", "(Piper unfreezes the neighbours.)", "[Cut to outside. Cole drives up in his car. He closes his eyes.]", "Cole: Andras. (Andras appears in the passenger seat. Cole opens his eyes.) If Phoebe's right, Piper will be primed and ready for you.", "Andras: I thought we were starting with Phoebe.", "Cole: We did. I did. She's the reason Piper's angry and she'll be the reason Prue gets angry. You just make sure you get there to capitalize on that.", "Andras: Don't you mean to rage all three of the sisters for the plan to work?", "Cole: You infect Piper and Prue, I'll bring Phoebe back home. They'll blame her for everything.", "Andras: Your legend is well deserved, Belthazor. You know, for someone about to score one of the biggest victories in centuries, you don't seem very happy about it.", "Cole: Just do your job.", "(Andras gets out of the car.)", "[Cut back to inside.]", "Neighbour #4: Your fence will block the sun for my flowers.", "Neighbour #1: Well, then I suggest you take it up with the sun.", "Neighbour #4: Oh, great, great idea.", "Piper: Okay, uh, why don't you build a shorter fence? Or move your flower bed?", "Neighbour #4: No, it is not my azaleas that are the problem.", "(The neighbours continue arguing. The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: Okay, everyone please just try and calm down.", "(Phoebe runs past the living room.)", "Phoebe: Bye, honey.", "Piper: Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe! Those are my earrings. (Phoebe leaves.) Hey! (Andras is standing outside looking in. A ball of light comes out of his hand and hits Piper.) Okay, everybody shut up! (Everyone shuts up.) I have had it with your petty problems and your stupid fence and your stupid flower beds. There are bigger problems in the world to worry about. Just get a life and grow up!", "Neighbour #3: Ugh, you can't speak to us like that.", "Piper: Oh yeah? (She throws a plate of food at them.) Everybody get out of my house! Get out of my house before I throw you out.", "Neighbour #4: With pleasure.", "Neighbour #3: Perhaps we should build a fence to keep you in.", "Piper: Good idea.", "Neighbour #3: I'll speak to your sister about the way you behave.", "Piper: Even better idea! Move it! Move it! Move it! (Everyone leaves.) And stay out!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Brazils. People are dancing. Cole and Phoebe are sitting at a table. They are laughing.]", "Cole: Wait, you actually wore a penguin costume?", "Phoebe: Yes, and I handed out balloons to kids. I was fifteen, leave me alone, I needed a job.", "Cole: I bet you were cute.", "Phoebe: I have to do the walk.", "Cole: Uh, no.", "(Phoebe gets up and walks like a penguin. They laugh harder. She sits back down and they stop laughing.)", "Cole: You've come a long way haven't you?", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, I think I have. And of course I'm still living with my two sisters and still going to college, you know, eventually I'd like to work past that.", "Cole: You don't like living with your sisters?", "Phoebe: Um, it's more out of necessity. But enough about me. Tell me about you. Am I the only one with a past here?", "Cole: Mine's not very interesting.", "Phoebe: More secrets.", "Cole: I don't like to talk about my past much or my family. I lost them a long time ago.", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm sorry. I know how that feels. Um, I never knew my mother and my family left when I was really little. So we were raised by our grandmother. She's not with us anymore.", "Cole: But you still have your sisters.", "Phoebe: Yeah. And I thank god for them everyday. I don't know what I would do if I lost them. Are you okay?", "Cole: Phoebe, there's something I have to tell you. (pause) I'm a terrible dancer.", "Phoebe: You're a terrible dancer? Something tells me that's not what you were gonna say. (A slow song comes on.) Come on. (She stands up.)", "Cole: No, no, really, I...", "Phoebe: Okay, look, if we're not gonna talk about us and we're not gonna talk about you, we're gonna dance.", "Cole: I can't.", "(He stands up.)", "Phoebe: You can. Why would you bring me here if you're not gonna dance?", "(They walk onto the dance floor and slow dance.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue is on the phone.]", "Prue: I'm sorry I didn't make it. (Piper walks in.) No, I didn't forget. I loaned my car to someone and obviously... (Piper slams down a plate of food on the table.) they forgot to fill the tank. (to Piper) Keep it down will you? (in the phone) Alright, one more chance is al that I'm asking for. (to Piper) Where's Phoebe?", "Piper: The little witch is not home yet.", "Prue: (in the phone) No, tomorrow at P3 will not be a problem, okay...", "Piper: Actually, excuse me. (She takes the phone off of Prue.) (into the phone) Hi, actually, you know what? It is.", "(She hangs up.)", "Prue: Okay, alright, do you have any idea who that was?", "Piper: I couldn't care less.", "Prue: What is your problem?", "Piper: You are. Get your own damn club and keep your paws off of mine.", "Prue: Okay, whoa, obviously somebody needs a Midol.", "Piper: And I am so sick of all your stuff lying around. If you can't out your equipment away then I will.", "(She throws one of Prue's camera lens on the floor. Andras is watching from outside. Another ball of light shoots out of his hand and hits Prue.)", "Prue: Ooh, ooh! (Prue looks around and picks up the blender.) Who the hell do you think you are?", "(She throws the blender on the floor.)", "[Cut to outside. Cole and Phoebe drive up. Phoebe is sits facing Cole.]", "Phoebe: I had a great time tonight.", "Cole: Better than being at the homeowners meeting?", "Phoebe: Mmm, a little. Okay, you're married.", "Cole: What?", "Phoebe: That's the big secret. You're married. You have three kids, and two dogs, and a really cute cat, right? I'm your seven year itch?", "Cole: You found me out.", "Phoebe: Can't get anything past me.", "Cole: I guess not.", "Phoebe: Uh, about the other night. Are you sorry we, uh...", "Cole: Not at all. Are you?", "Phoebe: Depends on what happens next.", "Cole: Too bad you can't predict the future.", "Phoebe: Who says I can't? (They kiss. Andras is near by watching. Cole opens his eyes and sees him. They pull apart.) Um, are you sure you don't wanna come in?", "Cole: I've gotta get back to the case, you know. (She kisses him once more and starts to get out of the car.) Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Yeah?", "Cole: Goodbye.", "Phoebe: Goodnight.", "(She gets out of the car and walks up the stairs. He drives away.)", "[Cut to inside. Prue and Piper walk into the living room. They are still fighting.]", "Piper: Sure you can use P3 for a photo shoot. Hello? Remember me?", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Prue: Oh, poor Piper. Well, you know what? The marter Ricky's really getting old.", "Phoebe: Hey, guys, what's going on?", "Prue/Piper: Shut up!", "Prue: You know what? I am so sorry that I didn't check with you about your stupid little club, I was too busy being the only witch concerned about the triad.", "Piper: Oh, right, without the mighty Prue Halliwell we'd all be dead. Get over yourself, Prue.", "Phoebe: Sisters, what has gotten into you two?", "Prue: By the way, you owe me for a car tow and a tank of gas, you little leech.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, is it gang up on Phoebe day and nobody told me?", "Piper: News flash! The world does not revolve around Phoebe.", "Prue: Yes, so while you get to spend the night screwing the DA, we are stuck picking up your crap.", "(A ball of light shoots out of Andras and hits Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: What's the matter, Prue? Jealous? All work and no play making you even more boring?", "Prue: Oh, yeah, there's a lot to be jealous that I am still living off of my sisters.", "Piper: Yeah, Grams said that you'd never amount to anything.", "Prue: I am so sick of the fact that I've been saddled with the two of you my entire life.", "Phoebe: Whatever, I'm leaving.", "Piper: Oh, sure, you're such an immature brat, you leave every time you can't hack something.", "Phoebe: Well, there's nothing keeping me here now is there?", "Prue: Oh, well, I see that you've inherited dad's talent of bailing.", "Phoebe: That's because the two of us couldn't deal with living with the two of you.", "Piper: Well, at least I'm not so stupid I had to do college twice.", "Phoebe: Well, at least I actually had the courage to go away to college. What's the matter, Piper? The real world too much for you? I am so sick of the two of you ganging up on me and judging me.", "Prue: I am so sick of saving your asses.", "Piper: I'm sick of being taken for granted and those are mine.", "(Piper rips off Phoebe's earrings.)", "Phoebe: Ouch! Bitch!", "(Phoebe high kicks Piper but Piper ducks. Piper pushes Phoebe into Prue and Prue pushes her against a chair. Phoebe throws a piece of Prue's camera equipment at Prue and she blocks it with her power. It flies back towards Phoebe, Phoebe levitates and it passes under her legs towards Piper who freezes it. The camera piece unfreezes, hits a photo frame and it falls off the wall. Phoebe leaves.)", "[Cut to the attic. The triquetra on the Book Of Shadows splits apart.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue is cleaning up some broken glass. Piper bends down beside her.]", "Piper: Here.", "Prue: It's alright.", "Piper: I'll get it.", "Prue: Thanks.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Piper: What's wrong?", "Leo: You tell me.", "Piper: Well, we had a little...", "Prue: Tiff.", "Leo: Must've been more than little because \"they\" felt it.", "Piper: What do you mean \"they felt it\"?", "Leo: What ever happened severed the power of three.", "Prue: Leo, that's impossible.", "(Leo picks up a glass bowl.)", "Leo: Freeze this.", "(He drops it, she tries to freeze it and it smashes on the floor.)", "Piper: Uhh...", "(Prue tries to move the glass.)", "Prue: What happened to our powers?", "Leo: That's what we have to figure out. Let's start with your little tiff.", "Piper: Well, that's a bit of an understatement. It was big.", "Leo: How big?", "Prue: Um, do you remember Pearl Harbor?", "Leo: Okay, so what triggered it?", "Piper: I-I don't know. Just little things I guess. I really didn't wanna do the stupid meeting and...", "Prue: My car ran out of gas and because of that I missed my job.", "Leo: That's it?", "Prue: Yeah, I mean, it's weird. We were angry but we shouldn't have been that angry. It was almost like something...", "Piper: Someone sort of came over us.", "Prue: Yeah, something like Belthazor.", "Leo: That doesn't track because no matter what he does, he doesn't have the power to take away yours. So back to your argument. You yelled and you threw stuff?", "Piper: Well, we did a little more than that.", "Prue: We used our powers.", "Leo: What, on each other? Alright, well, then that's what happened. Your powers are routed in your bond as sisters. Using them against each other must have severed that bond. Alright, you-you-you need to repair the damage of your relationship because without your powers you are extremely vulnerable. SO you need to get Ph...", "Prue: Phoebe's gone.", "Leo: Gone? Gone where?", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Belthazor is kneeling in front of his altar chanting. There is a knock at the door. Belthazor closes the door to his altar.]", "Phoebe: Cole? Cole?", "(Belthazor walks over to the door and grabs onto the handle. He starts to open the door.)", "[Cut to the hallway. The door opens and Belthazor has changed back into Cole.]", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Cole: Phoebe, what are you doing here?", "Phoebe: Uh, I don't, I don't know. I was just walking around and I'm sorry, I know it's really late. Can I come in?", "Cole: Yeah, sure.", "(Phoebe walks in and Cole closes the door.)", "Phoebe: I had no where else to go.", "(She starts to cry.)", "Cole: It's okay. (He hugs her.) I'm glad you came here. What happened?", "Phoebe: After, after you dropped me off, my sisters and I got into a, a huge fight. It was horrible.", "Cole: You're safe here.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper and Prue are scrying for Phoebe. Leo is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: Nothing. I-I can't find her. We don't even have basic powers anymore.", "Prue: I can not believe this is happening.", "Piper: What I don't understand is how could Belthazor make us that angry? That's not his power.", "Leo: No, it's not, but it is his.", "(Prue and Piper look at the Book.)", "Piper: \"Andras, the spirit of rage. Uses anger as a portal to enrage his victims until they commit a greatest act of violence.\"", "Prue: Yeah, but that doesn't really explain everything. I mean, even if our fight was supernaturally amped, Andras magnifies anger into rage, he doesn't just create it out of thin air.", "Piper: So we gave him the upper hand.", "Leo: And he took full advantage.", "[Cut back to Cole's apartment.]", "Phoebe: I was just so angry and I said such horrible things to them and I-I-I didn't really mean any of it. (Cole touches he shoulder. She turns around and hugs him.) I'm sorry.", "Cole: Please. Let me get you a tissue. Here.", "(He sits her on the couch with her back to the altar. He walks over to his altar.)", "Phoebe: The things that were said. I don't even know where they were coming from. (Cole opens the door of his altar.) I mean, I guess it was issues, you know, (he reaches in his altar and pulls out a dagger) that were underlying, that were never really dealt with and then, and the all of a sudden just exploded.", "Cole: Nothing ever happen like that before?", "(He closes the altar door.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, not like that. I mean, we used to fight all the time when we were little, you know. (Cole starts walking towards her holding the knife.) But since we moved in together, we just, we got really close, you know. (Cole pokes the knife in between his belt and sits down beside her.) We have been through so much together. (She touches his face.) Thank you for listening to me and thank you for being there for me.", "(They kiss. Cole reaches down and pulls the knife out of his belt. He raises it to get ready to stab her but changes his mind and hides it between the couch cushions. They pull apart.)", "Cole: I can't. I can't.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "(He stands up.)", "Cole: Phoebe, you need to go home. Now.", "(Phoebe stands up, hurt.)", "Phoebe: What? Why?", "Cole: Because you're vulnerable right now. I know we shouldn't do this. You need to go home. You need to go and figure out what happened.", "(She smiles a little.)", "Phoebe: You're right. I do. (They walk to the door.) Thank you.", "(They kiss. Andras appears.)", "Cole: You're welcome.", "(She leaves.)", "Andras: So the rumours are true. You've fallen for a witch.", "Cole: What are you doing here? Get out!", "Andras: The great Belthazor. Who would've ever thought. (Cole gets the knife out between the couch cushions.) I can hardly wait to see what the triad will do when I tell them you failed.", "Cole: I will kill you before you ever get the chance.", "Andras: Yeah? Then you really are a traitor, aren't you? (Cole changes into Belthazor.) Pissed off are you? Good. 'Cause there's something you don't know about me. I can possess my victims too. (Andras jumps inside Belthazor. Belthazor roars. He looks into the mirror.) Now, let's go finish what we started shall we?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Prue's on the phone.]", "Prue: If you hear from her just tell her to come home, okay, it's an emergency. Thanks. (She hangs up.) So she's not at the club and none of her friends has seen her.", "Piper: Did you try Cole?", "Prue: No answer.", "Piper: If something happens to her I'll never forgive myself.", "Leo: Nothing's gonna happen.", "Leo: Leo, something happened to Grams, something happened to mum, it kind of runs in the family.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Prue: Phoebe, thank god.", "Phoebe: Has the tribal council spoken? Am I booted off the island?", "(Piper hugs Phoebe.)", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Where were you?", "Phoebe: I was at Cole's. And after a lot of talking and tears, he convinced me to come home and deal with what happened.", "Prue: Belthazor is what happened.", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: Abbreviated version, he used some under length spirit to enrage us and when we fought we lost our powers. No more triquetra, no more power of three.", "Phoebe: What, we have no powers? But that means that...", "Prue: That he's gonna come try kill us. Which when you didn't come home, we thought that he had already...", "Phoebe: No, it's okay, I'm fine. So what do we do? A spell, a vanquish, a potion?", "Leo: You need to try and restore your bond as sisters. I'll give you some privacy.", "(He leaves.)", "Prue: A potion would be easier, huh?", "Piper: Oh, yeah. Um, Phoebe, Grams didn't say you'd never amount to anything. That was just me being mean. She was, is, very proud of you.", "Phoebe: We all know that sometimes I'm not the most responsible person in the world.", "Prue: No, Phoebe, that's all kind of ancient history isn't it? I mean, you've grown up a lot and I'm sorry I don't treat you like you have all the time.", "Phoebe: It's okay. Since mum died...", "Piper: You did take care of us and you do still look out for us all the time and we don't always say thank you. Sometimes we take you for granted.", "Prue: I don't think I'm the one who's been taken for granted. You know, who needs Oprah when we can do it ourselves.", "(They giggle.)", "Phoebe: Do you think we have our powers back?", "(Belthazor bursts through the door.)", "Prue: Oh! (She tries to use her power.) Alright, no, you try.", "(Piper tries to freeze him.)", "Piper: No, mine not working either.", "Phoebe: We worked on our issues.", "(Leo runs up behind him and slams a chair over his back. Belthazor hits him in the face.)", "Piper: Leo!", "Prue: No, wait. You guys run, I'll hold him off.", "Phoebe: No, Prue, we're in this together. (The triquetra on the Book of Shadows joins back up.) Look, the Book.", "(Prue uses her power and knocks the knife out of Belthazor's hand. Belthazor throws a lightning ball at them and Prue uses her power to block it. It flies back, hits Belthazor and Andras gets knocked out of him.)", "Prue: Okay, that's new.", "Phoebe: Demon with demon filling.", "Belthazor: (to Andras) Nobody crosses me.", "(A lighting ball hits Andras and he disappears. Belthazor picks up the knife.)", "Prue: Okay, positions.", "(He walks towards Phoebe and she kicks him in the face.)", "Prue: Uh, Piper?", "(Piper freezes the knife he throws at her.)", "Piper: Whoa.", "(Prue astral projects behind him and kicks him in the back.)", "(Piper plucks the knife out of the air and slices Belthazor. A chunk of skin falls to the ground. Belthazor roars. He grabs Piper's arm, twists it and hits her in the face. She falls to the floor. Prue astral projects back in her body. She uses her power and Belthazor crashes through the window. He changes back into Cole. He disappears. Prue and Phoebe run over to to the window.)", "Phoebe: He's gone.", "Prue: At least for now.", "(Leo helps Piper up.)", "Piper: Ow. Are you okay?", "Leo: Yeah. Good thing I'm already dead. Did you get him?", "Piper: Ooh, yeah. (She picks up the skin.) I got a slice.", "Prue: Mmm, yum, the other white meat.", "Leo: Better him than me.", "Phoebe: Well, at least now we can work on the vanquishing spell.", "Prue: Well, better hurry before Belthazor's encore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Fastball is playing there. Prue walks up to Piper and Phoebe who are sitting in the alcove. She sits down.]", "Phoebe: Hey, how did the photo session go?", "Prue: Not as good as if it had been done here but definitely better for our relationship.", "Piper: Well, next time just give me some warning and I'll be happy to accommodate you.", "Prue: Oh, I promise. By the way, how was your doctors appointment?", "Piper: It was fine. Everything was normal except my stress level.", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't mean to stress you out even more but I ran into Ellen and Claire and they said they worked everything out with Mrs. Snyder. What did you say to them anyway?", "Piper: Oh, nothing, I just spoke my mind.", "Prue: Maybe you should handle all the meetings.", "Piper: No. Absolutely not.", "Phoebe: Wow, you're getting good at saying no.", "Piper: Thank you.", "Phoebe: Anyway I think it's good that we got everything out on the table. And for the sake of innocents everywhere, I think we should always tell each other how we feel.", "Piper: Well, not always. We might kill each other.", "Phoebe: Okay, then most of the time. Just enough to keep demons away from splitting us up.", "Prue: I agree with that.", "(Phoebe looks around for Cole.)", "Prue: Haven't heard from Cole yet, huh?", "Phoebe: No. I still can't figure that guy out. But I will.", "[Scene: Triad. Cole appears.]", "Triad #1: I warned you, Belthazor. I warned you what would what happen if you failed us.", "Triad #2: He's done more than fail us. He's betrayed us. You've betrayed the source.", "Triad #1: He's showed sympathy to the witches.", "Triad #3: And squandered a golden opportunity. (A rotating ball of fire appears in Triad #3's hand.) You are allowed one final statement.", "Cole: I've got nothing to say. Except...", "(Cole pulls out a knife and throws it at Triad #3. Triad #2 throws a fireball at Cole but Cole disappears and it misses. He reappears behind Triad #1 and breaks his neck. He throws a lightning bolt at Triad #2 and he is engulfed in flames. Cole stands there and yells at the top of his voice.)" ]
Power Outage
[ "After Cole mysteriously leaves following the Charmed Ones fought off Belthazor, Phoebe starts to worry and wonder what has happened to him. As the sisters begin mixing the potion that they plan on using to destroy Belthazor, they get an unexpected visitor: a demon bounty hunter called Krell. When he tells them that he was sent by the Source to destroy Belthazor, Prue and Piper readily agree to help him out, while Phoebe is preoccupied by her worry for Cole. Later, the sisters are surprised to discover Cole's identity and as a result, Phoebe is conflicted whether she should help vanquish Belthazor or let him escape." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue and Piper are making a potion. There are ingredients everywhere. Piper puts something in a pot and a flame shoots up.]", "Piper: Okay, even if this works, we still have to find Belthazor.", "Prue: Well, I have an idea how to do that but first things first. Cockles.", "Piper: Cockles?", "Prue: They're over by the crickets.", "Piper: And what exactly are they?", "Prue: Small leaping insects that chirp.", "Piper: That's funny. I meant the cockle shells, not the crickets.", "Prue: I'm not really sure but as long as they help vanquish Belthazor that's all I really care about.", "Piper: It would be nice to get back to our lives such as they were.", "Prue: Pigs feet.", "Piper: Yecchh.", "Prue: Yecchh?", "Piper: Yecchh.", "Prue: So you can slice up a chunk of demon flesh but you can't touch pigs foot.", "Piper: I'm a vegetarian.", "Prue: Since when?", "Piper: Since now.", "Prue: Now is not the time to get squeamish, okay. This recipe is very important. We have to follow it to a tee. (Prue puts a pigs foot in the pot and another flame shoots up.) Ooh!", "Piper: Poor piggy.", "Prue: Uh, everything's in there, we just need to get the slice of Belthazor flesh and we're good to go. Let's test it. Pheebs?", "Piper: Something tells me she's not in a vanquishing mood.", "Prue: Why not?", "Piper: She's worried about Cole. She hasn't heard from him in over a week.", "Prue: And that's a bad thing?", "Piper: Prue.", "Prue: You know what? I don't like him and I don't trust him. And is has nothing to do with being a greasy lawyer either.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Greasy what?", "Piper: Uh, greasy layer. There's a greasy layer on this potion.", "Prue: Too much mandrake.", "Piper: Okay, uh, what do you say we do this incantation.", "Phoebe: Anything to get rid of Belthazor before Cole gets back. And he is coming back.", "Piper: Okay.", "Prue/Piper/Phoebe: \"Spirits of air, forests and sea, set us of this demon free; beasts of hoof and beasts of shell, drive this evil back to hell.\"", "(The potion bubbles.)", "Phoebe: Uh-oh, didn't work.", "Prue: No, you forgot the Belthazor flesh.", "Piper: Oh yes.", "Phoebe: How can we forget the Belthazor flesh?", "(Piper gets the flesh out of the fridge.)", "Prue: Is it just slack or...?", "Piper: Give me a second, lady. Alright, ready? (She puts the flesh in the pot and it explodes. Piper falls to the ground.)", "Phoebe: Piper!?", "(They help her up.)", "Prue: Are you alright?", "Piper: It's the attack of the killer pigs feet. Remind me to step back next time.", "[Scene: Cemetery. People are there attending a funeral.]", "[Cut to a grave. Belthazor falls to the ground and leans against a headstone. He is hurt. He gets up and stumbles over to a mausoleum. He leaves a spot of blood on the headstone.]", "[Cut back to the grave. A demon (Krell) appears and wipes the blood off of the headstone. He smells it and looks around. He sees the door of the mausoleum close.]", "[Cut inside the mausoleum. Belthazor is hiding in there. Krell walks in.]", "Krell: You know what I am, Belthazor. You know you can't escape from me know that you can't shimmer anymore. You'd be pleased, the bounty on you was determined by the source himself. A reflection no doubt of your triumphs and your betrayals. You're wounded, powerless, think of your legacy, Belthazor. I as a legend, not a coward.", "(Belthazor runs towards the door. Krell sees him and tries to zap him. Belthazor zaps a column and it falls near the demon. Belthazor runs outside. He changes back into Cole, then back to Belthazor, then back into Cole. Cole walks over to the people who attended the funeral. Krell walks out of the mausoleum.)", "Cole: (to a woman) Mind if I hitch a ride?", "Woman: Are you going to the wake?", "Cole: Yeah, yeah, sure.", "Woman: Come on.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Prue comes down the stairs. Phoebe walks into the foyer.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Phoebe: I'll be back.", "Prue: Um, where you going?", "Phoebe: I am going to school (they go into the living room) and then I'm going to Cole's.", "(Phoebe puts some books in her bag.)", "Prue: Okay, aren't you forgetting something? Like vanquishing Belthazor?", "Phoebe: Wait, I though you had to write a spell to summon him first.", "Prue: Yes, and it's done. I'm using the one that we called Melinda from the past with, just re-wrote it a little bit.", "Phoebe: Really? Think it'll work?", "Prue: Well, yeah, I mean, it should. It's magic calling magic. Although in this case dark magic. Phoebe, why are you going to Cole's again? I mean, what do you really expect to find?", "Phoebe: Mmm, actually, I was gonna go to his office. And how do you know I've already been to Cole's?", "Prue: Well, you got a parking ticket there yesterday when you borrowed my car.", "Phoebe: Oops, sorry, I'll pay for it.", "Prue: Phoebe, that's not the point. Look, please, don't take this out on me, alright. I'm not the bad guy.", "Phoebe: I know, I would just like some understanding, you know, some support here.", "Prue: Look, I can't support you when I think you're just setting yourself up to get hurt. I have to be honest with you, we have to be honest with each other. That's the promise we made when Belthazor tried to split us apart, remember?", "Phoebe: Yeah, it just doesn't help that you never really liked Cole from the beginning.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I mean, you never really like any of my boyfriends either.", "Phoebe: That's very true.", "Prue: I'm sorry, alright. This is your call and not mine.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Piper: Okay, are we gonna do this or what?", "Prue: Uh, we are, Phoebe's not.", "Phoebe: Are you sure?", "Prue: Yeah, yeah, go to Cole's. It's fine. Uh, we don't need the power of three to vanquish, just the potion.", "Piper: Okay, well, why don't you take this in case.", "(She hands Phoebe the potion.)", "Phoebe: Okay, just you guys no more whispering, okay. It's hard enough for me to know that Cole's keeping secrets from me. I can't take it from you too.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: An alley. Cole is there. He has his hand pressed against his wound. He leans against the wall and takes of his coat. He unbuttons his shirt and pulls a rag off his wound. He takes off his shirt and tries to rip it in half. He can't so he changes into Belthazor and rips the shirt in half. He holds part of the shirt against his wound. A homeless man walks around the corner and Belthazor runs away. The homeless man walks over to where Cole dropped his coat and picks it up.]", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Prue and Piper are there. They tip the dining table onto its side.]", "Piper: This is gonna be messy.", "Prue: That's why we scotch guard. (Prue hands Piper the potion.) You ready?", "Piper: I'm ready as I'll ever be.", "Prue: Alright.", "(They crouch down behind the table.)", "Prue, Piper: \"Magic forces black and white, reaching out through space and light, be he far or be he near, bring us the demon Belthazor here.\"", "(It gets windy.)", "Piper: It's working.", "Prue: Alright, you ready?", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Prue: On three.", "Prue, Piper: 1, 2, 3.", "(Krell appears and they throw the potion at him.)", "Piper: There's no boom. Why is there no boom?", "Prue: I don't know.", "Krell: Stupid witches.", "Prue: He's not... (He tries to zap them and puts a huge hold in the table.) Ooh, you know what? That is an antique!", "(Prue uses her power and he flies towards the grandfather clock. Piper freezes him in mid-air.)", "Piper: Not the clock! We can't afford to keep fixing that thing. (They walk over to him.) Unless Belthazor can morph, that is definitely not him.", "Prue: Alright, that doesn't make sense. How did we get the wrong demon? Hey, do you think that you could just unfreeze his head? That way we could ask.", "Piper: His head?", "Prue: Yeah, his head.", "Piper: Why not? (Piper unfreezes his head.) That's different.", "Prue: That's cool.", "(They giggle.)", "Krell: What did you do to me?", "Prue: Uh, hi, you know what? You're sort of frozen in mid-air therefore we'll be asking the questions, okay? Who are you?", "Krell: Someone who's gonna butcher you if you don't unfreeze me right now.", "Piper: Okay. (Piper unfreezes him and he crashes into the grandfather clock. Prue gives her a look.) What? It was worth it.", "(They go over to him and Prue puts her foot on his chest.)", "Prue: Alright, you start talking or we start the bonus round.", "Krell: I am Krell, a Zotar.", "Prue: Hi, I'm Prue, a Scorpio. Where's Belthazor?", "(He pushes Prue's leg off his chest and Prue and Piper back away. Krell stands up.)", "Krell: Wait, don't. I won't attack if you don't. I'm a bounty hunter. I track fugitive demons and it looks like we're after the same one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside Cole's office. Phoebe walks up to the door, looks around and then walks inside. She sees someone sitting in Cole's chair facing the wall.]", "Phoebe: Cole? (The chair spins around and a man is sitting in it.) Oh, I'm so sorry, I was just looking for Cole Turner.", "Man: Well, that's alright, so am I. (He gets out of the chair and walks over to Phoebe.) Reese Davidson. DA Bureau of Investigations. (He shows her his badge.) And you are?", "Phoebe: Phoebe.", "Reese: Phoebe? Is that like Cher or Madonna, or do you have a last name?", "Phoebe: No, of-of course. Uh, Halliwell. Phoebe Halliwell. Is Cole okay?", "Reese: How do you know him?", "Phoebe: You didn't answer my question.", "Reese: I know. Look, I have no idea if he's alright or not. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Nobody's heard from his since Monday. Are you his girl?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm his girl.", "Reese: Well, did he mention anything to you about what he was doing? Where he was going?", "Phoebe: No. A couple of weeks ago he had a suitcase packed but he said his plans had changed.", "Reese: What plan?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Uh, something about a big case that he was working on.", "Reese: Hmm... (He picks up a folder.) Now, according to his filing he hasn't been working on a case, big or small. Not for a couple of months. All he's done is file extensions. Makes you wonder what he's been doing with himself. Well, if you think of anything that might help, (he hands her his card) call me okay. Okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Prue, Piper and Krell are there.]", "Krell: I should've known better then to underestimate him. I thought that because Belthazor couldn't shimmer, his other powers were useless as well.", "Piper: So you don't have the power to vanquish him?", "Krell: Obviously not. Otherwise I wouldn't have needed to intercept your little calling card, now would I?", "Piper: Hey, you know what? How about next time I just freeze your head and then maybe I could kick you in the--", "Prue: Alright, uh, so Belthazor was sent by the triad to kill us. How do we know that you weren't sent by them too?", "Krell: You're joking, right? I don't believe this. You really don't know? You're Whitelighter must really be sleeping on the job.", "Piper: Hey, now wait a minute, pal.", "Prue: Piper. What don't we know?", "Krell: Belthazor killed the triad. That's why he's on the run, that's why I'm here.", "Prue: Why would he do that?", "Krell: Probably because they were going to kill him. For failing to kill you. Ironically his inability to shimmer saved him from you killing him.", "Prue: So instead we got you.", "Krell: Believe me, just the thought of working with you turns my stomachs.", "Piper: Stomachs?", "Krell: But right now I'm more interested in killing Belthazor than witches.", "Piper: Hmm.", "Krell: Like it or not, we need each other. You can't find him without me, I can't vanquish him without your potion.", "Prue: So then you know where he is?", "Piper: Prue, you can't be seriously considering this.", "Prue: Answer the question.", "Krell: I can track his scent, his blood, when he's in his demonic form not his human one. Fortunately, he can't maintain his human self for long, especially wounded. It drains him.", "Piper: Uh, hi, could you come here, over here, please? (Prue goes over to Piper.) We've tried working with demons before, it was a bad idea then. And it's definitely a bad idea now.", "Prue: (to Krell) We'll let you know.", "Krell: No, you'll let me know now. (silence) Think fast. Belthazor won't stop trying to kill you. Only the heads of the charmed ones will convince the source to spare him.", "(He disappears)", "Prue/Piper: Leo!", "[Scene: Outside Cole's apartment. Phoebe knocks on the door.]", "Phoebe: Cole? Cole, are you in there? ( A neighbour pokes her head out of her apartment.) Oh, sorry. (The neighbour goes back inside. Phoebe sees drops of blood on the carpet leading to Cole's apartment. She opens his door.) Cole? Hello?", "(She walks inside. She sees more drops of blood leading into his bathroom.)", "[Cut inside the bathroom. Belthazor is there standing behind the door.]", "[Cut back to Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: Cole? (She walks into the bathroom and sees Cole putting on a shirt. She gets a fright. She sees his wound.) Cole.", "Cole: You really shouldn't be here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. His bedroom.]", "Phoebe: Okay, Cole. Come on, lay down. (He lays down on the bed.) Lay down. Easy. Are you okay?", "Cole: Do I look okay?", "Phoebe: I'm sorry. Okay, let's see how bad this is.", "Cole: No, no, don't.", "Phoebe: Believe me, I've seen worse, Cole.", "(She goes to take off the bandage but he grabs her wrist.)", "Cole: I said don't. Please.", "Phoebe: We've got to get you to the hospital.", "Cole: It's not safe there, they'll find me.", "Phoebe: Who will find you? What's going on? Who's after you. There was somebody looking for you today at your office. An investigator.", "(He sits up.)", "Cole: You didn't tell him anything did you?", "Phoebe: I don't know anything.", "Cole: What did he look like? You sure he wasn't a de-- A?", "Phoebe: He said that he was. And he also said that he needed to (Cole groans.) Okay, come on, back down, back down. (He lays back down.) I'm gonna go get some help, okay. (whispers) Leo?", "Cole: Phoebe, come on.", "Phoebe: Cole, I am not just gonna sit back and watch you die, okay. (whispers) Leo? (to Cole) Um, I am gonna go back to the house, okay, and I'm gonna get Leo. He's a doctor, he can heal you.", "Cole: Okay.", "Phoebe: Are you sure it's safe for you here?", "Cole: They've already looked for me here, they won't be back. Not for a while anyway.", "(She kisses him.)", "Phoebe: You'd better be here when I get back.", "(She leaves. Cole changes into Belthazar and then back to himself again.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue, Piper and Leo are there.]", "Piper: I don't understand. How can you not know the triad is dead? Don't you think that's kind of important? Especially since, oh, I don't know. They've been trying to kill us for the past two years.", "Leo: They're heard rumours, talk, nothing substantiated.", "Piper: Well, I guess you can substantiate it now can't you? Geez, have you been sleeping on the job or what?", "Prue: So, Leo, don't mind her, she's just a little cranky.", "Piper: Well, you know what? I get that way when demons are trying to kill us.", "Prue: Piper, I really don't think that Krell is trying to kill us otherwise he probably would've tried by now.", "Piper: Oh, yeah? Tell that to the dining room table.", "Leo: Is there anything in there on Zotars?", "Prue: Yeah, everything that he said about them which makes me think that everything else he has said might be true too.", "Piper: Including the part about how he likes to kill witches?", "Prue: Including the part about all of us working together.", "Piper: Are you willing not to? Look, Piper, if we do nothing and Belthazor somehow gets all of his powers back then we are going to be looking back over our shoulders. Again. Personally I'm tired of that.", "Piper: I know, I know, okay. I-I know you thing she's right and", "Leo: If you don't vanquish him now you may not get another chance.", "[Time Lapse. Prue and Piper are in the conservatory saying a spell.]", "Prue/Piper: “Magic forces black and white, reaching out through space and light, be he far or be he near, bring us the demon Belthazor here.”", "(Krall appears in the foyer. Phoebe walks in the house and sees him.)", "Phoebe: Demon!", "(She runs over to him.)", "Piper: Phoebe, no, no, no, Phoebe!", "(Phoebe jumps up, hangs onto a beam, and kicks Krell in the head.)", "Phoebe: What-what is going on? Who is that?", "(Prue, Piper and Leo walk into the foyer.)", "Prue: He is a demonic bounty hunter who is here to help us find Belthazor.", "Piper: Why don't you go sniff something while we fill her in.", "Krell: There's no time. I just picked up Belthazor's scent again.", "Prue: Alright, gives us a minute. (to Phoebe) Come here. Alright, listen, here's the deal. Belthazor killed the triad, now the source wants him dead. Krell is trying to suck up to the source so he wants to kill Belthazor.", "Piper: Belthazor wants to kill us so the source won't kill him.", "Leo: And if you work with Krell you can vanquish Belthazor before he kills you.", "Phoebe: Works for me. Leo, I have to talk to you for a minute.", "Krell: How do you witches ever get anything done? If we're working together we need to move now.", "Prue: Alright, we're ready.", "Krell: Do you have the potion?", "Piper: Do you have the scent?", "Krell: I said I did didn't I? You two come with me. The others should go to the old cemetery.", "Leo: Wait, split up? Why?", "Krell: Because he might be hiding there that's why. Evil frequent cemeteries. Makes it difficult for me to track a demon's scent there. Belthazor knows that.", "Phoebe: Okay, so why don't Leo and I go to the cemetery and you guys go with him.", "Piper: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Positive.", "Prue: Alright, let's go, we're ready. Oh, hey, I almost forgot to ask. Did you find out anything about Cole?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, nothing at all about Cole. (Prue and Piper leave.) We need to go.", "[Scene: Outside Cole's apartment. Phoebe and Leo are walking down the hallway.]", "Leo: Phoebe, we shouldn't even be here. Belthazor", "Phoebe: Can wait. Cole can't. Leo, he will die without your help.", "Leo: Then he should be in a hospital.", "Phoebe: He won't go.", "Leo: Phoebe, I can not heal mortals, you know that. Not unless they were hurt by evil. It's against the rules.", "Phoebe: So break the rules. You've done it before. I'm sorry, that wasn't fair. I just, I can't let him die, Leo.", "Leo: You shouldn't be asking me to do this.", "Phoebe: I know, but I am. (They go inside. Cole is sitting on the floor.) Cole. (She runs over to him.) Cole. Come here. (She lays him on the floor. Leo kneels down beside him and takes off the bandage. He starts to heal him and sparks come out of his hands.) Leo, what's the matter.", "Leo: Something's not right.", "(Leo flies back into a chair.)", "Phoebe: Leo, are you okay?", "Leo: Yeah, I think so.", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: It's okay. You're okay now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Phoebe walks into Cole's room carrying a glass of water.]", "Phoebe: Here you go, baby.", "(He drinks some water.)", "Cole: Thanks. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.", "Phoebe: You're lucky to be feeling anything right now.", "Cole: Yeah, I know. (to Cole) You must be one hell of a doctor.", "Phoebe: He is. He's the best.", "Cole: I owe you one.", "Leo: Forget it. Phoebe, can I talk to you out here?", "Cole: Go ahead. I'm fine.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll be right back. (She kissed his forehead and she and Leo go out in the hallway.) What's the matter?", "Leo: Phoebe, listen to me, I think we should get of here now.", "Phoebe: I agree. Whoever's after him could come back.", "Leo: That is not what I'm talking about. You saw what happened in there.", "Phoebe: Yeah, you healed him.", "Leo: No, Phoebe, I only healed part of him. That has never happened before.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe it's just because he's weak.", "Leo: That is not the reason. I can heal mortals completely. There is no other explanation. He is not who you think he is.", "Phoebe: No. I don't understand.", "Leo: He is a demon, Phoebe. For all we know he could be the demon that you are trying to vanquish.", "Phoebe: That's ridiculous.", "Leo: Think about it. Okay, they're both hurt, they're both on the run. You saw where Cole's wound is. It is the same place where Piper cut the flesh from Belthazor.", "Phoebe: No, I don't believe it.", "Leo: You have to believe it.", "Phoebe: No, I don't, Leo. I don't. Maybe you should just go.", "Leo: No way I'm leaving you here alone with him.", "Phoebe: I have the potion don't I? Just go.", "(Leo orbs out. Phoebe walks back inside. She looks around for Cole. She closed the door and Cole is standing behind it. She gets a fright.)", "Cole: Everything alright?", "Phoebe: Yeah, everything's fine.", "[Scene: An alley. Prue, Piper and Krell are there.]", "Krell: I can smell his blood, he's close.", "Prue: Where?", "Krell: Get your potions.", "Prue: You know, it's too bad that he's such a bad guy ‘cause he could really come in handy.", "Piper: Don't push it.", "(They walk down the alley. Krell removes some boxes where a homeless person is sleeping.)", "Krell: Vanquish him.", "Homeless Man: Hey, what's going on? Who are you?", "Krell: It's a trick. He's in his human form. Throw the potion.", "Prue: I don't know, Krell. Don't you think he would've picked a better human? Oh, no offense, honey.", "Homeless Man: Oh, none taken.", "(Krell snatches the potion off of Piper.)", "Piper: Hey, easy! (Krell throws the potion at the homeless man.) And you call yourself a Zotar.", "(Krell picks up Cole's coat and smells it.)", "Krell: Where did you get this coat?", "Homeless Man: I didn't do anything.", "(Krell picks up the guy and pushes him against a fence.)", "Krell: Tell me.", "Homeless Man: I just found it.", "Prue: Leave him alone, he doesn't know anything.", "Homeless Man: Yeah.", "(Krell starts zapping him and Prue trips him to stop him.)", "Homeless Man: Thanks lady.", "Krell: Touch me again, witch, and I'll kill you.", "Prue: You had no reason to hurt that man.", "Krell: I'm a demon, it's my nature to hurt people.", "Prue: Yeah, and it's in our nature to protect them.", "Krell: He's a pathetic wretch. His life means nothing. If you'd let me torture him we'd know where he found the coat.", "Prue: Whatever it takes.", "Krell: That's right.", "Prue: Well, from here on out, it's gonna take doing this our way.", "Krell: Ha, then we will fail. 'Cause your morality cripples you. It blinds you from doing what must be done.", "Prue: There are better ways of getting answers out of people, Krell. (She picks up the coat.) Maybe Phoebe can get a premonition off this thing.", "Piper: Well, at least we know Belthazor has very expensive taste. (Prue looks at the coat.) What? What is it?", "Prue: How long ago did the triad send Belthazor?", "Krell: Two months ago. Why?", "Prue: Because Cole has one exactly like it.", "Piper: Cole? You think Cole is...", "Prue: Belthazor's human form.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole is in the bathroom. Phoebe is waiting out in the living room.]", "Cole: Too bad Leo had to leave like that. I didn't really get a chance to thank him properly.", "Phoebe: He knows.", "(Cole comes out.)", "Cole: He knows what?", "Phoebe: He knows how grateful you are.", "Cole: Oh. Good. (Cole goes back in the bathroom. Phoebe looks in his briefcase. It's empty.) Still, I don't know how he did it. I'd sure like to know what his secret is.", "Phoebe: (to herself) I'll bet.", "Cole: Sorry?", "Phoebe: Uh, nothing, never mind. Hey, don't you think you should lay down and rest? I mean, you are still hurt.", "Cole: I can't. I've still got those people that did this to me to deal with.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and you won't tell me who they are, huh?", "(She looks in his drawers and they are empty too.)", "Cole: I really can't.", "Phoebe: They don't have anything to do with that case you're working on? The reason I ask is because when that DA investigator came by today, he was asking me about it and I realised that I really didn't know anything.", "(Cole comes out of the bathroom.)", "Cole: Looking for something?", "(She holds up a pencil.)", "Phoebe: A piece of paper. I wanted to write myself a little note.", "Cole: It's right in front of you by the phone.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Thanks. (She picks up the notepad. Cole goes back in the bathroom. Phoebe gets the potion out of her bag.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Prue, Piper and Krell walk inside the building.]", "Piper: What are we gonna do?", "Prue: We're gonna vanquish him.", "Piper: We're gonna vanquish Phoebe's boyfriend? That's gonna cause some problems.", "Krell: If you hesitate he's gonna kill us all.", "Piper: Excuse me, I'm having a private conversation over here.", "Prue: You know, I can not believe I let him out of that demon trap when I caught him. What was I thinking?", "Piper: Prue, we don't know anything for sure yet. (Leo orbs in.) Leo, what are you doing here?", "Leo: I didn't wanna get in between you guys but I didn't know what to do.", "Prue: About what?", "Leo: I think Cole is...", "Prue: Belthazor's human form. Yeah, that's why we're here.", "Leo: How did you know?", "Piper: Where's Phoebe?", "Leo: She's upstairs with Cole, apartment seven.", "Krell: Tell me you didn't heal him.", "Leo: Well, not completely.", "Krell: You idiot.", "Piper: Leo!", "Leo: Phoebe begged me. I didn't know what to do.", "Piper: You stay here, we'll fix it.", "[Cut to Cole's apartment.]", "Cole: Is there something wrong, Phoebe? Something you're not telling me?", "Phoebe: Don't you think you think you have that backwards?", "Cole: Meaning?", "Phoebe: You're the one with all the secrets, right?", "Cole: Am I? You sure about that?", "Phoebe: I don't really know what I'm sure about anymore.", "Cole: Yeah, I know how you feel.", "Phoebe: I doubt that.", "Cole: I think I know what's going on here, Phoebe, and I'm sorry it's come to this. But I'm not sorry about us. You need to know that.", "Phoebe: You never told me where you were from.", "Cole: You never asked.", "Phoebe: I'm asking now.", "Cole: Why don't you ask me what you really want to know, Phoebe. I won't lie to you.", "Phoebe: Who are you?", "(Prue, Piper and Krall burst in.)", "Cole: Krell.", "(Cole changes into Belthazor. Phoebe looks shocked. A knife appears in his hand and he grabs Phoebe. Krell tries to zap Belthazor but Prue pushes his hand out of the way.)", "Prue: No!", "(Belthazor shimmers out of the room taking Phoebe with him.)", "Piper: Phoebe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Continued from before.]", "Krell: You let Belthazor escape.", "Prue: You almost killed our sister.", "Krell: Your sister's dead anyway. He only needed her to get away.", "Piper: I don't think Cole will hurt Phoebe.", "Prue: No, but maybe Belthazor would.", "Piper: Then why hasn't he? He's had so many chances.", "Krell: He just used her until he could get all three of you. The Charmed Ones. Why he couldn't follow through I'll never understand.", "Piper: Maybe he fell in love.", "Prue: Yeah, or maybe that was just a trick. I mean, demons will do whatever it takes, remember?", "Krell: Glad to see I've had a positive influence on you. I can save your sister if it's not too late.", "Prue: Why would you want to?", "Krell: I wouldn't. But I'll do it if it's the only was to kill Belthazor. Give me the potion. I can find him and get to him faster alone.", "Piper: Nice try. Forget it.", "Prue: You already said that you can't track him if can shimmer.", "Krell: But he can't shimmer well. He needs time to recharge. Your Whitelighter only healed his human half.", "Piper: I'm sorry, his human half?", "Krell: That's why the triad sent him. He understands you. He can blend in. A full-blooded demon could never have gotten so close. Give me the potion.", "Prue: If you hurt her, we'll track you down.", "(Prue hands Krell the potion. He disappears.)", "Piper: Do you really trust him?", "Prue: No. Come on.", "Piper: Where are we going?", "Prue: Oh, to where demons hide.", "[Scene: Cemetary. Belthazor and Phoebe shimmer in.]", "Phoebe: Can we stop shimmering all over the place? I'm gonna vomit.", "Belthazor: -----.", "(Phoebe elbows him in the stomach and flips him over onto the ground. She gets the potion.)", "Phoebe: And now it's time to vanquish you. (Belthazor changes back into Cole.) Don't even think that's gonna save you.", "Cole: I don't. I just wanted you to see who I really am, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I've seen who you really are... Belthazor.", "(She gets ready to throw the potion.)", "Cole: Wait, wait, I won't hurt you.", "Phoebe: No? It's a little late for that don't you think? Why? Why didn't you just kill me? Why did you have to put me through all this? Was it some sick twisted demonic thrill? Was that what it was?", "Cole: No, that's not it.", "Phoebe: Then what was it?", "Cole: I couldn't kill you. I tried. I was supposed to. I mean, at first you and your sisters thwarted my attempts. Even when I went back in time to destroy your line on All Hallows Eve.", "Phoebe: That was you?", "Cole: Then Troxa, Andras. I got him to strip your powers, to make you vulnerable. I had you too, right where I wanted you. All I had to do was finish the job. But I couldn't. Because I realised I loved you.", "Phoebe: You b*st*rd.", "Cole: That's the truth, Phoebe. I admit everything else was a lie, but not that. I know you know that too. In your heart. This isn't a mask, Phoebe. It's who I am. Who I really am. I'm half human. My father was mortal.", "Phoebe: You're lying.", "Cole: How else would I bleed red? Even as my demon self. You have to believe me, Phoebe. I forgot what it was like to be human. To feel, to care. Then I met you.", "Phoebe: No, it doesn't change anything. Because you're still a demon.", "Cole: One who's done unspeakable things. (Krell appears near by.) But you've awakened something in me, Phoebe. Something I thought had died a long time ago. My humanity, my ability to love.", "Phoebe: I wanna believe you.", "Cole: Then let me prove it to you. (Cole spreads out his arms.) Vanquish me.", "(Krell zaps him. He flies through the air and lands hard on the ground.)", "Phoebe: Cole! (She runs over to him.) Cole, you've gotta get up. Cole, get up! (She helps him up.) Come on, come on! (She helps him into a mausoleum. Krell zaps near them. Cole coughs and leans on a coffin.) Cole, no, don't do this. Come on.", "(She helps him walk over to a corner of the mausoleum. He sits down. Krell walks in.)", "Krell: I should've known you'd come back here.", "Cole: Don't hurt her.", "Krell: You disappoint, Belthazor. You've changed, you let your weaker human side affect your better judgment. It's going to cost you your life. (He holds up the potion. Phoebe kicks it out of his hand and then kicks him. She blocks his punches and kicks him again. He falls over a coffin. Phoebe jumps on top of the coffin and as she jumps back off to kick him, he disappears. He reappears behind her.) Witch.", "(She turns around. He holds up his hand ready to zap her.)", "Cole: Nooo! (Cole zaps Krell and vanquishes him. Cole stands up.) Do you believe me now?", "(Phoebe walks over and kisses him.)", "[Cut to outside. Prue and Piper are there.]", "Prue: Phoebe?", "Piper: Phoebe!", "[Cut back in the mausoleum. Cole and Phoebe are still kissing.]", "Piper: (from outside) Phoebe!", "(They stop kissing.)", "Cole: I better go.", "Phoebe: They'll keep looking for you until they find you.", "Cole: Your sisters?", "Phoebe: Them too.", "Piper: (from outside) Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Give me your shirt.", "(She starts taking off his shirt.)", "Cole: My shirt?", "Phoebe: Hurry up. (He takes off his shirt and Phoebe drops it on the ground. She picks up the potion and gets out the dagger.) Give me your hand. Trust me.", "(Phoebe cuts Cole's hand with the dagger and squeezes the blood onto his shirt. She drops the potion onto his shirt and it burns and makes a loud noise.)", "[Cut to outside. Prue and Piper hear the noise.]", "Prue: Phoebe.", "Piper: There.", "(They run towards the mausoleum.)", "[Cut back inside.]", "Phoebe: Nobody will look for you anymore. You're dead.", "Piper: (from outside) Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Down here. (to Cole) You have to go. Please.", "(They kiss and Cole shimmers out. Prue and Piper run in.)", "Prue: Pheebs?", "Piper: Phoebe, thank god you're okay.", "(They see the burning pile.)", "Phoebe: He killed Krell.", "Prue: And you did what you had to do.", "(Prue hugs her.)", "Phoebe: I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe is lying on the couch holding Cole's dagger. Prue and Piper walk in. Piper's holding a tray of food.]", "Piper: We brought you some comfort food.", "Phoebe: Thanks, I'm not really that hungry.", "Prue: You wanna talk?", "Phoebe: I don't know what there is to talk about. You were right as usual.", "Prue: I didn't wanna be right.", "Phoebe: I know. Believe me, Prue, you have nothing to apologise for. But I do. What I did was...", "Piper: Phoebe, he fooled us all, not just you.", "Phoebe: That's not what I mean. I don't know, I just, I feel so... ashamed.", "Piper: You can't be so hard on yourself.", "Prue: You didn't do anything wrong, you know.", "Phoebe: Didn't I?", "Prue: Well, the important thing is that it's over. We can get on with our lives now.", "Piper: At least until the next Belthazor attacks. We'll leave you alone.", "Prue: Let us know if you need anything.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "(They walk out of the room.)" ]
Sleuthing with the Enemy
[ "After having a song stuck in her head for a while, Prue eventually realizes it belongs to an ice cream truck. When she and Phoebe get sucked through a vortex into the van, they discover several children stuck inside and take it upon themselves to save them. However, the sisters soon discover that the children are demonic. Phoebe soon has a premonition where she see that as a child, Prue was sucked into the same van, only to be saved by their father. As a result, they have to call upon their father for help." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. The place is full of people dancing. Phoebe and Piper are in the alcove. Piper is peeking around the curtain, looking at some guy. The guy is stAring back at her. Phoebe comes and stands next to her.]", "Phoebe: What's with the hide-and-go-peek?", "Piper: He's still stAring at me.", "Phoebe: Who?", "Piper: The guy at the end of the bar.", "(The guy smiles.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, honey, that's not stAring, that's flirting.", "Piper: You say tomato.", "Phoebe: No, I say relaxo. (They sit back down.) He's pretty harmless. I mean, he's clean cut, innocent kind of guy that a girl could teach a few things to.", "Piper: Hello? A girl that's in a serious relationship. Besides, it's always the innocent looking ones you have to watch out for.", "(Prue walks in the alcove and sits down.)", "Prue: Hi, hey, alright, I need some professional help.", "Phoebe: No arguments here.", "Prue: Ha, cute. (to Piper) Uh, where is your DJ?", "Piper: Uh, he's on break. Why? What's going on?", "Prue: You know when you get a song stuck in your head and you can't seem to get it out?", "Phoebe: Yeah, tell me about it. I couldn't get The Facts of Life theme song out of my head for like three years.", "Prue: Alright, well, I have absolutely no idea what this one is and it's driving me crazy. And I thought that maybe your DJ might recognise it or something.", "Piper: How's it go?", "Prue: I'm not gonna sing it for you.", "Piper: Why not? Maybe we'll recognise it.", "Prue: Okay. (She hums something.) Anything?", "Piper: Nada.", "Phoebe: I'm thinking if you try it again with a little bit more oomph, you know, maybe some choreography, and Piper could back you up with some old-school beat box?", "Prue: Why did I know that I would not get any help out of you crazy people?", "(She walks away. Piper and Phoebe follow.)", "Piper: Oh, come on, wait a minute. Wait. We can't let you leave completely empty handed.", "(Piper hands Prue a card.)", "Prue: What is this?", "Phoebe: Well, it seems like you really reconnected with our friend Justin. He's inviting us to his big annual family barbecue.", "Piper: Sounds like fun.", "Prue: For who? I mean, you know, Justin and I are still in the flirtatious banter stage in the relationship. I think hanging out with the folks might put a dampener on it.", "Phoebe: Is that all?", "Prue: Yeah, what do you mean?", "Phoebe: I mean, are you sure it's not because it's a big family gathering?", "Prue: Okay, if you're gonna go with the \"Prue's got parental issues\" card, let me save you some time.", "Phoebe: Oh, Prue, it's not like we blame you. I mean, seeing complete connected families is hard on all of us, but we can't spend our lives avoiding what bothers us.", "Prue: The only thing bothering me right now is that I cannot get this stupid song out of my head, alright? So I really appreciate your concern, but you know what I would appreciate even more? Five minutes with your DJ.", "(Prue walks off humming the song.)", "[Scene: An ice-cream truck is driving down the street playing the same tune Prue was humming. It stops in an alley. A boy walks up to the window.]", "Ice Cream Man: Would you like some ice cream, little one?", "Boy: Yeah.", "(The ice cream man shows his face.)", "Ice Cream Man: You didn't say \"please\".", "(The boy gets sucked into the truck and screams on his way in.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. She is asleep in bed. She is having a nightmare. In her nightmare you see a snowy playground. A child screams and yells \"help me\". The little girl runs through the playground over to her father. Prue's alarm wakes her up. It reads 7:00am.]", "[Time lapse. Porch. The door opens and Prue walks out. She picks up the newspaper. She looks around and hears a tune.]", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe is there looking at some information on Cole on the laptop.]", "Phoebe: Come on, Cole. Talk to me.", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Morning, sunshine.", "(Phoebe ignores her.)", "Prue: Okay, how about, uh, cloudy with a chance of showers?", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, did you say something?", "Prue: Nothing pressing. You pull an all-nighter again?", "Phoebe: Yeah, uh, subject matter's been elusive.", "(Phoebe gets an Instant Messenger on her laptop.)", "Prue: Caught by the bell. Who's the instant message from?", "(Phoebe closes the laptop.)", "Phoebe: Oh, it's nothing.", "Prue: Alright, well, nothing usually means something, and something usually means a boy, so...", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Alright, I don't know what you guys are talking about, but what I've got is better... at least bizarrer.", "Prue: Bizarrer?", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "Prue: Is that even a word, Piper?", "Piper: Whatever. Anyway, Cara called last night, and she had a meeting in the Bay Tech Building yesterday, and she swore that she saw Victor walking through the lobby.", "Phoebe: As in dad Victor?", "Piper: As in \"we haven't spoken to him in a year, and now he's probably in town, and he hasn't even bothered to call us.\" Yes, that would be the one. Now you see my need to share?", "Phoebe: Oh, wait. But Cara hasn't seen him since what?", "Piper: Like the first grade, I know, but she sounded very sure. Why do you think he's here? Should we go and try to find him? I mean, what if it has nothing to do with us?", "Prue: Well, I for one am not going to go out of my way to find out.", "Phoebe: Wait, you're not even curious? Come on, Prue. I mean, he is our father.", "Prue: No. Like I said before, I've come to terms with our lack of parental involvement. You know, some people just weren't meant to have the Rockwellian Portrait, the house, the two car garage, the picket fence, the Golden Retriever, and the doting mum and dad.", "Piper: Okay, so we're not the typical family, but he is all we have, Prue.", "Prue: No, Piper, we have each other, okay? And we have other people that love us, too, and very full and busy lives. Speaking of which, I gotta dash. If you want to have lunch, I'll be up on Knob Hill in the park for doing a shoot, okay?", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Prue: Okay.", "Piper: Hey, can I walk you out?", "Prue: That would be so nice.", "(Prue and Piper leave the room. Phoebe opens the laptop back up.)", "[Scene: A building. Prue is stuck in a crowded elevator. She looks at her watch. She hears someone humming the tune. she looks around. The elevator door opens and a little girl walks out humming the tune.]", "Prue: Oh, excuse me.", "(She tries to get out but people get in the way. The door closes in her face.)", "[Scene: Bay Tech Building. Piper walks up to the receptionist's desk.]", "Piper: Hi. I'm, uh... you don't really care who I am, do you? I mean, everybody else is on lunch break, and you're stuck here fielding random questions from people who probably shouldn't even be asking them in the first place, because...", "Receptionist: Can I actually help you?", "Piper: Yeah, right. Um, I'd like to know which company Victor Bennett is with?", "(The receptionist types something on the computer.)", "Receptionist: He's not.", "Piper: Excuse me?", "Receptionist: Bennett comma Victor? He's not listed in any office in the building.", "(Piper pulls a picture out of her purse.)", "Piper: I, uh, I have a picture. It's about from a decade ago but have you seen him around? (The receptionist shakes her head.) Are you sure? Because I know that... (A man walks out of the elevator.) Dad? (The man turns around.) It's, uh, it's not you. (The man continues walking.) I'm sorry, I thought you were... I'm sorry.", "[Scene: Park. Prue and Phoebe are sitting on a bench eating lunch.]", "Prue: So, they say stick to what you know. So I pitched a piece about growing up in the city. Hopefully, it'll make the cover.", "Phoebe: You're dodging. Artfully, but it's still a dodge.", "Prue: Right, did you ever consider that maybe I just don't wanna go?", "Phoebe: It has nothing to do with the barbecue, or the guy that asked you to go with him. It has to do with dad.", "Prue: Why do you insist on pinning everything that I do on my feelings or lack thereof for our father?", "Phoebe: Prue, you say you're over it, but you say it so much that I have this feeling that the person you're trying to convince is yourself. And believe me, after what I went through with Cole, if anyone understands that, it's me.", "Prue: It's sort of not the same thing.", "Phoebe: Maybe it is.", "Prue: My feelings for our father are in the past which means it really has no place in the present.", "(A girl starts humming the tune.)", "Phoebe: So Justin gets penalised for it.", "Prue: There it is.", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: That song. Don't you hear it? Somebody's humming it. (Prue runs over to a little girl and Phoebe follows.) Hi. Hey. I was wondering if you could tell me what that song is you're humming.", "(The girl points to an ice cream truck that drives by.)", "Phoebe: Okay, riddle solved. Now you can stop humming that stupid song. So I think we were in the middle of you trying to make a strong argument of why you're not gonna go to Justin's barbecue. (Prue continues to stare at the truck.) Prue, if you keep ignoring me, my feelings just might actually implode.", "(The girls runs off towards the truck.)", "Prue: It's cold out.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's a little thing we like to call winter here.", "Prue: Why would a child want ice cream when it's this cold out, and the truck pulled up and no one budged, and did you notice? There are no parents.", "Phoebe: Okay, connect the dots for me, please? (Prue walks off.) Uh, preferably standing still. (Phoebe follows her.) Do you have a hankering for a snow cone? Prue, we're in the middle of a conversation, and considering your lunch hour ended, oh, five minutes ago, we should probably make this fast.", "Prue: Yeah, well, something's wrong.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know that. Why don't you talk to me about it?", "Prue: Not with me, Phoebe, with this, alright? I have a total déjà vu coming on.", "Phoebe: Okay, so first you're humming weird songs, now you're having flashbacks?", "[Cut to the ice cream truck parked in an alley. The girl walks up to the window.]", "Girl: Hello?", "Ice Cream Man: Would you like some ice cream, little one?", "(Prue and Phoebe walk up to the truck. The girl starts to get sucked into the truck.)", "Prue: Alright, I mean, it's usually that my instinct is pretty much...", "(Prue and Phoebe grab her legs and pull her back out. The ice cream man pokes his head out the window. Prue, Phoebe and the girl get sucked into the truck.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Inside the ice cream truck. Prue and Phoebe are there in the snowy playground.]", "Prue: Uh, alright, where's the little girl?", "Phoebe: I don't know. I was holding onto her and then...", "Prue: We have to find her.", "Phoebe: Well, first we have to figure out where the hell we are.", "Prue: Well, I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say that we're not still in the ice cream truck.", "Phoebe: Or even worse, we are still in the ice cream truck.", "(They hear children in the distance.)", "Phoebe: Prue...", "Prue: I know, I hear it too. (They hear a noise which gives them a fright.) Alright, if there's a way in, there's definitely a way out.", "(The ice cream man comes up behind them.)", "Ice Cream Man: Who are you?", "(Prue and Phoebe scream.)", "Prue: (to Phoebe) No powers, no powers, no powers.", "Phoebe: I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised.", "(A hole opens up above them and the Ice Cream Man runs away. They hear more noises.)", "Phoebe: Okay, something tells me he was not running from us.", "Prue: Okay, let's go.", "(They start to run off but a little boy (Ari) comes out of the bushes.)", "Ari: Help! Please help me.", "(They go over to him.)", "Prue: Help you from what?", "Ari: The Nothing.", "Phoebe: Is that the man that we just saw here?", "Ari: It's up there. It comes for you, for everybody. When it gets you, the only thing left where you stood is nothing. You never know when it's coming, and you never know who it wants. We try to hide, but he keeps finding us. Hurry, it's coming. In here. (He runs towards the bushes.) Come on. Come here, in here.", "(Prue and Phoebe follow him in the bushes. They crouch down beside a tree. A girl comes out of the bushes near by.)", "Girl: Wait for me!", "Prue: Run!", "Girl: Help!", "(The girl runs towards them but trips and falls over.)", "Prue: She's not gonna make it.", "(Prue runs towards her. The girls gets sucked up into the Nothing.)", "Phoebe: Prue, come on.", "(Phoebe pulls Prue back into the bushes.)", "Prue: She was right there.", "Phoebe: Prue, it's not your fault. Our powers don't work here, we know that now. We'll be better prepared next time.", "Ari: Does that mean that you're gonna save us?", "Phoebe: Us?", "Ari: There are others just like me, hiding, trapped here by the Ice Cream Man. If he doesn't want you here, that must mean you have the power to save us. We should go. The Nothing'll be coming back. He always does. Come on.", "[Scene: P3. Piper's on the phone.]", "Piper: Prue, it's me leaving you another message after leaving Phoebe another message. I tried you at work, but they said you never checked in after your shoot, so where are you guys? (Piper sees the same guy as before standing at the other end of the bar.) Uh, look, so call me, or better yet, just show up and save me from having to perform an impending awkward rejection all by myself.", "(She hangs up. The guy (Caleb) walks over to her.)", "Caleb: Hi, I'm Caleb.", "(She shakes his hand.)", "Piper: Piper.", "Caleb: I'm sort of new in town, and I'm looking to meet someone, someone special. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your phone call to your...", "Piper: Fiancé. Very large, very jealous fiancé.", "(She walks around behind the bar.)", "Caleb: Really? Does, does he ever come here?", "Piper: He-he, all the time.", "Caleb: So he lives nearby?", "Piper: Uh, look, I'm flattered and, you know, if this was another time or place, uh, maybe you'd like to meet one of my single sisters.", "Caleb: You've got sisters? Really? Well, maybe we could, all, uh, get together sometime. Does your fiancé like to hang out with your sisters, too?", "Piper: Okay, uh, you know what? I don't know what kind of kinky stuff you're into, but there's a club down the street you might be more comfortable in. They've got cages and rubber floors, and a three for two special on Fridays.", "Caleb: I'm not looking for a club, Piper.", "Piper: And I'm not interested, Caleb, at least, in what I think you're interested in. So, if you don't mind, I have lots of stacking and stuff to do.", "Caleb: I think you got the wrong... Okay, okay, I'm gonna come back later when you're not, uh, stacking.", "(Caleb walks away. Piper picks up the phone and dials a number.)", "Piper: Prue, where are you guys?", "[Cut to inside the ice cream truck.]", "Phoebe: Are we going in circles? This looks like the exact same playground.", "Ari: In this place, everywhere you go looks the same. That's how the Nothing gets you. Only a few of us can find our way.", "(Phoebe slaps Prue on the arm. Prue gasps.)", "Phoebe: Why couldn't you get a boy-band song in your head like everybody else?", "Prue: Alright, just tell us everything that you know about the mean Ice Cream Man.", "Ari: Just that he's the one that put us here.", "Prue: Alright, so is he in change of the Nothing?", "Ari: I don't know. I guess. The others are gonna be so happy to see you. We've been wishing and hoping that someday someone would come and save us, and now you're here.", "Phoebe: Well, we're gonna do whatever we can to get you out of here. So why don't you take us to your friends?", "Ari: Through here.", "(He walks off. Phoebe touches a swing and has a premonition of Prue as a little girl. She is in the ice cream truck, calling out. She runs over to her father and he hugs her tightly.)", "Prue: What is it?", "Phoebe: I saw you when you were little, in this playground with Dad.", "[Cut back to the manor. Piper is calling Leo.]", "Piper: Leo! (She closes her eyes.) Leo. (Leo orbs in. She opens her eyes.) It's about time.", "Leo: Piper, I was busy.", "Piper: Well, don't you have orb-waiting?", "Leo: Look, it's not fair to my other clients if I keep getting calls from you while I'm at work.", "Piper: Look, I just have one teensy favour. Prue and Phoebe never came back from lunch, and they haven't been returning any of my phone calls. And I know I'm probably just being paranoid, but can't you do that check-the-supernatural-radar thing that you do?", "Leo: I'm sure it's fine. They're just...", "(Piper gives him a look. Leo closes his eyes and concentrates.)", "Piper: Leo? (He opens his eyes.) Not good?", "Leo: I can't sense them anywhere. It's like they just...", "Piper: Disappeared.", "[Cut back inside the ice cream truck. Kids are standing in front of Prue and Phoebe.]", "Prue: Alright, is that all of you?", "Ari: All that's left.", "Girl: Are you gonna save us?", "Phoebe: We're gonna try.", "Prue: Alright, I think the only way out of here is to go through the person that... (Prue sees the ice cream man standing near by.) Put us here in the first place.", "Phoebe: The Ice Cream Man? But how are we supposed to find him?", "Prue: Something tells me that's not gonna be very hard.", "Phoebe: Why not?", "Prue: Oh, because he's right over there. (She points to him. The ice cream man runs away.) Okay, you kids stay here. We'll take care of the good humour man. Let's go.", "(Prue and Phoebe run after him.)", "Phoebe: There he is, by the slide.", "Prue: Alright, oh, hey, wait. Look at that. (They see a hole behind a slide.) What does that look like to you?", "Phoebe: The street from the back of the truck.", "Prue: That's right. The way out. Okay, all that we need now are the, uh...", "(The kids come up to them.)", "Phoebe: Hey, we were just coming to get you. Come on, we're going home.", "Prue: Come on, come on, come on. (A girl goes up the slide and jumps out of the truck.) One down. (A boy jumps outside.) That's another one.", "(The ice cream man sees them.)", "Ice Cream Man: No!", "Prue: Ooh, hurry! Git!", "(Ari jumps outside.)", "Phoebe: I'm going next.", "Prue: Okay, but go.", "Ice Cream Man: Get away from the door!", "(Phoebe jumps out and so does Prue.)", "[Cut outside. Everyone moves away from the truck except Aril.]", "Phoebe: Ari, come on, hurry up.", "(The ice cream man grabs Aril by the shirt. Ari grabs the ice cream man's wrists and burns his hands. Ari pushes him back in the truck and closes the door.)", "Prue: Oh.", "Phoebe: Oh, my God.", "Ari: Actually, (in demonic voice) quite the opposite.", "Prue: Okay, we need to keep him away from the other kids.", "Ari: I don't think they'll listen to you. You're not the boss of them.", "Demon Girl: Did you do it?", "(Ari nods.)", "Ari: Say thank you to the witches.", "Demon Boy and Girl: Thank you.", "(They laugh and run off.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper and Leo are sitting on the couch.]", "Leo: Why don't we try focusing on the positive? They're together.", "Piper: That's it? That's your positive? Because I've got a list mile long in the negative column. They've been gone all night, Leo, and not even you can find them.", "Leo: I'm sure they're fine.", "Piper: You don't know that.", "Leo: Piper, any minute now they are gonna walk through that door with a perfectly good explanation.", "(Prue and Phoebe walk through the front door.)", "Prue: Piper.", "(Piper looks at Leo. He looks stunned.)", "Leo: See?", "Piper: Prue? Phoebe?", "(Piper goes over and hugs them.)", "Piper: Where...", "Phoebe: Were we? Oh, I would like to know the same thing.", "Prue: All that we know is that we have to go back.", "Piper: Wait a minute, is this demon or sibling-related?", "Phoebe: A little bit of both. We thought the good guys were bad guys, and in trying to vanquish them, we helped the real bad guys, which were dead ringers for good guys.", "Leo: Was that English?", "Prue: How about we fill in the blanks as we climb the stairs to that big book in the attic?", "Phoebe: Good idea.", "(They go upstairs.)", "[Time lapse. Attic. Prue's flipping through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: So, he's a demonic dog catcher, and he uses ice cream as bait? Great news for the lactose intolerant demons.", "Prue: Nothing in here on the demon kids who escaped.", "Phoebe: That we helped escape.", "Prue: But there's a whole page dedicated to the Ice Cream Man.", "Piper: What?", "Prue: He is mortal.", "Phoebe: What? Do you remember when demons look like demons and innocents look like innocents? Who changed the rules on us?", "Piper: Wait, if he's mortal, how does he do it?", "Leo: It's not him.", "Prue: Bingo. It's the song. It says, \"The Ice Cream Man plays the Devil's Cord, which is a series of notes that when sounded together specifically attract demon kids like moths to a flame.\"", "Phoebe: More like moths to nothing. That's what's inside the truck, nothing. That's why he pulls them in there. The Nothing is the only thing that can vanquish them.", "Piper: So they might be pint-sized, but they're bad asses.", "Leo: Alright, but if they couldn't get out on their own, how did you guys?", "Prue: Because he let us out. He tried to save us.", "Phoebe: And that is all she wrote, literally. Uh, the Nothing doesn't discriminate. Good or evil tastes the same.", "Piper: Now the only person who knows anything about the escaped meanies is stuck on the playground and is in serious danger of becoming lunch himself.", "Prue: Right, and our powers don't play, not in this situation. I mean, Pheebs and I tried everything to get back in, but the door wouldn't budge.", "Phoebe: Well, not everything.", "Piper: Hmm? Mind sharing with the room?", "Prue: Phoebe had a premonition of me.", "Phoebe: And Dad in the playground.", "Piper: You were there? How? When?", "Phoebe: Only one way to find out.", "Prue: Right, but we don't even know where he is, never have, not even now, when he might actually come in handy.", "Phoebe: He's here. Dad's in San Francisco. He's been here for the last three months. So it was him that your friend Cara saw. And it was an email from him that I got yesterday that I didn't tell your guys about. He's here, an instant message away.", "Piper: Phoebe, this is...", "Phoebe: Huge. I know, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys that I've been keeping in touch with him, but I wanted to. It just never seemed like the right time. So I guess now is the right time. What do you think?", "Piper: Do we have a choice?", "(Phoebe gets out her laptop.)", "[Scene: Sidewalk. The demon boy stands there staring a burnt body beside a bush. An ice cream truck is parked on the side of the road. Ari and the demon girl walks up to him.]", "Ari: Whatcha doing?", "Demon Boy: Killing.", "Ari: No kidding. Did anybody see you?", "Demon Girl: Thought I was supposed to kill. Was it fun?", "Demon Boy: He screamed a lot.", "Demon Girl: Cool.", "Demon Boy: So what do we do now?", "Ari: Well, I guess we waste even more time while we pick up after you.", "Demon Boy: But you said all we have to do is find the truck...", "Ari: Not any truck, the truck. I already got rid of the Ice Cream Man, remember? The only people we might have to kill to get to the right truck are those witches.", "Demon Boy: But...", "(Ari walks over to the truck.)", "Ari: And if you would've paid attention, you would've known that. And you also would've known... (Ari opens the back door of the truck.) That this isn't the right truck. Now, I like killing just as much as the next demon, but right now we gotta be smart. And trashing every regular old ice cream truck that we see is not smart.", "Demon Girl: But it's fun.", "Ari: And we'll have lots more fun when this is all over.", "Demon Girl: Promise?", "Ari: Yeah, but first do you think you can clean up this mess?", "Demon Girl: I was waiting for you to say that.", "(She blows towards the body and it disappears.)", "[Scene: P3. Prue and Phoebe are sitting at the bar. Piper is standing behind it serving them a drink.]", "Piper: Welcome to Club Switzerland.", "Prue: Alright, could we just curb the sarcasm there? I just didn't really feel like inviting him to our home for tea and cookies.", "Phoebe: He's our father, Prue. This is family.", "Prue: This is business, alright? And don't even think about giving me that look. If he gives us any useful information on the playground, I will be the very first one to thank him.", "Phoebe: And then send him packing.", "(Caleb approaches the bar.)", "Caleb: These must be the sisters I've heard so much about.", "Piper: Caleb, uh...", "Caleb: And to think I almost didn't swing by today.", "Piper: Okay, you know what? I've tried, I really have, and you're not a bad guy, but obviously, the part of your brain meant to take a hint wasn't wired together properly because you're not taking any. (Leo stands behind Caleb.) This is a really bad time.", "Caleb: Oh, okay, when would be a good time?", "Piper: (to Leo) Help me.", "Leo: (to Caleb) You got a phone call, it's in the office. Why don't I show you where that's at.", "Caleb: Uh, okay, do you mind if I ask you something?", "(Leo and Caleb walk away.)", "Piper: Thank you. (Prue looks confused.) Hey, you're just lucky nobody got killed, okay? You hear what I'm saying?", "(Victor walks down the stairs and the girls stare at him.)", "Victor: Well, would it be too much to ask for a hug?", "(Phoebe gets up and hugs him.)", "Phoebe: It's good to see you, daddy.", "Victor: Oh, baby, you have no idea. Wow, what a place. This is yours, Piper? It's terrific. The three of you together. I hardly know where to begin.", "Prue: Well, I have a suggestion. How about we just cut to the chase?", "Piper: Uh, Prue, he just got here. Can't that wait, like, five minutes?", "Prue: He's a businessman, Piper. I would think that he would appreciate that. We can do the whole family-bonding thing once the work is done, alright? So, how about you just tell us everything that you know about the playground?", "Victor: What playground?", "Phoebe: Dad, I had a premonition. I know you were there.", "Piper: And somebody's hurt, so we need to get back inside.", "Victor: Oh, let it go.", "Prue: That may be your motto, but we made a mistake, and we would really like to fix it. So just tell us how you got in, and we can handle it from there. We are big witches now.", "Victor: Yeah, but you're still my girls.", "Prue: Victor.", "Victor: Prue. (Silence.) Alright. Yes, I was there. I went in after you, and it was the last thing I ever did as your father. You were home with a cold. You must've been about six. Your mum had some errands to run, so she took your sisters with her and left me home in charge of you.", "[Flashback: Six-year-old Prue's room. She is asleep in bed. Victor pulls up the blankets and kisses her on the forehead.]", "Victor: You had asked me to read you a story. You used to love that. But the cold was too much for you. You only lasted a page or two. When I left your room you were still sleeping.", "[Little Prue goes downstairs into the living room.]", "Victor: I never heard you come downstairs. You must've been looking for a glass of water or me. And that must've been when you heard it.", "[Back to the present.]", "Prue: The song.", "Victor: I mean, I heard a truck drive by and stop a few doors down, but I didn't think anything of it. It was an ice cream truck. How was I to know? But somehow you did. And you must've gone in the living room following that song. And that's when you saw it happen. A little boy not much older than yourself.", "Prue: Yeah. He was standing by the truck, and something pulled him in. He was so scared.", "Victor: And you ran out to help him.", "Phoebe: Just like yesterday.", "Victor: When I saw your bed empty, I lost my mind. The door was wide open, there was a truck parked outside. I mean, I had no idea what I was getting into but I just had to go.", "Piper: You saved Prue.", "Victor: But I lost the three of you.", "Phoebe: You said that you left because Grams wanted us to use our powers and you didn't.", "Victor: That's the truth. And now you know the whole story. I mean, when your grandmother found out, I had just brought Prue back, but being your father wasn't good enough, but how could I protect you from something like that happening again when I didn't have powers?", "Phoebe: Okay, so the Book said the Ice Cream Man is mortal. That's why he can go through the door and we can't, right?", "Piper: So, what do you say, dad? We need your help.", "[Time lapse. Prue and Piper are walking down the street with Phoebe and Victor walking behind them.]", "Prue: You know if this doesn't work I can look back and pinpoint the exact moment where it all went wrong.", "Piper: And that moment's name would be dad? Prue, you got to admit, if he can open the door, then we kinda need him.", "Prue: It's all about word choice, Piper. We don't need him, we need his utter lack of power, right? He opens the door, we save the day, we get on with our lives. It's a one-time group effort.", "Piper: Glad to see you have a healthy handle on the situation, Prue.", "Prue: I think I do.", "[Cut to Phoebe and Victor.]", "Phoebe: So, yeah, I was surprised to hear from you, but why did you think I wouldn't write you back?", "Victor: Because as far back as you can remember, I've done very little right by you. I mean, if a guy, let alone your own dad, walks out on you once, maybe you'll give him a second chance, but he appears to make a habit of it...", "Phoebe: I never thought you left by choice, dad.", "Victor: Thank you, Phoebe.", "(They walk into an alley.)", "Prue: Okay, well, this is it.", "Piper: Uh, but there's nothing here.", "Phoebe: Wait, we lost the truck?", "(The demon kids stand behind them.)", "Prue: Yeah, but we gained company.", "(The demon girl blows them away. They laugh.)", "Prue: Oh, those kids so need to be grounded. (The kids run off.) Oh, I don't get it. Alright, why pick a fight and then run?", "Piper: Speaking of running, we should run because they're getting away.", "Prue: No, we can't do that because we have to get back into the truck.", "Phoebe: Not all of us. Come on, Piper.", "(Phoebe and Piper run off.)", "Victor: Nice work.", "Prue: Alright, lost modes of transport are definitely not my forte. So...", "Victor: Prue, sometimes things in life happen for a reason, no magic involved. Truck's been towed.", "(They see a No Parking/Tow Away sign.)", "Prue: Right.", "(Ari watches them from near by.)", "[Cut to a junk yard. Victor and Prue are there. Prue's removing a chain from the gate.]", "Victor: Need a hand?", "Prue: No, I don't need a hand, I don't need anything. (They walk over to the truck.) This is where he pulled us in, but since he's still trapped inside, I'm guessing the only way in is through the exit. (She tries to open the door but it won't budge. She uses her power but still doesn't open.) Ugh! Alright, let's just do this. You can do it, right?", "Victor: Well, let's just say that chasing demons is not exactly my day job.", "Prue: Alright, it helps if you specifically focus on the task. Don't think about what's behind the door, that'll only distract you. Picture yourself opening the door. See yourself opening the door, then just do it.", "(Victor opens the door.)", "Victor: Thanks for the advice.", "Prue: Just doing my job. (They go inside the truck.) This would be a lot easier if things stopped moving. We left him right here. Unless...", "Victor: The Nothing. Even mortals have memories, Prue. I saw what it did to those children. I know what it could've done to him and to us if we don't act quickly.", "Prue: Yeah, well, at least we agree upon one thing.", "Ice Cream Man: Make that two and get out while you still can.", "(The ice cream man is sitting near by.)", "Prue: Oh, my God. I am so sorry. I didn't know.", "Ice Cream Man: The mistake was mine. You're the Charmed Ones, you were saving innocents. How could you know they weren't?", "Prue: How did you know?", "Ice Cream Man: Let's just say we both have friends in high places. The moment I mistakenly pulled you and your sister in, I was alerted and sent to save you.", "Prue: And you get this in return.", "Victor: It's getting closer.", "Prue: Alright, so you got us out of here once, now it's my turn.", "(They help him stand up.)", "Ice Cream Man: The children, you must get them back inside the playground.", "Prue: We will, and you're gonna help us do it.", "Ice Cream Man: I disabled the truck. You'll need to fix it, play the song.", "Prue: Don't you dare. You stay with us.", "Ice Cream Man: Inside... (Prue pulls a small glass tube out of his shirt pocket.) It's for the truck.", "Prue: It's almost here. You go first, okay?", "Ice Cream Man: I can replaced, you can't.", "Prue: No!", "(He pushes them away and the Nothing sucks him up.)", "Victor: Prue, it'll be back. We've gotta get out now! You didn't fail. The only way you fail is if you don't get back and do what he asked. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Sidewalk. Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Piper: Why don't they ever run into a well-lit room with nowhere to hide?", "Phoebe: Well, we know they're somewhere, and I know what's gonna give them away.", "Piper: How could you...", "Phoebe: Shh!", "(They see the demon kids near by.)", "Ari: How badly did you wanna get off that playground? And now we're free. Don't you wanna stay free?", "Piper: Why did I get the feeling these kids weren't looking to pick a fight with the Charmed Ones? They were just looking for the truck and we crashed their party.", "Phoebe: But we're like a mile ahead. I mean, we know where it is.", "Ari: It's in the junkyard.", "Phoebe: Oh. Did I say a mile?", "Piper: Okay, so they know, but it's three of us versus three of them. We're even, and bigger.", "(More demon kids walk up to Ari and the other two.)", "Phoebe: Uh, sis, I think you need to count again. When in doubt.", "Piper: Bring reinforcements.", "Ari: All's that left for us to do is destroy the truck.", "Piper: Prue.", "Phoebe: And dad. Let's go.", "[Cut to the junk yard. Phoebe and Piper walk in.]", "Piper: Do you think they're here already?", "Phoebe: Probably.", "Piper: Do you think they know that we're here already?", "Phoebe: Probably.", "(The kids laugh in the background.)", "Piper: Okay, do they do that because they think it's funny or just to freak us out?", "Phoebe: All we have to do is hold off the demons until dad and Prue get out.", "Piper: You haven't by any chance had a premonition that this is all going to turn out okay and you've just neglected to inform your kin?", "(A demon kid scratches their fingernails along a car.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I think they're surrounding us.", "Piper: No, don't say that. We're not surrounded until they're all around of us.", "Phoebe: Okay, how bad could the odds be? I mean, sure there's a whole bunch of them, but we're witches, right? And you have the power to... (A demon kid hits Piper over the head with a car part knocking her unconscious.) Piper! Are you okay?", "(She sits Piper up against a car.)", "Phoebe: Alright, you little brats. Bring it on.", "[Cut back in the truck.]", "Prue: Head for the slide. Up at the top, that's our way out.", "(Prue starts to get sucked up by the Nothing.]", "Prue: Aah! Daddy!", "Victor: Hold on, Prue!", "(Victor grabs Prue's arms.)", "Prue: Daddy, I need you.", "Victor: I've got you. I'm not leaving without you.", "Prue: Dad!", "Victor: I've got you. Oh, God.", "(He pulls her in.)", "[Cut back to the junk yard. The kids surround Phoebe. A demon boy jumps on Phoebe's back and she throws him into the other kids, knocking them to the ground. The demon girl blows Phoebe away. They laugh and walk over to her. Prue and Victor get out of the truck and Prue uses her power on the kids.]", "Prue: (to Victor) Alright, any ideas what to do with this?", "(Prue hands him the glass tube.)", "Victor: Eight years of fixing your mother's car has given me one.", "Prue: Alright, we'll buy you some time. (Prue helps Phoebe up.) Hey, need a hand?", "Phoebe: I need about ten.", "(The girl stands up.)", "Prue: Oh, you need a little time out, missy! (Prue uses her power on the demon girl. Victor opens up the bonnet of the truck and looks for a place to put the glass tube. A flame flies out of the demon boy's hand heading for Prue and Phoebe. They jump behind a car.) Oh, dad, hurry!", "(Ari walks up to Victor and Prue uses her power on him. Prue and Victor look at each other. Victor puts the tube in its place. The music starts playing and the kids walk over to the truck. They get sucked into the truck. Piper regains consciousness and Phoebe goes over to her.)", "Phoebe: Welcome to our world, dad.", "Piper: When I decide I wanna have kids, you remind me of this day.", "(Leo and Caleb walk in the junk yard.)", "Piper: Leo, what are you doing here? Why did you bring him here?", "Leo: He's supposed to be here, Piper.", "Caleb: You fixed my wheels. Thanks.", "Leo: Caleb's the new Ice Cream Man. He filled me in back at the club. Everything's happened the way it was meant to. He was sent over to take over. It's his time.", "Piper: So your interest in me...", "Caleb: Strictly professional. I was lost, but until I was sure who you were, I couldn't just come up and say, \"Hey, are you a Charmed One?\" 'Cause I need you to take me to my demon-catching truck. Speaking of which, I'm running kind of late as it is, so, uh, thank you. All of you.", "Leo: Good luck.", "(Caleb gets in the truck.)", "Phoebe: Something tells me I'm never gonna look at a Creamsicle quite the same way.", "Prue: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Victor's ready to leave.]", "Victor: Well, I guess this is goodbye again.", "(Phoebe hugs him.)", "Phoebe: Thanks, dad. Keep writing.", "Victor: You don't have to keep this a secret anymore, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I know.", "Victor: I mean anything. (He kisses her forehead. He walks over to Piper and hugs her.) What's the story with this Leo character anyway? How much does he know about you?", "Piper: Uh, just about everything.", "Victor: Oh, so he's...", "Piper: He's a wonderful man, yes.", "Victor: Well, still I think I should have a little chat with him sometime.", "Piper: Dad...", "Victor: It's a father's prerogative.", "(He walks over to Prue.)", "Prue: I'm not saying good bye.", "Piper, Phoebe: Prue!", "Prue: I'm saying see you soon, dad.", "(She hugs him.)", "Victor: Thank you. You know, that's sort of why I came to town. For this job interview, and although it would entail some travel, I'd be based here in San Francisco, and if you guys think that occasionally this town is big enough for the four of us, I'd like to accept their offer.", "Piper: Hmm.", "Victor: Could I except that as a yes?", "Prue: Yes.", "(A horn honks outside.)", "Victor: That's my cab. Alright, (he grabs his stuff) we've got so much catching up to do.", "Piper: It's okay. It's different now.", "Victor: It is isn't it? See you soon.", "(He leaves.)" ]
We All Scream for Ice Cream
[ "An evil demon named Eames has been killing good witches and their whitelighters in order to obtain their powers. After Eames kills his latest victim, her whitelighter Natalie comes to help Leo protect Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. Due to Natalie's insistence that things be done by the book, she constantly butts heads with the sisters, and that eventually has some dire consequences for the whitelighter. As a result, they go about vanquishing Eames their own way. Meanwhile, Phoebe shares a big secret about Cole with Leo." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue and Piper are making a potion.]", "Piper: One teaspoon of baking powder.", "Prue: One teaspoon bat guano. Ooh-hoo. It's starting to bubble.", "Piper: And stink. Couldn't you have made that potion after breakfast?", "Prue: No, I'm sorry, but Phoebe has a meeting with that D.A. Investigator, and I didn't want her to go there unarmed.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Morning. Whoa, what is that smell?", "Prue: That would be the lovely smell of Piper's breakfast.", "Piper: Hope you're hungry.", "Leo: Uh, starving.", "Piper: Probably 'cause you missed dinner last night.", "Leo: Piper, I already said I was sorry I was late, okay. It's not like I was out carousing with the boys. I was out being a force of good in the universe.", "Piper: A true force of good would have called or at least orbed.", "Leo: I couldn't. Not under the circumstances.", "Piper: Which were?", "Leo: Work related, which means I can't talk about it. I mean, anything that happens between me and a charge is confidential. You know that.", "Piper: Doesn't mean I have to like it. (Piper cuts her finger with a knife.) Ow!", "Leo: Oh, let me see that.", "(Leo heals her finger.)", "Piper: You know, this all for the good of mankind stuff really puts me in an awful position. I have no choice but to be understanding.", "Leo: You just have to accept that you're engaged to somebody that works for the CIA.", "Piper: Oh.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Wait, you work for the CIA?", "Prue: You know, ever since you became a blonde...", "Piper: Do you want something to eat before your meeting with Reece?", "Phoebe: Not hungry, too nervous.", "(Prue hands Phoebe a vial of potion.)", "Prue: Alright, well, this will help you with your nerves. Just a drop in Reece's coffee, and it will out any demon. Reaction will cause his throat to constrict. As he's choking, you run, got it?", "Phoebe: Thanks. I hadn't even considered that Reece might be evil.", "Prue: Then why are you so nervous?", "Phoebe: Uh, because he's probing Cole's disappearance. I'm not exactly looking forward to being grilled about my demon ex, you know?", "Prue: Well, as long as you don't blurt out, \"I killed Cole,\" you'll be fine.", "Leo: Why don't you practice saying, \"As far as I know, Cole is alive and well and could be anywhere.\" See how it feels.", "Phoebe: Okay, uh, \"As far as I know, Cole is alive and well and could be anywhere.\"", "Piper: Very believable.", "Prue: Yeah, try not to look as guilty as you did just now. You'll give yourself away.", "Phoebe: I just can't wait for this investigation to be over.", "Piper: It will soon. It has to. There's nothing to find.", "Prue: Is there?", "Phoebe: Of course not.", "Prue: Be careful.", "[Scene: An alley. A witch runs from a warlock. The warlock runs after her. He throws a fireball at her and she reflects it with her power.]", "Witch: You can't hurt me. I can deflect your power.", "Warlock: All of them?", "(He throws another fireball and she deflects it. It hits him and vanquishes him.)", "Witch: Thank god.", "(He appears behind her and grabs her. He holds a dagger against her neck.)", "Warlock: You know, the ability to clone myself is just one of the powers that I've collected over my years of killing witches. And now I'm about to add one more. (He stabs her with the dagger and takes her power. She falls to the ground. Natalie, her Whitelighter, orbs in. She runs over to her.) You're too late, Whitelighter. Your charge is dead. I'll see you later.", "(He blinks out of the alley.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Piper and Leo are sitting at the table having breakfast.]", "Piper: So I've got lunch with this guy from the Chronicle who wants to do a story on the club, and then I've got a meeting with these dot com start up guys that want to do an internet thingy. What are you doing today?", "Leo: You know, just the usual.", "Piper: Care to elaborate?", "Leo: Piper...", "Piper: Oh, come on. Just a few details, a tidbit.", "Leo: It's against the rules.", "Piper: Rules. Yes, see, this is my problem. Every time I turn around, we seem to be violating some stupid Whitelighter ordinance.", "Leo: We just have to be careful as long as we're under probation.", "Piper: Which is never ending. I don't know, Leo. I don't think they're ever gonna let us get married.", "Leo: They will. They have to. Nothing is gonna keep us apart, I promise.", "(They move in to kiss but Natalie orbs in, interrupting them.)", "Piper: Aah!", "Leo: Natalie!", "Natalie: Leo. Sorry to interrupt, but we've got a major problem on our hands.", "(Natalie is holding an athame. Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Hey, I heard something... Ooh! Athame! Athame!", "(Prue gets ready to attack Natalie but Leo stops her.)", "Leo: No, no, no. It's okay, she's a Whitelighter. Natalie and I go way back. We were rookies together. Actually, we fought together in World War II.", "Natalie: All your charges need to know is I'm a Whitelighter. This is not a social call. I've come to warn the Charmed Ones that a warlock just killed my most powerful charge with this athame.", "Leo: Oh, I'm so sorry.", "Natalie: Thank you. The real tragedy is that it didn't have to happen. I warned her to lay low, and she didn't listen. She always refused to let her magic interfere with her life, and now a warlock has her power of deflection.", "Prue: Deflection. Wait a minute, does this mean he could deflect our powers?", "Natalie: Yes, which is why all Whitelighters have been put on alert.", "Leo: We have? Why didn't I hear about this?", "Natalie: Because you missed this morning's staff meeting.", "Piper: You have staff meetings?", "Natalie: With mandatory attendance.", "Leo: Unless a charge is in need, which Piper was. I had to heal her.", "(Piper holds up her finger.)", "Piper: Right.", "Natalie: I'll assume a demon attacked your finger, since healing is restricted to such circumstances.", "Leo: I believe the Charmed Ones deserve special attention.", "Natalie: I've heard rumors about such special attention, and honestly, Leo.", "(Natalie and Leo start talking to each other in their clickety-clack language.)", "Prue: Whitelighter-ese?", "Natalie: Clickety-clack, Piper, clicky-clack.", "Piper: Well, I guess we know what they're talking about.", "Prue: All right, you guys can (does the sound) all you want. Me, I'm gonna look in the Book of Shadows, okay?", "Natalie: I'll go with you. I gotta look at the warlock. I might be able to identify him.", "Prue: Oh, alright. Well, it's up in the attic.", "Natalie: Attic? You mean the altar room, don't you? The rules are very clear. Every witch must keep their Book of Shadows in a sacred and protected spot.", "Prue: Right, of course.", "Leo: Maybe you can bring the Book down here?", "Prue: Yeah, yeah. I'll just run up to the altar room, which by the way, is right next to the potions lab, and I'll be right back.", "(She leaves the room. Leo picks up a piece of fruit. Natalie click-clacks at him.)", "Leo: Not supposed to eat on the job.", "[Scene: A diner. Phoebe and Reece are sitting at a table.]", "Reece: You sure you don't want something to eat?", "Phoebe: No, I'm fine. Uh, actually, I would like a bagel also. Thanks.", "(He turns his back to Phoebe to talk to a waitress.)", "Reece: Uh, excuse me, miss. Can we have another bagel? (Phoebe quickly pours some potion in his coffee. Reece turns back to face Phoebe.) It's a nice place. It's crowded. I guess that's why you picked it. That makes me think you're afraid of something. (Reece takes a sip of his coffee and coughs.) Allergies. So, so are you?", "Phoebe: Am I what?", "Reece: Afraid.", "Phoebe: Afraid of Cole? No. Why should I be?", "Reece: Well, several reasons. Not the least of which is he's a fraud, or a man who exists only on paper. Wormed his way into the DA office for reasons unknown, and who apparently has a very dark side. (He shows her some photos of Cole's altar.) We found blood stains on his carpet and a hidden cabinet full of occult paraphernalia. Now, you're telling me you don't know anything about", "this?", "Phoebe: No... I mean, yes. I don't know about any of this.", "Reece: Look, Miss Halliwell, see, I think you know more than you're letting on, but you're scared. You're afraid that if I find out the truth, you're gonna get in trouble. Am I right?", "Phoebe: I wish I could help you, but I can't. I'm sorry. I really am.", "(She stands up.)", "Reece: Uh, listen. Cole's the kind of man who knows how to cover his tracks, okay? If he's alive and you know something, he could hurt you. He could hurt your sisters, too.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Prue and Piper are sitting on the couch reading the Book Of Shadows. Leo and Natalie are standing near by.]", "Prue: \"The power of deflection is a witch's best shield against the forces of darkness.\"", "Piper: \"Unless the forces of darkness already have it, in which case, it's the great shield against us.\"", "Prue: Alright, how did he get close enough to get it from such a powerful witch?", "Piper: Maybe he wasn't working alone.", "Leo: Or maybe he possesses the power...", "Natalie: Cloning. I was just thinking the same thing.", "Leo: The ability to duplicate oneself, but...", "Natalie: It can't be sustained for long periods of time.", "Piper: That's cute how you guys finish each other's sentences.", "Natalie: Happens when you work with someone for as long as we have.", "Piper: I see that.", "Leo: Maybe we should check the Book. See if the warlock stole the cloning power too.", "Prue: Alright, cross-reference cloning with warlock. (Prue uses her power to flip the pages. It lands on a page about the warlock Eames.) Here it is. A warlock named Eames. Seems that, uh, ten years ago, he murdered a witch in Glasgow and stole her power of cloning. Do you recognise him?", "Natalie: That's him.", "Prue: Uh, well, cloning and deflection are not his only tricks. It says here that Eames also killed a witch in Kenya in '89 and took the power of transmogrification.", "Piper: Trans what?", "Leo, Natalie: The ability to change shape or form.", "Prue: Okay, so, uh, what's his master plan?", "Natalie: What makes you think he has one?", "Prue: Well, the time and geography between kills suggest that he was hunting these particular witches, right? It's not sport, it's strategy.", "Piper: So all we have to do to catch him is to figure out what that plan is and then beat him to the punch.", "Prue: Right, or we can try and take him out first before he even has a chance.", "Natalie: Leo, we should discuss the best way to approach this situation. (to Prue and Piper) I mean, in private if you wouldn't mind going into another room please.", "Piper: Or how about this idea?", "(Piper freezes Natalie. Prue grins.)", "Prue: Hmm!", "Leo: Piper, what are you doing?", "Piper: Getting irritated. Who put Lady Attitude in charge?", "Leo: She's not in charge.", "Piper: Really? 'Cause she's acting like it. I thought Whitelighters were supposed to guide, not dictate.", "Leo: She is just trying to help.", "Prue: By what? Slowing us down and second-guessing us?", "Leo: Introducing the concept of caution and organisation into the manor isn't a bad idea. Natalie's considered one of the top Whitelighters up there.", "Piper: Oh, I bet they love her. She's never met a rule she didn't like.", "Prue: Leo, we already have a Whitelighter. Besides, I don't really like anybody who doesn't trust us.", "Leo: You've misread her. Natalie is cautious because she just lost a charge and she's worried the same thing is gonna happen to you. You can't question her heart.", "Piper: Okay, how about everything else?", "Leo: I'll talk to her. Now please, would you unfreeze her?", "Piper: Sure. (Piper walks past Natalie and unfreezes her.) There you go.", "(Piper walks into the kitchen.)", "Natalie: Wait a minute, what's going on?", "Leo: I gotta go talk to Piper.", "Natalie: Leo.", "Leo: I'll be right back.", "(Leo goes in the kitchen.)", "Prue: Piper froze ya.", "Natalie: She-she what?", "Prue: Yep.", "(Prue grins.)", "[Cut to the kitchen.]", "Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy.", "Piper: Well, I'm sorry, but how do you think I feel listening to you two clickety-clack about work when you don't tell me anything? I mean, she clearly knows things about you that I don't.", "Leo: She's an old friend.", "Piper: Well, obviously.", "Leo: Come on, you're not jealous are you? Because there is nothing...", "Piper: Leo, I'm not jealous of her. I'm jealous of the part of your life she gets to share with you that I don't. You know, like where you go all day, who your other charges are, what it's like up there.", "Leo: I've taken you up there before.", "Piper: Once, and I don't even get to remember it. It's just more rules. More stupid rules that exclude me, unlike you and Natalie, who literally speak the same language with each other.", "Leo: It is just boring shop talk.", "Piper: It's secrets, and if there's one thing I learned as a Halliwell, you don't keep secrets from the people you love.", "(Phoebe walks in through the back door.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Am I interrupting something?", "Piper: Yes.", "Leo: No.", "Piper: How did your thing go with the investigator?", "Phoebe: Uh, fine. At least he's not a demon. Leo, can I talk to you about something? Soon.", "Piper: Take a number.", "Leo: Maybe later, okay? Why don't you go meet Natalie?", "Phoebe: Who's Natalie?", "Piper: She's a...", "Leo: Fellow Whitelighter. See? I finished your sentence.", "Piper: Hmm. It's not what I was gonna say.", "[Cut back to the conservatory. Prue's scrying with a crystal.]", "Natalie: You're wasting your time. You can't scry for warlocks.", "Prue: I'm not. I'm scrying for a witch. I'm focusing the crystal on your charge's power, which technically is still alive.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hi. You must be, uh...", "Prue: Oh! (The crystal points to a spot on the map.) Okay, here we go, I think I found Eames. Uh, Industrial District South of San Francisco.", "Phoebe: A warlock? What's going on?", "Prue: We'll fill you in on the way. Piper! Leo!", "Natalie: Wait, you're not going after him are you?", "Prue: Yeah, that would be the idea.", "Natalie: You're not prepared, you're not--", "(Phoebe touches the dagger and has a premonition of Eames killing a man.)", "Prue: What did you see?", "Phoebe: A warlock I think. Killing a male witch.", "Prue: Not if we can help it. (Piper and Leo walk in.) It's three against one. We should be able to counter his power of deflection.", "Leo: But he can also clone himself.", "Prue: So then it's three against two. Still, the odds are on our side. Plus, we'll have the element of surprise.", "Natalie: People, we're under an alert. You can't go running off half-cocked.", "Phoebe: People?", "Natalie: You must consult the Elders, find out what they know, what they want you to do.", "Piper: And how long will that take? Long enough to lose another witch's life?", "Natalie: Better one than four. You wondered what Eames' ultimate goal was. What if it's to kill the Charmed Ones? Think of the damage he could do with all of your powers.", "Prue: Alright, Natalie's right. We should definitely check with the Elders first. Do it quickly.", "Natalie: I'll be back as soon as possible.", "(Natalie orbs out.)", "Phoebe: So what, we're supposed to just wait?", "Prue: No! I had to say something to get rid of her.", "Leo: Didn't you hear what she said? Consulting with the Elders is for your own protection.", "Piper: And siding with us is for yours.", "Prue: Hmm!", "[Scene: An alley. Eames is there chanting. Prue, Piper and Phoebe pull up in the car. They get out of the car. Prue uses her power on Eames. He gets back up.]", "Prue: Oh, Piper, freeze him.", "(Piper tries to freeze Eames but he deflects it.)", "Piper: He deflected it. (Eames disappears.) What happened? Where'd he go?", "Leo: I don't think that was Eames. I think that was his clone.", "Phoebe: Alright, well, the real Eames must be around here someplace.", "Piper: Okay, maybe we should get out of here.", "Prue: No, no, no. What about the witch in Phoebe's premonition? We can't just leave him.", "Piper: I was afraid you were gonna say that.", "Prue: What did he look like?", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't know. Kinda balding. (A Darklighter appears.) Sort of like that.", "Darklighter: Who are you? Why'd you summon me?", "Leo: That's no witch. That's... (A crossbow appears in his hand.) a Darklighter.", "Piper: Leo! Leo, get out of here! (The Darklighter shoots an arrow at Leo but Leo orbs out. Phoebe kicks the crossbow out of his hand and kicks him. Piper freezes him.) Okay, I don't understand. Why is there a Darklighter here?", "(Eames appears.)", "Eames: Oh, did I miss all the fun? (Eames sets the Darklighter on fire. He blinks in front of the crossbow.) No, wait, I am the fun. Thanks for this.", "(He picks up the crossbow and blinks out of the alley.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in. Leo is there waiting.]", "Leo: Did you get the Darklighter?", "Piper: No, but Eames did.", "Leo: Eames? A warlock killed a Darklighter?", "Phoebe: And took his crossbow.", "Leo: Well, that doesn't make any sense. They both play for team evil.", "Prue: Yeah, what I don't get is why Eames had no interest in attacking us.", "Phoebe: Maybe he knew he was outnumbered.", "Prue: No, he didn't really seem overly concerned. In fact, he seemed cocky.", "(Natalie orbs in.)", "Natalie: Good, you're still here.", "Piper: Speaking of cocky.", "Natalie: I consulted the Elders and they want you to hold back. They think the witch Phoebe saw might be a force of darkness.", "Prue: A Darklighter actually.", "Natalie: How do you know?", "Piper: We went, we saw, we didn't quite conquer.", "Natalie: You what? Leo, how could you let this happen?", "Prue: This wasn't Leo's decision. It was ours.", "Natalie: You'll take responsibility for a decision, but not for your lives? That warlock could have killed you.", "Piper: He wasn't after us.", "Natalie: That makes you lucky, not smart. You were reckless. As the Charmed Ones, you have an obligation to serve the greater good. You have a higher calling.", "(The Whitelighters call Leo and Natalie.)", "Leo: So do we.", "Natalie: I think we better both go up this time.", "Leo: Better lay low until we get back.", "(Leo and Natalie hold hands and orb out.)", "Piper: What's with the hand holding thing?", "Phoebe: That's the least of our problems. We have to concentrate on finding and vanquishing Eames.", "Prue: Yeah, and we can't count on scrying to locate him because it just could be his clone again.", "Piper: I still think we need to decode his master plan and then that way we can figure him out.", "Phoebe: I'll take book duty.", "Prue: I'll do a flow chart, see where all this is leading.", "Piper: I'll help. Anything to get rid of her.", "Phoebe: You mean him.", "Piper: Nah, I mean her.", "(Phoebe walks into the conservatory and sits down at the table. She flips through the Book of Shadows and stops at the page about Belthazor.)", "Phoebe: What am I gonna do about you?", "[Cut to a white misty place. There are a bunch of Whitelighters standing around in white robes. Leo is there wearing jeans and a shirt. Natalie walks up to him wearing the robe.]", "Natalie: I've never seen the Elders like this before. They're worried about what Eames is up to. Aren't you gonna change into your robes? The rules say...", "Leo: I know the rules. I find my jeans more comfortable.", "Natalie: That attitude scares me, Leo. I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't tell you how concerned I am about the situation at the manor.", "Leo: You haven't seen the Charmed Ones at their best. Trust me, they're talented witches.", "Natalie: They're also sloppy, untrained, emotional...", "Leo: And undisciplined, I know. That's part of what makes them great. They don't work by rote. They work on instinct, on passion.", "Natalie: I'm all for instinct and passion, but they're too impulsive. They lead with their hearts, not their heads, and they're not the only ones.", "Leo: You think I do too?", "Natalie: I think it's clear that you love them.", "Leo: Every Whitelighter loves their charges.", "Natalie: Not the way that you do. Your feelings are clouding your ability to see their weaknesses.", "Leo: Weaknesses? I think their record speaks for itself. They took out Belthazor, who took out the Triad.", "Natalie: But Belthazor is a perfect example. He never should have gotten that close to them. I can't help but to think that your relationship with Piper...", "Leo: Is none of your business.", "Natalie: Actually, Leo, it is my business. The Elders want to know whether or not I think it's getting in the way of your job.", "(Phoebe calls Leo from below.)", "Leo: That's Phoebe. Rules say charges call take precedent.", "(He orbs out.)", "[Cut to Phoebe's bedroom.]", "Phoebe: Leo!", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Sorry, Phoebe, I forgot that you needed to talk. What's up?", "Phoebe: Okay, just so I'm clear, this is confidential, right? I mean, anything that I'm about to say to you just stays between me and you?", "Leo: Absolutely.", "Phoebe: And they don't get to know? And they're not eavesdropping or anything right now?", "Leo: Phoebe, what is it?", "Phoebe: You need to sit. (She sits him on her bed and she sits beside him.) Okay, here goes. Leo, Cole is alive.", "Leo: What?", "Phoebe: Cole... Belthazor, I didn't really vanquish him. I know. I know it's horrible, and I've barely been able to live with Prue and Piper ever since, but I just couldn't tell them.", "Leo: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: I couldn't kill him, Leo. I had every intention of doing it, but when I got there and I was face to face with him, I just, I couldn't kill him, and I knew that my sisters were going to.", "Leo: So you faked his death?", "Phoebe: I didn't have a choice. Leo, I knew in my heart that he would never try and hurt us. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let him go you have to believe me. All I know is that I loved Cole. And if anyone understands forbidden love it's you, isn't it?", "Leo: Oh my god, Phoebe. It's not even close to being the same thing. He is a demon.", "Phoebe: He's half-human.", "Leo: For god sakes, he's a killer. He has killed witches and innocents and anything that has gotten in his way. What is the matter with you? What makes you think that he is not gonna come back here right now and try and kill all three of you?", "Phoebe: He won't. I know he's good.", "Leo: No, you hope that he's good. You want him to be good. Why did you even tell me this?", "Phoebe: I don't know, Leo. I was sort of counting on you for your guidance and support.", "Leo: Well, it's my guidance and support that got you into this mess. I don't know how to begin to fix this.", "(Leo walks out of her room and doubles over in pain. He groans.)", "Phoebe: Leo? Leo, what's the matter?", "(She goes over to him.)", "Leo: I don't know. Feels like a witch is being hurt. I can feel her pain.", "Phoebe: Is it one of your charges?", "Leo: No.", "(Prue and Piper walk in.)", "Piper: What happened?", "Leo: She needs help.", "[Cut to a park. Eames has just stabbed a witch.]", "Eames: Of course I've could have killed you, but it's not your powers I'm after. I've set my sights a little higher. I'm looking for a few good Whitelighters. Well, actually, just one. That's all I'm missing now. And yours'll do just fine.", "[Cut back to the manor.]", "Piper: Why isn't her Whitelighter helping her?", "Leo: I don't know, but I have to go to her.", "(Leo starts to orb out.)", "Prue: No, Leo, wait. I just realised, how could we have missed it? The only reason Eames would have killed a Darklighter is so that he can use the crossbow to kill a Whitelighter.", "(Natalie orbs in.)", "Natalie: She's right, Leo, it's a trap.", "Leo: I don't understand. Why would he even want to kill a Whitelighter?", "Natalie: To gain the power to orb up there, the only way in. Once there, he'd be able to decimate all Whitelighters.", "Phoebe: And that would leave all their charges unprotected. He would be able to wipe out all witches everywhere, including us.", "Prue: Sounds like a master plan to me.", "Natalie: The Elders have instituted a lockdown and recalled all Whitelighters from Earth. Leo and I are the only ones who have retained the power to orb so we can help you stop Eames.", "Leo: Must be why I feel her pain. If you could only feel it.", "Natalie: I feel it but I won't be ruled by it. A Whitelighter who's controlled by his emotions is useless. The greater good must come first.", "[Cut back to the park. The witch is lying on the ground in pain. Eames is near by waiting.]", "Eames: Well, this is boring. What kind of lame Whitelighter do you have?", "Witch: They must be on to you now.", "Eames: I think you're right. Which means what? They'll send witches to try and stop me? Well, if witches come, can Whitelighters be far behind? After ten years of chasing a dream, the dream starts chasing me. Of course, you know there is a down side. I no longer have any use for you.", "(He stabs her again.)", "[Cut back to the manor. Leo stumbles down the stairs.]", "Piper: Leo!", "Natalie: Leo, what is it?", "Leo: He killed her.", "Prue: What does your rule book say to do now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there. Phoebe's making some coffee.]", "Phoebe: I can't believe Natalie just let her die like that, we should have done something.", "Piper: Like what?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Something.", "Prue: Yeah, but we need to figure out a way to stop Eames before he kills again. We should be working on a vanquishing spell.", "Phoebe: It's gonna be a tricky spell, though. We have to counteract a lot of powers.", "Piper: Plus, we need to do it fast, cause I don't like my boyfriend being one of the only two targets on Earth.", "(The girls walk into the living room where Leo and Natalie are.)", "Piper: We'd like to speak to Leo in private. So if you wouldn't mind going into another room?", "Natalie: If it's work related, you can discuss it with me.", "Prue: What do you mean?", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: I asked Natalie to take over as your Whitelighter and she accepted.", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Leo: Piper, nothing is more important to me than your safety, and my being here is putting all of your lives at risk.", "Prue: Leo, you have done nothing but protect us.", "Leo: You saw what happened upstairs. I would have rushed off to help that witch if you hadn't stopped me. Now I am supposed to be guiding you and you are guiding me.", "Prue: Leo, we all make mistakes.", "Leo: We can't afford to make them now.", "Phoebe: Leo, if this is because of me...", "(Prue and Piper look at her, confused.)", "Leo: It isn't, Phoebe. It's because of me. Maybe Natalie's right. Maybe my feelings for you are clouding my ability to guide you, I don't know. But all I do know is that this is no time for self-doubt, not with Eames out there. (Leo walks over to Piper.) Piper, they want me to join in the lockdown. Until I return, I want you to do as Natalie asks. It's important for us.", "(Leo and Piper kiss and he orbs out. Prue, Piper and Phoebe stare at Natalie.)", "Natalie: I suggest you channel your anger toward the warlock you're meant to vanquish. Now, first...", "Prue: Okay, could we just have a moment to process this, please?", "Natalie: No. It's time you stopped focusing on yourselves and started focusing on Eames. You must prepare yourselves for battle. Mentally, physically, sartorially.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, what?", "Piper: She doesn't like our clothes.", "Natalie: You need outfits that are loose and move. That means no more braless, strapless, fearless attire.", "Prue: Okay, but then I have nothing to wear.", "[Cut to an alley. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are stretching. Natalie's also stretching in front of them.]", "Prue: Okay, tell me again why we're doing this?", "Piper: Because one bad word from General Goody-Two-Shoes, and I'm not getting married.", "Prue: That's a good reason, I guess.", "(Natalie turns to face the girls.)", "Natalie: Alright, let's get going. Defeating Eames will require split-second timing and flawless teamwork. I can't tell you what you'll be doing but I can tell you what you won't. You won't be winging it. You won't be hoping for the best. The will to win is the will to prepare to win. Do you understand me?", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that last platitude.", "Natalie: You think you're so tough because you took out Belthazor, don't you? Let me tell you something. You're only as good as your next vanquish. This alley is a neutral battlefield. Our challenge is to fight Eames. Our primary goal is...", "Piper: To win!", "Natalie: No.", "Piper: No.", "Natalie: To get the crossbow. (She picks up a piece of wood.) A Darklighter's crossbow delivers arrows dipped in a poison that is lethal to Whitelighters. Get the crossbow, and the immediate threat is over. If you have the opportunity to vanquish Eames by all mean seize it. But keep your eyes on the prize. Alright, now let's pretend I'm the enemy.", "Prue: Oh, that is way too easy.", "(Phoebe claps her hands and Piper laughs.)", "Natalie: Now talk me through how you plan to separate me from my crossbow.", "Piper: Okay, first, I freeze you.", "Natalie: I deflect that.", "Phoebe: I guess I could levitate and kick you.", "Natalie: You just kicked a clone.", "Prue: Alright, how about I send in an astral Prue as a decoy and just, you know... (Prue uses her power and the piece of wood flies out of Natalie's hands.) Oh, I'm so sorry.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Natalie: Not as sorry as you would be if I just blinked behind you and stabbed you to death.", "Prue: Well, that would be bad.", "Piper: Ouch.", "Phoebe: Alright, you know what? This is too hard usually in these situations, you know, everything happens so quickly, the adrenaline is pumping.", "Natalie: I want you to think using your brains, not your glands. Now try again.", "[Time lapse. Prue runs up a wall and flips over. Natalie taps her on the shoulder and she turns around. Phoebe levitates and Natalie spins her around in the air. She falls to the ground. Piper freezes lightning balls Natalie throws at her. She misses one and it shocks her.]", "[Cut to P3. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting at the bar writing a spell. Natalie is sitting at a table near by.]", "Phoebe: Hey, if we don't vanquish Eames, can we at least vanquish Natalie?", "Piper: Don't tempt me.", "Prue: Alright, I've got the cloning portion of the vanquishing spell done.", "Piper: I'm almost there with the transmogrification.", "Phoebe: Mine came out a little country western. \"I'm rejectin' your deflection.\"", "Piper: Well, it works for me, but you have to get it past you-know-who.", "Phoebe: You know, Leo never had to approve our spells. He trusted us.", "Prue: Yeah, but she said that she needs to hear it.", "Phoebe: You know what? What she needs none of us can give her, alright?", "Prue: Alright, still, but personal feelings aside, you kinda have to admire her professionally, you know? She's very dedicated.", "Piper: Yeah, but she's not Leo.", "(Natalie walks over to them.)", "Natalie: How's that spell coming along?", "Phoebe: Great. All done.", "Natalie: Good.", "Phoebe: Here you go.", "(Phoebe hands her a piece of paper and she reads it.)", "Natalie: Okay, let's nail this warlock.", "Prue: Alright, I'll start scrying for his location.", "Natalie: No need. I've been working on a new plan, one that would allow us to fight on our turf, not his.", "Piper: Make him come to us? How?", "Natalie: What he wants is what you've got.", "Prue: You're gonna use yourself as bait.", "Natalie: If I orb in somewhere unprotected, Eames should be able to track me with his Darklighter powers. With the three of you in position, as soon as Eames shows up, I orb out. The advantage is all ours.", "Piper: Nope. We can't let you do that. It's too dangerous.", "Natalie: I appreciate your concern.", "Piper: My concern is not for you, at least not just for you. My concern is if you fail...", "Natalie: I won't fail. I've gone over every permutation. So long as we follow the rules, we'll succeed.", "[Scene: Park. The dead witch is still laying there. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are hiding behind some bushes. Natalie orbs in. Eames blinks in.]", "Natalie: Now!", "(Eames tries to shoot Natalie with the crossbow but she orbs out. Prue uses her power to knock the bow out of his hands. Eames disappears.)", "Phoebe: Clone!", "Prue: Alright, be ready with the spell. He could be anywhere. Get the crossbow.", "(Piper picks up the crossbow.)", "Phoebe: Wait, where is he? Why isn't he fighting back?", "Piper: Maybe because we got the crossbow?", "Prue: No. Something doesn't feel right. This was way too easy.", "Phoebe: And even worse, anticlimactic.", "Piper: Well, who cares? We got the crossbow. Let's go.", "(They leave.)", "[Cut to the manor. Natalie is waiting in the foyer. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Natalie: Did you get it?", "Piper: We got it.", "(Piper hands Natalie the crossbow.)", "Prue: Yeah, but we didn't get Eames.", "Natalie: That's alright, he wasn't our primary goal. You've done well.", "Prue: I don't know. I think he gave up too easily.", "Natalie: Maybe you were just prepared and he wasn't. It was our setting, our timing, our plan to execute.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but we didn't get a chance to execute it.", "Natalie: We got what we wanted and no one got hurt. This is what happens when Whitelighters and witches work hard together. And thanks to you, they'll get a chance to do a lot more of it. I'll bring this up there.", "Piper: Uh, does that mean Leo gets to come back?", "Natalie: That's not my call. I'll see you later. (pause) So Eames didn't fight at all?", "Prue: Not at all. I flung, he fled.", "Natalie: Did you wait for him? Look for him?", "Phoebe: No, we were playing by the rules.", "Piper: And we grabbed the crossbow, just like you said.", "Natalie: The crossbow...", "(The crossbow changes into Eames. He grabs Natalie. Prue uses her power on him and he deflects it, sending her flying. Piper tries to freeze him and he deflects it, sending her to the floor.)", "Eames: She was right. Way too easy.", "(He stabs Natalie with an arrow.)", "Piper: No!", "(He blinks out of the room with Natalie.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Piper: We followed the stupid rules and look what happened.", "Phoebe: I hate rules.", "Prue: I knew something was wrong. Why didn't I trust my instincts?", "Piper: None of us did, but I am going to now. Leo!", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: Leo!", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Piper: Okay, look, we-we did everything she asked. I swear.", "Leo: I know, I was watching. I wasn't supposed to, but enough said.", "Phoebe: We're through playing by the rules, you know.", "Prue: Alright, now we need to stop Eames.", "Leo: Well, I know from experience Darklighter poison doesn't kill immediately, so there's still a window of opportunity.", "Prue: Great. So we need a plan. What are our options?", "Leo: There's only one. It breaks the rules big time.", "Piper: You mean...", "Leo: Uh-huh.", "Piper: And we...", "Leo: Yep.", "Piper: And that will...", "Leo: I hope.", "(Prue and Phoebe look at each other, confused.)", "[Cut to an alley. Eames and Natalie are there. Natalie's lying on the ground.]", "Eames: You think dying would be easier the second time around, but it sure doesn't look like it. It's useless to fight the poison. Don't you know death is just the beginning? In this case, of a lot more death. How's it feel to know that you will be responsible for the end of Whitelighters and witches alike? The end of good. Do I hear someone coming? No. But I hear someone going.", "(He pushes the arrow in Natalie and kills her. He takes her powers. He orbs up into the white misty place. Whitelighters, in their robes, are standing near by. He shoots the crossbow at one, which is really Prue, and she deflects the arrow with her power. Piper, also disguised as one, freezes the arrow in mid-air. Prue, Piper and Phoebe show their faces. Phoebe kicks him and the arrow stabs him in the back.)", "Eames: What the hell are you doing up here?", "Phoebe: Kicking your ass.", "Prue: Don't even bother trying to orb out, it won't work. You see, you didn't just get the powers of a Whitelighter, but you get their vulnerability too, so the poison in that arrow is killing you just like you killed Natalie.", "Piper: It's kind of poetic.", "Phoebe: I'm kind of in a rhyming mood. How about you, girls?", "Prue: Sure. This poison isn't working fast enough for me.", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: \"Time for amends and a victim's revenge...\"", "Prue: \"Cloning power, turn sour...\"", "Piper: \"Power to change, turn to strange...\"", "Phoebe: \"I'm rejectin' your deflection.\" (Eames burns and disappears.) Wow. It worked.", "Prue: Nothing anticlimactic about that.", "(Phoebe laughs. A Whitelighter approaches them.)", "Piper: Uh-oh. Here comes one.", "(Leo shows his face.)", "Leo: You made your Whitelighter proud.", "Phoebe: Thanks, but we were just winging it.", "Leo: Well, whatever you did it worked.", "Piper: Well, not as well as we would've liked. I'm sorry we couldn't save Natalie.", "Leo: I know, me too. But she died for the greater good. I know she would've made that choice herself.", "Phoebe: Although, I don't think that she would have been to keen on us orbing up here.", "Leo: Which is why we got to get out of here before we all get in trouble.", "Prue: I, okay, wait a second. No 5-cent tour? No meet the Elders?", "Leo: We're going.", "Prue: Leo!", "Piper: It doesn't matter. It's not like we get to remember it anyway.", "Leo: You will this time.", "Piper: Oh.", "[Scene: Box is playing. Piper and Phoebe are sitting in the alcove. Prue comes up to them.]", "Prue: I just checked the messages at home and Reece called. Said he needs to talk to you about the case.", "Phoebe: Really? Did he say it was urgent?", "Prue: Well, what could be urgent about the case?", "Phoebe: Nothing. Actually, I can't think of anything that would be urgent.", "Piper: I can. I urgently want Leo to walk into this bar. He's been up there a really long time and I'm starting to get worried. I don't understand how they can be mad at him after we saved their butts.", "Phoebe: Well, he broke some pretty big rules while doing it.", "Piper: Yeah, well, if they hold that against him, I'm crossing over to the other side.", "Prue: Ditto.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Ditto.", "Piper: I've gotta get back to work.", "(Piper walks away.)", "Prue: Alright, so what's in that head of yours.", "Phoebe: Nothing. You know that.", "Prue: Don't joke. Phoebe, if you wanna talk about it, I'm here. I just wanna help.", "Phoebe: Um, I was just worried about Leo too, you know.", "(Leo is near by looking around. He spots Prue and Phoebe.)", "Prue: I'll go get Piper.", "(Prue walks away. Leo comes up to Phoebe and sits down.)", "Leo: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Leo: How you doing?", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm great. Actually, I'm lying. I'm awful. Um, I am so sorry that I am such a screw-up.", "Leo: Hey, hey, I'm the one who should be apologising. I let you down. I should have been watching more carefully. It won't happen again, okay.", "(Prue and Piper come back over.)", "Piper: Hey, hey, hey. What took so long? What happened?", "Leo: I have some news.", "Piper: Okay.", "Leo: Well, obviously, they found out that you've been up there, so they decided to review the facts of the Natalie's situation. And they unanimously decided to lift probation.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: Piper, we're officially engaged.", "(Prue gets excited and hugs Piper.)", "Prue: That's so great.", "(Phoebe hugs Leo, then Prue hugs Phoebe. Piper and Leo hug while Prue and Phoebe look on, smiling.)" ]
Blinded by the Whitelighter
[ "When Phoebe has a premonition about a demon attacking a young man named Tom, Prue is surprised to find that the intended victim is an old boyfriend of hers. The sisters soon discover that the demon is posing as a sports agent and that Tom is his latest recruit for his demon academy, where the recruits shed the last of their humanity and become demons. Not wanting to lose Tom, Prue agrees that she and her sisters will fight in an underworld wrestling ring to save his soul. Meanwhile, Phoebe tries to find the best way to tell her sisters about Cole." ]
[ "[Scene: Police Station. Darryl and Mr. Chang are in a room. Darryl places a cup of coffee on the table.]", "Mr. Chang: I don't get it. Who'd want to kill me?", "Darryl: We're not sure, but our sources believe your life is in danger. Protective custody-", "Mr. Chang: Our sources? What is this? Government surveillance, you have people watching me?", "Darryl: Mr. Chang, your picture was in the Metro section today.", "Mr. Chang: Because I planted some trees.", "Darryl: Mr. Chang, there were four brutal murders in the last week. Where the only common denominator is the victims picture was in the Metro section the day that they died.", "Mr. Chang: The mayor's in Metro today. You guys harassing him?", "Darryl: Mr. Chang, I'm trying to help you.", "Mr. Chang: I don't have any money, I don't have any enemies. Why would anyone wanna kill me? This is crazy.", "[Cut to outside the room. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Prue: Alright, what do we do if Darryl can't convince him to lay low?", "Phoebe: Oh, well, we follow him and if a demon attacks we kick some wiccan ass.", "Piper: Look who's back and badder than ever.", "Phoebe: It feels good to be back. It's the best way to put this whole Cole thing behind me.", "Prue: Well, that's quite a turn around.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Prue: Well, it's just that, I mean, you know, up until last week you were kinda quiet and not really interested in things demonic, and now...", "Phoebe: I am back. Bad guys beware.", "Piper: And too bad we don't know who the bad guy is.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, at least we know who his next victim is.", "(Darryl and Mr. Chang walk out of the room. Darryl goes over to the girls.)", "Prue: Hey.", "Darryl: Hey.", "Prue: So did you get anything out of him?", "Darryl: Just a migraine. That's about it.", "Piper: So, what, you're just gonna let him go?", "Darryl: I don't have a choice. He declined protection. Phoebe, are you sure he's the guy that you saw get attacked in your premonition?", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, and it happened at night too, so we can't just let him go.", "(Mr. Chang leaves the station.)", "Prue: Alright, then we need to split up in teams. First one to see a demon yells vanquish, okay. Come on. (Prue and Darryl follow Mr. Chang out in the alley. He walks over to his motor bike.) Ugh, innocents and alleys. Don't they ever learn?", "Darryl: Yeah, I know. Come on.", "(Mr. Chang fiddles with something on his bike. A guy comes around the corner and throws a fireball at Mr. Chang. Prue uses her power and moves it away from him.)", "Mr. Chang: What the hell?", "(Prue uses her power on the demon. Prue stops and he runs away.)", "Darryl What happened? Why did you let him get away?", "Prue: I know that demon. I dated that demon. Huh. Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe and Darryl are sitting at the table. Phoebe's looking through the Book of Shadows. Piper's watering the plants.]", "Darryl: I think they're lost, Piper. Dead.", "Piper: No, they're not completely.", "Phoebe: She waters when she's nervous.", "Darryl: There's nothing to be nervous about. Mr. Chang's in protective custody.", "Piper: No, it-it's not him. It's the whole 'my boyfriend is a demon' thing. It kind of hits a nerve with all of us, and obviously I'm not that upset because I'm with Leo, who obviously is not...", "Phoebe: Piper also babbles when she's nervous.", "Piper: I resent that. I am expressing a valid concern about this continuing issue in our lives.", "(Prue walks in holding a year book.)", "Prue: What are you babbling about?", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Piper: You know, if I could freeze the two of you, I would, often.", "(Prue opens the year book to a picture of the demon.)", "Prue: Alright, so here's the demon that we're looking for, or at least who he used to be. Tom Peters.", "Phoebe: Wait, I didn't know you dated the captain of the college football team. How suburban.", "Prue: Yeah, he was a great guy.", "Darryl: I remember Peters. He blew out his knee three weeks into his rookie year. About five, six years ago.", "Prue: Leo!", "Darryl: Rumours about gambling debts and that whole scene. He's also a missing persons. It never got closed. He just kind of disappeared.", "Phoebe: More like went underground.", "Prue: I wonder if his mum still lives in town. Leo!", "(Prue walks out of the room.)", "Darryl: A woman on a mission?", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm.", "Piper: I guess the captain of the football team was a bigger deal than we ever knew. (Piper, Phoebe and Darryl go into the kitchen where Prue is.) Uh, Prue, are you sure we should pursue this?", "Prue: Ask Phoebe. It was her premonition. Alright, where on earth is... (Leo orbs in.) Leo, what took you so long?", "Leo: Hi. (Piper and Leo kiss.) I had... have a situation.", "Piper: Uh-oh, you mean and us situation or a you situation? Oh, don't tell me they've changed their minds about us getting married because if that is the case, then you can just orb me up there right now and...", "Phoebe: Babbling.", "Leo: It has nothing to do with them. It has to do with me. I sorta kinda lost the wedding ring.", "Darryl: Got a great ring guy down town if you need one.", "Piper: He doesn't need one, he has a ring. Mum's ring. I gave it to him so he could give it back to meat the perfect romantic moment.", "Phoebe: Wow, Leo, you lost mum's ring. It's a good thing you're dead already.", "Leo: I had it in my pocket, Piper. All the orbing in and out...", "Piper: Your orbs are grass if you do not find that ring.", "Prue: Alright, hi. Before blood is spilled, can I just ask a business question? Is it possible to turn a human into a demon?", "Leo: Well, there's rumours, stories about demons recruiting humans.", "Phoebe: So join the evil and see the underworld?", "Leo: Kind of. Apparently the demons go after humans in need and strike your classic Faustian deal, but then the humans are forced into this training academy. A program that destroys their humanity.", "Piper: And turns them into demons.", "Leo: Right, and when the recruits graduate, they have to kill an innocent to seal the demonic conversion permanently.", "Darryl: It's like gang initiation. You go out and kill the first person that you see and you're in the gang.", "Phoebe: Well, that explains your four random killings. Maybe it's graduation time at the academy.", "Prue: Well, if it is, Tom is one human they're not going to demonize.", "Phoebe: Prue, how do you know we're not too late? I mean, if we didn't get there on time and stop him...", "Prue: He would have killed an innocent and then it would have been too late, but we did stop him, so now we still have time to save him. Alright, I'm going to talk to Tom's mother, see if she knows anything. Maybe you guys could come up with, like a spell to find him or something.", "[Scene: Kellman's office. Kellman and a guy are there.]", "Guy: Mr. Kellman, I swear I can make this right, I swear it.", "Kellman: I was clear, wasn't I? I make your problems go away and you owe me. Now, did you forget about the last part of the deal?", "Guy: I-I can pay you back. I just need more time.", "Kellman: More time? You don't have any more time. Your debt is due and payable now.", "Guy: Please, I'll do anything.", "(Kellman makes an elevator appear.)", "Kellman: Oh, yes you will. Come on. (Kellman pushes the guy in the elevator and it goes down. The elevator disappears. Kellman turns to Tom.) Now I don't have to go over all this again with you too, Tom, do I?", "Tom: Temporary setback, Mr. Kellman. It won't happen again.", "Kellman: You know, you're not the only one exposed here. You got a contract with me and I got a contract with the Source. Five full graduates by tomorrow night. Now, all the others have made their kills. What's the problem?", "Tom: A witch intervened.", "Kellman: What? A witch? How the hell did that happen?", "Tom: I don't know, but I wasn't followed. I used every safeguard I learned in the academy.", "Kellman: Well, she must be tracking the innocent. We'll have to get you another one, but we're running out of time here. (He picks up the newspaper.) Just kill this one, but do it fast or else there'll be hell to pay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and Leo are there.]", "Leo: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I don't want to talk about it.", "Leo: You have to tell them, Phoebe. You can't wait any longer.", "Phoebe: Well, it's not really an easy thing to drop into conversation, Leo. You know, like, \"Your hair looks great. Cole's not dead. I let him go.\"", "Leo: Confession is good for the soul.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, how about we skip the confession part and go straight to penance? Okay, I will be such a force for good, the bad guys won't know what him them.", "Leo: You can't pretend it didn't happen, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I can't change the fact that it did, Leo. So if you will excuse me, I have a demon to vanquish, and you have a ring to find. (Phoebe walks in the living room carrying the Book of Shadows. Piper's there watering the plants.) Scrying for witches, a spell to find lost love, but there's nothing in here about how to find a demon.", "Piper: Oh, well, probably because they usually find us.", "Phoebe: Well, there's got to be away.", "Piper: If there is, Prue's gonna have to find it. Um, was there anything in there, you know, to help Leo find my ring?", "Phoebe: Piper, we can't just give up. We have to find this demon before it kills somebody.", "Piper: Okay, well, do you got a spell?", "Phoebe: Maybe.", "[Time lapse. Phoebe's in her room, reaching under her bed. She pulls out box and sits on her bed. She opens it up and pulls out a piece of paper. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: I'm afraid to ask.", "Phoebe: Just something that I thought that I needed and then decided that I didn't.", "(Piper takes the piece of paper off of Phoebe and reads it.)", "Piper: Okay.", "Phoebe: It's a lost and found spell.", "Piper: Wow, perfect timing. Do I want to know what you were trying to find?", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Piper: Cole? Honey, you were trying to bring a demon back from the dead?", "Phoebe: No. He's still alive. I never really vanquished him.", "Piper: I'm sorry...", "Phoebe: It's over, he's not coming back and I don't want him to either.", "Piper: Phoebe, you-you let him go? Are you out of your mind?", "Phoebe: He's not after us anymore. He won't hurt us.", "Piper: No, you-you don't know that.", "Phoebe: Yes, I do. Piper, I just, I couldn't kill him.", "Piper: Phoebe, you lied to us.", "Phoebe: I know, I'm sorry.", "Piper: So this is where this new wonder woman attitude comes from? A guilty conscience?", "Phoebe: No... well, maybe. I don't know.", "Piper: You have to tell Prue.", "Phoebe: Hmm, she won't understand.", "Piper: Yeah, well, she's not the only one.", "[Scene: Tom Peters' place. Prue is there talking to his mother.]", "Mrs. Peters: He was so fast. His coach said he could have run track too, but all Tom cares about is football.", "Prue: I am sorry that we lost touch but, um, what happened after he got hurt?", "Mrs. Peters: He was depressed. I understood.", "Prue: So the stories that I heard about his being in trouble...", "Mrs. Peters: The gambling rumours? Don't believe a word of it. No one over came to me looking for money and Mr. Kellman would have told me if there was a problem.", "Prue: Mr. Kellman?", "Mrs. Peters: His business manager. He took such good care of Tom, and he was a wonderful help to me after Tom went away.", "Prue: Mrs. Peters, what do you think happened?", "Mrs. Peters: I think Tom has some things to take care of and he'll be home when he can. I know it in my heart. My son's a good man.", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe and Piper are sitting at a table. Phoebe lights a candle. Piper is holding onto a crystal.]", "Piper, Phoebe: \"Guiding spirits I ask your charity, lend me your focus and clarity, (Prue walks in) lead me to the one I cannot find, restore that and my piece of mind.\"", "Prue: Hey, what's all this?", "(Phoebe blows out the candle.)", "Phoebe: Oh, we were just looking for Tom. You know, with a little spell that we created.", "Piper: You created.", "Phoebe: Wow, you came up with the whole ritual that fast?", "Piper: Actually, not as fast as you would think.", "(Phoebe kicks Piper under the table.)", "Prue: Well, thank you. I really appreciate you guys doing this for me.", "Piper: She didn't exactly do it for you.", "Phoebe: Okay, what did Tom's mother say?", "Prue: Poor lady. She talks about him like he's been gone a week as opposed to six years and she actually think he's coming back.", "Piper: Based on...", "Prue: Faith, and I would like to prove her right.", "Phoebe: Well, we're doing everything we can.", "Prue: Yeah, and you know what? We have saved bad boys before. I mean, what about the priest with the warlock brothers?", "Piper: Yeah, but Prue, he wanted to be saved. Can you guarantee that about Tom or any other demon-human mix...", "Phoebe: This is not about Cole, okay? That's a whole other subject.", "Piper: One worth discussing.", "Prue: Am I missing something here?", "Piper: Yes...", "Phoebe: Yes, actually, we are missing Tom and he's someone we should probably continue talking about. So if this spell works and we actually find him, what do we do? Do we vanquish him?", "Prue: Well, I'm hoping that it won't come to that.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but what if it does, Prue?", "(They hear a bang at the door.)", "Prue: What was that?", "Phoebe: You changing the subject.", "(They go into the foyer and open the front door. Prue picks up the newspaper.)", "Prue: Huh, alright, since when did they start delivering newspapers in the afternoon?", "(They flip through the paper and notice all the pictures are missing.)", "Piper: Since they started taking out all the pictures.", "Phoebe: Wow, it's a pretty cool spell if I do say so myself.", "Prue: Yeah, except what is it telling us?", "(Phoebe turns to the Metro section and sees a picture of a woman.)", "Phoebe: Oh, that. \"Claudia Gibson will discuss the mayor's position on Net News Live today at 2:00.\" Which is ten minutes ago.", "(Phoebe goes inside.)", "Piper: Hmm? Our next victim?", "Prue: As in Tom's next victim.", "(Phoebe comes out with the car keys.)", "Phoebe: Keys.", "Prue: Thanks. Come on.", "[Scene: Outside a building. Claudia walks towards her car. Tom follows her from behind. Prue, Piper and Phoebe pull up near by and gets out of the car. Tom throws a fireball at Claudia but Piper freezes it before it can hit her. They run over to them.]", "Piper: Well, we didn't bring a vanquish, but if we throw him into the street that might do the trick.", "Prue: We are not gonna vanquish him.", "Phoebe: Prue, he almost killed that woman.", "Prue: Almost, but didn't. (Prue uses her power and the fireball hits a car.) Alright, we need to get him home.", "Phoebe: Wha-- our home? You're voluntarily bringing a demon back to our home?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue's looking through the Book of Shadows. Tom is tied to a chair and is struggling to get free. Piper and Phoebe walk in and Piper freezes him.]", "Piper: Did you find anything yet?", "Prue: Not yet.", "Piper: Well, while we're waiting this would be a good time to discuss something.", "(The phone rings downstairs.)", "Phoebe: Oh, phone. Piper'll get it.", "Piper: Nope. Machine, remember?", "Prue: Leo was right.", "Phoebe: About what?", "Prue: About the demonic training academy. It's right here in the Book.", "Phoebe: Oh, really?", "Prue: \"A brutal training program which destroys humanity and renders the subject demonic.\" Alright, so if Tom is completely demonic, he'll have a brand on his arm with six chevrons.", "(Piper pulls up Tom's sleeve and reveals five chevrons.)", "Piper: He's only got five.", "Prue: Good, that means he's not fully converted.", "Phoebe: We better vanquish him while we can.", "Prue: You know, when Cole was the hybrid in question, you were all about saving him.", "Piper: Excellent point.", "Phoebe: Yes, well, I learned from my mistake.", "Piper: And which mistake was that?", "Phoebe: Believing that I could save a demon.", "Prue: Hmm. Well, like I said before, this is different. (Tom unfreezes. Prue walks over to him.) Tom, look at me. Do you remember me from college?", "(He throws a fireball.)", "Piper: Hmm, does that mean he remembers you or he doesn't? (The doorbell rings.) What is going on down there?", "Prue: Why don't you guys go and find out?", "Phoebe: And leave you alone with him?", "Prue: I can handle him, it's okay.", "(Piper and Phoebe leave the attic.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe opens the door.]", "Darryl: Got Tom's file.", "Phoebe: We got Tom.", "(A white dog runs inside and goes in the living room.)", "Piper: Rasputin! Get off the... get... Rasputin?", "Darryl: You got a dog?", "Phoebe: No, that's our Grams' dog, and he's been lost for...", "Piper: Seven years, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Okay, so there's one small side effect. We can handle that.", "(The phone continues to ring.)", "Piper: Why is the answering machine not picking up?", "(Piper goes into another room.)", "Phoebe: I cast a little spell.", "Darryl: The less I know, the happier I am.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper answers the phone.]", "Piper: Hello? An old friend of Prue's. Okay, let me get a pencil. Aah! (She opens a drawer and dozens of pencils fall out onto the floor. She sees her ring on the floor.) Oh my god, oh my god, oh my... oh, call back again soon.", "(Phoebe walks in. She has her brown hair back.)", "Phoebe: What is it? What did you find?", "Piper: Lost friends, mum's ring, and your brown hair. Oh, yeah, mm-hmm.", "(Phoebe looks at herself in a tray and quickly puts it back down.)", "Phoebe: I did not want my brown hair back, I wanted to keep that lost.", "Darryl: You were blonde when you answered the door. How'd it change?", "Phoebe: Well, it must be because I coloured my hair in that sink. So technically I lost it there and now I've found it again. I hope this doesn't affect my virginity.", "Piper: Wait, so everything is coming back to where it was lost? That means you lost your... oh!", "(Hundreds of socks fall out of the laundry room.)", "Phoebe: Okay, so it's a big side effect.", "Piper: Those better be clean. If not, it's laundry day for you, missy.", "[Cut back up to the attic.]", "Tom: You don't scare me. I've been trained to deal with witches.", "Prue: I'd forgotten how proud you were when we knew each other.", "Tom: I've forgotten you completely.", "Prue: You don't want to tell me what happened because you don't want to admit how badly you screwed up.", "Tom: I didn't.", "Prue: It's obvious. While you were still human, you were stupid enough to enter into some demonic contract.", "Tom: I was never human.", "Prue: You had to have been. Otherwise, you wouldn't have made it into the academy. Yes, I know about the academy. I know about the chevrons. I also know that you haven't killed your innocent, yet.", "Tom: I will.", "Prue: You'll have to get past me first.", "Tom: Kellman'll kill us both if I don't.", "Prue: Kellman. Tom, I know who you are, the person that you were, alright, and I know that somewhere in there it still exists. Look, Tom. (Prue shows him the yearbook.) This is who you are, alright? This is who your mother is waiting for.", "Tom: Vanquish me, or I will kill you, witch.", "Prue: Neither is going to happen, alright? I am going to save you from yourself whether you like it or not.", "(She loosens the ropes with her power. She walks out of the attic.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Prue walks in. The room is full of stuff.]", "Prue: Okay, so I think I have an idea of how to... whoa.", "Phoebe: My lost and found spell's a little too enthusiastic.", "Piper: We're finding stuff all over the house. It's endless.", "Darryl: I don't mean to sound paranoid, but after all these years I think I've earned that right. How do you know your spell is not gonna find demons that you're already vanquished?", "Piper: Oh, you mean like Belthazor.", "Prue: Okay, one demon at a time. Did you get anything on Tom?", "Darryl: Just a missing persons file.", "(Darryl hands her the file.)", "Prue: Alright, anything on a man named Kellman?", "(They hear a door close.)", "Piper: What was that?", "Prue: That would be Tom escaping.", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: Yeah, I loosened his ropes. I'm hoping to track him down to the demon that turned him, break him, break his hold on Tom. Anything that you can get me on Kellman I'd appreciate, okay?", "Phoebe: Alright, I guess we're going now.", "Piper: Shouldn't we reverse the spell first?", "(The girls leave the kitchen. The wind blows through the kitchen and freaks Darryl out.)", "[Scene: A building. Tom is making his way to Kellman's office. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are following behind. Tom walks inside his office.]", "Prue: Alright, you ready?", "Phoebe: Ready for what?", "Prue: To save him.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk into Kellman's office. No one's there.)", "Phoebe: Where'd he go?", "Prue: Doesn't make any sense. If he could vanish, he would have done it before.", "Piper: I got a bad feeling about this.", "[Cut to the underground. Tom gets out of the elevator and walks over to Kellman.]", "Tom: I have good news, Mr. Kellman.", "Kellman: You killed the innocent.", "Tom: Better. I can deliver you three witches.", "Kellman: Witches? I don't care about witches. I care about deadlines. Yours and mine. You know, if I weren't running out of time, I'd have you drum... (Kellman leans over and sniffs Tom.) Is that humanity I'm sensing from you? Huh? Now how did that come back? That was supposed to be drummed out of you by now. You need a refresher course.", "(Lights comes on around a wrestling ring. Two demons take Tom away.)", "[Cut back to Kellman's office. Piper picks up a soccer ball.]", "Piper: This is weird. So Kellman poses as a human and then what? Gives athletes a way out of their problems?", "Phoebe: Yeah, a demonic way out.", "Prue: Alright, what about your lost and found spell? Do you think you could rewrite it to find Tom?", "Phoebe: Maybe. Uh, how about, \"Show me the past that I cannot find, to save Tom and restore Prue's piece of mind.\"", "(The elevator appears.)", "Piper: Oh, whoa.", "Prue: Way to go, Pheebs.", "[Cut to the underground. A guy and a really large wrestler are in the ring. The wrestler starts throwing the guy around.]", "[Cut back to the office. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are standing in the elevator.]", "Piper: Remind me again why we are doing this.", "Phoebe: Because your sisters have a thing for saving bad boys.", "Piper: If I die before I get married, I'm gonna be really mad at the two of you.", "(They get on the elevator and it goes down to the underground. The doors open.)", "Phoebe: Oh god.", "Piper: Okay, I'd still like to point out that I have a really bad feeling about this. (They walk out of the elevator and see them wrestling.) What the...?", "Phoebe: Oh, no.", "Wrestler: I'm the man!", "(The wrestler holds the guy on the mat and a hole opens up beneath him. The guy falls into the flames.)", "Kellman: Next!", "(Tom goes in the ring.)", "Prue: Tom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Continued from before.]", "Prue: Tom.", "(Prue starts to walk over but Phoebe and Piper stop her.)", "Piper: Hey, hey, hey, hey!", "Phoebe: Whoa!", "Piper: Are you nuts?", "Phoebe: Maybe we need to go back up top and rethink this whole thing.", "Prue: Oh, well, you know what, Phoebe? That would be such a great plan if Tom weren't seconds away from annihilation.", "Phoebe: Okay, so we're supposed to risk our lives to save a demon? Of course, it's okay now that it's your demon, right?", "Piper: The thing is, isn't it silly for the three of us to sacrifice ourselves for one guy, whatever kind of guy he was?", "Prue: Alright, what kind of witches would we be if we started playing the odds, if we started picking and choosing our innocents? I mean, this is what we do, isn't it?", "Phoebe: Then let's do it.", "Prue: Okay.", "Piper: But...", "Prue: Tom!", "(The men start to run over to them and Piper freezes them all but Kellman, Tom and the wrestler. Kellman makes a ball with three sharp blades sticking out of it hover near Tom.)", "Kellman: Your little parlour tricks may work on some of the newer boys but the rest of us will be a little tougher.", "(He pulls up his sleeve to reveal eight chevrons on his arm.)", "[Cut to the police station. Darryl's in a room looking through a file cabinet. Leo orbs in. Darryl quickly shuts the door.]", "Darryl: Man, you can't do that around here!", "Leo: I can't sense the girls anywhere, which is never good. Do you know where they might be?", "Darryl: They were tailing their demon, hoping he would lead them to his... bigger demon.", "Leo: Do you know who that is?", "Darryl: Prue asked me to check a manager named Kellman. He paid all of Tom's bills after he disappeared, but...", "Leo: He could be a recruiter. Do you have an address?", "(Darryl hands Leo a file.)", "Darryl: Do you think Kellman's a demon? Well, what kind of powers do you think we should expect? (Leo looks at the file and orbs out.) Oh, see, okay, now that ain't right.", "[Cut back to the underground.]", "Kellman: You girls are way out of your league down here. You have no idea.", "Prue: Well, we know that you have a deadline, Mr. Kellman. Time to deliver your recruits?", "Kellman: And you think you can stop me, hmm? Think you can save him? I kind of admire that level of arrogance.", "Prue: Thanks. We kind of like to think of it as confidence.", "Kellman: Well, get over it. He's lost.", "Tom: I made a deal. I stand by it.", "(The sharp ball disappears. Tom gets out of the ring and stands next to Kellman.)", "Kellman: Now, you see that? Now, that's what I call a quick recovery, huh? Knocked the humanity right out of him and we got a perfect kill for him too.", "Piper: Uh, not if we put him on ice. (Piper freezes him.) Kind of hard to make him kill an innocent now, huh?", "Kellman: Unfreeze him.", "Piper: Nope.", "(Kellman walks towards Piper.)", "Piper: Ah! If anything happens to me, he's gonna stay that way.", "Phoebe: (whispers) Is that true?", "Piper: (whispers) Yes.", "Kellman: You're bluffing.", "Prue: Are we?", "Kellman: I'm listening.", "Prue: Alright, how about three witches in exchange for Tom's soul?", "Phoebe: Prue!", "Prue: If we win, we get Tom back. If we lose, you get Tom and the three of us. Risk one to gain four.", "Kellman: You really think you can win in the ring?", "Prue: Well, you know, we don't really have much of a choice. But if we do win, we don't go into the training program. We go free.", "Kellman: Did your homework. Okay, you got a deal. You win, you go free. But if you lose, you die. I can't control what happens in the ring, only the source can.", "Prue: Understood.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe move away and take off their coats.)", "Piper: Hey, you that bad feeling I was talking about? It's getting stronger.", "Prue: Alright, you need to stay here and keep Tom frozen, okay?", "Piper: I hate this crappy freezing power!", "Prue: Okay, our powers seem to have a limited effect on these guys. So we're gonna have to outmaneuver them.", "Phoebe: And outsmart them and keep our shoulders off the mat. Piece of cake.", "Prue: So I guess we're as ready as we're ever gonna be.", "Phoebe: Uh, Prue, there's one more thing.", "Piper: Now? Now is your perfect moment?", "Phoebe: Piper, we might die in there.", "Piper: That doesn't mean you should tell her now.", "Prue: Okay, tell me what?", "Phoebe: Cole is still alive. I never really vanquished him.", "Prue: What?", "Kellman: By the way, since you're witches, I think it's only fair that I even the playing field.", "(Two very large wrestlers come out.)", "Wrestler #2: (yelling) You look at this face! This is the face of pain and I'm the bringer of pain! And I'm gonna destroy you! You can cry for mercy but I don't know the meaning of the word!", "Prue: Alright, and people think this is entertainment.", "Phoebe: Prue...", "(Phoebe touches Prue's arm and she pulls away.)", "Prue: Ooh!", "Phoebe: Are we okay?", "Prue: Not by a long shot. Look, Phoebe, it you waited till now to tell me about Cole in hopes that we would die and you wouldn't have to deal with me, you have another thing coming.", "(Prue walk away.)", "Phoebe: (to Piper) I think that went well.", "(Prue and Phoebe go into the ring.)", "Prue: Alright, I am going to win this fight and save your ass. That way I can kick it myself later.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: Oh boy, oh boy.", "(Prue jumps up and kicks both of the wrestlers in the head.)", "Phoebe: Wow.", "(They all start fighting.)", "Piper: Okay, oh god, oh god, come on, do something! Get angry! Focus! Get motivated! Prue, listen to me. She lied to you big time. Big time lied to you. Come on, get angry! Come on, or else we're in big deep. Phoebe, she thinks you're a weakling, like, big time sucker for love. Oh god!", "(Kellman puts the sharp ball in Piper's back. She falls to the floor. Everyone unfreezes.)", "Prue: Piper!", "Kellman: Called your bluff.", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(The wrestlers continue to beat up Prue and Phoebe.)", "Kellman: (to Tom) Let's go see how mum's doing, shall we? Clever. Yeah, baby.", "(One of the wrestlers holds Phoebe down on the mat. The hole starts to open.)", "Phoebe: No! Aah, Prue!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Underground. Continued from before. Prue kicks both the wrestlers and helps Phoebe up.]", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Prue: Alright, we have to save Piper.", "Phoebe: How do we do that?", "Prue: By kicking ass. (They kick the wrestlers in the head and they fall on the mat. Prue and Phoebe hold the wrestlers down. The hold starts to open.) Alright, 1, 2, 3.", "(Prue and Phoebe move out of the way and the wrestlers fall down the hole. Prue and Phoebe run over to Piper.)", "Prue: Anyone else want a piece of this?", "(The demons run away.)", "Phoebe: Prue, it looks really bad. I don't know if we're gonna make it to Leo.", "Prue: Yeah, we will, come on.", "(They drag her to the elevator.)", "[Cut to Kellman's office. Leo's there looking through his stuff. Prue and Phoebe carry Piper out of the elevator.]", "Phoebe: Leo!", "Leo: What happened?", "Prue: Hurry! I think she's stopped breathing.", "(They lay her on the ground and Leo pulls out the sharp ball. He starts to heal her.)", "Leo: It's working.", "Phoebe: Okay, not that I'm not thrilled to see you, but what are you doing here, Leo?", "Leo: I was looking for you. I thought I'd start with Kellman.", "Phoebe: He's the recruiter.", "Leo: I figured. The Elders think the key to destroying him is to turn one of his recruits against him.", "Phoebe: So first we have to figure out a way to save Tom.", "Prue: Alright, so I'll call Morris, get him to bring Tom's mum to the manor. Then we just have to figure out a way to get Tom there.", "Phoebe: Wait, you want them in the same house?", "Prue: Yeah, she's gotta be the key to saving him, otherwise why would Kellman want Tom to kill her?", "Phoebe: Okay, well, maybe I could figure out a way to tweak the lost and found spell again, lure him to the house and after all, Tom's a lost soul, right?", "Prue: She gonna be okay?", "Leo: Yeah, go. I'll take care of Piper.", "Prue: You sure?", "Leo: Yeah.", "(Prue and Phoebe walk outside.)", "Phoebe: Prue, maybe we should talk about this first.", "Prue: Yeah, we'll have to figure how to take out Kellman on the way.", "Phoebe: That's not what I meant.", "Prue: Now's not really the time, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Prue, what if we don't have any time? Look, we may not be able to defeat Kellman. We could lose.", "Prue: We won't lose.", "Phoebe: How do you know that, Prue? All you want to do is save Tom, which is all I wanted to do for Cole.", "Prue: Okay, Phoebe, don't try and turn this around on me, alright? I'm not the one who kept secrets from you.", "Phoebe: I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't understand. You hated Cole.", "Prue: No, I didn't trust him, and I was right.", "Phoebe: You never gave him a chance.", "Prue: He didn't deserve a chance.", "Phoebe: Oh, and what makes Tom deserve a chance?", "Prue: Because he started out good. He didn't start out trying to kill us. Can we talk about this later?", "[Cut back to Kellman's office. Leo heals Piper.]", "Piper: Hey, guess what? I found mum's ring. (She sits up.) Ooh.", "(They hug.)", "[Scene: Outside Mrs. Peters' place. Mrs. Peters gets some groceries out of her car. Darryl pulls up and walks over to her.]", "Darryl: Mrs. Peters? Detective Morris, San Francisco P.D.", "Mrs. Peters: Tom?", "[Cut to the manor. Rasputin is on the couch barking at eerie noises. Darryl and Mrs. Peters walk in.]", "Mrs. Peters: What was that? What are those noises?", "Darryl: I'm not quite sure.", "(Prue and Phoebe come in.)", "Prue: Thanks for coming, Mrs. Peters.", "Mrs. Peters: But I don't understand.", "Prue: You will soon. Any sign of Kellman?", "Darryl: No, but there are plenty of other signs.", "Phoebe: Uh-oh, seems like some lost souls were found.", "Prue: Yeah, we need to reverse this spell quick.", "Mrs. Peters: Where's Tom? (Kellman and Tom walk in.) Tom!", "(Darryl stops Mrs. Peters from going over to him.)", "Darryl: No!", "Kellman: How did you...", "Prue: 'Cause we're not done with you yet.", "Kellman: I told you it was too late to save Tom. But thank you for leading us to the victim. Kill her, Tom.", "(Tom throws a fireball at his mother. Darryl pushes her out of the way. Prue uses her power on Kellman.)", "Prue: Listen to me. Look at your mother. Remember what it felt like to be human. Remember what it feels like to be loved.", "(Kellman makes the sharp ball appear near Mrs. Peters' neck. The lost souls fly around the room.)", "Phoebe: Prue, we're about to have other problems from other worlds.", "Mrs. Peters: Tom? Help me!", "Kellman: Kill her, damn it.", "(Tom goes over and grabs onto the ball. He hesitates and then throws it at Kelllman. The lost souls fly around him.)", "Phoebe: What the hell is happening?", "Prue: I think there are some lost souls welcoming a new friend. Get rid of them.", "Phoebe: \"I return what I didn't want to find, let it be out of sight, out of mind.\"", "(Kellman is vanquished and the souls disappear. Tom's chevrons disappear.)", "Tom: Mum. Mum, I'm so sorry.", "(They hug.)", "Mrs. Peters: Oh! Oh, Tommy! It's alright. Everything's alright.", "Phoebe: I guess some guys are worth saving after all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there. They are looking at their mother's ring which is now on Piper's finger.]", "Piper: Isn't that beautiful?", "Prue: Yes, and it's right where it belongs. So is Tom, by the way, at home with his mum.", "Leo: And I got Rasputin back to the family he was living with.", "Phoebe: So maybe the spell wasn't such a bad thing after all.", "Piper: Are you kidding? We're gonna have to hold a huge garage sale every Saturday for like the next three months to get rid of all the stuff that came back here.", "Leo: Yeah. Who knows what trouble may be caused if those lost souls had stayed around.", "Phoebe: Okay, okay, I will fix it. You guys go and have a nice dinner. (Piper and Leo leave the manor. Prue and Phoebe walk in the living room. Phoebe burns the spell in the fireplace.) So now everything's back to normal.", "Prue: What about your hair?", "Phoebe: Mmm, I'm tempted to keep it but I don't know, I think the blonde's coming back.", "Prue: Is anything else?", "Phoebe: No. You were right about Tom and I was wrong about Cole. I'm sorry.", "Prue: And you think that just takes care of it? I'm sorry?", "Phoebe: Well, obviously an apology doesn't fix it, but I'm not stupid, Prue, I know that I made a bad choice.", "Prue: A choice that betrayed us.", "Phoebe: I didn't do it to betray you, Prue, I did it out of love.", "Prue: Right. Love. Love that almost got all of us killed.", "Phoebe: You wanted to save Tom after, I don't know, how many years? Why can't you understand how I felt about Cole?", "Prue: Phoebe, what I don't understand is how you could have lied to us. Piper and me, a lie, that still poses a threat to all three of us.", "Phoebe: Where do we go from here?", "Prue: I don't know." ]
Wrestling with Demons
[ "A demon tricks Prue into marrying him, with the hope that he'll turn her, Piper, and Phoebe evil and ultimately cause the Book of Shadows to flow towards evil magic. When Piper and Phoebe discover this, Phoebe turns to a recently returned Cole for help in saving Prue before it's too late." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Phoebe is lying on her bed eating popcorn and watching \"Kill It Before It Dies\".]", "Sally Mae: (on TV) Oh, Billy! Please don't leave me alone! Aah!", "Billy: (on TV) Guess who?", "Sally Mae: Oh! Is it really over?", "Billy: Yes, Sally Mae, it is.", "Sally Mae: Really and truly?", "Billy: I'm here now, and as long as I'm with you, everything's gonna be A-OK.", "Sally Mae: Promise?", "Billy: Promise.", "Sally Mae: You're my hero, Billy.", "Billy: And I think you're swell, Sally Mae.", "(Billy and Sally Mae go off screen and Cole shimmers in the TV. Phoebe looks closer at the TV.)", "Phoebe: Cole?", "Cole: Phoebe, hi. Just a little trick I learned from the demon of illusion.", "Phoebe: But what...", "Cole: Am I doing here? Uh, I wasn't sure how you'd react. Thought this might be a safer way of letting you know I was back... for good.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: P3. Prue and Justin walk outside. It's the end of their date.]", "Prue: So, um, I had a really good time tonight, Justin.", "Justin: Did you? I mean, really? The reason I ask is that you seemed kind of quiet.", "Prue: No, it's just that, you know, I've got a lot on my mind with Piper getting married and everything.", "Justin: Sure, 'course, if I was the paranoid type, I would be thinking it was because of me.", "Prue: Don't be ridiculous.", "Justin: So are we still on for lunch?", "Prue: Yeah, pick me up at 1:00.", "Justin: It's a date.", "Prue: Okay.", "(They kiss awkwardly.)", "Justin: Good night.", "Prue: Night.", "(Justin leaves. Prue walks back inside. A man is watching her near by.)", "[Cut inside. Prue walks up to Piper and Leo who are sitting at the bar.]", "Prue: Hey.", "(Piper looks at her watch.)", "Piper: Gee, Prue, it's only 9:00 and your date's already over? How very Disney of you.", "Prue: Justin has a meeting early in the morning.", "Piper: I see. So did you decide if you're going to invite him to the wedding?", "Prue: No, I'm stalling. Oh, you know, he's a nice guy, he's sweet, but he's just so predictable, you know? There's no mystery, no savoir-faire. (Prue puts on some lipstick.) You know, besides, a wedding invite definitely makes a statement.", "Leo: That he can tie a bow tie?", "Prue: No, that the relationship is serious, you know? That it's going somewhere. All that built-in romance, mingling with the family, hidden tensions.", "Leo: All the more reason to have a nice, simple, private wedding.", "Piper: Nice try, mister. Okay, the wedding planner, tomorrow at 11:00, no getting out of it, no orbing out of it, nothing. Don't even try it.", "(Piper goes to the bathroom. The man watching before pretends to be on the phone as Piper walks past. He shape-shifts into Piper.)", "[Cut back to Prue and Leo.]", "Leo: I don't know. I just don't want to set her up for a big disappointment. I mean, how do you have a normal wedding when a ghost'll be presiding and the groom's dead?", "Prue: Leo, don't even try to figure it out, alright? It's a Cinderella complex. Every girl goes through it. I've been dreaming of this day my entire life.", "Leo: Piper's wedding?", "(Prue slaps his arm lightly.)", "Prue: No, mine. I mean, I'm the oldest. I'm supposed to do everything first. I'm supposed to talk first and get braces and get a boyfriend and find a husband.", "(Shape-shifter Piper walks up to them.)", "Shape-shifter Piper: Hey, Prue. Can I borrow your lipstick?", "Prue: What?", "Shapeshifter Piper: Lipstick. I'm out. Do you mind?", "Prue: Sure, knock yourself out. (Piper takes it and walks away.) You're welcome!", "(The shape-shifter shape-shifts back into himself.)", "[Cut back to Prue and Leo.]", "Leo: Listen, speaking of Phoebe, don't you think it's time to let her off the hook a little? I mean, she came clean about Cole.", "Prue: Leo, you can't just pretend to vanquish a demon and then two months later say, gee guys, I'm sorry, I didn't.", "Leo: I know, but for what it's worth, I don't think she wants him back in her life anymore.", "Prue: Maybe not, but that doesn't mean he's not gonna try and kill us again.", "[Scene: At an altar. The shape-shifter (Zile) kneels down in front of the altar. A priestess, Dantalian, appears in front of him.]", "Zile: Dantalian. Priestess Dantalian.", "(He stands up.)", "Dantalian: Were you successful?", "Zile: She's as beautiful as you said she'd be.", "(He hands her the lipstick.)", "Dantalian: You're certain this has touched her lips?", "Zile: Absolutely. I watched her all night. Not to be ungrateful, but what do you get out of making Prue Halliwell my wife?", "Dantalian: I'm a humble servant of the Source, Zile. I get nothing other than the benefits we all reap whenever good is turned evil.", "Zile: Still, for all the unions you've consecrated, it seems you should get something, especially for this one.", "(Dantalian places a small scorpion in a bowl.)", "Dantalian: There is a spoil that intrigues me. The Halliwell Book of Shadows is said to be the most magical of all tomes.", "Zile: The witch's Book of Shadows? That shouldn't be too hard to get.", "Dantalian: This one is. Evil can't touch it, although turning Prue evil should turn her sisters and their Book evil as well. Their magic interconnected.", "Zile: Well, then I'll get it for you myself, as a token of my gratitude.", "Dantalian: First things first. Getting the witch here so I can perform the ceremony. That's what this potion is for. (She wipes some potion on Zile's lips.) Kiss her, and it paralyzes her. After I bind you in marriage, she'll fall into a deep sleep where the transformation to evil will occur.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Leo and the two wedding planners are standing in the foyer. Piper walks down the stairs.]", "Piper: Okay, so the more traditional the better as far as I'm concerned. The wedding march starts, and I come down the stairs.", "Female Planner: So, no flower girl?", "Piper: Uh, I don't know. Do I?", "Prue: Well, unless you want to ask Kate down the street.", "Leo: Great idea. Maybe she can bring some of her fairy friends. Or trolls, even better.", "Female Planner: Trolls?", "Piper: Uh...", "Prue: Right, trolls, uh, our father's side of the family is very short.", "Piper: Right, let's skip the flower girl.", "Prue: Right.", "Female Planner: Well, I think we should at least dress the banister with garlands. Maybe even carry the floral theme all the way to the altar. How many guests are you planning on?", "Piper: Uh, let me think. Fifty, sixty.", "Leo: Sixty? Like who?", "Piper: Well, there's all the people from P3, friends and Darryl and dad, mum.", "Prue: Uh, mum? Piper, I don't really think that you can count her.", "Male Planner: We'll have to if she's going to eat.", "Prue: Oh, trust me, she won't be eating.", "Female Planner: I thought your mother passed on.", "Prue: Mmm hmm.", "Piper: Right, she did. Um, I just I meant I hope she's there in spirit.", "Female Planner: Oh.", "Male Planner: You're right, that doesn't count. (He scribbles something out on his notepad.) Now, have you thought of what kind of hor d'eouvres you'd like by any chance?", "Piper: Um...", "Leo: Pigs in a blanket.", "(Piper laughs.)", "Piper: Leo, I was, I was hoping for something a little bit more elegant.", "(The phone rings.)", "Prue: I'll get that.", "Piper: Excuse us.", "(Prue answers the phone. Leo and Piper go into another room.)", "Female Planner: We still need to place the ice sculpture.", "Prue: (on phone) Hello?", "[Cut to Piper and Leo.]", "Piper: What is the matter with you? Why are you doing this?", "Leo: Because this is a disaster waiting to happen, that's why.", "Piper: Oh! Well, keep that up and it will be.", "Leo: Piper, I love you, and I want nothing more for you than to have your dream wedding, but you are kidding yourself with this. We don't need wedding planners. We just need us.", "Piper: You may not need wedding planners, but I do. I don't want to have to worry about anything. And therefore, if I have to fight a demon in the morning, I know that the flowers will still be there on time.", "Leo: It's not the flowers that I'm worried about. It's the guests, as in how do we explain everything to them? I mean, a Whitelighter marrying a witch is hardly traditional.", "Piper: Obviously.", "[Cut to Prue.]", "Prue: (on phone) Okay, Justin, I'll meet you there. Bye.", "(Prue hangs up. Phoebe walks past.)", "Prue: Hey, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I'm running late for school.", "Prue: Okay, do you want a ride?", "Phoebe: Isn't Justin picking you up for lunch?", "Prue: Well, his car broke down, so I'm meeting him here and I thought that, uh, we could talk. You know, try and put this whole Cole situation behind us.", "Phoebe: I gotta go.", "(She leaves. Piper comes back in.)", "Piper: Okay, tell me the truth. Do you think I'm overdoing it with the wedding stuff? Hello?", "Prue: Uh, okay, why is Phoebe going to school without her books?", "Piper: Okay, why is Prue not answering Piper's question?", "Prue: Maybe because she doesn't want both of her sisters not speaking to her. Um, okay, I have to go meet Justin. Can I have my lipstick back?", "Piper: What lipstick?", "Prue: The one that you borrowed last night at the club.", "Piper: Wasn't me.", "Prue: Right, I must've gotten you confused with another Piper. Okay, you have fun with what's going on here, 'cause it, it looks great. Okay, bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cemetery. Phoebe walks in the mausoleum.]", "Phoebe: Cole?", "Cole: Phoebe? (He comes out from behind a crypt and walks over to her.) I knew you'd know where to find me.", "(Phoebe punches him in the face.)", "Phoebe: That is for ruining my favourite movie and, oh yeah, my life too.", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I don't want to hear it, Cole. I'm over you. I want nothing to do with you anymore.", "Cole: I don't believe that.", "Phoebe: Oh yeah? Well, believe it because if I ever see you again, I'm gonna do what I should've done a long time ago, which is vanquish your sorry ass.", "Cole: Apparently distance hasn't exactly made the heart grow fonder.", "Phoebe: Huh.", "(She turns to leave.)", "Cole: Phoebe, wait. Hey! (Phoebe stops.) Look, I took a huge risk coming out in the open and contacting you. The least you can do is hear me out. (She turns back around.) I've been hiding this whole time, shimmering from realm to realm to realm to keep the Source from realizing you didn't vanquish my sorry ass. You're the only one who knows I'm alive.", "Phoebe: Actually that's not true. I couldn't keep lying to my sisters. I had to tell them.", "Cole: Okay, that's okay, I understand. As long as you didn't tell Leo. (Phoebe looks away.) Oh, for god's sake, Phoebe. Why didn't you just put an ad in the paper, tell the whole damn world!", "Phoebe: You know what? Maybe I should have.", "Cole: I've risked my life for you, Phoebe. My soul. I've put myself in more danger coming back here than you could possibly imagine because I want to try and figure out how to make this work between us.", "Phoebe: Good and evil can't work together.", "Cole: We did before.", "Phoebe: I learned from my mistakes.", "Cole: So did I. Phoebe, I can suppress my demonic half just like I suppressed my human half before we met. I can be good. You've seen that. And if you know I can, then why can't we be together?", "Phoebe: It's too late.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: Restaurant. Prue is sitting at a table. Justin walks in, tells the waiter something, and then walks over to Prue.]", "Justin: Hey.", "Prue: Hey.", "Justin: Sorry about my car.", "Prue: Oh, that's okay. (He kisses her hand.) Not a problem.", "Justin: What?", "Prue: Nothing.", "(Justin sits down.)", "Justin: You know, I really should sell that old thing but, I don't know, I kind of like having something not so predictable in this day and age. Know what I mean?", "Prue: Right. So, you don't think of yourself as predictable?", "Justin: Me?", "(The waiter approaches them holding a bottle of wine.)", "Waiter: Pardon me. Beringer, private reserve?", "Justin: Yes, thank you. Predictable? Hardly.", "Prue: Right.", "[Cut to the manor. Justin is outside waiting on the porch. Phoebe walks up the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Hey, Justin.", "Justin: Hey.", "Phoebe: What are you doing here?", "Justin: I'm picking up Prue for lunch.", "(Phoebe walks inside and Justin follows.)", "Phoebe: Piper!", "Justin: Is something wrong?", "Phoebe: I'm not sure.", "Piper: What's up?", "Phoebe: Where's Prue?", "Piper: I don't know. At the restaurant, I guess.", "Phoebe: Supposedly meeting Justin.", "Justin: No, I told her I'd pick her up here.", "Phoebe: Okay, so you didn't call this morning and tell her that your car broke down and you'd meet her there?", "Justin: No.", "(Piper and Phoebe exchange looks.)", "[Cut back to the restaurant. Justin pours some wine in Prue's glass.]", "Prue: Oh, no, no. I have to work this afternoon.", "Justin: So your photographs are a little fuzzy. Call it avant-garde.", "Prue: Oh.", "(Her phone rings. She goes to answer it but Justin stops her.)", "Justin: How important can it be?", "(She turns off her phone.)", "Prue: What?", "Justin: Can I ask you a favour?", "Prue: Sure.", "Justin: Last night when we kissed goodbye, it was, I don't know, not great.", "Prue: Yeah.", "Justin: How about we try it again, see if we can do it a little better? Come on. What's the worst that could happen?", "(They lean over and kiss. The surroundings change into Dantalian's altar. They end the kiss.)", "Prue: Where am I? I can't move.", "Justin: My apologies.", "(Justin shapeshifts into Zile.)", "Dantalian: It's true. Every bride is beautiful on her wedding day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Phoebe's at the table scrying for Prue. Piper comes in carrying the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: Find her?", "Phoebe: Not yet.", "Piper: We're screwed.", "Phoebe: Not yet.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Piper: Leo, what did you find out?", "Leo: Nothing.", "Phoebe: Okay, now we're screwed.", "Piper: Nothing on the map, nothing in the Book. Leo, somebody must know something.", "Leo: Well, the Elders support your shape-shifting warlock theory, but they can't get a clear read on the situation.", "Phoebe: Wait, so Prue's vanished from your radar and something's jamming theirs?", "Leo: Something like that. But she can't be dead. They'd be able to sense that no matter how evil is interfering.", "Phoebe: Okay, then what's going on? What are we up against?", "Piper: Something powerful enough to keep us from finding her.", "Leo: Well, you knew as your powers grew, the evils would too.", "Piper: Yeah, but so powerful that we can't figure out who they are, let enough how to fight them? That sucks.", "Leo: What we need to figure out is why a warlock wants Prue alive.", "Phoebe: Well, it can't just be for her powers. I mean, they wouldn't need to keep her alive to get them.", "Leo: Unless it's an upper-level warlock which wants...", "Phoebe: All of our powers.", "Piper: But we still have the same problem. No idea how to find her.", "Leo: It's too bad you vanquished that demonic bounty hunter. He could've helped.", "(Phoebe gets an idea.)", "Phoebe: Right.", "(Phoebe stands up.)", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: I have a hunch. Wait for me.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "[Cut to Dantalian and Zile. Prue is dressed in black, laying on the altar. Dantalian covers Prue's face with a black veil.]", "Dantalian: Shall we begin?", "Zile: I'm ready.", "Dantalian: I hope so. (She touches their foreheads.) In the beginning, we were damned, and through damnation, we found freedom, power, and purpose. As I unite you today, I remind you of those gifts. (Dantalian ties Zile and Prue's hands together.) And in your union, may these gifts increase your powers may grow in the service of evil. So be it.", "Zile: How long before her transformation is complete?", "Dantalian: Sundown. Can you wait that long?", "Zile: For the power of the Charmed Ones? I can wait a few hours.", "Dantalian: Let me be the first to congratulate you.", "(She kisses him. He is affected by the potion.)", "Zile: Why?", "Dantalian: Because I'm tired of bestowing great power on others. The Halliwell Book of Shadows is the key to unbelievable power for me. Evil will spread from this sister to the other two, from them to the Book, and once the Book is evil, it'll be mine, and I will be unstoppable. (Zile lays down beside Prue.) But know this. I will enjoy killing you all of you.", "[Scene: Mausoleum. Phoebe runs in.]", "Phoebe: Cole? Cole? Uh, please, if you can hear me, I...", "(Cole shimmers in.)", "Cole: I was beginning to think I'd never see you again.", "Phoebe: I'm not here because of us. I need you to help me and if you do, it doesn't change anything between us. You have to know that.", "Cole: Hmm. I'm listening.", "Phoebe: Prue was taken. By a warlock.", "Cole: Do you know which one?", "Phoebe: We think he's a shape-shifter, but the weird thing is, is nobody from our side could get a read on where he's hiding her.", "Cole: Well, that doesn't make sense. Warlocks don't have that kind of power. He must be working with somebody that does. Certain dignitaries have the power to shield their activities. Demonic judges, dark priests, anyone who needs privacy for rituals.", "Phoebe: What kind of rituals? To accomplish what?", "Cole: It's hard to say. Could be anything. They may want your Book. We all want your Book.", "Phoebe: Really.", "Cole: I wanted the Book at first.", "Phoebe: Well, how can we find out who wants it now?", "Cole: I could check around, but I'd risk demons finding out I was still alive. I'm sure there's still a huge bounty on my head.", "Phoebe: I want my sister back.", "Cole: No matter the cost?", "Phoebe: I want my sister back.", "(He stands closer to her.)", "Cole: I'm doing this for you. Know that. (Phoebe turns to leave but turns back around and kisses Cole passionately.) Now I'm really confused.", "Phoebe: Me too. I, uh, I-I don't, I don't know where that came from.", "Cole: Okay, uh, I better go.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Cole: Listen, if you don't hear back from me, I, um, I got caught.", "(Cole shimmers out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper is sitting on the couch flipping through the Book of Shadows. Leo sits down beside her.]", "Leo: I thought you said there was nothing in the Book.", "Piper: Well, now there's just a whole bunch of weirdness in it. Look.", "Leo: Hemlock killing spell? That doesn't belong in here.", "Piper: But it does have possibilities.", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: I'm sorry. I-I don't know what I was...", "(Piper blinks out of the room and blinks back in the kitchen.)", "Leo: Piper?", "Piper: In here, somehow.", "(Leo walks in the kitchen.)", "Leo: I blinked.", "Piper: I did not. Only warlocks do that.", "Leo: Piper, you did it.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Piper: Where have you been?", "Phoebe: Uh, brainstorming. How's it going here?", "Leo: Your sister's blinking.", "Phoebe: I-I'm, I'm sorry, what?", "Piper: Okay, I admit it, it was definitely weird, but it was kinda fun. I was, I was in there and I was thinking about the kitchen and then suddenly, boom! Here I was.", "Phoebe: That is so cool.", "Leo: Except that it's a warlocks power.", "Phoebe: So what? They're always trying to get ours, it's about time we got one of theirs.", "Piper: Try it, Pheebs.", "Phoebe: Okay, what do I do? Just think?", "Piper: And blink.", "(Phoebe blinks out of the kitchen and so does Piper.)", "[Cut to another room in the house.]", "Piper: Catch us if you can!", "(Leo walks in.)", "Phoebe: Have you tried it yet, Leo? It's a real head rush.", "Leo: Do you realise how serious this is? You're blinking, the Book is changing.", "Piper: Maybe we're blinking because of the Book.", "Leo: The Book is changing because of you. It is an extension of you.", "Piper: Huh. I should care about that, but I don't.", "(Piper and Phoebe walk out of the room and Leo follows.)", "Leo: This is what I was afraid of. Whoever's got Prue is somehow reaching you too.", "Phoebe: Okay, Leo, I could tell this really upsets you, but I gotta tell you, I really like this whole think-it-and-it-happens deal. I mean, think of the time we could save not chanting.", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "Leo: Piper, Phoebe, you have to fight this.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: Or we could answer the door.", "(Piper heads towards the door.)", "Leo: For Prue's sake, stop.", "Piper: Don't tell me what to do.", "Leo: Phoebe, I need your help.", "Phoebe: I am so tired of helping people.", "(Piper opens the door and the planners are there.)", "Female Planner: So glad you're home. We have some new floral sketches we'd like you to see.", "Leo: Now's not really a good time.", "Piper: They're welcome to come in, Leo.", "Male Planner: I revisited the dinner menu, Piper, and you are going to be thrilled. I have some dynamic choices that I...", "Piper: I want pigs in blankets.", "(The planners laugh.)", "Female Planner: It's nice to see a bride who still has a sense of humour this close to the big day.", "Piper: No, I want pigs in blankets.", "(Piper turns the male planner into a pig dressed in a blanket. The female planner screams. Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Marie seems very scared.", "Piper: I always had her pegged as an ice queen.", "Phoebe: Oh! What a great idea.", "(Piper covers Marie in ice.)", "Piper: Now there's a freezing power with kick.", "Leo: Have you guys lost your minds?", "Phoebe: Oh, Leo, get on board. Whatever it is, this is fabulous. You can't imagine the freedom, the power.", "Leo: Phoebe, that is evil talking. You have to fight it.", "Phoebe: What did you ever see in him.", "Piper: I don't know. He is kind of a stick in the mud, isn't he?", "Phoebe: Oh, another great idea. May I?", "Piper: Be my guest.", "Leo: Alright, think about the power of three.", "(Phoebe turns Leo into a stick in a bucket of mud.)", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Piper: Hmm.", "Phoebe: Look at all the fun we've been missing.", "Piper: And this is just the beginning.", "Phoebe: See ya, Leo.", "(They walk away.)", "[Cut to the altar. Dantalian uncovers Prue's face.]", "Dantalian: Just the beginning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper and Phoebe walk into the foyer. Phoebe is holding a butcher's knife. They crouch down beside the pig.]", "Phoebe: Oh, you know, it's your wedding. Shouldn't the first kill be yours?", "Piper: This is too easy. It's boring. I want to do something bigger.", "(They stand up.)", "Phoebe: Count me in.", "Piper: You know, if what's happening to us is happening to Prue...", "Phoebe: The the power of three can be truly amazing. We have to find her.", "Piper: But first we need to clean house.", "(Piper changes the pig back into the male planner and unfreezes Marie.)", "Male Planner: I'm sorry, (snorts) what were you saying?", "Piper: You're fired!", "(Using telekinesis, Phoebe opens the front door and the planners get pushes outside. She closes the door. Piper and Phoebe turn around.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no. What are we gonna do with the stick in the mud?", "Piper: Wait, I think we can have some fun with it.", "(Piper changes the bucket back into Leo.)", "Leo: What happened to Craig and Marie?", "Piper: Oh, they flew right outta here. Scared the hell out of them.", "Phoebe: Leo, we need to find Prue.", "Leo: Good, Phoebe, focus on that. It'll help you resist the evil.", "Phoebe: The only thing we're resisting is the desire to rip you to pieces and have you for lunch.", "Piper: But if you help us find Prue, we'll leave you alone, for the moment.", "(The Elders call Leo.)", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Piper: Oh, Leo, ignore them. What do they know? They're backing a losing team.", "Leo: They're revoking my assignment.", "Piper: What? They can't do that. You haven't done anything wrong... yet.", "Leo: You did. You gave into evil. You've relinquished your right to a Whitelighter. I'm sorry.", "(He orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Well.", "Piper: Oh, no, he's gone. We're free.", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Piper: No more obeying the rules, considering the consequences, none of that crap.", "Phoebe: Time to find Prue and go for broke.", "(Phoebe heads upstairs.)", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: Well, I can't wreak havoc dressed like this.", "Piper: Oh.", "(Piper looks down at what she's wearing.)", "[Cut to Phoebe's room. Phoebe walks in. Cole comes out from behind the door and closes it. Phoebe turns around.]", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Cole, you're okay.", "Cole: Yeah, barely.", "Phoebe: Any demons spot you?", "Cole: Just one.", "Phoebe: Oh no.", "Cole: Don't worry. See, he won't be telling anybody anything.", "Phoebe: The big bad Belthazor strikes again.", "Cole: Not anything I'm proud of.", "Phoebe: Why not? You should be.", "(Phoebe kisses him.)", "Cole: Phoebe, if what I found out is true, Prue's in serious trouble. She's been forced to marry a warlock.", "Phoebe: Figures that bitch would steal Piper's thunder.", "Cole: No, you don't understand. A high level priestess named Dantalian is rumoured to have married them. (Phoebe starts untying her top.) And she's got the power to turn Prue evil and turn you evil too. That's what's happening here.", "Phoebe: So? Isn't that the way you want me?", "(Phoebe kisses him passionately.)", "Cole: Mmm, no. That is not how I want you to be. It's not how I want us to be. Our only chance is if we're both good.", "Phoebe: Love is love.", "Cole: There's no such thing as evil love. It's just gratification, lust.", "Phoebe: You know what, Cole? Your human half is kind of preachy. I think I want Belthazor back.", "Cole: He's not coming back.", "Phoebe: Oh, no? (Phoebe knees him in the stomach.) I! (kicks him) want! (kicks him) Belthazor! (kicks him. Cole turns into Belthazor.) That's more like it.", "(Piper knocks on the door.)", "Piper: Phoebe? What are you doing?", "Belthazor: Dantalian's coming for your book. You'd better be ready.", "(Belthazor shimmers out. Piper walks in.)", "Piper: What's going on in here?", "Pheobe: Nothing, unfortunately.", "Piper: I heard voices.", "Phoebe: Oh, did you? Um, I had a premonition. Must have gotten pretty loud.", "Piper: I guess.", "Phoebe: We gotta go. The high priestess that has Prue, supposedly she's coming here.", "(Phoebe walks out of her room.)", "Piper: High prie-- Must have been a hell of a premonition.", "[Cut to the altar. Dantalian is chanting.]", "[Cut to the attic. The triquetra on the Book Of Shadows glows.]", "[Cut back to the altar.]", "Dantalian: It's time.", "[Cut back to the attic. Dantalian appears. She picks up the Book of Shadows.]", "Dantalian: That was easy.", "Piper: Too easy. (Phoebe kicks Dantalian from behind. She falls to the floor. Piper and Phoebe walk over to her. Phoebe is holding a knife.) Where's our sister?", "Dantalian: I can help you. I can teach you evil. You're new at it. You don't know how to realise its full potential.", "Piper: I don't know, I think we're getting the hang of it.", "Phoebe: Wanna see?", "(Phoebe holds the knife closer.)", "Piper: Where's Prue?", "Dantalian: Kill me and you'll never see her again.", "Piper: Hmm, so maybe we should just torture you instead.", "(Piper stands on Dantalian's arm and turns her hand into ice. Dantalian screams.)", "Phoebe: Why don't you just shatter her hand and see what happens.", "(Piper picks up a candlestick.)", "Piper: Last chance. Fine.", "(Piper smashes her hand with the candlestick. Dantalian screams in pain.)", "Phoebe: Now the really weird thing is, we could do that to the other hand and then go down to your feet.", "Piper: Actually, we could work up, piece by piece all the way to her head.", "Phoebe: Where is Prue?", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: I just couldn't leave like that, Piper. (Phoebe and Piper turn to Leo. Dantalian grabs the Book and disappears.) What's going on?", "Phoebe: Well, you just helped her escape, that's what's going on.", "(Piper turns him into ice.)", "Piper: Smash him. (Phoebe hands Piper the knife. Phoebe kicks Leo and he smashes into a million little pieces.) b*st*rd.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Altar. Dantalian is frantically flipping through the Book of Shadows.]", "Dantalian: Death alone will not suffice, my dear bride. Not anymore, not after this. (She finds a page in the Book on a Dark Priestess.) Yes! Welcome to my hell.", "[Cut to the manor. Piper and Phoebe are walking down the stairs.]", "Piper: So what are we supposed to do now?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Kill innocents?", "Piper: No, I mean about Prue. How are we supposed to find her without the Book?", "Phoebe: Shouldn't you be mourning the loss of your beloved Leo?", "Piper: Oh, Phoebe, I'm serious. That was one pissed off priestess. And if she kills Prue, she takes the evil power of three along with her, and we won't stand a chance.", "Phoebe: Good point. We have to find Prue. Wait a minute, we're warlocks, right? We should be able to blink wherever we want.", "Piper: But we don't know where to blink to.", "Phoebe: We don't have to know where, just to who. To Prue. I mean, isn't that how Leo's orbing power worked?", "Piper: Yeah, but his power was jammed. He couldn't find her.", "Phoebe: That's because he was good, and we're evil.", "[Cut to the altar.]", "Dantalian: \"Through this book, weave this spell, create the pain of heaven to hell; may she suffer...\"", "(Piper and Phoebe blink in.)", "Piper: Whoa.", "Phoebe: Are we there yet? (They see Prue.) Prue.", "Dantalian: Too late. I've got the book.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, you knoiw, it takes a while to learn how to use it. Trust us.", "Piper: How about in the meantime, I freeze your head and shatter it?", "(Dantalian chants.)", "Dantalian: I may not be powerful enough to fight you yet, but they are.", "(Prue and Zile awaken.)", "Piper: Whoa, Prue, hey, hi. You don't look so good.", "Phoebe: Oh, but that's a great dress.", "Dantalian: Zile, Prue. Eliminate them.", "Piper: Prue, ignore her. Come on, come with us. We're your sisters.", "Prue: I'm his wife, not your sister.", "(Prue uses her power on them.)", "Piper: Alright, I'll take that as a no.", "Phoebe: Okay, we have to figure out a way to get Prue on our side and fast.", "Piper: How about we get her a divorce?", "(Zile shape-shifts into Prue. They blink out of the scene and then reappear in different places.)", "Dantalian: Dont' want to shatter the wrong sister, now do you?", "Prue #1: I love you.", "Prue #2: Me too.", "Piper: Welcome to Planet Narcissus.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. Cole said that evil can't love.", "Piper: Cole?", "Phoebe: Uh, never mind. The point is she didn't say \"I love you too\". (Dantalian makes a dagger appear in Prue's hand. They walk towards Piper and Phoebe. Phoebe points to a Prue.) Uh, she's the warlock. Freeze her! (Piper turns a Prue into ice.) Well, shatter her. Hurry!", "Dantalian: No! Zile!", "(Piper kicks the frozen Prue. The spell is broken.)", "Prue: What's going on?", "Phoebe: I think we're back. All of us.", "(Piper freezes Dantalian.)", "Piper: The book is back too.", "Prue: Let's go do something good with it.", "(They walk over to the Book and find a spell.)", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: \"Powers of light, magic of right, cast this blight into forever's night.\"", "(Dantalian screams and is vanquished.)", "Prue: Well, that was a wedding from hell. Although, I guess I was the first to get married after all, hmm?", "Piper: Oh, no. Leo.", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: We killed him.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe enter the attic. Piper is crying. She kneels on the floor.]", "Piper: Oh, Leo. (Leo orbs in. Phoebe turns Piper around. Piper gets up and hugs him.) Oh, thank god you're okay.", "Leo: Actually, it had more to do with what you guys did. Vanquishing Zile broke the bond and reversed all the evil you had done.", "Phoebe: I just hope the wedding planners don't remember what we did to them.", "Leo: Unfortunately, they will, but I doubt they'll believe what happened.", "Piper: And unfortunately you will.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, Leo, sorry we killed you.", "Leo: It's okay, Phoebe, it wasn't the real you. Or you, Piper.", "Prue: Wasn't it? I mean, on some level it was me. I felt it. They didn't just plant evil inside of me, or us, for that matter. There had to be something there for them to turn to begin with.", "Leo: That doesn't make you evil, Prue. You have to choose to be evil voluntarily.", "Phoebe: Well, I gotta admit it, it was kind of fun.", "Piper: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Well, it was fun for a while. I mean, to be able to do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted with no consequences.", "Piper: My fiancé being shattered into a gazillion pieces is kind of a consequence.", "Leo: Thank you.", "Piper: Mm.", "Prue: Still, I kinda understand what Phoebe is saying.", "(They all walk out of the attic and down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Wait, you do?", "Prue: Mmm hmm.", "Phoebe: Ooh, am I detecting a thaw in our rift?", "Prue: All I'm saying is if evil weren't enticing, why would there be any? I mean, you know, to pretend that we're never attracted to it, it's like pretending that it just doesn't exist.", "Phoebe: Uh-oh, something tells me Cole's name is about to be brought up.", "Prue: Look, I definitely do not like the fact that you lied to us about vanquishing him, but I have to admit, after taking a trip down the dark side, I sort of understand it a little better. The problem now is that I realise that Justin is just so boring.", "Leo: Well, scratch one name off of the wedding guest list.", "Piper: Actually, scratch them all. I cave. Our lives are just way too bizarre to have any sort of normal wedding. I don't know what I was thinking. Phoebe, by the way, you never mentioned where you got that premonition from.", "Phoebe: What premonition?", "Piper: The one that told us about Dantalian. The one that saved our butts.", "Phoebe: Right. Um, you know, something tells me that you wouldn't believe me if I told you anyway. So let's just say I got in touch with my evil side. Something that I will never do again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Mausoleum. Phoebe walks in. Cole is waiting there.]", "Cole: How'd it go?", "Phoebe: Everything's back to normal again.", "Cole: Good.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Good.", "Cole: It's not enough, is it? What I did doesn't change your mind about us, does it?", "Phoebe: No.", "Cole: Why not?", "Phoebe: It's too complicated.", "Cole: Oh, don't give me that. If nothing else, let's at least be honest with each other. We owe that.", "(Phoebe sighs.)", "Phoebe: I love you and I will always love you. Nothing can change that. It's just the temptation, it's too much. And I can't take that risk, for me or my sisters.", "Cole: Phoebe, I'm telling you, I'm not evil anymore.", "Phoebe: Maybe not on the surface and maybe not even in your heart. But somewhere inside of you, you'll always be. And you can't ever change that. Goodbye.", "(Phoebe starts to leave.)", "Cole: I'm not giving up, Phoebe. (Phoebe leaves.) I'm not going away." ]
Bride and Gloom
[ "After visiting a deserted old ghost town with her father, Phoebe begins to have visions of an American-Indian getting beaten up by a local thug and soon starts receiving the same injuries as the man. When Prue and Piper realize that Phoebe is caught up in a time loop of that town, Prue has to go there and with the help of Cole, save Phoebe and the man before the thug kills them and break the loop." ]
[ "[Scene: A ghost town. A car pulls up. Phoebe and Victor get out. He puts his arm around her and they start walking.]", "Phoebe: Alright, dad, spill it. What are we doing here?", "Victor: What, can't a father spend a little quality time with his daughter? Especially after all the time we've been apart.", "Phoebe: Alright, I take after you, okay. I've inherited all of your tricks, especially your fine art of fibbing.", "Victor: I don't know what you're talking about. Tell me a little bit more about this Leo fellow anyway. How did he and Piper meet?", "Phoebe: Oh, it was a couple of years ago at the house. He was our handyman.", "Victor: Piper's marrying a handyman?", "Phoebe: Well, no, he isn't really a handyman. Wait, you do know...", "Victor: All I know is he's a nice enough guy who seems to know the big bad secret. Trust me, it's a lot better for a mortal to know he's marrying a witch before the wedding instead of after. Wish I had.", "Phoebe: Mortal. Right.", "(Phoebe hears a noise coming from one of the buildings. She looks around. Tumbleweed rolls past and a door slams shut.)", "Victor: What?", "Phoebe: It's nothing. I guess that's why they call it a ghost town, huh?", "Victor: What do you mean? Did you actually see something?", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Victor: I mean, like a premonition, or whatever you call it. Alright, I confess. I brought you here hoping maybe you could give me a little bit of your help. I just didn't know how to ask.", "Phoebe: Magical help? Dad...", "Victor: Well, this place seemed like such a good investment. Too good, actually. Made me think that all the stories were true.", "Phoebe: I'm biting. What stories?", "Victor: Ghost stories. Something's been keeping people from investing and razing this place for over a hundred years.", "Phoebe: So, what, you want me to do a little supernatural inspection?", "Victor: Well, yeah. I thought you could do a little Feng Shui on the place and maybe see if there's anything going on.", "Phoebe: Okay, first of all, I don't do Feng Shui, and secondly, I can't always get a premonition when I want to. (She hears another noise.) Okay, now I definitely heard that.", "Victor: Heard what?", "(She hears a glass bottle being smashed.)", "Phoebe: Okay, you didn't hear that?", "(Suddenly, a cowboy (Bo) gets thrown out of a saloon. Another cowboy walks out.)", "Cowboy: You're a dead man, Bo.", "Phoebe: Can you see them?", "Victor: See who?", "Phoebe: (to cowboys) Hey! Hey, what's going on?", "Cowboy: Nobody crosses Mr. Sutter.", "(The cowboy hits Bo in the face. He flies back right through Phoebe. He runs off and the cowboy shoots at him. They disappear.)", "Victor: Phoebe? Phoebe, what's going on? Sweetheart, you're bleeding.", "Phoebe: I wouldn't buy this place, dad. Really, really bad Feng Shui.", "(She touches her bleeding lip with a handkerchief. A crow squawks near by.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper has set the table. Prue comes in.]", "Prue: Uh, wait a minute. We have one too many place settings.", "Piper: No we don't.", "Prue: Okay, uh, you, me, Leo, Phoebe, dad. That's five, we have six.", "Piper: So?", "Prue: So who is the sixth for?", "Piper: Mmm, maybe, um, mum. What? It's my wedding. At least she could be here in spirit, if nothing else.", "Prue: Yes, she can be.", "(Prue gives her a little hug. Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Wow, looks great. When do we eat?", "Piper: Leo, can't you see we're having a sister moment?", "Leo: Oh, sorry. Do you want me to go?", "Piper: No, I want you to help. This is your rehearsal dinner too, you know.", "Prue: So, Leo, you nervous? I mean, only one more week before dum, dum, dum-dum.", "Piper: Thanks.", "Leo: Well, as long as no demons come bursting through that door, until them, I am fine.", "Victor: (from outside) Prue! Piper!", "(Victor and Phoebe walk through the front door.)", "Piper: (to Leo) You had to jinx it.", "Prue: Hey. Phoebe, what happened?", "Phoebe: Oh, it's nothing, I'm fine. I just need an aspirin.", "Piper: Dad?!", "Victor: I don't know what happened. One minute we're just walking around, the next thing I know she's bleeding.", "Phoebe: I got into a bar brawl. Well, actually, I didn't. Two cowboys did. Bo and some other guy. I didn't catch his name, but I think he was the bad guy, 'cause he was wearing a black hat. Oh, and they were transparent.", "Piper: She must have hit her head.", "Prue: Uh-huh.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I never would have taken you there if I had any idea.", "Phoebe: It's fine, dad. Really, don't worry about it.", "Leo: Here, let me take care of that.", "(Leo holds out his healing hand but Phoebe stops him.)", "Phoebe: No, I'm alright. Dad, why don't you go to the porch and get those town files. You know, maybe there's something in them that can help us.", "Victor: Alright.", "(He goes outside.)", "Phoebe: Dad doesn't know that Leo is a Whitelighter.", "Prue, Leo: What?", "Piper: Well, I've been meaning to tell him, but considering mum had an affair with her Whitelighter, I didn't think he'd be really receptive to the idea.", "Leo: Piper, he's gonna kill me when he finds out.", "Piper: Oh, don't be ridiculous, you're already dead.", "(Victor comes back in carrying a box of files.)", "Victor: Just a lot of investment stuff and background info. I don't see how it's gonna help you find out what happened.", "Phoebe: Well, you're the one that called it a ghost town, and since Bo fell through me and I ended up with the same split lip that he had.", "Prue: Sounds like a ghost to me.", "Leo: It can't be. Ghosts don't bleed.", "Piper: Ahem.", "Leo: I mean, so I've read in books. Obviously it's not my area of expertise.", "Victor: Mine, neither. What do you say we let the supernatural stuff to the pros and go grab a bite?", "Leo: I don't know, Mr. Bennett.", "Prue: Oh.", "(Prue and Piper smile. Prue pats Leo on his back.)", "Victor: Victor, please. It's time you called me Victor, son. Come on.", "Phoebe: I'm fine. Go ahead.", "(Victor and Leo head outside.)", "Piper: Great, now I'm dead.", "Prue: Alright, why don't we just focus on Phoebe and try and figure out what happened.", "Phoebe: I'll get the book.", "Piper: I'll get it and maybe a drink.", "Phoebe: Ow.", "[Cut to a restaurant. Leo and Victor are sitting at a table. A very nervous Leo is gulping down a glass of water.]", "Victor: So, Phoebe says you're a handyman.", "Leo: Oh? Uh, actually, no. I'm a, I'm a doctor. I mean, not a doctor doctor, per se. More of, like, a counselor doctor. I guide people.", "Victor: You make good money?", "Leo: Uh, honestly, no. It's more of a calling.", "Victor: Leo, I think it's time to come clean.", "Leo: You do?", "Victor: Yeah. I need to talk to you about something man to man.", "Leo: Man to man?", "Victor: Well, from one mortal to another. Leo, it's not easy being married to a witch.", "Leo: No.", "Victor: That's why my marriage to Piper's mother didn't work out. It wasn't because I didn't love her, it was because I wasn't prepared for what was to come.", "Leo: Well, I think I'm prepared, sir... I mean, Victor.", "Victor: Don't get me wrong, Leo. I want this marriage to succeed. That's why I'm warning you. But there are dangers out there worse than demons and warlocks. You do know about them, don't you?", "Leo: Well, yeah, sure.", "Victor: Well, the dangers I'm talking about, you're not even gonna see coming. The thing I'm talking about will just sneak up on you and destroy your marriage if you're not careful. Leo, do you know what a Whitelighter is?", "Leo: Uh...", "[Cut back to the manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are in the living room. Piper's looking through the Book of Shadows. Phoebe's lying on the couch. She pulls up the bottom of her blouse to reveal a big bruise.]", "Phoebe: Whoa.", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: Look, I have a huge bruise. (Prue touches it gently.) Ow.", "Prue: Oh. Alright, well, you must have gotten that the same way that you got the split lip from Bo.", "Phoebe: I don't get it. He gets beat up and I get his symptoms? How is that possible?", "Piper: I wish I knew what I was looking for. I mean, if they're not ghosts, then what are they?", "Prue: Well, whatever it is, it's got something to do with the history of that town. You said that they were dressed like cowboys, right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, real cowboys right out of the Old West. Uh, the outlaw said something to Bo about a guy named Sutter. Look him up. Maybe he's a demon.", "Prue: Wait a minute.", "Piper: Did you find something?", "Prue: It's more of what I'm not finding. Alright, nothing is dated past April 25th, 1873. The maps, the land grants, death certificates. It's almost like time just stopped.", "Piper: What do you mean stopped? Like, everybody just died?", "Prue: No, like stopped moving forward, literally. It wouldn't be the first time we've come across a time loop.", "Phoebe: Nah, we vanquished that demon.", "Piper: Wait a minute. (Piper turns to a Time Loop page in the Book.) Well, maybe it's not a demon. Maybe it's a curse. \"Certain spiritual traditions believe that a great evil or great injustice can be cursed into a time loop until righted.\"", "Phoebe: So that is probably why this is happening to me. Our job is to right the wrong.", "Prue: Yeah, well, we better do it before your symptoms get any worse. (The doorbell rings.) I'll get that.", "(Prue gets up and answers the door. Cole stands there holding a bunch of flowers. He looks unshaven. He walks into the foyer.)", "Cole: Hey, Prue, long time. Is Phoebe home?", "(Prue uses her power on him and he flies across the room, landing on a small table. Phoebe and Piper jump up from the couch.)", "Phoebe: What the... Cole, what...?", "(Phoebe goes over to him. Cole stands back up.)", "Cole: Phoebe, hi. Oh, phew. (He shows her the flowers.) These are for you. (She pushes them away.)", "Prue: What the hell are you doing here? Do you have some kind of death wish?", "Cole: I told Phoebe last week that I wasn't giving up on her and I, I meant it.", "Piper: You talked to Phoebe? He talked to you?", "Cole: Uh-huh.", "Prue: You said that he was alive. You never said that he was back.", "Phoebe: It didn't matter because as I told him, I don't want anything to do with him anymore.", "Prue: Oh, well, in that case.", "(Prue goes to use her power on him but Piper stops her.)", "Piper: Hey, hey, hey! I just set that table. We don't have time to buy a new one before dinner.", "Cole: I'm not gonna use my powers against you anyway. In fact, I'm never gonna use them again, ever. It keeps me from being evil.", "Prue: No, you will always be evil, you're a demon.", "Cole: Half-demon. My human half can suppress it if... Phoebe, you're hurt. What happened?", "Phoebe: You know what, Cole? It's none of your business. So, why don't you do yourself a favor and just get...", "(Phoebe has a premonition. In it, the cowboy shoots Bo. Bo throws a knife at the cowboy and he falls to the ground. The premonition ends.)", "Piper: Phoebe?", "(Phoebe falls and Prue and Piper catch her.)", "Prue: Phoebe, what happened?", "(Phoebe lifts her hand. It is covered in blood.)", "Phoebe: I think I've been shot.", "(Prue and Piper look at Cole as Phoebe lays there in pain.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Restaurant. Leo and Victor are still there.]", "Victor: The thing ism they can orb into their charges' lives any time of the day or night... (He pauses as a waitress tops up his coffee.) Without us mortals even knowing about it. You can't trust the Whitelighters, Leo. They're sneaky little bastards.", "Leo: Really? 'Cause Piper says that they're really, really good guys. More of, like, guardian angels.", "Victor: That's the party line, Leo, but don't believe it. You can't trust 'em. They have this tendency to fall in love with their charges. Before you know it, they've stolen your wife. The girls' mother, Patty? She fell for her Whitelighter.", "Leo: Oh, I thought that happened after you two separated?", "Victor: Oh, he was putting the moves on her long before we split up, believe me. Anyway, you know, we never had a chance to get back together because of him. And, um, you know, then she died. Look, my point is, if you wanna...", "(The Elders call Leo.)", "Leo: Uh-oh.", "Victor: What?", "Leo: I have to go now.", "Victor: Go?", "Leo: Yeah, and I don't think you're gonna like the way I have to go, either.", "(Leo orbs out. Victor sits there in shock.)", "[Cut to the manor. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: What the hell are you doing here?", "Prue: Forget about him, Leo. Phoebe's been shot.", "Leo: Shot? How did that happen?", "Prue: There's no time to explain. Can you heal her?", "(Leo starts to heal her.)", "Piper: Where's dad?", "Leo: Seething probably.", "(Leo continues to try and heal her but it doesn't work.)", "Cole: What's the matter, Leo? Why isn't it working?", "Leo: I don't know. Phoebe, you gotta tell me exactly how this happened.", "Phoebe: Um, I don't, I don't really know. I had a-a premonition and I felt Bo get shot and then I came out of it.", "Prue: Leo, can you heal her?", "Leo: No, because Phoebe wasn't the one that was shot. Bo was.", "Piper: What are you talking about? She's bleeding.", "Leo: I know, but it's more like a psychic echo. Phoebe is linked to Bo somehow. Whatever he feels, whatever happens to him happens to her.", "Cole: Which means Bo must be magical too. The only way they can be linked is through their magic.", "Leo: I agree.", "Cole: We have to find Bo. Heal him. It's the only way.", "Piper: Well, he's been cursed into a time loop along with the rest of the town. And we don't know how to get there, let alone where there is.", "Cole: Well, it's gotta be a parallel plane existing in the same physical space as the town.", "Prue: You know, I don't think that we need any demonic input right now.", "Cole: If I can help save Phoebe's life, you sure as hell do.", "Leo: We're listening.", "Cole: Look, I move through different planes all the time. It's how I've been hiding from the Source. Shouldn't be any problem to shimmer into Bo's plane and bring him back here so you can heal him.", "Piper: You said you don't use your powers anymore.", "Cole: Shimmering isn't a lethal power.", "Phoebe: Uh, why don't you just take Leo with you and you can heal Bo there?", "Leo: I can't. I'm not allowed to work with a demon.", "Prue: Fine. I'll go.", "Piper: Prue.", "Prue: I'm not gonna leave this up to him.", "Piper: Well, okay, what if something goes wrong and you get stuck in the time loop and you don't get back before midnight?", "Prue: It's not the time loop I'm worried about. Look, why don't you and Leo go to the town, see if you can find anything there to help break the curse. (to Phoebe) You? You hang in there, okay?", "Phoebe: Play nice, you two.", "Cole: Gotta hold my hand.", "Prue: This already sucks.", "(Prue holds his hand and they shimmer out. Victor storms in.)", "Victor: Leo! You lying little piece of--", "(Piper quickly stands in front of Leo.)", "Piper: Okay, dad, not now. Stay with Phoebe. We'll be back.", "(Leo holds Piper and they orb out.)", "Victor: Wha-?", "Phoebe: Well, don't get mad at me, I've been shot.", "[Cut to the ghost town in 1873. Cole and Prue shimmer in.]", "Prue: Oh, wow, it worked.", "Cole: You doubted me?", "Prue: Yeah, well, for all I know you were gonna take me... Whoa! Aah! (They hear a gunshot and Cole pins Prue against a wall of a building.) Okay.", "Cole: Welcome to the Wild, Wild West.", "Prue: Alright, just-just so we're clear, I'm in charge here. You're just my ride.", "Cole: Fine with me. What's your plan?", "Prue: Find Bo, lay low.", "Cole: That's a plan?", "Prue: Yeah. You got a better one?", "(Cole looks her up and down.)", "Cole: Maybe, but first I think we better find something a little less conspicuous to wear.", "(Prue pushes him away.)", "Prue: Fine. Agreed. Any ideas?", "(A couple of cowboys carry a dead cowboy out of a building.)", "Cole: Yeah. Nothing you're gonna like though.", "[Time lapse. Prue and Cole walk into a saloon wearing cowboy clothes.]", "Cole: Still think you should have worn that pretty, little red dress drying on the line.", "Prue: Yeah, it was a prostitute's dress. Not exactly the kind of impression I wanted to make. At least I'm not wearing some dead guy's clothes.", "Cole: Hey, I thought you'd be pleased. At least I'm playing the role of a good guy.", "Prue: Yeah, right. Alright, just fact-finding. No getting involved.", "(They walk up to the bar.)", "Bartender: What'll it be?", "Prue: Hi. Moonshine.", "Bartener: A what?", "Cole: She means Whiskey. Make it two. Leave the bottle. (to Prue) You watch too many old movies.", "Prue: And you'd be confusing me with Phoebe.", "Cole: Not a chance.", "Bartender: Passing through?", "Cole: Maybe.", "Bartender: Maybe if you're not, you ought to consider it. Things are getting pretty dangerous around here. Friendly advice. Wet your whistle, get back on your horses, and move on as fast as you can.", "Prue: Hi. What am I? A potted plant? Talk to me. What's so dangerous?", "Bartender: It's nothing to concern your pretty little head about.", "Prue: Okay, now that's condescending.", "Cole: Lay low, remember?", "Prue: Fine.", "Cole: You were saying?", "Bartender: There's some trouble between a powerful man in town...", "Prue: Sutter?", "Bartender: How do you know about Sutter?", "Prue: This pretty little head knows a lot. So, why don't you talk to both of us now? Tell us what's going on.", "Bartender: One of Sutter's men just got killed and now there's gonna be hell to pay.", "(Three cowboys walk in the saloon. Everyone turns to look. Sutter walks in behind them.)", "Sutter: Where is he? Just so you know, I've already taken the liberty to print up the evening edition. (Sutter holds up a newspaper with the headline \"Half-breed to Die at Sundown\".) Just so you know how serious this is. All the news that's fit to print. (He turns to Isabel, Bo's sister.) You know where your little brother's hiding, now don't you?", "Isabel: Even if I did, I'd never tell you. I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Sutter.", "Sutter: Well, if you were smart, you'd be. Of course your kind are not, are they?", "(Prue starts to go over but Cole stops her.)", "Cole: Hold it. Plan is not to get involved.", "(Sutter turns to Cal.)", "Cal: I haven't seen Bo, Mr. Sutter, I swear. Not since he took off.", "Sutter: You know, you lie to me again, Cal, and I'll do worse than this.", "(He holds up a whip. A cowboy stabs Cal's hand with a knife. Prue rushes over and pushes the cowboy away. She takes off her scarf and wraps it around Cal's hand.)", "Prue: What the hell is wrong with you people?", "Sutter: Well, well, well. What do we got here?", "Cole: Uh, Prue?", "Sutter: Lady, I don't know who you are or where you come from but you obviously don't have the slightest idea who you're dealing with.", "Prue: Oh, please, what a cliché.", "(The cowboy stands up.)", "Cowboy: I usually don't hit women, but seeing your dressed like a man, I imagine I can make an exception.", "(Prue blocks his punch and smashes a whiskey bottle over his head. Prue gets out her gun and shoots at the cowboy's rifle, making it fly out of his hand. Cole pulls out a rifle and aims is at the men.)", "Cole: Don't.", "Sutter: No, we'll deal with these two later, after we take out Bo.", "Cowboy: This ain't over. You and me, we got a score to settle.", "Sutter: One of you know where he's at. And if you don't tell me, I'm gonna burn this town to the ground looking for him.", "(They leave.)", "Cole: So much for laying low.", "Prue: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Saloon. Prue, Cole and Isabel walk outside.]", "Isabel: Sutter's in tight with the railroads. He came here a couple of months ago promising to bring the tracks through and make it more than just an old mining town.", "Prue: In exchange for what?", "Isabel: A piece of everything. The mines, the bank, the newspaper. When folks started resisting, his boys took over. At first everybody stood up to them, but after they killed the sheriff. Cowards.", "Cole: Why's Sutter after your brother?", "Isabel: Because Bo wouldn't back down. He kept on fighting, trying to get everybody to take back the town.", "Cole: Sounds like a brave man.", "Isabel: He is. Too bad the others aren't.", "Prue: Isabel, we know that Bo is injured. We know that he's been shot. We can help you, but you have to trust us.", "Isabel: I do. Bo said you'd come.", "Cole: How's that again?", "Isabel: Bo, he saw it in one of his dreams. He said that two strangers would come, so, um, I knew.", "Prue: Alright, so wait a second. Bo has dreams about the future?", "Isabel: Yeah. He has a gift. He inherited it from our father, who was a great medicine man. His name was Soaring Crow.", "Prue: Was?", "Isabel: He died when we were young. When we moved here, my mother wouldn't allow Bo to talk about his gift. She knew that magic was considered evil in the white man's world.", "Prue: Yeah, I know what it's like to have a gift that you have to keep a secret.", "Cole: And live in a place where you have to hide half of who you are.", "Isabel: Come. I'll take you to Bo. Come.", "(They walk over to three horses.)", "Cole: Where'd you get the horses?", "Isabel: I told you. I was expecting you.", "Cole: You know, I still say we eliminate the threat first, kill Sutter. Probably break the curse anyway.", "(They get on the horses.)", "Prue: Yeah, well, we don't know that, which is why we need to get to Bo first. You know, Cole, if you want to try your hand at being good, your first instinct shouldn't be to kill.", "(They ride off. Cal gets on his horse and follows.)", "[Scene: Ghost town in the present. Piper and Leo are there looking around.]", "Piper: I don't know what we're supposed to be looking for. Yuck.", "Leo: Well, we gotta keep looking, find something that might help us break the curse.", "Piper: Like what? There's nothing here but spiders, lizards, and that stupid old crow.", "Leo: Oh, come on, let's keep looking. After all, we got a rehearsal dinner to get back to.", "Piper: There's not gonna be a rehearsal dinner or a wedding if we don't find a way to save Phoebe.", "(The crow lands on the saloon.)", "Leo: What is it?", "Piper: Phoebe said Bo got into a fight in a bar, right? So that would be the saloon.", "Leo: Makes sense. It's a western.", "Piper: So it's always the saloon.", "(They walk into the saloon. Piper goes behind the bar. Leo looks at a bottle.)", "Leo: Hankins Nerve Tonic, calms raw nerves. Think I should bring a bottle back for your dad?", "Piper: I don't think that'll do it. There's nothing, there's nothing here. Great brainstorm, huh?", "Leo: Actually, I think it was. Look.", "(Piper picks up an old newspaper.)", "Piper: \"Half-breed to die at sundown\"?", "Leo: On that same date, 1873. Read who's gonna die.", "Piper: Bo Light Feather.", "Leo: We've got to find a way to warn Prue and Cole that they don't have until midnight.", "Piper: Which means neither does Phoebe.", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe is lying on the couch. Victor brings her a glass of water.]", "Victor: Here you go. Drink up. (She drinks the water.) What is it?", "Phoebe: It's nothing.", "Victor: Hey, I didn't come back into your lives just to be kept in the dark. I'm your dad, you can tell me anything.", "(She starts to shake.)", "Phoebe: I'm dying.", "Victor: Oh, come on.", "Phoebe: No, I can feel what's happening to me. It's like a... something that you can feel deep inside of you. I-I can't explain it.", "Victor: You're sisters are not gonna let that happen, I am not gonna let that happen.", "(Leo and Piper orb in.)", "Piper: How is she?", "Victor: She's gonna be fine.", "Piper: Okay, we have to hurry. We found out Bo dies at sundown, except I don't think Prue knows that.", "Leo: But we have an idea how to let her know. Phoebe, if you're getting visions from Bo, maybe he can get one from you.", "Phoebe: I don't understand.", "Piper: Phoebe, if you can will yourself to get a premonition about Bo's death, he might be able to see it too, and then he can tell Prue and Cole that they don't have as much time as they think they do.", "Victor: But I thought you said you couldn't always get premonitions when you wanted.", "Phoebe: I can't.", "Piper: You can try.", "(Piper hands Phoebe the newspaper and Phoebe holds it against herself.)", "[Scene: 1873. Cole and Prue are following Isabel to Bo's hideout.]", "Cole: Any idea what we should say to him?", "Prue: We're not gonna say anything. I'll do the talking.", "Cole: You know, it wouldn't kill you to be nice to me.", "Prue: Really. It's funny you should say that, considering how many times you actually tried to kill me.", "Cole: That's all in the past, Prue.", "Prue: Right. After all this is done, you need to leave us alone. Otherwise, we'll have to do to you what we should have done in the first place, which is vanquish you.", "Cole: Then that's what you're gonna have to do because it's the only way you're gonna keep me away from Phoebe.", "(Isabel turns to Prue and Cole.)", "Isabel: Are you guys ready to go in? Uh, something wrong?", "Prue: No, nothing that I can't handle.", "(They walk into the small building. It looks like an old church. Bo is lying in the corner. He is holding a cloth against his wound.)", "Isabel: He's very weak. I tried to pull the bullet out but it's in too deep. Bo. Bo. How are you doing?", "Bo: What's the matter with you? Who the hell are they?", "Isabel: It's okay. They've come to help.", "Prue: Just like in your vision, remember?", "Bo: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Isabel: Bo, I told them.", "Bo: Too much apparently. We don't need your help. Just leave now.", "Prue: Bo, my sister gets visions too, and she had one of you getting shot, alright? We're here to help you.", "Cole: And help her.", "(Bo pulls out a knife.)", "Bo: It's a trick. Sutter sent you. I know he did.", "Isabel: No, they stood up to Sutter. You should have seen it.", "Bo: Just get out of here!", "Cole: We're not going anywhere.", "Bo: I know that look. Sutter's got it too. You're evil. I can sense it.", "Prue: Alright, then just look at me. You can't say the same thing about me can you? Bo, this isn't just about you, alright? My sister will die too. This whole town will if you don't let us help you.", "Isabel: They think that something Sutter is going to do will trigger a curse. The kind that father used to speak about.", "Prue: If we show you that we have gifts too, will you trust us then? (to Cole) Show him.", "Cole: Show him what?", "Prue: You're gift. Show him your gift.", "(Cole shimmers out and then shimmers back in.)", "[Cut to Sutter. He breaks a bottle with his whip. Three cowboys walk in.]", "Sutter: This better be good.", "Cowboy: We couldn't find him, boss.", "Sutter: Now you listen to me and you listen real good. Bo's giving the townsfolk ideas and I don't want 'em getting ideas.", "Cowboy #2: No one knows where he's at and if they do, they ain't talking.", "Sutter: Well, you make 'em talk. This town is mine and it's gonna stay mine. When that railroad comes through, and mark my words it will, I'm selling this land, and that land's gonna be worth more than any of you three are capable of imagining. (Cal walks in.) You better have something useful to tell me, Cal.", "Cal: I know where Bo is hiding.", "Sutter: Finally. Someone knows what's good for him.", "[Cut back to the church. Prue takes off her gloves.]", "Prue: Alright, the first thing that we need to do is to get that bullet out of you. (She kneels down beside him.) Uh, this is gonna hurt.", "(Prue takes the cloth off of his wound. She uses her power to remove the bullet. Bo and Phoebe yell in pain. They receive a premonition of Sutter whipping Bo. Isabel is being restrained. Sutter then shoots Bo. The premonition ends.)", "Bo: I believe you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe is crying hysterically. Piper is trying to calm her down.]", "Piper: It's okay, you're okay. Take a deep breath.", "Phoebe: I saw what they're gonna do to Bo. It was horrible!", "Leo: Do you think he saw it too?", "Phoebe: I know he did. I felt him. Nobody did anything. They didn't help him. Nobody did anything.", "Victor: So what do we do now?", "Leo: There's nothing else we can do but wait. It's up to Prue and Cole.", "Victor: And you call yourself their guardian angel? What the hell good is a Whitelighter if all you can do is stand there and watch my daughter die?", "Phoebe: Dad, please.", "Piper: You're not helping.", "Victor: And he is? Why don't you do something? Isn't that your job?", "Leo: I am doing something, I am trusting your other daughter Prue. You know, I know that you feel helpless. We all do. But Prue is not gonna let Phoebe die and neither is Cole.", "Victor: Oh, so now I'm supposed to trust a demon?", "Leo: You know, as much as I hate to say this, Cole loves Phoebe. He took a huge risk to come here and try and prove himself to her and he will do whatever it takes to save her life.", "Phoebe: He's right.", "Victor: How can you be so sure?", "Phoebe: Because he loves me as much as I love him.", "[Cut back to the church. Sutter and his men are riding up to it.]", "[Cut inside. Prue does something to her gun.]", "Isabel: You learn fast.", "Prue: Thanks. I have a few gifts too.", "(Cole looks out the window.)", "Cole: Sutter's men just showed up. We better get Bo out of here.", "Isabel: What? How did they find us?", "Cole: We must have been followed. I'll shimmer him back to Leo, then come back for you two.", "Prue: No.", "Cole: What do you mean, no? He dies, Phoebe dies.", "Prue: Taking Bo out of here will not break the time loop.", "Cole: It'll save Phoebe.", "Prue: Yeah, well, there's more than just Phoebe's life on the line here, Cole. We have to break the curse by sundown, otherwise this entire town is doomed to repeat the same day over and over again.", "Cole: Are you seriously telling me you're willing to sacrifice your sister's life for a town full of cowboys?", "Prue: What I'm saying to you is that there's a great good at stake here, one that I can't just walk away from and one that you shouldn't walk away from if you truly expect to be good.", "Man: We know you're in there, Bo. Come out with your hands up and nobody gets hurt. What's it gonna be, Bo?", "Cole: Alright, how do we break the curse?", "Prue: I don't know, but I do know that it hinges on keeping Bo alive.", "Bo: No, it doesn't. The curse isn't about me or about Sutter. It's about them. The townspeople who stood there and watched me die. The only way is for me to give myself up.", "Isabel: No.", "Bo: It's okay, Isabel. Have faith.", "Cole: And they'll kill you.", "Bo: Maybe. This curse came from my father's people. I understand that now. It's meant to heal, to teach the townspeople to act without shame. I have to give them that chance.", "Prue: Helping them to save you saves themselves.", "(Bo opens the door and white doves fly out. He raises his hands.)", "[Time lapse. Sutter's men are riding their horses through the town with Bo being dragged behind. They stop and a man takes Bo to Sutter.]", "Sutter: I want you all to see what happens when people cross me.", "(Sutter pushes Bo on the ground. Cole, Prue and Isabel arrive.)", "Isabel: No! No!", "Prue: Don't! He knows what he's doing.", "(Bo stands back up and Sutter starts to whip him. Phoebe feels it too.)", "Sutter: What's the matter, boy? You too stupid to scream? I want you to beg for mercy.", "(Sutter continues to whip Bo.)", "Prue: (to the townspeople) What are you people doing? Look at him. He has the courage to fight Sutter for all of you. You can just stand there and watch him die. You have to do something! You can take him down!", "Cole: Sutter can't take all of you out. You need to do what's right!", "Prue: You cannot just stand by and let this happen. Stand up to him! Don't be scared.", "Sutter: Nobody crosses me.", "(Sutter gets out his gun and points it at Bo. The bartender shoots Sutter's gun out of his hand.)", "Bartender: I think you just oughta leave Bo alone, Sutter.", "Sutter: You just signed your own death certificate.", "(Cal points his gun at Sutter.)", "Cal: If you wanna kill Bo, you're gonna have to kill me too.", "(The townspeople all point their guns at Sutter. Isabel runs over to Bo.)", "Isabel: Are you okay? (Sutter grabs Isabel by the hair.) Aah!", "Sutter: Anybody comes after me and she's dead.", "Cole: (to Prue) Now can we do something?", "Prue: Oh, yeah. (Sutter lets go of Isabel, jumps on his horse and rides off. Everyone chases him. Prue gets on a horse and follows him. She shoots at him and he falls off the horse. He tries to run away but Prue shoots him in the chest. She gets off the horse and uses her power on him. He flies into the sheriff's office. Bo and Isabel catch up to Prue.) I don't think Sutter's gonna be a problem anymore.", "Bo: What about the curse?", "Prue: It's a beautiful sunset isn't it? I don't think there's been one quite like it in 128 years.", "(They hear a gunshot.)", "[Cut to the saloon. Cole and the cowboy are there. Cole goes to shoot at the cowboy but is out of bullets.]", "Cowboy: Looks like you're outta bullets. I'm gonna enjoy this. See you in hell.", "Cole: Been there, done that.", "(The cowboy pulls out his gun and Cole throws a lightning ball at him. Prue walks in. Cole laughs at the cowboy. He turns around and sees Prue standing there.)", "Prue: Like I said, once a demon always a demon.", "(Prue walks back out. Cole throws his hat on the ground.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Victor are waiting for Prue and Cole.]", "Victor: So where are they?", "Leo: I don't know, unless they didn't make it out.", "Piper: Don't even say it, don't even think it.", "(Cole and Prue shimmer in. Cole has his arm around her. She quickly pushes it away from her.)", "Prue: Eew!", "Piper: Finally.", "Victor: What took you so long? We've been worried sick.", "Cole: Sorry, we had a few, uh, loose ends to tie up.", "Prue: (to Phoebe) Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I'm great. Thank you. Both of you.", "Leo: And the time loop?", "Prue: Broken. They will never have to live through that horror again.", "Victor: So then, um, where are they?", "Prue: I don't know. Probably living out their lives in a parallel plane, I guess.", "Leo: You don't think about it too much, Victor. It'd just give you a headache.", "Piper: Okay, um, anybody up to a rehearsal dinner?", "Phoebe: Absolutely. I'm starving.", "(Everyone heads for the dining room.)", "Cole: Well, I guess I should be going.", "Prue: Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.", "(Phoebe walks over to Cole.)", "Phoebe: You're not going anywhere.", "Cole: Phoebe, I don't want to cause any trouble.", "(Phoebe kisses him. Everyone looks away.)", "Phoebe: You're staying and that's that.", "Piper: Alright then, shall we?", "Cole: Yeah.", "(They go into the dining room. A crow lands on the window sill outside.)" ]
The Good, The Bad, and The Cursed
[ "On the day of Piper's marriage to Leo, Prue's Astrally Projected-self adopts an uninhibited, wild personality that threatens to ruin the wedding and place Prue in jail for Murder." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Prue and Phoebe are putting a floral arch in place for the wedding. Grams' spirit is standing near by.]", "Phoebe: Okay, that should do it.", "Grams: I'm thinking more to the left. Uh, is this the biggest arch you could get?", "Phoebe: Ugh.", "Prue: Without opening a fast food franchise, yeah.", "Grams: Well, just remember, if love is the quest then marriage is the conquest. This place must be like victory.", "Phoebe: And here I thought weddings were supposed to be romantic.", "Grams: Oh my dear sweet child.", "Prue: Better listen to grams, Phoebe. I mean, you could always calculate her age by the number of rings on her fingers. (Phoebe laughs.) Alright, wedding arch is done. (She ticks something on her list.) The next thing to do (she yawns) on the To Do list is...", "Phoebe: Sleep. You've been yawning all day.", "Prue: Try all week. It's this reoccurring dream I keep having. It's keeping me awake.", "Phoebe: Really? What's in the dream?", "Prue: Well, uh, there was this biker guy and he's kinda cute and kinda dangerous.", "Phoebe: Sounds kinda yummy.", "(Piper walks in and looks around.)", "Grams: Piper, sweetie, well, what do you think?", "Piper: It's-it's beautiful.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and the best part about it is, it's finally happening.", "(Piper sighs.)", "Piper: Flowers and bows and grams. The only thing missing is...", "Prue: Mum.", "Piper: Grams, are you sure that you can't do...", "Grams: No, nothing. I'm only here because you need a high priestess. They want me back by the witching hour tomorrow.", "Phoebe: I thought maybe this could help.", "(Phoebe holds up a photo of Patty.)", "Prue: You okay?", "Piper: Yeah, I just, I can't believe how close I came to sabotaging my own wedding.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Piper: Well, with the demons and the false start and 'them' I, you know, I told myself if one more thing went wrong then it just maybe wasn't meant to be.", "Grams: Oh, darling, there's no need to think that way. I mean, you made it.", "Prue: Yeah, and I will personally butt kick any demon who tries to ruin it for you.", "(Prue yawns.)", "Phoebe: Not if you're asleep you won't. Come on, I'm tucking you in.", "Piper: Sweet dreams. Bye.", "(Prue and Phoebe go upstairs.)", "Grams: I'll see you tomorrow at 4:00, Mrs. Halliwell. The women keep their names in this family.", "(Grams disappears. Piper looks around the room.)", "[Cut to Prue's room. Prue is asleep in bed.]", "[Cut to Prue's dream. There's a bar. Men are playing pool. The camera pans over to another table. Prue's there playing pool with a couple of biker men.]", "Prue: Uh-huh. (She sinks a ball.) The more I play, the luckier I get. (She walks around the table.) Alright. (She sinks another ball.) So that would be, uh, twenty bucks that you owe me.", "Biker #1: I never agreed to no bet.", "(A cute guy approaches them. His name is TJ.)", "TJ: Rules of the house say loser pays twenty bucks. Maybe you want me to take you out front and teach you those rules.", "Biker #1: Alright.", "(He hands her the $20.)", "Prue: Thank you. (She tucks it inside her bra.) (to TJ) So, um, I didn't, I suppose that you want something for helping me.", "TJ: You could say that.", "Prue: Well, you'll have to win it just like the rest of them.", "(He grabs her.)", "TJ: Maybe I should just take it.", "Prue: Maybe you should leave me alone. You have no idea who you're dealing with.", "TJ: Maybe you should show me.", "(She kisses him.)", "Prue: Hi.", "TJ: Sorry I'm late.", "Prue: Yeah, so am I because now I have to go.", "(She starts to walk off.)", "TJ: No, I want you to stay.", "Prue: Yeah, I know. You know that I can't, alright, I have...", "TJ: Responsibilities, right. That's what you say every night, then you cut out.", "Prue: TJ, I would love to leave my responsible half behind but I can't.", "TJ: You can. What are you gonna miss? Work? Blow it off. There's a freedom that comes with making your own choices.", "Prue: Yeah, and I wanna know what that's like but...", "(She kisses him and walks off.)", "TJ: The least you could do is tell me your name.", "[Cut to outside the bar. A biker is standing out there. Prue walks past and he stops her.]", "Biker #1: Hey, you've got my money.", "Prue: Hey, you have a good memory.", "Biker #1: Yeah, yeah, maybe I'll just kick it out in trade, huh? Come here.", "(He touches her and she kicks him in the face. She picks up a piece of wood and hits him in the stomach. He falls to the ground, unconscious.)", "Prue: No, I don't wanna go.", "(Prue astral projects out of the scene.)", "[Cut back to Prue's room. Prue wakes up.]", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's bedroom. Piper is asleep. There are rose petals covering her bed. A chime wakes her up.]", "Piper: Leo?", "(She sits up and sees the petals. She giggles and picks up a handful of petals. Phoebe walks in carrying a tray.)", "Phoebe: Was that just giggling I heard?", "Piper: Yes, I am guilty of giggling and I am guilty of being happier than any previous romance in my life.", "Phoebe: Piper, it's your wedding day!", "Piper: (shyly) I know.", "Phoebe: Here comes the bridesmaid! (Phoebe jumps on the bed. Prue walks in.) Prue, come play!", "Prue: Oh, hey.", "Phoebe: Uh-oh. Another bad dream?", "Prue: Yeah. I was still in that biker bar but this time I was attacked by a big galloot.", "Piper: A galloot? What is that? (Phoebe shrugs.) You fought a demon in your sleep? If I'm gonna have to vanquish a demon in my wedding dress, just tell me because if so, then--", "Prue: Ay! Alright, he was not a demon. He was just a big rude guy.", "Phoebe: And it was just in her dream.", "Prue: Yeah, and the only thing I need to vanquish him is a potion called coffee. (The doorbell rings.) Ah, that must be the flowers. Um, okay, you just relax, no worrying.", "Phoebe: And eat your breakfast and then I will have a hot bubble bath waiting for you.", "Piper: Are you sure there's nothing witchy going on?", "(Prue throws petals over Piper.)", "Prue: I'm positive.", "(They leave the room.)", "[Scene: The bar in Prue's dream. Biker #1 is lying dead on the ground. Police are there interviewing people. A photographer takes a photo and then the body is covered up.]", "[Cut to inside the bar. An inspector is showing TJ a security tape of Prue hitting the biker - just like in her dream.]", "Inspector: Is that her? Is that the woman you were with last night?", "TJ: Yeah, so what?", "Inspector: So what's her name?", "TJ: I don't know.", "Inspector: Ah, you stick your tongue down her throat but you don't know her name?", "TJ: That against the law?", "Inspector: Look, I appreciate you trying to protect your girlfriend from murder charges.", "TJ: She's no murderer.", "(A biker walks up to them.)", "Biker #2: You sure about that, son?", "Inspector: You know something?", "Biker #2: I know what happened. Saw it with my own eyes.", "Inspector: Get a look at the killer?", "Biker #2: I'm looking at her right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue and Phoebe are there. Prue is sitting at the table.]", "Phoebe: Check out what I found in the attic.", "Prue: I hope it's something old 'cause we already have new, borrowed and blue covered.", "Phoebe: Is Melinda Warren's blessing cup old enough?", "(Prue picks up the cup.)", "Prue: That is very cool.", "Phoebe: Yeah, what could be better than to give Piper the actual cup that our favourite ancestor drank from at her wedding.", "Prue: Hmm, alright, I can check that off. Now all I need is help moving the buffet table.", "Phoebe: Um, maybe we should wait until Cole gets here. He should be here any minute.", "Prue: You're kidding, right?", "Phoebe: No, you knew he was coming to the wedding.", "Prue: Yeah, to the wedding, Phoebe, but the moments leading up to it belong to the family. And I'm sorry, but Cole is not family, okay, he is still a demon. And I don't think Piper needs a demon--", "(They hear Piper scream.)", "[Cut to the stairs. Leo and Piper are there. Piper is hiding behind the railing.]", "Piper: It is bad luck to see the bride's dress before the wedding.", "Leo: But you're not even wearing the dress.", "Piper: The same rule applies to the bride's... curlers. Go away.", "(She goes upstairs. Prue and Phoebe walk in.)", "Prue: Oh, good, you're here.", "Leo: Yeah, I'm just looking for a place to change.", "(Prue sees Leo holding his Whitelighter robe.)", "Prue: Uh, what's with the robe?", "Leo: Oh, it's my formal Whitelighter wear.", "Phoebe: Um, yeah, I-I hope you don't mind but we sort of decided that you should be a little bit more traditional, so we rented you a tux.", "(Victor enters the manor.)", "Victor: Anybody home?", "Phoebe: Daddy! (She goes over to him.) Hi.", "(They hug.)", "Victor: Hi, baby. Leo.", "Leo: Victor.", "(He goes over to Prue.)", "Prue: Hey dad.", "Victor: Hey. (He kisses the top of her head.)", "Prue: Well, I know that you have a lot of joy and laughter to share so I'll just take you down... whoa.", "Victor: What's the matter?", "(Prue sits down on the stairs.)", "Prue: Uh, just a, uh, dizzy spell. I've been getting them ever since those dreams began.", "Leo: What dreams?", "Prue: Oh, you know, those dreams... uh, you know, it's nothing.", "Phoebe: Yeah, certainly nothing to worry about. Okay, you two, follow me. (to Prue) You just sit there and relax. I'll be right back. (Leo and Victor follow Phoebe down to the basement.) Get dressed and no fighting.", "(Leo and Victor walk down the stairs. A tux is there hanging on a coat hanger.)", "Victor: So you rented a tux, huh? I thought for sure you'd be wearing one of those long robes all you Whitelighters love so much.", "Leo: I decided to go a little more traditional.", "[Cut back to Prue. Phoebe sits down beside her.]", "Phoebe: Prue, okay, we've got everyone convinced that we have things under control. Now you have to convince me.", "Prue: I can't do that.", "Phoebe: Oh, no. What are you feeling?", "Prue: Tired all the time. I mean, when I fall asleep my dreams are so real, they don't allow me any rest. It's like I'm awake twenty-four hours a day.", "Phoebe: Is the dream sorcerer back?", "Prue: I don't think so, but I'm not ruling anything out.", "Phoebe: Well, remember what Piper said. If one more thing goes wrong she was gonna call of this wedding.", "Prue: No, we can't let that happen.", "Phoebe Okay, why don't you let me handle this almighty To Do list, and you go upstairs and get some rest. Don't sleep, just rest.", "Prue: Okay.", "(They stand up.)", "Phoebe: Huh, wow, so you're relinquishing control to your little sister. You must really be tired. (Prue goes upstairs. Phoebe picks up the photo of Patty.) Please help us through this day, mum.", "[Cut to Prue's bedroom. Prue is laying on her bed. She closes her eyes and falls asleep.]", "[Cut to Prue's dream. Astral Prue appears in the bar. She walks past a pool table. TJ grabs her arm from behind. She turns around.]", "TJ: Hey.", "Prue: Hey.", "TJ: You shouldn't have come back.", "Prue: What are you talking about?", "TJ: I spent the whole morning with the cops. They think you killed a guy, took his money.", "Prue: No, I-I-I didn't kill anyone.", "TJ: Good 'cause that's what I told them.", "Prue: So then why are you still here?", "TJ: Waiting for you. I didn't have your phone number and you never even gave me your name.", "Prue: That is the sexiest thing a man's ever done for me.", "(She kisses him.)", "TJ: Hey, you keep saying you wanna live a life with no rules, no responsibilities. This is it. A chance. Come on.", "(They walk outside and get on his motorbike. A police car pulls up.)", "Inspector: Whoa, take it easy.", "(Another police car pulls up.)", "Prue: Don't do it for me, TJ.", "Inspector: You don't wanna be an accessory for murder.", "(The inspector gets out his handcuffs.)", "Prue: (to TJ) My name's Prue. Prue Halliwell.", "(Prue gets off the bike.)", "Inspector: Put up your hands. Come on. (The inspector handcuffs her.) Let's go.", "[Cut to Prue's room. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Prue? Prue, wake up.", "[Cut back to the bar. The inspector puts Prue in the car.]", "[Cut back to Prue's room.]", "Phoebe: Prue.", "[Cut back to the car.]", "Prue: Oh, no.", "(Prue astral projects out of the car, leaving the handcuffs behind. The inspector notices she's gone.)", "[Cut to Prue's room. Prue wakes up. She looks at her wrists.]", "Prue: Oh, no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. Prue and Phoebe are there.]", "Prue: I was wanted for murder but this, this guy in my dream, he risked himself to save me. Sexy guy.", "Phoebe: Prue, forget the guy. What about the arrest?", "Prue: Right, uh, okay, a cop handcuffed me and that's all I remember, except that I didn't really wanna wake up, it's like my dreams were overpowering me.", "Phoebe: Mm, that's what my premonitions feel like. They pull me against my will.", "Prue: You know, maybe somebody's trying to pull me in a parallel world or a dream dimension.", "Phoebe: Well, hopefully that someone will be in the Book of Shadows, okay? Come on. (They head for the attic.) Wait, should we tell Piper?", "Prue: No, I won't let this be the one thing that goes wrong today. I'll be okay as long as I stay awake, right? For Piper?", "Phoebe: For Piper.", "(Piper comes out of her room.)", "Piper: Hold it right there. What's wrong?", "Phoebe: Boy bands. There's just too many of them, don't you think?", "Piper: No. What's wrong with you two?", "Prue: Uh, nothing's wrong.", "Piper: I can see it in your faces. We've been demon hunting for three years now. You're going to the attic, aren't you?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "(Prue elbows Phoebe.)", "Prue: Phoebe!", "Piper: I knew it.", "Phoebe: What, Prue, she's onto us, she knows. Yes, Piper, we were heading to the attic. To find something old, something new...", "Prue: Uh, something, something borrowed, something blue.", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Prue: Right. We were gonna surprise you but now you caught us.", "Piper: Oh.", "Prue: Yeah, I mean, look, I told you, you have nothing to worry about today, alright? It's going to be a demon-free day. (Cole shimmers in and scares Piper.) Hey!", "Cole: Sorry I'm late.", "Piper: (to Prue) You were saying?", "(Cole walks over to Phoebe.)", "Cole: Near miss with a Zotar. (He and Phoebe kiss.) Almost spotted me. Oh, don't worry, I lost him. I think.", "Piper: See? No matter what, a demon will attack today. It's just the natural order of our universe.", "Phoebe: Piper, you have to stay positive. You know what? I have Celine Dion 'Behind The Music' on video cassette. Would you like to watch that?", "Piper: Would you like to get slapped?", "Prue: Hey, she's just trying to relax you.", "Cole: Don't worry, leave the demons to me. I can handle anything that comes through...", "Phoebe: Oh, no you don't. You promised you were not gonna use your demonic powers anymore.", "Cole: Oh, sorry. Old habits.", "Phoebe: Think good.", "Cole: Oh, I am, I am. Um, I brought a gift.", "(He throws the gift at Piper.)", "[Cut to the basement. Leo and Victor are dressed in their tux.]", "Victor: So are you and Piper gonna move out, get your own place?", "Leo: Not right away.", "Victor: Well, just between you and me, isn't that a little tough on the old pride? Living off the girls like that?", "Leo: Look, Victor, I know you don't like the idea of your daughter marrying a Whitelighter.", "Victor: Oh, I never said that. But now that you mention it, yeah, I'd prefer Piper to marry a mortal.", "Leo: Well, Piper's not mortal, she's a witch. She was given her gifts to serve a higher calling.", "Victor: A calling that only people like you could understand, right? The same crap my ex-wife's Whitelighter used to steal her away from me.", "Leo: And I'm sorry that happened to you, I really am. But with all do respect, this isn't about you and Patty, this is about me and Piper. I love her with all my heart, and I promise to keep loving her and taking care of her for the rest of this life, the afterlife and whatever comes after that. Now you may not support it and you may not agree with it but it is not gonna stop me from marrying your daughter today. Nothing will.", "Victor: You know... I could probably get used to having a Whitelighter for a son-in-law.", "(Victor ties Leo's bow tie. Cole comes down the stairs.)", "Cole: Everybody having fun down here?", "Leo: (to Victor) How do you stand on demons?", "[Cut to upstairs. Prue walks downstairs from the attic. Phoebe comes around the corner.]", "Phoebe: Hey, did you find anything in the Book about your dreams?", "Prue: Nothing.", "Phoebe: What are we gonna do? The wedding's in a half an hour.", "Prue: Get ready, get set, get through it for Piper.", "Phoebe: For Piper.", "(They head in different directions.)", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper is in her wedding dress. She puts on her earrings and looks in the mirror. Patty appears behind her.]", "Patty: Oh, you're so beautiful.", "Piper: Mum?", "Patty: Don't be afraid.", "(Piper turns around.)", "Piper: Oh my god. But... it can't be 'cause, um, ghosts, ghosts glow. You're not glowing.", "Patty: I'm not a ghost. Well, not today. Today I am simply your mother.", "Piper: But, uh, how?", "Patty: After all the Elders put you and Leo through, they wanted to give you something back, so, so they sent me down, just for your wedding day. You know, I think I wore my hair like this for my wedding day.", "Piper: You did. Uh, I kept your wedding album after you died and... (Patty licks her finger and pushes a piece of Piper's hair in place.) And I looked at the pictures every night like a bedtime story.", "Patty: I always thought you'd be the first to get married. You're the heart of this family, Piper.", "(Piper touches Patty's hand.)", "Piper: I'm not dreaming am I?", "Patty: No, sweetie, you're not.", "Piper: Mum.", "(They hug. Prue and Phoebe walk in.)", "Phoebe: Mum.", "Piper: It's true. She's real. They sent her to us for today.", "(Patty goes to Prue.)", "Patty: Oh, Prue. It's been so hard on you, unfair.", "Prue: Yeah... no, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to make you proud.", "Patty: You protected this family better than I could. I'm so proud of you.", "Prue: Thank you. (They hug.)", "Patty: (to Phoebe) And you, my baby, you feel it all, don't you? I was never there to comfort you. I died before you even knew me.", "Phoebe: Some nights I just wanted you to hold me.", "Patty: Your road's been the longest, Phoebe. But I was never worried about you. You know why? Because I had a premonition the day you were born.", "Phoebe: You did?", "Piper: What did you see?", "Patty: Oh, I saw this. I saw this moment right now, my three daughters standing before me as beautiful young women and I knew that everything would be okay.", "Phoebe: What did you see next?", "Patty: I held you.", "(They all hug.)", "[Cut downstairs Everyone but Piper and Patty are standing around the room.]", "Grams: Places, places everyone.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Prue: Don't answer that.", "Piper: (from upstairs) Can somebody answer that?", "Prue: Ooh, I'll get it. (Prue answers the door. Darryl is there.) Hey, you're late. Where were you?", "Darryl: Out saving your ass.", "Prue: Huh?", "Darryl: Police have your picture. You're wanted for murder. They said you fled custody this morning.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, that was your dream.", "Darryl: They don't have your name yet but it's only a matter of time.", "Grams: Girls!", "Prue: Alright, let's just stay cool and we'll get downtown and straighten this out later. But we have to get through the wedding first, okay? For Piper?", "Phoebe: For Piper. (They look at Darryl.) You're supposed to say 'For Piper'.", "Darryl: Alright, it better be a quick wedding.", "(Prue, Phoebe and Darryl go into the room and stand in place.)", "Grams: Everything looks perfect except Victor, could you move a little to your left.", "Victor: Sure, why?", "Grams: Well, to make room for...", "(Patty walks in.)", "Victor: Patty.", "Patty: Hello, Victor, how are you?", "Victor: Good. I mean, I was good. Alright, who brought my ex-wife back from the dead?", "Grams: Not now, Victor. I know you two have issues but that's what the reception is for.", "(Grams starts the music and Piper walks down the stairs. Victor walks over to her and she holds onto his arm. He takes her up to Leo.)", "Phoebe: We did it. It's really happening.", "(Suddenly, TJ rides through the front door on his motorbike. He knocks over the flowers and then knocks over the table and all the glassware smashes on the floor. He stops in front of the table the cake is sitting on.)", "TJ: Prue!", "Phoebe: Who the hell is that?", "Prue: Oh, oh, oh no. (Prue faints.)", "Phoebe: Prue? (Astral Prue appears.)", "Astral Prue: TJ. (She runs over to him. Grams gasps.) You came.", "(Prue gets on the back of the bike.)", "TJ: Had to beat the cops. I won't let them take you.", "Piper: Prue, what the hell is going on?", "Phoebe: Prue, you get your astral ass back here! (TJ rides off, knocking the cake table. Piper gasps. The three tiered cake falls on the floor.) Honey...", "Piper: Alright, that's it! The wedding is off! (She throws her veil on the floor. She tries to walk but Phoebe is standing on her dress.) Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Sorry! Sorry! (Piper walks away.) Piper, Piper, wait, think about this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Continued from before. Piper is putting on a sweater.]", "Phoebe: Piper, Piper, you can not just leave.", "Piper: Yes, I can. A demon I could have handled, but my big sister ruining my wedding, I can not handle that.", "Phoebe: Okay, just listen to me for one second. All we have to do is find a way.", "Piper: No, no, I don't wanna find a way to get married on my wedding day. It's-it's too hard. There must be a reason.", "(Leo walks over to them.)", "Leo: Piper...", "Piper: Leo, I'm sorry, but this is just the final straw. It's just not meant to be.", "(Piper leaves the manor.)", "[Cut to the living room. Victor lays Prue on the couch. Leo and Phoebe walk in.]", "Phoebe: I've never seen Piper so defeated. (Leo sits on the other couch.) Prue, come on, wake up. Prue, come on.", "Patty: Honey, you won't get her back that way. Apart of Prue wanted to escape and it used her astral self to do it.", "Grams: If the wedding's off, I have to go. I'm only here to conduct the ceremony. I'm sorry.", "(Grams disappears.)", "Victor: Maybe Piper's right. Maybe the wedding just wasn't meant to be.", "Patty: Victor.", "Victor: All I'm saying is maybe the gods are just trying to spare them the pain that we went through.", "Leo: No. All I need is what's inside of me to know that Piper and I are meant to be together. (He stands up.) What happened here today...", "Phoebe: Piper and Leo's love have touched us all. We have to fix this.", "(Darryl's pager beeps.)", "Darryl: I gotta go fend of the parse.", "Victor: What parse?", "Darryl: Prue's wanted for murder. I'll stay in touch by cell phone.", "(Darryl leaves.)", "Patty: Murder?", "Leo: (to Phoebe) You knew about this?", "Phoebe: I just found out when Morris told Prue. But it's obviously a mistake. I mean, Prue wouldn't murder anybody.", "Cole: You sure? I mean, Prue's astral form seems to have taken a life of its own. How do you know she didn't do it?", "Phoebe: Because I know her.", "Cole: Oh, yeah.", "Phoebe: At least I think I do.", "Leo: Alright, alright, you guys find Piper, bring her back here somehow. Phoebe, Book of Shadows, see if there's a spell to bring astral Prue back. Cole, you and me are gonna do a little investigating of our own. Alright, come on you guys. We've got a wedding to save.", "[Scene: The bar. Cole shimmers in and Leo orbs in.]", "Cole: Hmm, interesting place to dream about.", "Leo: Especially for Prue.", "(They start to walk around.)", "Cole: Based on what Morris said, someone must have knifed the victim after Astral Prue away.", "Leo: By the looks of this crowd, it could be anybody.", "Cole: No, not anybody. Very few humans have the heart of a true killer. One who kills without prejudice.", "Leo: How do you know?", "Cole: I can always sense it. Before I suppressed my demonic self for Phoebe, I can sense how human killers form inside. He's here.", "Leo: The murderer? You sure?", "Cole: That he's our murderer? No. But he's got fresh blood on his hands. Go update Morris.", "(Leo walks away.)", "[Cut to P3. Patty and Victor walk down the stairs.]", "Patty: Just let me do the talking. You always had a way of saying the wrong thing when they were young.", "Victor: Wrong, according to you, you never opened to what I had to say because you wanted to raise them as witches... (They see Piper sitting across the room.) Instead of little girls.", "(They walk over to Piper.)", "Patty: We were worried.", "Piper: I'm sorry, I let everyone down.", "Victor: Honey, you have nothing to apologise for.", "Patty: It is a tribute to you and Leo that you made it as far as you did, I think.", "Piper: Yeah, but we didn't make it all the way.", "Patty: Not yet maybe, but...", "Piper: Not ever. I mean, I think it's obvious, don't you? Leo and I are just clearly not...", "Patty: Destined to be? Oh, I don't believe that. And I don't think that you really believe that either.", "Piper: Don't I? All I have to do is look at you and dad to see where I might end up if I marry Leo. I mean, look at the track record. The Halliwells, we are blessed as witches and we are cursed as women. Sometimes I think we're all destined to end up alone.", "Patty: You don't really... I mean, just because... Victor.", "Victor: You think your mother and I were cursed?", "Piper: Don't you?", "Victor: Honestly, I look back at those days as the best of my life. I loved your mother, she was the best thing that ever happened to me until the three of you came along.", "Piper: But your marriage still didn't last.", "Victor: Yeah, that hurt. A lot. But it was our love that gave birth to you and your sisters. Maybe that was my destiny.", "Piper: I'm sorry, I just need to be alone.", "(She walks away.)", "Patty: Not bad for a guy who always says the wrong things.", "Victor: Thanks. I just wish I knew that it helped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe is there flipping through the Book of Shadows. She finds a spell.]", "Phoebe: Gotcha.", "[Cut to TJ and Prue at a park. TJ is lying down and Prue is sitting next to him.]", "TJ: I've just gotta know. How'd you get away from the cops?", "Prue: You know, I don't really wanna talk about that. I mean, I'm here now, that's all that really matters, right?", "TJ: Yeah, but for how long?", "Prue: Do you care?", "TJ: Well, I did crash your sister's wedding.", "Prue: Yes, you did.", "TJ: And I am harbouring you from the cops.", "Prue: And I appreciate that.", "TJ: I may definitely pass for a state behaviour ---.", "Prue: So then why are you still talking?", "TJ: Prue, I don't need much, but I need to know one thing... are you gonna take off from me again tonight?", "Prue: You know, I hadn't really thought about it. I mean, for the first time in my life I'm free, so I'm sorta just living moment to moment. Is that okay?", "TJ: I'm cool with that.", "Prue: Cool with that. (They kiss. Prue breaks the kiss.) Oh, not now.", "TJ: What's wrong? (Prue runs away.) Prue? (Prue runs behind the bushes.) Prue, where are you going?", "(She holds onto a tree.)", "Prue: No, I'm free. I'm not going back.", "(Prue astral projects out of the park.)", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe is sitting on the couch. Prue astral projects in.]", "Prue: No, I will not let you take me!", "(Prue looks around. Phoebe slams the Book of Shadows shut.)", "Phoebe: Nice spell, huh?", "Prue: How dare you.", "Phoebe: How dare you. You destroyed Piper's wedding along with Piper. Now, Prue, I don't know what's going on with you but you have got to pull yourself together.", "Prue: I'm outta here. (Prue starts to walk away. Phoebe gets up and grabs Prue's shoulder. Prue flips Phoebe onto the ground.) You know what? (She grabs Phoebe by the throat.) You can not stop me, alright. I am never going back. I'm not going... (Phoebe swings her around onto the couch.) Alright, you know what? I am sick of this. She is all about duty and obligation, well not me. Alright, I want to be free, I wanna find love, I wanna have a life.", "Phoebe: Well, Prue, you have responsibilities whether you like it or not.", "Prue: Don't talk to me about being responsible, Phoebe. Alright, you were not very responsible when you went and fell in love with a demon.", "Phoebe: Oh, please, you have got to let this whole Cole thing go, okay? You can't stay mad at me forever.", "Prue: I'm not mad at you, Phoebe, I never was. Alright, she was. I was rooting for you.", "Phoebe: Okay, now you're scaring me.", "Prue: You risked everything for love, just like Piper and Leo. I dream of having that kind of freedom but instead I get stuck watching my sisters live my dream.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, you astraled out in a dream when your subconscious takes over.", "Prue: So what?", "Phoebe: So I just studied this in psych 101. Freud. You're the ID. Prue's inner desires. Which means that she is the ego. The control factor.", "Prue: Yeah, well, she is one big remote control and she's always got me on pause.", "Phoebe: I think I understand. The sacrifices that you've made for us over the years. They made you suppress your inner desires.", "(Astral Prue sits down beside Prue.)", "Prue: Yeah, well, don't tell me, tell her.", "Phoebe: No, I'm telling you because you are Prue. I mean, you are both two sides of my sister. Prue, you have to stop devoting your entire self to the Charmed Ones. It'll tear you apart. Literally.", "Prue: Is Piper very mad at me?", "Phoebe: She'll get over it. And you know why? Because we're okay now, Piper and me. We've both got passion and purpose in our lives and you gave us that.", "Prue: I did?", "Phoebe: You took care of us. And now it's time to take care of you. (Prue astral projects back in her body. Prue sits up.) Welcome back.", "Prue: Thanks. For everything. Oh, no. (She walks into the next room and sees the mess.) Oh. I can not believe I wrecked Piper's wedding.", "Phoebe: Only a part of you did.", "Prue: Is it too late to fix it?", "(The lights go out.)", "Phoebe: Oh, now what?", "(Suddenly, the door flies open and cops burst in.)", "Cop #1: Police! Stay where you are! Don't move!", "Inspector: Prue Halliwell? You're under arrest... for murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Police station. Prue is there getting her photo taken. A cop takes her into a room.]", "Cop: Alright, sit down. The inspector will be with you shortly.", "(Prue sits down.)", "Prue: This is all our fault.", "[Cut to the bar. Leo and Darryl walk in. They go up to Cole.]", "Leo: Prue's been booked for murder. We're running out of time.", "Darryl: Leo says you've found the killer.", "Cole: Found a killer.", "Darryl: Oh, great, you mean you don't know? What are you gonna do? Ask him?", "(The biker walks past them. He stops and stares, then continues to walk.)", "Cole: That's a good idea. Why don't you meet me out front in five.", "(He walks away.)", "[Cut to outside. The biker is there smoking a cigarette. Cole walks over to him.]", "Cole: Is that the spot where they found the body?", "Biker #2: Who are you?", "Cole: I'm here to find out what you know about the murder that took place here last night.", "Biker #2: Show me your badge.", "Cole: Oh, no, I'm not a cop. I'm a fortune teller and I predict you're gonna give me a confession.", "Biker #2: You're a funny man, huh? Excuse me, huh?", "(He starts to walk away but Cole grabs him. The biker pushes Cole into his motorbike. He pulls out a knife. Cole gets back up. The biker swings the knife at Cole but misses.)", "Cole: I guess that's the knife you used on the victim when you found him unconscious, right?", "Biker #2: You wanna closer look at it, huh?", "(He tries to stab Cole but Cole grabs his wrist.)", "Cole: One more chance. Confess now and talk to the police.", "Biker #2: Or what?", "(Cole changes into Belthazor.)", "Belthazor: Or deal with me. (Darryl and Leo walk outside. Darryl sees Belthazor and gets out his gun. Belthazor turns to Darryl.) I think he's ready to talk.", "[Cut to the manor. Patty is putting the bride and groom back onto the cake. Phoebe is lighting candles.]", "Leo: I don't get it. Prue should be back by now, the police have the killer.", "Cole: They might have held her over for escaping custody.", "Victor: Can we get some light while we're waiting?", "Patty: Yeah.", "Phoebe: No, dad, the police cut the power line.", "(Grams appears.)", "Grams: I'm sorry, Patty. They sent me to take you back.", "Phoebe: No, it's not midnight yet, we still have five more minutes.", "Victor: I should have said something more to convince Piper.", "Patty: But you said everything, you were wonderful.", "(Prue and Darryl walk in. Victor shines the flashlight on them.)", "Darryl: Sorry we're late.", "Prue: What, no who you were expecting?", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: So, okay, what are we waiting for? (Piper takes off her sweater.) (to Leo) Don't look so shocked.", "Grams: Girls, it's show time.", "(Everyone stands in place. Prue puts on Piper's veil.)", "Piper: Little help here.", "Victor: (to Leo) I noticed you don't have a best man. If you like, I could, uh...", "Leo: I'd be honoured.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, there's no power for music.", "(Grams makes the wind chimes chime.)", "Prue: Alright, is that the best that we can do on the lights? (Leo makes clouds of bright lights appear above them.) That's more like it.", "(Grams clears her throat.)", "Grams: We are gathered here today to unite two souls as one. Do you, Leo Wyatt, and Piper Halliwell, join us here of your own free will to acknowledge the eternal bond shared by both of you.", "Leo: I do.", "Piper: I do.", "Grams: You may face each other, join hands. (They do so.) Uh, Leo, you may recite your vows.", "Leo: Piper, through all the tears and struggles, I always knew in my heart that we'd make it here. I promise to love and respect you from this point forward as your husband, as my wife, my lover, my friend, and my soul mate. All I am is yours.", "Grams: Piper...", "Piper: Leo, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was afraid that you were too good to be true, that maybe I didn't deserve someone so pure and beautiful and loving as you are. But here we are surrounded by the people that I love the most and I feel so proud, and so blessed to be your wife. Leo, I was born to love you and I always will.", "Grams: Here before witnesses, Leo and Piper have sworn their vows towards each other. With this cord, I bind them to those vows.", "(A rope is loosely tied around their hand.)", "Piper, Leo: Heart to thee, body to thee, always and forever, so mote it be.", "Grams: So mote it be.", "All: So mote it be.", "(The clock strikes twelve.)", "Grams: Kiss her fast.", "(Piper and Leo kiss. Everyone applauds and grins.)" ]
Just Harried
[ "As the sisters enjoy some free time at the beach, Prue notices a woman with an odd shadow nearby taking pictures of them. Later, Prue discovers the woman is the partner of the investigator looking for Cole. Meanwhile, Cole is being chased by a pair of demons and fears for Phoebe's safety. While this is going on, Prue gets in a battle with the Angel of Death and ultimately has to come to terms with her mother dying so young." ]
[ "[Scene: At a beach. Prue and Phoebe are there. Prue is taking photos. Phoebe is building a sand castle.]", "Phoebe: I hereby proclaim this power of sand Kingdom Phoebeville! Yay!", "(The waves splash on Prue. Phoebe laughs.)", "Prue: You know, I don't get it.", "(Prue walks off. Phoebe catches up with her.)", "Phoebe: Wait, what don't you get?", "Prue: That you just spent an hour of your life building something that is just gonna be completely, completely destroyed and disappear in about five seconds flat.", "Phoebe: Ahh, but Phoebeville will live forever in the hearts of the villagers who come to love it.", "Prue: Mm-hmm.", "Phoebe: What's with the ba-hum castle attitude there?", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: The whole point of today was to relax and have fun.", "Prue: See, and I thought the point was to give Piper and Leo some alone married people time since they decided to wait on their honeymoon.", "Phoebe: Okay. So you're sure nothing's wrong?", "Prue: You know, the beach isn't exactly my idea of a good time.", "Phoebe: Prue, how is that possible?", "Prue: Okay, well, you're too young to remember, but this is where Grams brought us after Mum's funeral to try and cheer us up.", "Phoebe: Oh, wow.", "Prue: Yeah. You know, but I know that you love the beach and I didn't wanna ruin it for you but something about the sand and the ocean makes me feel angry.", "Phoebe: Why does it make you angry?", "Prue: Doesn't Mums death make you angry?", "Phoebe: It makes me sad.", "Prue: Well, I don't really do sad that well, you know. I didn't even cry at her funeral.", "Phoebe: So seeing Mum at Piper's wedding and now the beach", "Prue: Yeah. So I'm sorry if I've been a little cranky.", "Phoebe: Say no more. (yelling) Princess Prue has spoken! By the orders of the Queen, that's me", "Prue: Ooh, I got that part.", "Phoebe: Phoebeville, and all of it's glory will be abandoned for greater pastures and two lattes.", "Prue: Oh, all hail the Queen.", "Phoebe: Yay, I love to be hailed.", "(A woman is standing nearby taking photos of Prue. Prue sees her and sees a black shadow floating beside her. She takes a photo of it.)", "Prue: Hey! (The woman runs off.) No, no, no, wait!", "Phoebe: You okay?", "Prue: Oh, there was this woman and there was a shadow next to her. It had to be demonic.", "Phoebe: A shadow? Like, what do you mean? Like a Woogy?", "Prue: No, spookier, way spookier. I think I got pictures though.", "Phoebe: So much for the lattes. Looks like there's a new demon in town.", "[Scene: Cole's old apartment. Two demons and a landlady are there. One demon floats across the room.]", "Landlady: So, you're new in town?", "Demon#1: Yes.", "Landlady: And-and you would both be living here?", "Demon #1: Sure, yes, that's right.", "(The other demon floats across the room again but the landlady doesn't notice.)", "Landlady: Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the whole alternative lifestyle thing. I just don't like loud. Well, you understand.", "Demon #1: Don't like loud. Got it.", "Landlady: Like the last tenant, Mr. Turner, he was a little strange. And then of course he disappeared without a trace. But he was nice and quiet. So I liked him fine.", "(Demon #2 opens Cole's altar.)", "Demon #1: Without a trace. Is that so?", "Demon #2: There's demonic residue all over this altar. It's his, I can sense it.", "Landlady: There's what? What did you say?", "Demon #1: Surely you knew something strange has happened here. It's your responsibility to divulge such things to respective tenants.", "Landlady: Now, listen, I don't know anything-", "Demon #1: And the fact that you failed to show us the altar makes us wonder. (He floats towards her.) What else about Cole Turner you might be hiding in that tiny human brain of yours.", "(The landlady starts crying.)", "Landlady: Why? I don't underst—", "Demon #1: Shh! Don't try to talk. You're brain stem will do the talking for you. (Demon #2 bites into the landlady's neck like a vampire. She screams. She falls to the ground. Demon #2 wipes the blood off his mouth with a handkerchief.) Is Belthazor alive?", "Demon #2: She didn't know, but she knows someone who might.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Piper and Leo are there. Piper's looking in the mirror.]", "Piper: Shouldn't I be wearing white or something? I mean, it is a Whitelighter reception and all.", "Leo: Piper, what you have on is perfect. You're beautiful. All my friends are gonna love you. If we can ever get there.", "Piper: Fine, um, but I still don't understand why my sisters can't come, I mean, we could just do a group hug thing.", "(Phoebe comes down the stairs holding the Book of Shadows.)", "Leo: Look, I can orb you because you're my wife but I'm not a cosmic taxi for the whole family.", "(Phoebe laughs)", "Phoebe: He said wife.", "Piper: Alright, I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be.", "Phoebe: Wait, what about Prue's demon looking shadowy thingy?", "Leo: Well, I promise we'll be in calling distance if any demon looking shadowy thingy attacks.", "Phoebe: Alright, you two, have fun. Bring me back a cloud.", "(Piper and Leo cuddle up and orb out. Prue walks in carrying some photos.)", "Prue: Pheebs? I have to get to Morris, see if he can track down this woman.", "Phoebe: Why? What did you find?", "Prue: Nothing, that's the problem. The shadow didn't show up in any of the pictures.", "Phoebe: Really? That's weird.", "(Phoebe puts the book down.)", "Prue: Anything in the book?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: No, nothing. (Phoebe heads towards the door.) I didn't really have a lot to go on though. (Phoebe opens the door and there stands Reese Davidson.) Inspector, how can I help you?", "Reese: You can tell me where to find Cole Turner. I know he's alive and I know he's in town.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Reese: Yeah, really. You wanna know how? Because his former landlady was found brutally murdered at this address.", "Phoebe: Mrs. Owens. That's awful.", "Reese: Awful like you can't imagine.", "Phoebe: Uh, Cole didn't do this. The Cole Turner I know", "Reese: The Cole Turner you know. See, now, that just doesn't sound like the words of a woman who claims her boyfriend left her without a word four months ago.", "Phoebe: I know what you're thinking, and I know what this looks like, and I am so sorry for what happened to", "Reese: You're sorry? Her eyes were frozen open in terror, her skull was punctured in two places, and by the time the police got there, most of her brain had spilled out onto the floor. Be sick, be horrified, but don't stand there lying to me and say you're sorry.", "Prue: Alright, wait a second. You're talking to her like she did it.", "Reese: If she's lying to protect Turner, then she might as well had. Now, for the last time. Where is he? (Silence) I'm gonna find him, Miss Halliwell and then I'm gonna bust his ass, and then I'm gonna bust yours.", "(He leaves. Prue walks over to Phoebe.)", "Prue: You okay?", "Phoebe: He didn't do it, Prue. I know he didn't do it.", "Prue: Yeah, well, it's not me you have to convince. (Prue looks outside and sees the lady at the beach talking to Reese.) Oh my God. That's her, the woman from the beach. (A dark shadow floats behind her.) Alright, look, do you see it?", "Phoebe: No. All I see is Inspector Davidson and a woman. What does this mean? Is he having her follow us?", "Prue: I'm more concerned about what's following her. I-I don't understand why you can't see it.", "Phoebe: That doesn't matter, Prue, you can. (Reese and the woman get in a car.) Do you think this has anything to do with the landlady's death?", "Prue: Well, it would be a pretty big coincidence if it didn't. (The car drives off.) Alright, I'm gonna follow her to protect her from it. If I'm the only one who can see it that must mean I'm meant to fight it.", "Phoebe: Alright, but the way the Inspector was describing the murder", "Prue: I know, I'll be careful. I think you should find Cole, tell him what happened and see if he knows anything about this shadow thing. ‘Kay? Alright, bye.", "(Prue leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Mausoleum. Cole and Phoebe are there.]", "Cole: I better get outta here.", "Phoebe: What? Why?", "Cole: Because it's getting too dangerous.", "Phoebe: So you're just gonna disappear again?", "Cole: If that's what it takes to keep you safe.", "Phoebe: What about keeping me sane, Cole. I'm not gonna lose you again.", "Cole: Some demon obviously knows I'm alive or at least suspects that. Why else would they have killed my landlady. And if they killed her, they'll kill anyone they have to, to get to me.", "Phoebe: That is exactly why you cannot leave. We have to stop them before they hurt anybody else. Or before they hurt you. (Cole takes Phoebe's hands.)", "Cole: They're after me, Phoebe. This is my battle. I'll handle it. (He starts to walk away.)", "Phoebe: Cole. (He stops and turns back around.) I love you, and if holding onto that means that I have to fight a couple of extra demons along the way, then bring them on. (Cole smiles.)", "Cole: Unfortunately, we have no idea what we're dealing with. A strange shadow that only Prue can see, I haven't the slightest idea what that could be.", "Phoebe: So we'll figure it out. (They hug.) Together. It won't bring Mrs. Owens back but trust me, avenging an innocent feels pretty damn good.", "[Cut to Prue in her car. She pulls up behind Reece's car.]", "[Cut inside the car. The woman is looking through photos she took.]", "Woman: I don't see anything remotely suspicious. Oh, unless you consider hot pink pedicures impressive.", "Reese: I'm not sure what I think.", "Woman: You really think these women are murderers?", "Reese: You just keep doing what you're doing.", "Woman: No, see there's something you're not telling me. Look, I know, I'm a rookie and all but I think I have a right to know what I'm looking for here.", "Reese: Look, Andrea, I've seen things on this case that aren't right. Look, I don't know what I'm looking for but until I do, I want you to keep your distance and just keep following Phoebe Halliwell.", "Woman: So why don't you at least take the night off, get some sleep for Pete's sake?", "Reese: No, no, no, I can't, nu-uh. Not till this is over. I tell you what. Um, you dump those photos off on my desk and go home. You can pick them up again tomorrow.", "Andrea: Reese", "Reese: That's an order. (Andrea takes off her seat belt.)", "Andrea: Have a good night.", "Reese: Goodbye, you too.", "(Andrea gets out of the car and Prue follows.)", "[Cut to Cole's old apartment. Cole and Phoebe duck under some police tape across the door and walk in. Phoebe sees a blood stain on the carpet.]", "Phoebe: Oh, God.", "Cole: You okay? (Cole shuts the door.) Try not to touch anything, you don't wanna leave your fingerprints.", "Phoebe: What if I want to get a premonition?", "Cole: Use the back of your hand.", "(Phoebe touches objects while Cole looks around the apartment. He goes into the bedroom.)", "Phoebe: Did you find something?", "(She goes over to him.)", "Cole: Just this place, it's strange to be back here.", "Phoebe: I know. It's strange to be back here too.", "Cole: This was the first taste I had of a normal life. There were mornings I'd wake up next to you and I didn't feel evil. I was just a guy in love with a beautiful girl. I wanted it so much. I started to believe that lie.", "Phoebe: That's not a lie anymore. We can have that. We can have a life together.", "Cole: How?", "Phoebe: Well, by taking out the bad guys who wanna take it away from us.", "(Phoebe touches something and has a premonition of the two demons killing Reese. Prue is standing near and turns away.)", "Cole: What did you see?", "Phoebe: Prue, she turned her back. Why didn't she do anything to stop them?", "Cole: Stop who?", "Phoebe: Uh, uh, demons. They, uh, sort of had vampire teeth and they were floating. They were killing Davidson.", "Cole: I know. They're Seekers. They have ways of gathering information fast. Really fast.", "Phoebe: Do you know how to vanquish them?", "Cole: No.", "Phoebe: Well, let's hope the Book of Shadows does.", "[Scene: Reese's office. Andrea walks in. A seeker is there. She gets a fright.]", "Andrea: Oh my God. Oh, you startled me. Uh, are you waiting for Inspector Davidson?", "Seeker #1: Are you expecting him?", "Andrea: Uh, not tonight, he's in the field.", "Seeker #1: Where?", "(Seeker #2 floats to the ground from the roof behind Andrea.)", "Andrea: I'm sorry. (She sees Seeker #2.) I don't know.", "Seeker #1: Are you sure about that?", "[Cut to outside the office. Prue is walking down the hallway. She hears a scream.]", "[Cut back inside the office. Andrea falls to the floor.]", "Seeker #1: What did she know?", "Seeker #2: Nothing. She told me nothing.", "Seeker #1: Which means he definitely knows something.", "(Prue uses her power to knock the door down. The seekers disappear. Prue notices the black shadow floating above Andrea. She tries to use her power on it. It changes into the Angel of Death.)", "Angel of Death: I'm beyond your powers. It's time.", "(Andrea's spirit comes out of her body.)", "Prue: Who are you?", "Angel of Death: I'm Death. And I'll be back.", "(He and Andrea disappear.)", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Phoebe and Cole are there. Phoebe is flipping through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: Here it is. The Seekers. They gather information by feeding on their victims brain stem cells. Lovely.", "Cole: Which means my landlady must have talked to Inspector Davidson about me, that's why they're after him. Does it say anything about demons taking on shadow form?", "Phoebe: No, but it does have a vanquish. Do you wanna see it?", "(She goes to hand it to Cole but he jumps back.)", "Cole: Oh, no no no. Last time I touched that book it electrocuted me.", "Phoebe: Yeah, will, maybe because your intentions were evil. Maybe it knows now you're trying to be good.", "Cole: Better safe than sorry.", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Oh, alright, I need the Book. Wait a second, what is he doing here next to it?", "Cole: Keeping my distance, don't worry.", "Phoebe: Uh, pardon the potential understatement of a cliché, but you look like you've seen a ghost.", "Prue: Yeah, among other things. I lost my innocent", "Cole: Davidson?", "Prue: No, his partner. I mean, she was out of my sight for two seconds and then they got her.", "Phoebe: Was that them?", "(Prue looks at the book.)", "Prue: Uh, yeah, actually, I think so.", "Phoebe: They're demonic lie detectors. Only no one survives their test.", "Cole: They killed Mrs. Owens and now they're after Davidson.", "Prue: To get to you?", "Cole: Yes, to get to me. (Silence.) Maybe I should deal with this on my own.", "(Cole stands up.)", "Phoebe: No, (Phoebe stands up.) You can't. You said it yourself. You don't know how to vanquish them.", "Prue: Um, unfortunately this isn't the only evil we're up against either.", "Phoebe: You mean the shadow?", "Prue: Oh, yeah. Leo! Leo!", "(Leo and Piper orb in. Leo is holding a crystal lamp.)", "Phoebe: What's with the lamp?", "Leo: A wedding present.", "(Leo grins. Piper does not look impressed.)", "Piper: Bright isn't it?", "Prue: Uh, yeah. Um, Leo, is there such a thing as death? Uh, I mean the Angel of Death.", "Leo: Yeah, sure. Why?", "Prue: Because I met him.", "Phoebe: Uh, what, are you kidding me?", "Prue: Yeah, that's how the shadow introduced himself to me when he took Davidson's partner. And then he said that he would be back too. I'm assuming for Davidson.", "Cole: He's not working with the demons.", "Leo: No, he can't be. Angel of Death isn't evil.", "Prue: The hell he isn't. And if I can see him, that must mean that I'm supposed to stop him.", "Leo: Prue, you can't stop him. The Angel of Death always gets what he comes for.", "Prue: Yeah, well, not this time. Alright, I need to get a hold of Davidson. If I can get him here, I can protect him better.", "Piper: Hold it. Davidson? As in Reese Davidson, the D.A. investigator? He's the innocent?", "Prue: Yeah, is that a problem?", "Piper: One big great giant one. Prue, we can't protect him without telling him we're witches.", "Prue: Yeah, I know that Piper but I don't care, okay? I-I cannot stand by and watch death take that man.", "Phoebe: But that's what you do. At least according to my premonition. You turn your back when the demons attack.", "Prue: No, that doesn't make any sense.", "Phoebe: I know, but that's what I saw.", "Prue: Yeah, well, then you saw wrong. I'm not gonna let Death take any more of my innocents. I'm tired of losing people. So, Phoebe, do you have Davidson's card?", "Phoebe: Mm-hm.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Cole: Excuse me.", "(Cole walks out of the room and shimmers out.)", "[Cut to Reese's office. Paramedics cover Andrea over. An inspector is talking to Reese.]", "Reese: I thought I was protecting her.", "Inspector: You alright, Inspector?", "Reese: I should've warned her. I should've told her everything.", "Inspector: What exactly should you have told her?", "Reese: Look, all that matters is I'm gonna take down the guy who did this. No matter what. (His pager beeps.) The last thing I feel like is I've gotta take this.", "(Reese walks out of the room. The Seekers are standing near by. Reese goes down the hallway and Cole stands in front of him.)", "Cole: Forget about the Halliwells, it's me you're after. I'll tell you whatever you wanna know, I promise. Just not here, it's not safe. (Cole goes to touch his shoulder but Reese pushes it away.)", "Reese: Don't touch me! You're under arrest. Turner and I will personally see to it.", "Cole: Wait. (Cole listens.)", "Reese: What do you mean, wait?", "(Cole grabs Reese and they shimmer out. The two Seekers walk around the corner. They stop.)", "Seeker #1: Did you sense that?", "Seeker #2: Belthazor's alive.", "[Cut to the mausoleum. Cole and Reese shimmer in.]", "Cole: I'm sorry, it was our only chance. They might be able to track me, but they'll have a hard time sensing me in a cemetery", "Reese: How did we get What the hell's happening? What was happening to me?", "Cole: Just breathe, try to calm down.", "Reese: Who are you?", "Cole: Somebody who just saved your life. (Reese freaks out and backs away.) Try to calm down, Inspector. If I were a murderer, I would have killed you by now.", "Reese: Just-just-just let me go then. I'll just walk away.", "Cole: But I can't do that. If demons get to you, they'll find out the way to get to me is to kill Phoebe and I can't let that happen.", "Reese: You say demon?", "Cole: Only as a metaphor.", "[Cut to the manor. Leo places the lamp on a table. Prue is waiting near the phone.]", "Prue: Okay, Davidson won't answer our page. Something must have happened to him.", "(Phoebe comes down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Cole's gone.", "Leo: What do you mean gone?", "Phoebe: I mean, he's not here. I've looked everywhere. He must have gone after Davidson alone, to protect us.", "Piper: Yeah, but if the Seekers get to him first", "Prue: We've gotta get Cole to bring him back here.", "Phoebe: The mausoleum. He could've taken him to the mausoleum. That's where Cole stays.", "Piper: Is there any chance that's where you saw the Inspector die in your premonition?", "Phoebe: Maybe. Let's go.", "(They head towards the door.)", "Prue: I could astral there faster.", "Leo: What if the demon shows up? You can't vanquish them, you'll need the power of three spell.", "Prue: So then I won't vanquish them. I'll just protect Reese long enough to get him outta there.", "Phoebe: Prue", "Prue: Phoebe, your premonition is not gonna come true. I told you, this is one fight Death is not gonna win.", "[Cut to the mausoleum. Cole pushes Reese against the wall.]", "Reese: Stay the hell away from me.", "Cole: I told you I'm not gonna hurt you.", "(The Seekers appear.)", "Seeker#1: Belthazor, I assume.", "Cole: I'm sorry, who?", "Seeker #1: We sensed your shimmer. You're losing your touch.", "Cole: Leave him out of this.", "Seeker #1: Why would we want him? Now that we have you.", "Seeker #2: Unless the human knows something Belthazor doesn't want us to know.", "(Prue astral projects in.)", "Prue: Hi. Need a little help?", "Cole: What are you doing here?", "(Prue winks at him.)", "Reece: How did you get here? What the hells going on?", "Seeker #1: Well, well, well. The mighty Belthazor, in bed with a witch.", "Prue: Don't make me sick. (Reese tries to run away but Seeker #2 throws him against the wall. Cole tackles Seeker #1. Prue kicks Seeker #2 and he flies into a cement statue. Death appears beside Reece.) No.", "(Seeker #1 holds Cole on the ground.)", "Cole: Prue!", "(Cole pushes Seeker #1 off and #2 jumps on him.)", "Prue: (to Death) Come out and fight you miserable coward.", "(She kicks and punches him but her leg goes straight through him. The Seekers hold down Cole. They show their fangs.)", "Cole: Prue!", "(Prue stops kicking and punching Death.)", "Death: I never lose. It's his time.", "Prue: Over my dead body.", "(She continues to punch him. Cole pushes off the seekers and looks over at Prue. He can't see Death. He tries to zap the Seekers but they disappear. Death disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Leo places the lamp on a different table. Piper stands behind him.]", "Piper: It's just so bright.", "Leo: Of course it's bright. It's supposed to represent the light of eternal love.", "Piper: Wait, does that mean we can never turn if off?", "Phoebe: At this rate you're gonna turn it off in record time.", "Piper: I'm just saying, I don't think it belongs in the living room.", "Leo: Or the parlor, the dining room, the foyer.", "Piper: Pheebs?", "Phoebe: Oh, do you think I'm stupid, I am staying out of this. Besides, I'm more concerned about", "(Cole and Prue walk in. Cole is carrying Reese.)", "Cole: I wouldn't revert to my demon form and I could've used some help.", "(Cole lays him on the couch.)", "Prue: I was busy saving Davidson.", "Cole: No, that's what I was doing.", "Phoebe: Hello? What happened? Is he okay?", "Cole: He almost wasn't. The Seekers were at the Courthouse waiting for him.", "Prue: And then they tracked Cole to the mausoleum.", "Leo: Well, how do you know they didn't track you here.", "Cole: They retreated first. They have to be close to a shimmer to track it.", "Phoebe: They retreated?", "Prue: Yeah. I kicked ass.", "Cole: No, you kicked air.", "Prue: No, I told you that I was fighting the Angel of Death and obviously I won.", "Leo: Prue, that's not possible.", "Prue: Well he's alive isn't he?", "Cole: For now maybe. But the Seekers will be back and they'll out for blood, mine and yours. The only thing they don't know is how to find us.", "Prue: Yes, and now they know Davidson is the key.", "Cole: If you had have just worked with me", "Prue: You know, you're not exactly the poster boy for teamwork, Cole.", "Piper: Hey, you were supposed to stick with us, remember?", "Cole: I was trying to protect you. All of you.", "Phoebe: By exposing yourself?", "Cole: Better me than you.", "Prue: You know, the one thing you failed to consider, Cole, is no matter how dangerous Davidson is to us, you were more dangerous.", "Cole: Oh, no, wait a minute, I think that I proved myself to you", "Phoebe: No, Cole, that's not what she meant. You're a part of our lives now. You know almost everything about us. If you had lost", "Cole: The Seekers could use what they know to destroy you.", "Leo: I better check with the Elders, this is getting complicated.", "(Reese starts to wake up and he sees Leo orb out. He freaks out.)", "Prue: Uh, Inspector, you hit your head.", "(He jumps up off the couch and pulls out his gun.)", "Reese: I didn't hit it that hard. Whatever I just saw, it wasn't because I hit my head.", "Prue: Alright, look, I know that this may seem hard to believe after everything that you've been through tonight, but we are on your side, okay, we're the good guys.", "Reese: I don't know what you people are but good isn't topping my list of ideas.", "Cole: Leave that as it may, we can't let you leave.", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Reese: Try and stop me.", "Cole: Inspector, you're in a room with three witches and a demon, do you really think that gun's gonna help?", "Prue: Look, I don't really know how to tell you this but it's not just demons that are after you. The Angel of Death wants you too. Now please, please, if you stay here we can protect you.", "Reese: I'm not afraid of Death. (Cole walks towards him.) You on the other hand are a different matter. (Reese runs outside.)", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Cole: He's gonna expose you. He'll gather evidence and", "Piper: Cole, we don't kidnap cops and then hold them against their will.", "Phoebe: But we do follow them and protect them against their will. Come on. (to Cole) Not you, you stay here.", "Cole: So, what? I'm just, I'm just meant to wait here?", "Piper: Yeah, no shimmering and lock the door behind us. Prue?", "Prue: You guys go ahead.", "Phoebe: What about the demons?", "Prue: Yeah, the demons are just pawns, I'm going over their heads.", "(Piper and Phoebe leave.)", "[Scene: Beach. Prue is there chanting.]", "Prue: “Spirits of air, sand and sea, converge to set the Angel free, in the wind I send this rhyme, bring Death before me, before my time.” Come on, I know that you can hear me.", "(Death appears.)", "Death: Are you sure you really want to be here?", "Prue: Uh", "Death: Come on, I don't have all day. There are people waiting. You definitely don't have all day. So what is it? I took your husband and you want him back? Brother? Your Mother?", "Prue: Don't talk about her, don't talk about my mother.", "Death: That should've been an easy guess where the sad little girl lies.", "Prue: You want Reece Davidson and it's my job to protect him. So what do you want from me? What do I have to do?", "Death: That's not why you called me.", "Prue: Yes, it is.", "Death: No, that's an excuse. You're mad at me for taking mummy.", "Prue: I told you not to talk about her.", "Death: What were you? Ten? I'm just guessing now.", "Prue: Just stop it!", "Death: Younger, I bet. And now you think by saving this, which is it, Davidson, you think you'll have beat me somehow. Somehow you'll have finally won.", "Prue: Just go away.", "Death: No, you wanted me, now you've got me. You're wasting precious time.", "Prue: I'm sorry.", "Death: It's not my time your wasting, it's yours. You refuse to accept me for what I am which keeps you from mourning me.", "Prue: You don't know me. You don't know anything about me.", "Death: But I've seen it so many times before. The anger, the pain. You lock up your tears and angrily steal yourself against me as it I was the ultimate evil.", "Prue: You are the ultimate evil.", "Death: No, I'm not good or evil, I just am. I'm inevitable.", "Prue: What do I have to do to save Davidson?", "Death: Huh. You still don't get it do you? There's nothing you can do.", "Prue: I can't just let an innocent man die.", "Death: You have to let him die, you have no choice. And until you learn to accept that, you'll just keep missing the bigger picture.", "Prue: What bigger picture?", "Death: I'll show you. Oh, don't worry, it's not your time. Well, not just yet anyway.", "(Death holds out his hand and Pru takes it. They disappear.)", "[Scene: Cemetary. People are there attending Andrea's funeral.]", "[Cut to Piper's car, which is parked near by. Phoebe's on her cell phone.]", "Phoebe: Prue left right after we did. And she hasn't been back there?", "Cole: (on phone) No one's been here. I'm going out of my mind.", "Phoebe: Yeah, try sitting in a car for sixteen hours.", "Cole: No sign of any demons?", "Phoebe: No, not yet. But Davidson lead us to a , uh", "Cole: To a what?", "Phoebe: Never mind. Uh, if Prue comes back, tell her to call us. I love you. (She hangs up.)", "[Cut to Cole]", "Cole: Phoebe? Phoebe?", "[Cut back to the car.]", "Phoebe: Okay, so now what?", "Piper: Well, we can't crash the funeral. I guess we just watch from here.", "Phoebe: I don't understand. You tell a guy that Death is after him and he goes to a cemetery. How smart is that?", "[Cut back to the funeral. The Seekers walk over to Reece.]", "Reece: You want me? Fine But these people have been through enough.", "(Reece walks away and the Seekers follow.)", "[Cut to the car.]", "Piper: Phoebe. (They get out of the car. The Seekers follow Reece into a church. Seeker #2 closes the door and puts a bar in the handles. Phoebe and Piper arrive outside. Reece gets out his gun and shoots at them.)", "Phoebe: Reece, get out of there!", "Piper: Run!", "(Seeker 32 floats behind Reece.)", "Seeker #1: You've been so brave, Inspector. Don't ruin it now. Where's Belthazor?", "Reece: Belthazor?", "(Prue and Death appears. Seeker #2 bites Reece's neck. Prue gasps and looks away.)", "Prue: Oh, my god.", "Death: It's his time. Just like it was your mother's time.", "Phoebe: Prue?", "Prue: Prue, open the gate!", "Death: Stop fighting me. (The Seekers disappear. Death malks over to Reece and his spirit rises from his body. He and Death disappear.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Church. Continued from before. Phoebe and Piper get inside.]", "Piper: Prue.", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: I don't know.", "Phoebe: Did the demons do something to you?", "Prue: No.", "Piper: How did you even get in here?", "Prue: Uh, Death brought me.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry.", "Prue: You know, I-I don't completely understand it myself.", "Piper: Prue, how can you stand there and let him die?", "Prue: Because it was his time, alright. I wanted to save him but I couldn't.", "Piper: You didn't even try.", "Prue: I'm sorry. (Prue kneels down beside Reece and cries.) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", "[Scene: Manor. The phone rings. Cole walks into the foyer to answer it. Seeker #1 appears in front of him.]", "Cole: Ever hear of a doorbell?", "Seeker #1: I thought we'd surprise you.", "(Seeker #2 jumps on top of Cole. The answering machine picks up.)", "[Cut to the car.]", "Phoebe: (on phone) Cole, if you're there, pick up the phone. Actually, don't pick up the phone, just get out of the manor.", "Prue: Should I astral there?", "Piper: I think we should stick together.", "Phoebe: Faster.", "(Piper goes faster and almost crashes into a car.)", "[Cut back to the manor. Cole hits Seeker #2 with a lamp and he falls into a table. Seeker #2 jumps on Cole and tries to bite him. Cole pushes him off and tries to zap him. He dodges the electricity balls. Seeker #2 jumps on Cole and they crash into the furniture. Cole is knocked unconscious.)", "Seeker #1 Now, let's see what you don't want us to know.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in. Prue uses her power on Seeker #2. Phoebe hits Seeker #1 in the face and Prue kicks Seeker #2 in the stomach. Piper helps Cole up.)", "Piper: Okay, come on, come on.", "(Prue continues to kick Seeker #2.)", "Cole: Prue. (She spins around.) Don't.", "(Prue joins Piper and Phoebe and they recite a spell.)", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: \"Knowledge gained by murderous means is wisdom's bitter enemy. The mind that burns with stolen fire, will now become your funeral pyre.\"", "(Smoke rises from the Seekers and they are engulfed in flames. They disappear. Phoebe goes over to Cole and they kiss.)", "Prue: Well, at least we saved one.", "Phoebe: Wow, did you hear that? You just reached innocent status.", "Cole: Well, that's good.", "Phoebe: To Prue no one's more important.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Piper: Wow, nice timing. You missed the show.", "Leo: I know, but they told me to miss it. (to Prue) You okay?", "Prue: Yeah.", "Piper: What do you mean they told you to miss it? The Elders were behind this whole thing?", "Leo: No, but they knew they had to let Prue learn a lesson by herself. The hard way.", "Cole: What lesson?", "Prue: That Death is not the evil.", "Phoebe: You okay?", "Prue: Yeah. (Prue leaves the room.)", "Leo: She just needs some time.", "Piper: And we need a maid. (Phoebe nudges Cole and they run out of the room.) You know, I was thinking. This lamp is not worth fighting over, so if you love it then I love it.", "Leo: Yeah?", "Piper: Yeah, I mean, uh, life's too short. (They kiss. Leo knocks the table the lamp was on and it smashes on the floor.) Ooh! Wow. Now I love it even more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Beach. Prue is sitting on some rocks looking out at the water. Death appears.]", "Death: You contemplating the tides? Can't control them anymore than me.", "Prue: Okay, I get that you're not evil but what I don't get is why I wasn't supposed to fight the demons.", "Death: Well, you were alone and out numbered.", "Prue: I still could've fought.", "Death: But you would've lost, Prue.", "Prue: How did you know my name?", "Death: I read it off my list. It was the next one after Reece Davidson.", "Prue: You were coming for me.", "Death: If you had have stopped fighting me, yes. That's why you were able to see me. It's the bigger picture, Prue. Focusing all your anger against me leaves you vulnerable to the real evils of this world. You do well to remember that in the future. What?", "Prue: I don't know, you know, I've been mad at you for so long. Ever since mum died. I don't know how else to be.", "Death: You grieve and then you move on.", "(Death disappears. Prue sits there and cries.)" ]
Death Takes a Halliwell
[ "Looking for a little privacy now that they're married, Piper and Leo decide to move out on their own. As a result, the sisters have to come to terms with how things now are, and then they reminisce about how things were after Grams died and when Phoebe moved to New York. As they're dealing with the possibility of Piper's possible move, the sisters have to battle a warlock who was a former cat multiple times before being able to vanquish him before he turns immortal." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Bathroom. Piper and Leo are in the shower. They are giggling.]", "Piper: See, we finally found a place where we can be alone.", "Leo: Yeah, his is perfect. Now all we have to do is move all our stuff in here and nobody will bother us.", "Piper: Yeah.", "(They kiss. There's a knock at the door and Phoebe walks in covering her eyes.)", "Phoebe: I'm not looking at anything and I do not see anything. No one's looking, no one's looking at anything. (She peeks through the gap between her fingers.) I just need to get my gloss.", "Piper: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, were you guys in the middle of the... ew!", "Piper: No, not yet. Phoebe, would you just get out of here!", "(Phoebe gets her gloss out of a drawer.)", "Phoebe: Found it. Okay, I'm going now. Outta here. Found the gloss.", "(She heads towards the door.)", "Piper: Watch out for the...", "(Phoebe runs into the wall.)", "Phoebe: Ooh! Ow, I'm okay.", "(She leaves.)", "[Time lapse. Piper's room. Piper and Leo are in their robes. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Hey, you guys.", "Piper: Heya, Prue, are you lost?", "Prue: Uh, no, but my keys are. Have you seen them?", "Piper: No, have you seen the way out?", "Prue: Uh, I-I-I knocked didn't I?", "Piper: But you didn't wait for an answer.", "Prue: Oh, right, god, I'm really sorry. Look at me. Look at me, I'm leaving, I'm leaving.", "Piper: Yes. (Prue leaves.)", "Leo: Well, we knew what we were getting into.", "Piper: So maybe it's time we get out of it.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Piper: Okay, once upon a time before we were witchy women, Prue and I shared this amazing apartment in North Beach. But then when Grams got sick, we decided to move back to the manor for a while, and we gave up the apartment to friends and your wife was smart enough to keep in touch with them.", "Leo: Should I be taking notes?", "Piper: They're moving out. They're moving out and they will give us first shot at taking over the lease.", "Leo: Whoa. Are you sure we can?", "Piper: Well, the rent's a little steep but...", "Leo: No, no, no, I mean, the bigger are you sure we can. You guys didn't get your powers until you all moved back in together. There might be some supernatural ramifications to living apart.", "Piper: Okay, but what about the marital ramifications to living together? I mean, Leo, everything we do is about navigating our charmed lives. I mean, when do we get to concentrate on our married life? Maybe this apartment falling into our laps is a sign. A sign that it's time to move out of the manor and in together. (They kiss.) What do you think the odds are of pulling this off before the next demon attacks?", "[Scene: A witch's apartment. A witch is kneeling in front of her altar, chanting. Five candles are floating around her. Something lurks behind her. Her black cat jumps on her lap and gives her a fright.]", "Witch: Oh! Shadow. You gave me a fright, little one. You know better than to interrupt me during ritual. Now go. Go. (The cat walks away. The witch continues chanting. The cat jumps on the bar and knocks off a bottle.) What on earth are you doing? (The cat knocks another bottle off.) Shadow? (The cat hisses at her.) Don't do this. Please. (It pushes another bottle full of black liquid closer to the edge.) No!", "(The cat pushes the bottle off with its paw and it smashes on the floor. The cat jumps on the floor and stands in the liquid. Mist surrounds the cat and it changes into a human.)", "Man: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?", "(She screams and disappears.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo are sitting around the table. Prue, Phoebe and Leo are reading the different sections out of the newspaper. Piper's just sitting there.]", "Phoebe: Flakes.", "(Leo passes Phoebe the Corn Flakes.)", "Prue: Ugh, the Warriors.", "Phoebe: Pathetic defense.", "Leo: Someone pass the, uh...", "Phoebe: Yeah, I got it. Hey, what time does the BART...?", "Prue: Every fifteen minutes on a Saturday.", "Phoebe: Good. Mamma needs a new pair of shoes. I know, limited funds. I'll limit my shopping to window, I promise.", "Prue: I will gladly trade somebody for the opinion page.", "Piper: Leo and I are moving. (Everyone puts down their papers.) Thinking of moving, out of the manor. Um, milk?", "Prue: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. Life altering plans can not be squeezed in between 'pass the newspaper' and 'who ate the Special K?'.", "Piper: Okay, look, we all knew this would happen sooner or later. It's just sooner. Well, actually, it's later because I've been married for weeks and we're still living in a bedroom with the wallpaper I picked out when I was nine. Not to mention the bathroom sharing and the family breakfasts.", "Prue: And the whole saving the world on a weekly basis thing. I mean, Piper, we don't live here just for sentimental value, alright. We live here because we're the strongest here.", "Piper: Right, I know. Leo, a little assist?", "Leo: Well, there have been times when you've handled things on your own, I mean, without Piper.", "Piper: Like when I went to Hawaii or when I went away with Leo and everything was fine.", "Phoebe: Do I get to kick her first?", "Prue: Everything was not fine, Piper, alright. The charmed gig is all about being a trio, alright. Without you...", "Leo: Well, you'd still have her. We wouldn't be moving far.", "Piper: Just far enough so I can have my own life. Our own life. We all knew this would happen, I'm just the one that's saying it first. We can't live together forever.", "Prue: Right, and we also can not ignore the responsibility that we inherited from our family.", "Piper: Well, you guys have to try and understand I have two families now. Besides, wasn't it you, Miss Phoebe, who moved to New York three years ago?", "Phoebe: No, no, that doesn't count. That was before the whole destiny thing kicked in. We didn't get our powers until six months after Grams died. Speaking of, what do you think she would say if she knew you were even considering this?", "[Flashback: Three years earlier. Manor. Kitchen. Prue is there talking on the phone. Grams walks in holding the newspaper.]", "Grams: Morons! Why does that pre-pubescent have to throw the paper in the shrubbery?", "Prue: (on phone) Roger seems to have forgotten an entire forest of his family tree so now the head count for the ceremony is up to 180. I know", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Grams! The doctor was very clear when he said no caffeine. Here, have some nice tea.", "(She gets the tea out of the cupboard.)", "Prue: (on phone) No, that would just be my sister yelling and it will be a lot easier when I move out.", "Piper: (Yelling) Grams, where's the paper?", "(Grams hands her the paper. Piper smiles.)", "Prue: (on phone) Can I call you back? Thank you.", "(Prue hangs up.)", "Grams: You know, I'm so glad to have the two of you in the same place. It's a rarity. Oh, listen, do me a favour, I just treated myself and bought tada! (Holds up a camera.)", "Prue: A great new camera. Even though it's last years model. What is it? A '96?", "Grams: Well, I just like to just get a picture, you know.", "Piper: Did you say you were moving out?", "Prue: Yes, I did. We can't all live here with Grams forever.", "Grams: Yeah, uh, maybe just a couple of quick shots, you know, candids.", "Piper: Uh, when was this decided?", "Prue: Oh, I don't know, probably when I was proposed to.", "(Grams grabs her chest.)", "Grams: Uh, maybe later.", "Piper: Grams? (They go over to her.) Please sit down.", "Prue: You only just got back from hospital.", "Grams: Okay, I'll take it easy. (The doorbell rings.) After I get that.", "[Cut to the foyer. Prue and Piper follow Grams in. Grams opens the door. Phoebe and two policemen are standing there.]", "Phoebe: Oh, you guys didn't have to get out of bed for little old me.", "Cop: Mrs. Halliwell?", "Grams: Can I hear what she did first before I answer that?", "Cop: She was caught shoplifting.", "Phoebe: Oh, that is so not true, I just forgot to pay for them, Grams. The store's not even pressing charges.", "Grams: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Oh, please don't sound so disappointed. Look, you're always talking about how we should spend more time together and, well, here we all are. Okay, that was really fun.", "(Phoebe walks inside.)", "Grams: Phoebe, what is the matter with you? How can you behave so recklessly? What about your destiny, your-your future?", "Phoebe: Well, maybe my future plans don't match up to the ones that you've mapped out.", "Cop: We're, uh, gonna need to take back those shoes that you", "Phoebe: Forgot to pay for?", "Cop: Right.", "(Phoebe takes off the shoes.)", "[Cut back to the present. Phoebe is at a shoe store. She hands a pair of shoes back to the salesman.]", "Phoebe: They're just out of my price range.", "Salesman: But they're", "Phoebe: Perfect, I know. And I'm sure all these will be perfect too. (She hands back more shoes. The salesman walks away. Phoebe picks up another shoe.) Okay, I'm weak, can you show me this one too? (The warlock stands behind Phoebe and takes the shoe off her. He throws it away. Phoebe turns around and his eyes glow.) Or not.", "Warlock: Those were so last season.", "(Phoebe swings a punch and he blocks it. He flips her over. He then levitates her in the air.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, down boy. (He drops her on the floor.) Whoa, who'd you steal that power from?", "Warlock: That's for me to know and you to find (Phoebe kicks him and he falls into a chair.)", "Phoebe: I hear spikes are making a come back. (She throws a high heeled shoe at him and it sticks in his forehead. He disappears.)", "[Scene: A box store. Piper and Leo walk out carrying a pile of flattened boxes.]", "Piper: I think we got too many boxes.", "Leo: No, we didn't.", "Piper: Are you saying I have too much stuff?", "Leo: Yes, I am.", "Piper: You do realize the only reason I'm letting you get away with that is because you're the only one on my team right now.", "Leo: Yes, I do. They just need a little time to get used to the idea.", "Piper: Well, moving out is a big deal for me too. I could use some support right now. (The same warlock as before walks up to Piper and makes her fly up into the air. She freezes him and she lands on the ground. He starts to fight through her freeze.) Leo, help!", "(Leo throws her a Stanley knife.)", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: What am I supposed to do with this? (He motions to stab the warlock.) No, no way. Too messy. Too violent.", "(She stabs the warlock anyway and he disappears.)", "Leo: You okay?", "[Flashback. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are standing outside the manor, while Grams is trying to take a photo of them.]", "Phoebe: I'm fine. Whatever.", "Grams: Okay, girls, now if you could just move a little closer, okay? Uh, Phoebe, turn to me, I wanna be able to get your good side.", "Piper: I don't think she has one today, Grams.", "Phoebe: Can we please get this over with?", "Prue: Why? You got plans?", "Grams: Prue, all I'm getting is shoulder.", "Prue: Anyone that I know?", "Phoebe: I'm sure lying beneath all that sarcasm there is a point. And if it has anything to do with Roger", "Prue: Well, I mean, he said that you called him yesterday.", "Phoebe: Looking for you. Prue, I'm not gonna defend myself when I didn't do anything wrong.", "Prue: Really?", "Phoebe: Just trying to be nice to the guy considering he's gonna be part of this family soon. You know, which I'm not even sure I wanna be part of this family.", "Grams: The sun is shifting. Could you move down a step please?", "(They do so.)", "Phoebe: And why would I spend my time on a wimp who's got mother issues?", "Prue: I don't know, but why should I believe anything that you say? I mean, you don't even know what the difference between what belongs to you and what belongs to, oh, let's say Macy's.", "Piper: Alrighty then. Are we done?", "(Grams gasps and grabs her chest.)", "Phoebe: Grams.", "(They go over to her.)", "Prue: Grams.", "Piper: Okay, okay, take shallow breaths.", "Prue: Should I call the doctor?", "Grams: No doctor. Just a picture. Is it too much for an old lady to ask her granddaughters to retract their claws, stand still and look at me long enough to take one lousy picture?", "(The girls stand on the lawn and pose for the camera. Grams takes the picture.)", "[Cut back to the present. Prue walks in the foyer from the living room. Phoebe comes through the front door carrying two shoeboxes.]", "Prue: Hi, what happened to the window when you're shopping?", "Phoebe: Turns out these were a ride off. Who knew product spring line could be used to fight evil? I killed a—", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Warlock appeared outta nowhere, had to kill him.", "Phoebe: Wait, you too?", "Prue: Uh, me three. Warlock attacked me in the attic.", "Piper: Did we miss a convention?", "Phoebe: Well, if so I got the runt. Bad teeth, funky clothes and way easy to kill.", "Prue: Black hair?", "Piper: Bad breath?", "Phoebe: You know him?", "Prue: Uh, I think I killed him.", "(The warlock appears.)", "Warlock: Care to try again?", "(The warlock makes Piper fly up into the corner of the room. Phoebe stabs the warlock in the back with the tip of an umbrella. Piper falls to the floor. Prue helps her up.)", "Phoebe: Okay, so that does it.", "Piper: Again?", "Phoebe: Okay, does anyone else think that was weird? Like he wasn't even trying?", "Piper: Almost as if he wasn't even interested. What do you think he was up to?", "Phoebe: Or is up to? How do we know he's really gone?", "Prue: We don't. But we all have vanquished him once today.", "Phoebe: And?", "Prue: Well, what if he can't be vanquished?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: (singing) Ahh, we're gonna vanquish all the live (Prue gives her a look. The pages of the Book of Shadows flip by themselves. It stops at a page.) Whoa.", "Prue: Okay.", "Piper: Thanks Grams.", "Phoebe: It's so weird that we listed to her more now than when she was alive.", "Prue: (reading from the Book) “How to perform a Séance. A ceremony to contact the dead.”", "Piper: But the guy we're dealing with won't die. So that's not gonna help.", "Prue: Yeah, I don't know, Grams must be very, very, very confused.", "(Prue closes the Book but it opens back up.)", "Phoebe: Very testy also. Hmm. Okay, we're gonna need six candles white and purple, some burnings, cinnamon, frankincense, and sandalwood. Piper, you wanna grab the white cloth?", "(Prue and Phoebe search in a trunk for the ingredients. Piper goes over to another trunk.)", "Piper: You know, this trunk would go great at the foot of our bed.", "Prue: Yeah, my foot would look great on your butt. You are so not taking that, okay? It holds all of our ritual stuff.", "Piper: I just want things to remember this place by. (She picks up a bottle.) How about this? Something to bring a piece of Grams to my place.", "Prue: Okay, Sweetie, can we try to contact the dead now, please?", "[Time lapse. The girls have everything set up and are sitting around a table.]", "All: “Beloved unknown spirit. We seek your guidance, we ask you to commune with us and move among us.”", "(They repeat it. A witch appears.)", "Witch: Forgive me, but why ?", "Phoebe: We don't know.", "Piper: We were told in a round about sort of way that you might be able to help us.", "Witch: Are you witches? You're the three sister witches, the Charmed ones, aren't you?", "Phoebe: And you're a witch too?", "Witch: I-I was. I'm sorry, this is so new. I haven't exactly figured it all out yet.", "Prue: We think that we're against an evil that can't be killed. We've nixed him four times but", "Phoebe: And since you're the only one that answered our call", "Witch: The spirits must think I know who you're up against.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Witch: You said you've killed him four times?", "Prue: Yeah, and it's like he just keeps on coming back for more. Like he", "Witch: Wants to die.", "Piper: Do you know who he is?", "Witch: He was my familiar. A feline I called Shadow. He's a warlock now. A familiar he becomes when he betrays his witch.", "Prue: That must be why we can't kill him. The whole nine lives thing.", "Piper: So if we kill him five more times he should be gone though, right?", "Witch: No, that's exactly what you can't do. See, once a familiar becomes a warlock, they have until the next new moon to purge itself of its new life. If it succeeds, it becomes immortal. If it fails, it returns to its animal state for eternity. Shadow was a cat. So it has to shed all nine of its familiar lives.", "Phoebe: So why bother us? Why not just jump in front of nine buses?", "Prue: Because we're the only ones strong enough to kill him.", "Piper: And he knew where to find us. What, are we like in the Warlocks Guide of San Francisco?", "Phoebe: Okay, so this should be a piece of cake. All we have to do is make sure we don't kill this guy five more times before the next full moon.", "Piper: That's two days, no problem.", "Prue: I'm sorry, this just seems so callous. I mean, you just lost your life and we're treating you like 411.", "Witch: It's okay. It's just, I'm at peace now. The one's I loved When someone's taken from you, suddenly there are no goodbyes.", "Prue: Something we're all too familiar with.", "Witch: At its core, evil exists for one reason, to spread loss. Be careful not to lose each other. Take care and blessed be.", "(She disappears. Piper blows out the candle.)", "[Flashback. Attic. Grams closed a window]", "Grams: Damn wind keeps blowing out my candles. I'm sorry, Patty, I got cut off. (She lights a candle and Patty appears.) It's just what troubles me about your daughters is not where they came from, it's where they're going.", "Patty: It's just a phase. When their destiny's revealed, they'll come together.", "Grams: But what if they don't? What if they never do? What if the gift is too much for them to handle and they ? Well, regardless, I fear there may be only one option if I can't find a way to bring these girls together.", "Patty: Mother, that's nonsense.", "Grams: Perhaps. Good night my darling.", "(She blows out the candle.)", "[Cut to the present. Manor. Kitchen. It's pitch black. Phoebe walks in.", "Phoebe: Hey, who turned out the lights? (Phoebe turns on the light and the warlock attacks her. He throws her over the table. She kicks him and he falls on a knife. He disappears.) Uh-oh!", "(Prue and Piper run in.)", "Piper: What happened?", "Phoebe: I think I killed a warlock again.", "Prue: Ugh, Phoebe!", "Piper: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Well, I didn't mean to. It was a gut reaction. You know, self preservation and stuff.", "Prue: Hmm. (Prue leaves the kitchen. Phoebe and Piper follow.) You know, I've been thinking. I'm pretty sure he won't actually hurt us. I mean he needs us. So, let's just say he knocks one of us off.", "Piper: Then the power of three will be broken and we wouldn't have the strength to kill him.", "Phoebe: And then he takes a permanent cat nap. But we're assuming that he's smart enough to know this. I mean, what if he shouldn't kill us and we just sit there and watch it happen?", "Prue: Yeah, well, what other choice do we have? I mean, we kill him four more times, he wins, becomes more powerful that we can handle. Either way we lose.", "Piper: I vote for not losing at all.", "(Phoebe sees boxes of Piper's stuff sitting in the foyer.)", "Phoebe: Wow!", "Piper: Uh, yeah, sorry. I'll get all that stuff out of the way as soon as", "Phoebe: You're really doing this, huh?", "Piper: Yeah. You know, we have lived apart before.", "Prue: Our lives were apart, Piper. It's different now. I just think that we need to talk this through, that way we all know exactly what the consequences are for all of us.", "(Kit meows.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, saved by the meow. You know, I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to look at Kit quite in the same way. Or get undressed in front of him for that matter.", "Piper: You guys are right, we should talk this through.", "(Piper heads for the door.)", "[Flashback. Piper opens the front door and Kit is standing on the porch.]", "Piper: Ugh, why does this stupid cat keep hanging around? Who do you belong to? Go home. Shoo! (Prue walks out.) What did you wanna talk about?", "Prue: Uh, let's just go for a walk. (They start walking down the stairs.) Hi, Kitty. So, there's just a little detail about the wedding. It hasn't been worked out yet. Just listen to me, okay? I want you to be my maid of honour.", "Piper: Me?", "(They start walking down the street.)", "Prue: I mean, it's not like I would actually ask Phoebe.", "Piper: So I win by default? Wow, Prue, you really know how to flatter a girl.", "Prue: Piper, can you just give me the tiniest of breaks here, okay? This is not how I would ever thought this whole thing would happen. Oh my God, I would love for both of my sisters to be my best friend but clearly that is not the case. And maybe one day things will change but", "Piper: Prue, it's gonna take more than time. I mean, I'm happy for you, I-I am and I know you have all these big plans but what about the rest of us? I mean, you move in with Roger and then I'm stuck here alone taking care of Grams and Phoebe's out of control. What if, what if there's an emergency? What if something happens?", "Prue: Okay, I won't be far away, it's not like you guys won't be able to get a hold of me.", "Piper: I just think we should talk this through so we know what the consequences are. Okay, look, maybe a part of me is jealous because, I mean, you've got this great guy and you're gonna have this beautiful wedding and I'm just not very good with guys. Sometimes I think I'll never find true love.", "Prue: Piper", "(Leo walks past and bumps into piper.)", "Piper: Oh, sorry.", "Leo: No, it's my fault, sorry.", "(Piper looks back at him and then continues walking. Leo orbs out.)", "[Cut to the present. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are having coffee at a café.]", "Piper: You know, just because I'm moving out doesn't mean we still can't do this.", "Phoebe: What? Mainline caffeine while waxing on warlock issues?", "Piper: No, hangout. You know, I don't wanna be one of those old married lepers that nobody thinks if fun anymore.", "Prue: You've never been fun, Piper.", "Piper: I've always been fun, Prue. I am just Mrs. Fun now.", "Prue: Oh, Mrs. Fun. You know, the life changes from the move will work it self out, it's the supernatural ones we're concerned about.", "Piper: But we get attacked separately all the time. Like yesterday, and we just came together and sorted it out then.", "(The warlock appears in the chair next to them.)", "Warlock: You know, you girls are getting harder and harder to find. I was beginning to think you were trying to avoid me.", "Prue: Wow, you've been thinking. That's a pretty big step for a warlock. Ugh, god, I am so sorry, that was awfully catty of me, wasn't it?", "Warlock: Is this the part where I'm supposed to go 'whoo, they did research' and run away?", "Phoebe: Might be a good idea.", "Warlock: Or what? You'll kill me?", "Piper: No, actually, we'll do worse. We won't touch you.", "Warlock: Look at that. Witches think they have this one figured out. Well, let me tell you all something. (He grabs a woman who walks past.) You'll dance if you don't notice death.", "(The warlock stabs the woman in the back. Piper freezes everyone. Phoebe picks up a knife and stabs the warlock. He disappears and the woman falls to the floor.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god.", "Prue: Call 911.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there. Piper is putting ingredients in a pot.]", "Phoebe: That girl. There's just no reason. I got used to there being a reason, you know, an explanation. But she didn't even...", "Prue: Stand a chance. But there was a reason, Pheebs, he was sending a message.", "Piper: Yeah, and we got it loud and clear. But there's nothing we can do that we haven't already done.", "Phoebe: So, what, he just keeps killing until we kill him?", "Piper: Which is exactly what he wants.", "Prue: Exactly what we can't do. Uh, is that a potion?", "Piper: I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm just keeping my hands busy. It's something Grams taught me, actually. To improvise. But all I've come up with is mud.", "Phoebe: So how do we kill a warlock we know we shouldn't be killing?", "Prue: Well, we've only got three more chances to figure that out.", "[Flashback: Manor. Kitchen. Grams is there making a potion. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: I am going to finish the brownies and don't even try and stop me.", "Grams: Well, I'm afraid Prue's beaten you to it. But I've got a back up. What do you say we whip up your favourite double chocolate decadence cake.", "Piper: Isn't decadence French for 'don't even think about it'? What are you making?", "Grams: Oh, just keeping my hands busy. (Phoebe walks in and gets a key off of the hook.) Oh, Phoebe, uh, Piper and I were just thinking of whipping up something we'll regret tomorrow. Care to join us? (Phoebe doesn't answer.) Where you headed?", "Phoebe: Out.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: On second thought... do you need a hand? (She throws some ingredients in a pot. Grams smiles.) What?", "Grams: How do you know what to add?", "Piper: Well, you needed to balance the mustard seed which can be kind of harsh, and the sea salt brings out the flavour of the, um... Grams...", "Grams: Piper, you were born for this, literally. Why do you insist on wasting your talents behind some counter in a bank?", "Piper: Because my talents don't come with health benefits. Prue's getting married and Phoebe's, well, Phoebe. You know, somebody has to be practical.", "Grams: Not at the expense of her dreams.", "Piper: No, at the expense of losing this house and not being able to pay your hospital bills. I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you.", "(They hug.)", "Grams: You could never do that.", "Piper: I'm just doing what I have to. It's okay.", "(She leaves the room.)", "Grams: So am I. (She fills up a small bottle with the potion. She holds it up.) My sweet girls. You're just not ready. I've got to stop you from becoming...", "[Cut back to the present. Manor. Living room. The warlock is sitting on the couch.]", "Warlock: The Charmed Ones. What does a fella have to do to get killed around here?", "Prue: Not gonna happen.", "Warlock: Hmm, I could sever a head. Only take a second.", "(He stands up.)", "Piper: Don't even think about it. (She freezes him.) Wait a minute, that's it. I'll just keep freezing him until midnight. A new moon means bye-bye bad guy, right?", "(He fights through her freeze.)", "Warlock: I'm just going to keep getting better and better at this.", "Phoebe: Oh, it was a thought.", "(They run into the foyer.)", "Warlock: Come on, time's wasting. You know, I'm just going to keep on killing. And the next one won't go so fast. The next one I'll saver. You're telling me all you're gonna do is stand back and watch? How many people have to die before you do what I ask?", "Prue: None. (Prue uses her power and a letter opener stabs the warlock. He disappears.) I'm sorry, I...", "Piper: Had to.", "Phoebe: I would've done it first but you beat me to it.", "Prue: Alright, well, he's only got two more lives left.", "Piper: And we've only got one option.", "Phoebe: But we already looked in the book.", "Prue: We look again. No more pussy-footing around.", "[Flashback: Attic. Grams is flipping through the Book of Shadows. Patty's spirit is there.]", "Patty: Why now, mother?", "Grams: We both know why. We're just not willing to say it.", "Patty: Please dont.", "Grams: I'm not well, Parry. When I die...", "Patty: Mother.", "Grams: When I die, the girls will receive their powers. I have to stop that from happening.", "Patty: But it's their destiny. It's what they're meant to be.", "Grams: Who are we to decide that they're meant to be witches?", "Patty: Who are we to decide that they're not? This isn't your choice to make.", "Grams: But the girls are mine to protect.", "(Grams grabs her chest.)", "Patty: Mum, are you alright?", "Grams: I'm fine. Don't change the subject. Patty, they're not ready. Do you really want me to put them directly in harms way? Goodnight. (She blows out the candle and Patty disappears. She uses telekinesis to open a chest and puts the Book of Shadows in it. She picks up the small bottle.) It's now or never.", "(She walks out of the attic and locks the door. She goes to the stairs. She screams out in pain and grabs her chest. She drops the bottle and falls to the bottom of the stairs. Piper runs over to her.)", "Piper: Grams? Grams? Prue! Phoebe! Somebody help!", "(Prue and Phoebe run up to them.)", "Prue: Oh my god, Grams.", "Piper: Oh, god, Grams.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. The warlock is there yelling. He disappears.]", "Prue: Well, that's number eight.", "Piper: One life to live.", "Phoebe: I know life isn't fair, but this sucks.", "Piper: I know, he left a stain, but I think with a little water and...", "Phoebe: Uh, no. Death isn't brief, it's permanent, and this guy gets to cheat it not once but nine times.", "Piper: Yeah, cheaters aren't supposed to profit.", "Prue: You know, if he had any idea what death is really like, you know, the real thing not the abridged version, he wouldn't be so hot under the collar to do it again.", "Phoebe: What if we showed him.", "Piper: What do you mean?", "Phoebe: Well, every time he dies he feels pain, right?", "Prue: Yeah, but only for a second.", "Phoebe: But what if somehow we could catch him in that second? The instant of death in that one moment where he actually feels pain, and then magnify it nine times.", "Piper: Then he would feel the pain of nine deaths and it actually might be enough to kill him. I like it.", "Prue: Well, we've only got one shot. Any other ideas? (Phoebe shakes her head.) Then lets do it.", "[Flashback: Manor. Piper picks up the bottle on the stairs. Prue stands at the bottom of the stairs.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Piper: Hey.", "Prue: You okay?", "Piper: I'm... I'm not really. I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this, Prue. I mean, not just losing her, it's the funeral arrangements and the doctors and the lawyers... and there's nobody left to help us.", "Prue: For what it's worth, the service today was really beautiful.", "Piper: (starting to cry) She would've liked what you said.", "Prue: Thanks. I know that this is gonna sound strange but... do you think that she heard?", "Piper: Yeah, I think she did.", "[Cut to the living room. Phoebe is sitting on the couch. Prue and Piper come down the stairs.]", "Prue: I'd still like to know what she was doing up there.", "Phoebe: Up where?", "Prue: Piper thinks that Grams was up in the attic before she died.", "Phoebe: That's not possible. She always told us that the attic was sealed off.", "Piper: Yeah, well, then what was she doing coming down the stairs?", "Phoebe: Um, I think the more important question is what are we doing?", "Prue: What do you mean?", "Phoebe: I mean, precisely what Grams was always concerned about. Our future. The only reason we're all still here together is because of her and now, Prue, you've already got one foot out the door, and Piper, I know you don't wanna bunk with me any longer than you have to, so let's just face it, she was the glue.", "Piper: Why don't we talk about this over dinner. I'll make one of Grams' favourite meals. She always liked the idea of me being in the kitchen.", "Prue: Uh, actually, I'm sort of supposed to spend the night with Roger.", "Piper: What about you, Pheebs? Table for two?", "Phoebe: Uh, actually, I was thinking about getting outta here.", "Piper: Are you going out?", "Phoebe: No. Going away. I, um, I'm not sure what my future holds but I do know it's not in San Francisco.", "(Phoebe picks up a bag.)", "Prue: Phoebe, you don't have to...", "Phoebe: It's okay. We all know that the only thing that I contribute to this threesome is trouble, so... I'm gonna go and see what New York thinks of me. Whatever my destiny may be, I might find it there.", "Piper: Phoebe, what about school?", "Phoebe: Well, school will still be there if I come back. Grams always said that we all had a purpose. Maybe we'll have an easier time finding it on our own.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Prue: Uh, I guess I'm gonna...", "Piper: Yep.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue comes out of the living room, Phoebe comes down the stairs and Piper comes out of the living room.]", "Prue: Spell?", "Phoebe: Check! Potion?", "Piper: Check! Sharp painful implement?", "Prue: Check.", "(Prue holds up a fireplace tool.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, nice choice.", "Prue: Thank you.", "Piper: So what is our level of confidence in this plan?", "Phoebe: Well, on a scale from one to ten, ten being we whip ass, one being he laughs at us while we're on fire and naked...", "Piper: Maybe you should lie to me.", "(The warlock bursts in.)", "Warlock: Hello, ladies. Hmm, I love the smell of defeated witch in the evening.", "Prue: Yeah, can we just get this over with, please?", "Warlock: Oh, it's fine when you want to have coffee, but when I want to exchange pleasantries, you're in a hurry to kill me. Where are your manners?", "Phoebe: We lost them when that girl lost her life.", "Warlock: And who's fault is that? Wait a minute, do you think I'm an idiot? You've got something up your sleeve.", "(Phoebe looks at Prue and Piper.)", "Phoebe: Hello? Sleeveless.", "Warlock: You know the moment that I gain immortality, I'm coming back here to mangle your pretty little faces.", "Piper: You wanna die or not?", "Warlock: Do it.", "Prue: Alrighty then. Ready? (Prue throws the tool at him.) Now!", "(Piper freezes him and throws a potion at him.)", "All: \"Nine times this evil's cheated death, felt no pain and kept his breath, this warlock standing in our midst, let him feel what he has missed.\"", "(Black ghostly shadows float around him.)", "Warlock: No! No! No!", "(The warlock explodes and disappears.)", "Piper: Okay, was that for good?", "Prue: Well, if it wasn't, he's really gonna miss his ear because it looks like part of it's dripping off the clock.", "Piper: Yecch.", "Phoebe: Um, ninth time's the charm. That was definitely different, he's gone for good.", "Piper: And yet somehow we're still here, still together.", "Phoebe: Not for long. Is there anything special you wanna do on your last night here?", "Piper: Um, I don't know. I guess, can I have a couple of minutes alone?", "Prue: Yeah, uh, we'll be upstairs if you, you know.", "(Prue and Phoebe go upstairs. Piper sits down and pulls a small bottle out of a box. She sees a note stuck to the bottom of it.)", "[Cut to outside. Leo is packing the car. Piper comes out.]", "Leo: Everything okay?", "Piper: Am I that obvious?", "Leo: No, I'm just incredibly perceptive. You wanna pull up a tailgate?", "(They sit on the tailgate of the car.)", "Piper: Um, something just doesn't feel right. I mean, I know this stuff has to happen and I want it to happen, it's just that when Prue, Phoebe and I moved back in together, it made us sisters again. And I don't think we're ready to test that yet. And then there's this. (She hands Leo the note.) I think we both know what those ingredients would do to us. And the fact that Grams was willing to keep us from being witches, to keep us together. Well, that should mean something shouldn't it? Are you gonna hate me?", "Leo: not if we can hire movers to move everything back in.", "(She hugs him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue and Phoebe are sitting on the couch. Piper walks past.]", "Prue: Hey, can we talk to you for a second? It's kind of important.", "Piper: Sure. Everything okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's, um, it's just we're more than excited that you and Leo decided to move back in... Um, we sort of have to ask you to move back out again.", "Prue: Of your room. And into mine. I mean, it is twice as big and you now are twice the people.", "Piper: Really?", "Prue: Really.", "Piper: That would be great. (She sits on Prue and hugs her.) That would be so great.", "Phoebe: Hey, you know what? I deserve hugs too because I'm moving all of my stuff out of your bathroom so you and Leo could do the...", "Piper: That would be really great.", "Prue: See? It will just be like having your own place.", "Phoebe: Yeah, only with your sisters right down the hall.", "Prue: Yeah, I mean, I know we can't be together forever.", "Piper: But it feels good that forever isn't today.", "[Cut to the attic. The Book of Shadows closes itself. The triquetra on the front glows.]" ]
[ "Leo and the sisters become targeted by a demon who has access to the seven deadly sins. After they each get infected with the sins, they must find a way to break the hold the sins have on them before getting destroyed by the demon so he can get their souls." ]
[ "[Scene: Street. Prue and Phoebe pull up in the car. They get out and start walking.]", "Prue: Alright, it should be around here somewhere.", "Phoebe: And you can't be more precise about what it is?", "Prue: Okay, I told you, it's some sort of evilly thing.", "Phoebe: Why'd I let you talk me into this? I should be at home encrastinating my delinquent ethics paper, not chasing some wild goose.", "Prue: Wild demon, okay? And I was scrying for unnatural activity and this place came up loud and clear.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, are you telling me you're actually looking for trouble now? Prue, what happened to putting more balance in your life? You know, less Wicca wonder, more Prue.", "Prue: Listen, I shot a magazine cover yesterday, I had a date last night, and then this morning I am searching for evil. You can't get more balanced than that.", "Phoebe: Right, just your typical everyday cosmo girl.", "Prue: Well, you and Piper don't need me anymore, so that leaves me plenty of time to help those who do.", "Phoebe: Is that what you think? That we don't need you anymore?", "Prue: Well, I mean, it's just that ever since Piper got married and you moved up with Cole, I feel like I don't really have to watch out for you guys as much anymore.", "Phoebe: Prue, this is a good thing.", "Prue: Yeah. (Prue looks over at a dumpster.) I think that's it.", "Phoebe: Good.", "Prue: Alright, on the count of three. One, two...", "(She uses her power to open the lid of the dumpster.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god! (She runs over to it.) It's the coffee maker I wanted.", "(She pulls out an empty box.)", "Prue: Phoebe, it's just a carton.", "Phoebe: Oh, right, of course. See, I need you. You just protected me from making a fool out of myself.", "Prue: Now there's a full time job.", "Phoebe: Thank you very much.", "(They continue walk down the street.)", "Prue: Hey, so, how's Cole? I haven't seen him in a while.", "Phoebe: Oh, he's been dodging demonic bounty hunters. You know, but he still manages to shimmer into the bedroom when he has a chance. Pops in and then pops right back out if you know what I'm talking about.", "Prue: Huh, I vaguely remember.", "Phoebe: Even though I'm really happy to see him, it's starting to raise old issues for me. Like, does he really love me or is he just interested in my... charms?", "Prue: Oh, Phoebe, come on, you know that for a magical fact that he loves you. Alright, and think how many times he's risked his life to save you. I don't think that's just s*x.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but what about if it was really, really great s*x.", "Prue: Well... (They hear voices coming from an alley.) Seek and you shall find.", "[Cut to the alley. Two men are there arguing. One man is holding a small crystal box.]", "Man #1: Please, just one more.", "Man #2: I told you! (He pushes man #1.) What you want is no longer in this box.", "Man #1: I need more! Won't you understand? I've gotta have more!", "Man #2: You can never get enough greed, can you?", "(Man #2 throws a fireball at him and he flies against a dumpster. Prue and Phoebe run over to them.)", "Prue: Hey! (She uses her power on man #2. He drops the box.)", "Man #1: The box.", "(The two men both dive for the box. Prue uses her power and the box slides across the room. Man #2 tries to get up and Phoebe kicks him in the face.)", "Man #2: That box belongs to Lucas.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, tell Lucas it's been empoun... (he disappears) dered.", "(Prue goes over to man #1.)", "Prue: Hey, it's okay, it's over.", "Man #1: No, gotta have more. Don't you understand? I've gotta have more!", "(He pushes Prue out of the way and runs onto the road.)", "Prue: No!", "(The man is hit by a bus.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: On the street. Continued from before. The police are questioning witnesses. Darryl goes over to Prue.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Darryl: Hey.", "Prue: Did you find out anything?", "Darryl: Nothing unusual. Unfortunately we get the kind of suicides all the time.", "Prue: Darryl, this was not a suicide, okay? He was driven into the street, demonically driven. I think that I can recognise the signs by now.", "Darryl: Alright, it's Robert Pike. He was married with two kids. Worked for Brickson investments at a stock broker. Very successful.", "Prue: The demon accused him of being greedy. I wonder if there's a connection?", "Darryl: It's hard to believe. It seems like Mr. Pike wasn't your typical stockbroker. From all accounts was more of a philantphalist. He even hosted a fundraiser for the American cancer society just last night.", "Prue: Well, he must have changed in a hurry because when we saw him, all he cared about was a box.", "Darryl: What box?", "Prue: This one.", "(She opens her bag and he looks inside.)", "Darryl: What is it?", "Prue: I don't know, but whatever it is, apparently it's worth dying for.", "[Cut to Phoebe being interviewed by a cop.]", "Cop: In your opinion, was there anything the bus driver could have done to avoid him?", "Phoebe: No, it happened too fast, he didn't have time to react.", "Cop: Alright, I think that's it. If I could just have your home phone number in case I have any other questions.", "Phoebe: It's the same as my sister's. We live together.", "Cop: Really? Just out of curiosity, what would you say if one of my other questions was, can I take you out to dinner?", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, you caught me off guard with that one.", "Cop: That's my job.", "Phoebe: Uh, well, you're very good at it. Um, but I-I think that it would be best if those numbers stayed in the report. I'm seeing someone.", "Cop: I'm not surprised.", "Darryl: Officer.", "Cop: Excuse me.", "(Phoebe walks over to Prue.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: Um, I don't know. I keep on thinking about what we could have done differently to try and save him but he ran into the street so fast, and...", "Phoebe: We couldn't have saved him, Prue. Not without knowing more about the demon who did this to him.", "(The coroners take the body away.)", "Prue: Lucas. To find him we have to find out what's so special about this box.", "[Scene: Lucas' place. Lucas has Man #2 up in the air by the neck.]", "Lucas: Do you have any idea how important that box is?", "Man #2: I thought you were working on controlling your anger.", "Lucas: I am controlling my anger!", "(He drops the man. The man holds up a crystal.)", "Man #2: At least we got the business man sold, Lucas.", "Lucas: Yes, but I need to deliver seven souls for seven sins.", "Man #2: Can't you just locate the box?", "Lucas: Yes, but I have to figure out a way to get around the witches first. Thanks to you. You know, my own self destruction was supposed to bring me peace from sin. Instead, I am damned to spend eternity inflicting others.", "Man #2: You gotta know the product to move it.", "Lucas: I know the product. I know how sin works human desire. Which might be exactly the way to get to the witches. Yeah, sure, why not? Witches have human desires too, right? (He laughs.) You know, there's only one thing that I can't quite figure out. Why do I need you? (A bright light shoots out of his hands and flies into Man #2. Man #2 disappears in a ball of flames.) I needed to vent.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue and Phoebe walk inside. Prue gets the box out of her bag.]", "Phoebe: Don't open that. Let me go get Piper first.", "Prue: Why?", "Phoebe: Oh, gee, Prue, I don't know. Maybe so you don't go running in the street and get hit by a bus too. (Phoebe goes in the kitchen where Piper is making sushi.) Piper, we need... Wow. Expecting company?", "Piper: Uh, no, I was just making Leo a little something to eat. You know, break up his day.", "Phoebe: And something to take up all of yours?", "Piper: Well, sushi don't roll itself. Besides, I like taking care of him and cooking for him and dressing up for him. I was actually thinking of going out and buying him a whole new wardrobe. You know, de-flannel him a little.", "Phoebe: What, you afraid you're gonna lose him? Wait, are you?", "Piper: Well, I'm certainly not gonna give the Elders any excuse to take him away again, that's for sure.", "Phoebe: No, Piper, they wouldn't do that. You guys are married now.", "Piper: So, there is nothing in those wedding vows that says they still can't break us apart. Besides, I don't wanna be complacent about my marriage. Neither he nor they are gonna find any fault in me.", "Phoebe: Well, they might find fault in us. Prue and I lost an innocent this morning, so we need you. (They walk into the living room. Prue is looking closely at the box.) Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?", "Prue: Uh, opening the box.", "Phoebe: You're supposed to be waiting for me and Piper.", "Prue: Okay, so you're here. I'm gonna open it.", "(Phoebe takes it off her.)", "Phoebe: What if you unleash some huge abomination?", "Prue: Whatever it is, I'm sure that we can handle it.", "Piper: But at least I think we should call my husband and ask his opinion first.", "Prue: Okay, but we didn't need his opinion before when he was just Leo.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: You called?", "Prue: No.", "Phoebe: But as long as you're here. Box. Intercepted from a demon. Open it? Yay or nay?", "Leo: Have you checked the Book of Shadows?", "Piper: No. But that's a great idea. Leo, you're a genius. What would we do without him?", "Prue: Oh, I don't know. I guess our lives wouldn't be this smooth running, carefree existence that they are today.", "Piper: Oh, uh, Phoebe, your ethics professor called about your meeting today at 2:00.", "Phoebe: Well, obviously I can't make it now.", "Prue: No, no, no, you should go. I mean, you're too close to graduating to mess up now. The three of us can handle the box.", "Phoebe: Are you sure?", "Prue: Yes, go. Although, you might want to change into, oh, I don't know, clothes. Actual shirt.", "(Phoebe looks down at her open vest, showing most of her bra.)", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Prue: Okay. That's very... let's go.", "(They all go upstairs.)", "[Time lapse. Attic. Prue, Piper and Leo are there. They have the Book of Shadows opened up to a page on 'The Seven Deadly Sins'.]", "Prue: 'Bottled at the Source by the Source.' So what, it's a box of sin?", "Piper: Good thing you didn't open it. It would have been Pandora all over again.", "Leo: Not quite. But this may be how the myth got started. Only it's much more specific type of attack. According to this, the box contains seven balls of sin used to corrupt paragon's good.", "Piper: If you're a paragon of good, how do you get corrupted?", "Leo: Because no one is immune to sin. Whether it be pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed or sloth. Whichever one you're predisposed to, is the one that attacks you.", "Prue: Well, the business man must have been attacked by greed, that's why he kept on wanting more.", "Leo: Only his greed was magnified a thousand times.", "Prue: And it explains why my scry worked. I felt the unnatural activity was the demon courier. But it must have been the sin working against the businessman's good nature.", "Piper: Okay, so what do we do now?", "Leo: Well, the infector appears to be the link. Destroy Lucas and the sins lose their power.", "Prue: Do we know anything about these infectors?", "Leo: Only that they were humans consumed by sundering life and in death.", "Piper: So what we need to do now is find a spell to remove the sin from the infected human incase Lucas strikes again, right?", "Prue: You can't remove sin magically or otherwise. It's apart of all of us.", "Piper: Even you?", "Prue: Yes, even me. Just a teeny little bit. Nothing that anyone would notice but me.", "[Cut to downstairs. Lucas appears and picks up the box. Phoebe comes down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Okay, you guys, wish me luck. (She sees Lucas.) Hey.", "Lucas: It's okay. I think you're gonna like this one.", "(A sin ball hits Phoebe. Prue, Piper and Leo come down the stairs. Three more sin balls hit them. Lucas disappears.)", "Phoebe: What was that? What just happened?", "Piper: Oh, no, don't tell me we got infected with the sin thingy.", "Phoebe: What do you mean? (to Prue) What is she talking about?", "Prue: Okay, nobody panic. Does anybody feel different?", "Leo: No.", "Piper: Me neither.", "Phoebe: Uh-uh.", "Prue: Alright, so maybe we're immune because we're magical.", "Leo: I don't know, I better orb up and ask.", "Prue: You do that. Piper and I will go recheck the book, and you missy, you get your butt to that meeting and charm the pants off of your professor. Go, and get home as soon as possible. (Prue pushes Phoebe out the door. Phoebe tries to protest.) No, I'm sure, go!", "[Scene: College. Phoebe's professor's office. Phoebe is sitting in a chair.]", "Professor: The problem is, it's an ethics course, it's about the dialectic. So when someone misses as many classes as you have, it's hard to catch up. (Phoebe sighs and rubs her forehead.) Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "Professor: Plus, you owe me a major paper, and if I don't get it soon...", "Phoebe: What are you gonna do to me?", "Professor: I'll have to give you an incomplete. I'll have no other choice. Now, do you have anything else to say to me?", "Phoebe: I'm not wearing any underwear.", "Professor: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I find it to... constricting.", "Professor: Are you making some kind of a joke?", "Phoebe: No, I'm serious. Dead serious. (She stands up.) I've been a bad girl. A very bad girl. (She slowly moves closer to him.) And I'll do anything to make it up to you. I'll do anything to pass. Anything.", "(She grabs him and they fall over the desk onto the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is sitting at the table talking on the phone, and flipping through a magazine.]", "Piper: Ah, no, that'll be it. Just the two Armani suits size 42, the Donna Karan dress, the three pairs of Stuart Weitzman shoes, the Wong Gucci jacket and the Prada bag. What's the total?", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Alright, we don't have much time...", "Piper: Shh! I'm on the phone with Bloomingdales. (on the phone) Oh, okay, um, well, then I'm gonna have to split that on two credit cards. You can put $5000 on the card that's on file, and the re-- (Prue hangs up the phone.) What are you doing?", "Prue: Uh, saving your life or at least your credit rating, which is your life.", "Piper: Excuse me, Leo needs suits.", "Prue: Leo doesn't wear suits.", "Piper: Yet.", "(Piper picks up a wine glass and has a sip.)", "Prue: A-a-are you drinking in the middle of the day?", "Piper: I was a little bummed about this sin thing, so I thought I deserved a little indulgence. Would you like a bit of bubbly?", "Prue: No, I would like a little bit of help. We are supposed to be tracking down Lucas.", "Piper: Sorry. Catch me up.", "(Prue sits down.)", "Prue: Alright, so it turns out that those sin balls work a lot faster than we thought. Once infected, the victim only has a few hours before it drives them to a total self destruction.", "Piper: Well, good thing we weren't infected then, huh?", "(Piper picks up a chocolate and takes a bite.)", "Prue: Right. But now that Lucas has the box, the question is who will be. I mean, I tried scrying for unnatural activity but it just kept pointing back to the manor.", "(Phoebe runs in.)", "Phoebe: Guess what? My ethics professor kicked me out of class.", "Prue: What? Why, what happened?", "Phoebe: I don't know, I don't know. One minute I was telling him why my paper was late, the next thing I knew was... unzipping his pants with my teeth.", "Prue: Oh, Phoebe, you do know that charming the pants off someone is just a figure of speech, don't you?", "Phoebe: I don't know what came over me, Prue. I'm just glad that I realised what was happening before I... eww!", "Prue: Alright, unfortunately, what got into you is lust. As in the sin of.", "Piper: Wait a minute, now you think we were infected?", "Prue: Hello? Gluttony, table for one.", "Piper: Leo!", "Prue: Oh, no, no, no, Leo's not up there. He's in the living room watching TV.", "(Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk into the living room to see Leo laying on the couch watching TV.)", "Piper: What are you doing?", "Leo: Just kicking back.", "Piper: Something is wrong with this picture. You need chips. I'll go get some.", "(Piper heads for the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Oh, turn on MTV, I wanna see Carson Daily, he is so hot.", "(Phoebe sits on the couch beside Leo.)", "Prue: Okay, uh, excuse me, sins in a box. Demon hunt, real life. Can we please focus here? Now, what did 'they' say about Lucas' sneak attack?", "Leo: I don't know. I didn't make it up there. I orbed half way up and I got tired.", "Prue: What?", "Leo: Hey, after sixty years of constant vigilance, I think I deserve a little down time.", "(Piper walks in carrying a bowl of chips.)", "Piper: Here you go, honey.", "Leo: Oh, thanks, honey. I'm gonna probably be thirsty soon.", "Prue: Oh, I'm gonna be ill soon.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Piper: I'll get it. (Piper opens the door and a flower delivery guy brings in bunches of flowers.) Oh, how gorgeous.", "Delivery Guy: Hi. Boy, these are a lot of flowers.", "(Phoebe walks in the foyer.)", "Phoebe: I'll say. I love a man in a uniform.", "Prue: Hey, who sent the flowers?", "Piper: I did, for myself.", "Prue: Oh, this is just too much.", "Phoebe: (to the delivery guy) I bet you're too much.", "(She places her hands on his chest.)", "Prue: Alright, that's it. That's enough. (She pushes the delivery guy outside.) Nothing to see here, nothing to respond to, get out. You! What are you smiling at, buddy?", "(He leaves.)", "Phoebe: Why did you do that?", "Prue: Because unless you guys want those flowers at your funeral, you had better get a grip, okay? You've been infected. Gluttony, lust, and that in there... (They walks back in the living room. Leo burps.) Is sloth.", "Piper: How did I get gluttony? I don't over eat.", "Prue: No, but you over do. The sins are drawn to our predispositions and lately yours has been excess.", "Phoebe: What sin did you get hit with?", "Prue: Well, I didn't get hit.", "Phoebe: Oh, I saw you get hit.", "Prue: Well, I must be strong enough to fight it off, I'm not showing any symptoms, am I? And thank goodness, alright, one of us has to keep our wits about us. (She sees the news on the TV.) Hey, turn that up, lazy.", "(Leo turns up the TV.)", "Reporter: The SWAT team just arrived at Bay City Motor Cars. A further signal that police are taking seriously. Pastor Roger Tremble threatens to shoot and kill his hostage if his demands are not met.", "Anchorwoman: Do you have any idea what exactly the Pastor's demands are?", "Reporter: Well, actually, yeah, they're a little bazaar but he claims he wants a Jag. Specifically a XK convertible in British racing green.", "Piper: That's a new one.", "Phoebe: That news caster's kinda cute.", "Prue: Alright, what do you wanna bet that the demon infected the Pastor with envy.", "Piper: Prue, out of all the people in San Francisco...", "Leo: Still, he does fit the profile. Paragon of good, driven to an act of self destruction.", "Prue: Yeah, especially with a SWAT team outside. Alright, we can not let this demon steal anymore of our innocent souls. (Prue drags Phoebe away from the TV.) Piper, are you coming?", "Piper: Uh, I was gonna stay here with Leo and hold down the fort.", "Phoebe: More like hold down the couch.", "Piper: I'll come if you want me to.", "Prue: No, it's fine, I'll just do all of it myself if I have to. Come on, Phoebe.", "(Prue and Phoebe leave.)", "Piper: You think she's mad?", "Leo: Probably.", "(Leo moves over and Piper sits down beside him. An infomercial comes up on the TV. Leo changes channels.)", "Piper: Wait, turn that back. (Leo groans and changes back to the infomercial.) Hand me the phone.", "(He hands her the phone and she dials the number on the TV.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bay City Motor Cars. The SWAT team have surrounded the building. Prue and Phoebe are there talking to Darryl.]", "Prue: Look, Darryl, just let me handle this.", "Darryl: Look, Prue, it's a highly charged, highly public situation. I can't just ask SWAT to let you handle it. I get enough flak from these guys as it is.", "Prue: Alright, would you rather me astral project myself in there?", "Darryl: Come on, Prue, you're not being reasonable.", "Phoebe: I have something to say. I see that cute officer from this morning.", "(She gets all excited.)", "Prue: Hey, stay on point, we still have an innocent to save.", "Darryl: You're right, we all do, cops included. Look, just let the hostage negotiators handle it, please?", "Prue: Fine. What's the plan?", "Darryl: The plan is to talk the Pastor down, weigh him out.", "Prue: Okay.", "Darryl: It works in most cases, trust me.", "Prue: Okay, well, if he's been infected it will not work in this case, trust me, alright. The Pastor's only gonna get worse.", "Darryl: What would you do to resolve it?", "Prue: There's only one thing to do.", "(Prue walks towards the building.)", "Darryl: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! (to SWAT) Hold your fire! Hold your fire! (He notices Phoebe is gone.) Phoebe?", "[Cut inside the building. The Pastor has a gun up to the salesman's throat. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Pastor Tremble?", "(The Pastor turns around and points the gun at Prue.)", "Pastor: Who are you?", "Prue: Whoa, okay, hold on, I'm-I'm-I'm here to help, but I can not do that until you put the gun down.", "Pastor: Get outta here.", "Prue: I just wanna talk.", "Pastor: I just want my Jag. Do you want me to shoot you too? I swear I will.", "Prue: Okay, no, no, no, wait. I-I know what's happened to you, okay? You've been infected with sin.", "Pastor: I warned you.", "Prue: No. (Prue uses her power but the gun doesn't fly out of his hand. He shoots at Prue.)", "[Cut to outside. Everyone crouches down when they hear the gunshot. Screams are heard. Darryl grabs a megaphone and talks into it.]", "Darryl: Prue, you alright? Talk to me, Prue.", "(Prue finally comes out with the salesman.)", "Prue: Everything's under control, don't worry a thing. I've got it all under control. Hi, he needs medical attention. The Pastor's inside, I kicked his ass. He needs attention too, he's knocked out.", "(Everyone applauds and news reporters rush up to Prue.)", "Reporter: Hi, can I just ask a few questions?", "Prue: The name's Halliwell, Prue Halliwell.", "Reporter #2: What made you run in there?", "Prue: Well, my job is to protect the innocent.", "Reporter: Do you work for the police?", "Prue: No, actually, I don't.", "(Darryl pulls Prue away.)", "Darryl: No, she's a good Samaritan, very good Samaritan. No further questions.", "Prue: Why did you do that? I was just getting started.", "Darryl: 'Cause you were about to hang yourself. You shouldn't be talking to the press.", "Prue: Why not?", "Darryl: Because they'll destroy you. What's the matter with you?", "Preu: Nothing can destroy me, Darryl.", "Darryl: Prue, you're bleeding.", "(Prue looks at her arm.)", "Prue: Whoa, I am, oh my. That bullet must have grazed me.", "Darryl: And you didn't even feel it?", "Prue: No, no, you know, the adrenalin, it's no big deal.", "Darryl: No big deal? You almost got yourself killed. I've never seen you runaway from danger before, but I've never seen you run toward it either. What, have you got a death wish or something?", "Prue: It does sound kind of self destructive, doesn't it? Oh, oh, that means I've been infected. That must be why I can't control my powers.", "Darryl: Prue, what's going on?", "Prue: Darryl, I don't have time to explain. Can you get Pastor Tremble to a safe place? Some place where he won't hurt himself, like a psychiatric hospital.", "Darryl: Yeah, sure, shouldn't be a problem in his case.", "Prue: Okay, good, but nobody can know that he's there, okay? Because if so, the demon will find him and kill him.", "Darryl: Okay, I don't know how long I can keep it a secret though.", "Prue: Well, I don't really need that long. Just long enough for me to find the demon and vanquish him, okay? Okay. Now where is my sister? Phoebe!", "[Cut inside a SWAT truck. Phoebe is there making out with the officer from before. She starts undressing him, then pulls out a strip of condoms from her bag.]", "Phoebe: It's a good thing I came prepared.", "(She rips one off with her teeth. Darryl opens the door.)", "Darryl: Officer!", "Prue: Phoebe!", "Officer: Wait, I can explain.", "Darryl: The hell you can. Get outta there!", "(Darryl pulls him out of the truck. Prue pulls Phoebe out of the truck. She grabs her coat.)", "Prue: Here, put it on. Are you out of your mind?", "Phoebe: Um, yeah, I think so. But if you're gonna go crazy...", "Prue: Yeah, well, my sin's not nearly as much fun as yours.", "Phoebe: Wait, you're sin? I thought you didn't get hit.", "Prue: Well, that was the pride talking and it almost got me killed already.", "Phoebe: Pride? You don't seem all that different.", "Prue: Really? Well, back atcha. We need to get home and try and track down this demon, okay?", "Phoebe: No, I don't think so, I'm having too much fun, so I'll just see you later.", "Prue: If I don't get you home, there won't be a later.", "[Cut to Darryl and the officer.]", "Darryl: What the hell is the matter with you? Not only in the middle of the day, but in the middle of a crisis.", "Officer: Look, she attacked me. I swear, I didn't have a choice. Not much of one.", "Darryl: That's a pathetic excuse. You're an officer for crying out loud.", "Officer: What would you want me to do? Shoot her?", "Darryl: You're suspended.", "Officer: What?", "Darryl: Go back to the station, turn in your hardware.", "(Darryl walks away.)", "Officer: You can't suspend me. It was her fault. Damn it!", "(Lucas appears.)", "Lucas: You know that anger is one of the seven deadly sins? Your blood pressure's rising, adrenalin's pumping, you wanna hit somebody, don'tcha?", "Officer: Who the hell are you?", "(Lucas gets out the box and hits the officer with the anger sin ball.)", "Lucas: I'm somebody who can help you channel that anger.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Porch. Prue and Phoebe walk up to the door.]", "Phoebe: You know, it would have not killed you to drive by the fire station for a little looksy.", "Prue: You know what? (She opens the door.) If you and Piper do not get your sins under control...", "(They walk inside and all of Piper's purchases fill the foyer and living room. Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Good, you're here. The pashminas have arrived and they're to die for. Come see. (A delivery man walks past carrying long metal strip things.) Whoa, hey, hi, almost decapitated.", "Phoebe: Hello. (They walk into another room filled with stuff. Piper pulls a pashmina out of a box.) Wow, Piper, you really put the glutt in gluttony.", "Prue: Okay, how did you get this stuff so fast?", "Piper: Oh, I just let my fingers do the walking and the clicking and the... flipping.", "Prue: Flipping as in the pages of the Book of Shadows? You used magic?", "Piper: Well, yeah, I couldn't wait six to eight weeks for delivery.", "Prue: That is so personal gain.", "Piper: No, 'cause we need all of this stuff.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Prue: Okay, Piper, this isn't you. You're being consumed by your consumption and it will only lead to your total misuse of magic.", "(Piper turns on a water fountain.)", "Piper: Soothing, isn't it?", "[Cut to the living room. Leo is laying on the couch watching a big screen TV. Phoebe moves over to him.]", "Phoebe: Hey, Leo.", "Leo: Shh, watching TV.", "(She sits down next to him.)", "Phoebe: I know something more exciting that television. (She unties her top.) Me.", "(She turns off the TV.)", "Leo: What the hell are you doing? Come on, give it back.", "(He reaches for the remote but falls on Phoebe. Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: What? Prue won't let me leave the house, so I have to make do with what I have.", "(She strokes his chest.)", "Piper: Get your slutty hands off of my husband!", "(Phoebe stands up.)", "Phoebe: Make me.", "Piper: Gladly.", "(Piper picks up a statue of a head and gets ready to throw it.)", "Leo: Watch the remote!", "(Prue runs in.)", "Prue: No, no, no. (She takes the statue off of Piper.) Alright, you guys, the last I checked we still had a demon to vanquish and an innocent to save.", "Phoebe: I thought you said Morris hid the Pastor some place safe.", "Prue: Yes, he did, but envy is only the sixth sin. Which means there's still an innocent out there infected with anger.", "(Prue puts the statue down.)", "Piper: What would you like us to do about it?", "Prue: Leo, I would like for you to orb up there and ask the Elders what they know, okay?", "Leo: I'm too tired.", "Prue: Leo, (she hits him on the arm) get up there right now! You're a Whitelighter, that is your job.", "Leo: Why? You never listen to me anyway. (He yawns.) I think I'm gonna orb upstairs and take a nap.", "(He orbs out. Phoebe picks up a magazine and starts to read it.)", "Prue: Fine! Fine, orb, who needs you anyway? (Piper puts on a pair of boxing gloves.) We still have the power of three.", "(She looks at Piper and Phoebe.)", "[Scene: Police station. The officer walks outside to his car. He puts his bag in the boot and shuts the door. Lucas appears.]", "Lucas: Did you find out where they're hiding the Pastor?", "Officer: Where'd you come from?", "Lucas: Answer my question.", "Officer: No one's talking. At least not to me.", "Lucas: That's not good enough.", "Officer: Look, I don't know who you think you are!", "(The officer grabs his chest in pain.)", "Lucas: Anger's the worst, isn't it? Especially when the burning rage zaps you of all your strength and reason and the relentless screams locks out all hope. Use it against the Halliwells. (He pulls the officer's gun out of his belt.) Make them tell you where the Pastor is. Trust me, anger always feels better when it has a target.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there. Prue's looking through the Book of Shadows, Piper's got her feet in a foot spa, and Phoebe is lying in a chair.]", "Prue: There is nothing, there is nothing in the book. Why did only lame witches precede it?", "Piper: Because nobody is as good as you, Prue.", "Prue: You know, at least I'm trying, Piper. Instead of getting a foot massage, or sleeping.", "Phoebe: I'm not sleeping. I'm just having the best premonitions of my life.", "Prue: Of what?", "Phoebe: It's a button off Officer Cutie's shirt. Let me tell you, if the movie's anything like the previews... whoa.", "Prue: Alright, is that all that you care about? (Phoebe nods.) Fine. I'll save the innocents, I'll vanquish the demon, and if I feel like it, maybe when I'm done, I'll save you guys.", "Phoebe: Oh, don't do us any favours.", "Piper: Yeah, Prue, worry about yourself.", "(Piper knocks a lamp in the foot spa and gets electrocuted. She falls over the back of the chair.)", "Prue: Piper! (She runs over to her.) You alright?", "Piper: Oh, what happened?", "Prue: Uh, you were shocked.", "Piper: I feel strange.", "Prue: Yes, well, if you had both feet in the water you wouldn't feel anything. (Prue helps her up. The doorbell rings.) Who is that?", "(Phoebe looks out the window and sees the officer standing on the porch.)", "Phoebe: Oh! Oh! It's Officer Cutie from this morning. (She opens the window.) Hey! Hey, up here! I'm gonna come down, okay?", "(Phoebe leans out the window and nearly falls out.)", "Prue: Phoebe, watch out! (Prue pulls her back in.) Do you see what's happening?", "Phoebe: That was close. (She runs out of the attic.)", "Piper: Prue, we just have different priorities than you do. You need a little pick me up. How about I buy you some shoes?", "(She heads for the door.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe opens the door.]", "Phoebe: I knew you'd come back for me.", "(The officer walks in.)", "Officer: This isn't a social call.", "(He grabs Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, are we roleplaying? Did you bring your handcuffs?", "(He gets out his gun and points it at Phoebe.)", "Officer: Where's the Pastor?", "Phoebe: I don't know, I swear.", "Officer: You're lying! (He pushes her into a box full of stuff.) You're something else, you know that? (He throws boxes around the room.) I got suspended because of you! You think you can ruin somebody's life and not pay for it? (He points the gun at her.) You're gonna pay.", "Phoebe: No.", "Officer: You're gonna pay right now.", "Phoebe: Please, don't shoot.", "(Piper walks down the stairs and screams.)", "Piper: My stuff! (He points at Piper and she freezes him. He unfreezes and shoots at her. She ducks.) Why are my powers not working?", "Officer: Where's the Pastor?", "Piper: I don't know.", "(Phoebe knocks the officer down and he shoots up in the air. Piper falls down the stairs and knocks over all the stuff. A large wooden box falls on top of her. Piper tries to climb out from under the box. She looks over at Phoebe and sees her unconscious on the floor.) Phoebe?", "(The officer stands up. Prue comes down the stairs. He yells and points the gun at himself. Prue uses her power and some of Piper's stuff is thrown at him. He falls back onto some furniture. She looks at the unconscious Piper and Phoebe. Lucas appears behind Prue and grabs her.)", "Lucas: You can't save what's already lost.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe is still unconscious on the floor. Piper crawls over to her and feels her pulse. She crawls over to the stairs.]", "Piper: Leo! (She starts to climb the steps.) Aah! (She pulls herself up to the top.) Leo!", "[Cut to Pipe's room. Leo is asleep on the bed. Piper limps into her room.]", "Piper: Leo, please wake up. Leo. (She falls over and knocks some things off of her dresser.) Ow!", "(Leo wakes up.)", "Leo: Huh? What? Piper!", "(He runs over to her. He is struck with a bright light.)", "Piper: You glowed.", "Leo: Doesn't matter. Where are you hurt?", "Piper: No, you've gotta go downstairs and heal Phoebe first and then go find Prue because the demon took her.", "(Piper is struck with a bright light.)", "Leo: You glowed too.", "Piper: I did? Did you heal me?", "Leo: No, not yet. (He heals her.) It's the sins. We must have gotten rid of them.", "Piper: Wait a minute, you said there's no magical way to do that.", "Leo: There isn't. Maybe there's a human way. Maybe by being selfless. By you caring more about your sisters and me caring more about you, we over came it.", "Piper: Well, that means Phoebe must have gotten rid of her sin too because she risked her life to save me.", "(They run downstairs to Phoebe.)", "Leo: She's still breathing.", "(Leo heals her.)", "Piper: Hi, honey.", "Phoebe: Hi. Leo, what are you doing up?", "Leo: Fixing you.", "Phoebe: Where's Prue?", "Piper: Uh, we don't know, but we need to find her. She won't admit it but she's in big trouble.", "[Scene: Lucas' place. Prue is tied up. She is struggling to get free.]", "Lucas: You think you can break free, but you can't. See, that's what makes pride the deadliest of all the sins. It makes you think you're invincible. Above it all...", "Prue: My powers...", "Lucas: Are useless now. Corrupted. You have only a small window of opportunity to save your life before it's too late.", "Prue: No demon has defeated me. And you won't be the first.", "Lucas: You see, but I don't have to defeat you, you're gonna defeat yourself. In mere minutes you'll be so far gone you will self destruct just like all the rest. However, I am willing to make you a deal.", "Prue: I don't make deals with demons.", "Lucas: Do you listen to them? Look, we both know that you safe guarded the Pastor, which means that I can't deliver his soul. But this late in the game I am willing to pay for it. Tell me where the Pastor is and I'll remove your sin.", "Prue: Go to hell.", "Lucas: This is my hell. Every rotten day of it. Listen, I am giving you a chance to save your life, Prue. To end your hell.", "Prue: If you remove my sin, you'll still be one more soul short.", "Lucas: That's true, but once it's sponged, I can use the sin again. You see, it'll just pop right back into my box.", "Prue: And let you infect another innocent? I don't think so. Screw you.", "(Lucas picks up a stick and taps it on the floor. A large hole in the floor opens up.)", "Lucas: Witness the bottomless pit of ever lasting torment. Pride goes with before the very long fall, Prue. So what's your decision? Remember, if I lose you lose.", "Prue: Alright, alright, untie me.", "Lucas: Tell me where the Pastor is first.", "Prue: Oh, untie me first. If I self destruct, you will never get a soul.", "(Lucas unties her.)", "Lucas: Alright, where is he?", "Prue: Ha, you lose I win, ha!", "(Phoebe, Piper and Leo walk in. Prue jumps in the pit.)", "Lucas: No!", "Phoebe: Prue!", "Piper: No! Leo, Leo, Leo!", "(Leo orbs out into the hole.)", "Lucas: Why did she have to have pride? Pride is the one sin you can't beat.", "Piper: Beat this.", "(Piper freezes him.)", "Phoebe: Oh, I see orbs.", "(Leo orbs back in with Prue.)", "Prue: Let go, I can handle this.", "(Prue elbows him in the chest.)", "Leo: Ow! I was saving you.", "Prue: Saving me? I had it under control, I didn't need your help.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Piper: Uh-oh, it looks like the only way to get the pride out of Prue is to vanquish him.", "(Phoebe picks up the sin box.)", "Phoebe: Oh, who ordered the sweet sin balls?", "Piper: I think he did.", "(Phoebe throws all the sin balls at Lucas. He unfreezes.)", "Lucas: What did you...?", "(He falls into the pit. The pride sin comes out of Prue and lands in the box.)", "Prue: Okay, whoa, what just happened?", "Phoebe: I think you just lost your pride. (Two more sin balls float into the box.) And these must be envy and anger. Which must mean the Pastor and cop are okay now.", "(Phoebe throws the sin box in the pit. Prue taps the wand on the floor and the pit closes.)", "Prue: Okay.", "(Piper picks up a crystal.)", "Piper: Oh, wait a minute, is this another?", "Leo: I don't think so.", "Phoebe: Maybe it's the business man's soul.", "Piper: Oh, well, then you should release it some place nice.", "(She hands it to Leo.)", "Leo: I know the perfect place. He orbs out.)", "Prue: Wow, we sure showed that demon. (Phoebe smirks.) Okay, you guys sure showed that demon.", "Piper: Thank you.", "Prue: So I guess I needed you guys a lot more than you needed me.", "Phoebe: No, we all needed each other. You got me back at the house, you saved the innocents...", "Prue: Yeah, but...", "Piper: Uh, stop it, I don't like this humble Prue, I want my real sister back.", "Phoebe: Me too.", "Prue: Well, I mean, I did save that cop from killing himself and I was strong enough to tell him...", "(She continues to ramble. Piper and Phoebe walk away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Orgy is playing. Piper is at the bar. Prue comes up to her and offers her a glass of wine.]", "Prue: Here you go.", "Piper: Oh, no, no, no.", "Prue: Piper, it's okay to indulge, just don't over indulge.", "Piper: I guess we can thank Lucas for teaching us anything in moderation.", "Prue: Hey, there was nothing that Lucas could teach me.", "Piper: Oh, really?", "Prue: I'm doing it again, aren't I? That whole pride thing. I swear, I'm working on it.", "Piper: It's a constant struggle.", "Prue: Here's one thing that I'm willing to admit I don't understand. You, Phoebe and Leo were able to get rid of your sins with a selfless act. I committed many selfless acts yet why did I have to wait for Lucas to be vanquished to get rid of my pride?", "Piper: Well, Lucas said that pride was the one thing you can't beat. I think what he meant was there's no such thing as a selfless act to pride.", "Prue: I threw myself into a pit for the Pastor.", "Piper: Yeah, but you did that to win. So any good you did during your prideful state was for the greater glory of Prue.", "Prue: Alright, fine, then here's to Leo, for saving me from eternal torment.", "(They clink their glasses.)", "Piper: Mm-hmm, and to me for not trying to be the perfect couple. If it isn't good enough for them, then screw 'em.", "Prue: I'll drink to that.", "(Phoebe pushes past some people.)", "Phoebe: Excuse me. (She goes over to Prue and Piper.) Hi, I am so excited, and not in any sexual kind of way. Uh, recent events inspired me to write a paper on sexual politics, claiming that my indiscretion with Professor Kass was an ethical experiment. So I handed the paper in yesterday and... pause for dramatic effect...", "Prue: So, did he buy it?", "Phoebe: I got a B.", "Prue: Yay!", "Phoebe: Minus, but I got it fair and square which means I will be able to graduate. And no man, not even Cole, is going to stand in my way.", "Piper: Congratulations.", "Prue: I am very proud of you.", "Phoebe: Oh, and coming from you.", "Prue: Hey, be nice, I don't even wanna think about the sin tonight.", "Phoebe: Me neither.", "Prue: So this is a pretty interesting band. What's their name?", "Piper: Orgy.", "(Prue gives Piper a funny look.)" ]
Sin Fransisco
[ "Cole officially aligns himself with Phoebe and her sisters when he agrees to go undercover as Belthazor in order to investigate an evil organization who are murdering street prophets in order to promote their own internet provider. Things get tricky when the sisters have to vanquish the demon who is posing as the company's manager without getting Cole into trouble. However, the sisters soon fear that Cole may be double-crossing them." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Prue, Piper and Leo are standing around the bar. Phoebe walks up to them.]", "Phoebe: I don't think we're gonna be able to pull this off.", "Leo: We have to.", "Prue: We've been in tighter jams than this before.", "Phoebe: But we're running out of time, I don't think we're gonna make it.", "Prue: Phoebe, we can do this, okay? I mean, if we just get a quick bite to eat at Red's, we can still make the 9:30 Faithless at the Avalon.", "Leo: The foreign film? I thought we were gonna go see a thriller.", "Phoebe: No, Leo, I wanna stop thinking about Cole and his demon dodging, not be reminded of it.", "Leo: Piper?", "Phoebe: Leo, it is three votes for Faithless.", "Piper: Well, a thriller would be okay.", "Prue: Okay, wait a second, the vote's two against two?", "Phoebe: That's new.", "Piper: Welcome to the power of four.", "Phoebe: I demand a recount. Wait, that never works.", "(Piper laughs. Cole comes down the stairs.)", "Leo: Something tells me you're not gonna wanna see either movie now.", "(Phoebe goes over to Cole.)", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Cole: Hey.", "(She hugs him.)", "Phoebe: I was so worried.", "Cole: I know, I'm sorry. I couldn't come back until it was safe.", "Phoebe: Is it safe now?", "Cole: I think so. For the moment.", "(She kisses him and they walk over to Prue, Piper and Leo.)", "Prue: Hey, welcome back.", "Cole: Thanks. Glad to be back.", "Piper: Love to chat but we're late for a movie.", "Leo: Wanna go? We could use the tie breaker.", "Cole: Actually, I was hoping Phoebe and I could catch up, alone.", "Phoebe: Works for me. Chao!", "(They leave.)", "Piper: Look at Phoebe and Cole trying to be a normal couple.", "Leo: You know what that means.", "Prue: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're gonna go see the thrillers. As if we don't have enough scary bad guys in our real life.", "[Cut to outside. Phoebe and Cole are walking down the street.]", "Phoebe: I was starting to worry that you weren't gonna make it back in time for my graduation.", "Cole: Wouldn't miss that for the world, or the underworld.", "Phoebe: It's really not safe for you here, isn't it?", "Cole: Uh, no, yeah, it is. I mean, at least I think so.", "Phoebe: Then what's wrong?", "Cole: The truth is I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this.", "Phoebe: Doing what?", "Cole: You know, the running, and the hiding. Even if I stop, where do I go? I'm still half human, but I can't go back. On the other hand there's really no place for me in your world either.", "(They stop and face each other.)", "Phoebe: What are you saying?", "Cole: I'm just saying it's complicated. But it doesn't have to be, not with magic on our side. I've been thinking, isn't there some kind of spell or something in the Book of Shadows, you could strip my powers?", "Phoebe: Wait, you wanna give up your powers?", "Cole: If I don't have them, I can't be tempted to use them, I could just stay good...", "(She pulls him closer.)", "Phoebe: You would do that for me?", "(They kiss. A homeless person near by starts yelling.)", "Homeless Man: Prepare for the brotherhood!", "(Cole looks at the homeless man.)", "Phoebe: Cole, what is it?", "Homeless Man: The thorn is coming! Stop the brotherhood!", "Phoebe: Do you know him?", "Cole: No, but if he doesn't watch what he's saying... (A demon appears behind the homeless man and pulls him into an alley. Phoebe runs towards the alley.) Phoebe, don't.", "(Phoebe runs into the alley. The homeless man falls dead on the ground.)", "Phoebe: No! (The demon throws an energy ball at Phoebe. She dodges it. He moves closer to her and she kicks him in the stomach. He goes at her with a dagger, she grabs his arm, gets the dagger and stabs him. He is vanquished. Cole comes around the corner.) Where were you? What happened to you?", "Cole: You just vanquished my brother.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Cole and Phoebe walk into the conservatory.]", "Phoebe: You know, Cole, there's plenty working against us. I just thought at least I could count on you being honest with me.", "Cole: I am.", "Phoebe: Okay, so you just forgot you had a brother?", "Cole: He's not that kind of brother.", "Phoebe: How many kinds of brothers are there?", "Cole: It's complicated.", "Phoebe: You know, I hate that word.", "(Prue, Piper and Leo walk in.)", "Piper: Alright, we were just about to find out who the real killer is and the pager goes off, so this better be a really good emergency.", "Phoebe: Well, I'm the real killer. I just vanquished Cole's brother.", "Prue: Whoa, this is so much better than the movie.", "Cole: I didn't want him to see me.", "Phoebe: And we lost an innocent because of it. Some poor street prophet. He was ranting about the brotherhood.", "Leo: Brotherhood? Of the thorn?", "Cole: Yeah. I was a member... am a member.", "Piper: What does that mean? What does he mean?", "Leo: You should have told us.", "Cole: I've done a lot in the last hundred years, it's gonna take a while to catch you up.", "Prue: Okay, so who are they?", "Leo: They're an alead gang, they answer directly to the source. He selects the members himself. Then they take a blood oath, life long pledge of loyalty.", "Phoebe: Oh, that kind of brother.", "Cole: All that matters now is that they're surfacing. They must have something big in the works.", "Piper: So why kill a crazy old street preacher?", "Cole: Because not all of them are crazy, or human. Some of them are magical sears who can pre-see actual events. But they're loud, dirty, so people ignore them. If you call Inspector Morris, I bet he'll tell you other prophets have been killed too.", "Phoebe: For what? Just by talking about your... this gang?", "Cole: The brotherhood can't risk anyone figuring out what they're up to.", "Prue: Okay, so what are they up to?", "Cole: I have no idea. I'm not exactly a member of good standing anymore.", "Phoebe: The Prophet that I was trying to save was talking about Lockserom.", "Piper: The Internet provider? What, the demons want their own website now?", "Prue: No, there must be more to it than that. Alright, Phoebe, you check the net, Piper, you got the Book of Shadows.", "Cole: Save it. You can't stop the brotherhood with a little research and your kick, freeze, magical move. No offence intended.", "Piper: Some taken.", "Leo: No, he's right. They're way beyond anything you've dealt with before.", "Phoebe: So we can't just let them go. There's gotta be a way to find out what they're planning.", "Cole: There is one way. For me to go back.", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Cole: If you want to know what they're up to we have no choice.", "Phoebe: Okay, but you'll be exposing yourself to the source. They'll kill you.", "Cole: Maybe not. They've probably already surfaced, set up camp in this world. I won't have to go under completely.", "Prue: It does kind of make sense.", "Phoebe: Well, if course it makes sense to you, Prue, you're always looking for a way to get Cole out of our lives.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Cole: This isn't about her, Phoebe, it's about me.", "Phoebe: No, it's about us.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "[Scene: A building. A demon (Tarkin), and a woman (Klea), are walking towards another demon.]", "Klea: We might have a problem.", "Demon: One of the Prophets?", "Klea: No, although the ones we've targeted have been taken out, including Triggs.", "Tarkin: Triggs is missing. I haven't been able to find him anywhere, which means someone is onto our plan.", "Demon: Impossible. As long as the Prophets are dead. Keep searching for our brother. I have to complete my assimilation, we must move forward.", "(Klea disappears.)", "[Cut back to the manor. Prue, Piper and Leo walk down the stairs.]", "Piper: I'm worried, and not just about Cole but also Phoebe. I mean, sending him back under is like sending an alcoholic to a kegger. It's just setting him up to fall.", "Leo: I agree.", "(They walk into the conservatory.)", "Prue: Alright, this whole voting together thing would be really really cute if it weren't so annoying. I mean, maybe you guys vote should just count as one for now on.", "Piper: I bet you wouldn't mind if we were voting with you.", "(Prue gives Piper an evil stare.)", "Leo: I mean, what if we lose him, Prue, you don't want that responsibility, do you?", "Prue: Okay, look, the only votes that count are Phoebe and Cole's, and Cole has already volunteered.", "Piper: Well, then maybe Phoebe can talk him out of it.", "Prue: Right, which is why we need another plan. So you guys work on the Book of Shadows together and I will call Morris and see what he knows.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Cole are there. Phoebe is getting some ingredients together.]", "Cole: Phoebe, I have to go.", "Phoebe: Nope, you can't.", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Remember that power stripping potion you asked me for, like an hour ago, and everything was still wonderful? Well, I have an idea, I just need some time.", "(Phoebe stirs some ingredients together using a mortar and pestel.)", "Cole: Phoebe, I have to go. And I'll need my powers while I'm gone.", "Phoebe: Why? What are you gonna do?", "Cole: Just blend in. That's it. I won't do anything evil.", "Phoebe: Well, let me make sure you can't.", "(She continues to stir the ingredients quickly. Cole stops her and puts the mortar and pestel down.)", "Cole: I'll be smart, and careful. I'll check in with you every two hours.", "Phoebe: How? They'll track your shimmer.", "Cole: Not if we meet in the mausoleum. That's the second safest place I know.", "Phoebe: What's the safest?", "Cole: With you. (Phoebe sighs.) I thought you'd be proud of me.", "Phoebe: Of what? Being suicidal?", "Cole: I am coming back. I always have.", "Phoebe: Yeah, how can you be so sure that you're gonna come back this time? Cole, you've been hiding from them for months. And I don't understand, there's a price on your head and now all of a sudden you're willing to expose yourself? For what?", "Cole: For good. You taught me not to walk away and let evil win, to fight the good fight. That's all I wanna do.", "Phoebe: They'll kill you.", "Cole: I have a plan, don't worry. This is the right thing to do, Phoebe. You know that, we both do. Mausoleum, two hours, okay?", "(He kisses her hand and shimmers out.)", "[Cut to the building. Cole walks down a hall towards Vornac's office. Klea sees Cole.]", "Klea: Vornac.", "(Vornac and Tarkin turn around.)", "Vornac: Well, look who's back.", "Tarkin: Kill him?", "Vornac: In a minute. (Cole walks in the office.) Belthazor, come in, come in. (A guard shuts the door.) Nice of you to come home to die.", "Cole: Actually, I came to help. I overheard the Prophets talking. Afraid they'll spoil your plan.", "Tarkin: What makes you think we have one?", "Cole: Tarkin, you always have a plan.", "Vornac: And after everything you've done, you think you can just walk back in, pick up where you left off?", "Cole: I'm here to do what's right, Vornac. For the brotherhood.", "Vornac: Really? And what can you possibly offer that will save your traitoress head?", "(Cole gets a human head out of a bag and drops it on the floor.)", "Cole: The Prophets.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Building. Continued from before. Vornac is holding Cole face down on the table.]", "Vornac: You actually expect me to believe you killed the Prophet?", "Cole: He was a threat to you.", "Vornac: Ahh, a bounty on your head and yet you still think of us.", "Cole: The brotherhood comes first.", "Vornac: Words to live or die by.", "Tarkin: Triggs was assigned to kill that Prophet. Did you see him?", "Cole: No. How is my old friend?", "(He lets Cole up.)", "Vornac: Your old friend is missing. Suspiciously.", "Cole: Brothers missing, Prophets talking, and I had no trouble tracking you down. Pretty careless. What does Raynor think of this?", "Vornac: Raynor thinks you're a disgrace.", "Cole: Why? Because I killed the Triad.", "Tarkin: Isn't that enough?", "Cole: They were plotting to kill the Source so they could take over, which means they would have killed every other demon in his inner circle. Including Raynor.", "Tarkin: We never did trust the Triad.", "Vornac: Then why didn't he come back and explain himself, hmm? Why run?", "Cole: Because I had no proof, that's why. I knew nobody would believe me.", "Vornac: Brothers for a hundred years and you disappeared without a word, left us with the rumours, the accusations. Were you thinking about the brotherhood then? Check his story.", "(Klea disappears.)", "Tarkin: Back to work. So, who we after?", "Vornac: Not your concern. Until Klea returns he goes nowhere.", "(Vornac disappears.)", "Cole: He always was a tight-ass, wasn't he?", "Tarkin: Do you blame him?", "Cole: No.", "Tarkin: It's nice to have you back, Belthazor. I just hope it's for good.", "Cole: Yeah, me too.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Prue, Leo and Piper are there. Piper looks at her watch.]", "Piper: Poor Phoebe, she must be going out of her mind.", "Prue: It's only been three hours.", "Piper: Three and a half. Way past the time he said he would check in with her. Leo, maybe you should orb into the mausoleum and see if she's heard from him.", "Prue: Well, she said that she would call if she had.", "Leo: Besides, I think I should stay here till we figure out what the brotherhoods plan is.", "Piper: Oh, and now you're voting with her.", "Prue: Um, Lockserom, that's what the Prophet said, right?", "(Prue shows them an article in the newspaper.)", "Leo: \"Merger talks between Lockserom and meta satellite faltered over the weekend.\"", "Piper: Wait a minute, so Cole is risking his life to preserve stock portfolios?", "Prue: No, it's much bigger than that. According to this, if the merger goes through, the world's affirmation flow will wind up in the hands of one company.", "Piper: Well, that sounds evil by itself.", "Leo: Except for one of the CEO's, Frank Pirelli, is apparently getting cold feet about it.", "Prue: Yeah, what do you wanna bet the brotherhood wants this merger to go through so they can take over the company?", "Leo: Which means they're gonna have to somehow force Pirelli to vote for it.", "Prue: Yeah, or kill him. It sure would be nice to be able to compare notes with Cole.", "Piper: Well, we could if someone would orb to the mausoleum.", "[Cut to the mausoleum. Phoebe's there. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: Phoebe, anything?", "Phoebe: I'm sure it's not as easy to break away from there as he thought. He'll show.", "Leo: It's okay to be scared.", "Phoebe: No, I'm not scared. Concerned maybe, a little. We shouldn't have let him go.", "Leo: We didn't. He choose to.", "Phoebe: I know, and for what? To prove to me that he's good? He doesn't have to prove anything to me. (Cole shimmers in.) Cole. (She runs over and hugs him.) Are you okay? Did they buy your story?", "Cole: For now, but I gotta get back. They're suspicious enough as it is.", "Phoebe: Well, then maybe you shouldn't go back.", "Cole: I want to, to stop them. Look, I don't have much time. All I know is they're after someone who's gonna be at Pier and Pescadero at 8am. But I don't know who.", "Leo: We might. Frank Pirelli runs Lexserom but he doesn't want a big merger to happen.", "Cole: The brotherhood does. Makes sense, explains why they've taken over investment banking firm.", "Phoebe: How does it explain that?", "Cole: The best way for evil to get a foot hole in the human world is to take over their businesses. Work from the inside out.", "Phoebe: You just learn that, did you?", "Cole: No.", "Leo: So we need to safe guard Pirelli, till the merger vote at 11:00, and the brotherhood loses.", "Cole: Yes, but if you intevene, they might think I had something to do with it. You could blow my cover.", "Leo: We can't let them kill Pirelli.", "Cole: But you can let them kill me?", "Phoebe: No, no, Cole, look at me. We're gonna find a way to protect you. You'd better get back.", "(He touches her face.)", "Cole: Alright. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your cap and gown. (He takes the bottle of water Phoebe is holding.) Mind if I borrow this?", "(Cole shimmers out.)", "[Cut to the building. Cole walks in the office holding the bottle of water.]", "Vornac: Where'd you go?", "Cole: I got thirsty. Wanna urine sample to prove it?", "(He has a drink from the bottle.)", "Vornac: Your flippant attitude almost got you killed once before. Remember that.", "Cole: I remember. You saved me.", "Vornac: Alright, let's review.", "(Tarkin turns on a screen. A 3D map of Pier and Pescadero, and the buildings surrounding them shows up.)", "Tarkin: We patrol the perimeter. We reflect traffic. I'll monitor security. Once the limo's been cut off, Jassa will throw the energy bolt. At that...", "Vornac: No, wait. Let's give Belthazor the honour. What better way to make sure he's truly back then to have him kill.", "Cole: Fine. What's the target?", "Vornac: Why? Does it matter? It's time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Corner of Pier and Pescadero. Tarkin walks up to Cole.]", "Tarkin: Nervous?", "Cole: Hmm? Me? No, I was just thinking.", "Tarkin: Been a while since you've seen this kind of action hasn't it? It'll come back to you. It's in our blood.", "Cole: Yeah. I know.", "Tarkin: Just execute the plan, Belthazor. No confusion, no consequences. It's no more complicated than that, okay?", "[Cut to Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo walking down the street near by.]", "Piper: Wouldn't it be nice to save the world at a descent hour?", "Phoebe: Okay, well, we have to focus here because if we don't pull this off just right, Cole is screwed.", "Prue: Well, as long as we wait until the last second, Cole should be fine.", "Leo: Well, let's just hope that killing Pirelli isn't all they want.", "Piper: Well, if it wasn't he would've told you, right? I mean, unless you think he's holding something back.", "Phoebe: You know, this is amazing. First Prue can't sacrifice Cole fast enough, and now you can't wait to sell him out as a traitor.", "Leo: She was just asking a question, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: That she should know the answer to. We all should. Cole is risking his life for this. The least we can do is trust him.", "[Cut to Vornac and another demon. Vornac looks at his watch.]", "Vornac: Go. (The demon gets in his car. Klea appears beside Vornac.) Well?", "Klea: I haven't been able to prove Belthazor's story one way of another.", "Vornac: That's alright. We're about to find out if he's telling the truth or not.", "(Vornac and Klea walk over to Cole and Tarkin. A black limo drives out of a building car park. The demon drives in front of the limo. The limo driver stops the car, honks his horn and angrily gets out of the car.)", "Limo Driver: I've got it, Mr. Pirelli. (He storms over to the demon's car.) What the hell's the matter with you? Move your car now!", "Vornac: (to Cole) What are you waiting for? Kill. Or be killed.", "(Cole moves onto the road. The demon gets out of the car and moves out of the way.)", "Limo Driver: Hey, where are you going? Where you going, damn it!", "(Cole throws an energy ball at the limo. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Leo come running around the corner and Piper freezes the energy ball in mid-air. They run over to the limo.)", "Prue: Alright, Leo, go, go, go!", "(Leo gets in the limo and orbs out with Pirelli. They head back past Cole.)", "Phoebe: Maybe we should take Cole with us.", "Prue: No, he has to look innocent after the fact. He's gotta figure out a way to get out on his own. Come on.", "(Prue and Piper walk away. Phoebe slips a note in Cole's pocket. She touches his face and then runs off. Piper peeks around the corner of a wall and unfreezes everything. The energy ball hits the limo and it blows up. The driver dives to the ground.)", "Vornac: Go get the body.", "(Klea disappears. Cole walks back over to Vornac.)", "Cole: What do you want the body for? There won't be much left.", "Vornac: But even a trace could alert the humans to the switch.", "Cole: What switch?", "(Vornac changes into Pirelli. He disappears and reappears down the street. A car drives out of the car park. Men get out of the car and help Vornac/Pirelli into it. The car drives off.)", "Tarkin: Feels great doesn't it, Belthazor? Welcome home, brother. You've been missed. (Tarkin shakes his hand. Klea appears.) Where's Pirelli's body?", "Klea: It wasn't there.", "Tarkin: What do you mean it wasn't there?", "[Cut to the manor. Leo walks in the living room.]", "Leo: Pirelli's in the basement. He's fine. Phoebe's sleeping potion worked perfectly.", "Phoebe: Name my potions, they solve everything.", "(Prue turns on the TV.)", "Leo: Didn't have any problems?", "Piper: No, Phoebe wanted to bring home a souvenir, but otherwise no.", "Prue: I wonder is the kidnapping made the morning news?", "Phoebe: What do we do now?", "Prue: Well, I don't know, that's up to Cole. He's gotta let us know what the demon's next move... (Frank Pirelli shows up on the TV.) is.", "Vornac/Pirelli: (on TV) It's no coincidence that just last night I changed my mind and decided to support this merger. Now someone's trying to kill me. That convinces me I've made the right choice. This merger will happen. Thank you.", "Piper: What was that about Cole telling us everything?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue and Piper are sitting on the couch. Phoebe walks in and sits down.]", "Phoebe: If Cole had knew about the switch he would have told us.", "Piper: Are you sure? He's back with his brothers now, maybe he's switched too.", "Phoebe: Come on, why all of a sudden are you off his band wagon? What's changed?", "Piper: The plan blew up in our faces, that's what's changed.", "Phoebe: And Cole is responsible for that?", "Piper: Phoebe, not knowing the switch is a pretty big detail to miss, don't you think? Aside from the whole he originally tried to kill us thing that's coming to mind right about now.", "Prue: Okay, but Piper, Cole's done a lot of good since then. We have to give him credit for that.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "(Prue smiles.)", "Piper: Come on, Phoebe, you have to admit you're a little worried about him.", "Phoebe: About his getting killed, yes, but not about his betraying us.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Pirelli's still out cold in the basement. How are things up here?", "Phoebe: Getting colder by the minute.", "Prue: Okay, uh, we need to work on a plan, alright? And we need to be smart because Cole is counting on it. So the merger voting is at 11:00, that gives us two hours to figure out a way to get the demon imposter out of there.", "Phoebe: Anything we do could point Cole out as their leak. So we have to let him know what we're up to.", "Piper: Do we?", "Phoebe: Yeah, he deserved to know that. Let me tell him to get out of there.", "Leo: How are you gonna get him to meet you?", "Phoebe: I slipped him a note at the attack asking him to meet me at the mausoleum. Let me try.", "Prue: Okay, be careful and be fast. And if for whatever reason Cole doesn't meet you there, get back here right away, okay, so we can start working on plan B.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(She stands up.)", "Prue: Okay, be safe.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Piper: Well, since plan A's going so well, I'd love to hear about plan B. Assuming that you have one.", "Prue: I've part of it. In the freezer.", "(Prue heads for the kitchen.)", "Piper: Freezer? (Piper and Leo follow Prue to the kitchen.) Wait, we're gonna fight the brotherhood with -----.", "Prue: No, with a vanquishing potion made from Belthazor flesh.", "(She takes the flesh out of the freezer.)", "Piper: Eww, you kept that this long? That's disgusting!", "Leo: What makes you think that'll work?", "Prue: Well, you said that they were connected by a blood oath, their blood. (She picks up the flesh with a fork.) So the potion that vanquishes one, should work on the others.", "Piper: Hmm, how lucky that we had the key ingredient in our freezer.", "Prue: Yeah. I guess in the back of my head, I sort of thought that we might need it again someday.", "[Scene: Vornac's office. Cole finds Phoebe's note in his pocket. He quickly reads it. Vornac/Pirelli and Klea appears.]", "Vornac/Pirelli: That's impossible.", "(Pirelli changes back into Vornac.)", "Klea: Not if it was done magically.", "Vornac: Belthazor, what do you think?", "Cole: Me? I think, uh, well, I think Klea's right. Somebody intervened.", "Vornac: Like who?", "Cole: How would I know?", "Vornac: Guess.", "Cole: Witches?", "Tarkin: Witches? How can witches be onto us?", "Vornac: Any thoughts?", "Cole: We might have a leak.", "Vornac: Yes, I think we do. A traitor amongst us. Now, (he moves closer to Cole) who do you suppose that could be?", "Tarkin: Come on, Vornac, you can't think that Belthazor...", "Vornac: Don't tell me what to think.", "Cole: Give me a break. I'm not stupid enough to come back home and betray you all in one day.", "Klea: That's not stupid, that's smart.", "Vornac: She's right. After all, it's so ludicrous. Who would suspect you? You see, the thing that bothers me most about this, Belthazor, are the rumours. The ones that say that while you were a fugitive, you fell in love with a witch. And now here we are, confronted by the very real possibilities, our entire operation has been compromised by coincidence of coincidences, witches.", "Cole: The rumours are true.", "Tarkin: What?", "Cole: I loved a witch. Still do, actually. At least my human half does. But that was a mistake, I realise that now. I'd forgotten who I really was.", "Klea: Raynor will demand he die for his treason.", "Cole: Or he will forgive me for being able to salvage the operation. I think I can get Pirelli back.", "Vornac: How?", "Cole: The witch I was involved with, her sister has the power to freeze, in which with that kind of power could have taken Pirelli from the limo without us even knowing it.", "Vornac: Another coincidence. The witch you bedded just happens to be the one who's onto us.", "Cole: Let me prove my loyalties. Let me go to the witches, get Pirelli, bring him back. Then you can pass judgement.", "Vornac: Are you saving us, brother? Or leading us into a trap? Go. (Cole shimmers out.) If he's telling the truth, help him. If he's not, kill him.", "(Klea disappears.)", "[Cut to the mausoleum. Phoebe is waiting there. Cole shimmers in.]", "Phoebe: Cole. Oh my god, I've been so...", "Cole: No, don't. It's too dangerous.", "Phoebe: What do you mean? What's the matter?", "Cole: Just trust me. Where's Pirelli?", "(Klea appears near by, but only her eyes are visible.)", "Phoebe: At the manor, in the basement.", "Cole: So you do have him?", "Phoebe: Yeah, of course.", "Cole: What's your plan?", "Phoebe: Our plan is to vanquish the demon that took his place, before the merger vote.", "Cole: No, you can't. That will be a huge mistake.", "Phoebe: Why? Cole, you're scaring me.", "Cole: You should be scared. You have no idea who you're up against.", "Phoebe: Oh, don't I? Cole, what's happening to you? What aren't you telling me?", "Cole: I'm telling you to stay out of this, alright? Don't do anything. Just go back home, wait to hear from me. I mean it.", "(He shimmers out. Klea disappears.)", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe walks into the living room.]", "Prue: Hey, how did it go?", "Phoebe: I'm not sure, actually.", "Piper: What does that mean?", "Phoebe: I don't know, it was strange. He was strange. Almost mean. But he doesn't want us to go after the demon, he wants us to wait here.", "Prue: What? Why?", "Phoebe: He didn't say. It doesn't make sense, the whole thing doesn't make sense. I think he's in trouble. Either that or...", "Piper: Or he's turned.", "Phoebe: No, I don't believe that. There's gotta be a good reason why Cole's doing what he's doing.", "(Three men appear and one throws an energy ball at the girls. Prue deflects it back with her power and one of the men go up in flames. He disappears. The two remaining men go for the girls. Phoebe kicks one, and Prue uses her power on the other and crashes into the piano. They get up and Piper freezes them.)", "Piper: Whoa, whoa.", "Phoebe: How do they know where we live?", "Piper: How do you think?", "Prue: Leo!", "(Leo runs in with two bottles of potion. He gives them to Prue and Piper.)", "Phoebe: What is that?", "Piper: Demon be-gone.", "(Prue and Piper throw the potion at the demons and vanquishes them.)", "Leo: You're right, the potion worked.", "Phoebe: What potion?", "Prue: Okay, that was way too easy. Oh my god, Pirelli, Pirelli.", "(They run down into the basement. Cole and Tarkin have a hold of Pirelli.)", "Phoebe: Cole!", "(Cole and Tarkin shimmer out with Pirelli.)", "Piper: What do you think now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe is there staring out the window. Prue, Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Prue: Alright, Phoebe, we need to get going. The merger vote is in less than three minutes.", "Phoebe: Why didn't you tell me you kept some of the potion to kill Cole with?", "Piper: Well, it's a good thing she did, it came in pretty handy.", "Prue: Look, Phoebe, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but the truth is until recently I didn't really trust Cole. I mean, I sort of felt like I had to protect us just in case.", "Phoebe: Just in case what? He tried to kill us?", "Piper: It wouldn't be the first time. (Phoebe looks away.) Well, it wouldn't. Look, I know you love him, and we all know that he loves you, but sending demons to kidnap our innocent kind of speaks for itself.", "Leo: You're right, we never should had let him go under.", "Phoebe: I still think this is all part of some plan of his, it has to be.", "Prue: Okay, but right now we need to stick to our plan, which is to vanquish the demon imposter.", "Phoebe: Cole said not to, he said it was a huge mistake and I believe him.", "Piper: Okay, but we don't.", "Leo: Come on, you guys, we really have to get going.", "Prue: That's three to one, Pheebs. You coming?", "[Cut to the brotherhood building.]", "Vornac: You cost me three of my best demons. What the hell went wrong?", "Tarkin: The witches were more prepared then we thought.", "Vornac: Another coincidence.", "Cole: I didn't tip them.", "Vornac: Did he?", "Klea: He told the witch to go home. Unless it was some sort of code.", "Cole: It wasn't. Look, the plan was to get Pirelli, I did that.", "Vornac: Then where is he?", "Cole: Some where you can't get him. Not until I'm sure you won't kill me.", "Vornac: And how do I know you really have him?", "Tarkin: I was there. He has him.", "Vornac: And do I trust you anymore? It's time, I have to get back. But after the vote you'd better deliver Pirelli, or I will kill you.", "(Vornac starts to shimmer out but Cole stops him.)", "Cole: No, don't.", "Vornac: Don't what?", "Cole: Don't go. I know these witches, Vornac. Now that I've kidnapped Pirelli, they'll do anything they can to stop us. They'll try to vanquish you, and they have the potion to do it too.", "Vornac: But will they vanquish you?", "[Cut to an empty office. The door flies open and Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Piper: Vote's in, demon guy, you lose.", "(A chair swings around and Cole's sitting in it.)", "Phoebe: Piper, wait. Cole.", "Cole: Surprised.", "Prue: What are you doing here? Where's the demon?", "Cole: He sent me instead. It might be a test. I think he's onto us.", "Prue: On to us? You make it sound like we're working together.", "Cole: Aren't we?", "Piper: Hmm, who you kidding? We should vanquish you on the spot. Where's Pirelli?", "Cole: He's safe.", "(He stands up.)", "Prue: Cole, where is he?", "Cole: Where else would he be?", "Phoebe: The safest place you know. The mausoleum.", "Cole: Isn't that what we agreed to?", "Phoebe: No, unfortunately, it isn't.", "(Phoebe throws the potion at Cole.)", "Prue: Phoebe!", "(Cole starts yelling. He changes into Vornac. Vornac is vanquished.)", "Piper: But how did you know? Did you know?", "Phoebe: The safest place that Cole knows is with me. He said so.", "(Cole shimmers in. They spin around ready to throw the potion.)", "Cole: Easy, easy. I know I'm not very popular right now but let the condemned man have his last words. I had no choice but to play it this way. They were so suspicious of me I had to make everyone especially you believe I was evil. Or I was dead.", "Piper: Some of us still think you're evil.", "Prue: Alright, so why did that demon impersonate you?", "Cole: He didn't trust me. Wanted to find out whose side I was really on. I knew you wouldn't fall for it.", "Piper: What about Pirelli?", "Cole: I had to make you think I'd actually betrayed you, to give you motivation to kill Vornac and me. (to Phoebe) Forgive me.", "Phoebe: I never doubted you. (She goes over to him.) Well, maybe just a little.", "(They kiss. Klea's eyes are watching near by. They then disappear.)", "Cole: You'd better get Leo to the mausoleum, get Pirelli back here before the mercher.", "Piper: Can't you get Pirelli?", "Cole: No, I have to get back.", "Phoebe: You can't go back now.", "Cole: Just to cover my tracks. I don't want those guys hunting me down. (He kisses Phoebe.) I'll be out before your graduation party tonight, I promise.", "(He shimmers out.)", "[Cut to Cole and Tarkin.]", "Tarkin: You saw the witches kill Vornac?", "Cole: No, I saw what was left. So I went to kill Pirelli but he was gone. I can only assume the witches found him.", "Tarkin: This is a disaster. What are we gonna tell Raynor? He wants a full accounting, you know.", "Cole: Tell him I warned Vornac not to go but he didn't listen. And now I have to go.", "Tarkin: Go? Where?", "Cole: I still have to find proof for the Source to clear my name. I can't very well do that here, can I? See you soon, my brother.", "Tarkin: You can't go. Raynor wants a full accounting from you.", "Cole: You can fill him in. You know just as much as I do.", "(Cole walks away. Klea and Raynor appear. Raynor throws an energy ball at Cole is knocked unconscious.)", "Tarkin: You were right, Raynor.", "Raynor: Belthazor has much to explain. And much to answer for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Phoebe's graduation party. Phoebe hugs someone and then walks off looking worried. Prue, Piper and Leo are watching her near by.]", "Piper: Why can't we ever throw a party or have a wedding or just live our lives without evil screwing it up?", "Prue: She'll start celebrating as soon as Cole shows up.", "Piper: What if he doesn't?", "Leo: What if he can't?", "(They walk over to Phoebe.)", "Prue: Hey. Look, whatever happens, he did the right thing. He helped get Pirelli back in time to cancel the merger, he helped us stop the brotherhood.", "Piper: He proved he was good.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but at what cost?", "Prue: You can't really think of it like that.", "Phoebe: Why not? Shouldn't I get to protect one part of my life and say this magic doesn't screw with, this I get to keep.", "Prue: Yes, you should.", "Phoebe: Last night Cole was back and he wanted to strip his powers, and I was graduating. Yesterday everything was perfect, and today it's all fallen apart. Where is he? What happened to him?" ]
The Demon Who Came in From the Cold
[ "Phoebe has a premonition of a young woman being killed by a demon in a phone booth whilst adding on to the Belthazor section of the Book of Shadows, thus causing her to think Cole is responsible. However, the sisters realize that this murder does not follow Cole's pattern. Piper learns that it is actually the demon on the reverse page that's responsible; a Banshee . The sisters then cast a spell to track down the banshee which turns Prue into a dog, but Prue gets hit by a car. The driver takes her home to care for her, thus taking her out of the action. When the banshee attacks the Halliwell manor she surprises Phoebe in the attic and, sensing her immense pain, which is what the banshee feeds on, over Cole's betrayal, screams at her. It is later discovered that although this scream would kill mortals, it has a very different effect on witches: it turns them into a banshee too. Piper blows the Banshee up but it is too late, Phoebe has already turned into a banshee. Leo warns Piper that if Phoebe kills, she will stay a banshee forever." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe is sitting on the couch with the Book of Shadows. She is gluing pictures of Cole in the Book of Shadows. She writes “Cole's human form” on the page. Prue walks in the manor.]", "Phoebe: Why didn't you invite him in?", "Prue: Who?", "Phoebe: Your date. The guy you've been smooching on the porch for the last ten minutes.", "Prue: Eavesdropping were you?", "Phoebe: Well, I'm single again, so I have no choice but to live vicariously through your love life.", "(Prue walks in the living room.)", "Prue: Wow, I'd forget about my love life if I were you, lately mine's been rated PG for pretty grim.", "Phoebe: That's because no one ever makes it through the threshold, Prue. And don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you're out there looking, but you can't keep saving yourself for Mr. Right. I need more vicarious thrills than that.", "Prue: I am not saving myself for Mr. Right. I mean, Mr Interesting would do, or Mr. Personality, or even Mr. Take-My-Breath-Away. I don't care.", "Phoebe: Ooh, be careful with the last one. They tend to surprise you in all the wrong ways.", "(Prue reads the page Phoebe's making.)", "Prue: “Cole likes walks in the park, jazz and fine wine.” Phoebe, what are you doing?", "Phoebe: Well, Cole's a demon. We write about demons in the Book of Shadows, don't we?", "Prue: Right, but this kind of stuff? Do you really think that's necessary?", "Phoebe: Yeah, if it prepares future witches in case he attacks. Absolutely. I mean, the more that they know about Cole, the better chance they have of hurting him before he hurts them.", "Prue: Do you wanna talk about it?", "Phoebe: No, there's nothing to talk about. I loved, I lost and now I'm moving on.", "(They hear an explosion.)", "Prue: What was that?", "Phoebe: Piper.", "(They go into the kitchen.)", "Prue: Where is she?", "Phoebe: In the bunker formerly known as the basement.", "Prue: I thought she was getting a handle on her new powers.", "Phoebe: Yeah, that was before her new powers got a handle on her. (She knocks on the basement door.) Piper!", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Piper: I'm fine. The Christmas decorations are not.", "[Cut to the basement. There is stuff all over the floor.]", "Prue: Can we come down?", "Piper: No. Stay away from the door. It's not safe.", "Phoebe: Piper, that's ridiculous, we're your sisters.", "[Cut back upstairs.]", "Phoebe: (to Prue) Maybe we should back up just a little.", "(They move away from the door. Dogs start barking from outside.)", "Prue: Geez, who let the dogs out?", "Phoebe: You can't stay down there forever.", "Piper: Yes I can.", "Phoebe: No, you can't. You have a club to run and a husband who can't stand to live without you.", "Prue: That's right, and-and two sisters who need you to cook for them and fight evil with them.", "Phoebe: Okay, do you want her to come up or do you want her to stay down there?", "Prue: Oh.", "(Kit hisses.)", "Phoebe: What is going on?", "(Kit runs through the kitchen knocking over the bin. She runs past Phoebe and Phoebe knocks over some utensils.)", "Piper: What was that? What happened?", "Phoebe: Uh, nothing, just relax. It was only Kit, don't blow anything up.", "Prue: What the hell is going on out there?", "[Cut to a man's apartment. His little pug dog is looking out the window. It runs over to the man and sits in front of him. It barks. The man is sitting in a chair, flipping through a photo album. He is crying.]", "Man: Oh, Catherine. Oh, Catherine, my darling. (The dog continues to bark. Glass objects around the house start shaking.) Rusty, stop it.", "(A strange noise gets louder and louder, and everything in the room shakes. The light bulbs blow and all the glass smashes. The windows smash and in flies a Banshee. She lets out a high-pitched scream. The man blocks his ears. The Banshee moves closer to the man and screams in his face. The man covers his face and blood drips down his face.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is there writing in the Book of Shadows. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Morning.", "Phoebe: Morning.", "Prue: Uh, you're not still writing in there about Cole are you?", "Phoebe: Nope.", "Prue: Good.", "Phoebe: I'm actually writing about his demonic half now.", "(Prue sits down at the table with a cup of coffee and the paper.)", "Prue: Phoebe, I'm-I'm starting to get a little worried about you.", "Phoebe: Oh, don't worry about me, worry about Piper.", "Prue: Why? She still locked in the basement?", "Phoebe: No, she's locked herself in her bedroom now.", "Prue: Well, at least somebody's improving. (Prue sees an article in the newspaper.) Huh, looks like we weren't the only ones annoyed by the dogs barking last night. It says that there was a record number of noise complaints.", "Phoebe: Mm-hmm.", "Prue: It says here at the exact same time there was a man murdered in our neighbourhood.", "Phoebe: Do you mind?", "Prue: No motive, nothing stolen, nothing that suggests how he was killed, lots of shattered glass everywhere.", "Phoebe: You know this isn't gonna work, you trying to distract me with", "(Phoebe touches a page in the Book of Shadows and has a premonition. In it, there is a girl in a phone booth. The glass smashes. She covers her face and blood trickles down her face.)", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: I saw a little girl. She couldn't have been any older that fourteen or fifteen. Did you mention something about shattered glass?", "Prue: Yeah.", "Phoebe: I think you're right. I think a demon was responsible for that man's death. (She stands up with the Book of Shadows.) And I think I know which one.", "(Phoebe walks into the living room and puts the book on the chair. She clears the table. Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Uh, Pheebs, what are you doing?", "(Phoebe turns the table onto its side.)", "Phoebe: We'll use the magic to magic spell to summon Cole and then we vanquish him.", "Prue: Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. What makes you think that Cole's responsible?", "Phoebe: Because I was holding the Belthazor page when I got the premonition.", "Prue: Uh, okay, but shattered glass, and old man, a teenager? That's not exactly his mo.", "Phoebe: Then why else would I get the premonition?", "Prue: I don't know, Phoebe, but I think that you're barking up the wrong demon. Look, I know that he hurt you but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's", "Phoebe: Prue, I can do this with you or without you. Just please, get the vanquishing potion.", "Prue: And what if the potion doesn't work?", "Phoebe: It'll work. It has to.", "(Phoebe flips through the book and finds the spell.)", "[Cut to the cave underground. Cole is dressed in a black robe. He is chanting.]", "Prue, Phoebe: (voice over) “Magic forces black and white. (Wind surrounds Cole.) Reaching out through space and light.”", "[Cut to the manor.]", "Prue, Phoebe: \"Be he far or be he near, bring us the demon Belthazor here.”", "[Cut to the cave. Cole is hanging on to a rock.]", "Cole: No!", "[Cut to the manor]", "Prue, Phoebe: “Magic forces black and white, reaching out through space and light, be he far or be he near, bring us the demon Belthazor here.”", "(A tunnel of wind appears in the centre of the room.)", "Phoebe: Here he comes.", "[Cut to the cave. Cole hangs on to the rock. He changes into Belthazor. The wind disappears. He knocks everything off the table. He bangs on the table, angrily.]", "[Cut to the manor. The wind tunnel disappears.]", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, what happened? Why didn't it work?", "Prue: I don't know.", "(They walk into the middle of the room.)", "Phoebe: Damn it!", "Prue: Uh, alright, we're just gonna have to find the girl another way. Was there anything in your premonition that might help?", "Phoebe: Dark alley, late at night, phone booth. I mean, there's not much to go on.", "Prue: Okay, so we'll have to go to the first victims apartment and see if there's anything there.", "Phoebe: Should we get Piper?", "Prue: No, let's not put her anymore on edge then she already is. Come on.", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper is sitting on the bed meditating. She is listening to a tape.]", "Woman on tape: Soft in elevation, slow, deep, exhalation. Be at peace in this world. Allow your mind to drift. Slow.", "(Leo orbs in and scares Piper. She blows up her CD player.)", "Piper: Leo! You're supposed to knock, not orb.", "Leo: But I live here.", "(Piper gets a fire extinguisher and uses it on her CD player.)", "Piper: Uhh. (She points it at Leo.)", "Leo: Okay, okay, okay, just relax.", "Piper: That's what I was trying to do and then somebody made me blow up my Guru. (Leo moves towards her.) No-no-no. Stay away. I am not safe.", "Leo: Piper, come on.", "Piper: No, I mean it. My hands are lethal weapons, and I don't know how to control it and it gets worse every day.", "Leo: Well, that's normal. It took you a while to learn how to control your freezing power, remember?", "(He sits down beside her.)", "Piper: Freezing is one thing, blowing up stuff is another thing all together.", "Leo: Well, except this time you're not alone. I'm here.", "Piper: Yeah, but you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be anywhere near me, it's too dangerous.", "Leo: Then how are we gonna go on our honeymoon?", "Piper: We're not gonna go on our honeymoon, we're gonna cancel it.", "Leo: We are not cancelling our honeymoon.", "Piper: Well, then tell the Elders to take this power back, I don't want it, I'm not ready for it.", "Leo: They wouldn't have given it to you if you weren't ready for it. I know that both as your Whitelighter and as your husband.", "Piper: What if you're wrong? What if I hurt someone? I just, I feel so helpless.", "Leo: One thing you're not is helpless. You are one of the strongest, most (They lay down on the bed) capable people I have ever known. And don't forget I've been around for a while.", "Piper: Really?", "Leo: You can handle this, honey. We can handle it together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Man's apartment. Prue, Phoebe and an Inspector are there. Prue and Phoebe are looking around.]", "Inspector: So what kind of specialists are you anyway?", "Phoebe: Inspector Morris didn't tell you?", "Inspector: No, he didn't.", "(Prue sees a photo album on the floor.)", "Prue: Can I pick this up?", "Inspector: Sure, Forensics is done here. (Prue picks it up.) Are you those psychics we keep hearing about he was working with?", "(Phoebe laughs)", "Phoebe: Psychics. Right, that's a good one.", "Prue: Is this the victim's wife?", "Inspector: Yeah. She died a couple of months ago. Sad to say the poor guy never got over it.", "Prue: Any suspects?", "Inspector: All we know is whoever did it busted through that window. Although, three stories up, nobody can figure out how.", "Phoebe: Do you see any scorch marks by where the body was?", "Prue: No, I don't think there would have been a body if ( the Inspector looks at her) that particular weapon had been used.", "Inspector: Are you from Arson?", "Prue: Uh, no, she was just curious of how he died.", "Inspector: He drowned in his own blood according to the M.E. All his blood vessels just burst. No reason. Are you Feds?", "Phoebe: Actually, Inspector, we're witches, okay? We actually think a demon might have done this. Probably my ex-boyfriend and if he did do this then we have to find him and vanquish him. Satisfied?", "Inspector: That's very funny.", "(He leaves the room.)", "Prue: Okay, are you out of your mind?", "Phoebe: Well, it got rid of him didn't it? So what do you think?", "Prue: Definitely supernatural, but was it Belthazor?", "[Scene: Cave underground. Cole is there talking to another demon.]", "Cole: Well, they must have some of the vanquishing potion. Otherwise why try to summon me?", "Demon: Perhaps the witch who loved you wants you back? Humans can be very forgiving.", "Cole: Nah, not this human, not after what I did. If I know her. She wants to crucify me, and knowing her is exactly what I want you to help me stop doing. If I have to fully revert to my demonic self, I need to break all ties and remove all doubt.", "Demon: Transmuting your blood might make you immune to the witches potion, Belthazor. But it won't necessarily make you immune from her pool.", "Cole: That's alright if she summons me again.", "Demon: That's not the pool I'm talking about. Your human half will always be vulnerable to that which makes all humans vulnerable. No sorcery can change that.", "(Cole pulls up his sleeve.)", "Cole: Then do what you can.", "(A knife flies off the table into the demon's hand. He cuts Cole's arm. Electricity comes out of the demon's hand, into Cole's wound.)", "[Cut to the manor. Prue and Phoebe are sitting on the couch looking at the Belthazor page in the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: I'm telling you, it's gotta be Cole.", "Prue: Phoebe, just because you want it to be him doesn't necessarily make it him.", "Phoebe: This isn't about me and Cole, this is about what I saw. My premonitions are always directly connected to what I'm touching at the time.", "Prue: Oh, okay, well, wait a minute. What if the back of your hand was touching (Prue turns the page) this page? Right, a Banshee, and whatever that is.", "(Leo and Piper comes down the stairs.)", "Leo: It's a demon who feeds on souls and great pain.", "Phoebe: (to Piper) Hey, stranger, long time, no see.", "Piper: Well, like you said, I can't hide forever. Although you guys should be wearing asbestos suits.", "Prue: Oh, I think we'll risk it.", "Piper: I just don't want anybody to get hurt.", "Prue: Well, since you can't freeze us, you probably can't blow us up either.", "(Piper sits down beside them.)", "Phoebe: Just keep your hands where we can see them.", "Prue: Alright, so the Banshee.", "Leo: Well, they're pretty rare. What they do is hunt for their victims with a high pitched call. Something beyond our range to hear.", "Prue: Okay, so then how do they find their victims?", "Phoebe: (reading from the book) By hearing the inner cry by zeroing in on the waves of pain that emanate from the stricken.", "Leo: Then their call turns into a scream that kills.", "Prue: Well, that explains the broken blood vessels and the shattered glass. Looks like it's not Cole after all.", "Piper: So what do we do? Wear earplugs?", "Phoebe: Uh, there is no spell to vanquish the Banshee but there is one to track a banshee. Okay, so all we need is a designated tracker.", "[Time lapse. Attic. Prue is standing in a circle of candles. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there outside of the circle. Piper is holding a piece of paper.]", "Phoebe: Are you sure about this?", "Prue: Well, with everything that you and Piper are going through right now, I don't really have much of a choice. Besides, it's just a tracking spell, what's the worst that could happen?", "Piper: With our history, don't go there.", "Prue: Yeah, well, it's almost night and that's when the girl in Phoebe's premonition was attacked. So lets just do it.", "(Piper and Phoebe read from the piece of paper.)", "Phoebe/Piper: \"The piercing cry that feeds on pain, and leaves more sorrow than a gain, shall now be heard by one who seeks, to stop the havoc that it wreaks.”", "(They hear thunder and a bright light surrounds Prue. She disappears.)", "Phoebe: Prue?", "Piper: Oh my god. (They look down and Prue has turned into a large white dog.) Prue?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. Phoebe is looking under the bed trying to get Prue out.]", "Phoebe: Come on, Prue. Come on, come on out. We're still your sisters, you know. (Prue whimpers.) Oh, gee, honey, don't sound so sad, it's gonna be okay.", "Piper: How? How is this gonna be okay?", "Phoebe: Hands in your pockets.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Piper: What did you find out? Why did the spell backfire?", "Leo: I don't think it did.", "Piper: What are you talking about, Leo? Prue is walking around on all fours and barking. If that's not a backfire, then what is?", "(Prue whimpers.)", "Phoebe: Shh, you're scaring her.", "Leo: Alright, all I'm saying is that you guys cast a tracking spell, and since dogs can obviously hear a Banshee's call, what happened makes sense. Prue should be able to track it now.", "Phoebe: Yeah, if she ever comes out. (She looks under the bed.) Prue, honey, okay, you can't stay under there all night. Okay, if you won't come out for you, will you at least come out for an innocent? We can't save that teenage girl without you. (They wait and Prue finally comes out.) That's a good girl! That's a good girl. Who's a good girl?", "Piper: Well, at least we know she understands what we're saying.", "Phoebe: Oh, she's such a pretty dog.", "Piper: What else did you expect?", "Leo: A Doberman? (Prue growls and barks at Leo.) Easy.", "Piper: Oh, honey, watch your orbs.", "Phoebe: So what do we have to do to get our real sister back?", "Leo: Once the Banshee is vanquished, the spell should reverse itself.", "(Prue runs out of the room.)", "Piper: Well, what if the Banshee doesn't show up until like next year? Then what do we do then?", "Leo: I don't think you'll have to wait that long. Banshee's have an insatiable appetite for pain. The feed every night.", "Phoebe: Okay, what do we do once she finds the demon? I mean, there's no vanquishing potion, there's no power of three.", "(Prue barks and they hear a crash.)", "Piper: Oh my god, Prue!", "(They run out of the room.)", "[Cut downstairs. Prue is chasing Kit around the house. Kit runs up the stairs and Piper, Phoebe and Leo come down the stairs. They stop Prue.]", "Piper: Prue, no! No-no-no-no, very bad, Prue. Very, very bad Prue. (Prue growls.) Hi, Kujo, who you growling at?", "Leo: Maybe I'd better go check with the elders and see if they know how to vanquish a Banshee.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, don't tell me you're afraid of Prue.", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: Well, wait a minute, hold it. What if we find the Banshee in the mean time?", "Leo: Well, you blew up the last demon you fought, didn't you?", "Piper: Yeah, but I was trying to freeze him.", "Leo: Just remember what we talked about. Just try and relax.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Piper: I really wish everybody would quit telling me to relax.", "(Prue runs over to the front door.)", "Phoebe: What is it? What is it, girl?", "(They follow her into the foyer.)", "Piper: Do you think she hears the Banshee?", "(Prue barks. Phoebe opens the door and Prue runs out.)", "Piper: Wait. (They grab their coats and follow Prue.)", "[Time lapse. Phoebe and Piper are standing outside.]", "Phoebe: This is worse than I thought.", "Piper: I never imagined anything like this could ever happen to us.", "Phoebe: All I know is this can't go on much longer.", "Piper: So what are we gonna do?", "Phoebe: Rock, paper, scissors?", "Piper: No way, you already lost.", "Phoebe: Two out of three.", "Piper: Na-uh.", "(Piper hands Phoebe a plastic bag. Prue comes out from behind the bushes.)", "Phoebe: This is so humiliating.", "(The dogs down the street start barking. Prue barks.)", "Piper: Phoebe? Does this mean what I think it means?", "(Prue runs off. Phoebe drops the plastic bag and they run after Prue.)", "Phoebe: It means I'm off the hook! I'm off the hook!", "Piper: Prue, wait!", "[Cut to an alley. A teenage girl is in phone booth.]", "Girl: Mum? Dad? Are you there? Pick up please, it's me. Mum? Oh, thank God. I'm so sorry, I never should have went away. I want to come home. (She hears the Banshee's call getting closer.) I don't know. Somewhere in San Francisco. (The Banshee jumps on top of a dumpster and screams. The glass on the phone booth smashes. The Banshee jumps on the ground and lets out a high pitched scream. The girl covers her face. Prue runs around the corner and attacks the Banshee. Piper and Phoebe come around the corner.)", "Piper: Prue? (Piper goes over to the girl.) It's okay, it's okay. Run, run. (The girl runs away. Prue barks. The Banshee jumps up and Phoebe reaches up and pulls her down. Piper goes over and the Banshee hits her. She lands on some wooden crates. The Banshee screams and faces Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Piper, now?", "(Piper tries to freeze the Banshee but blows up the dumpster. The Banshee falls back. Prue barks. Piper goes over to Phoebe.)", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I think so, yeah.", "(The Banshee runs off and Prue follows.)", "Piper: Prue, no, wait!", "(The Banshee runs into the street and jumps on a car. She leaps across the street onto another car. Prue runs onto the road. A horn beeps and a car runs into Prue. A man stops and gets out of the car. He goes to Prue.)", "Man: Oh, God. You stay there, baby. You're alright. Good girl. Shh. Can somebody give me a hand here? It's alright, good girl, good girl. Can somebody help?", "[Cut to the manor. Kitchen. Piper flips through a phonebook. Phoebe comes in, talking on the phone.]", "Phoebe: No, Darryl, I realize that you can't put out an APB for a dog, but couldn't you at least ask the other cops to keep an eye out for her? (Listens) Yeah, okay, that would be great. Call Piper's cell if you hear anything. Bye. (She hangs up) Do you think that the animal shelters are even open this late?", "Piper: They better be because this is a disaster, I am very worried.", "Phoebe: Well, don't worry, we will find Prue and we will find the Banshee. (Phoebe gets a bottle of water out of the fridge.) At least we saved that girl.", "Piper: Yeah, and how are we gonna save you?", "Phoebe: What are you talking about?", "Piper: I'm talking about how the Banshee zeroed in on you even though I was the one blowing up things.", "Phoebe: So?", "Piper: So, the Banshee seeks out people who are in great pain. And apparently it thinks you are.", "Phoebe: Piper, that's ridiculous.", "Piper: Phoebe. You are not the first Halliwell to fall in love with a demon and get burned. I know how much that hurts which means I know how much you hurt. But I think you're in denial.", "Phoebe: Okay. Well, if you'll forgive me, Dr. Laura, I have a different demon to worry about at the moment.", "(Phoebe starts to leave.)", "Piper: Wait a minute, where you going?", "Phoebe: I'm gonna go get the Book of Shadows so we can cast the tracking spell on me.", "Piper: Wait, huh? You want to turn yourself into a dog too?", "Phoebe: Do you know a better way to find the Banshee and to find Prue.", "Piper: No, but", "Phoebe: Then you will mind your business, and I am going to get the Book of Shadows.", "(She leaves the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe walks in and over to the Book of Shadows. She flips through the book and stops at the Cole/Belthazor page. She stares at it for a moment then picks it up. She sits down on a chair and cries.]", "[Cut downstairs. Piper is on the phone.]", "Piper: Well, there isn't any shelter open. This is an emergency. Well, there's gotta be some place. (Leo orbs in.) Never mind. (She hangs up.) We lost Prue.", "Leo: What?", "Piper: She ran off after the Banshee attacked.", "Leo: Wait a minute, you fought the Banshee and you and Phoebe are okay?", "Piper: Yeah, fine, why?", "Leo: Because the elders just told me that Banshee's are former witches.", "Piper: So?", "Leo: So, the Banshee's scream doesn't kill witches, it turns them into Banshees.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe has stopped crying.]", "Phoebe: Why, Cole? (Vases and bottles in the room start to shake.) Piper!", "(She hears the Banshee's call getting closer.)", "[Cut to downstairs.]", "Piper: Phoebe?", "(Piper and Leo run upstairs.)", "[Cut to the attic. The bottles smash. Then all the windows smash. Phoebe falls on the floor. The Banshee flies through the window and lets out a high pitched scream. Piper and Leo run in. The Banshee goes for Piper but Piper blows her up.]", "Piper: Huh, shut her up.", "Leo: Phoebe, you okay?", "(Phoebe turns into a Banshee.)", "Piper: Uh-oh.", "(Phoebe/Banshee pushes Piper and Leo and runs over to the window. She screams.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Leo are there.]", "Leo: Are you okay?", "Piper: Am I okay? Prue is a dog and Phoebe is a Banshee. I am not even in the vicinity of okay. How did this happen? What am I supposed to do? And you know, you could have told me about the witches turn into Banshees thing a little bit earlier.", "Leo: Honey, just try and relax.", "Piper: Would you stop telling me to relax! (Piper blows up a sewing machine.) That was Grams' sewing machine!", "Leo: Well, we don't have time for you to lose it.", "Piper: Well, too bad because I am losing it, whether we have time for it or not.", "Leo: Listen to me. We have to save Phoebe before she hurts someone. If she kills just one person, she stays a Banshee forever.", "Piper: Okay, could you give me all the bad news at once? Do you have to keep doling it out for dramatic effect?", "Leo: We have to find Phoebe.", "Piper: How, without Prue to track her?", "Leo: We'll find a way. You can do this, Piper.", "Piper: No, actually, I can't. See, ‘cause Prue and Phoebe are the super witches and I just tag along and freeze things, and now I can't even do that right.", "Leo: That's not true. You're just a strong as they are.", "Piper: I can't do it alone.", "Leo: You're not alone. We're partners, don't you see that?", "Piper: I'm sorry, it's just if anything happens to them", "(They hug.)", "Leo: Nothing will happen. We won't allow it.", "Piper: Where do we even begin?", "Leo: Start by taking a deep breath. That's what your Guru said, right?", "Piper: Leo, that's not", "Leo: Shh Close your eyes. (She closes her eyes.) Clear your mind. Listen to your instincts, what are they telling you to do?", "(Piper opens her eyes.)", "Piper: I think I know what to do.", "(Piper runs out of the room.)", "[Scene: A guy's apartment. Prue is asleep on the couch. She opens her eyes and looks around. The guy is on the phone.]", "Guy: Are you kidding? I'd love to go but I can't. The vet said someone has to keep an eye on the dog. I have a soft spot for animals. Sue me. No, no tags. Maybe I should write and article about irresponsible pet owners, make them feel like dirt. (Prue moves around on the couch.) Hold it. I've gotta go. (He hangs up and goes over to Prue.) Hey, what are you doing? You're supposed to be resting. (She tries to get off.) No, no, you're not going anywhere. Not until you're better.", "[Cut to Phoebe/Banshee in a car park. She is lurking behind some cars. A woman walks through the car park. She stops and looks around. The woman gets her keys out and continues walking. She approaches a guy leaning against a car.]", "Woman: Oh, Ramone.", "Ramone: I was beginning to think you stood me up.", "(They hug. Phoebe runs behind a wall and screams.)", "[Cut to the guy's apartment. Prue is drinking beer from the beer bottle.]", "Guy: Oh, you like the imported stuff? That's my kind of girl. (Prue gets up and runs over to the door.) What is it? What's the matter? (Prue barks.) Shh, you're gonna wake the neighbours. (Prue barks.) Okay, you want out, I get it. (He opens the door. Prue runs out.) Hey! (He grabs his keys and goes outside.) Come here!", "[Cut to the Manor. Leo and Piper are walking down the stairs. Piper is carrying the Book of Shadows.]", "Leo: Piper, think this through, please.", "Piper: You were the one that told me to trust my instincts.", "Leo: Yes, that was before you said you were gonna summon Cole, though.", "Piper: Well, believe me, it was not my first idea.", "Leo: Well, then what was your first idea? Let's do that instead.", "Piper: That won't work, this will.", "Leo: The last time Cole was here he killed a witch, remember?", "(Piper holds up the potion.)", "Piper: That is what this if for.", "Leo: Well, what if he makes his move before you get a chance to vanquish him?", "Piper: I'll freeze him.", "Leo: Now you're confident in your powers?", "Piper: Okay, so maybe I'll blow him up.", "(They walk into the conservatory.)", "Leo: But what if he blows us up first?", "Piper: Well, you're already dead, what's the difference.", "Leo: The difference is that I don't want you to join me.", "Piper: Leo, I love you, and it's because of you that I have the courage to even attempt this but we don't have any other options. Now, the Banshee's target people who are in pain, that's why it went after Phoebe, and Cole is the source of Phoebe's pain. So if we can get him to find her and eliminate that pain, then we might be able to get Phoebe back.", "Leo: Do you really think he'll help us?", "Piper: Feelings like theirs don't go away. We should know. (Piper turns to the spell in the Book of Shadows.) “Magic forces black and white, reaching out through space and light, be he far or be he near, bring us the demon Belthazor here.”", "(A tunnel of wind appears in the room and Cole appears.)", "Cole: You rang? Piper, not the sister I was expecting.", "Piper: Phoebe's in trouble. She's been turned into a Banshee.", "Cole: A Banshee? Well, that's different.", "Piper: It happened because she was hurting, over you. And I think you're the key to turning her back.", "Cole: Sorry, I don't do good anymore.", "Piper: Not even for somebody you love?", "Cole: Love-d. Past tense.", "Leo: I think we've heard enough.", "Piper: Feelings like that don't just die, Cole.", "Cole: Wrong. They died when Phoebe gave up on me. Now all I can do is return the favour.", "Piper: You've helped us before, and we've helped you.", "Cole: Oh, is that what you were doing when you called me this morning. Helping me? Or trying to vanquish me?", "Leo: Piper, the potion.", "Piper: Phoebe loves you, Cole. And I know that you love Phoebe. All I'm asking you to do is find her and tell her.", "Cole: It's over, Piper. In more ways than one.", "Leo: Throw the potion.", "Piper: You're right, Cole, it is over.", "(Piper throws the potion and nothing happens.)", "Cole: Surprise! (He laughs.)", "Piper: But", "Cole: Did you really think that I would come here without magical protection? Question is, do you have any protection for yourself?", "Leo: Don't threaten her.", "Cole: I suggest you orb her out of here, Whitelighter, before there's nothing left to orb.", "(Prue runs in and barks.)", "Piper: Prue?", "Cole: Prue? (The house starts to shake.) What's going on?", "Piper: Phoebe's home.", "(All the windows smash and Phoebe flies in. She dives on Cole and screams. He changes into Belthazor and shimmers out, taking Phoebe with him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Continued from before. Leo is patting Prue.]", "Leo: You think she's alright?", "Piper: No, I don't. Either way, Phoebe's screwed.", "Leo: No, I mean Prue. She seems kind of down.", "Piper: Well, she would be. We're about to lose a sister.", "Leo: I thought you said Cole would never hurt her.", "Piper: In self defence he would. Did you see her? She was pissed off. On the other hand, if she kills hem then she's a Banshee forever. (Prue runs over to the door.) Oh, this is all my fault. (Prue barks.) She zeroed in on Cole's pain for her, I led her to him.", "Leo: We found Prue, we will find Phoebe.", "(Prue continues to bark.)", "Piper: But how? What if it's too late? Prue would you be quiet.", "Leo: Maybe you should try scrying. (Prue walks over and pulls on Leo's pants.) Ow, hey!", "(Prue jumps through the window.)", "Piper: She hears Phoebe. Hurry, hurry! Go-go-go-go!", "(They run outside.)", "[Cut to the mausoleum. Phoebe/Banshee and Belthazor are fighting. Belthazor pushes her across the room. She kicks him and he falls over a crypt. She jumps on him and scratches him. He pushes her off. She screams and Belthazor roars. He grabs her around the neck.]", "Belthazor: Don't make me kill you. (She pushes him away.) Damn it, Phoebe. (He changes back to Cole.)", "Cole: I love you.", "(Phoebe screams.)", "[Cut outside. Piper and Leo are running, following Prue.]", "[Cut back to the mausoleum. The banshee changes back into Phoebe.]", "[Cut back outside. The dog changes back into Prue. Prue holds her hip in pain.]", "Prue: Ow, ow, ow, ow.", "Piper: Prue! (Piper and Leo catch up to her.) Prue? You're back!", "Prue: Ow! Ow, ow, ow, my hip.", "Piper: What happened?", "Prue: Oh, I had a little accident. Hey, Leo, not that I'm complaining, but why am I human again?", "Leo: The spell must've played itself out. Phoebe must not be a Banshee anymore.", "Piper: So does that mean Phoebe's alive, or ?", "[Cut back to the mausoleum.]", "Phoebe: Stay away from me. Just stay away.", "Cole: Phoebe", "Phoebe: I don't wanna hear it, Cole.", "Cole: Yeah, you do. You're not the only one hurting here. We both are. That's why we're drawn into this mess. I tried to deny it too, I tried everything to break my feelings for you, even magic. But nothing works.", "Phoebe: It doesn't change anything.", "Cole: No, it doesn't. It doesn't change the fact that I killed a witch. Even if I was tricked into doing it.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Cole: Forget it, it doesn't matter.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, maybe it matters to me.", "Cole: Raynor cast a spell. He made me kill her against my will.", "Phoebe: And why would he do that?", "Cole: Because he wanted to turn me. And he knew the only way to do that was to destroy the one thing that was keeping me good. He knew that my killing a witch would destroy your faith in me. And he was right.", "Phoebe: I don't know what to say.", "(He touches her face.)", "Cole: There's nothing to say. Like you said, it doesn't change the fact that I did it, or that we'll always love each other. I guess it's a pain we both have to live with.", "(He shimmers out.)", "[Cut outside. Leo is trying to sense Phoebe.]", "Leo: I sense her. Phoebe's alive.", "Prue: So, Phoebe/Banshee", "Leo: Is Phoebe, Phoebe. Looks like your plan worked after all.", "Piper: Yeah, but if she had to vanquish Cole then she's probably not doing very well. Why don't you go get her?", "(Leo orbs out. Prue scratches her head. Piper touches her hair.)", "Prue: What are you doing?", "Piper: I think you've got fleas.", "Prue: You know what? That's so not funny because I think I do.", "Piper: I think you do.", "Prue: Okay. You have no idea how hard it was being a dog, okay. I mean, peeing outside, eating everything and anything and just smelling everything.", "Piper: Must have been ‘ruff'. No pun intended.", "Prue: Ha, ha. (Piper giggles.) At least I got to meet a really cute guy.", "Piper: You met a guy?", "Prue: Mm-hmm.", "Piper: As a dog?", "Prue: Mm-hmm.", "Piper: How?", "Prue: Well, he ran me over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper is serving at the bar. Prue and Phoebe are sitting at the bar.]", "Piper: Here you go. (Serves two beers to some guys.) Thank you.", "Phoebe: You know, you might wanna raise the drink prices.", "Piper: Why?", "(Prue hold up a piece of paper.)", "Prue: The bill, from the window repair guy.", "(Piper looks at it.)", "Piper: Oh, ouch.", "Phoebe: Yeah, we really keep that guy in business, don't we?", "(Prue looks around.)", "Piper: Are you expecting someone?", "Prue: A certain journalist with an empty fridge and a soft spot for a man's best friend.", "Phoebe: He hit you, you hit on him, it's only fair.", "Prue: Hey, how could I resist a guy who put up fliers to find me. (She stands up.) Excuse me. (She walks over to the guy.) Hi.", "(Prue and the guy walk away.)", "Piper: It's good to see you out. It's been a while.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I guess we're both out of hiding. You know, I've been wanting to thank you.", "Piper: For?", "Phoebe: Calling Cole. I mean, if you hadn't I'd probably still be screaming.", "Piper: Yeah, well, nothing like trusting your instincts.", "Phoebe: I know what you mean. I think I'm gonna act on some of my own.", "Piper: Do I even wanna ask?", "Phoebe: I think I made a mistake giving up on Cole. I now know why he did what he did.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: He loves me, which means that there's still good in him. I can bring him back. I know I can.", "(Phoebe walks away.)" ]
Look Who's Barking
[ "Leo was able to save Piper, but was unable to heal Prue. Piper and Phoebe must now deal with the loss of their elder sister and the loss of the Power of Three. However, The Source discovers an unknown half-sister named Paige Matthews, the daughter of Patty and her Whitelighter , Sam, who had been kept hidden. Paige, the now-youngest Halliwell can restore the Power of Three and reunite the sisters' strength as witches. Piper and Phoebe must find Paige to destroy the demon Shax and to stop The Source from getting to her first, allowing them to become once again the Charmed Ones and reconstituting the Power of Three. A 48 hour window threatens the Charmed Ones existence as Paige needs to choose which side she'll serve, a flaw that The Source takes advantage of to entice Paige to evil." ]
[ "[Scene: Attic. Piper is in tears as she flips through the Book of Shadows. She cants the Power of Three spell, hoping that Prue would return.]", "Piper: Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of Gods are invoked here, the great magic is sought. (A candle flickers. She's surrounded by herb jars, chalices and other ritualistic items.) In this night and in this battle, I call upon the ancient power. (She looks up and closes her eyes.) Bring back my sister. Bring back the Power of Three. (She keeps her eyes closed for a prayerful beat, then she opens them, looks at the candle, but sees nothing. Blindly determined, she starts flipping through pages until she finds another spell, To Call a Lost Witch. She expertly finds and mixes certain ingredients {rosemary, cypress, yarrow root} into a silver bowl as she chants from the book.) Power of the witches' rise. Course unseen across the skies. Come to us, we call you near. Come to us and settle here. (Then, she finds an athame and slices the left finger of her left hand so that blood can symbolically spill directly from her heart and into the bowl.) Blood to blood, I summon thee. Blood to blood, return to me.", "(A faint gust of wind flickers the candle, but not much else. She buries her face in her hands in defeat.)", "Phoebe: Piper? (Piper looks up, hopeful.)", "Piper: Prue? (She looks at the candle. Phoebe enters, wearing her nightclothes and jacket. She has a tear-stained face.)", "Phoebe: Sweetie, it 4 o'clock in the morning. What are you doing? (Piper doesn't answer, just stares blankly at the book. Phoebe notices Piper's bleeding and gets a towel.) You're bleeding.", "(Piper doesn't notice, doesn't care. Phoebe finds a clean cloth, takes Piper's hand and wraps the wound.)", "Piper: I don't understand why magic can't fix this. And why we can't bring Prue back. It's not like we haven't cheated death before. I don't understand why this time isn't any different.", "Phoebe: Because Leo can't heal the dead, Piper. You know that.", "Piper: There's other magic, magic that we've used before. (She flips through the pages and fights the tears.) Scrying, calling a lost witch, reversing time. (She closes the Book of Shadows. She stands up.) It's like the book just deserted us and deserted Prue, and I don't understand why. (Phoebe takes Piper's other hand, holds them both, shares her pain.)", "Phoebe: We lost our sister. How can we ever understand that? (Pause) We've tried every magical way to bring her back but we can't. She's gone. (Their eyes well up as they face the harsh reality, then they fall into each other's arms. It's a nightmare neither one of them can ever wake up from.) I just - I thank God that I didn't lose you too. (Phoebe gives her a little kiss. She breaks the hug. She sighs.) We have to get some rest. Prue will never forgive us if we look bad at her funeral.", "(Piper can't help but smile through the tears at that. She stands, looks down at the Book of Shadows one last time before closing it. Arm-in-arm, they exit, shutting the door behind them. A beat, then a mysterious wind returns our attention to the Book of Shadows. The symbol, the triquetra, on the cover begins to glow. The mysterious wind re-opens the book and magically turns to the pages to the last spell Piper tried to cast, \"To Call a Lost Witch...\".)", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. A young brunette woman, named Paige Matthews, is seated at her desk and pops in a CD into her computer. She turns her attention to the computer screen.]", "Woman: Social services. May I help you?", "Paige: Printing! (She notices that a mysterious wind blows out her lit candle. She gets up from her chair and takes a few steps to her right. Paige's back is turned when a newspaper mysteriously appears, landing on the floor next to Paige. She turns and bends over to pick up the newspaper. She looks around.)", "Woman: South Bay Social Services. May I help you? (She glances at the paper, noticing the obituary section, informing about Prue Halliwell's Death and where and when the funeral will be held. The obituary reads: PRUE HALLIWELL \"Funeral Services will be held today at Memorial Cemetery, 11:00AM.)", "Cowan: Paige, you find that study yet? (Paige's boss, Mr. Cowan, emerges from his office and sees her reading the article. He goes up to her.) Paige, did you hear me? (Paige continues to keep her eye on Prue's obituary and grabs her jacket.)", "Paige: Yeah. It's in the printer. I'm sorry, I have to go. (She begins to leave.)", "Cowan: What do you mean go? Go where? Paige! Hey, Paige!", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. It's set up for the post-funeral wake. Phoebe, dressed for the funeral, adjust some flowers on the table. She walks into the living room, where Victor, dressed in a dark suit, is sitting on the chair, staring vacantly at the floor bearing the kind of grief only a parent who's lost a child knows. She gives her Dad a small kiss.]", "Phoebe: Can I get you anything? (She touches him tenderly on the shoulder. He looks up at her.)", "Victor: Oh, no thanks sweetie.", "(Phoebe waters a plant and fiddles with a few plants. Phoebe looks up to find Leo entering the parlor with Cole. Both men are dressed in suits.)", "Leo: Look who's back.", "Phoebe: Cole! (She runs to him and embraces him in her arms and then releases him.) I was afraid you weren't going to make it to the funeral.", "Cole: Well, I - I can't make it or, shouldn't anyway. The Source has got every demonic bounty hunter out there looking for me.", "Phoebe: Yeah. So what else is new?", "Cole: This is different. Saving you makes it a different, makes me a traitor - and he not going to stop until he finds me and I don't want that happening at Prue's funeral.", "Phoebe: So, we'll protect you.", "Cole: You can't protect me.", "Phoebe: Why not? We're still witches, aren't we?", "Cole: Yeah, but you're not the Charmed Ones anymore.", "(Phoebe finds herself at the partially repaired, unpainted wall where Prue died. Leo steps in.)", "Leo: He's right, Phoebe. Without the Power of Three (Phoebe raises her hand.)", "Phoebe: I don't understand. Isn't it harder to track a demon in a cemetery, Cole? You have to go. I need you there.", "(Cole nods. Victor escorts Darryl in through the front door.)", "Darryl: Hey, how are you holdin' up?", "Phoebe: Okay. (She and Darryl hug and slowly step away from each other.) It's sweet of you to stop by.", "Darryl: Had to. Besides, I thought you should know - they're assigning Prue's case to another inspector.", "Leo: What case?", "Darryl: What case? Are you kidding? Prue and a prominent doctor were killed here, Leo. Made a lot of press. People want answers. Important people.", "Cole: So, what's this guy gonna find? That it was a demonic hitman? Gimme a break.", "Darryl: He might. Look, you don't know him like I do. He'll keep looking until he finds something, believe me. Cole: I'm not worried.", "Leo: Well, I am. I saw what happened when they were exposed as witches. Time may have reversed itself, but it still cost Prue her life.", "Victor: Would you people mind? For God's sake, we're burying my daughter today. Can't this wait?", "(Phoebe moves over to hug her father, who's struggling to hold it all together.)", "[Scene: Piper and Leo's bedroom. Piper's partially dressed, sitting in front of the mirror, lost in her thoughts, absentmindedly brushing her hair. A beat later, Leo eases open the door and enters.]", "Leo: Piper? (She doesn't react, just keeps brushing. Leo approaches her.) Honey, we have to go.", "Piper: I don't want to go.", "Leo: Why not? (Leo kneels down beside her.)", "Piper: Because if I go, that'll mean that Prue's really not coming back, and I don't think I can handle that.", "Leo: We can handle it together. (Piper shakes her head.)", "Piper: She's been there my whole life. I've always had a big sister. And I don't know how to live without one?", "Leo: Piper (He goes to touch her, but she pulls away.)", "Piper: Why didn't you save her?", "Leo: I tried.", "Piper: But you didn't. Why didn't they let you save her, too?", "Leo: The Elders? They couldn't. They don't have that kind of power.", "Piper: Then what the hell good are they? (She gets up, walks away from him, and finds a Kleenex. Leo follows.)", "Leo: It's okay to be angry", "Piper: I'm not angry. I am pissed off! Don't you understand? You healed the wrong sister! You saved me because I'm your damn wife, and you should've saved her because she was the best! Because she you should (She loses it again, overcome. Leo moves up behind her and this time, she lets him hold her.) Why do they put us through so much for it to end this way?", "[Scene: Underworld. A darkly cloaked figure appears in front of a shadowy figure known as the Oracle.]", "Oracle: May I be seen?", "The Source: Have you found Belthazor?", "Oracle: No, something else... (He considers that for a beat, then turns and waves his clawed hand at The Oracle. A creepy but sexy young woman, materializes from the depths, stroking her ever-present crystal ball.) Something more important, perhaps.", "The Source: Nothing is more important.", "Oracle: Not even The Charmed Ones?", "The Source: The Charmed Ones are dead.", "Oracle: Not all of them.", "The Source: One gone ends the threat. Of course, if you had foreseen that a white-lighter was going to help Belthazor save his witch, they'd all be gone. Be grateful I don't turn you into a snake.", "Oracle: Yes, but then how would you see into the future without me?", "The Source: Without the Charmed Ones to worry about anymore, I may not need to.", "Oracle: Mmm. Well, in that case, you'd better keep me around a little while longer. (The Source turns back to the Oracle as she looks into her crystal ball, sees whips of smoke forming inside.)", "The Source: What do you see?", "Oracle: I see - a witch's call on the spirit winds. I see... another.", "[Scene: Mausoleum. A beautiful ivory-colored coffin sits on a pedestal amongst the flowers. An ivory-dressed, Wiccan Priestess stands before a blue silk covered altar table, which is adorned with a ceremonial chalice. A tied, silver cord lays before the chalice, three lit candles surround it, symbolizing birth, death, and the rebirth. To the unaware mourners, however, the service comes across a part traditional, part New Age. Piper, Phoebe, Leo, Cole, Darryl, and Victor are seated close to the priestess. Piper and Phoebe dab at their eyes and Cole keeps his eyes peeled for any trouble. The funeral program, which bares the symbol of the triquetra above the name, read: \"PRUDENCE HALLIWELL, 1970-2001; \"Forever in our Hearts.\"]", "Priestess: That which belongs to fellowship and love. That which belongs to the circle, remains with us. The wheel turns. As life is a day, so our sister has passed into night. Nothing is final, and we who remain behind know that one day, we will once again share the bread and wine with our sister. O' blessed spirit, we bid you farewell, for you await a new destiny.", "(With that, she unties the silver cord and gently lays it into the chalice. She blows out the candles. Mourners standing, shaking hands, crying, etc. Darryl goes over to Piper and Phoebe to hug them and people begin to pay their respects. Phoebe thanks another mourner, then turns to the last of the mourners, whom she doesn't recognize -- Paige, who shifts over anxiously.)", "Paige: I'm so sorry for your loss.", "Phoebe: Thank you. (Paige begins to leave.) How did you know Prue? From work?", "Paige: No. Just just from around, you know.", "Phoebe: Have we met before?", "Paige: No. I don't I don't think so. Anyway, my condolences.", "Phoebe: Thank you. (Phoebe shakes Paige's hand -- then gets hit with a powerful premonition: Paige is on a skyscraper rooftop helipad. She screams as she squeezes her eyes shut in fear as the demon Shax gestures and sends a concessive blast toward her to kill her. Phoebe stumbles to the floor after her premonition ends.)", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Leo: Phoebe?", "(Piper, Leo, Victor, and Cole rush over to her as Paige, oblivious, but not wanting to stick around, leaves. Leo and Victor help Phoebe stand up.)", "Piper: Are you all right?", "Phoebe: I saw him... the demon that killed Prue.", "Leo: Shax? What was he doing?", "Phoebe: He was killing that girl.", "Piper: What girl?", "Phoebe: The one I was just talking to. We've gotta go find her...", "(Bounty Hunters 2 suddenly materialize on either side of Cole and immediately fire lightning bolts at him. Cole dives, just barely avoiding the bolts, which blow up the altar.)", "Leo: Go. Go.", "(Leo pulls her behind a pillar for safety. Victor looks on in disbelief. Cole rolls, comes up firing, vanquishing Bounty Hunter #2, but Bounty Hunter #3 appears. Before he can kill Cole, though, Phoebe runs up and knocks him to the ground with an expert martial arts move. She then hides behind a statue.)", "Piper: Stop it. (Bounty Hunter #3 spins to fire at Phoebe, but Cole fires an energy ball at the Bounty Hunter, blowing him up in a shower of fiery sparks. Piper lets out an irritated, angry yell.) Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Damn it! This is Prue's funeral, for God's sake! Can't we at least bury her in peace?! Is that too much to ask?!", "(She knocks over a vase of flowers. She then storms out in tears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe slowly works her way through the Mourners, who are drinking coffee, eating cold cuts, and sharing stories. She gives a woman a plate.]", "Woman: Thank you. (Phoebe walks over to Leo and Cole.)", "Phoebe: I don't see her anywhere.", "Leo: Who?", "Phoebe: The girl from my premonition. (A passing mourner, overhearing that, quietly reacts. Leo, seeing that, pulls Phoebe to the main stairs, where they can have some privacy.)", "Leo: Phoebe, you gotta be more careful.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry.", "Cole: You sure don't recognize her from anywhere? (She sighs.)", "Phoebe: Well, she did look familiar like I've seen her somewhere before. But somehow, we got to find her before nightfall, or else", "(Phoebe slides a flower vase over an inch, then back again. Cole gently grabs her arm with a concerned look.)", "Cole: Honey, what're you doing?", "Phoebe: Uh, I'm cleaning.", "Cole: You don't clean. You hate cleaning.", "Phoebe: I know... but it's better than falling apart, isn't it?", "Leo: Maybe you should just try and focus on the girl. You said she was attacked on a rooftop?", "Phoebe: Yeah. One with a heli-pad but it a tall building, although, there were a lot of taller ones around it.", "Leo: Okay, so we just need to figure out which building it was before Shax does. (Piper walks up to them.)", "Piper: And do what exactly? You can't defeat Shax, not without the Power of Three.", "Phoebe: But you and Prue did. (Piper sighs.)", "Piper: That's because Prue was the strongest. Trying to do it without her would be suicide.", "Phoebe: Maybe so, but I got that premonition for a reason, Piper. That girl is our innocent, so we have to try and save her.", "Piper: Says who? Why do we have to?", "Leo: Piper", "Piper: What? Do you really expect us to keep doing this stuff after what happened? To keep risking our lives? Do they?", "Leo: Piper, keep your voice down", "Piper: No, Leo, I won't. I don't want to do this anymore, okay? It-It's over! You can tell them that we buried their precious Charmed Ones when we buried our sister. (She spins and stalks up the stairs. Leo starts to follow, but Phoebe stops him.)", "Phoebe: No, leave her be. She needs to be alone. Look, I don't know where we go from here, but I do know that I can't let that girl die especially not by the same demon that killed Prue.", "Cole: The question remains, how are you going to stop Shax without the Power of Three to say the vanquishing spell?", "Phoebe: I'm hoping that a demon and a witch fighting together might be enough. Interested?", "Cole: Why not? It's better sitting around waiting for the next bounty hunter to attack. (Phoebe then moves off with Cole.)", "Victor: I appreciate you coming over. It means so much to the girls.", "Phoebe: Dad. Excuse me, Aaron. (She pulls him over.) We have to go. Will you be okay?", "Victor: Go where?", "Cole: Trust me, you don't want to know. (Before Victor could react, they turn to see Darryl entering and approaching with Cortez, coat and tie, self-made, eyes never miss a trick.)", "Darryl: Phoebe. Victor. Sorry about this, but Inspector Cortez insisted on meeting today", "Cortez: I just wanted to extend my deepest sympathies.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Victor: Thanks.", "Cole: I'll get the car. (He steps out of the Manor.)", "Darryl: Where's Piper?", "Phoebe: Upstairs. She's not feeling well.", "Cortez: Understandable. I lost a sister once myself, I know how hard it is. We're going to find the monster who did this to your sister, Ms. Halliwell. I promise you this. (Phoebe and Darryl exchange a look. Cortez notices this.) Something I said?", "Phoebe: No, uh, it's just the word, monster.", "Cortez: Well that's what he was - how else do you describe somebody so vicious? We have to stop before he strikes again.", "Phoebe: I couldn't agree more. If you'll excuse me, Inspector (She goes to leave, but Cortez stops her.)", "Cortez: I know what a difficult time this is for you and your sister, Ms. Halliwell, but we really need to talk.", "Victor: But not now.", "Cortez: Of course. Sorry (He holds Phoebe's look for an uncomfortable beat, then allows her to exit. Darryl, concerned, looking at Cortez.)", "[Cut to attic. Piper is angrily placing five lit candles in a lose circle on the floor in front of the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: I'm a witch, damn it. I've summoned people before and I'm gonna summon Prue now whether you like it or not! No more games, no more playing the good witch. (She goes to the Book, which is opened to the spell.) I want to talk to my sister. I need to talk to my sister. At the very least, you owe me that. (Piper takes a soul-cleansing breath, then glares at the Book.) \"Here these words. Hear my cry spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the Great Divide.\" (Inside the circle, white magical lights, ever-so-slowly begin to appear. Piper looks up, her anger replaced by hopeful wonder as she steps closer, anticipating Prue's appearance, but is, instead, surprised to see the ghost of Grams.) Grams?", "Grams: Hello, my darling. How are you?", "Piper: How am I? Are you kidding? Do you guys not get the news up there?", "Grams: I meant, how are you holding up?", "Piper: Not very well. I'm a little lost. Why didn't you come before? When I called after", "Grams: I couldn't, Piper. I was busy.", "Piper: You were busy?", "Grams: I was with Prue.", "Piper: Oh. Of course you were. Right. Well, that makes sense. Is she okay?", "Grams: Your mother and I are helping her through this.", "Piper: But how is she?", "Grams: I'm not allowed to tell you now just like you're not allowed to see her, at least not for a while anyway.", "Piper: But, why?", "Grams: Because seeing Prue right now, speaking to her, keeps her alive for you. Which keeps you from being able to move on with your life, to continue with your destiny.", "Piper: What destiny? Okay. It's over. It's done. Prue is gone. And I", "Grams: I know, sweetie. I know but if there's one thing you've learned over the last three years, it's that there's a reason for everything which means there's a reason for this, too. You're destiny still awaits. blessed be.", "(She disappears in the same swirl of white lights that brought her to Piper.)", "[Cut to Underworld. The Source materializes in a fiery display.]", "The Source: Anything? (The Oracle, still coiled around her smoke-filled crystal ball, looks up from it.)", "Oracle: Unfortunately since the last attack, Belthazor has been very elusive -", "The Source: Leave Belthazor to the bounty hunters. What about the other?", "(The Oracle confidently waves her hand over the crystal ball.)", "Oracle: Her future's becoming much more clear. And, it appears, short-lived (The crystal ball shows swirling smoke inside as it begins to form into the image of a dancing woman, Paige.)", "[Cut to P3. Paige is dancing with her boyfriend, Shane. The club is hopping - a hot band lights up the place. The song ends, the crowd cheers, then Paige and Shane drifts over to their table and sit. Paige looks distracted, distant.]", "Shane: You all right?", "Paige: Me? Yeah, why?", "Shane: Well, you seem a little quieter than usual. That's all.", "Paige: What makes you think I'm not like this all of the time.", "Shane: Well, we've been dating for a month now. So, I think I'd know. (To a passing waitress) Uh, hey, can we get a couple of long necks?", "Waitress: Sure.", "Paige: (To waitress) Make mine a mineral water, please?", "Waitress: Mm-mmm.", "Paige: (To waitress) Thanks. (The waitress notes the order and leaves.) So much for how well you know me cowboy. I don't drink. I used to have kind of a problem during liquids lot of problems, actually, but that's all behind me.", "Shane: Do you want to go someplace else, or ?", "Paige: No, no, no, I like it here. Gosh. I should. I've been coming to P3 for the last year or so, on and off. I mean, ever since that", "Shane: Ever since what?", "Paige: Oh, never mind. It's boring. (Pause) All right, but if I tell you all about Paige and you use it against me, I will get out my voodoo doll and make you sorry you're a man. (Pauses) So my sad story is that I'm adopted, only it's not so sad because I loved my parents, God rest. So after they died, I went searching for my birth mother, hoping to get some answers. (She begins to doodle on a napkin.) I went to the police, found the church I got dumped at I checked around. I figured she must've lived near here, you know? They even thought I might've been related to the Halliwell sisters for a minute, but their Mom died a long time ago, so I gave up on that.", "Shane: Well, did you ever meet the sisters, ask them about it or", "Paige: Yeah right. \"Hi. I think your Mom might've abandoned me at birth. What's for dinner?\" No. I don't think so. (The waitress brings them their drinks, allowing Paige to lean back, try to end this painful topic. Shane, though, cares, wants to know more.)", "Waitress: Here you are.", "Paige: Thanks.", "Waitress: You're welcome", "Shane: So that, that still doesn't explain why you keep coming here.", "Paige: Well, one of the sisters owns it, so I don't know. I guess I just kind of feel - connected somehow. That's why I went to the funeral today. I just felt like I had to. Okay. I sound certifiably insane. Good job, Paige. Way a go. (Shane, touched, shuts her up by leaning in and giving her a kiss. She responds, then pulls back slightly, allowing her vulnerability to show.) Don't hurt me, okay? I can't handle anymore right now. (His answer is another kiss, deeper, meaningful. She accepts it, returns the passion. They part, stare into each other's eyes. Hers are ablaze.) Come on. I have something to show you.", "(Shane hurriedly tosses a twenty on the table. They leave. The cocktail napkin Paige was doodling on had a drawing of a rough version of the triquetra, the Power of Three.)", "[Scene: Skyscraper building. Phoebe, bundled up in the observation room, looks out through the binoculars. Cole approaches from behind, handing Phoebe a thermostat cup of coffee.]", "Cole: Here. (Phoebe lowers the binoculars, turns to take the cup.)", "Phoebe: Oh, thanks. I think this is the right place. But maybe we should try one of the other rooftops just to make sure.", "Cole: Or maybe we should follow your first instincts and stay right here.", "Phoebe: Okay. But, what if I'm wrong? That girl will get killed.", "Cole: You can't save every innocent, Phoebe, or stop every demon. (He hugs her from behind.)", "Phoebe: Yeah. Well, I have to stop this one. I just hope that by me saying the vanquishing spell, it wounds him enough that you can take him out. (Cole snuggles from behind.)", "Cole: I got a better idea. How about you and me go someplace? You know? Drop off the face of the earth together, disappear?", "Phoebe: Hmm. Don't tempt me.", "Cole: Things have changed, Phoebe. We can't pretend we can go on like this. It's only a matter of time before The Source finds me, which means every minute you're with me, you're in danger.", "Phoebe: I've lost too much already Cole. I'm not losing you, too. (She holds his look, he's not going anywhere. Then, he kisses her and looks up past her, squints, seeing something.)", "Cole: Ooh, looks like your instincts were right.", "Phoebe: We've gotta shimmer over there! (She turns and raises binoculars.)", "Cole: And tell her what? That a demon's gonna attack? I think we should stay right here. (They wait as Paige, oblivious to the looming danger, leads a reluctant Shane to the center of the heli-pad.)", "Shane: Aren't you afraid that we're gonna to get caught?", "Paige: I like an element of danger. (She lets go of his hand, then spins around, arms out wide, looking up at the stars, free.) Oh. Look at the stars. They're so beautiful! They make me feel free. (She takes off her jacket slightly He kisses her. Meanwhile, Phoebe lowers the binoculars and turns away. Cole is still looking.)", "Phoebe: All right, any ideas?", "Cole: A couple. (Phoebe smacks him.)", "Phoebe: I meant about what we do now. I mean, we can't just keep watching, it's not right.", "(Cole takes the binoculars from Phoebe and takes a look.)", "Cole: You're right. We shouldn't just keep watching. (Phoebe blocks his view.)", "Phoebe: Okay, very good. (A moving tornado materializes out of thin air and races toward the unsuspecting lovers. The demon, Shax, appears and fires a concussive blast. Paige opens her eyes at the last second and sees it over Shane's shoulder.)", "Paige: Shane!", "(The blast makes Shane go flying backwards, knocking himself out. Paige screams. Shax throws another concussive blast at Paige. Paige screams and orbs out and back, realizing that she's still alive, somehow. Paige turns the other way and runs to the roof access tower. Shax, surprised at her ability to orb, turns back into a tornado and follows.)", "Phoebe: She orbed! (Paige runs away.) She orbed - did you just see that?", "Cole: Come on! (Cole grabs her and shimmers out with her.)", "[Cut to Paige, running for her life, scampers down the stairs onto the catwalk then stops as she hears the ominous sound of the tornado approaching. She slowly turns to see Shax standing there. But before he can throw another concussive blast, he stops as he sees Cole and Phoebe shimmer in. Paige turns, just in time to see the tail end of the shimmer, shocked.]", "Paige: What the hell?", "Phoebe: Get outta here! Hurry! Go! Go! (Cole fires an energy ball at Shax, but it barely fazes him. He fires another one as Paige, freaked, takes off running up the stairs.)", "Cole: Say the spell, damn it!", "Phoebe: Evil wind that blows, that which forms below. No longer may you dwell. Death takes you with this spell. (Shax, though, manages to get off a concussive blast at Cole, which knocks him over the stairway rail. Just as Shax, in agony, turns into a ghostly wind and streaks away from the scene. Phoebe, panic- stricken, runs to the edge. Cole plummets five stories, but just before he pancakes, he recovers enough to shimmer out.) Cole! (Cole shimmers next to Phoebe, who gasps and emotionally hugs him, afraid she almost lost him.) That was too close...", "Cole: It's okay, I'm all right. I just don't know about your innocent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Leo is debating with Cole and Phoebe with what they say. Piper's in the background.]", "Leo: Are you sure she orbed? Are you sure that it wasn't something else?", "Phoebe: Leo, she disappeared. Bright white, shiny thingies came and then she reappeared. What else could it be?", "Leo: It just doesn't make any sense.", "Cole: Why not?", "Leo: Because why would Shax want to kill a White-lighter?", "Cole: Maybe he doesn't know she's a white-lighter.", "Leo: Right, the Source sends out his personal assassin, but doesn't know who he's after? (Piper, in the background, clatters the pots that she's washing, noticeably.)", "Phoebe: (To Leo) Is it possible that she didn't know that she was a white-lighter?", "Leo: No. Why?", "Cole: Because she acted as if she didn't. She acted just as surprised as we were when she orbed out.", "Leo: Well that doesn't make any sense either.", "Phoebe: Okay, why don't you go up and ask the Elders what does make sense so we don't go risking our lives again? (Leo looks at Piper.)", "Leo: I'll be right back. (He orbs out. Phoebe covers her eyes.)", "Cole: Maybe I should, uh, go to the other side and see what I can find out. (Phoebe looks at him.)", "Phoebe: No.", "Cole: I'll be careful. Nobody'll see me. Besides, it could be good to me to go back down, confused any bounty hunters that might be trying to track me. Don't worry. I won't disappear.", "(Cole kisses Phoebe on the cheek and shimmers out. Piper is hunched over the sink and Phoebe moves closer to her sister.)", "Phoebe: Hey, you okay?", "Piper: Yeah. Sure, why not? We could have another funeral tomorrow. I mean, all the dishes are out and we pretty much know who to invite. (She holds a small white towel in her hand and faces Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Piper", "Piper: Just tell me one thing. Are you insane or are you just plain stupid? We bury Prue this morning and you go off tonight and nearly join her. What the hell is the matter with you?", "Phoebe: I was trying to save an innocent.", "Piper: No. You were trying to get yourself killed, which is what this family does best is get killed. (She throws the towel onto a counter in frustration and anger.) Isn't it obvious by now that our only destiny is to die? And you are making it way too easy for them, Phoebe. You are just walking right into it! (Phoebe embraces Piper.)", "Phoebe: I am so sorry.", "Piper: I cannot handle anything right now, and I certainly cannot handle losing another sister.", "[Scene: Hospital. Paige enters Shane's room. He sits up from his bed.]", "Shane: Paige.", "Paige: Hey.", "Shane: What happened?", "Paige: Shane, I feel so bad. I just got scared and I ran.", "Shane: Of course.", "Paige: Are you all right? What'd they say?", "Shane: It's no big deal, just a little concussion.", "Paige: Oh, no.", "Shane: No, I'm gonna be fine. They wouldn't be releasing me if I wasn't, right? I'm just glad you're okay, too.", "Paige: Yeah, well, physically anyway.", "Shane: Did you talk to the cops yet?", "Paige: No. Why?", "Shane: Why? They want to find out who attacked us, that's why. I - I told them you saw him.", "Paige: You did what?", "Shane: Well, you did. Didn't you? (Cortez enters the room.)", "Cortez: Did you?", "Paige: Who are you?", "Cortez: Inspector Cortez, homicide. I'd like to ask you a couple of questions.", "Shane: Wait, homicide? No one was murdered.", "Cortez: Based on the MO, if it's the same perpetrator I think it was, that just makes you lucky. He killed two people last week, violently, one of them a young woman who looked a little bit like you.", "Paige: Prue.", "Cortez: Prue Halliwell. Did you know her?", "Paige: No. No, not really.", "Shane: Well, in a way you did, right?", "Cortez: What way was that? Were you friends of hers or friends of her sisters?", "Paige: No, not friends.", "Cortez: Then what? Okay, look. I - I know you know something. I can see it in your eyes. Just like I know they know something, too. If you're trying to protect them in anyway, I'll find out.", "Paige: Well, in that case, I have nothing to worry about. (She kisses Shane.) You rest up. I'll be back. (To Cortez) Excuse me.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "[Cut to Manor. Phoebe sits next to the fireplace. Piper walks toward her and hands her a teacup.]", "Piper: Here, this should help. It's chamomile. I had three cups. (Piper takes a seat on the floor beside Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Thanks. (She takes a sip and sets it aside.) Doesn't seem real, does it?", "Piper: No. What are we gonna do with all of her stuff? What are we going to do with her car?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Sell it, I guess.", "Piper: Unless you want it.", "Phoebe: No. (She holds hands with Piper.) We're gonna get through this, you know. We just have to stick together. (Leo orbs into the room.) Well?", "Leo: Well, they don't know anything about her, so she's definitely not a white-lighter.", "Phoebe: Then why can she orb, Leo?", "Leo: They can't explain it. (Both Piper and Phoebe stand up.)", "Phoebe: Then how is it possible that they don't kn (Cole shimmers into the room.)", "Cole: Whew. Sorry I took so long. I had to dodge a couple of bounty hunters.", "Leo: Did you find anything out?", "Cole: You have no idea what I found out. Turns out the Source doesn't think she's a white-lighter at all. (He sits on the arm.) In fact, he thinks she might be another Charmed One. That's why he put Shax on it. He thought he ended the Power of Three. Now he's worried that this girl may somehow reconstitute it.", "Phoebe: No, but that's not possible. Is that possible? (Leo shrugs. Piper begins to take off.) Piper?", "Cole: Piper? (The others follow her. Piper goes to the attic and goes to the book.)", "Phoebe: What's going on?", "Piper: I'm going to ask Grams what's going on, actually.", "Phoebe: Grams?", "Piper: Mm-hmm. Your destiny still awaits, she says. There's a reason for everything, she says. So, it's time to summon her transparent butt back here and find out exactly what that reason is.", "Phoebe: Okay, but what should", "Piper: \"Here these words. Hear my cry spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the Great Divide!\"", "(She lets out a semi-satisfied sigh. Grams appears in a bright light.)", "Grams: Piper? Why are you calling? P-Phoebe, wha-what's going on?", "Piper: Grams, why does the Source think that the Charmed Ones can be reconstituted?", "Grams: I do - I don't know what you're talking about.", "Piper: You know what, Grams? You were a lousy liar when you were alive, and now as a ghost, you're worse.", "Phoebe: If you know something, Grams, you have to tell us. We deserve to know.", "Grams: I can't. I'm sworn to secrecy.", "Phoebe: By who?", "Patty: By me. (Patty appears right next to Grams in a bright light.) By me.", "Piper: Mom?", "[Cut to downstairs. Cortez and Darryl enter the manor. Cortez is holding a flashlight.]", "Darryl: You can't just walk in here like this. (Cortez stops.)", "Cortez: Search warrant says I can.", "Darryl: What the hell are you looking for?", "Cortez: Do you really expect me to believe you don't know, Inspector? Follow me and keep your voice down. (He continues searching.)", "[Cut to Attic. Patty is explaining to her daughters as she paces.]", "Patty: We didn't tell anybody because we were afraid that there would be reprisals, afraid that, you girls would be dined your powers. Your birthright. It happened after your father and I were divorced, when Sam and I were together.", "Cole: (To Leo) Sam?", "Leo: Her white-lighter.", "Cole: Hmm. Apples don't fall far from the forbidden tree, I see.", "Piper: Shh! (To Patty) Go on.", "Patty: You were both toddlers. You just thought Mommy got a little fat. (She smiles.) You never knew I was pregnant.", "Grams: I was the only one who knew.", "Patty: And Sam, obviously.", "Grams: Right. Well, yes, of course.", "Patty: We wanted to keep the baby, of course. But mother -", "Grams: Well, I - I knew it would be disastrous. You know, before you and Leo, Piper, it wasn't just forbidden. It was unthinkable for witches to be with white-lighters. I mean, let alone have children with them.", "Patty: So, that's why we had to - why we decided to give the baby up. Sam and I took her to a local church as soon as she was born. And we asked the nun there to find a home for her, and she found one. A very, very good home.", "Grams: Yes.", "Leo: Explains why the Elders didn't know about her. (He looks at the sisters.)", "Phoebe: All right, hold it. Wait just one minute. Are you telling me, that that girl, our innocent, is really our sister?", "Patty: Your baby sister.", "Grams: Their baby half-sister.", "Patty: But by my half, which makes her a sister witch. Well, actually, not yet anyway. Not until all three of you are here together by the Book. Just like before.", "Grams: Charmed. Again.", "Cole: And I thought my family was screwed up. (Piper gives Cole a look. Cortez walks into the attic, seeing the two ghosts there. Everyone is a bit stunned. Darryl is right behind him.)", "Cortez: Well, I'll be damned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Attic. Continue from before.]", "Piper: Darryl, do something!", "Darryl: He's a cop, Piper. And he's got a search warrant.", "Cortez: And believe me, I've found what I've been searching for. (Cole moves slightly towards Cortez. He aims his gun at him.) Ah-ah-ah-ah. Don't move. I'll shoot.", "Cole: Then so will I.", "Leo: Cole", "Phoebe: Okay Inspector, just put the gun down. There is a very good explanation for all of this. Feel free to chime in anytime, guys.", "Cortez: My whole life, I suspected evil magic was real, that there was something more. I've seem too many horrible things in the job to suspect otherwise, not the least of which are the two murders that happened here.", "Piper: Wait. Are you accusing us?", "Cortez: I've just begun to accuse you, lady!", "Grams: All right, fine. You caught us. Congratulations. So what are you gonna do about it? Shoot us?", "Phoebe: Easy, Grams. Not all of us are dead, remember?", "Leo: All right, look, you can't arrest us, especially not them. Nobody will ever believe you.", "Cortez: Maybe not at first. I'm putting this whole place under constant surveillance. I'm taping your every move. Sooner or later, I'll catch you doing something uh, supernatural, and then (Darryl knocks Cortez out with the but of his gun. He falls to the floor.)", "Darryl: I think you've been through enough today, huh?", "Piper: Thank you. (Phoebe walks over to Darryl.)", "Phoebe: Darryl, go, get out of here. We don't want you to take the fall for this.", "Darryl: No, it's okay.", "Phoebe: No, it's not. This is our problem. He wants to expose us, not you. Let us take care of this, please?", "Darryl: If you need me, you know where to find me, huh? (Phoebe nods and turns to Cole. Darryl leaves the manor.)", "Cole: It doesn't solve your problem. He's gonna wake up eventually. You've just bought yourself some time.", "Leo: What you're gonna need, especially if you're wanna save your", "Phoebe: Sister?", "Grams: Well, what are you waiting for? Just write a spell. Get rid of him.", "Phoebe: Uh, get rid of him?", "Grams: Well, you know what I mean. Dump him somewhere. Anywhere. With all the witches in this room, we oughta be able to do something with him. I mean, just start rhyming. Uh, take him back, take him away. Remove him now. Don't let him stay.", "(She gestures to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Oh. Uh. We call the spirits to help undo and send him off to Timbuktu. (Cortez vanishes from the floor.) Whoa. It worked.", "Piper: Timbuktu? You sent him to Timbuktu?", "Phoebe: All right, well, it was the only thing I could think of that rhymed with undo.", "Cole: Don't worry. Uh, I'll find him. (Cole shimmers out.)", "Piper: Okay, well this is way too much for me to handle. Way too much.", "Patty: Nobody can blame you for being angry, sweetie.", "Piper: Angry? Yeah, I'm angry. Um, I'm confused and you know what? This - this is just crazy. You cannot float in here after all these years and go, \"Oh gosh, I forgot, by the way, you've got a sister.\" Especially not today of all days.", "Patty: I know it's a lot, sweetie. More than anybody should have to deal with, but you're going to have to deal with it the best way you know how. Losing Prue, learning about another sister... this is your, path. This is your destiny. Get angry at it, cry about it, but don't fight it. Or it'll consume you.", "Grams: Come on, Patty. The rest is up to them. (Grams and Patty disappear. Piper, Phoebe, Leo head downstairs.)", "Leo: I can't sense where she is because she's technically not a witch yet.", "Phoebe: All right, so all we have to go on is that church that Mom mentioned and the nun.", "Piper: Okay, let's get one thing straight. I am only doing this to save her. I'm not remotely interested in reconstituting...The Charmed Ones. (Piper is cut off to find Paige waiting for them. The door is left open.)", "Paige: I, the door was open. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here. (Paige turns to leave but Phoebe stops her.)", "Phoebe: No, no, no. No, no. We were just coming to look for you.", "Paige: You were?", "Phoebe: Yep. Come on in. Welcome. I'm Phoebe. And this is...", "(Phoebe hooks her arm into Paige's and walks over to Piper and Leo.)", "Paige: Piper. I know. I've been to your club. Pretty great.", "Piper: Thank you. And you are?", "Paige: Paige. My name is Paige.", "Phoebe: Hmm. Another P. Imagine that.", "Piper: It's nice to meet you. (Piper shakes Paige's hand. A bright blue shines over the girls.)", "Paige: Okay. What was that?", "Leo: I think that means you're supposed to be here. (The door slams open and a strong wind knocks Piper, Phoebe, and Paige backwards. Leo is knocked down on the stairs. Shax materializes and walks closer. He is about to strike when Leo jumps on his back.) Run! Get upstairs!", "Piper: Leo?! (Piper, Phoebe, and Paige run upstairs. Shax throws him off his back and Leo is knocked out. Shax then looks upstairs.)", "[Cut to attic. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige enter and go to the Book.]", "Paige: What are we doing? What is that thing?", "Phoebe: We'll explain later. (Piper flips through the pages of the Book.)", "Piper: Okay, just say this spell out loud with us, okay?", "Paige: Spells, what are you guys, witches?", "Phoebe: And so are you. We hope.", "Piper: Well, we're about to find out. (The strong wind breaks through the attic door and Shax materializes. The girls recite the vanquishing spell.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: Evil wind that blows, that which forms below. No longer may you dwell. Death takes you with this spell.", "(Shax moans in pain as he explodes, vanquished.)", "Phoebe: It's not enough. Shax was just the messenger. We gotta get the Source.", "Paige: The Source of what?", "Piper: Of all evil.", "Paige: What have you guys turned me into? (Paige turns and runs out the attic and out of the manor.)", "Piper: Paige?", "Phoebe: Wait. (Piper and Phoebe start following.)" ]
Charmed Again
Alien Stalker
[ "After the sisters vanquish Shax, The Source of All Evil decides to turn Paige evil instead of killing her. As a result, the Source possesses her boyfriend to see if he can lure her to the dark side. Upon learning of the Source's plan, Piper and Phoebe do their best to track Paige down and convince her to fulfill her destiny to become a Charmed One. As this is occurring, Paige is discovering what her powers can do. Inspector Cortez suspects Piper and Phoebe are behind the deaths of Prue and Dr. Griffiths." ]
[ "[Scene: Underworld. The Source appears before the Oracle.]", "The Source: My assassin failed. The witch is alive.", "Oracle: Yes, I know.", "The Source: You told me her future was short-lived. You told me-", "Oracle: I told you only that it appeared to be short-lived. Seeing into the future is not always exact, especially when magical forces are at play.", "The Source: The Power of Three is strong. She'll be almost untouchable now that she's reunited with her new sisters.", "Oracle: Once the bond is formed, perhaps, but it has yet to, which means she's vulnerable, easily swayed. (She goes over to the Source.) 48 - little hours. The window of opportunity agreed to eons ago by both sides to protect free will. (Whispers) The great flaw in the grand design.", "The Source: She hasn't chosen the other side yet?", "Oracle: Well, she's young, confused, doesn't know which way to turn. You must seduce her into using her powers for evil, then she will become evil. And that's even better than killing her, which, of course you could still do. You need to get close to her, read her soul, corrupt it, and she's yours. (The Source caresses the Oracle's chin.)", "The Source: And need to see the future more clearly, Oracle...for your own future. (He then vanishes.)", "[Cut to Shane's room in the hospital. Shane wakes up and stands up. The lights flicker. The Source appears before him.]", "Shane: What the hell? Who are you?", "The Source: For now, I am you. (The Source disappears and possesses Shane. Paige enters the room.)", "Paige: Oh, my God, the most horrible thing has happened to me! I can't explain it.", "Shane/Source: Shh. It's okay, honey. I'm here now. It's okay. (The possessed Shane has his eyes turn all black as he embraces Paige.)", "[Scene: Manor. Next morning. Kitchen. Piper retrieves an ice pack from the freezer and places it gently on Leo's neck. Leo holds it against his sore neck.]", "Piper: I don't understand how you can keep healing innocents, but you can't figure out a way to heal yourself.", "Leo: It's kind of hard to heal myself when I'm knocked out. (Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Leo, how is possible for an angel to even get knocked out? I mean, you are, after all, technically dead.", "Leo: Three years together, and now you're asking these questions?", "Phoebe: Well", "Piper: I think the more appropriate question is, how does a white-lighter get somebody knocked up? (Phoebe lets out a giggle.)", "Leo: What's that supposed to mean?", "Piper: What do you think it means?", "Leo: If it's about Paige, I swear, the Elders had no idea that she even existed, or that she was your sister.", "Phoebe: Sister witch.", "Piper: Half-witch, half-whitelighter. Let's not forget that little surprise. (She helps Leo with the ice pack.) I still can't believe that Mom kept that secret from us.", "Phoebe: Well, it sounded like she didn't have much of a choice.", "Piper: We're her daughters. She could've found a way to share that information with us. (The doorbell rings.) That better not be another long-lost relative. (She goes to answer the door. Phoebe and Leo follow. Piper greets Darryl at the door and lets him in.)", "Darryl: Hi Piper.", "Piper: Hi there. (Piper closes the door and Darryl looks around.)", "Darryl: Where's Cortez?", "Leo: Who?", "Darryl: Inspector Cortez - the one I hit over the head, the one you said you would take care of. He's missing. Police inspectors are not supposed to be missing. Where is he?", "Phoebe: Well, I kind of sent him to", "Piper: Timbuktu. It rhymed with undo.", "Darryl: Timbuktu.", "Leo: It's okay. Cole went to get him.", "Darryl: Cole? (Cole shimmers into the manor by the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Cole!", "Cole: Wait. (He gets an energy ball ready and a bounty hunter appears suddenly and strikes. The bolt of blue lightning misses Cole barely and Cole kills the bounty hunter with his energy ball. Cole stands up.) Damn bounty hunters they're like gnats.", "Darryl: Where's the inspector?", "Cole: Don't worry. I found him. Moved him to a place he can't tell a soul what he saw. Literally.", "Leo: What do you mean? Where'd you put him? (Cole gestures below him.)", "Phoebe: In the basement?", "Piper: No. I think he means a little bit further down than that.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Leo: Cole, he's a cop. He's one of the good guys.", "Cole: He's also the one who can expose them as witches. I think that you, above anybody, would want to avoid that at all costs.", "Leo: Not at that cost. We have to save him.", "Darryl: Save him? What do you mean, save him? Wh-what's going on?", "Phoebe: You know what, Darryl? We are going to take care of this whole mess.", "Darryl: Wait a second. Hold", "Phoebe: You don't worry about it. (She escorts Darryl out the door and then joins the others.)", "Piper: Okay. Maybe you can talk to the Inspector, reason with him. (Phoebe hugs Cole.)", "Cole: And what if he can't? What if you two get exposed? What's to say the same thing won't happened to you that happened to Prue?", "Phoebe: Well it's a risk we'll have to take.", "Cole: Yeah well, you know what? There's another risk you guys have to worry about. On the way back, I heard gargoyles.", "Piper: Gargoyles? You mean like statues?", "Cole: That's only in they're in their resting state. They come alive to ward off evil. In this case, I think they're trying to ward off the Source. I think he's surfaced.", "Phoebe: Wait - what? He's here? Now? Where?", "Cole: I don't know. Could be anywhere. Or anyone.", "Leo: Probably came for Paige, but she doesn't stand a chance against him. She doesn't even know what her power is yet.", "Phoebe: Leo, we don't stand a chance against him. Not without Prue.", "Leo: But you might with Paige - the new Power of Three.", "Piper: Can you sense her?", "Leo: I don't think so. She's too new.", "Piper: Well then we just have to start with the church Mom was talking about.", "Phoebe: Piper", "Piper: What? Phoebe, I'm not crazy about it, either, but we can't just do anything about it - now. Mom wouldn't want us to... and neither would Prue.", "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Shane/Source is staring at a bird in a cage. Bird is scared.]", "Paige: Oscar...what's the matter, sweetheart? It's okay. I'm home. (Paige goes back to her closet and picks out a jacket. She sits down on her bed.)", "Shane/Source: Maybe he doesn't like me.", "Paige: Don't be ridiculous. He's always liked you.", "Shane/Source: Well, aren't you going to tell me what happened last night? (Paige sits on the bed.)", "Paige: No. It's nothing.", "Shane/Source: It seemed like something to me. You were pretty scared.", "Paige: Let's just say that when I wanted to find out who I was, I didn't want to find out I was a freak. Look, can we just talk about this later?", "Shane/Source: Of course. Hey, I never got to thank you for taking such good care of me. (Shane/Source and Paige are about to kiss but they break apart when Paige's bird, Oscar, screeches very loudly.)", "Paige: Oscar. Listen, I should get to work anyway. I'm in enough trouble with the boss as it is. (Paige heads for the door and Shane/Source raises a glowing red hand at Paige's direction.)", "Shane/Source: Well, I know how badly you want to be there for that placement hearing. (Paige stops and turns around.)", "Paige: How did you know about that?", "Shane/Source: Well, you told me, remember? Little boy, abusive dad. You said nothing gets under your skin more than that.", "Paige: Right. Okay. Make yourself at home. Stop by the lunch if you feel up to it.", "Shane/Source: Count on it. (Paige leaves her apartment. Shane/Source turns to the bird, Oscar, and sets him on fire leaving a burnt corpse behind in the birdcage. Shane/Source disappears in a fiery display.)", "[Scene: Underworld. Cortez is on a ledge screaming.]", "Cortez: Help me! (Below him is a pool of hot magma. He is startled when he looks down. Leo orbs in and Cole shimmers in and onto a ledge next to Cortez.) Help me! You! Stay away from me! Stay away!", "Leo: We're here to save you.", "Cortez: You're the one who put me here!", "Cole: No, no. Actually, that was just me. Hoping you'd change your mind about the girls, have you?", "Cortez: Killing me is the only way to keep me from trying to stop you!", "Leo: We're not going to kill you, Inspector. But what you don't understand, is that by exposing the girls, you're not stopping evil, you're helping it.", "Cortez: Oh, yeah, right.", "Cole: (whispers to Leo) You do understand that if we take him back, it's over. I'll lose Phoebe and you'll lose Piper. (Leo outstretches his hand to Cortez.)", "Leo: Take my hand.", "Cortez: No.", "Leo: Take my hand. Where else can I take you that's worse than this? (Cortez grabs Leo's hand and they orb out, followed by Cole, who shimmers out.)", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is talking to her uncle on the phone at her desk in her cubicle.]", "Paige: (Into phone) So, how's Aunt Julie? Yeah? Oh. Is her hip any better? (A couple comes up to the receptionist.)", "Jake: Jake and Carol Grisanti for Mr. Cowan.", "Receptionist: Okay. I'll let him know you're here. (Paige is distracted by it.)", "Paige: (Into phone) I'm sorry. Say that again? I got distracted.", "Receptionist: He'll be with you in a few minutes. (Jake goes over to the wife.)", "Jake: I'm gonna go wash up, all right? (He leaves.)", "[Cut to bathroom. Jake washes his face. The lights in the bathroom flash and he turns to find Shane/Source standing there.]", "Jake: What do you want? (The Source comes out of Shane and possesses the man, Jake.)", "[Cut to Paige still talking on the phone.]", "Paige: (Into phone) Hey, before you go, can I ask you a question? Do you guys still go to that church Mom and Dad used to go to? Is there still a nun called Sister Agnes there? (Pauses) Yeah, right. The one that found me. No, no, I haven't spoken to but something's come up, and I think I should. (He sees Jake/Source over by Mr. Cowan.) Uh, Uncle Dave, I gotta go. I'll call you back, okay? Yeah, I love you too. (Paige hangs up the phone and walks over to her boss.) Mr. Cowan.", "Cowan: Hey, look Paige. I got this, okay?", "Paige: No. But you can't let that little boy go home with that jerk.", "Cowan: Paige, number one, you don't know for a fact he's abusing the boy. And number two, this is none of your business. You are an assistant, not a social worker.", "Paige: That's because you're too cheap to make me one. (Mr. Cowan goes back into his own office. Jake/Source stands at the other side of the office window and gives Paige a look. Cowan closes the window blinds and Paige leans against the window.)", "[Cut to Manor. Piper is holding the Yellow Pages and looks into Phoebe's room.]", "Piper: Phoebe, I think I found (Phoebe's not there.) The church. Phoebe? (She looks into Prue's old room to find Phoebe standing there, facing the window. Piper sets down the phone book and walks up to her sister.) What are you doing in here?", "(Phoebe turns around holding a leather jacket. Phoebe's face is tear stained.)", "Phoebe: You remember the time I borrowed this from Prue without asking?", "Piper: Which time?", "Phoebe: When my boyfriend's cat peed on it. Oh. She got so mad, I thought she was gonna have a stroke. (She whips her nose.) But the funny thing was, she got mad at you because she thought that you were the one that had borrowed it. And you never told her the truth. She never knew it was really me. (Phoebe sobs and sits down on a red sofa. Piper comes over and sits beside her. Piper pulls Phoebe to her and embraces her sister.) I miss her so much.", "Piper: I know. Me, too. I was wondering when you were gonna let go.", "Phoebe: I was just I was trying to. (Piper hands her a tissue.) Thanks. Stay strong, you know, keep it together for you, and then I put all my energy into trying to save Paige because I figured only one of us could break down at a time. Otherwise, we'd both be useless. (She sits up.) I'm scared, Piper. I'm really, really scared. She always took the lead. She was she was our big sister. How are we supposed to go on without her? How are we supposed to go up against the Source without her? (Piper sighs.)", "Piper: I don't know. But I do know that we can't let the b*st*rd get Paige, either so, no matter what we think or feel, she is our sister. And sisters protect each other.", "[Cut to office. Paige is pacing. Cowan comes out of his office. Paige approaches him.]", "Paige: What's happened?", "Cowan: Nothing's been decided. We're gonna meet again tomorrow.", "Paige: Tomorrow? You can't let him go home with that kid?", "Cowan: I can, and I am. Look, Paige, you weren't in there. He was very persuasive.", "Paige: Persuasive? What about the police report? What about the counselor's recommendations?", "Cowan: Look, Paige, I know how you feel about these cases, but we can't make a decision based on what you think. We have to base it on face, but right now we don't have enough yet. I'm sorry. (Cowan walks away. Jake/Source and his wife step out of the little office and he confronts Paige.)", "Jake/Source: You got a problem, lady?", "Paige: Yeah, I do. I got a problem with people who hit their kids.", "Jake/Source: Oh.", "Carol: Come on, Jake. Let's just go.", "Jake/Source: Wait. Wait. Listen, I can do whatever the hell I want to... (lowers voice) and there's nothing you can do to stop me. (Paige gets her purse and turns to leave. Cowan looks at her departing.)", "Cowan: Where do you think you're going?", "Paige: Church. (Paige leaves.)", "[Cut to Jake/Source entering the bathroom. He finds an old man bent over Shane's unconscious body.]", "Old Man: Can you give me a hand? I - I - I think that he must have slipped.", "(Jake/Source turns the old man's body into flames and is gone. The Source comes out of Jake and repossesses Shane.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cut to Paige entering a church. There is a gargoyle statue. Paige makes her way to approach a nun.]", "Paige: Excuse me. Are you Sister Agnes?", "Sister Agnes: Yes. And who might you be?", "Paige: I'm Paige. Paige Matthews.", "Sister Agnes: No.", "Paige: You might not remember me. I probably changed a little bit since you last saw me on August 2nd 1977. Does that ring any bells?", "Sister Agnes: Oh, dear Lord.", "[Time lapse. Paige and Sister Agnes are in a little office. Sister Agnes retrieves a box from a trunk.]", "Sister Agnes: I was just about your age, when they came. (She puts the box on the table.)", "Paige: They? My mother and my father?", "Sister Agnes: They came in a swirl of bright white lights just like, angels.", "Paige: White lights. What do you mean?", "Sister Agnes: Well, that's how they appeared, with you in their arms! I was stunned. I - I didn't know what to think. They said that you were in great danger, that they had no other choice but to give you up, to protect you.", "Paige: Danger? What kind of danger?", "Sister Agnes: Well, they didn't say. But I could tell from their pain that it must be very real. They asked me to find you a good home, a safe home, and to keep their secret until you came looking.", "Paige: But how could they know?", "Sister Agnes: Because you come from them, my dear. As wonderful and precious as your adoptive parents were to you, you still come from angels. (She reaches into the chest and pulls out a blanket with a P on it.) They asked me to save this for you for this day. It's what they bundled you up in. Your mother had only one request - that your name began with a P. (Someone knocks on the office door and Piper and Phoebe enters.) Yes, may I help", "Piper: Hi. (She freezes Sister Agnes.) Hey, what's up? We need to get you out of here.", "Paige: What did you do to her?", "Phoebe: Oh, she just froze her. She'll be fine.", "Piper: Yeah. Lucky I didn't blow her up. My powers have been a little off lately.", "Phoebe: Piper. (Phoebe points at the blanket Paige is holding.)", "Piper: Is that our blanket? (Piper tries to touch it, but Paige pulls it away.)", "Paige: No! That's mine! Leave me alone! (She turns to leave.)", "Piper: All right! Gee. (Piper and Phoebe follow Paige.)", "Phoebe: Paige. Paige. Paige.", "Piper: Stop or I'll freeze! (Paige stops and turns. Phoebe and Piper stop as well.)", "Phoebe: (To Piper) She's a witch. You can't freeze her.", "Piper: (To Phoebe) She doesn't know that.", "Paige: Will you please just leave me alone? (Paige continues to walk towards the main exit.)", "Phoebe: Look, we know what you're going through. We went through the same thing when we first found out we were witches, too.", "Piper: Look. You just gotta trust us. Somebody very, very bad is after you. (Paige stops and turns around.)", "Paige: Trust you? You just froze a nun? How do I know you're not the bad ones?", "Piper: Well if we are, then you are, sister.", "Phoebe: Piper. (Paige turns to leave.)", "Piper: What? Fine. Then you try.", "Phoebe: (To Paige) You have a magical power, you know. (Paige stops and turns. Phoebe and Piper come closer to Paige to talk.) Mmm. At least, if you're really a Charmed One, you do. And the sooner you learn it, the sooner you'll be able to protect yourself.", "Paige: I have a power?", "Piper: According to the prophecy, the third sister has the power to move things with her mind. Like Prue could.", "Paige: How does it work?", "Phoebe: You concentrate on an object like that candle right there. (She points at the candle a few feet away.) And then you just wave your arm at it.", "(Phoebe demonstrates and waves her arm. Paige tries it, but nothing happens. She looks to Piper and Phoebe.)", "Piper: Or, uh, you could squint your eyes. She used to squint her eyes.", "(Paige waves her hand at the candle and squints but nothing happens to the candle. She turns back to the others.)", "Paige: Well, maybe I'm not one of you after all if I can't even make that candle (Paige raises out her hand in the candle's direction. The candle is surrounded by blue and white bright lights and disappears and reappears in Paige's outstretched hand. Paige hands the candle slowly to Phoebe.) Oh.", "Phoebe: So perhaps the whitelighter in her makes it work differently? (Phoebe blows out the candle and sets it aside.)", "Piper: Half-breed.", "[Cut to outside. Jack/Source appears in a ball of fire and walks toward the church.]", "Shane/Source: She better be here, Oracle. I'm running out of time.", "Oracle: (as a voice) She is. Don't worry.", "(Shane/Source stops and spots the gargoyle. The gargoyle screeches and Shane/Source drops to the ground covering his ears screaming in pain.)", "Shane/Source: No!", "[Cut to inside. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige hear the noise.]", "Paige: What is that?", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "[Cut to outside. Shane/Source's hand glows read and the doors open.]", "Shane/Source: Paige.", "Paige: Shane? (She rushes to help him.) What's the matter? My god, what happened?", "Shane/Source: I don't know. Someone's after me. (She helps him up.)", "Phoebe: Paige! (Piper and Phoebe run after Paige.)", "Paige: Come on. Let's get out of here.", "Phoebe: Paige! Come back! (Shane/Source turns and fires a red bolt at Piper and Phoebe. Piper and Phoebe scream and go flying backwards, sliding their way to the inside of the front of the church.) Whoo!", "Piper: What the hell was that?", "Sister Agnes: Good question.", "[Cut to scene: San Francisco PD Station. Cole and Leo follow Cortez as he makes his way to a phone.]", "Cole: Look, we didn't have to bring you back, you know. We could have just let you rot.", "Leo: Cole, I really don't think this is helping any.", "Cole: Like your way is? (Darryl comes over to him.)", "Darryl: Cortez, where you've been?", "Cortez: (Into the phone) This is Inspector Cortez. I need a surveillance team around the clock. I'll take one shift.", "Darryl: What are you doing?", "Cortez: What I said I'd do before you clipped me from behind.", "Cole: You're making a big mistake, Inspector. (Leo hears a white-lighter call.) You have no idea what you're doing.", "Cortez: You want to bet?", "Leo: Something's wrong. Piper's calling.", "Cole: Just so you know, whatever pain you put Phoebe through because of what you're doing will be nothing compared to the pain I put you through. You understand?", "Cortez: (Into the phone) 1329 Prescott Street. Phoebe and Piper Halliwell. They're murder suspects.", "Leo: All right. Come on. Come on. (He and Cole leave.)", "Cortez: (Into the phone) Yeah, thanks. (Darryl grabs Cortez as he hangs up the phone.)", "Darryl: Hey, listen Cortez. (He points at Darryl.)", "Cortez: Let go of me. (Darryl does.) You make me sick. How long have you been covering up for them, huh? How many other murders have you ignored just to protect them? You're a disgrace to that shield, my friend. (Darryl pins him up to the wall.)", "Darryl: This isn't the first time I've risked my career for those girls - my life, my family! They're the best people I've ever met, and they'll do more good than you'll ever know. And it cost them their sister. (Two inspectors pull Darryl away from Cortez.)", "Cop 1: Hey, hey inspector, ease up.", "Cop 2: Hey, you all right?", "Darryl: I'm good. I'm good.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper and Phoebe are sitting on the couch. Cole and Leo are pacing in front of them with their arms folded.]", "Leo: So the Source was there, at the church?", "Phoebe: Well, the gargoyles weren't exactly whistling Dixie, Leo.", "Piper: Plus, something pretty powerful knocked us on our asses. (Cole sits down.)", "Cole: But if he was there, why didn't he try to kill Paige?", "Phoebe: Maybe he didn't want to go up against the Charmed Ones.", "Cole: No, that doesn't make sense. He knows that Paige is new to her powers. If ever there was a time to attack", "Leo: Wait a minute. What if he's not trying to kill her anymore? What if he's trying to lure her to his side?", "Phoebe: Translation please?", "Cole: The mythological window.", "Leo: There's a window of opportunity, an opening.", "Cole: 48 hours.", "Leo: Right, 48 hours where a nascent witch who hasn't chosen to use her powers for good or evil yet can be swayed either way. (He sits down.)", "Phoebe: Wait, so all he has to do is cast a spell on her?", "Cole: No, he can't. It has to be her choice, but he can tempt her, entice her. If he gets her to use her powers for evil", "Leo: She becomes evil forever. (Phoebe sighs.)", "Piper: Who makes up these cockamamie rules? (Cole looks down and Leo looks up.) Oh, never mind", "Phoebe: Okay, so we have less than 24 hours to get to Paige and no idea how to find her.", "Piper: But I bet the Source does.", "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Paige is sitting on the couch with a blanket. Shane/Source brings her a glass of water and sits down next to her.]", "Shane/Source: Here.", "Paige: Thanks. (She takes a sip of her water.) I'm so sorry to involve you in all of this.", "Shane/Source: All of what? Paige (Paige puts down her glass.) What's going on?", "Paige: I don't know. I'm so confused. I don't know what to do.", "Shane/Source: Hey, you don't have to know. You're safe here with me. (They kiss.) (In Paige's head) I'll take care of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Cole is looking at Cortez, who's leaning against his car parked outside the Manor. Phoebe, Piper, and Leo are at the Book of Shadows.]", "Cole: Are you sure you don't want me to turn Belthazor loose on Cortez just for a minute or two?", "Leo: No. He doesn't have anything on the girls yet. Besides, now is no time to be blurring the line between good and evil.", "(Phoebe closes the book.)", "Phoebe: This is useless. (She clears her throat.) We're never gonna find Paige without a little help. (The book opens on it's own and flips through the pages. It stops on one page.) Works everytime. Okay, an enchantment spell. Wait. How is this gonna help find her?", "Piper: Well, maybe it's not to find Paige. Maybe it's so we can ID the source. See the last line? It's, \"So she can reveal the evil within.\"", "Phoebe: But that'll only help if we can find him?", "Leo: Maybe we can, or at least, maybe you can. (He looks at Cole.)", "Phoebe: What does he mean? (Cole walks toward them. He clears his throat.)", "Cole: Demons can sense the Source's aura. It's how he reminds us of his power, his reach. Maybe if I focus on it", "Phoebe: Then he'll know you're doing it. And he'll find you.", "Cole: Not if I was careful. It's your only chance at saving your sister. (He goes back to the window.)", "Piper: Okay. So we need something to enchant.", "Phoebe: Right, um (Everyone looks around. Phoebe spots something.) Oh! (She goes over to a shelf and finds a pair of pink kiddy sunglasses.) How about these?", "Piper: Oh Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What? They're perfect.", "Piper: Oh great. (They both hold either side of the sunglasses.)", "Piper/Phoebe: \"Magic forces far and wide, Enchant these so those can't hide, Allow this witch to use therein, So she can reveal the evil within.\"", "(The glasses lenses' grow.)", "Phoebe: Hmm.", "Piper: Okay. Better test 'em. (Phoebe puts the glasses on. She giggles a little as she looks at Leo.)", "Leo: Well?", "Phoebe: Nothing. You look the same.", "Cole: How 'bout me? (Phoebe looks at him and lets out a little scream.) What? (Through the glasses, Phoebe sees Cole as Belthazor as he walks toward the girls.) What do I look like?", "Phoebe: You look like hell. (She takes off the glasses.) Enchanting. (Cole smiles. Phoebe looks up.) Thanks for the magical assist Grams.", "Piper: How do you know it wasn't somebody else?", "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Bathroom. She comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her and goes to the medicine cabinet. She hears Shane/Source voice. She stares in the mirror.]", "Shane/Source: You know who you are now Paige. This is (his voice goes demonic) where your destiny lies. It lies not with your sister witches. (He appears behind her.) It's for no one but you. This is what you've been searching for your whole life. This is why you have the power. (He makes an image of Jake/Source appear in the mirror.)", "Jake/Source: You can't stop me.", "Shane/Source: Use your power for your desires, to seek your own revenge. (The image disappears.) Use your power. Call for his heart. Call for his life. (He disappears. Paige holds up her hand and the glass from the mirror disappears.)", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Jake and Carol (his wife) storm out of an office. Mr. Cowan storms off in a different direction. Paige gets up and follows Jake and Carol as Shane/Source looks on.]", "[Cut to outside. Jake and Carol go towards their car. Paige holds out her hand.]", "Paige: Heart. (Jake clutches his heart in pain.)", "Carol: Jake, what is it? (He falls to the ground as he doubles over.) No!", "[Cut to other side of parking lot. Piper pulls up in her jeep with Phoebe, Cole, and Leo in it. They all get out and look around.]", "Phoebe: I don't see Paige anywhere.", "Piper: Are you sure this is the right place, Cole?", "Cole: The Source is here. I can sense him.", "Leo: Wait. There she is. (Phoebe puts on the sunglasses and sees a black aura around Paige.)", "Piper: What is she doing?", "Phoebe: I don't know, but she's got a black aura around her.", "Leo: The Source?", "Cole: No. It can't be. If Phoebe saw my demonic self, then she'd see his too.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Well, whatever it is, it's not good. Come on. (They go towards Paige as a small crowd gathers around Jake.)", "Carol: Jake! Jake! No.", "Phoebe: Paige? Paige? It's me, Phoebe. And Piper.", "Paige: He's evil. He's hurting his child.", "Carol: Oh God! Honey.", "Phoebe: No. You're being seduced into doing this.", "Carol: No! No Jake!", "Piper: All right. You know what? Hi. (She pushes Paige's hand down.) Leo, take her. Go home. Go, go, go, go. (Leo orbs out with Paige. Jake's pain lessens.)", "Cole: Let's get out of here. (They walk away.)", "Carol: Are you sure you'll all right? (Jake stands up.) Maybe you'd better lay back down.", "Jake: I'm not covering for you anymore Carol. You keep your hands off our son. (He walks off.)", "[Cut to Piper's jeep. Piper and Phoebe are in there.]", "Cole: You two go ahead. I'm going to stay behind. Make sure the Source doesn't follow you.", "(He and Phoebe kiss. They then drive off. Shane/Source comes out of the building. He runs up behind Cole, but disappears in a burst of fire before Cole turns around. Cole then shimmers away. He then shimmers near Shane/Source and walks up behind him. He turns around and stabs Cole in the stomach. Cole falls down on his knees.)", "Shane/Source: Don't die too quickly, traitor. (He holds his hand beside Cole's ear, emerging a yellow-orange light from it.) I want your beloved witch to see your last breath. (He puts his hand on his chin.) To feel the heartache of loss, again. (He begins to walk away.) Oracle, find Paige one last time. (He disappears in a burst of fire.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper and Phoebe come in. Phoebe takes off her coat.]", "Piper: Leo, where's (As they enter a hall, a knife is thrown, nearly missing Piper and Leo. Phoebe and Piper let out a small scream.)", "Leo: I'm having a hard time convincing her that she is not evil!", "Piper: I see that.", "Paige: Lamp.", "(It disappears in white orbs and reappears. She telekinetically throws it toward Piper and Phoebe, who duck after they scream. It smashes against the wall.)", "Phoebe: Bright side - at least she's getting the hang of her new power.", "Piper: That was Mom's crystal! (She tackles Paige to the ground. Phoebe joins her in holding her down.)", "Phoebe: Okay. Relax. Relax. (Leo takes Piper's place in holding Paige down as Piper gets up.) All right. Now what?", "Piper: We just better hope there's some Wiccan exorcism in the Book of Shadows cause yeah. (She goes to the stairs, but stops when the lights flicker off and on. Shane/Source appears by the corner of the stairs.) Who are you? (His eyes turn all black and he telekinetically throws Piper through the stairs banister.)", "Leo: Piper!", "Phoebe: Piper! (Shane/Source throws an energy ball at her, but she levitates to avoid it. She goes to kick Shane/Source and he disappears, making her crash into the Grandfather clock. He appears by the couch. Piper uses his power to blow him up. Paige stands up and Leo helps Piper up. Shane/Source reassembles. Phoebe grabs the glasses and puts them on. She sees the Source.) Oh, Piper! That's the that's the (She takes off the glasses and goes to Piper.) Loo loo loo look! (Piper pushes her hand away.)", "Piper: I know who that is.", "Shane/Source: Your powers are strong, but will they be enough without the Power of Three.", "Paige: Shane, what's going on?", "Shane/Source: (In Shane's voice) It's okay. I'm here now.", "Paige: Stay away from me.", "Leo: She still has free will. You can't force her to choose.", "Shane/Source: Oh, but she's already chosen, haven't you? Come with me. You'll be safe forever. I promise.", "Piper: Don't listen to him. He's lying.", "Shane/Source: They only want you for your power. You don't have to share it. It's yours. (He turns into Mr. Cowan.) You've already seen what you can do with it. You do what nobody else can do. (He turns into Carol.) You nearly saved my son from his father. From all the pain and suffering he's put him through. (He turns into the little boy.) Please help me. Don't let him hurt me anymore. You're my only hope. (Paige takes his hand and starts to go with him.)", "Phoebe: No! (The boy/Source races his hand, suspending Phoebe in mid-air and shocking her with electricity.) Help me!", "(Paige pushes Boy/Source down and Phoebe falls down. Piper, Leo, and Paige go over to her to help her up. The clock chimes in the background.)", "Piper: Phoebe? Okay. Come on. Come on. (The boy disappears and the Source reposes Shane, who stands up.) I guess blood's a little thicker than evil. (The Source/Shane looks at the clock and goes out of Shane, who falls to the ground, to reveal his true self.)", "Source: I've broken the Charmed circle before. I'll do it again. Besides, it wasn't a complete loss. Thanks to Belthazor.", "Phoebe: What did you do to him?", "Cortez: Oh my God. (The Source, Leo, and the sisters turn to see Cortez standing near the front door with a video camera. He's amazed at what he sees.)", "Piper: Inspector, would you get out of here?! (As Cortez reaches for his gun, the Source fires an energy ball at him, knocking him on the coat rack. He screams. He's knocked on a hanger. Piper gasps. Cortez falls down, revealing blood on the hanger. The Source disappears in a blast of fire. The others race to Cortez. Leo kneels down beside him.)", "Cortez: Looks like evil wins again, huh?", "Leo: Not if I can help it. (He heals him. Cortez is shocked.)", "Paige: How'd you do that? (Leo helps a shocked Cortez up.)", "Leo: That's what whitelighters do. We heal good people.", "Phoebe: We have to go find Cole. (All, except Cortez, leave. He checks his used to be wound and the video camera.)", "[Scene: Near South Bay Social Services. Cole is lying on the ground, nearly dead.]", "Phoebe: Cole! (She spots him and runs over to him. She kneels down beside him.) Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. (She puts his head in his lap. Piper freezes Cole.)", "Piper: Heal him.", "Leo: You know that it's against the rules.", "Phoebe: Leo, screw the rules. The Elders owe us.", "Leo: Even if I could, I could only heal his human half and that wouldn't be enough power to save him. (Leo kneels down too.)", "Paige: Aren't I half whitelighter? I mean, couldn't I use my half to offset his half?", "Leo: It's worth a try. Take my hand. (Paige kneels down beside him and does so.) Hold your other hand over his wound.", "(Paige and Leo heal Cole. He unfreezes and gasps for air. Phoebe hugs him, happy he's alive.)", "Paige: That was good, right? (Piper helps Paige stand up as Leo stands up too.)", "Piper: That was very good. Let's just hope it wasn't all for nothing.", "[Scene: San Francisco PD Station. Cortez comes in with his video camera. Darryl, sitting at his desk, watches him. Cortez looks at him. He looks over to the Captain. Cortez goes over to Darryl and hesitates for a moment before giving him the tape, which he takes. Cortez leaves and Darryl sighs.]", "[Scene: P3. Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Cole are sitting there. A waitress, Megan, brings Cole and Leo their drinks.]", "Cole: Oh good, thank you.", "Leo: Thanks, too. (She leaves.) Feels good be here again.", "Cole: Feels good to be anywhere again. (He chuckles.)", "Phoebe: I will drink to that. (They clink their drinks.) Don't ever scare me like that again.", "Cole: Promise. (Phoebe smiles as she takes a drink.)", "Leo: You okay?", "Piper: I'm not sure.", "Leo: Prue?", "Piper: Yeah. We barely got through the funeral and then everything started to go crazy and we haven't had a chance to mourn yet. And that's just not right.", "Phoebe: I think we'll have the rest of our lives for that.", "Piper: I'm still not sure about continuing on with this destiny thing. I need sometime to think about it. I hope you're okay with that.", "Phoebe: Absolutely.", "Piper: And I hope you're okay with it too.", "Leo: They may not be, but I am. (He takes her hand. Paige walks up.)", "Paige: So does this mean I get free drinks now? (Phoebe chuckles a little.) Oh, I didn't mean it like that. It's not that I really drink or Okay. I'm just gonna go. (She begins to leave, but Leo stands up and stops her.)", "Leo: No, Paige. You belong here, remember?", "Paige: You sure? I don't want to intrude.", "Phoebe: Mmm. Come on. Come sit right here. (Cole goes over to stand next to Leo as Paige sits down next to Phoebe.)", "Cole: Okay, so, uh, maybe Leo and I should go uh pretend like we got something better to do.", "Piper: Good idea.", "Cole: Yeah. (He and Leo leave.)", "Paige: I won't stay long. I just wanted to, uh, come by and thank you.", "Phoebe: For what?", "Paige: For what? You mean, beside from saving my life. (She chuckles.) I feel like I should bake you a cake or something.", "Piper: Do you cook?", "Paige: No, no. Not really.", "Phoebe: So how's Shane?", "Paige: He's okay, I guess, except I'm not to sure he wants to see me anymore.", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm sorry.", "Paige: No. Can't say I blame him. You know? He doesn't know exactly what happened to him, but he knows its something bad and he knows it's somehow connected to me.", "Piper: Yeah, well, you're not truly one of us until you've dated a demon, so, welcome to the club.", "Phoebe: Can I ask you a question?", "Paige: Hm-mmm.", "Phoebe: Why did you come to Prue's funeral? I mean, you never even met her, right?", "Paige: No. I never did. I don't want this to be taken the wrong way, but I just feel like a part of me lost her too and I just I felt drawn to her, to all you guys. I guess it was just a part of me trying to find out who I was. (Piper and Phoebe look at each other.)", "Piper: Come on. There's something we need to show you.", "Paige: Show me what?", "Phoebe: What good magic can do. (They get up and leave.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe lights the last two candles in a circle and then join Piper by the Book of Shadows as Paige watches on.]", "Piper/Phoebe: \"Here these words. Hear my cry spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the Great Divide.\" (Patty appears in a bright light.)", "Phoebe: There's someone here we thought you should meet. (Patty looks at Paige.)", "Patty: Paige.", "Paige: Mom?", "(Patty steps outside the circle and becomes real. She hugs Paige, who smiles after the hug.)", "Patty: Welcome home. (She hugs her again as Piper and Phoebe watch on the tender moment.)" ]
Charmed Again II
Alien Stalker
[ "Still angered over Prue's death, Piper goes on a demon vanquishing rampage, ultimately putting Phoebe, Cole, and herself at risk. As they fight the demons called The Furies, Piper accidentally inhales some smoke that was released by the demons, resulting in her anger magnifying and becoming a Fury herself. It is only after going to Prue's grave is she able to let go of her anger. Meanwhile, Paige steals the Book of Shadows and uses it for her own personal gain at work after she and some co-workers get harassed by a boss." ]
[ "[Scene: On the road in Piper's car. Piper, Phoebe and Cole are in it. Cole is driving, Piper's in the passenger seat, and Phoebe's in the backseat. The car screeches around the corner.]", "Piper: Okay, turn left up here. And can you step on the gas a little?", "(Cole screeches around the corner, nearly hitting a taxi. Phoebe lets out a yelp, and the taxi driver honks his horn.", "Phoebe: Off the gas! Off the gas!", "(She pats him on the shoulder.)", "Cole: Does somebody else want to drive here?", "Piper: Phoebe, the demon is not waiting around for us to come and vanquish him.", "Phoebe: We don't even know if we have enough power to vanquish him. Scrying for random evil tells us nothing.", "Piper: It tells us where the demons are and since we vanquished two already this week, I say it's working pretty well.", "Phoebe: Yeah, thanks to Cole for saving our butts. Two witches and half a demon is not the Power of Three make.", "Piper: So what are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait for them to pick us all off? If we weren't going after them, they'd be coming after us.", "Cole: They're coming after you anyway, Piper. The Source is coming after you.", "Phoebe: And we won't be ready for him because instead of teaching Paige how to be a witch, we're out hunting for every Tom, Dick and Beelzebub in San Francisco.", "Cole: Speaking of, do we have any kind of plan here or", "Piper: The plan is to vanquish the demon.", "Cole: Great. Any chance you've mastered your powers or are you still freezing and exploding at random?", "(Phoebe hits him lightly on the shoulder.)", "Piper: Random, but you know what they say, there's nothing like field practice. Turn here! (Cole screeches around another corner and drives down an alley.) Stop! (Cole slams on the breaks. A bald demon is in the middle of strangling a man. Piper, Phoebe and Cole get out of the car.) Hey! Big scary demon!", "(The demon turns around and the man escapes from his grip and runs away. The demon's eyes glow bright red. Piper uses her power and the demon bloats up. His face turns red.)", "Cole: He's gonna blow!", "(Phoebe and Cole quickly jump back in the car and shuts the doors. The demon explodes and green goo splats on the front of the car. Cole turns on the windscreen wipers. Piper walks over to the car and opens the passenger door.)", "Piper: Next!", "(Piper grins and gets in the car. Phoebe and Cole look at each other, then at Piper, who is still grinning.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is at her desk reading a Witches and Witchcraft book.]", "Paige: (in her head) Throughout history, witches have been misunderstood, persecuted and destroyed. The public hanging, drowning, and burning of women suspected of witchcraft is a far more recent chapter of our history then most people realise.", "Mr. Cowan: Paige.", "(Paige quickly puts down the book and picks up a folder.)", "Paige: Yeah?", "Mr. Cowan: What's the hold up on the O'Brien application?", "Paige: Well, at the moment, the only hold up is my boss, who's standing over me distracting me from my work.", "(She smiles awkwardly.)", "Mr. Cowan: Nice teeth. Have it on my desk by noon.", "(He walks away. Paige whispers to an employee standing across the room.)", "Paige: Lila! What's the O'Brien application?", "Lila: Adam O'Brien, the foster kid we're trying to get into the boarding school.", "Paige: Oh my god.", "Lila: The scholarship application is due, like, today.", "Paige: I am so lame. (Billy, a young guy with bad acne, pushes the mail cart in front of Paige's desk. He puts her mail on her desk.) Aw, Billy, I thought I told you to throw anything from creditors in the trash.", "(He smiles. A man (Donnie) approaches him.)", "Donnie: Hi, Pizza-face. Look, I understand how difficult it is to tear yourself away from the cleavage in this section. (Looks at Paige.) But I'm gonna need my mail sometime today. Okay?", "Billy: No problem.", "Donnie: Go, go.", "(Billy walks away. Donnie gives Paige a sleazy look and walks across the room.)", "Paige: Nice rug.", "(Donnie's toupee orbs off his head and into Paige's hand, revealing his bald spot.)", "Donnie: What the hell?", "(Donnie looks around. Paige is shocked and drops the toupee in a trash can. Employees laugh and giggle at Donnie. He covers his head with a sheet of paper and walks away. Paige quickly leaves her desk.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Cole are there. Piper crosses out a page in the Book of Shadows while Phoebe looks on.]", "Phoebe: Oh, I know that you're happy that we got him Piper, but is it entirely necessary to disfigure the book?", "Piper: Hmm, this one could incinerate human flesh with his eyes. That must sting.", "Cole: You think that's funny? You could have gotten yourself killed. Do you understand that?", "(He walks over to Piper.)", "Piper: Yes, Cole, I understand killed very well.", "Cole: Then why would you want to keep risking your life and Phoebe's, not to mention mine? There's a legion of Bounty Hunters on my ass. I'm supposed to be laying low but instead, I'm out protecting you guys.", "Piper: You know what, Cole? Next time, you can stay home.", "Cole: If you insist on taking these suicide missions, you force me to be there because (the doorbell rings) there's no way in hell I'm about to let Phoebe lose another sister.", "(Phoebe goes over to him and touches his shoulder.)", "Phoebe: Why don't you go see who's at the door for us, okay?", "Cole: Sure. If it's the Source, I'll just ask him to come back later. (to Phoebe) We need to talk.", "(He leaves the attic.)", "Phoebe: Piper, Cole's right. We have a system for fighting demons and it's worked pretty well for the last three years.", "Piper: I think, uh, Prue being killed counts as a pretty big glitch in the system.", "Phoebe: I know that you're angry. I am angry too.", "Piper: Then w-why are you fighting me on this? What-what's the problem with getting a little proactive?", "Phoebe: Because we're not ready to get proactive. That's what's wrong with it. We're barely ready for anything right now. I mean, just dealing with our everyday normal lives is hard enough.", "Piper: That is precisely the point. The faster we get rid of these demons, the faster we can get back to our everyday normal lives or at least what is left of them.", "(The attic door opens and Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Knock knock. I uh I'm sorry to just drop by without calling.", "Phoebe: Uh, it's okay. Don't worry about it.", "Paige: I don't know exactly why I'm here. I'm just kind of having a hard time being surrounded by people and", "Phoebe: And not being able to tell them that you can move things with your mind?", "Paige: It does not exactly roll off the tongue.", "(Piper picks up a map and a crystal.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, well being a witch is tough on friendships. That's why the whole sister thing comes in so handy. (to Piper) What are you doing?", "Piper: Um, it's a little chatty up here, so I'm going to go scry for evil in my room.", "Paige: Scry?", "(Piper heads for the door.)", "Piper: Yeah, uh, Phoebe will explain. I'll see you later.", "(She leaves the attic.)", "Phoebe: It's kind of like a, um, supernatural lojack.", "Paige: Well, why don't you use that big book? I mean, it is a book of spells, right?", "(Paige walks over to the Book.)", "Phoebe: Oh, it's a lot more than that. It's kind of hard to explain.", "Paige: It looks so old.", "Phoebe: Yeah. It has survived a lot. Fortunately, it protects itself from evil.", "Paige: It protects itself. How?", "Phoebe: Magic.", "Paige: May I?", "Phoebe: Yeah. I mean technically, it's yours too. I would walk you through it right now, but I have to go talk to Cole.", "Paige: Well, maybe I can just take it back to my office.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, no, no, no. It doesn't leave the house. But just feel free to thumb through it and then I'll be back in a few minutes.", "(Phoebe leaves the attic. Paige flips through the Book and stops at an Instant Karma Spell.)", "Paige: This could solve a lot of problems.", "(She gets out some Post-its and a pen and starts writing down the spell.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Phoebe and Cole are waiting there. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: What? What is it? What's wrong?", "Cole: You've got to talk to your wife.", "Phoebe: Okay, Cole, remember what I said about being gentle?", "Leo: What about my wife?", "Cole: She's out of control.", "Phoebe: Cole!", "Leo: What?", "Phoebe: It's just, we're very worried about her.", "Leo: What happened?", "Phoebe: She's very, very angry.", "Leo: Well, of course she's angry. She's grieving.", "Phoebe: Right, and if she were punching walls, I would happily call a repairman, but", "Cole: The problem is she prefers to punch demons.", "Leo: Well, I'll talk to her.", "(Cole moves closer to Leo.)", "Cole: She has no regard for her life or anyone else's. She's Charles Bronson cubed.", "Leo: I said I'd talk to her.", "(Phoebe stands in between the two.)", "Phoebe: Guys, guys. Who is Charles Bronson? (Leo and Cole give her a look.) Never mind. (to Cole) We - can we please just have a minute alone?", "Cole: Sure.", "Phoebe: Thank you. (Cole leaves the room and Phoebe and Cole walk in the living room.) Uh, it's not just that she's violent, Leo. She's acting nothing like herself. She's completely dismissive of Paige and I don't know what to do anymore.", "(They sit on the couch.)", "Leo: Strange isn't it? Now on top of everything else, you have to play the middle sister when you've always been the, uh", "Phoebe: Screw up?", "(Leo laughs.)", "Leo: The youngest.", "Phoebe: Yeah. I look at Paige and Piper and it makes me think back to all those times that Piper had to play mediator between me and Prue.", "Leo: Not a lot of fun, huh?", "Phoebe: It's not a job I would have asked for. And I'm not sure it's a job I'm going to be any good at, but I just, I don't have time to really worry about it right now.", "Leo: I'll talk to her.", "Phoebe: Thanks Leo. (They hug.) And not to worse this tender moment, but she's already started scrying. (Leo orbs out and Phoebe falls head first on the couch.) I didn't mean you couldn't use the stairs!", "[Cut back to the attic. Paige has Post-its stuck over the Book Of Shadows. She runs out of Post-its and looks around. She gets an idea, closes the Book and carries it to the window.]", "Paige: Okay, book, protect yourself. (Paige opens the window and drops the Book of Shadows out. It lands on the grass.)", "Phoebe: (from downstairs) Paige! I'll be right up! (She heads for the door.)", "[Cut to the stairs. Phoebe's nearly to the top and Paige comes around the corner nearly bumping into Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: Whoa! (She giggles.) Where's the fire?", "(They walk downstairs.)", "Paige: Uh, you know, work. Lunch break's over. Gotta go.", "Phoebe: Well, we didn't even get to talk.", "Paige: Uh, yeah, it's alright. Don't worry.", "Phoebe: Will you come by later?", "Paige: Sure. Yeah. Absolutely. Bye. (She waves and leaves.)", "Phoebe: Bye.", "(Phoebe looks suspiciously up the stairs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Piper and Leo are there. Piper is scrying.]", "Leo: Look, honey, it isn't just that it's dangerous.", "Piper: Leo, Whitelighters are supposed to guide. Not judge. Just because I'm doing things a little bit differently doesn't mean that there is a problem.", "(She drops the crystal.)", "Leo: Piper, I'm your husband, not just you're Whitelighter. When you speak to me like that, there is a problem. I can't help you unless you talk to me.", "Piper: It hurts to talk, Leo. It hurts to breathe. So unless you have some idea of how to bring Prue back, I don't want to talk right now.", "Leo: Is that what you don't want to say? Is that you still blame me for not being able to bring her back?", "Piper: No, Leo. I don't blame you. I blame evil. Why-why do you think I'm doing all this? For kicks?", "Leo: Honestly, I think you're doing it because it's easier than confronting what you're really feeling.", "(Piper starts scrying again and the crystal points to a place on the map.)", "Piper: Demon.", "Leo: What?", "Piper: I have work to do. (She walks out of her room.) Cole, Phoebe! Let's go!", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is in the copy room trying to copy the Book of Shadows. Donnie walks in, checks out Paige's butt and fixes his toupee.]", "Donnie: Nothing like a copy room with a view. (He pours himself some coffee. Paige straightens up. Billy walks in.) Hey Clearasil, what's popping?", "(Donnie laughs and leaves the room.)", "Paige: Don't worry about him, Billy. He's a jerk to everybody.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. That's why his mail gets lost frequently. (Paige smiles.)", "Paige: Hey, is there something wrong with this copier?", "Billy: The copier? I don't think so. I just ran off a whole bunch.", "Paige: Everything keeps coming up blank.", "Billy: Are you trying to copy a book?", "(She pushes the lid of the copier down trying to hide it.)", "Paige: Nah, it's nothing. It's cool.", "Billy: Well, if you need me to do it for you, just say the word.", "Paige: Thanks. You're sweet. (He smiles shyly and pours some coffee. Paige turns over the Book of Shadows and reads a Vanishing Spell.) \"Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to be unseen.\" (Billy groans and magical light surrounds his face.) You okay, Billy?", "Billy: Yeah. I just, uh, got a little head rush.", "(He turns around to face Paige and she sees that his acne has cleared up.)", "Paige: Oh my God, it worked. (She closes the Book.) Oh my god.", "(She picks up the Book and goes over to Billy.)", "Billy: Paige, is, uh, everything okay?", "Paige: It will be from now on.", "(She kisses him on the cheek and leaves. Billy smiles.)", "[Scene: Alley. Piper, Phoebe and Cole are walking down it.]", "Phoebe: Piper, Cole and I do not support you in this. If you insist on doing it, you are going in alone.", "Piper: Okay. I'll see you at home.", "Phoebe: (to Cole) I told you that wouldn't work.", "Cole: It was worth a shot.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. Do you smell smoke?", "(They stop walking.)", "Piper: It's in there.", "(Piper points to a large wooden door. There is smoke rising out from under it.)", "Man: (from inside) What is that? What is it? Stop! Stop! (Cole walks over to the door.) Who is th- What are you?", "Piper: Get back, I'll blow it up. Go on.", "(Cole backs away from the door and Piper freezes Cole and the smoke.)", "Phoebe: Uh, Piper", "Piper: Yeah, yeah. Crap. Okay.", "(Piper takes off her coat and throws it on the ground. She wiggles her arms to relax herself then uses her power. The door blows up, sending Cole flying across the alley, landing on a car and falling off on the ground.)", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(She runs over to Cole.)", "Piper: What? Oh!", "(A man runs outside, knocking Piper over. Three furies follow. Phoebe helps Cole up. Piper gets ready to use her power.)", "Cole: Piper, let them go!", "(Piper blows up a car in front of the furies. They turn around.)", "Piper: Uh-oh. (Piper tries to freeze them but only freezes Cole.) They're-they're-th-th-they're immune to my powers.", "Phoebe: Unfortunately, Cole isn't. (A fury attacks Piper but she dodges their hits. Another goes for Phoebe. Piper picks up a trash can lid and the fury puts a hole in it. Phoebe levitates up and kicks the furies, knocking them to the ground.) Piper, unfreeze him.", "Piper: What if I blow him up?", "(Cole unfreezes. A fury knocks down Piper and blows smoke in her mouth. She coughs.)", "Phoebe: Cole!", "(Cole throws an energy ball at a fury and she is engulfed in flames. The other two furies disappear. Piper continues to cough.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper, Phoebe and Cole enter the house.]", "Piper: I'm gonna take out those chain smokin' bitches if it's the last thing I do.", "Cole: It might be the last thing you do.", "Piper: That's very supportive, Cole. Who's side are you on?", "Cole: At the moment, I'm on Phoebe's side.", "(Piper coughs. Phoebe and Cole follow her into the kitchen.)", "Piper: Well, the last time I checked, Phoebe was still my sister. Which technically puts her on my side. Why are we arguing?", "Phoebe: We're not arguing, we're discussing, Piper. You are arguing. And look, you're already hurt.", "Piper: I'm fine. (Piper takes a water bottle out of the fridge and has a sip.)", "Phoebe: You can't stop coughing.", "Cole: And your control of your powers seems to be getting worse, not better.", "(They walk out of the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Oh, well, our powers are tied to our emotions, so it would make sense that they would be a little off right now.", "Cole: All the more reason to lay low. These demons are dangerous.", "Piper: All the more reason to vanquish them, okay? That is what we do - eliminate evil.", "(They stop at the bottom of the stairs.)", "Cole: Regardless of the consequence, you sound like Prue.", "Piper: Okay, Cole. I'm going to vanquish the cancer girls with or without your help. So either tell me what you know or get out of the way.", "(Cole looks at Phoebe. She shrugs her shoulders.)", "Cole: They're called furies.", "Piper: Like from mythology?", "Phoebe: The dog-faced women from hell?", "Cole: They're modern knockoffs. Their MO is the same though.", "Piper: They punish evil doers.", "Cole: Exactly.", "Phoebe: Wait. Wouldn't that make them good?", "Cole: Well, these furies have no temptress. They'll go after a shoplifter as soon as a murderer and they take great pleasure in the kill.", "Piper: Great. Then we'll take great pleasure in the vanquish.", "(Piper goes up the stairs Phoebe stands in front of Cole.)", "Phoebe: What aren't you telling us? (Cole sighs.) So they go after evil doers. Have they attacked you before?", "Cole: When they focus their thoughts on you, they force you to hear the cries of all your former victims.", "(Phoebe touches his face.)", "Phoebe: You're not the demon who did those things anymore.", "(Piper screams from upstairs. Phoebe and Cole go up the stairs.)", "[Cut to attic. Piper is standing in front of the empty Book of Shadows stand, mouth open in shock.]", "Piper: Evil got the Book of Shadows. How did evil get the Book of Shadows?", "Phoebe: Oh no.", "Piper: Oh no, Phoebe? A demon has the Book of Shadows. Oh no doesn't quite cover it.", "Cole: Let me go see what I can find out. (He turns to leave but Phoebe stops him.)", "Phoebe: No, wait. Uh, Piper, promise me you're not going to overreact.", "Piper: Is that even possible?", "Phoebe: I think that, uh, maybe well, it-it might-might be feasible that uh, Paige borrowed the book.", "Piper: Wait, why-why would you think that?", "Phoebe: See? Now this is what I meant about overreacting. It's just that", "Cole: You let Paige take the Book of Shadows out of the Manor?", "Phoebe: Well, no, I did not let her. It's just she left pretty quick, and she looks like she might have", "(She looks at the open window.)", "Piper: Out of the window?", "Phoebe: Piper, I don't", "Piper: Phoebe, why would you even leave her alone with it?", "Phoebe: Well, because she's our sister.", "(Piper laughs.)", "Piper: Not for long!", "(Piper storms out of the attic. Phoebe follows. Cole pulls up a chair and sits down. Phoebe runs back in.)", "Phoebe: Are you coming?", "Cole: To vanquish your sister? I think I'll sit this one out.", "(Phoebe runs back out and Cole sits there twiddling his thumbs.)", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Lila is looking at Billy's face.]", "Lila: It's unbelievable.", "Billy: Maybe it was the light from the copy machine.", "(They start to walk through the office. Billy is pushing the mail cart.)", "Lila: God, this day is amazing. I mean, you went and got cute", "Billy: You think?", "Lila: Totally. And then my car loan comes through like out of nowhere. (They pass Paige's desk. Paige is on the phone and she smiles.) My credit is worse than Paige's. You know, I still can't believe all of this.", "Billy: It's amazing.", "(Billy and Lila walk away.)", "Paige: (on phone) Sir, I am taking full responsibility for being late with the application. I'm simply asking for a deadline extension.", "Man: (on phone) Well, I can't give you a deadline extension.", "Paige: Well I'm asking that you not punish Adam O'Brien who's already had a tough enough life for my mistake. (listens) Sir, all I'm saying is (She looks down at the Book of Shadows which is sitting on her lap.) \"These words will travel through the minds of stubborn parties and unbind, the thoughts too ridged to be kind, a compromise they'll disentwine.\"", "Man: (on phone) How does six o'clock on Friday sound?", "Paige: Six o'clock Friday is perfect. Thank you so much. (She hangs up.) Victory! (Lila and Billy look over at her.)", "Lila: You got the extension?", "Paige: Yeah.", "(Lila walks over to Paige.)", "Lila: Unbelievable. You're into all that witchy stuff, right?", "Paige: Excuse me?", "Lila: Well, I'm just thinking there must be something in the stars today. I mean, Billy's face, my car, now this. Is there a full moon or something?", "Paige: I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm going to call my student loan sharks and take full advantage of it.", "Lila: Ooh, good. Me too.", "(Paige laughs. Lila walks away. Donnie comes up to her and stands behind her.)", "Donnie: You know, Paige? (He talks in her ear.) As a lawyer, I can get those nasty creditors off your back so easily. And if you can't afford to pay me, we could always just take it out in trade.", "Paige: Or I could just sue your ass for sexual harassment and pay you with my big fat punitive settlement.", "Donnie: The way you dress, the judge would admire my restraint. (He walks away.)", "Paige: That's it. (She finds the Instant Karma Spell in the Book of Shadows.) Perfect. I'll just change demon to dirtbag.", "[Cut to outside SBSS. Piper and Phoebe get out of the car and walk towards the building.]", "Piper: I don't understand how someone can be that stupid.", "Phoebe: I don't understand why you haven't stopped ranting since we left the house.", "Piper: You're right. You're right. I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: Yes, Paige made a mistake.", "Piper: A mistake? She stole from us.", "Phoebe: She borrowed. Borrowed.", "Piper: She-she threw our family heritage out of the window!", "Phoebe: Well, that's because we never took the time to explain its significance. It was just a book to her.", "Piper: Okay, Phoebe, it is not just a book. It's like, it-it-it is like a part of our family.", "(Piper coughs. Phoebe puts her arm around Piper.)", "Phoebe: Paige is not a killer. She didn't kill anyone. And she's not a demon that we're on our way to vanquish.", "Piper: I get that Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Do you? Because I don't think that you do. (Piper coughs.) You alright?", "(Donnie runs out of the building with a bunch of women following him.)", "Donnie: Hey! Hey! Get away from me! (They surround him.)", "Piper: What the hell is going on?", "Lila: Come on. Give Mama some sugar.", "(He sinks to the ground and they fall all over him. Paige comes out of the building holding her bag so it covers her chest. She goes over to Piper and Phoebe.)", "Piper: You are so (They notice something wrong and opens her coat to reveal her very large breasts.) Busted?", "Phoebe: Hello!", "Piper: You stole our sacred book so you could perform magical plastic surgery on yourself?", "Paige: You think I did this on purpose? My body was perfectly fine just as it was. Thank you.", "Donnie: I mean it! Get away from me! (Piper freezes the crowd.)", "Phoebe: Piper, you could have just blown up a dozen innocent people.", "Piper: I took a chance.", "Phoebe: See? Are you listening to yourself?", "Piper: (to Paige) What happened?", "Paige: I don't know. They just grew.", "Piper: Oh, right. And you had nothing to do with that.", "Phoebe: Did you cast any spells?", "Paige: One. (Phoebe gives her a look.) Five.", "Piper: Five?", "Phoebe: Okay, what did you do just before you turned into Betty Boop?", "Paige: Well, I cast a spell on this slimeball I work with so I could give him a taste of his own medicine.", "Phoebe: Uh-huh. That the slimeball?", "(Paige looks at Donnie and nods.)", "Piper: And that's the backfire.", "Paige: Backfire?", "Phoebe: You misused magic to make him the object of ogling, and the spell backfired and did the same thing to you.", "Piper: Which you would have learned if you had bothered to ask. But now instead of vanquishing demons, we're gonna have to spend the afternoon fixing your mess.", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper, call Leo and get him to orb this slimeball back home. And we have to protect him until we can figure out a way to reverse the spell. Paige and I will grab the book and meet you there.", "(Piper looks at Paige and shakes her head. She walks away. Paige looks down at her breasts.)", "[Time lapse. Phoebe and Paige are driving along the road in Paige's car. Paige is driving and Phoebe's sitting in the passenger seat looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Paige: Are my boobs gonna stay this way forever?", "Phoebe: Not if I can ever find the spell.", "Paige: What about Piper? Is she gonna stay mad at me forever?", "Phoebe: No. It's just, um she hasn't really been herself lately. You know, a lot of ups and downs since Prue, you know, like us all.", "Paige: The last thing I wanted to do was add to you guys stress. I just wanted to get back at Donnie.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I understand the temptation, Paige, I really do. But I told you the book does not leave the house.", "Paige: Right. Sorry. (She tries to change into third gear but has a little trouble.) My boobs are in the way. Can you put it into third for me?", "Phoebe: Alright. Ready? Here we go. (Phoebe moves the gearstick into third. The tyres screech.) Alright.", "Paige: Did you find the spell yet? (Phoebe finds a page about furies.)", "Phoebe: No, but I found the demons. Oh my God.", "Paige: What? You can't say demons followed by 'oh my god'. I'm new at this, I'm likely to panic.", "Phoebe: Okay, uh, fury smoke kills bad guys, right? But in good people, it looks for a portal of unexpressed fury.", "Paige: And?", "Phoebe: It builds until it consumes your humanity and it turns you into a fury. Um, we fought the furies today. Piper got smoked.", "Paige: Wait. Are you saying that Piper's turning into a demon?", "Phoebe: It wouldn't be the first time. (Paige gives her a funny look.) Uh, step on it and hit the clutch. I'm going into fourth. Ready? On three. One, two, three. (She changes to fourth.)", "[Cut to the manor. Donnie lands on the couch.]", "Leo: Easy, Piper.", "Piper: What, are you protecting him now?", "Donnie: Wh-wh-what the hell is going on? And what's with the chicks? They've gone crazy.", "Piper: This chick just saved your ass you snivelling ingrate. (Donnie gets up.)", "Donnie: Do you see what I mean?", "Piper: Who said you could get up? (She pushes him over the back of the couch.)", "Leo: What's the matter with you? Okay, honey look, I don't know what's going on, but we really need to talk.", "Piper: Leo, you know what? I'm sick of talking.", "(Piper tries to blow Leo up but Leo orbs out in time. Piper goes over to Donnie. Leo orbs back in.)", "Leo: Now we really need to talk. Piper, you do not use your powers on a mortal. (He stands behind her.) Do you hear me?", "(Cole stands at the doorway.)", "Cole: Back away slowly, Leo.", "Leo: What?", "Cole: She's becoming a fury. (Piper grows large black fingernails.) There's no reasoning with her now. (Leo stands in front of her.)", "Leo: Piper, you're a good witch. Do you hear me? Fight this.", "(Piper touches his face, then pushes him over the couch.)", "Donnie: Oh God! Help!", "(Piper goes over and scratches Donnie. Cole gets an energy ball ready. Piper picks up Donnie and blows smoke. Cole throws an energy ball at Piper which pushes her back. Phoebe and Paige walk in.)", "Phoebe: Cole!", "Cole: I, well", "Piper: That wasn't very nice. (She disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe is looking through the Book of Shadows, and Leo is kneeling beside Donnie, who is asleep on the couch.]", "Leo: Cole hit her with an energy ball.", "Phoebe: Leo, it was a low voltage. Would you prefer he'd let her kill an innocent?", "Leo: I'd prefer that he wouldn't use his demonic powers on my wife. I can't believe that you let him go look for her.", "Paige: Oh, this all my fault. I shouldn't have stolen the Book of Shadows.", "Leo: You stole the Book of Shadows?", "Phoebe: Leo, Leo. Concentrate please. (Leo heals Donnie's scratches.) I just hope he finds her fast because if this is anything like the time I turned into a Banshee, she's gonna be hungry for a kill. (Leo stands up.)", "Paige: I'm sorry. A Banshee?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Demonic screamer, kinda trampy, feeds on pain.", "Paige: I think I need to sit down.", "(She sits on the couch next to Donnie. Donnie wakes up and sits up and stares straight at Paige's breasts.)", "Donnie: Whoa.", "(Paige punches him in the face, knocking him out.)", "Leo: Paige!", "(Paige stands up.)", "Paige: What? You only said I couldn't use magic to punish him.", "(Phoebe stands up.)", "Phoebe: Okay, Leo, you orb Donnie back to his office, heal him there, then make sure he doesn't nark us out for being witches.", "Leo: How?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Be creative.", "Leo: What about Piper?", "Phoebe: You have to do your job. And let us do ours. We'll get your wife back. I promise.", "(Leo touches Donnie and they orb out. Phoebe and Paige sit on the couch.)", "Paige: Um, I hate to ask, but how are we going to get his wife back? I mean, she's kind of a full on demon.", "Phoebe: No. She's not full on. She doesn't have the talons yet. That probably comes with the first kill. Besides, if we were able to save her when she turned into a Wendigo", "Paige: A Wendi-what?", "Phoebe: Um, a Wendigo. It's kind of like a werewolf, only meaner. (She finds the Instant Karma Spell in the Book of Shadows.) Is this the spell that you used?", "Paige: Uh-huh. (Phoebe picks up a notepad and pen.) Is there some sort of spell I could do, you know, in advance so I could, uh, not become maybe a Banshee or", "Phoebe: What word did you sub demon with?", "Paige: Dirtbag.", "Phoebe: Dirtbag. (She writes something down and scrunches up the paper up. She stands up.) Okay. (She gets Paige to stand up.) Hand. (They join hands. Phoebe burns the tip of the paper with a lit candle.) \"Guided spirits, hear our plea, annul this magic, let it be.\"", "Paige: Please let it be. (Paige's breasts return to normal size. She looks down and groans.) Do you think it worked a little too well?", "[Scene: Alley. A man pushes another man against the wall. He holds a knife to his throat.]", "Innocenet man: Anything you want.", "Man: Shut up.", "(Two furies come up behind him and one scratches his back. He spins around and the innocent runs away. The man hears voices in his head. He drops the knife and falls to his knees. The fury blows smoke in his mouth. He coughs and is engulfed in flames. He disappears. Piper appears in a puff of smoke behind them. They turn around and make purring-like noises.)", "Piper: I've been looking for you.", "[Cut to the manor. Dining room. Paige and Phoebe are there. Phoebe is scrying.]", "Phoebe: Damn it.", "Paige: Why isn't it working?", "Phoebe: Because Piper isn't a witch anymore.", "Paige: Can't you just scry for evil then?", "Phoebe: Do you have any idea how much evil is running around San Francisco? (She stops scrying.) Damn it, Piper. (Cole shimmers in. He is bruised and scratched.) Cole. Thank God. (Phoebe hugs him.)", "Cole: Don't thank me yet.", "Paige: You didn't find her?", "Cole: I didn't get a chance to look. Every time I used my sensing powers, a bounty hunter sensed me. I fought off three of them. (He sits down at the table.) I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: No, it's-it's okay. I mean, somehow everything's gonna be okay. I-I don't have even a little idea of how everything's gonna be okay.", "Paige: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: You know why? Because nothing is okay.", "Paige: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: My sister is a fury, my boyfriend is a demon... Oh baby, you're bleeding. (She kneels down next to Cole.)", "Paige: Phoebe. (Phoebe looks at her.) Didn't you say you found me because Piper cast a spell to find a lost witch?", "Phoebe: Yes, but I also said that Piper's not a witch anymore.", "Paige: Yes, but if I can substitute the word 'dirtbag' for 'demon', why can't we substitute the word 'sister' for 'witch'?", "Cole: Will that work?", "Phoebe: Well, n-no. Not if she's already looking for a kill. The call won't be strong enough.", "Paige: Why not?", "Phoebe: Because of the pull of evil. When I was possessed by the Woogie, the blood lust was so strong", "Cole: Woogie?", "Paige: Don't ask.", "Phoebe: The point is I don't think she'll answer the call.", "(Silence.)", "Paige: Then we'll add bait.", "(Paige glances at Cole, then looks at Phoebe. Phoebe looks at Cole and he looks back.)", "Phoebe: No. No. Uh, no. Are you kidding me? No.", "Paige: The furies go after evil doers, right?", "Phoebe: Paige, we are not using the love of my life as bait.", "Cole: Oh, yes we are. It's perfect.", "(He stands up and goes near Paige.)", "Phoebe: Cole, you have been a demon for over a century. That is a lot of victims. The pain of their cries alone can kill you.", "Cole: Yes, but as you said, I'm not the demon that did those things anymore. And if facing my crimes helps save your sister", "Phoebe: Cole, I", "Cole: Phoebe. (He sits back down next to her.) I would do almost anything for you, you know that. But I will not be a coward for you. Please don't ask me to be. (Phoebe touches his face.)", "Phoebe: We'll need some of your blood.", "Cole: Right.", "Paige: Knife. (A knife orbs from the table and into Paige's hand. She holds it out in front of Cole.)", "[Time lapse. Phoebe and Paige are standing at the table. Phoebe is holding a knife above a lit candle.]", "Phoebe/Paige: \"Power of the sisters rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near...\"", "[Cut to the alley. The furies are touching Piper's hair. Piper is wearing fury clothes and has talons on her face. She hears Phoebe and Paige chanting.]", "Phoebe/Paige: \"Come to us and settle here. Blood to blood, I summon thee, blood to blood, return to me.\"", "Piper: I know where evil dwells.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Phoebe, Paige and Cole are there. Cole is pacing.]", "Phoebe: Are you sure about this?", "Cole: I'm good at a lot of things. Waiting is not one of them.", "(Paige makes a noise and throws her arms down.)", "Phoebe: Honey, what are you doing?", "Paige: I'm trying to do that orb thingy. I can't seem to get the hang of it though. (Cole yells in her face and she orbs in and out.) What happened?", "Phoebe: You orbed.", "Paige: I did?", "Cole: It's a fear response.", "Phoebe: So until you learn how to control it, you just have to", "Paige: Get scared?", "Phoebe: Pretty much.", "Paige: Alright. Well, that shouldn't be too difficult.", "Phoebe: Good. Then we will orb, we will levitate, we will juggle knives if we have to, just to keep the furies distracted from Cole.", "Paige: Okay, but what I don't get is how we un-demon Piper when she gets here.", "Phoebe: Well, we have to close the portal of unexpressed fury.", "Cole: Unexpressed? I think she's been raging for days.", "Phoebe: That's 'cause there's something she's not saying.", "Paige: Which is?", "Phoebe: I don't know, but I think I have an idea. (Cole yells out in pain and drops to his knees. He hears voices. Phoebe kneels beside him.) They're close? (Paige gets scared and orbs out. Phoebe stands up.) Paige? (Paige orbs back in.)", "Paige: I did it again.", "Cole: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", "(A fury barges in through the front door. Phoebe levitates and kicks her, knocking her down. She gets up and attacks Phoebe. Phoebe blocks and kicks her back down. Piper and the other fury appear behind Phoebe near Cole. Phoebe spins around.)", "Paige: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Nice decoy, Piper. Two points. (She levitates and kicks them both, knocking them down. She sees Cole lying on the floor.) Cole. Come on. Come on. (She tries to get him up. The furies surround them.)", "Paige: Lamp! (The lamp orbs out and it flies across the room hitting a fury. The furies turn around.) Sorry. (The furies go over to her.) Really sorry.", "(Cole throws an energy ball at the two furies and kills them. Piper pushes Phoebe out of the way and scratches Cole's chest.)", "Phoebe: Cole is not your problem, Piper, and you know it.", "(Piper attacks Phoebe and Phoebe blocks her hits.)", "Paige: Book! (The Book of Shadows orbs to her. She starts flipping through it.) Please let there be something in here.", "(Phoebe kicks Piper down. Cole gets an energy ball ready.)", "Phoebe: Cole, don't! (He stops the energy ball.) You think I abandoned you. You think it's my fault that Prue died. You blame me. You should just admit it.", "(Piper sends Phoebe flying straight into a cabinet, smashing it. Piper goes over to Paige.)", "Paige: You don't want to kill me, Piper, you don't even know me. (Cole goes over to Phoebe.) It's not about me. It's not about Phoebe, is it?", "Phoebe: Leo! (Leo orbs in. Piper tries to scratch Paige, but she orbs out and back in behind Piper. Piper spins around.)", "Paige: Phoebe's not the sister who abandoned you. It's Prue, isn't it? (Piper grabs Paige by the neck.)", "Phoebe: Leo, do something.", "(Leo grabs Piper and Paige and orbs out.)", "Cole: Where'd he take them?", "Phoebe: To what Piper's really angry at.", "[Cut to a monastery. Leo orbs in with Piper and Paige. Piper backs away when she sees Prue's plaque.]", "Paige: Tell her, Piper. It's alright to hate her. (Piper tries to get out but the doors are locked.) You should hate her. When my parents died, I hated them for it. I was alone, and I hated them. It is okay to hate Prue.", "(Piper looks at Paige.)", "Piper: How dare you! (She runs over to Prue's plaque and bangs on it.) How dare you leave me! How could you go and die and leave me here all alone? Please come back. I need you. (She starts to cry.) Please come back.", "(She screams and sinks down on the ground. She sits there and bawls. She changes back to normal. Leo kneels down beside her.)", "Leo: It's okay. It's okay, honey.", "Piper: It's not okay. She risked her life everyday and she never thought about what would happen to me and Phoebe if she was gone. (Paige starts to cry for the sister she never knew.)", "Leo: I know.", "Piper: How did she think that I could live without her?", "(Leo hugs her. Tears well up in Paige's eyes as she looks at Prue's plaque.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. The next morning. Piper is there pouring two cups of coffee. Phoebe comes in and sits on a stool. Piper hands her a cup of coffee.]", "Phoebe: Did you sleep?", "Piper: Yeah, actually, better than I have in a while.", "Phoebe: Mmm. It's quite, isn't it? Early and late. It's just really, really quite.", "Piper: Prue was always the first one up, and the last one down. It's strange, the things that you miss. So, how scary was I?", "(Phoebe laughs. Piper sits next to her.)", "Phoebe: Heck, I've seen worse. I've been worse. But uh, but Paige", "Piper: She completely freaked.", "Phoebe: No, uh, she handled it better than most people would, I think. She saved your life. She definitely is a Halliwell, last name or no.", "Piper: I know I haven't been the most welcoming. I just I miss Prue so much. It's hard to imagine opening up to someone else. With everything that happens in our lives, love just feels like an invitation for more pain.", "Phoebe: So maybe, um maybe you don't start with love. Maybe you just start with thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Piper walks in holding a basket of muffins. She spots Paige at her desk and walks over to her. She puts the basket on her desk. Paige looks up at her, surprised. She looks in the basket.]", "Paige: Muffins. Thanks.", "Piper: Busy work. I'm best in the kitchen. Prue was the one that liked to, uh, chase demons. (Paige sees Donnie.)", "Paige: Man, he's like a whole new Donnie. What did Leo say to him?", "(Piper looks over at Donnie. He smiles and walks past them.)", "Piper: Um, I don't know. He's a miracle worker, that husband of mine.", "Paige: So, how are you?", "Piper: I've had, uh bad hours. (She sits down.) And hours that aren't quite so bad. I guess you know how it is.", "Paige: Yeah. When my parents died, there were some days I didn't think I'd survive the sadness. It'll never be okay that she's gone, Piper. But I promise, it will get better. (Piper sees scratches on Paige's neck.)", "Piper: You know, Leo could fix that for you.", "Paige: It's my first war wound. I think I'll wear it with pride.", "Piper: Unfortunately in this family, it will not be the last.", "Paige: Well, every family has its pros and it's cons. A couple of demon battles in exchange for the power to clear up my friend's skin? I'd say it's worth it.", "Piper: The power to what? (They see Lila and Billy chatting across the room. Lila flirts a little.)", "Paige: He's cute, isn't he? Well, you should have seen him yesterday. (Paige laughs.)", "Piper: Okay, uh, you saved my life, so I guess we're even on the Book of Shadows swipe, but, um, Paige, there are rules to being a witch, rules that you will have to learn and follow.", "Paige: Well, not to be difficult, but you're married to our Whitelighter and Phoebe's shacking up with a demon. So, on balance, maybe my friend could stay cute?", "Piper: Okay. (Mr. Cowan comes up to them.)", "Mr. Cowan: My, my, my. That pile looks about the same size as it did about an hour ago. (Piper stands up.)", "Piper: Oh, that was my fault. I distracted her with muffins.", "Mr. Cowan: And you are?", "(Piper looks at Paige then back at Mr. Cowan.)", "Piper: I'm her sister.", "(Piper smiles at Paige and leaves the office. Paige smiles a little to herself.)" ]
Hell Hath no Fury
Alien Stalker
[ "While busy studying the Book of Shadows, Paige shows a large amount of jealously in how adept Phoebe is while performing her martial arts. As a result, when Paige mixes a potion, she accidentally swaps bodies with Phoebe, and while they try to hide the mix-up from Piper, they have a hard time doing so when the sisters have to go help a Zen Master save her kidnapped father from Limbo." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Basement. Phoebe is fighting with Cole. He kicks her in the stomach and she bends down.]", "Cole: Don't be tense. Be ready. When you see me expand, you contract. (Phoebe looks up.) If I contract, you expand. (They begin to fight again. Cole flips him Phoebe on the ground and then sits on top of her.)", "Phoebe: If you wanted to be on top, all you had to do was ask. (A laugh comes from the stairs and Phoebe looks over to see Paige sitting there.) Uh, P-Paige. (To Cole as she slightly hits his leg.) Oh. (He gets off her and Phoebe goes to Paige.) What are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be upstairs studying for Piper's quiz?", "Paige: Well, I was kinda hoping to go a couple rounds with the demon first.", "Phoebe: I should tell you, Piper takes her witchcraft quizzes very seriously. You better be prepared. What's the subject?", "Paige: Potion basics.", "Phoebe: Eww.", "Paige: Mm.", "Phoebe: Well, you got to start somewhere.", "Paige: I know. It's just a little book learning. (Cole comes up to them.)", "Cole: Phoebe? (Phoebe sighs. Cole walks away.)", "Phoebe: Paige, Piper and I had to learn how to be witches the hard away, and it took well, it took too long. We need you to get there faster. Our lives may depend on it.", "Paige: Appealing to my conscious. Such a low blow.", "Phoebe: Mmm. (Paige stands up.)", "Paige: I just want to know when the fun stuff starts. (She leaves. Phoebe turns to Cole.)", "Phoebe: So where were we?", "Cole: Training.", "Phoebe: Uh. Come on Cole. You were gone for a whole week. That is seven long, lonely nights.", "Cole: I was on a fact finding mission. We can't ignore what I learned.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know. The Source wants us dead.", "Cole: No, you don't know. He needs you dead. Ever since we escaped, factions have been forming to challenge him. He must finish what he started if he expects to survive. Which means that you need to be prepared. (Cole draws a sword.)", "Phoebe: You think the Source is going to challenge me to sword fight.", "Cole: Hand to hand combat if too safe. Sword fighting teaches confidence, intensity. (He tosses Phoebe the sword.) You need to learn how to fight like a demon, Phoebe. (He walks over toward Phoebe.) Training must come before everything. Including us. Are you ready?", "Phoebe: Do I have a choice? (Cole swings the sword and Phoebe ducks. She then draws her sword.)", "[Scene: Outside Garden. Yen-Lo draws his sword and sneaks in the bushes nearer to the man (Zen Master) kneels before a statue. Yen-Lo comes from behind to attack him. However, An-Ling jumps in front of him. They fight. Zen Master stands up. An-Ling unmasks Yen-Lo with.]", "An-Ling: Yen-Lo! (She takes off her own masks.) This is how you repay my father? (Zen Master comes over to them.) After all he taught you, everything he gave you.", "Yen-Lo: What did he give me An-Ling? I was supposed to replace him, but he passed me over for you.", "Zen Master: Yen-Lo, you took everything you've learned from here and used it for your own gain. You brought disgrace upon yourself and our monastery. Now leave us and never return.", "An-Ling: You heard my father.", "Yen-Lo: I'm going to kill him, An-Ling. And then I'm going to kill you. You can't stop me. You're half the student I was. (An-Ling stabs Yen-Lo.) You think this is the end? We're just getting started. (Yen-Lo jumps into a pool of water and disappears. An-Ling brushes her hand over the water.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is quizzing Paige at the table. Piper's wearing glasses. Paige is eating a lollipop.]", "Piper: Okay. After mixing your potions, what's the best method to preserve unused sea slugs for future use: A) Pickle them, B) Sugar them, C) Smoke them, D) Freeze dry them.", "Paige: Well now, you see, if I had extra sea slugs, I'd let those little suckers go right on back to the ocean.", "Piper: D) Freeze dry them is the correct answer.", "Paige: I was going to guess that.", "Piper: Why are you guessing at all?", "Paige: To pass.", "Piper: Paige, this, uh, isn't like trig, you know. (She takes off her glasses.) It's-It's not like you're never going to use it again. If you blow a potion, innocent people could die. Did you study at all for this test?", "Paige: Well, I started to last night. It's just a friend from work came over and she knew this bouncer at this club and I'm sorry.", "Piper: It's okay. I was single once. Why don't you study tonight -", "Paige: I can't. I have a guy coming over here and we're going out.", "Piper: Here? What's wrong with your place?", "Paige: Uh, this place is slightly more impressive than mine.", "Piper: Uh-huh. Look Paige, I really, really want to be the cool big sister, but this is ridiculous. You have no priorities.", "Paige: That is not true. I've left work to fight demons. That's why I have to go out tonight. The boss' son is in town for the weekend.", "Piper: And you think showing him a good time is going to improve your career standing?", "Paige: Well, yeah. (She puts her lollipop back in her mouth.)", "Piper: Okay, listen to me very carefully. There is nothing more important than learning your craft right now. We could be attacked at any moment.", "Paige: Then why am I stuck here reading? I should be learning how to body slam sweaty demons like Phoebe.", "Piper: Phoebe's been at this a lot longer than you have, but trust me. Be patient and study hard and one day you will get a big sweaty demon of your own. (Piper stands up and gets her umbrella and purse.)", "Paige: Where are you going?", "Piper: Chinatown. I need to stock up on some of these herbs.", "Paige: Oh, can I go? I can get my nails done.", "Piper: You need to work on your potions. (She gets her coat. Paige stands up.)", "Paige: Come on!", "Piper: Paige, don't be make me the wicked witch of the northwest. I-I didn't ask for this big sister gig and frankly it's sucks. But since I'm on a roll, you should get rid of that lollipop habit because it's going to rot your teeth. (Piper leaves the kitchen.)", "[Cut to basement. Phoebe and Cole are still fighting with swords. Phoebe stops and clutches her ankle.]", "Phoebe: Uh, I think it's twisted.", "Cole: Stand up.", "Phoebe: I just need a time out.", "Cole: The Source won't give you a time out when you ask. Now get up!", "Phoebe: I said that I can't. Jeez, Cole. What's the matter with you?", "Cole: Demons worship strength, power. Nothing else. To beat the Source, you have to channel all of your energy into your strength. Including pain. (Phoebe gets up. Cole reaches out to help her.)", "Phoebe: Let go of me. I can do it.", "Cole: I don't want anything to happen to you. (She rests her head on Cole's chest for a moment.)", "Phoebe: Let's go. I'm ready. (They resume fighting.)", "[Scene: Outside in a Garden. An-Ling is talking to her father.]", "An-Ling: I need to stay here. Protect you from Yen-Lo.", "Zen Master: You cannot protect me from him. Not where he's gone. Only the dragon blade can stop him now. Take this to Master Kwan. He is an old friend. He will understand. (He hands her a note.)", "An-Ling: But what is Yen-Lo finds you first?", "Zen Master: Then you will become master and you'll know what to do. An-Ling, I did not pass over Yen-Lo because you were my daughter. I did so because you are the superior student. Now hurry, before he comes back. I'll follow you in the shadows. Go. (An-Ling leaves and Yen-Lo's face appears in a pool of water.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige is working on a potion.]", "Paige: Next up, some powered toadstool. Bam! (Paige throws in the powder and claps.) Let's kick it up one more notch. (Leo enters.)", "Leo: Whoa, what-what are you doing?", "Paige: You know, just preparing for the Source.", "Leo: Oh, is he coming over for dinner?", "Paige: No, Piper's got me mixing potions. Why, I don't know. Phoebe gets to fight. Phoebe gets to levitate. I - I get to cook. (Leo gets a bottle of water out of the fridge.)", "Leo: Well, you know your sister's active powers took a long time to develop. And, uh, Phoebe's been studying martial arts for years.", "Paige: Yeah, but we're magic. We should be able to skip over all that crap.", "Leo: Well, there are no shortcuts. Even with magic. Anyway, you're half White-Lighter which means you're half pacifist. You may never develop the power to fight like Phoebe. And, uh, you might want to check your potion. It's bubbling over. (Leo leaves.)", "Paige: Just once, I'd like to know what it's like to be Phoebe and be able to kick some serious ass. Bam! (Paige puts the last ingredient and the potion explodes. Paige's soul leaves her body and she collapses.)", "[Cut to basement. Phoebe collapses. Phoebe's soul leaves and Paige's enters.]", "Phoebe/Paige: How did I get down here?", "Cole: Never drop your guard. (Cole goes to hand her a sword and she runs away from him, hiding behind the punch bag.) What is wrong with you, Phoebe?", "Phoebe/Paige: What did you just call me?", "Cole: Well, you really took a shot if you can't remember you're name. (Phoebe/Paige looks down to see who she is and gasps.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Oh, no. (She plays with some of her hair.) I am so screwed and so frosted.", "Cole: Are you okay?", "Phoebe/Paige: No. I mean... yes. Just wait here.", "Cole: I told you, no unscheduled breaks during training. (Phoebe/Paige heads upstairs.)", "Phoebe/Paige: I am training. I'm doing stairs.", "[Cut to kitchen. Paige/Phoebe starts to wake up and groans a little.]", "Phoebe/Paige: Oh, I don't look so good.", "Paige/Phoebe: What's going on? (She sees Phoebe/Paige and gasps.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Don't worry, Phoebe. It's me, Paige. We switched bodies.", "Paige/Phoebe: What? What did you do?", "Phoebe/Paige: Why do automatically assume it was something that I did?", "Paige/Phoebe: Paige!", "Phoebe/Paige: All right, all right. I did it, but it was an accident. I swear. I just wanted to know what it was like to be you and somehow the potion I was working on just sort of blew up.", "Paige/Phoebe: You wanted to be me? Are you crazy? Okay. Okay. We gotta fix this. What ingredients did you use?", "Phoebe/Paige: I'm not sure. Just please don't tell Piper. She already thinks I'm a screw-up as it is.", "Paige/Phoebe: Hello! Paige, we are in each other's bodies. I think Piper is the least of our problems. (Phoebe/Paige pouts.) Okay, fine. I won't tell her. Now wipe that look off my face. (Phoebe/Paige smiles.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Thanks. God, this top is tight.", "Paige/Phoebe: Yeah, but it sure looks great. (Cole enters.)", "Cole: So, ready to get back at it?", "Paige/Phoebe: Yeah, just a minute sweetie.", "Cole: Not you. Phoebe.", "Phoebe/Paige: Uh, sure, sugar. Whatever you say. Lets go work up a sweat. (Phoebe/Paige begins to go downstairs, but Paige/Phoebe stops him.)", "Paige/Phoebe: Uh, just a minute. Actually, Phoebe has to stay with me. She has to help me, uh, with the potion. It blew up in my face.", "Cole: Is that true? (Both girls nod.) So let me ask you something, Phoebe. Um, why did you ask me to train you? I mean, why are we wasting our time?", "Paige/Phoebe: You're not wasting your time, Cole. Phoebe told me how much she's learning-", "Cole: I'm sorry, Paige. This is between me and Phoebe. If it's more important for you to help out in the kitchen than to train for the Source, then you don't have what it takes to vanquish him. So, please let me know when that changes. (Cole shimmers out.)", "Paige/Phoebe: If we don't fix this soon, I am going to perm your hair.", "[Scene: A Herb Shop in Chinatown. Piper enters the store. An-Ling is arguing with the man at the counter.]", "An-Ling: Please, just listen to me. You have no idea how important this is to me.", "Man: Come back later.", "An-Ling: If I could come back later, I would, but I can't. I need it now.", "Man: That dagger is a family heirloom. It's not for sale.", "Piper: Excuse me. Do you have any wormwood? (He's about to go find it.)", "An-Ling: You don't understand. I don't want to buy it. It's all right here in the note.", "Man: I don't read Chinese.", "Piper: Uh, wormwood. (He's about to go find it.)", "An-Ling: You have to help me. My father needs the dragon blade. He said your father would-", "Man: My father is out of town until Tuesday. You'll have to come back then. Excuse me, I have customers.", "Piper: Yes. Hi. Thank you. Hi. I need a sprig of wormwood, preferably small stemmed. (An-Ling jumps up onto the wall and takes the dragon blade.)", "Man: Hey! (Piper tries to freeze the scene, but An-Ling doesn't freeze and jumps through the window. Piper follows.)", "Piper: Hey! (Piper causes some boxes in the alley to explode in front of An-Ling.)", "An-Ling: Who are you? (The Zen Master appears. Yen-Lo appears in a puddle.)", "Zen Master: An-Ling!", "An-Ling: I have it, father. (Yen-Lo appears out of a puddle of water and stabs the Zen Master.) No!", "Yen-Lo: Like I said, we're just getting started.", "An-Ling: Father! (They disappear into the puddle of water.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene Manor. Living room. An-Ling is talking to Piper and Leo. There are two teacups on the coffee table.]", "An-Ling: Yen-Lo was a powerful disciple, but he used my father's teachings for evil. That's why my father passed him over for master. And because he did, Yen-Lo swore vengeance on him.", "Leo: But didn't you say you stabbed Yen-Lo when he first attacked?", "An-Ling: Yes, but he used his knowledge of the teachings to escape before he died.", "Piper: Escape where?", "An-Ling: To a place where souls pass on their way to reincarnation. It's a mystical region between life and death. (Piper looks at Leo for help.)", "Leo: Limbo.", "An-Ling: Yen-Lo somehow figured out a way to hide out there.", "Piper: But if you stabbed him-", "Leo: Metaphysical and magical laws are amplified in limbo. As long as he stays there his wound will never advance. He can literally cheat death forever.", "An-Ling: That's why I took the dragon blade. It has the power to trap human souls. (Piper picks up the dragon blade.)Now it's the only way to save my father.", "Piper: You think he's still alive?", "An-Ling: Yen-Lo just doesn't want to kill my father. He wants to punish him. Holding him in limbo does that. It keeps his soul from being reborn. (Piper puts the dragon blade down.)", "Piper: Do you know how to, uh, get to this limbo?", "An-Ling: No, I never mastered that skill.", "Piper: Well, then we'll have to figure out our own way.", "Phoebe! Paige!", "An-Ling: I can't let you do that. I know you're powerful witches, but I can't put you in danger. Yen-Lo will be coming for me next. (Paige/Phoebe and Phoebe/Paige enter from the kitchen.)", "Piper: All the more reason you should be here where it's safe. (She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.)", "An-Ling: No place is safe from Yen-Lo. He can use any surface of water as a portal.", "Leo: Maybe, but he can only stay in our world for short periods. Otherwise, his wound will ultimately kill him. (Phoebe/Paige and Paige/Phoebe go behind Leo.)", "Paige/Phoebe: You called. (An-Ling and Piper stand up.)", "Piper: Um, this is An-Ling.", "Phoebe/Paige: Hi, I'm Paige. (Everyone looks at her curiously.) I mean, Paige's older sister Phoebe. This is Paige.", "Paige/Phoebe: Howdy. Hi. Paige here.", "Piper: Um, okay. We've got a water loving demon, so Phoebe can you take Paige to the water main. It takes two to turn off that rusty valve.", "Phoebe/Paige: Water main. Right. (Phoebe/Paige goes off in the wrong direction. However, Paige/Phoebe pulls her in the right direction and nervously laughs. They leave.)", "Piper: Okay, Book of Shadows. There's got to be another way to get into limbo. (Leo gets up and he and Piper head for the attic.)", "[Scene: Limbo. Yen-Lo is standing in front of the Zen Master who is tied to a tree.]", "Yen-Lo: It's amazing how our wounds stop bleeding down here, isn't it? (Yen-Lo presses the Zen Master's wound.) See! It doesn't even hurt.", "Zen Master: This place was not meant for us to stay, Yen-Lo.", "Yen-Lo: Tell me about it. I always the entrance to reincarnation to be a nice river or even pearly gates. The last thing I expected to see was a big, sucking hole.", "Zen Master: It's never too late for redemption. If you enter that vortex, you'll cleanse your soul. Start life fresh.", "Yen-Lo: Yeah, as a tapeworm or maybe even a dung beetle. I know how karma works. Besides, I've worked too hard in this life to give it all up now.", "Zen Master: You're evil, Yen-Lo. You have nothing in this life.", "Yen-Lo: I have you! Which means now your student reject has a purpose. I figure why stop with just one Zen Master when I can rid the world of two or twenty or a hundred. All their wisdom and magic lost forever in Limbo. Now that's evil. (He lets out an evil chuckle.)", "Zen Master: And have I not taught you that you can never escape your karma. No one can.", "Yen-Lo: But then again, nobody's ever escaped from Limbo before, have they?", "Zen Master: How did you do it? I see no water as a portal to return to Earth.", "Yen-Lo: I was worried about that at first. But then I remembered that every cloud has a nice wet, watery lining. (He jumps in the air and floats.) Well, I'm off to find your daughter and kill her. Wish me luck. (He levitates out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Basement. Phoebe/Paige and Paige/Phoebe are trying to shut off the water main.]", "Phoebe/Paige: Careful, don't break my nails.", "Paige/Phoebe: Forget your nails. You almost got us busted. Next time just smile and nod when we're together.", "Phoebe/Paige: Well that might work with Piper, but what about this demon that's on the loose. (Phoebe/Paige sucks on a lollipop as they have shut off the water main.)", "Paige/Phoebe: You're right. We may have to fight. Can you levitate?", "Phoebe/Paige: I haven't tried.", "Paige/Phoebe: There - levitate and kick, but first could you loose the lollipop. My teeth have enough cavities.", "Phoebe/Paige: Oh, sorry. Nervous habit. (She puts the lollipop down and tries to levitate and kick the punching bag, but falls.)", "Paige/Phoebe: Oh my god. You are so bad for my image. (Phoebe/Paige sits up.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Oh, Piper is never going to trust me with magic again. (Paige/Phoebe comes over to her.)", "Paige/Phoebe: Piper won't find out anything as long as we reverse the potion. (Phoebe/Paige stands up.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Well, I think I figured out how to mix a new batch, but we're all out of powdered toadstool.", "Paige/Phoebe: I know where to get some. You stay here. Avoid Piper at all costs and practice my power, you may need it. (Phoebe/Paige turns around and sighs as Paige/Phoebe leaves.)", "[Cut to foyer. The doorbell rings and Paige/Phoebe answers it. Mr. Cowan's son, Mason, at the door.]", "Paige/Phoebe: Can I help you? (Mason laughs a little.)", "Mason: Sense of humor. I really like that in a girl. So you ready to go, Paige?", "Paige/Phoebe: Paige. Uh- (Phoebe/Paige comes up behind them with her lollipop.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Mason, hi. How are you?", "Mason: I'm fine. Do I know you?", "Phoebe/Paige: No, no. But I know you. At least I feel like I know you seeing as how Paige can't stop talking about you, Mason the boss's son. He's as cute as you said he was.", "Paige/Phoebe: Well, uh, nice to see you. Bye. (She begins to close the door, but Mason stops her.)", "Phoebe/Paige: No, wait! Aren't you guys going for dinner?", "Mason: Yeah, is Italian okay?", "Phoebe/Paige: Chinese. You must have Chinese. Chinatown Chinese, even better.", "Mason: That's--That's cool.", "Paige/Phoebe: Okay. (Phoebe/Paige gives Paige/Phoebe her coat.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Okay, so you two kids have fun. And keep my face out of the sun. (Paige/Phoebe gives her a look before she and Mason leave. Piper comes down the stairs.)", "Piper: Who was at the door?", "Phoebe/Paige: Um, just Paige's date.", "Piper: She's still going on her date? (Phoebe/Paige shrugs.)", "Ugh. What's with the lollipop?", "Phoebe/Paige: Paige sort of got me into them.", "Piper: Phoebe, I gotta be honest. I'm really starting to worry about her.", "Phoebe/Paige: Why? What's wrong with Paige?", "Piper: Well, first of all she made me realize I hate being the big sister. And it's suddenly my responsibility to teach her how to be a witch. And she doesn't listen to me.", "Phoebe/Paige: Oh, she listens... sometimes.", "Piper: Really? Cause she's got me fooled. And you know what, it's a shame because she might actually have a lot of potential.", "Phoebe/Paige: Really?", "Piper: But the problem is, I don't think she cares, about anything.", "Phoebe/Paige: Oh, no. She cares. I know she does. You just have to give her a chance. I think Paige is the kind of person that needs to learn from her mistakes. And believe me, she's learning fast.", "Piper: Mm-hmm. (Piper heads off. Phoebe/Paige sighs and puts the lollipop in her mouth.)", "[Scene: The Herb Shop in Chinatown. Paige/Phoebe and Mason enter and Paige/Phoebe starts looking around. He sees a jar of squids.]", "Mason: Uh, hmm. What is this place? (Paige/Phoebe sighs.)", "Paige/Phoebe: I just gotta find some powdered toadstool. Ah, here it is. (She takes a bag out of a basket.)", "Mason: Okay, I-I gotta warn you. I'm not into the whole herbal scene.", "Paige/Phoebe: Oh, neither is Paige, I don't think.", "Mason: You always talk about yourself in the third person like that?", "Paige/Phoebe: It's kind of a character flaw of mine.", "Mason: So what's the toadstool for?", "Paige/Phoebe: It's an aphrodisiac. (She heads over to the counter.)", "Mason: Really? My Dad was right. He said you were, uh, unique. I believe is the word he used.", "Paige/Phoebe: Oh, yeah? What else did he say about me?", "Mason: He said that if he doesn't hurry up and make a social worker, you'll probably quit and start your own agency. That or end up in jail. He wasn't sure which.", "Paige/Phoebe: Sounds like me at that age. (She pays a man for the powdered toadstool.)", "Mason: You lost me again.", "Paige/Phoebe: I'm not showing you a very good time. Am I?", "Mason: Well, I don't know. I mean we're in Chinatown shopping for a sexual stimulant. I'm surrounded by chicken claws and goat brains. I haven't this much fun in a long time.", "Paige/Phoebe: Come to think of it, neither have I. My boyfriend's not really big on the fun factor lately.", "Mason: Your boyfriend?", "Paige/Phoebe: Ex-boyfriend. (Thunder claps outside.) Uh-oh. Yen-Lo.", "Mason: Uh, what's that? Another aphrodisiac?", "Paige/Phoebe: I gotta go. (Paige/Phoebe leaves Mason in the store.)", "[Scene: Manor. Basement. Phoebe/Paige is trying to levitate, but failing. Cole shimmers in behind her. she jumps again and fails.]", "Cole: What are you doing?", "Phoebe/Paige: Uh, just some exercises. Levitating exercises.", "Cole: So you've decided to make training you're priority?", "Phoebe/Paige: Yes, absolutely.", "Cole: Good. We'll pick up where we left off.", "Phoebe/Paige: Right. Cool.", "Cole: I'll throw a couple of low voltage energy balls at you. You just try to avoid them.", "Phoebe/Paige: Energy balls? (Cole throws an energy ball and hits Phoebe/Paige in the shoulder.) Oh! (Cole throws her one on the butt.) Ah! Okay, now that's just rude. I am not having fun.", "Cole: Fighting the Source isn't supposed to be fun.", "Phoebe/Paige: That's it, pal. You are not the Source and you do not treat your girlfriend this way. Murderers, demons, phone solicitors maybe, but not your girlfriend.", "Cole: What's gotten into you? (Cole walks up to her.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Paige! I mean... I told Paige how you've been treating me and she just thinks you're way out line, buddy.", "Cole: Phoebe, you're the most important thing in my life. If I don't push you hard, I will lose you.", "Phoebe/Paige: You keep pushing her that way, and you'll push her right out the door.", "Cole: What do you mean her?", "Phoebe/Paige: I meant me.", "Cole: You said her.", "Phoebe/Paige: Did I? Well, it's I'm just - I'm very angry. You know? Because, well you tore my jog bra and now I just - I have to go change. (Phoebe/Paige leaves.)", "[Cut to Attic. It's raining outside and water is leaking in through the window. Piper and Leo are looking in the Book of Shadows. An-Ling is sitting down, looking in a bowl of water.]", "Piper: There is actually nothing in here on how to reach Limbo. (Leo goes over to An-Ling.)", "Leo: Should you have that water up here? I mean what if Yen-Lo uses that as a portal.", "An-Ling: It's okay. The surface is too small for him to enter.", "Piper: So, what are you doing? (Piper goes over to them.)", "An-Ling: My father could use water as a looking glass into other worlds. Once when I was young, he reached into a bowl of water and picked me a plum from the Garden of Eden.", "Leo: Can you see your father now?", "An-Ling: No. I only see water. (She puts the bowl down.) I wish he were here. He'd know what to do.", "Leo: I better go check with the Elders. Maybe they can help us reach Limbo. (Leo orbs out.)", "An-Ling: Sometimes I think Yen-Lo was right. My father made the wrong choice. Yen-Lo was always the better student.", "Piper: Oh, I doubt that. (She sits down in front of An-Ling.) You beat him in battle.", "An-Ling: But I didn't kill him. I made him stronger. Strong enough to remove my father's magic and wisdom from the world. I don't feel worthy of following in his footsteps.", "Piper: I understand. I recently lost my big sister who was pretty good at just about everything she did. Very tough shoes to fill.", "An-Ling: Where did you find the strength?", "Piper: I haven't yet, but I'll let you know when I do. (She looks at the window.) Come on. With all this rain, we have to protect the house from Yen-Lo. (They leave the attic. Yen-Lo appears from puddle of water leaked in from one of the windows.)", "[Cut to Foyer. Yen-Lo comes down the stairs. He pauses and hides as Paige/Phoebe enters the house and puts down her bag on the table. She takes off her coat and hat, then heads for the living room. Cole comes to meet Paige/Phoebe.]", "Paige/Phoebe: Cole! You scared me.", "Cole: Sorry. I didn't mean to. With the rain outside and everyone on Yen-Lo alert. (Paige/Phoebe puts her coat on the coat rack.)", "Paige/Phoebe: Yeah, Yen-Lo. That's why I rushed home.", "Cole: You're chilled. Here put this on. (He offers her his jacket.)", "Paige/Phoebe: Uh, you keep it. (He pins her to the wall.)", "Cole: I'm sorry. Am I making you feel... uncomfortable?", "Paige/Phoebe: No, of course not. I was just wondering what \"Phoebe\" would think about this. (Yen-Lo leaves.)", "Cole: Phoebe?", "Paige/Phoebe: Uh, yeah. Your girlfriend, Phoebe. Remember?", "Cole: Yes, see, the problem with Phoebe is she's so obsessed with training, she's not interested in - romance anymore.", "Paige/Phoebe: That's not true. I - I mean, she-", "Cole: You on the other hand, strike me as being full of passion. Desire. I miss that.", "Paige/Phoebe: I gotta go. (He kisses her. Phoebe/Paige walks down the stairs.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Hey! (Paige/Phoebe flips Cole over. Phoebe/Paige goes over to her.)", "Paige/Phoebe: How could you do this to me? (Cole puts up his hands innocently.)", "Cole: Oh, come on. I'm just trying to have a little fun, Phoebe. Isn't that what you were complaining about me not doing?", "Paige/Phoebe: Yeah, but I never meant for... did you just call me Phoebe?", "Cole: Would you rather I kissed her? (He stands up.)", "Paige/Phoebe: No.", "Phoebe/Paige: You know? How do you know?", "Cole: Well, for one thing you suck at levitating. And for another, you set me straight about the way I've been treating the real Phoebe as only a sister could.", "Paige/Phoebe: You did?", "Phoebe/Paige: Someone had to.", "Cole: Okay, I'm going to go. Let you guys work this out. When you're yourself again, give me a call. (He smacks her on the but lightly.)", "Paige/Phoebe: Unh. Oh.", "Cole: We'll have some fun. (Phoebe/Paige looks away slightly in disgust. He shimmers out.)", "Paige/Phoebe: Okay, we've got to get back into our own bodies. I am even getting confused.", "An-Ling: (from kitchen) Piper, look out!", "[Cut to kitchen. Yen-Lo is attacking Piper and An-Ling. He kicks Piper on the table, breaking it. She screams. Phoebe/Paige and Paige/Phoebe enter. An-Ling takes out the Dragon blade].", "Yen-Lo: The dragon blade? (He attacks and cuts An-Ling. Phoebe/Paige and Paige/Phoebe enter)", "Piper: Phoebe, stop him! (Yen-Lo cuts An-Ling and she drops the dragon bladePhoebe/Paige levitates and starts spinning in a circle. Yen-Lo takes the dragon blade and escapes through the dishwater in the sink. Paige/Phoebe pulls Phoebe/Paige down.) Leo! (Leo orbs in.) An-Ling's hurt. (She points at Paige/Phoebe and Phoebe/Paige.) You two, follow me! (Leo heals An-Ling as the sisters leave.)", "Leo: Easy.", "[Cut to conservatory. Piper enters with her sisters behind her.]", "Piper: All right! What the hell is going on?", "Paige/Phoebe: I was soaking some potion pots in the sink and I forgot to drain them.", "Piper: That is not what I mean. I smell something witchy. Phoebe, what is wrong with your powers? (Phoebe/Paige doesn't answer.) Phoebe?", "Paige/Phoebe: I'm over here.", "Phoebe/Paige: Don't get mad at her. This is all my fault.", "Paige/Phoebe: Yeah, but Paige, I agreed to keep it secret.", "Phoebe/Paige: Yeah, but I was the one that messed up the potion. I wasn't concentrating. I just guessed.", "Piper: Oh, my god! You guys switched bodies! Are you out of your minds? What-with everything we have going on, you pull a stunt like this?", "Paige/Phoebe: It was an accident.", "Piper: Accidents like that get people killed. We could have lost an innocent in there. What if it wasn't Yen-Lo? What if it was the Source that broke in? You could have gotten us all killed! Now we've lost our shot at Yen-Lo. We have no idea how to get to Limbo. (She thinks for a moment.) Wait a minute. Do, you remember what you put in that potion to switch bodies? (She points at Phoebe/Paige.)", "Phoebe/Paige: Phoebe just picked up the ingredient we were missing.", "Piper: Good. Let's go.", "[Time lapse. Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Leo, and An-Ling are watching Phoebe/Paige and Paige/Phoebe put together the potion. Piper looks at Paige/Phoebe.]", "Piper: All right, what else did you (She looks at Phoebe/Paige.) I mean you, put in this.", "Phoebe/Paige: Just the powdered toadstool.", "Piper: All right soul sisters, back in your own bodies.", "Phoebe & Paige: I want to be me again. (Phoebe throw in the powered toadstool and they switch back. The others wait anxiously.)", "Phoebe: Oh, it's nice to see you Paige.", "Paige: It's nice to bee seen, Phoebe. My god, what did you have for dinner?", "Phoebe: Kung Pao Chicken. Sorry.", "Piper: Okay. Not to cut this reunion short, but we don't have a lot of time. So the only person who knows how to enter Limbo is in Limbo himself. And since we can't get him to An-Ling's father down there, my plan is to bring him up here. Or at least his soul.", "Leo: Wait, you want to swap souls with An-Ling's father?", "Piper: He's the only one who knows how to get in. Besides, it's the best way to surprise Yen-Lo.", "Leo: It's too risky. There's gotta be another way.", "Piper: Did the Elders have any other ideas?", "Leo: No.", "Piper: Then there's not. Okay. (She takes the powdered toadstool from Phoebe.) I want to be the Zen Master. (She throws the powdered toadstool in the potion and switches souls with the Zen Master.)", "Piper/Zen Master: You have a very brave sister.", "An-Ling: Father?", "Piper/Zen Master: Yes, An-Ling I'm here. We don't have much time. Where is the dragon blade?", "An-Ling: I used it to fight Yen-Lo, but he knocked it out of my hands. Phoebe, did you pick it up?", "Phoebe: No. Paige?", "Paige: I haven't seen it.", "Piper/Zen Master: Then who has the dragon blade?", "[Cut to Limbo. Yen-Lo has the dragon blade. Piper wakes up in the Zen Master's body, tied to a tree.]", "Yen-Lo: What happened old man?", "Zen Master/Piper: I don't know. What happened?", "Yen-Lo: I was telling you how I stole the dragon blade from your useless daughter when you blacked out.", "Zen Master/Piper: I did? I mean, I did. If you say so.", "Yen-Lo: Who are you? (He holds the dragon blade to his neck.)", "Zen Master/Piper: I am one with the universe. (Yen-Lo laughs.)", "Yen-Lo: You think you can fool me? I was his disciple for twenty years. (He takes the blade down.) An-Ling doesn't have the power to switch souls. So you must be one of the witches, which means An-Ling and her father will come to rescue you. The question is how are they going to get your soul back when I've got it. (He captures Piper's soul in the dragon blade.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige come with Leo bring the dragon blade's sheath to An-Ling and Piper's body inhabited by the Zen Master.]", "Phoebe: This is all we could find.", "Piper/Zen Master: Then Yen-Lo must have the dragon blade. (Piper/Zen Master waves her hand over a puddle and sees inside of Limbo.) And used it to capture your sister's soul.", "Leo: What does that mean? How do we get Piper back?", "An-Ling: We need to get the dragon blade away from Yen-Lo.", "Phoebe: Okay, so what are we waiting for? Show us the way.", "An-Ling: I should go alone. Piper did this for me to save my father's life. (Piper/Zen Master looks at An-Ling curiously.)", "Paige: No, she's our sister. We'll all go.", "Piper/Zen Master: Is that what you were fighting to save? My life?", "An-Ling: Of course, father. When we bring you back their whitelighter can heal your wound. He's a miracle worker. I've seen him.", "Piper/Zen Master: You are right. We should all go, but it is a different realm down there with new rules. Yen-Lo has had time to learn and adjust.", "Leo: Fine, then let's go.", "Piper/Zen Master: If you go, you risk being pulled into the vortex. Who would heal our injuries?", "Phoebe: He is right, Leo. You should stay here. (Piper/Zen Master goes in. An-Ling jumps in.) Okay, here goes nothing. (Phoebe, then Paige jump into the puddle of water.)", "[Scene: Limbo. Piper/Zen Master, An-Ling, Phoebe, and Paige enter Limbo.]", "Phoebe: Piper! (The two sisters go over to the Zen Master's body.)", "Paige: The dragon blade. Where is it?", "Piper/Zen Master: Quiet.", "Phoebe: Look out! (Yen-Lo attacks. Piper/Zen Master is killed to the edge of the vortex.)", "An-Ling: Father! (She goes to save Piper/Zen Master.)", "Yen-Lo: Welcome to my turf.", "Paige: Look! Yen-Lo's belt. (She points to the dragon blade and it orbs into her hand.) I didn't even call for it. It just happened.", "Phoebe: Our powers must be expanded here. You get Piper's soul out of the dragon blade. I'm going to keep Yen-Lo busy. (Phoebe goes to Yen-Lo.)", "Yen-Lo: Oh, it's you... black belt Barbie.", "Phoebe: You're going to sorry you said that. (She levitates and kicks Yen-Lo up to a rocky mountain. He drops his sword.)", "Paige: Phoebe, what do I do?", "Phoebe: Uh, I don't know. Use your powers, orb her soul. (Paige orbs her soul out. Phoebe jumps up to Yen-Lo and they fight.)", "Paige: Now what?", "Phoebe: Put it back in the body. (Paige puts Piper's soul back in the Zen Master's body.)", "Zen Master/Piper: Thanks for the lift. Untie me. (She does.)", "Paige: We've got to do something.", "Zen Master/Piper: What? I don't have the power in this body. (Phoebe drops to the ground.)", "Phoebe: Oh, my ankle. I think it's twisted. I need a time out. (Yen-Lo jumps down.)", "Yen-Lo: A time out? This will be easier than I thought.", "Phoebe: For me too. Paige! (Paige orbs her the dragon blade and Phoebe captures Yen-Lo's soul. Limbo changes into a beautiful garden and the vortex turns into a cloud-like vortex.)", "Paige: Oh my god, it's so beautiful. What happened?", "Piper: Beats the hell out of me. (She walks over to them.)", "Phoebe: Piper?", "Piper: Hello! (Zen-Master and An-Ling joins them.)", "Zen Master: The natural order of things has been restored. Including our souls.", "Piper: But how?", "Zen Master: This was all a reflection on Yen-Lo's fears. Of a man afraid of crossing over. In truth, this is a peaceful place. Welcoming.", "An-Ling: We need to get you home and heal your wound.", "Zen Master: No. I was mortally wounded. It is my time to die, to be reborn.", "An-Ling: Their whitelighter can heal.", "Zen Master: An-Ling, you know better than to cling to the physical world. The way you clung to my hand on the bridge.", "An-Ling: But you're my father.", "Zen Master: I'm no great or less than anyone facing death. That's the only lesson that keeps you from being a true Zen Master. Death is a part of life. A transition, a rebirth, something that your young friends here have learned recently. (Phoebe hands the Zen Master the dragon blade.) Yes, Yen-Lo must be reborn too. It is the natural order of things. (He starts to head towards the vortex, but his daughter stops him.)", "An-Ling: I love you.", "Zen Master: And I'll always love you, An-ling. (The Zen Master walks with the dragon blade through the portal. He disappears on the other side.)", "Paige: Does anyone know how to leave here?", "An-Ling: I think I know how to do it now. (They all join hands in a circle and An-Ling and Phoebe levitate them up.)", "[Scene: A San Francisco Park. Piper and Paige are walking down the lane of herbs.]", "Paige: Aloe plant: medical uses. Toro herbs: magical herb. St. John's Wart: Medicinal herb. Ragged robin: magical herb. Cupid's Dart: Strictly aromatic.", "Piper: And that one? (She points to an herb.)", "Paige: That is Angelica.", "Piper: And it's use?", "Paige: Um, I think it's used mostly to flavor fish. (They walk to Leo and Phoebe sitting on a blanket.)", "Piper: She got every answer right. (Paige slightly bows.)", "Phoebe: Yeah!", "Leo: So, uh, what inspired the turn around? (Piper and Paige sit down.)", "Paige: Well, I kind of liked the power boost I had in Limbo so it kind of made want to work harder faster.", "Phoebe: Uh, don't be in too big a hurry. Trust me, you want to fight like hell to keep life separate from magic.", "Piper: Here, here.", "Phoebe: And having a guy around like Mason is not such a bad thing.", "Paige: Oh, you liked him?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: Yeah. That's too bad. He canceled on me for tonight. He said I was trying too hard and that I was not comfortable in my own skin.", "Leo: So much for impressing the boss, huh?", "Paige: Well, I can take comfort in the fact that he canceled on Phoebe and not me. (She laughs a little.)", "Phoebe: Hey! (She throws a little bit of food at Paige. Cole shimmers in.)", "Leo: Well, here comes your personal trainer from hell.", "Piper: Literally.", "Phoebe: Oh, gotta go. (Phoebe goes over to Cole.) Hi! (She's about to hug him.)", "Cole: Wait a minute. Who are you? (Phoebe kisses him.) Oh, I know... Paige.", "Phoebe: Uh! (She laughs a little.) So what's on our training schedule for today? Light sabers?", "Cole: Actually, I was thinking maybe we could have a private picnic of our own.", "Phoebe: But what about training? I have to be ready for the Source.", "Cole: I know, but not right now. Right now, I was thinking I could take you to this great little picnic spot in, uh, the south of France.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Cole: Really. (They shimmer out.)" ]
Enter the Demon
Alien Stalker
[ "Paige starts having a bad feeling about a nearby house but is less than happy when Piper and Phoebe are hesitant to go investigate it. Later, with Leo's help, Paige is able to get Phoebe to go investigate - where Phoebe ultimately gets kidnapped and shrunken into a figurine by a demon called Gammill. When he discovers that his latest victim is a Charmed One, Gammill sets his sights on kidnapping Piper and Paige. Meanwhile, Piper decides to hire a concert promoter for P3, and when he starts making drastic changes, things do go as she hoped." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Piper is talking to the new manager.]", "Man: White gauze curtains would give this place some flair. You know what I'm saying? Then we'll take out these tables over here. Replace them with mounds of pillows so people can lay back and get comfortable. You look worried, baby girl.", "Piper: We – uh – Treat. I know I gave you the authority to make some changes in the club, but I thought they would happen gradually. You know, I don't want to shock the regulars.", "Treat: Well, I do. All right? You're place seems too safe. Now do you trust me? Do you trust the number one club promoter in all of San Francisco?", "Piper: Yes, of course", "Treat: Good. All right, guys. Rip it all out! (Phoebe enters.)", "Phoebe: Wait a minute! What's going on? That's our table? Who told them that they could rip out our table?", "Treat: I did.", "Phoebe: And who are you?", "Piper: Phoebe, this is Treat Taylor. He's the new manager of P3.", "Phoebe: I-I-I'm sorry. The new what?", "Piper: I just hired him on a trial basis.", "Phoebe: Well, isn't that interesting. I need to talk to you. (Phoebe pulls Piper to the side.)", "Piper: You look worried, baby girl.", "Phoebe: Well, why didn't you tell about this?", "Piper: It just happened yesterday. Which is why I asked you to come down here today.", "Phoebe: We said we weren't going to do this.", "Piper: Uh, do what?", "Phoebe: Make any major changes in our lives. All the books caution against it. After you've suffered a major loss. Do not sell the house. Do not get married. Do not quit your job.", "Piper: Okay, but like it or not, there's been a lot of changes lately, and this is hardly the biggest. (They see Paige.)", "Phoebe: Oh, speak of the devil/whitelighter/witch. (Paige walks up to them.)", "Paige: Hi, guys.", "Phoebe: Hi!", "Paige: I hope I'm not interrupting.", "Phoebe: No, no we were just talking.", "Paige: Well, I have a quick question, but it can wait. Continue.", "Piper: I was just explaining to Phoebe that the changes I'm making in the club are not by choice. They are by necessity. Okay? P3 has been struggling a little lately and we are now a single salary household.", "Phoebe: Oh, we don't have to be. I--I can get a job.", "Piper: Uh-huh. And if you could get a part-time entry level job that pays you about two hundred grand a year that would really make a difference. Otherwise, I'd rather you be free for other work.", "Paige: About that other work.", "Phoebe: But it's not fair. You shouldn't carry the financial burden.", "Piper: I will worry about the source of our income if you worry about the source of all evil.", "Paige: Speaking of evil--", "Piper: Besides, what kind of job would you get?", "Phoebe: I am a college grad. I am sure I could find something.", "Paige: I found something.", "Piper: Okay, Paige. What is it?", "Paige: Okay, have you guys ever walked by a house and just, uh, got a really bad creepy feeling from it? Okay, on my way to get coffee every morning I walk by this house and I get... this shiver.", "Phoebe: A shiver?", "Paige: Does it mean anything?", "Piper: It's a shiver.", "Paige: No, I've always just dismissed it as a bad case of the creeps, but now that I'm a witch... I don't know. I think it might be something supernatural.", "Phoebe: Well, do you know anything about the house?", "Paige: Just that this cute guy named Finn lives there. We bumped into each other at the grocery store. Flirted a little. Done the are these melons ripe thing, okay.", "Piper: Well, that sounds like you have the hots not the creeps.", "Paige: Well –", "Phoebe: Either way, I think it's a good idea that you stay away from this Finn guy.", "Paige: No, I don't get the shiver from him. Just the house. I think I'm on to something.", "Piper: I really think that when you've been a witch for a few months, you'll know the difference between sensing evil and needing a warmer jacket.", "Paige: So you don't want to check it out?", "Piper: Not any time soon. (She leaves.)", "Paige: Phoebe, I'm not making this up.", "Phoebe: Oh, I know you're not sweetie. But you got to admit, it's not a lot to go on. I gotta run. I'll call you later.", "Paige: Okay.", "Phoebe: Okay. Stay away from that Finn guy.", "[Scene: Finn's house. He drives into the driveway with a woman on his motorcycle.]", "Woman: Geez, Finn. You live here.", "Finn: It needs some work. Okay, it needs a lot of work, but it's nicer inside. I'll show you.", "Woman: I must be out of my mind.", "Finn: Why?", "Woman: I don't know. Going home with a guy I just met.", "Finn: Come on. What are you afraid of? (They enter the house. Finn tries to turn on the light, but it doesn't work.) I keep meaning to get that fixed.", "Woman: It's kind of dark in here, Finn.", "Finn: You're a little old to be scared of the dark, aren't you? Maybe I should go check the circuit breaker.", "Woman: Wait, don't go.", "Finn: It's okay. (He leaves and the demon watches the woman from behind a hole in the wall.)", "Woman: Who's there? (The demon, Gammill, uses his wand to shrink her as she screams.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Finn's house. Gammill sharpens tools and decorates a small figurine.]", "[Cut to outside. Paige watches Finn leave on his motorcycle.]", "[Scene: Office. Phoebe's there, sitting in a chair, at a job interview.]", "Woman: If I'm reading this correctly, you were 27 years old when you finished college.", "Phoebe: Yes. I just graduated last spring.", "Woman: Well, that certainly took awhile.", "Phoebe: Oh, I had to take a break after my freshman year. Personal reasons.", "Woman: Would you care to elaborate?", "Phoebe: Not really.", "Woman: You know during the holidays things get pretty hectic around here. We need people can handle tense situations.", "Phoebe: Oh, believe me, I am uniquely qualified to handle any kind of pressure. I battled more d customer complaints than you could possibly ever imagine.", "Woman: I see you also noted that you require a flexibe work schedule.", "Phoebe: I'll put in the hours. I promise. It's just sometimes, I may just have to leave unexpectedly.", "Woman: Would you care to elaborate?", "Phoebe: No, not really.", "Woman: I see.", "Phoebe: But it's not what you're thinking.", "Woman: How do you know what I'm thinking?", "Phoebe: I don't know what you're thinking. I just know that whatever you're thinking it's not it.", "Woman: So you're not going to tell me?", "Phoebe: No, it's just so silly. No.", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Paige enters through the front door.]", "Paige: Hello? It anybody home? (She finds Leo levitating it the living room with an orb around him.) Leo? (Leo falls.) Oh, god. Are you okay? Uh, I knocked, but nobody answered. And the door was unlocked. (Leo stands up.)", "Leo: Oh, it usually is. Otherwise, demons come crashing through and it costs a fortune to fix. If you're looking for Phoebe, she's not here. She's at a job interview.", "Paige: Actually, I was looking for you.", "Leo: Me? Why?", "Paige: Well, seeing that you're a whitelighter and I'm part whitelighter, I was hoping we could have a whitelighter to part whitelighter chat.", "Leo: Sure. Of course, sit down.", "Paige: So you have the ability to locate your charges, right?", "Leo: Sometimes.", "Paige: And if you have a sixth sense for locating good, is it possible that I have one for locating evil?", "Leo: You think you sensed evil?", "Paige: I know it sounds silly, but there's this house that I walk by and I get this really bad feeling from. The problem is that I've already discussed it with Piper and Phoebe and they've dismissed it.", "Leo: So you want me to talk to them?", "Paige: I hate to put you in the middle.", "Leo: Well, it's part of my job. Uh, I'll just talk to them when I sense their minds are in the right spot.", "Paige: Thank you. (Phoebe enters the house.)", "Phoebe: Damn it!", "Leo: Now would not be a good time. (They go over to her.)", "Phoebe: I am only going to say this once. The real world better start showing me some respect. Otherwise, I am going to saving it every week.", "Leo: What happened?", "Phoebe: I just had the worst job interview for a position that a monkey could fill. Provided that the monkey could explain why it needed flexible work hours. Why aren't you at work?", "Paige: I – It's my lunch break. I just –", "Phoebe: You're not still talking about the creepy house. Are you? Did you find out any new information?", "Leo: I think it's worth checking out.", "Phoebe: Huh. Okay. Well, let's go. I mean, it's not like I have to be at work or anything.", "Paige: Yeah, but I do. Could we meet afterwards? Like 4? I'll give you the address. I just, uh, need, uh, pen and paper. (A pen and paper orb into her hand.) I love being able to move stuff with my mind. I'll see you there later. Leo, thanks.", "Leo: Sure. (Paige leaves.)", "Phoebe: You really think she's on to something?", "Leo: Well, the important thing is that she does, so I think we should support that.", "Phoebe: Okay. Well, then I'll go change into my work clothes and head over there.", "Leo: Do you want me to go with you? I mean you don't even know what's there.", "Phoebe: Leo, please. This is what I do.", "[Scene: P3. Treat is showing Piper the new waitresses uniforms with the name The Spot on it.]", "Treat: Woo, now that's what I'm talking about.", "Piper: You're changing the name of the club?", "Treat: Man, you know that's the plan. You know?", "Piper: What's wrong with P3?", "Treat: Well, you know we polled people and most of them thought it was a parking level. I mean I don't even know what it stands for.", "Piper: It stands for Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. We are P3. We were.", "Treat: Yeah, but check this out. The new image deserves a new name. Otherwise, no one will know what it is. You know what I'm saying? But look, if you're against it. Look, I can take it all down, change things around, whatever you want me to do baby girl.", "Piper: No, it's just – it's just another change. So, uh, do what you want.", "Treat: You cool?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Treat: You cool?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Treat: You cool?", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Treat: All right.", "[Scene: Finn's house. Phoebe knocks on the door. No one answers and she starts to walk away. The door opens by itself.]", "Phoebe: Oh, come on, Phoebe. Show a little spine. (She goes into the house.) Hello? (Gammill watches Phoebe from the hole in the wall.) Anybody home?", "(Phoebe sees a collection of little dolls with looks of horror on their faces. She picks up one, gets a premonition, and drops the doll.)", "Gammill: No! (He uses his wand to shrink Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Uh-oh! (She runs away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Finn's house. Gammill is looking for Phoebe (shrunk), who is hiding under a table.]", "Gammill: Where are you? You can't have gone that far.", "Phoebe: (whispering) Leo. Leo. Oh! (The demon sees Phoebe running across the floor to the couch.)", "Gammill: I see you. (Phoebe levitates out of his reach.) Well, you little witch. We'll see how long you last. (The demon gets the vacuum cleaner.)", "Phoebe: Oh, this sucks.", "[Scene: P3. Leo and Paige orb into a secure area.]", "Paige: I can't get used to this orbing thing.", "Leo: You will. You've got in you.", "Paige: I feel like my stomach's going to come out of me. (They find Piper.)", "Leo: Uh, what's with the white gauze? It's worse than up there.", "Piper: It was Treat's idea. What are you guys doing here?", "Paige: We orbed in.", "Piper: Together?", "Paige: Yeah, well we were worried about Phoebe. She was supposed to meet me at the creepy house, but she never showed so I thought maybe she got hung up. So I went to your place--", "Piper: Um, I thought we decided not to investigate the so-called creepy house.", "Paige: Well, I know you didn't think it was anything, but Leo...", "Piper: Oh, so you went behind my back and asked Leo.", "Leo: She didn't go behind your back and I'm her whitelighter, too.", "Piper: Uh-hmm, right. Well, it's a smart thing to do as a witch, but an annoying thing to do as a sister. So what happened to Phoebe?", "Leo: I don't know. I checked my radar, but she dropped to the tiniest blip.", "Piper: And what would account for that?", "Leo: I don't know, but I don't like it.", "Piper: Well, then we should probably get over there.", "Paige: See, I told you something was going on in that house.", "Piper: Uh-huh, okay. Let's hold the congratulations till we find Phoebe. (As they are leaving the workmen break the P3 sign.)", "Leo: Piper?", "Piper: Doesn't matter. P3 doesn't exist anymore. (Paige looks at the broken sign.)", "[Scene: Finn's house. Phoebe's grabbing onto the couch for dear life. Gammill's trying to suck her into the vacuum cleaner. Finn enters.]", "Gammill: Watch out! One's loose! Shut the door. Shut it!", "Finn: What are you going to do with her when you find her?", "Gammill: Don't ask questions.", "Finn: The same thing you did with the other one? (Gammill shuts off the vacuum cleaner. Phoebe relaxes.)", "Gammill: I said don't ask questions. The other one. Still, that... that gives me an idea. (He goes and takes out the woman he shrunk earlier covered in clay.)", "Finn: Do you want me to--", "Gammill: Shh. (Phoebe sees the other girl try to say help me.)", "Finn: The door is still open.", "Gammill: Shut it! (He does.)", "[Scene: Outside Finn's House. Piper's car is there with Piper, Paige, and Leo in it.]", "Paige: There it is. See? Oh, shiver.", "Piper: Well, uh, Paige you don't have to be a super witch to know that that house is creepy.", "Leo: I saw a motorcycle in the driveway. Somebody's home.", "Piper: Okay, so I say we go up to the front door. You knock and I will freeze.", "Leo: You don't always have control over your powers. You might be blowing up an innocent.", "Piper: Okay, so how about you orb in, check out the place, and tell us what we're up against.", "Paige: I have an idea –", "Leo: Well, the problem with that is what if what we're dealing with is not supernatural. Then I've orbed into somebody's living room and we've risked exposure.", "Paige: I mean if I just –", "Piper: This is why I say we go with the freeze.", "Paige: I can get Finn out of the house.", "Piper: How?", "Paige: Well, I know the guy. I'll just go in, lure him out, and you can go in and snoop around.", "Piper: No. We can't let you go off with a potential demon. It's too dangerous. Right, Leo?", "Leo: Actually, it sounds like our best bet.", "Piper: Are you siding with Paige now?", "Leo: Hey, there's no sides. And, yes.", "Piper: Huh!", "Paige: Look, I know I'm new to magic, but the only way to change that is to allow me to get some experience.", "Piper: And I'm just trying to protect you.", "Paige: That's nice, but your protecting me may be hurting Phoebe. Look, I got her into this. Let me help get her out of it.", "Piper: Okay, fine. Go. But until we know who this Finn guy is and what he does, I do not want you alone with him. Take him to P3, or – I mean, The Spot.", "Paige: Got it. (Paige gets out a lollipop.)", "Piper: What is that for?", "Paige: A lure. (Paige gets out of the car.)", "Piper: Do not go into that house. Did you hear me? I said do not go in! (Paige leaves.) It is like talking to a wall.", "Leo: She's got the Halliwell hearing.", "[Scene: Finn's house. Phoebe levitates up to the woman in clay.]", "Phoebe: Whoo! That's one good thing about being so small. I'm so light I can kind of fly. Can you talk? (The woman whimpers.) Okay. Just close your eyes and don't tense up. (Phoebe kicks and breaks the clay. The woman starts to collapse.) No, no. You can collapse later. I need you to run now. Can you do that?", "Woman: Yeah.", "Phoebe: We got to go before Gammill sees us. (Gammill comes up and traps them under a can.)", "Gammill: Gotcha. I knew a witch could never resist saving an innocent. (He hears Paige knocking on the door.)", "Paige: Hello!", "Gammill: Now what?", "Paige: Hello!", "Gammill: Another girl. Get her inside. Go get her. Get her!", "Finn: Maybe we should just let them all go.", "Gammill: Since when did you develop a conscience? Hmm? I never gave you one. Now what are you standing around for? Go! Go! Fetch! (Finn goes to answer the door. Phoebe is yelling.) Be quiet! (Gammill puts them in a container.)", "[Cut to front door. Finn opens it to see Paige.]", "Paige: Hi!", "Finn: Hi!", "Paige: Remember me? The girl with the melons... from the supermarket melons.", "Finn: Yeah, I remember. What brings you here?", "Paige: Let's just say I got tired of waiting for you to show up on my doorstep.", "Finn: I'm sorry?", "Paige: Look, if we're going to go out, the first thing you need to know about me is that I don't play games. I see what I want and I, uh, go for it. Do you have a problem with that?", "Finn: Are you always this aggressive with guys?", "Paige: Just the ones I like.", "Finn: Why don't you come in? (Paige hesitates.) Is something wrong?", "Paige: Oh, just the old cliché. My mother told me never to go into stranger's houses. That thing.", "Finn: Come on. What are you afraid of?", "[Cut to Piper and Leo watching in the car.]", "Piper: Don't do it.", "[Cut to Gammill watching through the hole in the wall.]", "Gammill: Do it.", "[Cut to Paige. She starts to enter the house.]", "Finn: No, wait. On second thought, let's just go out. (Finn and Paige leave the house.)", "[Cut to Leo and Piper.]", "Leo: The lure worked. (Paige and Finn drive away on his motorcycle. Paige waves at them.)", "Piper: Barely.", "[Cut to inside Finn's house. Gammill goes to Phoebe and the woman.]", "Gammill: Now where were we? (Leo and Piper orb in and Gammill hides.)", "Phoebe: (In her small voice) Piper! Piper!", "Piper: You go that way. I'll go this way.", "Phoebe: In here! (Piper looks around and finds the demon's collection of small dolls.)", "Piper: Oh, weird.", "Leo: What a bizarre collection. I wouldn't touch. We should look for Phoebe. I'll check upstairs.", "Phoebe: Piper! Piper! (Piper can't hear Phoebe's cries. Leo comes back in.)", "Leo: There's nothing upstairs. I mean nothing. Anything down here?", "Piper: No, nothing but a bunch of clays.", "Leo: I think we should get out of here. Check the Book of Shadows. I-I want to know what we're dealing with.", "Piper: Well, whatever it is it better not require the Power of Three to vanquish it. (They orb out and the demon goes over to Phoebe.)", "Gammill: Well, well the Power of Three. So you're not just a witch, but a Charmed One. Nothing will make happier than to collect you all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Finn's house. Gammill puts Phoebe and the woman into clay.]", "Gammill: When your clay hardens, I'll fire up the kiln and once you're in the kiln, there'll be nothing left to save. Don't worry. I'll be back. Once I complete my collection. (He leaves.)", "Phoebe: Okay, good. Now that he's gone, I can focus on getting us out of here. Although, I do have to tell you I am not having the best day of my life. It began with an interview where a woman made me feel this big, and now I actually am this big. And next up is being baked. (The woman shrieks.) Well, that's just a round about of saying don't panic. I'm going to get us out of here. I'm... going... to turn... this day around.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Leo are looking in the Book of Shadows.]", "Leo: Found him! Gammill a.k.a. The Collector. He's known for his passion of collecting one of a kind figurines. Wonder what he gets out of that?", "Piper: Well, speaking for my great-aunt Sylvia, who collects Hummels, when they have a hard time dealing with real people figurines can be their best friends.", "Leo: Yeah, but being socially awkward doesn't land you in the Book of Shadows.", "Piper: So what does?", "Leo: Well, apparently he went up against a witch sometime in the seventies. A spell was cast to make as hideous on the outside as he was on the inside. Like this I suppose.", "Piper: Does it say what he did to deserve that?", "Leo: No, it doesn't make any sense either. I mean we saw this guy and he's still looks the same.", "Piper: So what does that mean? That Gammill found a way to break the curse and changed his name to Finn?", "Leo: I don't know, but I'm guessing whoever the guy Paige is with does.", "Piper: Well, then we need to find Paige and hope that she's not in trouble so we can find Phoebe and hope that she's not in trouble.", "Leo: Well, I wouldn't worry about Paige. I mean she's in a public place. Nobody's going to hurt her at The Spot.", "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Paige and Finn enter.]", "Paige: I wasn't expecting company so just, uh, give me a sec to clean the place up.", "Finn: I really like your place.", "Paige: Really? It's a shoe box compared to yours.", "Finn: I'm really glad I didn't bring you in. You know this is the first time a girl has ever invited me back to her place.", "Paige: Well, uh, I just thought the club was kind of noisy and we could, um, hang out here. Um, first actually I have a question.", "Finn: About what?", "Paige: About your house.", "Finn: I don't really want to talk about that.", "Paige: If something bad is going on there, I need for you to tell me about it. Please, my sister could be in trouble.", "Finn: I don't know much. It's only recently that I've started asking questions myself.", "Paige: Asking who?", "Finn: Gammill.", "Paige: What's his deal?", "Finn: I'm not sure.", "Paige: Well, how do you know him?", "Finn: He made me.", "Paige: Made you? What is that like a Mafia thing?", "Finn: No. Look give me your hand. Put it here. Do you feel that? I'm not like you. (He places Paige's hand on his abdomen.)", "Paige: Oh, my god.", "[Scene: The Spot (P3). Piper and Leo orb into a secure area. There is loud music and the waitresses are dancing on the bar.]", "Piper: I got just got, uh, got a creepy shivers myself.", "Leo: Now I'm glad you changed the name.", "Piper: Oh! Look at the waitresses! Oh, no! Don't look! They're practically removing their spots", "Leo: Can you do that in public?", "Piper: Uh! Listen to me. Just go look for Paige. Okay? Go. (Piper walks toward the back of the club where a bouncer stops her.)", "Bouncer: Hold it! You can't go in there.", "Piper: Excuse me?", "Bouncer: It's the VIP area.", "Piper: Oh! You're assuming because I not tall, tattooed, or big breasted that I'm not important. That's a bad assumption because I own this club. Which makes me a V.V.VIP. (Treat comes out to meet her.)", "Treat: Piper! Piper! Piper! She's good, man. What's up girl?", "Piper: Hi.", "Treat: We got a fly crowd.", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Treat: I told you all it needs is a little danger.", "Piper: Yeah, that's exactly what this place lacked. Um, listen. Have you seen my sister Paige?", "Treat: Yeah, she was here, but she left. She said it was too noisy.", "Piper: She said what?", "Treat: It was too noisy. (Piper leaves him and finds Leo trying to get through the crowd, but is caught in between two dancing waitresses. He doesn't seem to mind too much.)", "Piper: Excuse me! Hi! Having fun? Let's go. Paige took Finn to her loft. Let's go. (They go behind a sofa and orb out.)", "[Scene: Outside Paige's Apartment. Piper and Leo orb in and go inside. They find Paige kneeling in front of Finn.]", "Piper: Paige!", "Paige: What are you doing here?", "Piper: This is ridiculous. It's like dealing with a teenager.", "Paige: I'm just examining him.", "Piper: Okay! First of all, you should not have left the club.", "Paige: Piper –", "Piper: Second of all, you should not be playing doctor with the demon boy.", "Paige: Piper –", "Piper: Third of all –", "Paige: Piper! He has no bellybutton. I can explain. First of all, we left your club because it sucks now. Okay, anytime you try to be that hip. It ain't hip. And second of all, Finn has no bellybutton because he wasn't born.", "Finn: I was created out of clay.", "Leo: In Gammill's own image. He must be a golem.", "Paige: I don't know the technical term, but I do know that he needs protection from the demon that made him.", "Piper: Okay. Hold up! Where is Gammill now?", "Finn: At the house, I think.", "Leo: We were just there. We didn't see him.", "Finn: That's because he has his own secret hiding place.", "Piper: Could he be hiding our sister Phoebe there?", "Finn: No, he probably shrunk her.", "Piper: I'm sorry. He probably what?", "Finn: Oh, that's what he does. He takes his wand and shrinks the women for his collection.", "Piper: Oh god. The figurines, that's why they're each one of a kind. Okay, we have to get back there. We have to find Phoebe.", "Finn: Careful. If Gammill's at the house waiting for you, he'll shrink you all. I don't know why he didn't before.", "Piper: Does he still trust you?", "Finn: Yeah.", "Piper: Okay, then you come with us. You go in first and distract him.", "Paige: No, Piper we can't use Finn as a minesweeper. And besides, isn't he an innocent?", "Piper: Actually, Paige innocents tend to be real.", "Paige: Listen. We have to go get Phoebe. First, we should go by your house, check the Book of Shadows to see if there's a spell to undo shrinking. We'll bring Finn with us.", "Piper: We don't have time for that.", "Paige: Well, we can't go in there unprepared.", "Piper: Unprepared might be our best shot right now. Leo, what do you think?", "Leo: I think you need to stop turning to me. Start trying to figure out a way to listen to each other. Piper, you don't listen to Paige's ideas. (Paige smiles.) And Paige, you don't listen to Piper's advice. I think you guys need to figure out a way how to work as partners.", "Piper: We're partners.", "Leo: Equal partners.", "Paige: Well, listen. Can we do that tomorrow? Right now we actually need your help.", "Leo: All right, well I think the best that I can help is by this. (Leo orbs out.)", "Piper: Leo! Great!", "Paige: What now?", "Piper: Well, I'm just going to have to convince you that I'm right.", "Paige: Well, we don't have all day. Why don't we just flip a coin?", "Piper: Phoebe's life is at stake.", "Paige: All the more reason to make a decision quickly.", "Piper: Fine flip.", "Paige: Call it.", "Piper: Heads. (Paige throws the coin and orbs it to tails.)", "Paige: Tails. I win. Fair and square.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper, Paige, and Finn enter through the foyer.]", "Paige: It's okay. You'll be safe here.", "Finn: Can I get a glass of water? My skin feels a little dry.", "Paige: Oh, yeah. Sure. Uh, the kitchen's just down there to the left. (As Finn walks into the entranceway Gammill shatters him with his wand then shrinks Piper and Paige.)", "Piper: Uh-oh!", "[Scene: Finn's House. Gammill lines up all four women (Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and the innocent woman encased in clay on a shelf.]", "Gammill: Time to fire up the kiln. You're next. (He takes Claudia to the kiln.)", "Piper: At least we came for you. (Phoebe groans.) Phoebe, Paige and I are here now. We have the power of three. Can you say a spell? (Phoebe moans.) Okay. We'll figure this out. Paige, let's go over our options.", "Paige: Options? We have two: We're screwed and we're more screwed.", "Piper: We don't need negativity. We need solutions.", "Paige: Well, I'm sorry. I've never been shrunk and covered in clay before.", "Piper: Hey! You wanted to be partners so work with me here. Okay? Are you right? We are screwed.", "Paige: Can't you blast your way out of it?", "Piper: I tried. I can't move my hands.", "Paige: I could call for something, but what would help? What's the point of having powers if you can't use them.", "Piper: What about orbing?", "Paige: Would Leo hear us?", "Piper: No! You can orb!", "Paige: Only in the same place.", "Piper: Well, that might work. The clay is still wet enough so it might collapse if you leave for a second.", "Phoebe: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.", "Paige: Yeah. Only one problem, I've never been able to orb at will before.", "Piper: But that doesn't mean that you can't. Just concentrate and relax.", "Paige: Relax? Are you kidding?", "Piper: Paige, just close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Feel the magic rising from a place of strength. Feel it building and building. Paige, you're our only hope. (Paige orbs and her clay breaks.)", "Paige: It worked. How cool was that? (Her sisters moan.) I know. I know. I'm coming. (Paige breaks Piper and Phoebe's clay.)", "Phoebe: He's about to put Claudia into the kiln. Piper freeze him. (Piper tries, but nothing happens.)", "Piper: Oh, he's way too big for my tiny magic.", "Paige: Do you think I can call for his wand?", "Piper: I don't know. Try it.", "Phoebe: Just keep your voice down. If he hears us, we will be cooked.", "Paige: Wand. Wand.", "Phoebe: Go for it.", "Paige: Wand! (The wand orbs to Paige and Gammill hears.) We need a spark.", "Piper: Got it! (They shrink Gammill.)", "Gammill: Uh-oh!", "Phoebe: Can you freeze him now? (Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: Yup.", "Phoebe: What do you say we take him out Charmed Ones style?", "Paige: Don't we need a spell for that?", "Phoebe: That was the good thing about being stuck in clay all day. I had time to think of one. Repeat after me. Small of mind.", "Piper/Phoebe/Paige: Small of mind", "Phoebe: Big of woe", "Piper/Phoebe/Paige: Big of woe", "Phoebe: The pain you caused", "Piper/Phoebe/Paige: The pain you caused", "Phoebe: You now will know", "Piper/Phoebe/Paige: You now will know. (Gammill disappears and the girls are transformed back to normal size.)", "Paige: That's it? That's the spell you spent all day working on?", "Phoebe: Well, it worked. Didn't it?", "Claudia: Oh, my gosh. How did you do that?", "Phoebe: The power of three.", "Piper: The power of point three.", "[Scene: The Spot (P3). David Navarro is singing and the sisters and Leo enter.]", "Piper: What do you guys think of the Spot?", "Phoebe: Well, the club scored David Nararro. That's pretty impressive.", "Leo: I still can't get used to the white gauze.", "Piper: Well, you don't have to. I told Treat that I just – I can't do it. Paige is right. It's trying way too hard to be hip. Which means it is five minutes away from being five minutes ago. (They go and sit down on a couch. Phoebe raises a toast.)", "Phoebe: Okay! To the old! (Paige looks downcast.)", "Piper: What's the matter honey?", "Paige: The last time I was here, I was here with Finn. How do you guys get over these things?", "Phoebe: You don't.", "Piper: But you learn with experience that you can't dwell on the losses. You kind of have to –", "Paige: Harden your heart.", "Piper: Protect your heart. Unfortunately, it's a fact of our lives that sometimes the good comes with a little sadness.", "Leo: There was a lot of good, too.", "Phoebe: There was a lot of good. I mean my skin looks fabulous.", "Piper: And now that I've been five inches tall, I will never complain about my height again. And nor will I doubt your instincts again.", "Paige: Thank you.", "Leo: Okay, well then there's just one more thing that we need to tie up.", "Piper: Oh, okay. (Leo leads them out behind the club.)", "Phoebe: Uh, Leo what are you looking for?", "Leo: Something very important.", "Paige: Broken glass?", "Leo: Broken glass that needs healing. (He finds the broken P3 sign.) Here it is. It's up to you.", "Piper: Can you do it? (Leo nods.) Well, then do it. (Leo heals the sign and it starts to glow.) It looks like P3's is back." ]
Size Matters
Alien Stalker
[ "Paige's favorite (self-made) childhood fairy tale-which she could never remember being able to recall parts of suddenly becomes real, bringing her face-to-face with her past life as an Evil Enchantress from Medieval times and into the arms of a knight in shining armor. Phoebe and Piper go back in time to vanquish the Evil Enchantress and end up trapped in the Dark Ages , leaving Paige and Leo to rescue them. At the same time, Piper and Phoebe have to periodically fight an electrical demon who is plaguing them, but they need the Power of Three spell to vanquish it. Piper and Phoebe put forward the idea to Paige that she should move into the manor with them." ]
[ "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Paige and Glen are lying on the bed staring out the window at the stars.]", "Paige: Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince who was about to marry a beautiful maiden. But an evil Enchantress with dark powers wanted the Prince for herself, so she could become Queen and rule the entire kingdom.", "Glen: I hate her.", "Paige: Really? I always kind of related to her.", "Glen: Like I said, I love her. Then what happened?", "Paige: Well, in order to pull off that kind of magic, the evil Enchantress had to wait for a sign that her powers were at their darkest.", "Glen: A sign?", "Paige: Mm-hmm. See in the stars. (She points to a pattern in the stars.) See the Prince, his sword, and the three stars that form his crown? Well, once the evil enchantress saw the sign, she locked away the beautiful maiden, and cast a spell on the unsuspecting Prince. \"Bring together my Prince and me, let him fall on bended knee. I summon I summon \" I can never remember the end of it.", "Glen: Let me guess. The Prince defeats the evil Enchantress, he married the beautiful maiden, and they lived happily ever after, right?", "Paige: Nah-mm. Actually, the evil Enchantress bore an heir, killed the Prince, and ruled the kingdom forever.", "Glen: Well, what kind of fairy tale is that?", "Paige: It's just one that kinda stayed with me for as long as I can remember. I told you I was a weird kid.", "Glen: I need to get you out more, Paige.", "Paige: It'd be easier if you were around more, Glen.", "Glen: I'm around now. (They kiss.)", "[Scene: Medieval times. A castle. A guard pushes Lady Julia inside. The evil Enchantress is standing in front of a dark window.]", "Lady Julia: What is the meaning of this? How dare you summon me.", "Enchantress: Forgive me for inconveniencing you at this late hour, Lady Julia. (The guard leaves.) Alas, I had no other choice. The stars have aligned.", "Lady Julia: You don't frighten me Enchantress. The stars are on the side of good, not evil. Tomorrow, my Prince and I will marry and there is nothing that you can do to stop that. He loves me, not you.", "Enchantress: Dark magic can change that.", "(The Enchantress holds out her hands and smoke and a gust of wind blows Lady Julia against the wall. A portcullis drops down in front of her, locking her in.)", "Lady Julia: Why are you doing this?", "(The Enchantress walks out of the dark and she looks exactly like Paige.)", "Enchantress: Because this is my destiny. Not yours.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. Piper walks in and sits on the bed. She picks up a small gold necklace with the word 'Prue' on it. She puts on Prue's leather jacket and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.]", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper is making a cup of coffee. Phoebe comes in with wet hair.]", "Phoebe: Look at me. I look like a drowned rat. I need my blow dryer.", "Piper: Pretend you're camping.", "Phoebe: I hate camping.", "Piper: Well, I hate instant coffee but I'm drinking it, aren't I?", "(She takes a sip and pulls a face.)", "Phoebe: We can't keep living with no electricity. It's medieval.", "Piper: At least we're conserving energy.", "Phoebe: Well, this is ridiculous. We have to figure out when the Shocker demon's gonna attack next and fast.", "Piper: But we still need the Power of Three to vanquish him and unfortunately, number three lives across town.", "(Phoebe walks over to the phone.)", "Phoebe: I am going to call her.", "(She picks up the phone.)", "Piper: Not the cordless!", "(Phoebe drops the phone and the Shocker demon escapes.)", "Phoebe: Uh-oh.", "(The Shocker demon is made of electricity in the shape of a person. It jumps on a table and throws electricity near them, blowing up a cupboard. He throws more electricity, this time hitting Piper and Phoebe. Piper gets up and uses her power and scares it through an electrical outlet. Piper kneels beside Phoebe.)", "Piper: You okay?", "Phoebe: No, I am not okay. Ow. Ow. Ow. This is so crazy. We have to call Paige and set up a time where she can come over and", "Piper: Phoebe, we can't schedule vanquishes, okay? Demon attacks don't usually fit into the day planners.", "Phoebe: Okay, then, what do you suggest?", "Piper: I suggest that maybe, Paige move in with us.", "(Piper goes and sits at the table.)", "Phoebe: Wait. (She sits at the table.) W-what did you just say to me?", "Piper: Well, she's gonna have to sooner or later, isn't she?", "Phoebe: I never really thought about it. And I can't believe you, of all people, are actually suggesting it.", "Piper: I am just trying to be practical. Besides, I am sick and tired of Leo watching over her day and night, protecting her from various demons. You know, I would actually like to see my husband again.", "Phoebe: And I can understand that, but still that's a huge decision. Do you think we're ready for that?", "Piper: All I know is that every demon who is out to impress the Source is attacking us. Which means we all need to be under one roof. Otherwise, we're too vulnerable.", "Phoebe: I didn't mean are we ready as witches. I meant are we ready as sisters? I mean, what if we don't get along?", "Piper: We didn't always get along with Prue either.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but that's different. We grew up with her. Eventually we had to get along. I still half expect to see her walk through the door. Maybe it's just too soon.", "Piper: Then there's only one way to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Paige and Glen are asleep in bed. The alarm goes off.]", "Paige: Oh my God, it's 9:00. I am so screwed.", "Glen: (waking up) Mmm. Can't you just be a little late?", "Paige: I'm already a little late.", "Glen: Can't you be a lot late? Especially seeing as how I'm leaving tomorrow. (Paige sits up and wraps herself in a sheet.)", "Paige: You're always leaving tomorrow, Glen. That's what you do. (She walks across the room with the sheet wrapped around her. She sees Glen staring at her.) What?", "Glen: Nine to five isn't you, Paige. You've always had too adventurous a spirit to be pinned down.", "Paige: Oh, yeah? Just drop by between K-2 and the Great Barrier Reef and you know this about me, do you?", "(She walks into the bathroom.)", "Glen: Your life could be a fairy tale. It doesn't have to end badly.", "(Paige pokes her around the door.)", "Paige: Who says it's going to?", "Glen: Come to Australia with me, Paige. Just for the hell of it. Why not?", "Paige: Because I've got too many responsibilities. That's why not.", "Glen: You're 25-years-old. You've got the rest of your life ahead of you for that kind of crap. Just go for it. Dump your job, and come have fun with me.", "(Paige walks out of the bathroom wearing a short skirt and her bra.)", "Paige: As tempting as that sounds, I actually have things called responsibilities. (Paige sits on the bed.) It's not just my job. (She starts to put on her pink sweater.) I've got sisters now, and we've just got stuff we've got to do.", "Glen: What stuff?", "Paige: Stuff that keeps me pinned down.", "(Glen moves closer to Paige.)", "Glen: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?", "Paige: I'm not sure yet. (They kiss.)", "[Cut to outside in the hallway. Piper and Phoebe walk up to the front door. Leo orbs in front of them, just as Phoebe's about to knock and she knocks on him.]", "Phoebe: Oh!", "Leo: Hi.", "Phoebe: Sorry.", "Leo: Hey, what's up?", "Piper: What's up? How about a kiss for your long-lost wife, huh?", "Leo: Oh, right.", "(He kisses her on the cheek.)", "Piper: Hi.", "Leo: Well, uh, bye.", "Phoebe: Uh, what do you mean bye? We just got here.", "Leo: Right, well, you know. I don't want to leave Paige unprotected.", "Piper: Uh-huh. Is she home?", "(Piper heads for the door but Leo stops her.)", "Leo: Yeah, she's home. She's just a little, uh, indisposed at the moment.", "Piper: W-wait, wait, you watched? What are you, like a peeping angel?", "Leo: Well, I didn't see anything!", "Piper: Uh?", "Leo: All right, just a little, but how else am I supposed to protect her?", "[Cut to inside. Paige and Glen are making out on the bed. Paige has her top off again. Phoebe barges in, covering her eyes. Piper runs in after her. Paige jumps up and covers her chest.]", "Phoebe: Sorry to interrupt. Can't see a thing.", "Piper: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Wh-", "Paige: Piper, Leo, what the hell is going on?", "Phoebe: I know this looks bad, but it's very important. Believe me. (Phoebe sees Glen.) Whoa.", "(Piper smacks her on the arm.)", "Glen: Who are they?", "Paige: The soon to be ex-sisters I was telling you about.", "(Phoebe smiles and waves.)", "Piper: Okay, we're sorry, but you know, we didn't know \"which\" way to turn if you know what I mean.", "Glen: Maybe I should go.", "(He sits up.)", "Leo: Oh, uh, here.", "(He tosses Glen his jeans.)", "Glen: Thanks. (He puts them on.)", "Paige: I'm sorry about this Glen. This is horribly embarrassing.", "Glen: No worries. You obviously got some responsibilities. Plane leaves tomorrow.", "(He kisses her on the cheek and walks into the bathroom.)", "Piper: Plane? What plane?", "Paige: Never mind. This better be important.", "Phoebe: I can't use my blow dryer.", "Piper: So have you been attacked by the Shocker demon yet?", "Leo: No she hasn't.", "Paige: How would you know?", "Phoebe: Oh, because he's been watching you for the last week or so for your own protection.", "Paige: You've been watching me?", "Leo: Well, I didn't see anything.", "Phoebe: At least nothing very interesting.", "Piper: Right.", "Paige: That's it. Out!", "(Paige gets out of bed.)", "Piper: But-but-but we need to talk to you about the Shocker Demon because", "Paige: Out!", "Phoebe: We can't vanquish him without the Power of Three.", "Paige: Out!", "Piper: And you're not at the manor, so, ever (Paige slams the door shut.)", "[Cut to the hallway.]", "Phoebe: I think that went fairly well.", "[Cut to Paige.]", "Paige: Unbelievable.", "[Scene: Medieval Times. Castle. The Enchantress' bedroom. The Enchantress and a Prince are there. The Enchantress is in her nightgown.]", "Prince: Where is she? What have you done to my beloved?", "Enchantress: You mean I'm not your beloved? Ooh, I'm crushed.", "(The Prince draws his sword and points it at her.)", "Prince: Your dark magic doesn't scare me, Enchantress. Tell me where she is and I might spare your life.", "Enchantress: Very well. (She pushes the tip of his sword down and moves closer to him.) \"Bring together my Prince and me, let him fall on bended knee, I summon him to my side, that he may take me to be his destined bride.\"", "(The Prince puts his sword away and kneels in front of her.)", "Prince: My love. (He kisses her hand.) I am forever yours.", "(He stands up and walks behind her. He kisses her neck.)", "Enchantress: As will be your kingdom once I conceive an heir.", "(They walk over to the bed and lay down.)", "[Cut to the manor. Paige is knocking on the door. Piper opens it.]", "Piper: Alright! Calm down!", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: At least I knocked.", "Piper: Oh.", "(Phoebe comes in from the living room.)", "Phoebe: Hey, Paige.", "Paige: I'm not here to talk to either of you. I'm just here to look at the Book of Shadows. (She heads for the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Hey, hey, we said we were sorry.", "Paige: Yeah, right. (She starts going up the stairs.)", "Piper: What do you think about moving in with us? (Paige stops.)", "Phoebe: Oh-uh...", "Paige: Excuse me?", "Piper: Well, that's what we came to talk to you about. You know, we're tired of getting attacked by demons here and not being able to do anything about it.", "Phoebe: Yeah. But we could do something about it if we were together. You know, if we lived together 'cause that's when we're the strongest. What do you say?", "Paige: Are you two out of your freaking minds? (She storms upstairs.)", "Piper: Don't people usually storm out of the house when they're angry?", "[Cut to the attic. Paige is flipping through the Book of Shadows. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Phoebe: So, you're not even gonna consider this?", "Paige: Nope.", "Piper: Why not?", "Paige: Because if it was that easy for you guys to barge into my room all the way across town, imagine how easy it would be if I actually lived here.", "Piper: Okay, could you stop looking at the book for a second?", "Paige: No. It's my book too.", "Piper: If you lived here, you could look at it all the time. (Paige looks up at them.)", "Paige: I understand why you guys are asking me, I really, really do. It's just, I don't want being a witch to take over my life. It's just too much responsibility.", "Phoebe: I know it is, Paige. And believe me, I freaked out in the beginning too. But I didn't have a choice, and neither do you.", "Paige: Why not? Aren't you the one who told me I should fight like hell to keep my life separate from magic?", "Piper: Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way.", "Paige: Well, maybe it would if I didn't live here.", "Phoebe: If you're looking for the Shocker demon spell, we already found it.", "Paige: I'm not. I'm looking for something else.", "Piper: What? Look, you may not want to share a bathroom, but when it comes to that book, it concerns all of us.", "Phoebe: Besides that, maybe we can help. (Phoebe goes over to Paige.)", "Paige: Okay. I know it sounds stupid, but when I was little, I invented this horrible little fairy tale and it just always seemed really real to me. I don't know. Just (Paige turns to a page with \"The Evil Enchantress\" written on it.) Oh my God.", "Phoebe: The Evil Enchantress?", "Paige: That's it. That's-that's the evil witch, the one who kills the Prince after he gets her pregnant, of course.", "Piper: Of course. (Piper stands beside her.)", "Paige: The spell. I can't believe it. (She looks at the next page \"To Call a Lover to Oneself\".) \"Bring together my Prince and me, let him fall on bended knee, (Piper and Phoebe true to stop her.) I summon him to my side, that he may take me to be his destined bride.\" I finally got to finish it.", "[Cut to the castle. The Enchantress is lying on the bed. A gust of wind blows around the Prince and he disappears.]", "Enchantress: No!", "[Cut back to the attic. A gust of wind blows and the Prince appears. He looks around. He sees Paige and kneels down.]", "Prince: My love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Paige runs into the kitchen. The Prince follows, followed by Piper and Phoebe.]", "Prince: Why do you run from me?", "Paige: Why are you chasing me?", "Prince: Because we are meant to be together.", "Paige: That is not true. Does this look like King Arthur's court, buddy?", "Prince: It doesn't matter. We're meant to conceive an heir, my love.", "Paige: Ugh. Stop saying that.", "Phoebe: You guys want some privacy?", "Paige: This is not funny. (The Prince walks over to her.) Plate. (A plate orbs into her hand and she breaks it over his head. He groans and kneels down.)", "Phoebe: Oh!", "Paige: I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?", "Prince: You could never hurt me, my love. (He starts kissing her hand.)", "Paige: Piper, do that thing you do.", "Piper: I-I don't want to blow him up.", "Paige: Well, risk it. He's using his tongue. (Piper freezes him. Paige pulls her hand away and wipes it on her top.) Thank God chivalry is dead. He is getting on my last nerve.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, he must be under some kind of spell.", "Piper: Gee, you think?", "Paige: The evil Enchantress. She cast a love spell on him.", "Piper: So why is Sir Lust-a-lot lusting after you?", "Paige: How should I know?", "Piper: Well, because it's your damn fairy tale and it's alive and frozen in our kitchen.", "(Paige walks out of the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Uh, where are you going?", "Paige: I can't handle this. (Piper and Phoebe follow her. She heads for the door.)", "Piper: Wait, Paige, you can't just leave.", "Paige: Yes I can. I don't live here.", "(Phoebe sighs.)", "Phoebe: Paige.", "Paige: What?", "Phoebe: Look, you can't keep running away from these things. (Paige opens the front door.) That's what we're trying to tell you. Being a witch is not a part-time job.", "Paige: Yeah, well, if I don't leave now, I'm not going to have a full-time job. (Paige leaves.)", "Piper: Paige, the Charmed Ones come first!", "Phoebe: The Charmed Ones come first?", "Piper: It always worked when Prue said it.", "[Cut to the living room. The TV is on and the VCR is recording.]", "Announcer on TV: The home also features a spacious kitchen complete with granite counter tops and state of the art confection oven. (Phoebe and Piper walk past.) The walk in pantry provides ample space", "Piper: The VCR? Who set it to record? (The tape is ejected and the Shocker demon escapes out of the VCR. Piper uses her power and blows up the TV. The demon appears behind them. It throws electricity at Piper, throwing her over the couch. Phoebe levitates and kicks but the Shocker demon grabs onto her leg and starts electrocuting her. Piper gets up and pushes it out of the way using a coat stand. Phoebe falls on the floor. Piper uses her power and the demon escapes through the electrical outlet.) Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I'm okay, I think. (Phoebe stands up.)", "Piper: We've gotta convince Paige to move in with us soon before there's nobody left to move in with.", "Phoebe: I guess we need a new TV.", "Piper: Oh, the Prince.", "Phoebe: The Prince. (They go into the kitchen. The Prince is gone.) He's gone? What? Did he go back to fairy tale land?", "Piper: No such luck. The back door is wide open. So he probably went after Paige.", "(Phoebe gets a bottle of water out of the fridge.)", "Phoebe: He left? So he's just wondering around in chain mail?", "Piper: It's San Francisco. Nobody will notice.", "Phoebe: Well, sooner or later, somebody's gonna notice and the medieval trail's going to lead them right back to us.", "Piper: All right, you try scrying for him and if that doesn't work, I'll have Leo orb Paige back here and hopefully the Prince will follow.", "Phoebe: Maybe we should try a different approach with her.", "Piper: She's not gonna come back here voluntarily.", "Phoebe: No. I mean about getting her to move in. Maybe it's too soon for her too.", "[Scene: A junkyard. The Prince is standing in front of the garbage truck. He draws his sword and starts attacking it. The man inside the truck gets out with a bat.]", "Garbage Man: Hey, moron! What are you doin'? What kind of problem you got, huh? All right buddy. Come on. On your way. I don't have time for this.", "(The Prince slices the bat with his sword. The man gets frightened and drops the bat. The Prince points the sword at the man's neck.)", "Prince: Swallow and you'll not speak again. Now what is this metallic beast? How do you harness it's power?", "Garbage Man: What?", "Prince: You will use it to take me to my beloved, where I feel her heart's pull. Questions?", "[Scene: Medieval times. Castle. Lady Julia is still locked up. The Enchantress is making a potion.", "Lady Julia: I have one. If good magic rescued my Prince from you, what makes you think he'll return?", "Enchantress: I don't. That's why I plan on following his footsteps and bringing him back. After I destroy the good magic that intervened, of course.", "Lady Julia: And what makes you think that you can?", "Enchantress: Oh, I don't know. (The portcullis rises.) Because I'm petty, and evil, and vindictive. But most of all (She walks over to Lady Julia.) I'm determined. (She puts a knife under Lady Julia's chin.)", "Lady Julia: I am the object of his true love. Your spell only appropriated it. Kill me and you break the spell.", "Enchantress: I know. I know. (She cuts off a piece of Lady Julia's hair.) That's why I needed this. For my potion to work.", "(She walks over to the cauldron. The portcullis drops down.)", "Lady Julia: You cannot do this.", "Enchantress: One thing you need to know about me, Lady Julia. Nobody tells me what to do.", "(She drops the hair in the potion and it explodes.)", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Copy room. Paige and Leo are there.]", "Paige: Nobody tells me what to do, Leo. And besides, I'm still mad at you for watching over me. I deserve better than that, especially from you.", "Leo: Well, I'm a guardian, Paige. That's what I do. Especially during times like this when it's dangerous for you to be alone.", "Paige: It's a fairy tale, not a horror movie.", "Leo: Well, I was talking about the Shocker demon.", "Paige: Well, yeah, he's not half as scary as Prince charming coming after me though.", "Leo: All the more reason why you should be staying with Phoebe and Piper. (Paige picks up a folder.)", "Paige: What if I don't want to? What if I want to climb a mountain or go dive the Great Barrier Reef, huh?", "Leo: What?", "Paige: Look, I've had a blast being a witch. I like the spells, like the potions. I'm even getting used to orbing, but god, I've just had enough. (She starts to leave.)", "Leo: Well, there is no enough, Paige. (Paige stops and turns around.) This is who you are. You know that. Why are you running from it?", "Paige: Oh gee, I don't know. Being hunted by the Source, ducking the Furies, and being shrunk by a psycho demon, not to mention being chased after by my bedtime stories. I don't know why I wouldn't want the rest of my life to be just like that.", "Leo: You're not alone anymore. You have sisters now.", "Paige: Yeah. Sisters who are pressuring me to move in with them for all the wrong reasons.", "Leo: What is that supposed to mean?", "Paige: Nothing. Forget about it. Look, it's just sometimes I feel like they want me to Prue, super witch. And I can't. I don't know how.", "Leo: Yeah, I don't think they think that.", "Paige: Oh, yeah? Have you checked out her room? It's a shrine. It doesn't seem to me like they're ready yet and it's a pretty tough act to follow. Don't make me go back there, Leo. Not just yet, okay? I just need some time. (Paige leaves.) I'll call you if I need you.", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Phoebe's scrying. Piper walks in, on the phone.]", "Piper: Darryl. Darryl. Darryl! Slow down. Okay, car jackings happen all the time. Why are you calling us? (listens) A garbage truck? (She sits down on the couch.) At sword point. We'll get back to ya. (She hangs up.)", "Phoebe: Please don't tell me that the police found him.", "Piper: Not yet. How about you?", "Phoebe: Nothing. I mean, he's not a witch and he's not a demon, so", "Piper: All right. Le..! (Leo orbs in.) O. Hi.", "Leo: Hi.", "Phoebe: Where's Paige?", "Leo: Paige? She didn't wanna come.", "Piper: She what? Did you explain the situation to her?", "Leo: Yes.", "Piper: And she still refused to come? Leo, we are up to our pointy little hats in demonic problems here. We need her.", "Leo: She knows that.", "Phoebe: I don't understand. We're her sisters.", "Leo: Yeah, but that's not the reason you need her.", "Piper: Is there more to that or are you just gonna leave us hanging?", "Leo: Look, I don't want to get in the middle of this, this is between you guys. But I will tell you that just wanting her to battle demons with you isn't enough of a reason to get her to move in.", "Piper: It's a pressing reason.", "Phoebe: But it's not a sisterly one.", "Leo: Look, in the meantime, you need to find the Prince before he exposes you. So I suggest you check with the Book of Shadows and get up to speed on Paige's fairy tale and I will check with the Elders and see what they know. (He orbs out.)", "[Cut back to South Bay Social Services. The Prince walks in and pushes a guy out of the way.]", "[Cut to the copy room. Paige looks out and opens the door. The Prince walks in.]", "Prince: At last, I found you.", "Paige: How?", "Prince: I followed your heart, my love. (She pulls him in the room and closes the door.)", "Paige: You can't be here. You need to leave right now before security comes.", "Prince: I will not leave until you are with child.", "Paige: Okay, A) I always use protection and B) you're a fairy tale.", "(The Prince reaches out to touch her cheek and she backs away.)", "Prince: I won't harm you.", "Paige: Just keep that sword of yours sheathed pal.", "(She backs into the photocopier and accidentally turns it on. The Shocker demon escapes out of it and starts electrocuting Paige. The Prince gets out his sword and slices the demon. Paige falls to the floor. The Shocker demon escapes though the electrical outlet. The Prince helps Paige up.)", "Prince: Fear not. I've slain the beast, my love.", "Paige: You most certainly have. (Mr. Cowan bangs on the door.)", "Mr. Cowan: Hey, Paige! Paige, you all right in there?", "Prince: I will stay forever by your side. Every moment of every day, you would know you were protected, desired, loved.", "Paige: That's so sweet.", "Mr. Cowan: Paige! Paige! (He gets the door open.) Paige, what the hell is going on? W-who is this guy?", "Paige: Um, Renaissance Fair. Yeah, we're trying to score tickets for the orphanage. See ya.", "(Paige and the Prince leave.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Phoebe are there. Piper is lighting some candles and Phoebe is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: I don't see what the big deal is. You'd think she'd want to move in here, considering the dump she lives in.", "Phoebe: Piper.", "Piper: Just wait till the Shocker Demon attacks her, then she might not be so resistant to the idea.", "Phoebe: \"Defiant, clever, and independent.\" That kinda describes Paige, don't you think?", "Piper: Yeah, along with stubborn, stubborn, and more stubborn. (Piper goes over to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: All right, listen to this. \"A powerful witch who came to the craft late but learned to use it quickly.\" I'm telling you, this is Paige.", "Piper: What are you gettin' at?", "Phoebe: Well, don't you think that it's a huge coincidence that Paige's fairy tale just happens to be in the Book of Shadows and that this Prince just happens to show up in the 21st century head over heels in love with her?", "Piper: Connect the dots will you?", "Phoebe: Okay, what if it's not a fairy tale? What if it's a memory? Paige's memory from a past life?", "Piper: Now you're reachin'.", "Phoebe: No. I don't think so. I mean my past life came back to bite me on the butt. Why can't Paige's? Think about it. What if Paige was the evil Enchantress, once upon a time?", "Piper: But (She loooks at the page.) The Enchantress' power was to conjure the elements. Paige can't do that. (A portal opens up in the attic.) This doesn't look good. (The Enchantress walks out of the portal and blows Piper and Phoebe off their feet.) Paige!", "Enchantress: Where is the Prince?", "Phoebe: Still think I'm reaching?", "Piper: I don't believe this.", "(The Enchantress throws a lightning ball at them and they run out of the attic.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is there putting out a small fire with a fire extinguisher. Piper runs in and puts out a fire on the chair.]", "Piper: I got it! Living room's clear.", "(She puts down the fire extinguisher.)", "Phoebe: So is the kitchen. Why do you think she left so suddenly? (She puts down her fire extinguisher.) What, did trashing our house become too boring for her?", "Piper: She probably realised we don't have the Prince. Great. It's not like we're having enough problems with Paige. We have to deal with her past life, too? (Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Okay, I found out about the Prince. What the hell happened here?", "Phoebe: Paige's past life almost killed us. That's what happened here.", "Leo: What?", "Piper: Yeah. Paige, the evil Enchantress, same soul, different lifetime. She came through some magical portal looking for Prince carjack.", "Leo: Okay, well, you have to stop her. You can't let her find him. According to the Elders, if she conceives his heir, dark magic will rule his kingdom forever. History will be rewritten. Your future", "Piper: Will be screwed. The world will plunge into darkness. Yadda, yadda, yadda!", "Phoebe: Okay, that's not helping. (to Leo) So if we vanquish Past Paige, don't we risk vanquishing our Paige too?", "Leo: Possibly.", "Piper: Well, then fine. We won't vanquish her. We'll bind her powers and send her back in time, hopefully a virgin. Okay. Let's get some candles. We have a potion to concoct.", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Copy room. The Enchantress is there. She picks up a necklace.]", "Enchantress: What lures you to this time, my Prince? Who beckons thee?", "Mr. Cowan: Paige? (He walks in.) What are you still doing here so late? Thought you'd left already.", "Enchantress: What name did you call me?", "Mr. Cowan: Don't tell me you're in the fair too. Don't forget to lock up. (She goes in the office.) See you in the morning. On time would be nice for once.", "(He leaves. The Enchantress picks up a photo of Paige and a co-worker.)", "Enchantress: Looking forward to meeting you, Paige.", "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Paige is sitting on the couch. The Prince kneels down.]", "Paige: I still can't believe that you exist, that you're actually real. I always wanted to save you from the evil Enchantress so you could live happily ever after.", "Prince: Be with me and I shall. Come with me. Live in my castle as my princess.", "Paige: What is it with everyone wanting me to move in with them?", "Prince: I can give you all the riches you desire. I can take you away from all of this.", "Paige: As tempting as that is, I know it's just the spell talking.", "Prince: But isn't that what true love is? (He sits down next to her.) Falling under someone's spell? Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. I swear.", "Paige: Can you make me as good as Prue was?", "Prince: Uhh...", "Paige: Never mind. You wouldn't understand.", "Prince: Try me. (He leans in to kiss her. Leo orbs in with Piper and Phoebe.)", "Piper: Hey!", "(Piper freezes the Prince. Paige gasps and stands up quickly.)", "Paige: What is going on with this barging in thing? This is getting ridiculous.", "Piper: Sorry. Thought he was attacking you.", "Paige: He was kissing me. It's called kissing. And what are you doing here anyway? I told you I'd call if I needed to.", "Leo: Well, something's come up. Something you're not gonna like.", "Paige: Something worse than this?", "Phoebe: The evil Enchantress is here, in our world. She nearly killed us trying to get to him.", "Paige: Oh my God. (Paige sits down.)", "Piper: Actually that's not the worse part. Remember how we were wondering how she cast a spell on him, but he fell for you?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Well, that's because you're her. Well, I mean she-she's", "Piper: You uh, her help.", "Leo: Look, what she means is that you were the evil Enchantress in one of your past lives. So when you read the spell in the Book of Shadows, he came.", "Piper: And that's also why you remember the fairy tale so well. Because you've actually lived it once before.", "Paige: Okay! I can deal with this. Yeah. No wonder I related to her the most. Does this mean I'm evil?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: No!", "Piper: No.", "Phoebe: No. Not you. Just your past self. You've grown and evolved. Believe me, we we all have. That's what we do.", "Paige: Right.", "Piper: So, the plan is to bind the Enchantresses powers with this little potion.", "(Piper, Phoebe, and Leo hold up a little bottle.)", "Paige: I'll do it.", "(She stands up and takes Piper's bottle.)", "Piper: All right. Then we'll", "Paige: No. I mean by myself. I put you guys in danger. I'll get you out of it. It's my story. I have to end it once and for all.", "Leo: But you don't even know how to find the Enchantress.", "Paige: Well, she's after the Prince, right? I'll just backtrack and surprise her.", "Phoebe: There's no reason for you to do this alone. It's not just your story anymore. You've got sisters now.", "Piper: But, uh, if you wanna do it by yourself, then go for it.", "Paige: I do.", "Piper: Yeah. If that's what you want, we'll be here. Uh, with the Prince. (Paige leaves.)", "Phoebe: Why'd you let her go?", "Piper: Because it's time we realise we can't make her do something she doesn't want to do.", "[Cut to the street. Paige gets in her car. She sees the Enchantress walking down the street towards her. She starts the car and tries to drive towards her but the Enchantress uses her power and blows the car back. The car tyres pop. Paige gets out.]", "Enchantress: Don't tell me I become good in the future.", "Paige: Damn good.", "(She throws the potion towards her, but the Enchantress zaps it with her power.)", "Enchantress: And here I was so looking forward to meeting myself.", "(She blows Paige onto her car and smashes the windscreen. She is knocked unconscious.)", "[Cut to Paige's apartment. Piper looks at Leo.]", "Piper: What is it?", "Leo: Something's wrong. Paige is in trouble.", "Piper: Well go, go, go!", "(Leo orbs out. The Enchantress barges inside.)", "Enchantress: Remember me?", "[Cut to the street. Leo orbs in and heals Paige. Paige wakes up.]", "Leo: What happened?", "Paige: Uh evil Enchantress. (A bright light shines out of Paige's apartment.) Oh no. (Leo helps her off the car.)", "[Cut back to Paige's apartment. Piper and Phoebe dive over the bed.]", "Enchantress: Come to me, my Prince.", "(A portal opens in the room. The Prince walks through. The Enchantress sends a gust of wind towards Piper and Phoebe and walks through the portal.)", "Phoebe: We can't just let them get away.", "Piper: What are we supposed to do? Go back to the middle ages, the dark ages, or whatever hell ages those are?", "Phoebe: If we don't, good magic will be gone forever.", "(Piper jumps through the portal. Leo and Paige walk in.)", "Paige: No. (Phoebe jumps through the portal. The portal closes.) What have I done?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Paige's apartment. Leo is looking at where the portal opened.]", "Paige: This is all my fault. Piper and Phoebe were crazy to trust me. Why didn't I listen to them?", "Leo: Now is not the time to lose it, Paige. We need to get them back.", "Paige: Get them back? What do we do? Hop on a bus to Medieval times?", "Leo: Paige, concentrate. You're a powerful witch, whether you like it or not.", "Paige: Yeah, well, I wasn't powerful enough to take out the Enchantress, was I?", "Leo: You know, one thing your past life should tell you is that you've always been powerful. You still have that power inside of you. Don't be afraid to tap into it now. (Paige sighs.)", "Paige: Okay. This is my fairy tale, right?", "Leo: Yes.", "Paige: This all started with a spell that brought the Prince here, so maybe if I rearrange it a little? What if instead of bringing the Prince to me, I bring myself to him?", "Leo: Creating your own portal?", "Paige: It's worth a shot. \"Bring together my Prince and me, his kingdom now I wish to see, crossing history to his side, from myself I will not hide.\" (The portal opens up.) Oh my God. I did it. It worked. (Paige goes through the portal. Leo goes over to it. Paige pops her head out.) Come on. I'm not doing this by myself. (She pulls Leo in the portal.)", "[Cut to the castle. Piper and Phoebe are chained to a wall. Lady Julia is locked behind the portcullis.]", "Phoebe: So are you still glad you told Paige to go for it?", "Piper: Hey, you were the one that wanted us to be more sisterly towards her.", "Phoebe: Yes, but not at the expense of being trapped in the Dark Ages where our powers are useless.", "Lady Julia: You know, I still don't understand who you are. W-what land did you come from?", "Phoebe: Disneyland. Future world.", "Piper: Phoebe. (to Lady Julia) We're witches and we have the potion that will stop the Enchantress.", "Phoebe: Yeah, let's go get her. Oops! We can't, because we're chained to a wall!", "[Cut to the Enchantress' bedroom. The Prince is lying on the bed. The Enchantress walks in in her nightgown. Paige and Leo peek around the corner near by.]", "Paige: Okay, find Phoebe and Piper. I'll try to hold her off till they get here.", "Leo: How? Your powers don't work in the past.", "Paige: Yeah, but if we really are one in the same, I should be able to tap into hers. Hurry. Go get my sisters.", "(Leo walks away. The Enchantress lays on the bed with the Prince.)", "[Cut to Piper and Phoebe. Leo comes in.]", "Leo: Piper!", "Piper: Leo!", "Leo: Phoebe!", "(He runs over and tries to unlock the locks.)", "Piper: Oh! Easy, easy.", "(A guard comes up behind Leo.)", "Phoebe: Behind you!", "(The guard pushes Leo away. Leo grabs a sword off the wall and starts sword fighting with the guard. The guard trips Leo.)", "[Cut to the bedroom. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Hi. (The Enchantress turns around.) I hate to interrupt myself at a time like this.", "(The Enchantress stands up.)", "Enchantress: How did you get here?", "Paige: I'm charmed.", "Enchantress: Not for long.", "(Paige and the Enchantress try to zap each other.)", "[Cut to the other room. Leo is still fighting with the guard. Leo blocks the guard's attack and knocks him out.]", "Piper: Nice!", "Phoebe: Wow.", "(Leo goes over to them.)", "Piper: Leo.", "Phoebe: I thought you were a pacifist.", "Leo: I didn't kill him, did I?", "(Leo unlocks the chains.)", "Piper: I-I gotta tell you, I find this side of you very sexy.", "Leo: Really?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: You've been holding out on us.", "Piper: Hi.", "Leo: Hi.", "(They hear a zap coming from the bedroom.)", "Phoebe: What's that sound?", "Piper: Paige. Potion! Potion! Potion!", "[Cut to the bedroom. The Enchantress tries to zap Paige.]", "Prince: Don't hurt her.", "(She blows the Prince off his feet. Piper, Phoebe and Leo walk in.)", "Paige: Throw the potion! (Paige blows the Enchantress off her feet.) Now!", "(Piper and Phoebe throw the bottles of potion and they explode in front of her. She tries to use her power but nothing happens.)", "Enchantress: What have you done to me?", "Leo: We've bound your powers, Enchantress.", "Phoebe: No more kingdom come for you.", "Piper: Not for you.", "Enchantress: How could you do this to me? To us?", "Paige: I didn't do it. We did it.", "(Lady Julia runs in and helps up the Prince. They kiss.)", "Piper: Oh. (Piper looks away.)", "Prince: I am well, my love.", "Phoebe: My love. Looks like it takes the kiss of true love to break the spell.", "Paige: It's in every fairytale.", "Piper: All right, super witch. Get us out of here. (They leave.)", "[Cut to Paige's apartment. The portal opens and they step out of it. Paige sees the mess.]", "Paige: Okay, so I won't be getting my security deposit back.", "Piper: Yeah. Too bad you don't have any other place to stay.", "Phoebe: It's no pressure. It's totally up to you, whenever you're ready.", "Piper: Yeah, who needs electricity anyway?", "Paige: I wouldn't have to stay in the basement would I?", "(Piper and Phoebe laugh.)", "Piper: No. Of course not. I think we have a room for you.", "[Scene: Prue's old room. Now known as Paige's room. Paige opens the door and Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Paige: Tada! What do ya think?", "Piper: Wow. It's definitely different.", "Phoebe: It's definitely you.", "Paige: Is that a good thing?", "Phoebe: Of course it's a good thing.", "Paige: Good, 'cause I was actually thinking the living room could use a little spicing up.", "Piper: Don't push it.", "(Someone knocks on the front door.)", "Phoebe: Oh, I hope that's not another one of your past lives.", "Paige: No, it's just Glen. I asked him to drop by.", "Phoebe: Oh, the cute guy from the apartment? He's yummy.", "Paige: Yeah, he is, but he's gonna have to be yummy in Australia. He's leaving. He asked me to go with but, I decided to pass.", "Piper: Oh, are you disappointed?", "Paige: A little, but it's not like I'll be lacking in adventures here. Speaking of which. (She stands near the light switch.) Shall we?", "Phoebe: Hit it. (Paige turns on the light. The Shocker demon escapes out.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Vanquish we three witches cry, one final shock and then you die.\"", "(The Shocker demon is vanquished.)", "Paige: Okay. Piece of cake. Gotta go. And don't forget... if you need me, please knock.", "(She leaves her room.)", "Piper: And they lived happily ever after. (Phoebe puts her arm around Piper.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, right.", "Piper: Right.", "(They walk out of the room.)" ]
A Knight to Remember
Alien Stalker
[ "After being warned about the chameleon demon by Cole, Piper wants to give the source an agreement of peace. When Piper, Phoebe, and Paige go to vanquish a demon The Souce kidnap Piper and brain wash her. The Source sends Piper into a deep coma, where she perceives an alternate reality thanks to a demon named Alastair. Everyone in Piper's alternate reality plays on her deepest desire. Phoebe and Paige must find a way to return her to reality and save her from giving up their powers while she is delusional. Leo ultimately comes and heals Piper's mind which brought her back to reality." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Phoebe are looking in the oven.]", "Piper: Damn it! These ones are burnt too. I'm losing my touch.", "(She pulls a tray of cookies out.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, it's okay, sweetie, they're just a little crisp. (Piper puts the tray on the table.) You know, personally I am glad that you're not a chef anymore. I'd probably be 300 pounds.", "Piper: Maybe I should make another batch.", "Phoebe: Um, Piper, remember when you told me to tell you when you're obsessing?", "Piper: I'm not obsessing. I just want everything to be perfect, that's all.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but Piper, it's a baby shower, not a Royal wedding. Besides, don't you think you're doing enough already? (She gets a glass out of the cupboard.) For god sakes, you're hosting the thing and you're not even close to Wendy anymore.", "Piper: That is precisely why I'm doing all of this. I swear to god, in the last couple of years we've vanquished more friendships than we have demons.", "(Phoebe takes an empty milk carton out of the fridge.)", "Phoebe: Got milk?", "Piper: Somebody forgot to put it on the list again.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, we have to be patient. You know, it's gonna take Paige more than a week to adjust to living here.", "Piper: Still, there are common courtesies, common sense, rules.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but you have to admit, it's nice to have the Power of Three under the same roof again.", "Piper: Right. Grab those.", "(Piper walks out of the kitchen. Phoebe picks up two baskets filled with baby stuff.)", "Phoebe: So cute. (She follows Piper into the dining room.) Aunt Phoebe sure would like to throw one of these for you one day.", "(Piper knocks over a chair.)", "Piper: Damn it! Paige!", "Phoebe: You're changing the subject.", "Piper: No, I'm ignoring you.", "(They walk into the living room.)", "Phoebe: Well, you can't ignore that beautiful little girl of yours that we saw in the future, and if my math is right, you and Leo better start, you know, right about now.", "Piper: Phoebe, we saw a lot of things in the future that won't be happening now.", "Phoebe: I know. But that doesn't mean you can't have kids. I mean, don't you wanna little kid?", "Piper: Not with demons dropping in all the time, (Cole shimmers in.) I don't.", "Cole: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Hold that thought. Generations of Halliwells fought demons and had kids. It didn't stop them, why should it stop you?", "Piper: Did it ever occur to you that maybe this is none of your business?", "Phoebe: Oh, that's besides the point.", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: How does Leo feel about this?", "Piper: I haven't talked to Leo about this.", "Phoebe: Well, don't you think we should?", "Piper: We?", "(Cole puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles. The girls yelp.)", "Phoebe: Yes, Cole, what is it?", "Cole: Okay. Freeze the room fast, then unfreeze only me.", "Piper: What? Why?", "Cole: Just do what I say and I'll explain after.", "(Piper freezes Cole and the room.)", "Phoebe: Please don't blow him up.", "Piper: I'll try.", "(Piper unfreezes Cole.)", "Cole: The rest of the room still frozen?", "Piper: Cole, we're the only ones in the room.", "Cole: You're not actually. There's a chameleon in the house.", "Phoebe: A lizard? You're worried about a lizard?", "Cole: This chameleon is a demon. One who can transform into any object just to spy on you.", "(He grabs a chair.)", "Piper: Trying to tell me the manor is supernaturally bugged?", "Cole: Uh-huh. Has been for some time, apparently. It explains why the Source hasn't attacked you in a while. He's had his chameleons watching your every move, gathering inside information. Look around. What's not supposed to be here?", "(The girls look around. Piper spots Paige's ugly-looking cane chair with bright red cushions.)", "Piper: Hmm.", "(Piper blows up the chair. Cushion stuffing flies everywhere. Cole goes over to it.)", "Phoebe: Piper, I think that was Paige's chair.", "Piper: Yeah, I know, exactly.", "(Phoebe smiles. The grandfather clock chimes.)", "Cole: Uh, the room just unfroze.", "(Phoebe spots an odd-shaped lamp.)", "Phoebe: Where'd that lamp come from?", "(The lamp transforms into a demon. Piper and Phoebe scream. The demon uses his power and they fly over the couch. Cole throws an energy ball at him and wipes his arm off, sending green goo over Piper's baby baskets. The demon's arm grows back.)", "Piper: Cole, get back! (Piper tries to blow up the demon, he ducks, and blows up the grandfather clock instead.) Damn it, we just got that thing fixed.", "(Paige walks down the stairs holding a washing basket and wearing earphones. The demon runs in front of her and Cole throws another energy ball. The demon ducks and Paige orbs out before the energy ball hits her. The demon gets up and shimmers out. Paige stands there in shock.)", "Paige: What the hell happened?", "Piper: The freakin' furniture just attacked!", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe is lying on the couch. Leo goes over and heals a wound on her forehead.]", "Leo: Do you know how long the chameleon demon was in the house?", "Phoebe: I don't know. The lamp has been here for at least three days. Maybe more.", "Piper: what do you think he wants?", "Cole: I told you. Gathering information.", "Piper: But for what? For why?", "Cole: For the Source's next attack.", "(Paige walks in with half her broken chair.)", "Paige: Excuse me. Is there anyway to claim this kind of damage on our home owners insurance policy?", "Piper: Usually not.", "Paige: Usually? What do you mean? I can expect my furniture to be blown up again?", "Phoebe: Get ready for the unexpected. That's rule number one in the Halliwell manor.", "Piper: Wanna learn the rest?", "Phoebe: Um, maybe now's not the time? Considering we have to figure out a way to find this demon.", "Leo: Well, you could try scrying using his blood.", "Piper: And we've got plenty of that. Although, I don't know what good it would do to find him now. Whatever he's learned he's already told the Source.", "Cole: Except that he might also know what the Source's plan is. How he's going to attack. Find him, we might be able to find that out.", "Paige: I know. What about pooling our money into a fund to cover anybody's damage no matter who's it is.", "Phoebe: Um...", "(The doorbell rings. They all look at each other. Piper and Phoebe cautiously go to the door. Piper quickly opens it.)", "Woman: Whoa! Scared me. Hey, Phoebe, it's been a long time. (Phoebe waves.) Hey, sorry I'm late, we should go.", "Piper: Go?", "Woman: To the shower. Wasn't I supposed to pick you up? Did I mess up? She looks in her day planner.", "Piper: No, no, you didn't, Becca. There's just some stuff going on here.", "Becca: So what else is new, huh? Do you want some help with the party baskets?", "(She starts to walk in but Phoebe stops her.)", "Phoebe: No! No, it's just I'm afraid something came up and Piper can't...", "Becca: Oh, no, don't tell me that you're not gonna come. Everyone's so looking forward to seeing you again.", "Piper: Oh, really? Oh, they are? Well, th-then we can't disappoint them. W-We'll get some stuff at the market on the way there.", "Phoebe: Will you excuse us for one minute? (She closes the door.) Wh-Are you outta your mind? You can't still go. Piper, we have to scry for that demon.", "Piper: Well, it doesn't take three sisters to scry. You and Paige can do it and then call me when you find him.", "Phoebe: Piper!", "Piper: Phoebe. Look, okay, the bottom line is if I'm ever gonna have kids, then I need a life first, which means I need to be a human first and then a witch later. Okay, got it? Good. (Piper tries to open the door and Phoebe stands in the way.) Outta the way! (She gets the door open.) Hi! Bye Leo!", "Leo: Bye! (She leaves with Becca.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Underworld. A cave. The demon is there pacing back and forth the Source appears behind him. He spins around.]", "Source: You have failed me.", "Demon: I beg to differ. Aside from finding Belthazor, everything I've learned from the Charmed Ones...", "Source: May all be for not now that they've exposed you, Alaster. The element of surprise was equivocal to my plans success.", "Alaster: You can still use the information to capture one of the...", "Source: That's not what I needed the information for. Capture one is easier. Tricking one into giving up all their powers was the ultimate goal. That's why I needed to learn everything about their hopes, fears, their dreams.", "Alaster: Then accelerate your plans. Use me to capture the one you want. After all, they'll be after me now.", "Source: Yes, they will won't they. (The Source changes to look exactly like Alaster.) But then why not cut out the middle man. (He vanquishes Alaster. He turns and makes the oracle appear on a rock.) It's time, Oracle. I must know now which of the sisters do you see to be most vulnerable to my plan.", "Oracle: Well, each is vulnerable in their own way. But the eldest seems to have the most resistance to the craft. Her yearnings appear to be her most weakness.", "[Scene: P3. Piper's friend's baby shower. Piper is sitting next to a pregnant woman. They are laughing. She opens a gift and pulls out a cute baby jacket.]", "Woman: Oh, how cute is this1 Oh, Piper, this is adorable. Where did you get this?", "Piper: Uh, a little shop in the embarcadero. They have the cutest things.", "Woman: Thank you so much. For everything.", "Piper: You're welcome. (They hug.)", "Woman: We have so much to catch up on.", "Piper: I know. We will. (She gets up and goes and sits down next to Becca. She sees her smiling.) What?", "Becca: Nothing. It's just good to see you out and about again, that's all.", "Piper: Yeah, after Prue died it took some time to...", "Becca: Yeah, but even before that. It's almost like the last three or four years you've just kinda disappeared.", "Piper: Yeah.", "(Piper's phone rings. She hangs up.)", "Becca: Oh, no, don't tell me you have to go.", "Piper: Uh, no, it can wait. (Leo orbs in near by. He motions for Piper to go over to him. She pulls a face.) I'll be right back. (She gets up and goes over to him.) What are you doing here? No guys allowed.", "Leo: I tried calling your cell phone but it went dead. Paige and Phoebe think they found the demon.", "Piper: Already? They did? Are you sure?", "Leo: Yeah. You have to go now.", "Piper: How am I supposed to have kids when I can't even be at someone else's baby shower?", "Leo: What?", "Piper: Nothing, never mind. I'll meet you outside. The least I can do is say goodbye. (She goes over to the pregnant woman.) Uh, Wendy, I'm sorry, I've gotta go, something's come up.", "Wendy: Ugh, now? But we haven't even had the cake yet, you're gonna miss the best part.", "Piper: Ugh, I know. Story of my life. I'll see you later.", "(She walks away.)", "[Cut to the manor. Everyone's there.]", "Paige: So we've got the spell to vanquish the chameleon but we're not gonna use it. I don't get it.", "Leo: Well, you vanquish him only if you have to. The goal here is to try and interrogate, find out what the Source is planning.", "Paige: Okay, but I'm thinking that this guy's not gonna be so eager to spill his guts.", "Cole: Oh, he'll spill. I make sure to that.", "Phoebe: No, you can't come, he saw you with us. Probably means the Source has some bounty hunter ready to attack you, or capture you, or something.", "Cole: So what else is new?", "Phoebe: Well, it doesn't make it any less dangerous.", "Paige: So the question still stands. How do we get a demon to stop and chat with us.", "Phoebe: Well, Piper can freeze him and unfreeze his head, she's done that before. How do you feel about that?", "Piper: I don't know.", "Cole: Why, you got a better idea?", "(Piper sits on the couch.)", "Piper: Maybe. We could tell him to offer the Source a deal instead.", "Leo: Deal? What kind of a deal?", "Piper: Well, something like, he stops coming after us and we stop going after him.", "Phoebe: What?", "(Phoebe sits down on the coffee table in front of her.)", "Piper: Of course that would mean we'd have to stop going after all of his demons too, which would be fine by me. It would stop all of the constant attacks.", "Paige: (to Cole) Am I the only one who thinks she's bumped her head?", "Phoebe: You can't be serious, Piper.", "Piper: Actually, I've never been more serious in my life. Think about it. This could be an opportunity for us to get out of the demon fighting business once and for all.", "Leo: Wait, and what, just give up on your destiny?", "Piper: How do you know we haven't already fulfilled it? I mean, god knows, we've saved scores of innocents already. Maybe that's enough. Maybe it's time for some other witches to take over and let us get on with our lives. Isn't it worth a try in exchange for what we might be getting? No more putting things on hold, vacations, friends, kids.", "Phoebe: We can't give up now. We are so close. We have to take out the Source if we can. And if not just for our sake, then for Prue's.", "Piper: Fine. I just hope we don't end up where she did.", "(She walks away.)", "[Scene: Alley. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. They have the scrying map out.]", "Piper: Something's not right. We've checked both alleys twice.", "Phoebe: Well, the chameleon's gotta be here somewhere because the crystal never lies.", "Paige: I don't know about you guys but I'm getting a not so good feeling about this.", "Piper: Alright, we'll check one more time and then we'll call it quits. Phoebe, you and Paige go check that alley, I'll go check that alley.", "Phoebe: Wait, split up? Are you sure that's a good idea?", "Piper: Maybe it'll lure him out, who knows? If you get nervous say the vanquishing spell. Keep your eyes peeled, he could be anything.", "(Paige and Phoebe disappear into an alley. Piper starts walking down another alley. A shadow follows Piper. Alaster/The Source appears behind her. She turns around and tries to freeze him. He just shakes it off.)", "Alaster/The Source: Were you expecting me to freeze?", "Piper: Phoebe! Paige!", "(He throws an energy ball at her. Phoebe and Paige run into the alley. Alaster/The Source picks her up and flames out. Paige gasps.)", "[Scene: Piper's mind. She is unconscious on the floor of the manor, which is now a psychiatric hospital. Leo, dressed in a white doctors coat, leans over her.]", "Leo: Piper. (Piper groans.) Piper. (She holds her head.) Are you okay?", "Piper: Ow. My head hurts.", "Leo: I bet it does, you hit it pretty hard. Are you alright?", "Piper: I think so. What happened?", "Leo: What always happens when you have one of your episodes. You threw yourself against a wall.", "Piper: Episodes? I didn't throw myself. What are you wearing?", "(Other people in the manor get noisy. Piper looks around.)", "Leo: It's okay, those are just the other patients.", "(She stands up.)", "Piper: What the hell is going on?", "Leo: It's alright. You're at the sanitarium. Your home.", "(Piper looks at him, confused.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Piper's mind. Manor. Continued from before. Piper walks into another room. Leo follows.]", "Piper: What happened to our furniture? Leo, what are all these people doing in our house?", "Leo: Our house? Piper, Halliwell Hospital is hardly our house. All these other people live here too.", "Piper: Halliwell Hospital? Is that some kind of a joke? What's wrong with you?", "Leo: Please, calm down.", "Piper: No, Leo, I will not calm down. Something very strange is going on, something demonically strange. That demon must have cast a spell, and changed the house, and changed you. Phoebe. (She walks away.) Paige?", "(A doctor grabs her.)", "Doctor: Easy, lady, relax.", "Piper: Let go of me. Leo, don't just stand there. (Alaster walks in.) That's him, that's the demon.", "Alaster: Demons again. Piper, we've been through this thousands of times before. There are no demons, they're just figments of your imagination.", "Piper: Wanna bet? \"Evil hiding in plain sight, I use this spell with all my might, to stop you changing form and shape, this vanquish seals your fate.\"", "(Nothing happens.)", "Doctor: Doesn't really rhyme, does it? Sorry.", "Piper: I don't understand it. That spell should've worked.", "Alaster: Piper, why do you insist on demonising me and every psychiatrist who's ever tried to help you?", "Piper: Let go of me. (She struggles to get free.) I gotta blow him up, I'm gonna blow you up!", "Alaster: He violent impulses are returning. (to another doctor) Hey, straight jacket!", "Doctor #2: Yes, doctor.", "Leo: Piper, why won't you let Dr. Alaster help you?", "Piper: I don't need his help, I need your help. Get this guy off of me so I can use my powers.", "Leo: Piper, you don't have powers, you're not a witch, you don't save innocents, you never did.", "Piper: What?", "(Paige drops something in the other room and two doctors grab her.)", "Paige: This isn't fair! This is my house too! (The doctor carries her past Piper.) I can do anything I want! You're hurting me!", "Piper: Paige, Paige. A demon took over the house. Orb the heck outta here!", "Alaster: Take her to isolation so she doesn't hurt herself.", "(A doctor tries to put a straight jacket on Piper.)", "Piper: Wait, wait a minute, you don't understand. Wait. Leo!", "Leo: It's for your own good.", "Piper: Wait a minute. Hey, hey, you're making a big mistake. Please, listen to me for a second. He's a demon.", "Alaster: I'm not gonna give up on you, Piper. We're gonna free you of these delusions, I promise you.", "Piper: Shut up! Phoebe! Phoebe!", "Alaster: I can give you everything you want if only you'll let me help. (The doctors carry her away.) This illness has already consumed more than three years of your life.", "[Cut to the underworld. A cave. Alaster/The Source, Oracle and Piper are there. Piper is floating lying down over a flat rock, and Alaster/The Source has his hands over Piper's head.]", "Alaster/The Source: Don't let it rob you of anymore. You're not a witch, you only think you are.", "(He floats her down and breathes heavily.)", "Oracle: What's the matter? What happened?", "Alaster/The Source: It's just taking more magic than I realised to project into her mind.", "Oracle: More than you have, perhaps? I only mean to caution you. This is weakening you, making you vulnerable.", "Alaster/The Source: With the bounty I seek will make me more powerful than ever.", "Oracle: If you can get it.", "Alaster/The Source: Nobody knows more about the Charmed Ones than I do. I know how to break her spirit. I know her Achilles heal. In her deepest heart she never wanted to be a witch. And she feels an obligation to her powers.", "Oracle: Yes, but you said her powers won't work in her illusion.", "Alaster/The Source: They won't. Once she learns that painful lesson, she'll willingly give hers up. And with them, her sisters too.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Leo is trying to sense Piper.]", "Paige: Anything?", "Leo: I can't sense Piper anywhere.", "Paige: Does that mean that?", "Phoebe: No. He wouldn't have taken her if he wanted her dead. (Cole shimmers in, covered in slime.) Cole? Oh my god.", "Cole: I'm alright. I just found out that Piper's in the underworld, I think the Source has her.", "Phoebe: The Source? A-are you sure? How do you know?", "Cole: From another chameleon demon. I kinda 'squeezed' it out of him.", "Phoebe: Well, we gotta find her. There's gotta be a spell in here somewhere.", "(She picks up the Book of Shadows and has a premonition of the Source taking the BOS and killing Phoebe and Paige.)", "Cole: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: I saw the Source stealing the book and killing us with our powers.", "Paige: Our powers? How can he get our powers?", "Cole: Maybe he's figured how to get them from Piper. Explains why he's keeping her alive.", "Phoebe: No, but she can't give them up herself.", "Leo: Well, she can using the relinquishing spell in the book.", "Phoebe: But we burnt that spell three years ago, it doesn't exist anymore.", "Leo: It does in her mind.", "Phoebe: That's crazy. She'd never say it, she'd never give up her powers.", "Paige: Even though she was kinda willing to this morning? I'm just saying.", "Phoebe: Look, I know what you're saying but you don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry.", "Paige: Forget it.", "Leo: (to Cole) Maybe you and I should go down there, see if I can sense her.", "Cole: Follow me.", "(Cole shimmers out and Leo orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Okay, there's a bunch or summoning spells we can try.", "[Scene: Piper's mind. Halliwell Hospital. A room. Piper and Paige are strapped to the bed.]", "Paige: I thought you said I wasn't good enough for your little coven.", "Piper: Paige, you are under a spell, you don't know what you're talking about.", "Paige: I tried to be your friend, I even tried to play your stupid witchy games, but all you could do was complain about me and my stuff and how we didn't compare to your beloved Prue.", "Piper: I've never said that.", "Paige: Hmm, you don't have to. It's obvious the way you treat me. You don't even like me.", "Piper: Paige, that's ridiculous, we're sisters.", "Alaster: You don't have any sisters, you're an only child, Piper, you know that.", "(He walks up to the cage door.)", "Piper: I'm gonna be so happy when I vanquish your sorry ass.", "(He opens the cage door and walks in the room.)", "Alaster: You use it to explain things you can't accept. Just like your best friend did before she got well. Prue.", "Piper: Don't you dare talk about Prue.", "Paige: Here we go again. Say Prue.", "Alaster: You've never forgiven her from finally accepting that she wasn't a witch. You've convinced yourself that she's dead.", "Piper: She is dead.", "Alaster: No, she's not. We released her three months ago. She's recovered, she's free. Just like you could be if you'd stop fighting it. Accept the reality.", "Piper: Let me out of these restraints, I'll show you some reality.", "Alaster: I'm afraid you'll just hurt yourself again. I'm truly sorry.", "(Alaster leaves the room.)", "Piper: Leo! Leo!", "Paige: Ugh, will you stop with the Leo, Leo. You're driving me crazier than I already am.", "Piper: Ughh! (Phoebe skips in, eating a cookie.) Phoebe, Phoebe, untie me, hurry, hurry.", "Phoebe: Alright, alright, stop obsessing.", "(Phoebe goes over to her.)", "Piper: I'm not obsessing. What are you eating?", "Phoebe: Chocolate chip cookie. Not your best.", "Paige: Got milk? Ooh, don't think so.", "(Phoebe unbuckles Piper.)", "Piper: Just get me out of these things, we need to reverse this damn spell. (Phoebe gasps.) What is it? What did you see?", "Phoebe: I saw the back of my eyelids, what do you think I saw?", "Piper: Oh, no, Phoebe, not you too.", "Paige: Hurry up, looney tunes, get me outta here.", "(Phoebe unbuckles Paige. They stand up.)", "Piper: Alright, I don't know what the hell is going on here, but we've gotta get to the Book of Shadows, and since evil can't touch it, it's still gotta be in the attic. Right, right, right? Let's go.", "(They run out of the room.)", "[Cut to the hallway. Medical equipment is lined up against the walls. Piper and Paige sneak down.]", "Piper: Alright, the first thing we gotta do is... Where's Phoebe?", "Paige: Who cares?", "(Phoebe catches up to them, holding a broom.)", "Phoebe: Sorry, had to grab my broom.", "Piper: For what?", "Phoebe: Well, for flying, silly. (They hear a man yelling from the attic.) Uh-oh, another innocent to save.", "(She hops on the broom and runs upstairs.)", "Piper: No, Phoebe, wait!", "(They follow her.)", "[Cut to the attic. The girls enter. Cole is lying on a chair with tubes stuck to his face. A doctor is sitting beside him.]", "Cole: You can't hurt me. I'm the mighty Belthazor.", "Phoebe: Stop it, he's not evil anymore, he's good!", "(Piper takes the broom and hits the doctor over the head. He falls back onto some chairs.)", "Paige: Mmm, well he sure flew.", "(Phoebe runs over to Cole and kisses him on the cheek. Piper and Paige go over to her.)", "Piper: Hi, stop that. Has anybody seen the Book?", "Phoebe: I know where it is. I hid it so the doctors... I mean the demons wouldn't find it.", "(Phoebe runs over to a small cupboard, reaches behind it and pulls out a notebook. She takes it to Piper.)", "Piper: What? What is this? (She looks at it and someone has hand written \"The Book of Shadows\" and drawn a very odd-looking triquetra on the cover.) Uhh. (She opens it to a very messy \"Ice Cream Man\" page and flips over to see a very funny drawing of Belthazor.) Oh god. You are nuts. Okay, I don't understand how a demon could take the book out of the house. Unless this isn't the house. Okay, I gotta get you two outta here, maybe that'll break the spell.", "Paige: How come the spell didn't work on you? Hehehe.", "Phoebe: Don't question the rules.", "Piper: Come on, we'll go down the trellis.", "(She goes over to the window and opens the bars.)", "Phoebe: What about Cole? I never get to spend any time with him.", "Piper: Uh, we'll come back for him later. Come on, come on. It'll be fun. Hurry, hurry. Faster.", "(Phoebe and Paige climb out the window. Alaster walks in.)", "Alaster: Don't.", "(Piper climbs out the window. Alaster smiles a little.)", "[Cut to outside. The girls run to the sidewalk, almost bumping into some people.]", "Phoebe: I think we lost him.", "Piper: Wait a minute, everything looks normal. But this, this is wrong. We should go back and try to get the demon to talk.", "Paige: I'm thinking he's not gonna be so eager to spill his guts.", "(A thief steals a woman's purse and runs across the road.)", "Piper: Hey!", "(Piper runs onto the road.)", "Paige: Piper!", "(A car heads straight for Piper. She tries to freeze it but nothing happens. The car hits Piper, she rolls onto the front of the car and rolls back off hitting the ground hard.)", "[Cut to the underworld. Piper is bleeding from the mouth. Alaster/The Source floats Piper down.]", "Alaster/The Source: I believe she's just learned her lesson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there reciting summoning spells.]", "Phoebe, Paige: \"Power of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here. Blood to blood I summon thee, blood to blood return to me.\"", "(Nothing happens.)", "Paige: Any other spells you can think of?", "Phoebe: No. I don't know what else to do. If Leo and Cole can't find her... (Paige gets an idea.) What is it?", "Paige: Leo said something about the power of relinquishing spell being in Piper's mind.", "Phoebe: I told you, she'd never say it. Paige, you don't know her as well as I do.", "Paige: No, but I am getting to know the Source. He likes to play tricks on peoples minds. I mean, god knows, he did with mine, he almost had me kill again, remember?", "Phoebe: Yeah, go on.", "Paige: Well, maybe that's what he's trying to do to Piper, get into her mind somehow. I mean, if that's where the spell is.", "Phoebe: Then that's probably where he's looking for it. And if he can get into her mind, then why can't we?", "(She starts flipping through the Book of Shadows.)", "[Cut to Halliwell Hospital in Piper's mind. Piper is asleep in a bed. She has cuts and bruises on her face. Alaster waves something under her nose and she wakes up quickly.]", "Alaster: Easy, easy. (Piper groans.) You've had a terrible accident.", "Piper: What did you do to me?", "Alaster: You got hit by a car. The driver said you didn't even try to get out of the way. Piper, this delusion that you somehow have magical powers is going to get you killed one day.", "Piper: Shove it. Where are my sisters?", "Alaster: You mean your roommates. They're safe downstairs. Piper, how can I save you if you won't save yourself? You have to want to. You have to will it. Otherwise you just remain lost in this fantasy world of yours.", "Piper: It's real, and you're just trying to confuse me.", "Alaster: No, no, I'm trying to help you. Piper, your psychosis is forever in belief that you're magical. But you know that's just an escape.", "Piper: Escape? What escape?", "Alaster: From some deep seated pain, some terrible loss. Most likely the death of your grandmother. Which is after all when these series of episodes began. And your pain. You can do it. In one of your sessions you mentioned a poema... a spell you called it. One that relinquishes the special powers that you think you have.", "Piper: No. Go away.", "Alaster: Say the spell, Piper. It'll free you, I promise you. It'll release you from all the, the crippling delusions you have.", "Piper: Get out. Get away from me, get out!", "(He stands up.)", "Alaster: You have the power to give you the life you've always wanted. (He walks to the door.) All you have to do is stop putting the illusion of being a witch in front of it.", "(He leaves and closes the door. She throws something at it.)", "Piper: Leo. Leo, where are you?", "[Cut to the underworld. Leo and Cole are there. Leo is trying to sense Piper. Cole is hiding behind a rock wall.]", "Cole: (whispers) Leo.", "Leo: She's hurt.", "Cole: Where is she?", "Leo: I don't know, I can't get an exact reading.", "(An energy ball hits a rock near them. Cole looks around the corner and throws an energy ball at the bounty hunter, missing.)", "Cole: Try harder.", "Leo: I can't. The Source must have learned from last time, he's blocking Piper's signal.", "(The bounty hunter throws another energy ball.)", "Cole: Well, we have to find the Source.", "Leo: How are we gonna do that?", "Cole: There's only one way.", "Leo: Cole.", "(Cole steps out and the bounty hunter throws an energy ball at him. He falls to the ground. Two bounty hunters go over and drag him away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell Hospital. Piper is laying on a bed. Leo sits down beside her.]", "Leo: Hey.", "Piper: Leo. Heal me, please.", "Leo: This ought to help.", "(He pulls out a needle.)", "Piper: No, not with that, with your powers.", "Leo: If I had powers, honey, I would use them. You know that I would.", "(He sticks the needle into Piper.)", "Leo: It kills me to see you like this. (She looks at him and smiles.) What?", "Piper: White lights. I see white lights all around you.", "Leo: That's the pain killer.", "Piper: No, you're my Whitelighter.", "Leo: Dr. Alaster says there's a way for you to get better. Is that true?", "(He wipes a bit of blood off Piper's lip.)", "Piper: I-I don't...", "Leo: If it were then we can be together. We wouldn't have to keep sneaking around, breaking the rules.", "Piper: Rules? But we're married.", "Leo: No, only in your fantasy world. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you were to get better, then we could be married for real. And have that little girl that you've been dreaming about in the future. Come on, I wanna show you something.", "(He picks her up.)", "[Cut to the underworld. The two bounty hunters walk in the cave. The Oracle walks over to them.]", "Oracle: What are you doing here? Leave now.", "Bounty #1: I don't think so.", "(They drop Cole on the ground. The Oracle smiles.)", "Bounty #2: Tell the Source we've captured Belthazor.", "Oracle: Leave him. I'll make surer you get the credit.", "Bounty #2: We're not going without our bounty.", "Oracle: Then you'll wait.", "(The Oracle walks over to Alaster/The Source.)", "Alaster/The Source: I have a surprise for you, Piper.", "[Cut to Halliwell Hospital. Alaster opens the door to a beautiful garden.]", "Alaster: One that I think you'll like.", "(Leo wheels Piper out in a wheelchair. Two butterflies flutter near her and she holds out her hand.)", "Leo: You see, there's magic in the real world too.", "Alaster: Your friends have come to visit you.", "(Becca, Wendy and some other women walk up to her.)", "Becca: Piper, how are you?", "Piper: Becca?", "Becca: It's so good to see you again, we've missed you.", "(Wendy shows Piper her baby.)", "Wendy: We've got so much to catch up on.", "Piper: Wendy, when did you have your baby?", "Wendy: Just after the shower. Don't you remember? Do you wanna hold her? Here. (She puts the baby in Piper's arms.) Isn't the outfit you bought her just adorable?", "(Piper starts to cry.)", "Becca: What's the matter, honey? Why are you crying?", "Alaster: I think it's probably best if you all go now.", "Becca: But we just got here. And everyone's so excited to finally see her again.", "Alaster: I'm sorry. You understand.", "(Wendy takes away her baby. Piper cries. They all say bye and leave.)", "Leo: You can have this life, Piper. We can have it together. You already know how to get it for us. It's the only way you'll ever get out of here. To free yourself once and for all, to free us.", "Piper: The spell.", "Leo: Yes. The spell. (He hands her a pen and paper.) Try to remember it. Exactly.", "(He kisses the top of her head and walks away.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. They have the Book of Shadows open to a page. Phoebe lights some candles.]", "Paige: Are we sure we wanna do this?", "Phoebe: This was your idea, remember?", "Paige: Well, in the abstract, yeah, but, uh, I have enough trouble being in my head let alone someone else's.", "Phoebe: Well, our minds won't actually be in Piper's body, just our consciousness. Kinda like astral projection.", "Paige: Okay, so the spell gets us in her head. What about after that?", "Phoebe: We use the reversal spell to get us out. Are you ready? (They kneel inside a circle of candles.) I'm not about to lose another sister. And neither are you.", "(They join hands.)", "Phoebe, Paige: \"Life to life and mind to mind, our spirits now will intertwine; We mould our souls and journey to, the one whose thoughts we wish we knew.\"", "(They collapse on the floor.)", "[Cut to Piper's mind. Garden. Phoebe and Paige pop in the scene.]", "Phoebe: I think it worked.", "Paige: Either that or we're in Mary Poppins' head.", "(Phoebe turns to see Piper.)", "Phoebe: Piper. (They run over to her.) Piper. We're gonna get you outta her. Okay, I have the spell.", "Piper: No, no more spells.", "Phoebe: Piper, honey, it's us, your sisters.", "Piper: I don't have any sisters. Go away, leave me alone!", "(Alaster storms out of the house.)", "Alaster: You're too late. Her nightmare's about to end.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Piper's mind. Garden. Two doctors have a hold of Phoebe and Paige.]", "Alaster: Keep 'em here. I want them to witness this. And no threats, your powers don't work here.", "Paige: Oh, yeah? Spell! (Nothing happens. The doctor jerks her.) Ow!", "Alaster: Pain, however, you do feel. And will after she recites the spell thrice. Once for each of your powers.", "(Leo walks out.)", "Phoebe: Leo. Help Piper, get her outta here.", "Alaster: Yes, Leo, by all means.", "(Leo wheels her down the path.)", "Leo: It's okay. Piper, honey, just say the word and everything will be alright.", "(Phoebe and Paige try to escape from the doctors grip.)", "Paige: No!", "Piper: \"From whence they came return them now...\"", "Phoebe: Piper, don't! Please, Piper, don't.", "Piper: \"Vanish the words, vanish our powers...\"", "Paige: Don't trust them, they're trying to steal our powers!", "Alaster: Don't listen to them.", "Leo: They're still delusional.", "Alaster: You're not.", "Leo: Not anymore.", "Alaster: Just two more times.", "[Cut to the cave in the underworld.]", "Alaster: You'll set yourself free. (Leo looks around the corner.) Say the spell, Piper. You know you want to.", "Leo: Come on, Cole, wake up. (He orbs out and orbs back in front of the two bounty hunters.) How you doing?", "(He orbs back out. The bounty hunter throws an energy ball, vanquishing the other bounty hunter. Leo orbs in behind the bounty hunter, taps him on the shoulder and knocks him out. Leo races over to Cole.) Cole, hurry, wake up.", "Oracle: (to Alaster) Finish this, you're in danger.", "(The bounty stands up. Cole wakes up and throws an energy ball at the bounty hunter, vanquishing him.)", "Leo: Piper.", "(He runs over and the Oracle tries to stop him. He pushes her out of the way. He tries to get to Piper but a protective shiled pushes him across the room. Cole throws an energy ball at Alaster/The Source but the shield protects him. he throws another and another.)", "[Cut to the garden in Piper's mind.]", "Piper: \"Vanish our powers.\"", "Alaster: One last time.", "(Phoebe elbows the doctor and trips him.)", "Phoebe: Now!", "(Paige moves her head and Phoebe punches the other doctor.)", "[Cut to the cave. Cole throws many energy balls at Alaster/The Source.]", "Oracle: Break the connection or he'll kill you!", "[Cut to the garden. Phoebe kicks Alaster.]", "Alaster: I told you, you're too late.", "[Cut to the cave. Cole throws another energy ball and Alaster/The Source flies back.]", "[Cut to the garden. Alaster, Leo and the doctors disappear.]", "[Cut to the cave. Alaster/The Source stands up and touches his bleeding side. Alaster screams and changes back into the Source. Cole gets a large energy ball ready.]", "Oracle: No!", "(She runs in front of the Source and Cole throws the energy ball, vanquishing the Oracle. The Source flames out.)", "[Cut to the garden.]", "Phoebe: Piper, please, don't do this. Our magic is a gift. Please don't throw is away.", "Piper: \"From whence they came, return them now.\"", "[Cut to the cave. Leo holds his hands next to Piper's head.]", "[Cut to the garden. Leo pops in the scene.]", "Leo: Piper, don't. (He goes over to her.) Listen to your sisters, trust them. Trust me, don't say the spell, don't relinquish your powers.", "(Leo heals her wound. She looks around and points to Leo.)", "Piper: (normal) Are you really my husband?", "(He laughs.)", "Leo: Yes.", "Piper: And that would make you two really my sisters.", "Phoebe: Whether you like it or not.", "Piper: And so that demon is gone? (Phoebe nods.) Thank god, (she stands up) because that guy was freaking me out.", "Paige: Whattaya say we uh, click our heals and get out of this crazy joint? Uh, no offense.", "Piper: That's okay. (She watches some butterflies fly past.) My life has always been a little crazy.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper runs down the stairs and goes through all the rooms. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Cole come down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Is something wrong?", "Piper: No, everything is just right.", "Paige: Except for my chair.", "(Phoebe nudges her.)", "Piper: Yeah, which, um, I'll actually pay to replace.", "Paige: Oh, god no, it's not your fault. Or is it?", "Piper: Actually, yeah, it was. I was just upset that there was yet another demon in our lives. And I know I should stop fighting it and just accept it but...", "Paige: Nah, it wasn't my favourite chair anyway. And it's actually kinda good to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with the idea of being a witch.", "Phoebe: No, believe me, you're in good company.", "(She hugs her.)", "Leo: Well, the good news is you won't have to deal with the Source any time soon because Cole hurt him pretty bad.", "Cole: Not bad enough though, he'll be back.", "Phoebe: So, he's gone for now isn't he? First time in a long time. I think we should take advantage of that.", "Cole: Why, Ms. Halliwell, are you trying to seduce me?", "(He pulls her in.)", "Phoebe: Always.", "Piper: Eww.", "(Leo laughs. Phoebe and Cole run up the stairs.)", "Paige: Okay, and I'm just gonna... go to the store, get some milk, or something.", "(She leaves.)", "Leo: Sure you're okay?", "Piper: Yeah. You know, I-I'm never gonna stop wanting a normal life, but you know what? I think that's the one thing that actually keeps me sane.", "Leo: Well, you deserve a normal life, Piper. We both do. And maybe we'll get that when we vanquish the Source once and for all.", "Piper: And who knows. Maybe one day I can have a baby shower of my own. What do you think?", "Leo: Well, in that case... (He picks her up.) We need to practice a little.", "Piper: Leo! (They orb out.)" ]
Brain Drain
Alien Stalker
[ "After pondering a marriage proposal from Cole, Phoebe is forced to face a blast from his demonic past when the widow of one of his past victims hunts him down, looking for vengeance. As a result, they're forced to face an old protégé of Belthazor's who likes to kill witches with the same athame Cole used to use. However, when Paige learns of this, she has an instant mistrust of Cole and tries to convince her sisters to vanquish him. Meanwhile, Paige helps Leo and Piper find out whether they're ready to have kids." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Brad Kern & Nell Scovell", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is pacing, while Paige looks through the Book of Shadows.]", "Paige: A demon who likes to kill witches. Well, that narrows it down to about every page in the book.", "Piper: We have one clue. We know he likes to use an athame.", "Paige: How does that help?", "Piper: Well, it means he has hands. Keep flipping.", "Paige: So I hear you and Leo are thinking about having a baby.", "Piper: Where did you hear that from?", "(Paige shrugs.)", "Paige: From Phoebe. (Piper rolls her eyes.) Oh, did I just break some sort of sister confidentiality clause?", "Piper: No, you didn't, and no we aren't.", "Paige: Really? Don't you want to? Not to be nosey but I'm going to be an aunt and all.", "(Piper sighs.)", "Piper: You're not going to be an aunt, all right? At least not any time soon, it's too risky. It would be in constant danger around us.", "Paige: What does Leo think?", "Piper: Leo thinks that there's enough magic around here we'd be able to protect it.", "Paige: Maybe he's right.", "Piper: Maybe he's not. Keep flipping.", "Paige: I'm flipping. (She flips a couple of pages and stops.) You know, it's not like having a baby isn't hard enough even without demons attacking. But for what it's worth, there are ways of seeing what it's like before you actually have one.", "Piper: Mm-hmm, great. Well, the next time you pass a baby rental, pick one up for Leo.", "Paige: Maybe I will.", "(Leo orbs in. Piper gets a fright.)", "Leo: So did you find anything out?", "Piper: Uh, yeah, I scryed for the location of the demon using the slime from the last victim, and Phoebe and Cole are checking it out.", "Leo: Alright, well, I hope that it pans out because with two dead witches they're pretty concerned up there.", "Piper: Okay, well, we are pretty concerned down here too.", "Paige: Hey, I think I found something. “Upper level demon who likes to kill witches using an athame, sometimes with energy balls ” His name, Belthazor.", "(Piper and Leo look at each other and back at Paige.)", "Leo: I don't think so.", "Paige: Why not?", "Leo: Well, because that's, uh, Cole, in his demonic form.", "Piper: You knew he was half demon.", "Paige: Yeah, but I didn't know he could turn into that.", "(The phone rings. Piper answers it.)", "Piper: Hello?", "[Cut to an alley. Phoebe and Cole are walking down it. Phoebe's talking to Piper on her phone.]", "Phoebe: We're at Battery and Clay but there's no sign of any demons.", "[Cut to the attic.]", "Piper: Okay, I'll scry for him again. Talk to Paige.", "(She hands Paige the phone.)", "Paige: Hey Phoebe. How's Cole? Morphed into any demons lately?", "Phoebe: What?", "Leo: Paige.", "(Piper scrys and the crystal points to a place on the map.)", "Piper: Battery and Clay. He's still there.", "Paige: Piper says he's still there.", "[Cut to Phoebe and Cole.]", "Phoebe: Piper says he's still here somewhere.", "(Suddenly, a black painted demon with a green face drops down behind them. He throws out a string of slime and it wraps around Phoebe's leg. She drops the phone. Phoebe screams and the demon pulls the slime, lifting her up. Cole grabs a hold of Phoebe's arms.)", "Cole: Hold on.", "Phoebe: I can't. (Cole starts to lose his grip and holds onto her fingers. Phoebe looks at Cole and nods.)", "Cole: 3,2,1. (Cole lets go of one hand and throws an energy ball at the demon. It explodes and green goo splats all over Cole and Phoebe. They are sent flying across the alley and land on a pile of clothes. They laugh.)", "Phoebe: We have to stop meeting like this.", "Cole: Marry me.", "(Phoebe stops laughing.)", "Phoebe: What?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Phoebe and Cole walk in from the front door, still covered in slime.]", "Cole: Don't you think we should talk about this?", "Phoebe: Talk about what?", "(Piper comes down the stairs.)", "Piper: Wow, looks like you two got a juicy one.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but unfortunately not the one that kills witches.", "Piper: How do you know?", "Cole: Because upper level demons have a human form, and they bleed, red, not green. (Phoebe heads up the stairs.) Where are you going?", "Phoebe: I'm going up to take a shower first, and then I'm going to check the Book of Shadows. I wanna I.D. this demon that I'm wearing, try to find some answers.", "Cole: Speaking of unanswered questions", "Phoebe: There is a demon on the loose, Cole, we don't have time for this.", "Cole: Shouldn't we make time for it?", "Phoebe: No, not now we shouldn't.", "Piper: What are you guys talking about?", "Phoebe: Nothing.", "Cole: Nothing.", "Phoebe: Please, Cole, let's just focus on vanquishing the demon.", "Cole: Fine. I'll, uh, go see what I can find out.", "(He shimmers out.)", "Piper: Honey, did you two have a fight?", "Phoebe: No, he just never mind.", "(Phoebe walks up the stairs.)", "[Scene: Alley. A witch is there. A demon who looks similar to Belthazor, shimmers in.]", "Demon: Witch. (The witch screams. He goes to her and covers her mouth. He looks at the symbol on her necklace.) You're next.", "(He stabs her with an athame and she drops to the ground. He changes into a man and pokes the athame in his belt. He walks over to a pay phone and dials 911.)", "Man: Yes, I would like to report a terrible murder. Uh, a beautiful young woman in the alley behind the Canon Theatre. (A guy walks into the alley.)", "Guy: Hey, you gonna be long? (The man looks at him.) What are you, deaf? I need to use the phone.", "Man: (in phone) Hold on. (He puts the phone down and throws an energy ball at the guy. He picks the phone back up.) Hurry please, before anyone else gets hurt. (He shimmers out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Phoebe are there. Phoebe has the Book of Shadows open to the black and green demon.]", "Phoebe: Okay, so the demon that Cole and I nailed is a Scavenger demon. Apparently he feeds on the remains of other demons victims. Nice, huh?", "Piper: Well, that explains why we scryed for him accidentally. (Phoebe continues to flip through the book.) Um, are you gonna tell me what happened out there?", "Phoebe: There's not much to tell. The demon jumped in behind us", "Piper: That's not what I mean. What happened between you and Cole?", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, that. Um I'm not exactly sure. He asked me to marry him.", "Piper: What? He-he did what? He did?", "Phoebe: More or less.", "Piper: Well, what did you say?", "Phoebe: I didn't know what to say. I was too surprised. I mean, with all my power of premonition and I never saw that one coming.", "Piper: Uh, wow, I-I don't think a witch is allowed to marry a demon. Honey, we can't have a demon in the family.", "Phoebe: Piper, that is the least of my concerns right now.", "Piper: Well, don't kid yourself. If you decide to go through with this, it's gonna be a source of huge concerns. Especially for them. (She points up.)", "Phoebe: I have to be concerned with my own concerns. (Piper sits down next to Phoebe.) I love Cole, you know I do, but demon stuff aside, I never thought of myself as the marrying type. You know, it's not something I fantasised about. Ever.", "Piper: So then, what are you gonna tell him?", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "Piper: Well, you're gonna have to tell him something because a question like that doesn't go away by itself.", "Phoebe: Are you sure?", "Piper: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.", "(They laugh. Cole shimmer in.)", "Cole: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Piper: I'll be downstairs.", "(She gets up and leaves the room.)", "Cole: I couldn't find out who the demon was but at least I ruled out any usual suspects.", "Phoebe: Any idea of who it could be?", "Cole: No, just another upper level demon trying to build a reputation by killing witches to move up the ladder. Anyway, I guess I'll keep checking.", "(He starts to leave. Phoebe stands up.)", "Phoebe: No, Cole, wait. We should talk.", "Cole: Alright.", "Phoebe: It's just hard.", "Cole: It's just me.", "Phoebe: Okay, let me ask you a question. (She walks over to him.) When you, you know, proposed did you mean to? Or did it just come out in the heat of the moment?", "Cole: Well, does that matter?", "Phoebe: Well, yeah, it matters to me.", "Cole: It just came out in the heat of the moment.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Cole: But that doesn't mean that once I said it I wasn't serious because I-I-I was, I still am.", "Phoebe: Cole", "Cole: Phoebe, listen to me. I know it was crazy to ask, and I know it doesn't make any sense because of who we are but that shouldn't matter. If it did we never would have fallen in love in the first place. I love you, Phoebe, and I don't know where we go from here but, I do know where ever it is, I want it to be with you.", "(They hear a baby cry from downstairs.)", "Phoebe: Is that a baby crying?", "[Cut to the living room. Piper and Paige are there. Paige is holding onto a plastic baby. A crying noise is coming out of it.]", "Paige: You told me to rent one, so I did.", "Piper: Well, I didn't think that you could. Where did you get it?", "Paige: The clinic.", "Piper: Great. Take it back.", "(Phoebe and Cole walk in.)", "Phoebe: What's going on?", "Paige: Piper and Leo wanted to try out having a baby before actually having one, so I got them a mechanical baby. They use them in parenting classes all the time.", "Phoebe: Wow, it sounds so real.", "Piper: And so annoying. Look, Paige, I appreciate the thought, but we are on a demon hunt and the last thing I want to do is protect a fake baby.", "Paige: Oh, really? (She throws it up in the air. Piper freezes it.) See? Your instincts were to save it.", "Piper: My instincts were to shut it up.", "Paige: The doll has a sensor. It'll stop crying if you just hold it.", "Piper: But I don't want to.", "Paige: Come on, just try it. If it doesn't work I will take it back, I promise.", "(Piper sighs. She unfreezes the baby and catches it. Phoebe puts her arms around Piper.)", "Phoebe: Okay, now you just rock it gently.", "(She helps her rock it.)", "Piper: Phoebe? I know how to hold a baby, that is not the issue, thank you.", "(Phoebe lets go.)", "Paige: Just give it a shot. What have you got to lost?", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Another witch has been killed.", "Phoebe: Oh, no.", "Leo: Yeah, the police found her body at the Canon Theatre.", "Piper: Well, we should go there and see what we can find out.", "Phoebe: We've gotta call Morris on the way. Make sure he can get us in. (to Cole) And no you can not come. Someone might recognise you from when you posed as a DA.", "Cole: I don't get to go anywhere anymore.", "Paige: You were a demon and a lawyer? Insert joke here.", "Leo: (to Piper) Where'd you get it? (He laughs.)", "Piper: It's Paige's.", "Paige: No, it's yours. You need to figure it out.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: Yeah, daddy. (She gives him the baby.) Figure it out. Excuse me.", "(She leaves. Leo looks at it. It continues to cry. He goes over to Cole and gives him a look.)", "Cole: Don't look at me.", "(He walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Alley. Police are now at the crime scene. Darryl, Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in the alley.]", "Darryl: Look, I can't guarantee much this time. Just promise me you'll stay on the French.", "Phoebe: We promise.", "Paige: So what do we know?", "Darryl: Man called 911 from that pay phone, reported he found a body.", "(Piper sees black scorch marks on the wall.)", "Piper: Looks like she wasn't the only victim. Scorch mark. Definitely demonic. Looks like one of Cole's, actually.", "Paige: Don't you mean Belthazor?", "Phoebe: Oh, it's too bad Cole can't check it out. He'd probably be able to tell us who did it. Is anyone from the DA office here?", "(Darryl points to the man who murdered the witch.)", "Darryl: Yeah, that guy over there's an ADA. He's interviewing one of the victim's friends. They also found this on the victim.", "(He pulls out the necklace the witch was wearing.)", "Paige: Triple crescent.", "Darryl: Yeah, does this mean something to you?", "Paige: I studied it in one of Piper's quizzes. It's an ancient wiccan symbol, a cousin to the triquetra.", "Piper: Could be the mark of a coven.", "Phoebe: A coven someone's trying to wipe out. We have to figure out who else is in it.", "Piper: Maybe the victim's friend.", "Phoebe: Only one way to find out.", "Darryl: Phoebe, French, okay?", "Phoebe: French.", "[Cut to the man and the victim's friend.]", "Man: And she hadn't complained about any disgruntled friends, co-workers, ex-boyfriends?", "Woman: No. Carrie was a beautiful person, everyone loved her.", "(He takes a business card out and hands it to her.)", "Man: If you think of anything else at all, please, don't hesitate to call.", "(She nods. He walks away. She starts to walk away. Phoebe comes up to her.)", "Phoebe: I like your necklace.", "Woman: Do I know you?", "Phoebe: No, but you might know of me. (whispers in her ear) The Charmed Ones. You and Carrie were in the same coven?", "Woman: Yes.", "Phoebe: And your mark is the triple crescent.", "(She touches the necklace and has a premonition of the Belthazor look-a-like, stabbing this woman.)", "Woman: What is it? Are you alright?", "(Piper and Paige race over to Phoebe.)", "Piper: What happened? hat did you see?", "Phoebe: The demon. He's after her.", "Piper: Where?", "Phoebe: Uh... By the steps in some park. I think it was like an old amphitheatre or something.", "Woman: I know that. That's in Stanley Arboreta. I walk past it everyday on the way to work.", "Paige: What did the demon look like?", "Phoebe: Like Belthazor. Not exactly like him, just similar.", "(The man walks over to them.)", "Man: What the hell is going on here? This is a murder investigation. Who are these people?", "Darryl: I'll get rid of them. Come on, ladies, move along. First time I ask nicely.", "Piper: We're going, mister.", "(They all leave.)", "[Scene: Next morning. Park. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and the woman (Susan) are walking along.]", "Susan: I don't understand. If you know the demon is meant to attack here, shouldn't we go someplace else?", "Piper: Not if we want to get rid of him for good.", "Paige: Power of three spell?", "Piper: No, the only way to vanquish an upper level demon is with the potion of his own flesh.", "Paige: Sounds like you've done this before.", "Phoebe: Once. On my fiancé.", "Paige: Your fiancé?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I just wanted to hear how it sounded.", "Piper: And?", "Phoebe: Kinda weird.", "Piper: Yeah.", "Paige: Wait, wait, wait, back up. Did you say you once tried to vanquish Cole?", "Phoebe: No, Belthazor, there's a difference.", "Paige: Is there?", "(They stop walking.)", "Phoebe: Okay, let's review. I play decoy, demon attacks. Piper freezes, you slice and dice until we get the demon sushi. And then we get out of there. Everybody ready?", "Paige: As ready as I'll ever be.", "(Paige takes a knife out of her purse.)", "Phoebe: (to Susan) Okay, I'm gonna need your coat and your hat. (She takes off her hat and coat and hands them to Phoebe.) Oh, and your necklace.", "(She takes off her necklace and gives it to Phoebe.)", "Piper: Okay, we've gotta get Susan some place safe. (Phoebe puts on Susan's coat.) Leo! (Leo orbs in.) Hi, honey, could you orb Susan out of here.", "Leo: Sure. Any place in mind?", "Phoebe: Hmm, I don't think home is a good idea.", "(She puts on Susan's hat.)", "Paige: Actually, you should take her to my old loft, I don't think it's rented yet.", "Leo: Alright, take my hand. (Susan does so.)", "Paige: Where's the baby?", "(Leo turns around to show the baby strapped to his back in a carrier.)", "Leo: See? We can make this work.", "Piper: Go away and you drop Robo-kid off at the manor. Please, thank you. (He orbs out with Susan.) Okay, we gotta do this fast because this demon won't stay frozen for long. Ready? (Paige nods.) Let's go.", "[Time lapse. Phoebe is walking through the path by herself. Piper and Paige are looking through some bushes. The demon shimmers in behind Phoebe.]", "Demon: Hello, witch.", "Phoebe: Goodbye... (She spins around.) Demon.", "(The demon runs for her with his athame. Phoebe flips him over and Piper and Paige come out of the bushes. A woman runs out and throws a dagger at the demon. The demon shimmers out and the dagger hits a tree.)", "Woman: I had him.", "Piper: Who the hell are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Cole and the woman are there. The woman is holding the dagger.]", "Woman: He used this to kill my fiancé. It's a ceremonial knife. The demon left it behind after the struggle. I've been hunting for the last year and a half. It's all I care about.", "Cole: May I?", "(The woman look at him and then at Piper and Phoebe. They nod and she hands the dagger to Cole.)", "Phoebe: Look familiar?", "Paige: He looked familiar to me.", "Phoebe: I meant the athame.", "Cole: It's one used by the brotherhood.", "Piper: Emma, do you know why the demon wanted to kill your fiancé?", "Emma: Because Andrew was a witch.", "Piper: Are you a witch too?", "Emma: No. But after Andrew died, I studied his books and devoted myself to the craft.", "Phoebe: To continue his work?", "Emma: To track down his killer.", "Paige: And you just happened to be in the park at the same time the demon was going to attack Susan?", "Emma: I know his MO. I know when he kills a witch, he goes after the entire coven.", "Piper: You've taught yourself well. But still, if we hadn't come along we would have lost you both.", "Emma: Vengeance empowers me.", "Cole: But it won't save you. Your desire for revenge is keeping you from the truth. You want the demon vanquished, my advice is to stand back and let the Charmed Ones handle it.", "Emma: This is my fight.", "Cole: Then you shall lose it.", "Phoebe: Cole's right. You should trust us. Trust that we want the same thing you do.", "Emma: It's just, his face has haunted me ever since Andrew died. It's the face of pure evil. I can't let him get away.", "Piper: Why don't you scry for him again while we prepare the vanquishing potion. Once we get a piece of his flesh, he's dust.", "Phoebe: We'll get him. I swear we'll get him.", "(The baby cries from the other room.)", "Piper: Ignore that.", "(Paige hits her lightly.)", "Paige: Piper!", "Piper: Alright. Excuse me.", "(She leaves the room.)", "Emma: She has a baby?", "Paige: Actually, she's not sure yet.", "Emma: Hm.", "[Scene: Office. The man is walking down the hallway talking to a woman.]", "Man: Inspector Morris, he's based down town. Now, I want you to get in touch with his captain and tell him his office wants to see all of his recent case files.", "Woman: Got it.", "Man: Look, in fact, go make the request in person, this way they can't duck you on the phone.", "Woman: I'll be back as soon as I can.", "Man: That's okay, take your time. (The woman walks away and the man walks into his office. He turns to his shadow on the wall.) I'm gonna lure the witch here. So I'm gonna need you to stand guard in case the ones who ambushed me show up. You understand? (The shadow nods.) Fortunately they won't recognise me in my human form. Your old boss Belthazor, he was right about one thing, posing as a DA's a perfect cover. Leave me.", "(The shadow disappears.)", "[Scene: Paige's old loft. Leo and Susan are there.]", "Susan: How much longer do you think I'll have to stay here?", "Leo: Well, I talked to your Whitelighter but my instincts tell me that everyone in your coven should break the routine until the threat is over.", "(Susan's phone rings.)", "Susan: Excuse me. (She answers it.) Hello?", "Man: Ms. Coleman, this is the assistant district attorney Sikes.", "Leo: Who is it?", "Susan: ADA. Uh, I'm sorry, yes, hi.", "Sikes: I'm calling because I've received new evidence and I'd like to talk to you about it if that's alright.", "Susan: Uh, okay, when?", "Sikes: Can you come over to the office now?", "Susan: (to Leo) He wants me to come in.", "Leo: Okay.", "Susan: Alright, I'll be there.", "Sikes: I'll be waiting.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Emma is scrying. Phoebe and Cole are sitting on a chair looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Emma: I-I feel the crystal pulling, he's still in the area.", "Phoebe: Well, I can't find him in the book anywhere.", "Cole: Did you notice how he vanished? Did he smoke out, flame out?", "Phoebe: Actually, he shimmered, like Belthazor.", "Emma: Wait, I think I found him.", "Phoebe: Where?", "Emma: He's at, uh, Prescott and...", "Phoebe: Pine.", "Emma: How'd you know?", "Phoebe: That's where we are.", "Emma: Wait, he's here in the house?", "Cole: I'll go check upstairs. You find your sisters, get ready.", "[Scene: Office. Leo and Susan arrive.]", "Susan: Hello?", "(Sikes comes out of his office.)", "Sikes: Ah, Ms. Coleman. Who's this?", "Leo: I'm a friend. Is it a problem?", "Sikes: No, no, no problem at all. Um, why don't you just wait over there and uh, I'll let you know when it's over. (Leo sits down.) Right this way.", "(He takes her in his office and shuts the door. Leo sees the shadow demon go under the door.)", "[Cut inside the office. Sikes pushes Susan against the door and holds up his athame. Leo orbs in and knocks him out. Leo orbs out with Susan.]", "[Cut to the manor. Cole runs down the stairs.]", "Cole: Phoebe? (Phoebe races in.) He's not upstairs.", "Phoebe: He's not downstairs either.", "(Leo orbs in with Susan.)", "Leo: It's the ADA.", "Phoebe: Sikes?", "Leo: He tried to kill her, I don't know if he followed us here or not.", "(Sikes shimmers in.)", "Phoebe: Watch out! (Sikes throws an energy ball at them. They duck. Cole throws an energy ball at Sikes.) Take her upstairs.", "(Leo and Susan run up the stairs.)", "Sikes: You're gonna have to do better than that.", "(Sikes changes into his demon form. Piper, Paige and Emma run in. Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: Hurry, slice him.", "(Paige runs over with a knife. She pulls a face.)", "Piper; Oh, Paige, just do it. This is no time to be squeamish.", "(Paige slices a piece of flesh off his arm. It drops on the floor and she picks it up.)", "Paige: Got it.", "(Sikes unfreezes and hits Paige. Phoebe goes over to her. Sikes throws an energy ball and Cole pushes Piper and Emma out of the way. The energy ball hits the fake baby on the table. Cole turns into Belthazor.)", "Sikes: Belthazor, we meet at last.", "Belthazor: But not for long.", "(They throw an energy ball and it hits together. The house shakes.)", "Sikes: We'll finish this later.", "(Sikes shimmers out.)", "Piper: Is everybody okay?", "(Piper and Emma stand up.)", "Phoebe: I'm okay. Emma?", "Emma: He's not the demon who killed my fiancé. (She points to Belthazor.) He is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Continued from before. Belthazor has turned back into Cole.]", "Emma: He's a killer. What's the matter with you people?", "Piper: Emma, I know you're upset but you have to understand.", "Emma: Let go of me.", "Phoebe: You're making a huge mistake. He's not who you think he is.", "Emma: He's the demon who killed my fiancé and that is all I need to know.", "(She pushes her way to the table.)", "Piper: Whoa, whoa, hey!", "(Emma grabs the dagger and throws it at Cole. He catches it before it stabs him.)", "Emma: How can you protect a murderer? How can you live with yourself?", "(She storms out of the house.)", "Paige: Is she right? Are you the one who killed him?", "Phoebe: Honey, now's not the time, we need to worry about Sikes. We got what we need, you guys work on the vanquishing potion.", "(Paige grabs the flesh and she and Piper head for the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: We need to talk.", "[Cut to Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe and Cole walk in.]", "Cole: Don't tell me you're scared of me.", "Phoebe: No, don't be ridiculous.", "Cole: That's good. Because I think Emma's right. I am the one who killed her fiancé, this is mine. (He holds up the athame..) I don't even remember doing it. I don't even remember what he looked like. It didn't matter what they looked like, it only mattered that I did what I was told. He was a witch, the Source viewed him as a threat.", "Phoebe: Shh... you don't have to explain yourself to me.", "Cole: Yes I do.", "Phoebe: No, you don't. I know who you were, who you used to be. And that's not the person you are anymore.", "Cole: I know. Belthazor still exists inside of me, that hasn't changed, nor does it change what I've done.", "Phoebe: But just think of all the good you've done since then.", "Cole: Hm. Doesn't balance out, doesn't even come close. And now the very thing I've tried so hard not to be is the very thing that I might have to become.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Cole: Sikes has done a good job of emulating me, emulating Belthazor, which means if the potion doesn't work. the only way to destroy him is for me to turn into Belthazor.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but afterwards you'll turn back into Cole.", "Cole: I may not be able to. To stop him I'll have to embrace my demonic self completely. There may be no coming back from that.", "Phoebe: Well, then we'll just have to make sure that potion works very well. Won't we? I'll be back.", "(She grabs her purse.)", "Cole: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: To find Emma. Try to explain.", "Cole: It won't make any difference.", "Phoebe: Well, it will if I can keep her out of the craziness, keep her from getting hurt.", "Cole: I'm more concerned of keeping you out of the craziness, keep you from getting hurt. You still have some of that Belthazor vanquishing potion left, don't you?", "Phoebe: Yes, but...", "Cole: Get it, just in case. It might be the only way to stop me.", "(Cole leaves the room. Phoebe opens her drawer and pulls out a potion. She puts it in her purse.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper and Paige are making the potion. The table is covered in herbs and ingredients.]", "Piper: Okay, we just need the pigs feet, over there by the mandrake root.", "Paige: Poor piggy, piggy. They're sensitive creatures, you know. Smart too.", "Piper: Yeah, not that one. (Paige puts the pig feet in the potion and flames shoot up.) Okay, so all we need to do is drop in the Sikes flesh. (She gradually steps away from the potion.) Right, just drop it in.", "(Paige adds the flesh and the potion explodes. Paige falls to the ground. Piper giggles.)", "Paige: You did that on purpose didn't you?", "Piper: Yeah! (Piper helps her up.) Yeah, it happened to me last year. No substitute for experience.", "(Cole races in.)", "Cole: You girls alright?", "Piper: Yeah, just doing a little sisterly bonding, that's all. Where's Phoebe? The potion will be ready in a couple of minutes.", "Cole: Yeah, she wanted to talk to Emma, explain things", "Paige: Good luck.", "Cole: Look, I don't need the guilt from you, okay, I've got enough of my own to deal with.", "Paige: What, and you think that covers it? What you did?", "Piper: Paige, don't.", "Paige: Don't what, Piper? He killed a man, are you condoning that?", "Piper: No, of course not. But it's just not that simple. He can't change the past and you've seen how much good he's helped us to do. That's who he is now and we've accepted that.", "Paige: If you say so.", "Cole: (to Piper) Thank you. Do you want me to help you find Sikes?", "Piper: Can you?", "Cole: If he's still emulating me, all I have to do is figure out what I'd do next.", "Piper: Which would be...?", "Cole: Go after the Charmed Ones.", "Paige: Oh, that's nice.", "Cole: First I'd have to regroup somewhere. Tend to my cut.", "Piper: The mausoleum?", "Cole: Except Sikes will anticipate that. He'll be expecting you to come after him which means he'll be probably be lying and wait. Maybe set up some kind of trap.", "Piper: One that you can identify. (Cole nods.) So let's go.", "Paige: Wait, don't we need Phoebe?", "Piper: No, all we need is this. (She holds up the viles of potion.) Besides, it's better to keep Emma away from the action. (Leo walks in with the baby. It has scorch marks on it and is crying strangely.) Oh, honey, what happened?", "Leo: Sikes. I guess you were right.", "Piper: Oh, sweetie, I didn't wanna be right. I'm sorry.", "Paige: You're sorry? Who's gonna pay for this? Well?", "Piper: We're gonna go after Sikes so we should probably orb Susan out of here just to be safe.", "(She kisses him on the cheek and leaves the kitchen. Paige and Cole follow. Leo holds the baby out in front of him and its leg falls off.)", "[Scene: Street. Phoebe pulls up on the side of the road. Emma is walking down the sidewalk. Phoebe gets out of the car.]", "Phoebe: Emma, Emma. Emma, please, I need to talk to you. (Emma stops.) Look, I know that there is nothing I can say that can change what happened. But I think there is something that may help. I want you to know that Cole has dedicated his life to good now. (She walks off. Phoebe follows.) And I'm not saying that it excuses what he did.", "Emma: Damn right it doesn't.", "Phoebe: All I'm saying is the demon you're searching for no longer exists.", "Emma: Oh my god. Who are you trying to kid? Are you blind? Did you not see what he turned into? That monster still exists whether you wanna believe it or not.", "Phoebe: Technically yes, but...", "Emma: Not technically, actually. He's alive and I'm not gonna rest until he's dead no matter what you say.", "Phoebe: All that would do is keep him from doing future good and put your life at risk in the process. Emma, please, please, just let it go.", "Emma: Let it go? Have you ever lost someone? To evil, I mean.", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Emma: And did you just let it go?", "(Emma walks away.)", "[Cut to the mausoleum. Cole, Piper and Paige walk down the stairs.]", "Paige: Any sign of him?", "Cole: No.", "(They reach the bottom of the stairs and Cole pulls Paige back.)", "Piper: What?", "Cole: Trap. Back up.", "(Cole picks up a candle and throws it on the ground. It explodes and the whole floor is covered in flames. It disappears. Cole runs across the room and looks around.)", "Piper: Where is he?", "Cole: I don't know.", "Paige: Well, why would he set a trap for us and not be here?", "Cole: Unless this is just a distraction.", "Piper: What do you mean distraction? You said he was after us.", "Cole: I was wrong. He's after me. And the best way to get to me is through...", "Piper: Phoebe.", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe walks in through the front door.]", "Phoebe: Cole?", "(Sikes shimmers in behind her and grabs her around the neck. She gasps and drops her purse. He points an athame at her.)", "Sikes: Close.", "Phoebe: What do you want?", "Sikes: Same thing you do. Only I call him Belthazor. (He looks at the potion that has fallen out of her purse.) Accept I don't need a potion to vanquish him. I just need you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper, Paige and Cole walk in. They see Phoebe's purse on the floor.]", "Paige: Phoebe.", "Cole: I'll check upstairs, you check downstairs.", "[Cut to the attic. Sikes has Phoebe tied to a chair.]", "Sikes: You must be something very special, turn a demon. Something very special indeed. (He touches her neck with the athame.) Unfortunately though, when you made him less evil, you made him less powerful. Hmm, I wonder, are you gonna have the same affect on me after I kill him? (Cole walks in.) Well, well, well. The mighty Belthazor. You don't disappoint. I knew you'd figure out what I was up to... sooner or later.", "(He points the athame at her neck.)", "Phoebe: Cole, get outta here. He won't hurt me. He's bluffing.", "Cole, Sikes: I can't take that chance.", "Sikes: Ooh, it's kinda eerie, isn't it? How I know you better than you know yourself. The student has surpassed his mentor.", "Cole: I was never your mentor, Sikes.", "Sikes: By reputation you were. By your legend. It'll be an honour to kill you. (He tucks his athame in his belt.) And assume your rightful place in the hierarchy.", "(Cole looks at Phoebe. She shakes her head.)", "Cole: Remember what I told you? What I asked you to do?", "Phoebe: Cole, please, don't.", "(Cole screams and turns into Belthazor. Sikes turns into his demon form. Belthazor throws an energy ball at Sikes.)", "[Cut to downstairs.]", "Paige: Did you hear that?", "[Cut to the attic. Belthazor and Sikes start fighting.]", "[Cut to downstairs. Piper and Paige run up the stairs.]", "[Cut to the attic. Sikes tries to strangle Belthazor.]", "Sikes: Die!", "Phoebe: Cole?", "(Cole embraces his demonic self completely. He pushes Sikes up and he hits the roof. Belthazor grabs him and pulls his athame out of his belt. They suddenly freeze. Piper and Paige have entered the room. They race over to Phoebe.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Emma walks in through the front door and picks up the potion.]", "[Cut to the attic. Belthazor and Sikes start to unfreeze. Piper and Paige quickly untie Phoebe. Belthazor pulls Sikes up and stabs him with the athame. Sikes screams and bursts into flames. He disappears. Belthazor turns to the girls.]", "Phoebe: Cole? (He walks towards them with the athame.) It's over. You can turn back now. Cole, you can do it. For me, for us.", "Paige: Hurry, throw the potion. maybe it'll work on him.", "(Piper holds up the potion.)", "Phoebe: No, don't. Cole, please, you can do this, you're good.", "(Emma runs in and throws the potion at Belthazor. Flames surround him and he screams. The flames disappear and Cole drops to his knees.)", "Paige: What happened?", "Phoebe: That was the power stripping potion I made to free Cole. (She goes over to him.) Are you okay? (She hugs him. Emma picks up the athame. Phoebe sees her.) No! (She goes over to her.) You got your revenge. You killed the demon you were after. Belthazor's dead, gone forever. Cole's a human being, an innocent.", "(Emma hands Phoebe the knife.)", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Paige are at the bar. Piper is writing out a cheque. Leo comes up to them.]", "Piper: You know, this baby was your idea.", "Paige: I know, I know, that's why I'm paying for half of it. I still haven't quite figured out how to explain what happened to it though. (Piper hands her the cheque.) Thank you.", "Piper: Well, at least it served its purpose.", "Leo: In spades unfortunately.", "Piper: Well, honey, it doesn't mean that we can't ever have children. Just, you know, we have to wait until it's safe.", "Leo: Promise?", "Piper: Promise.", "(She leans over the bar and kisses him.)", "Paige: Aww, that's sweet. You two oughta get married. Unlike Phoebe and Cole.", "Leo: You don't think they should?", "Paige: I don't know, I guess it's not my business. Probably just really the fact that Cole killed people.", "Piper: Yeah, but that wasn't Cole, it was Belthazor.", "Paige: Splitting hairs if you ask me.", "Leo: It's not though. He's human half had absolutely nothing to do with any of that, it was totally substicated. Phoebe's right, he's an innocent.", "Piper: The question is, what does he do now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Phoebe is waiting around for Cole. After a while, Cole finally walks in.]", "Phoebe: Cole. Oh my god, I was so worried.", "(She runs over and hugs him.)", "Cole: Oh, I'm sorry, but I had to take a walk, and then I lost track of time and I tried to shimmer back here and I realised I, I didn't have my powers anymore.", "Phoebe: But that's a good thing. Isn't that what we always wanted?", "Cole: I don't know, do we? I mean, I get it that I'm finally off the Source's radar and that I don't have to worry about demons tracking me down all the time but, I-I-I'm grateful for that, don't get me wrong. It's just... (he laughs)", "Phoebe: What? Come here.", "(They sit on the bed.)", "Cole: For all intense purposes I've been a demon for over a hundred years, it's all I've ever know. Or been. What am I supposed to do now? Who am I?", "Phoebe: Well, you're still the good man I fell in love with.", "Cole: But not the one you wanna marry.", "Phoebe: I love you, Cole. And nothing will ever change that. But I'm not ready, not yet. And that's got more to do with me and my issues, than it does you.", "Cole: I still don't know where that leaves us, especially now.", "Phoebe: Well, just because you're not a demon anymore doesn't mean we can't live in sin.", "(They kiss and lay down on the bed.)" ]
Black as Cole
Alien Stalker
[ "Piper, Phoebe, and Paige learn that a warlock is in the process of kidnapping and enslaving the muses inside a special ring in order to make the forces of evil more powerful. As a result, they have to find a way to save the remaining ones and rescue the others before the warlock's plan comes to fruition. Meanwhile, Cole starts to get frustrated that Phoebe has so far spurning his marriage proposal and is worried that without his demonic powers, he'll be unable to help keep her safe from the demon factions who plan on attacking the Charmed Ones." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is cutting up some vegetables. Cole walks in.]", "Cole: Hey, where is everyone?", "(Phoebe rips off her apron to reveal a tight black dress.)", "Phoebe: Surprise!", "Cole: You look beautiful.", "Phoebe: Thank you. (She picks up two glasses of wine and hands one to Cole.) I sent everyone away. So we could celebrate.", "Cole: What are we celebrating?", "Phoebe: Cole, you're finally fully human. No more demon half means no more obstacles for our relationship. Yay us. (She clinks their glasses and takes a sip. Cole doesn't.) Uh, that was a toast and usually after the clinking part you take a little sip.", "Cole: I don't know if sending your sisters away was a good idea. I don't have powers anymore and I can't protect you if there's an attack.", "Phoebe: Well, my sisters are in calling range and more importantly, I am in kissing range.", "(She kisses his neck. He stops her.)", "Cole: Phoebe, you don't seem to understand that with the Source injured, you might be in more danger than ever before.", "Phoebe: Well, you don't seem to understand that sometimes a girl needs a night off. Now please, is there anything that I can do, (she kisses his neck) to help you relax?", "(She kisses his cheek.)", "Cole: Well, that helps, a little. Maybe you should keep doing that. (He stops her again.) It's just that without a strong leader, there's energy in the underworld.", "Phoebe: Wow, you're a sweet talker.", "Cole: Demons who would normally compete for the Sources favour...", "Phoebe: Will start banning together to try to take out the Source. Honey, you told me this part already.", "Cole: But I'm not sure you get it. Demons hoping to replace the Source will gather factions of followers, and what better way to gain support for your faction, than to kill the infamous Charmed Ones. (The oven timer goes off.) I'll get that. (He goes over to the oven and pulls out a hot dish. He quickly puts it down.) Ah, ow! Damn it! Oh!", "(Phoebe goes over to him.)", "Phoebe: Is it bad? I could call for Leo.", "Cole: No, no. No, it's fine. I used to be able to hold fire in the palms of my hands.", "Phoebe: We vanquished half of you. That's a huge adjustment. But I promise, you'll figure it out. We'll figure it out together.", "(She hugs him.)", "Cole: I'm serious about the factions, Phoebe. If demons join forces...", "Phoebe: I promise you I'll worry about the factions first thing in the morning, but for now, I want us to join forces.", "(They kiss.)", "[Scene: Congressmen's office. He is practising a speech to himself.]", "Congressmen: We must join forces. With those we have considered our enemies, if we are to defeat... We must join forces... Damn. (He sits down at his desk. A muse appears, surrounded by a bright light. She looks hard at him and he gets an idea. He stands back up.) Joining forces with our friends is simple. Only by working with those we've considered our enemies will we achieve our greater goals. In the coming days we must rise above our differences if we're to reach the level of our convictions.", "(He hears someone clapping and looks around. A warlock blinks in.)", "Devlin: I think I can use that.", "Congressmen: How did you get in here? What do you want?", "Devlin: Well, as you know congressmen, gathering a following requires inspiration. I want your muse.", "Muse: You can see me?", "Congressmen: My what?", "(The muse sees a ring on the warlock's finger.)", "Muse: The ring of inspiration. But how did you get it?", "Devlin: Oh, I think a more important question is, how will you get out of it?", "(Devlin holds out his hand and the muse gets sucked into it.)", "Congressmen: Who the hell are you talking to? (He heads for the door but Devlin blinks in front of him.) Please...", "Devlin: Come now, I'm doing you a favour, really. There's nothing worse than an uninspired politician.", "(Devlin places his hands on the side of the congressmen's face and burns him. He screams.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: The next morning. Manor. Kitchen. Piper's on the phone and making a cup of coffee.]", "Piper: Uh, okay, Bev, if that's what you really want. Bev, take yes for an answer. I'll get back to you. (She hangs up and heads for the table. Phoebe walks in and takes Piper's coffee and sits down.) Uh, that was the last of the coffee.", "(She takes a sip.)", "Phoebe: I've had coffee, this is not coffee. Have you seen Cole?", "Piper: Uh, he went out. He said he had some errands to run.", "Phoebe: What kind of errands?", "Piper: He didn't say. How was the big date?", "Phoebe: Great, fine. It was okay. He kept talking about demonic factions the whole time.", "Piper: Well, that's probably because it's easier for him to talk about demons than what's really on his mind.", "Phoebe: Which is?", "Piper: Whether or not your going to reconsider his marriage proposal now that he's just a human.", "Phoebe: We talked about that and he's totally fine with it. He gets it. Why, did he say something to you?", "Piper: No, but, uh, he doesn't have to, it's written all over his face. And, truth be told, it's rare for a relationship to survive a rejected proposal.", "Phoebe: But it wasn't rejected, it was just postponed. Piper, I'm not ready, you know that.", "Piper: Mm-hm, I do, but it's not my heart that's involved. Or my ego for that matter. You should talk to him again.", "(Piper gets up and heads for the door.)", "Phoebe: Where are you going?", "Piper: Uh, P3.", "Phoebe: At 9:00 in the morning. Don't club kids sleep in?", "Piper: Corporate party, big money, total nightmare.", "(Piper leaves the kitchen. Phoebe follows.)", "Phoebe: Uh, what if there's an attack?", "Piper: At 9:00 AM. Don't demons sleep in?", "(They walk into the foyer.)", "Phoebe: Piper, Cole thinks that the demons are gonna start banding together to take out the Source.", "Piper: Great, well, I say the only good Source is a dead Source.", "(Piper puts on her coat.)", "Phoebe: Right, but he also seems to think that the best way for a faction leader to gain the support of the demonic masses would be to kill us.", "(Paige comes down the stairs carrying some art supplies.)", "Paige: Who's going to kill us?", "Piper: No one.", "Paige: That's new.", "(She goes back up the stairs.)", "Phoebe: So I was thinking, since you're the potions master, isn't there something you could whip up? Some kind of protection maybe?", "Piper: Pheebs, if there was such a thing as a protection potion, we'd be mixing it in our morning coffee.", "Phoebe: I know, but there's got to be something that we can do. And by we, I mean you.", "Piper: Well, I say we just wait until we're attacked like we usually do, and then deal with it then.", "(Paige comes back down carrying a large box of stuff.)", "Paige: Who's attacking us?", "Piper: No one.", "Paige: Right on, I get the weekend off.", "Piper: See now that is the spirit.", "(Paige goes back upstairs.)", "Phoebe: Piper, if Cole is right, we have no idea how many of them we're gonna be up against.", "Piper: Suddenly I'm beginning to miss the Source.", "Phoebe: And even if you don't think we need the protection, just think about Cole. He is a human being with no magical powers, living in a house that's constantly under demonic attack.", "Piper: Well, I guess I can make something.", "Phoebe: Yay, yay, yay. I love you!", "Piper: After I go to the club. We cannot afford to lose the income. I've got this client who is insisting on a last minute theme and man, do I hate themes.", "Phoebe: Oh, I am so good at themes. My prom theme, almost paradise, totally my idea.", "Piper: And this is supposed to impress me how?", "(Paige comes down with another box.)", "Phoebe: Are you moving out?", "Paige: No, just cleaning out.", "Piper: Your art supplies?", "Paige: Well, between witch work, and work work, I just don't have any time any more.", "Phoebe: This is perfect. We need a theme. You're an artistic, creative type.", "Paige: A theme?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'll explain on the way. Us theme, you potion.", "(They head for the door.)", "Piper: Me peeved, you annoying.", "Phoebe: You see how well this worked out?", "(Phoebe and Paige grab their coats and rush out the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Alley. A homeless man wanders down it. Two warlocks blink in. Devlin's eyes glow red. The homeless man turns into a warlock.]", "Demon: Back off, we're on the same side.", "(Devlin's eyes change back to normal.)", "Devlin: Whoa, we almost killed a demon. The Source would have our heads.", "Warlock #1: Man, I love that glamouring power. You know, I fall for it every time.", "Demon: If you two warlock scum don't mind, I've got work to do.", "Devlin: Oh, but so do we, and we're gonna need to borrow that little trick of yours. (The warlock stabs the demon and receives his glamouring power.) Nicely done. Now, use your new power to kill the Charmed Ones and bring me back theirs.", "Warlock #1: Hey, I thought we were taking out the witches together.", "Devlin: I have a faction to build, and time is of the essence. There's recruiting to do, powers to gather.", "Warlock #1: So I'm supposed to risk my life so you can become the Source?", "Devlin: Aren't you tired of living under demonic rule, of being a second class citizen? My friend, in the coming days we must rise above our differences if we are to reach the level of our convictions.", "Warlock #1: And what do I get out of it?", "Devlin: A little inspiration. (Devlin points the ring at the warlock and he is covered in a bright red light.) Now get to work.", "(Warlock #1 blinks out.)", "[Scene: P3. Phoebe, Paige and Bev are there.]", "Phoebe: Bev, I'm telling you, forties night is perfect. I mean, think about it, the zoot suits, the saddle shoes, the patriotism. What more could you ask for?", "Bev: Uh, I just don't know. I mean, weren't the fifties a little bit more flashy?", "Paige: Yeah, if you want something that's been done a million times.", "Bev: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Um, honestly, Bev, I think the forties is your era. I mean, you already have this, kind of Veronica Lake thing goin' on.", "(Bev touches her hair.)", "Bev: I do?", "Paige: Oh yeah. Peek-a-boo hair-do, some nice pearl ear rings, you're a dead ringer.", "Bev: Oh, (she giggles) um, well, then...", "Paige: Looks like someone has some shopping to do.", "Phoebe: Yep! Here is the number for the costume place, and tell all your friends to dress there or be square.", "(Bev laughs.)", "Bev: Thanks, girls.", "(She leaves. Phoebe breathes a sigh of relief. They head for the stairs. Cole walks down them.)", "Phoebe: Oh, if it isn't Mr. Sneak-out-of-bed.", "Cole: Yeah, I had some stuff to do.", "Phoebe: Yeah, what kinda stuff?", "(She hugs him.)", "Cole: Well...", "(She feels something.)", "Phoebe: What's that?", "Cole: Oh.", "(He pulls out a gun. The girls gasp.)", "Phoebe: What are you doing with that?", "Paige: Get that thing out of here.", "Cole: Oh, come on, you guys see worse than this every day.", "Phoebe: No, we see demons every day, there is a huge difference.", "Cole: There is how?", "Paige: Uh, for one thing, we're not likely to accidentally vanquish ourselves.", "Phoebe: Where did you get it?", "Cole: Well, I may not be a demon anymore, but I still know where to find the bad guys.", "Paige: Well, why don't you go find the bad guys and give it back to them?", "Cole: Look, I have to have a way to protect myself, and the one I love.", "Phoebe: Okay, Cole, I am not living in a house with a gun. It makes things more dangerous, not less.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hey, ah, Piper's at home.", "Leo: I know, I just talked to her. I came here to find you guys.", "Cole: Was there an attack?", "Leo: Uh, in a way. Muses have been disappearing, the Elders are very concerned.", "Paige: Muses, the ones who inspire creativity, they're real?", "Leo: Yes, and they are in a very real danger. It'd be a powerful evil to find a way to hurt a muse.", "Cole: Factions.", "(Warlock #1 blinks in near by. He spies on them.)", "Phoebe: We'd better get back.", "Paige: What about forties night?", "Phoebe: We'll call the decorator from the car.", "Leo: Alright, I'll meet you guys at home. I'm gonna see what else I can find out.", "Phoebe: Uh, Leo, before you go... Wait, um...", "(She takes Cole's gun.)", "Cole: Come on.", "Phoebe: Can you orb this to Darryl, please.", "(She gives it to Leo. The girls leave.)", "Leo: I wont even ask.", "(Cole leaves. Leo shakes his head and orbs out. The warlock turns into Leo and blinks out.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper's there looking at a Muses page in the Book of Shadows. Phoebe and Paige walk in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, how's the protection potion?", "Piper: Non-existent.", "Phoebe: Hey, we kept up our end of the deal.", "Piper: I know, Bev called and she's thrilled, and I thank you, but I thought we should move on to the muses.", "Paige: Muses, which are (reads from the book) \"Beings of pure light, whose soul purpose is to inspire peoples passion and creativity. Like angels, they guide us with an unseen hand of inspiration.\"", "Piper: Mm-hmm.", "Phoebe: Wait, how can evil hurt someone who's invisible?", "(A muse appears.)", "Piper: I have no idea. A good place to start would be to ask a muse, but I can't figure out how to summon one.", "Phoebe: Do you guys feel that?", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: I don't know, it's like a, um, wow, like a, like a feeling.", "(She looks around the attic.)", "Piper: Honey, whatcha looking for?", "Phoebe: I think there's a muse somewhere in this room.", "(The muse touches Phoebe's shoulder.)", "Phoebe: \"Being of creativity, show yourself now to me, your light that shines upon our face, let our vision now embrace.\"", "(The muse becomes visible.)", "Melody: I was hoping I could inspire you to do that. I'm Melody.", "Phoebe: Wow, I'm Phoebe. And this is, um...", "Melody: I know who you girls are, I've been inspiring you your whole lives. Now I was hoping you could help me.", "Paige: So you know what's been happening to the muses.", "Melody: Yeah, we were inspiring a symphony and a friend of mine, a fellow muse, was captured. I was lucky to get away.", "Piper: Get away from what?", "Melody: A warlock wearing the ring of inspiration.", "Phoebe: The what?", "Melody: It's a ring that enables the wearer to see and capture muses. I mean, it was created by good magic, to channel inspiration in times of great need.", "Paige: A warlock, is that like a demon?", "Piper: Pretty much, yeah.", "Paige: That's nice.", "(Leo/Warlock walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hi, I thought you were orbing.", "Leo/Warlock: What?", "Paige: Melody, Leo, White lighter, muse.", "Leo/Warlock: Nice to meet you.", "Melody: We go way back.", "Leo/Warlock: Oh, right. Uh, good to see you again.", "Phoebe: Have you ever heard of the ring of inspiration?", "Leo/Warlock: Uh, I think so. Red jewel?", "Piper: Isn't that something you would have normally mentioned earlier.", "Leo/Warlock: Right, um, yeah, sorry about that.", "(A knife appears in his hand. He hides it behind his back.)", "Piper: Leo!", "Leo/Warlock: What?", "(Leo orbs in. Leo/Warlock grabs Phoebe and stabs her. He blinks out. Cole runs in. Leo/Warlock blinks behind Paige.)", "Cole: Paige, behind you!", "(Paige gets a fright and orbs out. Piper blows up the warlock. Leo heals Phoebe.)", "Piper: You okay?", "(Phoebe nods. Paige orbs back in.)", "Paige: What was that?", "Cole: That was a warlock.", "Piper: Was that the warlock that captured your friend?", "Melody: No.", "Phoebe: They must be working together.", "Cole: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call a faction.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Everyone comes down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Where are you going, we have to make a plan.", "Piper: I have a plan.", "Paige: Which is?", "Piper: To cook. Now that I know what we're up against I can practically taste the potion. I don't know what it does, but it tastes pretty good.", "Paige: I cant believe I almost threw away my paints.", "Phoebe: I'm gonna write a vanquishing spell. Actually, I-I have to write a vanquishing spell. I keep hearing rhyming in my head, are you doing that?", "Melody: Oh no, you're doing that. I'm just helping it come out.", "Phoebe: Yes you do, without a doubt.", "Melody: I think I should probably leave. I'm not meant to stay in one place for too long. The inspiration gets a little intense.", "Piper: Okay, but that's good. If the warlocks are enslaving other muses to inspire them, than we need all the help we can get.", "Paige: I think I know how to get the ring.", "Piper: You do?", "Paige: (to Melody) Can you describe the warlock to me?", "Melody: I think so.", "Leo: What are you gonna do?", "Paige: I'm going to draw him.", "Cole: I think Leo should orb me under ground.", "Phoebe: What?", "Cole: I could find out who the faction leader is. I may not have my powers anymore, but I still know the terrain.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and you may just find yourself in everlasting pain.", "Paige: That's a rhyme.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm sorry. Now is not the time. Oh!", "Piper: Cole, if you go underground you will be a sitting duck without your powers.", "Cole: I'm a sitting duck up here as well. At least this way I can be useful.", "(He touches Piper's shoulder and she pushes it away.)", "Phoebe: Cole, you are useful, alive. Its just that now you have to be the brains behind the operation, not the brawn.", "Cole: Well, is there some rule somewhere that says I have to choose?", "Phoebe: Well, I could make one up, but it would just be a ruse.", "Melody: But maybe I should point out that...", "Paige: I think Cole has a point.", "Phoebe: Excuse me?", "Paige: Well, he is a demon, right?", "Phoebe: Was a demon.", "Melody: Before you get any more...", "Paige: No, he was a half demon that's probably lived for about a century. So that means he knows his way around down there pretty well, and we can use all the help we can get.", "Melody: Leo.", "Leo: I think what Melody is trying to say is...", "Phoebe: No, the point is bounty hunters haven't been attacking because they think he's dead. If he goes down to the underworld...", "Cole: I'm still here!", "Piper: Cole, if you go underground and anyone sees you, you will be back on the demonic radar, only this time you will not have anything to protect yourself.", "Phoebe: It's starting to seem like you have some kind of death wish.", "Cole: Well, it seems to me that you won't be happy until I put on an apron and become your little house boy.", "Leo: Hey! Alright, here is the thing. Every time there is a muse around, passions tend to run a little higher.", "Melody: A lot higher.", "Leo: Let's keep that in mind with in communications with each other, okay?", "Piper: Phoebe, go write your spell. Paige, go do whatever it is you were going to do. Cole, please join me in the kitchen and tell me everything you know about warlocks so that I can make my potion.", "(Paige goes upstairs. Piper heads for the kitchen.)", "Cole: (to Phoebe) We'll talk about this later.", "(He starts to walk off.)", "Phoebe: Alligator.", "(Phoebe goes upstairs. Leo heads for the kitchen.)", "Piper: Cole!", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper has potions boiling.]", "Piper: What I don't understand is why a warlock would even want that ring.", "Cole: Are you kidding? Evil never gets the feel of that muses inspiration, I can tell you, I have never felt anything like it in my life.", "Leo: What does it feel like?", "Cole: It was like a power surge, an over dose of adrenaline. I can tell you these warlocks must be sucking it up, so whatever it is that your doing, please do it fast because I promise they'll be back.", "Piper: Look, I am making this up as I go along. So power surge or no, you're going to have to be patient. Just like your gonna have to be patient with Phoebe on her marriage front.", "Cole: I don't think that's any of your business.", "Leo: You don't know sisters very well, do you?", "Piper: Cole, your struggling right, trying to figure out how to be this new person.", "Cole: I thought we were here to talk about warlocks.", "Leo: No.", "Piper: What you don't get is that Phoebe is trying to do the exact same thing. She's always been the youngest sister, the eternal child. Care free, fun loving.", "Cole: And?", "Leo: And in a minute, she lost Prue, discovered Paige, and became the middle sister.", "Piper: And to top it all off, you propose. The idea of marriage, being that much of a grownup is terrifying to Phoebe.", "Cole: Did she say that?", "Piper: No, she didn't have to, I'm her big sister, I've known her only, oh, her whole life.", "(She turns towards the stove.)", "Cole: (to Leo) Can I have a word?", "(They leave the kitchen. Piper puts something in the potion and it explodes.)", "Piper: Ah. See what a little patience will get you?", "(She looks around but no one's there.)", "[Cut to the conservatory.]", "Cole: I'm asking you a favour, Leo, man to man.", "Leo: You want me to talk to Phoebe?", "(He playfully punches him.)", "Cole: I want you to orb me underground.", "Leo: Cole, that's the inspiration talking.", "Cole: Maybe so, but think about it Leo, their big plan right now is to draw the warlock.", "Leo: They're the Charmed Ones, I trust that they know what they're doing.", "Cole: Just listen. I can't be certain, but I think that warlock used demonic powers.", "Leo: Which means he killed a demon to get them. Aren't there laws against that?", "Cole: It's punishable by death. Now, I know where the demons will convene to discuss his treason. They probably know by now which warlock is behind it. All we have to do is listen.", "(He puts his arm around Leo.)", "Leo: And not be seen.", "Cole: We can go now and be back before anybody notices.", "Leo: Oh, they're gonna notice. And then they're gonna kill me.", "(Leo orbs out with Cole.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe, Paige and Melody are there. Paige is drawing the demon while Phoebe writes a spell.]", "Phoebe: A warlock is a funny thing, he blinks from place to place, and when we say these words to him, his face they will erase.\"", "Paige: It sounds more like a limerick than a spell.", "Phoebe: Damn.", "Melody: (to Paige) I think his nose was a little longer than that. Your work is wonderful.", "Paige: Thanks to you.", "Melody: No, Paige, I have nothing to do with product, only the inspiration to create it.", "Phoebe: I could use a little of that over here.", "Melody: Okay. (She walks over to Phoebe.) Close your eyes, and concentrate.", "(They close their eyes.)", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "(She walks back over to Paige.)", "Melody: So how come you stopped painting?", "Paige: How come you stopped inspiring me to paint?", "Melody: I honestly have no control over the world, Paige. You stopped painting because you stopped caring about your art.", "Paige: No, I didn't stop caring about my art, I just, I dunno, I guess I'm a perfectionist. And once I stopped having enough time to practice, well, I just kinda threw in the towel.", "Melody: Art isn't about perfection, it's about expression. The key is simply to love it. That's the call I answer.", "(Piper walks in with viles of potion.)", "Piper: I got potions, whose got a spell?", "(Phoebe clears her throat.)", "Phoebe: \"Evil is a faithful foe, but good does battle best. We witches will, with these words, waste the warlocks evil zest.\"", "Piper: Wonderful. Witty, but wordy.", "Phoebe: Just take one. One for you.", "(She hands a piece if paper to Piper and Paige.)", "Paige: Thank you.", "(Phoebe looks at the drawing.)", "Phoebe: Wow, is that him?", "Melody: Precisely.", "Paige: Now that I have something to focus on, I think I can call for the ring.", "Phoebe: It's brilliant. The ring will orb to you, and then if he wants it back, he'll have to come follow it.", "Piper: Which is when we hit him with the potion.", "Phoebe: And make a huge commotion.", "Piper: Right, the potion will flash in his eyes which are very sensitive. This should keep him from blinking long enough for us to vanquish him with your spell.", "Paige: Blinking?", "Phoebe: It's how the warlocks get around.", "Paige: Well, why don't you just, I dunno, freeze him or blow him up or something?", "Piper: Well, sometimes warlocks don't freeze, or blow up. Power of three spell is the only guarantee.", "Paige: Fabulous.", "Phoebe: God we're good. (They clink their potions.) Ah, no, no, wait. I think we should tell the guys.", "Piper: But why?", "Phoebe: Cole? Cole?", "(No answer. She looks at the girls.)", "[Scene: Underworld. Leo and Cole are crouching behind a rock, spying on a meeting going on near by.]", "Leo: What is this place, Cole?", "Cole: High Council meeting quarters. We listen long enough, we hear plenty.", "(A demon comes up behind them.)", "Demon: You two lost?", "Cole: Rake.", "Demon: Belthazor, sorry man, thought you were a warlock. (He starts to walk away but stops.) Didn't I hear you were dead?", "Cole: Yeah, and unfortunately, I have to stay that way.", "(Cole walks over and stabs Rake. He is vanquished.)", "Leo: He seemed like a friend.", "Cole: In my old life he was.", "Leo: It feels different, doesn't it? Killing now that you're human.", "Cole: Just keep an eye out would ya?", "[Cut to the manor. Attic.]", "Piper: Leo? Leo!", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Cole is nowhere to be found.", "Piper: And Leo still isn't answering.", "Phoebe: I can't believe they'd do this.", "Paige: Do what exactly?", "Piper: The only reason Leo wouldn't hear us calling is if he went underground, with Cole.", "Paige: I'd rather do battle with warlocks than do battle with the two of you.", "Phoebe: Call for the ring.", "Paige: Well, shouldn't we wait for Leo in case we get hurt?", "Phoebe: Just call for the ring.", "(Paige stands in front of her drawing.)", "Paige: Ring.", "(Nothing happens.)", "Melody: Breathe and focus.", "(They close their eyes.)", "[Cut to Devlin and another warlock.]", "Warlock #2: That ring packs a serious punch.", "Devlin: What power did you get?", "(An energy ball appears in the warlock's hand. Devlin holds his hand over it. Suddenly, his ring orbs out.)", "[Cut to the attic. The ring orbs in on the table.]", "Paige: It worked.", "Phoebe: Let all the muses out.", "[Cut to Devlin and the warlock.]", "Warlock #2: Your ring, where'd it go?", "Devlin: The Charmed Ones. Well, let's go get it back.", "Warlock #2: No way, they just vanquished the last sucker you sent in.", "Devlin: He didn't have your newly acquired power. You wanna live in the shadow of demons your whole life?", "Warlock #2: Forget it, Devlin, its suicide.", "Devlin: They're expecting me, but not the two of us. We can take 'em, come on. We'll take their powers and together we'll rule the underworld. We're gonna have so much fun.", "(They blink out.)", "[Cut to the attic. The girls are hiding behind some boxes. Warlock #2 blinks in.]", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Evil is a faithful foe, but good does battle best. We witches will, with these words, waste the warlocks evil zest.\"", "(The warlock bursts into flames and is vanquished. Suddenly, Devlin blinks in, grabs the ring and blinks back out.)", "Piper: Wh-what just happened?", "(Devlin blinks back in.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god. (He sucks Melody into the ring.) Piper, blow him up.", "Paige: No. You might blow up melody too.", "(Devlin blinks back out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are sitting around the table, doing nothing. Leo orbs in with Cole.", "Cole: I-I know you're, I know you're mad but before you say anything we, ah, found out that the faction leader is a warlock named, uh, Devlin.", "Phoebe: Ha, he looked more like a Joe to me.", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "Leo: Where's Melody?", "Paige: Oh, she's gone.", "Leo: Gone? Gone, as in she left?", "Piper: Gone as in she got sucked into a big red ring by a warlock named, what was it?", "Paige: Devlin.", "Piper: Right, Devlin.", "Leo: Okay, so what exactly are you doing now?", "Phoebe: Basking in the brilliance of our failure.", "Piper, Paige: Mm-hm.", "Cole: What happened?", "Paige: Oh, well, I called for the ring, it came to me, and, uh, we set the muses free.", "Piper: Which was useless because Devlin came and took it right back, so he could capture them all again.", "Phoebe: And he took our own muse and he's gonna use her inspiration to kill us. Aw, the irony.", "Leo: Okay, I understand that you guys have been on an inspiration binge and that you are wiped out, but now is not the time to give up.", "Cole: He's right. Devlin will be back soon, and stronger than before.", "Paige: We have no inspiration to fight him.", "Leo: But you don't need it. Alright, Melody just inspired your own passion, creativity and talent. Alright, all you need to do now is find another way to tap into it.", "Piper: I say we head for the hills.", "Cole: Great idea, it rhymes with gills.", "Phoebe: You think that's funny? If you had done what I asked and stayed here, you might have been able to help.", "Cole: How? The minute Devlin arrived you would have sent me to my room.", "Phoebe: Cole, I wasn't just being a nagging girlfriend. I actually had good reasons for asking you not to go.", "Cole: Which were what exactly?", "Phoebe: I dunno, to try to keep you alive.", "Cole: What, 'cause I'm not capable of defending myself. If that's the way you think, no wonder you don't want to marry me.", "Phoebe: I can't believe that's what you think. Is that really what you think?", "Cole: What am I supposed to think?", "Phoebe: You're supposed to know that I love you and...", "Cole: And, and what? I have a hard time believing that any woman who's truly in love would turn down a marriage proposal.", "Phoebe: Uh, well, that's how little you know about women. Cole, there's still so much that we don't know about each other. I mean, we don't know the new rules, and we don't know what it means for you to be human, and I don't know..", "Cole: That you truly love me.", "Phoebe: No, Cole, that's the one thing that I do know.", "Cole: Well, then what is the problem?", "Phoebe: I don't know how to be a wife. (He kisses her.) But I can't live without you in my life.", "(They kiss again.)", "Paige: Did she rhyme? I think she just rhymed.", "Piper: Mm-hmm.", "Leo: This is what I'm talking about. Phoebe's passion for Cole is a natural way to access inspiration.", "(Phoebe and Cole stop kissing. Phoebe goes over to Piper and Paige.)", "Phoebe: Okay, you guys, we have a warlock to catch. And I know were beaten, and I know we're tired, but that does not mean we can just lay down and play dead.", "Piper: I don't think we're gonna have to play.", "Phoebe: Piper, Leo said we can tap into our own inspiration, and I'm feeling it. Now you have to do whatever you have to do to feel it too.", "Paige: I dunno, I kinda agree with running for the hills.", "Cole: You can't run. Not while Devlin has that ring.", "Phoebe: You know, this isn't about saving our own lives, or even Melody's. It's about good verses evil, and wrong verses right, and our job as witches to fight the good fight.", "Piper: Dr. Seuss is that you?", "Paige: What if we didn't wait for Devlin to come to us, what if we went to him?", "Phoebe: See, now that's the spirit. We're gonna need a new spell and Piper, were gonna need some more of you potion.", "Piper: I have no idea what I put in it.", "Leo: Alright, well, Cole and I were there, maybe we can help.", "Piper: Leo, please. There were like fifteen thousand herbs on that counter.", "Phoebe: Okay, so just start cooking and let that inspire you.", "Piper: Now she's Martha Stewart.", "Cole: You're pretty young, Piper. Are you really ready to die?", "Piper: Oi!", "Phoebe: Look, if you can't do it to save Melody, then get inspired to save your own life, for Leo, for me, for Paige. I don't care how you do it, just do it. Because I guarantee you that Devlin's not sitting on his butt waiting for inspiration to strike.", "[Scene: Underground. A faction meeting is being held.]", "Devlin: We have proven with the loss of our fallen comrades that we cannot take on the witches as individuals, but there is power in numbers my friends, and our plan is inspired. Now are you with me?", "Warlocks: Yes.", "(Devlin shines a red light on them from the ring.)", "Devlin: It's time. Prepare yourselves, and don't be late.", "(They all blink out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are making the potion on a small table.]", "Cole: This doesn't feel right.", "Paige: Well, if anyone has a better idea we're open to it.", "Leo: You could try calling for it again.", "Phoebe: Oh no, that wouldn't work. He's probably figured out a way to protect the ring by now.", "Cole: Alright, let me just think for a minute.", "Piper: We don't have a minute. We need the ring back now.", "Leo: She's right, with all the muses afraid to come out of hiding, the world is going uninspired. Which is okay, except that...", "Phoebe: Evil is inspired.", "Leo: Right, which could throw off the whole balance, giving evil the upper hand.", "Cole: I get that, but they've never been to the underworld without me there to protect them.", "Piper: We have a potion, we have a vanquishing spell, and we have the element of surprise.", "Cole: But what you don't have is any idea where Melody is.", "Paige: She's in the ring.", "Cole: Which is on the finger of a warlock, who could be anywhere, doing anything with any number of demonic powers. I'm telling you, it just doesn't feel right.", "Phoebe: I know.", "Cole: Don't go.", "Phoebe: Baby, every time you went to the underworld, every time you shimmered out of here, and I had to wonder if I'd ever see you again. It didn't feel right, but you had to go, didn't you?", "(She kisses him. They pick up the potions.)", "Leo: Be careful.", "Phoebe: \"Being of creativity...\"", "Paige: \"We call ourselves now to thee...\"", "Piper: \"Your light now darkened in a ring...\"", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Shall feel the power of three we bring.\"", "(They disappear.)", "[Cut to P3. Forties night is happening. Piper, Phoebe and Paige appear.]", "Phoebe: Oh, no, did we get sent back in time again?", "Piper: No, Phoebe, we're at P3. I think.", "Paige: Oh my god, forties night looks amazing.", "Piper: Okay, sisters, focus. We cast a spell to find our muse, and it landed us not in the underworld, but in my club.", "Paige: So then the spell didn't work.", "Phoebe: No, the spell definitely worked.", "Paige: Then Melody's here?", "Piper: And so is Devlin, and probably his entire faction.", "[Cut to Devlin in P3. He is at the bar having a drink.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Leo and Cole are there. Cole's walking around, while Leo sits on the chair, head resting on his hands.]", "Cole: I don't know how you do it. How do you sit by and do nothing while your wife's life is in danger?", "Leo: Cole, I get that this is hard for you, but I need you to do me a favour and shut up.", "Cole: Excuse me?", "Leo: I need to concentrate.", "Cole: On the floorboards.", "Leo: No, I am listening for a call from the girls so I can be there in case they need me.", "Cole: It's a trap.", "Leo: What?", "Cole: I knew this didn't feel right. Why didn't the warlocks attack again after they got the muse?", "Leo: Evil isn't exactly known for its patience.", "Cole: It's because they already failed twice. So Devlin knew he needed numbers. Not too many warlocks are either stupid or brave enough to attack right here in the manor, but plenty can be convinced to lay an ambush.", "Leo: Hang on. That's strange.", "Cole: What?", "Leo: The girls aren't underground, they're at P3.", "Cole: They can't use their powers in public.", "Leo: I promised.", "Cole: You only promised not to orb me underground.", "[Cut to P3. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are walking through the crowd.]", "Paige: Okay, this looking for them this way is not going to work.", "Bev: Oh, Piper.", "(Piper gets a fright and drops the potion. It explodes.)", "Bev: Love the fireworks.", "Piper: Fireworks, yes, fireworks.", "Bev: I just wanted to tell you I think the club looks great.", "Piper: Bev, you're a genius.", "(They walk away.)", "Phoebe: Um, how exactly is she a genius?", "Piper: The strobe lights. They'll work like the potion but on a grand scale to keep the warlocks from blinking. I'll freeze the innocents, anyone you see still moving, feel free to vanquish them. Alright, here goes nothing.", "(She turns off the lights and turns on the strobe lights. She freezes the innocents and hear groans from warlocks. She blows one up. One throws an energy ball at them.)", "Paige: Energy ball.", "(She orbs out the energy ball and it orbs back in her hand. She throws it back at the warlock, vanquishing him. A warlock tries to drag Melody outside.)", "Melody: Help me! Phoebe!", "Paige: Melody!", "Piper: Wait, wait, wait.", "(A warlock hits Paige on the shoulder with a spark.)", "Phoebe: You stay here, I'll go get Melody.", "Melody: Phoebe!", "(Phoebe kicks the warlock.)", "Phoebe: Piper! (Piper blows him up. Phoebe goes over to Melody.) Are you okay?", "(Piper turns the lights back on.)", "Piper: Okay, so who here doesn't want to die?", "(The rest of the warlocks blink out.)", "Phoebe: Okay, let's get out of here.", "(They walk out into the Alley. Paige holds onto her shoulder.)", "Paige: We still don't have the ring.", "Piper: That's okay, we have Melody. We'll get the ring next.", "Phoebe: Piper, aren't you forgetting something?", "Piper: Oh! They're still frozen aren't they?", "(She goes back inside. Melody goes over to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: How are you, are you okay?", "Melody: I am now.", "(She touches Melody's face and tries to burn her. Leo and Cole come in and knock her out of the way. Phoebe throws the potion. Cole goes over and pulls the ring off her finger. She changes into Devlin and he pushes Cole across the alley. Piper runs out.)", "Leo: (to Paige) You okay?", "Phoebe: Blow him up! Blow him up!", "(Piper tries to blow him up but nothing happens.)", "Piper: Oh.", "Devlin: I'm too strong for you, witch.", "Piper: Well, good thing I brought reinforcements.", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Evil is a faithful foe, but good does battle best. We witches will, with these words, waste the warlocks evil zest.\"", "(Devlin blows up and is vanquished. Phoebe helps Cole up. She hugs him.)", "Phoebe: Thank you for coming.", "Cole: Thank you for having me.", "(Cole gives Paige the ring and she lets the muses out.)", "Melody: Now that was inspired.", "Paige: Here. I think you need to get this back to the good guys.", "(She hands Melody the ring.)", "Melody: I think it's time I should be going.", "Phoebe: Don't be a stranger.", "(Phoebe hugs Melody.)", "Melody: Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. (She quickly hugs Piper and Paige.) Bye.", "Piper, Paige: Bye.", "Phoebe: Should we go back into the party?", "Paige: Actually, I think I'm inspired to spend an evening at home.", "Piper: Hmm.", "Leo: Um, aren't you guys forgetting a little something?", "(They look at Melody.)", "Piper: Oh!", "Phoebe: Oh, let's see. \"Being of creativity...\"", "Paige: \"Hide yourself now from me...\"", "Piper: \"Your light that shines upon our face...\"", "Phoebe: \"From our vision, now erase.\"", "(She turns invisible.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Forties music is playing all through these scenes.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige is painting.]", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper and Leo are there having a romantic dinner. They feed each other some food and kiss.]", "[Cut to P3. No one is there except Cole and Phoebe. Cole is dressed in a soldiers outfit. Phoebe comes down the stairs dressed in a long white dress with flowers in her hair. They slow dance.]" ]
Muse to My Ears
Alien Stalker
[ "Still feeling guilty about her adoptive parents' death, Paige gets some help from Leo and the ghosts to go back to the day of their car accident so can work through her feelings and discovers how she was able to live through the accident. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Cole get possessed by a pair of ghosts who look to finish a job from 50 years ago, and as a result, Piper has to find a way to keep the ghosts in succeeding in their mission." ]
[ "[Scene: Police station. Cole is sitting on the bench stuck in between a biker guy with about twelve earrings on his face, and two toothless, dirty homeless men. Cole isn't impressed. Darryl walks over to him.]", "Cole: Is this the way you treat every driver with a busted headlight?", "Darryl: No, just the ones without ID. Now, I convinced Lopez not to sight you. But no more driving without a license.", "Cole: Am I free to go?", "Darryl: Yeah.", "Cole: Finally. (He stands up.)", "Darryl: Finally?", "Cole: I mean thanks.", "Darryl: Finally? You think I need this? You see this assignment board? (He points to it.) It's full of cases. Open cases that I should be working on, instead I'm cleaning after your mess.", "Cole: Hey, I don't like it either.", "Darryl: It's bad enough I have to clean up after the suspects...", "Cole: I'm just trying to fit in but I have no ID, no job.", "(They talk over the top of each other.)", "Darryl: Doesn't anyone ever say thank you?", "Cole: I can't even go to the grocery store without even getting arrested.", "Cole, Darryl: It just sucks!", "(They stop and stare at each other.)", "Cole: You good?", "Darryl: Yeah.", "Cole: Me too.", "Darryl: Okay.", "(Piper and Paige walk in and go over to Darryl and Cole.)", "Piper: Oh my god, Cole. How's my car?", "Cole: It's fine.", "Piper: That was the first and last time you borrow my car. Got it? Good. Let's go.", "[Cut to outside the police station. Piper, Paige and Cole walk outside.]", "Cole: Being human was supposed to make my life easier, instead it's getting worse by the minute.", "Piper: Yeah, I know the feeling.", "Cole: I swear, Phoebe was closer to marrying me when I was a demon.", "Piper: Well, to be honest, Cole, getting busted by the cops is not the best way to win her over.", "Paige: Oh, Piper, gosh, I'm sure Cole already feels like a big enough loser. I know I would.", "Cole: Well, thanks a lot.", "(They hear a car screech near by.)", "Piper: Oh god.", "(They run across the road where a car has rolled over. It bursts into flames.)", "Cole: It's about to explode.", "(Piper freezes it.)", "Piper: Come on. (Cole and Piper run over to the car. Paige just stands there. They try to open the door.) It's stuck. Paige! (Paige stands there in shock. Cole gets the car door open. Cole reaches in and pulls out a woman.) Careful. Hurry before anyone sees us. (They carry her over to where Paige is standing. The car unfreezes and blows up.) What happened to you? Paige!", "(Paige stares at the burning car.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe and Cole walk down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Cole, why are you being so vague? I only asked you where you were going.", "Cole: And I told you, I'm going to get a life.", "Phoebe: See, that's the vague part I'm talking about. (Cole puts on his coat.) The last time you left like this, you went out and got a gun.", "Cole: I'm not getting a gun.", "Phoebe: Okay, then, please, tell me what's wrong.", "Cole: It's just, I need action.", "Phoebe: I kinda thought we were doing okay in that department.", "Cole: Not that kind of action, Phoebe. I went from all powerful demon to mereble overnight.", "Phoebe: You are not mere. Baby, you are anything but mere.", "Cole: Next to the Charmed Ones I'm a potted plant. But last night, pulling that woman out of the car felt so good.", "Phoebe: Well, that's because you're a good man.", "Cole: Well, I won't last long without a reason to get up in the morning.", "Phoebe: You have me. I'm a reason.", "Cole: That's all I have, Phoebe. (He kisses her on the cheek.) And I'm not even sure I have that.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper and Leo are there making breakfast. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Am I the world's biggest bitch or what?", "Piper: Nah, too easy.", "Cole: Cole vanquished him demon half. He has given up everything he has ever known for me, and I can't even muster up a simple yes to marriage.", "Leo: Well, you're not the marrying type.", "Piper: So you keep telling yourself.", "Phoebe: You think I am?", "Piper: I think you're afraid.", "Phoebe: Oh, of what?", "Piper: Cole's humanity. He was actually a much safer boyfriend when he was a demon. Even though he could rip your throat out with his teeth.", "Phoebe: Wanna explain that to me?", "Leo: Well, on some level you knew it couldn't last. A demon and a witch. But now that Cole is a human, the safety net's gone and for the first time in your relationship, the future lies in your hands.", "Phoebe: Yeah, okay, I don't wanna analyze me anymore, let's try somebody else. How's Paige feeling this morning?", "Piper: No idea. She flew out the door this morning like nothing happened.", "Phoebe: So we still don't know why she froze up?", "Piper: Nope.", "Phoebe: That is so weird. (Leo looks down into his coffee.) I mean, she can handle demons now, but she can't handle a car wreck?", "Piper: Yeah, it doesn't make any sense.", "(Phoebe clears her throat.)", "Phoebe: Um, if you put your nose any deeper into that coffee cup, you're gonna need a snorkel. What do you know?", "Leo: Paige told me something in confidence.", "Piper: Okay, but it's kind of a dangerous time for us. If she freezes up again at the wrong moment, are you gonna be sorry you didn't tell us?", "Leo: Paige's parents died in a car wreck.", "Phoebe: Oh my god.", "Piper: When did that happen?", "Leo: About eight years ago when she was in high school. She never really dealt with it.", "Piper: Of course not. How do you deal with something like that? Plus she was a teenager and all alone.", "Phoebe: So maybe we can help her deal with it.", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is at her desk, talking on the phone.]", "Paige: No, I'm not family, I'm from social services. I was just calling to see how she was after the accident. (listens) Thank god. Okay, I'll call back and check in on her. Thank you.", "(Piper and Phoebe walk in and go over to Paige.)", "Piper: Hi. Got a minute?", "Paige: No, I'm busy, you guys.", "(She gets up and heads for the copier room.)", "Phoebe: Uh, we just wanna talk, it's kinda important.", "(They follow her.)", "Paige: Yeah, so is my work, maybe later.", "Piper: Paige, it's about what happened last night.", "Paige: Not right now.", "Phoebe: Paige, we're your sisters.", "Paige: I said not now!", "(Everyone turns and looks. Paige storms into the copier room. Piper and Phoebe go after her.)", "Phoebe: Paige. We know about your parents. We're worried about you and we want you to know that you're not alone.", "Piper: And we're here for you.", "Paige: Fine. But just not here, okay? I'll just tell my boss I have to leave. We'll talk at home.", "(She walks out of the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Police station. Cole walks over to Darryl.]", "Cole: Got a minute?", "Darryl: Whatever it is, no. You see this assignment board?", "Cole: Well, that's why I'm here. If you've got such a heavy case load, let me help you.", "Darryl: Oh, you wanna help?", "Cole: Yeah.", "Darryl: Great, well, you can help me by following that little exit sign. (He tries to drag Cole out of the door. Cole pushes Darryl into an office and shuts the door.) That's it! Do you wanna fight? Because without the ability to throw energy balls, I think I can take you!", "Cole: Just relax, alright. I need to get back in the game.", "Darryl: What game?", "Cole: The good versus evil game, it's all I know.", "Darryl: Oh, wow. You wanna be a cop?", "Cole: I worked for the DA's office, I know the law, I'm a former demon, I know the streets.", "Darryl: You wanna be a cop.", "Cole: I wanna help with your investigations.", "Darryl: As a cop?", "Cole: On my own. Of course the DA inspectors are still after me but you could close that case, clear my name, get my identity back.", "Darryl: No, no, no, no! Now you're talking crazy.", "Cole: No, what's crazy is me sitting around the manor all day with nothing to do. All I got in my head, all I could do with it going to waste, now that's crazy.", "(A man walks in.)", "Darryl: Captain.", "Captain: Mind if I get my office back?", "Darryl: No, sorry about that. (to Cole) We'll talk about this later.", "Cole: Excuse me. (Cole leaves the room.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Paige: So I wasn't the ideal high school student, you know. I, um, skipped classes, partied all night with my friends. Pretty much anything they wanted to do I was up for.", "Piper: Hm, sounds like somebody else I know. (Phoebe gives her a look.) What I mean to say is that high school is a time of searching and figuring out who you are for everybody.", "Paige: Yeah, but I was cruel. Especially to my mum and dad. The day they died I told them they weren't my real parents. Which is stupid because it wasn't even how I felt. I mean, just because I'm adopted it didn't mean they weren't my real parents, because they were.", "Phoebe: Well, you were just feeling lost and you made a mistake. I made so many mistakes, you know, but I got through them. I changed and so have you.", "Paige: Not in time.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Paige: It was, um, family night. Just something we did every week. And my dad left the firestation early, to pick up my mum and I.", "Phoebe: Your dad was a fireman?", "Paige: Yeah. And I started bitching, I was too old for this and I was super lame. (She starts to cry.) He was so angry with me. He-he didn't, he didn't see the car that swerved into our lane, and the next thing I know I'm on the pavement, the car's on fire. I still don't know why I survived and they didn't.", "Phoebe: But you can't blame yourself for that.", "Paige: Well, I feel guilty every single day.", "Piper: I know it-it's hard but you gotta try and move forward.", "Paige: How can I move forward, Piper? I killed my parents.", "(She cries. Phoebe hugs her.)", "Piper: (to Leo) What do we do? How can we help her deal with something that happened in the past?", "Leo: Send her back to it.", "[Time lapse. Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Phoebe lights some candles.]", "Phoebe: Okay, wait, so I don't get it. You wanna summon the ghost from the past? From where, the fiction shelf?", "Leo: Dickens didn't make that stuff up. He was visited by a malevolent spirit.", "Paige: Doesn't malevolent mean bad?", "Leo: Clyde's not the friendliest ghost that I know but he is the only one who helps the living visit their past.", "Piper: Clyde. The malevolent spirit's name is Clyde?", "Leo: Yeah, he doesn't like it either.", "Paige: Wait, we're using bad magic to time travel? Should I be worried about any of those personal gain issues?", "Leo: Not at all. You're only going back to learn why your parents died, that's all. Everyone ready?", "Piper: Don't we need a summoning spell?", "Leo: No, Clyde ignores them. There's only one way to get Clyde down here. (angrily) Clyde! Get your butt down here you fetid worm from the bog of eternal stench! (to the girls) You gotta make him mad. (angrily) Your mother was a chunky substance from a gin cesspool. And she smelled bad too!", "(Suddenly, a gust of wind appears and flies over the attic. It turns into Clyde. He looks angry.)", "Clyde: Leo! I was with a client! 1969, Woodstock, Hendricks was on stage. This better be good.", "Leo: I need you to take Paige here back to the day of her greatest pain.", "Clyde: A job? Why didn't you say so in the first place?", "Leo: Not a job. A favour.", "Clyde: I don't do charity work.", "Leo: You owe me, Clyde. Or do I need to remind you of your client that I healed? The one you returned from the past, on the edge of a cliff! I believe there were thirty two broken bones.", "Clyde: Alright, alright, I remember. (He turns to Paige.) Are you sure you wanna do this? I only open the door to your past, so don't guarantee no safe trip.", "Piper: Obviously.", "Paige: Yeah. I need to do this.", "Clyde: Fine. (to Leo) You guide her.", "(Clyde clicks his fingers and a door appears in the middle of the room.)", "Leo: I won't be able to hear your call. You guys will be on your own.", "Piper: We'll be okay, just take care of Paige.", "(Clyde opens the door.)", "Leo: Just don't look down.", "(Paige goes through the door. Leo follows.)", "Clyde: How's about you two? Care for a little trip to the past? (Two cloud-like objects escape out of the door.) See it all a second time. my rates are steep but fair.", "Phoebe: Can you take us back to meet John Lennon?", "Piper: No!", "Phoebe: No, no, right. We'll pass.", "Clyde: Suit yourself. (He closes the door, then clicks his fingers and the door disappears.) If you ever need my services just yell.", "(He clicks his fingers and disappears.)", "Phoebe: We need to be here when Paige gets back.", "Piper: Yeah, I'll cook dinner and we can just hand out for a while. I hope this plan works.", "(Piper leaves the attic. One of the cloud-like creatures float down and goes inside Phoebe, possessing her.)", "Phoebe: (in a country accent) So do I. (to the other creature) Don't worry, Frankie. I'll find you a body too.", "[Scene: The past. Paige's old bedroom. The door appears and Paige and Leo fall out of it. It disappears.]", "Leo: Rough ride. Are you okay?", "(Paige stands up. She is a teenager again.)", "Paige: Yeah. I'm alright. I'm all... (She looks in the mirror.) Wrong! Oh my god! I'm so screwed, I'm supposed to come back as a ghost, not a ghost with... braces?", "Leo: You're meant to relive the experience not observe it, Paige.", "Paige: Yeah, but I just wanted to come back and sit on the sidelines and make sarcastic comments about my lack of style.", "Leo: Just take a look around, Paige.", "(Paige looks around her room and sees all her old posters on the wall, and all her items on the shelves.)", "Paige: Hey, you're right, I was cool, even then. (She picks up a necklace.) Oh, Philip Lewicky gave this to me. My first love. Can I call him?", "Leo: That's not why we're here.", "(There's a knock at the door. Paige panics.)", "Paige: What do I do?", "Leo: Open the door.", "(Paige opens the door. Her dad stands there.)", "Paige: Dad.", "Mr. Matthews: Ready for school? You don't wanna miss your ride. (Paige hugs him.) What's with all this... Is that smoke? Are you smoking in here? (He goes over to the window sill and puts out a cigarette.) You know, I don't know how much more of this your mother and I can take.", "(He leaves her room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The past. Paige's house. She goes down the stairs. Leo follows.]", "Leo: Wait, wait, where are you going?", "Paige: To talk to my dad. Did you see the look in his eyes? I can't believe I hurt him like that.", "Leo: Rules first. Define what you came here for. You need to follow the same path you took eight years ago.", "Paige: What if I don't remember?", "Leo: I'll guide you. You're the only one that can see me. Just don't forget the goal. You're here to learn what really happened the night your parents died.", "Paige: I understand. Thank you, Leo. Step aside.", "(She heads for the kitchen but stops when she hears her parents talking.)", "Mr. Matthews: She's smoking again. This time in her bedroom. And when I went in, she had the nerve to give me this big hug, like I wouldn't be mad.", "Mrs. Matthews: She told me she'd quit smoking.", "Mr. Matthews: Oh, yeah, right, just like the time she quit drinking. She passes out at another one of those parties and I had to go pick her up and bring her home.", "Mrs. Matthews: School called yesterday, you know, she's been cutting her classes again.", "Mr. Matthews: She's not gonna get into college if she keeps this up.", "Mrs. Matthews: Oh, well, haven't you heard? She's not going to college.", "Mr. Matthews: We'll see about that.", "Paige: I changed my mind, Leo. I don't wanna go in there. They think I'm awful. I was awful.", "Leo: It's alright. You can do it. Just remember why you're here.", "(They walk into the kitchen.)", "Paige: Mum? (Paige hugs her.) Oh my god, I've missed you so much.", "Mrs. Matthews: What's gotten into you?", "Mr. Matthews: Didn't I tell ya?", "Paige: Uh, guys, I have an announcement to make. Starting now I-I'm turning my life around.", "Mr. Matthews: You're not borrowing the car.", "Paige: No, I mean it.", "Mr. Matthews: Yeah, like you meant it when you said you were gonna stop cutting classes.", "Paige: Uh, mum, you understand me? You've gotta believe me.", "Mrs. Matthews: Oh, so now I'm mum. Last night we weren't even your real parents.", "Paige: No, you are. I was just saying that to... hurt you.", "Mrs. Matthews: (to Mr. Matthews) Did you feed the cat?", "Mr. Matthews: Yeah.", "Paige: You guys, I'm not a screw up. I promise I'll change, I promise I'll go to college and, oh, please stop. Please, we need to talk.", "Mr. Matthews: Oh, you are right about that, and we are going to talk. About everything. Tonight at dinner.", "Paige: Dinner. The family dinner.", "Leo: Paige, be careful.", "Paige: Please, we really need to talk before we drive.", "(A horn beeps outside.)", "Mrs. Matthews: Oh, ah, Paige, that's your ride.", "Leo: You have to follow the events of the day, Paige. No exceptions.", "(They leave the kitchen.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is cooking dinner. Phoebe is admiring herself in the mirror. The second cloud-like creature floats above.]", "Piper: I don't think I've ever cooked for Paige before, I hope she likes pork roast.", "Phoebe: Just out of curiosity, do you think that I am a natural beauty or is this like one of those gem bodies?", "Piper: Oh, Phoebe, please, like you haven't always been beautiful.", "Phoebe: Oh, that's good because I hate lifting heavy objects.", "Piper: What is with the blanche dublah?", "(Cole walks in.)", "Cole: Phoebe, hi.", "(He walks over and kisses her.)", "Phoebe: Well, if you're not the most to say the least...", "Cole: Did I miss something? (chuckles)", "(Phoebe looks up at the creature and it floats down into Cole, possessing him. He gasps.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, me.", "(They kiss, hungrily. Cole picks her up and they make out up against the fridge.)", "Piper: I think this sisters night is a good idea. (She takes a pie out of the oven, turns around to see Phoebe and Cole making out. She rolls her eyes.) There's still so much we don't know about Paige... yet.", "(Phoebe and Cole stop kissing and spot the pie.)", "Cole: Oh, boy.", "(They race over to the pie and Phoebe grabs a handful. She sticks it in Cole's mouth.)", "Piper: Hey! What is the matter with you two? That is for Paige.", "Cole: Sorry, ma'am. We're starving!", "Phoebe: In so many ways.", "Piper: Uh-huh. Well, go to lunch.", "Cole: Good idea. (He picks up Piper's keys.) Let's cut out, Lulu.", "(They kiss.)", "Piper: Alright, enough with the pet names and the accents, and the kitchen. And could you come up with something better than Lulu, it sounds like a poodle.", "(Piper faces the stove. Cole picks up a knife and grabs Piper.)", "Cole: Are you making fun of my girl?", "Piper: Uh...", "Phoebe: My Frankie is so protective.", "Piper: Frankie. (Cole spins her around to face Phoebe. She gasps.) And Lulu.", "Phoebe: Hi. We're ghosts.", "Cole: Boo! (laughs)", "Phoebe: And we've been waiting about fifty years to finish a job. So now if you'll excuse us.", "(She knocks Piper out.)", "[Scene: The past. Paige's school. She opens her locker.]", "Paige: I can't believe I remember the combination. I used to live out of this locker. (A pager beeps.) My pager.", "(She looks for it.)", "Leo: You had a pager in high school?", "Paige: Ugh, get with it, Leo, it is the nineties. (She finds the pager and reads it.) Michelle Niglith. Uh, I can't deal with her drama right now. (She closes her locker. Michelle approaches her.) Michelle.", "Michelle: Remember your whole peppermint schnapps theory?", "Paige: No.", "Michelle: You know, how you can't tell it from a breath mint? You're wrong, I got so busted.", "Paige: Oh, (laughs) sorry.", "(They walk off.)", "Leo: You drank at high school?", "Paige: What are you? My guide or my judge?", "Michelle: Uh, excuse me?", "Paige: Nothing.", "Michelle: I got grounded for two weeks. My mum pulled this whole estrogen fest thing. I swear to god she's so damaged.", "Paige: She's not damaged.", "Michelle: You're right, she's beyond repair.", "Paige: No, Michelle, she's not beyond repair, she's actually just trying to set boundaries and believe it or not you need them. So maybe you should just lay off. I mean, god, how would you feel if she dies tomorrow?", "Michelle: Geez, Paige, morbid much? (The bell rings. Paige walks off.) Wait for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The past. Paige's school. She's in class.]", "Teacher: Although the magna carter was a document of great importance to England and the American colonies, it originally granted concessions to few but the baronial families. (Paige looks at her watch.) The vast majority of England would remain without an active voice in government for another seven hundred years.", "(Michelle hands Paige a note. It says \"Donny is soooo hot!\")", "Paige: You don't want Donny, trust me. He winds up bagging groceries for a living and driving a Camero.", "Michelle: I love Cameros.", "Teacher: Would you girls please, I'm trying to teach.", "Michelle: But nobody's listening.", "(The class laughs.)", "Teacher: Yeah, I know. That's why all you delinquents are in this class.", "(The teacher continues to read from a book. Paige looks at the clock.)", "Paige: Ugh, this is ridiculous, I have to get out of here.", "Michelle: I know the feeling.", "Paige: No, you don't understand, it's my last day with my parents.", "Michelle: Okay, what are you babbling about?", "Paige: Excuse me, Mr. Martin, can I have a bathroom pass, please?", "(Leo appears.)", "Leo: Don't even think about it, Paige. You have to follow the same path.", "Teacher: What is the problem, Ms. Matthews?", "Paige: (to Leo) I am tired of wasting my time here.", "Teacher: Well, I'm sorry if I'm boring you.", "Paige: No, I'm not talking to you, Mr. Martin.", "Teacher: Who were you talking to?", "Michelle: Yeah, really, who?", "Leo: Paige...", "Paige: This is stupid. Uh, this is all just a bad memory, I need to get out of here.", "(Paige heads for the door.)", "Teacher: Ms. Matthews, you will sit down and be quiet and wait for the bell to ring just like everyone else!", "Class: Go! Go! Go!", "Teachers: Sit down Ms. Matthews.", "Paige: No, I won't.", "(Paige opens the door and a security man stands there.)", "Security Guard: Going somewhere?", "[Scene: Present day. Police station. Piper walks in, holding her jaw. She goes over to Darryl.]", "Piper: Did you find anything?", "Darryl: Yeah, there was a Lulu and Frankie in the database. Some crazy young couple. They robbed a series of jewelry stores in the fifties. They killed three people before they were gunned down.", "Piper: Uhh, I knew they were criminals.", "Darryl: Who?", "Piper: The ghosts that possessed Phoebe and Cole.", "(Some cops look at her. Darryl takes her across the room.)", "Darryl: Shh. Please, do not use the G word around here.", "Piper: Okay, fine, but we need to find them before they finish their job.", "Darryl: What job?", "Piper: They must have some sort of unfinished business here on earth and they either can't or won't move on until it's done.", "Darryl: You know this?", "Piper: Well, they didn't take me aside and share their plan with me but it's how most ghosts work, Darryl.", "(Two cops look at her. Darryl drags her into a room.)", "Darryl: Oh, no creepy talk in the precinct. Will you just keep down the creepy talk.", "Piper: Darryl, I'm sorry, but what do you want me to say? My sister was just possessed with a supernaturally born killer and my husband is in 1994, and I do not mean in the fashion sense. He time traveled back with my other sister so the only one left to help me is you.", "Darryl: Gee, thanks.", "Piper: Darryl, you know what I mean. What if they hurt somebody? What if they kill somebody? Then Phoebe and Cole will take the fall.", "Darryl: Look, (he shows her a map) the data says that Lulu and Frankie were gunned down here, outside of a jewelry store. Maybe that's the job they were trying to finish.", "[Scene: Jewelry store. Phoebe and Cole walk in. They take off their sunglasses and look around.]", "Phoebe: One security guard, armed. Right corner.", "Cole: Got it.", "Phoebe: Two female customers.", "(They wander over to the glass counter where very large expensive diamond rings are displayed. The sales assistant approaches the counter.)", "Sales Assistant: Can I help you?", "Phoebe: We're looking for a diamond engagement ring.", "Sales Assistant: You came to the right place.", "Phoebe: They're all so beautiful I don't know which one I like best.", "Cole: You like the biggest one, baby.", "Phoebe: Oh, there. That's the one I want, baby.", "Sales Assistant: Excellent eye for quality, it's the perfect solitaire.", "Cole: I don't know. The cut looks a little off.", "Sales: Oh, no, I can assure you.", "Cole: (to security guard) You, you look like a regular guy, can I ask your opinion? (The security guard nods and walks over to them.) I just wanna know... can I borrow your gun? (He laughs and punches the security guard in the stomach, then his face. He falls to the floor and Cole pulls out the gun.) You stupid. (laughs) Move over, baby!", "(Phoebe moves away from the counter and everyone in the store ducks. Cole shoots the glass. He screams in excitement.)", "Phoebe: We're back!", "(She grabs a ring and puts it on.)", "Cole: Ooh, gotta hand it to you, Lulu. This body's a live wire. The guy digs action, I can sense it.", "(He shoots at two display cases. He screams in excitement again.)", "Phoebe: This woman loves the feeling of this diamond on her finger although she'd never cop to it.", "(He walks over and kisses her.)", "Cole: Let's split, baby.", "(They head for the door. The security guard gets up. Cole turns around and shoots him in the leg. Cole and Phoebe leave the store, unaware of the security cameras watching them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Jewelry store. A detective is dusting for prints, some interviewing the witnesses and paramedics are wheeling out the security guard on a stretcher. Darryl and Piper walk in.]", "Piper: Oh, no, is he okay?", "Darryl: Looks like it was just his leg.", "Piper: We're too late, they did it.", "Darryl: Hold on just a second. (He walks over to a cop who's interviewing a witness.) Excuse me. What went down here?", "Cop: Weirdest thing, Inspector. They could've cleaned this place out and all they take is a diamond ring.", "(The cop walks away.)", "Piper: That doesn't make any sense.", "Darryl: Looks like your ghosts still have unfinished business.", "Piper: Okay, we've gotta find them before they kill somebody. But, uh, first, is there a surveillance tape?", "(Darryl looks around and sees a man ready to eject a tape out of a VCR.)", "Darryl: Yeah, it's over there. (Piper gasps and freezes the room. She unfreezes Darryl.) Piper...", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Darryl: You froze the crime scene.", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Darryl: You can not freeze a crime scene.", "Piper: Well, I did. Okay, we got to protect Phoebe and Cole, so start wiping fingerprints.", "Darryl: No, no, no! Look, I am sick of you and your entire dysfunctional family unit. I will not falsify evidence, I am a cop.", "Piper: Okay, cop, do I need to remind you that you bailed Cole out of jail last night.", "Darryl: So?", "Piper: So I was wondering what you were gonna tell your captain when he sees Cole on the surveillance tape.", "Darryl: What are you waiting for? Go get the damn tape! (Piper goes and ejects the tape. Darryl wipes the fingerprints.) I can not believe I am doing this.", "Piper: Shh, it's for a good cause. Check his pockets. (Darryl looks in the detective's pockets and pulls something out. Piper hands Darryl the tape.) Okay, back in position. (They go back over to where they were standing. Darryl tucks the tape into his pants.) You good?", "Darryl: Yeah.", "(Everyone unfreezes. The man tries to eject the VCR but nothing comes out. The cop walks over to Darryl.)", "Cop: Inspector.", "Darryl: Yeah.", "Cop: I thought you'd like to know, a couple fitting the description just hit a bridal store on Fourth. Just stole a dress.", "Darryl: A what?", "Cop: You know, a dress. A wedding dress. Go figure.", "(He walks away.)", "Piper: First they're all over each other at the manor, then they steal a ring and then a wedding dress? Frankie and Lulu's unfinished business isn't criminal, it's matrimonial. They wanna get married!", "Darryl: Do you people have any normal weddings in your family?", "Piper: Come on, we don't have a lot of time.", "(They leave.)", "[Scene: The past. Paige's school. Paige is waiting outside the principal's office. The principal is talking with her parents. Leo appears beside Paige.]", "Leo: You okay?", "Paige: No, Leo, I am no where near okay. My time here is running out, I haven't done anything.", "Leo: You've done enough.", "Paige: I haven't done anything. I came to stop feeling guilty, only now I feel guiltier than ever because I know what a damn disappointment I am.", "Leo: Is that what you believe?", "Paige: Hello? Have you been watching or eating popcorn? My mum and my dad think I'm a total failure. I'm not. I can't let them die thinking that. In fact, I'm not gonna let them die at all.", "Leo: You can't change history, Paige, only learn from it.", "Paige: I am not letting them get in that car tonight, Leo.", "Leo: Yes, you will. And if you break anymore rules...", "Paige: Screw the rules, Leo.", "Leo: Oh, is that the teenager talking or the adult. The reason we journeyed to the past was so you could learn from it. You see what breaking the rules has gotten you so far?", "Paige: They're my parents. I have to do something. (She gets up and walks in the principal's office.) Sorry to barge in like this.", "Principal: That incident in class was the last straw, Paige. I'm suspending you from school.", "Paige: Just for that?", "Principal: Just for that? Cutting classes, starting fights, smoking on campus, possession of alcohol.", "Paige: I swear I don't turn out like this.", "Mr. Matthews: Unfortunately your actions speak a lot louder than your words.", "[Time lapse. Outside the school. Paige's mum and dad are leaving the school. Paige is following.]", "Paige: It looks bad, I know. But it doesn't turn out this way, I promise. I-I get a degree in social work, I help others, I even get into Berkley thanks to high test scores and a powerful essay on the death of my... ooh, let's just say a powerful essay. Uh... mum and dad, you've got to believe me.", "Mr. Matthews: How can we do that, Paige?", "Mrs. Matthews: We've seen your act too many times.", "Paige: Please, just look at me as though you actually saw me. I'm not who you think I am.", "Mr. Matthews: How do you know what we think?", "Paige: 'Cause I can see it in your eyes. Disappointment. And, okay, yeah, I deserve it, I do. All I can say for myself is that I'm searching and one day I will find myself.", "Mrs. Matthews: Paige...", "Paige: Let me finish. I'll find myself because of you two. You shaped who I am. I am not a bad daughter, you did not raise a bad daughter. I'm good. I just, I wish you could see it.", "Mr. Matthews: Sweetheart, of course we can see it.", "Paige: What?", "Mrs. Matthews: We know you're good. We've always known. But we also know that you're lost and that scares us. And there's nothing in the world we want more than to help you find your way home. We just don't know how.", "Paige: I think you just did. (They hug.) I will stay up on my word.", "Mrs. Matthews: Mm-hm. Promise?", "Paige: I promise. (They head for the car.) Uh, you guys, can we just stay in tonight and not go to the restaurant?", "Mr. Matthews: We still have to talk.", "Paige: Yeah, we will, just at home.", "Mr. Matthews: Okay, let's go home.", "(They get in the car. Leo appears.)", "Paige: What?", "(They drive off.)", "Mr. Matthews: Well, what's it gonna be tonight? Should we have pizza?", "Paige: I kinda miss mum's cooking.", "Mrs. Matthews: (laughs) Like you don't have it every night.", "Leo: You shouldn't do this, Paige, you can't change the past.", "Paige: I already did.", "Mr. Matthews: Did you say something, honey?", "Paige: No, nothing.", "Leo: You don't know what you're doing.", "Paige: Yes, I do. (Leo disappears. A truck heads for their car.) Watch out!", "(Paige orbs out. The truck hits the car and it rolls over. Paige orbs back in on the road. The car explodes. Paige gets up and starts crying.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Continued from before. Paige heads for the car. Leo runs over and grabs her. She screams.]", "Paige: Let go of me! I have to save them!", "Leo: They're gone.", "Paige: Why did you bring me back here? Why! I though I could stop the accident.", "Leo: You couldn't stop the accident because it was never your fault.", "Paige: It was my fault. It was my fault.", "Leo: They would have died anyway, it was their destiny. Just like it was your destiny to be saved by magic.", "Paige: That's how I got out of the car. I orbed out.", "Leo: That's right.", "Paige: I could always orb?", "Leo: Magic's always been inside of you. It saved you because you were meant to do great things with it, and you have, and you will. This is what you came back here to find, what caused the accident, why you survived it. You need to forgive yourself.", "Paige: But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, they'll never know how much I love them. They'll never know what good parents they were.", "[Scene: A chapel. Piper and Darryl rush out of it.]", "Darryl: How many more chapels have we got?", "Piper: That was the last big one, there's one more in the neighbourhood.", "Darryl: What if they're not there?", "Piper: Then we expand our search to the entire city.", "(They get in Darryl's car and drive off.)", "[Cut to a chapel. Phoebe and Cole are getting married. Cole has the chaplain at gunpoint.]", "Chaplain: Do you take this woman to be thy wedded wife, to love, comfort and honour, in sickness or in health, for sorrow or joy, so long as you both shall live?", "Cole: I sure do. I'm gonna take good care of her this time. Whoo!", "Phoebe: You okay, Frankie?", "Cole: Yeah, it's just this guy's all jumpin' inside. Almost like he wants to get married as much as I do. (giggles)", "Phoebe: I know what you mean. This one's like, quivering inside of me. (to chaplain) What are you waiting for? Continue.", "Chaplain: Right. Do you, Lulu, take this man to be thy wedded husband...", "(Piper and Darryl barge in.)", "Piper: I object to this union.", "Chaplain: I didn't call for any objections.", "Piper: Yeah, well, I still object. (She tries to freeze them but only the chaplain freezes.) You two are not frozen, why aren't you two frozen?", "Phoebe: Well, I know I'm not the most technically minded, but I wouldn't think it would have something to do with the fact that we're ghosts.", "(They laugh.)", "Cole: I warned you, witch.", "(He points the gun at Piper. Darryl pulls out his gun.)", "Darryl: Freeze! Put the gun down slowly.", "(Cole laughs and shoots. Darryl shoots at him and the bullet hits him in the chest.)", "Cole: Damn it!", "(He falls on the floor. Frankie exits Cole.)", "Phoebe: Don't worry, baby. We'll try again. Next time we'll get it right. (Lulu exits Phoebe. Phoebe sits down beside Cole.) Cole! Cole! Cole. Cole. Leo!", "Darryl: I had no choice.", "Piper: I-I know. uh, get him outta here, (unfreezes chaplain) and, uh, call an ambulance.", "Chaplain: What happened?", "Darryl: Come, come with me.", "(He takes him outside.)", "Phoebe: Please don't die, please don't die. Leo!", "Piper: Clyde, get your ass down here you son of a bitch! (Clyde appears in a gust of wind.) Bring back Leo now. (Clyde clicks his fingers and the door appears. He opens it and Paige and Leo come out of it.) Cole's been shot.", "(Leo rushes over to Cole.)", "Leo: Step away, Phoebe.", "(Phoebe moves away and Leo heals Cole.)", "Clyde: Frankie! Lulu! Where do you think you're goin'? (He pulls the ghosts in the door. He clicks his fingers and the door disappears. He grunts.) Ehh, it's an unfortunate slip-up. I told ya, it's a dangerous journey.", "(He clicks his fingers and disappears. Cole gets up.)", "Cole: (to Phoebe) You never answered the chaplain's question.", "Phoebe: I never answered your question. Ask me again.", "Cole: Will you marry me?", "Phoebe: Yes, I will.", "(They hug. Everyone smiles.)", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there having dinner. They clink their glasses.]", "Phoebe: Thank you, guys.", "Piper: Just no weddings until we vanquish the Source.", "(Paige goes to take a sip but stops.)", "Paige: Apple cider?", "Piper: Apple cider, yes.", "(She takes a sip.)", "Phoebe: Um, Paige... you haven't told us, and we're dying to know. What happened in your past?", "Paige: Well, I found out I wasn't responsible for the accident.", "Piper: Of course you weren't.", "Phoebe: Then what's the matter?", "Paige: It just makes me sad that my parents won't see us or what I've become.", "(Leo stands in the foyer.)", "Leo: Actually, that's not quite true.", "(Paige's parents appear in the foyer. Paige stands up.)", "Piper: Uh, Leo?", "Leo: Let's just say that I owe Clyde now.", "Mrs. Matthews: We know who you are, honey. Who you've become.", "Mr. Matthews: We've been with you every step of the way and we're so proud of you, sweetheart.", "(She runs over and hugs them.)" ]
A Paige From the Past
Alien Stalker
[ "Phoebe is selected to serve on the jury of a man on trial for murder. During the case, she has a premonition showing someone else committing the crime, despite the evidence against the defendant. While Leo, Piper and Paige rush to find the rightful killer and bring him to justice, Phoebe does her best to stall her fellow jurors from finding the man guilty. Meanwhile, Paige's friend Glen is in town and Paige invites him to stay at the manor. While there, he discovers the Book of Secrets and soon finds out Paige's magical powers." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Paige are there making breakfast. Phoebe rushes in.]", "Phoebe: Okay, move it or lose it, people, coming through.", "(Phoebe takes Paige's coffee cup from her.)", "Paige: Hey, I was using that.", "(Phoebe pours some coffee in the cup.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I'm late and I need caffeine, so sue me.", "Piper: Two weeks of jury duty and suddenly she's lawyery.", "Phoebe: Now, normally I would have a way to come back for that but I am too tired.", "Paige: I'd be tired too if I had to decide whether or not someone lived or died. What's your decision?", "Phoebe: Paige, you know I can't talk about the case. Besides, that's not why I can't sleep. I can't sleep. I can't sleep because I miss Cole too much. If he doesn't come home soon, I'm gonna turn into a vampire.", "Paige: Jokes like that in this house, not so funny.", "Piper: Not so funny. So when do you think he's gonna come back?", "Phoebe: Who knows? He said he needed some time to find himself and figure out who he was without his demon side.", "Paige: What does that mean? He's off banging on drums in the woods somewhere?", "Phoebe: God, I hope not. (She looks at her watch.) Ugh, gotta go. (She leaves the kitchen.)", "Piper: Wait! (Piper and Paige follow her out.) Who's testifying today?", "Phoebe: Nobody, it's closing argument.", "Piper: Already? That was fast.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, not you too.", "Piper: Oh, Phoebe, it's only natural to be curious.", "Phoebe: Forget it.", "Paige: Listen, nobody keeps secrets better than us. We are the mistresses of secrets.", "Piper: Well...", "Phoebe: Well, let's just say it would be my supreme pleasure to send that murdering b*st*rd straight to hell. By legal means, not magical.", "(Phoebe heads for the front door.)", "Piper: You might be the first person who enjoys jury duty.", "Phoebe: You know what it is? It's just, it might be nice for a change to get some kudos from vanquishing the bad guy. I mean punishing... you know what I mean. (She grabs her bag and opens the door.) Okay.", "(Glen walks onto the porch.)", "Glen: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Glen: Is Paige home?", "Phoebe: Yeah, she is, but I'm not. Bye!", "(She leaves. Glen walks inside. Paige rushes over and hugs him.)", "Paige: It's so good to see you. What are you doing here?", "Glen: I'm done with Australia finally and I'm actually thinking about Nepal, and I just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing.", "Paige: It's so great to see you. (Piper clears her throat.) Oh, that's my sister, Piper.", "Glen: Of course, of course.", "Piper: Hi. (She shakes his hand.)", "Glen: I still can't believe you've got sisters.", "Piper: Yeah, it takes some used to getting used to.", "Paige: So where you staying?", "Glen: I don't know actually.", "Paige: Good, you'll stay here.", "Piper: What?", "Paige: Yeah, first door up, top of the stairs.", "Glen: Are you sure that's alright?", "Paige: Yeah, don't be ridiculous. (He heads for the stairs.) I'll be right up.", "Glen: Great, thank you.", "(He walks up the stairs.)", "Piper: Paige.", "Paige: What?", "Piper: I don't think it's a good idea if your boyfriend stays here.", "Paige: He's not my boyfriend. Sometimes he's my boyfriend, but mostly he's just my really good friend.", "Piper: Uh, well, we usually don't have house guests because of all the obvious reasons.", "Paige: You can trust Glen. He's been my friend since, god, kindergarten.", "Piper: You haven't been a witch since kindergarten. I don't think you understand.", "Paige: I understand that I also pay rent here.", "Piper: There is no rent.", "Paige: It's an expression.", "Piper: No it's not.", "Paige: Well, it should be. Hm. (She heads for the stairs.)", "[Scene: Court room. A female lawyer is doing her closing argument. Phoebe is sitting with the jury.]", "Lawyer: There is no excuse, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant has no alibi, no credible explanation for how he was able to lead the police directly to his ex-wife's body. Other than his, how did he describe it... psychic vision? No, premonition, that's it. That was his alibi. That's what Mr. Prevosoli expects you to believe. To counter the overwhelming evidence against him, including with the court's permission, (she picks up a dagger) people 1, the murder weapon. One that he had admitted to using in his own magic show. And then he used it to rob Angela Prevosoli of her life. (She hands the dagger to the jury. They pass it along.) Return the verdict, you know you must. Murder in the first degree.", "(Phoebe takes the dagger and has a premonition of the real murderer killing Angela. He has a tattoo on his arm. The premonition ends and Phoebe drops the dagger.)", "Judge: Are you alright, ma'am? Ma'am, are you alright?", "(Phoebe looks over at Mr. Prevosoli. He lifts his arm and Phoebe sees he has no tattoo. Opening Credits", "[Scene: Court building. The jury walk into a room and sit down at the table.]", "Man: Hey, hey, I just got a premonition. We'll be outta here in time for lunch. (laughs)", "Man #2: Uh, okay, uh, well, I think the proper procedure is, uh, that first we review the evidence.", "Man: Well, we heard the evidence, so let's just take a vote and get outta here.", "Man #2: Still, as the foreman...", "Man: All votes in favour of guilty? (He raises his hand. So does everyone else except Phoebe.) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven... (He spots Phoebe.) Come on, lady, what's it gonna be?", "Phoebe: I have to go to the bathroom. (The jury sighs. Phoebe gets up and walks into the bathroom. She closes the door.) Leo. Leo!", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Phoebe, what?", "Phoebe: Quick, orb me to the manor.", "(They orb out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo walk into the living room.]", "Paige: I thought you said it was an open and shut case.", "Phoebe: So did I. But the killer in my premonition was definitely not Stan Prevosoli. (They sit down.) Okay, now, I didn't see his face but he had this tattoo on his arm like a medusa's head with snakes.", "Paige: What are you gonna do?", "Phoebe: Well, I'm gonna stall, while you guys try to get Darryl to get you in to see Stan. Describe the tattoo, maybe he knows the real killer. I don't know, he must not have seen him in his premonition otherwise...", "Leo: Wait, he had a premonition?", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's how he claims to have known where the body was.", "Piper: And you of all people did not believe him.", "Phoebe: Piper, he's just a club magician. I assumed that he was a fraud. Believe me, I feel horrible about this.", "Piper: Alright, we'll fix it, somehow.", "Paige: Do we hunt killers that aren't demons?", "Phoebe: Well, I had that premonition for a reason. Just because the killer isn't supernatural...", "(Piper makes a noise as Glen walks in.)", "Leo: Hey, there, Glen!", "Piper: What did you hear?", "Glen: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: She said what are you doing here?", "Glen: Oh, I was just looking for the kitchen. Didn't you leave already?", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, but now I'm back. But I better get going again before somebody wonders what happened to me.", "(She stands up.)", "Paige: I'll uh, just take Glen to the kitchen and show him where to make a sand-witch.", "(Paige and Glen head for the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Is he staying here?", "Piper: Mm-hmm.", "Phoebe: I think you need to talk to her.", "Piper: I did, and apparently I was the only one paying attention.", "(Phoebe sighs.)", "[Cut to the court building. Room. The man bangs on the door to the bathroom.]", "Man: What the hell's going on in there? Open the damn door!", "Woman: Maybe something's wrong. I'll call for the bailiff.", "(The man continues to bang on the door. It swings open and Phoebe walks out.)", "Phoebe: I am so sorry. That time of the month.", "Man: Ugh. Look, the rest of us finished voting, eleven guilty. What's it gonna be?", "Phoebe: Well, before I cast my vote, I think we should all consider the possibility that the defendant might actually be a psychic.", "Man: What? (The jury groans.)", "Phoebe: And all he is guilty of is having a special gift.", "Woman: You're the foreman, make her vote.", "Phoebe: Not until I review the evidence. (She grabs a pencil and paper.) Every single piece.", "(The jury groans.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige and Glen are there. Glen's sitting at the table. Paige brings him a sandwich.]", "Glen: Thank you.", "Paige: Sure. So I have to go to work, but if you want you can drop me off and then use my car.", "Glen: Oh, no, I'm wiped. I'm just gonna hang here, it's cool.", "Paige: Oh.", "Glen: Paige, is everything okay? What was going on in there?", "Paige: Oh, that? That was just a family meeting, you know, deciding who's gonna take out the trash or whose turn it is to clean the bathroom, we take it all very seriously here.", "Glen: I heard words like 'killer', 'supernatural'. It doesn't really sound like housework to me. We never really could lie to each other very well.", "Paige: Well, maybe that's why we didn't make it as a couple.", "Glen: I've been worried about you, since the last time I saw you. Just before you moved in here. And the vibe I've been getting since I got here, doesn't make me worry any less.", "Paige: Everything is fine, Glen, just fine. Things are just different now.", "Glen: You got sisters to talk to and I think that's great, I really do. But that doesn't mean we still can't be there for each other, does it? Talk to me, Paige, wh-what's going on?", "(Piper and Leo walk in.)", "Piper: Paige? Uh, Darryl got us that thing with the guy that Phoebe was talking about. Are you coming?", "Paige: Yeah, I can't, I have to go to work.", "Leo: Alright, well, keep your cell phone available. Just in case anything comes up.", "(Paige nods. Paige and Piper leave the kitchen. Leo looks at Glen and laughs awkwardly.)", "Leo: Excuse me.", "(He leaves.)", "[Cut to the foyer.]", "Piper: Paige, you're leaving him here alone?", "Paige: Well, he can't fit in my cubicle with me at work.", "(She grabs her coat and heads for the door.)", "Leo: Paige, keeping your secret has to be the most important thing.", "Paige: I know, which is why I just lied to my best friend. It didn't feel good, Leo, but I did it.", "Piper: That's not good enough. It's irresponsible to leave him here.", "Paige: You told me when I became a witch I could still have a life. I call having a friend a life.", "Piper: Yeah, but that doesn't mean...", "(Glen walks in.)", "Glen: Hey, hey... Oh, I'm interrupting again.", "Piper: Yeah. Alright, we've gotta go, so be sure to lock up all the doors before you go.", "(Piper and Leo leave the manor.)", "Glen: Is she always that friendly?", "Paige: Yeah, pretty much. I'll see you later.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: Prison. A room. Mr. Prevosoli's lawyer, Piper and Leo enter the room.]", "Lawyer: I still don't understand exactly who you people are.", "Piper: Didn't Inspector Morris vouch for us?", "Lawyer: Yes, but that doesn't...", "Leo: Then all you need to know is that we might be able to save your client. Isn't that enough?", "Lawyer: Look, the jury's deliberating. Nothing short of a miracle can help him now.", "Piper: Precisely.", "(A guard brings Mr. Prevosoli into the room. He removes his handcuffs.)", "Stan: Who are you?", "Piper: We're people who believe you're innocent, so if you don't mind we'd like to ask you a few questions.", "Leo: Was there anything in your premonition to indicate who the killer might be?", "Lawyer: Yeah, alright, that's it. Out!", "Piper: What? Why?", "Lawyer: Because we're not hanging anymore of this case on that so called vision of his. Unless you want him to plea insanity.", "Stan: No, wait, wait! You actually believe me? On having had a premonition.", "Piper: Yes, we do. That's why we need to know exactly what you saw, if we have any chance of saving you.", "Stan: I don't need a premonition to know who killed Angie. It's Wike. Andrew Wike. He owns a magic club where I performed.", "Leo: Why do you think he killed her?", "Stan: Angie kept the books of the club. Even after we got divorced. She found out that she told me about it, he killed her with one of my knives to frame me. And I go and help him by telling the police where the body was.", "Piper: Do you know if Wike has a tattoo of a medusa head on his arm?", "Stan: I don't know. Well, lets hope he does. Thank you. (Piper and Leo leave the room.) Look out, Nancy Drew coming through.", "[Scene: Magic club. It's closed. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Leo: Maybe we should come back at night when they're open.", "Piper: I don't think we have that kind of time. Wow, how does this place stay in business?", "(A rat runs across the floor. Piper screams and freezes it.)", "Leo: Demons you can handle but not rats? (He laughs. Piper unfreezes the rat. Wike storms in the room.)", "Wike: Hey, hey, what are you doing in here? Who are you?", "Piper: Uh, we're friends of Stan Prevosoli's.", "Wike: Good for you. We're closed.", "Piper: Yeah, I see that, I was just hoping...", "Wike: I said we're closed, now I don't wanna say it again. Leave.", "(He points at the door and Piper and Leo see the tattoo on his arm.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Court building. Room. The jury's there, looking hot and restless.]", "Phoebe: Okay, um, haven't any of you ever known who was calling before you answered the phone?", "Woman: That's not magic.", "Phoebe: Oh no? Then what is it? Look, just because you don't understand magic, doesn't mean that you have to be afraid of it. It's around us all the time, like a friend, guiding us, giving us inspiration, helping us fall in love. Giving our lives meaning. And I'm sorry but I think that we all need to believe that magic exists. Tanya, why are you wearing an angel pin?", "Tanya: I don't know, just because my mother gave it to me.", "Phoebe: But why did she give it to you?", "Tanya: To watch over me.", "Phoebe: That's magic. Something that you can't see, you can't quite put your finger on it, but you know it's there.", "Man: The man killed a woman, period. End of story.", "Foreman: All those in favour of another vote.", "(They all raise their hands except Phoebe. Leo orbs in the bathroom. Phoebe sees the light under the door.)", "Phoebe: Oops, nature calls.", "(She heads for the door.)", "Man: Oh, oh no you don't. No-no-no-no-no way.", "(She runs into the bathroom.)", "Woman: She's stalling.", "Man: We've gotta do something about this.", "[Cut inside the bathroom.]", "Piper: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: We found the real killer.", "Leo: The owner of the magic club. A guy named Andrew Wike.", "Phoebe: Can you prove it?", "Piper: That's our next step.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, you gotta hurry because I am dying in there.", "Piper: It'd be so much easier if we could just vanquish him.", "Leo: You can't do that but you might be able to use your magic.", "Phoebe: Well, there's one guy I would love to turn into a warthog.", "Leo: Not on the jury, on the killer. You and Paige could use your powers to scare him into confessing.", "Piper: And show our powers to Wike? I do not think so.", "Leo: Do you think anyone's gonna believe him if he says anything?", "Phoebe: Not this jury. (The man bangs on the door.)", "Man: Hey, come on!", "Phoebe: Uh, sorry! Uh, can somebody find me a plunger?", "Man: Oh, great.", "(Piper looks in the toilet, confused.)", "Phoebe: What? I've gotta buy some time somehow. And you gotta call Paige. Maybe there's a spell in the Book of Shadows we can use? Okay, go, go, go! (They orb out.) Okay. (She goes back in the room.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Glen is there reading the Book of Shadows.]", "Paige: Piper, are you up here? What's the emergency? (She walks in.) Oh my god, Glen, what are you doing up here?", "Glen: It's funny. See, after you left I was still hungry so I opened the fridge and I found some bags labelled pigs feet, rabbit blood, frog tongue. So decided to take a little look around. Found more than I bargained for.", "Paige: Look, I can explain everything, okay, I really can. I'll just have to explain it later because if Piper finds us up here she's gonna freak.", "Glen: Piper's gonna freak? I just found out your new sisters have you messing with the occult in a pretty serious way, and you're worried about how they're gonna freak?", "Paige: Look, we're not messing with the occult. We're witches. My sisters and I were born good witches, we do good magic.", "Glen: This book is full of pictures of demons and warlocks.", "Paige: Well, demons and warlocks that we fight and destroy.", "Glen: These girls have you brainwashed. I mean, how do you even know that they're your sisters?", "Paige: Glen, you've gotta trust me, please. I am not brainwashed, I am the same old Paige except now when I make a rhyme magic happens.", "Glen: Paige.", "Paige: Look, you've been to Africa, you've met those witch doctors on your travels, right?", "Glen: Yeah, but these guys are a hundred years old and they speak in tongues, and you're you.", "(She sits down beside him and turns the pages.)", "Paige: There is a spell in here.", "Glen: What?", "Paige: To stretch the imagination. It should be able to help you understand and accept the truth about me.", "Glen: So you're gonna cast a spell on me?", "Paige: With your permission.", "Glen: And when nothing happens...", "Paige: When nothing happens you can drag me off to the funny farm, tell them I've been brainwashed. Believe me, I could use the vacation. (She finds the spell.) Ah, here it is. (She holds his hands.) \"Let mind and body soar, to heights not reached before, let limits stretch, that you may catch, a new truth to explore.\"", "Glen: I don't feel any different.", "Paige: That's weird it always works.", "Piper: (from outside) Paige, where are you?", "Paige: God, we gotta hide you. Come on. (She walks away.)", "Glen: No, wait.", "(He holds out his arm and it stretches out to Paige.)", "Paige: It's the spell. Just put back. (Glen pulls in his arm and it returns to normal length. Piper and Leo walk in.) Oh, I was giving Glen a tour of the house. Next stop the basement. Come on, Glen, why don't you get a head start.", "(Glen leaves the attic.)", "Piper: A tour of the attic? (She looks around and sees the Book out.) You showed him the book?", "Paige: Well, he went into the fridge and saw the potion ingredients so understandably he started looking around and he found the book.", "Leo: So you didn't lock the attic?", "Paige: It didn't occur to me.", "Piper: What do you mean? I told you to lock all the doors before you go.", "Paige: Well, I thought you meant the front door. Maybe you should've been more specific.", "Piper: Well, I was speaking in code.", "Paige: Listen, I trust Glen.", "Piper: Yeah, but you're trusting him with a secret that's all of ours, not just yours.", "Leo: Honey, she didn't tell him about it, he discovered it.", "Piper: Because she left him in the house, because she let him stay in the house in the first place.", "Paige: Okay, so you're saying I have to choose between having any friends and being a witch.", "Piper: Yes, I have.", "Paige: Well, I won't.", "Leo: Okay, we all need to put this on hold for a second, okay? Let's take a deep breath, let's calm down. We have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it with.", "Paige: What do we have to do?", "Leo: Piper will fill you in on the way. I need to check on Phoebe.", "(He orbs out. Piper and Paige stare at each other.)", "Paige: Hm.", "[Scene: Court. The jury room.]", "Phoebe: Actually, the origin of magic dates back to prehistoric times. People from all cultures believed-", "Foreman: Let's vote now.", "Phoebe: Wait.", "Foreman: No, no, no, we vote. Okay, if we can't agree we declare a hung jury. All in favour of a guilty verdict.", "(The jury raises their hands.)", "Phoebe: Wait! There is magic in the world. There are angels. Tanya, you can tell your mother that she's right, they're real. And there are fairies. They're real too. I mean, just think back to your childhood before you were too jaded to believe in them. And-and-and Cupid. Not a myth. I mean, he doesn't actually use arrows but-but he's real too.", "Foreman: Bailiff!", "Phoebe: What are you doing?", "Foreman: We don't have to declare a hung jury after all.", "Man: We don't?", "(The bailiff opens the door.)", "Bailiff: Foreman?", "Foreman: Tell the judge that we have a juror that's um... not quite right. We're asking that she be dismissed and that you bring in one of the alternates.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding me?", "(The foreman shakes his head.)", "Bailiff: And you all agree?", "Jury: Yes.", "Bailiff: Okay.", "Phoebe: No, wait-wait-wait. I have an idea. If I can convince you, all of you, that magic really does exist, will that be enough reasonable doubt for an acquittal.", "Man: Lady, you're late for your shrink. Like two years late. (He laughs.)", "Tanya: Well, what do you mean magic? Like siegfried and Freud stuff?", "Phoebe: No. I mean real magic. No trap doors, no smoke, no mirrors, just real supernatural magic.", "Man: Come on, she's stalling.", "Phoebe: What's the matter? Are you afraid I might actually be able to pull it off?", "Tanya: Well, we've been here this long. I say we let her take it all home.", "Foreman: Alright, but if you fail, you vote guilty with the rest of us. (Phoebe hesitates.) Call the judge.", "Phoebe: Okay, okay, okay, okay, it's a deal.", "Tanya: Alright, show us some magic.", "Phoebe: I'm gonna need a few things. A sage stick, five white candles and...", "Man: A magic wand.", "Phoebe: No, incense. I'm gonna summon the dead.", "Man: Ooooh.", "[Scene: Magic club. Piper and Paige walk in.]", "Piper: Okay, just remember, you play good witch, I play bad witch.", "Paige: Okay, but won't that risk exposing our powers?", "Piper: No, I'm only gonna show my powers to Wike and once we get him to talk we'll use the tape to force him to confess to the police.", "Paige: So it's okay to show our powers to a murderer but not to Glen.", "Piper: Saving an innocents life is worth the risk. Entertaining friends is not. (A curtain opens and Wike is on the stage setting up some magic equipment. He picks up a hat and Piper blows it up.) Boo!", "Wike: Ahh, what the hell! What are you? What do you want?", "Piper: We want a confession, that's what we want.", "(She blows up a box behind him.)", "Paige: Careful, Piper, you might kill him.", "Piper: So?", "Wike: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Piper: Sure you do. Angela (blows something up) Prevosoli (blows something up) found out about your (blows something up) money laundering operating. So you killed her, didn't you?", "(He looks frightened.)", "Paige: I've never seen her like this, pal. You might wanna talk.", "Piper: You know what, this is getting boring. What do you say we move onto some body parts.", "Wike: Okay, okay, okay, alright. Alright, I admit it, I killed her. She was ready to march the cops down to pier 86. If I hadn't killed her they would've. And then they would've killed me.", "Piper: Who, they cops?", "Wike: No, no, not the cops. They... Look, believe me, you don't wanna know.", "Piper: Try me. (He pulls something out and throws it on the ground. It explodes. The smoke clears and Wike is gone.) What the...", "Paige: He's pretty good.", "(They go onto the stage.)", "Piper: Where'd he go? There's gotta be a trap door.", "(They lift up a rug and find a trap door.)", "Paige: There.", "(Piper tries to open it but it's locked.)", "Piper: Does this thing work?", "Paige: There's gotta be stairs here.", "[Cut to the basement. Wike gets up off a mattress underneath the trap door. A rat runs along a pipe.]", "Wike: Wait, don't, I can explain.", "(The rat changes into a demon.)", "Rat Demon: You stupid human! You told the witches everything. And they've got it on tape.", "Wike: So what? They'll never find out about you guys.", "Rat Demon: Not from you they won't.", "Wike: No, no.", "(The rat demon turns Wike into a rat.)", "Rat Demon: Dinner time.", "(A dozen rats run over to Wike/Rat and start eating him. The rat demon changes back into a rat. Piper and Paige run down the stairs. Paige sees a rat and screams.)", "Piper: What, demons you can handle but not rats?", "(Piper sees the rats eating the other rat. Piper screams.)", "Paige: Right back at you.", "(They leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper and Paige walk in through the front door.]", "Paige: I don't get it, where'd he go?", "Piper: Is hell too much to hope for?", "Paige: Yeah, well, at least we got his confession.", "Piper: Yeah, but that's not gonna save Stan, or Phoebe for that matter.", "(They walk into the living room.)", "Paige: Why don't we just give it to the police?", "(Glen sneaks down the stairs.)", "Piper: Well, without Wikes, the confession is no good. I mean, Darryl could open up an investigation but not in time to exonerate... ooh, now I even sound like Nancy Drew.", "(Glen hides around the corner.)", "Paige: What, so we're supposed to go find Wike? How do we do that? We have no idea where he is.", "(Glen stretches his arm around the corner and pinches Paige's butt. She yelps.)", "Piper: What?", "Paige: What?", "Piper: That noise.", "Paige: Noise?", "Piper: I feel like I'm in Switzerland.", "Paige: Switzerland?", "Piper: There it is again.", "Paige: What?", "Piper: That annoying echo. Paige, what's going on?", "Paige: Nothing, nothing's going on, Piper.", "(Glen reaches Piper and grabs her leg.)", "Piper: Hey!", "(Glen pulls his arm back in. Piper goes around the corner.)", "Paige: Piper, don't.", "Piper: You! You cast a spell on him? Are you crazy?", "Paige: No, but somebody is.", "Glen: I'm just trying to have some fun. Sorry.", "Piper: Okay, but this is not supposed to be fun for you. It's not supposed to be for you at all.", "Glen: Well, I guess I'd better call off the tabloids.", "(Piper freezes him.)", "Paige: He was just making a bad joke.", "Piper: Yeah, funny how that was the first thing that came to his mind.", "Paige: He just thought he was being funny, nobody got hurt.", "Piper: Yeah, maybe you'd feel a little differently if you had lost a sister. (Leo orbs in and sees Glen.) Don't ask.", "Leo: Did you get Wike to confess?", "Piper: Yeah, and then he got away. How's Phoebe doing?", "Leo: Not so good. She's trying to summon the victim, Angela.", "Paige: Wait a second. So it's not okay for me to tell my best friend Glen that I'm a witch, but it's okay for Phoebe to tell an entire room of strangers?", "Leo: They were gonna kick her off the jury, I think it was worth a try. Only it's not working so good. I believe she needs the power of three.", "Piper: Yeah, well, she's not gonna get it. It's better to think she's a nutjob than think she's a witch.", "Leo: There's an innocent man at stake, Piper.", "Piper: They'll convict him and then we'll go to the police, there'll be a new trial and then they'll release him.", "Leo: You don't know that.", "Piper: Alright, I have an idea.", "Paige: What?", "Piper: I'll explain on the way, let's go.", "Leo: What about him?", "Paige: Just unfreeze him, he won't tell anyone.", "(Piper unfreezes him.)", "Glen: Wh-where'd you come from?", "Paige: Just stay here, order a pizza, I'll be back soon.", "(She kisses him on the cheek. Leo orbs out with Piper and Paige.)", "Glen: What? (He looks around. The rat demon in his rat form appears behind.) Where'd they go?", "[Cut to the jury room. Phoebe is trying to summon Angela.]", "Phoebe: \"Beloved spirit Angela, I ask that you commune with me and move among us.\" (Nothing happens.) \"Beloved spirit Angela...\"", "Foreman: That's enough. Bailiff! (The bailiff comes in.) Tell the judge that we've reached a verdict.", "Man: Yep! A deal's a deal. Those in favour of guilty.", "Tanya: I'll get the lights.", "Phoebe: \"Beloved spirit Angela, I seek your guidance, I ask that you commune with me and move among us.\"", "(The bathroom door opens and Piper sticks her hand out, freezing the room. Piper, Paige and Leo come out of the room.)", "Piper: Phoebe, eleven jurors.", "Phoebe: I know, I know, but this guys is innocent, and he's being persecuted for having the same gift I do. SO if you guys aren't hee to help me summon Angela...", "Piper: We are.", "Paige: We are?", "Piper: Yes. If Leo will help us clean up after we're done.", "Leo: No.", "Piper: What do you mean no? You've done it before.", "Leo: No, it's completely forbidden, except in cases of dire emergencies.", "Paige: What's forbidden?", "Piper: Using memory dust on people.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, this is brilliant. We'll erase their short term memories after they vote not guilty.", "Paige: Wait a second, Whitelighters can erase peoples memories with some sort of special dust? Why don't you just use it all the time?", "Leo: Because you don't know what you might be erasing. Doctors appointments, childrens birthdays...", "Piper: Leo, this is an emergency. I can not live with these people knowing our secret, knowing that at any minute we could relive the hell we went through with Prue.", "Leo: Okay.", "(They girls join hands.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Here these words, here our cry, spirits of the other side, come to us we settle thee, cross now the great divide.\"", "Phoebe: \"Beloved spirit Angela, I ask that you commune with us and move among us.\"", "(A breeze blows through the room.)", "Leo: Cold wind, that's our queue.", "Piper: See you later.", "Phoebe: Okay, thank you, thank you.", "(Piper, Paige and Leo go into the bathroom. Piper unfreezes the jury and they orb out. A mist appears above the table. The jury look frightened.)", "Tanya: Are you all seeing that?", "Foreman: Dear god!", "(Angela's spirit appears.)", "Angela: What happened? Where am I?", "Phoebe: We summoned you, Angela. We need your help. Actually, your ex-husband needs your help.", "Angela: Stan? Why?", "Phoebe: He's on trial for your murder.", "Angela: Stan? Are you kidding? He couldn't hurt a fly. Even his gift terrified him.", "Phoebe: His gift? (The man waves his hand through Angela.) What are you doing?", "Man: I'm looking for wires. This is some sort of trick.", "Phoebe: Did you find any? (to Angela) What about his gift?", "Angela: Stan could see things. The past, the future... It scared him, he hated it. That's why he never nurtured it. All the good he could've done, wasted.", "Phoebe: So he didn't kill you?", "Angela: No. The club owner did. Andrew Wike. I found out he was laundering money from some company at pier 86. Stan warned me to keep it to myself. But I didn't. He, he's a good man. He's an innocent man. Blessed be.", "(She disappears. The jury sit there in awe.)", "Phoebe: Shall we vote?", "[Time lapse. Everyone's in the court room.]", "Foreman: Not guilty.", "Stan's Lawyer: Unbelievable.", "Judge: So say you one? So say you all? (The jury nods.) This case is dismissed. The defendant is here by released, and this court is adjourned.", "(Everyone stands up.)", "Piper: Dust them now.", "(Leo heads for the jury.)", "Paige: Don't forget the bailiff.", "(Stan walks over to Piper and Paige.)", "Stan: I don't understand. How'd you do it?", "Piper: We didn't. Angela did.", "(Phoebe walks over to Stan.)", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Stan: Hi.", "Phoebe: You have a very special gift. And you did the right thing about going to the police. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, all that matters is you used your gift to help people. And that's a beautiful thing.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo walk into the foyer.]", "Paige: So you guys have told people about being witches lots of times.", "Piper: Yes, innocents, but only when we didn't have any other choice.", "Phoebe: Our secret is never more important than saving somebody's life.", "Leo: Can't you guys just enjoy saving this innocent for a minute and a half before getting back to the great debate.", "(The rat crawls down the stairs.)", "Piper: Well, it's not over yet. The killer is still out there somewhere.", "(They hear a noise and gasp when they see Glen on the stairs with a glowing ring around his neck.)", "Paige: Glen!", "(The rat turns into the demon.)", "Rat Demon: You have one hour to deliver the tape. Or stretch here is dead.", "(He grabs Glen and bolts through the front door, smashing it into a million pieces.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Piper: Paige, it's gonna be okay, just try to breathe.", "Paige: Oh my god, if anything happens to him.", "Piper: We won't let it.", "Paige: When did this demon become involved? I thought this killer was supposed to be human.", "Phoebe: He was. But apparently he was fronting for demons.", "Piper: Since when do demons give a rats ass - no pun intended - about laundering money?", "Leo: Because they need money to insinuate themselves into our world. To buy clothes, rent apartments, to fit in with us.", "Phoebe: It's probably the same way they made Cole legitimate when he was a demon. I mean, they put him through law school.", "Piper: Which put him in a position to hurt us. (Phoebe touches Piper's knee with her foot.) Water under the bridge.", "Paige: How is any of this gonna help get Glen back ? Even if we give that rat demon thing the tape, what's to stop him from killing Glen? We have no leverage.", "Phoebe: Okay, do we have to call him the rat demon? Because it's very hard to be appropriately frightened.", "Leo: We could go over his head. Look, I guarantee you that this club is just the tip of the iceberg. I mean, if we went to rat demon's... What are we supposed to call him?", "Paige: One hour, Leo. We have one hour.", "(He stands up.)", "Leo: Right, look, so if we go to their bosses and we threaten to expose their entire operation, they're not gonna be very please with him.", "Piper: So we offer him up for exchange for Glen. It might work.", "Paige: Might work? It has to work.", "Piper: Okay, so the only question is where is demon central?", "Phoebe: Angela said something about pier 86.", "Piper: So did Wike. So we split up. Phoebe, since you have stalling down to a science, you and Paige go to the club and buy some time. Leo and I will go to...", "Paige: No. I wanna go.", "Phoebe: Well, Piper has more fire power, and if they get hostile...", "Paige: I'll just have Leo orb me out of there if it gets too hairy. I'm the one who put Glen, my best friend, in massive amounts of danger. So I'm gonna get him out. (She grabs her coat.) Just do me a favour and keep him alive at the club until I get back.", "(Leo orbs out with Paige.)", "[Scene: Pier 86. Leo and Paige orb in.]", "Paige: I don't know if this is the right place.", "Leo: Shh, listen.", "(They hear and see rats crawling all over the place.)", "Paige: Rats.", "Leo: Lots of them. Time to go.", "Paige: No.", "Leo: Paige, I really think that we should...", "Paige: No, Leo, they've got Glen. (to the rats) Listen up, we know what you're doing and we're prepared to tell everyone. And just so you know killing me won't help. My sisters will take you down. Maybe you've heard of us. The Charmed Ones. Now who am I talking to?", "(The rats turn into demons and surround Paige and Leo. One steps forward.)", "Rat Demon #2: We're listening.", "[Cut to Piper and Phoebe at the magic club. The rat demon appears in front of them.]", "Rat Demon: The tape.", "Piper: Where's our friend, mouse man?", "Rat Demon: After I get the tape.", "Phoebe: No, before.", "Rat Demon: I can take it from you.", "Piper: You could try.", "(The curtain opens and Glen is standing there with the ring around his neck.)", "Rat Demon: Just so you know, if anything happens to me, anything at all, the ring will decapitate him.", "Piper: That's new.", "Phoebe: So much for a quick getaway.", "(Phoebe hands him the tape.)", "Rat Demon: Are there any copies?", "Phoebe: No.", "Piper: Now let him go. (The rat demon tightens the ring.) Hey, what are you doing?", "Rat Demon: I'm a rat. What did you expect?", "(Piper goes to blow him up.)", "Phoebe: Don't, it might chop off Glen's head.", "Piper: Well, what am I supposed to do?", "Rat Demon: Enjoy the show.", "(Suddenly, the rat demon is engulfed in flames and disappears.)", "Phoebe: Did you just do that?", "(Three rat demons appear and Paige and Leo orbs in. Paige races over to Glen. One of the rat demons picks up the tape.)", "Rat Demon #2: Only copy?", "Leo: Yes.", "Rat Demon #2: How do we know?", "Piper: What do you mean how do you know? You've just gotta trust us. We're the good guys for crying out loud.", "(The rat demon releases the ring around Glen's neck.)", "Rat Demon #2: Guess we'll call this one a draw.", "(The rat demons disappear.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Leo is fixing the front door. Piper is standing there watching.]", "Leo: Almost done.", "Piper: This is taking too long. Can't you just use a little magic?", "Leo: Don't you think we've used enough magic lately? Besides, I like working with my hands.", "(He goes over to her.)", "Piper: Yeah, I kinda like a guy in a tool belt. (They kiss. Paige and Glen walk in. Paige clears her throat.) Oh, leaving so soon?", "Paige: Yeah, Glen's gonna go stay with a friend of his across the Bay.", "Piper: Huh, I can't imagine why he wouldn't wanna hang around here.", "Glen: Yeah, well, I like adventure, just not that much adventure.", "Leo: So you're gonna stick around a while?", "Glen: Yeah, keep an eye on noogie here.", "Piper: Noogie?", "Paige: Glen, I think it's time for you to go.", "(They laugh and head for the door.)", "Glen: (to Piper) Thank you for saving my life.", "Paige: I reversed the spell.", "Piper: Just checking.", "Glen: Goodbye.", "(Glen and Paige kiss.)", "Paige: Bye, you. (He leaves.) Okay, do you want it now or should I email it to you?", "Piper: What?", "Paige: My apology. You were right. Keeping our secret is the most important thing, I should've listened to you. Do you want more? Should I keep grovelling?", "Piper: As fun as that would be. I'm sorry too, I can be a little harsh, but it's part of my charm, you'll learn to love me for it.", "(Phoebe walks in through the front door.)", "Phoebe: Wow, we actually have a door, imagine that.", "Paige: So how's the jury?", "Phoebe: Fine. I knocked on Tanya's door and she thought I was the Avon lady. So good job, Leo.", "Leo: Uh, thanks, but I don't wanna think about it, ever.", "Paige: Can ever wait for a minute or so?", "Leo: Uh-oh.", "Paige: I'm thinking maybe we should use some of that dust on Glen. I don't want you guys to have to be nervous.", "Piper: Well, do you think he's gonna tell anybody?", "Paige: No.", "Phoebe: And you trust him completely?", "Paige: Yes.", "Piper: Then so do we.", "Leo: Thank god.", "Phoebe: And whether we think it's smart or not, at least you have one person outside the family that you can talk to.", "Piper: Yeah, let's keep it to one." ]
Trial by Magic
Alien Stalker
[ "While at work, Paige discovers that a 10 year-old boy in foster care has the ability to magically start fires. Upon learning that his foster parents are actually demons who are attempting to get him to use his powers for evil, she, Piper, and Phoebe try to convince him to use his powers for good. Meanwhile, Cole proposes to Phoebe now that they are no longer possessed by spirits. However, when she puts on Grams' engagement ring, she falls under its magical spell and turns into a 1950's housewife. Also, Cole goes to work with Paige at the social services office." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe's sitting on her bed folding the laundry. Cole walks in.]", "Cole: Hey. Guess what?", "Phoebe: You've come to help me fold the laundry.", "Cole: Uh, no.", "Phoebe: What good is it being a witch if I can't just twitch my nose and make the laundry fold itself.", "Cole: Uh, which witch can do that?", "Phoebe: Samantha Stevens. From Bewitched. Oh, it's only like one of my favourite television shows. Sometimes I forget you've only been human for like a month.", "Cole: I'm becoming more human by the day. What would you say if I became really human and... got a job.", "Phoebe: If that's the criteria for being human then I am in big trouble. (laughs)", "Cole: I'm serious. Paige said that a lawyer at legal aid quit so she kinda recommended me.", "Phoebe: She did?", "(Cole sits on the bed.)", "Cole: Of course , if you don't think that I should then...", "Phoebe: No, no. Actually, I think that's a great idea. It'll keep you busy and help you find your identity. While I lose mine.", "(She gets up and puts some clothes on the dressing table.)", "Cole: I'm sorry?", "Phoebe: Nothing.", "Cole: Tell me.", "Phoebe: It's just, becoming a wife. I mean, I like Samantha but I never actually wanted to become her. See, Samantha, (she sits back on the bed) she was married to a human, Darren. And Darren completely suppressed Samantha's magic, completely denied who she was. And it wasn't because he didn't love her, it was just that's the way it had to be.", "Cole: And this was one of your favourite shows?", "Phoebe: Well, not that part. It was just growing up that was my only role model for a typical marriage, so that's all I new. And he was able to meet people and leave the house and build his career and she had to stay home and you know, cook dinner and do the laundry. She went from being Samantha to Mrs. Darren Stevens overnight.", "Cole: Well, that won't happen to you.", "Phoebe: Won't it?", "Cole: No. You'll become Mrs. Cole Turner. Phoebe, come on. Number one, it was a different time, different world obviously. Number two, we're hardly typical. I proposed to you under a hail of demon goo and you accepted while I was bleeding to death, remember? Look, why don't we do it again, start over.", "(He pulls a ring out of his pocket and shows her.)", "Phoebe: Grams' ring.", "Cole: Mm-hm.", "Phoebe: Where did you get that?", "Cole: From Piper. She gave it to me so I could give it to you.", "Phoebe: Well, that's not exactly a good omen, she was married with that thing six times.", "Cole: Well, she must have liked something about it or she would've stopped at like three. (He kneels down in front of her and holds out the ring.) Ms. Phoebe Halliwell, I come to you, as a man, nothing more nothing less, to ask will you be my wife.", "Phoebe: Hmm, yeah, I will. Again.", "(She holds out her hand and he places the ring on her finger.)", "Cole: Good.", "(They kiss and hug. The ring glows.)", "[Scene: A house. A mother and father are standing outside a kid's bedroom.]", "Mother: Tyler, we just wanna talk.", "[Cut inside Tyler's bedroom.]", "Tyler: It was an accident. I'm sorry.", "Father: It's alright, just let us in.", "Tyler: No. You'll yell at me.", "[Cut to the hallway.]", "Father: (to mother) I'll deal with Tyler, you contact Ludlow.", "Tyler: Who's Ludlow?", "Father: He runs the academy we told you about.", "[Cut to Tyler's bedroom.]", "Tyler: I'm not going to boarding school. You can't send me away.", "Mother: Oh, honey, it's for your own good.", "Tyler: I told you, I didn't mean to do it. I swear I'm not bad, I swear!", "(Tyler gets mad and rubs his temples. His bed catches on fire.)", "Mother: Tyler? What's going on? Is that smoke I smell?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Piper and Leo are there sitting at the table, reading the paper. Paige walks in and stretches.]", "Paige: Ugh, the sun came up again.", "(Phoebe walks in carrying a jug of coffee.)", "Phoebe: Oh, good morning, sunshine. Let me pour you a cup of coffee. (She picks up a cup and pours the coffee.) Notice anything different about me?", "Piper: Engagement ring. Notice it or wear coffee.", "(Paige looks at her ring.)", "Paige: Nice ice!", "Phoebe: Thank you very much, I can't stop looking at it.", "Paige: I was like that when I got my belly ring. Oh, you're right, wedding ring is totally different.", "Piper: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Can you pass me the milk?", "Phoebe: It's right next to Leo.", "Leo: We're not talking to each other.", "Phoebe: What? Still? Wait, I don't understand, shouldn't you wait until after you have kids to start fighting about them?", "Paige: Well, what's the matter? Maybe we can help.", "Leo: It's about having a magical child in a non-magical world.", "Piper: Someone, I won't say who, has the insane notion of binding our child's powers.", "Leo: Why is it insane? Grams bound your powers when you were a child.", "Piper: Yes, and we spent twenty odd years ignorant about our destiny. I look back on those normal days and I feel like I was a complete and total fraud.", "(She slams the paper on the table.)", "Leo: I'm not saying hide the truth. It's just growing up is hard enough without the extra burden of having powers.", "Piper: Magic is not a burden, it is a gift.", "Leo: It's a lot for any child to deal with. Plus ours will be doubly magical, half Whitelighter, half witch.", "Paige: That's like me! Oh, you might have some problem. Where's Cole? We've gotta go to work.", "Phoebe: Ooh, I'll go get him. And Paige, thank you so much for getting him this job, I mean, especially now you know, that we're gonna be married and he's gonna have to get used to bringing in the bacon. (She leaves.)", "Paige: Since when does Phoebe care about Bacon?", "Leo: I'm sure she meant all breakfast means. (Paige leaves.) Piper, would you please pass me the milk?", "Piper: Nope. (She holds the paper up in front of her.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Paige is there putting on her coat. Cole comes down the stairs in a suit and Phoebe goes over to him.]", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, you look gorgeous. Should I make you some breakfast, you know it's the most important meal of the day.", "Cole: Thanks, I'll just grab a coffee on the way.", "Phoebe: Are you sure? I could whip something up in a jiff.", "Cole: In a jiff, really?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: Come on, dude, let's get paid.", "Phoebe: Oh, have a great day. I am so proud of you. (They kiss.) Look at us, we are so bewitched.", "Cole: No, no, no, you feel free to use all the magic you want while I'm gone.", "Phoebe: Okay, whatever makes you happy. (Cole and Paige leave the manor. Phoebe looks at her ring.) I wonder what I should make him for dinner?", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige shows Cole to his small office.]", "Paige: So this is your office. You've got a desk, a chair, a lamp, what more do you need.", "Cole: Uh, oxygen? You know, when I was a D.A. I had an office eight times this size. Windows, an assistant... (He sits down on a small, low chair.) Plus I could throw energy balls.", "Paige: Yeah, well, you're human now, so get used to be humble just like all the rest of us.", "(He stands up. A woman walks in carrying a bundle of files.)", "Woman: Cole Turner? Hi, I'm Cynthia Coron, director of the legal aid office.", "Cole: Hi.", "Cynthia: Hi. Paige has told me such wonderful things about you. I wish I had time to get to know you but I don't, so jumping right in if we could.", "Paige: I have to jump right out. If anyone needs me I'll be down the hall.", "(Paige leaves.)", "Cynthia: Okay, your first case. (She puts the files on the desk.) Slum lord Alan Yates cut off heat to his tenants last week. He's doing it twelve for a fact finding session, which means you have two hours to learn everything about this case. So you better be fast and better be good. Thanks.", "Cole: Thank you. (She leaves.) I'm only human, you know.", "[Cut to down the hall. Paige walks pass Tyler who is sitting on a chair.]", "Paige: Hi. (She goes over to her boss.) Hey, what's with the kid?", "Mr. Cowan: Oh, police brought him in. Found him sleeping in an alley.", "Paige: Is he a runaway?", "Mr. Cowan: Looks like it. His name's Tyler, but I'm having trouble getting more information out of him.", "Paige: Sometimes those little video game things help loose them up. Billy's got one of them in the back, I'll go get it.", "Mr. Cowan: Good. (Paige walks away. Mr. Cowan walks over to Tyler and hands him a drink.) Here you go, Tyler, I thought you might be thirsty. (Tyler has a sip.) So have you thought about giving us a phone number so we can call your parents, letting them know you're okay? Did they hurt you?", "Tyler: No, they didn't hurt me.", "Mr. Cowan: Good, alright. But something happened.", "Tyler: I don't wanna talk about it.", "Mr. Cowan: I know it's hard, Tyler, but talking is how we fix...", "Tyler: I said I don't wanna talk about it!", "(Paige walks back in. Tyler gets mad and the trash can goes up in flames.)", "Paige: Fire!", "(The office gets noisy.)", "Woman: Get the fire extinguisher!", "(The boss walks away and Tyler runs out of the building. Paige grabs her purse.)", "[Cut to outside the building. Paige walks out, looking for Tyler. She looks behind the cars and finds him crouching behind one.]", "Paige: Hey. (He stands up.) Hey, hey, don't go, you don't have to be afraid. (He walks away. Paige follows.) I won't tell anyone I saw you start the fire.", "Tyler: You saw?", "(He stops walking.)", "Paige: Yeah, but nobody else did. And I promise I won't tell. I swear I won't.", "Tyler: I didn't mean to do it.", "Paige: I know, Tyler, I know.", "Tyler: Please don't make me go back to the clinic. I never want to go back to my foster parents, they don't understand me.", "Paige: I know a place where I can take you where you'll be safe. But you've gotta trust me, okay? Come on.", "[Cut inside the building. Mr. Cowan is putting out the fire in the trash can. Tyler's parents are standing there. Mr. Cowan turns around.]", "Mr. Cowan: Ooh, sorry, I didn't see you there.", "Father: We're looking for our son. His name is Tyler, eleven years old, blonde hair.", "Mr. Cowan: And you are?", "Mother: His foster parents. Is he here? Is he alright?", "Mr. Cowan: He was.", "Father: Thank god. We've been checking everywhere for him, we've been worried sick.", "Mother: Wait, what do you mean he was here? Where was he?", "Mr. Cowan: There was a fire and in the chaos he ran off.", "Father: Ran off? What do you mean? You lost him?", "Mother: Where could he have gone? We've gotta find him.", "Father: We will.", "Mother: I mean right now.", "Mr. Cowan: I understand this must be difficult.", "Mother: No, you don't understand anything. We need our son and we need him now!", "Father: Would you give me a moment with my wife? She's obviously very distraught.", "Mr. Cowan: Of course.", "(The man and woman walk into an empty room.)", "Father: You're making a scene.", "Mother: Can't a mother be upset about the loss of her son?", "Father: You're not reacting like an overreacting parent, you're reacting like a...", "Mother: A what?", "Father: A demon.", "Mother: We don't have time to play the concerned parents. Ludlow wants the boy before night fall. No boy, no bounty.", "Father: These humans can't help.", "Mother: So what are we supposed to do? Wait until Tyler uses his power again?", "Father: It's the only way we have of tracking him.", "Mother: What if he doesn't get angry?", "Father: He will. Just be patient.", "(They disappear.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper and Leo are there. Paige walks in from the living room.]", "Piper: How's it going?", "Paige: Not so good. He's barely making eye contact, not really speaking. He's just really afraid.", "Leo: Of what?", "Paige: Himself, his powers. He's showing all the signs of a kid who's never received sustained affection.", "Piper: Well, plus, being shuffled in and out of foster homes doesn't help either.", "Paige: No, and I get the sense that he is always felt like an outsider and a bit of a freak and now he's found out that in some ways he kind of is. (She walks across the room.)", "Leo: Which is why it could make sense for us to bind his powers.", "Piper: Yeah, maybe we could take off one of his legs at the same time because they're both part of him.", "Leo: It's not the same thing, Piper. Tyler's powers could be a danger to himself and to others.", "Piper: You know what? Don't make our issues his issues. I think you need to give him a chance to learn how to control it. Maybe that's why we met him. To teach him, guide him.", "(Phoebe walks in with a plate of cookies. She has her hair done like Samantha Stevens.", "Phoebe: Feed him.", "Paige: Wow, Phoebe, you went all out.", "Phoebe: Oh, well, you know me. Any excuse to spend a little time in the kitchen.", "Piper: I do know you and that's just not true.", "Phoebe: Oh, but it is now that I'm going to be Sadie, Sadie, married lady.", "Piper: Alright, Sadie, how about I take the cookies to the kid. (to Paige) Do you mind if I try talking to him?", "Paige: No, actually, the sooner we get to him the better 'cause last time I checked kidnapping is still illegal. I'm gonna get back to work, you guys call me later.", "(Paige leaves.)", "Phoebe: Eat 'em while they're hot.", "Piper: Mmm, Pheebs, friendly little tip, lay off the hairspray, there's a fire starter in the house. (Piper walks in the living room with the cookies. Tyler's there playing a Game Boy.) My sister made some cookies, do you want some? Mm, I don't blame you, it could be kinda dicey, she's not really a great cook. (Piper puts the plate on the coffee table.) Why don't you try one? So, you know, her feelings don't get hurt.", "(Piper sits on the couch. Tyler takes a cookie and has a bite.)", "Tyler: Can I have another?", "Piper: Help yourself. You know, it's probably hard to believe but something amazing has happened to you. You've been given a gift. And as strange as it sounds, you're not alone, I know exactly what you're going through.", "Tyler: Yeah, right, you start fires too.", "Piper: Not exactly. But I do know what it's like to possess a power you can't control. That you want so desperately to be normal but it's just not an option. And because there aren't any options sometimes you get so angry that you wanna...", "(She uses her power and blows up a vase of flowers.)", "Tyler: Whoa, what was that? What did you just do?", "Piper: I proved that I know what you're going through.", "Tyler: But how did you do that?", "Piper: Pretty much the same way you do. I've just learned how to focus my emotions and control it.", "Tyler: I wish I could control mine. Then I could be around people.", "Piper: Is that why you ran away? Because you were afraid you might hurt someone?", "Tyler: I was scared. I set fire to the living room couch. I didn't mean to but my foster mum was yelling at me that I was good for nothing and it made me so mad I just...", "(He sets fire to a chair. Piper jumps up.)", "Piper: Whoa.", "Tyler: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Piper: It's okay, in this house it's okay. (She freezes the fire.) I can also freeze things.", "Tyler: That's cool.", "Piper: Leo? Could you get me some water?", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe is cooking. Leo walks in.]", "Phoebe: Oh, Leo, I am so glad you came in, I have a very important question to ask you.", "Leo: What is it?", "Phoebe: Do you think that little boy will be staying for lunch?", "(Leo goes over to the sink and fills up a jug.)", "Leo: Uh, I would imagine so. Uh, what's the important question?", "Phoebe: That was it.", "Leo: Really? Phoebe, are you feeling alright?", "Phoebe: Peachy keen. (The phone rings.) Ooh, I'll get it. (Leo leaves. Phoebe answers the phone.) Hello?", "Cole: You gotta keep me from killing this slum lord. I've got a meeting in like ten minutes with a guy who's the biggest ass.", "Phoebe: Hold it, do not make me march down there and wash your mouth out with soap, mister.", "Cole: Huh?", "Phoebe: Do you want me to twitch my nose and turn him into Mr. Nice?", "Cole: No, I want to use an energy ball and send him where he belongs. The jerk cut off the heat causing an elderly tenant to get pneumonia, then he tried to evict her.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, just relax and try to get through it and I will have a martini waiting for you when I get home.", "Cole: A martini?", "Phoebe: Yeah, and a steak. You really need some more red meat in your diet.", "Cole: What the hell are you talking about?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: Company. I have to go. (She hangs up.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper heads for the door but Phoebe runs past her.]", "Phoebe: I'll get it! (She opens the door and Tyler's foster parents are there.) Hello.", "Mother: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Father: Hi, we're looking for our son, Tyler. Is he here by any chance?", "Phoebe: You betcha. Come on in. (They walk in.) Can I make you anything? A sandwich, a Spanish omelette perhaps?", "Piper: Wait, how did you know he was here?", "Mother: Maternal instinct?", "(The father knocks Piper down. Phoebe screams.)", "Tyler: Piper!", "Father: I got him.", "(Piper gets up and blows up a clock. The mother throws an energy ball, hitting the window. She throws another at Piper and Leo pushes her out the way.)", "Tyler: Leave them alone!", "Father: Nobody is keeping us from collecting our bounty.", "Tyler: No, stop!", "Mother: Shut up.", "(Tyler gets mad and the two demons burst into flames, vanquishing them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Tyler is upset.]", "Tyler: I didn't mean to.", "Piper: Tyler, you don't have to explain. We were there, we saw what happened.", "Tyler: I thought I was gonna hurt someone. And then I did.", "Leo: You did what you had to do.", "Tyler: I did a bad thing.", "Piper: Tyler, listen to me. Look at me. (He does so.) You didn't do a bad thing. Those were very bad people and they were gonna hurt us, you protected us. Come on, I wanna show you something. Come on, it's okay.", "[Cut to the attic. Piper, Leo and Tyler walk over to the Book of Shadows.]", "Tyler: A book?", "Piper: Not just any book, it's a magical one. Can I trust you?", "Tyler: Sure. Yeah.", "(She picks up the book.)", "Piper: Okay, let's find out who those people really were.", "(They sit on a couch.)", "Tyler: My foster parents?", "Leo: They weren't really your foster parents, Tyler. They were...", "(Piper opens the book.)", "Piper: Demonic bounty hunters. Driven by greed, these heartless low level demons will stop at nothing to collect their bounty.", "Tyler: So if they're bad, does that mean that I didn't do anything bad?", "Leo: That's right.", "Tyler: Is there anything about me in there?", "Piper: Actually I think there is. (She flips the page.) Here it is. You read.", "Tyler: \"A firestarter. An extremely rare and coveted magical creature.\" What does coveted mean?", "Piper: It means highly desirable, wanted.", "Tyler: I'm wanted?", "Piper: Very much so. \"Their power is linked to their emotions. It first manifests itself in adolescence. They're often trained to be the body guards of the Source.\"", "(She looks at Leo.)", "Tyler: What's the Source?", "Piper: A really, really bad guy.", "Leo: Which means he's probably resurfacing if the bounty hunters are after Tyler.", "Tyler: So Ludlow must be a bounty hunter too then.", "Piper: Who's Ludlow:?", "Tyler: Some guy who runs some kind of academy. My demon parents were gonna send me there.", "Leo: To train. To serve the Source.", "Tyler: So them I am bad.", "Piper: Why do you say that?", "Tyler: Well, if I'm supposed to use my powers to protect somebody bad...", "Piper: No, but that's not how powers work. They're not good or bad by themselves, it's how we use them.", "Leo: Tyler, why don't you read a little more while I talk to Piper.", "(Leo and Piper walk across the room.)", "Piper: See, with a little guidance he's already on the road to acceptance and control.", "Leo: That's great, but I think we have another problem. I figured out how the bounty hunters found out where Tyler is. They tracked his powers.", "Piper: You mean when he blew up the chair?", "Leo: Yeah. So when he vanquished them...", "Piper: So there may be more bounty hunters on the way.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe is there, cooking.]", "Phoebe: (singing) \"I'm making soup for Cole, he'll eat it in a bowl, I guess that's my new role, just making soup for Cole.\"", "(She puts some vegetables in a pot and goes over to the sink. A demon bounty hunter appears.)", "Bounty Hunter: Where's the fire starter?", "(Phoebe turns around and screams.)", "Phoebe: You nearly scared me half to death.", "Bounty Hunter: The boy, now!", "Phoebe: I don't like your tone of voice, mister.", "(He gets an energy ball ready and Piper runs in and blows him up.)", "Piper: Are you alright?", "Phoebe: Yeah, no messy clean up.", "Piper: Since when do you scream instead of fight?", "Phoebe: Actually, I did consider scratching him.", "Piper: That was another bounty hunter, which means more are just gonna keep coming until Ludlow gets Tyler. Unless we get Ludlow first.", "Phoebe: Ew, dishpan hands.", "Piper: Leo and I can pose as bounty hunters, say that we have Tyler and we can gain access to Ludlow and vanquish him.", "Phoebe: Sure. Just as long as you're home for dinner.", "Piper: But he's gotta be pretty powerful which means we might need the power of three. Plus, bring Ludlow back here just in case, and call Paige and tell her to get her butt back here as soon as possible.", "Phoebe: Okey-dokey.", "[Cut to South Bay Social Services. Paige is at her desk talking to a guy.]", "Paige: Oh, god, I'll have everything done for you in one second, okay? (The phone rings.) Uh, two secs. (She answer the phone.) Paige Matthews.", "Phoebe: Serena? Sam.", "Paige: Phoebe? Uh, look, I'm in the middle of about a zillion things. Can I just call you back?", "Phoebe: Piper wants you to come home. And I want you to bring your appetite.", "Paige: Yeah, Phoebe, like I said, I'm in the middle of a zillion things.", "(Suddenly, a man is pushed out of an office and crashes into a wall. Cole walks out.)", "Man: Back off! This is assault.", "Cole: Yeah, well, it's better than what you do which is close to murder!", "Paige: Oh my god, you would not believe what Cole is doing.", "Phoebe: Cole... how is my little sweetie?", "Cole: Get up you scum.", "Man: I'll see you in court.", "Cole: Yeah, you'll see me every time you look around.", "(Cynthia rushes over.)", "Cynthia: I don't believe this. Let go of him, what are you doing?", "Cole: I want the heat turned back on for those tenants today. Do you hear me!", "(The man leaves.)", "Cynthia: This is not the way we do things around here.", "Cole: Yeah, well, maybe you should. Or maybe I should just quit.", "Cynthia: You're fired!", "[Cut to the manor. Tyler is playing the Game Boy in the living room. Piper and Leo are watching him from near by.]", "Piper: He looks so normal.", "Leo: Are you sure we should let him play those games? Aren't they kind of violent?", "Tyler: Darn it.", "(He starts to get mad but calms down.)", "Leo: Looks like he's learning to handle his power.", "Piper: He wouldn't been given them if he couldn't.", "Leo: Is that what you think of you and your sisters?", "Piper: I don't know, maybe. All I do know is that when we finally got our powers back, it felt like we were scrambling to catch up. And I can't help but think if we had our powers from day one we would have been more prepared. Things would have turned out different.", "Leo: Prue would still be alive?", "Piper: And the Source would be dead. And we would be on our way to having a family as apposed to just talking about it.", "Leo: Life would be perfect.", "Piper: Not perfect, just easier.", "(Paige and Cole walk in through the front door.)", "Paig: Obviously when I recommended you for the job I thought you were a former demon.", "Cole: You know, do me a favour, Paige, and don't do me anymore favours.", "(Leo and Piper walk into the foyer.)", "Piper: Good, Paige, you're home.", "Paige: Yeah, but not for long. I have to go back to work unlike Cole here.", "Cole: The legal aid didn't work out for me. See I thought lawyers were supposed to seek out justice.", "Piper: Okay, we've got bigger problems. The Source wants Tyler. So let's focus on the pressing matter at hand.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Lunch!", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Darling, oh, what a pleasant surprise.", "Cole: Are you feeling okay?", "(Phoebe's face turns grey, then back to normal.)", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, happy as a clam, why?", "Piper: What was that?", "Phoebe: What was what?", "Cole: You just flashed... black and white.", "Phoebe: Oh, don't be silly. (laughs)", "Paige: Oh, he's not being silly, we all saw it.", "Phoebe: Uh. (laughs again)", "Piper: Okay, we don't have time for this. We've gotta get to Ludlow before the Source does. So Cole, fix Phoebe, I don't care how you do it, just do it. She needs to write a spell.", "Cole: Uh, which spell?", "Piper: A power of three spell, in case Leo and I have no choice but to lure Ludlow back here.", "(A timer goes off from the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Oh, the biscuits are ready.", "(She goes back in the kitchen.)", "Leo: We'll need some proof of Ludlow that we actually have Tyler.", "Piper: We're gonna take his jacket.", "(Tyler walks in.)", "Tyler: Why can't I come with you?", "Piper: Because it's too dangerous.", "Tyler: But I can protect myself. Besides, I helped yo out before didn't I?", "Piper: This is different.", "Leo: Okay, everyone, be ready, be prepared, no surprises.", "(He orbs out with Piper and Tyler jumps on Leo's back, orbing out with them.)", "[Cut to outside Ludlow's academy. Piper and Leo orbs in with Tyler. Tyler jumps off Leo's back.]", "Piper: Hey! What happened?", "Leo: He jumped the orb.", "Piper: Dude, you are so going back right now!", "(Bounty hunters appear and surround them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside Ludlow's academy. Continued from before.]", "Bounty Hunter #1: Who are you? What are you doing here?", "Leo: We, ah, got lost.", "Bounty Hunter #1: The academy is protected by charms which means you can't fnd the place unless you're looking for it. Kill them.", "(They get their energy balls ready.)", "Piper: Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "(She freezes them.)", "Leo: Let's get out of here.", "Tyler: Not going.", "Piper: You wanna bet? (Tyler runs for the gate. Piper and Leo chase him.) Hey, I said no.", "(He stops.)", "Tyler: Look, just listen to me. They don't know I'm a firestarter yet. Once they do, they'll take us right to Ludlow. Isn't that what we want?", "Piper: No, not at your expense. And I'm not gonna let you go in there.", "Tyler: And I don't wanna spend the rest of my life with bad guys chasing me.", "Leo: He's right. Wherever we take him, they'll eventually find him.", "Piper: Yeah, if something happens to him...", "Tyler: They won't hurt me, remember? I'm coveted.", "Leo: If he tags along, it might double your chances of getting Ludlow and not having to go home.", "Tyler: I'd like to do something good for once.", "Piper: Alright, but you stay next to me. And if anything goes wrong we are out of there.", "Tyler: Okay.", "Piper: This better work. (She unfreezes the bounty hunters and they throw the energy balls, hitting the gate. They turn around.) Hi.", "Bounty Hunter #1: How'd you...", "Piper: We're bounty hunters, we need to see Ludlow.", "Bounty Hunter #1: Who's the kid?", "Tyler: I'm not a kid, I'm a firestarter.", "Leo: So you gonna let us in or not?", "Bounty Hunter #1: What's the password?", "Leo: Password? (He looks at Piper.) Uh...", "(Piper blows up bounty hunter #1.)", "Bounty Hunter #2: That was it. You're in.", "(They open the gate.)", "[Scene: Manor. Bathroom. Phoebe is having a bubble bath. Cole walks in.]", "Phoebe: Oh, hey, honey.", "Cole: What are you doing? This is no time to be taking a bath. Piper might be home any minute and she's counting on you to write a spell.", "Phoebe: Oh, I tried, and I only got as far as \"Hey, demon!\" and then my mind went blank.", "(She blows bubbles off her hand and grins.)", "Cole: Look, I don't know what's happening to you. It might be some backfired spell, or curse or something but you've gotta snap out of it, there's work to be done.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Hey, why aren't you at the office?", "Cole: Because I quit my job.", "Phoebe: You what?", "Cole: I don't think I'm cut out for that nine to five life.", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, what will you do?", "Cole: I don't know, I'm still searching for who I am. But I know who you are which is a demon fighting, ass kicking witch who never lets her sisters down. So get out of that bath and show me what you're made of!", "(Phoebe stands up. She turns black and white.)", "Phoebe: Better?", "Paige: Hey, Cole, how's your progress going... (She walks in and sees Phoebe.) Oh, god, full frontal Phoebe. Sorry.", "(She looks away.)", "Cole: She just, she just flashed.", "Paige: Yeah, I got that.", "Cole: No-no, she just flashed black and white.", "Paige: Again? She's like an old TV that's on the blink or something.", "Cole: Hey, uh, maybe that's the connection. The-the TV show Bewitched, is that in black and white or colour?", "Paige: Originally black and white.", "Phoebe: Brrr... I'm very chilly. (She shivers.)", "Paige: Uh, Phoebe, sit down. (She does so.) Why are you asking me about Bewitched?", "Cole: Because Phoebe was worried about becoming an old fashioned housewife like Samantha and it might be fine for some people, but for Phoebe, that could be kind of dangerous. So I'll take care of her, and you need to write the power of three spell.", "Paige: No, I-I've never done that before.", "Cole: Well, you're gonna have to learn fast, so go, hurry. (She leaves. Cole grabs a towel.) You.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Cole: You're coming with me.", "Phoebe: Ooh, rarrr.", "(She stands up and Cole wraps the towel around her.)", "[Scene: Ludlow's academy. A demon is leading Piper, Leo and Tyler down a hallway.]", "Tyler: (whispering) So we're gonna try to take him out, right?", "Leo: Shh.", "Piper: Yes, I will go in first.", "Tyler: What if I can't, I mean, I have to get angry for my power to work don't I?", "Piper: So?", "Tyler: So what if I'm just scared instead? What if it doesn't work?", "(They walk up some stairs and approach a door.)", "Demon: Just walk through that door.", "Leo: Through the door?", "Demon: Yes, through the door.", "(They walk through the door and end up in Ludlow's office.)", "Leo: Where is he?", "Piper: Ludlow!", "(Ludlow appears in a chair behind his desk.)", "Ludlow: So, you brought the alleged firestarter. You've given us quite the run around, haven't you boy? I said haven't you boy?", "Tyler: Yes.", "Ludlow: Yes what?", "Tyler: Yes sir.", "Ludlow: No one teaches manners anymore.", "Piper: About our payment, see we don't want any surprises. (She tries to freeze him.) Yeah, 'cause we hate surprises.", "(She tries to freeze him again.)", "Ludlow: What are you doing? What, are you afraid that I'll grab the boy and stiff you? If the child is a firestarter you'll get your reward. If he's not, you'll all die.", "Leo: Well, Tyler is a firestarter so that won't be an issue.", "Ludlow: Prove it.", "Piper: (to Tyler) Go ahead. Give him everything you got.", "(Tyler gets mad but nothing happens.)", "Ludlow: What, not even a flicker?", "Piper: Okay, he's just a little scared.", "Ludlow: Oh, that's ridiculous. Don't be scared, boy. (He walks around his desk.) You're closing in on one of the most important moment of your life. Prove what you are and you'll meet the Source. The most powerful evil that exists in the universe.", "Piper: Yeah, okay, see, that's not helping.", "Ludlow: Do it.", "Piper: He's just a kid.", "Ludlow: Do it, boy.", "Piper: I mean it, lay off of him.", "Ludlow: Insolent! How dare you!", "Tyler: No! (He gets mad and Ludlow bursts into flames. The flames die down and Ludlow laughs.)", "Ludlow: Excellent! Well done.", "(Frost shoots out of Ludlow's hand and hits Tyler. Tyler is knocked unconscious and falls onto a chair.)", "Piper: What did you do to him?", "Ludlow: Just a precaution until the Source arrives. To kill him and steal his power.", "Piper: But...", "Ludlow: Your bounty's outside.", "(He flicks his arm and Piper and Leo fly through the door.)", "[Cut to outside. Piper and Leo land on the ground. The gates close. They stand up.]", "Piper: Leo, hurry, go get him.", "(Leo orbs out. The gate sparks and Leo orbs back in, falling to the ground.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the academy. Piper tries several times to blow up the gate.]", "Piper: It's the force shield, I can't blast through it.", "Leo: I'll go get your sisters.", "Piper: Leo...", "Leo: I know, hurry.", "(He orbs out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Phoebe, Paige and Cole are there. Phoebe is sitting on a chair knitting. She flicks black and white and back to normal. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: It's a disaster there. Ludlow has Tyler.", "Cole: It's a disaster here too.", "Leo: Piper needs her sisters immediately.", "Phoebe: Oh, I'll be right with you, as soon as I finish this sleeve.", "Leo: A child is in danger, Phoebe. We need you now.", "Phoebe: Phoebe? Who's Phoebe?", "Paige: She can't go with you. She doesn't even know who she is anymore.", "Phoebe: I beg your pardon, I know exactly who I am. I am Mrs. Cole Turner.", "Cole: This is all wrong. Ever since I put that ring on your finger you've been acting strange.", "Phoebe: You mean I've been acting normal.", "Cole: Which is strange for you, you know. I've gotta be honest, if this is what being married to you is gonna be like, you can take that ring off now.", "(She stands up.)", "Phoebe: I will not. This ring is a symbol of our love.", "Paige: That's it. The ring, we've gotta get it off.", "Phoebe: Over my dead body.", "Paige: Won't be necessary. Grams' ring please.", "(The ring orbs into Paige's hand.)", "Phoebe: No.", "(Paige looks at the ring.)", "Paige: It's got an inscription. \"To gain another, to lose oneself.\"", "Cole: Grams cursed the ring, why?", "Leo: I don't know, good question. (Phoebe sits down. She's stopped flashing.) Look.", "(Cole kneels beside her.)", "Cole: You feeling better?", "Phoebe: I feel a little faint.", "Paige: Can you hold it together? We've gotta go.", "Phoebe: I don't know. I'm still a little confused.", "Cole: Well, nothing will remind you of who you are better than saving an innocent, now go to work.", "[Cut to outside the academy. Leo orbs in with Phoebe and Paige.]", "Piper: I can't get in, you've gotta write a spell.", "Paige: Are you up to it?", "Phoebe: I think so. \"Uh, door lock, no magic block.\"", "Piper: That's it?", "Phoebe: Come here.", "(They stand beside each other.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Door lock, no magic block.\"", "(The gate sparks. Piper goes over and touches the gate. It electrocutes her.)", "Phoebe: Honey, maybe we should go back and check the Book of Shadows again.", "Piper: I can't leave Tyler here.", "Paige: It doesn't look like you have much of a choice.", "Tyler: (from the building) No! Please, don't hurt me!", "Piper: Stand back.", "(Piper tries to blow up the gate.)", "Tyler: No! (She tries to blow up the gate.) Don't hurt me!", "(She uses all her strength and blows up the gate. Piper walks in.)", "Phoebe: (to Paige) What was that?", "Paige: I think you just saw a mother lift a car off her child.", "[Cut to inside the academy. Tyler is lying on a table, covered in ice. Ludlow is waving his hands above Tyler.]", "Ludlow: All the pain is over. Soon you will serve the Source.", "(The door is blown up and Piper storms in, followed by Phoebe, Paige and Leo.)", "Piper: I'm back!", "Ludlow: I paid you your bounty.", "Piper: Yeah, that's not what I'm after. (She tries to blow him up but only wounds him. He falls back.) (to Phoebe) Power of three spell?", "Phoebe: I don't have one.", "Paige: I did one.", "(She gets out a piece of paper.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"The brittle winter gives way to flowers of spring, Ludlow is vanquished.\"", "(Ludlow yells and blows up.)", "Phoebe: What the hell was that?", "(They rush over to Tyler.)", "Paige: It was a Haiku. I couldn't do the rhyming thing.", "Piper: Leo, he's frozen.", "Leo: I got him. (Leo holds his hands above Tyler.)", "Piper: He's starting to warm up.", "(The ice disappears.)", "Leo: He's gonna make it. Let's get back to the gate and orb home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Leo and Tyler are there. Piper picks up a glass of blue liquid.]", "Piper: Are you sure you wanna do this? It's completely up to you.", "Tyler: Yeah, I'm sure.", "Piper: It's an awful lot to give up.", "Tyler: No, it's not. Not for me.", "Piper: Alright, here you go. (She hands him the glass.) It'll bind your powers, it won't strip them but it'll bind them. (He drinks the potion and burps.) Say excuse me.", "Tyler: Excuse me.", "Piper: Ludlow's right, nobody teaches manners anymore.", "(Piper puts the glass in the sink.)", "Tyler: Do you think it worked?", "Leo: Try it, look at something and get mad. Just think of Ludlow.", "(He looks at a pot plant and gets mad. Nothing happens.)", "Tyler: I didn't hurt it. I'm normal.", "Piper: Whatever that means. (Tyler starts to run off.) Whoa, whoa, whoa, where you going?", "Tyler: To play video games.", "(He runs off.)", "Piper: Ah.", "Leo: Still wanna have a baby?", "Piper: Mm-hmm, I'm just not ready for an adolescent yet.", "Leo: Paige said she found a pretty good family, not too far from here.", "Piper: I'm glad because I want visitation rights. Plus, you know, I have to be in touch in case he ever wants his powers back.", "Leo: You think he will?", "Piper: I don't know. He's a surprising kid.", "Leo: Like the piggy-back orb?", "Piper: I was so focused on how I was going to guide him, then he ended up guiding me.", "Leo: How?", "Piper: Well, you know how I was upset with Grams for binding our powers, leaving us unprepared for our magical future.", "Leo: You mentioned it once or twice.", "Piper: Well, now I see the wisdom in her decision. I mean, she realised someday we were gonna have to battle demons. But she always realised that children shouldn't live in fear. The need to feel safe, and explore, and learn and grow. I still think magic is a gift, that Grams gave us the greatest gift of all. A normal childhood, the gift of innocence. (They hug.)", "[Cut to the bathroom. Phoebe and Cole are taking a bath together. Cole splashes some water and Phoebe giggles.]", "Phoebe: Okay, okay, stop splashing! I'll say it. Cole Turner is the greatest lawyer in all the world.", "Cole: Greatest unemployed lawyer in all of the world. Although Mr. Yates did respond to my persuasive argument and got the tenants heat back on.", "Phoebe: And he's not gonna press charges?", "Cole: Nope. He's lawyer thought the case would raise more issues than it closed.", "Phoebe: I am so proud of you.", "(They kiss.)", "Cole: And that I was colourful.", "Phoebe: I think I figured out what Grams did to this ring here. (She picks it up.)", "Cole: Did you now.", "Phoebe: I think from making a seventh mistake, she put a hex on the ring, so that if she ever got engaged again the ring would remind her about what she hated about marriage.", "Cole: Mmm, the loss of identity, the subjugation by a man to focus on housework.", "Phoebe: All those things that I was afraid of.", "Cole: But Grams was from a different era, that's not gonna happen to us. Sitting and knitting is not the woman you are, just like sitting and typing is not the man I am.", "Phoebe: No, I can't picture you doing that.", "(She pulls a funny face and pretends to type. She giggles.)", "Cole: But you can picture us together or are you still freaked out by marriage that you don't...", "Phoebe: No. I wanna marry you. We just have to work extra hard that none of us loses our identity. And as for Grams and her notion of marriage... (She pulls the plug.) We can watch that go down the drain.", "(She throws the ring into the bath and it does down the drain. They kiss.)" ]
Lost and Bound
Alien Stalker
[ "When the Seer discovers that the Source will be destroyed by the Charmed Ones, he breaks a centuries old agreement between good and evil when he steals the Hollow, an ancient vapor, which he uses to steal Piper and Paige's powers. As this transpires, Phoebe has to work with Cole, despite having a premonition where she sees him sacrificing himself to save her from a demon. Meanwhile, there's more to Phoebe's premonition than meets the eye." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige carry an unconscious Piper in, who has scratches over her face. They put her on the floor and sit beside her.]", "Phoebe: Piper, come on, it's time. Can you wake up? Can you do this? You can do it, come on.", "Paige: Maybe we should call Leo.", "Phoebe: No, we can still make this plan work.", "(The Source flames in. He walks slowly over to the girls.)", "The Source: Seems almost anti-climatic after all this time, doesn't it? Say hello to Prue for me.", "(A ball of fire appears in his right hand. He throws it at Paige and she orbs out before it can hit her. Piper gains consciousness.)", "Phoebe: Piper, now. Now!", "(Piper blows up the Source, but straight away gets put back together.)", "Paige: Crystals, circle!", "(The crystals on the table orb out and orb back in on the floor in a circle surrounding the Source. Four electric bolts surround him. He throws a fire ball and it rebounds off the electric bolts, vanquishing him.", "[Cut to the underground. The Source's cave. The Source and the Seer are there. The Seer's eyes are white from looking into the future. They return to normal.]", "The Source: Well? What did you see?", "Seer: I saw your demise.", "The Source: My demise? That cannot be.", "Seer: You know how powerful my visions are. More so even more than the Oracle's were and more accurate.", "The Source: You mean to tell me that with all the powers at my disposal, all I've learned about them, in the end I still lose? How is that possible?", "Seer: The Charmed Ones' power will simply be greater than yours. I mean no disrespect. I only speak of what I see.", "The Source: If I don't prevail what difference does it make?", "Seer: There must be another way.", "The Source: No! With the Hollow I will render witches powerless. Then I will destroy them. Even if it means destroying us all.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Piper and Leo are sitting at the table. Piper slides a sheet of paper over to Leo.]", "Leo: Do I really need to think about this now?", "Piper: Yes.", "Leo: Why?", "Piper: Because the Source has already killed one of us. And if god forbid it happens again we want to be prepared. You should be honoured that if we don't make it we're leaving you everything.", "(Phoebe and Cole run in.)", "Phoebe: Hey guys! Guess what?", "Leo: What makes you think I'm gonna out live you anyway?", "Piper: Leo, you're an angel, literally. Which means short of a Darklighter, you win most likely to survive.", "Phoebe: Oh! Speaking of surviving, Source bulletin, this just in.", "(She holds up a piece of paper.)", "Piper: Honey, just sign the freakin' thing. (Cole whistles.) What?", "Cole: Phoebe has something she'd like to say that actually might affect what you're doing here.", "Phoebe: Thank you, honey. We nailed the Source vanquishing spell. (She hands Piper the piece of paper.) Our ancestors. That's what we were missing. If we could draw the magic from the entire Halliwell line...", "Piper: We might have enough power to vanquish the Source.", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Piper: This is good! This might work.", "Leo: I'll go tell the Elders. (He orbs out.)", "Piper: Hey! You did not sign this!", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, are you still on that will and testament kick? I gotta tell you, it's very, very morbid.", "Piper: No, it's very, very responsible. Prue did it and thank god she did, 'cause if she didn't we'll still be dealing with lawyers. (to Cole) No offence.", "Cole: Oh, none taken. I've come to terms with my evil past.", "Phoebe: No, I know what you're saying but I have a really good feeling about this, okay? No one is gonna die any time soon.", "(She touches Cole and has a premonition. In it, a demon throws a fireball at Phoebe but Cole takes the fireball instead for her.)", "Cole: You right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, um, I just have the hiccups. (She hiccups.) Ooh, see? Uh, Piper, can I talk to you for a minute in the kitchen?", "(She hiccups.)", "Piper: Sure. (They walk into the kitchen.) Phoebe, with or without the Source we still need a will. Especially if I'm gonna start a family.", "Phoebe: This isn't about the will. This is about a premonition I just had that I don't want Cole to know about.", "Piper: What do you mean? Why not?", "Phoebe: Because I just saw him jump in front of a demon to take a fireball for me, that's why not.", "Piper: A demon? What kind of demon?", "Phoebe: One with a half a face.", "Piper: Yuck!", "Phoebe: Yeah, so we have to figure out who the demon is and vanquish him before Cole...", "Piper: What if we need Cole to ID him? I mean, the Source probably sent this demon.", "Phoebe: That's exactly my point. He's gonna wanna stay close to protect me.", "Piper: Well, honey, that's what you do for people you love.", "Phoebe: I know, Piper, but he's human now, it's not like he can fend off a fireball.", "Piper: Well, you can't you talk to him?", "Phoebe: No, I've tried. He's not gonna sit by the sidelines, it's not who he is.", "Piper: So you're not gonna tell him?", "Phoebe: The attack happened in the attic. So I'll just keep him out of the house until I can ID the demon.", "Piper: Alright, it's your relationship, it's your call. I'll let Paige know what's up. As long as you're sure.", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige, Darryl and a woman are in a room.]", "Paige: Trust me, I'm sure.", "Darryl: The judge just wants to hear the truth, that's all.", "Paige: Everything is gonna be okay.", "Woman: Yeah, but once he hears about all the awful things I've done.", "Paige: Done as in past tense.", "Woman: My past is why I lost custody of my son in the first place.", "Paige: Look, we're not gonna pretend that you weren't in an abusive relationship or that you didn't go to rehab.", "Woman: It's just that I made so many mistakes.", "Paige: Your ex is out of your life, okay? You've been clean and sober for almost two years now and you've held down a steady job at a police station no less.", "Darryl: You've changed, that's all that matters.", "Paige: The judge just cares about who you are, not about who you were. And that's what's gonna get your son back. (Paige's phone rings.) Oh, excuse me. (Paige leaves the room.) This is not a good time I'm in the middle of something important.", "Piper: (whispering) Does a half a face demon qualify as important?", "Paige: He's there now?", "Piper: No.", "Paige: Well, then it doesn't qualify.", "Piper: (whispering) Phoebe had a premonition and not a good one.", "Paige: I know why I'm whispering, why are you?", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's on the phone in the dining room. Phoebe and Cole walk into the foyer.]", "Phoebe: So it keeps making like this brrr-brrr noise.", "Cole: But it's not even your car.", "Phoebe: No, I don't want Piper to be driving it and have it break down. Look, if you can just take it to the mechanic and have him look at it that'd be great.", "Piper: (from the dining room) Phoebe, that thing you were talking about, day or night thing?", "Phoebe: Night.", "Cole: What thing?", "Phoebe: It's nothing important.", "Cole: There's nothing wrong with Piper's car is there?", "Phoebe: No.", "Cole: But you want me to leave don't you?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Cole: And you don't wanna tell me why?", "Phoebe: If you could just give us a couple of hours, don't ask any questions. Please, please.", "Cole: You'll tell me later?", "Phoebe: I promise. (She gives him a quick kiss and he leaves.) I love that man.", "Piper: (on the phone) Paige, look, this could be the attack we've been waiting for. You need to come home now.", "[Cut to Paige.]", "Paige: Phoebe's premonition happened at night, right?", "Piper: Right.", "Paige: Okay, well, you know how long I've been working with Caroline. I promised her I'd be at the hearing today.", "Piper: Okay, fine, but you need to come home as soon as you can.", "Paige: Okay. (She hangs up. Darryl and Caroline come out of the room.)", "Darryl: So we're gonna meet outside the court room at 3:00, right?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Caroline: Paige, is everything alright?", "Paige: Peachy. All you have to do is relax and by tonight your son is going to be with you.", "Caroline: God, I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my angel.", "Paige: Oh. (She hugs her.)", "[Scene: An ancient burial ground. Good and Evil are there playing chess. Good is wearing a white robe with a halo above her head. Evil is wearing a black robe. Good is sitting in front of the board, meditating. Evil is standing near by.]", "Evil: Make a damned move.", "(Good opens her eyes.)", "Good: You're just mad because good is winning.", "Evil: No, just bored, standing there watching you think.", "Good: A-a-ah. Patience is a virtue.", "Evil: Oh, I have been plenty patient. Three thousand, five hundred years patient.", "Good: Hmm. (She points her finger at the board and a piece moves to another square.) There, happy now?", "(Evil moves a piece across and smashes Good's piece. Good frowns.)", "Evil: Now who's winning.", "(The Source flames in. Good stands next to Evil.)", "Good: You need to leave immediately. This place is an ancient burial ground.", "The Source: I know that. Thank you.", "Evil: With all do respect, you are not allowed to be here.", "The Source: Have you forgotten who I am? Whose side you're on?", "Good: There are no sides. We protect all magic. That was the agreement.", "(The Source throws a fireball at Good and vanquishes her.)", "The Source: The agreement's just been revoked.", "(Evil throws an electric bolt at the Source and he falls to the ground. When he stands back up, his hood flips back to reveal his greenish-yellow skin and his mutilated face.)", "Evil: Please. The Halliwells are a threat to us all. It's power is too great.", "The Source: That's exactly the power I need.", "(The Source pushes him across the room. The Source goes over to a large door. He struggles to open it. A rectangular box is floating in the middle of the room. He makes it float over to him. He walks over to Evil.)", "Evil: No, please don't. The Hollow consumes powers!", "(The Source opens the box and millions of black bee-like creatures fly into Evil through his eye sockets. The Source closes the box.)", "The Source: Now you'll be able to consume powers. And give them to me.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Phoebe are there looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: So, we found a demon with half a body but no demon with half a face.", "Piper: Well, we do have a resident demonologist living in the house.", "Phoebe: Yeah, we've had that conversation.", "Piper: Alright. You keep looking, I'll go get some coffee.", "Phoebe: Okay. (Piper leaves the room and Evil appears.) Piper!", "(Evil throws an electric bolt at Phoebe and she is thrown against a mirror. It smashes and she falls to the floor. Piper runs in and tries to blow him up.)", "Evil: Thank you.", "(She spots a knife on the table and runs for it. Evil blows up a sewing machine in front of her. She grabs the knife and throws it at Evil. It gets stuck in his neck and vanquishes him. The black bee-like creatures fly away.)", "Piper: Phoebe, did you see that? Phoebe? (Phoebe falls on her stomach, showing large pieces of glass stuck in her back.) Phoebe!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there. Leo pulls the glass out of Phoebe's back. He starts to heal her.]", "Piper: What's taking so long?", "Leo: She almost died, that's what's taking so long.", "(He heals her. Phoebe looks up.)", "Phoebe: What happened?", "Piper: One very mean demon.", "Phoebe: And did you get him?", "Piper: Yes. But, uh, something else got away. And that's not all. (She picks up a vase and hands it to Leo.) Throw this. Just do it. (He throws it in the air and she tries to freeze it. It smashes on the floor.) My powers are gone.", "Phoebe: It stole your powers?", "Piper: It stole, ate, absorbed, I don't know. The only thing I do know is that I've gotta get them back.", "(Piper walks over to the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: I don't understand. We vanquish a demon and then lose our powers. How does that work?", "Leo: That thing must have absorbed your powers somehow although I don't know how.", "Phoebe: Oh, well, with the Source lurking around.", "(Piper turns to a page in the Book of Shadows.)", "Piper: That's him, this is him. \"Guardians of the Hollow\" ring any bells?", "Leo: That's not possible.", "Piper: Why not, what is it?", "Leo: Because the Hollow is something that consumes all magic good or evil and both sides agreed to guard. That thing must have been the Hollow, it must have taken over the demon.", "Phoebe: Well, then how do we get it to regurgitate?", "Piper: Hmm, there's no mention of a vanquish here.", "Leo: You can't vanquish it. The last time it was unleashed it nearly decimated all magic, all things.", "Phoebe: The last time it was unleashed?", "Leo: Eons ago. Good and evil had to join forces and use their strongest magic and even then all they could do is contain it.", "Phoebe: Okay, so if good and evil are seeing eye to eye on this one, who let it out?", "Piper: The Source.", "Leo: If he was desperate enough.", "Piper: Which means he won't stop at just my powers, he's gonna send another demon for yours and Paige's.", "Phoebe: The demon with a half a face, see if he's in the book.", "Leo: Even if you could use your powers you wouldn't be able to because they would just steal them.", "Phoebe: Then how do we stop him?", "Piper: We'll use potions instead. I'll make one to replace my exploding power.", "Leo: Okay, you better get Paige. You're gonna need the power of three. I'll go check with the Elders.", "(He orbs out.)", "Phoebe: On a scale from one to bad...", "[Cut to Paige outside the court room. Darryl is standing beside her.]", "Paige: This is very bad. Something must have happened to her.", "Darryl: She seemed pretty shaky this morning, you don't think she...", "Paige: No. No, she wouldn't sabotage this, not when she's come this close to getting her son back.", "Darryl: Yeah, well, I believe you, but will the judge.", "Paige: God, I hope her ex didn't find her. (Her phone rings and she answers it.) Caroline? Oh, hey, Phoebe. Look, I'm gonna need more time... Oh... Okay, I'm on my way. (She hangs up.) I've gotta go.", "Darryl: You can't just leave. You're the only reason why she's getting a second chance.", "Paige: Well, now it's up to you. I have to go, it's a demonic emergency. A big one.", "Darryl: Okay. What do you need me to do?", "Paige: I need you to post pone the hearing for a couple of hours.", "Darryl: You know better than that. You can't just post pone legal proceedings, there are forms to file...", "Paige: Pleased, Darryl. Can you please pull some strings and buy us some time If we don't help her there is no one who will.", "Darryl: Okay, I'll try.", "Paige: Thanks. Just keep paging her, trying her at home, we have got to find her.", "[Cut to the manor. Kitchen. Piper and Phoebe are making a potion. Phoebe hands Piper a feather.]", "Phoebe: Here you go, one owl feather.", "Piper: Do you think I jinxed us? With the will? Maybe it wasn't such a great idea.", "Phoebe: Actually, I'm beginning to think it was a very smart idea.", "Piper: That's not so funny.", "Phoebe: Trust me, I know.", "(Cole walks in.)", "Cole: Hi. Am I back too soon?", "Phoebe: Um...", "Piper: Um, we need his help. No time to be evasive.", "Cole: Help for what? Well, it's obvious you're making a potion so what is it you're not telling me?", "Phoebe: Um, I had a premonition. A demon attacked and you jumped in front of a fireball to save me.", "Cole: What? You can't keep these things from me.", "Phoebe: I was just trying to protect you.", "Cole: Well, that's not a good enough reason.", "Piper: Uh, hate to interrupt but maybe we should talk about the demon.", "Cole: What'd he look like?", "Phoebe: Creepy, half face, and his good side has tribal markings, a little bit like...", "Cole: Belthazor.", "Phoebe: A little bit. Do you know who he is? Does he work for the Source?", "Cole: He doesn't work for the Source, Phoebe, he is the Source. His face was disfigured in the battle that brought him to power. Only upper level demons have seen it. You should have told me.", "Piper: So he's the one that released the Hollow.", "Cole: The Hollow? What do you mean released?", "Phoebe: It already attacked us. It took Piper's power.", "Cole: Well, then you'd better figure out a way to beat the Source without your powers otherwise...", "(Piper's potion explodes.)", "Piper: Already on it.", "[Scene: Underworld. The Source's cave. The Source and the Seer are there. The Source blows up a pot and then freezes the shattered pieces in mid-air.]", "The Source: The witch's powers are impressive.", "Seer: Nevertheless, do you think it's wise to have extracted them from the Hollow? There could be repercussions.", "The Source: Damn the repercussions, Seer! I won't stop until I have all three of their powers coursing through my veins. You understand me? (He unfreezes the pot.) I can't risk going against them myself, until I do.", "Seer: No one wins while the Hollow runs free.", "The Source: I control the Hollow.", "Seer: For now. But the more magic it absorbs the more stronger it becomes. And the more you extract from it, the more it corrupts you until it consumes all things including you.", "The Source: Unless you wanna face eternity as a pile of ash, I suggest you stop questioning me and do as I say!", "(The Seer bows her head. The Source summons a Darklighter. The Darklighter kneels down.)", "Darklighter: How can I be of service?", "The Source: I want the Charmed Ones, Darklighter.", "Darklighter: But my arrows don't kill witches.", "(The Source picks up the Hollow box.)", "The Source: But they do kill Whitelighters. I want you to kill theirs so he can't heal them anymore. (He goes over to the Darklighter and opens the box. Millions of bee-like creatures fly into the Darklighter through his eye sockets.) And when you've done that, then I want you to bring me a little gift.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Cole are there. Paige lays five crystals on the floor.]", "Paige: Five magic crystals oriented east to west. Magic circle, check.", "(Piper pours a white liquid into another white liquid and it turns purple.)", "Piper: Oh, purple good, purple equals exploding power. Exploding power, check.", "Phoebe: One fabulously written Source vanquishing spell, check.", "Cole: Don't get cocky.", "Phoebe: Not cocky, confident.", "Piper: We are talking about the Source of all evil, maybe measured optimism is best.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: The Source unleashed the Hollow.", "Piper: Already on that train, honey. It took my powers. Anything else?", "Leo: Good and evil magic need to join forces and read the inscription on the box where the Hollow is kept. That will put it back in its crypt and return your powers.", "Piper: Okay, so at least we know how to vanish it, this is good news.", "Phoebe: Good news if the Source brings the box and we could find an evil being willing to to help.", "Paige: Hey, Cole, too bad you're not still evil.", "Cole: One step at a time. First we vanquish the Source, then we'll worry about putting Pandora back in its box.", "(The phone rings. Paige answers it.)", "Paige: Hello? Hey, Darryl. (listens) Oh, no. (She walks into the dining room.) Are you sure she's gonna be okay?", "Darryl: Yeah, the ER doctor said there's no internal bleeding. She still got beat up pretty bad.", "Paige: Damn it, how did he find her?", "Darryl: I have no idea. But I've got every available officer out there looking for him.", "Paige: What about the hearing?", "Darryl: I got it postponed for an hour from now, but I doubt we're gonna find him by then. Look, Paige, with their history this doesn't look good.", "(Paige sighs and hangs up. Leo walks in.)", "Leo: We need you in the kitchen.", "(Paige heads for the kitchen but stops.)", "Paige: You know, Leo, I have my charges too. (The Darklighter smokes in and points his arrow at Leo.) Leo! (The Darklighter shoots and the arrow hits Leo. Cole walks in.) Crossbow!", "Cole: No, your powers.", "(The Darklighter absorbs her powers. Piper and Phoebe walk in.)", "Piper: Leo!", "(She runs over to him. The Darklighter points the crossbow at Paige.)", "Phoebe: Paige, watch out.", "(Paige ducks behind a wall. Phoebe throws the potion at the Darklighter and he explodes.)", "Piper: Oh, no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Leo is lying on the couch in a lot of pain. Piper is holding onto one end of the arrow.]", "Piper: Ready? Paige, hold his hand. (She does so. Piper pulls out the arrow and Leo screams. She puts the arrow on the coffee table.) Paige, don't touch that you're a Whitelighter too. (Leo breathes heavily.) You're okay, just lie back. Easy.", "Leo: Still bossing everyone around, huh?", "Piper: You'd better believe it.", "Paige: I don't understand, how come you can heal us but you can't heal yourself.", "Leo: It just doesn't work that way.", "Piper: Yeah, but you can switch powers with Phoebe, like we did before.", "Leo: No! Look, if The Source comes and Phoebe doesn't have her powers, you don't stand a chance. I mean it. I'm still your Whitelighter.", "Piper: Well, who's bossing whom around now? Paige, go tell Phoebe to find something else, a spell, an amulet, whatever. Go!", "(Paige walks into the conservatory where Phoebe and Cole are.)", "Phoebe: It'll never work.", "Paige: Will anything?", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "Paige: So, what, we're all just gonna die?", "Cole: You can't think that way.", "Paige: Why not? Isn't that what we're all thinking anyway?", "Phoebe: We'll figure a way out of this.", "Paige: How? The Source knew we'd be prepared, that's why he came after our powers. The Source knew we had an in-house healer, that's why he came after Leo. He knows what we're gonna do before we even do.", "Phoebe: Well, it's not over yet. I still have my power.", "Paige: Great. Two down.", "[Scene: Underworld. The Source's cave. The Source and the Seer are there. The Seer is looking into the future.]", "The Source: One to go. (He walks over to the Seer.) What is it? What do you see? Tell me.", "Seer: I see nothing.", "The Source: What do you mean? Do I or do I not have the power to defeat the witches?", "Seer: You misunderstood. I see nothing. No magic, no life, no world. The Hollow will consume everything just as I warned.", "The Source: Then if there's no future I have no further need for you, do I, Seer?", "Seer: Please, I beg you. Find another way. Put the Hollow back where it belongs.", "The Source: Not until I'm finished. Not until I've killed them all.", "Seer: But that's madness. The Hollow won't let you stop there.", "The Source: Then so be it!", "Seer: Forgive me. I serve you as always, even until the end.", "The Source: Guard the Hollow. I have one more demon to recruit. One more power to obtain.", "(He flames out. The Seer touches to box and looks into the future.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper walks in with a glass of water. She slows down when she sees Leo not moving.]", "Piper: Leo?", "(Leo groans.)", "Leo: Hey.", "(Piper breathes a sigh of relief.)", "Piper: Hey. (She kneels beside him.) Drink this.", "(She pours some water in his mouth.)", "Leo: I guess you picked the wrong beneficiary after all.", "Piper: Don't talk like that.", "Leo: Piper, you need to get out of here before he comes back.", "Piper: I'm not leaving you.", "Leo: The Source...", "Piper: Is not gonna scare me away, and neither are you, so just forget about it. You're not gonna die. 'Cause I'm not gonna let you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's bedroom. Cole opens the closet and pulls something out of a coat pocket. Phoebe walks in and opens the dresser drawer.]", "Phoebe: I'm just looking for my potion book. Have you seen it anywhere?", "Cole: I didn't think you could save Leo with a potion.", "Phoebe: Well, it's not just to save Leo, it's to save us all.", "Cole: Oh, yeah? How?", "Phoebe: I-I don't know, but I have to do something, I can't just sit around and... (She notices Cole is holding onto a ring box.) What's that?", "Cole: This?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Cole: It's just a little something I've been waiting for the right moment to give you. (He opens it to reveal a diamond ring.) It's not your Grams' but hopefully it's not cursed.", "Phoebe: I-I don't think now's the time.", "Cole: Actually, I think now's the perfect time. (He takes the ring out of the box and puts it on her finger.) This way no matter what happens, you'll always know that I love you.", "Phoebe: It's beautiful. Now you have to go.", "Cole: No, I'm staying here with you.", "Phoebe: Do you want me to watch you die too?", "Cole: If that's what it takes to save you, yeah.", "Phoebe: No, but I'm supposed to save you. That's why I got that premonition.", "Cole: Not necessarily. You know as well as I do you're not meant to stop every premonition. Some are just meant to prepare you for what's to come.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Paige heads for the door.]", "Paige: I'll be right there.", "(Piper comes out of the living room and stops Paige.)", "Piper: Paige, this is no time for guests.", "Paige: It's not social, I called Darryl.", "Piper: Darryl? You're supposed to be helping Phoebe.", "Paige: She doesn't need my help. But there is somebody who does, excuse me. (Paige opens the door. Caroline has bruises and cuts on her face.) Oh, Caroline.", "Caroline: I'm so sorry, Paige. After everything you've done to help me.", "Paige: It's not over, not yet.", "Piper: Paige.", "Paige: Darryl, take Caroline into the sunroom.", "Darryl: Is everything okay?", "Piper: No.", "Paige: Yes.", "(Darryl and Caroline go into the sunroom. Paige closes the door.)", "Piper: Are you outta your mind? We don't have time for other peoples problems right now.", "Paige: It's something I've got to do. Especially if it's the last thing I do.", "(Paige walks into the conservatory.)", "Darryl: Hey, what's going on?", "Paige: I don't have time to explain. I think I can still help you get your son back.", "Caroline: But how? The judge will take one look at me...", "Paige: No, I think I can help. I just need you to turn away from me. Please, just trust me.", "(Caroline turns away. Paige walks across the room over to the Book of Shadows. Darryl follows.)", "Darryl: You're gonna use magic?", "Paige: Yes, I am. \"Let the object of affection become but a dream, as I cause this seen to be unseen.\" Okay, Caroline, you can turn around now.", "(She turns around and her cuts and bruises have disappeared.)", "Darryl: Whoa.", "Caroline: What? (She touches her face.) What happened?", "Darryl: Just a second, Caroline. (to Paige) Look, I've known you guys long enough to know that you don't do something like this unless something is seriously wrong. What's going on?", "Paige: Just get down town and make the judge see the real Caroline, and make sure that slime boy ex of hers gets put away. Please. Just go.", "(Darryl walks over to Caroline and they leave. Phoebe and Cole walk in.)", "Phoebe: Piper?", "(Piper walks in.)", "Cole: We may have a plan to get your powers back.", "Phoebe: Then maybe Paige could help heal Leo.", "Piper: A spell?", "Phoebe: Remember the one to call for witches powers? Maybe it might be strong enough to call the powers from the Hollow.", "Paige: Could that work?", "Piper: It has to. (to Cole) Uh, could you watch Leo?", "(The girls leave the room. Cole walks into the living room. He sits on the coffee table next to Leo. Cole gasps and disappears.)", "[Cut to the underworld. Cole appears in the Source's cave. He looks around.]", "Seer: Don't be afraid. (He spins around. The Seer walks in.)", "Cole: Who are you? Where am I?", "Seer: Back in your once and future life... Belthazor.", "Cole: Belthazor? (The Seer moves closer.) Seer.", "Seer: Even now I can see the void where your demon half used to exist. It craves to be complete again.", "Cole: How'd you know I was still alive?", "Seer: I had a vision. One where you and I do great things together.", "Cole: I don't work with evil anymore.", "Seer: You might reconsider if you hope to save your precious witch. Only you and I can help to beat the Source.", "Cole: I'm listening.", "Seer: If you take in the Hollow, you can absorb the Source's power when he attacks. Once powerless, they can vanquish him.", "(She picks up the Hollow box.)", "Cole: And what happens to me after?", "Seer: The witches and I will banish the Hollow back to its crypt. You will return to normal.", "Cole: How do I know this isn't one of The Source's tricks? Or one of yours for that matter.", "Seer: The Source has been corrupted by the Hollow. And is going to destroy us all. He can not be allowed to continue with this path of madness.", "Cole: If I do this, what do you see then?", "Seer: A future for both sides.", "(He walks across the room.)", "Cole: Is this the great thing you saw us doing together?", "Seer: Perhaps. However, you won't even know unless the Source is stopped first. It's your only chance to save your love.", "(He walks over to her and she opens the box. The bee-like creatures fly into Cole through his eyes and mouth.)", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are reading a spell out of the book.]", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here.\"", "(The house starts to shake and the Source flames in. They gasp.)", "Paige: Oh my god.", "The Source: Not quite.", "Phoebe: Run!", "(They run into the living room.)", "Paige: I thought we called for our powers.", "(They run through the living room and The Source blows up the wall. They dive into the foyer.)", "The Source: I have your powers now and a few of my own.", "(A fireball appears in his hand and aims for Piper.)", "Paige: Piper!", "(The Source throws the fireball at Piper and she is knocked against the wall.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige carry Piper in.]", "Paige: Hurry, he's coming.", "(They take her across the room and put her down.)", "Phoebe: Come on, honey, we need you, Piper, it's time. Come on, you can do it.", "Paige: Do what? We have no powers.", "Phoebe: It doesn't matter, we can still make the plan work. Get the crystals.", "(Paige races across the room. The Source flames in in front of her. She stops.)", "The Source: Seems almost anti-climatic after all this time, doesn't it?", "(He pulls her behind him and she flies into some cardboard boxes and a mattress.)", "Phoebe: Piper.", "The Source: Say hello to Prue for me.", "(Phoebe kicks him and he falls to the floor. Paige grabs the crystals.)", "Paige: Phoebe!", "(She throws Phoebe some crystals and she puts them on the floor near her. The Source stands up.)", "The Source: Your power was always the weakest, hardly worth taking. Your life however is.", "Phoebe: Paige, now!", "(Paige puts down the last crystal and electricity bolts surround him. Phoebe and Paige go back over to Piper.)", "The Source: Crystal. (A crystal orbs into his hand. The trap disappears.) Now the moment we've all been waiting for. (He throws a fireball but before it can hit Phoebe, Cole appears and runs in front of her. He absorbs The Source's power.) Belthazor!", "Phoebe: No, The Hollow.", "(Cole throws a fireball at the Source.)", "Cole: Hurry, the spell.", "(Phoebe gets a piece of paper out of her pocket and the girls read from it.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda, Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace, (the Source catches on fire) Halliwell witches stand strong beside us, vanquish this evil from time and space.\"", "(The Source yells and causes a big explosion. He is vanquished. The Seer appears holding the Hollow box.)", "Phoebe: Who are you?", "Seer: Someone who just helped save your lives. (She opens the box and the Hollow escapes out of Cole and goes back in the box.) Quickly, take my hand.", "Cole: Trust her. If you want your powers back.", "(Phoebe goes over to her.)", "Seer: Say the inscription with me.", "Seer, Phoebe: Abolio exume ga ume to eternius.\"", "(The box floats up in the air and lets off a bright light. It disappears and returns to its crypt.)", "[Cut to the living room. Phoebe and Paige run in over to Leo. Paige holds her hands over his wound and tries to heal him.]", "Paige: I can't do it, nothing's happening.", "Phoebe: Hold his hand. (She does so.) And let his power to heal flow through you.", "(She heals him. He wakes up.)", "Leo: Paige, Phoebe.", "Paige: I did it, it worked.", "(Piper, Cole and The Seer walk in.)", "Piper: Leo. (She goes over to him.)", "Seer: All is as it should be again. Time to return to my side. Too bad Belthazor's gone, he would have made a great new Source.", "Cole: Too bad.", "Phoebe: I don't know who you are, but whoever you are, we thank you.", "Seer: Oh, I didn't do this for your future, I did it for mine.", "Paige: I don't understand, if we got our powers back, where did the Source's go?", "Seer: Into the void.", "(She disappears.)", "Piper: Okay, who was that?", "Cole: A very evil person.", "Phoebe: Yeah, one that saved our lives, and helped us kill the Source.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. The guy behind the bar hands Leo a plate of snacks.]", "Guy: Here you go. Enjoy.", "(Leo takes it over to a table where the girls are giggling. He puts it on the table.)", "Leo: Here you go guys, on the house.", "Piper: Oh, easy for you to say.", "Leo: Yeah, well, you deserve to celebrate. Yeah, I still can't believe it, you guys actually vanquished the Source.", "Paige: So what does that mean? Is our destiny fulfilled?", "Piper: I don't know. But at least that part of the nightmare's over.", "Phoebe: For Prue.", "(They clink their beer bottles.)", "Piper: For Prue.", "Leo: What do you say we go home and get started on our future.", "Piper: What do you say we go home and sleep, then we work on the future tomorrow night.", "(Piper and Leo leave. Phoebe and Paige laugh. Cole walks over to them.)", "Phoebe: Hi, honey, are you okay?", "Cole: Yeah, yeah, why.", "Phoebe: Well, it just took you a little while to get back.", "Cole: It did?", "Phoebe: Mm-hm.", "Paige: You know, facing death has kind of made me wanna face life and I'll tell you what, there's a piece of life over there that I think I wanna talk to.", "(A guy at the bar looks at her and smiles.)", "Phoebe: You go get him, girl. (She goes over to him.) You sure you're okay?", "Cole: Yeah, yeah, I'm just a little tired.", "Phoebe: Too tired to celebrate? You are my soon to be husband, and you're also my hero.", "(She hugs him.)", "Cole: Oh, I'm nobody's hero.", "(Fire appears in his eyes and they turn black.)" ]
Charmed and Dangerous
Alien Stalker
[ "After getting a case of cold feet about marrying Cole, Phoebe decides to cast a spell where she brings her future, cynical self and herself when she was an innocent child to the present in order to gain some guidance as to what she should do. Meanwhile, Cole gets possessed by the Source and eventually becomes unable to resist doing his bidding. An evil demon called Kurzon attempts to align with the Seer to become the next Source and is sent on a mission to destroy the Power of Three. At work, Paige gets promoted to a social worker. However, worried that what she did in order to be promoted could be seen as a personal gain, she attempts to make things right with her co-worker that was passed up for the job." ]
[ "[Scene: Underworld. A dark cave. Cole walks in, topless, holding a sword. He looks around. He sees the Source across the room, chanting with his back turned. Cole creeps towards him and is about to swing the sword.]", "The Source: Wait.", "(The Source faces Cole and lifts off his hood. It's Cole.)", "Cole/The Source: You don't really wanna kill me do you?", "Cole: But how...", "(Cole/The Source hits Cole and he lands on the ground. The sword flies up to Cole/The Source.)", "Cole/The Source: We're one now. I'm reborn, within you.", "Cole: I'll fight it. I'll kill us both if I have to. I won't let you hurt Phoebe.", "Cole/The Source: You won't have a choice.", "(He stabs Cole and he screams.)", "[Cut to Phoebe's bedroom. Cole wakes up from his dream with a fright. He looks over at Phoebe, who's sleeping.]", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper takes a tray out of the oven. She walks into the dining room where the table is covered with food. Leo is sitting at the table.]", "Piper: Voilá!", "Leo: Oh, it looks great, let's eat.", "Piper: Wait, where is everybody?", "Leo: I don't know. Pass the croissants please.", "(Piper takes off her apron.)", "Piper: I don't understand, we were all supposed to eat together. You know, celebrate.", "Leo: Sisters. Butter.", "Piper: Phoebe! Paige! (Paige orbs in and falls on Piper, knocking her to the ground.) Paige! (They stand up.) Wait, Paige, did you just orb in from another room?", "Paige: Yeah, obviously the landing could still use a little work.", "Piper: You've been practising this?", "Paige: Yeah, I didn't wanna say anything until I knew for sure I could do it. (She sees the food.) Uh, food, thank god, I am starving.", "(She sits down.)", "Leo: That's the orbing. It burns a lot of calories. Why do you think I married a chef?", "Piper: I-I can't believe your powers are already advancing. This is just another reason to celebrate.", "Paige: Mm, Leo, butter.", "(Leo passes the butter.)", "Leo: Mm, butter. You should try the frittatas they're great.", "Piper: You're both very welcome.", "Paige: Oh, thank you, honey. I just wanna eat fast so I can get to work on time for a change.", "Piper: Well, I understand but still, it's not everyday that we vanquish the Source of all evil. The least you could do is wait for Phoebe and Cole.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Oh, don't bother. Cole's not here and all I need is a caffeine IV.", "(She grabs a jug and pours herself some coffee. She sits down.)", "Piper: What is the matter with you people? Our mortal enemy is gone, dead. Is there nobody else besides me happy about this?", "(Paige gets up and puts her arm around Piper.)", "Paige: Absolutely, honey, I'm thrilled. Thank you for the spread, have a good day.", "(She leaves the room. The Elders call Leo.)", "Leo: Hm, I'm being summoned.", "Piper: What, now? What do they want?", "Phoebe: I don't know, maybe they want to congratulate you guys.", "Piper: But...", "Leo: Gotta run. (He orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Does he have to do that so brightly?", "Piper: Well, that'll teach me to try and be in a good mood. What's the matter with you?", "Phoebe: Mm, I don't know. I went to bed and I was really happy and then I woke up this morning and I just, I had this horrible feeling about Cole.", "Piper: Cole?", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's kinda hard to explain. It feels like a premonition that's trying to come out but it never quite does. But whatever it is it's not a good thing.", "Piper: Well, that doesn't sound supernatural, that sounds supernormal. You got cold feet. Every bride-to-be does. Trust me, even I did.", "Phoebe: Just like that? Overnight?", "Piper: Well, the only reason you haven't gotten married is because of the Source, and now that he is dead you are that much closer to taking that very long walk down the aisle.", "Phoebe: I don't know. It feels like there's something else.", "[Scene: Underworld. A cave. The Seer is there. Cole flames in. He looks around, frightened. He sees the Seer.]", "Cole: How did I get here?", "Seer: The Source's magic brought you. I see you accepting that very soon.", "(Cole goes over and grabs her around the neck.)", "Cole: You never told me I would become the Source if I help vanquish him!", "Seer: Don't be naive. I told you of my vision. Of you and I doing great things together, this is just the beginning. (He falls to his knees.) You can not change your fate. As you can see the evil within you wont allow it.", "Cole: I'll fight it, I'll kill it. I'll find a way.", "Seer: There is no way. If you weren't clinging to the love for your witch so vigorously, it would've over taken you by now. It is only a matter of time and after the Source has fully inseminate you, his power will protect you, shield you from her premonitions. That we can wait for, unfortunately with Kurzon we can not. (Cole stands up.)", "Cole: Kurzon?", "Seer: The underworld's in chaos. The Source is presumed dead and Kurzon will attempt to fill that void. We must stop him or you will never reclaim the throne.", "Cole: I don't want the throne.", "Seer: You will, but at the moment you're not strong enough to vanquish Kurzon. The Charmed Ones however are.", "Cole: And what, you expect them to just go after him?", "Seer: No, I expect to make Kurzon think they will so he'll retaliate. And I expect you to make sure the witches are prepared to vanquish him before he can vanquish them.", "Cole: I won't do your bidding, Seer. You can't force me.", "Seer: Perhaps not. But the Source can.", "(Cole flames out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Bathroom. Cole flames in. He looks in the mirror and exhales. He walks into the hallway where Phoebe is and gives her a fright.]", "Phoebe: Whoa!", "Cole: Sorry.", "Phoebe: I didn't hear you come home.", "Cole: I just got back.", "Phoebe: From where?", "Cole: I had to, uh, get out of the house for a while, you know.", "Phoebe: No, I don't know. Do we need to talk?", "Cole: Phoebe, I... Ahh. (He holds his head.) Damn it.", "Phoebe: What's the matter?", "(She touches him but he pulls away.)", "Cole: Uh, nothing. It's just a migraine, I gotta go.", "Phoebe: Cole, where are you... (He walks away.) Cole.", "(She sighs. Piper enters the hallway.)", "Piper: What's the matter?", "Phoebe: I wish I knew.", "[Scene: An old warehouse. Demons are standing around Kurzon.]", "Kurzon: It is a new era, my friends. Our enemy is dead and our exile is nearing an end. The tasks that I assign to you are vital to our cause. Complete them today and tomorrow we can all return home.", "(The demons disappear except for Kurzon and one demon. The Seer walks in.)", "Seer: You will not live to rule the underworld.", "Kurzon: Have you seen my future, Seer?", "Seer: A lone but powerful witch will soon be on your trail. You must kill her now while she is still vulnerable.", "Demon: Her loyal is with the last Source. Don't trust her.", "Kurzon: And why would you want to help me?", "Seer: Because I've always allied myself with ultimate power. And if you kill this witch, nothing can stop you from becoming the next Source.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige walks into Mr. Cowan's office. He is sitting at his desk.]", "Paige: You wanted to see me, Mr. Cowan?", "Mr. Cowan: Yes. (He stands up.) I'm gonna miss you, Paige.", "Paige: I know I was late this morning, I won't be anymore. In fact, I've found out a way to get here in a blink of an eye.", "Mr. Cowan: I'm gonna miss you as an assistant. Because I'm promoting you to social worker.", "Paige: Thank you so much. That's so amazing. I, I am sticking to that not being late thing by the way.", "Mr. Cowan: Oh, you don't have to worry, you have a flexible work schedule now.", "Paige: God, that just caught me off guard, I thought Scott was next in line for the promotion, he has been here longer.", "Mr. Cowan: Mmm, it was a tough call, but after you helped Caroline Seldon, I couldn't pass you over.", "Paige: Caroline.", "Mr. Cowan: You worked a miracle with her.", "Paige: Not that I'm complaining but my promotion isn't based solely from her case is it?", "Mr. Cowan: Well, if you ask me whether Caroline's case helped tip the scales in your favour, then the answer is yes. I already told Scott if that's what you're worried about.", "Paige: (whispers) It's personal gain.", "Mr. Cowan: Excuse me?", "Paige: Thank you, thank you, Mr. Cowan.", "(She leaves his office and walks past Scott's desk.)", "Scott: Congratulations, Paige.", "Paige: Thanks, Scott.", "(She sits down at her desk and sighs and groans.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe is there looking at the Belthazor page in the Book of Shadows. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: What are you doing up here?", "Phoebe: Nothing, just thinking.", "Piper: About...", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Piper: He's a human now, you're not gonna find the answers you're looking for in that book.", "Phoebe: Well, I've gotta find them somewhere because I'm starting to get scared.", "Piper: Well, of course you're scared, getting married is a huge step.", "Phoebe: I know that. It just feels like it's more than that.", "Piper: Have you tried talking to him?", "Phoebe: Yes, of course I have. He just keeps avoiding me like he did when he was...", "(She points to the Belthazor page.)", "Piper: Belthazor is dead. Cole is a man now. A man that you love more than anything else in the world.", "Phoebe: I know. So why am I so damn confused all of a sudden, it's killing me.", "Piper: Maybe you're right, maybe you do need the book. What good is being a witch when you can't use a little magic when you're hurting.", "Phoebe: I can not believe that you're suggesting that. What about personal gain?", "Piper: Well, just word the spell properly, avoid it, you should know how to do it by now. Just be pure, ask your heart for the answer. Just don't tell Paige. I don't want her thinking she can do it too.", "(Piper leaves the attic.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Paige walks in through the front door. Piper comes down the stairs.]", "Paige: Ugh, I hate it when you're right.", "Piper: Really? See I usually like it.", "Paige: Remember that spell that I cast last week, the one to help Caroline get her son back? Well, it had a little side effect.", "Piper: What kind of side effect.", "Paige: The one that gets me promoted. I know, personal gain, I've already beat myself up over it, you don't have to. (Kurzon appears behind Piper in the dining room.) Demon! (Paige pushes Piper out of the way. Kurzon throws an energy ball.) Energy ball!", "(The energy ball orbs out and back in in Paige's hand. She throws is back at him, missing. He throws another at Paige and she orbs out. She orbs back in in mid-air and falls down.)", "Piper: Enough of this. Bye-bye. (She blows him up but he gets put back together.) Uh-oh.", "Kurzon: Two witches. Damn her!", "(He disappears. Piper gets up.)", "Piper: Okay. Paige, are you okay?", "(Paige gets up.)", "Paige: I'm fine, I'm fine. It's my ego's a little bruised, that's all.", "Piper: That was odd.", "Paige: Yeah.", "Piper: Leo! (Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: What happened?", "Paige: Oh, same old. Demon tried to kill us.", "Piper: Yeah, a very powerful demon, strangely Source-like. Can't we get a freakin' day off around here?", "Leo: Well, that's why the Elders summoned me. The Source's death has created a power struggle in the underworld, and killing you means direct ascension to the throne.", "Piper: Ugh.", "Paige: So vanquishing the Source meant nothing?", "Leo: Well, it meant a lot actually. It set back evil decades but that doesn't mean it made you any less of a target.", "Piper: Yeah, but this demon didn't even seem to know who we were, which by the way I find insulting.", "Leo: Well, he knows now which means you better figure out who he is before he tries again.", "Paige: Attic.", "Piper: Mm.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe's there sitting at a table. She writes 'Should I marry Cole?' on a piece of paper and scrunches it up. She stands up and lights the paper.]", "Phoebe: \"Where love is strong my spirit weak, it is an answer that I seek, the question burns within this fire, so I may hear my heart's desire.\"", "(Piper, Paige and Leo walk in.)", "Piper: Phoebe? We have a...", "(Phoebe puts the burning paper in a bowl and it explodes. Phoebe gasps.)", "Paige: Phoebe?", "(Two tunnels of wind appear in the attic.)", "Phoebe: What?", "(An elderly woman and a little girl appear.)", "Elderly Woman: What's going on? How did I get here?", "Piper: That's an excellent question.", "Elderly Woman: Oh my god, what have you done?", "Phoebe: Me? Wh-Who are you?", "Elderly Woman: What's the matter? Don't you recognise me? I'm you. Phoebe.", "Little Girl: Phoebe? That's my name too.", "Phoebe: Oh, boy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Continued from before. Little Phoebe is getting frightened.]", "Little Phoebe: Who are you people? And how did I get up here?", "Phoebe: You don't have to be scared of us, honey. Everything's gonna be okay. (to Piper) Any ideas?", "Piper: It's your spell, don't look at me.", "(Little Phoebe runs over to the window.)", "Phoebe: It was your idea.", "Paige: Excuse me?", "Old Phoebe: You might wanna stop her before she climbs out the window.", "Phoebe: Whoa! (She runs over to Little Phoebe who's half way out the window.) Sweetie, hi, come here. (She pulls her back inside.) Hi, I can explain. You are dreaming.", "Piper: Dreaming?", "Phoebe: Yes, dreaming. And you're gonna wake up in your room and everything's gonna be fine.", "Little Phoebe: I'm ten, I'm not stupid. Grams!", "(She runs out of the attic. Cole walks in.)", "Piper: Wow, I do not miss that.", "Cole: What's going on?", "Old Phoebe: Cole.", "Cole: Who are you?", "Old Phoebe: Maybe this will refresh your memory. (She walks over and slaps him across the face.) You b*st*rd.", "Phoebe: What was that all about?", "Old Phoebe: Ask him.", "Leo: Uh, maybe we should go look for Little Phoebe before she escapes into 2002.", "Piper: Yes, we will do that and you talk to your future self. And fix this, fast.", "Cole: Future self?", "Leo: Uh, what about the demon?", "Phoebe: What demon?", "Piper: Uh, we were attacked downstairs. Paige.", "Paige: I'm there.", "(She goes over to the book.)", "Cole: You wanna tell me how she got here?", "Phoebe: I cast a spell to hear my heart's desire and I guess my past self and my future self showed up to help me listen.", "Cole: And what desire did you wanna hear?", "Phoebe: Well, that's between me and... me. Come on.", "(Phoebe heads for the door.)", "Old Phoebe: Worried?", "(Phoebe and Old Phoebe leave.)", "Paige: Dude, maybe you can help. We're looking for a demon that can reconstitute himself like the Source. (Cole flames out.) Anyone come to mind? Cole? (She looks around to find him gone.) Can't anybody help me?", "[Cut to the underworld. In a cave. Cole flames in. The Seer is there.]", "Seer: Welcome back.", "Cole: I didn't wanna come back.", "Seer: And yet you have. The Source is getting stronger in you.", "Cole: I've got him under control.", "Seer: Or is it the other way around? There must be something he wants you to tell me.", "Cole: Maybe it's that your plan is gonna fail because he knows Phoebe's conjured up her own way to seeing into the future. Her future self. Somebody who will be all too willing to tell her what I can't. What's the matter? You didn't see that coming?", "Seer: I don't need to see the future to know about good witches. They're overly cautious by nature. Her future self will be too afraid to say anything that might make things worse for her and her sisters. She'll preserve the future.", "Cole: How do you know?", "Seer: I've been a Seer longer than you've been the Source. You'll learn to trust my instincts.", "Cole: I'm not the Source.", "Seer: But you will be very soon. It's your destiny.", "Cole: My destiny is to be with Phoebe. (He grabs her.) Nothing will change that and neither will that thing inside of me.", "Seer: Your love won't be enough to save you in the end. You'll see. Kurzon will be attacking them again very soon. This time more prepared. You'd better hurry back, if you want them to survive.", "(Cole flames out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe's there. Old Phoebe walks in and picks up a skimpy top.]", "Old Phoebe: Uhh, the good ol' days. Of course nobody's gonna take you seriously until you stop dressing like a tramp.", "Phoebe: A tramp? Ugh, that is so in right now.", "Old Phoebe: Oh, you'll learn.", "Phoebe: Learn what?", "(Old Phoebe picks up a photo album and sits on the bed. She opens it up.)", "Old Phoebe: Oh, look at us. We had such promise.", "Phoebe: Okay, what do you mean? Does something bad happen to me? I-I mean us? Okay, you know what? I don't have time for games, okay. There is a demon...", "Old Phoebe: Don't talk to me about demons. I know plenty about demons.", "Phoebe: Okay, then please, tell me what you know about Cole. Look, I'm about to marry him and I have this really bad feeling. Do you remember feeling like that?", "Old Phoebe: Oh, I remember. But I won't change the past.", "Phoebe: No, but this isn't the past, this is the present.", "Old Phoebe: But it's my past. And I intend to keep it that way.", "Phoebe: You know, I already saw you slap him across the face. So that's a pretty big coming attraction for my life, don't you think?", "Old Phoebe: That was between him and me.", "Phoebe: I know, but you are me. Oh, okay, um... Can you give me a little hint? Do you guys get divorced? Does he, um, does he cheat on you? Did you ever get married?", "Old Phoebe: What makes you think we aren't married in the future?", "Phoebe: Because there's no wedding ring on your finger. Please tell me what happened. Look, the spell wouldn't have worked if you weren't allowed to tell me.", "Old Phoebe: I didn't need a spell to decide what to do. You must make this decision without using magic. Just like I did.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and that worked real well for us I see.", "Old Phoebe: Just ask Leo to send me back. As soon as possible.", "Phoebe: Why don't you ask him yourself?", "Old Phoebe: Because I'm staying here out of the path of history. And don't argue with me. We both know that when our mind's made up, there's no changing it.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Little Phoebe is hiding in the corner, blocking her ears. Piper and Leo are trying to get her out.]", "Little Phoebe: \"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...\"", "Piper: Honey, you have to listen to me.", "Little Phoebe: \"Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.\"", "Piper: We're just trying to help.", "(Little Phoebe repeats the song. Piper groans.)", "Leo: She's your sister.", "Piper: Yeah, don't remind me.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Having a little trouble with young Phoebe?", "Piper: Yeah, enough to make me reconsider having children. Maybe we should just lie to her again.", "Phoebe: No. I think I have an idea.", "(She goes over to Little Phoebe.)", "Little Phoebe: Stay away from me or I'll sick Prue on you.", "Piper: Oh, yeah, don't go there.", "Phoebe: Phoebe, listen to me. I know that this is scary but I promise you you are safe here in this house. In your house. Our house. You know how Grams talks about magic all the time? And she likes to say anything's possible as long as you believe in it.", "Little Phoebe: Yes.", "Phoebe: Well, that's what happened. Magic brought you here, to your future. See that girl over there? That is Piper all grown up. (Her eyes widen.) Yeah! And that is her husband Leo. Mm-hm. And I am...", "Little Phoebe: Me?", "Phoebe: Yeah. I wanna show you something. (She holds up her photo album.) Do you remember this? Daddy sent it to you and me for Christmas.", "Little Phoebe: My album!", "Phoebe: Yeah, except it starts with pictures of you and it goes all the way back here to pictures of me. Why don't you go take it over there and look at it.", "(Little Phoebe goes and sits on the couch.)", "Leo: Nicely done.", "Phoebe: Ooh, yeah, at least I could get through one of my selves.", "Piper: Having problems with geriatric you?", "Phoebe: I know that woman up there is me when I'm old, but there is nothing familiar about her. I-I don't know how I got so... mean.", "Leo: She doesn't have any idea how to reverse the spell?", "Phoebe: No, she doesn't even remember casting it. How does that happen?", "Leo: The future changes with every choice we make. Some choices change it more than others. All that matters is she's here for a reason. They bother are.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but why? What's the reason?", "Piper: To help you listen to your heart.", "Leo: And until you do, they won't return to their times.", "Phoebe: I don't think they're ever going to because old Phoebe is not letting go of this grudge about Cole.", "(Cole walks in.)", "Cole: Talking about me?", "Little Phoebe: Oh my gosh. Who are you?", "Cole: Sorry?", "Phoebe: That guy is Cole. He's our fiancé.", "Little Phoebe: Wait, you mean he's our prince? The one who sweeps us off our feet.", "(Piper laughs.)", "Phoebe: She's talking about Cinderella. That was my favourite story when I was growing up. I can't believe that I forgot about that.", "Leo: Well, maybe that's why she's here, to help you remember.", "(Little Phoebe smiles at Cole.)", "Cole: (to Phoebe) Don't you think you should help Paige find out who the 'visitor' who dropped in was, before he drops in again.", "Leo: Good idea.", "Phoebe: Okay. (to Little Phoebe) We'll be right back. (to Cole) Uh, keep her company will you?", "(She kisses him on the cheek.)", "Cole: Yeah, sure. (They all leave. Little Phoebe smiles at Cole.) Hi.", "[Scene: Old warehouse. Kurzon is there. The Seer appears. Kurzon spins around and points a knife at the Seer.]", "Kurzon: You sent me up against the Charmed Ones. What do you take me for?", "Seer: I foresaw only one witch. How was I to know who she was?", "Kurzon: That mistake will cost you your life.", "Seer: Don't be foolish. Every Source has needed me. My visions have brought them all great power. I can do the same for you.", "Kurzon: Speak quickly.", "Seer: I can help you destroy the power of three with one simple move. I can make you the next Source.", "Demon: It's another trick.", "Seer: If it were, why would I have risked my life to come here? (He puts down the sword.) One of the witches has cast a spell, brought her past self into the present. She's a powerless child vulnerable to attack.", "Kuzon: So?", "Seer: So kill the child and the present witch is no more. The entire line is extinguished and with it the Charmed Ones.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Paige shows them the Kurson page in the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: That's him.", "Phoebe: \"Kurzon is an enemy of the Source who was banished from the underworld for inciting a failed coup.\" I don't understand, why didn't they just kill him?", "Leo: Probably because it's not that easy to do. You guys are gonna need the power of three.", "Paige: But if he's the enemy of the Source, doesn't that make him our ally?", "Piper: No, he's still evil, he's just a different kind of evil.", "(They hear Little Phoebe scream downstairs.)", "Phoebe: Phoebe.", "[Cut to the living room. Cole, Kurzon and Little Phoebe are there. Little Phoebe is screaming and then faints. Kurzon goes to throw a fireball.]", "Cole: No! (Cole blocks little Phoebe and the energy ball hits him. Kurzon looks surprised.) Leave the girl alone.", "Kurzon: Belthazor? I thought you were dead.", "Cole: He is.", "(A dagger materialises in Cole's hand and he throws it at Kurzon. Kurzon pulls it out.)", "Kurzon: It'll take more than that to stop me.", "Cole: Very well.", "(He throws a fireball at him, knocking him down. Kurzon gets back up.)", "Kurzon: The Source.", "(Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo run down the stairs. Kurzon disappears.)", "Phoebe: Cole!", "(She runs over to little Phoebe.)", "Cole: She's alright, she just fainted.", "(Little Phoebe wakes up.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Little Phoebe: Yeah. I think so. (to Cole) You saved me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Everyone's there.]", "Little Phoebe: It was so scary. He just came out of nowhere. And then everything went black.", "(Paige hands her a glass of water.)", "Paige: Here you go, sweetheart.", "Little Phoebe: Thanks. (She takes a sip.) Who are you?", "Paige: Me? I'm Paige, your...", "Phoebe: Cousin. She's our cousin from mum's side.", "Piper: But we think of her as a sister.", "Phoebe: We'll explain it to you when you're older.", "Little Phoebe: What about that scary man? Where'd he go?", "Phoebe: You don't have to worry about him anymore, sweetie.", "Leo: Doesn't she?", "Piper: Leo.", "Leo: I'm sorry, but we can't risk her running into Kurzon again, she's Phoebe's past.", "Phoebe: And Cole saving her means that he saved me too.", "Little Phoebe: Hello! He loves us, remember?", "Leo: I think I should take Little Phoebe someplace, someplace safe.", "Paige: Do you really think Kurzon will come back?", "Cole: I do. I mean, why wouldn't he? He didn't fulfil his objectives.", "Phoebe: He's right. (to Little Phoebe) Okay, you're gonna have to go with Leo for a little while, but don't worry he'll keep you safe.", "Little Phoebe: I don't wanna leave.", "Phoebe: I know, but it's just for a little while, okay. It's for your own good. Come on.", "Leo: Come on, take my hand. (She walks over to him.) Now hold on tight.", "Little Phoebe: Are we going on a plane?", "Leo: No, but you might see some clouds.", "(Leo orbs out with Little Phoebe. Paige picks up the glass and heads for the kitchen. She sees the dagger on the floor and picks it up.)", "Paige: Where'd this come from?", "Cole: That-that's Kurzon's, he tried to stab me with it but I got it away from him.", "Paige: Really? You got it away from a demon? That's impressive.", "Piper: Why didn't he use his powers on you?", "Cole: Who knows? The point is I stabbed him which means we have enough of his blood to scry for him.", "(The girls look suspiciously at him.)", "Paige: Yeah, I'll go get a map and a crystal.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Piper: Do you think Kurzon's targeting little Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Why would he?", "Piper: Well, the same reason Leo said, because she's you. And if he kills her then there's no Charmed Ones.", "Phoebe: But how could he know I conjured her?", "Piper: He's psychic?", "Cole: Or maybe the Seer tipped him off.", "Phoebe: The Seer? You think she's involved?", "Cole: Wouldn't surprise me.", "Phoebe: Well, that's just great. Okay, well, we're gonna need a vanquishing spell. Cole, go with Piper, help her, tell her everything you know about Kurzon.", "(She stands up.)", "Piper: Where you going?", "Phoebe: Well, I'm gonna go try knock some sense into myself.", "[Cut to Phoebe's bedroom. Old Phoebe is looking at a picture of Cole and Phoebe. Phoebe storms in.]", "Phoebe: We need to send you back fast.", "Old Phoebe: Fine with me.", "Phoebe: Not for your sake, for all of ours, especially little Phoebe's. And the only way for you to do that is to answer the question that I asked when I cast the spell. Should I or should I not marry Cole? Listen to me, a demon attacked downstairs and nearly killed Little Phoebe, which means he nearly killed us too.", "Old Phoebe: Oh, I know what that means.", "Phoebe: Then why won't you answer the question?", "Old Phoebe: Because if I were to say something that could change the future, other lives could be at stake too, not just ours.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, maybe you're supposed to change the future. Maybe that's why you were sent here. If there is one belief that you and I still have in common, it's that magic happens for a reason. Isn't it possible that you've been given a second chance?", "Old Phoebe: To do what?", "Phoebe: To keep me from turning into a bitter old lady like you. Please, I have lost so much already. Don't make me lose myself too.", "Old Phoebe: Sorry, I can't.", "Phoebe: Then I guess you've dimmed us both.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Piper, Paige and Cole are there. Piper is writing a spell, Paige is scrying and Cole is pacing.]", "Cole: (to Piper) Are you done with that spell yet?", "Piper: Almost. Could you please stop pacing, it's very distracting.", "Cole: No.", "(Phoebe walks in and sits beside Piper.)", "Piper: How'd it go?", "Phoebe: I still can't get through to her.", "Cole: She didn't say anything about the future?", "Phoebe: Nope. She's worried about the consequences of changing it.", "Paige: But she is your future, you can't change that.", "Piper: Yes we can. Our last trip to the future proved that. Phoebe's not burning at the stake anytime soon.", "Paige: Well, maybe you'll let me cast Phoebe's spell and get myself my own sneak preview. Find out what happens if I take that promotion or not.", "Phoebe: You got promoted?", "Piper: Yeah, by the way of a spell and her friend Scott got stuck with the consequence.", "Phoebe: Uh-oh, personal gain.", "Cole: If you don't vanquish Kurzon soon he'll become the next Source, the all of a sudden personal gain won't be so important because you'll all be dead.", "(The crystal points to a spot on the map.)", "Paige: Got him. He's across town.", "Piper: Okay, bring the crystal, we'll track him on the way.", "(They get up.)", "Phoebe: (to Cole) I would stay out of my bedroom if I were you. Unless you wanna get slapped again.", "(She kisses him.)", "Cole: Be careful.", "Paige: Aren't you coming?", "Cole: What can I do? I'm not a demon anymore.", "(The girls leave. Cole flames out.)", "[Cut to the underworld. A cave. The Seer is there. Cole flames in.]", "Cole: Look at me. Look at me! (She turns around.) You sent Kurzon to kill Phoebe. You betrayed me.", "Seer: For your own good. Your love for her was the only thing holding you back. The only thing keeping you from accepting full power of the Source. (A fireball appears in his hand. The Seer backs away.) Don't you understand? With her gone we wouldn't need the Charmed Ones to kill Kurzon. You'd be able to kill him yourself.", "Cole: Phoebe can't die, otherwise his soul dies too. His love for her is too strong and I'll need that strength to recapture what I lost.", "Seer: His love? The Source is finally showing through I see. You'll have to kill her eventually, our plan depends on it.", "Cole: It's your plan, not mine. I want Phoebe alive and the next time you betray me... (He throws the fireball near the Seer.) I won't miss.", "(He flames out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Old Phoebe is there. Cole flames in.]", "Old Phoebe: Hello, Cole. I've been expecting you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Continued from before.]", "Old Phoebe: What's the matter, Cole? Afraid I'll tell the girls your little secret.", "Cole: What do you want from me?", "Old Phoebe: My life for starters.", "Cole: You look alive to me.", "Old Phoebe: On the outside maybe.", "Cole: I can fix that.", "Old Phoebe: You can't kill me, Cole, you never could. Even after the Source took you over, a piece of you always loved me.", "Cole: That's not always enough.", "Old Phoebe: Yes it can be. I never married you, Cole, I called it off. And once I found out you were the Source, my sisters and I had to vanquish you.", "Cole: Why are you telling me this?", "Old Phoebe: Because I've spent most of my life wondering what would happen if we had married. It could have been different for both of us.", "Cole: Well, it's too late for that now.", "Old Phoebe: Maybe not. That's why I've come to you first. Before I risk everything. I have to know if there is a chance to save you.", "Cole: I'm not sure there is.", "Old Phoebe: So you won't even try?", "Cole: I want to, but he won't let me, he's too strong.", "Phoebe: Then I'll tell Phoebe the truth. I'll convince her to save you, save us.", "Cole: But if you change the future, Phoebe might die sooner and so might her sisters.", "Old Phoebe: Magic happens for a reason, Cole. I don't have faith in much anymore, but I do believe that. I have to trust that I'm meant to change this.", "Cole: You think you're meant to save me?", "Old Phoebe: Phoebe reminded me that I've once had hope, that we had love. That's why I'm doing this, to keep her from living a life of regret like I lived.", "(Kurzon appears.)", "Kurzon: Aww, I'm not intruding am I?", "[Cut to a street somewhere. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are parked there. They lay the map on the hood of the car. Paige starts scrying.]", "Piper: I can't believe we lost him!", "Paige: Oh, god, just give me a second.", "Phoebe: Alright, he might be still in the area.", "Paige: He's at the house.", "Phoebe: We'll never make it back in time.", "(Piper gets an idea.)", "Paige: Don't look at me.", "Piper: Why? You did it this morning.", "Paige: Barely, I went downstairs, alone, not across town with two passengers.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, Paige, he'll kill Cole, we have to try.", "(They join hands and Paige orbs out with Phoebe.)", "Piper: Hey! (Piper goes too.)", "[Cut to the manor. Kurzon throws an energy ball at Cole. He falls to the ground. Cole throws a fireball at Kurzon, missing. Old Phoebe helps Cole up.]", "Cole: I'm okay.", "(Kurzon disappears and reappears behind them. He charges at them with a sword.)", "Old Phoebe: No!", "(She stands in front of Cole and Kurzon stabs her. He pulls the sword out and swings it at Cole. Cole grabs him and they struggle across the room. The girls orb in.)", "Piper: Spell, spell, spell, quick-quick-quick.", "(She pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Hell threw you from its inner core, but earth won't hold you anymore, since heaven cannot be your place, your flesh and blood we now erase!\"", "(Kurzon catches on fire and is vanquished. Phoebe goes over to old Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no. Leo! Just hold on. Hold on.", "Cole: She saved me.", "Old Phoebe: (to Phoebe) There's your answer.", "(Leo orbs in with Little Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Leo, please, please, please, please.", "(Leo rushes over and tries to heal her.)", "Leo: She's gone.", "(Old and Little Phoebe disappear.)", "Paige: What happened?", "Piper: The spell played out. You heard what you needed to hear.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Paige: Speaking of orbing up there, when do I get to do that?", "Leo: Well, you shouldn't be in such a rush, you should be proud of what you accomplished. You saved the day.", "Paige: I didn't save everyone.", "Leo: No, but that's the great thing about the future, there's always time to change it.", "Paige: So Phoebe won't die that way?", "Piper: No, if I know Phoebe and I do, she's not gonna let her future turn out that way.", "Paige: Yeah, but what about little Phoebe? She went back to her time with all this knowledge of the future. Won't that cause complications?", "Piper: I doubt it. The minute she starts talking about magic, Grams will do some hocus pocus to erase all that knowledge.", "Paige: That's nice.", "Piper: That's Grams.", "Paige: Well, I'm done, I am off to bed. I have a future of my own to change tomorrow.", "(She heads for the door.)", "Piper: Have you decided what to do about your promotion?", "Paige: Yeah, I'm gonna turn it down.", "Piper: Hmm, what changed your mind?", "Paige: The three Phoebe's. She used magic to change her future but I used magic to change Scott's and that's not fair. I did the rhyme, I will do the time. Goodnight.", "(She leaves.)", "Leo: So what do you think Phoebe's gonna do about Cole?", "Piper: I don't know, but I don't think we're gonna have to wait forty years to find out.", "[Cut to Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe's there looking at a photo of her and Cole. Cole walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Cole: I just, um...", "Phoebe: Had to get out of the house?", "Cole: Yeah, something like that.", "Phoebe: Well, at least you came back.", "Cole: You didn't think I would?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Um, (she sits on the bed) I've been having a lot of crazy thoughts lately, about us, and I guess I just thought that maybe you were feeling the same way too. I never told you why I cast that spell did I?", "Cole: I thought it was to hear your heart's desire.", "Phoebe: It was to find out if I should marry you or not.", "Cole: Oh. And?", "Phoebe: Do you still want to?", "Cole: Well, it's still apart of my plans that's for sure.", "Phoebe: Mine too. It's not that I don't still have cold feet, it's just hearing my past self remind me of Cinderella, and seeing my future self willing to... willing to die for you.", "Cole: I'm willing to die for you.", "Phoebe: I'm gonna ask you a question and all I want is a straight answer, okay? Can you do that?", "Cole: Okay.", "Phoebe: Is there something that you're not telling me? About you? Something that I don't know?", "(He sits next to her.)", "Cole: No.", "(They hug.)", "[Cut to the underworld. The Seer is spying on Phoebe and Cole. She smiles.]" ]
The Three Faces of Phoebe
Alien Stalker
[ "As Phoebe prepares for her wedding day, she is completely unaware that The Source has taken over Cole's body. Meanwhile, when the Seer tells Cole that if he can marry Phoebe in a \"dark way\", it will insure that their future son will be the most powerful, evil being ever." ]
[ "[Scene: A church where Phoebe and Cole's wedding will be held. Piper and Phoebe are there. Piper is arranging some flowers in vases while Phoebe's walking around wearing a microphone.]", "Phoebe: Piper, did you check on the cake?", "Piper: Yes.", "Phoebe: That's good because I don't want the cake to be delivered until after the linens arrive.", "Piper: I checked on the cake. Could you please take off that microphone?", "Phoebe: Yeah, sorry, just checking the sound system. (She takes it off.) What about the limo? Honey, did you book the limo?", "Piper: It's all taken care of. Along with the DJ, the caterer, the table arrangements and the rice.", "Phoebe: Rice? No-no-no-no. We can't throw rice.", "Piper: Why not?", "Phoebe: Well, because the birds can't digest it. And they will blow up.", "Piper: Okay, so we'll throw bird seed. Or-or we'll release balloons.", "Phoebe: No-no, we can't release balloons either. They float to the ocean and the whales mistake them for squid and I can't be thinking about whales washing up on the beach during my wedding, you know what I mean.", "Piper: Honey, I know you want the perfect day but you need to relax a little bit, and breathe, breathing's good, breathing is your friend.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Whoa. Is this a wedding or a coronation?", "Phoebe: Um, where is my dress?", "Paige: Oh, I don't have it.", "Phoebe: Ah-h-h, I'm not breathing. What do you mean? How could you forget my dress the day before the wedding? The bridal shop's closed tomorrow.", "Paige: Relax, it's open tonight, I'm planning on picking it up on my way to the rehearsal dinner.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Piper: Alright, why don't we sit down.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, sitting is good. (They sits on the pews.) I think I'm a little stressed out. You know, 'cause I just want tomorrow to be perfect, no glitches. Natural or supernatural, you know. No magic, no ghosts. (She looks up.) You guys understand that? I just want tomorrow to be nice and normal.", "Piper: Honey, I promise you we will have your perfect wedding. By this time tomorrow, you and Cole will be joined in holy matrimony.", "[Scene: Underworld. A cave. Cole and the Seer are there.]", "Seer: Holy matrimony will be the worst possible thing that could happen. It'll keep you from ever reigning as the Source.", "Cole: That can't be right.", "Seer: It's what I foresee. Unless of course you cancel the wedding.", "Cole: I can't. I need Phoebe.", "Seer: Yes, I can see that too.", "Cole: We've been through this. Cole's love for Phoebe still exists within me, I can't overcome it. If I'm to regain what I've lost it has to be with Phoebe, marrying her.", "Seer: Even if it means losing your son?", "Cole: A son? You saw a son in my future?", "Seer: More than a son. You and Phoebe Halliwell will produce the most powerful child the magical world has ever seen.", "Cole: That's my boy.", "Seer: No, he won't be your boy, he'll be theirs. On the side of good. Unless you marry the witch in a dark way.", "Cole: That's impossible, the wedding's tomorrow, I don't have time.", "Seer: Then your son will never be heired to your kingdom, he'll be heired to their destiny.", "Cole: Not if I destroy the white wedding. Then find a way to lure her into a dark one. I'll have to move quickly, start a fight between Phoebe and one of her sisters. Paige.", "Seer: Did you really thinking sibling rivalry going...", "Cole: Not by itself, no. I'll have to get a demon to attack, to distract them. While you're doing that, I'll set Paige up. Mix a potion or two to insight the infighting and then poof! watch the white wedding disappear, literally.", "Seer: Still, how will you get her to marry you in a dark way?", "Cole: What do I need for that?", "Seer: A dark priest to perform the ceremony. At night, in a cemetery, and of course the groom will have to drink her blood. What are the chances of that?", "Cole: Good. Very good.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Everybody is sitting around the table, including Darryl and Victor, having the rehearsal dinner. They are all giggling.]", "Piper: And what about Phoebe, who was speed walking down the aisle.", "Phoebe: I was not.", "Cole: You left your dad. (They laugh.) Okay, attention. (He taps his glass with a knife and stands up.) I have something for my groomsmen, two fine gentlemen who I chose to stand by me on the most important day of my life, because well, they're the only ones I know.", "Leo: Wow, you have to admire his honesty.", "(Cole picks up two gift bags and hands them to Darryl and Leo.)", "Cole: Here you go.", "Leo: Thanks.", "(They look in them.)", "Darryl: Wow, cool, engraved golf balls. Titleist Pro V ones. Thanks, man.", "Leo: I don't golf.", "Victor: Hey, I'll take them.", "Leo: They've got my name on it.", "(Victor takes them from Leo.)", "Victor: So?", "Phoebe: And for my two beautiful bridesmaids whom I chose because they're my two best friends in the whole wide world.", "(She hands them a gift basket.)", "Paige: Aww, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: There's a bonsai tree for balance and harmony and a dream catcher so that all your dreams will come true, just like mine have.", "Paige: This is so great, tarot cards. My deck is totally trashed this is perfect.", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's just in case you need psychic services while me and my new husband are busy getting busy. (The phone rings.) Oh, I hope that's the photographer.", "Darryl: Hey, Leo, I got an extra stogie, you wanna join me?", "Leo: I don't smoke.", "Victor: I'll take that.", "Leo: But I do eat chocolate. (They stand up.)", "Piper: Leo, no, wait, wait, wait. No, Leo, we need to wait for everybody else.", "(They leave the room.)", "Paige: See what future has in store for Cole and Phoebe. (She flips over the Lovers card.) Oh. (Then she flips over the Despair card, then the Death card.) Oh, no.", "(She looks over at Phoebe.)", "Cole: You don't really believe that stuff do you?", "Phoebe: Oh, I am so sorry. There's just so many details. You know, I practically bit Paige's head off today at the church because she didn't pick up my dress on time.", "Paige: Which is now in the attic. Yay.", "Cole: Excuse me, I'll be right back.", "(Cole leaves the room. Piper comes back in with a plate of food.)", "Piper: So what did the cards say?", "Piper: Oh, nothing.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Cole flames out.]", "[Cut to the attic. Cole flames in. He walks over to Phoebe's wedding dress and waves his hand in front. It changes to a larger size. He looks at the tag which says \"Hold for Phoebe Halliwell\" and changes it to \"Hold for Millie Platt\". He flames out.]", "[Cut to the dining room.]", "Piper: Try the cards again, see what comes up.", "(Cole walks in.)", "Paige: Oh, uh, maybe later.", "Cole: So, I don't mean to spoil anybody's fun but I should be going.", "Leo: Going where?", "Cole: Hotel. (Phoebe hugs him.) Not supposed to stay in the same house as my bride the night before the wedding, right? But Phoebe has the number in case of emergency.", "Piper: Goodnight.", "Leo: See you later.", "(Phoebe and Cole head for the door.)", "Phoebe: So what are you gonna do on the last night as a single guy?", "(He grabs his coat.)", "Cole: Ooh, if I told you that, you'd never marry me.", "Phoebe: I feel like I am standing at the edge of a cliff right now.", "Cole: You do?", "Phoebe: Yeah. And some how I've never felt safer in my whole life. Are you okay?", "Cole: No. Not really. (They kiss.) You have no idea how difficult you are making this for me.", "Phoebe: I do. But you have to go. You'll have me soon enough.", "Cole: I hope so.", "(He leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cemetary. A mausoleum. The Seer and an elderly man are there. The elderly man is smashing a crypt with a sledge hammer.]", "Man: I saw some witches lurking around this crypt one night. A couple of three years back. I think this is where they buried it.", "Seer: I can always count on you to help.", "Man: Well, you're on of the few left. The dark priesthood's a lonely calling these days. I haven't seen a human soul in my collection plate in months.", "Seer: I'll be sure to make a donation.", "Dark Priest: Bless you, child. (He takes a box out of the crypt.) You know, it's not a wise move to unearth a Lazerus demon. They're mean and unreliable. A bad combination.", "Seer: I know.", "Dark Priest: It's just that after you kill one, you have to bury the remains to prevent resurrection.", "Seer: Yes, I know.", "Dark Priest: Well, what I want to know is what's a wise old Seer want with one of these messy creatures.", "Seer: That's my concern.", "Dark Priest: Don't you mean the Source's concern? I've heard the rumours.", "Seer: A new Source has risen.", "Dark Priest: And lucky to have you as a Seer. Still you've always worked in a strictly advisory capacity, and yet here you are digging up demons.", "Seer: So?", "Dark Priest: So, what's in it for you?", "Seer: I had a vision. This Source will have a son, the greatest power in the history of magic.", "Dark Priest: And you'll be the hand that rocks his cradle.", "Seer: Once I get rid of his mother, yes.", "Dark Priest: Very nice. (He opens the box and scatters the ashes on the ground. They form into a demon.) Tell the new Source I live to serve him.", "[Scene: A hotel room. Cole is sitting at a table mixing together a potion. The phone rings and he answers it.]", "Cole: Hello?", "Phoebe: I had to call. It's an emergency.", "Cole: Phoebe, what is it?", "Phoebe: I needed to hear your voice.", "Cole: I'm glad you called.", "Phoebe: You are?", "Cole: Yeah, something's been bothering me. Maybe it's my imagination but Paige was a little, I don't know, weird at dinner, kinda cold.", "Phoebe: Really? I didn't notice.", "Cole: Mm, I wouldn't bring it up but I don't wanna do anything to come between you and your sister. If us getting married is gonna hurt the power of three in anyway... (The potion explodes.)", "Phoebe: I don't know what to say except Paige has been nothing but supportive over our marriage.", "Cole: Forget about it, it's probably nothing.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Cole: So, how do you look in your wedding gown?", "Phoebe: I don't know yet. I've been too busy to try it on.", "Cole: Well, when you do, I want you to picture me taking it off. (There's a knock at the door.) Gotta go, babe. Love you.", "Phoebe: I love you...", "(He hangs up. He waves his hand over the potion and it disappears. He goes over and opens the door.)", "Leo, Darryl and Victor: Hey!", "Leo: What is a wedding without a bachelor party? I've got poker chips, corn chips, I have chips.", "Victor: I've got the entertainment from my private collection I might add.", "(He holds up a video.)", "Darryl: You wouldn't happen to have the key to the mini bar in there would ya?", "(He peeks in Cole's jacket.)", "[Cut to the manor. Paige's bedroom. She lays the tarot cards on the bed.]", "Paige: What does the future have in store for Phoebe and Cole? (She flips one card over to reveal Lovers, then Despair, and then Death.) Oh. (She grabs the cards and rushes into Piper's bedroom. Piper is there brushing her hair.) Piper. Look, I can't keep this to myself any longer. (She holds up the cards.) This is Phoebe and Cole's tarot reading. They were lovers in the past, despair fills their present, but this is their future.", "Piper: Oh, please, this looks nothing like Death. Prue met him, I know.", "Paige: No, you're missing the point. This is a bad omen.", "Piper: Well, not necessarily.", "Paige: Look, Cole's a nice guy, fine, whatever. But face the facts, he was the world's greatest demon for what, a century?", "Piper: Yeah, but we've been through that.", "Paige: Yeah, I know but a century's worth of blood and bad karma, you don't just walk away from that. God, I don't know, maybe I'm just worried.", "Piper: Well, have you ever considered that maybe you drew those cards because they represent your feelings and not Phoebe's future?", "Paige: It's a possibility.", "(They hear Phoebe scream.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe is wearing her wedding dress which is way to big for her. Piper and Paige walk in.]", "Phoebe: (to Paige) You! You've ruined my wedding. And the bridal shop is closed tomorrow.", "Piper: Now, uh, Phoebe, let's not blow this out of proportion.", "Phoebe: My wedding dress could double as a circus tent. Okay, I think things are already out of proportion.", "Paige: All I did was pick up the dress.", "Phoebe: The wrong dress!", "Paige: No, I checked the tag.", "Phoebe: Oh, really? Let me just look at that. Millie Platt. Do I look like Millie Platt to you? Do I? (She throws the tag at Paige. Paige picks it up and looks at it.)", "Paige: That's impossible.", "Phoebe: Okay, you know if you would have picked up the dress when I asked, we'd have time to fix this.", "Paige: Don't worry, I can sow, I will take in the seams, all of them tonight. (A demon smokes in. He waves his arm and Piper flies across the room. Phoebe gets in a fighting stance and her dress slips off. She kicks him and he crashes into a cupboard.) Sword!", "(A sword orbs off the table and stabs the demon. He turns into dust.)", "Phoebe: You'd better do something about this mess.", "Paige: There has got to be something in the Book of Shadows.", "Phoebe: Not the demon, my wedding dress.", "(She gives it to Paige and storms out of the attic.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. Piper is looking through the Book of Shadows while Paige sows Phoebe's dress. Leo orbs in with Cole.]", "Cole: Are you hurt?", "Phoebe: Baby, you're not supposed to be here.", "Cole: Leo said it was an urgent call, I was worried.", "Phoebe: Thanks. I'm fine. (They hug.) No demon is gonna stop me from marrying you tomorrow. Now my sister's another story.", "Paige: I said I was sorry.", "Leo: What kind of demon attacked you?", "Piper: This one. A Lazerus demon.", "Cole: A Lazerus demon, you sure?", "Piper: \"Rare, high level demons, with telekinetic powers.\" Yep, that's the bad boy we popped.", "Cole: Has it resurrected yet?", "Piper: Resurrected?", "(The Lazerus demon resurrects.)", "Paige: Behind you! (The demon uses his telekinetic powers and throws Piper and Leo across the room.) Sofa!", "(The sofa orbs out and orbs back in to where Piper lands.)", "Cole: No!", "(The demon uses his power and the chandelier above Phoebe drops on her head.", "Paige: Piper blow him up!", "(The demon smokes out.)", "Piper: Leo.", "(Leo rushes over to Phoebe and heals her. She groans. Leo and Cole help her up.)", "Cole: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I think so, yeah.", "Piper: Uh, he's gonna be back. The book says that Lazerus demons get stronger the longer they are out of cemetary ground.", "Paige: Cemetery ground?", "Cole: It's the only way to keep them from resurrecting. You bury them.", "Phoebe: So that means someone intentionally dug them up, to attack us, the night before my wedding.", "Leo: The question is who, and why?", "Paige: I know why. To stop the wedding. I did two tarot readings, Phoebe, they both said that marrying Cole would only cause death and despair.", "Phoebe: What?", "Paige: Well, I'm surprised he didn't tell you, he saw the first reading.", "Cole: If I run scared every time things look dark for us, we never would've made it this far.", "Phoebe: That's true. Is there anything else bothering you, Paige, that I should no about?", "Paige: No, not really.", "Piper: Okay, good. Paige and I will be on demon watch tonight so that Phoebe can get some sleep.", "Phoebe: Ugh, I'm too wired to sleep.", "Paige: Well, maybe I can help you relax with one of my aromatherapy treatments.", "Piper: See, now this is the spirit. Everything will be fine as long as we stay together, stay calm.", "[Time lapse. Underground. Cole pushes the Lazerus demon into a wall.]", "Lazerus: I just did what the Seer told me.", "Cole: Did she tell you to kill my fiancé? 'Cause that's what you almost did.", "Lazerus: The Source before you would've rewarded me for killing one of those witches.", "Cole: The old Source was reckless and now he's dead. You wanna follow into his grave?", "Lazerus: No.", "Cole: Then let's get this straight. You work for me now. Do what I tell you, I guarantee you will never see another cemetery. But hurt my bride again and I will bury you myself. (He throws a fireball at him and he turns into dust.) Stay down until I need you. (He turns to the Seer.) How dare you unearth a Lazerus demon.", "Seer: We need a creature that could lure your witch into the cemetery.", "Cole: But a Lazerus demon.", "Seer: The witches must believe they are under attack for your plan to work.", "Cole: There's no plan with Phoebe dead.", "Seer: I'm beginning to wonder if you can handle your new mantle of power.", "Cole: Are you questioning my leadership?", "Seer: No. You inherited the world's evil, I'll follow that anywhere.", "Cole: But?", "Seer: Cole. He's still alive inside you and he loves the witch.", "Cole: I know, I can feel it.", "Seer: When you were a demon, his love for her ruined more than one good plan.", "Cole: It's different now. Cole's voice used to scream inside my head now it's just a whisper. We can use his feelings to control her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's bedroom. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Piper: So we'll take shifts and I will go first and then Paige will wake you up in the morning.", "(Paige walks in holding a jar of cream.)", "Phoebe: What is this?", "Paige: My face cream, also known as heaven in a jar, it's a special blend.", "Phoebe: You made it?", "Paige: Mm-hm. It's got patchouli oil for balance and confidence, and chamomile to relax your nervous system. I'm really sorry about your wedding dress. I want everything to go so great for you tomorrow.", "Phoebe: It's okay. (They hug. Paige leaves.)", "Piper: She's trying.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know, I know. (She smells the cream.) Couldn't hurt, right?", "Piper: You still feeling tense?", "Phoebe: It's not really tense, just, um, extremely alert.", "Piper: Phoebe, I know you want the Cinderella fantasy, but I don't want you to be upset if everything doesn't go exactly as planned tomorrow.", "Phoebe: Where is that coming from?", "Piper: Well, I was just remembering my wedding day, and I remember I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.", "Phoebe: And then Prue crashed through the front door on a Harley.", "Piper: Yeah, only Prue could make my wedding day all about her. But the point is, I barely remember the ceremony, it's a total blur. And in the end all that matters is that you marry the guy that you love, and if you manage to do that your wedding was perfect.", "[Time lapse. Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe is asleep. Cole flames in and sits next to Phoebe. He chants something.]", "[Cut to the hallway. Paige walks out of the bathroom and sits back in the chair next to Phoebe's door. She hears voices in her room.]", "[Cut to Phoebe's room. Phoebe's face glows. Paige opens the door and Cole quickly changes into Piper.]", "Paige: What are you doing in here?", "Piper: Shh. Just checking on Phoebe, you were in the bathroom.", "(They leave her room and close the door.)", "Paige: I didn't even hear you.", "Piper: Well, that's a problem don't you think? What if I was a demon?", "Paige: Oh, good point.", "Piper: When you're on demon watch in this house, you don't take bathroom breaks.", "Paige: Got it.", "(Piper starts to walk away.)", "Piper: And whatever you do, don't fall asleep.", "(Paige nods. Piper waves her hand and Paige falls asleep instantly. Piper/Cole walks into Piper's room. Piper is asleep in bed. She waves her hand over Piper and then flames out.)", "[Scene: Morning. Manor. Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe wakes up and looks at the clock. It's 11:07am. She walks out into the hall where Paige is sound asleep.]", "Phoebe: Paige. Paige! You were supposed to wake me up.", "(Paige wakes up. Phoebe rushes into the bathroom. Piper comes out of her room.)", "Piper: What happened? What time is it?", "(Phoebe screams and comes out of the bathroom. She has little red pimples all over her face.)", "Phoebe: Look at me.", "Piper: Whoa.", "Phoebe: (to Paige) What do you have to say for yourself?", "Paige: I fixed your wedding dress.", "Phoebe: Paige! This is all your fault. (She storms into her room.) You put a mojo on my face cream.", "Paige: I did not, those are all natural ingredients.", "(Phoebe starts to cry.)", "Phoebe: If you have something to say to me, why didn't you just say it, Paige?", "Piper: Okay, we all just need to take a deep breath.", "Paige: Say what?", "Phoebe: Don't think that I don't know how you really feel about Cole.", "Paige: Oh! I have been nothing but supportive of that demon.", "Phoebe: Ex-demon.", "Paige: Oh, is that like ex-convict?", "Piper: Alright, that is not necessary. We all just need to calm down.", "Paige: Face it, Phoebe. This wedding has been filled with nothing but bad omens from the start.", "Phoebe: And they all seem to be connected with you now, don't they?", "Piper: Alright, that's it! Break it up. You go back to your corner and you, you're gonna get ready and we're gonna put lots and lots of makeup on you.", "Paige: Oh, face it. There's not enough spackle in the world to fill those craters. Step back.", "Phoebe: Oh, now what are you doing?", "Paige: Trying to prove to you that I'm not trying to sabotage your wedding.", "Piper: I don't think...", "Paige: \"Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to be unseen.\"", "Phoebe: Magic. She just put magic on me.", "(The spots disappear.)", "Piper: And it's working.", "Phoebe: It is? (Phoebe turns invisible.) My zits are gone?", "Piper: Yeah, I can, I can honestly say that your face is completely clear.", "Phoebe: Woo hoo!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Paige and an invisible Phoebe are there. Piper's looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: It's my wedding day. The one day of my life that is all about me and nobody can see me.", "Paige: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it.", "(Phoebe walks across the room holding a piece of paper. Paige follows her.)", "Phoebe: Stop following me, go away!", "Piper: Hang on, Phoebe, don't lose it now.", "(Paige holds up Phoebe's wedding dress.)", "Paige: Here, you can't walk around naked and I think it'll fit now.", "Phoebe: Ahh, Paige! (She snatches the dress of Paige.) What difference does it make? I am invisible. My wedding is supposed to start in less than one hour and everyone I've ever known will be there, and I'm never gonna be able to face them again. Ugh!", "(She pushes some books off a table.)", "Piper: Alright! This is all just a back fire to the vanishing spell. There's gotta be a reversal in here.", "(Victor opens the door.)", "Victor: Hey, what's going on up here? You guys aren't even dressed yet. Where's Phoebe?", "Piper: She is still putting on her face.", "Victor: Wh-? I can't keep stalling this photographer forever. He's done portraits in every room in the house.", "Phoebe: Send them out to the church.", "Victor: Phoebe?", "Piper: That was me. I'm working on my impressions.", "(Piper covers her mouth.)", "Phoebe: Dad, go downstairs and wait for us there.", "Piper: See? I'm working it into the toast.", "(Victor leaves.)", "Phoebe: Ugh, what's the use. I might as well call Cole and tell him it's off.", "Piper: Oh, honey, we-we-we'll...", "Paige: Something you said is bothering me. Why would there be a backfire to the vanishing spell?", "Piper: Personal gain, I guess.", "Paige: Yeah, but there wasn't any of that when I used it to help others, why Phoebe?", "Piper: What, are you suggesting that there is outside magic at play here?", "Paige: Yeah. The same magic that dug up the Lazerus demon and then there's the acne and then the super-sized wedding dress.", "Phoebe: She's rambling. Should I yell at her again?", "Piper: No! She might be onto something.", "Paige: Listen, we're not fighting each other here, we're fighting evil. We kick evil's ass every day.", "Piper: Sometimes twice a day.", "Paige: Okay, today's a day just like any other day. Evil wants this wedding cancel? Screw that. We're not gonna go down without a fight. Okay, so what we do is get dressed, we head for the church while we look for a way to fix Phoebe. Are you with me?", "Piper: Yes! Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Grab the book. Let's go.", "Piper: Get the dress.", "[Scene: The church. Everyone is seated on the pews. The photographer takes a photo of some people. Leo walks over to Cole.]", "Cole: The wedding was supposed to start fifteen minutes ago. Where are the girls?", "Leo: Phoebe needs to talk to you but in the dressing room.", "Cole: It's bad luck for the bride to see the groom before the wedding.", "Leo: I don't think that that's going to be a problem.", "[Cut inside the dressing room. Piper, Paige and invisible Phoebe are there.]", "Paige: Okay, this one's gotta work. It's the spell that reversed my enhanced breasts. Here.", "(Paige hands Piper a piece of paper.)", "Piper: \"Guiding spirits hear our plea, annul this magic let it be.\"", "(Piper burns the paper with a candle.)", "Phoebe: Can you see me?", "Piper: Not even your breasts.", "Phoebe: Ugh.", "Paige: That's it. That's the last reversal spell we have.", "Phoebe: It's okay you guys. You did your best.", "(Someone knocks on the door. Piper opens it. Cole's there.)", "Piper: (to Paige) Come on, let's go. We'll leave you two alone to talk.", "(Piper and Paige leave.)", "Cole: Wait a minute, where's Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Over here. (A bunch of flowers wave in the air.) Hi, honey.", "Cole: Phoebe? You're invisible?", "Phoebe: Yeah, looks like whatever demon's trying to stop our wedding succeeded.", "Cole: Oh, honey.", "Phoebe: We tried every trick we know to fix it and nothing's worked and now...", "Cole: Phoebe?", "(She picks up a tissue and blows her nose.)", "Phoebe: I wanted the perfect wedding. But I didn't want it for me, I wanted it for you. You have given me so much, you don't deserve this.", "Cole: It's okay, baby. We'll find another way, I promise.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Cole: I'll make the announcement.", "Phoebe: Alright.", "(Piper and Paige walk in.)", "Cole: The wedding's off.", "Paige: Not necessarily.", "Piper: Get everybody in their positions, we'll start with the processional, tell the quartet.", "(Piper takes Cole to the door.)", "Cole: Whoa, what about Phoebe? She's invisible.", "Piper: Not for long, we hope. So go on, and look for your bride walking down the aisle. Go on.", "(He leaves. Piper closes the door.)", "Phoebe: Wait, hold on here, I'm a little confused. I thought we were out of spells.", "Paige: Mm-mm, not yet. You know how every attempt we've made to reverse your invisibility has failed?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Paige: Well, what if we don't reverse it, we just shift it from one sister to another.", "Phoebe: Wait, you mean transfer the invisibility to you? No way, I won't let you.", "Paige: Phoebe, every Cinderella needs a fairy godmother. Let me be yours.", "(Phoebe sighs.)", "Phoebe: Paige...", "Paige: Please, I need to do this so you know that I'm not trying to stop your wedding.", "[Cut to outside. Leo walks over to Darryl and Victor.]", "Leo: The natives are growing restless in there.", "Darryl: Yeah, I know, a couple have already left.", "Victor: Would somebody tell me what's going on?", "(Cole walks in.)", "Cole: I wish I knew. Places everybody.", "(Leo and Darryl walk inside.)", "Seer: Aren't you going to seat me?", "(Cole and Victor turn around to see the Seer standing there.)", "Victor: I'll get her.", "Cole: No, allow me. You should wait for Phoebe. (Victor goes inside. The Seer holds onto Cole's arm and they walk inside.) They'll recognise you.", "Seer: You never contacted me. Did your potion worked?", "Cole: Yes.", "Seer: And did they use the spell you thought they would?", "Cole: Yes, and now she's invisible.", "Seer: Then why are all these people here?", "Cole: I think they found a spell to reverse our magic.", "Seer: And did she find an obedience spell to make you do as she pleases.", "Cole: Don't forget who you're talking to. (The Seer sits down. Piper comes out of the dressing room and stands in her place.) (to Seer) Where's the Lazerus demon?", "Seer: In my chambers awaiting your command.", "Cole: Order him to attack. The girls will stop the ceremony to save innocent lives.", "(The Seer leaves. Cole stands in his place. The quartet plays the wedding march. Victor and Phoebe walk down the aisle.)", "Darryl: (to Leo) Where's Paige?", "Leo: I don't know.", "(Invisible Paige pulls up a chair near by and sits down. She sniffs.)", "Paige: I'm gonna cry.", "Priest: Thank you all for coming to honour the love between Cole Turner and Phoebe Halliwell.", "(The Lazerus demon smokes in near by.)", "Paige: Oh, no.", "Priest: Before we get started, I must ask, is there anyone who has just cause why this couple should not be united...", "(Paige picks up a candle stick and hits the Lazerus demon on the head.)", "Lazerus Demon: Ugh!", "(Paige pushes him out the door and the door slams shut. Everyone turns to look.)", "Priest: This is your time, your platform...", "(The Lazerus demon uses his telekinetic power and Paige flies across the room. Everyone in the church hears.)", "Piper: I'll check that out. Keep going.", "(Piper runs out of the church.)", "Priest: Since nobody here can show just cause, it's my privilege to ask...", "Piper: (from outside) You put her down!", "Paige: Ahh! (The hear a crash. Everyone turns to look.)", "Leo: Excuse me.", "(Leo runs out of the church.)", "Phoebe: Keep going, please, just keep going.", "Priest: As I was saying, it's my privilege to ask, who gives this woman to this man today.", "Victor: Her sisters and I do.", "Piper: (from outside) Son of a bitch!", "Paige: Ahh!", "Leo: Piper, look out!", "(They hear another crash. Phoebe drops her bouquet and runs outside. Cole follows.)", "[Cut to the room. Piper is lying on the floor. Phoebe and Cole race in. The Lazerus demon uses his telekinetic powers on Leo and he flies across the room, knocking over Phoebe. The Lazerus demon picks up a chair. Phoebe runs towards the demon and he is about to throw it at her.]", "Cole: Stop!", "(Piper blows up the demon.)", "Phoebe: Where's Paige?", "Piper: I don't know.", "Phoebe: Leo, where's Paige?", "Leo: I can't get a read on her. Wherever she is her heart's not beating.", "(Cole sees Paige's blood spill onto the floor.)", "Cole: Over here.", "(Leo runs over and starts to heal her. Darryl and the Priest rushes in.)", "Priest: What the hell is going on in here?", "Phoebe: That's it. (She pulls off her veil.) The wedding is off! Tell everyone to get outta here. Go-go-go-go!", "(She pushes Darryl and the Priest out of the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Church. All the guests have left. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Cole and Leo are there. Piper is on the phone.]", "Piper: (on the phone) Just send the food to the house. Yes, and the bill. Not as sorry as I am. Thank you. (She hangs up.) Caterer's taken care of.", "Phoebe: Thank you so much, Piper, I just, I can't deal with any of that right now.", "Piper: It's okay, it's been a tough day. (to Paige) How about you? How are you doing?", "Paige: Uh, still a little shaky.", "Leo: We nearly lost you. Lucky the demon hesitated when Cole yelled.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but why did he?", "Cole: Maybe he was surprised somebody yelled at him.", "Leo: We should all just be thankful that we're alive.", "Paige: And visible. Although I'm not sure how that happened.", "Cole: I do. The magic you were under was supposed to stop the wedding, it wore off once the wedding was cancelled.", "Phoebe: Oh, you mean when evil won? I am not stopping until I find out who sent that thing after us.", "Piper: Speaking of the demon, the crispy critter needs to find its way back to a cemetery.", "Cole: I know a local haunt, I can take it there.", "Piper: And what happens when my freeze wears off on the way? You'll be as defenceless as a cat toy.", "Phoebe: I'll go with him. I wanna make sure it's in the ground for good.", "Paige: Lets all do it.", "Cole: Fine by me.", "[Cut to a cemetery. Cole is standing in front of a grave. The girls and Leo are catching up to him.]", "Cole: I found a spot. This headstone's from the early 1900s. Nobody'll come digging here anytime soon.", "Leo: Piper, if you see anyone coming, freeze them.", "(Cole starts digging.)", "Piper: (to Phoebe) Don't worry, honey. It took Leo and me three times to get married. It'll happen for you and Cole. We just need to figure out what kind of evil stopped your wedding a why.", "Paige: I have an idea. Why don't we just ask it?", "Cole: Oh, don't be crazy. That Lazerus demon is a time bomb waiting to explode.", "Phoebe: I want to know who ruined the happiest day of my life.", "(Paige tips the ash out of a box onto the ground.)", "Cole: Phoebe, I'm asking you, please, for me. Don't do this.", "Phoebe: Cole, I can't believe you don't wanna know.", "(The Lazerus demon resurrects.)", "Piper: One flinch and I blow you into briquette.", "Phoebe: Who resurrected you?", "(He points to Cole.)", "Lazerus Demon: Ask him. You swore I'd never see a cemetery again if I helped you. You set me up.", "Piper: Cole, what is this demon talking about?", "Cole: I have no idea.", "Lazerus Demon: Liar! You ordered me to attack them in the church. Is this how you reward your loyal servants?", "Phoebe: Okay, Cole, what is going on, because I gotta tell you right now I am freaking out!", "Cole: Oh, what's the point you already figured it out.", "(He throws a fireball at the Lazerus demon and he turns into dirt.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no. No, it can't be. No, it can't be. No.", "(She looks away. Cole turns into the Seer.)", "Paige: It's not. It's the Seer.", "Piper: Not for long.", "Phoebe: No, don't. (She goes over to the Seer.) Where's Cole?", "Seer: Unconscious in the mausoleum.", "Paige: Why would you save us one day and try to kill us the next?", "Seer: For the same reason. To keep the balance of power between good and evil.", "Piper: Don't be cryptic. I hate cryptic.", "Seer: I had a vision. If you married Cole on this day, his love would've helped you evolve into a much stronger witch, too strong. I had to stop you and I did.", "(The Seer flames out.)", "Piper: Bitch.", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Leo: Go. I'll bury the rest of the demon.", "[Cut to the mausoleum. The Seer flames in and changes back to Cole. He loosens his tie and lays on the ground. Piper, Phoebe and Paige run in.]", "Phoebe: Cole? (They go over to him.)", "Cole: Where's the Seer? She's in the cemetery.", "Piper: Yeah, we know, we had a little chat.", "Paige: I'm surprised she didn't kill you.", "Cole: It's not her style. (He groans.) Killing's beneath her. She only does it if she has to.", "Phoebe: Come on, let's get you home.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: You okay?", "[Time lapse. They are walking through the mausoleum.]", "Paige: I still don't understand. If the Seer wanted to stop Phoebe from marrying you, wouldn't she want to kill you?", "Cole: I don't know, you'd have to ask the Seer.", "(They walk past a small chapel in the mausoleum.)", "Leo: Look, a chapel.", "Paige: A chapel in a mausoleum?", "Leo: That's a first.", "Piper: It's cute.", "Cole: And perfect.", "Phoebe: For what?", "Cole: A wedding.", "Piper: I couldn't agree more.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Paige: You've got the rings.", "Leo: And we're all here.", "Phoebe: Okay, I do. I-I mean, I will. Let's go.", "(They walk inside. The dark priest removes his hood. Cole hands Phoebe a rose and she ties it to his shirt. She pricks her finger on one of the thorns and it bleeds. Cole puts her bleeding finger in his mouth. They go through the ceremony and they place the rings on each other's fingers.)", "Dark Priest: Not two but one, then life be gone. You may kiss the bride.", "(Cole and Phoebe kiss.)", "Phoebe: We did it.", "Cole: Yes, we did.", "(They kiss again. The Seer appears near by.)", "Seer: It is done." ]
Marry Go Round
Alien Stalker
[ "Paige, who feels like a fifth wheel among her happily married sisters and their husbands, becomes firmly convinced that Cole is still evil. Cole, the new Source, and the Seer secretly plot to impregnate Phoebe. Meanwhile, the sisters try to save a columnist as Cole tries to get Paige out of the way through his demonic contacts in The Underworld." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Cole are there. Piper and Leo, and Phoebe and Cole are snuggled closely together while Paige sits by herself. The all clink their bottles.]", "Phoebe: To our marriage.", "(Phoebe nibbles on Cole's ear.)", "Piper: Hey, this is supposed to be our anniversary.", "Phoebe: Oh, right. Uh, to Piper and Leo's marriage. May ours be as successful as theirs.", "Piper: Yeah, see that still didn't sound like it was about us.", "(Phoebe giggles at Cole. Piper and Leo kiss. Paige starts to feel uncomfortable.)", "Paige: Well, alright, everybody, I, uh, am gonna go, I'm tired.", "Cole: Wait, you can't go yet, Paige. We haven't gotten to the good part.", "Paige: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought watching you guys make out all night was supposed to be the highlight of my evening.", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, are we boring you?", "Paige: No, no, it's just it is weird seeing a girl that wasn't the marrying type be so married.", "Piper: Piper tried to tell me that it was going to be great and different.", "Piper: Well, you just have to experience it and you'll understand.", "(Phoebe and Cole kiss.)", "Paige: Alright, so the good part?", "Cole: Oh, yes, the good part.", "(He hands Piper and Leo an envelope. They open it.)", "Piper: Oh my god.", "Leo: Cole.", "Cole: It's no big deal.", "Leo: It's the finest hotel in Hawaii.", "Cole: I just didn't think it was right you guys never got a honeymoon.", "Phoebe: Oh my god. Could you be any sweeter right now?", "Paige: Hang on, you got them tickets to Hawaii?", "Cole: Well, not plane tickets, they'll have to orb there. But, uh, hotel and a couple of nice dinners.", "Piper: Cole, I can't believe you did this.", "Paige: Am I missing something? Aren't you unemployed? How did you afford this?", "Cole: A-a-a-ah. That's tomorrow's surprise. For tonight, another toast. To Leo and to Piper, a life time of happiness.", "(They clink their glasses and take a sip. The Seer appears near by and Cole chokes on his drink. He coughs.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay? Baby, are you okay?", "Cole: Fine, fine. Excuse me, I'll be right back.", "(He walks away.)", "Paige: Wow, so, you think, uh, Cole won the lottery or something?", "Phoebe: I know I did.", "(Paige makes a noise.)", "Paige: Sorry.", "[Cut to the underworld. A cave. The Seer is there standing in front of a cauldron. Cole flames in.]", "Cole: I was with the entire family, have you lost your mind?", "Seer: Forgive me. But it was imperative that I have you here now if my ritual is to take effect.", "Cole: I am trying to be the perfect husband. The perfect brother-in-law. It would help if I didn't have demons waving at me from the dance floor.", "Seer: If my fertility ritual fails, the show's over anyway. Tomorrow's harvest moon will be the one chance to impregnate your wife. The power of the moon combined with this tonic will make her fertile to a demon's seed, and override any preventative measures she's taken. Her favourite sweet?", "Cole: Chocolate.", "Seer: Then I'll mix it with the chocolate. You must feed it to her in the morning, and then finish the job when the moon is high in the night's sky. And if you succeed, the evil spawn growing inside her will influence her only for lenience so that when she does discover the truth, she will bend to your will.", "Cole: She will bend to her love for me.", "(The Seer picks up a knife and moves closer to Cole.)", "Seer: For the tonic.", "(She cuts his hand and he drips his blood into the cauldron.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Bathroom. Phoebe and Paige are there putting on makeup.]", "Phoebe: Can I try this?", "Paige: Yeah, sure.", "(Piper comes in.)", "Piper: My hairclip broke.", "Paige: Try one of mine.", "(Piper pushes Phoebe out of the way.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, glowy.", "Piper: Yeah, like you need more glow.", "Phoebe: Hey, isn't it weird how s*x can replace sleep. I wonder if they've done any studies on that?", "Paige: I remember Dave my ex-boyfriend.", "Phoebe: No, no, no, it's different with boyfriends. I don't know why, but once you're married, it's just better, you know what I mean?", "Piper: Husbands, incredibly sexy.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's more intimate or something.", "Paige: Well, I wouldn't know.", "Phoebe: Speaking of looking forward... Piper, you're going on your honeymoon tonight. I think new lingerie is in order.", "Piper: You always think new lingerie is in order.", "Phoebe: Not for me, silly. You wanna come, Paige?", "Paige: Ugh, I can't. I have to go to that evil place where they keep my pay cheque.", "Phoebe: Oh, right, sorry.", "(A car horn beeps outside. They leave the bathroom.)", "[Cut to outside. Cole is standing beside a silver convertible. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo walk outside.]", "Cole: Surprise!", "Leo: A new car?", "Piper: Where did you get that?", "Cole: It came with the job.", "Paige: Ahh, are you a valet parker?", "Cole: Attorney, thank you very much. It's a company car.", "(He hands Phoebe a bunch of flowers.)", "Phoebe: Are you serious?", "Paige: Strange. You didn't last two hours at legal aid.", "Piper: Yeah, you hated it. You said you hated being a lawyer.", "Cole: Yeah, but that job was high stressed and paid nothing. This one...", "Leo: Comes with a Porsche.", "Cole: Right. How comes she's not smiling?", "Leo: You got me. Is this the tip tranic?", "Cole: Uh, no. I thought you'd be happy.", "Phoebe: Cole, if you're happy, I'm happy.", "Cole: Alright. (He takes a box of chocolates out of the car. He takes off the lid and shows them to Phoebe.) I got your favourite chocolates. And I reserved the honeymoon sweet at the Mark.", "Phoebe: A honeymoon?", "Cole: Just for tonight. What do you say?", "Phoebe: Ooh, I say I need to do a little bit of shopping first I think. What do you say, Piper?", "Piper: Uh, Rebekah Ryan's playing at the club tonight so I've gotta go set up.", "Leo: I'll cover for you. Gotta do something, Cole's making me look bad.", "Cole: So, chocolates? You sure you don't want one, they smell pretty good?", "Phoebe: Mmm, maybe you are evil. (They kiss.) I love you.", "Paige: So what law firm are you working for?", "Cole: Are you familiar with San Francisco law firms?", "Paige: Yeah, I deal with them from time to time.", "Cole: Jack McCarter and Kline?", "Paige: Haven't heard of them. Well, I better get to work. Congratulations.", "Cole: Thanks.", "(She walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: A lingerie shop. Piper and Phoebe are there. Phoebe comes out wearing a purple lingerie dress.]", "Phoebe: Okay, what do you think?", "Man: Ooh, wow. (His girlfriend hits him.)", "Woman: Hey!", "Piper: I think he liked it and I think she didn't.", "Phoebe: Okay, but what is it saying? Because I'm going for that kind of we're married but we're not dead look.", "Piper: I think it's more of a I'm gonna wear this one night, and spend the next six months paying it off kind of look.", "Phoebe: I hate it when you're right.", "(She heads for the dressing room.)", "Piper: But although come to think of it, you could probably afford anything you want now that Cole's gone corporate.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna rely on that. And I'm not just gonna sit at home while my husband works either, you know. I mean, maybe in ten years from now like when I have kids, but not now.", "Piper: Oh, hit a nerve?", "Phoebe: I just think it's time I got a job too, you know. What do you think?", "Piper: Uh, I think being so charming as we are, is kind of a full time job.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it just happens to come with a death threat in lieu of pay cheque.", "Piper: Right, so if Cole is bringing, you know, an extra few bucks into the household why not enjoy it?", "(Phoebe comes out of the dressing room.)", "Phoebe: Because, Piper, it's not about that. I have a degree in psychology that I worked really hard for and I would like to be able to use it to help people in a non-magical way.", "(They see a woman in the middle of the road with cars speeding past her. They honk their horns as they drive by.)", "Piper: Speaking of helping people. (A car heads for the woman and Piper freezes it. Phoebe runs across the road and pushes the woman out of the way. Piper unfreezes everything and runs across the road to help.) Oh, good thing that car had breaks, huh. You would've been road killed.", "Phoebe: Totally.", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Woman: Can you help me get to work? I won't make my deadline, I've gotta get to work.", "Piper: Alright. (Phoebe touches the woman and has a premonition of a demon chasing her.) Yes?", "Phoebe: Innocent.", "Piper: Of course.", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is there talking to a Lila.]", "Paige: Ugh, I still don't trust him. I called the firm and apparently he's telling the truth by getting that job.", "Lila: Wait, he told the truth. Rat.", "Paige: I'm telling you, Lila, there's something weird going on. He couldn't function in the job that I got him here, I mean, he hit a client. Now all of a sudden he's Mr. Suave lawyer man.", "Lila: People change.", "Paige: But not that quickly, not that much. There's something off about him and, uh, I'm gonna keep an eye on him, period.", "Lila: Spying on the husband. Now that's a sure fire way to reconnect with your sister.", "(Paige's phone rings.)", "Paige: Paige Matthews.", "Phoebe: Hey, uh, we've got a witchy type situation that could really benefit from your area of expertise. Any chance you could meet us back at the manor?", "Paige: Yeah, I'll be right over.", "Phoebe: Great, see you there.", "[Cut to the manor. Cole is there with the Seer.]", "Seer: What do you mean she wouldn't eat it?", "Cole: I mean I thought shoving it down her throat might be a little suspicious. So, is it too late?", "Seer: No. The tonic is stronger the longer it has to gestate, it might still work.", "Cole: Then keep an eye out and warn me of any demons who might be planing to attack, I can't afford any distractions for Phoebe.", "(The front door opens and Cole turns the Seer into a man. Piper, Phoebe and the woman walks in.)", "Phoebe: Cole, we have to, uh...", "Cole: Oh, this is, this is Mike. My law clerk. He was just leaving. Thanks, you can catch me up on those cases tomorrow.", "Mike: Right. Sure. Excuse me.", "(He heads for the door.)", "Phoebe: Cole, this is Karen Young.", "Cole: Pleased to meet you.", "Phoebe: She, uh, she needs our help.", "(Mike walks outside and disappears.)", "[Cut to the living room.]", "Karen: I was going in early, it was still dark, I said goodbye to my husband, and I don't remember. (She starts to cry.) I don't understand what's happening to me.", "Piper: Karen, I know you're scared but we're gonna help you, I promise.", "(Phoebe and Cole walk into the foyer.)", "Cole: What's wrong with her?", "Phoebe: I don't know. I had a premonition that she was being attacked by demons, only I don't think it was a premonition, I think it already happened. But she was hit by some kind of light ball. So we might have to postpone this evening, baby.", "Cole: No, we can't.", "Phoebe: Well, innocents come first.", "Cole: Of course they do. I just, I just can't wait to be alone with you. I'll do whatever I can to help. (He looks around and spots the chocolates on a table. He picks one up and holds it near Phoebe's mouth.) Forgive me?", "(Phoebe hesitates and then takes a bite.)", "Phoebe: Mmmm.", "(They kiss. Piper comes in.)", "Piper: Uh, hi, hi-hi-hi. Innocent at foot, remember?", "Phoebe: Right.", "Piper: So she's calmer now but won't you hang out with you while we go check the book.", "Cole: Absolutely. (Phoebe and Piper head for the stairs. Piper takes a chocolate as she passes and eats it.) Uh, Piper?", "Piper: What?", "Cole: Uh, nothing, it's okay. (He laughs a little.)", "Piper: Mm, suddenly I can't wait to go on my honeymoon.", "Phoebe: Mm-hm, me either. Must be the full moon.", "(Cole walks into the living room.)", "Cole: You wanna tell me what happened?", "Karen: I don't know.", "Cole: I don't have time for this. (He holds his hand above her head and it glows.) Who attacked you?", "(She jumps up.)", "Karen: Don't touch me! Don't touch me, leave me alone! He was touching me.", "(Cole sees Paige standing at the living room entrance.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cole: I didn't hear you come in. What's the matter? You look like you saw a ghost.", "Paige: I'm not sure what I saw.", "Cole: What do you mean?", "Paige: What were you doing to her?", "Cole: Well, I was comforting her. If you hadn't noticed she's hysterical.", "(Piper and Phoebe come back in with the book.)", "Phoebe: Got it.", "Cole: That was quick.", "Piper: Yeah, well, we're that good. (to Paige) Thanks for coming.", "(Phoebe goes over and cuddles Cole.)", "Paige: Uh, we have a problem.", "Phoebe: Yeah?", "Paige: I mean, what's the problem with her? (She looks at the book.) Power brokers?", "Cole: Of course.", "Phoebe: Apparently the light ball that was thrown at Karen was a demonic power.", "Cole: Yeah, brokers sometimes use people to store powers until they find a buyer. That way thieves can't get to them.", "Paige: Human being possessed of a demonic power will become confused then frightened, paranoid, violent and demonic, will ultimately die if the power isn't withdrawn.", "Phoebe: So good news is there is a potion to pull the power out of her.", "(Cole waves his hand behind his back and his pager beeps. He looks at it.)", "Cole: Uh, it's work. They probably want me to fill out more forms.", "Phoebe: Okay, baby, well, you go and we'll call you if we need you.", "(They kiss and he leaves.)", "Karen: I've gotta get outta here. I have a family to take care of.", "Piper: Karen, your family is okay.", "Karen: But I have a job! I-I-I have a deadline. Elise, she'll fire me.", "Paige: It's okay, we'll talk to Elise for you, we'll tell her you're with us, we'll make it all okay.", "Piper: I'll go.", "Paige: No, uh, Phoebe should go. You're the best with potions. Here, honey, take my car.", "(Phoebe takes Paige's car keys.)", "Phoebe: Call me if things get worse.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Paige: Piper...", "Piper: This potion takes a while to brew and we're all out of hyssop, so why don't you stay with Karen and start cooking and I'll go to the herb store.", "Paige: No, I-I have to talk to you about something. You're gonna hate me for saying this but I think I saw Cole use...", "Piper: No. Paige, we've been through this a million times.", "Paige: No, this is different. I think I saw Cole use demonic...", "Piper: No-no-no-no. There is nothing demonic about Cole, and whether you like it or not, he's your brother-in-law. So whatever issues you have with him you're gonna have to take care of yourself.", "(Piper leaves.)", "Paige: Karen, can I ask you a couple of questions?", "[Cut to outside. Piper gets in her car and drives off. Cole pulls up in front of the house in his convertible.]", "[Cut to inside. Living room.]", "Karen: I don't know, I just felt him do something behind me.", "Paige: Something like what? Did you see him do anything?", "Karen: Who are you? Why did you bring me here?", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Paige. Have you seen Piper around?", "(Paige goes over to him.)", "Paige: Yeah, she's already left. Aren't you supposed to be on club duty?", "Leo: Well, I'd much rather be on my honeymoon. Who is she? Is there something wrong?", "Paige: No, she's an innocent, we're on top of it. More importantly, I think I saw Cole using magical powers.", "Leo: What?", "Paige: Yes. I know it sounds crazy but I think I saw his hand glow.", "Leo: Paige...", "Paige: No, look, there's something strange going on. All the elaborate gifts and he's got the 50,000 dollar car, what kind of job comes with perks like that?", "Leo: So Cole gets a company car and that automatically makes him a demon in your eyes?", "Paige: No, no, it's just that something is different with him lately and it's not good. Am I the only one seeing this?", "Leo: Maybe you're the only one who wants to see it.", "Paige: Meaning?", "Leo: Meaning that no one wants to be the fifth wheel.", "Paige: That's not fair.", "Leo: You know what's not fair? Is you judging Cole for his past. He's not a demon anymore and he's part of this family.", "(Leo walks outside and flames out.)", "[Cut to the underground. Leo flames in and turns back into Cole. The Seer is there as Mike.]", "Mike: Well, it's about time.", "(Cole changes Mike back into the Seer.)", "Seer: Thank you.", "Cole: Paige saw me using my powers.", "Seer: What? You've been exposed?", "Cole: Not necessarily, she's not certain what she saw.", "Seer: Nevertheless, she must die.", "Cole: A little subtlety. That would hardly put Phoebe in an amorous mood and I'm too close now to abandon my plan.", "Seer: If one of the witches is onto you, more than your plan is at risk.", "Cole: Still, she's not sure she can trust her own eyes. And I think I know a way to make sure no one trusts what Paige says she saw.", "Seer: How?", "Cole: The innocent the girls brought home was infected by a power broker.", "Seer: What does that have to do with it?", "Cole: If I can get a power broker to do the same to Paige, she'll become unstable as well. But by the time she reaches breaking point her sisters will be on their honeymoons.", "Seer: She could alert them.", "Cole: Not if I accelerate her slide. Push her past fear and into paranoia. Then she won't trust them enough to alert them.", "(Cole waves his hand and a power broker appears.)", "Power Broker: Who did this? Who pulled me here?", "Cole: I did. (Cole's eyes turn black.)", "Power Broker: Source. You live.", "(He kneels on the ground.)", "Cole: Let's just keep that between us for now. (The Power Broker stands up.) I have an assignment for you. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with more power than you can possibly imagine.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in. There are people everywhere. A guy walks past her.]", "Guy: Wow, hi. You are?", "Phoebe: Married. Honeymooning tonight. Yeah, can not wait. (He turns to leave.) Uh, excuse me. I'm actually looking for someone. A boss-type someone. Her name is Elise.", "(The guy points to an office. Phoebe goes over and the door opens before she can knock.)", "Elise: What?", "Phoebe: Hi. I'm here on behalf of Karen Young. She's fallen ill...", "Elise: Tell her she's fired.", "Phoebe: What? No-no.", "Elise: When she's late, I'm late. I'm an editor with better things to do than to wait around for her.", "Phoebe: No, but she's not gonna be late. Is she late already?", "Elise: Deadlines 8:00 tonight. And I thought you said she was sick.", "Phoebe: Well, that's why I'm here. To pick up her assignment and bring it to her. Believe me, nothing is more important to Karen than reporting the news.", "Elise: I would hardly call the advice column news. (Elise takes Phoebe into a very messy office.) This week's letter is probably on this train wreck of a desk.", "Phoebe: Wow, that's a lot of mail.", "Elise: Yeah, she's got a follower so she must be doing something right.", "Phoebe: Uh, since there's so much traffic right now and I have to get this mail to her, would you consider extending the...", "Elise: I appreciate the fact that it takes a special type of person to rifle through the miseries of absolute strangers and actually manage to help. The fact is, I couldn't even manage to care. This is a newspaper and we work on a deadline. End of conversation.", "(Elise leaves.)", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Leo are down behind the bar. Piper giggles. Piper's cell phone rings and she pops up on her knees, out of breath to answer it.]", "Piper: Hello?", "Phoebe: Hey, did you make the potion?", "Piper: Potion? P-P-Paige is making the potion. (Leo pops up beside Piper and starts kissing her neck..) And I have ten glorious minutes then I have to have my herbs.", "Phoebe: Great, because I need your help fast. Karen's gonna get fired unless we get her advice column in by 8:00 tonight.", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Phoebe: So what would tell a twenty-eight year old woman who's still living in her parents house because she's afraid of living alone.", "Piper: I'd tell her to get a life.", "Phoebe: How can I write that? We fight demons every day. How can I tell her that there's nothing to be afraid of, you know? (Piper makes a noise.) What are you doing, Piper?", "Piper: I am taking my own advice.", "Phoebe: Eww.", "(She hangs up.)", "[Cut to the manor. Kitchen. Paige is making the potion while Karen sits at the table mumbling to herself.]", "Karen: I gotta get outta here. I gotta get outta here now!", "(She stands up and pushes the table onto its side. She heads for the door and Paige stands in her way.)", "Paige: Karen, the medicine is almost finished, after you take it you can go anywhere you want.", "Karen: You're trying to poison me. You're working for that bitch Elise. I'm gonna kill her before she kills me.", "Paige: No, we are only trying to help you. No one is trying to hurt you.", "Karen: I don't want your help.", "(She pushes Paige onto the floor and runs into the foyer. Paige orbs out and orbs back in front of Karen.)", "Paige: I'm sorry, I just can't let you go.", "Karen: Oh my god, what are you?", "(Karen pounces at Paige and Paige jumps out of the way. Cole comes in through the front door and grabs Karen.)", "Cole: What's going on in here?", "Karen: Get off me! Leave me alone!", "Cole: Where's Phoebe?", "Paige: Good question.", "(The power broker smokes in behind Paige.)", "Cole: Paige, behind you! (The power broker throws a white ball at Paige and she glows. Cole lets go of Karen and dives on the power broker.) Paige, get her outta here!", "Karen: Stay away from me!", "(She holds up her hands and fire comes out of them, burning Paige's arms. Karen runs outside.)", "Paige: Leo!", "(Leo orbs in with Piper. Leo starts to heal Paige.)", "Cole: Power broker, blow him up!", "Power Broker: What?", "(Piper blows him up.)", "Piper: Uh, where's Karen?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige, Leo and Cole are there. Paige is making the potion. She touches her head.]", "Leo: You should be feeling better, I healed your wounds.", "Paige: Oh, yeah, I am just a little woozy.", "(Piper comes in talking on the phone.)", "Piper: It was like acid spray, hurt Paige pretty bad. So, um, we need to find Karen fast.", "Phoebe: So our innocent is now our demon?", "Piper: Right. But she is still our innocent. And, listen, Paige said she was ranting about hating her boss so she could be on her way there.", "Phoebe: Oh, well, great, then you should be on your way here too. Because there's not a lot I can do against an acid breathing innocent, you know.", "Piper: The acid is coming out of her hands.", "Phoebe: Whatever. I'm on a deadline, okay.", "(Piper hangs up.)", "Piper: Okay, I'm gonna go to Phoebe in case Karen goes there.", "Paige: I'll orb you.", "Cole: No. Your orbing's still a little clumsy. And besides, they might need Leo's healing powers.", "Piper: Uh, yeah, he's right. You should stay here in case Karen comes back. And if there's any problems, any real problems, you can call for us.", "Leo: (to Cole) Keep an eye on her will you?", "Cole: Yeah, don't worry. (Leo orbs out with Piper.) Paige, you don't still have a problem with me do you? I don't believe it, I saved your life out there.", "Paige: I-I just, I don't understand.", "(She runs out. Cole knocks the potion onto the floor.)", "Cole: Oops.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Piper and Leo are in Karen's office looking through the window. Phoebe is typing on the computer.]", "Piper: What if she doesn't come here?", "Leo: It's our best bet.", "Phoebe: How do you spell oblique?", "Piper: With spell check.", "(Karen barges in the building.)", "Leo: There she is.", "(Karen runs into a man.)", "Karen: Outta my way.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Mm.", "Piper: Phoebe. Acid spraying innocent in the house.", "Phoebe: Yeah, just give me a second.", "(Piper opens the door.)", "Piper: Karen. She's in here, she's waiting for your assignment.", "(Karen walks in and looks around.)", "Phoebe: Yes! Printing.", "Piper: Hi, saving. Karen, we have your medicine.", "(Acid spray comes out of her hands. Piper jumps out of the way and Phoebe levitates. The spray melts the computer.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, it's a good thing I was done.", "(Piper freezes Karen.)", "Leo: Someone's coming and the door doesn't lock.", "Phoebe: Oh, that's Elise. She's coming for Karen's assignment. God, I hope she likes it.", "Piper: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: What? Okay, okay, what do I do? What do I do?", "(Piper gives Phoebe the potion.)", "Piper: Shove it down her throat.", "Phoebe: Shove it down her throat. Okay.", "(Piper stands behind Karen.)", "Piper: Go", "(Piper grabs Karen from behind and Karen unfreezes. Phoebe races over and pours the potion in her mouth.)", "Phoebe: Sorry, sorry, sorry.", "(Elise tries to open the door but Leo holds it closed.)", "Elise: Karen? Karen, open the door.", "(Piper sits Karen on the chair. A light comes out of her. Leo lets go of the door.)", "Leo: Sorry, it was jammed.", "Elise: What the hell is going on in here? Who are you?", "Phoebe: Uh, this is, this is Karen's doctor and nurse. I told you, she very sick.", "Elise: Is she gonna live?", "Leo: Uh, yeah, yeah, she's gonna be fine.", "Elise: Good. (to Karen) Where's my copy?", "Karen: Um, I don't...", "Phoebe: I have that. I have the copy.", "(Phoebe takes it out of the printer and hands it to Elise. Elise reads it.)", "Elise: Ha! That's funny.", "Phoebeb: I-It's funny? Like-like bad funny? What's funny?", "Elise: You should be sick more often. This is good stuff.", "Phoebe: Really? It is? Yay, Karen.", "Karen: Thank you.", "Elise: You're welcome.", "Phoebe: We did it. I mean, we did it. Yay, we.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Paige and Cole are there. Paige is kneeling on the floor, frightened.]", "Cole: Paige. (He throws a fireball.) What's the matter? Are you okay?", "Paige: How did you do that?", "Cole: Do what?", "Paige: Just admit it, you're a demon, just tell the truth.", "Cole: Paige, I can't believe you'd even think that. You're the one who's acting strange. If you keep this up, you're gonna hurt yourself.", "(Cole walks towards.)", "Paige: Stay away from me! (She crawls to the corner.) I'm gonna tell Phoebe.", "Cole: Oh, come on. You don't really think your sisters would leave me alone with you if I was evil?", "Paige: Stay away from me.", "Cole: You really think Phoebe would've married me if I was a demon? (Fire images show up in Cole's eyes. Cole's phone rings. He answers it.) Hello?", "Phoebe: Hey. Did you say something about a honeymoon suite for tonight?", "Cole: Does that mean you found Karen?", "Phoebe: Yes. We found her, we saved her, we even saved her job. She's fine. The only thing is she doesn't remember anything that happened today.", "Cole: Perfect.", "Phoebe: What?", "Cole: Well, that means she can't expose you guys as witches. You know what? If we hurry, we can still make late check in.", "Phoebe: Oh, but I don't have anything to wear.", "Cole: I can pack for you. I know what I like.", "Phoebe: I bet you do. Okay, I'll meet you there.", "Cole: Hey, wait-wait-wait. Why don't you tell Leo and Piper to orb straight to Hawaii, don't even bother packing. You never know when the next demon's gonna attack.", "Phoebe: I'll tell them. You just hurry. Bye.", "(Cole hangs up. Paige runs towards Cole and flames surround him. She stops. The flames disappear. Paige cries.)", "Paige: Stop it. Why are you doing this?", "Cole: What's the matter? Seeing things?", "(He leaves the attic. Paige starts throwing things around the room. She throws her hands out and she zaps a dollhouse. She looks at her hands, sits on the floor and continues to cry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Paige storms downstairs. She walks into the living room and throws something off the table as she passes.]", "Paige: I know you're here. I'll find you. (She turns around and zaps a mirror. She sees a photo of Cole and Phoebe and zaps it.)", "[Cut to a hotel room. Phoebe and Cole are on the bed feeding food to each other.]", "Phoebe: I love you.", "Cole: Mm, I had a feeling.", "Phoebe: And here I thought all this time I was being so subtle. (Paige orbs in.) Oh my god, Paige. (Paige tries to zap Cole.) The power brokers got to her. There's potion in my purse. (They get off the bed. Cole goes to Phoebe's purse.)", "Paige: He's evil.", "Phoebe: Paige, don't do this, fight it.", "(Paige goes to zap Cole but Phoebe kicks her arm. Cole drops the potion on the floor. Paige tries to zap Cole again but misses. Phoebe holds onto Paige's arms.)", "Paige: He's evil. I have to stop him.", "Phoebe: Leo! Leo!", "(Leo and Piper orb in, wearing lei's.)", "Piper: This better be... (she sees what's happening) good.", "Leo: Look at her eyes.", "(Paige struggles to get out of Phoebe's grip. Piper walks over and hits Paige over the head with a candlestick.)", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper, wh-wh...", "Piper: What? This is what Whitelighters are for. Where's the potion?", "(Leo tries to heal Paige.)", "Cole: It's broken.", "Piper: Oh, okay, well, there's more at the manor.", "Cole: No, there's not actually. Paige broke that one too.", "Piper: Wh-what do you mean? That took forever to make. Should could die if we have to make more.", "Phoebe: How did we not notice?", "Piper: Oh, she was talking about not trusting Cole. It didn't occur to me that she might be infected. This is all my fault.", "Phoebe: No, it's not your fault, it's no one's fault. (Phoebe goes over to Paige.) Leo, she's burning up.", "Leo: I tried to heal her, I can't.", "Piper: Well, what are we supposed to do? Just stand here and watch her die?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. Not again.", "(She looks at Cole.)", "Cole: This is a way. We need to find a power broker to pull it out of her.", "Piper: I blew him up.", "Cole: There's others. You'll have to orb me underground.", "Phoebe: We'll all go.", "Cole: No, it's too dangerous. You never know what kind of powers they might have. Besides, your powers might not work too well down there.", "Phoebe: Cole, you don't have any powers.", "Piper: Cole, there's no time to argue, we're going.", "Phoebe: I'm gonna get dressed.", "[Cut to the underworld. Three power brokers are sitting around a table swapping powers.]", "Power Broker #2: So, I'll give you an energy ball for a lightning bolt.", "Power Broker #3: -----.", "(Leo and Cole peek around the corner.)", "Leo: What are they doing?", "Cole: Trading powers.", "Leo: So what do we do?", "Cole: I don't know.", "(Piper and Phoebe walk around the corner.)", "Piper: We barge in. Get Paige.", "Cole: Wait, wait, wait.", "(They walk in.)", "Piper: Sorry to interrupt, but I think one of you may have misplaced a power.", "Cole: (to Leo) I'll get her, you get ready to orb them out of here.", "Power Broker #2: Who are you?", "Piper: We're the Charmed Ones. And one of you jack asses infected our sister.", "Phoebe: (to Piper) It's gonna be pretty hard to tell which jack ass though, huh.", "Piper: So, here's the deal. We'll spare your lives if you pull your skanky little power out of her.", "(Cole carries Paige in.)", "Power Broker #2: The power of the Charmed Ones lies in the power of three. You're one witch down.", "Phoebe: Um, you sure you wanna test that theory?", "(A lightning bolt comes out of his hand, missing them.)", "Piper: Too bad. You lose.", "(Piper tries to blow him up.)", "Cole: Told you about your powers down here.", "Leo: Let's get out of here.", "Piper: Keep in mind that that was just a warning. Next time I'll use full force.", "(Two power brokers kneel down.)", "Power Broker #3: Forgive us. We'll do whatever you ask.", "Phoebe: See, that's more like it, right there.", "(Cole's eyes turn black and the power brokers see.)", "Power Broker #2: What the hell are you doing?", "(One of the power brokers throw an energy ball at him.)", "Piper: What are you waiting for?", "(The power brokers remove the power out of Paige. She wakes up and stands up.)", "Paige: Where am I?", "Phoebe: You're gonna be okay, sweetie.", "Leo: Now can we get out of here?", "Piper: Wait. (Piper blows up all the power balls on the table.) I had enough power to do that, eh?", "(They leave, except Cole.)", "Cole: Shh.", "[Scene: Underground. A cave. Cole is there. The Seer walks in.]", "Seer: Why would you save Paige after everything you do to destroy her?", "Cole: They would've found a way to save her anyway. This way I get the credit.", "Seer: Did you do it for credit? Or love? I supposed there's some things even the Source can't defeat.", "Cole: Careful.", "Seer: I am, but are you? We have worked too hard to let a nugget of humanity destroy a legacy of evil.", "Cole: Paige has no memory. She's not a threat to us anymore.", "Seer: I'm not talking about her, I'm talking about Cole. His the one threat neither one of us can control. He saved Paige not you.", "Cole: I'm not concerned. There'll be nothing he can do once Phoebe's pregnant. Is she? (The Seer looks into the future.) Well?", "Seer: I see conflicting futures. Only time will tell.", "(She disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Phoebe are sitting at a table. Paige comes over and sits down.]", "Paige: I can't believe I destroyed the house.", "Phoebe: What I can't believe is what you almost saw in the hotel room. If you had gotten there five minutes earlier...", "Piper: Lalala! Over sharing.", "(Karen approaches the table.)", "Phoebe: Hey, Karen!", "Karen: Oh, I'd hope I'd find you here.", "Paige: Do we know her?", "Piper: Oh, your memory really is shot.", "Karen: Um, you told fearful Merrin to get a dog.", "Phoebe: Yeah, oh, I know, I know, it seemed right at the time, you know, so she didn't have to...", "Karen: I would've told her to get a therapist and a life.", "Piper: See, this is what I said.", "Karen: Hers was better.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Karen: It was proactive, it was non-judgmental. The whole column had a freshness and a passion that it hasn't had for a really long time.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Karen: And I'm gonna tell Elise that you wrote it.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, Karen, don't do that. I mean, she'll fire you then.", "Karen: And my guess is she'll hire you. If you think you can handle working for that witch.", "Piper: Hm, I thought of her as more of a demon.", "Phoebe: Oh, shh.", "Karen: Well, either, I hate her. And even though I'm not sure what happened today, I just feel like I wanna spend more time at home with my kid. So I wanna say thanks, for everything.", "(Karen leaves.)", "Phoebe: That is very sweet.", "Paige: What just happened there?", "Piper: I think Phoebe just got a job.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: I can't. Can I?", "Piper: Phoebe, somebody is going to pay you to tell other people what to do. Shut up and be happy. (They pick up their drinks.) To Phoebe. May you never give any lethal advice.", "Paige: And to Piper, may you actually get to go on your honeymoon tomorrow.", "Phoebe: And to Paige...", "Paige: May I never try to kill you again.", "Piper: You're not really a Halliwell until you've gone demonic on your sisters at least twice.", "Phoebe: Actually, she didn't go demonic on us, she went demonic on Cole.", "Piper: You say tomato, and I say...", "Phoebe: Karen already hated Elise. That's why Elise became the object of Karen's demonic rage. Which also means that you already hated Cole.", "Paige: No, I don't hate Cole, Phoebe. I just don't trust him. I don't know why I feel that way, I just, I don't. I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: Yeah. So am I.", "(Phoebe walks away. Piper gets up and follows her.)" ]
The Fifth Halliwheel
Alien Stalker
[ "When a pair of brothers who served in World War 2 with Leo return and seek revenge on Leo for their deaths, he has no choice to do what they want before the brothers hurt everyone he loves. Cole begins to plot with the Seer and a new demonic assistant to find a way to get Phoebe to move out of the Manor and into their own place in order to break the Power of Three." ]
[ "Story by: Doug E. Jones", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Phoebe and Cole are there. Phoebe is sitting at the table typing on the laptop. Paige races in. Piper holds out a plate.]", "Piper: Wheatgerm pancakes?", "Paige: Ah, bagel.", "(She grabs a bagel.)", "Piper: Bagel?", "Cole: Has anyone seen my deposition papers? I though they were in this folder with the cream cheese thing.", "(He holds up a folder with cream cheese spread over it.)", "Paige: Try the one with the jelly stain.", "Cole: Okay. (He picks it up.) I got it, thanks. Phoebe, don't forget my law firm's having a party tonight. I wanna show off my new bride.", "Phoebe: If I could finish my work here, that would be great.", "Piper: Cole, pancakes?", "Cole: Trying to watch my cholesterol.", "Piper: How about you, Phoebe? I know you want some of these.", "Phoebe: No, you know what I want? I want quiet. My advice column is due today.", "Piper: No pancakes?", "Phoebe: No pancakes. But, shh, with syrup on it would be good.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Piper: Oh, Leo, just in time for some delicious wheatgerm pancakes.", "Leo: Uh, no, I don't have time. I just came to get my toolbox.", "Piper: Alright, you know what? I'm not cooking for you people anymore. From now on you're all on your own. (Piper walks behind Paige. Cole flicks his hand and the toaster pops up.)", "Paige: My bagel.", "(She turns around, bumps into Piper and Piper drops the plate of pancakes.)", "Piper: Ohh.", "Phoebe: Can everybody please be quiet! (The laptop beeps.) Oh, no. My battery died.", "(Cole looks at the smoke alarm and it beeps.)", "Leo: Smoke alarm.", "(Leo levitates up to the smoke alarm to try and turn it off. Cole leans next to Phoebe.)", "Cole: You know, you'd get all the quiet you want if we had our own place. (Leo turns off the fire alarm and levitates back to the floor. Cole kisses Phoebe.) Gotta go. I'm meeting my new personal assistant today. Bye.", "Phoebe: And I am off to quieter pastures.", "(She grabs her stuff and leave the kitchen. Leo sighs.)", "Piper: Honey, you look tired.", "Leo: I've been working double shifts. The Elders have been piling it on me ever since you guys took out the Source.", "Paige: What's with the toolbox?", "Piper: Leo poses as a heavenly handyman, it's actually how we met.", "Paige: Ooh.", "Leo: The Elders want me to check out a potential Whitelighter. She's a school teacher about to fall off the path, she needs some inspiration.", "Piper: Speaking of inspiration, it's the 60th anniversary of the battle of Guadalcanal and they're having a reunion for local veterans, so I RSVP'd for you.", "Leo: Piper, I can't be seen there.", "Piper: Well, no, it's okay, I told them that you were your grandson.", "Leo: Well, that's not it. I-I don't want to go. You would've known that if you would've asked me or talked to me about it instead of just making decisions for me.", "(He grabs his toolbox and orbs out.)", "[Scene: A library. A woman is sitting at a table sorting through some letters. Two ghosts are in the room watching her.]", "Ghost #1: I bet she scares easy. Can I scare her?", "Ghost #2: No.", "Ghost #1: Come on, Rick. Just let me moan once. One of those bone chilling moans, you know, could be the wind, could be a ghost.", "Rick: Just watch her.", "Ghost #1: We've been watching this place for about sixty years, man. We're never gonna find what we're looking for. I swear, sometimes I don't know why I stay here with you.", "Rick: Because I stay with you, bro. I promised to protect you when we enlisted and I failed. I'm not gonna fail again.", "Woman: Well, this is something.", "(She lady hold up a letter. The ghosts move closer.)", "Rick: Leo Wyatt's grandson is gonna attend the reunion with his wife. I told you one of them would show up eventually.", "Ghost #1: Well, let's go. What's the address?", "Rick: Can't see it. Lean back, granny.", "Ghost #1: Can I scare her now? (He moans and the woman gets scared. She jumps up out of her chair.) 1329 Prescott Street. Let's go.", "Rick: Not yet. You've had your fun, now let me show you how it's done. (He starts typing on the computer keyboard and the woman sees. \"I am coming for you\" shows up on the screen over and over. The blinds on the window open and close, the papers fly around the room, and books fall off the shelf. She starts screaming and runs for the door. Rick pokes his head through the door.) Boo!", "(She screams and runs out the other door and down the hallway. Rick runs out of the room.)", "Ghost #1: Rick, Rick, wait! (Rick stops.) We're after Wyatt, we're not after her.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe is there typing on the laptop. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Phoebe, have you seen my keys anywhere?", "Phoebe: No.", "Paige: Ugh!", "(Piper walks in and sits down.)", "Piper: Leo is not answering my call.", "Paige: Is it an emergency?", "Piper: No. But I just wanna talk to him so I can figure out why he's so mad at me. I mean, I can't believe it's just because he doesn't want to go to the reunion.", "Paige: Maybe because it's because, I don't know, he died at Guadalcanal.", "Piper: Yeah, but he died a hero. Although, come to think of it, he doesn't really talk about it very much. Phoebe. (She continues to type on the laptop.) Phoebe, come on, what do you think?", "Phoebe: I think, Piper, that I came in here to get away from all the chatter. (She closes the laptop.) Okay, I have a deadline. (She gets up and pulls out the plug.) I am working Phoebe.", "(Paige looks between the couch cushions.)", "Paige: Ah, found 'em! (She sees Ghost #1 standing on the stairs.) Ah! Who are you?", "Ghost #1: What? Wait, you can see me?", "Paige: More like through you.", "(Piper goes to Paige.)", "Piper: Paige, stand back. Phoebe?", "Phoebe: What? (Ghost #1 disappears. Phoebe walks in.) We just saw a ghost, that's what.", "Paige: Yeah, my first one too. I mean, that I wasn't related to. It was kind of cool.", "Piper: No, not cool. Unless he was friendly which considering who we are and what we do probably not.", "Phoebe: This is great. This is exactly what I need today. What do we do?", "Piper: You go back to your deadline. I'll go get the book and brush up on my ghost busting.", "Paige: No-no-no. I'll go do it.", "Piper: You just said you were late for work.", "Paige: Yeah, but I mean, he's a ghost. Who knows where he came from, what era. He's like a piece of man hunk history.", "Piper: Knock yourself out.", "(Paige leaves the room. Piper walks over and picks up a photo of Leo in his army uniform.)", "[Cut to the memorial hall. Rick is staring at a photo of Leo which is pinned to the hall of honor. His brother appears and walks over to him.]", "Rick: Reek on report.", "Ghost #1: Well, Wyatt's grandson is definitely living the good life.", "Rick: Not for long.", "Ghost #1: Not so fast, Rick. His wife was there. And she could see me.", "Rick: The witch?", "Ghost #1: Plus two sisters. For a grand total of three witches. Listen, Rick, I was thinking maybe we should just forget about this.", "Rick: Forget about what? What Wyatt did to us? The fact he trapped us in this hell on earth? You wanna forget him? No way. The grandson's gonna pay for what the grandfather did to us.", "(Rick pulls off Leo's photo off the wall and it smashes on the floor.)", "Ghost #1: Someday you're gonna have to show me how you did that.", "(A guard walks in and looks around.)", "Rick: No time like the present. Some say hatred can harden the heart. (He walks towards the guard.) I've found that it can also harden the body.", "(Rick becomes visible and the guard gasps.)", "Guard: Whoa.", "(Rick grabs a bayonet and stabs the guard with it. The guard falls to the floor.", "Rick: Now it's your turn, Nathan. Focus on everything that Wyatt stole from us. Our life, our family, our future. (Nathan closes his eyes.) Feel the hatred. Now bring it to the surface.", "(Nathan turns visible.)", "Nathan: I did it.", "Rick: Now, take the bayonet. You'll need the practice. 'Cause with witches around we're gonna have to be at the top of our game.", "[Scene: Cole's office. Cole is there interviewing a beautiful, blonde woman.]", "Cole: What kind of legal documents did you draft as a paralegal?", "Woman: Discovery, administrative, pre-trial, trial, motions, pleadings.", "Cole: What's your dictations be?", "Woman: One hundred and twenty words a minute.", "Cole: How fast can you shimmer across town?", "Woman: Thirty miles in two seconds.", "Cole: Demonic powers?", "Woman: Fireballs, shape shifting.", "Cole: Your last kill?", "Woman: Two years ago.", "Cole: Two years ago, why so long?", "Woman: Killing's messy. My services are usually a little more discreet.", "Cole: I'll give you a trial run... Julie. I'm trying to separate my wife from the harmful influence of her sisters.", "Julie: The Charmed Ones.", "Cole: It's very important for me to keep Phoebe away from them. She might be pregnant with my son.", "Julie: You almost say that like you love her.", "(He glances at a picture of him and Phoebe on his desk.)", "Cole: Apart of me does, unfortunately. Anyway, (he walks around his desk) my plan is more insidious than avert. I set off the fire alarm this morning, I'll cut the power off this afternoon, whatever it takes to make Phoebe's home feel cramped and unliveable.", "Julie: And seduce her with a promise of a better life?", "Cole: Exactly. But it takes caution, focus. I need someone to cover me at work, watch my back.", "Julie: Well, I'll watch whatever part you want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The school teacher's house. Leo is there fixing a kitchen sink.]", "Teacher: He couldn't believe I suspended him but what could I do? He brought a knife into my classroom. Now he's threatening me, says he knows where I live.", "Leo: See, that's why I'm a plumber. Pipes are a lot easier to deal with than kids today.", "Teacher: I always wanted to be a teacher, but not at the cost of my life. That's why I've decided to quit.", "Leo: That's too bad. With all the good you're gonna do in this world, gone forever.", "Teacher: Going to do?", "Leo: I mean, can do.", "(Water starts spurting out of a pipe.)", "Teacher: I don't want to quit. I just don't have the courage to stay.", "(Leo heals the pipe and the water stops spurting out.)", "Leo: Well, the only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next. Maybe you should just focus on that.", "Teacher: You bill as a plumber or a therapist?", "Leo: Ah, whatever it takes to stop the leak. (He stands up.) Which by the way, is healed. I mean, sealed.", "Teacher: What do I owe you?", "Leo: This one's on the house.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper and Paige are there. Paige is looking through the Book of Shadows while Piper is going through some of Leo's stuff. Phoebe's in the dining room typing on the laptop.]", "Paige: Did you know there's a potion in here to vanquish ghosts?", "Piper: Yeah, uh, you pour it over their bones. We used it a couple of years ago. That's weird, look at this.", "(She holds up a medal.)", "Paige: What is it?", "Piper: Leo's medal of honour. And it's just stuffed in his old army file like it doesn't mean anything.", "Paige: Aww, maybe he's just being humble.", "Piper: No, it's not that, it's something else. I know it, I know him.", "Phoebe: There's also a spell to vanquish ghosts. It should be in the book somewhere.", "Paige: Oh, yeah, it's in here alright. The only problem is, it that you have to be a ghost yourself to say it. Which is fairly lame. (The power goes off.) Uh, not again.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, no, no. I didn't save any of it. I just lost half my document.", "Piper: Alright, relax, I'll check the circuit breaker.", "Phoebe: I really need to get my own place.", "Piper: Sorry?", "Phoebe: Nothing. (Phoebe walks into the kitchen and picks up the phone. She dials a number.)", "Julie: Cole Turner's office.", "Phoebe: Hi, who's this?", "Julie: I'm Julie, Mr. Turner's new assistant. Who's this?", "Phoebe: I'm Phoebe, Mr. Turner's new wife.", "Julie: Oh, really? I didn't realise he was married.", "Phoebe: Yeah, he is and I really need to talk to him, it's very important.", "(Piper walks in and grabs a flashlight out of a drawer.)", "Julie: I'm afraid he's not in his office. Can I take a message?", "(Piper walks into the basement.)", "Phoebe: No, I'm sorry, you can't. But he said he'd be in the office all day and I really, really need to talk to him right away.", "[Cut to the basement. Piper walks down the stairs. Cole peeks around from behind the door.]", "Phoebe's Voice: (on phone) Hi, baby. (Cole gets a shock.) What, did you hire your new assistant on the spot? Well, you could've at least told her that you were married. (Cole peeks into the kitchen, confused.) Look, I hate to bother you, but I was kind of hoping that you could help me.", "(The lights come back on.)", "Piper: Power's on!", "(Cole flames out.)", "[Cut to his office. He flames in. Julie is there talking on the phone to Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: I just can't get any work done here, and I am so pushing my deadline.", "Julie: (in Cole's voice) What can I do?", "Phoebe: I can't get to the office, right, because they're painting it. So I was wondering if...", "Julie: (Cole's voice) I knew of a place you could work? As a matter of fact I do.", "Cole: Why don't you meet me at the towers in twenty minutes.", "Phoebe: The towers where the party is tonight?", "Cole: Yeah, but that's tonight. Nobody's using them today.", "Phoebe: Okay. Sounds good.", "Cole: (whispers to Julie) Drived.", "Phoebe: I'll see you there. Thanks.", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe hangs up.]", "Phoebe: Uh, call me on my cell if you need anything. Okay, I've gotta go.", "(Phoebe leaves and Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Nice job with the lights, sis.", "Piper: I can't figure out what keeps tripping the breaker.", "Paige: Maybe it's a ghost. (She holds up a photo.) Found this in the file. The guy to the left of Leo. Does he look familiar? That's our ghost. He was killed in action. His brother's on the right. They died the same day as Leo. Could be a reunion he wants to avoid having.", "Piper: Leo? Leo, I mean it this time.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: What? What is it? (Piper shows him the photo.) Nathan.", "Piper: Yeah, we just met him. He looked pretty good, a little transparent, but otherwise he looked pretty good. For a dead guy. Talk to me.", "Leo: There's nothing to talk about.", "Rick: Hey, Wyatt. (Piper and Paige back away from the voice. Rick and Nathan walk through the wall.) You're right, little brother. He is the spitting image of his grandfather.", "(Rick grabs a kitchen knife.)", "Leo: Rick, don't!", "(Rick throws the knife, hitting Leo in the chest. Leo falls to the floor.)", "Nathan: Rick? How did he know your name?", "(Leo pulls out the knife and the wound heals itself.)", "Rick: Leo.", "Leo: I can explain.", "(Leo gets up.)", "Nathan: Rick, let's go. Rick, come on, let's go!", "(They disappear into the wall.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Leo: I can't believe they've been holding on this long just to hurt me.", "Paige: What I don't understand is why they're not transparent anymore. I mean, other than the walking through walls thing, they kind of seem normal to me.", "Leo: They've been practising. Corporealising so they can move things.", "Piper: Yeah, like butcher knives.", "Leo: Well, they're holding onto their pain, that's what keeps them from moving on.", "Piper: Their pain? Leo, they just tried to kill you.", "Paige: Yeah, lucky they're not Darklighters otherwise you would've been killed. Again.", "Leo: You don't understand, we were friends. We grew up together down in Burlingame. I went to school with Nathan. When the war came we made a deal with our recruitment officer that we would enlist as long as they kept us in the same unit.", "Paige: You were close.", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: So, um, what do they think you did?", "Leo: We just got transferred onto the island. We got ambushed outside the air field. Heavy artillery, order fire. They couldn't keep up with the injuries, the bodies. And I heard Rick's voice.", "[Flashback. The war is happening. Bombs and guns are going off in the distance. Rick carries Nathan away from the bombs and puts him on the ground.]", "Rick: Leo! Leo! Leo, get over here quick! Get over here! Nathan's been hit.", "Leo: (to a soldier) Stabilise his leg. Get him on the jeep. Go! Go! Go! Go!", "(Leo runs over to Rick and Nathan.)", "Rick: It's bad isn't it?", "Leo: What hit him?", "Rick: Mortar frag hit us with heavy artillery, out of nowhere. All battalions down.", "(An explosion goes off near them.)", "Leo: We've gotta get him inside.", "Rick: Yeah.", "(They pick him up and carry over to a stretcher.)", "Leo: Medical tent! Get the sulfa powder. We've gotta stop the bleeding, he's going into shock. How many soldiers down out there?", "Rick: I don't know, they hit us so hard. Maybe fifteen or twenty, I don't know.", "Leo: I need a morphine kit.", "(The nurse hands him the kit.)", "Rick: You've gotta help him. He needs you, we both need you.", "Leo: Is there a medic out in the field?", "Rick: I don't know, I don't know.", "Leo: Rookinson, try to stabilise him.", "(He grabs a bag.)", "Rick: What are you doing?", "Leo: To go help those out in the field.", "Rick: What?", "Leo: Rookinson will take care of him.", "Rick: No-no-no, you're gonna take care of him. That's Nathan on that bench.", "Leo: Look, there's men dying on that field and nobody to take care of them!", "Rick: You're gonna chose them over us?!", "Leo: I'm sorry.", "(Leo runs away.)", "Rick: We're your friends! Nathan's gonna die! Don't let him die...", "(A bomb hits the tent and kills everyone near it.)", "[Cut back to the manor. Leo is crying.]", "Leo: I should've stayed. I should've tried to save Nathan and get him outta there.", "Piper: Then you would've all died in the tent. And all the guys in the field that you did save would've died too. You did the right thing.", "Paige: And Leo, god sakes, you were awarded the medal of honor, posthumously I might add.", "Leo: I didn't deserve it.", "Piper: Right, so I suppose you didn't deserve to be a Whitelighter for sacrificing your life to save others.", "Leo: Were those lives anymore important? Then Nathan's or Rick's? Or anyone else in that tent? You know, a good friend put his life in my hands and I left him to die. All the good that I've done since then, can't erase that fact. Maybe I didn't deserve to become a Whitelighter.", "Paige: Hey, news flash, friends don't kill each other, okay. I say we douse their dusty bones with our magic potion and vanquish their sorry asses.", "Leo: No, you can't do that. They didn't do anything wrong.", "Piper: Okay, so what do you suggest?", "Leo: If I could talk to them, make them understand why I did what I did. Then maybe they can move on.", "Piper: Maybe you all can. We need to find where they were buried so we can summon them. Before they try to hurt anybody else.", "Paige: Yeah, like us.", "[Scene: The memorial hall. Rick and Nathan are there.]", "Rick: A Whitelighter. I still can't believe they made him a frickin' angel. I mean, how can they reward him for turning his back on his friends.", "Nathan: Yeah. But did you see the look on his face when he saw us. Guilt. Total guilt. At least he knows he's living a lie built on our corpses.", "Rick: So what? Who cares? I still want him dead! (He throws a chair at a glass display case.)", "Nathan: You can't kill a Whitelighter.", "Rick: Maybe not. But we can hurt him. By taking the things that (he knocks over a shelf) he holds dear. Make him dread his eternal life, punish him, make him feel like the fraud he is. By killing those he loves. Who knows, maybe then, we will be able to kill him. (He tips over a table.) Pay back is a witch.", "[Scene: An apartment building. Phoebe and Cole walk into a large, beautiful apartment.]", "Phoebe: Wow! Are you kidding me?", "Cole: The firm leases it for parties, retreats, special occasions. I think you qualify.", "Phoebe: It's so big, and beautiful, and big. (She giggles.)", "Cole: Wait, listen.", "Phoebe: What? I don't hear anything.", "Cole: Exactly. The caterer's aren't coming until four so you can use it till then.", "Phoebe: And you're sure you won't get in trouble?", "Cole: I'm already in trouble, I'm in love.", "(She hits him playfully. She sits at a table.)", "Phoebe: Um, I have to ask you a question. Were you serious this morning when you suggested that we get a place of our own together?", "Cole: What do you think?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Branching a Halliwell away from the manor... it's never been done before.", "Cole: I like a challenge.", "Phoebe: It's not that I don't want to, it's just, how do I break up the power of three?", "(Cole sits down.)", "Cole: You guys don't have to keep living together to be charmed. Not anymore. The Source is dead, Leo can orb you back at a moments notice, so can Paige for that matter. If we don't do it now, then when?", "Phoebe: Piper'll kill me.", "Cole: The manor's too crowded. There's not enough room, hell there's not enough electricity.", "Phoebe: Or privacy.", "Cole: Well, just enjoy your peace here today. (He heads for the elevator.) We'll talk more tonight at the party.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, the party, I totally forgot. I didn't bring anything to wear.", "Cole: Don't worry, you just concentrate on your advice column. I'll take care of everything, I promise. (The elevator opens and Julie is there. Cole walks in and closes the elevator doors.)", "Julie: Going down?", "Cole: My wife needs a dress for the party tonight.", "(Julie spins around and her suit turns into a black dress.)", "Julie: Something like this?", "Cole: Classy, but too safe. I want Phoebe noticed. (Julie spins around again and the dress turns into a red singlet top showing a lot of cleavage and a mini skirt.) Not that noticed. (Julie spins again and the red outfit changes into a long black skirt and holtertop.) Perfect.", "Julie: Thank you. You sure you don't wanna see that red number again?", "Cole: Just save it, okay. I'm not interested, I'm a one woman demon.", "Julie: You're the boss.", "Cole: I'll be in touch.", "(Cole flames out and Julie shimmers out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Paige hangs up the phone.]", "Paige: Found them. Rick and Nathan Lang, buried November 22nd, 1942 at the local V.A.", "(She walks into the living room where Piper and Leo are.)", "Piper: Okay, where's the book? We need the summoning spell.", "Paige: Already ahead of you. (She holds up a piece of paper.) Who are you gonna call?", "Piper: Cute. Lets go.", "(The Elders call Leo.)", "Leo: Wait, something's wrong. It's Maria, the teacher, she's in trouble. I have to go to her.", "(Rick and Nathan pop their head through the wall.)", "Paige: But what about the ghosts? I thought we had to find them before they hurt someone else.", "Leo: If something happens to one of my charges...", "Piper: No-no, it's okay. Um, go, and-and just meet us there when you're done. It's all gonna be okay. (Leo orbs out.) Let's go.", "[Cut to outside. Rick and Nathan stop looking inside.]", "Nathan: Should we wait for the sisters to separate?", "Rick: No, we can take care of them later. We're following Wyatt.", "Nathan: Wyatt? Why?", "Rick: Because nothing pushes a Whitelighter over the edge faster than losing a charge. Let's go.", "(They disappear.)", "[Cut to Maria's place. Maria and a teenage boy are there. The boy is pointing a knife at her.]", "Teenage Boy: I told you, lady, I told you. Don't sweat me!", "(Leo comes in.)", "Leo: Easy.", "Maria: Leo.", "Teenage Boy: Who are you? The boyfriend? Oh, you've come just in time to see the show. Sit down, clown, there's a front row seat.", "Leo: Alright, listen, just put the knife down and we can talk about this.", "(He swings the knife at Leo and grabs him.)", "Teenage Boy: You wanna talk, chump?", "Maria: Greg, don't.", "Greg: You diss me, teach. Got me in a whole lotta trouble here, now somebody's gonna pay.", "Leo: (to Maria) Don't be afraid. Teach.", "Greg: Shut up. Shut up. You're the one who should be afraid right about now.", "Maria: Stop it, Greg, don't be stupid.", "Greg: Stupid. Is that what I am?", "Maria: If you hurt him you will be. It'll be the stupidest thing you've ever done and there won't be any coming back from it. You're life will be over.", "Greg: My life is already over!", "Maria: No, it's not, not yet. It takes more courage to put down that knife than to use it. Believe me. (She holds out her hand.) Give me the knife, Greg.", "Greg: You'll call the police.", "Maria: No I won't. (Greg drops the knife and runs out of the apartment.) Are you alright?", "Leo: Yeah, I think so. You did a good job teaching him a lesson.", "Maria: Thanks to you.", "Leo: What did I do?", "Maria: Help me remember why I wanted to be a teacher.", "(Rick appears and picks up the knife.)", "Leo: No! (Rick stabs Maria in the back.) Maria! (Nathan appears and holds Leo back.)", "Rick: You will watch her die just like you watched us die.", "Leo: No! Maria! No. (Maria's spirit floats out of her body.) Let go! Don't, fight it.", "Nathan: Her blood is on your hands.", "(They let Leo go and Leo crawls over to Maria. He tries to heal her.)", "Leo: Maria. Why? She didn't do anything! She was innocent!", "Rick: So were we!", "(Rick and Nathan disappear.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper and Paige walk in through the front door.]", "Piper: Okay, you can get the vanquishing spell and I'll get (yells) Leo!", "Paige: Uh, don't you mean potion? Remember, the spell only works if you're dead.", "Piper: Right. Spell potion, whatever. Leo!", "Paige: So does that mean we're not interested in helping them move on?", "Piper: To hell maybe. That's what they deserve. We went to the VA to help misguided ghosts, not killer ghosts.", "Paige: We don't know for sure that they killed that guard. Vanquishing potion, I'm on it.", "(Phoebe stands on the stairs wearing the black outfit.)", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What's the matter? Don't you recognise me? What do you think?", "Paige: You look beautiful.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Piper: Wow, Cole is kinda splurging lately, huh?", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I am not complaining. I enjoy being the bell of the ball.", "Piper: Well, sorry, Cinderella, the ball's been cancelled. We have killer ghosts.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: You're kidding? You are not kidding. Okay, well, is it possible that you guys can maybe handle this without me?", "Paige: Phoebe, they tried to kill Leo.", "Phoebe: What?", "Paige: Grudge from the past. Ugh, I'll go do the potion.", "Phoebe: Okay, and I will call Cole and tell him no to the party. I guess I can tell him no to anything.", "(She picks up the phone.)", "Piper: What's that supposed to mean?", "Phoebe: Nothing, nothing. Cole wants us to get our own place.", "Paige: What, you mean move out?", "Phoebe: Yeah, you know, like normal married couples do.", "Piper: We didn't.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but you're not normal.", "Piper: Neither are you.", "Phoebe: Look, I don't wanna fight about this, but I just don't like the feeling that sometimes I have to choose between my sisters and my husband.", "Piper: It's not about that and you know it.", "Phoebe: How long are we all gonna stay here? You know, another year? Another five years? Another fifty years? At what point do we move on with our lives and not let evil dictate with them?", "Piper: You're right. Go to your party. We'll take care of the ghosts.", "Phoebe: Uh, you hate me right now.", "Piper: No, I don't.", "Paige: Yes she does.", "Piper: Look, we can talk about this later. Right now you need to go take care of your man and I need to take care of mine. It's as simple as that. We don't need the power of three to do this.", "(Phoebe heads for the door.)", "Paige: (to Piper) You know, I've got a bone to pick with you. Seeing as how you practically forced me to move in here.", "Piper: Where's Leo? I already called for him twice. Leo! You're half-Whitelighter, see if you can sense him.", "Paige: Sense him? I've never done that before.", "Piper: Well, try now.", "(Paige closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them.)", "Paige: I think he's in trouble.", "Piper: Well, go find him. Now.", "[Cut to Maria's place. Leo is sitting on the floor beside Maria, crying. Paige orbs in.]", "Paige: Leo.", "Leo: I tried to stop them but I couldn't.", "Paige: Okay, come on. Come on. Let's get up. (She pulls him away from Maria.) Let's go over here. That's it. (They sit on the couch.) Okay, what happened?", "Leo: They're getting even with me. They killed her because of me.", "Paige: Who? Rick and Nathan?", "Leo: Because I left them to die. They're making me pay. (He cries.)", "Paige: Come on, let's get you home.", "Leo: I don't have my powers anymore.", "Paige: What happened?", "Leo: I can't orb or heal.", "Paige: But how?", "Leo: It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have been given them in the first place.", "Paige: That is not true. Your powers must be tied to your emotions like ours. That means you can get them back. You just have to pick yourself up. Don't let them defeat you. You are not responsible for their actions.", "Leo: Aren't I? They're ghosts because of me. Their rage comes from something that I did. If I can just give myself to them.", "Paige: They'd kill you. Because without your powers you're defenceless, like a mortal. Okay, we've got to get you home.", "Leo: No! Nobody else is gonna die because of me. You understand? These are my demons, not yours!", "Paige: Okay, just, just give me a minute. I-I am gonna go and I'm gonna get Phoebe and Piper, I'll be right back, I promise. Don't leave.", "(Paige orbs out.)", "[Cut to the rooftop of the building. Rick and Nathan are there.]", "Rick: Defenceless as a mortal, huh? We've got him right where we want him.", "Nathan: I don't know, Rick.", "Rick: You don't know? After waiting all this time you're having second thoughts?", "Nathan: No. Just the opposite. It doesn't feel like it's enough just killing him. I want him to suffer first.", "Rick: Follow me.", "(They disappear.)", "[Scene: The apartment where the party is. Cole and Phoebe are dancing.]", "Phoebe: Penny for your thoughts, counsellor.", "Cole: Just that I hope I never disappoint you.", "Phoebe: Mm, I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.", "(A co-worker approaches them.)", "Co-Worker: Ah, welcome aboard, Turner. We're lucky to have you.", "Cole: Thank you.", "(He walks away.)", "Phoebe: Baby, I am so proud of you. You have come so far. Further than any one here in this room could even imagine. Even me, I'm seeing you in a totally different way.", "Cole: We've both come along way. We deserve all of this, and more.", "Phoebe: It's just everything is happening so fast, you know, so many changes. It's a little scary sometimes.", "Cole: So maybe we shouldn't move out of the manor then?", "Phoebe: Mmm, maybe. Now who's disappointing who.", "Cole: You could never disappoint me.", "(They kiss. Paige comes up to them.)", "Paige: Sorry to interrupt.", "Phoebe: Paige, what are you doing here?", "Paige: I thought I'd track you down first, Leo needs our help bad.", "(Phoebe looks at Cole.)", "Cole: By all means. Go.", "(They kiss quickly.)", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Cole: Call me.", "(Phoebe and Paige leave.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper has set up candles and a potion on a table. She puts some things in a pot. Rick appears behind her and grabs a knife. Piper turns around and he throws the knife. Piper freezes it in mid air. She unfreezes it and it drops to the ground.]", "Piper: I'll kill you.", "Rick: That potion only works on my bones. Remember? (Nathan appears behind her. She spins around and he stabs her. She falls to the floor. Rick and Nathan kneel beside her. Rick covers her mouth.) No calling out for help, Mrs. Wyatt, not this time. Not that he can help you anyway.", "Nathan: Rick, let's go, man, let's go.", "Rick: No, no, I wanna enjoy this. Every last beat. (He reaches inside her chest and squeezes onto her heart.) Your husband's next. (Piper stops breathing.) There.", "(Phoebe and Paige run in.)", "Phoebe: Hey!", "Paige: Piper!", "(They race over to her. Phoebe feels for a pulse.)", "Rick: We'll be back.", "(They disappear.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe is using CPR on Piper.]", "Phoebe: Come on, breathe. (Paige orbs in.) Where's Leo?", "Paige: He wasn't at Maria's. Where's the ambulance?", "Phoebe: Still not here.", "Paige: Is she...?", "Phoebe: No, as long as we keep the blood flowing she still has a chance. Put some pressure on her wound please.", "(Paige grabs a towel and puts it on Piper's wound.)", "Leo: Piper!", "Paige: Leo, upstairs, hurry!", "(Leo runs in.)", "Leo: What happened?", "Phoebe: Where have you been?", "Leo: Looking for them.", "(Rick and Nathan appear.)", "Rick: And here we are.", "(Nathan punches Leo and he lands on a table, breaking it. Paige lunges at Rick and he turns invisible. She goes right through him landing into some boxes. She looks up and he slaps her.)", "Rick: You can't hurt us, but we can hurt you.", "(He picks up the knife and aims at Phoebe.)", "Leo: Wait! You don't want them, you want me! You wanna get even, get even with me!", "Rick: You're right. I trusted you with my life and you left me!", "(He punches Leo in the face. Piper's spirit floats out of her body.)", "Piper's Spirit: What's going on?", "Phoebe: Piper?", "(Piper sees her body.)", "Piper's Spirit: Oh. Oh my.", "(Rick and Nathan beat up Leo.)", "Rick: You were our friend and you left us to die.", "Piper's Spirit: Quick, get the book, the spell.", "Phoebe: Which one?", "Paige: The one only a ghost can say.", "(Rick holds a knife above Leo.)", "Nathan: Do it.", "Piper: \"Ashes to ashes...\"", "Nathan: What the hell?", "Piper's Spirit: \"Spirit to spirit, take their souls, banish this evil.\"", "Rick: No.", "(They are vanquished. Piper starts floating up.)", "Piper's Spirit: Uh, little help here, people.", "Paige: Damn it, Leo, do something. You're a Whitelighter for a reason, because you did good things.", "Phoebe: Think of all the lives you've saved, all the good you've done.", "Paige: And all the lives you won't save if you give up now, including your wife's.", "Leo: Piper. (He rushes over to her body.) Come on, damn it, breathe. (He starts CPR.) Don't die, not this way. Because of me.", "(His powers come back and he starts healing her. Her spirit returns to her body and she gasps.)", "Piper: Well, it's about time. (Paige giggles.) That was close. (They hug.) Really close.", "[Scene: The apartment. The party has finished. Cole is there staring out the window. Phoebe walks in.]", "Cole: Everything alright?", "Phoebe: Yes, it's better now. Let's see... Leo lost his powers and then Piper died and it got really dicey when she turned into a ghost but everything worked out.", "Cole: Glad it was nothing serious. (Phoebe laughs and hugs him.) You ready to go home?", "Phoebe: No. Can't we stay a little while longer?", "Cole: Well, we can stay as long as you like. The place is ours.", "Phoebe: Excuse me?", "Cole: The firm's offered it to me. All we have to do is say yes.", "Phoebe: Uh, well, I guess now that Paige can orb to me if something comes up and seeing as we just proved we can still save the day. Hmm... (She looks around.) Yes.", "Cole: Yes?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "(They kiss.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Guadalcanal reunion. Elderly people have gathered in a room. Piper and Leo arrive.]", "Piper: Come on. You belong here.", "Leo: I don't know, I still don't think it's a good idea.", "Piper: Your grandfather would want you to be here.", "(They walk into the room.)", "Elderly Man #1: Hey, you. Dear, god. I'm looking at a ghost.", "Piper: (to Leo) You know him?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Elderly Man #1: You're related to Leo Wyatt, aren't you?", "Piper: Yes, this is his grandson, Leo Wyatt the third.", "Elderly Man #1: Billy, Frank. (Two men stand beside the man.) I want you to meet the grandson of the man who made it possible for you to be born. His grandfather died, saving my life, sixty years ago. You wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for that man.", "Billy: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wyatt. (He shakes Leo's hand.) My dad's been telling stories about your grandpa since I was a boy. I'd like you to meet my family. Hey, guys, come here.", "Elderly Man #1: Franklin, Serdez... (Another two men walk over.) He's kin to Leo Wyatt. He's the one who saved your butts too.", "Franklin: God bless you, son. (He shakes Leo's hand. Other elderly men wander over to Leo and they all shake his hand.)", "Elderly Man #2: A pleasure to meet you.", "Elderly Man #3: Nice meeting you, son.", "(A woman walks over to Piper.)", "Woman: What's going on? Who is that?", "Piper: My hero. (She smiles.)" ]
Saving Private Leo
Alien Stalker
[ "When Cole attempts to unite the underworld before his coronation as the Source, a group of exiled vampires take it upon themselves to kidnap Paige, in an attempt to turn her and as a result, her sisters, vampires so they can claim the evil underworld throne as their own with the help of the Charmed Ones. However, when Cole learns of their plans, he orders that all vampires be killed, and as a result, Paige's life hangs in the balance." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Living room. A demon throws a lightning ball at Piper and she dives over the couch. The demon then throws another at the couch, destroying it.]", "Piper: Paige, where are you! (Paige orbs in with Phoebe.) Look out!", "(The demon is about to throw another lightning ball and Phoebe knocks her arm. The lightning ball hits the piano. The demon punches Phoebe and she flies against the fireplace. Piper runs over and kicks the demon. She gets a spell out of her pocket.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Cause of pain we have dissevered, demon you are gone forever.\"", "(The demon is vanquished.)", "Piper: Sorry to bother you but she was immune to my powers.", "(They stand up.)", "Phoebe: That's okay, I was just getting ready to leave work.", "(Paige notices a scratch on Phoebe's shoulder.)", "Paige: Oh, honey, you're hurt.", "Phoebe: Oh, it's okay, it's just a scratch.", "Piper: How's it going? How's the new place?", "Phoebe: Great, and great. How about you?", "Piper: Can't complain.", "Paige: Ditto.", "Phoebe: It's good to know that we can live apart and still kick some butt if we have to, right? So do I wanna ask about this demon with the bad manicure?", "Piper: Ah, Harpi. Part of a faction. Tried to kill us to move up in the world. You know, pretty standard stuff. You wanna stay for dinner?", "Phoebe: Mm, I would love to but Cole is planning this whole romantic thing for us tonight.", "Piper: Yeah, I just thought, you know, maybe we could talk.", "Phoebe: Why? Are you okay? Is everything okay?", "Piper: Yeah, everything's fine, I just thought maybe we could catch up. Another time.", "Paige: Do you want me to, um, orb you home?", "Phoebe: No, Cole's not so crazy about you orbing in without calling first. Except for emergencies, you know. You understand.", "Paige: Sure. Whatever.", "Phoebe: Okay. I'm gonna go. (There's an awkward silence.) I'll call you guys.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Paige: No orbing?", "Piper: Don't start with the suspicions, Paige. Cole's probably just trying to protect their privacy.", "(Piper walks away.)", "Paige: He's trying to protect something.", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Cole is there having a meeting with about six other demons.]", "Cole: I'm just trying to protect our assets. And the only way to do that is to cut our losses. Consolidate our resources. Keep the competition from killing you. Us.", "Demon #1: Fine, what are you proposing?", "Cole: A merger. Everyone here has some merge enders, right? So, why don't we work together to accomplish them? (A Fury smokes in.) You're late. Sit down. (The Fury and a Grimlock sit at the table.) Where was I?", "Demon #1: You were just encouraging us to hold hands and be friends.", "Cole: It's a new millennium. We need to think of new ways to ensure our own survival. Let's face it, it's a demony demon world out there. Each one of you leads a faction, but that is the problem. You're too busy trying to kill each other. In the end, everyone loses.", "Demon #2: Tell that to the Grimlocks. They tried to vanquish us just last week.", "Grimlock: You had it coming.", "Demon #2: Care to try again.", "(They stand up and face each other.)", "Cole: My point exactly. In fighting has always been our undoing. And I have learnt from the humanity in me, the only way for us to defeat good is to work together to achieve common goals.", "(Demon #2 and the Grimlock sit back down.)", "Demon #1: And who will decide what these goals are? You?", "Cole: Unless someone wants to challenge me. (The elevator dings.) Meeting's adjourned. (The demons shimmer, smoke, etc. out. Cole waves his hand and the table disappears. The elevator door opens. Cole waves his hand once more and a smaller table appears set out with candles. Phoebe walks in.) Hi, honey. You're home early.", "(She smiles.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Cole has served breakfast.]", "Cole: Vegetarian eggwhite omelette just the way you like it.", "(He kisses the top of her head.)", "Phoebe: That's sweet, honey, but I think my stomach has other plans.", "Cole: What's the matter?", "Phoebe: Headache, upset stomach. It's going around right now.", "Cole: So, maybe you should call in sick.", "Phoebe: While so many relationships are in peril? What would San Francisco do without my advice column? I gotta go. (They kiss.) Um, I wanna invite my sisters over for dinner this week. Is that okay?", "Cole: Well, we just moved out.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know, but I wanna show them the place. Besides, I don't want them to think that they're not still part of my life, you know.", "Cole: Fine, just no orbing, alright?", "Phoebe: Already taken care of.", "(He goes to kiss her and sees the scratch on her shoulder.)", "Cole: What happened?", "Phoebe: Oh, nothing, my shoulder just got in the way of a Harpis claw, that's all.", "Cole: A Harpi? You got attacked? Why didn't you tell me?", "Phoebe: Because I didn't think it was that big of a deal, that's why.", "Cole: Well, it is to me! Sorry, I'm sorry. (He puts his arms around her.) It's just I think I deserve to know when my wife gets hurt.", "Phoebe: You're right, you do.", "(They kiss. Julie walks in.)", "Julie: Excuse me, Mr. Turner. Your 9:00 is waiting in the lobby.", "Phoebe: Julie. What are you doing here? You didn't tell me she was here.", "Cole: Well, we're working at the apartment today, they're painting my office. You don't mind do you?", "Phoebe: No, no. Of course not. (They kiss. Julie rolls her eyes.) Make yourself at home.", "Julie: I will, thank you. (Phoebe leaves.) Pretty little witch if you're into that sort of thing.", "Cole: I am. Get the leader of the Harpis. I want to explain to her the consequences of attacking my wife.", "(Julie shimmers out.)", "[Scene: A cave. The vampire queen is lying on some cushions while other women vampires pamper her. Demon #1 is there talking to the queen.]", "Queen: You don't really expect me to wage war on the new Source without even talking to him first, do you?", "Demon #1: It's a waste of time. He'll never bring you back from exile. He's heard the stories of what you did.", "Queen: That was a different time. And a different Source.", "Demon #1: Still, it's not going to happen. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure of that.", "Male Vampire: Then what makes working for us any better than working for him?", "Demon #1: You oughta listen better. I don't work for anyone. We'd be equals. Partners. And once the Source is dead, we'd go our separate ways. So?", "Queen: I'll let you know. When I'm ready. (Demon #1 shimmers out.) I want you to offer the new Source an olive branch.", "Male Vampire: And if he refuses?", "Queen: Then Keats has a new ally and we have a new enemy. (The male vampire walks away.) Go. (The women vampires leave her alone.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is there washing the dishes. Leo walks in.]", "Leo: Plenty of leftovers. You probably won't have to do any cooking for a week.", "Piper: I like to cook.", "Leo: Well, there's less dishes to do and that's a good thing, right?", "Piper: I guess. It's just with Phoebe and Cole gone it's so quiet around here. Everybody I grew up with is gone.", "Leo: Still, we can make it noisy again, with kids. (He puts his arms around her.) People who will grow up with us. We have an extra room now, right?", "Piper: Right.", "(They kiss. Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Ooh, sorry, am I interrupting?", "Leo: Uh, actually, I need to get going. There's an upsurge in demonic activity and the Elders wanna figure out why.", "Paige: Well, since that demonic activity spilled into our living room last night, I'm assuming it has something to do us.", "Leo: I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I find anything out. (to Piper) I love you.", "Piper: I love you too.", "(They kiss and he orbs out.)", "Paige: You okay?", "Piper: Me? Yeah, I'm fine.", "Paige: Liar. Look, I know I am not Phoebe but I am still your sister and you can talk to me.", "Piper: It's, it's just silly. My, uh, period was late this month by a couple of days and I guess I got my hopes up a little.", "Paige: That's not silly, honey, you want kids, right?", "Piper: Yeah, of course, it's just that we've been trying...", "Paige: For a couple of months", "Piper: Four. But who's counting.", "Paige: Oh, Piper, you're not baking cookies, you know. It's gonna take some time.", "Piper: Yeah, I know, I guess I was just worried that something could be wrong. Getting flung around by demons isn't exactly conducive to making babies.", "Paige: Okay, a) you're gonna have kids, you saw that in your future, and b) I am living proof that magic happens when Whitelighters and witches get together. So the sooner you stop worrying about it, the sooner I will be an aunt.", "Piper: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Cole and Julie are there.]", "Julie: The leader of the Harpis won't be coming to see you. I'm afraid things got out of hand for her.", "Cole: Nice work. What's next?", "Julie: Rowan's waiting to see you. Apparently the queen would like in on the new alliance.", "Cole: Send him in.", "(Julie points to the blinds and they close, making the room dark.)", "Julie: He'll see you now.", "(Rowan walks out from the corner of the room over to Cole.)", "Rowan: Thank you for the audience. Queen sent me to...", "Cole: You can tell your queen that if she steps a foot inside my realm, she'll beg me to banish her again.", "Rowan: Sent me to tell you that we've learnt our lesson, and we're willing to serve you.", "Cole: No thanks. I already have enough demons betraying me.", "Rowan: You haven't even heard our offer.", "Cole: I think you should be leaving now. (Paige orbs in.) Paige.", "Paige: Oops, I just thought I'd pop in.", "Rowan: From where?", "Paige: Uh, the kitchen. I'm not interrupting anything am I?", "Cole: No, we're done here. Elevator's that way, Rowan. (Rowan leaves.) What the hell do you think you're doing? This is exactly why I don't want you people orbing in here.", "Paige: You people? Nice.", "Cole: What do you want?", "Paige: Phoebe. I think Piper needs to talk to her.", "Cole: Well, you missed her. But why don't you orb on over to the newspaper, I'm sure those journalists can keep a secret.", "Paige: Just tell her I stopped by, okay? And I gotta ask, why is it so dark in here in the middle of the day?", "Cole: Migraine. Which you're only adding to.", "Paige: You know, what, Cole? Just bite me.", "(Paige walks outside. Rowan is there waiting for the elevator. The elevator dings and the doors open.)", "Rowan: After you. (Paige walks in the elevator and Rowan follows.) Nice guy, huh? Uh, Cole.", "Paige: You a lawyer?", "Rowan: No. Why?", "Paige: Because only another lawyer would think that.", "Rowan: No, I was being sarcastic.", "Paige: About being a lawyer.", "Rowan: No, about thinking he was a nice guy.", "(Paige laughs.)", "Paige: Sorry.", "Rowan: I'm Rowan.", "Paige: Paige. Nice to meet you. (They shake hands.) So how long have you disliked Cole?", "Rowan: Um, ever since I first met him. (Paige laughs.) You?", "Paige: Uh, pretty much just recently, ever since he married my sister. You have any siblings?", "Rowan: Oh, yeah, my family's real big.", "Paige: Then you know what it's like to have to bite your tongue.", "Rowan: Been there done that. Listen, uh, I'd like to continue this but we've just run out of floors. Any chance we could get together?", "Paige: Well, my sister, my other sister owns this nightclub called P3 and I'll be there later if you wanna stop by.", "Rowan: I'll drop in.", "Paige: Okay. (She walks out of the elevator.) Are you coming?", "Rowan: Oh, no, underground parking.", "[Cut to the underground. The vampire cave. Rowan is there talking to the queen.]", "Queen: You're certain of your identity?", "Rowan: She's the sister of the Source's new bride. That makes her a Charmed One.", "Queen: This might be our lucky day. And you said meeting with the new Source would be useless.", "Demon #1: He refused your offer, didn't he.", "Queen: Yes, but he gave us something much more valuable instead. If we can get a Charmed One on our side, we can use her magic to take over the underworld before the new Source can. We can destroy him and anyone else who apposes us.", "Demon #1: Yeah, but she's a witch. They don't change sides on a whim.", "Rowan: Oh, I think I can get her to see things our way. With your permission of course.", "Queen: By all means. Take whomever you need.", "[Scene: P3. Paige is waiting around for Rowan. Piper and Leo walk over to her.]", "Piper: Your mystery man still pulling a disappearing act?", "Paige: I can't believe he stood me up.", "Piper: Well, I'm glad I'm not dating anymore.", "Paige: Yeah, well, I should've known better to think I could meet a guy through Cole.", "Piper: Paige, I have two words for you. Broken and record. If you keep this up, you're just gonna end up pushing Phoebe further away.", "Leo: She's right.", "Paige: That's more than two words.", "(Phoebe walks up to them.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Do I still get free drinks here or do I have to pay now?", "Piper: Whoa, you don't look so good. Are you okay?", "Phoebe: That's partly why I'm here. I thought it was just a bug and now I'm not so sure. So I'm wondering if maybe it has something to do with, you know, the scratch.", "Paige: Maybe you're turning into a Harpi. Oh, god, are you?", "Phoebe: Well, that's how Piper turned into a Wendigo. Or is it the fury?", "Piper: I've turned into so many things, I can't keep track.", "Leo: You know, I wouldn't worry, you can't turn into a Harpi just by getting scratched.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but still, do you know mind, you know...", "(Leo goes to heal Phoebe's shoulder but Piper stops him.)", "Piper: Hey, hey, hey, a little discretion in in public.", "(Piper slaps him on the arm.)", "Leo: Hey.", "(Phoebe and Paige slap him too.)", "[Time lapse. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are in another room. Leo is healing Phoebe's arm.]", "Leo: Feel any better?", "Phoebe: A little I think.", "Piper: So any word from the Elders on what's going on?", "Leo: No, not yet.", "Phoebe: Why, what's going on?", "Piper: A lot of bad guys, apparently more than usual.", "Phoebe: Should we be worried?", "Piper: Nope, not until after dinner. You wanna join us?", "Phoebe: Um, okay, sure why not.", "Paige: I'm not, I'm gonna go. I don't want Rowan thinking I was waiting for him if he shows up this late.", "Piper: God forbid. (to Leo) You buying?", "Leo: Uh, you kidding?", "(Piper and Leo leave the room.)", "Paige: Phoebe, uh, I think you should try to find a moment to talk to Piper.", "Phoebe: Why, is something wrong?", "Paige: No, not really, I just think she could use your support about something. That's why I orbed over to your place this morning...", "Phoebe: Wait, you orbed over to my place? After I specifically asked you not to. Paige, what were you thinking?", "Paige: I was just trying to help Piper.", "Phoebe: Was Cole upset?", "Paige: A little... a lot.", "Phoebe: Great, Paige. Just great.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Paige: I was just trying to help.", "[Cut to outside P3. Paige heads for her car. She hears a noise and looks around. She walks quicker to her car and suddenly a bat flies down and bites her. She falls to the ground. Dozens of bats fly down and start attacking her. She screams. The bats fly off.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. A room. Paige is lying on a bed with bite marks over her face. A doctor is standing beside her bed.]", "Paige: So am I the weirdest case you've ever seen?", "Doctor: I don't know. I've worked the night shift for a while now. Seen some pretty strange things.", "Paige: Yeah, but these were bats, doc.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Leo race in the room.)", "Phoebe: Paige, Paige, oh my god. Are you okay?", "Piper: What happened?", "Paige: Bats. Lots of bats.", "Doctor: Are you the sisters?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Is she gonna be alright?", "Doctor: Honestly, if she hadn't been found by somebody in time, she might've bled to death.", "Leo: But she's gonna be okay?", "Doctor: Yes. Have some rest, and rabies shots.", "Paige: Ouch.", "Piper: You got attacked by bats outside of my club? That can't be natural. Can it?", "Doctor: Well, bat bites aren't completely unheard of in this city. I have a friend over at county, he treated one a couple of months ago.", "Paige: Right, but these were bats plural.", "(The doctor's pager beeps.)", "Doctor: I'll be right back. Excuse me.", "(He leaves the room.)", "Leo: Sounds more natural than supernatural to me.", "Paige: Yeah, well, I'm thinking vampires.", "Piper: Vampires? That'd be different.", "Phoebe: No, that's not possible.", "Paige: Why not?", "Phoebe: Well, because as far as I know, vampires attack in human form and not as a swarm of bats. You know, it's gotta be something else.", "Leo: It's true, vampires have been ostracized from the underworld for centuries. As far as I know they're apart of a whole different network now.", "(The doctor and a nurse walks in.)", "Doctor: I'm sorry, Lisa here is going to draw some blood so we can run some tests.", "Paige: That mean I can go home?", "Doctor: I don't see why not. (The nurse gets Paige's arm ready to draw blood.) I'm gonna get you started on antibiotics and we've scheduled first of the rabies shots in the morning.", "(The doctor leaves. The nurse gets out a needle and draws Paige's blood.)", "Nurse: Okay, make a fist. Relax your hand now. Almost done.", "(Phoebe makes a noise.)", "Leo: Are you okay?", "Paige: Yeah, as long as I don't look.", "Leo: No, I didn't mean you...", "(Phoebe faints.)", "Piper: Phoebe?", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Cole and Julie are there.]", "Cole: Damn it. Where is she?", "Julie: What about the Grimlocks?", "Cole: The Grimlocks? You think they attacked her? If they did, I'll crush their skulls with my bear hands.", "Julie: Who said romance is dead. We were talking about who we can trust, remember? Grimlocks... yay or nay?", "Cole: I'm sorry. Uh, yeah, Grimlocks are okay. Keats is the only one I don't trust. (The phone rings.) That's gotta be her.", "Julie: We can only hope.", "(Cole answers the phone.)", "Cole: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Hi, honey.", "Cole: Are you alright? I-I called your cell, you didn't pick up.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, that's probably because I was unconscious.", "Cole: What? Did a demon hurt you?", "[Cut to Piper's car. Leo is driving, Piper is in the passenger seat and Phoebe and Paige are in the back seats.]", "Phoebe: (on phone) No, it was nothing like that. I just, uh, I fainted.", "Cole: Fainted?", "(A car's lights shine in the window. Paige flinches.)", "Paige: Oh, why do people gotta keep their high beams on?", "Phoebe: Yeah, it wasn't a big deal.", "Cole: Phoebe, people just don't faint for no reason.", "Phoebe: Well, I've been pretty run down and the doctor said I might be anaemic so he took some blood to make sure that's all it is.", "Cole: Well, maybe you oughta get Leo to check that Harpi scratch in case...", "Phoebe: I already did and he said there's nothing to worry about. Besides, we have bigger demonic issues that we have to deal with right now. Paige was bitten by a bunch of bats.", "Cole: Bats? Are you sure?", "Paige: (to herself) I'm sure he's all broken up about it.", "Phoebe: Yeah, she's okay, Leo's gonna heal her when we get home. So you wanna meet us there?", "Cole: I am home, Phoebe, you called me.", "Phoebe: I meant the manor. I'm sorry.", "[Cut to Cole.]", "Cole: I'm on my way. (He hangs up.)", "Julie: You think it was Rowan?", "Cole: He must have been trying to turn her.", "Julie: You can't let them get a Charmed One on their side, they'll be too powerful.", "Cole: Don't you think I know that! Damn it. Gather the faction leaders. The queen wants a war she's got one.", "(He heads for the door.)", "Julie: Where are you going?", "Cole: To the manor. To help save... Paige.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Piper is looking through the Book of Shadows. Leo is healing Paige.]", "Piper: Manticore.", "Phoebe: Fights but doesn't fly.", "Piper: Phoenix.", "Phoebe: Flies but doesn't fight.", "Piper: Chupakobra.", "Phoebe: God bless you. Flies and bites but only attacks livestock.", "Leo: What about shapeshifters?", "Paige: What about this being a waste of time. Look at me, I'm fine. Let's just call it a night.", "Piper: Paige, if you're tired, just go to bed. We'll wake you up if we find something.", "Paige: Fine. I'll be asleep.", "(She leaves the attic.)", "Piper: She's a delight.", "Leo: She's been through a lot, she just needs some rest.", "Phoebe: Isn't there some way you can help us narrow down the suspects?", "Leo: With every demonic faction in town it makes it kinda hard.", "Phoebe: Okay, so what's going on? Is there a demon convention in San Francisco or what?", "Piper: Yes, there is a demonic electoral college, they've called a meeting and they're voting in a new Source.", "(Phoebe and Leo laugh.)", "Phoebe: You think?", "Piper: Well, not the voting part, but maybe I mean, there's gotta be somebody pretty powerful that's bringing together these factions, which means...", "Leo: Evil may have a new leader.", "(Cole walks in.)", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Cole: Honey, I came as soon as I could.", "(Phoebe races over and hugs him.)", "Phoebe: I'll be fine, don't worry.", "Cole: How's Paige? Where is she?", "Leo: She's sleeping, I healed her.", "Cole: Are you sure?", "Leo: Yeah, why?", "Piper: Do you know what we're up against?", "Cole: Well, bats that bite can only mean one thing. Vampires.", "Phoebe: No, we ruled them out. It doesn't seem like their MO.", "Cole: Have you ever seen a vampire?", "Phoebe: No, but I've read about them.", "Cole: Well, I've dealt with them. You can trust --- you can trust me.", "Piper: I think he may be right.", "Leo: Wait, you dealt with vampires as a demon? How is that possible? I thought they were pariahs in the underworld.", "Cole: Well, I wasn't too picky who I dealt with. I didn't care that the Source had banished them for selling him out to his enemies.", "Leo: Well, why attack a Charmed One now? What do they want?", "Cole: Well, there must be a power struggle. They must be trying to overtake the underworld.", "Phoebe: By killing Paige?", "Cole: No, by turning her into a vampire.", "Piper: Paige! (They leave the attic and go into Paige's room. It's dark and they turn on the light.) Where'd she go?", "(They see Paige hanging upside down from the roof.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god! Paige.", "(Paige turns into a bat.)", "Cole: Watch out!", "(She flies out the window.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe tips out some stuff from a box.]", "Phoebe: I ransacked the whole house and this is all I could find.", "Piper: Okay, so what do we do about the holy water?", "Leo: I can get some.", "Cole: You know, that stuff's only gonna help you fight off the vampires, it's not gonna change Paige back.", "Paige: Yeah, I'm working on that. According to the book, if you kill a vampire queen then all her little vampires die with her.", "Cole: Really? Interesting. They certainly don't like the spread that around.", "Phoebe: But that's not gonna work because then it'll kill Paige too.", "Piper: No, not if she hasn't bitten anyone. Apparently the transformation only takes place after blood is spilled. Or in this case sucked.", "Phoebe: Okay, so we have to kill the queen fast. How do we vanquish her?", "Piper: With the power of three.", "Phoebe: Ugh, of course. Can't anything be easy?", "Piper: Oh, it gets worse. Vampires are immune to witchy powers.", "Leo: Well, I'll get the holy water once I fill in the Elders about the new Source.", "(He orbs out.)", "Cole: New Source? There's a new Source?", "Phoebe: Yeah, we think so.", "Cole: Any idea who it is?", "Phoebe: No, not yet.", "Piper: Okay, let's just focus on finding Paige. So if you were undead, where would you be.", "Phoebe: Cemetery.", "Piper: Right. Let's go, we don't have a lot of time. And we've got a bunch of them to check out.", "Cole: Whoa, Phoebe. I-I don't want you to go.", "Phoebe: What?", "Cole: Well, it's too dangerous. What happens if you faint again, but this time in the middle of a vampire attack.", "Phoebe: Baby, that's not gonna happen.", "Cole: How can you be sure? I don't wanna lose you.", "Phoebe: I don't wanna lose Paige. I don't understand, weren't you just telling us that we had to save Paige?", "Cole: Yeah, but that was before I heard all the facts. You need the power of three, I'm sure Paige is not gonna be in a rhyming mood.", "Piper: So what do you suggest? That we let her spend eternity as a vampire?", "Phoebe: She's still my sister. And that doesn't change because I happen to be sick. Or because I'm your wife.", "(Phoebe leaves and Piper follows. Cole flames out.)", "[Cut to Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Cole flames in. The faction leaders are sitting around a table.]", "Cole: The vampires are trying to convert my wife's sister. A Charmed One. I'm interpreting this as an act of war against me.", "Keats: Wait a second now, let's not overreact. Maybe this is some kind of misunderstanding.", "Cole: I don't misunderstand anything. I want the vampires exterminated. Every last one of them.", "Grimlock: The vampires multiply too fast. We could never get them all.", "Cole: If we kill the queen they all die.", "Keats: I've never heard that. What's your source.", "Cole: Are you questioning my orders?", "(Fire images show in Cole's eyes.)", "Keats: No, of course not.", "Cole: I want the queen. Dispatch your forces. Tell them to torture any vampire they see. Make them talk. But don't forget, my wife is out there too. Anyone lays a claw on her, will answer to me. Leave.", "Demons: As you wish.", "(They flame, smoke, etc out. Keats stays behind. Cole gives him a look and he shimmers out.)", "Julie: What about the other sister? Are you gonna let her die with the queen? It would eliminate the Charmed Ones.", "Cole: Phoebe would be devastated. But I wouldn't be.", "[Scene: Vampire cave. The queen is munching on a person. He is screaming. She finishes and screws up her face.]", "Rowan: Uh, sorry to interrupt you during dinner.", "Queen: That's alright, I've had better. Is she here then?", "Rowan: Just arrived.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Queen: She's perfect. She'll fit right in.", "Rowan: I thought you'd like her.", "(The queen walks over to Paige.)", "Queen: Are you hungry, my dear.", "Paige: Famished.", "Queen: That's wonderful. Now for your first meal, I have two savory victims in mind.", "(Some female vampires walk over to Paige and place red robes over her shoulders.)", "Female Vampire: Here you are.", "Paige: Anything for you, my queen.", "Queen: I want you to go back to your sisters, Paige, take a taste of your own blood. It will seal your conversion and turn them as well.", "Rowan: That's genius. The power of three on our side. The Source will be no match for us.", "Paige: My sisters are very powerful. They won't join us willingly. I don't think I can do it alone.", "Queen: Oh my darling. Look around you. That's what families are for.", "[Scene: A warehouse. Keats and a male vampire are there.]", "Male Vampire: What are you doing here, Keats?", "Keats: I have to get a message to the queen.", "Male Vampire: Well, why don't you take it yourself?", "Keats: Because someone might be following me. Tell her she needs to leave town, fast. The Source...", "(Cole flames in.)", "Cole: The Source is what? (The vampire turns into a bat and tries to fly away. Cole throws a fireball and the bat is incinerated.) Where's the queen, Keats? (Keats throws an electricity ball at Cole and Cole catches it. It burns out.) Ouch.", "Keats: You can vanquish me if you want, but I'm not telling you anything.", "Cole: Do you really think that vanquishing you is the worse I can do? (He waves his hand and Keats in engulfed in flames. Keats screams. Cole waves his hand and the flames disappear.) So let's try this again. Where's the vampire queen?", "[Cut to the manor. Rowan is wandering around downstairs. Paige stands at the top of the stairs.]", "Paige: They're not here.", "Rowan: They must be looking for you.", "Paige: Do-gooders. (She starts walking down the stairs.) I was hoping to get this over with.", "Rowan: Just relax. You're only innocent once.", "(She reaches the bottom of the stairs.)", "Paige: But I'm starving. I feel like I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. (Rowan smiles.) What are you smiling at?", "Rowan: I was just thinking of my first time.", "Paige: Tell me about it.", "Rowan: It was better than you can possibly imagine. Danger, excitement, the warm glow you feel afterwards. There's nothing like it.", "Paige: How many have you had?", "Rowan: I don't keep track. The faces all fade away, it's the taste you remember.", "Paige: And what was that? Just fast food?", "Rowan: Hardly. Just relax. Clear your mind. You are a hunter now. You have the ability to find your pray.", "Paige: I don't understand.", "Rowan: You will. Close your eyes. (She does so.) And focus.", "Paige: I know where they are.", "Rowan: You're a natural.", "Paige: Tell the queen to expect company.", "[Cut to the cemetery. A Grimlock is running through it. Piper and Phoebe are chasing it.]", "Phoebe: Hey, wait! Wait! We just wanna talk... (The grimlock shimmers out.) to you.", "Piper: What is going on? That is the forth demon tonight to run away from us.", "Phoebe: Maybe word got out that we killed the Source.", "Piper: The old Source.", "Phoebe: Oh, you had to mention that didn't you.", "Piper: I don't get it. We've been chasing demons all night, searching cemeteries all night and no freakin' vampires. (Phoebe holds her stomach.) This is ridiculous. We've gotta figure out something else before the sun comes up.", "Phoebe: Whoaaa.", "Piper: What's the matter? Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, just a little dizzy. Those tombstones aren't actually moving are they?", "Piper: Phoebe, this is not funny. Maybe this is more than just being run down. Maybe you're pregnant.", "(Phoebe giggles.)", "Phoebe: That is funny. Actually it's not so funny. I went to the drugstore, I got a test, I peed on the stick and I anxiously awaited th results in two minutes...", "Piper: And?", "Phoebe: And it was negative, thankfully.", "Piper: Yeah, well, mine was too.", "Phoebe: You thought you were pregnant?", "Piper: For about a minute and a half.", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, I am so sorry.", "Piper: It's okay, it's no big deal.", "Phoebe: Yes it is, to you it is. Is this what you wanted to talk to me about? I had no idea.", "Piper: It's okay, I understand.", "Phoebe: No, it's not okay. I left the manor, not the family. I still wanna be apart of your life. All of it.", "Piper: You sure?", "Phoebe: You come over here.", "(They hug. A bat flies towards them and it lands on a tombstone. It turns into Paige.)", "Paige: Aww, don't I get a hug?", "Phoebe: Paige.", "Piper: How did you find us?", "Paige: We share the same blood, Piper. (She jumps off the tombstone.) I sniffed you out.", "Piper: Paige, listen to me. (She walks towards Paige.) We can go back to the manor and we'll find something to change you back.", "Paige: Nah.", "(She pushes Piper away.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, hold it.", "(She holds a cross out in front of her.)", "Paige: Why you gotta be like that? (Paige kicks the cross out of Phoebe's hand. They start fighting. Paige kicks Phoebe in the stomach and knocks her to the ground. Paige leans over her.) Now it's time we really bond as sisters.", "(She goes to bite Phoebe but Leo orbs in and squirts holy water on Paige. She screams and runs away. Leo helps Phoebe up.)", "Piper: Paige, we are just trying to help you, damn it.", "(Paige stops.)", "Paige: Catch me if you can.", "(She turns into a bat and flies away.)", "Phoebe: Leo, Leo, come on, orb.", "(Leo orbs out with Phoebe and Piper.)", "[Cut to the vampire cave. Leo orbs in with Piper and Phoebe. It's dark.]", "Phoebe: Where are we? I can't see a thing.", "Piper: Here.", "(Piper turns on a flashlight and points it on the roof. Dozens of bats are hanging from it.)", "Leo: Well, which one's Paige?", "Piper: How should I know?", "(The queen, Paige and Rowan walk in. The torches on the wall light up.)", "Queen: Welcome to our family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The vampire cave. Continued from before.]", "Piper: Stay away from us or you'll get an eye full of holy water and a chest full of wood.", "Queen: You'd only be delaying the inevitable. Now why can't we do this without a fight?", "Phoebe: Paige, we're your sisters, you're not a vampire yet.", "Queen: We're offering immortal life. An eternity together as sisters. Now isn't that preferable to death.", "Piper: Are those our only two choices? Because I'd prefer the scenario where you die and we get to stay human.", "(Phoebe slaps her on the arm with the cross.)", "Queen: If you could've killed me, you would've done so already. We both know that.", "Leo: We've gotta get out of here.", "Phoebe: Not without Paige.", "Rowan: Words will never make them understand.", "Queen: No. But they will.", "(The bats on the roof fly towards them.)", "Piper: Incoming!", "(The bats attack them.)", "Phoebe: Leo, holy water!", "(Leo starts squirting the holy water on the bats. Phoebe's cross and Piper's flashlight gets thrown across the room.)", "Leo: Let's go!", "(Rowan goes over and throws Leo across the room.)", "Phoebe: Leo!", "(Paige goes over and pins Piper to the wall and tries to bite her. Phoebe kicks Rowan and he grabs her leg and she falls to the ground. He tries to bite her. Suddenly, all the bats start going up in flames.)", "Queen: No! My babies! (Leo pulls Paige off Piper. Phoebe gets away from Rowan and grabs the cross.) Come, before the Source kills us all.", "(She helps Paige up and they run out of the cave. Phoebe stabs Rowan with the cross and he is vanquished.)", "Leo: We've gotta get Paige.", "[Cut to another part of the cave. Paige and the Queen run in. Cole appears behind them and knocks Paige out of the way. She falls with her back to Cole. The Queen stops and turns around.]", "Queen: The Source. I should've bitten you.", "Cole: Yeah, well, bite this.", "(He throws a fireball at the queen and she is vanquished.)", "[Cut to Piper, Phoebe and Leo. The bats falls from the roof in little balls of flames.]", "Phoebe: What's going on?", "Piper: The Queen must be dead. Paige!", "[Cut to Cole and Paige. Paige is still lying on the floor. Cole walks behind her holding a fireball.]", "Piper: Paige!", "(Cole squashes the fireball.)", "Cole: In-laws.", "(He flames out. Piper, Phoebe and Leo walk in.)", "Phoebe: Paige. (She races over to her.) Thank god you're alive.", "(They help her up.)", "Leo: Are you alright?", "Paige: The Source.", "Phoebe: The Source? What do you mean?", "Paige: He was here.", "Piper: Just now? You saw him?", "Paige: Uh-uh.", "Leo: The queen must've posed as a threat to him.", "Phoebe: Well, that would explain why he wanted to kill her but why not us?", "Piper: I don't know. Let's just count our blessings and get the hell outta here.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. The next morning. Paige is sitting at the table. Piper comes in.]", "Piper: You're up early. Vampire nightmares.", "Paige: Oddly enough, no. Just some other thoughts.", "Piper: Any you want to share?", "Paige: You wouldn't be interested.", "Piper: Try me.", "Paige: They're about Cole.", "Piper: I'm listening.", "Paige: Okay. Remember the guy that stood me up?", "Piper: Uh, how could I? Never met him.", "Paige: Yeah, you did actually. He was one of the vampires. When I first met him at the penthouse, he was there seeing Cole. Now I know what you're gonna say, maybe Cole didn't know he was a vampire and we should probably give him the benefit of the doubt, and you're right we should.", "Piper: So then why do I get the sinking feeling that you might be onto something?", "Paige: You do?", "Piper: Well, it's just a lot of little things. Like, him not wanting you to orb in, him not wanting us to...", "Paige: Save me?", "Piper: Go after vampires. I mean, I'm not saying that he's a demon, okay, because we both know that's not possible.", "Paige: We both know anything is possible.", "Piper: Okay, but what if we're wrong? Then we lose Cole and Phoebe forever.", "Paige: We're not wrong. Something is not right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. The phone rings. Cole answers it.]", "Cole: Hello?", "Paige: Hi, it's Paige.", "Cole: Paige, how are you feeling?", "Paige: Human again thank god.", "Cole: Yeah, thank god.", "Paige: Uh, is Phoebe there?", "Cole: She's still sleeping. Is it important?", "Paige: I-I'll just call her later.", "(He hangs up. Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Who was that?", "Cole: Oh, nobody. How are you feeling?", "Phoebe: Better.", "Cole: Good. Phoebe, I'm never gonna be okay with you chasing demons anymore, you can't change that.", "Phoebe: And you can't change the fact that they're gonna keep coming after me. And that I have sisters who need me.", "Cole: I understand.", "Phoebe: Do you? Because yesterday it seemed like you didn't.", "Cole: Well, I just don't want anything to happen to you. Ever. Is that so bad?", "Phoebe: No.", "Cole: I'll be at work.", "(He kisses her on the cheek and leaves. The phone rings and Phoebe answers it.)", "Phoebe: Hello? (listens) This is Phoebe Halliwell. (listens) Hi, doctor, did the test results come in? (listens) I'm... what?", "(She faints.)", "Doctor's Voice: I-I double checked the results myself. You're pregnant, Miss Halliwell. Congratulations. Miss Halliwell? Miss Halliwell? Hello?" ]
Bite Me
Alien Stalker
[ "Irritated over the fact that Cole has been ignoring her now that he's the Source, Phoebe destroys several of his demons over the course of a couple days. It is at this time when she has a premonition about an innocent that will soon perish at the hands of a demon, and as a result, she goes to the manor to warn Piper and Paige. When Cole discovers what she has done, Phoebe has to choose which side she has to fight for: good or evil." ]
[ "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Bedroom. Night time. It is storming. Phoebe is sitting on her bed. She gets up and closes the window. There's a knock on the door.]", "Phoebe: Come in.", "(The door opens and the Seer walks in carrying a tray. Demons are chanting out in the living room. The Seer puts down the tray and picks up a glass of tonic.)", "Seer: My queen, it's time for your tonic.", "Phoebe: Can you do anything about this thunder because it is making me nuts.", "Cole: I have no sway over the weather. I do have a friend who works with wind but she's out of town.", "Phoebe: What about demons? Any sway over them? Because I swear, if they don't shut up. (She takes a sip of the tonic and screws up her face.) I hate this stuff!", "Seer: It's for you own good.", "Phoebe: Well, whatever happened to regular old vitamins.", "Seer: There's nothing regular about your pregnancy. The new power you're experiencing is a mere shadow of what's to come. The tonic strengthens you to bear the weight of it.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, then do me a favour. Find me something that strengthens me and doesn't taste like crap.", "Seer: Are you feeling alright?", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's just, (she plops down on the bed) I have all this work that I have to do and (yells) I can't concentrate!", "(A demon shuts the bedroom door.)", "Seer: But you are queen now. There's no reason for you to continue with this work at all.", "Phoebe: I like my work. It's a good distraction.", "Seer: A distraction from what? Still struggling with your decision?", "Phoebe: No, I mean, I love Cole and you know, don't get me wrong this whole queen thing is kinda fun, it's just...", "Seer: Your sisters.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I don't understand why they have to be so stubborn. Why they can't just respect my decision.", "Seer: Because it's not in their nature of good to compromise. They'll never understand, they'll only want to change you back. The sooner you accept that and let them go, the happier you will be. Here, drink your tonic.", "(She hears an explosion.)", "Phoebe: What the hell is going on out there? You know, ever since the coronation all he does is work.", "Seer: The underworld's been in chaos for some time. He has a great task...", "Phoebe: I don't care. I want some attention from my husband. You're excused.", "Seer: Make certain you drink that upon waking.", "(She disappears. Phoebe goes out into the living room.)", "Phoebe: It is after midnight, Cole, come to bed.", "Cole: Phoebe, please, we're in the middle of a ceremony.", "Demon: We're almost done.", "Phoebe: Almost doesn't work for me.", "(She throws fire at two demons and vanquishes them. The rest shimmer out.)", "Cole: I thought we talked about this.", "Phoebe: Sorry, it's hormones.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is making potions while Paige looks through the Book of Shadows.]", "Paige: Damn it, I have read through this fifteen times, there is nothing even remotely helpful about how to save Phoebe.", "Piper: I told you, she made a choice. There's no magical cure for that.", "Paige: Yeah, well, she's pregnant, Piper, so she's being influenced by the baby inside.", "Piper: And we could've helped her overcome that but she chose Cole.", "Paige: Will you just stop with the potions already? You've already over run the kitchen, I'd say we have enough.", "Piper: This one duplicates my freezing power plus it scalds the flesh, so we should only use it in a dire emergency.", "Paige: No! I will not Phoebe's flesh, she's still our sister.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Paige. (She walks over to him.) How is she?", "Paige: She's like Piper light. All the personality without any of those messy emotions.", "Leo: Rumour on the demonic grape vine is the new queen is killing upper level demons. Word is she killed two just last night.", "Paige: What does that mean?", "Leo: It means it looks like Phoebe's working from the inside for the good guys.", "Paige: That's great.", "Piper: Since when do you guys believe rumours that are spread by demons?", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Demons are sitting around a long glass table. A hologram of a woman's head is sitting in the middle of the table.]", "Demon #2: Alison Whitt. Among other things, she's spear heading the campaign to clean up Delora's Park.", "Demon #3: That's my district.", "Demon #4: I've got men there too.", "Demon #3: Since when?", "Demon #4: Since I put them there.", "Demon #3: Then they're working my territory.", "Cole: Gentlemen, it's all my territory. Next.", "(The hologram turns into a man.)", "Demon #2: Gregory Conroy. Probation officer to juvenile offenders. Manages to rehabilitate the worst of the worst. He's cost us several potential demons.", "Cole: (to demon #4) He's yours.", "(The demon nods.)", "Demon #2: He works at the...", "(Phoebe walks in. The demons get a little frightened.)", "Phoebe: Relax, boys, I'm here to cook not kill. Although I'd keep your voices down if I were you. (She pretends to use her power and they jump.) Ah! (She smiles.) Hi, honey.", "(She kisses him on the cheek and she leaves the room.)", "Cole: Honey.", "(He follows her.)", "Phoebe: Will your friends be staying for dinner?", "Cole: I'm gonna find it hard enough to convince them to stay till the end of the meeting unless you stop threatening them to kill them.", "Phoebe: I was kidding.", "Cole: You killed five of my best demons this week, so forgive me if I'm missing the joke.", "Phoebe: Oh, baby, I'm sorry.", "Cole: I know I've been working a lot. But that should lighten up soon. In the mean time no more killing. Promise?", "Phoebe: Promise.", "Cole: It's hard enough for them to accept the fact that my queen is a former Charmed One. We don't want them to think you're playing both sides.", "Phoebe: I said I promise but if it'll make you feel better. (She goes into the other room.) Hi, um, I just wanna say that I'm really sorry for killing your friends last night. Oh, and, um, the night before that. And it's nothing personal, you know, it's just...", "(She touches demon #4 and has a premonition of him killing Gregory.)", "Cole: Phoebe, was that a...", "Phoebe: Cramp. I just need to lie down.", "Cole: Should I call the Seer?", "Phoebe: No, no, I'm fine.", "(She goes into her room and listens.)", "Cole: Where were we?", "Demon #2: Gregory Conroy. Malick's in for the kill. He spends his time at Permission Hill community centre.", "(Phoebe picks up the tonic and pours it in a pot plant.)", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Piper, Paige and Leo are there. Piper is showing them the potions.]", "Piper: These are meant to slow an attacker down but not do real serious harm, it's kind of like magical mace.", "Paige: Sounds reasonable I guess.", "Piper: These are a little more lethal - explosives, paralytics, your garden variety of poisons.", "Leo: So you're gonna poison Phoebe?", "Piper: Leo, she's carrying the spawn of the Source, she's throwing fire from her hands. If she shows up here, we'll do what we have to do to protect ourselves.", "Paige: You're not even giving her a chance.", "Piper: Paige, we gave her every chance in the world to come back to us and she threw it in our faces. She chose the Source of all evil over her own family.", "(Phoebe flames in.)", "Phoebe: Surprise! (Piper quickly grabs a potion and throws it towards Phoebe. Phoebe throws fire at the potion, disintegrating it.) Nice to see you too, Piper.", "Piper: What do you want?", "Phoebe: Oh, and here I thought you'd be happy to see me.", "Paige: I'm happy to see you.", "Piper: Paige.", "Paige: What?", "Piper: Unless you're here to tell us you filed for a divorce, we don't really have much to talk about.", "Phoebe: Oh that's not true. For instance we could talk about how rigid you are. It's really not a very attractive quality.", "(Piper picks up another potion.)", "Leo: Wait. Phoebe, what are you doing here?", "Phoebe: I had a premonition. We have an innocent to save and not a lot of time.", "Paige: That is so great. Look, I told you.", "Phoebe: Don't get excited, it's not what you think. I haven't changed my mind, I'm not leaving Cole and I'm not renouncing my ground. It's just I've never ignored a premonition in my life and I'm not about to start now.", "Piper: Uh, Phoebe, you're evil. You're like the queen of all evil, literally.", "Phoebe: That's beside the point.", "Piper: How can that be beside the point?", "Paige: I say we do it.", "Piper: What?", "Paige: Excuse me. (She pulls Piper and Leo aside.) Look, this is what we've been hoping for. A sign that there's still good in her. Why else would she care about saving the innocent?", "Piper: Because it's a trap.", "Paige: Piper, this could be our only chance.", "Leo: I think Paige is right. By helping her do good, it might sway her back to our side.", "Piper: Fine.", "Paige: (to Phoebe) Okay, you're on, we'll follow you.", "(Piper grabs some potions.)", "Phoebe: What's that for?", "Piper: Insurance.", "[Cut to an alley. Piper, Paige and Leo orb in. Phoebe flames in.]", "Paige: Argh, why do I always have to land in the mud.", "Phoebe: Come on, over here.", "(They stand behind some wooden crates.)", "Leo: How do you know when he's gonna get attacked?", "Phoebe: I know. (Gregory walks around the corner.) There he is.", "(Malick shimmers in behind him. Piper freezes Gregory. Malick looks around.)", "Piper: Hey. (Piper goes to blow him up and Phoebe knocks her. She blows up a bike near by.)", "Phoebe: No, Piper.", "Piper: What are you doing?", "(An energy ball appears in Malick's hand.)", "Phoebe: Stop. (She walks towards Malick. Malick kneels down.)", "Malick: My queen.", "Phoebe: Leave that innocent alone. Go. (Malick shimmers out. Piper, Paige and Leo stare at her.) What? One of my subjects.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Alley. Continued from before.]", "Piper: How-how-how could you do that? How could you just let him go?", "Phoebe: I don't know you're so upset, we saved the innocent didn't we?", "Piper: I can't talk to her, you talk to her.", "Leo: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Things are not as black and white as they used to be. Okay, I can't just go around killing demons anymore.", "Paige: Why not? We heard you just killed two last night.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, that was different, he was getting on my nerves. I promised Cole I wouldn't kill anymore. And killing Malick would've been a huge betrayal.", "Piper: Malick? You're on a first name basis with the demons?", "Leo: If you were just gonna order him to stop you could've done that on your own. Why did you even come to us?", "Phoebe: Because I missed you guys! Okay, is that so wrong? I missed you.", "Leo: Phoebe, you can't be the queen of the underworld and a Charmed One. You can't have it both ways.", "Phoebe: Why not? Just because it's different doesn't mean that it can't work. And you all miss me too even though I'm sure Piper probably doesn't want to admit it to herself.", "Paige: Of course we miss you, honey.", "Phoebe: Well, you can have me back. You can have the power of three back. You just have to be willing to meet me half way.", "Piper: Phoebe, you can't protect the innocent and save demons, it just doesn't work that way.", "Phoebe: Apparently it does. He's alive isn't he?", "Paige: Yeah, but your friend Malick is gonna come back.", "Phoebe: You don't know that.", "Piper: That's what they do, Phoebe, they come back. They snarl and come back.", "Paige: Yeah, and now we have to worry about protecting him instead of trying to save you.", "Phoebe: You think I need saving?", "Piper: Are you kidding me? That baby inside you has corrupted you more than you think.", "Phoebe: Piper.", "Piper: Don't Piper me. This is insane, what you are saying is insane. You cannot come back, you cannot work with us as long as you are married to the Source.", "Phoebe: So what do you want me to do? Do you want me to leave my husband?", "Piper: Yes.", "Phoebe: That is not fair!", "Leo: It's not fair, Phoebe, but you have to pick a side, good or evil. That's how it works. Even though it means giving up someone you love, you have to choose.", "Phoebe: I'm really sorry you feel that way.", "(Phoebe flames out.)", "Piper: I can't do this.", "(She starts to walk away.)", "Paige: What about Greg?", "(Piper unfreezes him. Greg goes over to where his bike was chained.)", "Greg: Oh, no, not again. (He sees Paige and Leo.) Did you guys see anyone take off on a chromium orange bicycle?", "Paige: No, sorry.", "Greg: Why did I bother locking it?", "(He walks away.)", "Paige: Uh, what should we do?", "Leo: Follow him.", "[Scene: The underworld. A cave. Cole and a demon are there.]", "Demon #2: They were animal sacrifice cabins. The worst part they've been abandoned.", "Cole: Waste of space don't you think? Put a team on it, have it cleaned out.", "Malick: My liege.", "(He walks in. The guard stands in front of him.)", "Guard: State your business.", "Malick: I have news for the Source. It concerns his queen.", "Cole: What happened? Is she hurt?", "Malick: No, the Charmed Ones interfered with my kill.", "Cole: I have no control over my in-laws. If you want them out of the way I suggest you take backup.", "Malick: I mean all three of them. Including the queen. She ordered me not to harm the innocent. I thought you should know.", "Cole: Have you told anyone else?", "Malick: No. I came straight to you.", "Cole: Thank you for your loyalty.", "(Cole vanquishes Malick and the guard. He turns to Demon #2.)", "Demon #2: Am I next?", "Cole: No, Dane, you I trust. It's just my damn wife.", "Dane: With all do respect, I think you'd better take care of the innocent before others hear of this.", "(Cole waves his hand and another demon appears.)", "Demon #5: My liege. (He bows.)", "Cole: Get up, I have a job for you.", "[Cut to a building. An AA meeting is taking place. Paige and Leo are standing at the back of he room.]", "Woman: The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for membership, we are self supporting for our own contribution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy...", "Leo: So do you really think Piper's okay?", "Paige: I don't know but I think it's good that she's feeling something again.", "Leo: Right, right. She's probably fine. So you just think I just need to give her some space, right?", "Paige: You could try that.", "Leo: It's just when Piper lost Prue, she barely survived and she thinks she's really gonna lose Phoebe and I think she might just...", "Paige: Listen, just go talk to her, okay, remind her that we have a demon to fight. Maybe that'll do her some good and take her mind off Phoebe.", "Leo: Right, right. What about you?", "Paige: Me, I'm fine. Listen, I don't think Malick's gonna attack in front of all these people, so just go get Piper and bring her back before the meeting's over, okay?", "Leo: Okay, yeah.", "(Leo leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's there. Elise walks in.]", "Elise: Where's the real column?", "Phoebe: Excuse me?", "Elise: This is cute, very cleaver, and I appreciate the evening chuckle, but I need to see the real pages.", "Phoebe: Are you calling my writing a joke?", "Elise: (reading from a page) \"Dear Betrayed, I suggest you beat your cheating husband with his secretary's stapler. Then he'll think twice before bending her over her desk again.\"", "Phoebe: Well, it might be a little harsh, but I think it makes a point.", "Elise: What it makes is a law suit. So unless you're looking to lose your job...", "Phoebe: Are you threatening me?", "Elise: I'm telling you to get a shrink if you have to but get it together. (Cole stands at the doorway.) Rewrite that column and do it fast. (She heads for the door. Phoebe gets ready to throw fire at her.) Excuse me.", "(She leaves. Phoebe puts out the flames.)", "Cole: If you want to kill your boss, we have people who can do that for you.", "Phoebe: Aren't you sweet. The truth is she's right. My advice was a little off this week.", "Cole: I don't understand what you're doing here. (He closes the door.) You're queen.", "Phoebe: And you're cranky. I told you, I'm not quitting my job.", "Cole: And what about your other job, are you gonna keep that too?", "Phoebe: And what job would that be, Cole?", "Cole: The Charmed One. Malick told me what you did.", "Phoebe: So what. I let him go.", "Cole: That doesn't make it okay!", "Phoebe: Keep your voice down, this is where I work.", "(She shuts the blinds.)", "Cole: You can't save an innocent and free a demon, Phoebe, it doesn't work like that.", "Phoebe: You sound like Piper.", "Cole: Yeah, well, Piper's right. You made a choice when you stood by me at the coronation. If you're questioning that choice, if you're not sure you want to be with me, you need to let me know.", "Phoebe: Of course I wanna be with you, I just don't understand why you have to be so rigid.", "Cole: Because I am the Source. Because you are my queen! Because there are expectations!", "Phoebe: Do you think I care about anyone's expectations?", "Cole: This is not a game, Phoebe. You walked through a one way door. You try to turn around now they will destroy us.", "Phoebe: Who, my sisters?", "Cole: The underworld. If they think we're working both sides, they will revolt. If they do that, if they unite against us, I promise we will pray for death.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, I didn't...", "Cole: I get it, Phoebe, better than anyone, I know what you're going through. It'll rip you apart if you let it.", "Phoebe: How do I not let it?", "Cole: You make a choice. And you stick to it, even though it's hard, even though it means giving up the people that you love. Let's go home.", "(She takes his hand and they flame out.)", "[Scene: P3. Leo orbs in. He sees Piper sitting on a chair with her feet on the table, almost passed out. A nearly empty bottle of rum is sitting on the table.]", "Piper: We're closed.", "Leo: Honey...", "Piper: I don't want to talk.", "Leo: I know how you're feeling.", "Piper: Even more that I don't want to talk. I do not want a pep talk.", "Leo: Piper, what are you doing?", "Piper: What does it look like I am doing. I'm trying to stop myself from feeling like the failure that I am.", "(She fills her glass.)", "Leo: You are not a failure, it's not your fault Phoebe...", "Piper: I am the oldest sister, okay, it is my job to keep the family together, and see it, this my friend, I am a failure.", "Leo: That's enough. (He takes the bottle off her.)", "Piper: Paige could see that Cole clearly had turned evil and she tried to tell me over and over and over and over and over. That doesn't even sound like a word anymore.", "Leo: You know, I didn't see that he was evil, Piper. Phoebe didn't see it at first, we didn't want to see it. We wanted a normal, happy family, that's just human nature.", "Piper: She is my baby sister and I let him destroy her. That is not human nature, that is the nature of failure.", "Leo: Alright, I'm not gonna listen to this anymore, you are a good witch and...", "(Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: I said no pep talks. (She takes the bottle back off him.) Nobody listens around here anymore. (She takes a sip of her drink and falls off her chair.) Ouch.", "[Cut to the AA meeting. Everyone is leaving.]", "Greg: Tray, congratulations on your thirty days.", "(He heads for the door.)", "Paige: (whispers) Leo.", "(She follows him outside. Greg stops and sees Paige.)", "Greg: You again. Are you following me?", "Paige: Yes, strangely I am and I would love to explain it to you but it would be so much better if we could go talk inside by the crowd.", "(Demon #5 appears in the alley and throws and electric bolt towards Greg. Paige knocks Greg out of the way.)", "Greg: What the hell?", "Paige: Leo! (The demon throws another electric bolt and this time hits Greg on the shoulder. He pulls out an athame.) Athame! (The athame orbs out of the demon's hand and into Paige's. She throws it at the demon, vanquishing him. She races over to Greg, who is bleeding.) Damn it, where are my sisters!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Leo is still frozen and Piper is unconscious on the floor. Paige orbs in with Greg.]", "Paige: Oh my god, Piper. (She races over to her and sees the empty glass beside her. She touches Leo and he unfreezes.)", "Leo: And a good sister... (He looks around.) Paige, wh-?", "Paige: You were frozen, Leo, and I'm guessing demons didn't get her.", "Leo: No, more like inner-demons. I can't believe she froze me. Are you okay?", "Paige: Barely. It was a different demon this time, they really want that guy dead. You're gonna have to heal him and orb him somewhere safe.", "Leo: Then what?", "Paige: Then I'm gonna put this family back together. Can you heal Piper?", "Leo: No, I can't heal self inflicted wounds.", "Paige: Great, now I'm down two sisters.", "(Paige slaps Piper gently and she wakes up.)", "Piper: Aaahh.", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Bedroom. Phoebe's there. The Seer walks in with a glass of tonic.]", "Seer: My queen, it is time for your tonic.", "Phoebe: What if I promise never to save any innocents with them ever again? Then can I see my sisters?", "Seer: You'll feel better after this.", "(Phoebe notices the plant she poured the last lot of tonic into is dying.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god, it's poison.", "Seer: No.", "Phoebe: You told me it was good for me.", "Seer: It is.", "Phoebe: You're lying!", "Seer: Think about it. Last night you were strong, angry perhaps, but now look at you. Whining, it's a weakness unbefitting of a queen.", "Phoebe: What's in it?", "Seer: Pure evil. The baby feeds on it. And as he grows stronger...", "Phoebe: I get weaker.", "Seer: Only the good in you.", "Phoebe: You're trying to destroy me.", "Seer: I'm trying to help you. I gave you clarity when now you have confusion. I gave you conviction where now you have pain.", "Phoebe: You took away my will.", "Seer: No, you made the choice to stand by your husband all on your own. For you, for Cole, and for your baby. Don't risk all of your lives by questioning that now. Drink the tonic, Phoebe.", "(The Seer disappears.)", "[Cut to the underworld. A room. A meeting is being held. Cole flames in. He spots Dane.]", "Cole: What gives you the authority to call a meeting and summon me?", "Dane: I summoned you, my liege, but I didn't call this meeting. We all did.", "Cole: Oh. Then someone had better speak.", "Dane: We're concerned...", "Cole: Someone else.", "(A demon walks forward.)", "Demon #6: Malick is missing and the Charmed Ones are guarding his mark. Word on the street is that the queen works along side her sisters who interfere with the kill.", "(Cole looks at Dane.)", "Cole: I wonder how that news spread.", "Dane: Forgive our confusion, but we were under the impression that the power of three no longer existed.", "Cole: The queen is pregnant, she's prone to hormonal fits. But I can assure you all that the power of three is indeed extinct.", "Dane: Then who killed Malick?", "Cole: I did. I was convinced he was about to betray me.", "Dane: Nevertheless, his mark still lives.", "Cole: Then assign someone to finish the task, Dane.", "Dane: I believe you already tried that, my liege.", "Cole: Are you questioning me?", "Dane: The innocent is still in the hands of the witches. Until we've seen evidence that the queen's hormones are indeed under control, it might be best if you took out the mark personally. For morale.", "(Cole flames out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is sitting at the table with her head down, while Paige mixes together some ingredients in a blender.]", "Piper: How many hangover cures do you have?", "Paige: A lot. There was a time in my life when I needed these often.", "(Piper looks up.)", "Piper: Ugh. (The blender makes an awful racket and Piper groans.) I'm sorry, Paige, I don't know what got into me. I mean, it's one thing when your sister has a husband that you can't stand, it's another when he is the Source of all evil.", "(Paige pours the stuff from the blender into a cup and takes it over to Piper.)", "Paige: Drink up, we've got some work to do.", "Piper: We can't lose her. I can't lose another sister, I don't think I'll survive it.", "Paige: I've been thinking about it. Phoebe was different today.", "Piper: Yeah, she was nuts.", "Paige: Yeah, but she cared, about us, about Greg. Something has changed and I think now is our chance to get her back.", "Piper: How?", "Paige: Well, I think we storm the penthouse, bring the crystals, we still know the spell, we vanquish the Source the same way we did the last time.", "Piper: Yeah, but now this time the Source is Cole. Do you really think she's gonna say a little spell with us to vanquish him?", "Paige: If she doesn't we die.", "Piper: Is that supposed to be comforting?", "Paige: Actually, yeah. The good in Phoebe is fighting to the surface, we saw that today. I don't think she's just gonna stand by and watch Cole kill us.", "Piper: Are you willing to bet your life on that?", "Paige: Aren't you?", "Piper: You know, you're pretty amazing, Paige. I mean, a year ago you were an only child.", "Paige: And I don't want to be again. Let's go. (Piper grabs her drink and stands up.) There we go. I'll get the crystals. (They walk to the bottom of the stairs and see Phoebe walking through the foyer.) Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Cole is gonna kill Greg Conroy, and I can't let that happen.", "Piper: So what do you wanna do?", "Phoebe: I think that we have to vanquish Cole.", "Paige: I knew it, I knew she was ready.", "Phoebe: We have to use Greg as bait.", "Paige: Bait? But he's an innocent.", "Phoebe: I know, but Cole's looking for him, he'll find him wherever he is so he's safest here.", "Piper: So we have Leo bring Greg here but then when Cole arrives Leo's gotta orb Greg outta here.", "Phoebe: And then we vanquish Cole.", "Paige: I'll get the crystals.", "(Paige goes upstairs.)", "Piper: Phoebe, um, I know how much you love Cole, I'm really...", "Phoebe: I can't get emotional about this now, Piper, if I do I won't be able to go through with it.", "(Paige comes back down with the crystals.)", "Paige: Ready.", "Piper: Leo, bring Greg.", "(Leo orbs in with Greg.)", "Paige: So how long do you think till Cole gets here?", "(Suddenly, Phoebe changes into Cole.)", "Cole: Sooner than you think.", "(Cole throws a fireball at Greg and he is incinerated. Cole flames out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Phoebe is sitting at the table writing a letter. Cole flames in.]", "Cole: Phoebe, we have to... What's the matter?", "Phoebe: Did you know about the Seer's tonic? What it really does?", "(He sees the letter.)", "Cole: What's this? You planning to leave me?", "Phoebe: I wrote two letters. One saying goodbye to you and one saying goodbye to my sisters. I haven't decided which one I'm gonna send.", "Cole: Well, you'd better decide. Right now.", "Phoebe: Did you know about the tonic?", "Cole: Yes.", "Phoebe: So you knew she was poisoning me with evil.", "Cole: You took my hand and walked me through that coronation long before anybody gave you anything to drink. So if you want to pretend you're being poisoned.", "Phoebe: So why even bother with the tonic? Why not just let me think for myself?", "Cole: Because I know what it feels like to have good and evil fighting inside you, ripping your insides out. I wanted to save you that pain.", "Phoebe: You should've trusted me to stand by you all on my own.", "Cole: So show me I can. You know what's in the tonic now, you know how it works. Drink it. All on your own.", "Phoebe: Cole.", "(She stands up.)", "Cole: I don't have time for games, Phoebe. Just drink the tonic, or leave now.", "Phoebe: What is going on with you? What happened?", "Cole: What happened is you had to go and play demon catcher with your sisters.", "Phoebe: Cole, it's who I am!", "Cole: And now we're in danger, serious danger. If you don't care about your life, or mine, or the baby's, what about Paige or Piper.", "Phoebe: Don't you threaten them.", "Cole: I'm not. But if there's a coup, do you think whoever takes over from me will let them live? Without the power of three they're sitting ducks.", "Phoebe: I don't know what to do.", "Cole: You can't go back. (He picks up the glass of tonic.) There is only one choice. Drink the tonic. You have to know that I would never do anything to hurt you. Please. For us. For our son. (She hesitates and then drinks the tonic in one quick mouthful. He hugs her.) I love you, Phoebe. Just remember what ever happens next, we can handle it as long as we stay together.", "Phoebe: What do you mean, what ever happens next?", "Cole: The Conroy thing got serious, I had to take care of it.", "(She pulls away from him.)", "Phoebe: You killed him?", "Cole: It was your mess, I was just cleaning it up.", "Phoebe: Cole, they're gonna come after you, they're gonna come here!", "Cole: Well, if they do...", "Phoebe: No.", "(She starts to leave the room.)", "Cole: Phoebe, if it comes down to them or us...", "Phoebe: Oh, god.", "(She runs into the bathroom.)", "Cole: Phoebe, wait.", "[Cut to the bathroom. Phoebe throws up in the toilet. She then washes her face.]", "Cole: Phoebe. (He knocks on the door.) Phoebe?", "[Cut to the living room. Piper, Paige and Leo orb in. Cole walks into the living room.]", "Paige: You evil son of a bitch.", "(Piper blows up Cole and he disintegrates into fragments which fly around in a circle. Paige places the crystals on the floor around him.)", "Piper: Phoebe, get out here and help us damn it. (The fragments of Cole is pulled back together.) Paige.", "(Cole hits Paige and is knocked across the room. One of the crystals she was holding bounces along the floor.)", "Cole: Don't make me kill you.", "(Piper blows up Cole again and Leo heals Paige.)", "Piper: Phoebe, you heard what he said, he's gonna kill us, help us!", "[Cut to the bathroom. Phoebe is leaning against the door, sobbing.]", "Phoebe: Forgive me.", "(She goes into the living room. The fragments of Cole is pulled back together and a fireball appears in his hand. Phoebe picks up the crystal that bounced across the floor.)", "Cole: (to Phoebe) I'm sorry, it's, it's for the best.", "Phoebe: I know it is.", "(She walks over to Cole and the fireball disappears. Phoebe kisses him.)", "Piper: Phoebe?", "(Phoebe moves away from Cole.)", "Phoebe: I'm sorry too.", "(She places the crystal in its place and the trap is activated.)", "Cole: Phoebe, no. No!", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, baby, I'm so sorry.", "Piper: \"Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda...\"", "(Fire appears near Cole's feet.)", "Phoebe: \"Ashford, Helen, Laura and Grace...\"", "Cole: I will always love you.", "Paige: \"Halliwell witches stand strong beside us.\"", "Phoebe: \"Vanquish this evil...\"", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"From time and space.\"", "(They vanquish Cole and it makes a huge explosion, making the windows smash. Phoebe walks to the middle of the room and cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper is leaning against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. Leo walks in.]", "Leo: Hey.", "Piper: Hey.", "Leo: Why don't you go up and see her.", "Piper: I don't know what to say. I can't imagine... I mean, if it had been you...", "(Leo hugs her. Paige walks in through the front door.)", "Paige: Hey.", "Piper: Hey.", "Paige: How's she doing?", "Piper: I don't know, she hasn't come down yet.", "Paige: How long have you been standing there?", "Piper: A while.", "Paige: Maybe we should go see her.", "Piper. Okay. (They start to go upstairs and Piper stops.) What if she wants to be alone?", "Paige: She's gonna be alone a lot. Maybe right now she needs us.", "Piper: Right.", "(They go upstairs and walk into Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe is lying on her bed crying. Piper goes over and lies beside her. Paige then goes and lies in front of her and they comfort Phoebe.)" ]
Long Live the Queen
Alien Stalker
[ "Following the defeat of the Source, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige are visited by the Angel of Destiny with a tempting reward: continue their lives as the Charmed Ones or relinquish their powers and live normal lives. Their decision however, is put on hold when the sisters discover that they're being investigated by the FBI because of their involvement with a large number of unsolved cases. Meanwhile, Cole is trying to reach out to Phoebe. Later, after the sisters make their decision, Piper and Leo get some miraculous news." ]
[ "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's there working. She has the TV on and a psychic reading show is on. Her assistant walks in carrying a box of letters.]", "Assistant: Hey, more Dear Phoebe letters, where do you want them?", "Phoebe: Oh, you can just put them anywhere.", "Assistant: Um, maybe we ought to keep some of these in storage.", "Phoebe: No, I'll get to them.", "Assistant: All of them?", "Phoebe: Yes. I am on a role.", "Assistant: More like on a mission.", "(Phoebe hands her some sheets of paper.)", "Phoebe: Hey, will you get these to Elise please and find out which one she wants to run?", "Assistant: Yeah, sure, right away. You're amazing, you know that?", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Assistant: What is your secret? Herbs? Acupuncture? (She sees the TV.) Tashmin?", "Phoebe: Uh, I take it you don't believe in psychics.", "Assistant: Hey, you know, if it works for you I'm all for it.", "Phoebe: (to herself) It hasn't worked for me for a while. Um, you know how sometimes you just find yourself going through a really bad period in your life?", "Assistant: Don't even get me started.", "Phoebe: Well, let's just say I am finally coming out from underneath mine and nobody, nothing will ever bring me back to that place again.", "Assistant: Good for you.", "(Phoebe turns to her computer.)", "Voice: Help me, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What did you just say?", "Assistant: I didn't say that. (She points to the TV.) She did.", "Tashmin: Help me, Phoebe.", "(She looks at the TV in shock.)", "[Cut to the manor. Road workers are working on the street right outside the manor. It is very noisy. Paige looks out the window from the living room.]", "Paige: Did they say how much longer this was gonna go on for?", "Piper: Three weeks, which means three months. (Leo is holding a picture frame on a wall.) A little higher.", "Paige: We'd better hope no demons attack, that'd be a bust, especially if one of us goes flying out the window.", "Leo: I wouldn't worry about that too much, there's so much chaos in the underworld they're too busy fighting each other.", "Piper: Well, I hope it lasts. I almost forgot what it's like to lead a normal life. It's gotta go a little higher.", "Leo: I need a ladder.", "Paige: Leo, just hover.", "Piper: No, no, no, I don't wanna jinx anything, I'd rather we not use magic unless we absolutely have to, thank you very much.", "Paige: Come on, Piper, relax a little. Use it or lose it, lady.", "(Leo hovers up and holds the picture against the wall.)", "Piper: Fine.", "(Leo marks the wall with a pencil and hovers back down.)", "Paige: Ah, see, no major disaster struck.", "(Phoebe walks in through the front door.)", "Phoebe: We have a huge problem.", "Piper: You were saying?", "Phoebe: Cole tried contacting me again.", "Leo: What, more whisperings?", "Phoebe: No, this time he was channelling through a TV psychic while I was at work. He sounded so desperate.", "Piper: Wait, did anybody else notice?", "Phoebe: My highly suspicious assistant. How am I supposed to move on with my life when I keep being haunted by his afterlife?", "Piper: Leo, what do you think?", "Leo: I think you need to do something fast.", "Piper: No, I mean, how is he holding on?", "Leo: I don't know, I guess because he's half demon, it must be some kind of astral plane.", "Phoebe: Well, whatever, we can't risk him contacting me again. I have to figure out a way to get to him and find out what he wants.", "Paige: Honey, what he wants is you. I mean, why else would he be hanging on?", "(Suddenly, everything freezes including Leo.)", "Phoebe: Piper, why is Leo frozen?", "(Piper goes over to him and waves in front of his face.)", "Piper: Well, this is very strange.", "(Paige looks out the window and all the work men are frozen too.)", "Paige: Uh, guys, I think you oughta take a look at this. (Piper and Phoebe go to the window.) So much for not performing any magic, huh Piper.", "Piper: Me? I didn't do that, I couldn't freeze all that stuff.", "(An elderly man appears.)", "Man: But I can.", "(The girls spin around.)", "Phoebe: Who are you?", "Man: I'm the Angel Of Destiny, and I've come to change yours.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are backing away from the Angel of Destiny. Piper is trying to freeze him.]", "Paige: He's not freezing, why isn't he freezing?", "Angel of Destiny: You're wasting your time. (The girls back into a table and fall on top of each other.) I am beyond your powers. (They get back up.) Besides, I pose no threat to you.", "Piper: Well, forgive us for not believing that but the last being we met who could freeze time was a demon.", "Angel of Destiny: Actually, it's because of a demon that I've come to see you. Which in and of itself is very rare. We Angels of Destiny normally don't intervene except in extraordinary situations. Mozart at age seven, Michelangelo, Albert Einstein... Britney Spears.", "Paige: Huh?", "Phoebe: I don't understand.", "Angel of Destiny: You three have accomplished something that few others ever dream of. By vanquishing the Source of all evil, you have fulfilled your shared destiny, much earlier than anticipated. Truth be told, some of us did think you'd never achieve it at all, but that's really beside the point. What's important is you have and because of that we're offering you a reward, a chance to chart a new destiny, one of your own design.", "Paige: A reward?", "Angel of Destiny: You can continue to remain as you are, charmed, vested with all your witchly powers, and of course demonic burdens. Or...", "Piper: Or?", "Angel of Destiny: You can choose to relinquish your magic and lead normal lives again, unaccounted, free, we'd wipe the entire slate clean, nobody would come after you again. Well, what do you say?", "Piper: What do we say? Are you kidding? You can't just freeze the whole world and come in here and drop a bombshell like that and expect a quick decision. I don't care who you are.", "Angel of Destiny: I don't think you quite grasp the uniqueness of this opportunity.", "Piper: No, I'm grasping it but that is beside the point. The least you could do is give us a little time to think about it.", "Paige: Think about what? No time needed. Thanks but no thanks. Right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, right, of course right. But, you know, as long as he's offering, maybe we should talk about this. Just talk about it. Over there. Right, right over here please, now, excuse us.", "(She pulls them across the room.)", "Paige: You can't be serious, Phoebe, you of all people, you love being a witch.", "Phoebe: I know I do, but I...", "Paige: But what? What has changed?", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't know, I became queen of the Underworld and nearly died carrying baby Lucifer. That's what changed, Paige.", "Piper: Paige, it's just that we've been doing this a lot longer than you have, and I'm not trying to discount all the good that we've done or that we could do. But at the same time I'm not gonna minimise the costs. Paige, I can't get pregnant because of what we do.", "Phoebe: Punching out demons just isn't as much fun as it used to be.", "Paige: So what are you gonna say?", "Angel of Destiny: She's saying you need some time, which I'll grant, but not too much time. After all, other people's destinies are tied to yours. And since it's your charmed destiny that's at stake here, majority will rule. Two sisters will decide the fate of all three. So consider your choice wisely. Perhaps what happens next will help you to decide.", "(He disappears. Everything unfreezes and Piper's cell phone rings. Leo comes in.)", "Leo: Hey, did you just freeze me?", "Piper: No, dear, the Angel of Destiny did.", "Leo: Who?", "(Piper picks up her cell.)", "Piper: Yeah, you'd better check with the Elders and make sure he's for real. I'm not kidding. (Leo orbs out. Piper answers her phone.) Hello?", "Darryl: Don't talk just listen.", "Piper: Darryl? What's wrong?", "Darryl: Apparently you guys are about to be put under surveillance. (Piper motions for Phoebe and Paige to come over and listen.) An FBI agent named Jackman called me into his office today. He did a search on unsolved cases. Apparently your names came up on way too many witness lists.", "Phoebe: What do you mean? What does he know?", "Darryl: I don't know, but I'm gonna try find out. In the meantime just lay low and whatever you do don't use any magic.", "(They hang up.)", "Paige: So are we screwed?", "Piper: Maybe, but that would take destiny out of our hands and I don't think that's what the angel meant.", "Phoebe: Okay, icksnay on the angelnay talk.", "(They head for the stairs.)", "[Cut to outside. A SFB Telecom van pulls up across the road. A guy gets out and gets in the back where surveillance equipment is set up. He puts on some earphones and a shot of outside the manor shows up on a screen. The girls' voices are heard in his earphones.]", "Paige's Voice: I still don't understand how coming up here is gonna help.", "Phoebe's Voice: Actually it's pretty simple. (Loud music blares through the earphones and he quickly turns down the earphone volume.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe sits the CD player next to the window.]", "Phoebe: So you guys have been home all day, right?", "Piper: Yeah, so?", "Phoebe: So there's no way he would've had time to bug the inside of the house, he's gotta be listening from the outside.", "(Phoebe walks over to the Book of Shadows.)", "Piper: Is it ironic that here we are presented with the opportunity to give up our powers and now we suddenly can't even use them.", "Phoebe: Except not using our powers doesn't necessarily mean that we won't be exposed. We still have Cole to worry about.", "Paige: Phoebe, you can't make contact to a dead demon husband.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but if I don't he will, and then what? The FBI is outside and if they find out about us it's gonna be the same thing as last year and we don't want that now do we? (She turns to the \"To Find a Lost Love\" spell in the BOS.) So I'm gonna cast the \"To Find a Lost Love\" spell. I mean, if Cole's soul is on some astral plane, it should astral me there, right?", "Paige: Are you sure he even has a soul?", "Phoebe: Well, what else would be calling out to me? Cole needs closure and so do I.", "Piper: We will create a distraction outside in case your spell inside creates any fireworks.", "Paige: Be careful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper is looking out the window. Paige walks in carrying a tray of lemonade.]", "Paige: Unless we spike the lemonade, I doubt they'll...", "Piper: Shh! That phone company van looks suspicious.", "Paige: Why?", "Piper: Well, because it wasn't there earlier, and besides he didn't put out any cones.", "Paige: That's what you're basing it on?", "Piper: Well, it's the best that I got, okay, now are you ready?", "Paige: Why don't you just (she wiggles her fingers) to the street?", "Piper: Because what is somebody drives around the corner? Now you just need to use some of your god given magic. (She undoes the top button on Paige's dress.) Okay? Go.", "[Cut to outside. Paige walks down the stairs carrying the tray of lemonade. The men workers turn and stare at her. One worker whistles.]", "Paige: (in a sexy voice) Anyone feel like a little cool down? (All the men rush over and take a glass.) Easy, boys, there's enough for everyone.", "(Piper walks onto the road and smiles at Paige. She then goes over to the van and opens the door. She quickly freezes the guy inside and closes the door. She signals Phoebe who's looking out the attic window and turns off the music.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe goes and sits in a circle on the floor which has five lit candles around it. She reads a spell from the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: \"Writher my love, wherever you be, through time and space, take my heart near to thee.\"", "(She collapses on the floor.)", "[Cut to an astral plane. It looks like hell with fire, jagged rocks, dark sky, and loud scary noises. Phoebe appears and bumps into Cole.]", "Phoebe: Cole.", "(He grabs her.)", "Cole: What are you doing here? Nobody's allowed to be here.", "Phoebe: Here, where is here?", "(They hear a loud growl.)", "Cole: We've gotta move fast. Come on. (They climb up a rock. A snake-like creature pokes out of the ground and snaps at Phoebe's feet. It misses and goes back underground.) We'll be safe here but not for long. We have to keep moving, the beast will devour us both, for eternity. (Phoebe hugs him.) I knew you'd hear my cries.", "Phoebe: Uh, Cole...", "Cole: It's alright, you did the right thing. The Source is gone, devoured. This is the waste land where all vanquished demons end up. The beast feeds on their essence, their powers.", "Phoebe: So what are you doing here?", "Cole: Holding onto our love. I'm a demon with a soul, Phoebe. It's rather unique to the cosmos, that's why my soul's been able to cling here, keep from moving on.", "Phoebe: Oh, but that's not healthy. Everyone has to move on, you know, sooner or later.", "Cole: Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say, you'll get to go to the good place, me... (They hear a scream and a demon falls out of the sky. He is zapped and his powers hit the ground. Blue lights swirl around.) Over here, come on.", "(They jump onto another rock. The snake creature pokes out of the ground and sucks up the blue light. It goes back underground.)", "Phoebe: Okay, you know, you can't keep running from that thing forever.", "Cole: That's why I've been calling you. You can help save me, save us.", "Phoebe: How?", "Cole: Get Leo to get the Grimoire, that resurrection spell that the wizard was after, you can use that to resurrect me.", "Phoebe: What?", "Cole: It's easy, I'll work you through it. All you have to do is... (Phoebe turns her back.) What's the matter?", "Phoebe: I, uh, I can't use dark magic again, I won't.", "Cole: Not even for us? (Suddenly, the creature pokes out of the rock and grabs Phoebe by the leg.) Phoebe!", "(He grabs onto her arms.)", "Phoebe: Help me! Use your powers!", "Cole: I don't have any powers.", "(A second creature pokes out of the ground and grabs Phoebe around the waist. She screams.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe, who is still on the floor, screams. Piper and Paige run in.]", "Piper: Phoebe.", "(She screams again.)", "[Cut to the van outside. The guy is unfrozen. He throws off his earphones when Phoebe screams.]", "[Cut to the attic.]", "Paige: Something's hurting her.", "Piper: Something is killing her. (She looks in the Book of Shadows.) Here reversal spell.", "Piper, Paige: \"Return thy love, wherever she be, through time and space, bring her back to me.\"", "[Cut to the astral plane. Phoebe disappears and the creatures go back underground.]", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe returns to her body. She sits up with a jolt and gasps.]", "Piper: Okay, you're okay.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, what was I thinking?", "(Someone knocks on the front door and rings the doorbell.)", "Paige: Uh-oh, I hope the freeze didn't wear off.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in. Piper opens the door.]", "Guy: Agent Jackman, FBI. (Holds up his badge.) We should talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Jackman are there. He puts a thick folder on the table and slides it over to the girls.]", "Jackman: In case you're wondering, that's just a copy.", "(They look in it to find photos of themselves being spied on.)", "Phoebe: Pursued to agenda trust, Agent Jackman.", "Jackman: If I wanted to expose you, I could've done that six months ago when that file first crossed my desk.", "Paige: Expose us as what?", "Jackman: Witches. It's the only logical explanation for all the unsolved cases, the missing persons, the mysterious deaths.", "Piper: Prove it.", "(He gets out a tape recorder and presses play.)", "Paige: (on tape) Something is hurting her.", "Piper: (on tape) Something is killing her. Here, reversal spell.", "Piper, Paige: (on tape) \"Return thy love wherever she be, through time and space, bring her back to me.\"", "(He stops the tape.)", "Piper: That doesn't prove anything.", "Jackman: No, but it implies everything, especially when coupled with that file. You think your newspaper wouldn't run that story?", "Phoebe: What do you want?", "Jackman: Believe it or not, your help. See, I specialise in occult style slayings, that's why I was watching you in hopes of catching a serial killer. A witch hunter.", "Piper: Alright, I've heard enough of this nonsense.", "(Piper tries to freeze Jackman but he doesn't.)", "Paige: Uh, wait a second, he froze before.", "(Jackman pulls out an amulet out of his shirt which is hanging around his neck.)", "Jackman: This time I was prepared. Like I said, I specialise in this stuff. There's supposed to only be a few of these amulets left in the world. Got this one off the witch hunter we're after. (He tucks it back under his shirt. He hands the girls a photo of the witch hunter.) Her name is Selena. I traced her genealogy all the way back to the witch trials. I think killing you people's in her blood, it's what she lives for. I mean, why else would she had burned her last three victims at the stake.", "Piper: Why are you telling us this?", "Jackman: Well, because I thought you were gonna be her next victims, but now that I know who you really are and what you can do, I need you to help me find her before she kills again.", "Phoebe: Do you have any idea where she is?", "Jackman: I did for a while, I had her in custody once but she got away. (He puts a plastic bag of stuff on the table.) These are some of Selena's personal belongings and from what I know, if you use your powers on them you might be able to find her. Now you do that, I'll make sure those files disappear forever. You don't, (he pulls out his card) well, you figure it out. (He grabs his bag.) Call me.", "(He leaves.)", "Paige: I don't trust him.", "Piper: Gee, you think?", "Phoebe: Maybe we should take the Angel of Destiny up on his offer.", "Paige: Great, so we'd be free and so would Selena, who for all we know could be a warlock.", "Phoebe: No, warlocks don't burn witches at the stake, they just steal their powers.", "Paige: Exactly. Powers, Phoebe, the very things we were given to do good with, remember?", "Phoebe: Huh, yeah, Paige, I remember.", "Piper: Guys.", "Paige: Do you really or has all that dark magic just kinda gotten into your brain.", "Piper: Guys.", "Paige: I can't believe you're so willing to just throw away our powers.", "Phoebe: Paige, you don't know the hell that I've been through. You didn't live it.", "Paige: Oh, really? I was just turned into a vampire and then I was shrunk and then we switched bodies and...", "Phoebe: Okay, imagine going through that for years. All I'm asking is for my life back.", "Piper: Okay, guys, enough, we need to focus.", "Paige: What about you, Piper? What do you think?", "Piper: I think we need to see this through like the angel suggested. So Paige, you are gonna go up to the attic and get started on this stuff. (She hands Paige Selena's stuff.) We will meet you there. Scoot. (Paige goes upstairs.) Leo! You can orb it's alright.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: What about the FBI agent?", "Piper: Uh, he already busted us. But supposedly all he wants is our help.", "Phoebe: Did you find anything out about the Angel of Destiny?", "Leo: He's legit and so is his offer.", "Piper: Okay, um, can you do us a favour and go get Darryl and make sure that agent Jackman is legit too. And meanwhile, we have a witch hunter to find. Don't ask, just go. (Leo orbs out. Phoebe moans.) Having a crappy day?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Cole?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "[Scene: Astral plane. Cole is running from the creature. He climbs up a large rock. The creature disappears. A demon falls from the sky and disintegrates. His powers fall to the ground and swirl around in a pile. Cole sees the creature near by and he jumps off the rock.]", "Cole: You don't want his powers, you want me. (The creature heads for Cole.) Here I am, come and get me! Come on, hurry up, end it! (He steps forward and stands on the swirl of powers. He absorbs it. The creature goes for Cole and he puts his hands up, zapping the creature. Another demon falls from the sky and disintegrates. His power falls to the ground.) This could be good.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is reading from the Book of Shadows while Paige makes a potion.]", "Piper: Before the flame subsides, let the wax from the candle drip onto the crystal. Once consecrated scry with the crystal for the one who is sought.", "(Paige drips a candle into a pot and it explodes.)", "Paige: Ain't magic grand.", "(Phoebe walks in, talking on the phone.)", "Phoebe: Okay, bye. (She hangs up.) That was Morris. He confirmed that there is a serial killer on the loose doing exactly what Jackman said.", "Paige: We're all over it.", "(Paige starts scrying on a map.)", "Phoebe: He also said that Jackman has more information on us than he shared, including our genealogy. Dating all the way back to Melinda Warren.", "Paige: Well, what does that mean?", "Phoebe: They're gonna keep checking.", "Piper: It means he's going through an awful lot of trouble to get as much information on us as possible. I got a bad feeling he's not gonna let us off the hook so easily after this is all over.", "Paige: What, he's just gonna keep using us afterwards?", "Phoebe: Great, Charlie's freakin' angels. This just keeps getting better and better.", "(The crystal points to a spot on the map.)", "Paige: Got Selena. Do we still go after her?", "Piper: Well, we don't have a choice. We can't let her run around burning people at the stake.", "[Cut to Selena's house. Paige orbs in a room with Piper and Phoebe. Piper opens a door slightly and peeks through it. She sees Selena and some men in the next room.]", "Piper: (whispers) She has body guards. Lots of body guards.", "Phoebe: I wonder why Jackman didn't tell us about them?", "Paige: Probably figured we wouldn't help if we knew.", "(A bodyguard walks in through a different door and shoots his gun at Paige. Piper freezes the bullet in mid-air.)", "Piper: Paige. (She knocks the bullet out of the air.) Did you not have the sense to sense if anybody else was in the room before you orbed us in here?", "(Another bodyguard comes in through the other door and shoots. Paige gets a fright and orbs out. Phoebe grabs the bodyguard and pushes him against a cabinet.)", "[Cut to the other room. Selena is there heading for the door. Paige orbs in front of her.]", "Paige: Going somewhere? (Selena takes a swing at Paige but misses. Paige hits Selena and knocks her unconscious. Piper and Phoebe race in.) We're gonna need some serious memory dust after all this is over.", "Piper: Yeah, well, we've gotta get out of here.", "(Phoebe sees Cole in the corner of the room.)", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Cole. (He disappears. Piper turns to look.) I swear he was just there.", "(A bodyguard runs in and shoots. Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: Time to go. Orb! Orb! Orb!", "(They all orb out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Someone knocks on the door. Piper answers it and Jackman walks in.]", "Jackman: Where is she?", "Piper: In there. (Jackman pulls out his gun.) Whoa! Whoa! You don't need that, she's unconscious.", "(He puts it away and they go into the living room where Selena is unconscious on the couch.)", "Jackman: Did she put up much of a fight?", "Phoebe: No, but her bodyguards did.", "Jackman: Bodyguards? She had bodyguards?", "Piper: Yeah, lots of them with lots of guns and they weren't shy about using them either.", "Jackman: Oh, must have known we were closing in on her.", "Paige: Still, don't you think it's odd that a serial killer has hired guns protecting her?", "Jackman: Well, maybe she's not working alone.", "Phoebe: Or maybe you're just not telling us everything.", "Jackman: Maybe I'm not. What are you gonna do about it?", "Piper: Well, for one thing, we're not gonna let you take her without a warrant.", "Jackman: You know, you're all the same. You think that just because you have gifts, powers, that you're above it all, you're special. Well I'm no different.", "Phoebe: Oh really?", "Jackman: Yeah. Your arrogance is your Achilles heal, that's why witch hunters and demons are always after you and they always will be. I wouldn't trade places with you for the world. Oh, ah, (he pulls out some paper) he's your warrant.", "Paige: So when do we get our files?", "Jackman: When she's in jail and I feel I'm safe.", "Phoebe: Safe from what?", "Jackman: Safe from you. (He picks up Selena.) I don't wanna be another one of those people who mysteriously disappear around here.", "(He leaves.)", "Piper: I knew he'd never give up those files. In case anybody is wondering we are officially screwed.", "Phoebe: Not necessarily.", "Paige: No, we are not giving up our powers.", "(She storms over to the couch and sits down.)", "Phoebe: Paige, I don't wanna give up our powers either. But I don't wanna give up our lives even more. He's just gonna keep using us.", "Piper: Unless we let the angel wipe the slate clean. Look, Paige, we said we would wait to decide until this thing played out and it has. And frankly if the angel hadn't made this offer I'd probably think differently and I'd think let's just keep fighting. But I'm tired of fighting and Jackman's right, it is never ending.", "Phoebe: Unless we end it ourselves. So do we need to talk to Leo about this first?", "Piper: No, it doesn't have anything to do with him, it's just us. And he will understand.", "Paige: You guys are only seeing the bad. What about all the wonder of being witches, the stuff you introduced me to in the first place. You're gonna let all that go?", "Phoebe: Paige, it doesn't balance out anymore. And after everything that we've lost, it doesn't seem worth it.", "Paige: What about all the good we've done. Doesn't that count for anything?", "Piper: Of course it does but that's exactly why we have this choice to make. He said we fulfilled our destiny, we've done it. This is supposed to be our reward for that.", "Paige: Yeah, well, pardon me if it didn't seem like much of a reward, because without being witches I wouldn't have sisters.", "[Timelapse. Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and the Angel of Destiny are there.]", "Angel of Destiny: Are you sure about this?", "Phoebe: Yeah. As sure as we're ever gonna be.", "Angel of Destiny: You understand this decision is final. There'll be no changing your minds.", "Piper: We understand.", "Angel of Destiny: Very well.", "(He closes his eyes and raises his arms.)", "Piper: Hold it. Just so we're clear this wipes the entire slate clean. No read the find print technicalities, no more demons, no more vengeful warlocks.", "Phoebe: And we won't have to worry about Agent Jackman anymore, or anyone else who might have found out we were witches?", "Piper: Exactly. Just free to lead normal lives with no demonic aftertaste.", "Angel of Destiny: Absolutely.", "Paige: Will we remember? Being witches that is.", "Angel of Destiny: Oh, you'll remember everything. It doesn't change your history, only your future.", "Paige: And what about the book?", "Angel of Destiny: It'll pass as some future descendent.", "Phoebe: What about Cole? Will he keep trying to make contact with me?", "Angel of Destiny: I don't know, I have no control over that. He exists beyond time and space, outside destiny's reach.", "Piper: What is it?", "Phoebe: It's just that he's still holding on, that's why he appeared to me. So maybe if I can tell him that I don't have the power to save him, then he'll be able to move on for good.", "Paige: I don't think that's such a good idea considering what happened last time.", "Phoebe: I can't leave it like this. I owe him more than that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Astral plane. Cole is standing on a rock. Phoebe astral projects in.]", "Phoebe: Cole. (She climbs onto the rock.) I have to talk to you but I don't have a lot of time.", "Cole: Did you see me come to you?", "Phoebe: Yes, I did. How did you do that?", "Cole: It's a secret.", "Phoebe: I'm giving up my powers, we all are.", "Cole: What?", "Phoebe: I don't have time to explain but it's true, which means...", "Cole: I know what it means.", "Phoebe: Cole, we did the best we could. We tried every way possible to make this work but it wasn't meant to be. And it wasn't because we didn't love each other, it's just love wasn't enough, so now we have to move on, okay, the both of us.", "Cole: You'd better go before the beast attacks.", "(She astral projects out. Cole looks down at the dead creature.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe astral projects back in her body and gasps.]", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, lets do this.", "Piper: Uh, well, we've been thinking a little bit.", "Phoebe: Are you having second thoughts?", "Paige: Not about the decision unfortunately.", "Piper: About Jackman and Selena.", "Paige: Yeah, a lot of things don't add up. His extensive knowledge of witches, how he got a hold of that amulet.", "Piper: The fact that he came in alone to pick up Selena.", "Paige: The bodyguards.", "Piper: We just wanna make sure we've done the right thing before it's too late to do anything about it.", "Phoebe: Okay. (to the Angel of Destiny) Is that okay?", "Angel of Destiny: Hm? Oh, sure, absolutely. Frankly, I thought you were being a bit premature anyway.", "Piper: Well, then why didn't you say something?", "Angel of Destiny: Oh, can't, free will and all. Let me know when you're ready.", "(He disappears.)", "Paige: So now what?", "Piper: Leo!", "(Leo orbs in with Darryl.)", "Leo: We were just coming to get you.", "Piper: Why? What did you find?", "Leo: Another genealogy Jackman has besides yours.", "Paige: Oh, yeah, we know Selena's a descendent of witch hunters.", "Darryl: No, Jackman is. Selena is a daughter of a witch.", "Piper: What?", "Darryl: She is not a suspect, she's a victim. They have her in a safe house because somebody's trying to kill her.", "Paige: Please tell me we didn't just help a witch hunter get a witch.", "Piper: Oh my god.", "Phoebe: Oh my god.", "[Scene: A park somewhere. Jackman has Selena tied to a stake. He lights the wood surrounding her feet.]", "Selena: Somebody please help me!", "Jackman: No one can hear you, not where we are.", "Selena: Please don't. No. (She starts to cry.)", "Jackman: Oh, but I must. You see it is my duty, what I was born to do. It is what I'll continue to do until every last one of you is dead.", "Selena: Help!", "Jackman: You're not gonna get away from me this time, witch.", "Selena: Help!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The park. Continued from before.]", "Selena: You're making a mistake, I swear I'm not a witch.", "Jackman: Of course you are, Selena, it's in your blood. Your mother was, that makes you one too.", "Selena: I'm begging you.", "Jackman: You know why they burned witches at the stake four hundred years ago? So they would burn forever in eternal fire. They used green wood too made it last longer, prolong the agony.", "Selena: Help!", "(Paige orbs in with Piper and Phoebe.)", "Jackman: Come to save your sister witch have you?", "Piper: Actually, yeah.", "(She tries to freeze the fire but nothing happens.)", "Jackman: You see, I buried the rest of the amulets around here in anticipation of your arrival. Your powers are useless here. However... (He pulls out a gun and grabs Phoebe.) Mine aren't. Move and she dies.", "Phoebe: It was his plan all alone. He's gonna kill us anyway. Ouch!", "Jackman: Hey, how's it feel to be powerless, huh? Mortal. You're a discourage from mankind, a blasphemy. Burning will be your justice too.", "(Phoebe hits Jackman and knocks him to the ground.)", "Phoebe: (to Piper and Paige) Get Selena.", "(Piper and Paige race over and try to put the fire out while Phoebe fights with Jackman. Selena's pants catch on fire.)", "Paige: Piper, her leg. What are you doing? (Piper jumps onto the wood and knocks over the post Selena is tied to.) Piper!", "(Jackman points his gun at Phoebe.)", "Jackman: Saving her life just cost you yours.", "(Cole appears behind Phoebe. Jackman shoots his gun and the bullet heads for Phoebe. Cole waves his hand and Phoebe and Jackman swap places. The bullet hits Jackman. Phoebe sees Cole.)", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Cole: I couldn't very well let you die now could I?", "Phoebe: I don't understand. How are you...?", "Cole: Here? Let's just say I picked up a few powers lately, quite a few actually. (He starts to leave but stops.) I'm not giving up on us, Phoebe. Ever.", "(He disappears. Selena coughs.)", "Piper: Paige, you've gotta go get the ambulance.", "Paige: You'll be okay.", "(She races off.)", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Leo is there, pacing. Piper and Phoebe walk in through the front door.]", "Leo: Where's Paige?", "Piper: Oh, she had to park down the street because the driveway was blocked.", "Leo: Well, that's ridiculous, I'll go talk to them and tell them to move.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, it's not a big deal.", "Piper: And to think twenty-four hours ago that was our biggest problem.", "Leo: How'd it go?", "Piper: Uh, well, it looks like we got away with everything so far.", "Phoebe: Thanks to Selena testifying for us.", "Leo: What about how Agent Jackman died?", "Piper: They're stumped. They can't figure out how he shot himself from twenty feet away.", "Phoebe: What are they gonna do, subpoena Cole?", "Leo: You guys stopped one of their own from killing again, I think they'd be grateful.", "Piper: Yeah, one would hope. At least until they find those files on us.", "Leo: They won't. I sorta orbed them into a volcano.", "Phoebe: You what?", "Piper: Uh, excuse me, are you allowed to do that?", "Leo: Well, my job is to protect my charges and that's all I did.", "(Piper kisses him.)", "Piper: Thanks. Maybe sometime soon you won't have to protect your charges. Are you okay with that?", "Leo: Whatever you guys decide I'll support. I mean that.", "(The front door opens and Paige walks in. Suddenly, Leo and everything else freezes.)", "Piper: Uh-oh.", "Paige: The door's stuck. (The Angel of Destiny appears.) Oh, you.", "(She walks over to Piper and Phoebe.)", "Angel of Destiny: Well, still ready to retire?", "Phoebe: Actually, I don't think so anymore. We saved someone and it felt good, it felt right. Besides, I got a little taste of what life would be like without my powers and I didn't like it at all.", "Angel of Destiny: (to Piper) What about you?", "Piper: Majority rules, right? Might as well make it unanimous. What can I say, we're masochists.", "Paige: We are?", "Piper: Yeah, sometimes. But Phoebe's right, this isn't a choice we have to make, it's who we are.", "Angel of Destiny: You realise you won't get this opportunity again.", "Phoebe: We understand.", "Angel of Destiny: Very well. (He starts to leave but stops.) By the way, thought you'd like to know, neither decision would've affected yours and Leo's personal destiny.", "Piper: What?", "Angel of Destiny: You'll find out soon.", "(He glances down at Piper's stomach.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god.", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Don't you get it?", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: (to Paige) Don't you get it? (excitedly) She's pregnant!", "Piper: Who's pregnant? I'm pregnant?", "(Phoebe and Paige scream in excitement and hug Piper.)", "Phoebe: (to Piper's tummy) Hi baby.", "(They giggle. The Angel of Destiny smiles and disappears out the front door.)" ]
Witch Way Now?
Alien Stalker
[ "Piper, Phoebe, and Paige come to the aid of Mylie ( Jaime Pressly ), a Mermaid-turned-human, when she shows up looking for their help after a pact she made with an evil Sea Hag. Meanwhile, Phoebe attempts to divorce Cole, until he shows up claiming to want her back. Paige attempts to juggle her new position as a full fledged Social Worker, as well as being a Charmed One, and Piper must protect her unborn baby. Piper, Paige, and Leo struggle to convince Phoebe, now a mermaid, to come back to her life as a Charmed One, when she decides to swim away from her problems with Cole. Meanwhile, Piper casts a spell to stop her panic attacks but instead of facing her fear, she suppresses it, endangering herself and her baby, when a sea demon comes after Phoebe. In order to help Phoebe, Paige takes drastic measures and enlists the help of Cole. Later, Phoebe tells Cole that it is over between them and signs the divorce papers." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Piper and Phoebe are walking up the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper, I can't be late getting to the office today. I have a radio interview with those morning guys, Pip and Skeeter.", "Piper: That's Skip and Peter. (They walk into the hallway.) Could you forget about your advice column for two seconds? Come see where we're putting the nursery.", "Phoebe: You're putting it in your closet. I've seen your closet, there's a lot of shoes, honey.", "Piper: No, not anymore. (They walk into Piper's room and into the emptied out closet.) Look, it's perfect.", "(Leo is there making a hole in the wall to fit a window.)", "Phoebe: It's a little cramped though, don't you think?", "Leo: That's why I'm adding a window to bring in the light and create a sense of space.", "(They walk back into the room.)", "Phoebe: Aww, you guys are very cute but why are you doing all of this now? I mean, your due date is not for months.", "Piper: Well, demon activity has been light, so it's a good time to get ahead.", "Phoebe: Speaking of a head, I can't believe you guys didn't notice my billboards down town.", "Piper: Oh, honey, of course we noticed them. You can see them from a passing 747.", "(They laugh.)", "Leo: We would've told you how proud we are of you, but you never slow down to give us a chance.", "Phoebe: Well, you know, nothing perks up a girl's career like sending her husband straight to hell. Okay, well, I've seen the nursery and it's absolutely beautiful but I really have to go to that interview.", "Piper: Uh, honey, I know your work is very important to you but guess what? I'm having a baby.", "Phoebe: Aw, I know.", "Piper: Yeah, so how about you take a couple of minutes to be Aunt Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, you are so right. I'm so sorry. Okay, what do you need?", "Piper: An opinion. Uh, I'm thinking...", "(Paige orbs in.)", "Paige: Positions! Bogey at three, two, one... (Suddenly, a demon wearing no shirt and a black and white mask appears. He blows a dart at Paige with a blowgun and she ducks. The dart hits a teddy bear and its head shrinks. Piper and Phoebe gasp. Piper blows up the demon and vanquished him.) So much for the theory that Borneo demons are impervious to magical powers. I can't wait to tell the local witch doctors.", "Leo: Okay, excuse me, can we refrain from blowing up demons in the nursery?", "Piper: Oh, honey, it was just one.", "Leo: Piper, you're going to be a mum, you need to start thinking about the safety of our daughter. (to Paige) And you, you're getting so caught up with this magical kick, I mean, look at your hair. It's so red from the potion you blew up last night.", "Paige: Do you have any idea how much this would cost in the salon?", "Phoebe: I love your new 'do, honey, I think you look beautiful. (Phoebe gives Paige a quick hug.) Okay, bye.", "Paige: Thank you.", "Piper: Honey, sweets, toots... I appreciate that you're very concerned but I am still a witch and we do still have innocents to protect and demons to fight. I can't just crawl in a hole.", "[Scene: A sea hag's cavern. The walls and floor is made of rock and is placed right beside the sea water. The sea hag walks over to a beautiful blonde haired woman.]", "Sea Hag: It's too bad, Mylie, but your time is up. You had thirty days to find love or the penalty would be death.", "Mylie: But he does love me, I know he does.", "Sea Hag: Oh, really? Did he tell you?", "Mylie: He doesn't have to tell me he loves me.", "Sea Hag: Well, actually he does. But he'll never say he loves you until he trusts you. And he'll never trust you until you tell him what you really are. You see why I always win these bargains. (She picks up a large shell.) As an immortal being, I'm afraid only you can give up your life. Place this ogre shell over your heart. It will draw your immortality inside.", "(Mylie takes the ogre shell and five slimy leech-like creatures poke out of the shell.)", "Mylie: And if I don't?", "Sea Hag: Then you can rot for eternity right here.", "(Mylie moves the shell closer to her heart, then suddenly stabs the end of the shell into the sea hag. The sea hag screams in pain and Mylie dives into the sea.)", "Mylie: You're wrong. He does love me. And I'm gonna prove it.", "(Mylie swims away revealing her gold mermaid tail.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Piper is sitting on the bed sorting through some boxes. Leo is in the closet sanding down the window frame.]", "Piper: Leo, I can't believe you found all of our baby stuff.", "Leo: Grams was a bit of a pack rat.", "(Piper pulls out a pink album.)", "Piper: Baby book. My baby book. (She opens it up.) Oh, look how squishy I was.", "Leo: You were so adorable.", "Piper: Leo, you can't even see the picture.", "Leo: Well, I'm your Whitelighter. I've been watching you ever since you were a baby.", "Piper: Uh-huh, yeah, see that's too creepy to think about. I never knew that mum kept a baby book for me.", "Leo: Well, why not? I mean, you started one for our daughter. I always thought you and your mum were a lot alike.", "(He picks up the window and tries to get it up to the frame.)", "Piper: It's strange to think that she went through everything I'm going through right now. I don't think you ever really know how much your mother loves you until you become one yourself.", "(Leo drops the window frame and he groans in pain.)", "Leo: Ow!", "Piper: Oh, are you okay?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: Here, um, why don't you let me help you?", "Leo: No, it's heavy.", "(Piper walks over to him, still holding the album.)", "Piper: Well, see, that's kind of why I wanted to help you with it.", "Leo: Piper, when are you gonna accept the fact that you're pregnant?", "Piper: When are you gonna stop being so overprotective?", "Leo: Look, all I'm suggesting is that you slow down.", "Piper: Okay, Leo, I'm not gonna be one of those women that sits on her ass and eats Bon Bons throughout her whole pregnancy. That's just not the woman you married. Besides, generations of Halliwell woman raised perfectly normal children before me. They all got through it and so will I.", "Leo: Not all of them.", "Piper: What's that supposed to mean?", "Leo: How far along in the book have you gotten? (Piper flips through the rest of the book and the pages are blank.) There was no one there to finish it after your mother died.", "Piper: Oh.", "Leo: Like I said, you are a lot like your mother. She was careless too. She thought she was invincible. She was wrong.", "[Scene: The sea hag's cavern. The sea hag is sitting down in pain. A very nervous demon with a croaky voice appears squatting near by.]", "Demon: Hello. I'm begging your evil pardon. I bear a message from my master.", "Sea Hag: Necron.", "(The demon stands up, acting like a completely different person.)", "Demon: He wants the immortality that you promised him and he wants it now! (The demon squats back down, returning very nervous.) His words, not mine.", "Sea Hag: Tell your master he'll get what he wants, but he must be patient.", "(The demons gets upset.)", "Demon: Oh, no, I can't tell him that. No disrespect, but skeletal beings aren't known for their patience.", "Sea Hag: Then you best hurry along.", "Demon: I'll do as you ask but it'll be the last thing I do before Necron eats my life force. Then comes for yours.", "(He disappears. The sea hag walks to the edge of the sea and holds out her arms.)", "Sea Hag: \"Water rise up from the sea, find the one who fled from me, follow where the winds are cold, then fall tenfold like days of old.\"", "(The sea water bubbles furiously and thunder is heard.)", "[Scene: City. An outside eating area. The sky grows dark and lightning flashes in the sky. Mylie waits anxiously by a fountain.]", "Guy: Mylie! (Mylie turns around and sees a guy walking quickly towards her.) Mylie. Hey.", "Mylie: Hey. I'm so sorry to pull you out of your meeting.", "Guy: You said it was important. What's going on?", "Mylie: I need to know how you feel about me. (Craig laughs.) What's so funny?", "Guy: You know what I love?", "Mylie: No, what?", "Guy: Your enthusiasm.", "Mylie: Oh. What else?", "Guy: Well, I, uh, I love this dimple right here when you smile. (He kisses her dimple beside her mouth.) Mylie, what's going on here?", "Mylie: Look, I told you. I need to know how you feel about me deep inside. It's important.", "(They walk over to a table and chairs and sit down.)", "Guy: Well, listen, I'm gonna be on a plane in like two hours to go to New York and when I get back we'll go out and...", "Mylie: No, before you get on the plane. I can't explain right now, but unless you tell me how you feel about me, I may not be here when you get back.", "Guy: What's that supposed to mean?", "Mylie: I'm sorry, this isn't a threat. It's just, it is what it is.", "Guy: Look, Mylie, this isn't the time or the place for this. Whatever I feel for you should come out when I'm ready.", "Mylie: But we're running out of time. Look, Craig, I admit that this isn't fair what I'm asking you but it's what I need right now if you want to keep me in your life.", "Craig: Okay, if it's that important, okay. (Mylie smiles.) When I first met you, (it starts to rain) I've had the wall come down, a wall around my heart... (A rain drop falls on Mylie's thigh and gold scales appear.) I mean, I don't how to say this but, uh...", "(Mylie stands up.)", "Mylie: I've gotta go.", "Guy: What? Wait a minute, you just...", "Mylie: I'm so sorry, I've gotta go.", "(Mylie rushes off, covering her scales with her dress. It starts to pour and Craig runs under cover. He looks back at Mylie who's standing near by out of the rain. A billboard catches Mylie's eye. It's Phoebe's billboard, reading: \"Ask Phoebe... She has all the answers. The Bay Mirror.\" Mylie smiles.)", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige walks in soaking wet. She walks over to her cubicle.]", "Mr. Cowan: Matthews! In my office, now!", "(She walks into his office.)", "Paige: Weather advisory, if you're gonna go outside, bring a paddle.", "Mr. Cowan: Where were you?", "Paige: Had to run the Mackenzie papers over to the courthouse.", "Mr. Cowan: You've been gone an hour.", "Paige: Yeah, well, there's a freak rainstorm. The entire city's flooded.", "Mr. Cowan: Well, you should've let someone know where you were headed. You have this habit of coming and going as you please.", "Paige: As I please? No, I come and go as other people please. That's what assistants do, they run errands. I'll tell you a little secret. They don't like it.", "Mr. Cowan: Well, your behaviour's got to change.", "Paige: Maybe it'll change if you promote me to social worker.", "Mr. Cowan: I already did. You start tomorrow.", "[Time lapse. Paige is talking on the phone to Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: He promoted you? Congratulations!", "Paige: Thanks, I guess.", "Phoebe: What do you mean you guess? Paige, you've worked so hard for this, it's your dream.", "Paige: Yeah, Cowan already gave me the big responsibility speech. No more coming to work late, no more long lunches.", "[Cut to Phoebe's office. Phoebe's assistant walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hold on a second, sweetie.", "Assistant: Uh, I've got Nancy O'Dell's producer on the phone, they wanna know if you want hair and makeup.", "Phoebe: Uh, no, I will do my own. Thanks.", "(The assistant leaves.)", "Paige: Nancy O'Dell?", "Phoebe: Yeah, she wants to interview me on TV tomorrow.", "Paige: Look at you blowing up around town. Billboards, radio, TV... What's next? Phoebe, the world tour?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, even better. Divorce court.", "Paige: What? I can't believe with all you have going on, you've found time to push a divorce through the system.", "Phoebe: I just want my life back. I don't wanna have to look over my shoulder praying that Cole doesn't find a way out of the demonic wasteland, you know.", "Paige: Do you think he will?", "Phoebe: You know what? I don't care. Because even if he does, after today, I'll be free.", "[Cut to an underground parking lot. The ground is wet from the rain. Phoebe walks over to her car and throws her coat and bag in. Mylie sneaks up on her and Phoebe screams.]", "Mylie: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just I recognise you from your billboard. I need your help.", "Phoebe: Oh, that's sweet, sweetie, but if you write a letter then I respond to everyone.", "Mylie: No, you don't understand. I recognised you as a Charmed One. You're very famous where I come from. I'm not evil or anything.", "Phoebe: I've heard that one before.", "Mylie: No, honestly, I'm... (A car drives past and splashes water onto them. They gasp. Mylie's legs change into a mermaid tail. She falls to the ground. Phoebe rushes over to her.) We need to go.", "Phoebe: Well, yeah!", "Mylie: The sea hag will track my tail.", "Phoebe: (panicking) Well, make it go away!", "Mylie: I can't.", "(Phoebe pulls Mylie into the passenger side of the car. A gust of wind blows. Phoebe jumps into the drivers seat and starts the car. They back out of the parking space and in front of them, a puddle of water forms into the sea hag.)", "Phoebe: Hang on!", "(Phoebe drives through the sea hag and the sea hag's body explodes into water, all over the car. Phoebe drives out of the car park. The puddle of water forms into the sea hag once again.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Mylie and Leo are there. Mylie is sitting on the couch while Phoebe dries Mylie's legs with a hair dryer. Paige walks in the foyer through the front door and puts her bag and umbrella away.]", "Paige: Okay, I just cut work on the day of my big promotion and sped through a rainstorm to get here, what is the 9... (She walks into the living room.) 11?", "Leo: Phoebe found a mermaid.", "Phoebe: Actually, she found me. On the way to a very important court date I might add.", "Mylie: Hi, I'm Mylie. (She shakes Paige's hand.) You must be Paige. You have a very big underwater fan base.", "Paige: You're a mermaid? You guys actually exist?", "Piper: Uh, excuse me. When you said, uh, sea hag, did you mean like old woman hag or evil magic hag? Because see, I'm not really in the battle mood today.", "Mylie: Uh, she's kinda both.", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Paige: Forget that. What's life like under the sea? Does your skin get wrinkly? Does algae pose as a personal hygiene problem.", "Leo: Okay, guys, why don't we let her up for a little air.", "Mylie: No, it's okay, I don't mind. Actually, there's nothing like being a mermaid. Swim in the open sea all day, explore endless wonders, it's pure freedom.", "Phoebe: Sounds like heaven. I'm sure you want to get back. I can drop you off at the beach on my way...", "Mylie: Wait, you don't understand. It was a great life. For the first few hundred years.", "Leo: Mermaids are immortal.", "Mylie: Yeah, we can spend eternity at sea. Because our hearts are, well, some say are as cold as the water. But sometimes a mermaid gets lonely and her heart warms and she wants more.", "Paige: Is that what happened to you?", "Mylie: Mm-hmm. The ocean's floor is littered with bones of mortals who died for love. I had to know why.", "Piper: Now these bones, um, could they be bones of mortals that perhaps the sea hag killed?", "Paige: Piper.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: So you said you wanted to feel love, is that why you went to see the sea hag?", "Mylie: Yes. If a mortal professes his love to a mermaid she becomes human. The sea hag agreed to give me legs but if I didn't find love before her deadline I would have to give her my immortality.", "Phoebe: All that for a guy? Boy, did you get taken for a ride.", "Paige: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What?", "Mylie: But I did find love, I-I mean I think I did. But I might be dead before I get to find out for sure. Craig's getting on a plane to New York soon.", "Piper: Oh, no-no-no, this is good. Because all we gotta do is find the fish lover, get him to spill his guts and then we don't have to face the sea hag.", "Paige: Piper!", "Piper: What?", "Paige: If your boyfriend's love can make you human why don't you just tell him you're a mermaid?", "Mylie: You mean, that I'm a genetic freak with a fish tail coated in glandular slime?", "Leo: She raises a good point.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: You may be half fish, but you're still a woman and women, you know they generally know when a man's in love even before he does.", "Phoebe: Oh, puh-lease! If I wrote that slop in my column I'd be driven out of town.", "Paige: Okay, that is it. Can I see you two in the kitchen? (Piper, Phoebe and Paige go into the kitchen.) Okay, what is going on with you guys?", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, like you need a man to be complete. That kind of thinking dates back to the days we all had tails.", "Piper: Maybe Phoebe's right, maybe we just throw the mermaid back into the ocean and we keep the manor a hag-free zone.", "Paige: Who are you people and what have you done with my sisters? (to Phoebe) Let's start with you. What is going on in that head of yours?", "Phoebe: I keep thinking about the court date I'm missing.", "Paige: Okay, so you're dumping all over our innocent?", "Phoebe: I don't mean to be. Paige, I've been fighting so hard to get my life back. If Cole shows up and we're still married, then it was all for nothing. I need my freedom.", "Paige: Okay, fine. Go meet the judge, just hurry back and we'll deal with Mylie.", "(Phoebe walks out of the kitchen as Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Where's she going? Everything okay?", "Paige: Yeah, Piper and I were just about to discuss how best to vanquish the sea hag.", "Piper: No, you said we were gonna deal with Mylie, you didn't say anything about doing anything with the sea hag.", "Paige: What is up with you and these demon avoidance issues you suddenly got?", "Leo: I think if we can protect Mylie and avoid a run in with the sea hag, I'm all for that.", "Paige: What is going on with everybody? We're talking about the sea hag, the mysterious monster of the deep blue sea, the one who's name strikes fear in the hearts of sailors everywhere.", "Piper: Okay, somebody's been watching way too much discovery channel.", "Paige: You're probably right but she's an interesting evil specimen. She reminds me of this water demon that I read in the book. She kills in the most fascinating way.", "Piper: Paige.", "Paige: What?", "Piper: We know how it kills.", "Paige: What'd I say?", "Piper: It killed mum.", "Leo: It's okay, you didn't know.", "Piper: Look, I just don't see any sense in going up against a demon like this if we don't have to.", "Paige: Okay, maybe we can get Craig to confess his love for Mylie. I'll ask her what flight he's on and maybe I can stop him from getting on that plane. But if it doesn't work we're gonna have to come up with a plan B to vanquish the sea hag.", "Piper: I know, I will check the Book Of Shadows.", "(Paige leaves the kitchen.)", "Leo: Are you okay?", "Piper: Yeah.", "[Scene: The sea hag's cavern. The sea hag is there. The nervous demon appears, crouched down.]", "Demon: Hello? Begging your evil pardon.", "Sea Hag: I see you're still alive.", "(Necron zaps in.)", "Necron: Six months ago I came to this cavern to feed on you. You talked me out of it. What was it you said?", "Sea Hag: I promised you an immortal being to give you permanent and everlasting life.", "Necron: Yes, that was it. A mermaid I believe. Did you capture her for me?", "Sea Hag: No, not yet. (An energy ball forms in his hand.) It's not too late. I can cast a new spell, conjure a storm like San Francisco has never seen. Think what you're giving up if you kill me.", "(Necron faces the nervous demon.)", "Demon: Oh, now this isn't right.", "(Electricity shoots into the demon and sucks his life force out of him. The demon turns to dust.)", "Necron: I'm so tired of feeding on lower life forms.", "Sea Hag: The mermaid won't get away this time.", "Necron: She'd better not, for your sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Airport. Boarding gate. Paige orbs into the ladies bathroom and walks out looking around. Craig is getting his ticket from the counter.]", "Ticket Agent: Thank you, Mr. Wilson, have a nice flight.", "(Craig walks away from the counter and Paige approaches him.)", "Paige: Uh, Craig? Craig Wilson?", "Craig: Yeah.", "Paige: I have a message for, Mylie sent me.", "Craig: Let me guess. She sent me a singing telegram. No-no, strip-a-gram, that's more Mylie's style. Shocking and unexpected.", "Paige: I am a friend of Mylie's, she sent me here because she needs to speak with you.", "Craig: Why didn't she come herself?", "Paige: That's a good question, there's a good answer, I just can't tell you what it is. But it's good.", "Craig: Let me get this straight. You're a friend of Mylie's, I've never met you, I've never even heard of you, and you know more about her than I do. Is that right?", "Paige: No, not more about her than you do, just a little secret, well, a big secret.", "Craig: Well, I'm tired of Mylie's secrets. Okay, I'm tired of her moving closer to me and then running away and I... I'm just tired.", "Paige: There's a really good reason for all of this and one day you guys are gonna sit down at a nice seafood dinner and laugh about this. But until then you really need to trust her.", "Craig: Well, right now I need to catch a plane. Excuse me.", "(He heads for the gate.)", "Paige: Craig, her life is in danger.", "[Scene: Court house. Judge's chamber. Phoebe, Morris and a judge are there.]", "Phoebe: I sent a sheriff to his apartment, to his work, even his dry cleaners. Trust me, your honour, I didn't make a good faith effort to try and notify my husband of our divorce, I made a great faith effort.", "Judge: But to grant a default divorce, the court requires that you to put a notice in the local newspaper saying where the missing spouse was last residing. Did you do that?", "Phoebe: I made the notice larger than legally required, I even used a twelve piker bold font to make sure it really popped. (She gets a newspaper out of her purse and hands it to the judge.) You see there how it really pops.", "Judge: What is your business here, Inspector?", "Darryl: I led the investigation to the disappearance of Mr Cole Turner. We used every method of our disposal to find his whereabouts and we still came up empty. It's my belief that Mr. Turner has left the country.", "Judge: I must say, young lady, in all my years on the bench I have never seen a divorce push through this fast. Please sign here.", "(He hands her a piece of paper.)", "Phoebe: Oh, free at last.", "Cole's Voice: Is this the right office? (The door opens and Cole walks in.) Cole Turner, your honour. (to Phoebe) Nice ad, thanks for letting me know.", "[Time lapse. Corridor. Phoebe and Cole walk out of the room.]", "Phoebe: You evil b*st*rd. Why didn't you just stay where you belong?", "Cole: Wait a minute, I'm not evil.", "(Darryl storms out of the room.)", "Darryl: Do you have any idea what you just did to me in there?", "Cole: Hold on. (to Phoebe) I'm not evil. I'm good.", "Phoebe: You're good at crushing my every hope and dream.", "Cole: Well, I'm gonna make up for that.", "Darryl: You just made me look like a fool in front of the judge.", "Phoebe: You are like a pit bull with a death threat.", "Darryl: You know I should arrest you on principal.", "(Cole waves his hand and Darryl turns into a water cooler.)", "Cole: Too many people talking at once.", "Phoebe: You see, Cole, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Uh, good people don't turn other people into water coolers.", "Cole: I needed you to hear me.", "Phoebe: Go to hell.", "Cole: I was just there. I didn't mean to stay so long but I needed to gather enough powers to execute...", "Phoebe: Execute who? Huh? Execute who?", "Cole: My plan. I'm hear to redeem myself.", "Phoebe: You'd better be careful. You are stepping down a very dangerous road right now.", "Cole: I'm already on it. I got my job back at the law firm. I'm gonna use my powers to help people, make up for my past. In time you will see we're meant to be together.", "Phoebe: Cole, if you say that again, I swear I'll scream. I want you out of my life.", "Cole: I'll keep my distance but I'm not going away. My love for you hasn't changed. It kept me alive in the wasteland, it led me back to you. (Phoebe grabs a letter opener and points it at Cole.) You won't use that. I know you still love me, on some level deep inside.", "(He holds the tip of the letter opener and Phoebe cuts his hand. Blood splatters onto some papers.)", "Phoebe: You are seriously mistaken if you think I still love you in anyway.", "Cole: I wasn't expecting a warm welcome but don't you think this is a little extreme? (His hand magically heals and the blood on the paper bubbles. Phoebe gasps.) Wait.", "Phoebe: You stay away from me. Whatever you are.", "(Phoebe runs away. Cole waves his hand and the water cooler changes back into Darryl.)", "Darryl: What happened? Where's Phoebe?", "Cole: She ran off.", "Darryl: You're lucky that's all she did.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Leo and Mylie are there watching the weather report on TV. Piper lowers the volume.]", "Piper: Now the book says that the sea hag has power over her natural environment, would that be like rainstorms?", "Mylie: Yeah. Rainstorms, hurricanes...", "Piper: Hurricanes?", "Mylie: Even tidal waves.", "Piper: Leo, she said tidal waves. How far do tidal waves travel?", "Leo: Excuse us. (They move away from Mylie.) What's gotten into you?", "Piper: I don't know, I just don't feel like myself.", "Leo: Well, our job is to keep the innocent calm. Do you think you can do that while I go talk to the Elders and see if they can help us control the sea hag?", "Piper: Sure.", "(Leo orbs out. The front door opens and Paige and Craig walk in. They walk into the living room.)", "Craig: Hey.", "Mylie: You came.", "Craig: Yeah, Paige told me your life was in danger. What's going on?", "Mylie: I really need to know how you feel about me.", "Craig: I can't believe we're back on this. What, are you two in on this joke or what?", "Paige: It's no joke, you have to tell her how you feel about her, her life depends on it.", "Craig: What is this? The delusional girls club? Come on. (to Mylie) Tell me what's happening.", "Mylie: I can't.", "Craig: You can't? You yank me out of a business meeting, your friend ambushed me at the airport, I miss my plane and you can't tell me why?", "Mylie: No.", "Piper: Okay, buddy, look. You obviously wouldn't be here if you didn't care, so why don't you just tell her that you love her for crying out loud.", "Paige: Piper, relax.", "Piper: What? If he does not do this then we've gotta fight the evil- (Paige stops her.) Person.", "Craig: You know what, I'm outta here.", "(He starts to leave.)", "Mylie: Craig wait. You wanna know what I'm hiding from you? Okay.", "(Mylie takes the flowers out of a vase and sits on the couch.)", "Piper: Mylie? No, don't!", "(Mylie tips the vase water onto her legs and her legs turn into a mermaid tail.)", "Mylie: Please don't be afraid. It's still me.", "(Craig backs away, frightened.)", "Craig: What are you? Geez.", "(He races out the door. A gust of wind blows in the living room and the sea hag appears.)", "Paige: Did you find a vanquishing spell? (Piper starts to back away.) Piper, freeze her.", "(Piper tries to freeze the sea hag but nothing happens. A water ball forms in the sea hag's hand.)", "Piper: I can't.", "(The sea hag throws the water ball at Paige and Paige is surrounded by a tunnel of water. The sea hag throws another water ball at Piper and Piper ducks behind the couch. The water ball hits the wall. The sea hag turns to Mylie.)", "Mylie: Piper! (Piper stays behind the couch, frightened.) Piper, help me! Piper! Help!", "(Piper hears a splash of water and Paige coughing. She comes out from behind the couch. Paige is standing there, soaking wet.)", "Paige: What happened to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Phoebe: She took our innocent? How could you let that happen?", "Piper: I don't know. I think I had a panic attack. I couldn't breathe or move.", "Phoebe: Okay, but she took our innocent.", "Leo: Let's give Piper a break, okay.", "Piper: No, she's right, I froze up, Mylie's gone and it's my fault.", "Leo: No, it's not your fault. It's your hormones. Your maternal instincts are kicking in.", "Paige: More like taking over.", "Leo: It's natural for a mother to feel protective of her baby.", "Phoebe: But she's been handling demons ever since she got pregnant. Why the sudden change today?", "Piper: I don't know, I just, I don't.", "Paige: Let's just focus on finding Mylie. What did you get on the sea hag?", "Piper: There's a vanquishing spell, power of three, I, I have it somewhere.", "Paige: Okay, what about a location? Did the book say where we can find her?", "(Piper shrugs.)", "Leo: The Elders say she keeps a cavern on a remote island. She keeps it hidden with charms and spells. The only way to track her is with a mermaid.", "Phoebe: Well, unfortunately we're fresh out of those.", "Piper: Okay, yeah, well, where were you when this all went down?", "Phoebe: I had my own demon to deal with.", "Paige: The good news is, is that the sea hag can't steal Mylie's immortality unless she's willing to give it up.", "Leo: Which could be any minute.", "Paige: True, if she gives up hope, she might wanna die.", "Leo: Alright, I'll find Craig, we may need him.", "Paige: Try the airport, he was headed to New York.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Piper: I'll try to locate the sea hag.", "Phoebe: Oh, honey, I'm sorry, I might've been pushing too hard. Why don't you let me and Paige worry about the sea hag?", "Piper: No, 'cause I've got to...", "Phoebe: Rest. If not for your sake then for my niece. All this stress can't be good.", "Paige: She's right.", "(Piper lays down on the couch.)", "[Scene: Sea hag's cavern. The sea hag and Mylie are there. The sea hag is holding the ogre shell.]", "Sea Hag: I underestimated you. They always come back to me with empty hearts begging me to end their lives. But you, you almost found love.", "Mylie: I did find love.", "Sea Hag: Maybe he did love you but I'm afraid that's over, my dear child, now that he knows what you are. (Mylie's eyes fill with tears.) It's time to embrace your fate. (The sea hag shows her the shell. Mylie knocks it out of her hands.) The pain you're feeling won't go away. (She picks up the shell.) As an immortal creature, can you bear to live with it for eternity?", "(The sea hag disappears. Mylie starts to cry.)", "[Scene: A restaurant. It's empty accept for Darryl and a shooter. Darryl is hiding behind a booth while the shooter fires his gun near Darryl. He calls for backup on his radio and shoots at the shooter.]", "Darryl: This is the last time I come to this place for lunch.", "(The shooting stops and Darryl reloads his gun. He comes out from behind the booth and walks through the restaurant. He hears a noise behind him and spins around. The shooter fires at Darryl and the bullets heading straight for Darryl slow down to nearly a stop. Darryl looks confused. Cole appears behind him.)", "Cole: Thought you could use a little help.", "Darryl: Yeah, you thought right.", "Cole: Let's go get the bad guy.", "Darryl: What'd you do?", "Cole: Gave us a little extra time.", "(They walks over to the shooter.)", "Darryl: Yeah, I can see that. Why?", "Cole: You mean, other than to save your ass? Well, I need to show Phoebe that I am good, I help you make this caller, you look good to your bosses, it's a win-win proposition.", "Darryl: What if I don't want your help?", "Cole: I could always turn you into a water cooler. Got cuffs? (Darryl hands him his cuffs.) Thanks. (He takes the gun off the shooter.) Here, hold this. (He hands Darryl the gun.) So anyway, if you need help with your cases, supernatural or otherwise, I'm at your service. (He puts the cuffs on the shooter.) I'm gonna prove to everyone that I'm not evil. (Cole waves his hand and the shooter and the bullets return to normal speed. The bullets hit a wine cabinet. The shooter looks at Cole and Cole punches him in the face, knocking him out.) Whether they like it or not.", "Darryl: Look, she doesn't want you. Why don't you just give it up?", "Cole: Because I'm in love. Don't forget to tell her what I did.", "(Cole disappears.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is reading through a spell Paige has written. Paige is pacing up and down.]", "Phoebe: This is really good. Adding Eastern thinking to Western wicca. (Paige's phone rings.) It should definitely break through the sea hag's protective charms. Are you gonna answer your phone?", "Paige: Uh, no, it's my boss. I've been gone all afternoon.", "Phoebe: Okay, then can we turn it off?", "Paige: Do you think it's possible to get promoted and fired on the same day?", "Phoebe: Paige, please, just turn off the phone.", "Paige: You know, maybe in our new destiny this job just isn't meant to be.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Phoebe grabs the phone and slams it on the table.)", "Paige: Okay, interesting. Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Mm.", "Paige: What is going on?", "Phoebe: He's back.", "Paige: Who?", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Paige: What?", "(Phoebe pulls the letter opener out of her purse and shows Paige. The tip of it has been eaten away from acid.)", "Phoebe: This is his blood. Blood is not supposed to do that.", "Paige: You stabbed him?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: Good.", "Phoebe: He wants me back. He wants me back and I just wanna run. As fast and far as I can. I swear, if I had your power, Paige, I would orb myself to a rock in the middle of the city. He has put me through so much and I just, I don't want to go through it again.", "Paige: Okay, running is not the answer. Don't give him that power over you. You have built a great life for yourself.", "Phoebe: That doesn't matter. I'm too tired to fight him. And I don't even know if I could. He's got all these new demonic powers now.", "Paige: You know what? Turn your anger towards the sea hag. After we deal with her, I'll test Cole's blood and come up with a magic way to keep him from you, okay?", "Phoebe: Okay. Thank you. Let's see if this spell that you wrote works. I will go find Piper.", "Paige: Oh, Piper. I'm kinda worried about her. She picked maybe the worst time to come up with a massive demon phobia. You think she's gonna be okay to take on the sea hag?", "Phoebe: Well, I think pregnancy is an emotional time and anything can happen.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: I'll be fine. Okay, let's go, we've got a job to do.", "Paige: You sure you're up to it?", "Piper: Well, I don't have a choice. It's a power of three spell, right? One, two, three.", "Phoebe: Should we wait for Leo to find Craig before we go?", "Piper: No, Mylie needs us now.", "(Phoebe hands them each a piece of paper.)", "Paige: Okay, if the spell works, it should take us straight to the sea hag.", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Powers of the witches rise, find the hag who speaks in lies, balance chakra focus chi, lead us through the cruel cruel sea.\"", "(Nothing happens but then suddenly Phoebe falls to the floor.)", "Phoebe: Whoo!", "(Piper and Paige look down to find Phoebe turned into a mermaid.)", "Paige: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The beach. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in. Phoebe falls into the water.]", "Phoebe: Hey!", "Paige: Sorry, couldn't hold you.", "(Phoebe tries to get up.)", "Piper: Phoebe, you can't stand, you don't have legs.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, why me? (She throws a little tantrum.) Why did I get the tail? We all said the spell together!", "Paige: Maybe because you're the best swimmer?", "Phoebe: Yeah, at the Y! But this is the ocean! It is very cold and I am allergic to shellfish!", "Piper: Okay, forget that. Do you sense the sea hag? Is she close?", "Phoebe: How should I know?", "Piper: Well, maybe if you put your head underwater.", "Phoebe: And get my hair wet?", "Piper: Phoebe, you're a mermaid.", "Paige: You should be able to sense the sea hag. My spell worked but not the way I envisioned it.", "(Phoebe holds her nose and dives underwater. Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: I found Craig. He was on a plane on his way to New York. Why am I standing in the ocean?", "Piper: Phoebe's a mermaid.", "Leo: Oh. Well, that would explain it.", "(Phoebe pokes out of the water.)", "Phoebe: Whoo! Dive in! The water's great.", "Piper: Phoebe, get back here this instant!", "(Phoebe dives back under and pops back up next to them in a second's flat.)", "Phoebe: The call of the sea's intense. Just like Mylie said it was.", "Piper: Well, ignore it. Did you find the sea hag?", "Phoebe: Now that you mention it there was a stench under the water.", "Leo: That could be the sewage treatment plant.", "Piper: We'll take our chances, follow the stench.", "Phoebe: How?", "Piper: I don't know. Get in touch with your inner fish. And then when you find the cavern, call for Leo and we will orb there.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Phoebe dives back in the water and swims away.)", "Paige: That's actually the most fun I've seen Phoebe have since Cole died.", "Leo: Which time?", "Paige: Good point. Okay, you guys ready? T-minus sea hag and counting. Piper, have you got the power of three spell? (No answer.) Piper, are you okay?", "Piper: I'm fine. Everything's under control.", "[Scene: The sea hag's cavern. Mylie is sitting there. The sea hag appears.]", "Sea Hag: Are you ready to make your pain go away?", "Mylie: Yes.", "Sea Hag: Necron will be pleased. (She holds up the ogre shell.) It doesn't hurt, I promise. The ogre shell brings peace.", "(Mylie takes the ogre shell and places it on her heart. It glows. Phoebe arrives in the water near by.)", "[Cut to the beach.]", "Leo: She's calling. Let's go.", "Paige: Come on, come on, let's go.", "(They join hands and start to orb out. Piper lets go of their hands and Leo and Paige orb out without her. She leans against a rock, frightened.)", "[Cut to the sea hag's cavern. Leo and Paige orb in.]", "Phoebe: Where's Piper?", "Paige: She let go of my hand. (The sea hag throws a waterball at Paige and she ducks.) Enough with the water. Shell!", "(The shell orbs into Paige's hand. It reveals a bloody spot on Mylie's chest. The sea hag flicks her arm and seaweed appears tightly around Paige. Paige drops the shell into the water. Phoebe dives down to get it. Leo grabs a sword and swings it at the sea hag. She disappears and reappears and throws a waterball at Leo. He is surrounded by a tunnel of water. Phoebe jumps out of the water and throws the ogre shell at the sea hag. It attaches itself to her and she screams. She turns into a pile of dust. The tunnel of water disappears from Leo and Paige frees herself from the seaweed.)", "Phoebe: Is everyone okay?", "Paige: Yeah.", "(Leo goes over to Mylie.)", "Leo: No, she's dying.", "Phoebe: Can you heal her?", "(Leo tries to heal Mylie but it doesn't work.)", "Leo: It's no use, she's not human.", "Paige: No, not yet. Get Craig, hurry.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Phoebe: She should've stayed in the water. She could've avoided all of this.", "Paige: Can we stay positive please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The sea hag's cavern. Leo orbs in with Craig.]", "Craig: Get your hands off me! (He looks around.) What, what just happened? Where am I?", "Phoebe: Somewhere off the north Atlantic would be my gut instinct.", "Craig: How... What... Who are you people?", "Paige: Witch.", "Leo: Angel.", "Phoebe: Mermaid.", "Paige: Don't you mean witch?", "(Craig looks at Mylie lying unconscious.)", "Leo: I know this is hard to accept, but all that matters is she's dying and you can help her.", "Craig: What can I do?", "Paige: Tell her how you feel. Your love can save her.", "Craig: My love? How can I love her? I mean, look at her. She's got a...", "Leo: Really beautiful heart.", "Phoebe: Now you know what she is, but who she is, you've always known that.", "Craig: (to Mylie) I do love you...", "(Mylie turns human. Leo quickly takes off his coat and hands it to Craig. Craig covers Mylie's naked body. Leo heals Mylie and she wakes up. She sees Craig and smiles. They kiss.)", "Mylie: Thank you. Thank you for everything.", "Leo: Okay, I hate to cut this short but I can sense Piper's panic and I think we should get back to her and let her know that everything's alright. (Paige and Leo walk over to Phoebe.) Phoebe, take my hand, I'll orb you back.", "Phoebe: Nope, I'm staying in the ocean.", "Paige: Okay, just meet us back at the beach. You swim so fast you'll probably beat us there anyway.", "Phoebe: No, I'm staying in the ocean, I'm not going back.", "Paige: I don't understand.", "Phoebe: Paige, it's everything that Mylie said it was. It's complete freedom.", "Mylie: The call of the sea. It'll turn her heart cold if she lets it.", "Leo: Okay, Phoebe, get out of the water.", "(Phoebe backs away.)", "Phoebe: No.", "Paige: Phoebe, take my hand.", "Phoebe: No!", "Paige: Phoebe, fight it!", "Phoebe: I don't wanna fight it. I just wanna be free.", "(Phoebe swims away.)", "Paige: Phoebe!", "To be continued..." ]
A Witch's Tail, Pt 1
[ "Piper, Leo, and Paige try their best to convince Phoebe to return to her life as a Charmed One, only to be surprised when she swims away instead of dealing with her feelings toward Cole. As a result, Paige turns to Cole for help in getting Phoebe back to her normal self. Piper however, decides to use magic to deal with her panic attacks, and as a result, has to deal with Necron comes to kidnap Phoebe in her mermaid form, only to be kidnapped herself." ]
[ "[Scene: Under the sea. Phoebe is swimming around the bottom of the ocean. She spots a pretty pink shell and picks it up. She smiles and swims off.]", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Piper and Paige are sitting the on the couch. Leo orbs in. He is soaking wet.]", "Piper: Leo, the Persian.", "Leo: I found Phoebe.", "Piper: You did? Well, why didn't bring her?", "Leo: She's too fast... and slippery.", "Paige: It's official. Phoebe's on the run.", "Leo: On the swim technically.", "Piper: Well, what the heck's she swimming from? She's got billboards, TV interviews, she got her divorce, she should be loving life.", "Paige: That's right, you don't know.", "Piper: I don't know what?", "Paige: Well, I didn't wanna make you mad, you know, you getting so panicky and all.", "Piper: Yes, we've established, I was a spineless coward in the face of evil. Now, what don't I know?", "Paige: Cole's back.", "(Piper starts to panic.)", "Leo: What? Why don't I know about this?", "Paige: What Phoebe told me confidentially.", "Leo: Yes, but I'm your Whitelighter. As a witch you have a duty to let me know this sort of thing.", "Paige: I have a greater duty to my sister.", "Leo: Excuse me, but he's the former Source of all evil. (Piper tries to get their attention.) This is not something you just sweep under the rug. (Piper falls on the floor. Leo and Paige run over to her.) Take a deep breath, take a deep breath.", "(They help her up and she sits on the couch.)", "Piper: Does he want my baby?", "Paige: Oh, no honey, of course not. He's in love, he wants Phoebe back.", "Leo: Hey, that's it. If Cole and Phoebe declare their love...", "Paige: Cole's love is the problem, not the solution.", "Piper: Paige, I know you hate Cole...", "Paige: Yeah, I do, I loathe and despise him, but that's not the point. Mylie said that mermaids are cold hearted, maybe that's why my spell turned Phoebe into a mermaid in the first place.", "Piper: Wait a minute, we're talking about Phoebe here. Since when did Phoebe become cold hearted?", "Paige: Well, maybe she's been in the deep freeze ever since Cole came back.", "Leo: So where do we go next?", "Paige: I don't know. Book Of Shadows, library of congress, internet. Anywhere we can to get rid of Phoebe's tail.", "[Scene: The Sea Hag's cavern. Necron zaps in. He walks around.]", "Necron: Hag? I want my eternal life. Or your life, it's your choice.", "(He sees a pile of dust on the floor where the Sea Hag was vanquished. He waves his hand above the pile and the dust blows away, revealing the ogre shell. He picks it up. Phoebe swims into the cavern and places a shell onto a pile of shells she's collected. Necron notices her and walks over to her.)", "Phoebe: Who are you?", "Necron: You have something I want.", "Phoebe: They're all yours!", "(She throws the shells at Necron and dives under the water. Necron throws electricity at Phoebe and hits her tail. She swims away, bleeding.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige is there on the phone.]", "Paige: I am so sorry I am missing work, Mr. Cowan. I-I it's just my sister, she's had a fishing accident. Of course I'm grateful for the promotion, of course I am. And I'm gonna prove to you how grateful I am as soon as I get there and... Mr. Cowan? (Leo orbs in.) Hello? (She hangs up.)", "Leo: I lost Phoebe.", "Paige: You lost Phoebe?", "Leo: Yeah, somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. I was tracking her and, she's getting harder to sense. I think the mermaid in her's starting to take over.", "Paige: I'll just have to find a way to turn her back. (She sits down.) Look through these books.", "(She places a book in front of her.)", "Leo: Uh, you've been working on this all night?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Leo: What have you learned so far?", "Paige: I've learned that mermaids are cold blooded, they like shiny baubles, sea shanties are the only songs they know, and my adoption file is short one document.", "Leo: You lost me with that last one.", "Paige: Leo, it's my first day as a social worker and I'm already screwing up and failing big time. This kid's adoption is gonna fall apart without me.", "Leo: Well, you can't let that happen.", "Paige: I'm so glad you agree. I was thinking I can just cast a spell from here and create a file...", "Leo: That's not what I meant. Go to work.", "Paige: But what about...", "Leo: But what about what? You're just an orb away.", "Paige: You sure you can handle this alone?", "Leo: I'm not alone, I have Piper.", "Paige: Piper. Okay, Leo, I don't know if it's because she's afraid of the demon or she has a guilt over Phoebe, but she's not doing so well. I had to come down here to get any work done at all.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Paige: Go up the attic and see for yourself.", "(Leo leaves the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the attic. Leo walks in. He looks around for Piper. He sees her sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, scribbling words on the wall with chalk. He walks over to her.]", "Piper: (mumbles something) No. (She rubs a word out with her hand.)", "Leo: Honey, it's okay.", "(He touches her arm.)", "Piper: Let go of me, almost done.", "Leo: Piper, you need to take a break.", "Piper: I just need one more verse.", "Leo: Piper, this is not helping Phoebe.", "Piper: Leo, I'm scared.", "Leo: I know.", "Piper: No, you don't. I'm scared all of the time.", "Leo: Piper, you're pregnant. Your hormones and adrenalin are running very high. It's okay to be afraid.", "Piper: No, it's not. Did you see what my fear did to Phoebe. I'm supposed to be stronger than ever now that I'm pregnant, for our daughter and my sisters. It's my job to take care of this family.", "Leo: Sometimes it's this family's job to take care of you. Sometimes it's my job.", "Piper: What do I do?", "Leo: You need to figure out what's behind your fear.", "Piper: Okay, well, therapy takes years and Phoebe needs me now.", "Leo: The only way you can help Phoebe is by removing your fear.", "Piper: What did you say?", "Leo: I said you need to remove your fear and I can help you do that.", "Piper: I think you just did. (She stands up.) Right now I just need to figure this out, alone.", "(Leo leaves the attic. Piper walks over to a blank wall and writes \"Fearless\" with a piece of chalk.)", "[Scene: A dock. Phoebe is sitting on the edge, breathing heavily. She touches the bleeding gash in her tail. She hears voices and dives into the water.]", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is walking across the room with Mr. Cowan following.]", "Mr. Cowan: So how is your sister doing after the fishing accident?", "Paige: Oh, we're not sure, we haven't found her yet.", "Mr. Cowan: What is she, lost at sea?", "Paige: You could say that.", "Mr. Cowan: But-but Paige.", "(They stop walking.)", "Paige: Look, Mr. Cowan, I may be stubborn at times and late to work often and I don't always know when to shut up like right now, but trust me, even if I told you the truth you wouldn't believe me, so if you'll excuse me I have an adoption to save.", "Mr. Cowan: You forgot insolent, you're very insolent.", "Paige: You're right. Can I go now?", "Mr. Cowan: Don't make me regret giving you this promotion, Paige.", "(Paige nods. Mr. Cowan leaves. Paige turns and sees Cole heading towards her.)", "Cole: Wait, before you say anything.", "Paige: Not to say, do, because I'm about to orb your family jewels far, far away.", "Cole: Yeah, that would hurt, but I'm sure you don't want to use your powers in front of all these people, do you?", "Paige: What do you want?", "Cole: I want to prove that I've changed. Not just to Phoebe but to you and Piper as well.", "(Mr. Cowan walks back over holding a file.)", "Mr. Cowan: Copies of the adoption application and the police clearances. Fax them ASAP. It might sway the agency's decision.", "Cole: I'm familiar with family law, maybe I could do some good here?", "Mr. Cowan: Didn't we fire you?", "Cole: Actually I quit. But now I'm a partner at the Jackman, Carter and Kline.", "Mr. Cowan: So what are you doing here?", "Cole: I came to help Paige.", "(He puts his hand on Paige's shoulder and she pulls away.)", "Paige: Who doesn't want or need his help.", "Mr. Cowan: A good social worker knows when to use outside resources. They don't get much better than Jackman, Carter and Kline.", "(Mr. Cowan walks away.)", "Cole: Well, you heard him, they don't get much better than me, so let me help you. It won't be any trouble at all.", "Paige: No, trouble? You've been nothing but trouble. Phoebe was finally happy and now you're back and suddenly she's a...", "Lunch Lady: Yellowtail? (The lady that delivers the lunches stands beside Paige.) Your usual lunch order.", "(Paige pulls a face.)", "Paige: Ugh, no fish, not now, not ever.", "(Paige races into another room. Cole follows.)", "Cole: Uh, Phoebe's a what?", "(She pulls him into the photocopying room.)", "Paige: You wanna know what Phoebe is? She's a mermaid. Do you wanna know why?", "Cole: I'm sorry, did you say mermaid?", "Paige: Yeah, gills, fins, scales and all.", "Cole: Well, you can fix that, right?", "Paige: No, Cole, we can't fix that because she wants to be a mermaid because you broke her heart.", "Cole: I never meant to hurt her.", "Paige: You didn't mean to do a lot of things but they happened. You are a one man death squad. Bodies, blood and pain follow you wherever you go.", "Cole: Well, there may be some truth to that but it's in my past, I came back to make up...", "Paige: Make up for it? Do you want to make up for it? Go to Tibet, join a monastery, pray for absolution, but don't put your guilt on us.", "Cole: You don't understand. I love...", "Paige: Love Phoebe? Uh, what is it with you guys, like it's all about you and your feelings.", "Cole: What about Phoebe's feelings? She still loves me.", "Paige: Wrong. She doesn't love you. She things you're an evil freak with super powers from hell and battery acid for blood. She doesn't love you, she wishes you'd stayed dead.", "Cole: She told you this?", "Paige: Told me? She didn't have to tell me, she's a mermaid. Her body erupted in scales. She had to turn into a fish to get away from you, do you get it now? Listen, the only way you can help us get our sister back is for you to disappear forever.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper has written a spell on the wall with chalk.]", "Piper: \"Locked in, boxed in, full of fear my panic grows manic till I can't hear, in need of reprieve so that I can breathe, remove my fear please make it leave.\"", "(Piper glows. She looks in a mirror.)", "[Scene: A fishing boat. Three fisherman pull a large net full of fish out of the water. They tip it into a large wooden box. Phoebe falls out of the net. The fisherman look at her.]", "Fisherman #1: What the hell?", "(Phoebe wakes up and hits a fisherman with her tail.)", "Fisherman #2: Watch it.", "(Fisherman #1 tries to grab her.)", "Phoebe: Get your filthy meat hooks off me!", "Fisherman #3: Cop the mouth on her.", "(They laugh.)", "Fisherman #1: All I care about is the tail.", "Fisherman #3: How much do you think the tabloids would pay to see this?", "Fisherman #1: I don't know about you guys but I don't want to spend the rest of my life on that boat. Maybe we should be thinking bigger than tabloids here.", "Fisherman #3: Bigger?", "Fisherman #1: Yeah. We bring her in like this, sure, we'll get a small fee, but mostly we'd just get credit for finding her. On the other hand if we say we found her dead, we could sell the body for a fortune.", "(Necron zaps in.)", "Necron: Sorry, her life belongs to me.", "(Fisherman #2 grabs a fishing spear and shoots at Necron. It pierces through Necron's neck and sticks in a wall. Necron moves forward and the spear slides out. His neck magically heals. He throws electricity at Fisherman #1 and #2 and they turn into dust. He does the same to Fisherman #3 and he turns into dust. He glides over to Phoebe.)", "Necron: Mermaids are such poor, defenseless creatures. I almost feel pity.", "Phoebe: Pity this! (She hits him with her tail and pulls on a rope. A large heavy hook hits Necron and knocks him over.) Leo! I'm ready to go home now!", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: I'd glad you finally came to your senses.", "(Necron gets up and Leo orbs out with Phoebe.)", "Necron: No! (He holds out his arm and two crows appear on a beam.) Go. Find the mermaid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe and Leo are there on the couch. Leo is dabbing Phoebe's wound with a cloth.]", "Phoebe: Ouch.", "Leo: Sorry, I was a medic, not a vet.", "(Paige walks in holding a jug of water and a cup.)", "Phoebe: Oh. (She slurps it down.) Ugh, could use a little salt.", "Leo: That's about all I can do for you.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, good enough. Will one of you orb me back to the ocean please.", "Paige: Wait, isn't there a demon after you?", "(Piper walks down the stairs.)", "Piper: Demon? Did somebody say demon?", "Leo: Yeah, one chased Phoebe back home.", "Piper: Well, that was nice of it, welcome home.", "Phoebe: This isn't my home anymore.", "Piper: So, what about this demon? Where is it? I'd like to thank it and then kill it.", "Paige: Are you sure you're okay?", "Piper: Yeah, never better. Ready to face my fears. (She stares at a painting on the wall.) Like that painting. I hung it on the wall because I was afraid to tell Leo that it was ugly but now... (She blows it up.) No offense, honey. (She sits on the couch.) So, uh, what does this demon look like?", "Phoebe: Tall, dark and skeletal. Shoots electricity.", "Piper: Paige, we need the Book Of Shadows, can you orb it down here?", "Paige: You want me to use magic for household chores? I thought you had a total fear of personal gain?", "Piper: Ah, see, there's that word again, fear. It's very debilitating. Just do as I ask.", "Paige: Book Of Shadows.", "(The book orbs into Paige's hands and she hands it to Piper.)", "Phoebe: Okay, um, I told you everything I know. Can I go home now?", "Paige: You are home. And you're insane if you think that I am going to take you anywhere.", "Piper: Relax, Paige, everything will be fine.", "Leo: Glad you're so calm. Why are you so calm?", "Piper: Well, I just did as you suggested and now I feel fine. So can we save Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Okay, you guys, I don't need saving. Okay, all I need are my sea friends and little shiny objects and to lay on a rock and to comb out my hair. I need water.", "(She reaches for the jug. Piper finds Necron in the Book Of Shadows.)", "Piper: Got him.", "(Phoebe drinks straight from the jug.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's him.", "Leo: \"Necron... A skeletal being that hovers between life and death. Has the power to incinerate any living...\"", "Piper: Yada, yada, yada.", "Paige: No wonder he's after Phoebe. If mermaids are immortal and he's stuck between life and death, then immortality would place him squarely in the life column.", "Phoebe: Well, he can not have my immortality. Will someone please get me back to the ocean before I suffocate. I need the water!", "Paige: You want water? I'll get you some water.", "[Time lapse. Bathroom. Paige puts Phoebe in the bath.]", "Phoebe: You are holding me hostage!", "Paige: Yep, looks like it.", "Phoebe: Look, I am not a common goldfish. I can not ignore the call of the sea.", "Paige: Well, the call of the common bathtub is just gonna have to do.", "(Phoebe flicks water at Paige.)", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole is on the phone, using speaker phone. He is pacing up and down the room.]", "Cole: Why are you being so difficult?", "Voice: The regulations concerning this matter are clear. We can not accept anything but the original medical report for a legal adoption.", "(Darryl walks in the room. )", "Cole: Well, that really just doesn't work for me. (He waves his hand above the phone.) Are you absolutely sure you can't use the fax copy I sent you?", "Voice: Of course we can, Mr. Turner. I'll finalise the adoption immediately.", "Cole: Thank you.", "Voice: Any time.", "(They hang up.)", "Darryl: What was that?", "Cole: Just helping Paige cut through some red tape.", "Darryl: And she's okay with you using voodoo powers to cheat the system?", "Cole: Well, she doesn't know that I'm helping her and they're not voodoo powers.", "Darryl: Oh, well, what powers are you packing these days? Maybe the power to turn men into dust?", "Cole: What's that supposed to mean?", "Darryl: Three fisherman mysteriously vanished today. They left behind what medical examiners believes to be piles of bone dust.", "Cole: And you think I killed them?", "Darryl: Damn right I do.", "Cole: You think I killed them? Me, the guy who saved your surprising small brain from a bullet yesterday.", "Darryl: You don't expect me to believe that you did that for me? I'm just a pawn in your twisted scam to win Phoebe back.", "Cole: I realise that people's reputations precede them, but contrary to popular opinion, I am not the Source of all evil anymore. In fact, I'm not the source of any evil anymore. (He sits down.) I just want my wife back.", "(Darryl sits down.)", "Darryl: Let's pretend for a second her, just for the sake of argument, that you saved my butt because you are my friend. So as your hypothetical friend can I give you some advice?", "Cole: Yeah.", "Darryl: Don't do this to yourself.", "Cole: I can't help it.", "Darryl: You love her, I get it. And your love, it's epic. Okay. But look what it's doing to you.", "(Cole stands up.)", "Cole: Paige says she hates me. She says I should leave for good. You've known her for a long time, Darryl, what do you think? Should I leave?", "(Darryl stands up.)", "Darryl: I know you don't want to. But what you want really doesn't matter, right?", "Cole: Right.", "Darryl: Well, there you go.", "(Darryl leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper puts an ingredient in a pot and it explodes, blowing everything in the room to pieces. Piper is knocked backwards.]", "Piper: Oops.", "(Paige runs in.)", "Paige: What is going on? Are you okay?", "Piper: Minor setback, it's fine.", "(Paige grabs a fire extinguisher and puts out some small fires.)", "Paige: Minor setback? The room is on fire! You're supposed to be figuring out a way to vanquish Necron, not yourself.", "Piper: Oh, come on, we weren't using any of this junk anyway. Where's the fish girl?", "Paige: She's downstairs cooling off in the tub. What are you mixing up here anyway?", "Piper: Oh, a little burdock root and, uh, some eye of newt.", "Paige: What? You're never ever supposed to mix those two things together. That is a volatile combination.", "Piper: Well, Necron's a serious threat, we need a serious potion. Did you know in the book there's a witches be warned on skeletal beings? The last two that vanquished him, actually the only two that vanquished him, died in the process.", "Paige: Great, so the rate you're going you'll be number three. You know, you oughta be more careful.", "Piper: Hey, a good plan violently executed this week is better than a perfect plan executed next week. That's Patton.", "Paige: Why are you quoting Patton?", "Piper: So I figure if I just double the burdock root...", "(Piper bends down to pick something up.)", "Paige: Ay, no touch. I don't want you or my unborn niece around that. (Piper sighs. The doorbell rings.) You shouldn't be inhaling all this smoke when you're pregnant anyway.", "(Piper goes to answer the door.)", "Piper: Ah, Paige, you're such a worry wart.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: What happened?", "Piper: We were just getting ready to kick some demon ass. That's what we do, right? (She hits Leo on the butt. The doorbell rings again.) I'll get it, it's probably Phoebe's interview.", "(Piper goes downstairs.)", "Paige: Well, send them away! (Leo walks over to Paige.) Don't look at me, she's your wife.", "Leo: Does it seem like she over came her fear a little quickly to you?", "Paige: I don't know. I guess it's better than her almost having a nervous breakdown like she was this morning.", "Leo: Not so sure.", "(He walks over to the wall with Piper's chalk writings on it.)", "Paige: What are you looking at?", "Leo: See if she had any help.", "Paige: Magical help? Piper would never do that. (She sees the fearless spell on the wall.) Oh, no, it's a fearless spell. Piper wrote a fearless spell.", "Phoebe: (from downstairs) Paige!", "[Cut to the bathroom. Piper, Phoebe, Nancy O'Dell, and a camera crew are there. Phoebe is still in the bath, but now with bubbles added.]", "Nancy: Gosh, I am so sorry. Your sister said we were doing the interview in the bathroom.", "Phoebe: Well, that should've been your first clue that my sister sprang from the shallower end of the gene pool.", "Piper: Oh, come on, Phoebe, you wanted fame. Go ahead and grab it. Carpe diem.", "Phoebe: Don't you mention Carpe around me please.", "Piper: I am doing you a favour. People will think you're bold and daring. What's better than a celebrity who let's do an interview in the nude?", "Phoebe: I can be just as fascinating with my clothes on in a TV studio, thank you.", "Nancy: Well, actually, you can't. My show is called \"At Home With Nancy O'Dell\".", "Piper: See? Fabulous. (Phoebe lays there in awe.) Fire away.", "(Piper leaves.)", "Phoebe: Piper.", "[Cut to the hallway. Piper is listening against the bathroom door. Paige and Leo walk down the hallway.]", "Paige: What is going on? We heard Phoebe's scream...", "Piper: Shh... She's doing a TV interview.", "Paige: In the bathtub?", "Piper: Don't worry she's not showing any tail. That Nancy O'Dell has like perfect teeth.", "Leo: You can't be serious. You're risking exposure to all of us.", "Piper: Now see there's your risk aversion side rearing its ugly head again.", "Paige: Piper, we know you cast a fearless spell.", "Piper: Not a fearless spell, a freedom spell. You told me to get rid of my fear so that's what I did.", "Leo: Yes, but you didn't get rid of it, you just suppressed it.", "Piper: Well, what's the difference? I'm free to be myself and to help others be themselves.", "Paige: Okay, but Phoebe's self is a mermaid, and that self is about to be broadcast on the six o'clock news unless we stop it fast.", "Piper: Now, see, you're only seeing the downside here.", "Paige: What's the upside?", "Piper: The upside is Phoebe loves her job more than anything else and doing this interview will remind her of that and help bring her to her senses.", "[Cut to the bathroom.]", "Phoebe: People are chewing entire species into extinction. Take Chilean Sea Bass. I have yet to even spot one. And swordfish for example, you might as well be munching on a bald eagle.", "Nancy: I, uh, I didn't realise you had such a passion for fish.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I do.", "(Piper, Paige and Leo walk in.)", "Paige: Okay, we're gonna have to end this now.", "Phoebe: It's okay, ask one more question.", "Nancy: Um, well, so back to your advice to lovers, it's so real, so heartfelt, especially lately. Is there a lucky guy in your life that you get your inspiration from?", "Phoebe: No, there's not.", "Nancy: Really? Then what's with all the love column?", "(Paige realises something.)", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "Paige: I think I do. Okay, I'm sorry, we're really going to have to wrap this up. Leo.", "Leo: Okay, come on, I'll show you downstairs.", "Nancy: But we're not finished yet.", "Leo: I think you are.", "Nancy: Oh. We'll reschedule. I'll have my people call your people, okay.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "Nancy: Alright, bye-bye.", "Piper: Bye, Nance.", "Nancy: Bye-bye.", "(Leo, Nancy and her crew leave.)", "Piper: So how do you feel?", "Phoebe: Actually, thanks to you I feel free. Free from the shallowness of human pursuit. From craving wealth and fame. Now all I crave is the serenity of the sea.", "Paige: Ooh, good job on the fearless spell.", "Phoebe: What fearless spell?", "(The two crows fly onto a tree branch outside the window.)", "Piper: What the heck is their problem? (They hear a zapping noise in the hallway.) Orb Phoebe to the attic.", "Paige: What about you?", "Piper: Just do it. (Piper goes out in the hallway. Necron zaps in. Piper blows him up. She walks further down the hallway.) Okay, static man, very impressive.", "(Necron zaps in behind her, grabs her and then zaps back out with her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Phoebe is spraying herself with a water sprayer. Paige is writing a spell.]", "Leo: How long is this spell gonna take?", "Paige: I don't know, it's tricky, there's a lot of factors involved.", "Phoebe: Okay, why can't we just orb to Necron and try the vanquishing potion that Piper was working on?", "Paige: Because Piper was under the influence when she mixed that potion, as you can tell by the lovely remains of our burned out attic.", "Leo: So what happened?", "Paige: Well, thanks to her fearless spell she went straight to an offensive place with her explosion potion and I don't think that's the answer.", "Leo: Why not? It sounds good to me right now.", "Paige: Well, because the last two witches that vanquished skeletal beings were vapourised in the process. I think a power of three spell is our best chance of killing Necron and staying alive.", "Phoebe: Can you sense her?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Is she hurt?", "Leo: Who knows? All I can sense is courage. Lots and lots of courage.", "Phoebe: Well, don't worry, honey, he's not going to kill her, he needs her alive if he's gonna get to me.", "Paige: Yeah, well, we still have to hurry before Piper does something stupid, like get Nancy O'Dell an exclusive with Necron.", "Leo: You know, I'm beginning to wonder if this whole power of three spell is even worth it.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Leo: Well, firstly, it's not really a power of three spell. It's more like a power of two and a half spell, considering you're half a witch. Secondly, I'm afraid my fearless wife won't let us interfere to take on Necron.", "Phoebe: She isn't exactly using her best judgment right now.", "Leo: I don't even know why she cast that spell, you know, I could've helped her through it.", "Paige: Try to see where she's coming from. She's barely been able to function and she blames herself for what happened to... Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What do you mean what happened to Phoebe? What happened to me is the best thing that ever happened to me. I am swimming with the dolphins now, I am basking with belugas.", "Paige: Uh, Leo, I actually think I've got something but I need to talk to you about it alone.", "Phoebe: Okay, you see? This is exactly why I love being a mermaid. There are no secrets under water, you know, there are no walls to keep you trapped.", "Paige: Okay, enough. Uh, Leo, downstairs.", "(Paige and Leo leave the attic.)", "Phoebe: You guys? Wait, wait, you guys.", "(She falls off the chair.)", "[Cut to the stairs.]", "Paige: If we orb Phoebe to the ocean, the second Necron is a pile of dust, she's outta here for good.", "Leo: Do we have another option?", "Paige: I don't know. Something Nancy O'Dell said in that interview got me thinking. What if Phoebe's heart isn't as cold as we thought.", "Leo: Look, we don't have time to find out.", "Paige: Well, let's take the time, okay. I don't wanna save one sister just to lose another.", "Leo: Well, I'm sorry, Paige, that is a risk that we have to take.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe is still on the floor. Paige and Leo walk in.]", "Phoebe: Alright, what'd you guys say about me?", "Paige: I said I thought you were gonna swim away the moment we save Piper. Are you?", "Leo: Come on, we have to hurry.", "(Phoebe and Paige take Leo's hand and he starts to orb out. Paige lets go of Leo's hand and he orbs out with only Phoebe.)", "Paige: This better work.", "(She runs out of the attic.)", "[Cut to the beach. Leo orbs in with Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: Where's Paige?", "[Scene: The cavern. Piper and Necron are there. Piper is tied to a steal rack, above the sea water.]", "Necron: I think we've given your sisters enough time to worry about you. Now, call for your Whitelighter.", "Piper: Or what? (The rack sinks down knee deep into the water.) Oh, please, please, somebody help me, the mean demon is dipping me into the water and it's really cold.", "Necron: Attack!", "(Electric eels swim past the rack and electrocutes Piper.)", "Piper: Is that the best you got?", "Necron: Again.", "(The eels wrap themselves around the rack and electrocute Piper. She screams.)", "[Cut to Cole's apartment. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Cole?", "Cole: Paige, you don't have to break into my apartment, I'm leaving, I'm taking your advice.", "Paige: Don't. I've been known to give very bad advice.", "Cole: I beg your pardon?", "Paige: Phoebe needs your help.", "Cole: Oh, I know, that's why I'm going away. It's the best way to help her. Now, if you'll excuse me.", "Paige: No.", "(She touches his arm.)", "Cole: What are you doing?", "Paige: Please, I can't let you leave.", "Cole: What kind of game are you playing?", "Paige: I'm not playing any games. I told you, Phoebe needs your help.", "Cole: And you need psychological help.", "Paige: Okay, that's probably true, especially because I can not believe what I am about to say but I think Phoebe's still in love with you.", "Cole: Oh, yeah. \"Phoebe hates you so much her body erupted in scales.\" That's what you said this morning.", "Paige: Okay, maybe an unfortunate choice of words. I thought Phoebe was running away because she hated you but now I think it's because she loves you.", "Cole: You think?", "Paige: It's a theory. Her advice column has been obsessed with love ever since you left.", "Cole: You told me to go away, Phoebe said it, Darryl said it, I get the message, now you're changing your opinion based on a theory?", "Paige: What if I can prove it?", "Cole: Only Phoebe can prove that she still loves me.", "Paige: You're right. \"Open Phoebe's heart to Cole, reveal the secret that it holds, spring forth the passion of love's fire, that he may feel her true desire.\"", "(An orange ring of light circles Cole's head.)", "Cole: What'd you do? (The light hits him in the chest and disappears. He starts to cry.) Phoebe.", "(The light comes out of Cole and disappears.)", "Paige: I guess she loves you more than either of us realised.", "[Cut to the beach. Phoebe is basking in the sun on a rock. Leo orbs in beside her.]", "Leo: Paige wasn't in the manor, I don't know where the hell she is.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, forget her, let's go find Piper.", "Leo: Yeah, but she needs the power of three to take on Necron. He's hurting her again.", "Phoebe: He wants me, I'm going alone.", "Leo: No.", "Phoebe: Leo, I can't let anything happen to Piper and the baby.", "Leo: Yeah, but Phoebe...", "Phoebe: You wait here for Paige. I'm gonna go buy us some time.", "Leo: Phoebe!", "(Phoebe jumps in the water and swims away.)", "[Cut to the cavern. Piper is being electrocuted. The rack rises out of the water.]", "Piper: Okay, I've had enough. The treatment of me is shocking. Get it? Shocking?", "Necron: Do you have a death wish?", "Piper: You're not demon enough to kill me. You would've done it already if you were.", "Necron: On the contrary. I wasn't hungry until now. But it's just about my feeding time.", "(He holds out his hand. Phoebe comes up from under the water.)", "Phoebe: Let her go, it's me that you want.", "(The ogre shell appears in his hand.)", "Piper: Oh, look out, Phoebe, he's packing the sea shell.", "Necron: You know what this is.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Ogre shell. Sucks eternal life. Look, I will give you my immortality if you let my sister go. (The rack flies across the water and hits the rock wall. Piper's chains come undone and she falls to the ground.) No!", "(Phoebe swims over to Piper.)", "Necron: I promise I'll kill her unless you give me what I want first.", "Phoebe: Piper, are you okay?", "(Piper touches her bleeding stomach.)", "Piper: What did you do!", "(The ogre shells disappears and reappears on Phoebe's heart.)", "Necron: Keep your promise, witch.", "[Cut to the beach. Leo is waiting there. Paige orbs in.]", "Leo: Where you been?", "Paige: I forgot the vanquishing spell in the attic.", "[Cut to the cavern. Paige and Leo orb in. Leo rushes over to Piper.]", "Leo: Honey, it's okay, I'm here.", "(Necron zaps Leo and he flies across the room. Paige hides behind a statue.)", "Paige: Phoebe! (Necron zaps the statue.) Shell! (The shell orbs onto Necron's heart. Paige holds Piper's hand.) Piper, take Phoebe's hand. (She does so.) Prepare for a big blast. \"Tide of evil wash the shore, bring it darkness evermore, with all our strength we fight this fate, make this evil obliterate.\"", "(Necron makes a huge explosion and knocks the girls across the room. Phoebe falls into the water. The rack slides into the water and drags Piper in by her foot. She frantically tries to free her foot but can't.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cavern. Piper is still under the water. Phoebe pokes her head out of the water and sees Paige unconscious near by.]", "Phoebe: Paige, wake up! Paige! (She flicks water at Paige with her tail.) Wake up!", "(Paige gains consciousness and sits up.)", "Paige: No wonder those demons carry warning labels.", "Phoebe: Tell me about it.", "Paige: Leo, are you okay?", "Leo: Yeah, I think so. (He gets up.) Where's Piper?", "[Cut to Piper under the water. Patty appears under water in a bright light.]", "Patty: Piper, I know why you've been so afraid. You don't want to leave your baby the way I left you. But spells won't make that fear go away, only faith will. Have faith that your destiny is different than mine. Take my hand, sweetie.", "(She holds out her hand. Phoebe dives under the water. Patty disappears. Phoebe grabs Piper's hands. Her foot is freed from the rack and Phoebe pulls her to the top. Piper coughs.)", "Piper: Mum.", "Leo: It's okay, sweetie, it's us.", "Phoebe: Leo, heal her stomach.", "(He reaches for her wound but it heals itself.)", "Paige: How'd you do that?", "Leo: I didn't.", "Piper: The baby did.", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: I guess she takes after her daddy. (They smile.) That must've been what mum meant.", "Phoebe: Mum?", "Piper: She came to me in the water. She helped me understand why I've been so afraid. I don't wanna leave my baby without a mother.", "Leo: You have something that she didn't.", "Piper: Oh, yeah, what's that?", "Leo: Me.", "Paige: And me.", "(They notice Phoebe gone.)", "Piper: But not her. What do we do?", "Paige: Nothing. I have a feeling she'll come back again.", "Leo: How do you figure?", "Paige: Just say I have a pretty good idea about what's going on inside of her head.", "[Cut to the beach. Cole is standing there with his arms outstretched and eyes closed. Phoebe magically appears lying down in front of him. He opens his eyes.]", "Phoebe: How did I get here?", "Cole: I brought you here.", "Phoebe: This isn't happening. This can't be happening. This goes beyond stalking.", "Cole: I'm not stalking you. Paige sent me. I know why you ran, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: You don't know anything about me.", "Cole: You thought you could escape into this big ocean, that the waves would wash away your pain? But they won't. Not until you admit what drove you here in the first place.", "Phoebe: I know what drove me here. You.", "Cole: Yeah, but why? And don't say because you're scared of me, because you're not. Come on, you don't want to spend eternity alone just to avoid the truth. If not for me, be honest for your own sake. Don't lose yourself because of me.", "Phoebe: What do you want me to say?", "Cole: You don't have to say anything. All you have to do to free yourself is admit how you truly feel about me. In your heart.", "(They are silent for a moment and Phoebe turns back into a human. He helps her up and takes off his coat.)", "Phoebe: How could you be so sure?", "(He wraps his coat around her.)", "Cole: I had a feeling.", "Phoebe: I do love you, and I always will but it doesn't change anything, it doesn't matter. It's over between us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is packing up her desk and putting stuff in a box. Mr. Cowan walks over to her.]", "Mr. Cowan: Paige, I know I've been tough on you but I don't want you to quit. You've got a real gift at helping people.", "Paige: Don't worry, I'm gonna keep helping people. I just don't wanna split my focus anymore. Thanks for everything.", "(She hugs him.)", "[The song \"Blame It On the Weatherman\" by B*Witched plays during these last scenes.]", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe is sitting at the table looking at a picture of her and Cole. She puts it down and signs a Formal Notification of Divorce Action form.]", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper and Leo are sitting on the bed looking at a photo. Leo gets up and walks away. Piper closes a photo album and opens another. She sticks the photo of her and Patty on a page. \"Grandma and Mommy\" magically appear on the page. Piper smiles and closes the book.]" ]
A Witch's Tail, Pt 2
[ "A wicked witch breaks free of the confines of the mirror after she kills the Keeper of the Fairy Tales and sets her sights on destroying Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. As a result, Piper and Grams fall victims to Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood, Phoebe to the glass slippers found in Cinderella, and Paige to the poison apple from Snow White. It takes Cole and Leo working together to find a way to vanquish the wicked witch, break the evil spell over the fairy tales, save the sisters, and set the fairy tales back to how they were originally written." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper is there reading a story from a fairy tales book out loud.]", "Piper: \"A year after the death of Snow White's mother, the king remarried, but his new bride was in fact a wicked witch. (Paige walks in.) One consumed by...\"", "Paige: What are you still doing up?", "Piper: Not sleeping as usual. First trimester nonsense I guess.", "Paige: You want me to mix you up a potion?", "Piper: Oh, no thanks. I don't wanna turn my baby into a guinea pig. I've got enough to worry about.", "Paige: Like I'd ever risk turning my future niece into a rodent, please.", "Piper: No, I was speaking figuratively. And it's not a knock at your super witch kick, it's just I don't want to subject her to anything that could be remotely bad for her, that's all.", "Paige: Well, then maybe you should put away those silly fairy tales.", "Piper: Silly? You think fairy tales are silly?", "Paige: Yeah, they're all about helpless women needing big, strong men to come and rescue them. Plus, they're filled with evil witches. Do you really wanna teach your kid that?", "Piper: No, I want to teach her values and that's what fairy tales are best at, you know, good overcomes evil. It's how Grams taught us.", "Paige: Well, my grandmother taught me vales just fine without big wolves devouring little girls. You want my advice?", "Piper: Not really.", "(Paige walks over to the Book Of Shadows.)", "Paige: You should ditch the fiction and do what all other mums-to-be do and that is to rely on your natural instincts.", "(Paige picks up the Book Of Shadows and takes it to Piper.)", "Piper: Well, my natural instincts are to panic and besides, every other mother-to-be doesn't have to worry about their child orbing out to Tahiti when they are sent to their room. I don't have a clue.", "Paige: Luckily you have two magical sisters who are gonna help you any way they can. So don't worry, honey, you're gonna be just fine.", "(Paige leaves the attic.)", "Piper: I hope so. Where were we? \"A year after the death of Snow White's mother, the king remarried. But his new bride was in fact a wicked witch, one consumed by jealousy. Every day she asked the magic mirror the same question.\"", "[Cut to a castle. An old man is cleaning a magic mirror. A lady's face (the wicked witch) appears in the mirror.]", "Wicked Witch: Aren't you dead yet?", "Old Man: Ha, still so bitter after all these centuries. Some things never change. (He turns to an apprentice, cleaning glass slippers.) Careful, my boy, those are not just symbols, they're pieces of history.", "Apprentice: I understand.", "(He puts the slipper on a stand. There is a sign saying \"Cinderella\" under them.)", "Old Man: Never forget the power of every fairy tale emanates from each of these. (The nail holding up the magic mirror starts to come loose.) Their magic continues to shape every child born, even to this day. Which makes the task of preserving and protecting them much greater. (The magic mirror falls from the wall.) No, the mirror! Don't let it fall!", "(The mirror smashes and a white mist floats out of it. The mist forms into the wicked witch.)", "Wicked Witch: Thanks so much. I thought I'd never get out of there. (She grabs the old man by the neck.) This is the way to begin a story.", "(The old man drops to the floor. The wicked witch turns to the apprentice.)", "Apprentice: Who are you?", "Wicked Witch: Little rusty on your fairy tales I see. Evil witch, magic mirror, speaks only the truth. Perhaps this would help. \"Freedoms lost must be unwitting, into the glass to do my bidding.\" (The apprentice is sucked into the mirror. The wicked witch uses her power and the mirror slides back up the wall and into its place.) Now, amuse me. Not that you have any choice. \"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most powerful witch?\"", "Apprentice: You're much stronger than most witches I see, yet truth be told there are three more powerful than thee.", "(Images of Piper, Phoebe and Paige show in the mirror.)", "Wicked Witch: We'll see about that.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper is asleep on a couch. Paige walks in holding the Book Of Shadows.]", "Paige: Piper!", "(Piper jumps up.)", "Piper: Where's the baby?", "Paige: It's okay, you're okay.", "Piper: Ohh, I think I had a nightmare.", "Paige: Yeah, the brothers Grimm strike again. I wonder how they got their name. Where's Leo?", "Piper: I don't know, I think he's helping one of his charges. What are you doing?", "Paige: Failing miserably. I can't seem to make this protection potion work.", "(She places the Book Of Shadows back on its stand.)", "Piper: Well, that's because it can't be done.", "Paige: Well, according to the book it can. Your Grams was working on the entry so that means she was close to figuring one out.", "Piper: Well, too bad she's not around, she could help us both out. I just, I need a little guidance.", "Paige: What about your friend Wendy? She just had a baby, ask her.", "Piper: Yeah, not one that could heal herself from the womb. I just wish I could talk to somebody who's been through this before.", "(Phoebe races in.)", "Phoebe: There you are. Paige, did you ever make that vanquishing potion?", "Paige: Vanquishing potion?", "Phoebe: The one for Cole. Remember I gave you the letter opener with his blood on it?", "Paige: Right, vanquishing potion. I'm sorry, I didn't know you needed that right away. Do you?", "Phoebe: Well, if the nightmare I had last night turns out to be a premonition, then yeah, big time. He had me back in the underworld as his queen.", "Piper: Oh, yeah, but you've had that nightmare before.", "Phoebe: I've lived that nightmare before, we all have, but this time we have to be prepared.", "Paige: No arguments here.", "Phoebe: And he's got a lot more powers now so there's no telling how he's gonna come after me. You guys have to be really, really careful, okay.", "Piper: What, you think Cole's gonna try and kill us? That would not be the best way to win you back.", "Paige: Yeah, but it wouldn't be the first time he tried.", "Piper: But he just helped us save her.", "Phoebe: Only because he didn't wanna lose me. All I'm saying is we've gotta be ready just in case he tries something. He is still a demon. Call me at work if you get the potion, okay?", "[Scene: Castle. The wicked witch is there looking at images of Piper, Phoebe and Paige in the mirror. The images disappear and the apprentice appears.]", "Apprentice: Wanna see more?", "Wicked Witch: No, I think I've seen enough to know how to kill them.", "Apprentice: Powerful though you are, I doubt it can be done. For good magic protects the Charmed Ones.", "Wicked Witch: Still, I wonder if it can protect them against such powerful magic as we have here. Certainly worth a try.", "Apprentice: But using the props for evil could...", "Wicked Witch: Change the meaning of fairy tales? Shift them away from good? So be it. (She opens a large fairy tale book.) Let's begin with Snow White. She was easy prey. Woodsman come forth. (The picture of a woodsman in the book glows and a real life woodsman appears in the room.) Bring me the heart of the witch which is white as snow.", "(She picks up an axe off a stand and hands it to the Woodsman.)", "Woodsman: As you wish.", "(He leaves.)", "Wicked Witch: Now, mirror, mirror, show me the sister who's been burned by love.", "(Images of The Bay Mirror show. Phoebe walks in.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Oh, I know, I am very, very late.", "Assistant: It's okay, I switched your nine o'clock with the two o'clock, I bumped your ten to twelve and I made your eleven o'clock a lunch, so you can expense it.", "Phoebe: Okay, I have no idea what you said but it sounds great. Any messages?", "Assistant: Uh, yeah. Your divorce attorney called, then Cole, Cole and Cole again.", "Phoebe: Get my divorce attorney on the phone. (Phoebe turns and bumps into a guy. She spills her coffee.) Oh.", "Guy: I'm sorry.", "Assistant: I'll get some paper towels.", "Guy: I'm so sorry.", "Phoebe: That's okay.", "(The guy pulls a handkerchief out of his suit pocket and starts to wipe the coffee off Phoebe.)", "Guy: Here, I...", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "(She takes the handkerchief.)", "Guy: I really am terribly sorry, I'd be happy to pay for the dry cleaning.", "Phoebe: No, that's not necessary, Mr...", "Guy: Prince. Adam Prince.", "Phoebe: Hi, Adam, I'm...", "Adam: Phoebe. I, I read your column.", "Phoebe: You do?", "Adam: You seem surprised.", "Phoebe: Well, yeah, you're not exactly my target audience. Unless you're a closet housewife pining for love?", "Adam: Well, one out of two is not bad.", "(Cole walks in.)", "Cole: Adam. Sorry, got hung up in traffic.", "Phoebe: Wh-what are you doing here?", "Adam: You two know each other.", "Cole: Well, yeah, we're married.", "Phoebe: Wh-yeah, but-but about to be divorced.", "Cole: I didn't want this to affect your decision on whether or not to buy the paper.", "Phoebe: Buy what? This paper?", "Cole: Adam's family owns several newspapers across the country, Phoebe. TV stations too.", "Adam: And Cole through his law firm was the one who suggested I might be interested in buying this one.", "Phoebe: That's fascinating stuff right there. Excuse us.", "Cole: Excuse us.", "(Phoebe drags Cole into her office and closes the door.)", "Phoebe: I don't know what you're up to but whatever it is, it is not gonna work.", "Cole: Don't you think you're being a little paranoid?", "Phoebe: With my demon ex-husband from hell? No, Cole, I don't.", "Cole: Look, I'm just trying to help you, okay? I found out Adam liked your column so I figured if he could syndicate it that...", "Phoebe: If you hurt me or my sisters, I will vanquish you. And this time I'll make sure it sticks.", "(Phoebe opens the door and Cole leaves.)", "Adam: You alright?", "Phoebe: Yeah. I'll be fine.", "Adam: So I guess this is probably not the best time to ask you out. I mean, not on a date per se, it's just that I'm hosting a charity fundraiser tonight at the St Regis and I thought maybe if you're interested...", "Phoebe: I'm interested and very, very flattered but you're probably right, it's not the best time for me, you know.", "Adam: Sure.", "Phoebe: Rain check?", "Adam: Absolutely.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Adam walks away.)", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper and Leo are there.]", "Piper: You heard me, Leo. I want you to bring Grams back now.", "Leo: Okay, I can't do that, she's dead.", "Piper: Well, I realise that. Thank you very much, Leo. I'm not asking you to resurrect her, I just need her here for a little while for some advice.", "Leo: Then why don't you try conjuring her. You did it once before.", "Piper: Yeah, okay, but that was a unique situation, okay. Besides, I already tried, it didn't work. Look, I know this doesn't seen important but it is to me. I can't do this alone.", "Leo: Well, you're not alone, I'm here.", "Piper: Yeah, I-I-I know but it's not your fault but there's only so much you can do, okay. I'm the one who is carrying the baby and I don't wanna screw it up.", "Leo: That's ridiculous.", "Piper: No, it's not ridiculous, it is not ridiculous at all and this is not raging hormones talking, this is a very special baby with very special needs, and I need someone pretty damn special to help me figure it out and when I say now, I mean now!", "(Grams suddenly appears in bright lights.)", "Grams: Piper.", "Piper: (to Leo) Thank you.", "Leo: Uh, don't thank me I didn't do anything.", "Grams: What am I doing here? And, uh, corporeal to boot.", "Piper: Well, what do you mean? Didn't you come on your own power?", "Grams: Honey, I'm good but I'm not that good. Well, as long as I'm here, don't I get a hug?", "(Piper and Grams hug.)", "Piper: But wait, I still don't understand. Who summoned you?", "Leo: The baby?", "Piper: No. You think?", "Leo: Maybe you tapped into her powers somehow and made your wish come true.", "Grams: Aw, you wished for me? Why?", "Piper: Because I need help, I need your advice. I need to know how to get ready for this baby.", "Grams: Oh, well, that's easy. Now, let's see. Have you been exercising your powers daily?", "Piper: Do I need to?", "Grams: Well, you know, only if you don't want to lose control of them. Did you perform a ritual to promote growth?", "Piper: Uh...", "Grams: Did you cast a spell to ward off demonic parasites? Sweetheart, what did you do?", "Leo: We built a nursery in our bedroom closet.", "Grams: Closet? Well, no wonder this baby called me. Come on, we'll start in there, we've got plenty of work to do.", "(They walk into the foyer. Paige comes down the stairs.)", "Paige: Oh, my goodness, don't tell me you're already interviewing nannies.", "(She laughs.)", "Grams: Paige. You're even more beautiful than I imagined.", "Paige: And you are?", "Grams: Why, I'm your Grams of course. Come here.", "(Grams hugs Paige, who has a funny look on her face.)", "Piper: (whispers to Leo) Quick, go clean up the nursery.", "(Leo races off.)", "Paige: No offence, but, uh, aren't you supposed to be dead?", "Grams: Oh, I'm over that. Look at you, I mean you're absolutely gorgeous. You have my mother's eyes. Oh, she was a real looker too. I bet you have plenty of boyfriends, right?", "Paige: Actually, not a problem I'm having right now, Mrs. Halliwell.", "Grams: Oh, please, call me Grams.", "(Suddenly, the Woodsman comes crashing through the conservatory wall. He heads for Grams and Piper pushes her out the way. He swings his axe at Paige and she orbs out just in time. She orbs back in and he smacks her across the face, sending her crashing onto the coffee table. Piper's wound on her arm magically heals itself. The Woodsman turns to attack Piper and Grams and Piper blows him up.)", "Piper: What the hell was that?", "(Leo runs down the stairs.)", "Leo: What's going on? Paige.", "Piper: Paige? (They help Paige up.)", "[Cut to the castle. The Wicked Witch was watching them through the magic mirror. The apprentice appears back in the mirror.]", "Apprentice: Try as you like. Fairy tale magic runs out at midnight.", "Wicked Witch: There's still plenty of time. (She picks up a red apple.) The Woodsman failed but I won't. I'll split the witches up and make sure none of them live happily ever after.", "(She tucks the apple into her coat and walks over to the glass slippers. She picks them up and smokes out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Paige, Leo and Grams walk in.]", "Paige: I'm telling you, that was a demon. No crazy person off the street is that good with an axe.", "(Piper sits down and opens the fairy tale book.)", "Leo: Except, since when do demons attack with an axe?", "Paige: Athame, axe, what's the difference?", "(Grams opens the Book Of Shadows.)", "Grams: Oh, who cares? Let's just see if there's anymore where he came from. I mean, I certainly don't want a body if it's gonna get chopped up.", "Paige: Well, Piper says you're the super witch, what do you think he was?", "Grams: I don't know. Although there was something about him that looked familiar.", "Piper: A little like this maybe?", "(She holds up the picture of the Woodsman in the book.)", "Grams: Oh, the woodsman, of course. Oh, you recognised him too.", "Piper: I read fairy tales to my baby just like you read to me.", "Grams: Oh, darling. )She giggles.) Well I'm glad you're finally doing something.", "Paige: Wait, you're saying a fairy tale character came to life and attacked us? Come on.", "(She rolls her eyes.)", "Grams: Well, why not? They're real, I mean, at least they used to be.", "Paige: What?", "Grams: Oh, Paige. I can see I have lots to teach you too.", "[Cut to the kitchen. The Wicked Witch smokes in, holding a gift. She places it on the table. She hears a noise and gasps. She pulls the red apple out of her coat and places it in the fruit bowl. It glows for a second. She smokes out. Phoebe walks in through the back door and puts her purse on the table. She sees the gift and opens the lid.]", "[Cut to the attic.]", "Grams: Fairy tales are not all fables, my dear. Some are recountings of ancient battles between good and evil. And they're as much apart of our heritage as anything in the Book of Shadows.", "Paige: You expect me to believe that there are giant beanstalks and gingerbread houses that actually existed?", "Leo: You used to think that the Evil Enchantress was just a fairy tale too, didn't you?", "Paige: That was different. That was...", "Piper: A past life. Yours.", "(Phoebe walks in carrying the gift.)", "Phoebe: Hey, you guys, was anyone here when this got... Grams!", "Grams: In the flesh. So to speak.", "(They hug.)", "Phoebe: Oh, it's so good to see you. Wait, what did I just hug? Where did you get the body from?", "Piper: Oh, it's a long story. And speaking of stories, a fairy tale just tried to slice our heads off.", "Phoebe: A fairy tale?", "Leo: The Woodsman from Snow White.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, that would explain where these came from, glass slippers. (She shows them the gift.) Cinderella's no doubt. Cole knows it's my favourite.", "Piper: Cole? You think Cole is doing all of this?", "Phoebe: Who else has enough power to turn fairy tales against us? I told you he was gonna attack.", "Grams: Except it was an evil witch who sent the woodsman in Snow White.", "Leo: I think I'd better go check with the elders.", "Piper: I think you better. (Leo orbs out. Phoebe takes off her shoes.) What are you doing?", "Phoebe: Proving that I'm right.", "Paige: Hey, that's risky. You don't know what could happen.", "Phoebe: Well, I know that Cole won't hurt me, physically anyway.", "(She opens the box and pulls out the slippers.)", "Paige: Well, as much as I distrust him, we don't know that it's him behind this.", "Grams: All the more reason to play along, find out who is. We can't just sit around here and wait to be attacked.", "Paige: She could get killed. Piper, a little support here.", "Piper: Uh, if Grams thinks it's a good idea who am I to disagree?", "(Phoebe puts the slippers on.)", "Phoebe: See, no problem. I'm fine. (A blue light swirls around her from her feet to her head and her clothes change into a ball gown.) Actually, I'm better than fine. (Phoebe's legs start moving her towards the door.) Whoa.", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: Whoa.", "Piper: Where are you going?", "(Piper and Paige follow her.)", "Phoebe: I don't know! I can't stop!", "(They try to hold her back.)", "Piper: Well, get out of them.", "Phoebe: I can't. The door. The door.", "(She holds onto the door frame.)", "Piper: Grams, what do we do?", "Grams: Just let her go. We're never gonna be able to get to the bottom of this if you don't. (They let Phoebe go and she walks downstairs.) Paige, follow her, orb her out if she gets in trouble.", "Paige: She's already in trouble.", "Phoebe: Help!", "(Paige follows Phoebe.)", "Grams: I'm gonna have to help you get ready for a mother later. Right now we've got to deal with evil witches.", "Piper: Right.", "(She heads for the Book Of Shadows.)", "Grams: Oh, uh, not that book. (She picks up the fairy tale book.) This one.", "[Scene: St Regis. Hallway. Adam, wearing a black tuxedo, walks down talking on his mobile phone.]", "Adam: Listen, I am very interested in making an offer but I am on my way to a charity event right now. (He walks into an elevator.) Can we talk first thing in the morning? Great. Thank you. (He hangs up. The Wicked Witch smokes in and gives Adam a fright.) What the hell? (The Wicked Witch grabs his face and kisses him. His face glows then turns normal.) How can I serve you, my Queen?", "Wicked Witch: Just be a charming prince. Meet Cinderella at the ball. But be certain that she's in the carriage by midnight. Otherwise you won't have a happy ending either.", "[Scene: The street. Phoebe and Paige walk across without stopping. People in cars slam on their breaks and honk their horns.]", "Phoebe: Hey, I'm walking here!", "Car Driver: Get out of the street!", "Paige: Don't you have any way of controlling those things?", "Phoebe: They didn't exactly come with an instruction manual, Paige.", "(She walks onto the sidewalk.)", "Paige: Argh, god. (Phoebe stops. Paige bumps into her.) They stopped.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but why did they stop? (A horse and carriage pulls up in front of them.) Well, he's got style, I'll give him that much.", "Paige: Okay, this is getting too weird, we're getting outta here.", "Phoebe: Um, excuse me, sir. Did Cole Turner send you? (No answer.) Hello? I asked you a question.", "(The carriage door magically opens.)", "Paige: Okay, whatever happens you are not getting into that.", "(Phoebe's legs move towards the carriage.)", "Phoebe: Whoa!", "Paige: Phoebe, no!", "(Phoebe gets in the carriage. Paige tries to follow but a force blocks her and knocks her to the ground.)", "Phoebe: Looks like he want Cinderella to go to the ball alone just like in the story.", "(The carriage moves.)", "Paige: Hold on! (She stands up.) I'll orb you out.", "Phoebe: No. Go back to the manor.", "Paige: But what about you?", "Phoebe: Look, I'll call for Leo if I'm in danger, okay?", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper, Paige, Leo and Grams are there.]", "Paige: She's already in danger. We never should have split up. No offence, Mrs. Halliwell.", "Grams: Grams. And none taken.", "Piper: Yeah, well, if what we heard is true, then Phoebe could be in a lot more danger than we think. We all could.", "Leo: If somebody's using fairy tales for evil, it could rewrite them, corrupt them for every future generation.", "Paige: How? How can you rewrite them? They're already in print.", "Leo: Every copy is a manifestation of an original, an original that was entrusted to the Keeper of the fairy tales, long ago for protection.", "Piper: The Elders think something has happened to him, that somebody took over the fortress from the inside.", "Grams: An evil witch I might add.", "Paige: Why don't we just orb to this fortress and kick her butt?", "Leo: Because nobody knows where it is. It's location has been kept secret, even from the Elders.", "Paige: Where was their infinite wisdom on the day that was decided?", "Piper: The point is we have no way of finding her.", "Grams: Piper, I'm surprised at you. I mean, she's a witch isn't she? Just scry for her.", "Piper: Oh, right.", "Grams: Then after you find her, you lure her back here to us and we vanquish her with a potion.", "Paige: What potion?", "Grams: Oh, one that works wonders on evil witches. Come, I'll show you.", "Paige: Errr.", "Grams: Uh, maybe we could also work on your protection potion if we have time.", "(Grams picks up the Book Of Shadows. Paige nods and they leave the attic.)", "Leo: (to Piper) You alright?", "Piper: Shush, I need to concentrate.", "(She scrys for the witch.)", "[Cut to the castle. The Wicked Witch is watching Piper through the magic mirror. The image fades out and the apprentice shows up instead.]", "Apprentice: She'll find you and by midnight too.", "Wicked Witch: I want her to find me, (she cuts a piece of her hair off with scissors) part of me anyway.", "(She puts the hair into a red cloak.)", "Apprentice: Hair in the cloak? That's not in the Little Red Riding Hood tale.", "Wicked Witch: No, but luring them away from Grandmother's house is. So is the big bad wolf.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: St. Regis. The charity night is taking place. Men and women and waltzing in the centre of the room. Adam is chatting to some people. He looks around and then looks at his watch. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Excuse me, pardon me, comin' through.", "(Her feet stop and Adam goes over to her.)", "Adam: Phoebe, you came. I'm so glad.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I didn't really have much of a choice.", "Adam: You look fabulous.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "Adam: I just hope you're not here with someone else.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, I am definitely not here with someone else, even if that someone else thinks I am.", "Adam: Sorry?", "(Phoebe sees Cole approaching them.)", "Phoebe: Oh. Well, speak of the devil.", "Cole: What are you doing here?", "Phoebe: As if you don't know.", "Cole: Actually I don't.", "Phoebe: Listen, Cole, these boots may be made for walking, but they're never walking back to you, buddy.", "Cole: Boots?", "Phoebe: You know what I mean.", "Cole: Am I up to something again?", "Adam: Listen, why don't we get a drink?", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Cole: Oh. You two here together?", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, isn't that part of your master plan?", "Cole: There is no master plan.", "Phoebe: At least not one that'll work. Okay, you ready?", "Adam: Yes.", "(Phoebe and Adam start to walk away.)", "Cole: Phoebe, wait, listen.", "Adam: Why don't you back off, pal?", "(He grabs Cole and Cole twists his arm. It doesn't seem to hurt him.)", "Cole: Excuse me.", "Phoebe: Okay, you know what? Leave him alone, Cole. Let him go. (Cole lets go.) (to Adam) Are you okay?", "Adam: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You ready?", "(They start to walk away.)", "Cole: Phoebe, I don't think you should...", "Phoebe: I don't care what you think. Just stay the hell away from me.", "(They walk away.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige and Grams are there making a potion. Grams is cutting up some mandrake root.]", "Grams: You must take care to cut the mandrake root to expose the meat, otherwise it doesn't do any good. And then you simply roll them in mustard seed, but not too heavily and then, (she throws it into a pot and the potion explodes) goodbye evil witch.", "Paige: Wow, I can't believe you did that without looking at the book once.", "Grams: Honey, I wrote the book. All the good potions anyway. Oh, would you be a dear and get me a vial?", "Paige: Oh, yeah, sure.", "(Paige goes over to a cupboard and pulls out a vial. The apple in the fruit bowl glows for a second. Paige notices and stares at it.)", "Grams: Paige, the vial.", "Paige: Um, sorry.", "Grams: You know, it's a good thing you quit your job. You catch on quickly and you have a real gift for the craft.", "Paige: How'd you know I quit my job? How'd you know I even had a job?", "Grams: Oh, I peek, I mean, you know, sometimes. Oh, but never during a private moment.", "Paige: Thanks. I guess.", "Grams: I mean, what choice do I have?", "Paige: Okay, no offence, Mrs. Halliwell...", "Grams: Grams.", "Paige: Okay, that's my point. I already had a Grams. One I really, really loved and yes, technically we're related and you're my grandmother too. I guess it just feels a little odd because I don't know you.", "Grams: I understand and I wouldn't dream of trying to replace someone as special to you as that. But isn't it possible that maybe there might be a little room left in your heart for me too? Someday.", "Paige: Well, at least I can see where I get my stubbornness from. (Grams chuckles.) I'd better get a couple of vials for Phoebe and Piper too.", "(Paige goes to the cupboard and the apple catches her attention again. She moves closer to it.)", "[Cut to the woods. It's dark. Piper and Leo are walking along a trail.]", "Leo: Grams? You don't need Grams to do the scrying. What's gotten into you?", "Piper: I don't know, I suddenly feel like I can't make any decisions at all. I feel like I'm ten years old again around her.", "Leo: Hey, what's this?", "(They find the red cloak hanging over a branch in a tree. Leo pulls it down.)", "Piper: Oh, let me guess. Little Red Riding Hood's? Wait, we're off the beaten path, aren't we? Oh, no, Grams.", "[Cut back to the manor. Kitchen. Grams is stirring the potion. Paige picks up the apple and takes a bite. Her hair turns long and black and her clothes change into a white robe.]", "Grams: Paige... (Paige falls to the floor.) Paige! (A wolf growls at Grams at the kitchen doorway. It runs towards Grams and leaps for her.) No!", "(We see the shadow on the wall of the wolf leaping above Grams. The wolf devours her from head to toe. The shadow of Grams then stands up. We see Grams and she picks her teeth. She looks down at Paige. Leo and Piper orb in. Piper's holding the cloak.)", "Piper: What happened?", "Grams: I'm afraid she's dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Paige, Leo and Grams are there. Leo is trying to heal Paige. Piper is flipping through the Book Of Shadows. Grams is pacing through the kitchen, acting rather strange.]", "Piper: I know there's something in here somewhere about poison. Leo? (Leo looks at her.) No, we are not giving up. This is a stinkin' fairy tale. If Snow White can come back to life then Paige can too. Right, Grams?", "(Grams scratches her head as if she has fleas.)", "Grams: Uh, well, I wouldn't get my hopes up.", "Piper: What are you talking about? You're supposed to be the expert. There has got to be some way.", "Leo: What about a kiss?", "Piper: A kiss?", "Leo: It worked for Snow White. It's worth a shot.", "(Grams sniffs Piper and Piper gives her a look. Grams moves back.)", "Grams: A Kiss. Yes, by all means. (She grabs Piper's arm and pulls her.) Come, let's find her boyfriend.", "Piper: She doesn't have a boyfriend, remember?", "Grams: Right. Sorry. (She chuckles. Her stomach grumbles loudly.) My stomach is really upset.", "Piper: Wait, I got a spell. \"Here our call, for those who fall, urge her to awaken, from this toxic taken.\"", "(Leo feels Paige's pulse.)", "Leo: Nothing.", "Piper: Grams, what do we do?", "(Grams shakes her head.)", "Leo: Focus on vanquishing the evil witch in hopes that it reverses the dark magic. It's our only hope.", "Piper: (to Grams) Did you finish the vanquishing potion?", "Grams: Um, no. Unfortunately, ugh, bad batch. (She picks up the pot of potion and tips it down the sink. The doorbell rings.) Oh, Leo, would you be a lamb and see who that is?", "(Leo Leaves the kitchen. Grams sneers at Piper behind her back. Grams moves away when Leo speaks.)", "Leo: (from foyer) Honey? Honey, you might wanna come look at this!", "(Piper leaves the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Leo is at the door. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: What? What is it?", "(She notices seven dwarves standing on the porch.)", "Head Dwarf: Someone here eat a poison apple?", "[Scene: St Regis. Phoebe and Adam are dancing.]", "Adam: You know there's a fine line between love and hate.", "Phoebe: What?", "Adam: It's just I'm not sure if you're dancing with me or for Cole. To make him jealous, I mean.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, it's not like that at all. It's just very complicated.", "Adam: I see, I can always have him fired if that would help.", "Phoebe: Really?", "(Phoebe giggles.)", "Adam: Absolutely, just say the word.", "Phoebe: Word.", "Adam: Done. (Phoebe sees Leo across the room. He points.) You know, it's almost midnight. What do you say we get out of here?", "Phoebe: Uh, hold that thought.", "(Phoebe goes over to Leo. Adam starts to follow but Cole stops him.)", "Cole: I don't know what happened to you, but I do know evil when I see it. And you're it.", "Adam: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Cole: No, of course you don't. But if you try to hurt Phoebe I'll kill you.", "[Cut to Phoebe and Leo nearby.]", "Phoebe: She's dead? What do you mean she's dead?", "Leo: Don't worry the dwarves are all over it.", "Phoebe: The dwarves?", "Leo: Piper cast a spell that wound up summoning the descendants of the seven dwarves. Actually, they prefer to be called little people now.", "Phoebe: Snow White and the Little People.", "Leo: Look, the point is that they preserve the dead, it's what they do. At least it'll buy us time until we can vanquish the evil witch who's behind all this.", "Phoebe: Cole is behind all of this.", "Leo: Not according to the Elders he's not.", "Phoebe: Wh-?", "Leo: Look, even if he was responsible there's nothing more that you can do here. Piper needs you back home to try and save Paige.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Paige is lying in a glass case. The dwarves are standing around it, some cleaning the glass.]", "Head Dwarf: When's her prince getting here?", "Piper: She doesn't have a prince.", "Head Dwarf: No prince? Then who's gonna kiss her?", "Dwarf #2: I'll do it.", "Dwarf #3: In you're dreams, stinky. I'll do it.", "Dwarf #2: I told you not to call me that.", "Head Dwarf: People! A little professional decorum here please. (to Piper) Forgive them, it's been a while.", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "(Piper walks over to the stairs and picks up the Woodsman's axe.)", "Grams: Uh, um, sweetheart. (She goes over to Piper. She gets nervous when she sees the axe.) What are you doing with that?", "Piper: Well, I'm not gonna sit around and wait for the wolf to attack.", "Grams: Wolf? What wolf?", "Piper: From Little Red Riding Hood. This cloak is meant for me.", "(She points to the cloak hanging over the rail.)", "Grams: Oh, you don't believe that silly old story do you?", "Piper: Grams, you're the one that says fairy tales are based in truth.", "Grams: Well yes, but that one was made up to scare little kids. I mean after all, a little girl gets eaten in the end, what a downer.", "Piper: No, the Woodsman comes and cuts open the wolf's stomach and frees her and the grandmother.", "Grams: Well, that's not the popular version.", "Piper: Well it's in our version.", "Grams: Really? Show me.", "(Piper goes upstairs, carrying the axe. Grams grabs the cloak and follows.)", "Dwarf #2: You think she knows that's a wolf?", "Head Dwarf: Not our business.", "[Cut to the St Regis. Phoebe and Leo rush into a hallway. They turn a corner where there are no people.]", "Phoebe: Okay, let's orb.", "(Adam walks around the corner.)", "Adam: Phoebe. Where are you going? Who is this guy?", "Phoebe: This is my brother-in-law. Something's happened and I gotta get home. I'm really sorry, Adam.", "Adam: Then let me give you a ride.", "(Cole shows up.)", "Cole: Don't go anywhere with this guy.", "(Phoebe punches him in the face.)", "Phoebe: How could you have done this?", "Cole: Ah, done what?", "(Adam takes Phoebe's hand.)", "Adam: Come on.", "Leo: Phoebe, wait.", "(Adam and Phoebe walk away.)", "Cole: Leave her alone.", "Phoebe: (to Leo) Keep him away from me.", "(Leo stands in Cole's way.)", "Cole: Leo, he's evil.", "Leo: Really? And what are you?", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper and Grams are there. Piper is looking at the fairy tale book.]", "Piper: So, Red Riding Hood comes into the house and finds the wolf dressed as her Grandmother. As if she wouldn't see through that.", "Grams: Skip down.", "Piper: Okay, let's see. She says, \"Grandmother, what big ears you have.\"", "Grams: The better to hear you with, my dear.", "(Grams sneaks behind Piper.)", "Piper: And then, uh, \"what big eyes you have.\"", "Grams: The better to see you with, my dear.", "Piper: Yeah, yeah, and then, \"what big teeth you have.\"", "Grams: The better to eat you with, my dear!", "(Piper turns to Grams and screams.)", "[Cut to outside St Regis. Phoebe and Adam walk outside. Leo follows. The clock is striking midnight. Leo grabs his stomach in pain.]", "Leo: Piper!", "(Leo orbs out. Phoebe and Adam stand on the sidewalk.)", "Phoebe: What are we doing out here?", "(The horse and carriage comes around the corner. Phoebe tries to run but Adam grabs onto her hand. She loses a glass slipper while struggling. The carriage pulls up in front of them and the door magically opens. Adam forces Phoebe into the carriage and shuts the door. The horse and carriage turn into a pumpkin.)", "[Cut to the castle. The Wicked Witch is watching through the mirror.]", "Wicked Witch: The end.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the St Regis. Adam picks up the glass slipper. He walks over to the pumpkin and picks it up. He raises it above his head. Cole walks out.]", "Cole: Put it down. (Adam turns around with the pumpkin still raised.) Gently.", "Adam: The can't. The witch'll kill me.", "Cole: So will I. You don't wanna hurt her. (Adam throws the pumpkin and Cole freezes it. He walks over and picks it up.) Oh, what am I gonna do with you? (He unfreezes Adam and punches him in the face.) Keep your hands off my pumpkin.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Leo and the wolf are there. The wolf is growling viciously at Leo. Leo is holding the axe.]", "Leo: Where's my wife? (The wolf barks.) Where's my wife?! (The wolf spots the fairy tale book and jumps for it.) No!", "(Suddenly, the wolf is blown into a million pieces and Piper and Grams fall out of the wolf. They land hard on the ground. Leo drops the axe and rushes over to them.) Piper. (They get up.) Are you okay?", "Piper: Yeah, I think so.", "Leo: How did you...?", "Grams: She blew him up from the inside. (She laughs.) Although it took her long enough.", "Piper: Ah, back off Grams. I just saved your ass.", "Grams: Ha!", "Leo: She's back.", "(Cole appears, holding the pumpkin.)", "Cole: Your sister, and, uh, I had nothing to do with this, I swear.", "Piper: Oh, my.", "Grams: What are we going to do now?", "Piper: Well, we do what we were gonna do in the first place. We find the witch who did this and vanquish her.", "Cole: Do you know how to find her?", "Piper: No.", "Leo: Wait a minute, I think I do. The wolf was trying to get into the book of fairy tales. Perhaps it's a portal of some sort. Although I don't know how we access it.", "Piper: Well, we can't. But maybe Little Red Riding Hood can. (She picks up the cloak.) I knew I was gonna have to put on this stupid thing sooner or later.", "(She puts it on. Grams hands her a vial of potion.)", "Grams: Don't forget the potion. Go on, show her who's the most powerful witch of all.", "(They smile. Piper touches the book and is sucked into it.)", "[Cut to the castle. The Wicked Witch seems a little worried.]", "Wicked Witch: Why won't you answer my question? Why won't you tell me what I want to hear?", "Apprentice: You know as well as I, that I cannot tell a lie.", "Wicked Witch: Damn it. Well then, if I'm not the most powerful witch in the land who is?", "(Piper appears.)", "Piper: Take a wild guess.", "Wicked Witch: You? That's not possible. The wolf ate you. I saw it!", "Piper: Yeah, well, I didn't agree with him. (She takes out the potion vial.) See if this agrees with you.", "(She throws the bottle at the witch.)", "Wicked Witch: No, I'm melting! I'm melting! I'm melting!", "(The Wicked Witch melts and disappears. The apprentice is freed from the mirror and then apple, axe and pumpkin appear on their stands. Piper takes off the cloak.)", "Apprentice: You saved me.", "Piper: Are you the Keeper?", "Apprentice: No, his Apprentice. Or... (He looks at the Keepers body on the floor.) At least I was.", "Piper: Oh, no. Wait, if he didn't come back to life does that mean my sisters won't either?", "Apprentice: No, no, they were victims of fairy tale magic so when you saved the fairy tales, you saved them too. (He looks over at the slipper stand.) A glass slipper is missing. Must mean that story hasn't found a happy ending yet.", "Piper: Oh, well, I guess this makes you the new Keeper.", "(She hands him the cloak.)", "Apprentice: I guess so.", "Piper: Any idea how I get the heck out of here?", "(He thinks and gets an idea. He walks over and picks up a pair of sparkly red shoes like on the Wizard Of Oz.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Paige, Leo and Grams are there.]", "Paige: Alright, can someone please tell me how I got in a coffin?", "Grams: You were dead, dear, but bright side, at least now we have something in common.", "Head Dwarf: You know, you really ought to get yourself a prince, in case this ever happens again.", "Paige: Uh, who are you?", "Head Dwarf: We'll send you the bill. Let's go men!", "Dwarf#2: Come on, guys, let's go.", "(The dwarves leave. Phoebe and Cole come down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Paige! You're okay.", "(Phoebe hugs Paige.)", "Cole: Which means the witch is vanquished. So where's...", "(A swirl of light appears and Piper appears wearing the red the red shoes.)", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: Is everybody okay?", "Grams: Well, thanks to you they are. Well, I suppose that means it's time for me to go. (to Leo) Mind giving me a lift?", "Piper: Well, why do you have to go at all?", "Grams: Because I don't belong here anymore. (She puts her arm around Piper.) See, you thought you needed me, but I was only here to remind you that you don't. Not even for her.", "Phoebe: Okay, but what about me? I feel like I didn't get to spend any time with you.", "(She puts her arms around Piper and Grams.)", "Grams: That's okay. I don't stay dead long.", "Phoebe: Good point.", "Grams: (to Paige) Well, do I at least get a hug goodbye?", "Paige: It was great to finally meet you. (She hugs Grams.) Grams.", "Grams: Be safe, my darlings.", "(Leo and Grams orb out. Paige heads for the stairs.)", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Paige: I need to catch up on my fairy tales.", "(Paige goes upstairs.)", "Piper: Uh, I guess I'm gonna catch up on some sleep.", "(Piper goes upstairs.)", "Phoebe: Okay, you want me to say it, don't you? I was wrong, okay, I'm sorry. I really am.", "Cole: It's not your fault. I lost your trust a long time ago I can't expect to earn it back overnight.", "Phoebe: I don't think I'm gonna trust anyone any time soon.", "Cole: Don't you mean Adam? He was just being used by the witch. He's a good guy.", "Phoebe: Really? I don't think I can even tell anymore.", "[Scene: St Regis. Everyone has gone. Adam picks up the glass slipper. Cole and Phoebe watch him from near by.]", "Phoebe: What are we doing here?", "Cole: Rebuilding your trust. You liked him when you first met him, right?", "Phoebe: Yeah. So?", "Cole: So, he's not under a spell. Why don't you see if your original instincts were right? Look, I don't want you to fall in love with him, Phoebe. But you need to realise he's not evil.", "Phoebe: Why are you doing this?", "Cole: Because unless you learn to trust yourself again, you'll never learn to trust me.", "(Phoebe walks over to Adam. Adam puts the slipper on a chair and they walk off. The slipper disappears. Cole walks out to the centre of the room.)" ]
Happily Ever After
[ "A Siren arrives in San Francisco, looking to cause trouble for couples. After she kills the husband of a future Whitelighter, she sets her sights on Phoebe and Cole, Piper and Paige have to find a way to keep them from dying. That proves to be tricky when, following an argument between Leo and Piper, their unborn baby uses its magic to make them swap powers, in an attempt to walk a mile in one another's shoes. Cole continues in his quest to prove to Phoebe that he's no longer evil." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Phoebe is asleep in bed. She is dreaming about Cole, having flashbacks.]", "Cole: Ladies, my name's Cole Turner... I won't hurt you.", "Phoebe: It's a little too late for that, don't you think?", "Cole: Phoebe, I'm telling you, I'm not evil anymore... I come to you nothing more, nothing less.", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: Vanquish this evil from time and space.", "(Phoebe wakes up with a jolt.)", "[Scene: An apartment. A man and a woman are on the bed. The woman is humming a song. She strokes his chest and then his face. She gasps.]", "Woman: Oh!", "Man: Don't stop.", "Woman: But it's time. Can't you feel it? Your wife is almost here.", "Man: Oh, my wife. Melissa.", "Woman: Yes, didn't I mention? (A door opens and closes from outside.) I always like to let the wives watch their men die.", "Melissa: David?", "(She walks in.)", "Woman: Now. (She kisses David passionately and hums a song. Smoke rises from their lips and turns into flames. David falls back on the bed, dead.) Wow. Oh, your husband was so much fun. It's time to snap out of it and feel the pain.", "(She throws her against a table and it smashes.)", "Melissa: David?", "Woman: Oh, he can't hear you. (She waves her hand in front of the curtain and it bursts into flames.) Not anymore.", "Melissa: Oh, god!", "(She races over to David but she stops her.)", "Woman: Ah-a-a-a. You see, I was burned for my sins. Only fair you should burn too.", "(Melissa coughs from the smoke. The woman smokes out.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's sitting at her desk, talking on the phone.]", "Phoebe: Death did us part, Cole. Just because you figured out a way to come back, doesn't mean that I didn't keep my end of the bargain.", "Cole: Come on, Phoebe, a quickie divorce...", "Phoebe: I just thought since we weren't gonna ride off into the sunset...", "Cole: You want sunset? I can have us on horseback in five seconds flat.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah? What, are you gonna steal a horse from one of those apocalypse guys?", "Cole: Haven't I proven to you that I'm not evil anymore?", "Phoebe: Cole, we've been through this, okay. Your powers are evil, your blood is acidic and everything that you are you stole from the demonic wasteland.", "Cole: This morning my firm agreed to pro bono work. You can't say that's evil.", "Phoebe: Well, if you use demonic mind control to convince your firm to do it, then yeah.", "Cole: I also used my powers to vanquish three demons this week. What about that?", "Phoebe: Cole, it doesn't matter who you're helping. If you're using your evil powers then it doesn't help, count.", "(Cole turns up the volume on the TV.)", "Reporter: The neighbours fear that some residents may be trapped inside.", "Phoebe: Hello?", "Reporter: The flames are so intense the firefighters have been unable to get inside to help.", "Phoebe: Cole? (Cole disappears.) Cole?", "[Cut to the Bay Mirror. Some employees are watching the news. Suddenly, Cole walks out of the building on the TV, carrying a woman.]", "Employee: He saved that woman!", "Employee #2: He saved her.", "(Phoebe watches the TV in awe.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige is there making a potion. Piper walks in slowly, holding her stomach.]", "Piper: Paige? (Piper hiccups and a fizzy bubble floats out of her mouth.) Paige.", "Paige: Yeah, just a second.", "(Piper hiccups another fizzy bubble. Piper picks up a pan and drops it on the table. Paige gets a fright and drops something in the pot. The potion explodes.)", "Paige: Uh! Are you trying to kill us?", "Piper: No, I'm trying to get a little attention around here, which these days seems to require a small explosion.", "Paige: Well, excuse me for trying to focus.", "Piper: Focus? Paige, ever since you quit your job you've been on some weird witchcraft mission. Now, I miss my sister and I can not stand the constant reek of your potions.", "Paige: Well, since when do your nasal passages take precedence over my potions?", "Piper: Since I got pregnant and my senses went into over drive. But that's alright, you know, you've been busy, maybe you haven't noticed.", "Paige: Look, I gave up a promising career so I could focus on the craft and no offence, Piper, I've still got a lot to learn. Which means I can't just sit around the house chit-chatting.", "Piper: Paige, I don't wanna chat. I got problems here. Geez, you look like my husband with boobs.", "(Piper hiccups a fizzy bubble. She sighs.)", "Paige: Uh, what the hell was that?", "Piper: That was the latest in a series of wacky tricks my growing baby is playing on my body. You know, because the constant nausea and the torturous breast pain was not enough.", "Paige: That orbs, is that normal?", "Piper: This is what I'd like to know. You're half Whitelighter like the baby, did you ever...", "Paige: Burp white light? No. What else is happening to you?", "Piper: What's happening is I think my baby is trying to turn me into some kind of pacifist.", "Paige: Huh. What does Leo say about this?", "Piper: Well, mostly Leo says \"Sorry, honey, I gotta go\". (They hear the TV on and they walk into the living room. Leo's there watching TV.) Oh, good, you're home. You would not believe what's happening with my...", "Leo: Did you see this?", "Paige: You came home to watch TV?", "Leo: No, look.", "(The news is showing replays of Cole saving Melissa.)", "Piper: Is that Cole?", "Paige: Oh my god, I can't believe he's doing look at me I'm a good guy routine on prime time. Phoebe must be thrilled.", "Leo: Well, she should be. The Elders said the woman he saved, Melissa, is a future Whitelighter and if he hadn't saved her, she would never get the chance to do the good that would earn her her wings.", "Piper: Well, speaking of Whitelighters, I dreamt an animated musical last night. Is that normal?", "Leo: Normal?", "Piper: Yeah, in case you haven't noticed which I know you haven't, my body, my thoughts, my dreams have all gone wonky.", "Leo: Well, I'm sure it's all just normal pregnancy stuff. I mean, we could talk about this later if you want to.", "Paige: Oh, I think you should talk about it now.", "Leo: Okay, well, I think this attack on Melissa was demonic and the Elders want me to watch after her until she's safe.", "Piper: Fine. Go.", "(Tears well up in her eyes.)", "Leo: Oh, not the crying thing.", "Piper: Leo, I have growing powers inside of me. Powers that I do not understand, and the only person who does understand them never has time to talk. Add that to raging hormones and I guarantee you I am absolutely entitled to do the crying thing!", "(She hiccups another fizzy bubble.)", "Paige: Okay, is that normal?", "Leo: I am sure that it's just all this arguing has got the baby upset.", "Piper: Leo, the baby is an inch long. All this arguing is upsetting the mummy.", "Leo: Okay, honey, look, I'm sure that it's nothing to worry about. Right now I need to watch after Melissa and you need to figure out who's after her. I'm sorry.", "(Piper looks away. Leo kisses her head and orbs out.)", "Paige: You want me to orb his butt back here for you?", "Piper: No, he's right. Innocents come first. And besides, the smell of his aftershave was making me wanna vomit a little.", "(She heads for the door.)", "Paige: Where you going?", "Piper: To Darryl. To see if the police found anything at the crime scene that might help.", "Paige: Okay, not to sound too simplistic but if she's a Whitelighter-to-be, doesn't that mean we're after a Darklighter?", "Piper: No, Darklighters use poison arrows, they don't usually set fires.", "Paige: Well, why would a demon wanna kill her anyway?", "Piper: I don't know, but the sooner we find out, the sooner I'll probably be able to finish a conversation with my husband.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's sitting at her desk. There's a knock at the door.]", "Phoebe: I'm not here, go away.", "(The door opens and Elise walks in.)", "Elise: Ahh, if it isn't the little wife.", "Phoebe: Actually, it's not. My marriage is over. All except for the paperwork.", "Elise: Don't let your readers here you say that. Who wants to take advice from the woman who's divorcing Superman?", "Phoebe: Elise, he's no hero. And if you're here to make me give an interview that's exactly what I'll say.", "Elise: Which is why you'll be getting the interview instead.", "Phoebe: Excuse me? No, I'm not a reporter.", "Elise: No, but you're the wife. It's called human interest. Call your husband and get an exclusive with him. Consider this a personal favour. By favour I mean order.", "(Elise leaves her office. Phoebe races after her.)", "Phoebe: Elise. Woman to woman, okay? Cole was the love of my life. And I'm finally learning to live my life without him. Now calling him for a favour would be opening up a can of worms that I have worked so hard to close.", "Elise: Woman to woman, if you're still describing this guy as the love of your life then the can is open, the worms are out and you may as well use them to go fishing.", "[Scene: A club. The Siren is sitting at the bar. She smiles at a man sitting at the bar a couple of stools down.]", "Siren: Shouldn't you be at home with your wife?", "Man: Probably.", "(She moves to the stool next to him.)", "Siren: Rough day?", "Man: Rough month.", "Siren: You know what might make you feel better? A little music. (She starts humming a song. She strokes his face. The news comes on a TV near by.) What? She's alive?", "Man: I'm sorry, what?", "Siren: You have no idea how lucky you just got.", "(She leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe and Cole are there.]", "Phoebe: Alright, let's get this over with shall we? (She sighs.) What was going through your mind while you were in the fire?", "Cole: Uh, well, mostly I was hoping that one of the powers I picked up from the demonic wasteland would protect me from the flames.", "Phoebe: You know what? Let's just forget it. Let's just forget this whole thing.", "Cole: No, no, no, I'm sorry. I'll, uh, I'll reign it in.", "Phoebe: Alright. Well, what was going through your mind when you were in the fire?", "Cole: I was thinking, um, I hope I make it out of this. I'd hate to never see my wife again.", "Phoebe: Cole...", "Cole: I'm serious. All day long, every thing I do I'm thinking of you.", "Phoebe: Okay, do you think this is some kind of game? Do you have any idea how disturbing it was for me to watch you walk through a wall of fire.", "Cole: I saved a woman's life, how is that disturbing?", "Phoebe: Well, because you have more powers than any demon I have ever met. And the city may think that you're just this brave guy, but I know the truth, okay, and it's freakin' scary.", "Cole: I will not use my powers for anything but good.", "Phoebe: I know you believe that and I know you want it to be true but, Cole, it's just a matter of time.", "Cole: You're wrong.", "(He stands up.)", "Phoebe: Cole, evil is inside of you, it's who you are. And no amount of good deeds will ever change that.", "Cole: You're wrong. And if I have to hunt down and kill every demon in San Francisco to prove it to you, then that's what I'm gonna do.", "Phoebe: Cole. What about the interview?", "Cole: You know me so well make it up.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige and a Darklighter are there. The Darklighter is in a crystal trap. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Paige!", "Paige: In the attic.", "Piper: Okay, so the good news is it's not a... Darklighter.", "Darklighter: That's what I've been telling her.", "(Paige throws a crystal at the trap and shocks him.)", "Paige: Shut up!", "Darklighter: I told you I don't know anything!", "(She touches the trap with a crystal and shocks him. He doubles over in pain.)", "Piper: Paige. What are you doing?", "(They walk away from the trap.)", "Paige: Relax, Piper, I summoned him into a trap so he can tell me which one of his lovely friends is trying to kill Melissa.", "Piper: I'm sorry, did you say relax? You brought a Darklighter into our home and you want me to relax?", "Paige: Don't worry, the Book Of Shadows is safe downstairs.", "(The Darklighter tries to disable the trap but zaps himself.)", "Piper: I'm not worried about the book. Paige, you have Whitelighter genes which means this guy could kill you, not to mention my husband an my unborn child.", "(The Whitelighter disables the trap and escapes.)", "Paige: It's not like he's in a power position or anything. (The Whitelighter's crossbow appears and he shoots for Piper and Paige. They move out of the way.) Okay, I was wrong, blow him up!", "(Piper tries to blow him up but fireworks appear above him.)", "Piper: What the hell?", "Paige: Crossbow!", "(The crossbow orbs into Paige's hands and she shoots at the Darklighter. He is vanquished.)", "Piper: See? This is why we do not summon Darklighters to the house!", "Paige: Noted. Now what the hell is going on with your powers, lady?", "Piper: I don't know. I think my half-Whitelighter baby thought that fireworks would be prettier than demon guts.", "Paige: Okay, we need to teach your also half-witch baby the joys of maiming and killing demons.", "(She points at her with the crossbow.)", "Piper: Get that thing away from me. (Paige puts it down.) Leo!", "Paige: What, are you gonna tell on me now?", "Piper: No! We need help, especially if my baby's gonna be messing with my powers. Look, Melissa's husband's lungs were incinerated before the apartment burned. Leo! And Darryl said three other men died the same way recently. So the fact that Melissa is a future Whitelighter might be just a coincidence. For god's sakes, Leo! (Her mobile phone rings. She answers it.) Hello?", "Leo: Yeah, what's up?", "Piper: What's up? Now you don't even come home when I call?", "Leo: Well, I haven't had a chance to get in to heal Melissa. She's in really bad shape but I think the doctor's about to come out any minute.", "[Cut to Leo at the hospital.]", "Piper: Yeah, okay, but we're in pretty bad shape here too. We've got some fire breathing demon to deal with.", "(A nurse walks up to Leo.)", "Nurse: Uh, sir, that phone is for staff use only.", "Leo: Okay, just one second. (to Piper) Now's my chance, I have to go.", "[Cut to the attic.]", "Piper: No, no, no, you don't understand. My powers are on the fritz and I have no idea how to... (Leo hangs up.) Control them.", "[Cut to the hospital. Leo walks into Melissa's room. The Siren smokes in.]", "Leo: Hey!", "(He holds out his hand and the Siren sees his wedding ring. She starts humming a song and moves closer to Leo.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic.]", "Paige: Maybe he got disconnected?", "Piper: Oh, no, he hung up on me. Okay, vanquish demon first, kill husband later. Let's just get to the book... (She hears the Siren's humming.) Leo.", "Paige: What?", "Piper: It's so beautiful.", "Paige: What is? Hello, anybody home?", "Piper: Leo.", "[Cut to the hospital. The Siren is kissing Leo. Smoke is rising from their lips. Paige orbs in with Piper.]", "Paige: Hey! (She grabs an IV stand and hits the Siren over her back. She is knocked to the floor. Leo coughs.) Orb her out, Leo!", "(Leo orbs out with Melissa. The Siren gets up.)", "Piper: Kiss this, bitch! (Piper tries to blow her up but colourful leaves fall from above her.) Oh, bad baby!", "(The Siren pushes Piper out the window. Paige throws a pole at the Siren and it goes right through her stomach. Paige orbs out. The Siren smokes out.)", "[Cut to outside. Piper is falling from the room. Paige orbs in and grabs her. They fall into a dumpster.]", "Piper: I hit her with flowers?", "Paige: You're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Leo and Melissa are there. Melissa is lying on the couch while Leo heals her. Piper and Paige orb in and Piper freezes Melissa.]", "Paige: Well, at least that power still works.", "Leo: Are you alright? What happened?", "Piper: Before or after you were making out with the demon?", "(Leo sighs.)", "Paige: Well, I'll just go get the book.", "(Paige leaves.)", "Leo: Honey...", "Piper: No, don't you honey me. Leo, our pacifist offspring just turned my best offensive power into flowers. Which got me blown out a window.", "(Leo goes over to her.)", "Leo: Wh- are you alright? Did she heal you?", "Piper: Oh, is that what you think? Because I'm self healing now that you don't need to be around?", "Leo: No, I don't think that at all. Look, let's just focus on what's going on with your powers.", "Piper: No, I'm sick and tired of focusing on everything but us. I feel like I'm going through this whole pregnancy thing by myself and I do not like it.", "Leo: Well, what am I supposed to do? I have a job.", "Piper: Yeah, you have a wife too.", "(Paige walks in with the book.)", "Paige: I think I found the demon. Am I interrupting something?", "Piper: Yes. What does the book say?", "Paige: Well, as a mortal the Siren fell in love with a married man but when they were caught the man was held blameless.", "Piper: Typical.", "Paige: The village women cheered as they burned her to death and her rage turned her into a Siren, a vengeful demon who seduces married men with her song, then destroys the couples with the very flame that consumed her.", "Piper: Lovely.", "Paige: Nothing we can't handle with a good potion.", "Leo: I wouldn't be so sure, you didn't feel her power.", "Piper: Looked to me like you felt a little bit more than her power.", "Leo: Yeah, right, like I really wanted to.", "Piper: Yeah, well, if you were home instead...", "Leo: What? What am I supposed to do? Abandon my charges? Clip my wings?", "Piper: I expect you to care, and notice, and ask what's going on with me. I expect you to make me a priority and not just when demons are involved.", "(Orbing light appears out of Piper and Leo's backs.)", "Paige: Uh, Piper, Leo?", "Leo: Look, it's not like I'm out golfing or screwing around. I'm working and my work is very important.", "Piper: I'm not saying that it isn't.", "Leo: Then what are you saying?", "Paige: You guys?", "Piper: Forget it, you don't understand.", "Leo: I don't understand? You don't understand.", "Piper: Well, I understand that your charges are more important than your family.", "Leo: You have no idea what I go through every day.", "Piper: Yeah, well, you have no clue what I go through every day.", "(The two orbing lights hit Piper and Leo and knock them to the floor.)", "Paige: Ooh, that can't have been good.", "Leo: What happened?", "(Piper and Leo get up.)", "Paige: Well, I tried to tell you guys. Orbs were swirling and...", "(Melissa unfreezes. She gets up, frightened.)", "Melissa: Where, where am I?", "Leo: Freeze her again.", "(Piper tries to freeze her but she orbs out and back in instead.)", "Piper: Whoa. (Melissa gasps.) What just happened here?", "(Melissa gets scared and heads for the door.)", "Leo: Melissa, wait!", "(He reaches out for her and blows up the glass on the door.)", "Melissa: Oh my god!", "Piper: Hey! That's my power!", "(Melissa opens the door and runs away. Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Okay, why do I have the feeling my day's about to get worse?", "Leo: Uhh...", "[Scene: The Siren's place. The Siren and a demon are there. The Siren still has the pole stuck in her stomach. The demon is making a black paste.]", "Demon: Hold on, almost there.", "(He pulls out the pole.)", "Siren: Was it the Charmed Ones?", "(He smells the pole.)", "Demon: Smells that way. There were only two? (She nods.) Lucky you didn't meet all three. You wouldn't have had the luxury of calling me for healing. (He spreads some paste on her wound.) You should leave before the witches find you.", "Siren: I want them to find me. Save me from having to sing for their husbands.", "Demon: So eager for vengeance. Foolish girl. You barely got away the first time.", "Siren: I wasn't ready for them, this time I will be.", "Demon: But how can you hope to fight such powerful witches?", "Siren: They may be powerful but they are no different than any other woman when it comes to love.", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there. Paige is in the foyer pacing up and down with the Book Of Shadows.]", "Leo: I need to go after Melissa.", "Phoebe: And what? Blow her up?", "Leo: Damn it. (to Piper's stomach) Give daddy his powers back now.", "Phoebe: Don't blame my niece. She magically swapped your powers because the two of you were not communicating.", "Piper: We were communicating, we were just communicating loudly.", "Phoebe: Well, think what you want, I think my niece is a genius. She did exactly what any good marriage counsellor would've done.", "Leo: A good marriage counsellor would've swapped our powers?", "Phoebe: No. She would've made you walk a mile in each other's shoes.", "Piper: Ugh.", "Paige: Abracadabra!", "(The broken glass on the door magically gets repaired.)", "Phoebe: Nice job!", "Piper: You did all that with abracadabra?", "Paige: Nah, I used a spell. I just always wanted to say that. Come on, we need to go make the Siren's potion before she starts singing again.", "Leo: Uh, shouldn't we concentrate on swapping our powers back?", "Paige: Come on now, Leo, you know how that works. You two are only gonna get your powers back once you've learned your lessons.", "Piper: Ugh, I hate that. It's just so very after school special.", "[Time lapse. Everyone's in the kitchen. Phoebe and Paige are making the potion. Piper is standing there patting her head.]", "Piper: Okay, uh, what's with all the chatter in my head?", "Leo: It's probably one of my charges. Does anyone sound panicked?", "Piper: How do you differentiate? Wait, do you hear these voices all the time?", "Leo: Pretty much.", "Phoebe: Okay, can we just focus on the Siren? Power swap or not, if she came after you once you're still vulnerable.", "Paige: Hey, you're still married too, she might come after you.", "Phoebe: Yeah, technically. Besides, if she's stupid enough to go after Cole it'll be her swan song.", "(They hear knocking.)", "Piper: Knocking, okay, I'm hearing knocking sounds.", "Paige: Yeah, honey, we all are.", "(Cole appears.)", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Cole: What? I knocked.", "Piper: Doors, people use doors.", "Cole: No time. I came to warn you there's a Siren in town. I think she might be the one that...", "Paige: Set the fire? Yeah, yeah, we got that.", "(Leo burps and a fizzy bubble floats out of his mouth.)", "Cole: Whoa, what was that?", "Piper: Hey, how did you do that?", "Leo: I don't know but I'm feeling really nauseous.", "Piper: Oh, god, and I'm not. Wait, how, why... Why does he have my pregnancy symptoms?", "Cole: Wait, w-wait, you're pregnant?", "Piper: Well, I was but now I think Leo is.", "Cole: Huh?", "Leo: No, no-no-no-no.", "Paige: Relax, you guys. Leo blew the door up, he didn't cover it in flowers, which mean clearly you're still pregnant.", "Piper: Mm. Then why...?", "Phoebe: Because magic has a sick sense of humour. Just enjoy it.", "Leo: Are your boobs always this sore?", "(Piper laughs.)", "Cole: I'm a little confused.", "Phoebe: Cole, maybe you should leave.", "Cole: Phoebe, the Siren is dangerous and since your powers are obviously a little off, maybe I could help.", "Piper: Uh, that's okay, we don't need your help. We've got enough demons to deal with around here.", "Cole: Fine. I'll find her and vanquish her myself.", "(He disappears.)", "Phoebe: He's trying so hard to be good, maybe...", "Paige: Phoebe, we've been down this road before.", "Piper: Panic! Somedbody's panicking!", "Leo: Who is it?", "Piper: Uh, I don't know, it's close. I think it might be Melissa.", "Paige: Is the Siren after her?", "Piper: No, she seems more overwhelmed than scared.", "Leo: Well, yeah, everything she's been through. I have to go to her.", "Phoebe: You're not going anywhere. She's going.", "Piper: Me? Why?", "Phoebe: Well, because you have Leo's powers now. That means you're the Whitelighter.", "Piper: No-no-no, but that doesn't mean I know what to do.", "Phoebe: I think that's the point. Walk a mile in each other's shoes.", "Piper: Ugh. Ahh!", "(She holds her head.)", "Leo: Alright, you have to hurry. Paige will show you how to orb.", "Paige: Nah-uh, I have to stay here and make the potion.", "Phoebe: I'll do it.", "Piper: Come on, come on, she's giving me a migraine.", "(She grabs Paige's arm.)", "Paige: But...", "(Paige orbs out with Piper. Phoebe puts some stuff in a pot.)", "Phoebe: So you ready to kick some demon ass... sis?", "[Cut to Melissa's burnt apartment. Melissa's there. Piper and Paige orb in.]", "Paige: Okay, we're here, now what?", "Piper: I don't know. I mean, she's afraid of us, I don't wanna make her more upset.", "Paige: Well, let's just cast a spell to help her deal with what she's been through today.", "Piper: Call me crazy but somehow I don't think witchcraft is the solution here.", "Paige: Well, I'm out of ideas.", "Piper: Paige, there is another part of you. Your first father was half Whitelighter.", "Paige: Yeah, he also has blue eyes, doesn't mean that I do.", "(They stand on something and Melissa spins around.)", "Melissa: Who are you? Why won't you leave me alone?", "Piper: Melissa, we're just trying to help you, and get you some clothes.", "Melissa: Get away from me! Just leave me alone!", "(Piper sighs.)", "Piper: Whoa. Another charge is in trouble. Oh, big trouble. You go after her, I've gotta go.", "Paige: What? No, you can't expect me to... (Piper orbs out.) I'm not a Whitelighter, I'm a witch! Uh!", "[Cut to an alley in France. Piper orbs in. A woman is hiding behind some boxes. A rooster is walking around. The woman sees Piper and runs over to her.]", "Woman: (in French) Where is Leo?", "Piper: What?", "Woman: (in French) Please, you have to help, they're after me.", "Piper: (in French) Calm down, I'll protect you. (in English) Whoa, was that French?", "Woman: (in French) They're coming!", "(Two men with guns run around the corner.)", "Piper: Let's go!", "(The men shoot.)", "[Cut to the manor. Kitchen. Leo blows up the glass on the kitchen cupboard.]", "Phoebe: Nice shot.", "Leo: I was aiming for the plant. These powers are useless, they're completely out of control.", "Phoebe: Well, that's because you're a little out of control. You just need to relax.", "Leo: Relax? I'm sore all over, I'm without my powers, and I'm about to have to fight a demon. My own aftershave is making me sick. How's Piper do this?", "Phoebe: Well, she too sometimes gets a little cranky.", "Leo: The Elders are gonna kill me if anything happens to my charges, they're gonna clip my wings and... (He hiccups a fizzy bubble.) Oh, this is ridiculous. Piper! Piper! Why do they call it morning sickness if it lasts all day?", "(Piper orbs in holding the rooster.)", "Phoebe: (laughs) What the hell? A rooster?", "Piper: Long story. (She puts the rooster down.) Since when do you speak French?", "Leo: Whitelighters speak whatever language their charges are speaking in.", "Piper: Uh-huh. We've been together four years and I don't know this?", "Phoebe: Hey, where's Paige? Because this potion's almost ready.", "Piper: She is with Melissa, and she's not real happy about it either. Whoa, I gotta go, somebody's calling.", "Leo: Okay, Piper, wait. I need help with your powers... and with your nausea.", "Piper: Uh, well, honey, I'm sorry but somebody's really in trouble.", "(She starts to orb out.)", "Leo: But I'm really in trouble.", "Piper: Try saltines.", "(She orbs out completely.)", "Phoebe: Okay, (she walks over to Leo) here are your crackers, here's a pad and a pen, we need a summoning spell.", "Leo: Now I'm supposed to rhyme?", "Phoebe: Yeah, no rest for the whiney. The potion won't work on the Siren unless we can find her. Do it.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: The Siren's place. Cole is there. He pushes the demon up against the wall.]", "Cole: Where is the Siren?", "(He grabs the demon around his throat. Cole hears the Siren's singing. He lets the demon go.)", "Demon: I'm sure you two will want to be alone.", "(The demon disappears. Cole walks over to the Siren. She strokes his hair and he leans in for a kiss.)", "Siren: Uh-uh. Patience. Right now I need to sing for your witch.", "(She starts humming a song.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe is sitting on the floor.]", "Phoebe: Hey, let's here the spell, Leo, we've got a Siren to vanquish.", "(Leo walks in and sits down.)", "Leo: \"Oh singing lady of the dusk, who prays on men turns love to lust, we harken ye...\"", "Phoebe: We harken ye? What, are we trying to summon a leprechaun here?", "(She laughs.)", "Leo: I told you I wasn't very good at this.", "Phoebe: Give me that. (She takes the spell.) It's okay, honey, we'll just rewrite that last line.", "(Paige orbs in.)", "Paige: What's going on? Is it all over?", "Piper: No, you're just in time. We have a potion, we have a barricade, we almost have a summoning spell.", "Paige: Okay, let's get to it.", "Leo: Wait, where's Melissa?", "Paige: Melissa... Well, she got herself arrested. I know, I know, I was trying to talk to her and then I was running after and she just kept running and then she ran into the middle of the street and she caused a big giant traffic accident.", "Phoebe: Paige!", "Paige: Well, you know, she'll be safe now... in jail.", "Leo: Paige, you were supposed to be taking care of her. Look, don't you get it? This could be the final straw. The beginning of a downward spiral from which she may never recover. (Phoebe and Paige watch him in awe.) I'm sorry. (He walks into the living room and sits on the couch. He picks up a pillow and hugs it. Phoebe and Paige walk in.) I don't know what's wrong with me.", "Paige: Dude, it's the crying thing.", "Phoebe: It's the hormones.", "Leo: Really? I just thought that was an excuse.", "Phoebe: Welcome to our world.", "(Piper orbs in.)", "Piper: What happened to Melissa?", "Paige: Ooh, word travels fast.", "Piper: I feel like she's in trouble but I'm getting so many damn signals I can't find her. (Phoebe hears the Siren's song.) Wasn't she supposed to be the one charge I didn't have to worry about?", "Phoebe: Cole...", "Paige: I'm sorry, Piper, I tried.", "Piper: Yeah, well, while you were trying I evaded assassins, I prevented two crimes of passion in Portuguese no less, and delivered a baby. I think the least that I could ask for in return is a little help from my family.", "Paige: Well, I told you I wasn't any good at this Whitelighter thing.", "Leo: But it's in you, it's half of who you are.", "Paige: Obviously the latent half.", "Piper: No, Paige, it's the half that made you become a social worker in the first place. But it's like when you quit your job you quit half your personality.", "Paige: But my job is being a full time witch and I intend to be good at it and I don't think there's a problem with me concentrating on magic.", "Leo: Well, there is when you're in such a hurry to get back here for a vanquish that you leave an innocent alone and in pain.", "Piper: Paige, it's our compassion not our powers that separates us from the bad guys. It's the part of you you can never afford to lose. And it's that part of you that Melissa needs now.", "Paige: I guess I'd better get back to her.", "(Paige orbs out.)", "Leo: You know, you're a pretty good Whitelighter.", "Piper: Well, I learn from the best.", "[Scene: A police station. A room. Melissa is there. Paige walks in and sits down.]", "Melissa: How'd you get them to let you in here?", "Paige: I have a friend who's a police officer and he knows I'm not here to hurt you. Look, I know you don't know me and after everything you've been through today, I know you have no reason to trust me.", "Melissa: Who are you? What are you? What do you want from me?", "Paige: My name is Paige Matthews and I'm a witch and a sort of part guardian angel. I know it's a lot to process and really hard to believe but I really do just want to help you.", "Melissa: I feel like I'm going crazy.", "Paige: Yeah, I think after what you've been through today anybody would. My friend, he's working on getting you out of here.", "Melissa: I don't care. I don't care if I ever get outta here.", "Paige: Melissa, I'm so sorry about your husband.", "Melissa: I just can't believe that he's gone.", "Paige: Yeah.", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Leo's there. Piper comes down the stairs.]", "Leo: Phoebe's not anywhere.", "Piper: What if Phoebe underestimated the Siren? What if the Siren has Phoebe and Cole?", "Leo: Can you sense her?", "Piper: I've been trying but there's all this chaos in my brain. I keep hearing voices and there's all this pain and I can't isolate anything.", "Leo: I know it's hard but you have to try. Breathe. Concentrate.", "Piper: Screw that. Let's just cut to the chase.", "(They orb out.)", "[Cut to Cole's apartment. Piper and Leo orb in.]", "Piper: Phoebe?", "Leo: Cole's place? Did you sense her here?", "Piper: No, I just decided to rely on some good old fashion common sense. Phoebe?", "Leo: Okay, well, that's not working and we can't orb all over town trying to find her, you have to sense her.", "Piper: Well, I can't.", "Leo: Piper, you have to.", "(Piper sighs.)", "[Cut to the Siren's place. Cole and the Siren are there on the bed. The Siren is humming a song.]", "Siren: Oh, she's almost here. It's too bad. I was actually having fun with you.", "(Phoebe walks in. The Siren kisses Cole and smoke rises from their mouths. Cole falls back unconscious.)", "Phoebe: Cole.", "Siren: He was cute. But this is still my favourite part. (She uses her power and slams Phoebe against a wall.) Nobody hurts me and gets away with it, you little witch.", "Phoebe: Wanna bet?", "(Phoebe throws the potion at the Siren but it disintegrates in midair. The Siren turns to Cole, who's sitting on the bed.)", "Siren: You're alive. That's not possible.", "Phoebe: Cole, that was the vanquishing potion.", "Cole: I know. (He walks over to the Siren.) I want her for myself.", "(She starts to smoke out but he grabs her.)", "Phoebe: Do me a favour, make it hurt.", "(Cole kisses the Siren.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Piper and Leo are there. Piper's sitting on the couch with her eyes closed.]", "Leo: Piper, you have to focus. Take a deep breath and imagine white lights flowing around you, flowing through you.", "Piper: If I breathe anymore I'm gonna pass out.", "Leo: Damn it, Piper. I hear those voices, I feel that pain all the time. How do you think I do it? How do you think I separate myself?", "Piper: I don't know.", "Leo: By coming home to you. I've been walking around in your life all day and I honestly don't know how you handle it. The way I handle mine is by coming home to you. It's your love that keeps me whole and sane and balanced, and I need you to allow me to do the same thing for you right now. So look into my eyes, breathe.", "Phoebe's Voice: Piper?", "Piper: Oh god. Phoebe.", "[Cut to the Siren's place. Cole grabs Phoebe by the neck and holds her down.]", "Phoebe: Cole, get off of me. Leo! Piper!", "Siren: I think he'll come in handy with your sisters.", "(Piper and Leo orb in.)", "Piper: Leo, it's all you. (Leo tries to blow up the Siren but blows up a vase instead. It knocks the Siren backwards. Piper races over and tries to get Cole off Phoebe. He knocks her across the room.) Leo, come on now, focus. (Piper jumps on Cole's back. Leo tries to blow up the Siren but misses.) Hurry! (Phoebe falls unconscious. Leo blows up the Siren. Piper gets off Cole and Cole lets go of Phoebe. He moves away.) Phoebe, wake up. Come on, come on, wake up. Phoebe.", "Cole: Oh, no.", "Leo: Heal her.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: You can do it.", "(Piper holds her hands above Phoebe and heals her. Phoebe wakes up.)", "Piper: Hey, how you doing?", "(Phoebe sits up and looks at Cole.)", "Cole: Phoebe... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.", "(He disappears.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Leo are there watching the rooster.]", "Piper: I'm a nag.", "Leo: No, you're not.", "Piper: Yeah, I am and that's why we don't have our powers back yet because I'm a nag and I never learn.", "Leo: Piper, I am the reason why we don't have our powers back. I've been an insensitive lout and I clearly haven't gotten...", "Piper: Leo, your work is very important.", "(The white lights appear behind Piper and Leo. Paige walks in.)", "Leo: Not more important than my family.", "Paige: Uh, guys?", "Leo: I mean, you're pregnant and you need me and I should've understood that instead of...", "Piper: But I could've been a little more patient.", "Paige: Guys?", "Piper/Leo: What?", "(The white lights hit Piper and Leo and knock them to the floor.)", "Paige: I just thought you might wanna take cover.", "(They stand up.)", "Leo: I'm not nauseous.", "Piper: Hey, I am! Wait, that's not good news.", "Leo: What about your powers?", "(She throws a bagel and blows it up.)", "Piper: Very nice.", "Paige: No more floral arrangements.", "Piper: Yeah, I guess I got in touch with my inner Whitelighter.", "Paige: Yeah, helping Melissa helped me too. It's good to know I have it in me.", "(She leaves the kitchen. Piper and Leo smile at each other.)", "Leo: What?", "Piper: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi? (Translated to: Want to sleep with me?)", "Leo: Ooh, mais oui. (Translated to: But yes.)", "(Piper giggles and they leave the kitchen.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's there flipping through her mail. There's a knock at the door and Cole walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, look who's back to using doors.", "Cole: Yeah, I'm trying to, uh, limit my use of powers.", "Phoebe: Probably a wise decision.", "Cole: So, uh, did you get my flowers?", "Phoebe: Yep. Sorry I tried to strangle you? Probably not a card that the florist gets to write every day, huh?", "Cole: I didn't...", "Phoebe: I know. I know you're sorry, I know you were under the Siren's spell.", "Cole: You do know her magic feeds on love.", "Phoebe: Cole...", "Cole: She couldn't have lured us if we didn't love each other.", "Phoebe: Right. So once again our love was nearly fatal.", "Cole: I never would've hurt you if I wasn't under her spell.", "Phoebe: Most men don't try to kill their wives when they're under the Siren's spell. Most men just kiss and die. But because you're a demon...", "Cole: I'm not...", "Phoebe: Okay, well, because you have demonic powers and a lot of them, you became a bigger threat than the Siren. And that's only one way out of a thousand that your powers can turn against me.", "Cole: I guess I didn't want you to be right.", "Phoebe: Neither did I." ]
Siren's Song
[ "Kevin is a young witch who can bring his drawings to life. When a demon learns of his powers, he turns to Kevin, looking to turn into an evil Supervillain in order to kill a retiring Elder before he names a replacement. However, before the demon gets his hands on the young witch, he works his magic on the Charmed Ones and turns them into Superheroes. With all the superpowers raining down upon San Francisco, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige have their work cut out for them after being tasked to protect the retiring Elder." ]
[ "[Scene: A club. It is packed with men and women dancing and having a good time. Piper walks through the crowd and catches Leo dancing.]", "Piper: What are you doing?", "Leo: DJ's really good, huh?", "Piper: Yeah, too bad she's not really good at P3.", "Leo: Right, sorry.", "Piper: Focus. We are here on business not pleasure.", "Leo: Okay, I know, I know. But don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?", "Piper: No, I don't. This club has become the hottest thing in town and I'd like to know what they're doing that I'm not.", "Leo: P3's still doing great.", "Piper: Not as great as it used to be thanks to me.", "Leo: Okay, well, Piper, you're having a baby, your priorities have changed.", "Piper: Yeah, well, haven't you heard? Women can have careers and babies now, it's been in all the papers.", "Leo: Well, are those women trying to save the world from demons too?", "(Piper spots two people making out on a couch.)", "Piper: Ugh. Oh, for god's sakes, people, get a room.", "(They stop kissing. It's Paige.)", "Paige: Piper.", "(She stands up.)", "Piper: Paige? What are you doing here?", "Paige: Well, you know, just hanging out.", "Piper: You couldn't hang out at our club?", "Guy: What, and miss this DJ? Come on.", "Paige: Uh, this is my other sister, Piper and her husband Leo. This is Dave.", "Leo: Nice to meet you.", "(Leo and Dave shake hands.)", "Dave: Yeah, you too, mate. Thanks.", "Piper: I didn't know there was a Dave.", "Paige: Oh, we've only been hanging out for like three weeks.", "Piper: Weeks?", "(Phoebe comes up to Paige and hands her a drink.)", "Phoebe: Here you go. (She spots Piper.) Oh, hi, Piper. Hey, hey, wow, you're up late. What are you doing here?", "Piper: Right back at ya.", "Leo: Dave, how about I buy you a drink.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Dave: I've got one, thanks.", "Leo: That's not gonna be enough.", "(Leo and Dave walk away.)", "Piper: Thought you said you were working tonight.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I mean, I'm actually working here, you know, I thought that guys could help me with my advice to other guys, you know. And that-that guy over there with the dimples... Hi! Yeah, huge help.", "Piper: Well, see, yeah, I don't know what bugs me more. The fact that you guys are here or that you're here without me.", "Paige: Well, we just didn't think it would be good for the baby, you know, all the noise and the people.", "Piper: Yeah, I know, but sometimes it's good for the mummy to get out.", "Paige: Okay, so you would've wanted to come?", "Piper: No. But that is beside the point.", "Paige: You're a very confusing woman.", "Piper: It's alright, hey, it's no big deal. You guys, I'll see you at home.", "(She walks away.)", "Phoebe: Oh, Piper.", "Paige: Still think this is a good idea?", "Phoebe: Well, you know Piper. She won't slow down unless someone slows her down. I just don't want to do anything to add to her stress.", "[Scene: Outside a building. It's dark. A boy is there drawing on a notepad. A demon appears.]", "Demon: You seem stressed.", "Boy: Arnon, you scared me.", "Arnon: What are you doing out here?", "Boy: Door's locked so I thought I'd practise drawing while I waited.", "Arnon: Good.", "Boy: Not really. I don't know, I just can't seem to make it work. I've done everything you've said, tried to focus.", "Arnon: Then you're not trying hard enough. You have a special gift, Kevin, a very special gift. If you're to master it, you have to believe in it fully. You draw to see it better but it'll never be real, not unless you make it real in your mind's eye. Make it real, Kevin. Make it come to life.", "(Kevin completes his drawing and stares at it. A tiger appears near by.)", "Kevin: Oh my god, it worked! (The tiger growls.) Okay, how do we make it go away?", "(Arnon rips the page out of the book and tears it in half. The tiger disappears.)", "Arnon: Now, it's time to make that hero of yours real too, to take care of your little problem. And then, take care of mine.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: A dark alley. Kevin turns a corner and a guy walks up to him.]", "Guy: What are you doing here, fool?", "Kevin: I'm just trying to get home, Caz.", "Caz: Listen! (He pushes Kevin. Two other guys stand behind Kevin.) We've had this conversation. This is where I do my business. Alright, and I don't like getting bothered.", "(Kevin looks at the guys behind him.)", "Guy #2: Turn around.", "Caz: It's gonna cost you.", "(He grabs Kevin's bag.)", "Kevin: Hey!", "(He pulls out his drawing book and looks at a drawing.)", "Caz: What is this? Is this me? Getting my ass kicked by you? (He hits Kevin across the face and Kevin falls to the ground. Caz throws the book at Kevin.) Catch ya next time, little man.", "(They walk away. The wind blows the book open. Kevin smiles at a drawing of a superhero.)", "[Cut to an office. Caz and a guy is there. The place is trashed. Caz picks up a bag of stuff.]", "Caz: Alright, that's enough, let's get outta here. (They start to leave and they see a superhero standing near the door. He is covered in black leather and wearing a black mask across his eyes.) What is this, Halloween? Who the hell are you, fool?", "Superhero: I'm the Aggressor.", "Caz: The Aggressor? Whoever you are you just made a serious mistake.", "(The guy gets out a knife and attacks the Aggressor. The Aggressor moves behind the guy in the blink of an eye.)", "Aggressor: Behind you.", "(He grabs the guy and throws him across the room. Caz gets out a gun and shoots at the Aggressor. The Aggressor deflects the bullets with his hand and they hit Caz. The Aggressor leaves in the blink of an eye.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is there making a huge sandwich. Paige walks in through the back door.]", "Paige: Morning.", "Piper: Morning. Did you just get home?", "Paige: Yeah. (She notices Piper's sandwich.) Oh my god. Pickles and hot fudge sauce and mustard, are you seriously eating that?", "Piper: That was the plan. Wait a minute, you didn't come home all night?", "Paige: No, mum. Why?", "Piper: I must be going nuts 'cause I could've sworn I saw you when I walked past your room.", "Paige: Was it about 2:30? Was I half naked?", "Piper: Paige, what's going on?", "Paige: Nothing, I don't wanna bother you.", "(She sits at the table.)", "Piper: You're not bothering me. Why does everybody think they're bothering me all of a sudden? I'm not bothered. What's the matter?", "Paige: Well, I was sorta messing around with Dave and...", "Piper: Messing around?", "Paige: Yeah. Having s*x.", "Piper: Oh.", "Paige: See, this is why I don't want to talk to you about this. It's weird talking to a pregnant lady about s*x anyway.", "Piper: Well, uh, Paige, how do you think I got pregnant?", "Paige: Err, I don't wanna know that either. Anyway, so we were doing, you know, and I was about to, you know, and suddenly I orbed out upstairs.", "Piper: Oh my god, you didn't? Did he notice?", "Paige: No, thank god, I orbed back in before the lights came back on. Talk about embarrassing.", "Piper: Forget embarrassing. Paige, you could've had some serious explaining to do.", "Paige: Well, I didn't plan on orbing out, Piper, it wasn't exactly my particular goal at the moment.", "Piper: Okay, so why do you think this is happening? I mean, is he not getting the job done?", "Paige: No, he's getting the job done fine. I think I like him a lot and other than Glen, he's been the first guy I've been with since I found out I was a witch and I think I'm so busy protecting this big old secret of ours that I can't really let my guard down. How'd you do it?", "Piper: Marry an angel. (They hear a crash and Leo groaning in another room.) Leo?", "[Cut to the conservatory. Leo and an Elder are on the floor. Looks like Leo orbed onto a coffee table. They get up.]", "Leo: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you alright?", "Elder: Been orbing long have we?", "Leo: Hey, I'm a little nervous.", "(Piper and Paige walk in.)", "Piper: Leo, what happened? We heard a crash.", "Elder: He missed.", "Piper: Uh, who's the critic?", "Leo: This is Ramus, he's an Elder.", "Piper: An Elder? Really?", "Paige: I thought you told us he wasn't coming til tonight?", "Piper: Told us? Nobody told me anything. Leo?", "Leo: Well, we didn't want you to worry about demonic threats until it was absolutely necessary.", "Piper: What threats?", "Ramus: Well, I suppose this will have to do.", "(He walks across the room.)", "Piper: Okay, uh, what are you two up to?", "Paige: It was Phoebe's idea.", "Leo: Uh, we were just trying to make things a little easier, that's all, relieve some stress.", "Piper: Well, stop it, 'cause it's pissing me off, I'm pregnant not terminal. So what, what is he doing here?", "Leo: Uh, Ramus is retiring. He came down to pass on his powers to a new Elder.", "Piper: So...", "Leo: So? There isn't a demon alive who wouldn't love to have his powers. So the Elders want you to protect him in case there's an attack.", "Paige: Why can't he just orb out?", "Ramus: Because my powers are mental, young lady, not physical. You'd think a charge of yours would know something as basic as that.", "(Ramus walks around the room.)", "Paige: Nothing wrong with his hearing.", "Piper: No, just his attitude.", "Leo: Piper!", "Piper: What?", "Leo: A little respect.", "Piper: Ugh, for crying out loud. So who is this new Elder and when does he get here?", "Ramus: We don't know who he is. All I know is that the transfer must take place during tonight's equinox or else I will lose my powers forever.", "Piper: So we're just supposed to sit around here and wait?", "Ramus: Yes. Unfortunately.", "[Scene: An abandoned building. There are parts of aeroplanes scattered around the place. Kevin walks in.]", "Kevin: Arnon?", "(Arnon appears in a chair.)", "Arnon: I was getting worried about you, Kevin.", "Kevin: Arnon, you scared me.", "Arnon: Sorry. Where's the Aggressor?", "Kevin: He's, he's gone. I ripped up the drawing.", "Arnon: You what?", "Kevin: He killed a guy. Arnon, he killed Kaz.", "Arnon: Isn't that why you wanted me to help you create your superhero in the first place?", "Kevin: No, not to kill. I never wanted that.", "Arnon: He was a bad guy, wasn't he? Just like Ramus is.", "Kevin: I'm not drawing him again. Arnon, I'm sorry.", "Arnon: We had a deal. I help you, you help me, remember? Now, I need the Aggressor to take out Ramus. To rid him of his powers.", "Kevin: Why can't you just take him out yourself?", "Arnon: I told you. I only have the ability to sense great powers, not possess them. That's how I found you, that's how I'll find Ramus. Now, help me do the right thing, Kevin. Bring your superhero back to life, before somebody else loses theirs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's there working on her laptop. Her assistant walks in with a box full of letters.]", "Phoebe: Those are all life and death?", "Assistant: Well, not literally. At least, not most of them.", "Phoebe: What am I supposed to do? I can't keep up, they just keep coming.", "Assistant: What can you do? Answer two or three a day and ignore the rest. You can't help everybody.", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's the problem. (The phone rings.) I got it, thanks. (The assistant leaves.) Phoebe Halliwell.", "Piper: So what do you say to an over bearing younger sister who's treating her pregnant older sister like a porcelain doll?", "Phoebe: Thank you?", "Piper: How about knock it off.", "Phoebe: That's probably better advice. Are you mad at me?", "Piper: No, not if you come home and baby sit Ramus.", "Phoebe: Oh, sweetie, I can't. I've got a gazillion letters that I have to get to.", "Piper: Well, Bored in Berkley can wait. I've got DJ's to audition.", "Phoebe: No, believe me, these are a lot more serious than that. And you're not supposed to be going to work anyway.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, can't I worry about my niece? Okay, look, what about Paige? Can't she come?", "Piper: Apparently not. She's with Dave trying desperately not to orb.", "Phoebe: Oh, for goodness sakes. Okay, well, what about, um... (Cole stands at the doorway. He clears his throat.) Cole.", "Piper: Cole, watching an Elder? I really don't think that's a good idea.", "Phoebe: No, b... p... you... Okay, I'll be home as soon as I can, okay?", "(Phoebe hangs up.)", "Cole: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Whatever it is, I don't have time.", "Cole: No, you don't understand, this isn't about us. I need your help.", "Phoebe: Yeah, who doesn't?", "Cole: Have you ever heard of Edward Miller, the slumlord? He took millions from the city and renovation money but instead of fixing up the building he's trying to kick the tenants out.", "Phoebe: Well, how is he able to do that?", "Cole: I don't know but that's why I'm trying to get an injunction to stop him.", "Phoebe: Oh, really? You? What's with all the red tape? Why don't you just turn him into a fountain pen?", "Cole: Believe me, I'm tempted but, um, I've decided I'm not gonna use my powers no matter what.", "Phoebe: Since when?", "Cole: Since I tried to strangle you with them.", "(Phoebe grabs her coat and bag and leaves her office.)", "Phoebe: (to her assistant) I'll be working from home for the rest of the day.", "Cole: Phoebe, listen to me. This is legitimate. These people are going to be evicted tonight and I can't get an injunction until tomorrow. I mean, if you could just threaten to expose him in your paper or maybe even link it to a TV station.", "Phoebe: Cole, I don't have enough time to help my readers with their problems right now.", "Cole: But we're talking about whole families here. Kids, babies, with nowhere to go.", "Phoebe: Look, I think it's great that you wanna help, I really do. But I can't. I am powerless to do anything right now.", "Cole: You may be a lot of things but powerless isn't one of them.", "(Cole walks away.)", "Assistant: Was he talking about Edward Miller, the slumlord? (Phoebe nods.) Actually, you did get some letters from some of his tenants.", "Phoebe: Really? I haven't seen them.", "Assistant: No, you haven't gotten to them.", "[Scene: Dave's apartment. Paige and Dave are lying in bed.]", "Dave: Did you?", "Paige: No.", "Dave: Didn't think so.", "Paige: It's not you, Dave. Trust me, it's me.", "Dave: You keep saying that, Paige, but what does that mean?", "Paige: It's complicated.", "Dave: Well, you're in luck. 'Cause I happen to specialise in complicated. Come on, talk to me, you won't scare me away.", "Paige: Promise?", "Dave: Mm-hm.", "Paige: It's just that I'm really different than other girls.", "Dave: I know, that's what I like about you.", "Paige: No, I mean, really different, more than you could possibly imagine.", "Dave: Okay.", "Paige: So you're alright with that?", "Dave: Alright with what?", "Paige: Forget it.", "Dave: Forget what?", "Paige: Look, I'm not a freak, it's not like I have a tail or something.", "Dave: Paige, I don't know what you're talking about.", "Paige: Just forget I said anything.", "Dave: But you didn't say anything.", "Paige: You know, I think I got closer that time. You wanna try again?", "(They kiss.)", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Ramus is meditating in mid-air. He has a blue light surrounding him.]", "Piper: Leo? (Piper walks in.) Leo! (Ramus falls to the floor.) What are you doing?", "Ramus: Would you mind? My meditation requires peace and quiet.", "Piper: Well, then you're in the wrong house, pal. Have you seen my husband?", "Ramus: He's upstairs.", "Piper: Okay, could you tell him that I'll be at P3. He can watch over you until Phoebe shows up.", "Ramus: I'll tell him no such thing. It is your job to protect me, not his. Those are the rules.", "Piper: Hm. Well, history lesson. I'm not a big fan of your rules, in fact I take pride in breaking them.", "Ramus: I know, you've been a real pain over the years.", "Piper: Oh, you mean marrying Leo? Yes, I know you Elders were dead set against that.", "Ramus: Not all of us. Some of us foresaw the special baby you'd be carrying.", "Piper: Still, that doesn't... What do you mean special?", "(Phoebe walks in through the front door.)", "Phoebe: Hi!", "Piper: Wait, what do you mean?", "Phoebe: Oh, don't get excited, I can't stay long.", "Ramus: (to Piper) You'll see.", "(Phoebe rushes over to Piper and Ramus.)", "Phoebe: (to Ramus) Hi, wow. (She shakes his hand.) It is an honour and a pleasure to meet an Elder... sir... really... wow. Okay, but I've gotta go. I'm sorry, but if I don't stop that dirt bag landlord...", "Ramus: Oh.", "Piper: What's the matter?", "Ramus: Someone's coming... for me.", "(The Aggressor appears in a blink of an eye.)", "Aggressor: Ramus.", "Ramus: Hurry, freeze him.", "(Piper freezes him but he fights through it. He heads for Ramus and Phoebe pushes him out of the way.)", "Phoebe: Paige!", "(Paige orbs in, half naked.)", "Paige: Damn it, I was so close.", "Aggressor: I don't wanna hurt you, I just want him.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, forget about it.", "(Phoebe goes to kick him and he grabs her leg and pushes her across the room. Leo runs down the stairs.)", "Leo: Ramus!", "(He dives on Ramus and orbs out with him. The Aggressor leaves in a blink of an eye.)", "Phoebe: Who was that masked man?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in. Paige is now wearing a dressing gown.]", "Paige: Okay, we should look under... actually I have no idea what to look under.", "Piper: Well, he had a great big giant A on his chest, how about A?", "Phoebe: I'm telling you, you are not gonna find him in the Book of Shadows. At a comic book convention, maybe.", "(Paige starts flipping through the Book of Shadows.)", "Paige: He could still be a demon.", "Phoebe: Paige, he was in tights.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Ramus is safe for now but he can't stay up there for long or else he will miss the equinox.", "Phoebe: Oh, can't he just wait for the next one.", "Leo: No, he can't otherwise he will miss his chance to pass on his powers to his successor.", "Phoebe: But tonight's my only night to help the families being evicted, otherwise they'll be on the streets.", "Piper: Uh, Phoebe, I think super villains trump slumlords.", "Leo: Uh, Paige, where did you orb in from?", "(Paige covers herself with her gown.)", "Paige: I was dealing with some personal problems.", "Leo: Well, I'm your Whitelighter, so if you ever wanna talk...", "Piper/Paige: No!", "Phoebe: Can we please just concentrate on the comic book guy.", "Piper: Well, comic books wouldn't be a bad place to start. Remember the demon of illusion?", "Paige: No.", "Leo: He was before you. He literally hid in movies.", "Piper: So this guy could be hiding in comics or coming out of them somehow.", "Paige: So we need to check comic book stores?", "Phoebe: Oh, that's gonna take forever.", "Paige: Alright, you just go deal with your slumlord, I'll catch up with you later.", "Phoebe: No, it's okay, we should do it together.", "Paige: No, if I see some dude in tights, I'll just orb out.", "Phoebe: Paige, it's dangerous, you shouldn't do it alone.", "Piper: Well, guess what? She won't have to. Remember me? The invisible woman. Now you two have got to cut this crap out now. (to Paige) Come on, let's go get you into something less comfortable.", "(Piper and Paige leave the attic.)", "[Scene: An abandoned building. Arnon and Kevin are there. Kevin's neck is glowing. He is in pain.]", "Arnon: How could the Aggressor fail? You told me you drew him invisible. The equinox comes around once in a lifetime. I don't plan on spending the rest of that life sensing power. I want power, Ramus's power.", "Kevin: I tried.", "Arnon: Not hard enough. (Arnon releases the light on Kevin's neck. Kevin coughs.) You'll draw a new Aggressor. Stronger. One that can handle the witches when Ramus returns.", "Kevin: What if I turn the Aggressor onto you?", "Arnon: I'd kill you before you could try. And then I'd kill the rest of the people in your life who still care about you. I may not have much power, but I have enough to do that. Now, draw.", "(Arnon walks away. Kevin starts to draw a woman on the page that looks like Phoebe.)", "[Scene: The slumlord's building. Phoebe walks in. The tenants are leaving their apartments. Phoebe walks up to a man in a suit.]", "Phoebe: Uh, Edward Miller?", "Edward: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Phoebe Halliwell, Bay Mirror. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.", "Edward: No, I don't think so.", "(Edward walks off. Phoebe follows.)", "Phoebe: Okay, so how does it feel to be the most hated man in the city?", "Edward: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: Well, at least not until tomorrow (he stops walking) when the morning edition comes out and everyone reads that your forcing innocent families out on the streets.", "Edward: You print that, lady, and I'll sue you for liable.", "Phoebe: Ooh, now I'm a little rusty on my law but how could it be liable when actually it's the truth?", "Edward: Get outta my way.", "(He pushes her aside and walks off.)", "Phoebe: Hey! (She follows him.) Look, you can run but you can not hide, Mister! My newspaper's gonna do a huge expose on this. You won't get away with it!", "Edward: I already have.", "(Suddenly, Phoebe changes into a superhero, dressed in a tight red and black top and tight red and black shorts, black knee-high boots and a black mask.)", "[Cut to Kevin. He has drawn Piper, Phoebe and Paige as superheroes.]", "[Cut to a comic book store. Piper and Paige walk outside.]", "Piper: Well, we have a few more stores to check out. Maybe we'll still find something.", "Paige: Yeah, more lonely superheroes who have to hide their true identities. Which does not bode well for my love life.", "Piper: Paige, let me ask you a question. Are you gonna marry Dave?", "Paige: No, I just met him.", "Piper: Well, then relax and worry about it when you've gotta worry about it. (Suddenly, Piper and Paige change into superheroes. Piper is wearing silver and black long pants with a silver and black top and black mask. Paige is wearing a short black skirt with a pink and black top, black knee-high boots and a black mask. They jump onto the roof top in a blink of an eye.) Oo-kay, what just happened here?", "Paige: Uh, see I was kinda hoping you could tell me.", "Woman's Voice: Help! Somebody help me!", "[Cut to a car park. A man is pulling a woman out of the car by her hair. He throws her to the ground. Piper and Paige arrive. The man points a gun at the woman.]", "Piper: Hey! (The man shoots at Piper and Piper catches the bullet.) Not exactly what I had in mind but it'll do. (The man starts to run away but Piper runs in front of him in a blink of an eye.) Hi, how's it going?", "(Piper throws the man into a dumpster. Paige goes up to the woman.)", "Paige: Are you alright?", "Woman: Who are you people? Where did you come from?", "(Piper and Paige help her up.)", "Piper: Well, that's a mighty good question, lady.", "[Cut to a building roof top. Superhero Phoebe is holding Edward by his ankles over the edge. Edward is panicking.]", "Edward: They don't have to move. They can stay for a year. Ten years!", "Phoebe: What about the cockroaches? Are you gonna do something about the cockroaches?", "Edward: First thing tomorrow. Just please don't drop me. Please.", "(Cole appears.)", "Cole: Uh, Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Cole! (She lets go of one ankle.) What are you doing here?", "Cole: Well, I got a call from one of the tenants saying that, uh, Wonder Woman was terrorising the landlord. (He looks over the edge.) What the hell are you doing?", "Phoebe: Well, I'm teaching my buddy here how important it is to be a better person. (to Edward) Are you a better person yet?", "Edward: I'm slipping!", "Phoebe: Oh, no, you're not slipping. (She nearly drops him.) That's slipping.", "(Cole laughs.)", "Cole: Honey...", "Phoebe: Don't call me honey anymore.", "Cole: I don't know what's going on here but this is not you. Literally.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? This is better than me. This is new and improved me. Now not only can I help my readers, but I can help the entire city.", "Cole: Careful, he's got ears.", "Phoebe: Oh, please, relax. The only thing he can hear right now is the blood rushing to his brain. (She pulls him up and he falls to the ground.) One more slip up, Edward, and we'll end up right back up here.", "(Edward runs away.)", "Cole: Phoebe, are you outta your mind? What if somebody sees you?", "Phoebe: That's why we wear masks.", "Cole: We?", "Phoebe: Yeah, superheroes. Okay, Cole, I gotta go 'cause I have a lot of loyal readers that need my help, okay.", "Cole: Okay.", "(Phoebe zips across from building to building.)", "Phoebe: Whoo!", "[Cut to downstairs. Edward walks up to a security guard.]", "Edward: I want you to find out everything you can about Cole Turner's wife.", "Security Guard: His wife? Why?", "Edward: Just do it.", "[Cut to the manor. Parlor. Piper and Paige zip in.]", "Paige: Ah, head rush. Let's do it again.", "Piper: No, what if somebody sees us?", "Paige: Sees us? We're blurs. Besides, who cares?", "(Phoebe zips in.)", "Phoebe: Okay, give me a sec while my organs catch up.", "Paige: Nice outfit.", "Phoebe: Back atcha, sis.", "Piper: Yeah, okay, but where did we get them?", "Phoebe: I don't know and I don't care. All I know is I'm on a role. I have helped so many readers... (she takes off her mask) today...", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: I don't know but suddenly I don't feel so good about this. It's like the masks are clouding our judgement making us feel like we're invincible. (Piper takes off her mask.) See?", "Piper: Yeah, unfortunately.", "(Paige takes her mask off.)", "Paige: I don't like it, I'm putting it back on.", "(She puts her mask back on.)", "Phoebe: No, Paige, we need to think clearly so we can figure out who did this...", "(The Aggressor zips in and knocks Phoebe across the room. Piper rushes over to her.)", "Piper: Phoebe!", "(The Aggressor tries to hit Paige but she dodges really quickly. He ends up putting his fist through the wall. Paige punches him in the face. Piper kicks him and he lands in the foyer. He gets back up and heads for Piper. Phoebe gets up and punches him several times in the stomach, then throws him into the conservatory. He lands on a table and gets a piece of wood stuck through his chest. The girls run in.)", "Aggressor: Thank you.", "(The Aggressor changes into Kevin.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Leo is crouched beside Kevin.]", "Paige: What are you waiting for?", "Leo: How do we know if we heal him he's not gonna try kill you guys again?", "Piper: Leo, he's a kid.", "Phoebe: Plus, killers don't usually thank you for killing them.", "Leo: He thanked you?", "Paige: Just hurry up.", "(Leo heals Kevin. Kevin wakes up.)", "Kevin: What happened?", "Piper: Before or after your alter ego tried to kill us.", "Leo: Come on.", "(Leo helps Kevin up.)", "Phoebe: What's your name?", "Kevin: Kevin.", "Piper: Well, Kevin, you have some explaining to do. Are you responsible for these outfits?", "(Kevin nods.)", "Kevin: I was hoping to be able to stop the Aggressor.", "Paige: The Aggressor? Don't you mean you?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Phoebe: We were gonna kill you, we almost did.", "Leo: Is that what you wanted?", "Kevin: I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to hurt anyone else. And then after our first battle, I thought maybe if I drew you with more powers...", "Piper: Hang on a second, Mister, what do you mean you drew us?", "Kevin: I've always been able to imagine things and then make them come to life through my drawings. Like you guys, the protectors. I never told anybody about what I could do. I knew it would freak people out. Hey, it freaked me out at first.", "Leo: Thought projection, a very rare power, means he's a witch too.", "Phoebe: Why'd you make yourself a superhero?", "Kevin: Because I got tired getting beaten up all the time. And Arnon came along a said he'd teach me to focus my power.", "Paige: Arnon, who's that?", "Kevin: Somebody I wished I never met. He used me to get to Ramus. Said that he was a bad guy, that we had to stop him. But all Arnon wanted were his powers.", "(The Elders call Leo.)", "Leo: The Elders, they want me to bring Ramus back down.", "Piper: No, you can't. Not until we figure out a way to stop Arnon.", "Leo: Well, I don't have a choice, the equinox is starting.", "Piper: He'll kill Ramus.", "Paige: He can't, not without the Aggressor.", "Piper: We can't know that for sure. You have to wait until we find him.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but how?", "Kevin: I know how. Arnon doesn't know the Aggressor failed yet. So all I have to do is follow him back to his hideout.", "Paige: No, that is too dangerous.", "Kevin: I won't be in danger, not with you guys there. With all your super powers and your super hearing, you'll easily be able to over power him, trust me. After all, I drew you, didn't I.", "Paige: Okay, but you have to do exactly what we say.", "Kevin: Promise.", "[Scene: Outside Arnon's hideout. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Kevin peek around the corner.]", "Paige: Is this it?", "Kevin: Yeah, through that door.", "Piper: Do you hear anything inside?", "Paige: Rats, dripping water, cockroaches, may as well be my old apartment. Don't hear any Arnon though.", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Leo orbs in with Ramus.]", "Ramus: Well, at least you didn't break anything this time.", "Leo: Actually, I think we'd be safer upstairs.", "Ramus: No, here is fine.", "Leo: With all the doors, if anybody attacks...", "Ramus: Anybody who attacks doesn't need doors, Leo. Relax. (Ramus sits down.) There's nothing either of us can do to change what's meant to be.", "Leo: What is that supposed to mean? What aren't you telling me?", "Ramus: Actually, quite a bit. (He chuckles.) Look, Leo, you know as well as I do that there is a reason for everything which means that there is a reason for here, for now.", "Leo: Well, how the hell am I supposed to protect you if I don't know what the hell is going on? Sorry.", "Ramus: No, no, I like that. You could stand to be a little tougher sometimes. Just because you're an angel doesn't mean you can't kick some ass now and again. (Leo sits down.) Leo, my fate is sealed, win or lose, I'm right where I'm supposed to be. Which means that there is nothing more either of us can do to change that. But there is however perhaps something I can do for you.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Ramus: I am an Elder and I can foresee the future enough of it anyway to give you a glimpse. If you're interested.", "Leo: Isn't that against the rules?", "Ramus: I'm retiring, what do I care? You can ask me one question and one question only.", "(Leo thinks for a moment.)", "Leo: Will, uh, will our baby be healthy?", "Ramus: Yes, very healthy. And more powerful than you can even imagine.", "[Cut to outside Arnon's hideout.]", "Phoebe: Okay, listen, you're gonna go in there and summon him, okay, but when he comes call for us and we'll get you out of there in a flash.", "Paige: The slightest peep, I'll hear it.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Piper: You don't have to do this, you know.", "Kevin: No, I want to.", "(Kevin heads for the door. An aeroplane flies above and Paige covers her ears.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Paige: Uh.", "(Kevin walks inside the building. Edward is watching with a video camera near by from inside his car.)", "[Cut to inside the building.]", "Kevin: Arnon? Arnon? Arnon, it's me, K...", "(Arnon comes up behind Kevin and puts his hand on his shoulder.)", "Arnon: You betrayed me. (He holds up the drawing of superhero Piper, Phoebe and Paige.) Now that I know you can draw powers for others, you can draw some for me.", "[Cut to outside.]", "Paige: Stupid planes, all I hear is ringing in my ears.", "Piper: Okay, forget it, we've gotta get him out of there.", "(They zip inside and Edward catches it with the video camera.)", "[Cut to inside the building. Kevin is unconscious on the floor.]", "Piper: Kevin, wake up, come on.", "(Paige picks up a drawing of another superhero.)", "Paige: What is this?", "Phoebe: Another Aggressor?", "(The Aggressor zips in.)", "Aggressor: That's right.", "(He rips the drawing of the superhero Piper, Phoebe and Paige in half and the girls return to their normal clothes.)", "Piper: Uh-oh.", "(The Aggressor throws them through a wooden wall.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside Arnon's hideout. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are on the ground.]", "Piper: Ouch.", "Paige: Everybody still alive?", "Piper: I'm not sure yet.", "Phoebe: Oh, no complaining. You're the one that didn't want to get pampered, remember?", "Piper: I take it back, I take it back.", "(They get up.)", "Paige: At least you have a baby that can heal you.", "Piper: Yeah, open wounds but apparently not aches and pains.", "(Kevin walks out.)", "Kevin: Oh, god, oh, god, I'm so sorry about this.", "Paige: It's okay, it's not your fault.", "Kevin: I didn't have a choice. Arnon threatened to kill me if I didn't.", "Phoebe: It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're fine.", "Kevin: For now until he needs me to draw even more powers.", "Paige: He won't need anymore powers if he gets to Ramus before we do.", "Phoebe: Okay, so how do we stop him? We're not superheroes anymore.", "Kevin: I can make you superheroes again.", "Piper: No, that'll take too long, he'll have Ramus by then.", "Paige: So how do we stop him?", "Piper: As super witches.", "Kevin: But you couldn't stop my superhero as witches, how are you gonna stop Arnon?", "Piper: Okay, so we'll rip up his drawing and turn back into the wussy demon that he is.", "Kevin: You can't. He took the drawing with him.", "[Cut to the manor. Leo and Ramus are there. Leo is pacing.]", "Ramus: Will you just relax? You're making me nervous.", "Leo: Okay, well, something isn't right, I can sense it.", "Ramus: Leo, I've told you, you've already done your job. Now it's time to let your charges do theirs.", "Leo: Well, I just don't understand what's taking so long. They should be home by now.", "Ramus: They will be. They're just gonna be too late.", "Leo: You know what? I-I'm getting you outta here.", "Ramus: Mm. Oh, I'm afraid this is gonna hurt.", "(The Aggressor barges through the front door. He zips in front of Leo and punches him, sending him across the dining room table.)", "Aggressor: (to Ramus) Looks like getting your powers is gonna be easier than I thought.", "Ramus: Enjoy it while it lasts.", "(White lights flow out of Ramus and into the Aggressor's body. Ramus vanishes. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Kevin orb in.)", "Aggressor: You're too late, Ramus is dead.", "Piper: Leo.", "(She goes over to him.)", "Phoebe: Paige, now.", "Paige: Boot!", "(The Aggressor's boot orbs into Paige's hand. The Aggressor falls to the floor.)", "Kevin: Left! I meant left boot!", "Paige: Oh, for goodness sakes. Left boot!", "(The other boot orbs into Paige's hand and she pulls the drawing out of it. She tears it up and The Aggressor turns back into Arnon. He stands up.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, don't you just hate it when that happens?", "Paige: Fortunately, since you have Ramus's powers, you should be able to foresee what's gonna happen next.", "(Piper walks over to Arnon.)", "Piper: It's gonna hurt isn't it?", "(Piper blows up Arnon and Ramus's powers leave him.)", "Paige: What the hell is that?", "(The powers enter Kevin's body.)", "Kevin: What, what just happened?", "Phoebe: Looks like Ramus was able to pass his powers onto the new Elder after all.", "Paige: An Elder? He's only thirteen.", "Leo: Elders are like kings. They can be any age.", "Kevin: I-I don't understand. What does this mean?", "Piper: Well, for one thing, it means that nobody's gonna be pushing you around anymore.", "[Scene: Outside Cole's office. Cole locks the door and starts walking down the hallway. Edward comes around the corner holding a videotape.]", "Edward: You Turner?", "Cole: Yeah, who are you?", "Edward: Edward Miller, but you can call me Ed.", "Cole: I've got nothing to say to you.", "(Cole walks off and Edward follows.)", "Edward: Yeah, well, I got something to say to you. As well as the little missus. (Cole stops.) You know, there's just a very certain special way that married people talk to each other. Very distinctive to the ear. Even when you're hanging upside down.", "(Cole walks into an elevator.)", "Cole: I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.", "Edward: Really? Well, uh, maybe this will jog your memory. (He holds up the videotape.) Maybe we should go talk somewhere a little more private, huh?", "[Scene: P3. Paige and Dave are walking through the crowd. They approach Piper and Leo who are sitting on a couch, kissing.]", "Paige: Ooh, looks like someone needs to get a room.", "Piper: Cute, very cute.", "Leo: How's it going, Dave.", "(Dave shakes his hand.)", "Dave: Never better, mate, never better.", "Piper: Oh, really? How about you guys go get us girls some drinks.", "Dave: Sparkling or still?", "Paige: Sparkling of course.", "(Leo stands up.)", "Dave: (to Piper) Oh, by the way, congrats on the club, it's great and the DJ is wicked.", "Piper: Thanks.", "(Leo and Dave walk away. Paige sits down beside Piper.)", "Paige: See, it's nice to know you've still got it in you.", "Piper: Yeah, although I'm beginning to realise that being number one in town just isn't as important as it used to be. And neither is fighting demons for that matter.", "Paige: What, you don't like being a superhero?", "Piper: Oh, no, are you kidding, it was awesome. I mean, being a witch is still awesome. It's just that there's a new number in town.", "Paige: Good for you.", "Piper: Yeah. And apparently good for you. Since you worked through your issues with Dave I gather.", "Paige: Yes, I did thank god. I was just about to join a convent.", "Piper: Mm-hm. Must have been the pink leather, broke you down.", "Paige: Don't laugh, but I think it might've been. Something about leaping over tall buildings in a single bound. I guess that'll free any girl up.", "Piper: Yeah, and let your guard down.", "Paige: Yeah, I'm gonna take you advice and just, you know, relax. If he's mister right I'll tell him I fly around on broomsticks.", "(Phoebe walks up to them.)", "Phoebe: He may find out by himself.", "Paige: What?", "Phoebe: Cole just called. He said the idiot slumlord wants to meet Cole and me now.", "Piper: Why?", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't know. Something about having a tape of Cole's superhero ex-wife in action.", "Piper: Oh, no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole and Edward are there watching the videotape.]", "Cole: What do you want?", "Edward: Well, your wife off my back for starters. Then maybe fifty grand a month.", "Cole: Fifty grand?", "Edward: Yeah. And if they don't have it, they can certainly get it. Just put on those cute little outfits.", "Cole: They don't have them anymore.", "Edward: Well, they'd better find them. I wouldn't try anything if I were you, this is just a copy.", "Cole: I can find the original.", "Edward: Oh, yeah? How?", "Cole: Well, I have certain powers too. But I'm trying very hard not to use them, very hard. I don't like what they do to me.", "Edward: Yeah, okay, whatever, pal. Guess I'll just sell this to the highest bidder.", "(He heads for the door.)", "Cole: I can't let you do that.", "Edward: Try and stop me.", "(Cole uses his power and vanquishes Edward. Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Is he here?", "Cole: Who?", "Phoebe: Miller. Edward Miller, you said he was coming.", "Cole: Oh, yeah, um, I took care of it.", "Phoebe: What do you mean? (She starts backing away.) What does that mean?", "Cole: Phoebe, he was gonna expose you. (She gets in the elevator.) What was I supposed to do? Phoebe, wait.", "(The elevator doors close.)" ]
Witches In Tights
[ "With her power of premonition gone, Phoebe seeks the advice of a fortune teller and discovers in a premonition that a demon named Cree is going to kill every member in a family of Gypsies. Meanwhile, Piper wants to see a doctor about her baby, but Leo is concerned about the threat of exposure. Guest starring Tobin Bell ." ]
[ "[Scene: A fortune telling shop. Madame Theresa is there. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Are you closing?", "Madame Theresa: Not anymore. Please, come in. I am Madame Teresa.", "Phoebe: I'm Phoebe.", "Madame Theresa: Yes, I know.", "Phoebe: Really? Did you read my mind?", "Madame Theresa: No, I read your column.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "(She laughs.)", "Madame Theresa: You are not sure if you are a believer, are you?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, I'm a believer. Believe me. That's why I'm here. I didn't know where else to turn.", "Madame Theresa: Sit. Let's see what your hands tell us.", "(They sit at a small round table.)", "Phoebe: Oh, they're probably gonna tell you that I need a manicure.", "(Phoebe holds out her hand and Madame Teresa looks at her palm. Madame Theresa's eyes widen.)", "Madame Theresa: You have the gift of foresight.", "Phoebe: What?", "Madame Theresa: But don't worry. Your secrets are safe here. (She gets a pen and starts drawing on Phoebe's palm.) You are creative, sensitive, straight smart, you have a strong family, close ties. I am wondering why you do not turn to them now.", "Phoebe: I don't want to worry them. You see I'm having trouble with my gift and that's why I'm here, I want to try figure out what's wrong.", "Madame Theresa: These lines on your index finger they are saying that you're over worked.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, besides my column and my personal appearances, my boss has me giving advice on a radio show. And I-I love it, I do, it's just...", "Madame Theresa: Keeping that pace has blocked out other parts of yourself. Including your gift. Your gift must be honoured. But so must your work.", "Phoebe: So how do I find the balance?", "Madame Theresa: Let's start by unblocking that energy. Breathe with me.", "(They join hands and close their eyes. Madame Teresa starts shaking. The shaking stops and she opens her eyes. Phoebe lets go of her hands.)", "Phoebe: I know that reaction. You just had a premonition didn't you?", "Madame Theresa: But I don't have premonitions.", "Phoebe: Yeah, uh, but I do. Maybe you intercepted it for me?", "(Madame Theresa stands up.)", "Madame Theresa: The reading is over. You must go.", "Phoebe: No, but, uh...", "(Phoebe stands up.)", "Madame Teresa: I'm sorry.", "(She hurries Phoebe outside and shuts the door in her face. She closes the blind.)", "[Time lapse. Madame Teresa is packing her clothes in a suitcase. She's on the phone at the same time.]", "Woman: (on phone) Theresa, Theresa, wait, I'm losing you, say that again?", "Madame Theresa: Oren, the gypsy hunter, he's coming for me.", "Woman: (on phone) Theresa, that's impossible, we blinded him decades ago. Only gypsy magic can lift his curse.", "Madame Theresa: I'm telling you, it had to be him, Lydia. The girl I was dukkering for, she has the powerful gift foreseeing. And somehow I received her vision.", "Lydia: Alright, where are you? I'll come.", "Madame Theresa: No, you must leave town. If he's hunting Shuvanis he could be after you next.", "(The gypsy hunter appears behind Madame Theresa.)", "Gypsy Hunter: Expecting me, were you?", "(Madame Theresa spins around.)", "Lydia: Theresa? Theresa? (Madame Theresa drops the phone.) Theresa!", "Madame Theresa: Oren?", "Gypsy Hunter: You've heard of my father. He'll be very pleased.", "Madame Theresa: What do you want?", "Gypsy Hunter: He's revenge and of course... (He holds out his hands and two red beams of light flow out of them and into Madame Teresa's eyes. She screams.) Your eyes.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Leo is there reading the back of a \"The Joys of Home Birthing\" videotape. Piper and Paige walk in. Piper is holding a yoga mat.]", "Paige: Well, maybe try a different yoga instructor.", "(Paige heads for the fridge.)", "Piper: It wasn't the instructor, it was all those women showing off their sonogram pictures. And it was just working on my last nerve. Like \"look it's Jasper's first photo and it's gonna go on the fridge in a magnetic frame that says Jasper's first photo\"!", "Leo: Okay, I thought pre-natal yoga was supposed to make you relax.", "Piper: Ugh, how am I supposed to relax when I can't even go to a doctor like a normal person?", "Leo: Honey, I thought we agreed that a magical pregnancy was too risky, especially with a baby that heals itself.", "Piper: Okay, yeah, but she's not healing my nauseousness and every other woman in that class says that it's supposed to go away after the first trimester.", "Leo: Okay, well, not according to this book. According to this book, every pregnancy is different.", "Piper: What book?", "Leo: Uh, this one. (He shows her.) \"The Joys of Home Birthing\". (Piper's eyes widen.) It also comes with this video. I thought maybe we could watch it together, it might make you feel better about what's in store.", "Paige: That sounds good, I'll make some popcorn.", "Leo: Uh, since when are pre-natal yoga and home birthing videos your idea of a good time?", "Paige: Since I became a friendless loser with no life.", "Piper: Paige, you have tons of friends.", "Paige: They're all employed. And I'm a demon fighter and I can't tell anyone about it so I basically just come off as this big, dumb, fat, unemployed loser.", "Piper: No, Paige, you're a big, fat, unemployed loser who saves the world.", "(Phoebe walks in and heads for the coffee.)", "Phoebe: Oh, I hope that's leaded. I didn't sleep very well last night.", "(She pours some coffee.)", "Piper: Cole problems?", "Phoebe: What? No, he's soul searching somewhere, or off searching for a soul. I'm just a little overwhelmed with work.", "Piper: What's up with your hand?", "(Piper sees the pen markings on Phoebe's hand.)", "Phoebe: Uh... I actually went to see a gypsy, fortune teller. (Her phone rings.) Oh, look. Ha, work. Gotta go.", "(Phoebe heads for the door. Everyone follows.)", "Paige: Hey, hey there, speedy. Will you slow down and tell us why you went to see a fortune teller?", "Phoebe: To get my fortune told. (Piper gives her a look.) Okay, just don't freak out, alright, because I don't have time for a freak out. I went to find out why I haven't gotten a premonition in the last few months.", "Piper: You've had premonitions... haven't you?", "Phoebe: No, I haven't. And check this out. Hold this. (She hands Leo her cup of coffee. She tries to levitate but only makes it a couple of inches above the floor.) I can't barely levitate.", "Paige: Do you think a demon...", "Phoebe: No, I mean, I can still cast spells and I still has the power of three thing. Whatever the problem is it seems more natural than supernatural.", "Leo: Phoebe, why don't you come to me? I'm your Whitelighter.", "Phoebe: Oh, because you've been very busy.", "Leo: I've been busy?", "Phoebe: Okay, well, I've been busy. My work schedule's been really hectic and I'm coming to you guys now.", "Leo: Okay, you guys yell at her, I'm gonna check with the Elders and see what they know.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Piper: I can't believe you went to a fortune teller instead of coming to us.", "Phoebe: I'm really sorry, but I just didn't want to worry you guys. But now we're on the subject...", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Something really weird happened during my reading. I felt like I was getting a premonition and then I think Madame Teresa intercepted it.", "Piper: Intercepted it? How?", "Paige: She's a gypsy, she probably channelled it. You know, being that I have nothing to do, I've actually been reading up on a lot of gypsy magic lately.", "Phoebe: Whatever she saw must've been pretty bad because she closed up shop very quickly.", "Piper: Well, maybe you should swing by and check up on her.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I was going to but... (Phoebe's phone rings.) Oh, that's work, I really have to go.", "Paige: I'll go for you. You know, I have no life and all.", "Phoebe: Really? Oh, that would be great. Let me just find the, uh... (She rummages through her purse and pulls out a card.) Here's her card. (She hands it to Paige.) Thank you so much. Find out what she saw.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "[Scene: Oren's place. Oren and the gypsy hunter are there. Orion is wearing black goggles. The gypsy hunter places are pair of human eyes on a tray.]", "Gypsy Hunter: I have a good feeling about these eyes, father.", "Oren: I was glad to see the Shuvani didn't put up much of a fight.", "Gypsy Hunter: You saw that far? Your mind's eye grows stronger.", "Oren: I've had a long time to develop it. (A rat runs across a table and Oren vanquishes it.) But it's no replacement for what those gypsies stole from me.", "Gypsy Hunter: If these eyes work, you'll have your revenge and much more. (The gypsy hunter takes the tray to Oren. Oren takes the pair of eyes and places them into his eye sockets. They burn his eye sockets and he groans in pain.) Maybe we should stop trying.", "Orion: No! The eyes I seek are worth this pain. Our Shuvani friend is near. I can see her.", "[Scene: Madame Theresa's shop. Many police are there. Paige is outside. She dials a number on her phone.]", "Phoebe: Phoebe Halliwell.", "Paige: Hey, Phoebe, it's me. I'm at the fortune tellers.", "Phoebe: Oh, really, what'd you find out?", "Paige: Nothing good unfortunately, sweetie, she's dead.", "Phoebe: What?", "Paige: Yeah, she was murdered last night and from what I can gather it seems demonic. She had her eyes gouged out.", "Phoebe: I should've been able to prevent this.", "Paige: How do you figure?", "[Cut to the Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office.]", "Phoebe: Well, if my stupid powers had been working, Paige.", "(Elise interrupts.)", "Elise: They loved you over at Hotline. They want you to guest host for the rest of the week.", "Paige: This is not your fault, Phoebe. Okay, if you were meant to stop Theresa's murder you would've had a premonition about this.", "Phoebe: I know, I know. (to Elise) I can't.", "Elise: Sorry, but I already booked you.", "Paige: Can't what?", "Phoebe: (to Elise) I'm swamped.", "Paige: Swamped? But Phoebe, we have to find this demon and stop him.", "Elise: Twice is success, kiddo.", "(Elise leaves.)", "Paige: Phoebe, hello?", "Phoebe: Uh, I'll meet you at home and we'll get right on it, okay. (She hangs up. She leaves her office.) Elise? Elise, wait. Is it possible that we can postpone the radio show because I barely have time to write my column let alone all the other stuff that I have to do.", "Elise: \"Dear Phoebe, my career is on the fast track, I'm wildly popular and the money is pretty damn good. What should I do?\"", "Phoebe: Stop whining?", "Elise: Damn, you are good.", "[Scene: Hospital. A ward room. A woman doctor is standing beside a man lying in a bed.]", "Doctor: It's a very standard surgery, we do it all the time, you're gonna be just fine, I promise. (Lydia walks in the room. She speaks in Romanian to the Doctor.) Excuse me. (She takes Lydia across the room.) Aunt Lydia, what are you doing here? (Lydia speaks in Romanian.) No, in English, I don't speak the language anymore.", "Lydia: I am in danger, Eva. I'm afraid you are too. Oren is back and he is seeking revenge on Shuvanis.", "Eva: Oren?", "Lydia: The gypsy hunter, you've heard the stories.", "Eva: Ugh, Aunt Lydia, we've had this conversation. I'm interested in the stories.", "Lydia: Eva, Madame Theresa was murdered.", "Eva: What?", "Lydia: I was talking to her on the phone when it happened. She had a vision of Oren coming for her. Which means he'll be seeking revenge on all Shuvanis including you.", "Eva: I'm not a Shuvani, I am a doctor.", "Lydia: Eva, you can not change what you are born to be. And Oren won't care that you've rejected your heritage, he'll sense you anyway.", "Eva: Aunt Lydia, I'm sorry about Theresa. I know she meant a lot to you and mum. I'll come to the funeral, I'll pay my respects but I'm not gonna run from a fictional demon. I've gotta get back to work.", "(She starts to walk away.)", "Lydia: Eva, we have to trust the gypsy magic.", "Eva: Why? Because it did such a great job saving mum?", "Lydia: Your mother couldn't be helped, Shavi. By the time she was sick it was too late.", "Eva: You don't know that. If she had gotten chemo instead of relying on herbs and spells.", "Lydia: Your mother believed in herbs and spells and so should you.", "Eva: Yeah? Well, if gypsy magic really worked then I'd be able to see her, right? In the afterlife, talk to her. Like she promised me.", "Lydia: Eva...", "Eva: I'm sorry, I don't have time for this. Your friend was murdered, turn to the police, not superstition.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper and Leo are sitting on the couch watching the birthing video.]", "Piper: Okay, see, I need an epidural just to watch this.", "Leo: Okay, let's fast forward to the part where the parents get to meet the baby.", "(He fast forwards the tape with the remote control.)", "Guy on TV: At this point, the birthing partner will coach the mother's breathing.", "(The woman giving birth screams in agony. Piper snatches the remote off of Leo.)", "Piper: Okay, give that to me. (She mutes the TV.) Look, just tell me when the baby is out and all wiped off. But seriously though, I need a sterile hospital, magically baby or not, and medical people. Lots of professional medical people.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Oh, gross, what are you guys watching? Is that some horror movie?", "Piper: No, it's \"The Joys Of Home Birthing\". Strangely I'm not feeling the joy.", "Paige: Well, I'm sorry to cut your entertainment short we are on demon duty now. Turns out Madame Theresa was murdered.", "Piper: The fortune teller?", "Paige: Yeah, I checked with Darryl, it's the third in a string of gypsy killings, all of them have had their eyes gouged out.", "Piper: Ugh.", "Leo: Now that video doesn't seem so gruesome.", "Piper: Ha! Speak for yourself.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Okay, let's go, people, I've gotta fit this vanquish in between two deadlines and three meetings. Leo, what did you find out about my powers? What's wrong with them?", "Leo: Well, technically nothing, which means the disconnect is tied to your emotions.", "Paige: I think it's a case of use them or lose them. Hey, you know, if he's after gypsies, we should stop by Theresa's funeral. I know where it is, maybe you can get some sort of premonition that will help us find the demon.", "Piper: Wow, pre-natal yoga this morning and now you want to crash a stranger's funeral? You really do need friends.", "Paige: You're mean.", "[Scene: Theresa's funeral. Lydia is saying the eulogy in Romanian. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are standing near by.]", "Paige: Well, I don't know what she's saying but the symbolism's beautiful.", "Phoebe: It is, it's really beautiful. (Food and other items have been placed around Theresa's coffin. Someone adds to the pile.) Uh, don't you guys think Theresa looks a little crowded?", "Paige: I think that's the gypsy custom to send their people off in the next life with things they might need.", "Piper: Okay, well, I need a cracker in this lifetime. Would it be bad if I grabbed that box of saltines?", "Phoebe: Probably.", "Lydia: May I join the choir invisible of those immortal dead. Who live again in minds made better by their presence.", "(Phoebe's phone rings.)", "Paige: Phoebe, enough with the work.", "(Phoebe stops the phone from ringing. The eulogy ends. A violinist starts playing.)", "Piper: Well, go on, you're not gonna get a premonition standing here. Put a little shoulder into it.", "Phoebe: Okay. (Piper gives her a nudge and Phoebe walks through the crowd.) Hi, uh, excuse me, uh, pardon me, hi.", "[Cut to Lydia talking to Eva.]", "Lydia: Are you staying for the Pomona? I made stew.", "Eva: Aren't you worried about the gypsy hunter?", "Lydia: He won't attack at a crowd, which means you'll be safer here too.", "Eva: Please stop. I have no interest in staying, Aunt Lydia. This isn't my life. Please accept that. I have to get back to work.", "(Eva walks away.)", "Lydia: Eva. Eva, wait. (Lydia starts to follow Eva. Phoebe bumps into Lydia and has a premonition of the gypsy hunter stealing Lydia's eyes.) I'm sorry, are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm fine.", "(Lydia nods and walks away. Piper and Paige walk up to Phoebe.)", "Piper: Did you get anything?", "Phoebe: Uh, kinda, just bits and pieces.", "Paige: Well, it's better than nothing. What'd you see?", "Phoebe: I saw candles and lanterns and Theresa in her coffin.", "Piper: Okay, well, you don't need a premonition for that. Anything else?", "Phoebe: That woman, her eyes.", "Piper: Right.", "(They follow Lydia.)", "[Cut to Lydia running through rows of wood stacked into piles.]", "Lydia: Eva? Eva!", "Voice: Nice funeral. (The voice echoes.) Very touching. (The voice echoes.) Will there be any Shuvanis left to throw you yours?", "(The gypsy hunter appears behind her. She spins around.)", "Lydia: Waffediyok!", "(Her eyes turn green and green light shoots out of them hitting the ground. A dust storm forms around the gypsy hunter and he groans and covers his face. He shoots a red beam of light at Lydia and knocks her to the ground. The dust storm settles.)", "Gypsy Hunter: You're the one.", "(Two red beams of light shoot out of both his hands and into Lydia's eyes. Piper, Phoebe and Paige run around the corner.)", "Piper: Hey! (Piper tries to blow him up but instead sends him flying onto a pile of wood.) He was supposed to blow up. Why did he not blow up?", "(They hear Lydia groaning and they run over to her. The gypsy hunter stands on top of the wood pile looking down at them.)", "Paige: Uh, not good, we've gotta get outta here.", "(The gypsy hunter shoots the red beams of light at them and Paige orbs them out just in time.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Lydia are there. Lydia is lying on the couch while Leo heals her eyes.]", "Lydia: Thank you. I have to go.", "(Lydia gets up.)", "Paige: Wait, you don't have to be afraid.", "Lydia: I'm not afraid of you. We come from sister traditions, witches and gypsies. I appreciate everything you have done but I have to go.", "Piper: But there's a demon after you.", "Lydia: I'm not the only one he's after.", "(She heads for the door.)", "Paige: Wait, clearly you have powers but we face demons all the time. Will you please at least tell us what you know?", "Phoebe: Maybe we're supposed to help.", "(Lydia stops.)", "Lydia: Perhaps. Years ago a my tribe threw a curse on a gypsy hunter named Oren. Blinding him so he no longer had the power to spot our people.", "Phoebe: The demon we saw wasn't blind.", "Lydia: That was Oren's son, Cree. I think he's killing Shuvanis in the name of his father.", "Piper: Shuvanis?", "Paige: Yeah, that's their form of a high priestess.", "(Phoebe's phone rings. She ignores it.)", "Lydia: My niece, Eva, she's a Shuvani too only she's rejected her magic which is leading her defenceless.", "Leo: Well, can't you curse Cree like you did his father?", "Lydia: There aren't enough Shuvanis left to pool our power and because Eva chooses not to believe anymore, she won't listen to me.", "Paige: Maybe we can help?", "(The phone rings.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll take care of that.", "(She goes into the living room.)", "Paige: Sometimes it's easier to hear the truth from a stranger than it is to hear from family.", "Lydia: Her name is Eva Niccolli. She's a doctor at San Francisco Memorial.", "Piper: OB/GYN by any chance?", "Lydia: No, she's a surgeon.", "Piper: Ugh, close enough. I'll go.", "Paige: Why you?", "Piper: Because I am done with this nauseousness and I can fight off Cree if he attacks, so either you're orbing or I'm driving.", "(Piper grabs her coat. Leo orbs out with her. Phoebe walks back in on the phone.)", "Phoebe: I'm sorry Elise, I just can't make it. Is it possible that we can move it?", "Paige: Hey, we still have a book to check and a vanquishing potion to make.", "Phoebe: Alright, alright, I'll be there, I promise.", "(She hangs up.)", "Lydia: I'm sorry, this is interrupting your lives.", "Paige: No, no, no. This is our lives. My sister just needed a little reminder.", "[Scene: Oren's place. Oren is there. Cree walks up behind him.]", "Oren: Are you injured?", "Cree: No. Did you see everything?", "Oren: I saw enough.", "Cree: If only I would've been prepared for her I wouldn't have...", "Oren: The search is over! She has the power, that's what matters. Next time you'll be more prepared, the way I taught you.", "Cree: But how will I get to her? She's protected by witches now.", "Oren: They can't protect her heart. I can see it yearns for a way with child. Her niece, find her. Shuvani will follow.", "[Scene: Hospital. Maternity ward. Piper is watching a nurse hand new parents their newborn baby. Leo walks around the corner and puts his arm around Piper.]", "Piper: They even teach them to swaddle.", "Leo: Come on, we have to find Eva.", "(They turn to leave and Piper holds her stomach.)", "Piper: Ooh, I need to find some help. Leo, I do not feel well. (She sits down.) And I don't think this is normal. I need a doctor, a real doctor.", "Leo: Well, what happens when they check the security camera to find out why the sonogram machine blew up like it did with Phoebe's baby.", "Piper: Phoebe's baby was a demon, ours is an angel for crying out loud.", "Voice: I'll get those right away for you, Dr. Niccolli.", "Eva: Thanks, Bill.", "(Eva walks around the corner and past Piper and Leo.)", "Piper: Eva? (Eva looks at them. Piper stands up.) Wait.", "Eva: Do I know you?", "Piper: Uh, no, you don't, but we kind of know you. We're friends of your Aunt Lydia.", "Eva: Is something wrong?", "Piper: Yeah, there kinda is. See, there's this gypsy hunter...", "Eva: Oh, please. I-I don't mean to be rude, you guys look like normal people. My Aunt Lydia, she's just very superstitious and she shouldn't be sending you here to...", "Leo: She's afraid for you. People are dying.", "Eva: Look around you, that's why I'm here. I save lives using medicine, not magic.", "Piper: But magic is apart of who you are.", "Eva: No, relying on magic is what killed my mum.", "Piper: Oh, uh, Eva, I know what it's like to lose your mum, believe me, I do. But still, you can't deny who you are.", "(A voice comes over the intercom.)", "Voice: Dr. Niccolli, Dr. Niccolli to the emergency room, stat.", "Eva: I've gotta go.", "(She walks off.)", "Piper: Wh- Great, now what do we do?", "Leo: We try again. (Piper covers her mouth and holds her stomach.) Are you okay?", "Piper: No, I am not. Doctor, any doctor, now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe, Paige and Lydia are there making a potion.]", "Lydia: Alright, add ice to thicken, I'd say we're done.", "Paige: I wouldn't have thought to add turmeric to anything but Indian food.", "Lydia: It's nice to finally have someone to share my magic with.", "Phoebe: Eva will come around. Sometimes it takes longer for people to embrace their magic, right Paige?", "(Paige pulls a face.)", "Lydia: I hope you're right. She's the last of our line. If she doesn't carry on the tradition, it dies with me.", "Paige: Yeah, well, that's not gonna happen.", "(Phoebe bows her head, looking sad.)", "Lydia: Oh, being so hard on yourself won't bring your powers back, you know.", "Phoebe: Okay, what can't you see?", "Lydia: Maybe I can help.", "(She walks over to the sink and puts some tea in a cup.)", "Phoebe: I think my stress level is beyond chamomile tea at this point.", "Lydia: You're not gonna drink it. (She fills the cup with water.) You're gonna swirl it. Come.", "(Phoebe and Paige stand beside her and Phoebe takes the cup.)", "Paige: Wait, you read tea leaves? That is so amazing.", "(Phoebe swirls the water in the cup.)", "Lydia: Now pour it out. (Phoebe tips the water into the sink. Lydia takes the cup and looks in it.) I see an axe, a thorn, broken spiral. You are way out of balance, just like your powers.", "Phoebe: That's pretty much what Madame Theresa said.", "Lydia: That's what happens when your brain overrides your heart. If you want to regain your balance, to reconnect, you'll have to find out why.", "Paige: It's so crazy, I never would've seen those shapes in there.", "Lydia: It just takes practice. Here, read mine.", "Paige: Okay.", "(She fills the cup with water, swirls it, tips it out and hands it to Paige.)", "Lydia: What do you see?", "Paige: I see an X... And that looks kind of like a lightning bolt.", "(Lydia takes the cup off Paige and looks in it.)", "Lydia: Eva. (She walks over to the table.) I can't put you in anymore danger.", "(She throws something in the potion and it explodes. Smoke fills the room and Lydia leaves through the back door. Phoebe looks in the cup.)", "Paige: Lydia. Well, that's an interesting disappearing act, I'll have to ask her how she does that. What are you doing?", "Phoebe: I'm trying to see what Lydia saw.", "Paige: Uh, yeah, you can't read tea leaves.", "Phoebe: No, but I get premonitions, at least I'm supposed to. Okay, come on, please let me see something. (She receives a premonition.) I saw Cree. He's after Eva.", "Paige: Where? When?", "Phoebe: I don't know, it's still all in pieces but, uh, I saw cars and a parking lot. Maybe, maybe it's the hospital?", "Paige: The hospital? Why can't Piper and Leo stop him?", "[Cut to the hospital. A room. Piper and Leo are there. A male doctor is drawing blood from Piper's arm.]", "Doctor: I wouldn't worry too much, some women a nauseous through their whole pregnancy. It's perfectly normal.", "Piper: Yeah, I just... First time mum, wanted to make sure.", "Leo: Um, I'm getting paged. (The doctor gives him a look.) It's, uh, it's on vibrate.", "(He pats his pocket.)", "Doctor: Don't you want to see who it is?", "Leo: Well, it's her sisters, they're the only ones with the number, so... Honey, I think we should hurry up.", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "Doctor: Almost done. (He pulls the needle out and turns to get a band-aid. Piper magically heals and the doctor turns back.) Oh.", "Leo: Fast healer. Thanks.", "(He grabs Piper's hand.)", "Piper: Yeah.", "(They rush out of the room.)", "[Cut to outside. Car park. Phoebe and Paige are waiting there. Piper and Leo orb in.]", "Paige: Where's Eva?", "Leo: She's in surgery. What are you guys doing here?", "Paige: We're trying to find Lydia, she ran out on us.", "Phoebe: She's after Cree.", "(They hear a scream and run in the direction of it.)", "[Cut to Lydia and Cree. Lydia gets up off the floor.]", "Cree: Surprised to see me again?", "Lydia: Hardly.", "(Lydia's eyes turn green and they shoot green beams of light at Cree. It doesn't harm him.)", "Cree: This time I was ready for you.", "(Lydia pulls out the vial of potion but before she can throw it, red beams of light shoots out of Cree's eyes an into Lydia's. She screams and drops the potion. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo arrive.)", "Phoebe: Lydia!", "(Cree turns to them. Lydia drops to the ground. Phoebe throws the potion at Cree and vanquishes him. They run over to Lydia. Leo tries to her her but can't. He looks at the girls.)", "[Cut to an emergency room. Eva and some nurses are there trying to revive a patient with a fibrillator.]", "Nurse: No response.", "Eva: Clear.", "Nurse: Clear!", "(Eva uses the paddles on the patient.)", "Eva: Give me two hundred jules.", "Nurse: Two hundred charged.", "Eva: Clear.", "(Eva is about to put the paddles on the patient but jumps when she sees Lydia lying there instead.)", "Lydia: Eva.", "Nurse: Pressure's dropping.", "Lydia: Waffediyok, Eva.", "Eva: Aunt Lydia?", "Lydia: (She says something in Romanian.) Waffediyok.", "(Eva moves back in shock.)", "Nurse: Dr. Niccolli? Are you alright?", "(The patient is back on the table and Lydia is gone.)", "Nurse #2: No ventricular rhythm. She's flat. Call the code.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. Corridor. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are waiting there. Eva is standing near reception. A covered body is wheeled down the corridor. Eva looks at Piper, who looks back sympathetic.]", "Eva: No. (She rushes to the body.) Aunt Lydia? (She starts to cry.) Oh my god. (They wheel the body off.) Oh my god.", "(Piper rushes over to Eva.)", "Piper: Come on, sit down.", "(They all walk around the corner and Eva sits down on a chair. Piper hands her a tissue.)", "Eva: I saw... She came to me. Mulo.", "Paige: Mulo?", "Eva: The living dead. I never believed in it before.", "Piper: It's okay, just tell us what happened.", "Eva: It was a code blue. My patient, she died... and then it was Aunt Lydia. Nobody else saw. I thought I was going crazy.", "Phoebe: I am so sorry.", "Eva: No, it's my fault. She tried to warn me this morning, I didn't believe her.", "Piper: No, it's not your fault. You had your reasons to be sceptical. Was she trying to tell you something?", "Eva: I don't know, I don't remember much. I do know a Mulo is a bad omen. It means that something horrible is about to happen.", "Paige: Well, it shouldn't, we vanquished Cree.", "Piper: What about Oren?", "Eva: It has to be him. I mean, that's what she was trying to tell me. She was trying to warn me again. My Romanian is weak but I think she was saying something about him trying to take her power away.", "Piper: Well, how can he take her power now that she's...", "Eva: I don't know. I wish I knew what Waffediyok meant. She kept saying that.", "Paige: We should go to Lydia's apartment. (to Phoebe) Maybe you could get a prem...", "Phoebe: No. We need more vanquishing potion. I'm gonna go back to the house and try to remember what she used.", "Paige: But Phoebe, we could really use your power.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know, Paige, I know. (to Leo) Can you take me home?", "Leo: Sure.", "(Phoebe and Leo leave around the corner.)", "Paige: What should we do now?", "Eva: Theresa would know.", "[Scene: Theresa's apartment. Piper, Paige and Eva are there. Eva drapes a black veil over a photo of Madame Theresa and Lydia.]", "Eva: Gypsy custom. Covering the photos of the dead.", "Piper: Looks like you're remembering more and more of those customs.", "Eva: Nobody knew more about them than Theresa. She was like the holy woman of the tribe. She always made sure that traditions were passed down from mother to daughter. My mum tried to pass them down to me but I wouldn't listen.", "(Paige finds an antique chest in a cupboard and pulls it out.)", "Paige: Look at this, it's so beautiful.", "Eva: Let me see that. (She walks over to Paige.) It was my mother's. (She takes the chest and sits down on the couch with it.) I can't believe Theresa kept it.", "Paige: Yeah, well, maybe she was just saving it for a special kind of day.", "(Eva smiles.)", "Eva: My mother called it her treasure chest. It's where she kept precious things.", "(She opens the box and pulls out a photo.)", "Piper: Is that you and your mum?", "(Eva nods. She starts to cry.)", "Eva: She made us matching dresses for Christmas. She worked so hard to finish them in time.", "Paige: I know it's hard. My mum died ten years ago and there's still a lot of boxes that I can't open.", "(Eva pulls out a book and opens it.)", "Eva: Um, these are recipes and herbal remedies, gypsy spells.", "Piper: Mm-hm. Maybe it's not too late to learn after all.", "(Paige pulls out a necklace.)", "Paige: Look at this, it looks like Lydia's locket.", "Eva: That's our family talisman, the evil eye.", "Piper: Your family symbol is evil?", "Eva: Only to those who it wishes harm. Many feared the evil eye but our family was said to be protected by it. The folklore said that the keeper of the eye could use it to magnify or channel her powers.", "Paige: I don't think this is folklore. Look at this inscription.", "(Paige shows Eva the back of the necklace.)", "Eva: Waffediyok. That's the evil eye.", "Paige: I think Lydia was the keeper. I think she conjured up that dust storm and I think this is what Cree was after.", "Piper: So he wasn't taking Shuvanis eyes just out of revenge. He wanted the evil eye.", "Eva: And Oren still wants it.", "[Scene: Morgue. Oren is there. Lydia's body is lying on a slab, her eyes gouged out. Oren places her eyes in his eye sockets and walks over to a mirror.]", "Oren: I'll have my revenge, son. But not before I give you yours.", "(An attendant walks in the room.)", "Attendant: Who are you? What are you doing in here?", "Oren: Testing my new powers.", "(Oren's eyes turn green and shoots out green beams of light at the attendant, burning a hole in his chest.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and Leo are there. Phoebe is making the potion. Leo is on the phone.]", "Leo: Okay, Piper, just be careful. (He hangs up.) They're going to the morgue.", "(Phoebe throws in some turmeric and the potion explodes.)", "Phoebe: Done. Can you pass me the ice?", "Leo: Sure. (He hands her a container of ice.) Maybe we should follow them, see if you can get a premonition.", "Phoebe: It was my sorry excuse for a premonition that put Lydia in the morgue in the first place.", "Leo: Phoebe, we lose innocents, it's not your fault. I think if anyone's to blame, it's Cole.", "Phoebe: What? He's out of town. For the first time he's actually not plaguing my life.", "Leo: Which is what gave you the time to find out something was wrong with your powers to begin with. You dove into your work originally to escape the pain and you dealt with it fine, but you haven't slowed down. You went from one obsession to another.", "(The phone rings. The machine gets it.)", "Elise's Voice: Phoebe, it's Elise! Where are you?! Phoebe?", "(Phoebe races over and picks up the phone.)", "Phoebe: Elise? Okay, just listen to me for a second, okay? Look, I'm sorry but I have a major family emergency.", "Elise's Voice: More important than your career?", "Phoebe: Well, yeah, of course my career is important to me but my family is more important.", "Elise's Voice: Get your butt in here now!", "(Phoebe hangs up on her.)", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Leo: You're welcome.", "(Piper, Paige and Eva orb in.)", "Piper: We were too late, Oren got the evil eye.", "Phoebe: The evil eye?", "Paige: Yeah, Lydia's eyes have the power.", "Eva: That's what she was trying to tell me.", "(Eva holds out the necklace.)", "Paige: Wait, I hope you have that potion ready 'cause we're gonna need it big time. (Phoebe takes the necklace and gasps. She moves backward.) Phoebe, are you okay?", "(Phoebe reaches out.)", "Phoebe: Premonition. Major premonition. I'm in the future.", "(Piper moves towards Phoebe but Leo stops her.)", "Leo: Let her go.", "(In Phoebe's premonition we are looking through Phoebe's eyes. We see Piper and Leo looking at the Book of Shadows. Oren appears and Piper throws the potion at him. Oren catches the potion and destroys it. Oren shoots a green beam of light at Piper and burns a hole in her chest. Leo lunges for Oren, Oren grabs Leo's neck and twists it. Oren stares at Phoebe and shoots the beam of light at her. The premonition ends and Phoebe falls back with a burnt hole in her chest. She looks at her wound and then drops to the floor. Leo runs over to her and starts healing her. Phoebe wakes up.)", "Leo: It's okay, it's okay.", "(Phoebe sits up.)", "Piper: What happened?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Eva are there.]", "Phoebe: It's been so long that my powers advanced. And boy did they advance.", "Leo: To the point where they almost got you killed.", "Piper: I don't get it. How can you be at risk in the present when you're witnessing a future event.", "Phoebe: All I know is it felt like I was in two places at once. Almost as if I astral projected into my future self.", "Paige: Okay, it's really great that your powers have advanced and we'll talk about that later, right after we make sure there is a later.", "Eva: Now that Oren has the evil eye, I'd say our best chances of survival is to run and hide.", "Leo: You said the vanquishing potion had no effect?", "Phoebe: He didn't even flinch.", "Piper: So your new and improved premonitions are just a more vivid way of telling us that we're screwed?", "Phoebe: Well, the premonitions may have changed but the reason behind getting them hasn't. I mean, they show us the future so that we can change the outcome.", "Eva: But how?", "[Time lapse. Attic. Everyone walks in.]", "Piper: Isn't it a bit suicidal to be walking into the room Phoebe saw us die in?", "Paige: Yes, except we have something Phoebe's premonition didn't. We have Eva.", "Eva: How am I supposed to make a difference?", "Paige: Well, in the premonition witchcraft alone wasn't enough to vanquish Oren, but we think witchcraft plus gypsy magic will be.", "Eva: But I don't know any gypsy magic.", "Phoebe: Well, you have it inside you, you were born with it. Why else would you have received your Aunt's warning?", "Eva: Even if you're right, I can't defeat Oren on my own.", "Paige: You won't need to, you can just call upon your ancestors. (Paige turns to a spell in the Book Of Shadows.) Here's a spell we've used before, just substitute those names for those of your gypsy family members.", "Eva: Um, okay. Here goes. \"Niccolli gypsies stand strong beside me...\"", "(Oren appears behind them. Piper turns around and throws the potion at him. He catches the potion and destroys it.)", "Piper: Keep saying the spell.", "Eva: \"Marina, Theresa, Lydia...\"", "(Oren shoots a green beam of light at Piper and burns a hole through her chest.)", "Phoebe, Paige, Eva: \"Niccolli gypsies stand strong beside us, vanquish this evil from time and space.\" (Leo runs over to Oren, Oren grabs Leo and twists his neck. He throws him across the room.) \"Niccolli gypsies stand strong beside us, vanquish this evil from time and space. Niccolli gypsies stand strong beside us, vanquish this evil from time and space.\" (Niccolli spirits fly around them.) \"Niccolli gypsies stand strong beside us, vanquish this evil from time and space.\"", "(Oren shoots green beams of light at the girls but the spirits shield them. The beams of light is reflected back at Oren and it vanquishes him. The spirits disappear.)", "Phoebe: Piper.", "(Phoebe races over to Piper. Leo heals her and she gets up. Eva starts to cry.)", "Paige: You did it.", "Eva: My mother. She was here. I felt her.", "[Scene: A gypsy encampment. People are waiting outside a small building, including Piper and Phoebe. The door opens and Eva walks out with her stethoscope around her neck.]", "Eva: Who's next?", "Piper: We are! (A pregnant woman beside Piper gives her a look.) Well, not really but we'll make it super quick. (They go to Eva.) Hey, how you doing?", "Eva: Fine. Hectic. I can only make it here after my hospital shift.", "Phoebe: Hectic is good, just as long as it's not too hectic.", "Eva: Well, I think I have my priorities in order. And helping out gypsies who don't have health care is definitely one of them.", "Phoebe: Good for you.", "(Paige walks out holding a chart.)", "Paige: Eva, did Mrs. Vasila get her tetanus shot?", "Piper: Paige?", "Paige: Hey, guys!", "Piper: What are you doing?", "Paige: Oh, you know, just pitching in, helping out. Did I ever mention that I...", "Piper, Phoebe: Have no life. Yeah.", "Eva: Paige has been great. Quick starting too.", "Paige: You should see all the folk remedies the gypsies have. Some of them are even better than western medicine.", "Piper: Really? Any of them help with my nauseousness?", "Phoebe: Well, it's funny you should ask.", "(Phoebe pulls Piper towards the door.)", "Piper: W-Where are you going?", "Paige: You don't want to be late for your appointment now, do you?", "Piper: What appointment?", "Phoebe: Your appointment with Eva. Meet your new doctor.", "Piper: O-O-Oh...", "(She laughs.)", "Paige: She's also gonna teach us how to be your midwives.", "Piper: Midwives? No! See, 'cause I'm not having this thing naturally. (Phoebe makes breathing noises. Piper tries to cover her mouth.) No. I need lots and lots of western medicine.", "(Paige and Eva laugh.)", "Eva: Piper...", "Piper: No offence.", "Eva: Piper, you know, I trusted you to carry on my heritage, now you can trust me to carry on yours.", "(Eva takes Piper to the door. Piper points at her sisters and laughs. They go inside and Eva closes the door. The Waffediyok symbol has been painted on the door.)" ]
The Eyes Have It
[ "When Barbas, the Demon of Fear, makes a return into the Charmed Ones lives, he tricks Paige and Cole into giving him the powers Cole obtained while in the Wastelands so he can use them to turn the sisters' greatest fears against them." ]
[ "[Scene: Law office. Cole, two men and a court reporter are there. Cole hands the men some files and sits down across from them.]", "Cole: I'd like to draw your attention to exhibit W, delivery manifest, you'll find it on page six of your documents. As you can see the manifest refers to a shipment made on September 5th of last year.", "Man #1: (whispers) I don't know what this demon's trying to prove.", "Cole: Excuse me, did you say something?", "Man #1: No, please, continue.", "(Cole starts to sweat. He has a sip of water.)", "Cole: The shipping director, Mr. Peters is responsible for the items on this manifest including, uh, forty-eight barrels of toxic waste.", "Man #2: (whispers) Trying to deny what he is. Like we don't know. (to Cole) You give us all a bad name.", "(Man #2's eyes glow red. Cole stands up.)", "Cole: What the hell is going on here?", "Man #2: It's called a deposition.", "Man #1: You alright, Mr. Turner?", "Cole: I'm sorry, excuse me.", "(Cole rushes outside. The men shrug.)", "[Cut to the hallway. Cole loosens his tie and walks into an elevator where there are two other men. The door closes and Cole waits.]", "Man #3: Check out the demon.", "(Cole turns to them.)", "Cole: What'd you say?", "Man #3: You're an embarrassment to us all, you know that.", "(Their eyes glow red.)", "Cole: Just leave me alone.", "Man #3: Give it up, Cole. You can never be good. (Cole turns around and throws a fireball at them. He covers his eyes and they are vanquished. Cole uncovers his eyes and notices the two men standing there again.) Are you okay, man?", "[Time lapse. Cole is walking quickly down a hallway. He reaches his office and closes the door behind him. He breathes heavily. He notices Phoebe sitting in his chair.]", "Cole: Phoebe, thank god. I need your help. (He walks over to his desk.) I think I'm going crazy or somebody's messing with my mind.", "Phoebe: Shh, slow down. Tell me what happened.", "Cole: I was just apposing a witness for chemical dumping case and I went...", "(He notices a formal notification of divorce action form on his desk. Phoebe picks them up and walks around to Cole.)", "Phoebe: Final divorce papers. I need you to sign them.", "Cole: That's why you're here?", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's finally over, officially. Because you're evil.", "Cole: No, you're wrong.", "Phoebe: No, I'm right. You've always been evil and you always will be.", "Cole: That's not true.", "Phoebe: Yes, it is. (She touches his face.) Cole, don't fight it. It's who you are.", "Cole: I'm not evil, damn it! I'm not evil! (He grabs Phoebe around her neck and pins her against the wall. A picture frame smashes behind her. Suddenly, it's not Phoebe anymore. It's his assistant. Cole looks shocked and lets go of her.) Lauren. (Lauren runs out of the room, frightened. Cole starts to panic.) What's happening to me?", "Barbas's Voice: Oh, you know what's happening to you. You are evil, Cole. (Barbas's spirit appears.) You're evil, Cole. It's your worst fear. (Barbas disappears.) And it's true.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Paige is there standing beside a table. The Book Of Shadows, candles, a pot and other things are on the table.]", "Paige: Okay, sixteenth time is the charm. (She picks something up and throws it in the pot. It explodes and feathers fly out of it.) Damn it!", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: What's going on, Paige?", "Paige: Just trying to conjure up some doves.", "Leo: Oh. Out here in front of all the windows, huh?", "Paige: Well, the attic was feeling a little cramped, you know, I thought a change of scenery might help.", "Leo: Hmm. (He walks over to the table.) Prue's animal conjuring spell, huh? That's a tough one.", "Paige: Yeah, tell me about it. How long did it take her to get it down.", "Leo: A couple of days at least.", "Paige: Oh, good, then I don't feel so bad.", "Leo: What's going on, Paige?", "Paige: Nothing.", "Leo: Paige...", "Paige: You promise you won't tell Piper and Phoebe?", "Leo: Yep.", "Paige: Okay, Prue was this awesome witch with a full time job and I quit my job to be a full time witch and I still haven't reached her level yet which makes me feel incredibly frustrated and lame.", "Leo: Well, I thought you were done comparing yourself to Prue.", "Paige: Yeah, so did I. It's just these last couple of days for some reason I've been feeling a little insecure. And this stupid spell isn't helping any. Come on, now, give me a dove, any dove. (She throws something in the pot and nothing happens.) Nothing.", "(Piper walks in holding a cup.)", "Piper: Hi. I am off to yoga and then to the salon for a manicure and pedicure, there's a cherry pie cooling on the counter and I will be on my cell.", "Paige: Uh-uh. Pre-natal police, lady, put the mug down, step away from the coffee.", "Piper: It's herbal tea. I am on a natural high. This is the first morning in months where I actually kept my breakfast down.", "Leo: Hey, congratulations.", "(He goes over to her.)", "Piper: Mm-hm. Goodbye morning sickness, hello second trimester. I feel wonderful. And so I was thinking, you know, when I get back maybe we can start practising for the new kid.", "Leo: Ooh.", "(Leo and Piper kiss.)", "Paige: Eww, I'm still here, thanks.", "(Piper opens her eyes mid-kiss and sees a spider slide down from its web behind Leo. She stops the kiss and screams, pointing at the spider.)", "Piper: Spider, get it, get it, get it.", "(The spider runs along the floor and Leo grabs it.)", "Paige: Okay, you can handle demons and warlocks but not spiders?", "Piper: Ugh, jinxed. I should have known this was gonna happen.", "Leo: What are you talking about?", "Piper: It's the story of my life. When everything is going great, something inevitability happens that will ruin it.", "Paige: A little spider did all that to you?", "Piper: Oh, you just wait, you will see.", "(Suddenly, Cole appears.)", "Cole: Please, you've gotta help me.", "Piper: See?", "(Cole walks into the living room, looking around.)", "Cole: Did they follow me?", "Piper: Who?", "Leo: Cole, maybe you should...", "(Cole spins around and faces Leo.)", "Cole: Stay away from me! (He throws an energy ball at Leo and Leo ducks. The energy ball hits the wall.) Got him.", "Piper: Cole, what are you doing?", "(Cole moves closer to Piper.)", "Cole: You're with him.", "(An energy ball forms in Cole's hand. Paige goes over and pushes him. The energy ball disappears and Cole snaps out of it.)", "Paige: What is wrong with you?", "Cole: I'm sorry. I didn't hurt anyone did I?", "(Leo stands up.)", "Leo: You could have. Lucky for you I'm already dead.", "(Cole sits down.)", "Cole: It's getting worse.", "Paige: Worse? What is getting worse?", "Cole: My powers. At first I was imagining that I was using them and now I really am.", "Piper: Using them against what?", "Cole: Demons. (He stands back up.) Or at least so I thought. Someone is messing with me somehow, making me see things. You guys have gotta help me otherwise I might really hurt someone.", "[Scene: P3. Phoebe is there sitting on a couch. Her date, Miles, walks over and hands her a drink.]", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "(Miles sits down beside her.)", "Miles: You okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Why?", "Miles: I don't know, you just seem a little nervous, that's all.", "Phoebe: Oh, really, do I? Seem nervous, huh? No... yeah, well, maybe just a little. You have to understand it's been a really long time since I've been out on a first date, let alone a first or second one.", "Miles: There's not much of a difference, really. Except for the kiss, of course.", "Phoebe: The kiss?", "Miles: Oh, yeah, third date, mandatory. You probably forgot.", "Phoebe: Well, thanks for reminding me.", "Miles: You're welcome. (They laugh.) Hey, how long were you married?", "Phoebe: Not long. But we were together for two years. The beginning was great, it's just the end was, uh, hell.", "Miles: Yeah, I had the same experience with my ex.", "Phoebe: Uh, no, I'm pretty sure you didn't. (He gives her a confused look.) Well, you know, 'cause every situation's sorta different.", "Miles: He didn't treat you right, did he? Hey, I'll treat you right.", "(They lean in for a kiss but Piper interrupts.)", "Piper: Hi. Bad time?", "[Cut to the P3 office. Paige and Cole are there. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Phoebe: All I've got to say is this better be good. (She notices Cole.) You've gotta be kidding me.", "Paige: I'm sorry, Phoebe, it's really important.", "Piper: Desperate demons call for desperate measures.", "Cole: I think that, uh, someone is trying to drive me crazy.", "Phoebe: Well, that makes two of us.", "Cole: No, you don't understand, I don't know what's real anymore, what's going on in my mind. I almost killed my secretary today, and then Leo...", "Barbas's Voice: This could be your worst fear come to life, Phoebe. (Barbas appears beside Phoebe.) Cole dragging you back into his world of evil.", "(Barbas disappears.)", "Cole: Are you listening to me?", "Phoebe: Yeah. But Cole, I'm not gonna allow you to drag me back into your world of evil.", "Cole: I need to figure out what is going on before somebody gets hurt.", "(Barbas reappears beside Phoebe.)", "Barbus: Careful, it's another one of his tricks to get you back.", "Phoebe: How do I know this just isn't another one of your tricks to get me back?", "Cole: My tricks? (Barbas disappears.) This is no trick. I am seriously afraid of what I might do and I'm begging you for your help.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, Cole, I can't. I have to draw the line sometime and I'm gonna draw it right now.", "(Cole disappears.)", "Paige: Listen, far be it for me to take his side but what if he is actually telling the truth?", "Piper: I agree. If there's a demon out there powerful enough to mess with Cole's mind...", "Phoebe: Then it's his problem. It's not ours and it's not mine anymore. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go back outside and try to salvage what is left of my date.", "(Phoebe leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Across the room, Phoebe sits back down with Miles. Piper and Phoebe are sitting at the bar.]", "Paige: Now what? We can't just sit around here doing nothing.", "Piper: No, unfortunately, Cole is really powerful and if some demon is trying to manipulate him...", "Barbas's Voice: Helping Cole could bring your worst fears to life. (Barbas's spirit appears beside Piper.) Maybe it's better to just let it go.", "(Barbas disappears.)", "Paige: Hello? You were saying?", "Piper: On second thought, maybe we should just let it go.", "Paige: Let it go?", "Piper: Yeah, it wouldn't be the first time Cole's been less than honest with us. Maybe Phoebe's right, it's not really our problem.", "Paige: Yeah, it's not our problem until he hurts us.", "Piper: True.", "(Barbas reappears.)", "Barbas: He'll ruin everything, remember? He's brought you nothing but misery in the past.", "(Barbas disappears.)", "Piper: But then again, why should we trust him? He's brought us nothing but misery in the past.", "Paige: What is wrong with you? Is this Dr. Jekyl or Mr. Piper? Make up your mind, lady.", "Piper: Look, all I know is the more I think about it, the more I agree with Phoebe. We don't need to go looking for trouble, trouble comes to find us anyway.", "Paige: But, wh-", "Piper: Paige, look, two against one, okay.", "(Piper walks away. Barbas appears beside Paige.)", "Barbas: ------.", "(He disappears.)", "[Scene: A rock edge above a fiery pit. Barbas and a demon are there. Barbas is meditating. He stumbles and nearly falls into the pit.]", "Demon: Barbas, careful! Shame if you fell after all these.", "Barbas: I will not fall, but I will rise.", "Demon: So the witches are gonna do what you want?", "Barbas: In time. Oh, the Charmed Ones are not your ordinary witches.", "Demon: Yeah, I know, I know, it's just, uh, how much time? You've been working on them for weeks. I don't mean to rush you or anything but I'm really hot, like all the time!", "Barbas: Patience! Or have you forgotten? I can summon your fears to life even down here.", "Demon: Forgotten? No, sir, I'm the one you've been practicing on, remember? But I gotta say, the deal was if I taught you how to project out from down here, then you'd help me escape.", "Barbas: You'll be rewarded for your service.", "Demon: Oh, yeah? That's good, that's good. 'Cause you know, this whole eternal banishment thing is really starting to get me down.", "Barbas: The Charmed Ones are in conflict even now. Soon they'll break. When they do, they will provide me with more than enough power to free the two of us from purgatory... forever!", "[Scene: Manor. Paige's room. Paige is lying on her bed looking through the Book of Shadows. Leo walks in.]", "Leo: I talked with the Elders. They don't know of any demon powerful enough to manipulate Cole.", "Paige: Ooh, the Elders don't know anything, what a shock.", "Leo: Is there anything in the book?", "(Paige sighs.)", "Paige: No.", "Leo: I think your sisters might be right on this one.", "Paige: No, Cole, might be in trouble, Leo. He might not be an innocent and we'll go so far as to call him that, but something is after him. My instincts haven't let me down yet.", "Leo: Your sisters have good instincts too.", "Paige: Yeah, I know there's three of us, I've been out voted and I don't want to go up against him, but what's the harm in following up a little magic on my own?", "Leo: Well, as your Whitelighter I would say go with your instincts.", "Paige: Okay.", "Leo: But as your brother-in-law, going up against your sisters is pure suicide.", "Paige: Great, you really helped clarify this issue.", "(Leo leaves her room. Barbas's spirit appears.)", "Barbas: So the fear that you're not good enough, that you're not worthy of the power of three. Oh, go on, prove yourself. Save Cole the same way Phoebe did before. Your sisters will be so proud.", "(Barbas disappears. Paige flips through the book.)", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. It's dark. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Cole? Cole? Cole?", "(Paige turns around and Cole grabs her by her neck.)", "Cole: Don't move, demon.", "Paige: Cole, it's me, Paige!", "Cole: Who sent you? Answer me!", "Paige: Damn it, you idiot!", "(Paige hits him across the face and he snaps out of it.)", "Cole: Oh, god, oh, god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?", "Paige: Yeah, no thanks to you.", "Cole: I don't know who I am anymore.", "Paige: Well, I think I have a solution for that.", "Cole: What do you mean?", "(Paige holds up a blue potion.)", "Paige: Power stripping potion. It's the same stuff Phoebe used on you, I made some adjustments to compensate for your added powers.", "Cole: You wanna take away my powers? I'd have no way to defend myself.", "Paige: Yeah, you also wouldn't be able to hurt anybody else, including Phoebe.", "(Barbas's spirit appears beside Cole.)", "Barbas: If fear hurt Phoebe for more than your fear remaining forever evil. Protect Phoebe. Strip your powers.", "Cole: Let's do it. (He takes the potion and drinks it. He screams in pain and drops to the floor. Barbas's spirit appears and a black cloud rises out of Cole and floats into Barbas. Barbas becomes visible.) Barbas.", "(Paige sees him and runs over to Cole.)", "Paige: Uh, who's Barbas?", "(Cole stands up.)", "Cole: The Demon of Fear.", "Barbas: Oh, I'm so much more than that now. (Cole tries to throw an energy ball at Barbas but no longer has his powers. An energy ball forms in Barbas's hand.) Looking for this? (He throws the energy ball at Cole and he flies through the glass door.) Ooh, very cool powers. (Paige runs over to Cole.) I can hardly wait until I have full control over them. Paige, thank you very much for setting me free. Your sisters will be so proud of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Cole are there. Cole is sitting on the chair, badly bruised.]", "Piper: Barbas? You couldn't have brought back Andras or Shax or somebody we could actually vanquish?", "Paige: Okay, heal now, yell later, Cole's injured.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Phoebe: Leo can't heal evil.", "Paige: He's not evil anymore, the potion worked, I stripped him of his demonic powers.", "Piper: And gave them to Barbas.", "(Leo walks over to Cole and starts healing him.)", "Paige: Listen, I really don't need a lecture right now.", "Piper: No, you really do because you have no idea what you've done and now we have a serious problem.", "Leo: Guys.", "(Leo heals Cole fully.)", "Piper: Great, he's not evil. But we still have a serious problem.", "Cole: What happened?", "Phoebe: What happened is the worst demon we've ever faced tricked you and Paige into freeing him and now he has your powers.", "Paige: I'm really sorry.", "Leo: I think we should give Paige a break, she was just acting on her instincts.", "Piper: Paige, we know you're really sorry and it's not the fact that you screwed up that we're upset about. It's the fact that you didn't listen to us.", "Phoebe: We've just had a lot more experience than you do, we've been at this a lot longer.", "Paige: Fine. What does this Barbas do? What's his thing?", "Piper: He brings really bad things to life.", "Leo: Your worst fears to be exact.", "Phoebe: And who knows what we can expect now that he has Cole's demonic energy.", "Cole: I'll do everything in my power to help you guys fight him.", "Piper: Well, unfortunately, anything in your power right now isn't a whole hell of a lot.", "Cole: But I'm the only who knows how my powers work, how he might use them.", "Leo: He's got a point.", "Paige: What's he gonna do next?", "Phoebe: Get even. What else?", "Cole: Actually, I'm a little worried he didn't try to do that already.", "Piper: That's funny, that didn't occur to me as something to worry about.", "Cole: Well, if I'm right, you've got bigger problems. If he gains control of my powers he might try to use them to reorganise the Underworld. Become the next Source. You have to get to him before he does or he'll be impossible to stop.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Barbas and the demon are there. The demon plays a bit of Beethoven on the piano.]", "Demon: Looks like the Underworld has been spruced up a bit since my damnation.", "Barbas: Very smart operating above ground. It's like, uh, hiding out in plain sight.", "Demon: Mm, still, maybe it'd be better to unite the leadership in a more traditional setting, you know, for appearances.", "Barbas: Oh, I'm not interested in appearances. I am only interested in the Charmed Ones.", "Demon: Why focus on them when you can take over the Underworld.", "Barbas: Because those witches banished me to a fate worst than death and the only thing that kept me going was the sweet thought of repaying the favour, with interest.", "Demon: With all do respect, if those witches were powerful enough to defeat you before...", "Barbas: I spared you down there so do not try my patience up here.", "Demon: All I'm saying is maybe it'd be better to solidify your power base first. (An energy ball forms in Barbas's hand.) Ooh, where'd you learn to do that?", "Barbas: Oh, apparently it's one of my new powers, only seems to happen when I get very angry. (The demon gets a bit worried but Barbas extinguishes the energy ball.) Ooh, but perhaps you're right. I've been seeking my revenge for so long, what's a little while longer? So summon the leaders.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Cole are there. They are looking through some books.]", "Paige: There has to be a vanquish for him in here somewhere.", "Phoebe: We've never been able to vanquish him, just neutralise him.", "Piper: Actually we didn't, Prue did.", "Paige: Well, maybe you can just do whatever Prue did to banish him last time.", "Phoebe: It won't work.", "Leo: Prue didn't banish him with a spell, she banished him by conquering her fears.", "Cole: Conquering fears isn't going to vanquish him anymore anyway, not with my powers inside him.", "Phoebe: Okay, you know what? Time's up. Let me look.", "(Phoebe sits in front of the Book of Shadows.)", "Paige: Oh, okay, apparently saying I'm sorry a hundred and twelve times didn't work. Maybe a hundred and thirteen. I am sorry.", "Phoebe: Paige, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, it's just, you know, you pulled me away from my third date with Miles. A third date.", "Paige: A hundred and fourteen. I'm sorry.", "Cole: Shouldn't you guys give Paige a break? She had good intentions, that's gotta count for something.", "Paige: Thank you... I think.", "Piper: Where'd that come from?", "Leo: The only place it could, his heart. Cole's good now.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, it doesn't change anything.", "Cole: Doesn't it? You're the only one who's seen that side of me, it's the side you fell in love with.", "Phoebe: Please don't go there.", "Piper: And more importantly, since you don't have any powers, maybe Leo should take you someplace safe.", "Cole: No, you'll need me to fight Barbas.", "Paige: If Cole is good, doesn't that make him an innocent and doesn't that mean we need to protect him now?", "Phoebe: She's right, you should go. Please. (Leo orbs out with Cole.) Okay, well, there's nothing in here. We're gonna have to figure out a way to vanquish Barbas on our own.", "Piper: Well, we could use the crystal cage liked we did with the Source, they've got the same powers.", "Phoebe: Actually, that might work. We just have to find a way to get him here.", "Paige: I can write a spell.", "Piper: Well, that shouldn't be too hard, all we have to do is remind him of how much he hates us and he should come running.", "Phoebe: I could modify the astral projection spell, try to get him here.", "Paige: I'll orb him.", "Piper: Uh, no, Phoebe should go.", "(Paige looks disappointed.)", "Phoebe: Only because I've already overcome my deepest fear the last time Barbas attacked. He can't hurt me.", "Paige: What was your fear?", "Phoebe: Losing a sister.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. A demon meeting is taking place. They are all sitting around a rectangular table.]", "Barbas: So, any questions?", "Demon #1: You bring us to the former Source's home and tell us to unite under your leadership because you have so many powers, yet we haven't seen a single one of these fantastic abilities you claim to have.", "(Barbas throws a fireball at the demon and vanquishes him.)", "Barbas: Anymore questions?", "(Suddenly, Phoebe astral projects in front of Barbas.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, deja vu. (to Barbas) Hey! How you doing? Don't we know each other?", "Demon #2: I'll take her out.", "Barbas: No-no-no-no, this witch is mine. I know your fears.", "Phoebe: Really? You're sure about that? (Barbas waves his hand in front of Phoebe.) Oh, what's the matter? Lost your touch? (to the demons) And you want this guy to be your new leader? (Barbas throws an energy ball at Phoebe, she dodges it and it hits four demons.) It's, uh, pretty hard to rule the Underworld if you kill everybody, don't you think?", "(Phoebe astral projects out.)", "Demon: It's a trap. Don't be fooled. Let it go.", "Barbas: I can't.", "(Barbas disappears.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. Piper and Paige are standing around the crystal cage. Phoebe is sitting across the room. Phoebe astral projects back in her body.]", "Phoebe: Incoming.", "(She gets up and stands beside the crystal cage. Barbas appears inside the circle.)", "Piper: Paige.", "(Paige puts down a crystal and the cage activates.)", "Paige: Got it.", "Phoebe: \"Prudence, Penelope, Patricia...\"", "Piper: \"Melinda, Astrid, Helena...\"", "Paige: \"Laura and Grace.\"", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Halliwell witches stand strong beside us, vanquish this evil from time and space.\"", "(Barbas explodes. When the smoke clears they notice Barbas still standing there.)", "Barbas: I guess you wanted me, now you have me. (He waves his hands and the walls brick up. He disappears.) And now I've got you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Hallway. Paige is there. Phoebe and Piper walk in.]", "Phoebe: Okay, the windows in our rooms are all bricked over too.", "Piper: All the windows downstairs are the same.", "Phoebe: We're trapped.", "Paige: Like hell we are. (Paige tries to orb out but she bounces off the walls. She bounces into the nursery and orbs back in.) Okay, on second thought.", "Piper: Leo!", "Paige: My guess if I can't get out, he is not getting in.", "Piper: Well, I can get out.", "Phoebe: Yeah-yeah-yeah.", "(Piper tries to blow up the wall but can't.)", "Piper: I can't get out. We can't get out!", "Phoebe: Okay, let's not panic, 'cause that's what Barbas wants us to do is panic, right?", "Paige: Why doesn't he just kill us and get it over with, if that's what he wants.", "Piper: Because he wants us to suffer, that's why.", "Phoebe: A little mental torture.", "(Paige hears a noise coming from the nursery and she walks in.)", "Paige: Guys?", "Phoebe: What's the matter?", "Paige: Don't you see it? (Paige sees the walls moving inwards.) The walls are moving in on me. (She tries to leave the nursery but the door slams shut.) Help, get me outta here!", "Piper: Is she claustrophobic?", "Phoebe: I don't know, is she?", "Piper: Paige, it's just a hallucination.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's not real, honey, you're okay. (Suddenly, Piper screams.) What? What? What?", "(Dozens of tarantulas appear crawling towards Piper.)", "Piper: Tarantulas. Lots and lots of tarantulas.", "Phoebe: No, there's no tarantulas. This isn't real, you're hallucinating, remember?", "(Miles stumbles in.)", "Miles: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Yeah?", "Miles: I have to talk to you. I have to tell you the truth.", "(His eyes turn black and fiery images show in them.)", "Phoebe: This isn't real, this isn't happening.", "Miles: I'm evil, Phoebe. You know that's why you're drawn to me.", "(Phoebe punches him in the face and the hallucination vanishes.)", "Phoebe: Okay, people, time to get over your fears right now!", "Piper: Easy for you to say, you're not facing killer spiders.", "Phoebe: Neither are you.", "(A spider crawls onto Piper's shoulder. She flicks it onto the ground and squishes it with her foot. All the spiders vanish.)", "Piper: Yuck.", "Phoebe: Good girl.", "Piper: Paige, it's all in your head. (The walls move closer to Paige. The cot breaks into pieces.) Don't be afraid, you're gonna be okay.", "Paige: I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm okay, I'm not afraid. (The light blows and the room goes dark.) I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. (The walls stop moving and the room returns to normal. Paige walks into the room.) I did it.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: He's not done, he can't be. He's just playing with us.", "Phoebe: We need a plan.", "Paige: Why don't I just strip his powers like I stripped Cole's?", "Piper: I don't think that'll solve the problem. Those powers are gonna have to find a new demon home. Unless we give them back to Cole.", "Paige: No, no, we can not give them back to Cole.", "Phoebe: Why not? They're his.", "Paige: No, he knows what it's like to be good now. Giving them back to him would be completely unfair and probably a death sentence.", "Piper: He's the only one that knows how to control them. Anybody got any better ideas? Let's go make the potion. (They walk into the hallway and Leo orbs in.) Leo, what happened?", "Leo: Barbas, he attacked us.", "Phoebe: What? Where?", "Leo: Downstairs. I orbed in with Cole and the windows bricked over.", "Piper: You left him down there?", "Leo: Yeah, I came up for help. Besides, Cole knows Barbas's powers so he can get away from him.", "Paige: Not for long.", "Phoebe: We need him.", "Piper: I'll go. You guys make sure that potion's done.", "Paige: Do you think it's a good idea to split up? What if that's exactly what Barbas wants.", "Phoebe: Do we have a choice?", "Piper: Okay, let's get this over with.", "[Cut to the stairs. Piper and Leo walk down them cautiously.]", "Piper: Where did you leave Cole?", "Leo: He was just here.", "Piper: Do you hear that?", "Leo: What?", "Piper: Footsteps.", "(A little girl runs down the stairs.)", "Little Piper: Grams, I love it! (She runs into the foyer where Grams is.) I love my doll, it's just what I always wanted.", "Piper: Do you see her?", "Leo: Who?", "Piper: Me.", "Grams: Happy birthday, sweetheart. You know, your father helped me pick this out.", "(Victor walks in.)", "Victor: Hey, I thought I heard a little Piper.", "Little Piper: Daddy!", "(They hug.)", "Victor: Happy birthday.", "Leo: Piper, what are you seeing?", "Piper: Shh, it's okay. I remember this.", "Victor: Happy birthday.", "(A demon shimmers in.)", "Little Piper: Daddy!", "(The demon throws a fireball at them and they dive out of the way.)", "Grams: \"Hell is spun demon creature of death, fire shall take your very breath.\" (The demon bursts into flames and is vanquished.) Sweetheart, are you alright? Did that bad man hurt you?", "Little Piper: No.", "Grams: Oh, baby.", "Victor: Penny, I told you.", "Penny: Oh, Victor, don't start.", "Victor: If my girls are raised around this it'll destroy their lives.", "Grams: Oh, don't be over dramatic.", "Victor: A demon tries to kill my daughter and I'm being over dramatic? If they're brought up around this evil, they'll always live in fear. They'll never be happy. How can you put them through this?", "(Suddenly, Leo morphs into Barbas.)", "Barbas: See, even your daddy knew. Your happiness can never last.", "(Barbas disappears.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is making a potion.]", "Paige: You know, I am so sorry. I never meant for any of this to...", "Phoebe: It's okay, sweetie, just forget it. Let's concentrate on finding a way out of here. Will you pass me the mandrake root while you're over there? (Phoebe sprinkles something in the potion.) Did you find it?", "Barbas: Yes, exactly what I was looking for.", "(Phoebe spins around and sees a hallucination of Barbas.)", "Phoebe: Where's Paige? What did you do to her?", "Paige: What are you talking about? I'm right here.", "Barbas: You're right. I couldn't read your fears. (He waves his hand in front of Phoebe.) But I can now.", "Phoebe: What have you done with my sister?", "Barbas: Same thing I did with your other sister, killed her. With her fears.", "Paige: Oh god, it's Barbas, he's tricking you. (Phoebe kicks Paige in the stomach.) It's me, Paige, you're hallucinating.", "(Phoebe kicks Paige in the face and she falls onto a chair.)", "Phoebe: This time I'm gonna vanquish you for good.", "(She grabs her around the neck and kicks her in the face. She pokes her throat and kicks her in the stomach. She falls back onto a dollhouse.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Piper is still watching her hallucination. She is crying.]", "Victor: She's a little girl for god's sake, your own granddaughter. How can you allow this?", "Grams: Because she's a witch, that's who she is. Besides, she has me to keep her safe.", "Victor: You didn't keep her very safe tonight, did you?", "Little Piper: Please stop fighting.", "(Little Piper looks over at Piper.)", "Victor: How are my girls gonna find happiness with demons breaking down the door every night?", "(Barbas pops in beside Piper.)", "Barbas: Your greatest fear will be born in this very moment. The night your daddy left and never came back. (Victor heads for the door and fades out.) Whenever, since this moment, when you experience happiness, tragedy follows. (Grams fades out.) Leaving you destined to a life time of pain. (Little Piper fades out.) A pain that continues on and on, even into the next generation.", "(Piper doubles over in pain. She holds her stomach.)", "Piper: No. No. No, not the baby.", "(Barbas disappears.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe throws Paige onto a small table, smashing it. Paige lies there with cuts and bruises all over her.]", "Paige: Phoebe, it's me, it's your sister.", "Barbas: Come on, finish it. Please, you can do it, I know you can. Come on, kill me.", "(Phoebe grabs an athame off the floor and stabs Paige in her stomach. The hallucination of Barbas disappears and Phoebe sees Paige lying there unconscious.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is crying.]", "Phoebe: No, Paige. Leo! Leo!", "(Barbas appears.)", "Barbas: He can't hear you.", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(He raises the athame above Phoebe and suddenly he is blown up. Piper stands at the doorway. Barbas is pulled back together.)", "Piper: Playing on an expecting mother's fears. That was a good one. But not that good. She goes to blow him up but he disappears. A few bricks disappear from the wall, letting some light in. Piper goes over to Phoebe.) What happened?", "Phoebe: I thought that she was him.", "Piper: Oh, no. The only way we can save her is if you overcome your fears. Tell me what you're afraid of.", "Phoebe: I'm evil.", "Piper: What? No, you're not. This was an accident. I have known you your entire life, there is not a mean bone in your body. And you need to believe that right now.", "Phoebe: But...", "Piper: No, not a chance in hell. (The bricks vanish from the wall.) Leo. (Leo orbs in with Cole.) Paige.", "[Cut to Cole's apartment. Barbas is there standing before an altar. The demon pops in.]", "Demon: Good, you're back. What are you doing?", "Barbas: I am making sure that I do not get caught unaware again.", "Demon: Barbas, please, I beg you. Forget the witches, you can deal with them later.", "Barbas: Witches may be able to avoid their fears but, uh, they will not be able to avoid my new power.", "Demon: Now listen to me, the demonic leadership is backing you. The Underworld is yours for the taking.", "Barbas: I don't not care about the Underworld, I care only about my revenge. Oh, and in regards to that, I need you to hurl a fireball at me.", "Demon: What?", "Barbas: I need to test my new power.", "Demon: I don't...", "Barbas: Do it. (The demon throws a fireball at Barbas and Barbas deflects it back at him, which vanquishes him.) Finally, shut up.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Leo is healing Paige. Piper is making the potion. Paige wakes up.]", "Phoebe: Paige, you're okay, thank god.", "(Phoebe hugs Paige.)", "Paige: What happened?", "Leo: Good thing we were trying to orb in when they barricade came down.", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.", "Paige: You're suffocating me.", "Phoebe: Oh, sorry.", "(They stand up.)", "Cole: Um, well, I hate to break this up but Barbas will be back soon.", "Piper: I'm ready.", "Leo: (to Cole) Are you?", "Cole: To take evil back? No. But I'm not doing it for me.", "(He looks at Phoebe. Barbas appears and creates a blast which knocks everyone to the floor. Piper drops the potion. Everyone gets back up.)", "Barbas: Miss me, my babies? (Piper tries to blow him up but he just shakes it off.) Oh, I'm a very quick study.", "Paige: What do we do?", "Barbas: Ah, still alive I see.", "Phoebe: You leave her alone.", "(Barbas creates a magical wall in front of Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Cole.)", "Barbas: Naughty, naughty, naughty. Wait your turn.", "Phoebe: Paige, orb the potion.", "Paige: It's in a puddle.", "Piper: You can do it. Prue did.", "Barbas: Ay, there's the rub. You're no Prue are you?", "Paige: Potion!", "(The potion orbs onto Barbas and he falls to his knees. A black mist floats out of Barbas's body and into Cole's. Barbas gets up and tries to throw an energy ball. An energy ball forms in Cole's hand.)", "Cole: Looking for this?", "(Cole throws an energy ball at Barbas and vanquishes him. Cole looks at Phoebe and disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Phoebe and Miles are sitting on a couch.]", "Miles: To our fourth date.", "(They clink their glasses.)", "Phoebe: Hey, does anything happen on the fourth date that I should be aware of?", "Miles: Well, just the fact that we made it past our third date, that I'm talking about.", "Phoebe: Oh, why you didn't think we would?", "Miles: No, it just seemed like last time you got a little distracted half way through it, you know, I mean we didn't even kiss.", "(Phoebe kisses him.)", "Phoebe: Better?", "Miles: Taking a pretty big risk aren't you?", "Phoebe: I am not afraid.", "(They kiss.)", "[Cut to Piper and Leo across the room. Piper is laughing.]", "Leo: Hey, you better stop that.", "Piper: Stop what? Laughing?", "Leo: Yeah, you wouldn't want to experience actual happiness seeing how every time you're happy the world crashes.", "Piper: Mm, well, I'm not so worried about that anymore.", "Leo: Really?", "Piper: Yeah, my world has crashed before and then somehow everything is okay. So why not enjoy it while it lasts.", "Leo: Like, uh, like them?", "(They watch Phoebe and Miles.)", "Piper: Exactly like them.", "(Piper leans in to give Leo a kiss but stops.)", "Leo: You know, I'm just worried about Paige, she was kinda feeling left out by you two.", "Piper: Oh, I think Missy Paige will be just fine.", "(Piper and Leo kiss.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige mixes some powders together in a mortar. She grabs a handful and throws it into the air. Two white doves magically appear in mid-air. She closes the Book of Shadows and nods to herself.]" ]
Sympathy For The Demon
[ "Phoebe inadvertently opens a tunnel in time by repeatedly saving the life of her new boyfriend Miles, who is destined to die. The time tunnel provides a pathway for a warlock from the future named Baccara to team up with his present self and steal the Book of Shadows . With the help of his present self he steals the Charmed Ones powers and kills Phoebe and Paige. Piper manages to escape with Leo's help and uses the time rift to travel back in time. There she gets her past self to prevent Phoebe from saving Miles, changing time and setting history onto its right track." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Front porch. Phoebe and Miles are there.]", "Phoebe: So, here we are.", "Miles: Front porch.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Where all good dates end.", "Miles: What about great dates?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, great dates never end on the front porch.", "Miles: So that only leaves one question. Was this a good date or a great date?", "Phoebe: I'll tell you in a second.", "(They lean in for a kiss but is interrupted by Piper and Leo carrying groceries to the door.)", "Piper: Heads up! Pregnant lady coming through with groceries. Here we go, people.", "(Piper goes inside.)", "Phoebe: What's wrong with Piper?", "Leo: Oh, they gave us paper instead of plastic.", "(Leo goes inside.)", "[Cut to inside. Foyer.]", "Leo: What was that about?", "Piper: Oh, tell me about it. I practically needed a crowbar to pry them apart.", "Leo: I meant with you.", "Piper: Me? Phoebe's the one with the puppy love eyes. Doesn't that bother you?", "Leo: No, it-it doesn't. Should it?", "Piper: Yes. Miles is not her type and she would see that if she wasn't on the rebound.", "Leo: Okay, I don't think so. I think he's a nice guy.", "Piper: He just got divorced.", "Leo: So did she.", "Piper: He's wearing cologne.", "Leo: Oh, and that's a bad thing.", "Piper: And he's a computer programmer? He works with numbers all day. You know how is with math. They have absolutely nothing in common.", "(They walk into the parlor.)", "Leo: You're right. We-we should just vanquish him.", "Piper: All I'm saying is she needs to slow down or she's gonna get hurt.", "(Paige and her date pops their heads up from the couch where they were busy making out.)", "Paige: Hey. Little quiet here?", "Piper: What is this? A brothel?", "Paige's Date: You didn't mention that. I'm a little short on cash.", "(They lay back on the couch. Phoebe and Miles walk in through the front door and go upstairs.)", "Piper: Oh, no, they're going upstairs, should I stop them?", "Paige: No. Only if you wanna make a total ass of yourself. But that's up to you.", "Piper: Oh, shush. (to Leo) I'm telling you. After the demon divorce heartbreak and now this miss-match relationship, she's gonna get hurt big time.", "Leo: Okay, well, you're gonna get hurt big time if you go upstairs and try to get in between whatever's going on.", "[Cut to Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe and Miles stumble in, kissing. They rip off their clothes and make their way to the bed.]", "Miles: Are you sure you're ready?", "Phoebe: Mm-hm.", "Miles: You know we don't have to.", "Phoebe: I know.", "Miles: I mean, we could just...", "Phoebe: Why?", "Miles: I'm so glad you feel that way. (They lay on the bed and kiss. Phoebe receives a premonition. In the premonition, Miles gets caught in a police shootout and is shot dead. The premonition ends.) Where'd you go, are you okay?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Leo is there having breakfast. Piper and Paige walk in.]", "Piper: So how come we've never met your couch buddy before?", "Paige: He's more than a couch buddy. His name is Max and I think he might actually have some potential.", "Piper: Oh?", "Leo: Mm, define potential.", "Paige: Okay, Mr. Leo, I will. He is wickedly smart, perversely funny and has just the right touch of weird style for me.", "(Phoebe and Miles walk in.)", "Phoebe: Hi!", "Piper: Oh, look who's coming to breakfast.", "Phoebe: Good morning. Everybody, this is Miles.", "Piper: Did you guys have a nice night? And morning?", "Miles: Actually, yes.", "Piper: Well, at least he's honest.", "Phoebe: (to Miles) Oh, why don't you take something for the road. (Miles takes a muffin.) And don't forget about our lunch date.", "Miles: Uh, do you want to meet at the bistro or at my work.", "Phoebe: Oh, definitely at work. And then we'll just walk there.", "Miles: Okay. Don't worry, I'll let myself out. (They quickly kiss and then kiss again this time longer. Piper, Paige and Leo feel awkward.) Nice meeting you.", "(Miles leaves. Phoebe sits at the table.)", "Phoebe: Okay, something really freaky happened last night when I was with Miles.", "Piper: You guys are already getting freaky?", "Phoebe: No, I had a premonition. He got caught up in a police shootout and he died.", "Paige: Shootout? That's so wild west. And besides, don't you normally have premonitions about the evil nasty people?", "Phoebe: Yeah, usually but not always.", "Leo: Your powers are growing, it doesn't surprise me that you're able to detect natural threats as easily.", "Phoebe: Natural or supernatural, it doesn't really matter. I would appreciate if one of you could come to lunch with me to back me up. Because if something happened to Miles, I just, I would be devastated.", "Piper: Uh, Phoebe, well, this sorta sounds like Miles is an innocent we may be supposed to protect. You're not supposed to fall in love with the innocent. Besides, you've only known him three weeks.", "Phoebe: Okay, I think that's a little insensitive.", "Piper: Okey-dokey, then there's this. (Reads from the newspaper.) A rebound romance burns fast and hot like a shooting star and leaves the rebounder blind to the flame out ahead.", "Phoebe: Who wrote that psycho babble?", "Paige: I'll read from the Ask Phoebe column to Rebounding and Rockport.", "Phoebe: Look, the point is Miles makes me feel... he just makes me feel and it's really beautiful. So could you please just be happy for me?", "Paige: Aw, toots, I'm happy for you. And if you want, I've got a lunch date, but I'll cancel to go with you.", "Leo: Actually, I think we'll have a better chance of protecting Miles with Piper's freezing power.", "[Scene: Outside a building. Piper and Phoebe pull up in front of it.]", "Phoebe: We should have brought Paige, at least she could orb.", "Piper: Hey, it wasn't my fault we got stuck behind an accident.", "Phoebe: Okay, (looks at her watch) 1:15, I'll run in, you try the cell phone. I hope he's still here.", "(Phoebe gets out of the car and runs towards the building. Piper tries the cell phone but can't get through. A truck pulls up beside Piper's car, blocking her in.)", "Piper: Hey, hey, whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. You're blocking me in.", "Driver: You parked in a loading zone, lady.", "Piper: I am not parked. I am sitting here with the engine running. If you just move up I will get out of your way.", "Driver: Too late. I already stepped outside of my vehicle.", "Piper: Well, get your butt back inside your vehicle and move it. I need to get out.", "Driver: Don't worry, I'll be back in a minute.", "Piper: I don't think you understand. This is an emergency.", "Driver: Not mine.", "(Phoebe runs back over to the car. They hear sirens.)", "Phoebe: He's gone. Oh, no.", "Piper: This idiot is blocking me in.", "Phoebe: It's only two blocks, let's run. (Piper gets out of the car and they run down the street. They stop.) Okay, this is the street. Right or left?", "Piper: You're asking me?", "Phoebe: What do we do? I don't remember.", "Piper: Pick one. Left.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(They run left.)", "[Cut to a walkway. Miles is walking down towards the bistro. A teenager runs down the walkway and stops when two police cars block the exits. Cops gets out of the car and points their guns. Miles is stuck in the middle.]", "Cop #1: Get down and on the ground!", "Cop #2: SFP! Drop your weapon!", "(Piper and Phoebe arrive.)", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(The teenager shoots and Piper freezes the bullets in mid-air.)", "Piper: Hurry, move fast.", "(Phoebe goes over to Miles and plucks the bullets out of the air.)", "Phoebe: Ow, hot, hot, hot. (She runs over to the teenager and takes the gun out of his hand and puts it on the ground. She runs back over to Miles and stands behind him.) Unfreeze it.", "Piper: How are you gonna explain...?", "Phoebe: I don't know, I'll figure something out. And thanks, I owe you one.", "(Piper unfreezes them all and Phoebe dives on Miles, pushing him out of the way.)", "Teenager: Okay, okay, I give up!", "Cop #2: Down on the ground! Get down on the ground!", "(The cops cuff the teenager. Piper goes around the corner out of sight from Miles.)", "Miles: Where'd you come from?", "Phoebe: I wanted to surprise you for lunch. Surprise!", "Miles: You saved my life.", "Phoebe: Oh, it was nothing.", "Miles: It was my life.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Miles: I should be dead right now.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but you're not, that's good.", "Miles: You saved my life.", "Phoebe: I think we've been over that part.", "Miles: Did I thank you?", "Phoebe: No, but you can tonight. What do you say to a candlelit dinner? I'll kick my sisters out of the house.", "(They kiss and Phoebe gets a premonition. In the premonition Miles is sitting at the dining room table and suddenly a knife is thrown into his chest and kills him. The premonition ends and Phoebe gasps.)", "Miles: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: No, I'm not actually.", "Miles: Come on, let's go get some coffee.", "(They leave. The brick wall swirls and a warlock walks out of the wall.)", "Warlock: \"Concealeous.\"", "(A hedge moves across to block the portal.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole is lazing on the couch eating takeaway. The warlock blinks in.]", "Cole: Who the hell are you?", "Warlock: Name's Bacarra. I was sent here from the future.", "Cole: Well, can't say I've heard that one before.", "Bacarra: Allow me to offer proof. (He pulls out a wedding ring out of his pocket.) Recognise this?", "(He throws it at Cole and Cole catches it. He gets up and walks over to a small box where he pulls out an identical ring. (Cole pushes Bacarra against the wall.)", "Cole: Where did you get my wedding band?", "Bacarra: You gave it to me, when you sent me with a message. Phoebe's in danger.", "(Cole lets go of Bacarra.)", "Cole: What kind of danger?", "Bacarra: She saved a man's life today. Problem is he was destined to die. Somehow she got a premonition she wasn't supposed to get.", "Cole: Angel of Death never gives up a claim.", "Bacarra: Of course not. That's why death keeps coming for this mortal. But your ex-wife falls in love with him...", "Cole: She falls in love?", "Bacarra: Sorry to break the news. For the next six months she tries to save him over and over until she loses her own life in the process and that's when you sent me back in time to tell you to kill this man.", "Cole: I see. I'd never get her back if I killed an innocent. Especially one that she loved.", "Bacarra: He's not an innocent. He's meant to die. You'd only be giving death a helping hand. And saving yourself a lot of future pain.", "Cole: A warlock who wants to save me pain. Who are you? (Cole sits back down.) I'd never send a warlock with a message this important.", "Bacarra: You had no choice. If you left your throne it wouldn't be there when you got back, your rivals would steal it.", "Cole: What rivals? What throne?", "Bacarra: In the future, sooner than you might think, you're gonna rule the Underworld again. I'm your adviser. Of course I advised you against this, but, uh...", "Cole: I'd never turn back to evil, it won't happen.", "Bacarra: It does happen. You united demons and warlocks who left the Underworld to its greatest power in history. You're the future of evil, man. (Cole gets up and throws a fireball at Bacarra. Bacarra blinks out of the room and blinks back in behind Cole.) You said you'd react that way. Well, I guess it's up to me to get the job done. Wish me luck.", "(He blinks out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. The are dozens of bunches of red roses all over the room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Phoebe is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: A dozen, dozen roses. How many roses is that?", "Leo: A hundred and forty-four.", "Piper: What do you think he's trying to say?", "Phoebe: Okay, so based on what I saw, a demon attacks tonight with an athame, so if we wanna figure out a vanquish, we have to find out what it is.", "Paige: Well, what do your premonitions have in common? How do they fit together?", "Phoebe: Well, they don't necessarily have to fit together.", "Leo: Based on my experience, one's a premonition, two is a pattern.", "Phoebe: Or just really bad luck. Miles stumbled into a police shootout today and a demonic shootout tonight.", "Piper: So you think the demon is after us?", "Phoebe: Wouldn't be the first time.", "Paige: I don't know, I think there's something after Miles.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, we can explore that theory later.", "Piper: Honey, why are you trying to minimise this?", "Phoebe: Well, why is everyone else trying to make a bigger deal out of it than it is.", "Piper: Probably because we're following our instincts and not our hormones.", "Phoebe: Ouch.", "Leo: Until we know for sure, I think we should take steps to protect Miles.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, I'm already all over Miles. I mean, with you know, the protection stuff. I even cancelled our dinner for tonight.", "Paige: You think that's such a good idea? If something's after him, our best chance to find out what is if you go through with your plans.", "Piper: She's right. We can surround him with the family for protection.", "Phoebe: You mean like a family dinner?", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Really?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Are you cooking?", "Piper: Probably.", "Phoebe: Then I'd better get ready.", "[Time lapse. Foyer. Phoebe is dressed for dinner. She opens the door and Miles stands there holding a bunch of flowers.]", "Phoebe: Yay! More flowers.", "Miles: I know, (they kiss) lacks originality but they're a lot easier to carry than what I really wanted to give you.", "(They head for the dining room.)", "Phoebe: Oh yeah? What was that?", "Miles: Beachfront property. (They kiss.) Hey, you saved my life. Uh, you know, we can always eat later. I'm not really that hungry... for dinner. (Piper clears her throat. Miles sees Piper, Paige and Leo sitting around the dining room table.) What happened to the candles and the romance?", "Phoebe: Well, um, unfortunately our plans have changed. I just really wanted you to get to know my family. I hope you don't mind.", "Paige: Phoebe's said so much about you, we just wanted to get to know you a little better.", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah.", "Piper: Although, probably not as much as we just did.", "Phoebe: Okay, okay, let's eat. (Phoebe guides him to the table.) Here next to Leo. (Phoebe hands the flowers to Piper.) More flowers.", "Piper: Yay.", "(Phoebe sits at the other side of table next to Paige. Piper puts the flowers down and sits next to Miles.)", "[Time lapse. Dining room. Everyone is finishing dinner.]", "Miles: You should have seen Phoebe dive out of nowhere. She-she could have easily been killed.", "Phoebe: And I would do it all again.", "Piper: Yeah, that's Phoebe. Friend to all. Would risk her life to save a stray dog.", "(There's an awkward silence.)", "Paige: So she's says that you have a cabin in Tahoe?", "Miles: Near heavenly.", "Phoebe: He's gonna take me there next weekend.", "Paige: Ohh.", "Leo: So you're a big skier?", "Phoebe: He used to ski competitively, you should see the pictures he has up on his wall.", "(Cole appears in the kitchen and Piper sees him.)", "Piper: Excuse me.", "(She gets up and goes into the kitchen.)", "Cole: Is Phoebe okay?", "Piper: Oh, no you don't. She's having dinner with a guy. She's fine.", "Cole: Listen to me, I got a visit from a warlock and he is after her guy.", "Piper: Okay, well, thanks for the tip. We'll handle it.", "Cole: Well, I'll stay here on stakeout to help.", "Piper: No, you can't. Look, warlocks we can handle, demonic ex-husbands we can not. You have to get out of here before she sees you.", "Cole: Wait, did she get a premonition today? Did she save some guy's life?", "(Phoebe starts clearing the table.)", "Piper: Quick, she's coming. Go.", "(Cole disappears. Phoebe walks in with the dishes and puts them on the bench.)", "Phoebe: Hey, look, I know you think Miles and I have nothing in common but...", "Piper: Later for that. Look, there is a warlock after Miles. I just found out, don't ask me how but you need to get back in there. Here, take these.", "(She picks up a tray of desserts.)", "Phoebe: Uh-oh.", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Miles was killed while we were serving dessert. (Phoebe runs into the dining room. Bacarra blinks in holding a knife.) Look out!", "(Bacarra throws the knife and Phoebe dives over the table, pushing Miles out the way. The knife hits a chest of drawers. Piper runs in and tries to freeze him.)", "Piper: He won't freeze.", "Paige: Blow him up.", "(Bacarra recites a spell and Piper tries to blow him up. Bacarra flicks his arm and a blue light hits Piper, knocking her backwards.)", "Leo: Piper!", "(Leo rushes to Piper's side.)", "Phoebe: Paige, the athame!", "Paige: Athame!", "(The athame orbs into Paige's hand and before she can throw it, Bacarra causes the chandelier above the table to fall. He blinks out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Paige and Leo are there. Paige is flipping through the Book Of Shadows.]", "Paige: This warlock is not in here anywhere.", "Piper: Miles is still out cold.", "Leo: You sure you don't want me to heal him?", "Piper: No, he's just got a bump on the head, he'll be okay.", "Leo: Okay, well, he's lucky to be alive. That was one powerful guy that attacked him.", "Paige: I just don't understand how a warlock this strong can not be in this book.", "Piper: Well, I didn't have a chance to tell you guys yet. Cole dropped by right before the attack. He knew it was coming.", "Paige: Figures he's involved in this.", "Piper: No, I'm not so sure. He was trying to warn us. We need to find out what else he knows.", "Leo: I wanna check with the Elders, see what they know about our innocent. Clearly he was the target of attack tonight.", "Piper: Hurry back.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Paige: Should we tell Phoebe about Cole?", "Piper: No, she's got enough to worry about tonight.", "[Cut to the living room. Phoebe is sitting on the couch beside Miles, dabbing his forehead with a towel. Miles wakes up.]", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Miles: Hey.", "Phoebe: How you doing?", "Miles: Okay, I think. What happened?", "Phoebe: What do you think happened?", "Miles: I don't know. I remember you jumping over the table and then, I don't know.", "Phoebe: What happened was mouldy plaster and a really heavy chandelier.", "(He looks over at the broken chandelier on the dining room table.)", "Miles: Are you trying to tell me you saved my life again?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Miles: Okay, I'm having a really bad day here.", "Phoebe: Or a really good day depending on how you look at it. You escaped disaster twice. That's two more times than most people can say in a life time.", "Miles: I'm starting to think you should stay by my side until my luck changes.", "Phoebe: Maybe you're right.", "(Phoebe leans over and kisses Miles and receives a premonition. In the premonition, Miles leans against a railing on a balcony. The railing comes loose and Miles falls to the ground.)", "Miles: Your kisses kill me.", "Phoebe: Right back atcha.", "(Phoebe looks over at Piper, who's watching from the kitchen.)", "[Scene: An apartment. A younger Bacarra bursts through the door, wielding an athame.]", "Young Bacarra: Come out, witch! (He looks around.) I know you're here.", "(The older Bacarra blinks in.)", "Bacarra: Calm down, you're embarrassing me.", "Young Bacarra: Who are you?", "Bacarra: You. I remember being here. Let's see now, the witch you're looking for has the power of invisibility, right? \"Aspectus invisus.\"", "(The witch becomes visible.)", "Young Bacarra: How'd you do that?", "(The witch tries to run away but Bacarra grabs her.)", "Bacarra: \"Sopio.\" (The witch falls asleep. He lays her on the floor.) I'm not here to hurt you. I need you. We're taking over the Underworld.", "Young Bacarra: What'd you just say?", "Bacarra: You heard me. I came from the future on a different mission. But this is a much better plan. (He spots a potion cupboard.) Ah.", "(He walks over to it.)", "Young Bacarra: Look, even if you are me we can't...", "Bacarra: I am and we can. Do you know what I just did? I faced all three Charmed Ones. I was only expecting one but there they were. And here I am, still alive.", "Young Bacarra: Yeah, so?", "Bacarra: So my knowledge in magic I realise we can take them out. Of course we'll need to steal their Book of Shadows first, but, uh...", "Young Bacarra: That's crazy. Evil can't touch that book.", "Bacarra: Sure it can. A little blood from their line and a spell from the future.", "Young Bacarra: What spell?", "Bacarra: To cloak ourselves in goodness. And don't worry, it wears off.", "Young Bacarra: Book of Shadows. If we got that, we-we'd be revealed as lords.", "Bacarra: Now that's the spirit. Let's get to work on this spell.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Piper, Paige and Cole are there.]", "Paige: You could've told us he was a Jedi Master warlock.", "Cole: I didn't know.", "Piper: Well, what do you know?", "Cole: His name is Bacarra. He claims to be a future associate of mine.", "Paige: How's he know that?", "Cole: Because he was there.", "Piper: In the future?", "Cole: He came to tell me that Phoebe dies in six months from trying to save her boyfriend from the Angel of Death.", "Piper: Oh, no, we're screwed.", "Paige: No, it's not all bad. Now that we know it's after Miles, we can vanquish it.", "Piper: No, you can't fight Death. If it's Miles' time to go, there's nothing we can do. I told Phoebe rebounds never work.", "Cole: Bacarra told me I could save Phoebe's life by taking out this Miles. I refused.", "Paige: That must be why he attacked at the manor, to do the job himself.", "Piper: Wait a second, why is a warlock helping you in the future?", "Cole: It really doesn't matter. I'll help you find Bacarra before he kills anyone.", "Paige: Well, that's not such a bad idea considering you sent him here... or will send him here, whatever.", "Cole: Just keep your guard up. Bacarra knows things that we don't. And do whatever you can with Phoebe, she needs to let Miles die. It's the only way to save her life.", "[Scene: Miles' apartment. Phoebe and Miles are there sitting on the lounge, drinking wine.]", "Miles: Why are you so nervous? I'm the one with all the bad luck.", "Phoebe: I know, I just think I'm still a little tense.", "Miles: When I'm feeling tense, that's where I go to relax.", "(He points at the balcony.)", "Phoebe: That old, rusty balcony?", "(She laughs.)", "Miles: Yeah. I sit out there, I look at the stars. What do you say?", "Phoebe: No, are you kidding me? I'm keeping you away from high places and sharp objects and loose wiring. You're restricted, mister, to a soft matress and fluffy pillows.", "[Cut to the hallway. Piper, Paige and Leo walk out of the elevator and head for Miles' apartment.]", "Leo: So the Elders won't confirm or deny that Death wants Miles, so I basically took that as confirmation.", "Piper: Still, why would Phoebe get premonitions off a guy that she's not meant to save?", "Leo: Miles just isn't any guy, I mean, they have an intense connection. Physically and emotionally.", "Paige: So what, you think their love connection opened up some sort of psychic connection?", "Piper: Either that or her damn the world attitude.", "Paige: Okay, Leo, we can take it from here.", "(Leo orbs out. Paige knocks on Miles' door and he answers it.)", "Miles: Hey.", "Paige: Hi, sorry to interrupt, is Phoebe here? It's kind of a family emergency.", "Miles: Yeah, okay, sure.", "(Miles moves away from the door and Phoebe walks out. She closes the door behind her.)", "Phoebe: Hey, what's the emergency?", "Piper: Um, we have a strong reason to believe that it's, um, it might sort of be Miles' time to die.", "Paige: Yeah.", "[Cut inside Miles' apartment. Miles walks out onto the balcony and leans on the railing. A bolt comes loose from the railing.]", "[Cut to the hallway.]", "Paige: Cole said he sent the warlock back from the future because you're gonna die trying to save Miles from the Angel of Death.", "Phoebe: So you want me to let this guy that I really care about die because Cole says so?", "Piper: Phoebe, this has nothing to do with Cole. You know as well as I do that you can't stop death.", "Phoebe: This has everything to do with Cole.", "Paige: It's not just Cole saying it, Leo thinks that, you know, it might also be Miles' time to die.", "Phoebe: Leo thinks? He thinks? That's the best you got? That's the air tight case you came here to present to me?", "Piper: Phoebe, we are just trying to save you from a hell of a lot of heartbreak.", "Phoebe: I know, sweetie, and I appreciate it and I love you both for it but I am really happy, Miles makes me really happy and I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to try to protect him.", "Piper: But you can't. You've gotta let him go, he's gotta move on. You know the Angel of Death...", "Phoebe: Okay, enough about the Angel of Death. A warlock wants Miles. You saw him and I saw him. So now let's vanquish him. Come on. (She pushes them towards the elevator.) Please, come on.", "Paige: Be careful.", "Phoebe: Go, go, go.", "Piper: We're going.", "(Piper and Paige leave.)", "[Cut to the balcony. The railing gives way and Miles falls from the balcony but he manages to grab onto the railing post.]", "Miles: Help! Somebody help me! I need help! Phoebe!", "(Phoebe rushes in the room.)", "Phoebe: Miles?", "(She runs onto the balcony.)", "Miles: Phoebe, help me!", "Phoebe: Miles!", "(She grabs onto his arm and tries to pull him up.)", "Miles: Pull me up!", "Phoebe: Hang on!", "(Phoebe pulls him back up onto the balcony. They hug each other tightly. He pulls away, frightened.)", "Miles: Get away from me.", "Phoebe: What? Why?", "Miles: Something's wrong with me, or-or-or-or after me. You're gonna get hurt.", "Phoebe: No, it's-it's-it's...", "Miles: I'm serious, Phoebe. You have to go.", "Phoebe: Okay, look, Miles, whatever you're going through, whatever is, whatever is happening to you right now we're gonna get through this. Together.", "Miles: I'm scared.", "Phoebe: I know. (They hug and Phoebe receives another premonition. In the premonition, Phoebe and Miles are asleep in bed. Cole walks into the room and looks over them.) Not again.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige walk in.]", "Piper: Phoebe is never gonna let Miles die voluntarily.", "Paige: I can't say I blame her.", "Piper: Me neither, but we've gotta do something fast before she really falls in love with that guy.", "(Bacarra blinks in.)", "Paige: Ah!", "Piper: Then there's our other problem.", "Paige: Ah, blow him up.", "Piper: And get knocked on my ass again?", "(Bacarra throws an athame at Piper and she freezes it in mid-air. He chants and wiggles his fingers. The athame unfreezes and hits Piper in her shoulder. She is knocked into some boxes. Paige rushes to her side.)", "Paige: Piper. (Younger Bacarra blinks in, holding a vile of potion. Paige pulls the athame out of Piper's shoulder.) There's two of them.", "Young Bacarra: \"Teleportato.\"", "(The athame disappears from Paige's hand and reappears in Young Bacarra's hand. He drips a drop of blood from the athame into the vile. Piper's shoulder heals and sits up.)", "Piper: What's he doing?", "(Young Bacarra drinks the potion and walks over to the Book Of Shadows. It glows for a second and he picks it up.)", "Bacarra: Don't worry, we'll take good care of the book.", "(The two Bacarra's blink out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Piper: I don't know how he did it, he just took it. He drank some weird potion with my blood in it. Maybe it's some weird future magic.", "Leo: It's impossible. One warlock does not have the power to steal the Book of Shadows.", "Piper: No, there was two of them, but they were they same guy. They tag teamed us.", "Paige: Who cares how they did it, you guys. They stole the Book of Shadows, it's gone and I'm not entirely sure what could be worse.", "Piper: We could be dead.", "Paige: Yeah, well, we're gonna be soon without it.", "Leo: It's okay, we're gonna get the book back, we just need to stay calm and stay together.", "[Scene: Miles' apartment. Phoebe and Miles are in bed. Miles is asleep and Phoebe lays there awake. She looks over at Miles and then gets out and goes into the living room.]", "Phoebe: Okay, I know you're here so you might as well just come out.", "(A video rack morphs into Cole.)", "Cole: I realise this doesn't look good.", "Phoebe: Cole, you've sunk low in the past but I never dreamed that you would murder my boyfriend.", "Cole: I'm not here for Miles, I'm here for Bacarra. He's out of control and I'm not gonna let him hurt you.", "Phoebe: Oh, so you're here to protect me?", "Cole: That's right.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, stop with the protecting. I am over protected. You have to let me live my life.", "Cole: You're not gonna have a life with Miles. Death wants him, Death is gonna get him.", "Phoebe: Says you.", "Cole: Why are you holding onto him so tight?", "Phoebe: You lost your right to ask me that kind of question a long time ago. (Phoebe's phone rings. She answers it.) Hey.", "Paige: Hey, Phoebe, demon attacked, we need you. Meet me out front Miles' apartment, I'll orb you out.", "Phoebe: Well, I can't leave Miles alone.", "Paige: No, a warlock stole the Book of Shadows, Phoebe. He's not just after Miles, he's after us.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, okay, uh, I'll wake Miles up and bring him with me.", "Cole: You don't have to do that, I'll take care of him.", "Phoebe: Hold on. (to Cole) Are you kidding me?", "Cole: If I kill him, you'll never trust me.", "Paige: Hello?", "Miles: (from bedroom) Phoebe? Phoebe, where are you?", "(Cole disappears. Miles walks out of the bedroom.)", "Paige: Hello? What's going on?", "Miles: Did I hear you talking to someone?", "Phoebe: (on phone) Uh, meet me outside. (She hangs up.) I have to go. There's a family emergency.", "Miles: Is everything okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I hope so, I'm taking a really big risk here.", "Miles: I don't know, what if my life needs saving while you're gone.", "Phoebe: I think you'll be safe tonight.", "[Scene: An apartment. The two Bacarra's are there. Bacarra is mixing together a potion. The younger Bacarra is flipping through the Book of Shadows.]", "Young Bacarra: I knew their magic was good but I had no idea.", "Bacarra: Careful with that.", "Young Bacarra: There's a vanquishing spell in here for every demon we've ever met. Nobody's gonna challenge us. Not even Cole.", "Bacarra: Only one spell in there matters to us now.", "Young Bacarra: To disempower a witch.", "Bacarra: I'm almost done mixing the ingredients that will infuse the magic.", "Young Bacarra: Whoa-whoa-whoa, wait a second, it says here you need a fresh human heart.", "Bacarra: Not a problem.", "(Bacarra goes over to a witch lying on the floor. He reaches in her chest and pulls her heart out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Phoebe: Do we know how Bacarra even got here?", "Leo: The Elders think that he used a time ripple. Whenever something stops a destined event from occurring, it sends a ripple through time. A powerful warlock like Bacarra could have used it if he knew the place where destiny was cheated.", "Piper: Well, that would be where Phoebe and I saved Miles.", "Phoebe: Whoa, I can't believe we're still on this. Death isn't after Miles, Bacarra is. And look, I'm not crazy, I just caught Cole staking out Miles' apartment to try and intercept him.", "Paige: Yeah, Bacarra didn't pull the trigger in the alley, okay.", "Phoebe: But how do we know? Maybe mind control is one of his future powers?", "Piper: Okay, let's not argue about how he got here. He's here and he's got our book.", "Paige: Okay, that book holds a centuries worth of magic that he can use against us. Great.", "Piper: Too many spells and potions to remember, let alone defend against.", "Phoebe: We're dead.", "Piper: Again.", "Paige: And again.", "(Phoebe sighs.)", "Leo: Ladies, death can not be feared. For death, in time comes to all witches. You know, the witch who says she's not scared in battle is a liar. The real witch is the one who fights.", "Piper: Honey?", "Leo: Yeah?", "Piper: Zip it.", "Leo: Okay. I thought it was worth a shot.", "Phoebe: I actually think Leo is right. I mean, we've been through this before, we can't get scared just because Bacarra has the Book of Shadows.", "Paige: In fact, maybe the book has been holding us back. Bacarra knows exactly what we're gonna do because he knows exactly how we're gonna fight.", "Piper: Okay, so if we're gonna vanquish him, and we will, we need to change our tactics. We need new potions, new spells, stuff that he's never seen before. Let's go. Break.", "(The girls get up and head for the attic.)", "Leo: That's what I was trying to say.", "[Cut to the attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there working on spells and potions.]", "Phoebe: Okay, the obscuring fog spell is done. We can use this if we need to fog up the joint for cover. So that makes nine defensive and fourteen offensive spells.", "Piper: Okay, we've almost got all the new spells bottled.", "(The two Bacarra's blink in.)", "Bacarras: \"For the passing of this hour, take away all their powers.\"", "Piper: Huh? What does that mean?", "Paige: I don't know but I don't like that smug look on their faces. (She throws a potion at them and nothing happens.) Okay, that didn't go so well.", "Phoebe: Okay, how about this? \"We call upon Medusa's bones, turn their flesh into stone.\" No, okay, Piper, blow up something.", "(Piper tries to blow them up and nothing happens.)", "Piper: I got nothing.", "Paige: I can't orb.", "(The two Bacarras recite a spell and a ball of flame forms in their hand.)", "Piper: Leo!", "(Paige quickly grabs an athame and Bacarra throws the ball of flame at her, turning her into dust. They throw another at Phoebe, turning her into dust. Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Oh my god!", "Bacarra: And then there were none.", "(Leo dives on Piper as Bacarra throws another ball of flame at her. He orbs out with her just in time.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The walkway where Miles was saved the first time. Piper and Leo are there. Piper is crouched down against a wall bawling her eyes out.]", "Piper: Leo, why are we here? Do you realise that I think I just watched my sisters die?", "Leo: This is the alley where you saved Miles. Just try and stay calm. We still have a chance.", "Piper: A chance? I just saw my sisters get incinerated, Leo, you can't heal ashes.", "Leo: I don't wanna heal them, I want to set destiny back on track.", "(Piper gets up.)", "Piper: What? It's already happened, there's nothing we can do.", "Leo: Not necessarily. The time ripple Bacarra opened is gonna stay open until he goes back through it and returns to his time.", "(Leo touches the brick wall.)", "Piper: What are you looking for?", "Leo: A hidden door. It's gotta be around here somewhere. If we can find it we can travel back and rewrite history like Bacarra did. Make it so none of this ever happened.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. The two Bacarras are there.]", "Bacarra: The Underworld belongs to us.", "Young Bacarra: Which one of us?", "Bacarra: Still distrustful. But don't lose that quality, it'll help us go far. Now call the meeting of the demonic leaders and demand your rightful position, don't wait another second.", "Young Bacarra: What are you gonna do?", "Bacarra: Return to the future where I belong. You can catch up with me in about six months.", "[Cut to the walkway. Leo and Piper are still looking for the ripple.]", "Leo: If we can find the ripple it should send us back. It's an infinite slipstream through time.", "Piper: Well, what if it carries us forward?", "Leo: It won't. Bacarra used it to get here, so it'll keep flowing backwards until he enters it to reverse it.", "Piper: Okay, so we're going back. What if it takes us too for back?", "Leo: Well, we could wind up with tails. What time did Phoebe save Miles yesterday?", "Piper: A little after one.", "Leo: Okay, well, use your watch.", "(Piper continues to touch the wall and comes to a spot where she nearly falls through.)", "Piper: Found it.", "(Leo moves the hedge out of the way. Bacarra blinks in.)", "Bacarra: \"Debilito!\"", "(Leo dives on Bacarra and holds him down.)", "Leo: Go now!", "Bacarra: No!", "(Piper walks into the ripple.)", "[Cut to in the ripple. Piper watches images of the day rewind backwards, faster and faster. She checks her watch and walks out of the ripple a couple of minutes before Phoebe saves Miles. She runs off.]", "[Cut to outside a building. Piper's car pulls up. Phoebe gets out and runs towards the building. The delivery truck pulls up beside Piper's car.]", "[Cut to inside the car. Piper puts down her cell phone. Suddenly, future Piper jumps in the car.]", "Piper: Whoa!", "Future Piper: Whoa-whoa-whoa, don't panic, I'm not a demon. Okay, I'm you, obviously, from the future.", "Piper: Apparently not very far in the future, I just bought that top.", "Future Piper: Listen to me, Miles has got to die. It's his time, it's his destiny, and if Phoebe saves him today she'll be killed by a warlock along with Paige.", "Piper: Wait a minute, slow down. Why would a warlock...?", "Future Piper: Because Phoebe falls in love with Miles and she just keeps saving him until... Don't argue with me, okay, we don't have time for this. Just let Miles die.", "Piper: Look, I don't know who you are or what you are, but how do you... (Future Piper pinches her on the arm.) Ow! What'd you do that for?", "(Future Piper shows her arm to reveal matching bruises.)", "Future Piper: When Phoebe asks left or right, go to the right.", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Future Piper: Just remember right and when it is all over, make sure Phoebe knows this was just meant to be, okay. Oh, and by the way, the next time she falls for a guy, do not stand in her way, okay?", "(Future Piper leaves.)", "Piper: I'm not standing in her way.", "(Phoebe runs back over to the car.)", "Phoebe: He's gone. (She hears the sirens.) Oh, no.", "Piper: This idiot is blocking me in.", "Phoebe: It's only two blocks, let's run. (Piper gets out of the car and they run down the street. They stop.) Okay, this is the street. Right or left?", "Piper: Good question.", "Phoebe: What do we do? I don't remember.", "Piper: I don't know, Phoebe, I don't know here.", "Phoebe: Piper, come on.", "Piper: Right, go right. (Phoebe takes off.) Oh, god, forgive me.", "(Piper follows Phoebe. Police cars pass them in the opposite direction.)", "Phoebe: We're going the wrong way, it's behind us.", "(They turn around.)", "[Cut to the walkway. Miles is shot in the chest and he drops to the ground, dead. Piper and Phoebe run around the corner. Piper tries to hold Phoebe back but can't and she runs over to Miles. Tears well up in Piper's eyes and she looks across the walkway to see future Piper there. Future Piper nods and vanishes.]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Phoebe's there with her headphones on bopping away to the music. Piper and Paige walk in holding plates of food.]", "Piper: Phoebe, can we...", "(Piper whistles. Phoebe turns off her walkman and removes the headphones.)", "Phoebe: Oh, okay, how long have you guys been standing there?", "Paige: Long enough to know you've got some serious eighties dance moves. I guess you don't need comfort food.", "Piper: Whatcha doing?", "Phoebe: A little laundry.", "Piper: Mm-hm, yeah, you don't do laundry.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: No. Is this chocolate chip?", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "(Phoebe takes a cookie off the plate.)", "Phoebe: I'm never gonna be okay losing an innocent. You know, and I just, I'm having a really hard time accepting the fact that I wasn't supposed to save him.", "Paige: Wasn't Miles a little bit more than just an innocent to you?", "Phoebe: I think I wanted him to be, for all the reasons Piper said. But I just have to concentrate on me right now, you know, and not be afraid that I may never find love again.", "Piper: Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. You will definitely find love again.", "Phoebe: You think?", "Piper: Actually, I know. And I for one can guarantee you that when it does happen for you I will not be holding you back. At all.", "Phoebe: Thanks... I think.", "Paige: Piper, is there something that you know that we don't know?", "Piper: Well, let's just say I had a little premonition of my own.", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "Phoebe: Hey!", "Paige: Piper, hey!", "(Phoebe and Paige follow Piper.)" ]
A Witch In Time
[ "When Cole realizes that he must eventually give in to evil, he attacks the Charmed Ones in the hope that they will vanquish him forever and end his suffering. Meanwhile, Paige gets her first charge as a Whitelighter and is shocked when the angry, self-pitying man she is supposed to protect turns out to be the father she never knew. Ultimately the sisters come up with a vanquish for Cole, but Phoebe realizes he is trying to commit suicide and does not want to complete it. Cole, now insane, uses the last potion on himself in an attempt at suicide, but despite a massive explosion that destroys his apartment, he is unscathed." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Piper and Phoebe are watching a band play. Paige is sitting on a couch near by and a cute guy walks over and kisses her on the cheek.]", "Guy: You're mad, I'm late, I know.", "Paige: Oh, god, no, not at all, don't worry about it.", "Guy: Good, 'cause I'd hate to spend the weekend in Big Sur arguing.", "Paige: What?", "Guy: You and me, driving down the coast. Radio on, top down. All you have to do is say yes.", "Paige: That sounds really great, but...", "Guy: But that's not a yes.", "Paige: It's just that's this isn't really going to work.", "Guy: Okay, we can reschedule.", "Paige: Not the weekend, us. I'm really sorry.", "Guy: Yeah, me too.", "(He leaves.)", "[Cut to Piper and Phoebe watching from across the room.]", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Piper: Uh, there he goes. I really thought that one was a keeper.", "Phoebe: Why, because he was cute and funny and oh, yeah, don't let me forget, deliciously yummy.", "Piper: That's the second guy in a row she's dumped.", "Phoebe: Uh, third, but who's counting. So you think she has commitment issues? Or you think she's just too picky?", "Piper: I don't know, I'd love to speculate but I've gotta go.", "Phoebe: Piper, if you haven't noticed, the Flaming Lips are playing at your club. My-my favourite group.", "Piper: I know and that's why you're not going to scare them when you go back stage, okay.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Piper: I've gotta go home because I've gotta interview magical nannies tomorrow and I gotta prepare.", "Phoebe: Wait, magical nannies? You mean like Mary Poppins?", "Piper: Oh, one can only hope, but no. Leo has arranged for us to meet supernatural creatures that have child care experience.", "Phoebe: Creatures?", "Piper: It's not like I can call a service and ask for a nanny to watch over my little Charmed One while I go off and slay slimy demons.", "Phoebe: That's a good point. But don't you think it's a little early to be looking for nannies? I mean, you're not even showing yet, except for your boobies.", "Piper: I'm telling you, they are large and they are definitely in charge but at least something is normal about this pregnancy. Okay, I'll see you.", "(She gets up.)", "Phoebe: I just... Can I...", "(Piper leaves. Paige walks over to Phoebe and sits down beside her.)", "Paige: Breaking up is such a downer.", "Phoebe: Yeah, honey, well, practice makes perfect. Well, you know, I mean, if it's not right, it's not right. Why wasn't it right?", "Paige: I don't know, I could kinda just tell it wasn't really going anywhere so I thought I'm gonna cut this one off at the pass before it gets messy and he likes me too much.", "Phoebe: Okay, if you say so. At least you don't have to worry about if he's gonna attack again.", "Paige: Is that some sort of Cole segue?", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, now that you mention him, um, he hasn't contacted me in a while.", "Paige: That's a good thing, right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, it is for me, I'm just worried about the rest of humanity, you know. Cole doesn't just do nothing, which means he's up to something. And now that he knows that we're definitely not together anymore, I'm afraid that something might be evil.", "[Scene: A bar. Cole is sitting at the bar, unshaven, drinking a shot of whiskey. Two thugs with shotguns walk in.]", "Thug #1: Get out of the way! (He pushes someone to the ground. People try to escape out the door.) Where do you think you're going? You're not going anywhere. Get down! (He pushes another person on the ground. He fires his gun at the roof.) Nobody move! Everybody keep their hands where I can see them. Let's go! All your valuables, all your money! Hurry up! Watches, wallets. (Cole ignores the noise surrounding him and pours himself another shot of whiskey. The bartender reaches behind the bar and pulls out a gun. He points it at the thugs and before he can shoot, is shot down by Thug #1.) Come on, nothing's changed. Give me the money. Hurry up!", "(A biker makes a run for the exit and Thug #2 shoots continually trying to hit the biker. The biker runs past Cole and a bullet shoots straight through his chest, breaking the glass of whiskey in his hand. The thug looks at his gun, wondering how Cole is still alive. The bullet wound in Cole magically heals. He turns to the thugs and telekinetically sends the thugs crashing against the wall. Everyone runs for the exit. Thug #1 reaches for his gun and Cole throws an energy ball, incinerating him. Thug #2 heads for the exit but before he can escape, Cole throws another energy ball at him, incinerating him. Cole roars, he can't believe what he's done. Two Avatars dressed in black suits magically appear in the room.)", "Avatar #1: We've been waiting for this moment, Cole.", "Avatar #2: Yes, welcome.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is cleaning. Paige spills crumbs over the counter while eating some cake.]", "Piper: Hey! Lady, I'm trying to make a good impression here, put it down, put it down, put it down!", "(Paige drops the cake in its packet and Piper moves it over to the sink.)", "Paige: On the nannies?", "Piper: Yeah. I want the best and the best don't work for slobs.", "Paige: We're not slobs!", "Piper: Oh, yeah? How come I spent all night cleaning potions stains off of the ceiling?", "Paige: That's gespacio, not potion.", "Piper: Well, you know what? Blenders have lids.", "Paige: Piper, you need to relax, okay?", "Piper: I will relax when Leo gets here. We haven't had a chance to prepare.", "Paige: What's to prepare? You're a Charmed One, your reputation precedes you.", "Piper: Oh, you mean how evil barges in here all hours of the day and night hell bent on killing us? Not exactly an ideal working environment. (Leo orbs in beside Piper.) Oh, finally. I was afraid that the Elders drummed up one of their it can't wait assignments. (Leo gives her a look.) Can't it wait?", "Leo: No, it can't wait. , But the assignment's not for me, it's for Paige. You're getting your first charge.", "Paige: Are you serious?", "Leo: Well, the Elders aren't exactly known for their sense of humour.", "Paige: That is so great! I am now Paige Matthews, Whitelighter-Witch. I'm a hyphenate.", "Piper: Wait a minute, since when are you psyched about Whitelighter duty?", "Paige: Well, it is half of who I am. Who's my charge gonna be? Is it a Whitelighter-to-be? A philanthropist? A doctor?", "Leo: Not exactly.", "Paige: Oh, wait, don't tell me. It's a young girl, a witch, she's just coming into her powers, oh my god, I can totally relate to that.", "Piper: You ramble when you're excited.", "Paige: Sorry.", "Leo: All I can tell you about your charge is that he is a good man who's lost his way.", "Piper: And why is that all you can tell her?", "Leo: Because the Elders want Paige to figure the rest out for herself.", "Piper: Yeah, see, you're being vague.", "Leo: You're charge's name is Samuel.", "Paige: Samuel. Good strong biblical name. Okay, where do I find him?", "Leo: The Elders aren't sure but they think that you should be able to sense his location.", "Piper: So wait a minute, if the Elders have lost track of him, why did they suddenly think Paige can find him?", "Leo: Well, the Elders have complete faith in Paige's ability, so do I. All we have to do is trust that they know what they're doing.", "Piper: How are you supposed to trust people that don't answer your questions?", "Paige: Okay, enough, Negative Nancy, you just scurry back to your tidying, I don't want anybody to rain on my Whitelighter parade.", "Phoebe: Paige! Piper! (Piper, Paige and Leo walk into the parlor where Phoebe is coming down the stairs.) Hey.", "Piper: What is it?", "Phoebe: We have a demon to vanquish. Paige, what did you do with the vanquishing potion that you made for Cole?", "Leo: Cole?", "Paige: I tossed it.", "Phoebe: You tossed it?", "Paige: Well, yeah, it wasn't strong enough. I tried it on that letter opener that had Cole's blood on it but it barely even dented it.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, you have to figure out a way to make another one that's strong enough, and fast.", "Piper: Hang on a second, lady, what are you talking about?", "Phoebe: Last night, two guys held up a bar and a vigilante killed them.", "Paige: Sounds more like you need an arrest warrant, not a potion.", "Phoebe: Not when the vigilante is talk, dark and handsome and can send people flying with the wave of a hand.", "Piper: Well, that doesn't mean it's Cole.", "Phoebe: Did I forget to mention the scorch marks?", "Piper: That means it's Cole.", "Leo: Why don't you, uh...", "Paige: Let me handle this. Phoebe, being that I'm also a Whitelighter, I just want to warn you that, you know, maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions and you should have all the facts before you act.", "Phoebe: Actually, you're right.", "Paige: I am good at this.", "Phoebe: Well, you better start working on the potion because if I'm right about Cole, our truce with him is over.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole is there. He opens the doors to the balcony and looks out. The two Avatars appear in the room. Cole turns around.]", "Cole: I told you last night, leave me alone.", "Avatar #1: Last night you crossed a line. The power inside you has grown.", "Avatar #2: You have nowhere else to turn except to us.", "Cole: I won't turn to you.", "Avatar #2: Good and evil are such useless categories. Endlessly in battle, neither side ever winning. Gets rather boring don't you think?", "Cole: And what are you?", "Avatar #2: The Avatars.", "Cole: Avatars of what?", "Avatar #2: Force and power. And we don't have to limit ourselves to choosing between good and evil, we can drive them both.", "Cole: What's that got to do with me?", "Avatar #2: There are only a few but we are preparing to wield the power the likes of which this world has never seen.", "Avatar #1: And we want you to be apart of it.", "Cole: Let me make myself clear. I want nothing to do with you.", "(He throws two energy balls at the Avatars but has no effect.)", "Avatar #2: You can't fight us, Cole. It is futile to try. Sooner or later you will join us. It is inevitable.", "(The elevator dings. The Avatars disappear. The elevator doors open and Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Back to your old self again, huh?", "Cole: Get outta here.", "Phoebe: Did you kill two people last night?", "Cole: I don't have time for this.", "Phoebe: Well, you better make time for this.", "Cole: I can't be good, I won't be evil. What do you want from me?", "Phoebe: I want an answer.", "Cole: Yes. I killed those two criminals. And you wanna know something else? It was easy, it felt very natural. Is that what you wanted to hear?", "Phoebe: You just don't get it do you? They weren't only two criminals, they were two human beings, Cole.", "Cole: Spare me the judgmental crap. You have no idea what I'm going through right now.", "Phoebe: No, I don't and I don't wanna know.", "Cole: Then why are you still here?", "Phoebe: I'm here to warn you. If you kill another person, good or evil, I will vanquish you.", "(She heads back to the elevator.)", "Cole: You really think you have the power to vanquish me?", "Phoebe: Try me.", "(She walks into the elevator and the doors shut.)", "Cole: I might just do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: An alley. Paige and Leo are there. Paige steps over a large puddle.]", "Paige: If this is where I'm supposed to find my charge you might've told me not to wear my Jimmy Choos.", "Leo: Jimmy who?", "Paige: My shoes. Ugh, men. So I'm guessing my wealthy philanthropist theory was wrong.", "Leo: I told you he is a lost soul in need of saving.", "Paige: Yeah, this definitely looks like a place where lost souls would hang out. Probably also some rats, some roaches, and human waste. Ugh. At least my cover will work.", "Leo: Cover?", "Paige: Social worker. Well, I have to tell Samuel something.", "Leo: Well, in this case I don't think you're gonna need a cover.", "Paige: In this case?", "Leo: Well, every case is different.", "Paige: Piper's right, you are being evasive. (Paige suddenly senses her charge.) I feel something, I think he's close.", "Leo: You're sensing him?", "Paige: No, it's more like a-a magnetic pull.", "(They walk further down the alley and reach the back of a Tavern. The door opens and a drunk Samuel is thrown out, landing at Paige's feet.)", "Bartender: And stay out!", "Leo: Good luck.", "Paige: Where are you going?", "Leo: Nanny interviews.", "(Leo orbs out. Samuel coughs and vomits on Paige's shoes. She pulls a face.)", "Paige: Aww, great, this is just great.", "[Time lapse. Samuel's apartment. Paige helps Samuel in, trying her best to keep him on his feet.]", "Samuel: You're strong, for a girl.", "(He sits on the bed.)", "Paige: Thanks, I think. Ugh, well, here we are. Home sweet home.", "Samuel: It's a dump.", "Paige: No! It's... shabby sheik.", "Samuel: It's a shabby dump.", "Paige: Well, how about some coffee?", "Samuel: How about you leave me alone?", "Paige: Maybe you just wanna talk, you know, I am a really good listener.", "Samuel: What part of alone don't you understand?", "Paige: Okay, maybe some other time. But if you need help of any variety, just call this number and I'll be there, okay? (She pulls out a pad and a pen and writes her number down.) I'll be right there to help you.", "Samuel: I can't believe the Elders finally tracked me down, with a novice no less.", "Paige: Wait a second, you know?", "Samuel: A little advice, you need to work up a cover. Didn't you read the Whitelighter manual?", "Paige: There's a manual?", "Samuel: I can't believe the Elders sent a newbie out after me.", "Paige: Well, I can't believe the Elders saddled me with a cranky old drunk as my first charge.", "(He stumbles off the bed and laughs.)", "Samuel: You got spunk, I like that. Now go away.", "Paige: No, I will not go away. I may be new at this but I was sent here to guide and protect you and that is exactly what I'm going to do. Like it or not! (A Darklighter appears and points his crossbow at Samuel.) No! (Paige pushes the Darklighter to the floor. The Darklighter gets back up and points the crossbow at Sam. Sam backs against a cupboard.) Duck!", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Leo and a really short elf woman with pointy ears and green eyes are there.]", "Elf Woman: Sorry, I don't cook.", "Piper: Cooking, that's a no, okay, got it.", "(Piper marks something off on her clipboard.)", "Elf Woman: And only light house cleaning.", "Leo: Oh, that's okay, because Piper's a neat freak.", "Elf Woman: If you don't mind, I have a few questions of my own.", "(A quill and some parchment magically appear in the Elf's hand.)", "Piper: Oh, of course you do, well, yeah, please.", "Elf Woman: Am I expected to protect the baby from the incessant demon attacks?", "Piper: I'd say incessant is a bit of an over statement.", "Elf Woman: You are a Charmed One, correct?", "Piper: Yes, uh, but that won't affect your job here.", "Leo: Won't it?", "Piper: No, honey, it won't. Whitelighters, they're such pessimists. Demons, you see, demons rarely attack us in the house, so...", "(Suddenly, Paige orbs in with Samuel.)", "Paige: Darklighter, incoming!", "(The Elf woman gives Piper a look.)", "Piper: This is highly unusual.", "(The Darklighter appears in the room and shoots his crossbow at Samuel. An arrow hits him in the shoulder.)", "Paige: Samuel!", "(Piper tries to blow the Darklighter up but only blows up his arm. He screams in pain. Phoebe walks in and panics when she sees what's going on. The Darklighter disappears.)", "Phoebe: Wh-?", "Elf Woman: Consider my application withdrawn.", "(The Elf Woman grabs her purse and magically disappears.)", "Piper: Damn it!", "(They rush over to Samuel.)", "Leo: (to Paige) Don't touch it. It's poisonous to you too.", "Piper: (to Phoebe) Is that who I think it is?", "Phoebe: Mum's Whitelighter.", "Piper: And Paige's father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Samuel are there. Phoebe leans Samuel against the chair.]", "Phoebe: It's okay, you're gonna be okay.", "Paige: This can't be happening. I can't be losing my first charge.", "Phoebe: You're not. Everyone with Whitelighter blood, back up.", "(Piper, Paige and Leo take a step back.)", "Paige: Leo, I can't believe you didn't tell me he was a Whitelighter.", "Leo: Paige, just try and stay calm.", "(Phoebe breaks the tip of the arrow.)", "Paige: Calm? The Elders sent me to protect someone without telling me who he was.", "Piper: I'd say that's a bit of an understatement.", "Paige: Is there something else I should know?", "(Samuel screams as Phoebe pushes the arrow out.)", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Leo goes over to Samuel and heals his wound.)", "Piper: Paige, go get the Book of Shadows.", "Paige: Why? We know it was a Darklighter.", "Piper: No, there was something different about that guy. You just go get the book.", "Paige: Fine.", "(Paige leaves.)", "Leo: You alright?", "Samuel: I'm still alive aren't I?", "Piper: Long time no see.", "(He looks at Piper and Phoebe.)", "Samuel: Piper, Phoebe, how you been?", "Phoebe: Last time we saw you, you were riding into the afterlife with our mother. What happened?", "Samuel: They made me a Whitelighter again. And I screwed up again. I guess I never got over...", "Piper: Losing your daughter? Yeah, that's the one.", "Samuel: I've gotta get out of here.", "(He gets up. Cole appears in the living room. He hides behind the wall and listens in on their conversation.)", "Leo: Don't. She's your Whitelighter for a reason, the Elders are trying to help you.", "Samuel: By reuniting me with the child they forced me to give up?", "Piper: You knew about this supernatural Jenny Jones reunion, didn't you?", "Leo: I was sworn to secrecy.", "Piper: Ugh.", "Samuel: It doesn't matter.", "(Samuel walks into the parlor. Piper, Phoebe and Leo follow.)", "Phoebe: No, hey, wait a minute. Aren't you forgetting someone? Like that girl upstairs that's trying to save your life.", "Samuel: She's better off without me.", "Phoebe: This isn't right.", "Samuel: I'll tell you what's not right. The Elders setting me up.", "Leo: You forced them to. When you stopped using your powers, you feel off the radar. The only way to find you was through a blood relative.", "Samuel: I never wanted to be found. At least of all by her.", "Piper: Don't you think she at least deserves to know the truth?", "Samuel: The truth? That her birth father, the Whitelighter, is a two-timing loser and a drunk? (Cole disappears from the living room.) She doesn't need to know that.", "(Samuel orbs out. Paige comes down the stairs with the book.)", "Paige: Where's Samuel?", "Piper: He, uh, he orbed out.", "Paige: What? You just let him?", "Phoebe: We couldn't stop him. Did you find anything in the book?", "Paige: No.", "(She slams down the book.)", "Leo: Well, we're pretty sure that he's a tracker. They're stronger and more powerful than the Darklighters you've dealt with. They go after fallen Darklighters, especially those who are a step away from losing their wings.", "Paige: Okay, if you knew all that, why did you send me for the book?", "Piper: Because I didn't know that. Sorry. So we're gonna need a vanquishing potion. Why don't you two get started on that and Leo and I will go find Sam.", "Paige: Wait a second, he's my charge, I'm gonna go look for him.", "Leo: Well, he's been orbing a lot longer than you have, you might lose him. I have a better chance of finding him than you do.", "Piper: Mm-hm, here, we're gonna go. We're going.", "(Leo orbs out with Piper.)", "[Scene: The Darklighter's Lair. The Darklighter is there holding onto his arm stump. He groans in pain. Cole appears near by.]", "Cole: Get up. What's wrong? Lose your hearing along with your arm? I said get up!", "Darklighter: I can't.", "Cole: Stop feeling sorry for yourself. (He walks over to the Darklighter and pulls him up.) You're not the only one with problems.", "Darklighter: What do you want?", "Cole: A way out. And you're it. You are gonna help me destroy the Charmed Ones.", "Darklighter: I'm not going anywhere near them.", "Cole: Look at it as payback. (Cole waves his hand and the Darklighter's arm magically appears.) Okay, now you know where I'm from, I'm gonna tell you what I want. First, we go after the witches, then we go after that decrepit Whitelighter that you're looking for.", "Darklighter: I want that Whitelighter dead now.", "Cole: Patience. One of the witches is his long lost kid. Kill her and he'll be begging to die.", "Darklighter: What now?", "Cole: You're gonna need some extra fire power and I'm gonna give it to you.", "(He waves his arm in front of the Darklighter.)", "Darklighter: What do you get out of this?", "Cole: Let's just say I'm looking for a show down.", "[Scene: Samuel's apartment. Piper and Leo are waiting there. Samuel orbs in.]", "Piper: Thought you'd lost us, did you?", "Leo: We knew you'd be back sooner or later.", "Samuel: What is with you people? Can't you take a hint?", "Leo: We need to talk.", "Samuel: I don't wanna talk. I wanna be left alone. Why else do you think I've been orbing all over creation?", "Piper: Well, chickening out comes to mind.", "Leo: Sam, I know it hurts.", "Samuel: Oh, you know? How? How can you?", "Leo: I-I know loss.", "Samuel: Hubris of a Whitelighter. Thinking we know everything just because of who we are, well, that is crap.", "Piper: Now you got a point there. So why don't you help us understand.", "Samuel: You want to understand, do you? When you hold that precious little baby of yours in your arms and you love her more than anything in the world, and then you give her to someone else to raise and grow up with.", "Piper: You and mum did that to protect Paige.", "Samuel: I didn't work, did it? As soon as she found out who she was, a witch, a Charmed... (He starts to cry.) It was just a matter of time until I lost her again. And I couldn't handle that. Look, uh, it doesn't matter, just leave, please. Pretend you never found me.", "Leo: It does matter, Sam. That Darklighter is not gonna stop until he kills you.", "Samuel: Maybe that's my destiny, you ever think of that?", "Leo: Look, come on, that is a cop out and you know it.", "Piper: You really think the Elders brought you and Paige together so she could watch you die?", "Samuel: Look at you, of all people, defending the Elders.", "Piper: Hey, they may not be on my Christmas list but that doesn't mean they don't usually have a good reason for doing the things that they do.", "Samuel: Like telling you you couldn't marry Leo?", "Piper: I said usually. Look, if you don't want our help, that's fine. But maybe this isn't about you, maybe this is about helping Paige.", "Samuel: Helping Paige with what?", "Piper: Knowing where she comes from for starters.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is making a potion.]", "Paige: So you don't know him at all?", "Phoebe: You know, we run into a lot of people in our line or work.", "Paige: Hey, once again, not an answer.", "Phoebe: Can you pass me the cardamom please?", "(Paige does so. Phoebe sprinkles some in the potion and starts humming.)", "Paige: Okay, I'm just gonna take a guess now. Let's see, maybe the Elders gave him to me because he's a lost cause they couldn't pawn off on anyone else.", "Phoebe: Toadflax.", "(Paige hands her the toadflax.)", "Paige: Just tell me if I'm hot or cold.", "Phoebe: Um, okay, maybe the Elders thought you would actually learn something from working with him.", "Paige: Like what? How to give up?", "Phoebe: No, I think you pretty much got that down.", "Paige: Okay, passive-aggressive, what does that mean?", "Phoebe: Come on, Paige, you know you're pretty quick to judge people.", "Paige: Like who?", "Phoebe: Trevor.", "Paige: Okay, Trevor is an orange, my charge would be an apple, I fail to see the connection.", "Phoebe: Okay, take my word for it, you need to give Samuel another chance, it's important for you both.", "Paige: Okay, enough with the cryptic. Tell me what you know and please don't change the subject.", "Phoebe: Okay, you really wanna know?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Sam was mum's Whitelighter.", "Paige: That would make him...", "Phoebe: Your biological father. Honey, are you okay?", "Paige: Great, I'm just great. I just don't quite see why the big secret. Why couldn't anybody tell me?", "(Samuel walks in.)", "Samuel: I should have told you. I'm sorry. I was hoping we could talk.", "Phoebe: Go ahead, honey, I'll finish the potion.", "Paige: Yeah, we can talk.", "Phoebe: I'm here for you if you need me.", "(Paige leaves the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Paige and Samuel walk in.]", "Samuel: You hate me, don't you?", "Paige: Why should I? You're a stranger to me.", "Samuel: That's a perfectly fair statement.", "Paige: Spoken like a true Whitelighter.", "Samuel: But not a father.", "Paige: I had a father. One who made me proud to be his daughter, and it's not you.", "Samuel: I haven't made you very proud have I?", "Paige: No offence, but I don't know you. And I actually haven't spent a lot of time over the years thinking about you.", "Samuel: Well, maybe you should. After all, I'm the one who gave you up at birth. That has to have caused you some pain.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper and Leo orb in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, nice job, you guys.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Phoebe: Sam's in there talking to Paige.", "Leo: What?", "Piper: That's impossible. Sam refused to come back.", "[Cut to the conservatory.]", "Samuel: You can pretend all you want that it hasn't affected you, but we both know better than that.", "Paige: How would you know? Who the hell do you think you are anyway?", "(Piper, Phoebe and Leo run in.)", "Leo: Paige.", "Piper: That's not Sam.", "Paige: What are you talking about?", "Samuel: She's talking about this.", "(Samuel morphs into Cole.)", "Paige: You son of a bitch.", "Cole: Wait, it gets better. Ronan!", "(Ronan the Darklighter appears with his crossbow. Piper tries to blow him up but nothing happens.)", "Piper: What happened?", "Cole: He's immune.", "Phoebe: Not to this.", "(Phoebe throws the potion at Ronan but nothing happens. Ronan points his crossbow at them.)", "Paige: Uh-oh.", "(He shoots his crossbow and the arrow splits into three. An arrow hits Paige in the stomach, another hitting Leo's arm and when the third hits Piper's stomach, a blue force field appears and the arrow crumbles to the ground. Paige and Leo fall to the floor.)", "Cole: Ooh. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. The arrows have been pulled out of Paige and Leo. Leo is lying on the floor with his head propped up on a pillow. Piper is kneeling beside him tying a cloth around his arm. Paige is lying on a chair while Phoebe dabs her wound with a towel. Paige groans.]", "Paige: You can't stop the bleeding, can you?", "Phoebe: Shh, just try and rest. (Piper walks over to Phoebe and Paige.) How's Leo doing?", "Piper: He's been better.", "Phoebe: I can't believe Cole would go this far.", "Piper: Yeah, and why now? What's the occasion?", "Phoebe: Because he's pure evil.", "Piper: Yeah, but it's just not smart. And good or evil, Cole is usually smart.", "Phoebe: Well, he's obviously lost his mind. I mean, he killed two people yesterday, in public.", "Paige: I've been thinking about the vanquishing potion. Maybe if you mix three different ones...", "Phoebe: No, you're gonna be able to make the vanquishing potion, just as soon as we figure out a way to heal you.", "Piper: We've gotta find Sam. He's our only chance.", "Paige: Then I'm screwed.", "Phoebe: Don't think like that.", "Paige: Why? Sam bails, that's what he does. This time it won't be any different.", "Piper: It's different because now you're the one that's hurt. So you gotta find him and I will go get him and bring him back here and Phoebe will stay with you and Leo.", "Phoebe: You can't go alone.", "Piper: No, I'm not alone. Apparently the baby here prefers mummy to be indestructible.", "Phoebe: That's a good point, you go.", "Piper: It's up to you, you've gotta sense him. Concentrate.", "(Paige closes her eyes.)", "[Scene: Alley behind the Tavern. Samuel is asleep on some rubbish with an empty alcohol bottle in his hand. Ronan the Darklighter appears and points his crossbow at Samuel. Cole appears behind Ronan.]", "Cole: I wouldn't do that if I were you.", "(Ronan spins around to face Cole.)", "Ronan: What are you doing here?", "Cole: Protecting him from you.", "Ronan: I kept up my end of the bargain. You said I could have him.", "Cole: This isn't about you or about him for that matter, it's about me.", "Ronan: What difference does it make to you whether the Whitelighter lives or dies?", "Cole: I need him alive so he can heal the witch and their Whitelighter.", "Ronan: Heal them? You wanted me to help you kill them.", "Cole: Because I want them to come after me. You kill Sam, they'll come after you and I can't have that.", "Ronan: You didn't have any intention of letting me kill him did you?", "Cole: Walk away, Ronan.", "Ronan: Why? So you can shoot me in the back?", "Cole: You're smarter than I thought.", "(Ronan points his crossbow at Cole and before he can shoot, Cole throws an energy ball at him, vanquishing him.)", "Piper: Sam! (Cole hides behind a wall. Piper walks into the alley.) Sam! (She spots Sam.) Sam, wake up.", "(She goes over and shakes him. He wakes up.)", "Samuel: No, leave me alone.", "Piper: Listen to me, Paige and Leo need you. The Darklighter shot them, you need to heal them.", "(Piper helps him to his feet.)", "Samuel: I don't know. It's been so long.", "Piper: Well, there's no one else. You have to do it. Look, if you think you've screwed up in the past, now would be a good time to start making amends.", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Paige is shaking. Phoebe covers her with a blanket.]", "Phoebe: He'll be here soon. He will, just hang on. (Sam orbs in with Piper. He sees Paige and rushes to her side. He holds his hands above Paige but nothing happens.) What's the problem?", "Samuel: I can't.", "Piper: What? Try again.", "Samuel: It's no use. This is my punishment.", "Piper: No, you will not sit there and drown in self pity while Paige and my husband die.", "Samuel: Don't you think I wanna save them? For god's sake, this is my daughter.", "Phoebe: You can't heal her because you gave up.", "Samuel: Everything I touch I hurt. All I wanted was a life for her free from magic and demons.", "Piper: No, it was not. Paige saved us. She is the reason I am still standing here, she brought this family back together.", "Phoebe: She has done so much good. All the pain and anger you've been hanging on for so many years, you've got to let it go. It's time to let it go.", "Samuel: Paige, I am so sorry.", "Paige: It's okay.", "(Paige touches Sam and a blue orbing light surrounds him. The light vanishes to reveal a clean, shaven Sam.)", "Samuel: What happened?", "Phoebe: I think you just healed yourself. Now Paige.", "(He holds his hands above Paige and heals her.)", "Paige: Thank you.", "Piper: Okay, thanks later. Leo now.", "(Sam walks over to Leo and and heals him. Leo sits up.)", "Leo: Piper, are you okay? The baby.", "Piper: Oh, she's fine. I don't think we have to worry about her at all. I'll explain later.", "Phoebe: I'm gonna go get started on those potions. We have a Cole to vanquish.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige stand around a table. Three different coloured potions sit on the table.]", "Piper: So you think this is gonna work?", "Paige: These are at least as strong as the one we used on the Source, so yeah, I think.", "Phoebe: But you can't be sure?", "Paige: I can't be sure of anything until I try it.", "Phoebe: That's not good enough.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I want him dead. I want this over with. And if this doesn't work, we may not get a second chance.", "Piper: Got it, kill him, dead.", "Phoebe: Dead.", "Paige: I have a thought. (Paige carries the letter opener with Cole's blood on it to the centre of the room.) No other potion has been able to destroy this since Cole's blood has been protecting it but if these potions are as strong as I think they are, then a little will go a long way.", "(Paige fills three bottles with each of the different coloured potions. They each take one and stand near the letter opener.)", "Piper: On three?", "Paige: No. Me, then you, then Phoebe.", "(Paige throws her bottle of potion at the letter opener. It sizzles. Piper throws her bottle at the letter opener and it makes a small explosion. Phoebe throws her bottle and the letter opener makes a large explosion and leaves nothing but a hole in the rug.)", "Piper: Sure you wanna do this?", "Phoebe: How can you even ask me that question?", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole is there writing a letter. He folds it up and places it in an envelope. The two Avatars appear in the room.]", "Avatar #1: If this doesn't work, you'll have nowhere else to turn.", "Cole: It'll work.", "Avatar #2: But what a waste. Especially when you could have so much more.", "Cole: I don't want anymore.", "Avatar #1: You're not even curious?", "(The Avatars disappear. Cole places the letter next to a photo of him and Phoebe. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in.)", "Phoebe: Stand up. I said stand up!", "(Cole takes off his wedding ring and places it on the table. He stands up and faces the girls.)", "Cole: Come to vanquish me, have you?", "Piper: Where's you hit man?", "Cole: Oh, you know those Darklighters, they're just so difficult to work with. Can't even kill a lousy Whitelighter, let alone you.", "Phoebe: But you could have.", "Paige: You b*st*rd.", "(Paige throws her potion at Cole's feet. Piper throws her potion at his feet.)", "Piper: Phoebe, come on.", "Phoebe: I know what you're doing.", "Paige: Phoebe, throw the potion.", "Phoebe: You never really wanted to kill us, did you?", "Paige: What are you talking about?", "Phoebe: He could've killed you back at the manor, he had you alone. But you needed all of us to survive for your plan to work, including Sam.", "Piper: Phoebe, have you lost your mind?", "Phoebe: No, you said it yourself. It wasn't a smart plan. Unless you didn't really wanted to kill us. You wanted us to be so blinded by hate that we couldn't see what you were really up to.", "Cole: Well, it's the only way out for me. And you want it too, so...", "Phoebe: Yeah, but on our terms, not yours. We won't help you commit suicide.", "Cole: You already have.", "(He telekinetically pulls the potion out of Phoebe's hand and it lands at his feet. It causes a massive explosion, sending the girls to the floor. The windows and doors smash. The girls get up.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god!", "(The smoke clears and Cole stands there, breathing heavily.)", "Paige: I don't understand, that should've worked.", "Piper: Why didn't it?", "Cole: They knew it wouldn't work.", "Phoebe: Who knew? What are you talking about?", "Cole: You can't vanquish me. Nobody can.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Paige and Sam are sitting on the couches.]", "Samuel: So, what are gonna do now? I mean, about Cole?", "Paige: I don't know, it's a little scary being that he's basically indestructible now.", "Samuel: Well, I'm sure you girls will handle it. Paige, I want you to know that giving you up was the hardest decision I ever had to make. Your mother too. If we could've done it over, we wouldn't have done it. But we weren't supposed to be together. A baby, we were afraid the Elders would find out.", "Paige: It's okay, I understand, I really, I do.", "Samuel: It still has to have hurt you.", "Paige: I used to think that you did not matter to me at all. If I never met you, my life would be perfectly fine. I guess, uh, the Elders knew better after all. When you gave me up, you made a choice that gave me the most amazing gift. See, I got to have these tremendous parents and we, we loved each other fiercely. And now I have this whole new life with my sisters.", "Samuel: What about everything that goes with it?", "Paige: I choose to be a witch. I could've walked away but I didn't. And now I'm a Whitelighter to boot.", "Samuel: That's my girl.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper and Phoebe are there. Phoebe is looking through the Boook of Shadows. Leo orbs in.]", "Piper: Any luck?", "Leo: That little Elf, got a big mouth. All the nannies cancelled their interviews.", "Piper: Oh, great. Well, if magical nannies won't work for us, then regular ones are out of the question. What are we gonna do?", "Leo: Well, it's a good thing we have a few months.", "Piper: Ugh.", "Leo: We'll figure it out.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Piper: Hey, how did it go?", "Paige: Good. Difficult but good.", "Leo: He's a good man, it'll be good for you guys to get to know each other.", "Paige: Yeah, I think I'm a little burnt out on the whole emotional roller coaster thing right now. Maybe I deserve a nice drive down the coast. I think I'll call Trevor.", "Piper: Oh, that guy, yeah, that guy you just dumped.", "Paige: Well, maybe I'll rethink that whole dumping perfectly nice guys before I give them a chance thing. I guess meeting Sam made me realise I kinda still have some abandonment issues I might wanna work through. (Phoebe puts her head down on the book.) Anything from you over there in the peanut gallery?", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out. Having an invincible ex-husband is making me really nervous.", "Paige: Well, the good thing is we've got someone invincible of our own.", "Piper: I got you covered.", "Phoebe: For now.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole walks out onto the balcony and takes a deep breath.]" ]
Sam I Am
[ "When Phoebe falls prey to a demon named Jeric, who is kidnapping witches in order to find the perfect host body for his love, Isis, Cole decides to attempt to make a trade: Paige's body in exchange for Phoebe being returned safely. However, thanks to Cole's decision, Piper is able to trick Jeric in order to save both of her sisters in order to banish the demon. It is only after Cole realizes he has failed to destroy the Power of Three, he promises the sisters the next time they meet, he won't fail." ]
[ "[Scene: An apartment. A man rushes in carrying a woman. He lays her on the couch.]", "Man: Crystal, where's the crystal?", "Woman: It's over there.", "Man: Where?", "Woman: The cabinet.", "(The man rushes over to a cabinet and searches through it. He finds a crystal and a map.)", "Man: Got it. (The woman sighs and closes her eyes.) Isis. (He rushes to her side.) Isis. Don't die on me, not yet. Not until we can find you another body. Call upon the witch within. Use her powers.", "Isis: I don't have the strength.", "Man: Find the strength. It's the only way.", "Isis: Okay. (She scrys for a witch with the crystal and the map.) I found one.", "Man: Good. Can you tell, is she powerful enough to hold your spirit?", "Isis: I don't know.", "(She dies.)", "Man: Until we meet again, my love. (He hears sirens of police cars and three pull up outside. Four policemen get out.) Like moths to a flame.", "[Cut to outside.]", "Darryl: Remember, nobody's taken him yet, so watch your backs, follow my lead. Any questions? Let's go.", "(They run up the stairs.)", "[Cut to the apartment. The man recites a spell and Isis is mummified. A large brooch in the shape of a beetle appears on the mummy's chest. Suddenly, the man turns to dust. The police barge in through the door.]", "Darryl: Clear! Freeze!", "(They check all the rooms.)", "Policeman: Clear in the bathroom.", "(Darryl walks over to the pile of dust and picks up a handful.)", "Policeman #2: Everything's locked from the inside. How'd he get out of here?", "Darryl: You don't wanna know. (Darryl dials a number on his cell phone.) Phoebe Halliwell, please. Tell her it's Inspector Morris. It's important.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: A maternity clothes shop. Paige is waiting outside a changing room.]", "Paige: Piper, my hair is turning white out here. Come out already.", "Piper's Voice: No.", "Paige: Come on, it can't be that bad. (Piper, with her pregnant tummy now showing, parts the curtains and walks out wearing a peach coloured top and floral pants. She puts her hands on her hips.) Aww, it's cute.", "Piper: I don't wanna be cute. (She stands in front of a mirror.) I can't believe I let you talk me into this.", "Paige: Oh, your pants weren't even buttoning anymore, come on.", "Piper: Well, I could've gone up a size, or two. I don't need to resort to maternity clothes. Everything is just so bright and cheery and ruffley. This thing makes me look like a...", "Saleswoman: Adorable! (The saleswoman comes over to them.) Absolutely adorable. I think it's you.", "Piper: Hmm, I guess you don't know me very well, do you?", "Paige: Piper.", "Piper: Look, do you have anything that will go with combat boots? You know, something for the mum-to-be who kicks some ass upon occasion? You know, something in black or grey?", "Saleswoman: I'll check. Aw, motherhood.", "(She pats Piper's tummy and walks away.)", "Piper: Okay, explain to me the touching thing. Why is my stomach suddenly public property and perfect strangers are always touching me? It's weird space invasion. (Paige rubs her neck.) Are you listening?", "Paige: No, I'm not.", "Piper: What's the matter with your neck?", "Paige: It's this cramp, I've had it for a couple of days now.", "Piper: Well, why don't you get a massage?", "(Piper looks through a rack of clothes.)", "Paige: Oh, yeah, I'll pencil that in. Right between vanquishing demons and training to be your midwife. (Piper holds up an ugly pale pink dress.) No.", "(Piper puts the dress back.)", "Piper: Well, A, I don't need midwives because I'm delivering with a doctor not sisters. And B, you need to start taking care of yourself because you've actually been working harder than when you were working.", "Paige: Yeah, well, someone has to pick up the slack, especially with hermit lady just laying around the house.", "Piper: The hermit lady?", "Paige: Yeah, Phoebe? Have you noticed she hasn't left the house in weeks.", "Piper: What do you mean? She leaves the house every morning.", "Paige: No, she leaves the house to go to work. I can understand wanting a break from guys, but come on already, she's gonna wear out the batteries.", "Piper: Ah, Paige!", "Paige: What? (Paige's phone rings. She answers it.) Hello? Oh, hey, Phoebe. We were just talking about you.", "Piper: And your batteries.", "Paige: Darryl's at the house?", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Darryl are there. Piper's fidgeting with the maternity outfit she's still wearing and Phoebe is busy painting her toenails. Darryl hands Piper and Paige a sketch of Jeric, the man in the first scene.]", "Darryl: Five murders, five cities. But this is the first one in San Francisco. We are hot on his tail following a tip and then he just vanished.", "Paige: That's creepy. He's killing his victims and then mummifying them. What gives?", "Darryl: That's why I called Phoebe, I was hoping you could tell me.", "Piper: Well, just because it's creepy doesn't mean it's demonic. I mean, there's plenty of human wackos out there.", "(Piper continues to fidget with her outfit.)", "Paige: Stop fidgeting will you? You look fine.", "Piper: I look ridiculous.", "Paige: Phoebe, will you tell her that she looks fine.", "Phoebe: You look so cute.", "Darryl: If you ask me, there's nothing more beautiful than a preg...", "(He reaches to touch Piper's stomach and she stops him.)", "Piper: Do it and you pull back a bloody stub.", "Paige: She's a little sensitive right now.", "Darryl: I can see that.", "(Phoebe finishes her toenails and stands up.)", "Phoebe: Okay, demons, witches, fill them in will you? I've got a important lunch date at the office.", "Paige: You have a date?", "Phoebe: Oh, well, it's actually more like an appointment down the hall. It's a facial.", "Darryl: Look, we think, I think that the victim may have been a witch. So if she was maybe they all were, which means you need to watch your backs.", "Phoebe: Sand, don't forget the sand.", "Darryl: Uh, right. In each case there's been a pile of sand found by the mummy. My guess it's got something to do with how he escapes.", "(Piper looks at a picture of the mummy.)", "Piper: What's with the bug on the chest?", "Phoebe: I already have Leo asking the Elders about that. Okay, if we leave now, I should be able to go to the crime scene, get a quick premonition and then be back at the office in time for my appointment. Okay, so who's driving?", "Darryl: Whoa, who says you're going to the crime scene?", "Phoebe: Is that a problem?", "Darryl: Only for my reputation. Look, it's taken me a long time to lose the freaky deaky rap, but no offence but I don't need it back right now.", "Paige: Freaky deaky rap?", "Darryl: You know what I mean.", "Piper: Why can't you just tell them that we're psychics like you usually do?", "Darryl: I can't risk it. I'm up for promotion and if I get passed over this time, there's not gonna be a next time.", "Paige: Alright, what do you want us to do?", "Darryl: The right thing as usual. Come on, follow me. (They head for the door. Darryl stops and points at Piper.) No, not you, you're pregnant.", "Piper: Yes, I am. I am also invincible and self healing.", "Darryl: You're gonna tell the other inspectors that? Look, I'm sorry, but not even pregnant cops are allowed at crime scenes because of the forensic chemicals.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, we'll go, you stay here and look in the book for mummies.", "Paige: Mummy.", "(She touches Piper's stomach.)", "Piper: Nah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Coroner's Examination Room. A coroner is there, examining the mummy, which is lying on a table.]", "Coroner: The linen wrapping, though curiously airtight, appears to be of a thread count more consistent of a hand weave. After I cut into it forensics should test and date the sample. Alright, let's see what's inside.", "(He picks up a hand saw and touches the mummy. A protective shield surrounds the mummy and electrocutes the coroner, sending him flying across the room. Jeric walks into the room and over to the mummy.)", "Jeric: Nobody messes with you, do they, my love? Sorry for leaving you back there but I needed to check on your next body. I think you're going to like it.", "(He touches the mummy and they both turn into dust.)", "[Scene: Apartment hallway. A police officer stands at the doorway. Phoebe, Paige and Darryl head for the apartment.]", "Darryl: They're with me.", "Police Officer: Hold it, Inspector. They've gotta sign in.", "Darryl: Right, sorry.", "Phoebe: Phoebe Halliwell.", "Paige: Uh, Paige Matthews.", "Police Officer: Field of expertise?", "Phoebe: We're psychics.", "(The officer gives Darryl a look.)", "Darryl: You got a problem with that, officer?", "Officer: No, sir. (He chuckles and mumbles to himself.) Psychics.", "Phoebe: Your girlfriend's cheating on you by the way.", "(Phoebe, Paige and Darryl walk into the apartment.)", "Darryl: Look, forensics have been all through here so you can touch anything you want. Just, uh, make it quick, okay? (His pager beeps.) I'll be back.", "(Darryl leaves. Phoebe starts to look around the apartment.)", "Paige: So that guy at the door's kinda cute, huh?", "Phoebe: Really? I hadn't notice.", "Paige: God, you've been out of commission for longer than I thought.", "Phoebe: Yeah, she was definitely a witch. Look at all this stuff.", "Paige: Of course, I guess I can understand, you know, with all the stuff you've been through with Cole.", "(Phoebe picks something up and tries to get a premonition.)", "Phoebe: Okay, shush, I'm trying to concentrate here.", "Paige: But you don't want to let it go for too long because, you know, that would be unhealthy and you are anything but unhealthy.", "Phoebe: Paige, don't worry about me I'm fine. It's just the whole idea of dating right now, it's just, like ugh, you know. I just, I need some time.", "Paige: Well, just don't take too much time.", "(Phoebe spots a map on the floor.)", "Phoebe: Look, a map. (She then sees a crystal.) Oh, she was definitely...", "Paige: Scrying?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but the question is for what?", "Paige: Steal it.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry?", "Paige: I think I know a way of figuring this out at home.", "Phoebe: Paige, that's evidence, I can't steal evidence.", "Paige: Crystal.", "(The crystal orbs into Paige's hand. Darryl walks in and Paige quickly hides the crystal behind her back.)", "Darryl: Did you get anything?", "Paige: No, god, not a thing. But we'll see you later.", "(They rush out of the apartment.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper is standing in front of a mirror fidgeting with her maternity clothes. She starts to walk away, then stops and stands back in front of the mirror. She pokes out her stomach.]", "Leo: I think you look beautiful.", "(She spins around to see Leo there watching her.)", "Piper: How long have you been standing there?", "Leo: A minute or two.", "Piper: Well, that's just not far. You're not allowed to orb in unless I'm completely aware of it.", "Leo: Sorry, I was mesmerized.", "Piper: Oh, please.", "Leo: No, I mean it, Piper. (He walks over to her.) I think you look absolutely stunning and I can't believe you don't think you do.", "Piper: No, it's not that, it's just, it's like suddenly I'm wearing this big fat neon sign that says 'look out everybody she's pregnant, careful' and everybody's treating me so differently. I'm still me, there's just a whole lot more of me going on.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Hey, guys. Oh, I'm sorry, were you ranting?", "Piper: Yes, I was, but now I'm done, thank you. Where's Phoebe?", "Paige: Oh, she went back to work. She didn't want to miss her facial.", "Piper: What?", "Paige: Relax, she's just an orb away. So did you find anything?", "Piper: Yeah, the demon, maybe. (They walk over to the Book of Shadows.) His name is Jeric and apparently he's been at this for quite some time. Only back then the killings were isolated to the Middle East, Cairo, Istanbul, Tripoli.", "Paige: So what's he doing here?", "Leo: Well, the same thing he's been doing. Trying to find the perfect body for his lover, Isis. He keeps trying to find a body to host her spirit but the bodies keep dying.", "Paige: No, you mean the witches keep dying.", "Leo: Right, well, two spirits can't occupy the same body. The invading spirit overloads it. That's why he's trying to find a witch with enough magic for Isis to use to dispossess the host body.", "Paige: Of course.", "Piper: Are you telling me she's going to evict someone from their own body? That's rude.", "Leo: Basically, yeah.", "Paige: Okay, so what do mummies have to do with any of this?", "Leo: Well, he mummifies the corpse to trap Isis' spirit to keep her from moving on until he can find her a new body.", "Paige: That must be what she's scrying for. (Paige walks over to a map and scrys with the crystal.) \"Scrying secrets come to me, drop again so I might see.\"", "Piper: See what? (The crystal drops onto a spot on the map.) Fifth and Hyde? Well, that's Phoebe.", "[Cut to The Bay Mirror parking lot. Phoebe drives in and gets out. Jeric is there leaning against a car.]", "Jeric: Great body. Mind if I borrow it for a while?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I do.", "(Piper, Paige and Leo orb in.)", "Piper: Phoebe, no!", "(Phoebe goes to kick Jeric and he grabs her leg. They both turn to dust.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Paige and Leo are there. Paige is scrying for Phoebe and Leo is trying to sense Phoebe. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Anything?", "Leo: No.", "Piper: What about you?", "Paige: Nothing.", "Piper: Well, this is just unacceptable, people. We've got all the magic in the world here, there's gotta be a way. We can not not find Phoebe.", "Paige: Unless...", "Piper: No, no unless, she is not dead. She is possessed and that is all.", "Leo: She's right, Jeric needs her body.", "Paige: Well, how long can she last until she burns up?", "Leo: I don't know, probably not long.", "Piper: All the more reason to find her faster. You keep scrying, you keep sensing.", "Leo: It's no use, Piper. Jeric is blocking her signal.", "Piper: But you said even if Phoebe was possessed, she would be aware of what's going on.", "Leo: Right, but there's nothing that she can do about it. The invading spirit is suppressing her.", "(The phone rings. Paige answers it.)", "Paige: Hello?", "Darryl: Guess what? The mummy's missing.", "Paige: What? Hold on, I'm gonna put you on speaker phone. Say that again.", "(She turns on speaker phone.)", "Darryl: The mummy's missing, the coroner's dead and I am screwed.", "Piper: Why is the mummy missing?", "Paige: How are you screwed?", "Darryl: Because they're blaming me for losing him in the first place, which means if I don't find him...", "Paige: Bye-bye promotion.", "Darryl: It pales in comparison to a killer demon being on the loose, I know. But, you know, it still matters to me and my family.", "Piper: Yes, well, speaking of family, we've got a few problems of our own here.", "Darryl: What's wrong?", "Piper: Uh, I'll catch you up later.", "(Piper hangs up the phone.)", "Paige: Uh, Piper.", "Piper: I'm sorry but we need to concentrate on Phoebe.", "Paige: Okay, well, we can't leave Darryl high and dry after everything he's done for this family. There's gotta be something we can do.", "Piper: Well, short of helping him arrest the demon, I'm not sure what we can really do.", "Leo: Well, I have an idea but I have to break some rules.", "Paige: So I think you should break a few rules then. We owe him.", "Piper: You're right. You go do what you gotta do and we're gonna do what we have to do.", "[Scene: Egypt. A pyramid. Jeric walks in carrying an unconscious Phoebe. He places her on a table. Close by is another table where the mummy lays. He gets a bug amulet from the mummy table and takes it over to Phoebe which he places on her chest. Jeric stands between the two tables and outstretches his arms. He recites a spell and a beam of light shoots out of the mummy and into Phoebe. Phoebe wakes up and gasps. Jeric goes over to her.]", "Jeric: Easy, not so fast. (He smiles.) Welcome back, my love.", "(He kisses her.)", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. The elevator doors open and Piper and Paige walk out.]", "Paige: Are you sure this is such a good idea?", "Piper: Well, he's found her before hasn't he?", "Paige: Yeah, but Cole's crazy now.", "(They walk further into the apartment and are nearly hit by an energy ball. The energy ball hits a mirror, rebounds and hits Cole.)", "Cole: Damn, still here.", "(Paige rubs her neck.)", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Paige: Yeah, I'm still alive. For now.", "(Cole writes something down on a piece of paper.)", "Piper: What's the matter, Cole? Forget you're indestructible?", "Cole: Hey, what the hell are you guys doing here?", "Piper: Witnessing a meltdown apparently. Ever thought of therapy?", "Cole: Thanks, I'd rather chop my head off than have it examined. Wait, that's an idea.", "(He waves his arm and a guillotine appears in the room.)", "Paige: Oh my god.", "Cole: I can't wait to see how I survive this.", "(He lays down on the guillotine and places his head in the groove.)", "Paige: Okay, then, good luck with all that and we're just gonna go.", "Piper: No, we've gotta find Phoebe.", "Cole: Did you guys actually want something or did you just come to add to my misery?", "Piper: A demon has taken Phoebe and we need you to find her.", "Cole: Oh, yeah, really? Well. (He sits up and waves his hand. A cane basket appears where his head will fall.) Sorry, but just in case you forgot, she's the reason I became like this. So, ciao!", "(He lays back down and pulls the lever. The blade starts to fall and Piper freezes it.)", "Piper: Wait.", "(Cole whimpers.)", "Cole: Oh, can't you at least let me not die in peace?", "Piper: Cole, we think this guy Jeric has possessed Phoebe.", "Cole: Wait. (He stands up.) Did you say Jeric? The mummy guy?", "Paige: Do you know him?", "Cole: Are you kidding? He's legendary in demonic circles.", "Paige: Oh, of course he is.", "Cole: Actually, he goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt but they didn't have the power to vanquish him then, so they just mummified him instead. (He gets an idea.) Mummify.", "Piper: Hey, stay with us here. How did Jeric get demummified?", "Cole: Oh, some evil witch cast a spell which released him and then they fell in love and she got killed by his enemies. Flayed alive, if memory serves. Poor guy's been wracked with guilt, he's been trying to find a replacement body ever since.", "Paige: Oh, that'd almost be romantic if he hadn't killed so many witches", "Cole: Hey, he's just a guy trying to get his love back. There's nothing wrong with that. Actually, we could probably work together.", "Piper: What are you talking about? (Cole disappears.) Cole!", "Paige: Looks like we just made a bad thing worse.", "(The guillotine unfreezes and the blade falls. Piper gasps.)", "[Scene: Egypt. Pyramid. Jeric is sitting on a chair eating a bunch of grapes. Phoebe/Isis wearing a two-piece jewelled outfit, dances in the room and over to Jeric. She dances in the spot in front of Jeric.]", "Jeric: Glad to see you're feeling so alive.", "Phoebe/Isis: It's this body. I've never felt so much power before, passion, desire.", "Jeric: Maybe I should leave you two alone.", "Phoebe/Isis: No, just because the witch is in me, doesn't mean there's not still room for you too.", "Jeric: Tempting. But I suggest to outrid yourself from her first. Come up with a spell.", "(She dances around him.)", "Phoebe/Isis: The witch's knowledge was very useful.", "Jeric: Then by all means, reward her. Send her spirit into the afterlife. (He stands up and gets a piece of paper.) Hopefully she'll have enough power to make it work.", "(He hands her the paper.)", "Phoebe/Isis: \"Together no more through time, expel her soul, leave only mine.\"", "(She burns the paper in the candle.)", "Jeric: Well?", "Phoebe/Isis: I can still hear her thoughts.", "Jeric: Then you have to try again.", "(Suddenly, part of the pyramid wall explodes and Cole walks in.)", "Cole: Sorry, but that's my witch. (Jeric makes a dust storm form around Cole and Cole fights it off with a way of his hand.) Oh, please, is that all you got? By the way, my compliments on the tomb's protective charms. This place is not easy to get in to.", "Jeric: Who are you?", "Cole: Oh, Cole Turner. I used to be the Source of all evil. You're Jeric, right? I feel like I already know you. We've got so much in common.", "Jeric: Do we?", "Cole: Yeah, well, you know, we're both trying to get our love back. Unfortunately, your love is currently in my love and that's where we have our little problem.", "Phoebe/Isis: Your love doesn't want you back. I can feel it.", "Cole: Yeah, but that's where you come in. I want you to mummify her for me, put her on ice for a while. At least until I can figure out a way to win her back.", "Phoebe/Isis: Win her back? After that? Please, you're insane.", "Cole: Probably.", "Jeric: Leave us. Go back to where you came from.", "Cole: Not until I get what I came for. (Phoebe/Isis starts to sweat and shake.) Well, lets not fight. I mean, I need you, you need me, so let's just...", "Jeric: I don't need you.", "Cole: Well, I'm afraid you do. In case you haven't noticed, you're running out of time.", "(Jeric notices Phoebe/Isis. He goes over to her.)", "Jeric: Oh, no, it can't be. The others lasted longer.", "Cole: Yeah, the more powerful the witch, the quicker the burnout. It's really not very good. But I bet the Power of Three could fix that permanently.", "Phoebe/Isis: The Power of Three... That might work.", "Cole: I could get it for you. Interested?", "Jeric: We won't give up her body without a replacement.", "Cole: I figured. How do you feel about redheads?", "[Scene: A dock. Leo is waiting there. Darryl pulls up in his car and gets out.]", "Darryl: Leo, what are you doing here?", "Leo: I'm here to help you.", "Darryl: Well, Leo, I don't have time for this. Somebody called me and said the killer was here.", "Leo: I know, I made the call. I figured it would look good for you if you caught the guy.", "Darryl: You did? Where is he? (Leo morphs into Jeric.) What are you doing? You can't...", "Leo/Jeric: Go on, arrest me.", "(Darryl starts to freak out. Sirens are heard down the street.)", "Darryl: Leo, I, we, are, we are not going to do this.", "Leo: Come on, before the other cops get here.", "Darryl: I am not going to arrest you. (Leo/Jeric punches him in the face.) What'd you do that for?", "Leo/Jeric: I'd hit me back if I were you.", "Darryl: I am not going to do this.", "(The police car pulls up. Darryl pushes Leo/Jeric against a wall. He grabs his arms and handcuffs him.)", "Leo/Jeric: Ow!", "(The two police officers walk over.)", "Police Officer: Way to go, Inspector. Good job.", "Darryl: Thanks.", "(They take Leo/Jeric to the police car.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there sitting in front of a map. Piper is scrying.]", "Paige: I'm telling you it's not going to work, we've already tried it.", "Piper: No, you've tried it. They baby and I haven't. If Cole can find her, than so can we.", "Paige: But you can't just tap into the baby's powers whenever you want.", "Piper: No? Watch me. Whoa.", "(The crystal starts circling out of control above the map.)", "Paige: What's happening?", "Piper: I don't know.", "(The crystal flings itself across the room and lands on a globe. Piper and Paige race over to the globe and notice the crystal has landed on Egypt.)", "Paige: I guess our map wasn't big enough?", "Piper: Egypt? Phoebe is in Egypt?", "Paige: On the bright side, we'll get to see the pyramids.", "Piper: Quips later, orbing now.", "Paige: You know, this happened a little too easily. What if it's a trap?", "Piper: So what if it is? I'm unbreakable, dude.", "Paige: Dude, I'm not unbreakable.", "Piper: You'll be okay. Here, faster, orb me, faster.", "(They orb out.)", "[Cut to Egypt. A pyramid. Phoebe is lying on a table. Piper and Paige orb in.]", "Piper: Oh, Phoebe.", "Paige: Wait, where's Jeric?", "Phoebe: Piper, Paige.", "Paige: She recognises us, that's something at least.", "(They walk over to Phoebe.)", "Piper: I don't know. Let's just orb her home and we'll fix her there.", "(Cole and Jeric appear across the room.)", "Cole: I told you they'd come for her, didn't I?", "(Cole waves his arm towards Piper and a portal opens up underneath her and sucks her in. Paige starts to orb out and Cole waves his arm, sending her to the ground.)", "Jeric: Very nice.", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. The portal opens up above the couch and Piper falls through it landing on the couch.]", "Piper: Ouch. Hey!", "[Cut to the pyramid. Cole carries Paige over to the table. Jeric walks over to Phoebe/Isis.]", "Jeric: Don't fight it, my love. Your new body awaits.", "(He leans down to kiss her and Cole stops him.)", "Cole: Hey. I told you that's my witch. (Phoebe/Isis takes one last breath and dies.) Get to work.", "(Jeric recites a spell and Phoebe is mummified.)", "Jeric: Excuse me. (Cole moves aside and Jeric walks over to Paige. He places the beetle amulet on Paige's chest and stands between Paige and the mummy. He recites another spell and a bright light flows out of the mummy and into Paige. Paige wakes up and Jeric goes to her.) Welcome back, my love.", "(They kiss.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper is there, pacing up and down the room.]", "Piper: Leo! Leo, come on, I need you.", "(Leo/Jeric orbs in wearing an orange prison outfit. Piper gasps and blows him up. Leo/Jeric orbs back in.)", "Leo/Jeric: What'd you do that for?", "Piper: Leo? Is that you?", "(Leo looks down and realises he's still morphed as Jeric.)", "Leo: Oh, (he morphs back into himself) sorry, I forgot.", "(He chuckles.)", "Piper: You forgot? What are you doing? And what are you wearing?", "Leo: This? They gave it to me in jail when they arrested me. Well, not me obviously, Jeric, or so they think. I just figured it would help Darryl get a promotion.", "Piper: I can't handle this right now.", "Leo: What? I told you I was gonna have to break a few rules.", "Piper: No-no-no, you don't understand. This is the least of our problems, which oughta give you an idea how bad our problems actually are.", "Leo: Come on, it can't be that bad.", "Piper: Unless I'm mistaken, Cole has teamed up with Jeric and tricked me into getting Paige possessed and Phoebe mummified.", "(Piper screws up her face and pulls at her maternity top.)", "Leo: What?", "Piper: I've had it with this outfit!", "(She storms out the room.)", "[Cut to Piper's bedroom. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Leo: What are you gonna do?", "Piper: What does it look like I'm gonna do?", "(She starts to undo her top and walks into the closet.)", "Leo: I meant about Paige and Phoebe.", "Piper: Well, you're gonna orb me back there so I can kick some demon ass and honey, you know, you can change too. Felon orange isn't exactly your colour. (Leo opens the dresser and gets out some clothes.) I should've never gone to Cole in the first place. I don't know what I was thinking.", "Leo: You were thinking about saving Phoebe.", "Piper: Yeah, that worked out really well, didn't it? (Leo starts to change.) The one thing I don't understand is why Cole sent me back here. I mean, he could've sent me to the far reaches of the universe or worse but he didn't.", "Leo: Cole sent you back? From where?", "Piper: The only thing I can think of is that he needs me for something. But what?", "Leo: Well, whatever it is going back there, wherever there is, it'd be exactly what he wants you to do.", "(Leo finishes changing and Piper walks out of the closet wearing a black top and jeans.)", "Piper: Yeah, okay, but I'm not gonna leave my sisters in Egypt with two demonic perverts. I'm the reason they're in this mess. I lost Paige because I was trying to save Phoebe.", "Leo: Cole would never hurt Phoebe, you know that. And he must need Paige for a reason. Otherwise why go through the trouble to get her?", "Piper: So what am I supposed to do?", "Leo: You're gonna do what you do best. You're gonna go on the offensive and you're gonna summon Cole before he summons you.", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "[Scene: Egypt. Pyramid. Paige/Isis is lying on the table on her stomach, being massaged by Jeric.]", "Paige/Isis: Ohh, right there. That's perfect.", "Jeric: Yes, you're rather tense.", "Paige/Isis: It's not me, it's this witch. She's overworked this body and she doesn't deserve it.", "Jeric: Well, you'll have to finish the Power of Three spell if you expect to take it from her.", "Paige/Isis: I will, in a bit.", "Jeric: You can't put it off any longer. This witch is as powerful as the last and she'll burn out just as quickly.", "Paige/Isis: Just a minute more?", "Jeric: Sorry, I think you're relaxed enough.", "Paige: I don't. But then again, I always have been such a bad girl.", "Jeric: We can be bad later.", "(Cole walks in.)", "Cole: Playtime's over, boys and girls.", "Jeric: Do you mind?", "Cole: No, I don't.", "Jeric: Well, I do.", "Cole: Did I ever tell you, Jeric, that I have eyes for only one witch. How's the spell going?", "Paige/Isis: I was just about to finish it.", "Jeric: She can't expel the witch's soul without the Power of Three. How are you gonna get it for us?", "Cole: Look around. We're only one sister short.", "Jeric: Yes, but your love is a mummy. You can't expect her to read a spell.", "Cole: Well, she doesn't have to. If her spirit is trapped inside, all her sisters have to do is touch her to tap into the power.", "Jeric: And what about the third witch? I doubt she'll read the spell willingly.", "Cole: Leave it to me. I can be quite persuasive.", "Jeric: Yes, well, you better be. Because Isis is the only one that can bring Phoebe back. And if my love doesn't get what she wants yours will stay wrapped up forever.", "Paige/Isis: It's done. The rhyme's a tad childish but it should work.", "Cole: Oh, good. All we need now is...", "(Suddenly, Cole disappears in a swirl of lights.)", "Jeric: The witch must have taken him.", "Paige: Oh, he'll be back. The important thing is we're alone.", "Jeric: Isis...", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper is there waiting. Cole appears in a swirl of lights.]", "Cole: Well, I guess I should've seen this coming.", "Piper: I want my sisters back now, Cole.", "Cole: Or what? You've got nothing, Piper. You can't even vanquish me.", "(She tries to blow him up and sparks fly off him.)", "Piper: Doesn't mean I won't try.", "Cole: Okay, if that's the way you want to play it. (He throws an energy ball at Piper and her protective shield splits the energy ball in two, making them hit objects across the room.) Ahh, impressive.", "Piper: Wait.", "(Piper tries to blow him up again and this time sends him flying across the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Egypt. Pyramid. Paige/Isis and Jeric are leaning against a post, kissing passionately.]", "Jeric: Isis. Should we be doing this?", "Paige: It's my body now.", "Jeric: No, I mean, how are you feeling?", "Paige: I love that you care.", "(They continue kissing and he carries her over to the table. He touches her forehead and feels her sweating.)", "Jeric: Oh, no. Isis, Isis, not yet.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper and Cole are still trying to vanquish each other. Leo rushes in.]", "Leo: Hey! What are you guys doing? You're both invincible. This is just pointless.", "Cole: The man's got a point, Piper, the sooner we stop this, the sooner you can save one of your sisters.", "Piper: What do you mean one?", "Cole: I mean, that you're gonna have to choose between them and if you don't, they'll both die.", "Leo: Why? Are you gonna kill them?", "Cole: No, I'm not gonna do anything, the cards have already been dealt. I'm just giving you guys your options.", "Piper: You're delusional if you think I'm gonna choose between my sisters.", "Cole: Am I? Isis is the only one who knows how to revive Phoebe and she's not gonna do that unless you cast a spell to reject Paige's spirit from her body.", "Piper: I won't do that, Paige would die.", "Cole: Fine. Then eject Isis' spirit instead. Then of course, you'd be saving Paige and killing Phoebe, because without Isis, there's no way to revive her.", "Leo: What about Jeric? He mummifies, can't he de-mummify?", "Cole: He traps spirits, he doesn't bring bodies back to life, that's Isis' job. So, of course as you can see, you have to make a choice.", "Piper: You sick b*st*rd. I can't choose and I won't.", "Cole: Then they'll both die.", "Leo: Come on. You're not gonna kill Phoebe.", "Cole: Well, that is why I am banking on your lovely wife choosing to save her. I mean, come on, after all, she's, like your what, half-sister? You didn't grow up with her or anything, you've only known her for like a year and a half, right? So compared to Phoebe she's like a stranger.", "Piper: She's still my sister and I will find another way.", "Cole: There is no other way and if you waste time looking for one, they'll both die.", "Piper: How can you be so evil?", "Cole: It's a gift.", "Piper: Get out. Get out now.", "Cole: But when you've made a decision, you call me, okay. Paige, Phoebe, Phoebe, Paige. Call me.", "(He disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper is sitting on the couch. Leo comes down the stairs.]", "Leo: There's nothing in the book that'll help or from the Elders.", "(Leo sits down beside Piper.)", "Piper: I can't do this, Leo.", "Leo: We can't let them both die either.", "Piper: I know that. How can I be so powerful and so helpless at the same time?", "Leo: Piper, your strength isn't in your invincibility, it's within you. And believe it or not, you are strong enough to do this.", "Piper: To do what? Kill one of my sisters?", "Leo: Or not. Maybe there's another way. I don't know what it is but whatever it is the solution is within you. Look, I know this isn't fair but like it or not this is the way that it is. Look, you are going to have to call Cole back soon, if you hope to save even one of your sisters.", "(Piper starts to cry.)", "Piper: How am I supposed to decide?", "Leo: Listen to you heart, honey. What does it tell you?", "Piper: It's telling me that I have to choose.", "[Scene: Egypt. Pyramid. Jeric is at Paige/Isis' side, stroking her hair.]", "Jeric: He'll be back with the witch soon.", "Paige/Isis: What if he's late?", "Jeric: He won't be.", "(Cole appears with Piper. She pulls away her hand.)", "Cole: You're welcome. Apparently she has made up her mind so drum roll please.", "Piper: Let's just get this over with.", "(She walks over to the tables.)", "Jeric: Who are you gonna save?", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Cole: The suspense was killing me.", "Piper: You do realise once this is over, I will find a way to vanquish you.", "Cole: You do realise when this is over I might vanquish you.", "Jeric: Enough. Isis is running out of time. The spell.", "(He holds out a piece of paper.)", "Piper: I've got one of my own, thanks.", "Cole: Ahh, got something up your sleeve, do you Piper?", "Piper: I wish. Paige, I know you can hear me and I know you understand, but I can't lose Phoebe.", "Paige: Just do it.", "Piper: \"Two worn souls now burn inside where only once can reside, I call upon the Power of Three to save the body and set Paige free.\"", "(Paige's spirit rises out of her body and vanishes. Paige sits up.)", "Jeric: Isis. (He rushes over to her and helps her off the table.) Did it work?", "Paige: Yes, it did. And I know just how to celebrate.", "(She knees him in the groin and he doubles over in pain.)", "Cole: Ooh.", "(Piper tries to blow Cole up and he flies across the room. Paige goes over to the mummy and recites a spell. The mummy wrappings glow and vanish. Phoebe gasps and sits up.)", "Jeric: Isis?", "Paige: You really can't mess with sisters.", "(Piper blows Jeric up.)", "Piper: Well, at least they're together now.", "(Cole gets up off the floor and claps his hands.)", "Cole: Bravo, bravo. Congratulations, well done. You know, I gotta admit, I thought I had you there for a moment but you never really did choose, did you?", "Piper: I didn't have to. I figured if Isis knew the spell to free Phoebe than Paige would know it as well.", "Cole: Hmm, oh well, next time.", "Phoebe: Next time? What happened to you, Cole?", "Cole: Me? I've gone mad.", "(Cole disappears.)", "Piper: No offence but we really need to find a way to kill him.", "Paige: I'd say that's an understatement.", "Phoebe: I wish it was that easy.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe and Paige are there with moisturising masks on their face and their hair done up in curlers. Piper walks in carrying shopping bags. She gasps when she sees Phoebe and Paige.]", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: Oh my god, you two could scare the hair off a cat, no demon dare drop by here.", "Paige: We're just playing hooky.", "Piper: Uh-huh. Well, Paige, you can't play hooky 'cause see, you're unemployed.", "Paige: I resent that. I consider my witchly duties to be a full time job, thank you very much.", "Phoebe: We're having a day of beauty. I'm showing Paige how to pamper herself.]", "Piper: You're beauteous.", "Paige: I'm getting quite good at it. I like it, it's free.", "Piper: Mm-hmm. Well, I'm glad, it's about time.", "Paige: It is, isn't it? I've been so long overdue, I'm so put upon. Really.", "Piper: Wow, turn a girl into an Egyptian princess for a day and look what happens. By the way, Lieutenant Morris called to say thank you.", "Paige: Oh, he got his promotion, that's so great.", "Phoebe: Yay.", "Piper: Yeah, apparently he got credit for the arrest despite Leo's little jailbreak.", "Paige: Whatcha got there?", "Piper: Maternity clothes, as if you didn't know already.", "Paige: You caved.", "Piper: Yes, the time has come. But I've come to the conclusion that if you've got it, then you must flaunt it.", "(She lifts the bottom of her top to show her round stomach.)", "Phoebe: That's my niece in that belly!", "Paige: She's my niece too.", "Phoebe: Hi, niece! (Piper strikes a pose.) It's your favourite Aunt Phoebe!" ]
Y Tu Mummy Tambien
[ "In his twisted attempt to win Phoebe back, Cole casts a spell that alters reality, which eliminates Paige as a Halliwell and destroys the Power of Three. Meanwhile, Paige suddenly finds that her sisters have no knowledge of her existence and that past villains are still alive, meaning all the innocents they saved are dead. Paige recreates the Power of Three and regains her powers. Using them, she retrieves the vanquishing potion she made to kill the vulnerable Cole and prepares to finally kill him, but is stopped by Phoebe. Cole does not try to escape, thinking Phoebe loves him too much to kill him, but Phoebe throws the potion herself, finally killing Cole. Cole's death reverts the world to normal and only Paige remembers what happened." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Attic. It's empty. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: Paige? Come on, Paige, I know you're here, you summoned me. (He hears a noise.) Paige? Paige?", "(An invisible Paige creeps up behind him and jumps into his body. He squirms around in pain and explodes into millions of white lights. Paige becomes visible.)", "Paige: Ha! That is a vanquish!", "(Leo orbs in, not impressed.)", "Leo: Damn it, Paige. I would appreciate it if you didn't practice on me. I may be dead but it still hurts!", "Paige: I am sorry, Leo, but I think I came up with a perfect way to vanquish Cole. I kept thinking... what is it that makes him so indestructible? And then I thought, it's his protection shield. So I came up with a potion that makes me invisible long enough so I can get past it, say a spell and blow him up from the inside.", "Leo: Firstly, congratulations, cool potion.", "Paige: Thank you.", "Leo: Secondly, it will never work. Okay, even if it does, it's not something you should be going at alone. Whatever the ultimate solution is it lies within the Power of Three.", "Paige: Yeah, well, we have tried that. Besides, I'm a witch too and I don't see why I can't try to operate on my own every once in a while.", "Leo: You can and you have but Cole is different and you know it.", "Paige: No, I don't know that, Leo. Now, I have worked really hard on this by myself for days, I know I can do this. And I wanna do it. For Phoebe.", "(She storms out of the attic.)", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. The elevator doors open and Cole walks out. He puts his wallet and keys on a side table. He picks up a photo of him and Phoebe and sighs. He looks into the mirror.]", "Cole: Happy Birthday.", "(He walks into the living room, still carrying the photo. Paige, invisible, creeps in from the balcony. He puts the photo down and Paige jumps into his body. He squirms around and then explodes. Paige becomes visible.)", "Paige: I did it. (She hears a noise.) Oops.", "(Cole's blown up particles start to form together and knocks Paige over the balcony. Cole fully forms together and is angry. Paige flies out of the city and falls into a river. She pokes her head out of the water and sneezes.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Eve are there. Piper is sitting balanced on a large rubber ball, taking deep breaths in and out.]", "Phoebe: And breathe, two, three, four. And relax, two, three, four. And breathe, two, three...", "(Piper loses her balance and falls off the ball.)", "Leo: Are you alright?", "Piper: No, I am not alright.", "(Leo helps her up.)", "Phoebe: Okay, come on, back on the ball.", "Piper: You get back on the ball, I quit.", "Eve: It's hard at first, I know, Piper, but the birthing ball really can make the delivery much easier, especially for home births.", "Piper: Hospital, people. How many times do I have to tell you crazy people? Hospital, I'm going to the hospital.", "Phoebe: What about water birth? Can we do that at home?", "Eve: Sure, we can rent a tub.", "Piper: What am I, a dolphin? I'm not giving birth to fish.", "Leo: Well, actually, dolphins aren't fish, they're mammals.", "Piper: Shut up!", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Hey, guys, sorry I'm late, I over slept. Hi, Eve.", "Eve: That's okay, we're just getting started.", "Leo: Late night?", "Paige: As a matter of fact, yes.", "(Eve pulls a white plastic tube out of her bag. Piper's eyes widen.)", "Piper: What the hell is that?", "Eve: Uh, nipple enhancer. For breast feeding.", "(Phoebe chuckles. Eve turns back to her bag and scrounges around for something. Paige sneezes and orbs out and back in.)", "Phoebe: Gesundheit.", "Paige: Thanks, I've been sneezing my head off all morning.", "Leo: Not to mention the rest of you.", "Eve: A little ginger root and raspberry leaf will take care of that. Old gypsy remedy.", "Piper: I think we got some of that in the kitchen. Why don't you go see if we got some of that in the kitchen?", "Eve: Sure. Be right back.", "(Eve leaves the room.)", "Paige: What?", "Piper: Hi.", "(They walk into the living room.)", "Paige: What?", "Piper: Do you not realise that you just sneezed and orbed at the same time?", "Phoebe: Ooh, it's a good thing Eve didn't see that.", "Paige: Well, we saved her gypsy clan. I think she'd be fine with it.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, it's one thing to know and it's another thing to actually see it.", "Leo: I'm more interested in why it happened. What caused it? I think you should tell them.", "Paige: Fine. I tried to vanquish Cole last night.", "Piper: What?", "Paige: I know, don't do the big sister guilt thing, okay. I knew what I was doing and it almost worked until I got all wet.", "Leo: I tried to talk her out of it.", "Phoebe: Paige, you could've been killed.", "Paige: So what else is knew? I just wanted to give you a little peace.", "Phoebe: That's very sweet, but I don't need Cole to be vanquished to find peace. I'm okay, really, I am free of him emotionally.", "Piper: And besides, I thought we agreed to take a vanquishing hiatus during my last trimester.", "Paige: Well, that's why I didn't want to bother you.", "Piper: Well, you should've because this is not something you can do by yourself.", "Paige: Obviously I disagreed.", "(She storms out.)", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole and one of the Avatars are there.]", "Cole: My problems are none of your concern. All that should matter to you is that I'm willing to join your kind, become an Avatar.", "Avatar: I understand, and we're pleased to hear it. Still, I can not but wonder why now? After all this time?", "Cole: You have unlimited powers, don't you?", "Avatar: We have the power to elevate powers such as yours, to raise them above the restraints of good and evil.", "Cole: Which makes them unlimited, yes?", "Avatar: Yes.", "Cole: Then that's why for now. Which means I assume, that I can use these powers to manipulate, say, time? Reality even?", "Avatar: Understand, Cole, these powers are not meant to be used for personal vendettas. They're meant to be used with others like us. To shape a future we control.", "Cole: Oh, I understand very well indeed. And believe me, I'm all for it. But I need to take care of something first and to do that I need unlimited powers.", "Avatar: I'm afraid that can't be allowed.", "Cole: Then I'm afraid I can't join you. Who are you kidding? You need me. Otherwise you would've come to me in the first place. Just one favour, that's all I ask. Then I'm yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Michelle Branch sings \"Goodbye To You\" on the stage. She finishes and everyone cheers.]", "DJ: Michelle Branch, everyone!", "(Piper, Phoebe, Darryl and his wife are sitting around a table. Leo walks up carrying glasses and champagne.)", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Leo: Glasses.", "Phoebe: Okay. (Leo hands Phoebe the glasses and she hands them around.) Here you go.", "(Leo sits down.)", "Piper: A toast to Lieutenant Morris. Congratulations.", "(They hold up their glasses.)", "Darryl: Wait, shouldn't we wait for Paige?", "Phoebe: Um, I don't think she's gonna make it because she has a really bad cold. Cheers!", "(They all clink their glasses together.)", "Piper: Long overdue.", "(Paige walks down the stairs and Phoebe notices.)", "Phoebe: Uh, we'll be right back.", "Piper: We will? (Piper sees Paige.) We will.", "Phoebe: Uh, Leo, keep pouring.", "(Piper and Phoebe get up and go over to Paige.)", "Darryl: Don't mind them, they do that a lot.", "[Cut to Piper, Phoebe and Paige.]", "Paige: Hi guys.", "Phoebe: Are you out of your mind? What are you doing here?", "Paige: Um, going to Darryl's party?", "Piper: The sneezing, Paige, the sneezing.", "Paige: Oh, that, no, Eve's little miracle cure worked great. I haven't sneezed all day. Is that Darryl's wife? She's cute.", "(She takes a step forward but Piper and Phoebe stop her.)", "Piper: Wait, wait, wait, wait. First we chat.", "Phoebe: Come on.", "(Piper and Paige walk over to a table and sit down.)", "Paige: I told you, everything's fine.", "Piper: No, it's not about that.", "Phoebe: It's about this morning when you left. You seemed really upset.", "Paige: Oh, that? No, I was just having a girlie mood, you know.", "Piper: No, I think we all know it's a little bit more than that. Something's been bugging you so why don't you just talk to us.", "Paige: Okay. You really wanna know? I've just been feeling a little suppressed lately. It's not your problem, it's my problem. And I know you guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me, I do.", "Piper: But? There's a but.", "Paige: I just feel like, you know, having been an only child for twenty-five years, I'm used to doing everything on my own. And it seems like lately I've had to do everything by committee and it just...", "Phoebe: You feel like you've lost yourself along the way?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Piper: Okay, so what can we do?", "Paige: It's not you, it's me. I just think maybe I need to start looking for my own place to live.", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. Cole and the Avatar are there. Cole is kneeling down in front of the Avatar, a white light shining out of the Avatar's hands and into Cole's forehead. The Avatar is chanting. He finishes and lowers his hands, stopping the light.]", "Avatar: Well, how do you feel?", "Cole: I feel alive. Powerful.", "(He stands up.)", "Avatar: You are on of us now. Come.", "Cole: Uh-uh-uh. Not so fast. First I get my wife back once and for all.", "Avatar: That's what you wanted? Your new powers can't affect love.", "Cole: Maybe not. But I'm hoping it'll change the one event that lead to our downfall. The day that Phoebe met her new sister. The day the Charmed Ones were reconstituted.", "Avatar: Go back in time?", "Cole: No, better. Undo what was to change what is. We were at our best, Phoebe and I, before Paige. If they hadn't have found each other, we'd be married instead.", "Avatar: You have no idea what you're getting into. Changing the past to create an alternate reality has unforseen consequences, Cole. Even for you. The ripple effect of even one small change could...", "Cole: I don't care! I am not spending another hundred birthdays without her.", "(The Avatar disappears. Cole starts to chant.)", "[Cut to P3. Paige feels a sneeze coming on and holds her nose.]", "Piper: Oh, no, you don't. No sneezing.", "Phoebe: Back hall, back hall, back hall.", "(They get up and head for the office.)", "Piper: Look out, people. Pregnant lady coming through.", "[Cut to the office. Piper and Paige walk in and close the door. Paige sneezes and orbs out.]", "[Cut to Cole's apartment. Cole finishes the chant and the room spins around.]", "[Cut to P3. Office. It's empty and dark. Paige orbs back in.]", "Paige: Oh, major sneeze. Hey, who turned out the lights? And the heat? (She puts on her coat.) Piper... (She turns to find Piper gone.) Piper?", "(She goes to the door and turns the knob. The door falls off its hinges and crashes to the floor. She looks out to an abandoned room where P3 once was. There is rubbish all over the floor and overturned furniture. She walks through the filthy room and shivers. She spots the P3 sign, broken and lying on the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Continued from before. Paige continues to walk around the room, stepping over rubbish.]", "Paige: Leo! Leo! (A pile of rubbish rustles and a bum climbs out from under it. Paige jumps.) Oh, god, you scared me.", "Bum: Who are you? Wh-what are you doing here?", "Paige: I could ask you the same thing. (He pulls out a knife and points it at Paige.) Hey, it's o-okay.", "Bum: This is my crib!", "Paige: Your crib? This is my sisters' club. Knife! Knife! (Nothing happens.) What the hell is wrong with my powers? (The bum attacks her and she flips him onto the ground. Frightened, he gets up and runs out of the club.) Leo! (Leo orbs in and looks around.) Damn it, where the hell have you been?", "Leo: Who are you?", "Paige: Are you kidding? You're not kidding. It's me, Paige, your sister in-law.", "Leo: Look, I don't know who you are, lady, and I don't have time for games. All hell is breaking loose out there, so if you don't mind...", "Paige: Have you lost your mind? Do you notice anything different?", "Leo: No, not really. So if you'll excuse me.", "(He starts to orb out.)", "Paige: Wait. (He orbs back in.) Uh, I'm your charge too. How else could you have heard my call? (He realises she's right.) Thank you. I just don't understand how all this could've happened.", "Leo: How what could've happened?", "Paige: This! Piper's club. It's totalled. Doesn't that strike you as the least bit odd?", "Leo: You know Piper?", "Paige: Of course. Leo, the club.", "Leo: What about it? It's been like this for over a year. Ever since Piper walked away from it, right after Prue died.", "Paige: That is not true. The club is kicking ass. Michelle Branch was just playing here and I sneezed and then I or... orbed out. Maybe if I sneeze again. (She sneezes.) Did I orb?", "Leo: How do you know about orbing? And Piper?", "Paige: Just take me to her. She'll figure all this out, she always does. Please. What have you got to lose?", "(She takes his hand and they orb out.)", "[Cut to a place outside where there are overturned cars, tires, and barrels with fires inside. A dead body lays on the ground. Up on a hill, Leo and Paige orb in behind a large mound of dirt.]", "Paige: What are we doing here?", "Leo: Shh, Piper's hunting.", "(A Lazarus Demon smokes in beside the body. He kneels down and smells the body.)", "Piper: Hey! (Piper stands up on a large crate near by. She is wearing black, tight leather clothes, and is not pregnant. She freezes the Lazarus Demon and jumps down onto the ground.) Feeding time, huh? (She unfreezes just his head.) Knew you'd take the bait.", "Lazarus Demon: What'd you do to me? Unfreeze me, witch.", "Piper: Sure, no problem. Just as soon as you tell me where I can find Shax.", "[Behind the mound of dirt.]", "Paige: Shax? What's she talking about? We vanquished him already.", "Leo: Nobody's vanquished Shax. Ever since he killed Prue, Piper's been obsessed with getting revenge on him.", "[Down below.]", "Lazarus Demon: Go to hell.", "Piper: I'm already there.", "(Piper blows up the Lazarus Demon and turns him into a pile of dust. She turns to leave. Paige runs down the hill. Leo follows.)", "Paige: Wait!", "(Piper turns around and gets ready to blow her up.)", "Leo: Piper, don't!", "Paige: Oh my god, you're not pregnant anymore.", "Piper: Who are you? Leo, what are you doing here?", "Paige: It's me, your sister, Paige.", "Piper: Look, if this is some lame attempt from the Elders to try and lure me back, you can forget it. Tell them to shove it because I have no loyalties to them anymore, and I don't have any to you.", "Paige: Hey! That's no way to speak to your husband.", "Leo: We're divorced. Have been for a while.", "Paige: Okay, what bizarre world have I sneezed my way into? You two are married and you're expecting, a magical child no less. And you, you're not La Femme Nikita. You're a Charmed One. You don't mind kicking ass when you have to, but otherwise, you'd rather be hanging out with your sisters, baking cookies or knitting booties.", "Piper: Knitting booties? Clearly you don't know me at all.", "Paige: Oh, yeah? Well, how come I know you didn't really vanquish the Lazarus demon?", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Paige: As a breed, they resurrect. The only way to keep their remains down is to bury them in a cemetery. (Piper starts to walk off.) Please, stay.", "(The pile of dust on the ground resurrects into the Lazarus Demon.)", "Leo: Piper! (The Lazarus Demon picks up a long pipe and throws it at Piper. She ducks and blows him up.) How did you know that was gonna happen?", "Paige: Because we've fought him before in the real world.", "Piper: What do you mean we?", "Paige: We. Me, you, Phoebe. Your sisters. Oh, god, this is getting me no where. Just orb me to Phoebe.", "Leo: I can't go to the manor anymore, it's forbidden.", "Paige: What? Fine, I'll do it myself. But when I fix this, you owe me.", "(She storms off.)", "[Scene: Outside the manor. Cole is there leaning against a car. He looks at the changed manor. An iron fence now surrounds it and a demon guard stands on the porch. The Avatar appears behind him.]", "Avatar: What are you waiting for?", "Cole: What are you doing here? I thought I was the only one to cross over.", "Avatar: That won't be your last miscalculation I'm afraid. Avatars exist outside of time and space. That's why I'm immune to you spell. A spell which I beg you to reverse before it's too late.", "Cole: Too late for what?", "Avatar: For you to die. You're not invincible in this reality, Cole. By changing that one critical event, you've changed even more than you see before you. You've changed you.", "Cole: What are you talking about? I don't feel any different.", "Avatar: But you are different. You've assumed the identity of the Cole in this reality. The one who used to be known as Belthazor, the Source's right hand man. A powerful demon to be sure, but hardly indestructible.", "Cole: Belthazor, huh? I told you, that's when Phoebe and I were at our best.", "Avatar: Cole, please, believe me. You have no future here. But I promise, you'll have a future with us, if you'll only undo what you've done.", "Cole: I can't. I have to play this out first.", "(He heads for the manor. The Avatar disappears.)", "[Cut inside the manor. Foyer. Cole walks in. He walks past a demon guard and checks out a large marble statue.]", "Cole: Hm. (He looks in the living room and sees a pool table sitting in the middle of the room.) Oh.", "(He walks in and walks around the room, impressed with what he sees. He opens double doors to another room and the room is full of people.)", "Everyone: Surprise! Happy Birthday! (More people appear in the living room behind him.) Surprise! (Cole grins and walks into the crowd. They pat him on the back. Someone brings in a green and red three layered birthday cake, with Happy 100th Birthday written in icing.) Speech, speech, speech, speech, speech, speech, speech.", "Cole: I really don't know what to say. Um... I'm surprised, very surprised. My compliments. It's a great cake.", "Cake Decorator: Thank you, my liege. Although, I must admit, I thought you were actually one hundred and seventeen.", "(The Cake Decorator chuckles but the crowd groans. Suddenly, he bursts into flames and is vanquished. The Seer walks into the room.)", "Seer: I know how sensitive you are about your age. Happy birthday.", "Cole: Seer, you're alive. (The Seer laughs and so does the crowd.) So, uh, where's Phoebe? (No answer.) Answer me.", "(Phoebe walks down the stairs wearing a red dress and a huge diamond necklace. Everyone turns to look. Cole walks over to her.)", "Phoebe: What's the matter? Not what you expected?", "Cole: No, you look, you look, great, really.", "Phoebe: Did you just give me a compliment?", "Cole: You have no idea how happy I am to see you.", "(He leans in to kiss her on the lips but she turns her head and he kisses her cheek instead. She pushes him away.)", "Phoebe: What the hell is the matter with you?", "(She walks over to a handsome man and he kisses her hand. The Seer walks up to Cole.)", "Seer: Don't worry about her. My visions have not changed. Once she conceives your magical heir, you won't need to keep up pretences anymore. I'll take it from there.", "(Paige walks through the crowd looking for Phoebe. She spots Cole with the Seer. She then sees Phoebe walk into the kitchen and follows.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. A chef and a waitress are there. Phoebe barges in.]", "Phoebe: Leave me.", "(The chef and waitress immediately leave. Phoebe goes over and pulls a cigarette and lighter out of a drawer. She lights it and takes a puff. Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Phoebe. (Phoebe quickly puts out the cigarette and coughs. She turns to Paige.) You don't recognise me. That's okay, Piper didn't either.", "Phoebe: Piper? You know Piper? How is she?", "Paige: She's, uh, different. Look, I don't have a lot of time so I'm just gonna drop this on you. I am your long lost sister Paige. I know, it sounds crazy but it's true. We're all sisters in the real world.", "Phoebe: Guards!", "Paige: Look, I don't know how he did it, but Cole somehow switched realities in his twisted attempt to get you back. I somehow slipped through the cracks and landed here, I don't know how either. But I need your help in order to turn things back to the way they're supposed to be.", "(Darryl walks in.)", "Darryl: You called?", "Paige: Darryl, hi.", "Phoebe: Get rid of her.", "(Darryl walks over to Paige and grabs her arm.)", "Paige: No, what are you doing?", "Phoebe: What bodyguards do.", "(Paige grabs a frying pan and hits Darryl over the head, knocking him out. Phoebe picks up a knife and points it at Paige.)", "Paige: Phoebe, I know you better than you know yourself right now, in your heart of hearts, you know you are not meant to be with Cole. In this other life you are free of him and you're happy.", "(Darryl wakes up and grabs his gun. Paige hears him and runs outside as Darryl fires. Darryl follows.)", "[Cut to outside. Paige runs down the driveway with Darryl following.]", "Paige: Leo! Leo! (Paige trips and rolls down the driveway. Darryl points his gun.) Leo!", "(Leo orbs in. Darryl recognises Leo. Leo orbs out with Paige and Darryl shoots.)", "[Cut to a cemetery. Leo orbs in with Paige.]", "Paige: Thanks, that was cutting it a little close, don't you think?", "Leo: You're lucky I came at all.", "Paige: I'm lucky? You're lucky. Without me, we're all screwed. I'm the only one who can fix this thing.", "Leo: Oh, yeah?", "Paige: Oh, god, it's just so weird. Cole living at the manor, all those demons we vanquished wandering around alive. Wait a second, if the demons are alive then that means all the innocents we saved are... dead.", "Leo: Not just the innocents, Paige.", "Paige: What are you talking about? (She looks around.) What are we doing here?", "(Leo turns to a grave marker. Paige looks down. It reads PAIGE MATTHEWS - BORN 1975 DIED 2001.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cemetery. Paige and Leo are there. Continued from before.]", "Leo: After you left, I went and checked with the Elders. They confirmed your story that there was in fact another sister. Only they didn't know until it was too late, until after the Source had already had you killed.", "Paige: This really sucks.", "Leo: Well, it explains why none of us knew you. We never got a chance to meet you.", "Paige: So, what, you believe me now?", "Leo: I'm not sure what I believe. The fact is you're here and you're not supposed to be.", "Paige: Okay, so we've established the fact that I am here, how come I don't have my powers?", "Leo: Because you're not living your life anymore. You're living hers. You must have taken over our Paige's life in this reality, or at least, the life she would have lived had she not been killed. Since she never met her sisters...", "Paige: The Power of Three never got back together and I never got my powers. Lucky me.", "Leo: Luckier than you think maybe. If you hadn't sneezed when you did and orbed into the neutral plane, nobody would've ever known.", "Paige: Cole would've. He's the one behind this. He altered reality to eliminate me and get Phoebe back. But it's not working. She hates him as much in this reality as she does in ours. The problem is she's trapped here.", "Leo: Your reality sounds a lot better than this one. Not just for Phoebe. So, uh, how can I help you get it back?", "Paige: I need my sisters.", "Piper: Well, maybe we can start with two and go from there.", "(Paige turns to see Piper approaching them.)", "Paige: What are you doing here?", "Piper: Burying the Lazarus Demon. I figured if you were right about that, you were probably right about everything else as well.", "(Paige smiles.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Cole is there playing pool by himself. Darryl and The Seer are watching near by.]", "Darryl: Whoever she was, she had to be a witch, otherwise she couldn't have called for a Whitelighter in the first place.", "Seer: (to Cole) Your wife consorting with other witches again? I don't like it.", "Cole: Hmm.", "Darryl: And it wasn't just any Whitelighter, either. It was Leo.", "Seer: Leo? Did he make contact with Phoebe?", "Darryl: No. Just the other one. Although, I don't know why the witch was here to begin with.", "Seer: (to Cole) I think you need to have a conversation with your wife.", "Cole: Let me get this straight. You work for me now, is that right?", "Seer: Excuse us. (Darryl leaves the room. The Seer walks over to Cole.) What's the matter? Not feeling well?", "Cole: Why?", "Seer: You seem a little off today, that's all. You wanted to kill the cop but your wife cast a spell. She wanted to make him useful, save him. Remember?", "Cole: I do now.", "Seer: Forgive me, my liege, but your enemies are many and they are everywhere. Any perceived weakness on your part could leave you vulnerable. (Cole sees Phoebe and a demon, arms around each other. She laughs and leads him upstairs. Cole is not happy. He drops the pool cue on the table and heads for the stairs.) What are you doing?", "Cole: I'm gonna kill that b*st*rd.", "Seer: No! What's the matter with you? You both have your affairs. That's no secret.", "Cole: What?", "Seer: Darla.", "(A pretty blonde woman turns around and walks over to Cole.)", "Cole: Who's this?", "Darla: Who I always am, baby. (She whispers in his ear.) Whoever you want me to be.", "Cole: I want Phoebe, understand me? (Cole pushes Darla away.) It's the only damn reason I went through all of this.", "Seer: Went through all what?", "(Cole goes upstairs.)", "Darla: I think we should report this.", "[Scene: P3. Piper, Paige and Leo are there.]", "Piper: So you say the club is still pretty successful in this alleged other reality of yours?", "Paige: Not alleged, it's real, and it's really good.", "Piper: Oh, yeah? Am I a millionaire?", "Paige: No, not that good. Listen, if we wanna get this place back to how it used to be, we really oughta...", "Piper: How is it that we don't know about you? That we had another sister?", "Leo: Half-sister, apparently.", "Paige: Right. Cliff notes version. Our mum had an affair with her Whitelighter Sam, but because the whole witch-Whitelighter rule thing, they had to give me up at birth. But when the Elders realised they needed me to remake the Charmed Ones, they tossed out that stupid rule. Which as far as I'm concerned, paved the way for you and Leo to be able to keep your baby.", "Piper: Well, how pregnant am I exactly?", "Paige: Phoebe and I are practicing to be your midwives as we speak. We're preparing for the big home birth.", "Piper: Home birth? You're nuts. I'd never agree to that. I wouldn't give birth unless it was in...", "Paige: A hospital. Yeah, yeah, you keep saying the same thing in any reality. Hey, who else but a sister would know that?", "Piper: We must be pretty close then, the three of us? (Paige nods.) Like Phoebe and I were with Prue.", "Paige: Yeah, close enough to have avenged Prue's death together.", "Piper: This Cole of yours must have cast a pretty powerful spell to do all of this. But if we vanquish him, the spell should automatically reverse itself.", "Paige: Right, except for we already tried to vanquish him, he's become invincible in our world.", "Leo: Yes, but we're not in your world, you're in ours, so is he. So if you've assumed our Paige's life, he must've assumed Belthazor's.", "Paige: Yeah, he would've.", "Piper: Did you guys try to vanquish Belthazor ever?", "Paige: No, but you and Prue almost tried. You guys had a vanquishing potion, right?", "Piper: How do you know that?", "Paige: Book of Shadows. Also says that it needs a piece of his flesh to make it work.", "Leo: That's right, it did.", "Piper: Alright then. (Piper pulls out a knife.) Let's go hunting.", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe and the demon are on the bed kissing. Cole barges in and they jump up, startled.]", "Demon: Sorry, my liege. But I thought... I didn't think...", "(Cole throws an energy ball at the demon and vanquishes him.)", "Phoebe: Are you kidding me? What did you do that for?", "Cole: What'd I do what for? You're in here screwing some guy, I'm supposed to ignore it? You're my wife, damn it!", "(Phoebe pulls her dress back on.)", "Phoebe: You have got to be kidding me. After all this time, now you're playing the aggrieved husband? Ha.", "(Cole is furious. He knocks some things off the dresser onto the floor.)", "Cole: You don't understand! It's all wrong. This is not the way it's meant to be here.", "(Cole walks towards Phoebe. She moves backward.)", "Phoebe: Hey, it's okay, relax.", "Cole: This is all messed up. How'd it get messed up? You have no idea what I've given up for you.", "Phoebe: What about what I've given up, Cole? I've given up my family, my heritage, my life!", "Cole: Oh, yeah? From where I'm standing it looks like you have a pretty damn good life to me.", "Phoebe: Look, the only one getting anything out of this is you. And I have no idea what that is. The only reason I'm still here is to make sure that what happened to Prue does not happen to Piper, and you know it.", "Cole: What happened to us, Phoebe? How'd we get here? We used to be so in love. Even without your sisters, it's not working. Why?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.", "(Phoebe leaves the room. Cole follows.)", "Cole: Phoebe, wait. (Piper turns the corner and stands in front of Cole.) What are you doing here?", "Piper: Saving my sister. (She uses her power and send him flying backward with a blast. He falls to the floor.) Now!", "(Leo orbs in with Paige. Paige is holding the knife.)", "Cole: You.", "Paige: Surprise.", "(She quickly goes to Cole and slices a piece of flesh of his hand. He yells in pain. Paige moves back to Piper and Cole. Phoebe runs down the hallway.)", "Phoebe: Piper. (Cole gets up and an energy ball forms in his hand.) No!", "(She grabs Cole's arm and the energy ball disappears.)", "Piper: Get us outta here.", "(Leo orbs out with Piper and Paige. Cole swings his arm and hits Phoebe, sending her to the floor. Two guards run in.)", "Cole: Go! Go get her sisters, they just attacked me!", "Guard: Sisters? You mean there's another?", "Cole: Yes, damn it! Get them and kill 'em on site.", "(The guards shimmer out.)", "Phoebe: Paige was telling the truth?", "Cole: I didn't go through all this to lose you, Phoebe. If I'm going down, you're going down with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Paige are there. They have gathered some things for the potion.]", "Paige: Toadflax, toadflax. Did Leo get the toadflax? (Piper hands her some toadflax.) Thank you. And we need a dash of cardamom, a pinch of carrot seeds... Hey, where's the mandrake root already?", "Piper: I'm impressed, you really know this stuff.", "Paige: Of course I do, I learn from the best. I learn from you.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Mandrake root.", "Paige: Alright, toss it in. (Leo puts the mandrake root in the pot.) Alright, now all we need... stand back.", "(Piper and Leo take a step backward. Paige throws in the flesh and the potion explodes.)", "Piper: Good memory.", "Leo: Is that it? Is it ready?", "Paige: Ready as it'll ever be. Can't guarantee it'll work though.", "Piper: Well, we're only gonna get once chance at it. Cole has to know why we needed his flesh. He'll be waiting.", "Leo: What about Phoebe?", "Piper: We get her out first so that he can't hurt her. (Paige bottles the potion.) Ready, sis?", "[Cut to the manor. Dining room. Piper, Paige and Leo pop their heads around the corner from the kitchen.]", "Paige: Anything?", "Piper: No.", "Paige: Okay, come on.", "(They walk into the hall. Phoebe rushes down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: What are you guys doing here? You have to leave now.", "Piper: Where's Cole?", "(Cole walks into the empty parlor.)", "Cole: Right here.", "(He throws an energy ball across the room, hitting Piper, Paige and Leo. It knocks them to the floor.)", "Phoebe: No! (Phoebe runs to their side. Cole flicks his fingers and the potion flies across the room and into his hand.) What did you do to them?", "Cole: Exactly what they were gonna do to me.", "(Paige reaches over to touch Piper's hand.)", "Paige: She's still alive, grab her hand.", "Phoebe: What?", "Cole: I don't know how you got here, Paige. But if it's any consolation, I know exactly where I'm gonna bury you. Right next to yourself.", "Paige: Grab her hand.", "(Phoebe touches Piper's hand and a light shines down on them. Cole throws an energy ball at them and it rebounds off the light. The light vanishes and Phoebe and Paige stand up.)", "Phoebe: The Power of Three.", "Paige: That's us. Potion! (The potion orbs into Paige's hand.) I do hate long goodbyes.", "(She goes to throw the potion but Phoebe stops her.)", "Phoebe: No!", "(She takes the potion off of Paige.)", "Phoebe: Phoebe, are you crazy? Throw it before he shimmers out.", "Cole: She's not gonna throw it. Are you?", "Paige: Throw the potion.", "Cole: We've been through so much together, haven't we? Our love's so strong, nothing can destroy it, not even this. We're meant to be together.", "Phoebe: I don't think so.", "(Phoebe throws the potion at Cole and he explodes and is vanquished. Suddenly, the room starts spinning around.)", "[Cut to the manor. The room stops spinning and Paige appears. She looks around.]", "Paige: Oh, please, god, tell me I'm back.", "(Pregnant Piper walks in wearing her pyjamas and holding a tub of ice-cream.)", "Piper: Oh, there you are. Where'd you orb to?", "Paige: Piper. Are you pregnant?", "Piper: Yeah. Where you been?", "Paige: Oh!", "(Paige gives Piper a hug.)", "Piper: Where have you been? What happened to your clothes?", "Paige: Time must have continued moving on in this reality too.", "Piper: I beg your pardon?", "Paige: I'm back!", "(Phoebe walks in through the front door.)", "Phoebe: Hey, what's going on?", "Piper: She's very happy.", "Paige: Phoebe!", "(Paige gives Phoebe a big hug.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Oh, oh, okay. What's the celebration?", "Paige: I'm just so happy to be home, that's all.", "Piper: You wanted to move out.", "Paige: I did? God, no, never. Well, you know, maybe when I'm married or pregnant or hopefully both at the same time. We're sisters, we shouldn't split up until we absolutely have to. You know that, right?", "Piper: She's rambling.", "Phoebe: I hear that.", "(Paige sneezes and orbs out and back in.)", "Paige: I'm still here, right?", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "Paige: I didn't go anywhere?", "Phoebe: Nope. (Paige breathes a sigh of relief.) Paige... What did you do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cole's apartment. The place is dark and empty. Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in.]", "Phoebe: Cole?", "Paige: I'm telling you, he's gone for good.", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's what we thought last time.", "Piper: And the time before that.", "Paige: This time is different. He straddled two worlds just like I did, but he wasn't invincible there. Cole's not coming back, ever.", "Piper: It just seems far too easy. I don't know how I feel about that.", "Paige: I think you should feel good about it, you know? We don't have to look over our shoulders anymore. It's over.", "(Phoebe picks up a photo of her and Cole.)", "Phoebe: I guess it just wasn't meant to be.", "Piper: Let's go.", "(They head for the door. Phoebe places the photo on a side table and looks back into the apartment. She smiles slightly and walks into the elevator.)", "Paige: Happy birthday, Cole.", "(She follows her sisters into the elevator.)" ]
Centennial Charmed
[ "When residue left from demonic vanquishes builds up in the manor, the sisters lose sleep and it takes over their lives. They call upon the Witch Doctor, whom Leo does not trust. The Witch Doctor makes a house call to the Charmed Ones but because of the massive amount of demonic energy he believes they are evil. It turns out that Leo was right not to trust him, as he tries to kill the sisters by using voodoo dolls to make them obsess and lead them down various paths of destruction. Piper becomes obsessed with cleaning, Paige becomes obsessed with marrying her ex-boyfriend Glen, and Phoebe becomes obsessed with eliminating her work rivals." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Paige's room. Paige is there lying on her bed, talking on the phone.]", "Paige: Hey, it's so good to talk to you. I was getting worried about you. You've been gone for far too long, Glen.", "Glen: Yeah, I'm sorry, I-I should've called and let you know that I was alright. I guess I, uh, ended up staying a little longer than I thought.", "Paige: That's okay, you'll just have to take me to dinner tomorrow night to make it up to me.", "Glen: Dinner... I-I can't tomorrow night, Paige, I got plans.", "Paige: Oh.", "Glen: I still wanna meet you though, I mean, I really wanna see you.", "(Paige flips through a photo album with pictures of her and Glen inside.)", "Paige: Good, 'cause, um, there's actually something I really want to talk to you about.", "Glen: Really? Sounds mysterious. That's actually great because there's something that I really wanna talk to you about too.", "Paige: Great. Then it's a date. (The room creeks and Paige ignores it.) Uh, so I'll see you at 11:00.", "Glen: 11:00 is good, 11:00 is great. (The phone cradle starts to slide across the side table by itself.) Usual place at the lake?", "Paige: (to the moving phone) Damn it, no!", "Glen: Or we can meet wherever.", "(The phone floats into the air.)", "Paige: Stop it I said.", "Glen: Stop what?", "Paige: Uh, nothing, I'll just, um, yeah, see you tomorrow, it'll be great.", "(Paige pulls the phone out of the wall and sighs.)", "[Cut to Piper's bedroom. Leo is asleep in bed. Piper is in the nursery mumbling to herself. Leo reaches over to Piper's side of the bed and wakes when he feels she's not there.]", "Piper: I am so sick of this.", "Leo: Piper?", "Piper: Hm?", "Leo: What are you doing?", "(Leo sits up. Piper walks out of the nursery carrying a packet of diapers.)", "Piper: I'm putting the diapers back where they belong, that is what I'm doing.", "(She puts the diapers on a shelf.)", "Leo: But it's 2:00 in the morning.", "Piper: Yeah, well, apparently our little ghosts and goblins are not sleeping, so how can I? I wish they would just attack us rather than move stuff around.", "(She goes back in the nursery and picks up a pile of diapers from under the crib. She takes them into the bedroom and places them on the shelf.)", "Leo: I told you, they're not ghosts, they're-they're pests. Residual energy left over from all the demons you vanquished here. Besides, the Elders said they would dissipate over time.", "Piper: Yeah, okay, well, they're not dissipating. It's getting worse. They're, like, organising and they're making it impossible for me to keep the baby things in order.", "Leo: I know, but it's 2:00 in the morning.", "(Cackling and groans heard. Piper looks at the shelf and the diapers are missing. She goes into the nursery and the diapers have shown up under the crib.)", "Piper: Ohh, I'm telling you, Leo, they are trying to drive me crazy. (They hear a cow bell clang and Phoebe chanting in a very loud voice.) What was that?", "(Piper and Leo go out into the hallway. Paige walks into the hallway from her room. Phoebe walks down the stairs chanting, ringing the cow bell and waving an incense stick.)", "Paige: What the hell is going on?", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: Phoebe, what are you doing?", "Phoebe: I am cleansing the house.", "(She continues chanting.)", "Leo: At 2:00 in the morning?", "Phoebe: Shh!", "(Everyone listens for a moment and then Phoebe continues chanting. She walks down the stairs to the first floor.)", "Piper: Phoebe. Phoebe!", "(They all follow.)", "[Cut to downstairs.]", "Piper: Phoebe, hold it!", "Phoebe: What? What? What?", "Piper: You're polluting the place. What is that crap?", "Phoebe: The strongest purification in the Book of Shadows.", "Paige: You think that's gonna help?", "Phoebe: It better because Cole's residual evil is taking on a life of its own. And look at my hair. I woke up, it was in a ponytail. I did not put it in a ponytail.", "Piper: And you think Cole is connected to this?", "Phoebe: Well, yeah, after all the time he spent here, how could he not be? This house needs some serious feng shui-ing.", "Piper: Oh, give me that!", "(She grabs the burning incense and cow bell off of Phoebe.)", "Leo: I'm telling you guys, it's all harmless. It's gonna go away by itself.", "(A vase of flowers rise off a table and floats past them. Then the chandelier shakes and doors open and close. The vase drops and smashes on the floor. A white ghost-like mist floats in and grabs Phoebe, pulling her up above the stairs.)", "Piper: Phoebe!", "Paige: Piper, blow it up.", "(Piper tries to blow it up and blows up part of the ceiling instead.)", "Phoebe: Whoa! (Piper tries again and blows up another part of the ceiling.) Do something!", "Paige: Electricity! Poltergeists don't like electricity. (Piper blows up the ceiling light and the sparks electrocute the poltergeist. It lets go of Phoebe and she falls onto the stairs.) Oh.", "Phoebe: You were saying?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Paige's bedroom. Paige is there putting on some makeup. She then does her hair and tries to choose an outfit. She finds one she likes and puts it on.]", "[Cut to the downstairs hallway. Piper and Leo are cleaning up the blown up ceiling plaster and Phoebe is in the dining room flipping through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: Why are you so sure that it wasn't a poltergeist? I mean, it definitely didn't like getting zapped, that's for sure.", "Leo: I know, but poltergeists are spirits, this was more like a manifestation.", "Phoebe: A manifestation of what? Cole's left over energy?", "Leo: Well, not just Cole's but every bit of evil that's been through here. It seems to be coalescing into this some sort of being.", "Piper: Gee, you think?", "Leo: I know, I'm sorry, I underestimated it. It's just I've never heard of it getting this bad before, that's all.", "Piper: Well, you're forgiven, now how do we get rid of it?", "Leo: I don't know.", "Phoebe: Don't worry, I will find a way. Where there's a ying there's a yang.", "Piper: Okay, I have no idea what that means but I do know that I can not raise a child in this environment, people.", "Phoebe: Piper, you're not due for another couple of months.", "Piper: Exactly, I am running out of time.", "(Paige comes down the stairs.)", "Paige: Good morning! How do you like my outfit?", "Piper: You look like you are not gonna help clean up.", "Paige: You have got that right. I'm gonna go meet Glen. And besides, isn't everything just gonna get messed up again anyway?", "Piper: Bite your tongue.", "Leo: A little dressed up for Glen. Looks more like you're going on a date.", "Paige: Maybe I am.", "Phoebe: Excuse me? Did I just hear correctly? You and Glen together again?", "Paige: I hope so. I kinda wanna talk to him about that.", "Phoebe: Really? Fascinating.", "Piper: Haven't you and Glen dated many times before?", "Paige: Yeah, kinda been hanging out on and off since high school, you know.", "Piper: I see. So you think maybe this time it might work out?", "Paige: I hope so. Especially 'cause lately, I'll be out on a date and I just wind up thinking about him.", "Phoebe: Proof of love.", "Leo: At least he knows you're a witch, you won't have to hide anything.", "Paige: That is a very good point.", "Piper: Alright, Sally, go meet Harry. Good luck.", "Paige: Thank you. If you need me, you know I'm just an orb away. Just holler. (Part of the ceiling falls on top of Piper.) Uhh.", "Piper: Would now be a bad time?", "Phoebe: Hey, hey, I think I found something.", "[Time lapse. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are in the kitchen making a potion. The potion explodes.]", "Leo: A witch doctor?", "Phoebe: Okay, liverwort and a pinch of dragon root.", "Paige: Dragon root.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Paige throws some dragon root in the pot.)", "Paige: Got it.", "Leo: Wait, shouldn't we be talking about this?", "Phoebe: What is there to talk about, Leo? It says right here that they expel evil spirits.", "Leo: Still, that doesn't mean they're good. Witch doctors are kind of a wild card, that's why the Elders don't want us working with them.", "Piper: Well, sometimes we don't wanna work with the Elders, so we're even. (Phoebe and Paige giggle.) Besides, do you have a better idea?", "Leo: No.", "Phoebe: Okay, then. Get the snakeskin ready and after I read the spell, then you throw it in. \"Free us from the ties that bind, of evil magic intertwined, we call upon the one who cures, he who's to the dark injured.\"", "Paige: You ready?", "(She throws in the snakeskin and the potion explodes. Magical lights rise out of the potion a man in a black suit appears near by.)", "Man: How may I be of service?", "Paige: Are you a witch doctor?", "Witch Doctor: Let me guess. You were expecting someone with a bone through the nose and a shrunken head necklace, perhaps?", "Phoebe: Yeah, actually, yeah, yeah.", "(He sighs.)", "Witch Doctor: You make this huge effort to change with the times. It's always the stereotypes that persist. Now, where is the evil?", "(He looks under the kitchen table and so do the girls.)", "Piper: Uh, here, there, everywhere.", "(He pulls a voodoo doll out of his pockets and holds it out in front of him.)", "Witch Doctor: Ever vanquished a demon in this house by any chance?", "(Phoebe chuckles.)", "Phoebe: Oh, only about a hundred.", "Piper: Give or take.", "Phoebe: Another hundred.", "Witch Doctor: Explains all the evil energy I'm sensing. This is going to take some time.", "Paige: Yeah, well, can you do it?", "Witch Doctor: Absolutely. May I?", "Piper: Go for it.", "(The witch doctor leaves the kitchen.)", "Leo: I'm gonna keep an eye on him.", "Paige: Alright, I'm gonna go see Glen.", "Phoebe: I have to go to work. (Paige kisses Piper's head.) (to Piper's stomach) Goodbye, my little baby, I love you so much.", "Piper: Um, but... (Phoebe and Paige leave.) Uh... Well, hey, don't worry about me. I'll just clean this all up by myself.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks out of her office holding a newspaper. She storms over to Elise.]", "Phoebe: Did you see what that turkey did?", "Elise: Good morning, Phoebe, how are you?", "Phoebe: It's a full page ad. Spencer Ricks is challenging me with this, this chauvinistic crap. Listen to this. \"Ask Phoebe says every woman needs to find her own inner goddess\", right? Spencer Ricks says, \"That's fine as long as she cooks and cleans\". Can you believe that?", "Elise: He's just trying to drum up publicity by being controversial.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, that's not gonna work. Is it?", "Elise: It's working so far. The daily readership is up because of his advice column and we're a little down.", "Phoebe: Well, what are we gonna do? I mean, we can't just ignore this.", "Elise: We're not. As a matter of fact, the other editors and I have decided to fight fire with fire, if that is, you're open to it.", "Phoebe: Absolutely. Whatever it takes to vanquish the competition, I'm all... You know, defeat the competit... I'm just a very competitive person, you know.", "Elise: Oh, I've noticed, which is why I think you're gonna like our little plan. We've arranged a photo shoot for you. Today at 3:00.", "Phoebe: A photo shoot?", "Elise: 415 is doing an expose on local celebrities. We want you to be apart of it.", "Phoebe: I don't know, Elise.", "Elise: Oh, it's all gonna be very tasteful of course. Although, I want you to be free to show off any of your lovely... assets as you feel comfortable.", "Phoebe: Elise, I don't know if I can do that. I mean, why stoop to that? You know, I am an advice columnist. I'm not some playmate.", "Elise: Okay. I respect that. (She turns to leave but stops.) Although, you should know that Spencer Ricks will be in the issue.", "Phoebe: What time did you say I have to be there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Park. Paige is there standing near a large lake. Glen walks up to her.]", "Glen: Paige?", "Paige: Hi!", "(They hug.)", "Glen: I like your hair.", "Paige: Thank you.", "Glen: Serious hug.", "Paige: Yeah, well, I missed you.", "Glen: I missed you too. You look really great.", "Paige: Thank you, so do you. Um, how was your climb? It was the Matterhorn, right?", "Glen: It was awesome. Uh, there was a lot more people there than when we were there though.", "Paige: That's too bad.", "Glen: So what about you? You kill any demons lately?", "Paige: Of course, but I probably shouldn't talk about that here.", "Glen: Right, right, sorry. (He laughs.) Sorry. So...", "Paige: So...", "Glen: Wh-.", "Paige: Okay, you go first, I insist.", "Glen: Okay, well, I'm getting married.", "Paige: What?", "Glen: Yeah, I wanted you to be the first to know. After my parents, of course, but...", "Paige: You're getting married?", "Glen: Oh, here she is, here-here she is. Jessica.", "(A beautiful blonde woman approaches them.)", "Jessica: Sorry I'm so late, I couldn't find parking anywhere. Hi.", "Paige: Hi.", "Jessica: You must be Paige. Glen's told me so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you.", "Paige: It's great to see you.", "(She laughs awkwardly.)", "Glen: So what did you wanna tell me?", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Leo and the Witch Doctor are there. An electrical bolt, flowing out of the Witch Doctor's voodoo doll, has a hold of the evil spirit. The evil spirit screams and is sucked into the voodoo doll. The Witch Doctor sighs in relief and chuckles.]", "Leo: I hope you got it.", "Witch Doctor: That was a little bitty baby one. The big mamma's still hiding somewhere. But I'll find her, don't you worry. (He walks around the room.) These walls are clogged with evil waste. The worst I've ever seen. Sure these are good witches that live here?", "Leo: The best. Although, one of them is going to go very evil on us if we don't get this room cleaned up in a hurry, believe me.", "Witch Doctor: Is that a fact?", "Leo: Well, not literally. All I mean is that you need to finish up here in a hurry, that's all.", "Witch Doctor: I understand.", "(The Witch Doctor picks up a lipstick and goes to put it in his pocket until Leo sees him.)", "Leo: What are you doing? Did you just take something?", "Witch Doctor: You mean this lipstick? I'm having trouble differentiating between the witches magic and evil. Personal items help me separate them better. That's if it's alright with you of course.", "Leo: I guess.", "Witch Doctor: You don't trust me, do you? Pity. Witch Doctors help rid the world of dark spirits. Now I would think that you'd think that was a good thing.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper's there. Leo and the Witch Doctor walk down the stairs.]", "Piper: Hey, I heard an explosion. What's going on up there?", "Leo: Don't worry, everything's okay.", "Piper: I am a little worried and I need to know if this is going to work or not.", "Witch Doctor: Once I catch big mamma, it'll all be over with.", "Piper: Big mamma? Who's big mamma?", "Leo: I don't know.", "(Paige barges through the front door.)", "Paige: He's getting married, that dirty rat.", "(The Witch Doctor walks into the living room.)", "Piper: Who?", "Paige: Glen. He's getting married to some bimbette he met climbing the Matterhorn.", "Piper: At Disneyland?", "Paige: No, Switzerland. Oh, but me? I'm lucky because I got an invitation to the wedding.", "(She holds up the invitation and rips it in half. She throws it on the floor.)", "Piper: Hey, pick that up.", "[Cut to the living room. The Witch Doctor is looking at a picture of Piper, Phoebe and Paige. He clicks his fingers and the photo magically appears in his hand.]", "[Cut to in the foyer.]", "Paige: I mean, I was on the phone with him. He had plenty of time to tell me about this, but no, he couldn't mention a single thing. Lucky, lucky me I didn't say what I really wanted. Ugh, really, I think I would have died.", "(A groaning sound is heard.)", "Leo: Excuse me.", "(Leo goes into the living room.)", "Piper: Uh, so what are you gonna do?", "Paige: Do?! Well, I'm gonna kill him. (Paige sighs.) No, I'm gonna apologise because I'm a good girl. I was a little bit rude, especially to her. Although, I don't know what he sees in her. She's not his type at all. She's blonde!", "(Suddenly, Leo comes crashing through the wall. Piper and Paige go over to him. They hear a scream and the Witch Doctor has a hold of \"Big Mamma\" with an electric bolt. He struggles to suck her in.]", "Witch Doctor: That's it! Stand back! (He sucks in Big Mamma with his voodoo doll.) Gotcha.", "(Paige sees their blown up TV.)", "Paige: Oh, I guess I'm not watching the Osbournes tonight.", "Piper: (to Leo) Are you okay?", "(He groans.)", "Leo: Yeah.", "(The Witch Doctor spots Paige's car keys near by. He wiggles his fingers and the keys appear in his hand. Leo gets up.)", "Witch Doctor: My work here is complete. Your house has been cleansed.", "(He disappears.)", "Piper: Hm. Doesn't look very cleansed to me.", "(She looks at the destroyed living room.)", "[Scene: Witch Doctors' Lodge. Fellow Witch Doctors sit around the room. The Witch Doctor appears in the room.]", "Head Witch Doctor: Well?", "Witch Doctor: The house has been purged, although how it became infested in the first place is very troublesome.", "Head Witch Doctor: Go on.", "Witch Doctor: Whoever these witches are, they're magnets for evil, it's drawn to their powers.", "Head Witch Doctor: Can they withstand it?", "Witch Doctor: Doubtful. They're easily distracted by the pettiness of their lives. Sooner or later evil will overtake them, and along with it, their powers.", "Head Witch Doctor: Then we must eliminate them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper and Leo are there cleaning up.]", "Piper: Ugh. Didn't we just do this?", "Leo: Yeah, and I still think you should've made Paige stay and help.", "Piper: Well, apparently she has her own mess to clean up.", "Leo: Well, hopefully we don't have to do this again anytime soon.", "Piper: Are you kidding me? With exploding demons and trampling sisters, this place is a disaster area always. I have no idea what it's going to be like when the baby comes.", "Leo: Well, I'm more concerned with the Witch Doctor right now.", "Piper: Why? Because he took my lipstick?", "Leo: And Paige's keys.", "Piper: You don't know that he took those. I mean, she loses her keys daily.", "Leo: Well, maybe. All I'm saying is there's something not right with that Witch Doctor, that's all.", "Piper: Well, he took care of the things that go bump in the night, so that's all I care about.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, what happened in here?", "Piper: We've been healed.", "Phoebe: Really? Way to go, doc. I gotta go change.", "Piper: Why? Where are you going?", "Phoebe: To a photo shoot. To compromise my integrity. I'm going to kill the competition.", "Piper: Alright then. Whatever that means.", "(Phoebe goes upstairs.)", "Leo: Hey, uh, picture's missing.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: The one of you and Phoebe, Paige? It went right here.", "Piper: Maybe it fell out.", "Leo: No, it was glued in.", "Piper: Come on, why would he want a picture of us?", "Leo: I don't know, I'm not a witch doctor. All I'm saying is he obviously wanted it for something.", "Phoebe: (from upstairs) Hey! Who stole my toothbrush?", "(Piper looks at Leo.)", "Piper: I'll go make the summoning potion.", "Leo: I'll go check with the Elders.", "[Scene: Witch Doctors' Lodge. The Witch Doctor and the Head Witch Doctor are there making a potion.]", "Head Witch Doctor: If these witches are as powerful as you say they are, how will you kill them?", "Witch Doctor: By attacking them as humans. Women. (He picks up a voodoo doll and wraps Paige's keys around it.) Which each likeness, I'll turn their character flaws into obsessions. Obsessions that will consume them. Destroy them.", "(He puts the voodoo doll into the pot.)", "[Scene: A church. Glen, Jessica and a priest are there. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Uh, Glen?", "Glen: Excuse me.", "(Glen walks over to Paige.)", "Paige: You're mad?", "Glen: No, I'm not mad, Paige. I'm just confused. What happened to you this morning? Why were you so mean to Jess?", "Paige: I wasn't mean, necessarily, I was just rude.", "Glen: Fine, whatever. Why?", "Paige: I guess I felt like you just kind of came along and dropped this huge bombshell on me. I was hurt.", "Glen: Hurt, why? (She doesn't answer.) Wait, you thought you and I...", "Paige: No. No, I didn't think that at all.", "(Jessica comes up to them.)", "Jessica: Glen, the minister's waiting.", "(Suddenly, Paige's eyes glow, then return to normal.)", "Paige: Uhh.", "Glen: Are you okay?", "Paige: I'm fine. Jessica, I wanted to apologise for not being friendlier earlier, I really am sorry.", "Jessica: Thank you. Thanks for saying that.", "Paige: I just don't understand what Glen's doing with such a blonde bimbette.", "Glen, Jessica: What?", "Paige: And really, who's the surgeon who does those boobs, because they are fantastic. I should get the number for a friend of mine.", "Glen: Paige, what the hell is wrong with you?", "Paige: Me? Well, nothing's wrong with me. I'm not the one marrying the wrong woman.", "Jessica: Oh my god.", "(Jessica walks away.)", "Glen: Wait, Jessica, Jessica. What are you doing?", "[Cut to the Witch Doctors' Lodge.]", "Witch Doctor: Next.", "(He puts another voodoo doll with Piper's lipstick attached to it in the pot.)", "[Cut to the manor. Kitchen. Piper is making a potion.]", "Piper: Liverwort, dragon's root...", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: How close are you to summoning him?", "Piper: Uh, a little bit of snake skin and a bad rhyme away. Why?", "Leo: Well, the Elders think the Witch Doctor's been stealing your stuff to put a hex on you.", "Piper: A hex? For what?", "Leo: He thinks you're evil too, which is why the sooner you summon him the better. (Piper's eyes glow and then turn back to normal. She walks over to the sink.) Piper, what are you doing?", "Piper: Cleaning up.", "(She starts to wash the dishes.)", "Leo: Right now?", "Piper: You know, you can never really get a dish sanitary enough, can you? (She throws a plate in the trash.) Dirty. (She throws another.) Dirty. (And another.) Dirty.", "Leo: Piper, what is the matter with you?", "Piper: What is the matter with me? I don't know. (She looks at the windows.) Are those water spots? (She blows up the window.) Much better.", "Leo: Okay, alright, you keep cleaning and I'll be back with help.", "(He orbs out. Piper continues to throw plates in the trash.)", "[Cut to the Witch Doctors' Lodge.]", "Witch Doctor: Last but not least. Phoebe.", "(He throws the last voodoo doll with Phoebe's toothbrush attached into the pot.]", "[Scene: Photographic Studio. Phoebe is sitting on a beach chair holding The Bay Mirror newspaper. A photographer is taking photos of her.]", "Photographer: This is excellent! Excellent! Good! Excellent. You're a natural at this.", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't know about all that. I'm not even sure why I'm doing all this actually.", "Photographer: You're doing this to throw Spencer Ricks out of the water, honey, and we both know it. A little more skin wouldn't hurt.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, I can't do that.", "Photographer: It's your career. Reload!", "(A guy takes his camera. Phoebe's eyes glow. Leo goes over to Phoebe.)", "Leo: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Leo, what are you doing here?", "Leo: I've gotta get you home. Something's wrong with Piper.", "Photographer: Excuse me? Who are you?", "Leo: Me? I'm her brother-in-law.", "Photographer: Well, good for you but this is a closed set. Buh! As in buh-bye.", "Leo: Sorry, but there's kind of a family emergency.", "Photographer: (sarcastic) Oh, sorry, I should've realised.", "(Phoebe stands up.)", "Phoebe: No, it's okay. I'll stay.", "(She takes off her dress to reveal a two-piece bathing suit underneath. She leans against a prop tree.)", "Photographer: Okay, um, we're shooting. Get the fan going, we're shooting, we're shooting, and we're shoo... Um, brother-in-law person, can you disappear? (Leo walks away, shocked.) Excellent! Beautiful.", "[Scene: Church. Jessica walks out of the building with Glen following.]", "Jessica: So, what, now you're defending her?", "Glen: No, Jess. All I'm trying to say is that's not like Paige.", "Jessica: She insults me, humiliates me and now you're trying to explain it.", "Glen: No, she was out of her head, she didn't know what she was saying.", "Jessica: Oh my god, don't even try. She knew exactly what she was saying to me, Glen.", "Glen: She didn't mean it. I'm telling you. I've known her forever.", "Jessica: Well, then fine. Why don't you marry her?", "(Jessica walks away. Glen goes back inside. Jessica goes over to her car and gets in. Paige is sitting in the passenger seat.)", "Paige: Rough day?", "(Jessica gasps.)", "Jessica: What are you doing in my car?", "Paige: Waiting for you.", "(Paige orbs out with Jessica.)", "[Cut to a rocky ledge above a fiery pit. Paige orbs in with Jessica.]", "Paige: Careful now, you wouldn't want to fall.", "Jessica: What happened? Where am I?", "Paige: You pissed off a witch, that's what happened.", "Jessica: What? (Paige orbs out and leaves Jessica there.) Help! Help!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is there making a potion. She throws something in and it sparks.]", "Phoebe: Oh! This is gonna be fun. Okay, feather, feather, where do we keep the feathers?", "(She looks in a cupboard. Piper walks in from the basement carrying plastic covers.)", "Piper: Oh my god! You've made a mess!", "Phoebe: Where's the feathers?", "Piper: What do you want feathers for?", "Phoebe: Killer potion for Spencer Ricks.", "Piper: Oh. Second cabinet, under F. I alphabetized. It's much more orderly.", "(Phoebe looks in the second cupboard.)", "Phoebe: I see it. Perfect. (She pulls out a jar of feathers.) Okay. (She goes back to the potion.) What are those?", "Piper: Slip covers. To keep the furniture clean. Although I've come to the conclusion that we should probably just stand from now on.", "Phoebe: Whatever. Okay. (She throws a feather in the pot and the potion makes a small explosion.) Piper, just so you know, I may have to flee the country, but just for a little while. And I will call you, okay.", "(Phoebe fills a vial with the potion.)", "Piper: Oh, no you don't, Missy. There will be no fleeing the country until you clean up after yourself.", "Phoebe: No-no-no-no-no, I'm sorry, I can't. I'm possessed.", "(Phoebe races out of the kitchen.)", "Piper: That is not an excuse!", "[Scene: Church. A changing room. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: Paige? (Paige pokes her head around a changing screen.) Thank god you're here, we have serious problems.", "Paige: Like what?", "(Paige comes out from behind the screen, wearing a wedding dress.)", "Leo: Like... why are you wearing a wedding dress?", "Paige: Because I'm going to get married. (Paige morphs into Jessica.) Thanks to my Whitelighter powers.", "Leo: Oh, no.", "Jessica/Paige: I can convince Glen to move up the ceremony before that crazy ex of his gets in the way again. Clever, huh? (She looks in the mirror.) Hmm, nose job, should have guessed.", "Leo: Paige, you can't do this, this isn't you.", "Jessica/Paige: It is now. At least until after the honeymoon and then maybe I'll switch back. (An organ starts to play.) Mm, that's my cue.", "Leo: Okay, wait, stop, I can't let you do this. (Jessica/Paige orbs out and orbs back in behind him.) Should've seen that coming.", "[Cut to the aisle. Glen is standing at the end of the aisle dressed in a suit, with the Priest beside him. Jessica/Paige starts walking down the aisle. Leo runs after her.]", "Leo: Paige, Paige. (He stumbles over her dress.) Paige.", "Jessica/Paige: Watch my train.", "Leo: Listen to me, you are under a hex. The witch doctor's done this to all of you.", "Glen: Hey, hey.", "Leo: Look, you can fight a hex. You just have to reach deep down...", "Glen: What's your problem, Leo? Get outta here.", "Leo: Look, I'm sorry, Glen, but this-this isn't what you think it is.", "Glen: Oh, no? So this isn't Paige's, uh, brother-in-law trying to ruin my wedding?", "Jessica/Paige: That's what it looks like to me.", "Leo: Paige.", "Glen: Did you just call her Paige?", "Leo: Look, Glen, you know about this family. You know what sort of wacky things can happen. Can we just go somewhere and talk?", "Jessica/Paige: No. Sweetie, I'll handle this, okay? Go back to your position. Please. I'll be right there.", "(He does so.)", "Leo: Paige. Where's Jessica?", "Jessica/Paige: Hell if I know.", "Leo: What does that mean? What did you do to her? Paige, you better not have hurt an innocent.", "Jessica/Paige: Well, she's not that innocent. After all, she tried to steal Glen away from me, didn't she?", "(Jessica continues to walk down the aisle. Leo runs out of the church.)", "[Scene: Outside The Daily. Spencer Ricks is there. He walks past a beautiful blonde woman and turns to check her out. Phoebe walks over to him.]", "Phoebe: Well, at least you practice what you preach. Spencer Ricks, right?", "Spencer: That's right. You a fan? Got a pen?", "Phoebe: No, actually, I'm your competition. But instead of stooping to your level, I decided to come and confront you personally.", "Spencer: That's right. Pheeble Halliwell as I live and breathe. Your billboards don't do you justice. You have a nice rack. You ought to show it off a little bit more.", "Phoebe: You know, I don't mind losing readers to a legitimate writer. But some misogynistic pig that's a fraud.", "Spencer: Ow, ow, that hurts. I'm not a fraud. I mean what I write.", "Phoebe: Oh, do you?", "Spencer: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, baby. Oh, wait, that's a woman's place, isn't it? So then you wouldn't have anywhere to go, would you?", "(He turns his back and starts to walk away. Phoebe gets the potion out of her bag.)", "Phoebe: You know what? You're a turkey! And turkeys don't write columns. (She throws the potion at Spencer and he turns into a turkey.) But they do make delicious dinners.", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. The couches are covered in plastic. Leo walks down the stairs.]", "Leo: Piper? Where are you? (He walks into the living room. There is cleaning equipment everywhere.) What the? What? Piper? (He hears a noise and goes outside. He sees Piper standing on a ladder which is leaning up against the house.) Piper, what are you doing?", "Piper: Heads up! (She throws a roof tile on the ground.) I'm replacing this roof. It's filthy! I told you this place was a wreck.", "Leo: Look, Piper, I need you to help me find Paige.", "Piper: I'm not talking to her until she cleans up her room.", "Leo: But it's about Glen's fiancé. I think she's done something to her, something terrible. (Piper comes down the ladder.) I need you to help me find her.", "Piper: Busy.", "Leo: Piper, you need to snap out of it. Okay, this isn't about you guys anymore, it's about an innocent and if she dies...", "(They hear a turkey gobble and look to see Phoebe getting out of her car carrying the turkey.)", "Phoebe: A little help here.", "Piper: What are you doing with that thing?", "Phoebe: Well, first I'm gonna kill it and then I'm gonna stuff it.", "Piper: You are not bringing that filthy fowl in the house.", "Phoebe: Yes, I am. Thanksgiving's early this year.", "Piper: Do not get any blood in that kitchen.", "(Phoebe goes inside.)", "Leo: Phoebe, can I talk to you a minute? (He starts to follow her in and steps in a muddy puddle. Piper blows him up. Leo orbs back in.) What'd you do that for?", "Piper: Like hell you are bringing those muddy shoes in my house.", "Leo: Like hell. Paige said like hell. Jessica.", "(He orbs out. Piper looks up at the roof.)", "Piper: This is taking far too long.", "[Scene: A rocky ledge above a fiery pit. Jessica is sitting there scared out of her mind. Leo orbs in. She screams and panics.]", "Jessica: Please don't! Please don't. Please don't.", "Leo: It's okay, I'm here to help you.", "Jessica: I don't know how this happened. I don't know who you are.", "Leo: There's no time to explain everything, just know that I'm here to save you. It's okay, you can trust me.", "(She takes his hand and they orb out.)", "[Cut to the church.]", "Glen: I promise to love you, trust you and honour you with all my heart, Jessica, forever.", "Priest: Jessica.", "(Leo and the real Jessica runs in.)", "Leo: Wait, stop the wedding.", "Jessica: Glen.", "(She goes over to him.)", "Glen: What the hell?", "Leo: They're twins and he was gonna marry the wrong one.", "Priest: Oh.", "Leo: Maybe we could just give them a minute.", "Priest: Sure. Right.", "(The priest walks away, confused.)", "Glen: Paige? (Jessica/Paige morphs into Paige.) But why?", "(Paige's eyes glow and the hex is removed.)", "Paige: Glen, I can explain. (to Leo) What have I done?", "Leo: There's no time. We need to get home and save your sisters before they destroy themselves.", "(Leo and Paige orb out.)", "[Cut to outside the manor. Piper is there sweeping the footpath. Leo and Paige orb in. Paige notices she's still holding the bunch of flowers and throws them into the bush.]", "Leo: Piper, I brought Paige so she can help you.", "Piper: Oh, that's okay. I don't need any help anymore, it's already done. Except for the sweeping.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Paige: I think I know. (They look up to the house but it's gone. Only a cement slab remains.) Piper, what'd you do with the house?", "Piper: Well, I thought it would be better to start from scratch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The footpath. Piper continues to sweep.]", "Paige: Piper, you can't just vanquish an entire house. Especially not our house. People are gonna notice.", "Piper: Oh, I didn't vanquish it, silly, I cast a vanishing spell. It's like a good dusting, only better. But I am gonna have to do something about these steps.", "Paige: (to Leo) Okay, you've gotta figure out a way to fix it, like you fixed me. Get her out of this hex.", "Leo: But it's individual. You seeing Glen distraught over Jessica is what shocked you out of the hex.", "Paige: Okay, well, you need to figure out a way to shock her out of it.", "Leo: I think I know a way. Piper.", "Piper: Mm?", "Leo: Where's Phoebe?", "Piper: Phoebe? How should I know?", "Leo: Remember she came into the house with a turkey?", "Paige: Turkey?", "Leo: Piper, when you made the house disappear, you also made Phoebe disappear.", "Piper: No, she didn't...", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: No! I wouldn't. (Her eyes glow and she runs up the stairs. Paige and Leo follow. They walk into the space where the house once was.) Phoebe! Oh my god, what have I done?", "Leo: The spell, Piper, you need to reverse it fast.", "Piper: I'm not sure I can.", "Paige: Well, then you better make us disappear because this one's gonna be tough to explain.", "Leo: You can do it, Piper, come on.", "Piper: Uh, uh. \"Let the object of objection return so its existence may be reaffirmed.\"", "(The walls and roof magically appear and the house is visible again.)", "Paige: Nicely done.", "Piper: Is that a wedding dress?", "Paige: You just noticed?", "(They hear a turkey gobble in the kitchen.)", "Leo: Phoebe.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe has the turkey on the table and is about to chop its head off with a butcher's knife. Leo runs in and grabs her arm.]", "Leo: Don't!", "(The turkey jumps off the table.)", "Phoebe: Let go of me! I have to kill Spencer!", "Paige: You named the turkey Spencer?", "Piper: That's no turkey. I think that's Spencer Ricks.", "Leo: The other advice columnist?", "Piper: Well, she said she was gonna kill the competition.", "Paige: Okay, we gotta break the hex.", "Leo: Any ideas how?", "Piper: Yeah, actually. Take her to the attic and keep her away from that turkey.", "Phoebe: Yeah, take me to the turkey.", "(Leo orbs out with Phoebe.)", "Piper: We're gonna pay a little house call to that Witch Doctor.", "[Cut to the Witch Doctors' Lodge. The Witch Doctor and the Head Witch Doctor are there.]", "Head Witch Doctor: Success.", "Witch Doctor: It's only a matter of time before they destroy themselves.", "Paige: Talk about premature jubilation. You gentlemen might wanna see a doctor about that.", "Witch Doctor: How did you get here?", "Piper: With the powers you apparently didn't want us to have. Good powers, by the way. Very good.", "Paige: Powers we might have to use against you.", "(Piper goes to blow them up.)", "Head Witch Doctor: Wait, don't! If you were truly good, we're on the same side. We felt you couldn't handle all of the evil spirits you attract.", "Piper: Well, we attract them for a reason, doc. So that we can get rid of them. You get rid of us, you'll have more problems than solutions, trust me.", "Paige: See, we might be slightly off, but we're off in a good way.", "Piper: Now you're gonna reverse the hex on our other sister, or it will be your last.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Phoebe is walking towards Leo holding the butcher's knife.]", "Leo: Phoebe. Phoebe. Piper!", "(Phoebe's eyes glow and the hex is removed. She notices the butcher's knife.)", "Phoebe: Oh, dear.", "Leo: Phoebe, is that you? Are you back?", "Phoebe: Yeah. What's going on?", "Leo: I just, I think you have some issues, competitive issues.", "Phoebe: I don't understand. (She hears the turkey gobble.) Oh, no. Spencer Ricks?", "[Scene: Manor. Paige's room. Paige looks at a photo of her and Glen. She then paces around the room.]", "[Scene: Park. Glen is there in front of the lake. Jessica walks up to him.]", "Jessica: Hi.", "Glen: Hi. You said you wanted to talk?", "Jessica: No, I, got the message that you wanted to.", "(Paige arrives.)", "Paige: Actually, I sent the message. I didn't think you guys would come if you knew I wanted to meet you.", "Jessica: Look, I'm outta here.", "Paige: Please just stay and hear me out. Look, I know what I did was awful. In my defence I was under a spell. I know magic and all this is a lot to swallow, Jessica, and I don't blame you guys if you never trust me.", "Glen: It's not that we don't trust you.", "Jessica: I don't trust her.", "Paige: Fair enough. But I will say this. The spell broke because I hurt you and I hurt you because I hurt Jessica. It's pretty obvious that you love her and she loves you. You guys are meant to be together, I get that now, I do. And I know that we're just meant to be friends.", "(Paige walks away. Glen and Jessica hug.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Leo is there wiping down the bar. He knocks a bowl of peanuts onto the floor. Piper and Paige approach the bar.]", "Piper: Oh, oh, that's alright, we'll clean it up later.", "Paige: Uh, are you feeling okay?", "Piper: Very funny.", "Leo: You're kidding me. That's not killing you just leaving a mess there?", "Piper: No, not at all. Okay, maybe a little, but not a lot. Look, if there's anything I've learned from all this, it's that I've gotta learn to deal with messes. Especially with a baby coming, 'cause I hear they come with a lot of messes.", "Paige: I've heard some things about that too.", "Leo: Well, that's good that something positive came from the Witch Doctor.", "(Phoebe walks up to them carrying a magazine.)", "Phoebe: Yo-hoo! Hi.", "Piper: Hey, Pheebs, what's cooking?", "Phoebe: Oh, if you're talking about Spencer Ricks, not him. I turned him back into the pig that he was and unfortunately he won't remember any of it.", "Leo: Glad to see you're not competitive anymore.", "Phoebe: Yeah, no, I don't think I have to worry anymore about him taking my readers.", "Paige: And why would that be?", "Phoebe: Well, because, uh...", "(She shows them the cover of the magazine which has Phoebe on the cover.)", "Paige: Whoa.", "(Paige takes the book.)", "Piper: Oh no.", "Phoebe: Oh, yes.", "Piper: Why ask Phoebe when you can see her.", "Phoebe: Talk about journalistic ethics, right?", "(Paige flips through the book and unfolds another picture of Phoebe.)", "Piper: Oh!", "(Phoebe giggles.)", "Paige: No retouching. Good times.", "Piper: Yes.", "Phoebe: Okay, give me that.", "Paige: No.", "(Paige gives the book to Leo.)", "Piper: Run.", "Paige: Run.", "(Leo takes off.)", "Phoebe: Leo! (Phoebe runs off after Leo.) Leo!" ]
House Call
[ "A demon attacks the Charmed Ones with dream dust he stole from a Sandman, causing their nightmares to come to life. Phoebe dreams about someone trying to kill her, Piper dreams she has a secret and sexy lover, Paige dreams about her childhood clown doll and loneliness, and Leo dreams about something happening to the baby. The sisters must defeat their worries in their dreams, before they are destroyed. Ultimately, Phoebe learns that her mysterious attacker is herself, Paige is afraid of being alone due to her secret birth, and Piper's lover is actually Leo. Leo ends up feeling closer to the baby when he feels it kick. The demon shows up expecting to have their nightmares backing him up and is shocked to see that they are not and Piper blows him up." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper and Leo are there snuggling on the couch, in their pyjamas. Leo sits up.]", "Leo: I think I'm gonna go up to bed.", "Piper: Oh, well, do you want some company?", "Leo: Well, I'm really tired. I think I just need to get some sleep. (He leans in to give Piper a kiss but instead, kisses her stomach.) Good night, little one.", "(Leo gets up and goes upstairs.)", "Man: I would be glad to keep you company.", "(Piper turns to see a handsome man standing in the living room. She stands up.)", "Piper: What are you doing here?", "(The man walks over to her.)", "Man: I'm, uh, sweeping you off your feet.", "Piper: No, I can't.", "Man: All I see is you.", "(There's a flash of light and Piper is now dressed in a beautiful gown. She's also not pregnant.)", "Piper: No, Ryder, please, this isn't right. I'm married.", "Ryder: Not in your dreams you're not.", "(He starts kissing her neck.)", "[Cut to Piper's Bedroom. Piper and Leo are asleep in bed. A transparent, glowing elderly man \"The Sandman\" leans over them and sprinkles gold dust on Leo.]", "[Flash to the stairway. Leo is walking down the stairs carrying a newborn baby.]", "Leo: I could just hold you forever. (Suddenly, the baby vanishes from his arms. He panics.) Where's my baby? (He runs down the stairs and searches the house.) Where are you?", "[Flash to Piper's room. Piper and Leo are asleep in bed. The Sandman walks through the wall.]", "[Cut to Paige's room. Paige is in bed asleep. The Sandman appears through the wall and sprinkles gold dust onto Paige. Her nose twitches.]", "[Flash to P3. A baby shower is taking place. Women are standing around a cradle holding gifts. Paige walks in carrying a toy clown. All the women drop their gifts and leave P3.]", "Paige: But wait, you haven't even seen the baby yet.", "(The creepy toy clown starts to talk.)", "Clown: What'd you expect? They don't care about the kid. Nobody does.", "(The clown laughs.)", "[Flash to Paige's bedroom. Paige is asleep in bed. The Sandman walks through the wall.]", "[Cut to Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe is asleep in bed. The Sandman walks in through the wall. He sprinkles gold dust onto Phoebe.]", "[Flash to the basement. Phoebe walks down the stairs. She looks around, frightened. Suddenly, a person wearing a hockey mask and holding a chainsaw walks out of the shadows. He starts up the chainsaw and Phoebe screams.]", "[Flash to a campground. Phoebe appears there. The Sandman and a Tracer Demon is there.]", "Sandman: No, please don't!", "(The Tracer Demon zaps The Sandman and he turns into gold dust.)", "[Flash to Phoebe's bedroom. Phoebe gasps and wakes up with a jolt. She notices The Sandman beside her, holding her hand. She pulls it away.]", "Sandman: Help me. This is not a dream.", "(The Sandman disappears.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. The room is covered in balloons and streamers. Paige is standing on top of a ladder reaching up to stick the end of a streamer onto the ceiling. It slips from her hands and falls to the floor. Paige sighs and turns to Leo who is fiddling around with a cabinet door.]", "Paige: Leo, a hand here?", "Leo: My hands are full.", "Paige: The shower is in two days. Your kid's not gonna be opening cabinets for another year.", "Leo: Tell that to Aunt Phoebe. She gave me a book. One thousand unexpected dangers for babies. Easy opening cabinets, number thirty-two.", "Paige: Alright, you leave me no choice. Streamer.", "(The end of the streamer orbs into her hand.)", "Leo: Magic for personal gain.", "Paige: It's not for me, it's for my niece. (She gets off the ladder.) Besides, I seem to be the only aunt who cares about this shower.", "Leo: Phoebe cares, she's just preoccupied.", "Paige: Oh, really? I'd say she skipped straight from preoccupied to paranoid.", "Leo: You're exaggerating.", "Paige: Am I? Yesterday a balloon exploded and she stormed down here with a vanquishing potion. (She picks up her clown doll.) She almost blew up old Slappy here.", "Leo: I think it's the recurring nightmares she's having. It's just making her a little jumpy.", "Paige: Really? God, you'd think with the Cole-free future she'd be dreaming nothing but happy, happy.", "Leo: You'd think.", "Paige: Yeah, if I let my recurring dreams affect my waking life, I'd never get out of bed. Much less throw a fabulous shower like this.", "Leo: Why not?", "Paige: I don't know, I've been having this recurring dream lately and I'm at P3, and as soon as I get up to the baby, everybody just disappears.", "Leo: Sounds like you and me have baby on the brain. All I can think of lately is just holding her.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Where is the man of my dreams?", "(Leo laughs and kisses her on the cheek. He touches her bulging stomach.)", "Leo: Speaking of my little one.", "(Paige blows up another balloon.)", "Piper: Well, alright, Beth Orton is playing at the club, I guess I'll get back to work.", "(Piper turns to leave.)", "Paige: Hey! You notice anything?", "Piper: Ooh, I have noticed that subtlety is not your forte.", "Paige: You don't like it?", "Piper: Well, I liked it, you know, fifteen streamers and twenty balloons ago.", "Paige: Nothing is too good for my future niece.", "Piper: Clearly. Ooh. (She puts her hand on her stomach.) I am so gonna be a soccer mum. This kid has one mean kick.", "Leo: I wanna feel a kick.", "(Leo goes over and touches her stomach.)", "Piper: Well, honey, unless you're a bladder or a kidney, you're not gonna feel it because she's kicking the inside.", "Leo: I never get to feel her kick.", "Piper: Count your blessings.", "Leo: I'm being summoned.", "Paige: Is it the Elders?", "Leo: No, it's not the Elders. It's Phoebe.", "(He orbs out.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe is there flipping through the Book of Shadows. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: What is it?", "(Phoebe jumps and screams.)", "Phoebe: Leo, do not sneak up on me like that.", "Leo: I wasn't sneaking and you called me.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, right. Okay, what do you know about Tracer Demons?", "Leo: Uh, lower level, mercenaries, able to track magical beings through different dimensions. Why?", "Phoebe: Because one was in my dream last night, that's why.", "Leo: The guy behind the mask?", "Phoebe: No, this one wasn't the chainsaw guy, he's still a mystery to me. It was something weirder, different. I was running away from him in the basement, right, that same guy, and then all of a sudden I was in the woods where I used to camp.", "Leo: You were in the past?", "Phoebe: No, it was the present. There was this weird creature standing there holding some kind of satchel, and then the demon killed him.", "Leo: Sounds like your recurring dream is getting more complicated.", "Phoebe: Yeah, except I think it was a premonition.", "Leo: A premonition during a dream?", "Phoebe: Yeah, why not? It's happened before.", "Leo: Phoebe, you've probably flipped past this drawing a hundred times and you said the camp was from your childhood, so chances are...", "Phoebe: Leo, I know what a premonition feels like, okay. Besides, when I woke up, the creature was standing in my bedroom begging me to help him.", "Leo: You sure that you weren't still dreaming?", "Phoebe: He said I wasn't. Then when I found the Tracer Demon in the book, I was sure I wasn't either.", "Leo: What would you like me to do?", "Phoebe: Go to the Elders. Find out if it really was a premonition because if it was, I have an innocent to save.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "[Scene: A wasteland. Dead trees are around the place. A small satchel is hanging from one of the trees. The Tracer Demon walks over to another demon.]", "Demon: Precious night gone by. And you come back empty handed.", "Tracer Demon: Yeah, but don't worry, I'll get him.", "Demon: Oh, it's not me that has to worry, it's you. You're the only demon that's failed me. Everyone else has found their mark.", "Tracer Demon: I'll get him tonight, I promise. I mean, he's easy to find, he watches over the same people, right?", "Demon: I'll need proof.", "Tracer Demon: Yeah, sure, I'll get it, yeah. Although, just out of curiosity... (He looks at the satchel hanging from the tree.) What is it you do with that stuff? Dream?", "(They both laugh and the demon hits the Tracer Demon, sending him flying.)", "Demon: Demons don't dream. But with each one of these I collect, it means more humans won't either. And without dreams, humans can't work through their issues while they sleep. Which means those issues spill out into their waking life, turning them angry, evil.", "Tracer Demon: I still don't understand what you get out of it. Not like it's any of business, of course, but...", "Demon: I get respect from the leaders of the Underworld and hopefully rewarded because of it. But if you fail me, I fail them. Understand?", "Tracer Demon: Perfectly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Elise walks into the main room.]", "Elise: Okay, people, let's begin. Bill, nice job on that hostage stand-off piece yesterday.", "Bill: Thanks.", "Elise: Here's another one for you today. State Bank in North Beach, shots fired, go.", "Bill: Wow, that's the third time this week.", "(He walks away.)", "Elise: Some of you guys are gonna have to double up. (She walks over to a woman.) Uh, angry man, ploughs into farmer's market in his car. (She hands her a piece of paper. She moves over to a man.) Angry woman, attacks school principal with a knife. (She hands him a piece of paper and moves onto another man.) And in sports, angry coach knocks out umpire with a baseball bat.", "Phoebe: What the hell is going on out there?", "Elise: The city's going to pot, that's what's going on. Bad news for the city, good news for circulation.", "Phoebe: It's strange. Even my readers seem angrier. They keep asking for advice on how to deal with their tempers.", "Man: Hey, what are you doing?", "Woman: That's metro! That makes it my story!", "Man: It's mine! She gave it to me!", "(They pull on the piece of paper.)", "Elise: Hey! Hey! Stop it right now!", "Phoebe's Assistant: Sorry, to interrupt but I got Paige on the phone. You want me to take a message?", "Phoebe: No, no, I want to talk to her. (The man and woman continue to fight. Phoebe walks into her office and picks up the phone.) Hey.", "Paige: Hey, I can't decide on a place setting. It's either, \"Baby in the Clouds\", which is a little baby floating on a cloud or \"Cozy Bug\" a baby bumble bee on a pink flower.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, Piper's allergic to bees, remember?", "[Cut to Paige in her car, in a parking lot.]", "Paige: You're right, thank you so much.", "Phoebe: Wait, is that the only reason you're calling?", "(A car pulls up behind Paige and the driver honks the horn.)", "Paige: Yeah, why?", "Phoebe: Well, have you been watching the news lately? It just seems that everyone's at each other's throats. I mean, even here. Have you noticed anything weird?", "(The driver in the car behind Paige honks the horn again.)", "Driver: Back it up, lady!", "Paige: You know, now that you mention it, I have seen my share of a certain finger while driving over here.", "Phoebe: See, I think something's up. Something evil, maybe.", "Paige: Phoebe, seriously, I think you might need to get some help. You think danger is lurking around every corner.", "(The driver beeps the horn again.)", "Driver: Come on, lady!", "Paige: Lady, it's my spot. Besides, everybody is odd in San Francisco, that's why we fit in so well.", "Phoebe: Look, I know I've been jumpy lately and I'm really trying to deal with it. But just because I've been a bit neurotic, maybe, that doesn't mean I'm not right.", "(Suddenly, the driver appears at Paige's window.)", "Driver: Hey! Move it or lose it, lady! I want this space!", "(The lady walks away.)", "Paige: Maybe you are right.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper is sitting on the couch, tissue in hand, watching a soap on TV.]", "Sienna: (on TV) I never stopped loving you, Ryder. You know that, don't you?", "Ryder: (on TV) I just never thought I'd see you again, Sienna. Not after the yacht explosion.", "(On TV, Ryder and Sienna kiss. Phoebe and Paige walk in.)", "Phoebe: And he's standing over me, telling me I'm not dreaming.", "Paige: Well, I think you're crazy. What, now you think this is connected to your dream?", "Phoebe: The premonition in my dream. It would be a really big coincidence if it wasn't don't you think?", "(Paige walks in front of the TV.)", "Piper: Shh! I've been waiting for this for weeks, people. (Phoebe turns off the TV. Piper gasps.) No, don't do that. They're just getting to the good part.", "Phoebe: Well, rent the video, we have work that we have to do.", "(Phoebe sits down beside Piper.)", "Piper: It is not a video, it is a soap.", "Phoebe: Leo!", "Paige: Phoebe thinks that a demon is causing some anger epidemic.", "Piper: Give me that remote! Give it.", "(Piper tries to get it off Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: See! See, point positive here. (Leo orbs in.) Hey, anything?", "Leo: Based on what the Elders said, I think that your dream premonition is very real, which means so is the Tracer Demon.", "Piper: What Tracer Demon?", "Phoebe: And what about the creature? Do they know about the creature?", "Piper: What creature?", "Leo: Well, they think that it's a vir de somnio and if that's the case, you definitely need to save him.", "Paige: A vir de what?", "Leo: Vir de somnio. It's the original Latin term for a Sandman.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, like, \"Sandman bring me a dream\"?", "Leo: One and the same. Only there isn't just one Sandman, there are many of them like angels. They visit good beings during their sleep, sprinkle them with dream dust so they can dream.", "Paige: I can't believe they exist, not that I should be surprised.", "Piper: Uh, yeah, but they don't know what we dream about, do they? I mean, that's all confidential clearly, isn't it?", "Leo: I don't know. But I do know they exist on a different plane, which means the only way to find one...", "Phoebe: Would be for a Tracer Demon to bring him into our plane.", "Leo: And kill him.", "Phoebe: Great.", "Piper: I don't get it. I mean, why would a demon be interested in killing people's dream? I mean, they're just harmless erotic fun.", "Paige: Did you say erotic?", "(Leo looks at Piper.)", "Piper: Exotic. I said exotic.", "Paige: Huh, I don't get exotic dreams, I just get disturbing ones.", "Phoebe: Mine are just scary. But that's how you work through stuff, right? In your dreams?", "Paige: So?", "Phoebe: So I think that's why everyone's been crazy. They're not dealing with their subconscious issues while they're dreaming.", "Piper: I think I got some issues to work out.", "Leo: So you said your premonition took place somewhere where you used to camp?", "Phoebe: Yeah, North State Campgrounds.", "Paige: Alright, lets go.", "(Paige heads for the door.)", "Piper: And save our dreams.", "(Piper struggles to get up.)", "Phoebe: Oh, Piper, maybe you should sit this one out.", "Piper: Why? Don't you need me to vanquish the demon?", "Phoebe: No, I'll make a potion. It's just you're not moving as swiftly as you used to and we might have to run.", "Piper: But... (Phoebe and Leo leave.) Fine, do it yourself.", "(She quickly grabs the remote and turns on the TV. Ryder and Sienna are in cuddling in bed.)", "Ryder: It's been so long. I never forgot what it feels like to be in your arms.", "Piper: Oh, I missed it!", "[Scene: North State Campgrounds. Night time. In a tent. A camper is asleep. The Sandman appears beside the camper and sprinkles gold dust on him. The Sandman walks out of the tent. The Tracer Demon is there waiting.]", "Tracer Demon: Did you really think I wouldn't come back for you?", "(The Tracer Demon waves his hand and brings the Sandman to this plane. He is no longer transparent.)", "Sandman: Actually, I was counting on it.", "(Paige orbs in with Phoebe.)", "Tracer Demon: Witches.", "(Phoebe races over to the Sandman. Paige throws a potion at the Tracer Demon. He throws an electric bolt at the potion, destroying it. The force pushes Paige backwards onto the ground. The Tracer Demon throws another electric bolt at Phoebe and the Sandman and Phoebe pushes the Sandman out of the way. He throws another which lands at their feet. As they land on the ground, a lot of dream dust escapes from his satchel and lands on Phoebe. Suddenly, the masked chainsaw man materialises near by. Phoebe sits up.)", "Paige: Who the hell is that?", "(The chainsaw man raises his chainsaw. Paige runs over and orbs out with Phoebe and The Sandman.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe, Paige and The Sandman are there. Phoebe is pacing up and down the room. Paige and The Sandman are sitting on the couch. Paige pokes The Sandman in the arm and he looks at her.]", "Paige: I'm sorry, I'm just so surprised that you're real.", "(Piper and Leo walk in carrying four cups of coffee.)", "Piper: Okay, this should keep our brains going on zero sleep. Do Sandmen even sleep?", "Sandman: Only when our charges are all awake.", "Piper: Oh, so basically never.", "Phoebe: Okay, can we focus here, because we have a demon to vanquish and a nightmare to deal with.", "Paige: And a baby shower to get to. What? I'm just saying.", "Leo: Any idea how Phoebe's nightmare came alive?", "Sandman: I don't know. It's never happened before. But then, no one's ever been hit with that much dream dust before either.", "Paige: So you think since she OD'd on the stuff he just popped out of her head?", "Sandman: Out of her unconscious. But now that he's out, he's obviously very real.", "Phoebe: Okay, does that mean he's gonna keep trying to kill me?", "Sandman: If that's what he tries to do in your dreams, yes.", "Phoebe: Great, that's just great. I need to think about this.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Piper: So we need to hurry up and find a way to put him back before any of our other dreams spring to life, shall we?", "Leo: Dreams like what?", "Piper: Never mind.", "(The Sandman givers Piper a look.)", "Paige: First though, I think we need to stop the Tracer Demon before this whole city turns into one huge nightmare, don't you think?", "Sandman: Yes, but there's more than one Tracer you have to worry about. There are others out there killing us.", "Leo: Which means there must be an upper-level demon behind them, orchestrating the attacks.", "Piper: Okay, so we write a summoning spell and we get the Tracer here and we freeze him, and we'll force him to talk, we'll vanquish him and his boss, and then The Sandman can go back to keeping dreams where they belong.", "Paige: Very impressive. And very fast.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Um, what are we supposed to do about my chainsaw killer?", "Piper: Oh, don't worry about him, we'll blow him up before he lays a blade on you. (The doorbell rings.) Who is that?", "Paige: Oh, that must be Becca and Wendy with the hors d'oeuvres trays. You're not against parsley are you?", "Leo: Get rid of them.", "Paige: No, I will not get rid of them. If I get rid of them I'll have to stop the shower and I'm not doing that.", "Piper: Alright, alright, easy, easy. Uh, we'll go take care of them, you guys go start the summoning spell. Go, go.", "(Phoebe, Leo and The Sandman head for the kitchen.)", "Paige: Oh, thank you, mother.", "Piper: Huh. Come on.", "[Scene: A wasteland. The demon pushes the Tracer Demon against a tree. He's angry.]", "Demon: Witches? You lost them to witches?", "Tracer Demon: If you'll just let me speak...", "Demon: Do they know about me?", "Tracer Demon: No, I swear. I can get to the Sandman before they ever do.", "Demon: I'm listening.", "Tracer Demon: One of the witches... She got hit with too much dream dust.", "Demon: So?", "(They hear a chainsaw and the demon spins around. They see the chainsaw man standing near by. The demon gets ready to attack the chainsaw man but the Tracer Demons stops him.)", "Tracer Demon: No! Wait. Sorry, I assure you he's no threat to us. Only to the witch who dreamed him up. (to the chainsaw man) You got his attention, you can turn that off now. (The chainsaw man turns off the chainsaw.) That right there is her worst nightmare, literally. And since she's scared to death of him, I'm thinking... (He walks over to the tree with hanging satchels.) If I could borrow a few of these satchels here, I might be able to make the other witches' dreams come to life too.", "Demon: And how is this supposed to help you fulfil your obligation to me?", "Tracer Demon: It'll distract them long enough for me to kill my mark and collect my bounty. I'd better take a couple extra just in case.", "(He takes four satchels and tucks them in his coat pockets. He turns to leave.)", "Demon: Excuse me. This better work, otherwise I'm gonna be your worst nightmare.", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Piper puts a tray of food down on a chair along with other trays of food.]", "Piper: Paige, that's enough, I want them gone.", "Paige: Just relax, Piper.", "(Becca walks in carrying another tray of food.)", "Becca: The trunk is officially empty.", "Piper: Great, so we're done?", "Becca: No, way, there's the whole back seat.", "Piper: Oh, you're kidding, right?", "Becca: Hey, Paige is the one who sent us around to five different stores.", "(Wendy walks in carrying four large blue plastic bags.)", "Piper: Oh my god!", "Wendy: Okay, don't look in these bags, Piper. You're not supposed to see the door prizes. (Wendy puts the bags down and notices Slappy sitting on top of a cabinet.) Hey, Becca, I thought we nixed the clown idea.", "Piper: Oh, no, relax, that's just one of Paige's old toys. Slappy.", "Wendy: Oh, good, 'cause clowns are creepy.", "Becca: Especially that one.", "Piper: Don't let Paige here you say that.", "(Becca puts Slappy face down on the cabinet.)", "Becca: That's better.", "Piper: Okay, well, thanks, guys, you know, thanks for everything. You should really go. And we'll call you if we need any more stuff.", "Wendy: Go? Paige wanted us to do all this before the baby shower.", "Piper: Yeah, I know, but I'm the one that's pregnant and I think we've reached our limit. In fact, we've gone over it, way over it.", "Becca: That's all those crazy hormones talking. Maybe you should lie down and let us take over.", "Piper: No, no, I'm fine, really, I'm fine. The only thing crazy around here is the shower-mania, especially when we should be focusing on the de... details, details, like what are we gonna wear and stuff.", "Becca: Frankly, Piper, I'm surprised at your attitude. This is all for you.", "Piper: Oh, I know, and I'm thrilled, but right now I just need a little peace and quiet. You know, pregnant woman's prerogative and all.", "(She shows them out the door.)", "Wendy: If you say so.", "Piper: I do. Yeah, okay, thanks.", "(She closes the door and sighs.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe, Leo and The Sandman are there. Phoebe scrunches up a piece of paper and throws it onto the pile of other scrunched up paper.]", "Phoebe: It's just a stupid summoning spell, I don't know why I can't come up with it.", "Leo: You need to relax, it'll come to you.", "Phoebe: You know, maybe it's because I'm not so sure this is a good idea. I mean, what if I bring the Tracer Demon here and it just makes matters worse? What then? He's surprised us before.", "Sandman: That was just luck. He didn't know your dream would come to life.", "Phoebe: Well, it did and unfortunately that's all I can think about.", "Leo: Maybe if you can stop and figure out what it means, you won't be afraid of it anymore.", "Phoebe: Leo, don't you think if I could do that I would've done it by now? I-I vanquish demons everyday, real ones, so some guy from my dreams should be a piece of cake, even with power tools. So why do I run from him? Do you know why?", "Sandman: No. I may be made of dreams, but I don't shape them. Perhaps if you can figure out who was behind the mask. Characters in dreams always symbolise something specific in one's life, a special person, a certain feeling or pain. Unmask that, de-mystify it, and the character goes away.", "Phoebe: I don't even know where to begin with that. My life is so great now, my marriage from hell is behind me. I don't know why I would start having nightmares now.", "Sandman: Only you can answer that, my dear. In your dreams.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper and Paige are carrying the trays of food in.]", "Piper: Not to sound unappreciative but this is kind of overkill.", "Paige: No, this is perfect. Nothing is too good for my future niece.", "Piper: Yeah, okay, but Paige, it's supposed to be a shower, not a coronation.", "Paige: Hey, it is not everyday that a half-whitelighter, half-witch is born into this world. We need to celebrate her.", "Piper: Okay, but her is not even gonna be here. (She touches her stomach.) Except for the occasional kidney shot. Which makes me wonder if maybe this is a little bit more about you than her.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Where are your friends?", "Piper: Gone but not forgotten.", "Leo: Are they coming back?", "Paige: Not till the shower. Why?", "Leo: Well, Phoebe's almost done with the summoning spell so we need to get ready.", "(The Tracer Demons appears in the kitchen.)", "Tracer Demon: You mean for me?", "(He throws two satchels full of dream dust onto Piper and Paige. They fall to the floor, asleep. He zaps Leo with an electric bolt and he crashes through the basement door. The Tracer Demon empties another satchel of dream dust onto Leo and disappears. Piper wakes up and stands up. She's wearing the evening dress from her dream. She's no longer pregnant.)", "Piper: Oh, no. Oh.", "(Ryder materialises in the room wearing a tuxedo.)", "Ryder: My love.", "Piper: No, how did you get here? (Ryder moves closer to Piper.) Go away. Shh! (He puts his arms around Piper and tries to push him away.) No, shoo, go!", "(He kisses her neck and she gasps. Paige wakes up and stands up, rubbing her face.)", "Paige: Who are you talking to?", "(Suddenly, Slappy the Clown materialises, life-size.)", "Slappy: What's the matter? Don't you recognise me, honey? It's Slappy.", "(He laughs, evilly. Piper looks down.)", "Piper: Where's my baby?", "Leo: Over here.", "(Leo struggles to get up. He walks into the kitchen with a very pregnant stomach.)", "Slappy: Yuck.", "Paige: Oh my god.", "Piper: Oh my god.", "Leo: (sees Ryder) Oh my god!", "(They hear a chainsaw and Phoebe scream.)", "Slappy: Ooh, that didn't sound good.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe, The Sandman and the Chainsaw Man is there. Phoebe is holding a coat rack out in front of her.]", "Phoebe: Paige! Piper!", "(The chainsaw man cuts the coat rack in half.)", "Sandman: It's no use, you can't fight your own dream.", "Phoebe: Wanna bet?", "(She stabs the chainsaw man in the chest with the coat rack. He drops his chainsaw and falls to the floor. Phoebe looks at her chest and it's bleeding in the same spot as the chainsaw man. She drops the coat rack and falls to the floor. The Tracer demon appears in the room.)", "Tracer Demon: Would Freud have a field day with this or what?", "Piper: (from the hallway) Phoebe, are you alright?", "Tracer Demon: Sweet dreams.", "(He zaps the Sandman with an electric bolt and he turns to a pile of gold dust. A satchel falls to the floor. The Tracer Demon picks up the satchel and disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and the Chainsaw Man is still on the floor. Piper and Leo race in.]", "Piper: Phoebe? (Piper kneels beside Phoebe and Leo awkwardly does the same. He starts to heal Phoebe.) What's taking so long?", "Leo: I don't know.", "Piper: He has the same wound?", "(Paige runs in.)", "Paige: What happened?", "Paige: We're not sure. Did you cage Chuckles?", "Paige: Slappy. And yeah, your guy too.", "Leo: About that guy...", "Piper: A little less bitching, a little more healing, please.", "(Leo heals Phoebe completely... and without knowing, heals the chainsaw man as well. They help Phoebe sit up.)", "Leo: Easy, easy, are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah. (She sees Leo's stomach.) Holy cow, are you okay?", "Piper: We all got hit by the dream dust, Pheebs.", "Paige: Hey, where's the Sandman? (They look at the pile of gold dust.) Oh, no.", "(The chainsaw man sits up and grabs his chainsaw. He stands up and tries to start it. Everyone quickly gets up.)", "Leo: How'd he get healed?", "Phoebe: Same way I did, I guess.", "Piper: Well, let's see if he can heal this.", "(She goes to blow him up but Phoebe stops her.)", "Phoebe: No, you can't kill him. You kill him, you kill me.", "(Paige grabs a box of crystals.)", "Paige: Run. He'll follow you, we'll meet you in the conservatory.", "Phoebe: Do what?", "Piper: She's right. Trust her. Come on.", "(Paige, Piper and Leo orb out. The chainsaw man gets his chainsaw started and chases Phoebe. Phoebe runs out of the attic.)", "[Cut to the stairs. Phoebe runs down the stairs with the chainsaw man following. She runs into the conservatory and he follows. Paige, Piper and Leo quickly place three crystals on the floor, trapping him in a crystal cage. Behind him are the clown and Ryder in their crystal cages.]", "Slappy: Who's the clown?", "Phoebe: Who's the fox?", "Leo: Good question.", "Piper: Don't ask.", "Ryder: I'm Piper's dream lover.", "(Piper gasps.)", "Piper: No, listen, listen, we've never slept together. I mean, in the dream world place.", "Paige: Maybe you guys should take this in the other room.", "Piper: Good idea.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Leo go into the living room.)", "Slappy: Psst. Paige. Pretty lame, don't you think? All the decorations. The party-goers will still disappear. (He laughs. Paige goes into the living room.) I got her number.", "[Cut to the living room. Paige walks in.]", "Phoebe: This is all crazy.", "Paige: What are we gonna do?", "Phoebe: Well, I made a promise to the Sandman and I'm gonna keep it.", "Piper: Okay, so we stick to the original plan. We get the Tracer back here.", "Leo: Yeah, that's real smart, Piper. Anything happens to your dream guy out there and your dead.", "Piper: I realise that. And ease up, will you? You're upsetting the baby.", "Phoebe: He's right though.", "Paige: Which means the Tracer Demon's gonna come back.", "Piper: So we gotta figure out what to do quickly. Any ideas?", "Phoebe: What if we cast a sleeping spell and deal with them in our dreams.", "Paige: Come again?", "Phoebe: Well, the Sandman said if we de-mystify them and we learn to understand them, then they'll just go away.", "Leo: Yeah, doesn't take a shrink to figure out Piper's dream. You wanna screw somebody else.", "Piper: Well, at least he makes me feel sexy and not like some walking incubator. Although, I guess that's what you've been dreaming about.", "Paige: Hey, guys, maybe not the time.", "Phoebe: No, this is good. The more we know, the better chance we have.", "Paige: Well, I don't know what in hell the clown means.", "Phoebe: Well, it's gotta mean something.", "Paige: Look, all I know is in my dream, I try to give the clown to the baby then everybody at the shower just walks away and I'm just left feeling... empty.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, you have to find out what that is. Follow through with it. Give the baby the clown and see what happens. (to Piper) And you, you need to follow through too, missy. You've created this dream guy to satisfy you, so maybe you should let him.", "Leo: What?!", "Phoebe: I'm sorry.", "Paige: Relax, dude. Women dream all the time.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Well, miss Phoebe, who's the killer behind the mask?", "Phoebe: Isn't it obvious? It's gotta be Cole.", "Piper: Why Cole? You're over him.", "Phoebe: Well, in my waking state, yes. But apparently not in my subconscious.", "Leo: What about me?", "Piper: Honey, we've got our own dreams to deal with and the Tracer, we'll deal with your Mr. Mum issues later.", "Phoebe: We need you to protect us when we go under in case the Tracer demon attacks. Will go guys work on the sleeping spell?", "Paige: All over it.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Phoebe gets up.)", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: To get some dream dust. That's what the Sandman was made of.", "(She leaves the room. Piper looks at Leo and smiles. She rubs his bulging stomach.)", "Paige: Come on, sis, let's go.", "[Scene: Wasteland. The demon and the Tracer are there. The Tracer is smoking a cigar.]", "Demon: What are you doing here? You got your bounty, didn't you?", "Tracer Demon: Yes, I did but I've been thinking about your plan to impress the Underground leaders. I think there's a better way to do that.", "Demon: Really.", "Tracer Demon: We killing Sandman is fine but wouldn't say, killing the Charmed Ones be more impressive?", "Demon: If it can be done. It would be done by now.", "Tracer Demon: I know, that's why I didn't show up to take out their Sandman until at least on of them was down. It started me thinking, with their dreams out and about, maybe they're more vulnerable now than they've ever been. Maybe it's time to go for it, really impress the leaders.", "Demon: Alright, what do you need from me?", "(The Tracer demon zaps the demon with an electric bolt and vanquishes him.)", "Tracer Demon: I need you outta my way.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Leo is there. He sits down on the couch and yawns. He closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.]", "[Flash to Piper's room. Leo walks in the nursery.]", "Leo: Please, let me hold you. I just wanna hold you, baby. (He walks over to the crib and picks up the baby.) There. I've got you.", "[Flash to the living room. Paige wakes Leo up.]", "Paige: Leo, wake up. Snap out of it.", "(Leo gets up. Phoebe walks in carrying a bowl of dream dust.)", "Phoebe: Okay, just don't use too much. We don't want any problems coming to life.", "Paige: Are you sure it's okay to go to sleep with the Tracer Demon still out there?", "(Phoebe opens the door to the conservatory.)", "Ryder: Piper, I need you. I want you.", "Slappy: Come on, Paige, let's party!", "(He does a dance. Phoebe closes the door.)", "Paige: Let's get this over with.", "Leo: Okay, everybody, know what they need to do?", "Paige: Yep, I need to find out why I feel so empty.", "(The girls sit next to each other on the couch.)", "Piper: And I need to give in to my desire and...", "Leo: That's enough. Phoebe?", "Phoebe: I need to find the courage to kick my killer's ass. Ready?", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Let we who waken from our sleep, return at once to slumber deep.\"", "(They fall asleep and lay back on the couch. Leo sprinkles dream dust on Paige. He hesitates for a moment, then sprinkles some on Piper, and then sprinkles some on Phoebe.)", "[Flash to Phoebe's dream. Basement. Phoebe looks around.]", "Phoebe: I know you're down here. You always are. (The chainsaw man appears out of the shadows.) I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid.", "(She runs.)", "[Flash to Paige's dream. P3. Women are standing around a basinet. Paige walks in and everyone leaves.]", "Paige: But wait, you haven't even seen the baby yet.", "Slappy: But you should. That's why you're here, isn't it? Go ahead, take a peek.", "(Paige slowly moves towards the basinet. She looks inside and sees a baby wrapped in a blanket with \"Paige Matthews\" embroidered on it. She picks up the baby.)", "[Flash to living room. Paige wakes up.]", "Leo: Paige, are you okay?", "(Paige gets up and opens the door to the conservatory. Slappy vanishes.)", "Paige: The baby in the cradle was me. Nobody was allowed to celebrate my birth because it had to be kept a secret. I guess that's why I was trying to make up for it with your baby.", "Leo: It'll be different for her. But first we need to get her mummy back.", "(Paige nods.)", "[Flash to Piper's dream. Living room. Ryder moves closer to Piper.]", "Piper: Ryder, please, this isn't right, I'm married.", "Ryder: Not in your dreams you're not. (He kisses her neck and Piper breathes heavily. She pulls away.) Don't be afraid. You know you want to.", "(Piper and Ryder kiss passionately. They pull apart and Ryder is now Leo. Piper smiles.)", "[Flash to the living room. End of Piper's dream. Piper smiles in her sleep. Paige and Leo look in the conservatory and Ryder vanishes.]", "Leo: What happened? Where'd he go?", "Piper: Nowhere. (Piper walks over to Leo.) He was right here all along. (Piper kisses Leo.) I was dreaming about you, about us. The way we used to be. And I don't want that to change just because we're married and... (she looks at Leo's stomach) having a baby.", "Leo: It won't.", "(They kiss.)", "Paige: Uh, guys?", "Piper: Mm?", "Paige: Phoebe's not looking so hot.", "[Flash to Phoebe's dream. Basement. The chainsaw man is chasing Phoebe. He hits a shelf of stuff with his chainsaw. Phoebe runs up the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Come on, Phoebe, you can do this. It's now or never.", "(The chainsaw man climbs the stairs and Phoebe kicks him back down. He falls the the ground and multiplies. The other two are holding a butcher's knife and an axe. They stand up. Phoebe screams.)", "[Flash to the living room. Phoebe breathes heavily.]", "Piper: Phoebe? Honey, what's happening?", "(They look in the conservatory and the chainsaw man multiplies. They kick the crystals out of the way and the crystal cage disappears. The three of them move closer to Piper, Paige and Leo.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper pushes a table up against the door.]", "Paige: Don't let 'em in!", "(Leo and Piper lock the other doors.)", "Piper: This is not gonna hold long.", "Paige: Phoebe, will you deal with your issues already!", "Leo: Yelling at her is not gonna help!", "(The axe man chops through one of the doors. Piper screams.)", "Piper: Alright, that's enough.", "(She goes to blow them up but Leo stops her.)", "Leo: Piper, don't. You kill them, you kill Phoebe.", "Paige: What the hell are we gonna do?", "(The chainsaw man and the axe continue to chop their way through the doors.)", "[Flash to Phoebe's dream. Kitchen. Phoebe is there. The chainsaw man cuts his way through the door. Phoebe screams. The three of them move towards Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: What am I supposed to do to make them go away? Unmask them and he goes away. That's it.", "(She kicks the axe man and then removes the mask, revealing herself.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god.", "[Flash to the living room. The chainsaw man, axe man and butcher's knife man move in closer. Piper, Paige and Leo back away.]", "Piper: Phoebe, hurry up.", "(The men vanish.)", "Leo: Where'd they go?", "(Phoebe wakes up. Paige sits down beside her.)", "Paige: You did it, you kicked his ass.", "Phoebe: No, actually, I didn't, I just unmasked him. Or me, rather.", "Piper: You? Uh, the killer was you?", "Phoebe: Yeah. How narcissistic is that?", "Paige: That's weird. I thought my clown was strange.", "Phoebe: What happened in here?", "Leo: Uh, nothing much, we've just been protecting you from apparently you.", "Piper: Wait a minute, I don't get it. I thought Cole was involved in your nightmare.", "Phoebe: Yeah, so did I, until I stopped running scared and realised that I was just running from myself.", "Paige: I don't follow.", "Phoebe: Kind of an old issue for me. Self sabotage. I just kept beating myself up with the whole Cole thing, not thinking that I deserve to move on.", "Piper: Oh, you deserve it.", "Paige: Well, the good news is, is that it's over for all of us.", "Phoebe: Mm-hm.", "(Leo groans.)", "Leo: Ooh.", "Piper: Maybe not all of us.", "Leo: She kicked. I felt the baby kick. (Leo's stomach deflates and Piper's inflates.) Now why did that happen?", "Phoebe: Well, you said you wanted to be closer to the baby.", "Piper: So you were, now you're not.", "Leo: Yeah, well, right now I wanna be closer to my wife.", "(Piper and Leo kiss.)", "Phoebe: Eww.", "(The Tracer demon appears.)", "Tracer Demon: Prepare to die, witches. (Piper and Leo pull apart and turn to the Tracer. The Tracer demon looks around.) Where are you dreams?", "Piper: Boy, are you ever late.", "(Piper blows him up.)", "Paige: Why'd you do that? We needed to find out who he was working for.", "Piper: Oh, there's more where he came from. Besides, we're saving dreams. I don't want a lot of cranky women at my baby shower. Unless, you know, having one is gonna bring up some issues for you.", "Paige: No, no, I'm fine. You know, I would even be so big as to consider moving it to P3.", "Piper: Well, I can't, I've got Beth Orton booked for tonight.", "Paige: What better way to celebrate? Just hope we can stay awake long enough to enjoy it.", "[Scene: P3. Beth Orton is performing on stage. People are dancing and having a good time in front of the stage. At the back of the room, there are opened presents and a half-eaten cake. Piper, Phoebe and Paige sleep soundly, Slappy under Paige's arm.]" ]
Sand Francisco Dreamin'
[ "Piper is due in six weeks and has to be on bed rest because of her high blood pressure. Phoebe, Paige, and Leo realize that all magic has stopped and that it has been foretold in the prophecy of the twice-blessed child, whom up until the time of its birth, magic will lay dormant. A sorcerer knows of this, and he plans to kill the sisters so he can raise Piper's baby as a powerful force of evil. Phoebe and Paige discover that Victor's new wife, Doris, is a demon who plans to aide the sorcerer in the kidnapping of Piper's baby. When Piper attempts to escape, she goes into labor. Phoebe and Paige arrive just in time and vanquish Doris and the sorcerer, Cronyn. Leo soon shows up and Piper gives birth to their baby, to the surprise of everyone, turns out to be a boy in a swirl of orbs." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Backyard. Night time. Piper and Phoebe are sitting on chairs looking up at a green mist in the sky. Paige walks out.]", "Piper: It's even brighter than it was an hour ago.", "Phoebe: It's like magic and science and fairy tales all rolled up into one.", "Paige: Actually, it's ion speeding into the earth's magnetic field and then they collide with air molecules. Hm. (She sits down on a chair.) Do you guys think it's weird that the Aurora Borealis is happening the night before the Wiccan Festival of Lights?", "Piper: I've been so busy planning for the baby, I forgot tomorrow is a Sabbath.", "Paige: Yep, it's definitely a time for renewal and growth.", "Piper: Uh, please, don't say growth. If this little thing gets any bigger, I'll never be able to snap back.", "Paige: Hey, was that a shiver? I think I detected a shiver. Lady, you should go inside with that shiver.", "Piper: Shh, I'm fine, I'm feeling fine.", "Phoebe: You didn't look so fine when you were bent over the toilet puking your guts out today.", "Piper: Nausea, headaches, all a normal part of pregnancy. Along with gas, heartburn, constant need to pee.", "Phoebe: Sounds fun.", "(A goose squawks. They see a white goose in front of them lay a golden egg. It flies into the house. Paige gets up.)", "Paige: Uh, another golden goose.", "(Paige picks up the golden egg.)", "Piper: You'd think the magical community could find maybe something else to give to the baby.", "Phoebe: Well, that's the hot item this year.", "Piper: Clearly.", "Paige: Yeah, I could definitely melt this down and make a fashionable ring.", "Piper: You are not keeping that.", "(Inside, Leo walks past the door.)", "Leo: Goosy, goosy, goosy.", "(Leo dives for the goose and lands on the floor. Piper and Phoebe laugh. Leo gets up and runs through the house.)", "Piper: As much as I am enjoying the spectacle, I think we should really send those things back. Dad is in town tomorrow and he wants to stop by for a visit.", "Phoebe: Yeah, he does get very Darin Stevens about our whole magic thing.", "Paige: Yeah, we should maybe have Leo ask the Elders what the policy is on magical gift returns. We don't want a curse put on the family or anything.", "(Leo walks outside.)", "Piper: Yes, good idea.", "(The Elders call Leo.)", "Leo: I wonder what the Elders want this late?", "Piper: Well, I don't know, but you go find out and keep it down when you come back because I'm gonna head up... (She stands up and feels dizzy.) Ohh. Or maybe down.", "(She faints back onto the chair.)", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(They rush to her side.)", "Leo: Piper.", "Phoebe: Leo...", "(Leo tries to heal Piper.)", "Paige: What's going on?", "Leo: I don't know, I can't heal her, she won't come to.", "Phoebe: Okay, to the hospital. Come on.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Hospital. A room. Piper is lying in bed with Phoebe, Paige and Leo surrounding her.]", "Phoebe: You scared us.", "Piper: Me too. I guess I'm not so invincible after all.", "Paige: Yeah, maybe we need to start taking better care of you.", "Piper: No, it was my fault, everybody was telling me to slow down.", "Leo: It's not your fault. We're all in uncharted territory. The Elders said that this was a special child and anything can happen. Lets not forget that.", "(A female doctor walks in carrying a file.)", "Doctor: How are you feeling?", "Piper: Eh, tired and weak.", "Doctor: I've got your test results here but I can't find your chart. When are you due?", "Piper: Uh, six weeks.", "Doctor: And who is your regular doctor?", "Piper: Uh... we don't have one.", "Leo: We've sorta been seeing a alternative medical practitioners.", "Doctor: You don't have an OB/GYN?", "Phoebe: We're training to be midwives.", "Doctor: I'm open to all forms of healing but a woman in her third trimester should've had ultrasounds and blood work done by now. A medical doctor could have caught your condition earlier.", "Piper: My condition?", "Doctor: Toxaemia. It's a form of high blood pressure in pregnant women. Do you deal with unusual stress in your life?", "Paige: Very unusual.", "Piper: Is it serious?", "Doctor: Toxaemia restricts blood flow and food and oxygen to the placenta. It can result in a small baby, premature delivery or it can lead to other complications, none of which you need to worry about now. Most women respond quickly to the treatment.", "Piper: Okay, so give me the treatment.", "Doctor: The treatment involves a no salt diet, no stress and lots of bed rest. Do that and the symptoms should reverse. I'll be back later to check on you.", "(The doctor leaves the room.)", "Leo: That's probably why I couldn't heal you. High blood pressure isn't just physical, it's a state of mind.", "Paige: No stress and bed rest. Do you think you can handle that?", "Piper: Yeah, I can handle that. I'll do anything.", "Phoebe: So will we.", "[Scene: The woods. A demon, Cronyn, stands beside a small fire. His assistant, Stanley, walks up beside him carrying an armload of wood.]", "Cronyn: Oh, I have waited a life time for this.", "Stanley: The Aurora Borealis is a rare sight indeed, sir.", "(Stanley throws the wood onto the fire.)", "Cronyn: It's much more than that. Two centuries ago when I became an apprentice, I devoted my life to sorcery and the black arts. And do you know why?", "Stanley: No, sir.", "Cronyn: In the hope that an ancient prophecy, which my mentor kept hidden, would one day come to pass.", "Stanley: Has it?", "Cronyn: Well, look up. The signs are converging. The future of all magic hangs in the balance. And only I know it.", "Stanley: And now I know it too, sir.", "Cronyn: Oh, yes you do. That's why you're going to help me by attacking the Charmed Ones tomorrow with fireballs.", "Stanley: Fireballs? No-no-no, fireballs are useless against those witches.", "Cronyn: Well, actually, you'll be lucky to have any fireball power at all if things happen the way I expect them to.", "Stanley: It sounds like suicide, sir.", "Cronyn: Suicide? Sacrifice. It's an opportunity of a life time to have power over good forever. This is a kind of mission that turns demons into legends. Your name will go down in infamy.", "Stanley: Really?", "Cronyn: Yes. What's your name again?", "Stanley: Stanley.", "Cronyn: Stanley. (He touches Stanley's face.) It all starts with you. Attack the witches, go down fighting, secure your legacy.", "Stanley: I'll do my best, sir.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Phoebe's there. She places a vase of flowers on the bedside table. She then walks over to a candle and lights it. Paige orbs in holding a bucket of bubbling mud.]", "Paige: Greetings from the dead sea.", "Phoebe: Oh. Pew! What'd you eat over there.", "Paige: It's not me, it's the sulphur in the mud. It has healing properties. You know, people comes from all over the world just to get this stuff.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, we want Piper to feel like she's in a spa, not some sewer.", "Paige: I guess you're right, I just wanted the best for her.", "Phoebe: I know, sweetie, we're gonna take good care of her and the baby. I promise.", "Piper: (from downstairs) Hello?", "Phoebe: (excited) There she is.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper and Leo are there. Phoebe and Paige race down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Welcome home, honey. Or should I say your highness? Because from now on we are your loyal subjects.", "(She gives Piper a big hug.)", "Paige: We even turned your bedroom into a royal throne room.", "Leo: Let me take you there now, my queen.", "Piper: Alright, knock it off before I cut your heads off. I don't want any special treatment.", "Phoebe: Piper, we love you, let us love you.", "Paige: Yeah, I mean, as your sisters and your midwives, we feel it's our duty to provide you with solitude and serenity and...", "(A goose squawks and three golden geese walk into the living room.)", "Piper: A gaggle of geese.", "Leo: I thought you guys were gonna get rid of those.", "Phoebe: You said you were gonna ask the Elders on magical gift return policies.", "Piper: Okay, you guys, it's fine, everything's fine. It's not gonna bother me, I'm not gonna let anything bother me for the sake of my daughter.", "Leo: Come on, I'll take you upstairs.", "(Piper and Leo go upstairs.)", "Phoebe: I thought you said you tied them up.", "Paige: I did, but the little flockers got loose.", "Phoebe: Okay, we have to do better than this for Piper. I mean, if we can't keep geese away from her, how are we supposed to protect her from demons?", "Paige: Okay, you're right, you're right, we should take turns guarding the manor. You know, who knows what kind of weirdo stuff's gonna show up... (They hear a neighing noise coming from the kitchen.) Here? (They walk into the kitchen to find a white unicorn standing there. It has gotten into all the food. Phoebe panics.) Oh my goodness, it's a unicorn.", "Phoebe: Yes, it is. In our kitchen. Is that another baby present you think, maybe?", "Paige: Yeah, the best one ever.", "(Paige goes over and pets the unicorn.)", "Phoebe: Okay, Paige, while unicorns may be very magical and cool, I'm not so sure it's appropriate for a baby.", "Paige: Oh, come on now. Our little niece will grow into it.", "Phoebe: I'm not so sure about that. Have you seen those hooves? And how are we gonna baby proof that horn?", "(Paige notices a card tied around its neck.)", "Paige: Hey, look, there's a card. \"From El.\" (Part of the card is torn.) El? Do we know anybody in Spain?", "Phoebe: Paige, I don't care who it's from, okay? It just can't be here now. It's way too much stress for Piper and the baby, okay? So just orb it out of here.", "Paige: I can't. Unicorns are mythical beasts from another world. Where do you propose I orb it to?", "Phoebe: I don't care where you orb it to, just get it out of here, okay?", "Paige: Fine, I'll orb it somewhere safe and tie it up until we figure it out.", "(She touches the unicorn and tries to orb out. She glows in white orbs for a second and then the orbs vanish, leaving Paige still in the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: What was that?", "Paige: I can't orb it.", "Phoebe: Okay, stand back. Uh, \"take this beast, before I end her, ship her back, return to sender.\" (Nothing happens.) Wait, why aren't my powers working?", "Paige: Uh, apple. (Nothing happens.) Nothing.", "Phoebe: Oh, no. (Phoebe tries to levitate but can't.) I can't levitate, I'm grounded.", "(Leo rushes in, panicking.)", "Leo: Something's wrong, something's wrong, I can't orb. I was trying to go to the Elders to find out how to get rid of the golden geese and why is there a unicorn in the kitchen?", "Paige: Forget the unicorn, our magic's down too?", "Leo: It is?", "Phoebe: Okay, well, whatever hit us, we have to assume also hit Piper. Okay, and she can't find out about this until we know what's going on because she...", "Piper: (upstairs) Hello? Where is everybody?", "Leo: Why is she out of bed?", "Phoebe: I don't know.", "Paige: Go put her back.", "Phoebe: Go, go! (Leo rushes out of the kitchen.) Alright, Paige, uh, you take the magical farm animals and put them down in the basement. I'm gonna get the book and I'll meet you down there.", "(Phoebe rushes out of the kitchen.)", "Paige: Alright, you're Spanish. Andale!", "(She waves her arms and clicks her fingers. It doesn't move.)", "[Cut to the stairway. Piper is coming down the stairs. Leo comes around the corner.]", "Leo: Why are you on your feet?", "Piper: I was coming down to get some food. A person could starve around here.", "(Phoebe runs around the corner.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Bye.", "(She runs up the stairs.)", "Leo: Alright, come on upstairs, I'll get your food. You're supposed to be on bed rest.", "Piper: Okay, well, bed rest doesn't actually mean...", "Leo: Yes, it does. The doctor said stay off your feet and relax.", "(Piper and Leo go upstairs. The unicorn walks down the hallway and Paige runs after it.)", "Paige: Here, unicorn.", "[Cut to Piper's bedroom. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Piper: Relax. Everybody keeps telling me to relax, like it's something you do. Like, like switching off a light.", "Leo: You need to learn how to do it, Piper, if you're gonna get your blood pressure under control.", "Piper: My blood pressure would not be a problem if we had been seeing a doctor like we were supposed to.", "Leo: I knew that was coming. Come on, sit down.", "(He helps her to the bed but she pushes him away.)", "Piper: Don't treat me like a baby factory, I can sit myself down. (She sits on the bed.) All these fears about a magical baby and don't let the doctors find out and we'll buy a birthing ball and Paige and Phoebe will be midwives. And you know what? We were wrong.", "Leo: How can you say that?", "Piper: Because somehow in the middle of all this we forgot the most important thing of all. What's best for the baby.", "Leo: Well, that's not fair. A lot of people decide to have babies at home.", "Piper: Uh huh, maybe so but I was not one of them. And this baby is not even out of the womb yet and I'm already screwing up as a mother.", "Leo: You're haven't screwed up.", "Piper: Yes, I did, Leo, I did. I have a disease that is threatening our baby and I could've avoided it if I had just trusted my instincts.", "Leo: Well, what are your instincts telling you now?", "Piper: To have this baby in a hospital.", "Leo: Okay, I'll make arrangements today.", "Piper: Oh, really. And what happens when she's delivered in swaddling orbs?", "Leo: We'll deal with it then. From now on I want you to feel safe and secure, okay? (He kisses her forehead and leans back knocking over a side table and all the stuff on it.) No magic! No magic! No magic! It's just too much stress on your body.", "Piper: Like that mess on the floor's not gonna stress me out?", "Leo: Well, I'll clean it up.", "(The phone rings. Piper answers it.)", "Piper: Hello? Uh, sure. (to Leo) It's one of your charges. Since when do they use the telephone?", "Leo: Since I've been ignoring them to spend more time with my lovely wife. (He takes the phone.) Excuse me. Hello?", "[Cut to the basement. Paige is there with the unicorn and the golden geese. Paige ties up the unicorn.]", "Paige: There you go. (She walks over to the geese.) Come on, come on. (She steps backwards and stands on a golden egg. It smashes all over the floor.) Aw, yuck.", "(Phoebe comes down the stairs carrying the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: Okay, look at this, check this out. (She flips open the book. The pages are blank.) The whole book has been erased.", "Paige: How's that possible?", "Phoebe: I don't know and without the book, I don't even know how to find out. It's like someone's taken the magic and erased it from our entire family.", "Paige: I think it's bigger than that.", "(They look at the squished egg on the floor.)", "Phoebe: Oh, is that from one of our golden geese?", "Paige: Yeah, I don't think we're gonna be able to return them now.", "Phoebe: What is going on?", "Paige: You know, this all started when El mystery mare arrived. Maybe she's a Trojan unicorn sent to suck away our magic.", "Phoebe: No, I doubt it. Unicorns are the essence of good magic. If anything, they should enhance our powers, not steal them. What about the sky last night?", "Paige: What, the northern lights on the eve of a Sabbath? Yeah, it could be a mystical sign but don't those normally come in threes? Where's the third?", "Phoebe: Have you been experiencing uncontrollable emotional mood swings in the last week?", "Paige: Am I that transparent?", "Phoebe: No, but read your horoscope. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are all in Gemini. That only happens once every three hundred years.", "Paige: Holy Hannah. It's like the universe is practically screaming at us to get our attention.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but what is it trying to say?", "Paige: I don't know. But I've got a lot of research books in the attic. I'm gonna go up there and check it out.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll meet you up there. I'm gonna try to figure out a way to wrangle the geese.", "Paige: Good luck.", "(Paige goes up the stairs.)", "[Cut to the stairway. Stanley is sneaking up the stairs. Paige comes around the corner.]", "Paige: Hey! Who the hell are you?", "Stanley: They call me Stanley. (A fireball forms in his hand and then vanishes.) I was afraid of that.", "Paige: At least it's a level playing field.", "(Stanley runs down the stairs and attacks Paige.)", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper is watching TV. Leo is cleaning up the mess on the floor.]", "Tabitha: (on TV) Tonight, Tabitha is going to get her revenge. On all of harmony.", "(Tabitha cackles.)", "Piper: Hm. Like that spell would've worked. (They hear a thump coming from downstairs.) What was that?", "Leo: What?", "(They hear another thump.)", "Piper: That.", "Leo: Oh, that. That's probably the girls trying to run down the geese. Yeah, tricky birds, you know. Listen, I'll go help out, you, uh, relax.", "(He turns up the volume on the TV and smiles at Piper. He leaves the room.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Paige and Stanley are fighting. Stanley knocks Paige to the floor. He grabs a marble tabletop from nearby and holds it above his head. Phoebe runs in holding a knife.]", "Phoebe: Hey!", "(She throws the knife at Stanley and hits him in his chest.)", "Stanley: My name will haunt you to your grave.", "(He falls backwards, dead. Phoebe helps Paige up.)", "Phoebe: What was his name again?", "Paige: I don't remember.", "(Green slime pours out of Stanley's chest. Leo comes down the stairs.)", "Leo: What's with the leftovers?", "Paige: Well, his magic ran out just like ours.", "Phoebe: Okay, so we have no powers, demons have no powers, what is going on here?", "Leo: I don't know. I just got a call from a charge and her powers are down too. So I unplugged the phone just in case we get any more calls. I don't want Piper to panic.", "Paige: Oh, well, it's official. Magic's down everywhere.", "(The unicorn neighs and walks into the dining room.)", "Phoebe: I thought you tied her up.", "Paige: I did, she eats through everything.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: Oh, god, what time is it? That's probably dad.", "Leo: I'll get the unicorn.", "Paige: We got the body.", "(Phoebe opens the closet door and they grab his arms.)", "Phoebe: Alright, ready?", "Paige: Come on, dead guy.", "(They drag him into the closet.)", "Victor: (from outside) Hello? Anybody home?", "(Leo takes the unicorn into the kitchen. Phoebe and Paige tuck the demon's legs into the closet and close the door.)", "Piper: (from upstairs) Somebody get that?", "(Phoebe and Paige go into the foyer and open the door. Victor and a woman is standing there.)", "Victor: Phoebe, Paige, I'd like you to meet Doris.", "Phoebe: Doris?", "Victor: My new wife and your new stepmother.", "Doris: Hi!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Phoebe, Paige, Victor and Doris head toward the stairway.]", "Phoebe: How are you. Married?", "Paige: We didn't even know you were dating.", "Phoebe: Or that you date at all for that matter, dad.", "Victor: Well, it happened pretty fast.", "Doris: Yes, we met on the singles cruise.", "Phoebe: Oh, that trip to Mexico. That was a singles cruise?", "Victor: Yeah, I'm a man of many mysteries.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Victor: Where's Piper? I wanna share the good news.", "(He heads for the stairs but Paige stops him.)", "Paige: Oh, god, no, that's okay. She's upstairs resting. We found out last night that she has a blood pressure condition.", "Victor: She's okay?", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, she's fine. Don't worry. At least don't let her see you worry, anyway.", "Doris: Poor thing. Young women today are under so many pressures. Is she eating enough garlic? Because it dilates the blood vessels, you know.", "(She hands her coat and purse to Victor.)", "Phoebe: Oh, well, we'll have to fix some of that up.", "(Victor heads for the closet but Paige grabs the coat and purse off him.)", "Paige: Oh, let me take that for you. (Paige goes over to the closet, opens it and quickly throws the coat and purse on top of the dead demon. She quickly closes the door and turns around.) We're all outta hangers.", "(Piper comes down the stairs.)", "Piper: Hey, dad!", "Victor: Hey, Piper! (He goes over and gives her a hug.) Oh, I heard the news. You shouldn't be on your feet.", "Phoebe: Dad's got some news of his own. Gently though, dad, we don't want her to drop that calf right there on the stairs.", "Victor: Piper, I want you to meet Doris, my new bride.", "(Piper's eyes widen.)", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "(Doris walks over to Piper. Piper fakes a smile.)", "Doris: Hello, Piper.", "Piper: Hi, hi, uh, Doris. W-w-welcome to the family, I guess.", "Victor: I know it's kinda sudden but sometimes when life drops a peach at your feet, you've gotta stop and make some cobbler.", "(The closet door opens and Stanley's leg falls out. Just as that happens, Victor leans in and kisses Doris, so they don't notice. Paige quickly pushes Stanley's leg back in the closet and slams the door.)", "Paige: That is always my motto, isn't that funny?", "Phoebe: Uh, uh, apparently they met on a singles cruise. Did you know dad goes on singles cruises?", "Doris: Oh, it was like in the movies. Our eyes met across the buffet bar, your dad's so handsome and, well, I told him, don't eat the rolls, you know, too much processed flour. (Stanley's green blood escapes from under the closet door.) Anyway, we stayed up all night long talking, (Paige drags the rug along the floor with her foot and covers the blood.) And by the morning we just knew.", "Victor: Mmm, she devastates me.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Okay, I put away the uni... (He sees everyone.) Cycle.", "Piper: What unicycle?", "Leo: It's a baby gift. Hey, Victor.", "Victor: Leo.", "Doris: Hello, I'm Doris. (She shakes his hand.) I'm your new mother-in-law.", "Leo: Oh, hi, I guess I missed a lot, didn't I?", "Phoebe: Okay, now that we've all met, maybe the two lucky newlyweds should check into the hotel because it's really crazy here and then we'll call you...", "Doris: Oh-oh, no. We're not going anywhere.", "Piper: You're not?", "Doris: No, I used to volunteer at the hospital. We can stay and help take care of you.", "(Piper puts on a fake smile.)", "Piper: You can?", "Doris: I look forward to some real mother-daughter bonding.", "Piper: You do, huh?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Paige: Well, you know, now that we've figured out you're staying here, let's get Piper off her feet, shall we?", "(Piper walks over to Phoebe and Paige.)", "Piper: (whispers) You can't leave me alone with her.", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, we have to. Because what if it's another magical baby gift?", "(Piper is not happy. She turns back towards the stairs.)", "Leo: Come on, upstairs.", "(Piper, Leo, Victor and Doris go upstairs. The doorbell rings again. Phoebe and Paige go and open the door. Cronyn is standing there.)", "Paige: Can I help you?", "Cronyn: To save magic? I hope so.", "[Time lapse. Backyard. Cronyn is waiting there. Phoebe and Paige walk out.]", "Paige: Okay, sorcerers don't just drop by our house. What makes you think we're not going to vanquish you?", "Cronyn: Because you can't. Didn't you get my message? My apprentice was supposed to drop by this morning.", "Phoebe: Oh, that guy? He's dead in our closet. But he didn't give us a message.", "Cronyn: Because he was the message. To demonstrate the dire nature of our situation.", "Paige: So you're saying demons don't have power either.", "Cronyn: Down to the last imp. There's fear and panic everywhere. Demons stuck in the underworld with no way up. Others stuck topside with no way down.", "Phoebe: Oh, poor little evil creatures.", "Cronyn: Well, I see your flowers haven't died yet, and they will. With no gnomes or garden nymphs to spin their delicate magic.", "Paige: Don't go getting all enchanted on us.", "Cronyn: Oh, don't worry, I hate good magic, fairy tales, wishes on stars, and children who believe in Santa Claus. Mortals don't know it exists, but magic infuses all their hopes and dreams.", "Paige: Stand back, I think he's gonna break out in song.", "Cronyn: Oh, hardly. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to watch it all ripped from the world.", "Phoebe: So why not just sit back and watch the show? Why come to us?", "Cronyn: Because I want my power back. Magic must be saved and it's up to us.", "Paige: Us? We're us, you're them. We don't help them's. Sorry.", "Cronyn: You can't fix this by yourselves. That's why you invited me here to your backyard. But together, together we can interpret the signs.", "Phoebe: (to Paige) You were right about the signs. (to Cronyn) Okay, so what do you propose that we do?", "Cronyn: A summit between good and evil to discuss the crisis. Of course, there'd be certain rules. No guns, no knives, etc, you know.", "Paige: The exit's that way, so if you wanna just... (whistles).", "Cronyn: We don't have much time. The longer magic is down, the harder it is to restore. (He pulls out a business card which reads \"Cronyn, Sorcerer - Evil Magic For All Occasions\" and hands it to Phoebe.) My cell phone's on the back in case your sister changes her mind.", "Phoebe: Cronyn, huh? Since when do sorcerers have cell phones?", "Cronyn: You think that's bad? I've got a taxi waiting out front. Call me.", "(He heads for the exit. Phoebe laughs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe and Paige walk in from the backyard.]", "Paige: I don't trust him.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I kinda liked his whole world without magic speech. It was very Capra.", "Paige: Pure crappa. I don't wanna help evil.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: What evil?", "Phoebe: A sorcerer wants to arrange peace talks for the whole magic crisis.", "Paige: Oh, yeah, and Phoebe is actually considering it.", "Phoebe: Well, of course I'm considering it, the future of magic is at stake here, not to mention the future of my niece. And what else do we have right now? There's no powers, no book, no Elders.", "Leo: Phoebe's right. Without magic, Piper and the baby are vulnerable, we can't protect them.", "Paige: Okay, fine, but if there's a meeting we're going in heavy, in case it's a trap.", "Phoebe: Okay, but Cronyn said no weapons.", "Paige: And you trust him? Leo, I'm gonna need some saltpetre and some cayenne pepper from the kitchen.", "Leo: For what?", "Paige: A homemade arsenal. Phoebe, would you kindly get an aerosol can. Ladies and gentleman, it's time to lock and load.", "[Cut to Piper's room. Doris is unpacking a gift basket.]", "Doris: I knew this gift basket would come in handy. And lucky for you I am always ready for emergencies.", "Victor: You should've seen our first date.", "Doris: Oh, your father spilled steak sauce all down the front of his shirt.", "Victor: And Doris pulls out a bottle of stain remover from her purse.", "Doris: Of course I licked it off your chin first.", "(Victor and Doris kiss. Piper turns her head.)", "Piper: Oh, that's so sweet. (Leo walks past her room carrying saltpetre and cayenne pepper.) Hi, honey, what are you doing?", "(Leo comes back and stands at the door.)", "Leo: Uh, I'm just taking Paige some spices. She's gonna make a homeopathic remedy to help you relax. See ya.", "(He leaves.)", "Doris: Homeopathic medicine? You're into homeopathic medicine? I knew I was gonna love this family. This is unbelievable. My first husband passed away a couple of years ago, heart attack. And the first thing I did when we got home from the cruise is put your father on a low fat, high fibre diet.", "Victor: And a monthly colonic.", "(Piper turns her head once again and sees Phoebe walk into the room.)", "Piper: Hi, Phoebe, come sit, talk with us, please.", "Phoebe: Oh, I can't, I have a big meeting at work. Do you have any hairspray I could borrow?", "Piper: You have hairspray.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but mine's non-aerosol and it's a really big meeting, so I need aerosol for that super firm hold, you know.", "Piper: Check my bathroom.", "(Phoebe walks past them and goes in the bathroom.)", "Doris: Oh, honey, you know what? There's no cheese knife here. Would you mind going downstairs and getting it.", "Victor: Absolutely, baby doll.", "(Victor kisses Doris and heads for the door. He turns around and smiles, then leaves. Phoebe walks back in the room with the aerosol can.)", "Doris: Uh, girls? I just wanted to let you know how I feel about your father. I, I just feel so lucky. He's the most special man I've ever met.", "Piper: Thank you.", "Phoebe: That's the sweetest thing you could ever say to us.", "Doris: Well, it's true, you know. He's so, he's so kind and he's so sensitive. And, oh, he's the most exciting lover. Oh! I mean, girlfriends, he can go all night. I'm not kidding.", "(Doris squeals. Phoebe and Piper fake a smile.)", "Phoebe: Did ya hear? Gotta go to that meeting.", "Piper: Don't leave me.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "[Cut to the attic. Paige and Leo are there. Leo is making a candle. Paige puts down the phone. Phoebe walks in.]", "Paige: That was Cronyn. (She picks up a bottle and pours a red liquid into it.) He says, uh, he'll meet us in an hour. He suggested one of his, you know, dark chambers, I suggested Manny's Pizzeria.", "Phoebe: Nice, public venue, way to go. What is that?", "Paige: This would be a pipe bomb, dear.", "Phoebe: Oh, what...", "Paige: I was good at chem lab in high school. How's the candle going?", "Leo: Fine, it just needs a few minutes to set. Are you sure it's gonna give us smoke?", "Paige: Total whiteout, as long as you put six parts of saltpetre in there.", "Leo: Okay, we have one flammable spray can, one lotion bottle bomb, a smoking candle, two sharpened nail files, four cayenne pepper spray straws, and assorted rings and bracelets?", "(Phoebe shows her hands to reveal her fingers covered in rings.)", "Paige: Well, it kinda makes you appreciate your powers, doesn't it?", "Phoebe: We don't need no stinkin' powers to kick some demon ass.", "Paige: Well, maybe you don't. You're a little bit better with your mono-e-mono stuff. Speaking of, I have some extra gifts for you, my dear.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(They go over to a chest.)", "Paige: These were mine and now they're yours. (She pulls out a chain mail top.) Chain mail top from my club days. Steel toed boots from my mosh pit days. Handcuffs, from last Friday.", "(Leo tests the candle and a big cloud of smoke rises from it.)", "Phoebe: Hey, do you think we're making a huge mistake by not telling Piper about this?", "Paige: No, absolutely not, I think she needs to relax.", "Leo: I agree. Piper's not just carrying the next generation of Halliwell, she's carrying the next generation of magic.", "Phoebe: Then let's go save them.", "[Cut to Piper's bedroom. Piper's eating a cracker. Doris is sitting on Victor's lap. They are doing a magazine quiz.]", "Doris: Okay, the last question is, what is your lover's favourite article of clothing? Hm. Oh, it has to be your grey cardigan. Am I right?", "Victor: As always, baby doll.", "(They kiss. Piper lays back in her bed and gets under the covers.)", "Doris: Okay, that's nineteen out of twenty. That makes our romance rating jalapeno hot.", "(Victor growls and Doris giggles. Piper spots Phoebe, Paige and Leo walking past the room.)", "Piper: Hey! Somebody get in here. (Phoebe and Paige leave Leo. Leo goes in the room.) Hi. I may be stuck in bed but I am not stuck on stupid. I know that something's going on.", "Leo: Well, you wanted a doctor and she told you to relax, so, relax.", "(He chuckles.)", "Piper: Mmm, how can I relax when I know that you're hiding something from me? All the strange noises and weird behaviour. Why don't you just tell me what's going on?", "Leo: Okay, um... (to Victor and Doris) I'm sorry, you guys, we need a moment, a magical moment.", "Doris: Oh.", "Victor: Oh, alright, then.", "(They get up and leave the room. Leo closes the door.)", "Leo: Okay, uh, well, it's really nothing to worry about. Magic has disappeared from the world and Phoebe and Paige went to have a summit meeting with evil so they can fix it. See? Nothing to worry about.", "Piper: I see. Okay, I am not gonna get upset about this. I am just gonna blow you to pieces.", "(She tries to blow him up but nothing happens.)", "Leo: See, I tried to tell you.", "Piper: Oh, no!", "Leo: Listen, I-I'm sure it's nothing. Phoebe and Paige...", "Piper: Leo, no. My water just broke.", "[Scene: Manny's Pizzeria. Phoebe and Paige walk into the crowded shop. They look around and spot Cronyn sitting at a table with two other men. They walk over to them.]", "Cronyn: This is Merrill, our highest ranking wizard and personal mentor. Kane, top advisor to the warlocks.", "Kane: Check their bags for weapons.", "Paige: Like we'd attack in front of civilians. That's why we chose a public place.", "Cronyn: You can't be too safe, you know. (Phoebe and Paige hand them their handbags. They look inside.) What's with the candle?", "Phoebe: We thought we'd try a wiccan ritual or two to try to bring back magic.", "Cronyn: Let's get down to business.", "(They hand back the handbags.)", "Phoebe: Okay, well, wait a minute, bubs. How do we know you guys aren't packing weapons?", "Kane: You mean like this?", "(Kane stands up and pulls out a big knife.)", "Paige: Hey, now.", "(The room falls silent.)", "Phoebe: Did it just get very quiet in here?", "Cronyn: You don't think we'd pass up the opportunity to take out the Charmed Ones, now do you?", "(Everyone in the room stand up, all holding weapons. They surround Phoebe and Paige.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manny's Pizzeria. Phoebe crashes through a window and lands behind a table. Paige goes flying through the room, landing on the table and falling to the floor.]", "Phoebe: How did you do it? This place must've been crawling with customers.", "Cronyn: We paid them to leave. Of course, the owner wanted to stay but he's browning in the pizza oven.", "Paige: What about magic? Who's gonna fix it?", "Cronyn: I got that covered. Which is more than I can say for you two.", "Phoebe: If you don't think we came prepared for this moment, you are sadly mistaken. (She pulls out the hairspray can and holds it up. The demons move closer. Phoebe sprays the can and holds a lighter under it. The demons duck as the ball of fire heads for them. Paige lights the lotion bottle bomb and throws it at the demons. Phoebe and Paige duck for cover. One demon catches it and it blows up the whole room. The demons groan in pain.) We've gotta fight our way out of this or die trying. You ready?", "(Phoebe lights the smoke candle and throws it in the room. Thick smoke fills the room. Cronyn grabs Kane.)", "Cronyn: Don't let 'em out alive.", "(He heads for the door. Phoebe and Paige run into the room, Paige holding a baseball bat, and start attacking the demons. Cronyn leaves the Pizzeria.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's room. Piper, Leo and Victor are there. Piper is panicking.]", "Piper: What are we doing? Why are we sitting here? We need to go to the hospital now.", "Leo: You need to relax. Your water broke, it's no need to panic.", "Piper: No, you are wrong. My due date is six weeks away. This baby is not ready to come out. Please, take me to the hospital.", "Leo: Okay, okay.", "(Doris walks in.)", "Doris: I just got off the phone with your doctor and she said don't move until she gets here.", "Piper: She's coming here?", "Doris: She's on her way now.", "Victor: There. See? Everything's gonna be okay.", "Piper: I need Phoebe and Paige, they've trained so hard for this, they should be here now.", "Leo: I called Phoebe's cell phone, there was no answer.", "Piper: Ugh.", "Victor: Well, can't you just, you know, pop over there and get them in that special way you do?", "Leo: Kinda got a problem with that right now.", "Piper: Ooh! (She holds her stomach.) Oh my god, contraction.", "Doris: Okay, okay, just breathe. (Doris does breathing exercise. Piper copies her.) Piper needs all the love and support we can give her right now, Leo. Go and get her sisters.", "Piper: Please. (Leo kisses Piper on her forehead and leaves.) Okay, it's over, okay.", "Doris: Now, the doctor said I need to keep you warm, so I'm gonna change all the sheets and all these wet blankets, alright?", "(Doris looks at Victor and he nods. They go out into the hallway.)", "Victor: Hey, what if the baby comes before the doctor gets here? Do you know what to do?", "(She kisses him and smiles.)", "Doris: I know exactly what to do.", "(Doris pulls out a knife and stabs Victor in the stomach. He falls to the floor.)", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper has changed into a nightgown. She sits on the bed. Doris walks in carrying a pile of sheets.]", "Doris: Alrighty, then.", "Piper: Where's dad?", "Doris: Oh, he decided to go with Leo. Oh, but don't worry, you still have family here.", "[Cut to the Pizzeria. Merrill crawls along the floor, wounded. Phoebe stands above him.]", "Phoebe: Where's Cronyn?", "Merrill: He had business to attend to.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'll bet.", "(Phoebe pulls handcuffs out of her handbag and cuffs Merrill to a chair. Paige walks over and holds a knife to his throat.)", "Paige: Did Cronyn bring down magic?", "Merrill: He doesn't have the power.", "Phoebe: No, but you do.", "Paige: Of course, you're his mentor.", "Phoebe: What happened to magic?", "(No answer.)", "Paige: Answer the lady's question.", "Merrill: Centuries ago, I unearthed a quatrain from the tomb of a wise apothecary. \"When three planets burn as one over a sky of dancing light, and magic will rest for a holy day to welcome a twice blessed child.\"", "Paige: Those are the signs that we saw. The Aurora Borealis, the planetary alignment, the wiccan Sabbath.", "Phoebe: Wait, back to the twice blessed child business. What is that?", "Paige: Cronyn is not after us...", "Phoebe: He's after Piper's baby. Oh my god.", "(Phoebe pulls out her cell phone and dials the manor.)", "Paige: That's why he led us here to our slaughter so the Power of Three couldn't find him. When do we get our powers back?", "Merrill: When it's too late to use them.", "Phoebe: The house line's dead.", "Merrill: Magic won't return to the world until the baby is born, which should be any minute.", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's room. Piper is in bed, back to the door. Doris sits down beside her. Cronyn walks into the room.]", "Piper: Finally, Leo... (She turns around and sees Cronyn.) Who are you?", "Cronyn: I'm here for your baby.", "(Piper looks at Doris and she smiles. Piper starts to panic.)", "Cronyn: It'd be easier if you'd just relax, Piper. (He puts a medical kit on the bed. Piper gets a contraction and she groans.) Breathe deeply... and push.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Doris covers Piper back up with the blankets.]", "Doris: She's fully effaced and dilated. It won't be long now.", "Piper: You can't have my baby, I won't- Aahh!", "(Piper screams as she gets another contraction.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe and Paige walk in from the back door. They hear Piper scream. Phoebe starts to go to her but Paige stops her.]", "Paige: No, no, he's not gonna hurt her while she's in labour.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, what if Leo's hurt, or dad?", "Paige: There's only one way to save them.", "(They head for the basement and Paige grabs a knife on her way past.)", "[Cut to the basement. Paige scrapes the knife along the unicorn's horn and catches the dust in a scooper.]", "Paige: A unicorn's horn is pure concentrated magic. See, I told you all magic wasn't down.", "Phoebe: Okay, how did you know that?", "Paige: Because the wizard stole the prophecy from an apothecary, an agent of good magic.", "Phoebe: Wait, that would mean that the Elders knew what he wrote. (Phoebe looks at the card around the unicorn's neck.) Look, the card says \"From El\", that's gotta be for the Elders. They knew magic was going to go down and that we'd be in danger.", "Paige: Why didn't they just tell us?", "Phoebe: They tried. Leo got a call from the Elders, remember? And then Piper passed out and we had to take her to the hospital.", "Paige: And then they sent us this little present. I guess your magic is no affected by what happens on earth.", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper is breathing heavily. Doris is wiping her forehead. They hear a neigh.]", "Cronyn: What was that?", "Doris: The witches?", "(The unicorn neighs again. Cronyn grabs a knife.)", "Cronyn: (to Doris) You stay here.", "Piper: Where is my father? What did you do to him?", "Doris: Shh, don't worry about such things. Child birth is painful enough.", "Piper: If you do anything to my baby, I will kill you. I will hunt you and kill you. Even if it means coming back from the dead and don't think I won't find a way to do that.", "Doris: We're not going to hurt your baby, Piper. We're going to raise her as our own. She's going to be a powerful leader, a great force of evil. You should be proud, very proud.", "(Doris turns away and squeezes the cloth into a bowl. Piper reaches over and grabs a vase of flowers off the side table. She smashes it over Doris' head, knocking her unconscious. Piper gets out of bed.)", "[Cut to the basement. Phoebe is pouring the unicorn dust into a satchel. Paige finishes writing a spell.]", "Paige: Okay, one vanquish spell.", "(They hear creaking floorboards.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Cronyn is there looking around. He sees the basement door open and heads over to it. He is distracted by a loud thud coming from the stairway. He leaves the kitchen and walks over to the stairway. Piper is lying there.]", "Cronyn: Stupid witch. You could've killed the both of you.", "(Doris runs down the stairs holding the back of her head.)", "Doris: Ohh, she caught me off guard.", "Cronyn: Just get down here.", "(Doris walks to the bottom of the stairs. Cronyn goes up to Piper.)", "Piper: Get away from me!", "Doris: Her contractions are less than a minute apart.", "[Cut to the second floor. Victor regains consciousness.]", "[Cut back to the stairway.]", "Piper: Oh, god, please not now.", "(Phoebe and Paige come around the corner.)", "Phoebe: Step aside, bitch!", "Paige: Yeah, that's our job.", "(Cronyn holds the knife up against Piper's neck.)", "Cronyn: Move, even breathe and she's dead.", "Piper: Vanquish him, Phoebe.", "Cronyn: Your sister will die.", "Piper: It's to save the baby.", "Paige: Oh my god.", "Cronyn: I'm warning you.", "Piper: Kill him.", "Phoebe: How can I?", "Piper: Do it!", "Phoebe: But I...", "Piper: Phoebe, if you love me, you will send this crazy b*st*rd straight to hell.", "(Victor makes his way down the stairs and pounces on Cronyn. With all his strength, he throws Cronyn over the railing. Paige throws a handful of unicorn dust over Cronyn.)", "Paige: Now!", "Phoebe: \"Beast of legend, myth and lore, give my words the power to soar, and kill this evil evermore.\"", "(Cronyn and Doris run for the door but are vanquished before they can get there. Stanley, dead in the closet, explodes and disappears.)", "Paige: Is everybody okay?", "Piper: I feel like I'm dying.", "[Time lapse. Phoebe races into the dining room carrying a doctor's kit.]", "Phoebe: Baby's coming, baby's coming!", "(She puts the bag down and covers the dining room table with a sheet. She gets a couple of pillows and places them on the table. Paige helps Piper up onto the table and she leans back on the pillows.)", "Phoebe: Okay, you're doing great, sweetie. Yes, you are. Let's see what we have here. (Phoebe pulls up Piper's nightgown.) Oh! I see a head of dark hair.", "(Piper starts to cry.)", "Piper: You do?", "Paige: What'd you expect? A blonde?", "(They laugh. Leo runs in through the front door.)", "Leo: What'd I miss?", "Piper: A lot!", "(Leo runs over to them.)", "Paige: Victor needs help. Here, try this.", "(Paige throws Leo the satchel of unicorn dust. Leo goes over to Victor.)", "Phoebe: Okay, breathe. Keep breathing, keep breathing.", "Paige: It's okay. Breathe, just breathe.", "(Leo sprinkles unicorn dust onto Victor's wound and heals him.)", "Phoebe: Very good. Okay, relax, relax, you're okay.", "Piper: Dad?", "Victor: Yeah, honey?", "Piper: I'm sorry about your demon wife.", "(She cries.)", "Victor: Oh, hush. Don't think about that.", "(Leo walks over to Piper and puts his arm around her.)", "Leo: I'm right here, baby.", "Phoebe: Okay. You okay? You're alright. Okay. You're doing great, you're doing great. Push, okay? Last push.", "Piper: I can't.", "Phoebe: You have to. A big one. Big one! Push!", "Leo: You can do it.", "Piper: I can't.", "Phoebe: You can, you can.", "Paige: Yes, you can.", "Phoebe: Okay, push. (Piper pushes.) Push. Come on, push!", "(Piper squeezes the edge of the table and pushes. A blue light shines down on them.)", "Paige: Oh, I guess magic's coming back.", "Phoebe: Here we go, here we go. (Piper cries.) Oh, I see a shoulder. Oh, and another shoulder. And an arm. (Phoebe helps the baby out.) Oh, and something else, something else. (Phoebe picks up scissors from the medical kit and cuts the umbilical cord. She picks the baby up which is glowing in orbing lights.) Hi, baby. Hi. (She uses a suction and clears the baby's mouth. The baby cries. Phoebe turns the baby around and shows them.) Look!", "(Their eyes widen.)", "Paige: Oh. Is that what I think it is?", "Phoebe: Uh, if you're referring to Mr. Winkie between the legs, yes.", "Leo: You mean, I got a boy?", "Phoebe: Here you go, mama.", "(She hands Piper her baby.)", "Piper: Hi. Hi, little guy, what are you doing? Look what we did.", "Leo: I see.", "Paige: It's a miracle.", "Piper: A little miracle.", "Phoebe: He's beautiful.", "Piper: You are safe, you are loved, and you are wise. (Piper smiles.) How ya doing?" ]
The Day the Magic Died
[ "Everyone is having a hard time finding a name for the baby, especially a boy's name that starts with a P. Leo tries out Peter, while Phoebe tries out Potter (in a reference to Harry Potter ). Leo says his son's last name is going to be Halliwell instead of Wyatt because good magic respects it while evil fears it. Eventually, Piper decides to name her baby Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. The sisters must protect Wyatt from two demons, but the baby has a few surprises of his own. Meanwhile, Paige goes undercover as a bounty hunter, and Phoebe's future with the newspaper is threatened by the new owner." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and the baby are there. Everyone is looking down at the baby who is in the bassinet.]", "Phoebe: Ooh, I could eat him up! I swear I could with a little ranch dressing.", "Piper: Okay, but let's not, okay?", "Phoebe: I can't make that promise.", "Leo: Okay, don't listen to your aunties, okay, they're a little kooky. Us guys gotta stick together, don't we, Peter?", "Piper: Peter?", "Leo: Peter. I'm just floating it.", "Piper: Hmm, is your name Peter?", "Phoebe: Well, for what it's worth, I dated a Peter in high school and he wasn't very nice.", "Paige: Yeah, you know, for what it's worth, it's kind of the name of the appendage that he has that surprised us all so much. It might get him teased at school.", "Leo: Okay, no Peter, but we're running out of P's.", "Paige: I can't believe you never thought of P boy names.", "Piper: Well, when I went to the future I had a little girl and obviously that has changed, as has a lot of things but, um, I'm still having trouble letting go of the name we settled on.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, Prudence Melinda might get him in trouble at school too.", "Paige: I'm thinking that's probably true, although he could just zap them onto a roof like Harry Potter would or something.", "Leo: God, I hope not.", "Phoebe: Aren't you excited to see what his powers are?", "Piper: Excited, terrified. I mean, after seeing what the kid can do inside the womb, he's no muggle.", "Phoebe: Hey, what about Potter? Potter Halliwell. Or is it Wyatt?", "Leo: No, it's definitely Halliwell. Demons fear it, good magic respects it. I want what's best for him. That's why I'm gonna say no to Potter.", "(The baby starts to cry.)", "Piper: Oh, somebody's getting very sleepy. Come on. Shh.", "(Phoebe hugs the bassinet.)", "Phoebe: We love you, we love you, baby, so much. Love you, love you, love you. Bye, baby.", "(Phoebe and Paige leave the room. Piper tucks the baby in with a blanket embroidered with the triquetra symbol on it.)", "Piper: You're perfect, you perfect little creature.", "[Cut to the hallway.]", "Paige: It's too bad with all the powers your baby has, sleeping through the night is not one of them.", "Piper: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, you guys. (Phoebe walks into her room.) Maybe we can cast some kind of sound proofing spell around our bedroom so you don't have to deal with...", "Paige: No way, it'll interfere with the baby's alarm system.", "Piper: Which works how exactly?", "Paige: Ah, pretty basic stuff. I just enchanted a few cowry shells.", "Leo: Well, it's not going to shock anything, is it?", "Paige: In the nursery? I'm not a total idiot. It'll just alert us to the presence of evil so we can all sleep a little sounder. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I need to apply some under eye makeup to these dark circles that your sweet baby caused.", "(Paige goes into her room and closes the door. Phoebe sneaks out of her room, heading for Piper's.)", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: I'm just gonna go watch him sleep for a little while.", "Piper: Phoebe. You must go to work.", "Leo: Yeah, aren't you supposed to meet the new owner of the paper today?", "Phoebe: I know, but it's so hard to leave him. Shouldn't there be some sort of maternity leave for new aunties?", "Piper: Phoebe, the club is not raking in the dough these days and Paige is unemployed, the cost of diapers... We kind of need you to keep your job.", "Phoebe: You're right, you're right, I'll go. Just, no Peter, okay? And no Patrick. And I really think you should consider Potter because it's a great name. Okay. Just don't make any decisions until I get back, please.", "Piper: Time to go.", "Phoebe: And do me a favour and kiss his little toes for me when he wakes up.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Leo: When are you going to talk to her?", "Piper: Oh, she's just excited.", "Leo: Excited, obsessed.", "Piper: Why? Because she wants to watch her nephew sleep?", "Leo: No, because yesterday she was giving you breast feeding advice and now she wants maternity leave.", "Piper: Well, she knows a lot about breasts. And she's an aunt, that's what they do. It's family, you know.", "Leo: Okay, well, how is mummy doing?", "(Leo puts his arms around Piper.)", "Piper: Mummy's tired. And happy.", "(They kiss.)", "Leo: Wanna try and get some sleep?", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "(They kiss again. Suddenly, an alarm goes off. Paige runs out of her bedroom.)", "Paige: The baby!", "Piper: What?", "Paige: The baby!", "(Paige runs in between them and heads for Piper's bedroom. Piper and Leo follow.)", "[Cut to Piper's bedroom. Two demons are standing over the baby's bassinet. Paige runs in followed by Piper and Leo.]", "Paige: Hey!", "(A force field appears around the baby's bassinet and knocks the demons to their feet. Piper blows up one of the demons. The other demon shimmers out.)", "Piper: Son of a...!", "(The force field vanishes. They walk over to the baby who is crying.)", "Leo: Way to go, little guy. Way to use your powers.", "(Piper picks up the baby.)", "Piper: Are you okay? No, you're okay, it's alright, you're okay.", "Paige: Did they scare you?", "Piper: You're okay. You're okay.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige walk in.]", "Piper: It just pisses me off. I can't believe they would come in the house and and try to steal the baby.", "Paige: Piper, demons aren't exactly known for their moral compass. At least he'll be safe with the Elders until we can figure it out.", "(They walk over to the Book of Shadows.)", "Piper: But he's just a baby. He's small and little and innocent.", "Paige: It's okay. He's got that invincibility thing going on. Hey, do you think that's permanent or is it like a baby teeth thing?", "Piper: I have no idea but the demons saw the force field, they're gonna find a way around it.", "Paige: Unless they can get up to Elder-land, he's gonna be fine.", "Piper: Well, he can't stay up there forever.", "Paige: That's what we're here for. No one is going to steal him. I promise you that.", "(Leo orbs in with the baby.)", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: They wouldn't keep him.", "Piper: What? Why? Did you tell them what's going on?", "Leo: They want us to prove to ourselves that we can protect him like your mum and grams did for you.", "(The baby starts to cry. Piper takes him from Leo.)", "Piper: Oh, no, it's okay, we don't need them anyway. It's alright.", "(Piper sits down on the couch. Leo sits beside her.)", "Leo: Are you okay?", "Piper: I'm having some severe separation anxiety issues.", "Leo: We can do this.", "(Paige turns to a page in the Book of Shadows.)", "Paige: Hey, here he is, the Hawker Demon. \"A breed of demon known for hawking magical goods at the demonic market.\"", "Piper: Magical goods? My baby is a magical good? That is sick and twisted.", "Leo: The question is who would wanna buy him and why?", "[Scene: Demon Marketplace. The place is crowded with funky looking demons buying weapons, books, ingredients for potions... At a stall, a gypsy is tied up. Two Parasite Demons with bleached white hair and red eyes are there with the Hawker Demon.]", "Parasite Demon #1: We paid you for a baby, not a gypsy!", "Hawker: And I told you the little brat had a force field protecting it.", "Parasite Demon #2: Which is why we want it, you idiot. The shield is what makes that kid a perfect battery.", "Parasite Demon #1: A self-sustaining, never ending source of magical power. We tap into that power and it will return us to our former strength.", "Parasite Demon #2: Or would you have us stay weaklings, Hawker, doomed to feed on the magic of others forever?", "Hawker: Look, I am sorry that the witch cursed you, and I'm sorry that you lost all of your powers, that's a tough break. But it's not my fault.", "Crone: Hawker!", "(A woman with greyish long hair and wearing black clothes approaches them.)", "Hawker: Madame, how may I serve you today?", "Crone: The eyes of two dozen adult brown bats and a large boar's tongue, please.", "Hawker: Right away.", "(Hawker gets the tongue and eyes and wraps them in some paper.)", "Parasite Demon #1: We're not finished here. She can wait her turn.", "Crone: Bottom feeders. (She looks at a jar of eyes.) What is it that's keeping you alive today, hm? Feed on a troll for breakfast this morning?", "Parasite Demon #2: Back off, Crone.", "(They glare at each other. Crone then turns to Hawker.)", "Crone: I sense danger, Hawker. The task these leeches seek you for will bring only death and destruction, and not to our enemies. Turn them away.", "Hawker: Your order, madam.", "(He holds out the wrapped up tongue and eyes. She hands him some coins and takes it. She walks away.)", "Parasite Demon #1: You're not gonna listen to that crazy old wretch, are you?", "Hawker: Crone's wisdom is ancient and renowned. I have already lost one demon on this job. Now, you either take the gypsy or nothing.", "Parasite Demon #2: We'll take the gypsy to tide us over, and we'll double the bounty on the infant.", "Parasite Demon #1: Or maybe we'll pay that to another Hawker. In which case the bounty will be on your head.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Main room. Phoebe and employees are gathered around the room.]", "Elise: I know it's not much of a choice but there it is. We find ways to make him happy or we find new jobs.", "Phoebe: Well, he can't be any tougher to please than you, right Elise?", "(They all laugh.)", "Elise: One can only hope. All I know is his name is Jason Dean, he's new money, some kind of dot com millionaire, and he's known for his shaking up the companies that he buys.", "Kate: Shaking up as in layoffs?", "Elise: Honestly, Kate, you know as much as I do.", "Kate: So you don't know if you'll be employed tomorrow either.", "Elise: Look, guys, he'll be here soon and we can get a better read then. In the meantime I suggest we all get back to work.", "Phoebe: Work, schmirk. I got baby pictures here. Gather around, people. (Everyone stands around Phoebe while she hands out photos of her nephew.) You are looking at six pounds, eight ounces of pure deliciousness.", "Woman: How's your sister doing?", "Phoebe: Healthy as a horse.", "Woman: You think he's gonna keep those blue eyes?", "Phoebe: You know, he might because his daddy has light eyes.", "(Jason Dean joins the crowd.)", "Jason: How old is he?", "Phoebe: Three weeks today.", "Jason: Wow. You look pretty good for a woman who had a baby three weeks ago.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, I'm not his mummy, I'm just his... (She looks at the handsome man.) Auntie. Hi, have we met?", "Jason: Jason Dean.", "Phoebe: Oh, god!", "(Elise rushes to him.)", "Elise: I'm sorry, y-y-you're Mr. Dean?", "Jason: Jason, please.", "Phoebe: Wow, that-that's some weird stuff because you're really... young, young.", "Jason: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "(Phoebe nervously fans her face with the photos.)", "Jason: You know it's strange. I always pictured a newspaper bullpen as being a little more, I don't know, bustling.", "Phoebe: Bus-bus-bustle.", "(Everyone quickly gets back to work.)", "Jason: Oh, hey, no.", "(He laughs.)", "Elise: I'm Elise Rothman. Let me show you around.", "Jason: Honestly, Elise, I didn't mean to insult your team. I grew up reading comic books, The Daily Planet, bustled.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, in all fairness, Superman can move faster than a speeding bullet, so he's got a little leg up on the bustling, you know?", "Jason: A woman who knows her superheroes. I'm impressed.", "Phoebe: I-I'm Phoebe.", "(She shakes his hand.)", "Jason: I know. I've been doing a lot of homework, a lot of reading. Circulation is down and...", "(He looks down and Phoebe is still shaking his hand.)", "Phoebe: Oh, sorry.", "Jason: I plan to bring it up and from what I've seen that's gonna start with you.", "Phoebe: Wow, that's really sweet. (to Elise) Isn't that sweet? Did you hear that? I'm sorry about the little picture show, you know?", "Jason: Oh, if I had a nephew that cute I'd show him off too. The best I can do is... (He pulls out his wallet and shows her a picture of a dog.) Picture of my dog.", "(He smiles. Phoebe takes his wallet and looks closer at the picture.)", "Elise: Mr. Dean, if you'd like I could give you a tour.", "Jason: Great. Phoebe. (She gives him back his wallet.) Let's talk soon.", "Phoebe: He has your eyes.", "(Jason laughs. Elise and Jason walk away. Phoebe continues to fan her face with the photos and goes into her office.)", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Paige walks in through the door and walks into the parlor where Piper, Leo and the baby are. Piper and Leo are looking at the family tree.]", "Paige: Well, the neighbours who don't already think we're crazy now officially do. But the house is surrounded by apples and sage.", "Piper: Thank you. I know you think it's a waste of time but...", "Paige: Well, you know, if it worked we would've done it already.", "Piper: Every little bit helps.", "Paige: Alright. How's your ritual coming?", "Piper: It's not.", "Paige: What? I thought you were gonna try to call the baby's fairy guards.", "Piper: We were, we are, but to perform the ritual properly you have to have a name for the baby first.", "Leo: So we busted out the family tree hoping to find some new ideas.", "Paige: Let me see. (She sits beside them.) Okay, right away I'm gonna say I'm against the name Herbert.", "Piper: Yeah, we already vetoed Clarence and Milton as well.", "(Paige looks at the bottom of the paper.)", "Paige: Not to be too self-centred but where am I on the tree?", "Leo: Oh, uh...", "Piper: Well, we haven't had a chance to update it lately.", "Paige: Oh, right.", "Leo: Yeah, the baby's not even on there either.", "Paige: Well, yeah, that's because he doesn't have a name yet, Leo.", "Piper: Well, Paige, it's just a piece of paper, it doesn't mean anything.", "Paige: I know that. Anyway, wiccan rituals and fairy guards notwithstanding, I think it's time we bust out some serious ammo.", "Piper: As in...?", "Paige: As in a good old fashioned demon hunt. I say we bypass the Hawker and go for the jerk that hired him to steal the baby in the first place.", "Leo: How?", "Paige: Not so sure just yet but I will say this. Once we find him, we use him to send a message, \"If you come after this baby you will die in the cruellest manor possible.", "(The baby starts to cry and Piper goes to the bassinet.)", "Piper: Well, I like the message. Um, you know, except...", "(Piper picks up the baby and carries him to a change table.)", "Paige: Except?", "Piper: Except for the part where I have to leave my newborn child to go demon hunting. I'm just, I'm not ready.", "Paige: Okay, fine, I can understand that. I'll just, uh, I'll take Phoebe.", "(Piper changes the baby's diaper.)", "Leo: Except that she's got a really big day at work today and we kinda need her money right now.", "Paige: I'll go by myself.", "Leo: No way, you don't even know what kind of demon we're up against.", "Paige: Fine, but I am the baby's godmother. It's my job to protect him and if I don't stop him, the Hawker will come back.", "Leo: Alright, then let's get ready for him.", "Piper: Exactly. We'll lay a trap for him. Maybe we'll kidnap him and sell him to the highest bidder. (Piper picks up the baby and puts him back in the bassinet.) What do you think? That's a good idea.", "Leo: Then we can find out who hired him and force him to take us to them.", "Paige: No, it sounds risky.", "Leo: Well, he has his own force field and your alarm system. It's no more risky than you going off on your own on some wild goose chase.", "Piper: He's right, you should go get the crystals for the trap.", "Paige: Fine.", "(Paige goes upstairs. The phone rings. Leo answers it.)", "Leo: Hello?", "Piper: Shh!", "Phoebe: Don't hello me. You know who I'm calling to talk to.", "(Leo walks into the conservatory.)", "Leo: Well, he's resting right now. How'd it go with the new boss?", "Phoebe: Oh, Jason Dean? I wanna bury his children but that's beside the point. Now let me talk to...", "Leo: What? You have a crush on the new boss?", "Phoebe: I don't think I like your tone of voice, mister. Now please let me talk to my nephew, I don't want him to forget my voice.", "Leo: Well, he needs his rest. It's-it's been a little hectic around here.", "Phoebe: Hectic? What do you mean, hectic?", "Leo: Well, I didn't want to worry you but there was an attack. They were after the baby.", "Phoebe: What? Why didn't you tell me?", "Leo: I did tell you. I-I just told you.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, I'm coming home.", "Leo: You don't have to, we have it under control, there's nothing to worry about. We'll call you if we need you.", "Phoebe: Leo, this is my nephew we're talking about, okay? You should've called me. I'll just tell Jason that I have to work from home for the rest of the day.", "(She hangs up.)", "[Cut to The Bay Mirror. Elise's office. Elise and Jason are there.]", "Jason: In today's market image and content are inseparable. We could publish a Pulitzer-Prize winning article but with our puny circulation, who's gonna notice?", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Is this a bad time?", "Jason: No, come in, come in. Here, look at this woman. Beautiful, smart, funny. And she can write. With the right exposure, she could kick Dear Abby down into the bush leagues. She's a commodity.", "Phoebe: Thank you, I-I think. Now that I have your attention...", "Elise: And we've worked hard to capitalise on her. She has billboards, she's done guest spots on local radio shows, she did that spread in 415 magazine.", "Jason: And don't think I didn't see it. What I was wondering was what we could do differently with regard to content.", "Elise: Content?", "Jason: I was thinking we expand her column. Have her write a series of features road testing her own advice, or a series on the best singles spots in San Francisco based on her own undercover experience.", "Elise: I like it. Phoebe and I can work this afternoon, put some ideas together...", "Phoebe: No, we can't. I'm sorry, but I have to work from home for the rest of the afternoon.", "Jason: Why?", "Phoebe: Why? Uh, well, because I have a new baby... a new nephew at home and he demands a lot of attention...", "Jason: But he's got parents, right? Is there something here I'm missing?", "Phoebe: No. Look, Elise has never minded me working from home.", "Elise: Yes, but Phoebe, we're talking about expanding your column. I should think you'd want a hand in what that's going to look like.", "Phoebe: Well, of course I do, Elise, but...", "Jason: Are we not paying you enough?", "Phoebe: No, that's not it.", "Jason: Okay, sit down with Elise, come up with some new ideas, and while you're at it discuss what you think your new salary should be. We'll meet again late this afternoon. (His cell phone rings and he answers it.) Yeah? Great.", "(He leaves the office.)", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper and Leo are there looking at their baby.]", "Piper: Why would somebody want to hurt something so innocent? (Leo points at Paige who is asleep on the couch. They walk into the conservatory.) Poor Paige. She's getting all the hassles of parenthood with none of the rewards.", "Leo: I think a smile from her nephew is all she'll ever want. It's gonna be okay, Piper.", "Piper: How?", "Leo: Because babies are resilient and ours has a little extra of that.", "Piper: But even so, I mean, it can't be good for him. Even if he can handle the demons, he must sense the tension which means at the very best, we end up with a neurotic infant.", "Leo: Look on the bright side, growing up with your sisters, he was bound to be neurotic anyway.", "(They laugh and hug. Suddenly, Paige comes flying in the room. The baby alarm goes off. Piper and Leo run into the parlor to see the Hawker and another demon there. The demon has a red beam of light hitting the bassinet which is causing it to float in mid-air.)", "Piper: No!", "(Piper dives on the bassinet pushes it out of the beam's way. They land on the floor. Leo tackles the two demons.)", "Paige: Leo! (Leo gets out of the way and Paige puts down a crystal near the demons creating a crystal cage. The demons scream and they are vanquished, leaving only a knife.) I guess I over charged it.", "(Paige picks up the knife. Leo rushes over to Piper and the baby. The baby cries.)", "Piper: I got you, bub. You're alright.", "Leo: How's my little buddy doing, huh?", "Piper: I think we need a little bit of healing here.", "Leo: Well, he looks fine to me.", "Piper: Not him, me.", "(She looks down at her leg and falls back unconscious. Paige and Leo look at the broken bone sticking out of Piper's leg. They wince at the sight.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Paige has propped Piper's head onto her lap. Leo is about to heal Piper's leg.]", "Leo: Okay, now, easy, watch her head. Alright, make sure you hold her hands, we don't want her blowing anything up.", "(Paige holds Piper's arms.)", "Paige: Just do it.", "(Leo heals Piper's leg and Piper sits up quickly.)", "Piper: Where's the baby?", "Leo: It's alright, honey, he's okay.", "Piper: They knew about the force field, they almost blew him out of the window.", "Leo: Yeah, but they didn't, and right now our concern is about you.", "Piper: Me? Why? I'm healed.", "Leo: Yes, but the fact is that you needed to be healed, that's what I'm talking about.", "Piper: Yeah, I guess I'm not so invincible anymore, huh?", "Paige: Well, it makes sense since you got the power from him and he's not inside you anymore.", "Leo: I was just hoping he would've left a little bit behind for mama.", "Piper: Well, the theory did occur to me but I haven't had a chance to test it out.", "Leo: This is serious, Piper. You need to learn how to be careful again now that you're vulnerable.", "Piper: I don't have to luxury of being careful now that half of demonville is after our child.", "Paige: Um, what do you think about using he athame to scry for the demonic market? I mean, it makes sense that the Hawker demon got it there.", "Piper: Yeah?", "Paige: We can disguise ourselves as demons, infiltrate the market and pretend that we know how to get the Charmed Ones' baby.", "Piper: It's a smart plan. Then we could find out what sicko is in the market to buy him.", "Paige: Right, then we vanquish them, everyone they've ever met, and proceed with our original demon killing, message sending plan.", "Piper: It's a very wordy, very good plan.", "Leo: Oh, it's a good idea to send the mother of my child into the hornets nest because you overcharged the trap?", "Paige: Oh, gee, one little mistake, man.", "Piper: It's okay, she's right, we can go.", "Paige: Right. (Paige gets up.) You sure you're okay to do this?", "(Piper thinks for a moment.)", "Piper: No, I can't go.", "Paige: Okay, I'll just go check the Book of Shadows, see if I missed anything. He'll be okay.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Piper: I think it's time we called Phoebe.", "Leo: I called her, she said she was on her way home. I'll call her again.", "(Leo gets up and goes to the phone.)", "Piper: You're okay, little guy, we're not gonna let anybody steal you.", "[Cut to Piper's room. Paige walks in and goes over to the bassinet. She picks up the blanket with the triquetra symbol on it.]", "[Cut to the woods. Paige is there wearing a tight short blue dress and a blonde wig. She is holding the baby blanket.]", "Paige: It's okay, Paige, it's okay. I fought fairytales earlier this year, you can do this, you can do this.", "(Suddenly, an energy ball flies out of nowhere and hits Paige in the chest. She falls flat on her face. Two demon guards literally walk out of two trees.", "Demon Guard #1: Lost, little girl?", "(Paige gets up.)", "Paige: You have a really messed up idea of customer service.", "Demon Guard #2: What?", "Paige: I am a dissatisfied customer. (She pulls a knife out from under the blanket.) I bought this athame here at the market. It's supposed to flame. It doesn't. I paid a pretty penny for it too. And for what? It almost got me killed trying to steal the Charmed Ones' baby. You know what I got for my efforts? A nice little blanket. Mm, sweet. Oh, and the Hawker who hired me? He got eighty-sixed, so I didn't even get a pay day.", "Demon Guard #1: Who are you?", "Paige: I told you, I'm a dissatisfied customer. (Paige stabs Guard #2 in the stomach and vanquishes him.) See? No flame.", "(Demon Guard #1 waves his arm and a portal-like door to the market appears between two trees. Paige walks through into the market. The Demon Guard waves his arm again and closes the portal door.)", "[Cut to the market. Paige walks through the busy street.]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Elise's office. Phoebe, Elise and Jason are there.]", "Phoebe: So we thought I could hit up a couple of clubs around town and try out the pick-up lines that I suggested in my column.", "Elise: Then she'll report back on how they work off the page and in the world.", "Jason: I love it. It's sexy as hell.", "Phoebe: Okay, great. So why don't I go home and try to work on...", "(Jason's phone rings and he answers it.)", "Jason: Yeah? Uh-huh... no... no, definitely not. Great. (He hangs up. Phoebe impatiently taps her pen on her book.) Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm fine. I just, I have a little blood sugar issue, it's nothing serious but I have to eat.", "Jason: Say no more. You like Chinese? Food, not people.", "Phoebe: I really need to get home.", "Jason: Elise, could you excuse us for a moment?", "Elise: Sure. I'll just, um... be over here.", "(Elise walks past Phoebe and mouths something to her. She leaves.)", "Jason: Is this about your sister's baby again?", "Phoebe: Yes, it is actually. I need to go spend some time with him.", "Jason: With your sister's baby?", "Phoebe: Yes. Look, you may not understand but that baby needs me right now.", "Jason: Is your sister a single parent?", "Phoebe: No.", "Jason: Look, Phoebe, I think it's really wonderful that you love your nephew this much, I really do. But you have a job.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I think I do it pretty well.", "Jason: Yes, you do. Until recently.", "Phoebe: Excuse me?", "Jason: I spent some of the afternoon going over your columns from the last few weeks, (he walks past Phoebe and Phoebe takes the opportunity to check out his butt. He walks around Elise's desk and sits down.) and they've become very...", "Phoebe: What?", "Jason: Baby-centric. They're all about diapers and mother's milk. They don't even read like you, they've lost your edge. You're sexy.", "Phoebe: Okay, any writer, any good writer, uses their life experiences in their work.", "Jason: That's true. But if all you've got to inform your work is someone else's baby, maybe you need to re-evaluate your priorities.", "(There's a knock on the door and Phoebe's assistant walks in.)", "Assistant: I'm sorry, Mr. Dean, but Phoebe, your brother-in-law is on the phone and it's the third time he's called.", "Phoebe: What? Why didn't you tell me.", "(Phoebe rushes out of the office.)", "[Cut to the manor. Parlor. Piper and the baby are there. Leo orbs in with Phoebe.]", "Phoebe: I don't understand. Why didn't you juts orb for me when they wouldn't put me through?", "(Phoebe rushes over to the bassinet.)", "Leo: Because I didn't want to leave the house unless it was absolutely necessary.", "Phoebe: Oh, right. Okay, so there was another kidnap attempt?", "(Phoebe reaches in to pick up the baby but Piper stops her.)", "Piper: Yes, shh.", "(They move away from the bassinet.)", "Phoebe: I can't believe they didn't put you through.", "Leo: They said you were in an important meeting and the boss said that you shouldn't be disturbed.", "Phoebe: Unbelievable. And he says I have my priorities mixed up?", "Leo: Who?", "Phoebe: Jason Dean.", "Leo: Jason. (Looks at Piper.) Jason Halli...", "Phoebe: Oh, don't even think about it, mister.", "Piper: Please tell me you didn't get fired.", "Phoebe: No, I didn... I don't think I did. (The baby wakes up and starts to cry. The baby alarm goes off.) What the hell is that?", "Piper: Baby alarm.", "Phoebe: What? (Phoebe rushes over to the baby and picks him up. The alarm stops.) I know, so much excitement. What was that alerting us to exactly?", "Leo: Demons, there's supposed to be demons in the house.", "Phoebe: Look at that, he's not even crying. You are so brave. You're like a little brave soldier.", "Leo: Maybe the alarm is faulty.", "Piper: Paige would know. Where is Paige?", "[Cut to the attic. Piper, carrying the baby, Leo and Phoebe walk in.]", "Piper: Oh my god, she's not here.", "Phoebe: Okay, why is that an 'oh my god'?", "(Piper puts the baby into the attic's bassinet.)", "Leo: The scyring tools are out.", "(Piper looks on the table.)", "Piper: The hand grenade potion is gone.", "Phoebe: Will some please tell me what's going on here? (Piper picks up a piece of paper.) What is that, a spell?", "Piper: No, it's a note. \"Gone to market. Back soon.\"", "Phoebe: Okay, well, that's good news, right? She went to the market. Right?", "(Piper sighs.)", "[Scene: Demonic Market. Paige is walking down the busy street with a large demon.]", "Demon Saleswoman: Come on, guys, this is top of the line. The power to throw fireballs twenty yards. Now let's hear a serious offer.", "Large Demon: Now, if you need any powers, there's where to go.", "(Paige laughs.)", "Paige: You're such a great tour guide.", "(They pass a demon selling tonics.)", "Demon Salesman: Looking for that little something extra? You didn't become a demon to just stand on the sidelines. Now, watch and see what my permutonic can do for you.", "(He drinks the tonic and becomes a large muscular demon. The crowd is amazed. Paige and the large demon stop.)", "Large Demon: I think up there's the guys you're looking for. The parasites.", "Paige: Oh, parasites? Should I be frightened?", "Large Demon: Nah. They were bad-ass once but some witch cursed them, took away their powers. Pitiful little bastards. Even a girl like you could take them.", "Paige: Oh, really? A girl like me? Then I might just have to. Well, thank you for the tour. I suppose you'll be wanting your payment now.", "Large Demon: You know I will.", "(He reaches for her.)", "Paige: Fireball!", "(A fireball orbs out of a demon woman's hand, which she was throwing up and down like a ball. It orbs into Paige's hand and she throws it at the Large Demon, vanquishing him.)", "Demon Woman: Hey!", "Paige: Sorry, he was getting a little grabby.", "(Paige heads for a building ahead.)", "[Cut to inside the building. The Parasite demons are feeding off a gypsy's powers. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Excuse me. Anyone here interested in a Charmed One's offspring?", "Parasite Demon #1: Who are you?", "Paige: I'm the reason you're not gonna need that food anymore, not after you hear what I have to say.", "Parasite Demon #2: The food is dead. You were saying?", "Paige: Just that the Hawker who hired me to grab the baby screwed up the job and got himself dead. He didn't say who hired him but I heard it was you.", "Parasite Demon #2: So what if it was?", "Paige: Don't get nervous. I'm just here for the bounty. The offer still stands, right?", "Parasite Demon #1: First, tell us why you're still alive.", "Paige: I'll take that as a yes.", "(Paige pulls out the grenade potion from behind the baby blanket and throws it at the Parasite Demons. They feed off the power from the explosion and then start to feed off Paige's. Her blonde wig is blown off her head and she falls to the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there. Phoebe is scrying for the demonic market.]", "Phoebe: Come on, people, talk to me. (The crystal points to a spot on the map.) Bingo. We have a location of the market.", "Piper: Yes. (to Leo) Anything on Paige?", "Leo: I can't sense her at all. But that doesn't mean we should panic. Her signal might be blocked by the magic of the marketplace.", "Phoebe: Right, there's no reason to panic. I mean, our sister went alone to demonville, she has no idea what or who she's up against, so there's no reason to panic, right?", "Piper: Phoebe, it was my fault. I should've gone with her.", "Phoebe: I would have gone with her had she called me.", "Piper: Well, I told her not to bother you 'cause you were trying to impress your new boss.", "Phoebe: I was not trying to impress my boss, thank you.", "Leo: You weren't? But this morning...", "Phoebe: We- I... Okay, maybe this morning I was trying to impress him but I'm not, so can we talk about anything but Jason Dean, please? Thank you very much.", "Leo: Yeah, let's talk about how we're gonna find Paige.", "Phoebe: Oh. Well, we're gonna write a spell that's gonna carry us to the market. Can I have some paper?", "(Piper picks up Paige's note and hands it to Phoebe. Phoebe gets a premonition. In the premonition, the Parasite Demons are sucking Paige's power out of her.)", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: No. It's time to panic.", "(The baby alarm goes off.)", "Piper: Oh my god!", "[Scene: Demon Market. Building. Paige is tied to a table. The Parasite Demons stand beside her.]", "Parasite Demon #2: I say we suck her dry, nice and slow.", "Parasite Demon #1: Tempting, but...", "Parasite Demon #2: But what? You forget that is was one of her kind that cursed us to this life?", "Paige: Please...", "Parasite Demon #1: Say we kill her, get revenge on yet another witch. Then what? We're still parasites. Nothing will have changed.", "Parasite Demon #2: She'll be dead. That's change.", "Parasite Demon #1: We'll still be bound to this trivial existence. Think about it. She's a Charmed One, her sisters will sense her if we keep her alive. And then they will come for her.", "Parasite Demon #2: Then when they do, the infant will be left vulnerable.", "Paige: No...", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper is holding the baby. Leo walks in.]", "Piper: Anything?", "Leo: Unless they're invisible, there's no demons in the house.", "Piper: Then why does the alarm keep going off?", "Leo: We'd have to ask Paige.", "Phoebe: Oh, we'd better hurry because from what I saw, she doesn't have a lot of time.", "Piper: You want me to leave my baby when the alarm designed to sense evil is going off every ten minutes?", "Phoebe: Believe me, Piper, I don't wanna leave the baby either, but the alarm is broken, there is no evil in this house.", "Piper: But we've gone up against invisible demons before, you know, demons that morph into lamps, lamps that morph into demons, demons in the walls.", "Phoebe: But don't think if they were here they'd be attacking the baby by now? (The baby gurgles and smiles.) Oh, look at him, he's smiling! Oh, you are so brave.", "Leo: He's smiling?", "Phoebe: Either that or he has gas.", "(Leo gets an idea.)", "Leo: Piper, put him down.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: He was crying when the demon attacked.", "Piper: So?", "Leo: So just put him down a minute and come over here. You too, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Why?", "Leo: Trust me.", "Piper: Okay. (Piper puts the baby into the bassinet and walks away.) What are we doing?", "Leo: Just wait.", "Phoebe: For what?", "(The baby alarm goes off. Piper and Phoebe race over to the baby.)", "Leo: That's what.", "Phoebe: I don't get it.", "Leo: He's doing it, he's using his powers to set off the alarm.", "Piper: Because he figured out when it goes off, that we'll come running.", "Phoebe: He's just trying to get attention. He's a genius. Oh, you're a genius!", "Leo: That's my boy, using your powers.", "Piper: Are you trying to give mummy a heart attack? Is that what you're trying to do?", "Leo: So I guess it's safe to say you can go help Paige.", "Piper: Right.", "Phoebe: Are you gonna be okay?", "Piper: Yeah, okay. Grab some potions. Because if I'm going to that market and leaving him here, we're not taking no prisoners.", "Leo: Well, just be careful.", "Piper: I will.", "Leo: You're not invincible anymore.", "Piper: I know. It's just so hard to leave. (Phoebe hugs the bassinet.) So hard to make Phoebe leave.", "Leo: Well, just make sure you come back.", "Piper: You take care of him. I mean, one hair out of place on the head, you and me, issues.", "Leo: I will. At the first sign of trouble I will orb him out.", "Piper: Okay. Phoebe, here we go, here we go.", "[Scene: Woods. Piper and Phoebe arrive. An energy ball comes out of nowhere and flies past them. The Demon Guard literally walks out of a tree.]", "Phoebe: Where's the market?", "Demon Guard: Who are you?", "Piper: I'm the mother. (Piper tries to blow up the demon and he goes flying through the market door. They stand in front of the door, looking in on a crowd of demons.) Which one of you dirtbags put the bounty on my baby?", "(A demon in the crowd throws a stream of fire towards the girls. Piper blows it up and then blows the demon up.)", "[Cut to the building. Screams and explosions are heard. Parasite Demon #1 looks out the window as Piper makes her way through the crowd, blowing up everyone in her way. Piper and Phoebe head for the building.]", "Parasite Demon #1: They're here.", "Parasite Demon #2: It's baby time.", "(They disappear.)", "[Cut to the manor. Parlor. Leo is there reading a book. The baby alarm goes off and Leo kneels beside the bassinet.]", "Leo: It's okay, buddy, mummy'll be home soon.", "(The Parasite Demons stand beside Leo and suck out his powers. He falls to the floor. The baby cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Market. Building. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Phoebe: Where are they?", "Paige: Piper.", "Piper: I know you are very happy to see us.", "Paige: The baby.", "Phoebe: He's fine, he's with Leo.", "Paige: The Parasites, they'll absorb Leo's power.", "(They untie Paige.)", "Piper: What? Can you orb?", "Paige: No. No, they took my powers away.", "(They help Paige up.)", "Phoebe: We've gotta get to the other side of the gate.", "(Piper picks up the baby's blanket.)", "Piper: That is mine.", "[Cut to the street. Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk out of the building and down the street. Paige drops the blanket. Crone walks over to the blanket and picks it up.]", "[Cut to the manor. Parlor. The Parasite Demons are sucking the power out of the baby.]", "Parasite Demon #1: Do you feel the power?", "Parasite Demon #2: It's fantastic. But how will we get him out of here?", "Parasite Demon #1: Keep draining the magic. The force field will falter and then he'll be ours.", "(Leo wakes up and gets up. He grabs a lamp and smashes it over them. He weakly kneels beside the bassinet. The Parasite Demons continue to suck their powers.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper, Phoebe and Paige appear. Piper and Phoebe sit Paige down on the couch.]", "Paige: Go. Don't let them put their hands on you.", "[Cut to the parlor.]", "Leo: No!", "(Piper and Phoebe run down the stairs. Piper blows up Parasite #1. The other one disappears.)", "Piper: He got away.", "Phoebe: It's okay, let him go.", "Piper: I said no prisoners. (to Leo) Are you okay?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: Then we're going back.", "[Cut to the market. Night. Building. Crone is there, holding the baby blanket. Parasite Demon #2 appears.]", "Crone: You did this to us. I warned you.", "Parasite Demon #2: The witches did this, not me.", "Crone: The witches have nothing compared to... This child is powerful beyond your understanding. What I have foreseen, is not to be ignored.", "Parasite Demon #2: What? What did you see? What is he?", "Crone: He is our end. We'll have nothing more to do with this... being.", "Parasite Demon #2: That's easy for you to say. You have powers of your own.", "(Piper and Phoebe walk in.)", "Crone: And I enjoy using them. (She points her fingers at the Parasite Demon and a tunnel of sand surrounds him. He screams out and turns to dust. Crone turns to Piper and Phoebe.) Your sister's powers have been restored.", "Phoebe: Who are you?", "Crone: I represent those in power. Rest assured a law will be passed forbidding any further attempts on your child.", "Piper: Why? What do you stand to gain?", "Crone: Nothing. You have proven that the costs of a war will far outweigh the benefits. Consider this our white flag. (She hands them the baby blanket.) Now I suggest you rest well and preserve your energies. From what I've foreseen you're going to need them.", "(Crone disappears.)", "Phoebe: Way to send a message, warrior mum!", "Piper: I don't know about that.", "Phoebe: You didn't believe her?", "Piper: Well, partially, but I think this had more to do with him than anything we did.", "Phoebe: What do you think she foresaw?", "Piper: I wish I knew.", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are standing around the bassinet. Phoebe has her head in the bassinet making baby voices.]", "Phoebe: Oh, I could eat you! Yes, I could! Yes, I could.", "Piper: Pheebs, after the demonic Parasites that did actually kinda wanna eat him, not so cute.", "Phoebe: Gotcha. Ooh, I could smush you! Ooh, I could just smush your little face! Ooh, la, la, la, la.", "Piper: Much better.", "Paige: Is that his new name? Smush-face Halliwell?", "Leo: It's about as good as everything else we've come up with.", "Phoebe: No new ideas, huh?", "Piper: Actually...", "Leo: Uh, no, you know, we've been so busy with the alarm and the demon fighting and the sister saving.", "Paige: I'm sorry.", "Piper: Oh, don't be sorry, Paige. You were brave and you inspired me to fight and you made the world a safer place for our baby. Which is why I would like to give the baby the middle name of Matthew, in honour of his super protective Aunt Paige.", "Phoebe: I think that's a great idea.", "Piper: What do you think?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Paige: Thanks.", "Piper: And I also have an idea for his first name. Wyatt. In honour of his very protective daddy.", "Leo: Really? Well, it doesn't start with a P.", "Piper: Ah, so we break the tradition.", "(Phoebe picks up Wyatt.)", "Phoebe: Happy baby. Why don't we ask him? W- That's probably your job.", "(She hands Wyatt to Piper.)", "Piper: Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. Is that your name? What do you think? It's a good one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Elise's office. Jason is sitting at the desk looking through some books. Phoebe knocks at the door and walks in.]", "Phoebe: I thought you'd still be here.", "Jason: Yeah, well, there's a lot to do.", "Phoebe: Um, I just came by to say that I'm really sorry.", "Jason: Huh, I didn't figure you for the type to apologise easily.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm not, I only apologise when I'm wrong. Okay, I wasn't entirely wrong, there was an emergency at home and I did need to leave. And in the future, if you're gonna hold my calls, I hope you tell me.", "Jason: This is an apology?", "Phoebe: Yes, because about the other stuff, you were right. I got overwhelmed by the baby and I lost my voice, my perspective.", "Jason: That's really...", "Phoebe: It's just since we were kids, we always shared everything equally, so when the baby came I just thought it should be the same way. You know, which is ridiculous 'cause I'm not his mum, I'm his aunt, and it actually works out great for me 'cause mums have to parent, you know, and I just get to spoil.", "Jason: Well, that's understandable...", "Phoebe: And I know you're really busy and you don't need to be listening to some advice columnist's psycho babble, but... um... if I still have a job, I promise you'll see all the changes you're looking for in my column first thing in the morning.", "Jason: Great. Can I talk now?", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah.", "Jason: I knew less about my last girlfriend's family than I've learned about yours in the last five minutes.", "Phoebe: Oh, really?", "Jason: Still talking.", "Phoebe: Sorry.", "Jason: I am busy but making this paper work is important to me, and if that means listening to an advice columnist's late night psycho babble then that's what I'm willing to do.", "Phoebe: That's...", "Jason: Still talking.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Jason: This paper can't afford to lose you, Phoebe, you're too valuable, too talented. And if you can admit when you're wrong, then so can I.", "Phoebe: So...", "Jason: So, in the future, if I have to hold your calls I'll let you know.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Jason: You're welcome. Done talking.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(She giggles and stands there uncomfortably while he watches her. She points to the door and leaves. He continues to work.)" ]
Baby's First Demon
[ "After Leprechauns are being killed by a demon looking to use their luck to aid other demons in gaining power in the Underworld. Realizing that there's a target on their backs, the remaining Leprechauns grant the Charmed Ones good luck, in an attempt to vanquish the demon and stay alive." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. Phoebe is on a date with a guy. A waitress brings Phoebe over a drink.]", "Phoebe: Thanks, Susie.", "Susie: Sure.", "(The waitress walks away.)", "Guy: You've never done this before, have you? Online dating, I mean.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, I have, I have, a couple of times. It's just, it's not my favourite way to meet people.", "Guy: Really? Why not?", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't know, it's very impersonal, you know, too planned.", "Guy: Well, I have to say I've met quite a few interesting women online.", "Phoebe: Really? (She gets a notepad and pen out of her handbag.) Um, more interesting than you tend to meet in person?", "Guy: What's this?", "Phoebe: Oh, I'm doing an article on internet dating.", "Guy: Wait, your profile said you were looking for romance.", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, it did and I kinda am... it's just my new boss put me up to this, I didn't really wanna do it. I'm sorry, are you mad?", "Guy: No, no, not at all. I still have high hopes for this evening. (He touches her hand and she gasps as she receives a premonition.) Are you alright?", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, it's just the hiccups. (She fakes a hiccup.) You wait right here.", "(Phoebe gets up and walks over to the bar where Piper is talking on the phone.)", "Piper: (on phone) No, no, no. Pat Benatar cannot cancel on me, I won't be able to replace her by this weekend.", "Phoebe: Piper...", "Piper: Look, I know I didn't call to confirm but I was busy creating life, okay? Look, just let me talk to Pat. I know she'd understand, really. Hello? He hung up on me that little cretin.", "Phoebe: My date is a demon.", "Piper: Huh? What? (She looks at the guy.) That guy? But he's so hot.", "Phoebe: Yeah, hot as in flames of hell hot. I had a premonition, he devours his victims, I'm next, freeze the room.", "Piper: Ugh, my sister the demon magnet.", "(She freezes the room but the guy doesn't freeze. He looks around.)", "Guy: Witches. Damn it.", "(Piper blows him up.)", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Piper: Mm-hm. (She unfreezes the room.) Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to going bankrupt. Actually, scratch that. I have to get back to fighting with my husband.", "Phoebe: Oh, another fight?", "Piper: Yeah, well, you know, new parents, two career couple, that kind of stuff. We'll figure it out. (She picks up her handbag.) Now, are you gonna come home with me or are you gonna try and salvage this evening.", "Phoebe: No, I think my luck has run out.", "(Phoebe grabs her handbag and follows Piper out.)", "[Scene: Outside a Cafe. A busker is there playing the guitar and singing.]", "Busker: \"Greensleeves was my heart of gold / And who but my lady greensleeves / Yeah, who but my lady greensleeves / Alas, my love, you do...\" (A man in a suit walks past him.) A little down on my luck, sir. Could you spare some change? (The man ignores him and keeps walking. A leprechaun appears behind a bush.) God bless you. \"Greensleeves was all my joy...\"", "(The leprechaun holds out his hand and gold nugget sits in it.)", "Leprechaun: Slainte is tainte. (The nugget glows and a stream of light hits the busker. There's a gust of wind and it slams his guitar case shut. The busker stops singing. The wind blows a sheet of newspaper across the sidewalk, revealing a money note under it. The busker goes over and picks the $50 note up. The leprechaun smiles and leaves down the sidewalk in a blur. Saleel, a demon, stands in the middle of the sidewalk and the leprechaun smacks into him, falling backwards on the ground. The leprechaun gets up.) Begging your pardon, sir. I meant no disrespect. I'll just be on me way.", "(He steps forward and Saleel grabs him around the neck. The leprechaun drops his walking stick.)", "Saleel: You know what I hate most about leprechauns? You're all cowards. You don't deserve your gift, and it'll be my pleasure to take it from every last one of you. (Saleel squeezes the leprechaun's neck and he bursts into gold dust and disappears.) (Irish accent) Tough break, paddy. (Saleel picks up the walking stick and chants and spell. A rainbow appears in front of him and he steps into it. The rainbow disappears, taking Saleel with it.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Phoebe and Wyatt are there. Piper is heating up baby bottles of milk on the stove. Phoebe is looking in on Wyatt in his bassinet.]", "Phoebe: You're just the cutest little wiccan thing I ever did see. Yes you are.", "(Piper pulls a bottle out of the saucepan. Phoebe's pager beeps.)", "Piper: Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot! Leo! (Phoebe checks her pager.) Freakin' ever useless Elders. What is taking them so long? (Phoebe giggles.) What? What'd he do? What'd I miss?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, it's not Wyatt. It's a poem that this guy, at least I hope it's a guy, just emailed me.", "Piper: I thought you didn't like the online dating thing?", "Phoebe: Oh, believe me, I don't.", "Piper: I'm confused. Okay, look, I can schedule in five minutes for a sisterly chat but then I gotta go.", "Phoebe: I cannot schedule in a sisterly chat.", "Piper: I'm telling you. You've got four minutes and fifty-five seconds.", "(Paige walks in carrying an empty laundry basket.)", "Paige: Hi.", "Piper: Uh, perfect timing, we were just chatting. Anything you need to talk about?", "Paige: No, I'm good.", "(Paige walks into the laundry.)", "Piper: Good, more time for you. Shoot.", "Phoebe: No, I don't need to talk. It's not like I have any desire to go meet this cyrano73. It's just research for that stupid article Jason made me do.", "Piper: Ah, you said his name without swearing. Does that mean things are going better at work?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, he's still driving me crazy.", "Piper: Didn't he just give you a raise?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but that was just a bribe so I wouldn't quit.", "Piper: Ah, a woman of principles. I admire that.", "Phoebe: Mm-hm. Gotta go.", "(Phoebe walks over to Wyatt. Paige comes out of the laundry holding a tiny sweater.)", "Paige: Oh, no, damn it, what happened?", "Phoebe: (to Wyatt) Bye, baby, I love you. (to Paige) Tell her, you've got three minutes.", "Paige: My sweater shrunk.", "Piper: Ah, come on, you've worn tighter things than that.", "Paige: That is not the point. The demon blood is not coming out. I can't keep replacing all of my good clothes. I'm running out of my savings.", "Piper: Sister, you are preaching to the choir.", "Paige: Yeah, well, at least you've got a job. You know, I cannot afford to keep paying for this. Unless... magic reimburses me.", "Piper: Hello, personal gain, consequences. Do I need to remind you of the big boob fiasco?", "Paige: No, my back still hurts. Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid.", "(Paige leaves the kitchen. Piper goes to follow.)", "Piper: Paige, wait. What are you... (Leo orbs in front of her.) Doing.", "Leo: Piper, we've got problems.", "Piper: Yeah, I know, you're late and it's your turn to watch the baby.", "Leo: Not marital problems... demonic ones.", "[Scene: A Rock Cave. Two demon women are there. A snake is crawling over a rock in the centre of the cave.]", "Jayda: What's taking him so long?", "Jenna: Patience, Jayda. He'll be here.", "Jayda: Maybe we should try a little target practice... (She forms an energy ball in her hand.) While we wait.", "(She looks at the snake. Saleel appears.)", "Saleel: I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill my pets.", "(Jayda extinguishes the energy ball.)", "Jayda: Where've you been?", "Saleel: Gathering nuggets. (He holds out two gold nuggets.) My last two. Do you want them or not?", "Jenna: Name your price.", "Saleel: No price. All I ask is your allegiance in my bid to take over the underworld. Consider this my grass roots effort at gaining support.", "Jayda: What makes you think you can buy our support?", "Saleel: Because in exchange, I'll give you everything you've ever dreamed of. Do we have a deal? (Jayda nods.) Slainte is tainte.", "(A golden stream of light hits Jayda and Jenna.)", "Jenna: But how do we know it worked?", "Saleel: Trust me, it's your lucky day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's Office. Phoebe is there chatting with cyrano73 on the computer.]", "\"Cyrano73: Like the poem?", "Cinderella29: Cute. Made my day.", "Cyrano73: Want another?", "Cinderella29: I'm all ears. Or eyes. Whatever.", "Cyrano73: Only in person. Meet me Saturday night?", "Cinderella73: \"", "Phoebe: And there it is. (types) Sorry, can't.", "(Phoebe's assistant walks in.)", "Assistant: Okay, remember, just the messenger.", "Phoebe: Why do I have the feeling Jason Dean's name is about to be mentioned?", "Assistant: He had a few thoughts on your internet dating article. (She hands Phoebe a sheet of paper with red markings all over it.) And he wants the rewrite by tomorrow. Sorry.", "(Phoebe gets up and barges into Jason's office. Jason is there looking at a file.)", "Phoebe: There is nothing wrong with this!", "(She throws the paper on his desk. Jason doesn't look up.)", "Jason: Actually there is, didn't you see all the red?", "Phoebe: Look, this was your idea, I didn't want to write the article in the first place.", "Jason: And that's how it reads.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, just because I didn't wanna write it doesn't mean I didn't do my best.", "Jason: Is that so? 'Cause it's an article about online dating, yet you somehow devoted four paragraphs to this week's meteor shower.", "Phoebe: Well, I think meteor showers are romantic, okay, and quite frankly a lot less dangerous.", "Jason: Look, just because you had some bad experiences doesn't mean they're all bad. Besides, you're a reporter, you're supposed to be unbiased.", "Phoebe: Okay, I am an advice columnist and a very biased one, especially when it comes to romance.", "Jason: Oh, and you know all about romance, do you?", "Phoebe: Well, I know what women like.", "Jason: Do you now?", "Phoebe: Yes, we like eye contact. Hello? (Jason looks at her.) Yeah. And conversation where you can actually see the other person's lips moving, and long late night walks, and, and candles and roses...", "Jason: And you don't think you can get that over the internet?", "Phoebe: No, I don't. I think you can get CDs over the internet, books, a purse maybe, but not a date.", "Jason: You got any plans later? You do now. I'm taking you on assignment.", "Phoebe: What? Where? Why?", "Jason: To prove something to you. Six o'clock sharp I'll pick you up.", "[Scene: A Green Meadow. A dozen or so leprechauns have gathered under large trees.]", "Finnegan: There ain't no other option. If we stay, he'll come for us all.", "Leprechaun: But abandoning our realm would mean abandoning the world as well. Who'd give out the luck?", "Finnegan: That's the bloody world's problem if you ask me. I'm for savin' our necks.", "Leprechaun: There's more than just our necks at stake here.", "Liam: Sure, fine. But we're no good to anybody if we're dead, right?", "Shamus: What are we? A bunch of cowards? Don't forget, we speak not just for ourselves, but for each of our tribes as well. And I say we stay and fight the demon.", "Finnegan: Fight? But we've got no way to fight him, you know that, Shamus.", "Shamus: That ain't true. If we all pool our good luck, then we just might luck into a way to get rid of him.", "Finnegan: Bollocks! Luck's unwieldy. There's no predictin' what it may do. Who knows, we may end up even enragin' the demon more!", "Shamus: We don't have a choice. Our place in the world is at stake here, Finnegan. Our lands are being plundered and our race may be annihilated by the devil himself. But we are leprechauns. Our blood flows green and our hearts beat gold and we can cower in the shadows no longer. We must use our luck to find the light. Are ye with me, laddies?", "(The leprechauns cheer.)", "All: Aye! Aye! Aye!", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige is there. She lays her shrunken sweater on the table and picks up a spell.]", "Paige: \"Personal loss should not be mine, restore this sweater and make it fine.\" (She lights the spell and throws it in a pot. The sweater magically grows into its original size.) Ooh, I can't wait to try this on my credit rating.", "(Leo walks in carrying Wyatt.)", "Leo: You sure that's a good idea?", "Paige: Wyatt, you should tell your daddy to not spy on Auntie Paige.", "Leo: We're only here because his mother is worried about you. Should we be?", "Paige: No, I'm just settling a few debts, is all.", "Leo: By using magic? Even Wyatt knows that's breaking the rules.", "Paige: Listen, Wyatt wouldn't be here if you hadn't broken the rules.", "Leo: Okay, that was different. You know it.", "Paige: How? That is a stupid rule and so is the one that says I have to take a vow of poverty in order to be a full time witch. Listen, I'm not trying to get rich quick, I am just making up for my losses.", "Leo: Paige, please, Piper and I have enough to deal with right now without the consequences of some spell you cast.", "Paige: Well, listen, if you and Piper weren't so busy sniping at each other all the time, maybe you would feel differently.", "Leo: We weren't sniping! Nice try, change of subject. Look, Paige, there is more important things going on right now. The Elders say that good has been going through a curious string of bad luck lately and the demons are getting the upper hand. Maybe you could try working on that.", "Paige: I have a perfect spell for that. I just wrote it to get out of my own predicament. \"To find good luck, finances have run a muck, creditors I soon must duck...\"", "Leo: Paige, that's for personal gain.", "Paige: \"I cast this spell to find good luck, and hope my life will cease to suck.\"", "(Paige is covered in green lights and she disappears.)", "Leo: (to Wyatt) Don't tell your mummy about this, okay?", "[Cut to the Green Meadow. Paige appears. Shamus pops up from behind a tree, giving Paige a fright.]", "Shamus: A witch. It's about bloody time help got here. I was beginning to think our luck wasn't working no more.", "Paige: Who are you?", "Shamus: Shamus Fitzpatrick. At your service, ma'am.", "Paige: Uh, what am I doing here? I was just looking for a bit of luck.", "Shamus: So were we. Our magic must've intercepted. And none too soon I might add. We need your help.", "Paige: We? Who's we?", "Shamus: Why, leprechauns!", "Paige: Huh, leprechauns. Of course, why would I think there would be anything other than leprechauns needing my help?", "(Suddenly, Paige flies over a tree branch and lands hard on the ground. Saleel walks over to Shamus and grabs him around the neck.)", "Saleel: Gotcha!", "Paige: Leprechaun!", "(Shamus orbs out and orbs back in, knocking Paige over.)", "Shamus: Ever date a little person?", "Paige: We gotta get outta here.", "Shamus: Allow me. (He gets up and yells out Irish words. Saleels runs for them. A rainbow appears in front of Paige and Shamus.) Hold onto your knickers, darlin'.", "(They step into the rainbow and the rainbow disappears, taking them with it. Saleel roars in anger.)", "[Cut to another part of the meadow. The rainbow appears and drops off Paige and Shamus in front of a pot of gold.]", "Paige: Is that...?", "Shamus: Me very own.", "Paige: Lucky you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Shamus are there. Paige has the Book of Shadows in her lap. Shamus is holding out a gold nugget.]", "Shamus: It's not just gold, it's magic. Pure luck, that's what you're lookin' at. Course, it's just a spark to get them started. The rest is up to the recipient.", "Paige: See, leprechauns are like bees. They pollinate the world with luck. Sometimes the seeds don't stick but other times they grow into full-blown hot streaks, right?", "Shamus: What she said.", "(He clicks his fingers and his green hat appears in his hand. He puts it on his head.)", "Paige: See? Now can I have some luck? I think I've earned it.", "Phoebe: Be careful. Not all luck is good.", "Shamus: She's right. A nugget can go either way. Depending on our intention.", "Piper: So you hand out bad luck as well? Wouldn't that make you evil?", "(Shamus moves in a blur over to Piper.)", "Shamus: Watch your tongue! How'd you like it if I started sayin' witches are evil?", "(Leo chuckles.)", "Leo: Yeah, leprechauns might be tricksters but they're definitely not evil. Like it or not, the world needs bad luck. It keeps the natural order in balance.", "Shamus: Finally, a man with a solid head on his shoulders. Bad luck helps people just as much as good luck, maybe even more so. Because of adversity, people learn, they grow.", "(Phoebe's pager beeps. She looks at it.)", "Phoebe: Sorry, it's probably cyrano.", "Paige: Uh, and this must be the demon, Saleel.", "(Shamus moves over to Paige in a blur.)", "Shamus: Yep, that's the w*nk*r, alright.", "Paige: Eh, it says here he's just a lower level reptile demon. We can vanquish him with a potion.", "Piper: Great. Let's get rid of him so I can find a band.", "Paige: Um, I think finding a band might be easier for you, honey. It says here he's pretty elusive.", "Shamus: You're darn right he is. Otherwise he would've heaped a load of bad luck on him by now. As it is, we never know when he's gonna strike.", "Leo: It's probably what the Elders are worried about. Saleel's been stealing the leprechauns' gold nuggets and giving it to other demons.", "Shamus: But maybe with a little good luck, your witches can put a stop to that.", "Piper: No, we don't need luck. We're gonna do it our way.", "Shamus: Your way may not work. (He moves over to Phoebe in a blur.) Are you with us, dear? Or are you writing love notes to your boyfriend? (Piper giggles. Wyatt's cries are heard through the baby monitor. Shamus moves over to it in a blur. He picks it up.) What is this? A coven or a day care centre?", "Leo: I got it.", "Piper: Don't forget to sanitise the nipple.", "(Leo leaves the room.)", "Shamus: People, we're running out of time? Do I need to start crying like a baby to get some action around here?", "Piper: I'm sorry, but my little guy comes before your little guys.", "Shamus: Yah, well, without a little luck, my little guys aren't gonna last long, lassie. So let's try it my way. (He holds out the gold nugget.) Sl*inte is t*inte.", "(A gold stream of light floats into Piper.)", "Piper: What happened? What did you just do to me?", "Shamus: Why don't you find out for yourself.", "(The doorbell rings. Piper gets up and opens it. Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo stands there. Piper gasps.)", "Piper: You're Pat Benatar.", "Pat: Oh, good, a fan, what a relief. This is my husband, Neil.", "Neil: Sorry to bother you. Our car broke down outside and our cell phone is dead.", "Pat: Just our luck, right? Listen, can we use your phone? We'd really owe you.", "(Piper looks back at Phoebe and Paige. Their jaws drop. Shamus walks in and smiles.)", "[Scene: The Green Meadow. Liam is hiding out in a hollow tree. He looks around cautiously. He feels the coast is clear and spots some berries hanging from a tree near by. A moves over to the berries in a blur and reaches up to grab some.]", "Saleel: To die for, aren't they?", "(Saleel walks over to Liam.)", "Liam: Oops, Mr. Demon, sorry, all yours.", "(Saleel grabs Liam around the neck.)", "Saleel: There was a witch in your realm. Did you little rodents run to her for help?", "Liam: No, I swear. All we did was pool our good luck.", "Saleel: Of course, and you must have lucked into a Charmed One. Which means the Power of Three will be coming for me. Well, if leprechaun luck got me into this mess, I'm quite certain it can get me out as well.", "Liam: Yes. Let me go and I'll show you where mine is hid.", "Saleel: That's okay, I know how to find it.", "(He squeezes Liam's neck and Liam bursts into gold dust. Saleel picks up his shillelagh.)", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Phoebe, Paige and Shamus are there. Phoebe is scrying. Shamus pokes at the rainbow mobile hanging above Wyatt's bassinet.]", "Shamus: Who do they think they're fooling? No one's gonna go anywhere on those things.", "Paige: Um, it's just something pretty for the baby to look at.", "Shamus: Pretty? Ya humans. The minute you see a few colours you get all excited. Rainbows aren't for looking at. If they were, they wouldn't be invisible.", "Phoebe: Rainbows aren't invisible, we can see them.", "Shamus: Aye, when it rains, maybe. But they're in the skies all the time. It's how we get around. We light them up with our shillelaghs.", "Paige: Ahh, is that how you find your pots of gold?", "Shamus: And also our realm, our home. What's left of it, anyway.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Pat Benatar is in the kitchen on the phone with her manager, rearranging her schedule so she can play at P3.", "Piper: I am so sorry I doubted you.", "(Piper leans down and gives Shamus a kiss on the cheek.)", "Shamus: Just like a woman. You have to give 'em a gift to get anything in return.", "Phoebe: Okay, this is not working, I can't find Saleel.", "Paige: Oh, that's just because we need something of his to make it work.", "Shamus: What you need is luck and lots of it. Not just the spark I can give ya, but the kind you build from, by taking risks, gettin' yourself on a serious roll.", "Paige: Serious roll, huh? I think I know exactly where I can get one of those. Hit me.", "(Shamus pulls out a nugget.)", "Shamus: Slainte is tainte.", "(A gold stream of light hits Paige.)", "Paige: Alright! Ready to go?", "Piper: Go where?", "Paige: Come on, sis.", "Piper: Come on where?", "(Paige orbs out with Piper.)", "Shamus: Hey! Hey, where's me kiss? Women. Well, how 'bout you, darlin'?", "Phoebe: Why not.", "(He pulls out another nugget.)", "Shamus: Slainte is tainte.", "(The gold stream of light hits Phoebe. The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: For me? (Shamus smiles. Phoebe gets up and heads for the foyer.) Who's it gonna be? George Clooney, Justin Timberlake?", "(Phoebe opens the door and Jason stands there.)", "Jason: You ready to go?", "(Phoebe closes the door.)", "Phoebe: That did not work.", "(Shamus walks in.)", "Shamus: Bullocks! It always works.", "(Jason knocks on the door. Phoebe opens it up.)", "Jason: So I take it you don't want to go out.", "Phoebe: No, you know, it's funny, I-I can't. Because my cousin came into town and he needs help with his other cousin.", "(Shamus steps forward.)", "Shamus: Oh, don't make a fuss about me. You two just go out and have good time now.", "Phoebe: But I really have to stay here and help you with your problems.", "Jason: You two are cousins?", "Phoebe: Yes, we are very distant cousins. And it's about to get a lot more distant if you don't let me handle this situation.", "Shamus: Well, I would let you handle it, if you weren't handling it all wrong. You need to go take some risks and leave the rest up to luck.", "Jason: Look, I don't want to get in between family stuff but it seems as if your cousin has got it all under control. So let's go.", "Shamus: Oh, good idea.", "(Shamus pushes Phoebe out the door and he closes it. Pat and Neil walk in the foyer.)", "Pat: Where's Piper?", "Shamus: Oh, she had to go, but she'll be back.", "Neil: Say, how've you been, Shamus? Long time.", "Shamus: Don't even try it, Neil. I already hit you with me best shot. That's all ye get.", "[Cut to a Casino. Piper and Paige are standing at the end of a craps table. The crowd around the table cheers. The croupier pushes piles of chips over to Piper and Paige.]", "Piper: Paige, there must be $50,000 dollars there.", "Paige: Sixty's more like it, but Shamus said to take big risks. Here we have the craps table, we've got slots, we've got the big wheel thingy, we can't lose.", "Piper: Okay, maybe we should think about quitting while we're ahead.", "Cowboy: Quittin'? You girls can't quit. We're in the middle of a streak here.", "Croupier: Alright, same lucky shooter, same lucky shooter comin'. High roll.", "Paige: Piper, I can not ignore a cowboy. Besides, I feel something really big is about to happen, we just have to hold on and wait for it. (Paige picks up the dice.) Alright, come on now, baby needs a new pair of shoes, and by baby I do mean me.", "(She throws the dice. Everyone cheers.)", "Cowboy: Will you marry me? Because that's how much I love you now.", "(Paige giggles.)", "Piper: Simmer down, buckeroo. Look, I've gotta get back to the actual baby, and we need to be using this winning streak to find Saleel.", "Paige: Just one more roll.", "Piper: Okay, fine, but we are not betting it all, 'cause I can send Wyatt to college with this.", "Paige: Listen, the bigger risks we take, the more luck we have. Just watch this.", "(Paige throws the dice. Everyone groans.)", "Croupier: Two-crap deuce, snake eyes.", "Paige: Where did our luck go?", "Piper: Snake eyes, that's it. That's what we've been waiting for.", "Paige: No, but we lost everything.", "Piper: No, we didn't. I just figured out a way to find the demon. (The cowboy gives her a look.) Stration. Demonstration. She knows what I mean. Come on.", "[Scene: Serendipity Lounge. Couples fill the room, cuddling and kissing. Phoebe and Jason walk in.]", "Phoebe: Okay, what are we doing here? Because I really need to get home.", "Jason: This shouldn't take very long. But then again, you're pretty stubborn, so maybe it will.", "Phoebe: Oh, wait a minute, I am stubborn? I am stubborn? Then what are you?", "Jason: Stubborn, and a control freak. And pretty arrogant sometimes.", "Phoebe: You really know how to take the fun out of a fight now, don't you?", "Jason: Look around, tell me what you see.", "Phoebe: What don't you tell me what you want me to see. (He stares at her.) Okay, fine. (She looks around.) I see lots of couples and they're kissing and drinking and dancing. What I don't see is the point. Oh, hey, get a room. Look, this is exactly my point, love doesn't bloom through modems and hard drives. And no, that is not a euphemism.", "Jason: What if I told you all these people met over the internet?", "Phoebe: Right. Like you would have any way of knowing that.", "Jason: I would if I had, say, started an sold an online dating service a few years ago, maybe established an evening one night a week for people to get together and meet in a safe environment like this.", "Phoebe: Wait, so you brought all these couples together?", "Jason: They brought themselves together. My company just made it a little easier for them. It's a complicated world, Phoebe. People have a hard time finding each other in it. And even when they do, they sometimes don't act on their feelings because they're too afraid.", "Phoebe: Yeah, tell me about it.", "Jason: I admit, online dating isn't perfect, there are people who use it for all the wrong reasons, but most people are just looking for love, just like the rest of us.", "Phoebe: Like the rest of us?", "Jason: You need to get started on that rewrite.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Paige and Shamus are there. Piper puts a pair of snake eyes on a dish.]", "Shamus: Snake eyes? So what? I don't get it.", "Paige: Well, Saleel is a reptile demon, so we can use them to scry for him.", "Piper: See, I told you it was good luck.", "(Piper puts the snake eyes in a boiling pot and it makes a small explosion.)", "Paige: I guess, but couldn't snake eyes have been a winning roll too?", "Shamus: You really want it all, doncha? Well, even luck doesn't bring you everything on a silver platter. You have to work for some things too.", "(Phoebe walks in. Piper starts scrying.)", "Phoebe: Hey, did you find the demon?", "Paige: Well, the vanquishing potion is done so we're almost there.", "Phoebe: Where's Leo?", "Piper: Passed out with the baby. Poor guy, he's more worn out than I am.", "Shamus: (to Phoebe) So how'd you do? You must have developed quite a streak by now.", "Paige: Yeah, did you win the lottery? Ed McMahon show up at your house with a big ol' cheque?", "Phoebe: Actually, no. Nothing happened.", "Shamus: What? That's impossible. Did you take any risks? Get lucky with that fella?", "Piper: What fella?", "Phoebe: Ugh, I think he's talking about Jason. And no I did not get lucky. Not that I would want to, anyway.", "Shamus: Mmm, the burned child dreads the fire, ay?", "Phoebe: No!", "(The crystal points to a spot on the map.)", "Piper: People, we just got lucky.", "[Cut to the Rock Cave. It's dark. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Shamus orb in.]", "Paige: Ha, maybe it took snake eyes a bit too literally.", "Piper: That would be bad luck, right?", "(Saleel walks out of the shadows, holding a pot full of gold.", "Saleel: No, this is.", "(He chants something in Irish. A shower of gold light hits the girls.)", "Shamus: Oh, no, he's soured your luck. Hurry, throw the potion.", "(Phoebe is about to throw the potion when a lightning bolt zaps them. They fall down some stone steps.)", "Saleel: Now what are the odds of that?", "Shamus: Don't worry, I'll fix this.", "(He chants in Irish. Saleel grabs him around neck.)", "Saleel: Not so fast, little man. That's my rainbow now.", "(He squeezes Shamus and Shamus bursts into gold dust. Saleel steps in the rainbow and it takes him away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe, Paige and Leo walk in.]", "Paige: Charmed Ones, my ass! We couldn't even save one leprechaun let alone all of them.", "Phoebe: It wasn't for lack of trying, Paige.", "Paige: Yeah, well, still, Saleel is a low level demon, you know, we had luck on our side, we had magic, we should've been... Aah! (Paige trips on the rug and falls flat on her face.) Ouch.", "Leo: Are you alright?", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Paige: No, I am not alright. I was supposed to help Shamus and instead I got him killed.", "Phoebe: Paige, we were struck by lightning, we could have never seen that coming.", "(Paige stands back up.)", "Paige: How am I supposed to help them when even mother nature's against us?", "(Piper walks in carrying Wyatt and talking on the phone.)", "Piper: Okay, well, I can't get there right now, so you're gonna have to handle it yourself. Call an electrician. (Paige sits on the couch and the couch bumps the table behind her, knocking over a cup of coffee, which spills on a power cord.) There's a power failure at the club, they've shut down for the night. Do you have any idea how much money we're about to lose?", "(The circuit box in the attic sparks, causing light bulbs to explode.)", "Phoebe: What the hell is happening?", "Paige: Seems like a bad luck streak and it's picking up steam.", "Leo: Well, it can't get much worse than being struck by lightning.", "Phoebe: No? How about being hit my a meteor?", "Piper: Take Wyatt out of here.", "Leo: But, I...", "(She hands Wyatt to Leo.)", "Piper: No, no arguing. Just orb, okay? You were the only one that wasn't cursed with the bad luck. He's safe with you.", "Leo: Alright, well, I'll take him to Uncle Elders. He'll be safe there.", "Phoebe: Didn't they ask you not to do that?", "Leo: Yeah, but... screw 'em.", "(He orbs out.)", "Piper: Alright, we're gonna have to turn our luck around fast. Paige, can you use that spell of yours to find more leprechauns?", "Paige: No, they pooled their luck just to make it work. I wish we knew how to get this thing to make a rainbow.", "Piper: Okay, well, since we can't do that, we're gonna have to turn our luck around the old fashioned way. A little determination, some positive thinking, a little faith.", "(Suddenly, the chandelier comes crashing down from the roof.)", "Phoebe: As you were saying?", "[Scene: The Rock Cave. Saleel is there, holding another pot of gold. He waves his hand and Jayda and Jenna appear.]", "Jayda: What are you doing? How dare you summon us.", "Saleel: It's time to pay your debt to me. I need you to kill the Charmed Ones, get them off my back so I can go after more leprechauns.", "Jayda: You're crazy.", "Jenna: Wait, let's hear him out.", "Saleel: I've cursed the witches with bad luck which means they're vulnerable now. They should be easy pickings for you.", "Jayda: If that's the case, why don't you take them out yourself?", "Saleel: Because they'll be ready for me. But they won't be ready for you. Plus, I can guarantee that luck will be on your side.", "[Cut to the manor. Kitchen. Piper's potion is on fire. Piper walks out of the laundry carrying a fire extinguisher.]", "Piper: I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it. (The nozzle falls off the extinguisher.) Aahh! Okay. (She squeezes the handle and the extinguisher sprays out sideways, missing the pot completely.) Uh-oh.", "(She presses the handle and swings the extinguisher around, hoping the spray eventually hits the pot. She knocks some plates of the table. The spray hits the pot and puts out the fire. Paige walks in and coughs.)", "Paige: Vanquishing potion done?", "Piper: Well done.", "Paige: What happened?", "Piper: Big fire. Did you find anything?", "Paige: Yeah, I went rummaging through stuff and I found our rabbit's foot, wishbone, horseshoe, four-leaf clover, here's some salt for that over the shoulder thing and, uh, coup de grace, charm bracelet.", "Piper: Lucky charms, Paige?", "Paige: It ain't the cereal but it's the best I could do.", "Piper: What about...", "(They hear a thump.)", "Phoebe: Whoa!", "Piper: Phoebe.", "[Cut to the stairway. Phoebe is sitting on the ground. Piper and Paige walk in.]", "Phoebe: Ow.", "Piper: Oh, what happened?", "Phoebe: Owwww.", "Piper: Are you okay?", "(Piper and Paige help her up.)", "Phoebe: No, my bruises have bruises. I missed a step because I was trying to read my page.", "Piper: Walk it off, walk it off.", "Paige: Way to go, cyrano73.", "Phoebe: \"I thought I'd try again. How about Saturday night?\" He is asking me out again.", "Paige: Well, if you're gonna do it, I would go with Saturday, seeing as how we'll probably be dead by then.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, maybe I should say yes.", "Piper: Oh, Phoebe, this is not the time to be...", "Phoebe: Uh, it might exactly be the time. Maybe this was the risk Shamus was talking about.", "Piper: Uh, accepting a date with a guy that you click with. That's not necessarily a giant risk.", "Phoebe: Well, for me it is.", "Paige: How do you know for sure he's not another demon?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Therein lies the risk. Okay. Y, E, S. And enter. Oh, yeah, I feel luckier already.", "(Jayda and Janna smoke in on the stairs.)", "Paige: Or not. (Piper turns around and tries to blow them up but blows up part of the railing. The railing falls and hits Piper on the head, knocking her out. Janna falls down a couple of stairs from the explosion. Janna throws an energy ball at them and Phoebe throws her pager at it, disintegrating it. Jayda throws an energy ball.) Energy ball!", "(The energy ball orbs into Paige's hand and she throws it at Janna, vanquishing her.)", "Jayda: Noooo!", "(Jayda smokes out and smokes back in beside Piper. She smokes back out taking Piper with her. Phoebe gasps.)", "Paige: Piper!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Rock Cave. Piper, Saleel and Jayda are there. Piper is tied to a tree, still unconscious.]", "Saleel: One witch. Quick quiz, how many should I have?", "Jayda: Three.", "Saleel: Zero! They should all be dead, I never asked for prisoners.", "Jayda: You miscalculated. The others found a way to turn their luck around and Jenna died because of it.", "Saleel: Am I supposed to care about that?", "Jayda: We'll use this witch to lure the others. You still have more gold. We can make ourselves enough good luck to make them pay for what they've done.", "Saleel: I have a better idea. (He grabs her around the neck.) I'll just do it myself.", "(He squeezes her neck and she bursts into flames, vanquishing her.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Phoebe is there scrying. Paige walks in.]", "Phoebe: She's at his lair and still alive, thank god.", "Paige: Good, we should call Leo.", "Phoebe: No, we've gotta keep the baby out of danger.", "Paige: But Saleel's got luck on his side, we've got nothing.", "Phoebe: No, that's not true, I think we've turned the tide.", "Paige: How do you figure?", "Phoebe: Paige, if we could just turn our luck into a streak, then we can do this.", "Paige: Okay, we've got a few charms and he's got who knows how much gold. It's just not gonna cut it. Unless, we combine our own magic with it. (She hands something to Phoebe.) Take that.", "(She picks up a salt shaker and throws salt over Phoebe's shoulders.)", "Phoebe: What are you doing?", "(Paige picks up Shamus's shillelagh.)", "Paige: I am gonna help you make this thing work so maybe you can get a vision off of it. You know, maybe you can see Shamus using it.", "Phoebe: But I can't always get them on command. Sometimes it's just...", "Paige: Yeah, I-I know, luck. Just try.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Phoebe takes the shillelagh and gasps.)", "Paige: Come on...", "Phoebe: I can see him, I can see him.", "Paige: Come on.", "Phoebe: Goneiri umbohli aht.", "(A rainbow appears in the room.)", "Paige: Far out, lady.", "[Scene: The Green Meadow. The remaining leprechauns have gathered together.]", "Finnegan: Either we leave right now and try to save what's left of us, or we stay and die like the rest.", "Leprechaun: Tell your tribes to take only what they need. We leave at dusk.", "(A rainbow appears in front of them and drops off Phoebe and Paige.)", "Paige: It worked.", "Leprechaun: Witches! What are you doing here?", "Paige: We're here because we need your help to save our sister.", "Phoebe: And to save you.", "Finnegan: Right, sure, just like you saved Shamus. Hurry, laddies.", "Paige: No, wait, please, you're stronger than that. Shamus knew it and so do I.", "Finnegan: Shamus Fitzpatrick was a fool. And look where it got him.", "Leprechauns: Aye!", "Paige: He was not a fool. He gave up his life because he believed saving you was worth the ultimate price. Shamus was a hero. He didn't see leprechauns, he saw giants. And he didn't see luck, he saw power. Please, you pooled you luck once before, do it again. Not for us, but for him. For Shamus.", "Phoebe: For Shamus.", "Leprechaun: For Shamus!", "All: For Shamus! For Shamus! For Shamus! For Shamus!", "[Scene: Rock Cave. Piper is still tied to a tree. She is now awake. A snake crawls along the branch above Piper.]", "Piper: Hi, okay, hi, shoo, go away. See, I don't like snakes, at all. Go away, shoo! (Paige orbs in with Phoebe.) What are you guys doing? It's a trap.", "Paige: Yeah, we know.", "Phoebe: Piper.", "(They rush over to her. Saleel walks in.)", "Paige: (to the snake) Go! Go away!", "Saleel: The Charmed Ones. It's about time you got here.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, we had to make a little pit stop somewhere over the rainbow.", "Saleel: What is that supposed to mean? (A rainbow appears and drops off a leprechaun.) A leprechaun, please.", "(Another rainbow appears and drops off three leprechauns. A third rainbow appears and drops off four more leprechauns.)", "Leprechaun: Now, laddies!", "(The leprechauns chant something in Irish. Streams of glittery gold light hits Saleel. Saleel looks up and sees a large meteor falling from the sky. )", "Saleel: Noooo!", "(The meteor hits Saleel.)", "Paige: Huh, a meteor. That's some real bad luck.", "Piper: Still tied up here, people.", "(Phoebe unties Piper. Paige walks over to Leprechaun and holds out Shamus's shillelagh.)", "Paige: Here, I think this belongs to you.", "Leprechaun: Actually, darlin', I think Shamus would want you to keep it. For all you've done for us, for saving our kind.", "Paige: Ah, you guys kind of did that yourselves, so it was your luck after all.", "Leprechaun: Aye, it was your fighting spirit that sparked it, the same fighting spirit Shamus had.", "Paige: I wish I could accept that compliment but I was just looking to be reimbursed to tell you the truth. I felt like magic owed me.", "Leprechaun: And you still feel that way?", "Paige: No, I don't.", "Leprechaun: Doesn't matter what brings a person, only what they leave with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Night. The place is really busy. Piper is at the bar. Leo walks over to her.]", "Leo: Hey.", "Piper: Leo, what are you doing here? Who's watching Wyatt?", "Leo: I asked Paige to, I thought maybe you and I could spend some time together alone.", "Piper: Oh, sounds great but it's a little crazy in here.", "Leo: I can see that. Pat Benatar definitely brings in a crowd, huh?", "Piper: Yeah, at least I'll go out with a bang.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Piper: Uh, well, I've been thinking and I've decided that I want to sell the club. Not because I want to but I feel like I have to. I mean, being a mother slash Charmed One slash business woman is just one slash way too many. Something's gotta give.", "Leo: This club is your baby too, Piper, you can't give it up.", "Piper: Well, I don't really feel like I have a choice. I mean, I've been stretched pretty thin lately and I think we're both feeling the strain.", "Leo: Yeah, I know, it's why I asked the Elders for paternity leave.", "Piper: Huh?", "Leo: It's obviously never been done before but they spent time with Wyatt and realised how important he is and decided to break the rules for him.", "Piper: Well, that's weird. What happens to all your other charges? You do have a career too.", "Leo: Well, they'll temporarily reassign them. Except for you guys. As for my career, it's not as important to me as we are.", "Piper: Honey, I don't think I can let you do this.", "Leo: Piper, it's one thing I don't want to worry about, okay?", "(They hug.)", "Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Pat Benatar.", "(Everyone cheers. Pat Benatar starts singing.)", "[Scene: Serendipity Lounge. Phoebe, all dressed up, walks in. Jason stands behind her.]", "Jason: Here on business?", "(Phoebe turns around and smiles.)", "Phoebe: Actually, no, I'm not. What are you doing here?", "Jason: I'm meeting someone.", "Phoebe: Really? Weird, me too.", "Jason: I know. You're meeting me.", "Phoebe: I don't understand.", "Jason: I'm cyrano73. In the flesh, so to speak. (Phoebe starts to walk away.) Wait, Phoebe, let me explain.", "Phoebe: Okay, sure, go ahead. Give it your best shot.", "Jason: I just knew you'd never go out with me if I asked you straight, right? Right?", "Phoebe: Right.", "Jason: So I had to find a way to see if you were interested in me without putting any pressure on you. I like you, Phoebe. I liked you the minute I laid eyes on you. And I know you like me... or at least the part of me that brought you here, otherwise you wouldn't have come.", "Phoebe: Jason, I don't know...", "Jason: I'm not asking you to marry me. I just wanna buy you a drink. Come on, what have you got to lose?", "Phoebe: Ooh, I don't know, my job maybe?", "Jason: That would never happen. Hey, you want cyrano to disappear? He's-he's gone, I promise, just say the word.", "Phoebe: Martini, dirty.", "(He hands her a rose and they smile.)" ]
Lucky Charmed
[ "When Piper and Leo begin to have marital problems, Piper casts a spell to allow them to literally see their past together. However, the spell goes awry when Phoebe and Paige are sent back in time to relive Piper's memories, and a warlock ( Zachary Quinto ) bent on destroying the Charmed Ones' familiar tags along for the ride. Prue is briefly seen when Phoebe and Paige visit Piper's wedding during her memories. She is also seen during the time she was a dog with Phoebe saying to Paige 'Well you always said you wanted to meet Prue'." ]
[ "[Scene: A woman's house. Kitchen. The woman (Katrina) serves a bowl of food to about a dozen cats.]", "Katrina: There you go, there you go, my kitties. There's plenty for everyone. (More cats across the room meow.) Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you either. (A warlock holding a knife blinks in outside. The cats growl and hiss.) I know.", "(The warlock blinks in behind Katrina.)", "Warlock: Meow.", "(Katrina spins around and scratches his face. He blinks out and blinks back in behind her. She turns around and the warlock swings the knife at her neck, cutting her and cutting the necklace she was wearing. The necklace falls to the floor. It has the triquetra symbol on it. Katrina jumps up high and flips over the warlock. She kicks him in the stomach and he falls to the floor.)", "Katrina: Now!", "(Katrina runs away. All the cats pounce on the warlock and scratch him. He gets them off him and stands up. The cats run out of the room. He looks around and notices the necklace on the floor. He picks it up and looks closely at the triquetra symbol.)", "[Scene: Manor. Bedroom. Phoebe, Paige and Wyatt are there. Phoebe is sitting on the bed looking through a photo album. Paige is standing beside Wyatt's bassinet.]", "Paige: So Piper was engaged before Leo?", "Phoebe: Yep, she was.", "Paige: Well, lucky for you, little man, that did not work out.", "Phoebe: Actually, lucky for all of us. She was engaged to a warlock.", "Paige: Dan was a warlock?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, before Dan. Way before Dan. Two bankers, a rock climber, and a ghost before Dan. Actually, the ghost was the best of the bunch.", "Paige: See, now that's what I call critical sisterly information. How am I supposed to be petty and judgmental without all the info?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but sweetie, what do you expect? You didn't know her back then. It doesn't mean you're any less apart of us though, you know that, right?", "Paige: Yeah, I know. It would've been cool though. Hang out with you, see what you guys were like, maybe meet Prue.", "Phoebe: Well, if it makes you feel any better, you didn't miss much with me. I'm pretty much the exact same person I was back then.", "Paige: Yeah, right.", "Phoebe: No, I'm serious. I mean, I have a job now and that's good. But, uh, you know, I'm still living at home, I'm still single, the only real difference is that I'm five years older. I need to use more expensive night cream.", "(Paige laughs.)", "Piper's Voice: That is not what happened and you know it.", "Leo: That's exactly what happened and it's not the first time it's happened, either.", "Piper: What is that supposed to mean?", "Leo: You know what? Forget it, Piper.", "(Phoebe and Paige head for the door.)", "Piper's Voice: Don't walk away from me. Leo. Leo!", "[Cut to the hallway. Leo is walking down it with Piper following.]", "Piper: I am talking to you!", "Leo: I'm tired of you mocking me, especially in front of our friends.", "(Phoebe and Paige walk out of the bedroom.)", "Piper: Oh, I resent that. I don't mock you.", "Leo: You always mock me. I work my butt off around here, I quit my job, I quit my career, so you wouldn't have to, and I get no respect for it, none.", "Piper: I never asked you to give up your career.", "Leo: The hell you didn't!", "Piper: You're right, I didn't! (to Phoebe and Paige) Did I?", "Leo: Oh, right, turn to them for support like you always do.", "Piper: Oh, what, so now you have a problem with them too?", "Leo: No, I have a problem with you!", "(He turns and walks into Piper's bedroom.)", "Piper: Leo, don't you dare walk away from me again. (He slams the door behind him.) I mean it!", "(She points her finger and blows up the door and the wall around it.)", "Phoebe: Whoa.", "(They look at the damage in shock.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Morning. Outside Piper's bedroom. Piper is standing there looking at the damage to her room. She sighs. Phoebe and Paige walk out of the bedroom down the hall and approach Piper.]", "Phoebe: Hi! Come on.", "(Phoebe takes Piper down the hallway.)", "Piper: What? Where are we going?", "Paige: You'll see, let's go.", "[Cut to the living room. Leo is curled up on the couch asleep. He wakes up when he hears Piper, Phoebe and Paige coming down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Will you stop dragging your feet?", "Piper: I don't wanna talk to him.", "Paige: Lady, just get in there.", "(They walk into the living room.)", "Leo: What's going on?", "Paige: We are gonna stay here until we figure this thing out, that is what is going on.", "Leo: Figure out what? This is between us, it has nothing to do with you two.", "(Piper tries to leave but Phoebe stops her.)", "Phoebe: You know what? I don't know what the problem is but it's affecting Piper's power, and if her power is out of control then it's our problem too.", "Paige: Plus, we love you guys and we wanna help, that's all.", "Piper: We'll figure it out.", "Phoebe: Really? Before the next demon attacks?", "(Phoebe pulls out a card and hands it to Piper.)", "Piper: What is this?", "Phoebe: Dr. Berenson. He's a marriage counsellor that I use to help me with my column. I called in a favour and he's expecting you one o'clock today.", "Leo: What?", "Phoebe: He cancelled all his other appointments, so you'll have the whole day to talk this out.", "Leo: Come on, this is ridiculous. You expect us to go to some mortal and spill our guts?", "Paige: What you need is a mortal doctor, Leo. Your problems are marital, not supernatural. So, you know, speak in euphemisms if you have to.", "Leo: I don't know. (Piper walks over to a cabinet and looks at a wedding photo of her and Leo, and looks at the bride and groom figurine from the cake.) What do you think?", "Piper: I think it might be a good idea. Although I don't know realistically how much we're gonna accomplish in one day.", "Phoebe: So use magic. Cast a spell. Don't worry about the consequences, you've already got them. In spades.", "Piper: Well, who's gonna watch Wyatt? Aren't you both busy?", "Paige: I've already taken care of that, it's Darryl's day off.", "Leo: You didn't tell him why, did you?", "Paige: No, I did not tell him why.", "Phoebe: There's nothing to be ashamed of. You've been through so much, it's a wonder you've made it this far without professional help. It's a wonder we all have. You owe this to yourselves... and your baby.", "[Scene: Katrina's House. The place is a mess. The warlock is there pulling everything out of a draw. He finds a crystal and a map and takes it over to a coffee table. He flattens the map and pulls out the knife he cut Katrina with. He rubs the end of the crystal against the edge of the bloody knife and starts to scry.]", "Warlock: Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. (The crystal stops on the map.) Gotcha.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's there typing on her computer. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Bad time?", "Phoebe: No, no, not at all. My advice sucks today anyway. What are you doing? I thought you had a lunch date.", "Paige: I was, I was just kind of distracted. I kept thinking about Piper and Leo.", "Phoebe: I know, me too.", "Paige: It's just so unsettling. They've always seemed so solid, until recently. It's kinda scary.", "Phoebe: Yeah, they'll work it out.", "Paige: Yeah, if you say so, it's just strange, not having seen them fight light that before.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? How many times has Piper blown up Leo?", "Paige: She's blown him up literally?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but you know Piper, she didn't mean anything by it. Look, Paige, don't worry. They love each other so much, and they've been through a lot worse than this.", "Paige: If you say so, you know them better than I do.", "(Phoebe's cell phone rings. She looks at it and it shows \"Home Calling\".)", "Phoebe: Hey. (She answers it.) Piper, what are you still doing at home?", "[Cut to the manor. Bathroom. Katrina is there rummaging through the drawers.]", "Katrina: This isn't Piper. I'm an innocent. Someone is after me, a warlock.", "[Cut to Phoebe's office.]", "Paige: What is it?", "Phoebe: Who is this?", "Katrina: I don't have time to explain. You need to come home with your sisters. And Leo. I need healing.", "Phoebe: I-I don't know what you're talking about.", "Katrina: Where's the disinfectant? Didn't it used to be kept in Prue's bathroom?", "Phoebe: No, it's in the kitchen.", "Paige: What is going on?", "Katrina: Hurry, please, before he kills me.", "[Scene: Dr. Berenson's Office. Dr. Berenson opens the door to reveal Piper and Leo standing there.]", "Leo: Dr. Berenson?", "Dr. Berenson: Yes, hi. Is it Leo?", "Leo: Yeah. And Piper.", "Dr. Berenson: Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you both. Why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable.", "(Piper and Leo walk in. Piper laughs.)", "Piper: Sorry.", "(Dr. Berenson closes the door and Piper and Leo sit on a couch apart from each other. Dr. Berenson sits on a single couch across from them.)", "Dr. Berenson: Well, uh, Phoebe has told me a lot about you.", "Leo: Oh, really? Like what?", "Dr. Berenson: Oh, I-I don't mean about what brings you here, just that she thinks the world of you. (Piper and Leo look around uncomfortably.) So, what does bring you here?", "Piper: Uh, well, I guess we've been, uh, sort of fighting a lot lately.", "Dr. Berenson: Is that unusual in your marriage?", "Leo: (same time) No.", "Piper: (same time) Yes.", "(They look at each other.)", "Leo: We just had a baby.", "Piper: Right, the baby.", "Dr. Berenson: Is that what you guys have been fighting about?", "Leo: No.", "Piper: No.", "Dr. Berenson: Maybe it would be better if we started at the beginning, huh? Why don't you tell me about your childhood.", "Piper: Ugh. For god's sake.", "(She freezes Dr. Berenson.)", "Leo: Piper, what are you doing? You can't freeze the shrink, we're on the clock.", "(Piper stands up.)", "Piper: Yeah, well, forget about the clock, 'cause you know what? We're gonna need a calendar 'cause this is gonna take months.", "Leo: Okay, well, if you remember, you're the one that wanted to do this. I did not.", "Piper: Yeah, well, Leo, we need to. For all the reasons that Phoebe said and you know it. Look, we've lost our way and we need to find it back, fast.", "Leo: So you really think a spell will help?", "Piper: It has to.", "[Scene: Manor. The Warlock throws Katrina hard against the wall. He grabs her by the hair and pushes her onto the floor.]", "Warlock: Not so fast. I wanna enjoy this.", "(He grabs her by the neck and pulls her up. He pushes her against the wall and holds her there. He moves the knife towards her neck. Paige orbs in with Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Hey! (Phoebe grabs a candlestick and hits the warlock across the face.) Orb her outta here.", "(Paige goes over to Katrina and orbs out with her. The warlock grabs Phoebe by the arm.)", "[Cut to the living room. Paige orbs in with Katrina. Paige sits her down on the edge of the couch.)", "Paige: Are you alright?", "Katrina: Yeah, I think so. You really got that orbing thing down, don't you?", "Paige: Who are you?", "Katrina: Someone from your past.", "[Cut to the dining room. Phoebe and the Warlock land on the dining room table. The Warlock points the knife at Phoebe's throat. She struggles to push him away. She finally rolls him off the table.]", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's office. Piper walks across the room holding a small piece of paper. She sits down beside Leo.]", "Leo: I'm just worried about the memory part of the spell, that's all.", "Piper: Look, we're gonna have to make our memories real and everything around them real or we're never gonna get through this. Now scoot over, we weren't this close. (Leo rolls his eyes and moves over. Piper reads from the paper.) \"Let the truth be told, let our lives unfold, so we can relive our memories, and stop being enemies.\" (She burns the paper with a lighter and it vanishes.) Ready?", "Leo: Yeah.", "(Piper unfreezes Dr. Berenson.)", "Dr. Berenson: Do you smell something?", "Piper: No. Look, we were thinking we just skip the childhood part and just cut to the chase and go straight to us.", "Leo: If that's alright with you.", "Dr. Berenson: Oh, sure, sure. Um, why don't you tell me how you first met.", "[Cut to the manor. Dining room. Phoebe grabs the Warlock's arm and twists it behind his back. She holds his knife against his neck. Paige orbs in.]", "Paige: Need any help?", "Phoebe: (to Warlock) What do you want? Who are you?", "(Suddenly, Phoebe, Paige and the Warlock disappear from the room.)", "[Cut to the front porch. Phoebe, Paige and the Warlock appear. Phoebe looks around and while she's distracted, the Warlock takes back his knife. He blinks out.]", "Paige: He must have blinked us outside here.", "Phoebe: He must have.", "Leo's Voice: (from inside) Well, I think I see... yep, there's definitely something here, Miss Halliwell.", "Piper's Voice: (from inside) Definitely.", "Phoebe: Piper?", "Paige: Miss Halliwell?", "(Phoebe and Paige walk inside. Phoebe looks in the living room, her mouth drops and she pulls Paige away from the room.)", "Phoebe: You are not going to believe this.", "(They peek around the corner and look into the living room where they see...]", "[Scene from episode 1.07 \"The Fourth Sister\". Past Phoebe, Piper and Leo are there. Leo is bent over with his head up in the fireplace, looking for something. Past Phoebe checks him out.]", "Past Phoebe: My Santa, you've changed.", "Past Piper: He's looking for Kit.", "Past Phoebe: The cat. Right, four legs, fur. I remember.", "(Phoebe and Paige pull back into the foyer.)", "Paige: Is that you?", "Phoebe: (whispering) Yeah, from about five years ago.", "(Paige's jaw drops.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Past Living room. Phoebe and Paige peek around the corner again. Past Leo gets out of the fireplace.]", "Past Leo: Sorry. Have you tried the shelter?", "Past Piper: Yeah, nothing.", "Past Leo: Well, she had a collar on, right? With your number on it and everything?", "Past Phoebe: A very distinctive collar, actually.", "Past Piper: Anyway... Uh, thanks for looking, I'm sure you must be hungry after all that work.", "Past Leo: All what work?", "(Past Phoebe laughs.)", "Past Phoebe: Oh, that's just Piper. She's gotta be everyone's mum. Think of her as your mum. I know I do.", "(Phoebe rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Paige gives her a confused look.)", "Past Piper: Isn't she a scream?", "Past Leo: Well, thanks, um, let me go put these fliers up first and I'll be right back, okay?", "(Past Leo takes some fliers from Past Piper and turns to leave. He trips over the fireplace screen.)", "Past Piper: Oh, careful.", "Past Phoebe: Ooh, you alright?", "Past Leo: Yeah.", "Past Piper: Careful. (Past Leo puts the fireplace screen back.) Antique.", "Past Phoebe: Grandma's.", "Past Piper: Yeah.", "(Past Leo leaves the room and heads for the conservatory door. Past Piper and Past Phoebe check Past Leo out as he walks away.)", "Past Phoebe: Oh, quite possibly the finest glutes in the city.", "Past Piper: In the state...", "Past Phoebe: In all the land.", "(While they're distracted, Phoebe and Paige sneak past the living room.)", "Past Piper: Saw him first.", "Past Phoebe: Uh-uh.", "Past Piper: Uh-huh.", "Paige: Eww, you hit on Leo?", "Phoebe: Never mind that, we have to figure out a way to get outta here. We can't risk changing our history otherwise we'll have no future to go back to.", "Paige: Yeah, but what if that's what the warlock wants us to do?", "Phoebe: We've gotta get to the book.", "(Paige nods. They hear Past Piper and Past Phoebe's voices. They hide behind a large pot plant.)", "Past Piper: I'm telling you, he's not your type. He's nice.", "Past Phoebe: Oh, oh, really? And I don't like nice?", "Past Piper: No, Phoebe, you don't. You like dangerous, you like bad boys, you always have.", "(Past Piper and Past Phoebe walk past the pot plant and go into the kitchen.)", "Paige: Some things never change.", "Phoebe: Would you be quiet?", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's office.]", "Piper: Then Phoebe and I went upstairs to fight over him a little bit more.", "Leo: And I went out to put up the fliers.", "Dr. Berenson: You know, it's uncanny how well both of you seem to remember exactly what happened. Especially after five years.", "Piper: Oh, well, you know, it just seems like yesterday to us.", "Leo: Except that yesterday Piper almost blew up the house. (Leo chuckles. Piper gives him a look.) Figuratively speaking. I mean, Piper's got a bit of a temper.", "Piper: I do not!", "Leo: Oh, no?", "[Cut to Phoebe and Paige crouched behind the pot plant. They disappear.]", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige appear behind a table.]", "Phoebe: What happened?", "Paige: I don't know. Let's get the book and get outta here.", "Phoebe: Wait.", "[Scene from episode 3.13 \"Bride and Gloom\". Dantalian appears. She walks over to the Book of Shadows and picks it up.]", "Dantalian: That was easy.", "(Past Piper comes out of the shadows.)", "Past Piper: Too easy. (Past Phoebe kicks Dantalian from behind. She falls to the floor. Past Piper and Past Phoebe walk over to her. Past Phoebe is holding a knife.) Where's our sister?", "Dantalian: Kill me and you'll never see her again.", "Past Piper: Hmm, so maybe we should just torture you instead.", "(Past Piper stands on Dantalian's arm and turns her hand into ice. Dantalian screams.)", "Past Phoebe: Why don't you just shatter her hand and see what happens.", "(Past Piper smashes her hand with the candlestick. Dantalian screams in pain. Paige gives Phoebe a look.)", "Phoebe: I was under a spell. Evil.", "Paige: Evil? You were blonde.", "(Past Leo orbs in.)", "Past Leo: Piper, we need to talk. (Past Phoebe and Past Piper turn to Past Leo. Dantalian grabs the Book and disappears.) What's going on?", "Past Phoebe: Well, you just helped her escape, that's what's going on.", "(Past Piper turns him into ice.)", "Past Piper: Smash him. (Past Phoebe kicks Past Leo and he smashes into a million little pieces.) b*st*rd.", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's office.]", "Dr. Berenson: I-I'm sorry, um, when you say she shattered you, I assume that's...", "Piper: Metaphorically speaking.", "(Leo gives Piper a look.)", "Dr. Berenson: Perhaps we should try to explore all this a little more fully.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige have come out of hiding.]", "Paige: Okay, you didn't tell me you blew up Leo too.", "Phoebe: Don't worry, he'll be fine, just as long as we don't mess anything up. What? You said you wanted to know what we were like before we met you, right? (She chuckles.) Voila.", "Paige: Okay, does evil stump lady come back with the book anytime soon?", "Phoebe: No, which means we have to figure this out by ourselves. I don't remember anything about a warlock with the power to jump through time, do you?", "Paige: No, but I still think he's from the past.", "Phoebe: Why?", "Paige: Because Katrina, our innocent, says she knew us from the past. The warlock's after her so hey, it only figures, right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, that makes sense. But I don't know how he's jumping us through time. Or why.", "Paige: Maybe he's not, maybe there's some other reason.", "Phoebe: Maybe. But if he is behind this, we have to figure out a way to force him to bring us back.", "Paige: I think I know a way how. Remember the muses? Remember the potion that Piper made to blind the warlock and keep him from blinking?", "Phoebe: Yeah, do you remember how to make it?", "Paige: Yeah, if the right herbs are in the kitchen.", "(They hear Past Piper and Past Phoebe's voices.)", "Past Piper: So what are we supposed to do now?", "Past Phoebe: I don't know, kill innocents?", "Past Piper: No, I mean about Prue.", "(Phoebe grabs Paige's arm.)", "Phoebe: Orb us, orb us outta here.", "Past Piper: How are we supposed to find her without the book?", "(They start to orb out, bump into something and orb back in.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, what happened?", "Paige: It's like we got bounced off something. I think we're stuck.", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's office. Piper is pacing up and down the room.]", "Piper: Of course, I don't wanna lose Leo, that's why I'm here. It's just, I don't know, sometimes it seems like our entire relationship has been one big fight.", "Dr. Berenson: Really?", "Piper: And I don't mean arguing, fighting, I mean...", "Leo: All the obstacles we had to overcome. Especially early on.", "Piper: And honestly? Sometimes I've wondered whether we're really meant to be together at all.", "Leo: Even on our wedding day.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige are hiding behind a table. They disappear.]", "[Cut to the living room. Phoebe and Paige appear in the middle of the room.]", "[Scene from episode 3.15 \"Just Harried\". Prue is sitting on the back of TJ's motorbike. We only see the back of Prue.]", "Past Piper: What the hell is going on?", "Past Phoebe: Prue, get your astral ass back here!", "Phoebe: Oh, no, Piper's wedding.", "(Phoebe and Paige hide around the corner. Past TJ rides off, knocking the cake table. Past Piper gasps. The three tiered cake falls on the floor.)", "Past Phoebe: Honey...", "Past Piper: Alright, that's it! The wedding is off!", "(She throws her veil on the floor and heads for the door.)", "Past Phoebe: Piper, Piper, you can not just leave.", "Past Piper: Yes, I can. A demon I could have handled, but my big sister ruining my wedding, I can not handle that.", "Past Phoebe: Okay, just listen to me for one second. All we have to do is find a way.", "Past Piper: No, no, I don't wanna find a way to get married on my wedding day. It's-it's too hard. There must be a reason.", "(Past Leo walks over to them.)", "Past Leo: Piper...", "Past Piper: Leo, I'm sorry, but this is just the final straw. It's just not meant to be.", "(Past Piper leaves the manor.)", "Past Leo: What just happened?", "(Past Leo walks into the living room and sits down. Phoebe and Paige sneak around the corner into the conservatory.)", "Past Cole: Are you okay?", "Past Phoebe: (sarcastic) Oh, yeah, great.", "Past Victor: Maybe Piper's right. Maybe the wedding just wasn't meant to be.", "Past Patty: Victor.", "Past Victor: All I'm saying is maybe the gods are just trying to spare them the pain that we went through.", "Past Leo: No. All I need is what's inside of me to know that Piper and I are meant to be together. (He stands up.) What happened here today...", "Past Phoebe: Piper and Leo's love has touched us all. We have to fix this.", "Past Darryl: I gotta go fend off the parse.", "Paige: I can't believe Prue ruined Piper's wedding.", "(Kit meows and walks over to Phoebe and Paige.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god. Kit. (Phoebe picks up Kit. She looks at the triquetra collar.) It is Kit.", "Paige: I didn't know you had a cat.", "Phoebe: Yeah, she ran away a couple of years ago. (The Warlock blinks in. They stare at each other, surprised. The Warlock steps back and smashes to bride and groom figurine from the wedding cake. The Warlock blinks out.) Okay, that was weird. We gotta work on that blinding potion.", "Paige: Uh. Didn't he just change history?", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's office. Piper gasps and grabs her chest.]", "Leo: What's the matter, honey? What is it?", "Piper: I don't know, I just got a sharp pain in my heart.", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Present day. The bride and groom figurine in the cabinet glows and vanishes.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Past Kitchen. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is standing near the door, keeping an eye out. Paige waves her hands over a smoking pot.]", "Paige: Oops.", "Phoebe: Paige, shh!", "Paige: What? Potions go poof, that's what they do.", "Phoebe: Just hurry up.", "Paige: I'm done. I just hope I didn't use any herbs we're gonna need in the future. I've already been to one alternate reality, I don't care to go home to another. (Phoebe groans.) What's the matter?", "Phoebe: I don't know, this whole thing is sort of odd, it doesn't make any sense.", "Paige: Like half the things we go through do?", "Phoebe: I know, but didn't the warlock seemed surprised to see us in there?", "Paige: Yeah, now that you mention it. Why?", "Phoebe: Because I'm beginning to think that maybe he didn't have anything to do with this, maybe he's stuck in this same weird time loop just like we are.", "Paige: Yeah, well, he's still dangerous. It'll probably be easier for him to kill us in the past without Piper around.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I'm also beginning to think that Piper's the reason we're stuck here. I mean, think about it. What's the common denominator in all of this? Piper and Leo, right? Every past event has centred around the two of them.", "Paige: You think this is a spell?", "Phoebe: Yeah, one gone awry obviously. I think Piper took my advice to heart with the marriage counsellor. They're taking a walk down memory lane... literally.", "Paige: But it seems too real just to be a memory. I mean, what are we doing here?", "Phoebe: They obviously have a lot of issues to work through.", "Paige: Yeah, well, I hope they work through them soon.", "(Paige bottles the potion.)", "[Scene: Dr. Berenson's Office. Piper has a drink of water.]", "Piper: Thank you.", "Leo: You feel any better?", "Piper: Yeah, a little bit, that was really weird.", "Dr. Berenson: Piper, you know, sometimes bringing back old memories, old feelings, can have a psychosomatic effect. Especially when you're dealing with inner demons. (Piper and Leo look at each other.) Let's talk about before your wedding, about when you knew for the first time that you really loved Leo.", "(Piper and Leo look at each other. Leo smiles as he remembers.)", "[Cut to the past Kitchen. Phoebe and Paige disappear.]", "[Cut to the attic. Scene from episode 1.21 \"Love Hurts\". Phoebe and Paige appear. They crouch down at the back of the room. Past Leo is lying on the couch, unconscious. Past Piper is kneeling beside him crying. A tear drop falls on her hand and it glows.]", "Past Piper: I found it. Leo, I love you. (She holds her glowing hand over Past Leo and she heals him.) Can you hear me? I love you, Leo, please hear me.", "(Leo wakes up.)", "Past Leo: Piper.", "(They hug.)", "Past Piper: Oh, thank God. I tried so hard and I couldn't make it work before. Why didn't you tell me?", "Past Leo: That love was the trigger? You had to find that out on your own. Why couldn't you tell me?", "Past Piper: I don't know. I was afraid, I was afraid if I admitted how I really felt it would hurt more if I lost you. I'm so sorry, I should of said it before.", "Past Leo: It's better late then never. Come on.", "(Past Leo orbs out with Past Piper. Phoebe and Paige stand up, moved at what they just saw.)", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's office.]", "Dr. Berenson: You know, Leo, the fact that you seem to be able to relive your wife's experience to such a degree is very telling.", "Leo: It is?", "Dr. Berenson: I think you might have some co-dependency issues.", "(Piper nods and smiles slightly. She turns her head when Leo looks at her.)", "[Cut to past Attic. Paige is sitting on the floor. Phoebe hands her a tissue.]", "Phoebe: Here you go, my sweetie. Here you go. You okay?", "Paige: Yeah, this is better than home movies. They've just been through so much.", "Phoebe: Yeah, we all have. It's good to remember, even for me. It makes me realise how much I really have changed. (Kit runs in.) Kit? (The Warlock runs in after Kit.) Whoa. Okay, throw the potion!", "Warlock: Don't bother.", "(He blinks out.)", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. Is it just me or is he not after us?", "Paige: No, I think he's after your cat.", "(Kit meows and walks around their ankles. They pat her.)", "Phoebe: Kit? Really? Why?", "Paige: I don't know. (to Kit) Unless there's something you're not telling us. It's funny, she's so familiar to me though. It reminds me of this old stray that used to hang outside my loft.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, you just said something.", "Paige: I did? Was it smart?", "(Phoebe goes over to the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: Oh, I am so glad the book is still in this memory.", "Paige: Why, what'd I say? What are you looking for?", "Phoebe: I am looking for... (she turns to a page) Familiars. That's what I'm looking for.", "Paige: \"Enchanted creatures who follow and guide new witches to protect them while they learn the craft.\"", "Phoebe: (to Kit) Hey, is there something you haven't been telling me? (Kit rubs around their ankles.) Huh, Kit? Hey, don't you kiss up to me. Answer the question.", "Paige: You sure you didn't know about this?", "Phoebe: What, that Kit was our familiar? No, we just thought she was this cat that we found on the porch.", "Paige: Better hope the warlock doesn't get her in the past otherwise our future...", "Phoebe: Is screwed.", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's Office. Leo stands up.]", "Leo: I'm screwed. This is a no-win situation. I work, she says I'm never around. I quit my job, she says I'm around too much. I gave up everything for her.", "Piper: Ha! Co-dependent, thank you.", "Leo: Okay, so what? Maybe I am. But you wanna talk co-dependent? Ask her about her damn sisters. They're frickin' inseparable. The Power of Three.", "(Piper throws her hands up.)", "Dr. Berenson: Um, I think we should go back to talking about some of your more positive memories, things that you've overcome as a couple. Free associate. Let the memories flow. Whatever comes to mind.", "(Leo sits back down.)", "[Cut to the past Attic. Phoebe and Paige disappear.]", "[Cut to downstairs. Phoebe and Paige appear. They look into the conservatory. Scene from episode 1.08 \"The Truth Is Out There... And It Hurts\". Past Piper and Past Leo are there. Leo has spilled something on his shirt.]", "Past Leo: Truth is caffeine makes me a little clumsy, you know.", "(Past Leo heads for the door.)", "Past Piper: Leo, wait.", "Past Leo: Yeah?", "Past Piper: Can I ask you a question?", "Past Leo: Sure.", "Past Piper: Do you need another shirt?", "Past Leo: No, I got one in the truck. Thanks.", "Past Piper: Leo, wait that wasn't my question.", "Past Leo: It wasn't.", "Past Piper: No. I was just wondering, do you ever... think of me?", "Past Leo: Yeah.", "Past Piper: In what way? As a friend sort of way or...", "Past Leo: You have beautiful eyes.", "Past Piper: That's a good way.", "Past Leo: I'm sorry. (They laugh.) That was totally inappropriate wasn't it?", "Past Piper: No, not at all. Ah, what the hell... Leo, how do you feel about women who make the first move?", "Past Leo: I don't know, I'm still waiting for it to happen.", "Past Piper: Goodness.", "(Past Piper kisses him.)", "Past Leo: Ahh... how do you feel about guys who make the second move?", "Past Piper: Love 'em.", "(They kiss again.)", "Paige: Nice kiss!", "(She grins. Phoebe and Paige disappear.)", "[Cut to outside P3. Scene from episode 3.03 \"Once Upon A Time\". Past Piper walks out into the car park. Phoebe and Paige appear and crouch behind a car. Past Piper walks towards her car and the trolls trip her. She falls on the ground and all her stuff falls out of her purse.]", "Past Piper: (looks up at the sky) I bet you guys think this is real funny, don't ya? Haven't you taken enough from me? You have to send trolls to kick me while I'm down. I am a good person, I am a good witch and damn it I would've made a great wife. And how dare you take that from me. I deserve... no, you know what? I demand that you send him back to me. You hear me? Right now. I am going to stand in this very spot until you send Leo back to me.", "(Nothing happens. Phoebe and Paige disappear.)", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Phoebe and Paige appear.]", "Phoebe: Enough already.", "(Kit runs past Phoebe and Paige. They hear a crash and a dog barking.)", "Paige: The warlock.", "(A white dog runs past them, following Kit.)", "Phoebe: You said you always wanted to meet Prue, right? That's another little spell gone awry.", "[Scene from episode 3.21 \"Look Who's Barking\". Kit runs up the stairs and Piper, Phoebe and Leo come down the stairs. They stop Prue.]", "Past Piper: Prue, no! No-no-no-no, very bad, Prue. Very, very bad Prue. (Prue growls.) Hi, Kujo, who you growling at?", "Past Leo: Maybe I'd better go check with the elders and see if they know how to vanquish a Banshee.", "Past Phoebe: Wait a minute, don't tell me you're afraid of Prue.", "Past Leo: Yeah.", "Past Piper: Well, wait a minute, hold it. What if we find the Banshee in the mean time?", "Past Leo: Well, you blew up the last demon you fought, didn't you?", "Past Piper: Yeah, but I was trying to freeze him.", "Past Leo: Just remember what we talked about. Just try and relax.", "(Past Leo orbs out.)", "Past Piper: I really wish everybody would quit telling me to relax.", "(Phoebe and Paige disappear.)", "[Cut to a Castle. Phoebe and Paige appear under a table. Scene from episode 4.06 \"A Knight To Remember\". Past Piper and Past Phoebe are chained to a wall. Leo runs in.]", "Past Leo: Piper! Phoebe.", "(Past Leo tries to unlock the chains.)", "Past Piper: Easy, easy.", "(A guard comes up behind Leo.)", "Past Phoebe: Behind you!", "(The guard pushes Leo away. Leo grabs a sword off the wall and starts sword fighting with the guard. The guard trips Leo.)", "Paige: Finally, one I remember.", "(Leo and the guard continue to fight. Leo hits the guard and head butts him, knocking him out.)", "Past Piper: Nice!", "Past Phoebe: Wow.", "(Leo goes over to the girls.)", "Past Piper: Leo!", "Past Phoebe: I thought you were a pacifist.", "Past Leo: I didn't kill him, did I?", "Past Piper: I gotta tell you, I find this side of you very sexy.", "Past Leo: Really?", "Past Piper: Yeah.", "(They hear a noise.)", "Past Leo: Paige.", "Past Piper: Potion, potion.", "(Past Piper, Past Phoebe and Past Leo run out of the room.)", "Phoebe: Past Paige, remember? They're going to rescue you.", "(Paige nods. They disappear.)", "[Cut to the manor. Upstairs hallway. Phoebe and Paige appear. Kit runs past them and goes into the bathroom.]", "Paige: Okay, if that warlock doesn't kill the cat soon, I will.", "Phoebe: I'll get her.", "(Phoebe walks into the bathroom. Scene from episode 3.17 \"Pre-Witched\". Past Piper and Past Leo are in the shower together.)", "Past Piper: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Sorry, I didn't know you guys were in here. I'm not interrupting anything am I?", "Past Piper: No... not yet.", "Phoebe: Okay, that's good, that's really good.", "Past Piper: Phoebe, would you just get outta here. And cover your eyes.", "Phoebe: Oh. (She covers her eyes.) Sure, okay, getting out.", "Past Piper: Hey, did you change your hair?", "Phoebe: Me? No.", "(Phoebe walks towards the door, eyes still covered.)", "Piper: Watch out for...", "(Phoebe runs into the door frame.)", "Phoebe: Oh! Ow. I'm okay, I'm okay.", "(Phoebe reaches behind her and closes the door on her way out. She walks over to Paige.)", "Paige: Eh, that was a bit close.", "(They disappear.)", "[Cut to P3. Top of the stairs. Scene from episode 3.09 \"Coyote Piper\". Past Piper is dancing on top of the bar wearing black leather pants and red leather halter top. Phoebe and Paige walks down the stairs.]", "Paige: Oh... my... god. I've never seen this side of Piper before.", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's Office. Dr. Berenson looks at Piper, speechless.]", "Piper: Don't ask. Next memory.", "[Cut to the manor. Toilet. Phoebe and Paige appear. They look around, confused. They hear Past Leo's voice on the other side of the closed door.]", "[Cut to the bathroom. Scene from episode 3.01 \"The Honeymoon's Over\". Past Leo is talking into the mirror.]", "Past Leo: Every time I see you, I love you even more. You're so beautiful. You're so special. I can't imagine my life without you. (Past Piper walks in.) Piper!", "Past Piper: Leo, who are you talking to?", "Past Leo: Me? Uh, nobody, just myself, you know.", "Past Piper: Yourself? You were telling yourself how much you love you?", "Past Leo: No, of course not. Uh, I mean, it's, it's not like that at all. Um, let's go downstairs and I'll explain.", "Past Piper: Leo, what's the matter? Why are you acting so weird?", "Past Leo: Can we go downstairs please?", "Past Piper: No, why?", "Past Leo: Okay, fine, um, here's good. Um, I've been thinking a lot actually about our situation.", "Past Piper: Leo...", "Past Leo: No, no, just let me finish. Um, I think I've come up with a solution, a way for us to be together no matter what they say. (Past Leo gets down on one knee and Past Piper's eyes widen. He takes Past Piper's hand.) Will you marry me?", "[Cut to the toilet. Phoebe hears Kit hissing through the vent.]", "Phoebe: Paige.", "Paige: Wait, I wanna hear the answer.", "Phoebe: We already know the answer for god's sakes. Kit's in trouble. Orb.", "Paige: What if I can't?", "Phoebe: Just try.", "(Paige orbs out with Phoebe.)", "[Cut to the attic. The warlock is on the floor kneeling over something. Paige orbs in with Phoebe. He turns around holding the bloodied knife.]", "Warlock: Looks like curiosity just killed your cat.", "(He blinks out. They see Kit lying on the floor with a knife wound on her side. Kit morphs into Katrina.)", "[Cut to the living room. Present. Katrina is there. She doubles over in pain.]", "Katrina: Ow. Ohh. (She looks at her arm and it starts to vanish.) Oh, no.", "(Her other arm followed by her head and chest, and the rest of her body vanishes from the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Dr. Berenson's Office. Piper and Leo are now sitting close, holding hands.]", "Dr. Berenson: It's easy for a couple over the years to lose sight of what brought them together in the first place. In your case, a very remarkable case I might add, it's probably even more important than it would be for most...", "(Leo leans forward and touches his head.)", "Leo: Ow.", "Piper: What's the matter?", "Leo: (quietly) Freeze him, hurry.", "(Piper freezes Dr. Berenson. Leo stands up, touching his temples.)", "Piper: What? Talk to me.", "Leo: Something's gone terribly wrong. People are crying out in pain. Witches, they're all under attack.", "Piper: What? Why?", "Leo: I don't know why. We gotta get home, fast.", "Phoebe's Voice: (in Piper's head) Piper?", "Piper: No, wait.", "Phoebe's Voice: (in Piper's head) Piper, can you hear me?", "Piper: Phoebe?", "[Cut to the manor. Past Attic. Phoebe is calling out.]", "Phoebe: Piper, can you hear me? It's Phoebe.", "Paige: Are you crazy? What are you doing?", "Phoebe: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to contact Piper.", "Paige: Yeah, but she'll hear you, she'll come running in and ruin our future.", "Phoebe: Our future's already ruined unless she can somehow give us a second chance and let us replay her last memory.", "Paige: Wait, are you talking about present day Piper?", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah. Why not? I mean, she dragged us into this spell, consciously or subconsciously, we might as well take advantage of it, right? Besides, if she really is reliving this, she ought to be able to hear me. Hm? Piper! It's your sister Phoebe. Now, I know you're having big problems because of this.", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's Office.]", "Leo: You're kidding me? Your sisters are involved with this? Can we do nothing without them?", "Piper: Shh! I'm trying to concentrate. Something about our last memory?", "Leo: Last memory... The one where I proposed?", "[Cut to the past toilet. Phoebe and Paige appear.]", "Past Leo's Voice: Every time I see you, I love you even more.", "Paige: It worked.", "Phoebe: Okay, now orb.", "(Paige orbs out with Phoebe.)", "[Cut to the attic. Paige orbs in with Phoebe. Kit runs in. Paige pulls out the potion. The warlock runs in.]", "Phoebe: Hey!", "(The warlock stops.)", "Paige: Remember us?", "(Paige throws the potion at his feet. A thick cloud of smoke rises and smothers the warlock. He drops his knife and covers his eyes. Phoebe picks up the knife and stabs the warlock.)", "Phoebe: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?", "(The warlock bursts into flames and is vanquished. Paige goes over and picks up Kit.)", "Paige: Alright, cat. Start talking.", "[Cut to Dr. Berenson's Office.]", "Leo: The cries are gone. Everything's back to normal.", "Piper: Oh, no it's not. It's not until I reverse this spell. Even I don't want to be this close to my sisters.", "(She starts to write a spell on a notepad.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Katrina are there sitting on the couch. Piper walks in carrying a tray of cups and a tea pot.]", "Piper: Are you sure I can't get you anything? Coffee, tea, a saucer of milk?", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Good one.", "Katrina: No, I'm fine. (serious) Although I wouldn't mind some kibble, if you got some.", "(Piper stares at Katrina. Katrina smiles.)", "Piper: That's not funny.", "Paige: It's a little funny.", "Piper: No, see, you didn't live with her for three years. And by the way, what was with the scratching of my bed post? What was that?", "Katrina: I had to keep my nails sharp.", "Piper: Yeah, see, that's just very creepy.", "(Piper sits on the couch.)", "Leo: Well, at least we know how important she was as your familiar and how painful things could've been without her.", "Phoebe: I'm just glad to finally know you are. I mean, it makes it easier to understand why you ran away. You know, as a cat.", "Katrina: You didn't need me anymore. Once the Charmed Ones were reconstituted, it was time for me to move on.", "Paige: Don't you mean moving up? You know, complete the evolutionary cycle and all.", "Leo: Yeah, only special Familiars like Katrina are rewarded for their service by becoming human.", "Katrina: To guide other Familiars. That's why the warlock was after me. Take out Familiars and you leave their witches defenceless, vulnerable.", "Phoebe: Well, it's a good thing you got nine lives, that's all I have to say. Although, you're probably down to your last seven or eight, so...", "Katrina: I'll watch my back. Well, I've gotta get going. I've got a hungry litter waiting for me. (She gets up and looks in Wyatt's bassinet.) You call me when he comes into his powers? (Piper nods.) Blessed be.", "(She leaves. Phoebe and Paige get up and sit next to Piper.)", "Paige: So, how are we doing?", "Leo: We?", "Piper: Oh, simmer down, honey. We, meaning Leo and I, are doing just fine, thank you very much. We did learn that we have some issues to work on. Like, somebody needs to get a life first.", "Leo: And one of us needs to be a wife first.", "Phoebe: Oh, easy on the rhyming, no more spells.", "Piper: Gladly. (Piper gets up and walks over to Leo.) But the point is, we need to spend more time as a couple. (She puts her arm around Leo.) So that we don't forget.", "Leo: Right.", "(They hug. Phoebe and Paige get up and leave the room. They walk past the cabinet with the missing Bride and Groom figurine.)" ]
Cat House
[ "A pair of demons seek revenge on trio of wood nymphs, and as a result, kill their Satyr. Unable to agree on how to proceed with their revenge, one demon tricks the nymphs into thinking he is their new leader, and the other kills one of the nymphs. As the remaining nymphs flee, they decide Paige will be a suitable replacement and turn her into one of them, resulting in Piper and Phoebe trying to find a way to save the nymphs and turn Paige back to normal." ]
[ "[Scene: Woods. Night. Three nymphs dance around a small fire while their Satyr plays a song on his pan flute. The nymphs giggle and frolic around their Satyr, then pass a creeper plant which suddenly blooms. Xavier, a demon, appears.]", "Xavier: I guess my invitation must have got lost in the mail. (The nymphs gasp and stop dancing.) I told you I'd find you again, Satyr.", "Satyr: There's nothing for you here. Leave this place or...", "Xavier: Or you'll what? You're gonna play your flute?", "(Xavier throws a stream of fire at the Satyr and he burns and disappears. The girls hold each other, frightened. Xavier walks over and picks up the pan flute.)", "Miranda: Who are you? What do you want?", "Xavier: I want you to show me the eternal spring, that's what. Unless, of course, you want to end up like your poor Satyr here.", "Miranda: Only he can tell us when to reveal the spring.", "Xavier: Now I'm telling you. Where is it? (The nymphs run away. Xavier throws a stream of fire at them but misses. They run into the trees and vanish.) I will find you!", "[Scene: A hotel suite. A dinner party is finishing up and people are leaving. Phoebe grabs her purse.]", "Woman: Congratulations again, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Thanks, sweetie, good night.", "Woman: See ya.", "(Phoebe rummages around in her purse.)", "Phoebe: Where are you? Where are you, where are you?", "(She walks over to the couch and sits down. She tips the stuff out of her purse onto the coffee table. Jason walks over to her.)", "Jason: You lose something?", "Phoebe: Oh, just my brain. And my keys.", "Jason: Well, I've got some cabs waiting to take us home down stairs.", "Phoebe: I need to find my keys so nobody has to wake up to let me in. Piper will kill me if I wake up the baby.", "Jason: Well, why don't you stay here? I mean it, I got the place for the whole night, somebody ought to use it.", "Phoebe: Oh, that's sweet, thanks, but I-I can't.", "Jason: Sure you can. I insist. Columnist of the year. Come on, you deserve it. Sleep in, have breakfast, get a massage. It's on me. (Phoebe chuckles.) What?", "Phoebe: Your just a really nice guy, you know that?", "Jason: Yeah, that's just the champagne talking.", "Phoebe: No, it's not. Okay, maybe it is a little. But, no, you are. Renting this suite, making sure everyone gets home okay, the speech you made.", "Jason: Well, you guys deserve all the awards, not me. All I did was buy the paper.", "Phoebe: I'm glad you did.", "Jason: Me too.", "Woman: Good night, boss.", "Jason: Good night. (The last people leave. Jason stands up.) Well, I, uh, I better get going.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Jason: Good night.", "Phoebe: Good night. (He kisses her quickly on the side of her mouth. They look at each other and start kissing passionately.) I'm not sure we should be doing this.", "Jason: Yeah, me neither.", "(Jason falls on the couch and Phoebe falls on top of him.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is there cooking something. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Ehh! Gosh, what's that smell? I hope it's not breakfast.", "Piper: I'm making an herbal sleep remedy.", "Paige: Oh, remind me never to get insomnia. (Wyatt giggles and gurgles through the baby monitor. Paige picks the monitor up.) Cute!", "Piper: Cute is a sleeping baby. That baby woke up every fifteen minutes last night and if I don't make something to help him sleep, you are gonna have one cranky mum on your hands.", "Paige: Going to have?", "Piper: Now, where is the dried dill? I can't find anything around here.", "Paige: Oh, it's in that middle cupboard, bottom right. (Piper points to a cupboard. Paige nods.) See, I switched things around. I wanted to separate the herbs that we use for potions from the ones that we use for cooking.", "Piper: But we use dill for both.", "(Piper opens the cupboard.)", "Paige: Well, that's why I put it there with the herbs and spices that we use for cooking and magic. It's a whole new system, see. (Piper picks up the dill.) Voila, you have your dill.", "Piper: Okay, but, uh, what was wrong with the old system? I mean, it worked perfectly well for about five years.", "Paige: Nothing was wrong with it, honey, it just didn't work for me. You know, your mind is just a little more linear, that's all.", "Piper: Well, you know, I know with Wyatt and everything lately that you've had to, you know, take on more responsibility for all things wiccan lately, but, um... (Piper looks around) you know, you don't need to shoulder the burden all by yourself anymore.", "(Paige opens a drawer.)", "Paige: Sweetheart, it's not burden. (Paige pulls out some measuring cups.) That's why I quit my job after all.", "(She hands the measuring cups to Piper.)", "Piper: Yeah, but still, I mean, it's not fair to you. Now that I have Leo being Mr. Mum, I've got a little bit more time on my hands.", "Paige: Oh, well, I don't mind taking the lead.", "(Phoebe walks in through the back door, carrying her shoes, her purse and her award.)", "Phoebe: Morning. Never mind, don't ask.", "(Phoebe leaves the kitchen. Piper and Paige follow her.)", "[Cut to the bottom of the stairs. Phoebe heads for them. Piper and Paige walk in.]", "Piper: Hey, somebody's doing the walk of shame.", "Paige: Details, details.", "Phoebe: I knew I wasn't going to get away with this one.", "Phoebe: Not a chance. Spill it, sister.", "Phoebe: Ugh, okay. I think I did something really bad. I slept with my boss.", "Piper: Jason?", "Phoebe: No, Elise. Yes, of course Jason!", "Paige: Wow. That is bad. (Phoebe gives her a look.) Uh, for future employment's sake. Unless, of course, you know, maybe it'll work out and you guys will get married and have kids and you can own half the newspaper.", "Phoebe: Paige.", "Paige: Sorry.", "Piper: How did this happen?", "Phoebe: It was very fast.", "Paige: Ooh, downer.", "Phoebe: No, that part wasn't fast, that part was... ooh...", "(She makes noises and smiles.)", "Piper: So that's good, right?", "Phoebe: Yes... No. I don't know. See, I'm very conflicted about this whole thing because it's not just the fact that he's my boss, it's just I didn't plan on this all happening right now in my life.", "Piper: Well, honey, unfortunately, that's when these things usually happen.", "Paige: Yeah. Can we go back to the whole (makes a noise) part? (Leo orbs in.) Talk about orbus interruptus.", "Leo: Sorry, guys, but I just got an alert from the Elders. What do you know about wood nymphs?", "Piper: Wood nymphs?", "Paige: Yeah, you know, frolicking little tree sprites, protectors of the forest, always in the company of a satyr.", "Piper: Yeah, I know what they are, it was a rhetorical question.", "Phoebe: What about 'em?", "Leo: Well, I guess a couple have been spotted in the city by mortals and the Elders were worried about exposure.", "Piper: Well, that doesn't make any sense because they don't abandon their forest unless...", "Paige: They're flushed out...", "Piper: By a demon.", "Piper, Paige: I'll get right on it.", "Paige: You're tired, honey.", "Piper: I am. I'll also be in the attic.", "(Piper throws a baby bottle to Leo and heads upstairs.)", "Phoebe: Paige, will you orb to the office and grab my laptop? I have to finish this article and I don't wanna see Jason.", "Paige: I'm sorry, I really can't. (Paige orbs out.) (from attic) Ask Piper!", "Piper: Hey, that's cheating!", "(She runs up the stairs.)", "[Scene: City Plaza. A man is sitting on the floor playing his flute. The three nymphs dance around him. A crowd of people have gathered around them.]", "Daisy: Why is he still playing this melody?", "Miranda: Maybe he doesn't recognise us.", "Lily: He must be our new Satyr. Look how many people have gathered to adore him.", "(The nymphs giggle.)", "Daisy: He's not playing the melody.", "(Xavier approaches the crowd and watches the nymphs. The police officers make their way through the crowd.)", "Officer #1: Excuse me, pardon me. Alright, girls, you've had your fun, let's go. (The crowd groans.) I know, I know.", "Daisy: What should we do?", "Miranda: Uh, flee.", "(The nymphs run away.)", "Officer #1: Hey, hey!", "(The girls run into a near by garden and vanish. Xavier looks into the garden.)", "[Cut to the woods. Day. Xavier's brother, Tull, is there trying to play the pan flute. Xavier appears.]", "Xavier: What are you doing?", "Tull: I'm practising. In case you can't find the nymphs, I thought maybe I could try and lure them to us.", "Xavier: How many times have I told you, Tull, only a Satyr can master that thing. I don't know why you keep trying.", "Tull: Well, because father...", "Xavier: (yells) Father's dead, don't you understand? And we're never gonna get our revenge unless we find that damn spring and become unstoppable.", "Tull: I'm just trying to help you find them, Xavier.", "Xavier: I already did. They escaped into the city just like I thought they would. But they're out of their element. Lost without nature, confused.", "Tull: So how do you know where they are?", "Xavier: They found an oasis in the middle of it all. A fountain. One which they'll return to tonight when the moon is full.", "Tull: To rejoice in it. Oh, Xavier, can I come? Please, can I join you?", "Xavier: No. You aren't strong enough to help. But don't worry, you will be, once you drink from the spring. Until then, keep practicing.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Main room. Phoebe sneaks in through the main door. She looks around and walks towards her office. Jason comes out of his office.]", "Jason: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: (whispers) Shoot. (She turns around.) Hey.", "Jason: I didn't even see you come in.", "Phoebe: I just came by to get my laptop, I'm gonna work from home. Okay, bye.", "(She turns to leave.)", "Jason: Wait, there's a staff meeting. You have to stay for that.", "Phoebe: Ah, that's right, I totally forgot.", "(Jason moves closer to her and lowers his voice.)", "Jason: Uh, listen, about last night...", "Phoebe: It was a huge mistake, I agree, it should have never happened.", "Jason: Actually, that was not was I was going to say.", "Phoebe: No?", "Jason: I thought it was a amazing. I think you are amazing.", "Phoebe: Really? See, but that's not the point. The point is you're my boss and I don't want my professional and personal life to collide.", "Jason: Isn't it a little late for that?", "Phoebe: No. We can stop this right here and now before it gets any worse.", "Jason: Before what gets any worse? Phoebe, we have nothing to be ashamed of. We're two intelligent adults that happen to be attracted to each other. What's so wrong with that?", "Reporter: Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Dean, but it looks like those Godiva girls popped back again.", "(They look at the TV and see the nymphs on the news.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no.", "(Phoebe grimaces and slowly backs away.)", "Jason: Anybody know who they are?", "Reporter: Not yet but everybody wants to know.", "Jason: Then let's be the first to find out. (Phoebe leaves without being noticed.) Pull Bill and Jean from Metro, get Francesca online. I don't wanna trail this story, I wanna lead it.", "Reporter: Understood.", "(Jason turns around to find Phoebe gone.)", "Jason: Phoebe?", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is scrying and Paige is writing something on a piece of paper.]", "Piper: What exactly are you doing over there? Writing a dissertation?", "Paige: No. Actually, since wood nymphs are considered the personification of nature, I am devising a spell using the four elements to try to locate their home.", "Piper: Well, what good would that do? The Elders said the nymphs were running loose in the city.", "Paige: Yeah, but I'm thinking that if we find out where they lived, you know, we can find out what flushed them out and see what demon's after them.", "(The crystal points to a spot on the map. Piper has already marked five other places on the map.)", "Piper: Wow, talk about your roundabout methods.", "Paige: No, actually, it's like that cliché thinking outside the box. It kind of applies here.", "Piper: Well, me, I'm just gonna stick to good old-fashioned scrying to find him.", "Paige: Oh! How's that working out for you?", "(Piper puts down the crystal.)", "Piper: Let's just say it's been a busy day for evil in the city. I wonder if nymphs have any natural enemies? (Piper walks over to the Book of Shadows and notices different colour tabs sticking out of the book.) What are all these?", "Paige: Oh, I indexed the Book of Shadows to make our searches more efficient.", "Piper: You colour coded the Book of Shadows?", "Paige: Mm-hm!", "Piper: When?", "Paige: Yesterday. Now you see, demons and warlocks will be under red, angels and beings of light under white, and, you know, wood nymphs because they're spirits of nature, will be under green because green represents...", "Piper: I know what green represents.", "Paige: Great. Then you'll just love it.", "Piper: I don't think so.", "(Wyatt cries from downstairs.)", "Paige: Oh, isn't that Wyatt calling you?", "Piper: Nice try. Leo's got him. You're not going to get rid of me that easy.", "Paige: I am not trying to get rid of you, alright? I'm just trying to take point because your life is so busy now that I thought I would just try to help a little bit.", "Piper: I got your busy right here, lady. (The phone rings. Piper answers it.) Hello?", "Phoebe: Hey, it's me, I'm stuck at work. I forgot their was a staff meeting. Have you seen the news yet?", "Piper: No, we're too busy fighting over the best way to find nymphs.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, stop arguing and turn on the TV because they're all over it.", "Piper: What? What do you mean?", "Paige: What's she saying?", "Phoebe: Nobody knows who they are yet, but believe me, the demon's not the only one looking for him now.", "Piper: Where were they last spotted?", "Phoebe: Uh, downtown, City Plaza. Maybe they'll go back there.", "Piper: Well, if they do, there's gonna be a demon waiting for them.", "(Piper looks at a place on the map where she's marked.)", "[Scene: City Plaza. Fountain. Night. Piper and Paige are there hiding behind two columns.]", "Paige: Okay, how much longer before you realise this is not working?", "Piper: Hey, Phoebe was the one who said they were here, not me.", "Paige: No, excuse me. You were the one that said a demon was here waiting, I was the one that said they'd be stupid to come back.", "Piper: And you think they're not? Half of San Francisco has spotted them.", "(The three nymphs appear in the fountain, giggling and splashing around in the water.)", "Paige: Well, at least it looks like they're having fun. (Piper starts to move forward.) Hold it. Shouldn't we see if the demon attacks?", "(Xavier appears near by.)", "Xavier: Ladies.", "(He throws a stream of fire at Lily, engulfing her in flames and she disappears.)", "Piper: Wait's over.", "(Piper and Paige come out from behind the columns. The two nymphs hold each other, frightened.)", "Xavier: Last chance. Where's the spring?", "(The nymphs see Piper and Paige walking towards them.)", "Miranda: Oh, please, please, help us.", "(Xavier turns around and Piper tries to blow him up. She blows his right arm below the elbow off. He groans in pain and falls to the ground.)", "Paige: Why didn't he blow up?", "Piper: Uh, let's get out of here.", "(The two nymphs run over to Piper and Paige.)", "Paige: First thing we've agreed on all day.", "(Xavier throws a stream of fire towards them but they orb out just in time.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Daisy runs for the back door. Piper grabs her around the waste.]", "Piper: No, no, no! No, no, no!", "Daisy: But we need to be outside to find our new Satyr.", "Piper: No, no, you don't. Not when there's a demon out there, you don't. Paige, a little help, please.", "(Miranda opens the conservatory double doors. Paige orbs out and orbs back in in front of her.)", "Paige: Sorry Miss Nymph, you're stuck here.", "(Paige closes the doors.)", "Miranda: But, but, but you're suffocating us. But we're meant to be outdoors.", "Daisy: We were born to be wild.", "Piper: I hear what you're saying.", "Miranda: Nature's apart of us. (She waves her arm and a vine appears on the door.) We're meant to preserve it, to nurture it.", "Paige: Well, that's really great, honey, but our job is to preserve you, okay?", "Piper: Alright, inside, inside, inside.", "(Piper pulls Daisy inside.)", "Daisy: Whoa!", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: What's going on down here? Who are they?", "Piper: Nymphs, Leo, clearly nymphs.", "(The two nymphs giggle and dance around Leo.)", "Leo: Oh, hi there. Uh, no wonder the Elders were worried about exposure.", "Daisy: Who's the sexy beast?", "Piper: The beast is married. To me. Now, I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade, but didn't you two just lose a sister? Shouldn't you be, I don't know, grieving?", "Daisy: Oh, we don't mourn death, we celebrate it.", "Miranda: It's the way of nature. The eternal spring we protect ensures that life is always renewed in the forest.", "Paige: So she'll be reborn or something?", "Miranda: If not in the plants and trees, then in the wind and rain that brings them sustenance.", "Daisy: Isn't that awesome?", "Miranda: Still, without her, we may not find our new Satyr. We need three to perform the dance or we may not hear his call.", "Piper: I'm a little confused. See if you guys protect the spring, what do you need a Satyr for?", "(The nymphs giggle.)", "Daisy: Oh, because that's the way it's always been.", "Piper: Oh, okay.", "Paige: So do you know who the demon is?", "Miranda: No, only that he wanted us to bring him to the eternal spring to-to drink from it we assume.", "Leo: Which would make him immortal, indestructible.", "Piper: We need Phoebe.", "Phoebe's Voice: Hello? Anybody home?", "Piper: Ask and you shall receive. (to Leo) Try and keep and eye on them. (The nymphs giggle and run around the room. Piper and Paige walk into the foyer where Phoebe is. Phoebe is carrying a vase of flowers.) Hiya, where you been?", "Phoebe: Avoiding Jason. (Phoebe hands Piper the vase.) Apparently it didn't work.", "(Phoebe picks up a vase of flowers off a table and moves them to a side table. Piper puts the other vase in its place.)", "Paige: Yeah, uh, well, we found something.", "(They hear the nymphs giggle. They look into the conservatory and see them all over Leo.)", "Phoebe: I thought there was three of them?", "Piper: Yeah, the demon got one.", "Paige: Yeah, but on the plus side, you got some really pretty flowers.", "Phoebe: Yeah, see, I don't wanna talk about that. Tell me about the demon.", "Paige: Well, Piper, let him get away.", "Piper: Oh, come on, I blew off his hand, didn't I?", "Paige: Yeah, but the rest of him got away.", "Piper: Yeah, well, okay, demons don't always go poof when you want them to, you know?", "Phoebe: What the hell is going with the two of you?", "Piper: It seems that Paige thinks she's the lead witch all of a sudden, that's what's going on.", "Phoebe: Ohh.", "Paige: I don't think I'm lead witch, I've just had to be for the last few months. It's all I do.", "Piper: Maybe while I was maternity leave. But you know, it's like sports, you can't lose your starting job due to injury.", "Paige: Vanquishing demons is not a sport, Piper.", "Piper: It is if you're good at it.", "(Leo brings the two nymphs into the foyer.)", "Leo: Alright.", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Leo: Wyatt's crying. They are all yours.", "Daisy: We need to frolic. We need to find our Satyr.", "Paige: Okay, I would like to frolic too but I actually have work to do.", "Miranda: Are you always this tense?", "(The nymphs circle the girls.)", "Piper: Uh, look, we need to find this demon before this demon finds them. Alright, I'm gonna go check the book.", "Paige: I'll go.", "Miranda: Wait, let your sister go.", "Piper: Ha-ha, thanks.", "Paige: Why?", "Miranda: You'll see.", "Phoebe: Something wrong?", "(Daisy waves her hands above the flowers and they instantly bloom.)", "Daisy: Not anymore.", "(They giggle.)", "[Scene: Woods. Night. Xavier and Tull are there. Xavier is lying on the ground while Tull cleans his wound.]", "Tull: I will have your revenge, Xavier, I swear it, they will not get away with this.", "Xavier: It's not the nymphs you have to worry about, it's the witches. You're not strong enough to stand up to them.", "Tull: But I will be once I drink from the spring. Then I'll use the immortal water to heal you.", "Xavier: Always a dreamer. You'll never trick them into thinking you're their new Satyr.", "Tull: No? Watch me, brother, watch me.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper is there flipping through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: Demons and warlocks are red, beings of light are white. Oh, yeah? Well, what's a Bunyip? Because it's not good or evil. So what the hell colour is that? (She turns to the Bunyip page and it has a red and a white tab on it.) Oh, well, that's confusing.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Everything alright?", "Piper: Yeah, sure, fine, if you call Paige defacing the Book of Shadows, alright.", "(Leo walks over to her.)", "Leo: She defaced the book?", "Piper: For all intents and purposes. Look at this. This is a sacred book. It looks ridiculous.", "Leo: Well, look, these things just come right off, see?", "(He peels a tab off.)", "Piper: That is so not the point.", "Leo: It's not?", "Piper: No. She's done this a lot lately and it's not just this. The kitchen, the least she could do is discuss it with us before hand.", "Leo: You're right, she should've discussed it with you. But that's not what's making you angry. What are you really feeling?", "(They walk over to a couch and sit down.)", "Piper: Okay, you know what? Just because we've gone to counselling, doesn't mean that you're a shrink now.", "Leo: I'm just saying that this whole competitive thing you got going...", "Piper: I'm not competitive, she is.", "Leo: You both are. And you both need to stop otherwise you're never gonna help the nymphs reclaim their forest.", "Piper: I know, I know. I just can't help but feel like I'm being pushed aside.", "Leo: She's not pushing you aside, she's just picking up the slack.", "Piper: Okay, just so you know for future reference, you're supposed to be on my side in these situations. It keeps us out of counselling.", "Leo: I am on your side, honey, always. I-I'm just saying that maybe you should look at this like an opportunity. Now this is me talking, this isn't a shrink. You're always complaining about how you're not able to have a normal life because of witchcraft and maybe letting Paige take the lead once in a while will allow you to have that.", "Piper: That's some good reverse psychology there. I'll think about it.", "Leo: Okay.", "(He quickly kisses her on her head and leaves the attic.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe and Paige are there. Paige is bottling a potion. The two nymphs are near by giggling and arranging a vase of flowers.]", "Phoebe: So how do you know the potion's gonna work? Shouldn't we wait for Piper to find the demon first?", "Paige: She won't. That's why I went ahead and made this garden variety kick ass vanquishing potion.", "Phoebe: You guys have to stop butting heads. We work best when we work together.", "Paige: Well, tell her that, don't tell me that.", "Daisy: (to Miranda) Are you sure she's the one?", "Miranda: She needs us as much as we need her.", "(Phoebe turns around to the nymphs and looks at the vase of beautifully arranged flowers.)", "Phoebe: Wow, that looks beautiful. You guys should be florists.", "Daisy: We are. That's what we do, in the woods I mean.", "Phoebe: Right, of course, sorry.", "Miranda: That's alright. Most people don't even know we exist. They take us for granted, they take the forest for granted, as if it will always be there.", "Phoebe: That's why we have to help you.", "Miranda: Helping us helps you. After all, all of nature is intertwined, forests, flowers...", "Miranda, Daisy: Love.", "Miranda: It's in the air.", "Paige: Ha, not where I'm standing it isn't.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: I'll get it.", "Miranda: Good. (The nymphs giggle and dance over to Paige.) You know, Paige, we think that you need to get back to your...", "Miranda, Daisy: Wild side!", "Paige: Girls, you might just have a point.", "Daisy: You're right, she is the one.", "(They giggle and dance around her.)", "Paige: The one for what?", "(They stand on either side of Paige and kiss her cheeks. She instantly changes into a nymph, with really long hair and wearing a green dress.)", "Miranda: The one to help us find our new Satyr.", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe opens the front door. Jason stands there.]", "Jason: Hi.", "Phoebe: Jason! Hey, what are you doing here?", "Jason: We never got to finish our talk.", "Phoebe: Yeah, uh, now's not really a good time though. I'll call ya.", "(Jason walks into the foyer.)", "Jason: Did you get the flowers I sent you?", "Phoebe: I did, I did, they were beautiful, that was very sweet.", "Jason: Look, I know this is awkward for you because of work and all that, I-I think we can work this thing out.", "Phoebe: It's a lot more complicated than that. Believe me.", "Jason: Phoebe, we have to talk.", "Phoebe: I know, and we will soon, I promise.", "Jason: Phoebe, what's wrong? Is there something going on here that you're not telling me about?", "Phoebe: No, of course not.", "(They hear the nymphs giggling from the kitchen.)", "Jason: What was that?", "Phoebe: Uh, what was what?", "(More giggling.)", "Jason: What was that!", "Phoebe: Oh, that? (The nymphs including nymph Paige frolics into the room and dances around Jason.) Oh my god, Paige!", "(They stroke Jason's arms and shoulders.)", "Paige: So handsome.", "Jason: You found them? Isn't that your sister?", "(The three nymphs go outside.)", "Phoebe: Yeah. Paige!", "Jason: She's one of the Godiva girls?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, she is not. (Phoebe goes to the door.) Paige, you get back here right now!", "Jason: What's going on here?", "Phoebe: Ohh, I don't suppose you can just forget about everything you just saw, right?", "Jason: Personally or professionally?", "Phoebe: Both?", "Jason: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Okay, look just promise me you won't do anything until we talk, okay? For me.", "Jason: Talk? Talk when?", "Phoebe: We're gonna talk later. (She pulls him out the door.) Okay, thanks for the flowers. I like your jacket. Okay, bye. (She closes the door.) Piper! Leo!", "[Cut to P3. The band, Louder Milk, is playing on stage. Nymph Paige and the other two nymphs walk down the stairs.]", "Miranda: Uh, we really need to be out looking for our new Satyr, Paige.", "Paige: I thought all we had to do was dance to hear his call.", "Daisy: But it's her first night as a nymph, Miranda. Let's see what she can do.", "Miranda: Alright, why not?", "Paige: Follow me, girls.", "[Cut to the manor. Kitchen. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there. Piper and Phoebe are looking through the Book of Shadows. Leo is trying to sense Paige.]", "Leo: I can't sense her. Probably because she's not a witch anymore.", "Piper: Mm-hm. No, of course not, because thanks to me she is now a nymph.", "Leo: Thanks to you? What did you do?", "Piper: I had to be the one in control. I had to be the one to find the stupid demon, which by the way, I have not done yet.", "(Piper slams the book shut.)", "Phoebe: Well, thanks to me my paper is gonna get an exclusive on her because I slept with Jason.", "Piper: Oh, good, so this is all your fault then?", "Phoebe: Mm.", "Piper: Perfect.", "Leo: Let's forget about who's fault this is, okay? Either way we need to figure out a way to find Paige before the demon does.", "Piper: Well, it's not gonna do any good unless we come up with a vanquishing potion.", "Phoebe: Uh, Paige already did that.", "Piper: She did?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Piper: Huh.", "(The phone rings. Leo answers it.)", "Leo: Hello? (listens) Oh. Oh. (He hangs up.) I think we found Paige.", "[Cut to P3. Paige and the nymphs are up on stage dancing with the band. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Piper: I don't see her.", "(Leo looks up on stage.)", "Leo: You don't want to.", "Piper: Oh, that cat's out of the bag.", "Leo: Come on. (They walk over to the stage.) Paige, what are you doing?", "Paige: I'm dancing, Leo. Do you want to come dance with me?", "Piper: No, Paige, come down here. Before somebody recognises it's you.", "Guy From Audience: Alright, Paige, looking good!", "Piper: Ah, so much for that.", "Leo: Come on, Paige, we're getting outta here.", "Paige: I can't. I can't leave until I find my Satyr.", "Leo: You Satyr? Get... (Leo grabs her hand and pulls her off stage.) Talk to her.", "Piper: Paige, honey, listen, we need you. We can't save your fellow nymphs without you.", "Paige: You don't need me.", "Piper: The hell I don't. Paige, listen to me. You are not a nymph, you are a witch and a damn good one at that. That is your true nature.", "(The band manager walks up to them.)", "Band Manager: Hey, Piper. You've gotta get those groupies off the stage, they're distracting my band.", "Piper: I know, I know, I'm working on it.", "(They notice Paige and the nymphs heading for the door.)", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: Paige, wait!", "Paige: Where are we going?", "Daisy: To our new Satyr. Do you hear his call?", "[Cut to the fountain. Tull is there playing the pan flute. The nymphs frolic out of the near by plants and dance around him.]", "Tull: Welcome, my little nymphs. Welcome.", "(He continues to play the pan flute and they dance around him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there. Piper and Phoebe are sitting on the couch with open books all over the floor in front of them.]", "Phoebe: I don't know how the hell to find her.", "Piper: Well, maybe if we knew why they decided to turn her into a nymph in the first place, that would help.", "Phoebe: That's because they needed a third sister, right?", "Piper: Yeah, well, the book also says that only certain types of magical creatures can be turned into a nymph, so what type was she?", "Leo: The type that needed a change maybe.", "Phoebe: From being a witch? That's ridiculous. Paige loves being a witch.", "Piper: Not until I came roaring back. And I didn't just push her aside, I actually pushed Paige right out the door.", "Phoebe: Oh, are we back to blaming you again?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Just checking.", "Leo: Maybe the nymphs sensed that she was overdue for some fun. She has been working around the clock lately.", "Piper: Well, she had plenty of fun at P3 last night.", "Phoebe: Ooh, film at eleven.", "(They hear Wyatt crying through the baby monitor.)", "Leo: I'll take care of it, you guys stay on it.", "Piper: Okay, what haven't we tried?", "Phoebe: I think we've pretty much tried everything.", "Piper: Right, well, then it's time we start thinking outside the box.", "Phoebe: Come again?", "Piper: It was Paige's theory and it worked pretty damn well for her. (They get up and walk over to a table.) Paige was working on a spell to locate the nymphs using the four elements of nature.", "Phoebe: Wow, that's a novel concept.", "Piper: Yeah, well, I mocked it. But if she's right, it should lead us to where the nymphs live and therefore Paige.", "Phoebe: Here's water and fire.", "(She picks up a water bottle and some matches. Piper picks up a fan.)", "Piper: A little bit of wind.", "Phoebe: Okay, so all we're missing is earth.", "(Phoebe's phone rings.)", "Piper: I'll go get some dirt from the backyard.", "(Phoebe answers her phone.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Hello?", "Jason: Hey, it's Jason.", "Phoebe: Hey, I can't really talk right now.", "Jason: It's not about us, Phoebe, it's about your sister.", "Phoebe: What about her?", "Jason: I'm not the only one who saw her. There was a photographer at your sister's club last night because of the band. I've got pictures.", "Phoebe: And what are you gonna do with the pictures?", "Jason: Well, if I don't print them, I'll be the only paper in town that doesn't.", "Phoebe: You know what? Just print them.", "Jason: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: You know, f hadn't slept together you never would have known that she was one of them.", "Jason: If we hadn't slept together I wouldn't have hesitated to print them. Phoebe, will you please tell me what's going on here?", "Phoebe: No comment.", "(She hangs up.)", "[Scene: Woods. The two nymphs giggle behind Tull as they walk through the woods. Paige is following behind them. The two nymphs place a wreath on Tull's head.]", "Tull: No, no, I don't want any wreath. (The try to feed him some berries.) No, no berries. I just want the spring.", "Miranda: (to Paige) What's the matter? Why aren't you dancing?", "Paige: Something doesn't feel right.", "Tull: Is this much farther?", "Daisy: We're almost there.", "Tull: Good.", "Paige: How did you know we needed a new Satyr?", "Tull: You called me with your little dance, didn't you?", "Daisy: Oh, forgive her, she's new.", "Tull: Well, then she should be silent, shouldn't she?", "Paige: Shouldn't we be worried about the demon that killed the last Satyr?", "Tull: I'll take care of him.", "Paige: How?", "Tull: Enough with your questions, nymph.", "(The nymphs stop and stand beside Paige.)", "Miranda: It's not our place to question him, we only wish to please.", "Paige: But you don't know him.", "Miranda: We protect and nourish the forest while caring for our Satyr, that's all we need to know.", "Daisy: It's in our nature.", "Paige: It's in your nature.", "Miranda: It's in our nature. You're one of us now.", "Daisy: We're here.", "Tull: Where? Where is it? Show it to me.", "(They run over to a large rock and place their hands on it. It glows and the place around them spins into a blur. The blur settles and reveals a beautiful garden and spring.)", "Paige: It's so beautiful.", "(Tull walks over to the spring and laughs.)", "[Cut to the woods. Xavier is there. Piper and Phoebe appear. Piper clears her throat.]", "Xavier: You?", "Piper: Hi. No offence but we were looking for some wood nymphs.", "Phoebe: Wait, you two know each other?", "Piper: Yeah, I was the one that blew off his arm. Wow, that looks like it hurts.", "Xavier: It does.", "Phoebe: You sure we even need this?", "Piper: Well, that depends on how many parts I gotta blow off before he tells us where the nymphs are.", "Xavier: You're too late. My brother's found them already.", "Phoebe: Oh, your brother? Where is he?", "Piper: You know, we can just keep doing this but he is never going to talk. And then he's just gonna try and fry us, we're gonna have to dive out of the way, get all dirty and we're just gonna end up vanquishing him anyway.", "Phoebe: So should we just cut to the chase?", "Piper: I don't see why not.", "(Phoebe is about to throw the potion.)", "Xavier: No, wait. I'll tell you.", "(He throws a stream of fire at the girls and they dive out of the way. Phoebe throws the potion at Xavier and vanquishes him.)", "Piper: Told you.", "Phoebe: Oh, man. Now how are we gonna find Paige?", "(They get up.)", "Piper: Well, we can just sit and wait for his brother to come back.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "(They sit on a log.)", "[Cut to the garden and spring. Tull drink from the spring.]", "Paige: I thought no one was supposed to drink from the spring?", "Miranda: They're not.", "(Tull glows.)", "Tull: At last.", "Daisy: Satyr? We should leave now.", "Tull: Your Satyr is dead, nymph. My name is Tull, brother of Xavier. Son of Naides. And I will have our revenge. (The nymphs hold each other, frightened.) That's right, nymphs, be afraid, there are no witches here now to protect you.", "Paige: Oh, no? (Nymph Paige changes back into herself.) Hurry, close the spring.", "Tull: No! (He hits Paige across the face and she flies across the garden, landing on a rock. The nymphs run over to the rock and Tull runs over to the spring to fill up a water skin. The garden and spring spin around them in a blur and takes them back to the woods. The nymphs run into the trees and vanish.) No! No!", "(He looks at an unconscious Paige and then disappears.)", "[Cut to the woods where Piper and Phoebe are waiting. Tull appears.]", "Tull: Xavier. Xavier, where are you?", "Phoebe: You're stepping on him.", "Tull: What? (Tull looks down to see him standing on a pile of ash.) No. No.", "(Piper and Phoebe stand up.)", "Piper: Now, you should tell us where our sister is unless of course you want to join your brother. (Tull throws a stream of fire at the girls. Piper blows up the stream of fire and the force sends Piper, Phoebe and Tull backwards.) Throw it! (Phoebe throws the potion at Tull and makes a small explosion but doesn't harm him.) Paige, calls that a potion?", "(Tull throws another stream of fire.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The woods. Tull's stream of fire hits a pile of rocks. Piper and Phoebe crawl away.]", "Phoebe: If we kill him then how are we gonna find Paige?", "Piper: What have you witnessed in the last few minutes that leads you to believe we're gonna kill him?", "Phoebe: Just try it.", "Piper: Hang on.", "(Piper stands up and tries to blow up Tull but only makes a small explosion.)", "Tull: Your powers have no affect on me. I'm immortal now.", "Piper: Arrogant. (She tries again twice to blow him up. Tull throws a stream of fire at Piper and she dives behind a rock.) Okay, run. (Piper and Phoebe run through the woods.) Paige!", "Phoebe: Oh, god, what if she's...", "Piper: Don't go there. Paige!", "Phoebe: You know, maybe we shouldn't be calling for her, maybe we should be...", "Piper: Ah, yes! Daisy! Miranda!", "Phoebe: Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! You don't need a Satyr to tell you what to do anymore.", "Piper: Come on!", "Phoebe: We need you! And helping us helps you, remember?", "(Daisy and Miranda appears out of the bushes and grabs their hands.)", "Miranda: Come with us.", "Phoebe: Oh! Here we go. (They run off. They find Paige lying on the the ground, unconscious.) Paige!", "Piper: She's bleeding.", "Phoebe: We have to call for Leo.", "(Miranda takes off her necklace.)", "Miranda: Here, I think this will help.", "(She holds the necklace above Paige's head wound and a drop of water drips onto it, healing it.)", "Phoebe: What is that?", "Daisy: Water from the eternal spring. Wood nymphs wear a drop to remind us of what we protect.", "(Paige wakes up.)", "Piper: Are you alright?", "Paige: Yeah, I'll be alright if you tell me you got that b*st*rd.", "Tull: (roars) Nooo!", "(Paige stands up.)", "Paige: Oh, I guess you didn't.", "(They see Tull coming down a hill.)", "Daisy: He drank from the spring.", "Piper: Yeah, we noticed.", "Phoebe: You think you can orb us outta here?", "Paige: Uh, no, but maybe we don't have to. If we can't vanquish him, maybe we can turn him into something else that's also immortal... like a tree.", "Miranda: Yes, even when they die they're reborn into new life and new growth.", "Tull: Vengeance will be mine!", "Phoebe: Piper, do you have any idea what they're talking about?", "Piper: I think so.", "Phoebe: Good.", "Tull: I will avenge my brother Xavier!", "Paige: Uh, \"Changing seasons changes all, life renews as creation calls.\"", "Piper: \"Nothing is immune, everything transmutes, so take this demon and give him roots.\"", "(Tull slowly turns into a large tree. He roars in pain.)", "Phoebe: Ouch, that had to hurt.", "Paige: Nice job, sis.", "Piper: You're not so bad yourself.", "Phoebe: You know, you two make a great one-two punch.", "Paige: Yeah, well, who's number one?", "Piper: Ah, we'll talk about that later. (to nymphs) Ah, thank you for your help.", "Phoebe: Told you you didn't need a Satyr.", "Miranda: Oh, we don't know. We can't imagine protecting the forest without him.", "Daisy: It's never been any other way.", "Paige: Changes are good... for all of us.", "[Scene: Manor. Nursery. Piper and Leo are there watching Wyatt in his crib.]", "Piper: He's so innocent. If only he had any idea what mummy and Aunty Paige did today.", "Leo: They turned a very bad man into a very big tree.", "Piper: Shh. (They turn off the light and walk into the bedroom.) He's gonna have enough problems growing up around me as it is.", "Leo: Are you kidding me? He is lucky to have you.", "Piper: Yeah, well, lucky or not, he's got me. I so missed not being around him today.", "(Paige knocks on the door and walks in.)", "Paige: Hello?", "Piper: Shh!", "Paige: Sorry. You guys, I just wanted to let you know that I'm, um, going out.", "Piper: Ah, trolling for Satyrs, are we?", "Paige: No, not trolling. I'm just gonna go out with one of the guys from the band.", "Leo: Oh, really? Don't you think he's gonna be expecting the wild child?", "Paige: Never know. I just might have to give him a little something, something.", "Piper: Paige and I have decided to share the responsibilities of head witch so that I can spend more time with Wyatt and she can...", "Paige: Rock on. (Paige holds up her hand with her thumb and middle finger down. Leo chuckles.) Good night, you guys.", "Leo: Right, rock on! (He tries to copy the hand sign.) Rock on.", "Piper: Don't do that. Give it up, man.", "Leo: What?", "Piper: Give it up.", "Leo: I'll show you give it up. (Leo picks up Piper and spins her around. Piper laughs.) You give it up is what I'm saying right now.", "(He carries her over to the bed and they fall onto it.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Jason's Office. Jason is there. Phoebe walks in and looks at a droopy plant near the doorway.]", "Phoebe: Your plant could use some water.", "Jason: I'll get right on that.", "Phoebe: I saw tomorrow's advance copy. I noticed that you're running the article.", "Jason: Yes, I am.", "Phoebe: And I also noticed that Paige's name wasn't in it.", "Jason: No, it isn't.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Jason: You know, it's ironic. (He stands up and walks around his desk.) You were the one who was worried about sleeping with the boss. How it might affect your job. Turns out it affected mine.", "Phoebe: How so?", "Jason: I didn't buy this paper to bury stories like this one, Phoebe, but that's basically what I just did. I don't know what your sister's involved in but the truth is I-I, I care about you too much to cause you any hurt.", "(Phoebe moves closer to him.)", "Phoebe: That's not very professional of you.", "Jason: I know.", "Phoebe: Maybe you should fire you.", "Jason: Maybe. (They kiss.) I am still a little curious about what you know of these Godiva girls, though. (She kisses him again.) Where they come from. (She kisses him again.) What happened to them. (She kisses him again.) You're not gonna tell me are you? (She kisses him again.) I didn't think so.", "(She puts her arms around him and they kiss. The pot plant near the door suddenly blooms.)" ]
Naughty Nymphs
[ "While at the fair, the Crone turns a monkey totem of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil into a real monkey. This monkey takes Paige's voice, Phoebe's hearing, and Piper's eyesight; leaving the girls vulnerable to attack so the Crone can capture Wyatt. While Piper bonds with baby Wyatt, Phoebe falls for her new boss, Jason." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Daniel Cerone and Krista Vernoff", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Paige is there singing to Wyatt in his bassinet.]", "Paige: (singing) \"Hush little baby don't you cry, aunty's gonna buy you a pumpkin pie. And if that pie doesn't taste real good, aunty's gonna buy some other kind of food. (Paige's date, Nate, stands at the doorway to the parlor.) And if that food doesn't fill your tummy...\"", "(Nate claps lightly.)", "Nate: He's a lucky baby.", "(Paige walks over to him.)", "Paige: Sorry, it's the only thing I can soothe him now days.", "Nate: Why would you be sorry?", "Paige: Because normally I don't like to embarrass myself until the fifth or sixth date. (They sit down on the couch.) Yeah.", "Nate: Humiliate? Why? You've got a great voice. Better than most of the singers I book at the club.", "Paige: Oh, you're just being sweet. Not that I mind sweet.", "Nate: Well, what do you like to sing?", "Paige: Uh, something called eighth grade, graduation. I was supposed to sing the school song. Eight hundred people were watching, the band is playing, I get up but no sound comes out of my mouth. I completely froze. To make matters worse, I ran out and missed my own graduation.", "Nate: No.", "Paige: Yeah.", "Nate: I think the eighth grade sort of sucks for everybody.", "Paige: Yeah, mine just kinda sucked publicly. (They kiss.) That was nice, I haven't had that in a while.", "Nate: Had what?", "Paige: Well, I like talking to you.", "Nate: I like talking to you to.", "Paige: And I like kissing you.", "Nate: Kissing's good.", "Paige: And I'm kind of nervous.", "Nate: Me too.", "Paige: I should get you more wine.", "Nate: I'll get it. It's in the kitchen, right?", "(Nate kisses Paige quickly and heads for the kitchen. A Kazi demon appears from behind Paige and grabs her head. Thick veins travel through her head and she moans in pain. She orbs out of his grip and orbs back in across the room.)", "Paige: Leo! Piper! Help!", "(Leo and Piper orb in wearing evening clothes.)", "Piper: What the...", "(The Kazi demon heads for Paige and Piper quickly blows him up. The rug catches alight. Paige rushes over and stomps it out.)", "Leo: Are you okay?", "Paige: Get out! Get out! Nate's he... (Nate walks into the room carrying a glass of wine.) Here.", "Leo: Hey, Nate, buddy, how you doing?", "Nate: Good, good, I didn't here you come in.", "Piper: Yeah, how about that. Kinda like magic.", "(Piper looks at Paige.)", "[Scene: Crone's Lair. It's dark. The only source of light is a dozen of lit candles. A burst of fire appears in the room and the Kazi demon appears on the floor. He roars and looks around.]", "Kazi: (angrily) What? Where am I?", "(He stands up.)", "Crone: You're back from the dead, dear.", "Kazi: What? How?", "Crone: A simple thank you will suffice.", "Kazi: Wait a minute, who are you?", "Crone: Let's not strain your mind with too much information. All I want in exchange for your life, is a meeting with your king.", "Kazi: My king? He'll never agree to it.", "Crone: Or I could put you back where I found you. Tell your king that if he works with me, I'll serve him all three Charmed Ones on a platter.", "Kazi: You're after the Charmed Ones?", "Crone: No, dear. I'm after their baby.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. There are boards with paper pinned to them. Piper, Phoebe and Wyatt are there. Phoebe is talking on her cell phone. Piper is trying to take photos of Wyatt who is lying on some pillows on the chair.]", "Phoebe: Yes, Jason, I'm meeting with the syndication consultants today. But I've been doing some preliminary research and we've got Ann Landers, Dear Abby, and E. Jean.", "Piper: (to Wyatt) Okay, ready?", "(She takes the picture. Wyatt doesn't smile.)", "Phoebe: But if Atlanta folds, the south will be mine.", "Piper: I bore him.", "(Piper makes a face at Wyatt, trying to get him to smile.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I don't care if the south thinks my column is too edgy, okay. I think the south could use a little edge. (Phoebe notices the burnt spot on the carpet from the Kazi vanquish.) (whispers to Piper) What is that? What is that?", "Piper: Kazi vanquish.", "Phoebe: Another one?", "Piper: Paige is on it.", "Phoebe: (on phone) Yes, of course I'm excited. Can't you tell that I'm excited? I just miss you. When are you coming home?", "Piper: Okay, mummy's got one last picture left. Are you ready? Here we go. Smile, smile, smile, one, two, three. (She takes the picture.) Alright, I give up.", "(Leo walks in carrying a baby outfit.)", "Leo: Hey, big guy, you wanna do the popcorn machine? (Wyatt smiles and laughs. Piper stands up and Leo sits down in her place.) Oh, yes, he does. (Wyatt laughs.) Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop.", "Piper: Yeah, see, now he smiles.", "Leo: Okay, let's get you ready for the fair, okay?", "Piper: I'm telling you, it's not gonna fit. Nothing fits anymore and if he keeps growing at this rate, we're gonna have to send him off to college by next week.", "(Leo holds up the baby outfit.)", "Leo: Well, he will in these, I just got them yesterday.", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "(Leo starts to unbutton Wyatt's outfit. Wyatt starts to fuss.)", "Piper: Are you hurting him?", "Leo: No, he's just hungry.", "Piper: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: (on phone) Hang on a sec. (She picks up a bottle and hands it to Leo.) (to Piper) That's his hungry cry.", "Leo: Thanks.", "Piper: People, I am a terrible mother. I am bad at this. I don't even recognise my own child's cries.", "Leo: It's a subtle difference.", "Piper: Okay, well, what about this maternal bond I hear so much about?", "(They hear an explosion coming from the attic.)", "Phoebe: (on phone) Jason, I gotta call you back.", "Piper: Paige?", "[Cut to the attic. Paige is there making a potion. Piper, Phoebe and Leo walk in.]", "Piper: Everything okay?", "Paige: Better than okay. I am gonna have a love life.", "Phoebe: You're making a love potion?", "Paige: No, I'm making a stun potion.", "Piper: So, that lovers will be stunned by you?", "Paige: No, so Kazis will be stunned by me.", "Phoebe: You're in love with a Kazi demon?", "Paige: Try to stay with me, people. I am making a stun potion so that I can maybe have a date that doesn't end with, \"Nate, you gotta leave. I have to clean some demon guts off the ceiling.\"", "Phoebe: Nate, much cuter than a Kazi demon.", "(Paige hands them a vial of potion.)", "Paige: The potion you hold in your hand is designed to stun, but not kill Kazis.", "Piper: But I so enjoy killing them.", "Paige: Yes, but since the Kazi king creates his demon minions out of his own body...", "Phoebe: If we get the king, then we get the Kazis.", "Piper: But we don't know where the king is.", "Paige: Yes, but that's why I did the stun potion, so if we capture one of his minions, we can torture him...", "Phoebe: Then the king will feel the pain and come in for the rescue.", "Piper: Or the minion will break and spill his guts on the whereabouts of the king.", "Phoebe: Mm.", "Piper: Aha!", "Paige: Okay, the finishing sentence thing, not cute.", "Phoebe: We're just trying to tell you it's a good plan, an oldie, but a goodie.", "(Leo walks in with Wyatt.)", "Leo: Okay, let's go, guys. The fair waits for no witch.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, the fair's today? I have to wor...", "Piper: No, you will not finish that sentence. We are going to the fair as a family, you promised.", "Phoebe: I know I did, and I really, really wanna go, but the syndication meeting is this afternoon.", "Piper: Do you really wanna miss Wyatt's first street fair? He doesn't have a lot of firsts left, you know.", "Paige: Yeah, he does. He's got his first date, first bad grade, first backfired spell. Many, many firsts.", "Phoebe: I'll bring my cell phone.", "Paige: Bring the potions too, just in case.", "Phoebe: Got mine.", "[Scene: Crone's Lair. Crone is there, stirring a large cauldron. The Kazi King appears and roars.]", "Kazi King: How dare you summon me here? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?", "Crone: Save your threats, they bore me. Are you interested in the Charmed Ones, or not?", "Kazi King: What exactly do you propose?", "Crone: A partnership, but you'll get all the credit for the kill. The power, glory you've been seeking, yes?", "Kazi King: And what will you get?", "Crone: I'll get my hands on the child.", "Kazi King: There's a law. Killing that child is punishable by death.", "Crone: I know, I wrote the law. And I have no intention of killing him.", "Kazi King: Then why?", "Crone: I had a vision. A mere taste of the future, of the child, of power like we've never known. But I didn't see enough. I need to know more. (She picks up a monkey totem.) I must lay hands on the child. Which is why I'm going to help you take out the witches.", "Kazi King: How?", "Crone: With this ancient magic, I can both weaken them and gain their child's trust.", "[Scene: Street Fair. Wyatt is fast asleep in Leo's arms. Piper videotapes them as they stand in front of a pony.]", "Leo: Come on, Wyatt, wake up. Come on. Pony, see, pony. Why don't you take him over to see the clown?", "Piper: No, clowns are scary, and besides, balloons are a no-no for infants.", "Leo: Come on, Piper, put the camera away, you're missing all the fun.", "Piper: Taking pictures of him is fun for me. I mean, if you want to talk to someone about missing out, talk to Phoebe.", "(Leo turns around and sees Phoebe near by talking on her phone.)", "Phoebe: Hi, Elise. No, I'm not on my way yet. (A mime follows Phoebe and copies her moves.) I'm at a fair with my nephew. Well, yeah, of course I'm gonna be at the meeting. (A crowd of people gather around and laugh at Phoebe and the mime.) I will be there, I will be ready, I will be on. Yeah. I know, I know. (Paige walks over to Phoebe holding some cotton candy. She taps her on the shoulder and points to the mime. Phoebe turns around.) You know what? Let me call you back, let me call you back.", "(She hangs up.)", "Paige: Kinda sad when a mime is making fun of your phone usage. (to the mime) Everyone hates mimes, you do know that, don't you?", "(She gives the cotton candy to the mime and they walk over to Piper and Leo. They stand near a booth where a Capuchin monkey is sitting on top of it.)", "Phoebe: Okay, so I have five minutes. Is there a ride I can go on with him real quick?", "Paige: Okay, that's pathetic.", "Piper: Phoebe, you are pencilling in rides with your nephew? For crying out loud, it's Saturday.", "Phoebe: I know, but I think I'm gonna be working Saturdays from now on. Do you think I'm happy about this? There are many things I have been in my life. Workaholic is not one of them.", "Paige: If you're not happy with it, why are you doing it?", "Phoebe: Who says I'm not happy?", "Leo: You just did.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Piper: I blame your very handsome, but very pushy boyfriend.", "Phoebe: National syndication is a huge opportunity and yes, it was Jason's idea, but I agreed to it. And I am happy, I'm really happy. (Her phone rings.) Ohh. (She answers it.) Hello? Yeah, okay. (Suddenly, the monkey sitting on top of the booth, jumps onto Phoebe's shoulder.) Whoa!", "(The monkey touches Phoebe's ear. It then jumps onto Paige's shoulder.)", "Paige: Don't like monkeys!", "(The monkey touches Paige's mouth. The crowd laughs and giggles at the monkey. It then jumps on Piper's shoulder.)", "Phoebe: (on phone) Let me call you back. Leo, germs, cover the baby.", "(The monkey touches Piper's eyes and jumps off.)", "Piper: Alright.", "(Wyatt starts to whimper.)", "Leo: I don't think Wyatt liked mister monkey. Did he scare you? He did, he scared you.", "Piper: It's okay. Is he hungry?", "Phoebe: No, that's his tired cry.", "Leo: Yeah, I think he's just over stimulated. Maybe we should go home.", "Piper: Alright, you guys are the experts. Um, why don't you orb and I'll go develop this film.", "Leo: Okay, we'll walk you to the car.", "(Piper rubs her eyes.)", "Piper: I think that stupid monkey got dust in my eye.", "Phoebe: Do you hear that ringing?", "(Paige clears her throat. They walk away. The monkey on top of the booth disappears.)", "[Cut to Crone's Lair. Crone is there. The monkey appears and jumps onto Crone's shoulder.]", "Crone: All done? (The monkey makes a noise.) Good boy.", "(She feeds the monkey a treat and it jumps down from her shoulder. The Kazi King walks out of the shadows.)", "Kazi King: It's time then. I can send my warrior in.", "Crone: No, the witches are infected. But the monkey's curse are designed to punish, so it won't take their senses until the moment the witches need them the most.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. A Room. Elise and three other people are sitting at a table. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Elise: There you are.", "Phoebe: Yes, I'm so sorry.", "Elise: Uh, Phoebe, this is Mark Roberts with the syndicators.", "Phoebe: Hello.", "(Phoebe shakes his hand.)", "Elise: Laura Robbins with marketing.", "Laura: Hi.", "Phoebe: How are you?", "Elise: And, uh, Richard Jean our image consultant.", "Phoebe: Richard. Hi. (Phoebe sits down.) I'm so glad you guys could make it, thank you so much. Jason tells me you're the best at what you do and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.", "Elise: Glad you could make it.", "Phoebe: I'm really sorry. Do you hear that buzzing?", "Richard: Well, if I can start. I would just like to dive in with a congratulations, Phoebe. I lo-huh-ove your column. And I also wanna say I'm not only an image consultant but I'm a fan as well.", "(Phoebe leans in closer.)", "Phoebe: I'm sorry.", "Richard: I said I'm a fan.", "Phoebe: Oh! That's sweet, thank you so much. Thank you.", "(She rubs her ear.)", "Richard: I think you're beautiful, stylish, approachable. That's why I don't want to alter your look to much.", "Phoebe: Author a book? Wow! I don't know if I'm ready for that. You know, one step at a time.", "Richard: I'm sorry?", "Phoebe: What?", "Richard: I'm sorry, sometimes I mumble. I said your look, not your book.", "Phoebe: Oh, right, the hook. Yeah, to be honest with you, she has the answers, it's kind of lame, right? Any ideas?", "Richard: Uh, well, I mainly do image.", "Laura: Actually, I'm the advertising consultant.", "(Phoebe leans in and tries to hear them. Elise touches her shoulder and Phoebe looks at her.)", "Elise: (mouths) Are you okay?", "(Phoebe freaks out and stands up.)", "Phoebe: Uh, I-I'm, I think I'm gonna have to leave because I'm not really feeling too well. (She walks backwards.) So thank you... (Phoebe runs into a picture sitting on a stand.) Um...", "(She leaves.)", "Elise: Phoebe!", "[Scene: Piano Bar. A band is playing. Paige is on a date with Nate.]", "Nate: You look beautiful.", "Paige: You've already said that.", "Nate: Yeah, but you look crazy beautiful, so it bears repeating.", "Paige: Okay, now I'm blushing and my lipstick won't match my cheeks.", "Nate: Well, since you're already blushing, I have a little bit of surprise for you. But don't hate me, alright?", "Paige: You're not gonna propose are you?", "Nate: No.", "Paige: In that case, I like surprises.", "Nate: Good.", "(Nate clicks his fingers and a man walks over to the microphone on stage.)", "Man: Uh, ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you tonight, to make your happy hours just a little happier. Local girl, Paige Matthews, in her debut.", "(Everyone claps.)", "Paige: Are you kidding?", "Nate: Come on, I thought you liked surprises.", "Paige: This is a bad surprise, bad.", "Nate: Eighth grade was a long time ago, Paige. Come on.", "(He holds her hand and takes her up to the stage.)", "Paige: Uh, yeah, but that turned out to be the worst day of my life. All my friends laughed at me, Bobby Maynard dumped me.", "Nate: You dated a guy named Bobby Maynard?", "Paige: That is not the point. (She coughs.) Look, I'm already losing my voice. This-this is the sound of panic.", "Nate: Look, Paige, you don't have to sing if you don't want to. You just strike me as the type of girl who likes to face her fears, not run from them.", "(Paige gives in and Nate sits back down. Everyone claps. Paige gets up on stage and whispers something to the pianist. She stands in front of the microphone.)", "Paige: This one is for all the Bobby Maynard in the world. (The pianist starts playing.) \"Isn't it...\"", "(She clears her throat and tries again. Nothing comes out. She has lost her voice. She panics and races out of the room.)", "Nate: Paige, wait.", "[Scene: Piper's car. Piper is driving along the road. Her phone rings and she answers it.]", "Piper: Paige? (She hears beeping.) Paige, is that you?", "(She hears more beeps. She looks down at the phone and her vision starts to go blurry. She drops the phone. She drives the car into the other lane, nearly crashing into the car beside her. Drivers beep their horns. She blinks several times but her vision disappears completely. She runs off the road and smashes into a tree.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living Room. Phoebe is there turning the volume up on the TV. She can't hear a thing. She gives up and turns off the TV. She walks through the house.]", "Phoebe: Paige! Piper! If you're here, I need you to come out into the open and like, flag me down or something, okay? (Paige walks in behind her. Phoebe continues to walk through the house and Paige tries to catch up with her and get her attention.) Hello? Oh, anyone? Hello!", "(Phoebe walks into the kitchen. Paige throws her bag at a vase and it smashes. Phoebe doesn't hear it. Paige orbs out.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Paige orbs in, in front of Phoebe.]", "Paige: (mouths) What are you doing?", "Phoebe: (yells) I lost my hearing during the biggest of my life! I can't hear a thing! (Paige motions to Phoebe to quieten down.) What!? I can't hear you! (Paige motions again to quieten down and points to her ear. Phoebe lowers her voice.) Oh, okay, okay. I need your help. Magic has got to be behind this. (Paige scratches her head and side and acts like a monkey.) What are you doing? Oh, I get it! I get it! Charades! Okay, ya, ya. (Paige acts like a monkey again.) You're a monkey. (Paige nods.) Okay. You're a monkey. (Paige gets a ferocious look on her face.) Ooh, you're an angry monkey. You're pissed, you're... PMS monkey? (Paige shakes her head.) No, no, of course not. Okay. (Paige makes an invisible ball with her hands and throws it.) Ball? (She then makes an explosion with her hands.) Fireball! (She acts out the monkey again and the fireball.) A demon monkey stole my hearing! (Paige points to her mouth.) And your voice too? (Paige nods.) Oh, honey!", "(They hug. Paige pulls a face.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Leo orbs in with Piper and Wyatt.]", "Piper: I don't understand why you can't heal my eyes.", "Leo: I don't know, your vision is just gone.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Paige hears Piper and Leo's voices.]", "Phoebe: You hear something? (Paige motions talking with her hand.) You hear puppets?", "[Cut to the conservatory. Leo helps Piper sit down.]", "Leo: I'll find Phoebe and Paige after I put the baby down.", "Piper: Where am I?", "Leo: In the conservatory. Just try to stay calm and try not to worry.", "(Piper sighs.)", "[Cut to the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: You hear voices, voices.", "(Paige pulls Phoebe out of the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Phoebe and Paige walk in.]", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(Piper gets up and walks straight pass them.)", "Piper: I'm so glad you're hear. (She stands in front of a map on a stand.) I can't see a thing and I wrapped my car around a pole and...", "Phoebe: Piper!", "Piper: I know it sounds crazy but I think it has something to do with that mangy monkey.", "Phoebe: Piper!", "Piper: Where are you? (Piper turns around and hits a table.) Ow! Who put that there?", "Phoebe: Oh my god, Piper, you're blind!", "(Paige gives Phoebe a look.)", "Piper: Yeah, Phoebe, I just said that. Now can we talk about how a monkey could do that?", "Phoebe: What did she say?", "Piper: What did who say? The monkey? The monkey didn't say anything. (Paige writes down \"How?\" on a notepad and shows it to Phoebe.) He covered my eyes and stole my eyesight.", "Phoebe: (yells) I think the monkey stole your eyesight when he covered your eyes!", "Piper: Ugh, Phoebe, are you listening to me? That's just what I said. You are acting like you can't even hear me.", "Phoebe: (yells) Oh, Piper, it's no use. I can't even hear you. The monkey stole my hearing.", "Piper: Oh, he got you too? Which means somebody sent that flea-infested primate after us. We've gotta find Paige. (Paige claps.) Why are you clapping? This is not funny.", "Phoebe: What's the matter, Paige?", "Piper: Paige? Where's Paige?", "(Piper walks across the room and Phoebe and Paige grab each of her arms. Leo walks in.)", "Leo: What's going on?", "Piper: Huh!", "(Piper covers her eyes. Paige covers her mouth and Phoebe covers her ears.)", "Leo: I see.", "Piper: Well, I don't. Where is Paige?", "Leo: Uh, she just can't talk.", "Phoebe: (yells) Excuse me! This is either someone's sick, sick joke, or someone's working on a massive evil plan!", "Leo: Whatever it is, you guys are in danger without your senses. (Phoebe looks at Leo trying to read his lips.) Piper, you're the most vulnerable. So I want you to stay next to Wyatt, his force field will protect you.", "Piper: Okay.", "Leo: Paige, a Kazi attack could be deadly right now. Make sure we're stocked up on stun potion.", "(Paige leads Piper over to the stairs.)", "Piper: Where are we going?", "Leo: Phoebe, check the Book of Shadows, see what you can find out about evil monkeys and demons who control them. (Phoebe nods her head even though she has no idea what Leo just said.) Come on.", "(Paige and Piper reach the stairs and Piper falls flat on her face.)", "Piper: Ohh! Paige!", "[Scene: Crone's Lair. Crone and the Kazi King are there.]", "Kazi King: First we wait on a monkey and now what? What are we waiting on now?", "Crone: You're waiting on me. Get used to it. Unlike you, I don't charge in like a wild bull. I prefer to take my time... and succeed.", "Kazi King: I say enough time has passed.", "Crone: Perhaps. First we need to find out if the monkey's magic has taken effect. If so, you can send in your warrior while I make my move for the baby.", "Kazi King: How do we figure out if the monkey has done his job?", "Crone: Common sense.", "Kazi King: You dare mock me?", "Crone: On occasion, but not at the moment. This totem was created to trap senses, but with my magic I can borrow what's inside here.", "Kazi King: So that's what this is all about? You want to steal the Charmed Ones' senses. Why?", "Crone: You'd be surprised what you can do with a set of eyes, a pair of ears, a voice. You might even be able to trick an infant into believing you're one of the family. Now... let's see that beautiful baby boy.", "(Her eyes glow.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's Room. Piper is sitting on the bed holding Wyatt. Wyatt whimpers.]", "Piper: Okay, little guy, what is it? What is it? Do we need a diaper change? (She checks his diaper.) No, not that. Okay. Um, how about the popcorn machine? That always works for daddy, right, right? Okay, here we go. Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop. No popping. Okay, forget the popping. Okay, it's alright. (She hears footsteps.) Hello? Leo?", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Yeah. Just came to check on you. (He sits on the bed beside her.) How'd you know it was me?", "Piper: Well, you shuffle your feet. You're a shuffler.", "Leo: Looks like your other senses are already taking over for your vision.", "Piper: Uh-huh. Not fast enough. Okay, tell me what I'm doing wrong here.", "Leo: Uh, well, that fussy noise usually means gas. Try putting him over your shoulder.", "Piper: Okay. (She positions Wyatt over her shoulder.) Alrighty. Here we go, oh, I know.", "Leo: Better?", "Piper: No, not better. I don't know all his tricks and noises like you guys do. And at least before I could see him.", "Leo: Well, the love is there, the rest will follow. You know, it's just a myth that all mothers instantly bond with their children.", "Piper: Well, I'm not worried about all other mothers, I'm worried about this one.", "Leo: From where I stand, you look like a pro, he's already calmed down.", "Piper: He has? Oh, he has. Okay, good.", "Phoebe's Voice: Leo! Bring Piper up here, I think we found something!", "Piper: Here, take him. (She hands Wyatt to Leo.) I don't want him left alone for a second while this stuff is going on here, okay?", "(Piper makes her way into the hallway and steps on a squeaky toy. She gasps. She bends down and feels around for it. She picks it up and heads for the stairs, passing Crone on the way. Crone takes the monkey totem and it glows, letting her hear what is being said in the attic.)", "Phoebe's Voice: The monkey didn't come after us on his own. Someone very powerful is behind all of this.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: The question is who?", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Hello? Anybody in here? Give me a sign. (Paige bangs on the table.) Alright, speak and spell. Tell me what you two know.", "(Piper reaches out to feel where she's going and knocks some books onto the floor. Phoebe looks up from the book. Piper makes her way through the room and touches Paige. Paige writes 'News?' on a notepad and holds it up.)", "Phoebe: Oh. Okay, listen to this. \"Centuries ago, a sorcerer created a monkey to steal his enemies senses, only the sorcerer mistreated the little fella, so the monkey stole his master's voice and was turned into a wooden totem as punishment.\"", "Piper: So this whole monkey business about, you know, speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil is a real thing?", "Phoebe: (yells) What?", "Piper: Never mind. Read my lips. Is there anything in here that will get our senses back?", "Phoebe: Piper, I can't hear you!", "Piper: Ugh. What do we do?", "(Paige writes \"Kill Monkey\" on a notepad and holds it up.)", "Phoebe: (yells) Oh, Paige is proposing violence against the monkey!", "Piper: Well, I'm inclined to agree, but I really think the monkey is the least of our worries.", "Phoebe: (yells) Yeah, I didn't hear what you just said but if you were wondering who was behind this I was about to look in the book. (Piper gives her two thumbs up. Phoebe's cell phone vibrates and she looks at the caller ID.) Oh, no, it's Elise. Piper, you're the only one that can talk to her. Tell her I'm sick. (She hands Piper the phone.) Tell her, tell her...", "Piper: I got it, I got it, I got it. Okay. (She answers the phone.) Hello? Hi, Elise. Uh, Phoebe? Yeah, she's here, she's lying down. (The Kazi demon appears behind Piper and Phoebe.) Um, I don't know. Inner ear infection maybe? (Paige sees the demon and bangs on the table.) Shh! (on phone) Oh, no, not you.", "Paige: (mouths) Phoebe!", "Piper: We've just got workers banging around here all day. (Phoebe sees the Kazi demon dive towards her and she levitates out of the way. He goes crashing into a table.) What is going on over there?", "Phoebe: Kazi demon!", "Piper: Gotta go!", "(Piper hangs up.)", "Phoebe: Three o'clock! Six o'clock! Twelve o'clock!", "(Paige grabs a potion off the table. Piper blows up the table beside Paige and sends Paige flying across the room.)", "Piper: Did I get him?", "(Phoebe grabs Piper's arms.)", "[Cut to Piper's room. Leo is there reading a book. He hears noises coming from the attic.]", "Leo: Wyatt, danger.", "(Wyatt's force field surrounds him. Leo gets up and runs out of the room. Crone walks in.)", "[Cut to the attic. The Kazi demon runs across the room. Phoebe points Piper's hands in the direction of the Kazi and she tries to blow him up. The Kazi jumps over a couch and Piper blows the couch to pieces.]", "Piper: How about that time?", "(Phoebe walks over to the couch.)", "Phoebe: You killed Aunt Pearl's couch.", "Piper: Did I get the Kazi?", "Phoebe: I can't hear you still. (The Kazi demon stands up behind Phoebe and puts his hands on her head. Thick veins run through her face.) Aah!", "Piper: Phoebe? What's happening? Phoebe? Talk to me. (Leo runs in and picks the potion off the floor beside Paige. He throws it at the Kazi demon. The Kazi demon lets go of Phoebe and he falls to the floor, stunned.) Phoebe?", "[Cut to Piper's room. Wyatt is in his bassinet with the force shield surrounding him. Crone is standing beside the bassinet holding the monkey totem.]", "Crone: (singing it Paige's voice): \"Hush little baby don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird, and if that mocking bird won't sing...\"", "[Cut to the attic. Leo is healing Paige.]", "Piper: Is she going to be okay?", "Leo: I think so.", "(Paige wakes up and sits up. Phoebe places five crystals around the Kazi demon to create a crystal cage.)", "Phoebe: (yells) Crystal cage is ready!", "(The Kazi demon gets up and touches the cage. It shocks him. Piper hears singing.)", "Piper: Do you hear that?", "Leo: I don't hear anything.", "Piper: It sounds like signing.", "Leo: Wyatt.", "(He races out of the room.)", "[Cut to Piper's room.]", "Crone: (signing in Paige's voice) \"And if you let this force field down, you'll still be the best little baby in town.\"", "(The force field disappears. Crone reaches in the bassinet. Leo races in.)", "Leo: Piper! Wyatt, careful...", "(Crone zaps Leo and he flies across the room. Wyatt starts to cry and makes his force field appear.)", "Phoebe: (upstairs) Leo, what's going on?", "Crone: You'll pay for that.", "(Crone walks over to Leo and disappears with him. Piper, Phoebe and Paige race in. Phoebe goes to the bassinet.)", "Piper: Is Wyatt okay?", "Phoebe: Wyatt's okay. (Phoebe looks around.) Where's Leo?", "Piper: Leo? Why isn't he answering us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Crone's Lair. Crone and the Kazi King are there. Crone has the monkey totem up to her ear.]", "Kazi King: Where's my warrior?", "Crone: Captured.", "Kazi King: That's your fault. You said you would weaken them.", "Crone: And I did. However I failed to account for their Whitelighter. But don't worry, he won't get in our way again.", "(Leo is trapped in a water tank.)", "Kazi King: I say we launch another attack now.", "Crone: First I need to know the witches aren't on to me. If they figure out that I want their baby, I'll never get my hands on him. Now please, let me concentrate.", "(She holds the monkey totem up to her ear.)", "[Cut to the attic. Piper is sitting on a couch holding Wyatt. Phoebe and Paige clean up the mess in the attic.]", "Piper: There you go, is that better? There you go. That's better. It's okay, baby. Daddy'll be home soon.", "Phoebe: (yells) You did it! You calmed him down!", "Piper: Shh! Phoebe. It's strange after, you know, I lost my vision, I was forced to use my maternal instincts, which is good 'cause I wasn't really sure I had them. (Paige holds up a notepad with \"We'll find Leo\" written on it.) I know.", "Phoebe: I'm getting pretty good at reading lips, I think you just said 'I know'. What do you know?", "Piper: That we'll find Leo.", "Phoebe: Okay, that's weird. How did you know that's what Paige wrote? I mean, you can't see it and I didn't say it, so how did you...", "Piper: I'm not sure. I guess maybe we're developing some sort of sixth sense. It's what it must be, right?", "Phoebe: Well, whatever it is, we gotta use it to help find Leo. (to Paige) Start the interrogation.", "(Paige heads over to the Kazi demon. Piper stands up with Wyatt.)", "Piper: We will be in the nursery.", "Phoebe: Are you gonna be okay to get down the stairs?", "Piper: Oh, yeah. I'm getting the hang of this blind stuff. Besides, I grew up in this house.", "(Piper makes her way out of the attic. Paige holds up the notepad in front of the Kazi. It reads \"Where's our Whitelighter\". The Kazi doesn't answer and Paige throws a tiny crystal at the cage. It shocks the Kazi and he yells out in pain.)", "Phoebe: Wrong answer. (Paige throws another tiny crystal at the cage and shocks him. The doorbell rings. Paige goes over to the window.) Is somebody here? (Paige looks out the window and sees Nate waiting on the porch. Paige walks back over to Phoebe and mouths the word \"Nate\".) Nate is here? (Paige nods. She shoo's Phoebe.) You want me to get rid of him? (Paige nods.) I can't do that, Paige. I mean, first of all, I'm not the best listener right now and second of all, he's your boyfriend. (Paige puts her hands together and begs. She then pretends to hold a microphone and sings. She then promptly waves her hand in front of her mouth.) You lost your voice when you were singing? With hi... Wait, how could that be? You were with him at his... (Paige pretends to play the piano.) Piano bar. (Paige nods.) You lost your voice when you were on stage singing, because he wanted you to sing for him. Oh, that is so romantic! And humiliating. Yeah, I see your point. (The doorbell rings again.) Okay, I'll go deal with him but you owe me one.", "(Phoebe leaves the attic.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe opens the door to reveal Nate there holding a bunch of flowers.]", "Nate: Oh, hey, Phoebe, is Paige here?", "Phoebe: (yells) Paige isn't home.", "(He turns to look at the driveway.)", "Nate: I saw her car in the driveway.", "(Phoebe taps him on the shoulder and he faces Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Can you repeat that? Just slowly.", "Nate: Yeah, I said I saw her car in the driveway.", "Phoebe: Oh! Yeah, her car. Uh, see what I meant to say is that she just can't talk right now.", "Nate: Right, yeah, that's my fault. I tried to show her off at the club, I mean, she's got such a good singing voice, and I thought maybe I could help her get over her fear... (Phoebe leans in and tries to read his lips.) Why are you looking at my mouth?", "Phoebe: Huh?", "Nate: Have I got something in my teeth?", "Phoebe: Okay, look, um, I got a little swimmer's ear going on. Yeah, fell asleep in the tub last night. So I'm not really getting a lot of this but I did get the part about your teeth, and they're very nice. White.", "Nate: I just wanna say I'm sorry. If I could just speak to her for a second, maybe I could clear this up.", "Phoebe: Not a word. Not a word. (She takes the flowers.) Um, I'll tell her you came by and I'll have her call you, okay?", "Nate: Alright.", "Phoebe: Goodbye, Nate.", "(Phoebe closes the door.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Okay, I would pretty much do anything for my sisters, but making me do that was plain mean, Paige. (Paige holds up the notepad that reads \"Kazi's are tough to crack\".) Yeah, don't try to change the subject, Paige. Here's your flowers from Nate, (Phoebe throws them on the couch) and personally, if you ask me, I think that Nate deserves more. (Paige holds up the notepad and it reads \"Where's our Whitelighter?\".) Hey, do you ever think that maybe your Kazi buddy here can't read?", "Kazi Demon: I tried to tell her that.", "Phoebe: He did? (Paige writes \"Demons lie\" on the notepad.) Yeah, but not about literacy. Kazi warriors are base-level demons. Where's our Whitelighter?", "Kazi Demon: I don't know.", "(Paige points to \"Demons lie\" on her notepad.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know, we'll see. Who sent you?", "(No answer. Paige goes to throw another tiny crystal.)", "Kazi Demon: Wait, wait! Hold on a minute, please, I'll tell you. It was the Crone.", "Phoebe: The Crone? The Crone sent you?", "Kazi Demon: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Check the book, see what you can find out about the Crone. (Paige hands Phoebe the tiny crystals and heads over to the book.) What does the Crone want with us?", "Kazi Demon: If I tell you that she'll kill me.", "(Phoebe throws a small crystal at the cage. He yells in pain.)", "[Cut to Crone's Lair. Crone is listening in on their conversation through the monkey totem.]", "Kazi King: My warrior's suffering. I can feel his pain. He needs my help.", "Crone: He needs a muzzle. He just gave them my name. If he tells the Charmed Ones my plan, I'll never get my hands on that baby.", "(The Kazi King falls to his knees and groans in pain.)", "Kazi King: He wouldn't have a chance to tell them anything if we would just attack. They're torturing him again!", "Crone: Very well. I'll spare your warrior anymore suffering. Along with you.", "(She throws a fireball at the Kazi King and vanquishes him.)", "[Cut to the attic. The Kazi demon is vanquished.]", "Phoebe: Okay, I didn't do that. Someone else did that, I did not do that. Did you find anything in the book? (Paige points to a page on the Crone.) Yeah, the Crone, that's what I was afraid of. Is there a vanquishing potion for her? (Paige points to the writing on the page.) Good. Okay, let's hit the kitchen. We've gotta be prepared for anything. (Paige writes \"Piper?\" on the notebook.) She's okay, she's with Wyatt. His force field will protect her. Come on.", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper is there holding Wyatt. Crone appears in the room and walks over to Piper.]", "Piper: Who's there?", "Crone: (Paige's voice) Leo found the monkey totem, and I got my voice back.", "Piper: Oh my god, where is he?", "Crone: (Paige's voice) In the kitchen with Phoebe. They're working on the potion to vanquish the Kazi King. Don't worry, I'll take care of Wyatt.", "Piper: Okay. (She puts Wyatt in his bassinet.) Okay. Be right back. (Piper walks past Crone.) Whoa. What's that smell? It's like charcoal.", "Crone: Burnt Kazi flesh. We just vanquished his warrior.", "Piper: Oh, that must be it.", "(Piper leaves the room. The force field surrounds Wyatt.)", "Crone: (Paige's voice) There, there, now, Wyatt. Don't be afraid. I just wanna hold you. \"Hush little baby, don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and Paige are there working on a potion. Piper makes her way in.]", "Piper: Okay, let's go, people, mama wants to see again.", "(Paige taps Phoebe and points at Piper.)", "Phoebe: (yells) Piper! (Piper nearly jumps out of her skin.) We think the Crone is behind this so we're making a vanquishing potion so we can get her!", "Piper: Phoebe, I am blind, not deaf. And Paige said we were going after the Kazi King.", "Phoebe: What'd she say?", "Piper: Leo? Is that you? (Paige walks over and takes Piper's hands. She puts Piper's hands on her head and shoulder.) Paige? But you're supposed to be watching Wyatt and you said Leo had come back. (Paige puts Piper's hands on her head and she shakes her head.) Oh my god.", "(Piper leaves the kitchen and Paige follows. Paige motions for Phoebe to follow. Phoebe grabs the potion and follows behind.)", "[Cut to Piper's room.]", "Crone: (Paige's voice) \"Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.\" That's my sweet boy. You're safe now.", "(The force field disappears and Crone picks Wyatt up. Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in.)", "Piper: Hands off, hag.", "Crone: (in Paige's voice) Wyatt, help, we're in danger.", "(The force field surrounds Wyatt and Crone.)", "Piper: What's going on?", "Phoebe: His force field is protecting her.", "Piper: If you hurt him I will kill you!", "(Crone places her hand on Wyatt's forehead and a red light shines around her hand.)", "Phoebe: What is she doing to him?", "Piper: Paige, can you orb him to you?", "(Paige mouths \"Wyatt\" and nothing happens.)", "Phoebe: She can't.", "Piper: I know.", "Phoebe: Should we, uh...", "Piper: I don't know, try it.", "(Piper and Phoebe touch Paige.)", "Piper, Phoebe: Wyatt.", "(Wyatt orbs into Paige's arms.)", "Crone: I've seen everything. Such power. Such power!", "Piper: You wanna see real power, lady? (Phoebe throws the potion at Crone. She bursts into flames and is vanquished.) I can see! I can see! (to Wyatt) Hi!", "(She takes Wyatt from Paige.)", "Phoebe: I can hear. Paige?", "Paige: Can I just say...", "Phoebe: What?", "Paige: Anything. Damn, it's good to hear me speak.", "Phoebe: Okay, so we're all good.", "Piper: What about Leo?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, did I kill the hag too soon?", "Piper: Oh, if she hurt him, you know I'm gonna have to revive her and kill her again.", "Paige: Hurry, see if you can get a premonition off the smudge mark.", "(Phoebe goes over and touches the smudge mark on the carpet.)", "Piper: (to Wyatt) It's okay, honey, we'll find daddy, you know, sooner or later.", "(Suddenly, Piper and Wyatt orb out.)", "Paige: What just happened? How did she...", "Phoebe: Because my nephew is a genius. Takes after me.", "[Cut to Crone's Lair. Piper and Wyatt orb in. Leo yells.]", "Piper: Oh, god. (Piper blows up the tank and Leo falls out. He coughs.) Are you okay?", "Leo: The Crone.", "Piper: Dead.", "Leo: And you can see?", "Piper: Yeah. It was strange, like when it mattered most, we could almost read each other's minds.", "Leo: Yeah, it's always been there.", "Piper: We never noticed before.", "Leo: Maybe not consciously, but it's always been apart of what's made the power of three so strong.", "(Leo coughs.)", "Piper: Sorry I couldn't get here sooner.", "Leo: It was awful, I couldn't orb.", "Piper: But guess who could. Apparently he sensed his daddy in need.", "Leo: He sensed me and he orbed?", "Piper: Yeah, he's coming into his powers really, really fast.", "Leo: You nervous?", "Piper: A little. You know, a lot.", "Leo: Well, he's gonna be fine. We all are.", "Piper: I know.", "(They orb out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe's there taking down the posters pinned to the boards. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Hmm, not going so good? National syndication's a big deal.", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's what Jason said when he told me. And Elise and all the other reporters. And I was so busy listening to all them, I didn't ask myself what I wanted.", "Piper: Which would be what?", "Phoebe: To spend time with my family.", "Piper: Yay! Oh, sorry, go ahead.", "Phoebe: To ride rides with my nephew and to not be one of those annoying cell phone people that the mimes make fun of.", "Piper: So what are you gonna tell Jason?", "Phoebe: Mm, I'm gonna tell him exactly what I just told you. And as my boss he's not gonna like it. But as my boyfriend, there are ways of bringing him around.", "Piper: You do have ways.", "Phoebe: Mm-hm.", "[Scene: Piano Bar. Paige is standing on stage in front of the microphone.]", "Paige: I was supposed to sing a song for Bobby Maynard but he didn't inspire me much. So, Nate Parks... (Nate, sitting at the bar, turns around.) This one's for you. (The band starts playing.) \"Never know how much I love you / Never know how much I care / When you put your arms around me / I get a fever that's so hard to bear / You give me fever / When you kiss me fever when you hold me tight / Fever / In the morning / Fever all through the night / Now you've listened to my story / Here's the point that I've made / Fever / Do you sizzle / What a lovely way to burn / What a lovely way to burn / What a lovely way to burn / What a lovely way to burn.\"" ]
Sense and Sense Ability
[ "When Grams is summoned for a Wiccan birthing ceremony, for Wyatt, the sisters find out that she has brought a former lover from her past, the Necromancer demon , who wants to kill the Charmed Ones and bring back the love they once shared. Meanwhile, Phoebe contemplates Jason's invitation to go with him to Hong Kong, even though it will take her away from her family, and Paige casts a truth spell to figure out if Nate can accept her being a witch but she gets more than she bargained for." ]
[ "[Scene: Nate's Apartment. Bedroom. Paige and Nate are in bed. Nate is asleep. Paige lies awake and touches Nate's tattoo on his shoulder. Nate wakes up.]", "Paige: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.", "Nate: It's alright. I'm just glad you're still here.", "Paige: You didn't think I would be?", "Nate: Well, you're a woman of mystery, Paige.", "(Paige touches his tattoo again.)", "Paige: The celtic wheel of being. Four elements, all balanced, all connected to each other.", "Nate: How'd you know that? Nobody knows that.", "Paige: I just read a lot about different things, sometimes magic things. Do you ever read about magic things?", "Nate: I just got it 'cause I thought it'd look cool. I'm joking, I'm kidding. (Paige's cell phone rings. She sits up.) Aw, come on, let the voicemail get it.", "(Paige picks up her phone.)", "Paige: Oh, it's my sister. (She answers it.) Hello?", "Piper: I found a way to vanquish the leader of the creepers.", "Paige: Okay, and not a good time.", "Piper: Well, sorry, the potion's already been made and strike while the iron's hot.", "Paige: No can do.", "Piper: Look, we take him out, we take out his entire clan, which means there's no demons left out there to threaten the wiccaning.", "Paige: Timing bad. What part of that don't you understand?", "Piper: Okay, fine. If you don't want your nephew to be blessed by his ancestors, than you don't mind him falling prey to evil.", "Paige: Alright, alright.", "(Paige hangs up.)", "Nate: Is there a problem?", "Paige: Always.", "(Paige gets out of bed.)", "Nate: What, are you leaving?", "(She grabs a shirt.)", "Paige: No, I'm, uh, just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back. Promise.", "(Paige goes into the bathroom and closes the door.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper is there. She dials a number on the phone. Paige orbs in wearing only Nate's shirt.]", "Paige: Alright, let's get it over with.", "Piper: Oh, sorry.", "Paige: Yeah, me too. Whattaya got?", "(Piper hands her a notepad.)", "Piper: You summon, I will vanquish.", "(Piper puts down the phone and picks up a vial of potion.)", "Paige: \"Demons who dwell in slivers of night, uncloak your shadows to witch's sight.\"", "(A gust of wind blows through the attic and a very large demon with a creepy face and wearing a black cloak appears behind them.)", "Piper: Aahh. (She throws the potion at the demon and he bursts into flames and is vanquished.) Ugh. Creepers, check.", "Paige: We done here?", "Piper: Yes, sleaze away.", "Paige: Yeah, well, at least I get some.", "Piper: Yeah, yeah.", "(Paige coughs and orbs out.)", "[Cut to Nate's apartment. Nate is standing outside the bathroom door, knocking.]", "Nate: Paige?", "(Paige opens the door.)", "Paige: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.", "Nate: You didn't hear me? (Nate sniffs the air.) It's alright, you don't have to hide in there, I know what you were doing.", "Paige: You do?", "Nate: Yeah, you smoke.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Phoebe and Wyatt are there. Phoebe is sitting on the couch beside the bed and pulls two lipsticks out of her makeup bag. Wyatt is lying on the bed.]", "Phoebe: Okay, so we have one Woodmist, which is kinda natural and earthy or Rouge Sensation, which definitely has more of that, you know, va-va-va-voom feel. (She smiles at Wyatt and moves to sit beside him.) You're a guy. What do you think Jason will like more, huh? (She holds the lipsticks in front of Wyatt.) We got this one or this one? (Wyatt smiles.) Okay, Rouge Sensation it is. Very good. (She puts on the lipstick.) You are so cute. Yes you are. Your grandmother is just going to eat you up when she meets you. But no spitting up and none of that toxic poop that you like to do because she hasn't been around babies since she was alive, okay?", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Piper's gonna freak if Wyatt's not down in his Sunday best in like five. (Paige sits on the bed.) Hey.", "Phoebe: I know, I got a little side tracked.", "Paige: Hey, what's with the come-hither makeup?", "Phoebe: Um, Jason called from his corporate jet and I'm gonna meet him at the airport.", "Paige: Ah, he's back from Hong Kong?", "Phoebe: Yeah, just for the day.", "Paige: International booty call. Most impressive.", "Phoebe: Hey, there's a minor in the room, Paige.", "Paige: Sorry. But you know what'll be good? Piper and I don't have to see you moping around the house anymore.", "Phoebe: I was not mopey.", "Paige: You are too mopey.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, that's because I missed him, and I didn't expect to miss him as much as I did.", "Paige: Ohh. Um, I'm just curious. Has anyone ever tried the truth spell that's in the book?", "Phoebe: Yes, and don't.", "Paige: Don't what?", "Phoebe: Don't try it. Especially not on Nate.", "Paige: I wasn't going to.", "Phoebe: (to Wyatt) Where you going?", "Paige: Okay, fine, maybe I was. But, you know, how else am I supposed to find out if he can handle the big dark secret?", "Phoebe: Don't you think it's a little early in the relationship to start thinking about that?", "Paige: No, I don't think so. He's the first guy I've really liked since Glen and I actually think he might be able to handle my being a witch.", "Phoebe: Really? How do you know?", "Paige: I know this sounds insane but he's got this kind of cool, mystical celtic tattoo and he actually knows what it means.", "Phoebe: (to Wyatt) You could be on the cover of GQ, you're so handsome.", "Paige: I don't think it would really hurt anything if I did the spell because, you know, it does wear off after twenty-four hours and he'd forget anything anyway. What's the harm?", "Phoebe: It could hurt a lot. You never know what you're gonna get when you cast that spell.", "Paige: I know what I'm gonna get if I don't. I'm gonna have to dump him. It's not gonna work otherwise.", "Piper: (from downstairs) Guys! Come on, hurry up!", "Phoebe: Okay, we're coming!", "Paige: Coming!", "[Cut to the living room. Piper and Leo are there. Piper is placing lit candles on the floor in a circle.]", "Piper: So you think the green outfit is cute? Because I can have them put him in the one with the clouds on it.", "Leo: It's her great grandson. I don't think she's gonna care what he's wearing.", "Piper: Yeah, but she's not coming as a great grandmother. She's coming in an official capacity as the matriarch of our family.", "Leo: Well, she's not gonna come at all unless we summon her.", "(They finish placing the candles and step aside.)", "Piper: Okay. \"Here these words, hear my cry, spirit from the other side, come to me, I summon thee, cross now the great divide.\"", "(Colourful lights swirl inside the candle circle and then Grams appears.)", "Grams: Well, it's about time, Piper. What took you so long?", "Piper: Hello to you too, Grams.", "Grams: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just so excited. (She steps out of the circle and becomes corporeal. She hugs Piper.) How are you, my dear?", "Piper: Excited too.", "Leo: Hi, Grams.", "Grams: Leo. So, where's the little one?", "(Phoebe and Paige walk down the stairs. Phoebe is carrying Wyatt.)", "Piper: Right behind you. (They turn around and Piper takes Wyatt off of Phoebe.) Grams, meet the next generation of Halliwells.", "(Piper hands Wyatt to Grams.)", "Grams: Ohh.", "Piper: Baby Wyatt.", "Grams: Wyatt? That's a silly name for a girl, isn't it?", "Phoebe: Grams. It's a boy. Look at the outfit.", "Grams: What?", "Paige: You didn't know?", "Grams: Well, no, I-I mean I just assumed it was a... What went wrong?", "Leo: Wrong?", "Grams: Oh-oh, well, I don't mean wrong, wrong. It's just that we've always had girls.", "(She hands Wyatt to Leo.)", "Piper: Now we have a boy.", "Grams: Right. Well, um, okay, well, we've got a lot of work to do before I perform the wiccaning.", "Piper: Work? What work?", "Grams: Are you kidding? I'm gonna be calling every matriarch in our family since the witch trials and we've got to make sure the manor is safe.", "Piper: Oh, we've got that covered. Uh, every demon that could attack their spirits has been taken out. The zombies, the rigors...", "Paige: Creepers.", "Piper: We're all set.", "Grams: What about the Necromancer?", "Piper: Who?", "Phoebe: Okay, you guys discuss this. I have to pop by the airport and pick up my friend Jason.", "(She gives Grams a hug.)", "Grams: Who's Jason?", "Phoebe: Just a guy, Grams. Don't start the wiccaning without me. Be right back.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Paige: Actually, I have to check on my man too.", "(She gives Grams a kiss on the cheek and leaves.)", "Grams: You know, they'd be better off with a dog. More loyal and they die sooner.", "Leo: Excuse me?", "Grams: Oh... (chuckles) Don't mind me. You know, I never have very much luck with men.", "Leo: But you've been married four times.", "Grams: Exactly.", "Piper: So can we get back to this, uh, Necromancer?", "Grams: Yes, we should, and fast. The last time he attacked was during your mother's wiccaning. (Piper and Grams head up the stairs.) And we can't take any chance on that happening again, so chop-chop.", "Leo: (to Wyatt) Now you know why we don't summon her more often. Yeah.", "[Scene: Necromancer's Catacombs. The room is filled with skeleton heads and spider webs. The transparent Necromancer is there. His assistant, Skreek, appears in the room holding a jar with a fairy inside.]", "Necromancer: You've got to be kidding.", "Skreek: Don't judge it by its size, sir. She's not just any fairy, she's a queen.", "Necromancer: I don't know. It hardly seems worth the trouble. You, uh, forgot to put holes in the lid.", "Skreek: No, actually, I didn't. (The fairy runs out of air and collapses, dead. Her spirit rises out of the jar.) Go for it, sir.", "(The necromancer zaps the fairy's spirit and sucks it inside his body. He becomes corporeal.)", "Necromancer: Well, that won't sustain me for long.", "Skreek: Okay, well, what? Maybe I should get you an ogre?", "Necromancer: Or maybe I should just devour you.", "Skreek: Ah, but sir, you need me, remember?", "Necromancer: A century ago I didn't need anyone. I was a powerful demon, a ruler. Alive! (He swings his hand and grabs a handful of cobwebs.) I grow weary of it all. Scrounging around for magical spirits just to get a taste of life.", "Skreek: Uh, actually, I do all the scrounging.", "Necromancer: I wanna live again, do you understand? I wanna be resurrected. I will be resurrected.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hotel room. Phoebe is looking out the window with a blanket wrapped around herself. Jason wearing a robe walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her.]", "Phoebe: I am so glad you're home.", "Jason: Well, if leaving means more reunions like this, I'll go away more often.", "(She turns to face him.)", "Phoebe: No, don't go away ever.", "Jason: I'm afraid I have to.", "Phoebe: What do you mean, baby?", "Jason: Well, we just bought an Asian Media Conglomerate. I gotta go back to set it up.", "Phoebe: Oh. Well, for how long?", "Jason: Six months. Maybe longer. (Phoebe sighs and sits on the bed. Jason pulls a gift out of his robe pocket and hands it to Phoebe.) I got you something. Open it. (She does so and pulls out a book.) It's a dictionary. Chinese-American.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Jason: You don't like it?", "Phoebe: No, I do. It's just I found out that I'm not gonna see you for the next six months. I was kinda hoping for jewellery or something.", "Jason: Well, jewellery won't help you get around Hong Kong. The dictionary will.", "Phoebe: What?", "(He takes her hand.)", "Jason: Come back with me, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Wh-.", "Jason: That's why I flew out to see if you'd fly back with me. It leaves tomorrow morning.", "Phoebe: Are you serious? I can't just pick up and-and leave and move to Hong Kong for the next six months.", "Jason: Why not?", "Phoebe: Well, uh, for starters I have a job.", "Jason: Well, I'm your boss. I'll transfer you.", "Phoebe: Okay, and how about my family? My sisters and my new little nephew?", "Jason: You can use the jet whenever you want. It'll be at your disposal. I missed you Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I missed you too.", "Jason: Well, I don't want to miss you again. Come back with me.", "[Scene: Nate's Piano Bar. Nate sits at the piano, talking on the phone.]", "Nate: Yeah, what's this gonna cost? For a new thermostat? Come on, you can do better than that. (Paige walks in.) Hey, let me call you back, alright? (He hangs up and walks over to Paige.) Hey.", "Paige: Hi.", "Nate: Nice to see you. What are you doing way out here?", "Paige: I just, um, I kinda wanted to talk to you. Do you have a minute?", "Nate: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're not open for another hour. You wanna have a seat, you wanna drink or something?", "Paige: No, it's okay.", "Nate: What's the matter? Are you alright?", "Paige: Maybe nothing, but there's only one way to find out. (Paige pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket.) \"For those who want the truth revealed, open hearts and secrets unsealed, from now until it's now again, after which the memory ends.\"", "(Coloured lights swirl around him and he waves his hands.)", "Nate: Did you see that?", "Paige: Okay, here goes nothing. Nate, I'm a witch. A real witch with real magical powers and I just kinda wanted to see if maybe you'd be open to that.", "Nate: What are you talking about?", "Paige: I'm talking about this. (She orbs out and orbs back in on the piano.) Behind you.", "(Nate turns around.)", "Nate: How'd you do that?", "Paige: I told you, I'm a witch. I just kinda wanted to see how you'd feel about it before I went any further into the relationship. I can see that you don't feel so very good about it.", "Nate: No, let me just get my head around this. I mean, you don't see stuff like this every day.", "(Paige gets off the piano.)", "Paige: Maybe you would be okay with it?", "Nate: Yeah. Hell, yeah. I-I mean, I sort of thought this stuff was real, you know, I just didn't really know it was really real, you know?. Oh my god, my wife is gonna love this.", "Paige: Excuse me?", "Nate: Did I just say wife?", "Paige: You're married? You never told me you were married.", "Nate: Yeah, I didn't tell you I had children either but... Uh, did I just say kids too?", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper and Grams are there. Piper is looking at the Necromancer page in the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: See I was right. You vanquished this demon sixty years ago.", "Grams: The Necromancer is not a demon. He's a ghost of a demon. And it wasn't a vanquish, I banished him back into the spirit realm.", "Piper: Well, then you should be a little more specific in your wording.", "Grams: But the point is he's had about seventy years to find a way out of the spirit realm and that man, that demon is nothing, if not confident.", "Piper: Well, I guess I'll take your word for it considering you seem to know so much about him. \"Enjoys Clark Gable movies\", \"Favourite dinner: Lamb chops with mint jelly\".", "Grams: Well, you know me. You never know what could be useful.", "Piper: So what do you suggest? That I go to the video store and you get cooking?", "Grams: Oh, don't be so literal. I was just trying to show how much he craves life, the sensuousness of it. Food, drink, s*x...", "Piper: Don't! I don't wanna hear about a dead demon doing the dirty.", "Grams: He wants to be resurrected.", "Piper: It says that he has dominion over the dead. You would think that would be enough.", "Grams: Not for him it isn't. He only uses his power over the dead to absorb their spirit and get a temporary fix of life. But he was always searching for magical spirits with enough power to resurrect himself for good.", "Piper: Like all the spirits of the Halliwell matriarchs.", "Grams: That's what he attacked at your mother's wiccaning. Now you see why I'm so worried.", "Piper: Okay, so if he's out, we'll send him packing back to the spirit realm because nothing is going to get in the way of Wyatt's wiccaning.", "Grams: Good, and I know just the potion to use on him too. (Grams walks over to the potion table.) See we'll need some, oh, dragon root, uh, eel skin, bloodwort. You know, Piper, I'm still surprised that you had a boy.", "Piper: Well, fifty-fifty chance.", "Grams: Not in our family. Three hundred years and not a male in the bunch.", "Piper: I guess our family's changing.", "Grams: Mm. I mean, it begs a few questions, don't you think? I mean, we've never had a male witch and, you know, men are just so...", "(Paige storms in.)", "Paige: They're just evil, that's what they are. They are just plain evil.", "Piper: Oh, I take it Nate wasn't too happy about you being a witch.", "Paige: Oh, Nate was fine with my being a witch. It's maybe his wife that would have had a problem.", "Piper: He's married?", "Paige: Yeah, with two kids.", "Piper: Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.", "Grams: I told you, she should've gotten a dog.", "Piper: What did you do when you found out?", "Paige: Plenty. I mean, I'm sure plenty will happen to him, karmicly speaking. Cheat.", "Grams: Well, there's no wrath like a witch scorned, I always say. Care to take it out on him?", "(She shows the picture of the Necromancer in the Book of Shadows to Paige.)", "[Scene: Necromancer's Catacombs. The Necromancer is lying on a crypt. He hears a noise.]", "Necromancer: What measly crumbs have you brought me this time?", "Grams: Nothing you're gonna like.", "(He turns to see Piper, Paige and Grams standing in the room. He quickly gets up.)", "Necromancer: Penny!", "Piper: Penny?", "(Grams uses her power and sends him flying across the room. He lands on some large vases.)", "Grams: What are you waiting for? Throw the damn potion. (Paige throws the potion at him and he bursts into flames. He is vanquished. Grams turns to the girls.) What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there.]", "Phoebe: Wait, so he called her by her name?", "Piper: Penny. Yeah. Kinda weird, huh?", "Paige: Yeah, and he acted like he liked her.", "Phoebe: Twim-gee. That's Chinese for excuse me.", "Piper: Fascinating.", "Phoebe: Did you guys vanquish him?", "Paige: No, he's already dead, he can't be vanquished. But we did send his sorry male ass back to the spirit realm.", "Piper: Okay, let's not jump on Grams' male bashing bandwagon, please.", "Paige: Grams is a wise woman.", "Piper: I'll be sure to let Wyatt know.", "Paige: Don't worry, we're not gonna let him grow up to be a slime bag.", "Piper: Great, so let's focus on blessing him in light and goodness. Okay, we don't got a lot of time. (She holds up some baby shoes.) Now white or patent leather.", "Phoebe: Bok! That's white.", "Paige: Okay, what is with the Chinese thing?", "Phoebe: It's a little souvenir that Jason brought me back from China, when he was there on his business trip.", "Paige: Oh! Business trip, yeah, business trip. A likely story.", "Phoebe: What is that supposed to mean?", "Paige: I'm just saying. He could be leading a double life, he could be married, he could have a mistress, he could be gay. You don't know, there are many variables.", "(The phone rings.)", "Phoebe: Or he could be perfect for me.", "Paige: Don't be so sure. Men are full of surprises, that's all.", "Phoebe: Funny you should mention surprises because, uh, he had a little surprise for me.", "(Leo walks in carrying Wyatt.)", "Leo: Paige? Darryl's on the phone, he's pretty pissed. Something about your boyfriend?", "Paige: He's not my boyfriend, he's my ex-boyfriend.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Piper: What are you doing with Wyatt? I thought Grams was gonna spend some time with him.", "Leo: Well, she didn't want to.", "(Piper laughs.)", "Piper: What? That's ridiculous.", "Leo: Really? Then why didn't she want to touch him or change him or feed him?", "Piper: Well, she's probably just resting before the ceremony. She said she was gonna do it as soon as we get rid of the Necromancer.", "Leo: Piper, this has nothing to do with the Necromancer and you know it. Grams doesn't like the fact that Wyatt's a boy and she makes no bones about it.", "[Scene: Necromancer's Catacombs. Skreek places several bones and skulls on the ground to make a pentagon. He picks up a chalice of red dust and sprinkles it into the pentagon. He chants and inside the pentagon starts to swirl. The swirling stops and the Necromancer appears.]", "Necromancer: Am I really back?", "Skreek: Yes, and I, uh, summoned you in record time too.", "Necromancer: Bet Penny didn't count on that. She can't fool me. She's a spirit too, I can tell.", "Skreek: Uh, who's Penny?", "Necromancer: Penny Halliwell. The witch who stole my heart. You should have seen her. The glint in her eye, the way she held up her hand and sent me curdling into that wall.", "Skreek: Youch.", "Necromancer: Didn't hurt as much as the potion did though. I can tell she made it herself. The flames were excruciating. She was furious with me, which can only mean one thing. She still feels the passion, the heat.", "Skreek: You sure that wasn't fire?", "Necromancer: If only I knew why she came back here. Why leave a cosy eternity up there?", "Skreek: Uh, it could have something to do with the new baby.", "Necromancer: Baby? What baby?", "Skreek: It's the talk of the underworld. One of the Charmed Ones had a kid. It's a powerful one too, one we're not supposed to mess with.", "Necromancer: That's it, she's here for the wiccaning. I'll need you to get me a troll. No, better yet, an elf. I'm gonna need all my energy if I'm going to take on Penny Halliwell.", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Grams is leaning over the empty bassinet, touching the triquetra symbol on the blanket. Piper walks down the stairs.]", "Piper: Grams?", "(Grams straightens up.)", "Grams: Oh! Piper, you scared me.", "Piper: Hm, I didn't know you could scare a ghost. We need to talk.", "Grams: About?", "Piper: I think you know what about. Leo seems to think that you don't want to be around Wyatt for some reason. And I'm beginning to wonder myself.", "Grams: Oh, this is all my fault. Maybe if I lived longer, been around longer, maybe things would've worked out the way they were supposed to.", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Grams: This. Wyatt.", "Piper: Oh, you mean because he's not a girl?", "Grams: Piper, you know as well as I do that the charmed line is supposed to be lead by women. Not men.", "Piper: Who says?", "Grams: Tradition says. Destiny says. Tell me that you didn't hope to have a little girl, expect to have a little girl, just like you foresaw.", "Piper: Well, of course, but so what?", "Grams: So what is something went wrong. Terribly wrong. This is not the baby you were meant to have.", "Piper: Grams.", "Grams: You saw it yourself when you went to the future.", "Piper: That was also the future where Prue was still alive and witches were burned at the stake. Things change.", "Grams: Not this. Oh, it's just that I'm worried about the family, you know. We don't know what to expect.", "Piper: I know, and that's precisely why we shouldn't treat him any differently because he's a boy. That's why we're going to do the ceremony. At the very least he deserves that.", "Grams: I'm sorry, Piper. I can't.", "[Scene: Police Station. Jail cell. Nate is there. Paige is standing on the outside.]", "Nate: Come on, this is outrageous. Look, I'll sue you for false imprisonment and when I get out of here I'm gonna tell everybody about you, you witch.", "Paige: For your information, Nate, spells can do a lot more than just make you tell the truth, something you might wanna think about.", "(Darryl walks up to Paige and pulls her aside.)", "Darryl: Are you out of your mind? You can't just orb him here and think that's gonna fly, 'cause it's not!", "Paige: Why not? Do you know what he did?", "Darryl: I don't care what he did. Get him outta here now!", "Nate: Listen to the donut hog.", "Darryl: What?!", "(Nate grabs a pillow and buries his face in it.)", "Paige: Men.", "Darryl: Do you know how much trouble I'm in? The man's got a constitutional right, you know?", "Paige: Oh, constitution, schmonstitution, Darryl.", "Darryl: Look, he's a jerk, fine, but cheating is immoral, it's not illegal.", "Paige: Alright, I understand that, and I can't deny that I'm taking some sort of personal pleasure from this because I am. But that's not the main thing that's happening here. I cast a truth spell.", "Darryl: Oh, no.", "Paige: It's just a little one. But you know? It's a good thing I did, otherwise I wouldn't know what a cheating jerk he is.", "Darryl: This is so not my problem.", "Paige: Actually it is. Because see, if he goes out, he's gonna be telling people that I'm a witch and also about my special friend, a cop who helps the witch.", "Darryl: What am I supposed to do? Keep him in here indefinitely?", "Paige: No, not indefinitely. Just like the next twenty hours or so.", "Darryl: What am I supposed to tell the other cop if they hear him?", "(Nate stares at them and makes pig noises.)", "Paige: Just tell them he's insane.", "[Cut to the manor. Parlor. Piper and Grams are there.]", "Piper: You are crazy! This isn't about him or our legacy. This is about you.", "Grams: Piper, you don't understand.", "Piper: That you don't want to perform a blessing on my son? You are damn right I do not understand.", "Grams: You see him as an innocent little boy. But he won't be like that, not for long.", "Piper: So you can't even hold him because some day, some very far away day he will become a man?", "Grams: Men can not be trusted with magic. They can't handle it, they're weak and evil will eventually win out.", "Piper: That is silly! Look at Leo.", "Grams: Well, Leo, I mean, he's an angel, you can't count Leo.", "(Phoebe walks down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Hey, what's going on here?", "Piper: Your grandmother hates her grandson, that's what's going on.", "Grams: That is not true.", "Piper: Oh, I'm sorry, you just hate men, is that correct?", "Grams: No, I don't trust men. There's a difference. And there is a reason that they don't last long in this family because they're always trying to take advantage of what we have.", "Phoebe: That's not true.", "Grams: Isn't it? Look what Cole put you through. Look what your father did to your mother.", "Phoebe: So we're supposed to give up on trying to find love just because we might get hurt?", "Grams: Oh, no, you will get hurt. That's part of our legacy too, unfortunately.", "Piper: You know what? Forget it. You couldn't even bless my son with any kind of goodness because you are too consumed by your bitterness.", "Grams: Piper.", "Piper: And since his father is an angel, we will take our chances without a wiccaning!", "(Skreek appears on the stairs and throws a beam of light at Piper, sending her across the room. He throws a beam of light at Phoebe and she dives over the couch.)", "Grams: Leave them alone!", "(Suddenly, she is pulled backwards in a blur and into Necromancer's arms.)", "Necromancer: Surprise.", "(Skreek walks down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(Piper blows up Skreek. Necromancer disappears with Grams.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Phoebe is holding Wyatt.]", "Piper: Well, let's face it. Grams would not be in this position if she hadn't sent us after the guy in the first place.", "Phoebe: Not helpful. We have to summon her back here fast.", "Leo: We can't. The necromancer will follow and if you don't have a way to stop him.", "Paige: How did he get a clean shot of her anyway? Weren't you guys with her?", "Phoebe: Uh, we were fighting with her.", "Paige: Fighting? About what?", "Piper: Yeah, later. Let's just focus on the vanquishing and the saving.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I don't know how to. I mean, it's not like we can even vanquish him, he's a ghost.", "Paige: Well, ghosts can still feel pain. Maybe I can just orb his testicles somewhere.", "Piper: Paige, there will be no talk of testicle orbing in front of the child.", "Leo: And not around his daddy either.", "Paige: Oh, criminy, I'm just trying to help.", "(Leo takes Wyatt off of Phoebe and leaves the room. Phoebe moves closer to the Book of Shadows which is sitting on the coffee table.)", "Phoebe: Okay, there's got to be a weakness in here somewhere. I mean, he must have a weakness, right?", "Piper: Well, do mint jelly and Clark Gable movies count? She wrote it.", "Phoebe: Oh my god. That's why she's so obsessed with him. Grams was the Necromancer's lover.", "(Piper gasps.)", "Paige: That's disgusting.", "Piper: Oh, no, I think you're right. That would explain everything. Grams was alive when she banished the Necromancer, right?", "Phoebe: Right.", "Piper: Okay, so now she's dead.", "Paige: You sound so happy about that.", "Phoebe: No, that's not what she means. The ghost vanquishing spell.", "(Phoebe flips through the Book of Shadows.)", "Piper: You've gotta be dead to use it, right?", "Phoebe: It's worth a shot.", "[Scene: Necromancer's Catacombs. Grams is lying on a crypt asleep. The Necromancer stands beside her and leans in.]", "Necromancer: Your spirit is strong, Penny. Almost strong enough to sustain us both. Almost. (He moves away from her.) Awaken! (Grams wakes up and sits up.) No need to worry, Penny, you're safe here. (Grams holds up her hands, ready to use her power.) Ah-ah-ah! You're well aware of my powers, Penny. I covet your spirit, and any spirit I covet, I control.", "Grams: You son of a...", "Necromancer: Shh! Of course you know, the more you fight me, the more I know that you still love me.", "Grams: Are you crazy? I hate you!", "Necromancer: Yes. But you only hate me because you once loved me. After all, we only hate those who've gotten close to us, don't we? Those who've gotten close enough to touch our hearts.", "Grams: You used me. You prayed on my affections just to get to my family.", "Necromancer: And for that I am truly, truly sorry. I was just trying to survive. I never intended to fall in love with you either.", "Grams: What do you want, Armond?", "Necromancer: What I wanted then. Life! With you! Think about it. Think about it, Penny. There's enough magic in the Halliwell line to resurrect us both. To give us a second chance together. All you have to do is call up the spirits of the matriarchs. I'll do the rest.", "Grams: No-no, you'll never make me do that.", "Necromancer: I can if I have to.", "Grams: I'll tell my granddaughters, they will destroy you. (He waves his hands and Grams gets a loud ringing in her ears. She gasps. The ringing stops.) You haven't changed one bit.", "Necromancer: Isn't that why you loved me? Because I was dangerous, exciting, why your heart beats a little faster when I'm near you. Or when I do this. (He kisses her.) You still love me, Penny. You know it and I know it. You're going to help us both to live again. Forever.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. Piper lights five candles that are sitting on the floor in a circle.]", "Piper: Alright, as soon as we summon her, we've gotta get her straight to the book because the Necromancer's gonna be right behind her.", "Paige: All over it.", "Piper: Okay, let's do this. (The door bell rings. Phoebe walks over to the window.) Who is that?", "Phoebe: It's Jason.", "Paige: Guys really do have bad timing, don't they?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I kinda owe him an answer.", "Piper: Answer to what?", "Phoebe: He asked me to go back to Hong Kong with him. To live. (The doorbell rings again.) I'll be right back.", "(She leaves the room.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Leo answers the door.]", "Leo: Sorry, Jason, now's not really a good time.", "Jason: Please, I need to talk to her and I don't have much time.", "(Phoebe walks into the foyer.)", "Phoebe: It's okay, Leo.", "Leo: What about...?", "Phoebe: Don't worry about it. (Leo leaves the foyer.) Come in.", "(Jason walks in and Phoebe closes the door.)", "Jason: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Jason: Uh, listen, Phoebe, I've been thinking.", "Phoebe: Yeah, me too.", "Jason: I shouldn't have asked you to come with me like that.", "Phoebe: You shouldn't have?", "Jason: It's not that I don't want you to, I do. I just, I think I sorta blindsided you with it and I feel bad about it.", "Phoebe: Jason...", "Jason: And-and-and it was unfair of me to spring it on you like that knowing how close you are to your family.", "Phoebe: That's really sweet but...", "Jason: I just, I don't want to pressure you into deciding. And I wanted you to know that if-if you need more time to think about it...", "Phoebe: I don't.", "Jason: You don't?", "Phoebe: No, I don't. I do love my family and I don't wanna leave them. But I think if I don't, at least for a little while, then I'm gonna wind up like my grandmother and I don't want that.", "Jason: I don't think I understand.", "Phoebe: You don't have to understand. What time does the plane leave?", "Jason: Ten. In the morning.", "Phoebe: I'll be there.", "Jason: Yeah?", "Phoebe: Yeah!", "Jason: Yeah?", "Phoebe: Yeah! (They kiss each other's cheeks and they move towards the door.) Okay.", "(Phoebe opens the door.)", "Jason: Alright.", "(The kiss again and Jason leaves. Phoebe grins.)", "[Cut to the attic. Piper and Paige are looking out the window.]", "Piper: Go on, go on.", "(They quickly race to the centre of the room. Phoebe walks in.)", "Paige: Well?", "Phoebe: How do you guys feel about intercontinental orbing?", "Piper: We'll, talk about that later. (Piper hands Phoebe a piece of paper.) Read.", "Phoebe: \"Here these words, here my cry, spirit from the other side, come to me, I summon thee, cross now the great divide.\"", "[Cut to the Necromancer's Catacombs. Grams hears there call.]", "Necromancer: They're calling you, my love? Don't, don't try to fight it. You have no choice but to do as I wish.", "(Grams disappears in a swirl of bright lights.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Grams appears in a swirl of bright lights.]", "Paige: Welcome back, Grams.", "Grams: Girls.", "Piper: No time for apologies. Come on, come on, this way, this way, this way.", "(They take Grams over to the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: That is a spell to vanquish a ghost. But only a ghost can read it and that's you.", "Grams: You shouldn't have done this.", "Piper: Oh, come on, Grams, we're not that mad.", "Grams: You will be.", "Piper: Grams, he's gonna be here any second.", "Grams: I know, I know. It's just that I don't think that...", "(Grams get a painful ringing in her ears. She gasps.)", "Paige: Are you alright?", "Grams: Yes. I never meant to hurt you or Wyatt.", "Piper: Right, okay, look, we kind of need to focus on the demon at hand here, okay?", "(A gust of wind blows through the attic.)", "Phoebe: Whoa. Incoming!", "(Necromancer appears in a puff of smoke.)", "Paige: Now, Grams!", "Piper: Grams, read the spell.", "Necromancer: Don't bother. She's with me now. (He moves closer to Grams.) It's time, dear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Continued from before.]", "Paige: Piper, blow him up or something.", "Piper: A ghost? You want me to blow up the ghost? He's already dead.", "Grams: \"I call forth from space and time, matriarchs from the Halliwell line...\"", "Piper: Paige, the truth spell. Use it on Grams.", "Grams: \"Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends...\"", "Paige: \"For those who want the truth revealed, open hearts and secrets unsealed...\"", "Grams: \"Our family's spirit without end...\"", "Paige: \"From now until it's now again, after which the memory ends.\"", "Grams: \"Gather now in this sacred place...\"", "(Coloured lights appear around Grams.)", "Necromancer: Penny, finish the spell.", "Piper: Grams, tell him how you really feel about him. Tell him the truth.", "Grams: I love you.", "Paige: Any other bright ideas?", "Grams: And now I know that you didn't just use me, that you really did love me too.", "Necromancer: I still do.", "Grams: I know. But the truth is that our love isn't nearly as powerful as the love I have for my family. \"Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit...\"", "Necromancer: Penny?", "Grams: \"Take his soul.\"", "Necromancer: Penny, what are you doing?", "Grams: \"Banish this evil.\" (The Necromancer is vanquished.) I am so sorry. I never realised how much my anger, my bitterness affected my life, or yours. And I'm most sorry for what I did to my great grandson, and you. And if ever I wanted a second chance, it would be with him, and you. (Piper smiles and hugs Grams.) Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't ever give up on love.", "[Scene: Police Station. Jail cell. Nate is still there. Paige stands on the outside.]", "Nate: Paige, you gotta let me out of here sometime. You can't keep me in here forever.", "Paige: Don't worry about it. When the spell wears off, you won't remember a single thing. Although, I've got a couple of things I'd like to say to you before it does.", "Darryl: Say it fast will you?", "Paige: Shush.", "Nate: You know, Paige, I've been thinking. I've been in here a long time and I realise what I did to you was really wrong. I hope you're buying this.", "Paige: You know, I thought you would have a problem with magic, I didn't think you'd be a problem on a basic human level.", "Nate: I was gonna tell you about Morgan and the kids at some point. No, I wasn't.", "Paige: For what it's worth, Nate, I don't hate you. You're just too pathetic. It doesn't matter anyway. It's gonna be over in like a second.", "(Coloured lights appear around Nate.)", "Nate: What happened? Why am I in jail?", "Paige: I don't know, why don't you ask your wife.", "(Paige storms off. Darryl laughs.)", "Nate: What's so funny?", "Darryl: You'll never know. (He opens the cell door.) Friendly advice. Don't ask any questions, don't call Paige and walk away as fast as you can.", "Nate: Is that a threat?", "(He walks out of the cell.)", "Darryl: Actually, Nate, it is.", "[Scene: Airport. Jason is standing near his private jet. A woman walks over to him.]", "Woman: I'm sorry, Mr. Dean, but if we don't leave very soon, you're gonna miss your meeting.", "Jason: I know, I know.", "(She walks away. Jason turns towards the jet. Phoebe comes running towards Jason.)", "Phoebe: Jason!", "Jason: Phoebe. Wow, you're cutting it pretty close aren't you? Where are your bags?", "Phoebe: Jason.", "Jason: You're not coming, are you?", "Phoebe: No, I'm not. I want to, more than you know.", "Jason: Well, then why don't you?", "Phoebe: It's hard to explain. I-I just feel like for now at least, that my place is here, you know, this is where I need to be. Not forever, god, I hope not forever. Just for now.", "Jason: I guess I should've gotten you jewellery after all.", "(They kiss.)", "Phoebe: Hurry back.", "(Jason gets on the jet.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. The room is lit by candles. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Grams are there. Piper walks in carrying Wyatt, who is dressed in a white wiccaning outfit. She stands between Phoebe and Leo.]", "Grams: You know, I think he looks a little like your grandfather. Oh, trust me, that's a good thing. He was a good man.", "Phoebe: Nice to know.", "Piper: Shall we?", "Grams: I call forth from space and time, matriarchs from the Halliwell line, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, our family's spirit without end, to gather now in this sacred place, and help us bring this child to grace.\" (Matriarch spirits from different time periods appear in the room. Grams turns to the matriarchs.) The next generation has been born into our family, our legacy. (Piper hands Wyatt to Grams.) We pledge to be with this child, this beautiful boy always. Apart but never separate, free but never alone. He is one of us and because of that, we will bless him with all the goodness that we are. Welcome to the family, Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. (She kisses Wyatt on the cheek.) Blessed be.", "Matriarchs: Blessed be.", "Piper, Leo: Blessed be.", "Phoebe, Paige: Blessed be.", "(Grams hands Wyatt back to Piper.)", "Grams: Take good care of my great grandson.", "(Grams steps back and stands beside the other matriarchs. They all disappear.)" ]
Necromancing the Stone
[ "In part 2 of the season 6 finale, Leo turns Piper, Phoebe, and Paige into Goddesses in order to stop the Titans and restore the balance in the Universe. However, the sisters are having a hard time trying to figure out how to do so with their new, enhanced, powers and without Leo's assistance. Upon learning that Leo is becoming an Elder, Piper's fury helps the Charmed Ones ultimately defeat the Titans." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Chris are there. The girls have just been turned into goddesses and they're wearing ancient Greek outfits.]", "Piper: You expect us to beat the Titans dressed like this? Maybe at a costume party.", "Chris: That's not a costume. That represents your new position and power.", "Paige: Power? Power's good. I like power. (She thinks for a moment.) Why do I like power?", "Chris: Because you are the goddess of war.", "Paige: Ahh. Well, I guess that explains the pitch fork.", "Chris: It's not a pitch fork, it's a trident. Be careful, that's a formidable weapon.", "Paige: Right on. Who wants to fight?", "Phoebe: I'm a lover, not a fighter.", "Chris: You're the goddess of love.", "Piper: Naturally. Well, then that must make me the goddess of sanity because I find this ridiculous.", "Chris: Actually, Leo gave you dominion over the earth and all it's natural elements.", "Piper: Wait a minute, you're saying that Leo did this to us?", "Phoebe: Chris? You never told us, do you have a girlfriend in the future?", "Chris: (ignoring Phoebe) As you can see, all of you have drives and urges based on your powers. Don't let them distract you, alright? Stay focused, focused on the Titans.", "Piper: Hold it, pal. I don't know what kind of game you're running here, but Leo is not in the god-making business.", "Phoebe: (to Chris) How old are you, anyway?", "Piper: The Elders forbid it. And if anything, Leo is a company man.", "Chris: The Elders did forbid it. And guess what, they're dead. Most of them. Leo's in charge up there now and he's taken a huge risk that you three won't lose your humanity like the ancient Greeks... Whoa!", "(Paige sticks her trident into Chris's shirt and holds up in the air.)", "Paige: You killed the Elders. You could've prevented it. I say we castrate.", "Chris: A little control here, ladies, please.", "Phoebe: Can't we figure out something else to cut off?", "(Chris orbs out and orbs back in across the room.)", "Chris: I told you, stay focused. In my future, all the Elders were killed. That's why I came back to help Leo give you the power so this would never have to happen again.", "Paige: Hey, guys, watch this.", "(She points her trident at the piano and a bolt of lightning flies out of it hitting the piano. The piano breaks into pieces.)", "Piper: Put that thing down, you're gonna hurt someone.", "Paige: I certainly hope so. Do you know the kind of damage this thing could do?", "Chris: A lot.", "Phoebe: Paige, make love, not, you know. There's no door love can't open, no wall love can't climb, not hurdle love can't... (She thinks.) Hurdle.", "Piper: This is Leo's strategy? Well, he must have lost it up there because these girls can't be seen in public, much less...", "Phoebe: Ooh, that reminds me. I'm late for the bachelor auction. I'm gonna go pick up a guy or two, or twelve.", "(She claps her hands and a pink misty heart appears. A pink swirl of mist surrounds her and she disappears from the room.)", "Chris: Phoebe?", "Paige: Ooh, that's a good idea. I'm gonna go get in some target practice with some demons. Watch out Titans.", "(Lightning bolts surround her and she disappears from the room.)", "Chris: I knew this was gonna happen. You gotta go after them.", "Piper: Oh, no-no-no. This was your big plan, you clean up the mess.", "Chris: No, your role is to provide balance. That's why you feel so grounded and in control.", "Piper: Wow, Chris, that was actually pretty good. You almost sounded like a Whitelighter. Too bad I already have one. And if he would like me to do something, he can come down and tell me himself. (to the roof) Do you hear that?", "Chris: You want Leo, hm? Then vanquish the Titans. If you can't do that, you're gonna find out what a world of darkness feels like. My world.", "[Scene: Snow-covered Mountains. Cronus is waiting there. Demetrius appears.]", "Demetrius: I can sense what's left of the Elders. They're scared and running for their lives.", "Cronus: You're still angry with me for killing her, aren't you? Demetrius, I'm sorry. Meta was a distraction. Once we control the heavens, you can have any woman you want. I want you to know, I did what had to be done. We needed to hit the Elders hard and fast, and we did, alright? Demetrius, let's go finish off the Elders.", "(They disappear.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: P3. The bachelor auction is taking place. Elise is up on stage behind a podium.]", "Elise: Ladies, prepare your cheque books because here comes Evan.", "(A handsome man stands up and walks onto stage. Everyone cheers and whistles.)", "Lady From Crowd: He's mine.", "Elise: Oh, my, my, my. Somebody turn the heat down in here.", "Evan: I don't have to take off my clothes or anything, do I?", "(The ladies cheer.)", "Elise: That's entirely up to you. Okay, ladies. Evan is an internist from Sausalito. And he promises the highest bidder a free physical on their first date. So who'll start the bidding?", "Lady From Crowd: Four hundred!", "Elise: Excellent! Do I hear five hundred?", "Phoebe's Voice: One thousand dollars!", "(Every turns to look at Phoebe walking down the stairs.)", "Elise: Phoebe.", "(The guys stare in awe as she walks through the crowd toward the stage.)", "Evan: Uh, can I bid on her?", "(Phoebe chuckles.)", "Phoebe: If you insist.", "Elise: That isn't... This isn't... I don't really...", "Evan: I've got a ten thousand limit on my credit card.", "Elise: Well, okay then.", "Man From Crowd: Eleven thousand!", "Man #2: Twelve thousand!", "Man #3: Thirteen thousand!", "Man #4: Fourteen thousand!", "Man #3: Fourteen five!", "Man #2: Fifteen thousand!", "(Phoebe makes her way onto the stage.)", "Man #3: Sixteen thousand!", "Phoebe: Easy, boys, there's plenty to go around.", "[Scene: Woods. Paige and three other demons are there. Paige is pointing her trident at them.]", "Paige: Come on, now, hit me with your best shot. (A demon throws an energy ball at Paige and she catches it. She distinguishes it.) Give me one firm spot on wish to stand and I will move the earth. (She points her trident at the demon and zaps him, vanquishing him.) Archimedes said that. Great warrior. And he didn't even have a trident. Okay, on your knees. Kiss the hand of the Paige.", "Demons: Yes, my liege.", "(The kneel in front of her.)", "Paige: Mm, being a goddess does have its perks.", "(Leaves fly around in one spot and Piper appears.)", "Piper: Paige, what are you doing?", "Paige: How'd you find me?", "Piper: Apparently it's one of my powers to keep an eye on you. What is going on here?", "Paige: Oh, I'm just building an army. I figured what better way to smite the Titans than with hordes of demons, right?", "Piper: Wrong. All of you out.", "Demon: We answer only to our liege.", "(Paige smiles and nods.)", "Piper: I see.", "Paige: See, they're very loyal. And you know what? I don't know why I was wasting my time studying witchcraft when I clearly should have been earning my general stripes.", "Piper: I said go! Now!", "(The ground shakes. The demons disappear, frightened.)", "Paige: What'd you have to do that for? I had followers.", "Piper: You can't have followers. None of us can. Now come on before I unleash my wrath on you.", "(They disappear.)", "[Cut to the manor. Foyer. Piper and Paige appear.]", "Piper: Not in the house. (Piper takes the trident off of Paige and puts it aside.) Now let's go find Phoebe.", "(The Elf Nanny walks in pushing the baby pram.)", "Elf Nanny: My word, this is a house of ill repute. Hardly suitable for an infant.", "(She walks off.)", "Piper: Wh- What do you mean?", "(They hear voices coming from the living room.)", "Man's Voice: How does that feel, Phoebe?", "(Piper and Paige walk into the living room. Phoebe is lying on a red sofa, surrounded by half-naked men. Some are fanning her with a large feather, another is massaging her feet, and another is feeding her grapes.)", "Phoebe: Oh, make sure you peel those for me, will you?", "Piper: Phoebe? We need to talk.", "Phoebe: Yes, we do. The world would be over flowing with peace and love if only we just talked more.", "Piper: Mm-hm. What are they doing here?", "Phoebe: Oh, worshipping me, adoring me, exalting my name. There is so much love in this room I can barely stand it.", "Piper: Me neither. It's time to send your groupies away, now.", "Phoebe: But serving me makes them so happy. (One of the men hands Phoebe a chalice.) Thank you, bachelor number three.", "Piper: Alright, all of you, show is over. Move along.", "Evan: We live to serve Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Oh, you do, don't you? That's so sweet. Piper, you need to get some followers of your own. It's a really great confidence builder.", "Paige: Are you eyeing me, soldier?", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: What the hell is this? Goddesses gone wild? I told you to keep them in line. What would happen if the Titans attacked right now?", "Piper: Chris, I've got it. Thank you. All of you, out!", "(A gust of wind blows through the room and the men land in the foyer all on top of one another. They quickly get up and race outside.)", "Chris: Now that's what I'm talking about.", "Piper: Time for a morality check. Leo did not give us this power so we could form armies or love cults. (Phoebe looks at Chris and flirts.) The ancient Greeks indulged in their whims that way and look what they became.", "Chris: Petty, evil, vindictive.", "Piper: Thanks, I've got it. Now... hi! (She pokes Phoebe with a pillow.) Can you two get it under control?", "Paige: Reason and judgement are the qualities of a leader. Tacitus, 100 A.D.", "Phoebe: Love will keep us together. Captain and Tennille. 1970s.", "Piper: Fascinating. Now, can we figure out a way to beat the Titans, 'cause I for one would like my family back. Soon.", "(They hear the Elders call.)", "Phoebe: Is that a jingle?", "Paige: There are no Elders up there. Who's jingling?", "Chris: It's Leo.", "Piper: Leo can jingle?", "Chris: Yep. He says an Elder's under attack. Like it or not, it's time to face the Titans.", "[Cut to the woods. Finnegan stands in front of Roland the Elder. The Titans are standing a few feet away from them.]", "Finnegan: Stand back, wise one.", "Cronus: Such bravery in the face of death.", "Finnegan: We ain't the ones who'll be dying today.", "(He waves his shillelagh and says some Irish words. A rainbow appears and sucks up Finnegan and Roland. Cronus throws a blast of fire into the air hitting the tail of the rainbow. Finnegan screams and Roland falls out of the rainbow onto the ground.)", "Cronus: Remind me when we're through with the Elders to do something nice for the Leprechaun community.", "Roland: We've beaten you before, Cronus. We'll do it again.", "Cronus: How? Your numbers are dwindling. By day's end, the great Elders will all be dead and we'll own the heavens. (Piper, Phoebe and Paige appear.) Who are you?", "Paige: The Supremes.", "(She points her trident and a bolt of lightning heads for Cronus. He blocks it with a wave of his hand.)", "Demetrius: She wields the powers of the gods.", "Cronus: Just kill the Elder.", "(Cronus and Demetrius throw a stream of fire and a lightning bolt at the girls. They hold up their hands and a light shields them.", "Piper: Somebody get the Elder out.", "Phoebe: I can't. I can't move.", "Paige: Me neither.", "(The Titans move closer to them.)", "Piper: Leo!", "(They all orb out.)", "Demetrius: Where'd they go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Sewer. The remaining Elders are there, clicking away. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are standing off to the side.]", "Piper: Is everybody okay?", "Phoebe: No. Is my hair singed?", "Piper: You're fine.", "Paige: I guess we're not so all powerful after all. How'd we get out of there?", "Piper: I guess Leo must have orbed us out. But I don't know how, he doesn't have that kind of power.", "Paige: Well, he must have because we're out of there. What is this place, a sewer?", "(Roland turns to them.)", "Roland: This is sanctuary.", "Phoebe: Oh, my, my, my. (She walks over to him.) Aren't you just the edible Elder? Have you taken a vow of celibacy?", "Piper: Phoebe. Stay on target.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Piper: What do you mean this is sanctuary?", "Roland: It's a safe house. Set up by Leo to protect the Elders.", "Paige: Well, it doesn't look so safe to me. I can see unprotected points of entry all over the place.", "Roland: Don't worry, the Titans can't sense our location. We're hidden from them by a web of fairy magic. Another of Leo's ideas.", "Piper: Leo did all this?", "Roland: I was surprised myself. I'm afraid I was one of the Elders who always sold Leo short. What with him marrying a witch and all. No offence.", "Piper: Offence taken.", "Roland: I will never make that mistake again. Without Leo we'd all be dead. He's out there now tracking Elders as we speak, moving them here. We owe Leo everything.", "Piper: I guess so.", "Roland: Well, good luck with the Titans.", "Phoebe: One more question. What are you wearing under that robe?", "Roland: More robes.", "(Paige laughs. Roland walks away.)", "Phoebe: Oh, that is so hot.", "Piper: This is getting tired.", "Paige: A warrior preparing for battle cannot be weary.", "Piper: No, I'm tired of getting all this information second hand. I would like to hear it from Leo.", "Phoebe: Piper, I'm sensing a blockage in your spiritual energy. What's wrong, sweetie?", "Piper: I need to talk to my husband. I-I appreciate him becoming a magical folk hero for the masses and all, I really do, but enough is enough. Leo! Remember me? Your wife! (Leo jingles.) Don't you jingle me. I need more than a jingle here, mister. You will get down here right now!", "(The sewers shake like an earthquake.)", "Paige: Are you trying to alert the enemy?", "Phoebe: Piper, I'm sure as soon as Leo figures out how angry you are, he's gonna come running down here. (They look up and wait a moment.) Okay, you can come running now. Look, sweetie, it's not like he's not busy. He's saving the world.", "Paige: And buying us time to vanquish the Titans. Although, I don't know where we're gonna get the strength from. They had no problem with my power.", "Phoebe: Then let's try my power.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe sits on the red sofa. Demetrius walks in.]", "Phoebe: I've been waiting for you. (She gets up and walks over to him.) My whole life.", "Demetrius: You have? Why?", "Phoebe: Why? It doesn't matter. (She picks up a feather and strokes his face with it.) The only thing that matters is that you're here and I'm here. Do you know what that means?", "Demetrius: We're here.", "Phoebe: Right. Together. Do you want me?", "Demetrius: Very much.", "Phoebe: I'm all yours. (He leans in closer.) But wait, what would Cronus think?", "Demetrius: I don't care what Cronus thinks. (Cronus walks in behind him.) If he tries to stop me, I'll just...", "Cronus: What are you doing, Demetrius?", "Demetrius: The goddess wants to seduce me. I was just playing along until you got here.", "(He goes over to Cronus. Phoebe sighs.)", "Phoebe: Fooey!", "(The Titans throw a stream of fire and a lightning bolt at Phoebe. Paige walks in and waves her hand. The Titans flicker away.)", "Paige: End the war game.", "Phoebe: My way didn't work.", "Paige: Nothing's working. I need a break.", "Phoebe: How did the Greeks do it?", "(They walk into the parlor and sit down.)", "Paige: Well, for one thing there were more of them. Like an entire mountain top full of them, till their powers consumed them.", "Phoebe: Maybe declaring themselves as gods gave them the strength to defeat the Titans.", "Paige: I'd rather be flayed alive.", "Phoebe: Not an option for me. God, I miss Leo. (Chris orbs in.) Leo?", "Paige: Oh, it's just you.", "Chris: Hello, to you too. So the Elders are taken care of. Where's Piper?", "Phoebe: She's upstairs with the baby. Um, could you bring us Leo?", "Chris: He's busy. How's it going here?", "Paige: Not so good. I keep trying to come up with a plan to defeat the Titans but every battle simulation ends the same way.", "Phoebe: With our death.", "Paige: We could really use Leo right about now.", "Chris: I'm starting to get that impression.", "Phoebe: Could you bring him back?", "Chris: For the last time, no. What is wrong with you two, huh? You're acting hopeless.", "Phoebe: I don't know. I mean, I guess I always feel like this right before a big battle, and then Leo comes down and I don't know how he does it but he makes me feel like I have the power to do anything.", "Paige: Really? It's different for me. It's like I forget that I even have any training and I, and I can't concentrate and Leo helps me focus and calm down. You know, I'm starting to think that we take Leo for granted. Are you sure you can't get him.", "Chris: Leo-Leo is up there, okay? And he's gotta stay up there until... You know, what? I'm not gonna go over this again. What can I do to help you two get over the hump here?", "Phoebe: Try saying this. It always works for Leo. Your power comes from your emotions.", "Paige: What about this? Trust the power of three.", "Phoebe: Or how about this one. I'm gonna go check with the Elders. Do you actually thinks he checks with the Elders?", "Paige: Ha! No, he probably just orbs to a sports bar and buys his buddies rounds of drinks. (in a manly voice) Yeah, my wife thinks I'm up there. Here's to the Elders.", "(They giggle.)", "Chris: You really are helpless without him.", "[Scene: Heavens. Cronus and Demetrius are there.]", "Cronus: Somebody's still alive up here.", "Demetrius: We don't know that, Cronus. Maybe the world's magic has increased since we were frozen in that...", "Cronus: Demetrius. The trident, she had the trident. The Greek gods have been recreated which means somebody up here released their essence as mortals, which means somebody is still up here.", "Demetrius: If you're right and the gods have been recreated, (Leo peers around a large pillar) then we should be after them now before their powers grow too strong.", "Cronus: No. Whoever's up here will just create new gods. That threat must be dealt with now. I am sensing something.", "Demetrius: Where?", "Cronus: It's faint. (He points to the pillar where Leo is hiding.) There. (They move slowly towards it.) Whoever created these gods, whoever's hiding, they're trapped. They can't dematerialise without exposing themselves to us. (Suddenly, Leo turns invisible.) There's only so many places up here they can hide. (They look around the pillar and see nothing.) I could have sworn.", "Demetrius: I don't see anything.", "Cronus: Keep looking.", "(They walk away. Leo becomes visible.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's Bedroom. Piper is there holding Wyatt.]", "Piper: I know you miss him. I miss him too.", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: I need help.", "Piper: Uh, excuse me, this is my bedroom. You can't just walk in here anytime you want to.", "Chris: Yeah, I know, but your sisters need you. I got them working on the Titans but I don't know how long that's gonna last.", "(Piper puts Wyatt in his bassinet.)", "Piper: I thought you needed me.", "Chris: I did. I mean, I do. I need you 'cause they need you. Actually, they need Leo. Look, will you please just go deal with them?", "Piper: What's the matter, Chris? The all-knowing running out of answers?", "Chris: Yes, yes, I am. If that will motivate you, yes. I'm losing control because I'm watching history repeat itself and nobody's willing to do a damn thing about it.", "Piper: I feel your frustration.", "Chris: Piper, if it helps, I get it, okay? I do, really. You need Leo. Your sisters need Leo. But if you can't stop...", "Piper: You forgot the baby. The baby needs his father too.", "Chris: Fine. But if you can't stop missing your husband long enough to see the bigger picture...", "Piper: There is no bigger picture than my family.", "Chris: Well, then pay attention because the world I grew up in families hardly existed. I never had a chance to know mine.", "Piper: Not my fault.", "Chris: Not yet.", "Piper: Is that what this is about? You blame us for what happened to you?", "Chris: I just want you to get it right this time. Use your power of three. Use your power as gods. Save the world from going to hell.", "Piper: If that's what you want, then I will say it one more time and maybe you will hear me. We need Leo. Now excuse me, I have to go warm up a bottle.", "(She leaves the room. Chris walks over to the bassinet. Wyatt's force field surrounds the bassinet.)", "Chris: Don't worry, you'll come to trust me in time. They all will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Heavens. Leo is hiding behind a pillar. Chris orbs in beside him.]", "Leo: What are you doing? You're gonna expose us?", "Chris: Shh! That's the idea.", "Cronus: Did you sense that?", "Demetrius: Someone orbed.", "(Chris peeks around the pillar and whistles. Cronus throws a stream of fire at Chris. He quickly pulls back behind the pillar.)", "Chris: Hurry, go, Piper needs you.", "(Leo orbs out. Chris peeks around the pillar and Cronus throws another stream of fire. Chris orbs out. The Titans disappear.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's room. Piper is lying on the bed. She sighs.]", "Piper: Leo, how could you leave us? (Leo orbs in with the hood of his robe over his head. Piper sits up.) Who are you?", "(Leo removes the hood.)", "Leo: Hi, Piper.", "Piper: You're home. (She goes over and hugs him.) You heard my calls, right?", "Leo: Of course I did, honey. But I had to make sure the Elders were safe and then I was cornered by the Titans.", "Piper: I'm just thankful you're okay. My mind was just racing.", "Leo: I know. I felt it. Good thing Chris came when he did.", "Piper: Chris?", "Leo: He distracted the Titans so I could escape. Right now they're probably following his orb trail so we don't have...", "(Piper looks at his hair.)", "Piper: What's wrong with your hair?", "Leo: What?", "(She touches a patch of white hair on his head.)", "Piper: Um, it's white.", "Leo: Is it? (He looks in the mirror.) Wow, it must be from staying up there for so long.", "Piper: I guess so.", "Leo: Where are your sisters?", "Piper: Well, they can wait a minute while we spend some time alone and then you need to hold your son.", "Leo: Spoken like a true earth goddess.", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Leo: You need to channel your hearth and home instincts to fight the Titans.", "Piper: Leo, I was speaking from the heart not the hearth. Hi, I'm your wife, remember?", "Leo: I do, but Chris can only throw off the Titans for so long. We need to be ready with a battle plan. Now, let's find your sisters.", "(Piper and Leo walk out into the hallway. The Elf Nanny walks around the corner.)", "Elf Nanny: Ma'am, I was just coming to check on the baby.", "Piper: That's okay, 'cause he is actually sleeping, so...", "(The Elf Nanny looks at Leo and her jaw drops.)", "Elf Nanny: Welcome, wise one.", "Piper: Oh, no, this is just my husband. He's not an Elder. He's just wearing this robe because... Why are you wearing this robe?", "Leo: It was windy up there.", "Piper: See, so you can take a break 'cause, you know, Wyatt's asleep. Okay, here we go.", "(Piper and Leo go downstairs.)", "[Cut to the parlor. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is reading up on Zeus.]", "Phoebe: It says in here that Cronus swallowed his new born children to keep them from over throwing him.", "Paige: What if you lure the Titans to a field, Piper lifts them with a tornado, and I hit him with my lightning?", "Phoebe: I'm afraid there's no way to beat a man who eats his own children.", "(Piper and Leo come down the stairs.)", "Leo: Those stories are fables.", "Phoebe: Leo!", "(Phoebe hugs Leo.)", "Paige: Welcome home, Leo.", "Leo: What do you have for me?", "Phoebe: Paige ran every battle plan she knows which as a war goddess is basically every battle that's ever been fought.", "Paige: No matter how you spin it - warrior, seductress, earth mother - we don't have the power to defeat the Titans.", "Phoebe: We can't beat them. They're too strong for us.", "Piper: See how much this family needs you?", "Leo: No. I don't. You can do this without me. And it's not because you have the power of gods or the power of three. It's because you are the greatest force of good that I know and that's why I chose you.", "Phoebe: Oh, see I could just feel the confidence wash all over me. He's doing it.", "Piper: What is he doing?", "Leo: Paige, you know exactly where to find the power to conquer the Titans.", "Paige: I do?", "Leo: Yes. You just need to focus.", "Paige: We have to declare ourselves gods.", "Leo: It's how the ancient Greeks did it.", "Piper: Chris told us not to do that.", "Leo: Well, Chris is wrong. He doesn't know you like I do.", "Phoebe: But Leo, the ancient Greeks lost their humanity.", "Leo: You're not the ancient Greeks, you're the Charmed Ones. I didn't give you anything you can't handle. Phoebe, you lost yourself to the darkest love that ever existed and you came back. Of course, you can handle being the goddess of love.", "Phoebe: I never thought of it that way.", "Leo: Paige, you're the goddess of war because you've been consumed with gaining power but you've never let the power consume you. Piper, is it any wonder I made you the goddess of earth? You are everything that is good and beautiful in this world. The mother of my son.", "Piper: You really have that much faith in us?", "Leo: Do you really even need to ask that? It's like I've always said, your power comes from your emotion and right now you need to dig deeper than you ever have before. Whatever motivates you. Your heart, your soul, your darkest fears. Whatever it takes, you need to find that and channel it into power. Power not to capture the Titans, but to destroy them forever.", "(Suddenly, Leo glows all over.)", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: What's happening to me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. It's empty. Cronus and Demetrius appear.]", "Demetrius: He's not here. Another dead end.", "Cronus: No. The orb trail's getting stronger. We're getting closer. We'll push ahead.", "Demetrius: Wait, wait. Do you sense that?", "Cronus: An Elder out in the open.", "Demetrius: Do you think it's our target?", "Cronus: There's only one way to find out.", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's room. Leo is playing with Wyatt who is in his bassinet. Wyatt is giggling.]", "Leo: I'll never leave you, I promise.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Why would you? Leo, what's going on?", "Leo: I'm not sure.", "Piper: What do you mean you're not sure? Chris! Where ever you are, get your ass over here!", "Leo: It's okay, Chris.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: This better be an emergency. You are going to lead the Titans straight to us.", "Piper: What's happening to my husband?", "Chris: Something amazing.", "Piper: You know what? Cut the crap. You knew the Elders were gonna die. You coached Leo up there. You knew all of this was gonna happen.", "Leo: Did you?", "Chris: You're not serious.", "Piper: Whatever it is you think you're doing, you need to make it stop.", "Chris: Piper, nobody chose this. It chose Leo. What he did up there for all of us was nothing short of a miracle. Now he's receiving the ultimate reward. A chance to become...", "Piper: Don't you dare say it.", "Chris: The world needs sources of good to watch over it. Do you know a source of pure goodness better than Leo?", "Piper: Leo is not... He's not an Elder, okay? Because Elder's don't live on earth. They don't have families. Okay, just tell him you're not an Elder.", "Leo: I don't know that I can.", "Chris: I think you should get back to your sisters.", "Piper: No. Not until you tell him.", "Chris: They're waiting for you.", "Leo: Chris is right. You need to get back to Paige and Phoebe.", "Piper: No. Not until you say it.", "Chris: The Titans are gonna be here any moment.", "Piper: I said no!", "(Piper points at Chris and sends him flying across the room. He hits the door and is knocked unconscious. Leo rushes to him.)", "Leo: He'll be okay. You did it, Piper. You found your power. Now control it, don't let it control you.", "(They hear a crash from downstairs.)", "Phoebe: (from downstairs) Piper!", "[Cut to the conservatory. The Titans send Phoebe flying across the room.]", "Cronus: Where is the Elder that created you?", "(Phoebe gets back up. The room starts to shake. Piper appears. Cronus and Demetrius sends lightning bolts and a stream of fire at Piper. It doesn't harm her.)", "Piper: It's not nice to piss of mother nature.", "(Piper holds out her hands and the room starts to shake. A hole opens in the ground in front of the Titans. A chandelier above, falls from the roof and into the fiery pit below. A dresser falls into the pit. Paige grabs her trident and zaps the floor at the Titans feet. It crumbles and they fall into the fiery pit. The hold seals back up. Leo rushes down the stairs.)", "Paige: So much for the Titans.", "Phoebe: Thank god.", "Piper: You're welcome.", "Leo: You did it, Piper. You found the power you needed. You all did. Now it's time to give it back.", "(Piper disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. It's raining and thundering outside. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Chris are there. Paige is standing in front of Leo. Leo is holding an urn.]", "Leo: Are you ready?", "Paige: Just get it out of me.", "(Leo lifts the lid of the urn and Paige's god powers return to it.)", "Leo: How do you feel?", "Paige: Phew. Free. Anything on Piper?", "(Paige sits next to Phoebe who is scrying.)", "Phoebe: Nope, I still can't get a read.", "Chris: Just keep trying.", "Paige: Okay, even if we do find her, how are we gonna get her back? She's on this major power trip. She destroyed the Titans, not even the Greek gods could do that.", "Chris: We've just gotta hope she has some humanity still left inside.", "Leo: If anyone can come back from this, it's Piper. I've gotta go now. If you need me Chris knows how to get in touch.", "Paige: Where are you going?", "Leo: The Elders have returned to the heavens and they're calling for me.", "(He orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Did he just bail on us? Is that what he did?", "Paige: Uh, what about, you know, helping us find his wife?", "Chris: He's trusting in you to do that. You need to find Piper and talk her down before she sets up shop somewhere and throws the world into chaos. Then it'll be too late for her.", "Phoebe: Okay, maybe you missed the part about Piper being Leo's wife.", "Chris: Look, you have to understand. Things have changed. The Elders need Leo up there to help restore order.", "Paige: Cut to the chase, future man. Is this about Leo being turned into an Elder, or what?", "Chris: He's on the path.", "Phoebe: Okay, don't give us that creepy pod-people smile. Okay, in your world, being an Elder may be cool but in our world it pretty much sucks. Leo is our brother-in-law...", "Paige: And our Whitelighter...", "Phoebe: And our friend.", "Paige: And we don't want to lose him.", "Phoebe: So listen, you go up there and tell him... (Suddenly, a tree branch hits the window, smashing it. Phoebe screams.) What is going on with this storm?", "(Paige realises something.)", "Paige: Piper. Piper's what's up with this storm.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Paige: Remember when the Titans were first released, the major weather shifts, and the earthquake.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: When you have power over the earth like the Titans did, it's bound to suffer your emotional baggage.", "Phoebe: And like Leo says, our power comes from our emotions. Okay, okay. So if you're a god and you're angry and you're taking it out on the city, where would you go?", "Paige: Somewhere high where I could enjoy the damage I'm inflicting.", "[Cut to a high mountain just before the Golden Gate Bridge. Piper is standing there soaking wet from the rain. She raises her arm and several flashes of lightning strikes down on the city. Phoebe and Paige orb in holding an umbrella.]", "Paige: Piper!", "Piper: Stay away from me.", "Paige: We're taking you home.", "Phoebe: To your family.", "Piper: What family?", "Phoebe: To your son. Wyatt. Remember him?", "Paige: He needs his mother.", "Phoebe: He already lost his father, don't take his mother away from him too.", "(Piper disappears.)", "[Cut to the heavens. The Elders are there. Piper appears.]", "Piper: Where is he? Where is Leo?", "(Leo goes over to her.)", "Leo: Piper, what are you doing here?", "Piper: How can you do this?", "Leo: Uh, excuse us for a minute.", "(Piper and Leo move across the room.)", "Piper: You asked me to marry you and I did. You wanted a family and I gave you a son. And now you want me to watch you just walk away?", "Leo: It's not that simple.", "Piper: Then make it simple. Because I'm trying really hard to understand.", "Leo: Piper, if I had a choice in any of this, I would choose you. I always have.", "Piper: Then choose me now. Then let's go home.", "(She holds out her hand.)", "Leo: Don't you think I want to?", "Piper: I don't know. And that's what scares me the most.", "(Piper sniffs.)", "Leo: The Elders were wrong about us. They didn't think our love could survive but it did. Our love blessed us in ways they couldn't even imagine. It gave you the strength that you needed to take over from Prue, it produced a baby with a greater future than any of us, and it made me...", "Piper: An Elder.", "Leo: Our love it transcendent, Piper. It lifted me up so high that this was the only possible result. Being an Elder wasn't my destiny, but yet here I am because of you.", "(She starts to cry.)", "Piper: I can't just give up. I don't know how.", "Leo: You can't fight this. Not this.", "(The god powers leave Piper and float back into the urn behind the door.)", "Piper: How am I supposed to do this alone?", "Leo: You have your sisters.", "Piper: It's not the same. Will I ever see you again?", "Leo: I don't know. I'll always be watching over you.", "Piper: But you won't be there for Wyatt. You're gonna miss so much.", "Leo: I will never leave Wyatt's side. He will always feel my presence. It's not the same as human love, he needs you for that.", "Piper: He's got me. And I hope that's enough. But what if it's not?", "(She cries.)", "Leo: As an Elder I have the power to take your pain away.", "Piper: You can't make me forget you.", "Leo: No. Help you find peace.", "(They hug. Leo glows and then Piper glows.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is on the phone. Paige is making a pizza.]", "Phoebe: (on phone) I know, Elise, yeah, it really was a great costume. I'm just glad that the night was a success. Okay. You too. Bye. (She hangs up.) Well, I managed to raise $18,000 for The Bay Mirror children's foundation. Gotta admit, being a goddess did have its perks. I even got a second date with Evan.", "Paige: What's Jason gonna think?", "Phoebe: You know, I miss Jason, I really do but I can't put my life on hold for him. You know, if he comes back to San Francisco then we'll give it another shot. How about you? You miss being a warrior princess?", "Paige: No, I do not miss being a warrior princess. In fact I don't think I'm even gonna miss being super witch.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Paige: I've been on this crazy magic journey for so long now I just think it's time to slow down a bit. You know, I've kind of let my career slide, let my friends slide. I think I'm just tired and I need a break.", "(They pick up food trays.)", "Phoebe: Got it? (Paige nods. They walk into the dining room where the table is set.) You know, Paige, you should be really proud of yourself. All that hard work paid off. We beat the Titans.", "Paige: Yeah, I am, it's great. I guess I'm kind of looking forward to a change, you know, to help me take my mind off what we're losing.", "Phoebe: Sweetie, you can't look at it that way. We didn't lose him, he'll be watching over us.", "Paige: It's different.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: Come in!", "(Darryl and Sheila walk in.)", "Sheila: Hi.", "Darryl: Hey.", "Paige: Hi.", "Sheila: Are you sure you want us over today?", "Darryl: Yeah, I mean, we don't wanna intrude.", "Phoebe: No, you're not intruding. This was Piper's idea.", "Sheila: I can only imagine what she's going through. How's she doing?", "Phoebe: We're not really sure.", "Paige: She wanted to be alone with the baby last night.", "Darryl: Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come out of her room for like a year.", "(Piper comes down the stairs all cheery.)", "Piper: Hi, guys, I'm so glad you could come.", "Darryl: Hi.", "Sheila: Hi. We wanted to show our support.", "(She hands her a bunch of flowers.)", "Piper: Thank you.", "Darryl: Yeah. Leo was... is... somebody...", "(There's an awkward silence.)", "Piper: Oh, come on, guys, this is a celebration. Leo got promoted. We should all be happy for him. I am.", "Paige: You are?", "Piper: Of course I am.", "Phoebe: Piper, you don't have to put on a brave face. We're all here for you.", "Paige: Suppressing emotions in this family can be dangerous.", "Piper: No, I'm not suppressing anything, really, I'm okay. Now let's eat before the baby wakes up from his nap. Oh, I forgot the baby monitor. Here. (She gives Phoebe the flowers.) Be right back.", "(Piper runs upstairs.)", "Phoebe: Okay, let's eat.", "Darryl: Yeah, come on, honey.", "(Darryl and Sheila go into the dining room.)", "Phoebe: Something's wrong with Piper.", "Paige: Maybe she's moved on.", "Phoebe: Piper doesn't move on, she fights. I'm telling you, that wasn't Piper.", "[Cut to outside. Chris is sitting on the stairs. Leo orbs in.]", "Chris: So the Elders decide what to do with me yet?", "Leo: Well, you've been the subject of heated discussion. One thing we agreed upon is you can't return to the future.", "Chris: I figured as much. The timeline's changed, I don't even know what I go back to. So what did they decide?", "Leo: The Elders voted to make you the Charmed Ones' new Whitelighter.", "Chris: They did?", "Leo: As a reward for helping to defeat the Titans but then somehow I figured you knew that. You know, I can't stop thinking about what Piper said and wondering myself if this wasn't part of your plan all along. Take good care of them, Chris. Don't forget, I'll be watching over you.", "(Leo orbs out and as the white orbs leave, Chris waves his hand and the white orbs explode into nothing. He looks around and gets up. He walks inside and closes the door with telekinesis.)" ]
Oh My Goddess, Part 2
[ "Even though Leo is gone, Piper is in a surprisingly chipper mood, leading Paige to suspect that Leo altered Piper's memory. However, Paige 's spell to restore Piper's memory clashes with Leo's and causes total amnesia. When calling upon Leo for help, Phoebe and Paige discover that he is being held captive on the Island of Valhalla , a mythical place ruled by warrior-maidens known as Valkyries. Phoebe also discovers she is an empath, where she can feel people's emotions, much to the worry of Chris . The Charmed Ones disguise themselves as Valkyries and infiltrate Valhalla to try to rescue Leo. In order for them to get close to him, they must convince the Valkyries that they are one of them. While Phoebe and Paige go to Darryl to borrow his soul, Chris kills a Valkyrie by crushing her heart through his telekinetic power, to possess a Valkyrie's necklace. The sight of Leo causes Piper's pain to come flooding back, prompting her to stay behind on the island to forget the pain while everyone else escapes. Three fallen warriors follow Paige and Phoebe across dimensions to San Francisco and wreak havoc on the city. Phoebe has to control her new power in order to convince Piper that she belongs with her sisters, not the Valkyries. Meanwhile, Paige takes a job as a dog walker and is amazed when one of her dogs is transformed back into a man. Leo later uncovers evidence that Chris had killed two Valkyries, but opts not to use it because Chris had finally earned the Charmed Ones' trust." ]
[ "[Scene: On the beach. A KQSF Beach Bash is taking place. Smash Mouth is performing on a stage. A large crowd of people in swimwear are dancing along. The song ends and everyone cheers. Phoebe and Chad the DJ, are sitting under a canvas shade shelter holding microphones.]", "Chad: Give it up for Smash Mouth! Let's here it, come on! Hanging Chad coming back live at the KQSF annual Beach Bash. Winding it up with our special guest, the stunningly, beautiful, Phoebe Halliwell, the Ask Phoebe fame. Okay, so what's your deal? Are you psychic, is that it?", "Phoebe: I'm sorry?", "Chad: I mean, you gotta be don't you? Your column has sky rocketed, all the critics rave about how amazingly insightful your advice is. How else do you explain it?", "Phoebe: I just think I read people really well.", "Chad: Oh, you do, do you? Can you read me?", "(The crowd cheers.)", "Phoebe: I don't know, write a letter and we'll see.", "Chad: Come on, give it a shot.", "Crowd: Yeah!", "Chad: You guys wanna see her do it, dontcha?", "Crowd: Yeah! (They applaud.)", "Phoebe: Oh, alright, alright. Ah, what do you want advice on?", "Chad: Okay, let's see. There's this woman that I like and I'd like to ask her out but I'm afraid she'll say no. What should I do?", "(Phoebe looks at Chad and thinks.)", "Phoebe: Well, why don't you just ask me and find out?", "(Phoebe laughs. The crowd applauses.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Chris is standing back from the Book of Shadows' stand. He is chewing on a pen as he flips the pages with telekinetic powers. He stops at a page that reads Trok Demon and walks closer to the Book of Shadows. He takes the pen out of his mouth and writes something down on a notepad. Suddenly, a portal opens up in the attic and Mist, a Valkyrie walks out of it.]", "Chris: Hey, are you out of your mind? What are you doing here?", "Mist: Freyja sent me. She wants to know what's taking so long.", "Chris: Freyja? You know, for a mythical character she sure does worry a lot.", "Mist: She's not the only one who's worried. He's an Elder, Chris. How much longer do you really expect us to keep him?", "Chris: Don't tell me he's complaining.", "Mist: Yes, a lot, actually.", "Chris: I don't believe it. Banish the guy to an island filled with beautiful women and he still complains. I can't win.", "Mist: How much longer?", "Chris: Until I'm ready. Look, I'm sorry but I haven't finished what I came here to do yet. And I need Leo out of the way until I can. More importantly, the sisters can't find him before I'm ready or else...", "Mist: I know. We all understand the risks.", "Chris: I'd never hurt you, Mist. (He moves closer to her.) You know that.", "Mist: You would if you had to. I know that too.", "Piper: (from downstairs) Chris, are you up there?", "Chris: You better go.", "(They kiss.)", "Mist: Please... (the portal opens) Hurry.", "(Mist walks into the portal and it closes. Piper walks in carrying a basket of laundry.)", "Piper: Hey, do you have any laundry?", "Chris: Ahh... (He seems distracted.) No. No. I'm good, thanks. I'm gonna get your sisters though. You have another demon to vanquish.", "Piper: Okey-dokey.", "(She leaves the room.)", "[Scene: On the beach. Chad is pouring some juice into a cup at the refreshment table. Phoebe walks up to him.]", "Phoebe: Hi. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you back there.", "Chad: Hey, I'm just glad it was only on the radio.", "Phoebe: I don't know why I answered like that. It was...", "Chad: Dead on, that's what it was. It's exactly what I was feeling. Nervous about asking you out.", "Phoebe: Really? You were? Well, then maybe I should ask you out and just take the pressure off. Oh! (laughs) I just don't know what's the matter with me. It's gotta be the heat or something.", "(Chris orbs in behind a van near by.)", "Chad: Bayview Cafe, say 1:00?", "Phoebe: I'll be there.", "(Chris comes out from behind the van and walks towards Phoebe.)", "Chris: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Chris, what are you doing here?", "Chad: Um, listen, I gotta get back. Don't be late.", "Phoebe: I won't be.", "(Chad walks away. Phoebe raises her eyebrows at Chris.)", "Chris: Trok Demon, remember?", "Phoebe: Oh, Chris, get a life.", "Chris: Come on.", "Phoebe: Uff.", "[Scene: Neighbourhood. Paige is running down the sidewalk holding onto five dog leads. She is having trouble controlling the dogs.]", "Paige: Stop! Stop! Please? (She lets go of the leads and the dogs run down the sidewalk.) Sit! Heal! (She looks around and then orbs out. She orbs back in in front of the dogs.) Stop! (The dogs stop.) I gotta get a real job.", "(She picks up the leads. Chris orbs in behind her.)", "Chris: Trok Demon.", "Paige: What now? Can't you see I'm working?", "(A bulldog starts humping Paige's leg.)", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe's there. Chris and Paige orb in with the five dogs.]", "Phoebe: Alright, can we get this started because I have to go... (She notices the dogs.) Where did they come from?", "Paige: He wouldn't let me take them back first.", "Phoebe: Back?", "Paige: Yeah, I'm a... dog walker. The temp agency messed up.", "Chris: Okay, do you guys mind? We have to summon the Trok Demon while he's still on our plane. Piper!", "Phoebe: Oh, Chris, lighten up. Sending us after all these demons is getting to be a real drag.", "Paige: Yeah, you're working us like dogs.", "Chris: I don't see Piper complaining.", "Phoebe: No, because Piper doesn't complain about anything anymore. Ever since Leo left to become an Elder, all she does is walk around the house all... chipper.", "Chris: So?", "Paige: So, it's unusual. What's worse, it's not Piper.", "(Piper walks down the stairs carrying Wyatt. She's on the phone.)", "Piper: I'd love to have a play date. Maybe we could call Jenny and she can bring baby Josie. And then I'll bring the juice and maybe bake some muffins and... (She sees the dogs.) Aww, how cute!", "(She walks into the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: She's getting worse.", "Paige: Definitely.", "Phoebe: (to Chris) Do you have a spell?", "Chris: Right out of the book. (He hands her a piece of paper.) After you summon him, make sure Piper freezes him. Otherwise you'll never get the spell off.", "Paige: Here, take these guys to the attic, they'll be fine there.", "Chris: Wait, me?", "Paige: Yeah, you. Go.", "(She hands Chris the leads and the dogs pull him upstairs. Piper walks in all cheery. She's wearing an apron.)", "Piper: Alrighty, are we ready?", "Paige: Alrighty.", "Piper: Phoebe, have I told you how much I love your new 'do. It's fabulous.", "Phoebe: Very chipper. Okay, let's do this. You take this. (Phoebe hands Paige the spell. Piper grins. Phoebe closes her eyes and concentrates. Suddenly, a two-headed demon with one eye on each head appears.) Piper, freeze him. (Piper blows off one of his heads. He whimpers. Piper giggles.) What did you do that for?", "Piper: I don't know, I didn't mean to.", "(The Trok Demon roars and sends the girls flying across the room. They land on the floor. Phoebe grabs the spell.)", "Phoebe: \"From other worlds far and near, let's get him the Trok, out of here.\" (The Trok Demon bursts into flames and is vanquished. Piper smiles.) Is everybody okay?", "Piper: Yeah, that was awesome.", "(Phoebe rolls her eyes.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Paige walks in with her hand against her shoulder. Chris follows her in.]", "Paige: What kind of Whitelighter can't heal?", "Chris: For the record, you can't heal either.", "Paige: I'm half-whitelighter. How come you didn't tell us about this before we hired you?", "Chris: Because you didn't hire me. I was assigned by the Elders.", "(Phoebe walks in carrying a tube of cream.)", "Phoebe: Any other little surprises you would like the share with us?", "Chris: No. (Phoebe sits down beside Paige.) Look, I haven't been a Whitelighter very long, okay? And healing, it's big, and takes a little while to learn how to do.", "(Phoebe dabs some cream on Paige's shoulder.)", "Phoebe: Great. Student-lighter.", "Paige: Okay, you could've told us about this like, I don't know, maybe a month ago.", "Phoebe: Well, I know one thing for sure, we're gonna stop all this demon fighting for a while.", "Chris: Wait, why?", "Piper's Voice: Can somebody please fold the towels in the dryer when it's done?", "Phoebe: That's why.", "(Piper walks in carrying Wyatt and her purse.)", "Piper: I put a casserole in the oven, you can check it in about an hour or so. I will be at the club if you need me. Have fun!", "(Piper leaves.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god, she is so sad.", "Paige: Sad? Where are you getting sad from?", "Chris: How about this. Three more demons, then we can talk about taking a little break.", "Paige: What, do you have a quota or something?", "Chris: Look, I've already told you this before. I know from future knowledge that a demon is gonna come after Wyatt. These are all pre-empted strikes.", "Phoebe: Okay, look, Chris, we like you a lot. But we have been doing this a lot longer than you have. Trust me, you have to pace yourself and you gotta let us have a life. (She looks at her watch.) Ooh, speaking of which, I have to go get ready for my lunch date.", "(She stands up.)", "Paige: Oh, I didn't know your boss was back in town.", "Phoebe: No, it's not with Jason, it's with Chad, the DJ, who I'm not really interested in.", "Chris: Two demons, how about that? Two.", "Phoebe: No, Chris. And especially not until we figure out what's wrong with Piper, and more importantly Piper's powers.", "Paige: I swear, I think Leo did something to her before he left.", "Phoebe: You know what? I think it's about time we orb him down here and ask him.", "Chris: I don't think that's possible.", "Phoebe: Well, then make it possible. Look, even if he doesn't care about Piper as his wife, as an Elder he at the very least should care about what happened to her powers.", "Chris: I can't.", "Paige: Yeah, you can. You just go up there and tell him to get his butt down here.", "Chris: That's not why I can't. Look, I didn't wanna tell you this because I didn't want to worry you two but... Leo's missing.", "Phoebe: What?", "Paige: Missing? How long?", "Chris: Since the last time you saw him. Anyway, the Elders think he's been kidnapped.", "Phoebe: By whom?", "[Scene: A war zone. A helicopter flies past. Soldiers pull wounded men onto a jeep. It drives away. One soldier runs towards a burning jeep and gets shot multiple times. He falls to the ground. He lifts his head to see a portal open up in front of him. Mist walks out of the portal.]", "Soldier: What the...", "Mist: Shhh. It's alright. You don't have to be afraid. You're one of the chosen few. (The soldier dies and his spirit rises out of his body. The spirit stands up and looks at himself, confused.) Don't worry, I promise you'll understand soon enough.", "(She removes the lid off a small bottle and the spirit is sucked into it. She puts the lid back on and steps back into the portal.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. There are toddlers there playing with toys. Piper walks over to the bar with Darryl and Sheila following her.]", "Sheila: You are amazing, Piper.", "Piper: Sorry?", "Sheila: I mean, seriously, I don't know how you do it. I mean, I could barely take care of myself when little Darryl was a baby, let alone run a day care.", "Piper: Well, you know, nobody was using the club during the day anyway and I was running out of room at home with all of Wyatt's play dates.", "Sheila: Well, I think it's great, really. I mean, especially with everything you're going through.", "(Darryl and Sheila look at each other.)", "Piper: What?", "Darryl: Sheila's just been a little concerned about you lately. You know, with Leo and all.", "Sheila: I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you. Do you ever even talk to him?", "Piper: Oh, no, it's probably against the rules. But, you know, no use crying over spilt milk, and besides, you know, I've just got to push ahead for Wyatt. Well, better get these treats to the little ones. (She picks up a tray of snacks.) Um, is Darryl junior staying late?", "Darryl: Yeah.", "Sheila: Uh, yeah, yeah.", "Piper: Super. (Piper walks over to the toddlers.) Hey, guys.", "Darryl: I gotta get back to the station.", "(Phoebe and Paige walk in.)", "Phoebe: Hi, guys.", "Sheila: Hey.", "Darryl: Hi.", "(Phoebe looks at Sheila.)", "Phoebe: Whoa. What's the matter?", "Sheila: Sorry?", "Phoebe: Something's bothering you, I can tell.", "Paige: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: What? Oh, sorry.", "Darryl: So, Piper's doing fine, huh?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but you don't think she is.", "Paige: Don't mind her she's just being a little annoying. Um, would you excuse us for a second?", "Sheila: Yeah, sure.", "Darryl: Yeah.", "Sheila: See you later.", "(Darryl and Sheila leave.)", "Paige: What is going on with you?", "Phoebe: I don't know, it's weird. Lately I've just been feeling a lot of weird vibes, I don't know what it is.", "Paige: Vibes? Check it out, I can really, really only deal with one whacked out sister at a time.", "Phoebe: Huh, got it.", "Paige: Piper? (They walk over to Piper.) Piper, you got a minute?", "Piper: Uh, can't it wait?", "Phoebe: No, actually, it can't. It's about Leo.", "Piper: Oh, did he call?", "Paige: Not exactly.", "Phoebe: There's no easy way to break this to you so I'm just going to come out and say it. Leo's missing. We just found out that the Elders haven't heard from him since he left us to join them.", "Piper: Wow.", "Phoebe: So did he happen to say anything to you the last time you saw him that could potentially help?", "Piper: No. All I remember him saying is that he was leaving to become an Elder and I wished him good luck.", "Phoebe: That's it? That was your big goodbye?", "Piper: Yeah, as far as I can remember. But I wouldn't worry about it too much, he'll turn up sooner or later. Excuse me.", "(Piper turns back to the babies.)", "Paige: So much for that shocking her back into reality, huh?", "Phoebe: Unfortunately, I think only Leo can do that.", "[Scene: An island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. A beautiful rainforest. Mist walks down a path into a clearing. Men are there training to fight. Some are making weapons. Mist walks past a Valkyrie Trainer.]", "Valkyrie Trainer: Greetings, Mist. (One of the men training flips in mid-air. He falls on his butt. The Valkyrie Trainer helps him up.) You under rotated. Now watch.", "(She flips in mid-air and lands on her feet.)", "[Cut to Mist. She is walking through the rainforest. Two other Valkyries, Freyja and Kara wander out of the shrubs. Freyja, the head Valkyrie, kisses Mist on each cheek.]", "Freyja: You were gone a while, Mist. I was beginning to worry.", "Mist: I wanted you to be pleased.", "(Mist opens the small bottle a releases the soldiers spirit.)", "Kara: Cute. But can he fight?", "Mist: Like no other.", "Freyja: We'll see.", "Soldier: Am I in heaven?", "Freyja: Warrior heaven. Until I see how well you go against our champion, anyway.", "(She blows on the soldier and he becomes corporeal.)", "[Cut to a cave. A large cage is there. The soldier is thrown into it. A Valkyrie waves her hand and it locks. Six Valkyries including Freyja and Mist sit across the room, watching.]", "Soldier: What do you want from me?", "Freyja: We want you to fight.", "(A man wearing leather armor, a metal helmet and wielding a sword and shield walks into the cage. He kicks up a shield and the soldier catches it. The two men fight. The man slashes the soldier across his stomach and he falls to the ground.)", "Freyja: He fought well enough. Heal him, get him into training.", "(They all stand up. One Valkyrie opens the cage and grabs the soldier.)", "Valkyrie: Come.", "Man: What about me?", "(The man tears off his helmet. It's Leo.)", "Leo: I don't belong here and you know it!", "Freyja: No? You're an Elder aren't you? You have much to teach my warriors.", "(Leo looks around at the cage.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Chris is looking out the window. Paige is scrying for Leo on three maps - a map of San Francisco, the world, and the solar system. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Where exactly are you trying to find Leo? Jupiter?", "Paige: Well, when an Elder gets kidnapped, they're probably not gonna just take him to Chinatown, right? I think everything is game, even the cosmos.", "Phoebe: Still, I don't see how the crystal's gonna find him. Especially not without something of his to focus it better.", "(Paige picks up one of Leo's shirts.)", "Paige: I've got one of his plaid shirts.", "Phoebe: I was thinking something a little more special than that.", "Paige: Leo loved those shirts. His entire closet's full of them.", "(Phoebe suddenly turns to Chris.)", "Phoebe: What's your problem?", "(He looks around.)", "Chris: Huh?", "Phoebe: You're nervous, I can feel it.", "Paige: Hm, watch your vibes.", "(Phoebe walks over to Chris.)", "Chris: I just think you guys should be focusing on helping Piper, not Leo.", "Phoebe: Ha, I was right.", "Paige: Hey, finding Leo could help us with Piper.", "Chris: Well, then you better find another way because you are not gonna find him. (There's silence.) I mean, you haven't found him yet have you? I'm telling you, you've just got to leave it up to the Elders, alright? Just let it go.", "Paige: Let it go? He's Wyatt's father.", "Phoebe: And our brother-in-law.", "Chris: Ex-brother-in-law. Look, I'm just trying to get you two to focus on your sister here. That's all. Because with her powers messed up, you guys are all at risk.", "Paige: He's right.", "Phoebe: I know. But if Leo did do something to block Piper's pain, how do we unblock it without him?", "(Paige gets an idea.)", "Paige: A magical laxative.", "Phoebe: Okay, eww.", "Paige: But think about it. If we can write a spell to help her remember her pain, I don't know, it could even help us find Leo. (Phoebe picks up the phone and dials a number.) Who are you calling? Spells-R-Us?", "Phoebe: No, I'm calling the Bayview Cafe. I'm gonna cancel my lunch date with Chad, which I'm already late for.", "Voice on Phone: Bayview Cafe.", "Phoebe: Hi, can I speak to Chad Carson please? I was supposed to meet him for...", "Voice on Phone: Yes, he couldn't make it.", "Phoebe: What?", "Voice on Phone: He called and he cancelled.", "Phoebe: He cancelled?", "Voice on Phone: Yes.", "Phoebe: Wait, are you sure? 'Cause he didn't even call...", "Voice on Phone: He told us to let you know that he's very sorry.", "(Phoebe hangs up.)", "Phoebe: Huh! He stood me up.", "Chris: Wait, weren't you just calling to cancel on him?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I called him. That's cancelling. He called the restaurant. That's standing up.", "(Paige nods in agreement.)", "Chris: Oh.", "Phoebe: This doesn't make any sense, I don't understand. He liked me, he really liked me, I felt it.", "Paige: Well, um, excuse me, it didn't seem like your heart was in it anyway. (Phoebe puts down the phone and heads for the door.) Where are you going? We have a spell to write.", "Phoebe: And I have a DJ to grill.", "[Scene: On the beach. KQSF Beach Bash. A man is cooking sausages on a barbeque. He places a sausage on Chad's hot dog bun.]", "Cook: Here you go, Chad.", "Chad: Thanks, Billy.", "(Phoebe walks up to Chad.)", "Phoebe: Hey, I hear they have hotdogs at the Bayview Cafe.", "Chad: Phoebe, what are you doing here?", "Phoebe: That's funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.", "Chad: Listen, I can explain.", "Phoebe: That's good, because that's why I'm here. I was just hoping you could help me understand something that's baffled women since the beginning of time. Why don't men call after they ask us out? And why do they cancel at the last minute and even worse, stand us up.", "Chad: Look, I'm sorry, but I had something really important come up.", "(Phoebe gets a vibe.)", "Phoebe: Are you intimidated by me?", "Chad: What?", "Phoebe: Because you weren't intimidated by me when you asked me out.", "Chad: Hold on, you asked me out, remember?", "Phoebe: Oh, wait, are you saying that you didn't want me though? Because I know you did, I felt it.", "Chad: Whoa, wait a minute.", "(Phoebe gets another vibe.)", "Phoebe: You don't like successful women.", "Chad: I gotta go.", "Phoebe: Wait, are you telling me that everything I've worked so hard for in my life, everything I've fought to achieve makes me less attractive to men? Because if that's what you're saying I just... (A little girl falls off her bike near by and scraps her knee. She starts to cry. Her mother tries to calm her.) Just hurts. It hurts so much.", "Little Girl: It hurts so much, mummy!", "Chad: Don't you think you're overreacting just a little?", "Phoebe: No I don't! (She calms down.) Actually, yeah, I do.", "Little Girl: It hurts so much, mummy!", "(Phoebe looks at the little girl and realises something.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige is on the phone. The bulldog starts humping her leg.]", "Paige: Sir, what does it matter when I bring the dogs home? Their owners aren't there, that's why I got the job in the first place. (to the bulldog) Why don't you go hump a dog. Did you ever think of that? (on the phone) No, not you, sir. (The other dogs tear up the attic, pulling things apart and jumping on tables.) Look, you know, when I came to the agency, I really went with the idea that I would be helping, you know, people, not animals. And what I really mean to say is that it's, sir, it is time for me to strike out on my own. Yeah, I'll have the dogs back in an hour.", "(She hangs up.)", "Chris: (from downstairs) Piper's home!", "Paige: Coming!", "[Cut to downstairs. Chris is carrying a baby in a bassinet. Paige comes down the stairs.]", "Paige: Hey, who's that?", "Chris: Ask her.", "(Chris walks into the conservatory. Piper walks into the hallway.)", "Piper: Hi, how's it going?", "Paige: How's it going? Uh, what are you doing? (Piper picks up another baby in a bassinet.) Who's babies are these?", "Piper: Well, their mummies couldn't pick them up in time so I offered to bring them home for a while.", "Paige: Oh, you did? Um, what about, you know, Leo?", "Piper: I don't know, what about him? (They walk into the conservatory where Wyatt and the other baby is in a playpen.) Look, Wyatt, look who's here. Another friend for you to play with.", "(Chris notices Paige holding onto a piece of paper.)", "Chris: Is that the memory spell?", "Paige: Yeah.", "(Piper puts the second baby in the playpen.)", "Piper: And she can stay as long as she likes.", "Chris: Cast it.", "Paige: \"Powers and emotions tide, a witch's heart is where it hides, help her through her agony, bless her with her memory.\" (A white mist rises out of Piper. She stands up.) Piper? Are you okay?", "(She turns around.)", "Piper: I'm sorry, do I know you?", "(Paige laughs.)", "Paige: Very funny.", "(Piper looks at Wyatt.)", "Piper: Aww, cute. Yours?", "Paige: No, yours.", "Piper: Mine? What do you mean? Wait, who am I? What am I doing here?", "Chris: Great, Paige, you didn't restore her memory, you erased it.", "Paige: That's impossible, it's a good spell, I know it. Unless it interacted badly with Leo's magic.", "(A fly buzzes around Piper and she waves her arm around. She accidentally blows up a window. She gasps and the babies cry.)", "Piper: What happened? How did that happen?", "Paige: Uh, it's okay, you're gonna be okay.", "Chris: Just don't point at anything, okay? Just keep your hands down. Like this, okay?", "Piper: Can somebody please tell me what's going on.", "Paige: We're gonna tell you that. Just as soon as we know ourselves. (Paige takes Piper into the living room.) Okay, you come in here and you have a seat and, uh, take a load off. And, um, keep those arms down. (She walks back into the conservatory.) Oh my goodness. Okay, don't freak out because magic got us into this and magic'll get us out. (Wyatt cries loudly. Paige looks over at him. Suddenly, the baby's pacifier orbs out of her mouth and orbs into Wyatt's mouth.) Did you see that?", "Chris: See what?", "Paige: Wyatt. He orbed his pacifier.", "Chris: What?", "Paige: I think I know how to find Leo.", "Chris: Leo? Will you please forget about Leo.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper is there. Phoebe rushes in all excited. Piper jumps up.]", "Phoebe: Piper! Hi! You're never gonna believe this. I think I have a new power. It would certainly explain a lot of my weird behaviour lately like why I wanted to date Chad, why my advice has been so amazingly accurate. I know, this is huge, right? Huge. So what's my new power you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Um, do you remember that empath we helped a couple of years ago? That guy that could feel what other people were feeling?", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: Uh, Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Just a sec. I think that's what I am now. An empath. I am an empath. That's my new power. Or at least an advancement of my premonition power, I don't know.", "Chris: Neither does she, I'm afraid. No that is, anything. Paige erased her memory.", "Piper: Can you blow things up to?", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Oh, boy. Paige! (She and Chris go into the conservatory where Paige is holding onto Wyatt while scrying.) What did you do to our sister? Oh, you poor dear. You feel awful about it, don't you? I'm so sorry.", "Paige: Thanks, I think.", "Chris: That's it? That's all the ass kicking you're gonna go out? You're supposed to be sisters.", "Phoebe: She's clearly devastated about this.", "Chris: But you can't let her off the hook. You need enough guilt to get her to fix it.", "(The crystal points to the Indian Ocean on the map.)", "Paige: I think I just fixed it. I think we just found Leo.", "Phoebe: We?", "(Paige stands up.)", "Paige: Yep, Wyatt and me. I mean, nothing's more important to Leo than him, right? (She puts Wyatt back in the playpen.) There you go, big boy. Let's go.", "Chris: Go? Go where? It's pointing to the middle of the Indian Ocean.", "Paige: There must be something there, I trust Wyatt.", "Chris: No, this is crazy.", "Phoebe: Chris, she's feeling really strongly about this. (Phoebe stands beside Paige and Paige puts her arm around her.) I have a new power. I'll explain on the way.", "Paige: (to Chris) Oh, hey, can you take the dogs back for me? The addresses are in the book.", "Chris: No, there's no way. (Paige orbs out with Phoebe. Chris kicks one of Wyatt's toys across the room. Wyatt's force field appears around himself.) If anyone should be protecting themselves, it's me from you.", "(Piper walks in and looks at a cabinet. She sees her and Leo's wedding photo.)", "[Cut to an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Phoebe and Paige are walking down a path in the rainforest.]", "Paige: It's so beautiful here, it's like paradise. But why isn't it on the map?", "Phoebe: They obviously don't want anyone to know it exists. Like the island has some sort of magical camouflage or something.", "Paige: That's a hell of a lot of magic.", "Male Voice: Over there.", "(Phoebe and Paige hide in the bushes. Three men run down the path, past where Phoebe and Paige are hidden. Once gone, Phoebe and Paige come out of the bushes.)", "Paige: That was close, I hope they're not looking for us. (Phoebe gets a vibe and pushes Paige on the ground. She rolls on top of Paige and pushes her elbow on Paige's throat.) Are you out of your mind? (Phoebe gets out of her vibe and helps Paige stand up. Paige coughs.) I know you're upset about the memory spell, but this is ridiculous.", "Phoebe: I'm so sorry. I must have tapped into what they were feeling.", "Paige: Okay, well let them kill me, not you. Let's go look for Leo.", "[Cut to the cave. Phoebe and Paige walk in and look around.]", "Paige: Anything?", "(Leo races into the cage.)", "Leo: Phoebe, Paige.", "Phoebe: Leo! Oh my god.", "Paige: I can't believe it.", "Leo: I can't tell you how good it is to see you guys. Hey, you cut your hair.", "Phoebe: (happily) Yeah, yeah, you like it?", "Paige: Hello, people.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "Paige: What are you doing in here anyway?", "Leo: Somebody put me here, that's what. (Two Valkyries run in.) Watch out!", "(The girls turn around and the Valkyries fling them across the room with telekinetic powers. The Valkyries run over to them and they start fighting. The Valkyries hold Paige and Phoebe up against the wall by their necks. Leo grabs two swords and throws them at the Valkyries, stabbing them in the back. They fall to the ground.)", "Phoebe: Oh, oh, thank you.", "(They go back over to Leo.)", "Paige: Wow, Leo, I didn't know you had it in you.", "Leo: I've changed. You need to get out of here before the other Valkyries find you. If you orbed in here, they've already been alerted, believe me.", "Phoebe: Valkyries? Who are they and what do they want with you?", "Leo: You can't orb out from here, it's protected. (They hear voices.) You need to get out of here now. Go, run!", "Phoebe: We'll be back.", "(Phoebe and Paige run out of the cage and orb out. The Valkyries run in and see the two other Valkyries dead. They look at Leo.)", "Leo: I told you, I don't belong here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Dining Room. Phoebe, Paige, Chris and the bulldog are there. Paige is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Chris: You could have been killed, you know that? Huh? What were you thinking?", "Paige: We were thinking of finding Leo, which we actually did if that matters to you.", "Phoebe: What was up with that skirt he was wearing?", "Paige: At least the skirt wasn't plaid.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Chris: I don't believe this. It's like neither of you guys are taking this very seriously. (The bulldog barks at Chris.) Hey, do you mind?", "Paige: Well, I can't help it if he doesn't like you. Hey, you were supposed to take him back home anyway.", "Chris: I tried but the owners weren't there. Besides, the dog, he's not my job, he's yours.", "Paige: I know, don't remind me. (The dog growls.) Hey, Oscar, lay down.", "(Oscar walks over and lays down beside Paige.)", "Phoebe: Aw, look, Paige, I think he likes you.", "Paige: Yeah, great, don't tell me you can read his feelings now too.", "Phoebe: No, but if I start licking your toes, run. Where's Piper?", "Chris: I put her in her room hoping that it might jog her memory. Since nobody else seems to be trying to.", "(Paige finds the Valkyries in the Book of Shadows.)", "Paige: Here it is. \"Valkyries. A powerful race of demigoddesses who scout the battle grounds for dying warriors.\"", "Phoebe: \"Then take their souls to Valhalla where they prepare them for the final world battle.\"", "Paige: Valkyries, huh?", "Phoebe: Does that mean they're good?", "Paige: How can they be good if they've got Leo?", "Phoebe: And how did they even get Leo? He's not a dying warrior, he's an Elder.", "Chris: Look, why don't you guys concentrate on helping Piper and I'm gonna go fill in the Elders and see what they wanna do.", "Phoebe: But Chris, we don't have time for that. We have to go back for Leo now.", "Chris: Why? It doesn't sound like he's in any sort of trouble.", "Paige: He's only stuck in a cage.", "Phoebe: They tried to kill us when we tried to save him.", "Chris: My point exactly. It's too dangerous, you're not going back.", "Phoebe: Wait, let me get this straight. Are you telling me that you'd rather just let Leo rot there? Is that what you're saying?", "Chris: No, but...", "Paige: He needs our help.", "Phoebe: Not to mention, he may be the only way we have to save Piper.", "(Chris sighs.)", "Chris: You can't orb into Valhalla undetected. The only way to get there safely is with a Valkyries pendant. But that still won't get you close enough to Leo. He's too well guarded now.", "Paige: How do you know all this?", "Chris: I've crossed paths with Valkyries before. In the future. Anyway, I can get you the pendants but the only way to get close to Leo is by proving to the Valkyries you're one of them.", "Phoebe: How are we supposed to do that?", "Chris: Easy. Just arrive with a warrior's soul.", "Paige: Oh! Easy.", "Phoebe: Where are we supposed to find a warrior's soul?", "Chris: Beats me.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "[Scene: Sewer. A cop is shot. He falls to the ground. The shooter runs out. A portal opens and a Valkyrie walks out of it.]", "Leysa: It's alright, you don't have to be afraid. You're a brave warrior. I'll take care of you.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: I don't think so, Leysa. Not this time.", "Leysa: What are you doing here?", "Chris: My plans have changed unfortunately. The witches, they found Leo sooner than I would have liked.", "Leysa: That's not my problem. We kept our end of the deal.", "Chris: I know. And I'm forever grateful. But I can't risk them finding out what I'm up to. I'm truly sorry. (He tightens his fist and Leysa gasps. She grabs her chest and falls to the floor. Chris walks over to her and takes her necklace.) Forgive me. (Leysa vanishes. Chris kneels beside the wounded cop. He lifts his arm and hesitates. He takes the cop's radio.) Officer down. Eighth avenue sewer, we need an ambulance.", "[Scene: Alley. Darryl leads a criminal out of a building into the alley.]", "Criminal: You ain't got nothin' on me.", "Darryl: Shut up. (He take him over to the car.) Get in there. (Phoebe and Paige orb in near by and waves him over.) Wait here.", "Criminal: Yeah, like I'm going anywhere.", "(Darryl shuts the door and goes over to the girls.)", "Darryl: Are you out of your mind? What are you doing here?", "(He leads them further down the alley.)", "Phoebe: Darryl, we need your help.", "Darryl: Does this have anything to do with you asking Sheila to watch Wyatt? She just called.", "Phoebe: Yes, actually. But we don't have a lot of time. It's about Leo.", "Darryl: You found him?", "Paige: Actually, yeah, we did.", "Phoebe: And we need your help to save him.", "Darryl: Sure, you know that, just ask, anything.", "Phoebe: Great! We just need to borrow your soul for a couple of hours.", "Paige: Yeah, we'll get it right back.", "Phoebe: It's perfectly safe, really. You're body will just slip into a coma and as long as we get your soul back in time...", "Paige: Which we will.", "Phoebe: You'll be fine. Just a little headache, that's all. What do you say?", "(Silence.)", "Darryl: You're serious, aren't you?", "Phoebe: Please, Darryl, it's the only way we can save Leo.", "Darryl: No! I ain't doing it.", "Phoebe: Darryl, please.", "Darryl: No, absolutely not! Listen, I love Leo like a brother but you know, there's a limit to what you ask me to do.", "(He turns and walks off mumbling to himself. Paige throws a potion at him and his body drops to the ground, leaving just his soul walking along.)", "Paige: Uh, Darryl?", "Darryl: What?", "(He turns around. Paige points to his body on the ground.)", "Darryl: Oh. That's just great.", "(Phoebe opens a small bottle and his soul gets sucked into it. She puts on the lid.)", "Phoebe: I hope this works.", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Piper and Chris are there. ]", "Chris: Just remember everything I told you and you'll be fine, okay?", "(He places the Valkyrie's necklace around Piper's neck and it glows. She turns into a Valkyrie herself and is now wearing a leather skirt and sleeveless top. Phoebe and Paige orb in.)", "Phoebe: Okay, we got the... Oh my god, what did you do to Piper?", "Chris: I turned her into a Valkyrie. And convinced her she's one too. Actually, it wasn't that hard really, considering the fact that her mind is basically a blank.", "Paige: But why?", "Chris: Because you might need the power of three to get Leo out of Valhalla and this is the only way you'll get her in Valhalla.", "Phoebe: Well, if Piper ever gets her memory back, she's gonna kill you.", "Chris: Why?", "Phoebe: Because she hates wearing those costumes as much as we do.", "Paige: Mm-hmm.", "Chris: Yeah, well, in that case, you're gonna kill me too.", "(He holds out two more Valkyrie necklaces. Paige's eyes widen.)", "[Cut to Valhalla. Rainforest path. A portal opens and Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk out all wearing Valkyrie outfits.]", "[Cut to the cave. The Valkyries are there. Two pull out a warrior from the cage. Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in.]", "Kara: Can I help you?", "Phoebe: We've brought you a warrior.", "Kara: Warrior?", "Phoebe: Is there a problem?", "Freyja: How come I don't recognise you?", "(Piper steps forward.)", "Piper: Perhaps you'll recognise this. A warrior's spirit worthy of Valhalla.", "(She opens the bottle and Darryl's spirit escapes from it.)", "Freyja: Well done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Valhalla. Cave. Darryl, now corporeal, is thrown into the cage, along with a shield and sword. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are sitting near by. A man offers them some fruit but Phoebe shakes her head.]", "Paige: Not a bad afterlife if you ask me.", "(Darryl looks at the girls.)", "Phoebe: You're doing great, honey.", "(Leo walks into the cage with the helmet on. He sees Darryl and looks at the girls. Paige waves.)", "Paige: Okay, I know how we're gonna save Leo but how are we gonna save Morris?", "Phoebe: I have know idea, that's why they call it winging it.", "Piper: What are you two talking about?", "Phoebe: Nothing.", "(Leo and Darryl walk around the cage.)", "Freyja: What are you waiting for? Attack!", "(Darryl attacks Leo and knocks off his helmet.)", "Piper: Leo?", "Paige: What are we gonna do?", "Phoebe: It's Piper. Her pain is back, do something.", "Paige: Uh, kill him!", "(Leo kicks Darryl and he falls flat on his back. Leo jumps on him and they roll around the floor.)", "Leo: Take the fall.", "Darryl: What fall?", "(Leo head butts Darryl.)", "Leo: Stay down. (Leo stands up and raises his arms.) Yeah!", "(The Valkyries are disappointed.)", "Piper: What is he doing here? What are we doing here?", "Paige: Piper, shh!", "(Phoebe feels her pain.)", "Phoebe: Ow. Do something.", "(Paige stands up.)", "Paige: We just wanted to apologise for sending you such a weak warrior. We can get rid of him for you.", "Mist: Get rid of him?", "Paige: Yeah. You know, like send his spirit onto the hereafter or something.", "Freyja: Very well.", "(The Valkyries go their separate ways. Piper goes up to the cage.)", "Piper: You left me, didn't you?", "Phoebe: Potion, potion. (Paige throws a potion at the door and it opens.) We gotta get out of here.", "(Leo helps Darryl up.)", "[Cut to outside the cave. Leo and Darryl run outside.]", "Leo: It's clear!", "(Phoebe, Piper and Paige walk outside. Phoebe doesn't look so good.)", "Paige: I'll open the portal.", "Phoebe: Uh!", "(Phoebe grabs her chest.)", "Paige: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: It's Piper. Her heart is breaking.", "Leo: Piper...", "Piper: Don't. Stay away from me.", "Leo: I promise I will explain everything when we get home but right now we need to go.", "Piper: Home? We don't have a home. You left us.", "Phoebe: Leo, talk to her!", "Leo: I didn't have a choice. I became an Elder, it's not something that I wanted, it's something that just happened.", "Piper: Yes, see I know all of this. Why didn't I remember it?", "Leo: Because I used my powers so you wouldn't have to. Your anger almost destroyed a city, and then your pain almost destroyed you. I wanted to help you so you wouldn't have to deal with it all at once.", "Piper: So you took my feelings away?", "Leo: No, never. I was gonna reverse the spell slowly so you could feel a little more every day but then somebody did to this to me, somebody put me here so I couldn't. I'm sorry.", "Darryl: Look, I don't wanna rush you two, but we have to go.", "Paige: I have to second that.", "(Piper shakes her head and looks at Phoebe. The empath inside Phoebe kicks in.)", "Phoebe: You b*st*rd. How dare you do this to me. To our son.", "Paige: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: We had a life together, a family and you destroyed it, you destroyed me. You left me alone to raise our son by myself. How could you do this? How could you do this! (She yelled it so loudly that the camp near by hears.) How could you! (Phoebe punches Leo in the face twice. She suddenly stops before she can hit him a third time. She looks at Piper.) I don't feel Piper anymore.", "(They hear voices in the distance.)", "Paige: We have to go.", "(Paige touches her necklace and the portal opens.)", "Phoebe: Come on, Piper, we've gotta go.", "Piper: Go? Go where?", "Paige: Home, hurry.", "(The warriors run down the path.)", "Phoebe: We gotta leave her. Come on.", "(Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Darryl run into the portal leaving Piper behind. Three warriors run in after them. The portal closes. Freyja, Mist and Valkyrie #2 run down the path. They see Piper standing there.)", "To be continued..." ]
Valhalley of the Dolls, Pt 1
[ "After Piper's memories return, she refuses to leave the Island of Valhalla and stays with the Valkyries while the others return home. Phoebe and Paige have to deal with the warriors who followed them back without the help of the Power of Three. After the warriors start attacking innocents across San Francisco, Piper and the other Valkyries arrive to try to stop the attacks. Upon learning of Phoebe's new power, Leo urges her to use it to try and turn Piper back. With the help of the other Elders, Leo tries to discover who sent him to Valhalla." ]
[ "[Scene: Alley. The criminal Darryl put in his car is still there. He is so angry from waiting so long that he is trying to kick down the bars between the front and back seats. A portal opens up near by and Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Darryl walk out of it.]", "Phoebe: Be careful, Darryl's body.", "Darryl: Thank you. Is he... I mean, am I still alive?", "Phoebe: Barely.", "Darryl: Barely?", "Leo: We've gotta go back and get Piper.", "Phoebe: How? By force? She won't come, she's withdrawn.", "Paige: Plus we can't go back now.", "Leo: But we can't just leave her there.", "Phoebe: Leo, they're not gonna hurt her. They need her to get to us.", "Darryl: Listen, about my body...", "Paige: Oh, I'm sorry, you can just step right back in.", "Darryl: That's it? Even though I'm still solid.", "Paige: You're still a spirit, trust me.", "Phoebe: Okay, we gotta go figure out what to do. Thanks again.", "(Phoebe, Paige and Leo orb out.)", "Darryl: Don't mention it. (Darryl walks over to his body and crouches down above it. His spirit is sucked back into his body. He jumps up. A portal opens up in front of him and three warriors walk out.) Great. That's just great.", "(The warriors throw Darryl across the alley and he lands hard on his car.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Paige and Leo orb in. Chris walks into the room.]", "Chris: Geez, it's about time, I was starting to get wor... Where's Piper?", "Leo: You son of a bitch! (Leo punches Chris in the face and pushes him against the wall.) Why'd you do it?", "Chris: Do what?", "(Leo throws him across the room.)", "Paige: Leo, stop it!", "(Chris starts to orb out but Leo grabs him and throws him across the room, hitting a cabinet.)", "Phoebe: Leo, enough! This hostility is killing me.", "Paige: What is wrong with you? You been playing Gladiator too long?", "Leo: You didn't tell them did you?", "Phoebe: Tell us what?", "Leo: That he was the last one to see me. Right afterwards I was mysteriously trapped in Valhalla.", "Chris: Oh, so what, that makes me responsible? Is that what you're saying?", "Paige: Okay, why would Chris do that?", "Leo: Why else? To get rid of me.", "Paige: That doesn't make sense.", "Leo: Doesn't it? He manipulated things so I could become an Elder. Forced me out of the house, didn't he?", "Chris: So you could save the world.", "Phoebe: Alright, Leo, I know how upset you are. And by know, I mean I literally know. But you're way off base here. Chris has been the model Whitelighter since you've been gone. He's done nothing but good.", "Paige: He's sent us after so many demons, if anything, he's been too good.", "Phoebe: He's the reason we were able to save you.", "Chris: You're welcome.", "Leo: Where'd you get the pendants?", "Phoebe: Leo!", "Leo: Alright. Alright. I'll let it go for now. So where's Wyatt? Can I see him?", "Paige: No, you can't, he's staying with Sheila until we can figure out how to rescue Piper.", "Phoebe: Which is gonna be hard because she doesn't want to be saved.", "Paige: Well, if we're gonna save her, it's gonna have to be as witches, not as Valkyries. (They pull off their Valkyrie necklaces and they return to their normal selves.) Book of Shadows?", "Phoebe: Got it.", "(They head for the attic.)", "[Scene: Valhalla. Cave. Piper, Freyja, Mist and Kara are there. Piper is sitting on a chair. Mist is standing beside her waving her arm in front of Piper's face.]", "Freyja: Well?", "Mist: She's Valkyrie. It's not pure. Deep inside I sense...", "Kara: Witch?", "Mist: Yes.", "Kara: I told you, she came with the other witches, she has to be one too.", "Mist: But it's very faint, I can barely read it.", "Kara: Still, she helped to escape the warrior, didn't she?", "Mist: Yes, but she didn't escape with them.", "Kara: Maybe they left her behind.", "Mist: Why would they do that?", "Kara: Because they would've been caught if they hadn't.", "Freyja: Either way she'll be a value to us. She wouldn't be the first witch to convert. And if she has, then we've gained a powerful sister. But if it is just a spell and she's not truly one of us, then we'll use her to lead us to the other two. After all, we can't have anybody knowing where to find us and risking what we do, now can we?", "Kara: What about the warriors who followed them? Aren't you concerned about them being exposed?", "Freyja: They're well trained. They'll know how to avoid it. Besides, hopefully they'll find the witches and take care of the problem for us. What do you think about that?", "(Piper stands up.)", "Piper: I think that if they don't, we will.", "[Scene: Street. Outside a Warehouse. It's dark. The three warriors are there and have just killed several innocent men.]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Chris are there. Paige is looking at the Book of Shadows.]", "Chris: I don't understand. Why don't we just storm the place and find her? It's not like we don't know where she is.", "Leo: Because they'll be expecting you, that's why. It'll be suicide.", "Chris: We got you out safely, didn't we?", "Leo: But it cost us Piper.", "Phoebe: Okay, you guys, would you knock it off. I'm still reeling from Piper's emotions, I don't need this.", "Chris: Sorry.", "Phoebe: So how's it going?", "Paige: I am almost done. Um, I don't mean to burden you with my emotions but I don't quite see how reversing the memory spell's gonna help.", "Phoebe: Piper needs to believe she's a Valkyrie because it's too painful for her to be herself, way too painful, believe me. I almost passed out back there.", "Chris: Well, then believing she's a Valkyrie is the perfect option. To serve the greater good they're always in control. And they don't have to deal with pain or loss.", "Phoebe: Well, that's why we have to make Piper believe she's Piper again. Because if we don't get her back mentally, it won't matter if we get her back physically.", "Paige: Okay, but Piper wasn't exactly back before the spell either.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Paige: Well, that little magical whammy you performed on her kind of, um, backfired.", "Phoebe: Yeah. You see, after you left, Piper was really...", "Paige: Chipper. Yeah. Incessantly, increasingly, annoyingly chipper.", "Phoebe: What she said.", "Leo: I was supposed to make her feel less pain, I guess with me not around to pull it back a little bit, she got happier and happier.", "Paige: Uh, no, psychotically chipper.", "(Chris claps.)", "Chris: Way to go.", "Phoebe: Chris.", "Chris: What?", "Phoebe: Oh, I swear my new power is going to drive me crazy.", "Leo: You'll get the handle of it, just be patient.", "Phoebe: Are you sure? Because I remember Prue almost being destroyed that time she was an empath.", "Leo: Well, she wasn't supposed to become one, you are. Maybe all this with Piper has made it happen a little sooner but you can handle it, I know you can.", "Phoebe: I just wish I knew how to turn it on and off. I feel like I'm at the mercy of everyone else's feelings and it sucks.", "Paige: Bright side? Maybe you can actually find out how Jason feels about you.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but what if it's not good news?", "Paige: Then you dump him before he dumps you. (Phoebe laughs.) Uh, I think the spell's finished. (The doorbell rings. Oscar barks and runs in.) Oh, great.", "Leo: You got a dog?", "Paige: No, I got a career.", "Chris: Sore subject, don't ask.", "(Oscar barks again.)", "Paige: Alright, I'm coming.", "(Phoebe and Paige go downstairs.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe and Paige open the door. Darryl is standing there with cuts and bruises on his face.]", "Phoebe: Oh my god, Darryl, what happened?", "Darryl: I think I just got attacked by Attila the Hun.", "[Scene: Valhalla. Piper, Freyja and Mist are sitting in front of a beautiful waterfall. Kara comes rushing over.]", "Kara: Freyja, I need to speak with you. (They stand up.) In private.", "Freyja: You can speak freely.", "Kara: The warriors have followed the witches. They've killed civilians.", "Mist: What?", "Freyja: Innocents?", "Kara: I don't know. But they turned off the locators.", "Piper: What does that mean?", "Mist: They're trained to do that. When the final battle between good and evil begins.", "Kara: We have to stop them.", "Mist: But how can we? We have no way of finding them in the city.", "Piper: I'm from the city. I can help you find them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Paige, Leo, Chris and Darryl are there. Leo is healing Darryl.]", "Leo: Feeling better?", "Darryl: Yeah. Thanks, it's good to have you back.", "Leo: Thanks for helping me get back.", "Chris: Ah, don't mention it.", "(Phoebe hits Chris on the leg.)", "Phoebe: How long after we left did the warriors show up?", "Darryl: Not long. Maybe a couple of seconds.", "Phoebe: They must have followed us from Valhalla.", "Paige: Great. That means they're after us now.", "Darryl: Except they didn't hang out long enough to ask me where to find you. Granted I was looking through swollen eyes but they just seem lost and confused.", "Chris: So what, they just took off?", "Darryl: Thank goodness they did because...", "Phoebe: We should have never put you in that situation. We should have come up with another way.", "Darryl: Forget it. You know, it worked.", "Chris: Yeah, for you maybe. What about the next poor guy that runs into those warriors? They're trained killers.", "(Oscar jumps into Paige's lap.)", "Paige: Yeah, but they only kill evil.", "Chris: He's not evil.", "Leo: Chris is right. Not everything is black and white in this world. Warriors can't always tell the difference between good and evil.", "Phoebe: What do we do?", "Leo: Well, we need to find them fast.", "Darryl: That shouldn't be too hard, they're gonna stand out. Even to San Francisco.", "Leo: Which is why we need to move fast. If they're exposed, so are the Valkyries.", "Paige: You're awfully forgiving considering everything they put you through.", "Leo: They still have a noble purpose to perform. Keeping their secret is key to them fulfilling it. Besides, it's not the Valkyries fault that I ended up there.", "(He glances over at Chris.)", "Chris: Which bring us back to the warriors.", "Phoebe: And let's not forget about Piper.", "Leo: Maybe we should split up. You should go to the police station. They're gonna show up on the radar screen in a big way.", "(Darryl's pager beeps.)", "Darryl: You know what, the officer's paging me anyway.", "Leo: Alright, make sure you're the first cop on the scene, we might need you to buy us some time.", "Darryl: Okay.", "(Darryl leaves.)", "Phoebe: Uh, maybe I should go to the newspaper and do the same thing.", "Leo: Good idea. Paige...", "Paige: I should take Oscar home before I get fired.", "Leo: You're kidding, right?", "Paige: No, I promised the temp agency I'd have him back in the morning and, huh, it's the morning. Listen, before you say anything, you've been gone, some things have changed and one of those things is that I am determined no more than ever to have a life separate from being a witch.", "Leo: Fine. But now?", "Paige: Yeah. I've already done the reversal spell, can't do it without Piper and we don't know how to get her, so, I'm just an orb away if you need help.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Leo: Paige.", "Phoebe: Let her go. It might seem silly to you but it's important to her, I know.", "Chris: See, it helps to be an empath.", "Phoebe: No, it helps to be a sister. And while we're on that subject, we have to come up with another plan to get Piper out of Valhalla.", "Leo: She's right. Let's go.", "(Leo grabs Chris's arm.)", "Chris: But...", "(Leo orbs out with him.)", "[Scene: Valhalla. Cave. Two warriors walk in.]", "Leo's Voice: Come on, in here.", "Chris: Easy.", "(Leo and Chris walk in.)", "Warrior #1: Who goes there?", "Leo: What's the matter? Don't your recognise me?", "Warrior #1: Leo. But we heard that the witches had broken you out.", "Leo: Disinformation. Enemy's favourite tactic, don't fall for it again.", "Warrior #1: Right, sorry. It's just that everyone's a little on edge, especially since the alert's been sounded again.", "Leo: I know. I caught the intruder. Where's Freyja? She'll want to question him.", "Warrior #1: She's not here. She went after the warriors in the city.", "Leo: And the new Valkyrie, where's she?", "Warrior #1: They took her with her.", "Leo: Alright, then I'll have to question him myself. (Leo grabs Chris and throws him in the cage.) Alone.", "(The warriors leave. Leo gets in the cage with Chris and shuts the door. He picks up two swords.)", "Chris: What are you doing? Leo, what's going on?", "Leo: I am gonna get the truth out of you one way or another. No sisters around here to help you this time. No orbing, no way out. (Chris trips over a skull.) Just you and me.", "(He throws the sword at his feet.)", "Chris: You're joking, right? I mean, shouldn't we be getting back to fill in Phoebe and Paige and find Piper?", "Leo: I already lost Piper. Pick it up.", "Chris: You know, this isn't funny anymore. This isn't very Elder-like either.", "Leo: Being trapped here for five weeks and fighting for my life has changed me a lot. Pick it up.", "Chris: Forget it. (Leo kicks up a shield and Chris catches it. Leo attacks him and he falls to the ground.) I didn't do it. (Chris tries to get up and Leo knocks his sword out of his hand. Leo holds his sword up to Chris's throat.) You can't kill me, I'm a Whitelighter.", "Leo: No? Then why are you sweating? I'm gonna find out the truth. I'm gonna find out who did this to me, I promise. Right now we're gonna go catch up with Phoebe and Paige and have a little chat with the Elders.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the Warehouse. Police have arrived at the crime scene. Piper, Freyja, Mist and Kara walk out of a portal in a near by alley.]", "Kara: This was the last place they were before they turned off their locators.", "Freyja: Why did they do this? This is not what we're training them for.", "Piper: Maybe they were confused by all the evil in the city. It's everywhere.", "Mist: Then how do we find them before they hurt anybody else?", "Piper: I could scry for them.", "Kara: You mean like a witch can?", "Freyja: What do you need?", "Piper: Something of the warriors. The knife.", "(A knife disappears out of the dead man's stomach and reappears in Freyja's hand.)", "Freyja: Anything else?", "(A biker guy walks out of the back door of one of the buildings.)", "Biker Guy #1: Well, hells bells, what have we got here? (He laughs.) What, is there a Xena convention in town or something?", "(He laughs again. Kara steps forward.)", "Kara: On your knees.", "Biker Guy #1: Excuse me? I got a better idea. How about you get on your knees instead.", "(Kara stretches out her arm and the Biker Guy falls to his knees. She moves closer to him.)", "Kara: Who are you to speak to us that way.", "Freyja: Kara.", "Kara: You don't command us. We command you. (Piper walks over to Kara and pushes her arm down.) How dare you.", "Piper: This isn't Valhalla. You don't have dominion over men here.", "(The biker guy runs back inside.)", "Freyja: Then how do you train them? How do they take orders?", "Piper: They don't, they do what they want. (The biker guy comes back out with about a dozen other bikers following him, wielding weapons.) You know, I have an idea of how we can blend in better.", "[Time lapse. Piper, Freyja, Mist and Kara are sitting on the bikers' motorbikes wearing leather clothes. They start them up and drive off, passing tied up bikers. The drive down the street past the crime scene. Darryl looks over and notices Piper.]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in talking on her cell phone.]", "Phoebe: A motorcycle, Darryl? Are you sure? That just is so not Piper. Leo did say that she might be back. Alright, I'll call Paige and you keep an eye... (Jason walks into the room.) Oh my god. (She holds up her phone in front of her face trying to hide behind it. Jason spots her. She puts the phone back against her ear.) Let me call you back, let me call you back. (She hangs up.) Jason! Hi! What are you doing here?", "Jason: Who me? I own the place.", "Phoebe: Right. I work here, that's why I'm... (Jason walks up to her and kisses her passionately. Everyone in the office stops work and stares.) Wh-What was I saying?", "Jason: Did you forget I was flying in today?", "Phoebe: No. Of course I didn't forget that you were flying back today. Just a little scattered, that's all. (She laughs, flustered.) Is the air conditioning not working in here or what?", "Jason: Uh, it feels fine to me. Phoebe, you look great, really. I like your hair.", "Phoebe: Thanks. I like yours too.", "(They walk into Phoebe's office.)", "Jason: Uh, listen, I was gonna go home, unpack, take a shower. But, uh, I was hoping that maybe later we could get together and have some dinner, you know. I know we didn't have anything planned officially but, you know, I was thinking that... (Phoebe grabs Jason and kisses him passionately.) I'm gonna take that as a yes then.", "(Phoebe steps back.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.", "(Jason walks closer to her and she moves away, around her desk.)", "Jason: No? Alright, uh, I just really missed you, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Oh, I know, I can tell. (She backs right around her desk with him following her.) It's just, uh, it's very hard. I-I mean, hard to explain, that kind of hard. You know, not the other kind of hard, you know. Am I making any sense?", "Jason: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: No, no, don't come any closer, it'll just get harder. (She turns to face the door. He comes up behind her and kisses her neck.) Oh, god. I-I-I c-c-can't. P-P-P-Piper.", "(She gives in, turns around and kisses him. Jason looks up and sees the whole office looking in from the hallway. He closes the door. They all groan in disappointment.)", "[Scene: Warehouse. The three warriors are there. The Valkyries and Piper ride in on the motorbikes. The warriors pull out their weapons. Freyja gets off the bike.]", "Freyja: No, wait, it's me. You're making a mistake. (Piper, Mist and Kara get off the bikes too.) This is not the final battle, we've come to take you back to Valhalla.", "Warrior #2: What do you think?", "Warrior #3: I think the enemy wears many masks.", "(The warriors attack.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Street. Paige is taking Oscar for a walk. She's talking on her cell phone.]", "Paige: Well, you're the agency. How could you not know they were leaving town? They abandoned their dog. That, that is animal cruelty, okay? No! I-I can't take care of the dog. I've got responsibilities, pressing ones too. And besides, I need to make a statement to my family. This is not helping here. Hello? Hello? (She hangs up.) What am I doing? (Oscar barks.) Okay, I've just got to trust the universe, things happen for a reason. (Neighbour dogs bark.) What is going on here?", "Male Voice: Bad ass fight, that's what.", "(Paige looks around.)", "Paige: Who said that?", "Male Voice: Whoa, wait, you mean you can here me? (Paige looks down at Oscar. He's talking.) Well, hallelujah, it's about time.", "Paige: Please don't tell me you're talking to me.", "Oscar: Are you kidding? I've been trying to get your attention for two days now. I'm in serious trouble here.", "Paige: Okay, it's okay, Paige. You've dealt with weirder things than this. Maybe, maybe my powers are just advancing, maybe I can understand animals now.", "Oscar: Oh, please, give me a break. Until you accepted that there might be a reason you got this job, you weren't gonna be open to helping me.", "Paige: Help you do what?", "Oscar: Reverse an evil witch's curse and make me human again. Come on, if I'm evil too, it won't work, you know that. What have you got to lose?", "Paige: Well, it's a good point. This day couldn't get much suckier. Okay, here goes. Uh, \"I call upon the Halliwells, I call our powers to undo this spell, make right again that we must, reverse the curse that made this mutt.\"", "(Oscar turns into a tall, good looking guy.)", "Oscar: That's better, thanks.", "Paige: Alright, don't mention it. As long as you don't hump my leg anymore we'll be cool.", "Oscar: Yeah, sorry, it's just what dogs do when they like someone.", "Paige: Oh, that's very sweet. So, why did an evil witch turn you into man's best friend, anyway?", "Oscar: Well, it's kind of complicated. Let's just say there's a million reasons. But let me help you. All those dogs out there? They're barking because there's some serious magic in the air. The kind of magic you might be looking for.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe and Jason pop up from behind her desk. They put their clothes back on.]", "Phoebe: I am so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen.", "Jason: Why not? Why are apologising? You were unbelievable.", "Phoebe: Oh, please don't say it. Just don't.", "Jason: Well, it wasn't just you, you know.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, I know, I just, I, uh, wasn't myself, that's all.", "Jason: I don't understand.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know you don't and that's okay. (She walks to the front of her desk.) As long as you stay on that side of the room everything should be fine. It's the only way I really know what I'm feeling.", "(She sits on a red couch.)", "Jason: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Please, please, please, please, don't.", "Jason: Hey. What's the matter? You can talk to me. We like each other, Phoebe, you don't have to be afraid of that. I'm not gonna hurt you.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Jason: Really. Come here.", "(She gets up and hugs him. She gets a vibe.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, not again!", "Jason: What?", "Phoebe: What do you mean what? Don't think I don't know.", "(There's a knock at the door. Phoebe opens it.)", "Paige: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Paige: Excuse us. You got a minute?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "(Paige pulls Phoebe out into the main office.)", "Paige: What is the matter with you? Weren't you supposed to be...", "Phoebe: Okay, you don't have to yell at me because I can sense how mad you are.", "Paige: Okay, just because you can sense doesn't mean I can't vent.", "Phoebe: Where are we going right now?", "Paige: To find Piper.", "Phoebe: Do you know where she is?", "Paige: Yeah, a little doggy told me.", "(They leave.)", "[Scene: Mechanic Shop. The warriors are fighting with the Valkyries. One of the warriors throws Kara down onto a car. He jumps down beside her. Piper jumps up onto another car and grabs onto a long chain hanging from the roof. She swings across to Kara and just before the warrior can stab Kara, Piper kicks him out of the way.]", "Piper: Come on, get up.", "(Kara looks at Piper, shocked. They continue fighting. Piper uses a Valkyrie power and a hub cap floats to her. She uses it as a shield. Phoebe and Paige orb in near by.)", "Phoebe: Ooh, way to go Piper! (Paige hits her arm.) What? She's good.", "(Piper knocks down one of the warriors and notices Phoebe and Paige.)", "Piper: I'll take care of them.", "(She walks towards them.)", "Phoebe: Reverse the spell! Reverse the spell!", "Paige: Alright. Uh, \"Spell was cast, now make it pass, remove it now, don't ask me how.\"", "(Piper waves her arm and Paige flies across the room.)", "Phoebe: Well, it serves you right. What kind of spell was that? Okay, Piper, I know why you'd rather be one of them. It's because you don't wanna feel pain. But you have to feel the pain because if you can't feel the pain, then you can't feel the good stuff either, you know? Right?", "(Piper kicks Phoebe and Phoebe lands on the floor.)", "Paige: Oh, and that was so much better.", "(A car screeches outside and then Darryl runs in wielding a gun.)", "Darryl: Freeze! Drop your weapons!", "(The warriors and Valkyries stop fighting. One of the warriors pulls out a dagger.)", "Phoebe: Piper!", "(The warrior throws the dagger at Darryl and Piper freezes it just in time. Darryl turns around and looks at the dagger. Freyja opens a portal.)", "Freyja: Now do you believe me? Go, get in. (The warrior grabs the dagger out of mid-air. They step into the portal.) Piper, let's go.", "(Freyja and Mist steps into the portal.)", "Paige: Piper, don't go.", "Kara: Hurry.", "Phoebe: Please.", "(Piper rushes over to the portal and Kara and her step into it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Chris are there.]", "Phoebe: There's gotta be a way to get Piper out of there. I know it.", "Paige: Well, unfortunately the reversal spell as you so kindly pointed out didn't exactly help Piper remember who she was.", "Phoebe: What do the Elders think?", "Chris: They think it had to be a demon who stuck Leo in Valhalla.", "Leo: But they're not sure.", "Chris: Still, it's their leading theory.", "Paige: Guys, this is about Piper.", "Leo: Actually, the Elders believe that your new power is key to helping save Piper.", "Phoebe: My new power? How do they figure? All it's done is make things worse.", "Leo: There's a reason you received it. They... We believe it's to help save Piper. So what exactly did you feel the last time from her?", "Phoebe: Not much.", "Paige: You said you felt something familiar, little things.", "Phoebe: Well, I mean, obviously I felt pain... and desire... to help.", "Paige: Well, she helped Darryl and that wasn't with her Valkyrie powers that was with her Charmed powers.", "Chris: The witch within must still be alive.", "Leo: And that's how you're gonna reach her.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but how? I mean, just because I can feel some glimmer of Piper's feelings doesn't mean she can. She's completely cut off from them.", "Chris: Wait-wait-wait, hold it. Isn't there a spell in the book that allows somebody to feel what you feel? Which in this case will be Piper feeling what you're feeling Piper should be feeling. Did that make sense?", "Paige: Um, frighteningly it did. What about that spell I used on Cole last year. The one to make him sense whether or not you loved him. I could reword it for Piper.", "Phoebe: Actually, that's worth a shot.", "Chris: Problem is you still have to get close to her to try it and that's not gonna be easy.", "Paige: Yeah, especially with Piper's powers.", "Leo: Maybe I could orb you.", "Phoebe: No, Leo, you're the reason she's in this emotional cocoon, you need to stay far away from her. No offence.", "Paige: Well, then the question is how do we get close enough to her without her kicking our butts?", "Phoebe: I can use my new power to counteract hers.", "Chris: How do you figure?", "Phoebe: Well, our powers are emotion based, right? If I can channel Piper's feelings, why can't I channel her powers and then use them against her.", "[Scene: Valhalla. Rainforest. Piper is walking down the path. Phoebe and Paige come out of the bushes. Piper stops.]", "Piper: What are you doing here?", "Phoebe: We're here to take you home.", "(Piper uses her Valkyrie power and Paige flies backwards.)", "Paige: Why does she always pick on me first?", "(Phoebe stares Piper in her eyes. Piper tries to use the Valkyrie power on Phoebe but it barely works. Piper looks at her, confused. She tries again but nothing happens. Phoebe waves her arm and Piper flies backwards. She does it again.)", "Phoebe: Paige, now!", "Paige: \"Open Piper's heart to reveal, that part which only Phoebe feels, send it back from whence it came, but don't protect her from the pain.\"", "(Red sparkly lights leave Phoebe's body and then hits Piper's body. A dozen or so Valkyries run out of the bushes and surround Phoebe and Paige.)", "Piper: No, wait.", "Freyja: Did they harm you?", "Piper: No, they helped me. I know what you do here, I understand its purpose so you can trust that your secret is safe. But I think it's time for me to go home.", "(Freyja smiles.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Night. Phoebe's standing outside Jason's office out of sight. Jason is sitting in his office. They're on their cell phones.]", "Jason: Jason Dean.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Jason: Hi, Phoebe. I was starting to get a little worried. Did you get all my messages?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I did and I'm sorry I didn't call you back but...", "Jason: Let me guess, something came up? You are a mysterious woman, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Is that a bad thing?", "Jason: No, it's a good thing. Except for when I'm trying to figure you out.", "Phoebe: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm having a hard time figuring myself out these days.", "Jason: I'm glad. I mean, I'm, you know, not that you're having trouble, it's just that it's not about me. It's not about me, is it?", "Phoebe: No, it's not about you. It's just that, uh, my feelings have been a little mixed up lately.", "Jason: Well, long distance relationships are not easy.", "Phoebe: No, they're not.", "Jason: So am I gonna see you again before I leave?", "Phoebe: Ah, I want to, I really do but I'm not so sure that's a good idea.", "Jason: I understand. That's a lie, I don't. It's just that my favourite advice columnist once wrote that it's important for guys to be more understanding. So how am I doing?", "Phoebe: You're doing great, really great.", "Jason: So should I call you?", "Phoebe: Yeah, you better call me. Have a safe flight.", "Jason: Thanks.", "Phoebe: Bye.", "Jason: Bye.", "(They hang up.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Chris is there cleaning up the broken cabinet. Paige walks in all dressed up.]", "Paige: Hey, Chris. What are you doing?", "Chris: Wow, you look amazing.", "Paige: Thank you. Um, leave it, I'll help you clean it up tomorrow.", "Chris: It's okay, I don't mind. It's the least I can do.", "Paige: What do you mean, the least you can do?", "Chris: You know, for fighting with Leo.", "Paige: He attacked you, don't worry about it.", "Chris: Yeah, I know, like I said, it's cool.", "(Phoebe walks in through the front door.)", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Paige: Hey. Guess it didn't go that well with Jason?", "Phoebe: Well, I went all the way down there to talk to him and then I figured maybe it wasn't such a good idea that I even see him. At least not until I can control my new power.", "Paige: Judging by how its been going it might be just a little bit.", "Phoebe: I know, but what am I supposed to do? I'm gonna have to figure out how to use it sooner or later. And until then I'm just gonna stay away from horny men.", "Paige: Huh, good luck.", "Chris: Well, at least your power helped save Piper. That's gotta be a good thing, right?", "Paige: Yeah, we'll help her with what she's going through though.", "Phoebe: But at least she's going through it now. And that is a good thing.", "Paige: Yeah, well, let's hope. Well, I'm off to see Oscar.", "(Paige heads for the door.)", "Chris: Whoa, wait. Oscar the dog?", "Paige: Yeah, he's having a bit of a tough time adjusting. I don't really want him roaming the streets by himself. Especially since I am the one who rescued him. You know, I was having trouble with the whole idea of that temp agency thing. But I'm kind of digging it now, it's alright.", "Phoebe: Wait, wait, about Oscar.", "Paige: Bye.", "(Paige leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Piper is there sitting on a couch with Wyatt. Leo knocks on the door.]", "Piper: Who is it?", "Leo: It's me.", "Piper: Come in.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Piper: Hi.", "Leo: Hi.", "Piper: You want to hold him?", "Leo: Are you kidding? (Piper stands up holding Wyatt. Leo walks over and takes Wyatt from her.) He's gotten so big.", "Piper: Yeah.", "(Leo puts him in in his playpen.)", "Leo: Look, Piper, I wanna say I'm sorry for taking away your feelings.", "Piper: Leo, you don't have to apologise. I know that you were just trying to help me, I do. And it wasn't your fault, you weren't around to take the spell away.", "Leo: Well, it's somebody's fault, and I'm gonna find out whose. The other Elders want me to stick around until I do. To make sure nobody's targeting us again.", "Piper: So you're still an Elder then?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: Um, I need to ask you a favour.", "Leo: Anything.", "Piper: I need some space from you. I mean, who knows this might actually turn out to be a good thing for me in the long run. I might be able to live some semblance of a normal life. Not being married to an angel. I get why you have to leave, Leo, and I understand that you can't ignore your calling, but I do have to deal with it somehow. With being alone, with being a single mother, and I can't really do that with you hanging around the house. I'm sorry. Leo, please, I need this.", "(Leo kneels down beside Wyatt.)", "Leo: I won't be far. (to Piper) You deserve a normal life, Piper. I really hope you find it.", "(He orbs out.)" ]
Valhalley of the Dolls, Pt 2
[ "When Wyatt inadvertently brings a dragon to life, the Cleaners, a neutral group dedicated to protecting magic from being exposed, take him away and erase all signs and memories of his existence. Aware that they are forgetting something important but not sure of what it is, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige cast a spell to return their memory. The sisters then set out to expose magic, to strike up a deal with the Cleaners." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in. Piper is holding Wyatt.]", "Paige: We don't have much time, they're gonna follow us.", "Phoebe: How are we supposed to stop them?", "Piper: But we have to do something. We can't just let them take Wyatt.", "(Magical lights appear in the room.)", "Paige: Uh, incoming.", "(\"The Cleaners\" wearing white suits appear.)", "Cleaner #1: It's pointless to run.", "Piper: You can't have him.", "(Piper tries to blow them up but he just catches it in his hand.)", "Cleaner #1: You're only delaying the inevitable I'm afraid, now if you don't mind, we have a lot of cleaning to do.", "(They wave their hands and Wyatt disappears and reappears in Cleaner #2's arms.)", "Piper: No! (Cleaner #1 waves his arm and the girls are thrown off their feet and slide backwards along the floor.) Leo! (Leo orbs in.) Wyatt.", "Cleaner #1: An Elder. Good. Perhaps you can explain it to her.", "(The girls get up.)", "Phoebe: Explain? Explain what?", "Piper: Do something. Don't just stand there.", "Leo: I can't. Nobody can.", "Paige: What the hell are you talking about?", "Piper: Please, he's just a baby. It won't happen again, I won't let it happen again.", "Cleaner #2: Sorry, we can't take that risk.", "Cleaner #1: Don't worry, you won't remember any of this anyway.", "(Cleaner #1 waves his hand and any baby things laying around the room disappear. Even Wyatt's room upstairs returns to a closet. The Cleaners disappear. Piper looks at Leo, confused.)", "Piper: What are you doing here?", "Leo: I don't know. Better go.", "(He orbs out.)", "Paige: What were we talking about?", "Piper: I don't know.", "Phoebe: I'm beat. I'm gonna go up to bed.", "(Phoebe goes upstairs.)", "Paige: Yeah, I'm tired too. (to Piper) Are you alright?", "Piper: Yeah, I just feel like I'm forgetting something.", "Paige: Like what?", "Piper: I don't know. Must not be very important.", "(Paige goes upstairs. Piper looks around.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's there making breakfast. The TV is on.]", "Weather Man: (on TV) Say goodbye to yesterdays rain and good morning sunshine. It is a beautiful Wednesday in San Francisco and if you're like me, you'll want to forget all about yesterday.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Any infomercials for stain remover on there?", "Piper: You have a stain that needs removing?", "(Paige goes to the fridge.)", "Paige: Yes. I spilled coffee on my blouse yesterday, so that dork walking around the office with the big old stain on her shirt, that'd be me.", "Piper: Have you tried baking soda?", "Paige: No, it's dry clean only, so it's gonna eat up half a day's pay.", "Piper: The pay is lousy, your boss is a sexist pig. Why don't you just quit? The job sucks and it's just a temp job anyway.", "Paige: Because if I want a life outside of magic, I can't just quit every time a job starts sucking. Besides, I stuck around with the dog walking job and hey, I wind up helping somebody.", "Piper: Yeah, but that was once. What are the odds of something like that actually happening again?", "Paige: I don't know. But sometimes they say you gotta ride a lot of different horses on the merry-go-round before you find what you're looking for.", "Piper: Carousel.", "Paige: Sorry?", "Piper: Well, a merry-go-round has lots of animals. A carousel only has horses.", "Paige: Okay, why do you even know that, weirdo?", "(Piper stops to think.)", "Piper: I have no idea. (Piper hears a baby's voice.) Did you hear that?", "Paige: Hear what?", "Piper: Now it's gone.", "Paige: Now what's gone?", "Piper: I know this may sound crazy but I think I just heard a baby.", "Paige: Yeah, you're crazy.", "Phoebe's Voice: Piper!", "Paige: Oh my god, I heard something.", "Piper: Oh, be quiet. Coming!", "Paige: How long do you think she's gonna spend down there anyway? The rest of her natural life?", "Piper: Yeah. Long enough to be sure she doesn't shove her tongue down the throat of the next delivery guy.", "Phoebe's Voice: I heard that!", "(Piper picks up a tray and she and Paige head for the basement.)", "[Cut to the basement. Phoebe has set up a desk in the corner of the room. She's sitting behind it.]", "Phoebe: For your information, we're lucky that guy didn't sue me for sexual harassment.", "(Paige and Piper walk down the stairs.)", "Paige: Well, you were channelling his emotions.", "Phoebe: That's not the point. The point is I have to figure out how to work my new power, I'm gonna have to lock myself down in this basement for the rest of my life. Whoa, whoa, whoa! (Piper and Paige suddenly stop before the bottom of the stairs.) Stay behind the yellow line. (Piper and Paige look down to see a thick yellow line drawn on the ground.) I might channel what you both are feeling.", "Piper: So would you like me to toss you your breakfast?", "(Paige notices a band-aid stuck to Phoebe's forehead.)", "Paige: What happened to your head?", "Phoebe: This? I don't know. I've been so scattered lately I must have bumped it or something. Now, are either one of you feeling any strong emotions? Anger? Sadness?", "Paige: Annoyance?", "Phoebe: You may proceed.", "Paige: Thanks.", "(Phoebe gets a vibe.)", "Phoebe: Wait a minute, one of you is feeling insecure.", "(Phoebe looks at Piper.)", "Piper: What? I'm just feeling a little off today, that's all. Stop looking at me like that.", "(Piper puts the tray on Phoebe's desk.)", "Phoebe: You cut the crust of my toast and cut my eggs into little bits and look, there's apple sauce and milk. Piper, I'm not in second grade.", "Piper: I just thought maybe you'd like some milk for some strong bones.", "Paige: Okay, what is going on with you, lady? Carousels, hearing babies, and now milk for strong bones.", "Phoebe: Wait, you were hearing babies?", "Piper: Forget it, I'm sure it's nothing, forget it.", "(Phoebe's cell phone rings. She answers it.)", "Phoebe: Hey, Elise. How'd you like that...? What?", "Elise's Voice: Just get in here!", "Phoebe: No, I can't come in today because... I am very sick.", "(She coughs.)", "Elise's Voice: Yesterday you completely turned the place upside down!", "Phoebe: Wait, but I didn't come in yesterday. I did? Oh. Oh. Oh. Okay.", "(She hangs up.)", "Paige: What was that about?", "Phoebe: Uh, that was Elise and she wants me to come into work asap or it's my job.", "Piper: Your job? Why would she say that?", "Phoebe: I have no idea. Something about yesterday. I must have bumped my head pretty hard, huh?", "Paige: It looks like you're gonna have to brave the big bad world. Want me to give you a ride?", "Phoebe: No, I'll drive. So I can get in and out fast.", "(Phoebe gets up and she and Paige head upstairs.)", "Piper: Hey, don't forget your coats. It might rain.", "Paige: Will you stop mothering us, please.", "[Scene: Ritz Teukolsky Ruben building. Office. Paige is at the reception desk answering the phone.]", "Paige: Ritz Teukolsky Ruben please hold. (Presses a button.) Ritz Teukolsky Ruben please hold. (Presses a button.) Who are you holding for? You wouldn't happen to need any help with anything, would you? (Flo walks past carrying a box of stuff.) Flo, what happened?", "Flo: I just got fired, that's what happened.", "Paige: What? (on phone) Oh, not you. You call back or something. (Paige walks around the desk.) I don't understand. Why?", "Flo: You oughta know.", "Paige: Uh, no, I-I don't and I want to help, believe me. But I can't help you unless you tell me, you know, why you were fired.", "Flo: So Mr. Stewart gets me in his office and says I either go out with him again or he fires me. I didn't take his offer. So he told me to pack up. My word against his, you know.", "Paige: I would have gone in with you if you asked.", "Flo: I did, I asked you yesterday. Obviously I don't rank high enough in importance for you to remember.", "Paige: No, no, seriously, I would remember that.", "(Mr. Stewart walks over to them.)", "Mr. Stewart: Excuse me, do you mind? (Flo storms out.) Back to the phone, Francine.", "Paige: Paige, my name is Paige.", "Mr. Stewart: Whatever. You're a temp. You want to help people? Sit your pretty ass back down, answer the damn phone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Day. Back room. Chris is there lazing back on a couch drinking a beer. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: Hey.", "Chris: Hey. (Chris gets it together.) Leo! (He jumps up.) Hey. I didn't know you were coming here.", "Leo: I can see that. Are you drinking beer?", "Chris: I was gonna pay for that.", "Leo: Chris, what are you doing sitting around here? Aren't you supposed to be getting to know your new charge?", "(A girl wearing only a man's shirt stands at the doorway.)", "Girl: Oh, hi, Leo.", "Chris: Okay, look, before you get mad, you were the one who wanted me to have a charge in the first place, remember?", "Leo: Yeah, to protect her.", "Girl: Oh, he was using protection.", "Chris: Yeah, I don't think that's what he meant.", "Leo: Chris, are you out of your mind? Besides from this being out of line, it's completely against the rules.", "Chris: Yeah, you're one to talk.", "Girl: Oh, I don't think that's his point. Why don't I just, um, leave you two alone.", "(She leaves.)", "Chris: Look, I was just having a little fun. What's the big deal? It's not like I have anything pressing to do anyway.", "Leo: You don't have anything pressing? Then why exactly did you come back from the future in the first place?", "Chris: Ahh, I don't know. I forgot.", "Leo: You forgot. (Chris laughs. Leo hears a baby's voice.) You hear that?", "Chris: What?", "Leo: Never mind. We'll talk about this later.", "(He orbs out. The girl comes back in.)", "Girl: Is he gone?", "(Chris nods.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in. She looks around and notices everyone in the office has a wound. Broken bones, bandages, black eyes.]", "Man: I don't care what she says, Phoebe. I always wanted to do what you did and man was it good to see you do it.", "Phoebe: Oh, thanks for your support, Frank. (She turns to meet Elise, who has a black eye, and they go into her office.) Okay, Elise, what is going on out...", "Elise: Sit. (Phoebe sits down.) I wanted to talk to you alone before I involved any lawyers.", "Phoebe: Lawyers? What?", "Elise: Now I'm not going to pretend that the only reason you're still working here is that you're an asset to the paper. But what the hell came over you yesterday?", "Phoebe: Yesterday?", "Elise: Because there are three workers out with injuries. Jackie has got a broken nose. Not to mention...", "(She points to her black eye.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, that does look like it hurts a lot.", "Elise: It's all I can do to keep lawsuits from pouring in. If there were perhaps a reasonable explanation for your behaviour yesterday.", "Phoebe: Elise, I'm sorry but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.", "Elise: Phoebe!", "(Elise grabs her shoulders and Phoebe gets a premonition. In the premonition Phoebe is in the office punching everyone out. The premonition ends. Phoebe coughs and stands up.)", "Phoebe: I'm feeling a lot worse. I gotta go.", "[Scene: Outside a store. Piper is there. A man walks out of the store carrying a crying baby, a grocery bag and a pack of diapers. He's having trouble carrying all three.]", "Man: Okay, here we go. Come on, sweetheart, don't be fussy. (Piper looks over. The man drops the diapers. Piper rushes over and picks the diapers up for him.) You want a bottle?", "Piper: You know, if you bounce a little, make a little shushing sound, it usually helps. (The man does as she says.) (to baby) Hi.", "Man: Wow, that was amazing. How did you calm him down so fast?", "Piper: Well, the shushing sound supposedly reminds them of the womb.", "Man: Amazing. You must be a terrific mum to know all this stuff.", "Piper: No, actually, I don't have kids.", "Man: Really? I guess I just assumed.", "Piper: Oh, well, I always wanted them. I babysat a lot. I should go.", "(She heads for her car.)", "Man: Um... (She turns back around.) My diapers?", "Piper: Oh. Sorry.", "(She balances the diapers on top of the grocery bag.)", "Piper: Got it?", "Man: Yep. You okay, sweetheart? You want some chips?", "(The man walks off.)", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's bedroom. Leo is there looking at the closet, deep in thought. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: Piper? What are you doing here?", "Piper: What am I doing here?", "Leo: No, that's not what I meant. Just... I shouldn't be here.", "Piper: No, you shouldn't. I mean, I asked you to stay away for a good reason so that I could learn to live without you.", "Leo: I know.", "Piper: And if you just keep orbing in whenever you feel like it, that's not really gonna help me.", "Leo: Right, I'm sorry. It's just... Never mind, I should be going.", "Piper: What were you gonna say?", "Leo: Nothing.", "Piper: You haven't by any chance, now this is gonna sound a little weird, um, been hearing things lately, have you?", "Leo: Hearing things?", "Piper: Yeah, you know, like I could swear a couple times today I heard a...", "Leo: Baby?", "Piper: You too?", "Leo: Pretty strange, huh? Do you think it means anything?", "Piper: I don't know. I mean, maybe it's just that we both regret not having children. Which why didn't we?", "Leo: I don't know. We both wanted to. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.", "Phoebe's Voice: Piper, I need you upstairs.", "Piper: Be right there. Uh, you should probably go.", "Leo: But what if you need help. What if it's a demon?", "Piper: Leo, you're not our Whitelighter anymore. Chris is.", "Leo: Except he's busy. I gave him another witch to look after yesterday.", "Piper: Well, then I guess we're just gonna have to handle it alone, won't we.", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige are there.]", "Paige: So you're saying you started a riot but you don't remember?", "(Piper walks in.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, it must have been how this has happened and why Elise was so mad at me.", "Paige: I thought Elise was just like that.", "Phoebe: Well, yeah, she kind of is. (to Piper) Hey, are you okay? I'm feeling a very emotional vibe from you right now.", "Piper: I'm fine. Stop that. What I don't understand is if you don't remember the riot, how do you know you started it?", "Phoebe: I had a vision. And by the way, the vision occurred yesterday.", "Paige: Maybe you were channelling somebody else's anger.", "Phoebe: Probably, I just don't remember.", "Piper: So you both have events that you can't remember from yesterday.", "Phoebe: Yeah, there was the riot and Paige's blouse.", "Paige: And this thing with this girl Flo from work. Did you forget anything?", "Piper: You're asking me to remember what I've apparently forgotten? I don't know, I remember getting up, I remember going downstairs, but the rest is kind of a blur.", "Paige: I think somebody is messing with us.", "Phoebe: Making us forget.", "Piper: But these all seem like such random moments to forget. Where's the connection?", "Paige: Well, that's why we wrote a spell to fill in the blanks.", "Phoebe: We know you might be reluctant because of what happened last time we cast a spell on your memory.", "Piper: No, you're right, let's do it.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Piper: Something's going on. The only thing we don't know is what.", "Paige: Alright, here we go. \"Moments lost make witches wonder, warlocks plot or demons plunder, if this is not a prank, help us to fill in the blanks.\"", "(The room spins around and when it settles down, Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there wearing the day before's clothes.)", "Piper: It's raining.", "Paige: And your band-aid's gone.", "Phoebe: And you're wearing that blouse.", "Paige: Except for I've got no coffee stain.", "(They hear a baby.)", "Piper: Oh my god.", "(Piper races out of the room.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Piper picks Wyatt out of his playpen. Phoebe and Paige come downstairs.]", "Piper: I remember now. I'm a mum.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Wyatt are there. Phoebe throws a newspaper on the table.]", "Phoebe: Today is yesterday.", "Paige: Well, the spell didn't return our memories, it just rewound the day.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but why?", "Paige: Why else? To help us remember what somebody obviously wants us to forget.", "Piper: Okay, but how could I have possibly forgotten about Wyatt? What could have happened to make that happen?", "Phoebe: Piper, it's not just you, we were all made to forget about him.", "Paige: And a whole bunch of other things.", "Piper: But I'm his mother, it's my job to protect him and I failed.", "Paige: Don't be ridiculous, you did not fail.", "(Wyatt starts fussing.)", "Piper: Okay, now he's fussing. Come on, sweetie, it's okay. And now I can't get him to stop fussing.", "(Phoebe gets a vibe.)", "Phoebe: You're just feeling insecure. And Wyatt is feeling very, very sad right now. Poor little guy. You see, this is why I lock myself in the basement, I am a wreck.", "Paige: Okay, guys, we're kind of against the clock right now, maybe we should just take it in the other room.", "Phoebe: I think that's a good idea.", "Piper: Okay, bud, here we go. (Piper puts him back in his playpen. She picks up an old teddy bear.) Hey, lookie, how about this? You like this guy? Hello. No? Pheebs, a little help here.", "Phoebe: We hate that toy. It's yucky and crusty and gross.", "Piper: Okay, then what does he want?", "(Phoebe points to the TV.)", "Phoebe: That.", "Piper: Yeah, see, I am a failure.", "Piper: No, you're not. We just happen to have more pressing concerns right now than the media's influence. Okay?", "(Phoebe and Paige leave the room.)", "Piper: Okay. (Piper turns on the TV to a learning channel.) Okay, sweetie, mummy will just be in the next room, okay? Okay.", "(Piper leaves the room. Wyatt looks at the TV and the channel changes to gymnastics. He blinks and the channel changes to dragons.)", "[Cut to the living room.]", "Paige: Okay, we remember everything that happened before today, right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but...", "Paige: And we know we're not gonna remember everything unless we do something about it, right?", "Phoebe: Paige, don't be impatient with me. I'm feeling so much today I don't need this too.", "Paige: Okay, all I'm saying is whatever caused us to forget is what's gonna happen next. We just have to relive this day and see where it leads us.", "Piper: Yeah, but if we're not careful, where it leads will be right back where we started, without Wyatt.", "Paige: Except we know something is going to happen to him, so all we have to do is look for clues, keep our eyes open and stop it.", "Phoebe: How are we supposed to know what's important and what's not?", "Paige: It's all important because it's all connected to Wyatt. So just have to see what the connection is.", "Piper: So what, you're just supposed to go to your temp job and wait for coffee to be spilt on you?", "Paige: Yeah, exactly. So much for my life outside of magic. Now you, you have go to go to work and...", "Phoebe: Start a riot and get a cut on my head and lose my job? No thank you.", "Paige: You have to, it's the only way to save Wyatt.", "Phoebe: Oi.", "[Cut to the conservatory. Wyatt blinks again and one of the dragons orbs out of the TV and orbs back in outside the house. It pushes on the doors and they open. It flies away.]", "Piper: So I guess I'm supposed to stay home... (They hear a crash.) Wyatt? (They walk into the conservatory and see the doors wide open.) How did those open?", "Paige: Must have been the wind.", "Piper: But they were locked.", "Phoebe: Could be a clue, let's remember it.", "Paige: Are you gonna be okay here by yourself?", "(Paige closes the doors.)", "Piper: Do I have a choice?", "Phoebe: Wanna switch with me?", "Paige: Okay, just call us if anything weird happens.", "(Piper looks at the TV and then at Wyatt.)", "[Scene: P3. Leo and Chris are there sitting at the bar.]", "Chris: You're kidding, right? I don't have time for another charge.", "Leo: Why not?", "Chris: Because I just don't. Why do you want me to oversee another witch, anyway?", "Leo: Because I wanna see what you can do, what you can handle.", "Chris: Oh, please, you just don't want me around the sisters all the time because you don't trust me.", "Leo: Chris, protecting charges is what we do. Besides, when I was a Whitelighter I had other charges.", "Chris: Leo, I didn't come all the way from the future to protect and oversee other charges. I came for one reason and one reason only.", "Leo: To protect Wyatt.", "Chris: Yeah.", "Leo: From some demon who will attack in the future but you're not sure which one.", "Chris: Hey, man, fine, whatever, don't believe me. All I'm saying is there is no way I am taking on another charge and that's... (A blonde woman walks in.) That...", "Woman: Hi, Leo, sorry I'm late.", "Leo: That's okay.", "Woman: You must be Chris. I'm Natalie.", "Chris: (to Leo) Maybe just one more.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in.]", "Woman #2: Phoebe, thank god you came in. The server crashed and we lost your column. Do you have a hard copy?", "Phoebe: Uh, I'll check in my office.", "(A man storms out of Elise's office with Elise following.)", "Man: It's not what you did, Elise, it's how you did it.", "Elise: Well, lucky I'm editor so I don't have to care what you think. (He heads for the door.) Don't think we're done here, mister.", "Man: Screw you Elise.", "(Phoebe's vibes kick in and she gets angry. She taps Elise on the shoulder and when she turns around, Phoebe punches her in the face. The man points and laughs.)", "Security Guard: You think that's funny, huh?", "(He punches the man in the face. They grab each other and start fighting.)", "Phoebe: Hold it! Wait! Don't!", "(Phoebe tries to break them up but they push her and she hits her head on a desk. She touches her bleeding forehead.)", "[Scene: Ritz Teukolsky Ruben Office. Paige and Flo are there.]", "Paige: Stay calm, stay calm. Just, you know, tell me what happened.", "Flo: Mr. Stewart has been asking me out ever since I got here.", "Paige: Okay, so you went on a date.", "Flo: Well, if you could call it a date. He tried to grab my ass, I threw a drink in his face. I have avoided him ever since. God, I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have gone out with him in the first place.", "Paige: Okay, so tell me what happened next.", "Flo: Next. Next he wants me to meet him in his office tomorrow morning bright and early. He says it's official. I need this job but I'm afraid to face him alone. Do you think maybe you could come with me?", "Paige: Of course, absolutely. I don't know how I could forget this.", "Flo: Forget what?", "Paige: Oh, nothing.", "(The large dragon flies past the window.)", "Flo: This is just so typical of my luck with men. I mean, not that you need to hear me complain but... (An employee sees the dragon and without looking walks straight for Paige.) Oh, hey, watch it.", "(Paige turns around and the employee bumps straight into her, spilling his cup of coffee over her shirt.)", "Paige: Oh, coffee.", "Employee: I am so sorry.", "Paige: It's okay.", "Employee: Something weird just flew by the window.", "Paige: Something? Something what?", "Employee: Um...", "Paige: Spit it out, spit it out.", "Employee: Well, to be honest with you, it looked a little like a dragon.", "Paige: A dragon? (She looks out the window and sees the dragon in the distance.) Oh, that is so not good.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper is there looking at the Book of Shadows. Wyatt balls his eyes out. Piper puts the book down and goes over to him.]", "Piper: Oh, Wyatt, sweetie, come on, mummy's gotta find something to make sure nothing happens to you. Here, look-look-look. (She picks up the old bear.) Right, you hate this. You hate this. (She puts the bear down.) Okay. I'm sorry. (She picks him up.) Did I forget how to be a mummy too? (They start to orb out.) Wyatt, what are you doing? Wyatt.", "(They orb out.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Everyone in the office is fighting with each other. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Oh my god.", "Phoebe: Son of a bitch!", "(Phoebe punches someone in the face.)", "Paige: Phoebe, no! (Paige pulls her away.) Phoebe, no. Snap out of it.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, did I do all of this?", "Paige: Forget all that, we've got to get out of here. Phoebe, I figured out what we're supposed to be remembering.", "Phoebe: I'd be happier just forgetting, I think at this point.", "Paige: No, no, you wouldn't. Phoebe, there's a dragon loose in the city.", "Man: Did you say a dragon?", "Paige: Come on.", "[Scene: Street. Piper and Wyatt orb in near a tunnel.]", "Piper: Wyatt, you're making mummy very nervous. What are we doing here? What is it? (Piper's phone rings. She answers it.) What's up?", "Paige: Where are you?", "Piper: Where am I? I'm standing outside of the Presidio tunnel where your nephew just orbed me.", "Paige's Voice: What did you just say?", "(Paige and Phoebe orb in.)", "Paige: He did what?", "(They hang up.)", "Piper: Are you out of your mind? Aren't you afraid of exposure?", "Paige: Yeah, that's why we called.", "Piper: What do you mean? What are you talking about?", "(They hear a roar and a car screeches out of the tunnel on fire.)", "Phoebe: I think she's talking about that.", "(The dragon flies out of the tunnel and breathes fire. The girls duck.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. The TV is on.]", "Reporter: Police are at the tunnel saying it's a miracle no one was hurt although three cars were destroyed. They haven't ruled out terrorism of course, but at the moment they're focusing on some rather bazaar reports of a giant bird which one witnessed one on record was saying shot fire out of its mouth at cars like a dragon.", "(Paige turns off the TV.)", "Paige: Well, as far as clues go, I would say that's a pretty huge one, wouldn't you?", "(Piper places a band-aid on Phoebe's forehead.)", "Phoebe: Ow.", "Piper: Sorry.", "Phoebe: No, it's not my pain I'm reacting to, it's your pain.", "Piper: Oh, well, then you should be feeling a little irritated then too.", "Phoebe: Piper, why are you blaming yourself? It's not your fault.", "Piper: Okay, number one, I haven't actually verbalised guilt yet so in the future let me confess before you analyse.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Piper: Secondly, it is my fault because I'm the one that plopped Wyatt in front of the electric babysitter.", "Phoebe: Do you have any idea what she's talking about?", "Paige: No, not a clue.", "Piper: You want some clues? Try this one on for size. Before you left, Wyatt was watching a TV show about, wait for it, dragons.", "Phoebe: No, he was watching a kids show.", "Piper: Well, apparently he magically changed the channel. Of course, that was before he magically orbed me to the tunnel to find his new friend.", "Phoebe: He did all of that?", "Paige: Wait a second, so you're saying Wyatt conjured a dragon?", "Piper: Yep, right out of the TV.", "Phoebe: Oh, you must be so proud.", "Piper: Yeah, or a little irritated.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Paige: Okay, if this is true, your little boy is developing some serious powers.", "Piper: Yeah, the kind that unleashes Godzilla on an unsuspecting city. How am I supposed to handle this?", "Paige: Well, at least now we know how we lost our memories and obviously anything connected to the dragon no matter how remote was erased. Coffee stains, riots.", "Piper: The question is by whom?", "Phoebe: Come on, you guys. So Wyatt made a little magical mess. We've dealt with worse, we'll fix it.", "(The Cleaners appear near by.)", "Cleaner #1: Perhaps we can help.", "Phoebe: Who are you?", "Cleaner #1: We're known as the Cleaners. And we're here to help.", "Paige: Cleaners?", "Cleaner #1: When magic is exposed, we're the ones who cover it up, remove all evidence, erase any memories, whatever is necessary.", "Piper: You were the ones who were going to take Wyatt.", "Cleaner #1: Well, we won't have to if you can eliminate the exposure risk.", "Piper: Exposure? You're here to take my son away you son of a bitch!", "(She tries to blow him up but he just catches the blast in his hand.)", "Cleaner #1: I understand your anger, now you need to understand our position. We're a neutral party. We exist only to protect magic, to that end your son has become a problem.", "Phoebe: (to Piper) Easy.", "Cleaner #1: However, based upon your past success in covering up your own magic, we've decided to give you a chance.", "Cleaner #2: One chance only.", "Cleaner #1: To take care of the problem yourselves before it gets out of hand.", "Paige: And if we can't?", "Cleaner #1: Then we'll take care of the problem for you.", "Piper: You can't make us forget everything.", "Cleaner #1: There may be some distance echoes that remain, maybe a sense of deja vu here and there, but like most people you'll just pass it off as absent mindedness and move on.", "Piper: Well, we're not like most people.", "Cleaner #1: It won't matter. Clean it up.", "Cleaner #2: Or we will.", "(The Cleaners disappear.)", "Paige: At least now we know what happened. Too bad we just won't remember any of it.", "Phoebe: I think we have the upper hand on this one, don't we? I mean, we know we're recalling the same day, they obviously don't.", "Paige: Well, none of this is gonna help unless we figure out how to eliminate Wyatt's dragon.", "(Piper heads for the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Piper.", "Piper: Go to the book, work on the dragon, do not take your eyes off Wyatt.", "Paige: Where are you going?", "Piper: To call a higher power.", "[Cut to Piper's bedroom. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Leo! Leo, I know you can hear me. I know I told you to go away but I really need you. Wyatt's in trouble.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: What do you mean? What happened?", "Piper: There's no time. Just tell me how to stop the Cleaners.", "Leo: The Cleaners? Are they after him?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Leo: What the hell happened?", "Piper: Well, he conjured a little dragon.", "Leo: Piper, how could you let that happen?", "Piper: How could I let that happen? You take off and suddenly I'm responsible for every little thing?", "Leo: This is not a little thing.", "Piper: Yeah, well, where the hell were you? Why weren't you watching over his every move up there on your lofty perch?", "Leo: Okay, that's not what I meant.", "Piper: Then don't say it because I'm beating myself up enough already about this and I don't need you beating me up too.", "Leo: Sorry. I'm just scared.", "Piper: Yeah, so am I. That's why I called you. Because I'm about to lose our son and I don't know what to do. So please help me.", "Leo: Piper, if I could...", "Piper: No, don't say it. Don't say anything about Elders or rules because you know what? He is your son, Leo. There are no rules.", "Leo: I'm telling you, the Cleaners are empowered by both good and evil, you can't stop them.", "Piper: There has to be a way.", "Leo: You don't understand, there isn't. Cleaners have the power to rewrite history, you can't fight that.", "Piper: No, you don't understand. I can't do this! I can not lose Wyatt too!", "Leo: Piper, you weren't put in this position to lose Wyatt, which means there is a way, you just have to find it.", "Piper: But how?", "Leo: I don't know. But if anybody can find it, you can. And maybe it's not a magical solution, maybe it's maternal. Deep down inside you can find it. I know you can.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe, Paige and Wyatt are there. Phoebe is making a potion while Paige looks through the Book of Shadows. Piper walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, are you alright?", "Piper: I don't know. Ask me again when this is all over.", "Paige: Was Leo any help?", "Piper: I'm not sure yet. Anything on the dragon?", "Paige: No, dragons predate the book. One thing I do know is that we're gonna have to get a tooth, scale, some piece of him in order to make the vanquishing potion to even work.", "Phoebe: Yeah, we're just kind of winging it, making the most powerful potion that we can.", "(Phoebe doubles over in pain.)", "Paige: Phoebe.", "Piper: What happened? Are you alright?", "Phoebe: I am but someone's not. Actually, a bunch of people aren't.", "Piper: People? Like people out there people?", "Phoebe: I don't know. All I know is I've never felt such pain and fear before in my life.", "Paige: The dragon?", "Piper: Grab the potion. Wyatt, sweetie, come on. (She picks Wyatt up.) Remember your friend mister dragon? What do you say we find the dragon?", "[Cut to the street. People are running away in fear. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Wyatt orb in. They walk down the street passing burning cars.]", "Phoebe: It looks like a war zone.", "(They approach a large pile of cars and other items off the street. They see the dragon's tail poking out of the pile.)", "Paige: Oh, god, it looks like it made a nest. Let's hope it's not laying any eggs.", "Piper: Do you think you can steal a scale for the potion?", "Paige: Uh, I'll try. Scale! (A scale orbs off the dragon's tail. The dragon gets angry.) I think I woke it up.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, I think you pissed it off.", "(The dragon roars and stands on top of the pile.)", "Paige: Okay, if you're sensing any fear, it would be mine. I think we should go.", "Piper: Wait.", "Paige: Wait for what?", "Piper: Wyatt.", "(Piper hands Wyatt to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: What are you doing?", "Piper: I don't have time to explain. Just make sure he sees me.", "(Piper moves closer to the dragon.)", "Paige: Piper, come back!", "Piper: Come on, you fire breathing lizard! Come and get me!", "(The dragon flies up into the air.)", "Paige: Piper, are you nuts?", "Piper: Stay there!", "Paige: We have to stop her.", "(The dragon circles the area.)", "Phoebe: I think I know what she's doing.", "Piper: Come on, Wyatt, don't let mummy down.", "(The dragon flies down towards Piper. He opens his mouth and fire starts to escape from it. Wyatt raises his arm and the dragon explodes into a million orbing lights. It pushes Piper backwards. The dragon disappears.)", "Paige: Piper.", "Piper: I'm okay. (She gets up.) I'm okay. (to Wyatt) Hi, little man, you did it! (She takes Wyatt off of Phoebe.) I knew you could do it. Good job.", "Paige: Okay, I'm confused. What just happened?", "Phoebe: That was the greatest power there is. The mother and child bond. Especially when that child is Wyatt.", "Paige: So you're saying he vanquished the dragon and you knew he was gonna do it.", "Piper: Well, I was hoping he wouldn't want anything bad to happen to me.", "Paige: Okay, well, that solved that problem. Now what do we do with this mess?", "Phoebe: We'll figure it out.", "(The Cleaners appear.)", "Cleaner #1: No, actually, you won't.", "Piper: Wait, we did what you asked, we got rid of the dragon.", "Cleaner #1: But not the exposure risk.", "Cleaner #2: The boy.", "Paige: No, you can't.", "(Paige orbs Piper, Phoebe and Wyatt out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Foyer. The girls and Wyatt appear.]", "Paige: We don't have much time, they're gonna follow us.", "Phoebe: How are we supposed to stop them?", "Piper: Well, we have to think of something, we can't just let them take Wyatt.", "(Magical lights appear in the room.)", "Paige: Uh, incoming.", "(The Cleaners appear in the room.)", "Piper: I will not lose him. (Cleaner #1 waves his hand and Wyatt disappears. He reappears in Cleaner #2's arms.) No!", "(Cleaner #1 waves his arm and the girls are pushed backwards.)", "Cleaner #1: Don't worry, you won't remember any of this anyway.", "(He waves his arm again and all of Wyatt's things vanish. The Cleaners disappear.)", "Piper: Do you remember?", "Phoebe: Absolutely everything.", "Paige: The spell must have worked.", "Piper: But not for Wyatt. He's gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. Piper is looking out the window, Phoebe is looking through the Book of Shadows and Paige is scrying.]", "Paige: Ugh, nothing, I can't find the Cleaners anywhere.", "Phoebe: Well, they have to exist somewhere, don't they?", "Paige: Not necessarily, not even on our plane, not even in our time. I don't know, maybe we should just summon them.", "Piper: And then what?", "Paige: I don't know. Maybe we should call Leo again.", "Piper: I don't think he can help anymore than he already has.", "Paige: How did he help last time?", "Piper: By reminding me that I can do this. You know, maybe we're going about this all wrong. Maybe instead of trying to stop them, we should be trying to get them to stop us.", "Phoebe: You lost me.", "Piper: Well, when magic is exposed, it's there job to clean it up, right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, so?", "Piper: So why can't we expose our magic and force them to deal with us.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but if we do that, what's to stop them from erasing us?", "Piper: They wouldn't dare. So let's give them something to clean up.", "[Cut to a news room. The weather man is discussing the weather in front of the cameras.]", "Weather Man: Doppler radar for the Bay area show us that storm is already on its way out, so looks like San Francisco is finally going to get some good news. Scattered showers overnight, to a partly sunny morning... (Suddenly, Phoebe and Paige orb in beside him.) Whoa. What the...", "Phoebe: Hi. How you doing? Why don't we get a sky-cam view of that, shall we?", "(Phoebe grabs the weather man and levitates up into the air.)", "Weather Man: Help! Get me down from here!", "Kinesha: I don't know what's happening here. I...", "Paige: Well, it's called magic, Kinesha. Witchcraft, specifically. I really love your... jacket!", "(Kinesha's jacket orbs right off her back and into Paige's hands. The weather man drops down behind Kinesha. Phoebe levitates back down.)", "Phoebe: Wanna see more magic? Let's check in with Piper at the Golden Gate bridge. Take it away, Piper!", "(The Golden Gate bridge shows up on a TV screen. Then Piper steps in.)", "Piper: \"Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to become unseen.\" (The Golden Gate bridge vanishes.) You might wanna take an alternate route to work in the morning.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in.]", "Paige: Hmm, not so bad, you should get out more often.", "Piper: Yeah, Pheebs, time to come out of the basement.", "Phoebe: Maybe you're right.", "(The Cleaners appear.)", "Cleaner #1: What do you think you're doing? Are you out of your minds?", "Piper: Oh, hey, hi. Did you see our little magic act?", "Cleaner #2: How is it you still have your memory?", "Phoebe: Oh, I think we still have a few surprises that you don't know about.", "Paige: Yeah, and if you don't return our nephew, you might find out about just a few more.", "Cleaner #1: This is pointless. Whatever you do, we'll simply erase.", "Cleaner #2: Or we'll erase you.", "Piper: You can't. Not if you're truly neutral, that is. 'Cause you see, if you get rid of us, you'll tip the balance of power from good to evil and now that's hardly being neutral, now is it? You will give me my son back or I swear to you the only thing you'll be doing for the next fifty years is cleaning up after us.", "Cleaner #1: If we do return him, how do you know you'll be able to control him?", "Piper: I'm his mother. If anybody can, I can.", "(Wyatt and his playpen appear in the room. Piper goes over to him and picks him up.)", "Cleaner #1: Everything is as it was. We've erased all evidence of your son's magic. We'll leave him in your care.", "Cleaner #2: For now.", "Phoebe: Oh, wait, one more thing, please, if you could just do me a little teensy-weensy little favour and erase that whole riot I caused at the office. You know, 'cause I don't wanna lose my job. That would really suck. Might throw off that balance thing because I'd be distracted, you know.", "Cleaner #1: It's done. Good luck. Because believe me, you're going to need it.", "(Phoebe takes Wyatt off of Piper. The Cleaners disappear.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay? I'm so happy to see you.", "Piper: Don't smash him.", "Phoebe: I'm just so happy to see you. I can't help it, this is just very exciting. He's back, we're back.", "Paige: Coffee stain and all.", "Phoebe: Yeah, what are you gonna do about your job? Are you gonna keep it?", "Paige: Yeah, I think I will just so I can see what happens next.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Ritz Teukolsky Ruben building. Mr. Stewart's office. Mr. Stewart and Flo are there.]", "Flo: Exactly what are you saying?", "Mr. Stewart: Unless you make it worth my while, I may find your performance here lacking.", "Flo: Mr. Stewart, please, I need this job.", "Mr. Stewart: And that is why I'm giving you an opportunity to keep it, if you catch my meaning.", "Flo: Absolutely! You know, I like a man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to ask for it. Now, are you afraid to come get it?", "(She sexily plays with her hair.)", "Mr. Stewart: You mean, right here and now? Yeah? (into the intercom) Cancel my calls, please.", "Secretary Voice: Yes, Mr. Stewart.", "(Mr. Stewart stands up and heads towards Flo.)", "Flo: Flower pot!", "(The flower pot orbs over to Flo and she throws it over Mr. Stewart's head. He groans. Flo shapeshifts into Paige. She shakes her head. She opens the door and Flo is standing there.)", "Flo: Oh, Paige. Uh, I thought you were out... (Mr. Stewart groans.) What happened?", "Paige: Well, you see, I overheard Mr. Stewart threatening you. He'll be real lucky if you don't sue. Just go with it.", "Flo: Thanks, Paige, for whatever you just did for me in here.", "Paige: I was wondering why I took this job and now I know. Thank you.", "Flo: Thank you.", "[Scene: P3. Back room. Chris is there putting his shoes on. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: Hey.", "Chris: Hey. I didn't know you were coming here.", "Leo: What are you still doing here, Chris? Shouldn't you be getting to know your new charge?", "Chris: Yeah, about that. I'm, uh, going back to what I originally said. I don't have time for her.", "Leo: Chris.", "Chris: Leo, I mean it. Because whether you believe me or not, I'm here to protect Wyatt, not other charges. Other than the sisters of course.", "Leo: If that's how you feel about it I guess I'll reassign her.", "Chris: Thank you.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper is there sitting on a rocking chair holding Wyatt.]" ]
Forget Me Not
[ "When three evil sisters magically steal the Charmed Ones' identities and powers, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige must convince Chris that they are the real Charmed Ones in order to get their lives back. Meanwhile, Piper realizes that Wyatt needs time with Leo, who continues on his quest to find out who put him on the Island of Valhalla." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there wearing unusual outfits. They close the door behind them.]", "Piper: It's okay, you're gonna be okay.", "Phoebe: Okay? That demon wiped out that whole family of innocents. How will I ever be okay?", "Piper: You learn.", "Paige: If that demon is anywhere in that book, I'm gonna nail his sorry ass.", "(They walk over and sit on the couch.)", "Phoebe: Oh, those poor children. They were so scared. I could feel their pain.", "Piper: Okay, maybe you could feel there pain a little less, Phoebe.", "Paige: Remember, she's an empath now.", "Piper: I know what her powers are. Okay, I think a little sister bonding is in order for all of us here. I'll get the tea.", "Paige: No. Did you see that demon? Did you see those teeth flying out like razor blades?", "Phoebe: We need to kill that demon. For the children. All six of those children.", "Piper: Fine, we'll hit the book now, tea later. (Piper walks over to the book and when she touches it, it glows and closes up. She tries to touch it again and it jumps off its stand onto the floor. She walks over to it and dives for it. It moves away.) Told you it wouldn't work.", "Phoebe: Well, it's her fault. Who's ever heard of a demon with razor flying teeth before?", "Paige: My fault? I'm not the one who made the innocents into the Von Trapp family.", "Phoebe: Did not.", "Paige: Did too.", "Piper: Knock it off.", "(Piper shape shifts into a blonde woman.)", "Mabel: It's my fault for going along with you two. We can look like the Charmed Ones but lets face it, our acting sucks. If we want the Book of Shadows we need to become them. It's time to try my identity theft spell.", "(Phoebe and Paige shape shift into two other blonde women.)", "Mitzy: No way. They'll come after us, it's a suicide mission.", "Margo: And it's dangerous too.", "Mabel: So what? You want to be chisellers your whole life? It's time to think big and thinking big means making the whole world believe that we are them.", "Mitzy: I don't want to be them, I want to be bad.", "Margo: Me too, bad's better.", "Mabel: Then stick with me, 'cause once we get the book we'll steal their powers and then form our own power of three. And you know what that means?", "Margo: No.", "Mitzy: We'll be the untouchable sisters.", "Piper's Voice: Phoebe, Paige, are you up there?", "Mitzy: Perfume, girls!", "(They pulls out spray bottles of perfume and spray it over themselves. They disappear. Piper walks in and picks up the Book of Shadows. She places the book back on its stand and looks around.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: P3. Day. Piper's there talking on the phone. Jack the bartender is standing near by.]", "Piper: What time did he go to sleep? Okay, can you call me as soon as he starts to stir? Okay, thanks. (She hangs up.) Uh, Jack, the band is coming in an hour to set up and do a sound check. Can you take care of them for me? I want to be home when my baby wakes up.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Jack: I'm on it.", "Phoebe: Hey, you ready for lunch?", "Piper: I was thinking I could make you something fabulous at home instead.", "Phoebe: Piper, every new mummy needs a little grown up time. That's why we got the nanny, right?", "Piper: Right?", "Phoebe: So let's go-o-o-o-o-o.", "Piper: Was that a moan?", "Phoebe: (whispers) Piper.", "Piper: (whispers) What?", "Phoebe: (whispers) That new bartender guy is checking you out.", "(Piper turns around and he smiles. She smiles back.)", "Piper: (whispers) Are you telling me that you're feeling what he's feeling for me?", "Phoebe: Yes, I still can't control my new pow-owwwwww. (Piper hits her with a napkin.) (to bartender) Alright, take your shoes for a walk, buddy.", "(Jack walks away.)", "Piper: That's creepy.", "Phoebe: I know, it's horrible. You should have seen it the last time Jason was in town, I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I don't know what I'm gonna do this weekend.", "Piper: Jason is flying in from Hong Kong again? (Phoebe nods.) Wow, I'd say that guy is falling for you.", "Phoebe: You think so? I think so. I hope so. But all I can feel is this strong sexual desire for me.", "Piper: And that's a bad thing.", "Phoebe: Well, yeah, that's a bad thing if that's all he's feeling. And if it is all he's feeling, I want to know now, you know? So I don't get hurt.", "Piper: Well, why don't you take him to a restaurant where you can't get buck wild and ask Jason how he feels.", "Phoebe: Mm, the direct approach. Very sneaky of you.", "(They head towards the door.)", "Piper: Mm-hm, and if that doesn't work, ask him about the weather in Hong Kong.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Piper, Phoebe: No!", "Phoebe: We're not demon hunting, we're going to lunch.", "Chris: Hey, I am not unreasonable. We can hunt demons after lunch. By the way, anyone seen Leo?", "Piper: No, I have not.", "Phoebe: I haven't seen him either.", "Chris: Well, if you do, let me know. There's a rumour floating around up there that he has a lead on whoever sent him to Valhalla.", "Piper: Well, I'm sure that's very important stuff but I have another question. Did either one of you leave the book on the floor last night?", "Chris: On the floor?", "Phoebe: No, I didn't.", "Piper: Chris?", "Chris: I vaguely remember a story that started like that in the future. Someone's after the book.", "Piper: Demons are always after the book. What's new?", "Chris: No, I think this time they get it. You should take this threat seriously. And tell Paige. Where is Paige?", "Phoebe: She's at her new temp job.", "Chris: She's still on that kick?", "Piper: It's not a kick, Chris. It's her quest for happiness outside of magic.", "Chris: Yeah, but it's a temp job. Who finds happiness on a temp job?", "[Scene: North Shore Citrus packing plant. Paige and several others are packing oranges into boxes.]", "Woman: Straighten your back. Do you want to get out of bed in the morning?", "Paige: Back straight, check.", "Woman: No, no, Mira, don't reach, let them come to you.", "Paige: Okay.", "(She drops an orange.)", "Woman: Ai, forget it, keep the line moving.", "Paige: Okay. How long have you been working here anyway?", "Woman: Eight years and two herniated discs. Didn't know what you were getting into on this one, did you?", "Paige: No, I can't say that I did. But it's fun, you know, I get to work with my hands and it's kind of like nature and best of all there's no magic. (The woman gives her a look.) Markers, magic markers, I'm crazy, crazy allergic. (Paige sees two gremlins whiz past.) Oh, no. (The gremlins push on two crates of boxed oranges.) Watch out!", "(Paige pushes the woman out of the way just before the crates of oranges fall right on top of her. The gremlins laugh. The boss runs in.)", "Boss: Is everybody okay over here?", "(Paige and the woman stand up.)", "Woman: She saved my life.", "Paige: It was nothing.", "Boss: Alright, everybody take twenty until we can perform a safety check here.", "Woman: That is the third accident this month. I think this place is maldito, cursed.", "Paige: I think I'm maldito.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: House across the road from the Manor. Mabel and Margo are there. Mabel is looking through the window at the Manor. Margo is looking in a mirror.]", "Mabel: I can't tell if anyone's home from here.", "Margo: If I get Piper's powers, first thing I'm gonna do is freeze these unwanted facial lines.", "Mabel: I'm the oldest, I get Piper's powers. You'll get Paige's.", "Margo: Well, in that case maybe I'll orb away this blemish.", "(Mitzy walks in carrying bags of snacks.)", "Mitzy: Stake out take out, anyone?", "(She puts the food on the table.)", "Margo: Ooh.", "(Mabel and Margo go over to the table.)", "Mabel: All I asked for was a scrying bowl.", "Margo: Just because we killed the owners here, doesn't mean we should let their food go to waste.", "(Mabel pours a black liquid into a glass bowl.)", "Mabel: \"Give me sight through the blackest bile, show me the faces I revile.\" (Piper and Wyatt show up in the liquid.) Piper's the only one home right now. We need all three sisters together for my spell to work.", "Mitzy: Eww, she's with the baby. I can't wait to orb that thing into a volcano.", "Margo: Um, as the baby in the family, I'm afraid I'll be doing the orbing. We get our powers by sorority.", "Mitzy: That's seniority, Margo. And that's not fair, I wanted Paige's power.", "Margo: Don't talk to me about fair. I always got less growing up. And usually two years out of style.", "Mabel: There is nothing wrong with Phoebe's powers, Mitzy. You'll be able to levitate.", "Mitzy: Yeah, six feet in the air. Margo will be orbing around the world.", "Margo: I'll send postcards.", "Mabel: Don't forget you'll also have the power of premonition and empathy.", "Mitzy: Like I care what happens to people or how they feel.", "Margo: Well, maybe you should care, Mitzy, instead of this me, me, me attitude all the time.", "Mitzy: Oh, you know what? You're about to get your teeth knocked in if you don't back off.", "Mabel: Enough! What is wrong with you two? We have worked way too hard to let it all fall apart now.", "(The doorbell rings. Mabel answers it.)", "Salesman: Hello, are you the lady of the house?", "Mabel: Go away. (She slams the door.) This is the biggest con of our lives. If we don't get this right, we're gonna be two-bit magic hustlers forever. Is that what you want?", "(The doorbell rings again. Mabel answers it.)", "Salesman: But you haven't seen the amazing new Kelby 3000.", "(He holds up a vacuum cleaner.)", "Mabel: Just get inside. (The man happily walks inside. Mabel closes the door and walks back over to her sisters.) The secret of the Charmed Ones lays in their sisterhood, the Power of Three. Well, guess what. We've got our own sisterhood, our own Power of Three right here. If we can just stick together, we can have it all.", "Salesman: You'll never have it all until you own the Kelby 3000. (A dagger appears in Mabel's hand.) I'm telling you this baby is gonna change your life...", "(She stabs the salesman and he falls to the floor.)", "Mabel: So who's with me?", "Mitzy: I'm sorry, sweetie.", "Margo: Oh, me too. (They hug.) I'll orb you anywhere you want to go.", "Mabel: That's more like it. Now, let's sit back, relax, until the other two get home.", "[Cut to the manor. Dining room. Piper is trying to feed Wyatt.]", "Piper: Alright, look, mummy try it. Mmm. (She tastes it.) So horrible! Wow, is that horrible. (Leo orbs in.) Leo, what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here.", "(Leo kneels down beside Wyatt.)", "Leo: I was looking for Chris, I heard he was asking about me.", "(Leo tickles Wyatt and he giggles.)", "Piper: He was, he thinks you found the person that sent you to Valhalla.", "Leo: He does?", "Piper: Mm-hm. But he's not here but even if he was, I mean, why can't you use your Elder powers to sense... (Leo pulls a face at Wyatt.) Like you sensed me here with...", "(Leo and Wyatt laugh.)", "Leo: Sorry.", "Piper: For missing your son? It's okay.", "Leo: As an Elder, I watch over him every minute but it's not the same, you know. When he's sleeping, sometimes I orb into the nursery just to hold him.", "(They hear the front door open and close.)", "Paige: Piper, are you home?", "(Leo stands up.)", "Leo: I should go.", "(Leo orbs out. Wyatt screams.)", "Piper: Oh, sweetie.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: There are gremlins at the fruit packing plant and I am the only one who can prevent serious workplace injury. This is not what I planned.", "Piper: You lost me at fruit packing plant.", "Paige: It's my new temp job. I keep trying to find a life away from magic and all I get is magic, magic, magic everywhere. (Wyatt screams.) Oh, don't worry, little dude, I'm not gonna let the gremlins get you.", "Piper: It's okay, I think he just misses his dad.", "Paige: Ohh. I'm gonna go upstairs and check on the Book of Shadows and see what it says about the capture and control of gremlins.", "Piper: Did you leave that book on the floor last night?", "Paige: No, why?", "Piper: Uh, I don't know, it's probably nothing. Uh, just be on the lookout. Chris said somebody may be after it.", "Paige: Duh, people are after it every week.", "(Paige goes upstairs.)", "Piper: (to Wyatt) You're okay, you're okay.", "(The Elf nanny walks in pushing a stroller.)", "Elf Nanny: Fussy babies need fresh air.", "Piper: Oh, that's a good idea, I'll go get my sweater.", "Elf Nanny: Nonsense. Let me take the boy for a walk.", "Piper: Alright. (Piper puts Wyatt in the stroller.) Just don't forget a hat for those ears.", "Elf Nanny: I always keep the baby warm.", "Piper: I meant yours.", "(The Elf nanny covers her ears with her hair.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe and Elise are walking down the corridor.]", "Elise: You are on a real hot streak, kiddo. Your advice column has never been more, more revealing.", "(They walk into the main office.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I just think that I'm really in touch with what other people are feeling right now.", "Elise: Whatever it is, keep it up.", "(Elise walks away. Phoebe turns around and sees Jason in her office.)", "Phoebe: Hi. (She walks into her office.) You're back.", "Jason: God, I missed you, Phoebe.", "(He kisses her hand. She gets a vibe.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no. No, no, not again.", "Jason: What's wrong?", "Phoebe: Nothing is wrong. H-How is the weather in Hong Kong?", "Jason: Weather?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I hear it gets very balmy there. Balmy?", "Jason: I suppose. You really wanna talk about the weather?", "Phoebe: No, I don't actually, I just don't want to be alone with you.", "Jason: Huh?", "Phoebe: I mean, I do want to be alone with you, just not alone with you here. You know, I just wanna be alone with you in a public area.", "Jason: You're, you're still a little shaken up over my last visit. You know, your behaviour wasn't all that bad.", "Phoebe: Humiliating and embarrassing it was. Yeah. Look, I just would appreciate if we could take things slower, you know? Maybe go out for dinner and talk.", "Jason: I'll pick you up at seven.", "Phoebe: Yay, okay. Can't wait to talk.", "[Scene: House across the road from the Manor. The blonde sisters are looking out the window. They see Phoebe pull up outside the manor.]", "Mitzy: You know what this means. It's spell time.", "(They walk away from the window.)", "Mabel: We've got one shot, so pay attention. After we read this spell, the world will see us as the Halliwell sisters.", "Mitzy: You mean I'm going brunette?", "Mabel: No, you'll look like you do now but the world will know you as Phoebe.", "Margo: Let's go, let's go. I'm dying to orb some place far away and exotic like Fort Lauderdale.", "Mabel: Not so fast. The spell only gives us their identities. They keep their powers until we can get to the Book of Shadows, which we should be able to do once we lure them out of the house. Okay, everyone ready?", "Mitzy: Mm-hm.", "Girls: \"Blinking faces blank and ho-hum, we are they and they are no one, grant to us the Power of Three, and turn them into nobody.\"", "Mitzy: Did it work?", "Mabel: One way to find out. Let's call our Whitelighter. Chris.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: Why did you change clothes, Piper? You can't hunt demons in heals. Go switch your shoes and we'll get started.", "Margo: Hey, (she puts her arm around him) slow down there, angel. It's all good in the Charmed universe. What's your hurry?", "Chris: Paige, did you just call me angel?", "Mitzy: She did, and I can clearly see why.", "Chris: Okay. What are you doing over here?", "Mitzy: Oh, well, we were just, um...", "Mabel: Solving a murder. Evil has been here, probably spying on us.", "(She pulls the dagger out of the salesman and hands it to Chris.)", "Chris: This could be connected to whoever's after the Book of Shadows.", "Mabel: Could be. See that symbol carved into the handle? We think that represents the astral plane.", "Chris: I don't know. The astral plane's a realm of spirit and energy. It's not like they manufacture athames there.", "Mitzy: All the more reason you should orb over and investigate.", "Leo: You want me to orb to the astral plane?", "Mitzy: Immediately. And don't come back until you find out where that knife came from.", "Margo: Can I have a kiss goodbye?", "Chris: No.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Margo: Oh, well, a girl's gotta try.", "Mabel: You know what this means.", "Mitzy: We are Charmed and dangerous. (They do a little dance.) Oh, yeah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Mitzy walks in and goes over to Elise.]", "Mitzy: Excuse me, Elise?", "Elise: Phoebe, I thought you left.", "Mitzy: I did, now I'm back. That's not against the rules, is it?", "Elise: Whatcha got there?", "Mitzy: Oh, it's a new article for tomorrow's paper. I didn't like what I wrote before.", "(She hands Elise a sheet of paper.)", "Elise: Is this crayon?", "Mitzy: Eyeliner, actually. I didn't have a pen.", "Elise: Well, it's a little late for a new copy but I'll see what I can do.", "Mitzy: Awesome. I mean, thank you.", "(Jason walks in.)", "Jason: Phoebe. (Mitzy turns around.) I thought you were getting ready for dinner.", "Mitzy: Wow. You are hot.", "Jason: Are you okay?", "Mitzy: Never better. Did you say we were hooking up tonight?", "Jason: I'll swing by at seven.", "Mitzy: Great, I'll be ready for you, sugar. (He kisses her on the cheek and walks past her.) Ooh.", "(She grabs him and kisses him passionately. Elise's jaw drops.)", "[Scene: Manor. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. Piper's on the phone and Phoebe and Paige are making a potion.]", "Piper: I did not fire your band. I need them to play tonight. Today at rehearsal? No, that's impossible, I have been home all afternoon. Okay, listen, I'll be right there. (She hangs up.) Uh, I gotta go to P3 so tell the nanny to give Wyatt dinner if I'm not back in time.", "Paige: Okay. Bye. (Piper heads for the door and passes a wedding photo of Leo and Mabel.) Okay, this vanquishing potion is more like vanquishing goo. Can you check the last ingredient in the book for me?", "Phoebe: Sure. (Phoebe reaches for the book and it glows and closes itself.) Whoa, that was different.", "Paige: Try it again.", "(Phoebe reaches for it again and it slides off onto the floor.)", "Phoebe: It's like it's not recognising us.", "Paige: Okay, that's weird, I was just holding it in my hands ten minutes ago.", "Phoebe: Wait, Chris said something might happen to the book, remember? And we just kind of blew him off. Chris? Hello, are you there? (Their cell phones ring.) Is that you? Who is that?", "Paige: Both of us.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "(They answer their phones.)", "Paige: Hello?", "Phoebe: Hey, Elise.", "Paige: There's a union rally at the fruit packing plant?", "Phoebe: No, I did not advocate multiple s*x partners.", "Paige: No, I'm not leading the rally, I'm at home.", "Phoebe: I didn't say that alcohol cures depression.", "Paige: Of course I believe in equal pay for workers.", "Phoebe: This is Phoebe.", "Phoebe, Paige: Hello?", "(They hang up.)", "Phoebe: Emergency at work?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Unfortunate coincidence?", "Paige: Not likely.", "Phoebe: I don't know about you but I wanna keep my job.", "Paige: Yeah, me too. I'll leave a note for the nanny, she's out walking Wyatt, and I'll try to put the book away.", "Phoebe: Okay, um, I'm gonna change in case I don't make it back in time for my date with Jason. Alright, meet back here as soon as possible.", "(Phoebe rushes off. Paige bends down and tries to pick up the book. It glows and slides under the couch.)", "[Scene: P3. The band is packing up their stuff. Piper rushes in.]", "Piper: Hey, Ray, did the band leave yet?", "Ray: I'm sorry, ma'am, we're not open yet.", "Piper: Hahaha, very funny.", "Ray: You'll have to come back tonight.", "Piper: Look, Ray, I'm missing dinner time with my kid because the band cancelled, okay. I'm not in the mood for jokes.", "Ray: They didn't cancel, the owner fired them. Too bad too, they were good. You one of their groupies?", "Piper: Wh? No, I'm your boss and I'm gonna fire you if you don't move it.", "Ray: Look, lady, there's a bar open up the road if you really need a drink, okay?", "(Mabel and Jack walk out of the back room, straightening their clothes.)", "Jack: I have to admit, Piper, when you said that there'd be fringe benefits, you weren't kidding.", "Mabel: Oh, I'm all about job satisfaction.", "Jack: Yeah? What about after hours?", "Piper: Yeah? So do I! And you're gonna be one sorry dude if you don't move.", "(Mabel sees Piper and hides behind Jack.)", "Mabel: Oh, uh, you know what? There is some work I have to deal with but I'll try to wrap it up early. Why don't you come by the house after your shift.", "Piper: Like you could! (She freezes Ray and walks past him. Mabel goes in the back room. Piper unfreezes Ray and walks over to Jack.) Why is Ray acting like he doesn't know me? Would you please tell him who I am?", "Jack: Sure. Who are you?", "[Scene: Fruit packing plant. The rally is taking place. Margo is there holding a \"Union\" sign. Paige orbs in near by.]", "Crowd: Equal pay! Shorter days! Equal pay! Shorter days! Equal pay! Shorter days!", "Paige: What a circus.", "(The boss steps in.)", "Boss: Everybody quiet down! I talked to my supervisor and he's replacing all of you if you don't get your asses back on that line.", "Margo: Oh, you mean the line of unsafe working conditions?", "Crowd: Yeah!", "Margo: No medical benefits?", "Crowd: Yeah!", "Margo: And third world wages?", "Crowd: Yeah!", "Margo: I don't think so.", "Crowd: Equal pay! Shorter days! Equal pay! Shorter days!", "(A security guard stands in front of Paige.)", "Security Guard: May I help you, miss?", "Paige: Oh, it's okay, I work here. Who's that girl on the conveyer belt?", "Security Guard: I'd like to see some ID please.", "Paige: Oh.", "(She shows him her ID. He looks at it and sees Margo's picture on it.)", "Security Guard: Who'd you steal this from?", "Paige: What are you talking about?", "Security Guard: Come on. Let's go.", "(He grabs Paige.)", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. The door opens and Mabel, Mitzy and Margo walk in.]", "Mabel: Split up, fan out, find the book. We don't have much...", "Chris: I'm on to you three.", "(They turn around to see Chris sitting on the couch.)", "Margo: (whispers) What do we do?", "(A dagger appears in Mabel's hand behind her back.)", "Chris: You thought you could fool me but you can't. (He stands up.) This athame isn't from the astral plane. You sent me on a wild goose chase so you wouldn't have to hunt demons, didn't you, Piper?", "Mitzy: Busted.", "Margo: Guilty.", "Mabel: You figured us out, Chris.", "(The dagger disappears. Mitzy moves closer to Chris.)", "Mitzy: We are so sorry.", "Chris: Yeah, you should be. Look, there's an evil out there after Wyatt, (Mitzy rubs her face on Chris's chest) and we need to find him before he... Phoebe, what are you doing?", "Mitzy: Finding comfort in my Whitelighter.", "Margo: You're all over him.", "Mitzy: You're just jealous 'cause I got to him first.", "Chris: Look, Phoebe, I know Piper hooked up with her last Whitelighter but I'm really, really not interested, okay? Can we get back to hunting demons, please?", "Mabel: Actually, Chris, we can't. We didn't ditch you to play hookie. We needed time to investigate the death across the street.", "Chris: Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? I would have given you time off for legitimate Charmed duties.", "Mitzy: Well, we're asking now. We believe that athame belongs to witches.", "Margo: Really smart, pretty witches.", "Mabel: We just don't know who they are.", "Chris: So why don't I check around this realm for them?", "Mabel: It's like you read my mind.", "Chris: See, I can be reasonable and helpful. All you gotta do is be honest with me.", "(Chris orbs out. The girls sigh with relief.)", "Mabel: Okay, now we really are running out of time. We need that book. You two search down here, I'm gonna take upstairs. Oh, and from now on, keep your hands off the Whitelighter. That's an order.", "[Cut to P3. Ray throws Piper out the door.]", "[Cut to the fruit packing plant. The security guard throws Paige out the gates.]", "[Cut to The Bay Mirror. Security throws Phoebe out the doors. She looks up and sees Mitzy's face on her Ask Phoebe poster.]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. The blonde sisters have found the book. Margo is furiously flipping through it.]", "Mitzy: Hurry, hurry, before they get home.", "(She stops at a page.)", "Mabel: This is it, this is what we want.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in.)", "Piper: Alright, who do you think you are?", "Mitzy: Oh, you haven't heard? We're the Charmed Ones.", "Margo: Nice dress.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "Paige: Nice book.", "Mabel, Mitzy, Margo: \"Powers of the witches rise...\"", "Piper: Hey, hey.", "(Piper tries to freeze them. Bright magical lights rise out of Piper, Phoebe and Paige.)", "Mabel, Mitzy, Margo: \"Course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here.\"", "(The bright magical lights sink into the blonde sisters.)", "Mabel: Let's see, what was that freaky little hand thing you did? Like this.", "(Mabel flicks his hand and a vase blows up. Piper is pushed backwards. She looks at her bleeding leg.)", "Piper: Ooh, I'm down. (Phoebe jumps up and kicks Mabel, sending her across the room. Phoebe turns around Mitzy and she has levitated in the air. She kicks Phoebe and sends her flying over the couch. Margo grabs the lamp.) Paige.", "(Paige orbs out just before Margo whacks her with it. She orbs back in.)", "Paige: I can still orb.", "Margo: Hey, that was supposed to be my power! (Paige quickly orbs out Piper and Phoebe.) Freeze them!", "Mabel: I don't know how.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Mabel, Mitzy and Margo are there. Mabel is looking through the Book of Shadows and Mitzy is scrying.]", "Mabel: You guys have got to see this. There's spells, potions, charms for everything. Once we get rid of the Halliwells, this book is gonna change our lives.", "Mitzy: You guys, my arm's getting sore here. How about a little relief? It never takes this long to scry for a witch.", "Mabel: That's because they're not witches anymore. We've got their powers.", "Margo: Uh, excuse me, you got their powers. I got a big fat nothing. As usual.", "(Mitzy gets a vibe.)", "Mitzy: Margo, please, ease off the resentment pedal there, you're dragging me down.", "Mabel: Oh, this is great. Vanquishing tips on all of our competition.", "Margo: Paige orbed. How could she still do that?", "Mabel: We cast a spell to call a witch's power. Paige's orbing must come from her Whitelighter side.", "Margo: Well, then let's call for her Whitelighter's power. Because I wanna orb!", "Mitzy: Yo, Margo, get over it already. Your negativity is giving me a migraine.", "Margo: You think it's bad now? Just keep flaunting that empath power at me. I'll start hitting on you for real.", "Mabel: Hey, we're in here.", "Mitzy: We made the Book of Shadows? (Mitzy and Margo go over to see.) What, no picture?", "Margo: Just a paragraph. A really, really tiny paragraph.", "Mabel: The Stillman Sisters. Mabel, Mitzy, Margo. Common witches known for their small time hustles and cons. Not worth vanquishing. If they become a nuisance, try a simple spell to bind their magic.", "Margo: Oh. Well, at least we got an entry.", "Mitzy: Yeah, but look at what they think of us. Common witches not worth vanquishing.", "Mabel: Is that right. Well, check what these common witches just did. We're standing in the home of the Charmed Ones, we've got their powers, we got their book, and we got blonde multi-tonal hair. Who's the nuisance now?", "Margo: We are!", "Mitzy: Oh, yeah!", "(They laugh.)", "Mabel: So let's use all these powers to find the Halliwells. We can not rest until their dead.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Mitzy: Phoebe's boyfriend. She had dinner plans with him tonight.", "Mabel: Go. Margo and I will work on the spells.", "Mitzy: Wait, what? Why does she get to go on a date?", "Mabel: We have to keep up pretences. If Leo or Chris find that we're impostors, they're gonna send the entire magical community after those girls and then we'll never find them. Go.", "(Mitzy gets a vibe.)", "Mitzy: (to Margo) I felt that, Miss Blackheart.", "(Mitzy leaves the room.)", "Mabel: Let's get to work.", "[Scene: Motel. Phoebe and Paige help Piper inside a room.]", "Phoebe: Okay, okay. (Phoebe places a bag of stuff on a dressing table. Piper and Paige sit on the bed.) Let's see what we got here. Let's see. (Phoebe pulls up Piper's pant leg.) You right?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: You sure?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Ohh! It's bad! It's really, really bad!", "Piper: Okay, just do what you can, we have to get back to the manor fast for Wyatt.", "(Phoebe gets some bandages out of the bag.)", "Phoebe: They're not gonna hurt Wyatt, they won't risk exposure, not while we're still alive.", "Paige: How are we gonna stay alive? How are we gonna fight without our powers?", "Phoebe: At least you can still orb.", "Piper: I wish you could orb to Leo. I'd give anything for one of his unwanted visits right... ow!", "Phoebe: Piper, we really should get you to the doctor.", "Piper: No.", "Phoebe: Why?", "Piper: The same reason we paid cash for this room. Because without picture IDs we've got no credit cards, we got nothing. It's like we don't exist.", "Paige: Everyone in the world thinks we're these trashy blondes. I do have to hand it to them though, they've taken identity theft to a whole new level.", "Piper: What about Chris? What if we get him in the same room with the blonde ones so we can prove to him they're fakes.", "Paige: How? He can't hear our call. Going into the manor right now would be suicide.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. I have an idea. Maybe we can find some magical creatures to help us. Like fairies or muses. What do you think?", "Piper: We won't be able to see them, we're not witches anymore.", "Paige: You're not, you can't see them. But I'm still half Whitelighter and I actually happen to know where a couple of handy dandy gremlins like to hang out.", "Piper: You mean, the fruit packer killing variety?", "Phoebe: No-no-no-no. This could actually work. Gremlins are fast, right? They can move between realms, they could actually help us find Chris.", "Piper: What if they say no?", "Paige: Well, if they say no then I'll just have to threaten their little butts with my vanquishing gel.", "Phoebe: Okay, Paige, you orb to the plant and find those gremlins. Chris has got to be back to the manor by midnight. Piper, you stay here where you're safe.", "Piper: Where are you going?", "Phoebe: I am going to hand out a personal invitation.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "[Scene: Restaurant. Mitzy and Jason are sitting at a table. Phoebe sneaks in and hides behind a plant. Mitzy pulls a necklace out of a jewellery box. She gasps.]", "Mitzy: Hey, now! Who'd you knock off for this?", "Jason: Ah, it's nothing. There's, uh, there's so much I want for us, Phoebe...", "Mitzy: How many carats are these?", "(An elderly man turns to Phoebe.)", "Elderly Man: Miss, miss, could we have a wine menu here, please?", "Phoebe: Sure.", "(Phoebe takes a menu off another man and hands it to the elderly man.)", "Man: Hey!", "Mitzy: Wow, you just earned yourself a bit fat thank you. (She drops a napkin on the floor.) Oops, better get that.", "(She gets down under the table. Phoebe's eyes widen.)", "Jason: Uh, Phoebe, what are you doing under the... whoa!", "Elderly Man: My wife was wondering if you have any champagne.", "Phoebe: How dare she.", "Elderly Woman: Well, I only drink it on special occasions. This is our forty-second wedding anniversary.", "Phoebe: You slut.", "Jason: Uh, can I talk to you, Phoebe, up here where I can see your face?", "(Mitzy pops up from underneath the table.)", "Mitzy: Huh?", "(She sits back down. Phoebe sneaks over and sits down at the next table.)", "Jason: Today you said you wanted to talk and now you're groping me under the table. What's going on?", "Mitzy: Well, if you didn't interrupt me, you would've figured it out.", "Jason: Look, Phoebe, maybe you got the wrong guy here because this isn't what I'm about.", "Phoebe: Really? (Phoebe gets up.) Do you really mean that?", "Jason: Who are you?", "Mitzy: She's nobody, baby, let me take care of this. (She stands up.) Listen, sweetie...", "(Phoebe punches Mitzy right in the nose and Mitzy receives a premonition. In the premonition, Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb into the manor. The premonition ends.)", "Jason: Lady, what the hell's going on here?", "Phoebe: I'm so sorry, I thought she was someone else. I'm sorry. Sorry.", "(Phoebe rushes off.)", "[Scene: Fruit packing plant. Paige is there looking for the gremlins. She is holding the green vanquishing gel.]", "Paige: Hey, little blue fellas! Come on out! I won't hurt you. (She walks into another room where a gremlin is jogging on the conveyer belt.) Hey, will you slow down for a second? I have an offer I would like to discuss with you. (The other gremlin swings on a chain towards Paige. She orbs out and the gremlin swings straight into the other gremlin, knocking him off the conveyer belt. Paige orbs back in.) What's it gonna be?", "(She holds up the green gel.)", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Mabel and Jack the Bartender stumble in kissing furiously, unaware of Leo sitting in the corner with Wyatt. They fall back onto the bed.]", "Leo: Piper. (They stop.) What are you doing?", "Mabel: Isn't it obvious?", "Leo: Yeah. But in front of our son?", "Mabel: Well, the lights are off.", "Jack: I think I'd better go, Piper. I'll see you tomorrow at work.", "(They get up.)", "Mabel: Well, no, wait. (Jack leaves.) Oh, man. Look what you did. Aren't we like divorced or something? What are you doing here?", "Leo: I told you, sometimes I visit Wyatt in the nursery to hold him. It's the only chance I get to spend any time with him.", "Mabel: You know what, you're right. I'm a terrible mother. I don't deserve a son, you should take him.", "Leo: Careful, I just might.", "Mabel: Great, it's settled, he's yours.", "Leo: Piper, what's the matter with you? You're not acting like yourself.", "Mabel: I'm sorry, Leo, I think I'm just post-partem. I've just been so tired and overworked. It would really help out if you could take Wyatt off my hands for a while. Please?", "(Leo orbs out. Mitzy stands at the doorway.)", "Mitzy: Don't worry about the bartender. We've got bigger fish to fry.", "[Cut to the conservatory. The clock strikes 12:00. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in.]", "Paige: Okay, if the gremlins found Chris, he should be here by now.", "Piper: Well, he better hurry.", "(They try to leave the room and the doors close on them.)", "Phoebe: Oh, this is not good.", "(They try to go out through the other doors and the close as well.)", "Piper: Okay.", "(Another door closes. Mabel, Mitzy and Margo walk in.)", "Mabel: You Charmed Ones think you're so clever.", "Mitzy: Surprised to see us? I got my first premonition tonight.", "Phoebe: I know you did, you genius. I planted it to lead you here.", "Mitzy: Oh.", "Margo: Well, from where I'm standing that seemed like a stupid thing to do, and I know a lot about stupid things.", "Piper: Yeah, see, she's got us there.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: You wouldn't happen to know any gremlins, would you?", "Paige: Uh, it's about time.", "Phoebe: Chris, thank god. Look at them, look at them, they're impostors. They stole...", "Chris: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Who are you?", "Mabel: They're witches. They're the ones that killed that guy across the street.", "Piper: No, Chris, she's lying. Remember this morning when you said something was gonna happen to the book? Well, this is it. It's happening now.", "Mitzy: Ugh, enough of this. Piper, blast them.", "Chris: How do you know what I said to Piper?", "Paige: Because she is Piper. And I'm Paige and this is Phoebe. And they cast an identity spell to make the entire world think they're us.", "Margo: That's ridiculous. Everyone knows the Charmed Ones are blonde.", "Mabel: If you're Piper, then show me your powers, blast me.", "Piper: I can't, you stole them.", "Mabel: Okay, so we stole your identities and your powers. Wow, we must be good. Definitely worth more than a paragraph.", "Margo: Oh, yeah.", "Mabel: It's time to take care of you witches and your delusions.", "Paige: Wait! Wait. I can prove that we're telling the truth. I can still orb, I'm half Whitelighter.", "Chris: Okay, go for it.", "(Paige tries to orb but nothing happens. She tries again.)", "Margo: (whispers) What do you think of my anti-orb spell?", "Chris: Go ahead, Piper, blast away.", "(Mabel tries to blow them up but misses and gets the window.)", "Phoebe: She missed, Chris, when have you ever known Piper to miss?", "Mabel: Even I'm entitled to a bad day.", "Margo: Come on, try again.", "(Mabel blows up a pot plant.)", "Paige: Uh, Chris, a little help here.", "Piper: Oh, you know what? She's getting angry. And our powers don't work so good when we're angry.", "Mitzy: We've got them now.", "Piper: Yeah, you've got us now so why don't you blow us up?", "Phoebe: Piper, death bad, life good.", "Paige: Don't worry, this bimbo couldn't hit the broadside of a beauty parlour. Check out that dye job.", "(The blonde sisters gasp.)", "Mabel: How dare you!", "(Mabel blows up the doors.)", "Piper: Run!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige run in.]", "Phoebe: Oh my god, oh my god, we need weapons.", "Paige: Uh, demon leftovers.", "(They run over to a large chest and pull out a crossbow.)", "Phoebe: Piper, Piper, for you. (They hand it to Piper. They pull out an axe.) Okay. (Paige pulls out a spiked ball.) Ready?", "Paige: Yes. (Piper crouches behind a couch and Phoebe and Paige stand on each side of the door. The blonde sisters walk in.) Now!", "(Piper pulls the trigger on the bow and an arrow heads straight for Mabel. She puts her hands up in fear and she freezes Piper, Phoebe and Paige. She plucks the arrow out of the air.)", "Mabel: Oh, so that's how it works.", "Margo: Uh, could we like, not stand here right now?", "(They move out of Phoebe and Paige's line of fire.)", "Mitzy: Now what?", "Mabel: Now we kill them.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: You did it. Nice work, babe.", "(He walk over to Mitzy and kisses her passionately.)", "Margo: This is not fair! First, I get ripped off in the power department, then you bag the bartender, and the boyfriend lays diamonds on you. That Whitelighter belongs to me.", "Mitzy: Ow, my head. You know, you really need to learn to control your emotions. I can't help it if Chris chose me.", "Margo: Did you sleep with him?", "Mitzy: No.", "Chris: Yes.", "Mabel: You did what? I gave you a direct order, that Whitelighter was off limits.", "Mitzy: You know what? I am sick and tired of your orders. We both are.", "Margo: Stay out of my feelings.", "Mabel: Oh, are those your feelings?", "Margo: The hell yes those are my feelings. You boss us around like we're idiots.", "(Mitzy gets a vibe.)", "Mitzy: What? She thinks we are idiots.", "Mabel: I didn't say that.", "Chris: Yeah, but I bet she felt it. My little empath feels everything.", "Mitzy: He's right. You despise us. (Chris looks over at the book and the triquetra on the front glows.) In fact, until I became an empath I never realised how much you truly hate us.", "Chris: You know what? Come on, baby, lets go, who needs them?", "(Chris grabs Mitzy's arm.)", "Mabel: Oh, you're not going anywhere. We've got to stick together or our plan falls apart.", "Margo: See? There you go, bossing again.", "Mitzy: Mm-hm.", "Margo: Just let the little chippy run off if that's what she wants.", "Mitzy: Don't call me a chippy.", "(She pushes Margo.)", "Margo: Don't push me!", "(She pushes Mitzy back.)", "Mabel: Just shut up!", "(Mabel pushes them both and the triquetra on the book splits apart. Piper, Phoebe and Paige unfreeze.)", "Chris: You should be able to handle these women now.", "(Piper punches Mabel and Paige punches Margo. Phoebe walks over to Mitzy.)", "Mitzy: Not the nose, please.", "Phoebe: I think you have something that's mine.", "Mitzy: Sure. (She takes off the necklace.) It's yours. Anything you want.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "(Phoebe punches Mitzy in the nose.)", "Paige: (to Chris) I take it this was all your doing.", "Chris: Hey, you're the one who got me here.", "Piper: How did you know they weren't us?", "Chris: In all my life I have never seen you take the bait the way that witch took it from you.", "Phoebe: In all your life? You've only been our Whitelighter for two months.", "Chris: Let's just reverse the magic.", "(Chris opens the book and hands it to them.)", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here.\"", "(White magical lights rise out of the blonde sisters and sink into Piper, Phoebe and Paige.)", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Leo and Wyatt are there. Leo is playing with Wyatt. Piper is standing at the doorway.]", "Piper: So we binded their powers and handed them over to Morris. There was enough evidence across the street to book 'em for murder and if that doesn't stick, they're wanted in eight other states. Looks like you two had a good time.", "Leo: Yeah, he loved all the clouds up there.", "Piper: I bet.", "Leo: Well, he just finished a bottle, he's probably ready for a nap. I should get going.", "Piper: Leo, wait, um, don't go too far away from Wyatt, okay? I mean, feel free to sneak in and hold him any time I'm not around.", "Leo: Thanks.", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: Leo, can I talk to you for a second?", "Leo: (to Wyatt) See ya, buddy.", "(Leo and Chris go out into the foyer.)", "Chris: There's a rumour floating around up there that you've got a lead on whoever scattered your auras.", "Leo: Yeah, I know, I floated it.", "Chris: You did? Why?", "Leo: To draw out the guilty party.", "Chris: Did it work?", "Leo: You tell me. So far you're the only one to come forward with any questions.", "Chris: It's an interesting experiment. When you find out who did it, let me know.", "Leo: Oh, I already know who did it, Chris, and when I get enough proof to expose him, he'll be the first one to know.", "[Scene: Car Wreckers. Paige is there talking to the gremlins.]", "Paige: I don't know why I keep running into magic but thanks to you two I have my identity back and the fruit packers are unionised. So for now I'm just gonna go with it. However, you two can't hurt people anymore and that's why I brought you here so you can tinker away to your heart's content. Well, how about it, little blue dudes.", "(The gremlins zip off into the pile of cars.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Jason's Office. Jason is sitting as his desk. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Jason: Hi.", "Phoebe: Can we talk?", "Jason: About?", "Phoebe: Us.", "Jason: I thought we tried that earlier.", "Phoebe: I was kind of hoping we could forget about that.", "Jason: Okay.", "Phoebe: You're still mad.", "Jason: No, no, actually, I'm confused. I swear, every time I see you, I never know which Phoebe I'm gonna get. You either wanna talk, or you want...", "Phoebe: Yeah. I know. But I don't know how to act around you either. You know, you fly in for a few days and we're supposed to squeeze everything that we're feeling for each other in those few days and it's just, it's just really hard.", "Jason: I know.", "Phoebe: And that's why I wanted to go to dinner, you know? Just so we could talk. Figure out how we feel about each other.", "Jason: How's your nose?", "Phoebe: My nose? Oh, yeah, my nose. It's pretty good. I'm a fast healer. Well, I should probably let you get back to work, huh?", "(She heads for the door.)", "Jason: What are you doing right now?", "Phoebe: Trying to make a classy exit.", "Jason: You want to go to a classy lunch? We'll just, we'll talk.", "Phoebe: I'd love to. (Jason grabs his coat and heads for the door.) Jason.", "Jason: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Thanks for my diamonds." ]
The Power of Three Blondes
[ "When Paige's latest temp job puts her in the middle of an ongoing feud between two magical families, the Montanas and the Callaways, she falls for Richard Montana and urges both families to consider a truce. Paige, Phoebe, and Piper hold a séance with both families and everyone is stunned to learn that Richard's first love, Olivia Callaway, is the one who has been escalating the feud to avenge her death. Paige becomes possessed by Olivia's spirit, and Phoebe and Piper must banish Olivia in order to save Paige and the two families. However, Paige's abduction of Richard while possessed and the near death of his mother, cause the families to end the feud, having decided they want no more death. Olivia's dad and Richard's mom lead Phoebe and Piper to Olivia's grave where Paige tries to attack, but is prevented by Piper. Phoebe and Piper go to vanquish her but are stopped by Paige who felt Olivia's intense pain while possessed by her and Paige and Richard are able to convince her to move on peacefully. Meanwhile, Leo is suspicious when Chris travels to The Underworld in search of a potion and trails him in secret. The potion turns out to be an empath blocking potion, and Piper and Paige are able to use it to block Phoebe's new power on them, however, when they are gone, Chris secretly uses it on himself too." ]
[ "[Scene: Building. Temp Agency. Paige and Carl are there. Carl is flipping through a rolodex.]", "Carl: Uh, mail clerk at Dutton and Houser, greeter at Yarn Mart, pre-school assistant... how are you at diapers?", "Paige: Maybe I'm not making myself clear.", "Carl: No, well, let's see, how about this. Bagger at Grocery Plus, cashier at Lucy's Landscaping, computer programmer... I don't think so.", "Paige: Listen, I was just curious. Why have all the temp jobs you've sent me out on been so unusual?", "Carl: Unusual? What's unusual about a fruit packer?", "Paige: Okay, well, maybe it's not the job, it's just kind of what happens you know, after I get there. Things just kind of go a little wonky. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?", "Carl: No.", "Paige: No. No, you wouldn't, okay. Well, maybe it's just a coincidence, although honestly, you know, I don't believe in coincidences. Okay, look, here's the thing. I'm not picky, I'll take anything as long as it's really, really normal.", "Carl: Oh, you want normal? I've got the perfect thing for you.", "(He pulls a card out of the rolodex.)", "[Scene: Callaway House. Bathroom. Paige is holding a bedpan. She flushes the toilet and walks out into the hallway.]", "Paige: This is not what I had in mind. (She pulls off her gloves. She looks over at Grandma Callaway who is sitting at a table near a window. She peeks at Paige's hand of cards.) Wasn't someone supposed to call a trump?", "(Paige walks over to her.)", "Grandma Callaway: Oh, yes, right, trump. (Paige sits down.) I was just waiting for you.", "Paige: Oh, I see.", "(Grandma Callaway laughs.)", "Grandma Callaway: Still can't believe you would know how to play pinochle. Not a lot of young people do anymore, you know.", "Paige: See, I used to play with my grandma all the time.", "Grandma Callaway: Really? Lucky me.", "Paige: No, actually lucky me.", "Grandma Callaway: Babysitting a sick, old lady. How is that lucky for you? Well?", "Paige: Well, I think it's time for your medicine.", "(Paige stands up and an energy ball comes flying through the window, hitting Paige in the chest. It knocks her to the ground. She looks at her bleeding wound. Grandma Callaway's son, James, runs down the stairs.)", "James: Mother? What? Are you okay?", "Grandma Callaway: I'm okay. The sons of bitches missed me. Really, I'm okay.", "(She looks at Paige.)", "Paige: So much for normal.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper and Phoebe are there. Piper is vacuuming while Phoebe is meditating and levitating up in the air.]", "Phoebe: Piper, do you mind? I'm trying to meditate up here if you haven't noticed.", "Piper: Well, can't you block out the noise?", "Phoebe: Yeah, the vacuum cleaner I can block out, your nerves I can't.", "Piper: My nerves?", "Phoebe: Oh, for god sakes, woman. I'm sorry, you're anxious, I'm anxious.", "Piper: But it's my first date, it's not yours.", "Phoebe: But unfortunately, it feels as though it's my first date.", "Piper: Well, can't you control it?", "Phoebe: What do you think I'm doing up here? Cleaning the chandelier?", "Piper: Now that would be helpful.", "(Paige walks in through the front door. Phoebe loses her concentration and falls to the floor.)", "Phoebe: Talk about your psychic hit.", "Paige: Hi, how's it going, don't ask.", "Piper: Are you hurt? What happened?", "Paige: It's nothing, I'm fine.", "Phoebe: You're not fine, Paige, you're scared to death. Why don't people in this family own their emotions.", "Paige: Okay, this empath thing, very annoying.", "Piper: Copy that.", "(Paige goes into the kitchen.)", "Piper: Hey.", "(Piper follows Paige. Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: You haven't seen Leo, have you?", "Phoebe: Oh, Chris, not now.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Paige is pressing a towel against her wound. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Paige.", "Paige: It's nothing, I'm fine.", "Piper: It doesn't look like nothing to me. Was that an energy ball?", "Paige: I don't know, I was playing pinochle, I didn't see. I'm temping Grandma, she's got some deep dark secrets, let me tell you that.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Piper: Uh, another temp job involving magic?", "Paige: Yeah, right, I'm never gonna get away.", "Phoebe: But you want to.", "Piper: Shush.", "Phoebe: Sorry.", "Piper: Do you want me to get the book?", "Paige: No, actually, I don't. I wanna follow this one through all by myself.", "Piper: Oh.", "Phoebe: She's feeling a little suppressed by us.", "Piper: You are?", "Paige: You know, what I was talking about, the temp job thing. Why I am trying to find my own path, just separate from...", "Piper: From us?", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: So I checked the house, no sign of...", "Piper: I should cancel my date.", "Phoebe: What? Why?", "Piper: Because we're having issues.", "Phoebe: No, the issue is you're afraid to date, Piper. But you can't let your fear stop you. (to Paige) You on the other hand should.", "Paige: Gee, I wonder why I'm feeling suppressed.", "Piper: Phoebe, this is ridiculous. It's just getting worse.", "Phoebe: I know. So what should I do? Should I just keep all your feelings to myself? Would that make you guys happy?", "Piper, Paige: Yes.", "Phoebe: Okay, then that's what I'll do. Someone's hiding something from me.", "Chris: Just let me know if anyone sees Leo, okay?", "(Chris leaves.)", "Paige: I've gotta go back and check on grandma.", "Phoebe: Wait, you're still going? Paige, you're scared to death...", "Paige: Apple!", "(An apple orbs out of the fruit bowl and into Phoebe's mouth. Paige throws the towel on the table and leaves the kitchen.)", "Piper: Well, that's one way to do it.", "(Phoebe bites into the apple. Piper smiles and leaves the kitchen.)", "[Scene: Cave. Chris and an elderly man with missing front teeth are there. The man is mixing something with a mortar and pestal.]", "Man: All sold out I'm afraid. Good for me, bad for you.", "Chris: Well, how long will it take you to make more?", "Man: The potion you desire is pricey for a reason. The main ingredient is quite rare and hard to come by. What secret are you so eager to hide?", "Chris: Just tell me how long.", "Man: Hard to say. Six weeks or months. Demonic suppliers are notoriously unreliable.", "Chris: Well, I can't wait, alright. I need it now.", "Man: The impatience of youth. Then again he takes a young heart to brave grave danger.", "Chris: Spare me the Morpheus speech, old man. What are you saying?", "(An invisible figure appears near the wall.)", "Man: Swamp Land is where you'll find the Kotochul egg your potion requires. Now you understand the difficulty.", "Chris: Fine. I'll get you your damn egg. Just make sure you're ready by the time I get back.", "(He starts to leave and the invisible figure disappears. He looks at the wall and orbs out. The invisible figure reappears and then becomes visible. It's Leo.)", "[Scene: Outside the Callaway house. Paige is talking into the intercom outside the gate.]", "Paige: Hi, it's me Paige. Paige, your home helper. Please buzz me in. Look, I know you're there. I am not going to expose you, I promise. I just wanna help.", "(Richard Montana walks down his driveway across the street.)", "Richard: Don't you think it's a little risky coming back here?", "Paige: Please buzz me in, Ms Callaway.", "Richard: No, seriously. In case you didn't notice, there's kind of a war going on between these two homes.", "Paige: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.", "Richard: Don't you?", "Paige: It's me! Pinochle girl.", "Richard: Hey. You're not the first, you know. Others have come to try to help. Maybe you should leave before you get hurt.", "Paige: I'm sure I can handle it, thanks.", "Richard: You're not a muse that's for sure. Or a Whitelighter. You're a witch like us.", "Paige: How do you know that?", "Richard: Ever since I was a kid, one sort of magical being or another has come to try help in the feud. Hasn't worked though. I mean, this last truce was the longest but...", "(An energy ball comes flying out of the Callaway's house, heading straight for them. He grabs Paige and pulls her out of the way. The energy ball flies past and hits the letterbox across the street.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Bathroom. Piper and Phoebe are there. Piper is sitting on the counter while Phoebe puts on Piper's lipstick.]", "Phoebe: Good. Alright, take a look.", "(Piper looks at herself in a handheld mirror.)", "Piper: Yeah, okay, think newly single mum, not two-bit hooker.", "(Phoebe hands her some tissues.)", "Phoebe: Okay, we try again.", "(Piper wipes off the lipstick.)", "Piper: You're a little distracted.", "Phoebe: I'm having a very hard time concentrating. I think this empath power is driving me crazy.", "(Phoebe tries another shade of lipstick on Piper.)", "Piper: You?", "Phoebe: Well, you try having PMS for three sisters every month. It's a good thing no one in this family is having s*x, I'd be feeling that too.", "Piper: Yeah, okay, so let's skip the vamp red.", "Phoebe: You know, if I can't ignore the bloating and the cramping and the mood swings, how am I supposed to ignore the fact that my sister is scared to death.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Right, okay, I'm just gonna mind my own business.", "Piper: All we have to do is respect what Paige wants. And clearly what she wants is not our help.", "Phoebe: You know, she thinks that's what she wants but I know what she really wants, and what she really wants is our help.", "Piper: That's it, I'm staying home.", "Phoebe: What? Why?", "Piper: To make sure that you leave Paige alone.", "(Pipers jumps off the counter.)", "Phoebe: Piper, no, you have to go out, you need to go out. (Piper goes out into the hallway and Phoebe follows.) And this is not me channelling, this is just me talking. Trust me, as soon as you get back on the dating horse, the easier it will be.", "Piper: No, I know, you're right, you're absolutely right. It's just the truth is I'm a little scared. I mean, I was married to an angel for crying out loud, who is gonna compare to that?", "Phoebe: I know but Piper, but you also dated a demon, a warlock and a ghost, you know, that's what you should be scared of.", "Piper: Super pep talk, sis.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: You look beautiful.", "Piper: Mm.", "[Cut to downstairs. Foyer. Piper opens the door. Phoebe is standing behind the door. A handsome looking man, Seth, is standing there.]", "Seth: Hey.", "Piper: Hi.", "Seth: Wow, you look great. I-I'm not surprised, that's just that you normally...", "Piper: Oh, yeah, no bottle, no binky.", "Seth: No spit up.", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Pssst.", "Seth: So you ready? Wanna go?", "Phoebe: Psst. He likes you, I can tell.", "Piper: One second. (whispers) Leave Paige alone, I mean it.", "Phoebe: (whispers) I will. I will.", "(Piper grabs her bag.)", "Piper: Okay.", "(Piper walks outside.)", "Phoebe: Have fun, have fun, I will leave Paige alone. (Phoebe closes the door.) I can't, I can't. Chris!", "(Chris orbs in. He has dust on his shirt.)", "Chris: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Hey, I need you to watch Wyatt for me.", "Chris: What? No, no way.", "Phoebe: What's wrong? Why you worried?", "Chris: What's wrong? What's wrong is I don't do babies. One and under crowd, not my thing. Leo, however. (Leo orbs in.) Great with kids, especially his own. (to Leo) You're not following me are you?", "Leo: Why? Should I be?", "Phoebe: Oh, there's a lot of love in this room. Okay, so, um, there's a bottle in the fridge if Wyatt wakes up and the diaper rash cream, only if he needs it, okay? We've gotta keep that butt moist.", "(Phoebe rushes off to the kitchen.)", "Chris: Did you get that?", "(Chris orbs out. Leo runs after Phoebe.)", "Leo: Phoebe, Phoebe, wait-wait-wait. I can't do this right now, I gotta follow... up on some things.", "Phoebe: Well, I have to check on Paige and make sure she's alright.", "Leo: Where's Piper?", "Phoebe: Piper is... she's kinda, uh... Piper's on a date.", "Leo: Oh.", "Phoebe: I'm so sorry, you're hurting. I'm here for you, I just can't be here for you right now. I'm gonna be in there for you though... checking on Paige.", "(Phoebe runs into the kitchen.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe picks up the bloodied towel from Paige's wound.]", "Phoebe: \"Lead me back from whence this came, help me help my sister's pain.\"", "[Scene: Montana House. Richard and his father Benjamin, walk out of the study. Richard is carrying a glass of pink liquid.]", "Benjamin: I want her out of here.", "Richard: She wasn't sent by the Callaways, she wants the fighting to stop.", "(They walk down the hallway.)", "Benjamin: Yeah? Then how come to fighting started up the minute she showed up.", "Richard: Probably just a coincidence.", "Benjamin: I thought you didn't believe in coincidences.", "(Benjamin walks away. Richard walks into the living room where Paige is sitting.]", "Richard: Hey. Here, drink that.", "(He hands her the glass.)", "Paige: What is it?", "Richard: It's a family recipe, it'll make you feel better, speed up the healing process. Look, I'm the one who shouldn't trust you, remember? Drink up.", "(Paige has a sip. Rosaline Montana walks past the room carrying a tray of potions.)", "Paige: Are those potions?", "Richard: Yeah, I told you we're witches.", "Paige: Good ones or bad ones.", "Richard: What do you think.", "Paige: Well, I don't know, you did just try to fry an eighty-year old grandma with an energy ball.", "Richard: We didn't do that, that was the Callaways. They made it look like it was us. It was a set-up.", "Paige: Okay, so they're the bad ones?", "Richard: Well, no, they're not bad, they're just, they're bad to us. (Steve, his brother, comes running in. He has scars on one side of his face. He picks up a tray of potions and leaves.) See those scars? Years ago the Callaways cast a plague on us. Of course in return we cursed them with boils. Or was it the boils and then the plague? I don't know, I can't remember. A feud this long you start to lose track, you know.", "Paige: How come you don't have scars?", "Richard: You can't curse people that don't practise magic. I don't do that anymore.", "Paige: Why not?", "Richard: Last time I did it it brought me to a place I don't wanna go again. (He points to a photo of a woman.) That's Olivia, my fiancé. Olivia Callaway.", "Paige: Ooh, sleeping with the enemy.", "Richard: She was actually killed in the crossfire last year.", "Paige: I-I'm really sorry.", "Richard: It's alright, you didn't know. She'd be more upset than anybody if this truce ended. She, she wanted peace.", "Paige: Maybe that's why I'm here, to help.", "(Olivia's spirit floats out of the photo. She floats through the wall and into the study where Benjamin is.)", "Olivia: Boo!", "Benjamin: What? Olivia? But you're a...", "Olivia: A ghost? Yeah. Sucks too, believe me.", "Benjamin: What do you want?", "Olivia: What you took from me. My life, my love. (An energy ball appears in her hand.) And one way or another, I'm gonna get them both back.", "Benjamin: No, just wait a minute, don't. There's a Charmed One here, she'll come after you.", "Olivia: I'm counting on it.", "(Olivia floats outside the window and throws the energy ball. It smashes through the window and hits Benjamin. The whole family and Paige rush in.)", "Rosaline: Oh, please, god, no! Oh my god!", "(Paige looks out the window and sees Phoebe across the street in the Callaway house. Phoebe looks out the window and waves at Paige.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Restaurant. Piper and Seth are on their date. The waiter is taking Piper's order.]", "Piper: Um, I'll have the salmon and fusilli with the eggplant. And could you make sure they use basil and not Italian parsley. And could you ask them to sauté the eggplant lightly and also grill the salmon after the pasta is done, that way it won't dry out. Thank you. (The waiter walks away.) What?", "Seth: Nothing. I just never dated an ex-chef before, that's all.", "Piper: Oh, was I being too picky?", "Seth: No, no.", "Piper: Yeah, I was. I'm sorry, I'm just a little...", "Seth: Nervous?", "Piper: Is it that obvious?", "Seth: It's my fault, this is not a very good first date place.", "Piper: Oh, no, no, it's fine, it's just, you know, I haven't dated in a while.", "Seth: How long were you married?", "Piper: Two years but we were together four.", "Seth: It gets easier. I think I went on five, six dates after my divorce until finally I started feeling comfortable dating people again.", "Piper: Oh, so I guess you don't mind being the guinea pig then.", "Seth: Not at all. (Chris orbs in near by.) If you don't mind me asking, when's your divorce finalised?", "Piper: My divorce?", "Seth: You filed, right?", "Piper: Um, not exactly. It's, uh, kind of a weird arrangement, it's hard to explain.", "(Chris walks over to them. He has mud on his shirt.)", "Chris: Piper.", "Piper: What are you doing here? Why are you covered in mud?", "Seth: Excuse me a second. Who's this?", "Chris: Me? I'm from the future.", "Seth: What?", "Piper: Excuse us. (Piper grabs Chris and they walk across the room.) Are you crazy?", "Chris: You're not serious about that guy are you?", "Piper: Well, uh... You know what, that is none of your business. Where have you been?", "Chris: That's none of your business. Look, you better get home before your sisters kill each other.", "Piper: What? Why? What happened? (She gasps.) Oh, no, Phoebe?", "(Chris nods.)", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe and Paige are walking through the dining room.]", "Phoebe: Paige, I said I'm sorry, what more do you want from me?", "Paige: Sorry doesn't begin to cover it.", "Phoebe: Look, I was worried about you, I thought you were in trouble.", "Paige: If you were so worried, why were you at the Callaways?", "Phoebe: The spell was supposed to take me to you, not them. How was I supposed to know you were across the street?", "Paige: You weren't supposed to know because you weren't supposed to be involved.", "(Piper and Chris orb in.)", "Phoebe: Well, it's a good thing I did get involved because obviously there's a war going on over there.", "Paige: I can handle it.", "Phoebe: Oh, really?", "(Piper whistles.)", "Piper: Hi, hey, what is this about a war?", "Paige: Ask Miss Buttinsky over there. She was with the Callaways when they killed Richard's dad.", "Phoebe: Paige, I'm telling you they didn't kill anyone.", "Paige: I was there.", "Paige: Yeah, so was I.", "(Leo walks down a few stairs.)", "Leo: Hey, can you guys keep it down? I just got Wyatt to sleep.", "Piper: What are you doing here?", "(Leo walks down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Okay, in the living room, in the living room, let's go, let's go.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Paige go in the living room.)", "Chris: Can I go now?", "Leo: No.", "(Leo grabs Chris and pulls him in the living room.)", "[Cut to the living room.]", "Phoebe: Paige, I'm telling you the energy ball did not come from the Callaways.", "Paige: I saw it come through the Callaways' window.", "Phoebe: It couldn't have.", "Paige: Oh, she's not only butting in, she's taking sides.", "Phoebe: Look, Paige, it's not only what I saw but it's what I felt. Don't you think if they just tried to killed someone I would have felt some intense anger coming from them? But I didn't.", "Paige: I don't know. Are you sensing any intense anger coming at you right now?", "Phoebe: No, but what I can sense is that maybe your attraction to this Richard guy is clouding your better judgement.", "Paige: I hate talking to an empath.", "Piper: Wait a second, hold it. Didn't they fire on the Callaway grandmother when you got hurt? Maybe this is just retribution.", "Paige: No, Richard said his family didn't fire on them. I believe him.", "Phoebe: Then where did the energy ball come from? They don't just materialise.", "Piper: Maybe they do.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Piper: Well, if Richard says it was no one in his family, maybe it was somebody else, maybe a third party.", "Leo: If so, the two families need to know before this escalates any further.", "Piper: You've been in both houses, do you think you can get them to come here?", "Paige: What do you mean, like peace talks?", "Piper: Yeah, why not.", "Chris: You've got an Elder right here, who better to mediate. Good luck.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Phoebe: I actually think this could work.", "Paige: I don't know, this feud's been going back for generations. I don't even think they know how it started.", "Piper: Still, it's worth a shot.", "[Scene: Cave. Chris hands the egg to the old man.]", "Man: Nicely done. These aren't easy to find.", "Chris: Tell me about it. How long before it's ready?", "Man: You'll have it when you need it.", "(The man cracks the egg and drops the yolk into the cauldron.)", "[Scene: Montana House. Study. Richard is standing by the window holding a potion. Paige orbs in.]", "Paige: What are you doing?", "(He turns around.)", "Richard: Paige, get out of here, it's none of your business.", "Paige: I thought you weren't using magic.", "Richard: Just save me the speech, okay, I don't need it. Go save an innocent or something.", "Paige: Yeah, I'm trying.", "Richard: Look, they killed my fiancé, they killed my dad. What do you want me to do? Just sit back and watch?", "Paige: We don't know the Callaways even did it.", "Richard: Who then?", "Paige: I don't know.", "Richard: You don't know. Great. Just go, please, before you get hurt.", "(Paige orbs out. Richard heads for the door and opens it. Paige orbs in in front of him.)", "Paige: Hi. You have two choices. Either you can go over to the Callaways and use your considerable influence, not to mention your fairly neutral reputation, and bring them to the peace table.", "Richard: What?", "Paige: Or I can orb your butt down to purgatory and you can spend all of eternity getting a lovely sunburn.", "Richard: You're crazy.", "Paige: Quite possibly. More importantly I'm actually serious. Look, it's the only way to end the feud. It's what Olivia would've wanted, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is making a potion. Leo walks in holding a top with blood on it.]", "Leo: Is this it?", "Piper: That's it, drop it in.", "(Leo puts the top in the potion.)", "Leo: What are you looking for?", "Piper: I wanna see if Paige was actually hit by an energy ball after all.", "Leo: What else could it be?", "Piper: Let's see.", "Leo: So, um, how was your date?", "Piper: Short.", "Leo: Oh, I'm really sorry. Short, you mean like, uh, leprechaun short?", "Piper: No, Leo, he wasn't short, the date was cut short by this.", "Leo: Oh, right, sorry. So, uh, don't you think you should use protection? (Piper gives him a look. He chuckles.) I mean for your hands, the soup.", "Piper: Okay.", "Leo: Look, I know this is awkward me being here and all.", "Piper: It's just as I expected.", "Leo: What does that mean?", "Piper: Not you, the pan. Keep up will you? The shirt, it's getting lighter, which means Paige was not hit by an energy ball, she was hit by a plasma ball.", "Leo: Plasma?", "Piper: And plasma only occurs on the spiritual plane.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Okay, they're all here and these people are in major need of peace talks.", "Piper: Actually, what they need is a séance.", "[Cut to the attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and the Callaways and Montanas are there.]", "James Callaway: You think a ghost is trying to break the truce?", "Piper: Uh, an angry relative maybe? You know, someone who is still tethered to the feud, someone who can't or won't let go.", "(Piper walks over to a table where Paige is.)", "Paige: Why didn't you tell me about this?", "Piper: No time, sorry.", "Steve: This is ridiculous, it's just another one of their tricks.", "(He heads for the door but Richard stops him.)", "Richard: No, it's not. I asked them to come, just let it play out, alright?", "(Piper lights five red candles.)", "Piper: By summoning this spirit, we bring them into our plane, so be careful not to break the circle until we've helped it move on. Or else we're gonna have some angry spirits running a muck. Everybody ready?", "Phoebe: Ommmmmmm. Ummmmmmm.", "Piper: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Oh, sorry, it's just there's... everybody's like... oof.", "(They all stand in a circle and join hands.)", "Piper: Paige.", "Paige: \"Unknown spirit we call to thee, those who wish to set you free, cross on over so we may help, come to use reveal yourself.\"", "(A gust of wind blows in the centre of the circle.)", "Piper: Hold on.", "(Magical lights appear in the circle and form into Olivia.)", "James: Olivia.", "Olivia: Hello, daddy. Miss me? (She turns to Richard.) Richard.", "James: I don't understand. You attacked us. Why?", "(She turns to James.)", "Olivia: Because you didn't avenge my death, that's why.", "Rosaline: But you were hit by one of your own.", "Olivia: Or so you were lead to think. But that's not exactly true, (she turns to Steve) is it, Steve?", "Steve: It was an accident.", "Craig Montana: We were set up.", "(Rosaline tries to let go of James' hand but he holds on tight.)", "Paige: Okay, don't break the chain.", "(Olivia turns to Paige.)", "Olivia: No, we wouldn't want that now, would we Paige?", "Phoebe: Okay, we have to move this along now because whoo.", "Richard: This can't be right. That can't be you.", "(Olivia turns to Richard.)", "Olivia: I was wrong about the feud, Richard. It can never end, I know that now. But that doesn't mean we can't still be together. Once I have my revenge.", "(She disappears and a big blast of wind knocks everyone backwards, breaking the chain.)", "James: Your son killed my daughter.", "Rosaline: And your daughter killed my husband.", "James: Come on.", "(Everyone walks out of the room.)", "Paige: Richard, don't go. Okay, next time I tell you to butt out, butt out.", "(Paige runs out of the room.)", "[Cut to the hallway. Paige runs down the stairs.]", "Paige: Richard, wait!", "(Olivia's spirit appears in front of Paige.)", "Olivia: Why don't we go after Richard together?", "(Olivia's spirit enters Paige's body.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is there making a potion. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, what are you doing? Making soup?", "Piper: Um, not exactly.", "(Phoebe looks at the page the Book of Shadows is turned to.)", "Phoebe: \"Banishing a ghost.\" Wait a minute, I thought we weren't gonna try and help Paige anymore.", "Piper: We're not, we're assisting.", "Phoebe: Oh, we're assisting.", "Piper: Mm-hm. We're just giving her a little ammo should she need it. (Piper pours the blue potion into a vial.) You know, that was one really pissed off ghost.", "Phoebe: That was also one very pissed off sister.", "Piper: Which is why we're not helping her, not directly. We're just giving her an option.", "Phoebe: You're worried.", "Piper: So?", "Phoebe: So you can actually worry and really you're just worried, where as if I worry, people think I'm psychically intruding.", "Piper: Precisely. Now I need to call Leo so he can baby-sit.", "Phoebe: I can call him if you want me to. Just trying to help. I know you want me to though.", "[Scene: Montana House. Study. Richard is there. Paige/Olivia walks in.]", "Paige: Knock, knock.", "Richard: Do you ever give up?", "Paige: Never. Penny for your thoughts? (He gives her a look.) What?", "Richard: Olivia used to say that.", "Paige: Oh. I should be more careful. It must have been hard, seeing her again after all that time.", "Richard: Yeah. She just seemed so bitter, you know.", "Paige: Bitter? She wasn't bitter, she was pissed. I mean, I would be if I lost everything.", "Richard: It just wasn't like her.", "Paige: Well, maybe she was lonely. Maybe she was just reaching out, or maybe she just wants some justice.", "Richard: Justice? She wants revenge.", "Paige: There's something to be said through revenge.", "Richard: Weren't you the one advocating peace? Said you send me to purgatory if I didn't agree.", "(Paige chuckles.)", "Paige: Well, a girl's allowed to change her mind, right? And if Olivia's right and if you can't be stopped, then the last man standing wins. Besides, I'll be there, you won't be alone.", "Richard: Why are you doing this?", "Paige: Because it's the right thing to do. (Paige touches his shoulder.) Together we can't lose.", "(They move closer and kiss.)", "[Scene: Cave. Chris and the old man is there. The old man is pouring the potion into a vial.]", "Chris: Are you sure this is gonna work?", "Man: As long as it doesn't make you violently ill. Side effects, you never know.", "Chris: Thanks for the tip.", "Man: You sure it's worth the risk?", "Chris: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't.", "(Chris takes the potion.)", "Man: He won't tell me.", "Chris: Tell you what?", "Leo's Voice: What you need the potion for. (Leo becomes visible.) Other than to hide your secrets that is.", "Chris: What? This was all a set-up? Is this even legit?", "Man: It's legit alright. But I'm afraid you have to answer to a higher power now.", "Chris: Go ahead, take it. (He throws the potion to Leo.) It wasn't for me anyway.", "Leo: Really?", "Chris: I got it for the sisters. Phoebe's new power is wreaking havoc on their relationship, or haven't you noticed?", "Leo: You expect me to believe this wasn't meant to protect your secrets?", "Chris: No, I don't. But seeing as you haven't figured me out yet, why would I even need it?", "Leo: Don't get too cocky, kid. Wouldn't want me to clip your wings now, would you?", "(Whitelighter sound.)", "Chris: Whoops, looks like Wyatt needs another babysitter, dad. (Leo orbs out.) Alright, I have to ask you to make another one.", "[Scene: Montana House. Study. Paige and Richard are standing by the window. Paige is holding a potion vial.]", "Paige: Take it. Don't be afraid, you can do it.", "(Steve runs past the door.)", "Steve: They're attacking!", "(Richard grabs the potion and runs out of the room.)", "[Cut to the living room. James and his two sons run into the room. Steve runs in and throws a potion at them. It hits a wall. One of the Callaway sons throws an energy ball at Steve, grazing him and knocking him to the floor. Richard runs in and throws a potion. It heads for James and James dives behind the couch. The potion hits one of the Callaway sons in the chest and he and flies backwards into the wall. Richard helps a wounded Steve up and helps him across the room. James gets up and throws an energy ball at them. They dive onto the floor. The energy ball hits the TV. Steve winces in pain and looks at the large wound on his leg.]", "[Cut to outside the Montana house. Piper and Phoebe pull up in Phoebe's car. They see flashes of light and hear explosions from inside.]", "Phoebe: Think she needs help now?", "[Cut to inside. Living room. Richard throws a potion at one of the Callaway sons. Rosaline walks into the room and goes to help Steve. James throws an energy ball straight at Rosaline and hits her, sending her flying.]", "Steve: Mum!", "(Richard looks at his mother and gets angrier. He turns to James and throws an energy ball straight for him. Piper and Phoebe walk in and Piper blows up the energy ball in mid-air. They look at Piper and Phoebe. James throws an energy ball at Richard and he is pushed across the room. He slams into the wall and falls to the floor. Rosaline sits up. Paige runs in and rushes to Richard's side.)", "Paige: Richard. Richard, please wake. Richard, please wake up. It's me, it's Olivia.", "Piper: Oh, no.", "Paige: If I can't have him in life, then I'll have him in death.", "(Paige orbs out with Richard.)", "Rosaline: Oh, Richard! Richard!", "(Rosaline cries.)", "[Scene: Crypt. It's pitch black. A match is lit which lights up the crypt. Paige and Richard are lying there. Paige lights a candle.]", "Paige: It's okay. You're alright, sweetheart. (Richard slowly wakes up.) We couldn't be together before, but we can be together now.", "(Richard turns his head and sees a skeleton lying beside him. He yells.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cemetery. Crypt. Richard is breathing heavily, he's running out of breath.]", "Paige: Don't fight it, just breath.", "Richard: Olivia, please don't do this to me.", "Paige: It's the only way, the only way we can be together. (He looks over at the candle which is almost melted.) Dying's not so hard. That's it. Just breathe.", "(The candle dies out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are there. Piper is standing in front of the Book of Shadows and Phoebe is scrying.]", "Piper: \"Blood to blood I summon thee, blood to blood return to me.\" It's not working.", "Phoebe: Neither is scrying. I knew I should have followed my instincts, I knew that she was in over her head.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What? I know I am driving everyone crazy with my power but doesn't mean I'm not right.", "Leo: We're all understandably tense, but that's not gonna help us get Paige back any faster.", "Phoebe: Well, what is? It's like she doesn't even exist anymore.", "Leo: That's because Olivia's energy is suppressing her.", "Phoebe: So maybe we should be scrying for Olivia. Only we'd need something of hers to scry with.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Piper answers the door. James and Rosaline is standing there.]", "James: We think we know where they are.", "Rosaline: We want to help end this before we lose anyone else.", "Piper: Come on in.", "[Scene: Cemetery. Crypt. Piper, Phoebe and Leo are standing there. Piper blows up the lid of the crypt. Leo rushes over to Paige and Richard. They are unconscious. Olivia's spirit rises out of Paige.]", "Olivia: You're too late.", "Leo: No, we're not. (Paige wakes up. She sits up.) Paige.", "Paige: I'm okay.", "(An energy ball appears in Olivia's hand. Piper blows it up. Olivia gasps.)", "Piper: Phoebe, the potion.", "Paige: You don't need to banish her. You felt her anger but I felt her pain. I know how much you loved him. How much it hurts to have lost him. But you have to let him live. It's the only way for you to move on and get out of limbo. Olivia, please, come away from vengeance, and come back to forgiveness. Back to who you were. Just let the feud end with life and not with death.", "(Richard wakes up.)", "Olivia: I'm scared.", "Paige: I know.", "Olivia: (to Richard) Forgive me.", "(Olivia disappears.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe is there sitting at a desk. The door is locked. Piper and Paige are standing outside the door.]", "Paige: Come on, Phoebe, you can't stay in there forever.", "Phoebe: Yes, I can.", "Piper: Phoebe, this is nuts. Open the door.", "Phoebe: No.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Okay, let's see if this one works. \"In the name of the Halliwell line, bind my sisters from this power of mine.\"", "Piper: Phoebe.", "(Phoebe turns to the door.)", "Phoebe: It's not working, I can still feel your frustration. (Piper, Paige and Chris orb in.) I don't know what else to do, I've tried everything.", "Piper: Hi!", "(Phoebe turns around.)", "Phoebe: You know, people lock doors for a reason.", "Paige: Yes, well, I figure if you can use your powers to intrude on my life, then I can use mine to intrude on yours.", "Piper: Come on, Phoebe. None of us like this new power of yours anymore than you do, but it's pointless to isolate yourself.", "Phoebe: Well, if I can't read you, I can't hurt you.", "Paige: Well, how about instead of trying to control your power, maybe you try to, I didn't know, control yourself?", "Phoebe: Because, Paige, I can't. And I can sense how annoyed you are right now and that's hurting me.", "Paige: Well, what's annoying me if I've discovered I have this magical destiny and I can't trust you to leave me alone for me to follow it.", "Phoebe: What do you think I'm trying to do up here?", "Piper: Okay, let's look at the bright side. We settled a family feud, we set free a tortured soul, maybe your new power and Paige's new solo path away from the sisterhood, is some kind of synergy, that it's all working together in some kind of divine way.", "Phoebe, Paige: Nah.", "Chris: I don't get it. Leo didn't give you the empath blocking potion?", "Piper: What potion? Leo! (Leo orbs in.) Where is it?", "Phoebe: Give me, give me, give me. Faster.", "Piper: Come on, come on, come on.", "Chris: They're really anxious about that potion you got for them.", "Leo: Yeah, only I think you should wait to take it. Phoebe was given her power for a reason.", "Piper: Forget that.", "(Leo hands Piper the potion. She drinks some of it and then passes it to Paige. Paige drinks some.)", "Phoebe: Nothing, nada, zilch!", "Paige: Yes!", "Piper: Hallelujah!", "Paige: Well, I have to go finish a game of pinochle with grandma Callaway.", "Phoebe: Maybe you'll run into Richard.", "Paige: I'm sorry?", "Phoebe: That was a sister thing, not an empath thing. (Phoebe gets up.) Come on.", "(Phoebe and Paige leave the room.)", "Chris: So it worked, right? No nausea, queasiness, nothing like that?", "Piper: Nope, nothing.", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "Chris: Looks like we're one big happy family again.", "Leo: You're not family.", "(Leo leaves the room. Chris pulls a potion out of his pocket and drinks it.)", "[Cut to the hallway. Piper and Leo are there.]", "Leo: Piper. I wanna apologise.", "Piper: For what?", "Leo: For being around so much. I know you asked for your space and I wanna honour that but it's just with Chris.", "Piper: Yeah, no, I understand, I'm not upset.", "Leo: Good.", "Piper: Actually, I don't really think it's necessary anymore. Besides, I can't really think of a better babysitter for Wyatt than his daddy.", "Leo: Really? Anytime.", "Piper: I know this hasn't been easy for you either, but I really appreciate it, it's given me some time to think.", "Leo: About?", "Piper: About where we go from here. And I think it's time maybe we make it official. You know, legal.", "(The phone rings.)", "Leo: Oh. I understand.", "Phoebe's Voice: Piper, Seth's on the phone.", "Leo: Guess you better get that.", "Piper: Yeah.", "(Piper walks into her room and closes the door.)" ]
Love's A Witch
[ "Worried that the Charmed Ones are drifting apart by putting their personal lives before their \"Charmed\" duties, Chris tries to teach them a lesson by enlisting the help of the demon Gith, who creates an alternate reality for the sisters by tapping into their secret desires. Piper's secret desire is to live a normal life, Phoebe feels her boyfriend's, Jason Dean , desire, for her to be a famous celebrity and have her own television show, and Paige's is to not have to hide her magic. Chris tries to kill Gith, but is prevented by when he is shot with a Darklighter arrow. Wyatt ends up becoming seriously ill and when Piper tries to get him to the hospital, she ends up in a car crash while Paige gets attacked by multiple demons and insane fans try to kill Phoebe. Chris manages to put Phoebe into Paige's world and together they manage to channel themselves into Piper's. Gith, desperate, transports himself to Piper's world, but Phoebe fights him off. Gith is vanquished when Piper's SVU explodes and he is consumed in the explosion. His vanquish frees the sisters and Wyatt and they discover a near-death Chris. Piper quickly calls for Leo who heals Wyatt of his illness and Chris of his wound and they return home where the sisters have learned their lesson." ]
[ "[Scene: On the set of TV show \"Chit Chat This & That\". Phoebe is a guest host there, interviewing Nina Halter.]", "Phoebe: Today we're going to be talking about the five minute orgasm. A new book written by Nina Halter. Hi, Nina, welcome.", "Nina: Thank you, and it's an honour to be on your show, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Oh, you're gonna get me in trouble. It's not my show, I'm just the guest host.", "Nina: Oh, well, I'm sorry, I've been watching all week and I love, love, love your topics. So provocative.", "Phoebe: Thank you very much. And speaking of provocative, we should probably talk about this book here of yours.", "Nina: It's wonderful, isn't it.", "Phoebe: Well, to be honest with you, I haven't been able to read the whole thing because I haven't had time, but I love the title. \"The Five Minute Orgasm\", amazing. Okay, so I guess the first question would be, why only five minutes? I mean, don't you think that's rushing it a bit?", "Nina: You misunderstood. It's not about having one in five minutes, it's about having an orgasm for five minutes.", "Phoebe: Oh, oh, well. Is this my copy?", "Nina: Uh-huh.", "(Phoebe giggles.)", "Phoebe: Okay. So, uh, let's just cut to the chase here and I'm gonna ask you, how does one experience this phenomenon?", "Nina: Well, it's really quite simple really...", "[Cut the the manor. Conservatory. The television is turned on.]", "Nina: (on TV) First...", "(The television turns off. Piper and a demon are there. The demon has created a hole in the floor which is sucking everything into it, including the TV. Piper is hanging onto the door frame. She tries to blow him up with one hand but instead blows up a vase of flowers.)", "Piper: Chris!", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: Piper, let's go.", "Piper: No, Wyatt's upstairs. Just go get my sisters.", "[Cut to the \"Chit Chat This and That\" set.]", "Phoebe: This is just fascinating stuff. (Chris orbs in near by.) Um, I have to ask you, does it work for guys too?", "(Chris waves his arms around trying to get Phoebe's attention.)", "Nina: Well, there is a technique but it's quite dangerous.", "Phoebe: Dangerous? Really?", "(Chris gives up and orbs out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Piper blows up the chandelier above the demon and it lands on him. He falls to the floor and the hole in the floor closes up. The demon gets up and runs through the house.]", "Piper: Oh, no you don't!", "(Piper chases after the demon and he runs into the dining room. He opens the hole back up and Piper quickly grabs onto the stairs railing.)", "[Cut to a retirement village. Many elderly people are sitting around watching another elderly man perform a magic act. Paige is lying in box which the man is trying to cut in half. His assistant, an elderly woman wearing a short red dress is standing beside him. Chris orbs in near by.]", "Charlie the Magician: I don't understand it. This trick worked in '68.", "Mrs. Rawls the Assistant: You forgot the saws, dear.", "Charlie: Forgot the what?", "Paige: It's okay, I got you covered.", "(Paige orbs the saws in the centre of the box. The elderly magician pulls the box in two so Paige's head is sticking out of one and her feet are sticking out of the other. The elderly people applaud. Paige looks over at Chris. He orbs out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Piper loses her grip and starts getting sucked into the hole. She tries to blow up the demon and grazes his shoulder. The hole closes and he disappears.]", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Chris are there. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are cleaning up the huge mess. Chris is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Phoebe: So wait, a vortex did all of this?", "Piper: Vortex, whirlpool, I don't know, whatever.", "Paige: Well, if it was a whirlpool, there'd probably be some water.", "Chris: The fineries of what almost killed Piper aren't important. The point is she was almost killed and no one was here to help.", "Paige: You're right, I'm sorry, I was kind of tied up... or cut in half.", "Phoebe: And I was interviewing the most fascinating woman.", "Piper: Oh, the orgasm lady. That show was great, at least what I saw of it until the TV was sucked into oblivion. I hope you brought home that book.", "Phoebe: Mm-hm.", "Chris: Piper, doesn't it bother you had to vanquish that demon alone?", "Piper: Yeah, well, sure, but, you know, we all have lives which is why I need this place cleaned up before my guests arrive.", "Paige: Who's coming?", "Piper: Mary has designed a fashion line and she wants to show us all.", "Paige: I love clothes.", "Chris: Not so fast, we've got a demon to hunt. If I could just find him in here.", "Piper: Okay, but regardless of what you find in there, I'm gonna hang out with my friends because I will have a normal life if it kills me. (She slams down her hands on her thighs.) Ow.", "(She looks at her bandaged hand.)", "Phoebe: Piper, why don't you have Leo heal that when he comes to pick up Wyatt.", "Piper: Because I don't need magic to heal a cut.", "Paige: I'd use magic for everything if I could.", "Piper: Well, if I had done this fighting a demon, that would be one thing. But I did it in the kitchen. The chef did it in the kitchen, so that person will wear this bandage for the shame of it all.", "Chris: Well, this book is not going to help us. But I've seen vortexes like that before.", "(Paige puts a huge bunch of roses on the table.)", "Paige: You know, this job would be so much easier if there weren't so many roses.", "Piper: What's with all the roses?", "Phoebe: I think Jason thinks that he's losing me. And as an empath, I don't know who's feeling what anymore and I just, I have my guard up.", "Chris: You should be aware that these vortexes suck their victims into pocket realms of alternate realities.", "Paige: You know, sometimes guys can be funny like that, you know. The more you pull away, the more they come back at you.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I'm not pulling away, I really like him.", "Chris: Dangerous alternate realities, people. Based on fantasies, desires, dreams.", "Piper: So stop worrying about it and let him wine and dine you. I mean, a little wooing never killed anyone.", "Chris: But a demon can, so can we please, please, let's focus. Piper, you were almost sent to another world, that takes serious magic.", "Paige: Magic. Brilliant idea. \"Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to be unseen.\" (The mess orbs away.) Well, call me butter 'cause I'm on a roll.", "Piper: Wow, that's much better, thanks Paige.", "Paige: Yep, well, gotta get back to the temp job. Don't know how much longer those old folks are gonna be alive.", "(Paige heads for the door.)", "Phoebe: And I'll walk you out because I have to meet Jason for lunch.", "(Phoebe follows Paige.)", "Chris: No! No, no, no. We have a demon to hunt, get back here.", "Paige: See you later, Chris.", "Phoebe: We'll talk about it later.", "(Phoebe and Paige leave. Piper walks over to Chris and leans on his shoulder.)", "Piper: You are our new favourite Whitelighter and all, but you need to lighten up.", "Chris: No, you three need to get serious, because if you keep putting your personal lives before your wiccan duties, you're gonna pay for it.", "Piper: Maybe so, but not today. I scared away the demon, he's not coming back, I have friends coming, and I also have chocolate chip cookies in the oven.", "(Piper leaves the room. Chris turns to Wyatt.)", "Chris: It's your fault I have to do this now.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "[Cut to a cave. The vortex demon is there groaning and tucking towels under his shirt on his wound. Chris orbs in.]", "Demon: You!", "Chris: Wait, before you... (The demon opens the vortex and Chris is sucked into it. Chris orbs out just before it closes. He orbs back in beside the demon.) Would you just relax? I didn't come here to vanquish you.", "Demon: How did you find me here? No one's ever been to my lair.", "Chris: I don't have to find you, Gith, I know you. I'm from the future. I came here to give you what you want. The Charmed Ones.", "[Scene: Restaurant. Phoebe and Jason are sitting at a table.]", "Jason: So I'm sitting there in the middle of this board meeting and I completely lose all concentration because all I could think about is you. It's like they were speaking a foreign language.", "Phoebe: Well, you were in Hong Kong.", "Jason: Point is I flew straight back.", "Phoebe: So you could regain your concentration?", "Jason: To concentrate on you.", "Phoebe: Well, I will try to keep your mind from wandering?", "Jason: So what's it gonna be tonight? Box seats at La Bohme or backstage with Metallica?", "(A woman walks up to them holding a book.)", "Woman: Phoebe. Oh my god, I'm sorry. Could you?", "(She hands Phoebe her book.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, absolutely.", "(Phoebe signs her book.)", "Woman: I've been watching you on TV all week. You are huge.", "Phoebe: Oh, well, the TV does add ten pounds.", "Woman: Oh, no, no, no. (She laughs.) I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that at all.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: I know what you meant.", "(She hands the book back.)", "Woman: Thank you. Bye.", "(The woman leaves.)", "Jason: She's right, you know. You could be huge.", "Phoebe: I'm taping my last show today.", "Jason: It doesn't have to end. I own TV stations all around the world.", "Phoebe: Are you offering me the world, Jason Dean?", "Jason: Yes. All except Kazakhstan, I don't have stations there.", "Phoebe: Look, I appreciate you hopping on your jet to see me and the roses, all ten dozen of them. And the shows and the dinners and the private concert by the San Francisco Symphony.", "Jason: But?", "Phoebe: No, no buts. I like you, I like you a lot, you don't have to try so hard.", "Jason: I know.", "Phoebe: You do?", "Jason: You're a very easy girl to please and I love that about you but have you ever stopped to consider that maybe I enjoy doing these things for you?", "Phoebe: No, actually, that never occurred to me.", "(Jason leans in closer to Phoebe.)", "Jason: I don't like to talk about it but you're dating a minor media mogul here, so can I make a suggestion?", "Phoebe: Sure.", "Jason: Let go. Lose control a little bit. Trust me and just enjoy the ride.", "Phoebe: You mean, like you drive? I don't know, I'm a very good pas... (Jason kisses Phoebe.) Senger.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Wyatt are there. Piper takes some cookies out of the oven. Wyatt is sitting in a high chair. Leo orbs in.]", "Piper: Oh, look, daddy's here!", "Leo: We need to talk.", "Piper: No, you need to orb. There are diapers in the bag. Here. (She hands him a bag and bottle.) Wyatt is very excited to spend the afternoon with you.", "(Wyatt sneezes.)", "Leo: Was that a sneeze? Are you feeling alright, buddy? Daddy will heal you up right away and then take care of mummy's hand.", "Piper: No, no, no, no. No magic, really. He has a common cold and babies need to develop immunities.", "Leo: Not when his father's a miracle worker.", "Piper: No, really, if I'm gonna lead any kind of a normal life, there will be no healing for any of us.", "Leo: So you just want him to suffer?", "Piper: Oh, don't be so dramatic. If he had a serious illness, I would be the first one to call you, but he doesn't. So in the mean time, just watch him and fret like a normal person. Now go.", "Leo: Well, that's... I can't take Wyatt today.", "Piper: You can't take Wyatt? What do you mean? You asked to take Wyatt. You know, father son bonding.", "Leo: Yeah, that was until I found out about this. (Leo holds up a Valkyrie pendant.) Do you know where Chris got it?", "Piper: A swap meet?", "Leo: He killed for it. The Valkyrie who owned this pendant was murdered.", "Piper: Leo, this is not cool, I have people coming here in ten minutes.", "Leo: Chris isn't who he says he is, Piper. I know he's the one who banished me to Valhalla and this proves it.", "Piper: You know what, Leo? Nothing will ever change with you. You will always find a way to make your job more important than your family.", "Leo: Taking care of my family is my job, Piper, and right now I need to find out what Chris is up to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Gith's Lair. Chris and Gith are there. Gith is dabbing his wound with a cloth.]", "Gith: You must think I'm pretty low on the evolutionary ladder.", "Chris: That's not true.", "Gith: A minor horned demon, a lesser slime devil, or some other common fiend with no power.", "Chris: I have the greatest respect for your power.", "Gith: Then don't insult me. Whitelighters don't kill their charges.", "Chris: Well, I'm not your typical Whitelighter. I came from the future because I needed the power of the Charmed Ones.", "Gith: To do what?", "Chris: None of your concern. All you need to know is they're drifting apart.", "Gith: How do you mean drifting apart?", "Chris: They're putting their desires before their duties and that makes them useless to me.", "Gith: You said desires?", "Chris: You caught that, huh? That is what you feed off of, right? But I never quite understood how one could eat a desire.", "Gith: Do you know how much energy is contained in an unfulfilled desire? People spend their whole lives wanting something, usually never getting it, I feed off that energy.", "Chris: Just think how much power the Charmed Ones pack.", "Gith: You know their desires?", "(Chris pulls out a piece of paper.)", "Chris: It's all right here. With this, no messy vortexes, you can bring them into your world with the comfort of your own cave.", "(Gith takes the piece of paper and walks across the room. Chris takes the bloodied cloth and puts it in his pocket.)", "Gith: They'll die, you know. Victims of their own desires. Is that what you want?", "Chris: I'm counting on it. Why else would I offer to help? (Chris takes a piece of parchment and puts it in his pocket.) So good luck and for the sake of both our lives, don't screw this up.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Gith: A normal life with normal friends and no magic. Ask and you shall receive.", "(He holds his hand above a well and an image of Piper and Wyatt in the manor appear in the water.)", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper is there holding Wyatt. Wyatt sneezes.]", "Piper: Was that a sneeze? (A wave of light passes Piper. The doorbell rings.) Okay, I'm gonna put you down here for two seconds, okay? (She puts Wyatt in his playpen.) Hang on, hang on. Okay, you're good.", "(Piper walks into the foyer and answers the door. Mary and Elizabeth are standing there.)", "Women: Hi!", "Piper: Hi.", "Elizabeth: It's been too long.", "Piper: I know.", "Mary: Oh, I hope you don't mind, a few friends tagged along.", "Piper: Oh, no, not at all. Elizabeth said you might be bringing a few friends. (More women walk into the manor and greet Piper as they pass.) Five. (The women just keep on coming.) Or eight.", "Elizabeth: Oh, see, I told you, you should have called her.", "Piper: Oh, no, no, really, it's-it's fine. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this.", "Elizabeth: Okay, living room, girls.", "(Everyone goes in the living room except Piper and Mary.)", "Mary: They're all dying to see my new line of lingerie.", "Piper: Oh, you design lingerie?", "Mary: Mm-hm. You're gonna love it.", "Piper: Oh, sure, just as long as I don't have to try any of it on.", "Mary: Well, you'd look silly if you did. You don't have what it takes to fill the pouch.", "Piper: The pouch?", "(Piper goes to close the door but Mary stops her.)", "Mary: Meet my models.", "(A handsome man walks in.)", "Piper: Oh, sorry. (Another walks in.) Hi. Oh, yeah, the pouch.", "(Another walks in.)", "Model #1: So where can we change?", "Piper: Uh, my bedroom's free.", "Mary: Right this way. Come on, honey.", "[Scene: Retirement Home. The elderly people are sitting around watching another magic trick. Charlie is trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Paige and Mrs. Rawls is standing beside him.]", "Charlie: And abracadabra. (He reaches inside the hat.) Uh, where's the rabbit?", "Mrs. Rawls: The rabbit died last year, dear.", "Charlie: Oh.", "(A wave of light passes the room. Charlie grabs his chest and groans. Paige and Mrs. Rawls lowers him to the floor. The nurse races to his side.)", "Paige: Okay, somebody call 911.", "Mrs. Rawls: It's his heart. Charlie, can you hear me?", "Nurse: Hold on, Mr. Rawls, we're calling an ambulance.", "Mrs. Rawls: We don't have time for an ambulance, he needs help now.", "Paige: Uh, alright, I can get him there faster but everybody's gotta clear the room.", "Nurse: I can't leave his side.", "Mrs. Rawls: Please, he's gonna die. Just use your magic and orb him to the hospital.", "Paige: How do you know?", "Nurse: I think it's a good idea, you should orb him.", "Paige: You know too?", "Nurse: That you're a witch? Everybody knows.", "(The elderly people nod.)", "Mrs. Rawls: Please, we're running out of time.", "Paige: Alright, alright, just keep it a secret.", "(Everyone agrees. Paige orbs out with Charlie.)", "[Scene: Backstage of Chit Chat This and That. Phoebe is getting makeup put on by a make-up artist. Jason walks over to her.]", "Phoebe: Hey. I can't believe I'm taping my last show today. This week just flew by.", "Jason: Usually what happens when you're having a good time.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I have to admit it has been fun. Thank you, Brett.", "(He walks away.)", "Jason: You know it doesn't have to end.", "Phoebe: Oh, don't start with that again.", "(The assistant director walks in.)", "Assistant Director: Ms Halliwell, you're on in thirty seconds.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Jason: You said you'd enjoy the ride.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Jason: So enjoy it. When you step out on that stage today, don't hold back. I want you to lose yourself in the moment, okay? You might be surprised.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I don't like surprises.", "(A wave of light passes Phoebe.)", "Assistant Director: Okay, you know the drill. And we're going in five, four, three, two...", "(Phoebe pushes open the doors and walks onto the stage. The live audience cheers.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Welcome to the show. (Phoebe turns around to see a big \"Ask Phoebe\" illuminated sign on the back wall.) Welcome to my show.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the Studio. Phoebe, Jason and a bodyguard is walking the pathway.]", "Phoebe: That was amazing.", "Jason: You were amazing.", "Phoebe: To be in front of a live audience like that and feel all the passion.", "Jason: So you liked it?", "Phoebe: How did you pull it off so fast?", "Jason: I bought off a lot of people.", "Phoebe: Did you buy them too?", "(Phoebe points to a large crowd of people standing on the street behind road blocks.)", "Jason: No, those belong to you. They've been coming out all week just to get a glimpse of you. Blake, can you stay close?", "Blake: No problem.", "Phoebe: Who's Blake?", "Jason: Your bodyguard.", "(They walk over to t crowd.)", "Phoebe: What? I thought he was a grip. (Phoebe signs some autographs.) Hi. There you go. Thanks. (Someone gives her a bunch of flowers.) Oh, they're beautiful, thank you. Hi. There you go.", "Fan: You saved my marriage. My Janey was gonna leave me until I read your column. Thank you so much.", "Phoebe: You're welcome.", "Jason: It's like walking with Ghandi.", "Phoebe: Thank you everyone for coming! (They head over to their limo. Blake opens a door.) Thank you, Blake. (Phoebe and Jason get in the limo.) Jason, I appreciate everything you're trying to do for me but a lot of this doesn't make sense. Like, I swear those people weren't here a few hours ago and the elaborate stage, how did you get them...", "Jason: Hey, you promised.", "Phoebe: I know, just sit back and enjoy the ride.", "Jason: Home, Blake. I got a big surprise for you.", "Phoebe: Wait, bigger than all this?", "(The card drives off and the crowd yells and waves. A guy holds up a sign which reads \"Marry Me Phoebe\". He then turns around the sign and it reads \"Or Die\".)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Chris is there making a potion. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: We need to talk.", "Chris: Sorry, not now.", "Leo: Oh, yeah, now. (He holds out the Valkyrie pendant.) Look familiar?", "Chris: I don't have time for this.", "Leo: You had time to kill a Valkyrie. Whitelighters don't kill, or did you not read the manual?", "Chris: But it's alright for an Elder? You had Valkyrie blood on your hands too.", "Leo: Fighting to protect the sisters. You went out, hunted a Valkyrie to steal her magic.", "Chris: Oh, so that makes you the noble one, right?", "Leo: Face it, Chris, I got you this time. This is enough to get your Whitelighter status stripped and your soul sent back down to earth for recycling.", "Chris: You do what you have to do.", "Leo: I already did. I arranged a hearing with the Elders tonight. I expect this to be your last day as a Whitelighter.", "Chris: That's quite possible. Excuse me.", "Leo: Why are you making a vanquishing potion?", "Chris: To help the sisters.", "Leo: Why aren't they making it?", "Chris: Because they're busy.", "Leo: I can't sense them.", "Chris: Don't worry, I'm on it.", "Leo: You know, Chris, if I can't sense them it means they're not in this world.", "Chris: I said I'm on it.", "(Chris heads for the door but Leo stops him.)", "Leo: Where are you going?", "Chris: To bring them back, now lay off.", "Leo: Until I find out what's going on, I'm not gonna let you out of my sight.", "Chris: You don't trust me. Fine, I get it. But get this, if I don't show up where I'm supposed to be alone, they'll die. Your call.", "(Chris orbs out. Leo picks up the parchment from Gith's lair.)", "[Scene: Hospital. Room. Mr and Mrs Rawls are there. Mr Rawls is laying asleep in a bed. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Hey, they said I could come back. Is Charlie going to be okay?", "Mrs. Rawls: Thanks to you.", "Paige: No, thanks to the doctors. I was just his cosmic taxi.", "Mrs. Rawls: Oh, Paige, you saved his life.", "Paige: Well, it felt nice to help out. I'm just curious, how did you know that I had a, uh, a power?", "Mrs. Rawls: A power? You mean, your magic?", "Paige: Okay, shhh, let's keep it down, because it's just our secret.", "Mrs. Rawls: Oh, Paige, don't be shy. Your magic's a godsend. If you hadn't been a witch, I would be a, I would be a widow right now.", "Paige: Okay, just don't say the word witch because someone might here you.", "Mrs. Rawls: Well, so what if they do. This ain't Salem, honey. There's no shame in being a witch today. You should use your magic with pride.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper and her friends are cheering on one of the models dancing around the room in nothing but red tight underwear. He moves away and the next model walks in wearing tight leopard skin underwear.]", "Piper: That's great design detail there.", "Mary: Thanks. I try to use the natural contours of a man's body along with clean simple lines to convey an image of sensuous sophistication.", "Elizabeth: I just think it's hot!", "Piper: It doesn't provide a lot of support though, now does it?", "Mary: That's the point.", "Piper: So you guys do this a lot?", "Mary: You mean, stare at half naked men under a social accepted pretence?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Elizabeth: Every chance we get.", "Mary: Our lives used to be very s*x and the City, then we got married, had kids and its celibacy in the suburb.", "Piper: I've just missed so much, haven't I?", "(Mary catches the leopard skin underwear.)", "Mary: I guess you could say that.", "(Piper hears Wyatt cry through the baby monitor.)", "Piper: Speaking of families, I think all this noise woke up Wyatt. I'll be right back.", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "[Cut to the nursery. Wyatt is in his crib crying. Piper races in.]", "Piper: You're okay. What's the matter? (She picks him up.) Come here, come here. You're alright. (She feels his face.) Actually, you're burning up a little. (Piper grabs a thermometer.) Okay, look, look, look. Let me see. (She places the thermometer in his ear, waits a few seconds and it beeps. She takes it out of his ear and looks at the temperature.) One hundred and two. That's not good. Leo! Leo, come on, Wyatt needs you.", "(She walks out of the room.)", "[Scene: Limo. The glass dividing the driver and the passengers winds up.]", "Phoebe: No offence, Blake. We're alone.", "Jason: I wasn't joking when I said I wanted to give you the world, Phoebe. That live audience wasn't just to impress you, that was a test run for a nationally syndicated talk show starring you.", "Phoebe: What? Are you kidding me?", "Jason: I have commitments from my O and Os. That's twelve major TV markets, and don't worry, once they see the test run everybody in the world's gonna wanna Ask Phoebe, live. So what do you think?", "Phoebe: I think this is moving very fast.", "Jason: Yeah, isn't it great?", "(The dividing window winds down.)", "Blake: We're coming to the penthouse.", "Phoebe: Wait, the penthouse? I thought you were taking me home.", "Jason: That is your home. Well, it's your new home.", "(The limo arrives at the penthouse and more fans are waiting there. They run over to the limo and surround it.)", "Phoebe: Okay, Jason, enough is enough here. I know that this is all coming from a really good place but you can't just take over my life. I'm not even sure I want to star in my own...", "Blake: We need to get inside.", "Jason: Clear a path.", "Phoebe: Where did all these people come from?", "(Blake gets out of the car.)", "Blake: Back up.", "(Blake opens the door and Phoebe and Jason get out.)", "Fan: Phoebe, I've read every one of your columns. They're on all my walls.", "Phoebe: Great, thank you. (to Jason) This is too much.", "Jason: Isn't it great?", "Phoebe: No, I don't think any of this is real. I think something's wrong.", "Jason: What?", "Phoebe: I said I think something is wrong.", "Man: My wife left me because of you!", "(Someone holds out a photo for her to sign.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, I never posed for that. See, this isn't my world.", "Man: Do you know how much pain you caused me?", "Phoebe: This isn't even my fantasy.", "Jason: Wait till you see the penthouse I bought you, it's got the best bay views of the city.", "Phoebe: No, no, no, we can't go in there. I know this isn't gonna make any sense to you but I don't think any of this is real. I think we're in some kind of alternate reality.", "Jason: What are you talking crazy for, Phoebe? This is real, it's me. I'm real.", "(The man holds up a gun.)", "Blake: Gun!", "(The crowd screams and runs away. The man points the gun at Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: It's time for you to feel pain.", "(Jason grabs Phoebe. The man shoots and hits Jason. Phoebe and Jason fall to the ground.)", "Jason: Better get you inside.", "(The man runs off.)", "[Scene: Gith's Lair. He is looking at images of the girls in the scrying pool.]", "Gith: I don't understand.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: Something wrong?", "Gith: The boyfriend took the bullet. It was meant for the witch.", "Chris: You tried to kill one of them already?", "Gith: I create worlds, I don't control them. They work in their own way, in their own time. This is the first time a victim's ever escaped a direct attempt on her life.", "Chris: Yeah, well, pretty good, aren't they?", "Gith: It's okay. Their desires will kill them eventually. After all, that is what you desire, isn't it?", "Chris: Actually...", "(Chris pulls out the vanquishing potion. A crossbow materialises in Gith's hand. Chris goes to throw the potion but Gith shoots him with the crossbow, hitting him in the stomach. Chris falls to the ground and drops the potion.)", "Gith: I could sense your desire from the beginning. You never wanted to kill your charges, just teach them a lesson. That's right, Darklighter arrow. (Gith smashes the potion with his foot.) Poison shouldn't take long but with luck, you may just live long enough to watch the Charmed Ones learn their lesson after all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper walks in carrying Wyatt. She heads over to the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: Okay, mummy's gonna take care of everything right now. (She opens the book and all the pages are blank.) What is this? No-no-no-no, this can't be happening. Leo! Chris! Anybody!", "(Mary and Elizabeth walk in.)", "Mary: There you are. Is everything okay?", "Piper: No, Wyatt has a hundred and two temperature and I think it's getting worse. Leo! Come on, your son needs you.", "(Mary and Elizabeth look at each other.)", "Mary: Honey, Leo's not here. You two split up, remember?", "Piper: Uh...", "Elizabeth: A hundred and two? Piper, that boy needs a doctor. Let me drive you.", "Piper: No, no, I got it, it's okay.", "[Scene: Hospital. Paige walks past a woman lying in a bed. She has a wound on her face. She grabs Paige's arm.]", "Woman: I heard that woman say you were a witch.", "Paige: Oh, that, she was just being silly.", "Woman: You have to help my daughter.", "Paige: Okay, I've landed in twilight zone and I...", "(The woman squeezes her arm tight.)", "Woman: Please.", "Paige: Okay, that hurts. But I need to wake up now.", "Woman: Demons attacked us. I hid Susie but they're gonna find her. You're a witch, you can save her.", "Paige: Okay, this can't be happening. Chris, I need some help here.", "Woman: Please. She's just a little girl.", "Paige: Okay, it's gonna be okay. Tell me where you left her.", "[Cut to an alley. Paige orbs in. A man runs past with a demon chasing him. The demon throws a fireball.]", "Paige: Fireball!", "(She orbs the fireball towards the demon and it hits him in the chest. He explodes and turns to ash. Paige runs into a storage room near by and goes down the stairs. A demon is there looking for Susie.)", "Demon: Where are you?", "(The demon faces Paige and creates a fireball.)", "Paige: Pipe! (A pipe orbs into the demon's chest and he bursts into flames, vanquishing him.) Susie? Susie, it's okay, you can come out now. (Susie comes out from behind a barrel.) It's okay, your mum sent me. That's it, it's alright. It's okay. Okay. (Susie goes over to Paige. Paige puts her arm around her.) Let's get out out of here.", "[Cut to the alley. Paige and Susie walk out of the building. All these people come out from their hiding places and cheer at Paige.]", "Paige: This can't be real. (Two demons appear and one throws a fireball near Paige and Susie.) Go wait in there. (Susie goes back into the building. Paige orbs out and the demons look around. Paige orbs back in in between them.) Looking for me? (The demons throw an energy ball at Paige but she orbs out and the energy balls hit each other, vanquishing themselves. Paige orbs back in.) Anyone else?", "Voice: Watch out!", "(Paige dives behind a dumpster as another energy ball flies past.)", "Paige: What the hell is going on?", "[Scene: Outside the Penthouse. Phoebe and Jason are sitting on the ground.]", "Phoebe: You're gonna be okay, baby, we're gonna get you out of this. Leo!", "Jason: Who are you calling?", "Phoebe: Uh, my brother-in-law. He's a healer.", "Jason: No offence, babe, but I don't think he can hear you. Isn't Blake calling 911?", "Phoebe: Yeah, he is. I know this isn't gonna make a lot of sense to you, but I don't think this world is real, you know, I don't know if there are paramedics here.", "Jason: This world isn't real?", "Phoebe: Yeah. If I had to guess, I would say it's a world of desire, but it's not my desire, it's your desire. I can feel how much you want all of this for me.", "Jason: It's true, Phoebe, I want everything for you including sanity. So if I die, promise me I'll see a doctor.", "Phoebe: You're not gonna die.", "[Cut to Gith's Lair. He is watching the girls in the scrying pool.]", "Phoebe: We're gonna get you out of here.", "Gith: An empath. You didn't tell me the middle sister was an empath.", "Chris: Sorry.", "Gith: She must have been feeling his desire when I created her world. It's no matter, my worlds always kill their victims. You know why? Because desires are empty. They lack foundation. This world will fall too, it's only a matter of time.", "Jason: I'm getting thirsty.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll try see if I can find something.", "(Chris waves his hand and Phoebe's world moulds into Paige's.)", "Gith: No!", "(Gith kicks Chris.)", "[Cut to the alley. Phoebe is standing there.]", "Phoebe: Jason? (Paige grabs Phoebe just as a fireball flies past. They crouch behind a dumpster.) Thanks.", "(They peek around at the demons. A fireball heads straight for them.)", "Paige: Fireball! (The fireball hits the dumpster.) Welcome to my world.", "Phoebe: Wait, you have a world too?", "Paige: Yeah. All magic all the time. Just what I wanted.", "Phoebe: So you figured it out.", "Paige: Well, yeah, if you mean the whole vortex of deadly desires thing. How'd you escape?", "Phoebe: I have no idea, it just sort of happened. But I have to go back there because Jason was shot and I just left him there.", "Paige: Oh, no.", "Phoebe: Paige, I gotta get back.", "Paige: Yeah, we definitely need to get out of here but I think we're gonna need Piper to do that.", "(The demons throw fireballs at the dumpster.)", "[Cut to Gith's Lair. He is watching through the scrying pool.]", "[Cut to the alley. The demons walk over to the dumpster and look around at Phoebe and Paige's hiding place. They're gone. The demons look around the alley. Phoebe and Paige orb inside the dumpster.]", "[Cut inside the dumpster. The girls push away bags of rubbish. Paige picks a lettuce leaf out of Phoebe's hair.]", "[Scene: Piper's car. Piper is driving down the street. Wyatt is in the back seat screaming.]", "Piper: You're gonna be okay. We're almost there.", "(Piper drives through an intersection and hears a horn beeping. A car heads straight for them and smashes into the passenger side of the car. The car spins around the road.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Gith's Lair. Gith is watching the girls from the scrying pool.]", "[Cut to the alley. Inside the dumpster.]", "Paige: Okay, I think they're gone.", "Phoebe: How are we gonna find Piper?", "Paige: I don't know, maybe try feeling her? The demon created these worlds by using our emotions, right? I don't know, maybe use him as a conduit to tap into our feelings.", "Phoebe: Okay, it's worth a shot.", "Paige: Are you getting anything?", "Phoebe: No, I'm smelling something.", "(Phoebe sneezes.)", "[Cut to the alley. The demons hear the sneeze. One of them whistles.]", "[Cut inside the dumpster.]", "Paige: Bless you.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "Paige: Okay, try again.", "[Cut to the alley. More demons join the others. The throw fireballs around the place.]", "[Cut to inside the dumpster. Phoebe is concentrating. The dumpster shakes.]", "Paige: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I feel her. She's really scared and she needs our help.", "(The demons throw fireballs at the dumpster.)", "Paige: These worlds were fuelled by our desires, right? Well, our desires can find her.", "Phoebe: Okay, so maybe our combined desires can actually bring us to her, right?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Uh, try to focus, focus, focus.", "[Cut to Gith's Lair.]", "Gith: You've ruined everything. Now they'll find the oldest sister and come for me. Unless I get to her first.", "(He pulls out a knife and disappears into Piper's world.)", "[Cut to the street. Gith appears. Piper, holding Wyatt, walks out from behind her car.]", "Piper: You're not demon enough to kill me.", "Gith: Ah, the sweetest desire of them all. The desire to survive.", "(Gith walks towards Piper. Phoebe and Paige suddenly appear crouching in front of Gith. Phoebe trips him over. Paige rushes over to Piper.)", "Paige: Are you okay?", "Piper: Yeah, it's about time you guys showed up.", "Paige: Athame!", "Piper: Yeah, sorry, no magic here.", "(Gith gets up and attacks Phoebe. Phoebe grabs him and throws him against the car.)", "Phoebe: How's that shoulder feel? (Phoebe kicks him right in his wounded shoulder and knocks him to the ground. He screams in pain. Phoebe sees gas pouring out of the car.) Come on, we've gotta get out of here. We gotta get out.", "(Piper with Wyatt, Phoebe and Paige run off.)", "Gith: There's nowhere to run! You're in my world!", "(The car explodes and engulfs Gith in flames. The girls and Wyatt vanish from the world.)", "[Cut to Gith's Lair. Smoke rises out of the scrying pool and Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Wyatt appear.)", "Paige: Where are we?", "Phoebe: Who cares? Where's Jason?", "Piper: Jason?", "Phoebe: Yeah, he was in my world and he should've come out when we got the demon, right?", "Paige: Are you sure it's really Jason?", "Phoebe: I don't know, what do you mean?", "Paige: I mean, in my world, there's all these people that I know from the old folks home, maybe your Jason is just a creation of your world.", "Phoebe: Oh, god, I hope so.", "(Wyatt coughs.)", "Piper: Wyatt needs help.", "(Paige spots Chris.)", "Paige: Oh my god, so does he. (Paige rushes over to Chris.) He's still breathing.", "Piper: Leo!", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: You're back, where were you?", "Piper: Heal now, ask later.", "(Leo heals Wyatt and then heals Chris.)", "[Scene: Manor. Nursery. Piper, Leo and Wyatt are there. Piper tucks Wyatt into his crib.]", "Leo: He's fever's down. He should sleep pretty well tonight.", "Piper: Yeah, he had quite a day. (Wyatt gurgles.) You're okay.", "(Piper and Leo walk into Piper's room.)", "Leo: Well, I'm glad you made it out of that other world alright.", "Piper: Yeah, and you have Chris to thank for that.", "Leo: Chris. Yeah, well, he should have taken me with him to that cave or at least told me where my family was.", "Piper: Leo, give him a break. He earned it today.", "Leo: So what about you? I heard your social life was interrupted again.", "Piper: Yeah, but, you know, there's always tomorrow.", "Leo: You never give up, do you?", "Piper: No, not a chance. I firmly believe there will be one day without demons, magic or pocket realms.", "Leo: Goodnight, Piper.", "Piper: Hey, um, before you go, could you do me a favour?", "(She removes the bandage off her hand.)", "Leo: You want me to heal your hand? I thought you wanted a normal day.", "Piper: Yeah, I did, and apparently that's not gonna be today.", "(Leo heals her hand. There's a knock at the door and Chris walks in.)", "Chris: Hey.", "Piper: Hey. How are you feeling?", "Chris: Better. Thanks. So it's almost time for my hearing with the Elders. I thought I'd give you the pleasure of taking me in personally.", "Leo: Yeah, well, maybe I'll just give you this instead.", "(He holds out the Valkyrie pendant.)", "Chris: I don't understand.", "Leo: Neither do I. Just take it before I change my mind.", "(Leo gives Chris the pendant and leaves the room. Chris smiles.)", "Piper: Thanks for trying to warn us about the demon. We should have listened to you in the first place.", "Chris: Well, as long as you learn something at the end of the day, that's all that matters, right?", "Piper: Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe knocks on Jason's office door. Jason opens it.]", "Jason: Hey, I got your message, you sounded so... (Phoebe hugs him.) Are you alright?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I just needed to see you.", "Jason: And feel my back.", "Phoebe: You're okay.", "Jason: My doctor will be pleased. Listen, now that I have you here, I have a surprise for you.", "Phoebe: Uh-oh.", "Jason: No, this is good. The station manager's a friend of mine and we got talking about you. Now, Phoebe...", "Phoebe: That's not what I want.", "Jason: You don't know what I'm gonna say.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I think I do. (She sits on his lap.) And I appreciate the gesture but I have everything I want right here.", "Jason: You do?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I do. You've got me, Jason Dean. I'm yours. So no more wooing.", "Jason: Okay, no more wooing. I guess I'll cancel our helicopter to Carmel for dinner.", "Phoebe: No, no! Maybe a little bit more wooing.", "(They kiss.)" ]
My Three Witches
[ "After seeing her new boss die by the hands of a demon right in front of her, Paige discovers that he sold his soul to that demon and the demon was just collecting the debt. However, when she tells Piper and Phoebe about what happened, Paige is disappointed when they tell her not to go after the demon to save him, and as a result, ignores their advice and makes a huge sacrifice in order to save her boss." ]
[ "[Scene: Law Firm. Office. Night. Larry and Paige are there. Larry is sitting at his desk signing papers and Paige is standing beside him.]", "Paige: Okay, sign there... and there... and give me your John Hancock right there. And you're done.", "Larry: Great. And what about the Smith case?", "Paige: Settled.", "Larry: And the amendments to my living trust.", "Paige: Filed.", "Larry: Did you take care of my donation to the...", "Paige: Children's foundation. Got it covered. It's going through in the morning and may I say that is a very generous donation.", "Larry: Yeah, well, it's the least I can do, believe me. I don't think I could have gone through all this without you, Paige, you have been a miracle worker.", "Paige: Thank you. You should have seen me at my other temp jobs if you want to see miracles.", "(Larry pulls an envelope out of a drawer.)", "Larry: This is for you. (He hands it to you.) It's just my way of saying thank you.", "Paige: I really couldn't.", "Larry: Just take it. I know a good soul when I see one.", "Paige: Thank you.", "(Larry looks at the clock. 11:57.)", "Larry: So, you better go. I'm sure your family would never forgive me if I kept you here past midnight.", "Paige: Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow.", "(Paige leaves the room. Larry stares at the clock.)", "Larry: I wouldn't count on it.", "[Cut to the hallway. Paige walks over to the elevator and pushes the button. She looks inside the envelope to find several hundred dollar bills.]", "[Cut to Larry's office. The clock changes to 12:00 and a demon flames in. Paige walks in. The demon throws Larry to the floor.]", "Larry: Behind you! (A demon holding an energy ball stands behind Paige, ready to attack. Paige turns around grabs the demon's arm and throws him against the wall. The demon lands on his own energy ball and is vanquished. The other demon creates an energy ball and faces Paige.) No! Wait!", "(Larry jumps in front of Paige and the demon throws the energy ball, hitting Larry.)", "Paige: Larry?", "Demon: Forget it, witch, you lost him.", "(The demon flames out. Larry's soul exits his body. Paige kneels down beside his body.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Wyatt are there. Piper is feeding Wyatt.]", "Piper: Let's try just a little bit.", "(Phoebe walk in.)", "Phoebe: Good morning. (Phoebe kisses Wyatt.) So how was your date?", "(Phoebe drops her laptop, handbag and shoes on the table.)", "Piper: Don't ask. You need a hand?", "Phoebe: Uh, sure, if you want to get my car washed, go to the dry cleaners for me, and go to work for me too, that would be great.", "Piper: Sure, if you go run the club for me, go to the dentist, and raise Wyatt for me.", "Phoebe: Today I would trade with you in a second. Do you remember Spencer Ricks? That slimy advice columnist?", "Piper: Uh, the one you turned into a turkey?", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, well, I should have kept him that way. Elise just hired him away from the competition to work with me. (Phoebe smiles at Wyatt.) Look how handsome he looks.", "Piper: Why would she do that?", "Phoebe: I don't know. I guess to promote his hiring, she wants us to pick a letter and each give advice on it. So, you know, one, sensitive and caring and the other one, chauvinistic and...", "Piper: Slimy?", "Phoebe: Thank you. I have half a mind to call Jason and complain about it but I don't want to use our relationship for leverage.", "Piper: What's the use of sleeping with your boss then?", "Phoebe: Because I actually enjoy sleeping with my boss.", "Piper: Yeah, don't brag.", "Phoebe: Not getting any is making you bitter.", "Piper: Hello, hi, excuse me.", "Phoebe: Oh, he doesn't know what we're talking about. He's ten months old, he thinks we're talking about milk for god's sakes.", "Piper: Phoebe, he conjured a dragon, I wouldn't put anything past him.", "Phoebe: That's a good point.", "Piper: Now if he can only find a way to keep guys from bolting every time they lay eyes on him. It's not easy dating as a single mum.", "Phoebe: Oh, come on, there's got to be lots of guys out there that like kids.", "Piper: Yeah, I haven't met any so far, so I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I've got three dates lined up, they're all gonna meet Wyatt on the first date, and if they don't like it, tough.", "Phoebe: You could always turn them into a turkey. (Phoebe holds up a potion. Paige walks in through the back door.) Where you been? (Paige keeps walking.) Paige?", "[Cut to the dining room. Phoebe follows Paige.]", "Phoebe: Paige? What happened? What's the matter?", "(Paige walks to the bottom of the stairs.)", "Paige: What time is it?", "Phoebe: Eight. Were you out all night?", "Paige: Yeah, I guess I was.", "(In the dining room, Piper puts Wyatt in his playpen.)", "Piper: You hang on right there.", "Phoebe: Okay, sit down here for a second. (Phoebe and Paige sit on the step. Piper walks in.) Talk to us.", "Paige: I lost an innocent last night, a demon killed him right in front of me.", "Phoebe: Oh, god.", "Piper: At your temp job?", "Paige: Yeah. I should have seen it coming. Every other job someone's wound up needing my help. I just don't know why I didn't see it.", "Paige: Well, maybe you weren't meant to.", "Paige: No, I was, I just didn't. Even worse, when I tried to save him, he wound up saving me. I just wish I knew what was going on. Why they were after Larry in the first place and how he knew they were coming for him.", "Piper: What do you mean he knew?", "Paige: He just did. He was finalising his will, making donations, trying to get me out of there, he knew.", "Phoebe: How could he have known?", "Piper: I don't know, unless maybe he wasn't so innocent, which is probably why you weren't meant to save him.", "Paige: No, I don't believe that.", "Phoebe: Look, Paige, even if he was an innocent, you can't save everybody. I mean, that's just the lesson we've all had to learn unfortunately.", "Paige: I know.", "Piper: Paige, you can't blame yourself for what happened. If you were meant to save him, you would have. You have to believe that.", "Paige: I can't.", "(Paige goes upstairs.)", "[Scene: Alley. Leo is there. He walks over to a brick wall and touches it. Suddenly, Chris falls out of the wall through a portal and lands on Leo.]", "Chris: Leo, what are you doing here?", "Leo: Get off of me.", "(Leo pushes him off.)", "Chris: Are you following me again? (They stand up.) I thought we were past these issues.", "Leo: What is that?", "Chris: That? Nothing.", "Leo: No? (Leo grabs Chris's arm and shoves his head in the portal. He pulls Chris back out and he's wearing a knight's helmet.) What the hell?", "(Chris lifts up the face guard.)", "Chris: Long story.", "(He takes off the helmet and throws it in the portal.)", "Leo: What is that? A time portal? Is that what that is? What are you using that for?", "Chris: I don't have to answer that.", "Leo: I thought you said you had nothing to hide.", "Chris: I don't have to answer that either.", "Leo: Wanna bet?", "(Leo grabs Chris and they both go into the portal.)", "[Cut to a large rocky mountain. Leo and Chris fall out of it and roll down it. They stop rolling and get up.]", "Leo: Where are we?", "Chris: How the hell should I know? That's what I was trying to tell you, I don't know how to control it.", "Leo: Yeah.", "(They hear a roar and Chris looks behind him. He runs off. Leo looks around and sees a Tyrannosaurus Rex heading straight for them. He runs off too.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Law Firm. Hallway. Paige is there talking to Larry's wife.]", "Paige: So if there's anything I can do.", "Mrs. Henderson: Thank you. I just can't believe that he's gone.", "Paige: I know.", "Mrs. Henderson: I'm just grateful that he wasn't alone when it happened. I know he didn't know you very long but I'm glad you were with him.", "Paige: I just wish I had have gotten there sooner.", "Mrs. Henderson: There's nothing you could have done. He had a heart attack, it was his time I guess.", "Paige: Yeah, I'm not so sure about that. I just, I mean, that he was so young. And from everything that people have said, he was just this great guy, you know, it just doesn't seem fair.", "Mrs. Henderson: No, it doesn't, does it?", "Paige: So, Mrs. Henderson, I feel weird asking you this, but was he acting any differently before...", "(A woman approaches Mrs. Henderson.)", "Woman: I'm sorry, I have to go now but if there's anything you need just call me.", "Mrs. Henderson: Yeah, okay, thank you.", "(They hug and the woman leaves.)", "Paige: I don't mean to be taking up all your time.", "(Paige starts to leave.)", "Mrs. Henderson: No, wait, please. What made you ask that?", "Paige: It's just some of the things that he asked me to do for him before... It's just almost as if he knew that something was going to happen.", "Mrs. Henderson: Actually, he knew about a lot of things before they would happen. In fact, some times I almost thought he was clairvoyant.", "Paige: Really?", "Mrs. Henderson: I mean, at least in business, anyway. Up until a couple of years ago we had nothing. Flat broke, going nowhere. And then just all of a sudden.", "Paige: All of a sudden...", "Mrs. Henderson: I don't know, it was like he won the lottery or something. Suddenly he couldn't lose. Every deal he made was golden. And at first he was happy of course, but then he wasn't. And whenever I would ask him how he did it or how he knew, he would just say that he could sense what was about to happen. What could that possibly mean?", "(A man approaches Mrs. Henderson.)", "Man: Excuse me, his brother's on the phone.", "Mrs. Henderson: Excuse me.", "(She walks away. Richard walks out of the elevator and over to Paige.)", "Richard: Hey, Paige.", "Paige: Richard.", "Richard: Last time I saw you you were kind of saving my life. How are you?", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Spencer Ricks is sitting at Phoebe's desk with his feet up on it, reading letters. Phoebe walks in and rolls her eyes.]", "Spencer: As I live and breathe. Pheeble. Where you been? What, are you keeping bankers hours?", "Phoebe: Turkey. Okay, first of all get your feet off my desk, and secondly get out of my chair.", "Spencer: Aw, and here I thought we were gonna be friends.", "Phoebe: Now.", "Spencer: Alright, alright. Geez, keep your panties on. (He gets up. Phoebe walks around to the back of her desk and Spencer has a glance of her butt.) Nice.", "(Spencer heads for the door.)", "Phoebe: Okay, let's get a couple of things straight here. I didn't ask for this and I don't like it so don't push it or else...", "Spencer: Or else what?", "Phoebe: You know what? Let's just pick a letter.", "Spencer: Well, let's start with there is nothing good in this pile of dribble. I mean, there's some lady who wants to break up with a loser, another who wants to be closer to mummy, and this one, she's worried about losing her virginity. It's like a freakin' PMS convention. (Phoebe pulls out the turkey potion.) Let me ask you a question. Do you ever get letters from anybody other than a bunch of whiny chicks?", "(Phoebe throws the potion at Spencer and he turns into a turkey. She thinks for a second and then pulls out another potion. She throws it at the turkey and it turns back into Spencer.)", "Phoebe: As you were saying?", "[Scene: P3. Day. Piper is sitting at the bar, waiting. A good-looking guy walks in wearing a suit.]", "Guy: Piper.", "Piper: Ryan, hi, good, you got my message.", "Ryan: Yeah, my secretary caught me before I left. I thought we were gonna meet at the restaurant?", "Piper: Yeah, sorry about that, something came up.", "Ryan: Is everything okay?", "Piper: Yeah, everything's fine, it's just that, um, my babysitter cancelled at the last minute.", "Ryan: Babysitter. You have a baby?", "Piper: Uh-huh. (Piper reaches behind her stool and wheels Wyatt around in his walker.) What do you think?", "Ryan: I think... he's adorable.", "Piper: You do?", "Ryan: Absolutely. What's his name?", "Piper: Wyatt. So you're okay with this? You still wanna go out?", "Ryan: What, are you kidding? I love babies. Although, I think maybe we should go to Chuck E. Cheese now. Do you mind?", "Piper: No, I'll just grab my purse.", "Ryan: Sure. (Piper gets up and walks out the back. Ryan picks Wyatt up.) Hey, there big fella. You wanna go with mummy and me to lunch? Huh?", "(Wyatt's eyes glow with a blue light. Ryan panics and puts Wyatt on the floor. He rushes outside. Piper walks back in.)", "Piper: We should probably take separate cars because of the baby... seat. (Wyatt walks over to Piper.) Hi. What are you doing? (Piper picks up Wyatt.) Well, fine.", "[Scene: Street. Paige and Richard are walking down the sidewalk.]", "Richard: Actually, I'm all by myself in the house now. My mum moved out east, family followed. It's weird to think the only thing holding us together was a feud.", "Paige: Makes me sorry I helped end it.", "Richard: Don't be. It's an amazing freedom. You're really beating yourself up, huh?", "Paige: Yeah, I guess I am. You know, I think I was put in Larry's life for a reason and it probably wasn't to watch him die.", "Richard: You really believe in that stuff, don't you?", "Paige: What?", "Richard: Fate, destiny.", "Paige: Yeah, don't you?", "Richard: I didn't, not until I met you. All these magical wars in my family, I mean, if there's some kind of grand plan, it sucks. (Paige smiles.) What are you smiling at?", "Paige: Nothing. It's just kind of nice to talk to someone about all this magi-ky stuff. I mean, other than my sisters of course.", "Richard: What do they think you should do about Larry?", "Paige: Basically just let it go.", "Richard: Well, if you'd let it go with me, I probably wouldn't be alive right now.", "Paige: Still, I wouldn't even know where to start.", "Richard: Start with Larry. It wouldn't be the first ghost you summoned.", "[Scene: Underground. Auction house. Souls of men and women are in shackles, standing along the edge of the room. More souls are behind bars above on a second floor. Larry's soul is standing in the centre of the room, facing demon bidders. The auctioneer is wandering around in the centre of the room.]", "Auctioneer: The cream of the crop, ladies and demons! The best souls you'll find up for auction anywhere in the underworld. Guaranteed or your powers back. (to Larry) Straighten up. Take for example, Larry Henderson here. I'll spare you the pitiful details of his life and only say that thanks to me, he became one of the most prominent lawyers in San Francisco. Friends, don't let this one get away, he's a true prize for any soul collector, eater or trader. So, whats say we start the bidding at two powers? (Magical lights circle around Larry and he disappears. The shackles drop to the ground.) Find him!", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Paige and Richard are there. Paige has placed five candles on the floor. Larry's soul appears in a swirl of magical lights.]", "Paige: Welcome back, Larry.", "Larry: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Continued from before.]", "Larry: Uh, okay, you-you-you've got to send me back before Zahn gets pissed.", "Paige: Zahn, is that the demon that...", "Larry: Killed me? Yeah, for all intense and purposes, yes. Come on, reverse the spell, come on.", "Paige: I can't, not until we figure out what's going on.", "Larry: Paige, I'm begging you.", "Richard: Larry, give it up, she's stubborn when she wants to be. Trust me.", "Larry: Do I know you?", "Richard: Uh, no, you know my family, you did some accounting for us.", "Larry: Exactly how are you involved with this?", "Richard: Just, uh, fate.", "Larry: Great, fate. Well, you wanna talk about fate. If I don't live up to my end of the deal, my wife's fate is screwed too and I'm not gonna let that happen. Now come on.", "Paige: What, did you make some sort of Faustian deal?", "Larry: Yeah. Yeah, I did. Look, I'm not proud of it, alright. But Zahn came to me five years ago when I was down and hurting and he promised to pull me out of it in exchange for my... for my soul. And, uh, last night payment came due in full.", "Richard: So that's how you built up your firm?", "Larry: Among other things. But then when I realised how Zahn was making me rich off of other peoples pain and all the freak accidents. I tried to stop it, I tried to break the deal but when I realised I couldn't, I tried to make amends and tried to give away everything before it was too late.", "(Piper walks in the front door with Wyatt. She looks in the living room.)", "Piper: Paige?", "Paige: Oh, hey, you, um, remember Richard.", "Piper: Hi.", "Richard: Hey.", "Piper: What's going on?", "Paige: Oh, you know, just, uh, summoning a ghost. (Piper walks into the conservatory and puts Wyatt in his playpen. Paige follows.) What was I supposed to do? Just let him rot in hell or wherever he was.", "Piper: Paige, that's the thing, you don't even know where you summoned him from. How do you know that all the demons in the underworld aren't out looking for him?", "Paige: Yeah, but that's all the more reason to save him.", "Piper: Save him? He's dead.", "Paige: No, he hasn't moved on yet which means I have a chance to save his soul before Zahn gets it.", "Piper: And who is Zahn?", "Paige: That's the demon he made a deal with.", "Piper: No, that's not what I mean. What is his level? What are his powers?", "Paige: I don't know, I haven't checked the book yet.", "Piper: So you have no idea what you're up against?", "Paige: No. But does it really matter?", "Piper: Paige, look, I know this search is important to you and you need to maintain a separate identity but you can't keep going off on your own, it's not how we work.", "Paige: Well, if I hadn't, Larry's soul could have been lost by now.", "Piper: He sold his soul, it was his choice.", "Paige: Yeah, well, so he makes a mistake in life. Does that mean he has to pay for it in his afterlife too?", "Piper: Yeah, maybe, because actions have consequences and we can't go around cleaning up after everybody's mistakes, especially mistakes like this.", "Paige: So what, do you want me to just send him back?", "Piper: I think that if you bring danger into this house you need to talk to us about it before hand.", "Paige: I did, but you weren't exactly supportive. Unlike Richard who actually was.", "Piper: What does Richard have to do with this? You barely even know him.", "Paige: Maybe, but he seems to get me more than you. (Paige walks back into the living room.) Hey, listen, thanks so much for your help but, um, I think maybe you'd better go.", "Richard: Are you sure?", "Paige: Yeah. But I'll call you later.", "Richard: Okay.", "Paige: (to Larry) And you, come with me.", "Larry: What? Where are we going?", "Paige: We are going to save your soul.", "(Paige and Larry go upstairs. Richard looks over at Piper before leaving.)", "[Scene: Rocky mountain. Leo and Chris are running from the dinosaur.]", "Chris: Come on. (They get to the top of the mountain and run around a large rock.) Let's go. (The dinosaur roars. Leo and Chris hide in a space under a large rock. The dinosaur loses them and walks away.) I don't understand, why can't we orb?", "Leo: Prehistoric. Magic won't be around until there's people around to use it.", "Chris: Perfect. We'll just hang out for the next million years or so, no problem.", "Leo: More like sixty-five million. It's the cretaceous period.", "Chris: Man, you are old. I think he's gone. He looks gone. Do you think he's gone?", "Leo: No.", "Chris: Neither do I.", "(They continue walking along the mountain.)", "Leo: The sooner we get back to our time, the less we'll have to worry about.", "Chris: Yeah, that's gonna be a problem.", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Chris: I mean, you just don't create time portals out of thin air, it's not like that.", "Leo: Well, you coming back from the future originally seemed like an exact science.", "Chris: That was a spell, alright? A one way door. It only goes backward in time, not forward.", "Leo: So, what, you're creating portals to get back to the future, is that it? Why?", "Chris: To see if it changed, okay? To see if I stopped the demon who was after Wyatt. What? You still don't believe me?", "Leo: All I care about right now is getting back home.", "Chris: Well, all you gotta do is find the portal that dumped us here. Good luck. Watch out for the dinosaurs.", "Leo: You'd like, wouldn't you? Get rid of me once and for all?", "Chris: You were the one who sent us back to Jurassic Park, alright? Not me.", "Leo: Wouldn't be the first time you tried to get rid of me.", "Chris: Think what you want, but know this. If we don't find a way back, Wyatt's screwed. If you don't believe me, believe that.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Wyatt are there. Wyatt is in his high chair. Piper is talking on the phone.]", "Phoebe's Voice: Have you tried calling for Leo?", "Piper: Yeah, he's not answering either. He's probably out chasing after Chris and god only knows where that is.", "Phoebe: We're gonna have to talk to those guys. They're never around when we need them anymore.", "Piper: Yeah, I think we need to talk to Paige first, because this little power of one kick of hers is getting out of control.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but didn't we promise her we wouldn't but in anymore?", "Piper: Yeah, but that was when she was just helping Richard, she wasn't yanking souls away from angry demons. (The doorbell rings.) Look, I'm not saying that we need to gang up on her, but this is clearly becoming a pattern and we need to remind her that we have a shared destiny to worry about too.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll be right there.", "Piper: Okay, bye. (Piper hangs up. She moves over to Wyatt.) Alright, let's get this over with. What do you think?", "[Cut to The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe grabs her bag and heads for the door. Spencer blocks her way.]", "Spencer: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. Where are you going, toots?", "Phoebe: Home if you must know.", "Spencer: Home? Are you nuts? We got a column we gotta write. And I have just found the perfect letter for us to respond to. \"Dear Phoebe, I am a breast man at heart but the problem is this girl I like is flat as a board. Should I even bother asking her out?\" (He laughs.) Now this is a letter I could respond to.", "(Phoebe throws a potion at him and he turns into a pig.)", "Phoebe: Must have been the wrong potion. Excuse me.", "(She walks out of her office and closes the door, locking the pig in.)", "[Cut to the manor. Foyer. Piper opens the door half way and a good-looking guy is standing there.]", "Piper: Brett, hi.", "Brett: Piper, I didn't think you were, uh... (Piper opens the door fully to show that she's holding Wyatt.) Home.", "Piper: Oh, sorry it took me so long, I had to go get my baby.", "Brett: A baby? I actually didn't realise you were a...", "Piper: A mum?", "Brett: Right, yeah. Why didn't you tell me?", "Piper: Well, you know, some guys just don't hear that very well. Um, go figure, right? Uh, I don't mean to be rude but, um, something's come up and I can't go out right now, so if you don't want to reschedule, it's perfectly understandable.", "Brett: Why wouldn't I? Unless you got ten more of those somewhere.", "Piper: No, um, just the one.", "Brett: Not a problem. Did I past the test?", "Piper: With flying colours. (They hear an explosion. Piper turns around.) Paige? (Wyatt turns his head to face Brett and his eyes glow. Brett panics and runs off.) I, uh, I better... (She turns back around.) Go.", "(She closes the door.)", "[Cut to the attic. Paige, Larry and Zahn are there. Zahn throws Paige across the room.]", "Zahn: You know, ordinarily I'd be upset you summoned me, but seeing how you just helped me find Larry, I'll be merciful.", "Larry: Don't hurt her, Zahn, please. She didn't know, she was just trying to help me.", "Zahn: Help? Really? What, you thought vanquishing me would set him free? Is that it?", "Paige: As a matter of fact.", "(Paige throws a potion at him. He freezes it in mid-air and then zaps it with an energy ball.)", "Zahn: You were saying?", "Paige: You're a low-level demon, you're not supposed to have that power.", "Zahn: Lady, I haven't been low-level in years. Not since I started trading souls for powers. Wanna see?", "(He creates an energy ball and Paige orbs out as he throws it at her. She orbs back in. Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Paige?", "(Zahn uses a telekinetic power and throws Piper against the door.)", "Paige: Piper!", "(Paige rushes over to her.)", "Zahn: And just for future reference, even if you could vanquish me it would only make it worse for Larry. Paragraph five, subsection six, line three. All souls in my possession will burn in eternal flames upon my untimely demise. Believe me, it's a fate worse than anything that could possibly happen at auction. Little protection clause I put in all of my contracts. (He walks over to Larry and waves his hand. The shackles appear on Larry's arms and legs.) Consider yourself repossessed.", "(Zahn flames out and takes Larry with him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is laying on a couch and Paige is looking through the Book of Shadows. Phoebe walks in holding an ice pack.]", "Phoebe: This would all be so much easier if someone that could heal you (louder) was actually listening.", "(Piper sits up.)", "Piper: It's no big deal, I've had worse.", "(Phoebe sits down beside Piper and places the ice pack on Piper's shoulder.)", "Phoebe: Still, those two need a talking to I'll tell you.", "Paige: I don't understand. Faustian deals have been around for more than a century but there is nothing in here on how to break them. How is that possible?", "Piper: Maybe because they can't be broken.", "Piper: It can't be, there's gotta be a way. I am not giving up on Larry now.", "Phoebe: Listen, sweetie, maybe you should. I know you feel guilty about what happened.", "Paige: That's not it.", "Phoebe: It's affecting all of us now, not just you.", "Paige: I said I was sorry.", "Piper: That's not the point.", "Paige: Listen, I just want to save his soul.", "Piper: But you can't.", "Paige: Larry said that Zahn keeps his contracts locked up somewhere, so if we can find them and destroy them, then we can set all those souls free.", "Piper: I don't think so.", "Paige: Why not?", "Phoebe: We think we should go after Zahn, stop him before he gets anymore powers.", "Paige: What, and just let all those souls burn?", "Piper: They're already lost, Paige, he's already got them.", "(Phoebe sighs.)", "Phoebe: I think it's important that you stop him before he becomes unstoppable.", "Paige: No.", "Piper: Paige, we don't like this anymore than you do, but this is where we're at.", "Paige: He's my innocent.", "Piper: Yeah, but this is our problem, and one that we did not ask for by the way.", "Paige: No, I'm not sacrificing him.", "Piper: You don't have a choice. This is beyond your control, I'm sorry.", "(Paige storms out.)", "[Scene: Richard's House. Study. Richard is sitting the at the desk looking through some papers. Paige walks in.]", "Richard: Hey, Paige.", "Paige: Hey, your housekeeper let me in, I hope you don't mind.", "Richard: No, it's fine. (He gets up and walks over to her.) Are you okay? Everything alright?", "Paige: No.", "[Scene: Rocky Mountains. Leo and Chris are still walking along the rock mountains.]", "Chris: This looks familiar, doesn't it?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Chris: Maybe we should split up, find the portal faster.", "Leo: Wait, if one of us gets caught, the other one needs to keep going. For Wyatt's sake.", "Chris: Oh, you believe me about it now?", "Leo: No. I just wanna let you know what's gonna happen if you get caught.", "(Chris's hand goes through the rock.)", "Chris: Found it! (The dinosaur roars and Leo turns around. He slips on some loose rocks and he slides down the hill.) Leo! (The dinosaur appears behind him. Chris runs over to Leo and helps him up.) Come on, come on, go, go!", "(They run up the hill and the dinosaur snaps at them. They jump through the portal just as the dinosaur snaps again.)", "[Cut to a grassy meadow. Leo and Chris fall out of the portal and roll along the ground.]", "Chris: You okay?", "Leo: Thanks for not listening to me.", "Chris: Any time.", "(Seven soldiers surround Leo and Chris and point shot guns at them.)", "Soldier: You boys Yankees?", "(The soldiers grab them.)", "[Scene: Richard's House. Living room. Paige is sitting there. Richard walks in holding a drink.]", "Richard: Here.", "(He hands Paige the drink.)", "Paige: Thank you.", "(She has a sip. Richard sits down beside her.)", "Richard: So, uh, what are you gonna do?", "Paige: Well, I got a plan on how to save Larry but it's kind of risky.", "Richard: Maybe you shouldn't go through with it, I mean, maybe your sisters are right.", "Paige: You're the one who told me to follow my gut instincts.", "Richard: I know, I just, uh, I don't want you to get hurt.", "Paige: Listen, I'm gonna need your help to pull this off.", "Richard: Paige, if I do magic...", "Paige: No, I am not asking you to do that. I'm just gonna need you to get my sisters when it's time. I need their help too but they can't know about it until it's too late to stop me.", "Richard: Won't they get pissed?", "Paige: Yeah, probably. Guess I'm pretty stubborn, huh?", "Richard: Yeah, in a good way. Paige, you have a gift, don't fight it.", "Paige: Thank you. Got any candles?", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Phoebe are there. Piper is lighting some candles which are placed on the floor and Phoebe is making a potion.]", "Piper: How do we know she's not gonna just summon him herself again?", "Phoebe: Who, Zahn? She won't try that again, not without a potion.", "Piper: Well, what about Richard? He can make potions.", "Phoebe: Isn't he on the witch wagon though?", "Piper: I'm just saying I wouldn't put it past her. I can't believe it's even got to this point.", "Phoebe: It'll work itself out, it always does.", "Piper: I don't know about that. I mean, we've all disagreed with each other at one point or another over the years obviously, but this is different.", "Phoebe: So maybe we should call her again and talk to her about it.", "Piper: Or we can just summon Zahn and vanquish him quickly before she gets her pig-headed self killed.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, pig.", "Piper: Hm?", "Phoebe: I'll take care of it, don't even ask.", "Piper: Okay, we give him one chance at giving up Larry's soul and that's it.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Phoebe hands Piper a potion and they stand near the candles. They join hands.)", "Piper: \"We call upon the ancient powers, to summon one to save a soul.\"", "[Cut to the underground. Auction house. The souls, including Larry are lined up. Zahn walks along and then pats Larry on the cheek.]", "Zahn: You will be first up for auction again. Alright my fellow demons, let's start the bidding shall we? (Bright magical lights surround Zahn.) Oh, great, not again.", "(Zahn disappears.)", "[Cut to the attic. Zahn appears in a swirl of magical lights and then disappears in a swirl of magical lights.]", "Phoebe: What happened?", "Piper: Where'd he go?", "[Cut to Richard's house. Living room. Paige and Richard are standing in front of lit candles. Zahn appears in the centre of the room.]", "Zahn: You again. This time it's going to cost you.", "Paige: Wait. I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse.", "[Scene: Zahn's Lair. Paige and Zahn are there. Zahn slides the Faustian Deal across the table over to Paige.]", "Zahn: I think you'll find that everything's in order.", "Paige: You don't mind if I look it over first?", "Zahn: Suit yourself. But it's exactly as we discussed. You'll use the same clause I mentioned earlier, to protect me from your sisters of course.", "Paige: You're not gonna have to worry about them.", "Zahn: Good. (A feather materialises.) Just sign on the dotted line.", "Paige: First Larry.", "(Zahn clicks his fingers and Larry appears in the room.", "Larry: Paige? What are you doing?", "Paige: Exactly what I said I'd do. Saving you.", "(Paige signs her name on the Faustian Deal.)", "Larry: No, Paige, don't!", "Zahn: Have a nice afterlife. (Zahn waves his hand and Larry glows and rises up into the sky. Paige grabs her chest and drops to the ground. Her soul rises out of her body.) You must really be a good soul to do what you've just done. (He rolls up the Deal and a door opens up leading into the vault that stores thousands of other deals. He places Paige's deal in an empty space and closes the door.) It's been a pleasure doing business with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Piper is on the phone while holding Wyatt. Phoebe comes down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Did she answer?", "Piper: No, it's just her voicemail. What about scrying?", "Phoebe: Nothing, I can't find her anywhere. You don't think Zahn...", "Piper: I don't know, but if he didn't I will. What was she thinking?", "Phoebe: Chris! Leo! Where are those guys?", "Piper: Forget it, they're not answering either.", "Phoebe: What are we gonna do? (The doorbell rings. They answer the door.) Richard.", "Richard: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: Have you seen Paige?", "Richard: That's why I'm here.", "Phoebe: Okay, inside, inside. (Richard walks in and Phoebe closes the door.) Where is she? Is she alright?", "Richard: I don't know.", "Piper: What do you mean you don't know? What does that mean?", "Richard: It means, uh... (Wyatt's eyes glow like orbing lights.) Does he do that a lot?", "Piper: Wyatt?", "Phoebe: What is he doing? Why is he doing that?", "Piper: Apparently he's trying to scare away all of my dates. You little runt. Did your father teach you that?", "Phoebe: So not the time.", "Piper: You're right. You're grounded.", "(Piper passes Wyatt to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Back to Paige.", "Richard: She's with Zahn, or rather her soul is right about now.", "Phoebe: What?", "Richard: Yeah, it's all part of her plan, that's why I'm here. You don't have much time. She told me to tell you to reverse a \"To Call a Lost Sister\" spell to take you right to her.", "Piper: To do what?", "Richard: To save her.", "[Scene: Underground. Auction house. Zahn stands in the centre of the room.]", "Zahn: Please, everyone, may I have your attention, please. Tonight I have a special treat for you. A once in a life time opportunity to purchase one of these most unique souls there is, or ever was. A Charmed One, ladies and demons. (Paige walks up onto the stage wearing shackles.) One of only three in existence, and I have her here tonight. Both soul and body. (Paige's body appears on a table near by.) To be auctioned off separately of course.", "Paige: Hurry up.", "Zahn: Shall we start the bidding at say, ten powers?", "Grimlock: I'll give you fifteen.", "Demon: Twenty!", "Zahn: I have twenty.", "Demon: And another twenty for the body.", "Zahn: Do I have thirty?", "Demon: Thirty just for the soul.", "Zahn: Anymore?", "Demon: Thirty-two.", "Zahn: Thirty-two.", "Demon: Thirty-six.", "Zahn: I have thirty-six.", "Demon: Forty and I'll throw in all my minions.", "Zahn: And minions!", "(Piper and Phoebe appear in a swirl of lights.)", "Demon: More Charmed Ones.", "Grimlock: One hundred for all three.", "Piper: Sold to the dead Grimlock. (Piper blows up the Grimlock. A demon throws an energy ball at them at Phoebe channels it back at her, vanquishing her. The demons star running away.) Way to channel. Hey-hey-hey.", "(Piper blows up another demon.)", "Paige: Piper, hurry! Blow up the vault.", "(Piper blows up the vault where all the Deals are kept. They all burn. Paige's soul enters her body. She gets off the table.)", "Zahn: My contracts!", "Paige: Cut it a little close.", "Piper: What the hell's going on?", "Paige: Bitch later, vanquish now.", "(Piper and Phoebe throw a potion each at Zahn. He is vanquished.)", "Phoebe: I love watching lawyers explode.", "Piper: Now can I bitch?", "Paige: No, let me explain. I had to lure you down here, it was the only way to destroy the contracts. All I had to do was find them first.", "Piper: But by dying?", "Paige: No, I'm not dead. See, your brain has to be dead before you can die so I'm still alive.", "(Piper and Phoebe look at each other.)", "Phoebe: Okay, so where's Larry's soul?", "Paige: Larry's saved. He's moved on.", "Piper: And that was worth risking your life for?", "Paige: No, I wasn't risking my life. See I knew no matter how pissed off you got, you'd still come and save me. We are sisters.", "[Scene: P3. Steadman is performing on the stage. Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Phoebe: Piper, how did you have time to book Steadman in your club? Between raising my nephew and trying to date and vanquishing...", "Piper: The sister?", "Phoebe: Does that mean you're still mad at Paige?", "Piper: Well, yeah, aren't you?", "Phoebe: Well...", "Piper: I mean, come on, she didn't just risk her own life, she risked ours as well. Not to mention the power of three.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know, but don't we kind of do that every week anyway?", "Piper: No, not unilaterally we don't, ever. I'm not saying she has to answer to us all the time or that she can't go find her bliss, whatever that may be. But not at the risk of what we do.", "Phoebe: I totally agree, but still, we have to figure out a way to work it out with her, you know, let her feel like she has a voice in this whole thing. Compromise.", "Piper: Since when did you become Solomon all of a sudden?", "Phoebe: I have surrendered to being the middle sister.", "Piper: Or does it have more to do with this?", "(Piper holds up a newspaper with Phoebe's and Spencer's column.)", "Phoebe: Uck, look at that pig. And I don't mean literally, at least not anymore. (Leo and Chris walk up to them.) Hey, look who it is. Where you two been?", "Leo: Long story.", "Chris: We just got a little lost, that's all and took some time to find our way back.", "Leo: So, uh, what'd we miss?", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Piper: You lay into them, I have a date.", "Phoebe: A date, really? Does he know about Wyatt?", "Piper: No, and he's not gonna any time soon. At least not until after the honeymoon.", "(Piper walks away.)", "Leo: Whoa, what'd we really miss?", "Phoebe: You know what? It's a long story.", "(Phoebe walks away.)", "Chris: Come on, I'll buy you a drink.", "Leo: Whitelighters don't have any money.", "Chris: It was a gesture.", "Leo: Two cold ones, Billy.", "Billy: You got it, Leo.", "Leo: It's on me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Richard's house. Living room. Paige and Richard are there. Paige lights a candle.]", "Paige: For Larry. May your soul find freedom and peace.", "Richard: You okay?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Richard: What about you and your sisters?", "Paige: Well, we're gonna be fine, just a few growing pains. I wanted to thank you though, for everything you've done.", "Richard: Hey, I just delivered a message.", "Paige: No, I couldn't have done it without you.", "Richard: Any time.", "Paige: Lucky I ran into you.", "Richard: Luck. It was fate.", "(They kiss.)" ]
Soul Survivor
[ "The Lady of the Lake appears before the Charmed Ones, pleading for their help in protecting Excalibur, the legendary Sword in the Stone. A dozen magical beings arrive at the manor to try their hand at pulling the sword from the stone, but it is Piper who pulls Excalibur out, causing a whirlwind that coalesces into a mysterious figure called Mordaunt. Piper is unaware that she is meant to pass it on to Wyatt, heir of Excalibur and the next King Arthur. Richard realizes that Mordaunt cannot be trusted, but before he can intervene, Mordaunt tricks Piper into relinquishing the sword and its power to him." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige and Richard walk in, arms around each other.]", "Richard: It's looks like they're all asleep. Maybe I should sneak out of here.", "Paige: No. Why don't you stay for breakfast? (She turns and faces him.) How do you like your eggs?", "Richard: What about your sisters?", "Paige: What about them?", "(Paige walks backwards and trips over a pair of legs.)", "Richard: Whoa!", "(Piper and Paige stand up.)", "Piper: Oh! Sorry. You okay?", "Paige: What are you doing?", "Piper: Trying to fix the garbage disposal. What are you doing?", "Paige: Messing around.", "Piper: Ohh.", "Richard: Sorry, I should have told you I was here.", "Piper: No, don't be silly. Paige is a big girl, she can hang out all she wants to. Not that she does, a lot, I mean.", "Paige: You can stop now.", "Piper: Great.", "Richard: Hey, you mind if I take a look?", "Piper: Sure. Go ahead.", "(Piper offers the screwdriver to him but he doesn't take it.)", "Richard: Okay.", "(Richard turns on the power and the disposal makes a loud noise.)", "Paige: What's wrong with the disposal, anyway?", "Piper: Not disposing. Washer not washing, cable not cabling.", "Paige: Don't forget the sink upstairs.", "Piper: It's next on my list.", "Paige: Sounds like fun.", "Piper: It's my life, actually, all about fun.", "(Richard holds his hand above the sink and the dirty water empties down the drain.)", "Richard: There you go, as good as new.", "Paige: He's handy to have around.", "Piper: Yeah. I thought you didn't use magic anymore?", "Richard: Just once in a while, for little things. You want me to fix the washer?", "Paige: Yes.", "Piper: No.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Can you guys help me pick out some earrings? (to Richard) Hi, I didn't know you were here.", "Richard: Hey, yeah, we got in late last night.", "Phoebe: I see.", "Piper: He fixed the garbage disposal.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Piper: Mm-hm. Magically.", "Phoebe: Really? (to Piper) Can you help me with my earrings out here, please?", "Piper: Sure.", "(Piper and Phoebe leave the room.)", "Paige: So how do you like your eggs? Scrambled or over easy?", "[Cut to the dining room. Phoebe is waiting on a chair. Piper walks in and Phoebe jumps up.]", "Phoebe: Okay, listen. Was that weird?", "(They walk to the bottom of the stairs.)", "Piper: Why are you so dressed up?", "Phoebe: Because I have a date with Jason, but that's beside the point. Didn't Richard lose it the last time he used magic? I mean, like really lose it?", "Piper: Uh, I can assure you that he stayed in complete control over the garbage disposal. Uh, it's seven o'clock in the morning, how can you have a date?", "Phoebe: Oh, because it's seven here but it's evening in Hong Kong. Okay, so you're not concerned about Richard using magic?", "Piper: Yeah, I am, but I'm more concerned with Paige being really pissed off because we butted into her business again.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I know, but we're sisters, that's what we're supposed to do.", "Piper: Uh, back to your date. I don't understand, is Chris orbing you to Hong Kong?", "Phoebe: No, we're video conferencing. We just open our laptops and there we are in colour.", "Piper: Mm-hm, in each other's laps.", "Phoebe: So do you think we should talk to Paige about Richard?", "Piper: We don't really know him.", "Phoebe: I know, we don't. And neither does she, that's the problem. What, can't I worry?", "Piper: From afar, yeah. Now, excuse me, I have to go unclog a sink.", "(Piper goes upstairs. Phoebe holds up her earrings and tries to decide.)", "[Cut to the bathroom. Piper walks in with a tool box. She looks at the clogged sink.]", "Piper: Well, maybe a little magic couldn't hurt.", "(She puts down the toolbox. The water in the sink bubbles and forms a face of a woman. Piper steps back.)", "Woman: Help me.", "[Cut to a lake. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in on the grass.]", "Paige: Okay, so water lady pops up from the sink. Are you sure she's not a demon?", "Piper: I'm sure she needed help.", "Phoebe: What else did she say?", "Piper: That was it. Pretty park, pond and poof. (The pond starts to bubble and a sword rises out of the water.) Over there.", "(A woman made of water, holding onto the sword, rises out of the water and floats over to land. She becomes solid and heads for the girls. A man wielding a dagger and shield and wearing a black cloak, shimmers in.)", "Woman: They're coming. Take this, it does not belong to them.", "(The man throws a dagger at the woman and stabs her. She falls and the sword flies over some trees. The girls run over to the woman. Two demons wearing black masks and carrying battle axes shimmer in. A sword materialises in the man's hand. Phoebe and Paige go over to the demons and fight them.)", "Paige: Axe!", "(The axe orbs into Paige's hands and she hits the demon, vanquishing him. Phoebe gets the axe of the other demon and hits him, vanquishing him too. The man approaches Piper and the woman and Piper tries to blow him up. Phoebe and Paige run over.)", "Phoebe: I'm liking these odds.", "(The man shimmers out. They drop the battle axes.)", "Paige: Wuss.", "Woman: The sword. The sword is...", "(The woman turns to water.)", "Phoebe: Where'd she go? What'd she say?", "Piper: Uh, she said something about the sword. Where is it?", "Paige: It's in the stone.", "(They look over and see the sword sticking out of a large rock.)", "Phoebe: The sword and the stone?", "Piper: Uh, you gotta be kidding me. Right?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Paige and Richard are there. The sword and the stone is sitting in the middle of the room. Piper is sweeping around it.]", "Piper: Okay, could you maybe miss the table?", "Paige: I'm sorry, I've never orbed anything that heavy before or that historic.", "(The sword glows.)", "Richard: Do you see it glowing?", "Piper: No, it's the sun room, there's a lot of light.", "Paige: What part of this reality aren't you getting? Sword stone, lady lake?", "Piper: It was a pond.", "Richard: Do you think she's from Avalon?", "Paige: Yeah, I think she was flushed out by whoever's after Excalibur. The maker of kings.", "Piper: Look, we're not talking about Camelot, right? Because that's not real.", "Paige: So you're saying you never believed in King Arthur and the knights of the round table?", "Piper: Yes, I did, when I was seven, and then I grew up.", "Paige: Yeah, you grew up to be a witch that fights demons and silly looking dragons.", "Piper: That's different, that's real.", "Paige: And this isn't real?", "Piper: What is real are those hooded freaks.", "Richard: They're not gonna give up now that the sword is in the open.", "Piper: How do you know?", "Richard: Whoever has Excalibur is unstoppable.", "(Phoebe walks in carrying the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: Okay, there is definitely nothing in the book. Oh, hi. How ya doing?", "Piper: Phoebe, please, put a stop to this nonsense.", "Phoebe: Didn't realise you were still here.", "Paige: That's okay, you can talk freely in front of him. Lord knows, we've been through enough.", "Phoebe: No, not really.", "Piper: Phoebe.", "Richard: Look, I should probably go.", "Phoebe: Don't ridiculous, you're great.", "Paige: Okay, anyway, book, Excalibur.", "Phoebe: Yeah, nothin, nada.", "Paige: Really?", "Piper: Told ya.", "Paige: You know, hey, maybe it's been out of circulation since ye olden days, and maybe no Halliwell has come across it before.", "Phoebe: Well, we have run across these guys. Executioner demons. Low-level bad asses for hire.", "Piper: Who hired them?", "(Phoebe turns to a page.)", "Phoebe: This higher-level bad ass.", "(Piper goes over to look.)", "Piper: A power mad paladin of destruction.", "Paige: Maybe, you know, maybe we should just kind of hang out later.", "Richard: Yeah, okay. Bye.", "Piper: Bye.", "(Richard heads for the front door. Paige follows.)", "Richard: Be careful in all of this.", "Paige: Always. I had a really good time last night.", "Richard: Me too.", "Paige: What?", "Richard: Uh, I just don't think your sisters like me very much.", "Paige: Oh, that's not true.", "Richard: Really?", "Paige: Okay, maybe they're just doing the over protective sister thing.", "Richard: Well, that's a good thing because I don't want anything to happen to you.", "Paige: Don't worry.", "(They hug.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Phoebe is watching Paige and Richard.]", "Piper: So he's an upper level demon which means you should be able to make a vanquishing potion.", "Phoebe: Okay. Wait, me? Why me?", "Piper: Because... hello... I have a few hundred things to do around here in addition to raising a small child.", "Phoebe: I know, you have so much to do, you're my hero. But I can't, I have to go to work. I still don't have an assistant and I'm swamped.", "(Phoebe heads for the door.)", "Piper: Phoebe. (Paige walks in.) Paige! Potion?", "Paige: Oh, I'm sorry, honey, the temp agency's already got me a new job.", "Piper: But that hardly compares with...", "(She points to the sword.)", "Paige: Come on, you know there's a magical reason that I had every one of these jobs and who am I to interfere with destiny?", "Piper: Okay, so you want me to add baby-sit the sword and mix vanquishing potion to my never ending 'to do' list?", "Paige: Look, sword is stuck in the stone. You know it, I know it, the bad guys know it. Nobody's going to get it out until King Arthur pulls it out and when that happens there'll be lots of fireworks.", "Piper: And when might that be?", "Paige: How should I know? Maybe in a couple thousand years. (She starts to walk out then stops. She turns around and walks over to the sword. She grabs it and tries to pull it out. It won't budge.) Well, you can't blame a girl for trying.", "[Scene: Cave. The Dark Knight pushes a demon against the wall and holds his sword up to his neck.]", "Dark Knight: Oh, but I do blame you. The sword is now locked in stone. You promised me murderers, what you delivered was cannon fodder for witches.", "Demon: Those weren't just witches.", "Dark Knight: Tell me, demon, will your thick head still spout excuses when it's cut from your neck?", "Demon: If the sword is with the Charmed Ones, it means we need a better class of executioners, that's all.", "(The Dark Knight lowers his sword.)", "Dark Knight: And how much more will this cost me?", "Demon: The Charmed Ones are formidable.", "Dark Knight: How much?", "Demon: To provide you with more executioners, and the training needed to drown the Charmed Ones in their own blood... (The demon walks over to a round table with a large pentagon carved out of the top.) A seat at the table. If your goal is to unite all evil under the corrupted power of the sword, you can do far worse than have me at your side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe is sitting at her desk. A woman walks in and places a manilla folder on her desk.]", "Woman: Responses to last week's column.", "Phoebe: How'd you get into my email?", "Woman: Your email account is maxed out, so your fans are using ours.", "Phoebe: Oh, I tell you, Elise better find me a new assistant because pretty soon she's gonna have to ask Phoebe to take my foot out of her... (The phone rings. The woman leaves. Phoebe searches for the phone under a pile of papers. She finds it and answers it.) Hello, Phoebe Halliwell. Oh, hey Laura. (She picks up her date book.) Uh, I have that down for... (She looks inside.) This morning. Oh my god, I missed it. I'm so sorry. No, of course I can reschedule, absolutely. (Paige stands at the doorway and clears her throat.) Actually, Laura, can I call you back when I have my book in front of me? Okay, great, I'm so sorry. Thanks. Bye. (She hangs up.) Hi. (Phoebe buries her head in her hands.) I thought you had a new temp job today.", "Paige: I do.", "Phoebe: Why aren't you there?", "Paige: Apparently I am.", "(Phoebe looks up.)", "Phoebe: What? Here?", "Paige: Yep.", "Phoebe: As my assistant?", "Paige: Well, I think I prefer being called your desk manager.", "Phoebe: Wait, I thought you get all of your temp jobs for divine reasons.", "Paige: Usually I do.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I don't need divine help. I need filing and faxing and desk management help.", "Paige: I'm your girl. I really am. We'll just, you know, see if the divine stuff kind of appears later. Usually does.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I can't tell you what to do. I mean, how weird is that?", "Paige: Well, it's no weirder than usual.", "Phoebe: Oh, I see.", "Paige: Just kidding, sort of. Listen, you get back to your column, I will call Laura and reschedule, I will... (She picks up a bunch of messages.) Help... stuff.", "[Scene: Manor. Laundry room. Piper is there looking at the washing machine. It is making an awful noise and there are soap suds on the lid. She puts down a monkey wrench and reaches over and pulls the plug.]", "Piper: Perfect.", "(She walks into the kitchen and a pot is boiling over. She turns the stove off and wipes up the mess.)", "Male Voice: Hey, lady. (Piper looks around the bench to see one of the seven dwarfs standing there.) We could really use an authority figure out there", "Piper: What are you doing here?", "Dwarf: What am I doing here? I'm getting pushed around, I just lost my place in line.", "Piper: What line?", "(The dwarf leaves the kitchen. Piper follows.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Creatures of all shapes and sizes are standing in a line beside the sword and stone. A woman is trying to pull out the sword but it doesn't budge. She gives up and the next in line has a go.]", "Piper: What is this?", "Dwarf: Natural selection. Naturally I hope the sword selects me to be king. Finally get a little respect around here.", "(The creatures laugh.)", "Piper: You people, you creatures, whatever, you can't be here, you gotta go.", "Ogre: We have a defying right to try our hand.", "Piper: Wow.", "Dwarf: Yeah. Ten feet is pretty much the distance.", "Creature: Back of the line, please. Hoof it, sister!", "Piper: Chris! Chris! Get down here. (Leo orbs in.) Where's Chris?", "Leo: Busy. (Leo looks around.) What's going on?", "Piper: Busy with what?", "Leo: Other charges. I took him off your account again.", "Piper: Our account?", "Leo: You know what I mean. (Leo sees the sword and stone.) Whoa, is that what I think it is?", "Piper: No, no, it's not, okay. Now look, you gotta get all these people out of here because I can't do this right now.", "(Leo reaches for the sword.)", "Creature: Hey, hey, hey! No cuts, buddy.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks out of a room.]", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Woman: How was the staff meeting?", "Phoebe: Endless. How's my new assistant working out?", "Woman: Oh, she put a fire under the interns, that's for sure.", "Phoebe: Really?", "(Phoebe heads for her office.)", "[Cut to Phoebe's office. Paige is sitting at the desk. Three guys are sitting in front of the desk.]", "Paige: Okay, who can help me with that? (They all raise their hands. She points to one.) Great. You got it. And what about collating and cross referencing? (Two raise their hands.) You, and so you would have databasing. (Phoebe stands at the doorway.) Alright. Great, you boys have your marching orders, I will check back with you in a couple of hours.", "(The guys get up and leave the room. Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Wow. (She sees her tidy desk.) Who works here?", "Paige: You do. Who rocks? That would be me. By the end of the day we're gonna have a system in place that tracks your column ideas, your columns written and your columns considered, plus a separate file for your questions, comments and fan mail.", "Phoebe: I can't believe it.", "Paige: Well, believe it because you my dear, are never going to miss anything again.", "(Paige stands up and Phoebe sits down.)", "Phoebe: That's good.", "Paige: It is good news because you my dear, need to concentrate.", "Phoebe: Yes, I do.", "Paige: Yes, you do. Starting with tomorrow's column.", "Phoebe: I already wrote tomorrow's column.", "Paige: Yeah, you did.", "Phoebe: Uh, is there a problem with it?", "Paige: Well, I mean, I'm no expert but I was just thinking about this one question. Okay, the girl's family wants her to break up with him because they think he's an alcoholic and absent of any proof you're telling her to end it.", "Phoebe: Well, you know, not really end it, just slow it down a bit.", "Paige: Okay, but slowing it down by not seeing each other is in affect ending it.", "Phoebe: I just think you should keep your eyes open.", "Paige: Keep my eyes open?", "Phoebe: I-I mean I think that she should keep her eyes open. You know what I mean.", "Paige: Yeah. This column's about Richard and I, isn't it?", "Phoebe: No, it is not about Richard. Don't be ridiculous.", "Paige: You hate him. I can tell and what's worse, he can tell.", "Phoebe: Look, Paige, if you're sensing anything from me, it's just concern. I'm concerned you're falling too fast for a guy you barely know. But it's none of my business.", "Paige: You're right. It's not any of your business.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Hey, Piper needs your help now.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. A tiny fairy is trying to pull the sword out of the stone. The ogre pushes her out of the way and she flies across the room.]", "Ogre: Pest.", "(The ogre tries to pull out the sword. Phoebe, Paige and Leo orb in.)", "Phoebe: Oh, my.", "Paige: I was afraid this would happen.", "Piper: Do you think you could have mentioned that?", "Phoebe: And they won't leave?", "Piper: Oh, no, no. More show up every minute.", "Paige: But no bad guys yet, right?", "Phoebe: What is that stench? What is that stench?", "Piper: We gotta get this thing out of the manor. Leo refuses to orb it.", "Leo: Hey, the Lady of the Lake came to the Charmed Ones for help. I'm not messing with that.", "Piper: Oh, for god's sakes. (She gets up and heads for the sword and stone.) If you will not get rid of it, then I will.", "(She holds onto the sword and pulls it out of the rock. Phoebe gasps.)", "Creature: Your majesty.", "Piper: Wow.", "(The creatures kneel. A man appears in the room and walks over to Piper.)", "Man: I bet you didn't expect this when you got up this morning.", "Piper: I...", "(Phoebe covers her mouth in shock.)", "Man: The sword has chosen. You are the new saviour. The champion of good, the master of Excalibur. Welcome to your new destiny.", "Piper: Aw, crap.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Phoebe is pushing the dwarf out the door.]", "Phoebe: Okay, let's go, nothing to see here anymore, no more show, audios, scram.", "Dwarf: Your majesty, seriously, if you need anything, anything at all, castles built, suits of armor. You name it, I got connections.", "(The dwarf zips out the door and Phoebe closes the door.)", "[Cut to the living room. Piper, Leo and Mordaunt are there. Piper is looking at the sword. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Is it just me or does it still smell like ogre in here?", "(Phoebe sits down. Piper sits down and places the Excalibur on the coffee table in front of her.)", "Piper: I'm telling you guys, this is all just a big mistake. (The Excalibur glows and slides closer to Piper.) Stop that.", "Mordaunt: It's drawn to you, just like you were drawn to it.", "Piper: Do I look like I'm drawn to it, pal?", "Mordaunt: You will be in time.", "Piper: No, I don't have time to play Queen Arthur.", "(Paige walks in carrying Wyatt.)", "Paige: Oh, come on, Piper, have a little fun. Don't you realise what this means?", "(Paige hands Wyatt to Leo.)", "Piper: One more thing on my to do list?", "Paige: No, it means you my dear, are the chosen one. The first in centuries to have power over the sword. Tell her all about it, Merlin.", "Mordaunt: Oh, actually, the name's Mordaunt. Merlin was just a fairy tale.", "Piper: Ha!", "Mordaunt: But Camelot was not.", "Paige: Ah ha!", "Mordaunt: And thanks to you it can rise again.", "Phoebe: So what are you? A wizard? A sorcerer?", "Mordaunt: Actually, I'm neither. I'm just a humble teacher in service of the sword. And we must begin instruction immediately before your enemy attacks.", "Paige: The Dark Knight.", "Mordaunt: You know him?", "Phoebe: Yeah, we've already kicked his ass.", "Piper: And if he shows up again we have a vanquishing potion ready and waiting.", "Mordaunt: What's in it?", "Piper: It's a mandrake variation with a little bit of griffins blood.", "Mordaunt: Good, if you're going up against a pustouous knave which you're not. If you want to fight the Dark Knight with magic, this is what you need.", "(A piece of parchment materialises in his hand.)", "Leo: I thought you said you weren't a sorcerer.", "Mordaunt: I picked up a few things along the way. (He hands Phoebe the parchment.) The Dark Knight is no trifle. You have to hit him with everything you have.", "Phoebe: I've never even heard of half of these ingredients.", "Leo: It looks like you picked up quite a bit. What do you think?", "(Phoebe looks at Mordaunt.)", "Phoebe: Can't get a read on him.", "Mordaunt: Distrust is expected but don't let it blind you. If I haven't taught Piper how to master the sword before the Dark Knight returns, your survival depends on that potion.", "Phoebe: Okay, so where are we supposed to get the ingredients?", "Paige: I think I know a place. Leave it to me, your trusty assistant.", "(Paige orbs out with Phoebe.)", "Leo: Alright, I guess I will go check with the other Elders and see if they know. You want me to take Wyatt? (Piper admires the sword.) Piper?", "Piper: Hm?", "Leo: Do you want me to take Wyatt with me?", "Piper: Yeah, sure. (Leo orbs out with Wyatt.) I'll be fine.", "(Piper stands up with the sword. A sword materialises in Mordaunt's hands. He attacks Piper and she screams. She blocks his hits with the Excalibur.)", "Mordaunt: Not bad. Better than Arthur's first time.", "Piper: Really?", "Mordaunt: Now, I'm gonna come in low. Believe in Excalibur, just let it flow through you.", "(They sword fight some more.)", "[Scene: Cave. The Dark Knight and a demon are walking past masked demons making weapons.]", "Dark Knight: Is he your best?", "Demon: The highest quality. They'll get the job done.", "Dark Knight: They better. If they don't, it's not me they'll have to answer to.", "Demon: I thought you were the...", "Dark Knight: I serve a greater power.", "Demon: Whose?", "(A masked demon walks in carrying a sack over his shoulder. He clears a table and puts the sack down. The sack moves and the dwarf gets out of it.)", "Dwarf: Well, should've figured you'd be after the sword.", "Masked Demon: Tell them.", "Dwarf: Kiss my grubby ass.", "(The masked demon pulls out a dagger and holds it up to the Dwarf's throat.)", "Masked Demon: Tell him.", "Dwarf: You're too late. Piper Halliwell has Excalibur and she's been trained how to use it.", "Dark Knight: By who? Who's training her?", "(The dwarf shrugs. He punches the masked demon in his groin and zips away.)", "Demon: Does this change anything?", "Dark Knight: It changes everything.", "[Scene: Richard's house. Phoebe, Paige and Richard walk into a room full of ingredients. Richard turns on the light.]", "Richard: I think we got everything you need. Plant roots, fungi, herbs, creature parts, insects...", "Phoebe: Creature parts?", "Richard: Fairy wings.", "Phoebe: Wait, fairy wings?", "Richard: Well, I didn't kill them if that's what you're wondering.", "Phoebe: Then how did you get them?", "Paige: Uh, Phoebe?", "Phoebe: What? Fair question.", "Richard: Actually, I'm not sure. My family's been stockpiling this stuff for years because of the fued.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but the feud's over, right?", "Paige: Hey, you know, I think we're gonna need a mortar and pestle for the potion. Do you have one?", "Richard: Yeah.", "(Richard leaves the room.)", "Paige: What are you doing?", "Phoebe: What?", "Paige: You don't have to treat him like he's evil.", "Phoebe: Paige, I'm just reacting to what I see. I mean, how many guys do you know that stockpile gremlin ears?", "Paige: Okay, first your not so subtle column, and now this. Why don't you just come out and admit it. You hate him.", "Phoebe: Paige, I don't hate him. I'm just worried.", "Paige: Well, don't worry because I know what I'm doing.", "Phoebe: Okay, so are you telling me that it doesn't bother you at all that he's using magic again? Or that he has this-this room hidden?", "Paige: What part of this is not your business aren't you getting?", "Paige: Oh, Paige. I'm worried about you, okay? Just like you were worried about me when I was dating a demon.", "Paige: Richard is not a demon.", "Phoebe: No, I know he is not a demon, Paige, but he has a dark side and powerful magic, and that is a very dangerous combination. I-I'm worried about you, okay? I'm sorry.", "(Richard walks in.)", "Richard: Here.", "(He hands Paige the mortar and pestle.)", "Paige: Thanks.", "(She puts it on the table.)", "Richard: Everything alright?", "Paige: Let's just get this over with.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Mordaunt barge into the room, sword fighting. Piper knocks his sword out of his hands and pushes him against the wall.]", "Mordaunt: You're a quick study.", "Piper: You're a good teacher.", "Mordaunt: So, you feel the sword's power?", "Piper: Yes.", "Mordaunt: How's it feel?", "Piper: Not bad.", "Mordaunt: You and Excalibur are becoming one. Soon nothing will matter. Nothing except the desire to rule.", "(The Dark Knight, the demon, and two masked demons shimmer into the room.)", "Dark Knight: You.", "Mordaunt: I was wondering when you would show up. Take him.", "(The Dark Knight attacks Piper. Mordaunt grabs his sword and the three other demons attack him.)", "[Scene: Richard's house. Ingredient room. Phoebe and Paige are making the potion.]", "Paige: Wearboar tusk, one pinch. (Phoebe puts it in the potion.) Nymph hair, one lock.", "Phoebe: Oh, I hope this isn't from someone we know.", "(Phoebe throws the hair into the potion.)", "Paige: Wraith essence, three drops.", "Phoebe: One, two, three.", "Paige: And black poppy, one level teaspoon.", "Phoebe: I've never even heard of black p...", "Richard: No!", "(Richard uses his telekinetic power on Phoebe and she slides out the door. Paige races over to her. Phoebe gets up.)", "Paige: Phoebe, are you okay? (Richard grabs a pinch of poppy and moves back.) Richard?", "Richard: Wait, watch. (He throws the poppy into the potion and it explodes.) Don't ever mix wraith essence and black poppy. Never.", "Paige: Why would Mordaunt do this?", "Richard: Because he wants you dead.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Mordaunt are still fighting the Dark Knight and the three demons. Piper vanquishes the demon and a masked demon. The Dark Knight grabs Mordaunt.]", "Dark Knight: I thought we made a deal.", "Mordaunt: I don't need you to get to the sword anymore. I've got her. (Mordaunt pushes him away. Piper stabs the masked demon and the Dark Knight and vanquishes them.) Your assimilation is complete. You are now one with Excalibur.", "Piper: Now what?", "(Paige and Phoebe orb in. Piper turns to them.)", "Paige: It's just us.", "Phoebe: He's not what you think he is.", "Paige: He tried to kill us.", "Phoebe: He wants the sword.", "Piper: But the sword chose me.", "Paige: No, he's just using you, he wants the power of the sword for himself.", "Phoebe: You're not meant to control the sword.", "Piper: But I do control it. And you don't think I can.", "Mordaunt: Perhaps we should leave.", "Phoebe: Paige, Paige, Paige.", "Paige: Excalibur.", "(She tries to orb the Excalibur but it doesn't leave Piper's hands.)", "Piper: Don't do that again.", "Mordaunt: It appears your queen has spoken.", "(Piper and Mordaunt disappear.)", "Phoebe: Her majesty has left the building.", "Paige: Or her madness.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cave. Piper and Mordaunt are there. Piper is wearing black clothes and is standing in front of the round table.]", "Piper: It doesn't look like much of a kingdom.", "Mordaunt: This is just where it begins. Where you form your inner circle.", "Piper: Let me guess. The knights of the round table?", "(He moves closer behind Piper.)", "Mordaunt: The knights of your round table. You're on a new path now, a new destiny.", "Piper: That's good because I was getting a little bored of the old one.", "Mordaunt: A world of adventure awaits you. Warfare, conquest, Camelot.", "Piper: And what exactly is Camelot?", "(She turns around and faces him.)", "Mordaunt: Whatever you want it to be. It's your kingdom to make.", "Piper: Could you be a little more specific?", "Mordaunt: There will be no one above you, no one to challenge you. You will have free reign to reshape the way things are. To create a world of your dreams. All will bow down before you. (He caresses her cheek.) All will serve your every desire.", "Piper: Including you?", "Mordaunt: Especially me, my queen.", "(They kiss. Mordaunt reaches for the sword and it moves away. He moves away from Piper.)", "Piper: What is it?", "Mordaunt: Well, we must build your kingdom first, and to do that we need to fill your round table with knights.", "Piper: Very well, I have a few ideas.", "Mordaunt: No. Let me be your council. I know best who will serve you well. But they will not come easily. You must challenge them on fields of battle. Force them to join you.", "(Piper picks up the Excalibur.)", "Piper: I think I can do that.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Paige is scrying.]", "Leo: Anything?", "Paige: Nope, can't find Piper anywhere.", "Leo: Well, keep looking, she's bound to show up somewhere.", "Paige: Yeah, to do what?", "Phoebe: I don't understand. If she wasn't supposed to pull the sword out of the stone, then why was she able to?", "Leo: Because according to the other Elders, she was only meant to pass it on to whom ever it was really meant for.", "Phoebe: So she's not the new King Arthur but she is the new Lady of the Lake?", "Leo: Basically, yeah.", "Paige: Well, why is it turning her evil?", "Leo: Because only the ultimate power on earth can handle Excalibur. That's why the Lady stayed in the lake to insulate herself from the power of the sword.", "Paige: Okay, so we should find Piper and then drown her. (Leo gives her a look.) Oh, I'm just kidding, Leo.", "Leo: It's no joke, it's the only way to keep the power from consuming her, destroying her.", "Phoebe: Still, what does Mordaunt want with Piper? I mean, he's tricky, but he's hardly the ultimate power on earth.", "Leo: But he can use Piper to become that power.", "(The crystal points to a spot on the map.)", "Paige: Guess who just surfaced.", "[Scene: Piper and Mordaunt are there. A demon flies through the air and hits a stack of hay. Piper walks over and points the Excalibur at the demon.]", "Piper: Should I kill him?", "Mordaunt: You're the Queen.", "Piper: I need one more knight to set up my round table. Care to join me?", "Demon: Join you? Which side are you on?", "Mordaunt: All we're interested in is the greatest power. Become one of us.", "Piper: What he said.", "Demon: What do I get out of it?", "Piper: You, you get to live.", "(Phoebe and Piper orb in.)", "Paige: Piper.", "Demon: I should have known it was a trap.", "(The demon gets up.)", "Piper: You stay put. (to the girls) You, I warned you.", "Phoebe: Sorry, your majesty. (Phoebe throws a potion and Piper destroys it with the sword.) Paige, now, orb her.", "(Paige orbs out just as Piper throws the Excalibur at her. Paige orbs back in behind Piper and grabs her. Piper throws Paige over her shoulders and she lands on the ground in front of Phoebe. Piper holds out her hand and the Excalibur returns to her.)", "Mordaunt: Impressive, huh? Now, make your queen proud.", "(Phoebe helps Paige up. The demon throws electricity bolts at Phoebe and Paige and their bodies fall to the ground, leaving their spirits behind.)", "Paige: What just happened?", "Phoebe: I don't know, but I don't think it's good.", "(Piper, Mordaunt and the demon disappear.)", "Paige: Leo!", "[Scene: Cave. Three other demons are sitting around the round table. The demon appears in the forth seat.]", "Piper: Welcome. I assume you're all wondering why you've been gathered here. But don't worry, if I wanted to kill you I would have done so already. You are the chosen few who will help chart a new world order, united under me.", "Mordaunt: Excuse me, your majesty, we're getting ahead of ourselves.", "Piper: Are we?", "Mordaunt: The small matter of the loyalty oath.", "Piper: Oh, yeah, that's right. Uh, administer that oath.", "Mordaunt: Yes, your majesty. If you will all put your left hand... (One demon growls.) Or claw on one of the five points of the pentagram in front of you. (Mordaunt sits down in the fifth seat. He puts his hand on the point and chants. The pentagram glows and the demons shake.) Supreme demonic powers, leave your host and find a new home in this willing heart.", "Piper: What are you doing? Stop! (The powers leave the demons and they are vanquished one by one. The powers enter Mordaunt.) You vanquished all my knights. Why?", "(The Excalibur floats into Mordaunts hand.)", "Mordaunt: For filling my centuries old quest. To control Excalibur.", "Piper: But it belongs to me.", "Mordaunt: No, it doesn't. It never did. But thanks to you and the combined powers of your knights, now it belongs to me. I'm the ultimate power.", "Piper: I don't understand.", "Mordaunt: It's simply transferred power, that's all. And now all that remains to do is to eliminate the true recipient of Excalibur before he grows old enough to fulfil his destiny as the son of a Charmed One.", "Piper: You can't hurt him, he's protected.", "Mordaunt: I couldn't before, but I can with this.", "(He stabs Piper with the Excalibur.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe, Paige and Leo are there. Phoebe is scrying and Paige is laying on the chair.]", "Paige: Ow.", "Leo: Feeling any better?", "Paige: No, I'm pretty sure 'ow' signifies that I am not in fact feeling any better. (Paige sits up.) I am getting tired of this whole soul separating from my body thing. It's getting to be a disturbing pattern.", "Leo: It's pretty close too, your souls were getting ready to move on.", "Paige: Move on to where exactly?", "Leo: Nice try.", "Phoebe: I can not believe, Piper. Did you see that look in her eyes?", "Paige: Hey, at least it looked like she was having fun for once.", "Leo: Find her yet?", "Phoebe: No, nothing.", "Leo: Alright, keep trying. Just like last time, they can't do anything until they resurface.", "Paige: Yeah, unless Mordaunt wants her to help him rule the underworld.", "Phoebe: There's gotta be another way to get her out of this.", "Paige: I just wish we knew who King Arthur is.", "Phoebe: Wait, what do you mean?", "Paige: I mean, if we need to separate Piper from the sword, what better way than to figure out who she's meant to give it to. (Wyatt gurgles from the playpen.) No.", "Phoebe: It's Wyatt, oh my god, it has to be. (Leo groans in pain.) What's the matter?", "Leo: It's Piper, she's hurt.", "(The crystal points to a spot on the map.)", "Phoebe: Harding Park, let's go.", "Paige: I got Wyatt.", "(Phoebe orbs out with Leo.)", "[Cut to Harding Park. Piper and Mordaunt are there. He lowers Piper to the ground.]", "Mordaunt: Don't worry, it'll all be over. Once they come for you, I'll go for him.", "(Phoebe and Leo orb in. Mordaunt disappears.)", "Phoebe: Hurry, hurry.", "(Leo runs over to Piper and heals her. She gasps.)", "Piper: Where's Wyatt?", "[Cut to the manor. Conservatory. Mordaunt walks up to the playpen holding the Excalibur.]", "Mordaunt: My apologies, King Wyatt. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. (Mordaunt stabs the lumpy blanket bundle in the playpen. He lifts up the bundle and it's a teddy bear wrapped in a blanket.) What!", "(Paige orbs in holding Wyatt.)", "Paige: Ohh, and that's his favourite teddy bear.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Leo orb in. Piper takes Wyatt from Paige.)", "Piper: Bet you didn't expect this when you got up this morning.", "Mordaunt: But I still got Excalibur.", "Phoebe: Not for long.", "Leo: Go for it, Wyatt.", "(Wyatt orbs out the Excalibur and it orbs back in, hovering in front of Wyatt. Wyatt points and the Excalibur flies across the room and stabs Mordaunt. Mordaunt explodes and is vanquished. The sword drops to the floor.)", "Piper: Okay, sweetie, that's very, very good. But we need to put this away, so you don't put an eye out. (She walks over to Excalibur and picks it up.) At least until you're eighteen.", "(Piper walks over to the stone and pushes the Excalibur into it.)", "Paige: How are you?", "Piper: Oh, fine. Do you think you could orb this into the attic?", "Paige: Absolutely.", "(The sword and stone orb out.)", "Piper: Away from any furniture?", "(They hear a crash from upstairs.0", "Paige: Sorry.", "Piper: Don't worry, I'll just add it to my list.", "(They all laugh.)", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe is there typing on her computer. Paige stands at the door.]", "Paige: Hey. I just finished the last of the filing.", "Phoebe: Great, thanks.", "Paige: Is that, uh, tomorrow's copy?", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, I'm just doing some last minute changes. This woman right here is worried that her mother might be marrying the wrong guy.", "Paige: Really?", "Phoebe: Yeah, she thinks he might be the devil incarnate.", "Paige: Didn't we vanquish the devil incarnate?", "Phoebe: I told you that unless she has absolute proof, she should probably but out and let her sister live her own life.", "Paige: I thought this was about her mother?", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, you know what I mean.", "Paige: Yeah, I think I do. It's funny, this is the first job I've gotten without a magical reason behind it.", "Phoebe: Well, there may not have been a magical reason, but there's definitely a reason. I just have to learn to take my own advice.", "Paige: Yeah, well, don't start worrying about me too much.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Richard walks in.)", "Richard: Hey. Sorry to interrupt. You ready to go?", "Paige: Yeah, um, we're going out. Do you wanna join?", "Phoebe: I would love to, actually, but, uh, I'm gonna take a rain check. It's been a long day.", "Paige: Okay, good night.", "(Paige and Richard start to leave.)", "Phoebe: Hey, Paige. You're fired.", "Paige: Actually, I quit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Wyatt are there looking at the sword and stone.]", "Piper: Listen, I want you to promise me before we take that thing out of storage, that you're gonna play lots of football and baseball and have lots of normal toys, and maybe we can get a dog. (Leo walks in.) What do you think?", "Leo: How are we doing?", "Piper: Uh, his highness seems content.", "Leo: What about you?", "Piper: I'm doing alright. At least I have my priorities straight now. I was so busy doing stuff and all I really wanted to do was hang out with him.", "Leo: Well, you should have more time for that now. I fixed the washer.", "Piper: You did?", "Leo: And the sink, and the cable, and the toilet.", "Piper: Wow, I forgot how handy you were to have around the house.", "Leo: Pretty strange, huh?", "Piper: Kind of scary, actually.", "Leo: Why?", "Piper: Well, we've seen what he can do without the sword, I can't begin to imagine what he could do with it.", "Leo: Well, whatever it is, it's meant to be.", "Piper: It doesn't make it any less scary, though. But that's tomorrow's problem. I'll worry about it then. Okey-dokey.", "(They leave the room. The sword glimmers.)" ]
Sword and the City
[ "After vanquishing a Manticore demon, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige become foster parents to its orphaned half-breed infant, whose human father Derek ( Seth Peterson ) holds Piper hostage until his son is returned. Upon Chris' plea to vanquish the child, the sisters come to believe that, by raising the child with love, they can change its destiny. Meanwhile, Phoebe surprises her boyfriend Jason when she responds to feelings he has not expressed yet, and Paige gives Darryl a superpower." ]
[ "[Scene: Restaurant. Phoebe and Jason are sitting at a table, kissing. A waiter walks up to the table and clears his throat.]", "Waiter: Pardon me.", "(Phoebe laughs, embarrassed.)", "Phoebe: Hi. Sorry, I didn't see you there.", "Waiter: Oh, no, no, please, never apologise for a kiss, signora. Especially for one like that. (He shows them a bottle of wine.) '95 brunello di montalcino.", "Jason: Great. Decant it, please.", "Waiter: Of course.", "(The waiter walks away.)", "Phoebe: Oh, wow, is that embarrassing.", "Jason: You heard what the man said, never apologise.", "Phoebe: I'm so happy for you.", "Jason: Yeah, I still can't believe it. Really, I wanted to buy my granddad's winery ever since he lost it. I just hope he knows that somehow.", "Phoebe: Believe me, he does.", "Jason: You talk as if you have inside information.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe I do.", "Jason: You are special, Phoebe.", "(Phoebe gets a vibe.)", "Phoebe: I love you too.", "Jason: I'm sorry?", "Phoebe: Who said that?", "Jason: Did you say too?", "Phoebe: No, I just said you twice. I said I love you you. What I said, oh god... (She knocks over a wine glass.) Whoa!", "Male Voice: Daniel, table three.", "(Daniel walks over and wipes up the spill. Paige orbs in near by.)", "Phoebe: Oh, thanks.", "(Paige walks over to them.)", "Paige: Hi.", "Phoebe: Paige.", "Paige: I am so sorry to interrupt but Piper's kind of got a bit of a, um, a power problem. She kind of needs some more.", "Jason: Why doesn't she just call the power company?", "Paige: Tried and the line is busy. So if you could come like, right now, she'd really love it.", "Phoebe: Oh, oh, please don't use that word. Please don't use that. (Phoebe stands up.) Okay, alright, so I should go and we will, you know...", "(Phoebe starts backing back.)", "Jason: Talk.", "Phoebe: Talk, yeah. (Phoebe backs into a waiter holding a tray full of food.) Sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry! Okay.", "Paige: Okay.", "(Phoebe and Paige head for the door.)", "Phoebe: (to a man) Oh, the stuffed shells, great choice. Okay. Bye everyone.", "[Scene: Alley. Piper is there. She is watching a creature standing over a demon. The demon is screaming in pain. Phoebe and Paige orb in.]", "Paige: Okay, let's vanquish this demon.", "Piper: Shh. Something beat us to the punch.", "Phoebe: Eww, what is it doing?", "Piper: Apparently eating the demon.", "Paige: Or storing it.", "(The demon dies and turns to dust.)", "Phoebe: What is it?", "Piper: I don't know, and I don't want to find out. Let's get out of here.", "(The demon spots them and pokes its lizard-like tongue at them. It whizzes toward Phoebe and Paige and pushes them down the alley. Piper tries to blow it up and screams when she can't. She continues to try and blow it up.)", "Phoebe: Paige, do something.", "Paige: Power line!", "(The power line orbs and falls on the creature, electrocuting and vanquishing it. Phoebe and Paige get up and race over to Piper.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Piper: Peachy.", "(They hear a baby sound near by. The walk over to a pile of blankets and pull them back. A baby is laying there. He sticks out his lizard-like tongue and the girls gasp.)", "Paige: Cute.", "(He sticks out his tongue again.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe and Paige are standing there watching the baby in the playpen.]", "Phoebe: I still can't believe we vanquished its mummy.", "Paige: Yeah, but we didn't know it was a mummy and besides, mummy tried to kill us.", "Phoebe: I know, still, look at how cute he is. So adorable. Oh, except when he does that weird little thing with his tongue.", "Paige: I wonder why he looks so human?", "Phoebe: I don't know, but he won't for long.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Okay, Wyatt's upstairs, so at least he's... (Wyatt orbs into the playpen.) Safe.", "Phoebe: Don't worry about Wyatt, he's got his protective bubble. He'll use it if he needs it.", "Paige: Plus, it looks like he likes his new friend.", "Piper: That is not a friend, that's a demon.", "Paige: No, he's just a baby.", "Piper: Excuse me, were you at the same vanquish as me? Because it took all three of us to stop his mother.", "Paige: It doesn't mean he's gonna turn out that way.", "Phoebe: Paige, he doesn't have a choice, it's genetic.", "Paige: No, I don't think so. Okay, maybe I'm a little biased because I am in fact adopted, but I really think there's something to that whole nurture versus nature thing and predicting how a kid is gonna turn out. You know, the classic environment versus biology argument.", "Piper: But this is not a child, it's a demon.", "Paige: Okay, why don't you go over there and see if you can sense anything evil.", "Phoebe: Alright. (Phoebe walks closer to the playpen.) Nothing. Good or evil.", "Paige: My point exactly. Clay to be moulded.", "Piper: Yeah, I don't know about that.", "Phoebe: Still, the question remains what are we supposed to do with him?", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: So you vanquished the demon?", "Piper: Yes and no.", "Paige: Well, the good news is the demon you sent us after is in fact gone.", "Phoebe: And the bad news is whatever ate it, left us that.", "(Chris looks in the playpen. The baby wiggles his lizard-like tongue at him.)", "Paige: I think he likes you.", "Chris: I don't care. Vanquish it.", "Phoebe: Chris.", "Chris: I mean it. Now.", "Paige: No, we are not vanquishing a baby. What's wrong with you?", "Chris: I'm just concerned that this could be the future evil that gets to Wyatt.", "Paige: Don't be ridiculous.", "Chris: What? I'm being ridiculous? There is a demon in the playpen.", "(The phone rings.)", "Paige: I'll get it.", "(She heads for the phone.)", "Phoebe: Hey, if it's Jason, tell him I'm in the shower.", "Piper: Are you avoiding him?", "Phoebe: Uh, kind of. I, um, sort of told him that I loved him last night.", "Piper: Oh, and this is bad?", "Phoebe: No, except I said 'I love you too' as if he said 'I love you' first, which he didn't.", "Piper: So wait, you told him that he loves you before he tells you that he loves you?", "Phoebe: Mm-hm, mm-hm.", "Piper: Yeah, that's not good.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'll be lucky if he doesn't move to Hong Kong permanently now. I really thought I had my empath power under control.", "Chris: Forget that. What are you gonna do?", "Phoebe: What am I supposed to do? I mean, you know, you tell a guy that you love them and they bolt, you know, it's just what they do.", "Chris: About the baby, I meant the baby. We gotta do something. (The baby scoops up a pacifier with his tongue.) Fast.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Paige is there talking on the phone.]", "Paige: I can't hear you, Darryl, speak up.", "Darryl: I know I've never asked before but I'm asking now. I need help on this one. Magical.", "Paige: Alright, what's going on?", "Darryl: This stupid kid, and he's got hostages. Only I know him and he wouldn't hurt anybody, but I've ran out of time to talk him down. SWAT's ready to move in. I don't wanna lose him, Paige.", "Paige: Alright, alright. I'm coming. Okay. Hold your horses.", "(Paige hangs up and grabs her keys.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Piper and Phoebe are leaning over the playpen. Piper is covering her eyes.]", "Piper: Where's Wyatt? Where is he? Look, look, wait, listen. Where's Wyatt? (She uncovers her eyes.) There he is! Look, look. Where's Wyatt? Where's Wyatt? There he is! Alright.", "Chris: Okay, I don't think distracting him is the answer.", "Piper: Wyatt? Bad demon, very bad demon.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hey, was that Jason?", "Paige: No, that was my raison d'etre.", "Phoebe: Pardon?", "Paige: That was Darryl. I've been wondering why the temp agency hasn't called and now I know why. I needed to be free to help him.", "Piper: To do what?", "Paige: Well, to save an innocent. Why else would he have called? And more importantly, why else would I have been the one to answer the phone?", "Phoebe: Because you were the closest to it?", "Paige: No, because it's my reason for being. Call me if you need help.", "(She leaves.)", "Chris: What, you're just gonna let her go?", "Piper: You're welcome to try and stop her.", "Phoebe: You know, I should go talk to Jason.", "Piper: And her too.", "Chris: Wait, stop, where are you going? Are you slightly concerned that there's a demon in the house?", "Phoebe: Chris, this is a baby, okay? Relax. (to Piper) And you call me if you need anything.", "Piper: Love you too.", "Phoebe: Don't.", "Piper: Sorry.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Chris: And you're okay with this? Them dumping this on your lap like that?", "Piper: Well, they don't seem too worried.", "Chris: Well, they should be. I need to figure out what kind of creature we're dealing with here.", "[Scene: Alley. A creature wearing a cloak is wandering around looking for something. He spots a blanket on the ground and roars.]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, is he in?", "Man: No! I mean, yes, he is but he asked not be disturbed.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but that can't possibly mean me.", "Man: Actually, it specifically means you, Phoebe. Sorry. Did you guys have a fight?", "Phoebe: No, but we're about to. (Phoebe hands the man her bag and storms into Jason's office.) Listen, Jas... (Three other people are in the room with Jason.) Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.", "Jason: Phoebe, what are you doing?", "Phoebe: I didn't know you were in the middle of a meeting.", "Jason: Yeah, that's why the door was closed.", "Phoebe: Really? Because I was told the door was closed specifically for me. (Jason says something in Italian and stands up.) I didn't know you spoke Italian.", "Jason: Outside.", "(Jason and Phoebe walk out of his office.)", "Phoebe: How come I didn't know you spoke Italian?", "Jason: Is that what you came here to ask?", "Phoebe: No. No, of course not. I just wanted to talk about last night.", "Jason: Okay, fine. But, uh, can we do it later? I'm in the middle of a very important meeting right now.", "Phoebe: Of course, yeah. I'm sorry about that. So how about tonight?", "Jason: Tonight? Tonight's not good. I'm flying to Rome.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Wait, what?", "Jason: I've been meaning to tell you, it just came up.", "Phoebe: Really? When? Right after I told you I loved you?", "Jason: Oh, come on.", "Phoebe: I mean, I've heard of guys running when they hear the L word, but running all the way to Italy? That's gotta be some kind of new record.", "Jason: Could you keep your voice down, please? It's got nothing to do with that and you know it.", "Phoebe: That's a crock. We both know how you really feel about me. The only difference is I'm the only one who's not afraid of it. Ciao!", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper and Chris are there. Chris is looking at the \"Manticore\" demons in the Book of Shadows.]", "Chris: \"Vicious demons with supernatural strength and venomous claws. Manticores communicate with high-pitch cries and tend to travel in packs.\" Great. Well, I say we get rid of the little brat before the pack comes looking for him.", "Piper: Okay, fine. What do you suggest we do with him? Call social services?", "Chris: No, I suggest you vanquish it.", "Piper: Chris, I'm a mother, I can't go around vanquishing babies, no matter how evil they are.", "Chris: It's not how evil he is, it's how evil he's gonna be. You gotta stop looking at him like he's a little baby and start looking at him like he's an unstoppable killing machine, because that's what he is.", "Piper: I realise that, but still.", "Chris: But still nothing. You're supposed to protect the innocents, right? Well, think of all the future innocents you can save by vanquishing him right now.", "Piper: Don't you think I know that? I'm scared to death of what he can possibly do to Wyatt but I can't even separate them.", "Chris: Piper, there's one thing you can do and you know it. And you better do it fast before any other Manticore show up. There's no known vanquishing potion.", "Piper: I just can't do it.", "Chris: Okay. Well, if you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to Leo.", "(Chris orbs out. Piper looks over at the babies and the Manticore baby shimmers out. He shimmers back in and then shimmers back out. He shimmers back in and laughs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Post Office Car Park. Police have surrounded the building. The SWAT team arrives in their van and get in their positions.]", "SWAT: We're in position, lieutenant, we've got a clean shot.", "(Paige stands behind a barricade along with other people who are watching.)", "Paige: Darryl! Darryl! Over here.", "Darryl: (in his radio) Stand by. (He heads over to Paige.) It's okay, let her through. (Paige passes the barricades.) What took you so long?", "Paige: Darryl, I would have orbed here but it could have been more magic than you had in mind.", "Darryl: I'm not sure what you could have done anyway. He's not letting any of the hostages go and SWAT's ready to move in.", "Paige: Well, forget that, I'm not giving up, this is my raison d'etre.", "Darryl: Excuse me?", "Paige: Listen, I came to help, that's exactly what I'm going to do. So, you know, what do you need?", "Darryl: I don't know, if I could just talk to the kid without getting shot.", "Paige: I think I have the perfect spell for this.", "Darryl: Whoa, spell. What spell?", "Paige: Just go with me, okay? \"Blessed with powers from my destiny, I bless this hero with invincibility.\" (A blue light hits Darryl.) How does it feel?", "Darryl: It's feels good.", "Paige: Alright, go get him, tough guy.", "Darryl: Yeah.", "(Darryl walks across the car park.)", "SWAT: Where's he going? (Darryl gets out his gun.) Lieutenant, what are you doing?", "Darryl: I got it, don't worry.", "(Darryl walks up to the post office door. A teenager and hostages are in the post office. The teenager points a gun at Darryl.)", "Teenager: Hey, turn around! Get out of here! I swear to god, man, I'll shoot! I'll shoot you, man! I swear to god I'll do it!", "(He grabs a hostage.)", "Darryl: Put your gun down, son. I just wanna talk. (The teenager shoots at Darryl three times but the bullets just bounce off his skin.) That's ok, hold your fire. I'm going in.", "[Scene: The Golden Gate Bridge. Leo is standing on the very top of the bridge. He has his arms outstretched and has his eyes closed. Chris orbs in beside him.]", "Chris: Leo, I have been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing up here?", "Leo: Communing with the others.", "Chris: Can anyone see us?", "Leo: Not me. But you look like a lunatic standing up here talking to yourself. What do you want?", "Chris: It's about Piper.", "Leo: Is she alright?", "Chris: Yeah, she's fine, don't worry. It's Wyatt I'm worried about.", "Leo: Why? What happened?", "Chris: Well, nothing yet. Just out of curiosity, what's the Elders policy on vanquishing demon babies?", "Leo: Why?", "Chris: No reason. There's just one playing with Wyatt in his playpen as we speak.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper walks in carrying Wyatt.]", "Piper: Okay, listen to me. You will not orb down to your little friend, do you understand me? No orbing. (Piper puts Wyatt in the playpen and the Manticore baby shimmers in beside Wyatt. Piper sighs.) I give up.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Phew, I have had it with men. They are incorrigible.", "Piper: Well, let me tell you, little boys aren't much better.", "Phoebe: I mean, I can understand running, if he didn't love me back, you know. Fight or flight, it's the nature of the beast.", "Piper: Speaking of that.", "Phoebe: But he does love me, I know, I felt it. So what's the big deal? You know, why is he running?", "Piper: Well, if it makes you feel any better, you probably won't be alive much longer to worry about it.", "Phoebe: Thank you, yes, that makes me feel so much better.", "Piper: I'm just saying if this doesn't work then we won't be able to vanquish the Manticores when they come to pick up their little one.", "Phoebe: Oh, you figured out what they are?", "Piper: Yeah, and it's not good, believe me.", "Phoebe: So maybe Chris is right.", "Piper: Yeah, I know, but I can't.", "Phoebe: Piper, you said it yourself, he was born evil.", "Piper: I know and I still believe that, I do. But something just doesn't add up about him. I mean, why isn't Wyatt using his protective shield? Why doesn't Wyatt think he's evil?", "Phoebe: Well, we gotta keep Wyatt away from him. (Phoebe goes over to the playpen.) That's for sure.", "Piper: Phoebe, wait.", "(Phoebe picks Wyatt up from the playpen. The baby starts crying.)", "Phoebe: You stay away from my nephew, okay, and don't shimmer after him or I'll bind your powers.", "(The baby starts screaming.)", "Piper: Phoebe, hurry, put him back down.", "Phoebe: What? Okay. (Phoebe puts Wyatt back in the playpen.) Why?", "(A creature shimmers in behind Phoebe.)", "Piper: That's why. (The creature hits Phoebe and she flies across the room, landing on Piper. Wyatt's protective shield covers the playpen. The creature reaches into the playpen and the shield zaps him. He tries again and it zaps him again. Piper gets up and tries to blow him up.) Hey! You get away from my kid!", "(She continues to try and blow him up until he shimmers out. He shimmers back in behind Piper, grabs her and shimmers back out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe is there, scrying. Paige walks in and looks in the playpen. The baby is asleep. She walks over to Phoebe and hands her an ice pack.]", "Paige: I feel really bad that I wasn't there to help you earlier.", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't think you could have helped even if you were there. Thanks. That thing was just as powerful as the Manticore.", "Paige: Are you sure it wasn't the Manticore?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm positive, it was more, I don't know, beast-like.", "Paige: What do you think it wanted with the baby?", "Phoebe: I don't know, but I think it's really weird that it showed up right after the baby started crying. You know, as if it could hear him.", "Paige: Maybe we can get the baby to cry again and lure the beast here and torture him into coughing up Piper.", "Phoebe: That's a great idea but we don't have a potion yet. I can't believe I can't find Piper.", "Paige: Okay, let me get started on the potion. The good news is if he wanted to kill Piper by now he probably would have. And undoubtedly he's holding her hostage somewhere, probably magically cloaked. And I think he's gonna use her as leverage to get that baby. Just you watch.", "Phoebe: Since when did you become an expert on hostage situations?", "Paige: About an hour ago.", "(Leo and Chris orb in.)", "Chris: Hey.", "Paige: Shh, shh, keep it down, don't wake the baby. Trust me.", "Chris: (whispers) Where's Piper?", "Phoebe: That's a really good question.", "Leo: Wait, she's missing?", "Chris: Did the Manticores take her?", "Phoebe: No, some other creature that wanted the baby.", "Chris: Damn it, you should have listened to me, you should have vanquished him when you had the chance.", "Paige: Well, it's good that we didn't because we're gonna need the baby to get Piper back.", "Phoebe: You guys, shh, keep your voices down.", "Paige: I am not convinced that that baby is inherently evil. Which means he's probably not even responsible for any of this.", "Chris: Oh, come on. Will you please talk to her?", "Leo: Not everyone is born morally neutral, especially not demons. They're pre-disposed to evil.", "Paige: Pre-disposed, yeah, but it doesn't mean they can't be raised to overcome it. You can't predict whether a kid is gonna be good or evil based on his genetics.", "Chris: Paige, we're not talking about kids, we're talking about demons.", "Paige: No, we're talking about a demon kid who has so far played nothing but nice with Wyatt.", "Phoebe: Okay, you guys, this is all irrelevant. We need the baby to find Piper so let's just focus on that, shall we?", "Leo: She's right. Although I think I should take Wyatt just to be on the safe side.", "Phoebe: What if the other baby wakes up?", "Leo: They won't be able to follow me where I'm going.", "(Leo goes over to Wyatt and picks him up.)", "Paige: He's gonna scream bloody murder and call half the Manticores in the city to come save it. Maybe the beast too.", "Phoebe: We have to be prepared. (to Leo) Okay, go, just quietly. (Leo orbs out with Wyatt. Chris orbs out too.) Let's get started on that potion.", "[Scene: A dark house. The rooms are a wreck. There are broken furniture and stuff all over the floors. Piper is tied to a post by her hands. She is rubbing the rope against the post. The creature is sneaking around in another room.]", "Piper: Hello? Who's there?", "(He peeks around the corner.)", "Creature: I want the child.", "Piper: Who are you?", "Creature: I want the child!", "Piper: Yeah, I heard you the first time. (The creature runs behind a bookcase and peeks around it.) Look, if you're trying to scare me, it's not gonna work, because I've seen worse, really.", "Creature: I doubt it. I don't want to hurt you but I will if you don't do as I ask.", "Piper: Who are you kidding? You need me. Otherwise I'd be dead already.", "Creature: Don't mock me!", "Piper: Okay, easy, easy. Sorry. You're not a Manticore, are you? So why do you want the kid, anyway?", "Creature: That's not your concern.", "Piper: Well, it is if you want my help. I'm not just gonna serve him up to you as a snack.", "Creature: That's not why I want him. How'd you get him away from his mother anyway?", "Piper: We vanquished her.", "Creature: You have no idea what you've done.", "Piper: We got a baby away from a demon and I'm not gonna give him up to another one.", "Creature: Then you'll die.", "Piper: The hell I will.", "(Piper blows up the rope around her hands and then blows up a bookcase behind the creature. She runs for the door and when she tries to open it, it zaps her. She runs into another room and hides.)", "[Scene: Post Office Car Park. The SWAT team are still in their positions.]", "SWAT: Any sign of the lieutenant?", "SWAT: (on radio) Negative.", "SWAT: Alright, we give him five more minutes to talk him out, then we'll... (They hear gunshots and some SWAT members shoot.) Hold your fire! Hold your fire!", "(The hostages start running out from the post office.)", "Hostage: Don't shoot, we're hostages!", "(The police run out and help the hostages to safety. They wait and Darryl comes out of the post office with the cuffed teenager.)", "Darryl: No sweat! I got it! This lieutenants on the job, kicking butt, taking names, yeah, that's right. That's me. No sweat. (The police and SWAT come out.) Yeah, give me five.", "(Police clap. Darryl takes the teenager over to the car.)", "Teenager: How'd you do it, man? How did those bullets bounce right off your chest like that?", "Darryl: Because I'm a bad ass, that's what.", "(Darryl grab the car door handle and pulls the door right off its hinges.)", "Teenager: What the hell was that?", "Darryl: Shut up. (Darryl throws him in the car and he flies right out the other side and lands on the ground.) What the hell are you, man?", "[Scene: Creature's house. Piper looks around the room. The coast is clear so she sneaks across the room to another hiding place. She knocks some broken glass and gasps. She picks up a photo frame and looks at the photo of a man. She then picks up a baby rattle. She turns around to see the creature standing right behind her. He pushes her against the wall.]", "Creature: Last chance. Help me get the child or die.", "Piper: What are you doing with this?", "(She holds up the baby rattle. He gets angry and throws her across the room. She lands on the bed.)", "Creature: What is the matter with you? Do you have a death wish? I've come to far, I've gone through too much to lose him now. Don't make me kill you!", "Piper: Why don't you just do it? What are you waiting for? Get it over with.", "Creature: I can do worse than kill you, I can keep you here and you'll never see your child again. Think about it.", "(He shimmers out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there making a potion. Paige puts in an ingredient and the potion smokes.]", "Paige: Well, can't think of anything else to add. This is the most powerful potion we've ever made.", "Phoebe: I agree. I guess it's time to wake up the baby.", "(Paige nods. Phoebe's cell phone rings. She answers it.)", "Phoebe: Hello?", "Jason: Hey, it's me.", "Phoebe: Oh, hey, Jason.", "Jason: I, uh, I didn't wanna leave like this.", "Phoebe: Uh, I can't really talk right now. Kinda busy.", "Jason: Oh, really? Come on, Phoebe, why do you always have to make things so difficult.", "Phoebe: Oh, I make things so difficult? And how exactly do I do that? By being honest with my feelings? And by making you be honest with yours?", "(The baby wakes up and starts crying.)", "Jason: You know it's not that simple.", "(The baby starts to scream.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I really have to go now.", "Jason: Phoebe, wait.", "Phoebe: Have a good flight. (Phoebe hangs up.) Toss me a vile. (Paige does so. A Manticore demon shimmers in and hits Paige. She flies across the room. Phoebe throws the potion at it and vanquishes it.) Paige, are you okay?", "(Paige groans. Two more Manticores shimmer in behind Phoebe and hit her, sending her across the room. They walk towards the girls. The creature shimmers in and attacks the Manticores. The creature reaches into one of the Manticore's chest and rips his heart out, vanquishing him. He turns to the other Manticore and it shimmers out, leaving a puddle of green blood on the floor. The creature walks over to the playpen.)", "Paige: Phoebe, get the vile.", "(The creature picks up the baby. Phoebe grabs the vile off of the floor and throws it at the creature, hitting his shoulder. He roars and shimmers out.)", "Phoebe: So much for our leverage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Creature's house. Piper is there trying to blow up the door's shield. She blows it up several times until the door sparks. She opens the door and looks outside. She sees a beautiful, peaceful neighbourhood. She hears the creature breathing heavily and goes back inside. He has tucked the baby in bed and is rubbing his tummy.]", "Creature: You're okay. It's alright, you're home now.", "(The creature looks over at Piper.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Paige sucks some of the Manticore's blood into an eyedropper and hands it to Phoebe.]", "Paige: This had better work.", "Phoebe: Oh, it will.", "(Leo and Chris orb in.)", "Leo: We just got back to talking to the Elders and they're at an agreement. If we can't return the baby safely to the Manticores...", "Chris: We'll vanquish it.", "Paige: Talk about your moot points, people.", "Chris: What's that supposed to mean?", "Phoebe: Well, do you notice anything missing?", "(They look over at the playpen.)", "Leo: The baby?", "Chris: What happened?", "Paige: The beast took him. Right after the Manticores kicked our asses.", "Phoebe: This is all Jason's fault.", "Leo: How's that?", "Phoebe: Oh, you're a guy, you wouldn't get it.", "Chris: Wait, how are we supposed to get back Piper if we don't have the baby?", "Paige: Well, we're gonna try to have another little get together with the Manticores, see if we can't start some sort of deal.", "Phoebe: If we can join forces with them to kill the beast, then they can get their baby back.", "Paige: And we can get our sister back.", "Leo: And what if they don't want to join forces?", "Paige: Well, we hope we have enough of these fancy little things to go around.", "(She holds up a vile.)", "Chris: No, no way, it's too risky.", "Phoebe: Well, blood is thicker than water.", "(Phoebe drips some Manticore blood on the crystal and starts scrying.)", "[Scene: Creature's house. Piper is dabbing the creature's wound with a cloth. The creature growls in pain.]", "Piper: Well, quit moving around so much, you're just making this more difficult.", "Creature: Just leave me alone.", "Piper: Why? So you can die? Hey, it's your choice. I'm just saying, if we can't stop this bleeding...", "Creature: Fine. But just hurry up.", "Piper: You're welcome. Who did this to you?", "Creature: Your sisters.", "Piper: Oh. Sorry. Actually, if they used the potion I think they did, you're lucky to be a live. You should have been blown to pieces.", "Creature: How do you know?", "Piper: Well, 'cause I made it. (The creature roars.) Come on, show a little spine. What kind of demon are you?", "Creature: I'm not a demon.", "Piper: Then what are you? I saw a picture of a man in the bedroom. Oh, come on, I've been around a lot of demons and they don't usually live in neighbourhoods right out of Home and Garden.", "Creature: You don't want to be helping me. You think this is some sort of hideous curse or something.", "Piper: Yeah, basically.", "(The creature gets up.)", "Creature: Well, then go. I don't need your pity. It's not what happened and that's not who I am. Not anymore, anyway. Just leave us. Go.", "Piper: Us? You mean you and your son? (Piper gets up and walks over to him.) What happened?", "Creature: Manticores mate with humans to create hybrids, so they can blend in, hide in plain sight. They kill their mates after conception but I got away. Ever since all I could think about was saving my son. So he wouldn't have to be raised like them. The only chance I had to do that was to turn myself into this, to become powerful.", "Piper: But then, um, how?", "Creature: I just started mixing potions using whatever I could steal from them. I didn't know what I was doing but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding a way to fight them, to find him. I didn't care what happened to me, I just wanted my son.", "Piper: You know they're gonna try and take him back.", "Creature: I know.", "Piper: So let's get you fixed up so we can fight them together.", "[Scene: Manticore Cave. Several Manticores are eating a demon corpse. Phoebe and Paige orb in. They pull a face.]", "Paige: Hey! (The Manticores look up.) Sorry to interrupt.", "(The Manticores jump up ready to fight.)", "Phoebe: Ah-ah! I wouldn't do that if I were you.", "(Phoebe and Paige hold up two potions each.)", "Paige: Do you think we have enough potion?", "Phoebe: So, who wants to go hunting with us?", "(The Manticores look at each other.)", "[Scene: Creature house. Piper walks into a room holding a wet towel.]", "Piper: This is gonna be a little cold. (She places the towel on his wound.) The bleeding's not stopping. You should come home with me and we can do more there.", "Creature: No, I can't.", "Piper: If you're worried about my sisters, I'll...", "Creature: It's not your sisters I'm worried about. It's the Manticores, they'll be looking for me there. They'll be looking for him there.", "Piper: But you don't understand, we have somebody who can heal you once we turn you back into...", "Creature: You can't turn me back. No one can. Not unless I die.", "Piper: So how were you planning on raising your son?", "Creature: I wasn't. I figured I'd find someone after. All I cared about was saving him. That's exactly what I'm gonna keep on doing.", "(He gets up and heads for the door. Piper grabs his arm.)", "Piper: You can't run forever, you know. Not for long, not with that. And who's gonna save him when you're dead?", "Creature: You have a way with words, you know that?", "Piper: I ad-lib a lot.", "(Phoebe and Paige orb in.)", "Phoebe: Piper, duck!", "(They throw a potion each at the creature. Piper blows the potions up.)", "Paige: What are you doing?", "(Two Manticores shimmer in and hits the creature. They push him out of the room. Another one shimmers in and whizzes Piper to Phoebe and Paige.)", "Phoebe: Let's get her out of here.", "Piper: No, wait.", "(They orb out. The Manticores maul the creature. The baby cries.)", "[Cut to the manor. Foyer. Paige orbs in with Piper and Phoebe.]", "Piper: What the hell are you doing?", "Paige: Saving your life.", "Piper: No, no, no, you don't understand. We have to go back, hurry!", "(They orb out.)", "[Cut to the creature's house. The creature is laying on the floor. The girls orb in.]", "Piper: Oh, no.", "(She kneels beside the creature. Piper looks over at the bed. The baby is gone. The creature turns into the man in the photo.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Paige orbs in with Piper, Phoebe and the man. The man orbs onto the couch.]", "Piper: Leo, we need you! (Leo and Chris orb in.) Hurry, he's dying.", "Leo: Who is he?", "(Leo goes to his side.)", "Phoebe: The beast. Heal, heal, hurry.", "Chris: Where's the baby?", "Paige: Manticores have him.", "(Leo starts to heal the man.)", "Chris: Oh, so the plan worked?", "Phoebe: Yeah, a little too well.", "Paige: Yeah, now we just have to get the baby back.", "Chris: What?", "Piper: Paige, will you go fill up some potion viles, please?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Piper: Lots of them.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Chris: What, hold up. Are you serious? You finally get rid of the demon child and now you wanna risk your lives trying to get it back?", "(Leo heals the man completely. He sits up.)", "Man: He's not a demon child. That's my son.", "Piper: How are you feeling? Are you alright?", "Man: I can't believe I'm human again.", "Piper: Aren't you glad you didn't kill me now?", "Leo: Not funny, I don't think that's funny.", "Chris: Agreed.", "Phoebe: Oh, what, are you two on like the same team now? We're gonna get your baby back, I promise.", "Chris: Do we not have a say in this?", "Leo: No, we don't. One thing you gotta learn about being their Whitelighter is once they make up their mind, that's it. Besides, I'm a father first.", "Phoebe: So we're gonna have to separate the baby before we attack. You know that, right?", "Man: Why?", "Piper: Well, because the potion vanquishes Manticores, and your son is half Manticore.", "[Scene: Manticore cave. All the Manticores are asleep. The baby is sitting in the middle of them all. Paige orbs in with Piper and Phoebe.]", "Piper: I see him.", "Phoebe: Let's just hope he sees you before they see us.", "Paige: Should I just orb the baby to us?", "Piper: No, he'll probably just shimmer back and then we'll be in really big trouble. This is gonna work.", "Phoebe: Hurry, hurry.", "(They get out a lot of potions from a pouch. The Manticores get restless.)", "Piper: Peekaboo. You can do it. Come on, come on, come on. (The Manticores sit up.) Peekaboo. (The Manticores smell their scent and stand up, looking around.) Come on, you can do it. (The baby shimmers out. The Manticores look around for him and spot the girls. Two whiz towards them and Piper and Phoebe throw a potion each at them, vanquishing them. The rest whiz towards them and they throw the rest of the potions, vanquishing them all. The baby shimmers back in, giggling. The girls go over to him.) You're okay. Hi. Hi. (Piper picks him up.) Good job.", "Paige: So much for nature being more important than nurture.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. The man is looking at his son in the playpen. Piper walks in with a stroller and a brown paper bag.]", "Piper: Here's some clothes and a stroller.", "Man: You sure you don't mind?", "Piper: No, not at all. Wyatt hasn't grown at all and I don't see myself having more kids anytime soon, so enjoy.", "Man: Thanks. For everything. I just, I wish there was something I can do for you.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Well, you could tell us your name.", "Man: Sorry?", "Paige: I mean, unless you prefer being called 'the beast'?", "Man: Derek, my name's Derek.", "Piper: It's nice to meet you, Derek.", "Paige: What's his name?", "Derek: I never gave him one, actually, I never had the chance.", "Piper: Well, now you do.", "Derek: Well, I guess I should be going, that is if I can pry him away from Wyatt.", "Piper: Yeah, good luck.", "(The baby shimmers out and shimmers back in in the stroller.)", "Paige: That is cute. (The phone rings.) I'll get it.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Piper: You know, if you ever need us to bind his powers...", "Derek: No, thanks, that's really sweet but it's not necessary. He's a good boy so it's just up to me to make sure he stays that way.", "Piper: In that case he's in good hands. Well, take care.", "Derek: You too.", "(Derek pushes the stroller out of the room. Paige walks back in and groans.)", "Piper: What? What'd you do?", "Paige: I kind of forgot to reverse the spell I put on Darryl.", "[Scene: Police Station. Darryl's Office. The whole office is a mess. There's broken door handles, broken filing cabinet drawers, coat stand broken in half. Darryl is sitting in his chair and he breaks the phone in half. He careful puts the phone down on the desk and the whole desk breaks and crashes to the floor.]", "Darryl: Paige!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Night. Phoebe walks in and looks in Jason's office. She turns around and sees him standing at the main door.]", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Jason: Hi.", "Phoebe: What are you doing here? I thought you were on a plane.", "Jason: I cancelled the flight. I mean, it is my plane.", "Phoebe: What about the winery?", "Jason: It'll be there in the morning. I, uh, just wasn't sure whether you would be. I didn't want to take the risk.", "Phoebe: Really?", "(They walks towards each other.)", "Jason: Really. You were right. I was running but not for the reason that you think. I am not afraid of how I feel about you. It doesn't scare me one bit.", "Phoebe: Then why?", "Jason: It's a little unnerving to have somebody tell you how you feel all the time before you know it yourself.", "Phoebe: I know, I'm sorry.", "Jason: You do that a lot too. You're very intuitive. It's, uh, it's pretty amazing actually, it's a real gift.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, sometimes it can be a curse too.", "Jason: Tell me about it. Look, all I'm saying is that I'd like to be able to express my own feelings in my own time from now on. If that's alright with you.", "Phoebe: Perfectly okay.", "Jason: Good.", "(They hug.)", "Phoebe: So while we're on the subject, how do you feel about me?", "Jason: I love you too.", "(They kiss.)" ]
Little Monsters
[ "When Paige finds an old pair of go-go boots that Grams owned, she gets transported back to 1967. Upon arriving there, Paige discovers she fits right in, since magic is practice freely and that was a dream of hers. However, Piper and Phoebe have their work cut out when they try to find a way to keep Paige from changing their timeline, only to discover they're the ones that cause damage in the past." ]
[ "[Scene: Warehouse. Piper and Chris are waiting there.]", "Chris: She's supposed to be here by now.", "Piper: So, she's a little late.", "Chris: No, she's a lot late. Paige used to be the first one to a vanquish. What's wrong with her?", "Piper: She's in love, that's hardly wrong.", "Chris: It is when it interferes with her responsibilities as a Charmed One.", "Piper: Why don't you just let me handle this one alone.", "Chris: Because you've handled the last four vanquishes alone. I swear, you should've never let them move out.", "Piper: Hey, you don't see me complaining, I'm happy for them. And you should be too. So where is this demon and what's its name?", "Chris: No one knows its name. And it's too strong for one witch to handle alone.", "(The warehouse door opens and Darryl pokes his head in.)", "Darryl: How much longer is this gonna take?", "Piper: (to Chris) Go see what Phoebe's doing.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Darryl: Where'd he go?", "Piper: Hong Kong.", "Darryl: Hong Kong? This is the last time I work ground control for you guys.", "(Darryl closes the door. Chris orbs in with Phoebe. Phoebe is wearing a kimono.)", "Piper: Hi! Wow.", "(They hug.)", "Phoebe: Oh, how's Wyatt? I miss him so much.", "Piper: He misses you too. Is this a bad time?", "Phoebe: No, this is a great time. Jason's away at a conference, I was just practising my origami. This is a tiger, you can have that. (Phoebe hands Piper an origami tiger.) I'm sorry I didn't visit.", "Piper: No, no, don't be silly. You've obviously been really busy folding. I'm sorry I have to ask for your help, but...", "Phoebe: No, it's okay. I mean, if you don't enter the tiger's cave, you may never get the cub, right?", "Piper: Come again?", "Phoebe: Ancient Chinese proverb. Means nothing ventured, nothing gained, you know?", "Chris: Can we get the show on the road here?", "Phoebe: Sure. (to Piper) Keep that.", "[Cut to outside. Darryl is talking to impatient workmen.]", "Darryl: Look, when the safety hazard's clear you can go to work. Just be patient.", "Work Man: Yeah, easy for you to say. I've got four mouths to feed.", "Workmen: Yeah!", "[Cut to inside.]", "Phoebe: Okay, what do you want me to do?", "Chris: You're the bait. All you've gotta do is levitate into the air and when this demon senses your magic, it's gonna come fast and hard.", "Phoebe: Okay. Be careful of my origami, that tiger took two frickin hours.", "Chris: Okay, let's do it.", "(Phoebe levitates into the air and something charges for her underground. A large, green blob flies out from underground and tries to swallow Phoebe. Piper screams and blows the blob up.)", "[Cut to outside. The men hear the explosion. The door opens and Piper walks out covered in green goo.]", "Piper: All clear!", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Phoebe are there cleaning to goo off of themselves. There's pile of clothes near the sink.]", "Phoebe: Maybe you should just take me out back and hose me down.", "(Paige orbs in.)", "Paige: Oh my god, I'm so sorry I'm late, did I miss the vanquish?", "Piper: Ask her.", "Phoebe: Hi! Hi! Hi!", "Paige: Hey! (They hug.) Oh my god, Phoebe, how are you?", "Phoebe: Great.", "Paige: How's Jason?", "Phoebe: He's great. How's Richard.", "Paige: Fabulous. He was taking his sweet time getting out of the house this morning, that's why I couldn't orb.", "Phoebe: Wait, you don't orb with him in the house?", "Piper: She's asked Richard to not to use his magic.", "Paige: Yes, so I'm trying to be supportive and, you know, not use my magic in front of him.", "Phoebe: Wow, a magic-free life. You're the last witch in the world I'd expect that from.", "Paige: It's not magic-free, it's just magic light.", "Piper: Yeah, it's still a lot to give up.", "Paige: What I get from him is kind of more than makes up for it I think.", "Phoebe: Eww.", "Paige: How's Hong Kong?", "Phoebe: Fascinating. I'm studying numerology and the Chinese zodiac. But you know, distant waters doesn't quench the immediate thirst.", "Paige: Huh?", "Piper: Ancient Chinese proverb.", "Phoebe: Just means that I miss my family.", "Piper: Well, that's good because your family misses you too. I mean, I don't have a lot of people to hang out with aside from my baby who doesn't really say much and then one really neurotic Whitelighter.", "Phoebe: Yeah, how is my little buddy, Chris. Last time I saw him he wasn't in such good shape.", "Piper: He's trying his best to hide it, but he's still really shaken up.", "Phoebe: Well, he lost his fiancé, you know, I don't blame him, it's huge.", "Paige: Yeah, and there's something in the future that's really freaking him out.", "Piper: Yeah, he's more determined than ever to protect Wyatt from evil which means there's a new demon hunt everyday.", "Phoebe: I feel like such a bad sister, leaving you guys alone to handle all this.", "Piper: No, no, we're fine. Wyatt and I actually enjoy having the manor to ourselves.", "Paige: Really?", "Piper: Yeah, I-I mean, we have room to spread out and life is very quiet and calm and best of all, everything stays clean.", "(Little blobs of green goo crawls off the pile of clothes. Piper picks up the clothes and heads for the laundry.)", "Phoebe: Well, if we're gonna hang out, I better go change my clothes. I think I left some here.", "Paige: I'll go with you.", "[Cut to the laundry. Piper puts the clothes in the washing machine. As she grabs the detergent, the green goo crawls out of the washing machine and into the vent.]", "[Cut to the hallway. Phoebe and Paige are walking towards Phoebe's bedroom.]", "Phoebe: Well, being born under the year of the ox is a good thing, it means you're a natural born leader. (The walk into Phoebe's room and see all her furniture has been replaced with gym equipment.) What happened to my room?", "Paige: Holy. I guess when Piper said she was gonna spread out, she wasn't kidding.", "Phoebe: But where's all my stuff? I mean, I have stuff, you know, lots and lots of stuff.", "Paige: Well, being an ox, I can take charge of this. You can borrow something from my room until we straighten this out.", "[Cut to Paige's room. Paige's furniture has been replaced with Wyatt's furniture. Leo, Chris and Wyatt are there. Phoebe and Paige walk in.]", "Phoebe: Oh, hi, baby.", "(Phoebe rushes over to Wyatt.)", "Paige: This one too?", "Phoebe: Yeah, you move, you lose it in this family.", "Chris: You could lose a lot more than a bedroom when this is over.", "Phoebe: Hi, Chris, I'm fine thank you, and you?", "Leo: It's his job to offer his opinion.", "Chris: You know the only reason why she's even here is Paige missed a vanquish.", "Leo: Another one?", "Chris: Yeah, that makes, what? Five in a row now?", "Paige: You guys are such nags.", "Phoebe: When did you two become so chummy?", "(A piece of green goo crawls out of the vent in the floor and crawls onto Chris's shoe.)", "Leo: We're not chummy, it's just he's gone through a lot protecting Wyatt and I figured instead of doubting him I should help him a little.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: So what do you guys think? Do you like Wyatt's new room?", "Paige: I like it. I just like my room too.", "Phoebe: And I like it, I just like my room too.", "Piper: Well, you guys were the ones that moved out, not me.", "Phoebe: So where are my clothes?", "[Time lapse. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe and Paige are pulling clothes out of boxes.]", "Paige: God, it's really kind of hitting home.", "Piper: What's that?", "Paige: Well, that I don't live here anymore.", "Phoebe: I know what you mean.", "Paige: Richard's just doesn't feel like home yet, you know? I don't know, I guess I just had more fun here.", "Piper: Yeah. 'Cause this place is a riot.", "Paige: No, I just, I don't know, I guess I'm more free here. Free to be me.", "(Piper looks in a box.)", "Piper: Oh, wow, Phoebe. (Piper pulls out red knee-high boots.) These are some boots.", "Phoebe: No, they're not mine, but I wish they were 'cause they're hot.", "Paige: The box says 'Penny'. Penny as in Grams Penny?", "Phoebe: No way. I refuse to believe that Grams ever wore anything this hot.", "Piper: Yeah, I figured her more for steel toed orthopaedics, you know, the better to kick your ass with.", "Phoebe: They're your size, Paige, try them on.", "Paige: (groans) I don't know.", "Phoebe: Oh, come on, just do it.", "(Paige takes off her shoes.)", "Paige: They're kind of sixties.", "Phoebe: So what's wrong with the sixties?", "Paige: The sixties was like the worst fashion era. Hello! (Paige puts on the boots.) Bad clothing, bad hair, and extremely questionable personal hygiene. Hey, they fit!", "(Paige suddenly disappears in a puff of smoke.)", "Phoebe: Right. Where'd she go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Bedroom. A woman is there with bright coloured lights surrounding her. Paige appears.]", "Paige: Um, pardon me.", "Woman: Hold on, I'm adjusting my aura. You know how those blocked shockers can get. (The light disappears.) There. (She faces Paige and sees the red boots.) You brought my go-go boots. Right on.", "Paige: Actually, they brought me.", "Woman: That's because I cast a return to owner spell on all my favourite stuff. I'm always taking my clothes off and forgetting them somewhere these days.", "Paige: Excuse me, who are you?", "Woman: Penny.", "Paige: Penny. As in Penny Halliwell, Penny?", "Penny: Yeah, who are you?", "Paige: I'm Paige, I'm your grea-- I'm your grandest fan. I've heard so much about you.", "Penny: Far out.", "Paige: Far out. (Paige sees the date on a wall calendar - January 1967.) You have no idea how far out.", "(A woman stands at the doorway.)", "Woman: The Whitelighters are putting on a light show.", "Penny: Come on, Paige. You don't wanna miss this.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Chris are there.]", "Chris: What do you mean you lost Paige?", "Phoebe: Well, it was really weird. I mean, one second she was here and the next second... poof.", "Piper: It kind of happened after she put on a pair of Grams' boots.", "Leo: Grams used to cast a spell on her clothes when she was younger.", "Phoebe: Wait, you knew Grams when she was young?", "Leo: Yeah, we crossed paths once or twice when I was a young Whitelighter.", "Piper: Eww.", "Leo: Well, I barely remember it.", "Piper: Huh.", "Phoebe: Eww.", "Piper: Huh-huh.", "Chris: Well, if the boots did belong to your grandmother, then we better summon her from the dead. Maybe she can tell us what happened to Paige.", "Phoebe: Okay, let's get the candles.", "Piper: But you...", "(Phoebe pulls Piper away.)", "[Scene: 1967. Manor. Paige, Penny and the woman are standing on the stairs. In the living room, there are about a dozen people in sixties outfits sittng on the floor. Some Whitelighters are standing in the middle making shapes in the air with orbing lights.]", "Penny: Outta sight.", "Woman: I'm Robyn, by the way. So what do you think?", "(Paige looks closer at one of the Whitelighters.)", "Paige: Oh my god, is that Leo?", "(Leo is wearing sixties clothes and has long hair.)", "Penny: You know him?", "Paige: I thought I did. (The light show ends and everyone claps.) What are all these people doing here?", "Robyn: Oh, they're not just people. They're witches, with a few Whitelighters thrown in.", "Paige: I don't suppose any of them know how to open a time portal, do they?", "Penny: Anything's possible when you free your minds. That's why we're gathering here tonight for a magical bein'.", "Paige: Oh, like a human bein'. When Timothy Leary said tune in, turn on, drop out.", "Penny: No, there's no asset allowed in the manor, Paige. We're all on a contact time.", "Paige: I'm not on drugs. Just having a bad trip.", "Robyn: How do you know what's gonna happen at the human bein'? It's tomorrow at Golden Gate Park.", "Paige: I just kind of know things. Like I know I wanna go home.", "Robyn: Do you have an active power?", "Paige: Yeah, I can orb.", "Penny: Groovy. Hey, everyone, we have a witch here who can orb.", "Leo: Right on. (Leo moves closer to Paige.) Lay some orbs on us, sister.", "Paige: Fine. If it'll help me get out of here. Uh, big fat tape thingy. (Nothing happens.) Oh, my powers must be down. Must be the past... past few minutes. This patchouli oil. It's really making me light headed.", "Leo: Performance anxiety. (Leo puts his arm around Paige.) Listen, if you want some private coaching, there's an empty room upstairs if you dig.", "Paige: Ahh, no, I don't dig.", "(Leo walks away.)", "Penny: You okay, honey?", "Paige: Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna get home without my magic. (They walk into another room where a man is playing the guitar and people are sitting around listening.) Wow, I've never seen so many witches just hanging out.", "Penny: Wait till the magical being. This house was built on a spiritual nexus. We're gonna tap into its power tonight and ride the magic wave.", "Paige: Are you sure you're Penny Halliwell?", "(Suddenly the whole room freezes, except Robyn, and a warlock blinks in.)", "Warlock: Everything on schedule for tonight?", "Robyn: They're lining up like lambs to the slaughter.", "Warlock: It's gonna be a massacre.", "Robyn: I wish we could take them out now. I can't stand these peace lovers.", "Warlock: Just keep it together a little while longer, we want this place packed. And I see a few new arrivals since my last visit. (He looks at Paige.) This one's dressed a little strange, don't you think? Where's she from?", "Robyn: I don't know. She just got here.", "Warlock: Well, keep an eye on her. The attack takes place on schedule tonight. And if you need anything, I'll be close by.", "(He blinks out. The room unfreezes.)", "Penny: So what do you say, Paige? Join us tonight?", "Paige: You know, as much as I consider myself a free spirit, I really can't, I need to go home. If there's any way you can help me write a spell so I can find my way...", "(A car horn beeps outside.)", "Penny: Ooh! Allen's back!", "[Cut to outside. A brightly painted van is parked on the street. Allen gets out of the car and runs up the stairs. Paige, Penny and Robyn run outside.]", "Penny: Hi!", "Allen: Hey!", "(Allen picks Penny up and spins her around. They kiss.)", "Penny: Where's Patty?", "Allen: I dropped her off at my sister's, she's gonna crash there tonight.", "Paige: Patty, like, mum Patty? I mean, your mum.", "Allen: Janice?", "Paige: Excuse me?", "Allen: I just came back from my sister's pad, and for a second I thought I was looking at her again.", "Penny: Paige, this is my old man, Allen. He's not a witch, but he's cool with it.", "Paige: Allen, your first husband.", "Penny: My first and only. I'm not that into free love.", "Allen: Listen up, I passed this groovy drum circle on the way here. Who wants to check it out?", "Penny: Count me in.", "Paige: I think I'm gonna do some light reading. Is your Book of Shadows in the attic?", "Allen: I swear, it's like you could be my sister.", "Paige: Or your granddaughter... if you had a granddaughter, that is. Which you won't. (whispers) Unless I get home.", "Robyn: You can't leave now. We need as many witches as possible tonight.", "Penny: She's right, Paige. Come with us. Who wants a ride on the rainbow bus?", "(Everyone gets in the van and drives away.)", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Chris are there. Phoebe lights some candles.]", "Piper: You know, if I hadn't taken over Paige's room, this never would've happened. This is all my fault.", "Leo, Chris: What's done is done.", "Phoebe: Okay, you two really need to get a room.", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: \"Here these words, here my cry, spirit from the other side, come to me, I summon thee, cross now the great divide.\"", "(The green goo on Chris's foot multiplies and covers his whole shoe. Grams appears in a swirl of lights.)", "Grams: Well, it's about time you called to say hello. (She hugs Piper and Phoebe.) Oh, my darlings.", "Piper: Ah, we got a problem.", "(Grams looks at Chris.)", "Grams: Well, you're not the only one.", "(The green goo rises up both of Chris's legs.)", "Leo: Orb out.", "Chris: No, magic makes it grow. Summoning her spirit already gave it power.", "Grams: Oh, you must be Chris, the new Whitelighter. (The green goo covers his body.) You know, he doesn't look very qualified for the job.", "Piper: Chris, just let me blast it.", "Phoebe: She's right. Orb.", "Grams: Oh, for heaven sakes, listen to them. We'll find a way to vanquish the foul thing later.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Leo: Now.", "(Piper blows up the goo and it scatters into a million pieces. Chris orbs back in. The goo disappears into the floorboards.)", "Phoebe: Ah, oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Phoebe and Grams are there.]", "Grams: And Paige moved out? When?", "Phoebe: Uh, a few weeks ago. But we're handling everything.", "Grams: Dear, you have Paige stuck in the past and a demonic blob roaming the manor. Exactly how are you handling things?", "Piper: We're still in an adjustment period.", "Grams: There would be no adjustment period if you were living under one roof. Why in heaven's name did you move out?", "Phoebe: To be with Jason. You said it yourself, never give up on love, remember?", "Grams: I didn't say give up on your sisters. (to Piper) And you! You're the oldest, how can you let them move out?", "Piper: You know, it really wasn't that hard because they deserve a shot at a normal life.", "Grams: They're not normal, Piper, and neither are you. When are you going to learn that?", "Piper: Well, I guess never.", "Grams: All this over men. How many times have I told you? Men are utensils. You use them, wash them, and throw them in a drawer until you need them again.", "(Leo and Chris walk in.)", "Leo: Shh. Everyone quiet.", "(They listen to the house making strange noises. Chris puts his ear up to the wall.)", "Chris: I can hear it. I think it's in the wall.", "(The wall cracks.)", "Leo: Yep, it's in the wall.", "Chris: Okay, we're gonna need Paige. It took the power of three to vanquish this thing in the future.", "Piper: What? If you knew that, why didn't you tell me that in the first place?", "Chris: Because I could barely get two of you together, let alone three. Besides, this thing's not that big right now and I thought two could handle it.", "Grams: Leo, you take point. Chris here is much too green to guide my girls.", "Chris: What? You know what? You can just stop that right...", "Grams: Ah-ah! Quiet. It's time to give this floundering ship a rudder. Now, which boots did Paige put on?", "Piper: Red go-go boots.", "Grams: We've got a problem. Those boots took Paige back to the summer of love, which was one of the most crucial times of my life.", "Phoebe: What do you mean crucial?", "Grams: Your grandfather, Allen, rest his soul, was a sweet man, but he lead me straight down the hippy-dippy trail.", "Phoebe: You were a flower child?", "Grams: Yeah, well, don't rub it in. What's important is that Allen was killed by my best friend. I didn't know it then, but she was evil. And I walked in right after it happened.", "Piper: What'd you do?", "Grams: Well, let's just say that my peacenik days ended fast, along with that bitch Robyn. If she hadn't killed Allen...", "Leo: You'd still be a flower child.", "Grams: And the Charmed Ones would be dead. I know I'm a ball buster. But it kept me alive to protect my girls from all the demons that came after them as kids. I cast my return to owner spell on a lot of clothes that summer, so...", "Phoebe: So we get to go back there? We get to meet our grandfather?", "Grams: Don't make too much out of it because whatever you do, you can't change the past or tell anyone you're from the future.", "Phoebe: Well, why does he get to?", "Chris: Because I know what I'm doing.", "Grams: Not from where I'm standing. I'll stay here with Leo and the newbie to contain the slime, until you can bring Paige back to vanquish it, okay? Okay, go, get dressed. You are going to the summer of love.", "[Scene: 1967. Park. All the witches are sitting around on the grass. Some a playing drums and Allen is standing in the middle reciting a poem.]", "Allen: Hear the drums, liquid beats, crashing down upon parched shores, hounding like the feet of ten thousand soldiers, whispering whys. Why!", "(Paige stands up.)", "Paige: Right on! (Everyone claps.) Sorry, I just got a little carried away.", "Allen: Don't be sorry, that was gone.", "Paige: Gone. That's right, that's exactly what I should be, gone. Because I'm actually starting to dig th... like this. It's kind of cool, everybody being so free.", "Voice: Robyn, come here!", "(Robyn walks away.)", "Penny: You are exactly what we're all about, Paige. You wanna hear my dream? I dream of a crusade to rid the world of evil. Not through fighting or the inner anger that makes us want to fight, but through the magic power of love.", "Paige: Are you sure you're Penny Halliwell? How long have you felt this way?", "Penny: Ever since I met Allen.", "Paige: Must be so great to share this together.", "Allen: Your old man's not into magic?", "Paige: He's not so old but, uh, nah, not so into it either.", "(Suddenly, Piper and Phoebe appear beside them, wearing sixties clothes.)", "Piper: Hey, groovy girl. We've been looking for you.", "Penny: Welcome. I'm Penny. Any friends of Paige's are friends of ours. But you shouldn't use magic so openly.", "Phoebe: (whispers) That's Grams.", "Allen: I'm Allen. Peace and love.", "Phoebe: Oh, yes, love. Lots and lots of love. I have so much love for you, man, you have no idea.", "Penny: You here for the happening at the manor tonight?", "Piper: No, we were just looking for our friend Paige, actually. Excuse us.", "(They move away.)", "Paige: I'm so glad you guys found me.", "Piper: We need to get out of here.", "(Police car sirens are heard and a couple pull up.)", "Allen: It's the pigs.", "(The police get out of their cars.)", "Officer: (through a megaphone) Okay, everybody, let's break it up. Let's go, everybody out. Move it!", "Guy: This is a park, man. You can't control god's green earth.", "Officer: It's a tax payers green dollars that pay for this park, and you're loitering. So move it.", "Everybody: Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go!", "Penny: \"They have no right, they have no power, turn their hate sticks into flowers.\"", "(The cops' batons turn into a bunch of flowers.)", "Robyn: Let's jam. If the cops catch us we'll miss tonight.", "Phoebe: Piper, freeze them.", "Piper: I can't.", "(The cops handcuff Piper and Phoebe.)", "Penny: Paige, come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Jail Cell. An officer locks Piper and Phoebe in it.]", "Piper: If what's happening tonight at the manor is what I think it is, this might be the night that grandpa dies.", "Phoebe: Let's just hope that Paige tries to get us out of here first because I don't wanna be raised by that flower child loose on the park. We'd never make it to puberty.", "(Darryl's father, Luther is in the next cell. He looks exactly like Darryl but with an afro.)", "Luther: You don't own me! You think you own me! But the man will never own Luther Morris.", "Guard: I said keep it down!", "(Phoebe taps Piper.)", "Piper: Nooo.", "Luther: What are you two looking at?", "[Scene: Manor. Paige, Allen and Robyn are there.]", "Paige: Please, there's gotta be a way to get my friends out of jail.", "Allen: Stay cool, Paige. We've all been hassled by the pigs. It's a right of passage. They'll let your friends go... after a night in jail.", "(Penny walks down the stairs holding a bag of crystals.)", "Penny: Okay, everybody, time to prepare for the party. Take a crystal, bless it and hide it outside the manor. We wanna form a perimeter.", "Robyn: What are those?", "Paige: Uh, those are pyrite crystals. They resonate a harmonic tone when exposed to evil. Kind of like a demonic alarm system.", "Penny: How did you know?", "Paige: I was taught by the best.", "Robyn: I thought our gathering tonight was a peaceful one.", "Penny: I wanna give peace a chance as much as anyone, Robyn, but I'm not dumb. Do you know how many covens are coming tonight? We'll be sitting ducks.", "Robyn: Right.", "(Robyn walks away.)", "Paige: I would really love it if my friends could come tonight. If there's anything that we can do to help them.", "Allen: I tell you what, I got a friend who's an A.C.L.U lawyer. I'll call them. Right after we set the crystals.", "Paige: Thank you.", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Wyatt's room. Leo, Wyatt, Chris and Grams are there.]", "Grams: The way I see it, we're all targets for the slime. We need a plan to control it until the girls get back.", "Chris: In the future, everyone tried to control the demon with no name. But it can't be done.", "Grams: That's hardly a winning attitude, young man. And why in heaven's name couldn't the people in the future find some name for that thing?", "Leo: Speaking of the future, what's so awful that happens to Wyatt?", "Chris: You know I can't tell you that.", "Leo: Come on, I'm an Elder.", "Grams: Excuse me, back on point. Uh, the slime? I'm taking suggestions.", "(Wyatt, standing in his crib, reaches for his bottle sitting on a table next to him.)", "Leo: We could orb it to an ice drift.", "Leo: Nah, that's bad.", "Grams: It's not bad, it's awful. You can't orb that thing, it feeds on magic.", "Chris: So what's your great idea?", "Grams: Are you giving me lip?", "Chris: No. (Wyatt orbs his bottle and the slime demon shoots out of the wall.) No!", "(Leo grabs Wyatt and they all run downstairs. Pieces of the roof falls in.)", "Leo: Hold on. I think it's stopped.", "Chris: Get Wyatt out of the house. If it tries to follow, I'll fire off an orb or two to distract it. (to Grams) You okay with that?", "Grams: Yeah, it's just what I had in mind.", "Chris: Good.", "(Leo carries Wyatt towards the front door. Green slime oozes up into the windows, blocking off the doorway.)", "[Scene: 1967. Jail Cell.]", "Phoebe: Any sign of Paige?", "Piper: Nope. We're not gonna reach her before Grandpa's attacked.", "(Phoebe looks at the guard.)", "Phoebe: Should we try a spell?", "Piper: Why not? Let's try a spell.", "Luther: Leave it to the man to lock the brother up with the crazies.", "Piper: Shush. (Piper looks at the guard.) \"Come to me and be seduced, I have a girl to introduce, fall for her you can't resist her, trust me mister, she's my sister.\"", "Phoebe: Why me?", "Piper: 'Cause he's not my type.", "Phoebe: Oh. (to guard) Hi.", "(The guard moves towards the cell.)", "Guard: Hi.", "Phoebe: You know what I think is really hot? A guy in a cage. Yeah. Why don't you come in here with me?", "Guard: Alright.", "(He opens the cell and walks in.)", "Phoebe: Take off your shirt.", "(The guard takes off his shirt.)", "Luther: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Luther don't wanna see this.", "(Phoebe throws him the guard's shirt.)", "Phoebe: Put this on. You're gonna lead us to freedom, Luther.", "Luther: Brother could get used to this.", "Piper: Mm, so could a brother's son.", "[Scene: Manor. Leo walks up to Paige.]", "Leo: There's my little psychedelic sunshine. Are you ready for your private session?", "Paige: Uh, yeah, real soon. Um, have you seen Allen? He was supposed to call his lawyer friends for me.", "Leo: My name is Leo, like the zodiac sign. (He takes Paige's hand.) Astrologically speaking, Leo represents the sun constantly burning and highly energetic.", "Paige: Okay, starshine. Could you just please point me in the direction where I might find Allen. (He points to the stairs.) Thank you.", "(Paige heads upstairs.)", "[Cut to the attic. Robyn is there.]", "Robyn: \"And so I call upon the crone, let evil roam inside this home.\"", "(Allen walks in.)", "Allen: I thought you were acting strange.", "Robyn: Allen, are you spying on me?", "Allen: How could you, Robyn? What about our dream?", "Robyn: My only dream is helping my warlock friend put all of you weak creatures out of misery tonight.", "(She creates a fireball. Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Robyn!", "(Robyn throws the fireball at Paige and Paige dives out of the way.)", "Allen: Violence isn't the answer, Robyn. Let love replace your fear. I know you felt our love.", "Robyn: Yeah, and I still got the stink of it all over me.", "Paige: Over here! (Paige knocks off a can of marbles and Robyn slips on them. The fireball is thrown up into the air and then lands on Robyn, vanquishing her. Allen is knocked back from the blast. Piper and Phoebe walk in.) Allen!", "Allen: I'm alright.", "Paige: Uh-oh. What'd I just do?", "Piper: Oh, nothing much. Just changed our entire future.", "Phoebe: Or erased it.", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Kitchen. Leo, holding Wyatt, and Chris walk in.]", "Leo: What'd it do? Split in half?", "Chris: How do we get out?", "Leo: I don't know. Orb?", "Chris: The last time I orbed, that thing almost swallowed me whole.", "Leo: What do you think, Penny?", "(Grams stands in the doorway wearing tie-dyed sixties clothes.)", "Grams: I think love conquers all. I think that we should take the demon into our arms and make it feel safe.", "(Leo and Chris look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Kitchen. Continued from before.]", "Chris: Leo, could I talk to you for a second, please?", "Leo: (to Grams) Do you mind holding him for a second?", "Grams: Of course. (Leo hands Wyatt to Grams.) Come here, moonbeam.", "Leo: Wyatt. His name's Wyatt.", "(Leo and Chris move away.)", "Chris: One of the sisters must have changed the past because Penny clearly never meant to change from flower child to demon hunter.", "(Grams sings to Wyatt.)", "Leo: Clearly. Think the girls can fix the timeline and get back here?", "(The slime demon oozes up into the back door.)", "Chris: I don't know. But this thing is trying to back us into a corner. Take Wyatt and Joan Baez here into the conservatory. I'll get what we need to fight it off.", "(Leo, Grams and Wyatt leave the kitchen. Chris grabs a blender.)", "[Scene: 1967. Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Allen are there. Penny walks in.]", "Penny: Has anybody seen Robyn? We've got a lot... What happened?", "Paige: Robyn. She attacked.", "Penny: Are you hurt?", "Allen: No, I'm alright, alright. She said something about a warlock attacking tonight.", "Piper: So? That's no problem, we have a house full of witches.", "Phoebe: Piper's right, you could all take on the warlocks, all you've gotta do is fight.", "Penny: It's not who we are. We don't believe in murder.", "Phoebe: No, neither do we, but we do believe in vanquishing evil.", "Penny: I'm sorry, I don't see violence as a solution to anything. I thought you understood that, Paige. I thought you were one of us.", "Allen: Let's go, Penny, let's send everyone home. I don't want anyone else getting hurt.", "(Penny and Allen leave the room.)", "Phoebe: Oh, she is driving me nuts. That is not the Grams we all know.", "Piper: The Grams we know found her husband dead tonight.", "Paige: I know we're supposed to turn her into a bit of a killer or whatever, but what if this happens to be her new destiny, with Grandpa.", "Phoebe: If Grandpa was supposed to die tonight, death will come after him again.", "Piper: And the first thing we have to remember is we're not here to change anything. We just need to keep Grams alive and unfortunately we don't have our powers to do that.", "(Phoebe opens the thin Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: Well, it's a lot thinner than we're used to but I'm sure we can find something in here to help us make a potion. (to Paige) Will you help me?", "Paige: Yeah.", "Piper: I'll be downstairs on the warlock watch.", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Dining room. Leo, Chris, Grams and Wyatt are there. There's a pile of kitchen appliances sitting on the table.]", "Leo: Why isn't it attacking? It's like it cornered us and now it's just waiting.", "Chris: I think we need the toaster oven.", "(Leo grabs the toaster oven.)", "Grams: You know, that's a disaster waiting to happen.", "Chris: That's the idea. You saw how the slime reacted to electricity. (Leo adds the toaster oven to the pile.) Well, if we can get it to attack this pile, maybe we can get to zap it.", "(Leo looks for room on the power board where all the appliances are plugged in.)", "Leo: If I can find a place to plug it in.", "Grams: No offence, you know, but my dear Allen would have taken the path of peaceful resistance. Have you tried talking to the slime?", "Leo: No, I haven't, and you shouldn't either. (to Chris) But if you're up to some light conversation, maybe you wanna tell me what happens to Wyatt in the future.", "Chris: Uh, nice try.", "Leo: Got it.", "(Leo plugs in the toaster oven and the power goes out.)", "Chris: Damn it!", "Grams: I told you, boys, violence is not the answer to anything.", "Chris: Where's the fuse box?", "Leo: It's in the basement. Find a flashlight in the laundry room.", "[Time lapse. Chris stands at the top of the stairs to the basement. He points the flashlight at the floor of the basement.]", "Chris: Leo!", "(He runs out of the basement and shuts the door. Leo runs in.)", "Leo: What is it? What is it?", "Chris: The slime, in the basement feeding on the Nexus.", "Leo: How big was it? (Leo opens the door and shines the flashlight on the floor. The slime is covering the entire floor. Leo quickly shuts the door.) Big.", "Chris: Yeah. Big.", "[Scene: 1967. Manor. Foyer. Penny and Allen are there. A woman gives Penny a hug.]", "Woman: We are going to make history.", "Penny: I know, honey.", "(The woman leaves. Piper is in the living room.)", "Piper: We need to talk.", "(Penny and Allen walk into the living room.)", "Allen: I agree. We need to talk with the warlock and find a path of peaceful resistance to resolve this situation.", "Piper: The first thing my Grams taught me was not to reason with demons.", "Penny: Your grandmother fought demons?", "Piper: Yeah. She was a great woman. And she knew that you can't reason or negotiate with demons. They kill, and they keep killing until a force of good stops them.", "Penny: If your grandmother hurt other living creatures, she doesn't sound to great to me. I'm sorry.", "Allen: Penny's right. You can't be a saviour and a murderer at the same time.", "Piper: Really? What if a demon attacked somebody you loved, like your daughter? Would you fight them?", "(They suddenly freeze and the warlock blinks in.)", "Warlock: Where are all the witches? Where in the hell are all the witches? (He waves his arm and they unfreeze.) Where are they?", "Piper: Well, that depends on who you're looking for.", "Warlock: Everybody!", "Allen: We sent them home. The manor's yours, we won't fight you.", "(The warlock hits Allen across the face and knocks him to the floor. Penny gasps.)", "Piper: Do something.", "Penny: \"May peace and love, from the moon above, flow through your heart, on the wings of a dove.\"", "(The warlock freezes Piper and Penny.)", "Warlock: Did you just try and cast a love spell on me? I'm a warlock. What is this world coming to?", "(Allen gets up. The warlock creates a fireball and throws it towards Penny. Allen throws himself in front of Penny and the fireball hits him. He knocks Piper and Penny to the floor.)", "Penny: No. Allen!", "(She cries.)", "Warlock: Your turn to join him, sweetheart.", "(Phoebe and Paige walk in.)", "Paige: Hey.", "(Paige throws a potion at the warlock and it throws him across the room. Phoebe throws another but he blinks out before it can hit him.)", "Phoebe: I think he's gone.", "Paige: For now.", "(Piper gets up.)", "Piper: This isn't right.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Piper: Well, Grams flew into a rage when she found Grandpa dead. It-it made her what she was. Does that look like a demon killer to you?", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Kitchen. Leo, Chris, Grams and Wyatt are there. Chris is holding two wires.]", "Chris: If the demon comes at us, I'll try and hold it off with this.", "(Grams opens the basement door and walks in.)", "Grams: Don't be afraid of us. We won't hurt you.", "Leo: Penny, get back!", "(The slime demon grabs Grams and sucks her in.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: 1967. Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Penny are there. Penny is making a potion.]", "Phoebe: How are you so calm right now? It's okay for you to be angry, that warlock killed your husband.", "Penny: I am angry, at myself. That's why I'm mixing a binding potion.", "Piper: Binding your magic is not the answer.", "Penny: It is for me. I tried to save Allen and I failed. What good is my magic if it can't save my family?", "Paige: It's a lot of good. Remember your dream? You can't turn your back on it now. What would Allen think?", "Penny: It doesn't matter, he's dead. No one will ever compare to him. I'll probably end up hating men for the rest of my life.", "Piper: Well, she's got us there.", "Phoebe: Magic can save your family. I mean, my sisters have saved...", "Penny: You said these were your friends. What's going on? Who are you?", "Piper: Don't. Can't change history.", "Paige: It's a little late now, isn't it? We're your granddaughters.", "Phoebe: Hi, Grams.", "Penny: I'm your Grams. The demon hunter?", "Paige: Yeah, and these fancy boots, brought me from the future.", "Piper: And these earrings.", "Phoebe: And this ring.", "Penny: No, you're trying to trick me.", "Piper: No, afraid not, Grams. Look, it's payback time. You need to get your act together. We love you but if you don't start fighting now, all the people we're meant to save...", "(The warlock blinks in and throws a fireball at the potion.)", "Warlock: You didn't think I'd forgot about you?", "Piper: Those were our potions.", "(Phoebe runs up to him and he blinks out before she can kick him. He blinks back in.)", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Kitchen. Chris is holding the basement door closed. Leo helps him.]", "Leo: Wyatt's secured in the living room. There's no sign of the demon in the rest of the house.", "Chris: I figured it was distracting us before so he could feed on Nexus.", "Leo: What about Penny? Is she...?", "Chris: I don't know. (The slime creeps under the door and Chris grabs two wires and zaps it. Another chunk of slime creeps under the door and he zaps it again.) I can't keep up with it, we've gotta get out.", "Leo: No, we have to keep fighting. It's what Penny would want us to do.", "[Scene: 1967. Manor. Living room. Piper and Paige is thrown onto a coffee table.]", "Warlock: Not quite the slaughter I expected. (Piper and Paige stand up.) But it'll have to do for a night's work.", "(He creates a fireball. Penny stands behind him.)", "Penny: Stop.", "(He turns around.)", "Warlock: What are you gonna do? Cast another love spell?", "(Penny points at him and he flies across the room.)", "Phoebe: Well, it's about time.", "Penny: Like you said, Piper, it's okay to fight for someone you love, right?", "(She waves her arm and the warlock flies across the room.)", "Paige: Welcome back to your destiny, Grams.", "(Penny sends a table sliding across the room and crashes into the warlock.)", "Piper: Now she's just showing off.", "Phoebe: Okay, the grandfather clock.", "(Penny sends the grandfather clock crashing down on top of the warlock.)", "Penny: What do I usually do at this point?", "Phoebe: You usually do something very final if you catch my drift.", "Penny: \"Snuff this warlock, his days are done, but make him good for the ecosystem.\"", "(The warlock explodes into a bunch of daisies.)", "Piper: Now that's what you call flower power.", "Paige: Not exactly ruthless but a fine start.", "Penny: That was for Allen. So, now what?", "Piper: Now we gotta get home fast because we have a slimy demon of our own to deal with.", "Paige: How are we gonna do that?", "Phoebe: Grams just has to reverse the spell.", "Penny: Glad to know I have groovy grandkids. Just the same, I think I'm gonna work on a forgetting spell for after you go. You know, keep the cosmic order.", "Paige: Aww, I like this Grams, I don't wanna forget you.", "(Paige hugs Penny.)", "[Scene: 2004. Manor. Kitchen. Leo and Chris are holding the basement door closed.]", "Leo: Get out of here, go.", "Chris: Not without you.", "Leo: This thing's gonna swallow you whole.", "Chris: Most likely.", "(Piper, Phoebe and Paige appear.)", "Piper: Stand back, fellas.", "Paige: \"Drawing on the power of three, destroy this evil entity.\"", "(The slime demon is vanquished.)", "Piper: Where's Wyatt?", "Chris: He's in the living room.", "Phoebe: What about Grams?", "Leo: She didn't make it.", "(The basement door opens and smoke pours out. Grams walks out, coughing.)", "Grams: Nonsense. You can't damage an old war horse like me. I'm already dead.", "Phoebe: Yay, Grams, I'm so glad you're back.", "(Phoebe hugs Grams. Wyatt cries in the other room. Piper leaves the kitchen.)", "Paige: Hey there, sun god.", "Leo: Hey, that was a long time ago. Let's just keep that between us, okay?", "Grams: Hey, I wanna thank you two for not giving up the fight. I'm really proud of you boys. You did good.", "[Cut to Wyatt's room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Wyatt are there.]", "Piper: Grams gone?", "Paige: Yes, but not before yelling at us for moving out.", "Phoebe: It was good to hear her yell at us for a change.", "Piper: So did she convince you to move back in?", "Paige: No, but she did give us her blessing after she was done yelling.", "Piper: Really?", "Phoebe: Well, she gave up a lot to be a witch. You know, she lost Grandpa.", "Paige: And her dreams.", "Phoebe: I don't think she wants that to happen to us. But she did make me promise that I would keep in touch more.", "Paige: And that I have to promise to keep using my magic.", "Piper: Well, I guess Grams really is a softy underneath it all. So, you guys going home?", "Paige: Home is a relative term, but yeah, we're heading home.", "Phoebe: I should get back and finish my origami dragon.", "Piper: Yeah, I understand. Well, you guys know you always have a home here and a room when you want it back. I mean, if you want it back.", "(They all hug. Phoebe and Paige orb out. Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Everything alright?", "Piper: No, it's not. I mean, I know it seems to them that I'm moving on with my life and everything's fine but it's not true. I wish they were still here.", "Leo: You should tell them that.", "Piper: No, I shouldn't. I should just go to bed. Good night.", "Leo: Good night. (Piper leaves the room. Leo walks over to Wyatt in his crib.) Good night, moonbeam." ]
[ "After vanquishing a demon from Wyatt's room, Piper has an epiphany and decides to swear off men so that she can devote the rest of her life to raising and protecting Wyatt. Unable to handle Piper's revelation, Paige and Phoebe decide to remind Piper of the importance of love by conjuring up a \"Mr. Right\" as Piper's birthday present. The Order, a demonic brotherhood, manage to kidnap Wyatt after Chris' meddling with \"Prince Charmed's\" attractiveness backfires, turning a birthday dinner party into a food fight. The sisters vanquish the Order and with Chris' help restore Wyatt to normal. Doing so apparently earns Wyatt's trust for Chris and Leo confirms later that he still trusts Chris, but Chris needs to earn back the sisters' trust." ]
[ "[Scene: Snowy Mountains. Piper and a guy are there. The guy is holding skies.]", "Guy: Come on, let's go skiing.", "Piper: Ah, I want to but...", "Guy: But what? What's holding you back?", "Baby's Voice: Mama, mama.", "Piper: Wyatt?", "Guy: He must be pretty special, for you to give up everything.", "(The guy vanishes.)", "Baby's Voice: Mama.", "[Cut to the manor. Piper's room. Piper is asleep on the bed. The baby monitor is sitting beside her. Wyatt screams. Piper wakes up and quickly gets up.]", "Piper: Wyatt?", "[Cut to Wyatt's room. A demon stands over Wyatt's crib holding a wand-like object above him. Wyatt's protective shield is up.]", "Piper: Wyatt. (The demon turns around and raises his arms. He drops the wand and it disappears. Piper runs in and blows up the demon. Wyatt's shield goes down. Piper goes over to Wyatt.) Hey. It's okay. (She picks him up.) It's okay, it's okay.", "[Cut to a cave. A dozen robed men are standing around chanting. A bright light with an image of Wyatt is in the centre of the room.]", "Head Demon: At last, we have found you.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Wyatt's room. Piper is sitting there with Wyatt on her lap. She gets up and puts him in his crib. She looks over at a picture of herself, Leo and Wyatt.]", "[Cut to downstairs. Foyer. Phoebe and Paige walk in carrying shopping bags.]", "Phoebe: I think she's upstairs.", "Paige: Ahh, I got a neck spasm.", "Phoebe: Don't drop the bags, she'll hear you.", "Paige: Thanks for your concern.", "(Darryl and Sheila walk in after them.)", "Sheila: Are you okay?", "Paige: Yeah, sometimes it flairs up under stress.", "Darryl: Yeah, you got enough stress in your life, that's for damn sure.", "(They walk into the dining room and put the bags on the table.)", "Sheila: What you guys do, I'm surprised it doesn't flair up all the time.", "Paige: It's not the demons, it's this birthday stuff, especially Piper's. I always screw up the surprise.", "Darryl: I'll take these to the kitchen.", "Paige: Oh, thanks. (Darryl grabs a bag and goes into the kitchen.) Plus, I have no idea what I'm gonna get her and obviously time is running out.", "Phoebe: Paige, I told you, you can come in on the dinner with me, I don't mind.", "Paige: I appreciate that, but I don't want to jump on your bandwagon. I wanna do my own thing.", "Sheila: Well, being a mum, I can tell you that a nice normal dinner with friends and family is the perfect gift. Especially since you guys don't live here anymore.", "Phoebe: No, the perfect gift actually doesn't exist anymore.", "Paige: Do tell.", "(Darryl walks in.)", "Darryl: Hey, do these go?", "Paige: Ah, no, grab those two.", "Phoebe: The charm bracelet that mum gave Piper and Piper loved it but then Prue lost it.", "Paige: Why don't we just cast a...", "Phoebe: A lost and found spell? I tried it, it didn't work.", "Sheila: Is Jason coming to the party?", "Phoebe: No, he's in some far away land, like Zimbabwe or something.", "Sheila: It must be fun you guys travelling around the world together.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's-it's nice. I just, I really miss home. I'm happy to be here right now.", "Darryl: What about your beau? Is he coming?", "Paige: Richard? No, he's kind of got a bit of a problem with magic. Or it has a problem with him.", "Darryl: He doesn't like it?", "Paige: No, magic just doesn't like him. It's a long story.", "Sheila: So it's just us then?", "Darryl: What about Leo?", "Phoebe: Yeah, we kind of thought that that was inappropriate. (They hear footsteps upstairs.) That's her. Out, out. Hurry.", "Darryl: We'll see you tomorrow then.", "(Darryl and Sheila rush out the door.)", "Phoebe: Paige, the groceries. (Paige grabs the bags and orbs out. Piper comes down the stairs.) Hey.", "Piper: Hey, how's that surprise party going?", "[Cut to the kitchen. Paige is stuffing the bags into a cupboard. Piper walks in with Phoebe racing after her.]", "Phoebe: Wh-What do you mean, surprise party? There's no surprise party.", "Piper: Just do me a favour and don't invite Greg. Or any other guys for that matter, because I'm done with them.", "Paige: I'm sorry?", "Piper: It's kind of an epiphany I had, um, right after I vanquished a demon in Wyatt's room.", "Phoebe: Wait, excuse me?", "Piper: You know, an epiphany, a revelation.", "Phoebe: No, I know about the epiphany. What do you mean a demon?", "Paige: Okay, why didn't you call us?", "Piper: Well, I didn't want to bother you. It's no big deal, I blew him up, he's gone.", "Paige: Okay, do you know every time you say that, they come back with a vengeance?", "Phoebe: Kiss of death.", "Piper: It doesn't matter because I'm on it full time now. I'm actually thinking of selling the club, 'cause I have a new mission in life and it's all become very clear to me.", "Paige: Would you care to elaborate?", "Piper: Do you guys know that Wyatt called me mama?", "Phoebe: He did? Oh, his first word.", "Piper: Right after he was attacked. I don't think I'm gonna be putting that in his baby book.", "(Piper leaves the kitchen. Phoebe and Paige follow.)", "Paige: Back to giving up guys.", "Piper: It's kind of freeing, actually, you know, not having to play the dating game. It was just a big waste of time for me anyway. I mean, I gave it my best shot, I did. But it just didn't work out for me.", "(They head for the front door.)", "Paige: Okay, that is completely ridiculous. You've been single for six months.", "Piper: No, that's fate, it's my fate, and I accept it. Apparently you only get one soul mate in a life time, so I guess Leo was mine. And now I'm ready to devote my life to protecting and raising Wyatt.", "(Piper opens the front door.)", "Phoebe: What about s*x?", "(Piper gets the mail out of the letter box and walks back inside.)", "Piper: Well, you know, I'm the mother of one of the most magical creatures ever. s*x rather pales in comparison, don't you think?", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "Paige: She doesn't need a party, she needs an intervention.", "[Scene: Cave. The robed demons are standing around a glowing image of Wyatt.]", "Head Demon: He led us long ago, and once he returns, he will lead us again and we'll reward you for your unwavering fate. (The demons chant. A demon steps forward and takes a wand from the head demon.) Help us to cleanse him of the poison that has corrupted him. Turn him that he might lower his guard so that we may return him to the fold, to his destiny.", "(The demon holds up the wand and a pink beam of light shines into Wyatt's eyes. The demon reaches into the image and the demon catches on fire. He screams and is vanquished. The wand drops to the floor.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige is there, making a potion. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Okay, Piper couldn't find the demon in the book. Any luck up here?", "Paige: Uh, actually, I'm working on something else.", "Phoebe: A vanquishing potion?", "Paige: No. A birthday present.", "Phoebe: A birthday present. Paige, you're not going to be able to find the charm bracelet.", "Paige: Trust me, this will be even better. The perfect gift.", "Phoebe: Okay, what are you talking about?", "Paige: I figured Piper has no love in her life right now, so I think she needs a little love back in her life.", "Phoebe: Okay, so you're making a love potion?", "Paige: No, I'm making a love machine. I am making the perfect man.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding me? Are you out of your mind?", "Paige: No. I don't think I am. Listen, we've conjured magical beings before, so, you know, hey, what's the big deal?", "Phoebe: The big deal is they always come back to bite us in the ass.", "Paige: No-no-no-no. This one won't. He's just be around for her birthday from midnight to midnight.", "Phoebe: Paige, we can't just conjure up a a s*x toy.", "Paige: Listen, I figure magic owes Piper. It has taken away the love of her life, and now it's threatening to take away love from the rest of her life. Look, I get Wyatt is super important, I do get that. But I think this could be for the greater good.", "Phoebe: Mm-hm.", "Paige: Okay, let's write down some qualities.", "Phoebe: Qualities, what do you mean qualities?", "Paige: You know, qualities for the perfect man.", "Phoebe: Oh. Okay, well, I think she would want someone that, um, lives near by and, you know, doesn't travel a lot.", "Paige: Yeah, well, I would write down something about somebody who I could do magic in front of but these are you qualities you and I would want, not qualities that Piper would necessarily want.", "Phoebe: Right, okay, um. I think she wants, you know, a strong man but someone that's not afraid to show his sensitive side.", "Paige: Sensitive but not a wuss bag.", "(Paige writes that down on a piece of paper and throws it in the potion.)", "Phoebe: And someone that is a good listener.", "Paige: Okay, good cook..", "Phoebe: Handy around the house.", "Paige: Good with kids.", "Phoebe: Gets the whole normal life thing.", "Paige: Has a really big...", "Phoebe: Paige.", "Paige: Uh, is this the perfect guy or what?", "Phoebe: Alright, throw it in.", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper and Chris are there. Piper is flipping through the Book of Shadows.]", "Chris: How am I supposed to protect Wyatt if you don't tell me when a demon attacks until hours later?", "Piper: Because, Chris, I'm taking care of it.", "Chris: That's fine, but what happens if this demon was the one? The one who was after Wyatt. The reason why I came back.", "Piper: Well, then you're in luck because I blew him up. Not to mention, how many demons have you said that about so far?", "Chris: Piper, I've just got Wyatt's best interest in mind.", "Piper: So do I. Demon's not in here.", "Chris: Well, what's it look like?", "Piper: Tall, robed with a metal rod thingy.", "Chris: Really? Well, that narrows it down.", "Piper: If another one shows up I'll be here.", "Chris: That's just my point, Piper, what if you're not here? What happens if you have a date with the fireman or whoever else you're seeing this week?", "Piper: Look, Chris, I don't want to go into it. But I'm not gonna be out on a date with the fireman or anybody else for that matter, anytime soon, so that I can focus more on Wyatt.", "Chris: What?", "Piper: Did I stutter?", "Chris: Piper, you can't give up on love. Ever.", "Piper: Why not?", "Chris: Because you just can't, that's why. It's not natural. Look, all I'm saying is you don't have to make that type of sacrifice to protect Wyatt. That's why I'm here.", "Piper: Well, you weren't here earlier, were you? (Piper leaves the room and walks down the hallway. Chris follows.) Look, the only thing that matters right now is what's best for Wyatt.", "Chris: This is not what's best for Wyatt, Piper.", "Piper: How do you know?", "Chris: Because I've seen the future and this isn't supposed to happen.", "Piper: So what is supposed to happen?", "Chris: Come on, you know I can't answer that.", "Piper: Well, since you're sent from the future to change it, maybe this is one of the things that needs to be changed.", "Chris: No, it's not. (Piper goes into Wyatt's room. Chris follows.) Believe me, it's not.", "Piper: Shh. (Piper sees a present on the dresser.) Who left this?", "Chris: Look, if you're so concerned about protecting Wyatt, there's other ways to go about doing it, you know.", "(Piper opens the card in the present.)", "Piper: Like what?", "Chris: Like letting Leo take him up there for a while. (Chris moves near the crib and Wyatt puts up his protective shield.) You could always bind his powers.", "Piper: Leo left me a birthday present. How sweet.", "Chris: Will you think about what I said?", "Piper: About what?", "Chris: About binding Wyatt's powers.", "Piper: No way.", "Chris: Why not? Nobody would ever be after him and you'd have your life back.", "Piper: But that would be selfish of me, wouldn't it? Put my needs before his destiny. I'm not being a martyr, Chris, I'm not. I just get it now. I'm the mother of a very special child that if I do my job right, his gonna grow up to do very special things. What could possibly be more important than that? (Wyatt stirs and whimpers.) Sweetie, go back to sleep. I will be right back.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige are finishing up the potion. It explodes.]", "Phoebe: Okay, I can't think of anything else.", "Paige: One more thing. (Paige picks up a bottle.) Magical pheromones.", "Phoebe: Magical pheromones?", "Paige: Yeah, see, it's just one thing to give him an extra shot, to help Piper be a little more receptive since he's only got a day.", "Phoebe: I hope we're doing the right thing, I hope this doesn't backfire, you know.", "Paige: I don't think it will. If this were a date, honey, this would be the martini.", "(Paige throws in some pheromones.)", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Phoebe, Paige: \"A perfect man we summon now, another way we don't know how, to make our sister see the light, some where out there is mister right.\"", "(Magical lights rise out of the potion and floats to the centre of the room. A naked man appears and turns to face Phoebe and Paige.)", "Man: Hello.", "Phoebe, Paige: Perfect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe, Paige and the man are there. The man is carrying a tray. They walk out of the kitchen.]", "Paige: Okay, so, remember she's gonna freak.", "Phoebe: Big time.", "Paige: So you just get as close as you can to her...", "Phoebe: Yeah, really, really, really close.", "Paige: And you just let those pheromones do their magic.", "Phoebe: So you can do your magic.", "(They reach the bottom of the stairs.)", "Man: Ladies, ladies, please. You created me to know exactly what Piper wants. Don't worry.", "(The man walks upstairs.)", "Paige: I have a question for you. Since when is Piper into hot Latin types?", "Phoebe: Since I put in the hot Latin type ingredient.", "Paige: Oh, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What? Are you complaining?", "[Cut to Piper's room. Piper is asleep in bed. The man walks in.]", "Man: Happy birthday, Piper. (Piper sits up quickly and gasps.) Eggs benedict, easy yolk. Steamed asparagus, fresh fruit, orange juice, no pulp. How do I do?", "Piper: Phoebe! Paige!", "(Phoebe and Paige come around the corner.)", "Phoebe: Yeah?", "Piper: Wh-What's going on? Who is this?", "Paige: Well, uh, this is your birthday present. From me. Although, you know, Phoebe helped.", "Piper: The breakfast?", "Paige: No, the muchacho.", "(Piper laughs and gets out of bed.)", "Piper: You, you, you hired a guy for my birthday?", "(Piper puts on her dressing gown.)", "Phoebe: No, we would never hire a guy for your birthday.", "Paige: We made him. Magically.", "Phoebe: Ah, you know what? This is Paige's present for you. Mine's the surprise birthday party.", "Man: I know you're pretty mad, aren't you?", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "Paige: Traitor.", "Phoebe: I knew we should've used more pheromones.", "(Phoebe runs after Piper.)", "Paige: Hey, you. Come with us.", "[Cut to the stairs. Piper is walking down them with Phoebe following.]", "Phoebe: Piper, wait.", "Piper: No, not until you send him back to wherever the hell you conjured him from.", "(Paige and the man walk down the stairs.)", "Paige: We can't, not until your birthday's over.", "Phoebe: Yeah, so why not take advantage of him while you can. I mean, figuratively speaking of course.", "Paige: Ah, hell, literally. It is your birthday.", "Piper: I can't believe you guys did this. Did you not hear me yesterday?", "Phoebe: No, we did, loud and clear.", "Paige: No, we just wanted you to change your mind.", "Piper: So you whipped up a magical gigolo?", "Paige: Oh, criminy, just give him a chance.", "Phoebe: How could you resist him? Did you look at him?", "Piper: This is like something we would do years ago before we knew better, but now we do know better, at least we're supposed to.", "Paige: You know what? Desperate times call for desperate measures.", "(Paige pushes the man into Piper. Piper nearly falls back but he catches her.)", "Man: I'm sorry. Are you alright?", "Piper: Yeah, no, I'm pissed, remember? Are you wearing cologne?", "Man: No. You don't like cologne.", "Piper: No, I don't, do I?", "Phoebe: But what does she like?", "Man: Well, she likes long walks on the beach, shopping at the embarcadero, lunching at Zuni, deep tissue massages.", "Piper: Well, that, yeah, that sounds great, but...", "Man: So what are we waiting for?", "Piper: No, I can't, 'cause, uh, the demon.", "Phoebe: We'll take care of the demon, it's done.", "Piper: Well, what about Wyatt? I can't just leave him.", "Man: Can't we take him with us? Maybe go to the fair. Or perhaps, the zoo.", "Piper: I'll get dressed.", "Man: I'll get him. Unless you don't want me to.", "Piper: No, no, you can get him.", "Man: Okay. Excuse me, girls.", "(He walks up the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Bye.", "Paige: Cool your jets, lady, it's for Piper.", "Phoebe: Right. Stay on target.", "Paige: Yeah.", "[Scene: Golden Gate Bridge. Chris is standing on the very top of it. Leo orbs in beside him.]", "Chris: Uh, finally, I've been calling you for hours, man. Where have you been?", "Leo: What's up?", "Chris: What's up? Your son was attacked yesterday.", "Leo: What?", "Chris: Don't worry, he's fine, Piper vanquished the demon.", "Leo: Who was he?", "Chris: That's the problem, he's not in the book.", "Leo: Well, we have to figure out who he is in case there's another attempt.", "Chris: On that point I have a radical suggestion, a way of protecting Wyatt from any and all future attempts.", "Leo: I'm listening.", "Chris: We get the sisters to bind Wyatt's powers.", "Leo: No way.", "Chris: Come on, Leo, binding Wyatt's powers solves all our problems, believe me.", "Leo: No. Wyatt wasn't brought into this world to be bound, I can't condone that. Unless there's something you're not telling me. Alright, then we need to figure out who's after Wyatt.", "Chris: Okay. How?", "Leo: Right here. Above the din of the city. It's why I come up here. Just close your eyes, rely on your inner senses. Listen to the wind.", "[Scene: Cave. The robed men are there. Another robed demon is vanquished by the image of Wyatt. The wand drops to the ground and the head demon picks it up.]", "Head Demon: We're running out of volunteers.", "Demon: If we can't turn the model, if we can't get it to lower its guard, we won't be able to turn the child either.", "Head Demon: I find your lack of faith disturbing.", "Demon: It's because of my faith that I raise the concern, your eminence. The acolytes grow restless, the search has been long. Without reassurance that he can be converted, their evil may splinter off, scatter.", "Head Demon: What do you suggest?", "Demon: Another encounter with the child. To read his mind again to better see how his morals have been twisted. I offer myself to the cause.", "Head Demon: Your sacrifice will be rewarded. But the witches will be better prepared this time, which means you will have to go in as somebody they know, trust. (He moves towards the image of Wyatt and holds out his hand. The image changes to several different people and then to Darryl.) Him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe is there talking on the phone. Paige walks in holding a box of crystals.]", "Phoebe: Fly to New York right now, Jason? Oh, you're so cute, I would love to but...", "Paige: But she's busy setting a demonic alarm system.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: No, she said we're busy watching a mechanic set up an alarm system. You know us girls, can never be too careful. (They walk into the conservatory. Paige puts down a crystal and it glows.) Baby, can I call you back later? Okay, I love you too. Bye. (She hangs up.) Cute, very cute.", "Paige: Just trying to help.", "Phoebe: What, are you trying to blow my secret?", "Paige: Well, you said yourself you're gonna have to tell him sooner or later.", "(Paige puts down another crystal.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I want to be the one to tell him, not AT&T. Hey, why are you in such a good mood?", "Paige: Well, it's nice to practice magic without feeling guilty. I guess we all have guy problems, right?", "(Paige puts down another crystal. Leo and Chris orb in.)", "Leo: Where's Piper?", "Phoebe: Uh, she's out. Why?", "Chris: Because we know who attacked Wyatt and we think they're gonna attack again.", "Paige: Who?", "Leo: A demonic cult called the Order. They used to be the most powerful force until their leader was vanquished.", "Chris: And guess what. (Chris picks up a rattle.) They think he's been reincarnated.", "Paige: Wyatt?", "Leo: He's young enough to be turned evil. Especially by them. Where is Wyatt? Is he with Piper?", "(They hear the front door open.)", "Piper: Anybody home? A little help here.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper is there wearing a balloon hat, holding shopping bags and a bunch of flowers. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Chris walk in.]", "Paige: Where have you been?", "Piper: Well, everywhere, actually. First we went shopping and then we went for a boat ride and then we had a picnic in a park, and then we stopped at the fair.", "(She puts the stuff down and takes off the balloon hat.)", "Chris: Piper?", "Piper: Huh.", "Chris: Where's Wyatt?", "Piper: Oh, he's coming.", "(The guy pushes Wyatt in his stroller through the front door. Wyatt has his face painted.)", "Man: \"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.\" Hello.", "Leo: Who are you?", "Phoebe: Uh, he's, he's, you know, just a date.", "(Leo and Chris look at Piper.)", "Paige: A guy.", "Piper: You know, you don't have a name yet, do you?", "Chris: What does that mean, he doesn't have a name?", "Man: Why not call me David. You've always liked that name, no?", "Piper: No. I mean, yes. Isn't he perfect?", "(Phoebe and Paige sigh.)", "Leo: What the hell's going on here?", "David: You don't have to feel threatened by me, Leo. No one will ever replace you in Wyatt's eyes. And Piper wouldn't want anyone to.", "Leo: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Yeah, okay, why don't you guys put Wyatt down for a nap, I'm sure he's really tired from all this excitement. Come on.", "David: Okay. \"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.\"", "(David pushes Wyatt towards the stairs. Piper follows.)", "Paige: And don't forget to turn off the demonic alarm system, you know, in case the baby mistakes him for a demon. (She looks at Leo and Chris.) Alright, fine, so I made him out of my own little brew.", "Leo: You what?", "Phoebe: Piper was gonna give up on love, on her birthday nonetheless.", "Chris: So you conjured a man?", "Paige: No, not just a man, the perfect man. See, he's somebody who knows exactly what she wants and he's just gonna be here long enough to strain her out.", "Phoebe: Twenty-four hours, that's it.. That's great, right?", "Paige: Yeah, not even twenty-four, really eight and then sadly he goes poof.", "Phoebe: Yeah. You don't want her to live life without love, do you Leo?", "Leo: We'll talk about this later after we deal with the Order.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Darryl walks in through the front door.)", "Darryl: Is this a bad time? I just wanted to drop this off.", "(He holds up a tube.)", "Paige: Darryl, why didn't you just wait till dinner?", "Darryl: Dinner. Actually, this is for Wyatt so he has a little something to open up too.", "Phoebe: Oh, that's so sweet.", "(Phoebe goes over to Darryl and takes the tube off of him.)", "Darryl: Ah, Sheila's idea, actually. You mind if I give it to him?", "(He takes it back off Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Oh, sure, yeah, they're upstairs.", "Darryl: Thanks.", "(Darryl heads for the stairs.)", "Chris: Don't you think maybe we should cancel the dinner party?", "Paige: No.", "[Cut to upstairs. Darryl walks down the hallway. He spots a crystal on the floor for the security alarm. He walks into Wyatt's room and spots two more crystals on the window sill.]", "David: Shhh. Darryl, right?", "Darryl: Right. How's it going?", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Hi, what are you doing here?", "Darryl: Oh, just brought the little guy a present.", "Piper: Oh, that's really sweet but we just put him down for a nap.", "Darryl: I'll sneak it in so he can see it when he wakes up. He'll never know I was here.", "Piper: Okay. Shh.", "Darryl: No problem.", "(Piper and David leave the room. Darryl walks over to the crib and Wyatt's shield appears. Darryl shape shifts into the robed demon. He opens the tube and pulls out the wand. He turns off the baby monitor.)", "[Cut to downstairs. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Chris are standing at the bottom of the stairs. Piper and David walk down the stairs.]", "Piper: What's up?", "Phoebe: We need to talk. Wyatt may be in danger.", "(The baby monitor Piper is holding crackles.)", "Chris: Why is it doing that?", "(Piper and Leo run up the stairs.)", "Leo: (to David) You stay here.", "[Cut to Wyatt's room. The robed demon is holding the wand over Wyatt. A light is pouring out of the wand. Piper runs in. The robed demon drops the wand and it vanishes. Piper blows up the demon. Wyatt cries. Piper rushes over to him. Leo runs in followed by Phoebe, Paige and Chris.]", "Leo: Is he okay?", "Piper: You're okay, you're okay.", "(Piper picks Wyatt up.)", "Paige: Did he hurt him?", "Piper: No, I think he's okay.", "[Scene: Cave. The wand appears in the Head demon's hand.]", "Robed Demon: Success.", "Head Demon: We shall see. (He points the wand at the image of Wyatt and a light beam shines into his eyes. The demon reaches into the image.) He's ready to come home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Paige and Chris are sitting there. Leo orbs in.]", "Phoebe: Darryl?", "Leo: He's okay. He said they didn't go anywhere near him.", "Phoebe: Oh, thank god.", "Paige: My question is how did they even know to impersonate him?", "Leo: Well, they must have been watching you. See who he trusted and let near him.", "Phoebe: That's really creepy.", "Chris: It's gonna get a lot creepier if we don't stop them from getting to Wyatt.", "(Piper, holding Wyatt, and David walk down the stairs.)", "Piper: We might have a thought about that.", "Leo: We?", "Piper: Yeah, well, we've been talking and I think we need to give Chris's idea another chance.", "Phoebe: What idea?", "Piper: About binding Wyatt's powers.", "Phoebe, Paige: What?", "(Piper sits down with Wyatt.)", "Piper: Well, I'm just saying we should consider it. I mean, if you think about it, it makes sense.", "Leo: You can't be serious.", "David: Actually, she's never been more serious.", "Leo: Excuse me, I was talking to her.", "Paige: This doesn't sound like you, Piper.", "David: Doesn't it? Piper wants to protect her son. She wants a normal life. This way she can have both.", "Chris: Hey, that was my argument.", "David: Well, that's a good one.", "Phoebe: No, that's not a good one. That's a bad one, a very, very bad one. One that's been discussed and discarded already.", "Piper: Yeah, but that was before a demonic cult started targeting him.", "Chris: I mean, this could be...", "Paige: Oh, what? Just another big bad evil thing that's coming after him? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got it.", "Leo: It still isn't a good enough reason.", "David: Piper, thinks it is.", "Phoebe: Hey, buddy, don't forget who made you.", "Chris: That's right, you did make him, didn't you?", "Phoebe: Piper, I don't understand. Yesterday you were willing to give up everything for Wyatt's future. Why this now?", "Piper: Well, you should know. You're the one that, um, showed me what I really wanted and really need.", "Paige: She's got us there.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, it doesn't matter because it's gonna take the power of three to bind someone as powerful as Wyatt and I'm not gonna support it.", "Paige: Neither am I.", "Piper: Well, then we have a problem because I am.", "Chris: Alright, why don't we all just take a deep breath, okay? Leo, why don't you orb Wyatt up there until we figure this thing out.", "Leo: Gladly. (to David) Do you mind?", "David: Oh, please.", "(Leo goes over and picks Wyatt up. He orbs out with him.)", "Chris: Alright, and why don't we, David, right?", "David: David.", "Chris: Why don't you come with me and let the girls talk alone for a minute.", "(Chris and David leave the room.)", "[Cut to the attic. Chris and David walk in.]", "Chris: So you've got quiet an influence on Piper, don't you?", "David: Well, I just reflect what she wants.", "Chris: Interested. So, what, they just wrote down what she wanted and that was that?", "David: I don't know. I guess.", "Chris: Huh. Let's see.", "(Chris writes something down on a piece of paper and throws it into the potion. David glows for a second.)", "David: What were witches talking about?", "Chris: Uh, Paige, and what she looks for in men.", "David: Paige. She wants a man who she can openly practice magic around. One she won't feel suppressed by.", "Chris: Good, very good. And what about Phoebe?", "(He writes something else down and throws it in the potion.)", "David: Phoebe. She wants the same thing. Plus, she wants him to be available to live near her heart, that's what she wants.", "Chris: This potion packs a hell of a punch, doesn't it? Of course, in order for them to be with the perfect man, is if they're happy with each other first. (He writes something else down.) And the only way they can be happy with each other first is agreeing to bind Wyatt's powers. (He throws the paper into the potion. David glows.) Pheromones. Ah, what the hell.", "(Chris pours in some pheromones.)", "[Cut to the dining room. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there.]", "Piper: This is my son we're talking about.", "Phoebe: Piper, you're not listening to reason.", "Piper: Phoebe, his life is in jeopardy and binding his powers may be the only way to save him.", "Phoebe: That's all that saved him. Paige, please help me.", "Paige: Well, I think that... ow.", "(David walks in.)", "David: Oh, here, allow me. (David starts massaging Paige's shoulders.) Just relax, okay? You keep all the tention in your shoulders.", "Paige: You're right. I love your cologne.", "Piper: Hey, that's my birthday present.", "David: All day and all night.", "(Chris walks in.)", "Phoebe: Hey, what's going on? I thought you were gonna keep him occupied.", "Chris: I was, but then I figured I had to break the impasse between you three, so.", "Phoebe: Really? How?", "Chris: Uh...", "(Chris pulls David away from Paige.)", "Paige: Hey.", "(David stands behind Phoebe and starts massaging her neck.)", "Phoebe: Oh.", "David: Don't worry, I'm hear for you, Phoebe. Not off taking care of business in some far away land.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I like the sound of that.", "Chris: So what do we think about binding Wyatt's powers?", "(The front door opens and Darryl and Sheila walk in carrying presents.)", "Darryl: Knock, knock.", "Sheila: Surprise!", "(Darryl picks up a crystal sitting near the front door.)", "Darryl: Do you guys need this? I found it by the door.", "(Phoebe gets up.)", "Phoebe: Yes, we need it by the door. (She takes the crystal off of Darryl.) Don't touch our crystals.", "Paige: At least we know it's really Darryl.", "(Phoebe puts the crystal back in front of the door. David stands behind Piper and starts massaging her shoulders.)", "Darryl: Hey.", "Sheila: Ah, and who's he?", "Piper: Oh, ah, this is David.", "David: Hi.", "Chris: Actually, guys, the dinner's been cancelled. Sorry.", "David: Why? The girls still want to party, don't you?", "Paige: Yeah!", "Phoebe: Woo hoo!", "Chris: But the dinner hasn't been made.", "Paige: Oh, I can fix that. \"On Piper's day set this table, with all the favours you're able.\" (Food and plates appear on the table, along with champagne glasses, candles and a cake. Decorations appear on the ceiling above.) Ah, not bad, huh?", "Chris: No, no, this isn't right, this isn't what they want.", "David: Hey, if it makes them happy, it's what they want. Come on, have a seat.", "Chris: What about Wyatt? Anyone?", "(Everyone sits down.)", "[Cut to Wyatt's room. Three Order demons shimmer in. They see Wyatt's empty crib.]", "Order Demon: The child, he's gone.", "Order Demon #2: Can you sense him?", "Head Demon: No, but they won't keep him away for long. We'll wait.", "(The demons vanish into the wall.)", "[Cut to the dining room. Everyone is eating.]", "Sheila: So, how long have you known the girls?", "David: Fourteen, fifteen hours, I guess.", "Darryl: Did you say hours?", "David: Mm-hm.", "Paige: Oh, yeah, I made him. Magically.", "Phoebe: Actually, we both made him.", "Piper: For my birthday.", "Darryl: Hell of a gift.", "Phoebe: Yeah, we just wanted to remind Piper the importance of love.", "Sheila: Love?", "David: Spiritual, emotional, deep in your heart love. The kind you should never ever stop searching for, Piper.", "Piper: I know, you're right, I know.", "David: You're going to have it too. I promise... your normal life.", "Phoebe: Psst. (David turns to Phoebe. In her eyes he's wearing a suit.) What about me?", "David: You shouldn't have to hide your secret anymore. I understand you.", "Phoebe: I know you do.", "Paige: What about my dinner?", "(He turns to Paige and in her eyes he's wearing a leather jacket.)", "David: Magical, Paige. Just the way I like it. (He eats a pea.) Mmm.", "Paige: They're really good peas.", "Chris: Excuse me. Wyatt, anyone?", "David: Later.", "(David takes Paige's hand and she sits on his lap.)", "Darryl: (to Chris) Is this some kind of demonic thing?", "Chris: No, it's some sort of messed up thing.", "Sheila: Maybe we should go.", "Chris: Good idea.", "(Darryl and Sheila get up.)", "Piper: Hey, y'all need to make your own present. Hey. (She pulls Paige off of David.) Off of the lap! (Paige grabs a handful of food and throws it at Piper. Piper stands up. Paige grabs the birthday cake and throws it at Piper. Piper freezes it in mid-air.) Oh, I see. We're gonna play with cake now.", "(Piper grabs the cake out of the air and throws it towards Paige.)", "Paige: Cake!", "(The cake orbs out and orbs back in heading straight for Phoebe. It hits her right in the face. Piper laughs.)", "David: Girls, girls! Come on, there's plenty of me to go around.", "(The girls start throwing food at each other.)", "Darryl: Thanks for dinner.", "Sheila: Happy birthday.", "(Darryl and Sheila leave.)", "Chris: (to David) How the hell are you making that happen? Now they're fighting! Get them to bind Wyatt's powers now!", "[Cut to the attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Chris and David walk in.]", "Phoebe: Are you sure about this?", "David: What you want more than anything is to get along. And this will help you do that.", "Paige: Um, I'm pretty sure what we want more than anything is, um, a good dry cleaner.", "Chris: Leo!", "(Leo orbs in with Wyatt. He puts him in the playpen.)", "Leo: What happened?", "Chris: You don't wanna know.", "Piper: We're binding Wyatt's powers.", "Leo: What?", "(The three Order demons appear.)", "Piper: We already decided.", "Leo: You can't be serious.", "(The head demon shines the wand in Wyatt's eyes. Wyatt's eyes glow and his shield pops up. The shield hits Leo which sends him flying across the room, knocking over the girls and Chris. The Order demons walk into the shield.)", "Order Demon: He's one of us now.", "(They shimmer out with Wyatt.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are moving towards Chris.]", "Chris: Listen to me, what are you doing?", "Phoebe: The pheromones wore off.", "Piper: Right after they took my son.", "Chris: You don't seriously believe this is my fault, do you?", "Paige: Oh, right, so it's just a big coincidence we all fell under Mr. Right's spell?", "Phoebe: And suddenly we all want to bind Wyatt's powers?", "David: You see, Chris, what they really want is for you...", "Paige: For you to leave.", "David: I knew that.", "Chris: This is crazy. Leo, tell them.", "Leo: Tell them what? I'm wondering the same thing myself.", "Chris: Okay, so what if I did? I was only trying to protect Wyatt.", "Piper: By tricking us?", "Chris: I had to.", "Phoebe: Why?", "Chris: Because the only reason I came here was to keep Wyatt from turning evil.", "Leo: Turning evil?", "Paige: Wait, don't you mean stopping evil from hurting him?", "Chris: I didn't think you'd help me if you knew the truth. I knew you wouldn't. The evil from the future I came back to stop isn't a demon. It's Wyatt.", "Piper: You're lying.", "Chris: No, I'm not. He's gonna grow up and terrorise people with his powers, take over. Kill even.", "Leo: Why should we believe you after all the lies?", "Chris: Because you have to.", "Piper: No, Chris, we don't, actually.", "Chris: Fine, then don't. Either way, we need to save Wyatt now and I'm the one who knows how to do it.", "Phoebe: Really? How?", "Chris: The Order. They used their powers to turn him, to reverse his morality. See, he thinks bad is good now, and good is bad. That's why his shield repelled you.", "Leo: So?", "Chris: So Wyatt brings his shield up around me. He thinks I'm a threat.", "Piper: Yeah, so do I.", "Chris: Listen to me, they reversed his sense of morality. That means his shield will protect him from you but not from me. Please, I'm the only one who can save him. Let me help.", "Piper: Chris, we don't need your help. I will get my son back, and when I do, I don't wanna see you anymore.", "Chris: I'm sorry.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "[Scene: The Order demons are there, chanting. The head Order demon is holding Wyatt above an altar.]", "Head Demon: Behold. He has returned to us. To his rightful place, (Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in) who one day lead us back to... (The girls attack the demons. Piper blows some up. The head demon sits Wyatt down. Piper goes over to them and Wyatt puts up his shield, knocking Piper backwards.) He protects me now, not you.", "(He creates a fireball. Chris orbs in and jumps on the head demon. The head demon is vanquished by his own fireball. The rest of the Order demons shimmer out.)", "Chris: Pick up the scepter and point it at Wyatt. (Piper picks it up.) Trust me.", "(She points it at Wyatt and Wyatt's shield vanishes. Piper picks him up.)", "Paige: How come he didn't raise his shield back up for you?", "Chris: I don't know. Looks like he trusts me now at least.", "[Scene: Golden Gate Bridge. Chris is sitting at the top. Leo orbs in beside him.]", "Leo: Good place to think, isn't it?", "Chris: What do you want?", "Leo: Just to talk. You know, trust, Chris, is a precious commodity. Once you lose it, it's pretty hard to get it back.", "Chris: What, did you read that out of a fortune cookie?", "Leo: Don't be a smart ass, it doesn't help your cause.", "Chris: My cause? Pretty much screwed that up, don't you think.", "Leo: I don't know.", "Chris: What, you're saying you still trust me?", "Leo: It's not my trust that matters, it's the sisters.", "Chris: I know. So what do I do?", "Leo: Just be straight to them, that's all. Don't manipulate them. Even if it is for the right reason. And for what it's worth, yes, I do trust you. After all, you saved my son from turning evil, didn't you.", "Chris: For now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Stairs. David is sitting on the stairs. Piper walks over to him.]", "Piper: Hi. I was just coming up to find you.", "David: I know.", "Piper: Yeah, see, that's still kind of weird to me.", "David: I know that too.", "Piper: Listen, thanks for cleaning up the mess. You really are a perfect guy.", "David: My pleasure. Well... (He stands up and moves closer to her.) I already said goodbye to your sisters. Now it's your turn.", "Piper: I feel like I should apologise or something.", "David: Why? I'm okay with what's about to happen. Really. I was made that way.", "Piper: Weird.", "David: Did you at least have a good birthday?", "Piper: Um, it was interesting to say the least.", "David: You can't live without love, Piper, we both know that. That's all your sisters were trying to tell you. (The grandfather clock chimes.) Don't ever stop dreaming about me, and never stop looking for love. (They kiss.) Happy birthday, Piper.", "(He vanishes.)", "[Cut to Wyatt's room. Piper tucks Wyatt in his crib.]", "Piper: You go to sleep.", "(Piper walks over to the dresser and opens her present from Leo. She pulls out a charm bracelet and smiles. The card reads \"Happy birthday Piper, Always Leo\".)" ]
Prince Charmed
[ "The three sisters are railing at the complications and deleterious impact magic has on their lives when a portal opens in the middle of their stairway landing. An Elder named Gideon, Leo's old mentor at Magic School, calls upon Piper, Phoebe, and Paige to find out who cast the spell of darkness upon the school and conjured up the Headless Horseman, who has been beheading the teachers. While Piper and Paige tackle a group of surly teenagers, Piper becomes the horseman's next victim and become a functioning head on a table. Meanwhile, Phoebe is sent on a vision quest by a student Enola, who is a young shaman, and gets a glimpse into the demon free future, where she discovers she will have a child and she sees an older Wyatt and a brunette boy. Piper refers to the brunette as Wyatt's little brother. The little boy asks her for help and the vision ends and she sees Chris asking the same question which gives her a revelation. Questioning whether such a future is even possible, she is told she must be herself and accept her bad with the good about who she is and then it can happen-the advice the three sisters give the youth terrorizing the teaching staff. It is revealed that Zachary, a desperately unhappy telepath, is behind the attacks by using his power to tap into others powers. The sisters vanquish the Headless Horseman and convince Zachary to stop. Later at P3, Phoebe confronts Chris about who he really is and asks is he is really Wyatt's brother and thus Piper and Leo's son. For once Chris doesn't lie and confirms this,but only if he can get Piper and Leo back together in time." ]
[ "[Scene: A day care centre. Children and their parents are there playing games and having fun. Wyatt is sitting in the corner of the room all by himself. Piper is near by talking to a woman.]", "Woman: All I'm saying is that you're way behind with little Wyatt. You really should have applied before this.", "Piper: Yeah, well, you know, he's not even a year old yet.", "Woman: So? I had my Jake signed up for \"Mommy and Me\" when I was still pregnant with him.", "Piper: Really? You can do that?", "Woman: Oh, absolutely. In fact, I'm surprised that they let you sign up this late because everybody wants to get in here because it gets you into Adlebery pre-school which is a feeder for Hoskins Elementary, and Bentley Middle School. (She looks over at Wyatt.) Doesn't have any siblings, does he?", "Piper: Uh, no. How did you know?", "Woman: Because he doesn't play well with others. Oh, don't worry about it, it's a common problem among only children. All the more reason to start developing their social skills early. First things pre-schools look for, you know.", "Piper: Yeah, well, that's why we're here. (Phoebe and Paige walk in.) Excuse me. (Piper goes over to them.) Hi, thanks for coming.", "Phoebe: Oh, of course, you know, anything for our little nephew. What exactly are we doing for our little nephew?", "Piper: Showing family support. They look for that, especially when the father's not around a lot.", "Phoebe: What are you talking about? Leo's around all the time.", "Piper: Yeah, for Wyatt, but he won't be for the school, he can't be. (Piper dials a number on her cell phone.) What are you doing? Put that thing down.", "Paige: I'm trying to get a hold of Richard, I can't find him.", "Piper: Yeah, well, you've been trying to call Richard for the last couple of days, maybe you should give it a rest.", "Paige: I know, but I'm just afraid he's off on some magical freak out or something, you know, and I just wanna be able to help him.", "Phoebe: Maybe he just needs a little time alone.", "Paige: It just makes me question whether or not I can even save an innocent if I can't save my boyfriend. No offence.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, don't worry about it, I'm over it.", "Paige: Jason?", "Phoebe: Yeah, when you get to be my age, you can't spend the time crying over spilled milk, you know?", "Paige: Your age?", "Phoebe: Yeah, the whole biological clock thing. It's very real and it's echoing. Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick.", "Piper: Okay, neurotic people, can we get back to my neurosis right now, please?", "Phoebe: Sure. Which one were we talking about?", "Piper: The one where I'm a rotten mother who's raising an anti-social child.", "Paige: Oh, that is ridiculous, and not true.", "(Paige dials a number on her phone.)", "Piper: Is it? He doesn't have any friends, Phoebe. You and I had each other when we were growing up, but he doesn't have anybody, he's all alone.", "Paige: Hey, I was all alone.", "Piper: Yeah, but you didn't know you had powers, so it was safe for you to have friends. Your mother didn't have to worry about if you were gonna orb out during a play date or something.", "Phoebe: Piper, do you think you're overreacting a little?", "(Wyatt orbs out.)", "Piper: No.", "[Cut to the manor. Wyatt is standing at the bottom of the stairs. He watches a door appear in the wall halfway up the stairs. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in.]", "Piper: You can not keep doing this, sweetie, really.", "(Phoebe picks Wyatt up. Paige notices the door.)", "Paige: Oh, guys?", "Phoebe: Oh, what the... Oh, this is not good.", "Voice: (behind door) Help!", "Piper: Orb him out of here. Go.", "(Phoebe hands Wyatt to Paige and she orbs out. The door opens and a bald man with glasses, and wearing a black robe walks out.)", "Man: Oh, thank god you're home.", "(Suddenly, the headless horseman appears behind the man and slices off his head with a long sword. The door slams shut.)", "Piper: What the hell was that?", "(They see the man's head on the stairs.)", "Man: That was the headless horseman.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe places the man's head on a table. She straightens his glasses.]", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Man: You're very kind.", "Phoebe: Yeah, can I just ask you one question? How are you still talking?", "Man: Yes, well, fair question. Uh, fortunately the rest of me is still at magic school, otherwise I'd be...", "Piper: I'm sorry, magic school?", "Man: Yes, that's right. Anyway, as I was saying, uh, as long as my body remains on grounds, I can't, uh, well, you know, die. It's all part of the magic thankfully.", "Piper: Like the doorway in the middle of my stairway.", "Man: Sorry, I didn't know where else to put it, it's the only way in or out of the school, I had to reach you somehow.", "Phoebe: Do you have a name?", "Man: Sigmund. But I'm afraid we don't have much time for pleasantries. I really need to get you back before he strikes again.", "Piper: The headless horseman.", "Sigmund: Right.", "Piper: Fabulous. (Paige and Leo orb in.) Where's Wyatt?", "Paige: He's upstairs in his room. I thought I should bring Le... Oh my god, and apparently I was right.", "Sigmund: Leo! Oh, so good to see you again.", "Leo: Sigmund, what happened?", "Phoebe: Wait, you guys know each other?", "Sigmund: Gideon sent me for your help, all your help.", "Paige: Gideon. Who's Gideon? And who are you?", "Piper: Alright, all you people with legs follow me.", "Phoebe: (to Sigmund) You wait here.", "Sigmund: Hurry.", "(Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo walk away from Sigmund.)", "Piper: Just so you know, this is what's keeping your son from developing social skills.", "Paige: And me from helping Richard.", "Phoebe: And me from helping... me.", "Leo: What?", "Piper: I'm talking about our lives. We can't just drop what we're doing every time someone's head comes rolling down the stairs.", "Leo: I don't believe you're saying this. You don't understand, this isn't supposed to happen. Magic school is supposed to be protected from evil. It's the only way Gideon can teach magic to the next generation, Wyatt's generation.", "Piper: I think Wyatt is more concerned with nursery school right now then magic school.", "Leo: Are you sure? Paige said he orbed back in front of the door. He was drawn to it.", "Phoebe: Okay, you know what? I think we should help the magic school, because we can't just keep that head on our foyer table, you know? What is it, a centre-piece?", "Piper: Okay, fine, but we can't take Wyatt, sorry.", "Leo: Alright, I'll get Chris to watch him.", "Piper: What? After everything he's done? No, I don't think so.", "Leo: He was just trying to protect Wyatt.", "Paige: Oh, please.", "Leo: Look, I think his intentions are good. He deserves another chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Stairs. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo open the door to the magic school and walk in. Piper is carrying a pillow case. They see Sigmond's body laying on the floor. Piper looks inside the pillow case.]", "Piper: Um, are you sure you can breathe in there alright?", "Sigmund: Yes, I... (The door slams shut.) We must move quickly.", "Piper: Alright.", "Sigmund: Just step around it, someone will be along for it shortly.", "(They look around and see a very, very long hallway.)", "Paige: Wow, impressive.", "Piper: How long is this hallway?", "Sigmund: No one really knows. It's endless.", "Piper: Great.", "Paige: So how are we gonna find this dude Gideon, anyway?", "Leo: He's not a dude, he's an Elder, my old mentor, actually.", "Piper: Really? You've never mentioned him before.", "Leo: We met a long time ago when I first became a Whitelighter. He helped me out, took me under his wing. He actually fought for us to get married, to break the rules.", "Piper: Really?", "(A wolf appears behind them. Phoebe looks around.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I don't want to freak anybody out but there is a wolf following us.", "Paige: What?", "(They look behind them and see nothing.)", "Phoebe: There was a wolf following us, I swear.", "Sigmund: Not everyone sees the same things here, Phoebe, only what they're meant to see.", "Phoebe: Who you got in there, Confucius? (A student levitates past while reading a book.) Okay, you all saw that, right?", "Sigmund: Eleventh grade levitation. She's late. We should keep moving, the great hall is just ahead.", "(They walk further down the hallway and reach a large wooden door. It opens up and they walk inside the room.)", "Gideon's Voice: Leo, good, thanks for coming. Although I do wish it was under better circumstances.", "Leo: Gideon.", "Gideon's Voice: And the Charmed Ones. Lovely to see you again. Although you probably don't remember meeting me, you were just little girls.", "Piper: Leo.", "(Piper hands Leo Sigmund's head in the pillow case.)", "Leo: Gideon, I do believe your invisibility shield is still up.", "(Gideon becomes visible as he pulls off his hood.)", "Gideon: I'm sorry, I'm just a little distracted with everything that's been going on around here.", "Piper: Yes, we heard.", "(Leo puts Sigmund's head on a table.)", "Gideon: Sigmund, oh, I'm so sorry.", "Sigmund: It's alright, sir. It didn't stop me from delivering the message now, did it?", "Phoebe: Okay, would somebody please tell me what's going on here?", "Gideon: Always were a restless one, just like your Grams. Well, it all started innocently enough actually. Pranks really. Setting rats loose from the Pied Piper, turning the north dawn into a gingerbread house. Kids.", "Leo: And then...", "Gideon: And then someone cast a spell that brought forth the darkness, and days became nights, nights became terror, and the headless horseman has roamed the campus ever since, targeting teachers.", "Sigmund: Forgive me, sir. Perhaps you'd like to orb me over to the other heads.", "Gideon: Right. Good thinking.", "Sigmund: Nice to meet you.", "Phoebe: You too, dude.", "(Gideon orbs Sigmund's head out of the room.)", "Paige: So what you're saying is somebody's trying to shut down the school by cutting off teacher's heads.", "Gideon: What else would it be? What better way for evil to gain an upper hand than to fought the next generation.", "Piper: Isn't it as simple as finding who conjured the horseman and reversing the magic?", "Gideon: Yes, except that no student possesses that level of magic, at least they're not supposed to. That's why I believe that a demon from the outside has somehow corrupted one of them into doing his bidding.", "Paige: So you find the student, you find the evil, right?", "Gideon: True, except you find much more than that here, Paige. The answers you each seek can be found within these grounds. You merely have to be open to them. Teaching will help you find the student in question, but it will also remind you of what you fear you have lost. Investigating our nursery school will help you with your worries over Wyatt. (to Phoebe) And if you follow the wolf, she will lead you where you want to go, but be careful. The deeper you look, the more you will discover and the better chance you will have of saving all this.", "(Gideon walks away and vanishes.)", "[Time lapse. Paige and a female teacher are walking down a hallway. They are both wearing long black coats.]", "Paige: Who does he think he is? Obi-Wan Kenobi? How could I be afraid of losing something if I don't know what I've lost.", "Teacher: Maybe that's why he wants you to take over Sigmund's class, so you can remember.", "Paige: Remember what?", "Teacher: Your gift perhaps. Now, whatever you do be strong, don't let them intimidate you. This may be advanced magic but they're still just kids.", "(She pushes Paige into the room. Inside the room are a bunch of teenagers laughing at another teenager who is floating up in the air. He is kicking his legs around, trying to get down. Paige closes the door and the teenagers turn around.)", "Boy #1: Help! Stop it!", "Paige: Oh my gosh. (They boy falls to the floor. Paige rushes to his side.) Are you okay?", "(He pulls away.)", "Boy #1: I'm fine.", "Boy #2: Telepathy isn't the coolest power now, is it, Zac? No.", "Paige: Did you do that? Excuse me, I'm talking to you.", "Boy #2: Yeah, so what if I did?", "Paige: What's your name?", "Boy #2: Quentin.", "(The class giggles.)", "Paige: What's so funny?", "(A boy walks in, identical to Boy #2.)", "Boy #3: What? Thanks a lot, Slick, get me in trouble why don't you.", "(Boy #2 shapeshifts into a different boy.)", "Slick: What's the matter, teach? You seem a little outta sorts.", "Paige: Me? No, I'm perfectly fine. (Another boy waves his hand and an apple appears in Paige's hand.) Thank you. You're a conjurer.", "Slick: Yeah. And I'd watch your pretty little neck if I was you.", "[Cut to a hallway. Phoebe is there creeping down the hallway.]", "Phoebe: Here wolfy, wolfy, wolfy, wolfy. Come on. I know you're here somewhere. Here wolfy, wolfy, wolfy, wolfy. (The wolf appears and growls.) Oh, hi, hi, sweet wolfy. Okay, you don't have to attack me because Gideon sent me. (The wolf runs off.) Where are you going?", "(She chases after it.)", "[Cut to a cave. A small fire burns in the centre of the cave. The wolf stands beside the fire. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Come on. (The wolf bursts into flames and turns into a woman.) Neat trick. Can you shapeshift into the headless horseman as well?", "Woman: I'm a shaman, not a shapeshifter. The wolf is merely a projection of your quest, a symbol.", "Phoebe: Fascinating. You didn't answer my question.", "Shaman: Do you really think I lured you out here just to kill you, Phoebe? You have the power of premonition, but it's unreliable. Especially lately. I can help you see your future more clearly. If you're willing to take the risk.", "[Cut to nursery school. Piper and Leo are there watching little kids playing together with magic.]", "Piper: I don't know what the hell Gideon was talking about, 'cause this is certainly not what I'm looking for.", "Leo: Still, Wyatt doesn't have to hide his powers. Plus, he's not gonna be all alone.", "Piper: No, he'll be surrounded by all the other freaks.", "Leo: They're not freaks.", "Piper: You know what I mean. I just want Wyatt to have a normal up bringing. At least as normal as possible. Is that too much to ask for?", "Leo: I don't know. Maybe.", "Piper: Well, we're not shopping for preschools, we're shopping for head hunters. So where is...", "(A teacher walks in with a little girl.)", "Teacher: Sorry, a little emergency. Go ahead. (The girl joins the other kids.) Now, where were we?", "Piper: You were telling us about your near miss with the headless...", "Teacher: Shhh. Don't want to scare the little ones. They may have powers but they're still innocent.", "Leo: How'd you get away?", "Teacher: I astral projected. Confused him, I guess, by creating two of me, thank god.", "Piper: Um, are you suggesting that one of these kids might be...", "Teacher: Involved? Oh, dear, no, no, never.", "Leo: Why would you be a target?", "Teacher: These children are the cradle of good magic, its entire future. Without proper guidance, nurturing, they can easily be turned.", "Piper: Evil?", "Teacher: Yeah.", "(They hear a siren.)", "Leo: What's that?", "[Cut to the great hall. Students are running around the place. Piper, Leo and Gideon run in.]", "Leo: Anybody hurt?", "Gideon: Not yet.", "(Paige runs in.)", "Paige: You guys okay?", "Gideon: Paige, you're a teacher now, you need to be careful.", "Leo: Come on, I'll take you back.", "Piper: Wait.", "(The headless horseman appears behind Piper.)", "Paige: Piper!", "(Piper turns around and the headless horseman slices off her head with his sword. Her head drops to the floor. The headless horseman disappears.)", "Piper: Great. Just great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Paige and Leo are there. Leo places Piper's head on top of a cabinet.]", "Piper: Ow. Easy, easy. Ow, easy, watch the hair.", "Leo: Sorry.", "Paige: You doing okay up there, honey?", "Piper: Actually, I feel a little woozy.", "Leo: Well, maybe it's because we have you up to high. Are you sure you don't want me to move you down lower?", "Piper: No, I don't Wyatt to see me like this, he will freak out.", "Paige: Well, you know, on the plus side, this is a great way for Wyatt to get out and socialise.", "Piper: If I had legs I would kick you. (She looks at a spiky plant sitting beside her head.) Could you move this for me, please? (Leo points to it.) Yeah.", "(Leo takes the plant off of the cabinet.)", "Paige: You know, maybe I should just go upstairs and check the book and see if there's a spell that can fix us.", "Piper: Or we can find the little child that conjured the horseman and vanquish it.", "Leo: You think that would reverse the spell?", "Piper: I'm hoping.", "Paige: Yeah, I keep getting this weird feeling that it's one of the students in my class.", "Leo: Why?", "Paige: Because who better to turn than one of the most powerful kids there.", "Leo: What do you suggest?", "Paige: I think we should bring them here.", "Piper: What?", "Paige: Yeah, if we get them away from the school, they can't conjure the horseman. That way we keep them here long enough to figure out who it is.", "Leo: I say it's not a bad idea since you're targets now.", "Piper: Uh-oh. Phoebe.", "Leo: I'll go get her.", "Piper: No. I do not want Wyatt to have two headless parents. Send Chris.", "[Cut to Wyatt's room. Chris and a robed man are there. The robed man is standing over Wyatt's crib with a bright light pouring out of his hands. Paige and Leo walk into the room. The robed man shimmers out.]", "Leo: What the hell is going on?", "Chris: Wait, I can explain.", "(Leo rushes over to Wyatt.)", "Leo: Are you okay, buddy?", "Paige: What was he doing?", "Chris: Nothing. I mean, nothing bad, I swear.", "Paige: Nothing bad? He's a demon.", "Chris: But he wasn't hurting him, I promise. Wyatt's shield wasn't even up.", "Leo: I trusted you, I vouched for you.", "Chris: Look, just let me explain.", "Leo: Get out of here.", "Chris: Paige, please.", "Leo: Now!", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Paige: Is he okay?", "Leo: Yeah, I think so. Listen, I'm gonna take him up there where it's safe. Do you mind...", "Paige: Getting Phoebe? No, not at all. I just hope there's all of her to get.", "(Leo picks up Wyatt.)", "[Scene: Cave. Phoebe and the shaman are there.]", "Phoebe: So if you're so innocent, why are you hiding out?", "Shaman: I'm protecting myself.", "Phoebe: From what? You're a student. The bad guys are only after the teachers, right?", "Shaman: I'm not protecting my body, I'm protecting my powers. I sensed someone trying to invade mine, to use them for themselves.", "Phoebe: How do I know you're telling the truth?", "Shaman: You're an empath, you tell me.", "Phoebe: I can't tell.", "Shaman: It's because you're conflicted, questioning your own magic, your very future. It's affecting your powers.", "Phoebe: I'm not questioning my future. Okay, maybe just a little bit. But how do you know that?", "Shaman: The wolf is a pack handle, but constantly searching for something she craves. (She dips a cup into a pot and stands up.) But cannot find. Seeing it means you're searching too. Drink this, take the vision quest. There you will find the answers we both seek.", "Phoebe: I'm not drinking that.", "Shaman: No? Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.", "(Phoebe drinks from the cup. She has a vision. In the vision, Phoebe walks down the manor stairs. A demon appears and throws a fireball. She ducks and throws him across the room. Another demon appears and grabs her from behind. She flips him over and he disappears. Another demon falls from the roof and pulls Phoebe to the floor as he lands. The vision ends and Phoebe falls to the ground of the cave.)", "Phoebe: Ow! (Phoebe looks at a cut on her shoulder.) You didn't tell me I could get hurt on this vision quest.", "Shaman: You didn't ask. The vision is of your future, Phoebe, it's no less real than anything else.", "Phoebe: And no less dangerous. Great. More demons in my future, it's exactly what I wanted.", "Shaman: But are there anymore beyond the light? That's what you really wanna see, isn't it?", "(Paige orbs in.)", "Paige: There you are, I've been looking all over for you, Pheebs. (Paige sees the cut on Phoebe's shoulder.) Are you okay? What happened? The horseman?", "Phoebe: No, uh, my inner demons, apparently.", "Paige: Well, it's good to see at least you have your head, unlike Piper.", "Phoebe: What?", "Paige: Yeah, the horseman got her. But, you know, she's doing pretty good considering the circumstances. A little grumpier than normal, but hey. Anyway, you really should get out of here before, you know, you get chopped.", "Phoebe: I think I should stay here.", "Paige: Why?", "Phoebe: Because Gideon put me on this path for a reason. And I believe that there are answers here. I'll be okay, and you know where to find me if you need me.", "Paige: Okay, but remember that she's a suspect too.", "(Paige orbs out.)", "Shaman: Ready to try again?", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper's head is still sitting on the cabinet. She hears a door open and voices.]", "Piper: What's that? Who is that?", "(Paige and her class walk out of the magic school door.)", "Paige: Don't worry, it's just me and some of the more unusual suspects.", "Zac: Wait, you think one of us is responsible?", "Slick: What, you didn't know she thought that? What kind of telepath are you, anyway?", "(He pushes him.)", "Zac: Stop picking on me.", "Slick: Yeah? Or what?", "Paige: Alright, guys, knock it off. You're in my house.", "Boy #4: The Halliwell manor. I don't believe it. It's just like in the text.", "Quentin: It looks like my Grandma's house.", "Paige: Alright, alright, move it along, people. Let's go, other room. (Paige closes the door to the magic school. Everyone walks into the conservatory.) Alright, is everybody here?", "Boy #4: Yes, ma'am.", "Quentin: (coughs) Kiss ass.", "(Everyone laughs.)", "Piper: Hey, watch your mouth.", "Boy #4: Whoa, it's Piper Halliwell.", "Slick: Yeah, but only part of her. And not the good part either.", "Paige: Slick.", "Piper: Can it.", "Paige: Okay, here's the deal, people. We know that one of you is behind this. So nobody is going to leave here until we figure out who it is. (They all moan.) So far nobody has gotten killed.", "Piper: Not yet, anyway.", "Paige: So far this has just been a really stupid prank. So please, let's not let it go any further than that.", "Zac: Is Gideon gonna shut down the school?", "Paige: Not unless he's forced to.", "Quentin: Why don't you start with the conjurer?", "Boy #4: Me? What about you, Quinton? You're the Sleepy Hollow buff.", "Zac: Yeah, but Slick's the shapeshifter.", "Slick: Hey, screw you, Zachary.", "Paige: Wait, you guys, just stop it.", "Slick: Seriously, why don't you just admit that you did it.", "(Paige looks around and sees Chris near by.)", "Zac: I would never do anything to harm a Charmed One.", "Slick: You're passing the blame like it's going out of style.", "Paige: (to Piper) I'll be right back.", "Piper: Where are you going?", "(Paige walks into the kitchen where Chris is.)", "Paige: What are you doing here?", "Chris: I need your help.", "Paige: My help? That's rich with what you pulled. Listen, I have enough juvenile delinquents to take care of. Thanks.", "(She turns to leave but Chris stops her.)", "Chris: Hey, please, just hear me out. I'm running out of time.", "Paige: What's that supposed to mean?", "Chris: Exactly that. Don't you see that's the only reason why I went to the demon. He can scan for evil. And maybe figure out who's gonna turn Wyatt since we haven't been able to.", "Paige: Okay, you're not making any sense.", "Chris: Paige, listen to me. I need you to trust me. And I need you to get Piper and Leo to trust me too, before it's too late.", "(They hear the kids scream in the other room.)", "Voice: The headless horseman!", "Piper: Paige!", "(Paige and Chris run into the conservatory.)", "Paige: What happened? (The headless horseman runs around the room swinging his sword. The conservatory doors open and he gallops outside.) Is everyone alright?", "Boy #4: I think so.", "Piper: Head count. No jokes, just do it. (to Chris) What are you doing here?", "Chris: Just trying to help.", "Paige: They're all here.", "(Gideon walks out of the magic school door.)", "Gideon: I heard the alarm. What's this doing open?", "Paige: One of the students must have opened it without my seeing.", "Gideon: And the horseman?", "Chris: Gone. Out those doors.", "Gideon: You have to stop him.", "Paige: Okay, well, we have to figure out...", "Gideon: No, you don't understand. People in the outside aren't protected like we are at school. They'll die.", "Paige: Then we need Phoebe.", "Chris: I'll get her.", "(Chris runs into the magic school.)", "Gideon: But you can't wait for her. You have to go after the horseman now.", "Paige: By myself? No. I can't vanquish him.", "Gideon: You don't have to. All you have to do is lead him back to the school, so that at least nobody will be killed. Don't make your concerns about Richard, make you question yourself. You can do this, I'll help you.", "(He takes her hand and they orb out. Slick starts to walk away.)", "Piper: Ah-ah-ah. Where are you going? (He looks at her.) Don't give me that look. I still got a mouth, I can turn you into a toad.", "[Scene: Alley. Night. Two men are there. One is running away from the other. The one chasing shoots a gun and the man running away drops a bag. The man with the gun stops and searches through the bag. The headless horseman appears and chops off the man's head. Paige and Gideon orb in. The headless horseman runs down the alley. Gideon waves his hand and a door appears. The headless horseman runs into the door and the door disappears.]", "Paige: Well, at least we got him back.", "Gideon: Not soon enough I'm afraid. The death of an innocent means the death of magic school.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Paige and Gideon walk in through the front door.]", "Paige: I don't understand why the horseman targeted him. And why did he pass up so many others along the way?", "Gideon: Granted it could've been a lot worse but it doesn't change my mind.", "Paige: The police said he was a killer, Gideon.", "Gideon: It doesn't make it right.", "Paige: No, it doesn't make it right but you shouldn't shut down the school because of it. We have the horseman contained, now we just need to find...", "Gideon: It's too late. The damage has already been done. When I started this school I made a promise that the magic within would never harm a soul, otherwise...", "(The hear a toad croaking. They look in the conservatory and see a toad sitting on the floor.)", "Paige: Piper, are you okay?", "Piper: Hunky-dory.", "Paige: (to Gideon) You, come with me.", "Piper: Anybody else wanna try me?", "[Cut to the kitchen. Paige and Gideon walk in.]", "Paige: Leo!", "Gideon: What do you want him for?", "Paige: Reinforcements.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: What's going on?", "Paige: You have to talk him out of closing down the magic school.", "Gideon: Someone let the horseman out, Leo. He killed a man.", "Leo: Why?", "Gideon: Why else? To force my hand.", "Paige: If you let whoever's behind this win, all those kids are gonna lose. Is that what you want?", "Gideon: Of course not. But...", "Paige: But what? Big deal, you have one bad apple. Just give us the time to flush him out to save the next generations of magic.", "Gideon: I know. But the rules.", "Paige: Screw the rules. Listen, you are the one who talked me into doing this, you are the one who said I could do it, so don't give up on me now, please. Just let us finish the job that we started. Tell him, Leo.", "Leo: I think you just did.", "[Cut to the conservatory. The toad turns back into Slick.]", "Piper: Next time I give you warts. (The room freezes.) Hey, who did that? Where did you come from? (An arm reaches for Piper's head and grabs her by the hair.) Hey, hey, ow. Paige!", "(By the time Paige, Leo and Gideon run in, Piper's head is gone.)", "Paige: Piper? Oh my god. Piper!", "Gideon: The door's still closed.", "Leo: The kids are frozen.", "Gideon: Piper must have done it.", "Paige: Without hands? I don't think so.", "Leo: Someone from the outside?", "Paige: That's impossible, we got here too fast. It has to be one of them.", "Gideon: The students? No, they don't possess that kind of power. Besides, they're frozen.", "Paige: Then one of them's faking it.", "(They look closely at the kids.)", "[Scene: Cave. Phoebe and the Shaman are there. Phoebe falls to the ground.]", "Phoebe: Ow. Okay, you know what? Enough already.", "Shaman: Every journey requires a sacrifice.", "Phoebe: My whole life is about sacrifice. If that's all my future holds, then I don't wanna see it.", "Shaman: You're fighting it. Don't. Don't use your powers to get through. They're not working very well, anyway. Just let it come to you. Want it more than anything.", "(Phoebe drinks from the cup and has a vision. In the vision she walks down the stairs of the manor. She sees a screen of light in the room. A demon throws a fireball and it flies straight through her. The demon dives for Phoebe but lands right through her. She walks towards the screen of light. Two more demons try to attack her, but she ignores them and they pass right through her. She steps into the screen of light and ends up in the conservatory. Two boys are there. One is playing with a Game Boy. Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Wyatt, let your little brother play with the game too, please.", "Phoebe: Little brother?", "(Paige walks in wearing a long black robe.)", "Paige: Hey, Piper, can you take Phoebe to the doctor instead? I have so many papers to grade. Thank you.", "(She leaves the room.)", "Phoebe: The doctor?", "Piper: Yeah, we need to make sure our little niece is doing okay.", "(Phoebe looks down to see she is pregnant.)", "Little Boy: Aunt Phoebe? We need your help.", "(The vision ends. Chris is there looking at Phoebe.)", "Chris: Phoebe, can you hear me? We need your help. Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Uh, I don't know. Am I?", "Shaman: You tell me. What'd you see?", "Phoebe: Uh, I saw children, and my child. And a life without demons. Is that even possible?", "Shaman: With your powers you know by now what is truth and what is not. Embrace those powers again, embrace your path and it will lead you there.", "Phoebe: You don't know how much you've given me.", "Shaman: You should go. So you can use your powers to help save our school.", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe and Chris walk out of the magic school door.]", "Paige: Oh, Phoebe, I'm so glad to see you, I was worried.", "Chris: What's the matter? Didn't you trust me?", "Leo: Separate subject.", "Phoebe: How's Piper?", "Paige: You're not gonna like it.", "Leo: She's been kidnapped.", "Phoebe, Chris: What?", "Paige: That's the bad news. The good news is that she's here, somewhere.", "Gideon: Well, if one of the students took her, I can't sense which one it is.", "Phoebe: Maybe I can. Thanks to your wolf. (Phoebe walks over to the frozen kids.) I can sense pain, and anger, a lot of anger, wants revenge. Do any of them hate the high school?", "Paige: Honey, they're teenagers, they all hate the school. (Paige points to Boy #4.) But he's a conjurer.", "Phoebe: No, it's not him. (Phoebe turns to Zac.) But who's this guy?", "Paige: A telepath.", "Phoebe: Yeah, he's telepathing a whole lot of rage right now.", "(Zac moves.)", "Zac: Well, look who just solved the case.", "Gideon: Zachary?", "Zac: Surprise.", "(Zac disappears.)", "Chris: What happened? Where'd he go?", "Leo: That wasn't Zachary, that was an astral projection.", "Gideon: He doesn't have that power.", "Paige: No, but a teacher here does. And Herman's a conjurer and Piper can freeze.", "Phoebe: He's using his telepathy to tap into other people's powers.", "Leo: Where's the real Zachary?", "Paige: He's at school with Piper.", "Chris: But why? What does he want with her?", "[Scene: Magic School. Great Hall. Phoebe and Paige walk in. Piper's head is sitting on a table.]", "Paige: You don't think he'll kill her, do you?", "Phoebe: You know what? I have no idea.", "Paige: He's a smart kid. I just hope he's not luring us here.", "(The headless horseman appears and chops off Phoebe and Paige's heads. He disappears.)", "Piper: Mm-hm.", "(Zac walks in.)", "Zac: You made me do this, you know. I didn't have a choice.", "Piper: So, now what are you guys gonna do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Magic School. Great Hall. Piper, Phoebe and Paige's heads are sitting on a table.]", "Piper: So who's bright idea was this anyway?", "Phoebe: We were trying to save you.", "Piper: Yeah, good job on that one.", "Phoebe: And who went and got her head stolen?", "Piper: While you were off contemplating your naval, while you still had one.", "Paige: Guys, we're not getting anywhere arguing.", "Piper: Actually, we're not getting anywhere because we don't have any bodies.", "Phoebe: Okay, look, we said we were sorry.", "Paige: Can we try looking on the bright side? I mean, you know, we're still alive.", "Piper: Yeah, only because Zachary can't kill us in here.", "Paige: I don't think he would if he could, I mean, he practically apologised to us.", "Phoebe: I think she's right, actually, I didn't sense any anger from him, just a lot of sorrow.", "Piper: So what, he did this to us just to get us out of the way? To do what?", "Phoebe: To get revenge on the school.", "Paige: And Gideon.", "[Scene: Manor. Leo and Gideon are there. The kids are still frozen.]", "Gideon: How could I not have seen this? How could I not have sensed his pain? After all these years with him.", "Leo: It's not your fault, Gideon. Even you can't see everything.", "Gideon: I should have seen this. I should have focused more on the boy, then on his magic.", "(Paige walks in through the magic school door.)", "Paige: We have to get the kids out of here now.", "Leo: Why? What's the matter?", "Paige: It's Zachary. He's lost it.", "Gideon: Orb them out up there. I'll try talking to him. (to Leo) Just go. (Leo orbs out with the kids.) You should leave too.", "Paige: Why?", "(Paige shape shifts into Zac.)", "Zac: After all, I came here for you.", "(He waves his arm and Gideon flies across the room.)", "[Cut to the Great Hall.]", "Paige: You think the spell's gonna work?", "Piper: Well, now that we know who conjured the horseman, it should.", "Phoebe: We won't until we summon him. So let's just put our heads together and... You know what I mean, right? (They close their eyes and the headless horseman appears.) Okay, now, now, now.", "Piper, Phoebe, Paige: \"Power of three unite, to end this grisly fright, reverse the rolls and make us whole.\"", "(The headless horseman explodes and disappears. Piper, Phoebe and Paige get their bodies back.)", "Paige: Oh, thank god, it worked. (Phoebe pats her body.) You want me to get you a room?", "Piper: Let's go, let's go, let's go.", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Gideon is laying on the floor with a dagger levitating in front of his neck. Zac is standing in front of him with his arm outstretched.]", "Gideon: Why take it out on others, Zachary? Why not just come after me?", "Zac: Because I want you to suffer, Gideon. Like you made me suffer ever since I got here. I want you to see your precious school destroyed. Bit by bit.", "Gideon: But that doesn't give you the right to kill an innocent.", "Zac: You scolding me now? You gonna give me a demerit? That wasn't supposed to happen. I just wasn't the sisters out of the way. The horseman's only supposed to hurt evil.", "Gideon: Evil? You think teachers are evil?", "Zac: They are when they keep me here against my wishes. They take me away from my family, my home, without even thinking about what I want.", "Gideon: Why didn't you come to me?", "Zac: I did, damn it! Every time I snuck out, every time I got in trouble. But you didn't care, you wouldn't listen.", "Paige: We're listening. (Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in.) It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you.", "Phoebe: We're here to help.", "Gideon: How'd you get out?", "Piper: Magic.", "Paige: See, sometimes it takes us away from our lives as well, a lot more than we'd like it to.", "Piper: But it's who we are whether we like it or not. We can't change that and neither can you.", "Phoebe: You have to accept it.", "Paige: You have to realise this is not worth throwing your life away for. Just let it go. That's it. Easy.", "(The dagger falls to the floor. Piper and Phoebe kneel beside Gideon.)", "Phoebe: You okay?", "Gideon: Yes. I just guess I've been more invisible than I realised over the years.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Piper and Phoebe are sitting at the bar, listening to the band playing. Paige walks up to them.]", "Paige: Hey, guys. Wasn't Ziggy Marley supposed to play here before?", "Piper: Yeah, he had to reschedule. So how's Zachary?", "Paige: He's good. He's at home with his family now, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him back at Magic School someday. I think he, I think he heard us about accepting himself.", "Piper: So then you're not gonna bind his powers?", "Paige: No, he didn't want me to. But he gave me a good idea about maybe doing it for somebody else.", "Phoebe: Richard?", "Paige: Yeah. You know, if he can't handle it, why should he have to? Maybe I can finally help him accept that.", "Phoebe: You're gonna make a really good teacher one day, Paige.", "Paige: Teacher?", "Phoebe: Yes, in Magic School. I saw it with my very own... vision.", "Piper: Yeah, I don't think she's gonna be teaching Wyatt any time soon. Suddenly I'm more concerned about separating him from his family, than raising him as an only child.", "Phoebe: Actually, there might be a day that you don't have to be concerned about that.", "Piper: What do you mean?", "(Phoebe sees Chris across the room.)", "Phoebe: I'm just saying.", "Piper: What are you just saying? (Phoebe walks away.) Excuse me!", "[Cut to the back room. Chris walks in. Phoebe walks in after him.]", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Chris: Hey. So did you come here to kick me out?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, actually, I came here to ask you a question.", "Chris: What?", "Phoebe: I need you to be honest with me. No games, no running away, just the truth.", "Chris: Okay.", "Phoebe: Are you Wyatt's little brother?", "Chris: Only if I can get Piper and Leo back together in time." ]
The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell
[ "Phoebe frees a genie, Jinny ( Saba Homayoon ), from a bottle, only to find that Jinny is a demon that has tricked her into becoming a genie herself. Anxious to get Leo and Piper back together so he can be conceived, Chris uses Phoebe to make his wish come true, but she takes his instructions too literally. When Chris reveals to Paige that he made the wish to make Piper and Leo sleep together, she calls him a pervert, and he reveals to her that Piper and Leo are his parents and that Piper needs to get pregnant within a few weeks or he will perish. Feeling that he is losing Paige, Richard opportunistically covets the genie's magic and steals the bottle so he can wish Paige back into his life. Paige and Richard reconciled to permanent separation, but Richard must drink a power-stripping potion for his own good." ]
[ "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in and goes over to her assistant.]", "Phoebe: Good morning. Any phone calls?", "Assistant: Take your pick. We've got adulterers, cross-dressers, thirty-four year old virgins, and, oh, your nephew.", "Phoebe: Oh, Chris called?", "Assistant: No, Wyatt. Um, actually, I think Piper did the dialling, but. You have another nephew?", "Phoebe: Um, no, uh, but-but, you know, maybe some day I will. You know what I mean? Okay.", "(Phoebe goes into her office and Chris there. She gets a fright.)", "Chris: Phoebe, I need your help.", "Phoebe: I've been calling for you all week. Didn't you hear me?", "Chris: For the first couple of days, yeah. Then I put you on mute.", "Phoebe: You can put me on mute?", "Chris: I had to, I was busy. Now, I need your help.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, and I need yours too, because you come here, you drop this bombshell on me, and you expect me to keep this secret? And I don't even know why I'm keeping the secret.", "Chris: Nobody can find out Piper and Leo are my parents. It can mess with the whole future.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, if you didn't want anybody to know, I don't know why you told me.", "Chris: I told you because you busted me, and I'm glad you did. I have been so focused on protecting Wyatt, I've completely forgotten about me. This month is my conception date.", "Phoebe: Your conception date?", "Chris: That's where I've been. Oracles, fortune tellers, soothsayers they all say the same thing. If mum and dad don't screw, this month I'm screwed.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm just trying to get used to you being my nephew. I never hit on you, did I?", "Chris: What? No.", "Phoebe: Oh, thank god.", "Chris: Can we focus here, please? Mum and dad need to have s*x. Now who's gonna tell them? You or me?", "Phoebe: No, nobody's gonna tell them because we're not gonna reopen those wounds.", "Chris: Okay. So how do we get them back together?", "Phoebe: W-we? There is no we here. We don't. You're the one that split them up. And why did you split them up?", "Chris: Leo had to become an Elder to make room for me as your Whitelighter. It was the only way I could protect Wyatt from turning evil.", "Phoebe: You're unbelievable. I mean, the most kids who are the cause of their parents divorce actually feel guilty. And you're sitting here like it's part of your master plan.", "Chris: I'm sensing some real issues here.", "Phoebe: Oh, you're damn right there are issues. You can't just pop in from the future and play with people's lives because your big brother picked on you.", "Chris: He picked on the world, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I'm not finished. Your parents were happy until you split them up. And now you want my help because you didn't think this all the way through?", "Chris: Feel better?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Chris: Will you help me?", "Phoebe: No. Oh, I don't know.", "Chris: If I'm not conceived in the next couple of weeks, I'll disappear forever. (Chris picks up a letter off Phoebe's desk.) You are willing to help complete strangers. How about family? (Phoebe snatches the letter off Chris and receives a premonition.) What is it? What'd you see?", "Phoebe: A woman being attacked.", "Chris: Where?", "[Scene: Arabia. Cave. Phoebe and Chris are there.]", "Phoebe: Looks like a dig site.", "Chris: A desert in the middle east. Are you sure your scrying wasn't off?", "Phoebe: Maybe Jenny is an archaeologist.", "Chris: Yeah, why would an archaeologist in the middle east send a letter to an advice columnist in San Francisco?", "Phoebe: She said she was with a controlling man.", "Chris: Okay, you're missing my point. What happens if this is a trap? (Chris sees some bones on the ground.) What is that? (He bends down to have a look. A sword flies past above his head. They turn around to see two Arabians standing near the cave entrance. They shout words at Phoebe and Chris and move forward. Phoebe throws a potion at them and they are vanquished.) You think anyone heard them?", "(A ball of light hits Chris in the shoulder and knocks him to the ground. A guy on a flying carpet flies in. He is holding a bottle. Chris uses telekinesis to knock down some trestles in front of the man. He stops suddenly and drops the bottle.)", "Man: No!", "(Phoebe throws a potion which doesn't harm the man but he flies away. Phoebe rushes to Chris's side.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Chris: I'll be fine. Was that a flying carpet?", "Phoebe: What is that?", "(Phoebe goes over to the bottle and picks it up. She wipes off the dirt and pink smoke escapes out of the bottle. Jinny, the Genie appears.)", "Jinny: Thank you for responding to my letter.", "Phoebe: Wait, are you Jinny?", "Jinny: At your service, master.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Conservatory. Phoebe, Leo, Chris and Jinny are there. Leo is healing Chris's shoulder.]", "Jinny: I could heal him, master. Your warrior needs his strength. My last master will be coming back for me.", "Phoebe: I think he's got it under control.", "Jinny: Good idea, save your wishes.", "Leo: Did you get a good look at the demon?", "Phoebe: I did, and when we're done here I'll go up to the Book of Shadows and check it out. I also called Paige to see if she can keep an eye on Jinny for me.", "Chris: Thanks.", "Jinny: There is no need to guard me. Even if I was not bound to serve you I would do it anyway for sparing me from Bosk.", "Phoebe: Bosk?", "Jinny: My last master. He's cruel, even for a demon. And I would know. My bottle has been passed around from demon to demon for centuries.", "Leo: That's terrible.", "Jinny: You can not begin to know. That is why I got a message to Phoebe. I knew if she had my bottle she would wish me free.", "Phoebe: No wishes. I know all about Genies. You're tricksters.", "Leo: Listen, I gotta get back up there. You think you can handle this without Piper?", "Chris: Where is Piper?", "Leo: On a date.", "Chris: On a date in the middle of the day?", "Phoebe: Yeah, Greg works nights.", "Chris: (thinks) Greg, Greg. Greg, the fireman? You mean the one she's insanely sexually attracted to? Doesn't that bother you?", "Leo: No. If it's makes her happy, that's all that matters.", "Chris: Oh, come on! What about all this forbidden lovers, you and me against the world stuff? That just doesn't go away.", "Leo: You know, Chris, it's a little late for male bonding. Especially since I'm petitioning the other Elders to send you back to your time.", "Chris: What?", "Phoebe: Wait, are you serious?", "Jinny: You look tense, master. Neck rub?", "Leo: Even though Chris's intensions are good, his methods have put us all at risk. So, he's going back.", "Chris: You mean abandoning me again.", "Leo: Look, you did your job, you warned us about an evil that was after Wyatt. I think we can handle it from here.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Chris: I've gotta stop him.", "Phoebe: Don't worry, I'll talk to Leo.", "Chris: No, no, not Leo. Greg, the fireman. He's about to sleep with my mum.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Phoebe: I really wish you wouldn't do that.", "(Jinny puts her hands together and blinks. Chris orbs back in.)", "Chris: What just happened?", "Jinny: Your wish is my command, master.", "(They hear the front door close.)", "Paige: Alright, where's the Genie? (Phoebe and Jinny walk into the living room. Paige walks in.) Oh my god, you landed one.", "Phoebe: She's a Genie, not a trout.", "Jinny: You still have two wishes, master. I suggest you save one for Bosk.", "Phoebe: I told you, no wishes. We're gonna do this our way.", "Jinny: But you can not handle him. Nobody can. He has a flying carpet and an army of forty thieves.", "Phoebe: Thirty-eight. I vanquished two.", "Paige: Let me guess. He wanted a crew and a nice ride. Original for a demon's wish, yeah?", "Jinny: Yes. And if Bosk gets me back, he will force me to grant his third wish.", "Paige: What's his third wish?", "(Large diamond earrings appear on Paige's earlobes.)", "Phoebe: Did you do that?", "Jinny: No, but they are lovely. Who conjured them for you?", "Paige: My boyfriend, Richard. He's been showering me with gifts all week.", "Phoebe: I thought you were gonna talk to him about binding his powers?", "Paige: I have but every time I bring it up I just get another present. Luxury problem I know, but still.", "Phoebe: Yeah, not good. Back to the demon. Uh, what was his third wish?", "Jinny: Zanbar.", "Phoebe: Zanbar?", "Paige: What's Zanbar?", "Jinny: The lost city. Before being swallowed up by the desert, it was the seat of power for an evil empire.", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: Phoebe? Will you do something, please? I can't orb.", "(A large diamond bracelet appears on Paige's arm.)", "Paige: Damn him.", "Phoebe: You know, Paige, if he won't listen to you, maybe he'll listen to his family.", "Paige: Most of them are dead. Remember, the feud.", "Jinny: Please, we do not have time for this. If Bosk captures me, Zanbar will rise again from the dust.", "Paige: It's just a city.", "Jinny: A city of magic. Bosk has been using his thieves to search for his former site. If he finds it and wishes it back, there will be no stopping him. That is why you must wish me free, master. If I am not a Genie, it will solve your problems and mine. I beg you.", "Chris: Hey, a little help here, please?", "(Paige's clothes change into a black evening dress.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm losing my mind. Uh, Paige, go to Richard, deal with it so you can help us.", "Paige: Okay.", "(Paige leaves.)", "Phoebe: You, I will help you get your parents back together but it has to be on my terms. Agreed?", "Chris: Agreed.", "Phoebe: Go get Piper, we could use her help. Uh, I wish that he could orb. (Jinny puts her hands together and blinks. Chris orbs out.) And we need to find a vanquishing potion for that demon.", "Jinny: Oh, yes, master.", "Phoebe: Phoebe.", "Jinny: Yes, master Phoebe.", "[Scene: Greg's apartment. Piper and Greg are sitting on the couch, making out. Chris orbs in outside. He knocks on the door.]", "Chris: Piper! Piper!", "Piper: Forget it.", "Chris: I know you're in there. Please open the door now.", "Piper: Just a sec. (Piper gets up and goes over to the door. Chris continues to knock. She opens the door.) Go away.", "Chris: We have an emergency.", "(Greg walks over to the door.)", "Greg: Is there a problem here?", "Chris: Yeah, many problems, many levels. Piper has to come home now.", "Greg: Excuse me? Who are you again?", "Chris: I'm a friend of her husband's.", "Piper: Ex-husband, and he's not really a great friend. Um, it's okay, I got it.", "Greg: Well, I'm here if you need me.", "(They kiss and Greg walks away. Piper goes out into the hallway with Chris and closes the door behind her.)", "Piper: What is this big emergency? Can't it wait and hour or two?", "Chris: No, it can't. There's a demon on the loose, a Genie running a muck, and it took me two wishes to get here.", "Piper: You can't make wishes with Genies.", "Chris: See, we need you. Come on, let's orb.", "(He grabs her hand.)", "Piper: No, no, no. Listen. I am not gonna leave him high and dry again without an explanation. So your demon can wait five minutes.", "(She goes back inside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Arabia. Cave. Bosk is there.]", "Bosk: Open sesame.", "(A door opens in the cave wall. He walks through, going into another cave where there are thieves and treasure.)", "Thieve: What happened?", "Bosk: The Genie was stolen, thanks to your warriors.", "Thieve: They were my two best swordsmen.", "Bosk: Yeah, well swords don't work real well against potions. What the hell are witches doing all the way out here?", "Thieve: We have defences against their type. (The thieve picks up a pendant necklace.) The eye of Aghbar. It protects against witches magic.", "Bosk: I need that Genie. All this work for nothing if we don't get her back.", "Thieve: I'll gather my warriors, all my warriors.", "Bosk: No. No, you and your men, you keep digging. I've got to find out where Zanbar's buried before I wish for its return. I can't risk another demon beating me to the throne.", "Thieve: As you wish.", "[Scene: Richard's House. Paige is there walking through the rooms.]", "Paige: Richard? Richard.", "(Richard suddenly appears behind Paige.)", "Richard: You like your earrings?", "(Paige gets a fright.)", "Paige: Oh, you're materialising now.", "Richard: Yeah. Pretty handy, huh? So, uh, you like your earrings?", "Paige: Yeah, there's a bit of a problem.", "Richard: They're too small? No, they're too big. I can shrink them. Let's see, um...", "Paige: No, that's not the problem. I just, you've given me enough.", "Richard: I'm just trying to make you happy. I want you to know that I care.", "Paige: What would make me really happy is if you just stopped with all the potions and all the magic, just for a while.", "Richard: Didn't we have this conversation?", "Paige: Yeah, but apparently only one of us was listening.", "Richard: No, I was listening. I mean, that's why I'm doing this, to prove that I can handle it. I'm not turning into a dark beast, right?", "Paige: But that's not the point.", "Richard: Most women would thank a guy for that, but you're treating me like a common criminal.", "Paige: Well, I guess I'm not most women.", "Richard: I gotta go. Hope you like the earrings.", "(He walks off.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Jinny are there. Jinny is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Jinny: He was my master once. And him too. And her.", "Phoebe: Boy, you sure got around. How did so many demons get a hold of you, anyway?", "Jinny: Some bought, some stole. I changed town so many times I lost track.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry I can't set you free. But wishing is just too risky right now.", "(Piper and Chris orb in.)", "Piper: Okay, let's go. Greg's not gonna wait forever.", "Chris: Well, then you should dump him.", "Piper: What is that supposed to mean?", "Phoebe: He's just being over protective.", "Piper: I take it you're the Genie.", "Jinny: Jinny.", "Phoebe: Jinny the Genie.", "Piper: Of course. Who's the demon?", "Chris: Uh. (Chris goes over to the Book of Shadows and looks at the page on Bosk.) He's a low level demon with minimal powers. There's a vanquishing potion.", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's what I'm working on.", "Piper: Good. Then you're almost done with me too. Okay, so what you're planning is summon him to us?", "Phoebe: Yeah, that's what I was thinking.", "Chris: What's the rush?", "Piper: Well, not that it's any of your business but Greg's shift starts in a few hours and I won't see him for three days. So I'm gonna go call him and I'd put the Genie back in the bottle just to be safe. No offence, but we've been burned before.", "(Piper leaves the room.)", "Phoebe: Do you mind?", "Jinny: Yes, master.", "(Jinny is sucked into the bottle.)", "Phoebe: I feel so bad.", "Chris: As well you should. If we don't do something soon, I can end up half fireman instead of half Whitelighter.", "Phoebe: Oh, for goodness sake.", "Chris: Look, I'm running out of time here. So what do you say we get to use that Genie to make mum and dad... you know.", "Phoebe: That's vile. And against the rules. I would think you wouldn't want to be conceived that way.", "Chris: Well, beats not being conceived at all.", "Phoebe: Look, I told you I would help you on my terms, okay? So back off.", "Chris: What are your terms?", "Phoebe: Hmm, not really sure yet. But I am done with this potion. As soon as Piper gets back we are ready to go.", "(Bosk comes crashing through the window on his flying carpet, knocking Chris to the floor. Phoebe throws the potion at Bosk but the pendent around his neck blocks it.)", "Bosk: Not this time, witch.", "Phoebe: Jinny, I wish you free!", "(Pink smoke escapes out of the bottle and Jinny appears wearing black clothes.)", "Jinny: Well, it's about time. Who's the master now?", "(Jinny throws a fireball at Bosk and vanquishes him. Piper walks in. Jinny reaches for the bottle.)", "Piper: Chris.", "(Chris holds out his hand and the bottle flies into it. Piper tries to blow Jinny up but Jinny ducks. Jinny jumps on the flying carpet and it flies out the window. Chris gets up.)", "Chris: Where's Phoebe?", "Phoebe's Voice: Here. In here! (Chris looks in the bottle and sees Phoebe dressed in a blue Genie costume.) Hello, master.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Chris are there. Piper is looking in the bottle.]", "Piper: Will you come out of there, please?", "Phoebe: I can't. I don't know how. Try commanding me.", "Piper: Uh, okay. Get the hell outta there.", "Phoebe: No, not you. My master.", "(Piper walks away and Chris looks in the bottle.)", "Chris: You mean me?", "Phoebe: Well, yeah, you did pick up the bottle, didn't you?", "Chris: Alright, get out of the bottle. I command you.", "(Blue smoke rises out of the bottle and Phoebe appears. Piper laughs.)", "Piper: You look ridiculous.", "Phoebe: I feel ridiculous.", "Piper: How am I supposed to get back to Greg now with this?", "Phoebe: Is that all you care about? Would you look at me. I am trapped in pantaloons right now. Where is the mirror? (She walks over to the mirror.) Oh, and why do I always get stuck with the wig?", "Piper: Trust me, you don't. Leo!", "Chris: Have you ever noticed that Leo is the first person you call in your time of need?", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Uh-oh.", "Phoebe: Yeah, right, uh-oh.", "Piper: I still can't believe you made a wish with a Genie. You know better than that.", "Phoebe: I thought she was an innocent. How was I to know that I was gonna unleash a demon.", "(Leo picks up the bottle.)", "Leo: It says so right here.", "Phoebe: Oh, right, right there in Arabic.", "Piper: There's a warning label on the Genie bottle?", "Leo: Yeah. An ancient sorcerer condemned a demon into the bottle for not marrying him. It says whoever tried to free her they have to switch places with her. Missed a big one here, bud.", "Chris: You wanna pin this on me?", "Phoebe: Leo, it's not his fault, it's my fault.", "Piper: How come your empathy thing didn't give her away?", "Phoebe: She tricked me and obviously the book too.", "Chris: Let's just figure out a way to fix this, okay?", "Leo: Well, the only way to fix it is to get the demon to wish Phoebe free, reverse the magic.", "Phoebe: That's what we need to do then.", "Piper: I'll call Paige.", "Phoebe: Yes. I do believe the element of surprise is very important here.", "Chris: You sure? Because we could always take our time with this plan, you know, keep Piper around just a little bit longer.", "Phoebe: Yes, master.", "Chris: Good, I'm glad you agree.", "Phoebe: Actually, I don't agree, but I-I can't... How am I supposed to take charge and take commands all at the same time?", "Leo: Well, you won't have to. Chris is coming back up there with me. The Elders have agreed to send him back to his time.", "Chris: What?", "Phoebe: You don't know what you're doing here, Leo.", "Leo: You don't belong here. And as your Whitelighter he's doing more harm than good.", "Chris: You're so full of it. This isn't about me being a bad Whitelighter, it's about you feeling like I've let you down somehow. So whatever issues you might have with me, I wish you would just get over it already. (Phoebe puts her hands together and blinks.) Leo?", "(Leo laughs.)", "Leo: Of course I forgive you, man. You don't have to yell. All you gotta do is ask.", "Chris: I did?", "Leo: Yeah. And listen, with all that whole going back to the future thing, you know, don't even worry about it because I'll talk to the other Elders and we're gonna work it all out, okay? It's no big deal, okay? Come on, give me a hug.", "(Leo hugs Chris.)", "[Scene: Richard's house. Paige is there talking on the phone.]", "Paige: What do you mean she didn't read the warning label?", "Piper's Voice: I'll explain later. The bottom line is we need you home now.", "Paige: Well, I can't. I'm kind of in the middle of saving Richard right now. (She looks over at Richard's relatives, dead and alive, sitting in the living room.) I'll be right with you. (to Piper) I took Phoebe's advice, I got his family here.", "Piper: I thought most of his relatives are dead.", "Paige: Uh-huh, they are.", "Piper: You're holding a magical intervention with ghosts?", "Paige: Well, I thought about and I realised that one of Richard's problems is that he's got no family here. He's got no support system. So the burden of helping him has kind of fallen on me.", "Piper: Okay, fine. Hey, maybe since you have all those ghosts there, you can get one to help us out when you're done.", "Paige: Help us do what?", "(Richard walks in.)", "Richard: What's going on here?", "Paige: Uh, I'll call you back.", "(Paige hangs up.)", "Richard: What are they doing here?", "Paige: Your family is here because they care about you. They've seen what happens to you when you use magic and I don't want it to happen again.", "Richard: You summoned them?", "Steve: We're here because we want to be here. We need you to listen to us.", "Richard: This is crazy. This is an intervention, right? I'm getting outta here.", "(Richard starts to leave.)", "Paige: Richard, wait.", "Richard: After everything I've done, this is how you thank me? By embarrassing me in front of my family?", "(The spirits disappear.)", "Paige: Look, if you keep doing this, something bad is going to happen, something terrible. I can feel it.", "Steve: She's right, Richard. Our family, they died because of the magic, I can't let yourself end up like that.", "Paige: I can make you a power stripping potion. It'll turn you back into yourself. Just let me help you.", "(Richard disappears.)", "Steve: What do we do now?", "[Scene: Arabia. Cave. Jinny vanquishes one of the thieves.]", "Jinny: Anyone else have a problem taking orders from an ex-Genie?", "Thieve #1: We are at your service, my queen.", "Jinny: Hmm, queen. I like the sound of that. Every queen deserves an empire. Have you found the location of the lost city yet?", "Thieve #1: We believe we've discovered the site.", "Jinny: Very good. Now all I need is that bottle. Gather your best fighters. We're going on a witch hunt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Leo is there writing a letter. Chris walks in.]", "Chris: Hey, Piper says they're ready for those crystals. Genie Phoebe's getting on her last nerves down there. What are you doing?", "Leo: Writing you an apology. I just, I can't seem to get it right.", "Chris: Leo, come on, man, you don't need to do that.", "Leo: No, I know I don't need to but I want to. It feels good to forgive.", "Chris: Yeah, why don't you just hold onto that feeling, okay? We've gotta go help the sisters.", "Leo: Alright, well, in a minute. This is just as important. \"Dear Chris...\"", "Chris: Alright, alright, enough already. You said you're sorry, let's just not go overboard.", "Leo: Okay, but after everything I've put you through, I feel like I owe it to you.", "Chris: Honestly, a letter's not gonna mean a hell of a lot to me. I got plenty of them growing up.", "Leo: I'm sorry.", "Chris: Uh, from my father. He wasn't around much.", "Leo: That's awful. You wanna talk about it?", "Chris: No. What I want for you is to grab the crystals and go downstairs to where Piper is. Do you remember her?", "Leo: Sure. But right now I'm a little more concerned about you. You seem a little stressed.", "Chris: Yeah, you're damn right I'm stressed. I'm concerned about you two. You two need to get back together already. Any chance that's gonna happen?", "Leo: I don't think so. But thanks for caring, man. It means a lot.", "Chris: Wait. You still love her, I know you do. How could you just throw that away?", "Leo: It's a little personal don't you think?", "Chris: More than you know. Look, are you telling me that there is no chance that you and Piper are gonna hook up in let's say, I don't know, the next couple of weeks?", "Leo: Actually, yeah, that's what I'm saying. We've both moved on, and nothing short of a miracle can make that happen.", "[Cut to the conservatory. Piper and Phoebe are there. Piper is writing a spell. Phoebe looks over her shoulder.]", "Phoebe: Uh-uh-uh, the wording's not quite right there. Jinny is an upper-level demon.", "Piper: Hey, I don't need a bossy Genie on my back. I'm giving up a lot to be here. I'll write the vanquishing spell the way I want.", "Phoebe: You should invoke the name of...", "Piper: Do I need to call Chris to shut you up?", "Phoebe: You wouldn't.", "Piper: Keep pushing me. (Paige orbs in.) Back so soon?", "Paige: Yeah, the intervention was a complete train wreck. Richard wouldn't listen to anyone.", "Phoebe: Oh, Paige, I'm so sorry. (Paige laughs.) You're laughing at me? I'm trying to be sympathetic and you're laughing at me.", "Paige: I'm sorry. Maybe I needed a laugh after what I just went through.", "Phoebe: Yeah, it's okay. Is there anything I can do?", "Paige: Yeah, but don't you need to go help Major Nelson?", "(Piper and Paige laugh. Phoebe isn't impressed.)", "Piper: What? It's funny, this is kinda funny.", "Phoebe: Let's just finish the spell, okay?", "Piper: Alright, hey, I want this done just as badly as you do. Did you find us a ghost?", "Paige: Yeah, I got us Richard's dad. He's hanging out in limbo waiting for my call. Why do we need a ghost?", "Piper: Well, once we capture Jinny, he can possess her and force her to wish Phoebe free.", "(Leo and Chris walk in, chuckling. Leo is holding a box.)", "Leo: Here's those crystals you wanted.", "(He puts them on the table.)", "Paige: You guys sure are chummy.", "Leo: Yeah, I had a change of heart. Decided to let bygones be bygones.", "Piper: Really?", "Phoebe: Guys, there's something I have to tell you.", "Chris: Ah, after we talk in the kitchen.", "Phoebe: But...", "Chris: Phoebe. (He holds up the bottle. Phoebe disappears into it.) Now that was cool. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have a little one on one with the help.", "(Chris leaves the room.)", "Piper: What's he hiding now?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Paige: I'll get it.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Leo: You know, Chris is a hell of a guy. You too should give him a chance once in a while.", "[Cut to the foyer. Paige opens the door. Richard stands there.]", "Richard: Hey.", "Paige: Richard. What are you doing here?", "Richard: I, uh, came to apologise.", "(A bunch of roses appears in his arms.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe and Chris are there.]", "Phoebe: You wanna make them do what?", "Chris: We finally got dad in a good mood and mum, she's still sexed up from the fireman. This is the perfect time to hit them with the whammy.", "Phoebe: No, we are not going to make Piper and Leo sleep together, okay? We're gonna do this my way, mister.", "Chris: Master.", "Phoebe: Oh, you know what? Listen to me.", "Chris: I'm sorry, Phoebe, but I'm running out of time here. A guy's gotta survive. I wish for Piper and Leo to sleep together tonight.", "Phoebe: I'm not...", "(Phoebe puts her hands together and blinks. They hear a loud thud come from the other room.)", "Chris: What was that? (Phoebe and Chris rush into the conservatory. They see Piper and Leo fast asleep on the floor.) Oh, no. They're sleeping. You tricked me.", "Phoebe: No, you made me wish for them to sleep together. And they're sleeping together.", "Chris: This is a mess. I've only got one more wish to sort this thing out, so if you don't mind...", "(He holds up the bottle.)", "Phoebe: Oh, no, actually I do mind because Jinny could be here at any moment.", "Chris: You know what? I'll summon you when she does. I command you back into the bottle.", "Phoebe: When I get out this...", "(She disappears into the bottle.)", "[Cut to the foyer.]", "Richard: You're gonna break up with me over some flowers?", "Paige: Look, I'm sorry. It's me or magic. You just have to choose one.", "Richard: You can't give me that kind of choice.", "Paige: I just did.", "Richard: You wanna talk about dependencies, why are you always running off to be with your sisters?", "(They hear a crash in the conservatory.)", "Chris: Ow!", "Paige: Wait here.", "[Cut to the conservatory. Chris is thrown across the room by one of the thieves. He drops the bottle. The thieve pulls out his sword. Paige runs in. Chris stands up.]", "Chris: Mind the bottle, Phoebe's inside.", "(The thieve charges for Chris and they fight. Paige heads for the bottle and another thieve attacks her. She orbs out and orbs back in behind him.)", "Paige: Sword! (His sword orbs into Paige's hand and she stabs him, vanquishing him. Jinny shimmers in and heads for the bottle. Richard walks in and sends her flying across the room. Paige stabs the other thieve with the sword and vanquishes him.) Crystals! (The crystals in the box orbs out.) Circle! (The crystals orb back in making a circle around Jinny.) Got her.", "(Jinny tries to walk but the crystals zap her.)", "Chris: Where's the bottle?", "(They turn around to see Richard holding the bottle.)", "Paige: Richard.", "(Richard disappears with the bottle.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Paige and Jinny are there.]", "Jinny: You think these crystals can hold me?", "(She reaches out and the crystals zap her.)", "Paige: Nope, not for long. That's why we're putting you back in your bottle.", "Jinny: When I form my empire, the first thing I'm gonna do is rid the world of witches.", "Paige: Oh, yeah? Well, when you're back in your bottle, the first thing I'm gonna do is put you in the microwave. Ha ha. How do you like that?", "[Cut to the living room. Piper, Leo and Chris are there. Piper and Leo are asleep next to each other on the couch. Chris covers them with a blanket. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Think she can scare me. They're still asleep? Have you tried smelling salts?", "Chris: It won't work, trust me.", "Paige: What's wrong with them?", "Chris: It's a long story.", "Paige: I don't know, why don't you give me the cliff notes version. Come on, Chris. You and Leo and Phoebe have all been acting weird since before the demon attacked. What is going on?", "Chris: Alright, I made a little wish.", "Paige: You did what?", "Chris: Two little wishes.", "Paige: Oh, great. It's not bad enough I have to worry about Richard, now I have to worry about you too. What did you wish for?", "Chris: For Leo to forgive me, which by the way was an accident.", "Paige: And?", "Chris: For Piper and Leo to sleep together.", "Paige: You! Oh my god, you are sick! What is wrong with you? You're disgusting!", "Chris: No...", "Paige: You are some creepy registered s*x offender from the future.", "Chris: No, no, no...", "Paige: Oh my god, you are so gross.", "Chris: I'm Piper and Leo's son.", "Paige: What?", "Chris: They're my parents. I came back to save my family.", "Paige: You're serious.", "Chris: Yeah. Only now I've gotta save myself. Because if my mum doesn't get pregnant in the next month, there is no me.", "Paige: This is all so wrong. And this has been such a long day.", "Chris: Look, I'm gonna orb over to Richard's, okay, and grab the bottle.", "Paige: No, you can't. He's, uh, he's crazy right now, he might hurt you, okay? I need to strip him of his powers. It's a whole thing.", "Chris: Well, how's that gonna help?", "Paige: Well, he's been corrupted by magic and if I don't strip him of his powers, I might not be able to save him. Who else knows about this?", "Chris: About me? Just Phoebe.", "Paige: Alright, you watch Jinny, I'm gonna go make this potion, okay?", "Chris: Okay.", "[Scene: Richard's house. Richard is there. The bottle is sitting on a table. Phoebe is inside the bottle running from side to side, trying to tip the bottle over.]", "Phoebe: Come on, come on. (The bottle tips over and Phoebe escapes out of the bottle.) Oh, thank god. I thought a demon got me. Why didn't you let me out?", "Richard: I'm not ready for you yet.", "Phoebe: Hey, we're in the black magic vault. Um, is there a phone around because I'd really love to call Paige and just check in.", "Richard: No, you're not. I know I've got a book of wishes around here somewhere.", "(Richard looks through some drawers.)", "Phoebe: Wishes?", "Richard: Yeah. Gotta get the wording right.", "Phoebe: Yeah, maybe you should just wish for sleep because I'm really good at that wish.", "Richard: Look, I just want Paige to accept me the way I am with magic. It's the only way we'll work.", "Phoebe: I don't think magic is the answer to your problems, I think it's the cause of your problems.", "Richard: Got you brainwashed too. I'm gonna have to cast a spell on the entire family. Uh-huh. Here it is. (Paige orbs in.) Paige, I told you. Don't orb in and surprise me.", "Phoebe: He's not himself right now.", "Paige: How come you didn't tell me Chris was my nephew?", "Phoebe: Yeah, maybe we could talk about that later because your boyfriend's about to whoo-whoo!", "Richard: Look, I'm fine, alright? I just need to do some reading. I'll call you when I'm ready.", "Paige: This is for your own good.", "(Paige throws a potion at Richard and he uses telekinesis to send the potion and Paige flying.)", "Phoebe: Paige!", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Jinny is there with her eyes closed and her hands held out in front of herself. The doorbell rings.]", "[Cut to the foyer. Chris answers the door. Greg is standing there.]", "Chris: Aren't you supposed to be at work or something?", "Greg: I'm on a break. I came to surprise Piper.", "Chris: Oh. Little booty call, huh?", "Greg: Is she here?", "Chris: No, sorry, she's sleeping.", "(Chris starts to close the door but Greg stops him.)", "Greg: I don't believe you.", "Chris: Okay, see for yourself. (Greg walks in and looks in the living room. He sees Piper and Leo asleep on the couch. Chris waves his hand and Piper falls closer to Leo, and Leo's hand falls on her shoulder.) Do you want me to tell her you stopped by?", "Greg: Uh, no, that won't be necessary.", "(Greg leaves.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. The flying carpet creeps under the door and flies over to Jinny. The carpet hits the crystal shield and gets zapped. Jinny steps out of the crystal circle.]", "[Cut to the foyer. Chris closes the front door.]", "Chris: Sorry, mum, it's for the best.", "(Chris walks into the living room. Jinny is there holding a fireball.)", "Jinny: Take me to the bottle.", "[Cut to Richard's house. Richard helps Paige up.]", "Richard: Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.", "Paige: It's okay. It's fine.", "Richard: I'll make it up to you.", "Phoebe: No, no, no, not that way.", "Paige: No more wishes.", "Richard: No, no, it's okay. It's not for me. Phoebe, I wish you free. (A blue tornado of wind surrounds Phoebe, rises up and then surrounds Richard. It disappears.) Uh, what is this?", "(Chris orbs in with Jinny.)", "Phoebe: What are you doing here?", "(Jinny throws a fireball at them and they duck. Chris attacks Jinny and she grabs his arm and throws him across the room. Jinny picks up the bottle.)", "Jinny: Genie, I wish the Charmed Ones dead.", "(Richard puts his hands together and nods his head. The girls fall to the floor, dead.)", "Chris: No!", "(Chris runs to their side.)", "Jinny: Now, into the bottle. (Richard is sucked into the bottle.) My condolences.", "(Jinny disappears.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Richard's house. Chris is kneeling beside Phoebe and Paige.]", "Chris: No. You can't be dead yet. It's not your time. I know it's not your time. (Phoebe and Paige's spirits float out of their body.) I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. She was gonna kill mum and dad.", "[Cut to the manor. Living room. Piper and Leo are still asleep on the couch. Piper's spirit floats out of her body.]", "Piper: Oh, no. Leo, wake up. (Leo stirs and a glowing light from his hand heals Piper.) But how...", "(Piper's spirit floats back into her body.)", "[Cut to Richard's house.]", "Phoebe: Hey, Chris, we're not moving on.", "Paige: Why aren't we moving on?", "Chris: Who cares? You're still here.", "Paige: Got any unfinished business?", "Phoebe: No. You?", "Paige: Yeah, now that you mention it, it would have been nice to find out I had another nephew before I died.", "Phoebe: I was gonna tell you but I just didn't get a chance.", "Chris: Guys we can fix this. We can reverse the magic. All we need to do is get the bottle.", "Phoebe: That's true, we're ghosts, we can possess Jinny. Where is Jinny?", "Paige: Well, she was planning to conjure the lost city.", "Phoebe: Don't worry, we're gonna take care of this. Should we go check on Piper first?", "Chris: No, no, no. Piper's fine. I mean, she has to be, right? If she was dead, I would have vanished.", "Paige: How do we reach Jinny?", "Chris: You're ghosts, you can haunt anybody you want. You should concentrate and it should wisp you right to her. (Phoebe and Paige close their eyes and they vanish.) Wait for me!", "[Cut to Arabia. Jinny and thieves walk over to a two-headed animal skeleton laying in the sand.]", "Jinny: You sure this is the site?", "Thieve: One of the hounds of the Zanbar. They guarded the city for the Sultan.", "Jinny: I could use a few of those myself. (to the bottle) You ready in there? I wish to resurrect the lost city of Zanbar. (A huge Arabian city rises out of the desert sands.) Finders, keepers.", "Paige: I wouldn't unpack just now if I were you.", "(They turn around to see ghost Phoebe, ghost Paige and Chris standing there.)", "Jinny: Why haven't you moved on? You're dead.", "Phoebe: So are you.", "(Phoebe's spirit jumps into Jinny's body. One of the thieves runs towards Chris and Chris throws him across the room. The other two thieves pull out their swords and runs towards them.)", "Paige: Watch out.", "Chris: Phoebe, a little help here.", "(Phoebe/Jinny throws a fireball at both the thieves, vanquishing them.)", "Phoebe/Jinny: I think I've got control of the body.", "(Chris grabs a sword and stabs the last thief, vanquishing him.)", "Paige: Okay, all clear.", "(Phoebe/Jinny picks up the bottle.)", "Phoebe/Jinny: Richard, I wish you free.", "(Phoebe's spirit exits Jinny's body. Jinny is sucked into the bottle and Richard appears in her place.)", "Paige: Hi, honey.", "Jinny: Let me out of here!", "Richard: I wish the Charmed Ones alive again.", "Jinny: Yes, master.", "(Phoebe and Paige's spirit vanishes.)", "Chris: You okay?", "Richard: Take this, get it out of my site.", "Chris: Sure. Could you get rid of that thing first?", "Richard: Yeah. No problem.", "[Scene: Richard's house. Living room. Richard is there holding a potion vial. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Hey. What's going on?", "Richard: Just thinking.", "Paige: Oh, yeah? What about?", "Richard: Everything. I mean, sometimes it feels like my life's just one big disaster after the next, you know? Like right from the start, being born into this stupid feud, all that family hatred. I mean, it's amazing I've gone this far without ending up like one of them.", "Paige: Well, Richard, you have. That's what's important, right? You are here for a reason, for a purpose, you just have to figure out what it is.", "Richard: How can you have so much faith, Paige. I mean, with everything out there, all the evil.", "Paige: Well, that's because I don't see all the evil, I see all the good too. Especially in you.", "Richard: Sometimes I'm not sure.", "Paige: I am.", "Richard: Well, I hope you're right because I'm giving up a lot... to see it too. My whole life I've had powers and magic and even if I didn't use it, it was just apart of me. And now, uh, it's kind of scary to think I'm gonna be losing it, and losing you too.", "Paige: Well, you have to take care of yourself first, right? And as long as I'm around and bringing magic into your life, you won't be able to.", "Richard: I know.", "Paige: Have you taken the power stripping potion yet?", "(Richard tips the vial upside down to show it's empty. Tears fall from Paige's eyes.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe and Chris are there. The grandfather clock chimes.]", "Chris: They're not waking up. How come they're not waking up?", "Phoebe: Would you relax?", "Chris: Relax? I'm sorry, did you say relax? Because I'm about to disappear, vanish forever, cease to exist.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, you're so dramatic. (Piper and Leo wake up.) Hey, are you okay?", "(Piper quickly pulls away from Leo.)", "Piper: I think so. Wh-wh-what are you doing?", "Leo: Uh, I don't know, I swear. (Leo stands up.) What's going on?", "Phoebe: Arabic sleeping potion. Very strong, not good.", "Piper: You mean Jinny did this?", "Phoebe: Who else?", "Piper: Well, we've gotta stop her.", "Phoebe: We already did while you were sleeping. She's back in the bottle.", "(Chris picks up the bottle.)", "Chris: Which we were sort of hoping you could take care of for us.", "(He gives Leo the bottle.)", "Leo: So that's it? It's all over?", "Chris: Pretty much. I mean, you still forgive me, right?", "Leo: Of course.", "Chris: Good.", "Phoebe: I still wanna know why we all didn't die. What? I'm curious.", "Chris: Oh, sure, you don't mind them knowing that they almost died but not that... Never mind.", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Phoebe: Jinny made a wish for the Charmed Ones to die and we almost did, but then we turned into ghosts and...", "Piper: Huh. So that wasn't a dream I had. I was floating over my body looking down at me and then, uh, you healed me.", "Leo: I did?", "Piper: Yeah. I called to you when you were sleeping and somehow you must have heard me and you wouldn't let me go.", "Chris: Well, then that must be the reason why Phoebe and Paige's spirits didn't move on. See the wish was for all the Charmed Ones to die, so saving you must have saved them.", "Piper: That was really sweet of you.", "Leo: Any time. So you wanna go with me to get Wyatt?", "Piper: Sure.", "(Leo orbs out with Piper.)", "Chris: Wait, wh... What about me?", "Phoebe: I wouldn't give up. There may be hope for you yet." ]
I Dream of Phoebe
[ "A Darklighter named Damien sends both Leo and Piper into a trap on the ghostly plane where they are without powers and wounds Leo with his Darklighter crossbow, leaving Phoebe and Paige to fear that they are dead. Meanwhile, Chris is obsessing over the fact that he is out of time, for he must be conceived by Piper and Leo sometime in the next day before he disappears forever having never been conceived. An Angel of Death comes for Chris even as he begins fading but he manages to resist and make a communication bridge between Phoebe and Piper. The two consult with Gideon who is convinced Leo is doomed, provides a way to access the dimension to rescue Piper thinking Leo will be dead. At the end he convinces Leo to act as an Elder and sunder himself from his family, and Gideon is revealed to have plotted the cross dimensional attack to rid himself of Leo, and to have ill intentions towards Wyatt, his real target. By being trapped on the ghostly plane causes Piper and Leo to temporarily rekindle their relationship and sleep together, conceiving Chris. Piper learns at the end of the episode that Chris is her son and that she is pregnant from Phoebe and Paige who realize what happened as Chris returns to existence." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Piper, Leo and Wyatt are there. Parents and their kids are leaving the manor. Piper is handing goodie bags to them as they leave.]", "Piper: Here you go. Thanks for coming.", "Woman: Thanks for inviting us, it was a fun party. I still can't believe that Wyatt is one already.", "Piper: Oh, I know, you can't.", "Man: Nice to finally meet you, Leo.", "Leo: Yeah, you too.", "Woman: You know, Frank and some of the other dads get the kids together on Saturdays if you're interested.", "Leo: Uh, yeah. Thanks.", "Frank: Excellent.", "Woman: Bye.", "Frank: I'll call you.", "Leo: Okay, great.", "(They all leave.)", "Piper: Phew. (Piper closes the front door.) I am exhausted.", "Leo: (to Wyatt) Did you have fun? Did you like it?", "Piper: Yeah, he was a really good boy and only made mummy freeze the room once.", "Leo: He was excited. It's his birthday.", "Piper: He was excited to see you. He misses you.", "Leo: I know. I miss him too.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Hey, you guys want anymore champagne? Come on, we don't want it to go to waste. How about it, dad?", "Leo: Elders aren't allowed to drink.", "Paige: Oh, come on. When on earth you should do as earthlings do.", "Leo: Sorry.", "Piper: Not that I'm complaining or anything because you guys did such great work. But champagne? Chocolate covered strawberries? Oysters? Aren't the kids a little young for the aphrodisiacs?", "Paige: They're aphrodisiacs? Heh, who knew. Bubbly?", "Piper: Paige.", "Paige: What? Oh, come on, there were milk and cookies here too. You know, maybe if-if there were more kids living in this house, I would know what to get. Did you ever stop to think about that? Excuse me.", "(Paige heads for the kitchen.)", "Piper: She's been weird since she changed her hair colour. She'll probably change it back.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe is there. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Okay, forget about the strawberries, she's onto us.", "Phoebe: What do you mean? She knows about Chris?", "Paige: No. She knows we're up to something. I can't believe how hard it is to get two people laid.", "Phoebe: Paige, that is disgusting.", "Paige: Well, it's what we're trying to do, right?", "Phoebe: No, we are trying to romance Piper and Leo together so they can conceive Chris, our nephew.", "Paige: And that's different how?", "Phoebe: Well, because what you said is very Springer, what I said is very Oprah.", "Paige: Oh. Well, whatever show we're watching, we're running out of time. At least Chris is. We should probably tell him.", "Phoebe: Yes. Chris!", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: Hey. So how's it going?", "Paige: Not so good.", "Chris: What do you mean? What does she mean?", "Phoebe: We're running out of ideas.", "Chris: Well, that's too bad because it has to happen today or I don't happen.", "Phoebe: Wait, today?", "Chris: Yeah. I did the math. And if I'm not conceived by midnight tonight, that's it. I won't be born, which means I won't be coming back from the future to warn you about Wyatt turning evil.", "Phoebe: Yeah, see that time travel thing. Ooh.", "Chris: Hey, what about making a love potion and just, like, slipping it to them.", "Paige: No, we're not tricking your parents.", "Chris: Why not? I'm desperate.", "Phoebe: Hey, look, I have an idea. Call me crazy, but why don't we just tell them the truth?", "Paige: Sure, let's give them a massive case of performance anxiety.", "Phoebe: We're already out of options.", "Chris: And time.", "(They hear a crash coming from the other room.)", "[Cut to the stairs. A darklighter is running down the stairs and Piper is trying to blow him up. Leo runs towards Wyatt who is sitting in the foyer.]", "Leo: Wyatt!", "(The darklighter disappears and reappears beside Wyatt. He points his crossbow at Leo and shoots. Leo orbs out and the arrow flies past Piper. Chris walks in and the arrow heads straight for him. Phoebe and Paige walk in and Phoebe pushes Chris out of the way of the arrow.)", "Paige: Arrow!", "(The arrow orbs out and orbs back in the darklighter's chest. Leo orbs in and picks up Wyatt.)", "Leo: I got you, I got you.", "(The darklighter disappears. Piper walks over to Leo and Wyatt.)", "Piper: You're okay, you're okay.", "Chris: Thanks for saving my life. Hope it wasn't for nothing.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper, Paige, Leo, Chris and Wyatt are there. Phoebe is in the foyer collecting some blood on the floor with an eyedropper. She joins the others.]", "Paige: Is that enough to scry with?", "Phoebe: Only one way to find out.", "Piper: At least he waited until after the party to attack. That was nice of him.", "Chris: You know what I don't understand is why would the darklighter attack at all? I mean, with all of us here at the same time. It's suicide.", "Piper: All the more reason to find him and stop him before he tries again.", "Leo: I don't think he was after a Whitelighter, I think he was after me. Or Wyatt.", "Paige: Well, then why don't you take Piper up there and take Wyatt too.", "Piper: Yeah, I'll go with you.", "Leo: But you're not allowed.", "Piper: Alright, so then we'll go to the magic school. You'll be safe there, you can't be hurt, right?", "Paige: That's great. One big happy family.", "Piper: You change him, I'll pack him.", "(Piper and Leo, holding Wyatt, leaves the room.)", "Chris: Think now's a good time to tell them?", "Paige: No. The sooner we take care of the darklighter, the sooner we make you.", "Phoebe: I'm gonna start scrying.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Paige: And I will go start the love potion.", "Chris: Wait, I thought you were against making the love potion?", "Paige: Not if it's gonna save one of my two favourite nephews.", "(Chris looks at the clock - 3:00.)", "[Scene: Underground. Cave. Demons are there making weapons. A demon is pulling the arrow out of the darklighter's chest. The darklighter yells in pain.]", "Demon: Nice plan, my friend.", "Darklighter: It worked, didn't it?", "Demon: Not yet it hasn't. Not until the witches come after you.", "Darklighter: How come? They always do.", "Demon: But will the Elder? I mean, now that he knows you're after him, won't he think it's too dangerous?", "Darklighter: Not this Elder. He's blinded by fatherhood, by his unwavering desire to protect his son. He can't be sure I'm not after the boy too. He'll come. But he won't be immune to the poison. I'll need a dozen more for later.", "Demon #2: They're being forged as we speak.", "Demon: You sure you're still alright to go through with this, Damien?", "Damien: A deal was struck, I was chosen. Besides, he deserves to get what he paid for, doesn't he? Leo out of the way. Just make sure the coat's properly prepared. We only get one shot of this.", "Demon #1: Alright, arm up. But remember we're only supposed to distract the witches, not harm them. They're not the target this time. The Elder is.", "[Scene: Magic School. A student is there putting books on a shelf using telekinesis. Gideon appears in front of her and catches one of the books.]", "Gideon: These aren't just books, Sarah. They're legacies. Handed down over the ages by other magical beings, and worthy of your great care. (He puts the book on the shelf.) Understand?", "Sarah: Yes, sir.", "Gideon: Good.", "(Leo walks up to Gideon.)", "Leo: Gideon.", "Gideon: Leo, what a pleasant surprise. How are you, my boy?", "Leo: I've been better. A darklighter attacked, I think he's after me.", "(They walk away from Sarah.)", "Gideon: Are you certain?", "Leo: I don't know, he may be trying to get me out of the way to get to Wyatt. I dropped Piper and Wyatt off at the nursery, I hope that's alright.", "Gideon: Of course, absolutely.", "Leo: Alright, I better get back to Phoebe and Paige, see if I can help.", "Gideon: No, you shouldn't, you should go back up with the other Elders where you'll be safe.", "Leo: What about the darklighter?", "Gideon: It's not your responsibility, that's for the sisters to handle, it's what they do.", "Leo: Alright, well, I can't just sit around while someone is after my son, I'm a father now.", "Gideon: No, you're an Elder now and it's time to start acting like one. Don't you see? You don't just put yourself at risk by staying here on earth, you put all Elders at risk too. If they catch you, they get access to us all.", "Leo: I know, but...", "Gideon: You can't justify staying here any longer, not with this, not anymore. Stand to fully accept your calling, and the necessary transcends the sins of the flesh. Family, even fatherhood. One that requires you to cut the ties that bind for everyone's sake.", "Leo: I can't. At least not until I know my son is safe. I'm sorry.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Back room. Chris is there. Clarence the cleaner stands at the doorway.]", "Clarence: What are you still doing here? I thought you'd be out and about by now.", "Chris: Clarence, hey. Didn't hear you come up.", "Clarence: You mind?", "Chris: Please, come in.", "(Clarence picks up a bucket.)", "Clarence: Beautiful day outside, isn't it?", "Chris: Is it? I never really noticed. I've been too busy, uh, rechecking something.", "Clarence: Whole world seems to be too busy now days. Nobody's got time to just enjoy their day anymore.", "Chris: Well, it doesn't get any better in the future, either. I mean, I imagine.", "Clarence: Future don't mean squat to me. I'm too old to worry about it. Shouldn't to you either. You're too young.", "Chris: Unfortunately, I'm kind of obsessed with it.", "Clarence: You alright?", "Chris: Yeah, yeah, I just probably need to eat.", "Clarence: What you need is to get out of this hole. Get some sun, live a little.", "Chris: Believe me, I'm trying.", "Clarence: Do that.", "(Clarence leaves.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is scrying while Paige is making a potion. The potion explodes.]", "Phoebe: I thought you were making a love potion?", "Paige: I am.", "Phoebe: Then why did it blow up?", "Paige: Maybe I'm trying too hard.", "Phoebe: Or maybe it just wasn't meant to be.", "Paige: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Come on, you weren't thinking the exact same thing?", "Paige: No. Okay, fine, but for like a second. The point is Chris is meant to be.", "Phoebe: But not if he changed too much by coming here. You know, messed up his own timeline.", "Paige: We're talking about his very existence.", "Phoebe: Paige, I know, but there's only so much we can do. Especially now with that Darklighter out there. I just think that we have to face the reality that Chris's destiny might have been just to come here and warn us about Wyatt, and that's all.", "(Chris walks in.)", "Paige: Hey.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, Chris, I'm so sorry.", "Chris: No, it's okay. I've actually been wondering the same thing.", "Paige: You have?", "Chris: Yeah. I've had the strangest feeling, like, I don't know, it's really hard to explain. But it feels like I'm, I'm floating, like I'm not really here, you know?", "Phoebe: Well, that doesn't sound good.", "Paige: Well, you have to fight it, we still have time.", "Chris: Not much.", "(The scrying crystal stops at a point on the map and spins around on the spot.)", "Paige: I've never seen it do that before.", "Phoebe: Maybe that means there's more than one? I'll go get Piper.", "(Phoebe leaves the room.)", "Chris: I'll go too.", "Paige: No, you stay here, okay. Finish the potion, when we come back your parents will be in the mood.", "[Scene: Street. Piper's car pulls up and Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo get out.]", "Piper: You sure this is the place?", "Phoebe: Yeah, down that alley.", "Paige: Thank god we didn't orb in.", "Leo: Well, we couldn't. They would've know we were coming.", "Piper: Maybe they know already.", "Phoebe: What do you mean?", "Piper: I mean, since when to darklighters hang out in broad daylight like this? It could be a trap, maybe you should stay here.", "Leo: No, I'm the bait, remember? Besides, if it is a trap, you might need me to help you orb back.", "Paige: Well, I've got Phoebe, you get Piper out of here for Chris's... for Wyatt's sake.", "Phoebe: Let's just do this. (They all walk down the alley.) I don't see anything.", "(A darklighter appears on the top of a building and points his crossbow at them. Piper sees him and blows him up. Two more appear on top of the building.)", "Paige: You take Piper.", "(Paige orbs out with Phoebe and they orb back in on top of the building. They each throw a potion at the darklighters, vanquishing them. Damien appears behind Phoebe.)", "Leo: Phoebe, watch out!", "(Phoebe turns around and Damien hits her across the face with his crossbow. She falls off the roof and lands on a dumpster. Piper gasps. Damien disappears and reappears behind Piper and Leo.)", "Paige: Behind you! (Piper and Leo turn around. Damien points his crossbow at them an Piper blows him up. He causes a huge explosion which engulfs Piper and Leo. The explosion disappears and so has Piper and Leo.) Piper! (Paige orbs out and orbs back in beside Phoebe.) Phoebe? Oh my god, you're bleeding.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Uh, maybe we should get me to a hospital.", "Paige: Yeah. (Paige helps Phoebe up.) I got you.", "(Paige helps Phoebe to Piper's car and they drive off.)", "[Cut to the ghostly plane. Street. The street is completely deserted. No cars, no people, only empty buildings. Piper and Leo walk out of the alley.]", "Piper: Phoebe? Paige? Where's my car? What's going on? Where'd everybody go?", "Leo: That's a good question.", "Piper: We'll, they gotta be here somewhere.", "Leo: I think we should get out of here.", "Piper: No, not without Phoebe, she's hurt. Didn't you see her fall?", "Leo: Yeah, but at least she's alive.", "Piper: What is that supposed to mean?", "Leo: I don't know, but I think need to get off the street while we figure this out.", "Piper: The hospital. If Paige couldn't get to you, she'd take Phoebe to the hospital. Memorial's just down the street.", "Leo: But Piper, you don't understand, we can't worry about them right now. We need to worry about us.", "(Damien walks out of the alley.)", "Piper: Leo.", "Damien: Piper, you're not supposed to be here.", "Piper: Yeah, well, you're not supposed to be here either. At least not in one piece.", "(Piper tries to blow him up but her powers don't work.)", "Leo: Come on.", "(Leo tries to orb out but can't.)", "Piper: What's wrong with your powers?", "(Damien loads his crossbow.)", "Leo: I don't know. Run. Go, go, go.", "(Piper and Leo run off.)", "Damien: You can run but you can't hide! You're in my world now!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Underground. Cave. A demon is yelling at a darklighter.]", "Demon: What part of don't hurt the witches didn't you understand?", "Darklighter: What was I supposed to do? They'd already killed three of us.", "Demon: So what? You're expendable. We all are for this. It's bad enough one's wounded now but none of them were supposed to end up there, none of them. We were only meant to separate the Elder from his protectors, to make the witches fear he'd died so they wouldn't try look for him.", "Darklighter: Still, just because she's with him doesn't mean she can protect him. No one has powers in the ghostly plane, that's why Damien wanted him sent there.", "Demon: But that's not the point now, is it? Damien may be forced to kill her now too, and that was specifically not what he was hired to do. Worse, the other witches may be less inclined to accept the death of a sister than of a brother-in-law. Especially with their history.", "Darklighter: All the more reason for us to keep them distracted. At all cost now.", "[Scene: Hospital. Room. Phoebe and a doctor are there. The doctor is looking at Phoebe's x-rays.]", "Doctor: No broken bones, no internal bleeding, other than a mild concussion, I'd say you are a very lucky woman.", "Phoebe: Great! Does that mean I can go home now?", "Doctor: Actually, I think I'd like to keep you here overnight just for observation.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, that's not possible.", "Doctor: Ms Halliwell, I don't have to remind you, you took quite a fall. It's possible you might have more than just a concussion. Sometimes other symptoms don't develop for twenty-fours hours.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I don't have twenty-four hours. I gotta go, gotta go.", "Doctor: You'll have to sign a release.", "Phoebe: That's fine.", "Doctor: If you feel any dizziness or light headedness, call me. Otherwise I'll see you in a week to remove the stitches.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "(The doctor leaves.)", "[Cut to the hallway. Paige is waiting there. The place is crowded with doctors and nurses running from place to place. Paige walks into Phoebe's room.]", "Paige: Phoebe. Hey. What'd he say? Are you alright?", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, he's releasing me, isn't he? Okay, don't worry about this, Paige, we're gonna figure something out.", "Paige: Okay, but what about Chris?", "Phoebe: What about Chris?", "Paige: Well, what if he doesn't exist anymore because his mum and dad don't exist anymore.", "Phoebe: No, if Piper were gone, I would sense it, I know it. (They walk out of the room into the busy hallway.) Oh my god, what happened?", "Paige: A truck hit a bus.", "[Scene: Ghostly plane. Hospital. Piper walks in to find nobody around.]", "Piper: Phoebe? Paige?", "(Leo runs in.)", "Leo: They're not here, I'm telling you.", "Piper: They have to be here. Phoebe's hurt.", "Leo: Not in this plane, she's not. The blast, when you blew up the darklighter, must have knocked us into this other place. One that co-exists with our world but not with our lives.", "Piper: What are you talking about? What world?", "Leo: I don't know. I don't think we're here by accident, I think this is part of the darklighter's plan. To have us here without our powers and without your sisters.", "Piper: Phoebe!", "[Cut to the hospital. Phoebe and Paige are walking down the hallway.]", "Phoebe: Excuse us.", "Paige: Coming through.", "(Phoebe hears Piper calling.)", "Phoebe: Do you hear something?", "Paige: Hear what?", "Phoebe: I could have sworn I heard someone call out my name.", "Doctor: We're losing him. Two hundred and fifty CCs of lido. Flat lining. Come on, come on. Did anyone call the driver's family? Still got no pulse. Paddles. Two hundred jules.", "Nurse: Charging.", "Doctor: Clear!", "[Cut to the ghostly plane. Piper walks down the hallway of the hospital. Leo runs up behind her.]", "Leo: Piper, we've gotta keep moving, we can't stay here. Damn it, Piper. I don't want you to get hurt too.", "Piper: Okay.", "(They turn to see the bus driver standing there.)", "Driver: Am I dead?", "Piper: Leo, what's going on?", "Driver: Leo. Are you an angel?", "(The driver disappears.)", "Leo: I know what plane we're on. The ghostly plane.", "[Cut to the hospital.]", "Doctor: He's back. Stabilising. (The driver wakes up.) Sir, do you know who you are? Do you know your name?", "Phoebe: Let's go.", "Driver: Leo. Leo. Must be an angel.", "Paige: Leo? (Phoebe grabs her arm in pain.) What? What's wrong?", "Phoebe: Piper.", "[Cut to the ghostly plane. Hospital. Piper has been hit in the arm with an arrow. Leo is fighting with Damien. He knocks Damien to the floor. He helps Piper up.]", "Leo: Come on.", "(Piper and Leo run outside.)", "[Cut to the manor. Phoebe and Paige orb in.]", "Phoebe: I'm telling you, I felt Piper, as if she were standing right next to me.", "Paige: But she wasn't.", "Phoebe: I know, I'm still trying to figure that part out.", "(Chris walks down the stairs.)", "Chris: Uh, Phoebe, Paige?", "Paige: Chris, you're okay.", "Phoebe: Which means Piper and Leo are okay.", "Chris: Well, I don't know about that but I'm, uh, definitely running out of time here.", "(Chris holds up his arm which is slowly fading away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe slams the Book of Shadows shut and groans.]", "Paige: What?", "Phoebe: I don't know what else to try.", "Paige: What do you mean?", "Phoebe: What do you mean, what do I mean? There's nothing else to try.", "Paige: Oh, great. Why don't you try telling that to Chris as he fades away.", "Phoebe: No, I can't.", "Paige: Right, well, here's the deal. You felt Piper, so that means she's gotta be out there somewhere, and if we can figure out where, then maybe we can figure out how to bring them back. You said we weren't gonna lose her.", "Phoebe: The bus driver.", "Paige: The bus driver what?", "Phoebe: Well, he was dead, right? I mean, at least for a little bit, so maybe that wasn't a coincidence, maybe he actually did see Leo in limbo.", "Paige: That's good. No, that's bad because that would make them dead.", "Phoebe: Not if someone put them there. Like the darklighter.", "Paige: The one Piper vanquished?", "Phoebe: Unless it wasn't really a vanquish, it was just made to look like a vanquish. (Phoebe flips through the Book of Shadows.) Okay, ghosts. Ghosts, ghosts.", "[Scene: Ghostly plane. P3. Piper and Leo are there. Leo is dabbing Piper's wound.]", "Piper: Ow.", "Leo: Sorry. Good thing you're immune to the poison.", "Piper: Yeah, too bad you're not. (Leo rips apart his flannelette shirt.) Oh, my, my.", "Leo: Impressed?", "Piper: Very.", "(Leo wraps part of the shirt around her arm, over the wound.)", "Leo: This should stop the bleeding.", "Piper: Thanks. Uh, I rather imagined meadows, waterfalls, maybe even a harp.", "Leo: Well, this isn't the afterlife. It's a place before that to ease the transition.", "Piper: Mm-hm. Lucky us we're stuck here. That is until our friendly darklighter helps us move on permanently.", "Leo: Well, we're not gonna let that happen. We've been through a lot more than this.", "Piper: Have we?", "Leo: Are you kidding? Ever since we met it's been one ordeal after the other.", "Piper: Wow, you make it sound so romantic.", "(He laughs.)", "Leo: It's not what I meant. I mean, look at everything we've been through, everything we've overcome. This is just one more thing. This isn't where it ends. I promise.", "Piper: Alright, so how do we get out of here?", "Leo: I don't know. I gotta figure the darklighter has a way, maybe a portal.", "Piper: Masked by the explosion?", "Leo: Maybe. Although somebody's gotta be helping him with a hell of a lot more powers than a darklighter.", "Piper: Do you think the portal's still there?", "Leo: Probably. Question is, how do we access it without our powers?", "Piper: We make Phoebe and Paige use theirs. I'm serious. We're on the ghostly plane, so why can't we, you know, haunt them? Make contact like other normal ghosts do.", "Leo: Because not all other ghosts do. It takes years to learn how to cross over. Besides, you need a connection.", "Piper: A bond? You mean like sisters? Come on, I know them, I know they're looking for us, and I know they were at the hospital. I can't explain exactly...", "Leo: You don't have to. Far be it for me to question the power of three after all these years.", "Piper: Okay, so let's go. They'll be at the house at the Book of Shadows.", "Leo: It's probably where the darklighter will be waiting for us. He knows us, he's studied us.", "[Scene: Ghostly plane. Across the road from the Manor. The darklighter is on the roof of the house. He loads his crossbow.]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Chris, now transparent, walks through the wall.]", "Chris: Whoa, not good.", "(Clarence is standing there.)", "Clarence: It's almost time, Chris.", "Chris: Clarence. What are you doing here?", "Clarence: Actually, I've come for you. It's okay, son, I know.", "Chris: Who are you?", "Clarence: Someone who was sent to make this easier for you.", "Chris: This? What do you mean this?", "Clarence: I think you know.", "Chris: You're an angel of death.", "Clarence: Yours is an unique situation, Chris. One which requires special handling. That's why I wanted to meet you early. So you could get to know me, trust me. There's really nothing to be afraid of.", "Chris: Yeah, that's easy for you to say.", "Clarence: Don't fight it, Chris. It'll only make it more difficult for you.", "Chris: No. Forget that, alright? I still got time. You stay away from me.", "(Chris goes upstairs.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe lights a circle of candles sitting on the floor.]", "Paige: Are you sure a séance is the right move?", "Phoebe: Well, if they are stuck in the spirit realm, then they're ghosts, right?", "Paige: Hopefully.", "Phoebe: What, now you're a pessimist?", "Paige: Hey. A girl's allowed to vacillate, it's not like this is an exact science, right? Okay, the spell is done.", "Phoebe: Okay, let's do this.", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: Sorry, I don't mean to be pushy but...", "Phoebe: Yeah, we're working on it, we're working on it.", "Paige: You don't look so good. Okay. \"Sister's spirit I call to thee, cross on over so we may see.\"", "(Chris disappears.)", "Phoebe: Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen, was it?", "Paige: I'm thinking no.", "[Cut to the ghostly plane. Manor. Attic. Piper and Leo walk in.]", "Leo: Okay, now what?", "Piper: I don't know, I guess we try to make contact.", "(Piper closes her eyes. Chris appears.)", "Leo: Chris?", "Piper: Not exactly who I was going for but I guess it'll work.", "Leo: What are you doing here?", "Chris: Ceasing to exist I think.", "(Chris disappears.)", "[Cut to the attic. Chris appears.]", "Phoebe: What happened? Where'd you go?", "Chris: I just say Piper and Leo.", "[Cut to the ghostly plane. Attic.]", "Piper: Where'd he go?", "Leo: I don't know. (Chris appears again.) Ask him.", "Piper: What are you talking about? What do you mean ceasing to exist?", "Chris: No time to explain. I'm a connection to your sisters and they wanna know how to get you guys back.", "[Cut to the attic. Chris appears.]", "Chris: They think somebody made a portal for the darklighter to pass through.", "Paige: Somebody who?", "(Two darklighters appear.)", "Chris: Darklighters!", "[Cut to the ghostly plane.]", "Piper: Chris, where are you?", "Leo: Shh, not so loud.", "(Leo looks around. An arrow flies through the window and hits Leo in the shoulder. It goes through his shoulder and comes out the other side.)", "Piper: Leo? Come on, come on.", "(Piper helps Leo out of the room.)", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Paige throw potions at the darklighters, vanquishing them.]", "Phoebe: Piper's not here anymore, I can't sense her.", "Chris: It's too late, and not just for Piper and Leo. Take care.", "(Chris vanishes.)", "Paige: Chris?", "[Cut to the ghostly plane. Piper and Leo are walking down the street.]", "Leo: If there is a portal it's gotta be near by.", "Piper: No, what are you doing?", "Leo: I'm trying to save you.", "Piper: You mean, you're trying to save us, don't you? Look, you need to sit down. (They sit down.) Maybe since the arrow went straight through...", "Leo: It'll just take longer. They'll find a way.", "Piper: How? We never even had a chance to tell them where to meet us.", "Leo: They'll figure it out. I know them.", "Piper: In time?", "Leo: Look, Piper, no matter what happens...", "Piper: No.", "Leo: You have to keep trying to make contact.", "Piper: I don't wanna hear it.", "Leo: He's not after you, he's after me.", "Piper: Would you please stop trying to save me?", "Leo: I'm sorry I got you into this.", "Piper: Yeah, just one ordeal after another, right?", "(Leo touches her face.)", "Leo: I never stopped loving you.", "(They kiss.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Magic School. Great hall. Phoebe and Paige are there. Gideon walks in.]", "Gideon: Phoebe, Paige.", "Paige: Gideon, we need your help.", "Gideon: What's wrong?", "Phoebe: Well, we think we may have lost Chris.", "Gideon: What?", "Paige: And Piper and Leo, and us too if we're not careful.", "Phoebe: Somebody's got a bunch of darklighters after us and one of them's got Piper and Leo trapped.", "Paige: In the ghostly plane.", "Phoebe: Or the spirit realm.", "Gideon: Same thing.", "Phoebe: Right. We made contact with them but then we lost them.", "Paige: And we lost Chris too, although we're not sure why because she can tell if Piper's dead.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and I can't.", "Paige: So she must still be around somewhere, we just don't know where.", "Phoebe: So we need to figure out how to use the darklighter's portal to get them out.", "Paige: And if you follow all that you're really are a very powerful Elder.", "Gideon: But darklighters don't have the power to make portals, let alone use them.", "Phoebe: Right, we have to figure out who can.", "Gideon: I warned Leo. I told him something like this might happen. What do you need?", "Paige: Well, we know where to find the portal, we just don't know how to reverse it.", "(Gideon picks up a book and opens it up to a page.)", "Gideon: There.", "Paige: Handy.", "[Scene: Ghostly plane. Alley. Piper and Leo are there. Piper is asleep sitting against a wall. Leo is standing up near by. Piper wakes up.]", "Piper: Leo?", "Leo: Morning.", "Piper: What are you doing?", "Leo: Just trying to sense them.", "Piper: Any luck? (He shakes his head.) You don't look so good.", "Leo: I know. Listen, about last night.", "Piper: I don't have any regrets if that's where this is going.", "Leo: It's not. But I'm glad you said that. Because I don't either. I just want you to know that I don't have any expectations. Because I know everything that you went through when I became an Elder. And it just, it wouldn't be fair to put you through that again.", "Piper: I'm not sure I understand.", "Leo: Well, neither one of us wanted me to become an Elder. (He sits down beside her.) But I did anyway. I was supposed to go up there right away but I didn't.", "Piper: Because you wanted to find out who Chris was and to protect Wyatt.", "Leo: They're not the only reasons I didn't go up there, Piper. I was holding onto you. And because of that I put you at risk and I put my son at risk. I can't let that happen anymore, I won't let that happen.", "(Damien walks around the corner.)", "Damien: Well, fortunately you won't have to worry about that for much longer. I'm a little surprised actually. Didn't really think you'd come back here. Thought I knew you better than that. Oh, well.", "(He points his crossbow at them.)", "Leo: Let her go, you don't want her.", "Damien: No, but I can't pass up my opportunity can I? It's in my nature. Besides, I wouldn't want a Charmed One coming after me when this is over.", "(They hear traffic noises and suddenly they are back in the alley. Phoebe and Paige are there.)", "Paige: I wouldn't do that if I were you because this time I'll vanquish you for real.", "Piper: Well, it's about time.", "Phoebe: Who sent you?", "(A darklighter on the roof shoots his crossbow and hits Damien in the chest. Damien screams and is vanquished. Chris appears.)", "Chris: Yes! I'm back!", "Phoebe: Wait. What? How is that possible?", "Chris: Don't ask me, ask... (Leo falls backwards.) Them.", "Piper: Paige, come on, quick, we've got to get him to Gideon.", "(Paige orbs out with Piper and Leo.)", "[Scene: Golden Gate Bridge. Leo is standing on the very top of it. Gideon orbs in beside him.]", "Gideon: I thought I'd find you here. How are you doing?", "Leo: The wound is healed if that's what you mean.", "Gideon: No, it's not.", "Leo: You were right, I know that now. I can't justify staying here any longer.", "Gideon: Good.", "Leo: Still, it's not easy. And not just as a father.", "Gideon: I know.", "Leo: Do you? Does any Elder? Sometimes I wish you wouldn't have let us break the rules, you wouldn't have let us get married.", "Gideon: No, you don't. Love and loss forms you Leo. It's who you are and who you always will be. It's a life you'll treasure and an experience you will share. One that helps us better appreciate those we are intrusted to watch over.", "Leo: It's not fair.", "Gideon: Sacrifice never is. It's time.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Back room. Chris is there all dressed up, looking into a mirror. Clarence walks in.]", "Clarence: Looking good.", "Chris: Whoa. Wait, what are you still doing here?", "Clarence: Don't worry, you're fine. I just wanted to say good luck.", "Chris: Thanks. Hey, just out of curiosity, why did you tell me all that stuff about living life and enjoying my day if you were coming for me all along?", "Clarence: Just in case I wasn't leaving with you. You've been given a second chance, Chris. Don't waste it.", "(Clarence disappears.)", "[Scene: Manor. Wyatt's room. Piper is there watching Wyatt sleep in his crib. She walks out and closes the door. She walks into her room where Phoebe and Paige are waiting.]", "Piper: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: What's going on?", "Phoebe: Maybe you should sit down for a second.", "Piper: Oh, that doesn't sound good.", "Phoebe: No, no, it's good, it's good. I mean, it's, you know, it's not bad. It's a really good thing, it's not a bad thing. I think it's a really good thing, don't you think?", "Paige: Yeah. I mean, it depends.", "Piper: Uh-huh, that sounds worse.", "Paige: No, it's-it's just complicated.", "Piper: Okay, so why don't you guys just tell me what's going on.", "Phoebe: Alright. Uh, Paige and I know what happened between you and Leo last night.", "(Piper chuckles.)", "Piper: What? Excuse me?", "Paige: Not because anybody told us or anything, it's just because of Chris.", "Piper: Chris? Wh-why would Chris know what happened last night?", "Phoebe: Well, because he wouldn't be here if it didn't. Yeah, see we've known for a while, we just didn't know how to talk to you and Leo about it.", "Piper: Talk to us about what?", "Paige: Is this my turn?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: Yeah. Uh, Chris is your son.", "Phoebe: Wyatt's brother. Look, I know this is huge...", "Piper: No, it's, it's not huge because it's not possible, it's crazy because I'm not pregnant.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: Yeah.", "Piper: No, I'm not. I mean, how could that happen? I mean, I know how that could happen but it... What am I gonna do?", "Phoebe: Maybe you should talk to Leo about it.", "Piper: No, I can't.", "Phoebe: Why?", "Piper: Well, because, because, because I can't.", "(There's a knock at the door and Chris walks in.)", "Chris: Is this a bad time?", "(Piper looks at Chris, speechless.)", "[Scene: Underground. Cave. Gideon and a darklighter are there.]", "Darklighter: I'm still not quite sure what this was all about. Why somebody of my kind had to die. Why my friend had to die.", "Gideon: All in good time.", "Darklighter: We still didn't even accomplish what you wanted. We didn't get the Elder.", "Gideon: Ah, but in a way you did. Leo's gone. Perhaps not in the way I originally intended, but gone, nonetheless.", "Darklighter: Well, wasn't he your friend too?", "Gideon: Yes, he was. We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good.", "Darklighter: I'm evil. What do I care about the greater good?", "Gideon: Leo's son is just as much a threat to your kind as he is to mine. We made a mistake in allowing Wyatt to be born. And allowing such a concentration of power to be brought into this world in one being. But now that Leo is gone and the Charmed Ones are unaware, I'm one step closer to being able to correct that mistake, for good." ]
The Courtship of Wyatt's Father
[ "While preparing for her high school reunion, Phoebe's wild teenage personality takes over her body when she inadvertently casts a spell on herself reading a rhyme she had inscribed in her high school year book. At the reunion, aggravated by an old rival, the teenage Phoebe persona takes over, reconnects with her former gang and finds herself following a suggestion to use her magic to visit another old gang member Rick, who is in jail awaiting trial. Rick, takes advantage of their visit to break out of jail, and uses Phoebe's magic to aid his plans of fleeing justice. Meanwhile, Scabber demons requiring the Power of Three to vanquish are closing in on Chris. Earlier that evening, Piper being increasingly concerned that Chris is staying distant, had asked her father Victor to talk to him. Chris explains that Piper dies when he turns fourteen, and he has been distancing himself from his mother because he believes that to bond with her only to return to a future where she is dead would be too painful. Victor convinces Chris that he needs to spend as much time with Piper as possible so he has more fond memories of her when he goes back. All the while Phoebe is under the dual pressures of knowing one high school friend is seriously, perhaps even grievously wounded, and Rick has hidden one of their female classmates where no-one can ever find her. Both parties arrive back at the manor where Paige casts the appearance changing spell to make him look like Chris. The Scabber Demons spit their acid at what looks like Chris and Rick is melted, but not before he gives up the information on where to find the others." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Paige is there looking at Phoebe's high school year book.]", "Paige: Interesting. (She hears a toilet flush.) Are you okay in there?", "(Piper walks out of the bathroom.)", "Piper: I don't remember having morning sickness this bad with Wyatt.", "Paige: Oh, honey, that sucks. (Piper sits down next to Paige.) I'm just going over some pictures here, trying to educate myself before I go to Phoebe's reunion.", "Piper: Hmm, Todd Marks. I wonder if he's even still alive.", "Paige: Alive? What kind of school did she go to, anyway?", "Piper: Not a bad one, actually. It's just that Phoebe tended the hang out with the bad boy crowd. You know, anything to piss off Grams.", "Paige: Was he her first love?", "Piper: More like first lust. Talk about crazy though. Rick Gittridge, he was kind of the leader of their little gang.", "Paige: Phoebe was in a gang?", "Piper: Not the drive by kind, but he was kind of the type. If he is at the reunion I'd stay away from him.", "Paige: This is so weird. It's a whole different side of Miss Phoebe.", "Piper: Yeah, I think she missed mum in her life more than Prue or I did. And the more Grams tried to control her, the more she became rebellious.", "(They hear Phoebe scream. They run into the hallway. Phoebe is running towards them holding a dress.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.", "Piper: What happened?", "Phoebe: What happened? You wanna know what happened? The dry cleaner ruined my dress for tonight. That's what happened.", "Piper: Phoebe, you know better than to scream in this house if there isn't a demon.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, but what am I supposed to wear to the reunion tonight?", "Paige: How about some prison stripes.", "Phoebe: You told her about the shoplifting?", "Paige: You little thief.", "Phoebe: No, I acted out. Okay, now back to what I'm supposed to wear tonight.", "Paige: I don't know, why don't you try your little black suit, the one with the thigh slit. You know, sexy, looks successful.", "Paige: No, I think black's too threatening. I'll be in my closet.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Piper: Chris, hi.", "Chris: Hey, look, I need your help. I think I've got scabbars on my tail.", "Piper: Oh, well, I have some hydrogen peroxide in my bathroom.", "Chris: No, Scabbar demons. I went undercover to follow a lead on who turns Wyatt but I think they're onto me. Alright, I need a cloaking spell just in case. Is the book still in the attic?", "Paige: Yeah, last I saw.", "Piper: You want me to help you? (Chris goes upstairs.) He hates me.", "Paige: No, he doesn't.", "Piper: Yeah, he does.", "(Piper and Paige walk into Piper's room.)", "Paige: He's just distracted, that's all, by you know, imminent death.", "Piper: That's no excuse. I mean, he's been avoiding me for weeks, he won't even look at me. What could I have done in the future that would be so bad?", "Paige: Maybe he should have a father son talk.", "Piper: No, I can't do that to Leo. He had a hard enough time letting go. Besides, he doesn't even know that I'm pregnant.", "Paige: I know, but don't boys need their...", "Piper: I know, and that's why I called my father so he could figure out why his surly new grandson hates me. (Piper's stomach grumbles.) Uh-oh.", "Paige: I got you.", "(Piper and Paige go into the bathroom. Phoebe walks in holding a dress.)", "Phoebe: Guys, how about this one? Okay. (Phoebe sees her yearbook and reads the signatures in it.) I remember this poem. \"Those who mock who I am, let them always remember when.\"", "(Phoebe changes into her teenage self and then changes back.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Piper opens the door. Victor is standing there.]", "Piper: Hi.", "Victor: Piper, honey, good to see you.", "(They hug.)", "Piper: Good to see you.", "(He sees her pregnant stomach.)", "Victor: Oh, whoa, you're pregnant!", "Piper: Yeah, it looks that way, huh?", "Victor: When did this happen?", "Piper: Oh, well, you know, I've been meaning to call you but, you know... Leo's the father.", "Victor: Leo? I thought you guys split up.", "Piper: We did.", "Victor: Well, then how... I don't understand.", "(They walk into the living room.)", "Piper: Uh, he was dying and I was crying... Um, it's all very complicated.", "(They sit down.)", "Victor: So Leo, he's, um, moved on?", "Piper: Yeah, but I'm happy for him, he really wanted to go.", "Victor: He wanted to die?", "Piper: No, no, no, no, he's not dead, he's just up there being a full time Elder.", "Victor: He doesn't know about this?", "Piper: No, no, not yet. Did I mention this was very all complicated? The point is he's not around.", "Victor: Was he ever?", "Piper: Were you? Sorry.", "Victor: No, no, no, I deserve that. I wasn't around enough for you girls, but I want to make up for that with Wyatt and this little...", "Piper: It's a boy. Chris, actually.", "Victor: Chris? Why'd you choose that name?", "Piper: I don't know, and he won't tell me. He's very secretive about the future. He's actually the reason I asked you to come. See, he, um, hates me and he doesn't want to talk to me and I need you to find out why.", "Victor: I don't understand your wiccan ways, but I'll try. (He leans towards Piper's stomach.) Hello, Chris. Chris. Hello, Chris. Can you hear me?", "Chris's Voice: Is someone calling me?", "Piper: Yeah, uh, sweetie, could you come here a sec?", "Victor: Geez, he can come out?", "(Chris walks in.)", "Chris: Can we air this out, 'cause I gotta... Grandpa!", "(Chris goes over to Victor and hugs him.)", "[Scene: School Reunion. Phoebe and Paige are outside walking towards the front door.]", "Phoebe: Okay, Paige, I should warn you, there's gonna be a lot of people in there that used to hate me.", "Paige: They're not gonna hate you. San Francisco reads your paper every day and they love you.", "Phoebe: I never dropped smoke bombs on San Francisco. Pep rallies, I hated them.", "Paige: Alright, well, after we're done tonight, they're gonna rename the gym just for you. Come on, conquering hero.", "(They walk inside. A woman gets her name tag and turns around.)", "Woman: Phoebe, hi. Wow, you look great.", "Phoebe: Oh, really? Thanks.", "Woman: Well, see you inside.", "Phoebe: Yeah. That would be great.", "(The woman walks away.)", "Paige: Who's that?", "Phoebe: I have no idea.", "(Phoebe and Paige walk over to the name tag table. A teacher is standing there.)", "Teacher: Well, I didn't expect to see you here, Miss Halliwell. Still testing the boundaries of the criminal justice system are we?", "Phoebe: Hi, Miss Hickock. No, actually, I'm a columnist now.", "Miss Hickock: Oh.", "Phoebe: I give advice. (Miss Hickock laughs a little.) On relationships.", "(She laughs harder.)", "Miss Hickock: I'm sorry, dear. I just never figured you for the advice giving type. You certainly never took it. (She hands Paige the name tags.) Enjoy.", "(Phoebe and Paige walk away.)", "Paige: Gym teacher?", "Phoebe: How did you know she was a gym teacher?", "Paige: Alright, lady, let's go in there, and show them your sordid past a thing or two.", "(They walk into the room. It is decorated with balloons and streamers and is packed with people.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god, everybody's looking at me.", "Paige: Uh, yeah, that's because you're a celebrity and you look fabulous and they probably all wanna be.", "Phoebe: Nice try. I'm an empath, I feel hate.", "(A woman called Ramona excitedly runs over to Phoebe.)", "Ramona: Phoebe! Phoebe Halliwell! Oh my gosh, I can't believe you showed up!", "(Ramona hugs her.)", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Ramona: You're so skinny. How'd you stay so skinny? Who's this?", "Paige: I'm Paige Matthews, her long lost sister.", "Ramona: Oh, wow. Are you famous too? You look famous. Okay, so, um, dweeb time, but, um, since I knew you when, can I have your autograph?", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, of course. Uh, I usually charge twenty dollars for it.", "Ramona: I think I have a twenty here somewhere.", "Phoebe: No, I'm kidding!", "(Ramona laughs.)", "Ramona: I used to do everything Phoebe said. Hey, remember that night when you snuck me into the country club in the trunk of your car? And then you left me there so that you could go make out with Todd on the golf course.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Actually, I'm sorry about a lot of the tricks we used to play on you.", "Ramona: Tricks? You made me feel like part of the gang. Those were the best times of my life.", "Paige: So I think you need to tell me more about this gang. What else did she do?", "(Todd walks up to them.)", "Todd: One time she broke into the principal's office, just to make out with some guy on his desk.", "Phoebe: See, now I remember that it was you that broke into the principal's office and I just tagged along out of curiosity. Ah, where's Paula?", "Todd: She's around somewhere.", "Ramona: This is so awesome! It's like the gang is all back together again. Well, almost.", "Paige: Oh, yeah, where's the ringleader?", "Phoebe: Rick, good old Rick. Where is Rick?", "Todd: I heard he got picked up for a liquor store robbery.", "Phoebe: Oh my god, are you kidding? Did he do it?", "Todd: Only what I read in your paper. And I read everything you write.", "Phoebe: Thanks. I'm flattered. So what are you doing now?", "(He pulls out a business card.)", "Todd: I'm a personal injury lawyer.", "Phoebe: Wow, that sounds interesting.", "Todd: Well, it's not. But it's legal, just barely. Pays the mortgage. I miss the fun we used to have.", "Phoebe: Yeah, me too.", "(Paula walks over to Todd.)", "Paula: Todd. There you are, sweetie. (to Phoebe) There you are. I was wondering if you had the nerve to show up.", "Phoebe: What do you mean nerve?", "Paula: Oh, you're the talk of the reunion. You know, you can fool San Francisco with your pithy advice, but you can't fool us. We all know you, sweetie.", "Todd: That's enough, Paula.", "Phoebe: What is that supposed to mean?", "Paula: It means you're a fake. The only thing you were ever known for was lying and ditching and stealing boyfriends.", "Paige: Phoebe, are you gonna let someone with a giant helmet that passes for hair talk to you like that?", "Ramona: God, Paula, just because Todd had a thing for Phoebe, you don't have to be so mean.", "Paula: I'm not being mean, I'm doing her a favour. To the rest of the world, you might be Ask Phoebe, but to us you'll always be freebie.", "(Phoebe walks away.)", "Paige: Are you okay?", "(Paige follows Phoebe.)", "Paula: Hey, let's dance.", "[Cut to the hallway. Phoebe and Paige walk in.]", "Paige: Hey. Why didn't you just tell that chick to go screw herself? (Phoebe flashes back to her teenage self and then flashes back.) Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Okay, what just happened?", "Paige: You tell me.", "Phoebe: I have no idea. I was just standing here and then I had some weird high school flashback.", "Paige: Yeah, your whole body just flashed back.", "Phoebe: What? Are you kidding me? I just felt...", "Paige: Pissed?", "Phoebe: Very.", "Paige: Well, as someone whose seen Carrie, both versions, I'd say the reunion is over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Chris and Victor are sitting at the table.]", "Victor: So we're close?", "Chris: Yeah. You're awesome, Grandpa.", "Victor: (to Piper) Did you hear that? Awesome.", "Chris: Yeah, after the event happened, we got really close.", "Piper: What event?", "Chris: I can't tell you.", "Piper: Is this, um, event my fault? Is that why you're treating me like a non-person?", "Chris: I can't talk about it, it will mess with the future.", "Victor: But you did say I was awesome, right? You can talk about that?", "Chris: Yeah. You're the best, I love hanging out with you.", "Victor: I gotta admit, I'm a little surprised. I mean, it's no secret I wasn't the greatest dad. It means a lot to me that I could do something to make up for it.", "Chris: You do.", "Piper: After the event.", "Chris: Right.", "Piper: That you won't tell me about.", "Chris: I told you, I can't talk about it, okay?", "Victor: Hey, don't talk to your mother like that, okay?", "Chris: You're right. I'm sorry.", "Paige's Voice: Piper!", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe and Paige walk in through the front door. Piper and Victor walk in from the kitchen.]", "Piper: Hey, what's going on?", "Phoebe: Hi, daddy.", "Victor: Hi, sweetie.", "(They hug.)", "Paige: Okay, I hate to cut this reunion short, I think we've had enough of those for today. Now you go upstairs until we figure this out.", "Phoebe: Bye, daddy.", "(Phoebe goes upstairs. Chris walks in.)", "Chris: What happened?", "Paige: Well, you've heard of recapturing your youth, I think Phoebe's youth is trying to recapture her.", "Piper: Explain.", "Paige: I don't know, it's like one minute she was totally normal, the next it's like she's freaky Phoebe.", "Chris: Great. Who else saw?", "Paige: No one. She changed back before anyone noticed.", "Victor: I'm having a little trouble keeping up here. Phoebe's being chased by, what, demons?", "Paige: Maybe inner demons or a spell gone wrong? It seemed to happen after someone named Paula Marks called her 'freebie'.", "Piper: Oh, yeah, that'll do it.", "Paige: You wanna go upstairs with me and check the book, see if there's anything?", "Piper: Okay.", "Chris: You two go ahead. I need to get back to the Scabbar demons before they know I'm missing.", "Piper: Hey, wait, what, and leave your awesome grandpa alone? Grab a sandwich, grab a beer, get an answer.", "(Victor pulls out two cigars from his coat.)", "Victor: Cubans?", "[Cut to Phoebe's room. Phoebe is walking around her room.]", "Phoebe: I am not that person anymore. I am not, so whatever you think you're doing, we're... (She walks past the mirror and her teenage reflection shows up in the mirror. Phoebe faces the mirror and sees her normal self.) What is happening to me? (Her phone rings and she answers it.) Hello, this is Phoebe... I think.", "Todd: Hey, where'd you go? Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.", "Todd: Listen, I'm sorry about Paula. It always burned her up, you know, you and me together.", "Phoebe: Yeah, hey, listen...", "Todd: The only reason I came to this thing was because of you, hoping I'd see you again. (Silence.) You there?", "Phoebe: Yeah. I need to ask you a question. Um, was I really a different person when you knew me?", "Todd: Different? How do you mean?", "Phoebe: Well, you know, what Paula said.", "Todd: Phoebe, we were kids. We were young, we were dumb, we didn't let anything stand in our way.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I remember.", "Todd: I don't know about you, but I miss it. When was the last time you were wild, you know? Really wild. The way we used to be.", "Phoebe: Actually, quite recently, to tell you the truth.", "Paula's Voice: Who is that? Who are you talking to? Is this Freebie?", "(Phoebe changes into her teenage self.)", "Phoebe: You bet your ass. And I'm coming to get you, bitch.", "(Phoebe hangs up and goes over to the window. She climbs out.)", "[Cut to outside the conservatory. Chris and Victor are there smoking the cigars. Chris coughs.]", "Victor: Sorry, bad idea.", "Chris: It's cool, it's just strong.", "Victor: I was just trying to help us bond a little, you know.", "Chris: We don't need help bonding, we're cool.", "Victor: In the future, but I haven't been there yet, you know. I'm feeling a little out of sync here. Um, well, are you hungry? Do you wanna grab a bite?", "Chris: Yeah. Yeah, that'd be great. Just, um, let me change first, okay?", "Victor: Okay.", "Chris: Uh, listen, about those things, you might wanna pick up a different habit. To avoid future problems if you know what I mean.", "Victor: Oh, geez. (He quickly puts the cigar out.) Thanks for the tip.", "(They go inside. Phoebe climbs down the trellis.)", "[Scene: School Reunion. Teenage Phoebe walks in the room. Everyone turns and stares. She walks over to Todd.]", "Todd: Phoebe? When you said you were feeling wild you weren't kidding. What happened to your hair, your clothes?", "(Phoebe kisses him.)", "Paula: Oh my god. Get off him!", "(Paula pushes Phoebe to the floor.)", "Ramona: This isn't high school, Phoebe, they are married now. (to Todd) And what the hell are you thinking?", "Paula: No, no, no, let her go. Todd's a personal injury attorney and I have a hundred witnesses here. I'm sure Ask Freebie has very deep pockets.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I'd rather be rich than a bitch.", "(Suddenly Paula turns into a dog and runs through the room.)", "Ramona: What the hell was that?", "Phoebe: I have no idea but that was so cool. \"The past is the future and the future is the past, let's welcome back the senior class.\" (Everyone starts dancing.) That's more like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: School Reunion. The party is getting out of hand with people hanging off the chandelier, writing on walls, break dancing. Phoebe and Todd are making out under the table.]", "Todd: I haven't felt this way since...", "Phoebe: Homecoming game. Underneath the bleachers.", "Todd: Yeah, and crowd cheering. How did you make this happen?", "Phoebe: Magic. I think I'm a witch.", "Todd: You're a witch, huh? How come I'm not scared of you?", "Phoebe: 'Cause you're under my spell.", "(Paige orbs in near by.)", "Paige: Phoebe? Phoebe?", "(Someone dives across a table. Paige calls Piper on her phone.)", "Piper: Hello?", "Paige: Okay, I found Phoebe. I have good news and I have bad news.", "Piper: Give me the good.", "Paige: Well, I think I now know what Phoebe was like as a teenager. That's also the bad news.", "Piper: How bad is it?", "Paige: In a word... bad.", "(Phoebe sees Paige.)", "Phoebe: Let's get out of here.", "(Phoebe and Todd get out from under the table and head for the door.)", "Paige: Phoebe! Phoebe!", "Ramona: Hey, wait for me!", "[Cut to outside. Phoebe, Todd and Ramona are running down the street.]", "Ramona: So where are we going, guys?", "Todd: Anywhere. I don't care, I don't want this night to end.", "Phoebe: The night is young. (The cops pull up outside the reunion.) I can't get busted.", "Todd: Don't worry, I'm gonna get us outta here.", "Phoebe: Wait, you wanna steal a cop car?", "Todd: No, not steal, borrow.", "(Phoebe sees Paige walk out of the building.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, great idea, let's go.", "(Phoebe, Todd and Ramona get in the car and drive off.)", "Paige: Phoebe!", "[Scene: Restaurant. Chris and Victor are sitting at a table. A waiter is taking their order.]", "Chris: Uh, what is the gi-got?", "Waiter: Ze gigot is your choice. Leg of lamb or mutton.", "Chris: Oh, what is that, meat?", "Waiter: Yes, is meat. Comes from a sheep, you know? Baa-baa.", "Victor: Why don't you just bring us a couple of steaks, please. Medium. Thank you. (The waiter walks away.) Sorry, I thought you might like a fancy meal.", "Chris: Why?", "Victor: Trying to live up to my rep.", "Chris: With cigars and mutton? Sorry, grandpa, that's not how you did it.", "Victor: Did I take you to batting cages?", "Chris: No.", "Victor: Strip clubs?", "Chris: God, no.", "Victor: What did I do? You gotta tell me because I am crashing here.", "Chris: Nothing. You just... we talked.", "Victor: Oh.", "Chris: Look, we should just get back. I'm under cover with some demons who are gonna be looking for me very soon.", "Victor: No, no, no, wait. Let's talk. We need to talk.", "Chris: Let me guess. Piper asked you here to find out what's wrong with me, right?", "Victor: She just wants to know why she's such a terrible mother.", "Chris: She what? No, no, she's great.", "Victor: Then why are you treating her like she doesn't exist? Chris. If what we do is talk, talk to me.", "Chris: Because she doesn't exist in my future, okay? She dies when I turn fourteen.", "Victor: That, that's the event? How?", "Chris: I can't, alright. I've already said way too much. The point is after I save Wyatt, I have to back to where she isn't. I can't get close to her because I don't wanna lose her again.", "Victor: Maybe that's all the more reason to get close to her.", "[Scene: An abandoned gas station. Phoebe, Todd and Ramona have parked the cop car there. Cop cars drive past outside.]", "Todd: Proving once again that we are smarter than the cops.", "Ramona: Can I play with the siren now?", "Phoebe: No. I'm cleaning the fingerprints, we've gotta ditch the car here.", "Todd: Hey, what's the rush? The coast is clear, the night is young and so are you.", "(Phoebe and Todd kiss.)", "Ramona: Um, guys, I'm not gonna crawl in a truck again so you two can make out. Hey, we could T.P. Gabby Fernandez's house, how about that?", "Todd: How about lame.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I have to agree. This is a special night, we need imagination.", "Ramona: Hey, Rick always said he had imagination.", "Phoebe: That's exactly what I was thinking.", "Todd: This is reunion night. Let's get the gang back together.", "Ramona: Yeah, um, but Rick's locked up in county.", "Todd: So?", "Ramona: So, the jail's closed.", "Phoebe: Well, just think of me as your get into jail free card.", "Ramona: You wanna break in?", "Phoebe: Just to say hi. It's something to do, right?", "Ramona: Right.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is looking through the Book of Shadows while Paige scrys for Phoebe.]", "Paige: Damn it, I thought I had her. She's on the move again.", "Piper: Well, we better find her soon because we're gonna need her if those Scabbar demons come after Chris. I can't believe I let him go out with dad. What was I thinking?", "Paige: Honey, you weren't thinking, you were actually feeling which is allowed in this family.", "(Chris orbs in with Victor who has a sick look on his face.)", "Piper: You're okay.", "Victor: Who says I'm okay.", "Chris: Don't worry, you'll get used to orbing in the future.", "Piper: I thought something might have happened to you.", "Chris: No, we're fine, we just talked. Really, I'm fine.", "Paige: Yeah, well, Phoebe's not. She's out there running around with her old gang.", "Victor: I thought she was downstairs.", "Piper: No, she's out the window.", "Paige: And even worse, she's under the influence.", "Chris: Of alcohol?", "Paige: No, adolescence.", "Piper: She stole a cop car as a prank.", "Victor: That's not a prank, that's a felony.", "Paige: Yeah, well, teen Phoebe also happens to have her adult powers and she cast a spell on her entire reunion class.", "Chris: What?", "Piper: Don't worry, Paige was able to reverse it all, but...", "(Piper stumbles back. Chris and Victor grab her arms.)", "Chris: Are you okay?", "Piper: Yeah, I'm just a little light headed.", "Chris: Sorry. You know, about me.", "Piper: Huh. Must have been some hell of a talk there.", "Victor: Yeah. Go get off your feet, honey.", "(Piper and Victor leave the room.)", "Chris: Look, we need to stop Phoebe before she gets into some trouble we can't get her out of.", "Paige: I'm trying, she keeps moving, she keeps moving. Uh. (The crystal points to a place on the map.) I got her. (Two Scabbar demons appear and Chris orbs out. They spit yellow acid-like goo and it hits a cabinet, smashing the glass. Paige kneels behind a table. Chris orbs in behind her.) Glass!", "(A piece of broken glass orbs into one of the Scabbar demon's stomach. It just melts away, not harming him. He spits more acid goo and it hits the table, melting it away. Piper and Victor run in.)", "Piper: Get back!", "(Piper pushes Victor back out the door. Piper tries to blow one of the demons up. The other demon spits towards Paige.)", "Paige: Icky stuff!", "(The yellow goo orbs back to the demon, vanquishing him. The other one disappears.)", "Piper: Icky stuff?", "Paige: It worked.", "(Victor walks back in. Chris hands Paige the Book of Shadows.)", "Chris: Here. Sorry about all this.", "Piper: It's okay, kids are messy.", "Chris: They'll be back.", "Piper: Then we'll handle it.", "Paige: Uh-oh. (Paige picks up the melted scrying crystal.) Any idea how we're gonna find Phoebe now?", "[Scene: County Jail. A room. A man and two women are waiting there. A guard brings Rick into the room.]", "Rick: You're not my lawyers.", "Man: Well, Mr. Gittridge, we're here at the request of your public defender. May I call you Rick?", "Rick: No. You don't look much like a defence team to me.", "Guard: Sit down, Gittridge.", "(Rick sits down and the guard leaves the room.)", "Woman: Mr. Gittridge, did you at one time provide Phoebe Halliwell with a smoke bomb during a school assembly?", "Rick: Alright, what is this? (The man and women laugh. One of the women morphs into teenage Phoebe. Rick jumps out of his chair.) Stay away from me. (Phoebe waves her hand and the other two morph into Todd and Ramona.) Geez.", "(Rick picks up the chair.)", "Todd: Chill out, Rick, it's us.", "Phoebe: We just came by to say hi.", "Ramona: Hi.", "(The guard comes back in the room and Rick hits him over the head with the chair. He closes the door.)", "Rick: Alright, what the hell's going on? How'd you guys do that?", "Phoebe: Wait, are you crazy or just stupid?", "Rick: Tell me how you did that!", "Todd: It's Phoebe, she does things like magic, but for real.", "Rick: Wow. We'll see how real..", "Ramona: Um, this isn't supposed to happen, it's a prank. We just came to say hi.", "Phoebe: You want me to use my magic to get you out of here?", "(Rick unlocks the handcuffs with the keys hanging on the guard's belt.)", "Rick: Oh, I know you are. Only way you're getting outta here too. In for a penny, in for a pound. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Abandoned Gas Station. A guard holding a shotgun walks in and looks around.]", "Guard: All clear.", "(Phoebe, Todd and Ramona walk in. Phoebe waves her hand at the guard and he changes into Rick.)", "Rick: Sweet. What is this? Is this a spell or something?", "Phoebe: Or something.", "Rick: I need believed in much of anything before but I am a believer now.", "Phoebe: Whatever. Have a good life. Come on, you guys.", "Rick: Hey, wait, don't get all attitudinal on me. It's not like we did anything wrong here, guys.", "Todd: Rick, you hit a cop.", "Rick: That was an accident. You guys had me so freaked out with that magic, I didn't know what was going on.", "Ramona: He does have a point, Phoebe.", "Rick: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Don't buy into his crap. He made us break him out of prison.", "Rick: That was justice. You guys, I never hit no liquor store, I mean, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.", "Todd: You expect us to believe that?", "Rick: I'm being straight with you. You guys, you know me. I'm a trouble maker, not an armed robber.", "Phoebe: Could have fooled me.", "Rick: Okay, I grabbed the shot gun to scare you. I was desperate to get out of there, be with you guys. I'm one of you.", "Ramona: What do you think, Phoebe?", "Phoebe: He's capable of hurting people, that's what I think.", "Todd: I vote we let him stick with us.", "Ramona: Just doesn't seem right to leave him out.", "Rick: It's two out of three, babe. Guess we're all back together again, huh? This is great.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Chris are there. Piper puts a crystal on the window sill.]", "Piper: The crystal's should protect you. They won't be able to find you as long as you stay in the attic.", "Chris: You sure about that?", "Piper: Well, I'm pretty sure.", "Chris: Okay. Well, you and Wyatt need to go some place safe. I'm gonna go get him.", "Piper: No, you are not leaving this room.", "Chris: What about you?", "Piper: What about me? I have to stay here and help Paige summon Phoebe.", "Chris: I'm part witch, remember? I can help Paige do that.", "Piper: You can't vanquish the demons if they come and attack again.", "Chris: Well, I can try.", "(Victor stands near the doorway.)", "Victor: Listen to your mother, Chris.", "Chris: What if something happens to her?", "Piper: Nothing's gonna happen to me. Unless you know something that I don't.", "Victor: Nothing's gonna happen to you, honey. Not now.", "Piper: Oh, so when? Chris? Is that what you've been living with, knowing that something happens to me? I see. Well, does it happen soon?", "Chris: I can't tell you that. It could change the future in even worse ways.", "Piper: Right. But isn't that why you came here in the first place? To make the future better? How do you know you haven't already changed mine?", "Victor: She's got a point.", "Piper: Well, whatever it is, it obviously doesn't happen until you're born, so save it. You got it?", "Chris: I got it, mum.", "Piper: Huh?", "(Piper smiles.)", "[Scene: Abandoned Gas Station. Phoebe, Todd, Rick and Ramona are there.]", "Ramona: And then while I keep Miss Hickock busy on the telephone, you three creep up to her house and egg her car.", "Todd: I haven't egged a car in years. I get first shot.", "Rick: Hold it together. You're acting like you're still in high school.", "Phoebe: Because they are. I cast a spell.", "Rick: That explains so much. Listen, I picked up a tip today at lockup, and I got a better idea of what we can do tonight.", "Phoebe: Knock off another liquor store?", "Rick: No. An Armored car.", "Ramona: You're joking, right?", "Phoebe: No, he's not joking, he's psycho, look at him.", "Rick: You're wrong. Look, I would have never even considered it before, we got magic now, right? I mean, we can pull this off.", "Todd: An Armored car, huh? A little bit big league, don't you think?", "Rick: That's right, we're not kids anymore, we've gotta think about our futures. Come on, what do you say, Ramona? You in?", "Ramona: Um, I don't know, I don't want to go to jail.", "Rick: See, we're not gonna get caught, we got Phoebe, alright? Now we need a majority vote here, so what do you say?", "Ramona: No. I wanna go home.", "Rick: You're not going anywhere. In for a penny, in for a pound, remember?", "Phoebe: The cops aren't after us, they're after you.", "Todd: She's right.", "Phoebe: Come on, you guys, let's get out of here.", "Todd: It's over.", "(Rick hits Todd over the head with the gun.)", "Rick: Nothing's over until I say it's over. (Teenage Phoebe turns back into her normal self.) Whoa. What's going on? What are you doing?", "Phoebe: I kill demons everyday. Do you think I'm afraid of you?", "Rick: Stay right there.", "(Phoebe disappears in a swirl of bright lights.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Piper, Paige, Chris and Victor are standing there. Phoebe appears in a swirl of bright lights.]", "Victor: Honey, are you okay?", "Phoebe: No, I'm not. You have to send me back.", "Paige: You're not a teenager anymore.", "Phoebe: Very good, Paige. Now please, send me back.", "Piper: But wait, we need the power of three to vanquish the demons that are after Chris.", "Phoebe: No, Piper, it's gonna have to wait. There are innocents in danger.", "Piper: Well, what if you revert back?", "Phoebe: I won't. Look, there's a crazy man with a shot gun, now please send me back.", "[Cut to the abandoned gas station. Todd is laying unconscious on the ground. Phoebe appears in a swirl of lights.]", "Phoebe: Todd. Todd! Are you okay?", "(Rick walks out from behind the cop car.)", "Rick: Did you go to the cops?", "Phoebe: No, I didn't, I swear. Where's Ramona?", "Rick: Somewhere safe.", "Phoebe: What is that supposed to mean?", "Rick: I got nervous when you took off. I didn't know where you went so I decided I need a little leverege.", "Phoebe: Where is she?", "Rick: Don't take a tone with me, Pheebs. Not if you don't want to see your friend again. She's locked up tight, now if you want her to keep breathing, you're gonna do what I say. Don't you just love reunions?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Alley. Phoebe and Rick are driving down the alley in the cop car.]", "Rick: They should be passing by any minute. You stop up there.", "Phoebe: You don't have to do this, you know, you have a choice.", "Rick: A choice? Here's my choice. Freedom with money to burn, or life in prison.", "Phoebe: You won't get life.", "Rick: Maybe not, but I'll get thirty to forty years. That robbery was my third strike.", "Phoebe: So you did do it?", "Rick: Yeah, but you knew that. Even before you got all grown up.", "Phoebe: Don't do this, Rick. Don't make things worse than they already are. Just tell me where Ramona is.", "Rick: I get what I want, she'll go free.", "Phoebe: Yeah, except guys like you never get what they want.", "Rick: I'm not for lack of trying, that's for damn sure. I got a feeling this time it's gonna be different, 'cause I got magic on my side.", "Phoebe: God, what happened to you?", "Rick: Me? What happened to you? You're the one who changed. You got all different.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I did.", "(An Armored truck drives around the corner.)", "Rick: Go. (Phoebe pulls out in front of the truck so the truck so the truck is now following them.) You're gonna do this just like I said, then you're gonna give me a new face. And not one of them lawyer faces you used, something new. Or Ramona dies, are we clear? (Phoebe stops and the Armored truck stops behind them. Rick looks in the side mirror.) Go, go, go.", "(Phoebe turns the corner.)", "Phoebe: I can't guarantee you a perfect spell, you know?", "Rick: What do you mean? I saw you do magic.", "Phoebe: No, you saw a hormonal teenage witch with no fear of consequences.", "Rick: Leave the consequences to me. (The Armored truck continues to follow them. Rick slams his foot on the break and the Armored truck runs into the back of them.) Go, now!", "Phoebe: \"Make them see what can not be, flames that leap to make them flee.\" (Flames appear in the truck and the two men jump out of it. One of the men is on fire.) Oh my god, he's on fire.", "Rick: Yeah, wasn't that the idea?", "Phoebe: No, it was just supposed to be an illusion.", "(Rick runs over and attacks one of the men. Phoebe hits the man on fire with a coat to put the fire out. Rick knocks the man out and points a shotgun at him. Phoebe dives on Rick and they fall to the ground. They struggle with each other to get to the shotgun. Rick gets to it and points it at Phoebe.)", "Rick: It wouldn't be the first time I killed someone. Let's get the money.", "(Rick goes inside the truck.)", "Phoebe: \"Make him hear what isn't there, his deepest worries come to bear.\"", "(Rick hears sirens of police cars.)", "Rick: Damn it! Where'd they come from?", "Phoebe: I think your time's running out.", "Rick: Let's go, let's go.", "(He grabs Phoebe and they walk down the street.)", "[Scene: Manor. Wyatt's room. Piper and Victor are watching Wyatt sleep.]", "Piper: Mm, I wish I was asleep.", "Victor: You should sleep.", "Piper: No, I can't. Not until Phoebe's back and Chris's demons are vanquished, and I accept the fact that apparently I die young. You know, don't you? When it happens?", "Victor: It's like you said, the future could have changed. I do know that Chris loves you.", "Piper: Yeah?", "Victor: Yeah. I love you too.", "(They hear a crash.)", "Piper: Wait here. Wyatt's force field will protect you.", "(She heads for the door. Paige stands at the door way.)", "Paige: You stay put, I'm gonna take care of it, okay? Just keep Chris in the attic.", "(Paige walks away.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe is laying on the floor. Rick is standing in front of her.]", "Rick: Okay, no more stalling. Do it.", "Phoebe: Where's Ramona?", "Rick: You think I'm stupid? I tell you where she is, I lose my leverage.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: What's going on?", "(Rick points the gun at Paige.)", "Rick: Who are you?", "(Phoebe gets up.)", "Phoebe: Don't. She's my sister.", "Rick: Yeah? She a witch too?", "Paige: Yeah. You could say it runs in the family.", "Rick: Good. Then maybe she can give me a new face.", "Phoebe: You know, we'd been more than happy to give you a new face once you tell us where Ramona is.", "Rick: What the hell. You're my leverage now anyway. She's locked in a tank under the pumping station.", "Phoebe: How do we know you're telling the truth?", "Rick: You don't. Now, my face. Make it different. Heartbreaking, charming, young.", "(Phoebe gets an idea.)", "Phoebe: You know, I'm thinking maybe you should use our nephew for inspiration.", "Paige: \"Who you were, you're now another, take the face of Wyatt's brother.\"", "(Rick turns into Chris. He looks in the mirror.)", "Chris: Yeah, I like it. This'll work.", "Paige: Pheebs, watch out, this could get messy. (Phoebe and Paige hide behind a wall. Three Scabbar demons appear in the room. Rick shoots at them but doesn't harm them. They spit the green acid goo at Rick which melts him to nothing. The demons disappear. Phoebe and Paige come out from behind the wall.) You okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Paige: You know you had to, right?", "Phoebe: I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Phoebe is there looking through her year book. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Paige: How are Todd and Ramona?", "Phoebe: They're shaky but they're okay.", "Paige: Yeah? Do they remember anything?", "Phoebe: No, once I reversed the spell, the past was...", "Paige: Forgotten?", "Phoebe: Some things are best forgotten.", "Paige: Yeah, like, freaky Phoebe.", "Phoebe: My god, I was such an angry little teenager, huh?", "Paige: Well, it's a good thing you didn't have your powers back then.", "Phoebe: Tell me about it. I'm just glad that's all behind me, you know.", "Paige: Yeah, still, it's good for me to see you have a couple of chinks in your armor. As an older sister you're quite a bit to live up to.", "Phoebe: Shut up.", "Paige: I swear to it.", "Phoebe: Get out of here.", "Paige: I'm telling you the truth.", "Phoebe: I'm embarrassed now.", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper and Victor are heading towards the door.]", "Piper: Next time I ask you to drop by I promise I will keep the demonic drama to a minimum.", "Victor: Yeah, now you know why I don't come around that often.", "Piper: Dad.", "Victor: Just kidding. (They hug.) Sort of. Take care of yourself. You've got a great kid growing inside of you. Look forward to really getting to know him someday.", "Piper: I still can't believe you like orbing in the future. Do I live to see that?", "Victor: Ooh, nice try. Don't worry so much about the future. Spend time with him while you can, talk to him.", "Piper: Every moment counts, is that it?", "Victor: Yeah, something like that. Uh, Piper, be careful.", "(He leaves. Piper walks in the conservatory and sees Chris and Wyatt sitting on the floor, playing with toys. She feels the baby kick and she smiles.)" ]
Hyde School Reunion
[ "Piper is kidnapped and cocooned by the Spider Demon, a creature that emerges every hundred years to feed off a powerful magical being. During the attack, Chris is infected with the demon's venom, causing him to mutate into a spider demon himself. In need of desperate help, Paige calls Leo. Phoebe then reveals to Leo that Chris is his son. While trying to save him, Chris attacks Leo and starts repeatedly punching Leo, yelling that Leo does not know him. Later, Leo finds Chris on the Golden Gate bridge and begs him to tell him why he hates him so much. Chris replies that Leo was never there for him, but he was there for Piper, Wyatt, and half the world. Leo tells him that maybe he did not come back just to save Wyatt, but to save their relationship as well." ]
[ "[Scene: P3. It's dark. Chris is sitting at the bar reading his future with tarot cards. He flips over the judgment card and sighs. The lights turn on in the room and a guy walks down the stairs.]", "Chris: Dennis, what are you doing here?", "Dennis: I work here, remember?", "Chris: No, I know, I mean, what are you doing here so early?", "Dennis: Piper called. Wanted me to set up for the band.", "Chris: Piper called? From where, the doctors?", "Dennis: I don't know, maybe. Is something wrong? Is she okay?", "Chris: Yeah, it's just a regular check up for the baby, I'm sure everything's fine.", "Dennis: You mind if I ask you a question?", "Chris: Sure.", "Dennis: You know Piper pretty well, don't you? I mean, you guys seem close.", "Chris: Yeah, real close.", "Dennis: What's the deal with the ex of hers, Leo? Dude gets her pregnant, right? Then what, just skips town on her? I mean, what's up with that?", "Chris: It's a long story.", "Dennis: As far as I'm concerned, she deserves a hell of a lot better.", "Chris: Couldn't agree with you more.", "[Scene: Doctors Surgery. Hallway. Piper and Paige are standing by the elevator doors with about five people frozen behind them.]", "Paige: Are you hormonal or just plain crazy?", "Piper: One woman can only take so much.", "Paige: Okay, if these people walk out of their offices, what do you think they're gonna see?", "Piper: Well, I think they won't be touching my stomach anymore, that's what I think.", "Paige: Piper, that is not a good enough reason to freeze people.", "Piper: I think it is.", "(The elevator doors open. Piper unfreezes the people and walks in it. A lady that was standing behind Piper stumbles forward. Paige catches her.)", "Paige: It's okay, it's okay, we all just get a little vertigo sometimes. (Paige gets in the elevator with Piper.) No wonder Chris grows up to be such a neurotic little freak. (The elevator doors close.) So you excited?", "Piper: About what?", "Paige: About what the doctor said. That it's gonna be a healthy baby.", "Piper: Well, I know he's healthy. I've seen him twenty-two and walking around.", "Paige: Well, you never know, something could happen.", "Piper: Oh, don't be such a worry wart. Now you're starting to sound like...", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: Hey.", "Piper: Chris.", "Paige: Okay, if this is about demons, I don't wanna hear it, 'cause I am on my lunch break.", "Chris: No, no, no, I just wanted to know how it went with the doctor.", "Piper: Well, you'll be happy to know that you're a boy.", "(Piper holds up an ultrasound picture.)", "Chris: That's not what I meant.", "Paige: I don't see it.", "Piper: Oh, see, it's this little thing right here.", "Chris: Whoa! (He snatches the picture off her.) Excuse me. Do you mind?", "[Cut to the car park. The elevator doors open and Piper, Paige and Chris walk out.]", "Piper: Why are you so edgy, anyway? Relax.", "Chris: Well, it's not me in there I was thinking about, it's you. I'm just making sure you're okay.", "Paige: See, that's where I'd ask for money to go to the movies.", "Chris: Very funny. Actually, in the future, you're the one I go to for money.", "Paige: Ooh, why, am I rich?", "Chris: I can't tell you that.", "Piper: What about me? I'm your mother. Why didn't you come to me for money?", "Chris: Because I don't want to bother you, you'll have too much to deal with.", "Paige: What about your dad?", "Chris: Uh, Leo's not much of a factor.", "Paige: What does that mean?", "Chris: I'd rather not talk about it.", "Piper: Future consequences?", "Chris: More like future issues.", "Paige: Ooh, father-son problems.", "Chris: I have an idea, let's change the subject.", "Paige: To what? (A woman drops in front of them from the roof and Chris pulls Piper out of the way. The woman scratches Chris's neck.) Extinguisher! (The fire extinguisher flies towards the woman and she jumps over it. Piper tries to blow her up but she turns into a spider and runs away. Chris helps Piper up.) You guys okay?", "(Chris touches his neck.)", "Chris: I don't know. Am I? (They look at three scratches on his neck.) Am I?", "Piper: I don't know.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Piper, Paige and Chris are there. Piper is dabbing Chris's wound with a cloth. Paige is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Chris: So I'm okay, right? I mean, mini me in there?", "Piper: Well, if he wasn't, I think you'd be the first to know. Now, sit still.", "Chris: Well, then why were you so worried back there?", "Piper: I wasn't worried. Alright, I was a little worried about the force field.", "Chris: What force field?", "Paige: The one she had when she was pregnant with Wyatt.", "Chris: Wait, you had a force field with Wyatt but not with me?", "Piper: Well, I didn't have one, he had one. It was all his doing.", "Chris: From the womb? He had powers from the womb? That's unbelievable! It's not like I don't have an inferiority complex with him already. Thank you.", "Piper: (to Paige) Did you find that demon yet?", "Paige: Yes, actually, I did. It's the Spider Demon. An evil creature that emerges from its hidden lair every hundred years, to capture and feed off the most powerful and magical demon it can detect. In this case that would be you.", "Chris: And me. Sorta.", "Piper: You must be so proud.", "Paige: It's kinda creepy how she knew to lay a trap for you. Obviously she didn't count on us being there.", "Piper: Well, at least there's a vanquishing potion here. Okay, what do you say we make this eight-legged freak wish it'd never been hatched.", "Chris: Whoa, hold it. You are not going anywhere, mum, this is way too risky.", "Paige: He's actually right. Without the Wyatt force field thing.", "Chris: Okay, do you have to keep rubbing that in?", "Paige: Aren't there any therapists in the future?", "Chris: We need Phoebe.", "Piper: No, I don't want to interrupt her date with Mark.", "Paige: Actually, it's Mike this week.", "Chris: No, it's Mitch. But who cares, we need her.", "Paige: Ever since she had that vision thing in magic school, you know, the one about a demon-free life, and her being with child, she's kind of been on that whole future thing.", "Piper: And she wishes to accomplish that by speed dating?", "Paige: I don't know.", "Chris: So does that book say anything about that spider being poisonous?", "[Scene: A Cave. It is covered with spider webs. The Spider Demon walks over to a body wrapped in spider webs.", "Spider Demon: Miss me?", "Man: I was hoping that you would let me die in peace.", "Spider Demon: I'm sorry. I was raised to never leave any food on my plate.", "Man: Please, have mercy.", "Spider Demon: Oh, don't worry. There's not much of you left to dine on, anyway.", "Man: My misery will soon be over but I suspect yours is just beginning.", "Spider Demon: Oh, how so?", "Man: You've come back empty handed. You will starve.", "Spider Demon: Hardly. I've already found my next meal. A powerful witch, a Charmed One.", "Man: A Charmed One? I've heard of their coming.", "Spider Demon: Really? Must be more powerful than I thought. Hope my eyes aren't too big for my stomach.", "Man: You will never trap one.", "Spider Demon: But I already have. I have infected her Whitelighter. Soon he'll be my ally. As for you, my little wizard, it's been a pleasure.", "(She digs her finger nails into the wizard's sides and sucks in all his powers. The wizard turns into a skeleton.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper, Paige and Chris are there. Piper is dabbing Chris's wound.]", "Chris: Gentle, please.", "Piper: Oh, quit your complaining, I'm almost done. Paige, could you call the club for me and tell them I'm gonna be a little bit late?", "Chris: No, I thought we already discussed this. You're not going anywhere without a force field.", "Piper: Why? Because it's so much safer here? I have to go to work, I booked a band tonight.", "Chris: Let Paige cover for you.", "Paige: No, I can't, I have to go back to my temp job. I'm already late.", "Chris: Blow it off. This is more important.", "Paige: My temp jobs are important. It's how people who need help find me.", "Chris: Okay, I get that, I do, but right now your sister needs your help, okay?", "Paige: Why don't we just call Leo?", "Chris: No, no.", "Paige: Why not? He can help us. Besides, Piper's in danger, which means the baby's in danger, which means you are in danger.", "Chris: Because we don't need him.", "Piper: Yeah, he's right, I don't want to open up that can of worms.", "Paige: He doesn't even know you're pregnant.", "Piper: This is my point exactly.", "Paige: Look, I'm not suggesting some sort of reunion...", "Chris: He has been gone for six months. If he's not there for us in the future, why is he there for us now?", "(Piper sits down on the chair.)", "Paige: Hey, are you okay?", "Piper: Yeah, I just need to sit down for a minute.", "Paige: Okay, well, I'll go deal with the club, you work on the vanquishing potion and call Phoebe and I when it's done.", "(Paige leaves.)", "Chris: I'll clean up.", "(Chris closes the first aid kit and his hand sticks to box.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cafe Le Blue. Phoebe walks up to the host.]", "Phoebe: Hi, I'm supposed to be meeting someone. (He points to a guy sitting at a table.) Thanks. (Phoebe walks up to the guy.) I'm so sorry. Sorry. Sorry.", "Guy: It's okay.", "(He stands up and helps her sit down.)", "Phoebe: Thanks. Last time I ride BART for a while. The train, not the guy.", "Guy: Right, right. Well, you look, you look amazing, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Oh, that's very sweet, Mike, thanks.", "Guy: Mitch.", "Phoebe: Mitch! Mitch, right, of course. I'm sorry, I knew that, you know, it's just, I think I'm a little nervous.", "Mitch: You're nervous? It's hard to believe.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, we both have a lot at stake here, don't you think?", "Mitch: Yeah, yeah, I guess we do.", "Phoebe: You know, we don't want to waste any time, I think we're both over the serial dating thing, the loveless s*x thing.", "Mitch: We are?", "Phoebe: Don't you just want a family? Kids?", "Mitch: I don't know, I-I haven't really thought about it to be honest.", "(Phoebe touches his hand and concentrates.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, nothing. (She stands up.) Alright, so it's great seeing you, you take care.", "Mitch: But, Phoebe...", "(Phoebe turns around and Chris is standing there.)", "Phoebe: Chris, hey. Oh my god, you're sweating. What happened to your neck?", "Chris: Uh, Piper was attacked by a demon. She's okay though. We need you back at the house to help with the vanquishing potion.", "Phoebe: Okay. Take care, Mark.", "Mitch: Mitch.", "(Phoebe walks away. A fly buzzes around Chris and he catches it in his hand.)", "Phoebe: Chris, are you coming or what?", "Chris: Yeah.", "[Scene: P3. Paige and Jeremy are there. Paige's phone rings and she answers it.]", "Paige: Hello?", "Voice: You didn't show up today.", "Paige: Hi, yeah, I meant to call, I really did, I just got a little hung up at, um, at work.", "Voice: What do you mean you were at work? Don't you care about these temp jobs?", "Paige: Yes, of course, the temp jobs are important to me...", "(A very tall leprechaun walks up to Paige.)", "Leprechaun: Excuse me, Miss Matthews? I hate to bother you, love, but...", "Paige: Now's not a good time, okay?", "Leprechaun: Huh, you're telling me. I'm supposed to be a leprechaun.", "Paige: Okay, pal, the bar's not open yet. Why don't you try down the street.", "Leprechaun: You don't understand. The wicked witch of the enchanted forest put a dastardly curse on me. I know you helped Shamus.", "Paige: Um, let me call you back. (She hangs up.) You knew Shamus?", "Leprechaun: He was me brother. Of course, all leprechauns are, but the point is we were close.", "Paige: Give me a second. (She turns to Jeremy.) Uh, Jeremy, could you check on the beer in the back?", "Jeremy: No worries.", "(Jeremy goes out the back.)", "Paige: Okay, uh, how did you find me?", "Leprechaun: I didn't for sure. I was told to find you at your temp jobs but you don't seem to be there anymore.", "Paige: Tell me about it.", "Leprechaun: And I didn't want to bother you at home.", "Paige: Thank you, I appreciate that. Okay, what did this wicked witch do to you?", "Leprechaun: Uh, isn't it obvious? She made me tall!", "Paige: Oh, that's the problem.", "Leprechaun: Oh, it's just not who I am, love. Am more importantly, it's taken away my power to dole out luck too. Is there anyway you can turn me back? Please.", "Paige: Okay, uh, I'm sure I can improvise something. \"You who found me in this bar, turn back to who you really are.\"", "(The leprechaun shrinks to his original size. He chuckles.)", "Leprechaun: Oh, god bless you, Paige. The name is Riley and I am forever in your debt.", "Paige: Great, you're welcome, but if you don't mind, you probably should get out of here.", "Riley: Not before I leave you with a token of my appreciation. (He hands her his shillelagh.) I hope you get that wicked witch.", "Paige: I'll try.", "(Riley whizzes off. Jeremy walks back into the room.)", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. There are a potions on the table. Chris is there. Phoebe walks in from the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: Okay, let's do this. I have a future to get back to.", "Chris: Who doesn't. You blessed this?", "Phoebe: Yes, I blessed it, I sang to it. What's the matter with you? (Chris sits on the stairs. Piper comes down the stairs.) Are you okay?", "Chris: Yeah, I think I'm just coming down with something.", "Piper: What do you mean? From the attack?", "Chris: Now who's the worry wart. Look, we still need Paige to bless this. Did you call her?", "Piper: Yeah, she's on her way. She was helping me out at the club.", "Phoebe: Who's watching Wyatt?", "Piper: Uh, Sheila. He should be safe there until after this is over.", "(A spider crawls in from an open window.)", "Phoebe: Okay, well, we gotta get a move on here. Because I need to find my husband, like, yesterday. Seriously. What? I did the math. It's gonna take me like a year to fall in love, and there's the whole engagement and the wedding, and then the year of wedded bliss. (Chris notices the spider.) And then I have to wait a year to find out if I really want to have his kid, you know, and the pregnancy's, like, nine months. Well, ten months, they just tell you it's nine months. So clearly, let's move on here. I'm sorry, what's so funny?", "Piper: This whole family needs a shrink.", "(Paige orbs in holding the shillelagh.)", "Phoebe: Hey. Where'd you get that?", "Paige: Don't ask.", "Chris: You need to bless this vanquishing potion.", "Paige: Wow. Hello to you too.", "Chris: Hey, the book says for all three of you to bless it. Phoebe will help you. Piper, can I talk to you, please?", "Piper: Piper? What happened to mum?", "Paige: How exactly do I bless this thing?", "Phoebe: With your blood. Come on. (Phoebe and Paige walk in the dining room.) This'll just hurt a little.", "(Paige pulls a face.)", "[Cut to the conservatory. Piper and Chris walk in.]", "Piper: What is it? What's the matter? Chris, your eyes are dilated.", "Chris: Are they?", "(The spider turns into the spider demon. Web flies out of her hands and wraps Piper up in it. She gets stuck to the wall covered from head to toe in a spider web cocoon. Phoebe and Paige walk in.)", "Phoebe: Okay, we got it. She didn't even... (She sees the spider demon.) Faint.", "(Paige throws a potion towards the spider demon and Chris catches it.)", "Paige: What are you doing?", "(Chris knocks Paige to the floor and then attacks Phoebe. Phoebe fights back and he drops the potion. The potion rolls over to Paige. Phoebe kicks Chris in the head and knocks him to the floor. Paige throws the potion at the spider demon, missing. She turns back into a spider and crawls away.)", "Phoebe: Get it! Get it! (The spider crawls out the window.) Piper.", "(They turn around and see Piper wrapped in a cocoon against the wall.)", "Paige: Oh, no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Paige is there. She walks up to Piper and touches her. The web zaps her and Paige is knocked backwards.]", "Paige: Well, there's a force field that works.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Alright, I locked Chris in the basement. What are you doing on the floor?", "(Phoebe helps her up.)", "Paige: Well, not having a lot of luck, that's why I'm on the floor. I've tried orbs, knives, spells. Nada.", "Phoebe: God, I hope Piper's okay in there.", "Paige: Don't.", "Phoebe: So do you think we should ask Chris for help?", "Paige: Yeah, let's get the mutant who put her in there in the first place to help.", "Phoebe: Missy, that is our nephew, he needs help too.", "Paige: Okay, fine. How should we help? Uh, how about Leo?", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? Piper will kill us.", "Paige: Well, she can kill us after she's saved.", "Phoebe: Paige, Piper doesn't want Leo to know that Chris is his son, okay? So I don't think I can keep that secret.", "Paige: Try. Leo!", "(Leo orbs in wearing a gold robe.)", "Leo: Phoebe, Paige, how are you?", "Phoebe: Not so good, we have a problem.", "Leo: Perhaps we should meditate.", "Paige: No, I don't want to meditate. Piper, right there.", "(Leo turns around and sees Piper wrapped up in the spider web.)", "Leo: Ah, the Spider Demon. She cocoons her victims before feeding on them.", "Paige: Great, well, can you get her out of there?", "Leo: Uh, well, the only way to get her out of there is to vanquish the Spider Demon. But it's okay, the cocoon is meant for preservation, so she's safe for now.", "Phoebe: Good, that means Chris is too.", "Leo: Chris? He's in there too?", "Paige: No, he's not in there, Leo, he's in the basement.", "Phoebe: Yeah, he was acting a little crazy so I locked him in the basement.", "Paige: Yeah, after the Spider Demon infected him, he got a little crazy, went after...", "Leo: I'll talk to him.", "(Leo heads for the basement.)", "Paige: Ay, be careful. Good thinking.", "Phoebe: I'm telling you, he has a right to know.", "Paige: No, he doesn't.", "[Cut to the basement. It's dark. Leo walks down the stairs.]", "Leo: Chris? Chris? Chris, I'd like to talk to you, it's Leo. (Chris walks out of the shadows.) Chris.", "Chris: b*st*rd!", "(Spider webs shoot out of Chris's hand and Leo orbs out before the webs hit him.)", "[Cut to the kitchen. Leo orbs in and quickly closes the door. Phoebe and Paige run in.]", "Paige: What happened?", "Leo: He attacked me.", "Paige: I tried to warn you.", "Phoebe: He's got issues.", "Leo: Issues?", "Paige: Yeah, from being infected.", "Phoebe: No, I think his issues precede that, don't you, Paige?", "Leo: Something you're not telling me?", "Phoebe: Actually...", "Paige: No.", "Phoebe: Look, he's gonna find out sooner or later and I'm gonna bust.", "Leo: Find out what?", "Phoebe: If he's gonna help us, we're gonna have to tell him.", "Paige: It's Piper's business.", "Leo: Tell me what?", "(Phoebe tries to hold it in but can't.)", "Phoebe: Chris is your son. Don't we all feel better? I know I feel so much better.", "(Leo sits down, speechless.)", "Leo: How...", "Phoebe: Uh, spirit realm, six months ago, you and Piper... Leo, she's pregnant.", "Leo: Why didn't she tell me?", "Phoebe: Well, honestly, I think she knows how hard it was for you to leave one son behind. She didn't want to make it any harder.", "(Paige's phone rings.)", "Paige: Great. Excuse me.", "(Paige leaves the room.)", "Leo: Why is he so mad at me?", "Phoebe: I don't know, sweetie. He's real tight lipped about the future. It's a lot for you, huh? Well, uh, you gotta try to pull it together because we need you. Your family needs you.", "Leo: Right. You're right.", "Phoebe: That's the spirit.", "Leo: Well, uh, if I remember correctly, the Spider Demon's last victim was a wizard. So maybe I should go to magic school and see if there's something there that I can use to scry for him.", "Phoebe: Okay, and what about Chris?", "Leo: Check the Book of Shadows, I think there's an antidote.", "Phoebe: Okay. Welcome home.", "(Leo orbs out. Paige walks in.)", "Paige: Hey, will you watch Piper? I have to go back to the club.", "Phoebe: Wait, now?", "Paige: Yeah, the wicked witch has struck again.", "(Paige orbs out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Basement. Chris is sitting on the floor, groaning.]", "Spider Demon's Voice: Chris. Chris. Come to me, Chris. (Chris stands up.) That's right. Over here. Come closer. (Chris walks over to an archway and spins a web in the corner of it. An image of the Spider Demon appears in the web.) You are learning quickly.", "Chris: What did you do to me?", "Spider Demon: I think you know. Now bring me the cocoon.", "Chris: No.", "(Chris groans in pain and falls to his knees.)", "Spider Demon: You can't resist it, what's happening to you. Don't fight it, embrace your new powers. Use them.", "Chris: I don't understand.", "Spider Demon: You will, my sweet. All in good time. (She chuckles.) All in good time.", "(Chris stands up and pulls down the spider web.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: P3. Paige, Jeremy and a man wearing a green dress is there. Jeremy is unconscious on the floor.]", "Paige: Who did this? The wicked witch?", "Man: Uh, no, actually, that was me.", "Paige: You? Why?", "Man: I couldn't let him open the club, let all those people in here. Not until you turn me back into a wood nymph.", "Paige: Okay, well, who's to say that there's not more coming after you? I can not keep the club closed all night. Piper will kill me.", "Man: Cry me a river, sister. (A man and a woman walk down the stairs.) We have lives too, you know. Without me, nature falls out of harmony. Flowers wilt, trees wither, streams dry up. It ain't pretty. And this guy...", "Man #2: Hi.", "Man: He's an ogre. A giant, terrifying ogre. Now tell me, does he look imposing to you in the least?", "Paige: No, not so much.", "Woman: And me, I'm supposed to be a fairy.", "Guy: You see the problem.", "Man: Witches curses spread like wild fire. Pretty soon there won't be any of us magic folks left.", "Paige: No offence, but you don't sound like any of the wood nymphs I've ever met.", "Man: It's the curse, I'm telling you, the curse!", "Paige: Alright, alright.", "(Paige picks up a pen and a notepad off the bar.)", "Man: Paper and pen? You've got to be kidding. What, are you gonna right the wicked witch a letter?", "Paige: Hey, I don't tell you how to save the forest. No, I don't. Okay, tell me everything you know about the wicked witch so we can get rid of her once and for all.", "[Cut to a cave. The wicked witch is there cackling while stirring a cauldron. She stops.]", "Wicked Witch: Uh-oh.", "(The wicked witch disappears in a puff of smoke.)", "[Cut to P3. The people turn back into their proper creature selves.]", "Paige: Ding dong.", "Nymph: Thank you, thank you, thank you.", "Ogre: We owe you, Paige.", "Paige: Yeah, great. Now, why don't you guys get out of here because I know a witch who's gonna really put a curse on me unless...", "[Scene: Magic School. Great Hall. Leo and Sigmond are there looking through books.]", "Sigmond: What about this one, sir? \"The wizard wrath metre.\" He created over five hundred spells and potions before mysteriously disappearing in 1904.", "Leo: Sounds like the right year. Any chance you have this wand here?", "Sigmond: It should be in the collection.", "(Leo and Sigmond turn around to find Gideon standing behind them.)", "Gideon: Would you excuse us please, Sigmond?", "Sigmond: Of course.", "Leo: Not now.", "Gideon: Leo, this is a serious matter, and one that we have been over countless times. You abandoned the other Elders without so much as a warning.", "Leo: Yeah, well, something came up.", "Gideon: You can't just pop on down whenever you feel the need arise. You're not just putting yourself at risk, you're putting all Elders at risk too.", "Leo: I'm trying to save my son.", "Gideon: Wyatt? Has something happened to him?", "Leo: No, not Wyatt, to Chris. I know, I just found out myself, I don't have time to explain. If I don't find the demon who hurt him, I may not be able to figure out why he hates me so much.", "Gideon: Hates you?", "(Leo gets the wand out of the cabinet.)", "Leo: Got it. Listen, I dropped Wyatt off in the nursery just to be on the safe side. I hope that's alright.", "Gideon: Of course.", "(Leo orbs out. Sigmond walks in.)", "Sigmond: Chris is his son too?", "Gideon: Apparently. Actually, come to think of it, that does explain why he came all the way from the future to save Wyatt.", "Sigmond: Save him from us you mean.", "Gideon: If he knew he wouldn't still be searching. When the time is right, Wyatt will be sacrificed and the greater good will be served.", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Phoebe and Paige are there making a potion.]", "Paige: You need anything else?", "Phoebe: No, sweetie. I just hope I'm not too late.", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: I stopped off in the attic on the way back.", "Phoebe: I gotta tell you, Leo, whatever Chris has against you in the future, it can't be your lack of determination.", "(A spider crawls out of the vent and runs along the floor.)", "Leo: Still, you might not be in this mess if I hadn't been gone so long.", "Paige: Well, you have to do what you have to do.", "Phoebe: My god, Leo, can't you think of anything but yourself?", "Paige: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Yeah, that was kind of weird.", "Paige: Yeah.", "Phoebe: You totally bailed on us.", "Paige: What the hell?", "Phoebe: Okay, I think maybe I'm channelling Chris's anger?", "Leo: But he's in the basement. Can you empath from so far away?", "Phoebe: I don't know, maybe my powers are expanding.", "Paige: Or he's closer than we think.", "(The spider crawls into the parlor and turns into Chris. Phoebe and Paige run in.)", "Phoebe: No!", "(Spider webs shoot out of Chris's hands and hits Phoebe, sticking her to the wall by her wrists. Paige throws a potion at Chris and he covers it in spider webs. He then sticks Paige to the wall also by the wrists. Leo runs in.)", "Leo: Chris, stop, this isn't you.", "Chris: Wanna bet?", "(Chris pushes Leo against the wall.)", "Phoebe: Chris, don't.", "Paige: He's your father. (Chris throws him up the stairs and sticks him to the wall with spider webs. He walks over to Piper and orbs out with her.) Bug spray, we should have used bug spray.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Stairs. Phoebe, Paige and Leo are still stuck to the wall.]", "Phoebe: Okay, I can't break free. Can you orb?", "Paige: No, I tried.", "Leo: Damn it.", "Paige: Are Elders even allowed to swear?", "Leo: No, but fathers are. Especially ones whose kid tries to kill him.", "Phoebe: Well, technically you can't die.", "Leo: It's not the point.", "Paige: Well, it wasn't Chris, Leo, it was a demon.", "Leo: No, some of it was Chris, I saw it in his eyes.", "Phoebe: I think he's right. I think that's why he can still orb. He can be saved.", "Paige: Yeah, well, can we?", "(Phoebe sees the shillelagh near by.)", "Phoebe: Maybe with a little luck.", "Paige: Shillelagh.", "(The shillelagh orbs and taps on the floor three times. A rainbow appears and so does Riley.)", "Riley: Somebody called.", "Paige: Hey, over here.", "(He laughs.)", "Riley: Now there's something you don't see everyday.", "Paige: Yeah, thanks a lot. Can you just get us down from here, please?", "Riley: I can try, but as you know, luck can go either way. Good or bad. Take your chances.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, we'll take our chances.", "Riley: Very well. Slainte is tainte! (Paige falls from the wall and lands on a table, smashing it. Riley chuckles.) I tried to warn you, love.", "[Scene: Spider Demon's cave. The spider demon, Chris and the Piper cocoon are there.]", "Spider Demon: I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.", "Chris: Thanks to you for showing me how. Now what?", "Spider Demon: You've been ever so helpful. But if you don't mind, I prefer to dine alone. (The spider demon digs her fingernails into Piper's sides and starts draining her powers. Chris falls to the ground in pain.) So divine.", "Chris: What's happening?", "Spider Demon: I gather you weren't counting on this. It's not just her magic I'm feeding on, it's her baby's too. Yours.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Phoebe and Leo are there. Leo is scrying.]", "Leo: I don't understand why this isn't working. Maybe I have the wrong wizard.", "Phoebe: Or maybe because there's nothing to find. Leo, you gotta stop beating yourself up over this, okay. It's not your fault.", "Leo: I just, I don't understand why he hates me so much.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but Leo, it's in the future, it hasn't happened yet, so you can change it.", "Leo: If Chris lives long enough to tell me what to change. Why am I scrying for the wizard? The demon has Piper, I should be scrying for her.", "Phoebe: Here, use her keys.", "(Phoebe grabs Piper's keys and hands them to Leo. He continues to scry. The crystal points to a place on the map.)", "Leo: Got her.", "Phoebe: Okay, I'll take the antidote, you take the vanquishing potion. Paige!", "Leo: Piper didn't bless it.", "Phoebe: It's all we've got.", "Leo: But we need the power of three. How are we gonna make up for Piper?", "(Paige walks in with the nymph, fairy and ogre following her.)", "Paige: Well, how about with a little help from our friends.", "[Cut to outside the Spider Demon's cave. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and the ogre are there. The ogre throws a rock at the cave entrance and the cave's force field sends the rock flying back to the ogre. He catches it.]", "Paige: Nice catch.", "Ogre: Thank you.", "Phoebe: So wait, we can't get in?", "Leo: No, it's impenetrable.", "Phoebe: Great plan.", "Paige: Well, maybe we can draw her out?", "Leo: How's that?", "Ogre: I could just knock.", "Phoebe: Good thinking.", "[Cut to inside the cave. The spider demon is still sucking out Piper's powers. She hears the ogre banging.]", "Spider Demon: Damn it. Can't a demon eat in peace?", "[Cut to outside. The spider demon walks out.]", "Spider Demon: You're pissing me off, you know.", "Paige: Yeah, that's the idea.", "Spider Demon: You think you can take me? Without your sister?", "Paige: We're just gonna have to see. Now! (The fairy flies in front of the spider demon's face. The spider demon hits Paige across the face and she falls to the ground. Phoebe kicks the spider demon. The nymph comes out of the bushes and throws the potion at the spider demon. It misses when she turns back into a spider.) Step on her.", "(The ogre steps on the spider and squishes it into the ground.)", "Phoebe: That's gross.", "Ogre: Sorry.", "(Paige gets up.)", "Paige: Give me the antidote.", "Leo: No. This is my responsibility.", "[Cut to inside. Piper is now out of the cocoon. She pulls the spider webs off her clothes.]", "Leo: Piper, are you okay?", "Piper: I think so. What are you doing here?", "Leo: Uh, it's a long story.", "(They hear a noise.)", "Piper: What's that?", "(Chris walks in.)", "Leo: Our little boy. You gotta get out of here.", "(Leo waves his hand and Piper orbs out.)", "[Cut to outside the cave. Piper orbs in.]", "Paige: Oh, hey, welcome back.", "Phoebe: Where's Leo?", "(Chris blocks the cave door with spider webs.)", "[Cut to inside the cave. Chris walks towards Leo.]", "Leo: Alright, Chris, come on, can we just talk about this a minute?", "(Chris grabs Leo by the throat.)", "Chris: A minute? We have the next hundred years.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the cave. Piper is trying to blow up the blocked door.]", "Piper: I can't get through that thing.", "Ogre: You want me to try knocking again?", "Phoebe: Uh, I don't think that's gonna work this time.", "Paige: That's okay, we'll take it from here.", "Nymph: Are you sure?", "Paige: Yeah, we're positive. But thanks for everything.", "(The nymph, ogre and fairy disappear.)", "Piper: I told you guys not to bring Leo here.", "Phoebe: I think he just saved your life.", "Piper: Yeah, at his expense, and maybe Chris's too.", "[Cut to inside the cave. Leo is stuck to a large spider web.]", "Chris: Well, at least we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other... dad.", "Leo: See, that's what I'm talking about. That's not the demon talking, that's you talking, Chris. It's not too late, you just have to fight it.", "Chris: Why fight it when I've already won?", "(He throws out more spider webs which covers Leo's hand.)", "Leo: Tell me why you hate me so much, Chris. Huh? What did I do to become such a bad dad?", "Chris: It doesn't matter anymore.", "Leo: No? The hell it doesn't. Deep down you hate my guts. Huh? Admit it. Come on, admit it. What, you afraid?", "Chris: I'm not afraid of you.", "Leo: No? Then why don't you tell me what I did to you? What, did I miss a school play? Did I take away your favourite toy? Did I play favourites with Wyatt? (Chris gets angry and grabs Leo. He throws him across the room. He runs over and pushes him against the wall.) Chris, don't!", "Chris: You don't know me.", "(He punches Leo in the stomach and throws him over his shoulder.)", "[Cut to outside. Paige rubs her neck.]", "Phoebe: Paige, you should take the antidote.", "Paige: No, no, I'm fine. It didn't even break my skin, it just hurts.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but still.", "Paige: No, we need to save it for Chris.", "Phoebe: Paige.", "Piper: Ow.", "Phoebe: What's the matter?", "Piper: Kidney shot.", "Phoebe: Maybe he's trying to tell you something.", "Piper: Maybe he is. Give me that.", "Phoebe: What? Why?", "Piper: So I can take it.", "Paige: What?", "Piper: You've been saying whatever happens to little Chris happens to big Chris, and that's what you've been so worried about.", "Paige: So?", "Piper: So if I take this, then the baby's inoculated and Chris is just fine, right?", "Paige: Do you follow that?", "Phoebe: Not a word.", "Piper: Just give it to me.", "(Piper snatches the antidote off Phoebe and drinks it.)", "[Cut to inside. Chris is punching Leo.]", "Chris: You don't know me, you don't know me! You don't know me!", "(Chris turns back to normal and the spider webs blocking the entrance disappears. Chris continues to punch Leo in the face. Piper, Phoebe and Paige walk in.)", "Piper: Chris, no! Chris! Chris, look at me! (She pulls him away from Leo.) It's okay. It's over.", "(Chris leaves the cave.)", "[Scene: Magic School. Piper, Leo and Wyatt are there. There are packed bags beside them.]", "Leo: (to Wyatt) You gotta eat all your vegetables and brush your teeth everyday. Then you get to play a lot.", "(Sigmond walks in.)", "Sigmond: Are these the last of them?", "Piper: Yeah, thank you. (Sigmond grabs the bags and leaves the room. Leo hugs Wyatt.) You're suffocating the boy.", "Leo: It's just, you know.", "Piper: Over compensating?", "Leo: No, I just miss him a lot.", "Piper: I know.", "Leo: So you think you're gonna be alright here? I mean, at least until after the baby's born?", "Piper: Yeah, I think so. And Gideon's right, this is the safest place for me and that's the most important thing, right?", "Leo: I think so.", "Piper: Besides, I'm only an orb away if the girls need me.", "Leo: No, I told them to call me first.", "Piper: You? You're not going back up there?", "Leo: No. My family needs me here right now.", "Piper: Yes, we do. You know, Leo, you can get through to him. You just can't give up. He's just as stubborn as you are. (to Wyatt) Can you wave goodbye? Okay, let's go. Come on, let's go.", "(Piper takes Wyatt's hand and they walk down the hall. Gideon walks in.)", "Leo: Take good care of them, Gideon, will you?", "Gideon: Absolutely.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "[Scene: P3. A band is playing. Phoebe and Paige are there. Paige is behind the bar. Phoebe walks over to her.]", "Phoebe: Hi, this place is hopping, huh?", "Paige: Yeah. Not a bad guy over there. Is that Nick?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, actually, that's Ron.", "Paige: What, did you skip some letters in the alphabet?", "Phoebe: Q's are hard to find.", "Paige: I hear ya. Well, at least he's handsome.", "Phoebe: He's cute, right? Okay, have fun. Bye.", "(Phoebe goes back to Ron. Paige picks up a tray of drinks and takes it over to Riley, the nymph and the ogre.)", "Paige: Okay, drinks on the house.", "Riley: God bless you, love. Cheers.", "[Scene: Golden Gate Bridge. Chris is sitting at the very top. Leo orbs in beside him.]", "Leo: Can we talk?", "Chris: There's nothing to talk about.", "Leo: I think there is. Quite a bit, actually.", "Chris: It doesn't matter.", "Leo: It does to me, Chris. You're my son. I think I deserve to know what I did that's so bad.", "Chris: You were never there for me. You were there for everybody else. For mum, Wyatt, half the world, but you were never there for me. You didn't have the time.", "Leo: So maybe you came back from the future not just to save Wyatt, maybe you came back to save us too.", "Chris: I doubt it.", "(Chris orbs out.)" ]
Spin City
[ "When Phoebe and Paige are caught on tape using their powers by SFPD Inspector Sheridan , the Cleaners, beings who prevent the exposure of magic, cover up the situation by implicating their friend, Detective Darryl Morris , as a murderer and in a huge time jump, end up sending him to death row to cover up the exposure of magic. The Halliwells fight to have the outcome reversed, initially summoning the Cleaners by deliberate acts that would expose magic if left unfixed. Their confrontation proves inconclusive, and they learn that their only recourse is to have a hearing in front of the mysterious Tribunal, which is a council that oversees all magic and made up of demons and Elders with Barbas ( Billy Drago ) empaneled as the prosecutor. He turns the proceedings around on their head and puts the sisters on trial for recklessly abusing their powers. Meanwhile, Inspector Sheridan, nudged magically by Barbas, takes aim at the sisters with her partner Inspector Miles and begins looking into the trail of disappearances and odd happenings over the last half decade starting with the collection of unsolved homicides SFPD Internal Affairs had harassed Andy Trudeau about. Meanwhile, Leo and Chris work together to help free the sisters and Darryl, but the outcome leaves Phoebe stripped of her active powers as penance for occasional lapses in the past where she used magic to benefit herself." ]
[ "[Scene: Street. Phoebe and Paige pull up in their car, and Darryl pulls up in his car. They get out.]", "Paige: You sure this is the right place?", "Phoebe: It's just as I saw it in my premonition.", "Paige: Yeah, but you kind of forced that premonition.", "Phoebe: Darryl, will you hurry up, I got a date.", "Darryl: Where's he gonna be?", "Phoebe: At a restaurant down town.", "Darryl: No, I meant where's the killer going to be?", "Phoebe: Oh, he's going to be robbing a pawn shop in the alley.", "Darryl: So exactly how do we know that he's possessed?", "Paige: When the phantasm comes out of him and tries to annihilate us.", "Darryl: Whoa, wait. So the perp's not responsible for the other killings? It's this, whatever you call it?", "Phoebe: No, no, he is. The phantasm only possesses bad guys. To make them worse. Okay, shall we?", "(Phoebe heads for the alley.)", "Darryl: She really wants this demon, doesn't she?", "Paige: No. She really wants her date.", "[Cut to the alley. Phoebe and Paige are hiding beside a dumpster, watching the burglar break in to the pawn shop. Darryl joins them.]", "Phoebe: Okay, go, go.", "Darryl: Okay, just make sure you do your thing before any annihilating occurs, okay?", "Phoebe: Have we ever let you down? Go.", "(Darryl stands in the middle of the alley and points his gun at the burglar.)", "Darryl: Freeze! Police!", "(The burglar turns around. Phoebe comes out from behind the dumpster.)", "Paige: Wait. Not yet. (The burglar pulls out his gun and shoots. Phoebe pushes Darryl out of the way just in time. The burglar shoots again. Darryl shoots at the burglar and hits him in the chest. He falls to the ground.) Throw the potion.", "(Phoebe throws the potion and hits the burglar. The phantasm rises out of the burglar's body.)", "Darryl: Mother of god.", "Phoebe: Now. Now.", "(Paige holds up a wand and sucks the phantasm into it. It screams as it gets sucked in.)", "Paige: Want it?", "Phoebe: No.", "Darryl: You guys saved my life.", "Paige: That's okay, we put you at risk. Again.", "Phoebe: You caught a killer and you saved an innocent. Not bad for a night's work. I gotta go. Tell Sheila I said hi, okay?", "(Phoebe and Paige rush out of the alley.)", "Darryl: Uh, yeah, I'll call it in. You guys better get on out of here before... somebody sees you.", "[Cut to the street. Phoebe and Paige walk towards their car. Paige sees a car parked near by.]", "Paige: Hey, was that car there before?", "Phoebe: Geez, Paige, relax. You act like we've never done this before.", "[Cut to inside the car. Inspector Sheridan is there holding a video camera. She replays the footage and shows everything that just happened in the alley.]", "Inspector Sheridan: Gotcha.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is there making a potion. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Morning. How was your date?", "Phoebe: Good. Other than the fact that he's not the man of my dreams.", "Paige: You can tell that from one date?", "Phoebe: I can tell that because I see nothing in the future for us besides s*x, and I'm not interested in that.", "Paige: s*x?", "Phoebe: No, wasting my time. Either you're the father of the child that I saw in my vision or not. So I'm moving on. Can you pass me the asphodel root?", "Paige: Yeah. What, are you demon hunting?", "Phoebe: No, lunch date. I want to make sure I get a hit off of him before the entrees come. No sense wasting those calories, right?", "Paige: Wait a second. So now you're trying to force premonitions on your dates?", "Phoebe: Well, it's the quickest way to find out who I'm looking for, right?", "Paige: Does it even matter to you that you're breaking every wiccan rule that exists?", "Phoebe: I think after all these years, I know what I'm doing. Besides, with Piper in magic school, we're down a power. We could use the extra boost.", "Paige: Maybe. I just hope we don't misuse it.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: There's the book. Do you mind?", "Phoebe: No, knock yourself out.", "Chris: Been working some demonic connections. I think I have a new theory on who might be trying to turn Wyatt evil.", "Paige: Oh, a new theory. What's that, the third one this week?", "Chris: What? Are you keeping score now?", "Phoebe: She's just grumpy because she hasn't had her coffee yet.", "Paige: I am not grumpy. Okay, fine, maybe a little bit, but you have to admit you've had a lot of different theories lately, and none of them have panned out.", "Chris: That's why they call them theories.", "Paige: Do we even get along in the future?", "Phoebe: How's Piper? Have you seen her?", "Chris: She's good. Uh, big. You know, I keep thinking how weird it's gonna be to actually see myself being born.", "Phoebe: And how's Leo?", "Chris: Leo? Don't know. Haven't seen him.", "Phoebe: That's because you're avoiding him still, aren't you? Chris, he's your father. You have to talk to him. How are you gonna change anything in the future if you don't?", "Chris: That's not the future I came back to change. Thanks.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Paige: Hey, don't look at me. I'm grumpy.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe opens the door. Sheila is there crying.]", "Phoebe: Sheila. What's the matter? Come in, come in, come in, come in.", "(Paige walks in.)", "Paige: What's going on?", "Sheila: It's Darryl.", "Phoebe: What about Darryl? Is he okay?", "Sheila: They just arrested him. For murder.", "(Phoebe and Paige stand there shocked.)", "[Scene: Police Station. Room. Phoebe, Paige and Darryl are there.]", "Darryl: I don't really know what happened. It's all kind of a blur.", "Phoebe: What are you talking about? It was self defence. He shot first. Several times.", "Darryl: He did?", "Paige: You don't remember any of that? Did you get hit on the head or something? Maybe when you pushed him down.", "Phoebe: No, he was fine after that. Something weird is going on here.", "(A lawyer walks in.)", "Lawyer: Lieutenant Morris. I'm sorry, but we really have to prepare for your arraignment.", "Darryl: It's okay. They're my friends.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and there's a problem here because this man is innocent.", "Lawyer: Yeah? How do you know?", "Phoebe: Because I was there... driving around in the area.", "Lawyer: Perjuring yourself isn't going to help any, lady. The prosecution's evidence is overwhelming, trust me.", "Paige: Evidence? What evidence?", "Darryl: It's okay. Show them.", "(The lawyer inserts a CD in his laptop and a video of Darryl and the burglar shows up on the screen. Darryl is pointing his gun at the burglar.)", "Burglar: Please. Please don't kill me! No! Don't kill me!", "(Darryl shoots his gun three times.)", "Phoebe: That's not what happened.", "[Cut to the office. Inspector Sheridan is sitting at her desk. Phoebe and Paige walk up to her.]", "Phoebe: Inspector Sheridan.", "Inspector Sheridan: Yes.", "Phoebe: We would like to talk to you.", "Paige: Easy.", "Phoebe: Do you have a personal grudge against Darryl Morris?", "Inspector Sheridan: Morris?", "Phoebe: Yeah. We know you faked the images on the tape, and we're here to let you know that we're not gonna sit around and watch you frame our friend.", "Paige: She's a little upset.", "Inspector Sheridan: Yes, I can see that. And you are?", "Phoebe: Phoebe. Phoebe Halliwell.", "Inspector Sheridan: Halliwell. Hm. Your name certainly pops up in his file plenty. For the record, I didn't fake anything, 'cause I was there, undercover, and I saw it go down with my own eyes. I've been investigating Morris for a few weeks now, trying to figure out why so many of his suspects over the last five years just vanish or mysteriously wind up dead. Now I know. He takes the law into his own hands. Excuse me.", "(She walks away.)", "Paige: Well?", "Phoebe: If she was lying, I couldn't sense it.", "Paige: Then how do you explain what happened?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Market. The street is full of people walking around. Phoebe and Paige orb right in the middle of everyone. They all run away frightened.]", "Paige: Sure hope this works.", "Phoebe: It will. Coffee cart.", "Paige: Orb away.", "(The coffee cart orbs out.)", "Phoebe: \"Flowers that bring desire, make them turn into fire.\" (The flower stall goes up in flames. People scream. Suddenly the whole place freezes. The Cleaners appear.) I see you got our message.", "Cleaner #1: What do you think you're doing now?", "Phoebe: Well, we didn't know how else to call for you. Figured you weren't listed in the yellow pages.", "Cleaner #1: What do you want?", "Phoebe: We want to know why you framed Darryl Morris. That was your doing, wasn't it?", "Cleaner #1: Magic was exposed. We were forced to clean it up.", "Cleaner #2: Change what was.", "Cleaner #1: To protect you.", "Phoebe: I thought we resolved this the last time you guys tried to intervene. We clean up our own magical messes.", "Cleaner #1: But you didn't even know about this one. You didn't realise you were being followed. Taped.", "Paige: Yeah, well, we always manage to fix these things somehow.", "Cleaner #1: No, you wouldn't have. That's why we were put on the case to begin with. It was anticipated.", "Phoebe: You know what? I don't care. If you don't free Darryl Morris, we're just gonna keep exposing magic and...", "(He holds up his hand.)", "Cleaner #1: This will not be like our last encounter, Miss Halliwell. We're under strict orders not to negotiate with you this time.", "Paige: Strict orders from whom?", "[Scene: Magic School. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Gideon are there.]", "Leo: The Tribunal. It's a council made up of Elders and demons to monitor magic, to make sure nobody ever finds out about its use.", "Gideon: At whatever the cost.", "Leo: Which is why they created the cleaners and gave them the power to erase events, memories.", "Paige: Or in this case, to change them.", "Leo: Well, it's just part of the grand design, to allow magic to influence but not take over free will.", "Gideon: It's the one thing both sides could agree upon.", "Phoebe: Okay, so how do we find this tribunal?", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Hey. What are you guys doing here? Uh-oh. What's wrong?", "Leo: It's Darryl.", "Paige: Our friendly Cleaners have struck again. He's in jail for murder.", "Piper: What? Why? What happened?", "Paige: Someone was in a hurry.", "Phoebe: Oh, wait. Are we blaming me for this? Did we or did we not catch the demon?", "Paige: Yeah, but you forced the premonition, so maybe we could've been more careful, and maybe we could've seen that somebody was watching.", "Phoebe: And if I hadn't, we would've never caught the killer.", "Leo: Alright, guys, this isn't helping.", "Phoebe: I know, it isn't. There's only one thing that will.", "[Scene: The Tribunal Council. Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Gideon orb in on the white floor. The floor is surrounded by black.]", "Paige: Where are we?", "Gideon: Nowhere. Anywhere. You don't want to know. You should know that the tribunal is not like anything you've ever faced before. They are not a power to be trifled with.", "Phoebe: We understand.", "Gideon: Do you? You might not like what's been happening to your friend, but be aware before you embark upon this journey that where it ends might just be worse.", "Phoebe: Call them.", "Gideon: \"Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit!\"", "(The faces of Crill, Thrask and Aramis, the tribunal, appear in the black area.)", "Crill: What reason have you to call the tribunal?", "Gideon: To challenge the actions of the cleaners on behalf... of the Charmed Ones.", "Thrask: The Charmed Ones? But there are only two.", "Aramis: The other is with child. I assume the sisters will speak for her in abstentia.", "Phoebe: Yeah. In abstentia. Your... Greatness?", "Paige: There's four of them. How do they break a tie?", "Leo: You don't want to know.", "Adair: Your request has been granted.", "(Barbas flames in.)", "Phoebe: Barbas? What the hell is he doing here?", "Barbas: You missed me.", "Paige: Didn't we vanquish you?", "Barbas: To the fires of hell. I've been granted a temporary leave of absence in order to act as your opposing counsel.", "Crill: We liked his pitch.", "Leo: Pitch? What pitch? How did he even know about it?", "Thrask: We have the right to choose anybody we wish.", "Phoebe: Gideon.", "Gideon: Your Honors, in the interests of facts...", "Barbas: On that fairness issue, I submit that in order to expedite matters and to keep the Charmed Ones honest...", "Paige: Us, honest?", "Barbas: Uh, for their own good, we graphically remind them as to what exactly is at stake here so they do not foolishly try some trickery in order to slip away like they did the last time they faced the Cleaners.", "Aramis: It is done.", "Phoebe: What is done?", "Gideon: I'm not sure.", "(A hologram of Darryl and Sheila in a jail cell appears in the middle of the room.)", "Paige: Darryl?", "(The lawyer stands at the cell doors.)", "Lawyer: The governor denied the stay.", "Leo: What stay? What's going on?", "Crill: We have accelerated time. But only for the execution.", "Paige: Execution?", "Adair: You have until midnight to convince us, or his sentence will be carried out.", "Aramis: Magic will be protected one way or the other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Tribunal Council. Phoebe and Paige are sitting on chairs.]", "Paige: We didn't know that signing up for this would put Darryl on death row.", "Gideon: I warned you about invoking the tribunal.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, you didn't warn us that they would call upon our worst enemy.", "Aramis: Gideon, your case.", "Gideon: Yes, your honour, in just a few more moments, if you please.", "Thrask: We don't. You're the ones who called for us. Proceed.", "Phoebe: We called for justice, not the Demon of Fear.", "Barbas: I don't see the problem with me being here.", "Phoebe: There's a conflict of interest, and we believe that the tribunal should recognise this. I think this is a setup.", "Leo: Phoebe.", "Adair: How dare you question our integrity.", "Phoebe: Not yours. Theirs. (Phoebe stands up.) Barbas has tried to kill us three times in the past.", "(Phoebe walks out onto the white floor. She steps on a round blue tile in the centre of the floor. She quickly steps back and a hologram appears.)", "[The hologram shows:]", "[Scene: From Fear to Eternity (1.03). Property. Phoebe is there.]", "Phoebe: Mrs. Joffee. It's SWA Properties.", "Mrs. Joffee's Voice: Hello, dear.", "(Phoebe turns around to see Barbas.)", "Barbas: Thanks so much for coming out.", "(Barbas waves his hand in front of Phoebe's face.)", "Phoebe: I know how you kill, but there are no elevators around here.", "Barbas: Elevators? That's what you think your greatest fear is? You mortals need to look deeper, down where the real truth lies. Your greatest fear is losing a sister, and I get two for one.", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Barbas: Ha, the good old days.", "Phoebe: What the hell was that?", "Gideon: The circle of truth, it's enchanted. It reads thoughts and shows what needs to be seen. You must be careful.", "Paige: Maybe you better just sit down.", "Barbas: If I may, it is not my past evils that's in question here. What is in question here is these three witches' so called right to be continually cleaning up after their own magical asses.", "Phoebe: We have to get out of here. We have to figure out how this happened.", "Gideon: You can't. If you leave, Lieutenant Morris dies.", "Paige: Does it really matter if we were set up? The point is, we were exposed.", "Leo: But if we can prove he orchestrated the exposure, it might.", "Phoebe: Go find out what you can. Hurry.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Barbas: Was I boring him?", "Gideon: With all due respect, if it truly is our case to present, may I? To better put this particular situation into its proper context, it bears reminding your honors of the long history, the long, successful history, the Charmed Ones have of shielding their magical tracks. If I may show you some examples...", "[Scene: Magic School. Piper and Leo are there.]", "Piper: I'm going.", "Leo: No, you can't.", "Piper: Well, I can't just let him hang either, Leo.", "Leo: Piper, if it wasn't safe for you before, it's even less safe now with Barbas there. Please?", "Piper: Well, what about Darryl? Does he even know what's happening?", "Leo: No, and I'm not going to tell him either. I need to concentrate on proving that Barbas set him up.", "Piper: How are you gonna do that?", "Leo: I was hoping that you would call Chris and get him to use his demonic connections.", "Piper: Why don't you ask him? Right. Chris?", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: Yeah, mum, what do you... (He sees Leo.) Need.", "Piper: We need your help.", "[Scene: Tribunal Council.]", "Gideon: The point being, the Charmed Ones have never once failed in their duty to keep the big secret. Witness.", "(The hologram appears.)", "[The hologram shows:]", "[Scene: Womb Raider (4.21). Cole's Apartment. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Darryl are there.]", "Darryl: I made an appointment for you at missing persons today.", "Paige: Wait, you want Phoebe to report Cole as missing?", "Darryl: She has to. Otherwise somebody else will, and she'll become the prime suspect in his disappearance.", "Phoebe: So you want me to pack up his stuff so it looks like he left me?", "Darryl: That's right. We cannot give the police any reason to suspect foul play. I mean, technically, you three did kill him.", "Paige: \"Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the scene to be unseen.\"", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Gideon: As you've just seen, Lieutenant Morris whom the Cleaners would have die to cover magic, is here instrumental in keeping it protected.", "Barbas: Could you play that hologram just a tiny bit longer? Humour me.", "Crill: Do it.", "(The hologram appears.)", "[The hologram shows:]", "[Scene: Cole's Apartment. Paige moves closer to Phoebe.]", "Paige: I just wish I could make the rest of your pain go away that easily.", "Phoebe: So do I. You murdering witch!", "(Phoebe smacks Paige in the face.)", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Phoebe: That's not fair, I was under the influence of evil.", "Barbas: Yes, you were, but then it seems like you girls so often are under the influence of one thing or another.", "(Another hologram appears.)", "[The hologram shows:]", "[Scene: Womb Raider (4.21). Police Station.]", "Inspector Miles: Your husband fits the classic profile of a deadbeat dad.", "(He turns away and a flame appears in Phoebe's hand.)", "Leo: Make it go out.", "Phoebe: I can't make it go out.", "(Phoebe throws the fireball into a trash can.)", "Darryl: Phoebe? I-I mean, fire!", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Barbas: Wait, you're gonna love this one.", "(Another hologram appears.)", "(The hologram shows)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bride and Gloom (3.13). Manor. Foyer.]", "Marie: So glad you're home. We have some new floral sketches we'd like you to see.", "Leo: Now's not really a good time.", "Piper: They're welcome to come in, Leo.", "Craig: I've revisited the dinner menu, Piper, and you are going to be thrilled. I have some dynamic choices that I...", "Piper: I want pigs in blankets.", "(The wedding planners laugh.)", "Marie: It's nice to see a bride who still has a sense of humour this close to the big day.", "Piper: No, I want pigs in blankets.", "(Craig turns into a pig wearing a blanket. Marie screams.)", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Gideon: I frankly don't see the relevance of any of this. It's wholly beside the point.", "Barbas: No, no, no. That is precisely the point. The Charmed Ones are so influenced by outside forces, how can we ever expect to continue to trust them to clean up after themselves?", "Phoebe: We cleaned up after each and every one of those situations.", "Barbas: But how close you came to not.", "Aramis: Continue, Gideon.", "Phoebe: (to Paige) Where is Leo?", "[Scene: Underground. Chris is holding a demon over a firey pit. Leo is standing beside him.]", "Chris: Barbas escaped the fires of hell, and so did you. I know he helped you.", "Demon: Please, I don't want to back down there. Don't throw me back down there.", "Leo: Chris, I don't think this is the best way.", "Chris: Last chance, Phinks.", "Phinks: Okay, okay, okay, okay! Phantasms. We used phantasms.", "Leo: How?", "Phinks: Uh, Barbas buddied up to a couple of them down there. He used them to do stuff for him, you know, since they can travel back and forth and all.", "Chris: What kind of stuff?", "Phinks: I don't know. I swear I don't know! But whatever it was, he said it could resurrect him somehow. It could give him new life, permanently too, he said, if he won something.", "Leo: The case. He must have used the phantasm to cut a deal with the demon members of the tribunal. We need proof.", "Chris: What do you think he is?", "Leo: He's a demon. They'll discredit him.", "Chris: It's better than nothing.", "Leo: It's a waste of time.", "Chris: It's the best we've got.", "Leo: Then we need to do better.", "Chris: Look... (Chris accidentally drops Phinks in the firey pit.) Shoot! Now look what you made me do!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Tribunal Council. They are watching another hologram.]", "[Scene: House Call (5.13). Piper, Paige and Leo stand where the manor once was.]", "Paige: Piper, what did you do with the house?", "Piper: Oh my god. What have I done?", "Leo: The spell, Piper. You need to reverse it fast.", "Piper: I'm not sure I can.", "Paige: Well, then you'd better make us disappear, because this one's gonna be tough to explain.", "Leo: You can do it, Piper. Come on.", "Piper: \"Let the object of objection return, so that its existence may be reaffirmed.\"", "(The manor appears around them.)", "Paige: Nicely done.", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Gideon: So then, despite what Barbas would have you believe, regardless of outside influences, the sisters have always managed to protect magic, and therefore based upon all the evidence, we ask the tribunal, no, we demand that the cleaners be forced to reverse what they have done, that Lieutenant Morris be freed, and that The Charmed Ones be allowed to do what they have always done so well... cover their own tracks. Respectfully.", "(Barbas claps.)", "Barbas: Bravo! Really very compelling stuff, counsellor. In fact, I think that you've just successfully argued my case for me.", "Paige: Now what's he up to?", "Barbas: Now, obviously this whole thing has now become much, much bigger than just a simple case of whether the good lieutenant bites the dust, because as we have just seen, the recklessness displayed by these three witches has now become of epidemic proportion.", "Gideon: Objection! May I remind my counterpart that this is simply a question of whether or not the situation should be reversed. It is not an indictment on the Charmed Ones.", "Barbas: Maybe it should be.", "Phoebe: This is what he's up to.", "(Another hologram appears.)", "Barbas: Voila!", "[Scene: Witches in Tights (5.05). Building Roof. Superhero Phoebe is holding Edward Miller upside down over the edge.]", "Edward: They don't have to move! They can stay for a year! Ten years!", "Phoebe: What about the cockroaches? Are you gonna do something about the cockroaches?", "Edward: First thing tomorrow. Just please don't drop me. Please!", "(Cole appears behind Phoebe.)", "Cole: Uh, Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Cole. What are you doing here?", "Cole: Well, I got a call from one of the tenants saying that Wonder Woman was terrorising the landlord. What the hell are you doing?", "Phoebe: Well, I'm teaching my buddy here how important it is to be a better person.", "Cole: I don't know what's going on here, but this is not you, literally.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? This is better than me. This is new and improved me. Now not only can I help my readers, but I can help the entire city.", "Cole: Careful. He's got ears.", "Phoebe: Oh, please, relax. The only thing he can hear right now is the blood rushing to his brain. (Phoebe pulls Edward up and throws him onto the roof.) Okay, Cole, I gotta go, because I've got a lot of loyal readers that need my help. Okay?", "Cole: Okay.", "(Phoebe whizzes off and jumps from roof to roof.)", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Barbas: And last, but by no means least, where were the Charmed Ones to clean up this mess?", "(Another hologram appears.)", "(The hologram shows:)", "[Scene: Sam I Am (5.09). Bar. Cole is sitting at the bar, unshaven, drinking a shot of whiskey. Two thugs with shotguns walk in.]", "Thug #1: All your valuables, all your money! Hurry up! Watches, wallets.", "(The bartender reaches behind the bar and pulls out a gun. He points it at the thugs and before he can shoot, is shot down by Thug #1.) Come on, nothing's changed. Give me the money. Hurry up!", "(A biker makes a run for the exit and Thug #2 shoots continually trying to hit the biker. The biker runs past Cole and a bullet shoots straight through his chest, breaking the glass of whiskey in his hand. The thug looks at his gun, wondering how Cole is still alive. The bullet wound in Cole magically heals. He turns to the thugs and telekinetically sends the thugs crashing against the wall. Everyone runs for the exit. Thug #1 reaches for his gun and Cole throws an energy ball, incinerating him.)", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Phoebe: That is absurd. That was Cole. We weren't responsible for that. We weren't even there.", "Barbas: Ah, but you were there, Phoebe. It was your cold rejection of his love that drove him to that reckless despair. So I say that you were responsible. Hexes, possession, evil influences, affairs of the heart. I say we're lucky that all the magic has not been exposed beyond repair long before now. If we want to protect all that we are, all that this tribunal stands for, then I say we should not be just deciding the fate of some poor, pathetic mortal. No, we should be deciding the fate of these three, and whether they should ever be permitted to practice magic again.", "Aramis: So be it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Leo and Chris are there. Leo is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Chris: Okay, I get the fact that Barbas used the phantasm to cut a deal so he could try the case. But that still doesn't explain how he set up the girls.", "Leo: To get it to possess the killer, so the sisters would get onto him.", "Chris: But that's only part of it. Alright? How did he even know Darryl was under investigation in the first place?", "Leo: There is nothing in here about phantasms that we don't already know.", "Chris: Hey! Did you listen to a word I just said?", "Leo: What?", "Chris: Never mind.", "Leo: You know what? This is ridiculous, okay. It's obvious you hate my guts, Chris. I understand. I'm a horrible father in the future, okay, but there's nothing I can do about that right now. So can we concentrate on working together to save Darryl and save the girls, please?", "Chris: Fine.", "Leo: Great. Alright, let's start with what we know. How about phantasms?", "Chris: Wait, that's it. Phantasms, plural. Phinks said Barbas buddied up to a couple of them, right? Well, that means there must be another one out there for us to find.", "Leo: See? I knew we could work together.", "[Scene: Tribunal Council.]", "Gideon: Are you sure about this?", "Paige: Yeah. If they're gonna put us on trial too, it might be the only way to save Darryl. We have to stand on our record.", "Phoebe: If all the good we've done in the last six years isn't good enough, then nothing is.", "Gideon: Very well. (to Barbas) Your witness.", "Barbas: Now, let's see. So many holograms, so little time.", "Thrask: Barbas.", "Barbas: Oh, well, I guess I should ask one of the cleaners a few quick questions.", "Crill: As you wish.", "(Cleaner #1 appears in the witness chair.)", "Barbas: You have been assigned to watch The Charmed Ones since they first became witches, have you not?", "Cleaner #1: That is correct.", "Barbas: Would Lieutenant Morris be the first policeman to die in order to clean up one of their little magical messes.", "Cleaner #1: No.", "Phoebe: Uh-oh.", "(A hologram appears.)", "(The hologram shows:)", "[Scene: Déjà vu All Over Again (1.22). Manor. Foyer. Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah. (They look in the living room to see Andy laying on the floor.) Oh.", "(They run over to Andy and Piper checks his pulse.)", "Piper: Oh my god. He's dead.", "(The hologram ends.)", "Barbas: Truly tragic. That was their sister Prue's first true love. I wonder whatever happened to her.", "(Phoebe goes to stand up.)", "Gideon: Don't. It's not worth it.", "Barbas: Anyone else?", "Cleaner #1: Yes. Inspector Reece. We had to keep a close watch on him.", "(Another hologram appears.)", "[Scene: Death Takes A Halliwell (3.16). Manor. Foyer. Phoebe opens the front door. Inspector Reece stands there.]", "Phoebe: Inspector. How can I help you?", "Inspector Reece: You can tell me where to find Cole Turner. I know he's alive, and I know he's in town.", "Phoebe: Really.", "Inspector Reece: Yeah, really. Want to know how? Because his former landlady was found brutally murdered at his address.", "Phoebe: Oh my god. That's awful.", "Inspector Reece: Awful like you can't imagine.", "Phoebe: I know what you're thinking. And I know what this looks like. And I am, I am so sorry for what happened to...", "Inspector Reece: You're sorry? Her eyes were frozen open in terror. Her skull was punctured in two places. And by the time the police got there, most of her brain had spilled out onto the floor. Be sick, be horrified, but don't stand there lying to me and say you're sorry. I'm gonna find him, Miss Halliwell, and then I'm gonna bust his ass. And then I'm gonna bust yours.", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Barbas: And did he find him?", "Cleaner #1: No, he did not.", "[Scene: Death Takes A Halliwell (3.16). Church. A Seeker comes up from behind Inspector Reece and bites him on the neck. Phoebe and Piper stand behind locked gates.]", "Piper: Open the gate!", "(The hologram ends.)", "Barbas: We were lucky one of those demons came along and tied up that loose end, aren't we? It's a rhetorical question. Never mind.", "Cleaner #1: There was another. An FBI agent.", "Barbas: That's right.", "(Another hologram appears.)", "(The hologram shows:)", "[Scene: Witch Way Now? (4.22). Manor. Dining room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Agent Jackman are there. He slides a thick folder to the girls.]", "Agent Jackman: In case you're wondering, that's just a copy.", "(They flip through the file to find photos of them.)", "Phoebe: Nice way to engender trust, Agent Jackman.", "Agent Jackman: If I wanted to expose you, I could've done that six months ago when that file first crossed my desk.", "Paige: Expose us as what?", "Agent Jackman: Witches. It's the only logical explanation for all the unsolved cases, the missing persons, the mysterious deaths.", "(The hologram ends.)", "Paige: That is out of context. He was a witch hunter, he tried to kill us.", "Barbas: The only context I'm interested in is what happened to yet another officer of the law. Witness.", "(Another hologram appears.)", "[Scene: Witch Way Now? (4.22). Park. Agent Jackman shoots his gun at Phoebe. The bullet flies through the air in slow motion. Cole near by, uses one of his powers to switch Phoebe and Agent Jackman. The bullet hits Agent Jackman in the chest.]", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Barbas: Seems like that stream of unsolved deaths left in the Charmed Ones' wake just keeps right on growing, doesn't it? So I guess the obvious question is how many more Inspectors must die before it comes to an end?", "Gideon: Another rhetorical question?", "Barbas: Actually, no. In fact, that is what I think becomes the salient question because the deaths could end with Lieutenant Morris. That's what I think. What do you think?", "Phoebe: Objection. Why should we care what he thinks?", "Gideon: Phoebe.", "Crill: I care.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, of course you care. You're a demon.", "Adair: I care too.", "Phoebe: Oh. Well, then never mind.", "Cleaner #1: I think that there will always be another Inspector Sheridan to pick up on their trail.", "Paige: Wait a minute.", "Barbas: Unless...", "Cleaner #1: It ends with Morris.", "Phoebe: (to Paige) What?", "Barbas: No further questions, rhetorical or otherwise. (Barbas waves his hand and Cleaner #1 disappears.) Oh, sorry. Did you have more questions of him?", "Gideon: Yes, as a matter of fact.", "Paige: No. We're fine. Carry on.", "Gideon: Paige, what are you doing?", "Barbas: Unfortunately for us, ending the stream of deaths with Morris only solves our problem of the past. It does absolutely nothing to protect us against our future problems. So how much longer can we afford to tempt the gods of fate with the recklessness of the Charmed Ones, and at what point does that day finally come when it's just simply too late to clean up after one of their little magical messes? And then all of magic is exposed to the world forever because of them, and that is the question you're going to have to answer because I rest my case.", "Aramis: Gideon.", "Gideon: Nothing further.", "Crill: We will return with the verdict.", "(The tribunal council disappear.)", "Phoebe: Okay, this better be good.", "(Paige nods.)", "Paige: Leo! (Leo and Chris orb in.) Hey, you guys are speaking now.", "Chris: Uh, let's not make a big deal about it, okay?", "Paige: Fine. What'd you find out?", "Leo: Okay, you know that phantasm you vanquished? Apparently Barbas sent it so you'd follow it.", "Chris: And apparently he gets a get out of hell free card too if he wins the case.", "Phoebe: I knew this was a setup.", "Leo: But we can't prove it, so we've been trying to find another phantasm, but we can't seem to...", "Paige: If it's anywhere, it has to be inside Inspector Sheridan. It's the only way Barbas knew she'd be in the right place at the right time.", "Phoebe: Okay, go get her. Bring her back here. Hurry.", "(Leo and Chris orb out.)", "[Scene: Jail Cell. Darryl and Sheila are there hugging. Piper suddenly appears.]", "Darryl: Piper. What are you doing here? How'd you do that?", "Piper: That's why they call it magic school. Come on. I'm gonna get you out of here.", "Darryl: What?", "Piper: Right now. Let's go.", "Sheila: You mean, just leave?", "Piper: That's the idea.", "Darryl: No.", "Piper: What do you mean, no? We'll figure it out. We'll fix it later.", "Darryl: Uh, no, Piper. I can't. What if you can't fix this? What am I supposed to do then? Run? Hide? That's not right. I'm no fugitive. I'm a cop.", "(Piper disappears.)", "[Cut to the tribunal council. Piper appears behind Phoebe and Paige.]", "Piper: How did I get here?", "Phoebe: Piper! What are you doing here?", "Piper: I don't know.", "Paige: Why don't you go back? Go.", "Thrask: She can't. We have brought her to hear the judgment.", "Adair: Since it impacts all of you.", "Phoebe: This doesn't look good.", "Paige: Where the hell is Leo?", "Aramis: As to whether or not the Charmed Ones shall be allowed to continue to practice magic, the judgment is... in favour of the sisters.", "Crill: But against the Lieutenant. The trail of exposure must end with him.", "[Scene: Jail Cell. Darryl and Sheila are there. The lawyer opens the cell door.]", "Lawyer: I'm afraid it's time.", "Sheila: No, no, no, no. Please don't take him.", "Darryl: Please, baby. Please.", "Sheila: Please don't. No, no, no.", "(They kiss and Darryl walks out of the cell where two guards are waiting. Sheila cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Tribunal Council.]", "Phoebe: You have got to be kidding me, right? I mean, you can't really be doing this.", "Gideon: Phoebe, they have already.", "Phoebe: Look, he doesn't care about protecting magic. All he cares about is himself and getting out of purgatory. So not only did he set us up, but he set you up too.", "Barbas: Always trying to blame somebody else, aren't you?", "Phoebe: You son of a...", "Gideon: Listen to me, you have to stop this. Do you understand? They haven't taken away your powers yet, but they still can.", "Paige: Then let them. If this is the thanks that we get for all of our good work, if this is the way the system works, then you can keep our stupid powers.", "Gideon: Paige!", "Piper: No, she's right. If Darryl dies, that's it. We're done, we quit.", "Barbas: You know, that would solve any of our future exposure issues, now, wouldn't it?", "Aramis: You'd have us erase your memories? Change all that you know?", "Adair: All that you are?", "Phoebe: If necessary.", "Aramis: Very well.", "[Scene: Execution Room. 11:58. Darryl is strapped to a chair. A guard turns a machine on.]", "[Scene: Tribunal Council. Leo and Chris orb in with Inspector Sheridan.]", "INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Get off of me! What is this? Wh-where am I?", "Chris: That's a nice act. It's very convincing.", "Barbas: Objection! He cannot bring a mortal down here. It is outrageous.", "Leo: Sit down and shut up.", "Crill: What is the meaning of this?", "Chris: Watch.", "(Chris pushes Inspector Sheridan onto the blue part of the floor and a hologram appears.)", "(The hologram shows:)", "[Scene: Police Station. Inspector Sheridan sits at her desk. A phantasm appears behind her and enters her body. She gets up and walks over to a filing cabinet. She pulls out Darryl's file.]", "(The hologram disappears.)", "Inspector Sheridan: (to Barbas) What now?", "Barbas: Oh, surrounded by idiots.", "(Leo throws a potion at Inspector Sheridan and the phantasm escapes her body. Chris holds up the wand and sucks the phantasm into it. Inspector Sheridan faints.)", "Piper: Huh. Guess there's some cleaning up to do there.", "Aramis: What do you have to say for yourself, Barbas?", "Barbas: I'm a demon. What do you expect?", "Gideon: Based on the evidence, I beg you to reverse the decision before it's too late.", "[Scene: Execution room. Only seconds till midnight. They put a needle into Darryl's arm. Darryl squeezes his fists and closes his eyes.]", "Sheila's Voice: Darryl.", "(Darryl opens his eyes. He's no longer in the execution room, but sitting at his desk in the police station. Sheila stands in front of him.)", "Sheila: Did you forget we were gonna go out tonight?", "(Darryl gets up and hugs Sheila. Inspector Sheridan walks past. The Cleaner walks in near by and looks around. Satisfied with everything, he disappears.)", "[Cut to the tribunal council.]", "Aramis: It is done.", "Adair: And as for you, Barbas...", "Barbas: Oh, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Now just because I'm the one who set this whole thing up does not necessarily mean that I am not right. The Charmed Ones are reckless with magic.", "Paige: Oh, please.", "Barbas: You've seen it, I've seen it, we've all seen it time after time, and it doesn't even include what got them into this whole mess in the first place.", "Phoebe: Uh, I think that would be you.", "Barbas: Ah, Phoebe, that would be you, with your ongoing zeal to force your premonitions, to short-circuit the process, take the easy way, and for what? Each and every time, it was for personal gain. I don't know, but it just seems to me like selfish behaviour like that, there's got to be some consequences, or, well... what's the point?", "(The tribunal look at each other.)", "Crill: Phoebe will be stripped of her powers.", "Phoebe: What?", "ADAIR: Just your active powers. Empathy, premonitions.", "Thrask: Levitation.", "Adair: You can earn them back, but only if you're more careful with your powers.", "Aramis: If you're all more careful.", "(The tribunal vanish.)", "Paige: You can't just say that and leave.", "Piper: Gideon, get them back here now.", "Phoebe: No. It's okay. I mean, it might be kind of refreshing to not rely on my powers so much anymore, you know? Besides, they're not the only ones that think I've been misusing them.", "Piper: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Let's get out of here.", "(They orb out.)", "Barbas: Ah, looks like I did just enough to win the case. You know what that means? That means I'm back! Oh, I know, counsellor. I know. You're afraid. (Barbas waves his hand in front of Gideon.) That your greatest fear is that somehow they're going to find out that you're the one that's after Piper's son. But don't be worried. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Nary a soul.", "(Barbas flames out.)" ]
Crimes and Witch Demeanors
[ "With Piper away at Magic School and Phoebe without her powers, an overworked Paige re-conjures \"Mr. Right\" for stress relief, but unknowingly releases his evil twin, a demon called Vincent who immediately hatches a plot to separate the sisters while sending assassins after witches. Appealing to Paige's dark side, Mr. Wrong / Vincent uses his pheromones to trick her into realizing that the only way to achieve her secret desire is to be free and use her magic without fear of consequence, eventually killing her sisters. Chris accidentally gets arrested for stealing a car to chase Vincent and Darryl will not cover. To prevent Paige from executing his plan, Phoebe goes undercover as one of Mr. Wrong's Demonatrix assassins. Paige and Phoebe try to keep Piper out of the situation, but that backfires when Paige, under Vincent's control, kidnaps her so that the Demonatrix assassins can kill her. Phoebe regains confidence in herself when she makes Mr. Right real to test a potion that will make Vincent real so he can be vanquished and infiltrates the Demonatrixes. As the Demonatrixes are about to kill a confused Piper, Phoebe saves her and together they vanquish them. They go after Vincent who is confident they cannot harm him as they do not have the potion to make him real, but Phoebe takes the chance that making Mr. Right real will turn him real too. She proves to be right and Vincent is easily vanquished which breaks his hold over Paige. Later, Leo erases the memory of the car dealership manager to save Chris from having to go to jail." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is laying on a couch and Paige is standing in front of a pin board with all bits and pieces pinned to it.]", "Paige: Come on, I know we can figure this out.", "Phoebe: You've been saying that for three weeks now.", "Paige: Lady, can I get a little help over here, please?", "Phoebe: Okay, but you don't have to yell at me, I feel bad enough as it is.", "Paige: Look, it's not your fault that the demon is one step ahead of us.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but if I hadn't lost my powers, we would have found him by now.", "Paige: Well, you did, so we just have to keep doing what we're doing.", "Phoebe: You mean what you've been doing, which is pretty much everything around here. You're like the last sister standing. I don't know how you're doing it.", "Paige: I've just been taking lots of naps.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I've noticed. (Phoebe stands up.) You know, part of me just thinks we should let him do his thing, you know. I mean, a demon killing other demons. Is that so bad?", "Paige: Well, it is when we don't know who it is or why they're doing it. You know, it could be some sort of power base coming along to take us on.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Should we get Piper out of magic school?", "Paige: No, she's safe there, she stays.", "Phoebe: There's just no rhyme or reason to his attacks, you know. They're just wacky.", "Paige: My gut says he's gonna go after the Smoker demons tonight.", "Phoebe: Why?", "Paige: Because Mercury is in retrograde and that is when they surface.", "Phoebe: That's an interesting theory.", "Paige: Yeah, well, all I know is that the sooner we nail this guy, the sooner I get back to my naps.", "[Scene: Church. A Father is there. Two Smoker demons appear in the room. Then two blonde women wearing skimpy leather outfits appear in front of them. They each throw a potion at the Smoker demons and vanquish them.]", "Father: Dear god.", "Woman: Not quite. Guess again. Run!", "(The Father runs away.)", "Woman #2: Potions worked pretty well. But I still don't know why we didn't use it on the old man instead.", "Woman: Because we were told not to. Now let's get out of here before... (Phoebe and Paige orb in.) They show up.", "Paige: Nuns?", "(The women pull out throwing star weapons.)", "Phoebe: I don't think so.", "(One of the women throws the star at Paige and Paige orbs out. The other woman throws the star at Phoebe and she dives onto the floor. Paige orbs back in. They throw another weapon.)", "Paige: Weapon thingy!", "(The weapon orbs back to Woman #1 and vanquishes her. Woman #2 disappears. Paige helps Phoebe up.)", "Phoebe: Thanks for saving my life again.", "Paige: Yeah, no problem. Uh, well, at least we got a good look at who's behind this. And better yet... (She picks up a star weapon.) A clue to find them.", "Phoebe: Yeah, they've gotta be working for someone else. What powerful demons do you know that would dress that tacky?", "Paige: Good point. Uh, I'll go check the Book of Shadows.", "Phoebe: No, you've done enough already. I wanna do it. You just go home and relax, take a load off.", "Paige: Okay, if you insist. I think I will.", "[Scene: Manor. Paige's room. Paige walks in.]", "Paige: Candles! (Three candles orb in on the floor. She lights them.) \"A perfect man I summon now, another way I don't know how, bring him now into the light, come back to me, Mr. Right.\" (A good-looking guy appears in a swirl of bright lights.) Welcome back.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe is there sitting at a table. She reads from a notepad.]", "Phoebe: \"Dear Sad in San Jose. Try viagra.\"", "(Phoebe scrunches up the piece of paper and throws it over her shoulder. She buries her head in her arms. Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Long night?", "Phoebe: Leo! Yeah, hey, I'm just working on trying to find that mystery demon, trying to come up with some summoning spells.", "Leo: Any luck?", "Phoebe: No, but I gave that thing that they threw at us to Chris, hoping he could get a lead with the underworld contacts, you know.", "(Leo picks up the scrunched piece of paper and reads it.)", "Leo: \"Dear Sad in San Jose, if your husband is impotent, try a cold shower.\" Nice spell.", "Phoebe: Give me that. Don't ask.", "Leo: I'm asking. What's the matter?", "Phoebe: I don't know, I just feel like I can't do anything anymore. And I'm beginning to think that maybe I relied on my powers more than I realised.", "Leo: Your advice comes from your heart, not from your powers. Besides, you were an advice columnist long before you were an empath.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and before that I was a witch, and before that, I don't remember what the hell I was. And I'm afraid I'm right back to where I started again.", "Leo: Just because you don't have your active power anymore, doesn't mean you're not a witch. You can still write spells, make potions, kick ass. You'll find your way again, you just have to be patient.", "Phoebe: You promise?", "Leo: I promise. And it wouldn't hurt to rely on Paige for a while. She relied on you for years. Where is she, by the way?", "Phoebe: She's sleeping, and don't wake her, she's exhausted. She was tossing and turning all night last night.", "[Cut to Paige's room. Paige and Mr. Right are laying in bed.]", "Paige: Shh, shh, shh. Quiet. When my sisters find out they'll...", "Mr. Right: Kill you? I know, don't worry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Leo are there.]", "Leo: What did the throwing thing look like?", "Phoebe: It's not in the book, I checked. Besides, I really wanna do this without your help, okay?", "Leo: Well, I came down here to help, remember? At least until the baby's born.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and what's gonna happen after the baby's born?", "Leo: What do you mean?", "Phoebe: Between you and Piper. Have you guys even discussed it?", "Leo: Uh, not exactly. Okay, not at all. It's just things keep getting in the way.", "Phoebe: Well, Leo, you can't just get the woman pregnant and then pretend like nothing happened.", "Leo: I'm not, okay. It's just, it's complicated.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but it's not gonna get any less complicated after Chris is born.", "(Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: You talking about me?", "Phoebe: No, your foetus. Did you find something?", "Chris: Not something, someone. Demonatrix.", "Phoebe: Chris, what you do in your spare time...", "Chris: The weapon you found belongs to a group of deadly assassins known as demon... atrix.", "Phoebe: Ohh.", "Leo: Did you find out who they work for?", "Chris: No, but, Leo, check this...", "Phoebe: Dad. Would it kill you to call him dad?", "Chris: Apparently, this demon gives his assassins vanquishing potions. Charmed Ones vanquishing potions.", "Phoebe: What? How is that possible?", "Chris: The book?", "Leo: No, they wouldn't be able to get near it.", "Chris: Well, then how?", "Leo: Well, one of them must be reading your minds, like the telepath did at magic school.", "Phoebe: Magic school.", "Chris: Mum. I'd better go check on her.", "Leo: No, we'll go. You get underground, see if you can follow the assassins to the demon.", "Chris: But...", "Leo: No, we'll take care of it. We'll make sure nothing happens to her, Chris, I promise.", "(Chris orbs out.)", "Phoebe: I'll go wake up Paige.", "[Cut to Paige's room. Paige and Mr. Right are sitting on the bed kissing. There's a knock at the door.]", "Paige: Uh, just a minute.", "(Paige pushes Mr. Right off the bed. Phoebe opens the door.)", "Phoebe: Sweetie, sorry to wake you up.", "Paige: Oh, no, I'm fine. I'm fine, yeah, I'm up.", "Phoebe: Leo and I are gonna go to magic school and check on Piper.", "Paige: Is she okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, she's fine. She's fine, don't worry about her. We'll let you know if we need you. We'll call you, okay?", "Paige: Okay.", "Phoebe: Okay, go back to bed.", "(Phoebe closes the door. Mr. Right pops up from behind the bed.)", "Mr. Right: My thoughts exactly.", "(He jumps on the bed.)", "Paige: Uh, I really, really do have to go.", "Mr. Right: She said not to worry about it, so don't.", "Paige: I can't help it.", "Mr. Right: Yes, you can. That's why you made me, to focus on yourself for once.", "Paige: But I still have responsibilities.", "Mr. Right: Yes, to yourself as well. To your raison d'etre. Which if you keep ignoring, you're gonna be useless to your sisters.", "(He gives her a kiss.)", "Paige: I think I made you too many pheromones.", "Mr. Right: No, you made me to understand you, to pamper you, to fill your every neglected need.", "Paige: Yeah, but what I really need is...", "Mr. Right: A vacation. Driving through Tuscany... topless.", "Paige: Topless?", "Mr. Right: Not you, the Porsche. With the wind in your hair, the sun in your face, free, unburdened, loved.", "Paige: Okay, keep going.", "Mr. Right: Someday, I promise, I'll take you away from all this. But right now, you need to eat.", "(He waves his hand and a tray full of food and drink appears on the bed.)", "Paige: Wow.", "Mr. Right: Voila! Just the way you like it.", "Paige: Wait a second, you can do magic?", "Mr. Right: I can do everything you made me do, remember?", "Paige: Well, then, don't mind if I do.", "[Scene: Vincent's Lair. A Mr. Right look-a-like, Vincent, is there along with a dozen Demonatrix.]", "Vincent: Three weeks ago, I came to you, and what did I say? (He pulls on one of the girl's hair.) What was the first thing I told you? Anyone? Let me remind you. Trust me, trust in me and my raison d'etre. But one of you did not. I specifically told you the Smoker demons would make their move when mercury was in retrograde. And I told you the sisters would figure that out!", "Demonatrix #2: I'm sorry, Vincent, you know that I live only to please you.", "Vincent: Shut up. \"What once resided in this place, shall soon be gone with no haste, make this girl age in time, as punishment for her heinous crime.\" (She ages and turns into a skeleton and then turns to dust.) Now, any questions? No? Good. Till we hit a right. I don't want the sisters finding me, especially Paige. Not until I'm ready.", "(Vincent walks into another room that looks the same as the Halliwell attic. One of the demonatrix follows him and strokes his body.)", "Demonatrix #3: Which demon are we after next?", "Vincent: Not a demon, a porsche.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Magic School. Piper and Sigmund are there. Piper is looking through books and Sigmund is levitating in the air, getting books from the top shelf.]", "Sigmund: Sorry, Piper, it must be checked out. Can I come down now?", "Piper: Not yet. Check Lazardo's Book of Prophecies, Volume 1.", "Sigmund: Okay. (He levitates across the room.) Levitating, not my favourite, it's very high.", "(Leo orbs in with Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: Surprise!", "Piper: Hey, hi, I didn't know you guys were coming. Is something wrong?", "Phoebe: No, why would something be wrong? Does something have to be wrong for me to come visit my sister?", "Piper: Usually.", "Sigmund: Sorry to interrupt.", "Piper: Oh, good, you found it. Float on down.", "(Sigmund levitates back down to the floor.)", "Phoebe: (whispers to Leo) Oh, the good ol' days.", "Leo: We don't want to worry her, remember?", "Phoebe: Yes, I know. So, whatcha been doing?", "Piper: Oh, you know, same old, same old. Trying to figure out who turns Wyatt evil. By the way, have you seen Chris?", "Leo: Uh, yeah, actually, we have him working on something.", "Phoebe: But nothing big, you know, nothing to worry about. Just your every day demon stuff.", "Piper: Huh. Okay, well, if you see him, tell him I'd like to talk to him when he has a chance.", "(Piper heads for the door.)", "Phoebe: Where are you going?", "Piper: To pee.", "(Piper leaves.)", "Phoebe: Where do we start?", "Leo: Sigmund, is Gideon around?", "Sigmund: No, he's conferring with the other Elders, which if I may say so, is where you should be too. (Phoebe walks over to Sigmund and puts her hands on his shoulder.) Can I help you?", "Phoebe: Just trying to get a premonition, see if you're legit.", "Leo: Phoebe, you don't have premonitions anymore.", "Phoebe: It doesn't hurt to try.", "Leo: Sigmund, have you noticed any breaches in security, students, teachers, anyone suspicious?", "Sigmund: None that I know of. Why?", "Leo: Never mind. Um, just keep any eye out, especially around Piper.", "Sigmund: Of course.", "(Sigmund leaves the room.)", "Phoebe: Do you believe him?", "Leo: No reason not to. Which means the demon could be tapping into your mind or Paige's.", "Phoebe: Alright. I'll go back to the house and keep an eye on Paige. You stay here and maybe you and Piper can talk.", "(Phoebe stands there and screws up her face. Leo laughs.)", "Leo: What are you doing?", "Phoebe: I'm trying to orb.", "Leo: You don't orb.", "Phoebe: Now's not the time to rub that in. A little help here, please.", "(Leo waves his hand and Phoebe orbs out. Piper walks in.)", "Piper: Hey, where'd she go?", "Leo: Back to work. Deadlines. Um, can I help?", "[Scene: Spellman Automotive. Vincent, Demonatrix #3, and a salesman is standing in front of a porsche.]", "Salesman: Ahh, the Carrera S-4. Excellent choice. Turbo styling, all-wheel drive, zero to sixty in under five seconds. You wanna feel the wind in your face, this is definitely the car for you.", "Vincent: May I?", "Salesman: Oh, absolutely. (He points to the lit cigar in Vincent's hand.) Although, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to put that out first.", "Vincent: Of course.", "(He hands the cigar to Demonatrix #3.)", "Salesman: Thank you. (Vincent gets in the car and starts the engine.) Beautiful, isn't it? No other car sounds like it.", "Vincent: She'll love it. We'll take it.", "Salesman: Excellent. Cash or lease?", "(Demonatrix #3 chuckles.)", "Demonatrix #3: No, we'll just take it.", "Salesman: What?", "(She picks him up and throws him across the car yard.)", "Vincent: No! Rolls! (A Rolls orbs under the salesman and he falls onto the backseat.) I told you, we don't hurt innocents.", "(Chris orbs in, in front of the car.)", "Chris: That's a new one.", "Vincent: You!", "(Vincent slams his foot on the accelerator and Chris orbs out. Vincent speeds out of the car yard. Chris orbs back in and the Demonatrix disappears. Chris grabs the cigar off the ground and jumps in a car. He speeds off out of the car yard and follows Vincent down the street. Vincent and the car orb out. Chris stops right in front of a cop car. The salesman runs down the street.)", "Salesman: Stop him! He's trying to steal it!", "Cop: Don't move.", "Chris: Unbelievable.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe is there talking on the phone.]", "Phoebe: I promise I will have the column in by the deadline. Uh-huh, yeah, I'm just finishing up. (Chris orbs in.) Uh, I gotta go. Tic toc, tic toc. (Phoebe hangs up.) Finally, where have you been?", "Chris: Jail.", "Phoebe: What?", "Chris: Don't worry, it's fine, nobody saw me orb out, and I talked to Darryl, he's gonna cover for me.", "Phoebe: How did you end up in jail?", "Chris: Let's just say I had a little run in with our mystery demon. And when I say run in, I mean literally. The guy, he tried to run me over with his porsche. Not cool.", "Phoebe: A demon that drives a porsche? That's different.", "Chris: So is one who can orb and wants to save innocents.", "(Chris starts scrying.)", "Phoebe: Forget tapping into us. It sounds like he wants to be us.", "Chris: Why?", "Phoebe: Why else? To kill us. (The crystal points to a spot on the map.) Did you find him? Where is he?", "Chris: Yeah. He's here.", "Phoebe: Here? Where here?", "Chris: Paige.", "[Cut to Paige's room. Mr. Right is massaging Paige's shoulders. Phoebe and Chris barge in.]", "Phoebe: Paige, are you... What are you doing?", "Chris: You?", "Paige: Uh, just, uh, napping.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Stairs. Phoebe, Paige, Chris and Mr. Right walk down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Paige, I don't even want to talk about this. I mean, how could you do such a thing?", "Paige: Oh, what, like you've never conjured stuff before.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, never for myself and never a s*x toy.", "Mr. Right: I am not a s*x toy.", "Phoebe: Quiet, you.", "Paige: Well, we did it for Piper before.", "Phoebe: Yes, but that was different. We were trying to convince her to not give up on love. We were desperate.", "Paige: Well, maybe I am too.", "Chris: Excuse me, shouldn't we be focusing on the bigger issue here?", "(Chris points to Mr. Right.)", "Phoebe: How long has this been going on?", "Paige: About three weeks.", "Phoebe: Three weeks!", "Paige: Give or take. You're the one who kept telling me I needed a break.", "Phoebe: Yes, but I meant take a day off, you know. Go to the spa, have a pedicure, get a massage.", "Mr. Right: I massage her.", "(Phoebe gags.)", "Chris: Breathe. What I wanna know is, how come when we were scrying for the demon, we got him instead?", "Paige: I don't know.", "Chris: You might wanna know because he looks a hell of a lot like the guy who just tried to kill me.", "Paige: What? That is impossible.", "Phoebe: Didn't the demon start killing the other demons around the same time?", "Paige: I'm telling you, there's no way he's a demon, I made him to be good.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe you also made one to be bad. I don't know.", "Paige: No.", "Phoebe: How do you explain the scrying then?", "Chris: And the fact that he makes potions, and has your powers. Talk about your personal gain consequences.", "Paige: Personal gain. I'm so tired. If I hear those two words again, I tell you what.", "Mr. Right: Nevertheless, it's there for a reason. It's why Phoebe lost her powers.", "Paige: Whose side are you on?", "Mr. Right: I know what you know, Paige, and we both know they're right.", "Paige: Wow. Did you conjure him or clone him?", "Chris: Okay, this is so stupid. Why don't we just un-conjure him so they'll both go away.", "Paige: I can't. I make him to last 24 hours. The spell's not done yet.", "Chris: Great. So how long do we have to wait?", "Paige: Till after midnight.", "Phoebe: Well, let's just hope we find him before he finds us. (The doorbell rings.) Maybe that's another one of your suitors that you've conjured for your own personal gain and pleasure.", "Paige: Oh, I hope so. (to Mr. Right) No offense.", "(Phoebe opens the front door. Darryl's there.)", "Phoebe: Hey, Darryl. Uh, now's not really a good time.", "Darryl: I'm here about Chris.", "Phoebe: Yeah, he told me you covered for him. That was great.", "Darryl: I'm taking him back.", "(Two cops walk in behind them.)", "Chris: What?", "Phoebe: Wait, what's going on?", "(The cops handcuff him.)", "Darryl: I'm taking him back to county.", "Chris: Hey! A little help here, please?", "Phoebe: What do you want me to do?", "Cop: Let's go.", "(They lead Chris out the door.)", "Paige: Uh, Chris, don't worry, we'll figure it out, I promise.", "Phoebe: Darryl.", "Darryl: Don't even ask. This time it's by the book. Do you understand?", "Paige: Why?", "Darryl: Why? Because I almost got killed covering for you last time, that's why.", "Paige: Okay, but we always almost get killed.", "Darryl: But last time was different, way different. I'm not going through that again, I'm not putting my family through that again. You understand?", "Phoebe: We'll just have to get him out of there ourselves.", "Darryl: And risk exposing magic? I don't think so. Listen to me, Phoebe, I'm not covering for you anymore. I mean it.", "(Darryl leaves.)", "Phoebe: Could this day get any worse?", "[Scene: Vincent's Lair. Vincent is there. Demonatrix #3 walks in.]", "Vincent: Well?", "Demonatrix #3: The car's waiting for you, as you wish.", "Vincent: Mm, it's beautiful this time of year, isn't it? In Florence.", "Demonatrix #3: As good a place as any to kill a Charmed One.", "Vincent: It's not for killing one. It's for loving one. For loving Paige.", "Demonatrix #3: But I thought you said that...", "Vincent: That's for after, when she's by my side, when I can give her what she wants. More than anything. Freedom, independence, power.", "Demonatrix #3: But doesn't she already have power?", "Vincent: Not the kind that gives her independence.", "Demonatrix #3: Still, with all do respect, how do you know what she wants?", "Vincent: Because it's what I want. We are one in the same. I exist solely to please her. And I intend on doing exactly that.", "Demonatrix #3: How will you get to her?", "Vincent: I won't have to. She'll come to me. After all, she knows my every move.", "[Scene: Magic School. Piper and Leo are there. Piper is writing on a notepad. Leo stares at her.]", "Piper: What?", "Leo: Uh, nothing. (Silence. Piper stares at Leo.) What?", "Piper: Nothing. I mean, thanks for helping with this.", "Leo: Well, he's my son too.", "Piper: What about your other son? How are you and Chris getting along? Better?", "Leo: I hope so. I don't know, I mean, it is so hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that he has issues with me. Because he hasn't even technically been born yet.", "Piper: Well, that's our boy. And hopefully you'll get a second chance with him.", "Leo: Hopefully. What about with you? I mean, we haven't even really talked about us since we... well, you know.", "Piper: Yeah, I do know.", "Leo: Have you thought about it?", "Piper: Of course, I have, a lot. But honestly, I can't even go there. I mean, it's not an option, is it? You're still an Elder.", "(Paige orbs in.)", "Paige: Hey. I'm not interrupting, am I?", "Piper: Actually, kind of. As a matter of fact, you are. Could you...", "Paige: Sorry. See, I have to talk to Leo about something real quick. Come with me.", "Piper: Alright, that's it. What is going on?", "Paige: Nothing.", "Piper: Come on, I'm pregnant, not stupid. What is it?", "Leo: Uh, well, we didn't want to alarm you. But there is a demon consolidating powers, using Charmed knowledge.", "Piper: What?", "Paige: Yeah, and see, the problem is, I kind of conjured Mr. Right version of him.", "Piper: Wait, wait, wait. Mr. Right, as in my Mr. Right?", "Paige: No, that would be gross. My Mr. Right.", "Leo: Paige, there are rules.", "Paige: Oh, please. Listen, anyway, you guys are confusing me. That's not why I'm here. I came to tell you that Chris has been arrested. It's a long story.", "Leo: Did you call Darryl?", "Paige: Yes, that would be the other problem because Darryl arrested him. Longer story.", "Piper: Okay, take me home.", "Leo: No, no, no, it's too dangerous, you stay here.", "Piper: No, I can't stay here when all hell is breaking loose there.", "Piper: Stay here. You save one son and I'll go save the other.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Phoebe is there making a potion. Mr. Right walks in.]", "Mr. Right: Can I come in?", "Phoebe: Shouldn't you be off peeling Paige a grape or something?", "Mr. Right: She doesn't like grapes. Uh, actually, she's not back yet. What are you doing?", "Phoebe: I'm making a vanquishing potion for your evil twin. Or at least I'm trying to.", "Mr. Right: Maybe I can help?", "Phoebe: No, I think you've done enough already, thank you.", "Mr. Right: Okay. Look, I know you're mad at her and me, and you have every right to be.", "Phoebe: I know.", "Mr. Right: But you know Paige. She doesn't think it's fair for magic to take away so much away from you guys, without ever giving anything back.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but that still doesn't justify...", "Mr. Right: I know, it doesn't. But she was going crazy. She was overloaded. She didn't want to complain, she didn't want you to have to feel guilty for having lost your powers. Just don't stay mad at her too long, okay? It hurts her, Phoebe. She looks up to you, a lot more than you know.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Mr. Right: Yeah. I think you're missing one key ingredient for this potion to work. (He picks up a pin.) My blood. After all, it's his too.", "(He pricks his finger.)", "Phoebe: Ouch. Doesn't that hurt?", "Mr. Right: No. I only feel what Paige feels. After all, I'm not real. Although, the more I come back, the more I wish I was.", "(Paige and Leo orb in.)", "Paige: Phoebe, I thought about it and I just wanted to say that you're right and...", "Phoebe: Stop. You apologised already. It's okay. Okay, so we have the potion, all we need is the demon.", "Leo: Any idea who he'll go after next?", "Paige, Mr. Right: Komodo demon.", "Paige: I like the way you think.", "Mr. Right: Right back at you.", "Phoebe: Eww.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Alley. A burning pile of ash is on the ground. Leo, Phoebe and Paige orb in.]", "Leo: Looks like we're too late.", "(Vincent walks around the corner.)", "Vincent: Actually, you're right on time. So glad you could make it.", "Leo: Paige, throw the potion.", "Vincent: You wouldn't hurt me, would you?", "(Paige glows.)", "Leo: Paige.", "Phoebe: Give me that.", "(Phoebe grabs the potion off of Paige and throws it at Vincent. Nothing happens.)", "Vincent: Sorry. Paige didn't conjure me to go away until it's time. (Vincent orbs out and orbs back in behind Paige.) You can't resist me, remember?", "(He orbs out with Paige.)", "[Cut to Vincent's Lair. A room that looks very similar to Paige's bedroom. Vincent orbs in with Paige.]", "Paige: What's going on? Where am I?", "Vincent: You're home, Paige.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Hallway. Phoebe, Leo and Mr. Right are there.]", "Phoebe: \"Use my blood\", you said. \"It's his blood too\", you said.", "Mr. Right: How was I supposed to know the potion wouldn't work?", "Phoebe: I thought you knew him.", "Mr. Right: No, I said I knew Paige. There's a difference.", "Phoebe: What? Testicles? I thought you guys were like three peas in a pod.", "Mr. Right: No, Paige is real. We're not, remember?", "Leo: He's right. She didn't make them vulnerable because she didn't want them to go away.", "Mr. Right: Until it's time.", "Phoebe: Well, we have to find her before midnight. God knows what he'll do to her by then.", "Mr. Right: He won't hurt her. He loves her. That much I know. That's why she went with him.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but why is she staying? Why hasn't she orbed out of there? I mean, she may want a lot of crazy things, but she'd never want to be with a demon.", "Mr. Right: Don't count on it. Paige has a dark side like everybody else. He's appealing to that, to what she secretly wants.", "Leo: And what is that?", "Mr. Right: To be free, independent, to be able to use her magic without fear of consequence. That's extremely seductive to her.", "Phoebe: And so are those pheromones I bet.", "Mr. Right: Especially when used by evil.", "Phoebe: We've gotta figure out a way to vanquish this guy.", "Leo: Yeah, but how? She made him invincible.", "Mr. Right: Then why not make him real? Break our magical bond.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry?", "Mr. Right: It's what Paige would do if she was here. I mean, I know it's whacky but it might work.", "Leo: It'd certainly make him vulnerable to a potion.", "Phoebe: Guys, this is not Pinocchio, we can't just make things real.", "Mr. Right: We're not making things real. Just him. And he's already half way there just by being conjured. I know you can do it, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Thanks... Paige. Still, it doesn't help us find her.", "Leo: Maybe we can. Or at least maybe Chris can, like he did before.", "Phoebe: Have you forgotten he's in jail?", "Leo: Not for long he's not.", "(Leo orbs out.)", "Phoebe: Well, it looks like I'm the last sister standing now. You, come on.", "[Scene: Vincent's Lair. Paige and Vincent are there.]", "Vincent: It's an exact duplicate. Exactly as you know it. Of course, given time, I can recreate the entire house for you. Well, what do you think?", "Paige: My head's still spinning.", "Vincent: It's hard for you to accept when good things happen to you, I know. But this is everything you've ever dreamed about, wanted. Instead of fighting you, the demons will bow down to your feet. Instead of reigning in your powers, you can use them at will. You're free, unchallenged, loved.", "Paige: Why Vincent?", "Vincent: You don't remember? The name of your first love. A boy who promised you the world. Now you've got it.", "Paige: What about my...", "Vincent: Your sisters. They're a burden, aren't they? Forever forcing you to sacrifice yourself, your needs for them.", "Paige: You're right. It's not fair.", "Vincent: No, it's not. And unfortunately, unless we do something, they'll try to stop us, won't they?", "[Scene: Police Station. Darryl is there. Leo walks in and goes over to him.]", "Leo: We need to talk.", "Darryl: Hello, Leo. Knew you'd show up sooner or later.", "(Darryl walks into his office. Leo follows.)", "Leo: Darryl, Paige is in trouble. A demon took her and I need Chris to help find her.", "Darryl: Sorry, I can't help you.", "Leo: What is that supposed to mean?", "Darryl: Exactly what it sounds like. Look, I told the girls, and now I'm telling you. I'm not doing it anymore. Forget it.", "Leo: Look, I understand...", "Darryl: Hey. You don't understand. It's over, Leo. When those beings who erase memories allowed me to remember what happened after last time, I changed. I saw the light. This is your fight. It's not mine.", "Leo: Well, I am fighting to try and save my sons. Alright, they are in trouble. Wyatt might be in trouble too. You're a father.", "Darryl: I'm a cop. All I know... all I'm supposed to know is Chris got caught stealing a car. That's it. Son or no son, he's busted.", "Leo: Yeah, well, sooner or later they're gonna figure out who he is, and then what, huh?", "Darryl: It's not my problem. Excuse me.", "[Cut to a jail cell. Chris is sitting on the bed. A guard walks past the cell. Leo orbs in.]", "Chris: Took you long enough.", "Leo: Shh. Not so loud. I'm getting you outta here.", "Chris: Great. So Darryl's gonna cover?", "Leo: Forget about Darryl. Come on.", "Chris: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're just gonna orb out of here? What about exposure?", "Leo: Right now I'm a more worried about them exposing you.", "Chris: Yeah, but...", "Leo: Look, son. I'm not gonna let you hang here, okay. Now come on, you've got an Aunt to save.", "(Chris stands up.)", "Chris: Thanks, dad.", "(They orb out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Mr. Right are there making a potion. The potion explodes.]", "Mr. Right: Does that mean it's done?", "Phoebe: Or over done. I'm not so sure about this.", "(Phoebe puts the potion into a vile.)", "Mr. Right: Well, why don't we try it out. On me.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? It might kill you.", "Mr. Right: Well, then at least you'd know I was real. Look, if it works on me, it's gonna work on him, right?", "Phoebe: Okay. (Phoebe throws the potion at his feet and a cloud of smoke covers him. He gasps.) How do you feel?", "Mr. Right: Alive.", "(He walks around a picks up a knife.)", "Phoebe: What are you doing?", "Mr. Right: Seeing how much I feel. (He cuts his hand with the knife.) Ow!", "Phoebe: Ow is good though, right? Ow means you're...", "Mr. Right: I'm real. (He laughs.) I can't believe it. This is amazing. You have no idea what you've done for me, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I hope you didn't just trick me into doing that.", "Mr. Right: No, but I did help you realise you're not as powerless as you thought.", "(Leo and Chris orb in.)", "Phoebe: Chris, you're out.", "Chris: Yeah, thank god.", "Leo: So how's that potion coming? Did it work?", "Mr. Right: Perfectly.", "(He holds up his hand.)", "Leo: Okay, great. Chris has an idea on how you can find Paige.", "Phoebe: Me?", "Chris: You're gonna have to sneak in.", "Leo: And then once you're in, we'll bring you the potion that makes the demon real.", "Phoebe: And how exactly am I going to sneak in?", "[Scene: Vincent's Lair. A group of Demonatrix's are there. Phoebe is amongst the Demonatrix's wearing leather and a blonde wig. Vincent walks in.]", "Vincent: You're right on time.", "Demonatrix #3: My aim is to please. Where's Paige?", "Vincent: Coming. You know of course that she can't be a part of this. At least, not directly. They are after all, still her sisters.", "Demonatrix #3: I understand.", "(Paige orbs in with Piper.)", "Piper: Paige, what are we doing here?", "(Paige stands next to Vincent.)", "Paige: You know how I've always felt tied down? Well, I thought you'd like to know how that feels. Rope!", "(A rope orbs around Piper's hands.)", "Piper: What the hell are you doing? Paige? (Paige and Vincent walk into another room.) Paige.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Vincent's Lair. Demonatrix #3 pulls out a throwing star.]", "Piper: Leo? Chris?", "(Suddenly, Demonatrix #3 bursts into flames and is vanquished.)", "Phoebe: Oops. I missed. (Phoebe pulls out a throwing star and throws it at a Demonatrix. She kicks two and they fall to the ground. Phoebe runs over to Piper and Piper screams.) It's just me, it's Phoebe.", "Piper: What? Phoebe. (She chuckles.) Are you here to save me or kill me?", "Phoebe: I haven't decided yet. Turn around. (She unties Piper.) Okay.", "Piper: Is there a plan involved in any of this?", "Phoebe: Well, there was until Chris and Leo didn't respond to your call.", "Piper: Great.", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Leo and Chris are waiting there.]", "Leo: Something's wrong, I can't sense her.", "Chris: I'm going back down there.", "Leo: No, you can't.", "Chris: Leo, she needs the potion, alright?", "Leo: It's too dangerous. I'm not risking you too. Phoebe will figure it out, she always finds a way.", "[Cut to Vincent's Lair. Piper and Phoebe are looking around a wall at a bunch of Demonatrix's in another room.]", "Piper: Let me just see if I can get a clear shot.", "Phoebe: And risk exposing the baby? Absolutely not. This is what we're gonna do. I am going to go after the two on the right first.", "Piper: Okay, then what?", "Phoebe: Then go after the two on the left.", "Piper: Oh, sure.", "Phoebe: Okay, ready?", "Piper: No.", "Phoebe: Go.", "Piper: No! (Phoebe runs into the room and the two on the right throw throwing stars at her. Piper freezes them in mid-air. Piper blows up the two on the left. Phoebe plucks the throwing stars out of the air and throws them at the two on the right, vanquishing them.) Hey, not bad for a chick who can't levitate.", "Phoebe: We're not done yet.", "Piper: But you said you didn't have the potion.", "Phoebe: We don't need it.", "(Phoebe walks off.)", "[Cut to Paige's duplicate room. Paige and Vincent are standing there kissing. Piper and Phoebe barge in.]", "Phoebe: Alright, break it up, you two!", "Vincent: Phoebe, I'm impressed. I underestimated you.", "Phoebe: Really? Well, that means she did too, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. (to Piper) Blow him up.", "Piper: Huh?", "Vincent: You can't. I'm not real, remember?", "Phoebe: I'm betting on if Mr. Right is real, then so are you. (to Piper) Just do it.", "(Piper blows him up and vanquishes him. Paige glows.)", "Paige: What are you wearing?", "[Scene: Magic School. Piper and Wyatt are there. Leo orbs in.]", "Wyatt: Dad-da.", "Leo: Hey, slugger. How's you mummy doing? Is she alright?", "Piper: As long as one of her sisters doesn't try to kill her again, she'll be fine.", "Leo: Well, now you know why we didn't tell you about it.", "Piper: I'm glad you did otherwise I would've been totally in the dark when Paige kidnapped me.", "Leo: Have you forgiven her yet?", "Piper: No. Not to her face, anyway. But that's okay, she can suffer a little bit. So what's going on with Chris?", "Leo: The car salesman dropped the charges. He had a sudden loss of memory. Wouldn't testify. Go figure.", "Piper: Leo.", "Leo: Magic was already exposed, so I had to do something, right?", "Piper: You know, you're a good father.", "Leo: Yeah? Thanks. I hope you say that again in twenty-three years. I wonder where we'll be then.", "Piper: Me too.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Paige is there sitting on the couch. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, sweetie.", "Paige: Hey. How you doing? How's the column? Did you finish?", "Phoebe: I did. Just barely. But at least Sad in San Jose won't be so sad anymore.", "Paige: See, you didn't need your powers to give good advice. Wait a second, you didn't get your powers back, did you?", "Phoebe: No, and I'm not in any hurry to, either. I think we've both been relying on our powers a bit too much, don't you?", "Paige: Oh, subtle. Very subtle. That's what I like about you. All the same, I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking.", "Phoebe: Well, you were thinking that you needed a break. And those needs came from a real place. You just have to figure out a way to honour them without using magic.", "(Mr. Right walks in.)", "Paige: Got any advice for him?", "Phoebe: No. You're on your own with that one. (to Mr. Right) Good luck.", "Mr. Right: Thanks.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Paige: Hey.", "Mr. Right: Hey.", "Paige: You all set?", "Mr. Right: To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. I'm a little nervous.", "Paige: Aww, well, don't worry. Leo will take good care of you. He's the best, and after all, he's come and gone from this world several times.", "Mr. Right: So have I. Thanks to you.", "Paige: Well, don't thank me just yet. If you're anything like me, and I have a sneaking suspicion that you are, you might get into a little bit of trouble out there.", "Mr. Right: Well, if I'm anything like you, I can handle it, right? Will I ever see you again?", "Paige: Only if you get into too much trouble.", "(She kisses him on the cheek.)", "Mr. Right: Well...", "Paige/Mr. Right: Take care." ]
A Wrong Day's Journey Into Right
[ "Aware that Piper, Phoebe and Paige are on the verge of discovering that he is after Wyatt, Gideon conspires with two demons to make the girls part of Witch Wars, a new demonic reality television show where demon contestants compete to hunt down the Charmed Ones, with the winning demon acquiring the witches' powers. Gideon makes the girls believe that the game masters, Corr and Clea, are the ones after Wyatt in order to protect himself and his own agenda. In the end they find out, but the two demons grow extremely powerful due to them absorbing the powers of vanquished demon contestants. Phoebe comes up with a plan to vanquish them without the Power of Three as they do not want to risk Piper. Leo vanquishes Clea with a power-sucking athame and Phoebe takes Clea's powers for herself. Using her new powers, Phoebe shimmers to the attic and vanquishes Corr with an energy ball. She then shimmers to a demonic bar where demons have been watching Witch Wars and vanquishes many with energy balls to make a point while the rest flee before she returns home. Paige stabs her with the athame to remove the demonic powers. Later, the group celebrates the victory and believe the threat to Wyatt over. Meanwhile, Gideon's assistant has second thoughts about their plan and goes to tell the sisters the truth, but is murdered by Gideon before he can." ]
[ "[Scene: Underworld. \"Witch Wars\" studio. The \"Witch Wars\" logo flashes up on the TV screen and still images of Piper, Phoebe and Paige.]", "Corr: (voice over) Welcome back to Witch Wars. Tonight on a very special episode, you'll see the ultimate battle when the Gamemasters themselves take on, not just any witches, but the legendary Charmed Ones.", "(Corr shimmers into the studio and faces the camera.)", "Corr: It'll be winner takes all, and we will take all. Their lives, their powers, and last but not least, their progeny.", "(\"12 hours earlier\" shows up on the screen in flaming letters.)", "[Scene: Magic School. Great Hall. Phoebe and Paige are sitting at a table. Piper and Chris walk in.]", "Piper: Sorry I'm late. I'm not moving real fast these days. Are you sure you don't want to be born anytime soon already?", "Chris: Don't be in such a hurry.", "Phoebe: Okay, I hate to rush things, but what do we say we get this family meeting started, huh?", "Piper: You know, you could cut back on those triple lattes a little bit.", "Paige: Hey, where's Leo?", "Gideon: He's on the witch killer path, which you all should be focusing on as well.", "Phoebe: We actually have bigger things to deal with, Gideon. Like trying to figure out who's after Wyatt. And I think I might have an angle on that.", "Paige: You found the demon?", "Phoebe: It may not be a demon. Look, we've relied on magic all this time and it's gotten us nowhere. And since I can't rely on my premonitions to help, I've had to resort to statistics.", "Piper: Statistics?", "Phoebe: Yes. Did you know that fifty percent of violent crimes are perpetrated by someone the victim knew. So don't you see? Whoever turns Wyatt evil might actually be someone we know or even care about.", "Gideon: A mortal? Impossible.", "Phoebe: Really? Because the crime reporter at the newspaper said that it's usually someone you least expect.", "Piper: Alright, now you're making me nervous.", "Gideon: Phoebe. (He slams a book shut.) This theory might make some sense in the lives of normal people but you aren't normal people. There's an entire underworld of demons out there who want you dead and today is no exception, which brings me back to the witch killer.", "Chris: Hold on. Phoebe's onto something here. I mean, we've practically over turned every demonic stone, right? I mean, at least this is something new.", "Gideon: I don't believe this. Someone is killing witches, possibly as we speak. How is that not your only priority?", "Chris: Because we're running out of time, that's why.", "Piper: What do you mean? Why?", "Chris: I should've told you sooner.", "Paige: Told us what?", "Chris: What happens to Wyatt happens before I'm born.", "Paige: What?", "Phoebe: And you're just telling us this now?", "Chris: I thought I'd given myself enough time. I'm so sorry.", "Gideon: Then how do we know that this witch killer isn't the one that's after Wyatt? Given this new information it seems to time out properly.", "Phoebe: Okay, it's time to divide and conquer. Paige and Chris, you help Leo with the witch killer, I'm gonna go chase my theory. And Piper, you don't worry. We're gonna find this guy, I promise.", "[Cut to Gideon's Office. Sigmund is there polishing a crystal ball. Gideon walks in and slams the door shut.]", "Sigmund: Is something wrong, sir?", "Gideon: Yes, as a matter of fact, there is. I think they're just about to figure us out.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige, Chris and a demon are there. The demon is laying on the floor surround by five crystals. The crystals are zapping him and he is screaming.]", "Demon: What'd I ever do to you?", "(Paige picks up one of the crystals and the zapping stops.)", "Chris: You're sure he's a demon, right?", "Demon: Does that give you the right to commit unprovoked act of violence against me?", "(Paige puts the crystal back down and zaps him again. She picks it back up.)", "Paige: Tell us everything you know about the witches that were murdered.", "Demon: I don't know anything, I swear. (Paige puts the crystal back down and zaps him again. He screams. She picks it back up.) Oh, the witches. The one last night, she put on a great show, she shot fire from her hands, and-and she put up a great fight.", "(Paige throws a potion at him and vanquishes him.)", "Chris: Why did you just do that? He was just starting to talk.", "Paige: He was lying. A) There was no witch murdered last night and B)...", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Another witch was killed last night.", "Chris: You were saying?", "Paige: Okay, that's just a coincidence. There's no way he could've been there to see that.", "Chris: Did she have power to shoot fire out of her hands?", "Leo: Yeah. How did you know?", "Chris: More to the point, how did he know?", "Paige: Huh?", "Chris: Maybe he was working for an upper level demon.", "Paige: Alright, we just happen to trap the apprentice to the exact demon that we're trying to catch and know nothing about.", "Leo: What are we talking about?", "Chris: Oh, the fact that Paige just vanquished our lucky break.", "Paige: You don't know that.", "Leo: What do we know?", "Paige: Well, we know that one demon can't possibly be doing all of these killings, so I'm thinking that someone is getting demons to join forces.", "Leo: So you think somebody is trying to organise the underworld?", "Paige: Seems like it. And unfortunately, I seem to be the only person that is concerned about the fact that Phoebe is out there roaming around the world without any powers.", "Chris: Without her active powers. She can still cast spells.", "Paige: Great. So when the demon attacks her, let's hope that Phoebe can come up with a little rhyme just in time. No, no, no. I'm gonna go bring her some potions.", "Chris: What should we do?", "Paige: Pray that she doesn't get attacked.", "[Scene: Witch Wars studio. Corr, Clea and an upper-level demon are there.]", "Upper-Level Demon: And what do I get out of it?", "Corr: Fame, glory, the respect of the entire underworld and of course, the powers of the witch you kill.", "Clea: If you win.", "Upper-Level Demon: If I play, I'll win.", "Corr: A demon of your considerable power we have no doubt. As long as it's entertaining.", "Upper-Level Demon: Just out of curiosity, how did you come up with the idea, anyway?", "Clea: Well, we can't take all the credit. You'd think demons would've invented reality television, but somehow humans beat us to it.", "Corr: Still, it's the best idea we ever stole. And demons everywhere love to watch. So if you're ready to play just draw your blood and sign on the dotted line.", "(He picks up a sheet of paper and a knife.)", "Upper-Level Demon: Draw my blood? Why?", "Corr: So that your powers, should you for any reason lose, will revert to us.", "Upper-Level Demon: My powers? You've gotta be kidding me. There's no way I'm signing...", "Corr: I'm sorry, I thought you were planning to win.", "Clea: And if you don't, you'll be dead, so you won't need your powers anyway.", "Upper-Level Demon: But it doesn't mean I want you to have them. It's quite a racket you got going on here. Get all these guys to sign their powers over to you and risk their lives all for the chance to kill some stupid witch.", "(He starts to leave.)", "Corr: The witch is not the point, the point is fame. The point is...", "Upper-Level Demon: Fortune, yeah, I got it. That may work on the silly morons you have playing this game so far, but it won't work on me.", "(He shimmers out.)", "Clea: If we don't get an upper-level demon to play, we will never collect the powers we need.", "Corr: We just have to be patient. As the game gains in popularity, more and more powerful demons will want to play.", "Clea: How do you know?", "Corr: Because if human beings are foaming at the mouth to humiliate themselves on national television, and they are, then demons are an easy mark.", "Clea: Upper-level humans?", "(He pulls her closer to him.)", "Corr: Donald Trump has his own show. Just be patient, my love, and together we'll rule the underworld.", "Voice: It's an old goal, but a good one. (A fireball appears in Corr's hand.) Disarm, and I will reveal myself.", "(The fireball disappears. Gideon appears sitting in a chair near by.)", "Corr: What is that, an Elder?", "Clea: Kill him.", "Gideon: What I have to offer is far better than anything my death will ever bring you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks up to the crime reporter, Kyle.]", "Phoebe: Hi, I'm sorry to bother you again. You seem super busy. You're always super busy.", "Kyle: That's why I chose crime beat. So many bad guys, I knew I'd never be out of work.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: That's funny. You are funny. Um, thanks for those statistics yesterday, they really helped me a lot.", "Kyle: Are you flirting with me?", "Phoebe: What?", "Kyle: Because when a woman who looks like you flirts with me, it generally means they want something.", "Phoebe: Okay, yeah, you got me. Um, I'm interested in dedicating a month of my column to the protection of our children and I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, god forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to to try to figure out who did it?", "Kyle: They'd make a flow chart.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, a what?", "Kyle: You do realise that I'm on a deadline here, right?", "Phoebe: Should I go back to the flirting?", "Crime Reporter: I guess I could use some coffee.", "Phoebe: That's great. You are great. I'm buying. (She sees Paige orb into her office.) Oh my god.", "Kyle: What?", "Phoebe: You gotta just give me one second. (Phoebe races into her office and closes the blinds.) Have you lost your mind?", "Paige: No. Another witch was killed last night.", "Phoebe: Oh, no.", "Paige: Oh, yes. And she had active powers. So I need you to go home where I can keep an eye on you.", "Phoebe: Paige, you're my baby sister, not my baby sitter.", "Paige: Oh, that's clever, you're very clever. And I'm glad that while I'm panicking, you have the time to be clever.", "Phoebe: Okay, it's very sweet that you're worried about me, but I am fine, and I have a lot of work to do here.", "Paige: Great. Do your work from home.", "Phoebe: I can't do it from home because Kyle Donie is not at home.", "Paige: Who is Kyle Donie? Is this about a guy?", "Phoebe: No, it's not about a guy. It's about a reporter, one who knows everything there is to know about crime and criminal investigation, and since we don't have Darryl's help anymore, he's the only resource we have.", "Paige: Fine. (She hands her bottles of potions.) Explosive, acid, smoke bomb. Use them.", "Phoebe: Thanks, mum. (Paige orbs out. Phoebe walks out of her office and back over to Kyle.) Okay, where were we?", "Kyle: Oh, uh, you were flirting with me poorly, and I was helping you find your bad guy.", "[Scene: Witch Wars studio. Gideon, Corr and Clea are there.]", "Gideon: If I can find you through my demonic contacts, then how long do you think it'll be before the Charmed Ones find you and shut you down. They already know about the witch killings, so it's really only a matter of time.", "Clea: And you're here to warn us?", "Gideon: No, I'm here to help you.", "Corr: Now, why don't I believe that?", "Gideon: I need the Charmed Ones distracted for a while whilst I accomplish an important mission. I thought your game might be the perfect thing.", "Corr: You want us to target the Charmed Ones?", "Gideon: No, I want you to use them, make them your next stunt if you will. We'll plant a witch in their care, have her be the next target in your game. You're contestants will have to get past them to get to her.", "Clea: Get past the Power of Three? That's a suicide mission, no one will sign up.", "Gideon: The Power of Three isn't a factor at the moment because Piper is convalescing at my school for the duration of her pregnancy.", "Corr: It would draw upper-level demons.", "Clea: I don't trust him. Why would an Elder wanna sacrifice an innocent witch and put the Charmed Ones in danger?", "Gideon: I don't, and that's part of the deal. There will be no blood drawn. You will set up a series of tasks, have the demons, oh, I don't know, steal something from the witch to begin with, let it escalate from there.", "Clea: Steal something?", "Gideon: If you kill innocents or in anyway harm Charmed Ones, then your game will be over and you will be dead. Understand?", "Clea: We don't take kindly to threats, Elder.", "Corr: Or, um, how would we put the witch target into their care or say, put them under surveillance?", "Gideon: Get the contestants ready. Put a witch under non-lethal attack, and I'll take care of the rest. The cameras? (Corr picks up a box with five black crystals in it. Gideon picks up a crystal and his face shows up on a screen.) Clever.", "Clea: Thanks.", "Gideon: Don't disappoint me.", "(Gideon takes the box and orbs out. Clea hits Corr on the arm.)", "Clea: What's the matter with you? Why do you trust him?", "Corr: I don't. But with all the powers that we'll get from the demons who sign up, we'll have more than enough to kill him when the time comes. As well as the Charmed Ones.", "(Clea giggles and they kiss.)", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Leo and Chris are there. Chris is looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Leo: So what is it we're looking for?", "Chris: Uh, any demon that can be powerful enough to be organising the underworld or any demon who might be running some sort of training camp for younger demons or any demon who could be...", "Leo: So basically any demon.", "Chris: Yeah. This sucks, you know that? We're running out of time here and we've got nothing, repeat nothing, to go on.", "Leo: We've faced worse.", "Chris: What's worse than not knowing? For over a year now I've been looking and you didn't know this deadline was looming but I did. I knew every single day. That's why I was never able to relax.", "Leo: Why didn't you tell us?", "Chris: Because I didn't want to get you involved. I was trying to protect you.", "Leo: Chris, we're your parents, we're supposed to protect you, not the other way around.", "(Paige orbs in.)", "Paige: Hey. I got a new scrying crystal. Amethyst. I thought we could use the extra power boost.", "Leo: What exactly are we scrying for?", "Paige: Witches under attack. I don't want anymore of them getting killed, and that includes my sister who is now determined to stay at the office, ever since your son dropped his little bomb this morning.", "Chris: I already said I was sorry.", "Leo: And he shouldn't have to say it again.", "Paige: Alright, dad.", "(Gideon orbs in.)", "Leo: Gideon, what are you doing here? Is Piper okay?", "Gideon: Hardly. Thanks to Phoebe's ludicrous new theory, everybody's now a suspect in her mind. She's terrorising the entire school.", "Leo: So you want me to talk to her?", "Gideon: I'd be eternally grateful. (Leo orbs out. Gideon sees Paige scrying.) What are you scrying for?", "Paige: Witches under attack. (Gideon waves his hand without them seeing and the crystal immediately points to a place on the map.) Ooh. Caught one. In the mission.", "Gideon: You should both go. Hurry.", "(Paige and Chris orb out. Gideon holds out his hands and the box with the crystal cameras appears. The lid opens and with a wave of his hand three of the crystals fly up into the corner of the walls and disappear out of sight.)", "[Scene: Alley. A witch is being attacked by a demon. She swings a pipe several times at the demon but misses.]", "Witch: Help!", "(A mattress near by morphs into another demon.)", "Shapeshifter: Not what you were hoping for?", "(The witch hits the Shapeshifter with the pipe, knocking him to the ground. Paige and Chris orb in. Paige throws a potion at demon #1 and vanquishes him. Another demon shimmers in behind the witch and rips her necklace off from around her neck.)", "Demon #3: Got it.", "(He shimmers out.)", "Shapeshifter: Damn it.", "(Shapeshifter shimmers out. Paige and Chris help the witch up.)", "Chris: What the hell just happened?", "Paige: I don't know.", "Witch: Who are you?", "Paige: Um, I'm a Charmed One. Come on, I'll take you somewhere safe.", "(They orb out.)", "[Cut to the Manor. They orb in.]", "Tali: Where are we?", "Paige: It's okay. You're gonna be safe here. What's your name, anyway?", "Tali: I'm Tali. How can I ever thank you guys for saving me?", "Paige: Okay, I don't think you need to, because I don't think we did. I'm not even sure they were after you.", "Chris: Yeah, they were after your necklace.", "Tali: Oh, my grandmother's amulet.", "Chris: Amulet. Is it magical? Does it have any power?", "[Cut to the Witch Wars studio. The scene continues on a TV.]", "Tali: No, no, not at all.", "Paige: This is all very strange.", "Demon #3: Wait, this thing is powerless? Then why did you want us to steal it?", "Corr: It got the Charmed Ones involved. didn't it?", "Shapeshifter: So when do we get our shot at them?", "Corr: Be patient. This was only round one. (He turns to the camera.) Stay tuned.", "[Cut to a Demonic bar. A room full of demons are watching Witch Wars on a TV. The Witch Wars logo shows up on the screen and they all cheer.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Magic School. Piper pushes Wyatt down the hall in his stroller. She sees Mrs. Winterbourne.]", "Piper: Mrs. Winterbourne? Hold it right there.", "Mrs. Winterbourne: Oh, hi, Wyatt. Hi, Piper.", "Piper: Never mind that. I just wanted you to know that Wyatt will not be in your class tomorrow or ever again, for that matter.", "Mrs. Winterbourne: Why? Is there a problem?", "Piper: A problem? You mean like when Wyatt was playing with that little girl at the play-doh table this morning?", "Mrs. Winterbourne: You mean Emily? She's such a sweet little psychic.", "Piper: She stole his dough, right out of his hands, and you did absolutely nothing.", "Mrs. Winterbourne: Well, stole's a little harsh, don't you think? She's only two years old.", "Piper: No, that's not the point. (Leo walks in.) What message is this sending to him? That people can just take from him? That people can hurt him? That grown adults will not be there to protect him?", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: What?", "Leo: We need to talk. (to Mrs. Winterbourne) Would you mind taking Wyatt for a stroll just for a minute, please?", "Piper: What!", "Leo: It's alright, go ahead.", "Mrs. Winterbourne: I'll be right over there.", "(She pushes Wyatt down the hall.)", "Piper: Are you out of your mind?", "Leo: Piper, do you realise you're driving everybody nuts around here?", "Piper: Well, I don't really care, see I'm trying to protect our son.", "Leo: From who? His \"Mommy and Me\" teacher?", "Piper: Hey, how do you not know that she's the one who's after him? If Phoebe's right...", "Leo: She's not.", "Piper: How do you know?", "Leo: Because why would anybody we know want to turn to Wyatt evil? It just doesn't make any sense, just like Gideon said.", "Piper: How do you know it's not him? Or us for that matter.", "Leo: Piper.", "Piper: No, I'm serious. What if he saw what this life did to us, and-and how hard it was and just decided to take the easy way out.", "Leo: That's not what happened.", "Piper: How do you know?", "Leo: Because Wyatt is surrounded by love. We love him whether we're together or not. He's got a brother that risked everything just to save his life. Plus he's got two aunts who would rather gauge out their own eyes than see anything bad happen to him.", "(Piper sighs and hugs Leo.)", "Piper: Just promise me we'll keep him safe.", "Leo: I promise.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Paige, Chris and Tali are there. Chris is flipping through the Book of Shadows while Paige and Tali watch.]", "Paige: That-that's him, the Brute demon.", "Chris: Okay. \"Upper-level demons with overwhelming physical strength. They work alone, generally crushing skulls of their victims.\" You're lucky he wasn't after you.", "Paige: Okay, this isn't making sense. Are you sure that that amulet did not have magical powers?", "Tali: Positive. It was just a family heirloom.", "Chris: Well, do you have anything else of your grandmother's?", "Tali: Her wedding ring. Why?", "Paige: That's a great idea. We can use it to scry for the amulet.", "Chris: And find out where the demon went.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Okay, people, heads up. I need your address books, your phone books, basically all your books. Hi, I'm Phoebe.", "(She shakes Tali's hand.)", "Paige: This is Tali. She was attacked by three upper-level demons today.", "Phoebe: Wow, and you lived to tell about it? Congratulations. (to Paige) Okay, about those books. I'm kind of in a hurry.", "Paige: Phoebe, we actually need your help.", "Phoebe: How bad was it?", "Tali: Well, um, they stole my grandmother's amulet.", "Phoebe: Really? How powerful was it? Could they use it for like, mind control or something?", "Tali: Oh, no, it was just decorative.", "Phoebe: Decorative.", "Tali: Yeah, pretty much.", "Phoebe: Hmm. Saving my nephew or kleptomaniac demons. I really need those books, guys.", "Paige: Pheebs...", "Phoebe: What? This is important. I'm gonna draw up a police flow chart of everyone in Wyatt's life who can possibly be a suspect, and I don't want to forget anybody.", "Paige: Fine. My book is in my bedroom.", "Chris: Mum's is down in the kitchen.", "Phoebe: Great. I hope you find your amulet. Okay, I'll be at the office if you need me, but please don't need me because I really think I'm onto something here.", "[Cut to Gideon's Office. Gideon and Sigmund are watching Witch Wars.]", "Gideon: Stubborn little witch! She's not playing along.", "Sigmund: What if she finds us out?", "Gideon: She won't.", "Sigmund: How are you going to stop her? (Gideon orbs out.) Thanks for sharing.", "[Cut to the Witch Wars studio. Corr and Clea are there. Clea stabs an athame into the table. Gideon orbs in.]", "Gideon: Athames. I thought we'd agreed nobody would be hurt.", "Corr: The weapons are part of the game. It's how powers are taken.", "Clea: But don't worry. Only the players'll be using them on each other.", "Gideon: More dead demons? Not a problem for me.", "Clea: Hmm. More dead Elders wouldn't be a problem for us either. What do you want?", "Gideon: This whole distraction isn't working as well as I'd hoped, especially not on Phoebe. She's meeting with a reporter again, and I won't have him feeding her any more information.", "Corr: You want him dead?", "Gideon: No, of course not. I want him out of the way.", "Clea: Now how are we supposed to do that without killing him?", "Gideon: Be creative. Plant more cameras. Make him part of the game. Use the Shapeshifter. I like him.", "Corr: Still, he is a demon, which means there's only so much we can control in the risk department.", "Gideon: I expect you'll do your very best.", "(Gideon orbs out.)", "Clea: Did he just give us an opening?", "Corr: He must be more desperate than we thought, which means that maybe he won't shut us down after the first witch dies.", "[Scene: Demonic Bar. Demons are there drinking, playing darts and pool. A male demon sinks the black ball into one of the pool table's pocket. A female demon stabs the male demon with her pool cue and vanquishes him. She chuckles.]", "Female Demon: Next?", "(A demon playing darts throws a dart and hits the bullseye.)", "Demon: Right, finally. (Witch Wars comes up on the TV screen. The demons cheer.) Witch Wars, yeah!", "Demon #2: Witch Wars!", "Demon #3: Shh!", "(Demon #2 vanquishes Demon #3.)", "Demon #2: Nobody shushes me!", "Corr: (on TV) You want battles? You thirst for blood? You ain't seen nothin' yet. Of course, that warlock won't be seeing anything ever again, will he? In round two, these three upper-level demons will again have to get past the Charmed Ones to get to the witch. But this time they're not going after her necklace. They're going after her life.", "[Cut to the Witch Wars studio. The scene continues.]", "Corr: Before we get started, let's introduce our newest contestant. He's a Darklighter all the way from the northeast underworld. It's good to have you with us.", "Darklighter: Good to be here.", "Corr: Now, remember, your athames will absorb the powers of your victims as well as each other. The last demon standing will be awarded all of the powers collected at the end. For the winner, a serious power boost. For the losers, certain death. Oh, one more thing. Since the Shapeshifter failed to get the witch's amulet at the end of round one, he must now take on the added risk of confronting a Charmed One directly. In this case, Phoebe.", "Shapeshifter: Oh, great!", "Corr: And the Brute Demon, having won round one by claiming the amulet, has won the rights to make the first move.", "Brute Demon: Yeah!", "Corr: Now the players will enter the confessional cave to share their strategies with the audience. Let's watch.", "(They leave the room. The Brute Demon shows up on a screen in the room.)", "Brute Demon: One of the Charmed Ones is getting ready to scry for the amulet, right? To find me. Good. I'll be waiting for her, and when I take her out, the witch will be mine.", "(The shapeshifter shows up on the screen next.)", "Shapeshifter: It's suicide to go up against a Charmed One. But if I could persuade Phoebe to invite me home with her, she'd be leading me right to the witch.", "(The Darklighter shows up on the screen next.)", "Darklighter: All's I gotta do is bide my time, wait for that stupid brute to get himself killed, then make my move.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe and Kyle are there.]", "Phoebe: Okay, so we have the immediate family and then close friends of the family. Who's next?", "Kyle: Uh, anyone the child originally came in contact with in the last six months.", "Phoebe: Okay, but the child's been in seclusion for the last six months. So are we talkin' kids in the nursery and teachers?", "Kyle: And his mother's hairdresser, or your handyman or clergyman.", "Phoebe: Ok, let's just say, hypothetically speaking, that the police are running out of time. And they can't possibly research everyone the child's met in the last six months. Who do they focus on then?", "Kyle: Immediate family.", "Phoebe: They've ruled out the immediate family.", "Kyle: Okay, I kind of preferred the fake flirting to this.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I'm sorry. I just get very emotional when things have to do with my family.", "Kyle: Well, that's why the cops usually do this part and not the parents, or the aunt.", "Phoebe: Okay, so what would the cops do next?", "Kyle: Phoebe, it sounds to me like you're looking for some kind of magic formula, and there just isn't one.", "(The Shapeshifter peeks around the corner near by.)", "Phoebe: Well, can't you just narrow it down a little bit?", "Kyle: Uh, statistically, when it's not a crime of necessity, you're looking at white men between the ages of twenty-five and fifty, usually someone you least expect, maybe even trust. Think on that. I'll get coffee.", "(Kyle walks into another room where the Shapeshifter knocks him out. He shapeshifts into Kyle and walks into the room.)", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: Making any progress?", "Phoebe: No, not yet. I thought you were getting coffee.", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: I changed my mind. If I have caffeine this late, I can't sleep.", "Phoebe: Well, I'm not gonna sleep until I figure this out.", "[Scene: Manor. Leo orbs in at the bottom of the stairs. Chris walks down the stairs.]", "Leo: Hey, how's it going here?", "Chris: Paige and Tali went to get her grandmother's ring. How's mum doing?", "Leo: She's scared. She's holding up.", "Chris: And how are you doing?", "Leo: About the same.", "(Paige and Tali orb in.)", "Paige: Got it.", "Tali: So what are you planning to do when you find them? I mean, could this be some kind of trap?", "Paige: Honey, it could always be some kind of a trap.", "(Paige starts scrying for the Brute Demon.)", "Leo: Which is why you shouldn't go alone.", "Chris: He's right, Paige. If these are the witch killers...", "(The crystal points to a spot on the map.)", "Paige: Got it.", "Tali: Why don't you guys both go with her? I mean, if they wanted to kill me, they would have done it when they had the chance. Right?", "Paige: No, I'm sorry. Can't leave you unprotected.", "Chris: I'll stay.", "Paige: (to Leo) Come on.", "[Cut to a warehouse. The Brute Demon is there.]", "Brute Demon: Lambs to the slaughter.", "(The Brute Demon lays Tali's necklace on the ground, then hides out of sight. Paige and Leo orb in. Paige sees the necklace.)", "Paige: Okay, that looks like a trap.", "Leo: Let's get outta here.", "(The Brute Demon jumps in front of them and attacks Leo. Leo knocks him to the ground. The Brute Demon drops a red crystal. Paige throws a potion at him and vanquishes him.)", "[Cut to the Demon Bar. The crowd groan.]", "Demon: Told you he'd eat it.", "Bald Demon: That's gonna leave a mark.", "[Cut to the warehouse. The red crystal is projecting the Witch Wars show on the wall.]", "Leo: What's that?", "Paige: That's us.", "(The projection cuts to Chris and Tali in the living room.)", "Chris: (in projection) We've got to get going. Is there any place we can go...", "Paige: Okay, what's going on?", "(In the projection, a darklighter appears in the living room and shoots Chris with his crossbow.)", "Leo: Chris.", "(Leo orbs out. Paige picks up the red crystal and Tali's necklace and orbs out.)", "[Cut to the manor. Paige and Leo orb in. The darklighter is standing there carrying a dead Tali.]", "Darklighter: I win. You lose.", "[Cut to the Demonic Bar. The crowd cheers.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Paige, Leo and Chris are there. Leo heals Chris's wound.]", "Chris: I am so sorry. I didn't even see him coming.", "Paige: It's okay, it's not your fault. We're being watched.", "Chris: What?", "Paige: Sons of bitches. Where are the cameras?", "Chris: What cameras?", "Leo: There's some kind of live feed going on in the crystals.", "Paige: Yeah, except for I think they cut it off. I'm not seeing anything.", "Chris: Well, who?", "Paige: I don't know. I vanquished the Brute Demon before I could ask him. What is this, some kind of game?", "Chris: Actually, it might be.", "Leo: What are you talking about?", "Chris: Well, I heard something when I was down in the underworld. But I thought it was just a rumour.", "Paige: You thought what was a rumour?", "Chris: Well, that there was this demonic game show. Kind of like Survivor, but only for demons.", "Paige: And you didn't tell us this why?", "Chris: Because I didn't think it was relevant.", "Paige: Okay, that's your theme song of today. Did you notice?", "Leo: Paige.", "Paige: Look, I'm sorry. Well, at least it explains how the demon we trapped today knew that the witch died. He was watching it on TV. Pretty sick.", "Leo: No sicker than any other reality tv show. (Paige and Chris give him a look.) I'm just saying.", "Chris: Except this one's about killing witches for entertainment.", "Paige: Yeah. We have to get out of here. Because they are listening to us. We're gonna find you.", "[Cut to the Witch Wars studio. Corr and Clea are watching them on a TV.]", "Clea: We need more powers, fast.", "Corr: Don't worry. Cue the confessional.", "(Corr walks into the confessional room. The darklighter is there talking into the camera.)", "Darklighter: One demon down, one to go. All I have to do is wait for Phoebe to kill the Shapeshifter. Then I can make my move.", "Corr: What if she doesn't? I mean, why wait? Why not just eliminate the competition yourself?", "Darklighter: Good point.", "[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe is talking on her cell phone.]", "Phoebe: A Reality what? You have got to be kidding me. Alright, I'll be home as soon as I can.", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: Is something wrong?", "Phoebe: Kind of. Listen, thanks. I-I have to get going.", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: I was having a really good time.", "Phoebe: Really.", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: Yeah.", "Phoebe: Well, thanks again for all your help, and maybe we can talk more tomorrow.", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: Or since you're heading home, I could just come with you.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry?", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: Uh, to check out your place... look for any, you know, easy entry points. I mean, most bad guys usually attack at home.", "Phoebe: Are you sure about that? Because I think I've heard...", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: I'm the expert, right? (Phoebe grabs her purse.) So let me just come home with you, make sure everything is alright.", "Phoebe: Yeah. Well, that's not gonna happen. See, I'm not going home. I, uh... have to go somewhere else. My fam...", "(He attacks her.)", "Shapeshifter/Kyle: Take me to your house, witch. Now!", "(Phoebe hits him in the face and backs away.)", "Phoebe: Chris! Leo!", "(The shapeshifter moves towards Phoebe. She jumps up and grabs onto the doorframe and kicks him in the chest. The Darklighter appears behind him. The shapeshifter stumbles backwards and the Darklighter holds out an athame, stabbing the shapeshifter in the back. He is vanquished. Chris orbs in.)", "Chris: Phoebe!", "(Phoebe picks up the athame the shapeshifter dropped.)", "Darklighter: You still alive?", "(He shoots his crossbow and Chris orbs out with Phoebe, the arrow missing them.)", "[Cut to the Witch Wars studio. Corr is waiting there for the Darklighter to return. The Darklighter appears beside him.]", "Darklighter: The witch is dead, and I'm the last demon standing. That's the game, my friends. That is the game!", "Corr: Well, not quite.", "Darklighter: What?", "Corr: Well, as you know, all good reality tv shows have one final... (Corr stabs the Darklighter in the back and vanquishes him.) Twist. (Clea excitedly runs over to Corr and puts her arm around him.) Now, it's our turn to play.", "[Cut to the Demon Bar. The crowd cheers.]", "Bald Demon: Gotta admit. It's a good twist.", "[Scene: Magic School. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Chris are sitting around a table flipping through books. Paige finds the athame in her book.]", "Paige: Found it. Power-sucking athame.", "Piper: And?", "Paige: Well, and that's it.", "Phoebe: Wait, it doesn't say anything about what kind of demon uses it or what the WW stands for?", "Paige: No.", "Phoebe: Well, that's not a big help. Okay, well, we could scry with the athame or the crystal thingie.", "Paige: No, I tried.", "Phoebe: How about a return to sender spell?", "Paige: Tried. Our magic is blocked.", "Phoebe: So then, we've got nothing.", "Paige: Yes, we have nothing but a houseful of cameras, and an underworld full of voyeurs.", "Leo: Piper, why don't you go relax? We can take it from here.", "Piper: No. I'm fine. I mean, and relax? Relax where? We're being watched.", "Leo: Not here. Not at magic school they're not.", "Phoebe: Leo's right. You should go lay down. We've got it under control.", "[Cut to Gideon's Office. Gideon and Sigmund are watching them through a crystal ball. They see Piper get to her feet and Leo getting up to help her.]", "Piper: You don't touch me. You're the reason I look like this.", "(Gideon waves his hand and the vision disappears.)", "Sigmund: You have to put a stop to this.", "Gideon: You're missing the bigger picture, Sigmund.", "Sigmund: Sir, another witch is dead.", "Gideon: That wasn't supposed to happen.", "Sigmund: You're dealing with demons. What did you expect?", "Gideon: Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.", "Sigmund: How far are you willing to go? Phoebe was nearly killed.", "Gideon: No, she wasn't. She's strong. She protected herself as I knew she would.", "Sigmund: She shouldn't have had to. They weren't supposed to go after the Charmed Ones.", "Gideon: Yes, they were. That was my plan all along, to get the Gamesmasters to try to kill the Charmed Ones.", "Sigmund: But why?", "(Gideon walks over to a book shelf and grabs a book.)", "Gideon: To get them off my trail! To get them believing that it's the Gamesmasters who are after Wyatt, as if they've been after him all along.", "Sigmund: But what if they succeed? What if they kill the sisters?", "Gideon: I have no intention of letting that happen. I only want Wyatt eliminated, not them.", "(Gideon leaves the room.)", "[Cut to the hall. Gideon walks up to the table and shows them a page in the book.]", "Gideon: I think I might have found something that can help.", "Paige: It's the crystal thingy.", "Gideon: It's actually an ancient form of magical voyeurism. The ronyx crystal predates even the crystal ball. Our demon friends must have found a way to put a new spin on an old idea.", "Phoebe: Wait a minute. It's got an incantation to activate it. \"Mallock cormon alli-tas.\"", "(Gideon shakes his hand without anyone seeing and the crystal emits a projection of Witch Wars.)", "Corr: Welcome back to Witch Wars. Tonight, on a very special episode, you'll see the ultimate battle, when the Gamemasters themselves take on not just any witches, but the legendary Charmed Ones. It'll be winner takes all, and we will take all. Their lives, their powers, and last but not least, their progeny.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Magic School. Phoebe, Paige, Chris, Leo and Gideon are there.]", "Phoebe: That's what their show is about? Killing us?", "Chris: Then either me or Wyatt...", "Gideon: It has to be Wyatt, which means... oh, yes. This makes perfect sense.", "Paige: What about any of this makes perfect sense?", "Gideon: Don't you see? These Gamesmasters are the demons that you've been looking for all along. The ones who are after Wyatt.", "Phoebe: What?", "Gideon: Think about it. They've been collecting powers, hoping to gain enough to be able to collect yours.", "Chris: And then get Wyatt's.", "Paige: Well, it kinda fits into Phoebe's theory then, right? We don't know who they are. But they know who we are.", "Leo: I'm gonna kill them.", "Gideon: No, Leo, you're an Elder now. Non-violent, remember?", "Leo: Watch me.", "Phoebe: We're gonna have to find them first. Do you think we could trace the signal back to them?", "Paige: No, not without Piper. I think they're too strong already.", "Phoebe: No, we don't need Piper. (She picks up the athame.) Because we have this, and they're not going to kill us on TV. We're gonna kill them.", "[Scene: Witch Wars Studio. Corr and Clea are there.]", "Clea: What if they never go back to the manor?", "Corr: They will. If there's one thing I know about The Charmed Ones, they never run away from a fight.", "(On the TV screen, Paige and Chris walk into the attic.)", "Paige: (on TV) What exactly are we looking for?", "Chris: Anything that will let us vanquish the gamemasters without the Power of Three.", "Corr: It's show time.", "(Corr and Clea kiss passionately, then Corr shimmers out. Leo orbs in with Phoebe.)", "Leo: Hi.", "(Clea attacks them.)", "[Cut to the manor. Attic. Corr shimmers in.]", "Corr: Anybody wanna play a game?", "(Chris grabs a box and throws it at Corr. He telekinetically knocks it aside. Paige throws two potions at him but they don't harm him.)", "Paige: When are they coming back?", "(Corr throws a fireball.)", "[Cut to the Witch Wars Studio. Phoebe kicks Clea in the face and she is knocked backwards. She gets back up and creates an energy ball. Leo orbs in behind her and stabs her in the back with the power-sucking athame. She is vanquished.]", "Phoebe: Now that's good television. Give me the athame.", "Leo: Are you sure about this?", "Phoebe: It's for Wyatt. (Leo gives Phoebe the athame and it glows and sparks with electricity. Phoebe glows for a second as the powers enter her body.) Feels good to have powers again.", "Leo: Give 'em hell.", "(Phoebe shimmers out.)", "[Cut to the attic. Paige and Chris dive over a couch as a fireball heads straight for them.]", "Corr: This game's over.", "(Phoebe shimmers in.)", "Phoebe: I couldn't agree more. (She throws an energy ball at Corr and vanquishes him. She turns to the camera.) See what happens when you make a play for our baby? Who wants to play next?", "[Cut to the Demonic Bar. The room full of demons are still watching Witch Wars.]", "Phoebe: (on TV) What's the matter? Scared of me? (Phoebe shimmers out and shimmers back in in the Demonic Bar.) Well, are you? Are you? (The demons make a run for the exit. Phoebe throws energy ball after energy ball vanquishing all the demons. She throws one at the TV screen and smashes it.) Looks like your show's just been cancelled.", "[Cut to the Manor. Attic. Paige and Chris are sitting on the couch. Leo orbs in.]", "Leo: Where's Phoebe?", "Chris: That's a good question.", "(Phoebe shimmers in.)", "Phoebe: God, that was great. I wanna kill somebody else. Who can I kill? Chris, find me another demon to kill.", "Paige: Okay, we gotta get these powers outta her.", "Phoebe: What? You're the one who wanted me to have a power, remember?", "Paige: Yeah, not a demonic power.", "Phoebe: Well, beggars can't be choosers. Oh, poor little powerless Phoebe. She can't even take care of herself.", "Paige: Okay. I'm sorry. I admit it. I was, I was wrong.", "Phoebe: What did you say? Would you mind repeating that, please?", "Paige: I'm sorry. I was wrong. I clearly underestimated you. You are very powerful.", "Phoebe: That's all I wanted to hear. Now who wants to stab me?", "Paige: What?", "Leo: It's the only way to get the powers out of her.", "Phoebe: Come on. I dare ya. I double dare ya. I triple dare ya. I super duper dare...", "Paige: Oh! (Paige grabs the athame off of Phoebe.) I'll stab her. Leo, be ready to heal.", "(Paige gets ready to stab Phoebe and...)", "[Scene: Magic School. Everyone's there. Paige is pouring champagne into glasses.]", "Piper: You stabbed her?", "Paige: Oh, you would have too.", "Chris: She was pretty obnoxious.", "Phoebe: Yeah, demonic powers on an empty stomach. Not such a good thing.", "Piper: No, it was a great thing. You saved Wyatt.", "Phoebe: We all did.", "Piper: So we're a hundred percent certain these were the demons we were looking for all along?", "Phoebe: To our nephew. May he always be safe.", "(They all clink their glasses together.)", "Chris: I can't believe it's finally over.", "Leo: Believe it. You just saved the future.", "Wyatt: Mum.", "Piper: Yeah, I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Gideon's Office. Gideon and Sigmund are there watching them through the crystal ball. Gideon waves his hand and the vision disappears. Sigmund paces across the room.]", "Gideon: Sigmund, try to relax. We were successful today. They're off our trail. Even better, their guard is down which makes it that much easier to eliminate the threat.", "Sigmund: His name is Wyatt.", "Gideon: I'm sorry?", "Sigmund: What if Phoebe was right? What if future Wyatt wasn't turned evil by a demon? He's just an innocent baby. What if, in trying to eliminate a threat, we are actually creating a monster? That's such a tender age to be betrayed by those who have sworn to protect you. What if that's what turns him?", "Gideon: It's possible. Anything is possible. But armed with this future knowledge, we have to try to make sure that it doesn't happen this time.", "Sigmund: The only way to be sure is to stop this now.", "Gideon: Sigmund! This child should never have been born. He is enormously dangerous. Why am I the only one who seems to understand that?", "Sigmund: That's a very good question, sir, and with all due respect, it's why I can't let you go through with this. I'm going to tell the sisters the truth.", "(Sigmund walks towards the door. Gideon raises his hand and Sigmund stops at the doorway, gasping for breath. Gideon walks over to Sigmund.)", "Gideon: I'm sorry, old friend. But this too, is for the greater good. Forgive me.", "(Gideon claps his hands together and Sigmund explodes into a million little pieces.)" ]
Witch Wars
[ "As Piper goes into labor, Phoebe and Paige attempt to put things back in order and stop Gideon from turning Wyatt evil. However, Leo is less than thrilled when the other Elders tell him not to go after Gideon on his own, especially after Gideon decided to team up with Barbas to get the job done. Ultimately, Leo is able to team up with his evil parallel counterpart go against Gideon with explosive results." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Leo carries Phoebe in.]", "Leo: Put him in the playpen. I don't want him seeing this.", "(Paige walks in, holding Wyatt.)", "Paige: But Phoebe", "Leo: Just do it!", "(He puts Phoebe on the couch. Paige puts Wyatt in the playpen.)", "Paige: Okay, there you go. There you go.", "(Leo starts to heal Phoebe.)", "Leo: Don't let him out of your sight.", "Paige: What's wrong? What's taking so long?", "Leo: I don't know.", "Paige: Damn it, Leo, you should have just healed her outside.", "Leo: Right, and risk you getting shot, too? I don't think so.", "(Chris comes downstairs.)", "Chris: Okay, so I just sent our evil twins through the portal, although (He sees Leo healing Phoebe.) What happened?", "(Phoebe wakes up and gasps.)", "Paige: Thank god.", "(She goes to Phoebe.)", "Leo: Stay with Wyatt.", "Chris: I got him.", "(Phoebe slowly sits up.)", "Paige: You okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Just remind me to never park on Mrs. Noble's driveway again.", "Chris: Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?", "Paige: The neighborhood patrol shot her point blank and nobody so much as blinked an eye.", "Chris: What? Why?", "Leo: Because by getting us all to the evil world, Gideon screwed up the balance, messed up with the grand design.", "Paige: Well, if you ask me, the grand design is pretty messed up in the first place.", "Phoebe: Wait, so are you saying because of what he did, our world is bad now, too?", "Leo: No, on the contrary. It's good. Too good. Where every little infraction is a capital offense and everyone just accepts it.", "Paige: Oh, so we're starring in a little movie called \"Pleasantville\"?", "Chris: Okay, how come we weren't affected?", "Leo: Because we must have been crossing over when the shift occurred.", "Paige: Well, that must mean Gideon's not affected, either.", "Leo: No, he wouldn't be because he's an Elder.", "Chris: How do we know he's not using the situation to his advantage, you know, come after Wyatt again?", "Leo: Because I'm going to find him first.", "Phoebe: No, you can't hurt him, Leo, not until he shifts the balance back, and you know he knows how to do that.", "(Pause)", "Paige: Oh, my god. We totally forgot about Piper. We have to get to the hospital.", "Leo: Who's going to watch Wyatt?", "Chris: I will. Look, I didn't come all the way from the future just to lose him now, all right?", "(Leo nods. He orbs out. Phoebe stands up.)", "Phoebe: I think we should drive. I don't want to risk orbing.", "Chris: Hey, just watch your speed, okay?", "(Paige and Phoebe leave.)", "[Scene: Underworld. Barbas's lair. Barbas appears, fire on his sleeve.]", "Barbas: Oh, give me a break! (He blows the fire out and whacks on his sleeve.)", "Gideon's Voice: You're lucky. It could have been worse.", "Barbas: Well, well, well, well, well, well. The new Peeping Elder. How the mighty have fallen, so to speak. Show yourself.", "Gideon's Voice: Only if you agree to a truce. I promise, it is in your best interests.", "Barbas: Why not? This particular day couldn't get much worse.", "(Gideon appears.)", "Gideon: Actually, it could. You could die. The world has changed, my friend, as you've obviously just witnessed.", "Barbas: If you're referring to the witches constantly hunting me, that wouldn't happen to be some of your doing, now would it, friend?", "Gideon: Not by intent, but it's why I'm here. If I'm to shift things back to the way things were, to give evil a fighting chance again, then you and I must work together.", "Barbas: Now why would you want to give me a fighting chance?", "Gideon: To restore the balance, the grand design, as I am honor-bound to do.", "Barbas: Just out of curiosity, how is it this, uh, imbalance happened to occur? Come on. You can say it. I know you can. \"I made my move on the boy, and I screwed up.\"", "Gideon: I took a calculated risk.", "Barbas: You screwed up. Now you want to hide out down here with me, and just hope that the boy's aunties don't know how to find you. Isn't that about right, friend?", "Gideon: Believe me, you don't want this child growing up any more than I do, Barbas. His power is too great. He is an enormous threat to both of us.", "(Barbas reads his fear.)", "Barbas: I see.", "Gideon: Any shift between good and evil is supposed to happen naturally over time. By intervening, I've allowed too much good to corrupt the other world, and the only way to get it back is for a Great Evil to corrupt ours.", "Barbas: Oh, and you just naturally thought of me? I'm very flattered.", "Gideon: I have to complete what I started, for everyone's sake. Help me distract the sisters and I will help you get your world back.", "[Scene: Golden Gate Bridge. Leo is trying to sense Gideon.]", "Elder: You won't find Gideon that way. (Leo turns around and an Elder orbs down.) We've already tried.", "Leo: What are you doing here?", "Elder: I am here to remind you of your responsibilities.", "Leo: My responsibilities right now are to protect my son.", "Elder: How, by taking revenge on one of our own?", "Leo: Gideon stopped being one of us when he went after Wyatt.", "Elder: Oh, that's not for you to decide. You're but one voice in a chorus, Leo. We can't allow you to take matters into your own hands.", "Leo: Gideon did.", "Elder: Yes, and look what he's wrought. The world is spiraling out of control. Innocents are being hurt, killed, all because one Elder acted alone.", "Leo: I know what I'm doing.", "Elder: Oh, Gideon thought he knew what he was doing, too. Truth be known, he was not alone in his thinking. There are others who share his fears of Wyatt, that your union with a Charmed One might've created too great a concentration of power.", "Leo: Wait, so you're on his side?", "Elder: No, of course not. What Gideon's done is inexcusable.", "Leo: Then let me handle him.", "Elder: Please, Leo, your emotions are clouding your better judgment. The fate of the world is more important than any one child.", "Leo: Not more important than my son.", "Elder: They're all your sons, your daughters. They're who you should be protecting. That's the greater good. Come help us find a way to restore what was while we still can.", "Leo: I can't. Not until I stop Gideon.", "(He orbs out.)", "[Scene: Hospital. There are a lot of people with missing body parts wrapped in white bandages are there. Paige and Phoebe walk in.]", "Paige: Wow, it's, uh just as creepy in here as it is out there.", "Phoebe: Actually, creepier.", "(They walk over to the reception desk.)", "Nurse: Ah, welcome to San Francisco Memorial. How can I help, help, help you?", "Paige: Well, you could take it down a notch.", "(Phoebe smiles.)", "Phoebe: Ohh, she's kidding. (She giggles.) She's a kidder. Uh, just out of curiosity, what happened here? Was it a freeway accident?", "Nurse: Oh, heavens, no! It's always like this around here. (Whispers) Lawbreakers, you know.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Nurse: You visiting?", "Phoebe: Uh, yes. Piper Halliwell?", "(She types on the computer.)", "Nurse: Halliwell, Halliwell uh, what was her offense?", "Phoebe: Oh, no, no offense. She's having a baby.", "Nurse: Ohh, a baby! Ohh, why didn't you say so?!", "Paige: Cause we were just too excited.", "Nurse: Oh, of course you are! There's nothing more exciting than a baby! (She looks at the computer.) Uh, room 1402, but don't dawdle. Visiting hours are almost over. You have a wonderful day, now, okay?", "Paige: Day? (She looks at Phoebe's watch.) It's almost eight o'clock. It should be dark now.", "Nurse: Dark? Why on earth would anyone say such a depressing thing? Imagine the sun going away, not having sunshine all the time! Anyone who'd want that should be, well-well, shot!", "(Other people look over there, along with a Police Officer. Phoebe turns around, laughing and heads toward the elevators.)", "Phoebe: She's joking! That's my sister the jokester! (Paige pushes the button.) We're going to go see our other sister now. She's having a baby. Yeah. Okay. Have a good day everyone.", "(They go in and the elevator doors close.)", "[Cut to Piper's hospital room. There's balloons in it. Piper's eating out of a JELL-O cup. Phoebe and Paige look in.]", "Piper: Oh, there you guys are. Where have you been?", "Paige: She seems normal.", "Piper: Come on, come in, come in.", "Phoebe: Piper, are you okay?", "Piper: Of course I'm okay. I'm having a baby, for crying out loud. (She holds out the JELL-O cup and smiles.) Jell-O? It's really yummy.", "Paige: No, thanks.", "(The Orderly walks in.)", "Orderly: Excuse me. How'd you like your dinner?", "Piper: Are you kidding? The frozen peas and processed turkey? It was to die for. (The Orderly goes to remove the tray.) Oh, here, let me give you a hand.", "(She notices his right hand's missing. They laugh.)", "Phoebe: Piper, that's not funny.", "Orderly: Oh, that's okay. It's my fault it even happened.", "Paige: Why is it your fault?", "Orderly: Oh, I used my cell phone in the hospital. Talk about your big no-nos. Hey, good luck with the little one.", "Piper: Thanks. (The Orderly leaves.) He really should've known better.", "Phoebe: Piper, snap out of it! This is crazy-making!", "Piper: What is?", "Phoebe: This, everything! You, the hand, the whole damn world! It's driving me insane!", "Piper: Phoebe, you really should not swear. They will cut your tongue out.", "Phoebe: Ohh! This is ridiculous.", "Paige: Okay, Piper, you have to listen to me. Wyatt is in danger.", "Piper: What do you mean? What kind of danger?", "Paige: It's Gideon. He's trying to kill him. (Piper laughs.) It's not funny! I'm being serious.", "Piper: That's ridiculous! He's an Elder. He couldn't hurt a fly.", "(Piper laughs. Doctor walks in the room.)", "Doctor: What's so funny?", "Piper: Oh, don't ask.", "(She feels a contraction and gasps in pain.)", "Doctor: Whoopsy! That's not good.", "Phoebe: What's not good? What's going on?", "Piper: Those darn contractions. They're a lot more painful than they should be.", "Paige: What does that mean?", "Doctor: It means visiting hours are over. Buh-bye now.", "Phoebe: No, we're not leaving her.", "Doctor: Oh, I'm sorry, but rules are rules. Did you want to keep your legs?", "Phoebe: We'll call you.", "(She and Paige leave.)", "Piper: Okey-dokey. (She has a contraction.) Ouchy!", "[Scene: Hospital. Paige and Phoebe walk down the hall.]", "Paige: Are you sure we should leave? I'm worried about her.", "Phoebe: We have to. We can't wait for Leo. We have to fix this. This isn't the world we want Chris to be born into.", "Paige: Okay, but how? Okay? Especially now that we're down a sister.", "Phoebe: Maybe we should have another little talk with ourselves.", "(They leave. An Orderly turns around after overhearing them. It's Barbas. He goes to the end of the cabinet.)", "Barbas: You were right. Piper's the only one of the sisters affected.", "Gideon's Voice: And therefore the only one that can affect her sisters. (He appears.) She can cast a spell on them, make them think as she does so that they won't be concerned about me either.", "Barbas: And your theory is that I'm going to make her do this. How, exactly?", "Gideon: By doing what you do best, tapping into her fear of losing her sisters.", "Barbas: I don't know. She's out in cloud cuckoo-land someplace. She's in a place where she doesn't even fear her own affliction. What makes you think she's going to fear losing a sister?", "Gideon: Family means everything to Piper, in any world. The sooner you hit that nerve, the sooner we both get what we want.", "(Gideon disappears. Barbas peeks in Piper's room and sees the doctor and Piper.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Chris is scrying. Leo walks in with Wyatt.]", "Leo: Anything?", "Chris: Yeah, I thought I had him for a sec, but then I lost him.", "Leo: Well, keep looking. Gideon's bound to surface again.", "(He puts Wyatt in his playpen.)", "Chris: Well, maybe you should ask the other Elders for some help.", "Leo: No.", "(Chris stops scrying.)", "Chris: Huh. Trouble in paradise?", "Leo: Let's just say we're not seeing eye to eye.", "Chris: Well, then maybe you should I don't know, quit. Look, the girls are going to need another Whitelighter the moment I'm gone anyway.", "Leo: That's not why you want me to quit, Chris.", "Chris: Okay, fine, I admit, I would like to go back to a future where my parents are still together, all right?", "Leo: It's just like I said when I was making the potion the potion", "Chris: What about the potion?", "Leo: Well, Gideon didn't want it to work, right? But he did want us in this other world, which means it probably does work, which means we can get you home.", "(Chris shakes his head.)", "Chris: No. I'm not going back.", "Leo: Chris, you have to.", "Chris: Not until I finish what I came here to do, and that's to save Wyatt from tur turning evil.", "Leo: What?", "Chris: Well, what I don't understand is, if Gideon always viewed Wyatt as a threat, why did he turn him evil in my future?", "Leo: I don't think he did intentionally. I think Gideon tried to kill Wyatt in your future only just like in this time, he found out that Wyatt can protect himself. So, he probably had to get him away so he could figure out how to do it.", "Chris: You mean kidnap him.", "Leo: Imagine being taken away from us for weeks, maybe even months. (Chris leans forward and puts his head down.) Constantly fending off Gideon's attack.", "(They both look over at Wyatt.)", "Chris: I had no idea.", "Leo: We're going to change that future, Chris for both of your sakes.", "(Chris smiles.)", "[Scene: Magic School. Gideon's study. Phoebe and Paige walk in. They begin looking around the room. As they talk, their voices echo.]", "Phoebe: The Power of Four has worked before.", "Paige: Yep, but that was when we were in the same world. We can't even contact them now.", "(Phoebe picks up the telephone, puts it to her ear.)", "Phoebe: There must've been a way that Gideon contacted his evil counterpart. (She hangs up the phone and picks up a paper weight.) Hey, do you hear an echo?", "(She puts the paperweight down. She sees a fallen chess piece. She goes over to the mirror and pulls back the curtain, seeing Evil Phoebe doing the same thing. They smile.)", "Phoebes: I knew it!", "(Both Paiges walk to the mirror.)", "Paiges: Nice to see you.", "Phoebe: So, is your world as messed up as ours?", "Evil Phoebe: I've never seen everybody so miserable. It's like, every little good thing that happens", "Paige: Gets punished.", "Evil Paige: Limbs get cut off for saying gesundheit.", "Evil Phoebe: I never thought I'd say this, but I would kill for some daylight right now.", "Phoebe: Oh, we got plenty of it in our world.", "Paiges: It sucks.", "Evil Phoebe: So what do you think happened?", "Phoebe: I think we did too much good together when we were trying to get Gideon in your world.", "Evil Phoebe: My thoughts exactly.", "Evil Paige: Maybe we need to do some serious evil on your side to shift the balance back.", "Paige: Right.", "Evil Paige: The problem is, I don't know if our collective powers will work with us in different worlds.", "Evil Phoebe: Well, we better think of something fast, because Gideon's still after Wyatt in both of them.", "Paiges: The Power of Three.", "Phoebes: What?", "Paige: If we can cast a spell on our respective Pipers", "Evil Paige: We're back to full power again.", "Evil Phoebe: And bring us to your side so we could shift the balance back", "Phoebe: And then kick some ass.", "Phoebes/Paiges: I like it!", "[Scene: Piper's hospital room. Doctor looks over Piper's ultrasound charts. He puts a hand on Piper's stomach.]", "Doctor: Does it hurt when I touch here?", "Piper: Yeow! Boy, that smarts.", "Doctor: Huh. Well, we might be looking at a c-section here, Piper. Might be the only way to get the baby out safely.", "Piper: Safely?", "(Doctor smiles.)", "Doctor: Oh, let's get another ultrasound, shall we? I'll be right back.", "(Doctor leaves. Piper takes a deep breath and puts both hands on her stomach. Barbas flashes next to Piper, invisible.)", "Barbas: Ooh, it would be so sad if your sisters weren't here to help you through all this. You heard what they said about Gideon. Imagine saying such ugly lies about such a nice person.", "(He takes a step back. Phoebe and Paige enter.)", "Phoebe: Gideon is trying to kill Wyatt. We have to stop him.", "Piper: No, no, no, no, no. Stop it. He's an Elder.", "Paige: No, Piper, he's evil.", "Piper: No, he's not. Now, shush, before someone hears you. (Three Elders orb in.) No, no, no. Don't hurt them. (She hakes her head.) They didn't mean it.", "(They shoot fire at Phoebe and Paige, burning them up. Piper gasps. The Elders disappear.)", "Barbas: You have to help them conform. Save them from themselves before it's too late and you lose them forever.", "(He disappears. Piper picks up a journal and a pen. She begins to write.)", "Piper: Call now the powers blessed be, to make my sisters happ-happy.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Chris is scrying. Leo paces the floor. Paige and Phoebe orb in.]", "Leo: What are you doing here? Is Piper okay?", "(Paige and Phoebe go to the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: No, but she will be, thanks to us and our evil twins.", "Chris: Wait, you saw them? Where?", "(Phoebe opens the book.)", "Paige: In Gideon's office. Talk about your vanity mirrors.", "Phoebe: We have a plan.", "Paige: Yeah, we're going to shift the world back from Gideon so he can't use it to his advantage.", "Leo: How?", "Phoebe: We're going to use a spell to", "(They glow. Phoebe giggles. Paige smiles.)", "Chris: What just happened?", "Leo: I don't know. (To Phoebe and Paige) Are you guys all right?", "Paige: Yeah. Yeah. I've never felt better.", "(Phoebe nods.)", "Chris: Okay, so back to the plan. You were saying?", "Phoebe: Yeah, the plan was just to go see Piper in the hospital.", "Paige: That's a really good plan.", "(Phoebe giggles.)", "Phoebe: I know.", "(Paige and Phoebe leave.)", "Chris: Uh-oh.", "[Scene: Outside Halliwell Manor. A sky-writing plane draws a happy face above the Halliwell Manor.]", "[Scene: Manor. Attic stairs. Phoebe and Paige walk down. Leo, carrying Wyatt, and Chris follow.]", "Phoebe: No time to dawdle. There's a baby on the way.", "Leo: This is crazy. You can't leave like this.", "(They begin to walk to walk toward the first floor.)", "Paige: Well, we can't very well ignore Chris' birth. We have to celebrate.", "Chris: I'm the baby. I give you permission not to.", "Paige: What? And miss all the excitement? (They go down the stairs.) Seeing you for the first time, burping you, picking out a name?", "Chris: I already have a name.", "Paige: Oh, gosh. You do, don't you? (She gasps.) Well, now would be the perfect time to change.", "(Leo walks past them and puts Wyatt in the playpen.)", "Phoebe: How did you get your name? It doesn't start with a \"P.\"", "Chris: It was Leo's father's name.", "Paige/Phoebe: Aww", "Phoebe: That is so sweet.", "Paige: I can't wait to tell Piper. (She gasps.) I'm going to get her bag.", "Phoebe: It's in the kitchen, all ready to go. (Paige leaves the room.) Oh! You are going to be so cute! (Baby talk) Yes, you are. Ooh! Yes, you are. Doo-doo, doo doo-doo doo.", "(She walks away from Chris.)", "Chris: Okay. We need to snap them out of this fast.", "Leo: Piper must have cast a spell. She's the only one who could do this to them.", "Chris: Why would she do that?", "Leo: She wouldn't unless Gideon wanted her to, to distract them like he did before, so he can go after Wyatt.", "(Paige and Phoebe come up with Piper's bag.)", "Paige: (Singsong) All set!", "(Phoebe holds the car keys.)", "Phoebe: Let's go.", "Leo: Wait. You guys can't leave yet. Gideon might be coming for Wyatt any minute.", "Paige: Oh, is he baby-sitting?", "Chris: No, he's trying to kill Wyatt. Don't tell me you don't remember. (Phoebe and Paige laugh.) You're laughing. That's great. Your nephew's almost killed, and you're laughing.", "Phoebe: You're silly. (Baby talk) Yes, you are. Ooh, yes, you are.", "Paige: Like an Elder would ever, ever do that.", "Leo: It must be the spell. They don't remember because Gideon doesn't want them to.", "Phoebe: A spell? What spell?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Paige: Visitors.", "(Paige and Phoebe head to the door.)", "Chris: Hey, stay with Wyatt. (Chris follows. He steps in front of them.) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Stop, stop, stop, okay? You cannot open that front door. What happens if it's the patrolman?", "Phoebe: That's a good point. I forgot to move my car.", "Chris: Finally.", "Phoebe: Well, I'll just have to take whatever's coming to me.", "(Paige nods. Phoebe steps past Chris.)", "Chris: What?", "(Phoebe opens the door. It's Darryl. He's smiling.)", "Darryl: Hi, ladies. Chris.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "(She shuts the door.)", "Paige: We thought you were the patrol guy come to shoot Phoebe.", "Darryl: Sorry. Actually I'm here to get Chris. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take him into custody for assaulting me.", "Chris: Dude, I didn't assault you.", "Paige: No, but Evil Chris did.", "Chris: That wasn't me.", "Phoebe: You're still a fugitive anyways.", "Chris: Okay, you're not helping, thanks.", "Darryl: You know, I'm only giving you this chance because we used to be friends.", "Phoebe: That is so sweet, Darryl.", "Paige: And, evil double or no, someone has to do the time. (She gasps.) Take him away, Darryl.", "(Paige grins. Phoebe and Paige leave the house.)", "Chris: So, what? You're just going to leave?", "Darryl: Listen, young man, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.", "Chris: I don't have time for this. (He telekinetically throws Darryl out the door.) Have a nice day.", "(He telekinetically closes the door, then walks over to Leo.)", "Leo: I was thinkin' if Gideon did get to Piper, maybe he left a trail I could follow.", "(Chris nods.)", "Chris: Hurry.", "(Leo leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Barbas's lair. Gideon paces around.]", "Gideon: If I know Leo, then right around now, he'll be figuring out that I made Piper cast the spell.", "Barbas: A little correction: I made her cast the spell, remember?", "Gideon: The point being, he'll go to Piper next to see if he can't find any magical clues to find me.", "Barbas: Find me, you mean.", "Gideon: Actually, yes. But then again, that's what we want.", "Barbas: Oh, really?", "Gideon: With the sisters sufficiently distracted, Leo is the last powerful being in my way, one who you should easily be able to distract, whilst I make my move on Wyatt.", "Barbas: Well, now, this all is starting to sound very interesting, but, uh, you know, it seems to me like I'm the one doing all the heavy lifting here. Have you noticed that?", "Gideon: Barbas!", "Barbas: While you-you're hiding out down here, relaxing in my lair, all safe and sound. What could possibly be wrong with that picture?", "Gideon: Leo is the last impediment, I promise. Paralyze him with his greatest fear. Keep him occupied, and we'll be one step closer to returning the world to a place where evil at least has a chance again.", "(Barbas chuckles.)", "Barbas: Oh you're such a tease. Okay, but Gideon, just so you know, I'm starting to lose my patience.", "Gideon: I understand.", "Barbas: Oh, good. Okay, now have you any ideas on what a particular Elder's greatest fear might be?", "Gideon: Don't think of him as an Elder. Think of him as a father.", "(Barbas smiles.)", "[Scene: Hospital. Leo orbs into a closet door, then walks out. He stops a woman nearby.]", "Leo: Excuse me? Uh, do you know where the maternity ward is? (The woman smiles.)", "Woman: Are you kidding? That's everyone's favorite hangout. Just go in that elevator and", "(Leo sees Paige walk in with a large stuffed animal and some balloons.)", "Leo: Thanks.", "Woman: You're welcome.", "(Leo goes over to Paige.)", "Leo: Paige.", "Paige: Leo! Well, it's about time the nervous father made an appearance.", "Leo: Where's Phoebe? Is she with Piper?", "Paige: Of course. We would never leave Piper alone at a time like this.", "Leo: Good, because I want to ask her if she's seen Gideon.", "Paige: Gideon? No, silly, not with the complication.", "Leo: Complication?", "(Paige gasps.)", "Paige: Oh, dear. You don't know?", "Leo: Know what? Is something wrong?", "Paige: Well, I'm sure the doctors are going to find out any minute, and everything is going to be just peachy.", "Leo: I gotta go see her.", "(Leo turns to leave, but Paige stops him.)", "Paige: No! That's against the hospital rules.", "Leo: Screw the rules.", "(Leo walks away.)", "Paige: Okay. (Singsong) but you're going to get in trouble.", "[Scene: Hospital Hallway. Leo walks down. He looks over and sees Wyatt standing there.]", "Leo: Wyatt?", "(Barbas, invisible, appears next to him.)", "Barbas: Watch as the thing you fear most comes to life and the future is lost.", "(He disappears. Wyatt grows into his adult form.)", "Leo: Wyatt?", "(Wyatt walks toward him.)", "Wyatt: What's the matter, dad? Don't you recognize me? I'm the Wyatt you're trying to save, the one from Chris' future.", "(He throws Leo hard into the wall. Barbas, invisible, appears as Leo stands up.)", "Barbas: You fear that there is no way to save him, that he is lost to evil.", "Wyatt: Excalibur!", "(The sword orbs into his hands.)", "Barbas: And it's your failure as a father.", "Leo: This isn't right. You're good. I'm here to save you.", "Wyatt: I don't think so.", "(He stabs him. Leo gasps in pain and falls to the ground.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Wyatt's in his playpen. Chris is looking through the Book. He hears a floorboard creak. He looks up.]", "Chris: Hello? (Nobody's there. He looks back at the Book. There's another creak, like someone's walking. Chris goes over to the playpen and looks around the attic. He hears the walking.) Okay, it's time to get you outta here.", "(Chris is suddenly magically thrown across the attic. He falls on a wooden table. Gideon appears in front of Wyatt. He looks at Chris.)", "Gideon: Don't make me sacrifice you both.", "(As Gideon turns to pick up Wyatt, Chris telekinetically throws Gideon. Gideon makes an athame appear and vanishes from sight. Chris rushes toward Wyatt. Suddenly, Gideon appears next to Chris and stabs him in the stomach. Chris falls to his knees, groaning in pain. Gideon pulls the athame out.)", "Chris: Dad!", "(Chris falls to the floor. Gideon stands up.)", "[Scene: Hospital. Leo falls to the ground. Wyatt walks away and disappears.]", "Chris's Voice: (Echo-y) Dad!", "(Leo looks up.)", "Leo: Chris!", "(Barbas, invisible, appears next to him.)", "Barbas: In trying to save one son, you have lost both sons. Very, very sad.", "(He disappears.)", "Leo: No-o-o-o-o!", "(He orbs out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Leo orbs to Chris.]", "Leo: Oh, god.", "(He turns Chris onto his back. Chris groans.)", "Chris: Uhh Wyatt. Uhh! Wyatt.", "(Leo looks over to see Gideon holding Wyatt.)", "Gideon: It's for the best, Leo.", "(Gideon orbs out with Wyatt. Chris groans in pain.)", "Leo: Chris? Chris?", "[Scene: Barbas's lair. He is waiting. Gideon orbs in with Wyatt.]", "Barbas: Well, finally. (Gideon puts Wyatt down.) Now what are you doing? Would you come on? Let's get this thing over with.", "(Gideon backs away slowly.)", "Gideon: Not so fast. (He puts the athame on the counter.) This will take some thinking, and I prefer not to get stabbed again if I can avoid it.", "Barbas: How cute: The great big Elder's afraid of the teeny-weeny itsy-bitsy baby.", "Gideon: Oh, he's much more than that, trust me. Cocky, too. Notice, his shield's not even up?", "(Barbas heads over to the counter.)", "Barbas: His shield is not up because you've pierced it already. Fools and idiots. (He picks up the athame.) Why is it, that every time you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself?", "(Barbas goes to stab Wyatt, but he orbs out.)", "Gideon: No!", "(Barbas falls on the floor. Gideon pulls him up.)", "Barbas: Slippery little devil, isn't he?", "Gideon: Now look what you've done!", "Barbas: Well, you didn't tell me that he could orb.", "Gideon: I didn't know he could. That's why I wanted to be careful. Although I doubt he's able to orb out of the underworld. Even he's not that powerful yet!", "(Gideon releases him.)", "Barbas: Well, I suppose all of this means that you've lost your interest in fixing the world at this moment.", "Gideon: And allow the Charmed Ones the chance to rescue him? No! The world stays exactly as it is until Wyatt is eliminated. You and I will have to work together to find him, quickly!", "Barbas: Or, perhaps, we could work together in order to eliminate him, seeing as how much trouble you're having by yourself.", "Gideon: Interesting. It could work, especially if you bless the athame, too. But to try, we need to get him back!", "Barbas: Well, then, you track him with his orbs. I'm going to, uh (He licks his finger and holds it up in the air. He takes a deep breath, sniffing the air.) Track him with his fears.", "(Barbas flames out.)", "[Scene: Manor. Piper's bedroom. Chris falls on the bed, weak and in pain. Leo kneels down beside him, trying to heal him.]", "Chris: You have to find Wyatt.", "Leo: We're going to find him together.", "Chris: It won't work. You've already tried. Gideon's magic did this to me. He's the only one who can stop it. (He pushes Leo's hands away.) Just go. Saving Wyatt saves the future. You know that.", "Leo: Gideon doesn't know how to kill Wyatt, remember? We still have time.", "Chris: Only until the trauma turns him.", "Leo: I am not going to choose between you and Wyatt, Chris. I can't.", "Chris: You don't have to, dad. Find Gideon and you save us both.", "Leo: All right. All right, but I'm not leaving you alone. I'll be right back.", "Chris: Where are you going?", "Leo: To get one of your aunts to watch over you. (Chris breathes heavily.) You're going to be fine. Okay? I promise.", "(Leo leans over and kisses his forehead. He then orbs out.)", "[Scene: Hospital. Waiting room. Phoebe raises a camera. Paige is sitting nearby.]", "Phoebe: Okay, Auntie Paige, big smile! (Paige smiles. Leo orbs in next to Paige. The picture's token.) Leo! (She looks around and makes sure nobody sees him. Paige stands up and goes to Phoebe.) Don't you think you should be more careful? I mean, you don't want to bring back the witch trials.", "(She gives him a big smile.)", "Leo: Gideon got to Chris. He's hurt bad.", "Paige: What? Now, why would Gideon want to hurt Chris?", "Leo: To get to Wyatt, which he's done.", "Phoebe: Gideon is the paragon of all good. I told you that. Remember? Smile.", "(Phoebe takes a picture of Leo.)", "Leo: But he-he's not good. (He looks around to make sure nobody's listening.) He's trying to kill my sons, your nephews. How can that be good under any circumstances?", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't know, but there", "Leo: You don't understand. Chris is dying!", "(Paige and Phoebe stop smiling.)", "Paige: What?", "Leo: I have to find Gideon, but I can't leave Chris alone. Somebody has to be with him. Come on, I know deep down inside family matters to you more than this twisted sense of right and wrong. You love him. I know you do. And that's gotta trump everything, even this stupid spell that you're under. You have to help me save him. You have to help me save them both, please.", "(Paige and Phoebe glow.)", "Paige: What just happened?", "Phoebe: I think we were under a spell and he took us out of it.", "Leo: Okay. Come on, let's go.", "Phoebe: No. We can't all go. Uh, Piper's being prepped for surgery.", "Leo: Surgery? What's the matter?", "Paige: They're not saying. Don't worry. We're not going to lose either Chris. (To Phoebe) I'll go home. You stay here. (To Leo) And you, you go find Gideon.", "(Leo orbs away.)", "[Scene: Manor. Main hall. Paige orbs by the foot of the stairs.]", "Paige: Chris? (SWAT members come out from the closet, down the stairs, out from the dinning room, pointing their guns at Paige. She raises her hands.) Easy. Easy.", "(Darryl and Inspector Sheridan come in from the kitchen. They're smiling.)", "Darryl: We got one of 'em. Stand by.", "Paige: Darryl, what's going on?", "Sheridan: Good day, Miss Matthews. Where's Chris?", "Paige: Chris? Chris who?", "Sheridan: Ooh", "Darryl: Paige, please. We've been waiting here to give you one last chance to turn him in, for your sake.", "Paige: Go to hell.", "(Sheridan back hands her. She falls to the ground.)", "Sheridan: Watch your tongue.", "[Scene: Magic School. Gideon's study. Leo pulls back the mirror curtain to find Evil Leo doing the same thing. They stare at each other in surprise.]", "Evil Leo: He's got to be hiding in the underworld.", "Leo: I agree. It's the only place he can go to avoid being sensed.", "Evil Leo: Which means he must have both of our Wyatts there, too.", "Leo: Still, it's too vast. We have to narrow it down.", "Evil Leo: Wait. It is too vast. For Gideon, too, right?", "Leos: Somebody's got to be helping him.", "Leo: But who?", "Evil Leo: Whoever helped him get to Piper in the hospital.", "Leo: I went to the hospital and tried to pick up a trail", "Evil Leo: But I was overwhelmed with hope.", "Leo: Fear.", "Leos: Barbas.", "Leo: So, if we find Barbas", "Evil Leo: We'll find Gideon.", "Leo: For both of our sons.", "(Both Leos orb out.)", "[Scene: Underworld. Cave. Two demons are feeding off of flesh. Wyatt orbs in. They look up.]", "Male Demon: Check it out.", "Female Demon: How'd he get down here?", "Male Demon: Maybe the world's finally turning back in our favor.", "(He goes over to Wyatt. Wyatt blinks and the Male Demon is vanquished.)", "Female Demon: Or not.", "(Wyatt blinks and she is vanquished. Wyatt orbs out. Barbas flames in. He sees the ashes that was the demon.)", "Barbas: Damn. (He sniffs the air.) Ah! Missed him by that much.", "[Scene: Manor. Second floor hallway. Paige is there.]", "Paige: Leo! Leo!", "(Leo orbs in.)", "Leo: Sorry. I was in the underworld looking for (He sees her face.) What's wrong? (The bedroom door opens. Two SWAT members leave. Sheridan and Darryl come to Paige and Leo.) What's going on? What the hell are you doing here?", "Sheridan: Nothing. We didn't have to.", "Darryl: I'm sorry, Leo.", "(Leo rushes into the room.)", "Leo: Chris.", "(Chris weakly looks at Leo.)", "Chris: (Weakly) Hey.", "(Leo kneels next to him. Paige stands in the doorway.)", "Leo: Hey. I'm here now. You can hold on, okay? Hold on hold on. I'm here. You can hold on, okay? (Chris nods.) Don't give up, okay?", "(Chris nods.)", "Chris: You, either.", "(Chris closes his eyes.)", "Leo: No, no, no. Please no. No, please. (Chris dies.) No.", "(Paige cries. Leo starts to cry. He puts his head down. Chris slowly vanishes. Leo buries his face in the sheets. Leo looks up and sees Chris gone. Paige stands there, crying.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Leo screams and uses energy balls to break furniture. He screams and throws electricity, shattering mirrors. He's out of control. He throws another energy ball at some furniture. Paige is hiding behind a chair. He picks up a table and throws it. He roars and throws electricity at the windows. Paige rushes out and grabs his wrists.]", "Paige: Leo, stop it! (He pulls his hands away from her.) What are you trying to do, kill us? This isn't going to bring him back.", "Leo: I promised him I'd get him home safely.", "Paige: I know, but you can still save his future, and you can still save Wyatt. We just have to hurry, and you have to focus. Okay? Look, you were saying something about the underworld, about looking for something there. What?", "(He takes a deep breath.)", "Leo: Barbas.", "Paige: Barbas? What's he got to do with this?", "Leo: He's working with Gideon. That's how I think he got to Piper. That's how I think he got to me.", "Paige: Gideon teamed up with a demon for that?", "Leo: No. An act of Great Evil in our world restores the balance. (He shakes his head.) That's what I think he was using Barbas for.", "Paige: So, they're working together. That means they must be in contact with each other, right?", "Leo: So?", "Paige: So, that means maybe that's a way to find Gideon. The next time they try to contact each other, you just intercept it.", "[Scene: Barbas's lair.]", "Leo's Voice: Wyatt? Wyatt? (Pause) Can you hear me? It's daddy. Wyatt? Wyatt, can you hear me? It's daddy.", "(Wyatt orbs in. Gideon steps out.)", "Gideon: (In Leo's voice) Hello, son. (Wyatt turns around. Five crystals orb around Wyatt. The crystal cage is activated.) (Normal voice) So sorry to lure you like this. Barbas where are you? (He goes over towards Wyatt.) Barbas! (Barbas walks over.) It's time.", "Barbas: Took you long enough.", "Gideon: Your impatience is growing tiresome. (He holds the athame up.) I blessed it already. Now it's your turn. (Barbas takes the athame.) Is something wrong?", "Barbas: As a matter of fact there is.", "(Barbas stabs Gideon.)", "Gideon: Why?", "(Barbas morphs into Leo.)", "Leo: Because you murdered my son. (He hits Gideon and sends him across the lair. Leo looks at Wyatt.) I'll be right back.", "(He goes over to Gideon.)", "Gideon: Leo, please, you have to understand. I am only doing this for the greater good. I swear. (Leo knocks the athame out of Gideon's hand.) Aah!", "(Leo picked up Gideon.)", "Leo: How is killing a child ever for the greater good, huh? Who the hell are you to decide that, huh?", "(He throws Gideon across the cave.)", "Gideon: Aaah! (Barbas flames in behind some rocks, spying on the fight. Leo picks Gideon up.) I'm an Elder! So are you! It's what we do.", "Leo: I'm not one of you anymore.", "Gideon: Leo, listen to me. You know what happens. You know what Chris came here to stop. (Leo throws Gideon to the floor. Barbas flames away.) Let me finish what I started. Let me save the future, the only way it can be saved.", "Leo: You're the reason the future's threatened, Gideon, not Wyatt", "Gideon: No", "Leo: But because of what you do to him. I'm about to make sure neither one of you get the chance again. Mirror!", "(He makes a hand gesture and the mirror appears behind Gideon. Evil Leo stands in it's reflection, in the Underworld garden.)", "Evil Leo: You ready?", "Leo: Remember, you can't do anything. I have to do this alone.", "Evil Leo: I know.", "Gideon: Do-do what?", "Leo: A Great Evil.", "(Leo's eyes glow white. With both hands, he gestures and fires a stream of electricity at Gideon. He cries out in pain. Gideon is lifted into the air. In the mirror, Leo's power lifts Evil Gideon into the air. Evil Leo stands on the side.)", "[Scene: Hospital. Maternity ward, waiting room. Paige and Phoebe are sitting down.]", "Phoebe: Fade away? What-what do you mean he just faded away?", "Paige: In Leo's arms, after he died.", "Phoebe: Yeah, maybe he didn't die. I mean, maybe he was just going back (Paige shakes her head. Phoebe sighs.) Oh, god. Ohh. (She sniffs.) Poor Leo. (Doctor comes into the hallway. Phoebe and Paige go over to him. Doctor removes his mask.) Dr. Roberts, how's Piper?", "Dr. Roberts: (cheerily) Well, that depends on how you look at it, I suppose. Me, I like to think she's moving off to a better place.", "Paige: What?", "Phoebe: What is that supposed to mean?", "Dr. Roberts: Well, I think you know what I mean. She's hemorrhaging. (He chuckles.) We can't stop it. It's everywhere. But let's all try to think positively, shall we?", "Phoebe: Now you listen to me. You get your ass back in that room and you save my sister and her baby! You understand me?!", "Dr. Roberts: Security!", "(Two security guards come towards them. Paige and Phoebe turn away.)", "Paige: Okay. They shoot people here, remember?", "Phoebe: We got to get Piper out of here. We've got to get her to Leo.", "Paige: We can't. We don't know where Leo is.", "Phoebe: We can't just do nothing!", "(Security guards are about to take out their guns. Everything, except Phoebe and Paige, go in slow motion. Paige shakes her head.)", "Paige: What's going on? (Phoebe shakes her head. It becomes night. When the slow motion ends, the security guards walk past Paige and Phoebe.) Phoebe, it's night.", "Phoebe: Everything's back to normal?", "(They turn back to Doctor.)", "Doctor Roberts: I'll do everything I can. I promise. (Paige nods.) Excuse me.", "(He leaves.)", "Paige: Leo must've done something.", "[Cut to Underworld. Leo stops. Gideon drops to the ground in front of the mirror, smoking.]", "Gideon: (rasps) You have no idea what you've done.", "(He closes his eyes and dies. He turns into black dust.)", "Evil Leo: Didn't know you had it in you.", "Leo: Our worlds can never cross over again.", "Evil Leo: Take care of your family.", "Leo: You, too. (Both Leos explode the mirror. Leo goes over to Wyatt and kicks a crystal away. The cage breaks. Leo kneels down.) Hi. (He picks up Wyatt and hugs him.) I got you. You're safe now. I have you. I have you.", "[Scene: Hospital. Phoebe and Paige pace in the waiting room. Leo comes in, carrying Wyatt.]", "Phoebe: He found him. (They go over to them. Phoebe takes Wyatt from Leo.) (To Wyatt) Hey.", "Paige: Is he okay?", "Leo: Yeah. He wasn't with Gideon long enough to do any damage.", "Paige: What happened to Gideon?", "(Pause)", "Leo: How's Piper?", "(Dr. Roberts walks over to them.)", "Dr. Roberts: She's resting comfortably.", "Phoebe: Is she okay?", "Dr. Roberts: We stopped the bleeding, obviously had to perform a c-section, but I think she's going to be okay.", "Leo: And the baby, is he all right?", "Dr. Roberts: You tell me. (He turns to the recovery room. He pushes a button on the wall and the double doors open. He steps aside. Piper's bed wheels into position. A nurse carries the baby wrapped in a blanket over to Phoebe, Wyatt, Paige, and Leo.) Congratulations. He's perfectly healthy.", "Leo: Really?", "(The nurse puts the baby in Leo's arms.)", "Phoebe: Oh, look he's beautiful. Baby Christopher. (Leo looks down at his son and smiles.) (To Wyatt) That's your brother.", "(Paige starts to cry.)", "Paige: Looks like we didn't lose him after all.", "(Pause)", "Phoebe: Can we see Piper?", "Dr. Roberts: Well, maybe just one of you for now.", "(Pause)", "Phoebe: (To Leo) Go tell her we love her. (Paige nods. Leo smiles and walks over to Piper.) (To Wyatt) Where'd the baby go? That's your brother.", "(Piper smiles. Leo grins. Leo places the baby in Piper's arms. She smiles at Leo. Leo looks at Phoebe and Paige, smiling. The doors close.)" ]
It's A Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World, Pt 2